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' 't ' ISMPlitt, ' , i+ ;'. 1'• *i. .• '.•,, . • • i 1.4 ' ..Cf x . 1, l't''''''''''' 0, .%; .„ Z -,` ~ r.i .. . :••• - - •-', - .. ' "' .. -'1 ,; .'' ' "•; 1 tt'i.: .'' ' P t .134-1-- i•. —. .. ' i:. ' • If Cr l t 4ta eo si .- ;:iii ~ .• .! .44'. `V P. i it 4IP 4 „;, , i , , eld , liA l .l•,t '‘ .;:".. ,2 4: , ,11,4 i. , f,4, i •-• -Itiv, ~ , •‘ , •,” ~,. _,..; , ,t i f Y . "., • ,... 1 ,„,,... ; >,..-' ,.. 1 7:,1;•:5-,0- ‘';, , :ft.,••i:' , .' • ,-'• 1,;,,,,,.. - 21,: .1 „., . 1 '..-, ~ 4 . n. :s ', 7 . 1. i ' 4 , - , 1 1 :4 ,„ :!, , ' f : . -. J *.•4 :' i 'i * .‘ ' i t l ' • l ' ' ` ;. _ l‘ ' ' r';' ; . ' ".4'.''' . •I , ' ' . ..• ' , "- '' s "Ve.,l ' a 44 . , ,:::, '-„- • . - 1. ---- ; ' '." ''' •." '' 4 c'' ' 'Aswegior:' ''''''' _ 4 : '' ' :4'' '..),, ..*'‘, ''' -,., : -•;'..- •' ; ' f ' .. • '. ' ' ' '' . ' 4'- • O . P ,-A .TO If•' - - • /1 1 , ': . r. r',, , _. -.- k...1,--.. . ... .. . ~!.. „, r ..,, to,:,- ! ,r„) 1 ~ , i ,, . • ..., , , .: ). . . . . . _ .. , t , s , e. 4 <, 71 , A . , ' I,'" 4. t • ' •' N 1 •K , Al. A) ' 1 ;. 4 • a f,. 41C 0 . • . . . , .. ' . s . ‘4IK-44:: .1-4:---- , -4---- -. •-' 1161"---. . --- -I ►k,, 1 VOL 11.-NO. 23. TIM READING DAILY EAGLE Is roam's.° nALF,,x zor RITTER &. C 0, ,, AT No. 542 *PENN STREET. - ADITATISEMENTS INSERTED AT REA SONABLE RATES. JOE 11•1 PRINTING. The Proprietors of the Daily Eiglo and Weekly Gazette . ARI 3 ?ItEPAIII4D TO DO ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK PROMPTLY, NEATLY AND AT FAIR PRICES! Having amplo facilities and good workmou troy aro ouableCto oxo- outo ovory varioty of prititing do- _kiirod by HEROHANTS,-MECHANICS, - AND BUSINESS MEN, MUM AB Books, Pamphlets, Oataliipea, Posters, Handbills, Programmes; 01m:tutors, Legit Blanks , Notes, Ramapb, OM-Heads, LOW-Heads, , Sill Oards, Bills of rare, Wedding Osids, Business Cards, &0., Wo aro oonfident that all work entrusted W u 4 will bo done antis lactorily to thOodstomoi both as to style and price. Owe personal and political friends , aro reminded that they can mate- rialty _aid Us, without any disad rantnge to themselves, liy giving us their patronage in this line. Orclora by oxproas or mail wil he promptly,oxeoutod. .Aklross RITTER 86 CO. DAILY BAOLB 44101 D. GAZETTE OFFICE 442 Penn Street, Resdhigl'.4. units,tm. ~~t~•~ : 4 • • , - fs_== ;A: A , a" t,.‘ 41 V. F I~ . _...... _.............._. _...... •1 ..:,,.,‘...,,2;.e..„_,..„;:..,;,,,,...e .V STEP • LApIYERS, i .~ • it • • ALL I VA RR,Iqgp' • NIQKNIGHTS t HARDWARE STORE THIRD AND PENN MS. 60g10 ENGINE Bothmi, FOR SALE. , IMPORTANT TO MACHINISTS MANUFACTURERS. ME Lables, R wLt' - _ The undersigned offer for sale, at rea sonable rates, ONE rt O n IL uo NN s G POWER •OP Okik EIGHT-lIORSE TUBULA.It UP • RIGHT BOILEIR. Apply at the Almon (Mg% or apron t t).• , s. • ••• .11 . - RITTER & CO.,'. EEO ME . ; .1., =I I WRINGERS, MB ~ i i! ~ l HAT EMill V 1 . 4 ' AND laik/ ' 1 OEM • ; : MEESE ! g rc!il. THF GOOD THAT , tAcKs ASSIS jtyip,j,N i qy.,yA.,; .. ,p)XEsDAY2 PIIII4‘..AND OCAOINktiAILROAD WINTER .41fl NG=ENT T , (1 1 11: 1 : 1 1 1.1 1SitENGEtt DEOMIunt Vern, IEB. tßith'S 'DOWN TO PUILADEL. PUI 1, passing "leading, at id.:ll and 'ma 1.•.1 and 6.83 P. M. UP TO eorkiviLLN, at 19.20 A. N., and 15.60 and 6.00 P. la.. TRAINS %YLST TO LEBANON it, HARRIS s ' 7 DURO. Western Express from, New-York, at 1.05 'A. 51 . , arid i. 50 P; M. and 10.19 P. W. . Harrisburg Accomtnodation Train fit 7.15 A. M: and Mail Trains at 10.45 A. M., and 0.05 P., .2d. , • _ OoSuday, the down trains pass Road. lag at 9.40 A. M. and 4.25 P. XI,. and up tratiVS it 10.50 A. Al„ anti 5.571'. Ai., Tho 4.25 P. AL down, and 1e.50 A. M. up trains. • run only between Philadelphia and Read ing. Up trains Itve PhiladolpilL9. for Reading. i Harrisbuirg nd Pottsvillo at 7.30 ainl 8.15 A. 51:;12.130 Loon, and 3.30 P. Id., and at 4.45 P. 51. forged ing only. The 8.15 A. itl. train connects' wt h trains for Tamaqua, Wit -1 famsnorti !mini, Buffalo, Niagara and Canada. • • • The 8.15 A. 1., and 3.30 P. M. up trains from pnilatielphla, and 1.0.12 A. Id., an d 4.20 l' AL down trains. stop only at principal k•ta- Hone bolo* Reading. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 7.80 A. 51., returning from Phil adelphia at 4.45 P. M. Thu PottstoWn A cum:amnion train leaves Pottstown at 645 A.M. Returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.03 P. M. TholVestern Express trains connect at Harrisburg with Express trains on the Pone. ylvania Railroad fel Rail imore-,Pitts burgh, and all points Wes t;and the 10.45 Mail train , connects at Harrisburg tor Pitts burgh, Lancaster,Ohambilraburg, Sunbury, Scranton Pittston, Wilkeabarre, Williams port, Look Haven, Elmira and tho Calla- Passenger trains leave Upper Depot for Ephrata, MHz, Columbia and Lancaster at 7,00 A. M. and 0.15 P. .11. ,1 r , • Through hlrBt-Class Chapati Tickets and Emigrants' tickets at reduced Pares, to all the prinolpal points la the North,West und. the Cauadas. COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 26 Convoys, at 25 Ter cent. dis count, between any points desired., MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for 2000 miles, between all points, at, $52 cO--for fatnilios and busineS firms. SEASON TICKETS, J • Good for the holder only, foy3, 0, 9 and 12 months, between all points,! at reduced Pares. School Season Tickets oae-third less than the above. Ac? Passengers will trains West at the UPI' other trains at the! DEi .100 pounds Baggage gor. Passengers are mini their tic.cots before en higher fares are oharg 811,13. Exeutiston Ticket!, go 7.:.4t1 A, 31. ACCOlmilOiln Well) hitt, anti rutura, at May 23] General READINO 4 (OI.UM 1 tttl MEM as folloWe Loitva Wailing at ; Arrive at Lanaaster at, ei Columbia at 4 , 46 Lanoo.sterat 11W;t1n=a RETURN' Leave Lanetuiter Cele # (101umbla Lanausger at Arrivo at Reading " • at !Loading at, • Trains Nos. 2 and 4ma lion at Reading with tr South, on the Philadolp Railroad, and Woat on th Rod. No. 2 also makes with train for Now York. Tickets can he bideln o (l the New Jersey Central city street, New york,,asal In 4. it, Thirteonth and . Throngh Tickets ,to Now adolphia, sold at all the and baggage checked thro Trains aro run by Ph ilado ing Railroad time, which Oster than Pennsylvania 1 PEOR 43s E. F. lERullvi, GUI. Yfi, 84 feb ,18-1 to K RYDER & CO: Manufaotur,pis , • DR. SVE Oelebrated Tanip Importer o WINES AND LIQUORS, • Also Solo Agouti for liAlL4'B UNCIVALLIT RYA ArnisKlEs. No, 121 north BVoet,' PHILADELPHIA. Pet dale at the Eagle Books Coro. BOOTS. AND 'SHOES FOR TIIE PEOPLE. TUE BEST Alp CIIEAPEST REINHOLD & SOHOENR No. 41 Nottu.sixth, Street, .•• • ANADING,.PA. _ • T,i,. SUBSCRIBERS lIAV.E JUST gsTAß fielod a first-class Boot and Shoo-making establis'Ament and store at the above stated plaCe, where they are able to accommodato customers with t he . best aytiolea in their line of basilisk', and at lower prices than at auy other plaeoln thareity. The following 114 of vices proves all wo say: Lion's calf hoots, At 00 and upwards lan's kip boots, 6 06 , on's working shoes, 160 en's Frenetic:4f Congrexe gal t 4 ra,box to es.S9O Mateo calf °ingress gaiters, 2 Z Men'scalf lialluorals. 2 oo ' Aron's kiPTahnorals, 180 rya' calf Mataorale. , • 180 . . oys' kip - Almorals, , 1 Zi oaths' kip lialmoralg t l ' • . 100 in Woon p 's loquil high olisli, . . 275 Women 'a wagresl4:%,ltera t t 75 to 250 Women's litatU4 iitoga.ll4ll • , 190 Women's orceeo atnierats. - 200 Women , * broooo's des, . - ' . ; ; f . lal r Wornon'a idellpp 0r5,65 Mil listing Vollith, • a ' 145 lent a:I/alters (to m •15 ate. to 75 yout 1 and'hoys shoes troip 30 eta. tOn MAD. a IaNO Sopk of notions, on .han d and for salt. , , • ~ - The above • ilitoos are tower tfian , at' any latkOtotin4t,o l9 toe of business ja the city. . ~.80PAABIlfil. - - ' . \ ~ ••• . . Particular attention Is paid to all kinds of repairing. . . , - , • ,', , ‘ i , RIIINUOLD tt'SOII I INPR - N 4. 41 1461-ITII SIXTH STUEET, ivyals.) ; 321161 . 4triii da.wriffitton 01 Jni2 h m e ate tUaniAtitif 4 4 612 Patin ktriAl•;' ' • EAST' RAILROAD. AundixotatesT_ orb pAssEriquit tftta - Ne, • commencitig ilfond3 4 ' ; Dec B c77o . 1 711 - 14.1 - ' 46uvawie.a'via • b •lteaCtlog fr*: A. M., aritvoa A.llentowlll New York 8.00, P. M. • . 5 •.• ", No. 7 Past Mail, loaves [Comport at 4.20 r. tirrlVes at 4110ritoivii AS. Lat. NowTork P, M. • ' . gm. 54,07, ruri'daily, - exoqlA l 3notlo3", atopping at .all, Way Sla t looa laotsroon Ituatllog atid Now York. ' Leave Reading at 44 It .- -- 0 • Lett A. M. Arrive tit No'w York at'll.ooA. AL 14 • r 12.15 0 0 a 7 . 00 N . 6.11$ A. N. _ _ Thom trains run through from I'ltta4 burgh to NOw..l:orls, without change of eartgl■btoppltur only at Lyons,. Allentown, Betliloliont, Easton Jilllaloll,, Clinton Wilitn Hauge, Somerville. Bound Brook: Piaintioul and EllsabOth. The !Lit A. M. train . runs daily except Soridays and 14012dar• The ,*.28 P. 111. treble. rim daily except Sunday o. Thu 7.31 A. DI. and I.to A. M. trains) run daily., Wes honed trains, leave Now York, at, the foam Liborty street, as follows: • 14at'9 Now York. Amite at Reading. 32.00 M. Mail No. 0, 6.00 P. 11: Q.OO A, 41: Express 'Crain, ' IE6O r. M. 6.1 u:. Express Train, ' 10,19 P. M. 8.,:1) P. M. Ex pres,'m iu, 1 , 00 I,y. M. 11401 Train lonvin Allentown,aP7.2o, A. M,', stops at ell ay' O•tationS, arriving at Reading at 0.10, A. M., running natty except Sunder. • • The 12 141.4 rain from Now "York, slept at ail Stations between Now York and iteading, leaving Allentown at 4.8 r, P . . M., arriving at iteading at 6.00, P, Dl , run. Wog daily exile it Sundays. 'rho 8.00 P. M. -train from Now York, rites daily stopping at Elizabeth., -Plain field, Sommerville, Junction, Easton , and Bethlehem. lirrivingnt Allentown at /1.13, I'. KM ., _passing Lyons at 12.29,A. M., arriv ing at Beading at I.LO A. M. Passengers are requested del purchase tickets before entering the cars, a. 24 tits extra Will be charged and collected on the train from all whO pay the !are to the Conductor. • COMMUTATION TICKETS, ' Want for Twenty.six'il'rips, 'at :der cent. Discount between any points desired. ), MILEAGE TICKET BOOKS for,looo miles, good butwoon all points on this or tho Philadelphia 41, Reading R. n. or lho Rending a Columbia R. R., at $52.tr,6 cash for. families antVilrnis. . • - BEASON TICKETS, good for, thu holdoi• only, for throO, six, ;lino and twelvo months, at rocluood rates. P. M. ERMENTROCT. lionoral Ticket .arront. alto the Express Ii DEPOT, and all A/IVER or OLD owed etteh passen- Btotl to purelinGe ring the . 4nr3, as if paid' tho • , 10...:3!4)...... .„„. fiL% lki‘l.R I* ~. Afk o i Nsil 41l e &:?:*- t - 0 4 BARRETT'S. .% ~+ % ‘ 4- • ', 1:4 .z. VogotablO . V' • , 4 • FIAIR REBTORATIvE : r MS fl•chtc,l by , the Ti. H. 61'sfe Fair i 'fit and Is now conceded h,y liif , public to bo 1. il ii.4.:cr Ilea Prcparallen fur notating f t t , Gra/ or faded Hair In Its origitittl Wort • i 1 1 i ...? pi omoiloy ha 13 rowlb, eradicating Hu. ~....... , . - Mors anti DandnoT, and for nrcialnis .....,.,g I A, And litmullt) Jag. tho Hair. His lace tt.4 •,. Nut polsonotit drugs, dons Innl 6I ZZ) t , ~,, slain Ilto tlatid hank. and 4:1;, , , ': t ~ t i e ". i _coves Iho &nip chaAn, Np.„, '" tint Hair Wen, and Ay • I A i. . '',( l). obobsr. t l*:. • 1 1. % % .&`' ‘ - 41141 14 R .1% 111 • . ' .:;..' s ' , 0 • ..• . • •• • J, R. BARRETT & CO., eroprlators, Itailicur.STEß, N. 12, d for ono day, b on Train to Mil :2 6b each. I. A. NICOLL% liporintondent. --- --- Ili liAlbitQAD, a and aft or Thurs day, Nov. 24ith, I run on this road 7.0 0 A. M. 5.15 2 1 . M. 0.15 A. M. 9.25 A. b.. 8.25 P.SI. 8.50 I'. M. • bin, at 8.00 A, 11l 3.20 P. 0.20 A, M. .40 P. Itti. - 0 ON r.onnee• A 'nn ic rat and la end tondina Lobano k Valley lose connection Watt try all Druggists and Doniers to Piton( Itledirines. IL BIROII & BRO., ut tho of of h., foot of Lib fr. Read- Callowhlll bts., York and Phil noipal btat long gh. 'lphia and Road. la ton minntos . R. Vino.. . E F. t4AtiE, perintentlent. l'icket Agent. GREAT FURNITURE DEPOT, & FELIX; Waroroom, oorner Fifth • and Washing' top streets, MANUFACTORY, 'WASHINGTON ST. BEI rb Bittore, • BELOW FIFfelL • ff WHOLESALE AND ammL, 'l l /113 UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY Diva° public attention to their splendid stwk o tlrst-class furniture non. and constant ly on howl, . and /undo to ordor to suit customers. Among other articles, espeolel attention is in v their unsurpassed , EXTENSION TABLES, aug 24. OF THE , LATEST_ STTLES, and every other artioiO in their line of bull. t • nws. Every article is manufactured by themselves, in their admirably arranged 11111pnufaotory. with this most'perleet mnehintry;, and skill ful mechanics, and finished in nn tinsitrpass ed manner. , Aleo prepared to exeouto all orders for CARVING, • TURNIN6, • • SAWING, and MOULDINGS. All °rare prof:4oly executed, and warrant ed t giro satiafaotton. ar. 10- BANKttio #opsp.. BU'HONG & BRO BA - NAcrags, Dealers Iu • " U. S. BONDS & STOCKS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS. DRAvrAis, . ON NISV YORK ANDI 3 IIILADEI.V.IIIA. likl.noat, Data On all DopoAte, Open at,9 a. tn. ,Clase•;.s4 3p. m DIJSIIONG, 13110TriEll, ' • TOTIOE.—Therc will boa n3ectlng of 111 WIN FOItrONNIIUXGDINGI • ARO SA VING ASSOUIATION, at the store of the Trecsurer,, No. 28 North ,Flfth street, on FRIDAY EVSNIIiia, February Stoth;at O'clock proolsoly t ' , FOR Tillsl SALE OF lONEY. , • • d. • •VIIY APEIV •• lilt giS 'at ,01 ota • otwepa. ocrs, on tywd , St „Oleo; wh,lob 1411 Vsout otit,,,w. t„ 4 clorrxr, Vits -4 €o, pntTalior,a, Ltf . inolts VI and btatlortory OVOry tali; at the Zior,t,Botor.tlress ? Nck. 644 renn ittroet. febjilploog " • 'I *cid wnottitii ! RESISTANCE.” AiTT.PMON,' FEl4tilA4Vl'2:4;:jso. EXI*EBB 'rgA Dr. A. IT. LrGLIT, W. J. Tr4ERWEORTER, , ' 1 .91.1.U.A.M WELLS; Agouti, Reading, Pa. may 51y DRESSING BUREAUS, DINING ROOM CHAIRS, CENTRE AND OTHER TABLES, tab. ta 4: ad] • novox Wirmortike.vs4oT Art ' • ilo.Hu4inOtio The goal was reached ; we wore at law up the almost{ interMinable bilk and ; in . the precyteta *4 MO, pulace;yerd. Nor; I can Astute you, were'lre torty for it, , On our right, as we catered, lay a vast pile of buildings;`brilliantly lighted., up; before us, a dark wall'aud another arek.! way, leading to the abiding-places of tho Zenana ; and on the left, long tor races, ascended by broad steps and 607 tered . from the iirtht•eir 11, brilliantly colored "shetaiaaalls" of. bright hues. At the foot of - these steps our elephants' were halted hnd made to kneel down-- 'every oho descending to the ground, and following the Maharaja, who, 'preceded by his great officers of state, mounted to. the Seat of royalty—a "musned" set for his reception. At this point a more cordial mei''. 541.4. M. 7.81 A.. 74. 2.28 A. 74, tionivas mado us. His maiesty shook hat de with all, motioned us to , take chairs which were brought out for our use si and then goo' the signal for,,, the procession to movo bn, Instantly, with beat'of, drums and sound f ottrticapete, rode in a stream of horstimen, soma at tired in only a bad imitation a the Brit* ish cavalry dress, looking cramped up and very ill at ease, but the greater number hi loose-fitting Oriental gar. ments wild-e,yed raglans, • Apodla, Affghans, and t 11 gaunt Teshismels from many a ion day's march beyond the Khyber. Aft . them matched peat t., infantry,nmatehlockmen ; and guns,' ttn til, finally, . the: glittering armor of the bodyguard, - flashing back the torch ; light blaze of fire from their helmets, and preceded by a crash . of diseOrdant music ; announced the approachic,oi the, bridegroont l ihe heir to' the • thfone of Cashmere. Borne aloft' in an open palanquin of elaborate design, inlaid wtth silver, the boy, although only thir• teen, seemed thoroughly .to reEdizo tho pageant giVin in his honor; and, as he Passed in front, of Axe Maharaja, gray* inclined Ms head before his sovereign and father. He was simply. dressed. iu white and gold, the heron•pluine being fastened by a magnificent aigrette of piecious atones to the folds of his volu- milieus turban; but the most curious part - of his cosfinne consisted of a veil' of pearls descending almost to the chin, commencing with some of priceless size, and gradually tapered off with, a fringe of the smallest aced peals -- a ,veil, in deed, worth a' king's ransom.. This ap peered to be indispensable part of royal nuptial attire and de ripe). at the Cashmerian cotirt. The little prineejoon 'after appeared on the terrace, 'and grave. 1 seated himself before the Maharaja, ar• riving justip Limo to see his bride, or rather his bride's palanquin, pass in re view through the courtyard and enter the Zenana, there to remain until the final ceremony should take place some years later, when he would publicly claim her hattd, and lead her in regal state to his own ' abode. Surrounded by women,, closely veiled in the long white sari, the juvenile bride—eight years, they told us, was her age—must, I shrewdly suspect, have been tirckout ri9 asleep; notothat ,it was possible to e , n guess at , her movements, for the e) se silver Malec. work of her litter wil evidently eon strutted with the intent on of disappoint ing prying eyes and see ' ring erfeet iso• lotion, as well, I thougl t n't 0 e time, is perfect darkness and exlremo beat I i, More warriors, more: elepini ta, more foeworks, more firing of cannb ensued, and tbon it was graci7sly ins mat d to us, greatly to our 'sati faetion,i tha his highness{ had prepar9d a dinner fo the Irish .raja and his copaniens, tow ich permission was givdiNg to proceed fa th• with.—Patnam's Magazine. AMAMI WARD, being present at a ehration and exhibition, was callild ap for a speech, when be replied in a "toa to the phair ses:!' „ • "Ladies," sez I, turnin to the butifu femails hooso presents was perphumi the fair ground, "I hop.nyen,,,aro enjoyin yourselves on thitioccasion, and that lem• Innidand water`,of whiCh yoli aiddrinhin li may not go pgiti t you., May you tillers be fair , as the' sun, - bright as 'the moon, and butiful as an army with Union flags—also plenty of good close to ware, • ,\. ' "To Sure sex—commoytly caed the phair sex, we are indebted tu_ b ruing:sr, ii l as well as many other bldssings i those lo'grOWnes of sorra. Stun poly- pirifed, fools blaim yore seX for the, difficulty in the gardin, but 'I gov no doivt bia,Adam would }Min rigged a - c4dir presi,andlikt3 as not wept into a hjg bust ant4lri yen oaf unaware. Yore first Imirther was alai.; and nil her dawters ditto; and imhe but a loan cuss will,saya word agia yu,, . lio• pin that no wiiiVe of , trouble will roll ' '' flit 'ali la 4 ltoneltide across yoqr 'pctqte , , , , these iremarks with the follerin centy moot: • ', "Womart:—shn'are a good egg." -' Smog. the reported' death ' of Mica Rausch, of Burlington , Wisconsin, Dr, framer, of Miltrauhee, has 'written to the effect that she still reeminsin a trance state. It ia,notiv ,thirty 'llays,`and there Is no perCeitilde trace or_decotnpositiott, for right iar_iedden& ,for hours .at nn'iroti ono - oec sign assumed and tetained the -color au- entire day, Her Mimi' it ;11 s#l 01* 00:ifs Whh tti viiir to rtitiscitatiwz,-;").v J. O. THOMAS, 800 rotary tom. = MINIMI =I . graaaitro of tlae similarity or uhmoi et; spree of the New England toWne f Park' Tild e tells the renewing story of a stranger who was coming up the cent• neetient river, and was trying his best to sloop; but every uoiv and Alen the iniat wonldisrop arida tartn. - wtuld ,thrust . his head littlish() room. First he sung out "Haddam 1" and then "East Ileddarn I" end then "Haddam' Neck !" :Ind 'then "North Haddam!" and . then .Atlrcat Haddam I" "Little ..llntftlainr• "Old Ilad ‘ daral" "New Haddam!" "lash Haddam I" "Dutch Haddam!" "Had dam-Haddani!" and then' the 'stranger jumped out.or bal, all,ezeiq, tun! says: 4 41'.:it meek and lowly. ChriNtiail, but titeso Haddams; 1 %,•1411 . the devil had-'Cm I say!" DE:STRVOTIoN OP. ViiiE PAW. —4l new invention, it is said,. of M. Deluunier, of Paris, for destroy.ing tire•datup'in mines, has been lately laid before the Academy of Sciences. It consist& of.n copper con-' doctor, hroken , aG intervals', but. joked by very / fine LA wire soldered Ito tho cop. per ; the gold wio being itaroutiiied flour of' sulphur, Which . ignif es easily. By passing strong currents of electricity through the copper 'wire, the gold wire beeolues red .hot, 'and thus ignites the sulphur, Which burns any noxious gases that way be•prosent. It will, of course, be understood that the eleotrie current is made to pass- throngh..,lhe apparhttu) fore the descent of the in4101:3 1111(:) The Aninos. tYoi~ataix . answer to au in. quirt' as to the cause and cure of worms in pigs, a correspondent of tho Maine 'Farmer 40 "If the Inter, will take i the 'pains to give his pigs ahatidini 61: good rock-salt at least twice a week in their food until kitting time, think pigs will thrive; providing he give's them enough to eat. ' The eause'of rigs having atoms is, [think, the went of the pro ventive—salt. Pigs hardly over got any salt except what they get in the slops froM the kitchen."; THERE wait' remarkable ebb and flow of the tide fn Belfast Eferbor, Maine, re cently,. Rods seldom !or never before seen, showed their [heads -above water: A bnsinoss firm took advantage of the oceaSion v t i o blind ono that interfered with operation it near their r-Aaron . Jones; 69 pugilist, died pit ,eavonworth, Indiana, on tha 16th Init. —A new county in Nebraska has been lamed alter Vico Prositl9o Colfax. - —A 'reception* for' Prosidout Johnson s boing•nrranged "at Nashville, Tenn —A ivomabood 105, died near Tarry. own, N..Y,, on 4unday. • i• —A.' Achim, toitneaaure n lady's foot has bee invented by a. Cincinnati shoe maker-, . .. ,--;-Senater Saulsbury fell from his ear i rinse, ill WashingtoniSuipay ) nod broke his lee --" lit d Dog': paragraphs abound in tho news upers in various parts of the country. \. —Two acres will he planted in cotton his year in IdiddlO Tonne Pace for one ast year, days the I►ltomphis Sun. • -131iss and Masterman, the two Americana imprisoned by Lppez in Para. guay, kayo arrived in New York. - widow lives-in Kentucky, nud has sont'applications to Washington for tho remains of , that officer. -3.temphis needs a new•jail t -,but can't trust its officials to 'collect money for that purpose, 11righam Young ,S; Co., are hard•at work hudiling three sections of the P. • . :f• ' - - • • • 4.-A, • tnan named,' Unsling, hanged himself at Haysville;•nefir Pitts birg; 4n Wednesday. Hi was- au old eltizen,of that county: '• -.-Tlioko aro only twenty-six missiona• ries among tho Indians of Odr Country . , while the, number betieen three And four T- hundred thousand; ' • ky adulteimte e'verytiiing 'io New York, - e l on funerele, Undertakers, aro complained of for furnishing, bloolc•iiti iml Plice'pr Alyce ; for coffin plates: • . . . .. —Martha Releer, of St. Loois,..Mo. i stabbed her .husband .- with a butcher knife on Monday morning,' from the ef fect 4 ; . . f which he died. ~ . • • —James Rogue • was murdered, - in Richmond „ Va., on Sundtly night, by a man named Willis, wheat he had order ed Off his pretnisce a few houis before, ' i it attempt * , -:—An unsuceess Ul .., assassin ate• Oen. Prim - wa made at I,ladrid on filo 16th:inst. - .fievor 'perilous " - ham been arrested in connection with the affair. - • . • - . -4 1)0,y 103040 old wee killed in Paris, itte.,l on Tuetulayi,whlle coasting. Ho ran against a Wks which pierced his body and caused death nhuost itatnedi ately. , . •- -- ,1 . , • --Bladensburg,. the inniong 1u Jiingg ground near, Baltllliore,:44' agaia,used for that vorptri'so last WedUeidat. Judge and an (4414)0 fought with the later being wounded. • --=Last yet*. the linntingtori (Pa.) County Commission er., paid sll.2s,bonnly for owls nnd,llawks,kl,llo4;ot4for polo coats, $625 for foxes,- and 440 I for • . • •• • wolves. „. —Awnnforiunite ttnit b uiely bdlitiye'd young woman, pame,d Amanda)tattheuva, of Indiana toWnsniiii :41leghony 60', 'o4kauniatedsuie,ldo on. last ! Friday, a ft er.: n - barafter soon titint'pohvotii *• I. ' ; =MI I= MMEIMEEMI :iii::,(EitkiT.iti:'," . it a. , 4 ti ''t) ' .. - -An on Alo .n pc_dler sa el! ur &red' in AtoNair to:, , 11004 • kit whey 'amed Quill, only fourtepp year. old. like boy boa been arrested and entgespesl hi 3 guilt. . • • ' 1:- '', .1 . . f ~ —A prisoner co.' ) tri lin' Dubmitio to. Mkt coldly tho jad he.VilotlPra tithe. , ii upon his Honor ' raconded from t he bench and vigorously 'Witched" . the myth.. —A Steck of ilteatriest .gooda l yolued at $lOO l 9OO, sold recently for $O, OOO a 4. auction in Now York. They wail nit• nishod for tho Havana and Mexiinn mar. 1\ et, but, never used. . ' : . . . liuhlay morning; o mot Went to the Jeflerson county S ale:) jail and took therefrom two men, who reirnpilsoned on a charge of murder] a d hung them. The names of the victim of lynch Ivy were Charles Itigford J.nmell qui d, . . --Miss' Miller, of biles, eettiity, aged shout a yore, Wigt 4Utiti tb (loath ou lad Stindny. 8114 lukdl!een a 1 1 47 lea invalid for some yenta, and foil with' her head in the fi re, W'hiletlikiesVorthe .family were absent nt +Hither:\ - -- 7 A Chicago iournal,7ftlinding to, One. sett Davis' rt.sn utid i n eensuiinglintler, sil . gests that . 'in case Butler talound to delerve severe punishment, ho ho. sent to the Senate to hear. one of Davie' ifeeehes." . . . . ~., . • -.-Soluu . Cincinnatians • amuse, Ahem. softies Saturday afternoons by chasing an nged and "highly respectable bet grotty emaciated'fox. ' which la loaned theni for the. purpose: - Tin call this ‘.'fox 'hunt. ing." r , , —James WLeugldin t a 'Mono tnatien, ties foetid hum insenaibto couditioni on' the morning of tho Bth inst., in,Col3ooiiii• villo g and died a lbw minutes'aitqf being discovered. It was the general iniiires. tien.thei be had been niurderott —Zeeber Bros., livery ntitble keepers of Lunender; offer. ono hundred dollars reward fora man giving his PRIMO is J. W. Wright, who hired a lorso'ina bugggyy from them, bt:forgot to return thetillie- Cording to pr omise.. c , :—The Ilnikorni hien' an; in). ponting Very loodestr, Tho 0444066(1. ' a pnrnllet route, representetlLfit Wash. Ington by Gen. Vrernotit, now ask neither lands nor &übtidyii;bnt only the tight of way. Their bill to thnt i etreet is, now be., Pore the Coinniittee on Public Lands. —A. young couplo in Itoekpoit, Maine, while courting walked out. together arms imam, and fell through a hole in - tho idoir - 4; each • breaking a leg, Their fall proved fOlif)," to thrill, taid set theta up in the world—a jury hwordinq them a verdict of $12,000' against thoTlovla, —Mrs. Cummingbanti .residing near Pigeon, Mtn, in Campbell county, ginta,'gavo birth lait week to three fine, healthy boys, all of whom' and - alive, and doing well. 'Mrs. C. is the second wife of her !husband, ho being "sevehty years env) and she only'about thirty. five. —On Wednesday afternoon, as, ilia Britieh bark Brother's Pride was bell% towed down the Pelswori l — hound: for Matanzas, a fight took plaeo among 'the am, during which one man fell or was pushed overUard hnd was drowned, and another of the erewonta- seveAly out, no bark continued i?ti her voyage, which will prevent any. investigation into tho rinitir at this time.. —An American, lately in Russia, Irnii proem nt a - supper and ball given - last month in the Winter Palace, st. Peters burg, by the Einperor. Iwo thotitand guests Bat down to the tablosin the slip per room with the moßt ow* acbeino dation ; and near the close of the enter tainment tea was nervetkench gue.gt being furnished with n separate tea service of —The lirootlyn people are very uneasy over the frequent meld, etntioq of by dronhobia of late, In • the towtis alon the line of the Long Island liniitbsd ad' lower than twenty dogs; sappoie,d t he affected with tho dieettse,'havO tii kilt. od. A Mr. Ltidlam, who Witt ,bitten lip olio about a month ago, flied off.TaOsiclay ' after suffering the meet' terrible agony. , lie lived in Muvey onnue, neatqtyrtlev —lt is . repotteld from the 11.10bigatl State Lotihtie As,Ylu'ra that one of soVorest'cianas of insanity in men" brought to the institution in iron', and, mattifeet..- ing. the. most violent symptoute t i,,liavo been suddenly% calmed,dowa.to 0.,0 0 01. tion hdrdering sahity by the prefienta ion of a hotpot gat4ored fkotn'tbegteefl• house;.. '-''• • terrible disaster , ()Mutt Sat urday on the Austrian frigate ), adetsky s, while she was cruising in the Adriatio.-- An explosion took place in 'h er _ powder magaztao, milking ; a comPlete wreck ref , the.ship, and causing gi'eat loss' of, 1144 Most of the Otters and crew werii , In stantly killed, or were blown into OM and drowped. —A Peterebuig, Va.., paper, alluding to the recent death of the three y sr Md. pianist, says: "The bead,of -this, little musical prodigy, according to medical prediction, burst open after his death, caused by it severe enlargement - Of- the brain." Ills guardians had, compelled, that brain to enlarge by Antietam% and violent exereise.• ; • - • Friday last, n man and. his wife', `who , 'llvo dear went lb thweity on business, leavinObele little boy, eight years&ofago, it home pith the hired man. On Ahem return , they , fonati their houso'had been rotthed, ends short search revealed the dead body *too boys covered up under a pito Of 'corn and a couple of sacks of wheitt.' He }tad been smothered to death. ' His hands *littlest had been tied, and the wheat thou thrown over him. , Tho hired 'Maki is missing i qnd is supposed to bo the thie f and 4114 k,. erei. • referenei3 to , the tei'ent sectsl iltiVpald to fleepral Butler' 'l_)j!j(itei3eral Groot, the',eotrespondeot at Wtiebiligton' of tbO New *irk 'l'iniesipaya : 4 !1 With (Ilan good nnthority that covertiAivi sopittilletiea find reeognitioa, iiav9 .been tiorkletently 'mode; by 'Bonet kir,'lrbble. weekspistriiid iso flint Genefal gridOratit havelSeenTettof• petted; fot`tbo tofu)" Ofiktiquettet; pond, Enid hence ttre = cm 1 MI > , , , MEMO MEM RINI U NM MI U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers