CITY items. 11 SPANISH GO£D AND SILTBB WCIHIhQ tjoKPABT.”—'w. invite Attention to the oh&tnoter and proepeotl of this Company ag a meaneoi safe and nofitable investment. It has been formed for the purpose »f extracting the gold and silver ores ■contained In the Spanish and Waehnsetts Ledges, Situated In the Toiyabe range of mountains, Lander county, Nevada. The snoeess attendant upon the Silver mines now In operation In Nevada, most of which, alter a twelve months’ operation, have de eland monthly dividends of #lOO per share upon stock originally costing #n>, has attracted the at tention iof Eastern capitalists, and property has been secured with a view to obtaining a part of the •normons wealth of the transmontano region. Specimens or the ore taken from these ledges, assayed at the United States Mint In this olty, yielded in silver *331, gold *392, making a total of •ns per ton. preparations are In progress to put Ihe necessary maohinery for reducing twenty tons •Of this valuable ore per day upon the ground early In the coming summer, and shareholders will be In w *lpt of returns soon after. The stock of thfs •Company can be obtained at the office, No. 22s South Third street. Tan Great Family Sbwikg Maohibb of thh Aub.—There Is no class of men that deserve more ’thaßkß at the hands of all right minded people than •the men who have given their talents and Influence •towards the amelioration of the condition of the toll ing millions. Foremost In this category wa must ■mention the firm of Grover ft Baker, whose office In this city Is at No. 730 Chestnut street. Their cole brated Famlly Sowing Machine Is, without exoep lion, the greatest labor-saving invention of the age. It performs a greater variety of work, a&d in a more satisfactory manner, than any other sewing machine in nse, and all who examine Its work are convinced of this fact. This machine has taken the highest premium at alTthe Fairs within the last ten years, and all who have It In use are so Well Satisfied of Its superiority that they would not ox ehange it for any other at half Its oost. Tan Bust Fimm Shibt on thb aob Is “The improved Pattern Shirt,” made by John O. Ant eon, at the old stand, Nos. 1 and S North Sixth street. Work done by hand, In the best manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. Hls stock ol Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods oannot be surpassed. Prices moderate. Latbst Novelties ih Ladies’ Bonnets and Childers's Hats.—A magnificent assortment at Wood A Cary’s, 726 Chestnut street. Hats and bonnets renovated at short notice. AFeknoU IDSA.—A useful Innovation bag been Introduced In the omnibuses of Paris. When tiro bus Is full the oondnotor turnovers the word “ cam plet," and a similar sign appears front of the driver’s box, so that pedestrians wishing to ride are Informed that they must wait for the next con veyance. In Philadelphia, when a gentleman Wishes the world to know that he Is "complet,” In lespeot to dress, he simply puts on a suit from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of BookhUl & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Cox’s Infallible Dyspeptic Pills.— Sure In Kfleet. They have never In one lnatanoa failed, For sale by Samuel C. Hart, Druggist, No. 2* South Second street, below Market. Wx call attention to. advertisement in onroolnmns to-day of fine resldenoe for sale, In Mansfield, Ohio. myU-tbs2t All TTpholstbby Jobs, snob as making up and laying Carpets, making over Mattresses, overhaul ing old Furniture, or Upholstering of any dessrlp* Hoc, done Immediately. Workmen sent as soon as the order Is given, at W; Henev Pattbh’s West-End Upholstery, 1408 Chestnut street. Era, EAE, AMD Catabbh, successfully treated by J. Isaacs, M. 11., Oaulist and Aurlst, 619 Pine St. Artificial eyes Inserted. No charge for examination ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. iho a J H McCarty, Prov, R I E C Hill, Penna Jas Stewart, Lancaster W S Woods, Now York Jas A Gllles Arthur Holmes, N Y Miss J Beynolds, N Y A W Trussel), Mass C S Maltby, Baltimore •John A Baymond.U S A Jno Denney, Columbus P Gossler, Columbus E Biddle, Columbus Ghae Mo dually, USA Miss McAnally, USA Miss V Goary, USA S Rogers, Boston W Aohte, Penna John H Phillips, Trenton Geo F Foliar, U S N S Casey. U S N W M Bockafellow, Penna C H Rich, Baltimore S P Fairer, U S N * W GalO, USB S D Jarobson, CSS J Pettebone, Washington H F Williams, Mass Fredk Wood, New York Jas Foofield, Pittsburg W H Brecht, Warren, Pa G L Sanderson, Penna E B Sankey, Delaware J M Crawford, Delaware C A Bltner, Laneast eo .T A Welkert, Pittsburg W A Sohook, York, Pa J A Mooney & la, Norfolk L P Bradley, Oil City G M Comstock. Wheeling H B Crawford, Altoona M M Paxton A wf. Pa O B Barstow, Penna N C Warner, Washlngt’n S W P Magurn, Boston a E S Barber, Chester eo Dr J H Lsvcradge. Pa J T Worthington, N J M S Doherty, Titusville B J Park, Penna W Stevenson, Penna J Hugos, Charleston C Murphey, Charleston A Jones, M D, Penna C Simpson, Baltimore T Harrison, Washington W H Lanth rop_Boston Mrs Patterson & oh, Ya 088 Bowan, Md .Miss Bov?an, Maryland L S Foster & wf, N Y Hon J Cessna, Bedford Z M Woodward, Keokuk J W Causey, Delaware • C S Kauffman, Colombia B Crane, Columbia M M Strickler, Colombia E W Gannoheau, Pa A Perodin, New York L G Vienne, New York E R Cochran ft lady .G Utessy ft lady J W Wall, New Jersey Jdlss Wall & sister, N J J E Oldham, Md T Little, New York "W Little, New York • J C Hopewell, N J WFJJ Henry, Md J Y Williamson, N Y S litblnson. New York J Stewart & wf, N York J A Anthony, New York o E Perry, n t S Boblnson & oh, N Yofk J Smylle. Belfast B W Davidson & wf, Mo O W Drummond, Va S Moore, Baltimore E M Flinn, Louisville Mis Flinn, Louisville L N Axe. Jr,Steubenville T M Foster, Allentown G W Godfrey* Richmond s L Godfrey, Richmond Miss E Godfrey, Rtchm’d F o Bonham, York Miss Bonham, Y-ork J H Woodward, N- J G G Prugh,|Dayton J C Hoffer, Carlisle G A Fordlcarls, Trenton ■ E S Goodrich, st Paul J IC Spang, Penna DU Keller, USA J H Kuhn.U S A B J Hart, New York J Warner, Illinois J Young & son, Penna W R Brackett, NH V h Ogues* Woodoary J R Crawford, Penna A JCartnany L M Sangston, Albany L D Cooper, Baltimore D Hoover, Penna • G W Young & la, Rtahm H Moon©, Richmond J Foster, Richmond W W Dean & wf, Balt INI Jackson, USA T R Tollliern, Richmond J R Mason, Richmond w F Rideout, Richmond G Wears, Huntingdon oo H McG Walters, Har’bg. E G Patterson, N York P Casameyer, N York W C Hutchings & wf,NY C F Dawse, Boston J Handley, Scranton Chas Ocks W M ScoviU, Baltimore JR Lion, Baltimore C E Joses, New York T Rhodes, Boston Mr & Mrs Sogers, Boston Miss CPease,Mass J B Morton, Mass H G Cole, Boston J E Morrison, Boston A W Sergeat & wf, Cin,o J Thompson, Wmsport ktinental. Ibe Con 1) w Clark & wf,Portland H M Pajson & wr, Me N P Stanton, New York J J Mailbons, Baltimore .James K Gilmore, USA Mrs M A Flthlan J E Bowen J McM King, Pittsburg A Harrow, Cleveland D Maefarlan, Yonkers D Fleming, Harrisburg Mrs Fleming, Harrisburg Mrs S D Youacr, Penna H M Soldier, Nebraska Maj L Jones & wf, USA W M Fisher & wf, N Y John E Dewitt, N York G A Tspley, Boston Ira P Pope, Boston H Saeger, Meadvllle W Saeger, Meadviiie J N BlrnbaumJOlnaitm&ti B Thompson, St Patti S A Alien, N Jersey G Behringer G T Conltes, Baltimore Jas M Glenn, Glnolnnatl WKH Laws, Cincinnati N Newoant, Jr, St Lonts A A Shedd, USA Or P Lethbridge, N York D coats, Syracuse E H Ellas, Cincinnati E B Ellas & la, N York P Gibbons, Keokuk H F Ferris, New York A W Norcross, USA W S Bower. U S N J L Chase, Titusville Brig Gen M M Crocker Lieut E A Trader R E Bennett, New York J Ludlow. New York Rev (J D Foss & wf, N Y H M Hoyt, Rochester T F Mumford, Rochester R R Dennis, USA HH Moore, USA SMead,USA W J Boyd, Baltlmoro J McLerson, Chicago Mai T C Hazier. City Pt Lt W N Soott, City Point A E Brady X j Christy, Baltimore W w Walker, Virginia Ur H A Walker, Va H A Gustlce, USA H D Palmer, New York A Lybrand, Del, O E Root Sc la, Oswego T Blrokhead, Jr, Balt J Taylor, Boston ST Martin. Boston Capt N Barling, Wash B M Eolllns & wf, Brazil. S W Mahool, Baltimore ,< E Bailey, Boston S O Pomeroy, Kansas W unborn, Kansas | B F Strongfellow,Kansas . W Haskins, Boston >' P W Chandler, Boston " A S Pennington, Jr, N J : W H Beers, New York Miss L Beers, New York C H Ammidonn, Boston Geo Draper, Boston E B Cope, west Chester ■J M Moore, New Jersey Amos Tuck, Boston Wm Gaylord, New York . J S Wareham, Hartford B F Bancroft, Salem Col J Henry, Cincinnati H E Eoberts, New York S Forhemel, Mass A W Hawley & la, N Y J a Holmes, Boston B W Clapp, New York J W Washburn kwf, NY L Knight, New York Mrs G F Train, N-York Mrs Seamed Miss Shaw Ang Hull G F Corliss, Ploy, RI W Corliss, Frov, E X .T A Coleman, Proy, EI E Barr, New York C H Green,'New York . J J Hall, Washington E Oterllnck, New York i Adolph de F lament, N Y c Levering & wf, Bait Lt Merltt, U s-A ■ J M Woodworth M D G E Van Derbargh, N Y W w WallaoeJN Y E C Irvin, Penn . J D Barnard,' California Thos Bonnet, California Mai Hancock, Maryland J Wilkes, Baltimore o w Howell, Washington Jas Atnsworth,New York Capt M H Nlohols, N Y ; J A Whitlock, New York } J J Merritt, New York j W J Poole, New York J A Ruthranff, Baltimore i W H Martin, Indiana 'Dr O D Forster, USA H Thomas, Harrlßburg ;N Schaeffer, St Louis W M Alexander,St Louis A Lawrence, Boston B B Smith, New York H H Bull, Lancaster R s Lugueer, New York O F Stearns, Boston H J Stevenson,NewYork H H Burry, New York W Holman, Boston J H Walker k wf, N Y R King & la, New York O T Hussey, Pittsburg Mr & Mrs Dorcher, N Y Thos Smith, M D Miss Smith J C Sleeper, Boßton H H Barbour A wf, Conn Mrs O Bomeigler H L Cake, Tamaqua J P Williams, Wilkesb* G Harlno, Cuba T Brooks, Cuba Hon A K McClure, Pa Miss M Ltnn, Pa J H Criswell G E Hodgson, N York N P Haven, N York H Mayo, Boston James Patterson, N J Cbas Warner, N Y J Fendrlch & la, Balt F Fendrlch A la, Evansv W W Steever, Maine F P Merrlman, Boßton J H Weed, New York L L Brown, Mass H L Jones, Mass A Bates, Pittsburg wants’. Bouts Friedman, Balt J H Mayer, New York J K Dunbar, Newport,Pa IK Andrews, Easton S A Beeknardt, Brldge’n F platto, Syracuse, N Y Jobn Small Dr G Folmer A da, Pa Miss Sue Brfcker, Pa E Stevens, Oonn W Bond It wf, Baltimore O Waman, N J E Chadwick, Venango