THE CITY. Our country »**•* the ing:io-Airican. / tBOTUB* BY THS *av. tf. STORE, D. D. TRe oonoladtog- of the aeries of lectures for the l>eoeflt of St* Rohe’s Lutheran church was deliver* «d to a large and appreciative audience, last even by the Kev. Theophllns Storh, D. D., of BftltL. mm*’ t)r. Stork was formerly a Lutheran pastor in this city, where he etui has many warm admirers »nd ftlends. The lecture of last evening, character* Ized as It was by his admitted ability and eloquence, was a highly creditable production. The Doctor, being himself a Southerner by birth (a North Caro linian), and well acquainted with the praotloal workings of slavery, his views on that subject are entitled to more than ordinary regard. We regret that our limited space does not permit the printing of more t htLn a brief synopsis of his admirable lec ture. _ ■ The reverend lecturer began by stating that the love of country is an inttmcL It belongs to no par ticular age, locality, or culture. The patriotism of a New Zealand savage may be as tnte as the pa triotism of an American citizen. It Is a universal ficntiaent. There are no traditions Without ItS In spiration. There is no tong, however early or rude, of which It Is not the most eoul-enklndling maslo. The speaker repudiated the Anglo-Saxon maxim: ti Our country, right or wrong,” as an unchristian and dangerous sentiment. The fact that the maxim was employed as a watchword of enthusiasts, and comes to us with so many heroic and brilliant asso ciations only serves to render It the more dange rous. Patriotism, as a duty, obliges no man to commit a wrong. On the contrary, he is most loyal to his country who is molt loyal to the monitions of conscience and to his God. After speaking of the noble patriotism of an American citizen, as the citizen of a free country, Dr. Stork quoted with most happy effect the passage from Schiller, descriptive ol the patriot Tell. For a moment, Tell complains of the cold and storms, and longs for milder ellmeß, but the wish is sudden ly checked by the consideration that his oountry is Jtee 9 when he exclaims— “ And I have raised my hand, And cried In iharidcm to that furious wind I Blow on 1 blow on! This is a land of liberty P* The reverend speaker then represented this coun try (the Untied States) as the Divine Ideal of a Home of Liberty. Its discovery, Its settlement, Its struggles, including the terrible scourge of the re bellion,were all but the unfolding and actualization of tils Divine Ideal, that lay In the mind of God before Columbus discovered tbts Western world. The Puritans did not originate any new truth. What they gave to the world was, not thought, but action . They believed In the saoiednessof man— the freedom of man. They planted the seed of li berty, and their only care was that It might have room to grow. And It hat grown, and its growth has broken through the incrustations of selfish policy acdSlave-ocraoy, and given occaalonto all the revo lutions In this country. Liberty and civilization, he said, had been wrung from the iron grasp of oppres sion by the scaffold and the stake. The Ideas of jus tice and humanity had fought their way like a thunder-stoim. Every step of progress the world had made had been through battle a ad blood* - The Bev. Doctor here enlarged in a strain of true eloquence, upon the great struggle In this war. Every step, from the rout of Bull Bon to the trage dy at Washington, had pointed to a Slagle end— Liberty. Our noble President sealed his tolls and testimony for human freedom with his blood. He had fulfilled his mission, and he Is crowned, on earth and in Heaven, as the martyr of liberty. Tea— “lt came—bis hour of martyrdom In freedom's sacred cause had come. And though his Ufd hath passed away, Like lightning on a stormy day, Yet shall his death*hoor leave a track Of glory, permanent and bright, To which the brave of after times— The suffering brave—shall long look back With proud regret—and by Its light Watch through the hours of slavery's night For vengeance on the oppressor's crimes." ' The Bev. Speaker then considered the question: 41 What shall be done with tne negro?" Frederika Bremer had well said that the fate of the negro was the romance of our history. We must educate and elevate the freedmen. of the capabilities of the eolored race and of their future, the Doctor spoke with enthusiasm and with a confidence that gave proof that he knew whereof he was affirming. He concluded with a glowing and eloqoent picture Of the future of America. DEDICATION OF THE WAGNER FREE IN- STITUTE. Located on level ground, where Seventeenth Street and Montgomery avenue will intersect eaoh other when they are opened to tiiepublio use, stands ft large substantial brick bonding, the m&rbi© tablet cmtbe front thereof bearing the following inscrip tion : <> THE "WAGNER F&ES INSTITUTE OF O f SCIENCE, O Incorporated March 9, 1556. S Cave Deus Adest, To the eastward of this structure is a large level lot of ground, now being enclosed with a neat pall ing fence. On Itß western side Is a small Ulaa-oo lored painted frame building, on the front of whloh, in large letters, we observe the name Athletic. It Is on this lot where the great national game known as "Base Ball" Is often placed by young gentlemen, Sho Dancy the muscle-invigorating sport. A little , the northward Is a handsome landscape view, clover fields, an old windmill, in which grain was ground during the American Revolution; thick woods, the branches entwining each other la rich vernal foliage, give the entire picture a beautiful background, or perspective. Here and there ft Steeple-top or Spiro may bs aeon. To the southeast, but a snort distance off, handsome rowB of dwellings, beautiful piles of architecture bespeak the liberality, energy, and excellent taste of the citizens. The march of improvement Is maklsgrapld 6trldes in this the northwestern sec tion of Philadelphia, and It will not be long before the vacant ground alluded to will be built up solidly, and then the Wagner Free Institute will come into full use* The dedication yesterday was attended by a number of ladles and gentlemen. At half past three o'clock Col. William B. Thomas was called to the chair, Professor Wagner pre sented the title deeds to the board of trustees, re presenting the citizens of Philadelphia. Addresses were delivered by Professor Coppee, Kev. Mr. Adams, and Dr. Leech. The ceremonies were in teresting, and the assemblage adjourned shortly alter five o’clock, evidently gratified with the pro ceedings. THE LINCOLN MONUMENT. At the request of many, the lady managers of the eoiaiwß* Reading-room, Twentieth street) between Maxliet and Chestnut, have consented to motive conations of one dollar or more towards the erection cf a monument to the memory of Mr. Lincoln In this city. They have arranged to hand over to Mayor Henry's charge all subscription* received by t hem for this purpose. They will be la attendance at the Beading-room every day during the coming week, from the 15th to the 20th Inst., from 10 A. QL to 6P. M. Persons at a distance can send through the pest. This will give every one an opportunity of aiding in honoring the memory of oar late es teemed President. Wm. P. Casssozr, Secretary of Soldiers' Reading-room. I cordially approve of the arrangement made by the lady managers cf the Soldiers' Reading-room, to receive subscriptions of one dollar or more towards the erection of a monument in Philadel phia to the memory of Mr. Lincoln, and I shall be glad to fake charge of any donations for this pur pose which may be handed to them, until proper measures be adopted to carry such purpose into effect. ALUXAMDUB Hknsy, Mayor of Philadelphia. ■Yesterday, Mayor Henry received $250 from A. H. Pranolecus, treasurer ivf the Tenth Bounty Pond, being the balance of the collections remain ing, alter paying the expenses of the oommittee. DISMISSED FOR DRUNKENNESS. First Lieutenant Lucten H. Olmstead, 187th Re giment Pennsylvania Volunteers, was before the court martial of which Lieutenant Colonel William Davis, 69th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1b president, upon the following specification : 11 That he, the said First Lieutenant Laden H.>olmstead, 287th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, did drink with enlisted men of his command and became grossly intoxicated, and was found in that condition on the floor of a public house, when on duty with his company and regiment as a guard to preserve order while the citizens of Philadelphia were vievriQg the remains of the late President of the United States." The defendant pleaded guilty, and the oourt sen tenced him to be cashiered. The sentence was ap proved by Major General Qadwalader. RETRENCHMENT IN ARMY HOSPITALS. An order from the Snrgeou General’s office, at Washington, providing lor retrenchment of expenses In the army hospitals, has just been received in this city. It instructs medtoal directors as rapidly as possible to reduce the number and accommodations of general hospitals, retaining such buildings as are owned by the United States or occupied with out rental, and substituting, with permanent com mands, post for general hospitals. They will annul the contracts of acting assistant surgeons who can be spared, and discharge all civilian nur&63, cooks, and employees, male and female, whose services can be dispensed with, or supplied by enlisted men of the 2d Battalion and convalescents.* PATRIOTIC BASE-BALL CLUB, Attention is directed to a series of resolutions passed by the Mercantile Base-Ball Club, whioh will he found in another column. This club is the oldest organized base-ball olub in tbi3 city, having began their existence in December, 1859. It Is com- Eosed of young men of our principal mercantile oases, in every branch of the trade, associated for the purpose Of eaeiclEe and social enjoyment. It Is gratifying to see thlß, the oldest club, taking high, strong ground In favor ol the Union and Adminis tration, and occupying so decided & position in re gard to the great questions or the day. OUR NATIONAL GAME. The great base-ball match, between the Camden Club and the Athletic, will take place on Saturday, -weather permitting, at Fifteenth and Columbia avenue. The public are invited, and seats will be provided for ladles. Game to begin at throe o’clock precisely. This will be a very close and exciting contest. RUN AWAY. About half past eleven o'olook yesterday morn ing two horses attached to an ale-wagon became frightened, and ran into a bulk window at Twenty fifth and Biddle streets, and broke it Into splinters. They then ns Into an Arch-street oar, and smashed the wagon to which they were, attached, Ho one was injured. • ' FELL DEAD. Yesterday morning Mrs. Landenmlra, 45 years or age, residing on Pine street, near Twenty-fourth, fell dead on Spruce street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second. Wm; MoFanen, aged 65 years, fell dead in Bran dywine street, below Broad. RESIGNATIONS. Rev. J. Hyatt Smith, who has been pastor of the Eleventh Baptist Church, Twelfth street, above Race, for five years, has tendered kis resignation, to take effect on the first Sunday of July. Mablon H. Dickinson, chief inspector of streets, has resigned his position, to take effect on the 3iat Inst. __ AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL. A farm of one hundred and seventy-five acres, with all the requisite farm buildings, near Gwynedd Station, Montgomery county, has been purchased by the polytechnic College of Philadelphia, for the establishment of a first-class agricultural school, to he conducted in connection with the institution in the city. ~ SERIOUS FALL. Yesterday morning, about four o'clock. James Bnrn8 t aged twenty-six years, fell from tne third- Btory window of a house at Eleventh and Prime streets, and was seriously injured internally. At half past one o'clock, yesterday afternoon, a fire took place in the third story back room of No. Hill Addison strtet, and destroyed Its contents. The house was occupied by police Officer Young. Th .® &*e wm extinguished by the Western Hose. h0UM1233 &SdS"al <1 |^ 68t8rflay aft6r “°“ at th * BAILitOAD ACCIDENT. About three o’clock, yesterday afternoon, Benla -16 Seats old, voile iumplng off the oars «n tho Pennsylvania Railroad, near the Arsenal fell under the wheel and h»d hla leg oat off. THE CONBMAUGH. The United States steamer Conemangh has been thoroughly repaired at the Navy Yard, and been put In commission. THE MASSACHUSETTS. The United States supply steamer Massaohn. fetts will leave to-morrow for tbe South Atlantia Fanadron Packages to be forwarded must be left aboard to-day. emigration. The Ship JfOhOSgo, from LondondMrv, arrived at this port yesterday, having on board 260 emi grants, mostly females. CHIIDREN’S HOME OF. 'WEST PHILADEL- The tenth anniversary of the GMldren’sHjome of West Philadelphia was hold last evening, in Rev. Dr. Butler'S oburob, Walnut street, east of Fortieth. Owing, no doubt, to the stormy weather, tbs at* tendance was not so large as might hays boon ex pected. bnt the ohnroh was, nevertheless, pretty well filled. The ohlldren ot the Home, looking par ticularly Interesting, contented; and happy, occu pied seats In front of the pulpit. The exercises com menced at 8 o’clock, and consisted of singing and re citations by the scholars, prayer by Rev. Mr. castle, reading of report by Rev. Dr. Bntler, addresses by Hon. Judge Kelley and Rev. Phillips Brooks, collec tion and benediction by Rev. Mr. Brooks. The an nual report ol the managers states that from the results of the past year they have good oause ror thankfulness, since May, 1864, there have been SO ohlldren received into the Institution j 10 have boon .placed in families; 10 have been returned to their S a rP Il t2i ““ two have died. The present number 1 the Home Is 60. From the parents and friends of tne ohlldren In the Home some money has boon re ceived for board. A mortgage of $7,000 has bur* dened the Institution since Its formation, but through the liberality of the patrons of the Home this has been paid, and the Home Is now en tirely free of debt. The building, with Its present limits, has been fonnd Inadequate to the demands upon it, and efforts have been made to have an addi tion put to the present building. This building will be a double thiet-Story brick, built, back ortho main structure, and Is to bo begun immediately. The treasurer reports the reoolpts for the yoar to hare been *5.310.46; expenditures, $6,084.86. Balance on hand $306.69, CITY COUNCILS. A stated meeting ol both branches of Councils was held yesterday afternoon, at which the follow ing business was transacted: REUECt BRANCH. Jambs Dynd, Esq, president, In the chair. The Chair presented a communication from the Chief Engineer cf the Water Works, stating that the existing laws are sufficient, If enforoed, to preserve the purity of the water In the Schuylkill, Referred to the Commlttoe on Water Works. Also, one from John He Arthur, calling attention to the condition of Emellne street. The gutters overflew Into the cellars. Referred to the Commit tee on Highways. Mr. Fbbbman (U.) presented a resolution request ing the managers of the Girard College not to ad mit any more pupils until the accounts be examined, with a view of seeing If the lands appropriated are sufficient to pay their expenses. Agreed to. Mr. Oattbll (U.) presented a communication relative to the late quota, saying that the Provost Marshal General had discovered the error repre sented to Mm, and the quota, Instead of being 7,873, was really 4,467. Ordered to be printed lu the Ap pendix. Hr. Wagner, (U.) ohairman of the Committee on Health, made a report, with a bill annexed, pro viding for an additional appropriation of $l,OOO to the Board of Health. Passed. Hr. Jones, (D.) chairman of the Committee on Daw, reported a bill providing for the changing of election precincts in the Second ward. The report states that a larger number of votes were polled in some of the precincts than was contemplated by law, and the bonndarles of the entire divisions are changed. The bill was read twice and laid over. Mr. Jones also presented a bill changing the plaoo of heldlDx the polls In the Fifth division, Twenty-flfth ward, because of the former plaoo be ing unoccupied, Dald over. Also, a report changing the Sixth division, Ele venth ward. Passed. Hr. Gbay (U.), chairman of the Committee on Water Works, made a report providing for the lay lug of water-pipes In Callowhlll and Morganstreets. Passed. Also, onejprovldlng for laying water-pipe in Wal nut street, Twenty-fourth ward. Passed. Mr. Hosdon (V.), chairman of the committee to verify the cash acoount of the City Treasurer, made a report up toffiday 1: Cash account balance $971,670 37 Trust fund... The Chaib presented a communication from the Mayor, with a letter accompanying from Com mander James Madison Frailey, In whloh he states that he has sent two 600-pouQd shots, funhd at Charleston, S. C., on tha evacuation of the city. The shots are In Independence Hall. Mr. Vanolbvb (U,), chairman of a special com mittee; presented an ordinance requiring the PhUa* delpMa, Germantown, and Norristown Railroad Company to station flag-men along their road at Coates, Poplar, Girard avenue, and Broad streets. When ten days shall have elapsed after the notifica tion of the passage of the ordinance, the company shall be fined five dollars a day for neglecting to comply with It. Daidover. Mr. Oattbll (Tj.) presented resolutions compli mentary to Major W. J 3. Dane, mastering officer of the United States at this post, and returning the thanks or the city to him. The bill from Common Council relative to wind mill island, was concurred in, and the loth instant fired as the time for the meeting ol the committee. The resolution from Common Connell agreeing not to make any appropriations to departments for expenses incurredbejond the regular appropriation was cononrred In. A resolution, providing that no one shall be elected police magistrate unless he has paid Into the trea sury the fines and penalties required bylaw, waß passed. The bill making an appropriation for expenses In curred In recruiting Hanoook’s Corps was taken up. Mr. Fbbbhan (U.) moved the tnrther consider ation of the bill be postponed Indefinitely, but sub sequently withdrew the motion, and moved an amendment, that the sum of $13,000 only be appro priated, to be taken from money unexpended and created by the loan to pay bounties to volunteers. He wonld not, however, vote for the amendment, as he opposed any appropriation for the purpose. The amendment was agreed to, and tha bill passed se eond reading. On a motion to suspend the rules It was cot agreed to: yeas, 8; nays, 13; a two-third vote being required. All of the members gave Mr. Franklin credit for his exertions to raise men by volunteering, and thus dispense with the draft, and claimed that their op position was pnrely on conscientious grounds. Mr. Biohib (U), ohairman of the Committee on Finance, made a report stating that the State of Pennsylvania, having refused an allowance of five percent, on taxes due them, an additional appro- K" Hon of $660 was required from the residuary of the Girard Estate. A bill to that effect was passed. The Chaib presented the resignation of Mahlcn H. Dickson, K:q■, from the office of Superintendent of Streets. The bill from Common Ceuneil relative to the Reliance Engine Company was concurred In. Also, the one relative to the Inquiry concerning the blasting of stone on Chestnut street, Twenty-fourth ward. Also, the one changing the name of the United Hose Company. The bill relative to the purchase of leans by oltl sens was Indefinitely postponed. The resolution tendering the use of Independ ence Hall to Dleut. Gen. Grant was concurred in. The resolutions relative to the High Sohool were taken up and the resolutions passed, bnl tbo pream ble was stricken out. Adjourned. COMMON BRANCH. President Stokblt (U.) In the chair. RELICS, A message Horn Mayor Henry enclosing a letter from James Madison Frailer, of the United States Navy, referring to two six hundred pounds shot which he sent up in the United States steamer Mas - saohnsetts, to be deposited In Independence Hall as a memento of the rebellion. The letter of Commander Fralley states that these shot fell Into our bands upon the evacuation of Charleston. The gnns for whloh these shot were made were both destroyed by the rebels ; one explo ded on Its trial, and the other was destroyed on tbs morning previous to the evacuation of that olty. OOmiUNIOATIONS. The resignation of M. H. Dickinson, Chief Inspec tor of Streets, was received and aooepted. The Committee on Highways reported a resolu tion providing for the repaving of Peale street from Yanhom to Lydia streets, Sixteenth ward. Agreed to. Also, a resolution providing for the opening of Ash street, from Olrard avenue to Thompson street, Eighteenth ward. Agreed to. Also, a resolution providing for the repaving of Otsego street, from Morris to Moore streets, First ward, at a cost not exceeding s2eo. HIGHWAYS. Mr. Simpson offered a resolution providing for narrowing the pavement of Cresson street, from Gay to Cotton streets, to seven feet. This ia-ren dered advisable by reason of insufficient room for vehicles to pass In the street on acoount of the space occupied by the tracks of the Philadelphia, Ger mantown, and Norristown Hallway Company. Re ferred to the Highway Oommittee. LOT BOH A SOHOOL HOUSE, The ordinance providing for the purchase of the lot of ground at the northeast corner of Seventeenth and Pino streets, for school purposes, was taken up and passed. LINCOLN HOBB. The Committee on Trusts and Fire reported a resolution recognizing the change of name of the United Hose Company to the Lincoln Hose Com pany. Agreed to. lIEB-ALAHH TBLBORAFH. The same committee reported an ordinance ap propriating $1,480, for the pnrpose of extending the fire-alarm and police telegraph. This is the same hill which passed Common Counoll soma time ago, bnt was lost In Select Oonnoll. The ordinance passed. Mr. Evans submitted an ordinance authorizing the commissioner of Highways to grade Forty first and Forty-second streets from Locust to Kingeassing avenue and Baltimore avenue, Pine street and Sprnee street from Forty-first to Forty-second Btreet, and charge the expense of the same to O. W. Davis, who received the oontraot for doing the work from G. W. Schofield, Commissioner of High ways, and failed to complete the work. The sum of $l,OOO 1b appropriated for this purpose. Passed. The resolution from Select Council relative to admissions Into Girard College was concurred In. Also, a resolution to lay water-pipe on Walnut street west of Thirty-first street. Also, a resolution to change the plaoe of voting In the sixth division of the Eleventh ward. Albo, a resolution to lay water-pipe on Gallowhlll street and Elder street. The complimentary resolutions to Major W. B. Lane, U. S. A., mustering officer In this olty, were Indefinitely postponed. An ordinance making an additional appropria tion to the Board of Health was concurred in. ' The resolution relative to polioe magistrates was lest. The supplementary ordinance relative to nul sanoes passed finally. Adjourned, TUB COURTS. District Court—Judge Hare. . James Meadoweroft vs. The Standard Fire In surance Company of Now York. An action on a polloy of Insurance against damage by fire. Before reported. "Verdict for plaintiff, $1,715. District Court—Judge Stroud. Benjamin F. Heisler vs. John "Bancroft, This no tion was to recover damages for an alleged breach of covenant. Plaintiff, It appeared, leased from defendant a soap-bolllng establishment in Wood street, above Third Btreet; the latter stipulating that the apparatus and fixtures necessary to carry on the bnslness should be plaoed by him in good working order and oonaitlon. This, plaintiff al leges, he never did, and that by reason of snob failure to comply with the covenants of the lease he suffered great loss; hence this suit for damages. The defence, on tne other hand, averred and called witnesses to prove that all the oovenants In the lease on the part of defendant had been fully compiled with, and that the establishment had been plaoed by him In good order and condition. Juty out. „ George W. Thom for plaintiff; Theodore Cuyler for defendant. Court or Quarter Sessions—Hon.. James K. Ludlow, Associate Justice. [William B. Mann, Esq., Prosecuting Attorney.] BAIL BORPBITBD, u Tl i?ul, , nurfi? r Ah«» D A lo ?' Ed ward Tullev, and Hugh Donnelly, oharged with a variety of offences, and against whom five true bills are pending, was called. None of the defendants making ttielr ap pearance the ball In each oase was forfeited. Geo. F. Elliott, 127 Passyunk Ro&d, was the ball in each case, amounting In all to $12,000. 6TBTBBfI.IH-I.AW AND BROTHBBS*IN-LAW, William Filnn, Catharine Finn,, ana Rose Lynch were oharged with committing an assault and bat tery, and an assanlt with Intent to kill Michael Keating, and the latter with committing an assault and battery on the others. The latter said he was attacked while moving hie furniture, and received five “ successful ” kicks In th© eyes, face, and neok. He received three severe gashes In the eye with kicks, and was prevented from working for some time. Heating Is the brother-in-law of Catharine and Bose. . , . Counsel for defendants. What were you doing when not at work 1 ~ Witness. At any time I was not working I was doing nothing else, cur. Several witnesses testified to seeing the women attack the prosecutor, and get him down in the gutter, after whloh Wm. Filnn jumped In his face and covered it with blood. - Wm. Filnn" testified that his wife was remon strating with Heating about snlng his wife, and her mother and father; witness made his wife go In the home, and afterwards bts wife’s sister oame along and had a quarrel with Heating; witness went oat and found Keating a hold of Ms wlfo’s halr, with a lamp holding over as though to strike her. and wit ness knocked Mm down and kicked him; he get np, and started to run across the street, hut fell on the lamp and out Mmself. Verdict, Mlebael Keating not guilty; and Wm. and Catharine Fllnn, and Rose Dynoh, guilty of as sault and battery. The eourt sentenced William to pay a fine of $l6 and the costs; Catharine, a flue of $10; and Rose, a fine of $5 and the costs. BPEBOTB OF THE Bid VIBE. Ann Savage wasoharged with the laroeny of seme clothing valued at $18.35. Mrs. Grass testified that she sent the olothlng to defendant to wash, and she never returned them. A lady for whom the defendant had worked four years, gave her a good character. The defendant said she gave the clothes to another woman to wash and they were stolen from her. A witness testified that the goods were given by Ann Savage to Mrs. Moore to wash, and they were lost at the large eon fiagration at Ninth and Ellsworth streets. Verdlot net guilty. Samuel Jeffries, Henry Jeffries, Samuel Mcln tyre, Wm. Simons, Wm. Conrad, and Jaoob Keller were charged with conspiracy. All of the parties were present exoept Molntyie. Archibald Barron sworn.—Mr. Keller aud I were concerned in a restaurant on Islington lane, near Camp Gadwalader; Keller and 1 were partners, and I paid seme of the bills; I gave $l5O before we commenced the place; I put In, In cash, live or six hundred dollars; the money and goods put in amounted to between $1,6(0 and $1600; the first ooeurrence we commenced to oreot building April 1, 1664, and opened up 33d April, and continued business to 15th or 16th of May; Mr. Keller bought tMngs required, and It was three weeks before we made a settlement: after tlement disputes arose; Mr. Keller forced me from the premises; 1 took possesion again on the 33d of July, and remained eight days stocking the place again; Conrad got Keller out of prison, and they and others came there, a man that I do not know; a man oame up and said he had a warrant; Conrad appeared to be commander in oMef of the party; the man would not let me get my eoat and hat; my two bartenders were also arrested; Keller jumped over the bar, took the money out of the drawer and put It in Ms pocket; It was between $8 and $l5; Conrad said the court and Bill Mann had ordered Mm to clear the plaee ont in five minutes; 1 was taken to an alderman’s and bound in $3,100 for forcible entry and detainer; Keller and others appeared against me; I think Conrad was there; I went again to the house, and the Jeffries had possession; the youngest Jeffries wastbere, and I said this place belongs to me; I was told to get ont, that he bought the plaoe, anil had a receipt to show; he drew a blackjack and chased me out; before Keller got In prison, Conrad said to me he could make $5O or $lOO bygeUlnghlmoutlf I would net Interfere; he said If Keller got out he would fix It all right, and he pledged Ms word that he should not bother me; the first I knew or the release of Keller, was when he and Conrad oame and had me arrested; Simons afterwards got .possession of the plaoe, saying he bought It from Keller; I never sold the plaoe cut, or authorized any of the people to take possession of the plaee. The above are the facts of the oase as the Com monwealth present them. District Attorney Mann and John O’Byrne, appear for the Commonwealth : and Dewls C. Cassidy, Deenard R. Fletohor, and D. W. O'Brian, represent the defendants. The case will ocoupy a considerable time. Wm. Miller, alias Myers, convicted of setting Are to barns In the rural districts, was sentenced to three years in the Eastern Penitentiary. His honor said that, In oonsequenee of representa tions made that the prisoner was of feeble mind, he had esoaped pnnlßhment heretofore. The officers of the penitentiary wonld be thoroughly informed as to his condition, and wMle he would be well treated the oommnnlty would be protected foam Ms acts. THE POLICE. (Before Mr. Alderman Alien.] SCHUYLKILL PIBATRS. 16,031 73 Two men giving the names of Daurence Carroll and Alexander McGaobey, were arraigned yester day on the charge of the laroeny of a yawl, anchors, rope, fco., from a canal boat In the Sahuylklll, near Falrmonnt. Aoeordlng to the evidence addnoed these men boarded the boat about one o’clook yes terday morning, and lowered the yawl Into tne wa ter, stating to the oaptatn they wished to borro W it for a short time. They returned after tha oaptaln had retired for the night and drove the watchman into: the cabin and then fastened the door. Upon being discovered by the police, they attempted to swim ashore, bnt were arrested. They were com mitted to answer. [Before Mr. Alderman Welding. 1 THR ARBOR. PoUoeoffleers of the Sixth dtvlslon made adesoent, yesterday morning, on a plaee called “ The Arbor,’’ located in Fifth street, above Cherry. TMs esta blishment has all the appearances of a tavern. The Alleged proprietress is named Josephine McKenna. All the persons in the house were arrested. Three pieces of casslmere stolen from the tailor-store on Arch street, above Fifth, were found In the honse. A jimmy and skeleton key, and other articles used by thieves, were fonnd In the house. Upon being arraigned, the prisoners gave their names as Frank Dougherty, R. H. Galloway, S. B. Vanoe, Charles Moran, Edward Wilson. Aaron Niohols, Amanda Nichols, JosepMne MoKenna, Thomas Seoembee, and Rose Maull. The last named Is a oolored wo man, and was a servant In the house. She la held as a witness principally. Moran; who was the bar tender, and vanoe, who was seen to take away a new coat on the previous evening, were each held In $1,500 ball, and the others were held In $BOO to answer. Arrival and Balling of Oeean Steamers. Sanaa— —Southampton.New fork.. -April 36 Asia.—-.—-. .Liverpool—Boston-. .-April 29 City cf Dublin Liverpool. ...New York.... April 29 Virginia—...—.. Liverpool .'...New York—. Max 3 City of Boston Liverpool ....New York.... May S saxonis ——-Ponthampton.New York.... May 3 Washington——Havre— —.New York—May 3 Pamascns Liverpool—Quebec......May 4 Cuba Liverpool —.New York—Max 6 Scotland..—• —-Liverpool—.New York—May 9 TO DEPART. Mariposa..— ....New York—-New Orleans.. May 16 Costa Rica .New York..-Asptnwall—-May 16 Dnlteo Kingdom—New York—. Glasgow ..—May 16 Scotia- —..New York—Liverpool May 17 Corsica ...New York —.Nassan AHav Hay 30 Golden Rule——Hew York—Ban Juan.Nle.May 20 H5n5a.........—-.New York—-Bremen May 30 America —New York —.Bremen May 20 Erin... —..New York.... Liverpool Mav 20 C. of Manchester-New York —Liverpool May 20 Horning Star.—-New York—. New Orleans .May 20 Montezuma--—-New York—Kingston, la.. May 22 DETTER BAGS, AT THB MBEOB ANTB’ EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. Bark Koanoko, Cooksey,Laguayra & P Oabello, soon Bark August, Humbold Bio Janeiro, soon Brig Ella Reed, Tuzo Havana, soon Brig Agnes, Anderson,, Martinique, soon Brig Humming Bird, Stephens Barb&does, soon Brig Emma, Foulke ..Fort Spain, soon PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Bens. Marshall, ) Jab. E. Cakpbbll, J Committhb on thh Month. Jahes O. Hand, ) MARINE INTELEIfiENCE. POET OF PHILADELPHIA, MAY 11. Sun Kisbs.4.6* 1 Sun Sets.. 7.4 | HiohWatbb..B.lS ShlpMohongo (Br), Oassady, from Londonderry, with pig Iron and 260 passengers to Robert Taylor & Co.—had one birth en the passage. Bark Mist, Lincoln, 6 days from Boston, In ballast to Workman & Co. Brig Albert Adams, Ayres, 12 days from Som brero, with guano to Moro Phi Ulps—vessel to Jau retche A Lavergne. Brig Nebraska, 2 days from Now York, In ballast to Workman & Co. Sohr Glenrose (Br), Thompson. 20 days from Can ning, NS, with potatoes to 0 C Van Horn. Passed off Reedy Island ship Corsair, from Liverpool, coming up. sohr Smith Tuttle, Blch, 4 days from Gloucester, with mdße to Geo B Kerfoofc. Sohr Pawnee, Boatb, from New London, In bal last to L Audenreld A Co. Sohr Sarah, Benßon, 4 days from New Bedford, With mdse to captain. Sohr Neptune, Bodan, from Washington, In;bal last to captain. . , „ „■ . Sohr Alligator, Collins, 3 days from New York, In ballast to Carman, Merchant, A Shaw. Sohr Richard Vaux, Powell, 6 days rrom Norfolk, In bsllast to captain. Schr c D Hailock, a days from Washington, In ballast to captain. Schr Chief, Townsend, 2 days from Indian Blver, Del, with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Mantua, Maxon, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with oorn to Jas Barrett. Steamer C Comstock, Drake, 24 honrs from NOW York, with mdse to Wm M Baird A Co. Steamer Allda, Lenny, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Buggies, McDermott, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. Steamer Samson, Dunning, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde A Co. Ship, name unknown, and brig San Antonio, bom Port Royal. CLEARED. Brig Titanla, Stephens, Port Royal. Sohr Annie Sheppard, Bowdltoh, Newport. Sohr Josephine, Ball, Fall Blver. Schr E AHOjklna, Mistier, Baltimore. Schr Laconia, Prootor, Saco. Schr Jas Nellson, Burt, Taunton. Schr S T Ghartre, Smith, Lynn. Schr Artlßt, Marsh, Washington. schr Heading E B, No. 77, Llpplnoott, Fort Monroe. . Sohr Caroline Virginia, Price, Georgetown, D.O. Schr J W Baoon, Quinton, Alexandria. Sohr J A Parsons, Sharp, Alexandria. Sohr W H Dawson, Taylor, Alexandria. Schr Joseph Hay, Hathaway, Salem, Schr George Deerlng, Willard, Portland. Schr M S Mlzell, Mlzell, Baltimore. St’r B Willing, Gundlff, Baltimore. St’r Bristol, Charles, New York. St’r James Hand, Shropshire, New York. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exshanve. 3 Lewes, Del., May 10— 7 A. M. The United States bark Jas L Davis oame In ttom sea last evening and stood up the bay. Nearly all the Sonthern-bound fleet went to sea last evening with the wind from the north. J: Hilltabd Bubton. MADAME ADOLPH HAS REMOVED "A to *l9 North ELEVENTH Street, above Callow hill. __ myfl at* JJEMOVAL. Has Removed from Ho. 1030 to No 193!$ CHEST NUT Street, 8. E. comer of THIRTEENTH Street "Where be Invitee the attention of honaekeepera. and those commenting houtekeepini, to his extenelvo as- EOZIDISXt of UHfeftll _ BOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Bnp*rlor Refrigerators, Table Cutlery* Family Hard* ware- Children’* Carriages, An., &* ap24 am gR OOKE & PU GE, Nos. 1731 anil 1733 MARKET Street, SOLE BKtIErVBBS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN AND ESTABLISHED BRANDS OT FLOUR: ‘ > JOHN MUSSULMAN, ’ ’ "JBTNA MILES,” "FBIDB OF THE WEST.’ fEKBBSLVANIA AND WESTERN BRANDS. The Trade supplied at market rates. apU*lß PABINET FURNITURE, v MOORE CAMPIONf 361 SOUTH SECOND STREET, are prepared to follow the decline In the market in the price of their FortltUTC, Purchasers wtil please esil and examine our stock. mrTO-ly* pOAL OIL! COAL OIL!—FAMILIES about removing to tbelr Country Beats can be bud piled with a fTBICTLY FIRST QUALITY OF COaL Oil# at KELLY & BEBL‘B (Successors to J. O Milli gan & Co.), D# tiers la Crude. Petroleum, Barnlng and Lubricating Coal Oils,. mylo-6t» No. Dll ftUKKBT Street. MMA, MALCOLM MACNEILL 8 W-*, STORE.(No. UO Boat! FIFTH^^ jfi»- Glasses refitted to suit all ages, and all mannas c npatrUj; carefully and promptly attended to. an#-!* TJrt: pitfess.-i { flrrAi)Ef,PinA; Kftri>AY, ma - ? 12, isos: CHABGK OF CON6PIBAOT. BENTBHOBD. TO ARRIVE. ARRIVED. BELOW. REMOVALS. WILLIAM YABNALL "KOSCIUSKO." "CITY MILLS," "EAQLE MlLLS,"andoth.i M. G. BROWN'S GREAT METAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY FOB DEAFNESS, HOIBIB Ur THI HKAD. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, IS BCBoferaA. BKoacHiu. attic-how, THROAT SIFFIOUI.THU. CONSUMPTION, *ll tad every disease which Infests the hax&Ul CUBED effectually by ÜBS. H. a. BROWN’S METAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY. FBIOISS. OVFXOSB: No. 410 AROH Street, PMUdOlphU; 80. 16 BOND Street. fcewYork; 80. 18 PEMBERTON Square, Boston; and 80. 43 West MONUMENT Street, Baltimore. BEAD THB FOLLOWING REMARKABLE GBRTI7I CATB, WITH AFFIDAVIT;! ~ „ OxroßD. JanuarrlO, 18M. Mrs. M. G. Brown —Madam I hare been to the city several times, but had not time to eUI. I have rot entirely well, and under God I owe it to yon. My richt ear 1 hays not heard any with for a number of years. I «aa now hear some with it. My left ear, the Shearing left ii just after hairnet;. In this way: I took a dizzi ness in my head. »o I could not work, aeeempanled with a ringing noise in my ears. I waa so bad that I could not hear without tney would halloo at the top of ,their voices. I first got a preecrlptioe from aph j slcian, which consisted of almond oil and something else (I can’t tell what). I also tried, almond oil alone, but it did me no good; then I got some Homoeopathic medicine, but with the same effect. I then tried old women’s cores bj the score; aim no benefit; I went to Phiiadel- Shia, put myself under the care of a celebrated Aurlst; e bored at my ears with insttamenti, and roa others up my noetrtfe, for five weehs.and ended by cheating me out of seventy-five dollars (176), at that was all the benefit I received irom him- I then saw one of your advertisements; I got the Metaphysical Discovery, used not more than half of-it, and'have recovered my hear* lag. which 1 had lost for years I remain yours, truly* - THOMAB B DICKEY. Oxford, Cheater county, Pa. Affirmed and subscribed to before me, this 31»t day of March. A. D., 1866. WM. T. FULTOff, . Justice of the Peace. THOS. B. DICKEY. 49* The above certificate is but one ont of many which can be seen by sending for a circular. The celebrated POOR RiCHABD’S BYM WATER $1 CO per bottle: small size do. do. 60 cents. Celebrated feCALP RENOVATOR $1 60. The above medicines are packed for despatch to any destination on receipt of the price _ Drvagists supplied by DIUAS, BARNES, A 00., Hew York. • .. ao6 wfiatf RAILROAD LISES. TM PORT ANT TO RAILWAY VBA. A VSLLlBB.—ForftdUaform»tio»Un(.MM.toW»- ttoai. DUtaUM, »>fi OoumHou. UlutraUd nr on him dred E»ilw«r M»P«. r«pr»«alia*th»»rinrtmJß»U -fin of the eonntrr. eee APfUROH'g SAJLTTAT 9BIPB. , PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL JL BOAD. CHANGE OF TUBE AND DEPOT. The trains of the. Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Mew Depot, at THIRTIETH and MARKET Sts., instead of Eleventh and Market Streets, as here tofore. The ears of the Market-street. Passenger Railway run to and from Pennsylvania Central Railroad Depot, gt Thirtieth and Market Streets; they also leave Front street every two minutes, commencing osehonr previ ous to the time of departure of each train, and allow about SO minutes for a trip. , M , 4 Their oars are in waiting on the arrival of each Trail to convey passengers into the city, and connections are made with all roads crosslng_Harket street On BUS DAYS—Gars leave Eleventh and Market Sts. at 7.46 P. H.,to connect with Pittsburg and Eric Mail, and at 10.26 P. M. with Philadelphia Express. Mann’s Baggage Express will hereafter be located at No. SI South Eleventh street Parties desiring baggage taken to the trains, can have it done at reasonable rates upon application to him. •___ ' TRAINS LEAVE AMD ARRIVE AT DEPOT THUS: uavß. MAIL TRAlN—.*™.——at 8 00 A M. PAOII ACCOMMODATION, No. I—* " 10.00 •• UOO M. PABKESBXTBa «• 110 P. M. BARBIBBUBG ACCOMMODATION— ** 2.99 *\ LANCASTER ACCOM MOD ATI0N~~• M A6O *' PAOLITRAIN, No. 5......*!—'« B.SQ ” PITTSBURGAND BRIE , *• 890 " PfiILADEIdPHUEXPRESS —•• ILIO . 11 ARRIYR. HTTSBUBO AHD ERIE HAIL.™.. •• 3SOA. H. PHILADELPHIA BXFBBSB." 7.05 •• PAOLI ACCOMMOPATIOH. Ho. I.™ 8. SO •• . M1......11.11.11. m . . * 9.30 LASCAbTBK THAIH™~»~, .. IS 30 P. JL »AST LINE...™™ ;; 13,50 “ " !:S " HARRISBTTBO ACCOMMODATION... " 9.40 " Philadelphia Sxpress leases dally. PUtsburf and Bile Hall leaves dally (except Saturday). All other Trains daily (except Sunday> t The Pennsylvania Railroad Company-Will not assume any risk for Baggage* except for wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred ■ Dollars in value. All Baigage exceeding that amount in yalne will be at the risk of the owner» unless taken by spe cial contract. For farther information, aa to time end connection*, see bills end framed earda, or apply to JOHN F, TAN LBBR. Jk. » Ticket tint, at the Depot. An Emigrant Train rana daily (except Sunday.) Tor fall Information as to fare and accommodations, apply to FRANCIS TUNS* fsSO-tf 137 -DOCK Street, innc IBSIIQIHIITS or intjc lobO. KBW TORK LINES. IOOD. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AMD FHILADBLFHIA AND TBBNTOB BAILKOAD COMPANT’B LINES. FBOM TO NEW YOBK AMD WAYKLACBS, FROM WAOrCT RTRBBT WHAM, WHL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIB: UIS, At 6A* H., yla Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ae comißodation.lf At 8 A. if.; tie Camden and Jersey City, Morning Brpr6M» »m»»<• mu .m»*imi* imnn 8 00 At 13 M. , Ti. C«nd«n,.jnd Amtor. 0. Ud A. A«- tommod.tioil V.M...... ....................... , M At 2D. M., t 1» Ound« ud Ambor. 0. sad A. Bx- I If At iP. H., ▼** Camden and Amboy. Accommoda tion (Freight and Passenger).. 1 Tf At 6P. U., ti» Camden and Amboy. Accommoda tion (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket..« 998 do. 9d Glass Ticket... ICO Lift r. Hi Tia vubmb and Amboy. Aaanmmiv. dattoa (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Tiokot* 191 _ Do. do. 3d Class Ticket. 1 80 . For BelYidere, Easton, Lambertyille. Flemlsgtoi* 45.. at B.SOP. tf. tot Mount Holly. IwuunrlUc. Pemberton* and Yin centown, at BA. H., 9 and 5 P.M. tot Freehold at 6 L M. and 8 P. X. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Bdcewa ter, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, 45., at 8 and U.JOA. IL, 19.80, 8.».6 t 6.and ll>tfP/M.. The 8.90 and 6 P. M. lines nzn.dtmt through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Riverton, Dlianee, Beverly, and Bur lington, at 7 F. M- Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and in* tennediate places, at 2>f P. X. LISES FBOX KENSUJGTON DIPOT WILL LIAYI AS FOLLOWS * At 11. 15 A. H., rt» Kentlacton »ad J.n.r Cltr. Ixpreu. | oo AttiOP. IL, Ti.K.DriittottMi J.rwrCity,*.- Pm<«WM>M»>-».w.>*«ww»nM..wM«»» l n.«in.»' 8 00 Af6.46 P. tf.. yla Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and Hew Fork Repress . tn.«» m... 100 At 12 P- M- (Wl*ht),Tl» Kenitnfton and Jeri.r Oltr, Wuhlnrioa and Sew York 8a11.w™.,...™.,, M The S.i6 jP. M. Line will ran daily. All other. Ban day* excepted. For Buffalo, Duiklik, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Xo* cheater, Binghampton, Great Bend, tfontroeei Fittw* barre, Beraston, Stroudsburg, Water Gap. tfauek Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem, Belyidera, lesion* Lamhertyille, Remington, 4c.» at 7.16 A. K. TUB line eonneeti with the train leaving Easton for Xaneh Chunk at 3.30 P. tf. For Lambertvilleat 6 P. IK. on Baturdays only. For Bristol, Trenton, Ae., at 7.16 and U. 16 A.M.* f and 6P, M. and 19 midnight. • •• _ _ For Holmesburg, Taeony, Wlesonomlng. Indesburg, andFtankford, at9A. M.,6, 8, and t **T For New Tork and Way Lines ieartag Sensing* ton Depot, take the ears on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The ears run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train rnm from thf Depot. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed eathiasMUOr. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything asbag gage but their wearing apparri. lUbaggageoverftfty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit theur responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and Will not be liable for any amount beyond $100« extent by special contract. ... Graham’s Baggage Express will sail for and deliver barrage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. WILLIAM H. CATERER, Agent. Aprils, 1885, LINES FBQtf NEW TOBK FOB PHILADELPHIA, WILL LEAVE FROM THB FOOT OF OOOTtTLAED STfilIT, At IS tf. and 4P. M.> via Jersey City and Camden. At 7,10, and 13X A, M.. 6P. tf. and 19 (light), via Jer sey City and Kensington. From the foot of Barclay street at 8 A. M. and 9 P. X., via "Amboy and Camden. frJn! Pier Ho. 1. North rtm,«t UK.. 4, MdJ P.K. (freight and p&flsenfer?, Amboy and Oaind.n. an3-tf fSmamnH Philadelphia, SBM^^jwiT,m«flw. f AND BALTI HOmiOKOAI.^*^ Commencing HON DAT, APUL Sd, 1880, Trains Will leave Depot,corner BROAD Street and WASHING TON Avenue, as follows: Express TrMn. at 4. C 5 A. H. (Mondays excepted), lor Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Fenryville, Havre de-Grace, Aberdeen, Ferryman's* and Magnolia. Delaware Bailroad Train at 7,45 A X. (Sundays ex cepted) for Salisbury* Milford, and intermediate Sta tions. Way-Hall Train, at 8.16 A.M. (Bandars excepted),for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Express Train at 116 F. M, (Sundays cxceptedhfor Baltimore and Washington, Chester, Wil mington, Eikton, Perryyille, ana Harre-de- Graee. Express Train at 8.66 P. tf. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Newark. Eikton, North-East, Perryyille, Havre-de- Grace* Perryman’s, Magnolia, and Btenner's Bun. Night Express at 11.15 P. Mv for Baltimore mud Wash ington, stopping at Chester (only to take Baltimore and Washington passengers), Wilmington, Newark, But ton, North-East, PerryrlHe, and Havre-de-Graee. » Passenger* for FOBTBBBB MONROE wUI take the 8.16 A* u. train. m WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Stopplni aft all Stations tetVMs Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia at 7.46 and 11 A. M. t * 3.80, 6,7, and lu P. M. The 8.30 P. M. train eonneets with De laware B. S. tor Milford and intermediate station*. Leave Wilmington at 6.46,6, and 9.80 A. M.. a. 4.6.80 antt 6.90 P.M. Trains tor New Cutleleave Philadelphia at 7.46 and U A* M., B.Boand6P H. BALTIMOBI. Lear* Chester at 7.46. 8,43,10. MA. H.» 1190. 149, 140. 6.14. 7 80. and 9.06 P. M. FBOM BJJiTJ&ORB TO PHILIDBLPHXA. Leayeßaltlmore B.M A. M , WaTMatl: I.IOP. it. Express: 4.26 P. M., War Train: e,MP. M., Ixpnui MIF, Bt.'BxDree. TBAIJIB 10* BALTIHOXI, UkTe Ghestor at 8.64 A. M., 1, A) and 11.60 F. X. Lmt» Wilminafcon at 6.15, 8.36 A. X.. 2.86. 6.08* and 12.25 P. U. Freight Train, with FamngarOar attaaM. win l«av« Wilmington for PanyriiH aa* Intamadiati •kationcat7.4oF. M. StTtfDAT TBAIHB. BxpreM Train at AO6 A. H. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington, Perry vllle. Havre-de- Grace, Aberdeen, Permnan's. and Magnolia. Bight Express at 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Cheater (for Baltimore and Washington pasteagers), Wilmington, Newark, Ilk* ton, North-East, PenyrlUe, and Havre de-draee- Accommodation Train at 10 P. M. for Wilmington and «rar stations. baltimobb bob Philadelphia. Leaveßa;timoreat9.BP. M., stopping atHavre-de* Grace* PerryvUle, and Wilmington. Also stems at But ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore), and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. Leave WilnUnftoa for Philadelphia at 6.30 F. M. ap3 H. t. SBBKBT. 80't. 1865. PHILADELPHIA AHD ERIE RAIL EOAD.—This (rut lias trasorsos tho Morthsrm' ui Mortbweat toanuos of PoßßSTlsaida to tlio sity of Iris, on Lako Brio. It has ben baud hr tho PEBUBTLBAiriA JUIL EOAD COMPACT, and la opsratod by thorn.! Its sntlrs lonith was wenod for passoaEorasd froUhl October 17th. 1a64. / TIMS Of ?ABSSffGBB|rBAXBB AT rXZLA»UnaA. lmnWwiwaii Mall Train,... >•*> '*• “• Lock Batch Accommodation Train.* 8.00 A. M. Faaaonior tan ran thronih on Hall Train withoot ibuia both warl botveon PUladolf bla and Brio, an* Baltimore and Brio. Elennnt Sleepinr Gan on Ktmln tamo Train* both wayabetvoonFliiladolpMalond Look Hanna, and on Elmira Kxpren* Train both van botvoon WUUamnvort and Baltimore., And for Frelabt bnalnooa of tho OompanT’a AnonU. . B. B. KIHOBtoW. Jr., corner THLETbAbtH and *. MUh AaontHO.*. WH»«* (Hnerai fnlfht Ajnmt, rhfcUUlrtl*» QuiatH. Tlektt AgentJPhlladelpMJU JOBBPH D. jPOTTtJt daBB»tt KuaiVi TOIiMMWi RAILROAD LIIEg. iIKC 18tj5.r, EbMIBA BAILBO AD LINE to sU point. WEST, The direet ronte for tbe _ W OIL REGIONS OT PENNSYLVANIA, -** WILLIAMSPORT, BUFFALO, SUSPBNSIONBRIDGB* BLMIRA. NIAGARA FALLS* an* »u pbueein the western and Northwestern States utd tha TOMDOH TBAIBB tatuPbUAdoiDbl.tadßudlncEallroAd D«*at, TU>- tecnth and GaUowhill etreete, idaily, (Sundays ex eeptod), for the North and West, as foliowa: Morning Bxpresf at 8 A. M Afternoon Bxpreea at 8.30 P, M. Making a direet «o nneetlon with all Intereecting roada, FOB THROUGH TICKETS to any point, and farther panlonUrs concerning tho different routes, apply at the TICKET OFFICE, MS CHESTNUT Street, under the Philadelphia Bank., and opposite the Custom Howe* N. vAN HORN, Ticket Agent, . „„ „ 436 Cheatnnt street. „ JOHN 8. HILLIB, General Agent, jal Thirteenth andOallowhiUalrerte. ' Fg— WORTH PSHHSYb um RAILROAD - for BBTBLRHBH. DOTLRBTOWII, MAUdH GHOXK. ■ABTOK WILLIAMSPORT, WILKRBBARRR, Ju. n ■ WINTSB ABJ4AJTGBMSJTT, ruauunr Train* l**T*th*n*w Dspol, THIBS Bt»at, *boy. Thomp»n daily (Sunday* wnktt m follow*: At 7. SO A. M. IKxorew) for Bothloh*., Allentown. Hoil.ton. Wllllknwport, Wilk**- **Ats!SOP.H. (Xxj>r*«i) far BithUhun, lutoa, **. At MS T. M. for BothUh«a, Alltntown. Huuk Chunk. / rorPoyiwtowu at a. so M. and4.UF.IL Forfort Wuhlncfam At 1.11 F.’lt VorLuMitfaat&lsr. X. _ Whit* uraof the Sotond «nd Third-*tr**t* Uu City Hut* B*thl*h«m*t ISO A. lLr 10.01 A. M.. ud Ml ii»T* Doyl«*town *lB.BO A. K. ud 144 P. M. Lmti Lansdale at 4.10 A. M. __ U*„ Tort .yi* r.*. fhliadelphi* for Doylutown kt 0.80 A. It. on* 4.15 r Doyl.itown for Phll*d*l»U» }t T A. *. andrr. It. Bold BLUB OLAJtK, Aktnt. ffg irWMI WEST JERSEY ■MHEK bailboad libbs. feu BBW ABBABGBMIHT. _ . Ok tuid after HONDAT. Vnlit, 1985, Train* wIU lo*T* from WALMUT-STBBBTPIBB k* foflow*: for CAPS HAT* and all pluei south of Millville, at P 15-4, M * passenger Mid freight, As ;at 2.90 F. IL> Express Passenger. For HILLVILLE, BBIDGETOH, SALEM, and all In* tsrmedlato placet south of Gtlaaiboro, at 9,16 A. M. tad p F<KGLASSBOBO At 9IS A. X., 3 90 F. K.» and 4 r >"r WOODBTJBT# GLOUCKBTIE*&S., at 9.10 A* M.* 2.80 F. M., 4P. X., and PM. BBTCKNISG. Leaye Cape Hay atS.BO ATM./pissenger, and 12 X., paunger and freight .... . . „ Lear* MlUrlll* at T.S6 A. H., p«**tng«r, aid S.SO F. M.» passenger* Lmve Bridgeton at 8.40 A. K.. panencar. and 4.15 F. It., passenaer. Leave Salem at 6.25 A. X., passenger, and4r. M* # P^saY«fliaieboro f at 7.48 A. X., 6.45 A. X , and 6.1 F.'X. ' ' Leave TToedburj at 7 A, X., 8.14 A. X*. 9.10 A. X,, ano 6 48 P. M. A Bpeeial Messenger accompanies each Through Train. J. VAX BBBSSEL4BR.’Superintendent* THE WBBT JERSEY EXPRESS OotfFAXT* wUI attend to all the usual branches of Express Busl ness* reoelve deliver, and forward through other re apopsiMe Express pojnpanles,to all parts of the eouatrri any arttele entrusted to them. FajnAnnnnnjU Xayl. IttL gp)o-fcf WEST CHESTER PHILADELPHIA BAIL ROAD, VIA MEDIA. SUMMER ABBAHGEXEOT. On and after HOBDAY, April 17.1866, tho trains will leave as follows: WEST CHESTER TRAIXB Leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 7.80 aad 10.90 A. M., and 115. C 45» and « 45 P M - . LesTe .West Ohesier for Pbllsdelphia at 6.90,7.45, and lftgfrA. M.,andysandl4jP. rf. THMna learini Westchester at 7.46 A. M/and leevini Philadelphia at 4 45 P. M. will stop only at Media B.G. Junction. Glen Mills. Cheesy’s, and street £oad< jubcuqb, ' JI S“ c u J t7NaTIO ' NTBAIKfI LetTe Philadelphia for B. C. Janstion at 4.15 and 10 L«mB. C. JuMtlon for FhtUdelpM. at 8.56 A. M. and 7.90P.M. . „. . „ . . „ These trains stop at all intermediate stations. OB 8053)418, LMT«Phi?ad*JpbUatT»Var*irt*. P, M. Leave Week Cheater ai 8 A. M. ft ad 5 P. M. TlftJjJi i*ftTU»K Philadelphia at 7-35 A. M. and 4 45 P. M. , and leavlnr West Shelter ftt 7.45 4. M. and l4 *£ P, M » connect at B. 0. Junction with trains on r. A B. C, B. B. for Oxford ftnd intermediate points. Pusengers an altowed to take wearing apparel only *s baggage, and the Company will not in any be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dol* lars, units* a epeeial contract is made for the same. HEVKT WOOD, Oen’l Sap. Philapeiphia., March 15. ISfff. myo fig—aEßHßggp BAB IT AH AND Mi WwaiDtunßg bat baileoad. V PHILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN. BABB, $3. EXCURSION TICKETS, GOOD JOB THREE DA.?S. $3 _ CHANGE OF TIME. Passenger* for Express Train ror TaikeHwn, Barns gat, Toms Blyer, Long Branch, and Brooklyn leare' VINE* STREET FBBRT at B.lft A. tf., dally (Sundays «x - WALL-STREET FEBRT, Brook lyn, a tll AM. Way Train for Atalon, Shamoug, Manchester, *o., leaves Coopti's Point, Camden, at 9.30 A. M. jag tf L. a EQIiB, Agent, Camden. EXPRESS COMPANIES. SttGfiH THE ADAMS ES MHB9H!”9Gf press compant, office 394 CHB6TEDT Street, forwards Paresis, Packages, Mer chandize, Bask Botes, and Specie, either by Its own lines or in connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities in the United States. B, S, BAKDFOBD. D 27 General Superintendent. INSURANCE. nELAWARB MUTUAL SAFETY U INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENNULVINIA. 1835. OFFICE 8 E CORA EE THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE 01 VESSELS,). „ ' CARGO, > To all parte of the world* FREIGHT, ) INLAND INSURANCES On Goode, byßlver. Canal. Lake, and Land Carriage, to all parti of the union. FINE INSURANCES, Op Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &e. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1.1884. SIOO,OCO United States Five Per Cent. Loan, *7l. $lOO,OOO 00 111,0(0 •• Six " " ’Bl. 118,216 00 76.000 Six M * 5 20s. 76,662 60 110, COO State of Pennsylvania Five Per Gent. Loan.—-.—— 93,666 00 64, G€o Slate of Pennsylvania Six Percent. L0an.—..66,840 00 128,060 City of Philadelphia Slk PerOt.Loan. 122,620 37 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort* * xaghblx Per Cent Bonde— 22,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort gage SixPerCent. 80ndi...—... 53,300 00 16,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed dj the city of Philadel phia., ifi.aoo oo 6,6C0 lSCLßfcarei Stock Pennsylvania Ball road Company.——..—. —.— 9,100 00 ff,OCOlOO Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company-—3,060 00 60,000 United states Treasury Certificate* of Indebtedness——.—*—•**** 48,426 00 30,000 State of Tennessee Fiver Per Ct Loan 12,000 00 28,700 Lone son Bond and Mortgage, amply secured—l2B,7oo 00 $868,260 Far. Cost $842,100.60. Market valne $8ft7.627 87 - Beal Estate.«*..... *****• • ...» 36,000 00 Bills redvabte for insurances made.. 118,330 42 Balances dne at Agencies, —Premi ums on Marine Folioies, Adorned Interest, and other debts due the Company,.—— —...—— . 28,793 24 Btripaod stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $4,263. Esti mated value. * **.—*. 2,220 00 C&Bh on deposit with United States Government,subject to tendays r call———100,000 00 Oashin Banks.—*—. 68,164 93 Cash in Drawer.. 637 66 5168,692 49 DIBSOTOBS: Thomas G. Hand, Samuel B Stokes, John 0. Davis, J. F. Penieton, Edmund A Bonder, Henry Sloan. Theophllus Fauldlnf, William G. Boulton, John B Penrose, Bdward Darlington, Jaees Traqualr, H. Jones Brooke, Henry ©. l>allett, Jr., Jacob P. Jones, James 0 Hand, James B. McFarland, William 0 Ludwig, Joshua P Byre, Joseph H. Seal, Spencer filollvaine, GeoneG. Leiper, John B Semple, Pittsburg, Hugh Craig, A. B. Berger, Pitt eh a. if, Bohert Burton, _ THOMAS JOHM 0. HENBT LTLBUBN, Bet* < C. HAND, President. DAVIS, vice President. retary. delfl-ly THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM- A BABY • OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated lo ism. „ ChariarPupettuL OFFICE 80. 308 WALHUT STREET. CAPITAL, $300,000. Insure, ai<rin>t Lou or Dam««« br FIRE Homes, Stores, ana other BotlalnfS, limited or pepetaal: and on Furniture. Goods, Wares, and Herobandlie, in town or country LOSSES PEOMFTLY ADJUSTED AHD PAID. V ASSETS, $400,068 71. Invested in the following Securities, vis.: First Mortgages onCity Property, well BecoredflOS, 600 00 United States Government Loans-—*****,**. 141.000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans’~~~~»-e 60,0n0 00 Pennsylvania $3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan,*** 16,000 00 PennsylvaniaßailioadSonds, first and se cond Mortgaie6.~*~..«— ~.***«**v~***** 86,000 00 Camden and Amboy Baliroad Company’s 0 percent Loan*. 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Beading Baliroad Com panj'aßper tent, Loan-... 6,000 00 Husiingdou and Broad Top 7 per cent, mort gage bonds..h4«miihi,,,♦♦»♦ .»*■.■»***. 4,560 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock-**. 1,050 08 Mechanics’ Bank btock* •**•-*. .**.***.*4,ooo 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock * 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock., 380 00 Beliance Insurance Company of Philadel- „„ phia’s Stock..*..,, —*.*+. 1,000 00 Acoxued Interest*****-.-********-********---****-*- 6,456 42 Cash Inbenkandonhend******************** 13 023 29 Worth at present market Talue.*.< DIRSGTOB& William Stevenson. Benj. W. Tin*ler» Marshall Hail. Charles Lelana. J. Johnson Brown. Thomas H. Moore. (M TIHGLEr, President. ism Ora Tinfley, Wm £ Thompson. •William Muster, Bamatl Bl&pham. H. L. Caison, Robert Stcan* . CL! Thomas 0. Hill. Seeietm, Philadelphia. December AMERICAN EIRE INSURANCE li COMPART. Incorporated 1810 CHARTER PBB PETDAL Ho. 3XO WALHDT Street, »b 0,9 Third, Philadelphia* Having a large paid* up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound end available Securities, continues to insure on Dwellings* Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels In port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. promptly adjusted. Thomas E Marls* James B. Campbell, John Welse, Edmund G Dutilh, Samuel C. Morton, Charles W. Poultney, Fatrisk Brady, Isiael Morris. John T. I*wl», THOK Jlbbst C. L. Crawford, HAS B. MARIS, President. >, Secretary f 023 tf OE COMPANY, STNOT 6TBBBT, J3LFHIA HD inBCEAHOB. roßß ioimW. Ewrman, Bobert B Potter, John Kessler, Jr,, B. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph D. Bills, IK, President SOB, Vice President tary. ja!4*tf T7AME INBURAN( JTo. 406 OHBS PBILADJ 8188 ABD INLAJ DIBEC Frauds If Back* Charles Richardson, Henry Lewis, Samuel Wright, P. 8. Justice. George A. West, „i FBA»Clfe N- BUO CHAS. El CHARD* W. I Blanchard, Becrsl T7IRB INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. -C-TBB PgJfBBTI.VA.NIA FISH INSORANOB COM PAHT Inc“"porafed 18». CHABTBK PBaPBPUAI.. Ho. 51U WALNDT Stieet. oppoelt, Independence fantn. This Company, favorably knows to the community for nearly forty years, continues to Insure against Lose or Damage by Fire, on PctbUo or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time ■ Also, on Far* uitue, Stocks, Goods, or Merchandise gensrally, on liberal terms. * Their eaplt* 1* together with a large Surplus Fund, is investee In the most careful manner, vrhteh enables ■hem to offer to the Insured an undoubted security in ■he ease of loss. _ DIBBCTOB9. t „ Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith, Jr.» Alexander Benson, John Deverenx, Isaac Bazlebuxst, Thomas Smith, Thomas Boblns, Henry Lewis, J. Gillingham Fell. „ ~ k JONATSAW PaTfEKSOV, President. William Q Crowell. Secretary. •• A NTHRA.CITE INSURANCE COM FAST. —Authorized Capital $«0,000-CHARTBK >’SBPETUAI.. _ , . Office 80. 311WALBUT Stieat. betwwm Third, and -onrth .treats, Philadelphia. , _ . Thl* Company will Insure against Lobs or Damage oy -Ire. on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gouo •ally. Aiso* Marino InsnranßOa on Vessels* Cargoes, and •’reights. Inland Insurance to all parts of tlxo union. LIBAOTORB y Davis Pearson, Peter Seiger, J. % Bum, William?. D»an. JohnKetcham, . ,M JB6HBR, President. DJRAN* Vise President. ftp3tf William BfttitT* D. Luther, 4 Levis Anaeim<a« John B B ecklston» Joseph Mnxfield, „ WILLT; WU< B W. B. SuiffH* Seeretirjr. rtHIEF QUAB TERM ASTER’S OfFIOB, M© 1199 GIBABD Ftreet,' . Feilabalfhia Depot, fur #. l*fc 6EALBD PSOPOMALB will be received at this office until SATURDAY, Met 18, imTlt 12 o’slooh V., forim mediate delivery at the Schuylkill Arsenal, la mer chantable packages (caess to he made to coitfora to spe cification* at this office): 3£>lnch Scarlet Worsted Eaee, army standard. }&■ Inch Yellow Worsted Lae*. do. H Uch Sky-blue Worsted LaflC, Do. H inch Haarlet Worsted Braid, sample required. z ellow Plots Bilk. do. Machine Threaa. Xf0.70 (Stewart*#),do. . Pant Bockles, do. Canteen Corks complete, army standard. Parties offering goods should make separate proposals for each article offered, the quantity they propose to famish, the price (.which should ho tori&en both '<» scores and figures), and conform to the terms of this advertisement, a copy of which should accompany each proposal. * Sample* of the standard articles required may be seen at this office. Samples, when submitted, mnet be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposals; and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be. In every respect, equal to army standard, otherwise the propo sals will not be considered. Bids will be opened on SATURDAY, May 13, 1885. at 12 o'clock H. .when bidders are requested to be present. Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible yet sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gnarra tes, and certified to as being good rad sufficient security for the amount Involved hy some publie functionary of the United States. „ Ail proposals should be-made out on the regular forms, which will be furnished on application at this The right is reserved to reject any bid dsemed unrea sonable. and no bid from a defaulting contractor will he received. • , » _ ■ Endorse Envelope “PropOR&ll for (here insert the name of the article offered)’ 7 and address Colonel WILLIAM w Mein If, Chief Quartermaster, mvll*2t Philadelphia Depot. EDUCATIONAL. RBLLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE. A BOARDING BOHOOL POE GIB OS _ THB SUMMER TERM OP THIS IfISTITUTION, healthfully and beautifully located on the northern limits of Attleboro, Books county, Pennsylvania, will commence fifth- month, 22d, 1800, and continue la ses sion twelve weeks. The course ot instruction is thorough lu the several departments of English, French, Latin, Mathematics, ana Drawing. For full derails see similar, to obtain which address the Principals, Attleboro Post Office, Backs county, Pennsylvania. ISRAEL J GRAHAMS, JANE P. GRAHAMS, apO 2m Principals. TB BaBII U Y DEPARTMENT, FOURTH AUDITOR’S OFFICE May 9th, 1855. NOTICE.—AII persons having claims against the estate of JOBN.BttlTfl, deceased, late of the United Stales steamer ••Cherokeei’* and formerly a resident of the city of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, are hereby requested to present the same at this office for settlement on or before the 9th day of September next pyll-at STEPHEN J. W. TABOR, Auditor. r~ THB COURT.-OF COMMON PLEAS FOB THB CITY AMD COUNTY Of PHILADHL FBI A. Estate of SABAH IRWIN. non compos mentis The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and ndjnsi the account of 16ABKLLA SBLOBafBB. JO SEPH B BAEfiY, and WILLIAM S PBIECB* Com mittee of the person ana estate of SABaH IRWI f,non compos mtntis (firstaccount), will meet the parties in terested for the puxpoMs of nis appointment, on FRI DAY. the 19th day of May, 1585, at 4 o’clock p. at. at his Office, $»9 ARCH Street, in the city of Philadel phia. EDWARD HOPPER, my 6 fmwfit Auditor, Fr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE QIT? PHIjDADBLPHIA. EstateSTßPHlftf B Yoff£BthLrdeceit*d. The auditors appointed by the Oourt to audit. *ettle, and adjustthe account of SrEPHBH G FOTTEIULL. EDWIB T. BISSBBEST* WB. J. DTJADTS. BVAHS &OGBES, and DAViD WIHEBRBftHBB, executors and true tees under the will of ntepheu B Fotterall, de ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands ol the accountant, will meet the parties inte rested, for the purposes of their appointment, on HOBDAY, May 16th, 1866, at four o’clock P M,, at the office of JOBfi G. MITOHBLL Ho. 308 South FIFTH Street, in the city Philadelphia. my6*faw6t rsr THB OBPB ANB’ COURT FOR THE CITYWARD COUHJY «PJPBIt ADALPHIA. Estate of JOHJS BUBTON, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ROBERT BORTufif adoalul straior o( JOHB BUKTOfI, deceased, and to report dis tribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, •will meet the parties Interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MOBDAY, Hay 15,18*5,at roar o’clock P. M., at lil, Offlee. 80. 151, South FOuflTH Street, la the city of Philadelphia myg-fmwSi* CLBHEBT B. PBNBOSK. Auditor. rs THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY 0? PHILADELPHIA. Estate of SARAH S WHITiKBR, dec’d, The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of R. WHITAKER, Administra tor of SARAH S WHITAKER, deceased, ano to r«port distribution of the balanee In the hands of the ac countant, will mettihe parties interested for the pur poses of his appointment on MONDAY, Hay 15th- 18*55• at 4 o’clock P. M., at his Office, No. South FoUaTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. pyg fmwgt WH. 0. HANNId, Auditori TO THE ORPHANS* COURT POR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA Estate of JOSEPH WHETHAH, deceased. The Auditor appointed hr the court to'audit, settle, and Adjust the account of JOSEPH A. CLAY, admiuts trator 0. T. A- of JOSEPH WHETHAH, deceased, and to report distribution of the balanoe in the handß of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, Hay 17th, 1865, at 4 o’clock P M , at his office. 8. B. corner oi SIXTHand WALNUT Btreets, in the city of Phila- delphia. my6-fmwfit TESTATE OF JOHN LAYOOCK ■AJ Letters of Administration upon the Bstate of JOHN LAYCOGK, deceased, haying been granted to the underlined, ail persons Indebted to satd Estate are re quested to make payment, and those bavin* claims to present them to MAR* LAYCOCK, Maoayunk, Or to her Attorney, B A, MITCHELL, H. B. comer FIFTH and WALNUT Sts.. apl4»fi6t - Philadelphia. MOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT A’ a Petition has been filed and application made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia by “ ths PITTSBURG AND OIL OBEJBK PBTRONa OIL GOH PANT ’ ’ to change the name of said corporation to that of "THE PBTRONA OIL COM PAN Y. ,r Said applica tion will be heard on SATURDAY. H&tSO. 1805 Mat 4. 1865. F. CARROLL BREWSTER, mjs 6 1213* ■ - pro Petitioner. Notice, application - has been made at the Office of the ••HARRISON OIL COMPANY” for a renewal of TWO CERTIFICATES OF STOCK. One for One Hnndr«d Shares, No. 81, dated December 30th, 1864, in the name of_B B. THORNTON, and the other for Fifty Shares, No 131, dated January Ch, 1865, In the name of SARAH SAILER, the same having b*en lost or mislaid. All persons are hereby required, within Four Weeki from this date, to come forward and chow cause. If any they have, why new Certificates should not be Issued in lieu of those lost E. B. THORNTON. May?, 1865. m? 8 wfmlSt* MACHINERY AND IRON. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND rnSWmSZ BOILER WORKS. -NKAFIB B LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THSOBBTIOAL ENGINEERS, MA CHINISTS. BOILBR-MaKB&S. BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having lor many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in bnildlng and repairing Marine and River engines, high and low* pressnre, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, 80., Be., respectfully offer their services to the pobits as being fully prepared to contract for escln* a of all sizes. Marine, River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to exeente orders with quick despatch. Every description of'pattern •making made at the shortest notice, nigh and Low pressure. Pine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Penn sylvania charcoal Iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions! Roll- Turning, Screw-Gutting, and all other work connected With the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at the establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boafo, where they oau lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, fails, Bc.» Be., for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C. NBAFiB. JOHN P. LEVI. jeSl if BEACH and PALMER Streets. J. VAtTGHAX MERRIOK. WILLIAM M. HERRICK. $1,301,664 03 QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, KJ FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, FBILIAUBLPHIA. MFBKICK de SOWS, BHGIBBBBS AMD MACHIHISTS. Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Bt.; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron ot brass. Iron frame Roofs for Ctaa Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, 80. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction, - ■ ~ Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains.Defecators, Filters, Pumping Eaglnes.Be. Sole agents for N. BlUieux’e Patent Sugar-Boiling Apparatus, Nesznyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspinwsll B Wolaej’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar* Draining Machine. aul2 tf IVTOHOAN, OBR, & CO., STEAM EN- A«X qine BCII DEES. Iron Founders, and General Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. 1319 CALLOW HILL (street, Philadelphia. fe2Q> tf COAL,— SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Bpring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Loenat Mountain, from Schuylkill, prepared ex press* for family use. DePbt, N W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office,No. US South SECOND Street. [apC-tfl J. WALTON B CO. DUTTERFIELD’B L> OVBBLAHD DESPATCH. Offlce, Ho IVBSBT street, Hew York. Ofiee, Ho. 40 South FIFTH Street, Phllada. OHaUHCBY VIBBBaBD, President. W. K. KITCHEN, Treasurer. This Company, now folly organised, with ample rapltal, own. Its Tr.nsport.Uon on the Plains, end Is •resend to Freight to .11 points In Colorado, Dtah. Idaho, Montana, Hew Kexieo. and Arizona Ter* tltorles; alio to Keene riser, Nevada. Through Contrast, and BUls of Lading (Wen from New Yon, Boston, Philadelphia,'Pittsburg, Whaeltni, Oinelnnatl, Chitaao, and St/Xonla WH. M.BTIH, Agent. Hew York. WM H. MOOBB. Ho. «»Booth FHth A aplQ-tf • General Superintendent. $400,068 71 .$414,308 71 pOTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCK V-* AHD OABVAS, of all numbers and .. Test Awning,Trunk, end Wagon-cover Duolt-ilso, Piper Mannfaotnrers’ Drier Felte, from one to live feet WlKi Pauline, * CO , noB tf ETo. 103 JOHBS Alley- TTBLMBOLD’B EXTRACT BUOHU JH |i TM health and vigor to the frame and bloom tf the pallid check. Debility is accompanied by many SarmSS symptoms, and If no treatment is submitted tnsauitv or eaflentU its ensna. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIL ff LBS. —A new French Cosmetic for beautifying and •reserving the complexion. It is the most wonderful compound of the age. There is neither chalk, powder, oiacnesla, blimutb.noi talcinita eompoeltlon, It being imposed entirely of pnre Virgin Wax ; hence the ex traordinary qnalftlM for preserving the ckin, making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent It makes the old appear young, the homely handsome, tbe handsome more beautiful, and the most heaotuei divie* Prices 50 and W cents. Prepared only by HUNT B CO., Per miners, 41 South EIGHTH Strait, two door, above Chestnut, and 133 South BBVSHTH Street, above Walnut apB-3m rTPWARDS OF THIRTY THOUSAND sertlflsates and rseosamandatonr letter, hare b#M rteeived, attesting the merit, of HBLMBOLD I KUIHB PBBPAKATIOHS, many of whMh an from tha Mihest sourees.lnslndlnpemlnsnt statesmen. alar gymen. governors. Stale Ib4<m. Bo- H. JAMES, (Formarly of Philadelphia. 1 attorjtky at law, - FBAHKLIH, VBHAHGO OODHTY, FBMHA. Ipaslal attention (lT.n to the examination of TtUaa. Fhiladsifhia Bbphbbxobs:— sOhaaß. Lex, gw,, Son. J. Boa. Snowden, Janw. H. Little, Ksti., T. T. fasker, Sr-. Hood, Bonbright, * Co., J. Z. DeHaven, President 7th Hatlonal Bank. mhU-3m* GAMUEL L. TAYLOR, O No. 4»3 WALNDT Philadelphia, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR ALL THE STATES. Except Connecticut, New York, Nevada. Oregon, md Texas. fel4-frtnly* SAMUEL W« HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY O AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER. FRANKLIN, VENANGO GOUNTYTFINNA. (late of Philadelphia.) REFERS TO Charles B. Lex, Esq., tB,BW. O. Biddle B Go., K. C. Knight B G&, Dr. R. S. Mackenzie, James H. Little, Esq., 1 W. H. Yeaton BCo. mhfi-3m rOSHUA T: OWEN, ATTORNEY, 't COUHBBLLOB AT LAW, ABD SOLIOWOB 01 CLAIMS. OOce, «*1 F Stmt, near Fourteenth etmt, Waihlnaton, D. C. deH-im CTELMBOLD’B FLUID EXTRACT IX BDOHD la ,luaant In taste aad odor. froe fro* •U UiurioM ww«Uw.uAlbbw4W«lb Ui asUm. PROPOSALS. . y;;p% LESAL. D. W. O’BSIKU. Auditor. JOHN B COPS COAL. AUCTIOJfSAL.ES. JBNESB; BRINLKY, & 00., . OBBBTJIUT &nd 619 JATffB Strww, Bill THIfl-flFBlDAI) irOBKIKa. at 10 o'clock.* / OA RD.-^beattention of tboiiaae la muMtodt* oor ifila this (Friday) moraine- Hay 12ft< at W o’clock, os tali’ craditi comprialng a large aiaortmeat of Beaßcnk*Wa goods. BALB O.F FBBJCH ABTO BtHTIBH DBT 00098. \ THIS MOKNISGT ~ At lOo'«Io*.fr« on four BQoathß’credlt.fiOOloUof inner *nd ,tBpl ' 10 QOCiDS FOB CASH. BLiCK 0 A»B^'OOLOM f ABB MOHAIBS. ' "this' MORmar | “«* and »oh*lr«. 1 aw7m?nm QUALITY TUBS MOHAIR. *V ei "» R« M 6 '. o p.rl. ««Ulr hi* lwt» pur, mohal™. BtioH SBOS DB BHIBB*. 80 nieces to tose-toesTMirh jjggjl l *®*** o * 4 * XhlnM. -4 4 ehlrtlne linens si d H®«» diepere. - bley linens, 2t06 mnnltm doc Ks. printed )lnens. fl-4tolD 4 linen dam*«r.. M .„ - , LIBEHS *KXTfil«t7*r-lry SATIN DAMASK,, of Dauber. Diokaon, A Co, ’• celebrated make, consist* Ids of 7*4, 8 4, and 9-4 extra finequality and newest DAwra* 6OO DOZTBS WOOkkW SHIST& BCO dozen Canton flannel dm* ere. ALSO, 300 carton* French artificial flowers, NOTICE TO JOBBERS AND RETAILERS. TflM MORNING. SCO pieces mack and colored alpacas and mohairs;. JOo pieces pure biart mohairs. Soo piece* »)1 -wool Parts m-oussellne delaines. BO pieces 8-4 fine black monssellne delaines. yo pieces 6-4 Parle plaid &M?aart)tques. ZOO ptects 6 4 black and colored Canton crapes. 100 pieces 6-4 nay jasper cloths. ICO pleoes black and colored silks, LINRN GOODS. . 100lota of 11n«n sheetinrs, linen damasks, shirttnr linens, biideyw diaper, linen damask table-cloths, flte, LIVES CAMBRIC HDKFS. Albo, SCO 8 fine to extra fine linen sambrle hdkfa. WHIT! GOODS, Jaconet#, cambrics, Swiss muslins, Swiss spots, jaco net eprias. dtc. . TJHILIP FORD ft 00., AUCTIONEERS, A mil IUBKXT and IU OOKKUdI Stmt*. LAEGE BALE OF 1,»50 CASES BOOTS ASD hHOBS. We T.lJ] sell, by for cash, „ OB MOIBAT MOSHIHG. May 16th, commencing at 10 o'clock. 1,340 cases men's* hoys’, woman's, and children's boots, shoes* balmo mis, gaiters, slippers, Oxford tics, Cod cress boots, Ac. foh saiJe and to let. « FACTOR’S AND MILL PROPERTY FOB SALS, known as the OAHAEi MLLiiS, 0*u&1 street, above Front* first street below Girard avenue. Will be sold at a great sacrifice. Forty-fire-horse Steam Bnclne, nearly new# With shafting, Ae,. throughout the building. Apply at the Mill, or at nW 536 Jforth BLBVBWTH Street M YINE BTREET.-P 0 R S A LE Ponf'Btory brows atone BKSIDENGB, with three story double heck buildings, situate No. 1632 VINH Street. Lot SO feet 7# isebea by 140 feet, to aBO feet Wide street, Boose finished In modern style—be* two for* nacee, tu throng hont, range, hot and cold water, hath, verandah, ft©.- Will be sold at a moderate price. Ixa n ,.^PO.«. S io» tf i» B . THACKAR4 8(> »4r4 Bonth THISD Street. • FOB SALE—A DESIRABLE ■HdTfeUiafc, with ever? conYenleueSttne Yard. Pos session gWen Immediately. Jfo. 3346. Twenty. First St. below Delaney Place. Apply at »o. 917 MJI£KK7 St. my 6 6t* «FOB BALE—DWELLING AND •mall 6TOBB, K. E. corner Thirteenth, and Wal lace street*. Dwelling, 853 North Thirteenth at. Possession soon, Dwelling, IUO Wallace street. Cottage, 1620 Wallace street. Iweilin*. 1622 Mount Vernon street. Immediate pos session. With many others. B. V. GLBNB, 193 South FOD&TH Street, and my 6 B. W. cor. BBVBKTM&TH amt QBEBa Sts. a CB ESTER COUNTY FARMJI| FOB SALE—II 6 acree on Valley Creek»roaa, WHhifi % mtle of Bald win Station, rathe Beading Bali* road, 3i mile* from Philadelphia; will he sold low. ■ B ?. (ILSWiT, 1133 8011th FOUfITH Street. • NEWPORT, R. I.—FOR BALE— TO OLOSg ah BSTATB-Tne fine mansion of CALEB CH*OB, E«q., of Boston, deceased* on kay Straet; 62.000 feet of laud; hous* thoroughly built in every particular, two years ago; never occupied. Possession immediate, One of the finest end most com pute establishments at e^2zißi?* y AFTHOBP my - 12t Beal Estate Brokers, Newport B *l. UOR BALE— J- VALUABLE OIL LAUDS IB WEST VIBGIBIA, OHIO, AVD PENBSTLVAEIA. Inquire of LEWIS L. HOUPT, apl4»lm* 3»8 WALEUT Street, Phliada* QAIE OF CONDEMNED QUARTER. VASTER BIOSES* HORSE POWSXS, HILLS. GBAIfI CLEAHfiBS. &e Chib? Offiob, Depot op Washihotoit. WASHiKGTOir, D, C., Map 4. 1669 WlUbe sold at public auetioa- under the direction of Captain C. H. Tompkins. A* Q. H. U S, A , at the Go vernment Warehouse, situated on the sgaare between £ and F and Twentieth and Twenty first streets. Wash* logton, D C,, on THURSDAY. May IS, 1855, at 10 o’clock A H-.t lot of Quartermaster Stores, condemned as unfit for public use, viz : Axes, Picks, Angara, Brashes. Boilers, Bridles* Backets* Blankets* Bits. Brooms, Saddle* Bags, Wagon Covers, Curry-combs. Chisels, Forges, Chairs* Forks* Bummers, Hatchets* Knives,Harness. Lanterns. Plates, Collar Pads, Bope, Balers, Saws. Shovels. Saddles, Saddle-Trees, Whip*, and a targe lot of Wrought Iron Scraps, Cast Iron* Horse Shoes, Wagon Tire, ha. ALSO, 12 Horse Powers, complete, 19 Barr* stone Mills* 2 He« vitors, with shifting* 2 Grain Cleaners, aud a lot of BeHiig and Iron Gearing. 6xtc«essrul bidders will be required to remove the stores within five days from date of sale. Terms cash, in Government fands. D. H, BtTOKIB, Brlf. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster. my6»lot CALX OF CONDEMNED COOTHING. CAMP AND GARRISON EQUIPAGE, TROT CUf- TIJfGb, *«, ChibP QuAbterhastbb's Officb, Obfo? of WASHINGTON. Washington, D. C., May 4,15C5, ' Will be sold at public auction under the direct ion of Captain D. G Thomas. M. S. K. U. S A,, at Govern* men; Warehouse No 6, on Seventeenth, between Cl and 2 streets north, Washington, D C , on MON DAT, May 22,1866, at 10 o’clock a. m,, a lane lot of condemned Clothing, Ac,, consisting of— Infantry and Cavalry Coats, Jackets,Trowsers, Draw ers. fchlits. Pelt Bats, Caps, Bogies, Trumpet*, Drum Heads, Fifes, Leggings,. Flags, Stockings, Blankets, Bet»lce, Fans, Shovels, Spades. Pickaxe*. Axes, Ha* versacks, Canteens, Rope. Tent Cuttings, Hospital Tents, Sibley Tents, Wall Tents, Ac. Saccetsful bidders must remove the stores within live (6) day» from the date of s*le. Terms cash, in Government funds. D. H. RUOKBB, Bglg. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, m? 6 lSt Depot of Washington. OALE OP CONDEMNED QUARTS B- O HASTBK BTOBBB. GBAIB, ASD GEAIB BACKS. CfIISF QOAKTBRKASTPR’S Opvtov, Depot op WASBrurotJir. Wabhikqtojt, D. Ox Hat 4.1899 Will be sold At public aaodon, at SIXTH stksßT Wharf. Washinj ton, D. C. .'on BAT(7iiJ>AY, Mar 13, IMS. at 10 o’clock A. H., a lot ot Quartermaster Stores, cosdemncd asunlit fo> public bqttlcc. yl*: Wheelbarrow*. Globa Lanterns. Shovels, Paulina- Canvass, Broom*, Backets, Bakes, Ohairs, Files, Lamps: Horse Brushes, Harness. Ac. ALSO, At the same time and place. 70 bushel a of Corn, 760 aihejs Oats* and abontMO.OUO Grain Backs, terms caeh» in Government funds, D H. BUGKBK, Brig. Gem and Chief Qaarterraaster, 'mjo-Bt Depot of Washington. MEDICAL 5 ELECTRICAL OFFICES. ) Mo. 154 Forth BLBVB NTH. below RAGE Btreet; J Also. CHESTNUT and FORTIETH Stmt. West Phi lladeipbia ) DK. THOMAS ALLEN having been Tory eueeet*' 1 Sful la tlx® cure ot Diseases by this new method. : ) would inform Ms friends and foe Public uathe i«< > still bsueflUlng and cur in* many whom medicine I J did not Affect, and considered Incurable. ' 4 S We will mention a few of foe Disease* In foe cure < ) of which, this treatment seldom If ever falls: I [Rheumatism, Felons, Kidney Diseases, Ifteuralgia, Gangrene, Liver . ** t Paralysis* Ulcers, Genital * • Cramps, Bolls, Spinal ** ► Dyspepsia, Abieess, Throat M I Fever A Acne, Eruptions, Prolapsus, ; Asthma. Inflammations,' Noo Bmlsslons, * Congestion* Hemorrhage. Diabetes, <Ste. * treated at their residenees when! lumber of testimonials may be seen, m patients in this city. «Jonsulta', lee noon 9 AH. to 6P. tf .in foe! DR. THOB. ALL6N, Electrician. . ; Patients will b desired, a large i at foe Olflcei froi tions gratis. Ofi eity. apl9»3m ULECTROFATHIO ESTABLISH* W MBNT.-DR. A. H. BTHYBIB. one of foe FIBS* DISCOVERERS of a new system of treating disease b| MODIFIED BLBCTHIOAL APPLICATIONS. and Wh# ha* been so very succeilfttl at PENN SQUARE for Uu lasi three years, has removed hla Oflee and Residence to 1638 VINE Street, one door below Seventeenth, All persons desiring references, or any particular! with regard to his special mode of treatment, will pi cam call or send for a pamphlet , . Consultation or advice gratuitous mhMI ■PREPARE FOR WARM WEATHER.. X BS UA. HARRIS, Ho 30 NORTH NINTH STREET, A FEW POORS IBLOW ARCH, Have now on hand a large assortment of REFRIGERATORS AND ICB CfIBSTS, of their own manufacture, which they are selling at -very low prices. These Refrigerators are modelled on the most approved plan, and wm economise in Ice to a greater extent than any other made. Also, constantly on hand, a foil stock oi SILVER'S PATRST GAS-BURNER, PARLOR AND COOKING STOVES, WARM-AIR FURNACES, RANGES, *o., PntupaHh. .horte.tnoUc, & R HARRIS. myg-flt NINTH Street, below Arch. D ALTON’S FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING knitting Machines , Patented 1861 Perfected 1864. A YARD Of *"'* IW KBITS UPWARDS Of T^TY gflWn ABTI- They are simple, reliable, perfect, and wonderful Ift the amount and variety of work they perform UfiDAL SPEED SIX thousand BTITCHBS PER Min UTB. It can be made, In tie hands of a woman, t» cun with «" onb. A few active, enterprising Agents wanted, to Whom liberal inducements will be given. To publishers of newspapers who wlu pay one-half money, we wtU allow the remainder to be paid In advertising at foe regular rates. , , , Send for circular and samples, enclosing stamp. General Agency for Pennsylvania, Ohio. Western New Yo?k. Virginia, W«et Virginia, and Maryland, No 97 FIFTH Street, Pittsburg, Pa. mrfllm B P. CARPENTER. THE SCIENCE OP MEDICINE !- should stand timple. pun, majestic; fact for It. basis, lndnstton for Us pillar, troth alone for its capital. So stand HELHBOLIVS GBNUMB FBBPA RATIOHB, established oyer IS years. pHILDRBN’S CARRIAGES, EN- V TIBBIiY BBW STYLES FOR THE SPRING TRADK -A Superior lot ly -tab, IST and 159 Horih THIRD Btreat. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON “ Jflfwiom. of both MIW, Me HBLMEOLD*, SXTRACT BUOHU. It will «lt. brisk and snsrntls tselinn and enable yen to .loss well. rt H. GARDEN * CO., NOB. 600 AND O. gno MARKET Street, Manufacturer. of and Wholesale Dealers in HATS. OAFS. fOKS, BONNETS. CTBAW GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. ROCHES, * c .he The laraost and most complete etock. and the best terms. Country Herohanta and the Trade enp piled. mhl-3m A BEADY AND CONCLUSIVE TBBT A 0 f the nropertlee ot HELHBOLD’S FLUID EX TRACT BUCHUwIU he a eomparieoa with those sol tnrthla the United States DUnenantory- PETROLEUM -500 BARBELS DP BU- J- FBEIOB LUBRICATING OIL, fro m the well of the slippery Rock Petroleum Oil Oomuanv, for sale. Bwa» pie at the office, No. 996 WALNUT Street, Room •, GEOKGB B. PBDDLX TAKE NO MOB® UNPLEASANT JL an, unsafe remedies for unpleasant and dau, rone dKeaMs. Use HBLMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUcSS and IMPROVED BOSE WAB& COB EVERY LOYAL BREAST—LIN i COLE MOURNING FINS, In cUver plate. Hew designs In Hack and white satin: perfect pictures. By mall IS cents, or 90 for $4, IOOIbx ,11. 1.000 for ,100. HounUn.t.Wt«o.«d| ffiiB || [ «dyo|r E «ider..t ( ,n... rrovlienoe. R. I. N. B- Any pepereopying tbit for four time* we will tend them TEN PIN 8. gp3l< Imo CHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE" KJ STORED BY HRLMBOLD’S EXTRACT BHOHU, AUCTION SAXES. TOHN B. MYERS A Ct\ AUCrm? o use, sou aas »i s»3* market street, ‘V LARGE POSITIVE SAL* OP 350 W-'TB HOStESv GLOVES, TRAVEL LIHG SB IKTB. SCd, u B» I) Edi j. AC ABB.—We incite the earl? and pelticnUr uS- Non of drillers to the large and deilrsblea German cotton boater?, clot el, ihlrte Ami itimZf suspenders, tin, hoop skirts, notions, Ac , to h, remptorll? sold, l? ratal 01 no, on four month s’ ere 1,. commencing THIS (Frida,) MOBHIga, at It o'ei o ,js LABGE SPECIAL RALE OP RQBIHBT. ai. 'JVi, TAAVELLMQ BHIBTB, *O, v! *. THIS HOBBIWO. Hat litb, At 10 o’clock, wUlbs sold hr eat&jrom, •,», fonr months’ credit,a foil assortment of rad'ee' mi«L and child rsn'a brown, bieaohed, and- «rt«e“ g. ,’ man’s and bojs’ half, hose, kid, Berlin, lisle, , cotton gloYca. also shirtr and d’awors, trardn!',. •htrts, anspenders, hoop skirts, silk ties, and hulk..* chiefs, sewings, corsets, stock of goods. bo. POSITIVE SAl.ipPoijBPKnjag. DEBOGEIg, OH BATOBDAT ItoBNIHG, May IS, atUo’ciock,wtllbc»#ld, by catalogue, oafan. months’ credit. about 300 pieces ii*h royal tapewS* Brnsself. printed felt, aapsrfias And nn« i*gr* ;* royal damask, YsneHan, Itet, hemp. sottere, A r&v carpetings, Canton and eoooa mattings. Ac., bracing a choice assortment of-super lor goods, wbj,£ nay be examined early on tbs morning or sal*. ** COTTON WARPS FOB ACOOCNT OF WflOH r* MAY CONGBRN. ir Sale will commence with SO cotton warp*. No. * n* tie best make, to bo sold for cash. 1 w PEREMPTORY BALI OF FREVCH, INDIA. MAN, AND BBITIBS DRY GboDB. £l 9SS ‘ ON MONDAY HORNING, ‘ May 15th, at 10 o’clock, will bo sold by catalog** « four month* ciedJfc, about ** 700 PACKAGES AND LOTS ©f Trench. India. Gorman, and British drriAnrit a. embrtdlng »largo and dedraeto ««,ort m .n t 'C*,!:! Itaplo artidee in silk, worsted, WOOlea, lings and Sl ton fabrics, ' ~. _ . Ul " N. B.—Samploiof thoaaniewili be imaged forw* amlnatton, with catalogues, early oa the moroW* the a&le, when dealers will And ft to their Intersil S attend, LARGE SALE OP FRENCH, SAXONY, QEEM&k AND BRITISH DBY GOODS. NOTICB-—Jncltided in onr sale of Frenoh, ItallLn British, and Gennsn dry goods, 1 ON MONDAY MOBNIFG, May 15, will be found, in part, the following dstiraU* articles, vii : DRESS GOODS. pieoes Paris mousse delaines, la black, mole, a™. line, and high colors do Paris mousse de lalnes, in striped, plain. and fancy printed. do silk mozamblqaee, in broeno, plain, strips! and plaid. do Paris tiffetas, bareges, erepe mcTth, poll, &o do oherres, percales, poplins.fano* checks.&#, do printed jaconets, lawns, grenadines, 4s, do fancy ginghams, ebambiays, alpacas, dee JUKJSSa SlliKd, . pieces Lyons black taffetas, gros att Rljlu, *w. mores, irosde nfrlc, gros de Lmi. gros grains, poult d« spies, gros de Hapleß, too* lards, die. SHAWLS. Full lines broobe border#, Stella grenadine, mnan. bione, and fancy spring styles shawls, melton dot! snd silk mantles, dwtera, and jackets, gros, da Khis, basques, &c. * BIBBONB. boxes gros de Staples and poolt de aole beaut and trimming ribbons, b:aekahd di&U*ui edge silk yeWst ribbons, Ac. gkovbs. A large Invoice of ladies* and gentt’Paris •* JoctV‘ colored aad black kid gloyes. oi a well-known lmp>r* tatton; silk Berlin, Union, Llile and cotton gioyei & 0 Also, an la roles of fashionable spring styles itra,v bonnets, shaker hoods, children’s bats. Ac. Also, tisrne and grenadine yetis, black aad white English crepe*, maiiues. umbrellas and snnshalee. linen earnbrlc handkerchiefs. striped and platd mas. UPS. bishop lawns. Swiss xnnlls, jaconets, hoop and belmorsL skirts, heodnetg. notions &0. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS. SHOES, b bo gads, abmi goods, tbavellivg bags, straw GOOD*, Ac. " OJT TUESDAY MOBBING, May I6th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, by citilom, on (oar months" credit, about 1,200 packages bosu, •hoes, broga&f, cavalry boots, Ao,, embracing a prim* and frein anortment of seasonable goods of city ant Bartern manufacture. Win be open for examination, with catalogues, on morning of sale. - liAEGB_POWTiy* SALK,OJBBITISJ& JHIMGH. -■""'OBKMiH* AND DoMB*TIC DBrSoODa wewlll hoid a Urgesaleof Forelaaand Domestic D,y Goods, by catalogue, oh a credit at lout month* aid pun lot cash, ... THDBSDAY MOBBING, May 18th, At 10 o’clock, embracing about MO packets* and lota of staple and fancy articles In woolens, wont, eda. linens, silks, and cottons, to which w« Invite u« attention of dealers. H B.—Sample. of the tarn. will ba amsiad f«r«r. animation, with catalogue*. early on the saornini«f •ale, when dealers will dad it to their interest to at* end. M THOMAS & SONS, • Ho*. 139 and I*l South FOURTH Street Public Sales of Beal Batata and Stocks, at the Ex change, every Tuesday, at 12 o'clock. FOUBTBENTfI SPRING SALE May 18th. The largest sale and comprising the most valaaMe property offered this sea»on Handbills ready. EXECUTOK’B SALE-VALUABLE BAnK STOCKS, also, previous to real estate, at 12 o’closk: 197 shares Mechanics’ National Bank. 263 shares Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Rational Bank. 20 shares Western Rational Bank. 10 shares Girard Rational Bank. 2 shares Chesapeake and Bela Wars Canal Company, „ _ Sale Ho. 269 North Sixth street. SUPERIOR FtJRBITUBE. F'NR CARPETS, Ac. ' THIS MORNING, 12th Inst. at 10 o’clock, at Ho 293 North Sixth street, the entire household and klioh«n furniture, pier mIN ror, bookcase, handsome eases, fine tapestry, low pete, Ac. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the •ale. SALE OP MISCELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL BOOKS, BIBLES PSAVERS. JDVBNILHB, Ao „ THIS AFTERNOON. May 12th. st the auction store, miscellaneous and school books, Bible, Praters, juveniles, Ac., from the stock of a bookieller declining badness, STB AM ENGINE. MACHINERY. AND FIXTURES Of THB PAIBMOUNT DYE sND PRINT WORKi. on Saturday morning, At 11 o’clock, InCallowhlU street, above Twenty-fifth street, *lx-horse steam engine, cotton and woolen dja ▼*lb. oopper rollers, ten-er bars- hnlliog ani washing machine, steam » ox, shearing machine, lapping ms« chine, lot drugs, dye stuff, Ac. 49 s * May be examined any time previous to sale, with catalogues. Administrators’ Sale, No. 012 Fine street. SUPERIOR FUSE ITU RB. PIANO. MIRRORS, AO, OH MONDAT MOKHfsO. ' May 16* at 10 o’clock, at No 6i2 Pine street, by eats* logne, the entire household at d kitche a furniture ele* gent rosewood piano by Stpck A Go., French plate mantel mirrors, fine Canton and French china, cut glassware* several pleoes handsome antique furniture, At. 4®* May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of sale. • - Executor’s Sale—Estate of Dr. Coxa. BARE AND VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS. ON WBDKBBDAY MORNING, May 17th, 1866, at the auction store, will be sold with* ont reserve, by order of exeentor, a collection of we and valuable oil palatines, by eminent masters, from the collection of the late John Redman Coxe. M. D, Also, a number of fine line engravings, by the best English artiste, hale to commence at 11 o'clock. MS* For particulars see catalogues The pnlntlus will be arranged for inspection a week previous to the sale. SALE OF FINS WINES AND BRANDY. ON WBDNBBDAT, May 171 b, at 1 o’clock P. M , at tbs auction ftldFA South Fourth street, will be sold, by catalogue, a ehol«f selection of fine Madeira, Sherry, and Fort Wines and old Brandy, imported by Mr 7. J, Flguers. 43* Samples may be examined one hour prsvloui to ■ale. Peremptory Sate on the Premises TRUCK FARMS AND GOTTAGB SITES, OF SATURDAY HORSING, May 20. at 11 o’clock, at foe Gape May Court Honse, Cape May county, N. J. , on the line of the Cane Mif Railroad. A special train of cars will leave Walnut* street wharf, and return In the afternoon. , 4®=* Full particulars in handbills and plans, may be had at foe Auction Rooms. Public Sale, 199 BETS SIX-MULE HARNESS. ON SATURDAY, • t ... Hay 20th, at 13 o'clock noon, at foe auction store, Wiji be sold at pnblio sale, by order of the Quarter Mastsr« Department, U. S. A., , 199 sets of six-mule wagon harness; irregular. Samples may be seen three days previous to sale, si foe auction store. * _ _ Term* each. By order of CoL W. W. HeKlm, U» S. A. Chief Quarter Master, Philadelphia depot. PANCOAST & WABNOCK, AW AT TIOKEEKB, »*0 MABKBT Btrxt. LARGE POSITIVE. SPECIAL.SALE. OP 350 OASES STJSAW GOODS *Bj caUlogafl. THIS MORCfISO. May Mtb, eommenclAf at 10 o’clotfc, comprtalnn a most desirable Mas of most faahlonabU abapfi* bonnaw and bat> in airaw and finer braids. shipping. BOSTON AND PHILADKIi- StyaßK PHIA STEAMSHIP MSB. aiUln* fromeia port os SATURDAYS, from Brit whirl Above PIEI Street. PhiUdeiphli. utd Lone Whirl. Boiton. The iteunthlp NORMAN, Dipt. Baker, wUIuII (ton Philadelphia for Boiton, on Bltardty, Mir 13. »> 10 A M.. ud tteamehip SAXOS, dipt, Matthews, from Boiton for Philadelphia, on the same day iUP. X. Thece sew and aubalantial ateamshlpc form a fagafAS line* calling from ea«h port punctually on Saturdays* Insurances effected at osa> Wf the premium ch*rc*4 ObtiLtTOCMla. Freight* taken at fair rate*. Shippers are requested to send Blip Receipt* and BUI* of Lading with their good*. for Freight orFati&ge (havliyc flee etsommodtHeacL apply to HBBBT WIWBOR & CO., mhl*tf 333 South DELAWARE Avenue. STEAM WEEKLY TO M WffllMW., VBKPOOL. touching at QtTBBNBTOWP, (Cork Harbor). The well known steamer, of th.Llv«" poo], Bow York and Philadelphia SteimlhlP Oompir ny (Inman Line), tarrying the United Btitee Halle, ara Intended to tall a*follow*: CITY OF LONDON. «SATURDAY, MayMth. CITY OP MANCHESTER..,.. BATUHDAY, May 3dth CITY OP BOSTON— SATURDAY. MayMth. And every mecedlnff Saturday at Boon* from rier 4t» Sorth River. BATES OF PASBAOBj _ Parable In Gold* or its equivalent In Currency. - First Cabin... ...«~,59000 Steerage ~.530 $ “ to London.Bo 00, ** to London** MW to Pari* i 96 00; " to Part* —.40 00 ** to Hamburg ... 00 00 ** to Hamburg 87 GC Passenger* a]*o forwarded to Havre. Bremen* Rot* terdam, Antwerp, &«.. at equally low rate*. .. • • Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: lit Cabin, |7f< $B5, $lOO. Steerage from Liverpool or Queenatown* s#• Tho»o who wish to tend for their friend* can v r *f tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company* Offices. JOHR G. DALE, Agent. mj9-t27 111 WALNUT StraeLrhila. -jt-E-m FOR ALBANY AND TIIO V, eUHKaiW YORK. VIA DBLAWiBB AtU> RaHITAH^AWAL.—The Barge HONTB*E?. B_ DA"! vers, Master, i. now loadli g it flret whirl bolow Sn/nce Btreet, for the above point., ind will leave on wav BESPAY KVEBIBO. Per freight, which will he tnken on reaienible term*, epply to D. L. FLANAfAH. Agent. mil2-St 30* Bonth PEL AW ARE i»ena«^ --air—m NEW EXPRESS LINE) T« For Freight spp)t to Agents, WM, P. GLTM * fi?i' 14Rorthand Sontn Wharve*.Phila. sJ. B. DAVIDS**' Georgetown, C.o.s FLOWRRB * BOWER, Alawndnfc Vl mhli-a* alt— m NOTICE.—FOR NB ACSSMKtoBE:-Th. PHILADELPHIA A*,? STEAMBOAT aOMPABT, ’** D Btameri*?eeve DAJLY, ItttwKirf below MASK Hi BWe wk it p. <> OLYBEA*bo., 1* B. WHARVES,Phi',. mhlf-Om JAfflSSH4 * l> ' ll7 TTELMBOLD’S EXTRACT. OF 9AR‘ J-i- SAPABILLA cleanses and renovates tbs W°JJj instils the vigor of health into the system, and po*** oat the humor* that make di*aa*e. .—- A UNION OIL BTOVE. f i 800 Advertisement M, . TO-MORROW. '—And send for CIRCULAR. apM tnthfr lm PHILA.DELFHir'g^ BAB3AQBUtSTIfOTB. *S (j, , ff. HiHTH street, fcbevo EVERETT, alter thirty yeere' preesleal «pe')* jv rmrenteee theuhtlfpl edfuttment or hie feat Ondtutlay Present* True*. Bopporlere. .“im Stooklngs. -Shoulder Breoee, OrotohMi “«• if enartmente *0 ad acted by a Lady. aOv MONEY TO ANY V LOANED TOON BIAMOHDB. WATU ,i A 0 JEWELRY. FLAW CLOTHIEO. Sr OLD ESTABLISHED Corner THIRD and OABXIM* Bt»., below m * VANS * yr.ffiSESvun W MAV| U BOOTH JOtrgm STBBW. A Ur«, ' kaal.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers