gt(t Vrt,ss+ THURSDAY, TUNE 29, 1.865. TIMID CITY. TEE DOITRLISDAY COURT MARTIAL.—The /Mkt reassembled yesterday morning, all the memo bars present. The counsel for William Neal pro tiered against the court trying the case any farther, as the judge advocate, in summing up the ease of W. E. N. Cozens, bad used language which was prejudicial to an impartial bearing. To sustain the Protest 'Daniel Dougherty, Esq , was examined. He testified that he was associate counsel for W. B. N..oozens, in the case lately howl before this Omit, and was present at the summing-up of the Cane; the judge advocate said Neal had knowingly paned tents o fCozens of inferior quality and size; also charged Neal with complicity ; the touts ho charged Neal with passing falsely were those fur nished under contract of W. B. Henry, Filson, Oc.- sena, and Altemus & Cozens; the judge advocate Or de s n - o ex n ami d n ed M .— Nhe n r gsutr m on e g t l a gge. appeared to be read, although some of It was extempore. Cci. Foster read extracts from his speech, in which Neal was charged with fraud, Corruption, and coot pitons'. Ntr. Dougherty said the remarks he had listened tower. substantially the same as those ;just read. Witness bad keen the associate of F Carroll Brewster, Esq.. upon the defence. F. Carroll Brewster, Esq., sworn.—ln Colonel Foster's argument great stress was laid upon the complicity of Neal and Cozens, and the fraudulent ring by Neal of the tents furnished by Cozens in different contracts. The expression " corruptly ' 1 Was used in connection with Mr. Neal so pointedly that it caused the witness to look with surprise that the judge advocate should do so, knowing that Hr. Neal was not on trial, and not present. The pro test was allowed to be entered by the court upon the record. Themes D. Wilder testified that William Neal was chief inspector at the arsenal, and that Mr. Cozens famished tents there. The court here adjourned until the let of July RavAL.—The United States steamer Yantic arrived off the Navy Yard yesterday after noon, baying In tow the Vatted States steamer Os. Pipet, which pat into Hampton Evade, on the 24th instant, in a disabled condition, while on her way home from the West Gulf squadroa. The "Fantle was built iu Yht . ..adelphta, and sailed August 12.1861. She was first stationed in Vine yard Sound, Nees.; then took an extended northern cruise in search of the pirate Tallahassee, and finally joined the North Atlantic, squadron and want On the blockade off Wilmington, N. C. She part!. olpated actively In both attacks on Fort Fisher, losing One cfneer —doting -Ensign Edaratd Winne- More, of thin city—and a number of men ; helped !educe Fort Anderson, and sham] in the Waggle for the possession of the City of Blockade. =care. She was stationed in the Cape Fear river until quite recently, when she was ordered to Hampton Roads, and finally to this port. The following is a list of her othoers : Lieutenant Commander. T. C. Harris; executive officer, L. O. macmtire; surgeon, H. W. Wheeler • paymaster, Samuel B. Huey; acting ensigns ' C. 11 J. C. Lord, J. F. Churchill, an d S. T. Lederer ; chief engineer, William S. Smith ; assistants, H. 0. Beckwith, Bryce Wilson, H. F. Lovealre, and Geo. Holton; paymaster's steward, J. E. Firing; mar geon's steward, T. 0. Weatherly. THE Sot OF 1812.—The Pennsyl vania Association of the Soldiers of the War oflBl2, met yesterday morning, in the Supreme Court room, Peter Hay, president, In the chair, John H. Frick secretary. The president presented s letter from the corn- MUM of arrangements of the ceremonies of laying the oorner•stone of the monument to be emoted in the Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pa, on the Fourth of July next, earnestly inviting the surviving soldiers of the War of 1812 to partici pate in said ceremonies, and requesting the &semis, Lion to Invite other organizations to join It on the occasion. The imitation was accepted, and the Executive Committee was directed to maize the necessary ar rangements thoretor• The Executive Committee will inset at the Supreme Court room, to morrow afternoon, at 4 o'oloca, to issue tickets for the ex cursion, where those desirous of participating will attend. A resolution was adopted inviting the sol diers of ISI2 in the neighboring States to join the association on the occasion. • " Panes CLUB.—A meeting of the Club was held yesterday afternoon, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. After a Series Of balloting, the following-named were elected: President—Casper Sender, Jr. `'ice Presidents—Chas. C. Wilson, Wm. V. MO. Sean. _ _ Treasurer—George a. Petrie. Recording Secretary—Wm El Maher. Corresponding Seoretarl—h.• Wain Smith. Nine directors were also elected. A number of Contributing members were accepted. The club Is only a year old, and already has a fine library, to whirls additions of handsomely-bound valuable works are being made semimonthly. The abridged debates in Congress, from its first session up to a late date, were presented by Colonel Wm. B. Mann, District Attorney; also bound volumes of the Cm:erosional Globe for a series of years, by the non. John W. Forney; iShtskapeare's works in full, by Mrs. D. P. Bowers; and an assortment of volumes, on a variety of subjects, by Peter Abel, Erg., and ethers. THE GENTLE MOVEMENT.—Yesterday we witnessed the easy and gentle movement In Which two hundred and fifty or our brave soldiers were taken from Chestnut Hill Hospital to the depot, from which they will be taken toithe oars and transported to their homes. It certainly afforded every one pleasure to see the kind manner in which Chief Lyle, of the Fire Department, had thee* poor fellows handled in the ambulances of our noble Fire Deportment. Some of our drivers &the horses belonging to the steamers, may in their mon of patriotism drive a little too Tan whoa they are at tached to the machine, but to see them carefully and Slowly guide the ambulance containing the sick and wounded heroes of our country, wipes out all their little indiscretions. Many a brave fellow will kindly refer to the actions of our Chief and the noble men of the Philadelphia Fire Department, when he shall have reached his home and be sur rounded by those who will care for him. OBlTUARY.—Yesterday afternoon the fu- EMI enrolees of Wm. G. Franake s late of the 183 d Regiment, P. V., took at tit. .Tollree Ottaroh, Thirteenth st., above Chestnut, The regalia were followed to the grave by many sorrowing friends. The deceased had met death In the service of his country, to which he devoted the beet years ,of his life. The disease which prostrated him was MM. tracted while a prisoner at Andersonville, where he was cenfined for many. months, and from the effects of which the best of medical skill was unable to rec. cue him. He was a young man of generous sympa thies, patriotic Impulses, and of e stainless moral characters In alt his long suffering ho bore himself with Christian meekness, and never uttered even a harsh word against the cruel persecutors of help less prisoners, whom long confinement and starva tion bad brought to the edge of the grave. Re was a heroin death as in life, and was a bright example to his many youthful comrades, who were attached to him In no cemmon bond of sympathy. TEN NATIONAL GAHE.—A fine game of base ball was played yesterday morning, on the grounds Fifteenth and Columbia avenue, it being the return game in the match between the First National and Eagle Bate-ball °Me. The playing On both aides was rery goof), and altogether was a well-conte.sted game, The following is the more f. EMILE 1 FIRST NATIONAL Haw. H L.i tans. ELL. Holzer, 11t b..... 2 s.llonisoe, 0 5 Cozens, c 3 4'6mith, r. 1.--••••••• I Shoemaker. 6 24 Welsh, Ist b 2 3 Dlcasison, a. s.. ' 41Bailsr. e 4 1 Watson, 2d b 5 21 Base , I. f .4•• • • 4 1 Gilbert, 1. f.•••••.. 4 3 Homer. 34b • I 4 lugeroy, 3d b.... 4 31 Scott, c. 2 3 Stinson, e. L.... 2 3 1 Taylor. a a 3 2 T. f 2 3 MsCardr, 2d b 2 3 Total 31 T- NEWER OF RUNNIxos NASH INNINGS kt. 2d. 3d. 4th. Bth. 6th. 7t4. Sth. 9th. Est 1 10 7 0 2 1 3-81. Matlonia...-. 0 3 1 3 r 2 1 3 6 1-10 Umpire—Mr. Charles iiinekle. ANOTHER FlRE.—About half-past nine o'clock last evening an alarm of tire was sounded, and it was Ciscovez ed that the extensive spice es tabliehment or Messrs. C. J. Fell & Brother, 120 South Front street, was in flames. The lire bureli out in the rear' of the fourth story, and for a tune threatened to be a very extensive conflagration. The firemen took their hose to the house across an alley from which the store was situated, and did good execution. Of course en Immense amount of water was necessary to confine the flames to the fourth story, but this was successfully done. The property in the lower. Stories was damaged by Water, but to what extent it was impossible to ascer tain. Ali the books of theestahliehMent were saved by the firemen. The establishment of T. X. Apple, cooper and gunge; which adjoined the spice fac tory, was saved with difficulty. SUICIDE OF A DOG.—'-t used to be the cry of citizens. when dogs were fighting, where are the police Thee% gentlemen were on hand yesterday, when a ferocious yellow dog wended its way mit of Chestnut street into Sixth street, and entered Into the store of the Disbars. Dlegargee. Any reporter present would have checked his mad meet so as to preserve the price of paper at its present Standard. None of them being in the neigh borhood, however, Reserve Officers Findley and Hem acted the Infuriated animal and pursued him through Maas of paper, when he finally evaded them, and proceeding to the thirdetOry window jumped therefrom and committed suicide. Tomea, FIRE FROM FIREWORKS.— Shortly before eta o'clock yesterday morning, a Are broke out In the Confectionery store of George NW leri No. oto Market street. The flames originated among some ftreworkB In the front Window and were confined Within that space. Considerable damage lsrati done to the stook in the store by water. The MS 18 estimated at $l,OOO. Too much oare cannot ne observed by those having fi moms]. larrousotr stores --racy are exhibited In the shop windoelt, Sturm:aided by fly paper, with gas burning In the windows, seeming to invite explosion and fire. POLITICAL.—The First District Senato rial Convention of the National Union party was bald at Jefferson Hall, Sixth and Christian streets; on Tuesday evening, and proceeded to elect a re presentative to the State Convention. Jere. mlah Nichols, John M. Butler, Isaac Mcßride, and Paul J. Fields were placed on general nomina tion. The following vote was oast : Fleet ballot Mr. Butler, 19 votes, Nlolisle 15, Mcßride 5, Fields 1. The second ballot resulted as follows : Nichols 24 votes, Butler it votes. Mr. Nichols was there fore duly elected to the State Convention. Ibi&LL-Pox.—The Board of Health has paned a reeolution to prevent any person sending smallpox oases through the streets of the city to the Health offloe. Notice is area given that wherever a use of lilnall•PDX 0213tfl anywhere 'within the city, the removal or which Is required, that whoa due no tice is given to the office, accompanied by the , cer- Meate of a ptyakdae, the person so suffering will be removed to the municipal hospital in convey ances furnished by the Board. THE CHLEBRATION OF OUR VlCTollintl The citizens of she Nineteenth ward are making ex. Sonatas preparations fora proper celebration os the glorious Fourth, and for the complete triumph of our arms. A line band of music had been secured to discourse popular airs during the day, and at night a grand display of fireworks will take place at the junction of k'raickford road and York Street, oppo efie the rooms of the National Union Association of the ward, under whose auspices the celebration will take place. EVlClD23..—Wiliiam Laughlin, aged fifty eve years, was found early yesterday morning hang• leg to the grape arbor at his residenee on Good street. at the upper end of Germantown. His throat had been prat/fa:tidy out. The deceased had been in low spirits for some time in consequence of the death of a favorite grandchild, and he is inippesed to have got up sometime during the night. out his throat. and then hung himself to the arbor, where his body was found. BIIFFOLX-PARK RACE-Cotrium—A. very =Mang race came off at this course yesterday aft• Groom. Stake and puree, S9CO mite heats, beet Vase in fine In Maness. The trial of speed resulted e font:me : Toby Ternet'S b. m. Fanny Allen.. Groding+ oh. h. American Star.. W. Dans' ob. g. S. D. SaSaB.. Time, 2.32 X, %Mx No REDUCTION IN THE PRIOR OP GAS. - The proposition to reduce the price of Rim to two 00/116/11 and fifty eente for one thousand feet on the first of August, which has boon pending in 'the beard of trustees for some tlose, bss boon voted down. THE COURTS. 11. N. Circuit Court—Before Justices Grier and coamsider.: essmeroo Os B. M. LHE, Yesterday afternoon,. Robert M. Lee, 001111Oted sometime ago of having defrauded the Unittd States Government, by means of forted enlistment paean, was called up for sentence. Before the sentence was imposed, Charles , W. Brooke and William L. Hirst, Esqs., hie conceal, made a-motion In arrest of judgment and for a new trial upon the ground of alter discovered testimony favorable to Lee, and the affidavits of three or four persons were read relating facto and circumstances alleged to have occurred as Loa's office, in Sixth street, while these forgeries ware being concocted, and which it Was contended by kiSCOunsol, tended to show that the tionsidera. ble amount, of money realised by the frauds went into the hands of Patton and not Lee, who derived no profit from them. Counsel urged that, if upon a new trial, the prisoner could show these facts to a jury, they would tend materially to establish ids in nocence and a verdict of not guilty at the bands of ajury. Both Judges Grier and Ciadivalader *ought the affidavits presented nothing new, or that did not substantially appear upon the trial, and therefore overruled the motion, Judge Grier remarking that the law must take its course. MeMrs. Hurst and Brooke each made a strong appeal to the court on behalf of the prisoner, alluding to the services of himself, hiafather, and brother, daring the rebellion, and also to the fact that, the prisoner had a growing family dependent upon him for support. Judge Grier said that one act of Congress fixed the punishment for the offence of which Loa had been convicted atan imprisonment of not more than ten years and a fine not exceeding $6,000. By an other act was provided not exceeding five years nor less than one year, and a line of not more than $l,OOO. He wouldgo in this Case to neither extreme. The sentence of the Court Was that Lee ahou,id be imprisoned for three years and pay a fine of WO. Court of Quarter Sessions—lton. Joseph Allison, Associate Justice. J. R. Lock was charged with larceny, in having entered the store of Richard Shultz, No. 803 North Eighth street, and stolen therefrom watches and jewelry to the value of $247. The entrance to the store was gained by the yard, about daylight on the morning of the 12th of May; and the defendant was very positively Identified by a Mrs. (Mark and her daughter, the back yard Of Whose house abuts upon that of the jewelry store, as one of two men they saw on the morning in question scale the fence and enter the store. The defendant, however, proved an alibi, to the satisfaction of the jury, and they rendered a verdict of not guilty. Joseph Dalton was convicted of stealing a quan tity of butter from the wagon of a countryman, and was sentenced to nine months in the county prison. Adjourned. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Recorder Been.] n.en 81.4 , ce cau s so. - A woman named Mary Deacon was before the Recorder yesterday, upon the charge of keeping a eisorderly house, and eeillog liquor without a RCM°. The evidence showed that .thee. conduct of the women who lived in the house was of the most disgusting oharmiter. A lady testified that her hue band frequented the houSe ' and sae had seen hint leave there at four o'clock in the morning. A po liceman, it seems, kindly knocked at the door of Madam Deacon's at such hours as married man. might designate, and they were generally just be fore Aurora burst forth. The Recorder held Mrs. Deacon in the snm of $l,OOO to answer. A number of officers (?) of the United States army were pre.' sent to go ball for her, but they were refused. TIIIIS LOVE BUNNING OONTELRY. William Elliott is a soldier in uncle saws army,.. and prior to Ms muster into service he was engage .? to be married to a fair damsel. The latter, how: ever, forgot her pligghted vows with the hero, and whilst he was tramping, married one Semite LogaM Upon the return of Williasa he did not fully rectos• nice the marriage, and upon becoming too intimate with Mrs- Logue a fine little shooting-match op curred. Pistols were discharged by each of the men, but, fortunately, no damage was occasioned. The Recorder held William In $l,OOO tO answer Itt emu, and warned him to keep away from hie Ant love. [Before Mr. Aldermea Baffler.] BOtIIiTY•JIMPING, MID WHAT CAMS Olt John Dillon, an Englishman, was brought before Alderman Battler, yesterday, to Lenny against Thomas Elliott, who was charged with appropri ating $6OO or his bounty money. Dillon was Elmira, and the following evidence was elicited: I sent.t6oo to Eitiott from Boston, on the 26th of Januarrlaet. Alderman. Whore did you got it Dillon. I object to answering the oneniOn. Alderman. Then that is an end of this ease. , Dillon remained mute for some moments, appeal ing to Elliott to post him as to hie whereabouts, and the time he became poisoned of the money. Ho finally opened bin communication with the alder. man, and acknowledged that he had obtained the money In Rhode Island by enlisting, and it was bounty money. He further stated that he had en listed in 3MM/saunas. An orderly sergeant of the 15th United States Regulars now steeped up, and presented a desorlp. aye hat of one Thomas Davisomd the aforesaid Dillon answered the description to a notch. Dillon professed Mischa ignorance of the sergeant, and evidently did not deeire to Make sillier his acquaint ce or that of a revolver he wore at his side. Dil lon protested that Elliott accompanied him to Mas sachusetts and told him to send him the money, and it would be all right. The alderman told Elliott he was Compelled to discharge him, as he received the money Merely to take charge of it for the bonntylumper. He wished it understood, however, that it was his deoided im pression that Elliott received the package sent to him by Dillon. The orderlysergeant now advanced to Dillon, and, touching him upon the arm, told him he was his prisoner, ha being a deserter. Dillon foltowod the military officer with the big pistol, and Elliott wiped the perspiratiOn from his brow and breathed freer, THE LIEUTENAIiTB 9 REPORT& ; Each morning, at ten o'clock, Oh Haggles 4 mounts the miniature throne at the r's °Mee. His lientenants:rally.around him, ea° . ring in hand his report . of the previous tweet' hours' doings. Several reporters eongreg ound the precinct, and desire all the internist! at can be obtained. There are others present, If°ever, who have a deeper %tartlet in then repot Shea the t as caterers for the public. An aged lady missed her son, and she, with trembling voice, Inquires If he has been arrested. The clerk of the chief exa• mines the records, and tells her there-is, no such name upon them ; but kindly intimatestbat he may possibly have given a fictitious name, and she had better go to prison and see the oases thathave been brought In during the time she bas mimed her child. Another lady misses her brother, and when told he has been mint to prison for a misdemeanor, thanks Heaven it is not for a felony, and, grasping her parse, wends her way to the alderman's to settle the Stale little amount required to liberate hOr dear but naughty brother. Lieutenant Fuller, of the First Metre*, is present, looking as handsome as usual; but hti report does not contain anything of interest. Lieutenant Hampton, with his neatly Written re• port, shows that he has made a descent Upon three out of the hundreds of disorderly houses that infest his district, and had the occupants prison. That is a bad district of his, but these houses can only be broken up Upon due complaint of the neigh hors, made according to law. . Lieutenant Goidey, the neatest man n, his attire that the Sores can boast of, reports lOW names of John Kidd and Oharles Gorman, • eldr3ged with picking a pocket. It seems that a soldier, long in the war, had returned to and that his wife had been compelled to paw some of her furniture, owing no doubt to the shore - Comings of some paytaster. He had these tickets, together with a likeness of hie wife in •, and the abovanatned are charged with stealing it. They were_oernmitted for trial. Lieutenant Francks, the gray-haired veteran of the old district Of Northern Liberties, doer. not seem to be in a very good humor, but, on approaching him, his face assumes a pleasant appearance, and be tells you that one of his officers has been beaten. Now this explains the cause of the angry look or the lieutenant. His statement is that cite Joseph Sen ders, a night inspector of the caftan-home, behaved very badly on Tuesday, and when one of his officers went to arrest him, be was attacked violently. The. officer called upon J. M. Meyers for assistance, but he refused to take' part In the melee, The imam quence was that Solider was held for assault and battery, and Meyers for refusing to assist the Officer in his extremity. The lieutenant also reports that Michael Bryan and James Lee were found In his district With sloth. cut In patterns, and, not acing able to account In a satisfactory manner jar its possession, they were looked up. Lieut. Jacoby, who says'but little, but faithfully discharges his duties, bad a fellow who rejoiced in the cognomen of Rudolph Huzzard, charged with stealing a woman's petticoat. Now that Yeff Davis is locked up, the lieutenant could not conceive why Fluzzard wanted such apparel, so he locked him up. Limit. Torbert, of the Twouty-fourth ward, whose appearance indicates that he is a good•natured per son, reported the capture of four persons who nad no homes, and consequently came under the vagrant act. They were committed to prison. The lieute nant is thoroughly posted about these homeless wanderers—and well he may be, when that ponder ous Institution, the Almshouse, is in his district. rAeut. Edger, the naval appendage of the Police Department, is present, but makes little commo tion. He should have a steam tag, and then we might have volumes to record of his doings among the river pirates. The reports being ended, the Chief deSeenda from the throne and issues any instruotionkthat may be necessary to his lieutenants, and they depart for their stations, or to a mineral-water establishment, to refresh themselves with soda and raspberry syrup. OHAEGBD WITH AVEDIIH. A man, giving the name Of William.Hugheg, was arrested on a warrant last evening, Paned on the Oath Or Wm. Shore, by Major James Lowry, of Al. legbeay City. The prisoner standil eared with murder. He was taken Into custody in a publio home at Seventh and Chestnut, and looked Up is the Central Station. An alleged pickpocket, giving the name of Goorga Higgins, was arrested by (Moor Stephenson In the .crowd attending-the tire on South Front street, last evening. The prisoner wee looked up for a hearing. fi RE RIF F S SALES.. 111.11:11311.11 7 .1 , "iii 13 ALE. —IIY VIRTUE OF A F.- , wit of Venditioni Exporas. to me directed_ r will be exposed to public saleor vendue, on MONDAY Evening, July 8.1€66, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All the buildings. improvements, end lot of oand, situate on the north aide of Fitzwater street,..l3 feel weer f sixteenth street, in the city of Phil, dslohle• con mining in front on Fitzwater street 54feet. and in depth 67 feet. more or less -( Which premises St Inn 'ord. b• deed dated August 29, 1653, conveyed unto James Henry in fee reserving ground rove, 8 117 j _, CC. ; J., '66. 02 Debt, 869 .76 . A. Burton.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the . Property of James Henry. DENBY 0. HOWELL,.Blterift Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 10,1866. jel2-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Venditloni Exposes, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Eve ning:, Jclys, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that turee-atery brick ;nausea'e and lot of ground situate on the east side of Marshall street, PM fest IX inches north of Mister Street, in the city of Philadel. plata; ersdoning in front on Marshall street 17 feet, end in depth 71 feat 2 inches. [Which premises Eonhar 0. Howell et ox, by deed dated oprifi,lBs2. recorded in Deed Book T. B. ,no 83. page 405, Ake conveyed auto Edward H. Hales in fee, reserving eronnd rent of 251 3 tC. P. ;J , '65. 46, Debt, 1180.28. Letchmstrth. Taken in execution and to be sold as the prOserty of Edward M. bales. • HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mee. Jane 10. 1865. ;812.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Venditioni Exponae, to me 'Eroded. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on .61012.0AVEva nine-, 3.1.7 8. 1665. et 4 o'clock, at Stumm- street Hall. All that lot of ground, situate on the southeast corner of York and Cedar etreete. In the city of Philadelphia; sontaiDing to front on York street so feet , and dept h aloes Cedar greet 129 feet 634 inches to Gordon street. 011.0IIIka rent kW. W. P. ; J.. '66. 43. Debt, g 166 40. Pile. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Stephen Aeon HEMET C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 10, , 1865. je12.3 SHERIFF'S BALE. --BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendittopt Exponae, to me directed, will be exponent to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY EM AMA, jut, 8,1886, 514 o'olook, at hansom. street Ban, All that 101 of 'MIMI 'Atoms, on the month side of York street, 96 feet east or Cedar street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front 037 York street. 18 feet, and in depth 129 feet By e Sedum to Gordon street. Ground rent $lB.OO. ra. P.: J., VS. 42. Debt, %93. ea. Pllal Taken in execution and to be sold as the propene of Stephen door. HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sherif. Philadelphia, Sheers Moe, June loam. iemst SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditiord Espouse, to roe di rested. will be ennobled to public saleor vendne. on MONDAY Evenig, July 0, 1.966. at 4 o'clock. at Safisom-street all that lot of ground situate on the out side of Wadi. neon street. 140 feet north of Muter greet. In the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Waehingtan street 20 feet. and In depth 121 feet 9 lashes to flttity street. L a —On the above lot Is erected on Washington street a two story frame buildlug, in the rear a three frame building, and on &Imp street a three stern brick handing. • C. J. '65 45. Debt, $217 70. Pansoast.] Taken to execution and to be sold as the PreEertr of Edward Sherry. HENRY C. HOWELL. 'Sherif... Ehlisidelpkia. Sheriff's 0208. Jane /14.1295. .1•12-31 .. -I. 11 222 .....333 T'BE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1865. smemmtio VALES. SsiERIFF'I3 SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF writ of Venditionl Inc directed. will be mos s e . aletaitia sale or velne,onti t ONl t y u llyeniniG All OM la bet V o trakag.,.. o,. aneo east ree 'IA of Foarth WIZ. at feet nuntkof GreonWlo4. MN% in the ally of Pht aoat**ltor .11 fron t on Fourth taloa le I=l.olinto daip o tA h z2 iwzo a i treelewtha., tprangs./ Tittle -1 listai l e i s lin e r by dead Isl. Aprillk NW. tecordel Deed Book 0. EL page 49/, oogreyed awe (huge W. /argil' nt in fee, removing gremd.resat 41' $49. - CO. ; Ivi ed. 41. Debt. $65 90. Morris..! Taken in sawn and td be mold as the properlyof George W. Perkin HENRY 0. HOWELL, SherlE Philadelphia, Sherfma Office,. June 10. I£o. 3.11-81 SH*RIPP'S BALI.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expoutte,to me directed will be exposed to public sale or yawing.= MONDAY Dealing, July 8, 1863, at 4 o'clock at Sensate-street Hall, AU that lot of ground situate on trorth side of Pop ler street 188 feet 7.34, inches watt o f Fro nt street, in the city of. Philadelphia; containing front on Poplar street 18 feet. and in depth on eel:. line, 108 feet 8N inches. and on west line 107 feet 3 inches to an eleven feet. 'wide alley. containing in front on dad alley 18 feet 23i inches, communicating with a ten fastens, roaming into Peeler etteet, with privilege of laid alley. t Which let William Phillips at nit. by deed dated June id. IBM. recorded in Deed Book I a , No. 10 page 860, 40 conveyed unto Spencer Moffat in fee. reserving ground rent of *45. 1 E. W. —On above lot is erected on Poplar street it three• dory brick building, and on the rear thereof and of the lot atjallillir to the Wean two-and-a-halt story brick factory bonding CO D. ;J., 'B6. 47 Debt, 1132 91.• Bowers Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Spencer Moffat HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff . Philadelphia, Sheriff's office, June 10, Mb. SHBRIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditiont Expooas. to me directed, will be exposed to public, sale or vendne, on MONDAY finitialh July S, 1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that brick messusge and lot of ground situate on the south side of Catharine street, between Second and Third atreeta. in the city of Philos elphle ; corftaining in front on Catharine street 19 feet 9 inches, MON or less, and in depth 100 feet, more or less; bounded east bY ground now or late of Rachel Lewis, south by ground of Robert Galbraith. west by back ends of Robert Wharton's lot and ground of Griffith Brans, north by Catharine street CWhieh premises Bitten A. Carroll et ux , by deed dated April 16th. IMO. recorded In Deed Bac& G. W a , No. 46. page 201. Bc., conveyed unto Phiho L Dolmen In fee.l Subject to ;monad rent of *seism. . CC. P.: J.. '65 90 Debt. IMO NI. Barger.] Taken in execution and to be Bold as the property Of Phlrip L. Dubose( HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 10.1865. SHERIFF'S .SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vend Word Expense tome directed,. Wilt IM exposed to public aale or vendee. on MO:fp/1Y tietentte. Jul, 9, 1860 at! -o'clock. at Salmons.. street Hall, “ 11 " 4 "' - " °r / a... 1 --mirgeetze and lot of_FOOnd situate on the north aide of E mmet (formerly wester - ) street, 43 feet west of Third et...t...t0,..e100.0tt0..0r rows. • &aphis; coutsioing In front on Emmet street 16 feet, dad to depth 88 fret. CC. P. J. '65. 50. Debt, $40.60. C. Sergeant ] Taken In execution and to be sold as the property Edward Matthew. NRY E, Sheriff.. Philadelphia, SheriffsolliceJune 10: 1865. its .2.6 t SHERIFF'S SALE .- BF VIRTUE OF a writ of Pen ditioni Baponak to me directed, will be exposed to publio Bale or yend tie on MONDAY vetting,_ July 3, 1866, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that lot .of ground Altnate on the north side of Poplar strect. , l93 ieet.744 inches west of Front street in the city of Philadelphia; sontaining in front on Poplar street 18 feet, and in depth on the east line 107 feet 2 ineces. end on west line 107 feet 93i inches to a twelve feet-wide alley. Containing. in front on said alley 18 feet 2if inches, said alley ooromunimitlxidwith two ten feet al eye leading into Poplar street. with privilege of said allege. CWlllet s i t Phibips. et nx..._by deed dated Sone 4.1 H recorded in Deed Book T. .. Pio. ad, page 200. se., conveyed lento Adant'Lindlteri in fee, reserving ground, rent Of 445.7] N. D. —On above tot le wasted on Poplar street a IWO story frame building,.and on the rear thereof, And of the lot on the east, a two-and-one-had story brick Lae. tory building. CH ;J , '65. 48. Debt, /522 9L Bowers. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the pproperty of Adam Lindner. HENRY C. HO MILL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 10, 18.35. jel2-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF .writ of Levan Fasiax, to me directed, will be 041 to public sale or vendee, On MONDAY NVening I Deed Mk at 4 o'clock, at San -om-etieet Ran. All those four three-story unfinished buildings and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Letthgow sheet, one hundred and thirty-three feet seven Inches south of Diamond street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Lettbgow stied, sixty-four feet, more or lee and Di depth ninety feet.- to Fourth street. TO. P.: 66. Debt, VS. 72. Sonsall Taken in execution on judgment on city claim OIL_ 66, 99, ) for paving. and to be sold as the property of Gottlelb Blamer and John B. Wilson. owner, BENNY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 21,1866, • SHERIFF'S_SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Fachte, to me directed, Will be ex posed to pm bile sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. July 3, 1856, at 4 o'clock, at Custom. street Hall. All that certain tract or piece of land situate bathe township of Passynnk and county of Philadelphia, bounded and described according toe survey thereof. recently made by Thomas Daly, as follows: Begin • nit gat the middle of Long lane, formerly called " Souse* Lane." at a corner of land formerly of —Young, now of Azariah H. Simmons. at aL , and extending along said land north 441 k degrees east 80 4*. WO retches to a post standing In the line of land formerly of Maley and Pantoast; thence along the Same south nu degrees west 211 25 100 perches to a post in tae line of land formerly of flee. Linea; thence along the same north 861 degrees west 62 Parches to a corner in the line of land granted by John Wagner to John Layre ; thence along the same, 'parallel with said Long lane. north 40 degrees east 49 feet 6 inches; thence north sox degrees west 241 feet 6 inches to the middle of Long lane ; e the north 40 degrees, east along the middle of *aid Long lane 12 HO perches to the place of beginning; contalnis g 9 acres and 2 roods. [ Which premises John Wagner et ux . by deed dated May 19, 1964, conveyed unto Ellwood Matlack in fee.l [D. C. ; J.,'66. 325. Debt, $4 218.76. Paxson., Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Ellwood Matlack. with notice to Sarah W. Dickson, terra taunt. BURY C. HO WELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, lone 21, 1865. .162/41 E OF SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUSALE.-BY a writ of Vendittoni FExpones, to me directed, Will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Eve ning, July 8. 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-street Ball. All that three-story brick mettsuage and one. story stable and lot of ground situate on the east side of Tenth street, 840 feet north of Master street in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Tenth etreet 17 feet, and in depth 74 feet to a four feet wide alley. (Which prenaccs John Thompsoli. Esq 30 , by deed dated Penury 6, 1864. recorded in District Coon Died Book. No. 09, page 138. die.. conveyed unto bona Connors in fee CD. M t J., '65. 293, Debt, $4OO. Oseeldr Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Connors. HENRY C. nomad,. Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff 's Office, June 21,1865. 3 ant ,HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A ^a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed will be ex. Kir; ,d 6, to lge l a i f : a o l ' e cl o o r cl e rtn&!TiVeL j Atal . f. 4"uing. All that certain two.atory frame mesenage 'or tene ment. with brick back buildings and lot of pound, menete on the east side of Fifth street, between Rase street and Vine street, in the eaid city of tehitadeiphig. containing in front eightfiell het nine inches, (insilalling thirteen inches in breadth, part of a three-teat-wide alley left open for the common use of this and the adjoining tenement to the northward.) anti in depth eighty seven feet six inches, bounded northward partly by other part of said alley and partly by other ground, now or late of John Moore. eastward by ground now or late of Edward Pennington. deceased. eellthWard by ground late of Margaret Morris, and :westward by Fifth street aforesaid. Being the same premises which Charles Williams. et uxby indenture dated :April 27, d. D. EEC resordedin Deed Book d W. M He. 7, page 61.2,:fic.; eonyeged ludo Paniel Thompson in fee.) [D. 0. ; J. , M. 344. Debt. 612.000. Lex.] Taken in execu t ion and to be sold as the property of Daniel Thompson. 11E151.117j 0. .143 WELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, June 21, 1965. ja22-St SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY. VIRTUE OF a writ of Nenditioni Expense, to me directed, will be exp o sed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, Dilly 3, 1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street H Jell that three. atm brick merenage and lot of ground. actuate on the east side of Seventh street 93 feet north of Mary street, in the city of Philadelphtat containing in front on Seventh etreet 16 feet 6 Inches and in depth 90 fest. f Which promisee Owen Jones by deed dated De cember 26th, 3849, re corded in Deed hook N. S.. ao. Dane 378. dic., conveyed unto James Williams ia fee. ter9rving ground rant of $41.33 I CD. (1 t J., 85, 341. Debt, 3123 06 Ramie 3 Taken In execution and to be sold as the propertyof James Williams. HENRY C HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 21,1835. reTia SHERIFF'S SALR—BY VIRTUE OF a Nil'lt of Venditioni Exponas,to Toe directed,willbe exposed to public sale or yendne, on MONDAY Evening, JulJ a, "IMO, at 4 o' Sanaom-street Hall, • All that two• story brisk betiding and elm hbr-Louse and lot of ground eitaate on the north Vie of Moore street, 144 feet 4 to thus east of Fifth street, In the Ayr of Thiladelphia; containing in front on Moore street M. feet 10 inches. and in depth 116 feat 6 Inchon to Pierce street. (Which premises John Christopher Smith et al., by deed dated April 14th, 1667, recsrded. In Deed Book B. D. W.. No. ISO, wage 6L &c., conveyed unto David Bonier in fee, reserving around rant of $5O. ID. C. `.1.65 840. Debt gl 252.75. Eiwle.] Talton in execution and to be sold as the property of David Bouvier. Philadelphia, Sheriff's ?TralT2ll,ll.lit Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Venditioni Exponae, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or 'ream, on MONDAY Evening, July 3, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ali that lot of ground, with the two- and-a-half-story factory thereon erected, situate in the city of Philadel. Oda; beginning at a point at the northwest corner of e Germantown plank-road, or Seventeenth street. and Woodpecker lane; thence eouthweet 101 feet Aff inchee to the gad tide of the Philadelphia and Oar mantown railroad; thence northwest along the east line of the maid railroad 259 feet 13‘ . inches to the south erly line of Clearfield street; thence eastward ly along the south line of said Olearneitt street 218 feet 1034 inches to the said Seventeenth street; thence southwardly along the west side of the said Seventeenth street 13S feet 8 1 / 4 " inches. to the place of beginning [Being the same premises which John Longetreth and wife. by in denture dated the 16th day of Octobir, 1868, recorded in Deed Book A D. So. 126, page 87, dic . granted sod conveyed to Albra Wadlelgh in fee, reserving a ground rent of three hundred and thirty dollars CD. O. ; J., 65. 346 Debt, 52,316 90. Les Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Albra Wadleigh. HENRY G. HOWELL, Sherif. Philadelphia, Sheriff 'e Office. Jane 21, 1865. 302 z-n S HERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levan Facies. to me directed. will be ex posed topublic sale or yendne, on MONDAY Evening, July 8, ISod. at 4 o'clock, at &mem. Istreet Hall. All that three. story brick meantime and lot o! ground, situate on the south side of Brown etreek, 100 feet 29 blase esat of Eleventh sheet. in the city of Philad el. Oda; containing in froni on Brown street 17 feet. and in depth 126 fest 2Y. indict to Olive street. (Which mewl. Fos Dram o. Moore at ow ,keed dated mania Itch 18f4 recorded In Deed Book T. H., No, 1.41, peg. 6. 11c conveyed nom George Null in foe, subject to ground rent of $65 24. which by deed endorsed, dated April 7tb. 1864 recorded in Deed Hook T. H., No. 141. page 1, ate vat extinguletied• 3 CD. C. J. 'B5 256 Debt 21.695. Potts, 3 Taken In 'execution and to be sold -ac the property of George Null. HENRY . G. HOWELL , ttheriff. Pkiladelphis, Slonitt's Ornee, Julie 21.1865. is22-3t kitERIFF S BALL-PUBLIC BALE or vendue, on NONDalt Evening. July 8, 1865. at 4 o'slock, at eansom•street Hall. • Pm 1. All the richt, title. and interest of defendants in and to all that three•story brisk mewing° and lot of ground situated on the northwest Bide of Larch street, HO feet northeast of Ann street, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Larch street 20 feet, and in depth 100 feet. No. 2 Ali those two three.story brick buildings and lot of sronnd situate on the northwest side of Lamb street, HO feet northeast of Ann Street: containing in front on i arch street 90 feet, and in depth 300 feet CD. ; J., 'it 595. Debt, 3831 17. Stover.] Taken in execution Ind to be sold as the property of John 0 Oannnu and William 1. Wightmati 13111 . 2 0. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mace, June it, 1865. jen-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levant Facies. to me directed, will be ex pos° d to public Fide or vendne, on MONDAY Svening, July 3, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that lot of ground situate on the smith-weal angle of Dickinson and Charles streets. in the city ofPhila delphia; coutainit g in front on °harlot street 60 feet. and In depth 26 feet. to. p. J. '66 Debt. $81.63. Com ( Taken iii execution on judgment on city claim , 65, 74 ,) for work done, end to be Bola as the property of loam HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Juno 21, 1.660. je2o-8t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Fier' Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendee, on 11101.1 DAY July 3,1666, at 4 o'clock, at Sensom-street Hall. All that brown•stone church building and lot of ground B 1 mate on the north side of York street. extend ing from Barenth to Eighth streets, to the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on York street Sl4 feet 3 an inch, anti in depth 160 feet to Church street: bounded north by Mouths sheet. east by Wreath street, weet by Eighth }street. and south by York street. [D. O. t.l • 'O5. MO. Debt, $l6l. Wale- Taken in execution and to be soli at the property of the rectors, church-wardens, and vestrymen of the Mucha Bt. Bartholomew HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 21, 1065. je22.2t SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Venditioni Exportas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing... Tub S. 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom•street. All that three•story brick mammas , and lot of ground Minato oe the ....timed side of Pennsylvania avenue, 184 feet ng Maas northwest from Fairmount smarms. In the city of Philadelphia ; eon &Alain g In front on Penn sylvan% avenue 19 feet 6 inches, and In depth 55 feet. [_whish premises Mensal Bouvier et hY deed dated Marsh 29,1617, recorded In Deed Book. A. W. M. 110. W. nuke 448, lto conveyed unto John Herman, !rife% re aerving_gronnd rector 449 26.3 [D. C.: J, '65. BM. Debt, $155.66. B &COMpliell4 Taken to exeimtion and to be sold at the _property Of John Berman. BIBBY 0 L10W81.4. Elherlfrai moo. Jam 81.1865. isiNt SHERIFION SALER. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Bxporate, to modireeted. trill be exposed iopublic sale or vendue,on MONDAY rrening. July 5.1566, at 4 o'clock. at Sermon-street Hall, So. 1. All that stone factory bat/ding. !testa boilers, esteem vibes. line of main shaftingosix forty. inch made. two MOWS Of three hundred ephauee *ash end ail other machinery thereinto hapertataing. and lot or pines of ground. beginning at a stake for a corner tri the zolddte • of Adams street. in the late borough of Frankford, in the city of Philadelphia, thence along tbsuaddls'of said Adages atreet.south 19 degrees 8,4 ottuategeaetlo perches and 74 hundredths of epoch. and south V degrees and 80 minutes west 7 patches and Ave. tenth. of a perch to a corner; thence by land formerly of Peter Booklets, north 47 dear cm and 19 minutes Weal and crowing Drankford Creek 10 perches to a corner of land formerly of Joseph Potts.; thence br a•ld lead a vrth 41 distress 11 minutes mug one perch and north 41 degrees and! t rait:rotes west 19 percher, to corner of ground So to abraham Abrams; thence partly by add Abrams' and and curdy by ground conveyed to Jilts =Dna; and crOsetel Frankford creek north' 7r degrees ands Winton east about 7 perches to the east sidosof the next hereinafter described lot; thence by said ground nor.h 71 degrees and 6 minutes east about tart perches and four. tenths to the place of beginning; containing about ea acre and one-quarter of land,inerzsding road and. creek, be the same more or lase • . No. 2. Also. MI those two Rtnedvrellingre and lot or piece of ground, situate on the eslabweeterly side of said Adams street, containing in ft(011 OR said Adams street 100Iest. and extandinglontlrwaetward at right au. gleswish said Maine streetTbt deOtheabont 1.90 feet. more or lees. to the side of Frankford creek Bounded north westward by ground sonlieYed Sam e l Bolt . Sollth• westward by said ffraakford creek. evtitheastward by the above described lot, and northeastward by Adams street aforesaid. (Swig the lava ; premises whist. B. W. Tingley and others hy indenture dated September IS. Me, conveyed nate Solomon Wilde. in fee. .1 N. B. The above two. story brilik buildings ere under one roof, and have .only one _door on the street. There Is also a frame stable on lot No. 2. [D. O. OS, 907.: Debt. $2,0113167. Brlakle. l Taken in execution and to be Bold as the property of Solomon Wilde. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sherif. 091041. Jane 21. 1886. je22-3t RHERIFFB SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF 11 / 4 - , a writ of Fluries Levert Valdes, to me directed. will be enuosed to public male or vendor', on MONDAY Even ing, July 5, 1685, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street 81011. .All thatlot of ground, with the d welling-honse. loan dry. workshop, smith. shop, stable, and other the mes- Buenas end tenements thereon erected, situate on the month aide of Girard evenness nowlaid out and opened, 80 feet la' width. and on the west side of Minor-street, in the east dletrietturPenn, containing in front on Oirerd avenue SO feet. and in depth along the west side of gad Minor street 207 feet. [Being the whole of three lots or pieces of ground which Sohn Birch and wife by three separate indentures, the first dated the lath December, 1849. recorded in. deed book a W. 0., No, es. sup 460. .14 1 - The aecOnd dated the Bth May. D. 1860, and recerded in detalook W. 0_ . Mo 05. pae 962. &c. The thin dated abe9th SePteMber. P. 185 0. and intended to be totthwith recorded, 'granted, and conveyed Ento the said Samuel Ogden. hie heirs and assigns &lever, as by reference to the said indentures will mere fully and at large appear I B. B.—There are erected en the above-described lot a two-story brick railroad dePot: and - ono— story brick etablee Irt the rear, uses by shu-5t5 , ...4 gehuyi Noll..64.4.oeampaar. P B.—By an order of court. the pnrelnuotr will hexed (Paired to pay the Sherif $250 in oath at the time the property is struck off ED. a ; J., '66. 824 Debt, $lOOO McFadden Taken in execution and to be gold as the OroPelti of Samuel Ogden and the Richmond and Schuylkill Pas senger Railroad Company terre tenant. EMBRY 0. HOWELL, Shedd'. Philadelphia, Sheri ff 's Once, tune 21.1665 . jell-It R, HERM - V . 'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioxi EXPOII66, tome directed, nrillbo exposed to public senor 'endue, on MONDAY Eveing, Jnly 3, 1265, at 4 o'clock, at Hansom - street Jll that two story brick messing° and lot of [`round situate on the ead side at Seventeenth street 112 feet north of Chrietian street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Seventeenth street 16 feet, atd to depth 76 feet to a fonr•feet alley with pr1y11626 th ereat IWhich premises Thomas W. Watson. by deed dated April 1 2 , 1860. recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., o°,lo, Page 269. ha., conveyed unto James Penny in fee. CD .13. .I J.. '66 266. Debt. 2260 e Jamkennex.ution-REARYOIHOWhLL, Sheriff. of Philadelphia,. Sheriff's Office, June 91. 1266. ie22-39 S HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditinnt Sxponas, to me directed., will be exposed - to public eale or vendue. on MONDAY Nye nings July 8, 1865. at 4 o'clock. at hansom - street Hall. All that three-rtory brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the northeast abie of Pennsylvania avenue. fifty-two feet three and Ave-eighths inches northwest of Fairmount street, in the city of Philadelphia • thence northeast forty four feet; thence north 4131153011 feet four and one. fourth inches; thence northeast four feet four lushes to a five-teat-wide thelllea northwest MOUS came tee feet nine 160111611 thanee strathweet eizty-three camePenneylyania &venue; thence southeast along eightscat feet to beginning. [Which premises Michael Bouvier, et us* . by deed dated March 2s, MN, recorded in Deed Boot A. W. N. No. 34., pile 423. aro., conveyed unto John Hermon in 'tee, reserving ground rent of SO 29 7 CD. C 1.04. Debt, $133.66. E 8 Campbell, Taken in execution and to be cold ac the -property of John Berman. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 21,1866. je22.3t- FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY. Croton rise Insurance-Ve., New York. Atlantic Fire and Marine Ina. Co., Pro vidence, B. I. People's Fire Ins. Co., Worcester, Illass. Thames Fire His. Co., nOrnich, Conn. luxuriate@ eroded in reliable Companion to say amount, upon LIBERAL MCA. without Ghana for POLICI.IB OB STAMP. JOSEPH TILLINGHAST, AGENT, jeS•etnth2m 409 WALNUT &rest DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE CONFINE' INCORPORATED ET THE LEGISLATURE OF • PggiNaYLVANIA,-.1153.1. OFFICE, R CORERR THIRD ADM WALROW STRESTS. ralLA.DELenit- Bz KARIN' INSURASfeII LS CABOO,_ , TO all Darts of the world. FREIGHT, INLAND ristrzenßa On Goods, by River. Canal, - Lakey and Land Carriage, to all parts of the Union. FIRS INSURANCII6, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Roues. 1101. • ASSETS OF THE comma'. November 1 1861. • - Sloo.lEBHllitef.States Five Per , dent.Lokm.m.sioo,cao 00 111,000 Six • " 'Bl. 118,216 00 76.000 " Six " "6.205. MASI ISO 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. • Loan.. —.. . 03,1216 00 64.000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan . . 65,840 00 . 1.15,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Ot•Loan. 319,120 37 20.000 Pennsy lvania Railroad First Mort gage Six Per Cent Bonds..-..._ b'ps 00 60,020 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort gage Six Per (lent. Bond.. • . 63,260 00 16,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Has Company, prinelpal and interest guaranteed By the alb of naiads". .. . ... 16.900 00 5,600 DO Shares Stook ' Pennsylvania Rail. road Company.— 3.10000. 6,000100 Shares Stook North Pennsylvania Railroad 00131.48117 , .....,........ ' 8.1:60 00 60,0 d) United States Treasury earldiestea of Indebtedness.«.., ' GAN 00 30,000 State of Tenlll6llll6 Firer Per us. Lose 12,000 00 28,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage. amply 129,730 CO 16150,200 Par. Bert /342,100.60. Market veins./867.677 97 Meal Estate.— • scow 00 Dam rosiyabie for issarallaal made.: 118.390 U Balances , dne at Ataletaa...-Treml nMs on Marine Policies, Anortted Interest, and * other debts doe the Company. Wes st Strip and Stock of sundry Mumma and other Companies. !CUL Esti. mated valet...—. ~. • 2.3 90 00 Cash on deposit With UMW * States Governmentsubiest to ten dais' ' " Oath in • 68;76 95 Drawer. 637 —s-9469 691 49 46.401.984 02 I BB: Samuel E. Stokes, J. 1. Pentagon. • Henry Womb William G. licegton, Id ward Darlington, H. Jones Brook*, Jacob P. Jones, • James B. lielsiland. Joshua P Syne' Spencer biellvelne, John B. Sempl,o •PBSsburg. IL B. Berger, rittsbarg. e. ruin, Prattle& DAVI& VIM rgellitlent. - ataxy. deledy Thomas 0. Bud, John 13. Davie, Edmund A. Bonder. Theophilus Fauldbas. John R. Penrose. James Traguair, Henry 0. Dane% Jr.,. James G. Hand, WWI= a Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, George O. Leber, Hugh Gralic„ Hobert Burton. THOMAS JOHN C. HENRI' LTLIMEN, Seer TEE RELIANCE INSURANCE o . ol*- - PANE . • OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual. OFFICE No. 308 WALITIPT STRUT. CAPITAL, $300,000. Insane against Lou or Damage by FIRE House S. Stores. and other Balldingivlimited or poyetnal; and OA Furniture, Ooods, Wares, and MorebandDA, Intown Or Wintry._ 'LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJII O6B BTID Alp PUP. ASSET $4OO. Invested In the following Seonritkal. VIZ. : First Mortgages onelly Property,wellsesured4ooB,6oo 00 United States Government Loans•---. 141.000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per sent. Loans 50,060 00 Pennsylvania BUM= 6 per cent. Lon— /MOO 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds. first and sir Camdenortgasos..... 16.000 00 and Amboy Ralizoad Comma's 6 percent. Loan. • 6,00000 Philadelphia and Rodin Railroad - 0011- pans 'a 8 per sent, Loan.•---- 6,000 00 HuMingdon and Broad Top ?per sent, mod gage bonds.— 4,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stsek.—. 1.060 Mechanics' Bank 4,000 01 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Buick• • 10,07) 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Sleek.. 380 Reliance Insurance Company. of Pll4l,del pkta'a 5t0ck...... fo Accrued Interest.. 6,455 42 Cash in bank and On 13.025 29 $400.060 71 Worth at present merhet v51ne»............4 1 4117 — fial DllitgoTollB. • I Clem Tingley, WllMaraStavonson. Wm. li. Thompson. Boni. W Tingley, William Masser. Marshal/ L. I , IUL lismval Mispham, Charles land, IL L. Carson, J. J obs Non Brown. FLOW Steen, Thomas H. Moors. CLEM TINGLBI", President, TEMIEIE4 O. Hum. Secretary. PHILADELPHIA. December 1. ISM. ' ANTHRACITE INBIJRAIWE COM PANY.—Authorised Capital SMO,OOO--CIRA3TE6 PERPETUAL. Ogice No. 311 WALAUT Bind. boirreen Third and Fourth streets. Philadelphia. .1 This Company will Insure against &ass or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise' gene rallAy. * , mo, Marine Insurrumes on Vessels, Cargoes. and Freights. Inland Insurance to all Pans of the Union. DIREOTORE Davie Pearson, Peter Edger. J. E. Biwa, Dean. 'AM F. M. John Ketcha re m, 'AM BORER, Psident. DEAR, Vise President. &Ott William thrher; D. Luther. Lewis Andearted, John B. Biacktaton, Joseph Nealeid, WILLL WM. Ir, W. M. MUM Secretary. AM E RICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PRTUAL. No. 910 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Hawing a issue paid.un °MAW Stork and Surplus in 'Seated. in Mind and available Smart:loi, continuo' to insure on DWOMILP, Monti, Furniture, Mershaldlik Vends in port and their Cargoes. and other PODIORAI Property. All losses liberally and prompuradjusted. • DIBBOTOR.S. Thomas B Marl. James IL Campbell. John Weise,. Edmund O. Drank, Samuel O. Bolton. Charles W. Poulin'''. Patrick Brady. Israel Monk. • John T. Lewis. TRO AS B. HAWS. President. ALBUM C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. fen tt rns INBURLNCE EXCLUSIVELY. —TU PNINSYLVANIA. /INN INSUBLNOII 00/1. T . Incorperate4 1115). MARTEL PNV,PSTEr, AL- No. 510 WALNUT Street, negate Indenonsion“ SunOS,. Tble (Jimmy, favorably known to the community for nearly forty years, continues to imam against Loos or Damage by Fire, oa Public or Private Sandbags. either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on 702- 111 WO Stooks. epode. or Merchandise generally. on lanai terms. Their capital. together with s large Supine tang, la invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to Offer to the Insured sot undoubted. immune la the ease Of losik DIRICITONS. Jonathan Patterson. Daniel Smith, Jr.. Alexander Benson. John DeverenS, liana Haslehurst, _ Thomas Smith. Thomas Bobble. ''' Henrymrell Lewis. J. Mitzi . JONATHAN PATTSZION. Presidelk WrouliM G. Gaowsig.. ileoretarg. FAME INBURAN , " No. 406 OEN: IIAS LA]) AND IA B COMPANY ' :TN_UT BENIXT. BLYBIA. D TIDVBI7IIOI. , TOILP 1 .lohnW. Brirmaaa. Robert B. Potter. I John Kessler, IT.. N. D • woodruff. ukuulios Stokes. Joseph D. IlUs. I: Prosldont BON. .VW. Proldelt. taw PO4 DUNA Fronds 11. Busk, Owl.* itlebardeoi. Burr Low% s ueisanWright. ,l George A. ough. TEA Ma If„ ORAL RICHARD: W. L. DAAPIDAAD. none BAiBOS►D LINEL 1865. zucTiVArrefis. 1865. anNIPAINERE !HE cAluiiii Ail; AxLVOY AND PHILADNIAMII AND TRINTON BALROA_D 0011PAXE'll I.J_LL/41. FROM PIatIdeDBLPHIA po itEw FORM AND WAY PLUCK WILLWALNUT , aTE, Tat WHEEL WILL IXAVII Al FON.Loyft-VLIC. AWL At &L X.. via Camden mid Amboy,- li. and A. A. F . commodation. -...«.. - --........-. —oc ad At 8 A. N., vie Camden lad Janie,' CiPy, Ilos.rat Al 9.76 a. 111.. Ms (Minden finTArab• - ir homilili o * dation (Freigt t and Faaannem) ,---•-. • • -•• 116 At 2 P. 16.. via Candela *ad Amboy. O. &mil b. Hz rese.. M...." • • W 1... • ..•••••••••••• •1411•114114... 2 32 At 12 X goonNIA Camden and Amboy. Aseedimes• _, datlonSiceicut and Famenger).... ...... • -...• 23, At 6P. M.. via Camden aid Arnboy7Aaeommod NON aveliki and Paineseecer)--let Clan 'Fieligt... 2 26 Do.Si Class Ticker... / 60 1114 P. X. via Camden . and Amboy_. AOCOMZIO. dation (Freight and Pasmasger)-let Mass Tietch 215 Do do. Id Class Ticket, 160 At 0.00 A. N.. 2.00 and IF. N. for Monet Holly,;.BW. EtilTille, run boTtOn. end 1!a letdown. At 6AI FL and 3 P. X. for Freehold. At band Old A. H.. 1! X .. 310, kr. said 11.14 F. /Law Palmyra, EINEM% Damao, Noverty, Nagewace__,r Burlington, Florence. Bordetitewn, be. . The IP. R. line rata direst through to Trenton. At 7.10 A. li , for Palmyra. Bitarton. Delano, Nerd" , ly. and so, lingtom At 10 A Id sad 3r. ac, Steamisoot Trenton, for EXP ton. Burlington. Bevely. Bo; LIMBS PIICH KIDESIDOTON DMOT WILL IsIATII. nus. - At 11.16 A. it.. via ae As ssimezon o a m nd Jinn Cit y. 1txpre5e.............. .... _ -. --........-.... 900 At 4.10 P. N.. via Keitein - Aton anijetrsey City,lg. er5e5............- ......_... - ............. 3 00 At 0.46 P If.. via Ifensingtom mod Jersey City , . Washin_gion and New York Exprese..- -.. -..-. 800 At 12 P. M. (Eight) via Kennington and Jersey Oily Washington and New York iliall.— f _- - --lil Fa She e. 46 P. Line will run daily. All others cm. due excepted. For Auflaio, Beenkirk . .., Elmira, Inlet's, Owego ,_l(s. shelter, Dinghampion, urast Bend, Ifesitroae. wiiken barn, Swanton, Stroudabrlrt. Water Gap. 'Belvidere, Banton, Lambertville. IlmaingtOn, &ft. at 2.30 A. X, and &SO P . M. The 3.30 P. N. th in commie with the train leaving Easton for Yana Obnak. Allentown. Bethlehem. &a For LaninerPrille and intermediate stations at 5 P. X. For Bristol. Trenton. am. at LSO am mu Lt Y.. 3.20 and 6P. X and 12 midnight. For Cornwells, Torrisdale, Hohneeburg, Tawny. Wissonoining, Brldeaburp and'Frazikfdrd. at 9A. m.. 12 16, 3. 5, 6. 8.30, and 12 I'. IL The cool'. N. line inns to Holmesturg MIT. HE.. For New York and 'Way Linea leaning KeludAr• ton Depot, take the Care OE Fifth etreet, above Walnnt. half an hour before departure. The earl ran into tan Depo o t. and or. the arrival of each trail OUR from Ike De nny pounds of Baggage only allowed esehmnsw . Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as • gage but their Welting apparel. £ll osagsge over rounds to be raid for extra. The Company limit the '42 7„l:lV.liff fo r baggage to exult ~,,..I ni t.eamed. ~,t a . - ...w5-osMe to ws Will eall for and dellyer baggage at the meow. - 1 lobe left at Aka 5 vial ant street im R. OATEXIX. Anat. June IS On. _ ~. LINES FROM NNW YORK POE PHILADELPHIA, WILL MATE P 505 THE 100 T op 00171EIZAND STEN" At IS X. and 4P. X.. via Jersey CiMr. and Camden. A y t 7. 10, and 1W A. X., 6 P. X. and 11 (Eight), via Jim. a City and Keneington. WOW the foot of Busby street it 6 A. K. and I P. K.. via lintel . and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North rilleroat II 21.. ii, and 1 F.M. (fotight and yammer). Amboyand Camden. arel•tt • PRILADBILPHIA, 1611114.111wxuasoroir. AID HAITI. ItAILKOAD tom Commensing MONDAY, - 4.liztr. Bd, 1268, Tralas Will leave DePotominer BROAD Strut and MEMO TON Avenue, as follows: Kamm "Train, at 4.06 A.M. (Mondays 4XAMIVON for Baltimore and Washington. stopping at wmingiox. Prryville. Havre de.Graae, Aberdson, Perryman% anolia. Delaware Railroad Train at 7.45 A. IL (Soadays oz• espied) for Eialisbury. Milford, and intermediate Sip Hons. Way. Matt Train, at 8.11 A.R. (Sundays smelted). !Or Baltimore, dont hill , refla ( r s stat a on s s. tad for Baltimore T ard. Washington. slopping it (CaGt i r. Blkton, Perryville a nd Havre-de- Gras*. Express Train at 8.56 P. M. (Sundays e xcepted) _ for Baltimore smd. Wasbington, stopping at Iminatort. Newark_, Elkton North-Bast , Perryville , Havre-de , GranYan7roa's, Matrons. and Simmer's Run. 15(isAt Rst.ress at 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stepping at Chesterjonly to Mks Baltimore and Walbingten_pnozernersl. Wilmington. &Wart, ilk ton, North-East, Perryville, and Rana- de-Grass. Passengers for NORFOLK. FORTRESS MONROE. CITY POINT, and RICHMOND. will take the 1.16 P. M. train. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Stopping at all Stations between Phlladelphia and • Leave Philadelphia at 7.46 and 11 A. M., 2, IL 30, 4.,_T; and 14 P. M. The 5.80 P. AL train commits with De /mar* R. R. for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington at 6.46, 8, and 9.30 A. NA, 11.30 and ISO P. AL Trains for New Castle leave Philadelphia at 7.46 and 11 A, M. 8.80 and 5 P THROUGH TRAINS FROM * BALTIMORE. Leave Wilmington at 12 M. 4.27. 8.32 and 9.64 AL oussm FOR PIILILIDILI/HIA. Lexie Chester at 7.415. 8.43,10.14 A. IL 11.36. 3.411. 4.40. FROM2O. and 9. 06P. M. BA.LTIRORE TO PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore 8.26 A. IL. Way Mailt_l.lo impress; 4.26 P. M., Way Train: 11.36 P. M.. UMW; 9.26 P. M.. Rroress TRAINS FOE BAJ.TLISOEIL Leave Chester at &HA. M 1.00 and 11.40 Leave - Wilmington at 6.111.-41,. LB% 6.01. and 12.25 P. M. height Train. with passenger Car attached. will leave for Panning lad tusera•alate stations at 7.40 P. j. TEAM Revels Train at 4.06 L. M. for Baltimore and Waik• baton. stopping at Wilmington, Perryville Halyard,- GraseCrdeen. Perryman% and Magnolia. Nit Biprem at 11.16 P. M. for Baltimore and Was n, stopping at Cheater (for Baltimore and Washington plesengers)._ Wilmluton, Newark. Ilk. tell, North-East, Perryville, and Havre. de•Grase. Aseommislation Train at 10P. N. for Wilmington and way stations. BAI,TIMOBB FOB PHILADBLPEILL Leave Baltimore at 9.26 P. M. stopping at Grace, Perryville. and Wilmington. Also stops at Elk ton and. Newark (to take Maunders for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington Or Baltimore), and ()heater to /ear* pasSOUO2III from Baltimore or "AIM wiimbuton for Philadelphia at 0.30 P. N. ap3 M. P. KINXII. Bop% pENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. The trains of ths PenztVlyania Central Railroad Stre leave e ts the New Depot . at TsisTISTH and KAMM . , The .are of the Market-street Paasenger Railway run to and from Pennsylvania Central IF timid Depot * at Thirtieth and Market arsons ; they also leave Front street 'rely two minutes,. aolomenolag one hour prod. ous to the time of departure of Gash train, and allow about 30 minutes for a trip. Their cars are In waiting on the arrival of each Train 10 convey mumengers into the city, and conneatimm are made with all roads orotsimOlarkst slyest On SIINDAYS—Cass leave Levant)). and Market at.. at 7.46 P. If.. to conned- with Pittsburg and We Mail. and at 10.25 P. M. with Philadelphia Szprein Maim's Ramage Express will haresSWl be touted at rfo. in South Bleventh stream Part* desiring banana taken to the trains, can AIMS it dons at seasourdde rata. upon application to MUDS SBA'S AXD ARSIVI AT DSToT WM, tc NAlt MATS. &OD A l M. PAO I ACOOMMoDATIoN, Ro. 1.... 10.00 PAST LINE. " 12.00 N. PAREESBURO.. " Lllp HARRISBURG too LANCASTER ACCOMMODATION....- " 4.00 " PAOLI TRAIN. No. 2- " &SO ' PITTSBURG AND " 8.5 " i'MILADELPRIA ERPSIIOO " 11.10 " PITTSBORG ANDJIRIE 1 . 50 PHILADELPHIA " 1.05 " EAOLI ACCOMMODATION, NO. " &20 " 9.00 LANCASTER • " so P. N. PAST " 12.50 ' PAOLI ACCOMMODATION. Do. 4. 40 6 ' DAY IXPRESS..... 5.45 " HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION.... &40 " 'MAIL " 11.20 " Philadelphia , lniie s slileaves daily. Pittsburg and Iris Mail leave, ally ((except Saturday). All other Trains daily reneept Sunday. ) The Pennsylvania Railroad CompanT will not assume any risk for names, exempt for wearing Antarel, Ent limit their reeponsibilitY to One Kindred Dollen In value. All Baggage Weeding that amount in vane Will be at tho risk of the owner, unless taken by W eird contrast For farther information, as to time mid oolizootionik see bills sad framed cards, or apply to THOMAS H. MK& TUYst Agent. at the Depot. An Emigrant Train ram daily (except Sanday. ) /or fall information se so fare and amommods tFioUNK ns, apply to PEANDIE fe2o-tf 137 DOCIE Streit. 1865 MININIE 1865 PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE HAIL: Z OAD. --This great line traverses U. Northern_ead Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the shy of Wle, on-LaXs Brie. . It lute been legged by the rmarsnariliu. ZAlre KOJI) COMPANY, sad is operated by them. I Its entire length was opened for bamenser and freight business October 17th, Inn _TIMM 01 PASSUGHISTIAINEI AT muninimilliA. Leave Westward. Mail SAO P. a. Loa Haven Aeweamodation nritll.l_ z: -.8.03 A. IL Pilieenner SIWOUP On wail Taill without shame both wising between Philadelphia and Iris. aid Baltimore and Arlo. Elegant Sleeping Gan on Elmira Irma Trains both ways between Philadelphialand Look Haven, .ind of Elmira raviolis Train both ways between Williaauport and Baltimore. For information respeetingPassenger business. OSP sorrier THIRTIETH and MARKET Ste. Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the OompariVe_Agents. S. B. KINGSTON • Jr. tamer TEIRTEEMI MARKET Streets, Plibdelphta. J. W. GETNOLDSOirIe. WILLIAM DROWN. AMA C. MON Baltintore. E. . H__ • Chtnend Freight Arent Phuadamiat oninsras. Genoa JOSE PH D. Agent POTTS, Philadelphia. JOSE. de1641 General Manager. Williamsport. MUM& WEST JERSEY RAIL ROAD LIENS—From foot of Walnut street. Daily except Sundays. Commeming SATURDAY. June 10th, 1865. For CAPE MAY. Sm., (at 880 A. M.. Express), 2.80 p. , Passenger. For SIILLViLLE, VINELAND, 40., OM A. M.. and 2.50 P. M. For BRIDGETON. SALEM. am.. at 8.15 A. 21.. 400 P. N. For GLASSBORO, &A, 8.80 and 9.16 A. M.. 2.90 and 4.00 P M. - For WoODBURY, se.. 8 80 and. 9.16 A. M.. 2.80, 4.00 and SAO P. M, _ • BWITIRIIING, WILL LEAVE Caps May M 6 80 A. Si , Mall. (8.90 A. M., Freight), 16.00 P. M., Passenger sliumou at 7,55• A H.. Mail. (12.08 P. kr.. Freight), 8,60 P. M.. Passener. Bridgeton at 64 0 A. 2:4, Mall, (9. 45 1 1-. Freight). 4.20 P. Id , FISINAger. Salem at 6.261... 111.. Mail. (9.00 A. X., Weight), 4.05 P. M., Passenger. Woodbury at 7.06, 8.16, and 9.06 lOW (1.40 P. M Freight), 6.64 and 5 25 P. M., Passenger. On the let day of July an additional express train will be added to and from Cape May, and which will leave Owe May at 8.00 M., and Philadelphia at 4. 90 P. K., through in three hours from Oamdeu. .7 VAX RBESSELARR, Saperintendent West Jersey, Salem, and Cape NAY and MGryttle Rail ad. ro THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS GOMPANY W ess . receiv e, d a e l l l i tvheer u n a l f b wa chs hr f o u x h roth ebu spotable - Express Companies. to all parts of the coun try, ally article entrusted to them. A Special Messenger accompanies sash through train. Pan ADELPHIA, 31111111 6.1886. isle-teal NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD For BETHLSHRBL DOYLUTOWN. NATION BARTOS, WILTArIeDOFL.IVILICROBILERI, &o. Passenger Trainsleave the neew Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, daily (Sundays excepted) as follows: At 7.90 A M. (Express!) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mandl Ohrlk, Hazleton, WilHanwport. Wilke& tirre. dto At 3.90 P. N. (Express) for Bethlehem, laston,/te. At 616 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown , Manch Chunk. Danville, Williamsport. Yor Doylestown 01 95 A. M., 180 and 4 15 P. IL A For Yost Washington at 10 A. M. and 11 P. AL For Lansdale al 6.16 P. M. White cars of the Second and Third.. streets Line Oity Psasengat Railway run directly to the new Depot. Maine YOB PHiLADILPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6 80 A. K., MOB A. N., WA e. 15 P. M. Leave Doylestown at 5,40 A. 8., 9.14 and OP. S. Leave Lansdale at 6 A. M. Leave Fort WgehiligtownoALL K. and 4.15 P. N. - SPLIDATB. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. X. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 3 P X. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.10 A. 114. Bethlehem far Philadelphia at 4.90 P. X jet BUIS CLARK. Meat. 1865.-P H I L d• D LP HI A LIP BLMIRA RAILROAD LIAR to alt points WIWI. The direst routs for the OIL REGIONS 011 lIINNOTLVANIA_, gni WILLIAMSPORT BUFFALO, SUSPENSION BRION& EL T FALLS, and all places ill the intern and Northweitern Stine and theihinadai. TWO TBROUGII TRAINS Lim Philadelphia and Rimini Railroad Rook Thir• ninth and Callowhill streets, Mann (Suailins eeptedl, for the North and Wed_ , follows: Moraiag Impress at B A. N. Afternoon laanals at &BO K. 111 1 a direct smooth:Hi with ?. al& intennitUhdroadra FOB sou to snonsig to any Pointaul mixer pinioning ooneerning the differeat ands at the TICKET 017 ION. RAS CRISTO= Biro& UMW the Philadelidds Na% and Wits pa Outten Rowe. • I. AN NO , Tielmt ADA% .126 str. JO IL BMW % Obettaat semi Ar& eet 111 Thittooath cauovl/111 RAILROAD LIBEL _ _ algaigM PH/LADELPfij o li. 011111dANIOWN, .t." 1"" EISTOWN IiAILHOAD. TIMIS TABLI, M6B ii tll farther Ou and after MONDAY, J 0."." "• Rothe. pan oaRMAITOWN. _ _ Leave phil a d.o..h7l. a, 7,8, 9. 10, 11, 11 A. M., 2. .3, 1 0 , pc 4. 0, 6,V.'.M: .........e , enaantown 6. 7. 73i, 8 8.70,_9, /0, IL 14 LS.. 1. 1. 0.674, 7,3, 9, 10. 11 P. H. r e 9.20 down train and 'B%, 11.1) Mins Atti net stop on the Germantown Branch. OW SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.17 zain. A. IL, 2,8, IL fr. lox P. Lean Oermantown 9 A. 19,1. 4, 64. 9,;( P. M. CHESTNUT. RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,8, 10; M A. M., 0. 8%, OK, 7. 74 and 11 P: M Leava. Chestnut Hill 7.10 min., 8, 9.0_, 11.40 A. M.. 1.40. SAO, 6.0, 6.40, 8.40. audit:l99min. P. K. • 01X 81112 DAYS. Leavenlladelphia 9.10 min. 4. N . 9. 6, and BP. M. Leave Cheetailt inn 7.40 min. A. 16,, 33.40, 6.10, and 9.26 P. if FON CONSHOHOCKIIN !ID 11011.1118T0WN. Leave Phllidalphla 6, 8 85. 11.C6- min. A. M ,136, 8. 6.14. 6,5‘. 8 'osmitt. and 113iP. Aft Leave Dorrlotown 6N, 7, 7.63, 9, 1 T A. M.. 134, Hi, 6.g. and 8 P. M. The 636 P. 81 Math will atop at School Lane, What- Maillurtre. bring Mille, and . Conshohocken only. _ _ 919 tiIIRDATt, Leave PhtladelDblivEr.A. M. 4134 and'e&P. M. Leave 33orrietown+7 A. IL . I and 6 P. EL volt MaIeaYLINK Leave Pldladelpbla 8.86, ILO2 min. de. m. is. 434, 63g. 8.06. aat}lA P. 11 Leave Elanarink 6%. 736, 8.20. 934. 113441 21., I, 2, 7, 835 P. M. Ce..tPADAYPe.. Leave PbiladelphlirPr te17,74'43i, and 9 P.: Leave Manaynnk 7,141 K.. 1%. 6%. and 9 P. K. W S. WILS*II. General Superintendent. Denot, NINTH and G 1 UN Streets. ios-t[ r: • L .-. WEST CHESTER AND PHILADIMPRIA It ROAD: V a MEDIA. Mania& 41.114dWGIMENP Oa Iklld oftculiONDelt, Jdhe 6th, 1666. the tratnewill leave as follows WEST CRISTREt TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for West - Chester at 7. 66 and 10.314. M. and 280. 9.45. and 6 95 P. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 6 20, I:4s.tud 10 86 A. N., and 2 and 446 P.'6l. Trains leaving West Chester at 7.95 A. N.. and leiV lug Philadelphia st 4 96 P.M. wlli not stop at PenneltOn and Will stop below 13. O. Junction at Media only; B. G. JUNCTION Leave Philadelphia for B. O. Junction at 6 03 and 10.30 P. M. Leave 11. C. Junction for Philadelphia at 8.236.: M. and 7.20 P. M. On MOWS and Fridays only, until further notice. Market Trainwith Passenger Oar attached, will Ism Welt Chester for Philadelphia at 6.66 P. 31 *topping at all stations. These trains stop at all Intermediate stations. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 8.801 6L and OP. N. Leave West Chester at 81 N. and 6P. N. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7. 36 A. M. and 4.95 P. N.. and leaving West Chester at 9.96 A. N. and 4 45. P. , connect at a; •O. Junction with trains on P. & O. N. B. for Oxford aid intermediate points. Passengers are allowed totake wearing apparel Only 111 Luggage, and the Company will not in any ears 'be usponsitde for an amount exceeding one hundred dol. Isre,isnless a special contract is made for the same. HENRI WOOD, Can't SUP.- PHILADFLIIILa; Marehail IWAO ; styli , 0 *14:1 ;nip I >f aiimmit I'HE ADAMS EX PENN COMPANY, Office as* BUT== Eared. forward. Parcels, Paokages. Mor. illhandiza. Bonk Nato.. aid Specie, either by its own Entofhlennicalestiotrwn other (I.tre r ri e n C tt r gl i ,;:a fitaies. B. S. SANDFORD,. - RV '- Oineral RllPerilltelldeDi. SMPPING. Aft U. B. MAIL LINE FROM BALTIMORE for FORT MONROE. NOR- FoLII. CITE POINT, sad lIICHMOND, by first elms steamers, and experienced captains. daily. The Bay Line steamers Louisiana and Daniel Web ster will leave the Union Book, foot of Concord street, daily, at 6 o'clock P.M.for Fort Monroe and Norfolk, Vs., connecting at Fort Monroe with the steamers Geor gians and M. Martin for City Point and Richmond. Va. Returning. will leave Richmond at 6 A. M. daily, stopping at City Point, and connecting at Fort Monroe with the Bay Line steamers that leave Norfolk at EX P. N., and arriving in Baltimore in time for the Eastern and Western trains. and for Washington City; D. G. The steamers of this line navigate the James river, soles and returning. entirely in day time, giving one. semen ample time to as. the fortifications, and all other objects of interest. Tickets for the Above places can be bad on board of the boats. Fare from Baltimore to Norfolk..• 00 Fort Monroe.--- 5 BO Through tickets from Baltimore to Richmond 00 State-rooms and Meals extra ally 7 60 The state-room accommodations are ansarpassed,and the table well supplied. Passengers taking the 1.15 train from Philadelphia will make connection with this line. Passengers taking the s A. BE train from New York (have ample time to dine in Baltimore. Passengers taking the 3 P. M. train from Washington make connection with this line. A coach will be in waiting on the arrival of the 116 train from Philadelphia to convey passengers to the boatrbf this line. free of charge. Baggage carried free of charge. K. N. FALLS, President. E. D. .TANAR, General Passenger Agent, Philadel phia. je4o-tf s ink STEAM TO LIVERPOOL-- Calling st Queenstown—The Inman Line, SINI-WARICLY. tarrying the U S. Mane. CITY or ntsworigBs.Sß.... WEDNESDAY, Inns 28th. CITY OF NEW YORK.... • SATURDAY. Judy let. (wry OF Dl7/3/.1N.... ....WIDSWiDAY. [Width. CITY OF Bosrox. - SATURDAY, JelY At Noon, from Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAON. First Cabin—.,... $9l) CIO Steer"age. 00 I to London. 96 CO to London... 84 00 " ~ t erra's... .106 00" to Paris 40 CO Passengers aleo forwarded to Havre. Hamburg. Ere men, &a • &o. at moderate rates. Patna" by the mall steamers. sailing every Satur day, payable in Mold.. Passage by the mid *week steun• ers, payable in U. S. currency. Steerage passage from Liverpool or Queenstown. $3O gold. or its equivalent. Tickets can be bought here by persou lending for their friends. For farther information, apply at the Company's Offices. JOHN tit. DALB, Agent, je22- Or/ 111. WALNUT Street. Phila. atik BOSTON AND PHILADM PHIL STILMOHIP mains from pule port on SATIMDAIS, from drat wirart above MO rait. Phllddolthis. and Lou Wharf. Bodo'. The steanualp BAXOII. Capt. Matthews, will " sall fro* Philadelphia for Boston, onSatarday, Jaly let. at la 1. X.. and steamship MOBIL&X,, Gum Baiter,Sroas Boston for Philadelphia. on the um* day at 4 P. Thu* 3•W and inbmtantlal staamaixips form a ragam lima millst from ow& port !mutually oti Batiuditys. Mtunman *fatal at ono-lutit the wwwitist Mutt" , on the Yaaaala. Freight' takes at fair rates. Shippers are requested to lend SUP Seeable and of Loam with their goods. Vorlrelght or nem, (haling flue seeemsedatlowd. &Wily to HU. 1110303 At 00 33A Sonia DILLAWABB A Ali ga i t NEW TOW-BOLT LINE. —DELAWARE AID OHRBAPBAKI BMX TOW. BOAT COMPANY. —.Barges Towed to and from Philadelphia, Havre de Orace,__Baltimore. Wash ington, and intermediate points. WAS. P..OLTDB & 00.. Agent ,e Mo. Mk EOIITH WHARVES, Philadelphia. Capt. JOBE LAUGHLIN. Superlistamdent. Self tdel a d dr in g NEW EXPRESS LINE, TJ ALEXAXIFELI, GIORIINTOWX, £X WAIIIIINGTOK. Via Chesapealt• aorDelawar• 011Pai. Steamers lama hat Wilma aboys MARKET hirsiL IaWS7 WEDNESDAY awl SATURDAY. at IS X. for Freight. apply to Agents. WR.T. MIDI* IF 00,, 14-North and South Wharvar.Phils. J.D. Divuniow DaorgatoNA.D.O. ; FLOWERS & BOWEL Atazanarla Va. tab3.4-lha A da& NOTICE.-FOR NEB; YORK —YU PHILADELPHIA ARP NOW YORK EIMER EITIAMBOAT COMPANY. We Daman sad Hunan Canal. Boma" kayo DAILY. Ant wharf beloW MA3KI9 etroOkat I o'olook P. IL Wm. P. CLYDE & CO.. 14 O. WHANTIOLIALM mokliMaa JAMES HAND. UT WALL Shoot. Wow York. te ItOAa 0- vk'r 111 r [(AA PENN STEAM ENGINE AND SOILBE WORKS. NE&PLE & LAM P HNI T S ICAN L DTH •MA O R RETC BL ANKSMETHS MnA POUNDERS. having for many years been In suscessfol operailou, and been exelusively engaged in building and repairing Marius and River Inginea, high and pressure, Iron Boilers, Water • Tanks, Propellers, No., Ye., respectfully offer their services to the public an being nu.B..y prepared to contract for enema of all nisei. Marine. River, and Stationary ; bit-Ong ord e r tterns or afferent Nisei SLIM wrepared to execute with quick despatch. Every description of patters-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low• Pressure. 111141. Tabular, and Cylinder Rollers, of the best Penn sylvania shareoal iron. retains of all nizee and kinds; Turning, ad Braes Castings of all descriptions; Roll- Ssrew.entting, and all other work connected With the above business. Drawings and speolleations for all work done at the establishment free of ;Marge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for TIM Plllll of boats, where they can lie inperfect safety, and aye providod with sham, blocks, falls, till, Ali, for /4111.11( heavy or light weig hts • JAOO2I 0. NEAPIE, JOHN P. LEVY U. M: tf BEACH and PALMAR Streets. Z. VAUGHAN MERRIOK. 'WILLIAM M. JOHN H COPE SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AID WABBINGTON STRUM PHILIADELPIIIA. )H BRICK at SONS, ENGINEERS AND MAOHIA/6711. Manufacture girth and Low Pressure Staam Bins. for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, dre. ; Cast ings of all kinds, either Iron or brass. Iron•frame Roofs for Gas Works Workshops. Rail road Stations, ke. Retorts and Cu Machinery of the latest and most Im proved construction. Avery description of Plantation Machinery, such as Minor, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, OM Steam Trains.Defecators, Filters, Pumping Ermines as. ttolengents for F . Rillieun's Patent tinear-Soiling Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and depinwall Wolseg's Patent Centrifugal Sugar. Dialzdaw a n G RICB & LONG, FULTON WORKS 1340 MACH STRUT. gaidgegrs, Ssobinisb, Boiler Makers. sad Oil Builders. Teaks of every description made to order. I3ole Agents for Long's Marine Palbsometers. aryl6-11 THOMAS M'DONOUGH, - DADRAL BL•CESNTRIIIO. ILK STRUT, ABM DOB OTESET, PDAJILIII, PIMA. or Boring tools on hand or =de to o , rde nt r ir oatoti notice. MORGAN, ORR & CO., STEAM EN GINE BUILDNIGi i : Iron "minden, and General Maeldniete. and Boiler skim IBTh CALLOW. BILL Street, Philadelolds. fe2o•tt MEDICAL. f , 'v0 71 0%444 tfixl 'No. 154 North ELEVENTH, below NAGE Streati also CHESTNUT and If MIRTH Street. Watt Phi. lad LO D . THONAS LILEN having been very samosa' ful in the sure 01 Diseases by this new method, would inform hie friends and the Public that he Is still benefitting and ennui many whom median. did not &feet, and eonsidered Insurable. We will mention a few of the Diseases in the sum of which this treatment midom If ever fails: Rhemmallis. Felons, lthineY Dlero/11, itenralseis. GAINTOIII. ' Liver Paralysis, Ulcers, Genital " • 011.11193. Boils, &Anal Dyspepsia, Abscess, Throat rarer 4 Arms. Eruptions. Prolapses. Asthma. ladammationto Noe lmsissions. Congestion. Hemorrhage. Diabetes. als. Palmate will be treated at their resident's when desired,* large number of testimonial be Seen at the ONees from patient/tin this eit7s may , Commits tions gratis. Osee hours 9 A. N. to 9 r M. to the tatty. Dn. Vacs. ILIA,. aplit•Sm Itoetzielart. ELEOTROPLTHIO EST.D.BLISH. MEET. DH A. H. MIME. one of the EMI DISCOVERERS of a new eyesore of Wootton disease be MODIFIED SLBOTEIOAL AFTLICATIOEX, end erm la s e s te ri n cr eo essi very , m in e eeee xem ef o nl vo r , hie o l sso .Stirr i . SQUAT} for to 1635 V i ii Street. one door below Seventeenth. All persons desiring _referencia, or aII7 vertical= With regard to his epeeist MOILS of treatimak. wrn OWN eali or mad for a pamphlet. Conoltation ox advlee gratuitous. iahbtl TORN O. BAKER & CO.'S COD LIVER oth, —THE TSUI AND DlMlTlNE—Dneurpassed In unalßy and effects—being the SWEIsTEST AND BEST PRIPLRED. In Coughs, Bolds, Brraehltis. Asthma,. pout. Inci pient consumption. and all Serofulous uomPlaihic it oftentimes produces immediate and certain efteeta When other remedies have been taken with little or no benefit. sold by all Drneglets in the city. sad by the wrote tor. No 'TIS MARKET Street. ielrtsruthfint ITERMETICALLY BILA.LBEt IiZAII3 AND 601111. 1.000 dos. Ilausap 500 " Bout Boa 600 I. do V.I. ow • Srattert. 1.000 " do Tookiy. 1,000 " do. CM/ken. • 3.000 " amottoi Vona It k t lY.fil.:sAu. rot otio by an & 3•1146 Myr lot& WATER Stmt. AUCTION SALES. ---------_ PIIIIVEBB, BRINLET, 430 . CO., No, 615 CHESTNUT and 612 JAYNE Street. SALE O 1 Iift:PORTED AND DOMES DRY GOODS. OR FRIDAY MORAINE*, lone 30th , at 10 o'clock, b 7 nstalslMP on fox mouths' credit, . 4CO lots facer add Maple drynode. BRITISH DRUB ?ODDS. black and colored mohair. and alpacas. —6 4 .11k check mohair& choice mohair"; black sad whttOsiolfalrel . gnaw:mom, seozambignce. SILKS. Black grog gratin juin landed. ratotodusiuss, Just 100 loth embroidered cambric bomilroretAers, 03,111gliC (woos. FOR Cd.SH.. giolingtan black /10aakins. fancy easelmArae; WYO. Inge. Wrests. prints, do. PANOOAST & WARNOCK, Axrd, TIONEERS, No. 296 ff MARKET Street. FOB BALE AIM TO . LET. FOR SALR-VIGICY LOW, WITH' immediate possession, delightfal ion.. story' DV‘ILLIBO, brorPs stone Sort' 2tory. No. 15210 Nona BROAD Street Lot 2V by 24 0 feet B. F. GLUM 103 Satre VOUSINI RV , or S. W. sorf 811V.SN =BTU and OREM ef FOR SALE--SMALL DWELLING, .swaL73B RHIELEY Strpet, /teat Cottage—Lot 18 bY72 Term -very' easy. store 8 " W. oor. 1902 and CalloWhin. Neat Cottage. 1434 Wallace eltrOet. Mat Dwelling. 537. north Twenty- seetolui Street, ninth Bide Coatep. 'west 13 F GLENN. 3 Wrath 701InTH _ 624 era W. nor tiFit- IiTEINTItacd mow. LCAPE ISLAND:—"THE- PHILA DELPEU HOUeB," at Cape Wand, will be sold at a great sac:et/fee. or rented to a good tenant or piety for the season Jett B. F. GLENN, 123 South FOtiltint Street. 700 ACRES SPLENDID RA.FiI'URE, deAc•Weil Watered. for Homo and linlog. on the Celn• brake Vine,era Vann. late •`Beybeld'e Estate; "only only one mile from Delaware Oily. and fort. rotten from Philadelphia. Addreme JOHN 8. BILLAISY, jell et Delaware Hite. Del, TO LBT-AT RISING. BUN for the stunner, a tea-roomed house, partly famished, sad desirably located. • For partleulare. apply •or addles/ 41 South:FOURTH Street. - jerrSt* NEWPORT, R. I.—FOR mane Hue new Brown Stone MA381013", Washington meet, fronting Newport Harbor; has never been neon pied: near the Depot and etearnere; Bathing and Best ing at the door. vs.) of the detest vie we and wastes in America. Apply to HAMAD Et ArrlloßP, Real Estate Brokers, iete Whitt NEWPORT, R. I. ARCH-STREET RESIDYiNCES FOB SALE —Several itret•clase ROUE S.. south side of Arch street, west of Nineteenth etreetb emermo In all the modern improvement/. Apply. at 18149 As.oll Street. • reit dms ek FOR SALE-HOUSE, 110. Alra FR UN )1 LIN Street. above Poplar. In.:lntro ofd. P. FERGUSON, Ao. 1127 North FIFTH St. rel.lm, eft FOR SAL . E-ELEVEN , ACRES giti Sat of LAIRD, with two well. shaded frame and •edt. stone HOBOS thereon, situate In Delaware county. Media m mutes walk of Spring Bill Station. 't 011 the Media Railroad. This station is within a half hen r ride Of Market West bridge. ALSO, A large plastered teams MOITISS and lot of ground. alma ate opposite the Bell Tavern, on the Darby road, at the ecfrner of the eland road, in the Twenty-fourth ward. And ALSO, Twenty Acres of handsomely situated land, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, within fifteen minutes ride of Market• street bridge. Access to the city can be had ten times a day, by the cars stopping on the ground. Ap ply to BRDLOOK d< PAROHALL. 3,23.6 t Conveyancers Tl 5 WALNUT Street: LEGAL. TN THE Dit+TRICT COURT FOR THE OITI AND COUNTY OF PHILADEGFHII.. JAMES ANDREWS, assignee. no 911. ELWOOD KELLY. Vend. Er. Dec. Term, 1864. No. 203. The auditor appointed by the court to report dietribu. Mon of the balance of the fund raised by the Sheriff's sale of the defendant's real estate, under the above stated writ, being a certain lot of ground and brick tenement. situate on the met side of Roily etreet, - in the late distrist of Moyamensing. now in the city of P.bila• delptia, at the dietence of 202 feet 6 inches south of Fitzwater street. containing in front on said Holly street 96 feet Inches and extending in depth on the north line ninety-nine feet, and on the south line" 75 feet 6 inches, will attend to the duties of his appointment on WEDNESDAY. the 12th day of July. 1365. at 3 o'clock F. M., at his office, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all parties inte rested are required to present their claims, or be de barred from coming in on said fund. EDWARD EKIABE, Auditor. June 29.1285. je291.01 IPTITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA—Bar. WHERBAS The District. Court of the United States for said District, Proceeding in a libel Bled in the name of the United States bath decreed that all persons who claim to have any interest in the steamer kiItsTRICS. her 'lecke], apparel, and furniture, and the cargo and lading thereof, captured on the bigh seas—to wit: in Charleston harbor. off Sullivan's island—by the Beate. kill, a vessel. of-war of the Linked States, under eoin. mend or Lieutenant Commander J. L. 'Barrett, be monisbed and cited. Therefore, all persons Who claim to have any interest in the said steamer Beatrice and cargo are zuonished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said court. st the at? of Rtiladelphia, on the TWSNTISTH DAT after publication hereof, to chow cause why the said steamer hteatrtee end eerie should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the mune, to the enemies of the United States, and therefore, or otherWiee, 10 condemnation as lawful prize. • The above is an abstract of the monition issued b 7 the court in the said cause. WILLIAM MILL WARD, II B Marshal R. D. of Pettus. PHILADELPHIA. June 26, 1865. ieW St TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TEED' -I- MY. 4ND . oirsm OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of illUffkßlA - CARaO - I.L. ieceavati . . . The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle,. sad adjust the aoconnt of MARY C ARIZObb. Ad minitretria of MICHAEL CIABJ/OLL, doomed, and ato report distribtuio.ll Of the bManse in the head. of tha ccountant. %rid meet the parties interested for the nurposen of his appointment, on MONDAY. July Sd. 1561, at 11 o'clock A. M., at his oleo, No. 152 South FOURTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. J 620 intiniat 'WM. C. HAS n lB, Auditor. THE ORPHANS' COVET FOR THE OM AND o . ollNrit . OF ?liffLArapPßlA. . . Notate of ELIZABETH BROWN, Hennaed. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of A aBALOH WILSON, Admints. !rater of the Estate of ELIZABETH BROWN, deceased, and to report diStrlblitlen of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties interested for the pommies of his appointment, on MONDAY. SalsBd, 1886. at II o'elock A. M., at hie office, No. 4EO WaL ,, EDT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. je2o tutha st. JOSEPH F. Idellaßß. Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -a- CITY AND COLLETT 01 PHIL ADEGPHEA4 Estate of ELIZABETH WILOOONA, Deceased. The auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, and adjust the account of CHARLES INGERSOLL, one of the Executors and Trustees of the last will and. testa ment of Elizabeth Wilcocks, deceased, and to report distribution or the batonse in the hands of the account ant; will meet the parties interested for the PllPollee of his appointment. on nATIJADAY, .fnly 1. o'clock A. If., at his Oilice, No. 621 WALNUT Stmt. In the oily of l'hiladelphia. je22.tbetu 5t EAMITED 0. PERKINS. Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THN CITY AND COUNTY oyplywygTsik. estate of AIOHARD PARKSII POUGHS, The Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle. and adjnet the account of WILLIAM PARKIN POULES, executor of the will or RICHARD FARKIIR NOULNN deceased, and to report dletribation of the balance In the hands of the acconntanto wlll meet the parties interoited, for the pummel of his appointment, on WEDZINSDAT, July sth 1865. at 10 o'clock A. DI. as bis office, 130 South SIXTH Street. in the city of Phi ladelphia. H. 0. THOMPSON, Anditor. len tuthent IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS YOIG THE CITY AND ODDITY OF PRILADBIr FRIA. JENNIE E. TOWNER. by her next friend. 'Tons SHARKEY ye. JAMES L. TOWNER. Minch T., ISM I . No. S In Divorce. To JAMES L. TOWINES, Respondent _ - 5.,: Yon will Please take notice, tbat a rife has this day been granted on lon, co chow oeetee self A divorce a vinculo matrimonll ehould not be decreed In the above case, returnable SATURDAY. July Stb, 1965, at IQ O'clock A. N. JOHN 0 'BR (RN, Attorney pro Libellant. PHILADELPHIA, June 24, 1966. je2e-mth 4t ESTATE OF JOHN BICIHVING, DE CEASED.—Letters Testamentary upon the Wilt of John ShiroMg. late of Philadelphia, deceased, having bon granted to "The Pennsylvania Company for In etrudoce on Lives and Granting Annuities, " all persons indebted to said Estate are connected to make payment, and those having claims against the earns to present them at the office of the said Company, 301 i WALINCIT Street, without delay. CHARLES DIITILH: je22. thmat President. PROPOSALS. RESISTANT QIJARTERMA.STER'S OP CB, No. 1139 GIRARD Street PHILADELPHIA., June 27, 1865. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until FRIDAY, the 80th Institut, at 12 o'clock N.. for furnishing materials and erecting sheds at the Sohn" kill Arsenal, in aecordanee with plans and specifica tions to be seen at this °Dom.". Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gal rantee, and certified to by a United Btatea judge, at torney. or collector that the bidder or bidders will. if his or their bid be accepted, enter into written obliga tion, with soca and auNcient sureties. Bidders mast state the price (which ehould bi written, bath in wordy and dgurete) for each shed, and Ax the time for completing Lb. work. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed Illarea. 'enable, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. All proposals to be made oat in duplicate on the regu lar forms, which will be furnished on application at this office. Indorse envelope "Proposals for erecting sheds at Echuylkill Arsenal." By order of Col. Wm. W. Natio, 11. S. L , Chief Quartermaster Philadelphia Dee ß d. 0 030. R. OR je27- . Captain and A. Q. If . TO CONTRACTORS.—THE PRESI DENT and Directors of the OHBRRY BIM LIG PIT HOLE BR AMOR RAILROAD of the 0, LI 4 I, Com pany WM receive, until June flOth. SALLSD PROPOSALS Per building a Railroad from Rousaville to 011 Creek. through the town of Plummer, to the MoLitoy OnerrY Run Lands; distance from four to Ave miles. Bids are invited for the whole work complete. The company to furnish the iron. Sptatilcations And plans of the road may be seen at the office of HAMILTON I TOWLE, Xxiginear. Oil City. • Proposals to he directed to the mu/era/nod, at Pitts. ham Pa.,, ooze of Lloyd & Black. R. itloA ROY. GIORGI?, RL4OK. stuthlttAltw JAB. I. BRR SETT. REMOVALS. EMOVAL.--GEO. W. WA TBO N & -a..0 CO. have removed their CARRIAGE EXPOSITORY to th eir old plass. Do. 151.9 ORESTEUT Street (under Concert Hall),where they will keep sato.* of Carriages of their 01111 make, and will melee orders f or ever y description of Bret-slaw work. Tolfz 7. 3805. taloa MARSHAL'S BALE.-BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA. DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States!, In and for the Eastern district of Pennsylvania, in Ad• miralty. to me directed, will be sold at Paella Sate. to the 3 , lghest and beet bidder. for each, at HICHINER'S STORE, No. 1400 North FRONT Street. on MONDAY, July 10,1866, at 11 o'clock A. H.. the cargo of prize steamer Beatrice, cousisting of Alcohol, in barrels; Ale, in bottles; Claret, in bottles; miecallaneons Lt sore, in bottles: one case of Madeira; fancy Flannels, Tweeds, Natinetts. blankets. Calicoes, Chintzes. Ladies' Under. shirts, Welton Balt hose, teadY•Made Clothing, In. &go. and other articles, as specified in catalelCoes. WILLIAM MILLWARD. United Rees Marshal 11 D. of Pennsylvania. PmanaLPHIA. June 29. ISWI. Jeia rit IArIiITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIL .F.II —A new Trona Commetiefor beentifying and preservied the eomplexion. it is the most wonderful gemming of the ere There is neither shah. PoMS•r , marinade, bismeth„nor tats in Its aominnition, it belt composed estirelp °CMG Virgin Wax hens, the en. traordinarT gtinll l , l o ll foe Preeerving the skin, leaking it le ft , mou th , hin t elid._blutinktent. Male the of ammo young t the homely hendioo6% the handsome ppm bosutthal, and the moat beautiful divine. Prises Al sad 60 cents. Prejnalii only by RUNT dt CO., Per tamers. 41 Booth la GETH Street. two doors ahoy. Chestnut, and 1411 Booth BENEATH Street. above Walnut. mse•lbs. IDEILADELPHIA. TERRA COTTA ,a- virosn. OFFION AND WADIROOKS, No 1010 OHIST/MT STRIUNT. VITRIFIED wAirlit t mid HEaLtirie r/PINI with Undo. Inanonee, Dims. Age. , to onffatDond. from Ito 12.Ineh bore, ORA AMENTAI, CHIMNEY TOPS. and FM NPR& warranted to stand the action of firs._nae. or weather. ORNAMBNTAL PARLOR AND cumuli vAsas, for olanteal designs, _Pain and bronzed. Ellicnonetterote, rower Pots, Ivy 'Paul Hunting Vann. ern Wires. &a., Ae. Importer of Minton's Insanatte T il e, for Otairohor. Halle: ',MIMI:Los, aa. rattl-tnthed S. A. HARRISON. CARPET' OHLIN, YARNS, AND W imus, -.."lfine Um:Aims fast reathell: salt for sale to dealers, Wowed market rat's. BO W 11:NrrOlr & CO ies3-tt 187 and IWO I,. TRAD taEreeß luicriox RA t 107 3 -01 bilflat6 & 00., evc Ens , 4 p and 234 XLEEEr f•t r qt. LIMOS POSITIVE SAVA OP 750 LOTB aa MEM:IS, osamas,AlD AENRWAiIi udf . —Title DAY. A CARD. —We Invite thesarly particul ar , dealers to the valuable and rateablya ate, t o jqtli reign and nomadic dry goods , criliings,l r p t lN ed linen carpet chain, de , mamba 7to D ick 'At lots of dole and fancy arttotee,to be metro, ' l ' by catalogue. on four months' credit and pelt °,l commencing THIS 11101111110, atlo done continued throughout the dal 'without '46' CLOSINO Sal,E OT DIXTTISR. ERnoti Ars DOMESTIC DRY GOoDs.' We will hold 4 large sale of Bitirh, months'd Domestia Dry Goods. by catolog4 credit Ettrt Pert for cut. THIS MORNING. Jane 29th, embralbigaboet 6 00 packages staple and fancy articles in 'T./pollees, g,AI tons. s il ks, and worsteds. is which we bzitte tension of dealers. • Is. B.—Samples of Mom* will be 'resew . seednation, with eataloghes. early on the ~;.4 sale. when dealers Wllllberit to thso setors.t 02.029110 HALM FOR =lf' SPEDSG BRLOC • REIGN AND Darlene DRY G JO O , l Included In our sale of TBURSDAY„Isa, PAt Be :crone in nart the followitt Nx : DOMESTICS, bales brown and bleached =Wee and dell bales scarlet, twilled, antlottittimg ljab i „ i „ eases carsetjesne manacle' stripe, p a cii , —oases blue cheeks: titles. strittile,4.3. lo , 4 11 , =eases gingham. cambrlss, nolionsest Se -- - ,cases :IA and 14 HI/de Parkshirting gm, 6-4lntariand Go Bob Rev.,. ea. --map lmsltage. satinets. easelnents! e maßearairr TAILOIM 000ft t, -- leieseh elothai doeskins, sassir ner i., tons,•ltallan dabs. salle de shiest catiney ow LINEN GOODS Shirting bleg, Eranleb, and blonter,r:n ß . Ducks, drills ' agaves, trash. diaper. bezzielhytheet Double dainasklable sloths, napkins, torra l i. l , DBES4 GOODS. • Paris delainesi mosarablques, linos, :101l de ih grenadinea, alyacas,•motalrs, resiabg, rt , ott. BILES, Gros grains, Bros olgirklne. taffetas, poult'de tti de navies. fancrsilks, dre Al so , shawls,- sua,saavelse. travelling eltit, h. gloves, mill umbrellas. thread, sewing.. , ce di goods, stogenders, , notiene. drs. IikEDETEI. Also, a line of ingralSond other earpetings, P HILIP FoßDa*go., Auc'nor: 525 KARIM and 522 COMMBIICS • • CLOSING SALB OF- NEIN'EASON OF tleat, BoOTS AND SHOJIS, We will sell, by cataltugne, for calk, on THIS MOZNING, June 29111, commencing at ten o'clock, . men's. boys', and 'yontli'gr boots, show bL valet% slippers, fas., ace with a desirable ask of wom en ' s, Masi% and ebl/dren's wear. &1 THOMAS 4 , SORB, • Nos. 139 and 141 Sonia FOURTH Street. Pablie Ball of Real Estate- and Blocks, at ti clings. every Tuesday, at 120 clo.k. daring tt noes Beason. In July and angst* onlyeeeannal Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth fttro.t. OM : TRIO/1 PIJRNITOREp FRSNOR 'Meg , BORN, IRON Ml'Rua, TIME oaßrßrs, 4g ON THURSDAY MORNING At 9 o'clock, at the auction stern . superior 1111111 tine French plate mirrors, Iron chest, floe cosset', &c. Also, a large flag. SPECIAL BALES OF•BERVICE DRAFT HOOTS. QUART/MUST= GENRHAVS OFFICE. WAsEINGTOB, DP 13 . , t June 1, By direction of the QUarterMector General, the, be sold at public auction to the hlitkcet bidder, I time, and places named below, viz : GISSBOROt, D. 0 , MONDAY. Jane 11. 1866, BALTIMORE. MD.. WEDNESDAY, Jane 14, leg WILLIAIifePORT, PA., SATURDAY: June 17, 1 WESTCHESTIR, PA., SATURDAY, June 17. 18' GIESSORO. D. 0., sATURD alt Sane 17 11366, 01ESHORO, D 0., MONDAY, June D. 1866, GiEBBORO. D. 0. SATIfEDAY, Jane 24, DM, PHILADELPHIA,. PA. SATURDAY , Jane 21, Government stables. Washington • street sky GIREBORO- D 0., MONDAY. June 26. 1962, FITTON:IRO, PA.; SATURDAY. July 1 uss OISSBORO. D. C. SATURDAY, July 1 ,186 § , Two Hundred Serviceable Draft Horsier, at earl Au opportunity to purchase a superior class 0 Horses, at tar less than their true value, is now al to the public. The animals, though sound and ar able, are no longer required in the army, and m sold. The attention of manager, of city railroad of manufactories is especially called to these sale, Domes sold Bluely. Sales to commence at 10 Terms—Oasis in 11110 , 1 States currency Steamboat for Viesboro will leave Severst. Wharf, Waabineton, every hour from 9A. M. to i JAMES A SHIN, Brevet Brigadia Gon T aid. in Q charts Pint DII6IOII. Q. r SALE OF GOVERNMENT BO QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OM FIRST Diristo! WASHINGTON CITY* Hay lf Will be sold. at public auction, to the higheal tic at 01eubero, D. C. OR FRIDAY, Jane 1,1866. TUR.DAY. une 6, THURSDAY J June 8. lA6a, FRIDAY, Jane 9, DM, AND ON • • TUESDAY. THURSDAY. find FRIDAY of each week thereafter durlas the month of Jim TWO HUNDRED CLVALEY HOURS IllOa For road and farzningpurr.o may 138 had. Horses sold singly . . Sale to commence at 10 , Terms cash. in United States currency, Steamboat for Giesboro will leave Seventh.] wharf. Washington. *very hour from 9 A. M tot 1 TAMES A. SKIS, .Brevet Brigadier General, in charge let DP/il Quartermaster General's Glace. LARGE SALE OF ooymittm - 4 - 4 WAGONS AND HABASIM, CHM' QUARTEANASTER'S COPPICS, DEPOT OP' WASHINMI, WASHINGTON, D. 0., Jane 17, In Will be cold at public auction, under the 'Waite Brevet Colonel Charism H. Tompkins, A 0 M., V. 4. at the Government Mill, situated on E street, betve Twenty. first and Twenty-erfoond streets, in the Ott Washington, D. O. about TWENTY THOUSAND SETS OF SINGLE MI HARNESS, WITH A LOT OP SADDLES, dm, which km been need in public service. The berme 'will be avid in single gets. ALSO, About 1.500 WAGONS, which will be sold fire the highest bidder. The sale of Wagons will commenes on WEDNIa' Jane 28. IMO. at IP o'clock A. 111, with a lot of four hundred. at a point norticof the Retried, EAST the terminus of New York avenue north, after their eels is completed thessmaind er will bi on C street east, between Fourteenth and Ma streets. near the Lincoln Hospital. The eels (9: nets will commence on THURSDAY, June 29,1 10 Th l e oo d A W Wagers and Harness 'tontine alternate dal I until the whole number is sold. Terms cash, %n Government funds. The attention of buyers is called to the large salt MULES, commenced on Monday, May 22. 1186, t which is still being sontinned from day to day. I) H. RUSKS% Brig. Gen. and Chief Quertermaster, Depot of Washington, NOTIOR.-BALE OF ARMY MU QUARTERMASTRA GENBRAL'EI OPFICI IArdAHINGTO2f. D. 43 , MIT 28.11 MANY THOUSASIDa OF mama IWO Wei el of lit publie wile At WaehieatOla, The Plthe will ominous wall the nituiLer of it to roamed in proportion to the redaction of the t. now going on midi,. There are in the AMIGA of the Potomac, of the none, end of Geor_gia, _probably Porta THOtIf OF nu YININT SIX...MULE TICKS IX WORLD._ — Aiiiinjc;f them were boright in the beginning war, as young mules, accompanied the AMISS their marches and camps, and are thoroughly In hardened by exercise, gends and familiar, from long cur:minded by the soldiers. The whole South le stripped ef farming etoele. North also hu suffered from the drain of suitintit. to envy the conies. These animals are mild at pnbile emotion; THEY TIOT BRING ANYTHING LIKE THEIR VALDE ; and each opportunities for farmers working animals to stock their , farms. and for di and dealers in stock to make' good speenialielik purchasing them and disposing of them in the Si Will never occur again. H. O. MEWS, Quartermaster General, ie2.24t Brevet Major Genoa QPEPIAL BALE OF SERVICEABLI DRAFP HORSES, QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S Orricii WASHINGTON, D C Jane 26, By order of the Quartermaster General, there 00 be sold., at public auction, during the month of July, IS%S, at the times and places named below, viz: GIESBORO, D. C., MONDAY and SATURDAY, I each week. NEW YORK GITY, IerBDPBSDAT. July 5 NEW YORE CITY, FRIDAY, Tilly 7, and on TIN DAY and FRIDAY of each week therealte7, at Government Stables, corner Tenth avenue winter. fifth Street. PHILADELPHIA. PA THURSDAY of sash week. BALTIMORE. ND , WSDNBeDAY. July It BALTIMORE. MD.. WEDNESDAY. Jelly JOHNSTOWN, PA., WEDNESDAY. Julg e. ELMIRA. N. Y.. FRIDAY. July 14 LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY. July 28. Two hundred SENVItiBABLE DRAFT ROSSO su day. An opportunity to purchase a superior class of. Prt Horses, at far less than th,Ar true value, le now off.iN to the public. The animals, though gonad and if viceable, are no longer required in the army, and be gold. The &Mogen or manager. of any Tatlrui and manufactories• is oepeelelly called to thee. gales. Horses Cold singly. Satre to commence 1119 Terme cash, in United State* currency. JAMES A. ERIE, Brev. Brig. Gen. to charge tiY3O lst Div Q. M. O. O. SALE OF GOVERNMENT HORSE? QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S °Pifer. PIIIST mvistax. WASUINISTON GITY, J 1113996 ,160. Wlll be Bold at publle mutton during Ow AOD l h. .llay. 1865. to the liighert bidder, at the gelid 11v places named below, viz; BALTIMORE, MD.. WEDNESDAY , July 5. GIESBORO, D. 0., TB lIRSDAY, July 6. • GIESBORO. D. 0., FEIDAY, July 7. and on VD DAY, TEMISDAY. and FRIDAY. of each ettl thereafter. YORK, TA. FRIDAY, July 7. MIFFLINTOWN, PA.. F.SIDAY. July 7. WaLIAMIO.OItT. PA., WEDNESDAY, Jul,' li• READING, PA., FRIDAY, July 14. BAWDY, FA., TUESDAY. July 18. BALTIMORE. 31D . WEDNESDAY. July 17. NEWPORT. PA., FRIDAY. JAIT 21 BoTTRVILLE. PA FRIDAX L hal 3 8 WILMIaraTON. IdATuItOMI. 92. BALTEKORS, MD.. MONDAY. Jay R. Two hundred CAVALRY HORSES eaeh dal% For road and farming magma, many berlw may be had. Horses sold gladly. Sales to commence 1110 A. M. Terms cash, M. Milted States carom. JAMBE A. EXIM • BUM Brig. Gen. in °karat je29 tjy3o Ist Division Q. M. 11v• COAL* COAL .-SUGAR' LOA. bUILDOW and Sprint dlottatelk best Locust mountain, from Sehnzi* illtVAlSVirrett. Dcfr.t., aired. to &.tl3 J. TB OMBOWB LONE , ' ENS% OR RITR.OPRAN smxt hotels, or vblto inettentions,in ZES. Also. Phllal Not•air Fontana, ortable Resters. Li Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers. Stewh en, Cooking Stoves, etc at wholes/ the manufasturen CHAB. SHAZPE, ap26- intheSm No. 209 North e m MONEY TO AN' L 0.11.11110 lIPON MA.1107 JEWSLILYPLATII. 01,1 300311 & 00. '0 OLD ISTADLISHID LOAD Cornu TRIED owl QASSILL ~ Min ESILIECY'S COTTAGE OW Jot oily 11117PLOILLTD eas trX M Tom lad rower, d od ow' sad Schools. bat foam K lb* Parlor dad Dxstrias Zo om 7 NC . th Aloe. s eavagair Willatlllllll6/ j i r oonotantly on nand. PHIL&T JTIL maw- saw Eis x. nuns 'AG IVERETt. slier thlity 11° ' /e& D rr r:grantee@ ths skilful at rs at Grateethip Prams ° flitehiligh lib„ldsr f 4 71u11 ( apariateale eamtnetai ,4,11:166 tit EVANS/ & WATSON'S 0 . BALA.Maira ~, ..,,,' WORE. 16 .inn VotraTH STRUT. P BILADELPRIA. PA, . n ocifi• A large Haney,, of BIBS-PROOF OAPio hind. imme 8. EARLEY, FININISIUNG lINDIEBTAIrda ik %.0 IL 2. owner MTH and On= Streete,f , 11+ I:IAVAITA, OIGLIU3.—A GOO P, 6,14 'Assn t uLtoativia atom Eid .sast. rats& Am+ Na , n'ir WO alla Small 110 MT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers