the city. SPMtTIHO. OTJB NATIONAL GAME. un Saturday, at Fifteenth and Colombia avenue, took place tbe first of a series of fiome-and-fioma Ksmes, which are to be played this season, between Vhe Athletic and Camden Base Ball Clubs, result? lig in favor of the first-named olub by a score of 27 to 32. At least five thousand persons, male and fe male, were present, who testified tbelr'appreciation of every good play by hearty applause. The game was an exciting one tbronghout, bnt particularly so up to the film Inning. • The score at that time stood 7 toBinfavoroftheGamdens, and It wasge nerally admitted that the Athletics would have to do some Strang batting If they wls, i'* i ,^f'..'s? r [ r a 2 l J well did they lay themselves ftowni to titelr work. »T belore the side was put out In had scored ten runs, thus sjasggS^JLvss«brs goodup-hill game. This Is one of the Mssntlalthlugsln base ball, and to acqtllro It wave and confidence. Wilkins and Smith efrt rsebattlngscore on the part ol the Athletics, lod n H Knight on the part of the Camden. Fla tar and Keaoh played" the second-base with equal ability. The pitching and oatehlngof both olubs were admirable. We hear that the return game will take place at Camden on Satnrday next. No doubt tbe Camdess will do better on their own ground. It Is noteworthy that both nines played with the elegant demeanor of gentlemen,not a word of petulance escaping from the lips of anyone. It Is understood that the Keystone will challenge the Athletics to a trial of shill next week. Thoy have strengthened their nine considerably, and will put in a very formidable appearance. We give the score ol Saturday’s play. CAMDEN. Flayers. G-. H. Knight Westoott Evans Smith T. C. Knight... Berg an. F. E. Knight ATHLETIC, Foe. O. K. IB 4 8 2 B 4 4 EF 4 3 O 4 2 ............P 1 2 .......EF 4 1 O F 4 2 S S *1 6 .3 B 1 B Flayers. , Benkenstock Beach. X,nen gene Klelnleldcr Mcßride.... Ossklll Hayhurst Wilkins,, Smith. BUNS MAPS IB BACH INWIWGB. 1. 2 3. *. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. Athletic ..0 l 3 o 10 0 6 5 3-27 Oiinden ...•.•>■>s 200 2 1 0 0 « lm Umplw-Mr. K. B sioit, of Eagle Club N. Y. Scorers—E. W. Benson, for Athletic; E. Brown ing, for Camden. - lime—SM hours. liODOB OF THE SAB IT ARY COMMISSION. This establishment, located at the earner of Thir teenth and Christian streets, was opened for In mates on Saturday, 13th Inst. It is Intended to pro vide for the wants ot solders who find themselves in this city In what may be called Irregular olrcum- Btances —the walls and strays of the army who may need a few nighto’lodging andmeals. Experience naß shown that during vhe war a large number of sol dims, some discharged, some with expired furloughs, some disabled from wounds or sickness, and all desti tute, and without any legal olalms upon the Go vernment, either for rations or lodgings, are con stantly to ha found In the olty. Tucbo men have I>mh measurably oared for by tbe rcfreshmoDt Ba loons, but their number has Increased so much, and lor some time, owing to the dlsoandonmsnt of the armies, the need for this peculiar servloe Is likely to be so great, that the banlt&ry Commission has decided to adopt' the sys tem of looking after them here which has been pursued by It with so muoh advantage In other parts of the country. The Commission has maintained at points near our great armies during the war twenty-three such Lodges, and the relief to the soldier may be Inferred from the fact that it has in this way provided an average of more than two thousand nights loaginga to sol diers every night for the last two years. These me Vs of course, had no claim upon the Government for lodging, either because they were discharged men, or because their papers were In some way de fective With the breaking up of the armies the demand for such reliei must for a time be very great, and the Commission have thought that It their duty to see to it that our war-worn vete rans, on their way to their homes from their scenes of .suffering and of trouble, should not be foroed In tbis city to sleep In station-houses or depend upon ; public oharity lor their food. j The building is erected upon a lot kindly loaned i to the Commission for this purpose by Henry Hel ninth, Esq. It is a very plain, bnt commodious Structure, about 150 feet square. The central por tion of it is divided into suitable rooms for the offi cers, baggage-room, dining-room, and kitchen. On the leit is the wihg appropriated to the men. A. laiae room, containing 75 beds, occupies the princi pal ■portion of it. Connected with this is a reading room, bath-rooms, On the opposite side are accommodations for women, who come to this city In large numbers to visit their alok relatives in the military hospitals, and who are almoßt always In necessitous circumstances. The superintendent Is Colonel Clement Soest, who has been long and favorably known as the head of the Special Belief Department of the Commission In this city. GtTABDIAtfS OF THE POOB. The stated meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Poor was held yesterday afternoon, President frety In the chair. The steward reported the house receipts $35.18 Out-door ageat reported having ooUected for support eases..... 64d * 7 ® The house agent reported the following census ot thejhonse, &c., for the week ending Saturday* May 13, 1865 : Number in the house at 12 o’clock M.., Same time last year.... iDoreaae . *3O Admitted within the last two weeta In Births “ “ “ 9 Discharged “ " “ Number of persons granted lodgings within the last twoweefcs 54 Number granted meals..... 124 The house agent reported haring received 148 lbß. of forfeited butter. _ • Hr. Whitehall called the attention of the Board to‘the Ifioreaßing for brandy,-wine, and porter on account of Increase of cases of sickness requiring stimulants, the supply being nearly ex hausted ; he thought $5,000 would not be too much. The matter was referred to the Committee on Ac counts,' The Steward’s requisition was read and granted. The requisition of the superintendent of manu factures was also read and granted. Adjourned. THE FOBTY-EIUTH session OF THE PHILA DELPHIA AHHDAI, COKEERENCE OF THE A. M. E. CHUBCH.—SECOHD DAY. Monday Mousing, May 16 th. The Conference met per adjournment In the A. M. E. Union Church, Bishop Quinn In the ot ßri’igiouß services were conducted by Keys. John H. Henson and A. C. Crlppen. The Bishop then called for the reports of the com mittees, alter which pane 61 of the Discipline was taken up, and the brethren made their various brethren were offered for membership In the Conference. They were received and handed over to the committee. The members mostly made their full returns on the finance question before the hoof of adjour&StOOt* Business was despatched with great acouraey, and when the hour of adjournment arrived the appointments .were reed. Monday, May 16th, 4 P. M. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. Henry Davis. It waß a most eloquent discourse, and the speaker did justice to his subject* The missionary semen was announced to be preached on Tuesday, loth (to-day), at 3 P. M., In Bethel Church, by Rev. Joshua -woodlyn* A mis sionary collection will be taken up, and it Is desired that all who can will be in attendance. The Conference will assemble per adjournment at 9 o'clock this morning, In A. M. E, Union Church. “WEEKLY REPORT OF GOVERNMENT HOSPI- Tae following statement shows the condition of the Government hospitals in this department for the past week: ' i ii . , U« ! 1 U- .1 SOOTITAM. |lZj| M j I I I 5 %I g II 8 I j_2_ ii Citizens’ Volunteer ..j •• - 25 Filbert-street 6 7 246 •• .. 24 White Ball.-.-.... 7 .-I 46 .. .. 488 Chester....— 360 2- -1 *• •• 483 McC1e11an..........*.-.... 224 .. 42 .. 6 B*4 Officers' 4' .. ••! .. .. 18 South-street 12. .. 2£4, .. 145 Turner’s lane.-.- 6. .. iCS. .. .. 16 Haddington 4 .. 263- 1 •• 21 SaUerlee.*.. 537] .. 131 3 2*412 Summit House... 62] 1 3 . 1 366 York—.* -27 j .. 3 1 649 Chestnut Hill—- 816; 13 17 - 3 2,330 Islington lane.*.—...*.. 9, 2 s .. l 23 Broad and Cherry 9 2 207 1 2 22 Rittabarg. 6, 1 9 1 »• 2iB Germantown «l 2 492 8 2 9 Beverly, fl. J. 3j 210 15 1» 10 T0ta1....**.. a;3li S 0 1978 1 261-' 29. 8,213 DEATHS OS' SOLD] The following deaths of soldi ported during the pest week: McClellan Hospital—M. L. Cressenger, Co. H, 16th Wisconsin. _, _ _ Broad and Cherry—Jacob Oashman, Co. O, xotul Pa. Yol. Chester Hospital—J, JohnsonrUO.l,l7th Yt. Yorir Hospital—Andrew C. Wolf] Co. A, 107th Pa. Yol. Chestnut Hill—Adam Beekell, Co. O, Slat N. Y. Cav.; I. Kelly, 9th K. Y. H. Art.; Jobs Johnson, Co. B, 24 Pa. H. Art. Sattertee Hospital—John B. Mager, Co. K, 81Bt Pa. Yol. ’ Islington Base Hospital—Edw. Toppings, Co. D, 147th N. Y. Yol. A PRIZE FIOHT. Conslderahle excitement prevails among the roughs and sporting men of onr olty as to the result of a prize fight which Is to take place to-day In this State, near the borders oi New Jersey. The fight is to be between Dnnn and Davis, for $4,000. Dunn comes from Brooklyn, where he la said to be strong ly baoked. Davis belongs to this olty, and la backed by the leading pugilists of New York. He has been undergoing a thorough training, and Is said to he In excellent fighting condition. Dnnn has. of late, been training at the Bed House, on Third Avenue, New York, sud is reported to have made muoh pro grtis in the solence of the ring. LIEUT. JOHN E. NOBCEOSB. Lieutenant John E. 1* ororoßß, 25th Eeglnent U. s. O. T„ acting assistant adjutant general upon Major General Ganby’s staff, arrived in this olty on Sunday from Fort Bairanoas, near Pensacola, Flori da. Lieut. Norcross was attached to the press of this olty. He was drafted, and reluslng exemption, went Into the eervloe a private. For good conduct and falthfnl servloe he has been promoted to his present position. SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. The annual sermon before the American Sunday- Sohool Union was delivered, on Sunday evening, m the Aich-Btreet Presbyterian Ctraroh, by Eev. Dr. "Wilson, of Allegheny Olty. . In the coarse Of his re marks he stated that there were 000,000 children In the State of Pennsylvania who did not attend Sun day School, that being 200,000 more than the num ber who do attend. FIRE IN CAMDEN. Last evening, about- nine o'clock, tbe large barn end hay-press, belonging to Isaac Hatehron the point or Cooper s Creek and the Delaware river, took fire ana was, with its contents, completely destroyed. We are Informed that there was a large quantity of hay, pressed and otherwise, on hand, Sir. Hatch having both largely Interested In sup plying the Government with hay. DOUBLEDAY COUBT Martial. ThU ooart met yesterday at. the usual hour. All thu members present. Edward C. Wiseman, who was under examination at th* adjournment of the court on Saturday, was recalled, but no further evi. donee of Importance was elicited. Augustus B- Dermont testified that he was en gigedattbpArsenal about eighteen months ago, wmarker and weJgb-mwter. JOn opf* 1 ®* I ?SJ J®®! drea or on© hundred and fifty cases of tents thtv were found to Have been a*m»s«d “F rata. Ad jonrned. Yesterday afternoon Wm. Henry Baldwin, four teen years old, had his hand badly crushed at Rlt>. ka's Dill- Two of his fingers were amputated. He was takes to his residence. At a meeting of the Harmony Fire Company, held lest evening, an appropriation of two hundred dollars was made towards the fund for the monu ment to onr late President Abraham Lincoln. The opening game of the Minerva Base Ball Clnb will be played this afternoon on the handsome ground at Flfteeenth street and Columbia ayenne. To commence at three o’clock. The ladles are In vited. Senor Fernando do la Cuesta, for many yftftTS consul of the Mexican Government at this port, died on {Sunday morning, at his residence at Eighteenth and Fine streets. He was well-known and much respected here. Purity Lodge,'Mo. 325, 1. O. F., yesterday sent Mayor Henry twenty-five dollars as their contri bution toward the Lincoln Monument Fund. SERENADE TO THE UNION LEAGUE, The fine military band stationed at Camp Oad waladerwill serenade the members of the Union League, at their new house, this evening, at ten o’olock. The pnplis of the Curtin Primary School, Twen tieth and Catharine streets, yesterday morning raised a large and beautiful fiag , Patriotic Song 9 were sung by the pnplis on the occasion, Yesterday Ohlef Buggies directed the police to notify citizens that the ordinance which prohibits the washing of pavements between the hours of 7 A. M. and 7 P. M. will be strictly enforced. Fob. b 0. B. ,2B 3 2 .EF 3 2 ,R F 2 8 .IB 4 0 ,P 3 1 .OF 2 1 .3 6 4 1 .SS 4 1 .0 2 1 FAIRMOUNT PARK. . In addition to the Improvements already noticed in The Frets, there is being put up a wire enclosure and house lor deer. Supreme Court, Sitting nt Harrisburg, During the past week, at Harrisburg, tha Supreme Court have deeided a number of oases from, the Eastern District, argued at Philadelphia at the last term, as follows: By Woodward, o. J.—Allen and wife vs. Hen. derson. Certificate from Nisi Prlus. Judgment affirmed. Flrmston & Rockwell, garnishees, vs. Mack. Em tot to Common Pieas, Northumberland county. Judgment reversed, and judgment entered lor the garnishees, defendants below, for costs. Sltgroaves vs. The Farmers' and Mechanics’ Bank, Easton, O. P, Northumberland county. Judgment reversed and a venire faeias de nevo awarded. Peter Strauss, appeal, 0. P„ Lehigh county. De cree of distribution made in the oonrt below reversed and ordered that the fund In court be paid to tbe administrator of Henry Stranss for the use of Ms heirs, and the balance to Peter Strauss upon the mortgage of John Stranss to Mm, and that the ap pellees pay the aost. Catharine Gursbeimer vs. Schnitzel A Schmidt (SoMok’s Appeal), D- 0., Philadelphia. The audi tor’s report, and all subsequent proceedings are set aside, and the record is remanded with a prooe dendo. Converse vs. Colton. Common Fleas of Tioga county. Judgment reversed and a venire facias de novo awarded. Woodward vs. Campbell Sc. Pharo (Schick’s Ap peal). Distrlet Court of Philadelphia. Decree affirmed, so far as It relates to the elalm of Allen B Pharo, surviving partner of Campbell & Pharo, with costs ; but It is reversed In so tar as It relates to the claims of James Vanderbilt and Charles Ot ttnger, and the record Is remanded for further pro ceedings. Crawford vs. Bitter. Crawford county. Judg ment affirmed. By Thompson, J.—Hall vs. Van Ness. Tioga county. Judgment reversed, and a venire de novo awarded. Tucker et al. vs. Reed. Carbon oonnty. Judg ment affirmed. Youngling A Wolf vs. Both A Gormley. Nisi Prlßj, Decree affirmed. By Peed, J.—Perry vs. Lowber. Nisi Prlus. De cree affirmed. Heckman vs. Massinger. Northumberland coun ty. Judgment affirmed. Horner vs. Hower. Northumberland county. Judgment affirmed. McKean vs. The Delaware Division Canal Com pany. Northumberland oounty. Judgment af firmed. Allentown Bank vs. Beck. Northampton county. Judgment affirmed. Opdyke's Appeal. Northampton oonnty. Decree Of the Orphans’ Court reversed, and the distribution ordered to be made in accordance with tMs opinion. Knauss vs. McKee, (Knauss* appeal). In this ease the court deoides that the Uan of a judgment entered in one county,but subsequently, transferred to and entered in another oounty, runs Its full peri od, under the aot of 1827, of five years from the en try of the transorlpts in the oourt.of such county. Judgment affirmed. Woodward, O. J., and Strong, J., dissented. City of PMladelpMa vs. Daniel Miller. Sohuyl. kill county. Judgment reversed, and a venire de novo awarded. Tbe legal tender oases, a number of which were argned and submitted to the court, have not been decided. Bishop, Simon, a Co., vs. The Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance Company, defendants, and E. C. Knight Sc Co., garnishees. An attachment exe cution. Verdict for plaintiff, #604.03. Henry Safford, assignee oi H. W. Safford, vb. George Lechler. A sa. fa. on a mottgage. No de fence. Verdict for plaintiff, $536. John Murpblns vs. William B, Hansoaet »i., exe cutors of Hannah Atm Hanson, owner or reputed owner, and William B. Hanson, contractor. An ac tion on a mechanic’s lien to recover for work and labor done and material furnished in partially tear ing down, rebuilding, and adding a story to thehonse northeast corner Eighteenth and Spruce streets. After this work was done, John Edgar Thompson became the owner of the property, and deferred this sMt as terre tenant. Verdlot for plaintiff, $1,191.75. ..3,641 .... .....3,811 Campbell & Pharo vs. o. S. Clsfflin. An action to recover on an accepted order drawn by one Havi land upon the defendant, conditioned to be paid upon the completion of certain work upon a band ing. The defence Is that the work was not done, and the condition bating therefore failed, defend ant was not liable for the amount. Verdlot for plaintiff, $136.26, Common Pleas—Judge Allison. The miscellaneous argument list occupied the ses sion. Court or Quarter Sessions—Hon. James B. Ludlow, Associate Justice. [Wm. B. Mans. Esq., Prosecution Attorney. 1 THB COHBfIBAOV cash. The conspiracy case occupied the attention of the eourt up to one o'dook, when the bill of indictment was handed to the jury, who retired, and at 1.45 came Into court with a verdlot of not guilty as to Conrad and Keller, the oases against the others having been abandoned. PBBSBHTMEST OF THE GRAND INQUEST. The Grand Inquest made thelrpresentmont to the court. They have acted on 493 bills, of which 175 were Ignored, and 21s returned ag true bills. many of the bills are of a trivial oharaoter, and the Grand Inqnost state that the fault clearly lies with the committing magistrates, who, In many In stances, advise prosecutions, and then fall to inflict upon the defendants the full measure of justice Which they have the power to enforce. Evidence be fore the Grand Inquest Indicates that many cases of a higher grade of offence are settled by magis trates, that should be returned to court. P much of the litigation brought before them has its origin directly and Indirectly In the taverns, po licy offices, Ehows, petty -theatres, gambling, and other drinking houses scattered throughout the city, and they are unable to conceive what use these places are sure to foster evil passions: exalte belligerent propens.ties; prepare Inmates for our prisons and almshouse, and subject the county to much heavy and unnecessary expense. Without doubt, a large deorease In the number of grog shops would tend materially to promote a higher order of morals, and greater security of the peace and order of the olty. They recommend greater care In granting licenses, as hundreds of the taverns are In the hands of Igno rant, unprincipled, and depraved men, and are con nected with haunts and schools of vice and degra dation. The Grand Inquest recommend the removal or the Almshouse a few miles from the city, as some of the departments are much crowded, particularly the Insane, the occupants being deprived of the out door exercise, and other sanitary measures neoes- Bsry to their health. They call the attention of the Inspectors of the County Frlson to the evil of placing Children in the same cells with men hardened In crime, and recom mend the establishment of a House 01 Correction. Annie Bell, colored, for stealing a shawl off a woman’s back In the street, was sentenced to one year. Mary Blossom colored, for stealing some clothing from a room while the occupants were out, waß sen tenoed to seven months. David Porter, Ann Porter, |bls wire, and John Borden, were arralgnefl-yesterday morning, charged with attempting to kill Andrew Conner, who re sides In the vicinity of Braddock and Ann streets, Nineteenth ward. It seems that a danoe was going on In Porter’s house, and Conner, who lives next door, went In. Tbe party were under the malign Influence or alcoholic inebriation, and they assailed Conner and rnn him Into the yard. Here he re ceived a tremendous blow on the head, which may possibly eauße his death. The prisoners were com mitted to await the result of the injuries Inflicted. lers have been re- Samuel Baphael was fined yesterday for gunning on Sunday, In the Twenty-fourth ward. Certainly this Is not the season to shoot birds. They are now building their nests, or hatching their young. SUSPICIOUS MAN. An Individual was arraigned yesterday on the charge of attempting to rob a man on chestnut street, near Second, at about two o’clock In the morning. The movement was observed by a private watchman who informed a policeman of the circum stance. This led to the arrest of the defendant. The watchman appeared at the hearing, but the intended vlollm was absent. The prisoner was oommltted in default ol $6OO ball to answer. Edward Pendleton, olios Dutch Long, and Leo nard Duford, alias Shoey Penrose, were arraigned, yesterday morning, lor a hearing on a charge of feloniously entering the store and dwelling of Mr. J. B. Green, on Spring Garden street, near Eighth. It Is alleged they entered the house through a side window,Lut Mr. Green, hearing the noise, prepared to mute them fit subjects for the coroner. The fel lows fled, but In attempting to esoape rushed Into the arms of a oouple of police officers. The prisoners Were committed. Three men were arraigned yesterday on the oharge of keeping a gambling-house on South Ninth street. The complainant, named Alfred Kelly, stated that he entered the house, and lost $9O by the chances ot the game Two of the defendants were discharged, and the other was held to ball to answer. BOGUS FIFTY- DOLLAB UNITED STATES NOTE. David Peltz wes arraigned yesterday, on the oharge of passing a counterfeit $5O United stateß treasury note on DanlCl Grafley.the keeper of a feed-Btore on Callowhlll street. It Is alleged the defendant purchased $45 worth of phosphate of lime, and tendered the note In payment. It was thought to be a counterfeit by the seller, but defendant said it was good, and if It was a counterfeit he was re. sponsible, and would redeem Ifc. Its worthless cha racter was ascertained, and Peltz was requested to tab© it back. He refused to do so, and said that he never passed It, He was bound over in the sum of $5OO to answer. A nan named, or rather calling himself, John Humph, was arraigned on the charge of picking a sleeping man’s pocket, at a tavern up town, on Sun* accident. THE LINCOLN MONUMENT. OUR NATIONAL GAME. DEATH OF A Mexican consul. THE LINCOLN MONUMENT FUND. FLAG BAKING. WASHING PAVEMENTS. THE ' COURTS. District Court— Judge Bare. District Court—Jndge Stroud DBPEAVED COLOBBD FOLKS* THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Cloud.} MURDEROUS AFFRAY. [Before Hr. Alderman ATen. ] BUNDAY GUNNING. [Before Mr. Alderman Planktnton. ] ALLEGED BURGLARB. [Before Mr. Alderman Welding. 3 WANTED BIS MONEY BACK. [Before Hr. Alderman Sboemtker.l ALLEGED POCKET PICKING. day night, and yesterday committed to answer at oonrt. CBofort Mr. Alderman Vann.! TILL TAPPER. A lad, named James McFadden, was arraigned yesterday on ihe oharge of robbing the money drawer of a store on Market street above Eighth. The sum of <5 was taken. The accused was com mitted. It seems two boys went into the store, and while one of them engaged the attention of the pro- S rioter the other removed the oontents bf tbe rawer. [Before Mr. Alderman Allen. 1 STABBING CASE. Thomas Williams was arraigned yesterday on the charge or stabbing a companion. The two men oommenoed quarrelling on Sundav near the Grey’s Ferry bridge, which ended in Williams ustog a shoemaker’s knife. The wound was not considered dangerous. Williams was committed. WASHING,PAVEMENTS. The law preventing the washing of pavements between 7 o’clock A. M. and 7 o’olook P. M. will be rigidly enforced at once. In Some parts of the otty residents who promptly pay water rents cannot ob. tain water after seven or eight o’olook, In conse quence of so much being used for wasMng pave ments. LETTER BAGS, AT THB MEBCHANTB’ EXCHANGE, PHIL ADBLPHIA. Bark Boanoke, Cooksey,Lagnayra & P Oabello, soon Bark August, Humbold.... Bio Janeiro, soon Brig Ella Beed, Tuzo Havana, soon Brig Agnes, Anderson Martinique, soon Brig Emma, Foulke Port Spain, soon PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Buna. Marshall, ) Jab. E. Campbell, J Committbb of thb Mohth, Jamks 0. Hand, ) MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, HAT 10. Sbn EisbM.62 1 Sow Shtb. .7.8 | High Watbb. .6.45 ARRIVED. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, 45 hours from Bos ton, with mdse and passengers to Henry Wlasor A Co. Off the Oapeß of the Delaware saw a ship oomlngln. Bark Florence Chlpman (Br), Jones, 49 days from Liverpool, with mdse to John B Penrose. Bark Pennsylvania (Ital), Gnerello, 60 days from Genoa, with marble, rags. See., to V A Sartorl. Bark Mary Sc Louisa, FalroMld, 2 days from City Point, In ballast to J E Bazley & 00. Bark Marla Henry, Prince, 4 days Rom Morehead City, in ballast to Carols A Knight. Bark Andaman, Otis, 8 days from Fortress Mon roe, in ballast to p Wright A Sons. Brig Maine (Br ), Jarvis, 7 days fromSagna, with sngar to S Sc W Welsh. Schr Annie Laurie '(Br ), Slocum, la days from Cornwallis. N S, with potatoes to 0 0 Van Horn. Sohr C a' Stetson, Stevens, 4 days from Provinoe town, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot- Schr L D Wentworth, Dean, 6 days from Lnbeo, with lumber to oaptain. „ Sohr Rescue, Kelly, 7 days from Portland, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. Schr T Wilder, Darah, 4 days from Port Royal, In ballast to U S Quartermaster. Schr Gen J -Van Vlelt, Dill, 4 daysfrotU New York, with Balt to A Kerr A Brother. Sohr A Hammond, Paine, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to captain. Sohr Maria Foss, Foss, 6 days from Boston, la ballast to captain. Schr Sami Croft, Cooling, 2 days from Chesa peake City, Md, with grain to Christian A Co. Schr John Whitby, Henderson, 1 day from Odessa, Deldwlth grain toUhrlstlan A Co. Sohr Banner, Furman, 2 days from Indian River, Del, with corn to James Barratt. Sohr Sarah Warren, PoetleSß, 1 day from Camden, Del, with com to Jas Barratt. Sohr Ceres, Wellington, 1 day from Newport, Del, with fiour to R M Lea. Steamer Claymont, Vance, 36 hours from Wash ington, to Thos Clyde. Steamer Philadelphia, Fultz, 36 hours from Wash ington, with mdse to Wm P Clyde A Co. Steamer Rebecca Barton, Sohelllnzer, 24 hours from Fort Monroe, in ballastto U S Quartermaster. Steamer Millville, Benear, 1 day from New York,. With mdse to Whltall, Tatum, A Co. Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 hours lrom New York, with mdse to W P Clyde A 00. Steamer Ann Eliza, Rickards, 36 hours Rem Washington, with mdse to W P Clyde A Co. steamer D Utley, Davis, 24 hours Rom New York, with mdse to wm M Baird A Co. CLEARED. Bark Auguste (Ham), Hoyer, Bio de Janeiro. Brig Alice Lee, Herlrg, Kemedlos. Brig Altavela, Beed, Boston, Sohr Mary Tice, Tice, City Point. Sohr Henry Perkins, Mayo, Boston, Sohr Smith Tattle, Rich, Gloucester. Schr Mary, Turner, Richmond. Schr A M Aldridge, Fisher, Salem. Sohr Jas O’Donohue, Gllkey, Portland. Sohr Mary Stewart, State, Newport. Sohr H W Benedict, Case, Lynn. Schr Marietta Hand, Brooks, Bristol, B. I. Schr Morning Star, Lynch, Georgetown, D. C. Sohr Mary Anna, Dunlap, Washington. Sohr Only Daughter, Matthews, Alexandria. Sohr Brunette, Johnson, Washington. St’r Ann Eliza, Richards, Washington. St’r ABda, Lenny, New York. St’r Hawthorn, Allen, New York. St’r R Willing, Cundlfr, Baltimore. MEMORANDA. Steamship City of Boston (Br), Kennedy, from Liverpool 3d Inst., at New York Sunday—B23 pas sengers. 7th Inst., lat. 49. lon. 27.56, saw steamship Germania, from New York for Hamburg. Steamship Saxonla (Bam), Meier, from Hamburg 3d Inst., at New York Sunday, has 681 passengers. Ship Kearsarge, Balch, from Boston for Mel bourne, was spoken Ist. ult., lat. 22 N, lon. 2216 W. Ship Caravan, Turner, Rom Oalontta for Liver pool, was spoken 10th March, lat. 2 N, ion. 6 W, PROPOSALS. OFFICE depot commissary of V SDBBI&TEHOS. ' _ Washington, D. G , May 13, 1665. PROPOSALS FOB FLOUR. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited until May 18th, 1665, 12 Q’clook M $ for furnlshtu* the Bob distance De paitmext with _ EIGHT THOUSAND (8,000) BARRELS OF FLOUR. The proposals will be for what is known at this De pot as Hos. I, 2, and S and bids will be entertained for any Quantity less than tbe whole. Bids moat be In duplicate, and for each grade on sepa rate sheets of paper. The delivery of the Flour to commence within five days from the opening of th* bids, and most be deli* vered In such quantities, dally, at the Government may direct, either at the Government warehouse in Georgetown, at the wharves or railroad depot in VFash* barton. DC. „ The delivery of All Flour awarded to be completed within twenty daya from tbe acceptance of the bid. Bids will be received for Fiour to be delivered in new oak barrels, head lined. Payment will be madefn such funds as tha Govern ment may have for disbursement. • , _., . The usual Government Inspection will be made just before the Flour is received, and none will be aocepted which is not fresh ground, and of a superior quality. An oath of allegiance must accompany the bid of each bidder who hab not the oath on Ale in this office, and no bid will be entertained from parties who have pre viously failed to comply with their bids, or from Did ders not present to re* pood. l . . . _ Government xe&ervea the right to reject any bid for any cause * Bids to b. addressed to the undersigned, at No. 223 G Street, endorsed •• Proposals lor Flour J Bgn)a]sg my 16-St Oaptain C. B. V. COAL. CO AL,—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Sprint Mountain Lehigh Goal, and beat Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill, prtpared ex pressly for family use. Depot, N W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office,No. tt» South SECOND Street. CapStfl J. WALTON A GO. MEDICAL ELECTRICAL OFFICES. No. 154 North ELEVENTH, below RACE Street; also, CHESTNUT and FORTIETH Street, West Phi* l&deiphia. DR. THOMAS ALLEN having been very susses*" fui in the cure o( Disease* by this new method, i would inform Us friends and the Public ttaths is > still benefiting and raring many whom medicine i did not affeot, and considered lueurabie. i We will mention a few of the Diseases in the sure i of whieh this treatment Beldom if ever fails: Rheumatism, Felons, Kidney Diseases, i neuralgia, Gangrene, Liver " i Paralysis, Ulcers, Genital • ’Cramps, Boils, Spinal' ' 1 Dyspepsia. Abscess, Throat i Fever A Ague, Eruptions, Prolapsus, : Asthma, Inflammations, Noe Emissions, 1 Congestion, Hemorrhage, Diabetes, os. >e tre&ted at theli number of testlmo m patients in tbii flee hours 9 A. M. DE. T Patients will b< i desired, a large n • at the Offices froi tions gratis. Offi . city. ap!9-8m WLECTROPATHIG ESTABLISH MRNT.-DR. A. H. BTSVMIB.on. of the FINSB BIBCOVBBBBS of a new system of trgattngdleeae# bj MODIFIED ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONS, and Wit has been so very snceeisfal at PEN* SQUABS for tbi lasi threeyeare. has removed his Oflies andßsfidsae. to 1638 VINE Street, one door below Seventeenth.. All versons desiring, or an, partieulari With regard to his special mode of treatment, will visas, sell or send for a pamphlet Ooc.nlte.lion or advise gratttlioua. Hhfl-tf WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIL II LBB. —A new FrenehCosmetlefor beautifying and ,reserving the complexion. It is the most wonderful tompouud of the ago. Thera is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth,nor tale in its composition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax ; hence the ex traoidinary qualities for preserving the skin, making U 10ft, smooth, fair, and transparent- It makes the old sppear young, the homely handsome, the handsome more beautiful, and the most beautiful divine. Prices 10and 60cents. Prepared only by HUNT A GO., Per fumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Cheitnui, and 133 South SEVENTH Street, above WAinat apfl-gm HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS -CL AND SODPB. „ 4 1,000 doz. Bau»ge flleat. 500 “ Boast Beef. 500 " do Veal. fiOO " do Mutton. 1,000 “ do Turkey. 1,000 “ de Chicken. 3.000 ’’ assorted Soupe, InL 2. 2)<lb. .Mis, Foreale by KBOOES & WILLIAMS, fo«-tf 107 South WATBB Street, H. JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia.) attorney at law. FRANKLIN, VBHANOO COUNTY, PINNA gpeeial attention siren to the examination of Titles. Pun.ADBt.PHIA BSPBRWOM :-HDha». 1. Den, Uw., Hon. J. ROSS Snowden, James IL LitUe.Esa.jTe T Tasker. Sr.* Hood, Bonoright, * Go., J. Z. DeHavra President 7th National Bank. mhll-3m* RAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY O AT LAW AND CONVEY ANGER, FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PINNA, date of Philadelphia.) REFERS TO Charles I. Lex, Esq, i 14W.0. Biddle A Go. I. G. Knight 4 Go., Dr. R. S. Haskensig, James H. Little, lit. • I W. H* leaton 4 Go. mhß-Sm OAMUEL L. TAYLOR, O Ho. 4Q3 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, attoknby at law and COMMIBBIOMBB FOB ALL THE STATUS, Bxeept Connecticut, New York, Nevada. Oregon. and Texaa. feM-frtnly* TOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, tl COUNSILLOB AT LAW. AND SOLICITOB O* CLAIMS. OMe#. Ml F Street, sear Fourteenth street, Washington, P. C. ; do«-g» fXELMBOLD’B FLUID EXTRACT D. BCOHD Is yleaeantln taeteand odor, free brow ,11 Inlnrhw, ereaerttse. Ml Its ecilon. nHILDRBN’B CARRIAGES. EN- O TIBILY NBW STYLES FOB THH SPRING TRADE.—A Superior lot inet received, and for sale by 1 ZULU A. m. oupenur HOWB, BOSTON, flt GO., mhlfl-tf 157 and 150 North THIBD Street. g H. SLEEPER A CO.. lOS HONOR STREET, Vf a WTTFAfITURKBS. AGENTS, AND WHOLE SALE DEALEBS IN FLIRT AND GREER CL ASS W ABE, Save now In atote , fall aeeortzunt ef the above geode. Thick we offer at the lowest market rate*. Seine sol, .gent, for th* BALBM SBNNN SLABS WORKS, w, are vrevared to make and work private nonlde to order. PORTER. MINIBAL. and WINN BOTTLES. Of • superior color and nnlah. Also, LAMP CHIMNEYS, APOTHECARIES’ SHOT HJBNITUBI, SHOW- DOTTLES, BYBINOBB. HOMS IPATHIC viALß.and DnggUte’ Oluiwere generally T. A. BVANB A CO.’S PITTSBURG CLASS VIAB ■onstantly en hand at thetory Prises. tel9-s«e THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY IS, 1865.' rs THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITT AJ> O_CODKTr_pP_PHILiDJBLPBI*. Erfata'of ROBERT* WrtSOif,”dßoa»-.»ti. fljie Auditor appointed liy the Court to audit, nettle, ana adjust the duel account of The Pennsylvania Com pan? for Insurance on Lions and QranGnc Aatnritlee, hxecutor under the wUI of BOBgB r WH.3OS. daff’d, and to report distribution of the balance in the hauls of the accountant, will meet the parties interested 'or the pnrpoMs of his appointment, on WBDBBBOAT. Bar IT. IBM, at 4 o’click P. M . at hts Office. No 433 WAL NUT St , In the oitrof Philadelphia royß-atnihfit JOBN B. COL AH AN. Auditor. rs THE ORPHANB’ GOURT FOR THE CITY ABB CCnSTT OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JIMS 0. WOOD. dec’tt. TOe Anditor appointed by the Coart to eadit. settle, ejd admit theacoount of ALAN WOOD, W. DEWBBS WOOD.ahd LAMA GK WOOD. fiXlktoJif toi lit will of James D. Wood, dee d • and to make distribu tion of the balance In the hand. of the accountants, will mMt thepaitias Interested 'or the prroosee of hte ap pointment, on MOSDAY, Mey 15th. IBM. at 4 o'clock, 5 » »at Ho. 138 8. Blxth Street, In the eitr of Vhlia- H.B. WALL AOS. my o atnthot Auditor. rJT THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITI AHD COMTT gF PHI r.AMtPHt L _ Estate of fcUSA, BAROEOPT, dec' The Auditor appointed br tb* Coart to andlt, ecttle, and adjust the account of HESRy C. THOMPSON. Er ecutoi of th« will of Susan Barcroft, dot’d , and to re port distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countant. will meet the parties Interested tor the pur poses of his appointment, on TUESDAY. May 18th, 186& atdo’olock, P. M.» at No 128 8. Bixth Streetjta the city of Philadelphia. H, R. WALL 4GB, - «gy 8-stnthBt ' Auditor. rsr THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOB THB Clfl AND COUNTI OF PfIILADSL PHI A Estate of HANNAH WRIGHT, a lunatic. The Auditor appointed by the <lourt to audit, settle, and. ac just the first account of NB3BMIAH SLEEPER, Committee of HANNAH WRIGHT, a lauatie v aud to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the pur poses of his appointment, on MONDAY, May 2M. 1865. at 4 o’clock P. M , at his offiot, No. 432 WALNUT Street, In tht city of Philadelphia JOHN B. COLIHAN, my9tnthsBt Auditor. Ff THB ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of ZBBADIAH LOTHROPP. deceased. ‘ The auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of B H. LS6, EDMUND D. RANDOLPH, and HENRY VaBUXBN, executors of the last will and testament of said deceased, and to re port dlstri button of the balance in the haude of the ac countant, will meet the parties interested for the pur poses of hie appointment, ' ON MONDAY AFTERNOON. May 22.1865, _ at 4 o’cloO. at the Office of J.COOKI LONGdTBETH, E*q., No 125 South SEVENTH Btreet, in the city of Philadelphia. CHABLBB M. WAGNER, m>9-tuth» 61* Auditor. rsr THE OBPHANB’ COURT FOR THE CITY ABD OgOBTY_OF_PHILA»BtiPHIA. Estate of JACOB BEBTZ, Deceased, The And Hot appointed by the Court to audit, nettle, and adjust the account of the Pennsytf&uta Company for Insurance on Lives as* Granting Annuities, True* t'es for Eliza Geib, under the will of JaCOB «EBTZ, deceased, aud to report distribution of the balance is the hands of the accountant* will meet the parties in terested for the purposes of his appointment, on ftlOff- BAT, Bar 23d. A. |D. V 1f65, at 13 o’cloek M. at the Office Of Aeoountantoj So ’ 304 walnut street, in the city nytWhstiiOt P[ THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE cm avj> county of Philadelphia. : Eitate of ALBBH H. LEWIS. deceased- ~ The Auditor applaud by tee Coart jo audit, settle, and adjOßt-tbe account of JOHN tf CBAIG and JESBE LEWIS. Administrators of the Batata of ALBSBT H. LEWIS, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the bands of the aecouataot, will meet the parties Interested for the purposes of bis appointment on THUBBDAY, Bay 25th, 1866, at 11 o'clock A. If , at bis office, No. 131 South FIFTH Street, in the city of PM* ladelphta. GEO. M. CONARBOB, nay 11 tbstnSt Auditor. TESTATE OF WM. T. GARRETT— AJ Letters of Administration to tbit Eetate having been granted to HANNAH P. GARRETT, all persons indebted to, and those having claims upon, the same Will pay WmT # ITI6 FILBERT Street, Or her Attorney, WJtt. W. JUYENAL, myS-tnOt* LIBRARY Street. XfOTICB IB HEREBY GIVEN. THAT ■Lx application has been made to the Tra»ieesof thi Fire association of Philadelphia for the renewal of policy of insnranee No. 26,699 for $l,OOO. Issued July 7. 1867, in the name of James Da&ry, which has beei lost or mislaid. Any information thereof will be **• ceWsdby JOHN MoOOBKJ3R, ap26 tuthslm* TWENTY- FOURTH and PEARL. TTNTTED STATES, EASTERN BIS t TBIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA-Sot. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. TO THE marshal of the bastebn district of PENNSYLVANIA.— Gebbtinq: •' a , WHEEBAB, The Dlstiiet Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a libel, filed in the name or the United States of America, hath decreed ail persons la general who have, or pretend to have any right, title, or interest in the steamer .amazon, whereof 1 " 'Dll ion iain&Bter, her ta«kle, apparel, asd fariitnre, and the cargo of the said steamer, captured in the Savannah Rher. elate of Georgia, by the United States steamer Pontiie, neder command of Lieut. Commander Samuel P. Luce, to be monished, cited, and called to jndg« : inent, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed (justice so requiring). You are there fore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that rou omit not,but that by publishing three presents in at east two of the daily newspapers printed and published n the city of Philadelphia, aud in the Legal Intelli « ff&neer, you do monish and cite, or cause to bemonished ind cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have any right, title, or interest in the said steamer Amazon and cargo, to eopear before the Honorable JOSH C ad WAT, ad Ek, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the city of Phila delphia, on. the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day. or else on the next court day following, between iheusuaihours of hearing cauees, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and. lawful excuse, If any they have, why the said steamer Amazon and cargo thonld not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture or the same, to the enemies of the United Ntates, and as goods of' their enemies or otherwise, liable and snojeot to condemnation, to . urfged and 'condemned as good and lawful prizes*%nd artier to do and receive in this behalf as to jaßtlce shall appertain.. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be Intimated, unto un persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of theMpreseuts itis also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above-. mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary* then said District Court doth Intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said steamer Ama zon and cargo did belong, at the time of the captureof the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, ftnd as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation aud condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather .contumacy of the person* so cited and intimated in any wise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do In the premises, together with these presents. 1 Witness -he Honorable JOHN CAD WALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, .this eleventh day of Hay, A. D , 1866, and in the eighty-ninth year of the independence of the said United statg. myl6 8t Clerk of the District Court. CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP k? an order of Sale in Partition, to me directed* will be sold at Merchant,’Rrchraie. in the cltj of Philadel phia, on TUEBDAY Hu 80, 186 S, at 1* M., Uo L All that four-story iron front messuage and lot of ground, aitii&te on tbe nonhweit corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, in the city of Philadelphia; eon* taining in front on Chestnut street 16 feet, and In depth 34 feet 8 Inches. Subject to a yearly rent charge of $6O silver dollars. 80. 2 All that certain messuage and lot of ground* situate on the north side of Chestnut street. Bo 405, be tween Fourth and Fifth streets* In the city of Philadel phia; containing lu front on Chestnut street 10 feet 6 inches or thereabouts, and in depth 63 fast to a four-feet alley, with privilege thereof 80. 3. All that brick messuage and lot of ground, si tuate on the south side of Lombard street 80. 436.100 feet east of Fifth street, in the City of Philadelphia; containing la front on lomb>rd street 20 feet, and in depth 78 feet Subject to ayearly.ground rent of forty dollars. So 4. All that brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the northeast sorner of Seventh and Pine streets, in the city of Fhlladelonia; containing in front on Seventh street 20 feet 1)i inches* and In depth 39 feet 8 Inches. 80, 0. AH th»t messuage and lot of ground* situate on the east side of Seventh street, 20 feet 7>£ Inches north of Pine street. 80. 339, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Seventh street 21 feet 2'inches, in depth 89 feet 6 Inches. 80. 6. All that messuage and lot of ground, situate on the east side of seventh street. 80. 387. 41 feet 9H inches north of Pine street, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front <n Seventh street, 19 feet 9 Inches, and in depth 86 feet 6 iaebes, including the north side a half part of & 2 feet 0 Inches wide alley. Bo 1 All that messuage and iofcof ground situate on the ean side of Seventh street, N 0.335. 61 feet 634 Inches north of Pine street, in the city of Philadelphia; con* tainlßg in front on Seventh street 19 fast 10 Inches, and in depth 39 feet 6 inches* including on the south side the half part of a 2 feet 6 inches wide alley. 80. 8 All that store, xnestusge, and lot of ground, situate en the southeast corner of Seventh and Middle streets, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Seventh street 18 feet inches, and in depth 39 feet 6 inches, HBtniT G HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, MajlS, 1860. mylO St ir residensea when oniale may be seen la city. Jiossulta-, [. tofiP. H * in the! fHOS. ALLEN, Electrician. MARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN (UDWAIiA DBB, Judge ol the District Court of the Hatted States, is and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Bale, to the highest and best bidder* for cash* at Michener'a Store, 80. 143 forth FBOBTStreet. onWEDBBSDAF, May 31, 1600, at 12 o’clock H.. 22 bales and 66 bags of coiton, being the residue of oargo steamer Celt; 62 bales cotton and 112 bags of cotton, being cargo of the steamer Amazon; 14 bsga of Sea Island cotton, being cargo of unknown sloop; 6 hags of Sea Island cotton, cargo of unknown sloop; 9K bales cattos, being the portion of cargo Of ah Unknown vessel; and l bale «>t£on, being a portion ol cargo of an unknown veisel—all to bd Mid* as above, to the highest bidder. WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. 8 Marshal Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, May 13, 1866. myl6-6t REMOVAL. WILLIAM TAKBALL Has Removed from Mo. 1090 to Mo. 1333 CHEST NUT Street. 8. B. corner of THIRTEENTH Street Where he invites the attention of housekeepers, and those coxomeneißg housekeeping, to his extensive as sortment of useful BOUSE FURBISHING GOODS* Superior Refrigerators, Table Cutlery, Family Hard ware, Children’s Carriages, &«., «« ap24-am TNALTON’S family and manufacturing KNITTING MACHINES Fat rated 1861 Perfected 1861 A YARD OF PLAIN OR BIBBKD WORK KNIT IN TEN MINUTES ! KNITS UPWARDS OP TWENTY DIFFERENT ARTI CLES OF APPAREL I They are .iniple, reliable, perfect, and wonderful la the amount end variety of work they perform USUAL SPEED SIX THOUSAND BTITCHBB PSB MIAUTB. It can be made, in the hands of a woman, to earn with ease and comfort $lO to $4O per week EVBBI FAMILTbHOULD HAYS 088. A few active, enterprising Agents wanted, to Whom Überal inducements will be given. To publishers of newspapers who will pay one-half money, we will allow the remainder to be paid in advertising at the regular rates. Send for circular ana samples, enclosing stamp. General Agency lor Pennsylvania, Ohio, Western Bew To)k, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland, Bo 97 FiPTH Street* Pittsburg, Pa, my aim . B. P. CABPEBTEB, iJHE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, HO. 136 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BELOW ‘ CHESTNUT, Fey. Are par erat. Interest on Depoilti. Agent, to the .ale of United State. 7 3-10 Loans at Par. QoT.rn meat, State and City Loans and Stoeks bought and aolo for depositors and other, en CoaunU.los. mills- Sr. PABINET FURNITURE V ' MOOSE A CAHPIOB; 361 SOUTH SECOND STREET, are prepared to follow the decline in the market in the price of their Furniture. Puichasezs will please call and examine our stock. mylQ-lJ* Tb e science of medicine should stand simple, pare, majestic; having faet for its basis, induction for ltsplllar. truth alone for Its capital. So stand HBLMBOLD’S GBBUIBE PREPA RATIONS, established over 16 years. nOAL OIL 1 COAL OIL !—FAMILIES OIL at KELLY & NEEL S (Successors to J. 0. Milll lan A Co. >, Dtalen In Crude Petroleum, Bor ulna and lUbTloattig Coal Oils, mylO-St* No. 811 MARKET Street. TAKE no more unpleasant A and wiiafe remedlee for nwleaaamt rad day*; . ftPWARDS OF THIRTY THOUSAND v eertlleatea and neoamradatorr letters ban bean MMlnd, atteaHu th* merits of HELMBOLD’B OB EUIME = PREPARATIONS, many, of whteh an from tha Ughast aonran. Installing uguant atetaaman. am gyman-coearaem. State Indus- **. „ DEWABE OF COUNTERFEITS AND D UMPRIMCIPLED DBALBSB endeavoring to dis- RATOM6. LEGAL. SHERIFFS SALES* AIARSHAUS SAXES. REMOVALS. RETAIL DRY GOODS. Q.LOSSY BLACK MOHAIRS. PEARL SHADES ALPACAS. TOURISTS’ DRESS GOODS, BLACK WOOL DELAINES. BLACK MANTILLA SILKS. WHITE AND BTJFF PIQUE. COOPER & CONARD, n»yB-tf B. K cor. NIETE and MAKKST Streets, MOURNING MILLINERY. XU- A A H. MTBBB, m,B-1m 9»6 CHBBTEPT Street riHOICE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. V gt)k GBBiTADIl&B- .Dp.rt.WM- Bprlni POPLIHiCIatMt itTIW. Plaid ud Plain LBSOS Black ud Blows VALENCIAS. lp»}ff, 4 .rc 9 HALUMLAIH]ffI. Sprlnk SHAWLS, i* variety No. 708 ARCH Street. N. B.— 60 dozen Ladles’ Bleached HOSE, atlS¢a per pair, myl SPRING PRESS GOODS, OF NEW KJ STYLES, OPENING DAILY. Spring styles Valenoias. Spring styles Poll ce Chevres. Spring styles of Poplins. Summer Poplins. Splendid Organdies. Percales, in great variety. New styles or Piques. ' Spring Colors deLaines, Spring Colors Mohairs. . JUw atyle. of Dxg. jartety. mie tf ' 36 Eoiith SECOND Strut. riASSIMERES, COATINGS, CLOAK INGSJ Ac.' Light Fancy Oaselmem . Medium and Dark Fan«y Styles. Harris’ fine quality Plain Mixes. 6*4 Nobby styles, for Business Baits. 6 4 611 k Mixed Coatings. ' Fine and low-priced Coatings. Ladies! Cloakings, good quality. at $9. Fine American and Imported Cloakings. And every other desirable woolen Fabric for Spring and Summer wear. COOPER A OONaRd. my 16-St S- E. tor. NIATfI and MARKET Sts* CHETLAND SHAWLS, IN EVERY O variety. A* A H MYERS, m»ssm 986 CHESTNUT Street. PEARL TINTS MOHAIRS.—NEW •hades, for street wear. Tourists 1 Dress Goods, of every kind. Several lots thin goods, under price. White Goods of every kind. Black Dress Goods—great variety. _ COOPER A CONARD* mylC at 8. E cor. NINTH and MARKET Sts. ■QUACK AND FIGURED SILKS. Jj A. AH. MYIRB, myB lm 026 CHESTNUT Street. CLOAKS AND MANTLES. \J Dull Bilk Sscqnes Lack-lustre Rich Garments Heavy Lustrous Humes Plain and Gay Styles. Elegant Garments, of Silk and Cloth, for flrst-eiass custom* * COOPER A CONARD, - my!6-2t S. B cor. NUTH and MARKET Sts Qfl CENTS YARD-WIDE BLEACHED Ov MUSLIN, tbs best in town for the price. Best makes ysTd-wide Shirtings. Sheetings, by the yard or piece. . Angola Flannels, fioesnte, extra fine Domets. Fine all-wool Flannels, Tickings Ac. Linen Shirt Fronts, every price, from 30e to $L Complete stock of Linens and Damasks. Linen Good sat the new low prices- . Complete Block ot Towels and Towclings, good quail tied, at very reduced prices. coopßß * 00N18D pylS M B. B cor. HIBTB and MARKET Sil. SPECIAL NOTICE. O BKLLIEO OFE EHTIEB STOCK TO CLOSE BOSIHE8B!! GOOD-WILL AflD rIXTOEKS TOB SALE. TBOBHLBT ABD CHISM W. lATlte ipeclal attention to theaboya announcement We hare a Lane Stock. / We are Beilin, Cheap. „ _ . Every yard is to be olosed out on or before the Ist c ay of September. Bilks and Dress Goods. Oloths Casslmeres, and Linen Goods. Shawls. Cloaks Skirts, Hdkts.&o. , So. Mnsllns and Calicoes mash nnder market nrtOß THoatft BT S CHISM, myl9 Sm Cor. of EIGHTH and SPBIBG GARDEN. MANTILLAS, all styles for I'A mourning, A. & H. .MY ERE, jpyS lm 920 OHfiSTNPT Streak RLACK ALPACAS AT 60, 62, 76, 88c., D and SI. Also. mainlfleent Black Mohairs, *1.15, ®1 SS, SI 88, and #1.60 Lnpin’s Bla.k Wool Dalalnes.« cts. _ Double-width Btaek Wool Delaines, SI.II to 51.75. Lnpin’s plain colors Delainss, 02 cts. Pearl Tints Alpacas and Kohaln. „ Tourists’ plain, mixed, plaid, and striped Mohairs, lo Snert^alnsoSfa! B <Jambrlcs, Jaconets. Satin Plaids and Stripes, Blrd eje Linen, Swiss Mnsllns, Brll- U White °and Bnff Plane by the piece or yard, xood Cambrics. Glnkhams, Ac. Mudlnsb, the piece nnder cB rtja E mya-tf S. E. cor. HIUfTH and MABKBT Streets. fJRAY MATERIALS FOR TRAVEL- W LIBG DBESSEd. A. * H._MJBBS, mvß'lm ,‘u,. . 926 CHESTNUT Street. T7IGUBBD BILK .GRENADINES, X of the best qualities andfttyiw, in Black ud Cray Grounds. 66c to SICO * Travelling.Dress Goods, in every variety. Dew Dress Good*, Jh treat variety. Handsome Chene Silks, $3.10 •- M VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS, suitable for DreBUB, Mantles, audSaeques. COTTON GOODB AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES Merrlmac, Spraktte. and Pacific Prints, 26c. 10 i Waltham and PsperiU bleached bheetlnkc- $l. h. stbbl * soar, myS-tf Nos Vl3 and 715 Worth TENTH Street. Grenadine bareges, all wldUtc. A. & H. MTBBS. rnyg lm 986 CHSarwCr Street. »KIBT FOR 186 S YHB GBBATBBT INVENTION OF THE ACE IN HOOF SKIRTS. J, w. BBADLET’B Bew Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SHIRT. WBSTB* BRADLEY * CARY (late J T . & J. O. West), SOLEJPROPBIErOBS and MABUFAOTUBEBB, 97 CHAMBERS and 79 and 81 BEADS streets, Bew York. THIS INVENTION consists of Duplex (or two) El liptic Steel Springs, Ingeniously braided tightly and yiBHLY together, edge to ecgb, making the toughest, most FLEXIBLE, ELASTIC, and DURABLE SPRING ever used. They seldom bend or break, litre the Single Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful Shape twice as lone as any other Skirt THE wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skib.t will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies. Opb&as. Carriages, railroad Cars, Churob Pewb- Armchairs, for Promb? adb and House Dress, as the Skirt can he folded when In use to occu py a .mail place as easily as a Silk or Mublik Dress. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure* comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex. Elliptic Btebl*Spring Skirt for a single day will.never after Want willingly dispense with theiruea. For Children, Misses, and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. THEY are the best quality in every part, and un questionably the LIGHTEST, most DESIRABLE, OOMFORT ABLE and economical Bkirt ever made, . • jOH SALE in all first class Stores in this city* and throughout the United States, Havana db Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies FOB THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC BKiKT. ; my2-2m - COO HOOP BKIRTB. ROQ U*o» HOPKINS’ "OWN MAKE" OF HOOP BKIBTS, the best assortment and best quality and style* in the city Gore Trails, all lengths and sizes, from 18 to 06 springs, from 9176 to 94- Plain Skirts, all the new shapes and sizes, from. 19 to 60 springe, from 91-40 to 93. Skirts of extra heavy steel and extra tapes from 20 to 36 springs, from $1.90 to $2 76 Misses’ and Children’s, of every grade, from 6 to 35 spridgs* from 4 to 8 cents per snrlng; I hey have no equal. Ageits for the Bew Flexible skirt, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, and fully equal to the Duplex EUptlc Skirt, and at much lower prices. Also, con stantly on hand, full lines of low-priced Hew York Skirts, kid-padded and metallic-fastened—ls springs, 86c.; 20 springs, $1; 26 springs, $1.15; SO springs, $1 25; and 40 springe, $1.60. tktrts made to order, altered, and repaired, at 638 ARCH Street. mv!2 Im* G£NTB’ FURNISHING HOODS. PINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. a* The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPEOVED CUT OF which they make a specialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving BO 7ELTIBB FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAK. J. W. SCOTT & 00., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING BTOBB, Mo. 814 CHESTNUT Street, ■ lal-ly Pout doors halow Ihe Continental. MILLINERY. 79 a CHESTNUT street. > I bare sow «mu a nagnllcent assortment of SPRING MILLINERY AMD BTBAW GOODS. Wbicb I offer, wboleaal* and retail, at tbe IoWMt market prices Poult de Soles and Gros de Naples in all colors; the mine desirable and scarce colors, such as buff, pearl, rose pink, Ac .in an assortment of shades. Best White, Slack, and Colored Crapes. Ribbons of every shade, narrow and wide, to match materials. French Flowers, the finest goods, prettiest.styles, at reasonable prices _ IB HATS AMD BOMNBTS weoffarevery new shape in every variety of material. Wide White L* era, B»rhe». Maxines of every quality. The beet French and Bew York Bonnet Frames, and every other article required in making or trimming a honneto^hat. Also, a handsoae line of the best quality Grenadine Veils* all colors Orders from the country promptly and accurately at tended to. M.’WBYL,' 80. 736 OHKBTBUT Btreet, ap39-lm Successor to M. Bernbelm. STATIONERY fc BLANK BOOKS OIL, MINING, COAL, AND OTHER HEW COMPANIES. W. are prepared to fornUh New Corporation, with all tb. Book* tha* require, at abort notlM and low prleaa, of drat quality. All atylo* of Blndlnf. STEED rbATB OBBTIPIOATBB Off STOCK. LITHOGRAPHED ■< ?« TEANBFBB BOOK. OBDBBS OB TKAHBFEE. STOCK LBiIGBB. STOCK LBDQEB BALANOBS. RBOIBTBB OT CAPITAL STOCK. BBOKBB’B PBTTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OB SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS A CO., BLANK BOOK MANUBAOTUREBB AHDBTATIONIBB. 43b CHESTNUT Street. gLINDB AND SHADES. B, J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 North Sixth Street, MaxoyaoTijßßß or 7ENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. Tbe larcest and SnNt aawitmrat In tb. city at tbe owaat nab pritea. STORE SHADES MADE AND LITTIBID, Ohn, lot .ollMl Blind, and Shadn. npS-ht gNGLISH BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH AILB, IN STONS AND OLABR ALBERT O. ROBERTB. DIALED IN >INI GBOOEBIBS, abl-tl Oornar of ILBVNNTH and YINI Ste. ESTEY’B COTTAGE ORGANS tot only UNEXCELLED, but UNEQUALLED In purtty if Ton* and Power, doatraed oapertally.for Oburcbee and S«bools, but found torn oqually woll adapt.* to b, Yarlor and Drawln, Room. Fo^aal, No. IS North MVENTH Straot. Ain. a nnlote iwrtuit of tb* MM lModeon touiantly ormss, AH6m RAIUtOAP LIKES. | ffwiffyisj^iSSS 8 ™ .F u Mf?feSS[CT L «d T «w BOAD, VIA MBDIA. SUMMER AERANQBMEST. On tod after UONDAI, April 17. 1800, the trains wtU leave as follow* : WBBT CBHRTBB TB4IWB - . leave PhUadelpht* for Weet Cheater at 7 98 Md 10. SO A M., and 2.16, 4.46, and 6.46 P. M Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 6-20, 7.40, and 10 €6 A. M. t and 1.45 and 4.4CP. n, • \ Trains leavl&f West Chester at 7.46 A. H, and teavinf Philadelphia at 4 45 P, M. will atop only at Media 8.G7 Junction, Glen Mills- Cheney’s, and street Boad, B O JUNCTION TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for B. 0. Junction at 4.10 and ID PrM, Leave B. C. J&netion for Philadelphia at 8.26 A. M. and 7.20 P.M. These trains stop at all intermediate stations. ON BUNBATB. Leave Philadelphia at 8 SO* A M. and 4. P. H. Leave West Chester at 8 A. M. and 6 P. fit. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.85 A. H. and 4.46 F. M., and leaving Went Chester at 7.46 A. M. and 446 F. M , connect at B. 0. Junction with trains on F. A B. C. B t B. for Oxford and Intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only aa baggage, and the Company will not in any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one handred dol jars, unites a special contract la made for the same. _ „ BBHBY WOOD, Gen l Sap. Philadelphia, March 10, jspg. m y 6 RARITAN AND BAT RAILROAD, PHILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN. FARE, *». EXOURBION TICKETS, GOOD FOB THBEB DAYS. $3 CHANGE OF TIME- Passengers for Express Train for Tnskerton.Barnegat, Toms River, Long Branch, and Brooklyn leave VIBB* STBBBT FfIKRY&t 8 16 A. K., dally (Sundays ex< eepted), Retarsin& leave WALL-STREET FBBRT, Brook lyn, at 11A M. . - Way Train for Atslon, Bhamong. Manchester, As., leaves Cooper's Point, Camden, at 6 30 A. M. js3 tf L. * CPLB, agent. Camden. EXPRESS COMPANIES* fig—careggffi IHH A.DA.MS EX PRESS COMPANY, Offlee 334 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels,' Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or In connection, with other Express Companies; to All the principal Town* and Cities in the United States. B. 8. SANDFOBD, hW - General Haperiatendeah INSURANCES DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY mj insurance company. INCORPORATED BT THB LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1835. _ • - OFFICE B E CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, . _ MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS,) Cargo, > To all parts of the world • FBBIG T, J NI(A hd INSURANCES OnGocds, by River. Canal, Late, and Land Carriage, to all parts of the union. FIRS INSURANCES, Os Merchandise generally, On Stores, o welling Houses, &e. ASSBTS 0? THF GOKPAKY, flovember 1, 1864. $lOO,OOO United States fire Per Gant. L0an, , 71.5100,000 00 111,000 •• Six “ " 'SI. 118,21500 76.000 ** Six “ "5 20a. 75,502 00 110,000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Gent. Loan. 98,656 00 64,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Percent.«>-Mhithkiw 56.840 00 mow City of Philadelphia Six PerCt-Loan. 122,020 87 20.000 Pennsylvania Hallroad First Mort gage Six Per Gent 80nd5.—......... 22,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort- __ _ cage Six Per Gent. Bonds..«««■-** 59,25000 10,000 SCO Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company* principal and interest guaranteed by the city of Philadel phia 15,300 00 0,600130 Bharat Stock Pennsylvania Bail road Company* **•»•»»«•*•9,100 00 6.0C0100 Shares Stock JTorth Pennsylvania Railroad Company************— .—«* 3,060 00 60,000 Uiflted states Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness—***.*—••*—»**••»** 48,426 00 90,000 State of Tennessee Fiver Per Ct Loan 12,000 00 28.700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage* amply 128.700 00 *B6B.W)Par. Oort $812,100.60. Market Ya1ue.*857,«27 87 B«*l2etate*~*-—* ..~*~*..**** 86.000 00 Bills reelTabte for insurances made.. 118.830 42 Balances due at Agencies. --Premi ums on Marine Policies, Accrued Interest, and other debts doe the Com»an) p ‘~«~~*'‘~***'“~~~'~4> 28,793 24 Strip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, *4,363. Beti mated va1ue.2,220 00 Cash on deposit with United State* Government,subject to ten days’call 00 Oashln 8ank5.68,154 98 Cash in Drawer 637 66 DIBBOTOBS: Thomas 0- Hud, Samuel B Stokes, John 0. Davis, J F. Penis ton, Edmund A Bonder, Henry Sloan, f heophilus Paulding* William G. Boulton, Jobn S. Penrose, Bdward Darlington, Jauee Traqnair, H. Jones Brooke, Henry C. ballett, Jr., JacobP, Jones, James C Hand, James B. a cFarland, William 0 Ludwig, Joshua P Eyre, Joseph H. Beal, Spencer Mcllvaine, George G. Lelper, John B, Semple, Pittsburg, Hugh Craig, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg, Bobert Burton, „ THOMAS JOHN G. HEBBT LTLBUBH, Seen C. HAND, president. DAVIS, vice President. •ctary. de!6-ly THE reliance insurance COM a p±NY of PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 184 L Charter PcrpetuaL OFFICE Ho, 308 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL. (300,000. Insures against Lom or Damage nr FIBB Houses, Stores* and other Buildings, limited or pepetual: and on Furniture* Goods* Wares, and Merchandise, in town ° r C LO&sis PBOMPTLY ADJUSTED AHD PAID. ASSETS* (400,008 71 . Invested in the following Securities, vii,: First Mortgagedon City Property * well securedlloB,6oo 00 U&itod States Government Loans 141. OuO 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loasa «~*~~«* 00*010 00 Pennsylvania s3*ooo*ooo 6 per cent. Loan~** 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Bonds* first and se cond Mortgages «,»»■>, itim* 85.000 00 Camden and Amboy Bailroad Company’s 6 percent. Loan* % 0,000 00 Philadelphia and Beadlnf Bailroad Com^ pany’sdper sent. Loan. S,OOO 00 Bumincdoa and Broad Top 7 per cent, mort gage bonds 4,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock,m» 1.050 08 Mechanics* Bank Stock. 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock . 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock,. 880 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel phia’s Stock* •»«»*« •»»•***♦*♦♦*,•**•***-*** •«** 1.000 00 -Accrued 5,456 41 Cash lnbankandonfcand,~w».~**»M~~~- 13.03339 Worth at present market Talus.... • ...$414,898 71 DIBSCTOBS. Clem Tinsley. WUliam Stevenson, Wm B Thompson, Banj. W. Tin*ley, WUliam fttasser, Marshall Hail. Samuel Biaph&m, Charles Leland, H L. Carson. J. Johnson Brown. Bobert Steen, Thomas H. Moore. GLBM TIHGLET, President, Thomab CJ. Hill. Seeret&ry. Pbiladelphia. December 1,1861. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE A COMPAHY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PETUAL. »o. 310 WALAUT Street, above Third. Philadelphia. Having a lane paid : up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, continues to insure on Dwelling*, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels In port and their Carsoes, and other Personal Property. All loses and promptly adjusted. Thomas 2 Haris. James ft Campbell, John Welse. Edmund G Dutllh, Samuel C. Horton, Charles W. Fonltaer, Patrisk Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis. THOM Aiubrt C. L. CrAWFOBP, lAS E. MABIg, President. , Secretary 1e23 tt JE COMPANY. JTNDT BTBSBP, ELPHIA .BID mSDRABTCB. itohs: John W. Brennan, Robert B Poster, John Kessler, Jr,, B. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes, • Joseph D. Bills, JK, President. BOB* Vice President, 'tary. ja!4»tf Tj'AME INSURANC J. 90. 406 CHB8! PBILADE FIBB AMD INLAI DIKEC' Francis If Busk, Charles Richardson, Henry Lewis, Samuel Wright* F, 8 Justice, George A. West* * „ FBAICIB IT BUC 1 CHAB. RICHARDS W. I- BLAJfOHABD, Secrel T?IBB INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. JL —TBB FBERBYLYANIA FIBS lUSURA.NCB COM PANY Incorporated 1820. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Mo. 510 WALNOT Street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably knows to the community for nearly forty years, continues to insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Public or Private- Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time ■ Also, on Fur niture. Stocks, Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. . ' «.. . Their capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. _ DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith. Jr., * Alexander Benson. John DeTereux, liaao H&zlehnret, Thomas Smith. Thomas Bohlns, Henry Lewis. J. Gillingham Fell. JONATHAN PATTESSON. President. William Q Cbowbll, Secretary. • ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PAH Y. —Authorized Capital $400,000-CHABTBB PBBPETUAL. Office Ho. 311WA15UT Streat. between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene- Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. 1 DIBKCTOEB Davis Pearson, Peter Beiger, J. B. Baum, William F. Dean, John Ketaham, M BBHBR, President. DEAN, Viee President ap3tf MACHINERY AND IRON. WUii&m Seller, D. father, Lewis Auaenrled, Jobßß Biaefcleton. JoeepiMaxfleU, _ rTIT WlliblJ w at. f. W. M. SuiTHi Secretary. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND S3uttSfi£ BOILBB WOEKB. NBAFIK & LBVT, PBAGTIOAL AND THBOBBTIOAIt BNOZVBBBS. MA CHIHIBTB. BOILBS-MaKSRS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and Blver Engines, high and low* Sresßure, Iron Boilers, water Tanks, Propellers, «c., e., respeoHully offer their services to the. paoue aa being folly prepared to contract for engines of all sizes. Marine, Bivbr, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute order* witn quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. aigh and Low-pressor#, Fine, Tubular, andCTltnderßoll»w. of th»bmtPenn ■ylvanlaehareoallron. ForglnaßofaUßlieaundkludi, Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions, Boll* Turning, Screw- Cutting, and all other work connected W Brawto^M?d b »p«S»«atlon« for all work done at tha .etebUoiment free of charge, and work guaranteed. Theeubeorlben have ample wharf-doek room for re raletogi.«'rTorUgbtw«lght.. Jiaoß „„ JOHN P. LEVY, BBACg and PALMER Streets. jTvAUOHAX _ WILLIAM M. MBBRIOK. JOHN E COPE GOUTHWAKK FOUNDRY, »o fifth and Washington streets. PHILADELPHIA. __ HEBBICK «fc EONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. n _ Manufacture Hiih and Low Pressnre Steam Engine** for land, river, and marine service. „ . Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, At. { Oast- Inis ofall kinds, elthsr iron or brass. L , .... Iron >frams Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Ball- Betorts and* Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction. , Every description of Plantation Machinery, each as Sun, Bnr, and Grtit MLHb, Vecanm Sm, Opk Steam TrSna.Defceators, Filters, Pumping Enginss.Aß. Bole acents for N- BUlleux’a Patent Jaiar-Boning Apparatus, Nesmyth'« Patent Steam Hammer, aid Asm wall & Wolsey’e Patent Centrifugal Sugar- Dralnini Machine, * n M ** ATORGAN, OBR, & CO., STEAM EN i'i (HUB BDILDEBB, Iron Founder., end Q.oerel KuUDlrti and Boiler Maker.■ Id 1,19 GALLOW* HILL Street. Philadelphia. feliD-tf "PHILADELPHIA TSTRRA OOTTA works OFFICE ABB Mo. 1010 CHKSTNtJr VITBIFIBO WATBB. BBAIH, and HBATIHO PIPES, villi bends, branohee, trap., Sc , to eonoeponi, froml to 14 inch bore. obsaMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPB. and FLUB PIPES, Wit ranted to stand the action Of At*. CSS. <*» wa&ther. OBMAMBaTAL PaBLOB AND GARDEN TABSB, Tor daealeal deetni, plain aid bronitd. , Mirnonette Pote, Flower Pots. Irr, ■ Ban.lnc Vteee, Fern Vases, Ac , Ac. , Importer of Minton's Encaustic Tile, for Churches Halls, YestibnHs, As. __. mbl tnthetl B. A. HABBtSOM. POR NON-RETENTION OR INCOI.L 1 TIHBHOB of urine, Irritation, or nloeration of the bladder or kidneys, diseases o / the prostate glands, atone In the bladder, cslcaiu*, 'gravel or brick® duet deposit, and ail, diseases of the Madder, kidneys, and dropsical eweUlnis, nse HKliy.BOliD’S FLUID EXTRACT EUOHU. , __ SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE- O STOBBP BT HBLMBOLD’B IXTAVQC BTJOHO. BAJETHIB MORNING, TUESDAY, AT 10 p’CLOCK, D a <?ARD —The particular attention of the trade Is re aueste’£ to our sate df fancy and staple dry goods, THIS StOBN/B G, Tuesday, May 16th, at 10 o’clock, by sate loCDS* o,* four months’ credit, comprising about 700 lots of ne w and desirable good!. * N OTICK TO DEALER* TW BIBBOVft „ This mor.uiog, 8(0 lots Nos. 4@IOO plain and figured poult de scM Ribbons, of the newest and moat desirable 6 °Also, black silk velvet ribbons, colored edged do.* colored grot da Naples, Mallnes, crapes, flowers, Ac. BALK OP IMPOR.TBO.ABB DOMESTIC DEY GOODS. THIS HOBItIWO, Marie, at 10 o'clock! by oatalogne, on (oar months ‘I&UkWOM^ t. of faacg Md staple dr, soods. For Gash. A large aaiortmsßt 0/domestic food* . ___ BLACK AV D COLORS® ALPACAS AND MOHAIRS. ' 6 oases fine to superfine black alpazas and mohaire. 4 ca#e* fse to superfine colored alpacas and mohairs. 500 DOZEN BAREGE, BAREGETISSUE* AND GREN ADINE VBILB 100 dozen Fails colored barege rails. 350 dozen Fails tissue veils, Iw dozen Parts grenadine veils. - .. .__ Sals of 000 ORTONS BCWNBT AND TRIMMING KIBBONB, OF TOB IMPORTATION Of MBBBBB. BOLBLEaC & FRRIBB. this day Cartons Vo. 4@ 6 black, white, and choice 7 and »«d edge poult de sole ribbons. S o ' 8? Fonlt de sole ribbons. S O, wd troche fliured ribbons, go. *«>» grain ribbons. Vo. V&blGO plain colored ribbons. V°. IC@BO wblte lilasjpnle and mats ribbons. «r BL M?? SHiK VBLVRP 818 BOW. Vo. 1 @2O Lions black silk velvet ribbons •nn««Tr. V r J?hlt£ and colored edge ribbons. • FRENCH FLOWKRS-ABD MOLAIRS. 200 cartons French flowers. Also* crapes; Ao. Jaconets, csmbrics, Swiss* sacarila, strlpes v malinesr and Parle black fillet mtitg. An tavolce 8 4 to J2*4-pure malise laces. £OO dos Parte black fillet mitts. NEW STYLE DRESS'GOODS. An Invoice of ne rer * goods. Shirting linens, linen damask, sheeting. table cloths* brown linen diapers,-flucks. drills, Ac » Ac. PHILIP FORD & CO.* AUCTIONEERS* A mb MARKET and «»I COMMERCE Streets. SALS OF 1,500 CASES PBIMK ROOTS, SHOES, BROGAVS, Ac. OR THCBrDAT MORNING, MavlS, commencing at 1 10 o’olock precisely, will be sold for oseb, 1,600 eases prime boots,, shoes, brogans, balmorals, slippers, gaiters. Ac., for men’s, boys’* women’s, ana children** wear. * "OANCOABT & WARNOCK, AUO A TIONSEBS* SM MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALS OP 800 LOTS AND IMPORTED DRV GOODS. RIBBONS, MIL LI NBBY GOODS, HOSIERY GOODS, dtc., &c., by catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY HORNING, May 17tb, commencing at 10 o’clock, comprising a fall and very attractive assortment of seasonable and desira ble goods worthy the attention of haters. Included In sale will he found, viz: BLAGS BILE CLOAKS. BO lots ladies' new Parle styles black silk cloaks, coats, and circulars,? ichly trimmed, for btßtcity sales LINEN CAMBRIC HDKFS Also, full lines ladles' d-8 plain, hemstitched, and embroidered, and gents' # plain and hemmed linen camtoile handkerchief*. „ _ _ EMBROIDERIES, LAOS VEILS, No. Also, embroidered jaconet and cambric collars, sets, infants 1 waists, robes, Ac. Also, full lines new Paris designs black lace veils, Pari* grenadine and tissue veils. &e. __ . BiBBOftP, MILMSBRV GOODB, AND TRIMHINGB. Also, choice colors bonnet silks, poult de sole bonnet ribbons. Nos. 4 to 80; mallnes. silk laces, nets, arti ficial flowers, bugle trimmlnss, crapes, &c , &c. GENTS’ 3pABF4, TIES, no Also, lane line gents* icaifi, ties, butterflies, Ac ; elegant goods for present best city sales HOOP SKIRTS, CO*SETBj g HOBIfiRT GOODS, NO- Aleo, lines ladles' and misses' hoop skirts, corsets, cotton hoaiery, kid gloves, spool cotton, threads, head-nets, head dresses, pocket-wall«1s. shirt fronts, dto., Ac. - • BECOTT, Jb., auctioneer, • IOEO CHESTNUT Street. CARD—TO THE ADMIRERS OF-THE FINE ARTS,— A peremptory sale of high dais oil paintings, the pro perty of Joseph Blchardson* he being obliged to remove his stock from South Seventh street, and not being able to exhibit the pictures in bis present room, 920 Chest nut street, is about to submit the entire collection of his modern paintings to public competition, without reserve. Farther particulars to be had at B Scott* Jr. r e Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street, opposite the Aca demy of Fine Arts, where the collection, with cata logues, will be open for examination In about a week from date, ■slsB 693 49 SPECIAL SALE OP FRENCH AB KJ TISTIC BBONZRB. Comprising CROUPES AND FIGURES, VALUABLE BTATUABY, ORNAMENT#, die.* &C., &0., recently imported from France and Italy by Messrs. VITI BROS., (formerly Tito Viti A Sons.) to take place at our Ari Gallery. No. 1110 CHBBTNUT Street* „ Ob WEDNESDAY MORNING. May 17th, at 11 o’clock The collection will be ar ralfned for examination on Monday, 16 til Inst.. at which time catalogues can be had at the office of Messrs. Viti Bros.. No. 149 8. Front street, or at the Art Gallery. myis-st TSQB. BIRCH a SON* Auctioneers. $1,301*684 02 f\U ARTEL MASTER’S OFFICE. v 6 New York. May 12, 188?. SALE OF GOVERNMENT VBS3ELB. ON FRIDAY, -May 19, 1865 Ur. J. H. DRAPER, Auctioneer, will sell at 12 o’clock Noon, at Publio action, at Pier 36, North River. Steamship **Csbawba,” 1,648 tons. Steamship ” Detroit, ” 898 tons, And immediately afterwards at Pier 13, North Elver: Bri* "Dragoon,” WO tons. \ Bark “ Volfcigeur. ’ ’ 883 tons \ Terms of Sale—Cash in Government funds only. Permission to inspect these vessel* can be obtained on application at this office. —.. _ STEWARD VAN VLTEr, myls-St Brevet Brigadier General, g. 6 A. T ABGE SALE OP GOVERNMENT Li HULKS. : Chief Quartermasabr’s Office. Depot or Washisotoh Wabhifgtoit, D 0., May IS, lws. Will be Bold at public auction, under the direction of Brevet Colonel Charles H. Tompkins, A, Q < the Corrals near the Observatory, in the otty ofdVmilaf ton, D 0 , between •: aSBR ; *i v. FIVE AND SIX THOUSAND WftwT feV which have been us* d in the Government service', f Tbo sale will commence on MoDday\May 22, 1655/pt 10 o’dock A. M.» and continue from day to day, unleir? otherwise ordered, until the whole number is sold. 1 The mules will be * old singly, to the Highest bidder. ' Terms cash, in Government funds. D. H. RUCKER, „ Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, mi 15 fit • /Depot of W^ftMiagton. OAI3S OF CONDEMNED QUARTER- HASTES STOBBB, HOBSE POWJSBB. HILLS, GBAIM OLE AHBBS, &o. , „ Chief Quartermaai eb s Office, Depot of Washington $400,088 71 WAsaiHGTOX, G.« Mavl 18SS 'Will be sold at public auction. anaer the direction of Captain a A, Q. M. U 6. A , at the Go vemmeni Watehonee. situated on the square between £ and FlndiTWenMetn and Twenty- first streets. Wash* ington,jS» C., on THUJBSDAY* Hay 1& 1865, at 10 o'cloekjH M,,jalot of Quartermaster Stores* condemned as ttuftwr public use. viz t . „.. „ . Axes,- picks, Angara* Broshes. Boilers. Bridles. Backets. Blankets, Bits. Brooms. Saddle-Bags, Wagon Chisels, Forges, Chairs, Forks, Hammers, Hatchets, Knives, Harness, Lanterns-Plates, Collar Pads, Sops, Balers, Sawß. Shovels, Baddies, Saddle-Trees, Whips, and a large lototWrought Iron Scraps, Castfron, Horse Shoes, Wagon-Tire. As, —* ALSO. ■fjf'i 12 Horse Powers* complete, 19 2 ne vators, with shafting, 2 Crain CleanfHwand a lot of Belting and Iron Gearing. : v Successful bidders will be required to remove the stores within five days from date .of sale. Terms cash, in Government funds. / -> « H. BUCKBR, . my6-lot Brig. Gen, aqd ChiefQaartermaster. CALB OF CONDEMNED ODOTHINO. O CAMP ADD GAERISOH KQOIPAGB, MOtr Ct7r- TIKQIS, 40. _ , . /:y Chief QnAKTESMASTHn’B Oppios, ' ■ Bspor op WAasnrOTOkt Wabhdtgtox, D. C., May 4,1895. Will be sold at pnblio auction, under the direeiidn of Captain D. G. Thomas. M. 8. K. D, B 1, at Govern ment Warehouse Bo 6. on Seventeenth, between Hud I streets north, Washington, D 0., on MONDAY, Hay 22, 1860, at 10 o’clock A. M«» a large lot of condemned Clothing, At., consisting of—, 7-- . , Infantry and Cavalry Coats, JasketfiTro ws*s» Draw ers, Shirts, Felt Bats, Cape, Bagies/Trumpsti, Oram Heads, Fifes, Leggings, nags. Stockings, Blankets, Kettles, Pans, Shovels, Spades. Pickaxes, Axes, Ha versacks, Canteens, Bone. Tut Catlings, Hospital Tents, Sibley Tents, Wall Tents, Ac. Successful bidders must remove the stores within five (fi)dayi from the date of stle. Terms cash, in Government funds. I>. H. HTSOKBR. Brig. Gem and Chief Quartermaster, myfi 13t Depot of Washington. HOLDING SPRING BEDS. '*■ Bedding of every descrlptU a. Spring-bottom beds and cots. Excelsior moss and sea grass by the bale. PHILBBOOK St GO., 9 Booth SEVENTH Street. mylS-lm BUTTERFIELD’B OVBRLAHD DESPATCH. _ _ Ogee, Ho IVBBBT Street, Haw York. Ogee, Ho. 40 Booth FIFTH Street, Fhllada. OHADHOBT VIBBBABD, President. / W. E. EITOHEH, Treasurer. This Gompnny, now folly otfanlied, with ample ispltal, owae lie Transportation on the Plains, and ti sreparet: to contrast Freight to all points in Golorado, Utah, Idaho. Montana, How Kezleo. and Arisona Ter ritories; also to Boose rlyer, Hoyada. . ■ Through Contrasts and Bills of B&dlnc (tron from How Toft. Boston, Fhlladelphia.'Pittsbttr*, Wheeling, Ilnslnnatl, Chisago, and jjabtiH Agent, itewYork. WH H. MOORS. H».« M ua,l £ hla General Sajgerlnteadflnt. TTELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF SAR. -LL sAPibILLA cleanses and nnoTatse tbo blood, instils the vigor of health into the system* and pares* out the tramon that mete disease. . pOTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK KJ AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Tent Awning,Tmnk»_and Wagon-cover Dnck v Also^ CH. GARDEN & 00., NOS. 600 AND • 603 HABKBT Street, Menufseturers or end Whole«d” Deulere 1 “HATS. OAFS. FURS, BONNETS, OTBAWGOOM. ABTIFIOIAtFLOWERS, KOCBBB, Ae . &e. The laneet and moat completei atook. and the beat term a Country Kerehante and the Trade sup pUed. mnl.3m A BEADY AND CONCLUSIVE TEST of tbe properties of HELHBOLD’B FLUID EX TSAOT BDOHUWIU be aumwlin with those set toith lm the united SUtea Dlaaenaatory. UOR EVEBY LOYAL BREAST—LIN- A- COL* MOUBHIKO FINS, is silver plate. New destine is black and white satis; perfect pictures. By malfWesuts. or*) for $4, 100 for $l7, 1,000 for $l5O. Hoomlsc to last for 00 days. Bend your orders atosee. SALISBURY, BEO . AGO,. _ _ . Providence. B. L JLIJWB3P** ‘W. for four tm^^U ATACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, &C. " A —5.500 bbls Mass. Nos. 1, J, and » HaekuoL uud luute fffiinfiozes Lubes, Seeled. No. 1 Herrin*. *0 boxes HeriSner-wnnty Cherne. As. Instore and for sale & frM&Ylh. PHILADELPHIA BUB* BABPABB INBTITPTB. No. U jf. NINTH Streat, above Market.—B. O. EVEBETT, after thirty a years' practical experlenee. cuaranteee the skilful adjustment of Me Premium Pa tent Qraduatlni Pressure Truss, Supporters, lleem Stochlnis, Shorader Brases, Crutohoe, *c. Ladles’ apartments conducted by a Lady. apia-ly MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT fWI LOANED TOON DIAMONDS. WATCHES, A A JBWBLBT. FLATS. CLOTHING. At., at IP t f 20NBS AOO ’S_ OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE. Corner THIRD and OABKILL Ota.. below Lombard. apg-Om WARS & WATSON’S ■i SALAMANDI* lai STORE. M SOUTH FOURTH BTBBET, PHILADELPHIA, FA. A laris vansty ofFUn-FBOOf SAFES always e. bend. ; MALCOLM MACNEILL S MJr LP SPECTACLE STOKE. Wo. SID Bout, FIFTH Btreot. Mr Gia§M*nftt9* to writ all agw, wdnll mamneroi repairing eareniliy and promptly attended to, mh4»lm UNFKBBLBD AND DELIGATB OOK. £i fITITUTIONB. of Mb MZ«I. ns* HBLMIOL'jVt EXTRACT BUdgO. Ik Wfflgtv* brUk art tft*r*aftl« AUCTION sales. TOHN B. HYtfflS * Op ABcThN V 8188, Bos. 333 M,< MIHKIt LABGE POBITTVI SALB OV f . GOOBB. TBaVBLLIBG BiOS- JTEIiT GOOBB. BBOE IuBBAD, A*. _ „ n ' E> B A CABB -W.lßTlte lh» early atf-fMon of , ' to the Urge end valuable .MOrtnuVt of bui,, % men', toft black hat,, women’, and »hin t# >IJ HUB and p»lio-lt»f shafc.r hoodti. color,deed whit, nelni-leaf halt, tIUVeHIoi EIJ bijJ embrador eamolea of 1.100 paolagoe. and fresh asaortmant. to bo peromptortlr rolfY logne. on foor mouth.’ credit-, 1 HOBNIBG. atip o'cloot, precisely. “* f!i\ J.ABGB POSITIVE BALB OP BOOTS, B>?r>'i GABS, ABUT GOOBB, TBAVBLUBG BAOs A GOOBB. 80. ’*Bt» THIS MORNING. ' Hay ieth, at M o’clock, will bo sold, b, ctu;,. on four months’ credit, aoont 1,2X5 paehtes. shoes, brogans, cavalnr.bools, Ac. , embrac[og t a and fresh atsortment of aoasonablo goods of Eastern manafaettus hi Wlll'ba opsn for examination, with oatalon. LABOIf PBRBMPTOBT BALE OP BOOTS, Hq* gEOGAKS? TRAVELLING BAGS, BOLE LEdV^g BOTlOB.—lncluded in our large sale of boot,. •boea, So., " Hi May 16, will be found In part the following f, u ,, dealrable aaaortment—vis: H ' l <| Hen’a. boys', and yonthj’ calf, dottble-toiu welt. *1 d pomp-eolc dreaHwot,; mm's, bo,;'' “!#■ youths kip .ad bnff loathor boots; melt’s #n, long-leg ca.alry boot*; men's end boy.’ oalf bogl2W Oonareea boots ud balmoralst men's, yoaths’ sapor kip, Bnff, and polished grain, Sij. ’-Ut and pnmp sol. broganst ladles’Baa kid. goat, mjj and enamelled patent sewed balmorals and gaiters; woman's, misses', and children’s calf as?? 1 ' leather balmonla and lMeb-mte;-children's * eewad bootatfancysewedb,lmoi?iJL' ankle tie,; ladies’ fine black and colored iSSStafV'* : gross, and aide-lace gaiters; women',! mlSlii?' icbUdren’s goat and morocco copper-nailed hue-V!^ ; {g»il,VLSf SP""' Also.R.oside®oak-tenuedjolejeather. at\o o’clock LARGS POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH. Fnctim! GEBMAH, AND DOMESTIC DRI GOOD?- °®» We Will bold a large'galeof Foreign and D*zneimo n Goods* by catalogue* on a credit of fear month* cart for cash, V l)R THURSDAY MORVIHG, May 18th, at 10 o’clock, embracing about 660 and lots of staple and fancy articles to w»olen« eds. liness. silks, and cottons* to which we tnviu ?J' attention or dealers. * v B.—Bamptesof the same will be arranged fo^. axrinatton, with catalogue*, early on the moral?.*; when dealers will find It to their intere«t to £ Large BALE OF FOBEIGR AND DOMKSTIQ Dfi* GUODB Included in our saleof THURSDAY* May 18, win v , found In part the fo)lowint-vlt: 11 • . , DOMBBTIOB. bales bleached and brown sheetings and shlrtl-., bales bleached and brown shirtings and drilli oaseswool. Canton* Domet. and miners'JUnnA\' eases blue stripes, checks, ticks, denims &s Q ”' otsesprlnis, Kentucky jeans* kerseys. &c cases oottosades* cloaking*, liuiogs, gl&tham* a. cases sileslas, ooTset Jeans : cambrics, &« ' 5l cases sathM's, meltons, tweeds,cAHstmsrestllnuwi , „ , MEBCHART TAILOBB' GOODS ,#n Full lines cloths* coatings, doeskluß, tricots, mt) tone &c. * “'*• Full lines ItaUan*. satin da chinas. Testings. Aa . „ Irish and scotch liver goods Full assortment bleached and W B damasks, Unn sheetings, Irish linen- diaper, &c 1 , Alt o, bleached and W B damask and spot table do hi towfls, diapers* napkins, linen cambric haadkn. chiefs, &c. Also* u*enducks, BpaniBbandWou«ellnsnfl. bnrJam canvas, crash, Ac * ' 1 000 eIXCEB LIVBV DBILI.B, Also* lifOO pieces plain and-fancy Gsnsan lic A . drills—aU grades of fi superior ftttd WelLgaoWJl mski & DREdb OOODB. Large lines Pari* mouse laUe*. ball de chevreß* bareges, Valencia*. cn’ Q b, mohAirs, alpacas* cobnnt*. ba-morals, shawls, Ae.wl DRESS oILKb. Full assortment of gros grains, glossy black groid» Bblnes* taffetas, poult de sotes* gros de Rsaien c, drillss* fancy silks* Ac. _ 13,000 DOZ* HOSIERY AVD GLOVgg. dozens men’s, women’s, and childrens’ bleaebst and unbleached mixed and openwork hose and hall hose, dozens boys’ and misses 1 hose and half ho«e dozens Paris kid, silk* Berlin, Hole, aid oMtcn gloves. * Travelling shirts, shirts and drawers, hoop skirt* sewings silk handkerchiefs and ties, umbrellas, & e POSITIVE BALB OF CARPETINGS, DBUGJETi mattings. a«. „ -<UI x OR FBIDAT MORNING, , May 19th., at 11 o’clock* wiO be sold, bycsUlogne, m four months’ credit, about 259 piece* rich rwa 1 u* pestry, Brussels, printed felt, saperffne and flaeio. grain, royal damask, Venetian, list, hemp, eotuta. and rag carpetings, Canton and cocoa mattings, lit embracing a choice assortment of superior goods, wfcul may be examined early on the morning of sale. PEREMPTORY SALE OF FBEVCH, INDIA, GB2. MAN, AND BRITISH BBT GboDB, &, ‘ OB MOBBAT MOj-BING, May 22d, at 10 o’clo«1t, wIU b. .old by Mtologtu, os four month*' credit, abont * . „ , 800 PACKAGES and lot* of French, India, German, and British drygoods. At embracing a large and desirable assortment of/ao« s»i itaple articles in eilk, wonted, woolen, linen, and cot ton fabrios, N B —Samples of the same will be arrangsd for «r amlnatton, with catalogues, early on tha morslni A the sale, when dealers will find it to their interact) attend. M THOMAS & SONS, • Mon. 139 tad 1M Booth FODBTH Htr«t EXTRA LARGE BALE FIRST CLASS REAL ES'ATI, ~ " ‘MSk stockOc TafS fiitT GABI>.~Our oale on TUKBDAY next, Ifithlns 1 will coEQfUsebyf krthe la> geat&monst and most va'UA’e oro perty offered fcbl« season, Including the Estates /OF. Womratk, J. Conlin. j, 3/ ZtlF Buckley mi-firq, p. Kohler, 6 K- Smith , Phillipsminore, and, S Swill, by order of Orphans’ 1 Court. Also* the Splendd Cfoit*. try Seat and Farm , 41 Sprtngbrook, * * and o&sr Goaa tiT Nate ana Parma : Fisar- olass Stores JanJt street, Market street. Second street, and other Itaiaeas Hi®, pertiee; Residence Chestnut Bill, hantsome Resi dences Walnut street. Chestnut street, Hne sire*. Vine strut, Washington Square, Greet street, a%& Broad street; Genteel Dwelling, large iob &c. Alio, 000 sham Valuable Bahk Stocks, &o, 10,i&u,au Fnblle Bales ot Beal Estate and Stotts* at the Es •nance* every Tuesday, at 13 o’clock. , FOUBTBENTH SPRING SALE Bay Iftfa. The larcsst sale sad comprieinj the most yalnabl* property offered this oea*on. Handbills ready. EXECUTOR'S SALE-VALUABLE BA«£ dTOCKS. Also prtTlons to real estate, at 13 o'elotk: J 97 shares Mechanics’ national Bank 283 shares Farmers’ and Mechanics’ National Bank. 20 shares Western National Bank. 10 shares Girard National. Bank 2 shares Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company. Sale No 319 Pise stieet. SUPERIOR FORNITURB, ROBBVOOO PIANO, FIMI TAPKSTBT OABPBTS. 40. OK WEDNESDAY KOBBISff, • 17th Inst., at 10 o’clock, at No. Bj9 Bine street, by cataloatte, the . superior furniture, fine* toned piano, tapestnr carpets, superior book case dto. May be examined at 8 o’clock on the mornlnf of the sale. Executor's Baie—Estate of Dr. Coxe. BABB AND.VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS. , OH WBDNBBDAY HORNING, May 17th, 1865, at the auction store, will toe sold with' out reserve, by order of executor, a collection of rare and valuable oil palatines, toy eminent masters, frost tbe collection of the late John Redman Coxe, M. o. _ Also, a number of fine line engravings, tor the bait English artists, bale to commence al 31 o’clock. 45* For partlcnlars see catalogues The b&lstiaff will toe arranged for impaction a week previous to foe sale* SALE OF FINN WINES AND BRANDY, ON WEDNESDAY, May 17th, at 1 o’clock P, M, at tbe auction stem, South Fourth street, will toe sold, toy catalogue* a chotM selection of floe Madeira, Sherry, and Port Wines ud old Brandy, Imported toy Mr. F. J. Flraera. 49* Samples may toe examined one near previous to sale. • • Sale at Nos. 139 and 1418. Fourth street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRRORS, ROSEWOOD PI ABO-FORTE, FINE BBTfeBBLS AID OTfIBE CARPETS, Ac, ON THURSDAY MORNING, at 9 o’clock, at the auction store, superior parlor farm* ture, mirrors, rosewood piano* forte, refrlgeratorsi floe Brussels and other carpeu^die, at 10 o’clock, eight machines for making carpet brooms. Bale No. 947 South Fourth Street, MAAn BUPBBIOR FURNirUfil. ELEGANT ROSEWOOD PIANO. FBENOH PLATE MANTEL MIRROR, FIFE CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. Ao. ON FRIDAY MORNING, _ BJB(I .. 39th Inst., at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No. 247 Sooth Fourth street, tbe superior furniture, elegant rosewood 7 octave piano, fine French plate mantel mirror,* some velvet and Brussels carpets, oil cloths, mat* tresses, Ac. Also, the kitchen furniture and utensils. Peremptory Bale on the Premises. TRUCE FARMS AND COTTAGE SITES, 09 SATURDAY MOBBING/ May 20. at 11 o’clock, at the Gape May Court Honsi, Cape May county, N. J., on the line of the Gaoe Hey Railroad. A special train of cars will leave Walnut* Street Wharf, and return In the afternoon. MS- Full partlcnlars in handbills and plans, m»r b * had at the Auction Booms. Public Sale, 100 SETS SIX.MOLB HARNESS. ON SATURDAY, A ... May 20th, at 12 o’clock noon, at the anction store, win be sold at public sale, toy order of the Quarter Master * Department, U* 8. A., , . . 199 sets of sin - male wagon harness; Irregular. Samples may he seen three days previous to sale, •» the auction store. _ . _ _ „ □ Terms cash. By order of CoL W. W. MsKim, G* “• A. Chief Quarter Master. Philadelphia depot. Sale No. ITIS VINE Street „ TTlTmi}H SUPERIOR FURNITURE. NELODBONS, MIBBOBB, TAPESTRY OARPETd ON MONDAY MOR9IBG. Ml . 22d Just, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No. 1715 vtae street, the superior furniture, rosewood melcd»os> French plate mtrrore, fine tapeitry oarpete, aw r May toe examined at 8 o’clock on the moruuil the sale. SHIPPING* BOSTON AND PHILADBI ~rfWgi PHIh BTBXMSHIP LINE. »allln»from .»'! port OU BATUBDXIB. from firrt wberf ibove Pl** Street. Fhiludelshlu. ud Lon* WhirL Bottoa. Thoeteunihip MOBMAST, o»pt. Biker, wUi »i{ fiom Phlludelphlu for Boston, on BuhuAuy. Huy U, « 10A M., ind steamship SAXO*, M.ttbaws, fron Boston for Fhlljtielphlk, ou the seme 4*y Mir, M. These new usd substuuUsl steunthliw form > JJ**!" line, Bailing from eath port punctually on Saturdays. mar tt* *»biob tl at QDBBtTBTOW*. a Steamer* of the Urn .wi, „.lDhl» Bteamihtp Opn»»; ay (Inman Lins), earrylw the united Statu u»U>. «' tntendedto *»U as follow*: . , , STH A. .—BAfUBDAY, Mdt» I OITT Of 808T0H~... BMUBD AY, Mar 37tb. BBINBUKOR™. ;‘..BATtIBDAY. lull* 3d. And entry laejedlni st Koon,lrMarii' » ■onn Bieer; jSss oy PABSAGB • toHimW*... 90 00 •• toJUmbarl g** Fusenieri *l*o forwarded to ntmfTntoTMV. *«' teiOam, Antwerp, A*., at eaa*lly lowrate*. *« _ Fares from Liverpool or Qoeenttamn: let q*wn. kv JM. $lO5. steerage from Liverxftpl or Uaeenitowb. Tltoee who wleh to Mnd forthelr frtendi ““ 0 tickets here at then rate*. !' ■' „ For farther lnfoimitlonawfty at the OomP»"' Offices. JOB* 0. DALB, AMJJ. mylB-tieS 111 Street, Tm!', -.Jr—»■ FQRIJuBjferYTKDTROyj JHKvbw tobk. Via bbliwib 6 BABITAB GAHAL.-Tfaoffcrge KOETBBEr, B v«m. Muter. ie now load leg at lint wharf below gp. street,: for the aSove points, and wUi leave on w HBBDAY BVJHFWQ* .• ta >„ ria i. For freight .whtehwlU be taken on reawnabl® f * *" apply to D b. FXiAWAGAB- a myli-Ct 304 Bonth DgLhWAߣA t<aac - w NEW EXPRESS WNB. $ For Freliht »»1t to Atsnti, WM. P. SBiW'SripfOl 14 ff orth udl Sooth Wh*rrei,Phll<. IAB. Goorcttown,ftO. itLOVIBB ft BOtSrBR, AJJgf# NOTIOE.-POBj^l JBRKI OEK. —Tie j, rll HEW TOBK BXPBBBB STIAMBOAT COBF"" 1 Dtlawu«tadßuUuCuwl. . '.. HAS?* 1 Btumtn Imt* DAILY, tilt wb«rt t»*l oTr * Blr«et, »t Jo‘iilo«kP. M. „ „„. n viB,r tlll *- nhU-Bm A- UNION OIL BTOVB. a B« unm oRBO Wi __ ciao 1 H i lugfe Ss^^EESPte 1 - 15 ® en, Cookln* Stovw* eto-. « W “ OIM ‘ „, nl , the Butnufactawr. SH»BPB. * ™OM.O - <l , •ffHottat* »o. 309 BoitHM-™ 1 ' ’.JB tpthfr lm l»B*nl»U Uid SUM WIHSOKSOO., lIiAWASB WWW . IKLY TO hi-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers