,g 1t :11irt.,55. MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1865. THE COURTS. Volsci of Oyer and Terminer—lion. James S. 'Ludlow and lion. Joseph Allison, Associate Justices. ilfillisat B. Mann, BEE.. Pmeeenting Anon:ter.) TEE CASE, OF 'WILLIAM HOFSIMS DlStriot Attorney Mann arose and moved the judgment of the law in the oases of William Hop. itm and David Gregory, convicted of murder in the first degree, on the 30th of March last. David Peel Brown, Esq., referred to the opinion overrulbg the motion for a new trial, saying the character of tte lIIMODOr wan not taken into eon. sideration, and that the evidence of a witness that Hopkins reached ever and stabbsd the deceased, Was given for the deferee, and referred tO another inert with red hair. .111d,oe Ludlow referred to Ms notes, and said the evidence referred to by the Court was given by Galbraith, and not by Leatherberry, as Stated by counsel. Mr. Brown read an affidavit from Ralph Tweedie, a fireman on bohrd the Bermuda, setting forth that a Man named Win. Frazier stabbed the deceaeod. Judge Alltinn inquired why the evidence was not produced bole: e. Mr. Brown said that it was not known before, at tte man bed not told any one for fear of getting himself Into difficulty. He asked for a review of the case en this additional proof. District Attorney Mann said he did not know of any additional proof. The law required that the prisoner should be asked what he had to say why sentence of death should not be pronounced, but it was never known that the court reviewed a case under suck circumstances. The ocurt might recta w tke 0/130, and, upon the prisoner being again asked What he had to say, &e., he could take from his pocket another paper and ask to have it reviewed, and thus there would be no end to the proceedings. He thought the proceedings out of place and out of time. Mr. Brown thought. the District Attorney had Zoning to do With the eaeo, as it was a question with the court and the prisoner. Mr. Mann said be never before heard of such a proposition as made by the counsal, and he had re plied to U. Pothers no other Attorney General had ever been called upon to reply to Such pro ceedings. Judge indicter, otter consultation with his brother judge, said he had concluaou zo pease In this case. His brother:judge did not write the opinion that had bean erhicited by cout4ol, and he desired to refer it to hint and iske htivjudgment, Judge Ailisml tr.dieurred with Judge Ludlow, and the case waa paused wall Saturday neat. DaTid. Gregory was now asked what he had to say rup'eentaneu of death should not be pronounced upon hire according to law. In order that our readers may comprehend what he said, It is naus ea*, to state that the prisoner is a soldier. He said: "If my efficers had done their duty and dis charged use when I made application, I would not be hero. I was not in my mind whoa the act was committed.” The prisoner Las his head bandaged, and coin. plsgzis of having been suustruok. Judge T.a.itow, in a very feeling and impressive Maurer, passed sentence as fellows By tie recent It appears that you, David Grego. IT, nave been convicted of the wilful, dellberate,and premeditated murder of Stephen Viers.. You were tried, and alter having been defended by counsel, you were convicted at the last term of this court, and you stand to-day to hear that final judgment which we must pronounce. This Is a sad spectacle, and one which must touch every heart, for ;our own wicked act has brought you here to-day. By the law of this Commonwealth, 6, every per son convicted of the crime ofrourder in the first de gree, his alders, abettors, and counsellors, shall be Sentenced to suffer death by hanging by the neck," and our legislators, representing the will and Mew reality of the people, have affixed, in °bode= to a a Divine command, this fearful penalty to the crime of mercer. We must pronounce the Sentence ; and while, as inen, we would gladly escape from the dtsaharge of this duty, as magistrates, we remember our oaths of office, atd we proceed to the work before us, knowing well the responsibility which we assume, and that upon the faithful performance of our obit. gations rOciety depends for its protection. If hu man WO is to be held sacred here, surely we muBt "execute justice and maintain truth." It 18 net our present purpose to protract this painful HMO, and yet we Cannot part from you Without directing your serious attention to your past conduct, to the causes which have brought you Zo the bar of this court, and to your immediate fu, Lure, in the hope that you may repent and prepare for the execution of our sentence. Youwent yoor victim into eternity by a cruel death, and before he bad time to prepare for the re antics of another world ; you thus offended against human laws, and set them at defiance; but you earn luitted a yet greeter sin, for you have violated a DI. Vine command, and sinned against that august 33eing at whose bar you must render your final ao count. Upon the trial your counsel urged, with ability and earnestness, in extenuation of your offence, the fact that you bad been excited by liquor ; but the twelve men sworn to determine your guilt and its grade, decided that you were not so intoxicated as to be unable to understana and deliberate upon the act about to be performed 5 and thus to your unlaw fill indulgence, coupled with a most Wicked and 'restrained temper, you owe your present fallen con dition ; frOM ytur fate let- men everywhere notice and learn that sorrow inevitably flows from the Course cf life pursued by yon, and that verily is it true that a the way of the transgressor is hard." You had no mercy for your viotim ; but the law deals More tenderly with you, for it gives you time and place for repentance. If justice takes its due course you have no hope in this life for the future; and we admonish you, as the world fades from your vision, to consider your past coadnet, acknowledge the sin you have committed, and seek, under the direction of your spiritual advisers, for that forgive nese which can alone protect you when you appear before that tribunal whose decree snall be final and to all eternity irrevocable. ' And now, David Gregory, we pronounce the sen tence which the law affixes to the crime of murder in the first degree, of which you stand eeterlated ; which sentence Is : That David Gregery,,, the prisoner at the bar, be taken from hence to the jail of the County of Phila. delphia, from whence ho came, and from thence to the place of execution, and that he be there hanged by the neck until he is dead, and May God, in His Infinite goodness, have mercy , on hie soul. During the delivery of the sentence, the prisoner Stood in a positive which in military parlance would be termed chat of 6, attention." Every nerve seemed to have been braced, and he never moved a muscle. Court 'of quarter Sessions—Rom James K. "adieu. Asseciate Justice. } [Wm. B. I'M], Bey., Pioetcating Attorney.] SBITTEIMIS 08 A 90A-DUCTOR. Joseph Slilll, the conductor of the Union Paine* ger 'Railway, covvicted of larceny in stealing fares from the company, was sentenced to an imerison• Sault at separate and solitary confinement at labor In the Eastern Penitentiary for the term of one year. This prisoner was deeply arrested at the sentence paned upon him.. Jooge Ludlow said he felt great regret at passing tentenee upon the prisoner, be- Raving him to tan beau heretofore a respectable Den. lie could Lot allow his personal feelings, hewever, to interfure with the course of justice. SIMTBNOR FOR APSAHLT AND BATTART, WITH =E! Thomas S. Ftratm, convicted of an assault and battery, with intent to kill, was sentenced to pay a fine of $lOO and to undergo an imprisonment in the County Prison for four months. The Judge said be believed the accused! had allowed hie p . as:loa to got the better of him, and however Innen it was to by regretted that a highly Teeipectebie citizen should come before the COEM, for sentence, 'set the Mies must be dhiellargad without fear, favor, or affection. Fernon produced the following statement Ott THE MATTER OF J, b. BuBBELL AND T. O. FHB NON—STATBIJIENT OF THREE RTR-WITRESSBE. The undersigned respectfully represent: That on Monday, April Nib, A. D. 1865, we were present at 324 Walnut street. Philadelphia, where a breach of the peace occurred between Jay A. Hubbell and Thomas S. Fertirra, for which the latter was con victed in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Palladel phis, on Tuesday, April 25th, 1865. That Mr. Fer non assaulted Mr. Hubbell with an umbrella by knocking off his hat and hitting him on the head at or about the some time, and commanding him to kayo the premises, which the said Hubbell refused to do, and clenched the said Anion, whereupon he, She Said Per Lon, displayed a knife to keep him, the said Hubbell, at bay and drive him from the aloe, where he, Ferr-on, is officially connected with two 'Mining companies. We saw no attempt on the part of Thomas S. Far. non to take the we of 3. A. Ilubbel ; neither do we believe that any sink Intent or attempt wag made or Intended on the occasion referred to. The two outs received by Stir. Hubbell in the arm, we believe from the evidence were made at the time when MT. Hubbell first clenched Fern= in the struggle. We believe that Mr. Fernours only object and Intent was to assault and drive Mr. Hubbell from the of fice, In consequence of precious difficulties. From What we saw and know from the parties present at the time when the difficulty occurred, and all par ties were then present, we do not believe that Thomas 3. Fornon wilfully or maliciously intended or attempted to take tile ID or T. A, Thibbell. [Signed,] D. Hannocar, W. H. Suritntfe, AMU]) DU MIS. DISCILARGISD; z .sl Pauline Siegel the woman heard on pus, charged with having a sum of money party of a soldier, was discharged. Toweango Tan WPM= ov Cl* ti• Judge Ludlow disposed of a u.5,,0.,..0nam. was Sued to support two childre where a man wined that the mother of tWl300,1" The court deter wife of the defendant„P:, was not the wife is still alive, l ' auu "tvlaente showing that his her. The defolda'r tssngh he is separated from Coast pe,vuy.was discharged. "ercip baasemmon Please—jade* Allison. nd 0....5R WALNUT MIRO BTOOIt ,ices. Durney, & CO. vs. Adams, Knight, & Co., IN6berton, Evans., Teornton, et al. This case, which involves the question of the delivery of certain stock of the Walnut Bend Oil Company sold by plain tiffs, was further beard on Saturday. Other abide- VIM of various parties in explanation Of the transac tion were read. E. W. Davie, the parader of the stock in (pies tion, denies all complicity, conspiracy or ccmhana tion of any sort to injure plaintiff, and states that in consequence of favorable reports received from the superintendent of the coin, and anticipating a rise in the value of the stock, he determined to pur chase the stock. For this purpose he went first to the Offiee of ( .]unison & Go., brokers, but finding Illr. Clarkson was in attendance upon COUrt as a surer, he went to the office of Adams, Knight & CO., to whom be gave an order to purchase 10,000 shares, at al to $1 50 per share. At the time of giving this order ho had no knowledge of Thornton, Eleberton's or Harper, Durney & Co., and had never met write either of them, and was Ignorant of the fact that aey order had teen given by either Thornton or Evans to the plaintiffs, to stall the Stook, or that they Lad any stock to sell. Neither Davis, or Adams, Knight & Co. knew where the 10,000 shares. or any part of it would be procured or Who woula offer to Mt the order. but the offer was given and accepted, and given in good faith, and 1n the ordinary case of business. Adams, Knight & Co. informed Davis that they had pur ehneed 8,000 shares of Eleberten's at et, and 600 from other parties at 401,' ; the latter sale was pulse twine 001npleied, and tee stook delivered to DINS by the seller. On Wednesday, Davis, by hie brokers, nailed for a delivery of the etook On Friday,. end then learned, for the ftrat Lime, that the plaintiffs were ,In any way Concerned In the sale. On that day Deets swears that Harper celled on him, and sa id he could not get the stock, sad proposed that Davis should throw am the purchase, and that he, Harper, would then get hie ds In Board of Brokers o Sell the stock Mortfrie n and that the they could get up a t " corner," and that Davis would make more money out of it than by holding OR to the sale. To this Davis refused to assent, land said that his purchase Was a legitimate one, and that ae Harper had undertaken to sell Stock that he did not own, be was betted to furnish it, or pay the differ ence. Harper afterwards attempted to borrow the stock Irian another stook broker, but with ant success. Davis denies all knowledge of any of the dealing' between Thornton and Harper, Dar. ney, & Co., ao d avers his belief that if the order given by Thornton to plaintiff wee rescinded before the sale, as is alleged by Tnornton, that such sale was made by plaintiffs 'on their own account, and for their own prone and contends that they should gland by their bargain. Davis further denies that there wee any obliga tion or arrangement among the stockholders not to Zell the stock for slaty days, or that he controlled a majority of the stock; but, on the contrary, the stook had been on the market, and was sold freely for several weeks prior to the 11th, the date of Thornton's order to plaintiff, and that several thou sand shares were sold atter his purchase on Matadi. Robert 11. Ada 3s, Thomas O. Knight, and.loseph. Byrafl of the firm of Adams, Knight, & Co., each also present affidavits, In which they swear the; they received Davis' order to purchase, In geed faith, and in the ordinary way of business, and with out any knowledge or suspicion of any unfair deal. j og o x i th e part of any one,: They Umtata au know- ledge or participation in any fraud or attempted fraud of any description, and say that they knew nothing of the order from Thornton or Emil to plaintiff, and did not know that plaintiffs had any stock to sell ; that they went into the Brokers' Board and bid for the stock In the usual way when the Heberton; accepted their Offer of $1 for 2,000 shares, and agreed to deliver them. Knight then bid for another thousand shares, and wail informed by Mr. Heberton that he thought he could get more of the stook. To this Knight replied, have an order for more, go and see. ,, Heberton then left the Board room, and returned in a few minutes. Saying he had the stock. It was then called up, and lieberton sold an other 1,000 to Knight at $l, buyer 10. Upon Knight bidding for a further amount, Heberton replied he had no more to sell, having thus disposed of three only out of the four thousand shares which plaintiffs allege they were ordered tD sell at $l. Adame,; Knight, & Co. reported these sales to Davis along with other shares purchased by other parties who delivered according to con tract. On Wednesday, Adams, Knight, & Co. called on BebertOn to deliver the stook on Friday, and were informed it would be all right,. and no in. timation was received by them from Oa Messrs. Heberton of anything being wrong until Thursday afternoon, When they were informed the stook could not be delivered, and it was concluded to refer the matter to the Boma, On ;Friday a committee of the Board Was ap pointed, who heard the parties and reverted that the Messrs. Heberton should fulfil the contrast, on which a paper was submitted by the Messrs. Heber ton, Broil at their request referred to a committee of the Board,wheee action has been stopped by the legal proceedings. On Saturday, Adams, Knight, & Co. tendered 0 , 3,000, the price of the stock, and de manded the delivery, which was refused. Adams, Knight, Et Co. never saw or knew Evans, Thornton, or plaintiff in the matter, and dealt only with Davis and the Messrs. lieberton. The order of sale to plaintiffs was given on the 11th. The order of Davis was not given until the 15th. and in the meantime the Messrs. Heberton had been offering the stock Of the company for sale in the Board at $1 per share, without buyers. The case, Mier the reading of the affidavits, Was then partially argued by counsel, when the court adjourned. The argument will be concluded to.day. SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S , SALIC-BY VIRTUE OF a Writ af,T,Everi Facia% to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Jnue 6. 1061. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.street Hall, No. 1. dll that three-story brick dwelling and lot of ground situate on the north side of Shppen street, 162 feet west of Sixteenth street; contain i ng in front on Wrenn street 16 tees, and in depth northwa7d 70 :eat to a f ve-lest wide alley which leads into a three• feet wide alley leading northwardly into Bedford street, with the privilege of said alleys. No, 2. All that three-story brick dwelling and lot of ifrom...d adjoining No. 1. ainate on the forth side of lehippen at, set. 126 feet west of Sixteenth street; cons tenth g in front on Shipper. street 16 feet, and in depth. northward 70 feet to alive. feet wide alley which leads into a three feet w!de alley leading northwardly Into Bedford elites, with tho privilege of bald allays. Ito. 3. All that three-story brick dwelling and lot of 'remit adjoining No 2 situate on the norih able of Wilma street, 120 feel west of Sixteenth street; con. Mining in trout on Shinpsn street 16 feet. and in depth northward 70 feet to a five-fest wide alley which testis into a three.feet wide alley leading nortbwardly into Bedford street, -with the privilege of said alleys. No. 4. Ail that three-story brisk dwelling and lot of ground adjoining No. 9, situate or the north Bids of nkippen sweet, 101 feet west of Sixteenth street ; can- Mining is front on airmen street )6 feet, and in death E orthwerd 70 feet to a five feet. wide alloy, which lo ids into a ttree.feet wide alley leading nortHward into Ni dfutd street, with the privilege of said alleys . . . . . . . lie. h. All that three Mons brick dwelling and lot of ground oinng Ise. 4, ou the narth a ribippria adj street. i 89 feat west of eitnete Slliteenth atreet i ; de con -01 tanning in front on Shrine% street 16 feet, and in depth northward 70 feet toe.Ave.feet. wide alley, which leads into a three-feet- wide alley leading norihwardly into Bedford street, with the privilege of said alleys No. 6. All that three-story brick dwelling and lot of ground adjoining No, 6, situate on the north aide of Shipper street. 52 feet west of Sixteenth street; eon tattling in front on Stillman street 16 feet, and in depth northward 70 feet to five feet-wide alley. which leads into a three-feet-wide alley leading northwardly into Bedford street, with the privilege of said alleys._ No. 7. All that two-story brick dwelling and lot of ground situate on the south side of Bingo d street. 154 feet west of Sixteenth street- containing in front on Bedford street 14 feet, and in depth aonthward 45 feet to said fire. feet- wide alloy, wan the privilege of said two alleys No. 8 All that two , story brick dwelling and lot of around situate on the south side of Bedford 'AIM, 140 Let West of Sixteenth atreet ; containing in front on Bedford street 14 fest, and in deoth Nona:LIMA 45 feet to geld five-feet- wide alley, with he mrivilege of bald two alleys. No. 9..A1l that two-story brick dwelling and lot of ground situate on the south side of Bedford street. 127 feet west of Sixteenth street; containing in front on Bedford street 13 feel, and in depth southward 45 feet to said five-feet-wide alley, with the privilege of said two 10. All that two-story brick dwelling and not of ground situate on the south side of Bedford street, 114 feet west of Sixteenth street; containing in front on Bedford street 18 feet, and in depth southward 45 feet to said five-feet-wide Pau, with the privilege of said two alley a. No 11 All that two-story brick dwelling and lot of ground situate on the eolith side of Bedford street. 101 rest west of Sixteenth street; containing in front on Bedford street 13 feet, end in depth southward 49 fest to raid five feet wide alley, with the privilege of said two alleys. .No. 12 All that two-story brick dwelling and lot Of ground situate on the south side of Bedford street, ad joining No li. 88 feet west of Sixteenth street; contain ing in front on Bedford street 13 feet. and in depth southward 49 feet to said five-feet-wide alley, with the privilege of said two alleys. [P. C. ; .1.'66 161 Debt, $19.133 96. R. Bundle Smith.] Token in execution and to be sold as the property of John - Patterson. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Shorte'e Office, Map 74, 1855. iny2s-it SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Venditioni Strponau, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue L On .61.0106. Y Eve ning, June 6, 1865, at 4 o'clock , at bansona-street Hall, No. 1. All that three story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Shippen street, 18 feet west of Erie street. in she city of Philadelphia: CM taining in frost on Shippen street 18 feet, and to depth . 75 feet, with the privilege of two alleys bounding thereon. [Which premises lease Harvey, Jr., et TM., by 'deed dated July 9:h, 1847, recorded in Deed Book A. C. 11 , ]7,0 61, page 242. ac., conveyed unto John T. Colman yes. reserving ground rent of $17.113.1 Do. 2 • that three• story brick mess:lege and lot of ground Is nate on th north si of rime street, 16 feet east iof Ninth stre e et, in the d city o P f Ehtladelpala: 3 Jr cintainl in front on Prime street 16 feet and in depta 90 feet auffork street. [Which premises J. Hum pbrey ellvaine et ux ,by deed. dated February 22 1810, r reed. in Deed Book .g. C H., No. 33, page 479. &a., c VOYEd unto John ri. Coleman in fee, roa , mricir gro rent of 8:72 ] - No/S. All that three-story brick mesonage and lot or "'reuse situate on the north side of Prime B , ,reet. 178 feet bast of Ninth street , en the Cite of Philadelphia; i 6 con air lug in front on Prime street 16 feat and in depth SD et to Suffolk street [Which premises J. Bum p ey Ateilvaine et nx., by deed dated February 22. 1 , recorded in Peed Book A. C. P., No. 63, page 483, conveyed note John T. Coleman, In fee, reserving groyne rent of $72 ] No. 4. All that three-story brick messunge "and lot of jeround rlitatema the south side of Fitzwater street. 16 feet east of 1112bbell street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence extending east along Fitzwater stree2l6 feet to a three feet-wide alley, thence south along same 68 feet. [Which premises Alexander J. Heed et ux., by deed dated December SO, ISO, recorded in Deed 'Book B. I, Li., No. 14, page 541. ito., conveyed unto Jolt: T. Coleman, in fee, subject to a ground rent of $34. sylich. by deed dated December 23, 1845, recorded in Deed Book A. W. iti.,..110. 4. okra 218. ire , was sons 'testa to said John N. Coleman, Whereby the. same was merged.] [D. C:: J . '65. 179. Debt, $1,750. Jankin.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John T. Coleman. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Hay 24, 1866, my2s-It RERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of LevariFacias, to me directed, will be ex. veed. to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, dine b, 1661, at 4 o'clock, as F.arwom-street nail. atltba, three-story brick messuage and lot of ground sittata on the south side of Pine street, re fear eastward finis Sixth street in the city of Philadelphia; ea-stain big in front on Pine street 19 feat. and in depth 135 feet. to a twelve-feet alley. (Which premises John Dogtrot, by deed dated February 22. 1855, recorded in. Deed beck A. D A, No. 19. page 505, dm— conveyed unto Anthony L. Quervelle, in fee, who died seized thereof, leaving Dim surviving Caroline F.. his wi dow. and issue, three children—Anthony LQuer. velle, Lanka O. (wife of fdanzice Mat), and Caroline Boarlier. ED. C. ;J. 135. 195. Debt, $4,219.83. Cameo%) 'Taken in execration and to bad sold as the property of Caroline F. Qnervelle, Anthony F. Quervelle, tratotn Dailey, executor of Louisa C Riat. deceased, and Ro bert P. Ting, trustee, terrstenant. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mae. May 24. 1865. ray2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ ofVenditioni Enmas, to ma directed, will be exposed to public sale or veal= on MONDAY Eve ning, June 5 , 1886 , at 4 o'clock, at vendee, Hall. ell that messuage and lot or mond, beginning at a pzint in tie south line of Moore street 64 feet east of Second stree_t, in the city of Philadelphia; t nonce east ward along Moore street 438 feet; thence southwestward 161 feet 4 inches; thence westward 418 feet two inches to a three-feet alley: thence northward along the same 99 feet 3 inches to the beginning. [Which premises Pearson Serrill, trustee. by dsed dated. March 1. net recorded in Deed Book L E. 8., No. 83, p. 1, Veled Unto Thomas M. Plowman. in fee, reserving a ground-rent el $Bl6, payable let March and September.] CD. C. • J '65 57. Debt. $359.93. Bawl°. Taken in execution and to be sold ea the property of Thomas M. Plowmen. HENRY O. SOWELL, Sherif!. Philadelphia,Sheriff's Office, May 24,1865. mylfigt SHERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Fades, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Eve ning, June 5, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Samosa-street Hail. All three Ave three. story messusges and lot of ground. shaate at the sontheaForner of Thirteenth and. Omen !treats. In the city of _„'...ledelphia; containing in front on Thlgteenth etro Pat . 11,L8,1(‘ inches, and in dear. along omen strerfAt 20 feh.,.. - - , ch premises Tiy'-.lPth Hoopes. ctftakft 70 feet, IWIAG - Vcnreke- 4 :lleodore in hoed Bog:. ,by deed dated apni 1:.721, recorded VeYod unlcc.4 . R. D W., flo. 137 t page 193, ke , con- Subject v.,Jeremiah Bonsall and Joseph Potts. in fee. et trx r , le ground rout of *4O 50; and said Joseph Potts. 1.44,-. by deed Indorsed, dated July 13, isao, convoyed 7.,nare and interest thsrets unto Jeremiah Bodeen ] [D. .1, '6O 83 Deb*. $1,884 • Taken in execution and. to be sold as thepr o pertyof Jeremiah Bonsall, and terra truant HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Mae, May 24,1860. mr2s ft sHERIFF'B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert. Fades, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, June 5. 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-etreet All that vireo story brick mertnage and lot or ground situate on the west side of Seventeenth street fat ty , Eve feet four and three-fourth inches south of Erown street, in the city of l'hiladelnhia, thence extending westforty four feet nix and one-eighth inches to a three feet wide alley leading Into Marble street. thence south along same twenty-one feet one and three eighth inches, thence east forty four feet eleven and one halt inches to fieventtenth street, thence north along same fifteen feet to beginning, with privilege of said alley. (Which r.r.mites George H. Hart, by deed dated Julyay 1510. conveyed unto Toehna Olondenon in fee, subject to a ground rent of S6O. ) [D. C. ;J. '66. 143. Debt, 60.220. A. Thomason Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joshua Olendenon. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff's Office, May 94,1865. my2s-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, Tune 5, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Ransom - street Hall. All that lot of ground situate on the Bona side of Blaster street, te o hundred and fifty-three feet two inches west of Eighteenth street, in the city of Phila. delphia; containing in fronton Master street fifteen feet, and in <tenth ene hundred feet to Ingersoll street. (Which prehileee Thome Shipley, et al., b' deed dated August 215, 180, conveyed unto William Crawford In fee.) (D. C ; J-,'66 90. Debt, al 802 49. Wein.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Crawford. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philad Sheriff's Office. May 24. lfaa. RHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF kJ a writ of Yenditioni Mimes. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or yendue, on MOM DAY Eye. nine, June 0. 1566, at 4 o'clock, at hansom-et. Rail. Zio. 1. All that Mt of ground situate on the north westerly ride of Lemon street. 213 feet southwestward Jinni Wheatsheaff lane. in the eh, of Philadelphia: containing in front on Lemon street 150 feet, and in depth Re feet OA 20-feet street. No 2 511 that lot of ground situate on the northwest• or)) , side of Lemon street. 353 feet southwesterly from Whintsb eaff lane; containing in front on Lemon Street 150 feet, awl in depth 108 fast to a 26- feet street. 110.3 All that lot of ground situate on the northwest erly side of Lemon st eat. 503 feet southwestward from Whearebeaff lane eenblikling in front on Lemon street ISt feet, and in depth 1019 feet to a 20-fast sweet. ID C.: J., '65. 155 Debi, $2 355 41 Longetreth Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thlionn McCarty, HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Mat 29, 1565. my2.5-3t _ SHERIFF'S 'SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Jose 8, IEBS, at 4 o'clock, at Sanoom-street Hail. ,all that fon: , story brick rough. oast MeattliMe and lot of ground situate on the northwest corner of Vole and Eighteenth attests, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on Vine street 22 feetlo inches, and in depth 125 feet to an eishteen feet wide surest extending from Eighteenth to Nineteenth streets. [Selma part of the premises which-Charles Harlan, by deed dated October /2, 1814, recorded in Deed Bonk R L. L , No 28, P. 79, &c , conveyei unto William Thompson. in fee.] [0 ti. ; J., 'B5 96. Debt, 85.354 17. II Dlnney, Jr. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of ; hi-Amason. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Hay 24, 1885. my 26 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to tnedirected, trill be carpeted to public sale or vendue,on 11101 IDA I E 'ening June 6. 1806, at 4 o'oloolr, at a...e.0.m....1. Al that three-story brick messaage sad lot of ground Mutts rsi the south side of Melon street, e 0 feet wad ward front Bank SOD. on the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Melon street IT feet It:minding half of a two.feet alley, and the pritileees thereof), and in depth 60 feet. [Which premises James W. Paccar et nu., B oo ked dated November 10, lb% recorded in Peed T. 8., No 111. p. 416. , ;Monied ttnto Zacharias Rittenhouse in fee, 'midget to a building re• earletien and to a yearly ground rent of 861 CD. O. ;J , 'Oa 176, Debt, $BO3 I'. D. Smith.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Zacharias Bitteuhonee. Philadelphia, Eh erut IIENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff Mee, $B7ll, lagES-Et SHERIFF'S SALES. R, ERIFP' 8 SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendltioni Expunge, tO me directed, will be exposed to public sale or voodoo, on MONDAY Evening, Jnne 6, 1905, at 4 o'clock, at Saneem•street Hall e Do. 1. All that yearly ground rent of $157.60, joining and pa;sattle out of and for all that lot of groand situate en tac southweeterty eldo of the Beading Railroad, in the Bit eteenth ward. in the city aforesaid: Beginning at the distance of EA feet 10 inches eontheasteris from the corner of the sold Railroad and Kensington ave nue, containing in front of said Railroad 100 feet, and in depth oonthweetwardly 100 feet 6% inches to Lehigh avenue. Be 2. All that lot of ground. with three story brick menage thereon erecces e situate on the west side of Frantford road 20 fist north from Orleans street, in the said city of ihiladetphia; containing in front on the said Fraokford rood 16 feet, and in depth west 80 feet to a Ave. feetw ide alley, leading late Orleans street No. 3 —11) that three store Mitt mensuage and let of ground eituate on the south side of Coates street. he. tween Franklin and Eighth streets, in the Thirteenth ward In the city of Philadelphia. &stoning at the distance of 80 feet 2.lsc of an inch eunterly from the east side of said Eighth street, and extending thence eolith ward 61 feet 6 Inches: thence westward 22 feet 4 inches to the east side of said Eighth street; thence southward along sold Eighth street 3 feat 6 inches. more or leach crossing an alley of that breadth to gronad late or B. Noble; then ce eastward parallel to said Coates street 40 feet 2 Inches, more or less; thence northward at right angles with the said Coates street 85 feet to the south line therool. and thence westward along the said Coates street 18 feet 10 the place of beetautne [Beteg Oho same• Premises which Edward Walden and. wife, by bitten. t un „w e d the 19th day cf /11TV, A. V 1800, rscorded in Deed Book A. D. B. No. 122, Page 45, Or conveyed onto the said James 8. Keen in lee.] No 4 - 2 ,111 that certain three.ilory brick inovnagi and lot of mound situate on the west site of Ftankferd road, , G 2 feet north of Orleans street: o•ntaining. front on the said Frankfort road. 16 feet, cud indcpta 83 feet to a treleet-wide alley leading into Orleans street, Bang the seine premises which Abraham Gear hart et al. , br indenture dated the 2ad day of Noirra. ber . A. D. 1803, conveyed unto the said James S. Keen in foe. 80. 6 —All that certain lot of ground nitnete on the north side of Cumberland street, 132 feet way/ of Tnttp street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city or Philadel phi s; containthg -in-front on the said Comberland. sheet 36 feet. and in depth MO feet to Dickinson street. [Being the same lot which Benjamin F, Archer and wife, by indenture dated the 25th day of Ketch, A. D. 3859, recorded in the office for recording desle. he.. at Pisiladelphis in Deed. Book A. D. 8., No. 61, pigel62,, age.. conveyed unto the said James 8. Keen in fee. )O. 6. Pill that 7 prirt7 ground real er sum Of CM I*. MIMI( and payable ant of and fiir all thst lot of eroond. situate on the emahmoet corner of the Besdinc N.s.tiroad. and Rt nsington avenue, in the Ntheetenth ward of the city aforesaid. Thence southwestward', along the northwest side of the wild Renaiugton avenue MO feet See. inches to Lehigh avenue, thence ncrthweetwardly along tno northeasterly side of the said Lehigh avenue 66 feet - IX, inches. thence still northweetwardly 44 feet 11% inches, thence northeasterly 93 feet 134 inches to the said railroad, thence southeasterly along the said railroad 100 feet to the place of beginning. No. 7. All that Yearly amend rent of $203 inning and payable out.of and for alt that lot of ground situate on the enutheteterly aide of the Reading. Railroad and Keneer etc n. avenue, in the Nineteenth ward of the city aforesaid. thence egtendieg southeasterly' ;thine the sonthweeteoly side of sate railroad 124 feet 10 inches. thence southwesterly by a line parallel will Jasper drat 100 feet bet inches to the noreheaeterly side or Le high avenue, thence 1.33 feet 11% Inches to the said Ken sington avenue, thence northeasterly along the south easterly olds of the said Renslngt , m avenue 101 feet ate' inches to the place of beginning. No. 8 All that lot or niece cf gronnd, with the three story brick meeinage Menton erected, situate on the ease vide of Twelfth street 67 feet .5 timbre swath of CAb lowhill etreet„ in the city of Phitedelphta; mmialuing in front on the'eatd Tweinn street 16 feet, and in depth, eaetwerd, t 9 feet. [Being the eatne premises wt fah Samuel B. Bonds and wife. by indenture bearing date the second day of May, A. D. Mt, eonveyed unto Snores B. Seta in fee.) 80. 9. All that lot of ground situate on the southwest side of the Bending Railroad; commencing at the dis tance of 124 feet le inches southeasterly from the corner of the said railroad and Seneleton avenue; containing in trent on the said railroad ICO feet, and is depth 105 feet and thremnartere 01 an inch to the northeeaterly aide of Lehigh avenue No. 10. All that brick nutmegs and lot of ground situate on the west side of the Frankford road, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; commencing at the distance 0756 feet northwardly from Orleans street; contsining in front on the said Wraith. ford road 16 feet, and in depth wart 85 feet. to a lire feet wide alley leading into Orleans: street. [Being the same premises which Abraham Gearhart, et al . by in denture bearing date the 2d day of April A. D. 1856 and recorded in Deed Book st D. W.. No. 84, pigel6 t, ha, conveyed unto James S. Keen in fee.) No. 11. All that three-story brick meesunge and lot of ground situat Thompson s side of Eleventh 'street, 48 feet south of street; °Detaining in front on said Eleventh street 16 feet, and. in depth 51 feet to * three. feet-wide alley [Being the same premises which Charles Hopkine.bytheenture dated the3d day of June, A. D. 1562. recorded in Deed Beek &X R., No. 51,page 324, he . conveyed unto James S. Keen, in fee. 3 No. 12. All that lot of ground with tee =mune erected thereon; situate on the northeast side of Penn sylvania avenue; beginning at the distance of 42 feet northwesterly from Hold street; containing in front on the said Pennsylvania avenue 14 feet. and la depth northeast an northwest side thereof 93 feet 7 inches and ee of en inch. and on the southeast side thereof about 85 met, be the same more cc lees. [D. C. ;J. , '65 177. Debt $1 956 V. C. Hart 3 Taken in execution' and to ha sold no the property of Janice S Keen. HENRY G. HONITELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's 011ice,May 24,1665. my2s-3t, R,EERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF e•--' a writ of Venditionillitpones, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on ITO OiDAY Eve ning, June 0, 1065. at 4 o's'ock, at Seusom-street ell that lot of /tonna situate in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the city or Philad.lphia., oa the northeast waroly Fide of a twenty feet• wide street or road laid out by Ellis Yarnell, parallel with and at the di-tames of lift feet, or thereabonte, from the river Schuylkill, and communicating at the north end be a continuation of the same, or by other attests or roads, with Schuyl kill or Ford read, now called Hutchinson street. The northwest corner of the said lot being* the distance of 677 feet eastwardly from the said Hutchinson street, where the same intersects with the line of Penn's estate, called " bolitnde ;" containing in breadth north and south 60 feet. between payallafflines running from the paid twenty feet-wide street north 57 degrees, east in length 138 feet, more or less, to low watt r mark in the river Schuylkill. including the towing. path of the .Sshuyth in NaVilatioll Company, all the rights of which company. however, are excepted out of, this Present grant. Bounded r orthoastwardly by the river eouthwestwardly by the said twenty-feet wide street, northwardly by the said PBlol'l3 estate, and souther srdly by other ground of the said Ellis Yarnell. [Being the same premises which the said Ellis Yarnell, by indenture dated September 9, 1817, recorded in D.B. L. B. B. 80. 66, page 572. &c., conveyed unto John Owens and Thomas Owens in fee, reserving ground rent of VI [O. P. J., II 12. Debt. $9l. 64. Hopper. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Owens and Thomas Owens. _EMMY O. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Mayl3, 1505. mylo.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Vonditiont Espana% to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or - vends., on MON DAY. Evening, June, 6, BBL at 4 o'clock, at &QOM street Hall. t No. I. All that brick messuege and lot oflgronnd situ. ate on the southwest earner of Mountain and Eighth streets, in the city of Bluladelphia,• containing in front on Eighth street 32 feet, and in depth 67 feet. to a three feet alley, with the privilege thereof (Which pre. mime Edward S. McOine et utr . by deed dated July 28. 1848, recorded in Deed Book B. .11 W., No. 42, page 123. &c., conveved unto John Cloak in fee) No. 2 All that let of ground situate on the north side of Morris street, 70 feet watt of Eighth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on. Morrie street 16 feet, and in depth 112 feet to Mountain street, with the privilege of certain alleys bounding thereon. (Which premises Edward S MOOlne et nx by deed dated August 20.1849 recorded in Deed Book B. D W.. No. 42, page 129, &c., conveyed unto John Clark fee ) No. 3. All that lot of ground situate on the north side of 2101115 street. 1113 feet east of Ninth street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on -Morris street 32 feet, and in depth 6)lset. (Which premium George T. Lewis et nx., by deed dated July 14 1948, recorded to Deed Book B. 1). W.. No. 42. page 126, Ste , conveyed unto John Clark in CD. C ; J.. '63. 211. Debt, 61,000. Hanbett 3 Taken is execution and to be sold as the property of John Ciark. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 24, 1963. mr26. it SHERIFF'S SALE.—RY VIRTUE OF A- , ie writ of WWI Faeias, to me directed, be ex posed to public kale Teudue, on MONDAY Evening, June 5. 1566, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street flail, Do I.—All that lot of ground situate on the sonth side of Market street 94 feet westward from Nineteenth street. in the city of Philacielshist containing in front on Market street 28 feet, and in depth 110 feet to a fire. feet al , ey. No 2 —Lot of ground on the south side of Market street 66 feet westward from Nineteenth street; contain ing in front on Market street 43 feet and in depth 176 lest to Barker street Subject to a ground rent of $126 lrt April and October. Together with the privilege of said Ilya-feet alley. [Whlchrremises Jahn Murphy. et al., by deed dated February 26. 7t64. conveyed onto Henrg R. Smith in fee. N JS —On the above premince are erceted two three story brick dwellings and storee, two story brisk rHicei two railway stdelings, and twoatory brick stable on the rear diet. [D. 0. , 196. Debt, $7,000. Lex,] Taken in execution and to be cola as thepropertY of Henry K. Smith HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. -Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 24.1865. my2s RHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF IL/• writ of Fenditioni Egyonas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or 'senate, on MOBIDAY Eye. bjj)e.June.6. 1666, at 4 o'clock, at Bansom-street All that lot of ground situate on the southwest side of Fowler street 260 feet northwest of Jefferson street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fowler stri et no feet, and in depth 90 feet. [Wive., premises,' John Kent worth. et nit , by deed dated February .1" , r• 1863,, recorded in Deed Book a. 8.. Ito. 77, Pa",.- &a. , conveyed unto James Chatwin In foe.] /Aro ouo CD. C. J.. '66. 106, Debt, $197.94.ed"' Taken in Mention and to be Bol a Q Dolman.] James unwirna. HP DRY 0 ID • ;he property of Psilitdelphia, Sheriff's cam pTfi WELL, Sheriff_ „X.-Ay 24, 1861. mild It SHERIFF'S LE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of 14agav Posed to pulori'Vari Facia!,to me directed, will be ex. .6r.] SOS, sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, that lot of ground situate on the southeast aide of Duke street 286 feet 6 Mabee northeast of Somerset !treat,. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Duke str; et 130 feet, and in depth 16 feet 7 inches. [ Which Premises Joseph Moore. et 1133".. by deed dated January 11. 1866, recorded in Deed Book A. D. B. 4, p. 417, &c ., conveyed unto Peter Fritz in fee 1 . CD. 0, ; .1.. '65 200 Debt, 82.600 Lex Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Peter Fritz. 11.EqE.Y C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Itolladeinhla, Sheriff 'is 02168, May 24, 1800. mr 26-B f. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Fenian, to me directed, will be ex. posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Jose 6,1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that yearly ground rent of $l3O, issuing out of a lot of ground situate on the soathwest corner of Lout bath anti Beech street, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Lombard street 40 feet, and in depth 78 fret. [Which yearly ground .eot Simon Brolaskv, sonainistrator. by deed dated Jnne 21, 1837. and record ed in Deed Book A D W.Ao 139, page 132, conveyed unto Catharine Vaulty, in , fee. (D.O. ; J., '66 167. Debt, $l.Oll 11. T. P. Potts 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Vanity and Catharine, his wife. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Mal 24 1665. . 26-3 t RITTIRIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF P , " an Alias Order of Salo, to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONISAT ere. ring, June 6, 1665, at 4 o'clock at s=som-street natl. Do. 1. All the stone, buildings, and lot of ground situate on the east side of (Plumb or) Water street. 62 feet south of Spruce street, in the city of Phi. ladelphiai containing in front on Water street 98 feet Male or leas, and in depthl24 feet 7 inches to Delaware avenue. Do. 2. All that wharf and lot of fgrottnd situate on the east side of Delaware avenue 91 feet 9 inches south of Spruce street. in the city . of Philadelphia: contain ing In front on Delaware avenue 68 feet 8 inches, and in depth of that width as far as the law permits. CD. C. J. 'B5. HOWELL hnson.] DBKRY C. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 13, 1886 myla St SHERIFF'S 6tILE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Veneitioui Sxponas, to too direoted.will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Junes, 1660, at 4 o'clock, Sansom-etreet Hall, All that three story brick mem:tare and lot or ironed situate on the east side of Warnock street, 112 feot north of Thompson street. in the city of Philadelphia ; con taining In front on NSramock street 16 feet, and in depth 45 feet 6 inches [ Which premises Charles Henry Fish er et six., by deed dated February 23. 1817. recorded in Deed Book A. W H., No 27, page 97, &c.. conveyed unto Joseph Schnitzler in fee, reserving ground rent of $3 O IC. P.: J.,'68, 13. Debt, $47.88. S. Hood.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph Schnitzier. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sherifre °Mice. May 13, 1865. My 15-A SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Venditioni Impouse, to me directed. will be agposed to public sale or vendne,on MONDAY Leaning, June 6, 1560, at 4 o'clock, at &mom-street Hall, Antra% lot of areal d allnato on the east side of Loran street, one bundled and seventy five feet north of Na verford road, In the cite of Philadeiphia: containing In front on Logan street twenty-five feet, and in depth ninety feet [Which premises Stephen L'arcons attar, bv deed dated March 4. 15i4 rec,rded in Deed Book N. D. W., No. 20, page 319. dm, conveyed unto Parrish Downs in fee: reservong ground rent of $l5 75.] 03.0. p, ; J.. '6O. 9. Debt, $24 40 Nicholson.] E B L, Sb i ID r e i ra. Taken in execution cod to be sold as the property of L'Arrl.ll Dolma. lHElN l a c lr 11 0. 0.7 11 1°07.165L . Philadelphia, isbort ir'c Oa e. R,HERIFF'B SitLE.—BY VIRTUE OP' A- 1 a Writ of ;divert Racists to me directed. will be ex posed to public sal clock. 'dne, on NONDAY Evening, June b, DM, at 4 o at Eansom street Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of `round situate on the north side of Cbrittian street 151 fest inches westward from Nineteenth street, in the city of Philadeipbial containins in front on Christian street 17 feet 6 inches, and in depth 70 feet, Including a three. feet alley and the privilege thereof. (Which lot John P. Pesch, et uxby deed dated April 19,1850, eonveY ed unto Benjamin ' B. Hooves, in fee ) [14.11 ; J '65 161. Debt, $1.260 50. Heyer,] Taken in execution and to be sold as the prop, rtY of Benjamin B, liooven. BBNAY c nowsu. Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff's 011/ce, Ida, 24.1666 itt22s• St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendittoni Expense, to me directed,_ will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Even ing. June 6.1265. at 4 o'clock. at Sansormstreet All [bat Jot of ground pitnate on tie sontheasterlv side of. Lemon street, 200 feet northeasterly from Batter at: eat. in has city of Philad«lphiat containing in front on Lemon greet 200 feet. sad in depth 71 feet 63( inches. CD. 0. ; J , '65. DM Debt, $45 Longstrath 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the nroperty of Joseph E . Baker. HENRY C HOWELL, Sheriff: phitadelphia, Sheriff's 061oe, May 20.1.805. ga7254t THE'PRESS.--FHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1865: SALES. .... SHERIFF'S 6 E.—BY VIRTUE OF awrit of Alin Yen t font Expones, to me directed,. will be exposed to pni ' sale or yendue. en KONPAr, Evening, Jana 6, 18.6 Lt 4 o'clock, , 01 Eransom-street Hall, All that certain lot, et, or piece of land, with the me senages or tenement =Ms, factories. and coal yard thereon erected. with a stationary steam-engtnes, seam the engines an toilers, dye.vats, tanks, els terns; also, the shaftth hangers, and belting, siesta and water-pipes , and a Antares; together with ail the carding and spinning m leery, 1001118, ging, nnilaing machinery. weshing an Idling Dille, hydraulic press es, shoaling machines,lettering machines. and all the fixtures and machiner,!tterein contained; situsts In Ine Twenty...coed wax of the city of Philadelphia; bounded and described *follows, to wit: beginning at a point in Mashie of theAoutity bridre, on the Bristol and Germantown townebge line, directly in the centre of the keystone of the wridern side of the arch of the bridge, on Dennenhownei Hill Bead, tbencealong the same north fifty-five C ud d eileg in twenty-two minutes, west OP id h o n db d tween t g e y ldnee n xin dwellin p on nt h n e northerly side of sold Taal ; thence by the same north forty-cno degrees thirty-tire inlet:dee, west two hurt `died and twenty- seven tet two end three-smarter I n d. 0, ,to corner in mid Ond ; thence along the same south forty• tw a degrees tl, re minutes, west three hun dred zed fifty-fear lest me and three quarter itches to the centre of Armatrcun ellast; thence along the earns " to rn, forty -sin degrees thilty. seven mina tea, west one hundred 8.2 d fifty-six feet In and one.half inches to a corner in the ride of eaki mil ; thence along the same south eighty-el:OA desress thirty-one Minnie% West three h.:indeed and. fear let Mr imams to a corner in Craig's land.; - thence Sinks forty-two degrees thirty intents& Welt one kap tired ,and forty-MX feet to a COI , tier in Charles K'illing's lend; thence south eights three deems ilitsen Maintas, oast two hundred and eighty fort six inciters to a Stone; teepee by land sold to Willing CT yanhorn 13011 t forty. eight degrees, east one hundred and three et one and and one-half inches to a stone; tbeneei south forty.two_ degrees five rot/lutes west two. lont.red and three Teat nine and ene,ortarter Molten to the Philadelphia and Ger mantown Railroad ; thence taetwerdly along the same ore bun d red and stray- threefeet to rho land of the Gas Company; thence north forty-two degrees five minutes net one hundred and seventy- nix feet to a corner; thence by said land tif the (las Company and-land formal? of Thorny Saxton, month fifty and :one-half degrees east four'. andred and ninety-seven feet eleven and flue eighth inches to the middle of ,Wister street: thence along tee same north one hun dred and twenty-toter feet file Inches to the centre of Armstrong street; thence alonj the tame north forty-six degrees; thirty minutes weed one hundred and eight sett; thence by land of Jose Fling north forty-two degrees SHY: three Minutiae es t one handred and Gina tY •SIX feet six ir-Cboo to a morn ; thence south NIT slx degrees thirty minutes east twenty. two teat; Theaca Matt , Sky-nine degreea threeminutes east twenty-six feet six and one-half inches tt the side of the bridge; thence by the some north two degrees forty-one mi nutes east two hundred and six feet • three inches more or less to the place of begineing Containing eight acres more or lees. (Being tbs same premises which John Armstrong, by indenture dated the eleventh day of May A D 1883, recorded in Deed Book A. C. H , No. ]o4,pare 170, granted end conveyed auto the said,James Armstrong and Pool Klotz, their heirs and assigns, In equal undivided moieties, as 'giants in common. ] IL B. —On the above• deecrtbal premises are a three story stone factory, alicolt fifty fees by one hundred fees, with a four-story stone building, about forty - feet by sixty fiet, adjoinieg fannies a wins; with 6 rying. house aloe adjoining, unit. a small one-story Pictar haute ; & barn, partly stens sae partly frame, near the factory. Alen, a bn,lding twNodes high, used as a etorehonee and for wool-sort g. Also, a neat two g 4 ory atone messuage. The c i. yard is on the north erly side of the Germantown , Steam Railroad, near. Witter street The machinery in the above-uetcri bed factories consists of font complite sets of woolen ma chinery. with ail the remarry finishing machinerl, shafting. belting, and everything annunenant thereto. [D. C. ; .1 - ,''d6 . 171 Deb!, 411,147.15 S. Taylor.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Paul Klotz and James Armstrong. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philada., SheritreOthcerMey 31 1865:-. _ naT26-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.BY VIRTUE OF a writ of LevarVFacias; to me-directed, will be antlered to nubile sale or vendee, on MONDAY &vadat: - June 6,1656, at 4 o'clock, Seasten-street Ono undivided moiety Or half part of all that' yearly ground-rent of two humored and fifty dollars, tossing and payable out of all that lot of ground situate on the west ads of St. John sheet, between George and Beater streets. in the ally of Philadelphia; containing in front en St. John. street one hautrod feat, and in depth two hundred and twenty (ire feet, to Coltocksink Green. Bounded north by next described lot, south by ground late of Diary. White. west by Cohocksink creek, and east by St. John street lio. 2 (116 undivided moiety or half part of all that two-story brick messuage and let of ground. situate on the west aide of St. John street, etween George and Beaver streets, in the City of Philadelphia; containing in front on St. John street thirty. Poro feet, and in depth two handled 'and _twenty five Net, to Cohockslnk creek. (For recital, see Writ.) ; [P. C. ; J.. 'B5. Debt, $1.603 Black.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Wiley and John K. Wiley. dreamed HENRY .7. 'IIOWALL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Maly 24,1686. myzo-st KJ PHERIPS SALE.-BT VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponal, tome directed, wilibe exposed to publicsale or voodoo, on MONDAY Evening, Jane b. 1866. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that three. story brick messuage sadist of ground situate on the west side of Filieente street, eighty-two feet north of Catharine street, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Fifteenth street [Auteuil feet, and in depth 60 feet to a three-teet• wide alley teed leg into another three feet alley leading into Birch street. with privilege of said alley. [Which -premises Michael De Haven. et ux , by deed dated January 9, 1865, recorded in Deed Boon L. E. 8., No. 73. page M. &c., conveyed unto Edward 0 Jose; in fee. subject to two mortgage debts of 81.000 each. recorded in Mortgage Book Zro. 5, pages 41 and 67. ED. 0. L. 65. 43. Debt. 815745 Vona.. 3 'Taken in execution and to be cold as the property of Edwatd O. Jones, deceased. RESET C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelpnia, Sheriff's Office, May 38, 1800. my9s-3t p, HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF kJ a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY 'Eve ning, June 6, 1866, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-street Hall. All that four• story building called Chauncey Insti tute, and two two-story meninges and lot of ground. situate on the north side of Filbert streeta27 feet west of Blevenlh street, in the city of P.biladelphta; thence ex tending north by ground late of Daniel J. Elleafie, 85 feet, thence welt parallel with Filbert etre.% 22 feet 6 inches, themes north 60 feet to itettezet street. thence west along 138M8 29 feet Cinches. thence south 136 feet to Filbert, etreet t thence along same 62 feet to beginning. (Which premises Simon P. Brolastey, to deed dated. May 6, 1855, conveyed unto "The Homeopathic; Medical College of Penney Ive.nia, Philadelphia,'t noir stmts. sore and animas, subject to two mortgage debts of $5,0:0 each, dated May 4 and 6, 1855. and record.d re spectively In Mortgage Books R. D. W., Nos. 9 and 11. pp. 863 and 252, &c. ED. C.; J., '66. 74. Debt, $l.OOO. EretY. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of "The floiccepatlite Medical College of Per nerivania. Philedeliffila. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff o Office. Ilihr24, 1665 mr24-3t . 4 11ERLIT'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF kJ a visit of Lovell Facile, to me directed, wilt be ex pend-to public-sale or vendne. on MONDAY BYOMIL Pane 6, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Stumm-street Halt, All that three-story brick messing% With back build • sags, and lot of ground. situate. on,the comb- side of Stieworth street, 127 feet 2„.Y. inches east of Fifteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia ; containing In front on, Ellsworth street 17 feet, and in depth on the stet line Si feet SM imam, and on the west line 81 feet 11% inches to a four-feet alley, with• privilege thereof. [Which premien Blon ,Dnu bar et rm. by deed dated April 17, 1861, eonneved,gulto Henry M 'Blrck in fee CD. O. ; J:.'os. "112 Debt, $2 800. Biddle. ] Taken in execution - sod to be sold as the property of Henry M. Black. _MEN O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, SteriritOSlce,Mey 21, 1865. my26.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF aura of Levert Fades, to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or , vendne, on MONDAY Booming, 3nne 6. 1665, at 4 o'clock,kt Sansomsetreet Hall., All that three-story brick roesseosge and lot of ground. situate on the yeah 8154 ri Marr i nef street (between Carpenter and Prime street* Whet went of Thirteenth anent, inithe city of Philsffelphiat containing in front on Marriner street 16 feet. and - slepth 47 feet 1 inch, more or lees. [Which premiestensper Sander et nx, Sr, deed dated May 11. 1648 . recerded 'in Deed Book 0. W. 0.. No. 16, Page 10. at , conveyed unto Robert O. Stewart in fee.] [D. C. ; .1.,,'65. 162. Debt, $713.60 H C. Thompson. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Hobert. C. Stewart. HitIVRY C. OWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 24. 1855. my2J-St SHERIFF'S SALE.— BY VIRTUE 010 a writ of Vanditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or yendne. on MONDAY Bire's ning, June 6 MM. at 4 o'clock, at Saneom•street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the northwest side of Frani ford road (between Frank lin Cemetery avenue and Clearfield street). in the city ofPhiladesphia; Con-t Mining in front on Frank ford road forty feet, and in depth one hundred and twenty feet. Briended southeast by Frankford road. northeast by lot of John W erebser in trust echthweat by lot of Margaret Testes Boyd, and northwest by lot sate of Elizabeth Boyd. (Which premises Agnes Boyd. guardian. She , by deed dated Aprll 5, 1859, recorded in Deed Book A D. 8., No. 61, MO 287, &c. , conveyed unto Francis P. Masaie in fee. reserving ground rent of $9O Taken' ; .1., 66. 145. lliebt, $636 46. the prove Clay.] in execution and to be sold as the provost:4 , Francis P. Magee. HENRY 0 H0WFAi1 , ••&.,.4 - Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. May 2 ' • --- , my2s-3t S HERIFF'S SALE.- VIRTUE OF a Writ of Yenditio.u!-''' - exposed to public , ''' - Aliponas, to me directed Will be sale or vendee, on MONDAY Even ail t h a t,„eecoo, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom- street Halt side 9 tecerTseesnage and lot of ground situat s t re et the east . Second street 20 feet south of Moore .in the city of Philadelphia ; • thence extending east parallel with. Mcore street 83 feet lour and one fifth lushes to a three-feet alley. with privilege thereof; thence south along came 79 feet four and four4ifehlnches; thence west 72 feet 9 Inches to Second street; thence south storm the same 80 feet to the beginning. [Which premises Fear son herrill. trustee et al._, br deed dated March 1, 1861, recorded In Deed Book L. H. 8., sto. es, p.sel2, he, conveyed Unto Thome.; Mr Plowman la fee, relent:lg gronnd rent of SIS) (0. 0. ; J.. '65. 88 Debt, $lB3 42 Hawle 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas M. Plowman. HENRY 0. HO WELL, Sheriff. Phiiade .hia, Sheriff's Office, May 93,1588. nay2.s-3t SHER IT'S BALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Ventlitioni Expones,to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or yendue,on MONDAY Evening, June 6. 1865, at 4 o'clock, at &mom-street Hall, All the right . title, end interest in all that yearly ground rent of two pounds. ten gs. leaning and pat able out of all that lot of ground situate' on the south side of Filbert street. between Sixth and Seventh atteets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front OIL k Oben Street di feet and in depth 44 feet. Bounded salt by pound of James Morgan, 11011.111 by back. Olds or Market street 14*. west by ground or John JaeOb Btouke, and north by Filbert street. ED. C ; J., '66. 116. Debt. $79129. Aug.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Albert Borer, Charles S. Grasff. and Amos B. Darling. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. May 24,1865. my2l-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Levari Facies, to me directed,iwill be ox peed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eveninf, June 8, 1665, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.street All that three-story brick mesmage and lot of ground. situate on the west wide of Thhd street, 116 feet 6% inches south or Columbia avenue, in the CAW of Phila. delohiat containing in trout on Third street 18 feet, and in depth west at right angles with Third street on the north line 57 feet and 7.Bths of an inch, and on the south line 83 feet 7% inches, thence turning and extend ing wes.tenin at right angles with Cad walader street ou the north line 87 feet and 7-Oths of an look, end on the south line 8.9 feet 7% Inchon to Cadwalader street, [For recital sae wilt CD C ; J., '65 108. Debt, KM Diddle ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the propertyr of John Is agent. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Odic., Mar 23,1865. my2s St SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ or Levert Fastas, to me directed, will be ex: Posed to public sale or voodoo, on MONDAY Evening, June 6. 1866. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All those three. story brick reessnmea and two-story frame rummage and lot of ironic situate on the north side 01 Shippen street and west side of a twelye—eet wide alley running from Shippen to Small street, be. tween Fit h and Sixth streets. in the city of Phitatial nbia; containing in front on Shippen street tweet, feet, and in depth 126 feet to Small street. (For recital see ) CD. C 31. '65. 84. Debt, U 027.43. Clibbous. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Michael Roy HENRI' O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 22.1865. my26-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF IL.' a writ of Venditioni Expends, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening. June 5, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground 111Pnate on the southeast etde of Janney street, 860 feet southwest from Olearfltld 510 26 8, I n th e city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Jan ney. street 86 feet. and in depth 110 feet to Weikel street. [Which premiss Dr. Benjamin S. Janney et nit., by deed dated January 10.1850, recorded in Deed Boot B is W. page 4•ffi. &e., conveyed unto Rowland T. Kenai In tee, referring ground rent of twenty.eeven dollars . CD, 0 ; 25. Debt it 248.75. 13111 ton. 3 Taken in ez• mitten and to he sold de the property of Eowland T. Remit. BENEY C Noverx, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. May 22,1865. my2s-St gEERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Levant racism, to me directed, will be ex --posed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, June IL 1665. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that three-story brick magmata and lot of wand Situate on the norticirest corner of Lombard and B I ch teenth streets, in the city of Philadelphia; conteintnt in !rant on'Lombard strew: lb fast, and in depth north ward, along Eighteenth street 69 feet. [Which Prima"' John Mourea and wife, by died dated March 26, 1851. recorded In Deed Book, O. W. 0.. Mo conyeled unto William Ecciee, In fee, festifyiug a ground Tent of 1193.) CD. 0. ; J., '65 181 Debt. $2,696. H. C. ThOniPtoffi Taken in execution and to be sold a. the property of William Steles. 'MST 0 HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, May 23. 1669. myki St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Ter ditioni Expanse. tome directed, will be sunned to public sale or 'mane. on MOND CT June 6. 1865 at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. ell that lot of mound situate on the north aide of 0011th etreet, sixty feet "net of Seventeenth greet, be the city of Philadelphia; tontatnthe in front on Staiith earcet mixt* eh feet, Red In depth eighty feet to °error Motet, with the pririle_ge of a three•feet allay leading Saw Carver street. [Which nremiaae Bdward O. Dale et at trattees, by deed dated Meech% 1837,recorded In Deed Book B. D W., Ho. 126. pale 16, am. conveyed unto WWI= Grantee; in fee, referring a ground rent of sixty eight dollar* ] 05 O. ; J., '65. 61. Debt, $652. Chapeau Blddle Taken in execution and to be gold as the property of William °malaria HURT O HO WRLL, Shedif. litterlfre Oboe, May Mk nar2s 81 SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies to me directed, will be Kr- Josed to tnablie sale or vendna. on 11401iDair ETeninl , ane 5. 1855. at 4 o'clock, at Sarisoto. street . . No. 1. All that three story brick messettge Ind lot of [nand, canals on the north side of Deur:btu streei.oue hundred and twelve feet three inches odd of Fifth street. in the city Of Philadelphia; containing in front On Dauphin ntreet sixteen feet, and in death sixty. six feet, to a four. feet alley, With privilege thereof. [Which premises Samuel Sager, by deed dated .laiy 16th, 1858, recorded in Deed Book A D. B , No. 26,page 614,.&c, conveyed unto Richard 0. Ridgway. in fee, unineet tO a ground rout of $64: which ground rata, by deed dated July 2d, 1860, recorded in Dead Book A. D. 8., Be. 126. page 172. Sid, was conveyed unto said Richard C. Ridgway, whereby the seine merged. No. 2. All that three• story buck messusge aid lot of ground, situate on the north side of nanoido street. forty-eight feet throe incites oast of Fifth street. in the city of niledelphix; containing in front on Dauphin street sixteen feet, and in depth sixty , Mx feet, to a four-feet alley, with privilege thereof. (Witch pro. reifies John B. Oast, et ux., by deed dated August 21, 18/8, recorded in Deed Book A D. B , Be. 29. page 621, , conveyed unto Bichard C. Ridgway in lee simple. subject to a ground rent of $6O; which, by deed dated April 15. I£o, reco; ded lit Deed-Book A D. B. ,_No 62. peps was conveyed unto Richard C. Ridgway in fee. whereby the same merged ) • [D. C. J.. '66. 70. Debt, $3,250.01. Coition.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Richard C Ridgway. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ofilce. May 28, 1865. my2s lit gHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ft writ of Vonditlottl Szpotra, to me directed, will be exposed to public salt or eendue. on MGDIDA 1 Eve ning, Jase 5. mt. at 4 o'clock at and sansom-atreet Alt the right, title, interest. estate of Edward G. Juincs. being one % seventh part of the following•de• scribed prenciseP; No. 1. All the buildings, improvements, and lot of ground situate on the east side of Secondietnet. 43 feet south of Gothic street, in the city of Philadelphia: thence exteldlng south along Second street 48 feet 8 inches; thence east parallel with Gothic etreet 8) feet; thence eolith 15 feet 5 inches; thence east 28 feet; thence /mall 15 feet 834 inches; thence east 47 feat to atw ant,- feet.wide alley; thence north along name 57 feet 2,i5 inches; thence east 10fset torniddle of said alley: thence north along same 42 fest; tierce weal parallel with Gothic strati 160 test to beginning. No. 2. All that two etor; brick mesanage and lot of ground southe en the oant side Second street 90 feet 8 inches of Gothic sheet, in the ally of Piilladel phis; containing in front on Second street 15 feet 3 inch es (including the Ana• half of a two feet-eleven-inches alley), and in depth 88 feet. (D. C. ; J., '65. 155. Debt, $15.010. }lnez & Webster.] HEg RI C. HOWELL, therlif. Philadelphia. Sheriff./ Office, MaY 24,1850, now St S _ H E RIF F' S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Loofa'. Faciae to me directed will be exposed to public eels or vendue. on MONDAY'Evening. June 6.1866. at 4 o'clock. at Masora street Ball. One lull unnivided fifth part of and in all that six. story brick metenage aad hot of (trotted situate on the southwest Corner of Market and Fourth streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Market etreet seventeen feet, or th ereabonts and in depth thirty six feet. or thereabouts. ( Which premises James Stokes. by deed dated input 14. 1816, recorded in Deed Book A.. M.. No. 17, page 197. &c, conveyed unto Dirac Bid die, .. and Godfrey Twelle truetafict ) For further recital we Narit a,. C.. J., 65 79. Debt, $1,061. J. B. Townsend.] Taken in execution and to be Bold as the property of William Z Thompson, guardian, doc., and J Wayne Meredith, a minor, dic . and .1. Wayne Meredith, terre tenant BiElita Itowzrah Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. May 24, 1965. my2543t SHERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Tenditiord &porde, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or sondes, on MONDAY Evening, June 5. M. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom anent Hail, dll that certain yearly ground rant of flay-four dol. lan leaning and payable out of all that menuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Bare street forty-four feet west of twenty second street, in the city of Philadelphia: coni Mule g la front on Bare street six teen feet and in depth sixty feet to a four-feet alley. Which ground rout Jolla P. Brinton by deed Wed September 29, 1 656, recorded in Deed Book Jr. D. W., Do, Et, page 477, itc. , conveyed unto Alexander U. Le win in fee al. C. , '65. 82 Debt, 5995.75. Colahan. Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Alexander C. Lewin. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 22. 1806 my2s•St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of VenditioniExponas, tome directed will be a exposed to public sale or vendee , on MOND Y livening, June 6, 1865, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, No. L all that lot ground situate on the southeast side of Tulip street, 60 fee: southwest of Wheat-Sheaf lane, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Tulip street 164 feet, and in depth. 108 feet 8 inches to a twenty. five. feet-wide Mr eat No. 2 all that lot of ground situate on the southeast aide of Tulip street, 624 feet southwest of Wheat. Sheaf lane, in the city of Philadelphia; containingl n front on Tula" street 160 feet, and In depth 108 feet 13 inches to a tWeT117.111 , 646431-WlOO3 811001. No. 3. All that lot of ground situate on the southeast side of Tulip street, 874 feet southwest of Wheat-Sheaf lane, in the city of Philadelphia; son..aloing In front on Tulip street 160 feet, and in depth 108 feet 8 inches to a twenty-five-feet-wide street!. [D. O. ; J.. 187. .Debt 82 470. Longetreth.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph Simpson. HENRY 61. HO WELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Once, May 21, 1865. my2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, Will be ex posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, June 9.1865, at 4 o'clock. at Saneom-street Hall, No. I.—alb that lot of sroand situate en the south side of Coates street, 92 feet east of Twenty-third street, in, the city of Philade/phia; thanes south 74 feet 10% inches; them at richt angles with Wallace street 84 feet 9% inches 'to Wallace striiet; thence W93s along since 802 f ee t Bdi 'news to Twenty-third street; thence north along tame 118 feet 4% lychee to Coates street: thence east along same 92 feet to beginning No. 2—All that brick. reesenage and lot of ground situate on the tenth Bide of Race street, 139 feet east of Twenthth street, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on Rate street 19 feet, and in depth 129 feet to a thirty feet• wide street (D. ; J., '95 207. Debt. $4,918 75. Dickson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David E..birney, deceased. HENRY C HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 24, 1885. m>2s-3t SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A. writ of Venditioni EXpenris, tome directed will be exposed to public sale or voodoo, OIL MONDAY Evening. Jona 6, 1865. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the southeast side of Janney street. 824 feet from southwest side of Clearfield strest, in the citY yr Philadelphia; containing in front on Janney sr...et - 96 feet, and la depth 110 feet to Weikel itz ,„,. which premises Dr. Benjamin S. Jumpy, et nx by deed dated January 10th, 1850, recorded in Deed Book T. 8., No. 88, page 490, Ac conveyed nate Howland T. Kansa in fee, reserving ground rent of tweety- seven dotlars. (D. O. J., '65. 26 Debt, BEM 94 J. Clayton.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Rowland T. Benet'. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 23, 1865. myil-M SHERIFF'S ,SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Uttar' Factae, to me dtrected.will be ex posed to public Bale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June d„ 1665, at d o'clook, at banecon.street All that three-story brick meatuses and lot of ground situate on the south aide of Ellsworth street. one hen dred find forty four feet two and one-quarter inches eastward from Fifteenth street, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in fron eighty-one smtit feet treet seventeen feet. and in depth about to a four-feet six- inches',ide alley, with the privilege thereof. [Which lot Rion Dunbar et nx . by deed dated April 17, 1881. conveyed unto Henry M. Black in fee.) CD. C.: 3—'6l DI. Debt, 1t.2.,5:0 G. W. Biddle.) Taken in ex)ntion and to be sold aethe property of Henry Bloc HENRY C. rrowrix, Woolf. Philadelphi * Sheriff 'a Office. May 23. 1935. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY 'VIRTUE OF a writ of FierLyacine, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sals or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Sens 6. IM6, at 4 &Ole*, at Sancom-atreet moo, - No. L Ali that /Par -story brink nosootte.ta and lot of ground, sitnate 'an the south side of Market street, twenty-dv-z ieet west of Merrick street. In the city of Fbilvatinhis containing in front on Market street nine feet, an in depth SeVenlY two feet. No. 2. AU that four-story brick rummage and lot of ground, adjoining the above on the west; containing in front on Market street Matt en feet. and In depth seven ty-two feet. [Which prendose, No. 1, Henry Pratt, by seed dated Marsh 11th, 1833, recorced in Deed Book A. W. N. No 82, page fah cortvo.yed ox John In. rrenthee No. 2. John Lead, et , by dead dated March 6th, 1832, conveyed unto John Sof., in fee.] For further recital, zee writ. [D C. : J., '56. 77. Debi. VC° Pile.] Taken in ogoottion and to be sold as tile property of Sarah Ann Jobrumn, Jane B. Shaw. Mar, S Hoff., and Henry boffe. HENRY C. HO WELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff', Office. May 23. 1888. my26M SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas,to me directed, willbe exposed to public sale or Teadue, on MONDAY Evening, June 6,1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, • all that triangular lot of around, beginning at the northeast tinier of Second street and Moore sued, in the city of Philadelphia; tbenos northward along Se cond street eighty-sev all feet four and One-half inches; thence southeasturardly three hundred and seventy- five Nlt one inch, to Moore street; thence westward along ihn ,itkii March 1, three hundred and seventy-five two inches, Which lot P.-arson Serzill, Trustee, by deed a to the be inZiur [ 1664, recorded in Deed Bock L. tifv R 8., No. 33 . 7, , ,fte dm, conveyed unto Thyme% M. Plowman, in Mar chround rent of four hau lm and September.] dred dollars, Pon.Y;Ajl*4 86. Debt, Ul7. W. liswle.) property of Taken in execution sni t to b e e°l4 as the Thomas M. Plowman. HgNyX C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's 00.4%44 723,1665 . nOIS HE RI FF' S BALE..__Ric..YIRTITE OE, awrit of Venditioni Exponas, to me . 4119,30_,t0d_.... "ea to public sale or vendue, on MOND:brEvening, 6.„ at 4 o'clock, at Swum-street Hall, 1 gnat lot of ground situate on the northeast side of Huntingdon died. BB fest SOUtheaSt Of Duke Street, in the city of Piffled olDhiat containing in flout Cu Hun tingdon street 69 feet 9M Wiles, and be depth florist is et; et. [Which Premises Benjamin S . 31.11310 V 0 11X., by deed slated Ploventberlo. UAL recorded inDes Book G. W. 0., Bn p. 3E6, , conveyed unto Freda , rick Bixenstein in fee. reserving ground rent of Nl7. 80.] [D. C. ; J., '63. 78. Dent. $lB4 10 Bede.] Taken in execution and to be sold ae the property of Frederick Blsenstein. HENRY O. HOWELL, Serif[ Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 22, 1865. my2s-3t cHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE 9F a writ of Leyari Pacing, to me directed, will be roc posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, June 5,1865, at 4 o'clock, at Saniann-street All those mestnages of "The Union Market . House" and let of ground laminate aon the west side of Second street. 42 feet 6 inches north of Gal/owl:Lill ntroet. in the city of lthfladelphle; te. nee estanding West by land of Wnrts, in trust. 107 feet eg Inches. thence Donut along same 22 feet to land late of Samuel Noble, de ceased,. thence 'west by same 92 feet 1 inch to. St - John street, theme north along same 100 feet thence seat 199 feet 10 Inches to Second street. thence eoutn aiOne came 78 feet to beginning. (Which premises Ueorge S Geyer, by deed dated November 28, 1862, conveyed unto Enos emodley , Safe°. B. Smedley has parted with hie in terest.] CD. C. ; J., 'B6. 179. Debt, 617.31.0 33. Logan.] Taken in execution and to be sold as tag property of Philadelphia,. HENRY M ay O 'WELL, Sheriff. Sheriff's °See, 29. 1865. my2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MOND AY Evening, June 6,1866, at 4 o'clock,at Satworn-street Hall. ell-that lot of around situate on the west side of Broad street find south side or Stiles street, in the City rf Philadelphia- containing in front on Broad. street 114 feet, and in depth westward 160 lest to Carlisle street. [Which lot is composed of two lots, one of which, by deed of partition dated June 50, 1842, recorded in Deed Book G IS. • No. 46. p. 5, and the other of which, by deed dated February 16, 18-14. recorded in Deed Book B. L. L. 80. 17, p. 24e, , conveyed unto Thomas Dun lap ixifee. ] r.D. 0. ;L, 'O5 171. Debt. $5,104 Biddle Taken in execution and to be sold as the proporty of Thomas Dunlap HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 24, 18e5. ma2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE •OF LSa writ of Venditioni Exponar,to me directed,wlll be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY' &Vett ing. June 6, 1600, at 4 o'clock, at Sansora•etreet Hall. all that three. story brisk mesanage end lot of ground enlists on the west side of Marabal/ street, 103 feet tyro inches north of Thotup , on Street; in the city of Phila. detain; containing In front on Marshall street 18 feet. and in depth 84 feet 10 inches, more or less. [Which Prehlises Binck Deedx.. dead dated Sep.. tember 30, 1864, recorded In Book 1,. E. 13.. 1510.61. page 371. conveyed unto Joseph B. Hart, in fee. Eubjeat to ground rent of gin CD. C. ; J. '66. .109. Debt, $3,496.10 BollitU Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph. B. Hart. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Nay 24. 1884. MY2o-lt R,BERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Nxponas,to me directed.wlll be exposed to publicsele or 'endue, on MONDAY Breath& June B. MS, at 4 o'clock, at Ransom street - Hall, All that three-story brick mem:Lace and lot of Mara situate on the south aids of Catharine greet, 44 feet wool of Lebanon street. in the city of Philadelphia; contain. ins in front on Catharine street 14 feet, Rad in depth 69 fat, more or less. (Which premises Joseph Harris et ex , by deed dated Allglaßt 18, 1863, reronfed in Dead Book 'l', H., No. 96, page 1535. &c.,conveyed unto Joffe phine Lela? wife of Chattel Le lar CD. C. t. , 'B6. NI Debt, S BA 66 Mitcheson Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Charles Lelar. HEDEY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. phuadelphia, Sheriff's Office, EAT 24, 1866. m 226 St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF an Alias Order of Bale. M me directed, will be (Quoted to public We or vendne. on MONDAY Bye ning. June 6.1 666. at 4 a's - toga. at Saneora-street Hall. All that three• story brink immune and back bnild• lugs and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Vine street. 100 feet east of 'Twenty first street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Vine street 17 feet 6 timber, and in depth 106 feet to a font. feet alley. Sub ject to a ground rent of $7O, and also to mortgage of 61,660. [D. 0 ;J. '65. 46. 8 S Campbell • HENRY C. B'r9i'llat, Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff's Office, May 9, 1865. =yid at SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Yachts. to me directed. wi'l be ex- Posed to public male or vendue. on' HAMAN Evenink, Jose G. 1665, at 4 o'clock, at garotom-street Hall, . AA that lot of ground tltnate on the itorth tads of Wager street. GO feet east of Germantown Mt in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on 'Wager street 17 feet. and In depth 90 feet. [Which premises Henry S. Field et nx.' by deed dated October 19, 1859. conveyed auto George Leakier to fee l CD. 0. ; J., '65. 160. Debt, $536. Brinckle 3 Taken in execution end to be sold as the property' of George Leakier. HENRY 0. HOWIILL, RUDD_ khUtldelphia. Offico. nay 14.1866. 44124-34 inEnwrs SALENa SHERIFF'S Sd LE.-BY VIRTIM OF a writ of Pierian Levan Facies, to me directed,will be exposed to nubile, sate or yendne, on MONDAY Li-re nine, June 5. 1865, at do'cloolf, at Saneom-etreet Dalt. liages. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, With the twonstory- and , a-half stone dwelling noose and two story frame back buildings thereon erected, bounded end described as follows: Beginning at a corner near the southeast side of she Frankford and Bristol turnothe road; thence along the said road mouth 63 degrees 6 Ise- Conde, west 66 feet to a corner or Edward TOMlinSoll'il lane: thence creating geld road and partly by said Tomlin eon's tandem! partlyb7 a huger tract of which this is a pert north 16 degrees ft minntee, west 313 feet 9 inches to a corner; thence north Midwest; 20.minntet, east 66 feet 9 inches to a atone Pet for a corner; thence by laud now or late of William Otto Beath 27 degrees 10 minutes.. oast 357 feet to the Place of beginning", re merviug thereout the nee and privilege of a fiver-feet wide alley to be left open forever, running nordsweet ceard from the nOrthwetterly aide or the Peeebreea and B•istol turnpike road, in length or depth about 43 feet. 80. 2.-611 that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two story-and a-half atone dwelling honee and twe eter', frame back buildings thereon erected, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner near the southeast side of the Frankterd and Melo! turnpike read, and also a corner of Edward Tomlineon'e land; thence along the said road south 68 degrees 6 minutes, wrest 16 fest 6 inches to a corner in the middle of the township line read; thence crossing the Fran.eford and turnpike road, and along the middle of the said townabip line road north 98 degrees 60 minutes, went 297 feet to a caner .of /and new or late of B. F. Crispin; thence by Glenn's land north 98 degrees 22 minutes. east 177 feet 6 Inches to a corner; thence by a larger tract, of which tble le a part. south 24 deerees 31 minutes, east about 172 feet 3 !echos to a corner o' Ed ward T.:UntintiOD's land; thence along said Tomlinson's land south 69 degreot 40 Min ilteN words feet to a 00111.3 r thence lUD by the came south 28 degrees 36 secoudd, oast 166 feet 10 inches in the place of beginning. (D. C : .7., '66 )90 Debt, 31,257. Lenc. 1 Taken in executionand to be sold as the prove ety of Jonas S Green. . DENBY C. DO Celia., Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's ()Mee, May 24,1856, my2e-3t SHERIFF'S BALE—BY VIRTUE OF A. writ of Venditioni Expends, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue,ou MONDAY Evening. June 6, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-etreet Hall; Die. 1. An that lot or ground situate on Ih, south side of Celeste Eltrept. 257 feet 9 inches west of Ninth street. 50 the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on tie. lest° street 96 feet, and in depth 45 feat. lie. 2. All the buildings and let of around situate on the east side of Twentieth etreet 26 Pet 7% inches south of Brown street. in the city of Philadelphia; contain lug in front on Twentieth (frost 18 feet, and in depth 83 feet 10 inches to a three. feet alley. no 6 All the buildings and tot of ground situate on the east side of Twentieth street 54 rest 7% Inches month 01 Drown street, in the ell_ of Phtl‘delphia; containing ie front on Twentieth Idlest 1.718616 mania, And in depth 82 feet 10 inched. no 4. All that three-story brick rummage and lot of ouud eituate on the west side of Philadelphia; mouth of Vine street. in the city of con- tamping in front on Purr street 18 feet blushes, and in depth t 4 feet 3 inane. ID C. ; J. , '66. 201 Debt, $30500. Bullitt. Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of S. Warren young. I. ENRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriff's Office, May 24,1865..my254t gIIERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venation! Expon as. to lee directed.will be exposed to public sale or sendue, on MONDAY Even. intr. June h. 1885, at 4 o'clock, at &mum-street Hall. All the riget, two, and interest in all that yearly ground rent of two poondslert shillings. isrulng and Payeb?e out of all that lot of ground situate on the south tide of Filbert street. between &xtbasti ticynith streets, in the city of Philadelphia; oon:ainiz.g (rant on 'Filbert street 88 Pei. and in depth 41 feet. Bounded east by ground of James Morgan. aotith by back-Ands of Bs arket stn ' et lots vest by around of John Jacob Simko. and north by. Filbert street. [D. C. • J. , 'B5 116. Debt, $179 08. T. E. McElroy. ] Taker In execution and to be sold an the property of William Rorer and James 13 Rorer. HENRY C. HOWELL, Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, May 24,1866. my2B-8t gERRIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF Kl a writ cf Levari Facia% to me directed,-willbe ex posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, June 6, I.M, at 4 o'clock, at Sanaom. street flail, All that three story Inesanage and lot of ground. dict ate On the west elde of illoottley Emmons 80 ;es north Of calletsion street, in the city of Philadelphia' ...contain ing in front on Illockley avenue 0‘) fast. and in depth. 228 feat to a fifty. feet- wide avert. - [Which oramleas "The Alloclatcd Butchers and Deovera of Philadel phia." by deed dated March 10, 1857, Conveyed unto Robert 'Hutchinson in fee. [D. 0 'B5. 119. Debt. 11,839.'25. Paschall Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Robert Hutchinson. HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. May 21,1865._ my2s-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Lavari Facies, to me directed, will be ex- Tweed toveblic sale or vendue. on MONDAY Bronzing, June 6, 1816, at 4 o'clock, at eausom• street Hall. All that three-story brick ram suage and lot of around situate on the north. eine of Christian street, 109 feet westward from Nineteenth street. in the city of Phila delphia: containtoe in front on Christian street 17 feet o inches (including one ball of en alley, and the privi lege thereof. and in depth 10 feet. 11141441 n an aileT and the privilege thereof. [Which lot John P. Perech et ox., by deed dated April 19, 1880, conveyed onto Benjamin IL Booven, in fee [D. C. • .1.,'65. 169. Debt. 8 1,282 MX Ever' j Taken in Letitian and to be sold as the property of Benjamin B. B ooven HENRY C. HOWBLL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Shoriff's (Mice. May 24, 1165. my 26 3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditieni Case, to ma directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Bye rang, Tunthree 65, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-street Hall, All that-etory brick reessuage and lot of grimed situate tit the east side of Tenth street, 103 feet north from Master street, in the city of Philadelphia; csn- Mining in front on Tenth street 16 feet, and in depth 74 feet to a twenty feet street CW61021 premises Jame. Gillespie, by deed dated Mural, 1863, recorded in Deed Book A. C. Et, Ho 90. Ptge 2 9 5, Ac conveyed unto Thomas Welch in fee; tubjeet to a ground rent of tS4S, payable let June and December. ] CD. C ; J., '65. 12.3. Debt. $l/3. 56. Law.] Taken to execution and to be cold as the property of Thomas Welch. REBUT C. HOWELL, Sheriff. .Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. May 24,1885. me25.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Mori Pastas, to roe directed, will be de posed to public sale or vendue,on MONDAY Evening, Jane 5, 1865, at 4 o'clock, At Seneom- street Hall, all those two three-story brick manages and let of ground situate On'the northwest side of Jefferson street. in the Twasty•sescid ward of the city of Phil adelP l 'Oß: marked on map of town lots. John B. Cullum and Jo seph Biownhoitz, Po 60; containing in front on Jaffar son street 30 feet. and in depth 130 feet. C Which pre irdsee Benjamin Wilson et ox, by deed dated October 3,1868, conveyed unto Harriet Ramer, in fee ) D. C. ;T. '63 206. Dabt, 21.400. E. Taylor.) Taken in catenation and to be sold as the property of Harriet Rymer. . HETET Cl HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Mar 24, 1865. miSS St SHERIFF'S-SALE.—BY "VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari FaCiA6 to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendee, on MOZDAT Evening, June 5, 1955. at 4 o'clock, at Sensors-street Hail, All those four ihree.story brick inessneffes and lot of ground. situate en the west side of Orohaid street, be tween Poplar and George Meats. in rho car of delale.; containing in front on Orchard street 18 feet. and in &tit 53 feet. Bounded norrh by ground of George Albright, west and south by ground of George P. Clap, and east by (inhere street. [Being part of armlet% which Patrlok IdoCtowen, et ns., by deal dated January 91, 1111, recorded in Dead Book O. W, O Ito. 77, p, 288, U., conveyed unto George F. Clay, in fee.) • fp. O. ; J.. 4.5. 192 Debi,' W. OCO Lax. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mcrae F. Clay. HENRY C. Rowstt, Sheriff'. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oilice, May 24. 1855. my2s-8t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of lovarl Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June b,1866, at 4 o'clock, at Ransom-street-Hall.. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Ninth street, 105 feet south of Catharine etreet,in the city or Philadelphia; containing in fi (Int on Dinth street 17 bet 6 lushes,Secluding the northern half of a two- feot-eiar-lnches ay, and 111. depth 08 feet 6 inch's, with privilege of raid alley. [which premises The Darman Sariha Fluid Assocla• Bon, " by deed dated June 5. 1818, recorded in Deed Book A. D 8., No. MP. 180, &0., convened unto John P.Porschinfee.3 . 171 C ; J., '65., 98 Debt, 81.880 76, Bunk. ] Taken in execution and to be sold ae thoproperty of John P. Pouch. HEE FLY C• HOW labL, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, May 21,1815. my2s-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a Wilt of Leyari realm, to Lae directed. will be exposed to nubile rale or yendue. on MONDAY Bvenina. June 0. 1661. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street . . . . All that lot of around Wawa on the smith side of Master street, 269 feet west of Eighteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Master street 15 feet, and in depth 100 feet to Ingersoll street. [Being part of larger lot which Thomas Shipley et al . by decd dated August 26, 1864. seamed unto William Crawford in fee.) CD. .; J. ,'66. 91 lebt. $1,802.99. Wain 1 Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of HENRI C. HOWALLriff Philadelphia Crawford. Sheriff's Office, May 24 1866. , She my2.5.1t 9„,HRRIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, Will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. tune 6,1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall, All that three-story brick meesnage and tot of ground situate on the south side of Sassafras street. 83 feet 6 in ches eastward from Ninth meet, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front or. Sassafras street 16 feet 6 inches, and in depth 87 feet. [Which premises George /Heger), Sheriff, by deed dated October 18,1856, recorded in Sheriff's Deed Hook I, No 2, pagel76, conveyed unto James A.,Porteue in fee 3 ; J., '06,183. 1t12413.163 . 15. LAskirisiih - I .titit,tiL in easel:dlr . to be sold as the property of James HENRY C. ROWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Mee, May 24,1885. mh2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY V.T.RVUE OF a. writ-of Venditioni Espouse. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or voodoo, on MONDAY Eve ning, June 6, mma, at 4 o'clock, at Seam-street AU that lot of ground situtto oa the notthweaterlY side of Fox street, and nortbettetwardly side of Ratter street, in the eity of Philadelphia; containing in front 011 Fla street 20C feet, and in depth 71 feet 61i inches. ID •O. ; .1., '65. lift Debt, ilThe lonastreth ) Taken in execution and to be sold AR the property of Sohn D. Hazel, HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 24, MS MY2S-3t S HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expanse, to me directed, will be exposed to public Bale or vendne, on MONDAY Eve ning, June 6, 1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ail that lot of grout d situate on toe southeasterly side of Lemon street 41.0 feet northeasterly from Butler street, in the oity of Philatlelptdat containing in front on 2.eniost street 200 feet, and in depth 71 feet 6# hetes. D. 0 . , 'O5 DD, Debt, 45788. Longehretk, Tao]. In exectiliwa Ana to be Nola as the prOPattY Of Joke Sizei eon. HENRY C. HOWEfilt. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff 'a Office, May 24, 1865. my2l.2t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me di , ectod, will be ex• posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Jane 6, 1866, at 4 J'clock, at Sansom. street Hall, .511 that three-story brick memo ge and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Wharton street. 132 feet 6 itches west of Third eireetein the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Wharton street 17 feet, and in depth 66 feet 8 inches. with the privilege of a two-feet two inches alley. [ Which premises Christopher Fal lon et al.. by deed dated hey 6, 1651, recorded la Deed Book T H., Ho. 16. page 497. dm., conveyed unto John W. Hicks In fee. Reserving a ground rent of 612 50, which. by deed eadoreed, d sled December .11. 1861, wee conveyed unto said John W. Ricks in fee, whereby the name merged.] [D. C. • J., '5l 101. Debt *l.BOO G. W. Biddle.] Taken in execution and to i re sold as the property of John 'W. Broke.' HB6 ttT G ROWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Wilco. May 24. 1865. my6.5-6t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Farina, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, June 8, 1887, at 4 o'clock, at Samsun-street Hall, All that twee- el 0111 brick meesuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Ninth street, 24 feet moats of South greet, in the city of Erilladelphla; containing in front on It intb street 24 feet, and In dept 4 feet to a ten feet alley. [Which premises Joseph A. Clay et nu, by deed dated March 31, 1862, conveyed unto John B. Koenig, in fee. ID. C.; J. '65. 176 Debt KM SS. Logan.] Taken in eaecntion and to be sold as the property of John B Hoenig. EIBINRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's OffiCe. May 24, 1965. St QUERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni anon', to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evenint. June fr. 1666, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All Imildlnae, improiremsats. and lot of ground situ • ate on the west aide of Sighth street. 60 feet south or Pine street. in the city of Pbliadelpieat coutslningin fibnt on Elstdh street 20 feet. and In depth 160 feet. CC. P. ; .7., '6.5. 14. Debt. $27. Gartman-1 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob H. Search. HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, flay 12,1866. mvl6-0t p,HERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed will be ex posed to public eats or 'endue, on MONDAY Xvening, June 6,1E165. at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-street MI that three story brick mesenage and lot of ground situate on the southeast side of College avenue, 535 feet 434' inches southwest of flirteteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on College avenue 21 feet, and In depth oa the east line 41 feet 41i inches. and on the west line 40 feet one fourth of an inch. ['nigh premises Osborn Conrad, by deed dated A oyerober 24. 1856. conveyed unto Issas Newton in fee.] CD. C P. '65 178. Debi. $2,241 25 Simpson ] Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Isaac Newton. MIDDY C. 410 WELL Sheriff. Philadelphta.Sheriff's Office, May 24, 1855. %Milli-it SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUEOF — AA, writ of Alias Vonditioni Napalms, to rue direetek_ will be exposed to public gale or vendum on MONDAY Evening. June 5,1885, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-dreet Hall. All that three-story brick mesetusge, with two- etory beck buildings and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Green street 208 feet west of Twenty first street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in froat on Ocean street le feet , and in depth 82 feet 6 inches to Wilcox street. (Which premises Oliver Parrs et al. by deed dated March 1,1874, reoorded in Doge Seek T. H.. No. 144 page 512, conveyed unto Samuel B. Jostler., in foe, rsserving groucd unit of M. For Slater recital ass writ. ) X. 5.—S B. Justice has parted with his interest. (0 P. : , 115. 11. Debt, 515.45 Ouromer.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of BarariPl 15. atomics, 1113NRY C. HOWELL, Sff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. May 13, 1885. moldat, C I LF DZB WiRRIAGEB, EN- T 1 g:llltE2 alfßana VIIDI.-Itri . lolloetv ~ ati l ir4LWand raa4,. AUCTION SALES. FIIENEBB, BRINLEY, & CO., No. 615 CHESTNUT MS SATIN Sinai, SALE OF DEPORTED AND DOMESTIC DE: GOODS. 024 •ftlßBD4l' MORNING, June Mb, OA 20 o'cloclf, on four mont2o.o credit, 403 paOttpo and lota of fancy' anti 06108 DADOrtact dry coeds. DOMESTIC GOODS Fns aimH. A large aseortment of domeatlo goods for cash. FINAL BALE Of THE SEASON OF LUPIN'S CELE BRATED FABRICS. We willeell for the lest time this season, to close the entire importation, thefoliowing desirable articles of the above make, through FIIR6iRSI. B SMUT. & CO., 061 FRIDAY 5tOROlOO, Jane oth, 1805. at 10 o'clock. on forr menthe' credit, 400 pieces Lapin's superfine rmalities black mode. white, eznline, lane and high colored manilla de, Ions; comprising new and choice shades of amass inn, landed. 160 pieces Lupins 6-4 black and colored do, all gull. ties. 60 pieces Lupin'. 6 4 black tended, Met landed. 100 pieces Lapin's 8-4 black and mode colors, crepe TIMM. CO pieces Lupin's 7-4 and 8.4 black and whit* do. do. NO piece* , Lupin's 3.4 black and mode tamartines. 25 Pieces Lupin's 8.4 black tamartivee. 25 pieces Lapin's 7 4 and 8 4 black and white bassos. 160 pieces Lupin's 84, 8.4 and 10-4 colored Winne' Hunan'. 60 pieces Lapin's black barege. just landed. 25 Mecca s 8-4 black Roseanne& last landed. RICO pisces Lapin's black bOmbazines, fine to saperfine qualities. 60 pieces Lupin's black and colored challY, suFerflna , the entire batauce. 26 piece 6.4 pants black and white stripe sk irting, 60 pieces 6.4 black mohair& fine $0 611pertize lies_ - Ain), 60 piece' 6.4 Paris ce!ore& crape &WM% now /anding from katsmer Persia. SHAWLS. Ptolmplit's superfine qualities, thibst shawls, silk Waive. 200 Lapin's black centre rich brocbe border * Stella shawls. 800 superece quallty black and white batege, gauze. maretz and barrio Remnant shawls. SILKS. Also, a line super at:Lances black Lyons taffetas. VEIL BAREGES. Also, a Imo Of Faris veil bararea aniline and brown. BBNIEARD & HITITO PHILIP FORD do CO., AUCTIONEERS, MARION and US COMINNATZ Strati. LARGE SALE OF 1.300 CMS Boon AND SHOES. We will cell, by catalogue, for cash, THIS MORNIA G. . „ au, 6111, you pleziclue at ten o'clock, 1„9CO cases men's, tore', ex a yontha , boots, don. Dalmorany, gapers, shapers. Oxford ttee, brains ? Congress boot.. &c, a desirable assortment of women's. zone, and elildren'e wear. • LARDY BALE OF 1.400 CASES BOOTS AVE SHOES. • ON THURSDAY MORNING, . June 8, commencing at 10 egolock. we will sell, eV catakano, for sash. 1.000 eases men's, born', And Sonibs• boots, shoe!. br o 2/ 111 3. b altarra t s, siirm°". W:fr.rd ties, Congress boots. Pic . ike , with a desirable assortment or Women's, misses', and children's wear. DAIWOAST & WARNOCK, ARO 110XSZF.S. foie XinKler Streak. LARGE POSITIVE SALE 750 LOTS AMERICAN AND IMPO.:TED DRY 00071.i.II.LIEERY 000DS, EMBEVIDERLEE, EMERY 000D8, by catalog ON ue. WEDNESDAY MORNING. Jane etb, corontensing 10 o'clock, comprising a fall wort went of seasonable and desirable goods. AUCTION/3ER, • 11.0.110 CHESTNUT Street. GREAT COMBINATION SALE OF OIL PAINTINGS, AND LAST OF TES SEASON, Will take piece at Scott's ThilAdelphitt Art Gallery, on the evenings of . 'YU/ADA!, the Sth, WEDNESDAY. the Mt, and THURSDAY. the Silt ot Jane, commencing at 8 o'clock precisely. Among the con tributors are the American Art Clalla,y. slaw York; some Do formerly of the Philadelphia Sketch Club; 11 , tV7 owned by &private gentleman; some BP2tieteet from our talented tecarnemen, Witmer. Mason, and other& besices another private eolleelien. making in all One 01 the hest assortments ever offered to the public. The whole wlil be arranged for evtudnation with catalogues on SatnrdaY - BARRITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, Cash Auction Home, No. 230 kfaltlfla Street, corner of Bank street.' Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge A.HOMAS J. MILLER, AUOTIONEEH. —EXBUUTORS' SALE OF BARE AND VALUABLE BOOKS. BOTH STANDARD AND EIISGELLAITHOI7B, comprising the entire Library of the late John Baylor, Ht.q. of Albany, N. Y., am bracingaboat 5. fOO volume% THOMAS J. KILLER will sell by anation on TUBS. DAN, WEDNESDAY. TRUEST) AY, and FRIDAY, the 13th, 14th, loth, and 16th of JUNR. at 10 o'clock each day, at the Library, NAI Broadway, earner of Arch street, in the city of Albany, the whole collection 03 books contained therein among which may lm found elegantly bound imperial folio edition of Andabon's Birds of America; belles British Ornithology. ilins. trated with richly colored life eine engravings; &ladle's British Birds, do., do. ; Donovan's British Fishes, do., do. ; Audubon's lartedruDeda of America; Le Wise, Royal . , illustrated with easel engravings of the most bent:loaf Pictures, Statues. and Bag. Beliefs in the Royal Collection, Faris, 1816. 2 'volumes; Masse Fran tale, illustrated with steel engravings of the most re. nowned pica:real which existed in the Louvre before 1810. Dever:oov° letter press in F:eneh and English. Baffin's Natural Histoi y; Indian Gallery; Iconographic Beeyclopmdlal //US (Tyclopledia, citirto, 47 vols. ; Dan. iloman's Magazine,from 1731 to MO: Parliamentary Debates. from 1660 to 1800; The Annual Register, from 1758 to 1823: London gailaterlv. from 1801 to 1852: North I Mel - ices Review, from 1816 to 1863; together with a is ge collection of valuable Standard and Miscellaneous Works. Engravings, 011 Paintings, 13ook-cases, Fix. tares, .he. Oath - 14 gaes can be had by addressing the anctioneer, No So Broadway. New York city, or at the aloe of JOHN TAYLOR'S BONS. No. 133 BROAD WAY, Albany. mvge•merf6t SALE OF GOVERNMENT HORSES QUARTERMASTERIPENBIIAL'S °FMK, FtitSl DIVIStON. WASHINOTON CITY, Mar 29, 1865. Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at Qiesboro, D. o,kon • NODAL, Jane 2, 18811, TUE•DAY, June 6, 1865, THURSDAY, June 8. 1856, FRIDAY, June 9, 1866. AND ON TUESDAY, TUDE,S9AY. and FRIDAY o TWOHI e NDRE e D a CAVALR g t BOmSSEnSth EofMJu DAYS For road and fanning purposes many good bargains mar be had. Horses sold singly. Sale to commence at 10 A. AL Terms casb, in Hutted States currency. Steamboat for Giesboro will leave Seventh-street wharf, Washington, every boar from 9 A. H. toe P. IL JA51114 A. SHIN, Brevet Brie:idler General, in charge let Dlirielon, Quartermaster General's Office. ._ Jed. 261 SALE OF GOVERIMEXT 110ROZ5. 4 :II7.AUTERNASTEI. O.O.ERAL'S nFFICE. FIRST ,DIV/SION,L.. WASITI'SGTON ()WY, May bico. Will be sold at public auction, to the lily:test bidder, at the times and )laos yarned below. viz•. BALTIIIOIO3, MASYLAND, WEDIt.ESDAY. Jane 7, MIS. . . LANCASTER. FEJ.: I tY s tUNIA, THURSDAY, READING, PERINI INANIL, THURSDAY, June 16, 1866, WEST CHESTER, c o R ti oNsYLVANIA, THURSDAY. MIFFLIN, minsireVlNA, THURSDAY, Jnne 2a. 1865. PITTSBURG, FE. ra l z igl i kVALS., THURSDAY, BALTIMORE, HARTLAND, WEDNESDAY, June 19. 11365, PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, TIIIYEZDAY a Ar l; WI TWO HUNDa ZTEY HORSES at each place. For road and fanning par Doses many good bargains may be had g. Borges sold singly. Sales to a monco at 10 A. Toms—cash. In United States ovrency. JAMBS A. REIN. Brevet Brigadier General. In charge Firot Division Q. M G. 0. N 0 CE.—BALE OF ARMY MUbW3 QU ABIERMASTES GENERAL'S OFFICE, VireaflisciTotr. D. 0 MaY 28 1856. MANY THOUSANDS OF MULES are being disposed of at public sale at Washington. , • The sales will continue until the number of animals is reduced iu proportion to the reductions of the armies, sow going on rapidly. There are in the Armies of the P0101:1The, of the Ten. nesse., • and of Georgia. probably form TROUBLE° OF THE FINEST SI X. MULE TEAMS LE THE WORLD. Many young were bought in the beginning intoe war, as mules, accompanied the armies l their marshes and Gimps, and are thoroughly broken. hardened by exercise, gentle and familiar. from being so long surrounded by the soldiers. a The whole South la stripped of farming stock, and the North also has suffered from tits drain of antral/AU/Mg to soppy the armies. These animals are sold at publigutonali; TREY WILL NOT BRING Affi ETHINO LIRE THEIR TRUE VALUE t and such oppminnities for farmers to get working anillakt-follock their farms, and for drovers • . in stock to make good speculations, by purchasing them and disposing of them In the South, will never occur again. M. O. MEWS, Quartermaster Oetteral s le2-24t Brevet Major General. SALE OF CWIDAMNED QUARTER- IdAbTEWS STURM, WAGONS, ASIBULABOT.S, Ate. OHMS' QUARTERMASTER'S OPPICII. DEPOT OP WASHINGTON. WaggINGTON, D. 0,, SUIT ae, W1:1 be soul at Pnbilo Aninion, And , T the direction Brevet Colonel Charles H. Tompkins, A. O. ALM the Government Warehouse,. !awed on the sciaare be. tween B and a and Twentieth and Twenty-first streets, in the city of Washington. D. C. ,on THURSDAY. inns Bth. 1166, at Wo'elock A.Bl , a lot of Quartermaster's Stores, condemned as being unlit for nsa. viz: Saddles. Bridles. Halters, Spurs, Wrenches. Her. nessee, Buckets, Hammers. Knives, Anvils, Files, Beeps,. Augers , Rules, Broadaxee, Platform Scales, Wheelbarrows, Balance Wheels, Pauline.lhindetones. Dirt scrapers, Ploughs ,Tool Chests. and a large 10$ of Wrought-Iron Scraps. Wagon-tire, &e. ALSO. Will be sold. at the foot of Nineteenth street, near Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, immediately after she compietion of the sale above referred to, a large lot of Two anti Four. horse wag ass, asbiag wagons. Medical - wagons, Metallic WeAtiel, A.Mbulanoeo. Carts, ago Successful bidders mutt remove the stares within Ave (C) days from date of sale. Tema cash, in Government funds. D. H. ROOKER. Brig. Gen and Chief Q. at my3o tje7 Daum of Washington. 'I14)•J.114 4 1 / 4 1 *t. - f) it 141 COPARTNERSHIP.- THE UNDER SIGNED have this 'Jay formed a Conottorship under the name and firm of LABOVROADES' BROS. & IRWIN, for the transaction& an Importing and Job bing Mutineer In Moths, Caseimeres, and Mon's Wear generally, at 431 ORESTIVT Street. E LA YoURCADR, O. LAFOURO A ON. WM. R. LaYOUROLDB, WM H. IR WM. P M. LABOUROADE, Ja. PHILADELPHIA, June 1, MIS, The Business of the late firm of DE COD MS EY, LA FOIIOO4k DE, & will be settled at oar Mace. DI. B.—Mr. ONEALD DE COUSSEY, of the late firm, le about CubeelllMattalr arrangem.ele for a new, bad 110U, of yr kith due notice will be given. jel-fit NOTICE.—ALBERT 13: JARDEN- IB a member of our firm from OM date. JAMBS W. otaiSON Sc 00. Jot Or. =NM MEDICAL. R OFF - •. No, 15.1 north ELEVENTH. below PACE streets 0.11131M1n and FORTIETH Sweet, West Phi ladelphia DR. THOMAS AUBE having been very stladeft. fat in the cure ot Dinftaell b this new method. would inform hie Mends and the Public that he is still benetitting and curing many whom hiedisine did not affect, and considered insurable. We will mention a few of the Diseases in the sure of which this treatment seldom if ever falls: Ithemeatism. Felons. Kidney DhOssse, Neuralgia, Gangrene, Myer • Pasalysia. Moore. Genital Cramps, Bolls, Spinal Dyspepsia, Abscess, Throat Fever & Ague, Eruptions, Prolapses, Asthma. Inflammations.' 14 . 00 EMIIIS/Orkit Congestion, Hemorrhage, Diabetes. &e. Patients will Is treated at their residegees whoa desired, a Urge number or tettlmontale may be sesa at the 09lees from patients la ibis ott7 'lonsnita• time gratis. Oleo hours 9 b. M. to 6P.Id On the sly. DA IHOB. ALLaid. stpl9.Bm Iteetrielun. ELECTROPATHIC ESTABLISH , NEWT. —DR. A. H snivsia one of the nags DISSOVSEESS of e new svetera of treating dimes* br MODIFIED r.i.scrraioAL APPLIOATIONS,_cad wka kw, be en ' ,every ancessful et PENN MUNI for the het three Teach has removed Ma Odes Bad Berideall4 to 1638 VINE Street, one door below Seventeenth. Ail perEollll dazing reference', or say partienlara with regard to hie wedded mode of troalanent. will plena sell or send fore nampllet. esolontltatton °rade - Ise gratnitooe. n&hd.gi COTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCK tItND CANVAS. of ati numbers and brands. Tent Awalng,Trunk. and Vfagomoover Duck. Also. Paper ldminfastm erg' Brier Pelts. from one to dye ItOt wide; Pauline, Bolting Sail Twine. JOHN W.' BVISRMAN & CO , it 03.0 No. 103 JONES' Alley. FOR NON•RETENTION OR INGON• TIMINCIS of urine. irritation, indantrnation or ulceration of the bladder or kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands, stone In the bladder, calenius. grace, or brisk.ditst deposit, and all diseases of the bladder kidneys, and .draffeleel use avymßoLD. li/Ltiln IXTRAM 'SUOMI .1/ ABEA • . 't lII'S ;. 1 at tba propotial of 1111INSOLD'8 FLITID TitACIT BOOHU will be a sompariaoli with than tortilla tha IJattod 9MIM Diniamtorr, AUCTION SALE% J ost B. MYERS Co., AN) sime. JUL $33 and nal MAXIM EiNit,"4! POSITIVE aItLE OF FREVCII, GERM ELIA, an., AND BRITaR DEY (1000 s. &c,. d'III, ) „ I ra% A CARD —We invite the early attention. ~.. , cbesms to the d , ...trable a ssos tment or 'French , \ qt. Braise and Bratsk +try goods, embracing ewe .','". of °notes aractee, to be peremptorily sold by cite ,cn THISr months' credit and pact f e, comm V'. MORNING, at ITo'cleck precisely. 4l PERBMPTORY HALE OF PRIME, noiA, MAN, AND ERITISIT DRY 000Dti, dal. TB t 8 AiDeflin 0 , June Mb, creditloc. will be sold by catslore e44 four menthe' eb ,- .nt GOO PA+,l:te TVS AND Lou of French, India, Perinea, and British dry goods 4 embracing a large and deeirsble astortment of ft t c ,, staple articles in silk. seemed, woolen, liner, RD ! : " 'l4 tort fabric. In. N. B.—Samples. of the same will be 'Treated ,10,, am i, e1 1,,,,,, with catalognem, early on the mor.+:2'''' sale, when dealers 'Will line It to their Interest ' "! 44. tend. ATTRACTIVE flax OF FRENCH OItES6 OlTh FOLIC% SHAWLS. Itißuoltg, &e. 6, NOTlCE.—lncluded to our sale al Y'rerich, fi l 0011111111, and British dry geed., 1; Tale 410RIVIYa. ;nee es. 6th, Willbo found in part the following liskb 4 articl Ylz: DRiiSS °GODS.-- nieces MOTtPle de lainea,p: l 7 ,,,, biques, nail de &oevres , grenadlnes, harem. i ' '' hsros. inene;r+. (annexe. baln+orets, ke. - • .I.I.IiRSIt 811.1C14 --lases Lyons black taffeta] /.,, du Rhin. erns avails, aruntres, poult da 110i0 V .'- litiplES. fates Wks, &c . o. 4 SBAWI , S. - 13roccebordore, stella, mozamblitn tu grenadine +bawls. +llk end cloth nntuttee, imegne ,&.,- RIBDt•NS.— boxes s:,11 , 1 colors and Liter Po 1 1 Pole and arcs Aram bonnet ribbene,gros as "erase e.d ming ribbons, black and chelosits salt Velvet IL bons. .c. ut,ovv,g,— cartons geeti: and ledl+s' Penta d gi g , lisl e , and B.rila Cloven ana th.nntlatit. STR &W °GODS cues . ' , near ', am tl , , straw bats. palm leaf allaker anode. ChM ,4.4" straw bats, palm , leal lava &c. also. o' r• or embroideries, linen cambric handhercl , t,i, , 1 ~ t trinzbam sun and rain umbrellas., be „.,...,. t ,„ , „4 . a .ss creree, heatt.nets. sewinge, silk doe nuttaAt 4 + '' We will include in above sale an 111V01a0 01 c,!4. embroidered organdies, and 1011 . 6 fiLLlrea Swiss i t ,; Tins. LIEGE POSITIVE f; &LE OF 1300T6, Sams. 2, Oda, STRAW GOODY., TIiAVELLI7fG 13 Oh, r IMSDAY O,IOIOIINO, ~ June 6th. at 10 o'clock, will be n0t..1, try w o k, . On tour months credit, about 1,3 E noakcgc, •,, ',, shoes. brogans,6fc.,entbracing &prize and blot, 4. . ',i; Mut of seasonable goods of cit y and Pattern 31 i. feetnre. • , ' go WIII be t for examination. with eatalogao .‘iton:deg o geef LA.IIOE, YERESIPTOKY HALE OF'4OOTs, F. 10 ;,.. bA00.1416i. "AlievrazlNG itioct. he "'" 210T1011.—Ineladed in our large sale of bcett 01 dose, &a., June 6. will be found in raft the rollowtha ;y 4 ,1 0 dettrable assortment—viz: Man's, boys', and youths' calf. double, t;ot, '4l welt. sad romp.soin dross•boatet men's, 1.:, , t ', , youths' kip and buff learns: boots; in%n t :it.? n`: lona , kg canalrybooto; men' o ~,,nd bo, 8' 88',11, 1fi i 04 t i ( CODAMSEI boots and. balcaorsts; roster , K ks , aa youths' super kW: .buff, and pollsood et. la WI sub and pump solo brooms; Isoica' flue It lo , toL , a ,, ;:e and aflame/ ledpatent sexed ballot - aft:l cut; t'.'tuK, ,' gaiters; women ' s. misses' , and chi/arse , ' e , 14, - a ,m b!, leather balrowals and I r.re boots; olotio.rf, , ,', ~,1 , sewed city made lace, bolts: &lacy tow, d bt.ifen ..if ;II ankh ties t ladies' 11»o black and co'oroe 1,,,t,,,,, ,:T greet, and sido.lacb gniicir; women ' 5,.10,4,0 i,, , children's goat and illonir443 6 c3pper,and' Irv. 66 ladies' Ens hid slippers; carpet and eunieltod lataer travelling base, no. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF MATTES, ',Av g . ', GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY 'ON, We Val hold a large tale of Forelgu sod 1 3 votogti try goods, by catalogue, on a credit of four glootbcsA k d Mt for oath, ON THURSDAY MERINO, June %embracing about MO pacattee& aad lois of ata a and fancy in Weolene. 'worttedg, linaa, ra' and cottony, to wbich we Invite the attention of dd , ,; N B• —Samples of the same will ha ar,,,nlod aminatien, with ectalogute. earls on the tuortil of the eale, when deplore will find It to their Went to attend. POKTLYI SALE OF OARPECIKGS, D7111G313 MATTIEiGiI, die . . 01 FRIDAY 110.b/Ilif;, • June 9th.at o'clock. witl be mild byeatalme, aq four months' credit, about SO piece. rich rq• . l poetry, Brneeele, printed felt, imperflue and fa iu• gribt, royal dm:oath, Venetian, het, hernia, eriee, and rag carpeting*, Canton and cocoa matting embraebig a choice asiortment of eitoerior 'mode, hta May be ezettilned early on the morning of aide, lkir THOMAS dti SONS, • boa. 139 and 141 South rOVRIRE Public Sales of Real Estate and Stocks, at lb lit change, every Tuesday, as 12 o'clock. NEAL ESTATS AND STOCKS Gm RINE @EPNANS CODEX, EXSCUTOSS', AND TNEpous , ALES. CARD. —Dor sale on Tn S eedetr.Gth of Jane,wl.llCadt the estate of George lo—Sher, dOODbOOO. over 21Lere., Twenty , first ward; eatate of .7olt. largeg.fil feet on Front street; rotate of Henry Blaine, 11.00f11. ral other cotette, by oroor of tzusteee, AlBO, Wm, elegant residence EGGS Walnut street, and a EIIDer al smaller dwellings, buelness gauge, stooks, iOO4 bee pamphlet catalogue. CARD.—Ontalognes of the valuable library RE, (Mules A. Poulton, comprielost over 4,060 letsp ybtt bold June 6th. 7th, Bth and 9th, are now releatei may be had at the eaotton ;tore. EXTENSIVE, VALIIABLE L IAND 'INTEREVia LIBRA Y. CN T7S4DAY, . . . Jane Bib, Ina foilOWinir days until dablied, ill ht sold the valuable private library of Charles A. .ai.4011, of this eity. 'which inc.udes malty very valeta lag Intending works in t h e various <laymen:Le:AEA oltets. lure. ALSO. a lam number of rare without on t eatir hiatory of America. Jar The books ore now arranged for engligihnh vita catalogues. at the auction store .fly' sale to commence each day at 10 o'clock. We No. 1728 t Duce etreet ELEGANT PDRNITONE WILTON CARPErkie., ON T URFY Bth Instant. at 10 Wainer DA , by eater° me, et N.li Spruce street, the &writ WA u re, i nein Meg tab k m . wood &MTh, •TOODI frlrDitti tO wtth brOotatel I • COV•rg o handsome buffet, elegant chamber fir nulfeloint Frerab plate pter s‘trorm, reactive chandeliers, h eh taintless, beek•Osiii volltee catpets, may be examined at 8 e'cloak on the motattltehe sale. Sale No. 232 Cathorine street. NEAT HOUSEHOLD ITSN,TORY, DAUSSELI Cg. PelTg, Ate ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock. at No 232 Catherine street, the et hectehold furniture, suit cottage furtattme, ~erreA, bookcase, Ere Both eels carnets ' &c May be eau:l:deed. at 8 o'cl•Irlson the horning 4.40, BALE Or HOESEN. ON WERNBSDAI APrEaNOON, June 7th, at 4 o elook, at the 14all's Head Tar„ Market greet. below Thirty...loth street. for sew of the united States. by order of Uolonet W W. Metz Chief Quartermaster. IY borne, cruder:med. Tis , cob. Sale No. 142.6 Walnut street. ELEO.6 ci T PURSUE! &la ON FRIDAY MORNING, June 8, at 10 o'clock. at No. 1418 Walnut street, by eetalegue, tne elegant furniture, including 2 es to 'wood drawing. room furniture, pair elegant mantel ail pier mirrors, handsome chandeliers, very eerie. Axminater carpet!, rosewood piano made by &slam superior oak dining r, om furniture, walnut boot taw, superior chamber furniture,. dm. FuU partiettlateN catalogues. NEP- The furniture was made to order by Wisest, and Is equal to new, May be examined al 8 o'clee.; to morning of sale. Sale No. 1684 Walnut street. 'ELEGANT FURNITURE, FMB MANTEL AND PIEI MIRRORS, ROSE WOOD PI e NO, He ND 99 d 3 CHaMDILIZI.S. FINE. VELVET AND Blitribui CARPETS, &O. ON TUESDAY MORETIffI, June 12, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1631 Walnut West, wJ catalogue, the elegant rosewood drawing. roum furl tore, walnut chamber furniture, oak dining , room int tenure, tine French plate mantel and pier iuttrot,rat. wood 7 octave pianoforte, by Schomanter & Co , hand. some gilt chandeliers, oak secretary, bookcase, gee , In x machine by Grover & Baker, fine winos, Window velvet, Brussels, and impia clock arpets, morning May be examined at 8 o on the morning of sale Administrator's Sale Estate of JogePh naming., ds ceased. VALUABLE MACHINERY OF THE SPE.I.Na mum COTTON FACTORY. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, June 14th, at 11 o'clock, by catalogue, by order of it' administrators of Joseph Fleming, deceased, the tele. able machinery of the Surto g Mills Cotton Fastory,S 3. corner of Twenty fourth and Hamilton streets, !l auding 66 looms, (six tread,es); /5 bobbin frames: spoil• ing frames; 6 Danforth frames; 3 mules; 12 card'; tures. de., of dye-house; shafting and putties, Sic Full narticalare in ostalownos . _ SHIPPING. 4 7,4, - 1 , BOSTON AND PHILI I DST . • - WEL limiting:rim irti pptt RATUNDAIB, from first wbart- Aden MI tisreet. l'hilade/phis, and Loaf Who'd, Bodo,. KThistotranktr BORMAN, third. Baker. millsal; from liadelplda for Soaton, on Saturday, SWIG 10, s. 10 M., and steamship SAXOk, Cart, Matthews, from Sur ton for Pktladelphia, on the mama day at 4 P. M. These nets and substantial steamships feria a reallat line. sailing from sash port punctually on Saturds7A. Insurances egesttd at one-half the Preadult star* on the vessels, PreitlA take= at fair irate* Shippers are requested to send UP NaNdla aid 511 U of Lading with their goods. o o r p o i r y F t :ilea or Faggots itie n vitt i t y lin v e l ri es s o n irgn a lid o b v. 3:o ll . mho-tf 332 South DELAWARE Arma . t . :., W=o FOR ALBANY AND TROY, N. Y., via DELAWARE AND EARIi TAN GAN AL.—.-The Barge MON DERBY, PAYVERS. master, is now loading at first wberf below Si .R... 01 Street, fir the above points, and will leave on WED. NSSDAY EVENING. For Freigbt, which will be taken on reasenallt terms. apply to 1) L. FLANAGAN, Arent. ie6.3t 304 South DELAWANS Avelino. jagg i t NEW EXPRESS LINE, TO AINX 4NDRIA, OFDROBTOWN, AS? WASHINGTOr. Fin Ohorarmas3 and Delawrad 41 "'"' Steal:DM 10117 e lirst Awre BIA.R.K&T BMA every WEDFNOPAY towl BANORDAY. At 12 Z. For Froight woply to Ago OA. WK. P. ODYDA 14 North and Sou Walarres,Fhils. ,• J.A. DAVIPS 4I, Oemetown.D.O. ; FLOW&B8 4 Bo WPM, AlextrOill , Vs. =M44I mir si tt NOTICE.--FOE Ninkt ;YORK —Tho PHILADY.LPELTA All MEW YOBS EXPEZES STILMBILLT COMPAIT. Delaware and 'Raritan Cana. Steamers Ware DAILY, Ent wharf Wow f. 1121 111 fOrestoit 2 o'clock P. rd. W. P. OLTDB h CO., 14 a wciatrau,l'allt 21/118 HAM>. 117 WALL Biwa aohlb-Pro 8r.,,, COAL. i;...--T4 - tidißfsoZTC.r -- j fit - AVE . /1 hiLLDOW and Sprint Mountain Lehigh Cost, best Locust Mountain, intro ft.elLuktil• Or•0 1 1r 4 j. proesle for family r.ro. w. Muer 1fF00;,.,, and 'WILLOW Sweats. 0100,1fm lAA .th s Streak. rome.tn virAvzroy at 'UNION MOWING MACHINA -N. Which has been fully tostsd for tho last four Yr 4: It combines etrength, durability, Hybl weight, <9p7' h i draft. with cotopieto efficiency in cutting grabs. llt or heavy. wet or dry. lodized or steadint. and Memo% teeny minor tOnverunlices net resod la other machissa . Aim for bale, the mart complete amphorae Lazon.ltotatt in the market PASCHALL MORRIS, Bole Agent. guricatturni Warehowe, =VI4m 1120 mersaT NM NOWileilt" a COTTAGE ORGAN Not only lINIIIDDLLED. bat UNDAULLYX: i% t dr" of Tope and Power, designed espenlelli fat Ohareln MA gehoola. but found to bo equally well ethanol al the )Parlor end Drawing Zoom. for sale ear bf R. if, BRINE, So. lb /forth ONVENTO Stre et .-. AlllO. A emeAete fIiaOIIIIIIIIIi of, the Paled Maledeal eenatanthr on kind. (101.60 PHILADELPHIA SD .II. OWNS' ReIfDAGN, lIISTITIVS O , J 6 O. NISTD Street, above Mullet -. 5 , n . NVERETT. after thirty years' prastleal eanf 2 rie guarantees the skilful adjustment of his Protaltai f, taut Graduating Pressure Tress, Sapporitzt , l itt e , a • Bogging., ft.:Rader Wawa Grttlehea, am ►' t.,",'. setertzenti conducted by a Lily ..t.i.1--"-!-- _. MONEY TO ANY ATITOUII LOANED 10PON DIAMONDS, WATCNS • .TEWBLEY. PLATO OLOTOUte , et" " JONES & 00 '8 OLD IigTABLItifiDD LOL OPPIOB. i Corner THIRD and CUMULI, Ste.. below Loeb vto . ii . u_.2..._—• al EVANS & WATSON'S 8 / 3 11.11AMPA SAY' ITOEB, isoURN. YoUkTH ks i a birg* irsrlotTril l t b , litt-P P L IA 6. 1140 OP." ° 42001ket / 1 MACNEIL BYNUM)! STOKL Mo. 810 PI EMI Street. below Spree", PHILADLPRI If A. iirGlaseee refitted to soil ell ape, and all nlaupe minus earafally and slornot fsiso E. B. E&RLEY, F 131111118111140 rrinzumm-00, . 0 B • 1.• 00"" TENT/"" 3 " }/N 61 " 8 t . ig3 HELMBOLD'S BXTRAOT orSA,ll' BAPAIIILLA eleaneee &la retteoVistel OA 13/ " v ...ii instal the vigor of health Into the od O es, bus W the humors that make diseue.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers