redo o , l ligall " d a 4 1 1 4 A.Dll•l6;'''EA: ►L~I~ IMESI `ltsiiAf 3i4uuou , n, 1869 I , MU - (thWiT • 04. CAT y A Ni), - WO • coltmegtoe.Tlexe :intended tot publioa ti,m In llM . lt , tecit retilitbe needetrottitext by roipon4llPo 'lento, gearehtoo name eerttyon the phrt of the wrltee,.; The will „ o t, bo publishetl"enteee tiOileeireel by : the correApiratdont; Correspontlents ettoutd makelhetr inunPatlone short ond to the .pohit. Out' tipaee te too !hutted tor very artfolop, ' Wrlto ouly;bri 044 Ode of I,tteptpor, aro , 69 M Nomalblo,„ e-lthOht,,,clourlabdea" ,! • St:I33CRINISIOI who . fall tO 'receive ~tite EAOLT. t eottthirly, ran , confer lb 1 fad .by fr,trlfig norluo at tide taco, *Nut all COM diutntH ft Irregularity or lett:bell, of de ' ! ivory w in be promptly tat:ended to. Aurzwrisens tiro regeoetod 't IMIld to -their atlvertone I upt(ll , , ,ut inoroluenietita t routing 10In t g he flay t im pinn o1111(i, foi COlOllOl.l to 1;0 tO ' Pres about' p. . • - TAR iti6IIIINRINIYHT.EnYt lu Schuylkill count y; le solved at, taut. oleo our tipoolal doy deli 'from Pottovilloln tho BAAL)," to du • , 111111” . RIJECNTIOIQI)*; Dan RICO Is loon to tip& ri fourthuri.' taut farewell totir big • circuit. This year tic , travois exclusively by rail. Groat rivalry exists fer the lecatlon of t h o iit it to Pair tls'year. Tlfoolairos ,of t inivroot places tire •belneliressett for ward with tho strongeSt hAdudementa,, , To !Ivo wlthOut ;ivork, la everybody's Min. 'Dino wns,whott the tinettat read .to wealth and honor MY tttrougli khevork , tittop. Mary will. If celiref nttonikni in snit: next.—Exchange.• , ,A, Wad to Iltar it. You-741*U' to bpi ashamed for'tpglbettOg ha*, tor long. 7) , 0,0 .. We aro trot ' l4 ltegf :.with.ungke friend of Om tiotantoo /7014er. n o may say what ho ploasos about ItorUl. fog, awl . wo ohall: Allkd him nono tho smaller." • . 7- The 'Fmk or the Keystone,lleek and Ladder t <newly is tat present undAtga , lug repair% Tho poor ' l llO4 horeehOutn celfeot, conlprohOild.t4 dtift: - of the, ilovi‘Qtkhl:, not. They kl'ei.ltkollie boy. led whit° passing the grave yard, tci Iteop• hirs courago up; • • 1. .1 • : The nail ivbrkti, hi Oak ef Iltessrs. Itroek,.4 l , Co;.,;!it 'l3ltilebereo,:ileo Ropatiti are bopgljitide. ‘: ••.• . There is a.)gelitleintin tu 'this city he, thoroughlythat , ' ho lepolopc4bB to hts ivOu while hOinita'cold fleOlytplite so frequent R 149tv10g,. -„ 'Phe Ino . vlng BQQ:3011 lins rtlrdailibeen Inaugurated In thd I.i getintyi stle:id teanui loaded with furp3ture, inissod, through the city this Mr. Slovr thinks ,tho point of n Joke should bo suiltolootly Wog to hang a hat, upon. It would bo a good ono Wain.) eluded his nook. I Our old lithaliPant"SaYs 'f'n' Y poet an 'old faohionod Anew AtOkm , oforo many Aar'. Whether ho 'ha& received a lottor,or not wo cannot • f • Now la a favorablo Urn() to,planttroal: A alrouis nutilagor lti,toWn day and pratiltiOti to bring iibrallow ilk a way lit April. The question of 11 wider" or 11 no Wit ter" 19 to 411 stikiniittefito. ,th#;.'people of if Lebanon tnYingl) on 1100 ' D l fnroli If It le deoldod'iti favor Of ilwater,".. tho lioreugh C9uncil i to talc° Buell' moaamvi for JO speedy introduction as may be (Wiped n;oat advisable. Light yollow, cream or lavender color ett 'ldda aro &Al to be finpbreoclitig 'White gloves as litho.thius i fir tlross HiOIIS. t. I • A horse ran off from Eleyonth and Penn AtrootB lagt ovoning: Ho was Caught at Sixth etrooV•wlikititdono any damage. A A dog killeo Eilii*tsrj)stOkiday ibo market hotißb. ' Pennsylvania'la greatest iron State to the Union—and Barks county is the greatest iron county in. the gloat iron Hist() of Ponnayitranla. A fact which wo Can prove if qudstlotied. , ' ' Ito who filoops without sup or gpts up without dobt.—Exchange. '• But would'ut, bo bo dnoliuod ,tp stool Ills broakfiAst? Tho Colititiontal Old Folkitaproorod hi Lock :Haven, last evening. Ht. Patrick's (Idyls comi9g; -Writ( 49 our Irish tolloW Oithons intoitO tp do • • about it? What is the difference betwOon•bule ' ors and ga then? !rho, foimer 'deal in . moat, tho lattor iiTniotros. rho following advico, whirl; ,WQ copy , from nn exeliango paper, althetigh per. haw' sontowliat ultra, 18—at leastjsomo of If—worth remembering t h?" oiltcnt tri long tut your mouth it) foil rind your liody Nvlr.a—rottiotriber the poor —klfiS the pretty, girls :--don't rob,' your neigh hoes 1,14,pr9qt`, , ' never Oldk nn' pocket, hoe tho Idea that ho going to tru4t, for over 'f 44" of , o igfgp, dull 'to tho' deuce— black your •OWil boots—never , ;parry if yon have a prosimet of making a woman mlsorahlek,and wo will add Bow tui your own buttons when you buret.thoth off.k The voloolpado School atltheltaystOrio - Iti frill operation, , and attracts nightly.a haw:01110)pr r ot spectators to wltacss the spurt. • , , The now„Lodgo,-.0 C. 0,,) is rapidly Ineretvileg its number of • members. Mose desirous of boothilieg charter members should gtiu 4 in ..tioir • appliei tos at once. tle a bonoficial Lodge. tl . .1 now 1,14-0 —foto r eon y toeon opened at the offnerst.gight.h.gpd lona l ' t nets by .IstOr.gini. tidghns & :flhode. Thoy,ltaxii on hAhd ati °soonest stook' of. brantilmghiS i *41601* E i onhe ‘ ! 111 moot Saturday'dye ning. is oximoNd•thst 'Wu I SlVatoi l+fatttr" Witt otOupy the entire Wm:t o In both branohos, of tho aosatort. • , .111oIlivnin.18 'putting in order , tho ground 'NWT purohasod by, bins of Aaroo Alright, on 'North,: at 10100, on which ho - wilt put ttp nn,_bit tensivo cOnl,'Oiood and lumbar yard, ' Tho Court Howse styttplo AYR be patota fad no goon 'nit • thb - , o3athor bocoitiei settled, which wo, kflunitittO'eNill;.bii. it fttar': the Vorn4 l Eciqpwc ; ~. ~,, '• • i'u i ‘ . ).1 •.1 • :: i l t • 4 .1 7 0 t ' 1 I Vdtiarri' loittliftlil sold to- Joint Cavddy, Ma' atOhot tif, tho nitatiolOttlit and Roattin itillromi VO'tiiiAtik,,atot Of ground adjoJrAng ttiktafgool ,fittitkon -On Centro TnroAtoon ivbio4fiti'mlll er o d' a jealdonco. • '• . • ' '' '''' ''' -- ''' Mr. I;liftinbii, Peith' attioi; has just roiSlohlshOd ' hls;atofo with, a•, app, stook of candy. '.Tc etli of oyetA.thloya should War thhi 1u rnb ti.s". By roferen s co I to our advortlalrig 6014 , ,unma it will bo Reim that Mlobaol Has-. 'eon, 113 South iFigvantliktt4it; isAlbOr carryingr n thq pip nl4ig b behr,,,,... 4 / 1 0 °Se( Rails prepared to.davrorkiat ereet9T raw may ppyVpip9 ". • , BM tt:hirg . i) Trciplar4*llit CheittiAt t *ow , Third. h4wi„ / liktunately without hijutinigraly,paraon. - _. '• A I,osta uuntlar t ', , ot oval teatilti aro passing through tliii*tilty„gwAttelr.:waY flof mylklll count% . , • Farmpa are beititiiitng tO l giclye,f t 1141) to market. ...MN, latgurulng - live ordAtittr ktma :. trtabu br h igcs loaded wlth'graln. • . . . Leesport Furnace la th tuft , tro);:f4 PkirsTropp Is completing s i new wheel• viigh( shop In Front street *or Penni I ' OEI ENVEVED.—TtiO' r 'old 44 Ai1ifoti ,1 i !'' one of the ''Brat co olpnntett respond to President Ltneidn'a eali for , troOpsrin 1881, is to bo.Yeviviati: The Itit*gold Artillery shotild folykr suit. ' Tag AllontOwn Pally New says" that a!Alatly" In that highly, virtuous town piumodi a bad 4.2 , note :on a blind ninth In payment for two broono.l jlon't talk about 'goading meanueal,:.l tr. , 'Nowa, atter that! We have no ett h•ldltidl'ea? hero; thank Providence! : ':- I - , READItio.-=-Porhdps no inland town .in tiniviThlted States ylessesses equalradvan tagliSAVith • our betnitiftti , eity, in regard to agrieutttfre, cointtierce, manufactures, and general prosperity. Situated within flity miles of the great emporium of the State, upon the banks of one of the finest - riveni in the country i and nerrininfied On 'every hand by ' rloh 9nd flmfrisiting tioighb ft othood, witb . proper exertions on,r the part of our.eitlzento Itoannot fail, eri2l long, to become oneeethe most flourish ing Inland cities In tho Unieri." With the Manifold advantages we p9,spess impoltft of locality, and by the emploYthent of the .natural enterprise of our •eittzens, ,Rending is calculated to'become the see- ,ornl i elty in the State. AlreadY do nrci enitnininber In point :of °Ovulation every :eh)/ and town in the, State, with the oxyl, eeptiott of Philadelphia :and Pittsburgh era InAlyear or two wo 'venture ' to pre-, diet tits) wo will outstrip „the latter In Of inhabitants, agrienlttiro,'cOm memo and mantiltictures.:-The prosperity of : pur city for the past foW years has in deed beep astonishing. It boa not' Wien a long while ago since soul g of the larger; townain the State sneered nt lia because •theyfar exceeded us in point of °enter rise, And population, but now ivtet can Oast ,nf,:wealth ' enterprise And 2, popula ! ' tlon,andour sister towns and 9itf9B have. nothing more to say about the 4, Putchlit-• Ale town," Reading, from its admirable . e) nation for the profitable employment 'of Wiitepand steam power' to"nn ))!moat intiluilkd extent, In eminently, tinalified to been Mb a groathuinufactitring contra. ' Thin ndyantage is . lust becoming, dove]. °pod; 'o,a %vo hoar of Ii" project to, build a 'col,ttiti *tory nent Hissingor'n ;Bridge;', .Whitili will bo driven' by water ' poWer.: Tho'Bohnylitill river, 9f supplying : the. ')!duels; would furnish watt:manor° :thaw flitalliento drive Manufactories .as ex ,tenalv'oe those et I f eyell,filtinshollusettn.. i i :Thertis lso as tnitehidie capital hete,:as 14 emplo ed in the, city: of LAWOIIi and that capl al once Invested inmailufaeturea will yield more real .prodt ' than that 9f 1 9111. *torn nelglibebi. No'haito:everp, I thing :that is eorniuolyo - to health and ! comfort-4m) fresh mountain' air, :pure j and'Wholesetne spring water—all that is , nocessatir to meet the watita eta 'great imd actiVe population. All yo want now Instill trier° increased enterpried`te make. ifs prosper In the Attu° in a ratio pro. portietutto to our lato advancement. RrpEET PEnnuons.-÷Peddlors are nub fiances; and especially are those peddlers, thilesecat who go aromal the I town ringing. ho doer-be)la • ' - and loving their °Wafflers ,•;parkod 4 ,60 , be kept Until called, for." Those elm , lira are not always of a kind to 'be 1513011 by tadlea and children; ,, and their, effect upon so+ mon might nob be beneficial. The on l y,way to inanfigo these follows is nob. to return the - paper. Give orders that ltl,,eldestroyed as soon a& recented, or,biitterifitill, not "received at all. Not, all of These perambulating 'ltfiliVicitifils 11011119 t, and it lit Well in every case, 'never„ o'allow them to pass the ,front detir.'r , hey have' , no legitimato jbusi-; tress house.„, Their goods aro in thellilit);worthlega And if powdere,lsoap, diton pike: Ms. Have 'as little to do with them as • • , llousEtfoLn Punbirruilit: 2 4`fie Su preme Coitrt of Pennsylvania has recent ly ileghied that a impost of si household ftirtlithref' includes all the .furnitheo of a boarding-school` eitablialulont con ducted by the. testatrix. in, Mel:house '4n which she lived, hut, does n e t` luelhdo the furniture of the school-rooms. 'ljuit : Jorinnfo aPTARTMEN : T.—We do- Biro to call special attention to tho 'excel lence and, completeness of out' Jobbing' Department. OuffactMies-for tunhig out workl arc superior to theose' of any other .oillee in this city. Five presses ,c 11.6 loipt constantly, running, and any. to4,,fkotn the largost poster tci . the Rion cart], can NS printed on the shortest notice.' Qur compositors are skilful an& tasty, and wo proudly point , to our cards; bills,' book work, Ito. as tho best spoill;. nnins,of tho typographical c urt whiell !arc gotten up in this city. „ IMIIII VOTdOgi Art illiaM • ,Campbell bocame'Vcfry drunk yesterday afternbon;" and in his wanderinga got upon theyail road at lie rerni , street •ct'onalrig. The' flr4 O,yen tig- , !passehger train fnr,l3hija 7 . dilip t itme along, And William was 614 : I run ovcr by it. ~ Itad this.un thrt h been tho• case, his , friends plight ,ItaVo sting - and tito _bag•pir, plksred the familiar old Scotch air,Y. ha, Campbells are coming," until dooms( ay before pody Willianywould 'have - put in, anappearance. ()Alcor Boone took'him tb the Station house, whore hq is retained, on account of having no money;' ,There were 7 lodgers at the Station House) last evening.-; , . , EDATOR nkoms, :—Why is it that s ome ininisters of our various churches, 'and other pablio speakers,, so tar depart from good ,p,roduuchttion as to obrithnielly uti with tlib. 4ression, of the o-pressor, i ante almost upon oVerY O-canton that may o;c1o., seem , to ' bo. po• aease4 .w)th a spirit of incorrectness, that oortalnly Produds•an elect, but miques lionably a very bad ono? Setreral other •werds could be mentioned as being often 'Made subject to this, mutilation, but these :are perhaps the most frequently presentedo the attentionof the hearers; not forgetting the 1110:insistent pronun. elatiOn,of kky ind for the ; frequently used wordy *kid. Muelkcao also be said in regardltd the ludifferent - -observanco' of p_unoluatton 'inarkti; for instance; in the Psalmist: "'The Lord - WIII come ?: and Ale - , . Will not." After that line; the next Is: ulteep silence,' but-speak out." Each lino Is a contradiction of itsolf separate. .1y; ,but by a proper rittiou; they become a truthful exprossioe,:thits : ,) , , . "T in conie,:tiiid be will not vep silence, but sp'eakout.n , •,i , Now, not aisurodlY; we continually look othe se4to, the pulpit, and the bar," as our• standard of right and , i'll !natter of pronunciation: 'lt behooves th se who. takoAtn a' position' in elther f these influonces to keep that standard pnreonul , vot , at least,; to misguide the many *ho 'rollow. the lead Of ip few, for the evil.will not be confined' re ; themselves,- but - wilt 4 grhdutilly.'and surely' pass Into: ednottoii nio; Tliti evil, g ao l W I it to; lo•deeidedly Alrowilig 4: " :161 9 'and to all wltO3Ove.the-Anl(ma anniMp.k donvof „Mir oboantitutsindif exprAttelye istigutO, it.eannot; ix, a lyattor , et 'in 4 itifferiihtle tint itit'foiM • midiyigiii. tliould: A 0411.titOm.d away . . I: ''A -.' ','j- ti • I • 4. - vr•,-. , s • Itligftniawise 4 f 3 is iv .. r ,:Vnzi„iztAl4'.. :. ,'). .' -__:4 ) f ICommunt,o4tod.l DEllttAkt i 2 1-2 ;41 , t , .14 )1 - --, 4:: ; 4;8e 1,44' 006110i1. $•• ho hastifleoo tp.ollngl.l a Ytreat,Mirt ibidtbiahle" ItOcuil• ing. : 4s. scat .t:l% - ..1 lifiiiitikkj); Suet Or sugar sod molassetc to the Vnlted Stator* are:4very heavy froriVilottebt our largo , elites' tlifk. : LvlAph-„. Sale ,of sugars denta per pound. This will begoodtpisis• •to consumers and doalers -Of Ihnited, 'lpeanit'who,liave not latOtk a lalke'latipt O.': • •.,t7ttptviitavtz CB 1 A rrootrldtiiftli—vrii ,‘ Aro the appointmanwouthe Slot .I'pantsylvania Gt•liferonee of th Ityabgelteal, Aisoelation:— tivritt iditiir.Pll/ A DISTRICT, ki.NEIT!G,P,R Phliaaoipbtri StatiOn s X.lloA3; S. rhu adeaphlatfr:Plattenbergent Germantown F. MeLiebtonwalner ; .11toyagomery P. 'Lehr, ti. Althight ; Milford J. Schell ;. Kutztown,. p. Slegrlst, A Kincits Philadelphia (Engl.) Mission, 'l' Dowtnan ; Philadelphia,' - (oormati),, J Kurtzp , Norristown. 141...,1iutz; Bride:- but/M. 0001 i Catndon . r n 1 GIB isboro kl.:100p,11r1o. • rir.''OMNANCON DISTRICT, F. TIOVPMANt P. R lidaton Station, C. B. Fliehr; B3thle heat J. Adams; Freennitriburg, J. C. Bliem ,• Catasaqua, J. t10',,1 Lehr;' Nov , Yoik;:l. E. Knorr; Pleara(ilit, Valley M eng, A, Shultz , J . L. Werner; North ",arnpton,fiteizel, Zitnnterman ; Monroe, W., 'A. Lepold, IY. Hacnbright ; •C'entrlil 'Park Ntia.slon, A. Belabor; Union J I III acid G.'Schitrff; Nowerlr,• E:inenget . Kellytown, U. B. Fibber; astnn , (Ung.), L. N. Warman..l -••• AIt.I.ENTOWN DISTRICT . J, vim gi;:r,, liiiptitt?nrt Station, C. l a l rt llakbr ; Allopteiy_ _,n E. Ely; Tatuatitte r g W.; '• /51 - altanoy City, 3, C. ifornber.. ger; Orwigsburg Cireult,; l 44,llarier; Ely, J. K 4 Soyfrlf f - Ber inst Ole; ds St'eUtir; Carbon, M. Blseinger. Sebny,l kit)Ziegonfeas; Ashland - D. 4,i'Kere ,bell'OttSlet.Ott Neaten, Myers ; Allen ,tow n(Eogl.), S. G. SandC= .'[ ritRADiNP DISTRIQT, J. AL 13ATLOtit Beading (Eighth at'.'); . - Stp,tlen,„ Iteieri; ;Jltiading (Chestnut at.), 5..0.' ttlioads; tebanon S. B. Ilroatn ; Ki Fehr; Lancaster, J. Koehl ; Lanessiterl, , AAreuit, .T. Apeelit,'' A. 'N. Stlrk; lit'eUrtistown. Zarh. Wnlrfeledslrf, A. F. teopoler, alYirstown, I). Lentz; •Afinvillo, 11 J. Ltirr4 Cheater, .'Landls; Lancaster gg I.Y` .1'; N. Metigarl'-‘ 1 "" POATOUN DISTRICT, .1,-;• P 4 Lgiiii; P. V. '''POitSililo Station, I. Gehnian;:Sobi Elayene.B, H. Schnvor; Tine Grove, C S. , lianinni•Ttornont, Icrochor; ' titito Knorr ; snydef,,. L A,tens, W. }Win, S. L. Waist; Mttial")ttongo; ` ji. MaitOngo, r l3. F. Bohner, W.U. ner ;, Port Carbon, S. Breyrogel erfalmo., A:.'Neitz; llarrisburg Mission; 0. - (Epingrieb; Tto'yorton, Sifi:,llklhubb. • 1! 1 ,) „ • 11:‘'t • f Ting #l,EsTetntswr, 702 Penn street, lifts jtiiii t 'Peen opened by Albion - Loin Inger. All kidda optie best ea4bles /awl drink: `abOs f ,liwaYs,on band, Ideals horved at all ,beuro., The neatest bar. , rocnn In the dity, with the- iTst:of yinet, albilte. Give 'him ‘ v ;, k tinar For the beading Daily Eagle. •• • • 1•• joke 'Porpott•Ao . d by your": Correspondent, 4 4 M.," in last eitonlng's i AQLn,isverysevere. Indeed, I we.nder ho survived the effort. He probably knows I ant not a lighting man, or he iwould• not have minuted to make such use of mY: patne. I say ho has nehight In coup• to y 9 itairio the grade of alai to whibh I shbuid'bo,aplwinted my:aspirations." I Wish Min to under statia,thatdry goods men are looking up: Theli,pelltical,thorinotneter marks hig, or tban,in,ore 4, temperate ;" that when ,tussy,oditb) ont for Wilco . ' they want the big thing. Nothing: loss . than' the °hole° of a phafr in the Cabinet, with assnranced of adVeneetiient; 011 prove any tomptk, Lion. , Unt,ll ; we atinoutice ‘ • the position we arc 'willing the dear people shall Plm. us in, "let us have peace." i• ,; M.IIA T. RE t:Dnio Thuriday, March 11th. ." Tit WOKING rTlid' , GI as 'arid 'Sfeain Fitter's oti Now ,YOrk have de. terinined 'to strike on March 22d for - the iecrease of their wages tP . ' $4 per.d4y. , ," '',fhp'Marble'Polishers )3rooklin„have - resoiro4'l4i . ask an increaso„of wages .to• $3 60 per'dity.i ' , The betteyhands in the : Morocco man: Ufacfories, of, Nownrk have, struck .for higher'wages, which the' employers have_ radial ;A iS stated that the men de. 'mind a:uniform advance of Wages regard. letis'efihe ability of the , Workmen, every `kilo to. reCaive the salmi price, , whether, he'had work at the- .#ibeam" six Six years, • `no stoweuttera of 13e141)10re are on a stride to .enfOce the obsorvance of car• tain rplolutions passed by the assooiation.' Thfitie,resolutioria pf the',„jeurneynien ex press stideinand for $4 50 for nmil bourn' Work- after'March Ist, 1800, and )dealaro ittiatiboy mql,oonso wort at four O'olook ea Saturdays, and from The first ! ,of No 'oo,er tdthd fi rat Monday .of March they `N 4 .(illgo'td mirk, balf ; past sown o'clock iit;the [nothing, and stop work at sun dome Vinantraincarpetlareav*s of Phila. de,lilbut.are abdut to form a.union. . , Tivptvri s ot Philadalphin policemen r,osigned oil night, becanso tho tfivot, had issued orilers . foFhidding them to - "joaf''on the corners. and, in saloons,- alStrict waS left all night with btit half the usual 'foie°, the mon offering ••their resignation' as thoy wore , about to go on duty for tilo.Oght. TELEGRAPHIO SUMMARY. • • • ' TnITUSra; 'Mandl 11.!:1 - ,The Faurth ,Nationnl . Ita'nk of Philu, 'delpbil has been reopened •for business.' 'Judge Hoar was qualifledts AttOrnq . , .4eneial yesterday. . :_ My. Delano took the oath,na Corm's: . sionor •of Internal Revering, yeaterdayi and entered upon the duties'of his. office. Mr:liollins„tqietiring , ROvenue Coto ; missioner,' lane called upon by the ,elerke , of his . office ,yesterday, and, preic‘tited with resolutions expressive •of their re , . spect and-attachment forhims 3.110 , itnpublican State t OOikveptio4 Of Virginia - yesterday nominated 14. Wells for Governor, and J. D. Har gis, a Vegro, for Lieutenant Governor... 4, The Maine Senate, by two tnajority,re fused Yesterday to pass iy':Constabulary. restraining the sale of lifluor. In the Criminal Conn at Baltimoit,' on Tuesday, John D. French was 604, $490 in costs, as a non-rasident trader.,, 'He liieS in Ceimecticut, and •field good's_ bq'samplt, a liconse r in violstiuri of State Inv; Two yppght quarreled is salobafr:at' fit. louis,yesterday t , 4nd.. seirerely stab., bed 'was tietikiffieirefid i is not wog edto, rover. • 81 IthOtheartaf 111,!it, It • 1 ere c t' of itrietlin, . 0 . 4 81 41,, 4044(,,,1itt,4014,* -: 'rrattk . 2 kitifr „ it, i , Odrifta ivi %' f i. r thital ' A ' ''', 'O, ir : • ' i ' Ittit oa t. ,' ~ .., :Itisiteball,'Jto , . read :iti r .*t...4 .414114* 4 , !yasterds,#, -I ‘,'t.r.hell "w/4 1 ,0,1004 4 .M;: and 0 0 44 3tF , a Ood 'fgft t rlpitit*.flatitaili,Viti Hatatrovinced itii^oinotiott:-' , ; l i,,lit . ' ll ' 45114i0etitrodt was killed. by. poi. 1. 3 P ”.111.,'',Tbill14.ellibia yostiiraitY. Aii* Om 4,#iit i lioattaagh his *Ms was ar• :i l o B t ', 4 l.#oitt 4 l 4ll of having elvigilt W . ' (leaf - I ` . . . ' it nry IL Steole, a partner In: a larga dry goods,, use in Now York, 'shot' hints 4 cfo.,"T.oanYl on necol u 'of dill'. , f _enltie.,:wit4 his salt., with whoftil he had I not ileetiiiiine.for some than past. ' ' ' r' 33 PriSf i tytmOill& , ialctstikttilussr, 11 • Illantsatmo, Marphlo.: ' In the Senate, & resolution was intro difeetl`'l4,, Mr 's : - T 4 nwry,. proiiding. for nn evening stigsion to be devoted to Fonsid., oration orthe amendment to thek'onsti- tution., Dehato4o be limited to balf,,an` hour end he taken at 10} o'clock this:evening. The question= was called 1 nd sustained by.the Republican Senators, nd the resolution passed by a strict patifiote. , `Resnlationa Postponing the • considern. AO.n.of'the:Mpendment and leaving the net:ter,to-n l POPtilar, vote wore offered by 11 . 64iiirti:Ittilletiltind Davis, but were de. Tented by a party,VOle. ~ .• hfi."Daviti:rtiad 'in, his place and pre... l settled to the Chair, a bill refuting 'to the Redding eempany. . . . .. , , Tho , ,whole., evening sessieli Was spent in the,discusgan,of the Fifteenth Amend ment-$.0'44 Constitution, providing for negro suffrage. '• . •• - • , The PptnoOrata of 11ennsylvania AvOio m. ~ . .. ~ ost ably ~ represented TV'. ,Metrara, 110 ' 1310h . , iSpilAght, M'Candless, Davis aod IyOlittetf; ': . Theitepublierins agreed in their 'eon; ens to ilay,llothiOg to defend46ir pos) ; ,. tioh, lid 80**Loivry becoming res• tire' under the lashing of . the Democratic 'a i pei ! OcorpolV i t a , a defence of the f r rip4 004 ,bolig porpOtrated upon the people as hqfboble condition Would . ad tm.4.‘ „",.' Duri4g t tlie.'discussion S'etintor Er-, rettflitli - !, himself so obnoxinus to the whole 84144 that : the Speaker was ecnn pelted:o,op hint,t6 order., , t , ,)° (in the question ) will the mite-ratify (~ the . ainondreent,‘:the yens an 'ffilys were required by Mc.'Errott and Jackson acid . Were 'a,S,Tolle.wa ; , •Yeatt-- 7 -Messra. Rillingtalt, 13eVin(Mer-, '&0,1 .dol em an, , bOnn 0,1, Erretcc Fishiir,' .9,rah,ant,,, tfe,nSzex, iterr, Icoqm, ,91Flp • sted,. , Osterhout, Robinson, Stinson, Stutzman i , Taylori White and , Werthiag ton, Spnaltoii4.l9:,, r ' Ntiys-,Mesars. Reck, Broiyn fr (North `ampten), Burnett, Davis, DUncar, Jack son, Linderman, M'Candless, l f dlatire, IN 'fliii, Nagle, Randall, Searight, Tar-, ' 0- : 45; •,„ ' . ' ,So the queStion4as deterreined in the irt affirmative: '. The preamble and title were . else agreed-to. ' ~ i 'in the House, the following hilts passed 1 " • t kr . tatly` t' ~,`, , ' - ,' • , ' No. 314 1 -an act to enable the courts' of common plena of this Commonwealth to chtingc - tho,name,. ; style and title of or-, , porations. ‘ . ' ,• . N0.,816, iin act to anthorizo'oppeals to , .40,84i9tta0 co.ust in applications , for, ilot p - changes' of charters of, incorpoia "ti9no.l,, • 10. 373, An net to repeal the last pro- , ii , ' trig, to theth ty-ninth section.Of the act approved 29th April; 1914,.itkliclatiolt to State Board of revenue Commissioners. No. 375 i an tier making itilifiiroi tho several courts of, the State hi counting time,ln relatiOo• sto the stay of execu tions. , - - •' . , . . . 146. 361 e ~ an act to settle,. 'determino and locate ilio , :eouthern bolundary , line of this Commonwealth, was taken , up, amended and passed. 14,3`. 853 1 0 act relative to ' aetiofls of . , tresspass and ' , for'mesne proate, was .. linsied-. ' • - '',2. • ALLowro ON DAILY DAL ANCIi9.- 5 per cent. Or a year, and 4 p er cent; for ehorter . perlods. Money paid on demand, at the Reading Savloga Bank. (mar 11-d4w etcrrillifa t --IV: Van 'Reed,'B26 ?cap street; ' lhadi , ng; wtdoly known an d,hititly brated; for the quality , of his . go9ds, but for the eandori and fair dealing patrond„ ' t lfr. Van, lieedbilys his stook with groat pare, bas bhp work done under hts own auporvision by comiietinit workman, and Is contelil, with a mad, e F l atd profit. 40ifilakOlulok sales, : , k aro small ; So old anon and young, 'Please give; him a call. k . • mar , • LAitß O , lotav - Tains SALE.—% o desire; to cnitt.t34 ik'ffielat4tOntion of our read oli• to itiO, of now and =oleliaut trariliturk tO; ba f hoo l on Tuesday, March lsiti;att,clnlotop*,,d, Concert Halt Auotlon" H 0913441210 Chestnut street, Philadelp4l4 This sale Is . on, aeCount of large,:tosinufao., livers 66 4 4'4000t . ..4 4 POriOiStlng of some LaraiS hundpeteitits Of Walnut and 'Cattittio FUN niturd, Of , thojatest and most litelifon sble 'styles, eoiOpilqlAiparlor, obambet Ing, roam gnlts. hi is a rare 06Ortunity 'fur 4oalsre told tone mars, as,,tha sale Is , vathOnt terniqe," T. A. IteCLam4un, ADC tlonott.. ; • . war 10-4td may Seat and blanch yelit'brow," but It elliMait Sheer your hair, if you .mie thaeoteclient oßarrettte Vegetable lialoloeterative" to Jhe ablie lute exelmtlen: ef all the vile cunlipounfie "#itli *Well the, ineihet 18 1100 1 11811.•••POrq. .1 aiiiidyl . :Ottaayl I Candy! It —• •I. :,,RAIIBO f ;r• q • 630 PENNATfiEET, REAbING, ./: IPc s airt VOAAZIO447gCOVat: Ili iit t l Oity, which will bb disposed '9f as • • )-' z• , -•- 4 ifj,knipitier Rouen In Hson r`t2oll4olq . ' _ • • v • ' == 6.lll**AgOriti l itinill It Nrill. , ....4,,.-40,...... 1, : , ' , sr -.8- -AIL+ , t 1"'"? —. 4 . lCfige• , , :`* ; ? , ,l . ,k, FOR 0/04 ta t . ' 114 ..: t it j 1 Or 111014111. D . w t h . , • t i lt?" i ~ 41, 1 I I dit !Ot 41 . . " 1 4 e.• i titattit thltaLia_Vi . • * so North 6th t, tut#,RA*Att, %;711V6 .; • ; • ~;" • 'f . ...t .P u irg 4 ' it ,4 -14 2 . fitri t alN; Oaltson j ikil 1114,Y#eli-13th, IMO, at tto, .Ney4tailts loe,lttit pi/ o at 1 031,90$ km., ` i lertipiii;glP.oll l 4)lntllkilfroid,lipiok, -- ' iii .-: ‘, 2 1 4 - , ..:' - '4‘Clt:;,l4(tzfookoh,baet4r. -,,1144t:411,911013.'• , . 1.. M. • t.' , - '.. ,;, : • p;,_, lIIEN • • ' lo ; .4 ° )4Z. m 4- gre4k - gX gtll fg to • Le t 1 1 ' 1 o gt PC ,tiOt ttcc t o —1 Cto .44P nI C ) A e+ • , 1 1 `slth •'. <6N,ZA • : . ...- , • -!; -- i .., ;. • " . .1 , ,la „ , _ ~ 1 • :. _ \ - ; 1, i.,?: 14 quoit q(jitE 1348 JUMp 11E,INN brJINED AT T,l .E don. OF EIGHTH OD PENN,:03...., • A Y Grt AT. HUGHES, • 'FOr inniny 'yea* ,witit los. lillshler & Co., 1 ' ' ' AND , ~ , r'''Pß NC'S P: !RII01)1i4, Son of in, IL Rhoda, uhder the firm of , • ai. ILES & RH ODE. Thesl b Nto O litetetand and Sv ill at nil , times kook rt • IA 'daft Well'ted stock of all broads an 441A1 ttetlo,l ( IMP° TED, WIWI'S, , -", i . , f t _ ._ imialin, 8 ANP , , billiS, ii '• . .41..011 lee lot Or . 011.A.MP Oft : AND CLAtt'Et . Also, fine °Uhl° distli,led rye whisky of diffo*ent b n isi alsO• common roptified whisky and inegar wholosale and retitil. Demijohns a ni bottles of all 81205. All goods •will bp sold it prieed to stilt the thug*. . ' t they elite d tin inVitittioa to mem nu• morons friends and the public generally, And .hopo by • - Strict attention to business, and courtetiy to all' who may favor • thorn with their patronage. to gain the onufb donee of Livers. 11U011ES & RItODE. Mar 8-Imd ( • JOHN- ,., 1 $ 4 1.-TARP :' : i s , i,„•.„ . t•,: ).fjPW.PI . , F A.- R fi, I= 'DI.A.4'OIIIIE\TTEIt, FBI 009 . Pg.14N STREET, REAlSitie. '* l COVER iIitOWN I S)BAhLIi HAT 8T01%1C3 .J 1 „ *4- SPECIAL 'AlriffETiON GIVEN TO , 141410 • ' S,U.AL' Itt.Tstial.!WOßlr,` -, '",.•; ' . lilrPAill . INI prio*toiiry .i.TTUNDEID ; TO. Bliir 0 7 3 ni(1. - ''.', fitG I,tl Pecker,. Of the tniviibblp of Min creek; iu the County of,Berlis;havint 0 ented an assignment of 411 his estaie to John 8; Fox, of thetattne'place, in trust, for the benefit of his or'editord, on 81.11' day, of A.` February, .)), 1 1,1359,; Notice is hereby gPren, that all l i e one having claims on said ,estate, will present them, and all portions owing' money Weald estate, will make immediate payment, ,to the Onderiiiglied, • • JOON 8, FON feb 7.0-6tw • MEM 3EIEA7 StOliEs r arittrip dociimi trs ) r n opENINCI. • ,04A,11',/iFUL NEW, STitliS SVITAiILIC _TS) AI•L T4IB,TtES. All Sales iv a rra n 10, ve• sat hi fad t ton UB' A CALL. vizir z sji , 0. am*, - 541 PENN 8111038% Mar 41.441 ‘• . . PARPATS I 'oAluitTs 11 , ..../ i , lli. • R. bIARiLRIC la CO:, N o. no Plum streak below Presklliti . bettreenlizth And Neyetith streets, 1' ItespeattunYintaint ifiti *Altana of Reading 'btu* vielni. Alin thtiy at via asufactutlai the very boat logralb.,All.l:stao ,Catioith ever ofret-•,j, i t nri in 041 *lir* Lilted feints itid colon!. 111)01641cLand re(4l( • at 10v York 'pricov. ' Wo Invite the pnbile'te• aupaino our ) 1 006 • before kurohtsiOgiplmmilfhe: .11a4 faro 26, per • _ Dotal Au/ ifio, (4,*litob, bandit and sive In°4 ll t' .- • 'A . jelA 'CO . ,. a -Bina - ' .T. ARLEY .1 CO , . * lik At ': a l i g tl k il l. r v.:tux:l4:6n nt ti ifto.. r ..-r ker , As. For ,: le 41011 FITO AI 104; itwii. , . 7 114 p, 44 . 0 Po nes To . ' N.EW WINE _,i+: i ~ ~. A`N i? ; IMI iiiAmo;ND - WE FASIIpkIABLE , , - . 1 • •' 0 the siihAr iS t Afttl i grePUttr i etro at xeyatono Ii 4. % 'fi t . ..., Omar IV•litOi t p , l .fts ft Tie l ic A fit" l c / ..`,- o t . , .rif , , . LAUGH HOU will take ••' Alhigt I.' teirr#ll,6o4,silk '',.- ' s i ,riPel ill ~, i ...:Y , • ' Itt.ll. 'Staler *ti* silk .'• tit do , megtees tw, tit' ru ' .„..tilt fox att. 02A 1 ntin r z. , Oisti •' • ' ;gunman I .' kil - - W *net k i e hog . away ea eatutolaXtere,soma 04 • act. • Jutlr4`. 4 .tl; ' , " • -- v \- THE HE' sExta.Housgi Womeidortt Bork& Oth. Patz RV& Y. ITAVIpiI o 1 , ~,Iroprientrit. thir A. T Tllli IRYFEL COASTS %FILL FIND LI excellent acconiniodatlen, the lead+ lords obliging. arid the. table' iiiisd with all the, beet/ the mutat atortle. • seontteotvil with the hotol is a erstrelasittivery Stall ) ), 80 titilt conveyances oh , Ow ye at hallti• r thou!) Who wWi ay sejo,ura th heautiftil evil. / la o: (hunibitees to axid,fro the deo b t . .".. W. B.— After- April lets the intrtnersble VIA he, dissolVod. and ,IlenryJ Michel will assume entire °entre/ of the hatel. _ tunr 1041 rad . „', - , •w . • = Llon 138'.NprthEightliatreht, • alciDafttll t TAMlN, `: • mar 9 , :ltd* lieyatapti lions& • —•-. Quinton Tomatoiis t- :4Qtantou ioniatooll, -. BUY i lr itk • a ET . ' • - • 'PHI is * CitHA PEST. . - ill() Qulptffia can tqo tho beat the market. 'ilrelopy the ottse or T 1"/ at t" Tnarbt4 . • " • -1, • -!.=- 1-• MairoW and Mittiuni Beane! k • Caniufa Peat,' 8pli( redBifititiftts, aei • Dried Corn, Piett;' Tapioca, Nago, • , Barfry, //ontitay, Gritz, . • • • Bccd, - ft(tlto oherip storo of ; VViiKtIOO44 fr OtiACIEIRA , , mar 9-4 6tll cold iYa4litngttni, ST: GEORGE: CODFISH • , Juiit nEuairvub., A 9holco lot at • iAJACH.OiDER. ibMAOKIR/Vii: 'nor 0-d • „ „ illtmOvAL.—J, A. STROIIECRER hits re movetl. his autAT MARKET to No, 41 North, Ninth stroot. and 1011 , custom era' Aro Witted to coll. All EWE, or Fresh Mut Sttokeo 4 )lehttl Will: tool! 6-IWI.I , „ c, ' • WALTA.PAtIn , 4. Large itiOreliMel4ted.Stopk: IVAL . L I?}* atop " lvirveior 1 34 A o At, Prioeslo Suitethe .'fames:" 4hades Ydrniehod and.Lotterodp Order mar 94ml' ~ 1 ~} 1100MIDIN(; STANTED.—A, leling ge.etle I) man desires boarding iu a private fam fly, OM per week, • Atieess Alareh 6-2w(11 • "Jet l AGL)3 OFFICEAK , ivirrititAN&TioLEowßusil, • JOR.PRINTERS, 521`COURTSTREET, READMIT, PA. iiinr .Ii PORTANcE OF None bUt tbOSO'deprived otthte bloesing know of its loss. The pimpled blotohod and tettemi cricted'persOn looks upon 'a oloarf stniorOthakin witkles.Loash And:in wardly desires thesittne. Thoth) Whose sye tems aro filled with the-tirtisof SCROEU• LA, and other eutaneothi diseases, `can nOI have good health.: When • the blood is 1131- pure, disease is sum tni All have timely warning in 4hose Pim ples, Blotches, I Tetters, Sores, Bolls, Cop ; per-colored Patches, Scales, ito. Avert the calaul by pnrifyleg tkosysternlth the. SAMAR TAN'S ROOT ANDDERIO VICES, SAMAR TAN'S ROOT AND/WM.IIIIOEB f SAM A lIITAN P8 . 44:10' . 1`4 . 1.ND I _EIZI3 JUICES, pefore Scrofula takea a. firth hold. , Ilow many have the virus of Syphilis, in the system, and in Out pontron emu. tetnplato` mairlagOi'itho#lng.ll flu of. Ink baneful inftuoneo OtineonSilt tion. To such wo say STOP. ' Fr ets leanse youreelf of those impurities }tit that sorotAlous tu. Notion, (willell 10 Wan e r lesOs tiered , Itary In the constltUtion l ibil oliyOu bring misery on yourself alit{ o , ptiPu. Puce, •(,Q5 per bottle. ..,, c, . : - . 0 4 ,431#42IRTAN' lE2' t , TRH MOST U'extr. _ Ten t A Ipanifira FOrq I Fbr all Diseases .Artstno /rani Traut//4 cscrett(nrc,, ; 4 "fitainglki ... lineralillo Balsam, no Itor• oury. Only ten Pin t s to by token to effect a urq. T hey a; O entlrPl9 irnantikt4e, having 9 smell nor,any untapagiuntatitO t and win not ,10 anyway: tliture Dia ottoman or bow- We of the meet' dot:9ooA .thireq In from two to fouridayo, and rooont calms in Lwow ty-four Bent Urinal:. rrloo-Mulb paokagese?, 1C6041043, , Bold Ur EllifYo74llWii itnaillng t Par, and by DruggistaiDEl3 ,- - Abili) 4*(ko „ ii.Oprictors, 40o*1yd3 elk/lane qtrebosililladelroblit. =II &.VOltt4 STANtfi i irt Illertbe good, 0 will of ffnltX( l ItEKTANI), corner ,of find Cimtnut, streete v Is Of for tea.- with br lyitlicitit the snit tio of Ile mia. no,Jitank , lol`nrary profit abfb bit% dnly r dlipOited .ottor want of time to attend tojbe opal/ s. ritellollo, iOti givenht) fliseotApril:. Wit to • ••': - L. • t , Alfini DREXEL, • mar 4 Sweotlfili "On thefi'reinieese. Atilt grn i e l at tat tker Al Ar g vxmtitur 1140110iment, 542 v tin tared. dew,: 14141,:. rowans, tiTtlatei9'M T o g Mae. at the: Zralteik! )44, • Mt. , t0...9* .4 4174 am= HIA M 03 (4 4 4 0 A ittiVOlii V4ll_ 8 i A A . 1 trri` elf• 44:; s , :" E 111,14 B 1 VA E its ~,..,,, a1?, , 5,, vti;it.iiipt I ,':i , ::` yi :I- - ; rt ~; t• ttr 4-r - ,r 4-,4111,1M. • 11': , •`,p , -• :t • 4• 01 -, :: „.q . ; 1) •t,r:tr „ Ira': -....'s ; , , f .. PlOOl-4 1 $1104 . : TONIO , Axe lii/igua ie*litalibbioasea oft ~..1::._ • :e„.1.,_21:-: - ., % Al. OA ',,_t',' , \LIZ mut dramAttg OADIQESTIVIII 0 4 1041 f!Y? ENE , . .fioOFt,AND'S GE4hIAI4 BITTER'S ...i. I h Ait oomposot,tho liAtctiollOo* (or, al ttkoY At* UntliottetplYoAbrot ed. Au trocill.9,,MOOS ' 11.6iblatti.11 - 4rlce, making. et pro rti ou, Willy oonoootra th...ll‘‘ an °Min t it.tfroot ateohatto tuhßtz. tune qf any WA . •, , , ti /...: 1 / 4 :, , ' ROOrti l kliAit stlttittiEkii *me. •/A a'odiahloatton. tit hu ,thi irthrite 0 um) BittoyorittOk. URI plAtitek Reliky ot ennto chnt*Riett, Vntnite, Rt., m king one . 02 the most plo4 vi mid agisooablogoufe• (Hos ovoc oihrou ro taßttio. ,?, i Thote . pitterrina ttl the blree trout poOholto aitlpitZtltrN lari 'Ale ~ 't t 1106PLAND'S cl/4RAIII,NA BITTERS. . ThOoo who htwoknooNeottoo, to tpo cow, bluatett.of the Bitt.exer tut etaleitionll nee Eli HOOPLA ND'SAVIIMA N. tONIQ: The are biltt itqllty • v • , hi siti c kpontaln the saute r4OOl Oh itt t• & 0 0100 ilt. Moon th e *0 ollt mere .. a tot f tasty, t Ito Ton lo being ,lio inust k patatable, 4 The atoulaetti . frOlu ver44 ot 040/8 "1 SIICh •ItS "latlig4131011; yep a, ,tiorvous Dobillty, ott.llo VkirY 0 S to e 0 its Alm. clone tl 0 ran g ad , TheLlver,syrapt . athlaluif l as ollee t y i t ~0, it e r . Walt the St° itch'; h ' o, the result o wltle Vie tlrai=r sutlers ?row sovoral or, iltpru,p4' 00 following dia• oases t zL A , il , ,: , \: „ 4; ~ .A ,t, , OonstlAtlolli. 4 1 101Viek% 1 blifill Pileti F ()UM u nO. W to tit o 110 ad, " 'chitty of tho Stomach, yatteea, lloart-burn, ' Dlnuet.tibi , 1 Foodi aNinew or ' 'll7Wght) he theilitorilkdko- Shur • EructattoW Stn or Mott • orinf agbil PK g AA lho ficounob t Swkii m g opit thoi amid, Ilstried or Dlftioult Brdathing, Fluttering at the Itea Ul lo k lll 4oniciltillg Son" siitloiiiiv e Id' ig: 4 pt. o k Min ima of V dn, DO eOr 615ii' betoro t the Hight, Dull. _Vein hi the Head, DotteleneyofTekst B ~ , ir4'e ow• nose of the Sigh et 4 ,, - , • u • ' jitithetildo,Bliok, h 3, cis' .. - ete., 5udd00..44 1 4. 08 of eat, Burning in the , ,t‘ leek L:Ctinetent maglutnge of , Evil , 1 i iottii , Meilriblititon - . of Spirts. . The sufferer frata th,o4o'.4lotskslili!should exacts° thd greatest 'padtldlein - the et. 10ottott isf a nweity• tot bte '''ftlie l .liroha slog only that which hp Is .assured trout ule-invostlgatlons and'illofillelicseoeses l! true inerltaa skin - 1011 "- 'pound. fah le . tre e ,frotti, talurlo a ingre dients, and has osta c 1 ed:for Itself a rep (mutton for the ohm 'of hose diep l is c e. I) I thll3 CO)111045U011 tift = WOUld bubwit those well.known , ro tnedlos--0 I , < vy HOOF' AND'il aktillif.AN BITTERS ~ otim , ,• - ,•, a IH,OO.I O .IAAND'EI GIGIWAIsi TON/f67. •I'iliSPAlll9) BY Dr. a*4 ftlito \ ,„ , ~t,,4 1 1144 _ k 1 ,1 0 A, PA Nif wonty-two yerire since they Wet° first blob minced into this country from tier. maNurous whioll tithe they havo un doub dly performed moreMaoS, and ben. °tam' anering btanatay to 4 gretor exs at, than any °that tonlodies 4s own to i public. •_ • '' 'hose reiffoiee will effectually ours td Complel t o • Jaundice, Djppopsia, Chr oor Nor Debility, Chrohlo DI. arrhce 'soma 01 Ilbe Bldrleysand, all D/so a ads.' lug from a Disor. derod Liv kitotatto citNtztl t uct • , • • , ' .hig ... is t ' , D LITY • . - :•ir ... Rosulting front onsteePause . whatever: PR Oarlid T 7614 . 0.1? 4 , 0 2i aid ' 6 / 8 . Th'llf iiatitesjebil Aletieto Attn.- t..,. Hardships, Mrito , sure,• Fever., &e. . , 'Then 10 no nieditte intiateetinal to Chum) too:0304 in e tic °email A •tOno au d vigor is imparted to tno wholeay stem, the appotito it strongthoned, food is on• lOyed, the stomachdigeets pcultaly, the .blood is purified • tho eompl t erlOn broom:nen dound end healthy*, the ollaW tinge is orudioated from ha eyes, bl oom Is given to the cheeks, and the,- , lfea and nervous Invalid boomnes. it, etre And, healthy .bolug. . ' • • , , •' A ~,:,- .. PERS9NS.• , AtraNtiEP UT. XtIFE• And fooling` , the Und Of IMO . Weighing heavily upon them; With - a 1 iLS'aftendaht ills will find 04 th_o ole.of t he Blrrffit,n. or the TOB/Q o an puitirtha vrti4 lava now iila into their VOipo t ,reator ant tdeasure , t \ i,4 the energy and ardor ltd. Or youthiu. days, build up their Shrunk n' Ms and give health and, happiness to their re. aloinff Yeaffi. '''' , ; .• : I ‘ , .s • • ' .- " ' NOTICE . ''. . ' .• ' it is a woll-ostablahed fool; ! I lk fully one.ltaii,ol ttIO (eine porta or r pop. plation are sekioth In ki o recta of - good hoaltt I or • eepression, to use their own 0 ur feso, el 1.?, They are langnitl,llevrold thil One gyoj treano. ly norVotts, and haiPo Ito iippe mt. To this class of perauno tho /JITTERS, Or tlw To p . 19, is spec t ritrl c soomnlendeli. • - tiiiisto W 1 AK siNDDE . I.I A REN , _. Are made d e f trou , gbY tAe . op't of . _ el if;r of t ol ° l ,B l c AirrAdtTit o W i itl e igut ge r ' v . _ 44- 01 ' 15" • Thousands of certificates have so mmut tated in the bands ell e_ proptletfr, bu sp ice will allow Of ,the Arieatifin , of but a few. %lame. it *WOO 9crofii_ims men of note and oft.' sti,9:1111 ; eltO - ;nets they I Must be bOltoVe d. .' t' '' " ' / , Hon. Geo, W. Mk/ Justias 01 0 8 , 8 4* '' 41 " 11121 4* " oodward,l ' ' • riiiibutriii4, litiLiaii ik'is gdiii I e find' fl ' To i p f fanWsU t , o, r p r , an /In s t v e rs' Is a oog(atoubo°tnk . ,141sosseiofthe ettlneasosoofie I^ pponen vous aucton ‘ n •t llfi sySef.g lanoor. rounttruv. IV WOOPWARD." 1 4nt*tret-Itilnii kiini , , , AN° e of the 6cfpre7no i;our; of renusgran(a. ,-, • r‘aii.tOnOnii, Arm oogeeo . •4 sg I ixeisidor s Ifeiblaudiii German Bitters , 4 eeleeelt Feditins 14.041, so of attacks of In, digestion r ArlpelPsilk , /MA Pert, 4 o this tr ' 7 ID Y ''?'"'' ' tin ii ell i sC i f il i t il 4fi ." Bl4l3 N:i 0 i From *v. Joseph if: Koppor4 R. D ,Iltutoi• Of rUla rata ciagis ata'sii, Alla. • _ . Dr. .Taeksprp—Doim ll ' ' 4 have boon fro fluently re luestoil, o • oempet), niy, - matue with roe wendatiewl, of-diffOrenticlmis orrnettioti oh . blit,e,egarding thepraotion ' 461. Out of y apply, viat4.4 sphere, k live° In all cases() elinedi , , Out with s dour proof In, • , utteUS IfISti01001:.. an 41 VW/ 0 4%41 , 4n Aillllo l l itt#ll7o:4 Ale use. con t empt yr. hoonanws uci wan Bitters, I depart, fdt once frowpy i usual course, t, express w A ll eerlYlVll*at4inr genera y : &Mill of aUfzfrnstill . Ityrfoti r Lit er Clostptand,l Asa sytteette tcupab Opreparalion. In some o it may. ffh,pt usua ll y, I leubt not, i Wlllho Yea' gaffelkktollore who suffer f ,X 4 40 0 01 ' -0 . 11 1 046 ~ .4 ' . Y 914 47CC' V 4- r t i ti VtifiliD, , E •.• ' , X1.104h, belowtketes stleot . , ' „ .; ~ •,, :. ' t‘i , "•.- .•., „• 41 44. &tartan* Editor Christiais Chronicity* Pillla. •I have gerivedlleeletO4llo4o44 . e the swot ifoollandfillernlitti Bittersos tool it my priViloget t 4,1 rOeominend trio as a rdoiit valpah) 4) tonic to an W . c. stro suffering from i genered debility of I - oftlisest 4 Y4 In lug rem delangene”Wn bedivet o '‘ ," r - YOUrti_rttle N. .1). SinDAti, N. , =ME . 1 ' 0 4:UTIOI S T• • lloolteniVs tlenhan.itemediesaro-ionn. erfeiten. beettlat,thasignethre ,of 4). JAGER ON Is on the wreas ti r of each bot tle. All °thins are 11;? tvfolt, A Prln. F 41 . 4 140 4 , lna atlNtlllys $ e SlergigMe4j§ n Wie s a 0.116 VM /Mott rbillidninlat Pa. , VELLisau:sre 'Ar/54, P01*404 'l6O ;a* reii iitiawatoktr, • 4 • 44 . dealer tuOtolii9L le.-04 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers