TIM DAILY EAGLE. BEADING , PA. ~ THURSDAY, FEDRUAHY 26, 1869. • AND COUNTY. rvzsr EninoN,--19 1.2 :P. M. ..------.. COLUCTSICATIONB Intended for publiot, Lion in the tACIGII Met be aceorepaniod•by wresponsible name, as a guarantee of stn• c drity on the part of the wMer. Minutiae will not bo published unless So desired by the correspondent. CorreSpondouts should make their come munlcatlons short and to the point. Our space is too limited for very long articles. Writo only on one Ode of th 4 paper, and - 11 , 0 ag poaslblo, without:flourishes. flupaonflum who full to reeolvo the giOLS regularly, will confor a favor by' leaving nOtleo at thls Oleo, where all oom- Ones of Irregularity or latenesq of de livery %Mt bqpfromptly attended to. • ADVEBTIBBIIO aro requested to hand their advertisements as early In the day As poidble, as our rapidly Inoreasing oirenla holt compels tie to go to proem about 2 p. -• ----.- WILL itgotat.o.—Col. D. C. Honor in tend, to hlB distillery which was soms'ilme ago destroyed by tiro, at Exo tor Station. la--- *"flet,o.—E. W. Gilbert, Esq., sold a. house on Walnut street, near Slatb, to oorgo Dutni orator), yosterday, for el a ty one hundred dollars. nivv Ac GAY Lony's.--Thle t oupo of, mlnstrols aro booked for Library flail on April 29th and BOth. They 'will be well roeolvod - -•- grand complimentary hall to tho P. 0. 8. of A. in honor of tho first anniversary of Washington Camp, No. wilt bo given at Mentzer's Ilan, (tor nor of Eighth and Penn streets, on Frt. 'day evening, March 12. --'~- Accuumr.—Yestorday afternoon, as two men, ono named Jefferson Ilrelnor, were helping to cast in tho foundry of Jones do Cot, at Tenth and Muhlenborg streets, they worn accidentally burped. Mr. 13relnor was severely burned about the body and Paco, and it was bollrvod that ho would lose kith Oyes, ibis morning, howover, thoro wore hops of Having his eyesight. Ho is under the treatment of a skillful physician. Tho other man, whose namo wo did not learn, 'sustained no serious Injury. Fourw.--A black carpet bag e contalnlng two white alltrta and a cap, was taken out of tho canal this morning by two boys. Who is the ."carpet bagger" that can claim the property? 1 Tnt•; Ringgold Bawl has boon engaged to accompany tho Washington - Hose Company on their trip to Washington next week ; and altio the Liberty Engine Company on their oxcursion to Trenton, the month of May next. Both companies know what it Is to • have a first-elass band awl/sic with thom. En Fli.liE MAMIE, OF Dina.—Tho fact that nithln the past throo weeks no loss than the same number of (also alarms of tiro balm boon raised, induces us to be llow) that a word or two on our part in connoction thorowlth will not be out of place. Hitherto we have boon the friend and ,advoeato of an efficient and active tire department, of which the city of lloading,may proudly boast. •We have endeavored to advanco their interests on all occasions where them was an oppor tunity for so &log. These false alarms of tiro, which arc supposed to orlgivato with 64 1 . 111)110ra" of Homo 'of tho tire coin. pantos, are causing much complaint, and many poritons go so far as to blame the firemen themselves. With duo deference to the comfort and happiness of the cont immunity, the &omen should take every venation in snoh oases, and provent: li general alarm from boltig rattled, and the apparatus of the dOpartiliont brought Otit.' They should also ondovor to trace out the persons raising the Iso alarms, who. i i avor they may be, and vivo them pun. !shod, for their own credit and the'safety of our citizens. We hopo that further reference need not ho mado to this mat. tor. , I Art Orsrtm Arm A Itlousn.—ln Allen town, ono evening, the, owner of a res taurant, when ho wont to hod, loft a few oysters in a hash) on tho floor. During the night they partly opened. A mouse tried to creep in hotween the shells of ono of the oysters, when the opitor shut its shells together and caught the mouse. In the morning, when the man mum down-stairs, ho - found the little animal tightly pressed betwoon'tbe sholia of tho twidor, and was very• much amused. Was not that a nico mouso•trap g i lt 1.1 A K DowN'.—Nestorday afternoon a ljofl tor's wagon, loaded with grain, broke wit at the Alsace church. Until an ( her wagon was procured and tho grain pleaded, considerable time vas , con mood. In this instance grain. came I own, but, this morning, when it arrived In tha city, it was hack to the old price again. .. Til I , tANtfAtaTER SIIdEBIAKERK—Tho tilichntrtker4 of Lancaster county aro inking the Legislatureg for protection. They twein to regard themselves as un able to eompete with niombers,of the craft, elsewhere, and thareforo they .de sire to shield' themselves behind the friendly shelter of the protecting arm of the law. Evidently the shoemakers of Lancaster have mistaken their calling s and they should retire from the business and give place to men who are able to make a living by attending to the under mandittga ofothers.The idea of coin polling a matt to servo, Live years on a cobbler's 14°114 beer() henau "not up" for himself b' absurd. reoplo ought to know when their shoes aro well made, or mended, and should • have the right to patronize any manufacturer they prefer. Why, there should be any more need of pre testing ihis.ohnia of Mechanics than all others wo are not advised. If the shop: makers need protection why not the chirtittoy sweep, wet nurses, and other§ T Such trifling mattora!ought lobo thrown out of the' Legislature with a . red-het pitchfork„—York True Democrat. -- --4 Itai.piNo.-=We'll take a little credit for our nraons and, Doings, Mr. Read ingly Timed, if you ploaeo.—.New Fork lientacrat: Tug' PUBLIC 14ottOobs or Wombu3- noor.—Womoladort has six schools. Average number of, Months taught 7 ; number of mai° toaohore '2 t nombOr of female teachers 4; avorago salaries of male teachers per month, 130; average mlarles of rowel° teachers, 4)25 number of male scholars, 143; number of tomato scholars, 140; average number attending isellool, 150. TIM residence ofMr. James Moyer, in Vor !mall tow nship , Lebanon county was robbed or $llO, on Sunday evening a week, while the family were in church. CKZ II• B. BOY RR (IL Sox' have disposed o their Local Express busittoss to Mr Branson Van Lear, by whom It evil hereafter be carried on. .Our oP SERVICE.—Tho Engin° of the *riondship COMpany will go out of servico ou March Ist, for the purpose of prior to visiting Harrisburg on the occasion of the dedication Of the Die ct~ii goop Tent of May Nth , . , AT THE JIMENT dedloll' in needing, Dr. W. Murray, Weidman Was elected city Auditor by llt , nn‘jority.- The Radicals had the best men of their Part) , on their ticket, made a desperate fight for them, not Only on party grounds, but hat the new in-oonting administration of Grant must beendorsed . ; that a redleal defeat in Beading Would already She* a want of °confidence nevertheless all which, they were terribly defeated.— Labanon Advertiser. •-•-----. A NNW proect has been started to build a large ba ll in this city. We believe a stook • company Is to be. formed. It is a pod idea, and we hope the project wilt be earrietd - out. All other lirge towns in the State are ahead of us In this respect. Iltttyit MENTioss.--,-Tbe Old Folks held forth at Lancaster last evening.— Beof sold at the ()lobe of market yester day at 011 per hundred.---Rardly any demand for pork now-a-days.—, A large lot • of old newspapers for sale at -the 114:0LIC bookstore.--- - 3-On Sunday night some scoundrel spit tobacco juice on a Window in South Sixth street, Pity' those "tobacco spittera" can't be caught, —liouso hunters can (laity be met on the streets.---nut four days Queluding oday) remain of winter.—There's not aomuch fun oh a veloolpeiloaa on a tread mill.—Nover put implicit faith in a man who has onco deceived you.-- 'Velocipedes may not be given to kicking, but they often thiow their riders.— NeVer cry “humbuir" until ,you know whether it is yourself or others that are the offendors. THE MARKETS, ItNADixu, Feb. 28, PM, In Philadelphia, the tl?mann for money was, not quite as active yesterday as usual, and all applications for loans at the banks and other sources were freely met, when .baokod by„ unexceptionable security, The rates for moner'w 4 ore Stationary, and un der a demand loss active And preabing, were less firm. Call loans wore 'onoted at SW per cont. on Uovernmonts and at 768 per cent on mixed securities. Street op erations were moneyately active in prime which was . disposed of readily at 1101034 per cent., according to grade and, time of maturity. The gold market is Mill tending downward, and was quoted yes terday at 132%, The hood market is in sympathy with it and Is slightly depress. Tho Stook Market opened with llruwt fooling, with Homo itny roveinent in prices. Government and State Loans woro steady. Lehigh Gold Loan was firmer, and sold at Reading Railroad advanced ;I" and clos ed at CU ; Penniylirania Railroad advanc ed IX, and closed nt 43; Lehigh Valley Railroad sold at - 65 3 /0 Little Schuylkill Ralioad at 43%; with rtili bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad; 84 for North Penn sylvania Railroad, and 33 for Catawissa ItailrOad Preferred, Monty liaPket. Bushong & Bro., Bankers, No. 38, North utb itreot, QUOto as follows : lIHADINci, rob, 20, 160. Old U. S. o.'a IFBI - • • 11& 1 4 Oki U. U. Ws 18 82 • • - • 114 Now U. S. 5.28'a,1864, July and Jan. • 110 1 4 Now U. B. 6-2 We 1805, AlaY and Nov. • 112 Now U. B. 1E416, new • - • 'llO Now U. B. 5•20 1 8 1807, July and Jan. • 110 NOw U. K. 11.2•.Pe, 1868,-• 110}i, Ten Forty Bonds, • • -10 Q Gohl in Now York up to 12 o'clock,- - Gold In Heading at, Bushong & Bros., - 133 Home Markets. 1r Lot n.— Flour continual inactive, .there NAN( it total absence of any demand for shipping, and only a limited inquiry from home consumers, whb lsurohaso only miough to supply Moir immediate wants. Prices aro weak, but its ye.t. no nattier de cline has taken place; 1:: primer. --The amount Of Wheat brought to the city since Saturday last -is , Very mall. Dealers show no disposition to buy, rite farmers wore compelled to Slay at twine on account of the had condition of the roads./ Yesterday and morning several small lots were taken at $l.OO per bushel, for white wheat, Rye is ti ken at $1.40 MILLING pnioxis. ‘Vlilto Whoat Flourper .12 On Bod " Extra Family per bbl 11 00 I fi s " ...... „ 10 50 CornClulp (now) Boot lelldtllingo, 7 30 Common, IY/ Bran, 44 Corn Meal, 1 PAi l i2lo PRIOI%. Whiter Wheat per bushel, 1 Seel 00 Red ' 46 44 II 1 toool 70 Rye 1 40 Oats 60 Cora 86 Up to-day fourteen loads of hay worn brought to the ity, whielt was nearly all consigned for prom It was taken nt prices quoted below, with the exception of two loads which was ,of Inferior quality, and sold at $l3 per 2000 hounds. . , Reading Hay Market. Timothy Hay $lO 00 for 2000 lb. Long Rye Straw , 15 (U " feadoir hay 14 " Mangled 11 00 " Philadelphia Cattle Markel. The arrivals and Sales of beef cattle at the Avenue Drove Yard reached about I¢oo head last week, the market wag dull, but prices were higher. Extra Penna. and, Western steers selling at 10%elle.; a few choice at 12e.; fair to good at 0(910e., and common at 6@Bo, per lb., gross, as to tjualb ty. Cows weio unchanged. Steo head sold ttt $60611 'for springers, and $30650 per 'head for cow and half. Sheep were in fair' demand at full prices. ft/C0 lievitt sold at 8;468e. per lb., gross, as to k.ond4 . lon. Hoge Wore In demand at an advance of $1 per lei lbs. 8000 head sold at •the Union and Avenue Drovc Yards at 318@18 SO per 100 lbs., net. ,i ' . Wendt,/ Housekeepers' Market MV'TTEIR.— he market is in a rather son sitive condi, ton, and while l?wer prices are hardly probable, a Mod6rato advance next month Is quite possible. Much, it not all, depends on the weather. if a keeti,, frosty spell .shOuld set In, higher prices will untloabtly come with it. RIIIADING PR1011.6. ilorrsa—Fresh dalry; a lq lb., 40 is LOurp, . 38 Cungsi—Choeso 11 lb., • 20022. Laub—rant, I I lb., 25 Naas—Eggs I dozen, 26 Arn,2B—App es 11.peok, 24135 - " '' • Drted 11 quart, 12 PriAeriss-- a lb., so Mtsvp , -Boofstorik, round IF b:, ...... _22 • I - " 811•10111, 44 20 II It . 66 bir TIIPI 20 il ' Roof roast, _' ii . 20 li Beef dried, ii 85 it Veal Cutlets, " "..... —.23 ej " chops, is I A (I Mutton, 111 IF6IO • a ~ York, " 14020 (I 4 - a steak, II 20 is Sausage [nab, ii , a s /I " 111nokatl, ii ,20" - - 11A118—lamp{, 44 4. t 44 8110 ed, • . - ii 30 811outbsna— is 16 • Efrain— . • .. POuvray—Oblekone 'IVO, • " • .". 44 dreasail t " . 18 • it • Turldoe Ilvoi • ".."" II *II dri389641, .. II .., ...... 2a 4 4 :', ontokontillire p Or, 400,100 tinatoebia bushel, • ' 4:.:,ir00 '• SE - COND EDITION. 2 11-2.0`01.0041. P, IL EIEMMiES GOND Ralik . ; AND PBOIIIBDD TO Dco Etarrm—A few days ago %Tornado Men tion of h disturbance tearing occurred at ikhouso 6f ill-fame In the upper part of OW city, and that In the melee ono of the frail cyprians jumped 'out of the second-story window: It seems that the girl hurt her foot severely in jumping. and having no money to pay. her, board or a doctor for attending to her Injury, she was compelled reluctantly to let her parentsknow of her bad and unfortunate Otinditton. Yesterday her ,father came to the city, and reclaimedbis lost daugh ter. She is quite young, only fourteen, end very pretty and interesting'. She an 'away from borne six months ago, going loPhlladelphla, where she remain ed bid a short time, and thou came to this city, and has over since been loading the life of a woman of the town. !ler fatherwas much rejoiced at the recovery of his davighter. Yesterday evening they left for home, hi ono of the upper counties of the State, ho a happy father, and she a wiser if not a better girl. reface AFPAllitil—Frederick Schmidt as his name indicates) is a Teuton. Frederick is a lover of the moat of the swine, and is particularly fond of "speck and krout." Last evening, about O'olook, Officer Lawrence found Fred erick at the corner of 7th and Penn streets, with two hams in his possession, He gave no satisfactory aooount of him self or tho hams. Ho said that he work ed for a man over in Lancaster county, and that he gave them to him; then again, that he found' them tied up in a bag in a fence corner. These explana- Mud although very satisfactory to 'Prod erick, were not so to the officer, and the latter invited Frederick to accompany him to the Station House, whore a pre-' liminary hearing was had this, morning. Frederick is retained fora further hear ing:, In this instance the query of "who stole the hams without the leave of me?" has not yet , boon, solved. There were 25 lodgers at the Station House last night. Business is looking tip. - --0--- CDAZED PEOPLE, AND WElY.—llall'a Journal of Health s'llys that more than onr-fourth of all the inmates of lunatic asylums are from the families of farmers and merchants, not wholly because they constitute the largest class of the com munity ; so many of the former,, not be cause ifhe occupation itself to not health ful, but for want .of mental culture, and their Ignerance and inattention to the laws of their being; of the latter, because they grow up as the "elite" of the com munities in which they live, but later on become so often bankrupt, the mind falls in the attempt to grapple with the diffi culties of their changed condition. 11l health is the most prominent, cause 'of insanity, induced by insufficient excl . - else, intemperance i over-eating, and yielding to trouble,eare and mental anx iety : the always certain remedy against those being a more general cultivation of out-door activities, a general attention to stirring business, giving preference to those occupations which aro congenial, absorbing and encouragingly reinunera tive. __.--- a ----- HO* * PEOPLE AIM KEPT AWAltil IN TUB DANIESII VII1311(31i3li, IN THE 1.9111 CENTURY.-A Belgian payer publishes the follow'dg royal reser' pt which, niter the reign ofleharles VIII, predeceSsor of the present king, Ives Issued oncilvlay 17th, 1840, and directed to the diocese of Aahaus. oilaYing been informed that the num ber of Moho who sloop in the churches during divine worship has increased to a considerable extent, wo have designed to decree that each congregation shall ap point a few men whose duty it shall he to go around in the church in order to keep the church-goers awake. To this afoot, those men shall be armed with a long pole, surrounded -with a piece of leather wherewithi they shall touch the heads of the sleepers." --- - o- ----- ON, Ulm WA \ mc.-- I M lies, tho young mad Who for a wager of $2OO is to walk 100 consecutive hours, its now walking at Bookmuehl's Columbia Hall. lie must, in order to win tho bet, continuo his tramp until 11 o'clock on Saturday night. =1213 TUE READINO 'ABRA' was orowded yostorelay afternoon and evening with applicants for books. Arrangements have boon 'made by which the risk of it being closed, even temporarily, will hereafter be prevented. The Committee on the Library desire that persons having books out over two weeks return them immediately, ,as there has boon somo carelessness iii this particular which must be avoided hereafter. E 0 NFlw CORNT t BANL).—A now Cornet Band has just been organized on the farm of Isaac) Eckert, ,Esq., in Born township, with Mr. Milani Itooholl, of this city, as instructor. Tho Band was organized by electing the following officers : Prosidont—Frodorick Shunk. liccrotary—B. y. Shearer. Trout' ro r oorgb Wertz. Loader of Band-413. S. Tobias. This is tha tivontioth Brass Band or ganized In this county under the in structions of Mr. Rochoil, and his knowl 'edge of the instr►unents, as well as pre= dourly in music, has thus far given uni, veteal satisfaction. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. THURSDAY, FOD. 25. The Maine Senate have missed a bill Allowing pbyeiciatis to' legitimately ob• twin subjects for dissection, by a' vote of 14 to 10. The Supreme Court of -Louisiana has decided in favOr of the constitutionality of the ono per cent. tax of that State, and dissolved injunctions against its col. !faction. The - Tennessee River Convention, com posed of 176 delegates from; Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Ocora, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, met at Chat- tanooga yesterday. A permanent Organi• ration was efteeted, with Gov. Bullock, of "Georgia, as President. Resolutions were adopted urging the imprQvemont of the Tennessee river, and a ''committee was appointed to . memorialize Congress upon th§ „ subject. Two men were frozen to death while 'walking across the prairie, near Carroll Station, lowa, yesterday morning, , A third was so badly frozen that his feet and bands must be amputated. • A woman, named Welch, killed a man named. Devine, at Alton, 111., on Mon day night. ' lie had attempted an eggra vated assault upon her. James ,IfileWilliana, a farmer, emu ruittedinicide yesterday, in Orange coun• ty, N. Y. The body of Capt. Wirz, of Anderson villoPrisen notoriety, has been-given up to his friends, by order of the President. The Giand JeTof the District of Col umbia has itadicted seventeen persons for illegal registration at the late municipal election. A fight Warfel between a party of ;West Point soldiers andciopfl ei,ti*eas , at [iihland Falls, N.' Y.,'OuSat ,r el ay night,, and one wan was iujurtnl;. out of. the soldiers, were put ender arrest. =VI The Heath Uouse and "two stores, in New Orleans, were • burned yeSterday morning. The loss is over $lOO,OOO. A fire in Nos. 135 and 107 Lake street, Chicago, yesterday, • destroyed $40,000 worth of property, and one at Alton, 111., On Tuesday evening, caused a loss of $80,000: Crouch's sawmill at Rochester, N. Y,. yes burned on Thursday night. Loss $26,000.. A despatch'from St. John, N. 8., says the Canadian fishers complain that the American fishermen are crowding them out of their fisheries iu the Bay of Fundy. IVY TWO VVIIA VOLE. lisviNs, Feb. 24.—The naval expedi tion to LitGuitnapa was completely sue. cessful. The fortititations .erected there by the insurgents were first bombarded by the fleet, troops landed, hnd the works carried by assault. The rebels withdrew, and retreated into the country. A per manent garrison of regulars was left in the town. On Sunday, two battalions of troops marched from La Ouanapa to the relief orPuerto Principe. Captain Gen eral Delco, yesterday, addressed.,the ser geants and corporals of the volunteer forces, exhorting them to maintain order and obedience, and discountenance all dangerotmagitation. A large number of rebel prisoners have been brought to this city, and more are expected. Sugar manufacturers demand relief from burdens of taxation and protection fur their products, which the , complain have decreased one•third. The "Pren• sit" advocates the re establishment or ex port ditties. • • lisvAxs., Feb. 24, evening.—Accounts !rota Santiago are unfavorable. The cholera_ not abate, and the insur gents are destroying plantations in the vicinity. The revolationnry General liguerado has issued strict , orders to his sit i ordinates to respect all property and estates owned by French citizens. Cane grinding . has comPienced on a fewplantations in Santiago district, but it is not expected that more than a half crop can be realized this'season. Amer ican provisions are wi nted on the plan• Wiens in the Provinces of Neuvitits, Gibaratta and Mazatlan, whore cane' grinding has not commenced. Tho Oaptain General has issued a prof imposing additional export andimporeduties, a list of which was given in a previous despatch. PROCEEDINGS OP CONGRESS. WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.—1 n the Senate, the Judiciary Com►pitteo reported the Georgia bill and the bill to abolish peon age. The veto of the Copper bill was read, and the bill passed over it by a voto of 37 to 12. Messrs. Fessonden, Ferry, Grimes, Trumbull, Sumner and Van Winkle wore among those voting no. . Tho bill to provide for a provisional government for Mississippi was reported. The Army Appropriation bill was eon. sidered. The bill repealing the law requiring the General of the Army to remain in Wash ington, mid that all orders to the army be issued through him, was passe.i ; also the joint resolution dropping from the army roll certain officers absent three months without leave. • ; In the - House, the bill "to strengthen the public credit" was passed, as reported by the Ways and Means Committee, by a vote of 117 to 62. The Legislative Appropriation bill was considered. PENNNYLVANIA LEGIIMATURIC Ilinnisnuno, Feb. 24.—1 n the Senate, the hill appointing cotnmissioners to treat with New, Jersey for the sale of Petty's Island to Philadelphia, was passed finally, The following, among other hills, were introduced: Mr. Davis; an act to regulate the com pensation of certain officers in lie county of Berke. • Also, an act regulating the pay of ju rors in the counties of Berke. and Lehigh. Alse, an act to authorize the councils of ottios and boroughs of this Common. wealth to provide for the inspection of milk. Mr. Connell, en act authorizing the Governor, Auditor General and State Treasurer to exchange registered bonds fur coupon bonds. , Aliso, an, act to enhble building and .. loan associations to collect debts a terll iihe expiration Of:their charters. Mi. Davis introduced a k f esoluti n pro (posing an atnendunent to the Constitution . , , aa follOws "In every year in which a President of the United Stntes shall be elected, no election shall be held on the second Tuesday of ()Atelier, hat all officers by law elected onl tliatAk, shall, in every such year, be elected on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of November." Referred to the Committee on the Regis. try Law. A resolution .to adjourn from Friday next to Monday evening, March Bth, was adopted-17 yeas to 15 nays..,'` Adjourned to Thursday. ;r - In the [louse Mr M'Miller read in his place a bill entitled An act for' the deg livery a the possession of lands and tem• inenta sold ut sheriff's and orphan's court sale to p\techasers. The following was passed finally : - "Be- it enacted, (N., That the State Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to titi;t sergeant-at-arms of the Senate a sufficient sum of money to defray the expenses of the contested election committee in the case of Thayer vs. Greenbank, While said committee are 'necessarily employed in Philadelphia or elsewhere. The surn - to be certified by the chairman of that select committee.' In evening session, the Speaker laid before the House a message from the Governor vetoing House bills changing the name of tho State Cainpof the Junior Sans of America, and incorporating thh Lehigh Live Stock Insurance company, on t h e ground that the courts have power iu the premises. Mr. Painter, of Lycoming, called tip an act to incorporate the Preaches' Aid So ciety, of the Central ;ponference Of the Methodist Episcopal 1 church.: Passed finally. _ The HOUK! COnditieted the following v:z • , o . 4. An at for a dtfieli iu Ih© i: olio department 'foe or?' pheni of decd eoldiert Phdlinitors of the State, for the peat ending June 1, 11569: - amendinent providinsy tbat the amount 1411 be settled by. Auditor General is tbo usual mariner, passed An &eller the appointment of notaricit public. This bill proVides that the Gov ernor . may appoint notaries public when, ever he my deem it tietasiary. Passed finally. Au act to provide ttn , additional iaw• judge of the Several courts in the Tenth district, at a, 'salary of $3,000, PosseA finally. . An 110i ' - relating to interest and allow• big parties to COntraet for the payment thereof.. This bill proposes that parties to any note, bond, pens, or .singlo bill, or other written obligation; may lawfully contract for the payment of any rate of interest not .exeeeding ten per cent, per anuum, provided that is all cases where no rate of interest is specified in such' obligation or contriot, tho rate of inter est-shall be six per cont. as heretofore. At half past nine, the hour of adjourn went having arrived, the committee rose and asked leave to sit again. The House refuied tq grant leave. Adjourned until to-morrow morning at ten o'clocit. Coal ItiorkeClO Plow York. New Yong, Feb. 26.—C0al continues to declinc., ; At thii regular trade sale by the Delaware, Lackawanna and" Western Railroad Company yesterday morning, 00_000 tone Were gold, showing a failing PM compared With January, of about $1 70 per ton on stove, and 80e on'citest• nut. Lump shows ts small improvement. The attendance was ,numerous, but the bidding ou the whole was slow. The leading dealers express the conviction that the prices have now touched bottom. 46 13arrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative" tooktlio first Premium over all competi tors at the New Hampshire State rgir, It stands confessedly without tirivalthrough out the country, and is driving all other preparations from the market.'--011/odei phle Putdic Lidger. • bob DIE D•. 11181.0Elt.—On the 23d of February, leanc fielder, aged 89 yeare, 3 months and 13 duye, The relatives att friends are respect • fully molted to titt nd the funeral, on Ft 1- day afternotin, at 2 o'clock, from hie late realdenoo, No. 33 South Second Street, without further notice. fob 25A2tdo FLICkIiNG.—In this olty, on the 24th inst., Oscar Illetning,' aged 20 yeari, 4 menthe and 7 davit'. The relatives and friends of the family, and the members of the RhinOld Baud, (11. Henry, Leader) of which deceased was a member, aro invited to attend his funer al, on Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from his late residence, No. 37 Reed Alloy. iforvices at. the house. Interment at, Charles Evans cemetery. fob 23-2tdi STAUFFER—On the 23d of liebruary, Willie, only eon of Joseph P. and Sarno J. Stauffer, dged 8 years, 7 months-and ö days. The rOlativon and friends are-tespeetful ly !milted to attend the funeral, on Satur- day afternoon, at St o'olock, froni the real donee of his grandfather, Asaph Bhenfel der, without further notice. (fob. p-301*- NEW ADVERTINEMENTRI MARSDORPS FRANKLIN MEET, ABOVE BE'VENTIL (\PEN EVERY EVENING ivlth et 11rst• kJ class compapy of talontocl artists. hire. woll benefit of Miss MAGGIE, CLAIR, March 4th . , fob 25-11d* Norton.—The woman who was seen tak ing my little dog from my house yestorday, about noon, is notified 4tint if the same is not returned within tWenty-fourhburs, due process of law will be,resorted to and the party exposed, its 3110 was seen on the cor ner of an and Washington %recce." 3 1 fob 20-ltd • L 31. ZERBY, NOTICIC.—Who undersigned have die., posed of Moir Local ICzpress btudnoss to Mr. Branson Van Mar, by whom it will luiroanor bo carried on. All orders for baggage to and front the de pots will bo loft at our °Moo, No. 33 South Bixtb street, ea heretofore, fob 24-340 IJOYEIt h EON. MiMM TonderB, his professional services-to the citizens of iteading Ot viva s No, 207 fiCtitTli bliTLl•sr, Can be consulted in the English and (lay man innguages, at all hours of the day or nOt'professionally absent, dee 23-omd&w• N'EW BOOKS I NEW" BOOKS l—Tho fol• lowing Books are offered for sale by RITTER gt CO., at the EAGLE BOOR STORE, 512 Penn target : Boons, 1 ' Palen. Newman on Faseination, ' • 50 Lito and Campaigns of McClellan, 80 Panorama of Professions and Trades, 66 Boas' BookkOpping, ' l• 50 Horace and May on nnoooscious In. Beene°, 50 Bandit's Bride, 75 Amaranth for Young PcOpio, ~ 80 Christmas Greeting, io Stories of Old Daniel, • 25 Book of the iludson—lrving, _ 24 Jonas' Stories, 25 Sermons for the people, 5) An argument for Christfanity, 60 Doparod Sister, 25 Exposition of Universalism,. ' 60 Small Books on Great Subjects, 50 Tupper's Poetical Works complete.• . 56 Letters to a Daughter, . 37 Proverbial Philosopi, • 87 Naomi,Doston two hundred years ago, 37 Deck anti Port, • • 75 Frommit's Explorations,, . 75 Course of Creation, 70 Course of Time—Pollock, • 65 Lifo of jisophina,. , 50 Pectieat Works of the Davidson Sisters, • 05 Ship and Show, ' • 475 Sketches and Legends Of the Rhine, 98 Combo's Constittltion of Man, 50 liydrophoby for the People, - 50 Living Author's of England, 37 Ireland Re i saw It, , . 1 53 Land and Lee • , , . 1 33 Winslow's Philosophy . 60 Lectures for the Fireside, , 43 The Silver Cup, & • 50 Bietnoira of a Hungarian Lady, , ` .at Fowler on Ilereditary Descent, 40 Debate on the Doctrine of Universal ' ' Salvation, , • 1.25 Scott's Poetical WOrks, ' •? 65 Life of John (piney Adams, ' . 67 Life of Genor !Taylor, - 81 Life of James R. Polk, ' 67 Life of General Putnam, . 69 Whitehead's Life of Wesley,, Life of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, 6 , ' Life of Gen. Marion, • Life of ?dorm ,!, - Lifeof Silas Wright,- ' - Life of Gen. Pierce, Lives of MadigOn'and Monroe,' Woof Gon. - Lafayette, , Illustrations ot the Parables; Defence of Phrenology, Mechanic's Assistant, Human Rights, - 1 in Family Pictures from time Bible, Rationale of Crinte, tO ' 1 Austin on the AttribliteS, 69 Young Husband, . a) Illustrated Life of Franklin tO Sohilter's Complete Works. 8.60 fob 22 • TT ACTS THUS IN ELLIOTT'S IT when nand far repairing' leaks in roofing. A thick tough akin on the.out- Bide, which restate thla option of atom, or ralii, while thti interior, being eoinPara tiv.ely sof!, and elaatte, adapts Heel( to, the etpantdon and eontrtetion of the' roof wilbont separatioti rtiCe $1 per PDX at the agents. st I,stE , Ier , THE , 'IMPQATANCE .:OF • • HI - AL, otko but, those d9Privcd 1404 $ 11 4 :1 know or its totia.s Istie t =ap ed, Watch ed and tetteresA caul Ooke upon a clear, smooth Mau b ► joaloOST, In. wer4ly,desites the same. Mhos* tizt• tams ate Oiled with th e Virus of B elles - u. LA, and other cutaneous Omit% cannot have good health: When flit blood is im• pure, dinette Is to follow, All have timely Wartslng lu those Pim ples` Blotches,' Tatters, Sores, ;Bons, Cop. por•colored Patchett, Scales, he. Arext the calamity by purifying the systbm with the tiabIARITANPS ROOT AND lINBIWUICBS, SAUARITANIS ROOT AND It Kit ItJUIcKs, SAMAItIyANIS ROUTAND HERO JVIONS, Before Scrofula takes a Arm kohl. • flow many have the Virus of Syphilis In the system, and , in , that 0011dItion con template marriage. knowing little of Ile banefni Intluunvo on the oonetitutiou. To such we say isTOr. • !first cleanse yOursell of those impurities ; of that scrofulous in fection, ( which In malty oases Is honed. itary In the oonstltutiouatinforo you briug misery .on youreell and otlikpring, Fttt9o $l,O per bottle. -a -' 8A MARISA PPB GIFT! Tug itIOAT CERTAIN 111:14ROT KViOl, (laiD. es! A Positive Curet Ito* &l Pi/tenses Arts/Pl9 from Yout Afttt In dlserctiim. Contents no M wral, no Balsam, no Mer cury. Only ten Kilo to be taken to effect a um, They aro entirely r,egetable, having o smell not any unpleasant taste, and will not tit any way intire Ole stomach or bow els Of the most t elleitte, Owes Irf from two to four tlays, and meant ease. 10 twen ty-four noun, bent by matt. rrice— Mate packages $l, Fetnalo Soltrby Harvey titren, Howling, I'4 and b$ Druggists.. ' • DlttilitOsD Co., Proprlcktra, deo2t vl, 915'llue etivet, • TO PHYSICIAXS. ' • N'an , one., August 15th, IRIL' Allow um to tnelt , your attention to uty PREPARATION, : .CIF COMPOUND ', EX- Tit ACT nueutf. Thu component parte aro, IlUClllf Los° Lags, CCHEM, JUNIPER BERRIES. t _ ~,' . MODS or P a xrAnAvios.--Buchu, in vaeuo. Juniper Berries by tiletillatien, to form 0, flu,ti gin. — Cubalt extraotod i by displace. meat by liqiihr oc tabled frbarJaolpor. Bor. flee, cositaliting yoty HUM Huger, at small proportiOu of spirit, Skad : Moro palatable Duni any now in Otto,.no gotivo proper ties aro by thte mode eXttete,tt. Buell% as preolltini liy Urtiggists gener ally, le of n dark color. It is a plant that moue its fragrance; MO abtion of a flame dentroys this (its active principle), leaving a dark anal glutitunie doeootiou, blind le the color of ingrodionts. Thn Iluelitt in my preparation prodoininates 1 the smallest tiuantity of the other Ingredients are ad ed, to pm vont formontation; upon Mimeo on, it will Ini -, found nott,o be a Tinc ture, as inado inPharmaeoptea, nor is it's Syrup—anal therefore can bo. used In cases whets fever or inflantinatien (Wats. 10 this you have the knoivledge , of the Mgr°. dionta and the trotalo of preparation. Hoptirg that you will favor , it with atrial, and that upon inspeetioa it Will meet 'with your approbation, With% fooling, of eon- Ildenco, • , ' • ' 1 I am, very riApeetfully, 1 H. T. LIELMBOLD. Chentist and Druggist of •16 , Years' Experience In Philadolphia,_ and lieW located at hisolirtig and Ullettl• • teal Warehouso, Sea Broadway, n New • York. . • . . [From the !argon itfanufacituring Chem late in Alio World.l I am acquaintod with Mr, H. T. Helm. bold ; ho, occupied' the Drug Htoro opo alto my residence and wit's successfulin conducting the brisinage where othote ad not been equally sO• before hint, 1 have b b m n favorably intpressed With his che. t / v • r and untorpt Is l e f;Ll AM W,Eltill Thl AN, Firm fir Pow Ors & lirolghtman,' Mann. ,' factoring Chelniste Ninth and Brown Stroots. Philadelphia.' Ilatunoi,o's Ervin ExTriger liticau, for weakness arising from indisorotion. The exhausted powerd of nature which aro ao. companied - by so many alarming twit*. tome, among which will be found, Indispo sition to Exertion Loss of Memory Wake. ,ulnose, Horror of 'Disease, or Forebodings of Ey 11, In foot, Universal Lessitudo, Preis. tration, and Inability to outer into the on joymonts of society. The Constitutitin, onoo 'affected with Or. gable Weakness, requires the aid of Metl lento to strengthen and invigorate the Svhtotn, which 11ELM1191,1013 , EXTRACT HUMID invariably does. If no treatment Is submitted to, ConsumptiOal or Insanity on 81108. IlstunoWs FtutD Ex.re,s,or Beene, In alleetions peculiar to Formal's, Is une qualled by auy other preparation, as in Chlorosia or Retention, nth/ fulness, or Suppression of Customary Bvaouatlons, Ulcerated or Sob Irrus State of the Uterus, tpul all complaints ineldent to the sox, whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence, or In the decilno or change of life. FLVID 11:71111A9T b o oty ARO Imraoven Rosa iVatill will ' radicall# ex terminate from the systont diseases arising from habits of dissipation, at little ex ponso, little oroo change In diet, no in convenience or exfciatiro ; cempletely an poilleding those i Pletipt ann datigorotth remedies, UopaiVit and oronry,inall these diseases. Usti iftstunot.D's FLUID krriteo'r Btfont In all diseases of the org whether. in mule or townie, from whatever cause on. glnuting, and no matter of how long stand ,ing. It is pleasant in testa and odor, "lio. mutilate ), in action; and mot° strengthon. big than any of tho preparations of Bark or Iron, Those suffering , from, bro)con-down or delicate constitutions, prouure the remedy at ice: e T m he rader must be aware that, however slight may ba the attaeic of the above diseases, It is certain to atiept . the bodily health and; mental powers. • All the above diseases require the aid of a Diuretic,. lIELBIBOLD , B EXTRACT BLWIIU Is the greatest Diuretic , . Sold by Druggists OverywheKe. Price 341.26 per bottle, or 6 bottles ter $6.150. Delivered to any address. Detibribe symp toms in all communicattone. Address 11, T. /lELMISOLD, Urn 'and Chemical-Warehouse, NI Broadway ! , sir NONE ABE GENUINE wrapper, DONE UP in strool-engraved wrapper, with fac-tlimile of my OlunntealWarebolibe, and signed dee a-Mood/LW] It. .11ICIA1BOLD. von BALL.—WiII be 'Bold at Private Salo. r tho Stook of J. 1101)08 BA11111:4 SHOP, with ntpurtonanoo9, at NQ. 266 Penn Wont, Rending. Bohl on nooonnt of going into other buotneeo: • [fob It d. Like the volcano, Bolls give issue to the foul and fiery contents of the deep inte rior, To remove the cause of such storey big It. is oitty necessary to Vitalize the Mood by supplying it With' Its Etc mentilltort, THE. PERUVIAN 81'11UP, i (a protected solution Of the, Protoxltle of Iron) will (10 this effectually, find lye strength, vigor and MU, ttfe to the W 010 system. Extrac€ of a teller, from 116 V. lllcuAn B. Eugs, of 11 otton, 'Maud "Nor years I was a Sufferer from Be is, so that my life became wearisome throe lt their frequent qucnt and persistent reel nonce; finally a carbuncle termed In tb O small of my -back. Duilng its progress largo pieces of decomposed flesh were every day or two cut away, and the pros tration and general disturbance, of the system were great. Before - had recoe. oared from this attack two smaller carbun cles broke mit higher up, and I was again threatened with a recurrence of the snf feriort to which I had so long boon sub. eetc . It was at this time 1 commenced taking the PERUVIAN SYRUP. 1 eontin4 uedtaking it until I. had used fi ve bottles # sine° then I have have had nothing of the kind, for years I was one orthe grobte4 bufferers. Other medicines gave Ina partial and temporary relief, but this remarkablq remedy, with a kind, of Intuitive sense, wont directly to the root of the evil, and did its work with a thoroughness worthy of its established,clutraeter.” A 32 page Pamphlet sent free. The genuljnohas, "PaauvlAx theavril blown in the glass. J. P. DINSIIIIIIB, Proprietor, No, 11 [ley street. New York Bold by druggists genonsily, IM in all its manifold formsinelµding Ulcers, Masers, Suphi/Is t Na/4 nhellim,._l7onsumpttess, ato., 113 Da. ANntast loninn WATER, a pure solution of lodine withont a solvent dls covered after many years o(,sclentleo r. escaroh: and 'exDoritnent. For eradicating humors from the system it' has no equal. Oiroulare sent tree, , J. t. ' 86 DO a 13 4flet; New York. gout ley all Drafigiatto.. ' c.4wdrovi . , ATOTE PAPP3 FQR " MLA at toe sAati oniee, BOlLfi. The best, known ?comely for acimitura, VI9! ==t2:l t;tl • i :1 1• VA.UL SO AP, 4 . ilfit g lAU.A r R rieL v ic . lgit 41 M r , 1111 •4 ' I Mr 4 1461. ICE P 7 IV). PRE ORHAT AMERICAN. OAP COMPANY bar 0T:1 1 a ittlHaihkE the ilial. of Read Jai l I 4 tr. , ttt 'Rim int,t cu arly ral 'OO4 itouteaeaborsl at Ott are anutacturlns .1(.4 introduoind a Soap miperlor to II pthery 1;4 the 1 1 1 lui:11:101 4 PIM, Wood-work, Ear bill D—ror CieaaWr 'fetid Polishing at the same I ma) Metal* of all descriptions, tioutelteepl;eart at ow:mast tbe great &dean tape of tata, it t kanthely anatgassartto kaep as haiketor i tt ro,t,tni, Yowler.; Weak Dust , Hand. A ts, v.. ko. . HIR, lot a Palm or Path Soap. ceraclallet whore Um* are Arty IMpuritt or /Win upon thi band i s t sue as Paiet4 °Mite Br at* kind, nil:4as bands 0.,/to. ETU and last—Jet th e thousand and one other purposes for watch soap is, in constant use , and witch .it' is impassible to eautnersto at this time. OtltetritOXlS !Olt IMINO estate PHIL BOA? _ for each and purple above planeload. Ts be used In e awn, tOttb ear as any other 800 stlth this exoeptioq, %silt on 1 requites °NH-THIRD the amount of - Our Mar to OttOolatipe the NM. r suits as others, ova ONS-THIR of the Ti and and 1.A.110/IsAVIC wAtim 4 to, ,ett li f Anon in Poulin, to try ilkiilllS , PHARL SOAP.. 1181VARN OP AWL. IMITATIONS: ilantifiteivrid Xxiluriasly by aa Great knerio Soap (b., 103 Ara Strest, PAauldpAia, II A II II 18 & 0 0 . , Proprietors. andNlltykattat.uka a ia.tostit*. riot of Filth 'a r eelaiutten tttrettte, Bole Age te for Beading. MANTS WANTND IN NVENY try A COUN ' TY IN TIIN UN ITND STATLS. The Soap le norrofferedltO the rublte at the fol lowing Stores a Btauffer A Shenfelder, Yocum A llouaum. A. Pottelger. Ilethr A Yrout, 3. &B. Barton ••'. .O. *toter, Darer A Boone, . • ~ D. Icathorn, D Keiser, . linnershlts A d ubs, .1,. Dundore, 1 ' Q. lieffelfloger, A. warts, , . - P. haeffer, i. Thomas, • . pi (hod; at Co.. . effeb. A Bra.. PC eyr A Sun , J. Iliblebeltol, . . oier, W. 13 lieu tott. ,- , A lA% ' • L. Dehart. J. il l lftte t W. Boyer, Ott 6 Boater. 0ct.17-17 -, .' ws trooL iNr) , c SINGING- 'HOOKS AT TON , EAGLE nog STOREII No, 351 Neon Ntreol, Cap be b► 4 HAPPY VOICES,: HAPPY MORS, TOE NEW GOMM CHAIN. THE NEW GOLDEN CHAIN. THE SABBATH SCHOOL BELL, THE 84BBATH SCHOOL ligLL, Together with variety Of ether Staging Book ormisoots. kn. marl If AIIBI VA sTwes Tr 4 ' . 1 AND DEPAATIIIIM 'or Atia mh.iLe.,. IIEAMSTOWN MAILANDSTAGE LINE Extended to Union Station%-Lenreis Reading at Ba. in„„tri-weeklY, Tuestl,y."lhnreday and Satur day- Rattans sat. dlys an arrives at 7p. tn. • It . servet_the following as VI Popt,ollioesz Oman, 9otiglerviVillc A &Md.:swo t Sohwarts. villa 'teamstes _ iIOY EDT° N MAIL AND _ STAGE LINE Leaves Boyer own at 6 o'clock; 6; m. Arrive. at Reading at I ,o'cio6k, a. tn. Returpin i g, loaves i Reading at 2% pr{ W. ' Arrive. at Uoyertown at 7 p. in. It Imre. Fitonereville, Brumeeldrillo. Ureshville, Yellow ilouse;, Entwine and Boyers toren. , - - --- __' BERNVILLR MAIL AND STAGE LINE Leaven *Bethel at 3 o'clock, a;•ta. wives at Reading at 10 o'clock, a. zu. lieturnkag, leave. Reading at 2 o'clock, p• tu. orrlca st Illiersburn sl9 p: m. „It serves LeinLicb.. °was Bern, Bern- Willa. ' Rehrersburg. Etd, tal , tiltrelteocon and Heider. MIN.; BLU BALL MAIL 4ND STAGE LINE Leave. Raiding on Mondit) , ..W.4ntidaY and Pri. lay at 8 o ell, tl t in. Aettirnipg i , ;leaves Blue Ball on ,Tttesi ay, , hureday anti Fsmrlyday, st riving at Read ply a tlii o'Mock, p. re,. _it sttirp i lles Mohn's Store Knauer a, ~Botrznassrille, udy creek, 'forra. Bt. Weztiv 4 1114ABlue all. P.QU MAIL( BB A INE 1 Leave. Bea in 'On Midi , a Reading and Friday at 7 o'clqc , a. in.. Aerrlvea at Reading ott Tuesday. Thu ,et i v 4 0 11914 Y. at 6 o'clock, l 1. in. it suimliet t. epP; eokmarille. Joanna urnace.Moripiato O. ibotvillei Honey Brook. , authrldge sod smith I °Vista. bOBACRSVILLE BTA ' AND MAIL LINE Leaves „Lobaibiellie on avidity, Tieunds,y and tur i day At tel o clock, I, M. ArgYo6 Att, Reading at i ci lll o clock; A. 111. Rittlil i nie. eaves Reading at 2jo'clock, p. m. • 4 roe M Lobactsvllle at b ooak. p. in. lets r i gg, Isace,Cloy and Lobacht rille. , • ' ' ' ,:_- 5 ( REABI '4l TO'COL MOTA many by 41400—Leaves eliding - at 6p. m. Arrives at 10:30cm, Supplier rown_,Reinhold. Station,' Eiterebri Metals.' wat this. Man b'eloz,Silng II D, ndievil nei ifverSprlogr. `DNIESTER TO BIRD BGEO Tri-we __y by Stage—Leare. Wastchester on Monday. wo - dnesdirand Friday at 7 a. m. Ar ri*ei at Birdsboro al 7_p. , en, Rettiting, leaver Birdsboro on Tuesday. Tburoday au fistsuls7 at 7 e}.m. Su_pplies Geiger...ld ille.Blu. ook,Loig'.. Wallace, Uwohlartd, Lionrilite and West Wlille land. . , , ~ }WADING TO OtOBESON Semi-weekly by Stage—Lsaves Reading on Tues. day and SaturdaY at 7:30 a. ie. and arrive:lst Read ing at 11 a. ga . /t l / ) iikbikfil9 iloEit , Semi-weekly y State—Leaves Reading Titois m', and SLlturdsaiat 1 ;30a sa. Arrive, a t K o k& kup at 9130 a. ub u p toe Adder ' i Tavern. Lower eldelberth Nor lieldelbsts, Krick's - Mille and ost. bIiRiIPORT TO NOR& Tri-weekly by Rtae—leares Leesport Tuesday. Thursday and Satgralay at 1g e. Arrives at Loco port at 3 D. m. Supplies South Evanevilla and Kolltewn. °Prlitt TO pig/N,SVII4LE ' Tr,- wo o -11 i ase7 sum Cultown Tuesday, nut's& is a Batavia?. a5,...9 a. m. Al:rives at Cos s:4a at, p. In, SuPPligt AirkaYeille. Moielem and Virgins / Va t fATOL I TIeI RE ( ERSII It 0 VAG i Tri.rieek )1 by Stale-- eaves Re rersbairg Tues. day. Thursday and Saturday atil a. os. Arrives an Rebrenburg ate p. in. Ouppl les Wlsurdritio 444 Uoit.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers