York Markets, July 17. m.—The market for Western and - is le6a Relive; Kites early in the in cants better Under an adYilnee ln Ind more favorable news from ne at the close the market became d the iMprevement was lost; the entirely for the home and provin. lour IF:dell:Lad nneltanged,eloSing or ..51) bbIS 1.7.1fe#8 for mixed to it, country, Baltimore, Ste., and for trade:onst family brands. Rye a 100 Ithls at $5,25035.75. Mm ; sales of 250 bbis -Brandy- .„I,e wheat market, under more s ews from Europe, and some ad exchange, opened one to two cents ut with moderate detnand closed tai demand is mainly for export, obling off. Is scarce and Man. 'barley 51:11t is as firmly active. oats were rather the Opening, closing o msbels - Western at soiijatio, etoti ile mg i a Price. le market is alit:le biller; the sales us Western at 97e. shade 'b e tter, but not active; the chiefly for the hen) 0 trade; the 3,0001 ms West ern mixed at 82ftti3e. riis.—Beef has lawn more active, but stin CO'S ; sales of 1850 bbls at dab; me se, a.] i00@13,50 for extra 'ears are fi e rmer, bilt the supply is trnnsnetionS Uttltea. DaCon is mo tetive ; sales of 150 Cumberland cut ant made public. Lard is scarce and tie small supply restricts operations. bids and tcs at 111 1 4@187.0 for No. I; e f,,r fair to prime steam; 21@220 for unlered, and 9.6244)•2•24c for small lots , ; ,•,i is dull and hoary at :tie for crude; r relined in bond, and 70@7 o for do firin and in fair demand; sales 300 ”eacal at 06.9!,5c, wad 100 tcs carouna at ; r yas Seeds are dull, and prices arc Lough Flax is lirm at $2..20@2.40 3,1 I:avr sugars arc in very good fle d prices are firm. Sales of 2.000 hhds to for Cuha, and 400 Mixes Havana at are iirm at 10?,4alllyie for bards. r.--The market is less active, and s m os o f 00,000 as at 11liG/11%c for and Illere:11Mc for city. .—Thc market is without material of :lao bids Western at $2,09, and LNG' OF OCEAN STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. FROM FOR DATE. „ n on_ ...Liverpool New York.. July 4 ,hiugton.Liverpool New York ..July 5. perwAu—Liwerpool Quebec July 6 ........ LiverPool,...l oston. . .. 8 , ...........Liverpool New York...ln& 8 Liverpool New York_July Ir ..... • • ...Soutlinuiplou.New York...) uly .undun....Liverpool New York.. July 12 TO DEPART. FROM FOR DATE. 1,a......... New York spin wall— July 17 New York....Londoo July 18 .... • ...... Boston T iverpool...July 19 ;,,,k New York --LI ye rpool •Julv 19 lute New York `34111. Tuan...julY 20 la • ...... New York ....Kingston,J.July 20 ........... New York --San Jo an....Tuly 20 New TUrK....lla.vre New York ....numbOrg.9 —July 22 ttileore...New York....Liverpuol...July22 New YOrk....Liverpool...Ju l y New York...Mum:lna - July 25 ...New York —.Liverpool —July 'X New York...Alava - on July 29 ,ADELFHIA BOARD OF TRADE. BROWN - , LAPOITIICADB, }COX. OF THE MONTII, 11\1F: INTELLIGENCE. or PHILADELPHIA, July IS. 4451 SE SETS Arrived. .hip Norman, Baker, 40 hours from with mdse and passengers to Henry CO. Passed outside the Capes one laden brig, bound in. The buoy on the es Shoal has gone adrift. F:171111e, Carver, 10 days from Sagua, :gar to S & W Welsb. sdrio (Br,) 'Mackenzie, is days from ;es, with sugar to S & Welsh. Thus Walter (Swed,) WeSlerdyke, 14 (7eil Nevis, with mdSO to Jauretclie Apollo MA) Caffrero, 73 clays from In with fruit, &c., to Isaac Jnanes & Co Jordan, Plummer„ 18 days from deans, with lase to J E Bazloy & Co. lat 36.20, long 74.15, saw whaling er Rising Sun, of Provmeetown •' 15th, motetigue,sawhark 5151 Roberts, steer the Capes of the Delaware. Vincennes, B.migsom days from Bos- Allast to 0 A HeCkEmlier & CO. Hampton Time, Hatche t 6 days from lead, in Ballast to captain. ieo Edwards ' Weeks, 6 days from Bos aßast to captain. lane t Mary, Dorman, 5 days from Bal. in ballast to captain. lonia Foss, Foss, 6 days from Boston, in to captain. Ain Rock, Bird, 8 days from Lubec, Me, mber to Gaskill & Galvin. Iwo Brothers, West, 2 days from Indian 'lel, with grain to Jas Barrett. Cora, Spence, one day fawn Brandy id. with flour, to It M Lea. lowa, Ililynrd, one day from (Newport, th mill feed, to IL M Lea. 1' itoice, Doughty, six days from Sayan ballast to captain. S Siner t May, six days front Boston, :0 to 1)11 kershow & CO. Virginia Tomlinson, Burton, two days irawbridge, Del, with corn to James 11. r a Co. • aer Anthracite, Green, twenty-four from New York, with mdzo to William A& Co. Cleared. Linda, Woodside, Cienfuegos. General Banks, Ketchum, Norfolk. .1 &Donohue, Gilkey, Beaufort. Woodford, - New York. Thos Borden, Wrightington, Fall River. , ixtra, Taylor, Washington. tda, Blake, Portland. '.nnie J Russell, Hodges, Newport. Elliott, Watts, Thomaston. S Thompson, Edwards, Norwalk. W Krebs Carlisle, Chesapeake City ier Ii L Ga'w, Iler, ler Frank, Shropshire, New York. Memoranda. znsbip Fang Shaer . , Ifildreth, from New inst, al New ). ork on Sunday. Met , bar ship Yampero L hound for Peasa ,-hb inst, at, 2 P. M., off Cape Florida, saw ;hip Guiding Star, from New York for L.;l7lpSnwo Nada, Jayne, from New w Rio Janeiro, passed Pernambuco 13th ship United States (U S transport,) from New Orleans Sib in:st, with cotton, York on Sunday. 9th inst., S W Pass, 1.1, passed in the river, bound up, rs Vsruna and Blackstone AM, :mu the bar, passed steamship George ell, bound in. Malay, Hutchinson, from Manila 14th with hemp, &a, at New York on Sun- Mr Uwe of Good Rope, May 17 and 18, ;ruck by several heavy seas during a arrying away ship's head and starting ,item, causing the ship to leak so that old not be freed with the pumps con y going ; succeeded in driving wedges te wood ends, rendering the leak manage- enter, Falkner, hence at Halifax 6th J Stroup, Lake, and Central America, +v, hence at Boston 15th inst. CITY ITEMS. E 11011MEICEEYERSI FRIENDY—This is the 'nation applied to Gray's Patent Petro -1 Vapor Stove, for Cooking, Lighting, and ting Purposes, on exhibition, and for sale 'a. 819 Arch street. The title is well de ed, as we conceive this stove to be, in I of economy and comfort the greatest won of the age. It has many peculiarities to •mmena it to popular favor, among which. lay name— . lb, reliability and perfect simplicity of • traction, which enables any one to use it , out fear of accident. A saving of more than 50 per cent. is tett by its use, in the cost of fuel. It consumes no coal or wood, and does sroduce mpartiele of odor, dust, or ashes. It )ids no chimney, stove pipes, or wicks, does not emit smoke or odor of any kind. Ns danger of explosion or accident, and .r to manage than an ordinary kerosene BERT FITTING SHIRT COr THE AGE is "The oved Pattern Shirt,” made by John C. .on, at the old stand, Nos. 1 and 3 Worth street. Work done by hand in the best er, and warranted to give satisfaction. stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods , ot•he surpassed. Prices moderate. t "Cartons Sox Her," sold by Wood & Y, Chestnut, street, is really indispen e to every lady about leaving the city. r entire stock of Straw and Fancy Goods .17 selling off at much below cost. SITORS vo THE isis.stwes should provide selves with BATHING DRESSES from JOHN C. ARRISON'S, Nos.l and 3 North Sixth street. NTLIMILII 2 B Feratustune GOODS.-31.r.George 4, 610 Chestnut street, has a handsome as. ent of novelties in Shirting Prints, beau ' Spring Cravats, summer Under-clothing, goods especially adapted for travelling, celebrated "Prize Medal" Shirt, invented r. John P. Taggart, is unequalled by any r in the world. V. CHANGES Or SIXTY YsAns.—A writer, caking of things as they were sixty years "I could not keep my small clothes proper place, for braces were un n. If I had the gout, there was no coi 'm• If i was bilious, there was no ergo- If I was attacked by ague, there was no ins. There were filthy coffee-houses in of elegant clubs, and petty shops hi d of the magnificent Brown Stone Clothing of Itoekhill & Wilson, Nos, 603 and 605 :twat street, above Sixth; cramped up uncouth coats, - pasts, and vests, instead of elegant suits as those made by the firm cameo." PUBLIC is cautioned against an imita of the Photograph of Lieutenant General t, the original of Which was taken by P. .kUnst, 704 Arch street. It is a bad copy. original will be known by my imprint on back. iylB.6t* B.llOrer STORY, BUT iNTRRWITING.-NO genu lruropean extract for the handkerchief d be afforded here, under the present ff, at less than twice the price of Phalon's .ght Blooming Cereas," a more delicious, .. anent, and healthful perfume than any 'em. Bold everywhere. IN AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS NOR RENT, Portion Of rent applied to purchase. 50, new and elegant pianos for sale on rawiating terms. GOITLD, 14-2/4 Seventh and Chestnut. .na Srses Co.'s rldiff 0 1 8 (little used) for at bargains. These pianos have been used Ing the past winter and spring at concerts, Public halls, and in private houses, and no marks of we. Price Atsoo less than Ones of same style, though all new one s been re.duced $75. J. E. Goutn, 62144 Seivith and Chestnut, streets. You CAN'T OPEN TONE Lies, LADIES, without revealing whether yon use the Fragrant Boao - or not. No occasion for words. Tour teeth and breath speak for you. The lustre and purity imparted to the dental machinery by that peerless Mild, and the fragrance it gives to the mouth, cannot be realized by the use of any other article accessible to the human family. jylB-tuths3t CT.SAWSR THE BLOOD OF ALL lIITVILITIES, and you ne utralize the virus of many diseases at NWIVOC. In all Disorders of the Skin, the G a nds,the Fleshy Fibre, the Secretive Organs, and Inc Bones, all Scrofulous Complaints,Can ccr, &e., Dr. Jayne's Alterative is a standard curative; and While it is a fault in many medi cines that, before they reach the disease, the patient is prostrated beyond recovery, no-such drawback attends this remedy, for it sustains the strength of the Sul:revel" while eradicating the cause of his complaint. Prepared Only at No. 242 Chestnut street. jy.ls,it ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. inental. The Coil Edw Or Stiles, Phila. Albert W st :Milli A R liamleton. Pittsburg W Akers, Pittsburf Joint Morrow ,t wr. 'Fenn IV B Holmes. Pittsburg ins McAuley; Pittsburg IV 11 Cassidy, Pittsburg llobt F Hurlbut% Del E A Sheble, St Louis ,1 Washburn, St Louis Tops Armor, Pittsburg Chas li Read, Pittsburg IV Smith A ht,lluntsy Md Miss Julia Smith, Mit' W F Salmon Mass C 0 Culver, Franklin Jot S Morris, Louisville Mrs A Robinson, Balt B Miss Robinson, alt ' Frank Hellen, Baltimore Chas F Alber, Baltimore Charles P Taft, Cin, B F Evans, Cincinnati JltwilletsAwf,NY Win Prince, IT S A A A Wilson WI; Wash Misslii V Wilson, Wash Ti 'rocker, N C I. C Ball, Washington Mrs L C Ball, Wash M I. Julian, Washington J R Dunglison, Mitt Chas W Lord, Balt Al' Johnston, Virginia H Otis, New York IV M W ilex, Purina 111 i May, Roston Malony & N Y W McCook, Ohio Durhue, Cincinnati Jos Dorsey, Balt 211MMI J Cox A wf, Keokuk riaml Dunlop. Chicago W (I Tatum, New York W H WiAglns, N Y Thos W Davis, Pittsburg E Reeves A wf, Cin IA I. Thomas. Cincinnati I K It Corson, Washington IThos II Burrows, Lane 'W Mehaffey, Wash A W Leisenring, Penna J Elliott, U S A. A B Bachcbler ANY f. Mig Leonard Passau°, Balt ,T Magruder, Baltimore. Miss Fannie Sargent, Halt Jobe coshing, Jr, Rich )Lo A Beott, POUR. )Loyd Jones, Norristown J B Du Camara, Jr, N Y G W Quintard, .N York Dr II If Sterling A wf, NY M Alexander, N Y B Baker A fa, St Louis J 0 Robinson, Penns J 0- Peebles A. wf. Ohio MissME Peebles, Ohio It It Peebles, Jr, Ohio Miss IA Coles, 01110 - - P Lowe, OIL 0 James B Smith, Md M Uarelity, Washington 1) Von Droning, Rielmui Miss E Von Droning, Va Louis Friedman, halt Dr T J Duernott, Md J E Rutherford, Rarrisb II Fuller, Boston J W Tyler, Boston J B Brown, Peons. It A 11 Doug(as, Niw York Y T Smith, 311), England R N l'eter,ou, N York Mr Johns, New York D Murk .1 VIM uenssokar, rhua John hl Moore, Mil Dr Ebbs, Philadelphia Miss Ebbs, Philadelphia, Mrs Dike. Boston Miss Wish, Boston Floyd Bailey, N York J 1? Lay, Pittsburg .1 V Painter, Cleveland,o C F Bennett, Louisville I Ii Keiburn, Newark L C Freeman, New York It L Robinson, Penns S Bohanan, MD, Balt , A F. Hughes, Louisville IJ C Malden & la, Ponna Re,- El Parke, Penna N N Cartidon itc WI, retina ' E Moses, Richmond, Va J Jones, Washington Cain E ]]lke, Boston W II Squires, Boston W T Osgood, Boston Phillips, Pittsburg T - Holton, Boston G It Potts 6; wf, NY FU Wolnert, hi' York E Ii Ammedown & Ia,NY W C James, Cleveland 12 Allen, Jr. New Jersey A Thompson, Do.too. Itl'otts, Lancaster J C Smith, New York The G H Armstrong. Easton W 11 Davis, Easton C Hawkins, Baltimore II Smith, New York W Chu reit, Detroit M North Columbus E.Crane, Columbus \y Patton, Columbus II C Peters, YOrk Spring Miss C F Smuller,Peuna Mrs D (3/- Swartz, Penns Mrs Smaller, Middleton J McDonald & wife, 111 Ge(k Simeoe, Maryland J Wettersmay. Marvland .T Winton, Elkton, lSd Mrs Ilevuolds & 2 eh J 111cMana. - New York D D Levieh, Heading S Protine. St Louis .1 Fields. Newark • JL-1 Hackett, Salem, N J J Foster ,qc son, CM, 0 S W Abel, New York It Golding, Mobile B Carpenter. Newburgh Limit Col S N M Murrell & la, Va Miss J P Hess .1 Hoyt, Halifax. N S T Petherick, Pottsville J West, Bethlehem J L Wallace, Delaware T Tilghman. MarylandG W bloldshorongh, >ld 1.1 G W Fieldraann, N Y Niackmann. New York M Bell, Delaware iJ n Wilson, Ucia.rnrs B Stillman, New York J Thomas, Newark IA H Wright, U N IJMeNamara,Washington !J A Rollings,Washington 4 M Clarkson, New York H Johnson & wf, Wash John B Blair, Ohio S Purkina Now York Wilson '& son, Ohio D P. ROCk wen, Wash M L Francis,Washington t 0 V Harris, Baltimore S Solomon, Baltimore Franklin, Boston J Barrington, California Mrs E Barrington, Cal Master S Barrington, Cal G W Parsons, Harrisburg F Day, Pittsburg B F Aumnek,New Jersey J W Simons, Jr, Wash Thos CS Stewart,. Pa Limit TL H Lewis, Ft Del Geo Crist, Middletown H N Brown, Warren, Pa S B Krogman, Boston F W Hay, Ft Delaware ,Satol T Fount, Albany Warden, Albany . Mr & Mrs Boxsell, Eng WSSterett,Salesbury,Pa Alex Purns H r Salern,lllas John AV Fraser, N York 'H It Morton, Boston Jas 51 Boardman, Boston A ill Kuhn, Ohio R A Kuhn, Philada J W Butler, Chicago SF Goodwin, w Chester Miss F Goodwin, W Cies F L Longstreet, Balt E Enerhart, New York WinTlink&wf • Miss Kirk - Mrs W L Boggs W R Morris, New York Thos F Rune, TJ S N W Florence, N York Mrs Bowen, Maryland Mrs 12 Bonn, Baltimore S Frank, Baltimore W N McCutcheon, Balt C DI Trubv, Baltimore S Cross Fry F Winter, Washington, F S Morse, Rhode Island I D J Bower, New Jersey Geo Toicot, New York. Wesley Slack, Maryland E Peckham, New York W P McLaughlin, Ky Mrs McLaughlin & ch,Ky Mrs C A McLaughlin, Ky JTWorthington,Brownv Henry B King,N ew York S Purcell, Pittsburg Jest, Hammond Va R S Hammond, ya Frank Toby, Baltimore Mrs L Tobi , & eh, Balt John BMullen,New York W R Hamilton, Boston lire ii Hamilton &sn, Bost 0 L Karr, Baltimore S T Burges, Washington Wm R Bogers,Washingtn chants. The Me Casper Wistar,Salem,NJ Vincent Field, Mass Alfred Field, Mass Robt Geg,gin, Boston AA N Taylor N C Sand Wolff, Louisville J J WilsonSaltsbury,NC Baltimore Revo Spear, Rev John Ault, Penna Bowns, Milwaukee John Paisley Pittsburg John Hawaii!, Pittsburg J R Phillips, Pittsburg Col W W Mande, Fla J Rartillatip, - Penna Carrington, CORR J K Barton, Pittsburg M Krebs, Kingstown J T Hoskinson, Penna J R Caldwell, New York CIC Abernathy, Tenn 0-Harbison, Louisville Tulin Cummings, Pa John Miller, Carlisle J Bannenberg, Balt J Mack, Baltimore W Warnick, Penns. A Williams, Carbon 00 G M Brubaker, Penna. Mrs Moore,Washiugton Mrs Duncan 8s 2 da, - Pa Thos Barnhart, Penna J L Dlven, Landisburg L Murray, Landlsburg 'David Devenney Penna W Reifsnyder, Pittsburg D W Howell, Easton W H Levan, Penna. le- IV Watson, New York W Adams, Newark J McCandless St son, Pa J Hoffman Cant S S Ely, Penns 1 11.taior S Comfort, Penns Jas P Thomas 84 la, Batt B Mrs A E Stewart, alt L S Smith, Coatesville S M McConnell, lowa 0 0 McConnell, Illinois J 1' Richardson, Boston Jas Tompson, New York A B Pope, Prov, It I Henry Fry, Reading A Phillips, New York G Longman, New York W France, New York W D Ward, New York E T'seem, New York Saml A Steel, Fenno Jacob IC Swoyer, Penns. S B Frost, Laurel, Del M H Davis, Laurel, Del :j w Wiley. Laurel, Del Del WWales, Milford, el W Walker, New York F Peck, - Washington J WSteacy Columbia R iW H Hardman, Col'a R T J Bishop, Springfield I Jos E Mellhaney,W Y P Moro Steph G ene N Y J D ood M now, N J J Porter C E Goodnow, N Y C G Minor, Vermont J C Kirkbride, N J Geo D Epley John Mann, Jr, Balt W K Loos C F Huff £ la, Milton, Pa E N Moore, Delaware J Kennedy & dau R S Melivain & la, Penna John Nissin & la, N C Dr Chas D Brown, D C E Combs, New York Alonzo Emery, Boston W B Johnson, N Y S Nickels, N Y B E Gettinga, Wash'n Ames. New Jersey Robt Atkinson. N J W A Collins, New York B . Law, New Jersey J W Wootten,Laurel,Del A Van Dusen, New York John Kehotrer, New York G williamson:New York H Gregory, Reading D L heagg, Martinsburg E Reist. Leziug - tou Sas Whitaker Bridgeton S B Cleaver, Delaware H R Hughes, Pittston Pa G H Johnston, Penna. W B Johnson, New York Teller. New York Thomas Burns, Phila N A Garbart & la, Del W H Burnham & la, Del D Cleaver, Del City It II Stees, Plnegrove Pa SJ ou skul p,Hagerstown' Shoyer, Chicago a lln on. The Mat J Y Reardon, Elkton, DR/ J Il Sanders Win Guy, NO Thos Brooks, New York E A Yamall, Chester J M Custer, Ohio A D Campbell & la,Lanc H D Snyder, Dauphin co J DI Postiefhwalt, Penns R McKissick, Penna E Davis, Western Va R C Gallaher, Mifilintwn J M Belford, Midlintown ; Stein, Butler, Pau A A Stevens, Penna It C Fraint Sc wf, Del J It Sharpless, Chester co E S Kerkeslager . Dr J I' Andrews, Penns, W Haywood, Baltimore maereial The Co J Perry, New Jersey D W Gunitnlll, Delaware W A Byle, New York II Barton & Ayr, Baltimore C N Sproul, Chester co E Kehlel, Baltimore B F Wickersham, Penna J W Scott, Coatesville F A Hubbell, Easton, Pa J J Morrow., Indiana co A Love, Port Deposit Mrs A Yocum, Fenno T J Miles, Harrisburg J McConkey, Lane eo N M Vance, Wllna, Del R Irwin, Oxford A Selgfreid, Newcastle W C Warferd, Penns, d Esteb. The Bal C H Klure, Seidersvllle RKllnshmlettSeidersv'e J F PflnegerJr,, Seiderav Edw Greth, Heading V Herrman, Allentown P Forney, Army Hie Wm H Forny, Annville Jno Forney, Palmyra, Pa It Reldenbach Lancaster H Russell, Philadelphia John D Bubb, Penna D S Grally, White Marsh B U Yerkes, Quakertown B Kerohner, Bernvllle B Hausman, Allentown The Barley Sheaf. W Riley, Penna. Jas Danlield,Byberry D Barker,Phlladelphia W Vankirk, Honesdale H Reynolds, Philadelphia J B Mason, New Jersey S Dungen, New York. The Blatt Moon. i J C Haien, Odessa, Del J S Mosman Geo Langley, New York Chas Roster,Cheltenham H H Stone, Maryland Wm Ili Smith, Del ki IV Mosman, N Y The Black Bear. J Bast, Maiden Creek,PalG Sehloterer, N Whales J Wlrentan, Si Whales jJ Romig, Allentown SPECIAL NOTICES. NILES, RASPS, HAMMERS, CALLIPERS, cumpasses, flask Saws, ?wishes, Cold Chisels, Hand Vices, Iron Washers, and other Hardware and Tools for Mechanics, for sale by TRUMAN 56 SHAW, No. 535 (Eight Thirty-five) MARKET Street, below Ninth- /t CIGAR MAKERS' CURVED KNIVES, SV.VE raI styles of Tobacco Cutters, small Scales, and Snuff Scoops, for sale by TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Tbirty-nre) MARKET Street, below Ninth. it BOXETHING COOL FOR TEE HOT WEATHER. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. .Something Cool for the Rot Weather. Something Cool for the Het Weather. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants, Linen Tests. - Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen pests. Linen Backs. Linen Pants. Liuen Vests. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Jut the thing to _Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep COW 131. Also, a splendid assortment of Seasonable Cloth ing, of every variety, for sale by PERRY & CO., No. 303 CHESTNUT Street, above Third, N 0.609 OH.ESTICUT St. (Granville Stokes' old stand.) S. E. Corner of SEVENTH and Kalmar Ste. (Jones.) jyl7-et • CIIRVALIER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR Will readdre Gra.) , Hair to its ORIGINAL COLOR; strength ens and promotes the growth Of the weakerth A r, stops its falling out in three days; keeps the head clean, cool and healthy; can be used freely; contains nothing injurious; TUB BEST HAIRDRESSING ft9zu OFFIRBB TO TIIB. PUBLIC; it is recommended and used by the first medical authority. Bold at the drug-stores and at my Wilco, No. 1123 Broadway, New York. I assure all persons the above proparatioa wm do all that la claimed for It. jystuthatt. SARAH A. CHEVALIER. K. R. GOOD TO INTENT IN.—IP, AS THE OLD adage declares, " Health is the greatest of earthly blessings," then every effort to preserve It pays well : DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS Lade beono great ere: nmaking people healthy adkeepin ; them L .h ; aovibefouuinoTer household. They give tone to the stomach, vigor to the body, and remove dark doubts and unhappy feelings from the mind. They relieve pain and fortify the whole system against the attacks of disease. There is nothing better to take " for the Stomach's arnica' • than the PLANTATION BITTERS. They cure Dyspepsia, 'Heartburn, Indigestion, Drowsiness, headache, Pain in the Side, 141 ror Complaint, and Rheumatic Pains, with magical power. A good effect Is felt at once upon making the first trial. No change of diet is necessary. nat the best you ban get, and all you want. Follow our direc tions and you will soon feel :31 11-6 t) WELL, STRONG, AND HEAItTY. Two BAD CASBS OF PILES CBBBB BY DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. Mr. Glass, of Janesville, Wisconsin, writes for hie benefit of all who suffer with the Piles, that ho has been troubled for eight years with an aggravated case of Piles, and his brotherwas discharged from the army as Incurable, (he being quite paralyzed with the Piles.) Beth these distressing eases were cured with one bottle of Dr. Strickland's File Remedy. The reeomMendation or these gentlemen, beside the daily testimonials reed - Tod by Dr. Strickland, ought to convince those suffering that the most aggra vated chronic eases of Piles are cured by Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy.. it is sold by Druggists everywhere. jyt-stuth-am RUT TOUR BATHING ROBES FOR LADIES, Gentlemen, and Children at SLOAN'S, 806 MAR KET Street, Philadelphia, or at his store on. Cape Island, New Jersey. jyls-30" KENDALL'I3 Akii3OLUIYI.---Have you tried it? if so, you approve of it. Of course the re mark:ll)le demand for this excellent preparation for the flair has been solely created by its merits; for, when once used, it is not likely to be abandoned. You can procure it of any respectable Druggist. • TEE PUBLIC is cautioned against an imi tation of the Photograph of Lieut. General Grant, the original of which won taken by P. GUTE HUNST, 704 ARCH Street. It is a bad copy. The original will be known by my imprint on the back. jyll-eta ITCH. (WHEATON'S) ITCH. SALT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Will cure the Itch In forty-eight hours. Also cures salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price, Co cents. Ity sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTEIt, BOSTON, Macs., will be for warded free by mail. For sale by all Druggists. mhlB-6m Vir PRICES REPIICED. Sir WANANAKEIt As BROWN, Mr Popular W Clothing W House, Mr OAK HALL, S. V. cor. Sixth and Market. MARRIED. SMITH—EVANS.—JuIy 17th, by Bey. David Mc- Kee, Mr. Willson P. Smith, of Philadelphia, to MISS Mary J. Evans, of Pascbalville. DIED. WILSON. —At Cape May, July 15, 1865, CharlesH. Wilson, in the 30th year of his age. His male friends are. invited to attend his funeral, from the residence °flits father-in-law, E. D. Wolfe, 1516 Arch street, nn Wednesday next, at 4 P, c* PEICE.--On 'Monday, the 17th Institut, Philip Price, in the 75th year of his age. Ills male friends and those of the family aro in vited to attend his- funeral, from the residence of his son, Isaac C. Price, 1826 Mount Vernon street, on Wednesday afternoon, lath instil at 3 o'clock. s* DAVIS.—On the 6th Inst., Beanfort, Helen Julia, wife of Allen Davis. and daughter of the late Isaac Smyth, of Phtladelph in. HOPKINS.—in San Francisco. California, June loth; Sheldon Usher Hopkins, of Philadelphia, aged 54 years, formerly - Deputy Collector in the Phila deli:dila and San Prancisco Custom Houses. ELLIS.—On First-day morning, the 16th - instant, Hannah W,, wife of Nathan 15n. Ellis, in the 59th year of her age. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her husband's resi dence, No. 1104 North Seventh street, on Third-day afternoon, the nth inst., at I o'vlinds. To proceed to Fair Hill, CItEAN. — On Saturday afternoon, 75th instant, John Crean, Jr. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 330 North Twelfth street on Tuesday afternoon, 18th instant, at 4 o'clock. 'To proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. BACK ENGLISH GRENADINES.- Just received, a case of Black English Grena dines, at 40 cents a yard. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, C 918 RESTNITE Street. One price. Prices in plain figures. mylS RLACK CHALY DE LAINE.-JUST - 11 - 5 opened, one case of plain black Chaly de Laines, at 373¢ cents a_yard. BESSON & SON Mourning Store, 918CHESTNUT' Street. One price, Prices in plain figures. myls 100 PURE WHITE SHETLAN D SHAWLS. EYRE & LANDELL. 100GPIECES MOSQUITO BARS, WHITES, BLUES, RNS, &c. EYRE & LANDELL. LOW WHITE QUILTS,FOR 1, 000 HOTELS. IMMENSE LOTS OF CHEAP TOWELS.. Cie26-tf) EYIiE & LANDELL. iggr HORTICULTURAL HALL, S. W. corner BROAD and WALNUT Streets.— Monthly display and Stated Meeting, THIS EVE NING-. it THE QUARTERLY SESSION OF THE GRAND DIVISION SONS OF TEM PERANCE if Pennsylvania will he held at AL LENTOWN, Lehigh co., on WEDNESDAY, July 26, IBM at 9 o'clock A. M. Ticket for the Excursion t2.9o—good from the 25th to the 28th. Cars leave Third and Thompson, Tuesday, at 5.15 P. M.; Wed nesday, at 7.30 A. M. jyl3-tusm 3t* JOS. W. MARTIN, G. S. nr.OFFICE OF THE GILFILLAN OIL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Dilfillan OR Company of Pennsylvania will be held at their Office. 409 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 9th of AITGUST, at 3 o'clock P. An election for officers and directors will be held. J. C. FRYER, jylBtau9 Secretary and Treasurer. ligr THE ROYAL PETROLEIIH bCOMPANY.—The Stockholders are infOrmed that the progress made -in the investigation up to this date is proving the present organization to be worthy of confidence: and there is now a much larger sum on hand, in cash and in bank, than was stated at the meeting on the Ist inst. The Company appears to be free front debt. A sub-committee will at once. proceed to complete the work by personal Inspection of their various in terests in Veuango, when a full report will at once be made. CLINTON AUGE, Chairman of Committee. Attest: EDIVAIID J. B. THOMAS, Secretary of Committee. jylB-2t* NOTICE.—DN. W. PAINE, No. 933 ARCH Street, will leave the city on WEDNESDAY Evening, to be absent one week. klis patients and others can receive sufficient medi cine, in the meantime, to last until his return, Wednesday, July 26th. Jyl7-2t. OFFICE PENNA. CENTRAL COAL AND OIL CO., N. R. Corner THIRD and DOCK Streets, second story. PnuatantrittA,_,Tulv 14, 1895. TO DELINQUENT STOCKDOLDEVB,—Notice is hereby given that unless the assessment of tWen ty-five cents per share called for by resolution of November, 1864, is paid on or before August 4, 1861, a sufficient number of shares to pay the said assess ment, with necessary and incidental expenses, will be sold, at this Office, at public sale, at 12 o'clock, on that day. By order of the Board. jyls-180 ADAM WARTIFIMAN, Treasurer. lar. OFFICE OF THE PHILADEL PHIA GAS WORKS,, JULY 11, 1865. The price of Coke has been reduced to Ten Cents per bushel. Orders received at the Works or Ofßee, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. JOS. mAlguir.r., jyl2-1.2t Chief Engineer. Mr , CUMBERLAND COAL AND PROVEBTFNT COMPANY. - - WM. LOUGIILIN, President pro tem. A.T../telil. IL SCIIOYSILD, Sec. and Treas. Office, ggs South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. This Company is being organlied for theurpose of Mining and Ship hip COAL from the cele p brated South-Eastern Coal Field of Kentucky, and the Manufacture of Lumber. The Company own 2,000 acres of Land, more than half of vrhich is coal-bearing land of the best quali ty, Immediately on the Cumberland River. One mine on thicjand is in working order, and all the land is densely timbered with valuable timber. The Cumberland River affords an excellent outlet for the products of this region, connecting it direct ly with the excellent markets of Nashville, Smith land, and the lower Mi.sicsippl. The Coil is of the best quality, and commands a "'Cady sale wherever known. (jyls-tit Great inducements are offered to capitalists. OFFICE OF THE WEST PITIES.- DELPIIIA. PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY, N. W. corner FORTY-FIRST and HAV FORD Streets, PHILADELPHIA, July 11, 1865. The Board of Directors have this day decrared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock for the last six months, clear of All taxes, payable on and after the 2tst inst. The books for the transfer of stook will be closed Until that date. • - - jia-tbsium.. SAMUEL P. HITIEIN, Treasurer. THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, United States Depository, hare removed to their new Banking house, 'W. corner of SECOND and GREEN Streets, where the usual banking facilities will be afforded all who may entrust us with their business. 'United States SeTen-Thirties Constantly on hand for sale. Ciyl.s-6t] CIEO, HAMILTON, C,ashler. w..› OFFICE "BIG WHITELY CREEK OIL C 0.," NO. 528 WALNUT Street,Room No. 9, PRILADELFRIA, July 10, 1805. Subscribers to the capital stock of the "BIG WHITELY CREEK OIL C 0.," who have not paid their last instalment, and taken out their certifi cates, are hereby notified that if not attended to within thirty days from date their stock will be for feited. By order of the Board, jyll-120* J. LEWIS PHILLIPS, President. tar' OFFICE OF TIRE FAME MSC. RANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, July 3, 186.5. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. was de clared, payable on demand, clear of all taxes. ji6-12t W. I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. WOFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT Street PHILADELPHIA, July 3. 1865. The Pirectora have this day declared. a. Dividend of TTIItEP. PER CENT. on tie capital stock of the Company for the last Mx months, payable On de mand, free of all taxes. II:LOCKWOOD, 04-12 t Secretary. WPOSTPONEMENT OF THE UNION STATE CONVENTION—MEET ING OF THE UNION STATE CENTRAL COM MITTEE:—In compliance with the earnest appeals of many prominent Union men, citizens of different counties in the State, urging that the Union State Convention called for the lath of July, ensuing, be deferred until further notice, the announcement is herewith made that that body will not assemble on the day (loth of July) set apart for its meeting in the city of Harrisburg. Due notice will be given of the meeting of the Convention hereafter. The members of the Union State Central Com. mince will assemble In the city of Harrisburg, on the NINETEENTH OF JULY, ensuing, at . the Lochiel House, at three o'clock P. M. A full attendance of all the members of the Com mittee is earnestly requested. SIMON CAMERON, Chairman. A. W. lIENILDICT, )s ecretaries. WIEN FORNEY R , 5 HARISBURG, dune Is, ISM. Je27-tjyl9 Nr- DELAWARE ATENEE MARKET COMPANY. • PHILADELPHIA, July 3, 1845. The Direntors have this day declared & Dividend of THREE PER. CENT on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on and after the 18th inst., clear of State and United States Taxes. The Transfer Books will dose on the lith and open on the litth i n st. [tyB-12.t” WILLIAM .1. CARL IN. Sec'y. OnLITARY. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the 'UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid Induce ments held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries; good pay, excellent accommodations, light and easy duties. For all further information inquire at the Recruit ing• Rendezvous, No. 311 Smith FRONT Street, P ay, l ad xc ph tS übndwye. n CHARLES n HEYW O M D, ery Jr. U t< WI and Recruiting Officer. THE PRESS.--PITILADET,PHTA, TUESDAY. .TtTLY Is. 1865. UNITED STATES By authority of the Secretary of tho Treasury, the undersigned, the Oeneral i3uhscription Agent for the Gale or United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent. interest per an num, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of July 15, 1885, and are payable three years from that date in cur rency, or are convertible at the option of the holder Into GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from State, County, and Municipal taxation, which adds. from one to three per cent. more to their value, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable mans-annually by coupons attatched to each note, which may be cut off anti sold to any hank or banker. The interest at 7,30 per cent. amounts to 'One cent per day on asso note. Two cents per day on a $lOO note. Ten cents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The. notes of this Third Series are precisely simi lar in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties al ready sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying interest in gold coin at 6 per cent. Instead of 73-lathe in currency. Subscri bers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. , The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the-Seven-Thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. The slight change made In the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest. The payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. Tile return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the optionay interest in gold be availed of, would so redMMed equalize prices as that purchases made with six per cent, in gold would be fully equal to those Made with seven-and three-tenths per cent. In currency. This is now offered by the Government, and its superior advantages make it the GREAT POPITLAR LOAN. OF THE PEOPLE. Less than W 4000,000 of the Loan authorized by Cengrees are now in the market. This amount, at tbe rate at which It le being absorbed, wilt all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoultedly command a premium, as has uni formly been the case on closing the eubeeril)tione to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Pri vate Bankers throughout the country have general ly agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscri bers will select their own agents, In whonithey have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive or ders. NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE. _ W A fT . inrpw.. 15, 1565. SEALED PROPOSALS are. invited until the 25th inst., 72 o'clock M., for furnishing the Subilstence Department with THOUSAND 01,000) BARRELS OF FLOUR. The proposals will be for what is known at this Depot as Nos. 1, land 8, and bldswlll be entertained for any quantity less than the whole. Bids must be fn duplicate, and for each grade on separate sheets of paw'. The delivery of tile ruler to commence within flue days from the opening of the bids, and must be de livered in such quantities daily, as the Government Government. may direct, either at the warehouse in Georgetown or at the wharves or Railroad Depot in Washington, D. C. The delivery of all Flour awarded to be completed within twenty days from the acceptance of the bid. Bids will be received for Flour to be delivered In new oak barrels, head lined. Payment will fie Made din such funds as the GOT - eminent may have for disbursement. The usual Government inspection will be made just before the Flour is received, and none will be accepted which is not fresh ground, and of a supe rior quality. An oath of allegiance must accompany the bid of each bidder seho has not the oath on tile in this Of fice, and no bid will be entertained from parties who have previously failed to comply with their bids, or front bidders not present'to respond. Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any cause. Bids , to be addressed to the under signii, at No. 223 * G "street , endorsed, ". Pro posals for Flour. B. T. BRIDGES, jyl7-5t . Capt. C. S. V. pRopoALS. PROPOSALS FOR HIDES, TALLOW, HOOFS: HORNS, CHUCKS, SHINS, AND TONGUES. OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE, WASUINGTON, D. C., July 13 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate, are invited Hntil the 21st day of JULY, at 12 o'clock H., for ides, Tallow, floors, Horns, Chucks, Shins, and Tongues, of all Government Cattle Slaughtered within the ancient limits Of the District of Colum bia, for four months from the commencement of the contract, or such time as the. Commissary General may determine. The above articles to be collected by the contrac tor, and. removed from the various places at which the cattle are killed, at such times as may be desig nated by the officer in charge. The number of cattle used monthly vary, and are now killed at Chain Bridge, Glesboro Convalescent Camp, Washington, and Alexandria; but other places may occur within the prescribed limitawhere these articles will he required to be collected. The contractor shall be liable for all the Hides, Tallow, Hoofs, Horns, Chucks, Shins, and Tongues, coming from all the Government beef cattle slaugh tered, unless it can be made satisfactorily to appear to the Subsistence Department that all due exer tion, diligence, and care, was made to obtain said articles. - Payment will be required every ten days, in GOY ernment funds. The bids will state the amount per animal, for the articles referred to, and be accompanied by a gua rantee, certificate, affidavits of each guarantor and oath of allegiance. Blank forms can be obtained by application to the undersigned. The responsibility of theuarantors must he shown by the official Certificate of a United States district attorney or United States judge. The certifi cate must be In the following form: I hereby certify that, from evidence entirely satis factory to ine,the above-named guarantors are good and sufficient as sureties for double the amount for which they offer to be security. —r. No bids will be considered unless made out in con formity with the usual form, and are accompanied by a guarantee, certificate, and afßdavits. All bidders must forward with their proposals an Oath of allegiance, unless one may be On file with the officer who shall open the bids, and no proposals not fully complying with these requirements will be considered or regarded as a proposal within the meaning of this advertisement. The contractor will be held accountable for the Hides, Tallow, Hoofs, Horns, Chucks, &c., from the morning of the 27th inst. Bidders must be present at the opening of the bids, to respond to their names, and all bids must be endorsed "Proposals for purchasing Hides, low, Hoofs, Horns, Chucks, &c.," and be directed to the undersigned. G. BELL, jyls-4t Lieut. Col, and C. S. ASSISTANT QTJARTERMAS TER'S OFFICE. FORAGE DEPARTMENT, corner WHITEHALL and BRIDGE Streets, New York City. - Proposals are invited for the delivery of Corn, Oats, and Hay to this Department, in the city of Philadelphia, Pa. • Bids should be addressed to this Office, and must state the quantity, description or kind, price, and time of delivery. Payments to be made upon the completion of the delivery, or as soon thereafter as the Office may be in funds, and in such funds as may be received for disbursement. S. D. BIMOTIARD, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, Iy3-tf Forage Department. I NVITING PROPOSALS FOR THE PURCHASE OF TWENTY-THREE. HUN DRED GOVERNMENT MULES. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, WAsHINGTON, D. C., July 10,1365. SEALED PROPOSALS - will be received at this office until 12 M., TUESDAY, August 1, 65 for the purchase of TWENTY.•THENN HUNDRED MULES, in lots ollifty undone hundred each, at the places named below, viz: HARRISI3IIIthii•Pa., B lots, 50 each. 4 lots, 100 each. WILMINGTON; Del., 4 lots, 50 elich. 2 lots, 100 each. WASHINGTON D. C•, B lots 50 each. • , •' 6 lots, 100 each. PITTSBURG, Pa., 4 lots ' so c. 0.. not, 100 each. These Mulea will be put aside, each lot by itself, and will. be free for the inspection of bidders, at the places named respectively, for ten days prior to August 1. Many of them were bought in the beginning of the war as young mules, accompanied the armies In all their marches and camps, and are thoroughly broken, hardened by exercise, gentle and familiar from being so long surrounded by the soldiers. Though sound and serviceable, they are no longer required In the army, and can now be obtained at far less than their tr.@ value. The successful bidders will be notified in person or by telegraph, and required to receive the animals on or before August 3, 1865. This office reserves to itself the right to reject all bids that may be offered. Proposals should be addressed to the under signed, and marked "Proposals for the purchase orMules." Payment must be made in Government fends at the time of delivery. By order of the Quartermaster General. JAMES A. ERIN, Brevet Brigadier General, In charge, jyl4-15t First Division, Q. M. O. O. CARD PROTOGRAPIIB,-NEAT, pretty, and desirable pictures; 12 taken for $1.25; done on cards suitable for Albums or scholars , to ex change with classmates. REIMER'S, SECOND St., above Green. It* E. D. F. MORGAN, ATTORNEY AT L A tir li EI N AND coLLECTIN The Civil Courts of this District are now in prat , tical operation. Haying. practiced at the Mempble bar for ten (10) years, my acquaintance with the - business community greatlyfacilitatesin the speedy collection of claims. - If4-em E. D. F. 3511)1tEtAle. CARPET CHAINS, YARNS AND WlCKS.—Large Invokes jtutt raaelyett and r9i sale to dealers, at lowest market rates. ROWS EUSTON & CO., je23-tf 157 and 159 North THIRD Street. MACKEREL, HERRING, BRAD, &C. —2,500 bbls. Mass. Nos. 1,2, and .. 8 Mackerel, late-caught Rat fish , in assorted packages. 2,000 bbls. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Hali fax Herring. 2,500 boxes Lubec, sealed, No. IHerring. bbls. New 12ess Shad. 250 boxes Herkimer-county Cheese, &c. In store and for sale by MURPHY ft KOONS, jale-tf No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. THE ASHLAND HOUSE, FOIIRTE AVENUE ANpIXEISTY-FOURTH Ebiek 5/11, Recently enlarged and improved, is now open for transient as well as permanent borders. The house is situated on one of the pleasantest avenues. and accessible to all places of amusement and bust; sees by ears and stages. Guests wtu and an the coilvtM Winne and comforts of a superior establish merit, with an excellent table. Transient hoard, $ per day. R. SELKIRK, Proprietor. D.—Families who desire rooms for the summer wilt make early application. To desirable partlea advantageous terms will be offered. jel2-35t rrHE CHEAPEST FRUIT JARS IN THE MARKET.—Quart Capsule Jars at NPer doz.. complete. HAR ELL & LETCHWO TH. x 0.15 North FIFTII Street, and No. Ha MINOR Street. ' - ion-trn ~. 5 '~. 7.30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. 0230,000,000. 11. 3. 5-20 OLE PER CENT THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, PYITLADELPIRTA.. myla-tf PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOIL FLOôR. MEM'HIS, TENN NEW PIIBLICATIONN A NEWWORK BY THE AIITEIOR calk° " Schonberg Cotta Family..." MARY, THE HAIMMADD OF THE LORD, Dam. ALSO, BY THE SAAIE AUTHOR, THE SNI - 018 - ERG COTTA FAMILY. IMO. TEE EARLY DAWN. 12mo. DIARY OF MRS. KITTY TREVYLAN. 12mo. oUB MARTYRED DRESIDENTI or Voices Prom 2110 Pulpit, or New York and Droulyn, Contain ing all the Sermons by the eminent pulpit orators of those cities, and the Orations of Bancroft and Bishop Simpson. 12mo. For sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. & A. Manton.) je27 608 CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS. -LI BAXLEY'S WHAT I SAW ON THE WEST COAST or BORTH AND NORTH AMERICA, with Illustrations. BIERIVALE'S Conversion of the Roman Empire. T. BUCHANAN READ: A Summer Story: Sheri dan's Ride, and other Poems. THE VOLUNTEER. QUARTERMASTER. By Capt. Re .lsW ß r A i ND STANDARD BOOKS On hand, and for sale at low prices. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and BooksellerS, je29 Wo.. 25 Snuth.SIXTI-1 Street. TYPE FOUNDERS. COLLINS & McLEEBTER'S NORTH AMERICAN TYPE, STEREOTYPE, AND ELECTROTYPE JE"CrUNI3TUY Printers' Furnishing Warehowie, Noy 705 JATNE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. TYPE WARRANTED to be equal to any made IN TINE WORLD. Old type taken in exchange for new at 15 cents per pound, If delivered to us free of charge. Every article necessary for a Printing Office constantly on hard. Agents for Hoe's, Adams', Gordon's, Taylor's, Foster's, Degener's, and Wells' Presses. Agents for Mather's celebrated Colored Inks. Our beautiful new Newspaper faces are shown In "THE PUPAS." jy7-lm CURTAIN GOODS. I . E. WALRAYEN, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, IS NOW OPWUIG AR,9THRR LARGE LOT OF LACE CURTAINS, ELEGANT STYLES, AT PRICES, FROM 5 DOLLARS TO MI DOLLARS PER PAIR WINDOW 'SHADES, CHOICE PATTERNS, AT BEDIICED PRICES. mv2B-tf SUMMER RESORTS. RURAL HOTEL, FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PA. JAMES E. STEEL, Proprietor. This well-known and popular House has just been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than double Its former capacity It is pleasantly situated in the centre of the Town, with ready access by Rail and stage to all points in the OIL REGION, and Sts accommodations for Guests fully equal to those of first-class Hotels in any art of the country. Ithas been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House combining the comforts of Home with all the advantages'of a large Hotel, and he believes be has succeeded. 174-din ESIRABLE ROOMS FOR THE SUAIMER.—Sonie fine Rooms, unexpectedly vacated, ran be had at the Chestnut-Grove - House, Media,on reasonable terms. Apply to Miss BIRCK READ, at the. Grove House. jylB-60 MOUNTAIN HOUSE, PRINCETON, MASS.—This favorite resort, situated in one of the most delightful and accessible parts of New England, is now OPEN for BOARDERS and TRAN SIENT VISITORS. Send for circular. Je24-qtuth-lm* M. H. BALLARD. SEA BATHING-CAPE MAY,_ CAPE ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL HOTEL.— This large and commodious Hotel, known as the National Hall. 1s now receiving visitors. Price per week, $l6; children and servants haiT-price. je2o-2m 'AARON GARIVETSON, 'Proprietor. T HE COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY, Will be .opened this season on the FIFTEENTH DAT OF. JUNE, forlhe reception of guests, This leading house will, for the coining season. fully sustain Its "well-estebllahed reputation. Greatly encouraged by the business or last Tear, the proprietor fems satislieci that a Hotel, conducted clearly first-close, must continue a success at this old and popular resort. The railroad facilities are promised to be excel lent. Beck's celebrated Philadelphia Band has been se cured for the COLUMBIA the coming season. For rooms, &c., apply to J. H. DENNISON, Mer chants, Hotel, Philadelphia, or to GEORGE BOLTON, Proprietor,_ myl9-2m CAPE ISLAND, N. T. THE ALHAMBRA AT ATLANTIC CITY, Is now open for the reception of visitors. je2B-Inel B. B. LBEDS, Proprietor L IGHT -HOUSE COTTAGE,_ ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., NEAREST HOTISE TO THE SURF. This well-known house is now open for the recep tion of boarders. JONAH WOOTTON, je24-lm Proprietor. CONGRESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. WILL OPEN JUNE 24, 18015, The subscriber would respectfully lnform hie friends and the public in genera& that he has again taken Congress Hall, this being the fourth season. Many improvements have been made; also, new Bath Houses have been erected, and the bathing cannot be surpassed at any sea-shore. And it is the determination of the proprietor to use every effort to make Congress Bali a home of comfort to his guests. A Band is engaged. Terms moderate. jel9-Im W. HINKLE. -UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New jersey, is now Open for the reception of visitors. Trains leave on Saturday af ternoon, at four o'clock from Vine-street wharf— returning Monday morning early.—June 10, 1865. Jelo-2m 4 BENJ. A. SHOEMAKER, Proprietor. VPHRATA MT. SPRINGS.-THIS delightful and romantic watering place, beauti fully situated in the healthiest section of Lancaster county, and achnowledgeditn lie the "garden spot" of Pennsylvania, will open for the accommodation Of guests on the 15th of June. Railroad communi cation twice a day from Philadelphia, on the Penn sylvania or Reading Railroad, and daily from Balti more and New York. For particulars address the Proprietor, Jel-2m J. W. FREDERICK. COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The copartnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, under the name of WAR NER, MISKEY, (t MERRILL (Manufacturers Of Gas Fixtures, ere.,) was dissolved b mutual con withdrawal of REDWOOD ua .WARNER , by the of F . _ The business of the late firm will be settled at 718 CHESTNUT Street by the new firm of MISKEY, MERRILL, & THACkARA. REDWOOD F. WARNER, WM. F. MISKEY W. 0. B. MERRILL, B. THACKARA. MT IS, 138 S. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The interest of RED WOOD E. WARNER, in the- firm of WARNER, MISERY, & MERRILL, baying been purchased by the undersigned,(the remaining partners), they will continue the business as heretofore, at No. ns CHESTNUT Street, and No. 402 RACE Street. WM. F. MISKEY W. 0. B. MERRILL, B. THACKARA. PliThAnra.rurs., July 13, 1865. jyl4-108 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—T H E Undersigned have this day entered into a co partnership under the name and title of BRUNER, WANE, _& CO., for the transaction of the GENE RAL LUMBER BUSINESS, at 190 S MARKET St. A. BRUNER, Sn., D. C. WANN, A. BRUNER, JR. PHILADELPHIA, July 3, 1865. THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN connection with an old eatabllched Lumber Depot at Col.umbia, Pa., thus giving the yard superior ad. vantages. Iyll-9m• CARD FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I will sell the balance of my large stock of FURNITURE, At very lovr prices, until SEPTEMBER 181. V.a assortment is complete. GEO. J. HENKELS, je2l-2m 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. TO SOLDIERS! WALTHAM WATCHES ! Les every 13oldler,before he returns bome,RrOvide himself with an AMMAN WATCH; no Better nee 111111 be made of money than to invest it in one of these durable and accurate time-pieces. it is a kind of property that constantly returns good interest. and lie money value le so well known that a pocket full of silver dollars wouldn't be as useful. Bold by all respectable Watch dealers. THE AMERICAN WITCH CO., Jylo-12t OFFICE, 1821 BROADWAY, N. Y. CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE & OAMpI43I( 261 SOUTH SECOND STREET, are prepared to follow the decline in the mar ket Sn the yrs.e of their Furniture. rurehasera will please call and examine our atac rayl.o-13,* ALBUMEN PAPER-A VERY FINE aity of this paper can be had at F. GUTS KUNST'S, 704- AMOR Street. jyl3-tbstuet* 111011110TOGRAPHS.--PARTIES AND IN -A. dividuals desiring can have taken in superior manner, Photographs of churches, residences, and public he ildings,by applying to REIMER:B9II ARCM facet. 1s WROVEISAILE DRY GOODS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOOD% Sy the Ineee or Package, AT AND IJihTDER MARKET RATES. JAMES B. CAMPBELL & (WHOLESALE ROOMS UP STAIRS,) isq&lni. 724 CHESTNUT ST. RETAIL DRY GOODS. CAMBRIC EDGINGS AND INSERT INGSWiII open to-day several thousand yards; a good assortment, at reasonable prices. WHITE SILK MALINE; also. Black 'do.; seve ral onallties, better than usual, for the price. ItyPE SILK ILLUSION, 2 yards wide; will open - to-day more of those line ja 0-4 Iliasious. GERMAN BOBBIN EDGINGS, narrow hand made; will open to-day 12 cartoons, 588 IBMs, 15 yard pieces, at 65 cents apiece. WHITE, also BLACK SILK BARBE LACE, new and pretty patterns, much under the regular price for similar goods. IMITATION VALENCIENNES EDGINGS; now opening over two thousand (2,000) dozen of the bet ter make, new and choice patterns, at law prices. The attention of say wholesale and retail ti ade is invited to the above new and desirable goods, Just out of Steamer Persia, and offered at low prices, as usual, at WORNE'S Lace and Embroidery storo,. No. 4€l North EIGHTH Street. its BARGAINS I BARGAINS ! AT JOHN U. STOKES', No. 702 ARCH STREET. Still greater reduction in SUMMER DRESS GOOD:Ss GRENADINES, GRENADINES, LAWNS, LAWNS. Travelling Dress Goods in every variety. Cheapest Black Alpaca in the city. Plain Plaid and Striped Muslins of every descrip tion. Buff and White Pique. Table Linens atgreatly reduced prices. Linens for Ladles' Dresses. Coating Linens. A large assortment of men's and boys" wear. All kinds of Domestic Goods at less than Whole sale prices. Summer Shawls at greatly REDUCED PRICES. JylStf t T CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH ST.- . BARGAINS JUST OPENED. Real Crochet Edgings. Black Unloose Laces. Swiss Edgings and InsertlOtia. Empress - Lace Collars. Thread Lace Flashes. Hemstitched Hdkfs., extra fine, Me. J717-6t CLOSING OUT 1 CLOSING- OUT 1 CLOSING OUT ! GitlEA.ris SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. CHEAP BLACK BILKS. Black Bilks, with Lustre. Black Bilks, without Lustre. Black Silks, or every variety, at low nriceS, Colored Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Silk Grenadines at reduced prices. The. Silk Grenadines reduced to 45e. $1 Silk Grenadines reduced to 55e. • Handsome Bilk Grenadines reduced to 8734 c., $l, *1.25. New Styles Cambric Lawns, VW., 50e. New Styles Jaconet Lawns, 50e., 623ic„ 65e. New Styles Organdy Lawns, 400., nse., New Styles Fine Linen Lawns, 07,4 c., 75c. Dress Goods, of every description, at low prices. SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. Plain, Plaid, and Striped White Swiss and Or gandies. Plain, Plaid, and Striped Nainsooks and CanihriCS. White Puffed and Tucked H. STEEL & SON, jys-tf Nos. 713 and VIS North TENTH Street. COOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND MARKET, have The best Cassimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks,Coatings. Tailors , Linings, of every kind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at 30c. kaurzt-wp:orrt4,2„dez,azdarceelts. Extra line black Mohair Alpacas, $l. Lupin's 6-4 black Wool Detains, $l. Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen, striped Muslim', finest Cambria and Jaconets, puffed Muslins, Pique, &c. White 13arege and other thin Shawls. Silk Sacques and Summer maters. Je7-tf VIGITRED SILK GRENADINES, .1- of the best qualities and styles, in Black and Gray Grounds, 56c to $1.50. Travelling Dress Goods, in every variety. New Dress Goods, in great variety. Handsome Chene Silks, 850. P VERY CHEA BLACK I2 SILKS, suitable for Dresses, Mantles, and Sacques. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE P'Efe - ,ES. - Merrimac, Sprague, and Pacific Prints, 250. 10-4 Waltham and Peperill bleached Sheetins, $l. H. STEEL & SON, M7B-tr Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. 4-4 Esjailm,y,EflogENS, FOR TRAY- - _ 4-4 Bier Linens. Dark and light Linens, for Suite. Brown Honands. rigured Linens, for Dresses. White reque or Marseilles. Mosquito Wettings. rink, blue, cherry, and white Tarletons. EDWIN HALL & CO., jel9-tf 26 South SECOND Street COMMISSION HOUSES. HAZARD & HUTCHINSON, AGENTS` FOR THR SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, 112 CII - Ebnarz *THEET 7 PHILADELPHIA, AND 103 READE STREET, NEW YORK. je23-6m MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, ' TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE WOW IN STORE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF "mba-ts SPRING GOODS. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT do GO., ciENTLEMENIS FITRNISHING STORE, No. Sl4 CHESTNUT Street, jal-ly Four doors below the Continental. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 600 ARCH STREET. 600 REFRIGERATORS, _ WATER COOLERS REEZERS. GAB-STOVES, FOR SUMMER COOKING. jela-tf GRIFFITH & PAGE. SIXTH and ARCH. GROCERIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN TEE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fatal lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, ' TEAS, &c., &C. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, my24-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. R. Corner of FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and DomestiC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. If_LNUFAMITRBRS OW WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &O. AGENTS FOE THE CELZEBNI F ED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRIORS FOR CASH. Ori-tat BOTANIC AND _ECLECTIC DRUGS, ROBERT A. HANCE, 7M9 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Would call the attention of Druggists, Country Mer chants, and others, to his stock. of ROOTS, HERBS, AND BASKS, in 'various sized packages, of our own pressing, at PRICES BELOW FORMER RATES. A full line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL & CO.'S CONCENTRATED RE MEDIES, AC., at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. my.ll-3mip ICE CREAM. PURE DELAWARE COUNTY ICE CREAM, made in the country-, and fresh every morning—the vary best that is made. Saloons, Excursions, Pie- Nies, Festivals, Hotels, Restaurants, and Private Families, furnished with, promptnese in quanttles to suit, on reasonable terms. EASTERN MARKET ICE-CREAM STAND. Jeu-stutm • 'OMER'S SELF-SEALING} F RUIT -a- CANS. Every housekeeper In _the city and o:lankly should use this excellent Can. Ii is the most con venient and reliable Can in use, and gives entire satisfaction wherever introduced. It is sealed in an instant, by hooking and spring, thus clamping , a tin cap over and around the opening, and pressing it upon a ring of cemented paper. The cement in the paper welts by the heat of the fruit, and as the press ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing is per fect. The cap is unfastened Eby unhooking the spring and running 11‘ thin knife around under the cemented paper. Please mill and examine this Can at J. McMUNTRIES , , SOS SPRING GARDEN Street iyminaly Philadelphia. C Io CARTES DE VISITE. -BEFORE HAN g air made go to B. F. REIMER'S Gallem 624 ARCH Street, mid examine the execution awl beauty of style of b Is specimens. its SALT AFLO A T.-50,000 BUSHELS Coarse White Dry Marsala bait, anent, suitable for peckin g ICfi rsalel i los aTSAatitiE9,Oligllal Se , jyls-12t 49 LON G BOSTON, Mau. HAVANA CIGARS.—A GOOD VA RIETY constantly In store and bond, at low est carat rate*. Et, FUGTIET & SONS, m724ohns Nu. AU South FRONT . Street. WANTS WANTED -BY A YOUNG MAN, A Situation as Entry Clerk or Assietunt Book- Keeper. Is s good penman, and quick at figure& Undoubted reforeneed furnished. Addrese "s. B. J.," at this face. jyll-11t* WANTED —IN A WHOLESALE Hosiery nud Fancy Goods ho Ise, a YoUSG MAN who has hall experience In t Io business, to assist In taking care of 'stock. Als ), a LAD, to learn the business. None but those who are willing to Week need apply Good rotoreuess required, Apply 51a MARKET Street. 17111-20, WA NT E D-A PARTNER, WITH Iron; co,ooo to $15,000, to take an Interest in a Commission business now earning 0,000 per annum, and which ran be greatly increased. A 'gentleman «lineation, and one having a taste for the Shipping trade preferred. Address, with real name and address, " Mnr- Cater, " office of this inner. jylB-6t* WANTED -AN ENTRY CLERK, who call write and caleuiwie rapidly and. cor rectly. Apply to JANES R. CAMPBELL ,t CO., 727 CHESTNUT Street. jylB-2t* WANTED TO RENT-A FIELD suitable for a cricket ground. Address, sta ting terms, location, etc., "Linton ,'' Press oilice. Jy-18-3t* WANTED.—ALL PERSONS WANT.. INO Clerks, Porters, Cone/Men, Laboror 3 i. other help, leave orders at 913 FlLMEtT,Street, j717 -6t. WANTED—A PARTNER, IN AN established manufacturing business, With a cash capital of $12,000. Address lion 1,872, Plilladel pli la Post-office. jyt7-6V WANTED -IN A WHOLESALE Clotl -tionse. an experienced Saimaa!' for city trade. A (Wen Box 1701 r 0., Mita. jyls-3t* WANTED -TWO EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES in a retail Dry Goods store, for the coming fall trade. • Engagements to take place anytime between now and the first ofSentem her. Address EDWIN HALL & CO. 28 SdiliAl SECOND Street, by note. Iyls-30f* NKr - ANTED-AN ENTRY CLERK IN I A NOTION. DOUSE. (None but an experi enced hand need apply.) No. 53 North THIRD Street. jyls-3t* WANTED -AT $175 PER MONTH, Returned and Disabled Officers and Soldiers, Teachers, Ladies, and energetic younih men to CANVASS for our great national work, ' , The Life, Times, and Public Services of Abraham Lincoin.' , By Dr. L. P. Brock ' ett. We have agents clearing $175 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS., & CO., SIXTH and MINOR Streets, Phila delphia, Pa. jyl4-11n. „4, GENTS WANTED IN THIS CITY and State to sell a new and very popular Book, FOUR YEARS IN SEOESSIA. By J. H. BROWN. Special War Correspondent of the Now York Tribune. This book is having a large sale,' offering a rare opportunity to old canvassers, school teachers, energetic young men, returned or disabled soldiers. Apply by letter, or in person, to F. W. HART, Agent for the Publishers, Room No. 44, American Hotel, in this city. jyll-tuthe-et. SALESWOMAN WANTED—M IT S T u.deratam the Lace and Embroidery trade thoroughly. Also, a young lady to learn the bust. ness. Apply to J. CHMKARRS, jylB-2t 81.0 ARCH &thin. TOA MONTEL-I WANT AGENTS everywhere at $7O a month, expenses paid, to sell FIFTEEN ARTICLES, the best selling ever offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS T. GAREY, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-d&Whn SI2SA MONTH.—AGENTS WANT ED everywhere to Introduce the improved Sukw & CLARK TWENTY-DOLLAK FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, the Ohl low-price machine in the country which is licensedby Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe Singer & Co., and Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user are liable to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address STIA.W CLARK. Biddeford. Maine. mylNd &Bram FOIL SALE AND TO LET. in FOR SALE—A LARGE hiA.NU MILFACTURING BUSINESS, central locality' established over thirty-five years; doing a good business, and payinghandsoinely. Address "arid ly Confidential," Preaa office. jylB-01" dfli, FOR SALE— A FOUNDRY, LOCA ted in one of the best business localities In the city with flytures complete—Crair.e, two Cuolas, Ladies, Masks, ,ta., now in successful operation. Far further particulars, address "Foundry," this office. jyl3-6t* dra FOR BALE—PRICE S2I,OOO.—AN Alff&elegant modern Dwelling, in West LOCUST Street. Apply through "Box 2075," Philadelphia Post-Office. Jyl3-30 FOR BALE-WHARF PROPERTY STORES on the Delaware, at the foot of Race street, being 71feet front on Water street, and extending 135 feet to low water mark. including wharf, ae. Will be sold at a reasonable figure and on easy terms. MILLER, jyls-4t 155 North SIXTH Street, en FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- smi .wai. Superior Chester County Farm of 143 acres -.A.. and good improvements,onlv 14 miles from the city Railroad. ry Priceion on per acre. Central , *ll2 per acre. One or two good city dwellings Mtn as part pay. MILLER, 1.55 N. SIXTH Street. ' 3y15-8t a l FOR SALE. - DWELLING , 1120 AIM VINE Street. Do. IFD MT. VERNON Street. Do. 2214 BRANDYWINE Street. Do. 1538 WALLACE Street. And others. Also, a large number of cottage pro perties. • B. F. GLENS, 153 S. FOURTH Street. and jyls S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. at DELAWARE COUNTY.-FOR .1621. SALE—A beautiful small FARM, forty.a..i. acres of land, ten miles out, and within one thou sand yards of Railroad Station, and bounded by the Chester Plank Road. Superior view from the man sion of the Delaware River, Baltimore. Railroad, and surrounding country. Twenty-six minutes by railroad to city; excellent land; mansion nearly new; cottage style; eleven rooms modern built; parlor, hall, open staircase &c. Piazzas about the building, making it attractive anti pleasant. Fine Barn, 44x64, with carriage-house, &c. Tenant house for gardener, spring, &e. The mansion is on an elevated point of land, and commands a very superior 'view of the river and surrounding coun try. Possession forthwith. JAS. R. CUMMINS, 504 WALNUT Street. N. B.—Call for Catalogue of Delaware and Ches ter county property. • )yl5-5t LVALUABLE FARMS AT PRI.Ja ATE SALE.—Two very desirable Farms, wew situate near Milton, Northumberland county, Pa., are offered at private sale by a widow lady, who in tends to move to the West. Farm No. 1 lies - within a mile of the town, and contains 114 acres of the best kind of river bottom land, bordering on the West Branch of the Susquehanna, and is in a high state of cultivation. The soil is very rich, and yields largely every variety of cereals and vegetables that can be raised in the State:. The improvements comprise a large two-story briBl4 mansion -house, a neat and commodious tenant-house, and a substantial bank barn, with suitable outhouses, all in good repair. The farm contains a tine orchard of the choicest., va rieties of fruit trees and a vineyard Of young,. thrifty, and well-selected grape-vines. A new wire ferry crosses the river at the farm; charter emelt!, sire for four miles up and down, will be sold with it, the receipts of which amount to front sl.® to $l4O per week. Farm No. 2 adjoins the borough of Milton, and contains 132 acres, 8 acres of which are woodland, the remainder arable land, In a state of good culti vation. The surface of the farm is undulating, the soil rich, and the pasturage luxuriant, being well adapted and formerly used for dairy purposes. The Improvements consist of an elegant brick mansion house, having every modern convenience, supplied with gas from the town, and with excellent water front a cement-lined and filtered cistern, contain ing upwards of SO hogsheads of water; a large bank barn and outhouses, and a stone tenant-house,-1n which there is a flowing artesian well. This house is located on a lot of ground lying between the West Branch Canal andlthe Philadelphia and Erie Rail road; was formerly a distillery, and could be con verted into one of the best breweries in the State. It will be sold separately I fdesi red. Parties wishing to purchase, can obtain any fur ther information by addressing JOHN MeCLEERY, Atlorney-at-Law jyls-12t Northumberland Co., Pa. „ Viv k FOR SALE, CHEAP—A VERY FINE BLOOD BAY HORSE, sixteen hands high, long tail, very stylish and gay; kind and gentle single and double. Pleasant driver. To be seen at • CLUB STABLE, it. 723 FILBERT Street. A FILE OF " THE PRESS" FOR four ears , for sale cheap. Address "T. P.." Ledger office. 1.0 POTTERY FOR SALE.-WILL BE SOLD CHEAP, IX A BUSINESS PART OF BROOKLYN.—The Works stand on six lots of ground; two kilns, one nine feet diameter by ten feet high in the elearalte other twelve feet six in ches diameter, and eleven feet high, with biscuit kilns above, all in perfect working order, with a handsome stock of materials on band, so that it can be put iaddresser ration in one day. For further bar. ticularS Pottery," 155 Green Point Post-office, Long island. Jyl7-6t LEGAL. ...... TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS IN FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. Insolvent estate of JOHN JAMES. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOHN C. BULLITT and FREDE RICA FAIRTHORNE, Trustees of the estate of John Tams, appointed under the insolvent laws of Pennsylvania and to report distribution of the balance in the' hands of the accountants will meet the parties interested on TUESDAY,__A TM - UST Ist, 1865, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his Office, AO. South SIXTH Street, In the city of Philadelphia. JOHN GOFORM, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF BUCKS - - - - COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Estate of SUSAN WALTERS, late of the township of Plumstead, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the said Court to distri bute the balance In the hands of ;SAMUEL. PRY,ad ministrator to the estate of said deeedent, to and among the persons legally entitled to receive the mune, - bereby gives notice to them to meet him at his office, in the borough of Dovlestown, Bucks county, Pennsylvania ,'Mt 'PUESIS AY the first day of AUtiliST, 1865, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, when distribution aforesaid will be made. • jylituat. ELIAS CARVER, Auditor. REMOVALS. REMOVAL.--GEO. W. WATSON sh -"L. , CO. have removed their CARRIAGE REPOSI TORY to their old place, No. 1.21.9 CHESTNUT Street (under Concert Hand, where they will keep a stock of Carriages of their own make, and will re ceive orders for every description of tiret-elass work. Mown 7, ISM je7-2m 1 31 I f• A.Wa 3 IV! Itffa>Vl'VT9 (I NEW IL,_ MINEG, COAL COMPANIS. 1 AND OTHER N-0" We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. LITHOGRAPHED " TRANSFER BOOR. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOOK. BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS & CO., BLANK. BOOK MANUFACTURBRES AND STATIONERS 432 CUicriarruT atreet /CORSETS AND STURM-SELL ING off cheap to reduce stock, before removing to No. 1313 CHESTNUT Street, at Mrs. STEEL'S, TENTH Street, below Chestnut. i715-31* McCANDLESff & SMITH MALT VINEGAR FACTORS, BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly on hand and for sale a large stock of MALT and WHITE WINE VENROAIt — a new Article of manufacture in this country, wa d i' the celebrated English process, and used de Yeir for 'Pickling in - uroe. All sales war E rante p d free from impurities and chemicals. Orders filled promptly to all parts of the country. AGENTS. L. E. CAMBLOS, No. 113 Walnut street, Phila delplia. WRITE, No. 4 Exchange Place, Hal- PT & Elmore. ,t co., Richmond, Va. E. w.RIS nAultrilEco, Newborn, N. C. )el9-31n lg, 15-HORSE POWER ENGINEB, 10 kkorinit Top's, P4lanertia "Cubing. and Drilling Machines, 11.-mreil "Cubing. For sate by iiiaIIAWAT_,.LEAOH, sTEARNS, lyl-IDI 447 AliCti Street, Phtlacletpttla. AUCTION SALES .agz HERKNEss , BAZAAR, NINTH AND SANnoht STREET& BALE OF ROHM OARIUMIES.: Me* ON WEDNEithiLli monsING, ,jrlay Lech, • et po'eloch. Sale of TWO HUNDRED 41,,,eroment horses, GS Thursday and Friday, July nub :Lad 21st. ONE HUNDRED lionlmi EACH DAT. asi- Sale of Horses. Carriages, Ike., &c., , on *AO* i: cay morning, as usual. ALFRED M, HERTENgss, Auctioneer. SALE OF GOVERNMENT MULES AT pitthADELPHIA. Tie United States Will eel'. at _nubile ansirle, „4 WASHINGTON -STREET WHAltii, IN TIIK Orer OF PHILADELPHIA, ON WEDNESDAY, July 20, 1806, at 10 o'clock A. M., N OE HUNDRED MOW MULES. ALSO, ON SATURDAY, July 20, 1865 at 10 o'clock A. M. os!E ituNDRED (100) MULES. Timm animate are seta rrniv for want of we, and are now ready for inspeetion. Buyers are Invited to examine them at any time prior to the sale, and ample facilities will he pro vided, the sales taking place under roomy sheds, so as to protect both purchasers and animals from sun or esin. Further Information can be obtained of Captain A. S. ASIIPIF.AD, A. Q. M., No. 721 MARICHT Street, Philadelphia. Terms—Gash, in Government funds. JAMES A. EAKIN, Bat. Brig. Gen. 0i8420 in charge, First Div. Q. M. G. b . • NOTICE. -THE I , IIMT AUCTION SALE of miscellaneous Hospital Property,con. sisting of BEDDING, FISItNI PURE, KITCHEN UTENSILS, &c., will take piece at the Medical Purveyors Depot S. E. corner of BROAD and CHERRY Streets, Philadelphia, Pa., on FRIDAY. July 21, at io A, M., and at the seine - hour on every Friday thereafter until further notice, instead of on Saturdays, as already advertised. C. MeDOOl3 ALL, Surgeon and Brevet . Col. IL S. A., Sylß-4t mcdicai Purveyor. NEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA.- TRE—CHESTN UT street, above !Twelfth. Inauguration of the Summer lianson. MONDAY er, TUESDAY EVNNIN (IS, July 17 and INITIAL NI (4 HTS of the New Irish Drama, by Mr. Men lionelcault and E. 11. House. Esti, In three acts, styled ARRAII NA POGUE; or, 111.0 WICKLOW WEDDING. The sole' right for the production of which hal been purchaatul for this My by Muni% (.}rover Jfr Sinn. It will he presented with New and Beautiful Scenery, by Richard Smith; Wonderful Mechani cal Effects, by Daniel Wills, Thus. Blackwood, and Assistants; 7..5, ew and Appropriate Ward vette; New and Costly Properties and Appointments, by John Dasy and Assistants: all the Original Music, ren dered by Birgield and the Grand Orchestra, and A. CAST OF CiiAItACTFIRS embracing the names of the following DISTYNOITIS.IIIto Parr ISTES: arr. Tivsvis BAILER. Mr, P. mrißonivrcr, Mr. WALTER LENNOX, Mr. J. T. Wrotti), Mr. M. L. TILTON, Mr. OWEN MARLOWE. Mr. WALLIS, Mr. FRANK FOSTER, Miss ANNIE GRAHAM. Mrs. SOP4IE KUHN, Mrs. MOUDAUNT, and others. The Central/gal Fans, constantly In motlon,keep the Theatre cool at all thnes,whlle lee water Is pro. Tided in abundance. SATURDAY AFTKRNOON,JuIy 22, FIRST GRAND FAMILY 111 A TINER OF THE - SEASON, wlwn ARRAN :NA be presem MRS. JOHN DREW'S - NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE. HOOLEY'S .MINSTRELS; - - Composed of nineteen competent artists, the "Creme de to Creme" of the MINSTREL PROFESSION, In their chaste,. unique, awl original ETHIOPIAN POT POURRT, EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK. New features each evening. Jyl7-at VA. I Rb 9 °TINT WATER-WORKS, (W 'BRIDGE .1 AFTERNOON CONCERTS EVERY DAl e From 4to 7 o'elock lryy HASSLER'S GRAND MILITARY BAND. Programmes of Music issnetl The Arch, Vine, and Callowlail-street cars run di. rect to the place. jytT-et NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL IN. J. STITUTE, BROAD Street, below Walnut. SWIMMING DEPARTMENT. REDUCTION OP SEASON TICKETS. On and after the 17th Of July. the Season Swim ming Tickets and Season Iratrutaton Ticketo IYX be reduced 33X per cent. WM. JANSEIT, jyte.f.t ACADEMY OF FIRE ARTS, CHEST NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9A. M. till P. M. Benjamin West's great picture o f CHRIST REJECTED still on . Exhibition. BOA RDIN G. DAY BOARD-WITH FIRST-CLASS DINNERS, at No. 624 South WASHINGTON Square. {y6-2ta• LOST AND FOUND. LOST OR STOLE N—A SCHOOL -A-- 1 WARRANT; No. 2,876, for rOO, in favor of LIZZIE D. WEAVER. Payment thereoritas helm stopped. A liberal reward will be paid on leaving it at - No. 220 CARPENTER Street. .13-Ll4as-fit EDUCATIONAL. A GOOD TEACHER OF THE LIGHT a-R- GYMNASTICS WANTED. Address "Physi cal Education," at this Office. JyIS-W AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Or PENNSYLVANIA.—Tbc Seeond Term Of the Session of 186.5 will open on WEDNESDAY/ Jniy 26th, and eoutinue.twenty weeks. For board, washing, tuition, room-rent, and fuel, 000, in ad. vance. For further information or a catalogue, ad dress WM. If. President Agricultural College, jy/El-tutlisat /tW Centre county, Pa. CALVARY ACADEMY, AT CALVA- ItY CHURCH, MANHEIM Street. GERMAN TOWN.—B. SHOEMAKER, A. 11.Prinelnali u. silted In the different departments 'by extuFrieneed teachers. The next Session will commence SEP TEMBER 11th, MS. Four Boys, between the aged of eight and fourteen years will he received into the family of the Principal. 'For Circulars, address B. SHOEMAKER, corner of GERMANTOWN Ave nue and SHOEMAKER'S Lane, Germantown, PM ladelphin. REFERENCES: Rey. R. Newton, D. D.• T. C. Henry, B. G. Godfrey, T. A. Newhall, F.: Carroll Brewster, Esgs., and ROY, G. A. Strong jyg-etunt* PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE DT STITUTE for YOUNG LADIES, N. W. cornee of CHESTNU!I and EIGHTEENTH Streets (for merly at 1530 Arch street.) Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D. Principal. Circulars at 1228 and 1334 Chestnut street. Or address P. O. Box. 231 t. Jylo-Imo COAL. NOWLE S' LEHIGH, HICKORY, 11 , and FISK COAL, at reduced prices. Ogle* and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW Sts. jyl4-1110 COAL. COAL. COAL. The celebrated " TUNNEL RIDGE" COAL. the best Ceal In the market. Broken . , Egg, and Stove sizes at 17.00 per ton. Large Nut " 6.25 per ton. At the MANTUA COAL YARD. Offices—FORTIETH St. and LANCASTER Ave. THIRTY-FIFTH St. and PENN. RR. Jylo-12t 5 WM. D. HESTON. _ _ COAL.-W3l. CURTIB & CO., LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL YARD. 1413 CALLOWHILL Street. jylo-110 C 0 L .-:-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER 'Li MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal. and best Locust Mountain, from SehuyikillAirepared expressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 11.2 S. SECOND Street. Dips-tt7 J. WALTON & CO. EXCURSIONS. &MANE GAPE 314 T, WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. FROM FOOT OF WALNUT STREET, AT 830 A. M 4 a MAIL m. AND EXPRESS. Due • 2.30 P. M., X PA sozloara. Due et .1.4 S P. EXPRESS. Due at 7.45 P. X. 4.30 P. M., Fare, $3.00. Servants, $2.00. to be C uYe ß d S glfigUEl B 4.l7-;Tiol n gal iakets• isfme2srLlfit.Bgliaottailligatncliafrriem. Freight daily from Sandford's Wharf, below Spruce street. Returning Trains leave CAPE MAY at 8.80 A. M. t Mall; 8 A. M. Express; 5 P. M., Accommodation; 8.20 A. Ai., Freight. J. VAN nnmsSELAER, SUrt t PHILAMELPILIA, July 6, 1661. jrl-teut. g i ngimal CAMDEN AND AT LANTIC RAILROAD. THROUGH I RR A TW EMEN URS HOURS. On and after SATURDAY, July lst, 1885, PIM trains daily to Atlantic City, and one on Sunday, TRAINS LEAVE VINE-STREET FERRY as follows: Special Excursion 8.30 A. R. Mail Train 7.30 A. N. Freight, with Passenger Car attached.... 9.15 A. X. Express (through in two hours) Li P. M. Atlantic Accommodation 4.15 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC. Atlantic Accommodation 5.47 A. M. Express (through in two hours) 7,08 A. M. Freight, with Passenger Car attached....ll.47 A. M. Mail Train 4.45 P. M. Special Excu SUN rsion 5.18 P. N. DAY MAIL TRAIN: Leaves Vine-street Ferry at 7.30 A. M. Returning, leaves Atlantic at 4.45 P. M. Fare to Atlantis *2. Round-trip Tickets, good only for the day attd train on which - they ore Limed. 85. JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION. Leave Vine-street Ferry at 5,80 P. N. Leave Jackson at 8.25 A. M. EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS. Leave Vine-street Ferry at 10.15 A. M, and 1.15 P. M. Leave Haddonfield at...... 11.45 A. M. and 2.45 P. N. N. B.—Fret ht must be delivered at Cooper , * Point before 0 o'clock P . N. to insure itszoinniloWn e th next day, JOHN G. BRYANT. Je2B-tf Agent. alum& EXCURSIONS TO LONG BRANCH.—Trains for Long Branch will leave Cooper's Point_,_CAMDEN. daily (Sundays excepted ,) at 9.15 A. M. Fare, N. Excursion Tickets, good for three days, $3. Extra train on Saturdays at 4.30 P. M. Returning, arrirs at Camden at 9.10 A. M. Monday. )e2O-2m L. B. COLE. A ent, Camden. aggpli ~„*,.-.:;;;,„ NOTICE-Ist ORT Ft ..... - PENNSYLVA.NIA RAIL ROAD COM.PANY.--Owing to the el nab of the storm of the 16th inst. no freight will be reevived nt the Depots of this Company, for points north of Fort Washington, until further notice. jyl2,2t ELLIS CLARK, Gm Agent. MIENINE CAPE MAY- , CRAM; N 1 OF STATION. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES. On and after MONDAY ”Axt. July UM, 1886, the Railroad Litlo6 for 4A7:1. , ' 3l- MILL L CAPE MAY, BRIDGETON , VINELAND, W °oil UR Y. he., Will leave from tile ibot of IA.RKET Street, (up per Ferry), Philadelphia, instead of front Walnut— street Pfor. The °Mee of the West Jersey, Salem, and Cape May and ISlllytlio Railroad Companies hare Wee. removed to ()Arden, New Jersey, J. VAN RENI3SELAER, Sun% c jkm DJAN, July 17, 1866. Jylt-6i WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE ovO.II,TIONS of Marilettlb . Constitution,. and Talent, with AI/View on BusineSS,, Health, - Education, SelP-ImproVehtent,3llUle agement and Training of CHILDREN, So. dal Adaptation, &c., day and "e n ing 137 JOHN L. ()APEX, Phrenologist and Bookseller, No. 25 S. TENTH Street, above Chestnut. oat-tuns-4H f ffm ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, Not only UNEXCELLED, but - UNEQUALLED purity of Tone and Power, designed especially for Churches and Schools, but found to be equally well adapted to the Parlor and preWink-Room. For sale only by E. TE. - E Kum No. 13 North SEVENTH' Street. Also, a complete assortment of tho Perfect Me. ledon constantly on hand. feal-flm COTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUOK AND oAI g V . A.S . ju o n f k ot a l u n a um w be r a o s n n i d r b e rw r od D s" . Tent Awn Alta, Parer Itionufooturcre Drier Pons, &OM Oita to five feet wide; Palatal/ nottlftfi_natl Twlneutop joult 4s,EENM & 00.• a. 1 VO3 &N Antis
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