CO okas Hoge, Penn S O Dickey, Penn L D Strader, West Ya Ueo Creed, Newark, N J. J T Hedrick, Maryland Rabt lit Taurman, Penn H Adams A wf.NewYork J A Sanborn, Maine Edward Sanborn, Maine D Kemball, Maine E Ullom & wf, Ohio M D wheston, Fenna J M Sleghled, Easton,Fa Ohag Wagner, Pittsburg mmorclal. Hie Mel G J Bolten, Harrisburg ! Geo Wells, Wellsvllle, O J Joseph, New York Mrs Kays,Penna Geo Shane,Rochester J Blanokensel, Balt Banl Leasnre, Newcastle C Clarke, Newcastle J N Phillips, Newcastle J Jon son, Baltimore Austin Stnll,Lock Haven s s Cranston, centre oo B T Johnston, Ohio • G W Patterson, Penn John Branen, Penna D S Henderson, Penn Geo Colder, Alex, Va W E Caste, Illinois J Stambangh, Penn -ABeppard, Newtown IA Smith, Easton W H Armstrong, Penna B Hautz, Virginia .A J Harry, Virginia W P AlCorn, Beaver eo . J M Boys, lowa X A Sanborn, Maine The cot Joha Boyd, Chester Co :£ Kline, Huntingdon oo W H Wilson Miss HO MendenhaU.Pai Dr J Tamar, Panna S B Stabba, Maryland J Fegely, Pottstown Ohae Monlngatoa, N Y Sami Wright, W Uheater Jobs Bara, Me Union Philip Baper, Panna 16 Bruner, Columbia E Kline, Alexandria, Ya J S Paxaon, W Chester Jos James, W Obaster J £ Mathews, Oxford £ p Green, fm Jos Wood, Now York Capt J w Scott, USA ‘ Ch&e Green .Jos Blanfeman •frO Wilson,New London TT R Chandler,Wllm. Del 3* B Moore, Avondale,P& JM Chambers, Penna M Lloyd, Doyleston tLWHaon, Germantown W w Davis, Chester eo The An J D Coles, New Jersey Jas Day kin, Havana M P Gordon, Havana J H Bewley, Delaware Mrs Dalby, Baltimore J H Seymour, Maryland G Lehner 4 la, Penna w H Hos tot ter Samuel E Holmes J G Thomas, U S N N P Stevens, Mass D O’Hea lerlcno. H A date, Pipe .amton H S Loomis y' A D Farmer, H»w York A Little, Efßiir York B B Hdgerty, New York R C Stover, Ft Pleasant O F Down, New York J P Hartman, Baltimore L S Sears, Soranton L Allen, New York J A Rue, New York Geo Derriobson, Dal Alex Phennfster. Boston Mrs Jones, Bedford oo O T Foster, Bethlehem JSslah Phillips S Dlokey, Alexandria,Va Col T T Worth, Lebanon J F Crone, Lebanon C Mark, Lebanon HGootee, New York C Stuart C H Lakue, Baltimore BTBolyn, Virginia Theo McPherson J Sebrlng, Jersey Shore J O Howard, Jer’y Shore Wm Taylor, Penna N B Coder, Williamsport P C Oorlelyan & wf, N Y Jno Marden.Ohloago Thos Johns &wf J Mardor a D Farmer A Little D F Anderson, Philada W R Hopkins, Georgia F M Dobb, Goldsboro, NO J F Smith, Reading J R Mathewson, Mass J J Harrison 4 wf, N Y Union. J K Kelly, Lebanon G G Young, New York H D Boas, New York J Gibson & dftu, Ohio H S Myers, New Jersey J O Harvey, Harrisburg A Warner, Oregon Olty - J A Ladd, Oregon City J Bower, Louisville A D Knapp, Ohio R W Mahngb, Kentucky HMabbltt, New York J Ellis A wf, New York Geo F Colburn, Mass Gen T Lincoln, Mass L Kellerman, Petersburg W L Yoder, Penna W M Field. Penna 0 J Field, Penna The F Bright. Hagerstown H Born, Massachusetts John Phillips. Penna A Page, Williamsport W Newell, New York Jos Bondy, New York E Upton, York eo, Pa J N Wlnohart, York 00 J Hubert, York eo J F Marchand W O Fleieher, Mass J G Lyon, Fnlton co, Pa J W MoClymonds, Ohio L F Landis, Palmyra Char E Hummel, Penna J V Crawford, Delaware W Dean A wf, Delaware H W Kemper A wf, Ohio X) J Hummel, Harrisburg rue Bal L Kuhn, Allentown L Kuhn, Berks 00 <1 Eagle. J F Welda, Penna J Goodfieoh, Penna Mrs Goodfieoh, Penna HL Ziegenfuss, Lebanon J Beldelman, Penna W Hass, Tapton, Pa H Reese, New Jersey S Stiles, MtUerstown D Dally, Quakertown E J S High, Maxatanlng J Cohen, Allentown W P Huber & wf, Penna O B Keller, Stroudsburg W F Rauch, Nazareth J Cressman, Penna P Bartholomew, Penna J SelfUss, Carbon 00 ley Sheaf. J Stapler, Stroudsburg IJ O Roake, Philadelphia G Samuel, France ■M Kirk, Buckingham The Bari Geo O Brown, Penna M Pearson, Center Hill I Miss Force, Philadelphia. H Bartlett A fern. Penna’ SPECIAL NOTICES. Balanced Ivory-Handle Dinner and Ta& Knives, either with or without Fork*. And Carvers and to natch. For sale At the Hardware Store of TRUMAN & SB AW, Ho 839 (Sight Thirty*™) MARKET Street, below Ninth. It For Photographic Screeens, Movba- BLB Black Boards, or very heavy Bedsteads, we have a large wheeled Bracket Caster, which 1e very suitable; also, a variety of other Castors. Sold by TBUKIN & SHAW, Ho 839 (Bight Thirty.fivs) MABKBT Street, below Hinth. It w Look on this picture, and then on THAT.” Here you behold the Infirm step, The pallid cheek, wasting form, Ufit&eted food, and a social atmosphere Polsontd with the tale* of &<&**, Paine* Sleepless nights, and mental despondency. There, laughing health, sparkling eyes,l Elastic Bteps, craving appetite, forgotten cares, Genlsl thought and ambitions resolves Show the contrast and mark the picture. And here the secret lies, that Unknown to Qoackenboss, the Doctor, Smith had taken bottles three Of PBAKB’S PLANTATION BITTEBS. myl2 fit Great Inducements ! Great INDUCE MENTS I Qkkat Inducements! Great Inducements I Great Inducements! Great Inducements ] The atf entieu of the public is invited to the splendid Assortment of Flue Clothing displaced in the immense stock of _ Messrs. PbrrtACo., Contained ia their three stores, viz : go. 303 Chestnut Street. . Above Third, No. 609 Chestnut Street. (GRaHVILLB STOKES’ Old Stand. > And S. X. Cor. Seventh and Market Sts., (JONES’.) Whloh for variety of styles and sizes ol garments tan. not he surpassed. They now offer a superb stock, manufactured from stylish and sessonable goods, pur* chased at the lowest point of the decline, and for sale etthe _ _ _ Smallest Possible Litoto Profit, Shallest Possible Living Propit, Skallest Possible Living Profit. They havoalsoaauanttty of Good Clothing left over from last season, in which they present Great Babcains to Purchassks Cheat Baboains to Furchasrrs. Qksat Baboains to Purcsasbbs. E®- For the accommodation of those whewlsh to have their clothing made to order, we have in connection with each establishment a Custom Department, Custom Department; Custom Department, To which special attention is paid, the best artists being-employed, and the ■ Stole, 1 Fit, anb Durability, Sttlb Fit,' and Durability, Style, Fit, and Durability, 01 each article guaranteed. Citizens and strangers are Invited to favor ns with an early call. IPeret A Co.. No; 303 Chestnut-Street, above Third, No. 609 Chestnut Street,(GBAHVILLE STOKES’ Old Stand,) And 8. E. Cor. Seventh and Market Sts. (JONES’.) Uj9-6t • Jonhs 1 . THE LOWEST SELLING TRIOS Is marked in figures on each article, 4XD NEVER VARIED. JONBS’ Greieeni One-prise CLOTHING HODfll, MARKET STBUT, above Sixth, No. 604: 4W- prices reduced to suit the ttmas. A fine assortment of BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, mitable for all seasons, constantly on hand. Custom-work mads to order at short not!—, fmh&lm Colcate’b Hobby Soap. TMecelebratad TOILET SOAP, In stub nnlYenai do usd, le made from the CHOICEST materials. Is MIL3I and EMOLLIENT in its nature, FK AGRAMTLTSCENT. 18, and EXTEEMBLY BENEFICIAL in Its astlon n*«l the Skin. For sale by all Dnwlata and Yana? Goads deals'*' tadB>tatiislY Haib Dyb 1 Hath Dyb I BATCHKLOB’B HAIB DYB Is tba beat In tho world The only tma and perfect Dye-harmless, instantene ms, and reliable; produces a splendid Black or Natural grown; remedies tba Ul offsets of Bad Bras, and ft*- tuently restores the original aolor. Sold by all Drox rlsta Tba xennlna la si sued W. A. BATOHBLOB, II EABCLAI Street. Haw York. jsl-mwfrly Why Injure thb Complexion by POWBBXB ABB WASHES which eboke or All op the tores of tbe akin, and In a abort time laara it harsh and dry? It is In tbe blood, andlfyonwant a smooth and soft skin ns* HBLMBOLD’S EXTRACT OP SARSA PARILLA. It ciyee a brilliancy to the complexion. A Clear, Smooth Skin and Beauti ful COMPLEXION follows the nee of HBLMBOLD'S DONCBNTBATBB PLUIB SXTRAOT SABSAPARIL LA. it removes black spots, pimples and all eruptions el the skin. Not a Few op- thb Worst Disordhbs that afflict mankind arise fromeorroptinns of the blood. HBLMBOLD’S EXTRACT 0 1 SARSAPARILLA is a remedy of thentmoat yalne. Hblmbold’s Concentrated Bxtbact BUCHD la the meat Diuretic. HBLMBOLD'S CON CENTRATED EXTRACT BABSAPABILLA lathe Ortai Blood Purifier. Both are prepared aeeerdlnx to rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and. are the molt as ties that oan be made. . A Thing op Bbauty is a Jot Fob- IVSB. —Those wbo desire brilllaney of eomplezloii most purify ftßd wrick tbe blood, which oblhbold’E OOXCSNTEATED BXTBACT BAHBAPAEILLA iSTA riably does. BoooUaet it is no patent nedioine. Ask for Helmbold’f. Take no other, mhl-wfmJai Excelsior.—Oub Photographs op PRESIDENT LINCOLN, in Crayon, are acknowledged the best Picture to be obtained in tfaisor any other city. HENSZBB&CO., Photographers, 812 ARCH Street. Itch, (Wheaton’s) Itch. SALT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Will euie the Jteh In 48 hoars. Also cures Salt Rheum Uleers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price SO sente. By tending SO cents to WXBSS M POT* TBB, BOSTON, Haas.»will ba forwarded fraa by mail for Ml# by all Druggists. «hlB-6a Philadelphia Natatobitjm and Physi cal IHSTITDTB, BBOAD STKBBT, BELOW WALNUT. SWIMMING SCHOOL FOB BOTH SIZES. The above iniUttttiOll is HOW la fall operation The hours for Ladisst on aecoaafc of the incrsAStid number, have beenextended from 9% o’clock A- M. to 2>£ o’clock F. M. The preetnfc inducements to subscribers for the season will be continued until May 15th The temperature of the water and of the halls. In cool u well as warm weather, will always be aehigh as comfort demands- The institution will be open, and lessons will be given to gentlemen as • arly ae 6 o’ dock A M. For farther particulars regarding instruction for gen* tiemen and boys, see circular. myB-ft f£2ppfs Something New—PAR- Cs"ffyPf Its* .'MELEE’S PATBHT ISOLATED 1 * ** * ' lEON EBAME PIANO, comblnin, extraordinary pow er, purity, and .weetneia of tone Tbese inetrumants are confidently recommended as superior to any Pianos in use, without exoeptlon. The simplicity of construe tion is such as to convince any one, upon examination, that they are really much to be preferred to the most costly instruments la the market. Please call, examine, and be convinced. Hr. B. H. MORRIS, No. 728 MARKET Street, Is sole agent for sale of these beautirai instruments. myll-St* gceafta Chickebing’b Pianoh—*esaaa n*TI*»9,OOO6OLD.-N«w War«room«.nTf7l Entrance is Alt Gallery. 91* OHMTNBT Stmt. myd.Ml* WM. H. DDTTON. tfSMR Obobqb Stbok & Co.’s t !■■■■— rirfil fianos. rriTTi mason b^hahli*-, CABINET OBOANR . NANO orer MO <*eh of that* is, CABINET FORTES. lnitrument. have b»»n told b, OBQAHS. NANO Hr. O , and th»d«m»Bd !••»»- gBHm fORTBS. atantly wlu. n?nA™ fob?k ■'"TTSSbuI. Sboane ML BiS2E Clothing by the Mils. Til* lmmeiu* of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING noardldayedat WANAMAKER & BBOWN’S OAK HALL POPULAK CLOTHING HOUSE. B. E. cor. SIXTH and HABKET BU. • II placed In on. eoatlnnoii. lino, would reach a long dliUaw toward JU.hmond. TM.lona Ureas of Clott- ing 1» tannin* of at HABYBLLOUSLT LOW PBIOBS. apU-U To Purify, EnriCH Thh Blood, ass BEAUTIFY the complexion, tun HBLMBOLB'B HIGH LY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPA RILLA One bottle eunale In strength one gallon of the Syrup or Decoction. SMALLWOOD—MIDDLETON.—On the Ilth Inst,, bv Friends’ ceremony. In the presence of Mayor Henry, WllHam Smallwood, of Salem, New Jersey, to Anna E , daughter of John W. Middle ton, of this city. * BLOSS—MOORE.—At the bride’s father’s, by Rev. Mr. Chase, Henry L. Bloss, of Roohester, N. Y., to Mies Annie Moore, of Philadelphia. [Rochester paperß please copy.] • HESTON—BARRETT.-Oa the 10th, by Rev. James Neill, Dr. Albert G. Heston to Miss Jane L, Barrett, daughter of Charles B. Barrett, Esq., all of this olty. * YARDLEY.—In Middletown, Conn., on Tuesday, May 9th, Theodora, oldest child of Rev. Henry A. and Jane Woolsey Yardley, aged three years and two IDOBtbB. * MAOFERRAN—SuddenIy, on the 11th Instant, William Maoferran, in the 69th year of hls age. Due notice will be given or the funeral. * PHILIP.—On the 11th Inst,, Isaac Philip, at the residence of hls son, R. Philip, 1823 Mount Vernon street, in the 72d y 6« Of hls Ego. , ■ Interment at Friends’ Burring ground at mat ehallton, on the 13th Inst., at 2 o'clock P. M. *» PLAIN BLACK CHINTZES.—ENG i- LINH and American Plain Black nhlntzez. for sale by BESSON A SON. Mourning Store, 918 OHEITNiTf Street, mr6 tt PLACE BAREGE HERNANT—LU- D fiju’B Black Barege Hernanf, 8-4 and B*4 wide, BBSBOK a son* 918 OHBBTJJPT Street. myfi tf i?YBB & LANDBLL. SU ESTABLISHED (101840. W* always adkere to food Goods* and depend on fair dealing 1« Q? aoopßi GOOD STOCK OP DRESS GOODS. apH SHAWLS AND STAPLE GOODS. K®" THE APOOALTPSE.-THB S 3? first of a series of special Discourse* bv B«v. J. A SBISB, D D., at hls OHUKOH. BACK Street, be low SlKth, SUHDAi BVEfllflO, at 8 o’dock, myli-at* TBS ABKEBIO AN BVNDAT- SCHOOL UNION—The Annual Sermon in be half Of ibe AMERICAN BUND AT-SOBOOL ONION wIU be pleached by the Bev. Prof. S J. WILSON, of Alle fbeny Theolofloal Seminary, at the Cbnroh In ABCS Street, above Tenth* on SUNDAY. BVBNING next* May 14th, at 8 o'olook. By order of the Committee. myl2-2t M. a, WURTS- Secretary. A SPECIAE MEETING OF THR Stockholders of the WBiKBL BUN OIL COM PANY will beheld at the offioe. No. 2X3 South SIXTH Sueet. on WBDNBSDAY BYBNING. May 2ith, at six o'clock. LEWIS G. Cassidy, B>yl2-fgtnth4t* President. URIOJfVILLE, GHBSTBB GOVN* TY. \ PA, MAY 3,18 BA-At a meeting of tJ-NiONYILtB LODGS, No. 47, OP GOODTBtf PLABB, hele April ttfith, a CooraeiHee appointed to draft re idlntioi b exprestivv th? tome of this Loaf* Dt rsla • tlon to tbeftPider of the Chief P«aglstrate orthe tfaitvd States. That OommitUd' reported the fullowing to the next mf etinc of tbeSociety, held this the 3d day of May, : 1860, which, alter beinc read and was unanimously adopted and ordered to ba publiehed- W/ttreas, Abraham Lincoln, the savior of the Be* public* has been stricken down by one who embodied me spirit of tbe most o&nseleie and wieked rebellion that ever occurred In the history of the world, which has been effectually crashed out bythe dauntieiscou race and nnflsgrfng parseverance of the true friends of American liberty, we regard this stealthy and shocking murder as the ia*t venomous sting of the dying scor pion, and its majestic victim at the uoblest martyr of all the worthy and sanctified hosts who have eheei fal * iy offtred up lives fox the salvation of their Im* periled country ; therefore, Unsolved, shat while his tragic death* by the hand a - n traitor thm, BtdTOB our hearts with »he deepest aa suieh, U,d We dep'rore the loss at so great and good a President* efptciftUy at tnls crisis Of our public at fairs, as a fearfqi national calamity, we are thankful that he was spared while steering the ship of state safely thrrugh a sea of blood and fire, until ha moored her in the. ong sought harbor of *' a permanent peace,” ard his partisan reviiers, the instigators of tits assassination, were confounded by the success of hls wise effoiu to r-store a sundered Un'on. and con 1 strained to unite with the loyal iu the cry of lamenta tion ard woe for his untimely €hd. Resolved, That we derive a mourofal satisfaction from the universality of the grief that pervades the whole country; it shows that the precious virtues and matchless services of our murdered chief are fully ap predated by an intelligent, sensitive, and grateful peo ple ; his funeial cortege* as it moves to hls distant home and last resting place in his beloved. Illinois* has be come a triumphal march mightier than that of auy Jiving conqueror j V the nation rises up at every stage of hls coming; cities &nd Slates are hls pall-bearers* and tb* cannon speaks the hours with solemn progres sion.” This great concert of tpoßtanerosanduaaffeetad sorrow, the irrepressible wail of a bereaved nation, has in it more of tbe consolation of hope than the bitterness oi dtspair; it has in it the pathetic melody of a grander era the sad, though clear and thrilling voice or eternal feme, when the dead of to day shall walk in spirit* canonized and glorified in the love and veneration of the disenthralled millions of an harmonious and mighty Bepublio. Oh I loved and lost! Thy patient toil Had robed our cause in victory’s light* Our country stood, redeemed and bright* With not a slave,on all her soil. A martyr to the cause of man. Hls blood i> freedom’s euebarist* And in tbe world’s great hero list Bis name shall lead the van! S. BTBBBINS* J B. DU HI ALL, B. G. CLOUD. Committee J, B. Purn-axl, Secretary* U* rCF* HAILOf THK PHILADELPHIA police beneficial society or png*. SYLVAN lA, Mat 8,1805. Whereas, The assassination of the late President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln* and the murder ous attempt upon the Secretary of State, William H . Seward* being without a parallel in criminality in tbe hißtoiy of civilized nations, it is eminently right and propertbatloyal citizens should in every conceivable way show their deep abhorrence of the crime, and mani fest their respect fox the Chief Magistrate of the nation; therefore. Resolved, By the Philadelphia Police Beneficial So ciety of Pennsylvania,that, as loyal citizens of the Uni ted States, we deeply lament and mourn the loss sus tained in the untimely death of one of tbe nation's best men and truest patriots—Abraham Lincoln. Resolved, That, while we moarn his loss, we shall evercheritm hls memory as the honest man. the true patriot, the able statesman, and the fearless, faithful champion of universal liberty. Resolved, That, as all effects have their legitimate and sufficient causes, and os the cowardly murder of Abraham Lincoln was an act of fiendish wickedneee that language tails to describe, it is evident that Its cause jzmrt have been the spirit of what has been pro perly termed the sum of all villainies "American slavery. Resolved, That, as some small token of our esteem for our late lamented President, we procure a copy of his likeness for our meeting-Toom, and have it pro perly draped in mourning for the space of ninety days. Resolved, That the above resolutions be published in the Philadelphia Press a*d the Philadelphia Inquirer, and a copy be forwarded to his Honor Mayor Henry. THOMAS M. BLLIOTT. ) FBED. WM. BOHBBB, > Committee. AMOS W, ATKINaOB, ) Thomas M. Elliott, Assistant Secretary. H* fTg- AT A STATEBHEEYING OF THE • mrrr Ex«enilve Committee of the * ‘Mercantile Base- Ball Club of Philadelphia. held May 8,1865, the follow * inc preamble and resolutions were presented andunaui* measly adopted : - Whereas . In its mysterious provldsaw of God, the late Chter Magistrate of the United States has fallen by the hand o! an assassin, and Whereas* In his death, as well as in the dastardly at tack upon the eminent servant of the State. William H. Seward, we recognize the culmination and outcropping oftfcat spirit of disloyalty and rebellion that has been so lon g openly fostered in the South, and has been p/o -• moted and aided by the advocates and supporters of Slavery in the North: therefore, Resolved, That whilst we humbly acknowledge that, sen nation, we have deserved this chastisement of the Almighty, yet we deeply deplore the calamity that has taken Abraham Lincoln from the head of this nation, tbusremovuglromusa good, great, honest, conscien tious, righteous, and Intelligent man. whose earnest pa triotism and sincere devotion to the lend he loved so well, have won for him the affection and esteem of every tine citizen, and have compelled the respect, and. in some is6tAnces, the unwilling homage of every nation upon earth. Resolved* That, in our deliberate judgment, every man of whatever political creed or section of the conn.' try, that has in the past spoken one disrespectful word against Abraham Lincoln, or by a single act sought to cast reproach upon his Administration, is guilty before God of-Ms blood, inasmuch as he ha* fostered In his own heart, and has encouraged in others, the very same feelings of hatred and malice teat actuated the mur> det‘ r. whilst he himself was too cowardly to carry his wicked purposes Into execution Resolved. That, as citizens of this great nation,we do utterly repudiate everything that even looks to a dis memberment of the Union, to a subordination of Na tional to state authority, to a restoration of the Seceded States YPithcnt the Utter extinguishment of Slavery, which has been the gnat underlying call'd of all oar National troubles, and the fruitful source of that spirit of anarchy that las culminated in the death of our noble president Resolved, That W* are proud to sty the “ Mercantile Base-Bail Club of Philadelphia ' * has never bad with in its ranks one disloyal member, or one who has not been willing to lend heart, hand, and influence to the support of the Government 5 and that, henceforth and forever, we will not receive or tolerate amongst us any one who shall in any way, by word br deed, evince a want of patriotism or any un willingness to give his un qualified support to the Administration of rightful au thority in this land. Resolved, That the noble example of cur late Presi dent shall ucite ns to emulate his virtues, to love our country more to be more determined advocates to right and troth, and to purge from the various offices of trust and profit under our national or State authorities, every men who i» not pure, truthfol, and competent. Resolved, That gUbonghthe career of Abraham Lin coln has been brought to a sudden dote, yet we regard bis work as fully done; his sub has sit in glory, and the zolden rays of his bright example shall long con ttene to irradiate the Mil tops and valleys of oar entire land. * ■ Resolved, That we will give our unq&lifted support to the present Administration, under Andrew Johnson, as the exponent of the principles of liberty and equa lity we have ever advocated; and that we will transfer to him that allegiance that we gave to his illustrious predecessor and which is due to the Chief Magistrate of this great nation. LEWIS L Hoop r. President. Attest, David Evans, Secretary. It |®» IBELANB&SD AMEKICA-VARY §«» Rev Dr. MOBIABTY will deliver a Lecture on the above subject to Irishmen and the Friends of Ire land. at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on MONDAY BVBNING. May 28,1865. The triumph of the Union is the trumpet note of uni versal liberty over the world Tickets 25 cents; reserved teats 50cents. myll at* THE ABfKUAX MEETIMO OF THE WEE? Stockholders of the MANDAN MINING COM- PaBT, (of Lake Superior,) will be held at their office. Ho. 324 L WaLNUT Street, on THURSDAY, the 25th iflSt., at 12 o’clock, for the election of Directors and the transaction of other business. -BA HOOPBB, Secretary. Philadelphia, May 10,1665, mrll-lgt OFFICE OF THE MINERAI OIL WEB? COMPANY, 524 WALNUT Btre.t, April 26, 18E5 —The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the MINERAL OIL COMPANY will be held at their Office, on FRIDAY, May 12th, at 12 o clock M , for the pur poieof electin, a Board of Dlreetore to eerce for the ensuing year. THOS. R. BSASLa, ap27-tmy!2 Secretary, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. I=6? -GRAND INAUGURATION OF THETU. 8 FBtfers’JLVnjiJA HOME FoB OUR INVALID SOL* DIERKAftDbAILOBS and the children o' dependent Soldiers and bailors, will take place ouTUSSDAY BVS’ ING, 16th of this month, in the ACADEMY. OF MUSIC, at 8 o’clock. The follcwing'named gentlemen are ex pected to take part in tbe exercises: Bev. Dri NEWTON ABBAINARD, DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Bsq., A. G. GATTKLL, Esq , Rev. J. WHBATOS SMITH. Rev. ALEX. REED, and others. Anorifinal Poem, entitled “A Home for our Sol di*r». ’' V’U be read by A B VANHORN, Esq StneJnibyafirst-classAmateur Society, under-the di rection of Mr. M. G- BIBBEE. Tickets, free of charge, may be had at J. 8. Olaxkoa’a (lete Martl#n’»). GOG CHESTNUT 8)., nod AshmeadA Evans, 724 CHESTNUT Street, JAMES POLLOCK, „ „ President. J. Fbancis Boubss. M. D., Secretary. pyS-mwf 4t* A- Marti*, Superintendent. ra- EMPIRE COPPER COMPANY OF |a& MICHIGAN. Noticeie hereby given that an instalment of one dol lar ner share on each and every share of the caoUal Moi of the EMPIRE COPPER COMPANY OF MICHI GANbas Ihlfl day been called by\ho *o**&or Wreetors of said Company, due. and payable at tbe Office of the Company, No> 423 WALNUT Street. Phlladeipuia, on or before the 20th day of May, 1865. Interest will be charged on all instalments after the same shall have be come due. By order of the Board of Directors. J. 8. MoMULLIN, Secretary. Philadelphia. April 28, IBfs myl-mwf toturg) IST PUILAUELPfIiA MCTDAL PE- F®' TBOLEUM COMPANY. OF STOCK will be ready for delivery on and after THURS DAY. tbe Itih lost., at the Office of the Company, 339 CBB V TNUT street bubtcrlbers not yet paid are noti fied to come and astt e for their Stock or the same will be bo d to the first purchaser, pyiO-at WM, McDAHIBL, Beeretary. KS*» THE FAIR OF THE LADIES’ Rg? UnlON ABbOCIATION, which was with greOil lore poetpoi ed on acoount of the murder of oar late P**-- aideijt. v»iil be opened at CONCERT HALL, on MON DAY • May Ifiih, and continue two weeks Thor the end tf the war is so near there are hundreds v>f brave wounded soldiers who will need *ll we can d« for them. It 1. hoted tli»t In view of this and oat ate exoanas. I) e nnlllc -111 cl.o na a ltjoial .npport. Season tlckots twenty- nye ctfits; s’.ngia admlssloa H \ bandsrme dre«B]ng case Will be, vofedd to F»d. Don d&se 01 Robert Small, myB tit* THJ3 PREBS.—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1866. tBBiHAK hhc»i,!( SUGGESTIVE TOPICS OF THE DAY. GEOROE FKANOIS TRAIN, ninuT ETEimre, hat mb. isos. Proceeds for the Benatt of the UNION TEMPORARY HOBS FOB CHILDREN. Tickets to be had at Mr. Charles W. A. Trumpler’* Marie Store, SEVENTH and CHESTNUTStreets. Or ders from the country, enclosing the amount for the number of seats desired, will be promptly attended to. Ticket** «*— « w r» cents. Reserved SBsta*w*».#« iDje-Ctrp KSf 3 STAT£HKHT OF THE JOHN BABCOCK MUTUAL LIPS INSURANCE 00. Boston, Feb. 23, 1835. Bet assets Not. 1, «..~~5i93,673 08 Receipts from Sot., 1834, to Feb. 28.1885: Forpreulama*-»+~-+«*i~+«»»**»»-M.$49,000 02 FOl Ult6iut« H 44, 6, 029 08 —-— ■ 48.029 08 Disbursements from Hot. 1,1861, to Feb. 28, 1866: For commissions and medical ex- _ asrinatlons.**-.*#,,*,*+•*«•»*«•-»*•+« $4,045 87 For - 08190 For surrendered piilUUi.../uuim 1,268 98 For expenses, viz: Printing, Sta tionery, advertising, salaries, Mt . M rent, stamps, 8,444 20 For annuities.*.ouO 00 For dividend paid on guarantee ';•• stock.. 6,112 08 w __ . ■■ 10,42293 ASSETS. United States securities.GOO 00 Maine6per cent bonds,-,****—3,ooo 00 New Hampshire do****——***• 6,000C0 Vermont do——********,* 6,000 00 Rhode Island do.*~~~ •* 10.000 00 Cornecticut do—- ****** .»««*♦ 6,000 00 Portland City do 1,000 00 Bath stocks in Boston——M.OfO 00 Loans secured by mortgages—,— 12.600 00 Do. do, U. S. b0nd5...... 2,800 00 Cash in bank. 0.330 77 Premium notes secured by collateral on pollole8 r including .$55,699 06 on account of one.payment pre miums— . —..— . ** —.....» 70,094 23 Due from agents and in transit—. 8.054 18 ~ _ . $226,279-23 Accrued interest on Investments—, 2,98 i 87 Advanceinvalue of 6to&* Above coit 6.828 lq $233,788 70 (Signed) GEO. P, SANGER* President, - Gao. B. Aqbb, Secretary. - The Company lave established a Branch Office in Pbilade/phia, and are prepared to issue any .description of policies common to other Life Gonfeanlea. " , * r Special attention is invited to theirjplan for KOif-' FOEPEITUEB OF POIiICIBS. HINBY-8.-LINCOLN* Agent, myBmwf6fc 498 WALNUT Street* gtß* OFFICE OF THE UNION PASSED QBE RAILWAY GO.. Ho. 908 South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, May 2,1866. A meeting ot the Stockholders of this Company will bo bold at the Office on HOBDAY. May 22d. at 10 o'clock A M-»to consider and accept the Supplement to the Gh alter, pawed at the late session Of the LdtUUatoie, By order ol the Board of Directors. . myS 17t WM F. KBHBLB* Si wet ary. KSP OFFICE OF THE BESOEUTB MIKING COMPAHY, Ho 394 WALNUT St. Philadelphia, April u. 1855. NOTICE is hereby given that ail Stock of the BKSO LUTB MIHIHO COMPANY on which instalments are due and unpaid is hereby declared forfeited, and will he sold at public auction on SATURDAY, the 18th day of May, 1866, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the office of the Secretary of the • Corporation, according to the Charter and By-Laws, unless redeemed on or before that day.* By order of the Directors. fi. A. HOOPBS, ap!2 tmyiS Secretary and Treasurer. MEBCHABTF AMD MAHUFAO-' TUBERS’NATIONAL BANK. • Pittbbp&o, April 11, 1866. Stockholders are hereby notified that Books will be opened for subscription to the new ato** of this Bank atthe oohjueßCUL NATIONAL BANK, in Philadel phia. on VOHDAY, May let, 1685. and will continue open during banking hours, daily* from 10 o’clock A. M. to 3 o’clock P. mT, until Thursday, June Ist, 1866. By Order of theßoard of Directors. „ ~ JOHN SCOTT. Jr.. Cashier. EL & BOLLHAH, President, Pittsburg, Penna. BOBT. B. STERLING. Vice President, • Philadelphia. aplfl-tiel KJS* NOTICE.—WORDEN FARM OIL V 3& COMPANY. Office Ho. I*9 S. FOURTH Street. Certificates of stock will be issued on -and after Mar 15th. 1866, on surrender of the original receipts. mylO-fti* J, L, DBLaPLAJBBv President, OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUNTY WO& FUND COMMISSION. COMMONWEALTH BUILDING* 613 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 27, 1865. HOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN* that this Commission hai removed its office from the Commonwealth Build ing* Do. CIS Gheataot street, to the GIRARD ESfAFE BUILDINGS* Ho. 19 South FIFTH Street, and that on and alter the lit of Mar next it* meetings will be held on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, at 10 A. H. By order of Commission. mjf-mwfet RICHARD O. WINBHIP, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PIEBBEPONT wS3& OIL COMPANY, 191 South THIRD Street Philadelphia, May & 1866 An Adjonrnsd Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Office of the Company, on WEDNESDAY, May 17,1866, at 12 M. WM. H. WALLACE, mi 9-5 t Secretary. OFFICE WASHINGTON OU»CO„ KW 10 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, Philadelphia, April 2Sth, 1865. The Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be held at 12, M , on SATURDAY, May 13th. ap2fl tml3 WM. C. STILES, Jr., Secretary. gp- COAL AX COST! HOUSEKEEPERS’ OOA.L COMPANY., OFFICE, XOS SOUTH FIFTH STREET, BELOW ' *■ CHESTNUT. X Company has been formed under the Mining-Laws of PennpylTanla, of the above name, for- the par pose of supplying Coal to it* members at prime ooat, and you are hereby solicited to become a participant in it* benefit*. The stock of the Company has been divided into 95,- 000 shares* at $lO per share, making*capital 0f5250,- 000. ot which $50,000 Is set apart for working capital. . It is the intention of this Company to famish each of Its stockholders with one gross ton (2,240 poaads> of ooal annually* for each share of Btock held by them daring the existence of this Company (which has been->char teredfor sixteen years) at cost* If the stockholder de* sires to receive it. ' . * Last winter a ton of coal of only 2000 pounds cost at your door $l2-50, while the mining and transporting of »lon oi 2.240 pounds, cost only $7.60: thus.making the enormous profit of five dollars on a_singie ton oftaral* besides the difference In weight. Why pay the differ ence, when by becoming a member of the Honaekeep on’ Coal Company yon will become directly connected with the mining and delivery of yoar own Goal, there* by securing H good , clean., cheap . and of full weight ? All these benefits aid wcareuto you at > once if yon join this Company. The charade* of the centlemca haying this enterprise in charge is sufficient guarantee that the objects of the Association will be fUllyiTerified, The Company have proonred the lease of-the well-' known colliery of “Branchdale,’' equated about seven miles from Poitsville. on a branch of the MluehUl end Schuylkill Haven Railroad. The coal is of- the best quality of the region it being tbe celebrated Bpohn .vein. The mine will now yield 40.000 tons of coal per year* and can readily be mads to double its present prodnc tian at a very small cost. The supply may be sai&to be inexhaustible} for* so far as the existence of this Com psny Ifrcoseernedt it certainly is so. The mine is incomplete working order, with all the machinery and personal pi operty necessary andusual' to work a fiwt-ctaes colliery. The stock of this Company is not an. inflated one* it being based upon a fair equivalent in property. 7he investment will be a good one* as the Company expect t o realize sufficient profit from thasaleof the car* plan of all coal mined over 26,000 tons* to pay a good semi'annual dividend. _ Information concerning the affairs of- the- Company can be obtained at the office. PRESIDENT, E. F. LEAKE, M. D., Franktord. SECRETARY. JOHN BACON. Office of the Company. TR&ABURSE " THOS. WBIGGINS. 8. E Cor. Fifth aad Chestnut-sts* QSNERAL AGENT. ROBT. R. CORSON. DIRECTORS* S F. LEAKS, 1 IiEWIS.THOMPSON. B. H. JBKKB. THOMAS-WBIGGINS- ai . JACOB W. BOOKIQ6* fcrM-mwffitt AMBRIfIAW NAIL , AND. RAIL MACHINE MAMHACTCHINO OOMHAXY Of. PENNSYLVANIA AND- MARYLAND. CAPITAL. ..©300.000. 6,000 i^ARKS—PAR M2»OX, $5O. PRESIDENT, HENRI THOMAS. TAUABUBXB. JOHN W. HALL. DIRECTORS. HENRY THOMAS* Harrisburg. JOHN W HALL. Harrisburg* H G. RISK ABU Baltimore HENRY GILBERT, Harrisburg. BARKERS, ADAMS & LEVIS. Philadelphia. The.Bubseriptlon Book for the Capital Btock of this Company is now open at the Banking House of ADAHB & LEVIB* No. 30SCHBSTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Persons wishing to make a profitable investment are respectfully invited to call on Messrs ADAMS & LEVIS* WkO Will gITO them farther information, and will show them tbe Machines, now running and making nails. The advantages WO Claim for OUT Machines ever any others in use, are: That they produce a more perfect nail, with a batter bead* and fewer imperfect nails. That they effect a saving of not Us* than fifty , per cent. In tbe expense of grinding knives and dies. And the Machines being self-feeding, thoy effect a , saving of from fifty to seventy-five per cent. In the labor of. cutting nalli. / Parties feeling an Interest, and desiring to subscribe, • will please call and examine for themselves. ap!6 tm I®* PENSBYLTANIA RAIXKOAD COMPANY—TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. Philadelphia, May s, ie«. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS -The Board of Cl rsetors have this day declared a semiannual dividend of FIVE PBR CBNT on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, clear of National and Skate taxes, payable on and after Hay SO, 1866. Black powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be had at the Office of the Company, No. »3S,South THIRD Street. THOMAS T. FIRTH* iny4«23t Treasurer. ■sa*’ coamosw£ALm national la? BANK* Philadelphia* May 2. 1866. a Tbe Dirsctors have THIS DAX declared a dividend of SIX PER CBNT. for the last six mphtha riear of taxes, payable on demand. B. C. YOUNG, myS-wfmet Cashier. tiia ■ fourth; national bank of PHILADELPHIA, No 723 ARCH Street (desig nated Depository of the United States), Philadelphia. . The Board of Director* have this day declared a Dm dend of EIGHT PER CENT, out of the profits, for the last six months* parable on demand- clear of all taxes. my3- lot BAMQBL J MAC MULLAK* Cashier I5S® OFCTCR Of TBE HAP< I SHADE OIL COMPANY No. 52£ WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, Aprils®, 1886. The Annual Meeting of tbe Stockholders of the Maple wIU be held at their office on THURSDAY* May 18 1860, at 12 o’dock M., for the pur pose of electing a Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing year. THOMAS R. SEaRLE, ap27 troy!B. Secretary. S PRIZE MONB\ AND GOVERN MENT R<*UNTY TO ALL WHO INTER THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. Order* have been received from the head of the \ Marine Corps, at Washington not to restrict recruits to ! a particular class (as has bees the case but 1 to reeelve ALL who have served In the volunteer an* , vice* or in the regulars, or in the marines, and. have been honorably discharged. finch persons enlisting in i the United States Marines will receive the Govern* ment bounty, and will also be entitled to their share of [ prize money in any capture of the enemy’s vesasls. Fox farther information apply at the recruiting sen* dsivouc- No 311 South FRONT Street, between 2 A. ! M. and 8 o*eloek p t M., every day but Sunday. _ ' JAHBB FORNEY, | api-tf ciptainasi ABB THI GREAT LECTURE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, DIYIDENDS* BUITABI. RETAIL dry DOORS. PtfINTES, THOB. W. EVANS * CO, Will open ihls morning a beautifal assortment of I*ACB FOINTES AND BOVBNOUS, At prices mtth below the present gold rates. myl2-8t» and 890 CHESTNUT Street, > 'Movmma millinery, . A A H. MYERS, »*B-lm 990 CHESTNUT Street. jjdwin hall & 00., !96 BOOTH BBOOND BTRBBT, I WIM OP,If THIB HOBHIIfO. BLACK LAOS POINTES OR SHAWLS, BLACK LACE ROTUNDAS, PUSHER’LACE POINTES OR-SHAWLS, LAMA LAOS POINTES OR SHAWLS, CHANTILLY LACE POINTES OR SHAWLS, WHITE SHETLAND SHAWLS WITH FRINGES, WHITE AND COLORED SHETLAND' SHAWLS, RICH SPUN SILK SHAWLS, *341.703 16 LAMA WOOL SHAWLS, SHAWLS IN GREAT VARIETY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. mB-mgf3t {SHETLAND SHAWLS, IN EVERY b- 7 variety. A. A H MYERS, PUB-lm 926 CHBSTHUf Street. QJLOBSY BLACK MOHAIRS. i^J?EARL SHADES ALPACAS. TOURISTS’ DRESS GOODS. BLACK WOOL DELAINES. BLACK MANTILLA SILKS. WHITE AND BUFF PIQUE. COOPER & OONARD, myB-tr S. B. cor. NINTH and MAEKBT Street*. MANTILLAS, all styles for A’a. mourning, A. & H. MYERS, y 996 CHESTNUT Street. fiOO ! HOOP SKIRTS, HOPKINS’ “OWN MAKE” OF VA-O. HOOP SKIRTS* the best assortment and best quality and styles in the city Gore Trails, au lengths ana sices, from 18 to 65 springs, from $L 76 to $4. Plain Skirts, ail the new shapes and slzss, from 19 to 60 springs, from sl<4o to $B. Skirts of extra heavy steel and extra tapes, from 20 to 86 springs, from si.‘9o to $2.76. 'Misses* ftttd Children’s, or every grade, from 6 to 36 epildf*, from 4to 8 sent# per ssrlngj they have'no equal, ageits lor the New Flexible Skirt, the most pliable Hood Skirt made, and fully equal to the Duplex EJlptio Skirt, and at much lower prices. Also, con stantly on hand, full lines of low-priced Hew York Skirts, kid-padded and «B6talli«-fastened—ls springs* 86c.; 20 springs, $1; 26 springs, $1,15; 80 springs, $1 25; and 40 springs, $1.50. skirts made toorder, altered, and repaired, at 698 ARCH Street. nyli lm* TILACK AND FIGURED BILKS. JL> A. AH. HYkRS, myBlm 996 CHESTNUT Street. DLACK ALPACAS AT 50, 62, 75, 886., “ and $l. Also, magnificent Black Mohairs, $1.16* $126, $1 88. and $l6O Lupin 1 * Black Wool Delaines, 66 ets. DonbJe*wldth Black Wool Delatnes, $1.32 to $1.75. Lupin’s plain colors Delaines, 62 ets. Pearl Tints AJpMftS and Mohairs. __ . Toumte’ plain, mixed, plaid, and stripe a MohAlrf, low and finest trades. M .. m Fineet Nainsooks. Cambrics, Jaconets. Satin Plaids atd Stripes, Blrd-eje Linen, Swiss Muslins, Bril liants, Ac. . White and Buff Pique by the pieee or yard, good stock, good qualities. , , • . • . Lawns, Printed Cambrics, Ginghams, «e. Muslins ,y th, P Woe g 4 COSARI)i my9»tf B. B. eor. NINTH and MABKBr Streets. fJßAY MATERIALS FOR TRAYBL- U ung DRESSES. A. & H. MTEttS. mySlm ' ' 996 CHESTNUT Street. T7IGURBD SILK GRENADINES, X 0 f the best anaUtles and styles, in Black and Gray Grounds. 66c to $l5O a 4 . • Travelllng.Dreßi Goods, in every variety. Hew Dress Goods, In great variety. Handsome Chene Silks, $2.60- _ „„ YBBY CHEAP BLACK SILKS, Bullabu for Dresses, Mantles, and Bacquef. . _ _ COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES Merrimao, Bprsgne. andPacificPriute, 26e. r 10 4 Waltham and Feperill bleached sheetings. $l. H. STEEL & SON, myB-tr Nos Tl 3 and' TI9 North TENTH Street. GRENADINE BAREGES, ALL U widths. A. A H MYERS. mvB 1m 996 CHESTNUT Street u, s. - £ - gKVpN-THIBiT LOAN. By .ntionty of 4*. Stmturt .< tb, Tnunzy. tk, nußßislin** ku uiuud 4b. Btunl BnbMTl*4lo9 U*m tor tb£ *U» «f United BUtea Trunuy Miriw bMilnc MT«m u« UiiM-4w4b. mt Mnt. teteMM Mr JUD&nm. known Mti. SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Ouh Vote an lmi< ten dat# ’of Jm. M. 1865. tad u« w>Ui thro# roan ten that Urn*. la VOX vaunt, or an eonrortlM* at tho oftloa of On holier lato U. 8. (-10 BIX PEE OUT. . GOLD-BEARING BONDS. Thm Boad. an now worth a madam of ala. Hi Mat., iaduiint (Old Interest from Morembu. whloh stake* the aetoal arott- oa the T-80 Loaa. at ramat rate, Including fitonot. about tu mt out. yor aa am, tmldu It* wmvcvmtrm Bfat* ami municipal taaatfom, wUohaddtJlmmimetotirwpwooiU-man, aMordlaa to the rat# lorloi oa othor WOMrty. Th* (stoat U varalio s»al-annually hr ooayoa, attaehei to uoh aote, whloh mar ho ut of .and sold to aar haak ey banker. Tfc* latonat amount* to Oa. ooat *or day oa a **o aote. Two mat, Mr dor oa a (100 aote.' Tea out* per dar on a *5OO not*. Twenty out* Mr day on a *l,OOO not*. One Dollar per dar on a *O,OOO aote. Vote of all the denomination* named will bo rromrt lr Ihralohod upon roeelpt of mbaription*. and the note forwarded at onto, Thotototort to 18th June next will bepaldiaadraßoo. Thtal* THE ONDY LOAH IK MARKET nofr oftnd brtbo Oororamont, and It 1* oon(dwUr oXM<tod that It* nwulor adraatuu wUI main it thi Q-KEAX POPUUdS LOAW OI THE PEOPUS. than (aooiooo,oooofthofro*uauthorlnd hr tha laat Controls an now oath* market. Till imonnt, atth* rata at which It Is holaa »l>Borb*d. Will all b* tohscrlhed for within tour month*, whoa the note will nndonhudlr *ommaad a yrualam, a* ha* nnl formlr hou th* uh at th» «loi* of the rahswlrUoa* to other loan*. la ordsr that sttlisa* of ororr towa and nottoa of the .onn try m*r ho afforded fulUHia for taklna th} Lou, the Rational Bank*, »tat* Bank*, and Trlrat* Banka* thronthoat th* *oanirr bar* (u*rallram*i to r*- *otra rohMrtrtlon* at rar. Snh*orlha»wlß*otetth*lr own a«ut*, la whom thor hart ooalduoa, ud who only u. to ho rououiHt for tho dtUrorr of the aote for wU*h thor ntolr**Td*n- JA V COOKE. SDBBOBIPTIOH AOBBT. Ho. 114 SOUTH THIRD STRRBT, oh**lm incnT. au*. asaßaa, fa, QHARLRB BMORY & CO., ; STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, HA 10 South Third street, ■ OtTTT.I naTJHTJo, All Had* of nnannut fnadl »Bi ,Oald aid BUtm and sold, and Oollutlon* mad*. Futl.nlu attention dru to tho aanhan ud salt of aoToramut,Btato> ud other Btookf aad Lou* on oom mlwlon. no*T-«m 7.30. 5-20. 10-40. ADAMS & LEVIS, KO. SOS OHESEHDT BTBEET, BANKERS AND BROKERS. OOVIEBMBItT BBmrBITIBB ABB BTOOSB BOBfrBT, SOLD, ABDi BBQOWATBD. 0018 ABB 81BT1K BOOOHt ABB SOLB. 8m»1«1 OIL gTOOK*. mhU-am dwui aoßom. BoaAoa a. ma*w». gDW. ROBINS A GO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, HO. as, MVIS IHDtI) gOTEI, BHILADBLPHIA. au. mints or BABB Koras, SOLD, SILVER. STOOKS, BOMBS. ABB SOVBBBKBBT SBBDBITIIB. BOtJOHT ABB BSLB. dwftlud Ut«mt i allowed. rnhy-am gRCONIi National bank, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LATB lEOB GITT MOST OOMPAM-* CAPITAL. SSBOO.OOO. ■ABEIIS’ abb HBBOHABTB’ OOLLBOTIOHh nromnur attoadod to oa tho moat faroraht* term*. G. X WAHSSB, mstdeßV CHABLBB H, moos, GatiHir. mM-8m FOS 8&1B, FINANCIAL. Allilndaof HEW PCBLICATIOSS. JHBKR SPLENDID NEW BOOKS. j WIIL B, KB AO I Iff A P£W OAYg. Mn. Hast J. Homing* n«w nor.l, «ntl4led HUGH WORTHINGTON. novel by the author of •• Tempest and Sun- etc. * is dettlned to have an enormous sale, as order; are piling up lorlt is immense quantities. * * * * m * 4 #a FAIRY FINGERS. A capital new novel by Mrs. Anna Goba Ritchie (late Mia Mowati). author of ** Autobiography of an Ac tress,’’etc. Ti Is book will be a* sraat f» vorit*, as its plot and interest hr of the most powerful character. 111. SUPERIOR FISHING. A delightful new book cn Sportinr. By B. V. Boose author of “ The Game Fish ofthe ’J ©to. *** AH handsomely bound in cloth, and sent by mail free, cs receipt or price, by CARLETON, Publisher, New York. myl2-fmtb-8t PE PUBLISHED TO-MORROW, 13 SATURDAY. DUMAS’ NEW BOOK. THB YAltltßff AHQBb. By Alexander Dumas, author of *' Count of Honte, ’’ '‘ Tho Three Gauds* mcni” “Tw.Ety Yo.r. Aftsr,” Branelonne. the Ben of AU>*»,n etc. Complete in large octant Tolnme- Price 7S cents. For Bale by all Bookeellere. and published hy T. B PSTBBBOff A BBOTHIBB, J! 306 CHBBTHUT Street. PhUadelphla. gENATOR WILSON’S BOOK. „W BIITIOH, WITH IMPORTANT ADDITIOKB. HISTORY OP THB ANTI-SLAVERY MBABTTRBS OP THB 37tr AHD 38th COKQKBB3EB. BY SENATOR WILSON, OF MASS, Hew. Beylsed. and Enlarged Edition, contalnlnc 70 pages of additional matter covering tbe-acts of the last lestlon, 12ino, $3, TBB THIffHIffG BAYOffET. By J. K. Hosnter. authorof “ Color Guard. ” ,1.75. YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THB KBBBLLIOBf. Yol. 3 Poahokb TO MuarasBOBOBO. By the author or “The Piontrr Boy.” With Original Illustrations. ,1.60. BBRbIA- Belnc Yol. o ol tho favorite “ Spectaele Series.” Illustrated. ,1. HABTIH'H OKBAT •HIrTORY OP FKAffOB ” Pait7, “Tra Aim o» Lours XIV. 2 vole, wlthßteel Portralte; nosr readv.- ,8. MaBUDBaU’B HISTORY OP EBGLAHD. YolS. 1 and 2 (1800-1B14) now ready. ,5. IN PRESS, FOB EARLY PUBLICATION, IHOVHYS THAT WILL LITE,- , Belns memorable Muteness' from the Addreßsev Bpeeches.and other WrUlnis of ABRaHAH LIHCOLN-. Every'Boy In the land shonld read THE BASLY PIPE OP ABRAHAM LINCOLN, THE PIONEER BOY. BY WOOiUM H. TnAvun. This beck'contains the fall and reliable Ilf, 9? p.«su dent Lincoln, from the time he was seY*u years ef are nntll his Inaticnration as- President. One vol. 120.0, Ulnstrated. Sent free by mall on receipt of $1.68. WALKER, FULLER, & 00., myl2-fmw3t . PUBLISHER?, BOBTOH, JJEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS I i Jnsk received lyr . ABHMBAD ft IVANS, (Hksard ’b old dud), Mo. V 94 CHBSTMUT Stmt JULIUB CiEBAB History ’of JMlur Castr by Na poleon 111. All the various editions in Bugliah and* French/ Paper and bound Copies’- GRAVER THOUGHTS country parson. Second series, - HISTORICAL VlfiW OP THp AUKRICAN BBVO IUTION. BiPrcf George Wi dreehd. LIFE IN HBAVIMe By the auMiDr of “ Heaven, OnrHome. ” **BT. PHILLIP’S ” Bvlheautbovof ••Rutledge.” BIMOM MSWOOMB’S FINANCIAL POLICY during the Southern Rebellion. AT ANCHOR. A story of our eivU imi 1 By an Ame rican. SKIRMISHES AND SKETCHES. By Gail Hamilton. HUNTBD TO DEATH. A stofy of L6TB'and'Adven ture. A new novel. PETROLEUM, DERRICK AND DRILL, An insight into the Dlicovery, Development, Condition and’Pros pects of Petroleum. By the author of “Ten Acres MARION BABLAND’S NEW NOVEL—HUSBANDS AND HOMES. HOURS AT HOMS A Popular Monthly, to Religious and Uusefal Literature. Edited by J. M. Sherwood- Ro.ljn*t ready. at.t. the NEW BOOKS received as soon as i«sa«d from the press, and sold at lowi»t priees. mylLtf XTEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKB ! I NAPOLEON’S HISTORY OF JULIUS' Vol. 1. Bvo, cloth, - THE FfifcsBYTBBIAH HISTORICAL ALHAVAC AND ABJSDAI, RBHEMBBABCES OF THE CHURCH FOB 1864. By Jos U Wilson. HUSBANDS AND HOMES. By Marlon Harland.-su. thorof “Hidden Path.” Ac. THOUGHTS ON PERSONAL RELIGION. By/ Bd werd M Gonlboum, D. D. ST. PHILLIPS. By author of Rntiedge, Ac. SKIRMISHES AND SKETCHES. By Gall Hamilton. For sale by JAMBS 8. OLAXTOfI, Successor to We S. A ALFRED MARTIBN, my9-tf 608 CHBSTNUT Street- ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCO-' -ti- VERY FOE 1863 JOW RBADT. LOUIS NAPOLBOn’S LITE OF G.SSAB, JOSEPHUS—An elegant library edition* In 4 vole.**- larae pica type, printed on tinted paper, and bound in* various styles. . WEBSTER’S HEW UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. A thorouihly revised and enlarged edition j LINDSAY A BLdKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers* No. 95 South SIXTH St., abovoCheatnnt. A PPEETON’S NEW AMERICAN ■aA CYCLOPEDIA. —Complete In 16 volumes. Various Styles of Binding. REBELLION RECORD, by Frank Moore, In 8 vols. MERIVaLS’S HISTORY OF THE BOMAMB-aovr eomplete. The Agency for these valuable works le at 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut, spS'tf JAS. K. BIMOH. LE6AI. r* THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY OF PaiLdDELPHIA Estate of FRANCIS P. DUUGHJBTT, a miner. Tee auditor appointed bribe Court to audit* setllOi and adjust the account of the Pennsylvania Company for Insurance of Lives, Ac., Guardians deceased* and to report distribution of the balance m hand* of the *«- constant, will meet the parties interested for the par* poses of his appointment, on HOAD AY, May 24th, 1855, at 4 o’clock P M.. at the Office of A. S Letchworth, Bsa., 131 boath FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadel phia. JOHN SHALLORO3S, sarMfinwet* Auditor, MItUXEHY. 79fi CHESTNUT STREBT. I i bave sow open a magnificent assortment of SPRING MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. Which I offer, wholesale and retail* at the lowest market prices. . • „ . .. . Poult do Soles and Gros de Naples lu all colors; the more desirable aad scarce colors, such as buff, pearl* rose pink. &c.. in an assortment of ehadea* Best White, Black, and Colored Crapes. Ribbons of every shade, narrow and wide* to match French Flowsts. thi Inert *cWs, piottloit stylet, At muonaweprlm HATg AHD BONHgTg We offer every new shape in every variety of material. Wide White L» css. Barbee. Marines of every quality. Tbe beßt French and New York Bonnet Frames, and every ether article required- in making or trimming a bonnet On’ hat. also* a handsome line of the best quality Grenadine Veils, all colors , • , . Orders from the country promptly and accurately at tendod to. H0..T96 OH«SI> Strut, ap&'lm Successor to M. Bernheim. Q.ENIRAL U. 8, GRANT. NEW PHOTOGRAPHS, TAKEN FHOM LIFE, BT WEHDEROTH, TAYLOR, & B^OWN, ARTISTS. 914 Chestnut Street. mrlLfmwsiH jnFB-SIZE, EXTEA IMPERIAL, S-4 and 4-4 CARTES -DE VISITE. Sittings made At onr.Gallerr. TBIBAT, May 5,18*5. WENDEEOTH.3TAYLOB, & BROWN, mjlJ-ftnwStlf Ho. .814 CHESTNUT Street. WM, F. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE HATTER, 430 Cheßtuut Street. NEXT DOOK TO THE POST OFFICIE,. PHILADELPHIA) RONZR, BU S T, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. We hue had modeled for ns. by th* well-known ar tist, J°B- a. B AILLT, a bust of Abraham Lincoln, and bars hli the game COPfrlfUtSd,. ft.u pronounced by all who have s«on it to ho a psifsot likens** of the illtt*, trlon* dotoased. To mska, it within roa.h otall w» bare pnt the price at FOUB DOLLARS, with a. liberal disoonnt to the trade. WABNEK, MISKEY &,MERRILL, No. . TIS .CHESTNUT Stroat. and ail 10 6t Ho. STO BROADWAY, B. Y. EXCELLENT, IMPERIALS, CARTES L de VISITE, t 0.., of LIEUT. GENBRAI. BRANT c&S b* b&d at F. GUTEKJJffST S, _ Ujl2‘4t* fM ABCS Street, THOSE WHO WANT PHOTOGRAPH A ALBUMS should pnr*b»*o the p,tont hinge baok Album* sold ai.B. F. BBIMER’S, 6*4 AROH Street. They possess the virtue of superior aarabtiity. It CW EET SPIRITS OP NITRE, PURE, O (U. S. P.,1. manufsetpred- h»_ J- E- VOUNO, Apothecary, corner SEVENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Philadelphia. myU 30t» PORTRAITS OP PRESIDENT LIN £ COLN.-rALL THE VARIEHES of Btesi Plates and Lithograph, supplied»».-«»§§& s bro thbr, myia-et- H xa North SIXTH Street, THOMAS M'-OONOUGH, ■A GENERAL BL ACKBMITHIWG. RLE STREET, ABOVE DOB STRBM\ jslis PfikNKLIN, PENNA. Boring tooli on hand or made to order oa ah oft notice, iPJ“' Bin _ PRESIDENT IiINOOLN- AT HOME.— K jußtnubllelied a splendid ENGkAVIHG* 10 by 17 itche*. Price. « cuts. yI9HKB s bso tbsß, mvlVSi* No. 1)8 North SIXTH Btr**t«. fjiHE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND t NO. 130 SOUTH c FpU g RTHBTREBT. BELOW Par* Deeper cent. Interest on 'Deposits. Agants for the sale of United States 7 »-» Lous at Pan BoTsrn mut, Stats ud City Loan* ud Stooks bonght and sold, tor depositors and othera on'Gommlislon. mhlB- fit* \TACKERBL. HERRING, SHAD, Ac. *4A —3,600 bhls Mass. Bos. 1,5, and 3 H'aokorel. lsts-canint Dat fish, In assorted package*. 3,000 bhl*. New SartpoTt, Fortnna Bar, and Halil** Herring. 3,500 kw Lnfcsc, Scaled, 80. 1 Herring. 160 bblsSew Mes* Bh*4. _ 260 bores Herkimer ■ sonnty Ohsess. A,. w •*** iM&i .fiim. WANTS. DtTANTID—A GOOD BECOND-UAND V v Poii.fele Sspia. M»< Sollar. Addreei, duller, Hl™ls_ WANTED- A FIRST OB SECOND. W STOUT BOOK. Oil KIKSIT Street, bejwedil Second god sifft. fceftu. middle ot Jdr. Bin •‘Stoie," Prere offlo.. - iL.. A WOOLERfJOBBING ' * Bouse, a salesman acquainted wkhCity Trade, ‘«l»Uby remple. “ddrew "CUT WANTED-# PARTNER, WITH from #5.000 to »Io;oaiea.k capitaf. to wrooiato blnaalf with an old aataWlahtd LIOTOK FIKJ*. Ad drwa “J. W.. 1 ' at thlg offlga. »* WANTED— A PERSON OF CAPITiiR to furnish FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS forfc® purpose of manufacturing and introducing an improve mentor good merit, for which one* ttrird luterert will* be given* It can be shown no risk, asuO eX" r perinnita are requited. For security o( the tairiial,' which la not all required at once, ample BatlafaetU n will be liven. For particulars, ad,re.. A nnsß. myll-at* at tele Office. WA NTED-A BOO- K"" KEEPER, by g eompetent person*' who has had year* of experience. Address ’* W. J.,” Post Office, Box MM. myfl fmw6i* WANTED—BY A SINGLE GENTLE HAH, famished rooms, without board, on Chestnut, walnut, or Arch street,(Arch prefarrod,.>be* tw*eu Tenth and Twentieth streets. Address •' Box 1267 P. 0 M Philadelphia " myll-gt* WANTED—IN A BOOK8TOS&5, A » " YOURG MAH from 16 to 20 years of age. Kustha correct at figures and of good a< dr*u, Address, la own handwriting, offioagf The Press, mylfrfil WANTED—AT NO. 1321 CHESTNUT ft STREET. enterprising MEN, with •sfot>ss,W6 l desirous of making ssmall fortune rapidly, to exam* amine g*s[LLlO* CARPETS, " . , the wonder of the age, and no humbug. Address, with stamp. DR, A H. PLATT# m>» City Post Offlce. YJCTANTED—A BITUATION IN A f Wholesale or Betail Boot and Shoe Store# by a Tonng Han who ha* is thorough knowledge of both, branches of mg business, Address Pm 9 office. . myB<ot' WANTED, AT $l5O PER MONTH, »' i HttUBH OUTABBSS In «y«y town and eonnty, for the BURSE and SPY. the most lateresttng and exciting book ever published, embracing the ad ventures of a woman In the Union army ss Burse, Scout and Spy# firing a most vivid inner picture of the war. We have Agents clearing $l6O per month, which we will prove to 117 doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address BROS, A 00., Ho. 600 CHBbTfIUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. f> aplSrim* AGISTS WANTED.—TO 1,000 ENER (JBTIC MBH and WOMEN, a rare chance is offered to make from $3O to $260 per month selling J. T. HEADLEY ’S POPULAR BIOGRAPHIES and STAND. AKD BIbTOBXGAL WORKS. The best selling Books published. Sold only by agents. Call or send stamp fortcrms E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 130 GBAUD St., flew York piyt2-4t A GENTB WANTED, TO SELL THE genuine Improved Rewßnglazd Family SBWIHG MACHINES, the best Uaduneln the world. Address " A. L LSBURB A 00., spaum* Box 61, Orange, Maes. fjREATEST THING Off THE TIMES 'J -EOWEB’B PBIZBSKVIfcOPKS.-Agent. WMM ..erywhera. Premium Watohs. given to Ag.nU. On reoeiw ctf ,16 w. will mail, coat-paid. 100 fnvelopM, and aaptondld Bolid Silver Banting-dare Watch a. a nreinltnn to the agent. A .Ingl* Inveloca lent, with circular end foUnartlenlaia, on racalpt of 26 cento. Ad- Jraaa A, a. BOWBB * 00., P. 0.,80x4370.30 BBBK MA,a Street. K. T- mha?-3m ■sBd?flnn— BY A young man tJpXjVUV* aged 2S, a situation; in any capacity where thert tea chance for advancement, or would in vest* $4,000' to $6,000 in a paying business. Address “JS,” at this office. mylt 2t* (ttlOA-.A MONTH.-AGENTS WANT- IflG VACHIUS, the dfilp lOW*prlee machine ift the country which ie llieneed by Grover A Baker, wheeler &< Wilson. Howe, Singer A Co , and Sachelser. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements-, and the seller and user are Viable to fine and’imprisonment Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars tent free. Address BHAW A OLARg, Biddeford, Maine m>lO-d&W3m #7f)<A MONTH.—I WANT AGENTS *IP f ” everywhere at $7O a month, expenses paid, to sell FIFTEEN ARTICLES, tbe best selling ever offered. Fell particulars free. Address OTIS f. GABBY. Bidde loro. Maine. mylO’d&W&m M WANTED TO RENT. —LARGE Bonus given for moderate-size House, either in West Philadelphia or the etty Address/ stating rent and locality, ** a- B-,** -Pries offloe. It* M WANTED To RENT—A BUILD. ING suitable for a Flour and Grain Store, north of Market street, and a*rallroad track in omear it pre ferable. Address ” Grain 1 Store. *’ Phils P. O, my!2-2t* f| WANTED TO RENT ON PUR tCHASK—A Storehouse on MARKET a reefc between Third and Fifth steeets; Possession to be had Ist July or Ist January address Box Post Office-» myll»3t* m WANTED TO RENT—FOR ONE dor more years, a good HOUSE, with modern im provements, fnrnUhed or unfurnlihed. Location pre* ferred between Broad and iWcntieth streets, on Chest nut. Walnut, or Sprnee. Poseession required about July Ist. Gocd locattons uther than above not objec tionable Address Box 352 Post Office. myihOl* FOB SALE AND TO LET. EXTENSIVE FACTORY, &C, TO LET, S. W. Corner Eleventh and Cath arine Streets. MAIN BUILDING- 200 by 62. LOT 800 by 80, Poiaeseloß about Ist of Angntt «e*t. mjS-et* Addrea, "Box 307" P. 0,, FMUdelpUa. rn. FOR RENT, DURING THE SFM- JuSi-HER MOJSTHB, a Famished House on Green sireeTt »ea* fidimonnt Par*. Address **l. 0 B., M *t this omoei myia-gt* m. T o LBT-A COUNTRY KESL JEiaIDESCB during the summer months. Apply 9301 CAXiLOVHILIi & treat. myl2-fmw3t» «FOR SALB-A MODERN FOUR story brick DWELLING HOUSE* Ho. 9005 WAL NUT Street, 18 fret-front by HO feet deep to Porcelain street. Also, a four-story brick DWELLING HOUBB* at the-sorthcast corner of Spruce and Seventeenth feet front by 125 feet deep. Afro, a three-story brick DWELLING HOUSE, No. 15221 ft. Vernon street,. 18 feet front by 100 feet deep. Appiy to my9»tufr-2t* LEWIS H BSDRXR, Mo. I m Sooth FOURTH Street. Mfor sale—pine residence. Tfce'under signed offer for sale the property of the late B. McComb, aliusted half a mile north of the oonrt house', city of Manifold. Richland county. Ohio, and l within corporation of said city. It contains 11# acres of laud, an excsllent2)£ story brick dwelling hoase.with 18 ]&r|d and high eeihn**. all flnfrhed complete from osliar to atiu. (length. In all 100 fey 84 feet,) and situated on a beautiful knOll. Wood house, cistern, well, barai stable, and other necessary out-holldisis. . • • ' A choice selection of all varieties of fruit, especially apples, both early and winter. Three railroads-running within 10 to SO rods- of the house, all in full view It is considered one of the most deßirabls residences in northern Ohio A so, for sale, 14-acres in lots, in HoCemb’s addition to city of Mansfield. W. J; McCOMBandJ. DAVIB, Jr., my II 8t - • Executors. Mbor sale—two desirable three story Brick Dwellings, Nos. 1680 (tmmedl att possession) and 18i9 FiLBEKT Street- Apply to mylo-3t* JAMRd H, LITTLE, *9* WALNUT Bt. g| PGR SALE.—THE HANDSOME ■BSPonr-story No. 9009 AROHRtreet. Im mediate possession given. Applv to WM RO3SBLL ALLSB, 8E- oorner FOUBTfI and WALNUT. mylo»3t* m FOR SALE—WEST. PHILADEIi- JK PHlA—Anew three-story double Dwelling, with back-buildings, of gray stone, pointed, with ail the modern convenience*, at the southwest oorner of Forty first and Walnut streets Apply to • JOHN YABD, Ja , & SON, myßr-mwfSi* 807 BAGS.Street. m FOB SALE-A DESIRABLEJH ■lcouaTßYßßSlDßlLOß.conUlnliijriracreß-jiIE thr* e-story STONE aotft-E, Stone Barn, and 160 Bone*, full of ice, within one minute’s WAIR.Of Gray’s Lane Station, Media Railroad Also, 25 acres, suitable for Building Lots, Apply on the premises to my>&wftLtS* DAVID- MTDBA rn FOR SALE.—A VALUABLB2JH OF LAND, containing about Beven-C acres, in Twenty third ward; two story, brisk dwel log upon it. also, ten loti of ground, near Landsdown avenue, West Philadelphia Applyto Wlf. 80348 LL. ALLEN. 8. B. corner FOUBTHandWALNUT. myiO 3v*- | FOR SALE; gg A Very Desirable ®ouu4ry Seat* WITH OYER FOUR ACRES.or LAUD, Five miles out of the YORK Boadu Good builttngs and well planted. Price moderates Apply at 903 E ABKET Street, second floor. myttl-St m DELAWARE' COUNTY—FQR^fc •■HLsALE-A superior COUNTRY PL AC*, 4 mllesLt. from the city. In upper Darby township; old style man sion, large and comfortable, shaded with freest and evergreen trees, fruit. *c. ;:bajn*. hones for farmer, etreamof water. Handsomely located. Bltherfonrteen or thirty seres can be porch need with tha Improve meat* This property present* many material Ad van tagei, and will compare with- the most beantlrul and romantlo in the vicinity of Philadelphia. Possession At A»se. JiaEEb A- uUSMIfIO, myll-St 504 WALNUT Street, I?OB SALE —ONE LARGE <POWER> r PUNCHING PREBBof J. T. Sutton &Oo pattern, with table punches aoAoarfirs for all sin boilers; also, two large iron tanks. Attply at BRIDGEWATBB IRQOf WORKS, Franklordv bTaNHOPB 4 SUFLBB, Pro* prietors. m>l2 2y Drug stgre for sale—Lo cated in an enterprising town an the West Branch Of the Ada “fi S0 ™ & SMirB r mylQ-St* 137 BonnTjBIBP Street. Falla. F)R RENT— WELL LIGHT ed, water andrwater- clo«ftt*with or wlthorit Bteam* power, by OHhB EVANS, QPaRBY fetreet, my 6 fit* pOTTAGJB LOTS FOR SALE—ONE \J .ere each. I>arby road, Tirenty-foarth ward. Ap ply to GEORGE CONNELL, my6-7t* Mo. aoe South goUßja dtraet. VO T liCE .—THE PENNSYLVANIA Ay oil creek PBTRDLBUM COMPANY, usually known ag * * ©u Creek., * *• witt lease tb*balance of their lands &t a-bonne flf notkfiS thin fOTIT Jhousand 4?lUta per lot (74,000). acoordilf to location* »&d the royalty of one half the oil. , . ' ‘ ■ . , This Company owns In fee simple the whole of the celebrated Watson Flats,” situate on Oil Greek, within the limits of the borough cf Titusville.' The property is divided into auhty-nine (89) mining lot*, of shout or# aero, each. Nowell has ever tooen' soak on the k * Watson Flats ’ that haAf&iled to prodnos oil, and a number of them, viz; Continental, U. 8 Grant, Elliott, Goodrich, Bauch, Erast, Leidy, and Kate, are equal in, pro&QttVrgneßS to any pumping well in Venango county. r * This Company rapelypa a royalty of . one-half the oil from all ‘he wells on the property. Proposals will be received until the first day of. June Applications to be the o&pe of, the Opmpaay, Bo- *IIL WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, where, plans and fur ther information may be bad my9,-wfm<ft» AUG. a LBIDY, Secretary. PROPQBALS FOR REPAIRS TO FAIBMOUHT BAM.-«E,LgD rSOPOfgJi Will »» received u the Offlcs of.the WATSE. ftSPARjMBBT oattl TUESDAY, lb, I6lh. 1865. for tt. MatajUl, or <or the Construction and Sinking a CRIB in front ol bIS w?» for « e iTi a t^rg l M®S?iS the WORK separately, v* /<>> the WHOutt nAiaaiai/ sgistosv’ ,?l 1 . l . > boßd ?o'aTß tandre4 dollar, hr.s bMD Srps-sasiF 4 ” the Chiif Raginoer* yiF re B BIBKANBINH, jnyß 6t Chief Bngittser Water Department. union MOWING MACHINE, *l* which ha« ta» tally tnM for ihslart four fun. It comblnea strenftA, thirnbilitv> ItffW l otightx W,W- Jroft, «)th compiet. efflel.ncy & ontllof ,;&>»., light or Keavr, vr.t or dry, lodged or ,landing, and .mbraoM “anr minor convenience, sol /onnd la other maehln.e. YssatisMssssr"* 8019 “'utoMsrslmt. AUCTION SALES. HERKNEBB* BAZAAR, NINTH JOS! tad BIBBOH etreeto. ' “ BPJOIAL ABD JXTfUC'BDIWtBT lABQI BAU OP ojr eATtiH dAy iKbbi'b a bbxt, AMOAbdo*. -THHWMfea . iMlndlii pain of no. 'mM"P Wlfk borgH. fe.t trolling horeeni »pd >om« .nponor nddl. oorm. I all doiorlptlsng lo .tUto|caaA A lain ud docireblo of now end reeond bud carriages, light w.gooa. Ac. via vlttek Ik* agio -—lll commence BtoglCjOßd double huneai. egddlM. bfldlw. wklp^ C °4lVo.’» donkey, donkey cgrt aOd kiracag. A#- Bale of Horici, Ac., on WIDBBBDAT. JtS~ Special eale of newwrriuee, etPhmnix Oouh yOorbs. Onto Wllllem Dpnlap’eTMey S 3, #o- PhlladelphU Agrlealjnnl Soelety'g innngl IUI of blooded .toot. bbKEBBSB, myll-Mlf Anollonrer. amusements. A MB BICAN ACADEMY OF MUSia J, H, Mead.»«m.Ltsseft, sWiiA? IhOTewinbe (fwu| , JUTBBTAIHMBT b, MBS. 1C A. OAKBaTSOB f COKPAJTT WALNUT'-BFEBBT TBBATBa for the pavpoee of EAIMnQ A PUND ' (o■ LUJLP > MOHnMSMT to ib* af the fthd If ifnertfieihg _ __ _F IKK WAR fIBBOi i , . 8. McMBNAMIfI FLBRTWOOD, who perished In the great petroleum Are, while! |g> deevorlng to asve human life. - , The ptrfonncJtce D Ly\R°HB W* Tayiittr'a on, THE ILOPEMSST, Bute M«r be retorved at Bl.ley'e Bzchange, Oontt* : D.slßl Motel i bar A Walk.r'e Mnelc Store, m oh«rt> L nn> itreei iC. W. A(. Trompler'e store. Sevulk and Chestnntr and af the Bux 0000 ofthe Aoademr. Afreleelon W cento. Beeeived Saatefl mv» « •KTBW CH.EBTNUT.BTRBET THEA. A.V TB*-CHIWi'*STSTBMT, ABOVE TWII7TH. ygiPAT BVBinaor. May 12, COMPtJIJiKKI'AS'.t TO HK PjSAJIM HOB- TlVmnlng'a pnj.'orpa*n« will commence wltt m COILEBS BaWK j Wagon). After whtcb, Hr. LB W SIiMMOifS, by pernHsslos ef Oarncros* ft Pixey, w ifl appear in one of hlg POPdLAR BAHJuSOLOS. , Kids—Mr. F, MDBDADHT. Grandpas d» Fatcic at\ on—QarnWal ot Yenica— - MISS TBB.RBBA WOOD. (By'Permlasion cf Ur. L*onard Grover ) To conclude n h E t EIOS8 r pAS? I f,T Bd ' 01,1,8 EMMA nP O“ »**«• BATJTHOAT AFTBBIfOOD'. Why lE, . yOETY THIEO OBAVD FAHIIG MAWm, when the OOBLEBM BAWM will be presented. EVEWTJTO. Me.vlft - THE DAVBffPOBT AflD WALLAOK ALLIABCB. In Ike elegant bl»y of amr watbbs bps dsbp. CHESTNUT-STREET THEA- „ MAMMOTH PBfmVAb. , OBASa OOjaiClMßßTAßl^il&aftir , M 2; PEAuE?’gIOBDAUET, Upon which ocensfbn a' BUPEKB BILL OP ATTRACTION wUlbepieMnted. WlU' cmftsnice with the ihriUlng tIILU * THB fJOLLBWI BAWH. fibflah Mann (her fftsEuppeMUftee thlsie&son). »',■• ffrs, Frank MordaunL (Through tbe kindnosi'of Mies* Annie Ward, who hift „ , reiiuquii hed tha-pUrt for this occasion only.) I^k^^¥uia»«-f?&J, sait' .lonofCaincroreA Wx.J, AS jI ) . S£ ..r u on. of U. Shorldnn’e Ride.. Mr. Frank Mordannt. „ , . j»ra»dpabd»eawhiatiom. carnival YcbU6,‘hha. Them, W9OA WM.fcjW kindly vob«le|ifr4 Jtsrmliilon or Mr, The wkolc to conclude with the sparkling Comedy. _ THE BBBSOBB PAKO.T. * Edith Tomns. Miss Edith Pngi# (A young lady, resident of this city; Hef first appear* „ . , . ance upon any Stag*,) Captain Murphy Maime '. -- Mr FrankWordau&l, OOflff FORGET THE DAY AGO DATE. Box Book now open. myll ALKUT-STRBET T H>B AT R K ( — THIS (FRIDAY) ivftfliJlG, May nth. BFBEFIT OF MISS LUCILLE WRsTBR*. The Entertoinmeafe wU) commenceSiUh LUCBBTIA DORGUa w aa » TBE IfALIAU PjfsOJTRB. Lucwtia Borgia. .... LuctUe Western To >onoludt>Wl*h . OQH Oft BAZAN. Bobiii..■ 11, Weftena T 8 MORROW, LUOILLB RRH, MKB B JOHN DRBW r B NBW ARCH AYA STREET THEATRE. FOUR GRABD FHTBRTAIBrHBNTS, TO RIGHT. FRIDAY. May/12.1866, TBS HOUSEHOLD FaIRY, BOOT BLACK ASD HEWQB'tTS’ ROEHR FROM STREETS OF HBWTORK, , THE WIDOWS’ VICTIM-. f and “TBE GOLDBN FARMER.” SATURDAY, BEIRUT OF STUART BOBSOH, THB SOLDIERS' MUSICAL TEMRE- A RAHOI naiOfl will sire a GRAND TEMPERANCE OOUCBRT, at BAHSOM*bTKEET HALL, on MOfTBftY, Maylfth# for the benefit of the cause among our brave volunteers. Great pains have been taken to make 6hl« the moat in ure at in g of the seftßou, and as it is a work that calls loudly for) el p. it 1$ hoped all friends of Temperance will support this eff-:rt. . Jjnsle by Tonng Mrn'aOhrtstiAu AsioeUriton and Ame* rican YocMllt*.. . • Bl , Tickets 26 oentst f6t M 9 It 1(TI4 Market itHH*'sll Chestnut street 4 18 Horth Seventh fetreeu G jula a# Seventh and Chestnut streets, or at the door oh the eye* ningj myifrtt* TJOYER ACADEMY OP MUSIC. A MOHDAY SYBHifIG, May 16th. 1666, MESSRS. GROSS A JARVIS, Assisted by eminent talent. Will give their AND LAST BOIREM Tickets, OKB DOLLAR. apB-6t PHILADELPHIA NATATORIUK WALHCT, SCHOOL FOR SWIMMING The above Institution J* now in fall operation. The boars for Ladles, on aeeonnl of the Increased number* have been extended from 9H o’clock A. M. to 2# o’clock P f H. The present Indneements to aabrcrlbers for the wmoi Will he WfctintMd nntll HaylSth* TbeUmper&turA Of tfcft water and of the haHi, K*°?i ae well a» warm weather 4 will cifishl/8 be as hich It eoaifoit demands. .. - The lnatltn tion will he open and leisons will he ftve» to lentlemen a* early at 0 o’olocn a H For intther partlcnlare reiardinr lnstraoUon for cen> tlemen and boys, see circular. mye m. rjERMANIA ORCHESTRA. -THE A* LAST THRES PUBLIC REHEARSALS OF THE SEA SOM will take place Hay 13th. 30th. and 27th. • mri 18t OF FINE ARTS, CHXBXSVT RTBIEI, ABOVE TENTH. NOW OPEN, THE FOBTY-SECOMD AMMUAL EZHIBITIOM OF PAINTING AND SODJLiPTURE. th???eSng 9A- M ’ tIU 7P ' M - " 4 (tla BOAAMSfi. A E AND FURHaHRD Front Boom with B ">ABD for married or single gentlemen. Apply at 696 North SIXTH Bk. myia at* DOARDING.—DESIRABLE ROOMS LF for Gentleman and Lady, or two Gentlemen, at 80. 393 PIBIB Street. References exchanged. mrlO-St* TTARDSOME FRONT ROOMS BY THE 16th In.l. at the northwest corner of BPRUCS end MIMTH myS.flt- nrsviuncß. JNBURANCB AGAINST ACCIDENTS EVERY DESCRIPTION. BY THR myKlrlEßS’ INSCRANCfi OOMFAHT, HARTFORD, COM*. capital ~.»...Ha00,Q00. EM. W. ALIEV, Agent, 40AW*lBBt Street. PHILADELPHIA. GBMEBAL AGCIB3*T POLIO 188 For Five Hundred Dollars, trltb ,|8 par week compen sation, can be bad for $3 per annum, or say other sna between $5OO and 810,000 st proportionate rates, TEN DOLLAR tPBBttIUH Secures a Policy for 82,000. or |lO par week eompensa* tloi foi all and every description .of accident—trsveiiing or otherwlfee—under a Qt.weal Acoitent Poller, at the Ordi\%atry Bate. THIRTY DOLLARS PSUMIUK B«OW»AfiiU Policy for or itfpar week com penaanoui a* abor*. at FOR3ION BIBSB. PoUtiea iMued for West India, and OaUfov nia YxaveL Batas can Uaearnad by applleaUon to the SHORT TIME TWKKTR Arrangements are coarse of completion by wUek tbs traveller will baabJeto purchase, at any HaiJwtF Ticket Office. Insurance for one or thirty deyr travel. Ten esuta will buy A ticket for one day’s travel* Insuring 83,000, or *IA w*ekly compensation.. Tieket Policies may be had.??? 8,6, aad 12 months, in tha saaa Bisk t taken .at,Baiardous Bates. PoUelek issued for b ye&ro/or 4 ye&rapxßmium, mOTJCEMENTS. The rates stalest than thdse of any othif Oompany covering the same risk, , No medical •zamlnaton Is requlrsd, and thousand* of those who Ju/ye been rejected by Life .Oempanles, lie consequence of. hereditary or otherdtcaases* saueffeet insurance b\the TRAV-RLIiRBS 1 at the lowan rates.. . Ltfr Insu :an«e ComuaniSß pay no the principal mm unlll tha ttorifA oflkeassured. pay the ipse or. damage sustained by*'personal injury whenever it. occurs. , . . . Tha lefl'in g of which such, an Insurance give* to those dependent upon their own lupoc for support la worth ViWJbftnraaney. No better, or more saeiafac wry EODM-EY DSMSIB, SeereUty. • a. F. AAVIS. Yl«e Fnddeat ... HENRY A. EvSR, Oensrel Hint. auMlwUojw MMlved gad Palldee i»aed b» WILLIAM W ALLEM., mhlS.mvrftSm Mo. Oft* WALNUT streeh k “UPTHE RIVER."--THE diWaMMlßUltTva end fiv.oiUe Statmer JOHN A. WUSBK 1. SPJSSjjZ? exteuilve repair, al t 9. b9ty ?r a “PLUMBING, GAB AND STEAM Jj- Fittiug. ChemWe! PlttUlbliig. Cjantrr w»rlr Hfi P ro»Pt*Y attended A „ No. Uld SEYEMTH ft, ri)HA Oltr. P*. . SatHBB CAMDEN AND AT. HUnHHkKLAMTIO RAILROAD.-Tr.Ua leaveYlne-etana*Fern " /0U0w *, ! ,.„„.,..A. M. freight, Cars ?■ PS A H* Atlantia Atw&nodafleii.• •*—KE S- L l *R«« * *i«xETr , »" — cottage ckboa^ 8 Mot only UK3XOBLLBD, but UHSttUALLID W pu Uy of Tone en.o ruvrer, deelgsed •*PW* 11 Tw*.'T??i r T.I end Behodle. hat found Jo he 14 the Parlor and Drawing R»ojq- Mo. 1* North SkviSTH i tr?et i"*"™** l r,rfM< y.;‘A a pARTEB DE VISITE-T, 0 V he T^b«»^ End motfc pleaelag and natanlitylM it EBIM** * Oallery, BBOoND Street, above Green. eMOUWd »“■ lulehed hy arUeteof aolllty and long exu.i_ienoe._U BOTH SBXBB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers