the night previous to that j he oamo Into my plaoe, I waa behind the bar, and be asked me W John Booth had been there thatarternoooltold*tnil had not been there myeeir all that afternoon;i he aaked if X bad cot see® bun 3 and I Bala no , Ho won .wont tight out, cross- BXAimrxD. Mr. Stone. a - You oannot positively (Whether this was on Thursday or Friday 1 O Wsretbere not two other gentlemen with Ha irold the evening he aama to yonr plaoe? A I did not see them. ,o pjd be oome alone? A. I tMnk he came alone j there may have been some one outside of the restaurant, but Idifi*oD • see any ooe com© in. q, How long have you known Harold? A« Ever since lie was a boy. .. What time In the evening did you see him on ibis occasion? , . -, At .1 judge It most have been between six and ■ seven o’clock, as near as 1 can reoclieot* Sergeant James M. I)y« .. By Judge Holt. Q. state whether or not on the of the 14th of April last you were standing ’ln front of Ford’s theatre, and, Ujo t at what hour! A. 1 was sitting in froDt of Ford’s Theatre about -half past nine on that night. • Q,. State whether or sot yon observed several persons whose appearance excited your suspicions conferring together on the pavement in front of the theatre 1 A. Y«B| SIT. q. Describe their appearance, and what they did ? A. The first that attraoted my notice was an ele gantly-dressed gentleman that came ont of the pas sage and commenced conversing with a rough-look ing party; then'there was another Joined them, and the three conversed together $ after they had con versed awhile, and It waß drawing near the end of the second act, the well-dressed one, who appeared to be the leader, said, “I think he will come out now, 1 ’ referring, I suppose, to the President. Q. Was the President’s carriage standing there? A. Yes; they waited awhile, and several gentle* .-men cun. down end went into and had drinks in the Saloon below; then, after they went np, the best-dressed gentleman stepped Into the saloon and - waited long enough to take a drink; he came ont In a style as though'he was beoomleg Intoxicated, and stepped up and whispered to the roughest-look ing one of the three, and went Into the passage that leads from the stage to the street; then the smallest one stepped up juatas the well-dressed one appeared again and called ont the time: he started op the street and remained awhile, ana name down again and called the time again ; then I began to think there waB something wrong; presently ne went up and celled the time again, loader than before; 1 think It was ten minutes after 10. Q. Announcing it to them all, was ha not? A. Yes, sir; then he started at a fast walk up the street,- the best dressed one then went Inside the theatre; I started for a saloon, and had just time to get down to it and order oysters, when a man came running In and said the President was shot. ft. Ho yon recognize the well-dressed person from the photograph 1 now show you ! [Photograph of Booth shown witness.] A. That Is the man; his moustache was heavier, and his beard longer, though. ft. jDo yon recognize tne features ? A. Yes; that Is the man. ft. Which restaurant did the well-dressed man go Intel A. Into the restaurant just below the theatre, to* rards the avenue. ft. Did he go In there alone ? ft. i wish yon to give, If yon oan. a more partlon lar description of this rough-looking man; what was his size; what gave him the ruffianly appearnce you speak of; was It his dress 1 A. He was not as well dressed as the rest of them. ft, WMbeshkbblbly or dtrtUy dressed? A. Bis oiorhoc were more worn and shabby. Q. Was he a stout man ? A. Yes; rather. Q. Whioh way did he go ? A. He remained at the passage while the other one started np the street. ft. The time was announced to these other two men three times, was It? A* Yes Bile Q. Did’ha Immediately go Into the theatre after announcing the time on the last occasion? . JAt Ybb, qu, ft. WUlyonlookatthesepersonsandseewhether yon recognize any one of them as persons yon saw on that occasion? A. If that man (pointing to Spangler) had a mou stache he has exactly the appearance of the rough looking man standing at the end of the passage; It was rather dark baek there, and I oonld not see him distinctly, but he had a mon>taohe. ft Yon state that the last call of the time was ten minutes* after ten; oan yon state when the other oalis were made ? A. They were all made between half past nIM and ten mlnuteß past ten. ft. Do yon think yon recognize either of the other persons here as among the three yen have men tioned ? A. Ho; the third one was a very neat gentleman, well dressed, and with a moustache, ft. Yen do not see him here? A- No, sir; he was better dressed than anyone I see here; he wore one of these fashionable hats they wear in Washington, with round tops and stiff brims. Q, Can yon desorlbo his dress in color ? A. No, not exactly. , ■ _ ft. How was he In regard to his size ? V. Not very large; about Sve feet six lnohes high. <V And yon have never seen that man before or {life? Al No, never. ftulo you remember now the oolor of his clothes !- A.Hls coat was a hind of a dead color; his hat was hack. . ft.Dld yon observe these men, whether any of themhad spots on? A. I did not observe that. ExaUned by Mr. Ewing. Q. Hhr long did yon observe the slonehy man ? A. Whle I was standing there until I left; I was there frou twenty-five minutes or halt after nine till the Ist time was called. ft. Was\he Blouchy man there during the whole of that tlmv ? A. He repalned at the passage daring the whole of that tlme.i ft, Will yot please describe the several articles of dress as nelriy as yon can ? A. I cannot, particularly, it was dark, ft. Could you see his countenance ? A. Yes; , Cl- Could yon see the oolor of ilia eyes ? A. No; I Old net observe that. ft. Did yea notice the color of his monstaohe ? A- His moustache was black ft. Did you observe the color of bis hair ? A. No, I did not; he remained In one position. Q. What kind of a hat had he? A. A slouch hat, that had been worn some time. Q. Had he an overcoat ? A. I did not observe. ft. mu yon notice anything as to the color of his joat? . a. I did not: I witnessed the weU-dresssd man Whispering to him. , Q,. Where did he stand ? A. Bight at the end of the passage on tno pave ment. a. Near the President’s carriage? A. No; the President’s carriage was near the ”*Ct- S Dk?" he keep the same position during, the whole of this time? A. Yes; the man with the slouch dress did. ft. Which way did Booth enter the theatre the last time? ... A. He just stepped Into the front door. <4. Bid yon flee tbe man with the Blouoh ares* standlngthere at that time ? . „, . M „ A. 'When Booth whispered to him and left him I did not sae him ohange tdspo<ion ;.I was observing Booth. •' q. Ton do not know whether the man with the slouch dress stood there after Booth went Into the theatre or not? A. I do not. Q,, Are yon sure he did not go ont on the pave* meat fofore Booth went In 1 a. ldo not recollect his going oat on the pave ment. q. What first attracted your attention to that man! A. I observed the WtU-dressed gentlemen speak ing to him. wt, Whed did yon notice that first! A. About twenty’five minutes or half-past nine. G. How,-long after Booth entered the theatre was It that yon heard the news of the assassina tion ?' A. I oonld not say, positively, It might have been fifteen muutes, It may have been less. Q, State what you did In the meantime. A. I started down and went around the corner, and Into a saloon; I debated awhile which saloon to go to; I had only just got In, and had oysters or* dored. q,. About how tall do you think the man with the slouch olotheß Is 1 A e He was about .five feet eight or nine lncheSe By the Court* Q,. 1 understand you to say that too pzUoner yen have Identified (Spangler) was the man! A. X say that was the countenance with a mous tache : that Is tbfl very face. By Mr. Ewing. Q. Have yon seen the man since the assassination of the President before now! -.19 A. Yes, in the Old Capitol Prison. U* In the presence of what persons t A. Of the proprietor of the theatre, Sergeant Cooper, and another person. Q., Did it seem to you that this was the man 1 A. All but the moustache. TE6TIMOHY OF JOHN M. BUCKINGHAM. By Judge Holt. Q,. In what business were you incased during the month of April! A. At night 1 was doorkeeper at Ford’s Theatre; during the day I was employed in the navy yard. Q. Were you acquainted with J. Wilkes Booth Curing that time ? A. Yes; I knew him by his coming to the theatre. Q.. State if you saw him on the evening of the 14th of April; at what hour, and what occurred. A. I judge it was abont ID o'clock; he came Into tie theatre, and walked In and out again, and he returned in ebout two or three minutes: he came to ashed what time it was; I told him to step 2iito tie lobby, leading Into the street, ana he could, gee; he stepped out and walked in at the door lead lek to the parquette; came out immediately and miked np the stairway leading to the dress cirole \ that u&B the last I saw of him until I saw him leap on the Btage, and tun across the stage with a knife In his hand; he was uttering some sentence, but I could not bear what it was so far back. Q, He went into the President's box, did he 1 A. The dress circle extends over my door, so I Bould not see. Croes examined by Mr. Ewing. Q,. Are you acquainted with the prisoner Edward Spangler? A. Yes; I have known him at the theatre. Q. Did you see him enter and go out at the front Uiracce Curing the play 1 A. No. Q. State your position there. Is It such that you would be likely to see any person who entered from, the front of the theatre ? A. Yes; every person has to pass me entering the lower pan of the theatT* for tue parquet, the areas circle, and the orchestra. q, Did you observe all persons who came in 7 A. I did not take especial,notice of them; I saw that do persons came who were not authorized. q,. if this man Spangler had gone In from the street, would tou have been likely to have seen him ? . t A. Yes, he could not have passed me without my feeing him. <4. Are yon certain that he did not pass? A. I am perfectly satisfied he did not pass in that night Q.. Bid you see him that night at aHI A. Not to my recollection. Q. Bid you ever see him wear a moustaohe? A. No, sir, not that I can recollect. TBBTIMONY OF JAMBS F. FHBGUBOW. Bj Judge Holt. Q,. State your business. A. The restaurant business, 452 Tenth street, ad joining Ford'S theatre, on the upp«*■ *Me. U. Do you know J. Wilkes Booth ? A, ldo. U- Did you see him on the evening of the assassi nation or the President! A. I saw him that afternoon; I do not recollect esaotly what time It was; perhaps, between 2 and 4 o’clock; he came up just below my door In the meet; he was sitting on a hofse; X walked out acd saw Mr. Maddox standing by the horse with bis hand on the mane; he looked round and said to me, “ Ferguson, see what a nioe horse I have—-he wdirun just like a oat;** with that he stuck hls «purs In the hone and ran off, and I saw no more of him till that night at 10 o'clock. . Along in the afternoon; about four o’clook, I was wid that my favorite, General Grant, was going to feAt . he theatre, and If I wanted to see him I had e l., r g P» I sot a seat directly opposite the Presl in the dress cirole; I saw the Pre- and hls family when they came In. gentlemen in citizen's clothes. whom i._™. n °t J*cognixe; I supposed that General ‘jraßt had remained outside, intending to ccrnelu alone, and hot create an exoitemmit r ln atre > 1 ma t® ? p mT “ lnil ‘bit I would (ee film, and I watched every cue who passed .round that side of the dress-olrole; somewhere “tut 10 o’oloot I saw Booth pass around In that emotion: something attracted my attention wards the stage; I then saw him pash open the ooor leading to the boxes; I did not see anything (core of him until I saw him rash to the front of the jump over, and as he j umped I oonld see the S'eamfng in hls hands; at that time the Presl , »;« sitting, leaning on hls hand, towards looking down on some person In the or* ■£JsiI a V “was not looking on the stage, he was ifc» t * between the post and the flag decorating .9*; “he jumped over I saw It was Booth ) t vjm sift of the pistol right In the boa, and exclaim, ''Sic temper tyrannUi" he ','Cnry ttcrvHß the stage to the door where the, « come in, and l saw no more of Ml&; IfTO round as Quickly as I could to the police .'files on Tenth street, and told the superintendent of police; I then ran up Tenth street for the purpose of swing ' General Augur or Colonel Wells: Colonel Wells was standing on the s’eps; 1 told him I had seen It all; he told the guard to pass me in, and I went in' and told him the. story; I went home and went to bed; the next morning I got up and Mr, Gifford said tome it was a bell of a statement I had made last night abont seeing the flash of the pistol fn the box, when the pistol was fired outsldeof tbe dtior; Itold htm It w«s fired inside the door, and afterwards wont round to the theatre to examine' the hole where the ball Was supposed to have gone turomfc the door; the hole was evidently bored vrtth a large gimlet and whittled with a knife; the scratches of the knife could plainly be seen. Q- Is Mr. Gifford the other carpenter ? A. Yes; he had charge of the theatre altogether; he was the chief carpenter, and had fall charge there, as I always understood. ft. Was the President’s box on the south side of the theatre. A. Yes; he always had the same box every time I saw him there. Q. Bid yon hear any other expression exoept “ Sic Semper Tyrannic?” I heard some one call ont of the box,l do net know who, bnffl suppose it must have been Booth, “Re venge for the South ;” just as he lamped, as he went over sn to the stage, I saw the Prosldeat raise his bead, and saw Mrs. Lincoln oatoh him by the arm; then I understood Mr. Lincoln had been shot and hurt; by that time Booth was across the stage.* ft. Did Booth’s spur natch Into the flag 1 A- His spur caught by the flag; It WPS the bine part of the American Big; as he went over his spar caught tbe monldlng on the edge of the box, and also the flag; It bore a pleeo of the blneolf, ana car ried It half across the stage; the spar was on his right heel. ft. Did yon observertke hole In the door closely enough to see whetheMt had been freshly out out ? A. No, sir, not particularly; : C also noticed a hole ont In the wall, looking- as- if done by a knire, to admit the end of a bar of wood, with which he had fastened the door. ft. Oonld yon observe the spnr ait all, as to the character of It? A. No, I oonld not observethat F noticed It par ticularly, because It oaught ffi the flog as he went over the boxes. v Cross examined by Mr. Ewing;—ft. Sid you see the bar with whioh the door was fastened ? A. I did not; we could not find It the next day, Q. Did yon know Spangler, the'prisoner ? A. Yes. ft. Did yen see him on that night ?' A. I do not recollect-seeing him;-Twas in the theatre that night; I went In aoout twenty ffildStCß of eight o’eleok; I wanted to get there before this party eame In. ft. Do yon know him well ? A. Yes, he worked In the theatre, ft. Did you ever see him wear a moustache? a. I do net think I ever aid; I do not think he ever wore a monstaohe since I have beeu'there.. Tbe Private Testimony—lmportant Evi dence of an Officer of General -John sion's Staff. Washington, May 15.—The testimony taken berore the doors were opened to reporters for the press lnoludes that of a man who was for several years in the military service of the so-called Con federate States, employed in the Topographical Department, on the staff of Gen. Edward Johnston. He was In Virginia la the summer of 1863, twenty miles from Staunton. He became acquainted with three citizens or Maryland, one of whom was Booth, the other named Shepherd. He was asked by Booth and his companions what he thought of the prooa. ble success Of the Confederacy, and he told them that after SUCH tt Chase as the rebels had than got from Gettysburg be believed It looked rather gloomy. Booth told him that that was nonsense, and added, “If we only-act our part right the Confederacy will- gain its Independence, and old Abe Lincoln must go np the Bpont.” The witness understood by tbe expression, “Mnst go np the spent,” that It meant he most be killed. Booth said that as soon as the Confederacy was nearly whipped, that waß the Anal resource to gain the In dependence of the Confederacy; the companions of Booth assented to his sentiments; the witness was at the camp of the 2d Virginia Beglment, and there was a secret meeting of rebel officers on that occasion; he was not present at the meeting, bnt one of the officers who was stated its pur port; he believed Booth was at that moot ing j.the purpose was to send certain officers on detached service to Canada and the borders to deliver prisoners, to lay the Northern cities In ashes, and finally to get after the members ol the Cabinet and kill the President; he heard that more than a thousand times; the name of the offi cer who gave him the Information was Lieut. Cook erill; Booth was associating with all the officers; he heard very often that the assassination of the President was an object filially to be accomplished; he had heard Is freely spoken of In the streets ol Richmond; this necessity was generally assented to In the service. A lady from New York testified to having met Booth and a man named Johnson, and overheard their conversation. She ploked up two letters which they had dropped, and one of them was addressed, “Dear Louis,” saylngthat “the lot had fallen npon him” to be tbe Charlotte Gorday of the nineteenth century. Abe must die now. You oan choose yonr own weapons—the cap, tbe-knlfe, the bullet,” eta. The letter Is signed Charles Selby. Two other witnesses testified that they were In Canada, and saw Booth In conversation with George ganders, and believed they also saw Booth talking with Clay, Holcomb, and Thompson. WASHINGTON. ISpv-Sal Despatch to The Press. 1 washimtoh, May i 6, isos. WHAT OF KIBBV SMITH t It seems to be credited in military oirolss that KiBBT Smith and JackMaohiiidbr will both hold ent as long as possible, and will then Btrike over to Mexico or Havana. Shith and Maobudsb have both made large snms of money by their cotton ope rations. Indeed, this has been their bnslness for nearly two years past; The capture of Davib, who was to make a junotlon with their patty, and Bhare the piooeeds, will doubtless compel a mere sudden exit of SUITS and Jack. They may hope to keep np an army In Western Louisiana and I'Avvfi, bat when they find that they will bo treated as gueril las, they will either seek safety In surrender or In Sight. [By Associated Press.] THE CAPTURE OF DATXB. > The prevailing Impression here Is that Jsrr Davib-wIB be tried here for high treason before the civil courts of this District. He will not, therefore, be arraigned before the Military Commission now trying the alleged conspirators. POLANDEES COMING TO AMERICA. Intelligence has just been received of the ap prcachlng arrival of a large number of Polish emi grants, having been forwarded from European ports nnder the auspices of emigrant societies esta blished lately to provide new homes for these un fortunate exiles. THE TRIAL OF THE ALLEGED ASSASSINS. It appears, from the minutes of the oourt, that on Saturday Sajtosl Arnold, through hls counsel, Tbob. Ewing, Jr,, set up the plea that this military court has no power to try him on the charges pre ferred, for the reason that in these times ofpeaoe resort should be had to the civic tribunals, /The Court, alter deliberation, overruled the plea. Ar hobd then ashed to be tried separate from the others, but this request was denied. O’Laoghlin has procured counsel, and Is represented kyWALTan S. Coxa, and 001. Wm. E. Dobtbb appears for At zbeott and Payne. THE HEW SECRETARY OP THE INTERIOR. . Bon. Jambs Hablah to-day entered upon hls dnl les as Secretary of the Interior. SHERMAN * S ADVANCE. The advance of Shhemak’s army Is at Alexan dria. LOUISVILLE. LotnsviLLs, May 15.—The Journal, In an elabo rate editorial, entitled “An open letter to the people,of Kentucky,” doses as follows): “The time has come for at once cutting up by the roots the upas tree whloh for more than half a century has poisoned our prosperity and retarded the growth of that public spirit whloh onr full development requires. Bet the people, therefore, oast aside the fossilized politi cians who would Impede their progress lu the broad path of destiny which opens before thorn, and to this end let them, In August next, elect no man to the General Assembly of the State who will not pledge himself to the Immediate and unconditional ratification of the constitutional amendment.” CENTRAL AMERICA. BE&PECT TO THE DEAD PSBBIDBNT—REVOLTS, DI VISIONS, AND GENERAL QUABRBLB—GENERAL New Yobk, May 15.—The steamer Ooean Queen has arrived, bringing Panama dates to the sth lust. The news of the assassination of President Lin coin was received on the Ist, casting a gloom over the entire community. A large meeting was held at the American consulate, at whloh appropriate resolutions were adopted and half-hour guns or dered to be fired. A monument subscription of one dollar each was also started. The English war steamer Devastation and United States steamer Cyane lowered their flags and fired half-hour guns. The new contract of the Panama Railroad Com pany passed the first reading In the Bogota Con gress. General Sickles had a publlfl audience In Bogota by President Murillo. The President has consented to aot as mediator between Costa Rica and the other Central Ameri can states. A disturbance occurred at Bogota, owing to the refusal of some members of Congress to uncover their beads while a religious procession wss passing. Several persons were Bhot. General Barnes has left Costa Rloa on hls way for Salvador, with the objeot of heading the Liberals of that republic In the revolution. The Peruvian brig Admiral Gufze, with General Castillo on board, a prisoner, arrived at Aoapulco, Mexico, on the 2d Inst. The United States steamers Lancaster and Sara nac were at Acapuloo on the 20th ult. About fifty arrests have been made In Panama of persons engaged In the late disturbances there. Spain has made claims against Chill, and muni tions of war have been Bont south by Chill to pro tect the places likely to be attacked. The troubles between Ohlll and Paraguay are nor yet settled. The revolution In Peru has progressed but little, and It is thought that it will be put down. CALIFORNIA. HIKING HEWS. Saw Fbahcisco, May 11.—There hat been a still farther fall In mining stocks. Gould and Cony, $1,400; Savage, $1,350; greenbacks, 76, The copper produced in California Is Inoreaslng, and several mines are now making regular heavy shipments of ore. There have been no arrivals of vessels. - Outward Pound. Pobt ah Bxsacu, May is—The steamship Peru* vlan, for Liverpool, passed here at six o’olodk this morning. ' Marine. Boston. May 15.—Arrived, steamer Norman, from Philadelphia. An Offer. To the Editors of the Evening Poet : The Government has offered $lOO,OOO for Jeff Da vis, and has got him. I will give the Governmeot $260,000 for him, with hls pettlooat on, and I will exhibit him through the country, -pettlooats and all, as, the lost of the “ chivalryand give one-half oi the gross proceeds of the show to the fund for thj widows and orphans of our soldiers, and for Vac martrys of AndersonvlUe and Libby prisons. r „ „ . Altera*® SOPHIE. t«, r. fvjf, ism.] TBfi USD OF THE WAR. CAPTURE OF GOV. BROWN OF GEORGIA ffi’tJ’S’ DAVIB OH* HIS HIS WAV TO NASHVILLE, * New Ytfctff, May 16.—The Times’ Nashville spe cial says JcCßrOwn, late nbel'Governoref Georgia, was broegutthere last night as a prisoner, and left this evening forLonlsvllle. Jeff Davis is under a strong guard, and trill ar rive here (Nash-rille) on Thursday evening. Every rebel body of regular soffilfirß and guerilla organization In this State and Northern Alabama has given up, to comb In under Gcti, Thomas’ late order. HEW TfeßK CITY. ABBIVAh OT A STKAMBB, The steamer City of Dublin, from Liverpool on the 29ti>, arrived to-night. BASK BTAtSMOOT. ' The following is tuo oondHMn of the Net? York banks for the week ending May 15th, 1863 Loans, to crease *s,Md,oof> Specie, increase .*• 8,600,000 Circulation, Increase . *>6oo Deposits, Increase .......*. 3,000(000 Decrease of Loeal-tenders 6,000,000 STOCK EXOHANCU. At Gallagher’s Exohange to-night gold was nnoted at 18la j New York Central Kallroad 03% Erie 77k ; Hudson River 104; Reading 01% ; Michi gan Southern 68% ; Illinois Central 116; Pitts burg 66% ; Rock Island 08 ; Northwestern pre ferred §9% ; Fort Wayne 61% ; Ohio .and Missis sippi certfloates 28 ; Canton 38%. The market is not very active bnt steady. Gold find,' ' , Tublle Entertainments; The “eminent tragedian,” Mr. E. L,-Davenport, “ the popular artist,” Mr. J. W. Wallack’ and “ the Charming young actress,” Miss Rosa Syringe; com menced an engagement last evening attheOheStnut street Theatre;- Without endorsing the style of advertising thefrpenonal and artlstlo claims npon our support In Urn columns of the Sunday press, we knew that the gentlemen are two of our loading histrionic artists, and that Miss Eitlnge Is* a very pleasant actress, and by no means the least attrac tion In the “ Davenport and WaUaek Alllanoe,” as It Is called. Mr. Waltaok Is, In onr opinion, one' of the first tragedians* now npon the Americas stage, and can only ba* considered second to the greatest artist we now have. He Is unequal, but In almost every oharaoter he embodies, the eleetrleal touches are evident which stamp him as an artist of mere than ordinary genius. Moreover, he Is net alone a great tragedian, bwt one of the most living aid powerful melodramatic* artists of the day. Hts Fegan, In “Oliver Twist,” is a wonderfulpleoeof acting, which deserves unqualified enloginm at the hands of the critic. In a word, we oonslder that Mr. Wallack is at present the legitimate represen tative of his deceased unde, not simply npon the secreof his bearing the SfilSfi Christian name, but by his own talent. Mr. Davenport also Is an artist of no mean ability, and the junotlon of two snob actors enables the management to offer tbe plays they peifoim with far greater completeness than they can generally be given with a slbgle “star.” Qf Miss Eitinge It Is almost needless to speak. When an actress possesses personal eharms and youth, she may almost dispense with talent. If she has this last, her position with those who’see her is abundantly secured. Last evening the play selected was “Still Waters Run Deep,” and to-night It will be “ The Iron Mask,” In whioh Mr. Wallack takes one of his greatest characters. At the Aroh-street one of Philadelphia’s favorites made her appearance last evening. This was Miss U6?QJIIB Etchings, who then offend to ns, with Mr. Peter Rlohlngs, the English adaptation of Doni zetti’s admirable comic opera, “The Daughter of tbe Regiment.” We have so often written of Miss Rlohlngs in the oharaoter of Marie, that it would bo almost wearisome to repeat our commendations, and we need do no more than mention the foot of her reappearing in this pait. Upon this evening she will, howbver, for the first time In this theatre, as same the pert of the Countess Olga , in Balfe’s oapltal opera of “The Bohemian.” Although this opera has been subjected to exolslon at the hands of some. unmusical man—a speoles of maltreatment whioh wo beg leave to protest agatfiSt—nothing oan de prive it of its charm to all who relish the separat ing ease and graceful fluency of the Irish composer of melodies. It wasorlglnally produced in this elty In 1869, and then stamped Itself as each a favorite that we oonfess to some surprise that Mr. and Miss Rlohlngs should have suffered It of late years to dis appear from their nperloirc. It will undoubtedly draw many to see It to whom It will appear almost asanovelty, end would, as we should suppose, boa card which ought to-run during the week. Camille 1b the oharaoter whioh LnclUe Western embodied at tbe Walnnt-street last evening. Al though we aosrcely think Ihlß so great as some of the parts in whioh Miss Western appears, no one esn deny It the merit of being a characteristic rendering of the most sensational character which has been placed npon onr stage for the last twenty years. In many respects It Is less obviously Mies Western than many oj* her other characters, and we confess that this Is perhaps the auoe why we rellEß It less. This artist Is gcnsrally marked by a singular and fresh originality, In which, she stands alone among all of onr prominent aotresses She Is no copyist. Her fanlts, and still greater ex cellencies, are Indisputably most thoroughly her own. WeroBhe& servUo Imitator of-the merits of those who preceded or surround her, she might be less objectionable In portions of her artlstlo em bodiment. but would as certainly look that positive evidence of genius whioh we explleity recognize in nor. Had she achieved her present professional standing by copying what she fancied good in the efforts Of these, she might be less exceptional now, bnt she would as certainly have never become exceptionally great. We should, moreover, have had Infinitely lees pleasure In watehlng her pro gress, and far less confidence In her future. “Satan In Paris” and “ Green Bushes” are both of them underlined for reproduction this week. Mibs Davbhpoet.—Mrs. General Lander, for. merly Miss Jean Davenport, leaves New York on the first of next month for Europe. Mrs. Lander, st understand, does not Intend, to make her visit long, but will soon return to America. We heartily wish her a pleasant voyage and a happy time while abroad. Labgb Positive Sale or Boots, Shohb, Bbo gabs, Abht Goods, Travelling Bags, Laobts, Stba-w Goods, Ac.—The particular attention of dealers Is solicited to the valuable assortment of boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, men’s soft blaok hats, women’s and children’s straw hats, and palm leaf Shaker hoods, men’s and hoys’ colored and white palm-leaf hats, shoe thread, fcc., Ao., embracing samples of 1200 packages of first-eiass goods, of city and Eastern manufacture, to be peremptorily sold, by catalogue, on four months’ credit, com mcnelng this morning, at 10 o’clock, by John B, Mjors A Co., auctioneers, Nos. 232 and 231 Market street. EltgantAbtistio Bbonzbs, Classical Vasbs, and Mabblh Statu art at Public Salb.— Messrs. Thomas Biroh A Son have new ready for examination at their gallery, No, 1110 Chestnut street, a fine assortment of the above elegant arti cles, which they will sell on Wednesday morning, 17th lnst., at 11 o’clock- They are of recent Impor tation by Messrs. Vltl Brothers, and embrace sub jects well calculated to please all lovers of the beautiful In art. A fine marble Madona Is one of the features of the collection. Catalogues now ready. . THE CXTCTT. [NOB ADPITIOKAL PITY NEWS SSI yOUBTH PAGN.J IN AID OF aOFFBBBRS BT THE TEMPEST. Last evening a meeting of oltlzess to devise means whereby the sufferers by the late terrible whirlwind In the Nineteenth ward might be aided, and their calamities lightened, was held in the hall at the corner of Frankford road and York street. The meeting was quite large. Adam Warthman, Efq., was called to the ohalr, William Lockhart was elected secretary, and Joseph Sommers, trea surer. Committees were appointed to solicit eon trlbntlons, and to ascertain the respective damages suffered by each Individual. A committee consisting Of Adam Warthman and Andre w J. Holman was appointed to wait upon the Corn Exchange end the Board of Brokers to sollolt subscriptions from them.. A resolution requesting the several newgpt&er proprietors to receive subscriptions m aid of the fond passed. „ A disbursing committee was appointed. The meeting was then addressed by Robert Alien, Eca , and the snm of $145 was eollested, after which the meeting adjourned. It will reassemble at the call of the chairman. CITY ITEMS- Thb Bbst Fitting Sbibt on THB asi IS “ThS improved Fatten Shirt,” made by John C. Arrt son, at the old stand, Nos. 1 and $ North Sixth street. Work done by hand, In the best manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. Bis stock of Gentlemen’s FnmlshlngGoods cannot be surpassed. Prices moderate, Fashionable Hats and Bonnets nor Misshs and Children.— A! magnificent assortment at Wood & Cary’s, 726 Chestnut street. Hats and bonnets renovated at short notice. Prloes mode rate. ■ Grbat deduction in prices of light Cloth English Jaokets. J. W. Pbootob a Co., 920 Chestnut street. Gbbat bbuugtion in rloh Silk Saoques, Bar quints, and Circulars. J. W. Pbootob A 00., Now Open— A large arrival cf rloh Paris Laoe, Lama, or “ Yak ” Half Shawls, Squares, and Cloaks, whloh 770 shall sell at gold value. J. W. Pbootob A 00., 10 et 920 Chestnut street, THRBB on Cox’S IhpALLIBLH DYSPEPTIC PILLS, taken one at a time, will effect a certain cure. Dya. peptics should apply for them at once to Samuel C. Hart, No. 24 South Second street, below Mar ket. - J»nn Davis in Pbttiooats.—Jeff Davis donned petticoats on Wednesday last, not altogether be-/ oanse hls own stock of unmentionables had run oaf /f but as a jireoautlonary measure looking to hls or safety, Jeff has got himself Into an awkward pll ght through hls misdeeds,-and treason has brought Min down to short commons and long petticoats, f ierves him right, for had ha behaved himself he WO' aid not have been (educed to the necessity of tUtlßlr ,g away; While be might have procured elegant, ay proprlate garments at the Brown-Stone Olothl- JX Hall of Rookhtll & Wilson, Nos. 803 and 606 Ohf jB t nu tstreot, above Sixth, No Upbolstbbbrs so prompt J M tilora of w _ Henry Patten, 1408 Chestnut atrr et , orders posl tlvelv attended to on call. y • QusEN Olives.—W. L. Fiaddook A Co., 116 South Third street, havereoe 1 ,ved new crop Spanish [Queen) Olives, of very superior quality, and for ss Io by the cask, gallon, quart. myl3 at Eye, Eab, and CAV. arbh, successfully treated by J. Isaacs, M. D., Pioullst and Aurlst, 519 Pine st, Artificial $y w IfiMftad, No charge for ewtalnatum. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1866. ' ' • 1# PsoTooßApaa of prominent friends ean be ob* tflificd at tbe Gallery of H. O. Phillips, Northwest oornor of Ninth and Chestnut streets. mjl6 St* Wire Banging-Baskets of a variety of patteras, and several styles of Hooks, Brackets, and Chains, for suspending them on, are for sale at THU MAM ft BBAW’S, Mo. 835 (SigEt Thirty-five) JU*. KMT Street, below Ninth. It Fine Ivory 'Fba and Dinner KNIVES, and those with the almost indestructible Hard Rubber Handle; do. of Horn) Bone,Britannia, Ebony,and Qoioa; alio, Beef and Game Carvers, and Table Steels, at TJUMAN ft SHAW’S, Mo. 835 (Sight Thirty-fire) MARKET Bt., below Ninth. 1* Bargains in Clothing ! Bargains in CLOTHING! Bargains in Clothing! Bargains in Clothing! Bargains in Clothing! Bargains in Clothing! Bargains in Clothing! Bargains in Clothing! Nbw YosWvMayU. Mo, 303 CHESTNUT feTBEBT, ABOVff THIRD, Mo. 009 CHRSTNOT old Stand,) And 8. h Ccrr. Sbtsnth and MarkbtStst. cjo MBS’ ) Moms. Ferry ft Go. hare undoubtedly* th* larceit stock ef ready •made Clothing, and finest 7 variety of styles Abwpresepted to the public In thirdly. Their •took ls-new. bought at the lowest rates, Met ttp in the best manner, and sold' at' Wonobhrhllt Low Pbicbs* Wonderfully Low Pbicbs. "W ONDBKMri.LT LOW PRIONS. WONDERFULLY* LOW PRIORS. Onr frienclS asd the pnbilcTwe Invited toealTand examine for-themselves, and be* convinced that'lH* to their advantage to deal with üb. ■ Attention is also celled tb O%R CUBTOM DipARTBnrT, One Custom Department, Oira Custom Department, Our Custom Department, OukCdSTOM rEPARTkHNTr ft connection with each where w«' have constantly omhand ; All tbb Latest aud Best : swung, Ald thb Latest awo SesT Sm/aa, 111 thb Latbst aNd BestSTtlbs, All 1 thr Latest and BiJsr fir ias* And'cKß guarantee to onr customers entire satisfac tion In every • MO. 30£YCHIBTNUT BTR3BT. , AbOVB TggßPj Mo. 609* Chestnut SuSiaßT,' (GRaNVILLE JTOKBB’ Old Stand;) . . ? And 8. SnvaNTHand MarketSts;, (JONES 1 .) Itch. (Wheaitoh’s) Itch. SALT RHECBL (OINTMENT)’ SALT BHEUM. Will cnretbetfteh in 48 hours. Alto, eura Salt Rheum, Ulcere; Chilblains, and all Efaptibas of the Skin. Price fO cents. 1 Byeesdlng GPeente to wfiBKS ft'POT TER, BOSTON, Maes., will be for warded free by mall. For sale by all-Bray gists. mhliMb “ Look oit tHis pictubb,*aot j l!Hew on THAT.”' Here you behold the infirm step? Tfce'pallid cheek; wasting form, Unlisted food, and a social atmosphere PelMMd with Ike tales vf acM«, pains, Sleepless nights, and mental despondency; There, laughing-health, sparkling eyei»| Zlastie steps; craving appetite, forgotten carte,’ Genial thought audambhious resolves Show the contraafeandmarK the picture. And here tbe secret lies, that Unknown to Qdackenboss, the Doctor,' - Smith bad taken battles three Of DRAKE 1 B PLAMTA+IOM BITTERS. mylfi dt Colgate’s Home* Soap. : ' Tils celabrated TOILBT SOAP. In Mchunlvo'rtal a* maid, isioad. from tbe CHOICSoT material.. Is MILD and" BKOLLIBIT In Us natnre, FSAGBASTLY SOBBTBD. aidEXTBBBuLY BEKSFICIAL In ltsas- Uon unon tbe Skin. Par sale by nil Srnidsts and ranerOood. dealers fe2B*tutfcol,' JOKES’,' THE LOWEST SILLING PEIOI - marked In Azures on each article, - AMS EIYEB YARISD, - AT' JOHIB’ Orescent One-priee OLOTHIHO HOtTSB. 4 - MAEKBT STB SIT, 1 above Sixth, Bo eat, *&■ Prices redneed to anlt tbe ttmM. A fine - assortment of KB ALT-MADS CLOTHIUCf, suitable for all stasons, eonstantiy on band.' Cnetom- work made to order at abort notion. Cmhfl-Sm CHICKRBING’fI PtANOS—£S3B|?. r? Ef • *»9.OOOBOLD.“Few Wareroomß.n KTH Entrance in Art GaUery, 914 CHESTNUT Stmt. my4>26t* WK. H. DUTTON. firm Gkoegb Hteok .& Co.’s PIANO Over 600 eaeh of these fine 04BIBBT FOfcTBS. Instruments have been sold ey ORGANS PIaMO Mr. G. and the demand Ii cob* CABINET FORTES siantly increasing. ORGIES. PIAMO For sale only bv C 4.UIRET FORTES J. E GOULD. ORGIES. PIAMO SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts.’ CABtMEf FORTES. no-20-tf ORGANS. Olothihg bv thb Mils, The immense stock or sEADT ICADI CLOTHHIG sow displayed at -• if ylnMd In one continuous lino, would reach a long distance toward Xlchmond. This long stream of Cloth- (si 1* running ol At NEWPORT—WEBB.—In Chicago, May 2d, by Hev. T. 1,. Olmstead, Ellison Newport to Miss Eli zabeth F. Webb of Chicago. * EETJTER—MoOAW—On May 11th, by the Rev. Q-.W. Miles Rigor, Mr.Wllllam H. Renter, of Colum bia. Pa., to Mr*. Martha MoGaw, of York, Pa. * BENNET—CROW.—At then. B. parsonage In Columbia, Pa, on May 14th, by the Rev. d,. W. Mllsb Rigor, Mr. Wm. A. Bsnnet, of Philadelphia, to Miss Bovina Crow, of Columbia, Pa. * - DOEBLEY.—On the morning of the -14th Inst., Solomon Doebley In the 69th year of his age. The friends of the family are Invited to attend the funtral, from the residence of his son, F. Doebley, No. 437 Wildey street, Eighteenth ward, on Wed nesday afternoon, 17th Inst., at 2 o’clock-. ** ERVING.—At Poughkeepsie, on Wednesday, May 10, Lydia Hollingsworth, wife of Elwsn Er ring, and daughter of the late Captain GHWK9 Adams, TJ, S, Navy. »» MoOtJNB.—On the 13th Inst., Robert J. McCone, In the thirty-eighth year cf his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral from-his late residence, 1830 Filbert street, cn Tuesday after noon at 4 o’clook. ** LEVERING.—On the 18th Inst., Martha, wife of -John Revering, In the 73d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are re epeetfnlly Invited to attend the funeral from the re sidence or her husband, near the Bower Merlon Aoa demy, on Wednesday morning, 17th. Inst.,. at 10 o’clock. Funeral to proceed to Roxborough. ** BAKER.—On the lath Inst, Jesse Baker, In. the 60th year of hls -age. The relatives ana friends or the family, also Phoe nix Ledge, No. 130, A. Y. Mu and Crystal Fount Bodge, No. 110, of I. O. ofO.-F., are respectfully in vited to attend hls fnneral from hls lata residence, No. 409 Steven street, Camden, N. J,, on Wednes day afternoon, 17th Inst, at 2 o'clock, to prooeed to Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. DOEBLEY.—On the morning of the Uth Inst., Solomon Doebley, In the 6»th year of hls age. The friends of the family are Invited to attend the fnneral, from the resldenoeofhls son, F. Doebley, No. 437 Wlldoy street, Eighteenth ward, on Wednes day afternoon, 17 th Instant, at 2 o’olook. • FERRIDAY.—At Easton, Pa., May 1% Mrs. Charles Ferrlday, daughter of the late A. H. Reeder, Esq. * DLACK ENGLISH GRENADINES.— -LI j n ,t received, a ease of Blaek Bullish Grenadines, at 40 cent, a ,ard. BESSON One price. Prices in plain figures. myl& PLAGE CHALY DE LAINE.—JUST eqed, one oa«« of TriaiabltckChAlrde Baines at S 7« eat. » raid. BBBSO.H One price Prices in Plata flgmee. myip UTBS & LAKI>BiiIi. -Cj ESTABLISHED 1**1840., We alwaye adhere to good Goods* and depend on fair d.mln*forj»t o ™ cK o? biik qoodb _ GOOD STOCK OP DRESS GOODS. ap26 BHAWLB AMD STAPLB GOODS. YXSf- MASONIC NOTICE—THE MEM* BBRS OP Pi) QBVIX LOl SB, No. 130, A. I K , and the Order In general, are Invited to neet at the Ball, CHESTNUT Streel,, on WEDNB3- DAY. 17th Inst., at2o’clock P M., to ettend the fune ral of our late brother. JgsSK BAKP.B. By order of the W. M mrl4-2t» KILLS 3CURB, Secretary. rSSP° SVSDAT-SCBOf/L ASSItIBSAr BY. at the Eleventh .treat'H. 8. Ohuroli. ELEVBNTB S)rset, above avenue, TRIS (Tneaday) EVENING, at 73f o'clock. " Vie ory at Last,” «» recently mtie at t' Je p o rt Bnmr>ter Celebra tien wlli he inns by the Se'joal. Admlaalon la sea.‘si children IP ton s. it* tagr HOBTIOH' njßiL HALL, A W. corner BROAD or ,dWAT.nUTStreets -Monthly PDplay and Stated Bee' .i ßg . TBIB EVEBINGI It A «®*>EH'AL MBBTINGOF STOCK ££w/t< B wnw ‘he WEST VIRGINIA NATIONIL PETROLEUM Co*/ . 4S y wm b „ held on TOBBD IT. May SO. 1885, at 8 P . m. , at No. South SIXTH St, toelfct pirestoxa* # make By-taa«, aad transact other bosinfss. - my Id-tun* J. H. WHEBLBB, Secretary. py co7.«eibmation will be a»- —— minis! A Jed In the Ohuroh of the Nativity. B' BVBBTH' aid MOUNT VBBNO* Street!, on WED NESDAY K r /Kbiao. at 8 o'clock. It* 920 Chestnut street. •y I'gOFISSOBS SHILL ANO K3S? O' JLDSB 'UBOUQH'B Grand Mnnloal SOI REE to-BISHT. at BANBOM-STBSST Hall. Gaidsqf admlrston, 25cent*; Baiervod scats, to. tote badat' a. doer. . It* K3f “ SPECIAL BELIBIOUS SEBTICE. CALVARY CHURCH. LOOUBT Street, above renlh.-Preaching BVIRT EVENING this weak, by the Pastor, - myls-mtawr4t* f y THE ANNEAL MEETING OF THE ’ a** Stockholders cf the EMPIRE COPPSR HO. (of Michigan) will he held at their Office, No. 433 WALNIJT ’treat, on FKTD AV .the 2d day of Jana, 1885. tt 11 o'clock A 8., for the BLBCHON OP DIRECTORS and the transaction of other bustneea. iy THE ANNEAL MEETING OF THE K®* Stockholders or the PHIL ADEPHIA AND BOS TON MI*UiG Cot-PANT (Of Michigan) will bo h.ld at )heir Office, No 4183 WALNUT street, on Fill DAY, the 2d day of June, IBS6. at L o'clock P.M.. Mr the BLBOTION OP DIRBCTORS and the transaction of other business. J 8 HnMnLLIN, Secretary, Philadelphia. May 15, 1868, mylO- tjol iy CFFTCE OF THE I KUIHH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, _ PHiLananrHiA. May 18, 1888. Etochholdars of this Company, whose names appeared as snob on thalr hooks, at the clobo of transfers, on the )B'.ti of March last art hereby notllsd that their right to subscribe to new stock on the terms or tha Clrnnlar of March luth, 18*8, will expire at 8 o'clock P M on Jhe24ihcnet. SOLOMON SHBPBBRO, mylS-124 Treasurer. wag- OFFICE OF THE GOAL BXDGE WOB IMPROVEMENT AND COAL COMPANr. Pnn.Asni.PHU, May 8, 1885. A Special Mealing of the Stockholders will ha held at the Office of the Company, 3DO W ALNUT Street- on TPUhkDAT, May 25th eilfo'slock M. Br order of the Board ofDljyctora . HORAOEB. KITOBELL, myIStSS Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES Opprbbd by Pbrrt #C<7., Offered by Pbbbt if Co; r OPFBBBD BT PERRY ft 06i, - €>ffrrsd by Perry ft Oo:, PsEtff ft Coi FBBRTftCO. MABOM ft AI HAMLIN , S CABINET ORGANS. WANAMAKEH ft BROWN’S OAK HALL POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE. B. E. aor. SIXTH and HABKIT Btt., MAEVBLLOUSLY LOW PRTOBB. apli-tf MABRIED. DIED. ' „ J. S. McMULLIN, Beoretary. Philadelphia, Mar 18. 1868. myHj-tje2 gggf* COAL AT COST. tKIOE FOB MAY, FiviJ DOLLARS PER TOW. THE GIRARD MUTUAL COAL COMPANY. farmorsmall 11 * Ter> **** anaity, in any quantity, . ln this Company are very apparent, and cannot fail to be appreciated by ?PJ take the slightest pains to luvestliate the basis of its organization and the plan of Itsopsra- Jil 1 ® Present disforbwd conditlou of the coa) market, the Stockholder witf derive the full benefit ™ prbspeotua of the Company—saving the entire amount or the operator! aad the retail dealers’ stock * bes^6s r *alUlsg a handsome dividend on his informatioti necessary to a fall understanding or the subject, apply at the office. No, 339 Walnut Street. 0t ** the Dsllvery Dspot, EIGitTH AND MASTER STREETS. Geo. C r Mitchell, Henry Simons, Secretary Nad Supt, - Treasurer. Delivery Depot mylS-St MSP FAME irsubavce compArt.^ Office, No. 405 OBBdTMUTStreet, _ Philadelphia, c January 28/18«5 the FAME INSURA MOB com past, ofiheif ao&dltlOB OR OMffi’at day of Deoent' Imt, 9864, ie published in accordance Yrtth an of Aw »embly: CAPITAL: Authorized and subscribed.slo%(XX) 00 Amount paid in*.85;279 00 s _ ASSETS. Itoidßsadlforfiagfs*.. Destimd Loaseon «ollateJaiH.~.—. 9 999 60 United State# 78* 10 Loan 20,C00 00 United States 6-20 Loan*.,. II'OOCMJO Philadelphia City Sizes-*.♦*««***.. 8 180 00 Seat Estate* 4,810 82 Btccka*w—4.29o 09 Interest . 8,979 46 Balances, open policies, due from agents*. Jfevv»» 1,875 62 974 00’ 856 96 ' I&st&iments'O* Stock not called in, for wnitfc the Stockholders are IndlTiddaJlj liable «». 1172100 ■ f87,786'3g BEOBIPTSIOJHB6* Premluraoa; Hie Risks, amount* Ingto 6ffsBftQl7.Co,«4 f 6 Interest •**•***•*..«++*♦♦ 5,C8l 33 2ft 69* SI BOSSES. BXPmEB, &o. Fire $6,27ft 00 1,399 6] Fypeneeß. w>ntv AlvertisemKits. „ Uss«4 3«DfIM SijtriM w«w4U«MHtWW»I MM! 1 9.500 00 —■— — 13, can eg Dividends. January and Jnly~v.~~-.~~.. SI,IM SO A B «, nß t. t rri.fc H. BOOK. President. Williams L FtiUrosixo. Secretary. fSSF* SOTOCK TO AIX DBip<MrE«t GORPOBATIOSTS obgAVIZED D £it AS? LAW OF TBB STATE OF PSiffbYLVANIA. ItUolt beittby five a to all conpaaiei maorpoiftM : by or uudar »bt law of tbs Cotomonwaftlthof Febaayi ; vat island organized at may time prior totha first Mon* • day of fiTovexcber/ iB6& that h*v« failed to make report to the Audlor General under the-Aet approved April 21, • 1808. andthe Aet approved April SO. 1844, that they are : reqnlrsdtorepoifrto the Auditor General forthwith, as follow*, viz.: In ease a dividend'bu been declared, the Treasurer : win report, under oath, the amount of capital paid In, ' the fißK'Unt, and rate per tent, of *aah. dividend duiinc the year cedis# the first Monday of J&TOEabtti 1864. and any previous jearor join in which the Com* Janv may have had an existence; and In case no dlvi end has been declared dorlttf the year or year* end ing ae aforesaid, then an appraisement of the cash ; value of the capital stock, as it existed between the first • end fifteenth days of Hov*iaber f mast be male by the ‘ President or Treasurer-., and a majority of the Directors, lenderoath. - When an appraisement le made, there* - port should alio state at what time the Company was • ° r ff addition to the above report, under the act of April : 21,-U6B, companies nob paying a tax on tonnage are re* ; quired to make a separate report, under oath, of the : Trt o>UTtr, of the amount of net earnings or inesme re* ceived during the period from April SO to Bovember 1, 38<H» i»««K>*d&nc6with the second section of the aet, iioOBFOEATED BY OTHER STATES and •’doing business in this Commonwealth,” are notified that they are made subset to the tax on net cartings or income under the Id section of the aet of April 30. 1864, and are required to report to the Auditor General the amount of such net earnings orinoome re ceived betw sen the 30th of April and the Ist of ffoTom* her. 1864.. All delinquent Companies incorporated by or under .any law-of the State of Fannsyl vania. will be afforded a • reasonable time in which to make the Beve;alrep>rts required by law and above enumerated; bat outinued neglect or refusal will subject them to forfeiture of charier , U'-der the 2d proviso of the fid section of the aet of April SO, 1864, which is in he following words: "Provided further, That any corporation which has failed to make returns to the Commonwealth, ae re quired by the act of AptU 21, A. D. 1853, entitled 'An aet forthe better securing to the Commonwealth the pay . meatoftaxeedneby incorporated companies, ’may make such return witbia sixty days after the passage of this act, any-law to the contrary notwithstanding; and all delinquent companies failing or re tore Band payment to the State, as required by the . general lawaof this Commonwealth In relation thereto, - shall have all their right* and privilege* declared for feltedhy proclamation from the Governor. • ISAAC bLdpaSß, Auditor General. w. a kb»«,c.b, State Treasurer, BAnniSBDBCU: May 10,1868. my!3 lm wgr OFFIDK PHUADfiiFHIA AND BOSTON BiaiFG COMPADTY. . , ; FxiLanKLrxtA, April 29, 186$. Fotlee is hereby given .that- an instalment of FIFTY CBETB PEAWHABX'dn each and every share of the •apUsl stock of the Philadelphia and Boston Mining Company ha* this day been called In, p&vable on or ba* fore the 2fiih day of Hay. 1866, at thepfflo* of the Com pany,, no. WALHDT Street. PhU&d.’-lphla. Byorderef the J lrectors. J. 8. MoMiTLLIW, myll»th>tntgiyBS „ Treasurer. Fy NOTICE WOBBEN TABU OIL »» compani . ofl«* n*. 140 s. FOURTH Street. Certtloales of stock wUI be iasas d on end after May 16th 186*. on sorrender of the original recalota, mylb-et* J. L DBLAPLAINE. President. rua- THE ANNEAL MEETING OF THE U®’ stockholders of the MANDAN mining oom PAN Y. (of Lake Superior.) will be held at thoir office. No. 334 WALNUT Street, on THURSDAY, the 25th lost., atl2o’cloek, for the election of Directors and tne transaction ol other hnalnesa. B A HOOFES, Secretary. Philadelphia. May Id. 1165. myll-13t KSr~ OFFICE OF TUB VSIOH PISSES- Iap <3IS BiII. WAT CO , JTo. aOB South FOURTH Street. _ PmLABMPjHA, Max & 1865. A meettaf of the Stockholders of this Company will bo bold at ue Ofice on MOO DAY, Ha? 22d. at 10 o'clock A- U , to consider and accept too Supplement to ths Charter, pasted at the late aotalon of the LeiUlatwe. By order of the Board of D'rectors. „ ; mySITO WM F. KBMBIB, Secretary. «sg» MEKUHAKIS' ASK MAS CFAI> Wae TUBERS' NATIONAL BANK. - Fittbbubo, April 11> 1895. Stockholdera are hereby notified that Boohs will be opened for subscription to the_new stock of this Bank attheCOMMERCIAL NATIONAL BARK, in Philadel phia! on PtoHD AY, May lit. 1899, and will continue open aortas bnniinllMmH, dally, from 10 o’clock a. M. to S o'clock P. M 7. nntU Thursday, Jon« lat. 1895. By order ol the Board of Directors JOBS SCOTT. Jr.. Oashler. H. S. BOLLMAB. Prosident, Pittsburg, Penna. BOBT. B. STKELiaa. Vise President, Philadelphia apl9-Uel Ka» SOTteU.-A MEETING OF THE l=E? Stockholders of the LIBERT! OIL COMPANY OF PEBPBYLTANiA will be held at the Werner 111 Boose, SAPSOX Street, above Sixth street. Philadel phia. on TUESDAY, May 19th, 1899, at 3 o’clock P. K , to consider the acceptance of the charier, and for the election of dlrcctora and officers tinder the same. WILLIAM BOSSXTKB, Secretary. Mat 4. 1899. ; miAttnlhdt* A SPECIAX MEETING! OF THE Stockholders of the WJSIKBD BUB OiLCr.M- PaHY wilt be held at the office. Wo, 913 Sonth SIXTH Street on WBDBESDAY EYEWIWO. M,h at elk, n?yl2-f6tnih4t* PreaUeat. orriC£OFTHE AMSBICAN 18019 fcS? ARB STBBL A&SOCIATIOIf, Ho.flOS South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia* May 8 1E65 she Third Quarterly'Meetugof the American Inn and Steel As»ociatlon will tsk* place at CHICAGO, I'll sole, on WIDHESDAT, the 24ih of Kay. last. . A general attendance ol Iron and itsel manufacturer* Uexpe.tedandd.slred jtoßgaT H IAMBOWt myll-th»tntmv2i ' Beeretary. args. YBII.JUIEI.PaiA. AID SESEUBA *»?.- CHEEK OIL OOMPANT —Oertiilcatea of stock are now read, to ba toned to subscribers atihe office of the company, luiwlck BnlWtage. 80. «9-W AL EUT Street, Boom 80. 9. WM. B. BBTHSLL, my 19-3t* Clerk. PHUADKIPBIA, MAT. 13, 188 S. |a& The annnal maetlns of ths Stockholders of the AStaa Mining Don)pen,, of Lake Bnperlor r . will be held at their Office, 80. 39* WALNUT Street, on TUBS DAY, the ash Inst., at 13 o'clock, for the election of DIVIDES®!!. ■gwn OFFICE IiIKARDF. AID M. INS. KS? GO., 415 WALBUT Street, „ , _ Mat Bth, 1935. A Dividend of FIVE DOLLARS per share has bean declared ont of the earnlma of this Company for tha last rlx months, payable to. the atoekholdors on and alter this date. By order of the Directors. myS-tnthsßt ALFREDS. QILLETT, Treasurer. rs*> PESSSmAIIA BAUBBAD tip OOMFABY-TBBABUBEft’S DEPABTMBBT. u Philabblphia, May 3, 1899,, BOTICB TO STOCKHOLDERS-The Board of Di rectors have tWa day declared a semi-annnal dividend of FIVE PERCENT on, the Capital Stock of the Com pany, clear of Rational and State taxes, payable on and * f ßlank* J powers of attorney for eoUeetlm dividend! can be had at the Office of the Company, 80. 938 3outh THIRD street. THOMAS T. FIRTH, 10,4-231 Treaenrer. |ics° OFFICE OF THE MAPUS SHADE lOS? OIL COMPANY, 80. 599 WALBUT Street. pHILADBLPHIA, April 29, 1859. The Annnal MeaUnc of the Stockholders of the Maple Shade Oil Company wIU be held at their Office on THURSDAY. May 18.1699, at 12o’oloekM., for the par erne of eleounc a Board of Directors to terve for the enin'nrrear. THOMAS B. 6.EARLS, , apKtmrlS SeoreUry. MILITARY. 8 PRIZE MONBY AND GOVERN MENT BOUBTT TO ALL WHO INTSH THE UNITED STAThS MABIBB CORPS. * , ... Order* hare been received from tha head or uis Marina Corps, at Washington not to restrict rosrults to a particular alass (as hM naan tha com heretofore), but to receive ALL who have semd in tha volunteer sar rlig, or In tha irgulaitr or in th* muinu, and haya been honorably dUtharwA. Such person! enlisting ifc the United States Marines .Will receive ths Govem ment bounty* and will alao be entitled to thaix share of SrUa money in any capturo of tha enemy *, ve**eu. or farther information apply at tha rearaiting ran deivona. JTo 3UBouth PROMT Street, between-• A* M. and 8 o’clock P. M., eyeiy ftplatf Captain and BoernHlng Ofloax. TTFnot BEorit D Examine our Photographs of ABBAHAK LINCOLH In Crayon—Cabinet and Llfe-Biza— and judge for yourselves of THEIB BDPBBIOR MRRIT. HBNBZBT ft GO , Ho Blfs AKOH Btre»|. \TAGBNTA. MAGENTA, MAGENTA, tu WBITIBG fluid. WEITIBQ FLUID, WRIrINO FLUID. ___ A new and beautiful IBK. prepared from PSTBO LFUM. and far auperlor to any CARMINE INK oyer mnnnfactnrcd belngofamorebeanti nloolor, twice, as durable , snd only 7*»l/ the mice Call and examine. For salt culy by CHASE ft HUPT r, 99 1 oath FOURTH Street mjlB tnthsBt* West Side. JJEMOYAL. BEQHT’Er. & ENO WlnOpen tbeirßew Stotir, 71# AHOH Street, with a Freih and KUfant Asiortmcnt of SILVER AND PLATED WARES, OnMPBPA?, JSthlMt. myl9 91 FINANCIAL. JJNIT£D tTATES 7-30 LOAN. THIRD series. $230,000,000. Bj'Aithorlty of the Secretary of lb, Treasury. the undersigned, th* Subscription Agent for the Mo of Carted Stales Sararittes, offers to the public the U lrd series of Treasury Roles, blaring seven and threa-tenthe'ysr cent. interest per annum, known as th, V SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Thee, Rotes erb Issued nnd.r sat, of July 15, IMS, and ar* parable three yean bom' that date In ottr ronor, or are convertible at the option of th, holder Into u. s. 6-amx per oe«t. GOLD-BEARING- BONDS. These Bonis are now worth a handsome premiums : and aro exempt, as are alt the Government Bonds, from State, County, and Municipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent, more to their value, asset ding to the rat* levied Upon other property. The lattiost la payahle loml-annually-by ..upon, attached to each note, may he out osrand sold to any Mail or hanker. The interest at 7 SO per sent, amenta to One cent per day on & $5O note. Two cents per day on a ,100 note? Ten tents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty cent* per day on a $l,OOO note. One De&ar per day on a $5,000 note, ffolos of adl the denominations named will bo promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The notes of title Third Series are precisely similar in form and prlvtlegeeto the Seven- Thirties already sold, exeept that the Government reserves to itself the'optlen of paying interest la gold coin at 0 per cents instead of 7 3-lOthe In enrrensy. Subscribers will deduct th* in terest in enrrensy up to 1 July 15th, at the time When 'tteyanlHflbo. The dsliTery Of thO norte-af thin Third Series ar Si.' SeTfn-Tntrties will eomhwneeon the Ist of Jnne, and will he made promptly and’continuonsly after that date. - The slight change mad* in the conditions of this- THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of Interest. 1 The'payment in gold. If made, will he equivalent to like current,'interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, to the event of whtoh only will the option to pay Interest In gold he availed of,- would so reduce and equalize prices as that pur chases made with slx per cent. In gold would he fully equal to those made with seven and three-tenths per currency. This la THE ONEY LOAN BSf MARKET now offsred by the Government, and lie tnperlor ad vantages make It the ~ GREAT POPtfliA® LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Eeea than $130.0G0,0C0 of the Loan' authorised by -COS,fo*< ar* now In the nr** This amount, at th* rate at’Which Ills being absorbed, will all ha subscribed' for within sixty days, when- the notes will undoubtedly command a premium; as has uni formly ho*n ‘the naan on eloatnr the anbserlptious to otherXonna. : In order that cltiiena of every town and section of the country may bo afforded fdsUltlsc for taking the Loan, the Rational Barits, state Banks, and Private- Bankers throughout' the' country hav* generally agreed to re ceive -suhicttpHona at par.' Bnbscrlbcrc will cslcottheir own agentc,.-In whom-they have conffdoncc, and who only kre to be responsible tor the delivery of tkeuotes for which ftsyrecelvs orders. »T A V OOOK E, SPSBORIPTIOif AGBffT. No. 114 SOUTH THHiD - STREET,. PHILADELPHIA. nwW-tf oßAanas ihort.- aul uxsox, m, QHARLES BMORY & CIO., STOCK ASD EXCeiNSE BROKERS N 0.19 Botttlt ThM Itteeti - wwtT.anmr.Pina. All kinds of emenmnt funds and Gold and SUvtc bought and sold, and Oolleetione made. Particular attention given to th* yuehaee and aata *3 Goverument, Stele, and other Stocks and Loans on com mission. n on-let 7.30 e 6-20. 10-40^ AOAM« A In® VIS, HO, SOB CHESTNUT STREET, BANKERS AND • BROKERS. AU kind, of aOVSSBMSET SIOOEITIEB ann btoGEB EOBOHT, BOLD, ABO BEGOTLATED, •BOLD ARB SILVER BOUGHT ARB BOLD. Special attention given to OIL STOCKS. mhll-Sm IPWAAP Koxm. XOXAOX *. MAnaos. jjDWi ROBINS Sc OOw, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKEBSi EO.CMUTII IHIBDSTBEEI, PHILADBLPHIA. uluimm SANK BOTES* GOLD, RtLYBB. STOCKS, EOSDS, AND aOYBBBMBBT SBCUBITIIS. BOUGHT AMD SOLD. CoUestlont mAde on all parte of the country. Deposit* received, subject to alcht draft, and interact allowed. mh7-3m gECGND - NATIONAL BANK, OF FITTSBURGy PENNSYLVANIA, OATI 1808 CITY MUST COMPABY.) CAPITAL. 8800,000. EAlt SEE S' ABD KEBC HANTS' COLLECTIONS wromatlT attended to on the moat favorable terms. e. k. vißaiß, PpesMeni. 03ABLB8 H. BIGGS. Oaahler. mh3-3m T>BILADBLP*IA BATING FUND A SOCIETY. Bo 3OC WALBUT Street. Incorporated kobrnary 29. A. D- 1819. . OPEN FOB DEPOSITS AND PAYMENTS OB MONDAYS ABD THURSDAYS, From fi A. M. tOjl P. H. .and 8 to 7 P M.» and on other days from 9 A. M. to2P. tf* COPS, MAHAGBBS: John A. Brown* John K. Wueherer. Francis Gurney Smith* Wiliam .Hart, Tobias Wagner, Wm. V. Keating, M. D.* Jacob K. Smiths WHPtm. Hannar, ficttttOJ w. Jonaa, s Mortla Wain, James Bundas* James Bayard, Henry J. WllMnmc, Hard. D pnwojn, Thomas Robins, Joshuor B. Lipplnoott* Adolphne S Soule, Joho Lambart, Samuel Welai- eharlsa WlUl ak. It. J. Femb. HntoWaen, Georgs W. Norris, FI., Joianh swift. Jos. Harrison* Jr. JOfspa owns# WILLIAM Treasurer. INTEREST * 8-10 PEE CENT. PBR ANBUM. myll thst»3t LEGAL ■C'ST&TE OF JOHN WATSON, M. D., Pi J)2(JJ4BJD Xetteza of administration ob the estate of John Wat* son* K. D * deceased* hazing bwa iraated to.the un dersigned' all persons indebted to said estate wIU nlease-'mafce oayment, and those haTing elm ms will id m | 3l ,trator. 8. B. corner W-TBHrHandaasSH Streets. Ot to Me Attorney, IBBDK A Y iS CLEVB. Ho. 904 Bootb. FIFTH Streets. ra.Tl6-tq.6t COPABTNERgRIVA THE COPARTNERSHIP' MERETO -L fobs exlsttni between the undarßlsraed, titular the elyle aid same of Jones * Tindall, t. TH(B DAT dUeoWediby mutual ooaaoDt _Ti«_ba«JnM» of the lata 4im Hill bo settled by JABVIfi W. TISDALL, who alone 1* authorized to nee O JoSlgS. JABVIS W. TIUDALt. Pttilapzibhia. May 1, 1868. 11 EDUCATIONAL. DELLBVUB FEMALE INSTITUTE. D 1 BOARDING SCHOOL 808 OIBUjI_ r „_ THE BUMHHB TIES OF THIS ISSHtuWOIi hMlthfallj and beautifully looetedonUienorttiern i» ftOIOMh In thAMTATAI ttssssc? gKOMZE BUST ~~ ABRAHAM LINCOLN. We havebed modeled for as by the well-known ar tut, JOS. A. BAILLT. abut of Abraham Lincoln. and hare had the eame eopyrlyhtod. It 1» prononneed by all who have seen It to be a peifeet likeneaa of the tUui trlone deeeased. To mako It within reach of all we bave pot the price atSODJt DOLL ASS. With a liberal discount to the trad*. WAHNEK, MISKET AMERRILL, Ho. 718 OHISTHUT Street, and Ho. 579 BBOADWAT. H. 1. J* UNION MOWING MACHINE, T which ha. been folly teeted for thelMt fonr year.. It combine, strength, durability. Uaht draft, ci Hh complete efficiency In catting irdtE, lifM or heavy.- wet or dry* lodged or standing, end embraces many minor convenience*not foandin other m&ebjaee m,9 lm BoU *«"*• AV, il2s T s*SZs°i%i t. G AIC * 1340 BEACH STREET. Hrcineeis. MachinUie, Boiler Makora, and Car Tanke of every deteripilon made to order. Bole Aaente for Lona’B Marino Belloometere, myl6 ly T7XCELI.ENT IMPERIALS, CARTES jll db vibiTE, Ac., of LIhCT. GBKEEAL GRANT can bobcat k. GUVEKtIdST’S. mvM-d" TO* AUCH Street. PASTES DE VISITS.- HAVE THEM made et B. k. BEIMBB’B Gallery, 024 AttJH Bt. Ton will And amongst bla apeolmene a etyla .are to a enee and nnanmaaeod In eneontton and Saleh. It* PORTRAITS OF PRESIDENT LIN- L COLH.-ALI. THE VARIETIES of Steel Plates and Llthoiraphi eng?Red V) (ha trade _ • EWHIE A BROTHER. mylO-W* 1? 12 Bortb SIXTH Street. WAISTS, WASTED—AN INTERIM IN SOME ?* Urn eitabllshsd Hops*, bf t CapiUl. Best of reference given and ihiwm. Addw** *• w.,»< at this office. _ «*. WASTE D—A PARTNER, t $3,000 HASH, to toko one-half Interest In a ontolui COaL lABD. doing an extensive baslnsss, centrally located. To an energetic person * foda opportunity offers, and will insure a good invest ment. Address “Coal,” at this office, for three dare. myio*Bi* WANTS D—A CLERKSHIP IN A Book or Stationer} Bouse, wholesale or retail; nine years 1 experience. afldreg* * , BooVe.> > Pres# etßa*. It* WANTBD-AN ASSISTANT ROOK. * r KiEPBR in a Dry Goods Commission Business, tfnet hare some practical experience, and be correct at flinres. Address P. O. Bor 237ff,' with reference, stating about how mack salary expected, myls-3t WANTED—A TRAVELLING SALES- T T MAS*, In a Wholesale Bros Honse $ one of expe rience and tLodeTßtand* the drDgha«tn*M. Ba«tof re* fewness required. Address Box BSBff Post Office ids* WANTED.-A GENTLEMAN AND vv Lady wish Boardtnc for the summer with a prl Tate family In the country, within eaey access of the .Zddress Box 81M Post Office. mylS»6t*_ WANTED—A SITUATION, A 9 SU " PBBIMTBftDBNT aid Business Kent of an Oil ("toiupaiy, in Venango county, by ayoung man. nowat F'rattklin, Fa First* class references given. Inquire of Colonel G* : >. BsXf DRRSofI, myX3 St* *OO WALNUT Street, WANTED TO BORROW-f 20,000 BY f? ( Bfsrehant of Biehtsondi Va. A lisa «s real »e*ima worth three time* the amount will be given as Kpiy to Boom 80. 1 Girard House. myl9»3t« EXTAN TED—AT NO. 182 L OBESTNUT W «ra BBT. or terprlsls* HEN, with W»otj» SS,OOO, deslroff? w making a email fortune rapidly, to exam* “in. Xgi'&Wnr CARPKTB, '' *he won tor a' the age, and no hnmbu. iddrese. with stamp, Sa. a. h* platt, xh}lo-6l r Olty Post OfflßA AT flso PER MONTH, ?v a. REEFM ILB 04BVAPSBB ia ovary town and eounty, fdrcbV'-SBUBBB and BPT, the most interesting and excitinx hot k ever published, embraslngthead* ventures ofjp w* m*» in the Onion army as Burse, Scout anVspvr iff. la f *®°S pictureofthc. war We uavwAg* mto clearing 1 160 per month, which we will proTtf to .any doubting applicant. Send tor "ral.n id& “ Ju,U 8801. 4 00.. 80. *OO r'nßhTaTiT stvofci. WiUaJ«lphl.. P». 11 aplBlm* A 3MDDI.E-AGED LADY WOULD XV »y, » situ IATIOS U Hmusketpar for a .tail, .«utlea>u&. or co opinion bn a ..ilj', R.foi'ftfte., „. Add?, w Bo* SOW, PhliidalohU P. 0., tot tbiPß day* It* A GE NTS" W. ANTED.—TO 1,000 ENER XV GBTIS MSB u>i WOMEtf, (rare,la offend to maka flom BSD A‘O *2OO par month. Mills* J. T. :B B A DLB " ; BPuPtj\ UK BIOGR.PHIBIB .nOT.BO ABB BteTOEloixr VVORKB. Th. ba.twUla* Book, sohllahod Sold osli ' byapnta, Call or non! atomp for.«m. M-TBil «f. AbltaiM. ISO OBASDSt.. Jay Tort A GENTS’ WAN TED, TO SELL THE AA a.juio, IEWTOTod 1 loft Bulat d Family MWIHfI MACmIBBS, thhbeet Sfa "thine in the world. Address A. L LSeURB A CO., SS-im* ' ' Box qa, Orange, Mass. PANVAFS3H "WA NTED.—A YOUNG Vy MAB, ofaoo&*addjteaia,'Od .bilOtos, to onaraot th« Kiaafaturlßi of tbla oil, ft ,r a very oufoi aud maeb. Addfias. wltbrofOroaeo, '* f..” Sub.PortOffloo,oor ter BKOAB and COATS* Strei ''Ja my!B St» rpiSATEBT THING OP THE TIMES -BO WS9’S PBISB *■ VBI VOPBB. -Aajnto wantod «T«rnrKtN. Premium Watche f given to Agents, On rwalpt of SM ,W* MIGnMIt JK.r,t lo »“. and a «p!«iidW Solid MFW.uuit faf-OtM M t pramlom to tbo a*ntt. a alul- S’? 1 ?® *•“*' *?*» elrsslar a»d fkUpartlaa&a, on nn wist ajata.Ad draw A. ft. BOWBB JtCO., P. 0.. M5078,3* JBRK MAB Btreot, ST. T. MM?-3m fiOn SKIRT HANDS WANTED AT *J\J\J thirßuplex Blllptie tjkirt manufactory to Slew fork. Those wfU experienced in the tape department p-. eferred. Apply atJto. 8* BBaIXB Street, J?ew 1 ork. Highest pritsepaid. li* A MONTH--AGENTS UVANT w < ED everywhere to-Introduce tbo improved hBAW & OLfcBK TWESTS DALLAS PAtfILTSSW IMG MACH IP A, the only low-price machine in the country whfatf ie by Grover dr. Baker, Wbseler A Wilson. Howe, Singer * Co., and Bachelder. All other maehlses now sold' fer less than forty dollars each are infringements, aud the seller and ueer are UibU to JSm- and imprisonment Salary and ev peases, or large eommtesioA, allowed. IltaMfftted elfttflira sent wet? Addr«*s A siiu a ChkKVimMoW't fatoo inilQ-dlW3m S7O MONTH-—I WANT AGENTS nP • V evft r ? where at $7O a month, expenses paid, to feIIFIFTKB 9 ABTICBB& the best selling aver offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS f, CARS?, Btdde foie. Maine. • aylO tt&Wdm $6,000', M”i,«A A 1 « B ' wo Apply to OHAKT>EB KHOiDS; mylS Ct* 80. 36 Boat 1 : BBVJSBTH Street. m WAMTEI£-TO PURCHASE, A KB small, near, modern built COTTAOBr with one or more acre* of 1 'and, la the suburbs of Philadelphia,' eatliy accessible tosenOOW, mails, and ears. Addireaß 0, 8 JPBATT* snyld 3t* . City Boat Offldl. FOR BAL£ AND TO LET, T ARGE SALE GP DRY GOODS. -Li A RARB ePPOBTUHITT' ; Owing to the del nh of the proprietor, W. A OATH* CABT. ihe entire st ock of DHT Gur/J)9, Gond-w?U, and Lease of £toxe toon land Dwelling Boats Is offered at . private sale, and, 1 f not eold before TktffiSDAT, May 15th, it will then ’.be offered at public auction, at 2 o’clock P M Thts being an olAl'Sstabllshed stand of Cathcart de Bj other, next door to Harrisburg Bank, it is certainly worthy the attention of basines* men, #s the stand Is ,oteuf the beet in tfhe city. Bent sh«ap, and stock of goods clean dmM ■ myld«dt* Ho, 3D B T . BBCOBD s(., Harrisburg,^a. Barb let; the large, handsome GVeuta r FarnUhing Store, Ho HIT .CBtSTbUT St Goodwill and fixtures for sals, my 1C 3t* •quo f;9fi -FOR SAMS, A well-se. W*** ' AiOi. OfiOUSD USST at mi6o per annum, issuing out of premleteln fhOßlevoutb Ward. _ LtTKbhS A MOJBTGOMBRT, mylß tnwthsii* 1035 BEACH 81.. above L&arel. m TO DRY GOODS JOBBEBS.^A EaLlong*e«tabll»hed firm in the JD&T goods jobbihs bubiasss on the north side of HARKIT Street, near Fifth, Intending to retire from business'on Ist July, will rent the Store from that time, offering a favorable opportunity to any fljm succeeding them of retaining an established stand . Address Box 1108 P. O, mylMuthsSb* m FURNISHED GERMANTOWN RE- JwblPEifCß to J-ent. Apply No* 233. DOCK StMitt, Boons 3. mrig'gF* • gft FOB SALE.—A HOUSE AH© LOT, EaUfo. 1(1? BIOS Mraet; lot, 18 feet by 14a bat IPPfr *t 80. 00 N. FIFTH stairs, my 15-2,* m FOB SALK—TWO DESIRABLE JEaUliree story Brick Dwellings, Nos. 1620 (immedi ate poßßeeaUm) and 1819 f'LBBfcT Street Apply to mylo»4t* JAMS* B. LITTLE, 43* WALHUT Bt. m A VALUABLE FAEM AT PRI £fe Afl irate sale, situate La BADJLOR Towneklp, Delaware county, i*a,, on the Lancaster tajnpike, near the Eleventh-mile Stone, within a quarter of a mile of Morgan's Corner Station, ou the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. The improvements are alarge atone mansion and barn and all necessary out- buildings; * oholoe-apple orchard In bearing: condition, and. A well-selected assortment of fruit and ornamental trees. It ia of the first quality of Bsdnor land* containing sixty-one acres, rersons.dealrtng a country seat would do well to examine, as it is seldom that property of this kind la offered In the market. Terms easy. Poereeeion given Immediately, and for farther parti culars inquire of the subscriber, raiding thereon. rnylfl or JQHEPfI B,.HARDING. M- “ POMOKAV TOR, SALE.- gk Jklo-The'subscriber will tell* “ POMONA, M Germantown Beeideaco.. The placate too well known to need any special description. The lot comprises o rer three seres. To a person of m«ans. who. may desire to Srovlde himself with a comfortable Homestead, aslmi tr opportunity is not often presented.. Apply to or ad dress . PHILIP.K, FBSA9, my 18-St GERMANTOWN, Philadelphia, m VALUABLE CORNER PROPER JBaiTT. A four story HOUSE, with lar«eyard, cor ner of Fourth and Green streets, will be sold by U THOttAR & BOBS, on TUBS DAT, May tfth. it con tains eiabteen large rooms and two bath rooai*. and 9 could be used as a Boarding house, or easily altered for a hou 1, bank. on insurance office. Can bs examined any time duilngjthe day. my!3^B»* m FOR .S AL E-DWILLING, GW JEifTABIO Street, above Eighth. Dwelling, Powell street, abpve Sixth, Three btor«a and Dwell togs on Girard avenue west of Second. Five Stores and D wellings on Girard avenue nest of Fourth. One Columbia, avenue west of Eleventh And many others. B. F. GLENN, FOURTH, Street, and mylB«tf S. W. cor SBVEaTEfiXiTH and 9&SBN. m FOR BALE, VERY LO Vff,. WITH XvLiWwdiate possession, three.story. D -WELLING, 2128 Mount Vernon street . Four-story DWELLING, SOO North Eighteenth street. B. P. GLENN. IA3 South FOURTH ttrer t. and myistf S. W. cor. sfeTEHTfißWiaam) green sts. rn FOR BALE—FINE. RESIDENCE. JKii The undersigned offer forsaje.theproperty of the late B. IS cComb, situated half a mile-north of the court house, city of Mansfield. Richland county, Ohio, aud within corporation of said city. It contains 11a acres of land, an story brick dwelling house, with 19 large rooms, and nigh peiungs. ali flnlsned vnmput® from cel'at to atue (length WaU 100 by Si feet,) aud situated on a beautiful knoll. , , ~ Wood house, cistern, well,, bam, stable, and other M TS&rSJtS!S9t varieties of Dull, especially a teS‘a?/ I 8 t S? D S^t Wa lO to 88 rods o( the on«M>f the most desirable residences inlot*, InMoOemb’s addition to .it. MoCaHBan4 j DAV IS. Jr,, mjll 8t JBxecttfore. Mfor sale or RBNT-A FUR. FISHED OOTTA9& ooutainln, a.yea looms, at aTLAHTIC CITT. Floe ciatera wal.r, l.» iioa*s. plenty of abode, near ill. beach. Beat btfO - Ap oly to - JAvOO laaloi Comer of FIFTH and RaCB. Streets, myll-thsta3t* Or ATLANTIC CIT 2 Post Office. «FOR SALK—HANDSOME STONE COTTAGB, containing eight rooms, situated in the elon July 1, 1866. Boa. 10 and libgarth FBPHT St, m FOR BALE—A SPLENDID -E BBILDIBG LOT of FOUB APBBS, on BTESTOB Ayenne, naar Fl.her a Lana Station. & 4 8.8. B. 1 nnanipaaaad in location or natural advantages; tiro ,P ALM-S»T I ACB!! d Of"5b§DMD oaFliher a Lane, nearly adjolnin, the elation and-extatuUu, toff aid. Oid Fork Boad; Broad atraetinna naar. th* line. »pjß. tnth.l3l ,T Bon IP and 1» north FBOST St. FOR SALE—THE SUPERIOR XAUUSC and fast two-masted stenm prop slier UHL TBD BTATSS, not thro* rear. old. well found, and In good order; ready for immediate service. Lsntih 16J feet; depth ? r de.ked over to after part ot fWWard Oaten, dull eanltod; iron braced and ooppmydj. audaulne entlne MiM; donkey pomp, boll.h addikoiattrjcmaehlna Can bo aaan at Meaeza. laa'mp k Son's alilp yard, Keneintton. ... , . For further parUonlua, ASP ty to . .83 & J H. Ft, AS ADAH, mylS 6t* 304, tomb DBLAWABK Ayenne A CARD.—JAMES CREMER, PHOTO A CBAPHER, and JOHff B. DILLO9T. Artiit.bayle* entered lnto partnar.hip, taeveattnUy annonnm to their friend sand the ottbHc that, at Bo 18.8. BlcSiy'H BT . ABOVB OaBSWIDF, they are preparedat all time, to farolah a very enparior et her plain or paDafelTn any oAiVyaiioae etylee pe collar fothle and be.ntllol art, frommlnta tnre to Ilfs'alta. - yy. Invite yon to call and aeo n*; yon will dad na -1 at <* i, onr bOßtneaa, and If you toel dliSttSl t,' liT,T.yonr tonntenan ? tbe.ften-lr. ree9VTc«9 qf ' on* e,tabfi*braent shad be eulwtea in a eomblned »F„« to mak«y»n' “ B " “ f w3«t UBB&BB « DIbLOW THP-MAS M-pONOUGH A 0888 B A » YbOTB ROB BTRBBT, BLK BTKBBI. A pgaKKLIN, PBBHA. Borin, tool, on hliTor made to order onleborl notice. - nARD PHOTOGRAPHS-oFINISHED 1," . oori.troftaetefnletylee, enitable foralbnate. ;n.tth.thlnifo.acbo'are to enebaue withelaae- SSi mrt S*A» fcV- mm%% »beT?Qw»S , -vs / VTEW OHBSTNUT-SfBBKT THBA.- k tr*_OH«BT*DT BTBIIT, ABOVE TWELFTH. «V«v«e * qgfeagjffirf I op thii ■ ■WiItAOK *gj> J*fVJJPO|T WALLACE AND DAVEtffOBT BIBTBIONIO ALLIANCE, v lastevenlcewJUL every yJSJteSk AT lOCT OF PLKABOBB AND DSLIGHT, LBHObSTV Midtence. bra Unsafe (TDBEDAfj BVEBiaO Harlf, THiti PABTICtfLAB BEQUEST, Shak,pBSr8 ’ 6 stkai Tr «* dT - lnfl ” acta, AMUBEMIEIVTB. OTHILLO imm \Moob off vnrioi. _ - . ....Mr, B L DAVKYPOBt Othello*"*.»«»•••♦«***. J. W. Wa^la^K Iflft---ALIO4 PLaOaDJI TO KOItBOW V*v;r«*^. mBISO ' Pill b» or..anted, ——— w“Sfj„s??S s ?a4S*'' - In ter great rdfe of „ In Matilda Heron 1 * T«riTn oJ%«*/»»‘ bentatlonal Pity of ih'eaamo fcMej bY ...nniaaioß or tu Arinand A. HOra* Mon*. Dr.»al..„ W. H. Batlip Mm. bablljard.... ~Mt»: ft O^flMnioß \TBB. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARGH a±. BTKEKT THBA'KB. 6'SB •'ißr'O'Nl KiCHrifQs aad TUESDAY, WEOgrSDaV??ai TSIPESDIIr, Dad. o]*a Coilma*.™ 0. RrnHflTaa. Ta«Marqui5...............---.Wr. rETES AfUr which, *‘MT PRBnjOTTB BBTh 1 ? " PBIDaT—BEMBPIT OF MIPS KIOBIKOI. ■ myl&H FUND HALL THBODOKB HA3ELMABIPB GRAND FABBWEiL OOJTOMfr, PBIDAT BTBHIHO HBXT, Hap 19th. first appearance In America of the celebrated M’lle BERTHS JtABBBLL r from Paris, (The favorite pupil of SPradeat) M’llc PaULTPR OAVTSSA. HerrH STBIfIBOKB, _ Mr. CARL WOL^BOBB* Mr. MiOLPff NBfTKUDORP. TICKETS, < £JB BULLAE BACH, _Mave«ha;d at the MoMc Store* of Metiers. 0. W, k.r TRPMPI/BJttt Qi ABDttfift 90, f audr-LoOld MS f BEL mrifrss - r<ABL GAERTNEfTS GtfAKD NA v VZOffAL CONCERT wW Ukepl*oe6n THURSDAY BVBSrBB. May tfth, AT TBBAMBRICAH AOAtBMY bf MUSia Reserved Seat* cau be bad at Mr Cha#.' Trampler'a Maelc cor ter of Seventh aud Cheetnst/sud at the Academy of Mas’c, from Moodav the Ittti t and Pn>> tremmes to be had atthw Ifoelo Store Tto!set9> $1 lS’Wf fiER MANIA ORCHEBTHA, - THB VJ LiST TBRBK PUBLIC HBHSAKfiiW OP TBI BBABOH Will* tklte plan Hap lJth, Mtti, and 27th. mi 18* CADEMY OP PINK ARTS, GHEHIHIF BTBZKI, ABOVE TZSSTH. NOW OPEN, THB POBTI-BBOOHD AHHRAL EXHIBITION PAINTING-AWE) bOULPTUBB. Opan tr am BA. M.'tlll 7P. H., ami (ram 8 till 111 1. the Evening. _ ap!7-1 |BB HJBW PDKUEAI'HISa. pIRST AND SKboNS EDITIONS BOEDI JO- THUD EDUIOir IH PBESS. ft SERMONS PREACHED IN BDMON an tub dbutb op .ABRAHAM LINOOBN* TOOI 'TBBK WITH THH OTNEHI £ 81RVI0F8 IH THB BAbT BOOK OP THI SXACDTJVJ Hi HBWH, vrAßHinorow- THaao Snmosa ara tbo i thought# or aome of our ablaat man, and a hair Index of t bo feeling of tha antlra com munity when thaaad new s waa ncalTed. How rala- Bblerach a book moil grow '< »* T“ r fallowa, an* we nan look fc&efe and read a »r thonghta and foliage aa they ware whan tho dead wai done! It la a book which eveiy family ahanld ova am > praaarra aa a m.moilal of tha time, for themaolveai a bd that .their nhUdroa. when wa ate gona, may read ■, th * tbonghta ot man wh» lived la ih. tlmao, the QreacH aballlon * «ha hade la beautifully Pffirt ,td on S»«tl»te4»e»«. and neatly boihd forpreaervaU l fi6a *t«nt bp mall on woelpt ofprlae. J. E. TILTON * 00, mylfr-Sfr PtJBLISHBBB.* JOBBP¥BMfiBIiDINi VPKWDAYS. HTTPOBEBMIO INJ, EOTIONS Irealmait eg Heunlfia, 1 heumatlam. Vent, and other Dial lattes. BY A. BUPPANEB, M. »• BOfTOH.~.. T. O. H. 1 ’• BTOBHAM. HEW TOEK— WM. WOOD & 00. PHIEAHBEPaiA -J. B. LIPPI* COTT A 00. XTAPOLEON’S JULIUS R. A" H»>per*a Library Bdillon. with Fo -trait, and Bfgpf, C2oth-P~dee*»o»«-0,.e«-»...»,.'-.*.**+~a»«' 09 llmoEdition. Paper-.. '•;**** 89 , .19 FRBI CH. Tinted paper with Portrai t and 1 Kap«»~.a.» M^,,.oa.+*+d,M *.~».o»„,.. ** 109 i 12moEdition. Pd»r.«**«* * .«* •«*.. 89 \ LBH PBOPASDB LABIBUfIBt a brilliant Setlt son < Napoleon 1 * Life of Cjeear. prohibited in Frittt 89 : ALLTBB EDITIONS of BapoUon’s Life of t JttUn* ‘Caesar, Branch and Bullish, wld at a dfceonot al » _ , LBYPUAdDT 1 , 8 Booketon and Librst T* rnyiLthstoSi >3Sta CBBSf fl UP at,, second Fit w. NOTEL—MASY BRANDEGffi®««- IS ALMttDF OUT OF PRIHT. ' A fevge edition, printed last week, has vanished fraw sonnters like dew before themornbar uun. It ls»one of tha<mest remarkable ft«tloai ever publish ed in outbubafeirdaTikbtdi fair to create an extlUment equaled only by the publication ST. PHIBIPB, the sew noveUby the-author of 14 Rutledge^ l * whloh. ti i selling by the (fficueands. OABLETON, Publisher, gey York,* BOOK'S 1’ NEW BOOKS 11 last received, by. iSHMBAD k ITABB, (Idaaard'a.old stand}, Bo. I*4 CHSBTBCTT street. TOLIIfS Bietory of Joilae Cnear by' Ha-- pofeon Iff. All tba. varton.. editions- in Bn,llan. and. afiAVßß*SliocBHr8 S *o { l®i ? %bijaTsy PABB OH " Second series.. r HIbTORICAD YIEWOFTGD AU3RICAH RJ m i- LUTION. R* Prof GeowceW: Greene. * LIFE IH HEAVER. By. the author of ‘‘Ha A ve Onr Borne. *’ • • frT. PHiLL3F l R ’ * Bv the author of 1 ‘ Rutte igf .** SIMOfI RRWtiOHB’R FISAEOIAL. FOLICT S£ the houthem Kebolllou. ,tt4C * AT ANCHOR. A story of our civil war. Bya a A ,n«. tiesn. SKIRMISHES AND BSRTOHBS, Ry GaU Ha mi i* an HUNTED TO DEATH. A story of Love and ti £22: tore. A new novel. FSTROLRUM, DEBBIOH AND DRILL. Af , t’ ttlmhh into the DUeovery. Daveloement, CocdldoQ. a nd peetA of FetroLenm. By the author of “ T an ' Aeres Enough. M 1 MaitioH H ARLAND3 NEW XfOVEL~fP JS BANDS HOUaaSaOUR . APepuiw Monthlv. f ia roted- to Keltgtcoa And Dusefnl E<ed (.» j m Shetffood 80., ALL TAB HEW HOOSn received, a> too' . from tbs preea. and sold at lowest prises. mvll tf MBW BOOKS! NBW BOOK 8 7i -1-“ BAPOLKoH’ti BISTORT OP JtJLI 0 a n SAM Vol. 1. 6vo, cloib, 8 OjKSAR. TBS PBBHBTTRRIAIf HISTORICAL , ABH.AHBOAL R3MIHBHABCER OF T B J nanSaa *ORIfS4. Bj Job 1C WilKOtt. OHOROa BB6BABBB AHD HOHSB. Br Jtirlol , nnrleni in. thor or • ‘Hidden PatK'’ At. Hariand, m 'iHOBQBTK OS PERSONAL RBLIO I OH ward M OonlbooM, D. D „ , oa BT M iT. FHILUPtf. By autHa*of Bailed i » l.' >KIiMI»HiHI»D%KBXCHKS BJ Pot utlob} JAMES 8. 01A.XI am Sueeasioru . W. S, ft ILPBBT f MABTIENi __6o6 OH , JftfSfSoU. ANNUAL OF SCIENTJ' FIO DIBCO ■OI VEBY FOB 1860 FOWBBA’O ,7, OUVJ tours tf aPOI.Boa I, ’8 O LIFB r ,» , JOBBPHffB-A#. elegant Ifnwr r id»lom In 1 vote., US*#* pl*a priaiea v& tinted p« 4ftd bound* li lAfiff oo **"- WhL* *»«■« So. 80 South bIXTHB tTii>.o?e Oh» at Dßt. APPLETON’S NEW t AMEBIfIAH A CICt0 «rl«, «omplet«. .„ •**‘r“W¥ “S«lS* fa BOABOJW6. pIEST GLASS BOASdSFtHEOLO -*- V. S. HOTBL. 413 O HBOTBTJTMiMt CY„I aotnelj-furnished ohamb-are on Ohoatnnl etreat arliifcn vacant to-dvr. Ohereea moderate. Thie houee has no ttt. Reference Manifest, • LOSTjASE, FOU»]>, TOST-ON SATURDAY AFTER , eTThltn l) lined Laoe Haadkerehter. X*o»t wfcu« riding Along Grpen or Manbeiva sireaf. or Ohfllen avenue, G emits town. A Aiwurd of Hollers Will few paid iw tbc fix der, kg retarnlor toGEO. J. BAYLOR. ©39 Jl. BROAD St .oj A. J- rfTSm* flrU bouse test of the Bail road, Dfft’ft Lane (Weiner** Wftce), Germantown mrB«tt»., PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS.—WHEN A dealied ret the beet etui made, the patent htuee- M a d’S!ib?lf»*i-‘ a » ABCH Street, It* fST—iamsmi RHILAfi.BLPHIA t tfte nriLifiNfiTou. ahdBALYI "ou?* B o^s» 0 w, biohmohd. oiii point, hb Trains lssve Depet, comer of BAIAD Street an* WASBUOTQK Atmhw, itj »A*C eonneeUat.wjw BAY LIB a 6TBAMBHB et BafttmOVe. ... „ rare to Richmond... .........*ll re Fere to City Point. li re Fere to Horfclk ‘g„^ ttlO. A. PADMOA. Pen. TlCiket Aleut, i#T.ip lm. £E«SSHO9, oa.mden anb at- BAIUOAD. - TreUm jeeen Vlee-etreet Ferre ee f oUprr,, Ire'lehTfwtth Pu»nnrettM>«S^.'^.'?00 A Si Atlentie Aoeommodefton.. — „„ ,4, is j>. C AUsntle .-*• V* with JPuseuer Oars nitsefeed****. .1108 ft It Jnnetloa AeMmmoAatlog. ....-MSA. 3. fL Bi-tretfiSmmrt b»deUTer*d et~sc«j>er;* Pol«t m WRITTEN AND VERBAL BE- Spssmsgil ‘ n4 * T “**’ bT PtremgJi oeU.tnDtelrU So. « ft .«•*« QW»V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers