THE i=;; - READING, PA., 411GtIfi 26, 1864' 61 1 fit AND COUNTY. "EDITION•ra 141 p.. FOr further locals see second pogo. . . Tug TAION otetit Owx.—Citidera l from the fi r e yesterday; I inches long, Were Oohed up in the yards of honks Opposite Listutir'S Park, North Third streetr , —,--A'. large Humber of promenaders on Penn street last o i g f it .--Tbe milliners are exhibiting fall bonnets ----Stealing beta from the doors of hotel rooms, is One o the Philadelphia fine arts.- -- A Yankee, is astonishing our, citizens with a patent butter machine. , makes one pound of butter from Onto pound o f m ilk. This may bring the price of buttet to a reasonable figure.- 7 —One reasort ' why boys of the present day aro anxious to leave the farm is, they aro not taught moues of the business to he certain that eon live by it.--r-Dan. Gardner - & Konyon'a .tinited• States Circuses will 'exhibit at Wil; linutsport, September sth. Rev. A. L. Herman will p reach the 'annual Harvest Home sermon, in St. John's Church, Ham. next, 80th inst.--The burg, on Sunday alarm of fire yesterday d brought out a large number of o men an children, who usually block up th sidewalks, and run the .risk - of tieing run over. The semen for pic-nics and excursions la drawing to a closo, l Tho Union Sunday Scheel, of Weavertown, Serb comity, will hold its annual celebra= tion, on Saturday, September sth, in Dante' 14, Rhoads' Woods.- 2 ----The weather now- A•days is delightful, and those who have the "stamps"itake advantage of it in the sham of a carriage ride. The telegraph office, in Sixth.street, was onteredlby 'burglars on, Hdriday, night'and tho 4 a 111 robbed of ;alm live dolled td stamps. The entry was effect ed by means of false keys. A printer, in setting up the sentence, "wo aro but parts of a stupendons whole," by mistake of a let-; ter made it read, "we are but parts of a stn. Pendoui6 whale."--Great preparations aro being made for the fall Agricultural Fair,' And it will no doubt be the largest over held in , this city.-4----Another attempt, with a pros-' pect of *ems, is about being . made to re open and work the-old copper nune - in Doug lass township, Montgomery county. -4 Prof. Rents, with his' accomplished sister, and Mark HasleN celebrated orchestra ) will' visit our city, iui give one of his grand con certs next month. ' . y., WI: would call attention to tho advertise ment of Kryder it - Co., in nuother column. They aro the manufacturers of Dr. •Stawor' a Tome Ilerh Bitters, tho most eolobrated bit ters novir' in tho country. , MR, EDWARD SCULL _Pktiber t of this city, is at present engaged workmen in laying 1700 feet of 4-inch iron water pipes in Lyons—a town on the line of the'Vest Penna. 1., ikon& Messes. Fox' HAMM & CO. Reading Ter ra Cotta Works; and Canal stroes, received a number of orders last evening from New . York and the West, to fill whio will keep thenifit work the next four weeks. BURWL-At the fire yeittorday afterno n, several more 4ections'of tbe New Gum II so linrst t , prordking a goodly number of ho firemen who Wanted all the/ water that ran through the plugs to squirt on the tiro, • Varieties Infull tide of . m em. , First appearance of ; Mr. Milesi i the great comic singer and'old , man personator. Master Jardolla will positively appear on Monday next. , Cool lager always on_hand. •• LAME Besx.—We have been,shown a besu•pod, raised by George fitrubn, of this city, which measures two fi3et 'sir 'lnehes'in iongth, midis well filled with beaus. It is of/the variety called the Yard' Bean. I WONDRR why Ile tame 641 f i hat Yeagor's Etotures at! anew!, 1 ow Yosger'e upllery la the place . • s For all to got a pretty face. Sixteen photographs for ono dollar, at Yeager's Gallery, 43!)i Penn street. ' It PLOTIMIG STOLM—Yestorday afternoon , While the fire was raging in Carpenter alloy, !mine scoundrel atom from thebouse of Mr. Davin Fox, (No. .186 Carpenter alley) a lot of clothing belonging to Harrison T. fox, a non of Mr. David 1?ox. PRERENTATION OF A FIRE•HORN.-11: depu• tation of Fairmount Fire Company, of Nor• ristown, visited Boyertown, Berke county, on Friday last, and presented a splendid sil ver fire horn, which cos $5O, to Falimonal ! Fire' Company, of Boyertown.- They num. bored 82 men, and made afine - , appearance. . .• A Sunday School Celebration wall held on Wallah the 22d inst.,in a grove near Earl ville, Balm county, by the Harlville'Sunday School. The attendance bfpeoplo was largo. Sei;eral addresses wore ma'de, and the plea sure of tho . occasion 'was enhanced by the music of a brass band from Boyertown. . Aitamo—tho groat Astrologist " cook ie listen to whit I have to eay. you'll think of me some future day." Describes the person who loves you ; never fails. Is crowded and still they come. By request of many I will 'remain this week ; no longer. Residence at Miss 'Tyson's, No. 488 South Seventh street. aug 18-st* FIREMEN HURT.—Yoterddy, while run ning to tho' Ore in Carpenter alley, Adam Moyer was ruwoVerly the Junior Eng,ino's hose carriage, and pretty badly hurt. Rich• and Phillip of thaimo company, mi.) very , nearlosin his life falling in front of the steamer W ilo on t ;Way to the fire. It Was being drawn by hand, and ho had hold of the tongue, when he stumbled and fell. It was by the most strenuons efforts the enginevas turned.from crushit him. Ho was, consid erably hurt by the fell.. ' Sums Urstr.—Yesterday afternoon 'the lock of the Morgantown stage broke while corning down the hill beyond the Green Tree taverni while on the return trip to Reading. The declivity is stoop and there were fear passengers in the, stage. The. horses were' unable to hold back the weight,. and soon they were going at full speed. The horses finally ran .to one side, when the vehicle upset and rolled down a bank! The stage was 40101410*d \ strange to say, none of the occupants were seriously fhurt. . A . ; • Finn Flollr.—A small riot occurred n " Chestnut street, below Third; yektorday a ft noon. Some 'half a dozen persons partici, gated in it. There were several knock (lo w* and tho stones; for a few ~minntes, flen\ thielc and fast: The police appeared on the sc(ine---4 minute too late to arrest the partied. As soon as they heard of the dig turbaneo they made for the,spetfull speed, but did not arrive intior see the flats an d stones fly, and thereibre, could"make no ar• rest without a warnat:' • P _ . ....mitis t .on 'so bPU4 u g inati#6l B fonha diesioer • Fittater's thin, Ai Any otter house hi Reeding. _ j /84 AG Milano or Lomas Alto Atlettotiiietti.- - .•• The following named .organiaiitknis wilthold their regular stated meetings this . (WErnotel Day) evening: • idelamora Lo4f; No. 147, I. 0: of 0, 'F., at Nit FellbWei all. - Continental Lodge, 1. 0. of 0. F., at Tem ? . perauce Hall. - Minnebabe Council No. 69, 0. U. A. M., at Sallada's Hall, Lady Jefferson_ Home .commnnion,llroth. erbood Union Hall. ;~~:' ~< Maria Conclave No. 8, D. of M.,,708' Pena street. Sinking Spring. Council No. 77, 0. 11. A. M. at Sinking Spring. Order of Soren Wiso Men t Yeagor's Hull. UNACCOUNTAIII.% DISAPPEARANCE.. -A son of Mr. Peter B. Fisher, 17 years of age, who had been in the employ of Daniel Aithouso in Lower-Heidelberg township, this county, disappeared vory mysteriously ,on Monday, afternoon, Au'guit 24th. After dinner Mr. David L. Wenrich had met him and talked to him. William then went to his - work;which 'consisted in the mowing down of the thorns and thistles aloe he fences. He appeared in 4°o, health did line Writs, without any apparent cause for dissatisfaction. At sup per, howom, hewaS missed, The bell was Ellogapip pad,again, but he appeared not. His Scythe and rake3vere found. at the fence where he bad evidently been mowing during the afternoon. • His friends and the neighbors searched for till late at night, and the. next morning the search was renewed with a lirger force, but all to no avail; no trace being discovered of him. .Any information' con cerning him, is anxiously looked for by his &mil) , and should be sent to his father, Pam. B. Fisher, Robesonia. Furnace P. 0., Berks' county, Pa. , ti 11600110 TM EXPLOSION. A Complete , Wreck—ifiraculoto Escapes CoMagration. 4--About' noon yestorday..a locomotive ,bp, longing to the Pennsylvania railroad compti ny, While standing on the track at the round house, awaiting tho arrival of the engineer, guide:lly exploded with terrifyc force,rnaking a report that was ,dieitinctly _beard several squares distant. The locomotive was com pletely wree,koa l and the groXlid torn a great extent,firo and ashes scattered around, fragments of the machine. hurled . in all di rections, and many persona in the neighbor hood narrowly - escaped serious injury. W. Birmingham, the "heavy" clerk of the State Treasury Department' who..wint sitting in front of the Jackson liouse,at least, ampere distant, was ihrown from his chair by the force of the concussion, but fortunately Os tained no injury. The fire in the engine was thrown a distance of at leastA one. hundred feet, intO4i 'stable in the rear 'of Mr. Elliott's hotel, on the of Pennsylvania avenue and Broad sfreet t 'starting a conflagration , which caused a general alarm and brought' out the fire department and n large crowd of citizens. Tho flames were subdued after the stable- was 'partially consumed, and with some difficulty the hotel was saved from de striihion. No person was in charge of the engine at the time, and the cause of the.ox plosion is not known.,--Harristnirg - 34 raing P,atriot. , . ANOTHER Finc.---About 8 o'clock yester day afternoon, a fire broke out in _the. stable o:tceupied by David Mitchell,' baker, in Car pouter alley, between Franklin and Chestnut and Third and Fourth streets. The stable was 'quickly destroyed, and the adjoining house, belonging to, Win. Drinkhouse, and ocoupled by Mrs. Mita Butted and Henry Oestrich,' also took fire, and the roof was burned off. The furniture was carried out and saved.. The firemen turned out with praiseworthy promptness, but if\ d few minutes after the Mar in wan: given the fire communicated to the stables on the opposite aide, of the alley, owned by Ipso Males°, which wore des.' troyed. The firemen wont to work with a will,and,by pulling down the adjacent stables and sheds and bringing their streams to bear on the flames, they soon conquered and ex tinguished them entirely. • The stable 'of Mr. Mitchel Is said to •• ha ve been fired bar design, thbugh'the fact has not been proven. It belonged to Mrs. Bickel. A buggy, two sleighs, a wheelbarrow and some hay and grain, wore consumed. Loss about sBoo—sl6o ifienrance. . The house occupied by' Mrs. Burkhart is 'insured for $BOO and her furniture for $lOO, Which may co v et the loss by fi re, and break age and flooding by water. The three stables of Mr. Menem); which were totally tdestroyed, were.valned at about $1,560 with their contents. a lot of hay, oats mid corn, and some stable tools.. All the herself were saved t They were partially in •sured.' The stables of A. 4. Fiehthorn and Mr. Lichtenthaler were tom -down to prevent the (wad of the flames, &mat gardens in the neighborhood were much injured, and much complaint is made of the depredations of swinish frtiit thieves. • The roofs of buildings on the North side, f .Franklin street wore sometimes - on fire from, the flying cinders, but the flames were ex tinguished by men with buckets. The firemen deserve great credit. Some of the now gum hose bursted, as usual, a d the, fire-plugs are entirely too snifill foithe u e of both steamers and plug streams nt the sa o time, The supply of water should be inere s• ed, and tire badge system should be adopted, to prevent the crowd from incommoding the firemen in their duties. Wo do not believe t there is a better, more active, prompt and eificient fire department in the country than that of Reading, while' their behavior, at fires and elselthere, is such as to make thorn a credit to okr city. They -should receive every encouragement from our citizens, at 411 times. GEORGE HARE. , i . The Great t the Grand, the Only reliable remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lum btigo, Sprains and Bruises, Swilled Olandpi, Still Joints, • Bore Throatykand: pain of any sort and from Any cause, is Pa. RUSSELL'S Magnetic Oil. 80 eta. and $1 00 per bottle. Amerimn House, Reading. tang. 18.1 m IF our frrends 'sill use preparationa for re storing gray hair they should use the best in the market; Our ,attention has lately been called to Au article wh ich has an extensive Sale and, a very high 'reputation,known as Ring's Vegetable; Ambrosia, we are in dined to think that it possesses More desira ble and less' objectionable qualities than any, other in the market. It restores gray or ,fa ded hair to ita . .original color in.a most re markable matOter, and by its invigorating and soothing propertiesTemoves all' dandruff and burners from the scalp. Give it a' fair audyou cannot fail to like it. auglgil Du. ',Alain has just received a large lot of 'pure ) fresh drhga and medicines, of all kinds. Those who desire the pure article (and who does.not?) we would advise them to go to. him. ,His prices are reasonable,and he waits upon all his customers itt a prompt and gentlemanly manner. - Ayr esorotions are pat up in the mpst careful manner, and there is. no danger. of any mistakes °c entring. - The Doctor haii. also all 'kinds of. toilet articles Air.., soaps, bombes, combs, &04.`ifc.-• • • : Hemembq,the. place--No. 1 North Fifth street: • - ' • , aug - LOCAL NOTICES. PRIAI SECOND EDITION. 11,1.44 o4cLocit P. Stitt DAILY ALMANAC. ' -2 , •Slinsets . $5 Daya's length 13 hours 10 minutes. 13TATI1 .01' .THEI11110)1FIXII. , 7 A. M.. 2 P. M. 70° ;81° 00° B7° ~ 08° ,'B7° ' Monday, Tuesday, IVedneaday, Thursday, , Friday', Saturday, __O THE Camp Meeting at Annville is being largely attended and very successflil. It is estimated that 15,000 people were 'on the (Ironed on Sunday last. It is probable that it will continue over„next Sunday. YESTERDAY afternoon, during the fire, the residence of John Hollinger, in Carpenter alley, near where the fire occurred, }was en tered and robbed of $2O in, greenbacks. The money was taken out of a bureau drawer. MAnsnoar's . Varletiekin full tide of suc. ccss. First appearance of Mr. \ Miles, the great comic's►ngor and old man personator. Master. Jardella, the celebrated wench den. cot and comedian, will positively appear on Monday next. Cool lager.always on hand. testimony in the case of Jesse O. Hawley vs, Catharino . Acker and Sarah Bard, involving thp.validity of the will of Esquire Tobias Clouyor, deed, closed at noon orday , 'and t the argument of counsel , to tljuxy, followed tit 2P. M. A report of the c se will be presented to-morrow. A . 'YOUNG man by the name of John Ball was arrested on Monday night about 11 o'clock,. accused of picking the pocket of Elizabeth Strunk, an elderly lady, contain ing $88.50 in currency and National Bale{ notes, at Lnuer's Park on Monday. Bound over beforo Alderman Richards m the sun of $5OO for a hearing•atfeourt. RADICALIAM.—Tho law requires every manufacturer of cigars to have a sign put over his, place of business.- Tho time pre. scribed for so doing , expired on Thursday last, and those who have failed to comply are• now liitblo to a lino t or from $lOO to $6OO. Is it not. time to have a change of lnwmnkera? WE neglected stating in our report in ano- ther column of the fire which occurred 'in Carpenter alley yesterday, that the roof of house,No. 105, adjoining Mr. !lurked's, and occupied by Mr. Davy Fox, waspartly burned off, and the upper part of the house damaged. The ceiling in the second story dropped to the'iloor. , :image, about $250. Insured. Cor.. G. W. ALEXANDER . RE-ARRESTED. -This Morning abont one, o'clock G. W. Alexander, late Assessor of Internal Rove. nue, was re-arrested by II; S. detectives and taken in a earring.° to Pottstown, where the party intended taking the local Pottstown train for Philadelphia this. morning. A. number of his friends left this city with the 7:80 A. M. train, for Philadelphia, to be. come his securities.' - __..~. • To-Niairr Fattie Stewart will take his bene fit at the Theatre*Comique. A. spleudid bill is offered, and 'those who want to enjoy an evening of fun and mirth,, should• go and see him. First time of Stewart's great burlesque, Pas De Zephyr—Mazeppa or the Wild H9rse of Lauer's Park. In addition to the large programme, fifty presents will be given away, cqnsisting of watch chains, segar eases, pock ot•books, perfumery, neck ties, etc. See ad. tertisement. 1 • • .Titg Lebanon and Pinegrovo Ilailroatt is progressing rapidly.' A large force of hands is employed all along the line, and the work done is wonderful. It is a noticeable fen tun), one worth of columpfidation,and which has created remark, that'the laborers, as a whale, are sober, industrious, and voty at tentive p) their duties.' No rowdyism, or anything- worthy of complaint has yetzbeeur .reet, and the residents along the line are most agreeably deceived in not meting the trouble they anticipated from the stqlden in crease ofso large a stranger populationv— The management bosses, ke.,front the chief, Mr. McFadden, , down through' all the de partments, are gentlemen fully 'acquainted' with their dutiei, and who will bring the groat work to a speedy and satisfactory com pletion. In fact we wish we hpd many more railroads to build so as to keep the whole "crowd" always with us.—Lebanon Ador• Weer. [Communicatod.] • EDITOR DAILY Esom—ln the Dispatch of yesterday a false statement appeared, yip ;that Deputy S. Marshals Sharkey'and Gordon loitered around the city until 10 o'- clock at night before arresting Col. • Alex ander. The facts are as follows : Mr. .liarkey was in town all day on other business, , but had no warrant. Mr. Gbrdon came up in the Into train with covarrant, and arrested Col. Alexander as soon as ho could find . him. Re did so in order 'that Col. Alexander could get his security ready to go down at 7/ V clock the next morning. Col. Alexander and J. H. Jacobs, Esq., asked for time till 101 a. in., and promised the Marshal on their word of honor that no advantage should be taken of the favor, but that Col. Alexander would be on hand with his security to go down at 101 o'clock. By inserting this correction you will oblige part ies who only ask for JUSTICE. Correspondence HAMBURG, Aug.- 26, 1868. EDITOR DAILY Room—There are it-pres ent a goodly number of Philadelphians so journing, here; whose promenades upon our streets giye them quite a lively appearance, and who Infuse life and mirth into society. generally, Hambuyg is becomin g quit e a summer re sort for city folks, owing in part to the social 'qualities of its people, its healthful situation, bud its beautiful surroundings. Those who visit hero once are 'sure to come again, and also bring their friends with them the next succeeding year. Among the most notab on a visit here now is Mr. J. R., with whom I have the pleasule of being acquainted, and wiio was engaged on the New York Herald, as correspondent and reporter, until within a short fun° ago, when he was obliged to , re sign his Position t on account of failing health, having been advised by his physician, ke., to seek some quiet plade in the country, Where reit may be found. ' In amusements Hamburg lacks a "Theatre Cornique s " but in ihost other ways of en joyment • it is fullycup to Readies:. Among the fine arts, music gems to receive the spa cial attention of the young people.' I bad the pleasure On Saturday evening to listen to 'a rehearsal of the Hamburg Cornet Band;— M. H. Shollenberger, leader, which discours ed very good music ! add is a credit to Ham burg. This organization is eomposed of some sixteen , young men ! the sons'of many of the leading metabers of gienld Hambur g Cornet' Band, which was second to none in Pennsylvariii, Ind no don% will In time be► come heir to the same laurels as the finer oripanisatiou. • . : • ' Steinavies best are receiving their por tion of atiention•toe, at, the hands of the yetingtadiee t under the guidance of Milo W. of your 'city, who has quite a large elms, To•day the ounaination ofteachers for the 'public schools of this boveugh takes place. It is expected that 4 large number or spoke! tors will be present ,: to sympathize with the applicants in this ,most unpleasant exercise. c One evening last trek, at an evening par• ty given at Popp' a lien, two young gehtle4 men, who both aspire to the hand of the ate! complished bliss 13., met, when one--s Mr. IL, insinuated to the other Mr. D., that his mesnce was obnoxious, whereupon Mr. IL 'No. 2 restated. iwben Mr. 11. No, I 'placed himself on thet"square," but No. 2 declined; when his friend, W, S., took his place, and a lively tiro • ensued. lleivever, before much harm wus done their friends interfered, and the parties were separated , GRIEn. BEI .e....... 0 - Wont Play Is% iitarapot. - • , NEW Yokix, Aug. 26.--Tho. piece . "Foul Play" had a fine run in earnest hereon Mon-. day night at the Broadway Theatre. Four Sheriff's officers, armed with a ; warrant for the arrest of D. IL Harkins, at the suit of J. T. Lloyd, Qf the Now York Theatro,attempt-, . y: 1 ed to force their way behind the ' s 'Sees.: Being resisted in their atteapt ip elite l they, drew their revolvers and firolt ,Opo f the shots struck (leorgo Iliekey,a ptoport coati, in the leg, causing a l imrious ikouid, Ali; other shot passed thrqugh - the arth o a boy named Leslie Chamberlain, and led ell in hisleft breast, causing a fatal vound. .Dur- Jai the confueien, 11r.• Harkins; who Tft as in theatrical costume, escaped through .the body of the house; . rho Sherifrei *kora were arrested, after which the Vrformance proeFededorrhough many of the spectators had retired from the theatre. .., Ittiebong & Bro.. Baniors. N 0.16 North Oth quote as follows: • • RKAUNa. Aug. 20. 31:111:2;f::. 81 11 , ' ,-• . New U. S. 5.20'5,1801, July and Jan, - • Now U. 8. 6.20'5. 1865. May and Nov., - New U. S. 1866, new , - - - 11 N. . 14. 6-20's 186 . July and Jan. Now U. B. 6-20's, 868. • - • - Tun-Forty Donde (told in y ew York ;:.p to 12 - " (told In Readingtat pushong ros., - 7 PHILADELPHIA .11tAitKETS' Aug. u. • 30431% 11.3'413 1 / 4 514311 i 7 60(08.25 ' 5049 00 9 16 11 50 10 14e 12 6~9 13 11r14.00 • d 50 sig.% , 1224, 1 1,z1: 24 70(485 210 2 00 COTTON per lb. SUGAR PETROLISUM. FLoug. Superfine, : Extra. - Northwest, ,Pa. and Ohio, - Fancy, RIM FLOUR. , GRAIN. ' Wheat, Red . - Wheat, White, Rye, - . Corn Ye). •• • - ° dostab West: - Malt, per bush • Barley. - ess, Prime Mess, , - Prime • ' Mess Beef.. - 116,90 N. MOM. Rib. & clear sides A' 'Shoulders, CINICIO4 MUT& Pickled Hams. Shoulders salted - Lard, r. • • FISH Pan BBL. , Mackerel, - • BRIMS. Clover per bushel, • Timothy, - Flaxseed. Coal per ton Locust Mt lump and steauet " broken prepared steatn, Lehigh lump, b't and broken Chestnut, as .VohuyX ot r od ash, - • - .'• " Ch• White a h ` broken, -1, - • • Egg and stove, - - Chestnut, • •t - I og perton, • Nll, - , • 2, - WHOLVSAIN TRADE PRIOVA OV Reported and correite daily, ley H, 8. Getz, Wholesale Grocer, N 0.5 4 Penn street. Reading. • ROADING, Aug. 20, :868, • CIFFISS — Jirift, • I , ' 350300 R i le, ordinary, 19420 e ... , , 22026.3 Tx i i—lmperial, to prime,. .0: . . . . . . . . . . , .........1 .1 el• 1 60 , Oolong ...v - -ti 1. 125 FRUlTS—Raisins, layer new, 128 "'Sun drie.c.l il -•1 ..... 12 val. 4 ' 1 4 Mt^ 6go Oranges,'lll9ll7,. 1 ..... 800 So ' al Adieu . • i. . 10 00 Lours, bilentio, 1 • - .8 00(19 OD Ili N Bien,* . . 5 004 , 4 76 f '' Pigs Matt . lii M t _ 120 MOLABBIIB-810W °mewls, et mitten.' ''' J"*.. 8501 10 Porto Rico; .. .,1 600 850 II ' in er, golden, . 030 ... , Byrtip, lov. " d ' ins 16 SI ordinary, " ' 60@ 760 IS II , Col3lllllon, 4.3Q0 1550 Rrox—Rangoon, " Carolina. new fittm—Lieerßool, ground,* irk ' 2 11 1 °( 0 13 32°1° one, - ' ' 375" " Ashton, . " : - 4 00 &r.‘round, . • 411 2 ' .. Turk s Island, 111 bushel 6 00 5 e Stwen—Rolined, crushed, , iv 0 ,.. • . pulverised. - 17 o OS *le . • granulated, ' • * 17 0 ~ Sucir house, r 10 110 ~ , Coltee,t , 16 16%0 . 41 . i 1 @ltio " Extra . • . ' 150 Plain C. 1.. .. -. X. - 0 14 Hz, 0 . . Yet..., • 14 .t . : " Hz. P. R. ' 12'4418X, Oub 1 CP 3o • RI ADVM 1101.113 K 'ERB' . HARM. t . . • , 38 Aug. 25. 1868. Buz+su—Emil p da i ry, Ilb ' 40 Caussi—Olteese v it,„ ' . 00 . 0 . , - .2Q41 - '22 LARD — Lar4 1 lb.. , , i : i • , t 'ff_92s lloos—Eggs . dozen . 25 • +I Arrtas—Apples peck, Dried il Quart. t-i , .." 1 4114 1:51:, .. . loglB rll — eefsteak. round ilb ~...21) sirloin. ' 25 .. • 4. rump, I .: 222 " Beef roa 40 • " Peet' dri ed , I .30 ':: Veld cutlets. ; " 25 ' . ' chops. .. . " ....... •••• ...ft 18 • . ... . " Mutton. , . 1311 • , 11. " Pork. r " a alt. • 44 1 . 20 ' • " Sane o fresh. ". )....22®25 a. smoked, :. 11 . 25 ,:u-11arni, • 'i. .: ..... 200)21i ~ ULD4II,B • Sliced, • ' ..1300.35 RO 68 .••••••,...4&118 B .6 6ID • ISEI - r• 0 'Pote.ralt-L4loicens lire. " . _ l3, , • • . dratted. ". ' —... .. 'Eurkies live. :: •......, : „...., 7 , 46 dressed, 1 .. Spring ohlokens li pair- ' 15oW 00 RRADI'NO WIIO! AL4 QRAiN , FLOUR, FSED AND•'HAT MARKET. 'Reported end 'eorrOted 401 Y, by Beak eel ;Noe atBteam floor Mills, coot At Penh ehypet, ~.. tiIIADIFO. An .21 1134. Fi t ouß-71Vbite Wheat, Ph•bl., • , $l4 Red' ' 12 60413 00 FEED—gore Chop, T.' buebel.”;....--.4. IIS .: _ al Middlin • la ' ...... ; ..... .• 1 bisAt— ; Meal, 't ' ' 145 004 ', 190 0111.11—• . . 10 iir tiest „.o • 6 . ..... 8 6 ', ~•,, s . : , A .. *1 0 _ 1 , IS , . Sonk • . ... 04, ..1 ... ' •'. 3. •10 ' its .v 4 • . .of .',.........„ ~, 11A t rig Nt i r llV • il°2l. :" :4 "." .....? 11 , " Mead9w " 15 00 • •......• •.t...•••••••• 1I . • MONEY • MARKET. • - ME .6 . ' I. ==l MI A:C Gt /110 YR,EICONCERT AU )ONI I ''' • . UDE THE POST OEIIOE, • ', ..', , Rantxe, Pit. . .i' ', • . . .. . • TrAVING boa ht out mr. A. Itiet i rrs 811 1 AJLIoon, u•der the Psat, QM... 1 •yt whined announce the% they will contipee t A ht4 y l b ee• tint der the above Atm. and pteylde till Air SMs iii ontedelnewets rot telidok. thie,ll,lo• AS eet • Men. vlst . ' ' . ' Free Concert Dory Evening ANP LUNCHEVERYIettIittIiNGI 4 Bolin •O, • connotation of tito patronato of an appreciation public. thoy aro ° . Vory Rcsnonti •mg seer, - ' 2 eaglet Hoke. s~•1ui~. ftvicor De Oolitic! ub o Cubits will Mot olsBa - niAretilFut, It 'clock. Ascot Who pn la. house of Wilton Sweitset. dm! *Um/ An election to l oMears of the lib is to oozed, All the Detnoctsts of the toismit IP me eetqcsili to quested tol?_Ddr011). AMMON' will dellVet cd In the Ang GOMM Itilllingtelf, ,IL_L AM B. ALBRIURT A 'Pre.. JaIIN 1011V21a, See, atm. 1868 RUCH & BROTllgit. Will opon ft Large and•Seleot Stock-of NEW GOODS! • To•morrow morning, at NO. 548 lENN street 1&t 6 8. 12Y 1120 106 HO 107 1 / 101 107 107 144. 14;ft stir lays O. boe.niAN, Cutlet. 1011 SUMMER GOODS Were Selected in thot'ity of Nei:York, and will be diSposett of st prices flr be. low those of an other es. • tablishnient in the • .1 Gentlemen's Clothfpg +mase to circler Hoyt' 'Clothing , constantly :oh hand and made tea order. The Stook of Furnishing (beds isdeehledly the best and moat extensive, in the pity. Call,•sse and satisfy 29 60@30 0 • \ 2.7 6) 50 1733 V 144 , • The mere fact of hiving the services of the cele brated cutter. Bir. lovi 0. Cotemii; is tetilelerit guarantee that all garments will be rattdein in the beet style and late!trishloils. RenieMber 13,4 ,18,10190 ill5O 9300 2 70 36 BUCK' ,BltOp'S Headquarters or Bohlen ! N0.'548 PENN STREET, READING. 3 8 5C(43 PO SO 4 1044 25 m sy 15-tfl ULOTHIS, WRINGERS, bOO 4 600 4 4 PT 34061 C C I t 89OR 50 3 00 111 X3O 00@39 1)0 80 DO@SY W Rooxtußs STEP‘ LADDERS, H W METEMait I aux 10Lf . ' • ' p §E I YIO UIC D I RV w geotaN. ~1 1 44„ 0 ,-, .0 11 I T" ' • ' 11 . 1 41V:40 1 1:84 4 ...tiCir'." - .5,. or vitakx , A., .** INTA4:OIIT'ot: A TiirStriatt ISII , OA DV( A • 0 0 - wish p e k l ii • • •d' 6 LOB. I. ' ll .fp Illnpf Foe otoki , oil rid ~ i. op &so Pak ord, . ,:,.1,;. " ; ; ;and • PM*. th e c e Si ce 1 Stoll ' ' 1 'lO 14v4te esta OPda TerY gcs ' • 1. • • :mu sad stobleciot ippon t lot a lnt •11 d • ate 011: r e ef ,TiOtimi t i m ~,. or* ai Irmi , Art .* , -, , Low.. . r,. ~ , , app9 7 , 04 . . or; ui,t?r e lit t e l l i Z , i4lte7o4 l , it ' s* , Pilk i,kr0... , _ • •If ~, ?,,,. k . , • 1 1 01. 01 : 41 1 WO" „ , . • ' 4 0 .F.P/Oe4o - ti*' • , NA, *44 Spiriiii - , L 14114 aNc4o,l*l, 3y 4.1,4 ; ta , • . I e • 6 cheap! EMIC RIMEM 1 1 011* =3.181 plonked? A. Bottum ,14%./. SUMMER. RBAD11,410;. : PA; Ilk Stock of MI youraelves. ,• 2 ALL WARRANTED. MIL El :M°KNIGHT'S THIRD AND PENN MEC raxi IZISKI 1000010, • • ; '(„k't E - --, 'r , OPZERPristel". ' ~.. •, .- utilisa iiiiiiiiiiti'li' - .oiiii DA j . :': i..';• J:i..,;,-;, , , t '')'', .E" . •,,.,;,'4 1-4, , ,tkvk.; , , ~ 4 0 ‘. • , --'..i ..,; : • rIN rtArs4,: , -; ottgfir IR()k, • 1 &lil t ' • SADDtEtit Ato"4 PRNif-,PrABRA, 144 04 111 94 PA' frau suaturgit COACH', REPAIRING . ; 0:,/h HEMUR I\ • , Stith $l., baOskjr 6l l l 4ll4 At. p r atfll* RespootMly antioinboili the tte i tirspared to de ally** in, Mr 1_4140.0* filo • xterl epee oyauutyliatlxiti pet or OM! Al hispitrom TWO tettglk W e en hitt tan be 61) . teniv,sursoktly,in „ tottyp • • 001011 UPPAIRINGI 0 81161:21141 Fi e ii M C I t lt MAN. A, T, DIWNI6 AvA nail r0at0,44 to 'lB6B lA*. te North Shah street,' ' ' t;here she !IP 1 4 . j eeitarltrrr, :te r e, goat %l e Ira ."01 IA aten • 9OM it. 001.41 ib, 0707 4 ; Of :Mk. lOC tk... Et AK MO* Ott. '-• • 1' .. . NR. ''--" *ljiticif IRO- -AW :towg . ‘,notlosltip,o4+ , :" . ..'.''':' Court A. 110; , bolo* rit4l(s Street, pi the, rear of t h e kulAityl'i .11'ailOig!Itiot) 1 itiletrliE t tetttO 1341416;D ay , Atia tayft r onto Ity itypiteri,Anc RI uti A ti pit I I ; tii , °l7 re lfBl , i gil ° I 4 -,,' viir homil& 7 4 0 ,Iti, Mit t ' ' ., , •- . , , , . ••,•-• ,,,, ~......------0 ..--- - i )l ith A M lat i le l 'i rw riaqM , TViril tro vow Iva), lot. or mon& on ,tno Otth-1(01 Enter pf signtb isi atul smolt at ettiote, 4 ink city. will Walt 6 _ tit WOO IlVtilbllt for a m it rkat k iVltt it 1 1 0 MIR on 'Polith, , , street. nea rermat. • ~, ~. . ., / For pattlenlare, apply on tl!evretabser. 1 . • ' (ma Nan% UCTION I AUCTION ••• .'• • ); • v 1 All that lino AM wilt selectid stock or, •D Y 6:0 DB . 4 '43°lll4k►_l4 in 'the' popularetor . of Dl l) 44l:if, 2% 0 . Pearl Street, intim ity ot . • , • Lod , , PUBLIV, A:UTIOt{, TnyMit'slrAlutor r , abit t Iwo tgatot::40 ° b"utl' .Tbe to i tultnitiatt waken n '.npraiiiptoiy 'sole of M4tad:loam int a untatore, nna sacronnitta as wall others Luny, n 4 ft to thole interest to attend tha into. - • . • J. tk; WANNV.A. • Aoolguee of Davidlitqr, 1 ttllADlwo.Ant. Mat; 1868. . ' .23-14;. HE AWSIVAR'II4IIO TOR ,)• CAMPAIGN GOODS ONION JEWELRY : MANU4OTORY BAPOE‘ DEPOT, , (No4t, door tothe Evepllg Dlepatoh clilloo.) • it 20,000' Oampaign Badges' . ' i: . DEMOPRATIO AND UPUBLIIiAN, ' ' Moot from the pastern and' othortnenufnotorler, vrhloh we cannelet Now ' flop, by thou- . send, hundred of do Ku., whey a the enert b:__.!. t i o sortment ever offers for gale i r e clty . oit l itend- . Inc, havjus over one upated 1 atilt a terns, nob as Medals, Pine, lilenve MOO, 8u s, &e. . , • % flood Agents wanted —a , gogd iiereentage at- ' toiled, . . Our Retail price, are free; pitqatsto N . 00, Per s.onu will do well to stye, tie knelt berorn• enrchr,o.; lug euuneuere, •, • 1 , •-, ~. ,• . : , SOCIETY BADGES, MARKS AND - PINS of all klub nnuio to order s odsojeit4lry of nll de: sorlptlone made and. repaired. WatcheA and Cloaks properly repaired. a etf _' I svzsu To INF r o l ta iiiE FRIENDS A fib Lai punkin gene • that _i • b„ , p, !aged thc services of e. Jowl ntlintint, Ile with lA.:- ii• Mtn In.)* ea Abllitlis et ft Aunt rinbld (lenient tf tstte are utuipprotteDs le, at ltiest in this section 4tb contitry, and baying resolved to be second ze p ail c, in hirer quellttof pleee Spore ell 11 1 1 4 1 cod Om wbk 0 to. lieleet, utter nytelt with ere tittles to bit obia to turn out 1)0 ken out , bil alp IV Witterttluicabd cloth ing tag i sn be OUti n t la e ft jwd pin now in rectal) e city fall 47100 4 1 .4 11004 s• of which:an claw on s respectfully eolletted before pur esti* elsew ere, . . 4 • • - • . . Iliftiolifllltl, ?fo. Illoon gereelt , , • I': ,114661111iX:11‘ soli 13-5 e .0 . 044 flemt . f -to • . ME !NJ • CABINET :01(31-ANS, 134 v sto.iroolords. • t \BERa'S • VIA N • %TA:It:Ea 06118;i- = i - —;. , ~ 0, , -f , " GA i!,,,':: -', , -:, P -" 4 i.,.‘ s t ' , c, i • ', , . ' No 408 PotAi'llit 't ' i -. . . . , : ~..•. ..s., ,, vpi• ~ t,, 4,1-0 . , ,, ,, .1 - , ~1 4 , 4 Ortlit illdneethe4lo4oftOPlCt brUffind • ' , 4 T l ,::.' —4. ' ~; ' -., i'". l ,4'irq , .: -, i . s:‘ Aliii4io4ops.-, : 11 -, } ' ,1 ; 4, •41,,,, , :,... ~1:,, , t-, , , r., , ..,*, ,;i ; , i. , Niue otimilll6l- l x , 'l <-., `' ,2 ); 4. k -,.A !X 7 . /fi ' ' A 4 1 * ''' ~ ' ' . i' t i.:6 '''.% v ',.4, 4' ''. l 1 1 ' ' '' '', ,0, i • , 3 ''‘, e ' ,' Z''' 1 ' ' ' .{ ';lit, ~..r , ,:.r t, ~ v c., 4 •,, :',., - .* ~. 411404 i ii e o ' '' ' a , ~. •+ - , 1 ... ° ..' ' ".) ,‘:** t' : 1 #l, - A)' 1 ...,".--' ~. ir 4034 „.,..,,, : 1 t - Re . a m ok • ,- • 115 Z., -tf '. 1 - '' , _ • @UM ROE El 2ft AS lid' Me At THE AND NO, 14 NORTH WIFTIE.ST.. • Aiirb yt . F 2,7. , A -1‘,,, T,,,,y.: ;,.:,.,--.,:,-;:- ~J.,,,,,,,..., MEE =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers