gt't Vrtss THURSDAY, JIM 29, 1865. joh n otaa sympathy with the late Hebei. We quote from an Engin paper the following liatreatfroM a speech of Mr. Roebuck on Americas watt. The speech was delivered on the ninth of ads month, and needs no stigmatising from us on the score of the unprovoked malice from one who, when be started in political life, professed himself a 11109 t thOtChglbpaeed English radical : $ l l . say I am as opposed to slavery , al you — [hearr hear]—but there are many ways of getting rid of Slavery. One is to get rid or the solve. That is being done at the present moment. They are dying by hundreds of thousands [t Wherer anti I then said, and I say now, that the best way of email eipating the slaves was to do it gradually and eare tally ; to fit them for freedom, and by that means not to incur the horrible guilt of killing many wi no= of 701 , r e tiow-men. [Laughter.) That is all I need bay about America. [ t How about meg sizing the „ 5 - Qu i. : it] lam quite sure that if the South had been recognized great good would have been'done, wham in the first place, the arrogant, the Over hearing, and greed Republic of America would have been split in two—[cheers and hisses] —and for the softly of Europe that is required. No.'] You have Dot played out the play yet, my good fellow. [Laughter.] By and by you will see what will be the result, and I say that my policy was a wise policy. It was not accepted by Whe n t council of the nation, and what did I do I found that the House of Commons was resolved not to acknow ledge the South, I held my tongue about the mat ter. [Otters, and a cry of 'Oood.'] I have never Taxed In a debate about America sine,. I felt that in that great assembly every word peals throughout the world, and that every word I utter, insignificant as I may be, will sound as a trumpet to all mankind. I did not speak; I accepted the decision of the 'House of Commons ; I thought—l think it wrong, and 1 hope my country may not find that I was right." [Oheers.) New Application of Electricity. ITS rowan AS All INSTRUMENT OS DASTEIIOT/ON. We find in the Parisian correspondence of the English Tinos. the following allusion to the late in. Maio% translated from an article recently pub- Butted by a French editor. If true of where we at present Have some doubts, it Certainly will do much in the next four or five years to render the ports of Civilized nations impregnable from the sea, Until some means are discovered for obviating its facile mode of destruction. " The Plessoger du Midi publishes a letter from Pon- Icy. dated the lethinstant. It states on that morn ug'a decisive experiment was made with an eleotri. cal instrument of destruction invented by the vise admiral prefab maritime of that port. Tae result exceeded the hopes of the inventor, and the writer of the letter says that henceforth, thanks lathe new MSOIIIIIO, all defences, such as ramparts, batteries, and edict old-fashioned expedients employed for the protection and security of the ports of France, can be dispensed with. The writer adds that if ever an enemy's squadron dare present itself before a French havecould easily be pulverised before it could have time to Ore a shot. AU present at the experi ment were convinced of the fact when they saw an Old ebir•Olv sr thirty feet wide lifted ant of the wa ter, split and sunk in less than a minute at a signal from the inventor. The destructive effects of the machine were so startling that it became evident no iron.plated sniper -war could resist such a shook. What is very remarkable in this new instrument of destruction is that it is not necessary to wait until the i ninny's ship strikes the machine, as in case of the torpedoes invented by the Russians and Ameri cans. The French system Is Said to be more certain and more expeditions. The electric spark reaches the enemy's ship, and destroys it with the rapidity of lightning." Increased Southern Representatives. Bg the new order of things the South will have fourteen additional Representatives in Congress. By the eighth eenOnS there are from the South twenty-two Senators and sixty-one Representatives. But in that census only three-firths of the slaves were enumerated ; and 23 slavery is to be abolished by each of those States as a preliminary to the ad mission of their Representatives, they will be entitled to representation for all their black popu lation. The loyal alaveholding States which have abolished or may abolish slavery are also thereby entitled to representation of the two-fifths of slaves heretofore not enumerated. Taking the the number of slave* in 1850 at four millions, it may bo suppoesa (ears the Washington Intelligence?) that, adding their Sausage. the emaholpadoo will number forty-four hundred thousand in MO. Two tithe of this number, heretofore unrepresented, will be then entitled to representation, namely, one mil. lion seven hundred and sixty thousand blacks. Two hundred and forty-one is the number of Represen tatives established by existing law, and in order to - find the representation ratio, the aggregate Federal population to divided by two hundred and forty-one. The ratio of representation thus ascertained and fixed by tte last census was one Representative for every one hundred and twenty-seven thousand. In some of the Congressional distriotS in the South the emancipated blacks will number three to one of the whites. FOr.D , P, TEIBATEEAND TEM. PUBLIO...—FOrd'S thee ue inside presents a scene of the greatest confusion. All the properties, wardrobes, furniture, etc., are piled upon the stage, preparatory to packing and removing. The purchasers propose to pay $lO,OOO to Mr. Ford this week, when the property will be conveyed to them. Strangers in the city are con tinually calling and milting admigion to the build ing; but thus far none have been admitted, save a few members of the press. Notwithstanding the close Servelliance of the guards who have had the theatre in Charge, the building has been roughly Used. Curiosity-seekers have completely whittled away the bench upon which "Peanut John" sat Whilst holding Booth's horse, and about a yard square has been out away from the green-baits car pet, surrounding the spot where Booth's feet struck when he jumped upon the stage, after shooting the President. One of these curious visitors entered the Felon adjoining the theatre, where Booth took his last drink of brandy just before he murdered Mr. Lincoln. The visitor inquired of the bar keeper : " Have you the same bottle on hand out of which Booth drank on the night of the assassins. Lion?" "Yes, sir." "And the same brandy in it'!" "Yes, sir." "Can I have a drink of that same brandy out of the same bottle 1" "Yes, air." "Let's have it." The visitor tastes the brandy, makes a wry face and continues: "And that's the same brandy that Booth drank t" "Yes, sir." "Well, I. don't wonder that he killed the President. A drink 01 that brandy would make a man hill his grandmother."—New York Times. FESTITAIL O AoTOELS AIM ACTENSBEB.—Thera ism be a mammoth festival in New York on July 4th, held by the adore and actresses of that any, at the Bellevue Gardena. This will be the first jubilee of this kind known in America. It will be under the management of Mr. Albert (Mandy, well knoWn as the business manager for MISS Lucille Western. siPECLIL NOTICE* SOMERTHING COOL FOR THE HOT WZATHEIL Something Cool for the Rot Weather. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Seeks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Dusters. Linen Doctors. Linen Dusters. Linen Dnaters. Line - a Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters, Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sack.. • Alvaro Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. just the thing to Keep Cool in. Jost the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Jost the thing to Keep Cool in. Also. a splendid assortment of Seasonable Clothing, of every variety. for sale by PERRY dt 00., No. 303 CRESTRUT Street, above Third. No. OW 01)55T2CT St. (Granville stokes' old stand. ) S. 3. Corner of SEVRNTH and MARKET Std. (lOW. into% To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Whereas, We have, during the past three years, sold great quantities of the wonderita household remedy, PLANTATION BITTERS. for the cure of Dyspepsia. Sour Stomach, Hestdache, Pain in the Side, Beartlearg, Feverish Lips, &a, and, whereas, No Instance liar come to* or knowledge Wherein Plantation ISlttere have not given Darted and complete satisfaction; and, Whereas, We believe Plantation Bitters to be a great national and family blessing; now, therefore, it Is Resoisecl, That we will continue to make Plantation iiiiters, and dispense them to our suffering fellow-melt that we will preserve their perfectly pure standard, and manufacture them with the greatest care, and that we val, by every means in our power, publish to the whole world the glad tidings that we have found in Plantation Bitters a eure, perfect remedy for Dyspepsia and all Its awful train of horrid nightmare diseases. Wilem our hand and seed, Hew York City, 128 S. P. H. DILL S.ll de CO. Co. a IVORY HANDLE DE MME AND TN& ENIVEB, reef ami Game Carvers. sod Table Steels, of a variety of rater - no. at Wooed Prices, for sale by TRUMAN a SHAW, No. 835 (Bight Thirtyflre) ittilltKET Etreet, below 11Intb. It BRASS ALE Cocks, with or without keys for looking them: Cork and Leather.lined eptgotr, Cork Stops, Elmore, Bum Cooke, iron Molasses Gates. for sale at the Hardware Store of TRUMAN & SHAW. No. 1335 (Eight Th)rty.Fre) MARKET Street. below Et at. It COLGATIC'S Holum SOAP. Tide celebrated TOILET SOAP, in inch universal de• mad, is made from 'Ms CHOICEST materials, is MILD and EmoLuz= in its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENTED. and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL In its as lion nnon the Skin, Per We by nil nragebite and Pansy Goods dealers. te2Mathely Da. H. NEWEL'S DYSPEPSIA. CORDIAL IS an infallible care for Mayapple. Tor sale at the Drug Stores. No. 537 ARCH Street, 276 SECOND Street, and at SECOND and ELM je24-stathltit* JONEC--Bownzus limannatha Home, Iron want a good, gabotantini, ekes,. and fothionable r 4. 1, tof Oltizons' Clothing, Go to lows' OLD lIITABLISHIID °NSF's= • CLOTHINO HMS.% 604 NABS= &nuns. iela•lna ABOVE kraf. AWIERATON'ff) ITCH. SALT lißkint. onL; ti um lII.WI MUHL Wux Sr, we the oak la 4B ho AUG. =lris Salt Skean. Mom, Chiltaibm ant all mi MS of the Okla. Prise 60 centa. Sr senates al seats to'' mime di rot es& BOSTON. Mw., will be forwarded Lula by mall For male br 4 , llDritubits. mw-es 1027 WALNUT STREET, office of Dr. VON MOSORZISERK, fox the treatment of thelys, Bar. Throat, Lune Diseases and Catarrh, with Ma apparatus. Johs.6t* BTEINWAy do BOWS PIANOS. IMIN BLASIUS SROTRIARIP. 1006 oratileNtlT and. Tor Ws only o4r, 3034rn SITGOESTION No. 1. Which is the beet slate for me to buy my clothing? To decide this queettoa, so often naked. we would ree ve/tray suggest a careful comparison of prices, styl es and qualities of the beet clam Chestnut and Market streets elothing establishinente, confidently believing that the people will And that we offer greater Induce ments In extent of aesorbuest, style of get ent% and moderation in price, than can be found anywhere else. /I tide is not the case, we will not ask your patronize. WAMLILLEBR a BROWN. Popnlax Clothing Mouse and Merchant Tailoring Zetabllslunent. Let•ti 8. 8. agar 8/YTH and MAE= directs. - MeiLea..u=k-plarax. sa.VILLE—WHARTON eaohnsette, June 250, Ro . vtt',D„Mhes,,,ters,Nall . S. Seville, of Dorchester, to Sue W. Arn,tl s , l i".. eat daughter of Lieut. OW. D. P. Whititir °n i. 4 "" NO cards. DIED_ EcuERT..-on Wednesday morning, 28th toat., Dr. G. N. Riker, in the Olid year of his age. ils relatives and friends are invited to attend his funeral, from his late resident*, No. 1031 Spruce st r eet, at lc o'clock Satarday morning. •" JAMES.—On the 27th iaat,, Rachel T. James, wife or wthiazo Jame. Thu relatives and blonde of the fondly are invited to attend the funeng, on &tampon, at 2 o'clock. IEFALLEY.—After a few hours' Illness, on the eve• ning_af.. the 27th Instant, Josephine 8., twin•daugh. ter of'WilliaM 1). and Car oli ne B. Bailey, aged set:en. months. Funeral from the residence of her parents, corner of Forty first and Myrtle streets, on Thursday, at 4 o'elock JP. M. • LEAMiNe.—In New York, 621 Tuesday. the 27th instant, Jane Helen, wife of Dr. James R. Learn ing, and the eldest daughter of the late Rev. Lewis Cheeseman, D. D , of Philadelphia. The relatives and friends of the family are re. speetfully invited to attend the funeral, from the re. sidenoe of her brother-in.lam, Dr. A. H. Fish, 1007 Vine Street this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'olook, without further notice. NEWELL —At Haddonfield, N. J., on the 27th WilliaM C. Newell, merchant, in the 40th year of his age. His friends and thou* of-the family are Invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his brother. in-law, B. M. Dam:saber', No. 2030 Vine street, on Friday, the 00th inst., at, 4 o'clock P. M. *** HESS.—On the 27th inst., Julian Howard, son of John O. and Julie Ettenger Hess, in the 2d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are in vited to attend the funeral from the residence of his parents, N 0.1835 North k'welfth street, on Fri day morning, 20th inst., at 9 Wolook. 65. BRIAN.—On Monday afternoon, June 2,6 Anna Adelaide, wife of Oharles IL Brian in the 20thyear other age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 1016 Ogden street, on Thursday af ternoon. June 29, at 3 Wolof*. Interment at South- Laurel Hill. 65 LIPPINCOTT.—On the 27th Inst., Aaron Files, infant eon of Thomas E., and the late Sallie Lip• pincott, aged 8 months. Funeral from No. 911 Spring Garden street, on Friday afternoon, the 80th inst., at 3 o'clock. * BLACK ENGLISH GRENADINES.— Just raisalvad, a we or Sloan English Grenadines, at 10 sent. a yard. DIMON & SON. Rowa n S 918 0918111117 T Stmt. Ono arks. Feces In plain Boum m 716 BLACK CHALY DE LAINE.-3118T mmed, ena ease of plain black Maly de Talmo. at 173 i sent, a yard. BERSON & Sul, ifonraltir Store, 918 OftIiSVIIIT Street. One price Prices in plain Ames mylt 6'4BL AC K DRAFT D'ETIC, FOR Clergymen's summer Coatsand Snits. EYRE LdADELL, 100 PURE WHITE SHETLAND SHAWLS. JIBE & LANDELL. I nn PIECES MOSQUITO BARS, ‘-"-• WHITES, BLUES. GRUM. *a BYES di LINDELL. Inn LOW WHITE QUILTS, FOB 3 10 uu HOTELS. IMMENSE LOTS OF OSIZ&P TOWELS. Ue26-tf) 'STNS& i.ANDELL. Eir MR. ILEUMS :—WE BEG- LEAVE, through the medium of your paper, to return our thanks to the interes t ed,re Companies o efforts , y. to whose noble, di and unabated at the fire which &Mimed our property, Iffos. 109 and 110 South Delaware avenue, on the afternoon of the 27th lust , any of our"pods Be well as oar books were pre served. Where all are so active and useful it would be 103Baneffini to particularize. We should also mention, with praiseworthy notice , the exeellent management of Lieut. Gold's s who, with his valuable and efficient members of the police department. contributed greatly to the good order which prevailed during the time tne conflagration was ruing. J. B. 01188111 a dt 00., it 116 Borah DEL/MAIM Avenue. My. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE COX. NERCBESET.—The annual aommincemeat for conferringderrees will ha held in CONCERT HALL. on FRIDAY EVENING, June 31th, bell/lab:mat 8 o'clock . Addresses will be delivered by Rev. MARLIN D. SHIELDS, D.D.. and other gentlemen. Masts by She Germania Orchestra. The nubile are respeettnll7 In vited to attend. ALFRED L. KENNEDY. je29-St President of Funny. JIINE ES, AtION&L UNION CONVERTION ofI.B6S.—THE the T N H IRD MIME SENTATIVE DISTRICT met this evening. at the hone of Edward Remo der. and unanimously nominated ILIINNEDY NcOA.W as the Representative DeLegate. HENRY B. GARDINER. Chairmen. JOHN H. CHAMBERS, Secretary. Mr. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.— SPEW DALE OIL OODIPARY —Tee work ing/ Of the OinnottnY having nrov-d entannfal neon their /ands. in 17enango county, it has been (teemed ad vtaabie to call a molting of the etockholdero, to be held on FRIDAY EVIIIII.IIO. the BM Ind.. at eight o'clock. at Which punctual attendance is requested. By order of Directors 00172214 ND P. POLW.SIX Secretar y . It* °Mee 129 North NINTH Street. Ilars SHEIUNAII LODGE, Na. 216, A. Y. N.—The members of the Lodge have been invited b 7 the R. W. Grand Master to participate in the ceremonies of laying the corner. stone of the Soldiers' ration 41 Monument. by the R W. Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, at Gettysburg, on 4th. - Ail members 'outline to be present on this occasion. will rfport to the Grand Marshal. at Gettysburg, on July 4th, at precisely 9 o'clock A. M.. in Masonic dress , with white aprons. Those intending to participate in the ceremonies will call on the undersigned on or before . . FRIDAY VBXT, When they win receive Aprons. lt* WY. B. HABIG/OUR% W. X. Vir CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL.—THE Examination of applicants for admission into the Central High Sobool will begin on MONDAY, the 8d day of July, at 9 A. M. Candidates must be at least thirteen years of age; residents of the city haveloelphia, and for at least one 3rear they must boon pupils in the Public Schools of the atty. The order of examination will be as follows; Noon" July 3—Parsing, and Constitution of the Dolled Slates. WEDNESDAY, July a—Etymology, awl History of be United States THURSDAY. July 6—Mensuration and Grammar. PR iDAY. July 7—Orthography and Arithmetic • Se 27 'Lathe bIICHOLAS H. MAGUIRE. Principal.% lar PRESIDENT PETROLFAIRIC COSI WM, 71 BIOADWAY, New York. Jana 11,1886. A special meeting of the Stockholders of this company will he held at the CONTINENTAL BOTNL. PAlladalphia, On THURSDAY, Me 29th Of this month, at one o'clock P. If.. whoa badness of Lmoortance will bc prasented. Br order of the Board of Directors. 1. I. EDWIN CONANT. jai: at keorets 1141111 a. NOTICE IS HEREBY 1 1611VOINETRA;x wow' application hal been made to the officers of t‘ William Peon Oil Company for renewal of Oertia e 1 , 14).344 for lour bandred and twenty 'Mares in said Com. pony, in the name of Hiram Corson, the original lent- Agates having been lost or mislaid. N. M. OORROMpAttorney. lel7-amth* . 608 WALNUT street. WpoSTPONEIEENTOF THE lINIO STATS. CONVIINTION —IIBISTIatO OF THE UNION STATE CSaTHAL COMNITTES compli ance with the earnest appeals of many prominent Ireton men, animus of different counties in the State, urging that the meeting of the Union State Convention calked for the 19th July. ensuing, be deferred until farther notice. the announcement is herewith made that that body will not assemble on the day (19th of July) set apart for tie meeting in the city of Harrisburg Due notice will be given of the meeting of the Convention here after. The members of the Union State Central Committee will assemble in the city of Harrisburg, on the NCNB MOTH OF JULY, ensuing, at the Lochlel House, at three o'clock P. M. A fall attendance of all the members of the Commit-. tee Is earnestly requested. SNIP CAMERON, Chairman. A. W. BBNIDIDT 'm011%41438 WIEN FORNEY. HARRISBURG, June 19, 1805. le97•tdYl9 NOTICE TO STOCK, I.O&N, AND ItgrSORIPHOLDRES.--OFFION OF THI LEHICiH COAL AIM ILVIGATION 00. PHILADELPHIA. .Truie 16,1866. Stockholders of this Company are hereby notified that the Certificates of Stock enbacrtbed for by them are now ready for delivery. Holders of the LOAN OF 1870, who have consented to the conversion of the same into the Loan of MK and holders of SOB.IP will please surrender to the Company, tie early ae possible, their sertificates, sad receive In lieu thereof, new certificates of Loans and Stock. MITCHELL. Secretary 110 2 . EMIT - I -NINTH ANNIVERSARY OF AMERICAN IP DEPIINDENOR `•THE STATE aOCISTY OP Tax CINCINNATI OF PENNSYLVANIA. The annual stated meeting of "The State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania' will be held at the LA PIERER 11017811. on BROAD Stmt. below Chest nut street, on TIISSDAY, the 4th day of JttlY, A. D. 1865. at 10 &Mock A. K. Et. L. SPBO ieBB-7t SeeretarY. TILE DIRECTORS OF THE MagLEBNY OIL COMPAPIT have this asy clued a dividend of OAS AND ORE-HALP PER Out on the Capital Stock, elear of state tax, payable on and after July Ist Transfer books to doss 26th, and re open July 2d. G. S. FRYER, secretary. Plimansunra, Slane 24, 1866. je244t Igr CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE. PHILIAMILPHIA. Jane 93,15. NOTICE TO LOANROLDIES The littered on Oily Loans due July 1,1865, will be Pa,ld an and after that date 1e24.6t EMMY BUMM, City Treasurer. ItioTIOM.—OFFICE WHIM MINIMA COMPANY OF LAMA aursmoß, 319 WAL 3UT Street. FEILAIMLPHIA. June 21_ 1/365. The Adjourned Sale of Mx Thousand Night Hundred and Fify-nine Shares of Stock in the Fenn Att'guff Company of Lake Superior, ordered for non-payment of inotalmento, will be held on SATUBDAY, July let, 1865, at 12 o'clock M., at the °Moe of the Company, 10. ave WALNUT Urea By order of Board of Directors. DAVID N. RBYL, 1e92.9t Secretary and Treasurer WA MEETING OF THE STOCK— HOLDERS of the ROYAL PETROLEUM CON PABY Will be beld at the Company's Office, 305 CHESTNUT Street. 011 SATURDA Y, July let, at 12 o'clock M . to confirm sale made by the Board of Mi• rectors cc a portion of the property belonging to said company. The Transfer Books will be abided on Fri day, Jane MI, until Monday. July 9d. 3628. M JOHN GALLAGHER, Jr.. SeeretarY. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA /11A—DBFARTRENT OF ARTS.—The Raamt nation of Candidates for Admission will be held at the UNIVERSITY, on FRIDAY, the 80th instant, at 10 o'clock A M. Students can apply for Admission, to Pursue the full course for the Degree of Bachelor of Arta, or only that portion of it for which the Degree of Bachelor of Selene le Oren, or any eneh.Peetled se the _Faculty may sanction, GEORGE ALLEN, JOS wtht St Secretary of the Faculty of Arts.lll N TI CIL—THE SEMI-ANNUAL Examination for the admission of puolls io the Girls' Nish and Normal School, Will commence on MOM DAY, July 3d, at 9 o'clock A. If., at the School Building, SIRGBASIT Street, below Tenth. The candidates must be fourteen years of age, and have been mils of the public schools at least one year. The order of examination will be as follows: Monday. Star 3d, Constitution of United States, and History of United States. ... . • . Wednesday July sth, Grammar and PerMSS% Tbur aday,J uly Sib. Definition' and Mensuration. r Ilan:July Ulu Orthography and Ptaottssi Arial mein. • • . (MO. W. FSTTER. iess-St , Principal. arTIILPEMOVELJER OIL CON. rAs Ir. —The Pint Annual fdeeting of the Stock holders of the TULPE HOCKEN OIL COMPANY will be held at SANSOM-STRIBT HALL on THURSDAY. June Sal, at 10 o'elock A. M. Directors for the ensuing year are to he elected. jsol.oi* ALFRED MARTON. Secretary. larNoTim TO LOANHOLDERS.- City Loans maturing July 1.1665, will be Paid at,Ptesentation mind. after that date. Je24 6t EIEJTEY BLUSH, Oity Treasurer. Ilar UNIVERSITY OP PENNISLIVANIA, (DEPARTMENT OF ARTS). The Examination of the Junior. Sophomore, and Freabman Classes, at the close of the? hird Term, will be held in the following order: WEDNESDAY'. MM.—From 10 to 12, Juniors. by Prof. Frazer. (Heat and the Steam Scene.) oral. From 12 to 2, Sophomore*. by Prof. Kendall, (Analytical Osonne try) written. Md. — From 10 to 12. Junior& by Prof. Allen. (Theoerituse oral. From 12 to Sophomore*. by Prof. Fraser. ( hemistry of the Metals,' and Fresh• men, by Prof. Kendall, (Geometry.) written. FRIDAY, 221. —From 10 to 12. Juniors. by the Pro ves). (Moral Philosophy ) mai. From 12 to 2. Sopho mores, by Prof. Donee, (Univereat Literature, I written. MONDAY, 26th. —from 10 to 12, Prof. Allen. (The 13ionds of Aristophanes 1 oral. From 12 to 2, Juniors. by Prof. Kendall, (Differential Calcamaa written TriENDAY, 27th.—From 10 to 12. Freshmen, by Prof. Allen. 'Plutarch's Life of Demosthenes,) oral. From 12 to 2. Juniors, by Prot Jackson, (JaYenal.) oral. WZDDBriDAY, nab. —From 10 to 12, Sophomores, bY Prof. Jackson, (Horace's Odes.) oral. From 12 to 2, Freshnum by Prof. ooppeo._(History ) oral. THURSDAY,WM—From 10t0.12. Fteahmen, by Prof. Jarbson, (12orhoe's Istlree.) ova 0210EGI ALLEN ' la " Secretary of the Peen/0 ot hrti. . . lar. TAX. PACOALTOALL , F TT REE A H rgoOmLD. ER% OTB3EB 00,01ATBD. DEPARTMENT OP Se/MEM DECIPSTRY Zitaaort, June 28, 19.35. Nome is hereby given, that under and by virtue of an att of laserably, passed on the 14th of Hardt, 11PI, Ad an ordinance o the city of Philadelphia, made in rerio3ll . e ? thereof, this Department will lis prepared diewOrlptions of all lands and corp slue!. friluelystaattegles. , In said city, trom and after the tat day The purpose of the sl a t e d easement of Taxes in Phile:i l e cl i:n r i e t d i is: "Ain act to promote - ' 4 more certain and equal all , ' r y a its nd titl e, apt i which clpal means devised therefor is the plc. lag of alt the real estate within the city, in manner to exhibit the lon tfor and dimensions, with the Ultima or the owners theAfor. To this and it la made ike-duty— let. Of alt Owners of liOntell and lone to this forthwith, deecrlptions Of their property to this °ditto. by the presentation of their deeds.; upon which will be placed a certificate of the fact of each retrain having Peen made, and thereafter the - prpperty so eeturned Shall not` he to sale for taxet thereafter to be come a lien thereon. exempt it be in. - Me name of the owner so returned, and after eervide of notice upon him ae en ease of a writ of sulnW one: Rd. Of every seller and bnyer of ground upon the planned city plot to make report to this oSce of every oonvevanse wade. with the precise dimendons and lo cality of the promisee, and when the presedine returns are made there wit the no charge made therefor:, lint if the owner desires a certificate of his having tirade each return for his protection, sad to exhibit to the Rewarder of Deede. &c . it will be furnished for the fee of twen ty five cents (exclusive of Revenue stamp.) . • Bd. In case neitner the bum nor seller shall have made such return. and product - the proof thereof to the Recorder of „ feeds, he is reqaired not to admit the deed to recor without. charging fifteen cents for each lot described h erein; herein; and it is then made his d u b . to furnish the proper desortptions with date of conveyance andtimea oegrantor arid. grantee, Into this Department, I t With one month, under a penalty of one dollar for each Union: 9th. t end it is made the duty of every purchaser of im hot eel and lands at jridlcial saes; - of every one who receives an allotment in partition of every devisee by will, to make Mimi se aforesaid ; and if he shall not have done so, it is made the duty of the Clerk or Pro-; thenotaty of the 'mope? Conti, and the Register of Willar to perform the like duty, for the like charges, and - un ... der the same penaltras the Recorder of Deeds. eth. Tos performance of the said duties as enjoined by the act tall exonerate the seller from a future Zia • otzetzi foe the taxes without reclamation therefor. and will confer noon the purchaser. a., -,4“,,,,,,a heir. an immunity against loss of his title by salts for taxes without notice' to him, and exempt them - from the Malty of live dollars imposed by the act Mr the fail ure to comply with its requisitions. The Chief Itasiamm and Surveyor respectfully re quests of the owners of real estate a prompt so opera tion in carrying out the important purposes of the act, that they, as well as the city may sooner derive the obvious advantages designed, in the more certain and equal essesement of theftaxes, and in the greater security and certainty of their titles to real estate within the city. Conveyancers, Agents,and others. can procure blanks for descriptions by asplytms_at this office, Po. git% South FIFTH Street, below Walnut, Room So. 6, first floor. ' IiTitIOThAND KRIM ie28.61 Mier lingineer and Sarver:lr. pr. ,DIVIDEND NOVICE —FUNNIELIN OIL AND REAL REITATS COMPANY. OF V.E. NANO() COUNTY, PL.—Office, 1136 MARSST Street, Philadelphia, Yorte 23,1865. Tte Board of Directors have declared a dividend of TRUE (3) PER CENT., clear of State tax , on the capital stock for the quarter ending Jane 30, 1825, Pay able at their office on and after SATURDAY. July let. The Transfer Books will close on FRIDAY. Jade 235. at 3 o'clock P. 11, and oven on SATURDAY. July let.• WILLIAM W. MIRVAT. —Secrotari- DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFIDE OF ar - THE MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY, No. 521 WILEBT Sk, FILILAIDSLP/ZIA. June 93. 1865. The Board of Direct-ore have this day declared a rata, lar dividend of FOUR PER BEET. and an extra, POPE PM OMIT. making maktrna OBIT. i re capital et oak, payable at this odic° on and after the hot Jone, clear of Bute taxes. The transfer books doss en the 26th, at 3 P. IL , and reopen July is THOS. E SILELF, • je2l.6t - &meta? . MILITARY. 1. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —s3oo GOVRENIIIiNT BOUNTY to all who enter the UNITED STATES MARINI CORPS. All per. 801111 desirous of obtaining the till(S) Government Bounty. bad better enlist at oneL for the bounty by a larent order, *meat from and after July let. 1816. A Mewed oPPertitlie to Visit foreign Sountries—a squadron of Tousle to nu In a short time for the Medi. terranean—good pars excellent accommodation/, light and easy duty. For all further information. apply at the Recruiting Renlervous, No. 311 South FRONT Street. between 9A. N. and 9 o'clock P M.. every day but Sundae. June FORUM' id'. et Captain and Recruiting ONcer. FINANCIAL. UNITED STATES 7...30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $230,000 4 000. By authority of thio ' Seastary of the ilsasurl. the pagepogues, the General Subscription Agent for the We of ifelted Stakes Securities, MSS to the Prams the turd swill of Treasury Notes, MUMS SIM find , thres-tenthe per sent. Interest per annum, known am the SEVEN.THIRTY LOAN. _- These Notes are farad under date of July 15. 1555, and are payable three years from that date in fur ram. or are eenvertible at the option of the holder into V. S. 6.20 8= PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. There Bonds are now worth a handwrite premium. and are exempt, II art all the Government Bonds. from State. County, and Municipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent, more to their value. according to the rata levied upon other property. The Interest ia payable semi-annuelly by coupons attuhed to each notes rhieh may be imt of and sold to any bank or bather.. The intorpat at 7.60 per sent. amonnte to One Gent par day on IL $5O Rata. Two emits per day on a $lOO note. Ten seats per day em a $6OO note. Twenty cuts per day on a $l,OOO note. Onet.Dellar pudgy on a $5.000 note. BetettAol ell the denomixoms named will be PrOMPti,i. Baniehed upon receipt of Inburiptione. the saws of this Third Series are Preelsell similar in form and privileges to the Seven.Thirtlas already odd, Wet that the Movenunent reserve/ to itself the argon of remind interest in gold coin at 8 per ant. instead of f Mahe in currency. Subscribers will deduct the In. rati area in e . noy up to July lath, at the time when they salad " —, The deliver of the notes this Third Baia of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the lit of Jane. and will be made promptly and anidnuoutly after that date, The slight change made Ii Ihe eonditions of this 'ARM MISS affects only MeMatter of interest: The payment in gold, if made. Will be eattivalent to the eurreney interest of the higher rate. .„ The return to specie payments. in the event of which only mill- the option to My intermit in gold be galled of. would so reduce and equalize prices as that pur chases made with six per cent in gold would be font' equal to those made with seven sad three-tenths per cent. in currency. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN HIELEEET now offered by the eovuzuneat. *n4 Its imperior ed• vantages butke It the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Lem than 11280,C00.000 of the Loan authorized by Convex are now In the market. This amount, at the rate at which it le being absorbed. will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly wisiwwwiL a . premium. as hunt. formly ben the on on latch* the wilwitrirtionli tO other Loans. In order that &lune of evay town sad RIACUOII of the country may be &forded falai& for taking the Loan, the R ational Banks, State Banks, and Frigate Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to re solve subsciiptlons at par. Subscribers will selectiheir own agents, in whom they hay* contdence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they reselve orders. JAY 0001KE", euzsonnwox ABUT, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHIL.&DELI'SLI. D REXEL & COMPANY, BANKERS, No. 34 South %MEW Streets DEALBSB AMERIOAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, UNITED STATES BONDS, QUARTERMASTERS' VOUOHERS, UNCURREIsTT =NEL STOCKS AND BONDS NOIIONT AND 0011 D AT BOARD OP suatcNNS. ON CoSWINTON. 11134 t 1881. - COUPONS; DUE J - Culir 1, GOLD AND SILVER WAITED. AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. DREXEL & 31 South THIRD Street. WILLIAM H. SACON. 1410 ROB A. WARD= 13.&0021 15t WARDER, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, 2183‘ WALNUT STRUT. Stacks bought and mold on Conandmodon. lo Tru sui s . t Funds invested in City. Stet/. or Government Subecriptions received for the United States 743 Loan, trrithout charge for comrnieelott to the purchaser. iel•thstnlm F A sla ES: WHOLES LE AND RETAIL, W. H. HORSTMANN it SONS, FIFTH AND CHERRX STREIITO. .10366 fl B.- XX--- 1176.-CONSTITUT.ION BITT7tEt3. —These celebrated and world•re notepad Bitters, manufactured by BEACH lc 00. 14 DRY street, New York, fan be procured at the princi pal depot, In this city, In- l arge or small onanttles, from 0. 0. WOlllll, g. W. corner and SEVENTH and WALLACE, 1.28 tig , gee Agent for Philadelphia. JB. BUBSIER & AVE RE MOVED for the present to C0., 110 Beta Mad, WARE Avenue. two OMR below their leio stores. where they be pleased to see their Mends. It 12 FOR $125.-FINE SPECIMENS CARD PRO , OORLPRII, done in styles stdta. Me for Albums, and just the thins for scholars to ex. Outage with classmates. =MU, MOND Street, above Olean. its OH AR L ST 0 N.—STEREOSCOPIC N./ yaws OP CHARLESTON. "net received be. . Ma ALLISTER dt CROMER. ieNi•St ENS CHESTNUT Street. DEAF- MADE TO HBAR.—INEITRU DINTS to assist Um 1111ABING, at TUTS &met, below Obeetaut. jou THE PRESS.---PHILADELPHIA: THURSDAY; J 1 INI3 29, Ism WA.L.FLAVAGNI LACE AT ritioEs i .mont 6 DOLLARS TO ISO FLAGS 1 FLAGS 1 I EVAN'S HA BALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418' ARCH STREET: - 33.A..BITMEFUS. Silk, Hunting, Muslin, ttitkpe:-.Plac . C44: 45 4 : 07 ALL 6121113. SWORDS, SABRES, BELTS, PASSANTS, au. MILITARY ititoomis: Jel-tiy3 • OP AVIET DRIORIPTION. 1865. OLAWIIPAOTITANDS AND DAPORTDDS OP OIL CLOTH. 111.9.TTINGS. &o. NEW BOOKS. BAXLEY'S WHA NORTH W ON THE WEST COASM. J.O.UTH AND AMERICA, with lustraMonc MERIVALEI Conversion of the Roman 'Empire. T. BUCHANAN READ; A Summer MOM Sheridan's Ride and Otl er Poems. THE VOLUNTEER QUARTEEMASTER. By Cant. Retail BriW N c EW Ai II . ST AN DARD BOORS On hand, and for sale et low Prima LINDSAY # BLAB= ,ON Publishers and Booksellers. .429 Ifo. AS South SIXTH Streit. NEW BOOKEI FOR BUMMER RF.ADING ! Just received by ASHREAD do EVANS. " No. 724 ORESTAIIT Street, THEO. MUG IL A novel by Annie Thomas. MARY, THE -HANDMAID OF THE LORD. By the author of "Schonberg. Gotta Family," Es. Re. THE PRESIDENT'S WORDS, HendsOruely pub lished. LIFE OF HORACE MANN. By hie wife. A MOTHER'S SORROW. A Discourse to Young lien by in Rev. Chsrles.Wadsworth. D. D., San Fran. !alto ,(.011.4 , 011.4 fOrerkvof Plalfidelphia. Mee, 10 cute. FrOODEAND WATERS; or, bummer In the seta. ease. By Alfteretreet. RISS MACES By Anthony Trollop*. WHAT I' 11A _Orr TEE WEST COAST OF sown( AND A WITH ERICA, and at the Hawaiian Islands. By Wi/lis Baxley, X B. ESSAYS /N (MIT/CDR By Matthew Arnold. THE CONVERSION OF THE ROMAN 1110.11111. By Charles Revivals, E. . la* F O U E i T H Or JUL Y What better thing Can be done ott the coming Ilfational Holiday than to plaint° the lands of every boy that can reed. & copy . that mod interestiniand pedriotio Tolama setting forth WHAT TER ODD Mao re. WHAT IT REPIS4BISTS, WHAT IT.OOST. WHAT IT IS WORTH. and - , HOW IT SHOUP : BR TRZATZA. Let all OUT yonnibeoplibe thoroughly 'versed in the Principles at this book, and no weapon formed against our country and its institutions at home or abroad can prosper. . , It has the WIC) Mille4olW: Sups tiast Hon. Horace ElnuitY.) Which young persona- tea in th eir early books. and so rarely And without tome alto% ' lemo. cloth s $1.25. \AMBEIGLN 8177 DAY SCHOOL UNION. No. 1122 CHESTNUT Street, Pldiadelphial MRS. ORTINDY, AN ILLIISTRATIDI HUMOROUS AND SATIRICAL WEEKLY PAPER, WILL BB 'PIiSLISHBD OX 11133 Of auz4v, 1805. NMI DEPARTMENT WILK. BBBRBaBwr. BY PEN AND mom, TRI RUMEN ORDER OP TALENT. Price, 15 cents a number. Subscription, Seven Dollars a Year. Orders from the Trade solicited. ADDRESS MRS. GRUNDY, jelS.St lag NASSAB street. NEW YORK. rrHE NATIONAL QUARTERLY RE- A- vaw. vox. XL No. XXI. JUNE,IS6S. CONTENTS: I. THE CELTIC DRUIDS. IL WALLINSTEIN. HI. UNITED STATISHANKING SYSTEM, PAST AND PRESENT. IV. THE NEW YORK BAR—CHARLES O'CONOK V. PHASES OP ENGLISH STATESMANSHIP. VI. MODERN CORRECTORS OF THE BIBLE. VII. ANCIENT AND MODERN DISCOVERIES IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. VIII. THE LESSONS AND RESULTS OF THE RE BELLION. IX. NOTICES AID CRITICISMS. Terme Os peer, In advance. Cienerel Agent tor PM, ladelpide4AS. K. SIMON, 33 S. SIXTH St. EDW. I. SEARS, LL. D., Editor and Proprietor, je3S- St No. 42 BIBLE HOUSE, New York. A NEW WORE, BY THE AUTHOR f the Schonberg Cons Faraily.' KARL THE HATIRMAID or THE LORD. 12mo , A.M.O, BY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE SCHONBERG COTTA.FAMILY. 12mo. TEE EARLY DAME. 12mo. DIARY OP MRS KITTY TREVEL AV. 12mo. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDEAT; or Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Containing all the &imam by the eminent pulpit orators of those cities, and the Orations of Bancroft and Malian Simpson. 12mo. For sale by JAMES S. OLASTOK. (Successor to W. El Sr A. Martian.) I 600 ORESTAUT atreet. JUST PUBLISHED. BUY YOUR OWN CHERRIES, A. TEMPERANCE TALE. PRINTED OA TINTED PAPER, BEAUTI FULLY ILLUSTRATED. ALBERT BARNES ON THE STATE OF THE COUNTRY. A Sermon on the Heath of the President. For sale by the PRESBYTERIAA BOOKSTORE, 13,14 CHESTNUT Street. id 4 tf ALL THE NEW BOOKS, Feemowasras ItioTE PAPER. ENVELOPES ( initia is *tamped gratig) TO iiitTOß• VlsiTato oe, Engraved or Written. ALL PU E MAGAZINES. PORTFOLIOS, WRIfING.DESKS, rims, INKS. ALBUMS, dm Every one leasing the city for the season will And it to their interest to order or CHALLIN, Bookseller and Stationer. 1308 CHESTNUT Street. Order. filled by Hal or ExpreBa. je21.124 A PPLETONT. N W AMERICAN OTOLOPIDIA. --Complete In 16 volumes. Various Styles of Binding. ZIKBELLIOX ItSCORD, by Prank Moore, In 8 volt. 111011VALIVE1 HIBTOXI OP TBI ROILEJES—now owlet*. The Agency for thessvalnabla work Is at 33 South bIZTB Street. above Chestnut. JAIL K. BINOI. mAOKERRL, HERRING, SHAD, M. +AILOD bbls Ku s. Nos. 1. 2, and I Kooken'. late-am` fat tsh, in snorted woken.. MKrriS) bbls. Mew SaaSport. Fortune Bsy. aid Kollin 11.eug. MOO boZell Wm, Elsoled, Mo. 1 morns. 160 bbl. Mess Moos Shed. =boxes Enidoessenntv Chan t dm In don and for We by =Apar as Koo.n_ Jaw so. 148 MORIN WHASVAL COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK •-• AND CANVAS, of an numbers and brands. Teat. Awning, Trank, and Wagon-cover Duet. Also Paper fisumfastorere' Drier Felts, from on* to No feet wide; Paulin% Bolting 88.11 Twine, U. JOHN W. NVilifieN & CO.. fro& tf No. 103 701126. VULCANITE JEWELRY. - LARGE • ansortmen• of BLACK and GOLD .TIVIILII.I. .02 14 W W. WWI. 1Q BO= ILSTAFTEL CURTAIN IMASOI 4 IIO SALL; 119 CHESTNUT STREET; Is NOW OPENING SMOTHER LARGE LOT OF ELE:SANT STYLES, DOLMA/CS PEE PAX& WINDOIPV CIIIOICIE PATTERNS, AT REDUCED PNICIES. my7l3 MILITAIIIt GOODS. SPRING: irt t ale 3f09 =Skil et Orzil & Co., CA.ICI`n"TINGHS, WHOIMILWI DZPMMUUs I L' RETAIL DEPARTMENT. 1)(14.1.4 ik1,144•A NEW' PUBLICATIONS. THE OLD VI.iA.IGr, ITtELISRIID BY TEE AND Ao. 599 BROADWAY, My York. a e46.6t RETAIL DRY .4100DIL _ _ EYRIC L.A.ADBLL, FOURTH A,ND ARCXL SUMMER SILKS AND SHAWLS. TOWELS FOR HOTELS. PURE WHITE SHAWLS. DIAMOND MARSEILLES. GOODS FOE TOURISTS. WIDE 00Ar SILKS. .LLAMA SHAWLS. GAUZE FLANNEL. 1,000 LOW QUILTS. WILE LINEN. ara•them2m COOP/1 . 1,1 & CON.A.RD, PCIPITIEE A. 1413 MAILICEII% FINE CAssIKERES. LIKEN DRILLS AND DUCK. OUNDLKELirATINGS.. THIN tit,* GOODS. NEW WHITE, GOODS. DOMESTICS ItEDITOED. ELEGANT &laic SAO:MITES. ISLAM }MENA:* SHAWLS. 's le44f WYLDERTB HAND..-- - THIS NEW • NOVEL, b r Sheridan. Le s a n, author of "Uncle fa one of the most pOWOffai and exotOor Be g.- lieh novels weer nabllehed. le hetea read and Mixed " jent e t :10 t n a It t Alt %For, Atira,° l la York. I"CHAMBERS; NO. 810 - ARCH ST. • EMU B %TUCK. REDUCED.. _ • „ Tesaadieentenee Reeistitehed Randkerehlefi bargains: Cambric Ed as and In v er on& Shirred and Fancy French tugs& for irigets. Lama Laos Sour one and Pointe& Jae et LINENS.—I AM-NOW BELL isratanitiAties very dhow. Heavy Brown at 62 eXtra /*W eat s at one tot suparlinerilanticrom ot, 87%; one lot much better at 11; one lot at 01.1.1%, ex cellent quality ; one lot at $1.20, extra width, and the finest made of th at kind. Also. a large variety of Bleached Table Linen a, ail privets, and varionewatterns, *QM of which are very fine and handsome. Handsome Boot and Damask Napkins. a; $2.50 per doz Crash at 10, 20, and 55 ate. One lot very heavy Brown Rneka back at 49 cents, enitable for bath towels. Towelling by the yard. 14 vest variety. ONAIIVILI.II B. HAINES. 1526-4 t ' No. 1013 MAMMY St . above Tenth. - MIISLINR--SHIRTING MUSLINS, from 16 cents tin; one lot at Ito , yard wide. Al l the leading makes of nns Muslin that are made. Sheet lugs, Z. rid'. and 234 wide.. at the very %West Prim. l'U low Oise., 114. and garde wide. equally low. I have a large Stock now on hand, and will sell thew Lancaster One lot One ancaster Quilts. One lot 114 Quilts.lot of afarteilles Quilts, at slot that are as good as have been selling at sle. fine lot at $l2, still liner. Ice . Blankete. large Wm. Person* about Surnishisofwl2l and it greatly to their advantage 'to seIIGRANYILLNA_ HAMS. ie26.4t No. • 1013 ItAltgaT 4 .4 SPANISH LINENS POR TRLV ELLIN DIJSSES. 4.4 Bley Linens. Dark and light Linens for Bolts. • Brown Holland* . Figured Linens for Drama Wks. Pavte or Marseille*. Mosquito Netting.. Pink, blue. cherry and white Tatiana. EDWIN HALL a 00.; tf I/6 South.• 8100 ND Street. 1865. COOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND MARK T, have The best Cassimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Docks, Coatings. Tailors' Linings, of ever, kind. Mtudin stook complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at 30e. Gause,_dosnet and other Flannels. Nan Wool Detainee, Si and 65 Gents. Brim Ens black Mohair Alpaca, $l, Lupin's 6.4 black Wool De/0110g. Si. Good stock while Itainsook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen striped guest Cambrdes and ,Taoonetis, puffed Muslims, Mune. ilso. White barege and other thin Shawls. • • Bilk lacono and Summer Dusters. 0 iiff-tf SPECIAL NOTION. SELLING OFF Emu STOOK TO GLOSS BIYSINNt3B GOOD-WILL AND FIXTURES FOR SAM TBORNLNY AND OHIO. We invite ',pedal attention to the above annonnoment. We bave a Larne Stook. We an Belling UMW Isms Yard is to be dosed oat on or Won the let day of atagiMber. Silks and Dross Goode. Cloths, Ousimeres, nod Linen Goods. Shawbs.Oloake, Skirts, Rdida,dre. ,Ste. Mans and Canoes mush miff market prise. THORMLIT OHISM. imyla Ym _Cot of BIGETH and SPRING GAJIDIUL F IGURED SILK GRENADINES, of the best qualities sad etyles. in Black and Gra Grounds. ikc to $l. BO Travelling•Dress Goods. in every variety. New Dress Goods. In greet variety. garolsemns Cherie Mks. W6O. VIET CHEAP 13/AU= walkable for Dresses, Steadie and Sacques. COTTON GOODS AT LES s. S THAN WHOLE/IAL) • MIME Merrimac, Sprsme. and Pacific Prieto, 2de. 10 4 Waltham ma Peperill bleached Meatless. $l. H. STEEL ds 50N. rayB-tf Nos 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. NEW FOR 113455. Tux GAZATIST LIVNIVION OF TIM AG 1 II BLOOM' SKIELTEL J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. WOW P RAETORBRADLY (late J &J. 0. West), SOLE:PROP and IiABIIPACTIIRESS, 9 Y 7 CHAMBERS and 79 and Bl READ& Streets, Heir THIS INVENTION consists of DUPLEX (or two) Me • ISPTIO Steel SMOGS, ingeniously BEAMED TIGHTLY and MELT together, noon to Boon, making the TOUGHEST, most FLEXIBLE, ELASTIO, DURABLE SPRING ever The r seldom MEND Or 'BREAK, like the MARIS Springs, and consennently preserve their PREPICT and asarrnonx, SHAPE TWICE AS LOAM se ANY other SHIRT THE WONDERFUL FLEXIBILITY and great COMFORT sad PLEASURE to any LADY wearing the DUPLEX ELLEPTIO SHIRT will be experienced parttadmitin all crowded. ASSEMBLIES. OPERAS. CARRIAGES. RAILROAD CAEN Onuses PEWS. ArmonAms, for Peones ADM and Holm Dazes, es the SKIRT can be FOLDED when in ESOeO mu .Py *small PEASE as easily se a SITE m m or Rum" Das. A LADY having enjoyed the Measure, comfort, and veet convenience of WEARING the DUPLEX ILLrPrIO KEEP SPRING SHIRT for a OSEGLE DAY will never MUT Weld willingly &smite with their us. Fox Camosse, Mesas, And YourrAt LADIES they are SUPERIOR to all others. THEY are the best toihrrr in every part, and an aneetiorkabky the LIGHTEST, IDOWL DESIRABLE.CONNORT ABLE IF ECONOMICAL SKIRT OYER made. )OR BALI in 11l FIIIST , CLAIDI STORES 1.11 this city, and throng Out the 'UNITED STATES, HAVANA DE CUBA, MEXICO. SOUTH Asramos...and the WEST INDIES. S KIRT. . ASV/ EQUIRE NOR THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC wel= 628. HOPHI R N ° B 47 " Otlir . 32 Ora" OF 628: ROOP SKIRTS , the best assortment and best quell, and styles in the city. Store Trails, all lengths and sires, from 16 to 66 springs, from $1.75 to $O. Plain Skirts, all the new shapes and sizes, from 19 to 60 springs, from $1.40 to $3 Skirts of extra heavy steel and extra tapes, from 20 to 36 springs, from $1.90 to 4E75. Misses' and Children's. of every grade, from 6 to 86 springs, from four to eight cents-par spring. they :save no equal. Agents for the new Flexible Skirl, the Striost pliable Hoop Skirt made, and fully antral to the aliMplex Elliptic Skirt. and at much lower prices. _also . '"idantly on hand full lines of low-priced New York Skirts. kid padded and metallic 1 aatenad-15 springs. fro. ; 20 springs, al; 26 springs, $1.16; 30 springs. $1.55, and rep aire dsprigsSkirts made to order, altered, turd .•sit 628 AIM Street. ird.4.lms COMMISSION HOI7SES. HAZARD & HUTPEUISON, AGIANTS POE TEM BALD 08 PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, u.% CHESTNUT STREIT: PHILADELPHIA, AND 103 HEADS STRUT, DEW TORE. Je2S-6m : ettq IFt: Vil'l9 600 .....,10L - f i c!, TREET. 600 Wilt.Eß COOLER& ?ERWIN& GAS STOVES. FOR SIMMER COOKING. lola tf GRIFFITH 4 FAGS, SIXTH and ARCH. GROCERIES. p FAMILIES RESIDING} IN THE Wo ant impend. BS heretofore, tO Newly fami li es. Al that' country residences, with Bvisr DESOBITTION.OI , FINE OZOOBBIES, TEL& ago , ago. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, E724-ti Corner ELSVOITII and•VINE Streak MAIRIOIC B. MAUMEE. CNAS. A. MATBINGIEN. MATBINGER BRO , THERB, 13170CESSORS TO .A.DART. MATHING , EH, memrFACTURIMS OP FIRE-PROOF UOORS I IRON SHUTTERS AND SMITH-WORK IN GENERAL, Alto, Plag•titarßraskets, Punta:ea, Hooking Emile. Gas Diem Bath Boilers, Registers, and Ventilators. and Shoot-Iron Work of every desolation, NO. 14,28 RACE. ErTJELVAEIr, 3428.12 k PHILADELPHIA. CARD. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I will sell the balance of my lexge Mock of FURNITURE. At eery low prime. until SEPTEMBER Ist. The Le eortment is complete. GM J. ITEDIRELII. .Isll-11m 809 8,1141 8110E88TM' B. GOLDISPATIRITUAPROVEDSTICAN WATER-REAMING APPARATUS Pox WAILIONG and VENTILATING rtrISLIO Buirm- UM and rsivAni EisIDENEEL ILLIMIPAOITUD IT TvEi lESION WM IxD .WiTEMLSATING COWAN! OF PXXXISYLVANIti.. •YA:BEEN P. WOOD & CO. ) tl &nth MIRTH Eitreot. 10,324 ad) B. M. FELTWELL. Su" ("AMES DE VIBITE,IINSURPABBED "k" in style' and execution by any made. See SMlli teentlAtld choose styles suiting your taste, at B BEIMINB popular Glagary, MIL AMU Wrist. ir /WEAL DISTRICTS iffilim RESORTS , - COXAMFMA. CA? mey, NJ * TaSliTs Will he crone( thie ma'am on the EMI:MI HAI OP J t M. for thar•orPtion of e" Md. leading ham will, for he Gemini !season. faUs ;Main its well•esterhed poptdation. Greatly enema; by the misses of bet year. the Trortola feels oath ed that a Hotel (*named clearlt at.class met eontintwelinesese at tills old and Poet tar resort. _ The ra ll road faelll:loere promised to be eteellent Beek's celebrated Jiladelyhia Band has be is. eared for the COLD IA the coming season. For rooms, de. may. .J. H. D 11111113014 SUM'S Hotel, r it ha.lPloa...? et O 1 T. BOLTOAll'inprisioa rayll42m - • Clara liexonw ii. J. MOUNTAIN HOUSE, PRINCE. TON. MASS. —This favorite resort, situated in one of the moet delightfol and accessible parts of New Eng, lend i nowOPErf for BOARDERS and TRARSIRAT VIBI'TOBS. Send for eirsular. Je24. Mathias M. IL RaLLARD. 001 EBS HALL, Isollll BRANC . N, N. 3.. is noW OP= for tho sown. add Me je25.6t WOOLMAN STOAM, Pretniotor METROPOLITAN, rOBBFICELY CITY HOTEL, EIICILIES STRUT,. CAPE ISLAND. JEW INUIT. BLAIR BAYLEY. rroprietore. A. MLR'. SLAM BAM SAL SAYLIff. wren. (616 Aar week. le2B-2W THE ALHAMBRA, AT ATLANTIC CITY, Is sow open for the reaotion of Visitor', jettlin* B. B. LISDB, Proffitt," LIGHT -HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, A. J. NEAREST NOUN TO'THE UHF. This weil•knowa house is now ONn for the reseptaoa of boarders. • JONAH WOOTTON. 3e21•1m Proprietor. CONlEriarfa BALL t ATLANTIC &TT' N. J. RILL OPEN JUN 33 shms. The anbioniner would resPeetfallT inform hie friend* and the public in general, that he hie again taken Congress Hall, this being the fourth season. litany in• have have been made; also, new Bath-Houses have been erected, and the bathing cannot be saroweed at any sea.shore. And it is the determination of the proprietor to use ever, effort to snake Congress Hall a home' of comfort to his guests. • Band is engaged. Terms moderate' G. W. EINEL.E. UNITED BTATEW °RarOmTtEL, Will open i i 42ll,A l:3 ar ° 4y. . N. J.. Viiißgry,:3. tirgro v oelobisted Bond has been ertzazed Sot l'oroowoolObing to dilate TOMO; or deillitig VO I adding -11 N & WON P Im - Pro dews_ W ATLANT.IO Girl; SBA BATHING etrpi mousz,_ ATI4IITIO - VITII, NEW JgratfilY. Thisold, established, and favorite honse le note' Open. It is nearest - 4o the beach, smut.= cool breezes at all times::-Ittitnrivalled liatnae facilities, its aoraplete farnitnie alfir-arvaitatment, and its =exceptionable table:render JfaseltiCfaritergalaee far 1, 601112111/ sojourn at the sea-side. Passengers from the city are cot down sXthe door, and ceunnktudeation th the fil lets is had at au times by ritirokikna Mt kande has t e alrglit i d f tge t sil=friftr it - 11 $ 9 .t. 11.111 r• tie Citv Tams moderate. 1.3.111 ti ic a ibursoLlibrietor. • CA Iticl SZ SULPHITk faakterad dW t al 4 p l a W " lc— " 2 A' 1117 " 1"8-W2W rielfrb e ntt Pi_oppiator, 3e19.16k* CATILIBLI rs. WHITE' SUL.PRIIR AND OHAIA BE ATR SPRINGS, DOUBLING GAP, PA. 13: ROBINSON, PROPRIETOR. BENSON OPENS MAN Mb, - This delightful place le looted in Cumberland eau., h, thirty miles west of Harrisburg. It is imetegible from all the principal sifts by railroad to Ministate, thence by the Cumberland Talley Railroad to New. vine; from No wville eight miles goods tfttgb i ll Serino. The stage Midways in waiting eig , rival of the ems at ieWTille. in mo Passengers leaving Philadelphia , a N t a l t"in 'oW- rs. - or t W h a hamaeneninhat morning Thishotel h is domino. dins and comfortable (having been recently thorough. ly renovated) with hot end cold bath attached, and IX• tenaive grortds for walks and amusements. Terms kin per day, or lin per week. Over four weeks $lO per week. The long experience of the present proprietor enables him to say that it will ha amain:arse. is a manner to please all visitors. N. B. A fine livery 1 5 attached to the establishment. fell Ms UNITED. STATES HOTEL,. LONG .NNINCH, New Jersey, is now open for the re. caption of visitors. Trains leave on Saturday attar• noon at four o'clock. from Vine street wharf—return. lug Monday morning early.—Jane 10. 1805, 34.10.2m* NUJ. A. SBOXICAKEIti Proprietor. KITTATINNY 1101:183, DELAWARE WATint GAP. This favorite Mountain. resort is now open to *I. miters. Trains leave Philadelphia. from Kensington Depot,al 7 30 1. K. and 5' 90 P. M., and arrive at the Oap at 1 P. M. and 8.46 P. M. References—Morton • McMichael, Franklin Peale, Louie A. Goden. H. B. Banner., S. B. Martin, Muriel Hacker.o Sherman. Tenn, $l4 per Weak. ..ieS•lm L. W. BRODHEAD. Proprietor. MOUNTAIN HOUSE,. OltgatiON SPRING& This delightful and romantic Watering place, sitastsd on the summit of the Alleateng Wountains 4 at Oman illation. en the Pennsylvania Vellread, WILL be &pelted for flte ReeVl s okaugges On NOM AY, June • Several new cottages bare been erected. theiprounde have been beautided and improved. and Cressontem one of the most beautiful hill home. in the - States. Incursion tickets, good until October‘ . •l/Z . 7sre 'petted by the Pennsylvania Eallrond SomnanY. For fn titer information, address w. mum.= Proprietor ausiox ie7.lxci thanbris, oouatfh Pa. HOWLANDT 110 TEL, LOZIG BROSOR. L Will be open for the reeeption of m iteJ ane the jsth. 308.1 w HOWLAND. lORBIIRT. & CO. HR ATA MT. SPRINGS.--THIB ALA . delightfal ant romantic watering place, beattti• fully' situated in the healthiest sectiou of Istneastel county, and aeknowhdged to be the garden "Pot of Pennsylvania, will open for the accommodation of guests on the 11th of June. Railroad sominualcatlos twice a day from Philadelphia, on the Pennsylvania or Reading_Rallroad, and daily from Baltimore and lgeW Port. For particular" address the proprietor. J. W. FERDRRICIS. LORETTO SPRINGS CA X BRI cowry. PA. This fayosits ' esamer Resort wit) be open for the reception Disbelieve on the let of July, Coaches will be the 8 at Oreseen Station mu n n visitors to the ibuitupt Loretto trigs Is muss passed for its beautiful scenery and ea Orions climate A band of musts is engaged for the 111111•011. For parties, late address. A. GIBBOIS. Proprietor, MySt•lni Loretto. Cambria so ty, Pa. "'ANDEL AND HAYDN 80 Art oixtrAL EXCURSION 111 TO. ATLANTIC CITY, 61 , .1. , 1 - 11114MMML,W1Nri.talM Il :11.14 GeriMl6 FINN WIRT MANUFACTORY. rlukelitarrs would invite attentlei to their roll CUT 01 EINLY_Tik • whisk they snake •selkedeltY Oftlipit-woutess. wee. losetantly matelot ITDIES YOR ONATLEILIXI3I7A.S. - J. W. SCOTT 1100 .7._ —4. PURNISHING'SToItIi 110 814 011.1113TIFITT Street. 142-1 Y Pour doors beim the Oontfnental. DRVOS AND CHEMICALS; BOTANIO AND ECLEOTIO DRUGS. ROBERT A. FIANCE. Mara IT /MM. PHILLLDBLPRIA; Would tall the attention of DrUlliglat ibluarY Mu' &ants, and ethos, to his stook or • ROOM RUBS. AND LARKS. In ItatiOni Sized packages, of onr own pressing. at Plilo3ll snow FORMIII BATE& • • full line of BOTAIIIOAL PREPAILLTION&__W. B. =ILL 100.1 00101.1/711•310 3.INESDLIB. spo at a liberal discount to the trade.. Cataloguss furnished on application. mill-Snall CONFECTIONERY. SUMMERCONFECNS. pereons about leavins the olty should *all and et• amine our splendid assortment of DELICIOUS CONFECTIONS. SYRUPS, &a., Particularly adapted for the Warm Season. E. G. WIIITM eiN ea Cm.- SLANUPAOTTMERS. 318. ORESTAUT STEU. Acir Also, an assortment of BRILLIANT FIRE-WORKS. le 10-mtuthlm CHOICE CONFECTIONS. The finer Quetities of clonsarionay, Immo to the Summer IMMO% manufactured froth, daily. bY BTSPHIN P. WHITMAN. jel4m No. MO MAIMIST Street. A VERY RINBRIOR GUM DROP, prepand by 13TSPIIBX V. WHITMAN, iidam No. 1210 MLBKIIT street. A VERY CHOICE ROASTED AL MAD. maanfootared by lITIPHEN P.. WHITMAN. jel-la No. 12410 MANN= Street. lOE CREAM. PURE DELAWARE COUNTY ICE CREAM, made in the eountrp,and fresh Over/ morning—the very beet that la made. Saloons, linear/ions, Pie-Nies, Fes• tivaLs„ Hotels, Eestaurants, and Private FIMIIIIIII, for- Idabel with promptness in quantities to atilt,(lll season able terms. EASTERN MARKET ICE-CREAM STAND. -ie24anz FOR TIM ILLUMINATION JULY 4, 1.805. GENERAL GRANT CANDLES WARBAUSTID NOT TO "RUNG" For sale by RODENT DONNELL SON, jeli Ot* 808 WALNUT WREST. WOE THE ILLUMINATION ON THE FOURTH Use the PATENT ILLUMINATING CANDLESTICK. Fries-1 Cent each. or $lO per 1.000. For sale at W. W. KNIGHT & 8011 , S. 4011 MI: Street. A Liberal Discount to the Trade .ierd 3r, BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 North Sixth street, 1111101FACITIMHZ of VBNITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES, Tim lorgell sod An smostment in the sity M the VIMOIS moll prism iron saki= AUDI AID urruzi. Uksip lot solhot Mom sod Shiites. spe•Sat vIB W S PROTOORAPIIIO. PAR. TM or Individuals desiring photographs take cf churches public buildings, residences and country seals, should aura, to R. F xximsa. Photographer, at his nallery. 024 ARCH Street. lA* Ca RD PHOTOGRAPHS—B EA U T FUL specimens, done in styles suitable for Albums. Just the tbtag for embolus to excitants withelassmates. 12 for $126. itBIELVWS, NAOPPID Kreet above /11* WANTS. WANTED -A FIRST-CLASS SALES. INirI42rIIKEI49TREBT CLOTH JOBBING ROOKS. To an indaentlarpirty, a very liberal salary will be given Maratm 215.02 . rost-Offlea. . . je24.3v, WANTID-741tif A WEIOLBSAL GRO OM/Mt Hems. a LAD of sixteen years. Address at this Oiles, with name sad residsnee. SlasrY. *lOO. WANTICDA SECOND•HASDED STEAM MGM IN GOOD 0 EDER. with bore of cylinder from fire to seven Inches In olunder, end from ten to twelve inches stroke. Address . J 0. HD 8. Tronteurer fins•qttebmana Iron Company, .ieSEAt . Columbia. Pa. WANTED. -A SPECIAL PARTMER, with a capital of forty thousand &Aare ' fa an edahlithed mamma. huoinets , vagina. fair Math The bueinees can be vett& itieteand by file addition of the above &mono!. To one willing to {livid math factory proof will be Oval o the reliability of the ad Yerlieera. Addrere "B. L., " Box 2200 Philadelphia Post Wilco. Jelll.4V" AVAIITED- - - - -E %PERTH - NORD •IF AGENTS. —Professional Men, Returned Soldiers. and energetic men of good. address are wanted in all Parts of the United States and Canada, to take orders for the LICK OP ABRaßela LILOOLI, written by the Witeir•ittiown and favorite author Dr. J. O. Rolland (Timothy Titeomb). The announcement of this work has been received With universal favor by all ciames,and the press Dile. rally have commended it in the highest terms. Agents who have commenced canyaseing for this work regard ft as the best subscription book Oyer offered to the public, and are meeting with unparalleled 40.0.3088. The author is so popular as a writer that the people anbaeribe for It readily and cheerfully. further information can be obtained by calling at my office, or addressing by mail, Q BILL, je_23,lt-Wit stPitrwarlitLD. alms. WANTED-FIRST-CLAM 3 OPBR A TOES on FINE SHIRTS. To rood, reliable hands would give out 101 l of several dozens. or into the store. Good prises paid. OL. SMI T H, jeti•et* . 303 ARCH Street WANTED. -A YOUNG MAN FROM • the Country desires a Sitnation as BOOK. KREPS% or ASEIiBTAIT, in a Wholesale- llstablish went, or will go to some foreign country on business: has a good education, and writes a fair business hand ; van rorntsn o.rtifloate and rsferenses. Address " Vega tablo.'' fisbnylkill. Chester Ooruity, Penne. i024-8t A 'YOUNG MAN, A With Busbies* Broerienee add a few Thou sand Dollars in cash, wants to engage to a safe and ree . octants business. se2a3i. Address "A.. 8.," this once. AGENT WANTED:-WITH $l,OOO, sash eapltal. To sell at wholesale. an "article' for the manaraehaer, that is sold by all the principal 'Store and •retail hardware houseqranishing and stores to city. 16. Iltto. eeeustestook and -she exclusive s • • for this city and vicinity, will be shim. The sales are lame. Addrois. for partieulars, stating tome and residence, 44.1-b-*_P,....448 ca. Manufacturer. je2B 1 GENTI3 WARTED 'FOE THE NURSE AND SPY, tha roo.d Interesting and ex. citing book averpublished., imbruing. toe savaararse of a woman in the Union Army as Nome, Scout, and 'Spy, giving a most vivid inner plates, of the war. :Teachers, ladies energetic. young matt: and arma ad, returneddand ; idisabled °Moen and is3 t i t .tat, in want of profitable em pl oyment, will find it iarly adapted to their condition. We have Aden skating SRO per month, Which we will prove to any doubting aplicant. Send tor ciretlate. Address JONES, BROS. & 00. A. corner SIETE and MINOR Ste., l'hilidelphia, ra. mySo.lm* 'AGENTS • WANTED Pit ," rag Hum ESEV/HE. THE MILE, TEM DUN HEON. AND THE IMAM" . . . . D. RICHARDSON. New York Tribune 'Correspondent. ~- tißive most interesting,t a irXrittillg book ever pub • • _ embracing Mr. rdsonfis unparalleled ex nee for lota years; travelling throe &the South tn . he 'wet lorries of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war with our *rages and fleets, both Emit and West, during the first two years of the rebellion; kis Brent r i i i i t i deone ro v . ett is for twenty months in seven rzna-jotate, abet ,of nearly li a t j ni l fir 11 11 4 3 i n li abound to stirring events, and contain more of the fact, Incident,. and romance of Alm war than any other work. yet published. TeacherCladirs, energetic young men, and espertally returned and disabled officers and sol diers. in emit of profitable employment, will find'it peculiarly adapted to their isondition. We have agorae clearing OM per month. Whisk prove to any doubting applicant, seed for circulars__ Addroto JONES, BROS.. CO., N. IL corner S IXTH and MINOR Streets. .Philsdelphis,. islls-110 ROY WANTED—A COLORED BOY IL , between the sees of 16 Ind 16 wanted, Apply 101 • mediatelp st 616 LOCUST Street matt 1 LACK MI T H'S • KND 'WEIBEL ••-• WEIGHER WANTED. Own W QUATLTIEBILLS7)IB 2 3 OFFICOI, DIPOT OS WASIIINOTOn oreolriaGTON. D. C.. Jane gt, 1885. Wanted. at 011.1. tO wore in repairing Ale large =m bar of wagons latsly two d In at this &soot, OAR RUNDIA sLmuleauras • 011 HUNDRED WHIBLWRIOBTO. Note but good workmen wasted For particulate as -to pay 8c apply to -Brevet 1101. C. H. Tompkins, A. H. At., 11. N. A.. cornwlaif If treaty second and G. streets. Washington. A C. D. H. EIIO.BIIB, Brlgialintbileirdsa geertermaster, jeSl4lt • Depot Of Ortillitiortos. A 131' ECI AL PARTNER, WITH Bitht or Ten Thousand Dollars, will be titan in IS Peelltitble atanntsetnelme Bodiless. sad seentitr given far the money. Address "Nanatastarer," at this lase. lelrbats RALES7II./iN WANTED-IN A CLOTH k- 1 Store. must have expezience. Address "Cloths and Cassimeres." at this office. 3825-mth2t* 810000 • .--WANTED, AOTIVE, 9 energetic young man, of baldness experience and correct habits, With $lO,OOO to 1115,000 papital, to take an active interest In s, light, agreeable -Incise/3a, from which a fortune may soon be realized. :11ddintl, 11 1 1th full AIIMIth 66 no nodes will be taken of 'any other, J. C. WILLIABId, Jegd.2t* offi ce of this paper. 87-0. A MONTB.-1 WANT AGENTS 4,311 PEAlT'Affaii° ricr i el h attrir n ari i r Pull particulars iris. Ad arm 04E3 T. OARBL°lllatie [ord. Maids. Pole d&WSnr BOARDING. A LADY, WHO WOULD BE A Ireerly_boarder. wishes toploenre a, room, iNthe ' zatfraidn'a and WALAUT Streets:- Di, • rest lo" - se. 1H ," thiskafttee. A+629.44* All &ROE , THIRD-51091tY FUR RIBBED Front board t tst jails t UPON NA•I4-w: - vials* sx.r. APL It A SANT 'ROW, WITH Boara, i offered in a central location. tot two Gentlemen. Address Box Mai P. 0. tett BP TLETABN.CAti HANN, A, W sapPee N on . gto t y. ith Breakfast and Tea, at 6 ° 57410fttl htmti , Lk* private famttr. haw NSTENT AND. PERMANENT Street. Je23 R O AD colt SALE AND• TO LET. TO LIT. -A GOOD STABLE AND jelli carriage house upon Park street, on the rear et 704 Walnut street. Apply to ib2o THEO. CUTLER._ TO LET-TWO ROOMS ON SECOND 46 floor of 330. Mummy Place. Apply OA the geo- SALE OFFICE FURNITURE OF. PRO VOST MARSETALB.—WiIIibe sold at public Anc• tion. atN. THOMAS .4 BOttS'. 139 and 141 South rotraim Street. on THURSDAY, Sane 29 ch., 1885, at 10 o'clock A. M. sundry Tables, Desks, Chairs Stores, no. M . Las, Captain, Provost Marshal First, Second, and Fourth Districts, Poittls. je22 thymic 9t rVVrl'=T7llM7Wirrij7l MMHG. 00A.19 AIW OTHER XSiW comrArai. we an prepared to tarnish New Clormatiou will an Os- Books they require. at short smiles sad low PASO, of Ant quality. All styles of Binding. • ETHEL PLATE CIRTITIOATEII or STOOK LITHOGRAPHED !I 11 , TRANSFER BOWL 0111:001.8 Or. TRANSPEL STOOK LEDGES. STOOK LEDGER BALANCES. MISTER OP. CAPITAL sTettli. EROICER'S PETTY MUM ACCOUNT OP SALE& EVIDEND 1100 R. MOSS do CO., BLAIN BOOR ALUIRCIAGTDRIRS AND STATIONER& son-tf • aas oaserinrr Shoot. Vl:Oklppulzli FOURTH OF JULY FIUEWOUas, Ulf OZER! VARSITY ROCKETS, CANDLES, UNION AND noraAN CANDLES, MINES, TRIANGLES, SHIP LIGHTS, SNAKES, BLUE LIGHTS, PLOWER POTS, PIN WHEELS, GRASSHOPPERS, COLORED Vim% ALSO. A lute assortment of Whetls, fox sale 1:1 A. 11. FRANI:a - S(MS & AMR 513 MARKET sniur. FREWORKB, FIREWORKS. FIRE WORKS. OF AVERY VARIETY. So large or small quantltles, may be had at JOSEPH CAMPBELL & BRO.'S, Jel742t* IOS 111ARKST Street. FIREWORKS. --JACV.BON a HAD FIELD'S celebrated Fireworks, consisting . in Pert of Roman Candles, Rocket*, Mao, Mors. Wheels. Trjasaleo, and Colored Fir% at MILLER'S. leie-re* 010 mAditsr Street. MERCHANT TAILORtS• EDWARD F. FOLLY, JOHN NELLtY. TAILORS, 1111 1311-88THIJT STREIT, WAWA lOW II MIL! OOMPLITZ &SSORTMERT Of BPli GOOPS. AU-U AkVIMON !A=K: HERKNESS' BAZAAR, NINTH and RANSON Struts. AUCTION SALE 01 Bongs, ON. SATURDAY M ab OßNlitte NEXT. at ten o' sleek, sonneteer ont IBL X.TI suited to harness an d theread HO dle S . ES ill descriptions at sale. ALSO, BM and seeond hand ernsiladeal . Belt wagorl „ eta ,; With 'which the este will sommillliblt single sad 00 able hatress. saddles, at 0 1111r y stone 1 0 '0 4 he n ni a thesaggitafed mire BULL, three years:id. • 41P - Bat s of Ilea &tieing .to of a large Itibie 92 tesaSy .bar Special sale of horses. sarritries. &a . au Than' day Lent ALEARD BRIXNESS. If natioassr. M;M MRS. JOHN DREW'S RENT ARCH: emzwr 111111170. VOLIBTFI Maur or FRAIIK Mum. THIS (THI77/BDAIr) 80HIVI a, Jtted imam •"1116 LAW LBEit DIM After which. "AfAZEPPA. m •Tiank DreW rree;;Cal;47,l;l7:riliiiirirs • FRIDAY. BYNIFIT OF FRANZ DEW, NEW ()HEST NT/ T-STRZET THBATRI. COTTON & 1111STMT'S Mr&STRILLS;' SIIVINTEBN STAR PNEFORAInna SRN COTTON, The Intrat ta R L ble E Comedian. JON IM The Champion Hone Player NNW Soltas. law Jou& trzw BIIELEButN. NEW ACM. MONDAY WINING June 261 h. IMIIINSS SIICOBSS EVERYWrillnl. Trononumed by the Preen and Public to be the best troupe ever ereeskised. - 3ITISTAINMENTS SUM% ouratitia, AID' DON'T FAIL TO SEE E THE BTIN D tI D. NAMPION TROI7III 01 ARBRICe. Admitelon—TamilY Circle, 25 cents; Dress Grate Nut Practuette. GO cents. Beats may be secured &Ones day. without extra charge. 3ddb-tn_ pHILADBLPHIA NATAT OR lUM -s- AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, BROAD STREET, BELOW WALNUT. THE NATATORIUM AND THE 42a OP JULY. The Bathing end Swimming department on the Youth will be open for gentlemen from a A, id .to 6 P. Manly. No Lessons will be glyen, nor wilt she WNW SWIM ON that day. lent et ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST MDT Street. above Tenth—Open from 9 L If. 1141 aP. In. Beniamtn Wed's and picture of o.ll.4llfri* JECTED still. on exhlblilon. Jen $ 16014 . POINT BREEZE' PA R Thal of ►peed on ygini,T. Hoch tut.. at kti o , clockP. if.. enters arva fat. ,0 tO harness. Mr. jasilonnall b. h Charles. Mr. Carson enters bik. m. Victoria. Mr. Need enters b. h. Montreal. Mr. Murtiand enters b. it May tauten. Admlaton rt. je4a a i* POINT BREEZE PA R g or mwd vnts PAY. (Thersday) inst., at 3,1‘ o sleek, r. IL ; best three is lire. W. Debts enters gray home, to tragoak J. Turner enters brown mare, to harness, GAMS Dal, beet three to ave. 10. Aoble enters bay mare, to harness. - enters brown horse, to harness. Admission $l. RELVIDERE DELAWARE RAIL• ."0 GOAD. TWO THROIIGH - NORTHERN CON NECTIONS DAILY. LEAN* P. AND T. Z. E. KENSINGTON DUO? At 7.30 A. M. AND 3 30'P, Conalieeting directly through to EASTON, 'WATER GAP. ' WILEESBAII/11, • AND THZ - MAT LASSO. Tbronith Tickets sold and Bantus Mooned. Won. to all winds's.' points North and West. is94m W. 'H. *Gann% Aged. a t igiwiti CAMDEN AND AT IC RAILAD. SWARCER AR LA RA NT NOEMIST. RO THROUGH IN TWO HOURS. On and alter SATURDAY, July lat. 1965, MI train daily to Atlantic City, and one on Sunday TRAINS LEAVE VIIIE.STREST FERRY BS follows: Special Excursion.-- GAO A. 11L Mail Train.... ... 4.4.4. 7,30 A. M. Freight, with Passenger Car attached.-- 9.15 A. M. Express (through in two hone). ... 2.00 P. Ma Atlantic Accommodation .. 431 F. Me RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC'. Atlantic Accommodation........s 47 A, M. Express (through in two hours) 7.08 A. IL Freight, with Fautonger Oar, attashed .--.11. 47 A. M. Mail Train • 4.45 P. N. Special lizintrelen,.... ••••• • 4... T RAI N • .••• . 6.18 P. N. SUNDAY MAIL Leaves Vine-greet Ferry at7.BOP. IL lutarning. leaves Atlantic 4 45A. M. P are to Atlantic, 4a, &mac-trip Tickets,good oily for the day and train on which they ate Ildallat JUNCTION AOOOMMORATME, Leave Vine- street Ferry &SOP. Leave Jackson at.— —6.28 A. M. JIBTAA HADDONRIELD TRAINS. Leave Vra - e - 43GierVerty JIMA% I:and 15 P. 11, Leave Haddqnfteld at 1./. 0.A... M. and 2.46 P. K. _ ' b ' B. B.—Freight must be delivered at ooper Point before 6 O'clOok P. M. to insure tq gulag down t h e AIM day. JOHN G BE ANT, Agent. EXTRA NOTlOll.—Rottnd.trip Tiekete, good to go and re (inclust urn i o v n e) any July train from the let day of July to the 6th . Itl •tt air c a EXCURSIONS TO 1.0111(1 BBl.l2oll.—Tfaino fen Long Branch will /mire Cooper , 5 Point. CLIMBS. deliF Windage excepted.) at' 9.14 A. If. Fara U. Ax torsion tickets. good for threo day, F 3. Extra train OX Saturdays at 4.30 P. M. Retuning. urine at ammo aimA. M. Monday. L. B. COL& Agent, 2m Camden. BPHBATA AN D LITIZ SPRIMOS, VIA /lUDs DSO AND OOLUMBLA RAILROAD. .GLOSS DONNBOTIONS AT RRADINGI. On and after MONDAY, June 12th, passengera for es above Bprinst will leave the PM LA.DELPHIA AND BEADING RAILROAD DEPOT, TRIRTEESTR and OAI,LOWHILL Streets, at 8 A. M. and 8.30 P. M,., ars riving at, Sphrata at 12.28 and 7.26 P, M., and at /Alia 1 end - 7.66 P. M. .1111T171112/NO, Leave Litiz at 8 18 A. Id and 216 P. M., and Ephrata at 8.42 A, M. and 2 44 P, M. , arriving In Philadelphia at 12. 46 and 7.06 P. M. je28../2t PHILADELPHIA. AND READING RAILROAD. —Excursion Tickets at $3 65 each to S E t P b 866 A P a a n s d e L n U ge Z D n p b tTHIRTEENTH Junly A o LoWaILL. JOHN WELCH, len St general Ticket anent. aIIaIIMINCB BAP AND PLAA SAM' 6117MM101 TNA.V.I9L. AND ATL ANTIC AND NAV. CAN An DILAWARN B BAII,IIOAD. (WANGS OF TIMN. CAMDEN, TO NNW TORK AND LONO BRAICI/1. On andaiter MONDAY. Jane 19, the Names Train will leave Cooler's Point, Camden, daily (Sundays M ooted) at 9.10 A. M. for Tackerton. Barnegat, TM% Myer. Manchester, Arden, Somanknin, Farmingdale. shark River, Long Branch, Brauckport, Ocean ~ liatontows, ehreyr_ibury. Rod Bank. Middletown. . lands, sad - Port Monz . nonthi thanes to T hong the ealendid denier Jeep) Hoyt to mew York Ave M 4I IN. Fen btatirldan nen*, lan OAfor three daye, 3. haiturdeys at extra train for Long Broach will leave Camden at 439 )'. M. Beturning. l,*ve Long 1 Branch N. at 5 95 A. 11. Monday. attiring at Wades 9.0 A. mg& RAILROAD' —To Toortato DATA: COMPAN tersr-Eacursion Season of IL. Lake Ontario. trait-no:w River. The Tamarind Islands, Portland. The Rapids Of Bt.Lawresei White Moontaine r River, Saratoga Spiiap, 46,, &Li Montreal, 10., go. Quebec, are., lc. Tickets for the above Excursions, which have bow so one and favorably known to the Philadelyt pu he blic, by various routes to Lama falls, for sale CATAWISSA RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE, VW Chestnut street. under Philadelphia Bank, where full information will be given. A. 'PAA BORN, Passenger Agent, .125 OKASTriIIT, Streik is agG i t . TO PLEASURE SEEKBREL POO. Lital BIIPBRIOIL One of the new and magnificent Steamers, METEOR AN D PEWADIO Will leave CLEVELAN Ohio. ever;BIONDaT, as BP. M,, and DETROIT, Michigan, every TtJESDAI. at 2P. M and Port Bemis. et le P. M. For rea l P comfort and pleunre the Lake Superior trbt is uneenalled on this continent, The best • ' speckled trout" tithing in the world i and nowhere can the valid realize each substantial benefit as in the sooL, dry, and invigorating climate of Lake Superior. It te aleo the cheapest trip offered. being only about three s' and onions' cents per mile, which includes date. rooms and meals, For Information., or iambs of rooms. sooty to GAREETSOI2 andO" Cie vel obi% Tr WRITING At DotioliJ mob. 'hicCANDLESS & SMITH, MALT VIEEOAR PACITORS, BROAD AID PRIME STREETS. Constantly onland and for eale a largo stock or MALT and WHITE WINE VINEGAR—a new article of mann. facture In tide country. made by the eelebrated English Proms% end need exeltudvely for Pickling in Europe. All atlas warranted tree irom impurities and ekaggb Orden tilled promptly to all T perm et Olt country. AGENS. L. B. OAMBLOIL We. 113 Walnut street, Phtladel• phis. PITT &WHIT& Wo Esehaers Plam BalUmore. ORRIbTIAN LEA. & 0 0, . Blobmond, Va. N. W. GOULD & (lo Newborn. A. 0. isl9.llm THE CHEAPEST FRUIT JARS IN -•••• tie market—Quart Capsule Jar at .2 per dog, ,—eoge, taste. HAYOBLL & LETORWOUTH. 120. 1.21 North FIFTH Street, ana 120. Ma MINOR Street. je1.3.1m FRUIT JARS.-WE ARE NOW BE Ins the "BARTELL ALL GLIM JAW' At NOM. tio-was prima. BARTELL LBTOU I VORTM, Vp, SAY orih MTH Nab na ffo, MINOR litne _ i THE ASHLA.ND n - -a- FOURTH AVENUE AND TtENTT•I I OI,Rea STREET, NEW YORK TY, Recently ealarged and improved. le 1101 f open for transient as well as permanent boarders The hone IS situated on one of the pleasantest avenues, and aseesd las to all place" of amnsemant, and bruin's& by oars dad stages. Guests will find all the conveniences and com forts of a superior eliablisbruent, with an excellent 010. ble. Tratelent board, 33 per, dm WM ; BS ores rePrididr• N. B.—Families Who admire some for i • sanirldr Will =As early anolidation. To dipruable Mattes att• ventageons terms be offered, Nina JOSHUA T. OWEN, L. ATTOR2 OODWEISLLOI AT LAW, AND 1301,101T0Z • CLAIM OSi% MKT BIM). agar roartimbath Wishlmam D. G. ADMIRAL DIIPONT.-TEN Mon& mid admirer.' of the lamented Admiral elm Obtain atm rlCTUan—lmporlat and Oartsa de Visite— taken rttlei. Life. at 1% (110TSKIMST'a. 704 AMIN btroet Ora' CORNELIUS NENNEXL. WpiLIAM U. WAVaalli Late Public Pstater, late ()wet Olett Sab, Dept WOW/ILL it WATSON OIAIMS BEFORE IVIET DEPART MEV 01 MS GOVIRNMIUM Office room, No. 345 PUNBILVANIA ATM*. J eetly oppoeite.the Metropolitan Mote/. P. O. Hoz 269, Wails on, D, o NATIONAL FLAGS 1—• A LAOIS stook of Booting Plage, of the Leas ma 4.11 eget, pith poise, for ash, at low prlaw, et, the ambit &ore of WK. je22.9oif IS. E. conter, EIGHT % and MIIOIIIT. WRITTEN AND , VERBAL DE. EGRIPTIONS of Charoolot,Ooloititutlon, nnd %to irg rati rrie s x im E n ith, Ins of 01111141, met a ii . i tt fisy sad crams, br fi nd $o Phranolgent and Booksollor k oillantlitlylf 1115 TnNTR Otaudasai FINE A 111) EVROLAR.PROOF 13 SAFES. national Dank nd Mercantile Saha. Dwelling. hones Beteg free from garaphest. Notold nand Safes *tether metes atgreatly radioed 'prices, 'Weed WATBON. salamander Bare store, .1027 , Intbra$ We 10 South FOURTH Mott. CABINET FITEN/TVOII. 1100/CS & CAMPION. sun 11011TH 8200111 D OrESIT, are prepared to Wow the deans* to the rpertret Un PM* or their Torattore. Patehairere WIU Pleat* oaq, ma p t catsime. b 110.11! BORAITON. GREAT BUD. strtmo.
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