UHPBECBDENTED SuCCBSB. CJUOH BUTTOH-HOLB sEiiNamachines NOW BEADY. 100 BUTTOH-HOLBB AH HOUR. IO« Stitching Warranted tote Superior to in any and Much More Durable t SAUBBOOm, MO WASHINGTON Street, Boiton. TAT BROADWAY. Few York. •amos l. wood, .... Ttewraim. JSihM-tnihs Sn ■ •GoliOatb’b Hohbt Soap. tUiNMbnM TOOK SOAP, 1m CttShunlTeMald,. ■Wand, Hmade from (he OHOIOBBT materials, 1* MU* And EMOLLIBHTin it* nature, FEAGEAHTLT SCMrr- W>, *nd BXTBBMBLY BBHBFIOLAL In its acHou upon H» StA *»* “h to »11 Drnggist, and pansy Good* -fltaler*. . feSg-hithalj OIiOTHIMa BY THE Mtt.ni, Th» immense stock of BBADY-MADB C&OTHIHO •bow dte/iayed at WANAMAKEE & BROWN’S OAK HALL POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, 8. E. cor. SIXTH and MABKBT Sts., 'Jt placed in one sontlnuoas line, would reach a lone toireyffMclnaoßd. This long stream of Cloth- l&jfT Is ranking off at >• •*• MABVBLLOIffILT LOWFRiqKS apH-tf MAERIED. KHB » 4B i?'TP II S* B 17 & •»«*•. at the Church •ortho Alonomont, by the Bev.Ssnj. Watson, D D., -John H Rooks to Miss Carrie F„ daughter of Colonel Jfapoleon Ho cards. * a Holmeshttrg, on the 211th 4£*t ‘ hr the Her. J P Lundy, Oharles 3. Rainey to Bmma L,, daughter of Wn B Evans, Ksq. Ho carls. * BARISGER —At Bristol, .on Wednesday, 19th inst Mary inn, wife of William Bartrger . * * ra® K*] atlvesund friends of the family are respectfully to attefid the funeral from the residents of her •toother, Josephltookfn&n. Bedminuter township, Backs ■ county, P*. , on Sunday. 23d Inst,, at 10 A. M. « . MATHIS.-On the mu init . Bather K. Mathis. Therei&tiresand friends of the family are respict roily invited to attend the funeral, from the residence «f her brother-in law, James H Campion, No 236 -Pine street* on Saturday afternoon, 33a Inst., at 3 o £ lo £*^ w JL tilo ht fimher notice . -* MIFFLIN —At Bristol, 4thmo. IBlh, Clementina'L,, csnghierof the late Warner Mifflin, of Camden, Dela- Mra<e. The f imtfs and relatives of the family ars respectful* iy Invited to attend thefnceral, f; om the residence of hot brother-in-law, Joshua New bold, on Seventh day, * (Saturday,) 22d, at & oelock- Femoral to proceed to By* ‘.oeiry. , * *** BiGHABDSON. —On Ihe 19th inst.,.Chester Elliott, ?on of John 5. and Hannah Rich ird «on, aged 13 months. mermen tat Bridgeton, N,'J , Friday m anting; at 11 •O clock. ' " "v ♦ A LEXANDRB’B AND JGUVIN * •*-*• CO’S, Black Kid Gloves reduced to $2 a pair. BBSSOH A SOH, Mourning store, nU-U 018 CHBSTHOT Street. OLACK QUEEN’S CLOTH AND , Oi.wy Mohatrc, yard and a half wide, jnsl re selyedhy BBSSOH fr SOH. Mcurnipc Store. npSl-U - Ho. 018 CBBSTBuT Street. "RED, WHITE, AND BLUE, FOB - 1 -*' „ , FI.AGB. i Bad, Whit*, and Hina Silks. B*d» White, »nd Bin* Dslaiae. Bed, Whit*, ana Bln* Merino. Bad, White, and Bln* Flannel, BYBH h LkWDXLL, FOUfiTH and ARCH Street*. ■sap- SI»KCJAJL JHBJKTISG OT FHK ST. ABDBSW’B BOOT2S l'f wll i be held at the Offloo of the f 305 Kintb SIXTH Street, at 4 o’elook THIS AFTEBUtOOX. [lf] OBAIG I). BITJHIE, See. UrApanin. Jt'KIOK STATE Ji, ~ GDaBD —All member! of the Company are ?®ro«*tW requested to meet at the ABHOKT THIS (Friday) BYSKIHG, at 8 o'clock prcciiaiy, to make »•»!** in the eaoort of oar lamented JnreaUUnt to-morrow By order of .AtteftiTnoMAa H. Bgm, I ,APY?B»wI^; MABTB Me "IHKAIKH'iB’IKKS PHILADEL ‘*^^I.PHIi UNION ABTiM,S»J, April 20, 1865. SPECIAL OEDBRS —Members of the company will report at the Armory, FRIDAY Evening, at 8 o’clock It* ISAAC STABS. Jr.. Captain. J®“ TIBET BATTAHOS SIH.MF.BS’ CAMPAIGN ,CI,DB, Win meet THIS MOKH INfti »t 10 o eloetr, attre District Coen Boom, No. 2, Botuleatt corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT, to make ar rAigemente to attend the Funeral of onr late Com inander-ln Chief, the lamented ' ~ ABRAHAM LIBGOLN. . All honorably dhchaiged otiicera acd enUtted men of the army and navy are Invited to attend. It* asgr* HEAB«I)A»TKItS UFJJfTKT cobps. rational goahd, April 21. ism. . Anjwtini ofthe members of the old »l> BSOIMSST RATIONAL GOAED, also, memberaot the late BOTH BKGIMKNT P. V.. will beheld at the Armor?. BAGS Street, below Bixth, THIS (Friday) EVENING, at 8 ■e’cloek, to tUce action on the death of the late Preai it* ABRAHAM LINCOLN. L DELASY, Secretary, *SB" GRAND 101)01 OF FENBiSYJLVA jija, I O. O F—A sprainl BQi’sV'io of the Greed Lod.e wUlbolsldTHtSffpHajrlAFTßKßrooif. At 4 o’clock, at tbe Ball, S. SIXTH Street, for tha par poeoof tailot Into conrtderatlon a lenaral pirttoipa tion of tbe Order fa tbe Funeral Cerentootee of tbe late President of tbe United States. By order of tbe M. W. Ora-d Haater. it WE ODETIB, Grand Seeretary. 139“ ROTICE-eBtSI) CJiITEI) OR. VS& ' DEB OF ODD FELLOWS. / Tbe members of tbe order In funeral are requested to mret ts mass meeting THIS (Friday) BVENIBG. In Philadelphia loetltntr. to take snob action as may bs deemed proper for taknif part In tbe faneral obseqqtea of our lamented late Oblef Magistrate, Abraham Lin - tola. By request of tbe G. K. . - ■ ,lt* ' USES SEED&IE G. S. •ST* BASHKBER IHSTITIJIB.-A'r A l» Special Meeting held by the BABBEKSR vISf ■fiTITUTJS, April 18th. it their room* Messrs, BT. GEO. •R TAILOR, BsDMAIT FAUCET, Jand WILLIAMS, MISTOH were appointed a commutes -to draft resolu tion* in relation to the brutal assassination of our late YYeaident, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. The following wen reported and .unanimously Adopted: Whereas, We bare learned with mingled sorrow and pasn that the great and good men who* for the £ati four rears, presided over cue nation aa lie Chief lagiitrate, has been stricken down by the ruthless hand of a cowardly assassin; and whereas* we hare perceived from the inception of the present Slave* 'holders 1 Rebellion the hand of Divine Providence di recting the operations of men *o that light and gladness have been brought out of obscurity and despondency; therefore, Resolved, That although with the masses of our fel low-citizens we deeply mourn the d each of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, yet 'we bow in humble resignation under the sad stroke, believing that He who suifeTsih not a sparrow do ftdl unnoticed by Him* dll not suffer the lire of this Hoses of the American People co be taken except for the successful tocoDpllchment of His purposes. Resolved, That we desire to hold up Id the view of -tbe American People the fact that this atrocious crime was committed in the interest of chat accursed system, now, happily, in its death throes: and we would re mind our countrymen ajalnst the exercise of a mis taken charity towards ‘‘our erring brethren** yet •Ungißg tenaciously to the same system. and who are still lea by its barbarous instincts, but that we should be directed by the other at trihate of stenuusUce. Resolved. That we feel it to be Incumbent on us as loyal citizens to exprets anew our feelings of horror .and detestation at the base'and villainous system of slavery, which not only snaps asunder the dearest so* cUltles, bul»to satisfy its unappeasable thirst for human woe and misery, hesitated not to nerve the arm of the dastardly efrward and assassin to strike down one of the best of nature 'a noblemen. Resolved, That we offer to AHDBBW JOfIHBOH, President of the United States, our hearty supjort as good and loyal American citizens. Resolved, That, as a farther mark of our sorrow, the haU of the Institute shall be put In mourning for the space of thirty days* and that the member* are re quested to wear the badge of the Institute draped in mourning forth# same length of time. Resolved, That the Institute attend special service as set apart on the ls*h ins t. Prom the Minnies. It* THE PHILADELPHIA. HA mw tiomad mask. Mostdat, April 17. IPBS At the staled meeting of the BOARD Of DIRECTORS, held this day, the following paper, presented by the President, was read, and, on motion, was adopted by the Board* and ordered to be recorded on their minutes, And that a copy he furniahed for publication: * * One week ago the Board met amidst congratulations and joy for the glorious victories of our army over the forces of the rebellion,' and in the anticipation o! a speedy peact through the complete subjagationef the ; military power of the South We meet to day iu pro found grief and sorrow. The emblems of mourning > 3neet ua on every side, telling ns that death has visiter the high places of the land. On Frida? evening last Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States, -was brutally assassinated in’the city of Washington in the presence of his wife and other members of his houaehold, and at the same time an attempt was made to assassinate the Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State, who was lying in his b*d in his own honse. suf fering from wounds occasioned b» an accident. These -events have crested a profound sensation in the public mind, and shrouded in grief the whole nation, and the Board feel it due to the solemn occasion to record these facts upon their minutes, to express their ova deep feelings of sorrow and Of heartfelt sympathy with their Immediate fellow-citizens andihe&ation atisrge in the •common calamity which ha* befallen the country. ’ ’ A true copy: _ _ It B. B. GOMBGYB, Cashier. , KS* AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE i» PRESCOTT LITERARY ASSOCIATION, held April ISih, 2805, the rollowlng resolutions were adopted: Whereas, Hod, in his wisdom, bhe permitted Abra ham Lincoln, late President of the Halted States, to be removed from amongst us, and In a manner and under • AtrcumsUnces calculated to awaken the deepest na ! lionet sorrow: and . . . Whereas, His noble character, many private and public virtues, love of the people firm devotion to his country and her interests, and, above alt hisunswerving attachment to the cause of human freedom and equal Tights, and his desire to perpetuate the blessings of Baton and Liberty ra our land demand and should re* «elte the grateful acknowledgment of aU lovers of free Institutions and human progress; therefore, be it Resolved, That in our late President we recognize. the pmetverofour land from the poilntion most foul of a defiant, and for a time a seemingly triumphant rebel lion, which had fpr its object the overthrow of our.Qo vernmeat, and the establishment npon its ruins of a T mtmorr lad* th, gsople of tb» Untt.d State £ will ravers him a. a at cond Washington, and will ever eitaem him a tin. patriot in the most ex tended senve of the word. . __ * Resolved, That the members of the Prescott Literary Association, fully realizing Ithe extent of the calamity that in his dtaih the country has suffered* would hum bly off*r the preceding resolutions as a slight tribute to his memory ... Resolved, That the members of this Association weir an appropriate badge of mourning for thirty days. It* IS?* BESOUmOSS A®®**®*®,,,,®? THE GtfH GRBOATI© H OF ST. THOMAS* FBOTESTsIfT EPISCOPAL CHURCH (colored), on -'WEDNESDAY* 19th Inst * after the regular serricssset Apart by the Bishop* and sermon by the rector, WM. .JALSTOH; submitted bv U B VIDAL. A , By the hand of an infamous assassin* a great and a noble m*n has fallen, by whose death our eouatry has lost a devoted statesman, whose distinguished "patriotism proved him to he truly a Father to the P opte. , ?h»t by tie death of out Chief HaglsWa,U. '&y»x*M?l4S* a bright and luminous star has ot !*• tlorr and power, erasing a ’•ueepgicoai of sadness to rest npon th* whole people, *who neve lived beneath its bentva influence. ' Resolved, That we have, by this atrocious act* re newed evidence of the blighting ialqaneeof ih® Issti tution of dlavery, i. e.» ever unscrupulous as to the meant by which « may accomplish its. ends; whose ■path (from ibe moment of its inir>dac4on upon Ame rican roll, may be traced by the blood of its victims, who have fallen Withih the reach of it* unrelenting -grasp) culminating in the martyrdom of the grevt Amei lean Emancipator whose fall we mourn, and si moathUa truly and deeply with bis bsmved family in th# loss which they have sustained : and knowing slavery to he the cause of this dark deed, we do hereby t>l,d.e oaieelvee to untiring efforts for tbe lota! destruc tion of that raltc of baibatlsm v... Besotted, That only by the perpetuity of RepnbUeeu Institutions can we hope 1. secure and maintain, inri ,elate. SeUglon. endPolltloal Freedom; a;4 we rejutoe 1. feeling that tbemantle of power baa fallen noon on. •Who. by nature, edneatlon. and talents Is so well Stted to wear It. aa the man who Is to snoesed our late <U«- linguUbed (Uriel Hagistrats. It* heaubcamkhs SAUOH.U T , HB HATiOII AL UNION CLUB will escort? to attend tbe funeral Pr««M»Jt th r «™»in« of ABBAHAH LINCOLN, lats SATURDAY AFTERNOON NEXT. be dressed la black or dark-colored eotbes, black hat(, and wbitegio.es Tbe Faneral Badge of tbe Club is ready for delivery at Headquar ters, and all are requested to call at once and prorate one. Tbe following gentlemen bare been appolnted'ofieen for tbe procession, and will be respected accordingly: CHIEF MARSHAL. Colonel HABKANUS NEFF. SPECIAL AIDS. Conrad B. Andress, George G, Keans, John B. Eyre. ASSISTANT MARSHALS. Thomas Cochran, Frederick G.Wolbert, Frederick M. Adams, Georgs Kelly Biwln A. Herrick, Blcbard M. Battnrs, -Bobart p. King, Jr., Joseph W. Bollock, Cyrna Horne. Loyal citizens of tblc or sister States, not attached ts o»#r organizations, are Invited to join this Club, and SVT»S»r™». fturU “ r ‘“foitnatlou to WILLIAM iJ. WAIN WEIGHT, Chairman of Committee, on Confer, ence, at Hoadqnarters. Aaa laet tribute of respect to tbe remains of our late beloved and revered President, every member of the National Union Clnb le expected to report himself Foil particulars in regard to time and place of forma tlon will be published In tha papers of Saturday morning.- By order of the Executive Committee. It JOHN E. ADDICKS. Chairman. |gp“ heaihujabiebs REPUBLICAN INVINOIBLES, Philacblfhia, ApriO), lses. ORDERS No. 1. 1. The dub will meet at NATIONAL HALL, MAB KST Street, below Thirteenth, on SATURDAY AF. TBBNOON, April 22, 1585, at i% o’clock precisely (un less otherwise ordered.) . -2. The Club will parade In dark clothes, with a two lnch band of mode (without streamer) on the Club cap. and-white cotton gloves. S. Assistant Marshals, Aids, and Officer i of Com panies will wear tbe cap adopted by them daring the campaign. 4 A suitable Clnb B’dge has been adopted and can ba obtained of Mr 50M8838T.331 OHBSTNUT.Street, or at the Hall on tbe day of tbe Parade. S. Tbe occasion Is a solemn one, and it Is earnestly trusted that every member of the Club will join In pay. ing this last tribute of respect to tbs late Oblef Magis trate of the nation. A / 6. Birgfeld’s Bend please take notice.' By order of the Executive Committee. . - . CHARLES W, SMITH, ,‘tl>2l-St ’ , ■ Chief Marshal. THE COMMITTEE OF THE SELECT AND THE COMMON COUNCILS OF PHILADELPHIA having Invited the UNION LEAGUE to participate in receiv ing tbe body of tho late PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES, Tbe Members of the Lsagne are reqneated to assemble on SATUBDAY, at an hour to be hereafter designated, for the purpose of assisting at that solemn ceremony. It Is tbe earnest desire of tbe Board that every Mem ber of tbe League, wearing bis Badge, shall be present on this occasion. Bv order of tbe Board of Directors. , It . QEORGFB H. BOKBR, Secretary. fqy at a bTATED REETIHtt OF UNITED STATES COUNCIL, No. 7, O. U. A. M., held at tbe Hall of Ibe Council, on WEDNESDAY EVE NING, April 19th, 1665, tho following preamble and re solutions were unanimously adopted: WHnnsas;, Almighty God in bis wisdom has seen at to remove from ne our dearly-belovect President, who. by his purity of heart and lofty patriotism, has secured him a place In tbe hearts o£.his oountrymen equal to tbe Father of Me Country: . t?* sudden and tragical death of ABBAHAH LINCOLN, wo mourn tbaloas of a virtuous officer, an Immaculate patriot, and a martyr to bis country’s cause. Resolved , that we tender our sympathy to tbe family of the illnatrlens dead, and of tbe wounded who ear vine, in their deep and heartfelt affliction Resolved. That we drape tbe Hall in mourning for tbe apace of sixty days, and that these resolutions be published In the Inquirer, Daily JJewo,. Ledger, and E. A. PHILLIPS, 0. Attest: Wm, H. Bhtdbk, B. B. |gp~ DIVIDEND NOTICES. Tbe following DIVIDENDS have been declared pay. able APRIL 29, to Shareholders of reoord April 22, 1655; BRIGGS GOLD COMPANY, TENTH DIVIDEND. .THERE DOLLABS#EB SHARE. MoKINLBY OIL COMPANY; SEVENTH DIVIDEND— FOUR PBB CENT. CLIFTON PBTBOLEUM COMPANY. THIBD DIVIDEND —ONE AND A HALFFBB CENT. FOUNTAIN PETROLEUM COMPANY, THIRD D1V1DEND—.......-.-THREE. PER SENT. DEVON OIL COMPANY, VIES* DIVIDEND,—.— ..THREE.PER CENT. - LOOMIS OIL COMPANY, FIRST DIVIDEND—™ —THREE PER CENT. TRANSFER BOOKS CLOSED FROM APRIL 22 TO SO. WALTER E. LAWTON, Treasurer, ap2l-6t- No, 81 JO AH Street, New York. . Kg- THE MOOTKIJ QUBSMOS TO BE KS? LEGALLY SETTLED.—At a Meeting of BT, THOMAS’ EPISCOPAL CHURCH, held April 18. 18SS, for tbe pnrpose of comuitalion in regard to the out* regeoue assault committed upon our esteemed Rector, the Bey. WM. J. ALLSTON, by John EoUoy. the Con. .doctor of Car Ho. 7, on Lombard-and South streets road, while rotnrslng irom the discharge of his pas toral dalles, that of christening a dying child of one of Mr parishioner.; therefore, , Beeolved, That we, as members of St. Thomas’ Pro testant Episcopal Church, do pUdga ourselves to aid. in the prorecutlon of the. oaie now eoamencad by onr Bectorln vindication of hi. and onr common rights as citizens of this Commohweslth—i> e right of riding In the city passenger ears—and wo do earnestly desire all lovers of humanity and justice to co-operate with ns. It* JAMBS NEEDHAM, Chairman. ra- BOTICE.-THB OFHCEBS WHO I*7 have been honorably discharged from tbe Ser vice of the United States are requested to attend an adjourned meeting Tb IS (Friday) SYRNING at BF.M., atao. dal WALEUT St., third door, to mane arrange ment) for taking part in Iho coremoniee attondin Papon the funeral obseonles of onr late Commander in-Hhief. iho lamented ABRAHAM LIgCOLW. . Jt KSBP- WELSH BOCIMVT.-M. SPECIAL a®- Keeling of tbe Society will be held at the WE THERILL HOUSE. THIS DAT (Friday, April 31st.) at 13 o’clock M., to take action relative to the death of the late President, ABRAHAM LIJTCOLH- By order. .HORATIO OATES JOSES, President WikjakF. Pabbt. Secretary. It* a*ag” COLUMBBS ABB IBDUBAPOLIB la» CENTRAL RAILWAY 00. (LATE COLUM BUS, FIQUA, ABD INDIANA RAILROAD CO ) The Philadelphia Bond and Stockholders of iho above named Company are requested to meet at the Board of Trade Booms, 80S CHESTNUT Street, on TUESDAY, the 25th Inst ,at 11 o’clock M., to receive the Bual re port of the Committee, and for other _lniportan^busi n”p3l-4t Secretary. KS** OFFICIOFTHE LEHIGH CBAL l=® AND HaVIHATION COMPANY. Pain .Delphi a, April 18, 1865. The Stated Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders of ibis Company will be bold at the Board of Trade Rooms, north side of CHESTNUT Street.ahove Fidh.on TUESDAY MOBNIHO. the 2d day of May next, at half-past 10 o’clock, after which, an election will be held at the same place, for officers of the Company for the ensuing year. The election to clobs at 2 o’clock P. M. of the sametday. JAMES S. HOX, apH-lOt President. KK- OFFICE OF THI BRANDEN ISLAND OIL COMPANY, ROOM No IS, sai WALNUT Street.—A Special Meeting of the Stockhold ere of the Branden Island Oil Company will be held WEDNESDAY, April 36, at 12 M , for the purpose of taking Into consideration the subject of Leasing the whole Island. , . By order of the Board of Dlr«tors „ ap2l.6t J. L. BDWABPB, Secretary. JAB. BRTBTSB, is c rotary. NOTICE IS BEBEBT BITES E-fv that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of tho CENTRAL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA will be.held at the office, corner of THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets, West Philadelphia, on MONDAY, theMth day of April next, at 10 o’clock A M., for the purpose of ejecting Nine Directors, a Treasurer, and Secretary, to Hjrve for erne year. ■- J. F. COTTRINQBS, Secretary. PHILADBLPgIA, April 8,1865. apS l2t KB* MERCHANTS’ AND KAHCFAC ■a? TUBERS’ NATIONAL BANK. PiTtSßCaa, April 11,1855. Stockholders are hereby notißed that Books will be opened for subscription to the new stock of this Bank atthe COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, in Philadel phia, on MONDAY, May lit. 1855, and will continue open during banking hours, dally , from ID o’clock A. M. toB o’clock P. M., until Thursday, June Ist, 1865. By order of Iheßoard of Directors JOHN SCOTT. Jr., Cashier. H. ft BOLLMAN, Preeident, . Pittsburg. Penns. BOBT. B. STERLING. yito Preeldeat, - Philadelphia aplSriel M6g» OFFICE OF THE HABWIII fa:? mining company. 319 WALNUT STREET, . Phiaapki.phia, April 18,1865. The Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders of this com pany for ihs Election of Dlrootors and snch other busi ness as may come before It, will beheld at the Office of the Company, No. 318 walnut street, city of Phila delphia, ra the Bret MONDAY, the Brat day of May next, at one o’clock P. M. ___ „ ap,9 iot ~ . DAVID S HEYL, Secretary. NORTHERN X.IBKKTIKS AND •=» PENH TOWNSHIP RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia. AprU 8. IMS. The Annuel Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com psuy, end an Election for Officers to serve for the en •uingyear, and until others shall be elected, will bs beld at the Office of the PhUadelphia and Reading Rail - mad Company, No. %%<Z South FOORTH Street, on MONDAY, the Ist day of May next, at II o’clock A. M. apS-tmyl WILLIAM H. WBBB, Secretary. IWXJEBNATIOS AL EXHIBITION. ’ ’ —Contributors to the above Exhibition will receive every Information hy calling ct the office of the Portuguese Consul, 301 South FRONT Street. * ap!s-6t Brßla r« kailboa® _ , A. Fhilabslphia, April 8.1985 Tke ernrasl zoeetfzif of tbe Stockholders of this Com p»&r> and an election for President aod six Masatrers to serve for the enaoiajr year, and until others shaU he Reeled, will be held at the Office of the Pi-fHdeinhta #nd Beadlur Ballroari Uomuanv, flo. 297 South FOURTH Street, on KOBDxY, the let day of May next, at o’clock a. -M apB-tmyl WM. H. WBBB, Secretary. thirteenth wab£ The eitizens of the THIBTBBBTH WARD are. re quested to meet at the UHtOff LgAQDB ROOMS* at the corner of FBAHKLIN asd BUfTOBWOOO Streets* on SATURDAY AFTEBNOOB* at fio’clock, to conform to asy arranzementß that may be made by the Commltte \»f Councils for the recep’iou of the remains of oar la mented late Chief Maeif fcrate, asd to pay such just iri bote to the memory of the departed haro-ztatezman as demands, . „ m . By order of a CommlUaeof Citizens. at»2Q 3t* OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUNTY FUJTD COHMIBBIOB, OoMMOH WEALTH BUILDIHG, 613 CHBBTjRUT STREET. M Philadelphia, April 20* 1865, Botice la hereby given* thei aiuuimsfar City Bounty asd ail bills against the Fund mustatoece be filed at * b I?T order of the Gemmlralou. ap2o-5t BTC BARD C. WIBTBHIP* Secretery. fBE ABEUAi MEETIE6 OF THE Stockholders of the HOOVES Oil, COMPANY will be held at the Office of tee Company, Wo. 133 Sontb FOURTH Street, on April 3Utat 4 o ekek P. M. ap6,13.21-31 JOHN g. WtLE, Secretary. rag* KOTICE —A SPECIAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the BI*UR CRSSS OIL COMPABT will beheld at the Ckmpvnvte affioe, Wo. 40* WALBUT Street, on SATUBDAf, the 224 April, at4o elockP. M. _ _ By order of the Bond. I B. ALSOP* apll-lDt* Secretary. tJKION CLUB, No.-1103 OHBITNUT BTBBB7, Pmi.ipm,rHu, April to, 155'. UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, No, ISIS CHESTNUT STREET. Philadepphia, April 21, 1855. AT CONCERT HALL, £W - W J-£ ,cliß OF HESTONVIULR, i^v>,K^?SJ? A ’-ANI>FAIBIIOURT PASSENGER RAILROAD 00., No. 356 a ,CALLOWHILL Street, KOTICK TR imiRT oFi^hu April 7, ISSSa-f’ AUiJV/iklQ flBalBT GIVEN. ft SDeeial nifa ‘ ‘iwr?‘°»?«?£**l? HSSTONVILLB. man rntvfwv FA *4*ODNT PASSENGER RaILEOAD JfWnnount and Areh*Btreet City Pas- Company, and Fairmount Passenger Bftilway Company, merged wilh this Company) will fnwMA ofe office of the Company, No. 2562 OAL rSiYJFi 1, ! ! tr ?*h 011 MONDAY, the ilth instant, at U M * t® into consideration the expedisaeyof I th ? 3PU*POB« of retirin* the entire bonded indehtedneea of the Oompany, In aooord* ante with.the act of Assembly aoproTei teareh.33 f 1869. ario myf7t. JOHa T. LAgCB. Seoefcary. fpur* OFFICK OF THE . BO ABO OF HEALTH, 8 W Corner Sixth and Saneom street*, Philadelphia, April 18. 1885. ~A t *? n * f A t,n * of the Board of Health, held fchli day, \hvfi>\\o'*\ri*'yf*tQunanimouBlp adopted—to wit: Whereas. Thi* Board have heard with profound sor row of the da»taj dly astaetii ation of our 'worthy and beloved Chief Sfeitatrate. ABRAHAM LINGO I. S; and Whertas, we deeire. atit bstomes ns, in common with pur fellow citizen*, to live public expression to, our feeling* on an session when, in the midst of joy as a loyal people at the downfall of a wieted rebellion, and tbe prMpfttof a speedy peace, the whole nation finds ueelf plumed In unutterable gloom and'iadness; there* a £i??l ve i sudden death of LINCOLN we mourn thFloss of a virtuous omcer, a pure patriot, an honest man, and a martyr to hi* countr**s cao(e. . , . Resolved, as a rosik of our slneere grief for the be reavement the nation has sustained, that this Hall beoaped in mourn Vug for ninety days, and .that on the day of the funeral or the late President of the United States this ofßee he closed Resolved, That these proceedings he published in the daily papers. - apl9 St WASHINGTON L. BLAPBN, Clerk. •SB* A NEETISC OF THE RESI DENTS OP CHBBTSUT HILL and its vicinity, will be held cn PBIDAY EVENING. 2lst Inst.,.at 8 o’clock P. M-. in the DEPOT HALL, for the purpose of expressins their sentiments in reference to the rsoent terrible calamity which has befallen the American people. . HY. 3. WILLIAMS M. RDBBBLL THaYRR, * ap2o-2t* P, N; BUCK. . DmiIENDNOTICE-OFFIOE OF MINERAL OIL COMPANY, WALNOf Street. . ■ Phaladelpbta, April 17. 1885. The Board of Direotorshave this day declared a divi dend of ONB PBB CBNT. on the ca&ital stoek' of the Company, payable at theii office on and after 7 the 26 th last., clear of Stale taxes The transfer books wiU close on the 19th instant, at S o’clock P. K and re open on the 27th inst.* TH. R. SBABLB, sp!3-8t Secretary, OFFICE OF THE PIEBREPONT 5", OIL COMPANY, 131 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. - - A meeting of the Stockholders will he held at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, May Ist, 1855. at 12 o’clock M.« for the purpose of organisation and election of Directors to serve lor the emutng year. gpi7»tmyl WM. H WALLACE, Secretary. PtS* OFFICE OF THE RKSOLETE i®' MINING COMPANY, No 33* WALNUT 8k ... . Philadelphia. April 11. *865 . NOTICE is hereby siven that aU Stock of the 8830- LTJTE MINING COMPANY on which instalments are due and unpaid Is hereby declared forfeited, a&dwtU be sold at public auction on SATURDAY, the 13th day of May, 1b66, at 12 o’clock, noon, at of the Secretary of the Corporation, according to the Charter and Bf’L&wS'-sU&tess redeemed on or before that day. By order of the Directors. B. A. BOOFRS, . «p!2 troyia Secretary and Treasurer. rar BCHBYIKIIL AMD SmUR HANNa RAILROAD COMPAiY, OFFICE 33W South FOURTH Street. Pbidadblphia, April 6th, 1866 The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this company, and an election for President and six Managers, will take pl»ce at the OFFIO&of the COM PANY, on MONDAY, the Ist day of May next, at 12 o'clock M. ap7 tmyl . WM. H. WEBB, Secretary: THE ASNUAL ELECTION FOB # President and Maragsra of the ELMIRA AND WILLI A MKPOBT RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at their Office, 308 WALNUT Street, on MOSDaY, May 1, at 12 o’clockM.. L. P. GStGER, ? ap!2-wfm9fc .. Secretary, NOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEET* *a£p IHG of the Stockholders of the Glendoa Iron Company will be held at their office. No. 33 MILS Street, Boston, - on WEDNESDAY, May Sd next, at eleven o’clock, for the choice of Directors and the ir&ntaetion of such, other business as may come .before the meeting. _ GEO; B. MINOT, Treasurer. Boseok, April IT, 1685. ap!9»3t AMbWCAN HAil Airo SAIL MACHINE MANUFACTDRTNG COMPANY OF FBHNSYLYAKIA AND MARYLAND; CAP1TA!,...*...<8300,000. 6,000 fiHABSS—PAB fALUK, $5O, PRESIDENT, HENRY THOMAS. TREASURER. ~ JOHN W, HALL. DISSOTORS. HENRY THOMAS, Harrisburg. JOHN W. HALL, Harxlsbnrg.- 0. A WALBORN, Philadelphia. B. G. RIBMA3, AuUmore HBHBY GILBERT, aatrisburr. SAEXSRS, ADAMS A LEVIS, Philadelphia, The Subscription Book for the Capital Stock of this Company it now open at the Banking House of ADAMS A LEVIS, No. 305 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Persons wishing to make a profitable investment are respectfully invited to call on Messrs ADAMS &LBVIS, who will give them further information, and will show them the Machines, now running and making nails, -Tbe advantages we claim for our Machines over any others in use, are: That they produce a more perfect nail, with a better head, and fewer imperfect nails. That they effect a saving of not less than fifty per cent, in the expense of grinding knives and dies. And the Machines being self feeding, they effect a saving of from fifty to aevemy-flve per cent, in the labor ef cutting nails. Parties feeling an interest, and desiring to subscribe, will please call and examine for themselves, aplfflm VOALAT GOSTI HOUSEKEEPERS’ COAX, COMPANY, OFFICE, 105 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT. A Company has been formed under the Mining Lawt of Pennsylvania, of the above name, for the par pos* of tuppljiny Coal to its members at prime cost, and you ate hereby solicited to become a participant in Its hehefiis. The stock of the Comoan’y hae been divided into 25*- 000 shareß, at SB) per share, making a capital of 4t250,« CQO, of which $50,0C0 is set apart for working capital. It is the intention of this Compary io furnish eschof Its tteckholdeze With onegrosi ton (2*240 pounds) of coal annually, tor each share of stock- held by them during the existence or this Company (which has been char tered for sixteen years) at cost, if the stockholder de sire b to receive it. Last winter a ton of eoal .of only 2000 pounds eoet at your door 912 £O, while theminlnt and iransportinf of & ton. ol 2 240 pounds* cost only $7.60; thus making the enomous profit of five dollars on a single ton of coal, besides the difference in weight-. Why pay the differ ence, when hy becoming a_member of theJEfousekeep-. era’ Coal Company you will become directly connected with the mining and delivery of yonr own Goal, there by securing it good, clean, cheap, and of fall weight ? • AU these besufiu are secured to you at once if you. join this Company. The character of the lenttemen having l his enterprise in charge is sufficient guarantee that the objects of the Association will bs fully verified. The Company have procured the lease of the well known colliery of * * Branch dale, * ’ Bituated about seven ( miles from Foueville- on a branch of the BfinehUl and Schuylkill Haven Railroad. The coal is of the beat Quality of t&ersgion. it being the celebrated Spahnyein. The mine will now yield 40.000 tone of coal per year, and can readily be road® to double its present produc tion at a very small cost. Tfie supply may be said to be inexhaustible, for. so far as the existence of this Coins psny is concerned* it certainly is so. The mine is *n complete working order. wlth.aU the machinery andpersonal pi operty necessary and usual to, work a first-class colliery. The stock of this Company Is notan inflated one, It, being based upon a fair equivalent in property. The investment wiU be a good one. as the Company expert \o realize eufficientprofit from the sale of the ear-. Slue of all coal mined over 25,000 tone, to pay a good, semi-annual dividend. . „ concerning the affairs of the wa be obtained at the office. IteBSIDEHT, B. F. LEAKS. AL D., Frankford. SSOBETAET, JOHF BACON, Office ot the Company. TBHASUBSS. - THOS* 'WBIOCIBS. S B. Cor. fifth anoOhestnut ste. CBS BEAL A.QEXT* BOBTrXuoSSOW, SIBBOTOBS, E, F. LEAKS, | LEWIS THOMPSON. B. H. JERKS. THOMAS WK10OIN& JACOB W, BOOKIUS. apl7 mwf24fe |ST HTBOX.KVM. S9Ef THE NEW TORE AND IdTERPOOIi PETROLEUM COMPANY, ORGANIZED UNDER THE MINING AND MANUFACTURING LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. CAPITAL, ONE NULUOH DOU.ABS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, «IO FEB SHAKE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, *S PSS SHARE, EOT LIABLE TO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. . OFFICES: No. *4 EMPIRE BUILDING, Up. Tl BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Pew Ofkox ADDxwa, Box No. 6388, Ehw Yobs. omoBBB. Boa. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, Fieridoat. WM. T. PHIPPS. Vice Frwidsnt. ROBERT BASSETT, Svcretarr. H. J. BUSTIS, Minisg Superintendent,TitmrUto.F*. XTLABTIC BANK.No.It3 Biondway.E. Y.. TreMarr. Tke wall* fit the Compuy ere bow promoting oil. Payment for rtoek mgj bo made in draft*, reentered notee, or Govemmeßt bond* asd eacuritlee, which, bofida aad eeenritles will be taken at their market vaiae. Bemittaneea may be addreaaed to the Company, F. O. Box No. 6368. Hew York City, or to “ Atlantia Bank, Treunry of the New York and Liverpool Petroleum Company, Ho. 143 Broadway, New York City, ” or to any of its agenta, mha-Bm CM” ©FFICE OF “THE HOOTER ASD MARSHALL OIL C 0.,” N. W. Cobber Fifth abd Chebtbot, Koox Eo. 3. TO THE 6TOCKHOLDBKS : The Director* would respectfully inform the Stock holders of ‘‘The Hoover and Marshall Oil Company’* that the affairs of the Company are in a good and sound condition* asd that the developments on their property axe being rigorouriy proedcated* That they could have declared a dividend some time ago from the products of their well, now yielding, but instead of doing so have applied the proceeds thereof to the boring of the new well on the ' Hoover M tract. They have also leased a portion of the fifty-acre tract, and have had several applications for more leases for half the oil. The wells on this tract are to be sunk im mediately. Several large *t*ikea having rtceutfy been mads in the immediate vicinity of the fifty-acre tract, they feel the greatest confidence in expeetingthe most satisfactory restate. The well now being bored by the Company, on the Hoovertract, they feel assured will yield not lees than sixty barrels ofoilperday. The book# of the Com pany* with letters almost daily received from the Su perintendent, are open for inspection at the office of the Company. By order of the Board of Dlractora. H. B BARNHUEST, Secretary. Fbtuai>bz.phta, April lltb. 1569. ap!B 6t |9f» SUBGIOE GENE ROTS OfHCfi, Washington City, D. C * April 7.1885. . BfVriCE.—Candidates for the position of ASSIST ANT SLEGBOa M ia the Ist Army Corps (tfajor Gene ral Hancock’*), are notified that the requirement of W® 7«*rs " previous service” is no lot gar exacted, and that the only prerequisite for examination will be * the postetsitn of a Diploma from *ome regular Medical CoiJege. - JOS. K. BA&HBd* apiO mwfit Burgeon General. rga* OFFICE OF THE MAJPIE AMBEB |5» OIL COUFAAYjT!i3 South THIRD Street. _ . » • April 10.1885. Tbe first annual meeting of the stockholders of this Cempanv will be held on WEDS * .BAY, the Sdday of May, 1865, at the ©file*, of *he Company, between the hours of 4 End 6 o'clock P SL.to eteet FIVE DIRECTORS, to serv« for one year* B. BEAUICOAT STALEY, apll tnihsfit* Secretary. PRESS.—PH TLA DELPTTT i gar- THBASSPAt MKEIIHO OF IbcSlockboldem of BDf.L CRBBK OIL COM film Trill > held at Umlr office, Ho 909 WALNUT SltfeVon TUESDAY. May 26, at 10 A. M.. for th* pnr poee of electing a Board of Director., Treasurer. ; and Secretary, to «m for the ensuing Tear, - Transfer Hooks will cloec on SATURDAY. April sflth. JOUS hiJliFGfall,) API2-19' 26,tmr2-4t* Seo’rand Trees. |®» OIFICK OF TMJE JRKS6SY WELL OIL COMPANY. *B9 CHESTNUT Street.^ PbhiAj>si,phxa. April 17. Drat. DIVIDEND. —The Directors hare this day declared their Third Monthly Dividend of THREE PERCENT., payable at the Office on and after Mayl. The transfer boohs will fce cloaed from the 2M instant (rati! Ist proximo. W. M. BABLO W, apis tnthiSt , Ppcrotarr and Treasurer. MILITARY. | THE DAY 13 OURS! 215t1l PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 9th UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT. THE MILITARY COMMITTEE OF THE OTjOH LEAGUE has reeelyed authority to raise ANOTHER REGIMENT OF INFANTRY for TWELVE MONTHS’ SERVICE, UNDER THE CALL OF DECEMBER 19, IBS*. Orders have been given to the Provost Marshals and other Mustering Officers to master In Beernits for the' Regiment. The Officers are all Veteran Soldiers, tnd will'take 1 care of their men, and he withlhem In the Held. HEABCIUARTERS, NATIONAL, GUARDS’ HALL, BADE STREET, BELOW SIXTH. CITY AHI) UNITED STATES BOUNTIES: ONE YEAR ..i..........................1,, •500. TWO YBABB. 650. three yea dr —.... 800, Besides the HIGHEST WARD BOUNTIHB and HAY, HATIONB, and CLOTHING. Recruiting Stations hays been established in various Paris ot tle elty. • By order of the MILITARY COMMITTBB OF THE UNION LEAGUE, ap7,S-apll fcnthsgt , SATTE^TIOK— CO. C t GRA.YBE SERVES.-“The active, associate, hocor&ry, and ex m«aber» of Co. C. ate mort earnestly requested to mwt ayflte ARMORY, 808 MARKET Sttset, on FSJDAI. ETBSISQ. (2Ut Instant,) at eight a’clock.to make anungeifentß to join In the escort to the Tetaatas of onr-late beloved President and Chief. ABRefIAH LINCOLN. COT WILLIAM We ARLES, Captain. S PRIZE MONE* > ANI> QOYBRISf- MEET BOUNTY TO ALti WHO ENTER THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. ' . Orders have been received from the head of the Marine Corps atWashisaton not to restrict reornits to a particular class (as has been the ciae heretofore), bnt to receive ALL who bays eerved, In the volunteer ser vice, or In the r« gnlars. or In the marines, and have beeshonorably dlsefaftrKMl. Such persons- enlistinr in the United States Harises will receive the Govern ment bounty, and wUlalso be entitled to their share of prize money in any capture of the enemy's vessels. For further information apply at the recruiting ren dezvous, No 311 South FRONT Street* between 9 A. H. and 3 o'clock P. M., eveiy day but Sunday. JAMES FORNEY, apl-tf Captain and Recruiting Officer. Ail)/ keystone battery, a pbil rMriZl. 1865. —By orders from Headquarters this Corns will parade with the Battery in the escort ■WBi to the remains of the late President of (he United BUtes, on SATURDAY, ipril 22d. ap2l-2t A Meeting, of Officers and Ken of the several Keystone Batteries will be held THIS (Friday) EVENING, at 8 o'clock, at the City Arsenal. It M. HASTINGS Oaotain. ' ALL r J|BW BPBEStG ST’S LBS PHIL A D E L* H IA WALL P A P'EB'sf, * . . HOWELL & MU N. E, COB. FOURTH AND MARKET STB., HAMHFAOTUBBB3 OF Paper hangings . AND WINDOW SHADES. rnhW-thstn 7m ■ pAPBE PLAGB, PORTRAITS, <Sfc;, WITH APPROPRIATE MOTTOS®,; draped in mourning. LARGE FLAG. 84 bvSB Inches, printed in brilliant colon, wluumonrning border, and tne motto,' ■“ W» Wonrn thc Martyred Chieftain of onr Holy int 1 ' Trice 26c. . _ PORTRAIT OF ABBAHAMLINCOLN,MbyaJInohee, With mourning bordefc and the motto, "We Mourn Onr Loved uta Martyred Gnlde." Price 10c. FLAG, 19 hy 24, In Hack ink Motto. “God Will Avenge onr Slaughtered leader." Plica 10a BADGES, wltt Portrait of President Lincoln enclosed In mourning bolder, price lie. Any or all of the above sent by mall on-receipt of price. A LIBEBAE DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE* KEN GW ALT & BROWN, llltand U 3 South FOURTH Street, apSl-tf PHILADELPHIA "pLAGS—SLAGS—FLAGS OF A STL A perior anility, for sale and manufactured at the EL LIPTIC SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, „ ■ TOl CHESTNUT Street. . epH 2t* H W. corner. Second Story. ■pLAGHfrC FLAGS 1 FLAGS !- JUST 'recelTed, three lire* of Hnslin Flags: alio. Silk : Plage. Gall ■early. W\ TILLER,, : ap2o-3t ; 38 Booth FOURTH Street - TINGOLN MOURNING BADGES -a-d ana Medals, at 3g Sonth FOURTH St. lapg)-3t Republican inyincibles’ BADGES, for sale by • SOMER3ET, aplB-4t»- ■ 531 CHBSMIJTST. T?OR EYBRY.LOYAL BREAST—LIN f- , COLN MOURNING PINS, In silver plate. New desixnaln black and white satin; perfect pletnrec. By mail26cents, or2o for $4, 100 for $l7, 1,000 for $m Mourning tolaet lor 00 etonce. _ „ , . Providence, r!’i. N. B. Any naper copying thia for fonr times wo wUI send them TEN PIUS, ap2l*lmo fj’HE “ EXCELBIO B” HAMS ABE THE BIST nr THE WORLD. J. H. MICHEHIB & CO., GENEBAL PROVISION DBALEKS, aid orsiss op inn uuiiim “EXCELSIOR” SUGAB-OURED HAWS, TONGUES, AND BEEF, Nos. 149 and 144 N. FRONT ST.,« Between Arch and Race streets, Philada, The lastly celebrated * ‘ EXCELSIOR’ ’ HAMS are cured by J. H. M. A Co. (in a style-peculiar to them salvea). expressly for FAMILY USB; are of delicious Baror: tree from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale- - mh2s-fmw3m . * ' WM. F. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE HATTER, 430 Chestnut Street, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA) g H. SLEEPER & QO., 61S MINOR S' MANUFACTURERS, AQ-ENTS, AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLINT AND GREEN GLASSWARE, lave now In store a fnll assortment of the above poods, which we offer at the lowest market rates. Bebut sole agenda for the SALEH GREEK GLASS WORKS, we are prepared to make gad work private nonlds to order. PORTER, MINERAL, and WINE BOTTLES, of a .uperior color and finish. Also, LAMP CHIMNEYS, APOTHECARIES' SHOP (URNITUBB, SHOW BOTTLES, SYRINGES, HOMCB -IFATHIO YIALB, and Druggists’ Glassware generally. T. A. RYANS * CO.’S PITTSBURG GLASS VIALS ■onatantty on band at factory prices. falS-Sm QARPBTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, PRICES REDUCED. REEVE l. KNIGHT & son, SOT CHESTNUT Street. mMUnthamlflt PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMB-BUY THE A patent hinia-bMk Albums whan desired: they combine strength and the greatest possible flexibility Bt * lM hind lag at B. F. BEINBR’A 83* AECii oSl66t> - ij* nARD PHOTOGRAPHS, 12 FOR *1.25. V'-Beantiful Btylw, and accurately.executed pic tores, sclUtU for Albania, asd also for scholars to sx* charie with schoolmate.. BBIKSR’B, SECOND St., above Green. u» a; kridat, april, ; 2i. RETAIL .DRV GOODS. “H ABRIS ” FINE cassimeres. OASSIMERES FOR BOVS. BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS.! LADIES’ ZEPHYR S AGEINGS. FINE FRENCH COATINGS. NEW LOW PRICES. COOPER Ac CONARD, 8. E. Cor. Ninth and Market Sts, apl9-tf " B¥ CK MOUfcSSELIN* db LAINBS, tingle and double widths. ’ Black Tames Cloth. BJaok Bombazines, Black Alpacas „ ' Black Canton Cloths. «om the late auction Hales, __ AT EBDUOBD PRICES. .-OHBWBH STuDDART * BROTHER, 450,453, and 45* North BBCONO Street. ' Above Willow. JIREN BHEETINGB, ATGBBATLy”BBDIO) PRIORS. . _„ ODKWIsa BTODDAKT A BROTHER, 450, 453, and 45* North SECOND Street, a- •- Above Willow. ■RICH black biles, • From 6 notion, ATGREATLt RED DO ED FBICBS. OURWEM STODDABT «t BROTHER, „ 480,453, and 45* North BBOOND street, «Wl-3t ■ Above Willow. JOHN Jf. YOUMG. “ ' No. TO North FOURTH Street, Has now, in store a moat extensive assortment of at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. apS-lmlf . JEW- PUBLICATIONS. gT. PHILIPS ! ST. PHILIPBI THE NEW NOVEL ■ V l ' BY THB'AirtHOB OF “RUTLEDGE," ■ & toolng to have an Immense (ale, for'lt la bar best • hook, and orders are pouring In for it front every qn.rter. . ' Beady in .a few days. CABLBTON, PnblDher, New Fork. ap»St / - . FINANCIAL. U. S. - SEVEN-THIBTT LOAN. By authority of the Secretary of flu Treaanry. flu undersigned has assumed the General gnbseriytloa Agency for the sale of Halted States Treasury Notes bearing seven and three-tenths oer scat. Interest »er snaam, known as the . \ SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. .These NOtee are issued nnder date of June 16,1866, and are yayahle three yarns from that time, In enr reney, or are aonvertihla at the option of flu holder Into U. S. 6-20 SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. . Shea* Honda an now worth a yremlnm of nlna per cent., Inelndlng gold interest from November, which makes the actual proflt en the 7-SO Loan, at torrent rate*, inelndlng Interest, about ten per seat par an* anm, beeldes Its exemption from State and municipal taxation, aehfcb adds from one to three per cent, more, usordlng to the rate levied en other property. The Interest Is payable aemi-annually by eonpona attaahad to aashnota, whlth maybe eat offend sold to any bank 'or banker. • The interest amounts to One cent per day on a 6*o note. Two bents per day bn a MOO note. Ten cents per day on a $6OO note. Twenty cent! per day on a •1,000 note. * One Dollar per day on a 66,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will be prompt* ly furnished npon roeelntof snhscriptloni, and the notes forwarded at ones. The interest to 16th done next will he paid In advance. This la THE ONXtY LOAN Uf MARKET now offiered by the Government, and It la aonffdentl? expected that its enperiof advantages wIU make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, Less thin •300,000.000 of the Loan anthoriaed by the last Congress are sow on the market. This amount, at the rote at which It Is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within four months, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as hae uni* foruly bean ths ease at the close of the subscriptions to other Loiann. In order that ritliens of evary town and section of flu country may oe afforded faculties for taking tha.Loan, the National Hanks, Stats Hanks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to re. eelvesnbaolpttonsatpar.. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have eontdanea, and who only are to he responsible for the deliyery of thenotae for whleh they receive orders. JS A Y. O O OK E, [ON AGSKT. No. 114 BOUTH THIRD BTREBT, innT.ADyr.wwT>. gßlBBl.' COUPONS, 6-20, DUE MAY 1,1865, AND JTJLYI, BOUGHT AT HIGHEST HIARKET R ATES, WM. FAINTER ds DO., Bankers, apfl-lm 110 SOUTH THIRD STREET. OBASAXS UCOKI. AIRE. BEXSON, JS. (CHARLES EMORY & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 15 South Third street, PHILADELPHIA. All kinds of umegrrent funds and Gold and Silver bought and add, and Golleetions made. Partlenlar attention given to the pnrehaae and s&la of Government, Btato, and other Stocks and Loans on com mission. . - . - n027-flm 5-20 c O*XJ I» O Uff S , DUE ■ HAY Ist, BOUGHT AT IIGHKST MARKET PRICE, BY DREXEL & CO., mhSl-tmyl No. 3* SOUTH THIRD STREET. 7,30. 5-20. 10-40. ADAMS & LEYIS, Ho. 805 CHESTNUT STREET, BANKBRS AND BROKERS. All kinds of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND STOCKS BOUGHT. SOLD. AND NEGOTIATED. -GOLD ANB SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD. Special attention given to OIL STOCKS. mMI-Sm xDwasn nonina. gDW. ROBINS & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BfiOKEBS, So,« Mouth Third street, PHILADELPHIA. Amsmaaor. BANK NOTES, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS, AND GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. BOUGHT AND BOLD. Collections made on all parte of the eonntry. Deposits received, subject to sight draft, and Interact allowed. mh7-8m gECOND NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LATB IRON CITY TRUST COMPANY.) CAPITAL. ©300,000. BANKERS* AND MERCHANTS’ COLLECTIONS, promptly attended toon the most favorable terms, G. E. WARNER, President. JOHN E. PATTERSON, Cashier. mhg-3m g & LEECH & COMPANY, BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, MO. 14 FARQUHAB BUILDINGS, (WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD). ymf.mir.wni Gold. Oovarnmant Bonds, OU and Mlsccllaneona Hooka, bought and sdU.cn Commission at the Board of Stokers. Dealers In lonian Bxehangs. Letters of ere 41t taensd on London. Paris. Antwerp, Ac- Isa) Sm- JHE, FRANKLIN SAYING FUND, HO. 136 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BELOW _ CHESTNUT, Pays live Mr cent Interest on Deposits. Agents'for the sale of United States 7 3-10 Loans at Par. Govern ment, State and City Loans and Stocks bought and sold for depositors and.others an Oommt.aton- mhlS.Sm SCOTT’S EVENING- GOLD AND VL„f T ®P,F. BXOH hNaR a* the ASSEMBLY BUILD- be open Every Evening for the tranaacUon 86S. TMPOBTANT TO RAILWAY TRA- PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL' CHANGE OF TIME AND DEPOT. leS? Pennsylvania Central Baflroad g£ IXL5 8 3 £ Bpot, .?‘ THIRTIETH and MARKET tofbro. " adof ® a Yenth end Market Streets, aa here the Market-street Pasusdfer HaUway °«s‘ral Hfflread Depot; Streetej they also leave Front yhrutes, commencing one hour prevl- U* Ome of departure of each train, and allow about 30 minutes for a trip. ’ w Their cars arc In waiting on the arrival of each Train i?n!? n LIL pa ?, 8el !*!, r 8 fntojhe city, and connacdonvare am. wF'rn.V.* iF 1 ?* 8 JYUI heraafter he located at ■ LEAFS AND ABBIVB AT DEPOT THUS: UAfTr TBATy,,,,, mt . , m* aan a jf liS No'. 1— “ 11 00 “ .VrtVteecaeee.eeeooee.s ** 2goo M. HAHKi&BURa ACfljyfcfftKynATTniy. .. «*, ejvg^*6^ •* § “ •« •« " Ig " :: !J harriebdrg aCcommodatioS ”. “ B.® '« JPhlladelphia Sxpresa leaves dally. Pittsburg an<T fele Mall leaves dally (except Saturday). All other' Trains dally (except Sunday,) The Feausylvania SailroadCoiapaay will nota«suni# m4Ha?*£*s* e cr wcceSdlugrtkat amount in valuo tkn»wner» imieaa Ukeaby spa- For furthepinfoTmatlooj as to time and connection*. framed cardw} or‘ apply feu JOHJT F. YAM- Jr.. Ticket Agent, at tli« Depot , nn Dt^krantTrain j-ansdeßy (excefct Sunday.) For rsul Information aa 10 fare aad accommodation*, apply „ FRANCIS FHNE 137 DOCK Street. 1865. hwipmUis,; 1865. TBB CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA ANDTKBNTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S Y^A^^fY^cV? WlS 0 iB W A¥S C I| T |^?^VlZ= » Ajata At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A Ae . eommodaflon... ~.“T«e w At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey (Ely, Morning , RavN®l«... « »*•• ,«e..ei4 • sseness-seae.s mun nee*. 9 0Q . At lS M., via Camdta and Amboy, 0. and A. Ac- ] ]f At 2 K K., via Camden and Amboy. O. and A. Ex preaac VTf .. t ...a.... r ,.; i| Damdon and Amboy, Aoeommoda . tlpntFMlght and Passenger).......- 1 n AtfiP-M.,/riaCarden ana■ Amboy, Aecommoda- ‘ Hon (Freight and Passenger)—lst dlaae TiokeL;. 126 liac-R w „ b°- ,2d Class Ticket... 160 21. i * F ? t »t ß slS 1 p 81 M I ‘amhsrtvUl“ , Fl l^m'gtoJ! ?? n & Pemberton, and Via •eutown, *t 6A. H..2and6P. M, • For *i 6A. M. and 3 P. tt % Terton ' Polwuo, Beverly, Ednwa- Burling ton, r lorenco, Bordestown, Re., at 6 and 11-|OA M., M. 30, 3.30, 6,6, and 11KP. £~ Shi "» 1 6P. M. UnevrundlreetthroughtoTrenton. „ p Rlyerton, Delaneo, Beverly, and Hut • Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and in : termediate places, at 2K P. M. “ LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: AMI. 16 A. M,, via. Kensington and Jersey City, MPnMoH..c m ... i - r-r ).. , ■ . fOQ At A3O P. If., TiaKenalngton and Jersey City,lx ’ PT6SB* CM > •«♦+( t.rmr.l rM tn ieiei a > HM , tenet ~,,, ( M At6.46P M., via Kensington and Jersey City, .Washington and New Yorlc Express... goo <Hl *htL via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington sjia New York Mall,—. ....*7 % da«eSbt'“ a * WUll, “ 4^lr ' For Buffalo, Dunkirk. Elmira. Ithaca. Owegp, Ro chester, Bmghampton, Great Send. Montrose, Wilkes, o&rre* Souatoa, Stroudsburf. Water Gau* Mautk Chunk, AJleutowu, BetMebem, Balridere, Saatoa, DambertrUle, Wandngton, &c., at 7-15 A. M. Tbit cSujS at 3 C Sp th# I ** rUlg BllBtoa for For JjamnertvUla *t 5 F. M. on Satcurdays only. ApTiJttA 8 ' »16 «dILI6 A. H.. 1 ForHolmesbuif, Tacony, Wisßonominjr, Briddsburt. s*9 A. M.VS, 6, and S iFk. . For New York and Way Lines leaving Keiuiuf ton Depot, take the ears os Filth stmt, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The ear* run late tn* Uepot, and on the arrival of eaeh train run from the pounds of Bajmge only allowed eaehpusenter. Fasedncers are prohibited from taking anything as bag- W but their wearing apparel- Ailbaggage oyer 1m pounds te be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and Si«M*cSfriSt 01, “ T ‘ mw "‘ «"* Graham's Baggage Express will call for and ddiyer baggage at the Depohi7“prders to be left at No. SWi ' nut street. __ WILLIAM H. GATZMSB, Agent April 3, 1866. _ LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, WIM. LKAVBPBOXTHB FOOT OF OOUBTUAXI) 3TKBBT, At 12 M. and 4P. M., sis' Jersey City and Camden. At 7,10, and A. M. , 6P. M. andlS (Nlghtl. vS J«- aey City and Kensington. ' From the foot of Barclay street at 6A. X. and 3P. M., via Amboy and Camden. From Her No. 1, North river,at 13 M., 4, and BP. M. (freight aad passenger). Amboy and Camden, aps-tf and balti! TOES TABLX. Commencing MOBDAY, aPKIX Sd, ISM, will leave Depot, corner BBOAD Street and WA£HI2f<J TOB Avenue, as follows: Express Trainjat 4.06 A. M. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilminftoa, Ferryville, Havre de*€fiaee, Aberdeen, Ferryman's, and WitgfloilWh Delaware Bailroad Train at 7.46 A H. (Sundays ex cepted) for Salisbury,. Milford, and intermediate Sta tions. . • A Way- Mail Train, at 9= 16 A.M. (Sundays excepted),for Baltimore, stopping atjairwilarstatiofis. Express Train at 115 P. H. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore xn d Washington, stoppiog at Chester. WU> IBington, Elkton, Perryville, and fiavre-de-Oraee, Express Train at 3. 65 F. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Ifawark, Elkton, Horth- Bast, Ferryville, Havre Grace, Ferryman's, Magnolia, and Stammer's Run. Right Express at 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chesterlonly to take Baltimore and Washington passengers). WUmingtoo, Hew&rk, Elk ton, North-East, Perryville, and Bavre-de-Grace. Passeogers for FOKTKBS& MONROE wHI take the WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wll ffiiwytop. Leave PMlad^phiaatJ. § and IX 4. M., % 5.80, C, 7, andid F. H, The Kr Wla wanettawiti 4®* lamer. It K for Milford ana intenocdlato station,, Leave Wilmington at 5.45.8, and 8.50A.M.. 2, 4.6.50 sue S.SO P. H. Trains for Sew Gastla leave PMladelpMa at 7.45 and 11 A, M.. 8.39 andifi P H.< BAXTIMOBBL *■ “•“*•*• “*■ a -** FBOM BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA. .. Leave Baltimore 8.35 A. M, Way Matt; LIOP. M, Bxpr 688: 125 P.M., Way Train; 6.55 P. M* Bxpreu; 8. P. B HM3 r SPOS BAITIKOHI I*1T» Chester ata MA. M., 1.00 and 11.90 P. H. at S.lB, 9.56 A. IL, 199, 5.03, with. Fiu»n«r C»r xtU«h«d, will lem Wilmington for FerrrriUe And lateniaMi>t« lUHonj at 7.40 F. M .. - Express Train at 4.06 A. M. for Baltimore and Wadi' ington, stopping at Wilmington, PertrrUle. H&vre-de- Gr&ce, Aberdeen, Permoan’i. and Ham oil*. Eight Express at 11*10 P. M. for Baltimore and Waßninaton, stopping at Chester (for Baltimore mad Washington passengers), Wilmington, Newark, Elk* ton, Forth-East, Fenyrule, and Havre de-Orate Accommodation Train at 10 P. U. for Wilmington and wap stations. BALTIMOBB FOB PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9.35 p. M., stopping at Havre-de- Grace, Perr wills, and Wilmington. Also stops at Hk ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore), and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or for Philadelphia at 8.30 P. M. ap3 . H. k. KgNHBY, Sap’fc. 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL. ROAD.—TiI. nttt line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to tit, etty of Site, on Lake Erie. It 118# been leased by the PBNHBYLNANIA RAH. EOAD COMPANY, and is operated by them, t Its outlie lerrth was opened for passengerand freight business Oclober 17th, 1864. ll* K OF Losto Westward. Mall Train™— ....... 8.30 T. M. Look HavenAccommodstlon Train-.—.... 8.00 A. M. Passenger ears ran through on Mall Train withont sbange both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Brie. __ Elegant Sleepier Oara on Elmira Express Trains both ways between Philadelphia'and Lock Haven, and on Elmira Express Train both ways botwssn Williamsport usd Baltimore. And for Freight bnslnosa of the Company’s Agents. S. B. KINGSTON, Jr , «raer TBXBTBIBTH and 1. M. BBILL. A»ntN, o. R. gyßaUtaora Ganer*! Freight A^^PhjLidalpMa. General Ticket Agent, PhUadolphi*, „ JOSEPH D. POTTS, deas-tf General Manager, Williamsport. B»aw i865.r7.., a .L L J: BLMIBA BAILBOAD LINE to SU points WEST. The direct route for the jW- OIL REGIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA WILLIAMSPORT, BUFFALO, BBSFBBBIOH BBXSGE. BLMfBA, RIAOARA FALLS, and all places in the Western and Northwestern States and the Canadas. TWO TBBOGGH TRAINS Leave Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Depot, Thir teenth and CaUowhill streets, idally, (Sundays ex cepted), for the North and West, as follow*: Morning Express at 8 A. H Afternoon Express at S. 30 P. M. Makings direct connection with AH interseeUngroad*. FOB TBBOTJOE TICKETS to any point, and farther narticnlars concerning tho diiforentioutea, apply at toe TICKET OFFICE, 4»9 CHESTNUT SBeet, nnder the Philadelphia Bank. Mi opgoirtti, the_ Custom Honto. N. YAH HOKT W AgenL JOHN S. HUMS. General igeaT lid Thirteenth and CallowMllstreaU. KOSAOX B. PgABSOn. eg—raßaamm north fennbyl- TANIA RAILROAD Fog BETHLEHEM. DOTLESTOWN, MATCH CHUNK? EASTON WILLIAMS POST, WILKBBBABBI, 80. WINTER AKBANOBMEnC" Fsssenger Trainsleave thenew Depot, THIRD Strost, above Thompson street, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: At 7. SO A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Hanoi Chunk, Haaleton, Williamsport, Wllkes barre, Ac. At S.3OP. H. (Express) for Bethlehem, Barton, (to. At 5.15 P. M for Bethlehem, AUentovrn, Maueh flkmik. PorDoylMtown «9.5 Q JL 1L and 4.U P.M, For Fort Washington at Lift P. X. For L&nsdale at 6.15 P. M. _ White ears of the Second and Third-streets LiseCltir 06 - p lgtve Bethlehem at ASO A. M., 10.(8 AM., and 5.1* Leaye Doylostown at ff.SO A. M. and S.«F. H. Leave Lansdale at S.lO A. M. Leaye Fort Washington ayhSOF^M. for Doylostown at 9-S! A. H. and All Doylostown for Fhlladelphlaat 7 A.M. end IF. M. noil ELLIS CLARK, Agent! WEST JERSEY BAILBQaD LINES. NEW ABBAHOBMEHT. , On and after W Train. wIU leave ftom WALNCT-STSSET Fife as follows: For CAPE mTF, and all biases south of Millville, St 9 A M. and 3 P M. For MILLVILLB, BBIDQETON, BALKM, and sU in termediate places sonih of Olacsboro,at«AlM. and S • For GLASBBOBO at 9 A MB lj’so P. M., and S-F. M. For WOOBBIJET. GLOTCIisTBB, aw_. at 9 A M-, aSO F. M.. S and » F.M^ BETHENINO. Leaye Capo Hay at g, 90 A M. and 11.45 A M. Leaye Millville at 9 A M andSF. M, Leave Bridgeton at 7. 10 A. M. and 3.10 P. M. Leave Salem at 7 A. M. and 3 F. M. Leave Wootinny at 7, A 43, and 10.44 A M., and AM ' “'THB WIOT JEEBBT BXPBESB COMPANI will attend to all the nsnal branches of Express Bnsl soss, raoelve deuver, and forward throngh other re* Sfirtlc e ie^nSSte'S i^*.t 0 country, PHmAnsnpfcZ^LgfS 6 ! BnPtototo^gk TJABTEB DE VISITS—EXECUTED rtylas, evincing the finest art'stlc JfPJr.sv is 6 specimens and snn&se them ntß. F. jJJti- MSB’S PhoiotMtph GftUerr, 631 ABC Zk Street. ft? RAILROAD LIKES. SUNDAY TBJJJTS. RAILROAD luces. SMOBBG camden and at- BAILBOAD. - Trains leave Vine-strsst Ferry as follows: Mull Train „™.~~....~,7.90A. M. Freight, with PMsenscer Oars attashsd-~..~.2,00 A. M. AthSßtle Junction Accommodation. -■•;*•• 30 ”• *■ EKTOEHIirO, MAYS ATLABYIU. Atlantic Accommodation. ■- • ... ~«. .~.6.20 A, *■ Prelxht, with Faasenxsar Cars attached.™..l2.o«P. M. Mall Train—H. Jnnstion Accommodation......-jv- • VSS 6-85 “• *• _ ' EXTRA HADDOSKBLD TBAISB __ _ leavsYlne street U. 15 A. H., Haddonfsld 1.33 K It *•—Frelfht mnst be delivered at Coopor’a .rotat oßtora * P- M, to iaaoze ita *olar dojfj tie aext dar. mh» 2mtf JOHh G: BRYAST, Axeht. SiMHBHI WB 9T CHESTER PHILADELPHIA BAIL - V BDUHBH ABKAITGPMI3ST. Ob ana after MOHOAY, April 17,18®, tt» twiw Witt leave &a follow*: r __ WSBT CHIBTBB TKAISB l o^if^rLte?d%Ti i f M * ate3K7 ‘ , ' f “ d Tralpa leavlirWeat Cheater A. M. ancftesvlew PhU_adelßUaar*4SF.M. will stop only at Kedfe, BSC. ftartioß. , ylgva Philadelphia for B. 0. .Jmßtion at 4.16 aiß* O. Jnnstlo* for Philadelphia'at 8.8 A. K BBy 7090 a* M» TBese trains atop at *a intermediate stations. LeavePhtlsdelpMa a«U# and 2 F,M. leave Wsst Chaster at BA, M and 6P. M? -. Trains Jeavlnx Philadelphia at 7.85 A It sad AIT P. M., an#leavii>[r West Cheater at 7.45 A M and A 45 P. K. ooraertrt K O . Jnncttcn with trainsoaK A > IC. BJi. for Oxford and intermediate points. Ruses,era are allowed to take wearinx appani' only as barrare, end the Company will not. In any case, he responslbls for an amount sxssedihx one hundred dol lar*, unless a special contract to made for the same „ „ HBBBY TPOOI). Gen’l Snv’i , Phu. apkuphia Hatch 15,1888. mh22 23flf IgaßMm BAHIT A N < A'lPB BAY BAILBOAD:' PHILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN. YAKS. $». SXGOBBION TIOKOTB, GOOD FO® THfiEADAYS. #3. '. i ~ CHAJSGB iiS TIMBf. ; J'Attgiawrs for Express Train for Tuckerfcm, Banentp 2r??wsn and Brooklyn leave YIBJk SraBBT FSBEY at 816 A. M.. dully (Sundays ex tol* st'W a’M?" 9 WALL-BTBEBT PEBBY, Brook- Way Train for Alston, Shamonx, Manchester. he.. leawiaCoooer’a Point Camden, M ” JgjJL !■ .B; Colß, A«»nt. Camden. EXPRESS COMPANIES. THIS ADAMS. BX SAW UI SIMM wig FSSB COMPANY. Ofiaa XXX OfIBSTHTJT Street, forwards Panels, Paokaxea, Mop ahxndlse. Bank Botes, and Specie, either by ita own Unes or in .connection with other tixpreu Comuamlae. to all the prlnaisal Pawn* and Cities In theuhttsl 3taUa. B. S. SABBPOBD, tew general Superintendent, DELAWARE MUTUAL' SAFETY A 7 IBBDBASCB GOHPABY. htcobpobatbd by thb lboiscatokb op O FKS»SYIVAS'U.IB3S. Bmcs s - OBYES g KL BI > MAEIJ,SIHStTEAJ,CB §AKOO,_ >To all parte ef the world. . ' IBLABB XBBI7EABCBS On Goods, by BVver, A.ahe, and Land Carriafet „ „ i , riKKH8 o nisSsoßB. n ' On Hereluuidli«feiienlly, On Stores, Oweliinc Honees* ASSKre OP THJS COMPAJTY, Sovember 1,1864 080,000 United Btatea Hve Per Cent. Leant ’71.*100,000 no UI.OM ;; su ;; «* -n. eKoboo 76,000 *' Six ‘ “ 5-20 a 76,6060 XOO.COO State ol Pennsylvania Five Percent. Loan.. . 93,066 00 6AOOO State of Pennaylvania (fix Per Cent. Lean 66.86000 123,060 City of Philadelphia Six Per Ct. Loan 18,610 87 20,000 Pennsylvania BaUroad First Mort __ _xaxe Six Par Cent. 80nd5™.....™ 22,000 00 50,000 Penneylvanla BaUroad Second' Mort* rare Six Per Cent. 80nd5..63.250 00 16,000305 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest xnaranteed by the city of Phlladal- ' 8.600158 Shares Stock FennayiTanu'EadT 1S "* 0 06 .road Company.... 0,100(10 6,00 100 Shares stoek north Pennsylvania . _Bailroad Company™, — 3,060 00 W. United States Treasury Certlicatea of - Indebtedness.... 48,436 00 90,000 Btateof Tennessee Five Per'CtLoan. 12,000 00 38,700 Loans on Bond and Mortiate, amply aeoured..»™~—l2B,7oo 00 $868,260 Par. CostsB42.loo 60. Harketvalns.s6s7.627 87 Baal Bstate 86.000 00 Bills receivable for lnsnrances made. 118,330 43 Balances dne at Agendos.—Premi- ' tuns on Marine PoUeies, Accrued Interest, and other debts dne the Company 28,798 24 Strip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $4,268. Bstl mated value 2.230 00 Cash on deposit with United States Government,subject . to ten days’ eaU.™ “:.„100.000 00 Cash in Banks 68,164 S 3 Cash InPrawer 637 66 DIBBCTOBB: Thomas C. Huai. Samuel X. Stofte, John 0. Baris, J. ¥. Penleton, Bdmsad A. Bonder. ' Henry Sioan, Theophilus Psnldina, William G. Aralfam, John B. Penrose, Bdwsrd Darllniton, James Tratroair, H. Jones Brooke, Henry C. Dallett, Jr.. JacobP Jonee, James C.Hand, James B McFarland, William C.Lndwl*, Joshua P. Byre, Joseph H. Beal. Spencer Mcllr tine, GeoneS. Lelper. John B. Semple, Httsbnr Hnrt G»lt, A. B. Boner, PlttsimM TBOMAS 0. HAUB, President. t DAVIS. Tice President BKMKY IThBUBir. Secretary- dal&ly ijpme iLIANCB INSURANCE COM MST of ran.iim.Tmt lasorporsted in IS4L Charter Perpetual. OIHC! Ho. 808 WALHBT STEBHT. CAPITAL, *300,000. Hni» inijal 1« 01 damase by HIM, Houses, Store*, and other Buildings, limited or perpetual: ana on Furniture, Good*, Ware*, and Merchandise, in Town or Country. LOBSBB FBOMPTLY All JOTTED AHD PAID. ASSETS, **oo.ooB 71-, _ InTaated is tbs toUosrln* Sesurltiee, Tia: Pint Hortfageson City Property, well teemed *308,800«00 United Bute* Ooyernment Loan* 141, 000 00 Philadelphia (Sty 8 per sent. Loans. SO,OOO 00 Fennsylyania *3, 000,000 8 psr sent. Loan— 10,000 00 Fonnsylyanla Eallroad Bonds, Ant and *•- _sond e....ee.. 30,060 00 Camden and Amboy Ballioad Company’s S _per cost. Loan « SOSMS mn, « *****tytiaya*»*■*a 8,000 00 Philadelphia and Bead ins Ballioad Com* _pany’» 6 per sent Loan..-.. 0,00000 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per sent, mort gage bond* 4,000 00 County Bn Insnranse Company’s Stosk— I.OSO M Meehanlts’ Bank Stosk. ...... 4.000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock 10,000 00 union Kntnallnsnranse Company’s Stosk... 380 00 BeUancslntnianco Company or Philadel phia's Stock 11 in 1,000 00 Aeorned Interest IWttHmWOtlMMMMtllllt 81406 4> Gaik iit>uA; »b 4 M >400*068 71 Worth at present market Tains.™*™.4l4,39B 71 DIRECTORS. ra«m Tinsley, Benj. W. Tinsley, Wm. B. Thompson, Marshall HSuT William Mower, Charles Iceland, Samuel Bispham, Robert Toiann, B. h. Careen, 3, Johnson Brown, Robert Steen, Thomas H. Moore. WUllam Steyenaon, _ ClrBK TUTGLBT, President. Thomas C, Hna,, Beeretary. PBn.Apar.rtns. December 1, ltd. A MERIC Aft FIRE INSURANCE f*- COMPANY. ' Incorporated 18M. OHABTBBPBB. PBTIJAB. Mo. U) WAJjjnr Strut. abo-re Third. Philadelphia ‘ HaTinr a larre patd-op Capital Stoak and Borplo* fa. rested In sound and araUable Securities, oonthrae* to Insane on Dwellings, Btoraa, Furniture. KereLnadia*. Vessels In tart and thslr Carkoes, and other Persona! Property. AlllettesUbemlljAnd promptly adiuetai Thomas B. Maria, James K. Campbell. Jolm Welsh* Edmund S. Xhxtffh* Swmel C. Mortem. Charles W. Foaltaey, Patrick Brady* Israel Morris. John T. Lem. THOMAS B. MARIS, Presldest* Albert C- L. Crawford. Secretary. PIKE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. A —THB FEHHSYBVAHIA FIBS INgPBAMCE COM PANY. Incorporated 1835. CHAKTKB PXBPSTCAIs So. #lO WALNUT Street. opp&te Inieoendanea Square. This Company, farorablT known to the community (or nearly forty yearn, continues to Inanra aninat Loca or Damans by Fire, on Public or Private Buildin**, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Fur niture, Stocks, floods, or Merchandise (enerally, oa liberal terma. 1865. Their aapltal, toaether with a larf e Surplus Fnnd, li invested In the moat esrefal manner, which enable, them to offer to the Insured an undoubted annuity In (haaaaeof loan, DIBBOTOBB. Jonathan Fatteraon, Daniel Smith, Jr,, Alexander Bauson. John Derereax, I.aae H&zlehurat, Thomas Smith, «mm«Bobins, j JONATHAN PATTBBBOM, President. wnnai O, Oaowran, Searetary. A nthracttb insurance com "-PAHY.-Authorlxed Capital 5400.000-QHABTM PEBPBTCAL. OffleTKo. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will Insure aninat Bess or Daman by fixe, on Bnlldisn, Furniture, and Merchandise sene* Amo, Karine Insurances on Vessels, Canoes, and frelihts. Inlandlnnrsnetitoall parts of tha Union. William Bsber, Dayis Pearson, D. Luther, PeterSelcer, Bowls Andenrlsd, J. X Baum, John B. Blaaklston, William F. Bean, Joseph Maxfield, John Ketcham- WILLIAM BSHBB, President, _ ’ WK P. DBAS. Vlaa President. W. M. Bum. Saaretary. aps-tf 17AME INSURANCE COMPANY, A Mo. BOS GHBSTHDT STBBXT, PHILADELPHIA. MBB AMD INLAND IMSUBANBN. Francis 21. Bask, JohnW. Brennan, Charles Kiehardcoa. Bobcrtit. Potter, Henry Bewla, John Kessler, Jr„ Samuel Wright, B. D. WoodrnF, F. B. Justice, , Charles Stokes, M. „ • CHAB. BIOHABDBON, Vlaa President. W, B BiuponAmp. Saeratary. jall-H INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE A STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. -OFFICK Bos. land S EXCHANGE BPILDIROB. north aide of WALNUT Street, between DOCK and THIBB Streets, Phlladd -phia. mCOBFOBATBD IK MDf-OHABTEB FEBFBTUAJi. Capital #300,000. PBOPBBTIES OP Tax COMPANY, FBBBUABY h 1881, #833,191117. KABIHE, PIBB, AND iKaSD TBANSPOBTATION INBORANCK. DIKICTOB&I Henrr D. Sberrerd, Tobias Wagner, Charles Kaealester, Thomas B, Watson, William 8. Smith, - Henry S. Freeman, William A White, Charles S, Bawls, Qeotfe H. Stuart, Oeorfe C. Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr., Edward G. Knicht, John B. Austin. * HENBYD. Wuxiam Ha»p«b. Becrefa GOODS REDUCED TO GOLD PRICES. I hare reduced my entire stock or seeds, naariaHe ff of WATCHES, PINE JEWELRY, SILVER HEATED WAKE, and solid BILVEBWABB, to present fold prices. HABPERrA ~ m sa° AROH STREET. *** TITARSHAL’S': SALE.—BT VIRTUE on THUBBDAY, April!?. 1888, at 11 o clock A- roor barrel* of WHlSKY,toper^tothetajjMnuCon- -0 Halted States Marshal W*** l * of PgrT.ADFi.PHi A* APrilJß> „f ~~L. jIjt ARSHAL’S SALE. —BY VIRTUE jyj.rfTwSTSr Sale by the Hon. JOHH CADWALA thePbtrlct Court of the United States, U nistrlet of Pennsylrsnla. In Ad miralty- to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to Kh. klaheet and best bidder, for cash, at Samuel C. SffwtaStore, 80. 13S* Sc nth FBOHT Street, onTHUBSDAY. April Bth,lBM, st H o'clock A_ M., 31,000 CIGABS. import^We^BdjaA^ochran. U. s Marshal Eaatern District of PennsylTaala. PHn-APSiPHiA. April 90, 1855. ... : ai«-6t INSURANCE. ♦1,201,664 0J SHEBBBBD, Preaidant. iry. nolS-tf AtCTIOS SALES. ■JJHITED STATES COTTON SALE. n.ooo bai.es upland COTTON WlLt, BE SOLD, Under dfmfem of Birteon Draper, U. S, Cotton Agent, THDHSm MAY 4tH, 1805. JtrOHSO’CLOOkp. M., EXCHANGE SALESROOMS. lH BKOiSWAT, HEW YOKE. Pantries am So Me* «*' tie office of Hcnere. Bs.tcn & Co. tire. dhye before tbeeal*. Catalogues Will bo reattvon . the 26fh ir.vt, at Baston ♦ Co. *o. and at the Cailflti apH & KB»KNESS’'BAZAAB, NINTH and SAEKSOH Btiaofc. , auction sAi-B or horses, &0.,. . , OH ffiffIUEDAY jrOBHIJtff HBXf, At 10 o'clock. ebrnniffinafnlnHlt^ Fall gale. IncltalihS A w mare, wasdrraffd harness: _ A double elelab, robe, coyer, Ate, belonging to the si Arte of Dr H. B. Beidy, deceaeedi Sets po-ittro also, a cumber of enperlorharnCM and raddle hot car. ALSO, uvvlZ? eecond-band-car;iarea, fete, single and dmz- WeßbHtesa. Baddies,’aridlea wfcipe.hsitere. to. ■ 40;"£*;»? 8 of Hersee, Sc', on WBDHABD4T. of Hor.eß and H. e 4« at T.n 6!, SJ a a»BCOAT2iB F n . oc THtf&SDIT MjKlf- IJS next, ALTBSD 4L HBKKtfKSS, —"- Auctioneer, BAZ&AKANI) tattbb . b “ w T m<!T,BUI "* Iwffl SOU l o'clock, aIMRi fOSTUOSSS?, «oaa pri sic £ family, d mtf&U and firm bws. Milx to-* BUrkei '' *“• Sopo*tponfinfaitei^«coimtof T3%6|lmr. prtosl^ tobUa * ** iorßes for public or Bevies, VebisUs, ttal Htrsess aTwiti on. hand &fc 1 *- BTEaa&WAMPioU np2P.lt AaceiocecM. u “ : 219 Dry*B»er Hide*. 14 Dry Calf Skins. m Sbee&Tttte. 24gT4 pounds ef Tallow S^sf). 6*U£ ralloubJSe&ts-foot Oik 2»WI pounds-of Tallow Sasun/ 4.640 pairs of-Horns. •, 2,000 Braptr BsrreilP Terms cash, la Sorerameiitftßis. __ . „ G BBEE, Lieut Col. &C 8. VASHTypToir, April 14. Iggff api?» WANTS. WAN TER—ALL DESIROUS OF V “f* 111 "* a email fortune, speedily. with a mode, rate ontley. to call- at Ho 13»r OHBSTSITT Street. (private entrance, wish bell.) and examine the new patent CAHPIM.IOS- CAEP&r. indoibSdW the mort wonderful, useful nroney-saxinr, and money, mikin* enterprise of the »*», * It can be produced **a cost of 25 cents to 40 cents per yard. Is xery beautiful, and will last a lifetime p*. tented January ?7, A. P: lag, Ap i9 gf* WAN T B D-AT flO PBK DAY— V» **»»** In *Tery aelgborhooi ia Fennsrlyaaia and Hew Jersey, to sell wbeantlfnl engraving of AOrt. lam Mnmta Address RhKfLBSOH SCO., No. 611 CBASTNUr f treat, (tecond door) Phsla. apl9-uc* WANTED, AT |l5O PEB MONTH, »» A RELIABLE C4NVASSER ic eyor, town and county, for tbe NITKSB andt BPi. the nfoe: lntereetinx and exciting book eyer paWUbed, embncinrthe ad yentare. ofa woman tn the Union army aa Narw, Scent and Spy, ilyine amosCrivid inner'plctare of the war. We have agents clearing *l6O per month. Wni .-h we will prove to any donhttny applicant. Send »or JJICTlars Address ” JnJJES BEO3. ■& CO., Ho 600 .CHKbTJMJT g~re-1. Ph iiadoiphia. Fa.' * aplB-lm* WANTED—CAKyABS-BRS FOR 7 " * The best istob offered. Ap piy nt 4:321 OBBSTBTDT St., seoottd story »n>t« sjp rjANAL-BOAT BUILDERS AND CAFLKBBB WaKTKD, kt CHESTKB. Constant employment tlvac uddreji WILLUB BBICK & 00., Gtugtar, Ftua. ■EMPLOYMENT HOUSE FOR HOUSE „ KESP2BS, Seam»tre«s«B, Chambermaids, Walters. ITm*«p Cooks, and general housework, white and colored. 802 LOCUST St. ap4- tia ■EMPLOYMENT HOUSE foe CLERKS, -k-* Book-keepers, Salesman, Packers. Porters, Watch* men. Coachmen, Drivers. Conductors. Bar-t»ader«, waiUTS f Farxn*handa, Gardeners. &e.- Employers *nitad at short notice. 802 and 801 LOCUST St. aol-la (GREATEST THING OF THE TIMES V —BOWES'B PBIZKKWVBLOPIiS.-Agents wanted vrenwhsn. Premtnm Watches gives to Anntt. Os receipt ol SUS we will mall, post-paid. 100 Envelopes, ana a splendid Solid Silver Hnntlng-Gsse Watch asa premium to thesgent. A single Envelope lent, with cl re alar and full particulars, on receipt of 2S cants. Ad asfc&^# t *°y- p - a - i&^ae^- SITUATION WANTED—AS AC- COOHTAHT or Salesman, by a yourg man experi enced inbusintesand competent. Address “L O F ,” Press oflce. ap2l-2t* npo PHOTOGRAPHERS. Wanted by a Yoang Han of thorongh capability a situation as Operator. Address ‘'K. g. T., ” Press pace. apl9-3t» ®snn BEWARD.-I, the undeb -sPaimed, will add to the reward offered by iba government and municipal authorities the sum of fl™ fi UJTDIiEp POLLSHB for the arrest of It>HS WILKES BOOTH, the aseassin of onr late beloved Pre sident. I have no doubt but thesnmorteatboaeand dollars will be raised to farther this really necessary objeetby the different Managers. In offering this re ward I feel it my conscientious duty to aid to the ut most in bringing this atrocious murderer to jnstice I feal reovlnoad that every Manager in the land will se cond this object, and tane tbe same view of the case, he this crime was committed In one of onr principal Theatres, we shottla endeavorto nee onrutmese ability in an object ol so much importance to every American citizen. WILLIAM B. BISS'. ap2l tf For arover ft Sion. AMUSEMENTS. CHEBTKTJT-SXREET THEA-- Thm public are most respectfully informed that, in conseduence of the WATIOiriL CALAMITY that has fclien upon our country, ani as a slhrhi taken of respect to 4 ., _ OUBLATB BBLOVBD PRESIDENT, this Theatre will be dosed until FUKTJxEB 2TOTHJE wm e. srsrar, LEOUABD GBOVEB- Tie public ara respectfully notified that as ao humble tribute of re*-paet to the memory of our late HOHORUtt CBIEF MAG 1 bTBATE, this Theatre will be dosod un til further notice. LOUISA JD&EW. We concur la the above. t ' . ' , MA- GABRETTSOBT, I eases and Manageress of the Walnut- street Theatre, THE SOLDIERS’ MUSICAL TEM -» PBRANCB UNION -will poitpona their COfIOgRT at Samoni. street B all until MONDAY, Mar the l&h. ap2l-3t« " J’LORAL BALL POSTPONED. AMERICAN ACADEMY OP MUSIC.. ■ ■ D. L. GdRPENTBR respectfully inform* -hie friends and the public that he hee iwetponed Me ANNUAL FLORAL PSSriVAI AND BALL until WEDNESDAY, Apri128,1855, on acconai-oT the Bad national calamity to onr eonetry. Tickets already sold trill be good for that event nr TgEataJS. To •» tad of CoL J. THOSNLBY, 311 CBBOTBBFstreet, and ofD. L. CARPENTER GAS ABCB Street. apis St' OERMANIA ORCHESTRA.-PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY at 3X o'clock P. H-, at MUSICAL PUSH HALL. Single ftciets.-W cents. Sin Tickets, $1; to be had at TrnmpSer's An die’s. and Meyer’s Mnslc Stores, snd at the Bill no7-tf THE ACADEMY OF FINB ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. Is OPEN DAILY for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. V jo3B FOR SAJLE AMR TO LET. m FOB SALE, A DESIRABLE Mai three story brick BWBLLOfG. Ho. 1620 Filbert street. Lot 18 feet frost by 106 feet in depth. Possession immediately. Lowest price $5,500: $3,500 may remain os mortsate, Apply to JAMBS H LtTf i»B, ap2i at* WAXtgPT SUofet. «FOR RENT.—IF NOT SOLD BY the first of May, my place, os the YOBK Boad* will be for rest. Apply at apSO-St • 303 BCABHBT Street. ®FOR SALE—A HANDSOME FOUR. storied brick dwelling house, with three-storied bsck building, with all modern improvements, situate on. Fine street, above Eighteenth, south side. Apply at 600 CHBBTfIUT Street. Eplfl-3t* Second floor, back room. m FOR BALE—A HANDSOME JBqOURTBY SEAT on School house Lane, near Ger mantown Large Stone House with all modern con veniences; Stone Coach House and Stable, with Stalls for six Howes. Grounds well planted, shaded, and improved: and all in perfect order and repair. For particulars, inquire at 111 OHBSTfiUT St. apis 6t*lf ® BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY BEBI- D3SMCE, BOXBOBOUGH. Twenty- firat ward, >it and a half miles from the city, FOB SALE, by M. THOMAS & aOHS. April 86th, 1865. aplg ft* m FOR SALE—HANDSOME STONE COTTAGE, containing eight rooms, situated in the lower end of Germantown, near Yiaher’s Lane station. A very enperior location. LotiiK by 180 feet. Posses sion Only 1.1866. apply ap B taflaßv’ Non 10 and It North P RONT Si. 0k FOR SALE—A SPLENDID 5P BTJILDIKG LOT of FOTTE ACBBS. on.-STBSTOSI Ayejme, sear fishera Lana Station. G. 4». H.K.; unsurpassed in location or natural advantages; two spring* of gom* fine old trees. AJLSO-27 ACBBS OF GBOTTSD on FUher t Lane* nearly adjoining the station and extending towa*d*-OU fork Boad; Bread street inns near the line. Apply aplB tnthslSi* JH IQ and lg North FROST St For sale—three hundred SB ABES CAMBRIA IBOH COMBINE STOCK; price, 926 per eb&re; or wt Rid exehaaje for reliable dividend pa/yicr OU Stocks, or a noat GotUf« in.\hm neiffbborittood of Germantown* Address Box 17- 8 Offlco. ap2t-Bt* TO OIL COMPANIES-.. DESIROUS *- of obtaining ah. Office. the rateerlbar efferethe ori- Tflage of one Already fnrnisied *ad aUowllitnke charge of i ha Company's books, tnSinga portion of tbo Ccmnans’s stock In payment, :f desired. Location, MIB Street, below Chestnut, Address Box 2740 Poet Office. *p» #t /STL LANDS IN WEST VIRGINIA.— U these HUBDBBB ACREB of ra’nabie Territory oa BenthFork of HUGHBSBIVEK. Bitcbie county. It I« Id the lice of the great npheayal. and near the celebrated ASPHALTUM DEPOeIB Ths surface inal cations of OSI are abundant and wells are about to be sunk on the adjoining tract rtffr per/lcf.f’or nr " iber pardcnlaxa, address J tr^v. splfTewSt ’ Washington. I> C. millwebt. r» MISS PENNELL, 26 NORTH !(*©> eighth Street, inritee attention to her ascort ment ofSpriyg and Satnmer MILLINERY, spin wfiaCV* PHILAIELPHIA TERRA GOTTA t WORKS. -KflCB AND WABJUWOHg, HO. 1»10 CHB3TNUT _ strut VTTSTPIXO BRAIH, and B9MtfISG KPBB. vitfe bond*, bnne&um* trspt,' Ac., to. oorrwpond, from to 12- inch bora. OBJ AMBMTAT,jSTOfyffT TAPS, and FLUE PIFBB, ramnted to ate&tfi* uttos offish Ml <&so&fi&c AbST GAS3>SN TABBS, "s laasleal desire*, pl&ia tad broajgd.- MlfTtonettc/Btfi, Sower Fc**» iTy Vtsas, Hanging Tasse, Importer e* HJntSiT Bncabjii* «1% tor Chsmhfc. , SSS.& I “’ 4 ‘ 8. A. HAHBISOH._ WRITTEN AND VEBRAL DE foK?ssas@iateas«yg£: and aTOTlng, by pj,renolorijtana Bo^tdier, oell-tntbalgtf Ho. MSB THifSH Bt.ifeoTe ChssingS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers