,ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS The Continental. 1 , (airme. Havana J F Holland, PMSDIIII,: t I it..l Mr Hain wf.USA. BlerThnn` riti'burg. kir i s r.l„-v nutter, Mo AA' Loomis, rift shnig ithn storr6 ra, 1114.04111.11721,7.1*;n1,-.1gyp (raell.7ll.tilitii. :1I 31 Kni7ht,Oaklllll.l(A - C 0 (Minds, en • n ii.ot ;Fl'llltelA II Smith, N Y c Levering S: wi• • iMarsbal P Balt J Martin, A 1,,1131,,,11.._ 0.5. • S Horner, N C W Rosenbaum,- 25 C ClO Herring & WI. Call Thos , 1111.6 s Herring. Baltimore SI fitierr. •-• • ' MITVIUMI J MeChutich, Halt ,loloco F N 111eClortieb, Balt „ • ‘: -,tearns, Boston 11. Rogers. Rochester.N/ (-`" ' - 11• •N Y IC It Jenkins. New York ., 31, •T‘' S ' 1 A7 ' • d A. 61101,1,8. Bavaria 11 , 1.1 w Nistner & 1: II Jarman & wf. N Y 1) Luther. .1 11" Wilihunawrallilyn I S Thomo•or„ .1 011 c titrvc - a Montero. Cuba IE S N ea - 1 irk 4' Flguera. Cuba ;ram A Pei lei in. y E icuight, hi - ;31r 11.10 . 7.1r0y •A, Ha lt ,li Miss A A Vone*, oil._ (7 M Allen, US A 1,0.1 sang,r. Alex. 1, J R McKay& son. ehiengo './nsN'l. ittAurg A McCleary. 17 N Sew York P. Coleman. 17 5N C.eo Dm:yett. New York - ."1 110- WWI eside, N y Fint . l, Alabama. J L r ,; vork Jolni Ahranams.t • ims hl . 'Victor Abrahams. '!!":g NashA•o A al , ho h. s e w . 1. 1 Na F W Newton. New lot old. New York crt ,, T Borrows isaril. New York 1, 11 Moorhonse, N Y 3 1 ball snore A llalre.;, New York !invert IF lo Randolph, NeW York Anm s WI. C tat , ln'til 31 DrVitell, Baltimore E G o odrich& la.Chieagullionts C Be kcer, N Y York 11- Knapp, 1' 5 Saunders, New W Porter. I orter. New York R IT Ihmean. Ore gon. A 6 4 7.am:in. Penna., IJ Sanford. New" York - W Ottothuan, Pen na l I{o:4s. New York A 7 - hirk, 'Ai 1), Lebanon I j 31 Jones, New York rhosbaw & la, Belt IA 3T1./1/phis 11 . thinean..Atlanta. -T Sanger, New York Sant) Lewis, Allem own !It IV liklurers. lehmond .lo,euti A Stewart !.1 1. Bowers. Hielintond Nt Leeman. New York ;It 17 Short. Nashville Wheeirlght, Baltimore ;II MAIM, New York Andrew Gray, Balt illlOl . l, Slwriek, New York Chas - Hughes, Ni ii' York kJ 31 l'iattS, New York W Bowers, Now York it' Beni:min t New York F,` 1 Pall, liobtoo ; it Palmer, Nely York Lee. Mass. ;I: 31 Converse. Boston IV II stowell. Boston i A Ham - atoll Y WiCr. i•NV York [Geo Patton, It S It Lvneh, (,iielo'l a, Ca i 1 C Savage. 6 Nlllllrr. Augn•ta. Ca 1) Atwater, New York Como-ImA, N 11) N Small, York, Pa - Wllinebheinierar. Ohio !E It Thomas, New York Wright. New York :AY F YanWagner, N The Girard. IV 11 Whutou. E N iS Kaufman. New York ( Aycock. N C c;+:.` t• N orris. Richmond Ya s lirml :haw. New lurk. 71 0.3 r.riltzoolri4ol H pow-on, Virginia ; Pi/Isburgiltro MarA7ll. Virginia Ilk.r V Wiili:t fl Snulmr tionnisim.PottsvillellV IV Erie, ('a y 1. Loo,f, Reading+ Mollie Chandler, Pa A T Milfertl.DE.Tmi, 1' Newell. Franklin 1., `chill. Aileni ewu rl'hos Potter, New York 77* sirteeaul. Colin los 11 Mack, Ohio N FI7III. S N 'E N 1 rice. 317Felmul la. N Y IT 1, Prie.i MariOatul •I A xrolk. i ftela ware IV IV Naive, s A l'W Yolk. 4 . 11, A Itiereur. Vilnalll 1' itarlaair .r V. Y Martin 1,/ 5W Maynard. Easton N Lech. Alexandria. Vii 11 An strong. En n Alo I' Boss. t - a !Jas Potter. .Jr. Lewist'n elt :Marvin & wt. Va W K Loos, Minutia );alone. Lancaster ;.1 L Wilson. Wash Pennington. Balt 1 F. A Denew, Easton L Pennen&wf. N C Ill e hard s , Pa-id Dennen. N York 1.1 ti Hackett. New Jersey .atria. l'ilt,lorrg F N Patteyson. N Jersey W Blanchard , \\'a-ii 111 Clay Mudd, Maryland . aud,c nuniehar.l Wash ;7).11 }hrd, Danville '4ll-s 1 , Beineleud. Wssli . IWu.. li Days. Danville 11 Drorsli, Sock !Livia While, Danville Jos Nee: York iJ A Althous, Reading n comer:bra. WYa j.l.slßrely. liarri,barg 1 lint :eke la. Velma i.Tolni II Brant, ltarrisn'g John 5 Cook, U corgia iSa ml Blum. New York t' Carpenter. Wash i 5 I) llowe; New York Jacob IVelte . 7 : la. Cal Paul M Brenan Imlrew: 1 /i401;114S1111.New York 1 , I. Moore fi wi. Ihl IChas 'l' Bran n. New York 1.1 - 11 Woods it la. l'oma I.lohn Bay, Pittsburg Miss - Woods. Huntingdon' Dr I. A Cooper. Maryland Mrs.) Williamson A: son Henry l tell, Trennnit SMilehell. Pelona 11 Ilw - yri IV .1 Steele .k scf. perm::l.l II Clement, Harrisburg Übs 31aggie !Ylewal Pa'N It Crisp, Wasbinwian lionkins, Jr. Ma ryiand F. eatherbee. i C 4' A llofman :1) S Cardle,ltiehmoml.Ya Banes it la. iloston LooniD, New York W tqmonton.llarri,l.g ;Itobt 'rein, Baltimore 63=t=J11 Thos II 1111116(111. Belt Copp & la, Baltimore 61,1 th, New York S Rolston. Penns Ralston. Penny Jos che-11..1.0)411031.ra. C Alt. 2.:.ew York 'orponler. Notrark.Ner 1. I. Strarns., Wrnspurt. A Myers Si la !II )1:) , F.31 - clthenv. N York m T Wt,t. IS:ew York 11 vrtion. )I:;rrla❑4l 13, WWI Baltinnre 1:,,,1uvr, 6: la- N York Now York I.•lan nab 1. F Walh.oll, .1 I) II oylv. VI IL),11 - 144tton VI m 13i11.1Wwihiugion Waildiek. NOV Jcl•4l'\• Boston 191121EIMMI P P 31011110 Tllllllllll4 =NW 11 - A Shoemaker, Tltronel F Wilkinson, - New York A 0 tiUh7.ine , Mrvoklyo Mr ihriutt (' Itenriquie E 81:1,1 . 11;t. Del !. I tope. West Chester .1 Karrisbuyg e La-'l' Valmer.Pot: SVI 'll - Fit api.rald. New York .1 liPoid). Yel let, Now York .la , 1 , 31cVarior. W Deer. Dover. Del 11 6 11. N N V Cooper. Slily - rim. Del ) , D 6 mild, rrF N „I 'IT Sllartholomcw.llrlstul F “erlinni,N (-Iv York F 11 ::•loilz. Now York C Dwight. Nor York 1 . 1.1,r 111 Woodcock, N Y 1) 6 Dearborn. Va Wm Verner Clas \V 11 IMprAlaik 11,1 Ilannalm. Chicago Jo:. Cook, Lantol, E 11,11, Smyrna, 1)cl The e re k ants. Schodler. 3llittliel own;.l M . Adams, Texas J Strang ICapt nominal. Pa 11 s Blanchard. 11 1 C 1M It flail vlu, Mentinlig 1; V work, N d Chas II Pyle. Pittsburg t ern, Lev: all. Easton II Ilinderian. Pt Carbon tt' T Thompson. • - 1.1" I Patton, Columbia 1 Read Caldwell. N Y '.l It Strickler, )It Joy 3turphy, hula !Chas Harily, Boston Moore, Pittsburg •Oco .1 Waterman iW Blackburn Carroll Noble it O'Connor. 31111.111ttan" [V Donohoc, G reel,zborp !Jos Eckert. York co. Ps'` i.3lrs Januar. Phlla "I' Swenk. Stilton • src ~..Luoit-nigich. rhiht New• York A I.cri. :Pitt Ja, F 1 nlun Lairtate A 1.1......,'C1auagis M hquar, !MIR.. Blocar,burf.; 1.14.0 i, Phila I. W VA*ar. N N C ,M Williamson, Pa II I. - Wrioltt., Delaware it: .1 arr,lcr & la, N IV A littr . r.Allet.rherty,flty Treliaru & sn,3l Chunk G Freeze. lllttonottntrg John Howell, Pittston , Geo S Syr:tense 'A A limber. Allentown ..111, 31 Muir,New Orletins 11 1; Antes, Newburg Leihrook. New ilelettits Rev ii 11 Smith. Ti S A -BF Riegel. 3 , :asion 11V A Athlison. California J P :Ramon, Hazleton t .l H McCully, Virginia The Union. Thos M Rees. Pit t.-borg. A Silloss, Pottsville T la, ;Jaeon F i id Talon. Si _Loofa :0 ,llathers. 31 Guinn. Louts matiim,;Muliiii. Pa bvo P Colburn, 3lasc it IV Hibshman, Penny F.ll Sun IL. New York II) r,aneaster no .]ark sun, Ht.:Wing I 3 A Smith, St Clair wr. t'ic i Chas F liopetzsth,Penna 11 Danford. Cincinnatiltllco (Cowers. 3lnicev, Pa 11 - 31 lolger. I .J 11 Wills. Philadelphia Wining:cr. Anent 'n ;11 1' Howard, Conn • S ltirrh. Reading ;11 W W Nand:tin, Del 31iHer,Laneaste r coal Rao C WOOO • Wilkesbarre H Ituwe. Ales. Va IW Sharp, Summit Hill Aohn 11 kimports. Penn Richard Sharpe, Ecklej - Jo!...1:11loss. Pottsville I The Commercial. Showalter. Oxfo-il ;It McCullow•lt. Irashinnt co I,:tlrs . - ,)y . alton c , Ulicster co n=atten Yoinig, Coat vsvillr :11 rs*Mieline.r, Chester en 'avid lhinn, 1 lind lord an Mrs IlrolVer & 3 eh, Wash avid IV al u in.l :der to 811 Zatlianas, Pa lhints Wiley, York co. l'a Sioeum, Lancaster Miss 3.lartia. 'S Ma 44:Alan. Lancaster co C ll:Mc('onkey. York vti 1111gii 1 , 04110, New York Stehunatz. Titila ,1) Foulke. Montguray Co W Ii Fortnev,H:Lrre , hurg TL Fralike,Moutgonlyeo John George. th•riwrat J S Paxson. %V Chester .1:41111 Babe 7 ,. ..41‘v 1 todgkin3i, Oxford 11 M Newton, Maryland , It W Levis, AN est Chester 11atel Wright. IV Chester .1,,s James, West Chester C Beath,. Coates:lllv ;MISS S UPI/UUDS,W Chest John Ilippre,Tremon t, Pa ; The States Union. I , S Hopkins, N Orleans l E A Yarnell, Chester co W Howe. Washington 1 W Rhode, Reading miler, Newark: N A Rhode, Reading h E War.lcs, Ye." York 1.7 rwitkinson,Chester co IS Al" %VeUellicld, renna'Dr Stockton, liarri•Auris It Neff. Rea4ing. PS 4 M tn:p.a:rs. aurrisburg W kPatrick. Coat R M Kirkbride,Phtht4 The ltaid tagie. t'sntinia. id S ' Juniata CO fit liner'', Le Val IS .1 lowed, Reading .1:t, Jew", AllentownHT:o, Krause, - Lebanon Esterlv itl Van Scheetz.lkutztown Mahlon Srhook I - 31 Stant, Easton v liaaman 111 - en Kelsey, Easton Yerkes. Quakert wit The Itarley Sheaf. Lansing. Cap" 1,1:1111.1 e 13 Reading, Hatboro pt E Mon, Idaho W Lippincott, New Hope Furry, Atlantic Cie, - Tlt4,s Winagan, N Y Perkins.Ailtoilie Wellcr,Wdshington VOnliirk,Fr:inliford .1; II liedforil,WashingtOn The Madison. Pike co ; W W 000111101 it Chillo'4 'has Smith k wife 1i Intittsinan i titrowisburg amp, Stiles. J 'EC I famitton.Lewistowu Irs Hutchinson, Pa 13(is1er, Pa The Black Bear. - -Weiler. r Al Selegman, Port Carbon r-eph Penna Robert Porter ad Landis, Distriet Schloterer & son. Pa E Stewart, retina; D it Harper, Olney, Pa spmciAlL, weericv.s. THE PUBLIC is cautioned against an lull atitpt a the rhuto A mph of Lieut. General Grant, he briginal of which w...a.5 taken by F. GILITE ILT. 701 ABC] Street. It is a bad toff. The wiD l,e 'known by thy imprint on cue back. Jytt.uv ROSETTE OR WASHER CUTTERS "ATM ENJVItS.—Two of the most approved pat kn, for cutting iLa flier er rubber washers for she, la•rights, Engineers. Machinists, &c., arc for nlc hy TRUMAN & bUAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty- MARKET Street, below Ninth. LONDON PATTERN CI AMPAIGNE NIP ZUS, 41Ild other Ntyies. Strong Corkscrews. Self "-wing Corkscrews, Cork Extractors, 'Bottle 'lt:tners, Cork Presser, , , S:e., for sale by TRUMAN • SDA.W, No. 825 (Eight Thirty-live) MARKET :met, below Ninth. BEY YOUR BATHING ROBES FOR LADIES Gentlemen, at , ylO-at. SLOAN'S, 806 MARKET Street. OMETHING COOL FOR THE HOT WEATFER. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. Something Coot fur the Hot Weather. Something Cool far the HOt Weather. hue Sacks. Litton Pasts. Linen Vests. tutu Sacks. 'Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Men Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Cu Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Idocu Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Alpoea Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Alynea Sacks. Alpaca. Sacks. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool In. Just the 11111 4 ! to Keep Cool In. Just the thimr 10 . Keep Cool in. Also, a splendid assorceeot of Seasonable Cloth -35, of every variety, for title by PERRI' & CO., No. 303 CHESTNUT Street, obore Third, 'o• 609 CHESTNUT St. (Granville Stokes' oh/ stand.) z• E. Corner ofSEVEgTIt and 3 Lutakr Sts. (Jones.) jylo-6t fARRIICEA AND DYSENTERT.—X sure telly for the worst vase of :mute or chrome Diar v. and Dysentery to Dr. STRICKIAND'S ANTE OLERA. MIXTURE; thousands have been cured 't; our Government uses it in the hospitals. It cured many of our soldiers after all other means ed; In fact, we have enough proof of the ellicary this valuable - preparation of astringents, ali bents, stimulants, and tarminatives, to, advlse one of our readers to get a bottle and have it readiness, and to those who sulfur try it dirrctly. bY Druggists everywhere. Ask for Dr. trlek d's Anti-Cholera ,Illaturc. j3-3-niwf-ant 1.1c,31. (WHEATON'S) ITCH. air etir.cx, (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM ' , 1 ! 1 ,"?'• !Au. In forty-eight hours. Also cures ' t yshe" l ll, titers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions e Skip; Price, 5O cents. By sending 60 cents to POTTER,BOSTON, Mass., will be for oded fret. byFor sale by all Druggists. 16•6ttl TEE ExQvreiT}i "EMAIL DE PARIS,"— In the general exodus from town to the country and sea-shore, ladies should add to their toilette case "L , Email de Paris," which will effectually prevent freckles, tau, and the dlscolorations caused by the salt air, keeping the skin clear, soft, and white. Officers and soldiers, whose faces have been bronzed by long-continued exposure, will find Email do P a ris' , wilt restore the skin to more than its orlgi nal purity and whiteness. "Entail de Paris" Is especially endorsed by Miss Lucille Western, Mlle i,:Mrs. D. r. Bowers, and other celebrated actresses, - whose position renders their judgment unerring and TaNable. Sold by all Druggists, Per fumers, and Hairdressers. Orders by wail should be addressed to JARED & ItENE, Philadelphia, who, upon application, will send circulars to any address. jeB-utirs-tf " THROW PHYSIC TO THE DOGS, I'LL NONE OF IT." To make assurance doubly sure I'll tithe "—rLANTATION They never fail. This great Stomachic healer, so long and favora bly known to the American public., Is just what the people need. 11 is a remedy they can rely on. For Dyspepsia, Heart lmrn, headache, Dizziness, Ague, Liver Complaints, rains 111 the Side and Back, Ax., it has no equal; not the least among its virtues is its extreme. pleasantness to the taste and immediate benencial effect. Try It, ye dyspeptics, and be cared! jyB-6t CII.EVALTER ' S LIFE FOR TUE HAIR Will re store Cray Flair to itS ORIGINAL COLOR; strength ens and promotes the grOwth of the weakest Mir; stops its falling out in three days; keeps the head clean, cool and healthy; can be used freely; contains nothing injurious; nal BEST MUIR-DRESSING EVER OFFEMO TO TIIE PUBLIC: it is recommended and used by the first medical authority. Sold at the drug-stores and at my office, No. MS' Broadway, New York. assure alt persons the above preparation lc ill do all tluit Is claimed for it. jyB-tullisl2l E.Atidat A. CHEVALIER, 21. D. Two BAD CASES of PILES CURED BY DR. STRICKLARD'S PILE REMEDY. Mr. Glass, of Janesville, - Wisconsin, writes 'for 't ae benefit of all who suffer with the Piles, that he has been troubled for - eight years with an aggravated case of Piles, and his brother was discharged from the :tinily as incurable, (he being quite paralyzed with the Piles.) Both these distressing Oft, ns,yere. cored with one bottle Of Dr. Stricklaud•g Plle Remedy. The recommendation of these gentlemen, beside the daily tem inionials received by Dr. Strickland, ought to emir ince those suffering that the most aggra vated chronic eases of Piles are cored by Dr. - Strickland's Pile Remedy. It is sold by Druggists everywhere. - jyl-stn th-3m JONES'.—SOLDIEith RETURNING HONE, your want a good, substantial, eheao, and fivthion able suit of Citizens' Clothing. Go to Jones, OLD-ESTABLISAIED ONE PRICE CLOTEING HOUSE, 604 - MARKET STREET, ABOVE SIXTH. jels-1m KENDALL'S A3LEOLINE.—Have yon tried it If so, , you approve of It. Of conrße the re mark:ll)le demand tor this excellent preparation for the Unir has been solely created by its merits; for, NVVen once used, it is not likely to be abandoned. You can procure it of any respectable Druggist. jyl-3in Vr PRICES REITCED. /13P WANAMAKE- 1 & BROWN, Xre Popular W Clothing 4:1 - r - House, ,ra?' OAK HALL, S. F. coy. Sixth and Market DIED. HANSEIL.—At Darby, Delaware county', Pa.,on 11W nth of July. of consumption. Rachel wife of 'Mealiest% liansell, in the 20111 year of her age, for merly of Brandywine village, Delaware. The relatives and friends of the family arc re speetfuilv itivinell to attend her funeral., at the resi lience of licehe,hatel, on 'Wednesday. the 12th one o•eloek P.. M._ without further notice. e. 01l the 10th rout., William T. .Alason, hi the 41d year of his The relatives and friends of the ninny, the Northern Liberties Lodge, No, 17.1. O. and the Kensington Fire Cempany. alt, respectfully ialted to attend MS floral. front ids late resi lience, tin. 003 Richmond Ii reel. above Marlborough. (late Reitsingtono nn Thursday afternoon, the 14th inst., tit 3 o'clock, without further »ottee. PAUL.—Oh the loth lost., Mr. William It. Paul, in the Slot year of his age. Pile not ice of lilt feudal will be given. LF.M.M.—On the Mann or tile 'ton inst. Frede rick Edward, Infant aon el.l. ciearge and Marie I.;*. Klemm. liltlCE—On Seventh day afternoon, the Sth inst., Richard Price, in the 71st year of his age. Ills relatives and friends are invited toattend his funeral, front his late residence, No. ins Arch street. on 'third day afternoon, at .1 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel DEL LEliFlt.—On the sth lust,. after a severe 111- 7.1,,.. Earriet. wife of Goo. P. Delleker. The relatives and friends of the familY are re qieettelly invited to attend the caner:O. - from her husband's ~Adonee. No. 2.": t3outh. Twentieth street. on - Weduesda3 - morning, 12th inst., at 10 0 - eloek. BITNTING.--On the ilth, Sellers. infant son of Joseph and Enuna 0. Stunting, aged 3 month 3 and 1 weeks. Funeral from his parents , residence. Marshal road. Twenty-fourth ward, on Third-day, at three o'cloek. SANK.—The funeral of Charles D. Sank. who lost his life by drOwniite, on the Ist inst., will take place from the residenej - of J. Rinaldo Sank, 18= Spruce street, on Toe. ,1“..- 3norninv,J sly 11th, at 10 o'clock. The relatives übil male friends are respectfully In vited, without further nonce. BLACK ENGLISH. GRENADINES.- Just received, a case of Black English Grena dines, at 40 cents a yard. LESSON & SON, Mourning , Store, 018 CIIESTNUT Street. One price. Pricesin plain figures. my-15 BLACK CHALY DE LAINE.-JUST opened, one case of plain black Clutly de Labies, at 37% cents a rani. ntisSON & SON, Mourning Store, 018 CHESTNUT Street. One price. Prices in plant iignees. SHAT -W II IT E SIIETLA.ND 100 s EYRE LANDELL. 100 PIECES MOSQUITO BARS, WILITES, ELVES, GREENS & , &c. N EYRE LADELL. 1,000 LOW WHITE GUILTS, FOR lOTF.LS. 33DIENSE F OILKAY TOWELS. ne2fi-tf] EYRE LANDELL. (IrSZ OFFICE ST. NICHOLAS COAL • COMPANY, .2053 g WALNUT Street. • PHILADELPHIA, Jllll - 10. iB6i. At a meeting of the Director 6 of the Si'. NW ILO LAS COAL COMPANY, hehl this day. a Dividend Of TIMER PER CENI. on the Capital Stock was declared. payable (clear of State tax) on and after MONDA - 1. the rah inst, jyti-It' C. F. SITOKNER, Treasurer. MASONIC NOTICE.—THE OFFIII CEIttiand members of LODGE No. 3. A. Y. M. are requested to 'meet at the Masonic Hall, B1CIIMON1) Street, above Frankio'4 road, on 'WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, to at tend the Funeral or our tote Brother, JOHN' CLARK. By order of the W. M. WM. M. MARTIN, Secretary. OFFICE "DIG WHITELY CREEK OIL C 0.," No. 528 WALNUT Street, Room No. o, PILIL-IDELPHEA, July 10, 1095. Subseribers to the capital stock of the "BIG WIHTF.T.Y CHIME OIL C 0.," who hate not paid tlior last imtaiment, and taken out their eertid rates, are hereby notified that if not attended to within thirty darn front date their stock will be for feited. Ity order Of the Board, jyll-12t. J. LEWIS PHILLIPS, President. .NFICE(VIANTS' AND lIIANUFAC. TUBERS' NATIONAL 11,01 K, PITTSBURG. June '2l, Mi. As the Comptroller of the Curreney of the United States has decided that the Capital of this Bank can he Increased to the extent of *200.000 only, and not to the amount of *400.000, as before agreed upon (owing to the apportionment to Pennsylvania henig" already alisurbed : )Stockholdersare hereby notified that one-half the instalment paid on their subscrip tions to the New Stock will he refunded to them at the time of payment of the July dividend, thus re ducing the number of shares of New Stork one-half the amount suilscrilied. Eastern Stockholders will be paid at the Commercial National Bank, in Phila delphia. - No farther instalmelits will he reithired on the New Stock. The capital stock of the Bank with therefore, icesstMl.oW. instead 0f*1,000,000. By order of the Board of Directors. ,stniN '6Gorr, Jr., Cashier. TTS} t-ltte, July 3. 184 i. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. upon the old Capital Stock out oil he prolits of the last six mouths, free of Vnited twx,pavoldc at. the Commercial Nationol Dank, in Philadelphia. to Eastern stock holders, on and atter the 15th inst. JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Cashier. ALUMNI ANSOCIATION, CEN. MAL / IGI f SCIIOOI,. — The Meeting of Obi Alumni Pisbeiatiaa or the Contra]. Bich Scheel will he held on WEDN ESDAY EVE NING, July nth. Itifu, at the High School litilhnag, at - which time Tickets may be had for the COW, leellellea of. CTIA:i. BUCK - WALTER, Pre6itlant. • .. DENILY 11. E1)311.7::• - i Secretary. jylo-8t VIII t,ADEL im LA, 7th Mo..lid, 1865. At a stated meet log of the Beard of Alanagers, held this r, It Sem i-funtual tlirillend of FOUR I..Mte CENT. (egintl In TWO Hollar6 pee , ;harc), was de clared, Clear of :di taxes, pay:LW:4 - , to the Stock 310leert5. or their legal representatives, CM or after the 'lath inst. The Trunsfer Book will he elated until the 13th inst. - WILLIAM BID IMPI, jya-thst u4t, • Secretary. OFFICE PENN MINING COM PANY OF iLARIE SUPERIOR, 319 WAI, IC UT Street. June 17, Mi. Notice Is hereby given that an instalment of one dollar per share On each and everrshare of the Capital Stock In the PENN MINING COMPANY OF LANE SUPERIOR', has this day been called by the Iloctml of I>irectors of said Company, due and payable at their °nice, on or before tile 11th day of July next. Interest will be charged on all Instal ments after the same shall hare become due. Ity order of the Board of Directors. Iy 1-tatimkt - DAVID S. HETI. Secretary. OFFICE, OF THE EGBERT COMPANY, N0..11.7 South FollltTlf St., Pll !LADE!, 1 . 11 I A. July 6, 1665. - Board or Directors linve TILES DAS declared n dig iilend or TWO per colt.oit the caplfal stock of the (lan linny, payable on and arlur July 13, free of State tan. TransA:r books close. July Bth and open July 77tb W\[. M. CARTER, jy7-fit - beeretary and TrcaBumr. Mf -- DELAWARE AVENUE MARKET COMPANY. PitthAnimpiriA,lv 3, 1865. The Direetors have this day declared a . l)lvitlentl of THREE PEE! 4 , ExT nu {tic Capital Stock of the Company. payable on Itiol :Ulcer the 18th inst., clear or mate and GnLLed Star, s Taxe.s. The 'Transfer Books will close on the 11th and open oft the 18111 inst. W.. 6-120) At 11.1.1 AM J. li L IN, Sec'y. OFFICE OF TIME FAME INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CIIESTNITT Street. Pllll.Ainti.elilA, Only 3, Mi. At a meeting - of the Board of Directors, held Ulla day, a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. was de dared. payable on demand, clear of all taxes. jyti-12t W. I. DLANDHARD, Secretary. IarTIM DIRECTORS OF THE DAL, ZELL PETROLEUM COMPANY have thls day declar.l a Olvidena of ONE PER CEisiT. on the Capital Stock, clear of State :tax payable. on rt , :r rZth lust. Books to close GtCaorl reopen 13th inst. G. E. PRYER, Jl'6-7t Secretary, W.• OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, July 3, 1865. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company for the last six months • payable on de mand, free of all taxes. IL LocKwoon, jy4-12t Secretary. POSTPONEMENT OF THE U.NION STATE CONVENTION—MEET -tieti OR THE UNION STATE CENTRAL COM MITTEE.—In compliance the earnest appeals or twiny protoinoot Union men, Citizens of /litterellt ottlitit, m the State, urging" that the - union State Convention called for the lOth of July, ensuing, be deferred until further notice, the announcement is herewith made that that body will not assNtiltle, on the day ilOth of July) set apart for its meeting in the tit yof - Harrisburg. Due notice will be glreit of the inei•iing of the Convention hereafter. Th. ~ .1 1 +Bers of ' the Dillon State Central Com mittee Iv 1 : ,,, setr,bl,, to the city of Rarrishin- , on the IN ETEEN I'll OF JULY ensuing, at ' the Loch iii 'Muse, at three o'clock P. M. A full attendance of all the members of the Com mittee Is earnestly: rei tl ' p r6te, SIMON CAMERON, Chairman. A. W.BENEDICT, 'WIEN FORN Ey, ISeeretarteS. HARRISBURG, J one 19, 1893. Je27-tjyl9 litar• 011MBERMAND COAL IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. 2,000 ACRES OF COAL AND TIMBER LANDS, ON ENE CUMBERLAND RIVER, PULASKI COUNTY, KENTUCKY. MINES IN WORKING ORDER COAL EQUAL TO ANY IN AMERICA. This Company is being organized nailer the gene ral mining law of Kentucky. It presents the greatest inducements of any enterprise now before the pub lie. For all Information :wiz: to ALBER'I R. SCHOFIELD, secretary and Treasurer. office—No. 22R South FOURTH Street, hila pbla. E QVARTRLY REPORT OF THE smoza) N A BANK OF PIMA DELPRIA. FEMiIiFORD t July Bd, 1805. RESOURCES. Notes anti bills discounted $133,911 14 United States bonds deposited with the Treasurer of the United States to secure circu lation and deposits 3;30,000 00 United States bonds on band... 2.15,500 00 619,411 14 Due from Minks - 147,833 00 Lawful money of the United States 134,0027 00 Bills of solvent banks 0,886 50 ("A51111.01114 2,7 , 19 30 200,303 87 Real estate 12,503 as Furniture and fixtures 1,235 00 Current expenses and taxes.... 4,371 30 18,220 81 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $2.50,000 00 Circulating, 110t69 250,000 00 Due to depositor, 445.870 47 Bite to banks 180117 50 404,493 07 Profit and loss 20.625 39 U9191i0 dividend , 438 00 ' Due on.rcal estate 2,500 00 2.3,503 39 I, wlll. IT. 1111 AWN. Cashier of the Second Na tional honk of Philadelphia, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true. to the best of my know ledge and belief.- WM. IL littAWN, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me, this ad day of July, 1865. JOUN SHALLCROSS, jyll-2? Notary Public. ira="'• AIREIRICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMP NIS PISILADELyiIIA, July i, 1813. The Trustees have tills day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. out. of Ills profits of the last six months. pay - aide to the Stockholders on demand, oeta.-ses. J OAN S. 1111450 N, j3lO-3t secretary. gi OFFICE OF THE li-YDE FARM OIL COMPANY. No. 147 South FOURTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. jillY 6,1805. The Board of Directors Lace this day declared a Diyidend of TEN CENTS PER SHARE on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on and after .1 !Ay 15111. free of State tax. Transfer Books close duly Bth, and open July 171 h. jy7-6t THOMAS S. WOOD. Secretary. 110 . " NOTICE.---THE TRANSFER ROOR 5 of the - ROYAL PETROL} COX PANT. will be dosed from FRIDAY, the 7th inst., until SATURDAY, the 15th Inst. jy44ot JOHN GALLAGHER, Jr., Secretary. MILITARY. lUNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. — "Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce ments held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to - visit foreign countries: good pay, excellent accommodations, light and easy duties. - For all further information inquire at the Recruit ing Rendezvous, No.. 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia, between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. every dip., except Sunday. JAMES FORNEY, Captain and Recruiting Officer. CURTAIN GOODS. I . E. WALRATEN, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF LACE_CURTAINS, ELEGANT STYLES, AT PRICES, FROM 5 DOLLARS TO 150 DOLLARS PER PAIR. WINDOW SHADES, CIMICE PATTERNS. Al' REDUCED PRICES. mv2q-kf •11IERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE NOW IN STORE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP uili:3-;f SPRING GOODS. STATIONERY & BLANK BOOKS. OIL, MINING, COAL, AND OTHER NEW COMPANIES. We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK LITHOGRAPHED TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TIIANSPER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS 8.7 CO., - - - BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. se2l-tf 432 CHESTNUT Street LEGAL. AEDITOR'S NOTICE. IN THE ORPHANS , COURT OF BUCKS .W#IMFMMI COUNTI . Estate of SUSAN WALTERii, late of the township of Plumstead, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the said Court to distri hute.the balance in the hands of SAMUEL FRY,ad ntinistrat or to the estate of said decedent, to and among the persons legally entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice to them to meet him at his °Mee. in the borough of 'Doylestown,' Bucks county. Pennsylvania. on TUESDAY, the first day of AL GUST, 3565, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, when distribution aforesaid will be made. ELIAS CARVER, Auditor. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA.- PELPMA. Insolvent Watt! of JOILN JAMES. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle. and at ingt the at:Count of Joitx C. B ULLITT and FREDE RICK FAIR - 1140EXE. Trustees of the estate of J Wan Ta ins. appointed under the insolvent laws of Pen nsylva iila. and to report distribution of the halo nco In the hands of the accountants. will meet i he parties interested on TUESDAY. AUGUST Ist, Istl. at 4 Weibel:l'. M., at his °Mee. No. 217 South SIXTH . Street, in the city of Philadelphia. 011-tuthAt. JODN tiOFORT - 11, Auditor. VSTATE OF TAKES DUNDAS, DE-; CEASED.—Letters restithlentarY Upon the Es tate of JAMES 1115N1LV:i. deceased', having been granted by the Register of Wills of the County of tu the undersigned. all persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make pay ment. and those having elaims against the same to present them, without delay, at the °Mee of the un dersigned. .10511 CA 'LIPPINCOTT. El CU S3IETIIURST, JAS. DUNDAS LIPPINCOTT, 121 WALNUT Street. jyll-0t Executors. N THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE .2- CITY ANT> CcITSTY OF PIULADELPHLA, - - JAI%IF.S ANDREWS, Assignee, &e., vs. ELWOOD HELIX. Vend. Ex. Dee. Term, 1864. No. 208. The Auditor appointed by the Court to report dis tribution of the balance of the fund raised by the Sheriff's sale of the defendant's real estate, under the above stated writ, being a certain lot of ground and brick tenement, situate on the east side of Hol ly street, in the late district of Moyatuensing, now in the city of 'Philadelphia, at the distance of 982 feet 6 inches south of Fitzwater street, containing , in front on said street 46 feet 134 Inches, and extending in depth on the north line 98 feet, and on the south line 75 feet 6 inches, will attend to the duties Of his appointment on WEDNESDAY, the 12111 day of July. na..5, at 3 o'clock P. M., at his Office, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all parties interested art required 10 present their claims, or be debarred from corning in on said rand„ EDWARD MCCABE, Auditor. June 28, 1860. j&2B-lot IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE my AND COUNTY OF PHILADELMIA. 'Estate of CLARA L. WORN and ELIZA N. WORN, Minors. Tlic mentor appointed by the court to audit, set tlooind adjust the account or NIIIIIOLM3 WALL, guardian of the Estate of CLARA L. WORN and ELIZA N.WORN,lnitior children of Charles Worn, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, and to report diMribution of the halance,remalning in the hands of the Bald guardian, will meet the parties Interested for the purpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, July 16th, 1865. at 4 o'eloek I'. M., at his office, No. 420 3.lltltAltY Street, in the city of Philadelphia, Room No. 10. jyo-ttistu:it. JOHN BL A CK BURN, Auditor N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of MARY S. JENKINS, Deceased. The Auditor appointed h - the Court to audit, settle ' and adjust the account of THOMAS S. NEW LIN, tormentor of the Estate of 3fAltY 8. JER KINS, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his ap polutneent„ on MONDAY, July 17, Mai at eleven o'clock A. M.. at his office No. Via' ALNUT •ti-ei,t, to the City of Philadelphia. iY6-codst* CHARLES H. T. COLLIS, .J.Luditor. E D. F. MORGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLECTING AGENT, MEMPHIS, TENN The Civil Courts of this District are now in prac tical operation. Having practiced at the Memphis bar for ten CM years, toy aequaintance - with the ltubluess V01)17111111 ity greatly facilitates lit the speedy collection of claims. E. D. F. MOEGA.N. pnOTOGRAPHS TAKEN IN SURE rior 111 - r of l'lraroke, mnd Pith -114: Parties and Individuals who would e , eetire foe Nindlies sluntlfl apply to D. F. 11.E131F.E, 624 MICH :Street. Its ONLY $l. iO.—HAVE COLORED PRO- Tocrßitnis itt REimmni, :• 3 1 7 ,c0ND street, above t:reen. flay' Will pWase you in style. coloring, and artistic expeutlon. Set speeimens: 11.* PORTRAITS OF RARE ACCURACY of likeness, expres,ion, and Vo[oollll, pleaslmx and natural in arralwement. See specimens or B. F. I:EIMER'S Lifc-sue Photogranlni, In oil colors, 624 ARCH Street. - 11.4, THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY; my 11. 1865. M -- FINANCIAL UNITED STATES , By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for sac of United - States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and tkree-tenths per scut. interest per an num, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are Issued under date of July 15, 1365, and are payahle three years from that date In our reuey, or are convertible at the option of the holder GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now •ivorth a handsome premium, and arc exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, :from State, County, and Municipal tarotion, which adds from one to three per cent. more to their value, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by conpolli attatcbed to each 11010, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7-30 per emit, amounts to One cent per day on a $5O note. Two cents per day on a $lOO note. Ten cents per day on a OM note. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The notes of this Third Series are precisely siml, lar in form and privileges to the'Seven-Thirties al ready sola, except that l km Government reserves to itself the option Of paying interest In gold coin at 6 per cent. instead of 7 3-10ths in currency. Subsea, bars will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15111, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. *938,057 'AC SG3B,M7 38 The Blight change made in the conditions of this TIMID - SERIES affects only the matter of interest. The payment in geld, If Made, will he equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest in gold be availed of, would so reduce and equalize prices as that purchases made wills six per cent. in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven-and three-tenths per cent. iu currency. This is now offered by the Government, and its superior advantages make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF TNN PEOPLE. Less than *220,000,00D of the Loan authorized by Congress are now iu the market. This amount, at tike rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a urendurn, as has uni formly been the case ou closing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and rrt rate Bankers throughout the country have general ly agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscri bers will select their own agents, in whom they have Confidence, and who only are to - be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive, or dens. NO. 114 SOUTH- THIRD STREET, DREXEL & COMPANY, BANKERS, No. 34 South THIRD Street, DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOLD; QUARTERDLkSTERS 7 VOUCHERS, 110trGHT AND SOLD AT BOARD OP BROKERS, ON COMMISSION. {el3-tr 1881 . - COUPONS, DUE JULY 1, WANTED, AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE RURAL HOTEL, FRANKLIN, • VENANGO COUNTY, PA This well-known and popular House has just been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than double its - former capacity. at is pleasantly situated in the centre of the Town, with ready access by Rail and Stage to all points In the OIL REGION, and it,s aceommodations for Guests fully equal to those of first-class Hotels In any part oi the country. It has been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House combining the comforts of Home with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and he believes he has succeeded. , jy4-61n P i EA BATHING-CAPE MAY, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.—TIIE NATIONAL HOTEL.— This large and commodious Hotel, _known as the National Hall, Is now receiving visitors. Price per - week, *l6; children and servants half-price. je3o-?au AARON GARRETSON; Proprietor. T HE ,COLUMBIA HOUSE, AT CAPE "NAY, NEW JERSEY, Wilt he opened this season on the FIFTEENTH :DAY OF JUNE, for the reception of guests. This leading house wilt, for the coming season, :fully sustain its well-established reputation. Greatly encouraged by the business of last year, the proprietor feels satisfied that aliotel, conducted clearly first-class, must continue a success at this old and popular resort. The railroad facilities are promised to be excel lent. Beck's celebrated Philadelphia Band has been se cured for the COLUMBIA the coining season. For rooms, &a., apply to J. H. DENNISON, Mer chants" Hotel. Philadelphia, or to GEORGE J. BOLTON, Proprietor, mr9-2in CAPE ISLAND. N. J. METROPOLITAN, FORMERLY CITY HOTEL, HUGHES STREET, • CAPE ISLAND, NEW JERSEY. BLAIR & BAYLEY, Proprietors. A. FBRM. BLAIR. gAISI'L R. BAYLEY Terms, $l5 per week. Je2B-12t THE .A.I,IIAMBRA, AT ATLANTIC CITY I Is now open for Die reception of - visitors. je26-7u* R. B. LEEDS, Proprietor LIGHT -HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., NEAR.EST HOUSE TO THE SURF. This well-known house is now open for the recep tion of boarders. JONAH WOOTTON, je24.lm Proprietor. CONGRESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. WILL OPEN JUNE 21, 1865. The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public in general, that he has again taken Congress Hall, this being the fourth season. Many improvements have been made• ; also, new Bang Houses have been erected, and the bathing cannot be surpassed at any sea-shore. And it is the determination of the proprietor to use every effort to Make Congress Trail a. home of comfort to his guests. A Baud is engaged. Terms Moderate. jel9-Ito G. W. 'HINKLE. MOUNTAIN • HOUSE, PRINCETON, MASS.—This favorite resort, situated In one of the most delightful and accessible 'parts of New England. is now OPEN for BOARDERS and TRAN 511..5T VISITORS. Send for circular. 3e24-stath-lm* M. If.- BALL ARD. UNITED STATES HOTEL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will open for the receipt ion of gitogts, Ott wEDNEsDAY. JUNE 2S. nothvorth's celebrateddßald haS Wen engaged ror the season. Persons wisliing to engage rooms, or desiring further in forme time. will add ress BROWN Sr, WOELPPER, Proprietors,_ jel44m N * ATLANTIC CiTY SEA -BATHING. stiEle TIOTISE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. This Old. established, and favorite house is now open. It is nearest to the bean. securing Cool breezes at all times. Its unrivalled 'Bathing facili ties, its complete furniture and appointment. and its unexceptionable table, render thus house a fa.ro rile place for a simmer sojourn at the sea-side. Passengers from the'city are set down at the door, and communication with the inlets is had at alltimes by rail. A tine band of music loss been engaged for the season. Parties wishing to secure Board will address the proprietor, at Surf House, Atlantic City. Terms moderate. H. S. BENSON, .jea-aat Proprietor. TTNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG 131tArttal, .New Jerse3-, Is noiv open for the reepption of visitors. Trains 'care 011 tiatttrility at tertloon. lit four o'clock', front Ylne-street wharf-- returning. Monday looming earll.—June 10, 18(ti. . jelo-2m. BENJ. A. SHOEMAItEP, Proprietor. Y }IR AT A MT. SPRINGS.—THIS delightful and romantic watering place, beauti fully situated hi the healthiest section of Lancaster county, and acknowledged to be the "garden spot" of Pennsylvania, will open for the aceommodation of gusts on the 15th of J tine. Railroad communi cation twice a day from Philadelphia. on the Penn. Sylyania or Iteillitug Railroad, and dully from Band more and New York. For particulars address the Proprietor, J. W. FREDERICK. rS. INTERNAL REVENUE.-OF • FICE OF ASSESSOR OF FOURTH COLLEC TION DISTRICT PENNSYLVANIA. comprising Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth. Twenty-urst, and Twenty-fourth - wards of the city of Philadel phia, Northwest , orner of THIRTEENTH and STRING GARDEN Streets, third story. Notice is hereby given, that the lists and enume rations nuide under lil direction in this Distrtot. Consisting of Incomes for the year Nati enumerated articles for the 'rear 1805, Carriages, Gold Watches, Plate of Silver. Piano Fortes, Melodeons, Parlor Or gans, and Yachts, and Ltenxsaa f o r th e rear f rom May 1, 1865. will remain la my ottlee for - objection andappeaffor the space of TEN Daxs from date hereof. All persons interested are further nodded that 1 will attend at my (Mice on the 17th day of July next ensuing, and for FIVE PAYS thereafter, be tween the hours all A. M. and 4 P. M., for the pur pose of receiving appeals, and determining relative to any erroneous assessment. All appeals must to in writing, and specify the particular cause, matter, or thing respecting which a decision is requested; also the ground or principle of error collard:1111ml or. No appeal cow br, , ortertfined by me otter lay 111,1 has been Oman itted to the Col/ee -1 Those persons who have received Wanks for IncOine and have not responded thereto. are reminded that the PILX.tVrIILS Or VIII LAW will be enforced against, them. D. P. SOUTHWORTIT, Assessor, Fourth District July 6, 1565.—jy6-13t Pennsylvania. HAVANA CIGARS-NEW LOTS.- Comprising Figaro, llouradez, Cabarges, El Sol. tual other chOita; brands, assorted sista:. Low prices; fro]. 4.41.5 upwards. Suitable for retail at 13 cents, 10 cents, and 12 cents': FUG urr & SONS, importers, jyl-12t* 216 6outli r/tONT Street. 7.80 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $230,000,000. 13. S. 5-20 SIX PER CENT. THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET • JAY _COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, PHILADELPHIA FOREIGN EXCHANGE, UNITED STATES BONDS, 172tiCIIRREIS7 MONEY. STOCKS ANID BONDS GOLD AND SILVER DREXEL ct. Co.. 34 South Tuirbn street SUMNER RESORTS. JAMES E, STEEL, Proprietor bto.vihtv vl tot krcwizi PUBLISHED THIS DAY. RiAL OF THE ASSASSINS AND CONSPIRATORS, AT WASHINGTON, FOR THE MURDER OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. Complete and unabridged, with all the suppressed evidence; containing Portraits of the Assassins and inuatrations of all the principal scenes relating to the murder and trial. It is a fun and Verb:Atm report of all the witneBBeB examined,•with the arguments of ItgveatDV Joux- SON and other counsel on both sides, and closing argument otilon. JOIIN A. litigamtm, Special Judge Advocate. • - Price, 50 cents in paper; or a finer edition, in cloth, price, $1.50. Agents wanted everywhere to sell this book. Send for canvassers' eireninr, cont4ininginstenetions. AtlOress all orekrs, either retail or wholesale, T. 1.4 PETERSON & BROTHERS, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. All NEW BOOKS are. at PETERSONS'.OII Books sent postage paid on receipt of retail price THE GREAT ColdsPrizAocy TEL 1.. THE ONLY RELIABLE AND ACCURATE REPORT WHICH WILL BT rOBLISIIED Edited, with an introduction, by BEN. FEELEY POORE Volume I, comprising live parts, making** pages Now ready. Price, V. J. E. TILTON &CO:, Publishers, Boston A MW WORK BY THE AUTHOR of the 'Schonberg Cotta mARY, THE HANDMAID Or THE LORD. 12m o. . ALSO, BY TIME SAME A.:ERROR, THE SCHOT4I3ERG COTTA FAMILY. .12no. THE EARLY DA - sv:s. 12mo. DIARY OF MRS. KITTY TIIIWITAN. 1.2m0. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENT; or Yolces from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Contain ing all the Sermons by the eminent pulpit orators of tliosc cities, and the Orations of Bancroft and Bishop Simpson. 12no. For sate by JAMES S. CLAXTON*, (Successor to W S. &A. Martien.) Je27 600 eIIESTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS. BAXLEY'S WHAT I SAW ON THE WEST COAST OF SOUTH AND NORTH AMERICA, with Illustrations. DIERIVALVS Conversion of the ROI= Elllpire. T. BUCHANAN HEAD: A Summer Story; Slwrl dark's Nide, and other Poems. TIIE 'VOLUNTEER QUARTERMASTER. By Capt. Rebuilt Brinkerhoff, U. S. A: NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS On hand, am] tor sale at low prices. "LINDSAY g BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, Je29 . No. 25 South SIXTH Street. APPLETON'S IsTEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. — CompIete in 1G volumes. Various Styles of Binding. REBELLION RECORD,by Frank Moore,in Svols. MERIVALE'S HISTORY . OF THE RO-MANS— now complete. The Agency for these valuable works Is at 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. apl3-tf • JAMES K. SIMON. • TYPE FOUNDERS.__ COLLINS & NORTH 'AREIRICAN TYPE, STEREOTYPE, AND ELECTROTYPE FOUNI3R'S7 Printers' Furnishing Warehouse, Nci. 703 JAYNE STREET, PITILADELPIIIA. TYPE WARRANTED to be equal to any made IN THE WORLD. Old type taken in exchange for new at 15 cents per pound, if delivered to us free of charge. Every article necessary for a Printing 011 ice Constantly on hand. Agents for Hoe's, Adam', Gordon's, Taylor's, Foster's, Degener , s, and Wells' Presses. Agents for father's Celebrated Colored Inks. Our beautiful new Newspaper fates are shown in "Tim PRESS." jy7-1m GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FINE SHIRT MANITFACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, -which they 'make a specialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. Mr . „ SCOTT it' CO., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 534 CIIii:STNITT Street, Four doors berow the Continental. COMMISSION HOUSES. HAZARD HUTCHINSON, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, u 2 PH CHESADEL TNUT PHIA STREET, IL, AND 103 HEADE STREET, NEW YORK. je23-6m GROCERIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS We arc prepared, as heretofore, to supply fami lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &C., &C. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, My24:tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 600 REFRIGERATORS. STREET. 600 I'IWOris)OOI,ERS ,nmEzERs. GAS-STOVES, FOR SIMMER COOKING. jelo-tt GRIFFITH & PAGE. SIXTH and . ARCH. EDUCATIONAL. CALVARY ACADEMY, AT CALVA RY CHURCH. MANHEIM Street, GERMAN TOWN.-11. MOE:MAKER. A. M. Princinal; as sisted in the different departments by ewpc - rienced teachers. The nest Session will coinmenee SEE'. TEMBER 11th, 1165. Four Boys, between the ages of eight and fourteen years, will be received into the family of the Principal. For Circulars. addresS B. SHOEMAKER, corner of GERMANTOWN Ave nue and SUOMAILER'S Lane, Germantown, Phi, ladetrada. REFEttExcEst Rev. R. Newton, D. D.• T. C. Henry, B. G. Godfrey, T. A. Newhall, F: Carroll Brewster, Esqs., and Rev. G. A. Strong. jyB-stul7t. PPHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE, for YOUNG LADIES, N. W. corner of .OUESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets (for merit' at 15:30 .Arch street.) Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D. Principal. Circulars at 122 a and 1334 Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Box 260. jylo-bn. TO SOLDIERS! WALTHAM WATCHES ! Let every Soldier;before be returns home,provide himself with an AMERICA - lc WATCH; no better use can he made Of money thou to invest it in one or these durable and-accurate time-pieces. It is a kind Of property that constantly returns good Interest, and its money value is so well known that a pocket full of silver dollars wouldn't be as useful. Sold by all respectable Watch dealers. THE AMERICAN WATCH CO., OFFICE, 182 BROADWAY. N. Y CARD. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES_ I will sell the balance of my large stock Of FURNITURE, At very low prices, until SEPTEMBER Ist The assortment is complete. GEO. J. HENKELS, 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. GOLD'S PATENT IMPROVED STEAM WATER-HEATING APPARATUS FOR WARMING AND VENTILATING PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES, MANTJFCTURED BY TUB UNION STEAM AND WATER-HEAT _ ING COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA JAMES P. WOOD & CO., 41 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. B. M. FELTWELL, jal2-6m SUPERINTENDENT ICE E 31. PURE DELAWARE COUNTY ICE CREAM: made in the country, and fresh every morning—the very best that is made. Saloons, EXCUrsions, Pie- Nies, Festivals, Hotels, Restaurants, and Private Families , furnished with promptness in nuauttles to suit, on reasonable terms. EASTERN MARKET ICE-CREAM STAND. Je24-lm SPECIAL NOTICE.-I ( HE INTEREST of .JOHN iNICKEIL. and THOS. IRVING, 10 the firms of FARRELL, fit VI NO, It CO., of Platadel- Ohl, and 'MCNEIL, I.llV.l.Xitt; C CO., of Pleasant Mills, N. J.. ceased on the 54th ult. The machinery has all been repaired and made very complete. lum now prepared to execnte alt orders for double medium. roll. or hag Manilla Pa per of any size or weight, and guarantee It equal to , any matte In the'United States, for strength and uniformity - . Orders received at the office. W3l. E. FARRELL, • 510 MINOR Street. PIIILADELPIITA. duly 8.1885. M ACKEREL , HERRING, SHAD, &c. Ithls. Mass. ICUs. I. 2, and 3 Mackerel, lte-caught flat fish, h, assorted packages. 2.c00 bblo. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Boll fox Jlerri»g , I'M b0x..., settled , No. I:Herring. 150 lads. New Mess Shad. 250 linXea Herkimer-toonty Meese, &e. In store and for sale by MURPHY & KOHN'S. ja1941 No. 116 NORTH Wir.MtvES. CiOTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK A71%.:D CANVAS, of all n limbers and brands. Tent Awning, Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, raper Atutturaetorers• Drier "Felts, from one to five feet Wide; raulins. Boning San Twine, Re. • dOILN W. F.VkInNIAN & CO.. u 0341 ldo. 103 JONES' Alley. RETAIL DRY GOODS. CLOSING OUT I CLOSING Our t CLOSING OUT ! GREAT BARGAINS SPRING AND SIMMER DRESS GOODS. CHEAP BLACK SILKS. pink Silks, with Lustre. Black Silks, without Lustre. Black Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Colored Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Silk Grenadines at reduced prices. 75e. Silk Grenadines reduced to 45e. $1 Silk Grenadines reduced to 55c. Handsome Silk Grenadines reduced to 871ie., $1.25. New Styles Cambria Lawns, :174e., 500.. New Styles Jaeonet Lawns, 50e, 6230,1 Eye. New Styles Organdy Lawns, 40e., 65C., 75C. New Styles Pine Linen Lawns, .02)40., 75c. Dress Goods, of every description, at low prices. SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. Plain, Plaid, and Striped White Swiss and Or gandies. Plain, Plaid, awl Striped Nain soaks and Cambrlcs. late Puffed and Tacked Muslin& H. STEEL LS; SON, :198 - tf Nos. .343 and 715 North TENTH Street COOPER AND CONARD, rawrix AND MARKET. WHITE LINEN DUCH LINENS FOR DRESSES GOOD SOTCK OF LAWNS FINEST BLACK DROP-V-ETE, BLACK DItESS GOODS WHITE BAREGE SHAWLS FINE TOWELS REDUCED. BLACK AND WRITE LENOS. je3o-tf CARD. ---THE STORES Or 'CURWEN BTOPDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, AND 454 N. SECOND STREET, Will be closed at 6 P. AL during; Slay and August 33,84 t JCHAMBERS, No. 810 ARCH ST. . LTer OPENED, • 9wlss Edgings. Nainsouk Edgings. Empress Lace Collars. French Muslims for WaistS. COOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND MARKET, have The best Cassimere stock In town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks, Coatings. Tailors , Linings, of every kind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, soiling, gold, at - 30 c. Gauze, Doinet, and Other Flannels. Pearl Wool Delaines, §1 and es coots. Extra fine black - Mohair Alpacas, SI. Lupin's 6-4 black Wool Delaines, $l. Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Btrd-eye Linen, striped Moslins, finest Cambries and Jaconets, puffed Musllns, Pique, Sec. Wbite liarege and other thin Shawls. Silk Sacques and Summer Dusters. )e7-tf SPECIAL NOTICE. SELLING OFF ENTIRE STOCK TO CLOSE BUSINESS!! GOOD-ivii.D AND FIXTURES FOR SALE. THORNLEY We invite special to- the above an. uouneement,. We have a Large Stock. We are Selling Cheap. kvery yard is to be closed out ou or before the Ist day of &.pteniber. Silks and DresS Goods. - Cloths, Cassimeres, Mid Llhen Goods. Shawls,Cloaks, Skirts, that's., &c., Dluslins an Calicoes notch under market price. moRNI,EY CHISM, inyl3-2m Cor EIGHTH - and Britt:No GARDEST. FIGURED SILK GRENADINES, FIGURED of the hest qualities and styles, in Black and Gray Grounds, 56e to 40.50. Travelling Dress Goods, in every variety. New Dress Goods, in groat variety. Handsome Cherie Silks. L+12.50- VERY CHEAP BLACK smits, suitable for Dresses, Mantles, and Saeques. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. merrimae, Sprague, and Pacific Prints, 255. 10-4 Waltham and l'epefill Mearned sh/CotipgS 7 $l. H. sTEEI„t: SON myB-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. 4-4 SPANISH LINENS, FOR TRAV ELLING DRESSES. 4-4 Bley Linens. Dark and light Linens, for Sults. Drown Hollands. Figured Linens ' for Dresses. Wiitte req lie orlLarseilles. Mosquito Settings. Pillk, blue, tilierry, and Tarletons. EDWIN HALL & CO., jelg-tf 26 South SECOND Street. BARGAINS. SELLING OFF To close business, the entire stock of Cloaks, Wrap pers, and Garihnidis, regardless of cost. St 3yB-6ta 36 North NINTH street. 4)HOOP SKIRTS. R Q 28. HOPKINS , "OWN MAKE , ' 08 , N.l • HOOP SKIRTS, the best assortment and hest qual ity and styles in the city, Gore Trans, ail lengths •nd sizes, from 18. to 56 springs, from $1.75 to $l. Plain Skirts, all the new shapes and sizes, from 19 to 50 springs; from $1.40 to $3. Skirts of extra heavy steel and extra tapes, from 20 to 35 springs, from $1.90 to $2.75. 1111 - SSeB' and Children s, of every 'grade, from 20 to 35 springs, from four to eight cents per spring; they have no equal. Agents for the new Flexible Skirt, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, and fully equal to the Duplex Elliptic Skirt, and at ranch lower prices. Also, constantly on hand full lines of low-priced New York Skirts, kid-padded and metallic - fastened 15 springs, 85c; 20 springs, $1; 25 springs, $1.15: 30 springs, $1.25, and 90 springs, $1.50. Skirts made to order, altered, and repaired, at 628 ARCH Street. jel4-Ims COPARTNERSHIPS. D ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The copartnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, limier the name and Mall of GEO. L. TRAICSETE ,t; CO., is this (lay dissolved by nintifal consent: the business of the firm will be settled by their successors, TRANSUE .S 5 FRAM GEO. L. TItANSITE, rivn...6.DA., June 15, 1865. JOIN C. DAVIS. COPARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned have this day formed a rovartner6hip. under the name and firm of TBANSLE & FRAIN, for the transaction of a Wholesale STATIONERY and BLANK 1300 K business, at No. 215 North THIRD Street. PHILADA., June 11, 1865. GEO. L. TItANSUE, Jyll-2t. . JOIIN C. FItADT. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.--T H E Undersigned hare this day entered Into a no tn•teisgpgl 04e:tVtitleiSll11 ,t g se :7 ,ns:tio,otle 4 1 M Ram LIIIEIaSigESS, I9OE; 111 ARE:ET St. A. BIITTNEit, D. C. WANK, A. BRIJNEIt, JR. PHILADELPHIA, July 3, 1865. THE BUSINESS WILL' BE CONDUCTED IN connection with lot old established Lumber Depot at Columbia, Pa., tints giving the yard superior ad vantages. • jyll-3m. COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDER SIGNED have THIS DAY formed a Copartner ship under the firm and name of DE COURSEY, BRYAN, & CO. for the transaction of a Wholesale Busilless fit (iMitlemen's l'aenteldn” Geoda. GERALD DE cotras (Late of Coursev, Lafoureacle, & Co.) JAMES L. BRYAN, Thomas with N. Dale & Co.) SAMUEL W. DECOURSEY, Jr. MLA., July 1, 1801. fyl.-12t LOST AND FOUND. LOST OR STOLEN—A SCHOOL WARRANT, No. 9 ,370, for 5100, in ffiyor of LIZZIE I). WEAVER. avinent thereof has been stopped. A liberal reward ;OR be paid on leaving it at \o. 22.9 CARPENTER Street. jyll.-tus-0t REMOVALS. 111 Z EMOVAL.—GEO. W. WATSON dt 1U CO. have removed their CARRIAGE ItEeost- TORY to their old place, No. 1210 CHESTNUT Street (under Concert ) Where they will keep stock of arriages of their ow•n make, and will re ceive orders for every description of first-class JUNE. 7, ISO. . 3e7-8m BOARDING. GENTLEMEN CAN FIND EXCEL- Ient Boarding—also, Table Boarders taken, at 2R2 North NINTH. above IYtit-2t* DAY BOARD-WITH FIRST-CLASS DINNERS, at No. 624 South WASHINGTON Square. Jy6-2nr. PERSONAL. IF C. F. CARROLL, OF FAIRMOUNT, West Vir g inia- will call at the Girard Rouse, he will hear of something, to his atlvantag,e. yyn.-3v. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., F. E. Corner of FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, - WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &c AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRIDES FOR CASH. CJy4-31n BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DETJGS ROBERT A. HANCE, 729 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Would call theattontion of Druggists, Country Mer chants, and others, to his stock. of ROOTS, HERBS, AND BARKS, in various sized packages, of our own pressing, at PRICES BELOW FORMER RATES. A full line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL & CO.'S CONCENTRATED 'RE MEDIES, &C., at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. myll-3inlp THE ASHLAND HOUSE, J. FOURP AXENI.TE AND 'MEW-FOURTH STREET NE~~ it k , Recently enlarged and improved, is now open for transient as well as permanent borders. The house is situated on one of the pleasantest avenues, and accessible to all places of amusement and busi ness by cars and stages. (4itestS will lied all the conveniences and comforts of a superior cAablish went, with an excellent tattle. Transient hoard, 7}.:3 per day. H. SELKIRK. Proprietor. N. B.—Families who desire rooms for the summer will make early application. To desirable parties advantageous terms will be offered. jel2.-35t. TIERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS -A- AND SOUPS. 1,000 doz. S+tfsnxe Meat. COO Boast Beef. 510 " do Veal. COO " do Mutton. 1.000 " do Turkey. LIM " do Chicken. 3,000 " nssortol Snnps. In 1.2.2 X lb. cans. For sole by RHODES Sc WILLIAMS, feti-tf 107 Soutlr WATER Street. a rrIIE CHEAPEST FRUIT JARS IN TILE MARKET.—quart Capsule Jars at obl per doz., complete. .11AR rm.". LETcnwowni, No. 15 Nlo orth rk Tii Street, and No. 531 MINOR Street. Je2.3-11u BANANA CIGARS.—A GOOD VA ETY constantly in stare and bond, at low est eitsii rates. S. Ylitil.7Fl7 ft SONS, No. 210 Swan FRONT Street. WANTS TWO ACTIVE LADS WANTED TO leant the busineee. Must be quid:, ludeatrious, end of beat ebaratter. WANAMAIKER & DROWIST, Home, it S. Eicor. SIXTH and MARKET streets.," WANTED TO RENT-A ROOM WITH Poer suitable for one set orWoolleniStachines. Address w " Power,' :it this Office. 33q1.-2V. WANTED—AN INTELLIGENT Youth to learn the Retail Drug Business. One willing to slay fur years will have every op portunity of obtain lug a complete knowledge of the business. and tickets to attend the lectures at the College of Pharmacy. which will be paid for by Ids employer. Address, Until the 10th Mat., "Pharma eY.'' at the of-lice of this paper. INF ANTE D—k SITUATION IN A I T Store Or. Commission. House, or any nice work, by , a colored boy. Best of reference glven, Address'Cluirles " this office. Jyttl-ittl` WANTED—BY A RELIABLE Young - Man, who will make himself useful, a situation in a store or warehouse. Satisfactory re ference. Address, "Box .1.100,•, Philadelphia post Office. WANTED—A FURNISHED ROOM, with or without breakfast, for a gentleman, Between Tenth and Horenteen to, and caievtont and. Spruce streets. Address, E. T. L., Box hos, Post Office. jys-Its AGEN T S WANTED—IN EVEEY Township and County, to sell GRANT AND SHERMAN: Their Campaigns and Gen eral:,• ' lion. J. T. Headley, author of "Washington null his Generals." &c., comprlsOg popular Bing rankles of prominent Generals of the Union A rniY, including graphic descriptions of. Battles. Sieges, Adventures, b.c.; with numerous steep Portraits 1111(1 Bktiie Scenes. 80(4 only by dgnat, T O all seeking profitable employment a rare thane° it •offerett to make money. For terms and territory, address at once, with stamp, E. It. TREAT, Pub lisher, 130 ORA ND Street, New York. jrii-2.t. AGENTS WANTED IN THIS CITY and State to sell a new and very popular Book, FOWL YEARS IN SECtIA. By ,J. N. BROWN. Special War Correspondent of the New York 2rribuits. Till book Is baring a large sale, offering a rare opportunity to old canvassers, school teaelters, energetic young men, returned or disabled soldiers. ,Apply by letter, or in person, to P. W. HART, Agent for Publishers, Room No. 4.4, American BOtel, in this city. jyli-troths-re , AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OE ABRAHAM. LINCOLN. By" Dr. J. G. Rol land. No co»itnont is necessary,. the author's repu tation as a writer's hilly established. Experienced canvassers know why it sells. Address, for terms, NORRIS BA RNARD, Elk View, je3o-12t. Cluster comity, Penna. - A GENTS W ANTED FOR "THE -I- 1 - SECRET SERVICE, THE - FIELD, THE DUN GEON, A NI) THE' ESC AVE DY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON, Now York liiiibmits Correspondent. The most interesting and exciting book ever pub lished, embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled experience for four years; travelling through the South in the secret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war i with our armies and fleets, both East and West, during the first two years of the re bellion: his thrilling capture; his confinement for twenty months in seven inherent rebel prisons: his escap ' e and almost MiracillOit Journey Ity night of nearly 410 mtles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident, and romance of the war than ally other .work yet published. Teachers, ladles, energetic vOlilig men, and cape chilly returned and disabled °Ulcers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will lind It peels- Hari y adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing illso per month, which wo will prove to any doubting applicant. bend for circulars. Address JONES, RHOS., & CO., N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Streets, Philadelphia, Penna. WANTED TO RENT-FOR SIX Months or a }'ear, a medium-rlzed furnished bootie; nun-t be between rine and Arch and Thir teenth and Twentieth streets. Adarea6 A. 6. W., l ' corner LOCttriT and BROAD Ste- j,e1.0-V.O 820000 -WANTED--BY AN , • active, inilnential Business Man, in the. Retail :Dry GOOdS trade—a special or active PARTNER, with the above amount to invest. Ad dress Box 352, Post-otlice. Jyll-3t* 8 n, H--1. on A MONT. WANT AGENTS everywhere at $7O a month, expenses paid, to sell FII4'TE EN ARTICLES, the best selling ever offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS T. GAREY, niuderord. 31,tw0.. ms-10-d&W3nl M 95 A MONTI - I.—AG-IMM WANT ED everywhere to introduee the improved SHAW & CLARK. TWENTY-DOLLAR. FAMMY SEWING MACHINE, the only low-price machine in the country which Is licensed by Grover & Baker 1 - rheeic tki Shwer & Co.. allik Bachelder. Alt 'jar iiMA Z Inesiv * ilohl 'kir less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user are liable to fins aitet ilt . tprlsonmesnt. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Mnstrated circulars scut free. Address SHAW & CLAILIt, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-thkWarn FOR SALE AND TO LET. frit REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. Attki. _REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL EsTAT NEW MONTIILY CATALOGUE, JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE. JIJST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE, JUST OUT. FOR GRATUITOUS I)ISTRIRUTION. FOR O . IIATITITOITS DbsTit MOTION. Ton GRATUITOUS !INT!? I II UTIO N. CONTAINS $5,000.000 WORTH OF ritOrERTY FOR SALE. No person wishing to purchase city or suburban property should fail to get a copy, as It is iteltnow ledged by all to be the greatest production of the age to xmrties interested. 5.000 copies having been culled hoe in one year. Said catalogue contains a great number of first-class city dwellings. suburban mansions with acres of land. Also, a great number or In.liatog lots in all the most desirable sections of the city. Any pUrchaser Is welcome to a copy or the cute /ogue, upon /caving 114110 l; and atlilrosg. GEORGE C. MILLER, Practical Real Estate Operator, jyn-towths4tif 155 North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE-GERMANTOWN . Large Mansion and Lot,on the Main street,and near the station. A;10,000. THIRTEEN ACRES of Land and first-class Man sion. near Abington Station, N. Penna. Railroad. $15,000. WEST PHILADELPHIA—One of the most mag niticent Nansions and appurtenanceS ever offered. inmediak o os s esAon. ONLY. FIVE MILES FROM THE CITY, near a station—excellent large Mansion and live acres of land: splendid grounds. &e. $1:1,000. °NIA FOURTEEN ISHLES FROM THE CITY, near two shitions—eleven acres of excellent Land and nrst-ehiss Mansion; all the modern conveniences in full. Price $2.0,000. ONLY FIVE MILES FROM THE CITY, on the Darby Road—eight acres of Or-rt.-rate Land; neat, large. Mansion, stable. coach-house &e.; beautiful grounds:o ears run 111112 o'clock et filet. $1.5,0.90. THIRTY-THREE ACRES OF LAS live miles west of Bristol. Splendid 'first-class Mansion, Malt by one of the firm of Stewart & Co., New. York. $12.000_ farming utensils included. ONLY EMIT Alia:* EItOINI THI , I caTv, on the Media Railroad. near a station—splendid large. first class 'Mansion, With ' &c. Also, a traa of land; stank, vouch -h0u,... &c. $17.000. CHESTER COUNTY FARM of 170 acres lirst-rate Laud, 24 tulles from The city, very near a station on the. Pennsylvania Central. Railroad. west of Paoli; excellent linproyements. Price, $lOO per acre. N. N.—The shove properties are all exeellent,and ought positively to be seen to be appreciated. Im mediate possession of all. GEO. C. MILLER, Real Estate Broker, jyll-3t if irya North otx•rit litreet. in FOR SALE-WEST PH-MABEL w-WlllA—Nent Mansion and large Lot, S. W. vol.- ner Fortv-seeond and Pine streets. Only 3',1))4. Splendid Mantdon (new) eorner of Fifty-lira and Walnut streets: large Wt. •Onlv $ll.OOO. Northwest corner Thirty-sixth anti Bridge streets 3tansiol and ihrge Lot; elegant garden, &t. Price $13,500, 3111.1101, 3yll-3tir 155 North SIN'Cli &met. FOR SALE. pip No. 231 e. WeAt GREEN Street. A very desirable DWELLINO. with all the modern improvements, anti in good order. Immediate pos session given. in FOR SALE-A VALUABLE PRO: JELL PER Y, southwest side of. Ridge arenuo, above Spring Garden street. Wheelwright Shop, Blacksmith Shop. and excellent Dwelling. The property extends 'through to Spring Garden street, t,e feet on Ridge avenue, and flu feet on Spring Gar den street. B. F. GLENN - , 123 South FOURTH Street. jyB Or S.W. °or. SEVENTEENTH-and GREEN. E. FOR SALE-A - GR,EAT BARGAIN, with immediate possession, a COTTAGES. and ONE AeltE_OF 1311013:41). Sithntc oh the Mama yunk Passenger Itailroad, first house above the toll gate at the Wissableßon; ten rooms. a variety of fruit and shrubbery, and a small stable. Will be sold very much below its value. It. F. LENS, jyB 123 South FOURTH. Street. i n FOR SALE— . miLDireiting 1828 Wallace street. 919 N. Twenty —first street. 4 , 1439 N. Elghat - . , 4 214 Bramlywine - 11101 Brandywine. " 1534 Mount Vernon street. 4, 1927 Mount Vernon. " 1538 Wallace. " 1924 Wallace. • B. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH ;y8 or S. W. Cor e SEVENTEENTH and GREEN el ARCH-STREET RESIDENCES SALE—SeveraI first-class HOUSES, south elde of ARCH Street, west of Nineteenth, embrac ing all the modern improvements. Apply at 1829 ARCH Street. _jolt-lre TO LET—THE UPPER PORTION OF TO the marble building 619 Chestnut street. Pos session given August Ist. Also, several valuable Properties for sale. THOS. H. CONNELL. Counting-house Dy. D. Jayne Sr Son. 3ys-et. 2,42 CHESTNUT Street. TO LET-THE Fll'lll 'AND SIXTH Stories of the GRANITE BUILDING. (for merly Post-office.) DOCK Street, below Thin). Also, Offices on the first floor of same Ting, fronting on Carter street. Steant power furnisluid in :ply of these Booms. THOMAS H. CONNELL, Counting House of Dr. D. ,Tavne & Son, jVB-6t. 212 CHESTNUT Street TO REIcT.—THE 2p, 2D AND 4ms stories for either of Loom) of the store No. 50D C7031: Street. Rooms 200 feet ileep, with side light. Enquire On the premises. Jy-l-tutlisot. TO LET-THE THIRD STORY OF the COMMONWEALTH !WILDING. 611 and 613 CHESTNUT Street. suitable for any light manufacturing business, or ran be arranged for Offi ces. Lighted by twenlv.elght 'WOWS. THOMAS IT. CON SELL, Counting House of Dr: D. Jayne & Son. j.yl3-6t* 242 CHESTNUT Street. r 7 - CONTINUED SALE OF MOSTA" 1111 • AMIABLE PROPERTY, AT CAPE ISLAND, NEW JERSEY. 300 BUILDING LOTS, Near the Bear!' and Railroad Depot, win uc soul, at public sale, Without reserve, ou the premises . ON SATURDAY, July 15, 1865, At I o'eloek P. M. A speetal exenrsion train front Philiblelphla will ,leave WALNUT—Street Wharf at o'clock A. - 11., and arrive at 12 M. The tickets tarnished will be good to return the following Monday. A FREE tioLLATION WILL BE PREPARED ON VIE GROUNDS on the arrival of the train. A rare chaptYt le now offered for purchasing a Cheap let for a summer residenee at Ws increasingly popular watering place, within three hours' ride of Phila delphia. - Will be sold at the same time. LARGE MANSION. All that large Mauston ;111(1 lot of ground, situate on the corner of BROADWAY and TIIIRD Avenue. Lot 102 feet front, nod 172 feet deep, It has ice house,-&c. Surrounded by large and beautiful shade trees. Air See plans and circulars for full partleulare. whirl may Ire had of the AuetioneerA, 111. THOMAS & SONS. Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTII Street, Philadelphia, and J. M. SMITIL Real Estate Agent, Cape Island. 31. WHOMAS SONS, Auctioneers, jy6-thstuttiwthf-7t 139 and 141 b. 'FOURTH St. 12, 15-HORSE POWER ENGINES, Plorini•. Tools, Planers, Lathes, Punching and Drilling Machines, Ott-well Tubing. 1?or sale by HATHAWAY. LEACH, Sc STEARNS. jy7-11u 417 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. COAL. C OAL. The ectelmated "TUNNEL EIDtiE" COAL, the hest Coal In the market. Broken, Egg, and Stove sizes at s7.o° ner ton. ' Large Mt .. 4;.2. - . pvr ton. ' At the MAN'TITA COAL, -VAUD.. ,oniees—Fi nrriETll si and LA NC.ISThE Ave. TIIIHTY,EII . 4it St. and VENN, it R. , WM. D. lik.S lON. jylo-12t* —_, —_____. . _ CURL. -11'\i. 11. CURTIS tt CO., LE)11(111 vut scit trY 111 lA. COAL YARD, 1 41 3 CALLOW)'] W. St re t• jylo-1.10 C 0 A L • _BI.7cAR LOAF, BEAVER - .„„,•4 1 ,rinv. MOIIIIIIIIII LrLilih cool, .x - for family Depot, IS . "A • coPtil.l , 14.•1( and NV 11.1.41 W Struts. 1 111 ire, ;No, lig tS,4tECON I) Si met. Cope-tf] .1. WALTON & co. THE CHEAPEST FRUIT JAILS IN the 311irket —Qua rt Capaile Jars nt Ita per doz., deplete. 11,11tTELL & LEI7OIIIVOIVPII, No• North TIFT3i and 1:;o. 521 MINOR St. je23-lut AUCTION SALES SALE 711Trte LERJIriRSE T II a W dSANO B St iERKNE I B dO AIkA bt direction or the Quartermaster General, al publics, itnetloti to the blithest bidder,. ON WEDNESDAY, July Ittb, Thor, at to o'clock A. 3f. SIXTY-NINE AETILLEIty ITORSES. TIV CROIOVSINIII.IoIig,4 , ii to fir erlobritteil batter!' of theist New Volt Artillery, and arelnow offered for sale, the ttoverniiimii haring no further 1160 for them. All 0)1110111111/1 y In purchase very superior draught horses at for than their true value ie is now offered the the wont,. The animals are believed to he sound and servietaibte and must Iso EOM. The attention of farmers, malingers of city rail— road, and. Manufactitrurs is especially called to this bale. gir The horses may be seen at the stabletil at 11"ashingto»-street wharf, on the Delaware, until tile day I,l' snit, Teruo. rosin. United tea rurrentor, • f Colonel Win. W. NlAtint 11. S. A. Cl j tVetllt ‘ t i tt ei rtgrtilastrixElAl t a n d p el aiiMituirter. jylo-:it SALE OF SERVICEA.BLE MULES. QUARTERMASTER GENER. , OPFICE, WARRINGTON, D. 0., Julie 25, ISM. By. direction Lathe Quartermaster Cleueral. there wit, In! tmld at imblte auctloa, to the highest bidder, at the tilnet and ploccs VII: CLEVELAND, 01110. WEDNESDAY 017'5. I I 01.1.IDAYSII CH, U P 15,1,-IDNE'tietAA , July CM:T.ISLX., PA.. THURSDAY, July 13. II (INTIM:DON. PA., FRIDAY, July 14. READINO i'A.. MONDAY. July 17, 3 , IMiTON. ITINDAY. July2o. PHILADELPHIA. PA.. MON DA V', July 21. PITTSilli11(1 PA.. TIIIIIISDAY, July '47 TWO HUNDRED SERVII,BA OLE M ULES, et eiteh _place except ci,EVELAXD, where FIVE iIIiNDRED will lie sold. hl any of them were bought In the brglnning of the war ii,,young ,; 1 ,0••$/111,11111,1 the emotes in All thvir ootrehee elut cantle& and are 01(11'0110M' Pr° ' ken, be Melted by exerelso. w4m I le and familiar J frna being, so long fillirollloled hr the soldiers. Though son nd and servirtable, they are no longer required in Dm army, and can he piirebased et these sales at fur loss than their true value. The atten— tion oflmth minors:ma farmers Is espeelull y Invited. 111n1es sold Angl v. Sales 1,0 COlnlnelici, at to A.. M. Terms—eabh, in United Mutes ellBllll . JAMES A. PIICIX, Brevet Brigadier General ID eiiiirge, First Division, Q. 11. ti, 0„ SALE OF HARNESS AND SADDLES QUAIITER3IASTEII'S OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASIIINGTON, C. 1e0,•7, 1005. THere Is on 111...1, Loot, safr, tkllOat 18.0 Co sets of UnitgA 141.1.,s LA IMICSK consisting' of 14:3 single sob, or 10ml-horse 1,144 '• " wheel-horse 11,200 " lend-mule " 5,411 " ' ' 501 " Ambulahee Iln r11e55, lead-horse and 1,427 " " wheel-horse Ambulance Tilt MORS. TlllB 11:1111eSS 11a8 110411 fused In thepuhl is service, but WWI FOrVieettble J.'ur road sad farming pur poses. Sealed proposals are invited for its purchase, In lots Of 100 sets.alei a pwords. Pcoposols Inns! plainh' MAU) {ltal. Man (Mumma is 101,1 for, whether wiling or tuml, look or horse; and, for anthulitnee horness, whether wheel dl' lead. Proposals :VC also Invited for the purchase of several thousand worn iADDLES of various pat terns, In lots of 100 and upwards, 801111/ kg of Har ness and Saddles ean be seen at -the ( iovernment .111111, in this city, ou application to Colonel charlea Tompkins, A. Q, M., corner of Twenty-snowy]. and 0 streets. Proposals for the purchase of this Harness, &c.., will be reCII ref at th is omee MIL . TUESDAY, August I, laas, and should be endorscti "rroposals for the Purchase of HurnesS," &a, Payment. in Government funds. must be made upon the acceptance of the proposal and prior to the delivery of the liarness, The undersigned reserves the right to reject all proposals which may be considered too low. The sale of Harness. at public auction, advertised June 17, is discontinued. . . The ROC or :Minos Is still going on, front (lay to day. 1 urehasers are levil vi to attend. D. IL ltl'L'lilslt, Jylo-18t 'Da:yet:Mo. Gell, a. 41 (m.rternmster. fiFTICE OP POST QUARTERIIIA.6- ‘, TER, No. 721 MAIIKET Street. I'll }ll'!A. Ju1t , 13„1.5115. Will be seta at Public Auellon, on MONDAY, July 17. at 3 o'clock tt the Suffolk Park, Philadel phia, the following Government property: One frame Stable, about 25x200 feet, with Btulle and IloorMg. .One frame Blacksmith Shop, about 111x24 feet. One frame Carpenter Shop. about 10x16 feet. (Inc frame Cook !Louise, about Min feet. Twenty-lour small lints. All tO be 00113 bi (Alter of the quartermaster Gene ral. Terms cash, in Government funds. ALBERT 8. ASME Cutptaim A. q. OFFICE, DEPOT COMMISSARY Or Knslsrc" - 6; WASIIMITON, D. C.. July 145. AUCTION SALE OF' 111 DES, TALLOW, BAR.. BELS, &c. Will be sold at Public Auction on WEDNESDAY, July 12, ISO 3, at to o - otea: Sr.. at SIXTH-STREET jI tho following ;trade& MON or 100 i '7OOl Salted Beef Hides. .523 Dry do do. UM Sheep Pelts. 10 Calf Skins. 21,257 pounds Beef Tallow. 11.840 pairs Beef Horns. 20.53 i gallons Neatsfoot Oil. 1,000 pounds Tallow. Crackling& 3,170 Flour Barrels, (2 beads.) 1,900 Pork do do. 1,100 1111C011, rook, Fhb, Coffee, and Vlueguj Barrels, cords no.vvel Staves old Headings, TCI3IIB — C4BII, tu Government funds. (1. lIELL, jz.ll-.5t Lieut. Colonel and Com. of Subsistence. NOTICE.—GOVERNMENT AUCTION SALES on SATURDAY, July Ath 1805 4 at 111 o'clock A. M., and on every Saturday' following, until further notice, wilt he sold at MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S DEvar, S. E. corner BROAD and CHERRY Streets, Philadelphia. Pa., the foltowinr articles of United Stated Medical and Itosplted, Properly, Mile]] hare Deen 10 MC and are no longer needed by the DeparilliCilt, consisting of Iron Bedsteads, Caldrons, Mattresses, (hair-straw.) Stores, Sheets, (Snell & cotton,) Chairs, Pillow Cases, Household, Kitchen Fur. Blankets, niture, - Counterpanes, Willow, Wooden, Crock.. Draworkl a cry. and Tables, Tin Ware of all &scrip- Shirts, lions Washstands, llianncroas :articles of vii be sold. No Infected articles sold ODA jy4-7t Surg, &Bvt. Cot lue to llonsekeeperg will MoDOITUALTh s . U.B. A. 3ted. Purveyor,' AMUSEMENTS. MRS. JOHN DREW'S .L-La- NEW-ARCH STREET THEATRE. FIRST N tams OF ETTIE DENDERSOM MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, "MILLY;" Oil, THE MAID WIT It TILE MILLICING PAIL, KATT)! 0 b . HEAL, AND THE IIONNIE FISH . WIFE. ETTIE lIENDEitsoN IN Friuli CIIARAOTERS. ItV.NEVIT OP ETTIE ITENDLIP3OI,I, NyTr E, CIIESTNUT-STREET THEA- WILL VEOPEN . On MONDAY EVENING, July 11, With Bourivattit's Great - Irish Drama AIIRAII NA POGITE. Jylo-6t FAIRM 0 UN T WATER-WORKS, (1V I RE BRIDGE.) AFTER:V/0N CI FSI!EIiT6 EVERY DAY, From to 7 o'vlo,k. HASSLER'S GRAND MiLITAIrir BAND. Programnws or Music iseued The Arch. Vine, and Callowhill-street can riot dt» reel to the place. jylo-66 ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9A. M. till 6P. M. Ileu_lamin Wet's great plottere of. CIMIST ItEJECTED still on. Exhibition. EXCURSIONS, rizrawz CAPE MAY, WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. FROM FOOT OF WALNUT STREET, AT 8.30 A. M. 9 at I'2 unit AND EXPRESS. Du. 31, 2.30 P. M., SSENGER, Due at 6.4$ P. 4.30 P. M., EXPRESS. Due at 7.4 t P. X. rare, $3.00. Servants, tt2.00. EXCURSION TICKETS, va,oo. Coupon Tickets, to be WO uy one pekeoe only, 10 for *25,00, Passengers and Baggage taken to and Prom thin Island and Ration without additional (Marge. Freight ()shy from Sandford's Wharf, below Spruce street. Returning Trains lease CAPE MAY at 5.80 A. AL, Mail; 8 A, 3.1, Express; 5 Aeuennuodatton: 8.20 A. M., Freight. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Supt. PHILADELPHIA., July 5, 3.965, jyB-4sol CAMDEN AND AT LAN TIC It IILtROAD. A RAN (I EMEN T. THROUGH - IN TWO HOURS. • On and after SATURDAY, July Ist, 1865, FIVE trains daily to Atlantic City, and one on Sunday. TRAIZ,S LRANE VINE-STREET vuitity 1041'011(ms: Special Excursion : :,,,.... ~,,,,,,,,, i , 9 . .n0 A. M. Mal Train i. 35,) A. M. Freight, with Passenger Car atlitelieti.... 11,15 A. M. Express (throu:y!) in two hours) 2.00 P. X. Atlantic ACeffirllll , lbltioll 4.15 P. X. PETUHNINtI, bIEAVE ATLANTIC. Atlantic Accommodation 5,47 A. M. Express (through in twu hours) 7.08 A, M. Freight, with _Passenger Car attnelied....ll.47 A. M. Mall Train 4.43 P. M. bpecial Excursion 6.18 P. M, SUNDAY MAD , TUAIN, Leaves Vine.street Ferry at 40 A. Ma Returning, leaves Atlantis at 4.43 P. ht.. Fare to Atlantic, V. Itoutith4rln Tickets, good only for the day and train on witlelt they aro Issued, 3. , JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION. • - - - - - - - Leave Vine-street Ferry at &al P. M. Leave Jaekson at 6.28 A. . EXTRA lIADDONFIELD TRAINS. Leave fine-street Ferry at 10.15 A. M. and 1.15 P. M. Leave iladdonlield at 11.1:, A. M. 11.1111 2,4 P. M. N. B.—Freight mat be delivered at CoOper , er Itc fore IS o'clock- P. t sure Gesola . g down the next day'. 1101 1 N Go DIVIAPI.C. Agent. CITY,Tu EXCURSION TO u 1 stAY July 1. tlk, under the auspices of ILEDDLNU , enuiten. . . . The M. E. Church at Atlantic for our ACeOll.llllO. dation during the day. Tickets, *i.so; Children, 75 cents. lasi boat leaves VINE-STREET Wharf at stx. Our friends Invited. Jyll-21• _ ai gga EXCURSIONS TO LONG BRANGll, — Trainfor Long Brant* n itt letLy Mi e C(Apbt , Put tit, anLint dully (Sundays excepted.) at 0.15 A. rare, . Excursion Tickets, good for three days, extra, train on Saturdays at 4.30 I'. M. Returning, arrive. at Camden at 0.10 A. M. Monday. je26-21u L. It. COLE, Agent, Camden. KmKEI Lar ia t GRAND EXCURSION,. The new nail swift • ST KAM f: MET NOR, IV. ! ,%,A. Leung, will Make a l iNV l7 . l .r, ditiV 12til, 1805, FORT DELAWARE, • Lei:vine tktegargeea Witarr at A. M . ' seel oil d wharf below Areli St. nt AL Christian-street wharf at S.IBA. N. Touching at It 11. LINGSPORT, PENNSGROVE. 11111 i I'IO.NSVILLE, Returning, leaves Fort Delaware at MO P. M.. touching ut the above-unwed Places. nosons will have ample Uwe to visit the Interior of the Fort. Refreshments will be had at the Fort and also OA. the boat, jpStiir Cotpt. .T. Q. A. DENNY. • WRITTEN - AND VERBAL DE , 4(lllPrioNs of Character, fIonaDDIDOI4 Y' a nd Talent. with ADVICE' on Business, health, Education. Srlf.intnrovennint,_Man• aPh. tigement anti Training of CIIILIDIEN, So. dal Adaptation, Se., day mot evelllag, by .1011 X L. VATEN, Intrenologiat and Bookseller, No. 21 S. TENTH. btreut, above Cliestunt. oellettillislylf - - ff-fli ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS. Not only UNEXCELLED, bin 1310:91)ItTiloBP.hs purity Of Tone pool rower,. designed especially rate Churches and Schools. but foetid to be MU/My well adapted to the Parlor and Drawing-Room. For sale only by E. M. IiEUEE, O. 13 North SEVENTH Street. Also, a complete ItssortumAt Of Uty A'vrfect Me -20.1011 ettnatuntly ou Land. 04 4 14 . •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers