TY COUNCIL CHAMBER, JUNE aiDING OFFICERS OF RETIRING RE. OATS AND DETACHMENTS. 07ESTED TO ktE rAxisztur at , a =ware - of the HE alcsrrioN. AT shrgar corm= CHAMBER. A the 'bth instant. at 3 o'clock P. IR , .ERANG EISEXTE FOE THE RECEPTION REITRNINO PHILADELPHIA REGD. TAKE PLACE NEIDEsDAY NEXT, .9th instant. ILL RECEIVE THEIR ARMS ON THE 01:', , 1413 OF THE REVIEW. ABRAHAM STEWART. Clerk of Committee. .1)130t5 7 noare, coRIVER or .A.AD CROWN .3TR,ERTS. YntbanitienrA, Jane 3 . 1 • 5155, or of the *. LadiSF' Board of Martaors o • Rorett" gratefully acknowledges the . the proceeds of a patter fair held hi ittlecir!s at iSla Fithert street: 0011 DON, rfestdent • RONTER, .secretary and Treastlrer; ;LLIOT, ?ReNnitt. ITA W. PRAREALL. 017,11F,1M .9.gos IEL, nanTet. :hell% ...a LATTA. „ A g truwe, it may Irrove as incentive to :anew the example of theta little ones, that r WSY•WOrn hailers may indeod And a home to and thus we hollers in some tasasare repay them incalculable bleseinEs they have secured to us r emontry.. SUSAN WILL - LAOS, Treasurer of Who' Board of Managers Of Soldiers' Horne. rirMBA ItttVARTJEIUS 111/6nrillitTlllENT OF PB.III , SI,.LTANTA, YPIT.AVELPF(rA, Pa June 6, 1565. No 6. attention of Commending °dicers of returnirg ot otoor Rani zat ion it ie directed t n the following a vac! tract General Order Ito. 93, current aeries. War jtroitttopati ♦ * * * IA rode to, and *fin . arrival 111 the Slate, the fol. iiiu win be observe:el: ~easedistoly on oTrtvel et the State Rendezvous I 11 2 0 opituent will 1,4 t@VDTtlid RI Apd.takell Mural of lA' . 6 Chief aft.,-teillic ofdosr 20T UM Siete or his ae. IF:et It at the ;Ant." * * * * . y,:ealut thereto Commanding Officers of SU Volun• t f ergalizstPre rep:0111os" to Philadttlyhta for final dis urge willotzmenistely on their arrival to the city , in t their comnuodu to Brevet Major W. B. LANG, Zr A A , Chief kutieritg OLlcer, Eastern Division of ratiavivania. IV command of &Jur Senora', Cadwalader. JOHN S. StIIIIII.TZ, bast. Assistant Adjutant OoneraL PTVAIVDERNY FESTIVAL AND rffrFLO/SA FAIR —CAMDEN HONE FOR OR. PUSS AHD DESPCIUTE CHILDREN hold a Straw. remivai novel Nair, TUNA 9.h, 7th, SRL, 9th, e: Nth, at Col her of Third and Federal Streets. C -den, N. J. con>rßmtione of Hams. Tongues, 7lre , , Aatic will be thankfully received. clairszte sent to A GAT rSLr. a, CI. No 25 ifi 3,i ) rtillinialvin, Cato REED'S BALL, ThirdanifFedfirrd strets. Camden. a. J. Please remember the Orphan sid destitute Children MATTHEW NEWKIRK, President. S. h. CATTstb, FThsident. NOTICN—TIVE ANNUAL MEET— ' IND or the bTO6II.7OOLDERB of the SRO OGEES. PIANO 8 . 0!;TF. MANUFACTURING CO., - telhbe beie at the. attiec, Do 1021 UMW, UT Street, en T481...C7, JUST. o,ih, ISO, at 8 o'clock P. 111.. at trltiAtlme en election will take place for clic Directors Lo serS for the evening . ear. . je5.2, H W. GRAY. Secretary F.. 4. P U 16,111,1PJtsS, DEPART !PIT OF ritp§Pill.VANlA. DP.LPITIA. PA., Arne 2, Ida ORDIMS. No. skiatir lioaor is prohibited on all lines in this ~nt traveled' by troops retuning to ho ma tt 01arvio?,und at lb, randesvous for their die rut.; ell ss eh troops are op-r,oi Rod. eta: , iriolati . ag• tins osier will be arrested. and found in their °gab:lame/its will be emptied theeround. ~ m and of Major General ii.ladwalaler. .11::O S. Mediums. Assistant Adjutant General. I. TA Depirt. .ered Az ckA. it OTiCII.—THE ANNUAL MEET. 10 of the Stockheldere of the PflitaDSG , 0.416131 P DOCK COMPSIN;r. for the 819etiee irOTA toka the transaction 01 other bagman.% tat at Mt. 126 It DELaWaRE Avenue on 'WED 21 ft ODAT, June 1th.1865. at 11 ~ ROO WILLI,* at DENIM, Secretary and Treasurer ,flll Vi-, via (. cos C'cloc 301 I' ' AB Bti9l4i AiL IieBSTING OF TEES eekhoidere cf the OIEARD hilifiE(G 00., (of tor). will be held at their Office. iffo. 344 fitreet. TUBSPAI, the 6th proximo, at 12 for the eitcsica of Dixectore. end the trausea , Tier bneitees. B. A. HOOPBS. Beeretaty. my2S let Itke F '{SAL o'cloz Zon Paz , arses, May 22.1365 ,•:,-- _#r *3 AR D. UZ§T-4. VOLUNTEER REFRESEGLE XT SALOON, our OF , Rua , WOO Itlvilt the Ur. min 4 amou a' oblis IPIO I and .4 ' t we r OOT OF WASHINGTON AVENUE. :brave soldta ,. % be well entertained on their :de for TkO C!ttzr3v. of I'hileidelphla SO decide. le four years. on the etsulngl7th of May.since _Volunteer Banishment Committee wee or. td if the Institution it closed on that day. the cash on hard will no more than meet our At. The war is virtually ended, yet our Braves no nobly and valiantly defended our fireside s , IstrY are about in' return to their homes. Shall ire and Wrech them and show by our hesPir tiai kindness that their great services are (ally Wed by the grateful citizengef Philadelphia and it nos Committee will, with great pleasure, is their voluntary duties, should the funds be died, and they hope thig will be a final appeal. ibutions handed oar Committee, or either otthe l• lug gentlemen, will ranch ne, and be properly ..• epilsted: Dr. TROMAS BRAINDILD. Ho. 634 Pine street. ROBINS, Eta., Pxsaident of Pldiallelphia D. 4 tOMMINS, EGq . President Girard Bank. a AiDECE.S., Esq.. President lailllerSt And Me. imuk. T. Eva, President hOnthwark Benk. E. W. WOODWARD. En.l, Gander nit.nsd...sinsera , and gaebinics' Sank. THOMAS T. FIRTH, Esq.. Treunrer Pennsylvania Bal.lres!.. Jam,c.iuto & CO., corner Market and Decatur R. /ALES. Esg. , ,' No. 70'INIne street. latex BIkROWS . chairman. :,WADE. Secretary. zarl9.lmwlet Mf. TO COAL CONSUMES. Itanaine the followinit agoras and decide for year- Waif if it le not to year interact to become a atocitholder in the HOUSEKEEPERS' COAL COMPANY ' LIST WINTIEt'S PEIOES : - Vest of relying and trnneporting a ton of 2,240 ,oraids Coal Yard anal:meg, for picking. liexeming, ust loadin,"- etc... . .... ........ 40 Critina from lard - toconannier's door— ... 50 Tot C coat of thictwg, transporting, prepuink, anel licosicg a • 'Louie Ton" of 2,240 ptrauis at the cOnnarner's (103/ • $1 58 A carafe retail price 01 a ton of Coil last win. tor, Was Over-......,.... . ... ....... —.. 12 59 Are you Nvillina continue to pay from 60 to 75 par Sent. aelyance on !cur Cool? you wish to gave front E.?. toes per ton, anet.n.,t o ;Nod article, Welt movared? Each ntocklmider lathe -tonamekesper'n Qom IC tarnished with a ennpe,n for eyerT share of otock he Volos. Each COrpon entities the holSor to A Ton of Coal Anomaly at Cost for 16 par, At the present retail price of Coal. a stock. Awder wadi sopa the entire cast of hie , stock in three years, frt,2l.•mirg of any en..eh dividends he "nay receive from the sate or rt., 620-plus Coat mined over that used by the elockhoaters. litThatalL prices mar at , must. lower this moon, the atockholtlers to tans Company will still taro the ADVA.STAOL -OF ALL THE PROFITS. THE QUALITY OF THE COAL. The following ex'ructs am taken from a Report of Prot. IL M. F. 15.01;13 5 TP, and Mining hlngineer on tkp "Branchdain c;,hl Pr.verty ;" The toal ruined. fruti the I>ef 1 ao alway+shad good impute in the marks, deal leach as trnroduced from the Spohn and. Low- ie u cnmtnindq t< .TeadY sale the highent mazaetablo. and it can Uo mined hem Mete 'veins clearer Ihaa )rcm other TOM Of Vas mine class la Schuylkill !cnn , y." EINESORIPTION 1300 K OPIN AT TEE OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, NO. 105 P.wyrr. 1/IFTH STRUT, .lore bfozmatina caaearniu the What% of ths Cor-my enn ba obtained r t tile office. r l / 4 rsinrivr. I. F. LEAT. D., Frankfort aOSX Baour ' •! c rtr:: E o Y ethe CompanY. TKtnips, warcunn, -?tiTjf. 3 1 , 114 ..act .tnntlts. GENEE.II. ag.*RNT, . NOW. CORSON. DIRECTORS, • E. F. LUNN, LAMS THOUPSON. S. N. MANS, I Vl°Mai WRIOODIZ. JACOB W. BOCK:INS. ap..7-zawil9t SW' NOTICE TO AUG 11 1 PAINCIEENT 43013PORAWY3). oBilAtti?..Sll BYBEE ANY LAW OF TBtt STATE 0? PLY Zinn VANIA. hotioalshereayeivca,o licarfpanieeincorporated by or tinder any law of tb, Cortmortwealth of Pelmet I +ramie. end organized at any time Prior th the fret Hon of November. 1101 that have failed to make report the Andi tor Clearer. leader the Set approved April 21, 36.:A. and the Aet appieve. pril BD. ISM, that they are I'l:quiraidtc revert eo r tlo aneitor General forthwith, Mr feliaws, re case a dividend her. heon deelared, the Traseuro6 will report, ander cat;., the amount of capital paid in, 1.;-e slate, amount. skol rate per cent. of each dividend Curing tits year embus the Lret Monday of Ziorentber, lnel, and any previous year or 70428 in which the Com- Peng may Lave had an existence: and in case no divi dend has been declared da' lug the year or years end ing as aformard, then an appraisemant of the cash value of thecapital clock. as it existed between the Brat and fifteenth days of November, mast be made by the - President or Treasurer, and a majority of the Directors, under oath. Althea so appraiwrosat is made, the re. Port should also state at what time the Company was organ: red. In addition to the al - eve report, under the act of April 21, IE6B. commerce not raying a tax on tonnage mere. quired to make a separate report, under oath, of the Stresanser. of the amount .4 net earntnge or income re celved during the perthd from April BO to November 1, 3669, in accordance vrah the second section of the eat, approved April ;iG. 1160 0012PARISS 11100SPOE3YED BY °TREE STATES and •• Mug busintae .ale Commonwealth." WA nettled that they are 1....de nubiett to the tax on net ceilings or Income nr:aer the 2.1 section of the set of April 31NO, sad "8 requiredto report to the *daises General the amount of tosunct eorarege or income in, ceived between. the 101 of April and the let of Novem ber. 1864. All delinquent ComPw.es incorporated by or under any law of the Plate o f YeapsylYania, will be &Boded a reasonable time In which to make the several reports required by Is w and at,ye ennmorated but continued neglect Or refusal will enbject them to forfeiture of oharter, nx der the 24 proviso of the 2,1 section of the act of April SO. 18C4, which Pt in 'he following words: Provided further, That any corporation which has failed to make retar.th to the Commonwealth, as re quired by the act of April' 1. A. D. 3656, entitled 'An act for the better securtoa re rho Commonwealth the pay ment of taxes daeby In lilYporated companies, 'may make ouch days after the Passage of this act. any law to the eeetrary notwithetanding; and all delinquent comp-eel, failing or refacing to make fall natures and rat mat to the State, as requited by the general laws of tile (:: romeawsaith in relation thereto. shall have all their ARM.. and priviletten declared for feited by prociametion from the Governor." ISAAC SLENKEE, Auditor General. W. H HENBLE. State Treasurer. rayl6 lm EURP.158171113, Mt. 7 M. 1555 PiOTICE.—TUE A.SPEITAL RESET— 'S° of the Stockholder'. cod election. for Pre sident Ind Director. 0. the Contacting Railway Corn purr. will to told a: t'oe. o.llla of the Company, on June 13, 3.50 4. til Wc.lor,k noon. • _../ 31C01 ' SUITE, &Cretan'. PRI ADELPTIL% .SN9. mpSl•tjolS atar 11(111,8.1111!,..l?fra IA, NAY 19, 18C5. -- The anAlna lII.Vtir.K thn B:pea-613,u of the TISSOLDU Sirsittc. f 14111.1. NT (of Lake saperior) will he held at thkt: otee. Nu. 324' WALNUT street, MOBDA.T. the Ltlt pro:It:10. tt 12 ceeitoak for the election of Directors att,l the trastactien of t.ther busi ness. B. A. HO ,, PBS, mr9o-14t Seeman.. THE Al> 111 11 A F, 3¶E rimet OF 'rue rsAiatoa rit6.1.5.1111 CORP Molt' will beheld at the °Mee of tit, uo.f.nany, Vo. 524 E WeL IRDT Street, Eoo,lf le o. 7 cut the dIXTEI. of Jane tho first Teo, tioy. ) at I n'efack P. M An election ct Directors, tlecretary, and Treasurer. Willbe held. IL Baca ARDS. nty3o.7t. Secretary. 63' Tit9E IIiONEY — C4O34II VETEOLEU 430012'11XL Mo. 43 Beath .FOIIRTR Street. PaILAIIELPNIA. May 2G. 1665. The %lad of Dl‘vetnrs OWl'O Ode day deciared a VrVIDEDID cp axe YEd C6NT. on the eapit4l stair, PAY/lb/OM and after .10 c e tth. clear of state tax. Treaefer hooka will close en the 80th Wet.. and open .on the igth proziarte. TH.OISAS I'OLK to, seYl7-Bt* - Treasurer. lar OFFWE OF THE ABITODALOID No. 32 , 96 M W IN ALNUT ING CONIPANY OF LANZ SUP/INAGR , Street. PHILADELPHIA. Mayl9. IMS. NOTION le hereby Fiven, that the Annual Meeting of the liteekholdere of Toe draygdaloid Mining Ooui. 3any of Ws. am... Tier" will be held at the Ofllee, No. Ib4 WALNUT Md. on TartudDhlt, 7th marline. transaction for the elealort at Mud" r wid of other heathen 207 20 tie? F. S. WOMMATH, Ilieretery. gar PFILLADZILPIIIIIII, MAT 25,1865„ —At a Meeting_ of the Board of Directors of the 141 W 'WAR A ffD MIDDLE GOAL MILD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY. Mr. John M. Michel tendered hie resigu ellen se President of the OomDany, and on motion Mr. WILLIAM MaLELLAII was ananimenalY elected to tlll the 'TIMMY. CHAS. R. LIIIDSAI. ray26-12i Secretary. MILITARY. FRIZZ MONEY AND eovER-E -MBIAT Bomar TO ALL WHO ffiffiTlill THI MUTED STATES MARINI COHN. Orden have been received from the head of the Marine Germ at Washington. not to restrict recruits to a particular class (as has been the cue heretofore). but to receive ALL who have served in the volunteer sir vise, or in the reola re, or in the marines. and have been honorably diesbarged. Such persons enlisting la the Hutted States Matinee will receive the Govern ment bounty, and will alto be entitled to their share of Prime money in any capture of the enenlY'S ventels. For further information apply at the reeraiting ran dervous. iio. 211 South F.ZOIT Street, between S A. K. and 8 Ode& P. L. every der but Sunday,,JAMßS Captain and Recruiting Officer. 11IlL1TARY GOODS. FLAGS 1 FLAGS !I EVANS & lIASSALL, MILITARY FURN [SHER% 418 ARCH STREET. .13AN ;VERB, Silk, Bunting, Muslin, and De Lakin • r•7, , Alks OF ALL SWORDS, SABRES,E BErak PASSANTS, &C. MILITARY' OF 31411tY DESORIPTION. pLRIEWOBILN. FOURTH OF JULY ]FIREWORKS, IN GREAT VARIETY• RocxErs, 13NiON ANI) ROMAN CANDLES, MINES, iinuaTet-Lns, SHIP LIGHTS, SNARES, ••HLTJE LIGH.TS, FLOWER POTS, PIN WHEELS, GRASSHOPPERS, < COLORED FIRES, ALSO. A large asaortzaeat of Wheels, for eels by A. FRANCISOUS - 60 CO.; ii8.2.6t 513 MARKET ST.REET SUMMER RESORTS. SEA BATHING, SURF HOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY. Witold, established. and favorite house will open for the season on or about the 20th of June. It is neet; to the beech, securing cool breezes at all times. It • rivalled Bathing facilities, lie complete furniture I ti. appointment, and its unexceptionable table, render house a favorite place for a summer sojourn at e rea.side. Passengers from the city are set down at t door. and communication with t,he Wets is had at times by rail. A flue baud of music has been- engsi d fox the season. Parties wishing to secure Board, vg add rats the Pioptiator at Ser f }louse. Atlantic CRY. jel•M nB. BusON: Proprieto - UNITED STATES MOTE , 1 CAPE ISIcAlVie, N. J., Will oven for the reception of Viaitore. On the 15th of June. All communications for apartments, or upon other huoinees connected with the Roue, should he addressed to RETIED STATES ROTEL, Cape Island, law Jersey. WT S'r & 11rurai,m11., is2-Inatv6w PROPRIETORS_ SUMMER RESORT, BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE, LIUNTINGDON DOUNTY. PA. Ma old and popular Mountain Resort will be opened for the reception of gnash; on the let of Tuna. Mk house has recently been thoroughly renovated and ins. proved in a manner that will be satisfactory to its pa. trona. Esaursion tickets will be issued by the Penn. sylvania Railroad Company. which will be good until the lst of October next. d hook will be in readiness os th e arrival of the oars at Dudley to convey (nests to the hotel. a distance of two miles. Terms moderate. For particulars. address Wit, T. YS.ARSON. Pro rietor. Bread Ton cur. m722lm* finntlaudon coact's., DWI& T HE COLUDI.I3II).. 110117£410, AT CAPE NAY, NEW JERSEY, Will be °anted this "seasoh.on the FIPTISIITH OF JUNE. for the recepitm of meats This leading house v-IU, for the coming season, flab sustain ita vrell.established repetition. Otietly encearened 17 the hominess of lastyear, Cu proprietor feel. eattetiod that a Hotel condi/ewe cLetsrie firet•c Uwe mast caudate a engem at site old end reel! , tar resort . 'The railroad facilities are promised to be excellent. Beck's aelebratsd Philadelphia Baud has been se mired for the COLUMBIA the coming season. For rooms, ni &r.. Irly to J. R. DitrINISON, Nor cheat's Rotel, tla *llia, or to GROB. J, BOLTON, Proprietor, tnyl9 2m OAPS laL &BD, N. J. NTATIONAL HOUSE, YORK, PENNA. -LI —This fine Hotel, recently erected on the northeast corner of Market and Beaver airests, is now open for the reception of guests. The house. bedding. and furni ture r., e entirely new wail of the beet 4nality. There are 71 rooms, whit warm and sold bates and water closers on each floor. All its appointments and arrant*. 'sent* ore those of a zirst•tiesse. Hotel, and it is the de termination of the Vroprietress to have it kept as sugar. zuyi.9-zawfirn MRS. 6. 11.. WESZ).' CITY.-" THE CLAREN• DON" 1. now 9ren fox the actomltiOdatiOn. of BOARDER, trumiant std. perifinttOlt MAT 16a, 1865, DR. .1111 BS JEIMINS. w927•u toil% Proprietor. HOWLAND'S HOTEL, LONG BRAMOH, IS. J . rill be open for the reception of imeds JUna the 16th. je3.1n.1 BOW IaND. JIERBART. di CO. 'WARDING FOR THE BUMMER.— -•-• Two very destreble room.' to seat the Sum mer. at the CANSTNIIT GRoVE 'ROUSE. Media. Fos rarticelass, addrtse 'Box 103. Poet Office. jet 4t* EPHRATA MT. SPRINGS.—THIS deriourd ..m3 romantic watering. place, beauti fully citantad. in. the Ytegthlest section of county. and acknovelcdged to be the garden " of PcnncAvanis. will opan for the acc.mrsodatten of guests on the Mb of Jude- Railroad communication twice a day from Plyladuiphia,Who Pennsylvania or Reading Railree 1. and (MY froW Baltimore and IgeW YDrk. For particulars address the proprietor. jol-dra J. W. FRRDRIIIOK. BOARDING FOR THR SITAIAIBR SOZBOrt at " Prospect Home. ' Apply early. For particulars address E. H. GRUBB, Freeland, Montgo mery county. Pa. j6l-61. loßrarro SPRINGS, CAMBRIA -- , L-AccuNTy. ri.--11118 favorite rummer Escort will he open for the reception of visitors on the let of Aar. Coaches rill be in readiness at Cresson Station to oon- YtY to the Swinge. Loretto ItPtihas tt Patl3Ed for its beauttfol scenery and salubrlons climate. A bend of JDTLISC la engaged for the 1031%901t. Forpartion, lars he dross. F. A. °TWOS'S. Proprietor. Loretto, Cambria conntr. Pa. SEASIDE HOUSE, Foor OF PENITEYLVANIA AVENUE. ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JSESET. Is now open. for the FtecePtion of Ottortn rarl7-Itn* DAVID SCIATTERCOOD CIOUNTRY BOARDING, FOR LA. , DIPS AHD OBITTLEMZff,eanbe obtained at a wall. .33.a.t and elevated location three-quartere of a milt loath of Fairville blation on th.., phtiadelphla I nd Union Central Railroad. Care leave Thirty first and rdarisel ewes at 7Si A. Dl. and 445 P. M. Retarninit 7.21 k M. and P. Id. Reference. YA Saran Elea street, ndarass JABS& D. SaaII.PIASS. FaIRVILLE P. O. r5171-gt Cheater county, Ps. EDUCATIONAL. VOUNG MEN PREPARED FOR THE -I- Counting House and Business Life. at Crlttenien's Commercial College, on CilgglllUT Street, corner of Seventh Inetrection in Beek keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Calculations. TeiesraPhtug, dtc. Ito vacations. Students Insirneted separately, at sesta timas as may best suit their convenience. Jed 21* fIRYANT, STRATTON, & 13ANNIS- R- , rATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, ASSEMBLY BUILDIOO, S. W. renter or OBESTEIPY and TENTH Streets. Instruction in BooEkeopina,rentaanealP , Commercial A , iihnietle. Commercial Law, B seinen, orrezpou denoe. Fence, etc V,ux g man VIM deer* a thorongh education for bust- Met famtlia avail themeelYee of the adventures of Vila Meti tatloa. Call or send for a Circular. BELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE, A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. THE BUM3H3R TBRH OP I.`lllB IHSTITESFIOI, beslthfully and beantlinlly located on the northers limits or Attleboro, Lucke Tonal, /..'entlisytTants, tommence Ftfth• month, 1560. and eentinne 134 904 Eon ttrelre weeks. The coarse of instruction 1a thoro ugh In the movers) departments of Paignite, Preach, Latin, teuthematleer fivi Armoring. r'or full details sec circular, to obtain ichleth address the l'rlusipalm, Attleboro Poet Otioo, Pocks constr. Pennsylvania,. INSALL 2 GRAIL SU JAMS P. Glltifsl)l.B, L a-p 6 Rin' 1115UGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH AA' ACADEMY, ____ _ 1:42 - 6CETEITNNT SUMP, PHILADEIi?RIA.. VIM Institution, which will be eaabliehed in sap fB J 3 NEXT. Ie destined to rival the 1411 schools of this country, and of England In Ps system ot instrno. lion and diecipline, and m the fullness of its classical and nathemstical course. 9'hote preparing for college will be flitted to take a Ugh mutt to their class, and to graduate with honor. It w 111 be the spa dial atm, also. to prepare young men for business or professional life. tlircalars, with fall information, can be hod at 1'126 Chestnut air 434, EDW. CLARENCE SMITH. A. At, rdestosl. BRUM:CEP. —oalebOope, Esq.. Hon Wm. D Kelley, bon. Jos. Allison. Alexander Whilidin. Eva . Thomas ratter, Esq., A. H. Fianalions, Bcq., H. P. IL Hirkin• bins, Een. mrls-mwfttn. CO)INELIUS WENDELL , . WiLLIAM IV/TOOo Lett Pli Px inter. Late Cilid Work Bab. LCD. WEISDELL LV, WATSON PkOBECUTE CLAIMS BEFORE EVERT . DEPABT. MEAT OF TELS GOVERNMENT. Office roomy, No • 345 PENNSYLVANIA Amanita. Directly oppotille tLe Matropel it an HoW, ief• m P. 0. Box E 69, 'Wwitaininn. D. C. TARR NO MORN lINPIAABAN7 mai twee remedies for or2losonat and don& r'.`" XX71A.07 litrauf. and IMPILOVIII) ansm PIIPF. A VERY CHOICE ROASTED AL MOND. manufactured by ;-,"-` F. '4ll 1210 I,IIIIKET Street. .I• I . B. WALRLVEN, Tl 9 CHESTNUT STREET, LACE CURTAINS, ELEGANT STYLES, AT FEIOES, FROM. 5 DOLLARS TO 150 WINDOW 1026 CHESTNUT STREET. 1026 . CERTAIN STORE. cuaRTAINS, 001INICES, AND SHADES. O. NIC. STOUT 86 CO:, fat& Tombs SILK & DRY GOODS JOBBERS. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. FOUZIGrZIT DRY GOODS, tEMBEAOING LATEST NOVELTIES II DRESS GO9DSI 'ADAPTED TO PRESENT SALES. BorAlyed Per Isle dowers. ind for islecorl - ".:: JAS. R. CAMPBELL & m727-12t 7517 MESTA* CANDLES, , [ttll J 5 FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The inbseribers wmild invite attention VO their IMPROVED OUT OF SWATS. Stich they make a specialty in their Maim:ft OW tonotantly teeeLvinis NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WAN. J. W. SCOTT & OENTLEILEN'S FURNISHING 'STUNS, NO, Sl4 CRESTNTJT Sweet. 11247 Four doom below the Continental. EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY: , - • rkiumiciits,, el/ UHEEITICUT STREET, A. oomrLErs ASSORTDIANT OF ialg SPRING GOODS. -U 'DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. HANCE. 129 MATIEST STREET, rm.LADltragita; Would call the attention of Druggist% country , rdig. dints, and Other's, so his stock of - Rms. wiD BARREi in Tarteas sized packagec_of 011? OWN pressing, et PRIM; BELOW FORMER BATES. • full line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. E. IZBEEELL CO. 'S CONOENTRARED REMEDIES.EL. at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalornai furnished on application. m7ll-3112M ff-4 & SMITH, Drag, Taint, and Glass Dealers, Moor Wort of tho ronnoyli anis rad sad Color Works. Nanufastuxers of MAT WHITE LEAD BM= UM% giuntresseed for Whitening, !iris Won. wwobilliar. rigoinese, and Symms* of Sulam TSEE ISEISTT LEAD—Warrentag to eover won mem for uiJS Weight Max any other. lax AND YOU WILL HANN aro omit PURE LIBERTY ZINO; Wafted Liao, round in Reaped Linseed Oilosamialad In quality, IP4IWXYS the sum swan LIBERTY KIEV. Wormitsd 19 do mord ittid litter work st a [Wen oaf Moro and oXn—Xo. UT North TRIED direst; Whit -1110 PHILADELPHIA. ra•r77 , 77vT-1777,niuwlvi 1865 e. SPRING. 1865. 01 41111 - = CM , AILICIL4I49, AVCALLITBI Oa CO.; N I:1;n►Y-[rp~r} ;iN;ia.I; ~rluyll~ };+rY i;fiiTr} 4 OIL CLOTH. 24111TTINGS, &o. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 600 REFRIGEP A irriroSO sOO W e. 00 STRP-LADDRHS. WALNUT BRAINERTG, in Pest varisLy. 1.25.tt GRIFFITH tg PARS. SIXTH and I.ROIL AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF TEA SETS, WAITERS, ICEPITCHERS, GOBLETS, 4 7 1 1. !' - ERNS, To be sold vet" low, at 1018 CHESTNUT Street. Are' Gold. Silver, and Diamonds bonOt. my3l•6t' SPECIAL SALES OF SERVICEABLE DRAFT KOISES. QUARTERMASTER. GENERAL'S OFFICE WAS.H.INGiTON, 0. C., Jane 1, 1865. By direction of the Quartermanter general. there mill he Cold at public suction, to the higheal bidder, at the times end I) aces named below, Viz: OIEoIIONO, D. C , MONDAY. Jane 6, 1885. GIEEMORO, D. C., SATURDAY, Janelo. 1855, HISS.I3OIIO, D. C , MONDAY. June 12. 1838, DALTIMOEB. MD.. WEDNIADAY, June 14, 1863 Wird.) AMePORT, PA., SeTl/11 DALY. June 17, 1865, WEhTCHESTEE. PA. SATURDAY, Jane 17, - 1865. OIESBORO D C., hATURD 4.Y June 17. 1800. GIESBORO, D C., MONDAY. June 19, 1856, lEBBOIIO D. C. SATURDAY. Stine 24, 1865 NHL ARELPHIA;Pit , SATURDAY, Jane 28,.1.865; OUs Boko. 1) 0., MONDAY, Jone. 26. 1661. PITTSBURG, PA.. SATUBD aY. July 1. 1861. GIEE,BORO. D. C., SATURDAY. July 1, 1863, Two Hundred Serviceable Luau Horses at each place. Au uppol tunny to purchase a superior class of Draft Boles, at far heel than /hairline valve, in now afforded to the public. The animals, though soma and BMWs ego no longer required in the army, and mutt be sold. The attention or managers of city railroads and of manufactot Ms is especially Called to these sales. Borne sold singly. Sales to comments at 10 A. N. Terms—Cash In United States currency Steamboat for Uleeboro will leave Seventh.street, wharf, Washington, every hour Seem 9 A M. to 6 P.M. JAMES A ERIN, Breyet.Brigadier General in charge, le/5•23t First Division. Q. M. Q. 0. A . VERY SUPERIOR GUM DROP, prepared by STSPHSO ir ITN &N. lel 10 No. 1210 MANKSI' Street. CABIPILION CARPET.-TBIS NEW arttec of floor covering can -be seen is Practical ate at tin WALNUT Strett. froattt toll S. SI. snd from 2 to 5 P. M. Also, a tear Country Mahan for tale. Addreet, 'with lamp, BBIAJ. CIABSBWIERAV, Box 716 City P. 0. jts.6t. I IFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS IN OIL colors. Thy finest abler and moit sr:carats of pot- Batts, executed to anon tor manner, at B. F. BSIMS EL'S gallery 624 ARCH Street, pOLDING SPRING. BEDS. stAding or every dsscriptl< Oprtng- bottom beds and ants. Ixceisioranons and sea ;Am by the bale. O ILBBOOK C., In>lg 1m 9 South SEVENTH Street. =xe OgIKTItAL OLOTLWACV/LCMSEI THE PRESS.-PIithADELPIIIK MONDAY; JUNE 5, 10: MASONIC HALLO IS NOW OPENING EINOTEEE LEL 1. GE LOT or' DOLLARS PER PAIR. CROWE PATTERNS, AT ICEDUCED PISICE S. my2B r=Mrn . . n l . l7'Ml =An NOW II MORI WHOLER&LI rußr. LiIEIUMTY Tmik% num say other 01? *JIB DIST! EIERNATITOWN, PA. •i- vi CA ait V V,1.:(t)ft , : , 11.11/1 SOY iMpTillTr UMW% 119 ORNSTIIPT STRUT. FLAMED WARE, BUTTER DISHES, PICKLE JARS, SPOONS, FORKS, &0., rf. EtU.I.ON,S Watch and Jewelry Establishment, FINANCUL. UNITED STATES 7-30 LOAN• THIRD SERIES- $230,000,000. Sy snthority of the Secretary of the Triage% the undersigned. the General Subscription Agent for the sale of United States Seetrities, offers to the labile the tt Ird series of Tresses? Notes, bearing seven and three-tenth. per tent. Interest per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Rotel are lusted ruder We of Soii U, USN end are payable three yearn from that date in ear• randy. or are convertible at the option of the holder into U. S. b•4O SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now Worth $ handsome PrerainM, and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from Mae, County, and klbusSoipai taxation, which adds' from one to three per cent. more to their value, according to the rate lolled upon other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons Mashed to each note, which may be sit of and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7SO per cent, amounts to ' One cent per day on a WO nets. Two tents per day on a $lOO note. ' Ten cents per day on a $OOO not. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $6,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will be Promptly famished upon receipt of subscriptions. The notes of this Third Series are preoisely similar in form and privileges to the Seven.Thirtles already sold, oreept that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying intend in gold coin at apex cent. instead of 7 s.loths in currency. Subscribers will deduct the in terest in currency up to 301716th. at the time when they subseribe. The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date, The alight change made in the eonditions of this TRIED SERIES affects only the matter of Interest. The payment In gold, if made, will be ecinivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments. in the event Of which. o nly lOU the option to pay interest in gold be arlditel of, would so reauvo and equalize prices as thatisnr shame made with sin yet cent. Walt be rally equal to those made with ecnten Mid tMess-tenthl per cent. In currency. This Is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Sonrautent, sad its imparter ad vanthseii make it the (?BEAT PI?PIJI . IiRWAN 'Rs PET 00 1 % Ide4. ; Vmui *Mt 1 0.0 , 4 1 .)* Capfilli , ll4.lo*%l2.. market: '4l3.li.***it* . the rate at wbTebyis baba abeetbOCWill slni• asbseribed for witlifellizir days, when• the notes will vadonbtedly commanteremgura. as has uni formly been the-We 9,* closing / 11 " 8 • 40 otherloaroa • that eliding Olsirerltown flllilseau* of the soon fryesim be afforded facilitleifor takiiithetomi. the National . Mate Banks, and Privaie throughout:the oneralli agreed to re- coliebilisoiiVions at Da . gibers will soled their own was, itijihera they ha 1400.erioe. and who only aro to be ressoinSiblefor the delffeiirof the note, for which they receive orders. JAY_ 9 O,IiCE; 'StrBSCRIPTION AGEAT; No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA SEVEN•THIRTIii3, JUNE Issula, IN AMOUNTS TO SUIT, AT PAR, AAD•ENTEEEST ALLOWED TO JUNE IE. For dale 1i 3DII,EXIE/.. dr. CO., Dro. 34 SOU THIRD STREET F. STAXFOBD. .1"08. L. Rotrams. STAMFORD & ItOuSTON, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, (25 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHLe. Dealers In tiaterrotmut seeexttlee.tfteele. unarfent MOM. Werses.ts. Ate- Bfocks 'bought and sold on oomtaleolon at the Renew Board of Brokers. rat23-lia iolIAM) lona. zolimni 'a. !wow EDW. ROBINS AD CO., ISTOCIS AND ELOY"-ANGN BROKERS, No. 17 SWIM ILINIR.D MIEN% , rHIL A. DELP H/A. An UNDO OP JAIL NOM NOLN; SILVER, ROOM NORM. AND GOVBRDNENT szatrurrati. BODOHT AID BOLD. IDolleoffons rinds on MI pant', gyf couxtry. Deposits nooinid. added to EXII Osan. ona hasn't TEE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. LEO ROUTH FOURTH STUT, Baum CHESTNT, _Pays fire_per emit. interest on Deposits. Agents for the sae of United States 7 8.10 Loam at Par. Govern:- meet, State and City Loans sod Stooks bought and sol: for depoadtors end others on 003113911111011. zahlB-3es LEGAL. VSTATE OF BIDDLE BA.IiRiOOK; JR-Jideceased. —Lettere Testamentary + , l the Estate of BIL I.BHANCOCB, deceased. hairlr., been ranted to the subscribers, all persons indebtA to said estate are requested to make payment, eat] qliose haying slams to present thorn without delay. THORNTON CONS° W r 419 North THIRD St. D 00NROW HANCPDESII. 250 N. SECOND Bt. BURTIS BARBER, .440 N. BIGHTHNSNTR St. je6-m6t* IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS POE THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. lostirnod !Mote of JOHN Id AMAMI- The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, SO, and adjust the second and dnal account of JOSEPH E. EfACLE and DANIEL EVELAND. Assignees of JOH3 MATLACK, and to report dietribution of the balance in thuhands of the accountants, Will meet the parties In terested for the purposes of his appointment. on TUES DAY. June eth, 7866, at 4 o'cl ',eh P. M., at his Moe, NO. 429 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. JOSEPH F. MARCUM. toyde frmytit* Auditor. TN THE ORPHANE' COURT FOR THE I N cm 40p30 O . 9f(NTY OF PHILADELPHIA: _ tbriiroTTOlNT 100TICE —The Widow Of said decadent h Hied her petition and al praitement claiming personal DlOperty to the value of AM 'which she elects to retain nudes Me act of the 14th A1)111, 1811, and its supplements. trainee exceptions are 6.10 d thereto the same will be unmoved by the said Oturt, on FRIDAY, the 16th June. 1806. jel•tbm4t** A. THOMPBON, Att'y for Widow. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE 01TY AND COUSTE OF PHILADELPHIA. Beta% of SAMUEL WEIMER. deceased. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JACOB W. WSTMEE and JOSEPH HIRST, Executors of the last will and teats. meat of said deed, and to report distribution of the ba lance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the par ties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY APrEatioo2l, J sine 12th, 156_5 336 O'sloe's P. M., at hie office. En. an South FIFTH Street, is the city of Philadelphia. IFEEPH A CLAY. ms3l.l7lrmat Auditor. PROPOSALS. fr 0 BRIDGE BUILDERS.-PLANS and Propoaala will be received by the Sharpohnr. and Lawrenceville Bridle Company till the 22d of June, for BRECTIEG A BRIDGE Across the Allegheny River, at Shaysborg. Pa. For particulars, see the onderalgned, at the office of Lewis, Haply, Na:roll, & Co,. at gIIAItPBSCRB. or at No. 73 WATER Street, PITTSBUIte, or address hint at bharpolarg. Allegheny county. Pa. nr727- lj en JAMBI 0 LEWIS, Prooident, yARN S. COTTON. WOOLEN. ALEX. WHILLDIN & SONS, ie6•mwfJt* 1100. 20 and 22 South PROST Street. THE EXCEJLASIO R" HA NS ABB THE BM IX THE WORLD. a. R. MICREIVER CO., ciIiERAL PROVISION DEALERS. Lan autism; OP Tien CELEBRATED 414 VOIC.CMICAMOIt" SUGAR-CURED HAMS, TONGUES, AND BEEF, Nom. 142 and 144 N. FRONT ST.. Between Arch and Race streets. Thin.dx The luny ealsbrated "EXCELSIOR" RAMS are m o d hi J . B. DI. & Co. (in a etyle peoullar to them• calves). expreselp for FAMILY 11SEc are of delisions laver; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by BDICILLOS samba to RAY now offered for eels inchM (menu, S. E. 00R. SUCTIE iL PittARZET STREETS. RETAIL DR EDWIN HAIL 4% 0 No, 26 SOUTH SE FEW STOCK OF it 1.011.11 GM It FROM FORM myM•wma EgRE 45bLAIZ EL L, ravivrix AOto &UCIL t. SUMMER SILKS AND SHAWLS. TOWELS FORMOTELS. PURE WRITE SHAWLS. DIAMOND MARSEILLES. ~ pooDs FOB TrEISTS. WIDE COAT SILKS. LLAMA SHAWLS. GAUZE FLAINEL. 1.000 LOW QOLTS. TABLE LINEN. in725-them2m GLOSSY BLA.CI MOHAIRS. COOPER 8a CONARD, r0y1341 S. I. eor..teITTH and NABICIT Street. AGG & BROTH R, CORNER TENTH and PINE Streets, o n from the itiotline eels*: 1 lot Moshe figured, I)? clt.gronnd Orenidines. 600. 3 lot two yards-wide black Barnes, verjfins, 01 2 lots very fine white sert , finistt lialalooite,6o and 75e, 5 iota cambric, Swiss. end jacoaet ilaslins, 50 and 62e. iota imitation tuck Swiss Mrodliefe, 50 and 663. jot (00 dam) brown 1111Iddiekm / 54411 T O"" i SS 7613er 40186... an 1 lot i , 40 doses ) bleached halesabecks,ll-11uen TOlrele, Dst'l lot 23ii-Ygidieloug snow axeitdamask Table Clothe 2 lob Scotch Ditinalkall L lDalLitliOarid 46 Par Piet.. DAB /64311!.11.1001 ,, 014140,14,17 Maki% 25c, 28a. al-Huen antes hue Hdkfc, - 404, 410, and .111,41,86' Help threadopen-work viD7 • _ Hoe.. oerk, an tbr a nd 'tan only 60 cents. Wl* lit no Vaderibirte,Al and • . 7. let sma ll bars plaid mains, only 25 °cute :l lot very line bud-efo Linen, for chilareil'B apron, cents, , 1 lot black and; hite strips Balmoral Skirts. $2. • 14ot heay.vunbleachej,_Ylirting Koslins. 86 cents. ^rjotildscek. gad, , w)Orßssoißpti ' lats. for stm•borl: nets. 20 cans. •"" 1 lot black and *tile and brown and white small pleld-Ronnet Silk. $1126 per yard. .11ot 8.4 brown linen damask Table Cloths, ni.26. - 5 lots very heavy Bonnet Ribbons, white,_ black, and colors, 75 cents. • • 10 lota (80 c.rtonsj all celore nibbons, by the piece or yard. Vlot white grounds telorea spots Pique, SD cents. • Alre, Dress Duttotii, Cloves, Hosiery, Hen/. atitC.ll Biles, Ito , below roinilar pracen; at inn great AuathinStore, corner of'TENTS a , +erlßil Streets . 37. 21 . Li +PLENDID BTOCK LINEN GOODS, .ittat- opened , at 70A ARCH Street. oOlia prising— Turkish. Bath, Hick, and plain Linen Towels. apkins, of beantifal patterns and all grados, Table Linens. blenched, half-blenches, and brown.. Itichardeost k Dunbar's, Dickinson's. and other Linens. Ladies' and Gents' L. C Rafefrom 3.2%ct0 sl. hem'd stitched an d col'd borders—v . Bre . nice. m 731 tf JOHN H. STOKES. MOURNING MILLINERY. A. St IL BIM% ' geog-lin - SSG OrISaTIIST Stre•t B _4 HEAVY MESH BLACK UM NAM OIL OBENADIND. 8-4 black Barnard, ordinary mesh. S 4 black Tamartinen and Crape !Karatz. 8 4 white Taxamtines and Donegan. Bingle•ntidth S.B wide Manx Romani. Heavy mash 6-8 mid a blank Deraani ) - Black Tamartines, Crape !Karatz, and Chaffin. Double-width blank De Dillies and t raintla Oloths. Black Grenadines and Bombazines. width blaolt,De EDWIN HALL 8 00.; 1117 K) tf 26 Borah 81001 D Street. BLACK AND FIGURID BILKS. /.:,& H. HYNES. 926 OBILSTAUT Street. RILE MANTLES, smairrie - OFF BA.BGAINS— LAtt A LAGS 80131100158 ce.rdsau LACE 'MIMS. , 811111.A.ND srawi.s..Acr,-gpLous. sow 6t J. OTAAMBERS, 81Q ARCH Street. J.CHAMBBRS, No: 81.0 A-12,011 . RETIRE STOOK REDOESD: THREADUIPUR LACES. - VEILS. -. • • -. THREAD LACE. BARBEE. " HEMSTITCHED DDEITS-- , A?3AECAINI - - CAMBRIC ADOINGS AND REISETIOMID Shirred and fano, PI such MoAltAtil. for' SHETLAND SHAWLS" vari tr. says-ixa ;93.6 , -Street r .,. D and $l, dims. radan ''. olSMTitlik u lthiii i .a. - 6/06; l ar 60,26, 61.36. and .60 TLupin''' Kash oo °banes. 66 eta. Double-dial:CZ Doi Detainee. $1.12 to $L 75. Lupin's plain colon* ( idatum 62 de. Pearl Tints Abaft!, and Mohair*. Tourists' plain, prized. plaid, and striped Mohair'', low and finest grades, Finest Bainsooka. Cambric's, Saconets. Satin Plaids and Stripes, Bird's's, Linen, Swiss Muslin'. Bril liants. 61c. White and Buff Pique by the piers or yard, toed stock. cood qualities. Lawns, Prided Cambria. Mitiglinias, ate- Mudiskriby the piece wader Pries. 4700P88_ Is CONARD, S. B. *or. NINTH and PlititEtilY Streets. fI,RAY MATERIALS FOR TEA:VIL NA Lae DEMOS. A. & H. MY 888. m7B•lm 926 CEINTAUT Street: TG2ISTEED SILK GRENADINES, of titevnt quilitlea and atl4oll, in Mack and GraT Grenada. iG to - 41.30 Travelling.Drees Gooaa, In every. 7nrlety„ New DIM floods, In beel,variety. Random Chene Slikc nix-. VERY 01111a1' BLACK ZT.LICEI, ;suitable for Dressee, Mantles, and Saccines. COTTON GOODS AT LEES THAN WMOEWALE PRICES. Merrimac. Sprague. and Pacific Prints, Etc 10 4 Waltham and. Poperlll bleached Sheeting'. $l. U. STEEL di SON. m713-ti Nos 113 and 715 north TENTH Street. RENADINE BAREGEB, ALL ...A widths. A. Et 11. mYsr.s. myS 1m 926 CHESTNUT Street. NEW 00.1% 11§05.n. THE GREATEST lIIVERTION 01 TEE AGE IA J. W. BIADLZT'S New Patent DUPLEX ZLLIPTIO (or doable) SPRING SKIRT. WAVE , nRADLHY CARY Bate .1 & J. O. Weal) EOLHIPEOPRINTOEE and hraistrwtoTriltEß9. cod OFUMBAZIS and TO and el READS Weider Jew !ark. THIS INVENTION omelets of DUPLES (or tin) EL LIPTIC Steel SPEINes, ingeniously EitAIDED Tiderelir end FIRMLY tegether, 'Enna tO ECOI3, lathing the TOrreaSOV. Most FLEXIBLE. E.L.L.,vte, and DURABLE 500100 ever usad. They seldom. BEND or MOAN. lite the dingle Baring% and consequently 'deserve their PERY2O7 and nasoripor, SHAPE TWICE so Long as any other SKOOT THE WONDERFUL ELEr.IBILITy and great COMPORT and PLEASURE to Ray LADY wearing the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC FEDIT will be exaerbinced. particniarly_in •Ll. crowned AssamBLIES. OPERAS. aeItRIAGEB. MAilitteAD HARE, Cannon Pews. Antionanie, for NOME? ADO and Rosen DEMO% as 'Meal:car can he POLLED 'when in !lee to OCCU PY 0. Odell PLACE as angily ne a etLit or MUSLIN DR.833. inter having enjoyed the vierienre. comfort, end elect convenience Of WHARINO the DIIPLEN Smarm hTEEke SYSIYM SKINT toT C emote. DAY will Darer nitsr. ward wiiiinatT diocese with their sae. For CdtbDankl i Mena, and XOOOO LADIES they are on:Eaton to all others, Tlf&T are the beet creAtrry in every port, and an. qnsettorably the LOARTROT. ntoe6 antaiLLuLi,COXFORT. ABLE and 3COOOOICAL BKIRT ever Wade. SALE in all flan. !IWO% STORES to this &07. and thronnhent the UN/TED fSPAVES, HAVANA DR CUBA, ItlExten, hieettleA. and the WEST 11.4 Q I Eli POR TOK DUPLEX ELLIPTIC ItKIRT. mys-2m :HOOP SKIRTS. 628 628. HOPKINS' olOrtg HARK" OF _ _ . 3100 P SKIRTS. the bast assortment and best rtnaliti and styles in the city Gore Trails, all lengths and sizes. from 18 to 65 springs, from $1 25 to $4. Plain Writ', ail the new shapes and sizes, from 19 to 60 springs, from $1.40 to $3. Skirts of extra hebvy steel and extra tapes from 20 to 36 springs, from st.9o to $2.75. Hisses' and Children's, of elan" grade, from 6 to 26 spridge, from 4to 8 cents per surtng; they have no egnal. eget ts for the New Flexible ;skirt, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, and folly entail to the Duplex gliptto Skirt, sad at amok lower prices. Also, eon sway on hand, fall Vasil of low-priced Vow Bork Skirts. kid-padded and instants fastened-15 springs, too. ; 20 springs, $1: 26 springs, $1.15; 30 springs, $t 26; and 90 springs, 81.60. elrirts made to order. altered, and repaired, at 628 ARCH Street. invl4 LINEN. p FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE We are premed. as heretofore, to etIPPIT families. at their country residences, with SVBEIt DESCRIPTION 07 FINE duo 6m.• ALBERT d. ROBERTS. ray24.tf Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. LTERMETICALLY SBALED MEAT) .1-1- Amp sbuPs. 1,00 do 2. 1 311.116144 Meat. 600 " Roagt Beef. 000 " do Vaal. 660 " do Mutton. 1,000 " do Turkey. 1,000 " do. Chicken. 6.000 " molted Sono( is I, 5, 13; lb. mum Tor Nale by. RHODES St WILLIAMS, fe6.o 107 Booth WATER Street. FANCY HAMS.-BRIGGS, SWIFT, & Co.. Cobb & Armel. C. di P. Rotates. and Met• cal& at Evans' brands celebrated SUGAR-CORED CINCINNATI CANVASSED HAIM in etore and for aide by WASHINGuON 'BUTCHER St SON. zn72.6-Im* 190 and 148 A orth FRONT St. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS-VERY DE SIBABLI style's likoneares, aullabfe for,aprarto and keholata to exchange with arboolmatPat 12 for g. 26- Made at REINER'S popular gallery'. 6210021 D Stree. above Graou. 11.” pHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS TAKEN - 11 . of pn6llo buildings, churches. residences, and country scow Those who wish rowels's. a true o!'tho old homestead, stply to /3. It. .116116 b .R, 624 ARCH Street. • Its TASTEFirLAFA*AL oLonulie I, D STREET, 0 THEM 8S GOODS ARE NOW OFESR FANCY rnxs. D'UCTION ti o PEARL SR I DES ALPAOAS. TOURISTS , :BESS GOODS. MAO'S WTI. DEraThiES. BLAOX MANTILLA. BILES. WRITE MID BUFF PIQUE: 110 OP SKIRTS. RUE LL DISTRICTS NEW rujeLICATIONS PULPIT AND ROSTRUM & No. 34, 00116TAIA8 Hon. ORORGR RANON:....irril ORATION AT THE OBSEQUIES O ABRAHAM LINCOLN. THE FUNREAL Ql3/. by William Callen Bryant. THE EILADVIATIDIS PRoOLAmaTIOY. 5an.1.18%, ME. LIWCOLR'S LAST IBALIGUELL ADDRESS. A 00/VtisoT PORTRAIT OF TH E LATS PORSIDENT. Price. bs wan. with Portrait. SO Gantt. A(1. 88 IS BIM EMERY WARD BEECHER% 'Dar twig cilia ORATION. April 14,1966 Price, by mtil, 20 cents. PULPIT AND ROSTRUM. PAMPHLET BERM, Contains Reports of the best ESEMONS, LECTORS% ORATIONS, BIT This Serial. preserres in convenient form the beet thoughts of one Most allied men, Just as they come Vona Moir lips, thus retaining their freshness and pereonalt tir. The proofs are always corrected by the authors. Great favor has already been shown the work. B will he issued as often as suitable Discours es tan be found. Thirty•alz Lumbers have already been published. Send. for List SCHERMERROEN, BANCROFT. di CO—Pablishers, jell St" 512 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. TEE COTTAGE LIBRARY. A NEW LITERARY ENTERPRISE. JUST PIIBLIEULD, MHO] EE 5AL41411.1319, BY OUR ROUE roErs, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY F. 0, O. BARLEY. "Infinite riches in a little room." Being the first issue of a series of attractive hand volumes, under the general title of "The Cottage Library," containing choice selections from standard authors, published at a low price, but in elegant style, and designed for popular circulation. SACK VOLUNS HANDlioleiLY lILLUSTRATBD, AND PRINTS!) ON FINB PAPER. PRIOR THIRTY OUTS MOIL 96 pages; Mao, paper covers, vignette title. To be followed immediately by The gong of the Shirt and. other Poems, illestrated,b7 Thcfnae aced. Famous Battle Poems Illustrated. Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress, with illustrations; and other volumes. BURGE St HUNTINGTON. Publishers, 3e5.2k No. 510 BROADWAY. New York. JUST runLIBLIg.D— -IP-P A NEW AND INTERESTING BOIS' BOON OF TRAVEL; ENTITLED PHILIP IN PALESTINE. Being the authentic Letters of a Philadelphia, Bay, written in the Holy Land, to a friend in this city. The sketches of Places, People. Hanners, ac., being given in a plain and simple manner, making a volume of In teresting and inetructive reedier. JAMES S. CLAXTON, Successor to W. S. At Altrad Haitian, jeb 606 CHESTNUT Street. pE V. JOHN CHAMBERS' FOR. rIETH ANNIVERSANY SERMON pnbliehed this dew. by J. OHALLBN Sz SON, 1305 OUBSTAIIT Street. FIRST BDIT/Vii EXHAUSTED— New and reviled /anion now nadir, non' mstkod of Induration 1",,r the Piano, Voice, an d HatlnOttY, Ili George F. Root, entitled TIM =SIVA?. (Price $4 El To Teachers, lit pospaid. wo Bard, , postpaid. on receipt of elt t e nts.e an elegant royal quarto pamphlet of fourteen specimen pages of the cane, containing also some deficription of ite plan and contents. jet.St BOOT & CADY, Chicago. ET THE BEST.—THE ECONONI. kJ' UAL COOK OP ROUSE BOOK ie the one wanted br every good housekeeper. It Big over 103 reinipts, all of tvluelt have been well tried. A Maine editor —*Mkt! '• 01 course we have no means of knowing the accuracy of all the five hundred 'receipts, but it pm , fetses to give econopoisal ones, and that is lest what is wanted. The trouble with all otner each books con. dolt in giving elaborate directions, which are imprasti• sable to the romerity of families. Oar batter-ha'd (and a ?lustier konsewfs don't live) pronounces the book a really egleueble one. and that's praise enough." The forkvedition just ready. 'Price One Dollar Mailed on Mufti of the price. ASH MEAD & EVANS, Publiehers. rows3t No. 724 OTIESTAII 1' Street. OWLIDtU'S FINE LIBRARY EDl az MOM =EV go*: JTIWINO cuMEMIL ; mearwrir EO . D T TV". , . Vol. 1 of this work, printed from lafge, bold type, on superior extra-heavy paper, and'rilegeetly bound in purple cloth, sow ready. Price $2lO. 1 cheap edition, neatly bound in payer lovers, is shin ready. Price $L For sale hi all Booksellers irt this place. Bent free, by mall, on receipt of Mies. A. DOWLING, mrs whalA 61 NASSAl76troet, • YORK. MARY -, BRAME/EGER JUST OUT, one of the beef " Woman'a -Novels " ever pith itched. Of decided ability, originality, and power. ri Edition after edition to being .pntedi•And the demand increases. 0.1tE1410.E. Pnhlieher, Lew York. royMndtcflOt • FAIRY FINGERB,MRS. MOWA.TT'S - 4 - Brilliant New Novel, 'Avian' a tremendous sale. It is an admirably wrought tale, and enchains the atten tion of the reader from begirMing to end. Gina rON, Publisher, New'fort. royal Wallet HALDEMAN'S AFFIXES TO ENG LISH. WORDS.—ASIxes' in their origin and ap plication. exhibiting the Etyxaologic structure of En /18h Words. by S. S. Raldentiut, A: M. Published TO. DAP, and for sale by E BIPSLIIR St GO.; je3-2t 137 South FOURTH Street. A PFLETON'S NR W , ARIERIO4I,I4 CYCLOPEDIA. —Comploto in 18 voinindil.' Various Styles or Binding. ILBBILLION 71,800 RD. by Frank Moore, in 8 yols. HISTORY 071 Tffil .11.0/dIJIB—noW 491aPisto..: rno Lon st for these Trainable works is at - 811 South SIXTH Street, above.likostank _ or& if SIMON. NEW BOOKELI NEW 1300E5 aust received by AS(RH a ME a AD do BPA 18: No. 14 OR s I STA ' II t T d). Street. LORD DERBY'S ILIAD OF HOMER. The Ameri can edition Gut ready. As handsomely printed as the Enditti._ 2 vols. crown Svo. MOODS'S DIATOM OF ENGLAND. 2 vols.l2mo. Tinted paper LEER 01 CICERO. By William gpreyth. anchor of " napoleon at t. nototto. Ste Are. 2 vole. UAW. Printed on line tinted paper, with illustrations. THE t/bEYER WOMAN (F THE FAMILY. By Hiss Tense. anther of "Heir ofltedelyffe. " Handeonte• ly iii grated t paper or muslin covers. HUGH WORTHINGTON. A Novel. By Mrs. Mary J. Holmes. FAIRY FINGERS. A Novel. By AIMS Cora Ritchie. formerly DVS. Mowatt SUPERIOR FISHING; or. The Striped Bass, Trout, And Elsa &sad the lierthern Stater, BY Robert B. RooeevelC BRATEICE. „: By 'Julia Itsvasegh. RATE RENNEDY A Novel. Paper covers. SAIRITARY CONDITION OF NEW YORK CITY. litpart or onttoll of Hygiene Citizens' Association, with mate. illnetratlOßS. ELIGIOUR DUTY. By Fronde Power Cobbo FIRST anualti OF CHARACTER, ea opsretive before Birth from Hereditary and Spiritual Seamed'. By Wood bury M. Fernald. myi7• tf STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, AND OTHER PHOTOGRAPHS relating to the Funeral, Horne, and Hwents of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, When in Philadelphia, Indlauanolis. and Springfield; 'Views in Oak Ridge Cemetery, of the vault he was laid in, the funeral , and the spot selected by his eon' for hie final resting . plate. Also. hie Como, exterior and interior VLSIRIP; hie Law Office; the Chu& he attended, gar of the GA PAVIRW OR MAIi - b AMY, tak AlrD en tra. WaSitititte nF on tit° 24th. Cartes de Virdte of Colonel I-R=OI6RD, eardarer of Jeff Davie. For sato at SOFIBBIBBIIII, No. 811.5 ARCH Street B. RIDGWAI GLOVER, roy3o.6t* Animal and Landscape Fhotoarepher. .1 1 1 . HAEttietiS' LECTURES, - `•THE RENEWAL OF LIFE, PUBLISTIED THIS DAY LEcrunta CHIEFLY CLINICAL. By THOMAS B °BARI:LISS.% M. D., Physician to St. htary's and The Lock Hospital,.die., &a. In ono volume octavo • Dr. Chambers havitce been induced to adopt a new title for the third cantor- of the BRICEWAI, OF LIFE (roln which 'Miele a reprint): ita.nnbliebers of thle, the ifretEssoiriaan edition, have /kt•ad -vt.t t bl° I° - tain in part the title of the ma tOreier ',Mitten% lIIAO,Cor_ utich it has had ao rapid a alto, that it na.T . ,:bo ilia =ore readily revaini zed. LINDSAY & BLAKISTCN. • Pnblishos and Bookaellera, n 1,29 No RD South SIMI' a St., above Chestiest. TTISTORY CROWNS THE BRAVE. a-J , - The rubHeiberg respectfully announce that TH3 HISTORY OF THE PENIISILVA VIA RESERViI CORPS is now ready for deliver+ to subscribers. It contains a complete record of this gallant organiza tion; and of the different comps:pies, regiments. and brigades, giving granitic descriptions of their Expedi. Hone. Marches t Skll7ll.lBhea and Battles. together with biograirbigll sietahee of 019.eava and pergentil Hl)oOrde of each private during Lie term of eervice—complied from OFFICIAL REpoP.2B and other Documents, by J. R. BY FHB% Fen. It is in one volorde, octavo of 122 popes, and is ele gantly illustrated oy ST RL ElSOlis.Vsllal of Ha vernor OORTHI, Generale RISAOE. gIoCALL, and the lamented REYSOLDS, and by a Map of the vicinity of Richmond, showing the route 01 march and the battlee in which the RYSISRVES were engaged in the seven days fight; and to neatly printed on 100 , 1 Mar and handsomely bound' in black cloth and library leather. It is sold only by eabscrigtion. Price from this date, $4 60in cloth; in library leather style, si. heat by mall free of_postage. on receipt of price. Active and responsible parties desiring to canvass for Oils popular and attractive History. will make appli 'ration with written recoinMendatione t0.. 11A111, & Falilbsbers. i.I.3ICAMTB. HaVe..b 3R, 1865. COPARTNERSIETIPS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT .L 1 A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP has been entered into between the undersigned, under the ewe of the Cool , monwealth of Pennsylvania, upon the following terms and COSA Mune : I"/Zie name of the firm under which the said part nership will be conducted, to • 'CAMPBELL & POE LOOK " II The general nature of the business is that of ma. nnfacturing and selling wco/en and cotton goods in the city of Philadelphia. fll Thegeneral partners are GEORCIR CAMPBELL, recidin c: Po. 1812 Addison street, lathe said city, and vim. rem .1 POLLOCK., residing at the northwest corner of Num teenth and Fitzwater streets, in the said. city. IV. The amount of capital contributed by the special Partner to the common stook. is the sum of forty thou taco MAW., pkta in cash. V The pertnereLip is to commence on the third day ef Inns, 1885, and to leinlinsia on the twentieth day of May, 1888. CBtrlOB CAMPBELL, 'WILLIAM POLLOCK. Chueral , Partners. ALFRED W. ADOLPH. Special Putney WK. H. JAMES, Mormon) , of rhilidolsdatit.l ATTOESIBY AT LAW. 7.IA3KLIX, VSNANGIi COUNT!. "PUMA -4flair.l attention given to the exxmistation of Tina. PErtiOUlllll. Exrnsnzfons :--Ohas. I. Lax, Set. amt. .1. Roes Snowden, Simms H. Little, BPI., T. Y.. 'calker. Sr ., 11904, llonbrtai. 411 Co.. J. Z. DaMmult. prookusi 7th National Bamt. gA.IIIIJEL w- HOFFMAN, A.TTORNSI wr _ AT,, AND OONVEYANtain, rzA TBKILIMO COETITT. MULL flats of Philodotolds.) 71111.111$ TO the tto S. Lax, Bea.. E. a 'W. 0. Biddle It VC, 76 O. Kals.ht tCo.. D. X. B. Atiwk4teac. Jamas B. Little, W. H. tenon Zs Co. mlo4= TO 8 RUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, zr COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND SOLICIT= 07 CLAIMS. Office. 611511 Stmt. mar Foustaentb street, Iliashlustott, D.C. da24-6r2 HAVANA. CIGARS. -A GOOD VA.- "HWY constantly In atom and bond, at to West null Tate's. S. FOGWIT & 60Nk, D 1724 6szi* No 210 South FRONT Atreet. egiolcE CONFECTIONS. 73,0 Seer quanta of 0079FBOTIONERY. salted. to the Slimmer aeaeon, roanntecturod bmb. dells. bi STIPEIES WHIPMALN. bo. raio RKEr Street. &T ENASONABLE PRIOES, WANTS. 'ANTED -To BEWARGE THE oeettpsnoy of s desirable Ittudnue Mend on N. ntrd street for one on Market street, between 8000 ad and Fourth. IN Av dress Box 2397 P. 0. WANTED -THE FOLLOWING NUM BARS OF THE PEEN: FOE THE ULE 1863 April 27th and 29th. May Ist and 2d, Jim 11th and 2.3a1t, &Member Ilet; 1864. duns 10th, &Member 30th, Oda her 27th, and rievember 17th; 1855. /*binary 2.1. for which a liberal price will be paid. Apply At 1.618 WALNUT. ie3.2t* W .11 ANTAD— CLERK (von THIS IF obi). who thoronatily cuidolitnde dho 011.4.abgY Hardware BUBillO6O. To mishit oarvon Ilbnat salad will be paid. For particalarsaddrees "Saibillarr Thud. ware." NM York city. je3-3i WANTED -$16,000, AND SEVERAL sums of &L/100, Mortgeze. lirst•class security. •. 'SORRILY! & CO„ 121 B. FOURTH Street. 3e3 Sts WA T E D—A. GOOD SALESMAN T in a Cloth Store. Address, with real name, at this office, "A. B. C." te2-at* W APT E D. $lO PER DAY, AT Rolm —Auy moon, el mole or female. Oa Clair Roo pe r week, at in a fight. tutitdrable $l to $5 capital required. Bitarned toldlere bad Ohara having a few hours daily to spare, can learn the parti culars by enclosing IWO stamps for iltailar aid return poet. Address B. WAYVEGL. mil7-lm* Ohicago. box 4781. WANTED TO RENT - A COAL YARD. with railroad track. or a lot IS 'table for one. Addrees "P. , Coal Yard," Press °Mee. ie6 St. WANTED TO PURCHASE—A USE FULF.ILTERT RIGHT. Addreios "PatenPU Press Moe. is6.6t* AGENTS WANTED FOR THE NURSE AID SP!, the most interesting and ex citing book ever published, embracing the adventures of a woman in the Union Army as Nurse, Scout, and Spy. giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. Re. trirted and disabled oilcan and soldiers in want of profitable employment will dad it peculiarly adapted to tutus peeditten We have agents 'Mating COO per mom Which oro prove to mar tlonbtleur applicant. Bend for eirenlare. Address .1011118 11608, &V 9 NO. 600 CEESTINUT Street, Philadelphia. Pa. my3ls-lea* A_ PARTY WILL EXCHANGB OIL 6TOCKB for My or Country Property. .6.3dreas "J. S. T.." Box MG Phila. P. 0. lt* BOY WANTED-L COLORED BOY between the ages of 18 and 18 wanted. Apply fut• inedleto/T at 018 LOCUST Street. jed• tf GREATEST THING OF THE TIMES -ROWErS PRIZE INVBLOPBB. —Agents wante4. eVerY'irUere. Pzeminta Wgtehee given to Agents. OR -maga of IPIS U Ront , Pali go t , 11 71, 1 ""' awl a isulerolid Solid fillies ioottom• los ..11.4. PJ pivot= to the agora. A single Eivolopi sent, wits eizonler and faligartienlars, Reteisit ordg gents, Ad- drew A. 8.. ROW= 00., P. 0., Bo= 4.170, 36 BIRK MAN Street, N. Y. nitra7-13m SI2S A. MONTH.-AGENTS WANT BD everywhere to introduce the improved SRAM & CLARK TWEISMDLILLAR IeA.IdILY WM ISO lIIACRIWIS, the only low-prica machine in the country which Is Rimed by Grover dr Baker, Wheeler dr. Wilson, Rowe, Sinter it Cn., and Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are itaingaments, and the seller and user era liOle to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW" A CLARK, Biddeford, Maine mv10.414 Warn $7O .1 )1021T11—I WANT AGENTS 6,rerywhers a $7O A ptentti, expiable PI/Ot to Rail . FIFTEB4 ABTIOLEaI, the beet lOW ever eared. Tell partionlers fiee. Address OTIS T. OABST, Bidde ford. AMEX mylo d&WAm FOIL BALE AND TO LET. TO BENT—FROM THE 10TH instant, a desirable DWELLING, situated on $t CCs street, near Eighth. Rent $5OO Asply to JIMBSET MAO GEISSOII, it . .41.9 WLLIIITT Street. FOR SALE-A TEEREE•ETORY BRICK ROM, With three-otory 1 , 71. k bank bisildinzs and lot. on the out rido M illooeuth between Parrish and Ogden Rtr6atv, No. Sti. front 17 feet 8 inshes. depth lift toot 10 Inches. with Eta modern conveniences and ia . perfect order. pOBIke2FIOD. Ternantnod.entte. Apply to SAMS H. CARTLE. 81 115 South FIFTH. Street. al FOR SALE, A BEAUTIFUL AND mr. Imitable property in the Tnrenty•fonrth ward. Fine large garden. large stone mansion, stable, and coach hones, with every convenience sad comfort' that modern improvement can afford. Fine shade tree,,, fret, flowers, and ahrnbbery. Trice, SW.OOO For far. ther particnlsrs call at /An. 11.2, S. FOIJILTH btraet, third story. front building. jeB Et" M RARE CHANCJE.—TO LET, THE SIAL Large and Handsome Store, Are. 917 cas,smtirt st., just above the Continental Hotel. Enlaces for sale. apply at the store. ga FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE— mane varLADSLPHIL HOUSE. at CAPE ISLAND, capable of accommodating over seventy pram. This would make a desirable place for several families to oc cupy together. Prim wily 54,5:99. Part of the furni ture mo also be bad cheap. B F. GLENN, ieS IE3 South NOME Street. if „ FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS D WEL =A-LINO 1220 fforth LOAD Street—lot 22v2fd- STOI2-111eallent tuabinege DOOJ JrO. NEAT DWELLIND, BIOHTSMIEt Street, north tit east aide. LABGE DWELLIVO. GIMES' Street. WELL BUILT DWELLING, 1226 North FIFTEENTH Street. THREE wrOR! DWSLLING, 124 UNION Street; very asap With many other very desirable proSertles, in alma every part of the olty. Ale°, a large number of Cottages and Farms. B. F. GLENN, IE3 South FOURTH Street, jet And S W. oor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. al TO WOOD. TURNERS AND SHOE DIAKEE.S.—A Factory, with Power and Eititiftint. TO BEM Apply at H . 0. KELLOGG'S, PEON r And 9e2 Bt* ill FOR SALE-HOUSE, NO. 008 un-) FRANKLIN Street. above Poplar. Inctitrft of T. P. 2to, 1427 North FIFTH St. jal.lm. PHYSICIAN'S PRACTICE FOR SALE. —A deeirable RESIDENCE, went:ate& iti a pleasant village In Earls county (20 tulles 1701:11 the city, on a raDroad). together with an extenstaa prac , two, will be sold law and on reasonable temp, by * 7131331c1en wishing to retire. For particulars address E. J. SMITH & CO jet et Real Estate Agents, 'Newtown 2a te ett ATLANTIC CITY, It J,-FOR JEASALE—A handsome COTTAGE (opposite the 11.'S. Rotel), With or withont furniture. containing 13 roans and a good ctstern. Apply to H J. WOOTOrt, Atlantic Mtn or to J. H. RATES, Seventh Rational Bans, Philadelphia. my29.12t al VALUABLE RAILROAD HOTEL Am AT DOWEIVOTOWN AT PRIVATE SALE —The anhearther offers for sate all that valuable Pro Peril liamorn as the PDPASYLVAnIa lial.R.qaTt HOnsE, in the borough. or powAtentewn, 31 miles Will From Philadelphia The house is situate() in an unite. containing alma one and a half acres, between the Pennsylvania Central Railroad and the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike, fronting on each. The improvements consist of a good and anbatentitl three story Mona Home, rebuilt and improved a few years since, containing thirty large airy and wed-ven tilated rooms. with a lame tied convenient basement liichen, supplied with pure he draut seater, RR are also the ATE'. SAC second stories Connected with the above is P. a cod :moo stable, two icehouses, all a large veseiable garden Tine property has been occupied as a hotelier the past thirty liars., and as a hosiLeSS Stand Is unrivalled by any en the line of fog between rhiWe/Phia and burg. This is a liret•class etettor, on tine PearlYlvahla den tral Railroad, the ttoket end telegraph OE4OB of the Company being on the nroperty. All the passenger trains on said toad stop regularly at this place, and the thrcuch exur.ss train West stops a enflicieut thee for passengers te dine Thebuildingearwadretntblyaaepied to the Wants and convenience of the public, cut the largely increasing business renders 11 worthy the atten tion of persons seeking snail investment For inetner addreea HENRY BlOHofirz, roy2o tbraCt On the premtem j FOR SALE—A FARM OF FIFTYne, 160) dart:B, in Buckingham township, Tincts.../..... couuty, with the stock and growing crow. Possession immediately, - Price moderate, and terms eal7. Ad• does B. J. bMIT.II do CO Betide Agents. je)-Gt Newtown, P. WO-ACBE FARR FOR BALE,M4 =i ll B uc k s c oun ty, w.ll unproved, with good az—L BMW/ ga. ameialetri gad six Wir(l6 Timber. tbzeo Innen from BitlTnwd. rrivg MEW. One half will Oa taken in dividendriervinn accts. or GM. vernm/nt or corporation bonne.. balance may rogroAtt severed on the promises. Apply to 1; J. SMITH&CJ., Neal letate Agents, 344 R Nov/town, Pa. 100-ACRE FARM FOR SALE-IN Fucks comity, well improved, vita goof bnild, iretr, excellent water, and aix item of tiinb three rupee from railroad. Price, 812 403. One-flair Mill be taken in! lax stack., or Govern ment or correlation bonds. Balance may remain se cured on tha premium Awl 3") b. J. SWIM & Real E AG a w te towa,3t Igente, jel-at ItT .. , N FOR BALE-- OD STY,LTAR --,..- Pair of young lgi 3; RS&R, good td.e, naa porlf orly reliable; zutgeel welt be, a flue nuglish bodkd' fizz ePt:gir Phaektn, and %Mil ag-top sittgle Cattiage, and n new double eet ol ikimilobil. tire. gill mountinge, and seta ',lngle Harness, eat!' mountings; by a gentleman going to tnt,rel. .. J.l'l r -3e5 St. 217 MARKET. kreek. r r, ',„.ir-, 7 74. ,,, F . 1 7 ::: , ;.. -1 CHEAP AND PLEA.. Fr. -4 , -14-2:...... 4. _..... - HINT RII&INSIL TRAVEL-- (;Altit - e.. , ; AND ATLANTIC, AND RARITAN AND lALAWARE DAI RA)LLOADS—DAMDRN TO DEW 1,1) RAI% . T O RENT—AN ELEGINT SU — IT - 11)? I lc) " " ' . 22 2 'l2l Frew Cooler's Ferry, .lexeden, daily at 107 A) 11). a-•vegat , Tom Al vex', Manchester. APARTVF,N76, Ballroom and Par:cr. 1013\ for Tutlieren. (132.E.T.V. UT Streat lv / lerv. .e. at anal, :Farmingdale, Shark River, Long ..,....._____.......... .vbb, DraneSpurt. Oaeauliant Eatontown Shrew ro BRENS, 7 EBB AND DISTILL 4 / 1 3.--- A !AtMlf lirew Ottlar T11i33. made hy Burka:mit Co , for &silo tow. aprly at It G. EELLOWi'.I. FRONT and GBESTIIUT. iuZ Stfr BIJRANCII, psumaicH ktICIDENTS EvEny DESCRIPTION' BY THE TRAVELLERS' INSFRINCE COMPANY. HARTFORD. HORN. Capital $300,000. 'NIL W. ALLEN, Agent, 401 Walnut Street, KULADELPELIA eIIeiNDAL ACCIDIAT POLICIES For live Hundred Dollars, with es per week compen ;adieu, can be had tar o t NI annum, or any other BUS betVA.USU en and CO. at proportionato rants. • - TEE DOLLARS PREMIUM s esti xes a Polley for $3,000, or $lO per week COMPOIMIL. On for end ovary dosoriptiortof sooidout—wAyrolling or otherwise—andor a General Accident the Oretistary Rate. THIRTY DOLT4BB PREMIUM Samos A foil Policy for 80.09D t. 0r ! 2G nor WS& cook. Polottion, as above, al the Swami Rat& FOP.EISOE RISE& • Policia issued for Foreign, West India, and Oalifor , Dia Travel. Rates can be learned by application to the Office, SHORT TIME TICKETS. Arrangements are In sauna of completion by which the traveller will be able to parchase, at any ftellwaY Ticket Office, Insurance 2'ickete for one or thirtu days' travel. Ten cents will buy 11 ticket for One day's travel, insuring 112,009. or 112 weekly compensation. Ticket poncho, maybe had for 8,8, and 12 months, in the same manner. Hazardous Blahs taken at Hazardous Rites. Policies tuned for 6 years foi 4 years preinlnta. INMPUC.O3.I.7aNIC2I. Th e n i t es Oppsemiam are less num those of Ray Mat Company towering the e l l u No medical eardpination 1e recvaire4 and thoulandi of those who have been rejected by Life ComonaiiioS, in consognence of hereditary or other &mn eas. can effect Insurance to the TRAVELLERS' At the lowert rates. Life Insurance Companies pay impart of the principal sum until the death of the assured. The TRAVELGH(LIF pay the loss or Ammo in.etatued by personal iainry sohmeeer it DOCILVe. The feeling of security which each an insanmee etre' to those dependent upon their own labor for support Ii rorth more thee money. Ns batter or more Sethi/h tory nag can be made of Ye email a BUM. J. a 8ia111860.11. rrealdent. Ror..in DENNIS, Secretary. (1. Y. DAVIS, Viee Preoldent. EIBARY 6. DIET:, aoneral Agent. Applications received and Taltieb :weed by WILLI63I Avow. 4414 WALNIT r Street, TO PLASTER ERA. WPORTLAND O. JIL Ydr.NT. tutxrd two wt.! of 11141 t gamd, ittgkee beantif n 1 and durable rougbatatlng, whloti rte =haunt and Utcorata hattlat watt E ag l e Itutiorted by I.o . ollEttit. je3 vrautsTraEKT FOR ousTout WORK, AUDEN' OF MUSIC. It"DA / ""i2ta i j"eb IiS I VATIOik TEPOGRAPBI AL DRAM VG A .1 AND OIRMANIA MUSICAL BOCHRTH Wiii sonar before too NATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL CoNVINT/ON. HlESultvere beautiful _DIM" of T LADE OF /AEONS: After which THE GERM ANIL SOCIETY WILL .11VP. A GRAND MUSIGAL OLIO; consisting of selections from the meet wormier operas: T 9 conclude with the laughabte burlesque of Tin LADY ta' THU mieattS NO CENTS. Reserved Seats or cured 'without extra charge. Box !Beet now open at tho Academy of M 16% it'd et T. R. ritAh's Book Eton, D. W. Corner or Bluth and Chestnut it. 'NEW ORESTNIIT-STREET "Br-ofilsTarr +.TR.1117.. A UOVD TWISbuTli. MONDAY and TUBSDAT SVENleurg. June 6th and fah. LAST SIX NIGHTS Of the treat rOCDonois HARONTAL AND TDB CORSICAN BROTHERS, D y Web have been revolved dart as mne past BotrkitS CROWDED TO oyolyiownkra. Both pieces will be presented tilth NEW AND ItIAIITIF(11, SORNIRT6 Slllperb Costorots,Wondorfat Machinery. Grand Dame,. Stirring Itlarchera and great cast of characters. At the rf guest or war" persons the performance will commence this week with the Extravaganza of Pt:mason TAB, And conclude with the abserblas and miateriotui Drama, In 3 act'. THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Sane 10th, YORTY.SE WROTH GRAND FAAtIIA MATINEE. When POCAHONTAS will be performed. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARM ! STREET THEAvRE HEVVJAL OF 8435EDAT,E. LAST WEEK OF Mitst 'JOHN DREW. MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDNESD E AY THURSDAY. 110BED•L, OS. TUB RIFLE M.T.B Ross Ufa. ~, Km John p.m: ylinuy, int;Hpyr OF *RS, JOU PAYIAF,..' and positively her list empearante aeo-At pIIILADBLPIIIL NATATORIUM PHYSICAL INSTITUTE; BROAD, below Walnut, Philadelphia. ISWICOISIIM4 Or eirio©L FOR CHILDREN, LADIES, and Tho Swimming Department of the above Institution is now in full operation. Dr. YAKKED Syetem of In struction is easy, pleasant, and very succaserni. Ladles or gentlemen contemplating to visit the seashore not having learned to swim yet, are invite i toe visit. From six to ten lessons will enable them to become good mompinrs by epaßsFated practice. The temperature of the Waler Is olivine fPft ofm id Yri9 liior, , For Pariigg lare, R9O circular, min Se CONCERT HALL, COMMENTINO IROFDAT EVEnItiO, June 6th. Fora short season onl, FtstLLISTER. The world•renownsd WIZARD OF TEE WEST, 60 Gents, For rartioniars Fes urogramm.s. Is64t FLUR&L FAIR AND FUTIVAL 711 U ASSEMBLY BUILDIAO4. /OM and oitsTrbitlt Streetn. 01 TUESDAY, JUNE gth, WEDVESDAY. DINE 7th, Taußora, JIM Stk. BOAIWING. p s OARDING—OBEBTNUT, A BOV E Fifteenth Streeto. Reference required. Address "Bcardinc" Pram ogee. jag,* Ji•-•SIB A BUZ FRONT ROOMS TO LET, with board, COOPER Street, Minden, Ingntrla ROB Wo..t•NUT Street. r0312-ntwrat.* TIOARDIN6 -VACANT, SEVERAL FANDSONE Rooms, at y)y3l• 906 SPRIJOE STMT. 11 - Y BOAIiD, WITH FIRSTMIABIS D Dinners; at • No. OSA South WASEIMOTOIt Square. REMOVALS. TIIIIINING SPRING OIL CO. OP rzNNSYLVADIA.--The 011103 or tbie CoraPutt7 removed from Mo. 113 Chestnut street to the southwest eo . rner of MIRTH one I.o3stAtay streets. 3e3.6t Joint OLLDIN9> gueretarr OCK DRILL Id A.NUFA C URING A-. AND RIDING CO —The Office of this DOMDany 1a removed from No 113 Chestnut street, to the Ks:al:meat corner ot POIIRTH and _LIBRARY Streets, 1e& 6t JOHN GLADING, Secretary,. REMOVAL. WILLIAM TAE ALL Ras Namoved from No. 1020 to NO. 1232 Onsz , IfUT Street. S. B. corner of THINTSENTE Street. Where he invitee the atteation of housekeepers, and those COIXIMOnehug hottaakeePtut4 to Ma extensive u. eorticent of usqral E ROUS FUNDISIIING GOODS, Superior Refrigerators, Table Outlets , Family Hard* ware. Children ra Carriages. &e., Aga. ap24- Im. 1 PHILADELPHIA, 2_& ~4 11tIMANTOYirj11. AND ma., lilstrOWlt RAILROAD.V. TABLe„ On and after MONDAY. . 1. 114.9 0, 1866, until farther' ratite. 70F. GERMANTOWN, Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12 A. M., 1, 2.3: 10,3#, 4 6, LX. 6,7, S. 9, 10, i1,12P, M. Leave Germantown 8. 7.7 g, 8 8,20, 9, 10, 11,12 A.M.. 1. 2,8, 4. 4X. 6. 83f, 7. B. 9, 10, 11 P. M. 2ite 8.28 down train and 31f, 5X up tratim will not op on the Limner/town Neenah. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.10 min, A. M., 2. 9. 6, 8. /03( P. M. Leave Germantown 9 A. M.. 1. 4, 6.1.1” 9X P. N. (111218'rrittli.RILI. RAILROAD, Leave Philadelphia 6,8, 10, 12A. M, , 2, bX., 6#, 7,9; and 11 P. M. LeaVe Chestnut Hill 7.10 min 8, 9 49. 11,40 A. M.. L 40. 8.40, 6,40, 6.40, 8.40. and 10.40 min. P. M. oar atiNDAYS. Leave Ptiladeluilla 8,10 nun, A. 21 2,6, wad aP. I.eeve Chesinni 8111 7,69 mita A. 1. , 14 43, 0,10, Alld 9 UP. M. hOll CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. L.eave hiladelphia 6, S 86. 11,01 mla, A. N .lyr 8r 4. 1 a. 836. 8 4, Bts mtn• end 11.44 P. M. Leave aorrtstown 8%, 7, 7 60, 9, 11 A. M.,1! . 4. 4K, 654. and 8 P. K. The Al P. IL train will atop at Etchool Lana, Winn. blehex, Mausyunk, Spring Mills, and Conskohookert only. ON 91711DATEl, Leave Philadelphia 9A. M. 0,36 . and 434 P. M, Leave horrietown A. Al. 1 and 6P. FOR NANAVUSIK Leave Philadelphia 0, 8 35, 1103 min. A M., le% 3, 4,1 i, afiy. 014.. 0 tt, aed. 1334 P. 20 rtannyanir 8.2 0 , 034, 1139 A. M.. 2. a. 7. 834 le. 81. ON SONDAYS, Leese Philadelphia 9 A M., sg, 4,q, and P, AL Leave Man Lynn!: 73,1 A. AL 634, and 9 P, M. W b WILSON. General Superintendent. Depot, NINTH and ()RUN Streets. je.3-tf PT-a :3 FE: 9 •7 I WBBT OHEST SR AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL- ItuAll, La AISSIa. 6111351 ER ARRANGEMENT On and attar MONDAY, Jane 6th, 1605, the trains will Icare as iullov s : WFST GH2STER TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for West °heater at 7.36 ant 10.30 A.. E. and 2 SO, 49% and 646 SL, 10 355 ea ve M., Wee+ Cheater ors Phliadelphirt at 6 26, 7.46,and A. and and 4P. M. Trains leaving We'd Chester at 7 46 A. N and Loa , Ina Philadelphia at 4 96 P.M. not atop at ' Pennelton ar.4 will step bsinto A. C Junction at Media only. K. C JUNMON TRAINS LAAT6 Philadelphia 42 R. C. ttalinlo4 At 0 0 3 sad 10.3 Z P. St. Leave H. C. Juno:ion for Pltiladoinhia at 3. A, M. aud 7.11. P. On Tuesdays and Fridays only, ianffl farther nettle, a Mat act Train with Pate hanger Car attaehed, will Nave Vest ()Loehr for Philadelphia at 6.55 P. 61 slopping at all etations. nese trains dots at all Intermediate Off SUNDA:Ft:I. Leave Thiledelphia al 5. to £ M. and 2P. M. Mara West Chaster et I A. M. Mid G P. M. Trams halving Philadelphia e.t 7 35 A. M and 4,45 P. M.. and leaving West Chaster at 7.45 A. M and 4 451. eminent at D. O. Janmion with trains on P. 3t D. O. R. 'll. for Oxford and intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only ae ba[MOS., the Company will not in any case ba i/kpeneinle tor an Anionnt exceeding oee Ivaudled dot, lave. Hahnetpoulat cvntraat is made Mr tho ®h B. IIN:711.Y WOOD, Olen i Sup. Pirmanguern S. Minh /5 IBCS raver Red Kruk, silddietoWel, Righlands, and Post bnat, tbith, th 0 .499 to Now York Us , AtahtOk would steamer •• Jew Hoyt," Three& to IN the I t , tit . 7 4,3 home, Tare eitl, B.lenrsten tickets good for three" ' 165.11 'NORTH PENNSYL " ji_t A RAILROAD For ,s 7, MAUCH CHUNK BhTIILDHY.II.. DOT Lile1•011 8 ty.weIBLREB at c. • BAhlOBl, WILLIANsPORT, SOMME AKBAN • & TRlRD t illtrpe a t s . Pascerger Traine leave tho new Da, , . above Thompson street, daily (8tine , _....../" P follows: • At 7 so A N. (Barren!) for Bethlehem, Atrittier ••• Manch - Chunk, flulotot, Wllllatorpart,ft s ' . byre &c sty At 330 IP. M. (Express) for Bothlabora, Baston,Ato. At 6. 10 P. al. for listinehora, Allentown, Gimps,. Danville, Wilartmeoort yor Doylest mu. at sso A. Pl. 2. 90 and 15 P. X. Per 101 l Wallah/toe at 10 it ' fit AA/ rf Fcr Lansdale a , 6.1 e P. el, • ' White can of the Needed and Third.tdreets WWI tilts . Passenger Railway ran dly V) :he new Depot. TRAINS FOR PHIL ADBLPIII A. Leave Bethlehem at 6 30 A. M., 10.02 A. M , and 6.26 P. IL Leave lloylestewn at 6 40 A, it., 3,15 and 6F. m. Leave Laasdale at 6 A. N. ',say° Fort Washington at 10 60 A., 51,, and. 216 P. M. Ott BIM DAYS. - Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 0 A. N. Phi adelphla for 1 oylestow a at 8 P M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.2) A. X. Bethlehem fa Philadelchle at 4 30 P. Id Jed 351.1,18 &RH, Agent. EFF:m:R .7TA . CAMDEN AND AT , • LANTIO RAILROAD, —Three Tlitins dotty to Atlantic City, and one on sander. yrninc lease Tine-street Ferry as foiloWs: Nail nail!. 7,10 X. Fr.igitit, with PaBllBo ger Cuts attached, ...... DAD A. Al. Atlantic Accommodation 4.16 P, juzictlq Aecomminiatime - - • " i) - 8° P. Al. nfiTriFaKixa, LtAfikaxila 'a 20 A, IL Atlantic Accommodation Pre) gi t t , won Taiseager Cars attached 12 . 06 /14 Weil Train 5.6 Jul: ct ton Accommodation ... 6 tie A M. Fare to Atlantic $2. Erenision Tictrete, good Otani for the day and train on which they art leaned. $3, MTN DAY 31011. THAIN. Leaves Vlnt -street Ferry at 7. SO a. Al. heturning, Neves Atlantic et 3,46 P. Al. hair st IIADDt7NFIIILt I TRAINS LPIITe Dire-street Ferry et 10.1 a A. M. and 1 P. M. Leave Ileddoe 6.1 d et 11.46 A. At and 2.45 I', Al, IY. Id. --Freight Inuit be delicored at Cooper* Point before 6 P. N. to hasuro its going down the next day. rot 2-ittnif TOON 0 ORM:\ r, Agent. E t wr-1 PHILADELPHIA, WILAILNGTON, AND SALMI- Mu kb NAILNOAD. . i<o - 013 Or= TO ItionatOTlP, orTT rO/117. Airll zioOpoLK Tyelnn Mime Depot, corner a BROAD Wed "ad VrAbElli GTO 0 Prettne, at 1.14 P. a , ooranottus wits STRAMBED M Baltimore. hire te . RicnAlond .......... 4-1.• ••••• 1 . 0 . 0 .4-• . 6..4,11 75 Fere to Clsy.Prlni • • •••••••••••• •• 16 l'ikra to Norlolk. ..... ........,••• R. ••• F. ........ ,Salo 8.75 KENNET. ONO, A. RADAR:FR, Oen, Ttoke Anat. m 713 Au WILLIAM R. REGER, PATTERN and YODEL MAKER, No. 009 COMMIS Weft, above Sixth. mf9l•10t" BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND 170PRINCIPLET1 DzALns endeavoring to ATONw °Miele. own tuft Other DreparMtne, on the_v6epn. l & atained by g/bit13014013 dtEdiUIDIE EREPA" st s is B I v . • RR. ATORRD BY ITETAIROTAII'I4 EXTRAIIT Burial!, WAX/MILES h BROWITI GENTLEMEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers