jr- irrv.mc -fea:-:RETV.Raran .Soinrans.--NOVir CV:Maga that there are thousands of soldiers in the c ity desirous of changing their military for civil apparel, We cannot tlO our noble veterans .1 , 1 greater service than directing them to the celebrated old Clothing Establishment of Atosr s. c„ Somers Sou, No. 625 Chestnut Weet, .Jayne: Hall. The stock of this Jinn is One of the finest and most extensive in the city. and their unitorin Custom of selling Sells to soldiers at the lowest prtees t is most com mend:ooe 6-E.,,,ExisTes Fun - stellate Goons.--31r.G orge fit• Chestnut ~treot., has a handsome as ....clew,:of noveltics. Prin Dena. tiOii Spring Cravats, Suininer goads especially adapted for travelling,. it, bl celebrated "Prize Medal" Shirt, invented John F. Taggart, is unequalled hy any other in the world. livr-tiorgv.G l'l3;‘, A 1•11.1 COT:., CON'PIieTIONSI (r.—Tile most tempting- stock in this city, ai A. L. TATISATIVS, N Toth and Chestnut. Roasted. Almonds, Chocolates, and a hundred other de.. licious things, adapted for the season, can 110« be had at his counters. THII 11.992. EITT[24O SHIRT 08 TEE AOR 19 " The Improved pattern Shirt," Made by John G. Arrison, at the old stand, NOS. 1 and 5 North :SWII street. Work done by hand in the best tcanner, and warranted to give satisfaction. pis stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods c annot be surpassed. Prices moderate. Tlis «CBINEBE SUN RAT," Sold by Wood & erns, 7: 2 b Chestnut street, is really indispen slible to every lady about leaving the city. Their entire stock of Straw and fancy Goods now selling off at much below cost. 'VISITORS TO THE PEA-SHORIC should provide theinselVeS with DATHmo Ditiessits from Jowl C. ARRiSON'S, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth street. l'xintr.ikruan DOMFSTICS. — The Jackson MTh sis4.pian says: "We learn that unbleached :inwe4irs in this city have fallen from seven. iy-hve to forty-Ave cents per yard." On which the Yirksharg Jimid observes: "Unbleached dooiesties have Wien here from eighteen dollars to zero per head." A.propos of this fact we might mention that the most Clegant wearing apparel in the country is that f olio) up at the Brown Stone Clothing hall of Wilson, Nos. on and 605 Chestnut street, above 111.1,110115 E GRAPES, Arawors, CONREOTIONS, ,U, The most tempting stock in this city, at Vansant , s, Ninth and Chestnut. Roasted iimond, Chocolates, and a hundred other de lieivus things, adapted for the season, Can now be had at his eotmters. Fora STEC'S dt Co.'s PIANO.% (little used) for sale at bargains. These pianos have been used during the past winter and spring at concerts, at public halls, and in private houses, and show no Dierks of use. Price $9.00 less than new ones of same style. J. E. GOULD, je2l36t Seventh and Chestnut streets. NEW AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS NOR BENT, gnlpOrtion of rent applied to purchase. also, new and elegant pianos for Sale on :Wow/iodating terms. Gom), Seventh and Chestnut. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. inentftl. The Con (k) Childs, Chestnut Hill All Tack. West Virginia illeketson, West Va Caitcago CiliC:l/10 t Willaorskv, - COnSUI for etherlanas ]gin,_, Chi es go ,1 4 Newyork 7N Holmes & wf,Pittsburg !W Holmes, Pittsburg EN Holmes, Pittsburg W Holmes, Pittsburg • Miss J Holmes, Pittsburg 'N 111 Holmes, Pittsburg I Miss Shields, Pittsburg, 'Miss H Shields,Pittsburg • W Hildebrand wf Cin IN W. Wool verton, N 0 Coiner & son :Coro, Jr. Cincinnati I: coulte, Greensburg II King, Pittsburg I. B Duff, Pittsburg A 31 Delight, Chicago t; Porter & wf j Pittsburg: Frazier wr, Pittsburg.; Ali_: 3131 Frazier, Pittsbg, 1 OIL, 31 Winreeh, Pittshgj s Berry. - Washington it i cealautv. Havana 311,1-W Vorbes, ' N Y W I: Bull, New York II :What. Baltimore S 'Fowler & la. Pittsblg Il - I lays & wi. Pittsburg )(Kier & tor. Pittsburg. om Ma.chetol Wt. pa ;t T 11 Nelson t; Clark la. New York 31rs ,/ F Smith K son . NY Kinney smirk. New York' F 31 Br o wn, Pittsburg W 11 Siegel:, New Tore 31r A 310 s Voorhees, N Y , W Der - Washington s: Teel, Washington 311 - 1 Wizen, Arkansas I • V. Loma. Baltimore Are Ii W 310rgan, Penni& :McVey, Pittsburg Ilinkett, Dayton, Dhlo 11,1,1riek,. Franklin N al lleat, Yerniont S rot(. Nashville 11 Howell, Wisconsin .1 'tau Reussalear, N J Underwootl,Virginia Pr Wallington, Mass . itnmy,en, Now. Orleans, T E Gregg S wf, Cino E 6obithwait, N Fork 31v Whitney:Sew Jersey i t F Atkinson. 01110 31 ve P A Brown, Ohio G Wrightson. New York I licatimut, jr, N York Chas it Braine, N York C A - Henry, Now York 11 B Hewett, New York 36e Winebester. Wash'n F Read. Boston W 11 Mien!, New York Col S II PaitieConn li It Krutwell . .s, cli, Pa P.l.llrish, Pittsburg 1' J s: rerry,W,“hioetton ',Mrs AI Perry, Wasi !Miss A Perry, Wash !Miss I Perry ,Washington ID F Brown, Fall River J Strong, Louisville, My Chas Houseman, Maine Mrs H W Darts 2 eh, Ed Miss Davis, Bat thnore W Neilson, Havana 1G W Attains. Prov, IL I .0 P Cinumins,Washiug'n MrsM E Fellows&leb,S 0 !Jelin A Naneu,.N York IR R Haines, New York It W Shenk & wf,Lanter Mrs J C Spencer, Erie 1W Spencer, Erie ‘V L. Reeves, Jr, liv Mrs W P Getty, N 'York 1M J Tassin, New York E J Strang,' U S A !Chas S Caiven, Chicago IN Stevenson., Nashville J It linekaca A wf, CM. 0 10 E Hersh. York, Penna W J Raymond, N York 'W F Hudson, New York John Koch, Scranton Robt M Hoehler, Phila T A Kudy, Memphis T Altschne, New York Mr Harkness; Penna R F Pe.ck, New York Mrs H. Itleeetanlek, Wash Mrs A HMcCormick, DC Miss F Howard, Wash J C Howard, Wash, D C F Steinberg St 2 da, Cln A H Ang,ell, New York IE Greenbaum, Boston Mrs Taylor dt sou, Peuna 'JohnJ A Davis, New York S D Tucker, New York Geo C Anderson, Keokuk A Webster, Cincinnati A S Zimmerman, Penua E R Taggart, Penna. The G C Kennedy & trf, wash. J,l McCarty, Washingon• 0 010 . 4.1inei,,N,01 York ' Warburton, N Y W Utica A H Lindsay, liorfolk,tia ArOUSUII .2 la, Pittsbrg H Hichardson,N Y 11 . C , then, New York: Chas Moise, Harrisburg L C Bowman, Harrisburg rCP bilredier, Virginia li IStiekingnain, 1. Y P Riggs, NeNV York D Scott,_ Elkton ' Geo W :ipriuglield,Balt J L Curran F li Dunn W 5 Booth, New York W Gr Eaton, New York Oliver Dennis, Baltimore beo Rodgers, Bait John A Hollings, Wash IS B Colby, Washington Da Scull 11 - 11 cpi,ining, N Y I,,ae AI Denson, Balt W Flinn, Boston aa , Young, New Jersey . E U Finey, Hartford H J Hopper, Jersey City lobiu D Eekel,Selmylkill co W S GOSUCII, Baltimore 1 J 31 Patton & wife Pa Jr,J W Williamson, Del Sand Williamson, Del D *Williamson 3; wife Pa I JABours&wf,Wilm, Del .1 WSltutherford twite,Pa J J Shoeinaker,llarrisbix E Bart & la, Pa lx C 1 reson & la, Balt J A - McNutt, Tenn ,singisvr,..liarrisburg .Thtrrek. Newark, 0 L L Barriek, Newark, 0 RlVittrey. Nashville F It Brut:diet, Bedford Jo is uhdoevs,Plumer A U llustman.Pavette Co Juhn Scott, Huntingdon I Jss 3higuire,lidatingdo». Javot. B Williams 1 W.l Adam Harrisburg li Elnyan dwf.Pittsburg, Mr:. , l) cooper, N Payne Prnebone, Pa 1111 , Pettebone,Yt youtlrir Kateßias PettebOne, Pa Sweetland, Pa Ni,- Mary Sweetland, Pa Lr Yeard. Baltimore C Hand. New York thsl•W liyderlek, N J ti win. Penna. F di Shaw, lowa Stockton Stokes, Trenton Jas A Williamson Pa P iii Toner, Now York IS Brick, New York B B Langton, Bostonj IW Harper,Jr USA W 1..1. Stewart,' N Y McCormiek,Jr, klarrisb P P Finegan, P etersbg, Va J A Post, J ersey Citv Alex Eillmore New York' T Booth, Mistie Bridge Ueo floppes, Chunk plaj Gen Schofield, IT S A 'l3 Clark St la, Hazleton L W Drake wf, Penna Jos H Boyd, Baltimore _Miss K Boyd, Baltimore li Brrson, Harrisburg ISainiA Simmer ton,ITS Y L Anna, Suubury I) Paxton 15 1t Walker Penns C C Mullin, Harrisburg Alex Mullin, Harrisburt 1V H Hartley, wash, ➢ ' Li Byerly, New York Van Antwerp, N York ( ellipluau,Newark.NJ W Wooster, Mass E Evers S wl,Harrisilurgi chants. The Me W ic mouthy, Baltimore Win Ii Doolittle, Wash'u A. Honer, New Jersey Gen D B Mehibhin, L SA John C Lalbande. N J S W Woodward, N J L A Ba Coll,ll' iseonsin lir A Belly, Penna. .1P SROV OIL Now York A Pollock, Wheeling u«.o Weis, Elk Co J 11 Senueller, H Albright, Alabama , Grub. l'enua Jae,es Cochran, Ohio Hou H L Foster, Penna Sahli - Mizell, Pittsburg - Robt - Midden, Pittsburg :It Porter,Wheeting,Va F Bozeman, Georgia J B Baird, Georgia Charles Johnson Georgia 1E Howett, Georgia W it n res:lGeorgla A J Hs rtsock,J ps, okustOWn 'John Craig, Lehigh Gap 'Judge G Belford. Penult L BerkhardL, B 1 Chunk Sproul, Jr, & la, N J Miss S E Sproal,N Jersey B 1t heave, Titusville B Hollester, Penna. C Tobey, Monson IR 0 Fenton, Monson W T Newson,Colurab,Tnd !Gen IV Lillyy Mh Chunk IBSeholtemtels,llsMoines A Brower, Lisbrina, Pa Mrs Robinson, Hagerst'n Miss Robinson, Hagerstn 'R F McCabe C F Hentleho, Baltimore F L Morrow & son, Ohio T Mitchell, Williamsport Mrs L Straus Mrs I.lfahris r If 31eMoster, Pittsburg F F 3larkey, Pittsburg T 1' Nlrers, Virginia 31,Lottuell„ Ohio Thos Craig, Lehigh Gap L McCoy, Delaware )11,S iat(3o3lDth"vare dell IS la, Potts,: Reilly, _Pottsville 1 OD Lilly, indionapOliS B Aber, 01110 .11:1:erdan Baia, Toronto 1 ft Ateberley, Ohio tl II ' , abort & son, Pa Ai; A strilwater. Penna NE, H , Corandae, N hullmps,•ll. New York T White, Ind co, Po IV A 31.,e.b.ek, Si Louis J _Rankin WillinmsPort, .1 Pottsv M thonbarts, Harrisburg 1. Straus A Taylor, Pittsburg .1 s Sbippensburg_ Holt HS Mott, Pike co, Pa Park & wife .1 McKenna, Slatington Huber., Allentown L Jones, Allentown Gowenhery, Blootasbff J S McCora, etttsocre,- A Cameron,Maesachusets W H. Fritz, Pennsylvania James McHenry, Penna A Thomson & wf, retina Miss Thomson, Penna H Master, Cincinnati, 0 Felix Hirsch, Gin, Ohio D P Parr, Baltimore D P Parr, Jr, Baltimore G' BothYoek & in. ii York The .1 Paoham,. New York II st Harper, Penna Deproe. Washington 0 Myers, Baltimore .111 Terhune,New Jersey Simper, wf & sVt, raj Hiss lienuett,rittsbarts • A Cllairton4c wt, Pittsbg II halls, New 'York McCoy, New Lisbon • 0 N George, Lebanon, Pa S George, Lebanon, Pa J Strice, Lebanon, Pa •1 Kirkpatrick, Pottsville II Molir...iterks co 1 K Neff. Blair co IS I.) Smith, Franklin, Pa F MeGear, New Jersey . A B Swartz, Allentown J B Moses, Allentown J J Miele, Jtaston, Pa 'Miss ED Hill, NJ ti I , Currie, New York 4 Jones & wf,New Haven Limit A B Cassell, U S A LI Heats, Pittstown, N J 3L Ely, USA S B Cleaver. Delaware c Ft Muller,. Easton, Pa J George, Lebanon t Pa I W F Hudson, New york, IW T Stephenson, Wash W 'V Hudson, New York - VIT ,J Stephenson, Walsh E Richardson, IP, Ferry J M Raum . _ . I. avl J , Wltyan, U S A Sloekberger, N Y N Hans, US A tutu t ILEttle, II S A NN Faller,' Titusville, Pa I. IVillt-:;, Putman 01110 1.: 31 Alien. Maryland H New Jerse9 - +' it New York Z. , ~,,..rholson, New York N Y L, Morrisiana , Morrlslana Morrisiana it ells, Morristana ll (. BirOssn. Morrislana Bogle, J r, Morrisiana , A Berry, Zanesville, 0 J H Smith, Cincinnati., 0 J Halligan New York A PGray:New York IW Chesil°lin, Jr, N York S H Collins, MorrEsians. J It Quick, Morristatia. Bolmar, Morristans C Monks, norrisiarka,Ny C Pabor, Morrisiann, N Y W Herring, Morrisiana J S Bedell, Tremont G W Smith, Astoria mere's'. John Lackland, Md IB F Kirk, Atary W Taylor, Maryland I HC ThomnsOn,CileSter co E Large, Chester co tlir H. Townsend, Penns, B K Hickman,W Chester H W Al'away Penns G Smith New York S A Hendrickson, Del co V Hanson, St Johns, N B AV spencer, WEIStiITI4 F CWitherow,Fonnetsog J Wright, Oxford I' S Taylor, Chester CO B N Sill, Chester co :L L Bachman, Chester CO The Coin N "Re.,,stec, Huntingdon I, ert Ross, Doylestown D Jenkins & Aid A G Davis. Pottstown Winder & la, Chester I. A Lan Man. Chester MASS S JM Thoinas,eltester 1. &la,Chester A Seal Geo Knox, Lancaster co &AP Itirtantan. POIDIa Posey Barnard & Pa Itarnartl &w(, Doe Run If Jenkins, Penns lem P Haines, Lanc co L 'Moore, Lancaster co: The Sta W J Croa wale, Wit, Del' Jae Branch,aulwamiee I Thos Greene. Milwaukee Geo Miller & la, N Y W B Bower, Lancaster Henry Baker, Newville 14 Driver, Washington' It Hampton, Lancaster L Harper, Lancaster .1 Liman & wf, Baltimore, tiara] Black, Perry co, Pa' D Harman, Doylestown ee Virion. Chas Thornton, N Y dos Dynes, New 31cultrty, New York lIV 0 Robbins New Hone John S Prentice, Conn ,J Barton, Penna f 3 Howlett, I hrtford, Ct .;P G Patterson, W y ,1C Long, Blllppensnrg, John Dyre, Penna Geo Bower, Albany, W Y IW 13 Dirmenli, Albany ley Sheaf. The Ban A 1 JoneS,lnimAnglon (le Kelly, New orerileY J Heim & NY Wmineke,Pittsburg Jobn J Clark, Chester John Statlihouse;Penna Jos Ragtloi Ira Backs co Chas Nlrkbri4e_, ilueße CO .1 C,,,Nralelcr,roxCasc, Conrad Lear, Busks to; It 31 Knight, Byberry W Cadwallader Penna Mies Force,Trenton Sol Holcomb, Mt Airy A Holcomb, Mount Airy Mary DuMeld, Httlmery Miss Lott, Hulmerrllle orris Jarrett, Bucks Co Simpson Micheuer, John J Witittnis, Phlla ericati„ A P - 14Fali,Bostois V P Caitiii , New York E Mousy, Seaford, Del J T Trout, Columbia, Pa Mrs .1 C Parsons & ch,N I MesMFlßoskins&eli, Mass E. Swayer, Allentown C Moore, Pittsburg J A Moore, Pittsburg E 1' Bowen, Maryland J Hayes, Maryland S Perkins, Pror, R I D Campbell, Luguayra W Dukes & da. lirooktin Fl B Davis, Now York 'C C Pettingo, Mass .1' Halo, Doylestown A Fries J V Taylor, Delaware W Dmcan, Cape May H II Laninei r, St Louis W Reildlemirash Wheatley, e NV a ly sh Hr lionlings A Pyle, Easton k T J Albright d, St Louis chas,Jaeloon capt-Emiktg--- Calireamb - ell B 1r F ooks, Laurel, Del 13 J Moore, Laurel, Del J R Wllsou, Laurel. el Mrs J MeCaulle, Maryrd S W Taxlor, Maryland G C Smith, Luisork C Stern. St o W Ring Fwl GeOrget'n rassavant, .N ew ork R Teller, New York S Dent, relersburg,Va E Bonney, Baltiluoes. TSit/ma:yr. Jersey Shore T t,nreets, Baltimore W R Baines 6 B F nulls. Boston P Meseek, Albany L T Mott & la, New York P Scovell, New York A B Demme, Newport MCIIII3II Ncwoort Di Eeihenaeli:Flollfilaysbg J F Moorhead, N Jersey F IV Hart, Connecticut 11 IV Healy, Boston • The Bald Eagle. Peter Spengler, Mye7st'nlT Harley, Quakertown Hoary J Inooktov, 1 , ,,,a John A 13ennor, Bath, Pa Jos j Bdonnao_, Bath, Penna ;IF WCIIIIIVWChia,-ille ir Brown, Lancaster co L Sic) tzbarli, Marietta: II Van tzalcoa, Kutztown Jos Seyfuss, Carbon co I HeurySauders,Kutztown Mrs J Seyfuss. Carbon co , M. L More, 'Wayne co, Pa F Brinkman, Lehighton Potors,Middietown,Pa T Richards, Bucks co, nt, Weabor,Lehanon,Pa k Bear. The Ms R Ramer, MCI, P 4,11 S is T r Cr. er. Peng 11..Atuo int1111, rA stille, Day Heftily, 6.Evonsville John Hersh, Pemisburg h II Bornenutn,Boyerton N Weller, Allentown, Pa WM Moll, Allentown, Pa S Hogeland,Somerton,Pa Win Shellintre, retina Windl Daehmen, Chas Finney, , J K Krouse, Lehigh co IWitt H Holl, Allentown &mill' Jaeger, Heaginc ft-; Dubin, Trumbowtrie The X j P 3icQaillin, Mass !Dr E Wildman, Mucks co Chas Howard, Harrisb'g Jas Penna. 31 Parkhurst, N Jersey IE C Hamilton: Lewistown W L Boberts cabel Packard & la, 3fass Mt . > D-Rtiaxes Churchill, &nu W H tilator, . ashingt on !lt Jennings, Bordentown T C Besreli, Ne'Wtown Bnsh, Del Water Gap Geo It Eaton & we, N Y SPECIAL NOTIGVAS. THE BUMMER SHOWER BY THE BARD OF TOWER RALE, A dimness shades the landscape all, The sides with blackness lower; Some paWring drops begin to tall, And, Lure comes the showed Such torrents soon would drench one through— ill swim!, hemath this shed, And the tempestuous puddles view That o'er the pavements spread. But some distracted mortals rash, Who hope their homes to gain, Right through those yellow puddles splash, 'While on them bests the rah, NOW SUllbelllll.9 pierce the waVry mass 7TIs at such times as this, The vulgar deem, that lawyers pass Unto a state of bliss I The driving streams now cease to pour, The clouds no longee frown: The sky looks blue and bright Once more, Umbrellas are shut down. I'll speed, now, on my errand high, Thus for a while delayed, • A suit of Summer Clothes to buy By Bennett's artists made. Our stock being constantly replenished by large daily additions, we are enabled to offer a large as , sortment of all kinds, styles, and sizes of clothing at the lowest possible prices. TOWER HALL, No. 51S MARKET Street, BENNETT % 00. FOR PRESERVING.—YOU CAN PROCURE Bell Metal, Brass and Enamelled Preserving Ket tles, and Preserving Spoons with Strainers, at the Hardware Store of TRUMAN - & SIIAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-live) MARKET Street, below Ninth. PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS, OF SEVE RAL qualities of plating. and Ivory-handled Table Cutlery, for sale by TRUMAN & SHAW. No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) MARKET Street, below Ninth, SELLING OFF SUMMER CLOTHING AT RE DUCED PRICES. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling oft Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. . . . ' PERRY & CO., PERRY & CO., PERRY & CO., PERRY & CO., PERRY & CO., No. 303 CEIESTNITT Street, above Third, NO. 609 CRES•rnIITSt. (Stokes' old stand.) S. E. Corner of SINN= and M.A.IMET Ste. (Jones.) jy3l-6t BETTER THAN OIL WELLS.--THE MOST valuable possession on earth is good health. PLANTATION BITTERS Are an excellent preserver of the health and vigor of the whole system. They quiet the nerves. They cure Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. They create a healthy appetite. They cure Cramps and Cholla. They purify and Invigorate the system. They cure Headache, Constipation, and Bilious ness. They require no change of diet. They instantly relieve distress after eating They make the weak strong, the languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaa bark, win ter/fr...., roots, aus laorbo, oil prcooSvexi perfectly pure St. Croix rum. For particulars, see circulars and testimonials around each bottle. TRY THEM, AND BB CURED. jy2t9-6t PEERY'S MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION.— Chiloasma, or hiothpatch (also called Liverspot,) and Lentigo, Or Freckles, are often 'very annoying, particularly to ladles of light compleglon, for the discolored spots show more plainly on the face of a blonde than of a brunette; but they greatly mar the beauty of either, and any preparation that will ef fectually remove them, without injuring the texture or co/or of the skin Is certainly a desideratum. Dr. B. C. PERRY, who has made diseaoes of the skin a speCiality, has discovered a remedy for these ditto 'orations which Is at once prompt, infallible, and harmless. Wholesale in Philadelphia by JOHNSTON, HOL LOWAY, & COWDEN, 23 North SIXTH Street, and by DYOTT & CO., 232 North SECOND Street. Prepared only by B. C. PERKY, Dermatologist, Ro. 49 BOND Street, New York, and for sale by all Druggists. Price, $2 per bottle. Call for PERRY'S MOTH AND PRECELE LOTION. For further information address Dr. B. C. PER RY, 49 BOND Street, NEW YORK. je7-wfm3ta HAIR DYE I HAIR. DYE BA.TCHELOR'S HAIR DYE is the best in the World, The only true and perfect Dye—harmless, instantaneous, and reliable; produces a Splendid Black or Natural Brown; remedies the ill effects of Bad Dyes, and frequently restores the original color. Sold by all Druggists. The genuine is signed W. A. BATCHELOR, 51 BA_RCLAY Street, New York. ja2-mwf-ly DIARIUREA AND DYSENTERY.—A sure remedy for the worst ease of acute or chronic Dial.- rhcea and Dysentery is Dr. STRICKLAND'S ANTI CHOLERA MIXTURE; thousands have been cured by it; our Government uses it in the hospitals. It has cured many of our soldiers after all other means failed; in fact, we have enough proof of the efficacy of this Valuable preparation of astringents, ab sorbents, stimulants, and carminatives, to advise every one of our readers to get a bottle and have it in readiness, and to those who suffer try it directly. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Ask for Dr. Strick land's Anti-Cholera Mixture. jy3-mwf-3us KfiITDALL I S AmoldlNE.—Haye you tried it ? II so, you approve of it. Of course the-re markable demand for this excellent preparation for the Hair has been solely created by its merits; for, when once used, it is not likely to be abandoned. You can procure it of any respectable Druggist. Jyl-3m ITCH. (WHEATON'S) ITCH. SALT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Will cure the Itch in forty-eight hews. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of' the Skin. Price, 50 cents. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, BOSTON, Maas., will be for warded free by mail. For sale by all Druggists. mbll3-6m rir PRICES REPIJCED. at- waveax.r.u. & Air Popular Aar Clothing Air House, Mr• OAH. HALL, S. E. cor. Sixth and Market. MARRIED. RDYNBORN—IiIiArT,—JuIy 3ist, by the Rev. Win. T. Eva, Mr, Albert L. Ed Lorhl t 0 Mlles Car. Ile A. liraft, all of this city. CHAMBERLAIN — SPLINT.—JuIy 29th, 1889 by the Rev. P. Rielly of St. John's Church, Dr. John Chamberlain to Miss Annie Splint, of this city. a DIED. SILLIMA_N..-On the 31st July, Capt. James Sun man, Co. A, 28th Regiment Penna. Vet. Vols. His friends and fellow-soldiers are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his father,Cent re street, Potts Ville, on Wednesday, August 2d, at 3 o'clock P. M. HORSY.—On the 29th hest. , James E. son of Har riet 1. and the late John E. Morey, aged 22 years. The relatives and friends are respectfully hurl ted to attend his funeral, from his mother's rest .i.nce, Plank road, Germantown, near Wayne Sta tion, On Wednesday 2d, at 4 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel MIL Carriages will leave the office of E. S. Earley, Tenth and Green streets. at a% o'clock, to convey friends from the city to the funeral. ras Boston papers please copy. BERSE.—On the:3oth Inst.. Miss Mary A. Herse. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, No. 13 South Thir teenth street,un Wednesday moraing,2d of August, at lo ' clock, . 63 , 1311 - I.—At the Widow s 4 lious, July 29th, Miss Hannah 7'. Smith, 11/ her 77111 year. WYETIL—Died ; August Ist, Houston Maxwell, aged it months, infant son of John and Sadie B. Wyeth. MOURNING GOODS JUST RE CEIVED. Gray and Black English Chintzes, 31 cents. Gray Poplin, M._,g cents, Shepherd Plaldllohairs, SO cents. Black and White Striped Blohairs, 41 cents, Black and White Plaid Scotch Ginghams, 56 cents. Black Glosay Alpacas or Mohairs, $l. BERSON a SON Mourning Store, 918 CHESTNUT Street. One price. Prices in plain figures. jy27 ifin PURE W E SHETLAND SHAWLS. ByEz LAVIIP.I.L. 100 PIECES' S 111 TO BAR S, NH EYRE &.ANDELL. 1000 LOW WHITE QUILTS,' FOR TZwEte.II°T[TettfYIMEENygo,LaCIMSDCRELA.P. IrM":-r BRIGGS GOLD COMPANY.— ELEVENTH DIVIDEND.—A Dividend of THREE DOLLARS PER SHARE has been declared, payable JULY Bet, 1865, to Shareholders of Record Jmy 25th, 1865. Transfer. Books closed from July Seth to August ISt, 1865. WALTER E. LAWTON. Treasurer JOHN Street, Nroff York.' NAVASSAL PHOSPHATE COM. Pais DIVIDEND. — A Dividend o R i e_ . : o :o Ju D: 27 L et L h A „ ...s . PER SHARE has been ,de dared, Payable JULY 51st, VW, to Shareholders of Transfer Boolui closed front July 27th to August ist ' 1866'WALTER E. LAWTON. jy29.5t Treasurer, 81 JOHN street,/iVIT York . THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2. 1865. igrOFFICE PRIMA. CENTRAL COAL AND OIL CO. N. E. Corner THIRD and PantArdehrlfrAilirlyl4oBfls: --- TO DBLINQuENT SOCKHOLDERS.—Notice is hereby given that unless the assessment of twen ty-ilve cents per share called for by resolution o f November, 1864, is paid on or before August 4, 1865, a sufficient number of shares to pay-the said assess- I relent, with necessary and incidental expenses. wilt be sold, at this Office, at public sale, at 12 o'clock, on that day. By order of the Board. iy15481. ADAM WARTHMAN, Treasurer. liar OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUNTY. FUND COMMISSION, (Antra Estate Build ing, TO. 18 South FIETII Street, Philadelphia. rirmaDILLPIIIA, July' 18, 1385. In pursuance of the ordinance to dose the opera tions of this Commission, approved July 15, 1865, notice is hereby given that all claims against tile City of Philadelphia for Bounty, &c., ac., must be forthwith presented at this Office; and, that at the expiration of sixty days from the passage of said ordinance, all warrants remaining ou hand will be cancelled. By Mier of the cow - mute , RICHARD C. WlNallrq jr9-w&s-taull3 Secretary Illgr" OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVA NIA FIRE INSURANCE CODIPANY, 510 WALNUT Street. At a meeting of the Directors of THE PENNSYL VANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, DANIEL ROTH . , Jr., Esq., w Cas unanimously elected Presi dent of the ompany, in_place of Jonathan ['atter son, deceased. WILLIAM U, CROWELL , .jy2'.7-6t Secretary. - TIONESTA OIL, IX:DOER, AND MINING CO., OFFICE 432 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM NO. 2, Plll LADRLPIIIA, July 26, 1665, SPECIAL NOTICE.—The Transfer Books of the stock of this Company will be closed from July 261,11 to August 8111, luelusixe. By order, JAS. Af. PRESTON, 1y27-61 Seeretury. IarOFFICE MANDAN MINING COM PANY, No. 324 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, July 18, 1865. NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Stock of the Mandan Mining Company on which instalments are due and tlnpalilts hereby declared forfeited, and will be sold at_publie auction On MONDAY the Mat day of AUGUST, 1865, at 12 o'clock noon, at the °lnce of the Secretary of the corporatlon,according to the Charter and by-laws, unless previously re deemed. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, jyl9-tau2l. Secretary and Treasurer. -- - UNITED STATES TREASURY, PFULADELPHIA t July 26, 1865. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, the business of this office will be conducted; on and after this date, at the Custom-Horse Ruildin ARCH. MCINTYRE, jy26-6t . Assistant Treasurer IL S. IWOFFICE GIRARD MINING COI. -2 E4NY, No, 324 WALNUT Street, JnlyiStn, 1865. NOTICE is hereby given that all Stock of the GIRARD MINING COMPANY, on which instal ments are due and unpaid, In hereby' declared for feiter', and will be sold at Public Auction on SA.- 'YURDAY, the 19th day of August, 1861, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Office of the Secretary of the Corpora tion, according to the Charter and By-Laws, unless previously redeemed. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, 33.19tau1il Secretary and Treasurer. far- u 1 EX OF TUE GILFILLAN OIL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA. — Tbe annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Milan On Company of Pennsylvania will be held at their Office. 409 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 9th of AUGUST, at 3 o'clock P. M. Au election for officers and directors will be held. J. C. FRYER, sylStan9 Secretary and Treasurer. MILITARY. .f,UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, —Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce ments held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries; good pay, excellent SCCOminodattons, light and easy duties. For all further information inquire at the Recruit ing Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia, between 9 A. M. and 3 I'. M. every day, except Snnday. CHARLES HEYWOOD, ill Captain and Recruiting °Meer. SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS palms"' GOODS. HALLOWELL, GARDNER, & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS, AlrE NOW OPENING . AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF SILKS AND FAUN DRESS GOODS, Comprising an extensive and attractive assortment Of Styles tO meet present trade in Elegant Designs Foreign Fancy Fabrics. AIso—CHOICE MAKES in IMPORTED STAPLE GOODS, such as will be required for AUTUMN SALES, which t offer at LOW PRICES TO CASH BUYERS. 615 Chestnut and 612 Jayne streets. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY 337 the Piece or Package, AT AND UNDER MARKET RATES. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT ST. (WHOLESALE /1W31.5, ur OTAIII0.) jy 154 m COMMISSION HOUSES. BAGS! BAGS I BAGS! NEW AND SECOND—HAND. SEAMLESS, B BU A RLAP G , AND RUNNY FLOUR AND SALT BAG s. ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY 8c CO., jy26.43m No. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET. - pq - AzARD & HUTCHINSON, " AGENTS FOR TUE SALE OF. PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, 112 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, AND 103 HEADE STREET, NEW YORK. je23-8m WILLIAM BROCKIE, • T T COMMISSION MERCHANT, 101 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, Will continue the Commission business of the late firm of THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO. Advances made on PRODUCE consigned to RICH ARDSON, SPENCE, & CO., LIVERPOOL, and to correspondents in LONDON, BELFAST, and GLASGOW. -AUGUST 1, 1885. ant-Inuf RETAIL DRY GOODS. CLOSING OCT 1 CLOSING OIIT ! CLOSING OUTS GREAT RAJEZAG,A.INS IN SPRING AND SINNER DRESS GOODS. CHEAP BLACK SILKS. Black Silks, with Lustre. Black Silks, without Lustre. Black Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Colored Silks, of every variety, at low priceS. Silk Grenadine, at reduced prices. 76c. Silk Grenadines reduced to 45e. bilk Grenadines reduced to Me. Handsome Silk Grenadines reduced to ONG., $ 1 . 25 . New Styles Cambric Lawns,liff,lie., Me. New Styles Jisconet Lawns, .50e., 62)(,0,, 65e. New Styles Organdy Lawns, 40e., 650., 75e. New Styles Fine Linen Lawns, Salim, 75c. Dress Goods, of every description, at low prices. SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. Plain, Plaid, and Striped White Swiss and Or• gandles. Plain, Plaid, and Striped Nainsooks and Cambric.. White Puffed and Tucked Mullins. H. STEEL do SON. jyl3-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLAN KETS.—AII the qualities, at astonishingly low prices. A good pair or Blankets, all-wool, for $6.75. Every quality of . Blanket made; fine Blankets in large assortment, Persons, by buying at once, wilt save several dollars on each pair. R. D. &W. PENNELL, 1024 MARKET Street, below Ele venth. 3y31-3t F LANNELS, -WE OFFER ALL Wool White Flannels-at 37,4 cents per yard; part Cotton d0.,37% cents; good White Flannel, 45 cents per yard full yard-wide White Flannel for 62 . % cents; Shawl Flannels for infants, $l. and $1..50 per yard; heavy Shaker Flannel, 62%c., a bargain; Tied, Gray, and Yellow Flannel, A very large as sortment of Flannels, all warranted less than usual prices. We are offering great bargains In Blankets, to dose out an account by August Ist. R. D. &W. H. FEBIRLL, 1012.1 MARKET Street helOW j Eleventh. yal-at PLAIN BUFF PINK, AND BLUE PERCALLES or French Chintzes. Plain buff, pink, and blue Jaconets. Pure whiteßlietiand Shawls. White Shirred Muslims. Plaid and Stripe Nainsooks. Plain NaI'BOORS, Swiss Musllns, Cambrics, &c. Pine lead-color Linens. Frosted or (;rape Popilna for travelling dresses. Single and double width plain De Liaises. EDWIN HALL & bo.; 26 South SECOND Street. N.B.—Summer Dress Goods closing out regard less of cost. • Je2o-tf COOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND MAILKET, have The best C4lB6lmere atoek in 198 12 . Good Linen Drills, Ducks, Coatings. Tailors' Linings, of every kind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at 7 4e. Gauze, Domet, and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Delaines, 65 and 65 cents. Extra fine black Mohair Alpacas, $l. Lupin's 6-4 black Wool Deraines, $l. Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Bird - eye Linen, striped Muslim), finest Cambrics and Jaconets, puffed Kulins. Pique, diC, White Barege and other.thln nhawls. Silk Sacques and Summer pastors. _ je74l" VIGURED SILK GRENADINES, -a- of the best qualities and styles, in Black and Gray Grounds, 56e to $1.50. Travelling Dress Goods, in every variety. New Dress Goods, in great variety. 'tiandeome Cheileilke 0.60 f VERY CHEAr .tsLAolt MRS, suitable for Dresses, Ildantles, and Sacques. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. Merrimac, Sprague, and Pacific Prints, 25e. 10-4 Waltham and Peperill bleached Sheetlmss, $l. • myB-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTHStreet. 6 2 8 HOOP SKIRTS. 628 HOPKINS' "OWN MAKE' , OF HOOP SKIRTS are manufactured of the best woven tapes, finest tempered English Steel Springs, with linen finished covering, clasped at the side, all the metallic fastenings, and secured by improved ma chinery, which entirely prevents slipping and be coming unclasped, rendering them superior to all oilier Skirts in the market. All the new and desira ble styles, sizes, and lengths for ladles, misses, and children. On hand and made to order, WhOlOndo and retail. Warranted to give satisfaction, at ors ARCH Street. .1y25-/m WOAMAIEER, BROWN, SEWING' MACHINES. WILLCOX & 'CrIM3 iffnEi SEWING MACHINE. It is the best family Machine. It is a definition of " simplicity " and "perfec tion." The Needle Mika be ret wrong. The Hemmer, Feller, and Braider are acknOW ledged to be superior to all others. A patented device prevents its being turned back ward. It Is entirely noiseless. It received the Gold Medal of the American Insti tute in ism it received the Silver Medal of the "New York State Fair," 1864. It received the Silver Medal of the "Pennsylva nia State Fair," 1864. It also received the First Premium for "TiinBEST SEWING- MACHINE" at the great "New England Fair," the "Vermont State Fair," and the "In diana State Fair," 18E1. Send for a circular containing full information, notices from the pens, teatiniOnials from those using the machine, &c. AGENTS WANTED. WILLCOX 65 GIBBS' Sewing Machine Company, oT O. 720 Chestnut s treet au2-tf PRINTING AND STATIONERY. JAMES H. BRYSON'S JOB PRINTING AND STATIONERY EMPORIUM, No. 8 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Philadelphia Established in 1845, and a FIRST SILVER_ MEDAL_ AWARDED FOR THE BERT JOB I'RI \ TIN C* IN 1851 This well. established Printing and Stationery House has superior facilities to execute all orders for the same. Printing, Stationery, and Blank Books of every description furnished with promptness and de spatch, upon the most favorable terms for Cash. Our Specimen Books of Label Printing, and Cata logues or Stationery, will be freely sent by mall, on receipt of postage of stamps, or by Express if pre ferred A supply of hand-made Papers and Envelopes, so much fu demand, constantly kept on hand. Inks, Palters, and Blank Books on hand. Special Ruling and Blank Book work furnished to Order. Bryson & Son's Tablets, a new article, introduced by them, for every clerk, and extensively used by every accountant. All sizes on hand. 3y29-7t CURTAIN GOODS. I . E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, /LAB JUST RECEMBD A FULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, AT REDUCED RATES PINE, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO BARS, WITH PATENT UMBRELLA FRAMES, ALL SIZES, READY FOR USE. WINDOW SHADES, OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. iy22-t[ LEGAL. ESTATE OF CATHARINE SHEP PARD.—Letters Testamentary to the Estate of CATHARINE SHEPPARD having been granted to the Undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those haying claims to present them for settlement to JO3.SCAT. TERG 00D, Acting Exccutor,4ol3 SPRUCE Street. au2-eodet. "UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. Whereas, the District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding on a libel flied in the name of the United States, hails decreed on the 21St day of July, A. D. 1865, that all persons who claim to hare any interest In the steamer HALIFAX, captured on the high seas,"to wit,“ IN b at Halifax, on the coast of orth arolina, e monished and cited. Therefore, all persons who claim to have any bite rest in the saidi steamer, are monished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court, in the city ofPhiladelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said Steamer should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the mane, to the enemies of the United States,and therefore,Or Otnerndse,lieble to condemnation as a lawful prize. The above is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal for E. D. of Penna. PHILADELPHIA, July 26th, 1886. Jy27-et UNITED STATEB, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVAN/A- Whereas, The District Court of the United States for said District. proceeding on a libel, flied in the name of the United States, hall decreed on the 21st day of July, A. D. Mt, that all persons who claim to have any interest in the Steamer FISHER, captured on the high seas, to wit: near Edward's Ferry, on the Roanoke River, on the coast of North Carolina, by the Picket-Launch No. s, and other Vessels-of-war of the United States, be mQnished and cited: Therefore, all persons who claim to have any interest In' the said steamer are monished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court, to the city of Philadelphia, on the TWEN TIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said steamer should not be pronounced to belong, at the, time of Unitedapture of the same, to the enemies of the States, and therefore, or otherwise, liable to Condemnation as a lawful prize. The above is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. WILLIAM MILLWARD Marshal for E. D. of Pennsylvania, PHILADELPHIA, July 26, MS 3y27-6t UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSLVANIA—ncr. Whereas, The District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding on a libel flied in the name of the United States, bath decreed on the 21st day of July, A. D, 1285, that an persons who claim to have any interest in the Steamer COT TON PLANT and cargo, captured by the United States Steamers " lasco," and " Valley City," be monished and cited: Therefore, all persons who claim to have any inte rest in the said steamer and Cargo are monished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court, In the city of Philadelphia, ou the TWENTIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said steamer and cargo should not be of to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and therefore or otherwise, liable to condemnation as a lawful prize. The above is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. _ _ WILLIAM MILLWARD, Marshal for E. D. of retina. I'Ern,ADELrmA, July 28, 1885. WO-66 UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OE' PENNSYLVANIA—Ser. Whereas, The District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding on a libel flied in the name of the United States, bath decreed on the 21st day of July, A. I). 1865, that all persons who Oahu to have any interest in the Steamer EGYPT MILLS, captured On the high seas, ‘, to-wit at Edward's Ferry, on the Roanoke River, OR the coast of North Carolina, by the United States steamer " Valley City," anti other vesseis . of war of the United States, be monished and cited : Therefore, all persons who claim to have any in terest in the said steamer are monished and cited to appear before tile Judge of the said Court in the city of Philadelphia, on t eTw...ENTIETEI day after publication hereof, to Mow cause why the said steamer should not lie pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and therefore, or otherwise, lia ble to condemnation as alawful prize. The above is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. WILLIAM MILLWARD Marshal for E. D. of Pennsylvania. PitiLADELPHIA, July 26, 1865. Jy27-61 UNITED STATES,. EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA—SCT, Whereas, The District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding on a libel, filed in the name of the United States, bath decreed on the 21st day of July, A. D. 1866, that all persons who claim to have any interest in THMTY-NINE BALES OF COTTON, captured on the high seas,• "to wit," on the Roanoke River on the coast of North Carolina, by the steamer "Walley City," a vessel-of-war of the United States, be monlshed and cited, • . Therefore, all isersons who claim to have any In. terest in the said thirty.nine bales of cotton are monisheo and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWEN TIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said thirty-nine bales of cotton should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and therefore, or otherwise, liable to con demnation as a Awful prize. Theabove is an abstract of the monition tainted by the Court in the said cause. WILLIAM MILLWARD, Marshal for E. D. of Penna. PHILADELPHIA, July 26tH, 1865. jy27-6t REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF LOOTKIINfer-GIAASSES. , JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, WM CHESTNUT STREET, Have been able to make a REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF THEIR LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, CHRO3IO-LITROORAPUS, RUSTIC FRAMES, - &c., to which attention is directed. A lull stock, of ELEGANT. MANUFACTURE and moot SUBSTANTIAL MATERIALS, always on hand. • • ktoGrate. GROUPS, comprising sixteen subjects, war and humorous; sole agency. JAMES S. EARLE & ROES, are prepared to fill orders for goods, deilVeratde' in the autumn or winter, at price. *WA Annyttote than they may be at those seasons. Mirrors, Of every character, made to order, to all llicenteis, Flora, Walls, Saloons, and Cabins of Ves4 sets, &c. GALLERY OF , PAINTINGS, open free. jy27-12t. CAI3INET FURNITURE. MOORE & CAMPION, , 261 SOUTH SIT,C9ND 9T ST, are pronared to follow the; rleclipe in the market 2 the price of their Furniture. Fdt'ateere Will please call and examine our stock.. .„ ' - :;mylu-ir gi 12, 'l5-11011§B.P0Wkli EN. 1 - 1 -' Boring Tdole.. Planers Lathes, ,Pggehigg And Drilling - Machines, 01.14vrell TUbing.: For sale by kill 1, 't HATFIAWAY, LRAM.; It gTEitalliB to-tm 4"sl .aTfilli.Mtreet.-,Phlboonhja, ; GREAT CEN'XI4Iy CLOTH/Mt HOUSE, NEW PUBLICATIONS. GOMERY OF MONTGOMERY A striking new novel by the author of Philip Theater." One large handsome volumecloth bound, price $2. Also, a finer edition in two volumes, price $3. Squibob Papers—A comic book byJohnPluenlx.sl.so Looking Around—A new novel, by A. B. R0e...5 1 . 50 Orpheus C. %err Papers—A third series $1.50 Wylder's Hand—An exciting new EnglishOveli l,7s PalryFingers - Mrs.Ritebiesisiowattmewnovelsl.7s St. Phillips—New novel by author "Rutledge , ' .$1.76 Hugh Worthington—Mrs. Holmes' new novel ..$1.50 Mary Brandagee—A new "Woman's novel , ' ...$1.75 superlorrishing-Roosevelt's new sporting - wow 00 Asir Mr. CARLETON begs leave to nolify book sellers that there will be no alterations lathe prices of any of his publications before Jan. 1, 1866. All handsomely bound in cloth, and sent by mall free, on receipt of price, by au2-wStf CARLETON, Publisher, New York. - ptRAITHWAITE'S RETROSPECT OF PRACTICAL MEDICINE AND fiIIRDERY, No. 51, for JULY, 1865, - DWI'S' READY. Terms #2.50 per annum, payable in advance. Single numbers, $1.50 each, I ANDEW DAYS. THE BRITISH FOREHIN MEDICO-CHI CURGAL REVIEW, for JULY, 1865; published quarterly. London Edition, *le per annum. All the Medical Periodicals furnished. All Medical Publications on hand, and for sale at low prices. Foreign Books Imported to order. LINDSAY & BLABISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, jY 2B No. 25 South SIXTH Street. A NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR A of the "Schonberg Cotta Family." MARY, THE HANDMAID OF THE LORD. num. ALSO,_ BY THE SAME AUTHOR, THE SCHONBERG COTTA FAMILY. 12nto. THE EARLY DAWN. i2mo. DIARY OF MRS. KITTY TRRVFLAN. 12mo. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENT ,• or Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Contain ing all Hie Sermons by the eminent pulpit orators of those cities, and the Orations of Bancroft and Bishop Simpson. Lltno. For sale by JAMES S. cLAXTON, (Successor to W. 8.& A. Martlen.) 3e27 OM CHESTNUT Street. TYPE FOUNDERS. COLLINS & McLEESTER'S NORTH AMERICAN TYPE, STEREOTYPE, AND ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY Printers' Furnishing Warehouse, No. 70b JAYNE STREET, THE D. Tyr WORLz wARRANTRD to be equal to any made IN Old type taken in exchange for new at 15 cents per pound, if delivered to us free of charge. NIP Evi r ry article necessary for a Printing Office constant on hand. Agents or Hors, Adams', Gordon's, Taylor's, Toners, Degener's, and Wells' Presses. Agents for Mathers celebrated Colored Inks. Our beautiful new Newspaper faces are shown in "'Tam Puna. , " )y7-lm r 1 57 . m .... • • .... ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. E. Corner of FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. MANUF.A.OTITBRES OF ■i I:14 M ' ~f ~1;N-~ ~1.~2~ ALA iaM J; ~ i.`Y Y:1~ ~IY W N•II. x~ AMMO FOll TEE CEFEBILLTZD FRENCH ZINO PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES, FOR CASE. tirl-gm BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A_ HANCE, 129 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Would call the attention of Druggists, Country Mer chants, and others, to his stock of ROOTS, HERBS, AND BARKS, in various sized packages, of our own pressing, at PRICES BELOW FORMER RATES. A full line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL & CO.'S CONCENTRATED RE MEDIES, &C., at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. nryll-Srulp GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their . IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a Specialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT do CO., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 514 CHESTNUT Street, dal-ly . Four doors below the Continental. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 600- AR C HAZREET. 600 REFWATER 600LERS, FREEZERS. GAS-STOVES A FOR SUNNIER COOKING. jela-tP GRIFFITH & PAGE. SIXTH and ARCH. COPARTNERSHIPS. NOTICE.—AFTER THIS DATA C. 1 D. HENWORTHEY ceases to be a partner of JOHNSON & co. Germantown, July 1, 1865. au2-w6t. THE COPARTNERBHIP HERETO FORE existing' between the understg_titi, under the style and titre of THOS. R. TUNIS & CO., is this day dissolved by - mutual consent. The business will he continued by ALBERT G. BUZBY, (at 223 and 225 Chestnut street,) who is duly authorized to settle the affairs of the late Arm. TIROS. R. TUNIS, A. fa. BUZBY. PHILADELPHIA, July 28th, 1565. - NOTICE OP PARTNERSHIP.—The stibserlhers have formed a limited partnership, according to law, under the nun name of A. G. :BUZBY, for the transaction of the general Dry Goods Commission and Mercantile Business at 223 and 225 CHEST NUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. The general partner is ALBERT G,_BITZBY, and the special partner is THOMAS R. TUNIS, who has contributed to the cornmeal stock of said firm twenty thousand (2A,000) dollars in cash. The partnership is to commence on the first day of August, 11185, end will terminate on the thirt y-fiLBERT rst day of Juiy,lB6B. A BUZBY, THOMAS It. TUNIS, PHILADELPHIA, July 28th, 1865. attl-6td6ttnst THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY formed a Copartnership, under the firm of LOUGREAD er, STOTESMIJMY, for the transaction or a General, Merchandise Brokerage Business, at No. 118 south FRONT Street. GEO. P. LOUGHEAD GRAS. C. STOTESBUIIY. AUGUST 1, 1865. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE -11- existing between JAMES CHALLEN & SON is dissolved by mutual consent, and all claims apinst or due said firm will be settled by HOW ARD CHALLEN, who will continue the business at 1308 CHESTNUT. duly 20, 1885. HOWARD CHALLEN, 1308 CHESTNUT, bat ing purchased F. Leypoldt's Circulating Library, will - largely increase it with new books in quanti lice so that every subscriber will be supplied. CHALLEIc4"S CI tOULATING LIBRARY, jy31.43t 1308 CHESTNUT Street. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—T H B •••••" Undersigned have this day entered into a co. partnership under the name and title of BRUNER, ANN & CO., for the transaction of the GENE. BAL LUMBER BUSINESS, at 1908 MARKET St. A. BRUNE% Su., D. C. WARN, A. DEWIER, alt Patt.A.MPHIA, July 3, 11360. THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN connection with an old established Lumber Depot at Columbia, Pa., thus giving the. yard superior ad vantages. Jyll-3m* REMOVALS. R EMOVAL-BENEDICT MILLER, UMBREDLA and PARASOL Manufacturer had removed to 39 North SIXTH Street. V27-Iratt", REMOVAL.—GEO. W. WATSON & ..a-s) CO. have removed their CARRIAGE REPOSI TORY to their old place No. .12119 CHESTNUT Street ( under Concert Hal t ,) where they will keep a stock of Carriages of their own make, and will re ceive orders for every description of first-class work. ' JUNE 11965. ' je7-3m CARD FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I win son the balaxtee of my large ateek 01 FURNITURE, At very low prices, until SEPTEMBER let. The assortment is complete GEO. J. HENKELB, le2l-2m 809 and SU CHESTNUT Street. JONES HOUSE, CORNBIi Or MARKET STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, lIAIMISITURGro CHARLES H . . MANN, aul-lm PROPRIETOR. 66 A MERMAN HOUSE." rorraVium, gentrifLKlLL CO., PA., U. S. NEWComuir., Proprietor. This House has recently been re-opened, and in such style and character as will merit first-class pa tronage. ir2J-/41 "RISHER'S • SELF-SEALING FRIIIT CANS. Every fioneekeeper in the city and country should nee - this excellent Can. It is the Men Can venient and reliable Can in use, and gives entire satisfaction-wherever Introduced. It is sealed in an instant, by booking and spring, thus clamping a tin cap over and around , the opening, and pressing it upon a ring of cemented paper. The cement in the paper welts by the heat of the fruit, and as the press ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing is per fect. The cep is unfastened by unhooking the spring and running a thin knife around under the cemented paper. Please Cali and examine this Can at J. IifeIgURTRIES', jyla-unif 808 SPRING GARDEN Street Philadelphia. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS-NEAT, tasteful, and desirable styles, suitable for Al bums or, scholars to exchange with classmates; 12 ' 1tE13 , 12.11 , 5, SECOND,, Sl for 61.25. above Green. OARTES PE YISIT4.-BEFORE baying any, made elscilltere, go to B. F. REI MER'S Gallery, and obserye,tbe beauty of style and execution of his specimens, at 624 AROli St. Ito DEAF MADE. TO HEAR' .—INSTRU menu, o asalkit the hearing., at MADEIRA'S, 115 wearryn Street, below Cheetnot. S. E. COE: SIS.TR AND MARKET STREETS WANTS. W A S - a r l ' est k na D n 11 - 1 1 :411iiM . FiViVele i ry E and e Fa E nPy Dry Goods house. Only those well acquainted with the businesa need apply. Addresa.,witit reP-reuees, F. & 'BOA 861. Po'st , nu'L-2t• WANTED -IN A DRY GOODS JOB BING House, it young MAN of experience, capable of receiving and examining goods and fill ing orders; also, Lads to learn the business. Address " industry," this office. an 2,11. WANTED -A LAD, FROM 15 TO` 13 years of age to assist in an (Mee. Must write a good band, in correct at figures, and bring undoubted reference as to character. Ad Tress Itox 2419 Post Office. It* WANTE D—IN A WHOLESALE home,. on Market street, an experienced BOOK-KEEPER. None but a first-class good, i competent hand need apply. Address, n own ban cl wfiting, Box 870, Philadelphia post-oillee; also, stating salary expected, &c., &c. utti-at. WANTED-A SALESLADY, THO- T acquainted with the Dry Goode; trade. Address Competent, ,, with reference, Pres* office. Jy27-6V. WANTED—AT $175 PER MONTH, Returned and Disabled Officers and Soldiers, Teachers ' Ladles, and energetic young men to CANVASS for our great national work, " The Life, Times, and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln." 13y Dr. i. P. Broekett. We have agents clearing $175 per month, which we will prove to any,doubting kpffileallt. bend for circulars. Address JONES. BROS., at CO., SIXTH and MINOR streets, ritivi delphla, Pa. jyl4-irn A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD CIIARAO. -a- TER, ambitious, and persevering, is desirous of obtaining a SITUATION in some respectable ha slness where, by industry and attention to the inte rests of his employer, he can qualify himself for a responsible position, Please address C.,^ Press Office, stating where an Interyleet may be had. Its AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work.—The most comigete, only au thentic:and reliable LIFE OF LlNCOLNlmblished. Send for circulars. Address "P. 0.," Box 1423, Philadelphia, Pa. ,jy2l-Im&W4t AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE SE CRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, THE DUN GEON, AND TETE ESCAPE," the meet interest ing and exciting book ever published. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS., & CO., Phila delphia, Pa. jy2S-Ina AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ME moitua, 'RECORD OF THE' NATION 'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra tudure meats offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 North MERRICK Street, ulirthwert of Pena Square, Ilinada., Fa. jy27-lin* AGENTS WANTED fOR THE LIFE OP ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Dr. J. G. Hol land. No comment Is necessary; the author's repu tation as a 'writes is fully established. Experienced canvassers know Why it sells. Address, for terms, NORRIS BARNARD, Elk View, jsl.9-24t* Chester county, Penna. s39ooo — t MMAN ..anoundeslres to lnvet a safe, fair-paying business. One already establish ed. preferred. Address "Money," Box 26tk, P. 0., Phiadelplda. Jy3l-3t. $7O A MONTH. - IL-I WANT AGENTS everywhere at VO a month; expenses pold, to sell FIFTEEN ARTICLES, the best selling ever offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS T. (iAREIt, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-4 &Ware MONTH.—AGENTS WANT ED everywhere to introduce the improved SHAW & CLARK TWENTY-DOLLAR FAMILY SIINVINAI MACHINE, the only low-price machine in the country which IS license by Grover Sc Raker, Wheeler & Wilson, Rowe Singer & Co., and Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements and the seller and user are liable to fine and Imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, , allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. AddressbHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-d. a l A FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED nby a good, prompt tenant. No Bruhn children. AddreSS,With terms, location, &c., P. O. Box 702. FOR SALE AND TO LET. ARCH STREET.—FOR SALE,._ A very desirable and commodious DWELLING HOUSE, situated in the most aristocratic part of Aral street: in perfect COndition, and replete with modern conveniences. Price, va,ooo. Possession at once. Address "H. B. G., Pres , * Mee. an2.2t* r im — TO LET.—HOUSE No. 12 HA.MIL - TO TERRACE, West Philadelphia. Apply to. I'. H. WARREN, next door to the premises. aui-tf in FOR RENT-A THREE-STORY ice" I. BRICK HOUSE, With shle-yard, situate on THIRTY-FOURTH Street, above Market, West Philadelphia. For terms, apply on the premises. Juvi. - 31, 186,5. LLTO LET-THE SECOND FLOOR of No. 330 Harmony place. Apply to GEO. H. GRIFFEN, Real Estate Broker, jy3l-3t . 124 South FOURTH Street. tm, FOR BALE ON ELEVENTH t Twelfth, and Thirteenth streets, a number of neat Dwellings, on easy terms. Also, 2214 Brandywine street, in perfect order. Immediate possession. Also. VERY CHEAP DWELLING, 1615 Marshall street. Lot 17x126 feet. This will ere sold exceed ingly low. Also, neat*Dwelling, 1042 North Second street, Lot 121 feet 9 inches to Philip, with House on rear end. Also, 18.74 Master street, Cheap, with immediate possession. Also, north side Spring Garden, west of Fifteenth. Also, 3905 Coates, in good order; immediate pos session. Also, 1220 North Fifteenth street, well /oak; pos session soon. With many others, large and small, in various localities. B. F. GLENN 123 S. FOTiß 7 l`HSiieef„: or jy29 Z. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and 451-REEN. in FOR BALE—TWO VERY DEM. AG:Arable Houses, 1982 and 19& lARCH Street, new and well built, with every modern convenience. Im mediate possession. B. F. (3 LENN, Jy29 123 South FOURTH Street. fift FOR SALE, DOWNINGTOWN .11.111£1101"ERTY.--Flrst-class Dwelling and large Store, cue of the- best stands In the place, conve nient to Railroad, and very desirable both as a real deuce and place or business. B. F. tiIiENN, 029 123 South FOURTH Street. EXECUTOR'S SALE.—THE Sag .11:61.large and elegant Bummer Hotel, widely and favorably known as the HEATH HOUSE, at SCHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN SPRING, Morris County, N. J. Is now offered FOR SALE, to close the estate of its late owner, • EPHRAIM MARSH DECEASED. This establishment is one of the most convenient and complete in all its arrangements to be found; is thoroughly furnished, and in excellent order and repair. It will accommodate between 300 and 400 persons ;has connected with it a pleasant COTTAGE with Nine Room, a line Billiard-Room and Ten-Pin IIISO, JAUNT Stables and Carriage Elteds, be sides 30 acres of good Land, including a splendid Lawn of nearly 20 acres filled with magnificent shade trees. This has long been and Continues to be one of the most successful and popular of Summer Hotels. It is scarcely four hours' ride from New York, via Morris and Essex Railroad, and within a year, by the extension of the same railroad to Easton, will be brought within Jive hours' ride of Philadelthia; and now has telegraphic communication with all parts of the country. Gentlemen who desire a healthy and delightful Summer Retreat within easy access of the cities, for themselves and families, might do well to form an association or company and - secure the control of this elegant establishment. Terms easy. For particulars address WM. W. MARSH, Schooley's Mountain, N. J. WM. W. MARSH, JOHN MARSH, }Executors. THEO. LITTLE, irr-gmati' IrA SMALL BUT VALUABLE a t k COUNTRY-SEAT FOR SALE, for Cash,..i. or good City Property will be taken in part pay ment. . . . . This Place is situated ten miles and a half from the city, on the Ridge-road Turnpike. one and three-quarter miles from Lafayette Stattlln, on the Norristown Railroad, accessible ten times daily, by good road. This is one of the best opportunities for any per son wishing to reside in the country, as there Is an abundance of Fruit Trees, there being seventy-live Cherry !Trees, also many Apple and Peach Trees, and a number of Grape Vines; also, over one hun dred Shade Trees. Nearly new Stone House, built cottage style, with two parlors, sitting-room, and kitchen, three good bed-chambers, and three at ties: 'rho parlors have each a good marble mantle. A pump of good soft water at Vie house. A 110 W frame barn, three wagon-houses, and other out buildings, all in good order. The land is in the highest state of cultivation, there being twenty five tons of Hay on the place, together with one hundred and fifty-six dozen of Wheat, and twenty- Sve of Rye, and other produce. All will be sold, and possession given at any time desired by the purebaser. The Fitruiture and Farm ing Utensils will also be sold. For nartieulait inquire at No. 16 South FOURTH Street. Jy27-thsw3t et, FOR SALE—A NUMBER OF gila Jalia valuable Farms, Country Seats, Cottage and Building Lots, Factory .Buildings lourilaces, Indeed, almost every variety of Real Estate. Call and aee Register. B. F. GLENN, „Ira mg. South FOURTH swot, OFFICE ROOMS TO RENT.-GOOD office rooms to 'rent, in complete order, suita ble for Brokers, Coal or OH Companies, at 31.8 South THLRD Street, two doors above the Mechanics' Bank. au2-wfra6t. 'FOR SALE CHEAP-A COMPLETE Set of School Furniture. Apply. for one week, at 1030 BrIUNG GARDEN' Street. au2-Bt* COTTAGE LOTS t GAPE MLY.-WILL be sold by order of Orphans' Court on THURS DAY, August 8, at 1 P. M. at CAPE ISLAND, Lot, corner of WASHINGTON and FRANKLIN streets, 86 feet by 200 feet, one of the best located lots on the Island; also, Lot on HUGHES Street, 66 feet by 115 feet. For Information, apply to JACOB F. HAND, anl-It. 616 MARKET Street. I KON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS SITUATE IN MOUND CITF, IL LINOIS. The lot has a front on the Ohio River of 265 feet, and extends 200 feet in depth to a one-hundred-feet wide street with streets on each side. The build ings are of brick., and contain a sixty-horse-power engine, two cupolas, tilt and trip-hammers, lathes, and every variety of machinery and tools used in Mrst-elass machine-sbops• There are also patterns for marine efillway uteliinery, Sipallitmat, saw, and sugar-mill engines, and for wood and coil-thweg. - with all the latest Improvements. Iron and coal to be obtained in the neighborhood in abundance. For sale by I. C. PRICE, aul-Ht* No. MAI CHESTNUT Street. F OR SALE—IRON MASTERS, AT TENTION—GREAT BARG AIN —550,000 CAN BE CLEARED IZV o.NE VRAlL—First.elass ROLL ING MILL in this eit3r, with all the splendid, nearly new machinery, with three engines, one of ISO, ano-• tiler of 150, and another of 130-horse power; has seven boilers; first-rate machinery for manufac turing railroad iron, chairs, spikes, &c.; 5,000 tons of all descriptions of iron can be made in one year; is now all in full operation; has water and steam railroad communication, coal shutes &c.; all the water used upon the premises derived from springs near by, free of charge. There is - also a row Of. tn - eive stone, tenant awellino tncluded. - Price, 75,000; worth *IOO,OOO. Easy terms. GEO. G. MILLER, Real Estate Broker, jyn.oltif 155 North SIXTH Street. VOR SALE-A SUPERIOR IRON FUR NACE ,:ln full blast, with about 1,000 acres of. land, In Adams Co., Pa., capable of making :3U tons per week. It. F. GLENN, 3i-2O 1,13 South FOURT' Street. BOARDINti. DAY BOARD-WITH FIRST-CLASS DINNERS, at No. 624 South WASHINGTON Square. {y6-21e y~IOT °GRAPH ALBUMS. ibui.i.vn Bc BITRLOCK4 MAT UFACTURFAR S or PHOTOGRA Pit AL faritt, Nee. 1102 and 1104 SANSOM St., Phlladelphin, Offer to the trade the most complete and extensive assortment of Photograph Albums, comprising over three hundred varieties of the latest styles and most beautiful patterns, with a great variety of clasps and ornaments. They are unsurpassed ht beauty and durability by any in the market, and sold at teas than the general aysTogp prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money retundea. A liberal count to dealers. Catalogues mailed to.aay address without charge. POCKET BIBLES AND POCKET TESTAMENTS, WITH PSALMS IN METRE. Miller & Burlock's superior and well-known Pearl Bible, also their Pearl Testament, in various styles binding, for sale on liberal terms, at Nos. HOZ and 1104 SANSOM ateL-wfm&lin 1116 PEACH TREES FOR SALE.- Fruil of the hest selection, ripening from the earliest to the latest, Including the Hales Early, which ripenstwo weeks In advance of the earliest varieties. Orders sent direct to JOHN PERKINS, IdOorestowu, N. J.,w111 be promptly attende 1 to. Catalogues sent gratis. JOHN PERKINS, Pro. autr-wfm TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTH/NO AUCTION SALES. AUCTION NOTICE. , IMPORTANT UNITED STATES SALE Drugs, Medicines, instruments, &C, Samuel C. Cook, Auctioneer. OR FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, DON AT HALF-PAST TEN O'CLOCK, At 121 South Front, St., above Walnut, WILL BE t3OLDi For account of the Medical Buread, 11. g. A., large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, &c., In bulk and put up in army style at the United States Labo ratory, Philadelphia, all in good order being above the amount required by the Medical Department, comprising: 50,000 lbs. Contid Milk. 10,001 Acids t ;lard 12,1510 gals, Alcohol 2,200 lbs. Brum Arabic. 4,000 " Ammonia. 1,000 " Chain. Flowers, 1,000 " F. S. Arsenic. 1,000 " Assafietida. 500 " Belladona. 500 " 2,C4X1 ".Complier. 1,000 " 1,000 Capsieunt, pd. 1,500 " Cateclui. 1,200 " White Wax. 1,000 " Calasaya Bark. 600 " Chloroform. 200 " Collodium. 3,100 " Copalba. 500 " Creosote. 550 " 23,000 " Med. Ext, ass'd 5,000 " Prep. iron, assd 1,500 " Calomel. 1,000 " Mercury. 300 " 1,000 '• Ipecac. 1.000 " Flaxseed. 300 gals. Olive 01l 1,250 lbs. Pow , tl Op ium. 1,200 " Hyd. Potash. Nutmegsi Pepper. COCOS, Mustard,Olna mon, Nat boas, Bicarb. Boas., Oxide Zinc, Castile Soap, Saltpetre , Cupping Glasses, Surgeons' Nee. dies, Scissors, Syriuges, Baud Litters, Twine, die, 2,5,090 lbs. Ex. Beef 45, 66. t. l i nirilne 5,000 at. Su u. Quinine. 20,000 dot. Opium Pills. 5,000 lbS. Rochelle Salts. 15,000 yds. Isla. Plaster. 10,000 Adlieshre do. 3,000 Oiled Silk. 3,000 " Oiled Muslin. 2,000 " G. Perch. Cl'h. 2,500 lbs. Magnesia. 5,000 Epsontim emits. 000 " Easeal 011 s. 250 doz. Olive Oil. 300 " Castor 011. 2,500 lbs. Sugar Lead. 3,500 " Cream Tartar. 2,500 " Clilo. Potash. 1,800 " Ref. Borax. 2,000 " Black Tea. 20,000 doz. Camp!). Pills. 12,000 CiatliartioPills. 1,500 lbs. Mean' Potash, 2,500 " Syrup Sunni& 2,000 " Patent Lint. 2,000 pieces Binding. 5,000 Towels. 3,000 gusp. Bandages. 320 lbs. Rhubarb. 1,000 lbs. rewd , .l Rim. 25,000 Bandages. Samples will be arranged, with catalogues, three days previous to sale. Jy2l-tau4 AUCTION NOTICE LARGE AND IMPORTANT SALE GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. SAMUEL C. COOR, .&UCTIONEEII ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, August 10, 1866, AT HALE•PABT TEN O'CLOCK, No. 124 South Front .St., above Waheati WILL BE BOLD. for account of the Medical Bureau, P. S. A..,lothe following Merchandise, mostly in bales and original packages, entirely new and in good order; 50,000 pair Blankets. 93,006 yards Linen Sheeting. 61,529)§. " Bed Sacking. 22,603 M " Linen Pillow Casing 1055,77533)i Mosquito ton eek. 105,753)i ' 4 Netting 21,000 " Buck Towelling. 13,032 " Shirting Muslin. 7,000 " Window Shade Muslin. 5,000 " Muslin. 3,196 X " Muslin Sheeting. 1,852 " Check Pillow Ticking, 20,000 pair. Drawers. 20,000 " Socks. 10,000 Shirts. 2,000 Blanket Wrapper& 1,000 Counterpanes. 800 Hair Mattresses. 6,000 Pillow Cases, Cotton check. 10,000 Pillow Ticks, 50,000 Sheets, ALSO, 100 bales, containing 5,000 pair Blankets, nearly new, In good order. Can be examined with catalogues three days pre• Molls to sale. i dy 1 1 5 0, 1 1 6 1, 20, 24, 27, 21.4 au 1 4 2, 84 4,0, 7,8, 9, 1 0 , 111 12, MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD Y. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, RAVE NOW IN STORE A COMPLETE ASSORTMEN'T OF m 11241 SPRING GOODS. IA OWA t IV'e :1 If te Imo tit:A OIL MINING, COAL, AND OTHER NEW COMPANIES. We are prepared to furnish New CorporatiOns with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. LITDOGRAPRED •L a. TRANSFER, BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND ROOK. MOSS 8o CO., BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. 432 CHESTNUT Street. .SUMMER RESORTS. RURAL HOTEL, intammix, VENANGO COUNTY, PA. JAMES E. STEEL, Proprietor. This well-known and popular House has just been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than doublets former capacity. It is pleasantly situated In the centre of the Town, with ready access by Han and Stage to all points in the OIL 'REGION, and its accommodations for Guests fully equal to those of tlret-clasirHotels In any part of the country. It has been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House combining the comforts of Home with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and he believes he has succeeded. ATLANTIC CITY.-" THE °JAREN_ DON' , Is open for the reception of Boarders. jy24-mwzim DR. JAMES JENKINS, Proprietor, SEA BATHING-CAPE MAY, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL IdOTEL.— This large and commodious Hotel, known as the National Hall, Is now receiving visitors. Price per week, +l6; children and servants half-Prim je3o2m AARON GARRETSON, -Proprietor. .UNITED STATES HOTEL; LONG • BRANCH, New Jersey, is now open for the reception otoisitors. Trains leave on Saturday af ternoon, at four o'clock from Vine-street-wharf— returning Monday morning early.—June 10, 1885. jeli.o-2m BENJ. A. SHOEMAKER, Proprietor. EPHRA. TA MT, SPRIN9S,-r—THIS delightful and romantic watering pla ce, beauti fully situated in the healthiest section of Lancaster County, and acknowledged to be the "garden spot" of Pennsylvania, will open for the accommodation of guests on the 15th of June. Railroad communi cation twice a day from Philadelphia, on the Penn sylvania or Reading Railroad, and daily from Balti more and New York, For particulars address the Proprietor, J. W. FREDERICK. 6ROCERIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fang lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, a°, ac. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, my24-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. COAL. COAL FOR LOW-DOWN GRATES.— The subscribers having , been appointed SOLE AGENTS for tike sale of the celebrated LEWIS VEIN COAL of the DUNCAN COAL COMPANY' Mining, now offer it for side to the =zone of PARA delphia. This Coal is a deep Red Ash, and Is espe cially adapted to the new style of LOW-DOWN GRATES, the ashes being hear do not fly about the room ; it is a FREE-BURNING COAL, and superior to any other Red Ash in the market. We also invite attention to our stock of LOCUST MOUN TAIN, EAGLE , VEI RAINBOW COAL, REPPLIER, O'DONNELL A co., 329 WALNUT Street, N. W. corner BROAD and SPRUCE Streets, And S. W. corner BROAD and RA.CF, Streets. jya-inwfiSt. iquy YOUR WINTER SUPT'IIES -LP N OW—Lowest Price for the Season.--43'+' 3nuine Eagle Vein COAL. equal, if not superior, to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes SS- Large Nut, V. Try ft. You will be eure to be pleased, Odice, ILRI South YOUBTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot, 141.9 CALLOW LULL Street, above Broad. 3y22-31a ELLIS BRANSON. - 1( NOWLE S' LEHIGH, HICKORY, and FISK COAL, at reduced prices. Once and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW Sta. jyl4-lin* COAL—WM, H. CURTIS 85 00., LEHIC+II and SCTIVILKILL COAL YARD, 1413 CALLOWHILL Street. jylo-tar Cl 0A L .-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER •,-) MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain, fromSehulptillprepared expressly for family use. DeVot, N.. W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office _No. 113 S. SECOND Street. Eapa.tfl J. WALTOI tr. CO. SPECIAL NOTICE.-THE FOLLOW. mu described 7-30 United States Treasury Notes of the current issue, were stolen from the Safe in the Office of HOWARD & CO.'S EXPRESS, in the Village of Troy, Fa., on the night of the 24t 11 of July. All persons, firms, and corporations are hereby cautioned against receiving or negotiating the u,ne &m 0 entioned notes or bonds, as all of , 4 rr were stoieo, and tide. claims r i g h t to recover the possession or said notes whenever and wherever they can 01.0 the g kyr each 30 Seven-Thirty United Statee-N: , .: b o thinclusive, numilyed froth 163,737 tolfl3, 7 t. Notes , sup cu b, 00 rstrven-.1 hirty United . tit numbered from 269,828 to 2.19,91..1),0til inclusive. HOWARD & CO.'S -E-L I .IOVhJOY Su )'t By "Bi e n , la dilES , rxer Slrek PHILADELrirrA, SolY pRoTOGRAP • : tiO rare and fidelity, for parties or individuals de siring them, of Churehes,Reatileneea, and Midi& Builifingn. Apply to B. F. RBIHRR, 6514 ARC t Street. it" AT REASONABLE MOSS. AMIIMEMENTS. NEW ogEtyrnllT-STRBET TRE—OKESTN, T Street, above Twel ft h. GROVER & SINN . 7 taelisees and blanagerfr The Theatre always Cool 'and qoui fortable. WEDBESDAY and 'THURSDAY EVENINGS. August Ed and ad, Will be presented the GLORIOUSLY SUCCESSFUL num DRANA, in three acts, by Dion Boueleault and E. IL House,. mud ARRAS NA POGUE: OR TUE WICKLOW WEDDING, TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND PERSONS have witnessed this great Dramatic masterpiece during the past two weeks. It will be presewted, with its new and beautiful Scenery, wonderful Me chanism, superb Wardrobe, original Music, correct Appointments and VAST OF BRILLIANCY AND STRENGTH, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Anemat 6 THIRD GRAND FhMILY BIATINES OF THE buminzu 57:4:01 4 1, When' ARRAH NA routrE •,311 he performed. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH-ST. THEATRE, POSITIVELY LAST WEEK OF HOOLEY'S MINSTRELS. FIRST NIGHTS OF THE NEW IRISH AFRICAN BURLESQUE, ARRAN NOB ROUUE, OVERTURES, BALLADIh CHOIIVOS I DAHOTtd, SONGS and DUETS, LAUGHABLE sun; IN and HU FARCES, Interspersed with FLASHES or WE II t T and l MOR. „13, FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEA. OPEN EVERY EVENING. Highly successful Drama, in three acts, CROW-lAN . EL NINO ED DIE, the most EINSHELA astontentos: Ira in the wortii on the Tight-Rope; SplenAlm sada. Laughable Farces, &e. FAMILY MATINEE. --- AFTERNOON. ant-tt --- ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST. NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9A. M. tin 6 r, BenVmln IVest's great picture of CHRItiT R . RJEOT AI still an Exhibition, lelB EDUCATIONAL. WEST GROVE BOARDING SCHOOL, FOR GIRLS, CHESTER COUNTY, PA. Located at West Grove Station, on the Philadel phia and Baltimore Central Railroad. The twenty•fourtil Send-annual term of this Instl ttitien will continence on Second-INN. the 6th of 110 Month next. The course of lust rtiethMis extensive and thorough, embracing, in addition tonic common Engiish course, the Latin and French Languages, Drawing, Telegraphing, .ter For circulars, &e., address the Principal, THOS. P. CUNARD, West Grove P. 0., Chesteruounty, it'll Month, MIS. Ma-WM FEMALE COLLWIE, BORDEN. TOI4 N, N. J.—The WINTER SESSION fic this INSTITUTION will commence SEPTEMBER the IStlk. A few vacancies Only. eenutin. For eats lognes, containing tennis, etc. Address. ltev. JOHN H. BRAE:F.IXX. A. M., President. m OUNT JOY ACADEMY, TT MOUNT rCopunvEl for Ott rek.Ottoli 0, hoarding puplio on the SECOND 'I'DESDAY OF SEPTEMBEtt o the 12th. For particulars, address the Principal. ate2-14t. L. H. GAUSE. THE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEEBE will reopen Omit. 1104t.11/11,1: :Ind Day gdlititil for rOltll,g L114147i, , 703 WALNUT DINi Street, en WE , Wt 2.q.1110 ENSSELAER POLYTEOHNIO IN STITUTE,, TROY, N. Y.—The Forty-second Annual Session of this well-known School of Engi neering and Natural Science, will commence Sept. lath, SUSS. The New Annual Register of ISM, giving full Informatioll, nay lie obtained by andressino Prof, Olitkitia;a PtiOWI.IP., Direetor, Troy, N. 1 • aut.aor BRISTOL BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR GIRLS will reopen September SW, ISM. For Circulars, address B. A. PEIRCE, Bristol, Peons. 012-w&sl7t. RUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH ACADEMY. 1224 CHESTNUT STREET, PtIII,A.BELPIIIA.. This Institution, which will be established in SEP TEMBER NEXT, is designed to rival the best schools of this country and of England, in its sys tem of instruction and discipline, and in the full. ness of Its classical and mathematical course. Those preparing for college will be fitted to take a high stdnd in their class and to graduate with honor. It will be the special aim Also to prepare young men for business or professional life. Circa biro, Willi full Information, can be had at teas Chest nut street. EDW. CLARENCE SMITH, A/ H on. Ryjpat lturunuxcks.—Caleb Cope, Esq,, Wm. D. Hon. Jos. Allison, Alexander Whilldin, Eso., Thomas Potter,Esq„A. H. FranctscuS, Esq., R. P. M. Birkinbine Esq. myla•mwthie -M ILITARY AND COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE, ALLENTOWN, PA., with char tered privileges, Saperior advantages, and a pa tronage or Thu pupils the Sem veks,.reopens Sept, 5. For circulars, address li H D ev. M. L. OFFOR. A. M., President. 11111 -lm BUSINESS EDTJOATION.--PRACTI CAL Instruction in Bookkeeping in all its branches, Penmanship, Commercial Calculations. Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes, &e., at OBITVENDEN , S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE No. 637 CHESTNUT dt., cur. of SE vg.srmir. - Students rectOed at any thus, and instructed itt such hours as may best suit tildir 5011V0111011C0.01-3? R. BECK'S SCHOOL AT LITIZ, A. Lancaster county, Penna., intended fur a lim ited number of boys between the ages of seven and eleven years. The pupils have the advantage of living in Um_ Princfpul's family, and being under his constail Care. For term, fcg., ninny to y3'204111 lithla.lllllln. niwi PrincipM, THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY AND MILITARY INSTITUTE, located is the borough of WEST CHESTER, PA., will commence its next Scholastic Year of ten months, on the first WEDNESDAY, the Oth of September. For Catalogues. containing Terms and full Infor mation, apply to its Principal, jy2Bosw WILLIAM F. WYERS, A. M. • WOODLAND SEMINARY.— NOS. 9 v and 10 WOODLAND TEnnwoh, West Phi ladelphia.—A DAY AND HOARDING SCHOOL for Young Ladies. Location healthy, airy, and attrac tive. Fall Session commences Sept. 12. For Circulars apply to jy2l-2m. REV. HENRY REEVES, Principal. 1011TILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN- A- BTlTing, for YOUNG LADIES NI. W. ODIBOT of VITEATIVTIT and EIGHTEENTH Eitreete (for merly at IMO Arch street.) Rev. CHARLEtt A . D. D. Principal. Circulars at 1226 and UN Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Box 2611. jylo-Im* EXCURSIONS. QT. JOSEPH'S EXCURSION (PRO reeds for the Poor), to ATLANTIC OrtV, TO 3110111tOW, Aug, 36,1865. Tickets, $1.23; 75 cts. Last boat leaves Vine-st. wharf at 6A. Di. It* CA.P.E MAY, ]3! RAILROAD. FROM FOOT OF MARKET STREET. 8.30 A. IL9 EXPRESS AND MAIL 2.30 P, M., PASSENGER. 4.30 P. M., EXPRESS. .1929-stnw-teel VAN nENSSELA ER 4 Sup% ailmwo CAPE MAY, WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. FROM FOOT OF MARKET STREET, UPPIAS NR , R,Y, AU: 8.30 A. M., r t A i r m AND EXPRESS. Da* 2.30 P. M., SSENGER. Due st 6.41 ri 4.30 P.ffi ,, EXPRESS. Due at 7.16 X. rare, 03.00. Servants, 03.00. EXCURSION TICKETS, $5.00. Coupon TintMS. to be used by one person only, 10 for $25.00. Passengers an 4 ggage tilt= to awl from ire island and Station without additional charge, Freight daily from Sandford's Wharf, beim Spruce street. Returning Trains leave CAPE MAY at 5.28 A. )L l . Mail; A. M., Express; SP. M., Accommodation r. 8.20 A. M., Freight. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Sup% tsti.AIMPTIIA, July 24,1865. )7 54 !" t aggima -- CAT/MISS& RA.U.7; ROAD COMPANE.—Tar Tourists and Travellers—Excursion Season of IBS., Lake Ontario, • Saguenay River, The Thousand Islands, Portland, The Rapids of St. Law-White Mountains, tenon River, Saratoga Springs, Montreal, &w, &e., &e., Sta. Quebec, .tc„ &u., 'motets for the Wye Excursions, which have. been so long anti rnyorably *town to the Philadei , phla public, various routes to Ntagara Fella, fop sale at the CATANISSA ELMIRA RAILROAD TICKET OF— FICE, 125 CHESTNUT Street, tinder Philadelphia Rant. where full Inforinotlen wilt be given. N. VAN HORN, Passenger Agent, 425 CHESTNUT Street.. -MOWN, CAMDEN AAP A 7... LANTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THROUGH IN TWO HOURS. On anti after SATURDAY, July Ist, 1855, BlVit trains daily to Atlantic City, anti one on Sunda 7. TRAINS LEAVE s follow VINE-STREET num as: Special Excursion 8.30 A. Mt,... Mail Train 7.10 .45., 114 Freight, wilt' Passenger CO attached.," MIS At Mr ,. Express (through in two hours) , 2.00 P, MC+ Atlantic Accommodation 9,15 P. >e. RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC: Atlantic Accommodation 5.47 .t.M. , Express (through in two hours 7.08 A. MS., Freight, with I , assenger Car attached— .11,47 A. IL , Mail frain 4.45 P. MI., Special Excursion 5.15 P. M.,,, SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Vine-street Ferry at lieinriliiig, loaves Atlantic at ~ .. ~ , mt. 7../M . A. Ili., ces P. , as. Fare to Atlantic, 22. Round -trp Tie" ll, 118°W onlyonly for the day and train on with: they are ifietteet‘ for JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION. • , Leave Vine-street Ferry at LSO P. ML.:. Leave Jackson at .. . . .. . . ............... . 6.28 A.l EXTRA HADO.ON.FIELD TRAIN/3i Leave Vine-street Ferry at 10.15 A. M. and 1.16 P. E. Leave Hittisollflcid at 11.4 S A. M. and 2.45 .111(... N. B,—Fr :gat t act!. Mt delivotoil *t• Copper_ in Point before ts o , clock Pt 111, te insure os going susiile the next day. JOHN IC BRYANT; Agent. je2S-tf aIIEiNg6EXOURSIONEPT4J LONG BRANCH.—Trettne for Long _Unwell wilt leave Coopees,PoinkClMlDJlN; daily (suadays excepted.) at 945 A. m.. Fare, ir i ,uroo_u Ticiceta, good for threwdays, 'Extra , t~aln an N. p . at L'nmden A Returning, arrive , Je26-2m L , B. COLE. Agent. °glides, aximmg CHEAP AND PLEA SANT SUMMER TRAVEL. CAMDEN AND ATLANTICAND RARITAN AND , DELAWARE EAT RAILROAD. CHANGE OP TIME. _ CAMDEN TO NEW yollii AND LONG BRANOR. On and after MONDAY, June ill Bill Express Train will leave Cooper's Point, thitnden,idallys (Sundays excepted,) at 9.10 A. M. for Tuckerlon. Barnegat, Tom's River, Man chester, Bergen. Squankum ° Farmingdale, Shark River, Long Branch, ' Branchport, manned, Eatontoyn. Shrewsbury, Red Rank, Middletown, IligitiaMm. and Port Monmouth; thence to New York ny_tisa splendid steamer "Jesse Hot ." Through to Bev? Val in floe hours , Fare, W, Excursion Tickets. good for three days, W. On Saturdays an extra train for Long Branch ea _ will leave Camden at 4.20 P. M. Returning, l ea ve Lion Branch at 5.25 A. M., Monday, arriving at Oam_ %le A. M. Bar_ DEPARTMENT FOR GOMM worm..
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