. r 4. ago' , 4 From \ No ' 4 141 0 ,10 ' 91V 00 141 0 1 0A0 111 Will be receive utttpi l opoipp ail kA# the I reed. • • • 1 10;412' ti Pet ItitiCHW 11! - r ,f , c • . If t; • `4 , tfitrl4atiVirilt ikavolii4 it veinal , 4 1 tillia 1101,H e Oti" , PI Vi k "M I ty, ...., iii it. ~ '. %., .., -. t....t',.. .1 ~,, _41:T . ,, , .., , ••• • ,t 1 , g‘neyrsoter . inilerits . County, , obould take i the Vigeeloffitifie , . 4i - f i ll ii.q.u4l atieN • ~ i !ou t 17(3 v -if,,t wtivm, Igii.',V.ll WI i. 1 .41 1 ii . ... ~... 11 , . -1111 - s • ',." '. ' , . • - Ktf.i,a , iE - ka t ii, ih' • i MP I kg 4f O r g?io 4:1 0 sttiliOt iloimulig t Pa. CAL vI ,ask jimowie *es* in;• ~:• 2 , • : , •1, *)j-‘ l 4 ' 4 t 0„..•74-N• .".r •e • 'OO , EX LANDO:4mo ~; ", ~ ----7, i .'.v. i :-• =-1 . The filen Francisco iorregiondent of The Chiosgo 'tribune !gire# thilbllikfrbilteeetinnt di romarkable , ,,. e eirti net ,i -, 1 Iroh, took Awe near Siki H i Frenaero' st On Fp. the bi ; gd i t i . A itt rh mon ) Orel'', Forty of boriekeou waif it ' - ',ititt`eittioli oithitioniO4: SI. -nti - ctt 44 . .., ..1it.40 ,0344,,. 't , * '‘' Mit, 3 N 101**10.4444t i k OW . ' 741 ‘.k • 1 0 . 4j1W:444 1 41; ! '. 'Ali& ; *: o, rd Whipple offertni . ii; bet` :tiro % ihrinisild . itri hundred dolloStistArirt tiro thousiiidtollati thtei nOillati could be: fouqd.,t9 *is , tilde heo4roll Oulu_ fliteiiii arietentive horeos. Re 5 164 . clikiiliken F R,, brik# , l 3 Pnl 4 4 4 *P.. 0 - 4000 * , 4 11 !.' * O 7 reitt,*,*it i thimia4 .6, tailii:Wng itaCeoil' t‘,9, Ao . thetektilt. • .TAyditi : .. .Or ' fists's , - ergo mile ero#!*' “ ', . .11. to . &took con oftteti k • it 141, 0 V on Oi nee Aft 6 0 44 9 thit*P. Plp.ur.th. 'Aco s idon4r , cl 4 oWW , eountAble delays. The 0440 felillet-Wee that he coulittke*nelow*emtio Igo bets An, the odds were deqedlreipinat him. YeoUrflay AWiar a . , for this ylp 0 14110 • ..11143 rai . g l yirew' 'a ( "0 1 19.1 1- olf , i lllP'vxillf.Y. swot ck, mile, 81 4.- 4 4 41 1 /04ii):44WW04*, ' , ) ,54: ; ‘ A t ik, • leetiii ) .Iti. Mowery,. . V o e o le l4 ll 1(t h ae common" eilifstnioW : b oaoin the:tlo( ' yota l bd° ' olvloyizi ice..' Ott - '''''. ',. 14.04 1 A ttl i; ife * ' ,il,* ( C'; ' ' .' ' AV ' t:fititlen44l4 4( .5 IC U t" ; A d ,, '' , lll l l'' ' '' ' " 'tk 1 4 C 1 4 4 00 -'1 0° e ° "" ''' ' ttly i l t - Ye MI, , oconitio#A. of .: rim* M l . io tSireig:itelti*eiWeEt" the l oo..o.ititAitieggKeii4lhelee( of tgi ititerid.' .'' ` . ..i i ;'' ~ ;:.':" ::'.''' fir.,Xos4, /10 eli:4lo;l4ite ' ./', '''''''' lin*" entlilif about middle ageorOli o: . ',a,hfilhai dred and sixty- toitintle;l4llii 'ihitii 'ivitl'i'll heavy Mexican-California. saddle; *shish bit, 'and the rill. ~ -., ' , • , . ~ A ' illit— , * - Itukti,4f,iltg, -he eponym - t ,I , 1 :ritntutitdetiov i niat h "" fbu tlllll4 l :9 l3 P , ki lt etiOTt . 04448 to soy, four tees—at * dead run. Attendants 8100 4 ready at the eldiale ' 'r wand bring out the *e.h hOtoer se he he49,lo4.oirthW la coming around I and ho changed animals rapidly, riding tione , of . .ithiftif Aiiieo: miles two the tirst, ad kr4Alttri 4 *Ore than two's. Tito Itotioaldl4l4'oe"tnalking" was , eeekttlOrilittekvii ., : , An attendant !mild' - • - ridaaaae• pith oriole-third of tbe way down the liogtkin meet hint itii i iiik c ie in, wheel kg his boVeo, ride= book just behind . hinti itAt * Oliiiiistill'siabOo' i oh, vantosr 1 SO •.4 gs . ,S i if:trritie. 11144 W 044 11 N %.0 1 '; .(iiittiOSl tatiow osat s, '44tookal ',114 1;.11voltid conic in factely lkyinip A Ogle *tarp pall on the sal t ' : 11 ; 5 ' Ai lA,' . 40 i it: r ins fidef*otilathe oa i tresiashaatoidbfieigoliki ,- ~ Pt ' lOwitiamit the *gun. two ,aa mioll4l4' , 44 614 011 e AilidtieWthi a4l iairaeti the Ather,ln order te rgikr,,the rider by choke - 'Aiiiiite- . If 44.... \ 'l t ***Ala 4, 4 •;..• I. ! ,ct;/;• 1.4119 i 4s4ei" 4. ' • uP""IPHIOtt IHMIWMPay ;cony wrerteweThr,....___ taii4 , Ailibt r aOtAYNTAtsbeldisto; l' ithi *lllie s !•& l 9,4l.ll l 9 4 ihe frt Le 4 i4 # 4l° • ..: ' l3 # M 4 41 4'i r•' 4eitualitllirtWokkot.otheotoi , ~ .„ ;14*,4,*14 for 1 co. 6 444 score, iii, l 4relt , Thelideii ' Pair o)lo***4lalgeotidaiWirti Offered ', ' I L 7°4 1 4 44440 d, ..,9-• 1 ., ~., ,„.,f. • .t.,,K,f, .‘,..° 'Y 4 i , ,: r ..,'- ' ••• MR A A *opal hoOtdt and' ', lit ~• c ooti6o.' iitittailandi*4i la tie Wakes; eight kaiidAtie**eieee liPSid ,‘• ~.,,,.. !!end• ~ . - 4 1 9 4,4 13 Wi l dtti !Iftle-Attf., 1741414.4 ,r,iflllialatimaTryiwiata oloart4 most ' 4°414 4% 0 0 104' 'illetagelp f es4 ti. 1 . 1 .4, 1 t 1 :*.re ;-hielik• 0 1 #4 • I::•l l , l lV,'Fiteihr. ' • ' ,10 1 94t4iihhi feet I ••.a . aiert Meal he "kept 1414 "itelidthe 'tiOiinfortbi At .. ~ „„, ~, , „s : it crowd, : tiaie r ffm s l l: AlO6. instant,.." A 'hilt was made' fo r 6;;•• "second .. batty,. and m „ .i . II9I,,,Akg.PAPP ~ - 4k,4...7, ,a.l4onilikikt IoRK , •ilpfuetlisiley °vet kfOretea head I,ko,OtAr l w*:.o* . €4o**lo69iftirh.' 114.40,4onyshit,g.".!* ? 1,r114,,ndlotioVO his '4,*"i 11,0410 4 oseoor thitis:•iroireri *M 44: 1014 1 .0fiiiiiehad t44o;fuite)lti '4flee;Titit'threet dies arettad t 2Aft the eetiu,l, aroma the second _ ;time, the 900,T. el,ed.e ~,!' filtijtilli, i4tei4A tiNOklikql?td 4 0i, CIO 40? It` ',rtiOdittlia,,,le• theliderotitting' ififi, Miti,,a4tPe o ,d4l4i.'Paid.. The _*4l), l ,o.'"fttliOßilit . ‘ At,' .beet iqa 'ei Orfoist6o,aroutid4hatthird ime,ithouted 4 Min i 0 4,0414 roitil" to4t: that 14)041 have 401 1 '411714 the jOte ( 9,c: (1 0; 4 fla Ito charg . ,4,0 14 :***4, 41 ,*,f1in404 1 ..,Nend teat hi, own away, mold ttte jeers end theas . of the 1 44441 ; 4 . c - ' •• I At etat4 ) 4‘hiai ; es ,ie seiekgl i .‘if4;just ifourteen boors And nine minutes from• the start, the three huhdiediViulle WAS . accoth- W l o4444l;erre'SCr*Oriof eeoll l , B 4btOke from the multitude as the underrated hprne• man started OnceinOrkVlnatfor luck." .The 'list mile was made in twolninutos and nine seconds; Making IheiniProicidented Aistance of three hundred anionewdles in, feurteen tiiOnoit,, Oilcan 'minute! and nixie seeondsomi *00104014 iielielisV4itiejePliattifl 14 ‘e. t .:lM4P' thielleeii;t4e... ittaffee,deelefelt, e Money . Wok iitid annoirice4 the time.--y A __ I- i lterMt Wet.P.W.0044.9 41410 eon., i i a tarriegoi Of over} desetlittion, on horseback and on footi poured out irate the road terer,illl , * . ;17rancisen, fill indiscrimi. nateraceinii/the•ffe;ll.ialce•the-hindermost,''' plena being ineugarated.: • As the crowd sirmed away towardi the ,eity, the blast o spicoonsi. . °lit injt Was Englishman a tall;l'ili• . ; ..cia say, with a stump of a 1 sticking ap 1114 art .abbieviated• flagstaff- Ind, riding on,a pigskin , with short stir ' 1 ~ top lipats v phig hai;ao,.:eye:glass, dud tl ~Mite appearance was so indescriba-' Of •'• #AlPre4 , 111reontiese with *hit' had f tl (t 1 kheeri Open that yolhraudlvara of laugh. ,iiteetited hiitt:et everittitap fOiniiies. 130 eMled • the • great California „Artnatang ra6a Ntainstittni / ', : • .. ~ :, ,- i ,;. ' , kJ'? ',6abaldiston • did the g reatest feat of hiirsemeaship , over accomplished in Eng. bind, ...ge.riple Awn, hundred miles in eight; hourti:andfOrty:five niintites"; 'and lie was 11 sniall man, riding large and po_werfial horses. Lipi. May, 1118, Jack Powers rode one hum• do:**lfttlilleklitAif hyte..is, ftft,t-tits milhatisit Ottkiiirrolit seconds, riding Cali• flitnia stock and, subsequently, Tom' hte. ,tfabb rode, two i hundred'miles in ten hours. :it i Proadok kidgnOland la of her hers f:op,*i*ifiltiVigiliiVlo . taheitihe' , 40dy frontiers - men and tough ponies of the ,4 k itrOat Wast,' itiiiidutaAcet endspeed, While 09 easy and graceful riding of tho' Califor• ,t n, with erect form' Mid loose rein, is in beitutiful contrastl with the ti g ht rein and a4raceful sitt*Adi i hOlte PiVglish; horse man! In this .reektt as iu miviy others l • '. f, t y J, ; ,Ainerica Watts the WOrld. 11 1 ', .a . boajtyrikEttpiWii*WElt,i ' ..) The Detroit Ppat says a resident of that eitilnui lately!beedato Atte : , postrissl , of , a young male otter that, • from its tho pughly 441e/tatted habits,• is a great curiosity— till) Moroio.that otters have , alwayti bee coiutidered untamable. This one was Op , :tnied in Crystal Lake, Gratiot 'county, on I t o A Sri! 1, by the, Chippew‘indians, . who Id edit; mother 1 4 : few;d!t,yslater it was p !lased by -.lnallp Olewart, of Crystal La e; for one dnite:4ind when font , and, a half months old was bought by Mr. Satith ! The animal is now asSifti fail) Te'et 111' 1 ,14,014 auf t lfflNAl4,A_prooghly 4V omestialyeh 'is fteeonlytWlfharhilfir)brt iirtOsts to have the greatest affeotioa for children, and lies ntotionless for hours. if / Remitted to litiiitaWlei 4144. t. - '`:`,'::' .- - ''' its food consist* of bgcstl end milk, fiesh ~.mest end ftsh t ' oil of ' which . 'it . ests with to i iii?b,44l**o fay ~ 1 ,00 iJi.OOB t iwoatner.ii cit . It follow t Its owner' to thsi river- noS'ili - OrViiliiiriiii YillVikim 7 ftty4tOrkhOthethiokiitili.: ,, ffit& an la 11- 9 1 0f*.',44*fl&i:. '''' ,. *,lliF i t is 'wi rii l T i c ht el:4:: '°l ) 4 l : ) *.rs' 4 l s4 'B2i. t -'\i'' ' .B ll :4 . l -* T4 4 4oll „ l t te t Rs lrft lirgii., . Y*0 . 0444#: 14 1. 0.11.1r.A.,9 1 4Y,40„rk.,0401i,.004.4. ,j1641;T iit , -- , titlitiOkrtnisinSifilfe; morai)mti ad 'ihOliii) . ttiliiinfoi: ts"iliiht. 'lt is' 4 tti4Vilittk tyfAr t dpioii iihilidir,'. 441 i‘'t *O ati A . t ' g- or stioklfch , bongs. ...„,.: , 4:'Al' 1 .4 'i l igiuvt , - naritiv4l - ;i40, 1 ;:„.., , ,„ tth 4 . i( 4,- , , i ti t t a r fAleit etiigeriosig. . .. ,_ , ii it " ' ' ' - blitidittneitts.tli* :opt ,kii.l ' S : 7 00, ' ' fling Wai l flllil /IV),,Oppigi rg iniOsion is report is *de: ' ' • a~~a~~~. 411.01NOMmom* • - 1111 "H I A* 1 • 010p0r411.442Kal EOM . ,-k;ois : elAksbri K2i. 0.0 4 • * 4 - 4*, 1 ' 4.;.* I r F 4, • • • ' : tit-ra:. . • i . „ .4 -.',:w I , . P1i.....1.100....W.0. PAPHOL ..P.441, _ UEBDAY o 07-. 7.;4. ' mi"it- tir :, r '- ' ILEA trot;,g l gnuiso 9'1 1 " ) t " s ` liero is a fino misentelatinui, . ,one ean'spend a day. vary pleriStintly anions its kelieS' And curiosities; Peru ,v,ras formerly, eelohrated for its miners } prodnetion4 and the aesortuient Of these, the old coipa and !Tories of money,"are really a g r eat ourlokil ty-Ifer,ei, too, 'pre, l'irtrait,sgr, all the viceroys and inews, from the year 1780 up to the , piesenti 'And huddled 'arbund the komus, seine i4,largie t glasa cases, as A some in 11 ii sitt g o a sma tan or table on y, mire dozens of 'skeletona of the Aid WhO 'Pried 'illeittßelVOS alive at the coming of the Opanfards, long years ago, as' they were toolish ;otiongh to believe that 'after the Spaniards had gene away they would-condo from tho groutuyas fresh as a: toad of tie where ho has ' Slept for twenty Yeare: early every b 0,0,01 dem is , hi a sitting pos. tPt9i 1 1 8 head Setweea 1 u and , the kneoa drawn up„under the chin, and the ex pressirt‘i on the skeleton face, is ono of hor. tor, strangulation, smothering mi c a deapafr al tOfietNtr: "Ifore,h4oll4ot ghastly Siglita; eile'ciin not There are t);e wive/402hp lactp,snictikero alive in the Hanle way, and dying in tho Rani() !)elief. 136)Tie dttfii kirleto» Wometi 'Mulch sketch - in 1)4108, and it is a singular fact in connee• don with Musa mummies that the hink file Of the , women frolli the Unsightly akillhi in perfect 4ireiVrinition. inmoriaus, oFttipir, WASHINGTON, Aug. 24.—Tha War Deport ment has just leg etl a qen rai order con taining an eitia6efrotn the lifirty aPpiapria tlon bill,passed during tho last session of the Thirty-nintkeongress. '4lto bill onacts that all Militia forces now organized or in service in Dither of the, States of Virginia, 401111 daroji,e4 South Parolin Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas, ho, fqrth with disbanded, and that the further organi claim, arming or calling into service of the paid forces,* tiny, part thereof f lu liereby'prohibited, under any aireutastanOcff Whatever, until the same shall bo authorild by CongtCso,/ The publicatiortirof tract is intended as an explunati 3 On of thoto7 fusal, of Secretary Schofield to furaisharis to the militia of the Southern.Statee on t o atiii i iecition of the Governors, and for the in formation of thO officers of tho army now, on diztY in the Southr, .„ - • ' Paraguay. • • • • • I ! WAsuit;totex t Aug. 24.—1 t is understOiid 'that °ea'. • MclilahOlii ;our tie* .•Miniator .tci Paraguay,is instructed to use all efforts to se cure peace between that power and the •Allira. ' . The recent attack on the Alliediron-clads bq the Paraguiyana was' a sitcceas.. 'During the atitack a liirge number of ineit and'inany . eqnoo loads cif provisions were thrown into liumaita. Lopez is said to hare gone into the fortress alsoo Two iton•clada were . boarded by Paraguayans' ia 'eattoo.s, and the bidtie lasted. eight ,hours, when the prov 4 / ions Navin br,...pfctig,ot. into the fortress the . Parag aiatis ,regred. • They' lost allow Or Min: .: ,i? :i 1 . . i I rOOTE! Apt El, according to filo London Lan. cet, cpn 14 °tired' bi. the foi loivinepreparts , tin of carbcilice acid:: . To one diaohm 4of collodium tbi .two draehOs ibf ,Calvert's enrpolie 14 , C 1.1: A gclatiuous mass is preeipi t4ea, rsin ib'portiOn of yrhicli, insertedin' the . eaviiy f an „aching, tooth, invariable 0100 italic littel!elief., , , .'• 4C di tism 11: 4 1 e D R. lIUQI NN BtiIiCDNIN(I I 3 OELFM/fA r rgri ' SIVEDISIT BitTEA Cure with cattail* ail chronic derangements el the Llyer, It Storotoli`andNidney); is thorniest Pow erful Unto of the Digestive,' Muscular riC Net* vow; Elystern. and the mod. Reliable iiteseryative against all kinds of Fever; Dytetitery. - 'unl driforr taut pflessfl ; espeektily agaidat Choler* y'phoid loliew Fever. Pride 75 tents •a• bott e.•• Si t t fo $4., 'Nor sale at the "Eagle" jdoo H kNoreLc.% „- • RITT & • - lailPenuStreeti? I.btAIETER . t LINE OK.OARRIAGES ifiß TUE iGEMETERY i r o o r ele tl Aber on c lera.' WHOA, hocu ( 4,llRb u . ° , tao47tf EST:END , • '• . L 1 • , t „ „ , •. • ttn - ir 4 4: 'A ‘ . e 4 1 1., Cor.renn • • • ' ' 4011dAol,wduldr.piteeintniinrormilb can r e .I , n 1 mot he els' prepared to t t k iktikel fe 4t, al !ts, , end 840 any eiNO e4U argo46l f4f . _ Progaaaas , 41. , ,4 , 1 3 = A OHN .1141ROWN,-. • %lot: . trout & Penn iits..itaa.,llnir' , P 1 41 41 ;pr 1 4 1. .. ! , 01. 1. 1etiO i l f .8 4 4 41 4 IttSt 4.= 5 • et. th gYfra§PiiPl3:llltriittreva vs bpu , t t 14,,010e„tv odd itikro. • Olt * EIII 1 ' 6 ; MIMI it *AV WktO . •14,111A1 1 110101 , El 11100 fib ANARMO ..tworuespwpwii„ti 44320.8,0, IoA LIk , 41.00llaUti 11), tifiDAN..•• 4- ,41 vro). - 4 tilet Great Remedies for all . -I;foer, Stanu4o.Plgatiof )1. .000nortmetoktm404 i , - 1- ~ ~,•,,,, i l l l e i ' l 3 l l l z ir i k i t t n e t S I Veil: * No 8 C 41 , ali arks, titlar*. ea . V antift e : telt ! opp touvwor hoovtaXiiirS4 EalitMtitOV/0 Is a clot:libaton ofill thatuti 40411? rrigh t V. P raeM OM re c.s 4, t ri l= biatentediess r Stye to a p l ipPla, , ~.. °se Inefening 3 4* 61 ° PA I.O P-k lO admixture" *lame , „ ~ . ) ~ ~, , 400244* NIPS GIitiI44I 4 I43ITTERB. i n a gst who hase,sio khleitiost 10 11011 . 00intanatton ot we mitten', as e • tateu % witl ufte , 4 • k itoo Pi A4 4 0 11 3'0 1 0 1 /0 , 14/ii TP/4 0 :- , e , Thei.effi,boilt oliquittittlifterrtelefr OS e inetuctuai virtetektete into 011 0 Mit stir*, ins * mere mattiVortasteet e °Mewl s t n s glie *palatable. .• t,-- . ' Ple stinacti, from a vane of Wise& fiugn al indigestion, DyspeVaily len' 011, ' Doryi vitt A Very apt to nave its fin et Cnif orange ~ ' 'he Iv vr, srapittlfistait itifetesenilf fie it 4ti fil With' duo bion t ion i , Neil ineileeirt,reirq'tel i Miek ritla 1 1,1, which Is that thepatient sulfate mu set moN. O I the tetiowilAg osteeeoo: ' . - , At consuainthm. , Ppoe,ll.nWArd Piles' Pa i r orAlloo4 to the . MLitt of INA. ~, Nausea, lief urn, Din et r ft, . fun - nevs or .l oteikl in ilke, ti tam*, 4ilir ~ ~,,; xruotat tamp, IL oe Orin 0ki , t, 44 et the Pit of MO iggi, WAIDA oi , ,i, the, 'Plead: Herd 1,0 IMO dttlifeltUteEs • ' ' Fluttering • at the'. Mop* or Suffgeat lugApnsatiouswheaL kik imp Ist r !gra of irislah, Deis at Webs °tore t, g t frainfin the Head. Debi /soy r Tea Pk, 1 / tion, YelJoynestofth i i kin en eP. t 1 Pat n in the131(10, 11; est, Li 0, fitd„' I ' 4 ' ti f SudOe Ylush es of 11, ura lug Okthe AWN, r von Mat 'magi:tin' o 'Evil, agd , (treat 7 Depression of Spirits. , , r 4 ' • l i ne am oterfkottithese (Dees es shenleitei i iiie 1; 1 the Irea eet caution In the se collo)) of a reutedpi for h e case, putehaeing 9107 k et Vlitelt i lit? sure from hieflayeetintionsa a- ilku ea, sessep true or t, is skill fatty compo,uad ,is the ttoM i urlotts lifkre dittits, tiqd 'stab; - ed for itself •rbigtatioll fi)' the net. qfd Xn this ,coeneltiollaWo would saboa4 those lye k wo known tamed! it-- ' 4.‘t • ,' 'I , 1100FLAND' 8 CifERNAN iin t Ontf ' il o ' o DDA N D ' 0 rin,lip toglO rospatt D. air De. VM. Jr,gxsorr, 01149104 ?,4 Thirty-iltre Yeimainee they wore lint kritfaiAge4 lute this country from (lemony, during womb ttel they _have undoubtedly performed lore curpo,an benelited suffering humanity to a rioter efittelt ,tlitlll any , other remeOlgs known fe t e t0.h110.,. , `Theseremedles lOU efeetually cure !Ave' croup', plaint, Jaundice 'Dispepsia, Chronic, et riervons )ebility, Chront Diarrrcea, , Disease of the Kidneykand all tee ea •arlpigit Antk a Mr 'ordered laver, Motile.% dr . ntestines. ... . ' . D gl3 I lifll k T of ~' . i •,',. • ..; Itoeultinifront any Canso w stover; Prostration of the System; induced • by sayer° sotherir '4' • . ilarditil s; Esnosurd, ifovern, 40. , There Is no me loine extan t/ to these ‘ rem edies in such 'pas 5. 41; tone and vigor dB Imparted: , to the whole sys ;mi. th e, appetite is strengthena Nod is enjoyed, the stomach digests %Properly, the blood is puyifted, the ,00mplexion becomikeiteu d and healthy, thd pine* tingelseradidated cto 1 the eyes, a bloomlis given' to , thd . oheeks, and t weak and nervous invathl,lMeOMesA AtSenit andddddd healthy being. . - , • rtItgONS ADVANOED IN 'Litt • 'Aild fooling tho hand of time ryelithing heavily upon than with ;Mint attendant ills 'will 'find' in tho use of tllis likraliti, or the TOIL% an elixir that Will instil new, life.into their Ye ns, restore In kMeasure the energy And ardor of mom youthful, it bnild. up h app in ess . shrunken forms, , and give health and nappmess to their-remaining years, ?' ' '' :. ' NOTIC E ;Li.. well established. fact that flillk - one-half of the female portiorkofout f j ipuletton itefroldom in the enjoyment of , gems tionitti, or ; to u;so thei r oWn' 'exProssibh, ' 'never feel well. '. They a t languid, devoid of nit energy, eAtroinoty nerytuty i and havo.n6 appetite. • ' ' To this class , of , noncom; the BITTIIIIB, &Alit' T 0 1 ,40, is especially roootinnondoO t .. , _. ( 1 WEAK op DEravATO iiMINMAi ,-, ,' 4tre•Made strong by the use of either of these remedies. , . Ther will cure eyory etuieof gdA.ll,Ail• 31.Urlorlthout fait, :,,. ••• .: • :: :r: s'. ; . • ' Thousands,of cortlllehtOti , bevel anOttinulated 'in the hands of the proprietor, but spacewill allow ol the publication of but few. Those, it will be •ob• Served, are,rneti of rioter and of ;mob standing that they must he believed, • . . , ~. TESTIMONIALS. • ; .• non. chsorgil7,) , Woodwerd, hie , •.• , • afice otthel sllPrefee, Vouri t , arlite4, , t •"f ertuat) ittir ti alt o 4 pp. usefutin diseiroi "Of thq:A zittittetkro Orltigki, great benefit In .plust acm4ooutir.' wimt: . e*vous action t 0 1 44 1 1 3 . ,t ; ; r• ' • • „ enre truly, • . •.; i - 'luilgo of the Supreme Court of iienttiyhoinli. ion % - - o t46nitaeiltkrtAnA 4 0 0 40 .8 9 ya m .414ttifeilleine in ee, Orattankit Of Rai bi dt I out tortifylhts trout My iiittleffilitiOo of it -.„ •A, 4.; ~ , . / ( 0 14 ‘',1-t i ge d °44in i t 0- i. • • huez ;* xl. rett,Ont Ambient lblitofehriatian Otutnielp. Ph yi tdelpa w have derived decided benefit f rom e ttsii Rood-Od's German Bitterr; And f4elll ut , prtictl to recommend the e& re a mort value') a tosttoo-to. wko'tire mithrhig general depi or . 000: aunties arbslnt from derangement oft tireft • Yearn; truly =• • • ?- -.•- • -; , • • ;#* ?*Att. l 4-` . . • A. till7f . '(l „ • 1.1; P. A . A ffottgancre german Remedies stet co t i g Bee that .11114etureriofil 31.JA tittrenTrotOoo4 bot,l4—f ON (A* ett; • - • • ' I nelpiii efkiee:jold Mitotic:et* itgol64 tiedielpeptctre; ost Arehtitr,t; Putioa . cilAirms me trtrittiii goiltdii,: - „,. . -• •-' priaierly o:4lfllAttl4oll.lt*.r,S.4:' '! 1 - PAWL. :24, '1 A.- /04001 Oirr' tuA:Riiictiter s :- ; ; . .:•, .Il4fiersiiii m afehnhoc Tool Zit ' 'loll2lit SI 60 taIX Q401'11144 4 Llkos* is, Do riot - corgdf to iita ne eft tb atitlao*': ' . 4 ` Vit. to order to got the elmotturi v0..4 A;cl.” , 4 , • . 1 . . , 44.'464'144 ' I • „' ' , • .( IDnigg4**4sl".l! ..1' 1:4,1 .„ .qtivtitt-******4o=.ol* wirlf 41' tso 1:4 et ~~~~~r ronroosetm. _ „ t ip. - t.:ipelaTr • .o, ,z , i v+ -.4 „ La% tLt•,4* 45:th).4). -, k, 01104 , 0_ 4* fkii i ii 'pig; s tioriebtiMoli‘Obeiviii64,4l46a - A • ,i ir --,..: . a iiiror th i , -4..,, ,:.., 'o'4, • 0 - I.M . irtttlr ' ' li ' . . S' ;1 2 • C ' ': * ; ' t‘i - , Y - 442441 ' 0 ItiltV 00 0 ' 1iQ..6,1 ak 'OK's 44011t0W v - rk?,1,44 Wong= I ktAtikiltaii'ntA . : 41. i t i t - - ' , ~, . ~ -, •,* 1: •19, ,„*.,4*,;', . is, U.,1-IRei 11T4$ flit* fl 1 4 Olt: 4tfoIgAV,INI A , ~,,,t . - :: ,-, ., ,, •..'.....k ',,;. Ait .M.: ' t Ilk ill 9 0 tt Pm 4 , 90* i WOOtt i iiii 4k, ait,, 6 411*414af . 1(111111W4Ni ~, ' -10 4.ooThooku 704 r thintithi i tik:alie 'i ..' 111:T1 1 044ft it ,4, -ii 7 ,t., cabit eitwateitokso !wow , -;_,-,. ~, ~ 4 ', : , : , _ , . .;7., • • -: - ••:1; '3 ''' , l ' 4 #ft•tY Alt fft ;IL /ti0, ,7 4 , 14;101iwia-dair nruvrtocoloronxims. ~ . . 4: o o3lfiethile4OUfttif 7 fh - -1 , I,'t.:' , ' s l : t •!fP 1 dll - 4*,: 4t.k4K*-li ' A . M k liliii :7, li . k. .7. 4 f. .: i lavat io Ip. 41 g TY tA - 7 77 #7,t.:1 ' 1 , 1.`,,5c , •ii:,1‘.!: - F t , cl it_ 4741 f Fax , IC •, Pzkvallo * 5 •;; ; ,,,fl,l 0 Z. ,p,,..,... f„ 4,6,4 1..iiie., 14 .*1 ,giegti..ll4op tf %till' ' IWUJlblikill. .i ' ,-. 14 w . I . ‘ , ~. ii(filktriti, ,,,- T, ~, ,,. *, . ., • - ,• w-'5, , 4, : 41A -- 0•1' . „G k : i. , ,.: ; , -;;A 1.4_140,, fil#7o4, v ter* ' till or, ite op 71- 14 1 0*'101 - 0 4710" ' • 4 W loroticse rm Reformili OhsrAWA 614 10 4 0 49 1 0AlitYktYPV,444f4 • A 46 3 1BARrta tieet,444loll. .41,t,..ye,7gilkworN; J4ipitAtcy DO!" M1L 414 1, 1 1 , : aA ,. ,' ~ ~. -1,.,.: ~ , ill I n it 11'4w -or (*if ii . i i i 3 O ,, it i,,, iiii* v : „. l i pi ,., : ~ it , .0470i;ibtiiii 'cisav A ien ' tee IW` go l alege e ttrai lu g t t o gei'a 4 4 •isilinimeitni, ~. 'j • K t Iteil4ranrattnrif, X . , ~. . .............................. :. , WM.--s - ..t. maw ritteigtfis. ridAOklFDB',` ". ' •' • ' 7 '' l 2 ', • vzu -sx , i ';r4) .4 4 'to ,';' ~, r. , ,., - - -,,, i •, '4l, v , i,-4 , WEDD,PKI 11$10/1)11404 1, if • Z Of alt kinds.raiiiixtblta _ tpsi Mao. Ileotrotypesturn . tehArin. i-. . l A l l4#46 ; iiiiiiiiliin4 Vatliitilltf • Ittta?" 1?°1140 1144 PAt 1 4 Att i ki , ', :";.. •,' ' _:,: , x.. , ,. v.. -:r •' ', ',A ., 1:, ,,,- .0, ~ I , TIFE.I4, ES i ll twt ,- 1-, , , ;' , !,'-,i' T. - : ,, i•4,4,%44 , .:: .A ijOittoilittiti i : 4 4 i , fi r ?''' : ' d • 'se oigia • roi I! wn r I livd.-1 111 j.t14___ -.: 1 ru°l l r°nlP. igrligt* l '' sed oldie . 4 f•-• 7 ' :..":_-..1 i . .. - - , 1. ', 4, ''', i A Trf:): hill' mot tonsrientit.t. , imp eit err g mot gam .. .W .:', ues,,e , rittill* .0 - . !le' 4Ailii t -: tpk.vo's- '' ' . A49wistoo, ; A% , ' - i O. kIYAN4OIIII , 4, ., '', ;::(IkPOltl , i. - t,l:-.,:•,-4.1q.-4.P 0.**14-' • Fl Ausfilw..7„ , qa D.,,r0 itko r o 45,0 0 .111. r 0010: . I..l<.kiee tto. , i, i bilk ‘ rt (.4 k 441 ITE MEM NMI . - .7e.12. 1k • 1 - 4, 511 ,"5 ; iighia' . ilmiteAding .111611 road. til It T a l s i Elil;.it "pINI4 rAi t, " f l o adolsta seal Ala. 9,1 vie , 14'6 'JO / Ili. ' Aiii _ rk , Ilk , 7. ,It,r4/9 , 91';,!!10 'R' 1 "" tAikekemfiet ,11 - nciet,),l,v a. ut,. E33' .'' Att 15 01., WWI( / 01 ' ii• Mt. itiltidlog at %Ili) g. , :• ; `n VlLtrfiln3 fitliat.' di ri Hat- , , ~ V; 43 'AI ending traps for \ N agara 11 a , m. an. IX u►. I'. 0, hl. .),I). wend 11.111, 11 1 tIICL UM A. M. I'. M. A, . v. M. the tli... '.llll 411 v% imp ;16 tit. teo fiVi .45 4 Att. MI ill. V g r Or it IQ (two Zia' :al unt.. Irtll3 , I !Hap ntl4l ?41.,74t AR bit 5 Oultlif ty ortuo Iju t( ry~dnlly osr iitationn iloutown, ',Witt. COO, d'iliVON 00*,sill 'JO Vow all uliu • 1). OE int isll (4 trkin I eadim 4,4 at :Ct 1 1 1 1; is. lfarrlqin-p sri'lf T 'wryo, is to or am I it tui lOchns' bct3ee► MAO fo )ntlig, en,fut 'Mini Ilt 1114 kelt 4Qn:ru. return, id, MIN ELM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers