THE CITY. OBSEQUIES OF THE LATE PRESIDENT IN THIS The committee of City Connells, appointed to make arrangements for the obsequies of our late President, while bis remains are in this olty, met yesterday. The committee consists of Messrs. Van Clevs, Spuing, Barlow, Freeman, Armstrong, of Stleef Oounoll,and Messrs. Harper, Wlllits, Nick els, .GlU,.and Stanton, of Common Connell. It Is not known certainly at what hour to-morrow the remains will arrive. It Is hoped, however, that they will come by 4.30 p, m. • The military will be under Major Gen. George C&dwal&der, and the olvlo portion of the procession nndir the chief marshalshlp of Col. P. O. JElimaker. Invitations to join m the procession will be extond ed to the Mayor and City Connollsof OMidenjthe judges of the courts in this eity, the various heads ■Of city departments and their employees, ex-mem bers of Oounolls, the Grand Lodge of Masons, the. Grand Lodge of bdd Fellows, the National Union Glnb. the Republican Invlnolbles, Democratic As sociations, Soldiers of the Warof 1812, Fire Depart ment, United Amerloan Meoßenlos, the Reverend ■Clergy, the Soolety of the Cincinnati, the Fenian Brotherhood, Sons oi Temperance, other public olvlo bodies* and oltiMBS. , The committee Have ordered * hears© to be eon strtotedfbr the occasion. BjjfMs fifteen and a half feet long, sixteen teet high, and eight feet wide. The body of the hearse will be six met above the mound, so that the hearse Can be easily seen by all aneotators. The hearse will bo oovered with black elotb, and trimmed with silver ■ fringe and tassels. The top will form a canopy, and will be ornamented by seven plumes. Tbe-wheels will be entirely hid den by tbe falling drapery. It will be drawn by eight black horses, eaoh led. by a groom. The horses will be oovered with black cloth, and each -will have on its head a plume. The body of the President will bo laid In Independence Hall, with the head towards the sonth. There will be a rail- • ing around the coffin. , Spectators win be admitted through two windows on Chestnut street, and pass out through two windows on Independence Square. As toon as the body airives In the, pity ihe belief Independence Hall and all ohurofa bells will be tolled. The-Unlon League was yesterday given permission to oooupy Independence Square from walnut street to Independence Hall, to place a band In the belfry, and to Illuminate the Square. THU BOUTS OS TBS PBOOBSStOK. The joint committee, appointed by ; Select and Common Councils of Philadelphia to make arrange ments for thefuneral ceremonies In honor of the late President of tbe United States, announce to their feliow-oitlsens that they will take place on Satur day, the 22d of April, under the direction of Col. P. O. Eilmaker, chief marshal, and the following as sistants : Gen. Joshua T. Owen, Gen. D. K. Jackman, - Col. Peter Lyle, • Col. Wm. H, Ycatcn, Col. John F. Glenn, Col. Wm, B. MoCandless, Jacob Biegel, Major H. Ellis, Adam Warthman, Craig Biddle. Esq., Bichard Garside, Wm. O. McKibfcln, Esq., Bobert N. Murray, Henry Bnmm, Esq., H. W. Gray, B. F. Hart, Efq., J. P. MeFadden, C. T. Yerkes, Esq., John O'Beiily, Jaa. S. Watson, Esq., Lewis B. Thomas, “Walter MoMiohael, Esq.,i J. Nelson Nickerson, “Wm. V. McGrath, Esq , i Joseph Megary, C. B. Andress, James Mo Manes, Thomas M. Coleman, Dr. J. K. Uhler. W. B. Eltonhead, , I Under whoso direction the procession will form on Broad street! the left resting on Fitzwater street, facing west, at an hour to bo designated in orders, and more by the following route—to wit: Tip Broad street to. Walnut, up Walnut to Nine teenth, up Nineteenth to arch, down Arab to Filth, down,Filth to Walnut, up Walnut to the gate of Independence Square, thenee through the Square to independence Hall, The gentlemen named above as assistant mar shals will meet punctually at.Seleet Council Cham ber at 12 o’clock M., this day. Any one who cannot attend will please accept or deollne the appoint ment In writing. The following programme has been arranged by the committee. The chief marshal will designate the places which the several divisions will occupy preparatory to their taking position In Una, and will detail assistant marshals to take oharge of the same. PBOQBAMMB. . The military escort wilt be under the command of Major General George O.dwalader, E. S. Early, undertaker. ' *********** . Fall Bearers. » hbabsb » Fall Bearers. t «*****♦»*»* The escort accompanying me remains from Wash ington, Governor of Pennsylvania and suite. Hassler’s Band. Committee of Arrangements. Chief Marshal and his Aids. .# Reverend Clergy. Heads of Departments of State of Pennsylvania, Members of Congress from Pennsylvania and other States, Members of the legislature of Pennsylvania and other States. Mayor and Recorder of the city of Philadelphia, Messengers and Clerks of Counolls. Presidents of the Soleot and Common Counolls. Members or the Connells of Philadelphia. Departments of the Government of the City. Representatives of Foreign Governments. Distinguished Strangers. Judges and Officers of the United States Court. Judges and Officers of the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania. Judges and officers of the several courts of the county of Philadelphia and of the Stated Pennsylvania. Collector of the Port and offiosrs of the customs. Collectors, assessors, and officers of the Internal Revenue Department. Postmaster of the city, officers, and clerks. Director, treasurer, and officers of the U. S. Mint. Officers of the county of Philadelphia ’Officers of the army and navy of the United States. Officers and members of colleges and literary Insti tutions, Including professors of High and teachersln Public Schools. Union Leagues of Philadelphia and other cities. National Union Club) Young Men’s Keystone Club and other Damooratlo : Associations. Republican Invlholbles, First Battalion Union Campaign Club. Soldiers of the War of 1812. The Carpenters’ Company. Fite Department of Philadelphia and other dues. Free Masons. Odd Fellows. American Protestant Association. Order of United American Mechanics. The German Union Club, The German Turners. The United Singing Society. Fenian Brotherhood. Red Men. Temperance Societies. . Citizens on foot. Suoh societies and associations as are not men* tioned will be assigned places by tbe ohlef mar shal on application at bis headquarters In Select Oounoil Chamber. No banner bearing a political devioe orinserlption will be admitted Into the procession. Citizens are requested to bow their windows and close their stores and places of business on the day of the obsequies from the honr of S o’clock P. M. Proprietors of all places of publle amusements are requested to close the same during the day and evening. 'The bell of the State House will be tolled on the arrival of the remains, and other hell ringers In the olty ean take their time therefrom. Fbedbbioe A. Taw Otuva, , _ Chairman. Jambs A. Frbkman, Joshua Sfkbot«, Guo. W. NiOKans. Thomas H. Gill, Jambs Ansis-ruoHa, JOSKFK P. MaKOBR, AiBXAMDUB J. HaBFBB, Thomas a.. Bablow, Samuel O. Willits. THB CITY MEMBERS OF THU LBaiBLATUBB. The members of the Legislature, of rfcte—etTtf' held a meeting at the rooms of ilfewatimii Union Club yesterday afternoon«-«'The following members were P«sent j jsS* ! si£,of the Senato? S*?2>»«nSUy, Rnddiman, Steiner, ?»!»*** WjittiJosepnß, Quigley, Miller, „ Tlonse. Mr. Lee presided. Mr. Oooh- as secretary. A committee was appointed to prepare a suitable badge. The members of the olty delegation, and other members now In the olty, will meet at the Na tional Union Club House this morning, at U o’clock, to proceed to Harrisburg. They will meet . at 6 o’clock this evening, at the Jones House, Har risburg. They will accompany the body to this olty. , ACTION of the fibbukn. In pursuance of a call, emanating from some of the members of the Fire Deportment, a mooting was held last evening at the hall of, the Philadel phia Hoee and Steam-Fire Engine Company. The meeting was organized by the election of John Kelley, Esq., of the Philadelphia Hose, as president, and James S. Hennessy, of the Ylgllant Engine, as secretary, and Conrad B. Andress, Northern Xdberty Hose, as treasurer. The president annonneed that the meeting had been called for the purpose of malting suitable ar rangements to participate in the funeral esoort of onr late beloved President, Abraham Lincoln. The following companies were represented: Friendship ffcgine, Hibernia Engine, Northern Liberty Hose, Hope Hobo, United States Engine, United States Hose, Northern Liberty EnglnerHu mane Hose, Bbbert Morris Hose, Mechanta Engine, Independence Hose, Sontbwarh Hose, Falrmount Engine, Colombia Hose, Niagara Hose, Washing, ton Hose, Marlon Hose, Western Hose, Shifter Hose, Hope Fire Company, Fame Hose, Lafayette Hose, United Hose, Delaware Engine, William Penn Hose, Weecacoe Engine, Phcenii Hose, Frank lin Engine, Pennsylvania Hose, Empire Hook and Xadder, Western Engine. Union Engine, Good Intent Hose, Cohooksink Hose, Assistance Engine, Neptnne Hose, Sobnylklll Hose, Bellance Engine, Engine, Moyamenslng Hose, Good Will Engine, Good-Will Hose, Globe Engine, Ame rica Hose, South Penn Hose, Southwark Engine, Warren .Hose, franklin Hose, Spring Garden Engine, Diligent Engine, Philadelphia Hose, Ylgllant Engine, Perseverance Hose, Falrmount ' Epae, Independence Engine, Diligent Hose, West Philadelphia Hose, Amerloa Engine, Colombia En gine, ,ana Good Intent Engine. The president stated that In a conversation with Col. F. O. EUmaker, the chief marshal, he suggest- edthat the firemen appear In citizen's dress, The delegate from tue Hope Hole Uomp&ny stated that he was instructed to vote that the members ap pear in equipments. ■ - • ■* Several delegates hoped this would he voted down, as the department were not to go oat for a show, but to perform a sad duty. Hr. Andress preferred that citizen's dress be adopted* but, as many of the members of the da nartment could not afford to obtain silk hats and black suits, he thought the number in procession would be greatly reduced. As most or the compa nies had abolished capes and adopted dark coats, he thought the; would lock well. Mr. Butler said he had just returned from Wash ington with his company, the Perseverance Hose, and hoped that the motion to appear in equipments would not prevail. In the procession at Washing . ton there was not an organization that appeared save in citizens' dress—black Butts and hats. We all know that the firemen or Philadelphia was able to appear In a proper dress on this occasion, and he would rather not see them parade at all than to appear In equipments. The motion to appear in equipments was not agreed to, bnt one delegate voting for It. Mr. little moved that a committee of five be ap pointed to make the’ necessary arrangements, and report on Friday evening. at, amendment was made that the committee oonsist of one from each Fire district. Agreed to, and the following gimlemen were appointed; First district, Thomas Little; Second, Matthias Stratton ; Third, John Mirkil; Fourth, George W, Dull ; Fifth, Theo. F. Welser; Sixth, no represen tation; 7th,Jdhn Morgan. Os motion of Mr. Heppard, the chairman and secretary were added to the committee. Mr. J G. Bntler moved that the Ohlef Engineer and bis assistants act as marshals and aldß of the department In the procession. Agreed to—yeas 44, •ymyfl 12. Mr, Sieger moved that it be optional with each company to obtain musie. Agreed to. TheOonvention adjourned to meet this evening, at the Philadelphia Hose honse. HONOR TO THE ILLUSTRIOUS DEAD. Battery A of the Ist New York Artillery, Captain - Ed. H- Underline,will perform the customary salute to the honored remains ol the lamented President ■upon their arrival at the depot In Philadelphia. The onus, horses, carriages, caissons, and other para phernalia connected with the battery will be appro priately draped in the emblems of mourning. This testimonial has been arranged by tho men compe ting the battery; who h>ve patriotically subscribed fbom their private purses a sufficient fund to make the entire affair creditable. TtETUBN OF THE PERSEVERANCE HOSE COMPANY. 7b« members or this excellent company returned ftom Washington last evenlrjr, whtther they weot tinav aJast Fad tribute nl reepeot to the noble Pre sident who but last month received them so gra etously. After the funeral ceremonies, John G. KnUer. president o* the Pemeverauoe, maiobed them to the quarters of President John Hon. H. B. Moore, Goo. F. Keyser, Esq., Samuel Josephs, George Bulloolt, Alex. I>. Orawford, The Chamber of Common Council has been ele gantly draped slnoe the last meeting of the body. President Stoklbt (TJ.) In the ohalr. The resolutions of the committee relative to death of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth Presldeavbf the United States, were read and adopted jahant monsly. Adjourned. THE POLJQfc. (Btfoxe Mr Ald£rmau Beitler. 3 LANGUAGE. M an “tor at the New Theatre, was arraigned yesterday JH&'a bearing, In consequence of language used by him of an exciting nature. The following evldenoo was adduced: eqn,»ho.r«oelvoa teem in * Bpeeoh suitable to too occasion, and presented eaoh of them with Anew east satin badge, whloh will bo fondly treasured by tbs recipient*. TRAYHL BSTBBBTUPTED. The oars or the Ridge- avenue Passenger Hallway Company were preyented from running for several hours In consequence of workmen laying the new main at Poplar street and the avenue. The earth caved In around the' plane where the mala was to be laid, and for awhile the street was Im passable. The officers of the road; however, sur mounted the difficulty, and towards dark the oars ran as usual. MIEB ANNA E. DICKINSON. Wo understand that this talented' and disttn-. gulsbed young lady, having boon Invited by a num* Bor of prominent oitlzens of Philadelphia to repeat, at the Academy of Muslo. her great leoture on “Woman’s Work and Wages,” las replied from Albany, New York, accepting the invitation; hut, in view of the recent sad calamity, begs to change the Bubjcct to a theme becoming the time and oaoa slon, and suggests that the entire proceeds shall be devoted to a fund for the erection of a monument to our lamented Chief Magistrate. The correspond ence will appear In a day or two, and an dVening next week be named. MBLODY OP A VETERAN SOLDIER. A veteran soldier, wounded m battling for the country, thus being disabled for life, has just Issued, two pieces of music, being songs with choruses, one, entitled “Grant Is Marching}” the other “The Days of Dong Ago.” They were composed by M. B. Dadd. The music Is bowing, and the words are excellent. They will probably beoome very popular In the musloal world as gems. THE NATIONAL FUNERAL. . The Soldiers’ Campaign Club will meet this morning, In the District Court Boom, to make ar rangements to attend the funeral or the late Presi dent Lincoln. REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES. This body of men will meet on Saturday afternoon to attend the funeral of President Lincoln, as will be seen by an advertisement In anothor part of this day’s Press. ‘ VOX POEULL At a largo meeting of the loyal residents of the'Fif teenth ward, held on the evening of. the ITth Inst., a preamble and series of resolutions were adopted with great enthusiasm. The following resolutions are taken Horn the series: . ' Jit solved. That from this day the iron hand of relent less doom should take hold of treason, whether armed, minefield or unarmed In our midst, and that a terrible retribution should be visited tberoonf in vindication of the dignity, the power, and the justice of the Govern ment. 1 ‘ Peso leal,, That further meroy towards the rebels is an injustice to the nation, a mockery of the heroes who mayo laid down their lives in their country’s defence, and an act of grots Inhumanity towards the many thou sands of onr sons and brothers who are still starving In rebel prisons—the victims of the relentless cruelty of the authors of the rebellion—who are j astir chargeable With the assassination of onr martyred and nationally mourned President. , Resolved, That we deem the assassination of Abr* ham Lincoln the legitimate fruit of the Secession sym pathies of disloyal men in onr midst, and-we believe “the. time has come” when all bach base Ingrates should be held to a strict accountability for their senti ments. i Yesterday morning, about one o’clock, ora broke out in the dwelling of Mr. Bright, on York road, near Fisher’s lane. The build lng and ooutents were destroyed. The fire is supposed to have; originated from a flue. Doss »7,000 ; Insured for *3,500. COLOBED PERSONS AND THB CABS. It will be seen, by an official advertisement In another column, that the congregation .of St. Thomas’ Episcopal Choroh have determined to test the right of colored people riding In the passenger oars. This grows out of the recent case In which the Bev. Mr. AUston was arrested on the oath of John Kelly, conductor of cm No. 1 on the Bombard and South-street Hallway. It dees not appear that any physical violence was used by any of the par ties, end therefore the subject comes up Calmly, as a preliminary to the future legal investigation, Mr. Kelly has been held to ball by Recorder Eaou to an court. CITY COUNCILS. A stated meeting of Councils was held yesterday afternoon. : SELECT BRANCH. James Bynd, Esq., president, In the chair. Mr. Yam Clmvk(U.), chairman of the committee on resolutions, made a report, acoompanled by the following preamble and resolutions: BBSOLVTIOKS REGARDING THB DBATEC OP THB PBU- SIDEHT OP THB UMITKD STATES. Whllo Indulging the pleasing hopeß of peace af forded by the successes of the national arms, the oitlzens of Philadelphia., In common with their fel low-countrymen, have been appalled by the great calamity which, in the death of the President of the United States, has overtaken them; that the ruler of a nation who derived his high offiaefrom Inheritance or by appointment, and who had used his great trust for the gratification of his passions, should be assassinated by-some victim of his power, has hot In the history of human affairs beenor rare occurrence j bnt it has been reserved for this age, so' proud of Its refinement and Its civilization, to fur nish the only Instance of the murder of an Execu tive chosen by the unforced suffrages of a free people, and uniting, as did the late President, a meekness of disposition and loveliness of temper that won the affections of all with whom hehad to do, the atrocity cf Bach a crime Is without a parallel. As If It were possible to augment the wickedness of bis act,' the assassin followed it by the ory of “ Sic Semper Tyrannis ” of one who Is not known to have had a personal enemy. In the whole land, who Is not charge d with having inflicted a single personal wrong, whose conspicuous virtues and proverbial honesty of purpose were endearing him to every heart, and whose only doubtful virtue was his lonian oy to his country’s foes. The country looks for any wrong Inflicted on the murderer by his victim, but looks In vain. Moved by this visitation of Providence, the Ooun olls of the city of Philadelphia, In making this pub lic expression of the grief which pervades ail hearts, recommend to their fellow-citizens a renewed de votion of themselves and their all to the safety and perpetuity of their beloved country—a hearty and generous support to Andrew Johnson, whom God as called to administer the affairs of the nation—a recollection that theuteef its mosteminencoltizeßS Is not an absolute necessity to the Great BeoubUc, whloh oannot; but by annihilation, die ; therefore, Resolved, by ti e Select at d Common Councils of tee city ol Philadelphia, That wa how in snbtnlwiou to the dispensation* ol an All- wise Creator; that the fee ble efforts of human wisdom are valueless t > fathom the great destine of Sod; that faith In this Providence sustains and encourages ns to hone and firmly he is ve Bis eye Is watching, His hand guiding, the destinies of ©nr beloved country. . Resolved, That though Abraham Lincoln Is dead, the principles of which he was the honored exponent still survive him, and that his death will cement us is a more determined and united effort to subdue the rebellion Ithat has cost ns so many valuable lives and the expenditure of so much treasure, culminating in the heinous murder of so pars a man and so excellent a Chief Magistrate. Resolved, That the Meyer, the members of Goqnc’ls, the heads of departments, the members of the police force, and all the employees of the city, and the citizens generally, be requested to wear crape upon their left arm for a period of thirty days. Messrs. Yah Clevb, Eighth, Freeman, and others, made remarks suitable to the occasion; after which the preamble and resolutions were adopted unanimously, and the Council adjourned. COMMON BRANCH. Richard Boblnson sworn.—l board at 1335 Chest nut street, as also does Turner: at the dinner table yesterday, Turner produced a likeness of J. Wilkes Booth, and handed It to a fellow-actor, named Brink: the latter, on receiving, said 11 yes, that is a likeness of Booth, and he Is a gentlemanX said the man who had eommltted a murder was not a gentleman In my opinion; both Turner and Brink said I was a liar. Another gentleman at the table reiterated what I had sale, and both Turner and Brimbgugaln said “that any one'who said Booth was not a gentleman was a liar.’’ Brink has upon many oooaslons said that Booth was an Intimate personal friend of his, and he had a likeness of him at hit house in Washingttnj Turner said at the din ner table that If the Government were to offer a re ward of $lOO,OOO for Booth he would screen him If be could 5 Brink said “yes, and If they would offer a still larger amount, I would do the same thing.” Mrs. Lewis remonstrated with Turner and Brink for acting as they had done In her house before strange gentlemen. Turner was eommltted in de fault of *2,000 bail to answer at court, and Brink 1* still at large. Mr. Sinn, one of the proprietors of -the Chestnut-street theatre, oalled at the aider man’s,-and upon hearing the evidence adduoed against Turner he refused to have anything to do wlthhlm. 7 A VICTUALLER HAS 818 OPTIC* CLOSED. - The victuallers of &b a general thing, are-a good-natured, noble hearted class, and are as smart as the usual run of people. One of them.however, has beenmade a victim to misplaced confidence,.and yesterday he appeared before Aider man Belthr to hare his grievance redressed. He stated that while he was In market catering to the tastes of citizens, some vile fellow obtained Ms overcoat from his residence, under a representation that ho wanted it In .market- A young man named William B. Kean was a friend of lie victualler, sndhelng out of employment, the good-natured victualler told him If he would recover his ooat he would give him *25, and If he suooeeded In getting the ooat and thief he wonld give him $5O. The vic tualler actually drove the friend about town in his carriage, with a view of facilitating his endeavor to catch the thief. A little boy was subsequently Identified as the person who obtained the ooat, and at the hearing yesterday he testified that Kean gave him five cents to get the ooat from the victualler’s house. The victualler eaves In, and acknowledges that the thief beat him all around. “Just to think,” said he, “ that I was riding this fellow around to look for a thief, and the very one X wanted was by my side tor my own carriage.” Kean was commit ted to default of *6OO bail to answer at oourt. fully COMMITTED. Maria Glayfc, a colored-woman) was arraigned for a final hearing yesterday afternoon on the charge of stealing olothes, Ao. Mrs. Hannah Armstrong, re siding at 1723 South street, testified that the dereha ant lived with her as a domestic, and that some time since she suddenly disappeared from the house, taking with her three dresses, sheets, to. Some of the articles were recovered fromthe pawnbrokers, with whom the prisoner had pawned them. Officer Levy also found upon the person of the accused a small book, belonging to one of the hoarders at Mrs. Caro line Thome’s bearding-house, on- Walnut street. The accused was committed to answer, ALLEGED LARCENY OP lODINE. A young man was arraigned yesterday afternoon at the Central Station on the charge of the larceny of one keg or lodine, an article valued at five dol lars per pound. It seems that five kegs of the crude material were shipped at Liverpool, on the shtpFere nix, and consigned to Messrs. Powers tWeightman, Pour kegs were delivered. One keg was missing. The stolen lodine was traded to the house of a doctor at Front and Lombard streets, and upon bring questioned he stated that he had purchased It from a stevedore whom he did not know by name, but that he was to call at the house to be paid. The officers waited until he arrived, when he was taken into custody. Ton oases of the iodine were re until this afternoon. 61 lnT “ U * aUon w “ [Before Hr. Alderman Tunlaon. 3 A TOTAL AND ’WHOLESOME REBUKE. Itlohard Robinson, an aged man, was arrested on ,0 “! a U P fOE a abort time in Fiftb district station house on tho ohsmo of inciting to riot. Yesterday moratog ho for a hearing, but there not being a particle of evi dence addneed, he was discharged. Jt seems that he boards at Mrs. Lewis’ boarding house, number 1235 Chestnut street. At the Stoner table on Wednesday a man named Brent handed a likeness of J. Wilkes Booth, the alleged assassin or Presi dent Lincoln, to George Tomer, who Is said to he a play actor. Bemarks wore passed between the two men, both of whom regarded Wilkes as a per fect gentleman. Mr. Boblnson raid he was a murderer. Words and profanity ensued, and several of the boarders left the table. Turner and Brent proceeded to the entry, and waited for Mr. Boblnson. When he was about passing through the entry they recommenced the offensive and trea sonable language. He suggested that they would not dare to speak In that manner to the street. They did continue the conversation to rather a sub dued tons, but a crowd began to congregate, and Turner and Brent, perhaps fearing popular ven geance, fled to the drug store of Mr-Goddard, It was charged against Mr. Boblnson. that he Induced the crowd to make an attaok upon them. At the hearing, however, there was no evidence to warrant snob a charge. The ease-was therefore dismissed.- It seems that on Wednesday night Officers Fin- ley and Hess were on the qui vive for. Turner and Brent, but did not suooeed In arresting them be cause of the absence of Mr. Bobinßon, who at that time was looked up on the charge preferred by the admirers of the Infamous Wilkes. After the hearing, yesterday morning, Officer Finley at ones •nested Turner, who was disposed of as mentioned In another police item, to which the reader is re ferred.: . Brent has not yet been arrested. ]yfßß. M. Qe BROiyN’S GREAT METAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY FOB XXGAJK'IICESSe. NOISES IN THB HEAD. DISCHARGES F.&OMTHB EAR. CATAKBH>_ : ;; * B EHEUMafaBM, , "»ULA. 1 BBOIIOHIIL AFFECTION, THROAT DimctJL^xis, Diseased Byes, Loss of Hair, Dyspepsia, .Enlargement of the Lives, Diseases of tnedHaneyfi, Gcnstipa* tio», Grayel, Pil§a,laß*nity, Pita, Par*, lytle, Ku»h.of Blood to the Heed, CONSUMPTION. . With- And every diseue which infeita the human body, i CUBED EFFECrUALLY BY MRS. M. G. BROWN’S METAPHYSICAL DISOOVEBY, PRICE *O. OFPZOES: go. frlGAßCHSlrfiet. Philadelphia S°* I Hew York; go. 18 PEMBERTOfif Sqpara, Boston; and So. 43 We*t MONUMENT Street, Baltimore* HEAD THB FOLLOWING REMARKABLE CERTIFI CATE* "WITH AFFIDAVITS] .. ■ _ „ __ Oxford, January 20, 1865, * Mbs. M. Cf. Browk—Madam 1 have been to the eitm aeveral times, buthad not time to cMI. I have sot finitely well, and under God I owe It to yon. My right earl nave not heard any with for a number of years. I .can bow hear >ome with it. My left ear, the Shearing left it just after harvest; in this way: I took a dlxxi “e*« mmy head. «o 1 could not work, aooompanled with a riugingnolse in ay ears. I was so bad .that I oonld not hear-without they would halloo at the top of their Toifles. 1 first got a pre*criptto* from a physician, which consisted &falmosd oil and something else (I can't Ull what). I also tried almond oil alone; bat it didmeno good; then I got some Homoeopathic m«dlcin«, bnt with the aame effect. I then tried old -women’s cures by tbe score; still no benefit; I went to Philadel phia, put myself under the care of a celebrated Aurlst; he bored .at my ears with'instruments, andiron others up my nostrils, for five weeks* and ended by cheating pe out of seyenty.flye dollars ($75). asthat was all the benefit I received from him. 1 then saw one of your advertisements; I got the Metaphysical Disoorery, used not more than half of it, and have recovered my hear* lng. which I had lost for years I remain yours, truly, THOMAS B DIGEST, . _ _ , ; , Oxford, Ghesteroounty, Pa Affirmed and euhscribed to before me, this Slat day of March, A. D., 1856. WM T. FULTON, * Justice of the Peace. _Ak- n THOS. B DICKEY. 18* Tbe above certificate ig M one odt of many whieh can be eeen by sending for a circular. The celebrated POOR RICHARD’S BYE WATER *0 ®l!>VbhoVltOß*”»“■ dO • 6()MQtI, • The above medicines are peeked for despatch to any destination ob receipt of the price. ! Drn.gisls supplied by DUMAS, BARNES. A CO., Hew York. ' . apfi wfraif EDUCATIONAL. TMfOUNT PEACE INSTITUT E—A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOB BOYS- Bemoyed to. FORTY - FIRST and HUTTON Street., West PhUadelphls, . The pupils ar« proper ad for Mercantile or Professional life The twenty-second term will com ■ menee May 2d. Ghnnlarsean hehad of WILLIAM G. CROWELL. Esq , 510 WALSUT Street, or of . . - J. W. M. aplS-fil* ■ Principal. TyiMTARY INSTITUTE, ALLEN JXI. TOWlf. Penßa., chartered by the State, with oommodions buildings and superior Educational and Military advantages, opens its Summer term April 38. ForGircnlars address ap!3-m Bey. M. I*. HOFFORD, A- M., President, UELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE. •J A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS , THR SOMMER TERM OF THIS INSTITUTION, heaithfttUyand beantUuUy located on the northern limitfiof Attleboro, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, will commence Tilth- month, 2Sd, 38w, and continue in ses* ■ion twelve weeks. ~ The course ot inatrnction is thorough in the several departments of English, French, Latin, Mathematics, ana Drawing. For full details see circular, to obtain which address the Principals, Attleboro Post Office, Backs county, Pennsylvania. ISRAEL J. GRAHAMS, _ JANE P. GRAHAMS, dps 2m Principals. WILL AGE GREEN SEMINARY.— J MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four mile from MEDIA, Fa. Thorough conns in Mathaqifttlc#, Glassies,Natural Sciences,and English; praeticalles* sous in Civil Engineering PupUs received at any time, and of ail ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Ra ters to JohnG. Capo Njon, 28 South Third street; Thos. J. Clayfcon. Bsq., Fifth and Prune streets; ex-Sheriff Kern, and others. Addrets Rev. J. HSRYSY BAR TON, A. M , TILLAGE GREEN, Fenna. noff*6m LEGAL. Pr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ESTATE OF..JAMES GARTY, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given that BRIDGET GARTY* widow of said decedent, has filed in said Court her pe tition and appraisement of the personal property which she electe to retain under the act of April 14, 1551, and tbe supplements thereto.and that the same.will he con firmed by said Court on FRIDAY, May sth, 1885, at 10 o'clock a. M., nnleis exceptions be* filed thnreto- JOHN K. VALENTINE, apl4 fta4i* Attorney for Petitioner. FS THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADBL BUI. Trait Kstate of Hro. SABAH GLB3EBNT and Tb. Auditor appointed by tbe court to audit, settle, and adjust the final account of J.MSB CxRSTAIRS. sHiviTing traetee under the will of WILLI AH HOO D, aseeased, for Mrs. SARAH OLBHBHT and her daugh ter!); Caroline and Josephine, and to report distribution of tbe balance In the bands of the accountant, will meet tbe patties interested, for the purposes of his appoint ment, on TUESDAY, the 36th day of April. 1845, at 3 o'clock P. M , at hts office. No. ISI South FIFTH Street, . in the eity of Philadelphia. . * WM. BOTCH WIBTBR, Auditor. ' rST THE COURT OF COMMONaPLEAS FOE THE CirY AND COUNTY QF’FHILADKL PBIA. , j*-* HAEBY 8. HAWKINS vs. EMM 1 F HAWKINS. 8.,’64. 49. Also subpoena JWb T., 1834. No 40. Madam: Yon will Wtke notice that tha Court baa gran tea a rule on rot to ahow cause why a divorce a yin. mat fnooJd norths decreed In the above case, re turnable SATDBDfY, April 21, 1886, personal Service having failed OttHfccotutt of your absence Yonra respSctfully, HENRY B. EDMUNDS. _ _ jJnr Attorney for Libellant. To EmuM*. Hawkins. Aprijgriß6s. apll-wHt EgIXTE OF JOHN LAYCOCK.— SEetters of Administration upon the Estate of JOHN --DAYCOOS, deceased, having been granted to the undertimed, all persona indebted to aatd Estate are re quested to make payment, and those bavins claims to present them to MAE I LAYCOCK. Mauayuak. Or to her Attorney, B. A. MITCHELL, N. E. comer FIFTH and WALNUT Ms., f apM-fr6t Philadelphia. Tf STATE OF SARAH E. COLEHO WER. -J-^Lettf re testamentary upon tha Estate of SABAH E. COLIHOWBS, deceased,having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those haying claims to present them without delay to ~ . ... H. A. BAETBKJOB Library street, apl4-frs4t* Attorney for David Event. Executor. COAL. Goal.— sugar loaf, beaver MEADOW, and Spring Mountain LehithCoal. and’ best Locust Mountain, from SehuvlldU, prepared ex-.' presriy for family use. Depot, H W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office,No. 1M South SECOND Street. Tap* tH J. WALTON * CO. SMALL PROFITS AND' QUICK RJ SALES. 7 _ „ _ , BLANK BOOKS. • . ' ' Paper *nd Enveloped « Copying a&d Cancelling Presses. Cold Pens and Pencils. Fockefetßooks* Wallets, and Bankers' Cates, Backgammon Board*, Portfolios, and Writing Desks. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. „ The largest and finest assortment in the city, holding from 12 to 900 photographs, hound in velvet and Turkey morocco, with chased edges and beautiful clasps, _ GHB4PBBT ALBUMS I* THE OITX . Arnold sink Faber’s Lead Pencils. Copping Books. Rinse reduced to rorreegond wltlUhe decline to gold. Wholesale and Retail BLANK BOOK AND.PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM MAHU FAOTUKEBS. STATIONERS AND PRINTERS I apis lm 80. 89 South FOURTH Street TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT -*■ end unsafe remedies for naplauant and dange rous diseases. Use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUGH7 and. IMPROVED ROSB WASH. CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, EN- Vf TIRBLY NEW STYLES FOR THE SPRING' TRADE—A Superior Lot just received, and for tale by BOWK. BUSTOS, * CO., mhlS-tf 157 and 189 North THIRD Street gPEOIAL NOTICE TO BUSINESS Thensderelcned isseri advertisement* at the lowest rates jin the newspapers of Harrisburg. Pittsburg, ScadinjE. Lanouter, OBamberahnrg, PottevlUe, Horris* town* West Chester. Doyleetown. Trenton, Salem. Bridgeton. Wilmington, and of every other city and town to the United States, (including Savannah, Charles ton, Wilmington, and Richmond.} Advertising at* tended to for oil companies. Papers on file at the office. WILMKB ATEIHBOBf & CO , Ho. 011OHSSTRUT Street, (Second floor), &pl2‘lm ___ Philadelphia. \TACKEKEL, HERRING, SHAD, &c, A.TX —2 6co bbls Maas. Boa. 1, % and 3 Mackerel, lato-eanght fiat fish, in assorted packages. 2,000 b Die. Few Eaitport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring. 2.600 boxes Lubec, Sealed, Ho. 1 Herring. 150 bbls Hew Mess Shad. 260 boxes Herkimer-oonnty Uheese, Are. In storeand for sale by MURPHY & KOOKS, JalO-tf Uto. 106 HORTH WHABYBS. H. JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PBNHA. Bpedal attention given to the examination of Title.. Phiiadelphia Bkpekekoes Ohae. B Lex, Beq., Hon J. Roes Snowden, James H. Little. E«q.. TiT. Tasker. Sr., Bonbright, A Co., J. Z. DeHaveu, President 7th National Bank. mhll-Sm* C AMU EL L. TAYLOR, No. 4»3 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, attoebey at law and COMHISSIONBB FOR ALL THE STATES, Except Connecticut, New York, Nevada. Oregen, and Texas fe24-frtttlv« CAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY ° at LAW AND QJONVBYANCBE. • FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, HENNA. (late at Philadelphia. > _ REFERS TO Charlwß. Lex, Esq., > R. i». 0. Biddle 4 Co. S. C. Knight &Go,» > j pr. R. B. Mackenzie, JjanwH. Lime, 2sa., j W, H. leaton4Oo. mhb-am . JOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, nr COUHSKIiLOB AT LAW, AND SOLICITOB OF CLAIMS. Office, 851 F Street, Mar Fourteenth street, Washington, D. C. , de24-6m TTELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUOHO wTrjRH* t® *“>• “J bloom U the psllid ehsek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms.and if no treatment is submit tec to. aonsumntion. Insanity or* fits emraa. • WHITE .VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIL "* LEE. —A new French Cosmetioforbesntlfying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonderful compound of the Me. There Is neither ehalk, powder, maxnesla, blsmuth.nor talc inite composition, it being fomposed eitlnOv of pure Virgin Wax 5 hence the ax traordinary qualities for preserving the skin, making it 10ft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, tha homely handsome, the handsome more henntifui, and the most beautiful divine. Prices Prewired only by HUNT ts CO„ Pore Street, two doom ebova Waißu? 1 ' 133 Botm SSVBHTH Stwst^ebove (1 H. GARDEN & CO., NOB. 600 AND l dAW , |uM. r io*»Km & feua Ik *c» MisssffzrtiSifesS;^ PM**- mhl-gm . XTELMBOLD’B FLUID EXTRACT AL RUOHU Is plrasantto taste and odor, free from ffil lalnrlpus nronertlee. end immediate to (ts aeßea. THE CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP » writ of Venditioni nedlreoted.wlUba npomd to pnblto sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eventas, ••iF 1 '. 16 ??! at 4 o’clock, at Bansora-street Hall, a'SaSs-fatwaatiw, aorta by ground of wawei Flower, east or ground f of ' H^,kw r rwilrw,,* 0 ? 1 * 1 wround orßloUarf Hoedusy. C premises Asn Shanahan, by deed i*t d ,. A 2& J&. 18 7 ‘ r *" or 4 td In Bead Boot O 8 . Ho. lee P ] * 48, * ’ wnToyed unto William Kehrnm In th* went aide ?v F !S B ‘I f,! 1 .. T*!'* South and Shlmwn st oets, In aeJ* I hilsdelphla; eontalnittK In front on Vann ,a depth fifty-threa Ko. 3. Ail that frame message and lot *Af miinii Mtuato on the eouth, ride of SMppe^tMet.between Front end Secoud etreete ln the city of Philadelphia! S«, , tl. I »w£t n f iSKf,,a2,;® b,p , , !? 1 t “‘yi 6 * ® foot, and In by Bhtppon street, ea»t «? l&t« ofJcßeph ty north end of Almond sweet lots, and west by ground late of'Joseph? Bhippeb. CWbjch premUo* Samuel o Bantlagfby deeddated 1835, in Deed Book Eehrwiklfs f 627 ’ &c ’> oohWfld unto William 80. 4. Ail that;certain messuage'and lot of nonnl situate on the south stitifdf Shippen street) between ccatatnlaf in frontsoa Shippen street 20 feelTaad in depth 66 feet' \ Bounded north hy. Bhippsa strset, east by faackecd FrontetreetHotsiftad west by ground Wi A>£*!& C Which pTOmisee Palesie*. et al, ,T>y deed dated' Beoembar Id, 1634* rocorded in_Deed Book A. M- ,No 67, page 72> Ac ( conveyed onto William Kehrnra in fee.-] * ;Np.,& All; that two story brick messuage and lot of' Roundßlioate^obtewtotieorner «rf Front sad phippen streets* in the pity of Philadelphia; containing ■ In front on’ Front slrWlsNeet.and*ladeith7ofeST Cwhich premises Fiances Wallaby, et al Z bv dead dated recordedinDeed Boo* G. W. &>*?«» ?’ paie «6 nvexed unto William Kehriim ratted real estate was devised unto WUllam K. Knh inm in fee.. i 10. 0 :H., ’65. 463. Debt* 0,000. WilliamS Dk] Tehen In ez*ontlon and’to be sold as (he property of i i vi nu C HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office.-April 20,18,5. apJl-St CHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUEOF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed.' will be ex posed to public sale or vendue; on Evening* if ay 3, 1866, at. 4 o’clock, atß&zisom>street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground the mes suage or tenement thereon erected, idtoate.oh the north weiteiiy side of Danenhewer’slane or Wist#; street; in the Twenty?second, ward of the*iatd -ctty of Phi’&del phia {formerly In the township of GermAntowel; bf gin ning at a point on the side of Dauen bow er’s Jane or Wister street, at the distafaap of 307 feet. 7 H inches noithwestwardly from the northeast Atde of Mercer street; thence northwestwardly at right angles to the said lane or Wister street 318 feet 10)4 inches to Jefferscn street; thence northeastwardly atoug the said Jefferson street 8i Let to other gramnd of Thomas G. *“£g»« thsnw ;onth.|«twardly fdon*iho s*id «ronnd of Thoa 0. fcazton and at right an ilea It. the namlana or Wuttr street 118 feet 8 % Inehei, more or lose, to a point; (hence northeastwardly along ealdigronnd of Thomas C.. Saxton tOfeeiTo apointttheaca. sonthcaet* wariily along other* round of the Bald Richard H. Lea, late of George Alklcn, and at right aniles to the .atd lat e or Wleter etreet 200 feet, more or lose, to the north weeteily eldo of the said lane or Wister street; thence southwardly along th, tame Ha feet, mores or leas, to the plane of beginning. Bounded on the southwest by other ground late or the said Thomas 0. daxtdn, now of John F.Bppelshelmer, on the. northwett ! partly by the tala Jeficreon street and partly by the .aid ground of Thomas O Saxton, on the northeatt partly by the •aid ironed of Thomas Cl. Saxtonahd partly by the Bald otner gronnd.of Bichatd M. Lea, late of end on the tonth.eet far the taid Danenhoweir'e lane or ' Wleter etreeh CBeinitheseme premises which Bichard M. Lea, hr Indenture dated the twenty, fifth day of May, A D.,(185«, eighteen hundred and tlxty font. duly executed and acknowledged prior to the execution of tneeepi esente ft r the COi-tideration money therein men tioned. pait whereof, to wit: the raid sum of 11,420 la intended to ho hereby .soared, did grant and oonrey to the tald Henry W. Gault lu fee under and subject to the parm-nt or a certain mortgase, debt, or principal eum of sS,ffi)o, therein mencioncd.J / [D. C ; M,. ’B6. sto Debt, $1,413 89. dark.] Taken In execution and to ho sold aa the property of Henry W. Gault. HENBY G. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 20,1865. aptl-it CHERIEP’S SALE —BY VIRTUE OP V A 1 Exponas, to me directed, will ho exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve *»? \ I™* »t * o'clock, at Sansom-atreet Hall. All that lot of ground, with the build Inge and Im provements thereon erected, situate .on the west side of t mS? K ] b , Bt v f et and south of Potts street; in the city of Philadelphia; beglnniugat the southwesterlv cor-. per ot said Thirteenth and Potts streets, thence extend ing by the said Thirteenth street southward thirty feet, !k^?v?* te “ d i I SA e '. t 'E! rd , , ‘ t right angles with-the ■aid Thirteenth etreet fifty-four feet nine Inches aud five-eighths of an Inch, thence extending northeast erly thirty-six feet eight lnohes and one-eighth of aa Inch to the southerly ride of said Potts street, and thence easterly by tne same forty-nine feet three Inches and five eighths of an inchto tho place of beginning; hounded northward by said Pott) street, southward by ground now or late of James Fox, westward by.grouod power late of Samuel English, and eastward by Thlr wh?iv »r et th ft. earns premise t Which B&nrom and wife; by indenture dated the twenty‘fourth day of Beptember. A, J). 1859. and recorded at Philadelphia; in Deed Book A f) B . ho m> pm 43, Ac , granted and conveyed to the said * John G. wmi&me in fee. 1 K. B. —There is erected upon, the ahove-dMaribed lot. two two-ateiw brick kouser fronting on Thirteenth *tr*et (Boa SBO and 2831, each being fifteen feet in front, and tho lots in depth to the next mentioned* house; and on the rear end thereof, fronting on P. tta street, there is erected a three-story brick house (Ho-. 3802}, containing in irout fourteen feet six inches, and tho lot being in deolh about thlrty-tix feet eight Inches. No ; 2.J All that three-story brlok .messuage or tene mevtand lot or plecs.of. ground situate on the east side of. Twenty-first street; 'beginning at the distance of thirty-tbree fee four inehei southward from the south rice of Wood street, and containing in front on aaid Twepty-flrst etreet sixteen feet.eight inches, aud ex tendiM In depth east wardjleventr-elght feet nlne lncbee. and a half on An soath line thereof, aud seven'y eirht feet nine inches on the north line .thereof.' (Bring the same premises which Bausois Bbgers. Jr., and wife, by indenture datea the escond day of April, A. D. iB6O, conveyed to the eald- John G Williams in fee 1 To fn^^nto r Wocd e sfrI e t nLhree-fett- wide alley open „ s B®-The premises ahovs described as Nos. 280,281, and 13C2 will be cold *©p»Tately -CB. C.; M.s T 65 33L Debt, $3 f OPO, A: Thompson,3 : PbiladelpblSh office, April 20, 1865, ap2t-3t - SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendltioui Bxpouaf, tojub directed, will bo exposed to pabJic sale or vendue, on MONBAT Ey& uing, May J, 1866, atio’cloek, at Sansom-stiiet Ho. L All that mansion bouse and two contlkdodM lots or pieces of ground situate in ibe city of pbia; one of tbe said lots, whereon the said Mansion is erected,, on the west side of Delaware Front street; bd~ ' tween Fine and Cedar streets; containing ia breidtbon toe said Front street forty one feet, and in length or depth one hundred feet. Bounded northward witk a lot of ground allotted to Samuel Powell, westward with ground formerly, of John .Goodwin, southward pertly byLthe next described .m$ and partly hr ground formerly of John Fraser, and eastward with the said Front etreet. And the other oflihe said lots beginning at a corner of ground formerly of John Miller and Mary, Ms wife, thence extending by the' same southerly twenty feet, to an alley or court; thence by the same easterly about twelve* feet, to a corner ; and thence northeasterly, in an oblique direction, by athreefeet six Inches alley,- about ten feet, to a corner; thenee by other part of-a lot wherebf this was a part, sixteen feet Cinches, to the iineof the Hist described lot, and thence br tbe same westerly twenty-one feet six inches to the place of beginning. Together with the common use and privilege of the said three- feet-six-inches wide alley. . Bo; 2 Also/a stabler coach house, and ’lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the north side of Lom bard street, between 3D elawarcFront and Second streets, in the said »ity: containing in breadth twenty four feet, and in depth fifty feet. Bounded on tide north psrilyby ground late oflhe.President,Directors,and Ocmpaty of the Bank of Pennsylvania, and paruy by ‘ ground formerly of Matthew Cowley; *on* thweast by a lot of John KaignLon the south by Lombard street, and on th* west by a twelve-feet- wide court or open piece of ground; together with the free use of the'aforesaid court.-' - j 80, 3. Also, a three-story brick messuage gnd lot of ground sitnaU on the south sue ofFihe street; between Seventh and Eigbth streeis,from the river Delaware, at the distance of ninety six feet westward-¥rom the westernmost hne of grousdlaieof James Crawford, in the said city: containing in. breadth eighteen feet.and in length or depth one hundredandithlrty feet. Bounded eastward by a messuage and lot alloted and astigned to the Trustees of the Estate of Martha S' Lewis; south ward by a twenty-two-feet- wide street leadiegfrom the said Seventh street to Eighth street, now called Lit tle Pine street: westward by ground late of Lawrence Sink, and northward by Pine street aforesaid. Ho. 4. Also, a lot or piece of land situate in the city of Philadelphia, beginning on the west side of.the Irish Tract lane, in the northernmost line of Washington * street, continued; thence extending northeriyalong the said lane three hundred seventy-nine feet four lnohes to a point in thenor thline of Prims st&etcon-’ tinned; thence westerly, along the.said north line of Prime street conilnuea four hundred and thirty-two fcrt four inches’ to ground fomeriy ofßarnaul Powell; thence nontherlv. by the seme ground," three hundred end eilbtj feet eight inches end e half to e point in the. northersmoit line of Weshinilon Bfreetr cOntinned; thence ensterly elong seid Hne font hnndrad and thirtv. four feet three lnohes to the place of heglßting. Oon teining three acres, one rood, , and eighteen perehes, Bonn tied un hr .the Irish Tract lane: on the north by a lot, in a plan of partition hereinafter men Hontd, marked "A;” on the West by ground late of Samuel Powell, and on the sonth by the lot marked, in tbesaidp:an, ‘“‘C.*’ » - No 6. Aleo, a yearly rent charge of one hundred and sixty-four dollars, lawful silver money of the United States, chariid on half-yearly ijsulnsr. and payable by- Nathan Atkinson and John L Stokes, their heirs and assigns, on the first days of July and January, In every year forever, without deduction for texee ont of end for a eertaln lot or piece of ground eituie onthe north side of Lombard street, between Delaware. Seventh and Eighth streets, in the said city, Besinning at the dis tance of one hundred and thirty-four feet two lnohes from the wait side of Seventh street; containing in front or:breadth on the said Lombard etreet thirty-two feet tinlnohes, and in length or depth one hundred and thirty feet to the aforesaid Little Fine street. Bounded on dhe west by ground granted by John Clements Stocker 4nd-wifs to Davis Powell on ground rent, on the north by the said Little Fine stieet, on the east by other ground late of the said John Clemente'Stocker, snd on the south by. Lombard street'aforesaid; [Being the same premises which under a deed of partition of the real estate of John dements Stocker and Mary K.. his wife, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book A. M.. No. 64, pairs 641 and S6B, wore allotted and ssrimed unto Elisabeth H Stocker, widow of Anthony Stocker, deceased, daring her natural life,' and at and .imme diately after her decease unto Oaroline Stocker, John Clemente Btocker,Mejy K., Stocker, Oar oil aa L Stocker, Anna Maria Stocker. Henry H. B. Stoker. Lauretta T. Stocker, Martlne.!®. blocker, Binily B. StoAer, and Lewis T-. Stooker lu'fee.l [D. C. t *r., ’65. Ml. Debt. ,4.708.82 . Lex.] Taken in execution and to be sold the property of Lntbonj E stocker. HKNBT O. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 20,1885. apBl-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.-BY YIRTTJE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will bo ex posed to public sole or vendue, on MONDAY Eveilinv, May 1.1866, at 4 o’clock, at Saosos* street Hail, All that atone messuage, etable, and other imurove ments, and lot of gTonttd alfnote on the southwest side or Wane street end sontheaeksida of 'Walnut lane, in the Twenty.second yard-oltjof Philadelphia'; begin nlng at a comer ol eaidWayneraud ;Walnnt lanes thence alona Wayne street sonth 48 degrees 66 minntes east 116 feet 6 4-8 inehec >o ground of Francis Heyl: thence tenth 43 degrees 16’ minntes west 849 feet 6H lnehes to other srotmd of eald Heyll thence slohg same nottn e 8 deiiees 56 minutes west 115 feet 6% Inches to Walnut lane: thence along same north 42 degrees 16 mineteseastB49feet6l^inchoate beginning. CBeinffoom posedoz two lota—one of them Francis Hovl et tin, by Seed doted May 6,1366, recorded ln Deed Book K DW. So. 59, page 261 j and the other, by deed dated'Jnee 11, K 69, reeordedlnUeed Book A. D. B , 80. !0, page SSII Ac , con a eyed unto John W. Gibbs In fee ] rD O.; M., ’B5 873. Debt, *9,129. K Taylor 1 Taken in exoontlon nd_to bo sold a. tbe property of John W.Glbba HBNHY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's 051 ce, April 20. 1866. ap2l*3t SHERIFF’S SALE,—BY YIRTUE OF hJ a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be expoted to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve* nlng, Mayl, 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Saheom-street Hall, All that three- atory briek mesanag eand’lot of ground eltnate on the northeast side of Penney Ivania 'avenue, fifty-two feet three and live elghthe iuchea northwest oi Faltmonnt street, la the city of Philadelphia, thence northeast forty-four feet,' thence hj)rthi!ixtean feet fonr and one fourth lnoha., thence northMui lour feet fonr inches to a live- feet* wide aUey, thence northwest along tame ten fefct nine inches; thence South w«it sixty-three feet to Pennsylvania avenue, tbeace sontheaat along came eighteen feet to beginning.' CWhtoh prsmUoeJttl chael Boarier. its* , by deed dated March 29 4817, re corded in Deed Book A. W- M., Ho. 39, page 423. Ac. , conveyed nnio John Herman Is fee, reserving gronnd rtnt of *49 20 J * CD; c.i Mr; ’66. 423. Bebt, *133.36. B S. Campbell. 1 Taken in execution and. to be sold as tba property of John Herman HINKY C HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia Sheriff’s Office, April 20.1861;. ap2l 3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF w a writ of venditioni me directed, will be expoeed to PoMto *al« « vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, May 1, 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-etroet Hall, ,A 1 It hat lot of ground ritoate on thesonth side ot Nor* ri# Irieet, ISftet east of Mfth.streei, In the city of Phila delphia: containing In front on Norris street 16 reel, and in depth 67 feat to a three-feet alley, with privilege thereet [WMchpiemleeißenjftinlii Gerhard; et nx., by deed dated October SltlSil. recorded In Deed Book. S.SLSif "t? 1 HV/’iKl® I !.*!.* onto John McDowell, Jr , and Aaron R. Day In fee ] Philadelphia, Sh «llh» SHERIFF'S- SALE.—BY OF •J a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to medlrected. will be exposed to pnbllo rale or vendee, on MO.3DA2 Boning, May I*. 1860, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom- street Hall. All that three-etory brick mee.ntgs and tot of gronnd situate <m lbsnortheast!mrner of Poplar had Twentieth stiects. in the city ot PhiUtdolpala; ciatainieria front on Poplar «trcetlB fret 10inches, nfed iadeptb 80 feet to Scott iireeto [Which premicea-Heliacal a • Salter, by deed dated! May IS, 1856, recorded In Deed Book B D. We. bo» 79* P*go 15, &«., conveyed onto John Patter ?§» ,e 2| rfe ?« Tl *;& a KJpand rent of $163.21 ] - [D. O. s H , ’65. 410. D*bt,-s£2l 63 H A SaHir 1 a-thipropitWof John Patterson. HBSKY O HOWRi.t. Shari# PhUadelphia, Sheriff’sOfllSJ l*36 ; 'f'RniAY. Ai’Kir, 21, SHERIFF’S SAIiEg. dHERIFE'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF kJ » WI H of VsndirionlDxponas, to me directod, wUlho exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Kre ainxTM»r 1, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-streot HalL iff tne title, and lntorwt of ; WlUiam 8. Thomas of, in. and to all that two slory framo and lot of nronnil situate on the north side or Monroo stieet. No? 326. between Third and Fourth streets, in the cSty of Philadelphia; eontalnlng in front on Mon roe sdoetnofsot, and in depth 36 feet. ■ ‘?D 43 -k. .’65. 418 Debt. Pani.3 a-, “"ngHET C. HOWBLL, Bheriff Philadidphls, Sheriff’s naca, - Apri120,1865 ap2l-3i SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF D iiwrit of'Venditioni Bxponas,to me dtoeettf, wDI be exposed to public sale or yeudue, on MONDAY Bren- Ktu 1, 1865,at4o’clock, at Sansom-street HaiL All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the northeast side ol PeuusylTSnta avenus 184 feet ll« inches norihweet from FalrmOunt aienne, in the Cits or tbilecelph la; contaD ing In front on Penney Ixania ayennedß feell 6 inches and in depth SB fret i Which premisesMlehael Bonyleret ax ,by dosd dated March 29 1847, recorded In Deed Book A. W. M,. No. S 3, page 443,” Nor, couTeyed unto John Harman, In ISrMWM’i # JoW^ir‘ iOB MNKV e o ß^» Pr « 0f Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, April 20,1565. ap2i-3t CHEKIFF’S SALE.- BY VIRTUE OF a’writ of VenMUont fefpoias,' to mo dirMted;milL be exposed to public tale or vendue on MONDAY JBve uißg, May 1 18efi. at 4 o’clock, at Hall. All the right, title, and interest of Charles Schilling of, in, end to *ll those three contiguous lots of ground marked on plan of Geo. T. Lewis’ lots Nos 16, 39c and 40, situate on the north side of Morris street, 382 feet weri of Eighth street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence alongMoiris street 16feet; thence north lllfest; thence e&'t along Lewis etreet 82 feet; thence south 62 feet; thence w«st 16 feet; thence south 69 feet to begin ““fik C. ;M., ’66. Debt 33. Woodward ] HENRY C HOWELL, Bheriff. Philadelphia.'Sheriff’s Office. April 20. 1865. ap2l-3t QBERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A k? writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex* posed-to public sale or vendue, oa MONDAY Evening. May 1. 1665, &t4o?clock, at Bansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on tbe east side of Fif teen ti stre*t. 79 feel 7 Inches south of EllsworJh street, in the city or Philadelphia; containing in front on Fif teeathftreetl7feet. and in depth, on. the north line 65 feet 8 inehei, and on the Booth line 65 feet, more or less, with the privilege of a three*feet alley bounding there on; The north P&rt of ea<d lot Eliza Barnes, bj deed, convey, d unto Henry M. Black In fee. and the remain ing part Ellen -Dnnbar, by deed dated April 7; 1861, re corded in Deedßook A. C. M . No. 14, pago 877, Ac , conveyed unto Henry M. Black in fee '* :CD.C. ;M.,’66. 428. Debt, 33 Littleton.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry M Bia«k HENBY C. HOWELL, Sherifi. -. FhUadelphia, Sheriff’s Office; April 20, 1866. ap3l-3t SHERIFF’S SALE;—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, May 1, 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that three *tory brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the’ South aide of Wallace street, 64 fdbt 8 itches cast of Twenty-first street, in tue city of Pnila dslphia; eortaininfin fronton Wallace street 22 feet 4 Inches, and in ddpih lOOfeet 8 X inehes _ [D, C.; M., ’657 435. Debt, 8764 64. Simpson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Lewie B. BroomaU HBNBY GHO WELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’a.Offlce, Apri» 20,1865. ap2L3t CHEREFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF U A writ of Venditioni ExpohM, to me directedU will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, May 1, 3867, at4o , clocks at Sansom^streetHall, All that tbiee-story brick messuage Mid lot of ground situate on the west side of Twenty-foarth atceet,ls feet north of Spring Garden street, in tbe city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Twenty;fourth etreet 16 feet, and in depth 24 feet to a twenty feet-wlde ally, t Which premises Henry J. Wili ams et al. • by dead dated July J 3,1868, recorded in Deed Book A. D. B , No, 28, page 473, Ac , conveyed unto Janies McClenachaii, in fee, ibservlsg ground rent of $37.60 ] •- CD. U. ; M,,’65. 484. Debt, $lOl 67. Judson.] Taken is-execution and to be sold as the property of James McClecachan. HERETO. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia- Sheriff’s Office, April 20 1563. ap2L-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF 1-7 a writ Of Levari Facias, to me will be exposed to publle sate or vendue, bn MONDAY Eve* xtihg. May l; 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1 All that five story brick messuage -and lot or ground situate on the southwest comer < f Black-Morse all*y,and, Let Ula street. In the city of Philadelphia; containing In frontonLetitia street twenty-one feet ten inches, and in depth slaty five feet ■ No, 2. All that flve-etory brick mesniai* and lot of ground situate on the west lide ofLititih’street, twenty one feet ten inehes BOUCh of Biack Horse alley: con taining in front on Letitia street twenty feet five inches, and in depth sixty-flye feet No. 3. All tbat five-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Lettiia street, forty two feet three inches south of Bi.aek- Horse alley; con taining in front on Letitia sireettwenty feet five inches, and in depth sixty- five feet. CD! 0. ;M., *66. 449. Debt. 15.290. Bullitt.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of CharlesC. Grogan, trustee* Ac., of Marcaretta Lamb, and Margaretta Lamb, ceetui que trust, Lucy Lamb, Clara V. Lamb, Lemuel Lamb, Charles O; Grogan ana Annio L, his wife, Margaretta of Samuel C Lamb aud Fantis E. Lamb. George B. Pep per, guardian of Charles Bockland Pepper, ~ _ HENRY C. HOWE E.L, Sheriff. - Philadelphia, SherlfPs Office, Agrii2o,lB66. ap2l St SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. May 1.1866. at 4 o’clock, atSansom street HaU, No ]MAiI that three story brick house frosting on Bo war a street, and iwo story frame fronting on Hope street, end lot of ground situate on east side of Howard street. 79 :eet south of Norris •treat, in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front on Howard street 17feet, and in depth 110 fees to Hope street, ; ■ Mo. that one-story-frame store-room fronting on Howard‘ftreet, and three-story back building In the rear, endflot of ground, situate on the east side of How ard street- 98 feet south of Morris street, lu the city of - Philadelphia; containing in front, on Howard street 17 'feet, andfndepth-llOfeetto Hope street. • [Being the same two lots which John. Galsler, et ux.« by deed dated July 21, 1855, neordedin Deed Book B. D, W., No. 88, page 249. &s , conveyed unto William B Sinclair in fee, subject to a certain yearly ground rent of $6B. J > CD* O.; M., ’65 346. Debt, $564. Michener. 3 Taken In execution audio be sold as the property of William B etapialr. HBNBY C, HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff*! Office, April 20, 1£65. apH St' SHERIFF’S SALE VIRTUE OF M- a writ of Levari IFaeiSH. Jb hie directed, will be expoied to public sale or vendue,.on MONDAY Eve* ning. May 1665. at 4 olclook. at Sansom*street Hall, All that lot of ground beginning on the northwest corner of Parrish and Pearl streets. In the city of Phila delphia; thenca northward along the west ride of Pearl street 400 feet to the south side of'Poplar street H&ence westward slcng the same 163 feet \% inches to the centre of old Minor str*et; thence southward 855 f«et :8£ inches roa pond: thence southwestward 63feet6 inches to the north side of Parrish street; and thence eastward aXonrthe seme 164 feet and % of an inch to the besinning. [Which promises -Olivar Hugh et ax.t by deed dated Nov. 18,1852, recorded in Deed Book T *1 , k Ko. 61, page 405, Sc., conveyed unto Bernard Doture doureinfee. JO- a ; M., ’SB. 446. Debt, s3.fe4B Psitotot. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Bernard Dourecoure. . rHENBY c. HOWILL, Sheriff Fhliada »Sheriffs OMce, April 20, 1865. , ap2l 3t ! .QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writof Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed .to publlc sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, Mayl, 1965, at4o’clock, atSansom-stroebHall, Ail that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situateon-the south Wallace street, sixty-four feet eicbt inches east of Twenty-first stree\ in the city of Fhitadslphia; containing in fronton Wallace street twenty-two feet four inches, and in depth one hundred feet eight and one half leches. - ;[D. C.;-Ms, *66. Ml Debt, $l,OOO. Simpson.] Taken in execution end to be sold aa the property ef Lewis B. BroomaU. HENRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff. .Philadelphia, Sherirs Office, April 23, ap2i-3t QHEROT 5 S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a writ efYenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, oh MONDAY Eveninx. May l. 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No L All the right, title, aed interest of Asher 8. Lsidy in and to: the following real estate: All those three three-story brick messuages and let of ground situate on the southeast corner of Green and Linden streets; In the city of Philadelphia; containing lu front on Green street 17 feet, and in depth south 79 feet 11# .toshes, ihes ce west Is feet 11 inches to Linden eireefc, thence along same 79 feet 6% inches to beginning. Sub ject to a mortgage of $l,OOO. All that; throe-story brick messuage aud lot of Round situate on tbe west side of Third street, bet ween Vine and Wood streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containisg-in front on Third street 18 feet,- and in depth 75 feet 9 Inches x bounded north by ground of'Evan Griffith, west by ground of —S south by ground lateof Philip Leidy, and cast by Third street. Subject to ground rent of $lOO and mortgage of .$1,250. No. 3. 'All that three-story brick .messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Third street, between vine, and Wood streets, in the city of Philadelphia; eontainlng-in front on Third street 18 feet, and in depth 75 Uet 9 inches; bounded north by ground late of Philip Leidy, west,by ground of —, south by ground of George Fox, and east by Third street. SufiUct to ground rent of $lOO and mortgage of $2 300. tC. P.; M., ’65. ' 131 - Debt, siS§. G. E. Smith ] HBNBY G. HOWBLL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 18,1865. - ap2i-3t (SHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF s writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed- will he expose! to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Bve nln*. Maj 1. 1865, at 4 o’clcck. at Sansom-street Hall, All thai three-(tor, brick messuage, double three storv hack hnildlnis and lot of ironnd, situate on the south side of Fine street, 74 feet west of Sixth street, la the city of Philadelphia: ooatainin, lu front on Pine street 19 feet, and In depth 135 feet, to a twelve feet alley: - [Which Promisee John Baglcet and wife et at, by deed dated February 22. 1365, recorded in Deed Book B. D. W.. Ho, 19. pago 80S. Ac , conveyed unto An thony L. Quervelle. in fee, mid beta, so eeizad thereof, died Intestate; leavtac him eurvivln, Oaroline F., his widow* and three children—viz: AnthonYL . Louisa C. (intermarried with Maurice Biat), and Caroline (in teimarried with Peter Bonrlter, who has since departed this We), in whom the said premises vested in fee. 1 CD. C.; M., Jpß. 404. Debt, *4,266,83. ComeKyj.] Taken ta execution and to he sold as the property of Oaroline F Qcsrvella, Anthony L GuerveUe, Caroline Bo oilier, Nat: an Bailey, executor of Louisa C Biat, deceased, sad Bobert P. Minx, trustee, terre tenaut. , HBNBYC. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 18.1866 ap2(-3t CHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF awritof Levari Facias, tome directed, -will he ex posed touuhlicsaleor jendae, on MONDAY Eveninx, Mai 1,1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. AU the two two-anu-a-half story frame messnaces and Jot of ground situate on the northeast side of Gar mwtown-tartiplke road and Micetown lane.tatheolty of Philadelphia; containing in fronton said road >8 feet. Brtltagß^road. iB * l 0 181191 M ** t 0 B. B —The comer house has been fitted up for a tavern. a> O. ; M., 447. Dsiti, $687.80, Woofiward.] _ Takes in execution and to be sold as tbe property of laaish Oitisger and Maty M Ovtingar. N HBNBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. FMlada., Sheriff’s Office, April 20, 1866. ap2l-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a Writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 1.1805.-at 4 o’clock; ;&t Sansom-street Hall, All the bondings, improvements and lot of ground situate on the sooth side .of Brown street, between Third asd Fourth streets, Inthecitv of Philadelphia; containing in front on Brown street SS feet, and in depth ICO feet bounded east by ground now or late of Michael Giesner, south by a four feet alley, w«st by ground late of Joan Miles, deceased, and north hr said Brown street. 'Which premites Frederick Gentner, at on., by deed dated, August 87,1857, conveyed unto Nicolaus Gentner in fee.- ED.G*; 432. Debt, SS,CGB S 3. Hartman. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold ac tae property of Nicolaus Gentner, HENRY G. HOWBLL* Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 30,1865. ap2l-» CHERIFF’B SALJS.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Eve ning, May 1,1865, at 4o’clock, at Sansom-st. Hall, All tost two-*tory brick messuage and lot or around situate on the ntrih side of Lents it.-eet 158 feet east ward from Thirteenth street, in the city of Philadel phia; ecmaining in front on Lentz street 14 feet, and in depth 75 feet to a four- feet- wide alley, wlthtae privi lege thereof. [Which premises John L Kates, by deed dated September 13, 1859; recorded in Deed Book 4 D. 8., No 83, page 275, conveyed unto George R. fiouth cott, in fe* reserving a ground rent of $33. J i - _ [D. O ; m. t *B5 865. Debt, *167.51. Go wen.] _ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George R eontt-cott. HENRY <7. HOWELL, Sheriff. . Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 20,1565, ap2l-3t CHEREFF’S SALE,—BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public gale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Ma? 1« 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, . Ail that lot of ground and seven three-story stone bouses thereon,,situate on the south side of Hamilton street 118 feet eastward from Twenty-fourth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Ham 11 ton street 88 feet and in depth 140 feet to Linn street, ex cepting i hereout the use In eommon with said premiißs of a certain alley leading northward from Linn street through the middle of said -lot of the width of 25 feet the distance of 101 feet, where said alley narrows by an equal offset on each side lo the width of 4 feet, and extendingtf that reduced width the further distance of 39 feet to Hamilton atreel. CWhich premises the West ern Bank conveyed unto Joseph Fleming in fee. CD. C. ;M. ’66 *440 Debt, $6,695,83. JudsonJ <■ Taken in execution and to be sold aa the property of Joseph FUmSuf. HENRY C HOWELL, Sheriff- Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 20, 1865. , ap2l-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Tendiiiani Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue* on MONDAY Eve ning* May], 1666, at 4o' e'ock,,at Sanaom-streei Hall, No l . AU those frame tenements and two three story brick messuages and lot of ground situate on theeoutn ide of Lombard street, between bixth and Pevcnth treets in the city of Philadelphia s containing in front <m Lombard »treet2ofeet,and In depth 78 feet. Bounded -oi th by Lombard street, we«tby lot late of Richard 'oughty, south by land of Hurst A Co., east by rtouad'late of James Glassies, [Which oorge Hegee, Esq*. Sheriff, Ac., by deed dated Da ember 27, ’866. conveyed unto John Davies in fan ] No. 2. al' that three-story brick messuage a*d lot of ironnd situate on the east side of Csdbe*rv avenue,273 :'<et north of Oxford Street, in thectty of Philadelphia; ontaiair g in front on Cad berry .avenue 16 feet, and in iepth 55 feet, ir eluding on the Northeast corner part of he head of a 2 feet 6 inches alley, with the privilege h*ieof. - ' „ . CD. C ; M. 438 Debt, $7,6U. Thorn.] Taken in execution and to be sold As theproperty of toh» Dvvi.B, HENEYO.Hqvretl,,Sherit FUladelphia. Sheriff's Office, April 30,1866. &P2l-34 1865. gHE*!»IFF»S_eAXJM. SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUf OT’ and detcribed, according to a recent aarrsy, “•JffiSJl f. hcginnlag at a stake set fora eornerln the rruatueor the road dicidlM the townships ®* Sf , H sSwsl Dublin, it hsinc also a corner of land allotted to. neminl •Keen j thence extending along aaid roti south twenty seven degrees and a quarter ea*t ninety-flwperojtte and sixty four hundredths of aperch to a corner ««« in the middle of ike riveriroad; thence along the middle of tbe said river road south seventy degrees and a quar ter west thirty nine perches and twenty nine hun dredths of a perch to a corner stike, beluga corner of land allotted to Lemuel -Keen; tbenee by the said Lem w uel Keen’s land north twenty seven degree* and a quarter West eighty-nine perches and fifty-nine hun dredths of a perch to* a stake for a the Une or the said Samuel Kean's allotment, and thence by the same north fifty- eisht degrees and a half east thirty eight perche* and nine-tenths of a perch tb the place of beginning. Oontrisitrg twenty-two scree ana a hair be the same more or Has. [Which said described tract of land with the buildings, william G. Allen aud Ellen C. bis wife, by indenture dated March 24,1853. recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book T. H., No. 77. page 124. drajfccohveyed unto the said Jefferson F. Stoever in me. J Fur further recital 1 see writ. N. B. —The improvements on the above place are a handsome, well-built, and commodious mansion, cot tage style, with furnace, hot and cold water, cooking range, Ac.—is well adapted for a winter a* well as a summer residence. There is a large and convenient farmer’s cottage, an ice-house filled, tool-house above, large stone barn, carriage bouse, three atablas, pump near tbe carriage bouse, large chicken house, stone soring house with two never-failing springs. The «et varieties, all in hearting, tot honte well stooked with plants of manv Tarts««». TiaM 01 the choicest kinds, all in fall bearing condition. [D O ; M ; m Debt, $6,803 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Bessie M. Stoever, executrix of Jefferson F. Stoever, ■ deceased, and Be»Bie sieriff . Philadelphia, Bherlff’e Offlea, April 2U. 1865.’ »p2l-St SHERIFF’B SALE.— BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 1,1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, • Ail tbatthree-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Third street, eighteen feet three inches north of Spiuoe street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Third street eighteen feet three inches and in depth eighty feet to a three • feet alley, with the privilege thereof. C Which promises Wm. L. Haddock, et ox., by deed dated June 23. 1855, recorded in Deed Book B. D. W., No. 27, page 401, con veyed UDto Chßries Goepp in fee. 3 .. . • '•'[».o;il., , Bi 437. Debt, $4,619. Gavea.J , Taken in execution and to be told aslthe property of Charles Gcepp. EINHY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Fhiltdelpbla, Sheriff’s Office, April 20,1866. ap2l 3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 1. 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, All that three-story brick dwelUng wltb three-story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the eoaih > side of Lombard street, 183 feet west of Broad strest. in theciiy of Philadelphia; containing in front on Lom bard Street 16 feet, and in depth 78 feel. [Which pre mises John B. Vodges el ux-, et al., by dated Oc tober lltt . 1852. conveyed unto William & Yandever in fee, reserving ground rent ef ninety-six dollars- CD. C. ; M., f 6S. BM. Debt 5527.44. Law.J Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Williams. Vandever.__ w „ HENRY O. HOWBLL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 18,1865. a?2l-3t CHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writofVenditioni Exponas," tome directed, will be exposed topubUcsate or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 1, 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, All thav brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southwest corner of Sixteenth and Stiles streets, in the city of Philadelphia; costaiainc in front on Six teenth street 18 feet, and in depth 67 feet to a three fast alley. Cwhich promises William R. Scott* et ux.« by deed dated April 7, 1856, conveyed unto William Graham in fee. subject to a ground rent of $3l. ] CD. C.; M., ’65. 427. Debt, $650. H. C. Thompson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Graham HESRY C. HOWBLL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff 's Office, April 20,1865. ap2l-8t CHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed .to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. May l, 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU,. All tbai four-story brick messuage with two-story beck buildings, and let of ground situated on the north side of Spruce street No. 236, between Laurel aud Third streets, in the city of PhUade phia: containing ia front on Spruce street 20 feet, and in depth 80 feet; nouuded north by ground late of Win. Griffiths, deceased, south by Spruce etreet, east hr ground late of Jacob Tumble, deceased, and west by around now or late of Isaac parson. [Which premises the Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, by deedAated January 33d, 1862. record ed in Deed Book A-C H., No 40, page 152, &c , con- Y.3ed unto JrhnF. Persohinfea.] * ‘ . CD- C.; M.. *66. 439. Debt, ,1.425.00. H. Whar ton. J • Taken to execution and to bs sold a* the property of John P. Persch. HBNEY C. HOWBLL, Sheriff. BPhllada.. Sheriffs Office. April 16, 1865, ap2l-3t PROPOSALS. A SSISTANT QUARTERMASTER’S **- OFFICE, Ni: 1139 OIRABl) Street, Phh.abbi.phu. Pa.. April Iff 1865 „JPi?A5 21 ? weelyedist this office putll 12 o’clock M. SATOKDAY. April 29} 1865, for th. J b ® T,nlted StatM Morehouee" PJ 0 ,?" 1 ? p«ked and ready }}t ns J??J taUon ’ 01 4118 foUowln, articles of sta -tionery. vis ; « . folio Pest Paper, toweifh sot less than 38 As. to ream. Legal Cap Paper, 141 b,. to ream. Cap Paper, Plain and ruled, 12 lbs. to ream. Letter Paper, do do IB tbs. to ream. 00*®,£aper, do do £ She. to ream, envelope Paper. 35 fils to roam. Board. M 0 Ms. to ream, 18x24. djfsSSff BnTelopBl! ’ wblt * “ d b “ ff . 3XxBX, 4x9. terB ti Sx*^ eloPB> ’ wlllto 4114 bttff ’ Oofornmeut pat- Le’tter Oepylni Book,. 9xll. fOO pares. g*P Cora ln*.Books. 10x14, 600 psies. ii Bto 12 quires, demi-half-honnd patent hacks, Bnssla comers toq i Sa, £o °k , ‘ 240 0 9xU34. half roan,2o sheds Mlmorandhm Books, deml gyo. flush, 68 leaves.. B art tot- JPaold's, qt pt , and ha f-nt. bottles, and hdfjfcthS?HS d * #r ®°“ bar ' « 4 ’ bottfe^ Cowln * Arnold ' B * 'l*-. Pt-, and haif-pt. CftTmUro Ink, S-os botilss, glass stoker. l n i David*’, first quality. ' Academic 1 ■ and “Methaaic,” Fen-holders. aeaorUjd. niff, 1 ,Ortlott’s. 303.404,269,and '‘Commercial.” QnlUs. Ho. 80-perM. L«dPenctte, i Fabei’s,Nos 2 and 3. Office Tape, plecee. No. 2? S3(.yard, topiecs. Office Tag, „, USi B 0 23,144 yards to rolL Btalin, Wax,.per lb S*r« ra s 4oz boxee, “ American Conirete. ’ ’ White-frinxed Bnhfaer, 12 plecee to ft., first quaUty. yirsta hubber, per lb. Balers, round, rnbber. lSlhoSes. . rubber, 18 Inches. Mucilage, %t. t pt., and 8 oz. bottle*. . Ati of the Shove described to be of the best mid samples of each article to. be delivered at the store twenty-four hours previous to the opening of inspected by an Inspector ap pointed on the pud of the Government, - The bidder, or bidders must be prepared to runrish Immediately such quantitie* of the above-de *JJiMd *tationery as msy be required by this Depart- Theprice of each article to be written both in. words andJlfi&reso and conform to the terms of this advertise 2Bent,aoopy of which should accompany each proposal. A&on bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, Urhose signatures must be appended to the ffiMAntee, and certified to as being good aud sufficient Mcurity for the amount involved by the Baited States Igtirict Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public JThe light U reserved to reject any bid deemed un waiODiMf, and. no bid from a defaulting contractor received. . AU proposals to be made out on the regular forms, in duplicate, which can be had on application at this ° Bids will be opened on SATIJBDAY, April 29,1856, at 13 o clock. M-, when bidders are requested to he present. By. orjsrof Colonel WML V. McKIM. Chief Quarter master Philadelphia Depot. GEO. B. OB MB, ap!9-8t Captain and Assistant Quartermaster.. , QUBBISTEKCE OFFICE U. S. ARMY, No. 30 South St&bxt, _ Baltimorb Md., April 11, 1865. SEALM> PBOPOSALB, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 12 M. on TUESDAY, April 26.1865. for furnishing the United States Subsistence Depart jßentv»ith .w FOUBTBOUBAVD (4.000) HEAD OF GOOD FjAT BBEF CATTLE, on the hoof (Steers four years old and over), delivered at the Stole Cattle Seales at Baltimore. Mary land, in lofe of (1,000) one thousand each every (10) ten days, to be Weighed within one a&d a-haif days after arrive, at the expense of the contractor. They must average about (1,900) thirteen hundred pounds, gross weight, all falling short of 0,055) one thousand and fifty grands* grow weight, Bultoj, Stags, Oxen, Coirs, Heifers, and Hornless Cattle will be rejectee. A deduction of fifteen (16) pounds will be made from tbe.weightof each Steer accepted under this contract, provided the animal does not stand in the pens two ana one-half hours before being weighed, or is not weighed immediatelytafter removal from the cars. . Blank forms for proposals can be had on application at this office, either in person, by mail* or telegraph Proposals by telegraph, or other irregular, informal proposals, will not be considered The Government will claim the right of weighing any one animal separate, if its appearance indicates less weight than the ynipfamnn mentioned above; the ex pense of weighing will be paid by the party erring in judgment. Bidders must be present to rospond to their bids, and prepared to give bonds and rign the contract before leaving the office. The Government reserves to itself the right to reject any <n all bids considered unreasonable. . - Payments to be made after each delivery in such funds as on hand.; if none on hand, to be made as soon Proposals’must be endorsed distinctly, * * PB.OPOS AE§ FOB BEEP CATTLE,” and addressed to ( *Captsin J. HOWARD WELLS, G. 8 , Baltimore, Maryland. ” If a bid is in th* name of a firm, their names and. their post office address must appear, or they will not be considered, , . „ _ ' Each person or every member of a firm offering a pro posal must accompany it with an oath of allsgianee to the United States Government, if he has not already filed one in this office. All bids not complying strictly with the termsofihis advertisement will be rejected. _____ J. HOWARD WILLS. aplS-lOt Captain and C. 8., Yols. A RTIL'LERY AND OAVALRY -Cl. HOBBBB. Asbisiabt Gvahtsbmabtbs’s Oipios, 1139 Gibabd Street, Phiubeiphia, Feans., April 12, 1866. HOBBES, suitable for the Artillery and Cavalry «er vice, will be purchased by the undersigned, In open market. ' Bachanim&l tobe subjected to the usual Go* .vsnament inspection before being accepted " Horscsfor the Artillery service must be dark in color; sound In all particulars; strong, quick, and active: well broken and square trotters In harness; in good flesh and condition; from 6to 10 years old; hot less than 15J£ hands high; each horse to weigh not less than 1,060 lbs. ' j ~ One hundred and eighty ($189) dollars will be paid for each. ' Cavalry Horses mnst be sound in all particulars; well broken; In full flesh and good condition—from 15 to 16 hands high; from 6 to 9 years old, and well adapted in every way to Cavalry purposes, for which one hundred and seventy five ($176) dollars each will bepaid. Horses will be delivered to the U. 8. Inspector, at ibe BOLL'S-HEAD HOTEL, MaEOT STREET, WK3T PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. By order of Col Wm. W. McKikn. w GEO. R OBMB, apia-tmySX . Captain and A. Q. IL PAVALRY HORSES I Vk/ ARTILLERY HORSES! MOLES! Guabtekmastsb* GBNXKAL’a Ovmoß, Pibst Dmsxon, Wabhinoton Citt, D. 0„ March 18.186 ft. HOBBES, suitable for the cavalry and artillery ser vice, will be received at Gei&boro Depot, in open mar- May 1,1865, by Captain GEO. T. BROWNING, MUIiBB. inloti of tw«nty-4v. or ssoro, will ho r«* wived In thli oUy. to open mark.t, Hll Mat 1, 1366, bj C»ptriuo. H. TOMPKINS, _A«lstaut OuArteraMtor, corner Twenty second .ud G.treeta. All enlmils to he snbj.ctea to the usual Goverzuuai lurpocion before hriuc ueeptod. Sreclflc&tlon* a. follows: Cavalry Hone, mint he sound in all particular., well broken, in fall (lest and good condition, from fifteen (16) to sixteen (16) likndi nigh, from Sve(6) to nine (B)ye»re old, and well adapted to every way to eavalry purpoeee. Horses between nine (9) and ton (10) yean of age, If .till vlgoroua, sprightly, and healthy, may be accepted. Artillery hones must be of dark color, sound in all particulars, strong, quick, and active, well broken, and square trotters in harness, in good flesb and condi tions from six (6) to ten HO) years old, not less than fifteen and one-half (15?4) hands high, each horse to weighnoi less than ten hundred and fifty (1,050) pound*. Mules must be over two (2) years of age, strong, stout, compact, well-developed animals, not less than fourteen (14) hands high, in full health, fires from every blemish or defect which would unfit them for severe work, and must have shed the four front colt’s teeth and developed the corresponding four permanent teeth, two in i ach jaw. *. . These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rigidly emoretd In every particular. - Hours of inspection from 9 A. M to 4F. M. <me hundred and eighty-five dollar* ($166): ArHllery Horses, one hundred andnine* ty Mules, one hundred andninety-flye Paymeut wili bemadeat this Office. Brevet Erig&dicr General in charge ph2Q tap3o FjrstDivjgloaftrM Qfo. C°?7n°^JtM7 LiLX DOCK 'Sissft- ai«. wISS; Mfflnf “* a " fMi /OHNW o BV|H^y;Ca FTBLMBOLD’B extract of sab. r 4114 *«wnr*l*« the blood: ,®fhealtt into the system, and purxsa out the humors that make ■»<«—» ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON o, it bo^u‘sn i (tolina »n 4 uxhUyon to >lhp wclL «**««« auction sai% TfUBNBSS, BBINI/SY. & CK*. X Ho. 6 is oßSsmer and eia jaxjw w»«*. Jprfl Zlit,,at la o'clock, <m 4 ntratta’ credit, eos*™ - lug alarga aisartißMitfor paamfißhl* iIW» for tfJßffln*. mi invoice of domestic roods. —I ' JTO7IOS TO JOBBERS AH& RSTAILXBS. . ;• this IfiOlnta JLnena. darnels, tablec] otfrgy rtoatl ngs« Wr Hmm die*. ttnea tmdrercMeft. 1 SO eiMiiljpMn taalNb^n. " , ** m, wftSs&'sS sassss^ 100 Ortons Or F. Black colored velvet riMsont, 400 Ho. 4® 60 bon*ef r- - * } Also, enpui tulsisti jnaJinM. flower*. SALE OF BRX GOODS. April Jlat, st 808 l 0“ of ftacT .*S&Mi7 IrasW. Also, s Isnre sgortmeß* of dOTertw 800 CABTOHR BOMCT KIBBOH*. SQO carton a Wot. ttShmK ***•• “ 4 ehrfw coloredponltde sole bosnet ribbon*. 4 *4O extra quality white edge dN*. 4 a 60 choice colored groe grata d*9. BLACK AND ICOLOKEDALPACiItS AND HOHAIBK- THIS DAY. —Flue to extra fixe* black andxoloredalpacaa. do. do, black pare mohairs. , , _ do. do. black (Canton doth*, jnohatr do kege. Persian*. Oriental lustres. - • LINER DAMASKS, tHIRTOre-DIKKirS, DlirSKOdll* BRIC HAMDKSROHIBFB, MAFKIJJg, AMD TABLE CLOTHS. Aa invoice of * 7-4, 8-4, and 9-1 brown and bleached all linen da mask*. 9 4 brown linen dice. .. 4- ihiiting linen*, linen napkin*, brown linen table cloth*. . 5- 8 extra fine linen cambric handkerchief*-. BLACK GBOS SB BHINEB, ROYAL ARMURBB. Ac. JO pieces. 92 to 30-inchL heavy black ares de Khlnac. .. SO piece., 24 toSC-inch double chain royal arnwree. 21 neat fUnred ponlt de cole. LARGE SAM OF FREHCHGOODS. THIS MOKNIUG, April Slat, at 10 o’clock, 6» lots of Outer and etaple 'French drygoods.. - 10 CASES FUSE MOHAIRS AHD OiMTOM CLOTHS. , caseeauperbanallty pore mohalra. —piece* 48x68 Inch Union diaper daasasks. pieces £4*66 dice liaen. - BALMORAL SKIRTS. —dozen cptlrgbalmoral skirts. . BLACK ABD COLORED. SILK-VELVET BIRBOMB. CELEBRATED "G. F.** BRATO. THIS DAT. A large assortment of. . ... blade silk-velvet ribbons, vUli ftii colored •dees. —• colored silk ribbons, with white edges. —plain solid color and scarlet do. . PARIS WHITE AHD OOLORBD TARLSTAHS. An Invoice of Fcrla white and colored tarlatan*. Ene to extra •«■- jouvnr m> gloves, 200 dozes Jonvin kid gloves. PANCOAST & WABNOCK, AUO TIOMEEBB, *4O MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP 800 LOTS AMSBICAM AHD IMPORTED DRV GOODE, EMBROIDERIES. MILLINBBY GOODS. HOSIBBY GOODS, Sec., Ac By catalogue, on FBIDAT, April Slat, 1865. com mencing at 10 o'clock, comprising a foil and general aaaorimentof new and dcaiiaUegood* for preaent aalea. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AGO CASES OF STRAW „ GOODS, BF CATALOGUE, OR FRIDAY MOBNIHG, April 21*1, commencing at 10 o'clock. TABLE AHD POCKET CUTLERY. Also, THIS MORHIEG, 60 lota tabU.kalccc and fork*; table and pocket knife*. aclaaor*. shear*.-Ac.- * PHILIP FORD & CO,, AUCTSOIHSERB, X MDM MARKET end Mas COMMENCE facets. LAEOE BALE OF 1,800 CASES BOOTS AMD SHOES. We will sell, by catalogue, for each. r UK MONDAY MORNING. April 24th, eonnncißi at 10 o'clock, 1,280 ease* men’s* boys', and youths* boots, shots, balmorals, brogsns, Oxford ttes.&c ; also, women's* misses** and children's boots, ghoes, gaiters. Congress boots, balmorals. Ac. FOR BALE ASD TO LEX. «F 0 R 8A L B —'A DBBIRABLE DWELLING, with every convenience; fine yard. Fo«se*slcn given May 1. Mo. 834 South Twenty-first greet* below De Laneey place. Apply at Mo. 917 MARKET Street. *pl9-6E» M CHESTER COUNTY FARM—JR 166 ACRBS—-two miles from Downingtown,«3C Wilh STORE MAfiSIOBT, nine chambers, Stone Barn. Stage puses the door every day, connect* in* with Pennsylvania Railroad. Fifteen acres Mea dow; an Orchard of ICO Trees. For Sale and early possession. A. F. A J Hr MORRIS, - ap!7*gfc* -. 916 AROH Street M SUPERIOR MA N B lON AND LIEGE the FBAMKFOBD Road, at AL LKGBKJSY Avtnue, built In the most substantial man ner, with every possible convenience, with stable mid earriat e i onse. This is a delightful residence for sum mer or winter* B. F. GLBKW, aplMf 193 S. FOURTH St, Mfor sale—a desirable*oot- TA6B, with AH acres, on the Old YORK Bead. Large variety of fruit and shrubbery,.carriage house, Ac., and everything necessary to make it f£de*iral»le summer residence. . B. F GEiyif. ap T 5 tf 193 S FOURTH 8t m FOR SALE— DWELLING 1025 FI LBERT Street, vHth early possession. Dwell lug 1412 Boutk FEME Square. This Is a delight ful residence in summer. . -.-., Bpruce. Meat dwelling 194 NozthTWJSJSTIKTH. Mow vacant. Also, many others, both large and small. B. F. OLBMK. 193 S FOURTH St, apis tf and 8. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and Green. *FOR SALE—A 4 BEAUTIFUL m FARM and CODBTRV SEATS, of forty ,orceT3Z on Church lane, Darby township, four mUea from Mar k*t-atr«et Bridge. Pngsaarion can. be had inunediatoly- Apply to JOELS WHITBLY, on the premises. or to . . . JOEL a. FBREJHS, ap4-lm* 45 Booth FROff f Street. aFOR BALE—A VERT SUPERIOR BOOSE in WEST PHILADELPHIA, excellent stable, Ane well of water; rural, yet qtiite near; all ccmyenleneea; replete in all raipaet*. Address “liler cFact. ”- Box MW, Part Offlce. mb27-lm » PRIVATE SALE—MILITARY BOARDIHO SGHOOL, neay Philadelphia, In anc eeßßjnl operation, with fnrnltnre of all kind*. Appa ratns Book*. Gnna. &c., atnyerylow fimra. Apply to SCHKKMBRHORM & BAHOKOFr, 5156 AROH ap4-lm* . ‘ ~ ■■ ® PRIVATE SALE—BEAUTIFUL Mfc SUMMER BRBIDBHOH estate of Dr. S. A Bsrton. Fine house end spleaiid shade and fruit trees, eight acr#« of ground, one and a half miles from railroad—six daily trains Address Rot. d. HBMRY BABTOJX, TUlage Green, Fa. Sold very low. > ap4-lm* -QUSI2SESS ESTABLISHMENT FOR A* SALS IB THB CITY OF WASHINGTON. ~la consequence of the Ul-health of the proprietor, e well established tad profitable Wine; Lienor, and Faintly Gxocen * whoiet&le and retail, business is now offered, for sale, together with the lease of the premises, about five years to ma The stock consists of * very chelae and waM- selected assortment of the shove articles, and nilt be sold in whole or in part. Applr for feither information, by letter, to JAMSS WJLSOB, Box 80. 331 Washington Foot Office, D. C. ap!7-6t ryo. LANDS FOR SALE.—A VALUA hie Tract of 136 acres Bon nr Territory, oh Ma honing Biver, In Lawrence county. Fa, Also, a tract of 76 acres on Cherry Ban. B. F. GLEBS. SBlt-tf 183 South POIJBTg Street. T7OR SALE— - A VALUABLB OIL LAHDB UL WSBT VIKOIHIA. OHIO, ABO PBHBBTtVANIA. Inontee of LBWIB L. HOOPt, sp!4-lm* 388 WALBUr Street, Phillis. •J’RTJSTEES' SALE. DBLAWAEE COUNTY " PASSENGER KAIRBOAII COMPANY, ' The undersigned, mortgagees or trnstees named in a «“ lB *nmortgagedated July 2d!l860, reoordedhiMe deipbia county, in Mortgage' Book A D. B . Xo 64. : page 3SI, hy which ihe abore-namsd Company, to so’ core bonds issued bj it, has mortgaged Its read or rail, way, Including the iron ralls, sleepers, cross ties, «tii. stringpieces, andail other partsorActions of thefiSP pet structure of said railway t»getber with all the cor porate righto, powers, liberties, privileges, andfran chites of said Company, and its tolls, rents, isanes income, and profits; and ’together algo with the entire estate, real and personal, of said Company, including ail other ite property, effects, and estate, real md personal, .whatever and wheresoever the same may be will, nnder powera contained In said morSaee deel' expose the above property to sale, by pnbUc SS” iS? OB THB 3b BAS OP PIPTH MOBTH (May) BEST, At 2. o'clock*. H., atthi howabd house. In Upper Darby township, Delaware oonntyPa., tho Western Terminus of said Boad. _ Said road runs with a single track and turnouts from »lfhthe t Wo«t I phfl?deK,a i /^iS lphl1 ’ il connect* pi SsJ oad about fonr aileß. to tfcesaid Howard HonsS. 01 Jho Company consists o! two a£d How " 4 Honse) - «“» f 8 ® 11 ” Are hundred dollars to S8S?“ atthe apll-Mt* JOSEPH POWBLL, | Trustees, MACHMEW AND IRON.’ PENNBTKAM engine and FOuj<iJKßfe, ij»ylnf for mNny yeurs been lit^mtSw •nr«, IronßoUers, Water Itails: jP^*£••* respectfully offer their servicea to thermWa. fuliy prepared to contract fox enjiaes of ill rlne, Hirer, and Stationary; harin* Mutl of different sire, are prepaied ti^xwte quick despatch. Brery deicrlption of^ittS^^f.lS** Mn#! ttKa- 4 «-ssa?SiSa *"»*'•■**•. f« BSACH and PALMBE Streete. t. TATOHAB KBBBIOB. WlttlAM M. «■»«— ' COUTHWARK 0 FOIffDRY, SOSB, Snrland, riw, KtswaKMlM*, Work., *%^^XZ Um ** T, * a * I*t»t«daorti«. Steam ®t»i M Deft<*tora, y* Steam HamTnar ■nrT «Sm* WoU " « r ““‘ Bn^DrS^, ' ■' ■ »mj-tr WM. M. FABER & CO., 6EBSBAL HAOHjgISTB, AJTDBOn.HR Him. PBHHSTLVAHIABMLMAfpjSSBJreBS BTATTn. ■ PITTBBBBO. PBTOA. “ 35*afeE3u“^ promptly mSI* 11 Mrt * °* •ouatay »oUclt«d utf jH6-3m. H™K 3ALLT meats L l:: s^FlT tS.-l: & Tork*T. -LOOP do OUckiß. -=£ : IOT fcmlfwSiSSSh, RAKER’S ORNAMEHTAL Sato *-* MABOTACTOBY —The larrest “AIH- D»nt ol Wise, Tonnes, lim, Haf®Bmts. b !!l '£*'** A. bffroLßßrrg test torthUUt. P B l U WlttUn-TSt —AUCTION SAJLEg, — .. —XWMWWWF* WWM Mwvwwwwwwvwwvw^^^^^ JOEN B. M.YJKBB & CO., ArrrS>s V BRKS, Hon 33a and HR* MARKET* LARGE POSITTVIt 8A LB OF JBARPETryn, a caw 'XI»^Sa& r J2SSSS o °f Ha* Ingrain elegant designs royg? rLA printed fell and mg Arpetlnga ; ting;, At-to he perenoptorlly aSld, by ~ teat aeontha’ medlt, commencing tfc, (pSlJleta,* 4 * Ing, at 11 o’clock. ■ Fonmß THIS MOBHIHG. April Mat, at ll o’clock, will he -eld h. *• «*»®l>>ed elS as «Q mornmn'of sue. Indaded In the aboye nle will be foiuid ** Invoice of rich pattern*, tapeatry Brnaiei;" w t«h. worthy the ipeclal attention of the trtdn* arp 'S2 l Alto, elegant designs felt carnets,,. ' Also, St commencement of Sale, 209 dozen--. broom*. _____ of French, Indian-German, nnd British d 5 . . embraelM a large and choice aaaortmeat »??’*■ k Staple article, lnjrtlk, wonted, wo<dei, it?!„ r w*»ia t °B’. f the same will!» Mr.n,,!? 4 ’*’ LARGE SALE OF'FREBTCH. BAXOSV „ AMD, BRITISH DRY GoudT’ °S&SUj , MOnCB -lneliided- In onr sale ol pL,. ‘ ? «man. April 24, will be found in part the foUon!.. articles, yl*; - “ l 4 »lrahi, DRESS GOODS.—Fleet* Pl«n and p-sn,-, _ lalnee, ronbalx. and fancy checks, patoiSf, m ’ a Mt chevre*. plaln and fancy moramniquej Mnlinf 111 b colon and fanmr gteghama chambrays, a,boi,, a \; 1 » l DRESS SILKS. —Meoes Lyon* black taf«t»«,,, de Bhlnec. royal donbie armnree, If;;; Lyons, aciid colon and fancy ponlt de sotei Ms ries, eadrilles, mareelllnea. Ac. 1 ,r -‘ li SHAWLS.—Broche bordered, Stella. *Dkp!a; 4 ,„ dine*, lama, cashmere, thlbot, and Plata anr? Ui mosambique shuwls. **l RIBBONS.—Baxes solid colors uud AueygroM » pies asd poult de sols bemagt sad trfwmi*. r blackanS'chalnette edgnlrtlSVelvet rlbSSn.; V= GLOvIL Ac —As mvcteecf ladies* aid «e£;r white sac colored kid, Uaioa, LislVi Feraij, ? 1 ’ Mespolitsa gloves sad gauatlets.* ’ A 1 eo, embroideries, white goods, veils, silk chiefs ax-d ties, black aad whibs crepes, head c‘i, , akirts, sea aad girghsm umbrellas, tioas, Ac. • .5. - LABOE PEEBMPTORY %ALB~OF BOOTS. 58,,,- I BROGABS, ARMY GOODS, TBAVELMG BAQ? 5 I OR TUESDAY MOBHISG, April 24th at ID o’clock, will beaold. by catalog, - ■ fonr month*’credit aboot 1,300 packages boo-a, ■ tarogane, cayaln boots, Ac,, embracing a S ■ fresh aaaortment of seasonable goods of city „j vj E era mannftetnre, which wdllbeopen for cXiEisanr' F with catalognc*. on morning of calc. '*■ I LARGE POSITIVE BALR OF BRITISH. Tgitne I GKSMAM, AMD DOMESTIC DRY GOOns"*® 8 r We will hold a large aale offorclgo anddm,,;, r :oodc, by catalogue, t; or cash, OM ,THURSDAY MORHIEG. cl April 27, at lOo’elock, embracing about 761 cmv„„ ; andlote of staple aad fancy arUclac Is wooieL, > teds, Iln*n<, aliks, and cottons, to which we ' attention of dealen. ' a, ... • H. B. —Sample* of the same will he arranged f m _ J amlnaUon, wlth eaUlogaee, early on the raotca, „ 4 whendaaler* wllllnd It to thalr lnt*rct ;tI M THOMAS & SONS, • Mob 139 and ldl South FOURTH s UMI Public Sales of Beni Estate and Stocks, a, change, every TUESDAY, at 12 o’clock. MIMTH BPRTMG SALE, 2Hh April. For Hat of propeitia* In tho above three sM, t catslogne Tuesday next Bale Ho 1081 Vine street. SDPXRIOB FBBBITURB, BLSGAMT BOSEWOw PLA*M MIRRORS, BEOijg ‘ THIS MORSIMa. Hst-lnat-nt 10 o’clock, by cstnlogne, at Ho. !® - Tine street, the superior furniture, decant seven ocun rosewood piano forte by Seioheubach, Fresch -’>u mirror, carpets. Ac ' *• - Also* the kitchen uteßsUe. May be examined at 8 o’clock os the morning or hale. 4 SALS OF MISGEUcAMROUS BOOKS AMD BSaSi VIMGS. 1 THIS AFTBRMOOH. April 21st at the auction store, miseoUansju* from a library. Al&o, a number of fine engravings. Sale 90. 2C2» Rae street. ELRGAMT FURBITUKB. MIRRORS, CUBTAISS . FIBS GASFSTS, Ac. ' OR TUESDAY MOumSFO, April 25. at 10 o f doek, at Mo. 2029 Pios street, by c*- talosue, the entire elegaat drawing- room, Dbrarr 4 s . ing room and chamber furniture, fine csrp«;« fflJ , rors. pianos, curtains, Ac. . AST The cablnef furniture w&s made to order b? Volmer, Is nearly new, and in exoclleut order May fe examined on the ramming of sals at B SOPRRIOR B *FHR«ITUM. S SmS^I^OUSTIiII, PIAMO, CHIBA. PLATED WABB, kc. OH FRIDAY HORHIHG. April 22. at 10 o’clock, at He. 12M Spmce ftr-el, i, catalogue, the entire furniture, fine cartstm. p i s) ' coaudeUers. handsome mantel clock, fine pi&:ei mt;i China and-glass ware, superior dicing room aadcaio ber furniture, kiiehsn Ac* May be examined on the morning of sale at Soc:;t A UCTION BALE OF COKDEMSBI) HOB6BB. ; * QI TAR’. - OKKMtL’sOFPTCK, Ist DIVtHM, . WisHisaroxCiTr, tp.iii, -.3 at BMJIMO* lj m bU ; n AnCtlol1 ’ ** h *.“*““ b:iH Thursday. April 13, tecs, TWO HOPJIEBD MABBS WITH FOAL, mgnr of Uum well bie4 and to food condition. THURSDAY. April *). 1865. TWO HOHBRBD bif AIRY HORSES. ■ OB THURSDAY. April*. ISK, OWE HURD RED MARKS WITH FOaL. ARD 091 _ HDSDRRD CAVALRY HORS*. The horeee hare been condemned u nufit for the u. Tatry aervlce of'the army. For road and farmin* pnrpoee* many rood barivii may be had. commence at o t . Md wtu be held at PHILLIPS’ OOVEKHMEN r -U -corner of AKKSSOHT and RAMSEY Spmia TKRWS-Rlaeh, la United Staten cnrrencp. _ „ JAMES A Bi * BrUadler General, in ehaigs let Divis.oc a H. J!- V- re 1 '; IEDIGAI. t ELECTRICAL OFFICES. " I l ,i0.,154 »orthgHVEgfH. Tielo-vr iU.CE?'reW:f f gw, WBOTHUT aad POBTIBTH Street, WeuPiu } i DR. THOH&B ALLBW having been very sn«esr( rjj* l Sa P 1? ***** Of Dieeaeea by this new m-*tb-i.» iWd inform Me Mends and the Public tiatfce :•( C?£* 1 ,55 11 4r2f llg *** «H |B * Ba*ttT whom medic'll ! 4 m €o ** considered Incurable. I # Uvavi*?! 011 a fctr of the Disease! in the cirs ( of which this treatment seldom if ever fails: \ Felons, Kidney 1 S l ™”- genital • t Stamps, Bolls, Spinel " i Byrpspsia, Abscess, Throat “ ■552 L?' 4 *®** ?*fP«oa*. Prolapses, l Inflammations,' Hoc Emission;. s J Congestion, Hemorrhage, Blabs'es, &e ! ( Patients will be treated at their residents trts:l S *“5? ram ber of testimonials mar bs ,sti i f&l 11 ©°t?ps*from Patioatsla this city. *;otsdH> f S?s® Atatis. Ojßeahonrs 9 A. H. toa P. M ,is tit! - BA THOS. ALLIS, i t apl9-3m Htoeir.-.s: < I7LECTROPATIIIO ESTABLISH D:E - A. H. BTBVMB, ona of tiu FISK « treating di»ssM J MODIFIED BLBOTEICAi APPLICATIONS, and *« bu%MK to very ineeeufnl at FES* SQIJAKE forii his Office and Besldtsu wjs® VINE ftrwt, one door belosr Seventeen;; All persons desirin* referenees, or »m parsitsltn smareiardtohlsspecialiaodeoftreatment, wtilpla** call or sand for a pamphlet Consultation or advise rratniton*. SHIPPBfS. Jfgggfc BOSTON AND PHILAD2I LIHB, .aiUm:ft m >fi Eh 2»t >I V>S!ii^P? I !i‘' s * P? m Brat wharf above P!>> Jitnet, Philadelphia, and Lons Wharf, Boston. .will nil fora ir«!i?J Itotor 1 totor Boston, on Saturday. Aprils stltl. ESNSSiSS*?®? 1 * SOBIIAS. Gapt. Baser, from B- ■ ton for Philadelphia, on the same day all P. M. Jjgyggg?*** ** one-half the premium fnlehta taken atfalrratee. •f s&^ i BassMi" - "«»**- , » te ..ISIE® 1 * 11 * or Paata** ftminsfln* » oaamnNxUfoi **■ %*» ' HBBSY WISSOBiOO., i™ . lt 33a South BBLAWJJSE Attain^ STEAM WEEKLY TO LI- S? 001 **, towshinr at QUBIRSTOWS, ££? known Steamers of th# CITT OJ B*rTfL7ri'i”"“- 8A ' rtrKBAT ' April g*; CITY of WARmHrra&L SATURDAY, Apr!',aft J&d Vvot Jn£SJ?_ G I2?--r- BaTUBDAT. Mar sth . Batarday at Boon, from fi« S- p.„,, . KATBB OP PABSAGB: Kr| CBm2, fc * " topSs?“* i *~ SSffi ;; to London. »$ “to Hambnis"'.'. 90 00 •■ S HamlmVs 3 * terdanhAnrtrSi!? / or wajrded to Havre, Bremen. Bat- m Tho»« from Liverpoolor Qaeonstowe. **; fi» their friend, ran *« OfflSa. fnrtiar totomattmr apply at the Compand JOSS a. BALE, Agent, apia-tmv« m y A i, m #'^a. t . B g h ga. JHSSSt EXPRESS LINE.T? SH!? ' 1* Horfh andSSJtJ Wk* ent * , Ty.l l -*-’ CLYDS i^TSsssa^ffissa^^^Est - •- ; -■■-■■■ - mbH-®. jiaKSfc N°'T I CE.—FOR W* KSdSSo.T® 1011 OOHPAifI.- o'SA™’ tovtnrharf below MABE> : WILP.OLYDBico., I*B WHARVES. FM II ah]g-fcn lA3m HAHJ> -»» WALL^.*^ T ® *■' SCIENCE OF MEDICINJ f »fei! *?*° A fenuto. pertj inajestle; ha rictj* ’ B|| EVANS & WATSON’S BALAHAWBHE ghfl mm - ■ - PtJKE. “ PmvISSSSS BHBI‘ variety of YUHLPBOOy , 'tATBB al**?’ J PHILADELPHIA iwsTinrrß, H i BVEBKTT njf'.t irEE str <»*. ahevo Hartet javLiUsTT, Cuter thirty years* practical exp* r - V BSt^S^S,S?* k ttto I »djn»|nmnt of his Prams® S IS?*J™ dn SP B A. Prewnre True*. Supporters, H s SS&a. sags, gsa,*-**- ■BLJgp pain nsr extract!* 5 | it «■& 131 gPKBCSfH^ I ' ’ ■ E»TEY’B OOTTAJSE organs S. M S®A C -rr’al' . „ ~ *O. XSBortiSSVSKTH ■•"' _ : W^S”?^*** 0 ° f m P,rfWt >; MALCOLM * ~ V ~ 3C - 8-Pbctaqlb stoks. ate. 3i« mUTSm. Street* belowSpraee* - FHiLABiLPHIA. , „ . JBrOJiMe* refitted to snU ell am. ana *D s* FpPafelag tarefally and promptly sttocgfd to PURE CORN VINEUAK, “- fromanus, ud warrantedto preserve ft“;. , ; jMekiet equal to elder Ylneiar, JaMMa 85 CHATTKRKD OOKBTITUTIO'S V BTOXXD br HKUatOU>'B KM»W * cl '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers