BKLI6IOUS IJfTlUjiegffCß, Eabibb and Holy WKBK.-Amontc several of f a«““taaMon* the services oI pastweek havo Uen finusually devotional and solemn. Wie closing week of Lent. To-morrow will be nhrt«tm«’fe 8 moßt Joyora «vea be rank 8114 “jolelhg. Tbe servloes 00 Lo * an S( ldare, have been pe onllarly impresalve, and their enlmlnatlbn wiu be in the servloes to-morrow. ' Sx, < Matthjjw’s Lbtheb in Oatrnbs, Naw In this ohurob, the pastor, Bev. E. W. Hotter, has bten delivering a coarse of religious In struction, based on Lather’s Shorter Oateahlsm, commencing soon after the holidays, to a class of young persons, averaging from forty to fifty. Da ring the past two weeks there has, likewise, been a protraeted meeting In progress, and preaching In the ieoture-room eaoh evening, by tbe pastor, as-. slated by Bevs. F. Klinefelter, L. E. Albert, and S. H. Frauds. Ab the fruits of these efforts, to -morrow morning (Easter Sunday), by baptism,confirmation, -and letter,'between thirty and forty new members will be received into the Ohnroh. In the evening the congregation Is to celebrate the Lord’s Sapper, the pastor to bo assisted by Bev. F. Klinefelter. The good people of St. Matthew’s, have recently testified their appreciation of th e labors of their pastor by donating him a purse containing *Bso—a gift mutually complimentary. National Thanksgiving. —lt was thought very generally, that next Monday would be set apart as a day of national thanksgiving for the great suc cesses that have rendered the cause of the Union safe and perpetuated the blessings of liberty to the end of time. Then were many good reasons ior this expectation, Easter Monday is a general holiday lOr all. Even the children celebrate It by tbelr pe culiar habit of trying the strength of eggs and at tempting noVoe though uncertain forecasts'of the future. Besides, It Is the day upon which all the Christian world celebrates the victory of the Frlnoo Of Feaee over death, and looks forward to eternity and to the spiritual concerns of the rest of the re ligious year. No proclamation has as yet been issued, although the day,- by the action of our City Councils, has been set apart as a special because already a general holiday. We hope that the pro per course will, however, soon be taken.' Religion and a proper gratitude deserve a national thanks giving from the heart. Let the things which are due he rendered. . ; Thanksgiving nr Bav. Albbbt Ohttboh.—The Christian Commission will hold another of thoEe enthusiastle meetings Which we shall miss so much when the war. Is over, to-morrow evening, In the Washington-Square Church. We learn that seferal delegates from Klohmond are expected to-night, whose presence will Impart addi tional Interest to the meeting. Annivbbsasv.—To-morrow afternoon, at three O’clock, the. anniversary or the Sunday Sohool of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Seventeenth and Ohectnnt streets, will take place. A very fine pro gramme, gratifying as well to the scholars as to the andlenee, Is offered. The exercises will aonslst of music at the organ by Mr. B. Carr Cross, hymns by the scholars, and addresses by Bev. G. Dana Board man* Hon, Jas. Follook, and Bev, X H. Castle. Thanksgiving Sbkhon at Bsthbl A, M. E Cuukoh —This Church celebrated the ptoolama tlon of the Governor by appropriate addresses to the Sabbath School by several speakers. The thanksgiving sermon was preached by the Bev. Stephen Smith, from Kogans, B, 28. Ho said that the oooaslon was one or extraordinary Interest, and Ue.wonld not oonfino himself to a sermon etriotly " but would speak of the goodness of God and the recent successes of army. He di vided the text Into two distinct parts—first, the cha racters spoken of j second, what constitutes the fcrne lover of Oofl. He said toe address of tie Apostle Paul was more particularly to that portion of God’s oreatlon who endeavored to walk In the footstepß of the Saviour, The wicked and perverse generations* and they who fear not the Almighty, would surely b .® d ® st ™i® d > to those who followed Christ should be given the rich reward of an Incorruptible Inheritance. The present time was one most auspi* Clous to the long-oppressed and downtrodden ue soenfiants of Ham. Bat the help of the Almighty has been lent to the Union Army, until they have even penetrated those cities where formerly a man was sold by his brother to the highest bidder. God had heaid the prayers of the poor slaves In the rloe swsmps end cotton-fields, and had shown to tho 1 Southern oppressors that He, and He alone, was Buler of the Universe. We should give praises to Him for His Interposition In our behalf He has used the sword and cannon to bring life and llbertv to nearlyone-eighth the entire population of the country, He has bowed down and humbled the proud masters of the South. The speaker said he believed that God oould have removed tho national sin, slavery, without so much shedding of blood, but He used this method that while He was freeing the oppressed. He was making the oppressor to snS ' ter, and just In proportion as the master had bur dened the Blave, so God had pnolshed him for so doing. Theseoond division of the text he dwelt on for some time, after which he paid a glowing tribute to that portion of the army made «p of black men. nod more especially the gallant regiment who entered Blehmond. He sa ki p e *- stored until our lawroakca-rllllOirhiiiiTd never bo fo wordjlavo irealSffgSrs had totally erased the AkaruvxjffMwsttSr^the statute-books of the land, and closed by urging npoß the people at home to pray for the soldiers In the field. Bboovsry ojt tbm Molt Sbptoohbb,— The Em press of the French him Inaugurated a project' for the recovery of the Holy Sepulchre, and, as befits her sex, she seeks to conclude It only through the blessed instrumentalities of peace. Her illustrious husband and the virtuous Queen of Great Britain found, but a few years since, oddly enough, motlveß for mr In the tomb of Christ. Bussla could not see what earthly or heavenly Interest England or France could properly have In that celebrated key which so absorbed the deliberations of the Osar and the Sublime Forte; but the Allies saw enough to induce them to take hold of the « gage me. teriel.” But all tho waste of,life whloh the war In the Crimea occasioned, even If it determined who should hold the key, did not so harmonize the Greeks and Batins that they oonld repair the sacred dome over the holy place so that pilgrims Oonld pray there with safety by reason of the dilapidated condition of the Btrnotnre. Neither party could or can so yield to the other olaims' ox possession of vested sights that the edifice can be reconstruct ed. The Latins Insist npon their peoullar In scriptions and emblems, and the Greeks are as tenacious of theirs. Bight here comes In the fair Eugenie with a proposition so good and Catho lic, so “beyond the region of politics,” so re moved from “all contentions ideas,” that re sistance most be impossible. She asks the queen sovereigns of Europe to insorlbe their names to a “universal subscription” for the raising of lands, not merely to repair the dome, but to “en tirely rebuild the ohnroh of the Holy Sepulchre on a new plan, and on a larger scale, so that It might afford accommodation for aU communions.” As Helena, the mother of Constantine, made her fa mous journey at eighty years of age to the Holy Land, and . Instigated the erection of the first Christian churches over the oaves of Bethlehem, Olivet, and Jerusalem, so now the wife of Napoleon 111, sets on foot the noble work of building ano w church, by the voluntary contribution of all Christ endom, over that sacred spot. Throat Bisbasb.—lt is not. out of place in this column to make, a reference to throat dis ease. This distressing, malady, by whloh so many clergymen are laid aside from usefulness, de seives more attention than has, perhaps, been bestowed npon It, aha from ‘some faots whloh are pretty obvious, Its ‘ oSuse and cure may be inferred. In the first place, we apprehend those who speak every day, however forcibly, snob as lawyers, teachers, newsboys, debaters In Parlia ment, and ministers who preaoh dally, are rarely affcoted by It. Only those suffer who make a great and straining effort on one- day of the week, and have little or no similar exercise the other six days, just as a man who rides dally feelß no inconvenience; whereas, If he takes a violentirot once a week all his muscles and bones will feel It foraconple of days afterwards. Xu the seoohd place, speakers who hold np their headß and speak out, are rarely affected by It. Lawyers who lock up to the bench In speaking, Parliamentary oratora who address the Speaker, and all who speak to hearers placed either higher, or on the same level with them selnes, seem to be free from the disease. It la the elevation of pnlpits above the audience, ne cessitating a bending forward of thehead, and above all, the habit of reading sermons, requiring the bend ing down of the head, which seem to be the chief causes of throat disease, unless we add too much time spent In sedentary Btudy of books, and too little In visiting and going about, conversing with and studying men. If high pnlpits and-manuscripts oonld be dispensed with, and a free, upright, open mouthed delivery seonred, together with a good measure of open-air exerolse, there would be proba bly little or no throat disease. \ Itbmb IH Mimatcbe.— By Hie death of Cardinal Wiseman the number of cardinals, .ia reduced to slaty, As the Sacred College consists of seventy -members, ten cardinals’ hats are at the disposal of the Pope. Thanksgiving ceremonies, in accordance with the proclamation of the Governor, were solemnized all over the State last Sunday. Every denomination Joined in the religions rejoicings. - „ ' The members of the St. Louis Presbytery, while holding their annual Conference, at Sixteenth and 'Walnut afreets, in that eity, last week, were visited ohe flay by Major,Metcalf, assistant provost mar shal of the district, and requested to take the al legiance. This request was made in accordance with an order by Boseerans la brief. The oath was taken with great willingness.! Os Satobday mobbihg fortnight the liturgy* of the orthodox Oriental Church was publicly cele brated in St. John's Episcopal ohapel, New York. The interesting feature of this service was the con fession and communion of the people, the clergymen alone having received It previously. The former rite is supposed, to .be essentially the same as that or the Catholic Church, but this Is a mistake. In stead of the " confessional,” the confession is made in public, and is as open as the ante-communion service, confession, and absolution of the English and American Episcopal Churches, and almost Identical In substance. Bntroioos SBBviojta in the captured city of Blohmond continue as usual, with the same pastors. The only restriction on them is, that ** la all ohurch es where prayers have been heretofore offered for the ' so-called President of the Confederate States’ & similar mark of respect la hereby ordered to be paid to the President of the Unttedr States.” Soldiers’ Families. To the Editor of The Press Sib : Permit me to lay another cue of real want before onr citizens. The wife of a soldier who died of starvation In a Southern prison 1b left with six ohliaren.T have just come in rrom visiting her The last par she received was in September, Met. That was obtained for her by the claim agent of the Sanitary Commission, who has her claim for pen slon and back-pay, and who informed me to day that the money could not be obtained till about next September. Neither pension nor back-pay of soldiers who die in the enemy’s prison can be obtained till tbe expiration of a certain period of time. Besides, there Is tbe greatest difficulty liTobtalnlng satisfac tory Information of the death of suoh soldiers suffi cient for establishing the claim. On this account the widows and oblldren of snob soldiers have often to setter the extremes of want. From this widow’s landloid the following notice lies before me: 11 You are hereby notified to quit tbe premises situate back of No. street, or pay within fifteen days the rent due and in arrears, being $22 50.” The notice js dated.on April Ist, 1865, and tho time expires to- Sprely our citizens will respond to this appeal. l have received lor- tbe eoldier’rwlft and four chil dren referred to In Tne Press of tbe 126 b tbo folios?- lug contributions; Prom F. Gv, Philadelphia “ A Frlrnd of the Needy “ A Friend “ Anonymous •< Anonymous, Philadelphia. “ K.0.L., F « O. T. M., “ ,T, H. M., “ K. M. H., » M. D..„ 11 M. A., Philadelphia, * POB SOIPIBKS’ FAMILIES. Prom Anonymous, two bundles clothing. From A Y. Ml, two tons coal. From J. M. F., Ashland, Fa., throe oar loads of oonl. , ; I will be glad to take any one to spa these poor .ecldiere' families. OiTv Pastor, Jfo, 1341 Lombard strove anniversary or the abolition society. - Tha ninetieth anniversary of the Penns rlvanla Society, which was organized April li, ins, "for the porpose of promoting the abolition of slavery, for the relief of free negroes unlawfully held In bondage, and for improving the condition of the African race,” was celebrated last evening at Con cert Hall. Avery large audience was In attend ance, among whom we noticed.dome members who have been oonneoted with the Soolety for a long period oi time. E. Dlllwyn Parrish occupied the ohalr, and announced the purpose for whloh the meeting was called, saying that In 1776 a few phi lanthropic men met for the purpose of considering the great snbjeet of American slavery.; At that time there were four hundred thousandslaves In the ranntry, and they were being extended throughout tee Territories. A petition was subsequently sent to Congress, signed by Benjamin Franklin as chair man, asking tbat the farther extension of Blayery be prohibited* The soolety from that time have—— undaunted by threats, and undismayed by populate violence—taken charge of the fugitive .slaves, ana fed and clothed them, and sent them on their way rejoicing* A deep-rooted prejudice still unhappily prevail against the African race, and thore is a wide field open to labor in behalf of them, and en deavor to make the people believe that all men are born free apd equal, and endowed with certain la ' H. T« Warritoer, counsellor o! the society, was next Introduced, and referred to the trampling of the American flag in the duet four years ago. No w that flag waves in trfumuh where it first met the breath of dishonor. ' He thought it a fitting occasion to celebrate the schoolmaster and spelling-book over the taskmaster and whipping-post. Ninety years ago the father of American liberty and independence formed the nucleus of a society which has taken no Insignifi cant part In the freedom of the African race. It seemed rather ominous that the traitors should have selected the I4th of April to have carried out their 1 plots of treason. They certainly did not know of the prayers, tears, and self sacrificing love that were vested to the society formed by Pennsylvanians. WSJ * sketch of thesociety,say tog that the ■word white was not so pro valent then the founders being determined to give relief to all classes without regard to color* Chief Justice had . n °t th» been educated, and the country had no school for him. The names of Beniamin 1 -S r iJ* elijwnl ? S ? sll > Plt * o f England. Zdmyette'Of France, and .others were incorporated with those who founded the sooiety* - The -speaker referred to the feet that the pro slavery party of 1780 accepted the proposition that emancipation must be followed by the right of suf- U®g}* .will the Bepublioan party of 1865 go behind the doctrine then recognized 7 One of the first fees tureßof the society, and the first public document emanating irom It, was an address to parties In Don don looking to the abolition of the foreign slave trade. The labors in this cause were immense, ex- j tending throughout this country and Europe, and I even to Africa itself. Under the auaploes of toe soolety a Convention was held la'January, mi, for ! toe purpose of considering toe abolition of slavery. Ur. Benjamin Kush presented an address on the oc casion. In 1805 the society took into consideration toe condition of toe morals of the colored race. In 1820 the society was aroused by the admission of Missouri as a slave State. David Paul Brown. Esq.* took an active part In this oauße, and for over thirty years earnestly contributed hie talents to behalf of toe society. The object of tote meeting was to take Aggressions of the*slavepowar; me third feature of the society was to lmprovatoo condition of toe colored race, a work which all could “8?B® to, as It would be aa benefiolal to tbe white mau as the colored. i Eey. Alfred N. Gilbert,.of Now York, was next Introduced, and said (his sooloty had passed through many vicissitudes up to iB6O, when we became a nation oi slave oatchers. Then same the reaction, i and now the mission of the society la almost ac complished, lbr when the centennial anniversary shall arrive, not a shackle for the slave will be found In the land. - At 12 o'clock to-day, Henry Ward Beecher, who Is as muoh hated as reared by slaveholders, pronounced In the harbor of Charles ton that slavery was dead forfthe rains oi heaven to fali upon, and the fowls of heaven to devour. It was believed in Kentucky, and told to the speaker, that one of the Southern chivalry was equal to five Northern men, and the worst of It was that some of •our Northern men believed It, too. We were told heretofore of the delicate sense of honor possessed by the Southern chivalry. ,TUo wearing of rings made of. human bones, by Southern beauties, and the treatment of our prisoners at Libby and Salisbury, Showed the hollowness of this brazen pretence. It was true we had lost many forts, but to day Ander son Is at Sumpter, and we have many others besides Sumpter, so our fort account Is not very large. It > is true tbat we have lost slavery, and in doing so ’ we enriched the nation. The rebellion had de veloped onr resonroes, and made all Europe tremble for fear that Jonathan, who had put his big foot on rebellion, would- place It on them. They need not be alarmed, because the knowledge of our strength would make us less quarrelsome than ever, amFthe nation that had frequently fed Europe oouid now smile In conscious security. With reference to the emancipation clause, the speaker said It would be passed, fbr the reason that there was not Satanic power enough on earth, or In hell beneath the earth, to defeat It. The masses of the rebellion were entitled to our sympathy, and pity, and we must save them by opening the door to liberty, virtue, and patriotism We must not reduce oureelvea to sepoy-shootirivs l ®' India or smothering people, as was.io-y.T-whg in We owe‘a debt to ln France, and knew tha.Mißari'irJeaußfSiwtto were not misled, 8£?s5l» ooDßcquences of their undertaking In decking personal aggrandisement and the perpetual tlon of slavery. A.million of our men lay oold m death, the result of their experiment. The world has stood appalled at their fiendish cruelty, and we are asked to take these men to our hearts and for give and conciliate them. It Is atrocious; it in sults our .dead heroes and the faces of our living JOBS, riioud applause.] I care not if a thousand Ward Beechers had said it; I say It Is atrocious. [Continued applause.] j You hung Beal and Ken nedy,-and yet it is asked that the devils in hnman form who Instigated them shall be forgiven, and the hand of friendship extended to them. Never 1 never! [Great applause.] I atk not for vengeanoe, but 1 do ask for the most Inflexible jus tice towards their leaden. We owe a debt to the-, colored race, the loyalists of the South. It is obli gatory on the Governmei;t to see that the,negro shall not he placed at the mercy of.his ’former mas ter. and the- only way to do this is to give him the right of suffrage. Wlth the ballot. In bis hand he can protect himself. [Loud and continued ap plause] We owe a debt to England, not war, for It would be hardly worth-while to spend torn tithes as much as'her corsairs have destroyed to oollect cur malm. Let that debt remain as a hllsterlDg sore on the honor of England, and wait. Weiowe a debt tsthe widows of our brave soldiers who have fallen in battle. Wm. S. Fleroe, Eeq., and other members of these; cletv made short addresses, the meeting being e£ tended to quite a late hour. GALA DAY AMONGST THE COLORED PEOPLE. The celebration of the recent victories by theeo. lored people of this olty took place yesterday. It consisted of a parade of several colored organiza tions and the 24th United States Colored Troops from Camp william Fenn. The presentation of a handsome stand of colors to this regiment by the colored people of this city also formed put of the celebration. The procession formed in line shortly after ten o’clock, on Broad street, below Locust, In the fol lowing order: oHnt» MABBHAL. . J. E. Glasgow and Aids. JHJBIO. Delmonlco Assembly, no. l, with flags, etc. RKOonaTOKS’ AssnwnnT. Col. Wagner and Lieut. Col. Krippe, with 24th Eeglment United States Colored Troops. OAPITOI. ASBBMBIT. Delegation of oolored men on horseback. An escort of tho civic organizations met the 24th Eeglment at America and master streets, and pro* needed down Master to Second, down Second to Coates, down Coates to Fourth, down Fourth to Green, up Green to York avenue, down York ave-' nue to Vine, up Vine to Twelfth, down Twelfth io Arch, up Aroh to Broad, where they were joined by civilians In line of procession, down Broad to Chest put, and down Chestnut to the State House, where the flag was presented. i A large assemblage of people gathered In this rl• olnlty to witness the ceremony which took-place from the State House steps. The regiment was countermarched down the street and drawn up in line along the front of the row buildings. The band from Camp William Penn was In attendance, and discoursed some excellent music., ’ The flag was presented by G. 0. White and O. Y. Cato, both of whom made neat addresses. It was received by Idem. Colonel Trlppe, or the 24th Regiment United States Colored Troops. Alter the presentation the line of march was agam resumed, toe following additional route being ?assed oyer: Down Sixth to Walnut, up Walnut to welfth, down Twelfth to Lombard, down Lombard to Third, np Third to Chestnut, down Chestnut to Front, up Front to depot. -Theflag which was presented to tho regiment Is of a heavy rich blue silk, Is adorned with Svery fine painting, from an original design by Mr. Bowser, a colored artist, representing a colored soldier at the end of toe war springing forward to receive a scroll, descending from the clouds, bearing the motto “ Fiat Jnstltla ” The scroll over the palntlngls inscribed, ** Let Soldiers In War be Citizens In Feace.” The reverse bears the United States arms. The whole affair Is a mcßt creditable one to aU concerned. American nail-making machete. _ The celebrated nail-making machine of tho Boston Manufacturing Company Is In operation In Frank lin Place, above Chestnut street, for toe purpose of allowing the pnbllo an opportunity to Inspect Its operations. The machine Is aertalnly curious aud interesting. It produces a perfect hall or various Blseg. in toe sharpening or: the knives fifty per cent. Is saved. There is also a saving of from fifty to seventy-five nor cent, in the cutting of the nails. .The following is toe capacity or a single machine: Fine three-penny nails; 176 poundsof iron per day: ordinary three-penny, 260 pounds; four-penny, 400 pounds; six-penny, 860. pounds; ten-penny, 1,200 pounds; twelve-penny: 1,600 pounds. Coat of run ning one hundred machines per day, $60.76; cost of running the old machines, s32s.per day—thus show ing a saving of $285,26, which, being multiplied by SCO working days, shows a saving of s7o,s7s—being a dividend of six per omit, on a capital of $1,200,000. It Is very evident that toe Southern oountry, when toe bow of peaoe.arohes oVer that section, will want nails, and such machines aa toe above, thus briefly alluded to, will be able to meet toe great emergency. The world moveß, and too Yankee nation fi still universal, ■ Tim city already gives evidence of preparations for the grand Illumination on Monday next. Gas fixtures are being put up in many places. Tin smiths, carpenters,’ pyrotechnists, candle-makers, and transparency painters are all busy. The State House row will present a magnlfleent appearance. Each window of to© row, sixty-four in all, will be occupied by a star and toe name of a feneral, formed of gas-jets. Workmen are laboring ay and ; night to have the fixtures complete by Monday next. We feel justified in saying that Old Independence will present a magnificent appear ance next Monday night. LET ORDER PREVAIL. On toe occasion of toe Illumination on Monday frfhjng the joy of toe people would be greatly heightened If toe tide of population could be made to flow on smoothly. On occasions Of public cele brations (he “ roughs ” have had their own way to ’ a-’greafc extent. -If the people should agree to the following programme general personal collisions wonld be avoided: Up or west on toe north side of streets, and east or down on toe south side—pro ceed north on toe east side, and south on tho west side of all Intersecting streets. Am Order from toe, antooritles of toe oity to this effect wonld meet with' the respectful consideration of all peace-loving citi zens, and wonld only be received with disfavor by pickpockets and toteves generally. REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLEB. The Republican Invlnolbles held a meeting last evening, at Sansom street Hall, for toe purpose of taxing into consideration toe propriety of making a US*—, 8 !??,!? 1011 noxt Monday evening. Mr. Riche tkß cbalr - Altersome debateltwas agreed make a street parade. The sum of $3OO, fbr the purpose, was pledged. On mo a - a fi««d that friends of toe Invlnolbles . t 0 ‘ ak ® Position on the left of toe line. *V,® r , k E ' sme further discussion on unimportant de tails the meeting adjourned. turner’s lane hospital. at Turner’s-lane Hospital, on Thursday night, of whloh notice appeared In The Frees, was a decided success. Tbo ontire hospital was Illuminated, while transparencies and other pyrotechnic devices decorated the grounds. At an early hour the dining-hall was filled by toe patients and by visitor* from toe olty. Rev. Herman Bo hnm, the chaplain of toe hospital, introduced the" exercises by briefly stating the object of the meet lng. Mr. G. A. Wheeler, a patient of toe hospital, delivered an address, Rev. Mr. Taylor also made some remarks. BUMMIT-HOUSE-HOBPITAL SALUTE. In honor M the fall of Richmond and the surrender or General tee’s army, a salute of two hundred guns was fired, at aoon yesterday, at toe Summit- House IJ. s. A. General Hospital, Darby road, West Philadelphia. The firing was done by Company A, lsvNew York Light Artillery, Lieut Freeman com manding, who’fcfiidly volunteered the services of the After tco firiDg-the'inmates of the hospital weJKMeatefl to a sumptoSUs lunch by Surgequ J. fr Tajlcfij Qijjttmanmng hospital, Th? iwspHal jftw s2 00 7 00 5 00 1 r d\-, . • THE 43X1' hi • THE ILLUMINATION. decorated with flag?, and a general good feeling and rtjolclng prevailed throughout. CHICAGO SANITARY PAIR. i We are requested to state to those perrons hold tag tickets for the tableaux Tor the benefit of the Chicago Sanitary Fata, at 1608 Locust street, to take place on Monday evening, that In consequence of the illumination the entertainment, especially for this evening, 1b postponed until Wednesday even tag, the l®th Inst., The tableaux set apart for Tuesday evening will take place In aooordanoe with the programme as arranged, FLAG-RAISING. ■An Interesting ceremony took place yesterday at Mon- The members of the First Baptist Church, Broad and Arch streets, raised a flag at their house of worship. There was a large ooneourae of people' present. After the flag was raised Rev. GK D. Boardman, pastor of the church, delivered a suite- ■ ble address. . OTHELLO’S OCCUPATION. . Bounty jumpers, bogus substitute brokers, and military swindlers generally, wore long races yes terday, a single dash of the pen, at the Instance bf: the great General Grant, decimated them; thus preetloally Illustrating that the pen In the ban Is of men entirely great Is as mighty as the sword. CAUTION TO CITIZENS. Citizens should more than doubly secure the fast of 4110 rB ?J windows, doom, and gateways of , 01 i Mw i <Ja y « T «ning, as thieves of every y^Uom™" tag ® ° fUle Nation Vo FESTIVAL POSTPONED. it will be seen that the opening of the great organ in the Filbert street; between an ? Eighteenth, has been postponed to Tuesday evening, AprM isth. * MILITARY FUNERAL. . ' Captain G. W. Mnifrey, of Company O, (StttU' Sjj* ? u^ 6 > 198th P. V., waskllled, April Ist, la -front of Petersburg. His funeral win take place rrom the residence of Professor SaunUers, Thirty nlnth hnd Market streets, this afternoon, at i o’clock. FAMILY TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. The first pnbllo meeting of this organization will be held to-morrow afternoon at the Assembly Build togs. The object of the society Is to distribute pledges to individual members of families. - ■ LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE. ,_T?? Oommlttee, which has been in session to this olty for some time Investigating the alleged bribery to connection with the Delaware. Lanka d, yfptsiu RaUroad Company, have ad journed until May next. -POUND DROWNED. .Coroner Taylor held- an Inquest yesterday upon the body of a man ftrahd floating to the Schuylkill river. The deceased was about five feet eight Inches to height, had dark hair, and wore a navy jacket and pants, blue shirt, and low Bboes. Papers .were found In bis pockets which led to .the belief that his name was James Ross. ’ BOY, DROWNED. A boy named Manley Batereby was drowned yes terday afternoon, to the Schuylkill, near Laurel Hill .Cemetery. The body was reeovered and taken to the resldenoe of his parents, Nineteenth and Seott streets. THE, POLICE. C Before Mr. Alderman Beitier.3 * _ KOBE DEVELOPMENTS. ? k ° was arrested a few days sines Jff ° v 86 ot 48 king out work from the military hoeee of Mr. John T. Welle, by false let recommendation, was arraigned for a final efternoon. The erldenoe set forth that she had obtained pantaloons from Lyman Seoohd street, and gave the name M K ri s ( ?i arl£ 'Stating;her resldenosto be at6ll Lombard street. Also, pantaloons from D. T. Field, North Third street, under the name of Emma «*^Si? ierß ki Blrnig “ , ller residence 411 Lombard SShS. 4 ' ®w£S’ P ail f al “ff. s ft om Aaron Aarons,- , „ t ,',s iT,ng 98 ter name Jane Palmer, residing at 311 Lombardstreet. Also, from w“S«is!Si£ b «V J& u &. Seoo,ia B treet, giving as SJS reeldenpe 611 Christian street. These, in ad dition to Messrs. Wanamaker & Brown, and J. T wells, make six distinct charges against lief* The , of prisoner is rather in her favor. Poverty, it Is likely, prompted her: to depart from the pathway or honesty. She was committed in de fanlt 0! $1,600 bail to answer. finally committed, Brvan Brady and Sylvester Bennett, who were arrested a few days since on the charge of the -lan. cony of pieces of silk from the store of Messrs. Wooa & Gary, were arraigned at the Central Station yesterday afternoon for a final hearing. They were committed in default of $1,600 ball to answer at court. ANOTHER-BCffiNTY-HONEY TRANSACTION. George Nepp was Arraigned- yesterday on the * kar §® of ddfrauding Joseph Frlepis of the sum of $BOO bounty money, it seems that the complainant, 5? *?® name of George Moore, in Company Reglment, P. V., a? Norristown, ant re oeived the bounty of $476. Of this sum he retained $5O, and handed the remainder to Nepp,; who was to take his expenses ($126) out of It and give the SS?Sti.“®¥/ k tllßr ® orult - , U 13 alIe l?d that he dia not convey the money as directed. hgt»»»> priated it to Ms own use. Thedefi over in the sum of $1,550 „„ ,-. .Tr^yPO _____ Wilant was bound fttuTwer at court. ■JSSfc WITHDRAWN. ' Face, who was arraigned before Eecorder Eneu a few days aince, on the Charge of assault and battervon a little girl, by throwing a tuning-key at her,l&d therebyfofiictlnga out on her forehead, has been honorably discharged. The. statement as made at-the hearing, was, of coarse, etc parte, and publications in the several papers re*' specting the same were erroneous. The injury to the little girl, fortunately, was slight, and entirely accidental. Mr. P. was tuning; an uptight piano, when the girl looked through a pane of glass in the door, and, exclaimed,' musicand Mr. m turning quickly, accidentally struck a board, which fell over, and striking against the gjaffi broke it, and one of the pieces out the little child on the forehead.' The after making an investigation of the broken, pane 'had the sur roundings, the size and weight of the tnnlog.kay, readily admitted the affair to have been accidental, Mr. Faas, it may be said, is a valuable citizen, and possesses too much kindness of heart to .commit such anaot asthatchargCdagainst Mm; 1 A „ ArrtwM ana Sailing of o««aii Steamers. 10 ABKIYE. nISKL. n? KOk J. MB . . BATS Britannia.... .—-Glasgow......Hbw York...March 96 Palestine . —..Liverpool Hal. 3c N. Y. March IS Helvetia.—. Liverpool ....Hew York..-Match 28 Bremen —.Southampton.Ark Mew.. Mkrshna- Moravlan...........Liverpool Portland—March 30 git, of Limerick. .Liverpool—.. New York-.. April 1 £oropft*e«.p.....»..Liverpool:.....Boston. .«-.« April 1 Southampton. Hew Tork. ..April 6 City of Baltimore..Liverpool...-.STew York... April 5 lajarette Havre—- ....Heir York... April S 8e1gian...... Liverpool ....Portland.... -April « Persia. —Liverpool ....Sow York.. .April 8 TODBPAB T Teutonia ..Kew York..,. Ham burg ....April lg Etna................ New York....Liverpool ....April is SeYiaScottan .Portland.... ..Liverpool. ...April 16 Gfeiua-.•••*•" York.,*.Liverpool ....ADrii 19 Golden Rule. ..Pew York.... Ban loan,Rio. April 28 Corsica. sew York... .Rasranlt Sav April 29 Montezuma.. New York.... Kingston, Ja.April 29 Hemtia• •*«».., York.Liverpool ►«— April §2 Edinburiyi— ..Kew York....Liverpool —April 22 Morning Star.. Hew York.... Hew Orleans. April 21 LhTfEBBAdS, AT THE MSHCIIAJCIS’ BXCIIAAQE, PHTT.Anar.WTT* iliS h 5!L CB p ) 1 I f orrow •■• • • 8t - Thornes, soon. SK ■ ....Havens, soon. BCfir FwiiJe, soon. a™ PHn-ADELPHIA BOABD OFTBADB adwaebC. Bissis 1 * Sakc-ei. & Stokbe, > ComnTTKB of the Moxth. Qeobge N. Tatham, j ■ T mariive mmuoEiircE. POKT OF PIIII,AnBI,PHI», APBII, 14. Ban Rises. ~.C 27 1 Sun Sets*...# 33 I High Water... s 21 ABBIVBD. . lutto eiptata 6 *' 4 da,s !lom Baltimore, In bal- “•bj 4 r ? i<! ,s &?t 6 . Tes ’ Irelan, 1 day from Wilming ton, Del, hr ballast to captefn. , bal!a«tlo J> capia'lu rBl,ht0 “’ ii&l ‘ from Washington, In , s s?r Porfo Bico,Tjl«r,s days from Alexandria, in hal last to H McShain. . . . , Schr All*; Oliver, 3 days from Hew York, in ballast ■0 WorfclDuß & Go SchrBpeele,.Emltb, 5 days from Washington, In bal last to captain. la S lal]laUooajmdlL Q ‘ JOdBPeed ' froln stress Monroe, Scbr Almira, Btaplefoit, from Washington, In ballast tO J T JUKtQS. ... i fvbr Ain Parker, Berrv, from Haw York, In ballast to Caldwell, Sawyer, & Co. Bohr M Beinhart, Thompson, from City Point, Inbal last to captain • Bohr Col Beater, Perry, from Pall Hirer, In ballast to 6 Ipt&ul Schr Eva Beil, Lee,from Boston, In ballast to captain. Schr Boiton, Brower,from Portress Monroe.in ballast •0 C&PI&iIL ■ l - ■ ■ * * -r ■ » f Schr James Hoffman, Selsey.-from Hew-Haven, in allast to Wannemaeher h Maxfleid. - . , Sobr Kate McLean. Tlllett, from Hew Haven, In bal last to £ audenried * Co Schr B Bement. Penny, from Boston, in ballast to captain. ■ 4 Bchr May Flower, Sammons, 2day Bfrom Milford* Del# ■wltlx oaU to James Barratt. 3 day * from Milford, DM, with corn to James Barratt. - Sihr Bttie Hall, Deming. l day from Frederica, Del. ■with grain to Jams* L. Bewley A Go. • 1 r.i C Da,°wS tomberto J W Kn’ 8 BaTi. 8 d ‘ Ti ,C ° m SalWrary fiehr TP McCollev, Durborough, 1 dar from Camden, Del, with grain to James Barratt ' Steamer 8 C Water- Sherjn, 21 houra from New York, with mdse toff M Baird a Co. CLEARED. : Brig G GRoberts, Barnes, Barbados. Brig Jndley, Carter, Charleston. BrigM TEusworth (Br), Msßrlde, St John, HB. DrigJosßaker, Hicketßon,New Orleans. Br * Wmßlckela. Ames, Portress Monroe. Brig C H Jordan, Pluir er.iPort Barrancas. Schr Somerset, Miller, Baltimore. . Schr Archer fr Beeves,. Irslan, Hatteras Inlet. Schr SB Conover, Jones, Si Inegoes. Bohr Maiydohmion. Phinney, Boston. Schr Wm Bement, Fenny, Boston. Schr EG Willard, Parsons, Boston. Schr Ann Parker, Berry, Augusta, Schr M Reinhart, Thompron, Port Monroe. -Schr Golden Eagle, Kelly, New Bedford. &clir Ja* Hoffman, Beltsey, Middletown, Go&n. Schr Kate McLean*TDlett, Berwick. Fchr Goi Lester, Perry. Providence. Schr Louis Spanier, Lewis, Boston. Schr lnlet. Fehr M Steelman. Steelman, Beaufort. Schr D Jones. Tatem, Bewbem. Schr Mery Haley.'Haley; Port Monroe. Echr Tillfe. Conklin, Baltimore. Schr H Vans, Powell* Hampton Bo ids, Schr Almira, .Staplefort, Washington. Sehr Colonel Jones, Hilli Portsmouth, fichrTennessee, Wooster. Bosios. Steamer B Willing, Gundiff, Baltimore. [Correspondence ol the Philadelphia Exchange.} . • ,• I ewes Dei., April 13-7 AM. - The ship Island Light for Nevacaa, and all of the fleet Before reported bound north* went Krsea yeater day morning with a fresh BSW wind. The Bolted Slates hark Fernandlna and. United States brig Perry passed np the bay. The Wind Changed during last night to the northward, and the. southern-bound fleet yill proceed to sea. ; JOHN g. BOSTON. MACHINERY AND IRON. J, YAUQSAV MSBBZOK. WIXLIAIf X. joar b. cope. COUTHWARK FOUNDRY, *J FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTRBBTS. 'Tun.ADKI.PHIA. BBBBIbE * SOWS, „ , BNGINBEBB AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Bnginee, for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, ft*.; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-frame Hoofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Kail road Stations, As. . Retorts an d Gas Machinery of toe latest and most la proved construction. „ Every description of Plantation Machinery, sueh At Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Fans, Ones Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines,fra Sole agents for Nt Bfblenx’s Patent Sugar- Boiling Ap paratus, Nesmyth’sFatent Steam Hammer, and Aspls wall fr Wolsey’a’Patent Centrifugal Sugar-Dralnias Machine. tul2-« WM. M. FABER & CO., W . mONFOUNDi^^**™* 8 - GENERAL MACHINISTS, AND BOILER MAKERS, STATION, Manufacture all kinds of STEAM ENGINES, ranzlns from three to one hundred and fifty' hcras-nower, and suited for Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Furnaces, Oi) Wells, frc., frc. . Give particular attention to the construction of Bn pines and Machinery for oil boring and pumping opera tlons. Have always on hand, finished and ready, foi shipment, ENGINES and BOILESS of every deserts tion. ■ Orders frorn all parts of the eountry solicited and promptly filled, ' ' Sa2S-8a MORGAN. .ORR, & COfi&TEAM E» GINS BDII'DEKS, Iron Founders, and Genera! Maenliflat. and BoUsr Makers, Nof'ialfl CALLOW HTLI, Btreet. Phlladelahla. . . , feVo-W tTELMBOLD’S BUCHC * A give* health to th,e ffeme and bloom It tbe pallid eheek. Deblitty is accompanied by issni alarming aymptoms, and if no treatment la snbolited to. iobsobipUob, Of itooma*. THjB PEESS.-PHUiABELPHIAV SATURDAY, APRIL U. 8. LOAN By authority of too Saintorr of to* Treasury. to* undersigned liu assumed to* Sononl A(««r for to. sal. o, nßltei gutM Treasury Hot* b ** rin * *»d Uwt-tenUu hi **nt. Interest per annum. known a* toe Vhm Vote ats .-iMMC/utedsto of Jon* IS. 1855, ua art payahi* torn years from that tlmo, In sur toMT, or are tonTortlhl* at toe option of tin holderlato Theseßonde ere now Worth a premium of hint *« •ont • ineludlnffgold interest front November, whleh Bokoo to* setaal progt on tin 7-80 loon, ot (arrant “to*. lneludlng interest, about ton par sent. p*r na nnin, besides it* exemption/rmaStatt and municipal taxation, which adds firom,'one to three per cent, more, nocofdln* to too raUleyled on otoor property., *to. interest Is MitoU semi- annually iy oonpont httashed toeashnoto, wUok aoybo eut offend sold to any bank or banker., Th» interest amounts to one «ont p«r doy on a o«o nolo. Two **nts par day on a ,190 not*. TensehtspordaronaßSOdnot#. ' Twenty eents per day on a $l,OOO not*. On* Dollar per day on * $5,000 not*. Veto* of all to* denomination* aunod will b* prompt, ly fnmUhod upon reeelpt of snbeeriptlons, and too note* forwarded at once. Th» ( lntere»Mo USto jane next will be paid in advance. This!* ' I j THE ONLY IdJAK IN market- - now ottered by to* Government, and it to oonddently expected toot It*' superior advantages will make it to* GBEAT POPULAR liOANOF THE PEOPUB. I*** than $800,000,000 of the Uton anthoriied by toe Teat Congress uro liow 'Obit* market. Tbla amount, at toe. raf* which it 1* being absorbed.-will all be subscribed for within four months, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, ashto uni formly been the eaae at toe don of the subscription* to other leans. Inurdertbat eltiaens of every town and Motion of to* country m*» 0o afforded facilities for taking to* loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Banker* throughout the country, hay* generally agreed tor*, edy* subscription* at par. ' Bubadtbom will Ml*st tkelr bWn'agents, In whom tosy hay* eonfideneei, and who only aratoß* rosponctbl* for to* delivery or to* notes tor which toby roeely* order*. . ' BBBsaSlPTpSlfnOJlfT. Ho. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, QS-fm. coupons; 5-20, DUE MAY 1,1865; AND JULY £ 1865, BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET RATES, BY WM-JPAINTrtEH & CO., Bankera, ; «P 5 1m lIP booth third strict. , OHAULBB EHOKI. AUX. J>. QHARLES EMORY & OCK, "' IffiOKEBS, , No. 15 South Third street, 1 ' ■ \ ■ wwrT.annr.Ptna. dS All ktoda of uncurront funde and Goldand Sllycc bourbt and sold, and Collections made. Particular attention riven to to* purchase and cal* cit Government, Btate, and otoerStodka and loans on com- : mission, . noag-dm 5-20 C o'u JP o'2N ; ,Sfe DUE ' HAT .let, ’"y* ;v ' BY DBEXEL&C9., mhfO-tmyl ? - 80. 3* 80PTH THIBP STBMT. ’/ '»£HE NNW ; f . 7-30 U. 8. NOTKB ’ BA.NKBBB AND brokers, BBS SOOT BTBEBT, dealers nr aovßßmonr secueitcm 5bh5....... ....... ........ BiiiT, .. ;.. t 1 zahls-lM 7.30. &' LETI9, BANEEKB ,A3SO?^BBOKEBK -’illkindeof ' * ; GOVBBHMEHT SECURITIES AHD STOCKSSOUGHT, BOLD, AHD NEGOTIATED. ' BOLD iSB.'SILTKB BOUGHT AITD #DA ’ MB attention liven, to OIL STOCKS. BtMOrfat - IDWABD JWBISa. BOBJLCI B. WA*BOITi jjbw. ; ROBINS Sc, CO„ BROKERS, HO. S 7 SOUTH imsn STREET, , ; FIILABKXPIX>„ BARK BOTES, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BOHDB. ... AND.OOJEBHMBNT SBCUBEHBS,, ' BOUGHT AHD SOLD. ‘ Collection. muds On all parte of th« oonntTT. .Deposit* received, subject to tight draft, rad interact allowed. mbd-Sim gECOND \ * ... NATIONAL BANKv , OF PITTSBURGH PENNSYLVANIA, (LATE IROR CITE TRUST COMPAHY.) v CAPITAL. SBQ<ipQ6- j BAHKBBS' AHD HEBOHAHTS' OOLIf.BOTIOHB promptly attended to oa til. meet favorable terms. V' 8. S. WABSEB, President, iOHH St FATTSRSOH, Cashier. aMliia- g a LEECH & COMPANY, * 6ANREBB AND STOCK BBOKEBS, Ho. 14 FABCIUHAK ! X tWALHUT BT.. BELOW THIRD), % • HKOASiarau., Sold, Sovenuaeat. Boada, OH and -Htsanaieola Stoeka, boniht aad .old oa Commission at tbaßoard ol Broken. Dealer. In For.isn Exchange. Lsttsnofsr*. dlt issnsd on London. Paris, Antwerp, At.- laid S»i • 'J’HB FRANKLIN SAYING FUND, \ HO. 236 SOCTHFOUBTH STREET, BELOW _ . . CfIKSTIfUT, , •> Tan live per cent. Interest on Deposits. Agent, for theialeof united State. 7 3-10 Loan, at Par. Goverfij 3SBai» State aad City lio&n* and Stoeka boadtfe and lou tor depositors aad others qa OommUaloa, mhl7- 8a CAMUEL ALLEN? STOCK BHOKEB, «o-136 SonttiTHIRD Stmt, Philadelphia. mhlMm* T7BTATE OP BARAH E. COLEHOW-ER J Letters testamentary npon tits Estateof QA&LB B. COLSHOWBB. 4eoe»«id.fiaTln, b € “ g r »Sted to toi noderisiined, all person! indebted to latdestate are re quested to matei payment, and tioee ha-rlng elatmi-to presentthem without deleir to ‘ ~ . ... H. A, SA.LTEB, 403 Library street* ; apl4-fts4t* Attorney for Dayidi&vam; Sxecator. riOUET OF COMMON PLEAS IN DI No - “• *• "*»■ /aw * *« *-'*«*. *••* 2>eab Sir: Tor will iatce notiie that the Court has granted a role.on ton, to thoir cause whyadlrojce, a ▼iu. mat., shonld not be decreedin the above caae. Betwnable Batarday, April Isth, 1655, personal «er vlce haying failed or account of yonr absence, lonrs, - , S. fi; FLBTOHCB.„ For IdbelUat, JAMES COBKOBAN, April 1, 1815. ■ *■**«* "PSTATB OF ELLISTON PEROT, ®tierb testamentary on the estate °l Philadelphia, dcoeased, to the undersigned, all pefSODB la dotted to said estate are reanesttd to make payment, and those t’avjiiKolaliDj to presentthem without delay to 2nSrKS E w X JPJSPJa 103 a ABCS Kt.eet, E ® WHIOHT, 115 WALNUT Bt., megs *ot Esncatorg. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURTFORTHE „ C atete?fTHOMAI T HBDDMBo“ B de™M4 an?.Vu«t2^ T U ‘? c , et th ? P»Has Interested for the m, fPPolntment.onWßDSESnAT, them w i Fntit^ilA 4 * 4 f C .l? e *if’ H u & t w» Office, No. 731 Street, in tlw ©tty of Phiia,d*3p'bta; a®l3 thtwr. ' M ms TfIOMP/jOH. FINANCIAL. SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. U. S. M 0 Six PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. JAY OO OKE , iBBPHu: FOB SALS. » SUHB TO SUIT DAVIES BROTHERS, 5-20. NO. 80S CHESTNUT STREET, STOCK AND EXCHANGE all xnros 97 ■ legal. Anew noyelbt marion has- LAND. SHELDON <ft COMPANY. HEW YORK, Witt FUBIIBH OS BATUSVA.T, APSTt ISTB, AICKW HOYKL BX Mtßl'iJf HIBI.ASD, THB.Mosr poputaa novk.ist m ahskeoa, Author or *'Alone ** ‘'HiddenP«he ,, “Mom “iremesld,*’ <l M|ytftlP^ ,, and f< Btigka, l * One Vol, issma "Price $175. : The hundred* of thoewande of renders of 11 Alrfno,” *’Blddrn Path,” and “ SfoesSlde ” will gladly wel-' come a new book from the pta of this glftedanihor. The Boston Evening GaztUe&S\&ot Alone r **High as has'been, the imputation reaoired by tho many authoresses of our country, we ah all be mistaken if toe writer of Alone- and o/tbe •• Hidden Path,” €oef nottiike ere long place and precedence. There is anongJnaiity is hertalnklnc wmeh strikes one with pecniiar/orce, and he finds Elmiclf unooascioucly re* curring to what has bad snob a pow*rfnl eff«ot>n him. She is emphatically an authoress not to be forgotten. *’ anna Uora Bitcbib nays : ** The Bidden Path ,f is a work that North or South. Sut or West, may point to with the finger of hones; pride, and eay our daughter sends this message to the wcrld» pouts this balm into the wounded hearts* traces for wavering, erring feet this Bidden Path* which Jeads to the great goal of eternal peace* ’ * New JEdiiione also ready of Marion Borland's tootles < nLOMB 1 vol. 12mo. Price |L7S. HIDBBH PATH. 1 vol. 13mo. Pries |X,75. •' MOSS SIDE. 1 vol 12mo. Pries*! 75. NhRSBIS. 1 vol. 12mo. Price *1 75. MlßfiM. 1 vol 12mo. Price *1 75. ‘ _ HI7tKB. 1 vol I2mo Price ,[ 75. Any of to* abov* Bent by mall on receipt of to* price. ( SHELDON &. COMPANY. apß toalt ■ , NSW YORK. Jig* CARLBTON’B yjh LATEST BOOKS. Nothing Bnt Money. How novol, by T. 8. Arthur. *1 69 ‘Ballads, by toe author of “Barbara’s'Hlstory”... J6O . The Snoblace Ball. A comic poem. Illustrated.... no The Railroad and Insurance Almanac for 1865. ~i~ 2 09 The Autobiography of a New Ragland garm House. 175 Togsiher. Yew novel, by author of * 1 ffepeatbs’ ’ 160 The Poems of Hiss Caroline May ........ 1 50 The Old Merchants of Sew York. Third series.t.. 175 Tbs Palace Beautiful. By Orpheus C. | &rh"..Zi.. 160 Free Government la England and America...., .1.. S 00 ,r Ik PBESB. ' Bt. Phillips. Hew noyel, by the author of ••But ledte..*’ Maty Erandegee. .Abrilliant new novel. , Lovers and Thinkers. By Hewes Gordon. ***,These book* ay* sold eyerywbere, and will be lent by mall, Iree, on receipt of price, by GARLETON, Pnlrlislter. ap»w*M • HBW YOKE. JjpW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! 1 Just recolved ly ASH MEAD it EVANS, „ ra»J*rd!s old stand), Ho. CHEBTBUT Street -* ’ .CHABLEB LSYBB’S HBW BOOK, “LCTrBBLL OF J * l o fe.t'StSSl * Bd m u»llu -' TBAVSLS ih CfHTRAE ASIA. Performed In 1860, BrArarijnis Yt ln,l,6l T. Illnriralod. i ST. WINIFRED'S; or, The World of School. A book thht wc wcommend with full confidcccc ' eILLTaBB AfiX) THB BOBTOJSB. A Story of *?£ Henry Kinpley, aufchorof **aeof- J :ftcy?Hninly»; M *al* - fcOCIAit STATICS; or* The Condition* .Xssenti&l U> Htiiin Happiness Specified and Plnet of Them De veloped. By Herbert Spencer. Steel portrait. ? MIBTA/B. By toe of ‘>John Halifax, Gentleman. ’ ’ 2rc. ' ÜBCJUJB SILAS. A Tale of Bartram-Hangh, By J. 8. Le Fsnn. anther of Honse bw the ÜbUrch Tardi”*c. A BOOK OP GOLDBIT DEBDS of aU Times ahd aQ Lends. 4. ; THB JXBT BOOH. Two beantiful little volumes of the “Golden Treasury Series.” ' . ■ THB MEW PATH. A Monthly ABT JfiTTRiffST., April number just ready, ttubseriptiom receivodi or Single numbers for sale at 30 cents each. * ALL THB HBW BOOKS received aa coon as issued from the press,-and sold at lowest prices. apl4 tf MEW BOOKS! NEWBOOKSI MNO- BUT MONEY. , A Hovel.' By'T. S. Ar- P<>BMS BY OABOEIHE MAY, containing Son*, from {ketches snd nature, Poem* of thought and feeling, Sonnets &c. , _ PAOM DAWJF TO 1>&BK IK IT ALT* A Beformation in the Sixteenth oeniwn[ D .-ef^' r^*^^x a 9 THE GHBISTIAK AKMOS ?^*Frf*4Tltlgiratt „ aßlea . tlons in prose and pottvff**** ’ w *®. umB * railT€ BATTLEFIELD OF GBTTYB- of Itotteyft' fpftwt a Held fioipital, and AMKlonal Poems. By Mrs B. A. Souder.^ A Bt-OK OF GOLDEN DEEDS OF,ALL TIMES AND DS, Gathered and narrated by the author of the Heir of Bedclyfie. Vellum doth . TBI BOOK. The choteest Anocdotas and Say lnss* s«leoted ahd arranged by flfdrk Lomon. VoUum eloth For sale by JAMES 8. CLAXTOH, Sucoessorto :. . W. S. & ALFRBD MARTIBK, apfitf 606 QHBBTfIUT Btn*t. A PPLETON’B N£ W AMBRIOAN -a-h. CYCLOPEDIA —Complete!* 16 volumes. : BEBELLIOH BBOOBDfby Frank Mooie, in 8 velg, MEEIVALE’S HISTORY OF THE EOMABB—now complete. , . , * c ' The Agoncyfor these valuable works is at _ 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut* I aps-tr , , JAS. K* SIMON, TXALL ON BRONCHITIS »EW ET ITION,-READY THIS DAT. , Bronchitis and kindred Diseases, by W. W. HALL, H. D., in one volume. . ALSO, HALL ON HEALTH ANn DISEASE. BALL ON SLEEP. , BBANhTON’S Phammocutists’ and Druggists' Prac tical Bsoeiptßook* PAGET’S SHfiOIOAL PATHOLOGY. Third Edition. Ail new Medical and Scientific Books for sale as soon as published. vi- JHNDSAT & BLAKISTON, PuWUhe«,w - aplQ-tf ; „ : * Ho. g 5 South SIXTH Stre^fe. DELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE. „£J2£ KDI ;S?<’L SOHOaL EOBOIB&S • i-ra?,Jemmsb tbjsh o»„,tbis iasHTtrrioir, an 4 beauttiuU, located-oa the northern limit* of Attleboto, Bucks county, Paanßylraala trill commence Fifth-month, 22d» 1865, End oontl&tie li ses* alon twelve weeki* The course of instruction is thorough in the several of English, French, Latin, Mathematics, details see circular, to obtain which address -air Principals, Attleboro Post Office, Bucks county, S&WlYanla. ISSABL J. WSAHAIIB, ■TAffd P. OBAHAMg, Principal*. »p 6 3m. - - » YTILLAGE ’ ■ GREEN SEMINARY— Jr MILITABT BOABDING SCHOOL. four mile* from MEDIA, Ps.Thorough eonrseln Mathematics, Classics, Natural Bcisnesa,_snd -English; practical les. •one In Civil Bnginwicg Pupils recelvedat any time, and of all ages.and enjoy the henedte of a home. lU ftrs to JohnC. Oapp* Son,23South Third street; Thus. J. Clayton, Bm, Kftiand Prana streets:«■ Sheriff Kern, and others. Addresa Bey. J. HBKvBZ BAR TON, A. M , VILLAGE GBBBN, Penns. nof-6m • nOAH—COAL—COAL! V IHB BEST GOAL IN THE MARKET, _ „ At the followlnf prices: Bggand Stove Coal.. . $9 IS per ton. Large Nut Coal.. 876 “ “ At the MANTNA COAL YaBD. Oor.TBIBTZ-JirTH St. and PINNA. B. K.. Mantna. .np6-12t« V-;.. . W. D. HESTON. 1040. v SoBBBT J- Hrattanm. /VRAM & HEMPHILL} , dealers nr. LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL GOAL, „ Of &U sixes and of best quallilos, Cartfully pickedand Mreened. And invariably at th* __ lowest cAsh prices. Office and Yard, WILLOW, below FIFTHS *TH Street A 49-Orders ean be left atl46 North SIXTH Street, eKfNorth-TBNTH Street, 1*33 BAJICLAT Street, or thromb. the ; Poet Office, which will be promptly and eatlafaotortly Ailed; jal73m E SCHREINER,NEWCSOALDEPOT, • NOBLB Street, above Ninth street „ .constantly on hand superior qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, selected enprewbr for family purposes, l at the lowest market prices. Wharf, Twenty-third afreet, below Arch street, Offloa, 118 Boutl TOCKPH Street. ocaO-dm COAL.— SHGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Swing Mountain Lahlth:Goal,«nd "Jwbi Locust Hon Rials, from Schuylkill. prepared. ez« presriv for family nee. Depot, » W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office. No. 119 South SECOND Street. Cap6tf3 J. WALTON & CO. PURE LEHIGH GOAL,—HOUSE ~ KBBPBBS can rely on getting a rare article at the 8. B. corner df FBONT and POPLaB Stream JOHN W. HAMPTON. . mhS»lm* H. JAMES, ATTOKBEY AT LAW, FKAHKLIB, VSWASGO COUBTY, FEBBA. ; 8»e*l»l attenttonilYen to •the examination of Titles. Befrebkobs :—Ohas. ■ Lex, Esa.. Bob J. Bobs Snowden, James H. Little, Esq., TIY. Tasker, Sr., Hoed, Bonbright, & Co., J. Z. BeHaren, President 7tE Batlosal Bank. - ■ mlill-3m* SAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW A2n> COHTSTAHOEB, fbamkhb, rinmA. o»t9 of Phll&delplil*,) BBFEBS TO Ohjrlej JS. Lex, Beq. ; , B. AW. C. Biddle * Go,, B. C. Knijht A Co FJ 1 Dr. R 8. Matkenaie, J&me»H. XiUUe, Baa.. t W. H. lesion* 00. 103)9*891' "-■ JOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTOBNEY, W COtOTBBILOB AT LAW, AND SOUOITOB 01 * street - n,ar *"**%£& XyjTTEBFIELD’S OVBBLAND 3DEp»iTCH. •''Office, Jfo.lVE^BTStreet, JfewYork. OffioaJTo. 40 SonihfiEflStneti Pliaaila, OHAtJSCiIT VIB8BaRD» President. W. K. KITCHEN, Tr«*airer. This Company, now fully organized, with ample capital, owns Us Transportation on the Plains, and is preparea to contract Freight toall points In Colorado, •Utah, Idaho, Montana, Jtew Kexieo. and Arizona Jer ri jories; also to Besse river, Nevada. Through Contracts and Bills of Lading given from WH. MAETIH. „„ Agjnt, HewYodt. WH H. MOOBB, No. 40 South BUh^eet^bU|||ljphla. General Superintendent. JJJffiMETICALLY SEALED MEATS i&O “ do VeaL .«0 ;; do Httttea. }»§OD t( do Turkey. I*ooo ta do Chicken, 8,000 assorted Soup*. in 1,1. eana. BHODBS AWLLIAMB, ion Booth WATER Street RAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR *-* —The largest and boat assort ment o( Wigs, Tonpea, tong Hafr Braid* and Curl*, jruiettes, liiuaive seams* for ladies, at prices lower than elss/where, at9oo CJEfiSTBUT Street.- WHEEL GREESE--BARRELS, HALE ** Barrels, B*iband6*ib Cass* at reduced prices, by the manufacturers.' ZIBGLBK 4 SMITH, 7 Proprietors of thb Pesna. Paint and Color Works. apS ilf* . Store and Oi&ee 137 florth THIRD St. /CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, EN- V tmgtl SJW STYLBB FOE THE IfBUTG TKADR—A Snp»rior lot inrt rwelTed, Mid for ,Sfi mtfß-tf IST and THlkp s&iil. THE ‘SCIENCE OP MEDICINE for kATIOhs. e»tabHsbed <rrer?l6year». / ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON- BTITtmOBB, of botllMWl, 9M HBLMBOLO'I BXTBACTITOHU, It will giro- brisk and energetic feeling* and enable yen to sleep well. apd th»-G» WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIL * " LBS. —4 new Frenoh Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonderful compound of tie age. There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth,nor tale in its composition, it betas composed entirely of pure Virgin Wan ; hence the ex* traoidinary qualities for preserving the skin, may*n g it i oft, smooth, fair, and transparent It makes the old appear young, the, homely handsome, the handsome more beautiful, and th* roost bsautttal divine Prices 30 and GO cents. Prepared *rily by HUNT 4 GO., Per* tamers, 41 South EIGBTH Street. two doors above Charinui, and 133 South SEVENTH. Street, above Walaut. ~ apB»?m ITFWARDS OF THIRTY THOUSAND cetilg«»te> uid lacommeiniitoiT letters hi-., rece'T«d, attesting the merit, of HSXiMBOIiU-g HTJIBB PESPiXATIOSIB, many-of wMob. ... th« hi,liait .oorao., ln«loainr emuxent SEW PCFBiIOiTI»M» EDUCATIONAL. COAL* (Formerly of Phlledelpht*.) 15, 1865; FBorosm A S6IBTANT QUARTERMASTER'S AA OFPiCB, Ho. 113» GIBABD Street, . . Pbii.jlUei.phia. Pa, • April M, SEATED PROPOSALS will be race!raj at thM miUUSo’eloekßf. TUsSBAT, April 19, ISM, Tor tb« immediatedeliTeryat the United Stataa Stoielioow, BABOVSB Street Whart properly packed and ready for transportation, of the foilowind deeeriaed Star tematter'B Stores, viz : 2,0(0 Army W&fon fongnet, irowd lrra9d t cco Sets Am'bnla.see Bows. v. 2,000 Coupling roles for Army W**ons, 2»CooBldge Poles for A?my wages**.• •• 40 Jxle Arma for ArwrW&gonZj&fx}? inslise. iro iile Arm? for AmbnJ nccii. ixiw< s n'cfif*. 10 sets of Axlea for Ambulances. Inches. d sets of Axles for Ambulance*, inches.. Alloftfce Above articles to be of the best quality*, sad inspected by as inspector appointed on the part of the Government. Bidders ahonld'sfcate the gaalliy bid for. and when they will commence and nal*h their aellreries, and the price, which should he written both in words and Genres, «id conform to the terms of this advertisement, a copy of which thonld accompany each proposal. 'Saeh hid must be guaranteed by two respon- ible par-' sons, whose armatures must be appended to the guarantee, and certified to as being good and ( security for the amount involved by the united States District Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public officer. •: - f , Thejldht )• reserved to rej art any bid deemed un reasonable, and no bid from it defanltin* oontractor will be received! All proposals to be mode ont on the regnlar forme, in duplicate, which can be had on application at this °*lsids will he opened onTUISSDAY, April 18.18:5. at U o'clock M., when hidden me requested to be- P B?«d«ofColonel WM. W. JfoKIH. Chief Qnarter master Philadelphia Depot . 020. B. OBUB. apl4-4t Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. pHIEF QUARTERN ASTER’S OFFICE V/ JSTo 1139 OIKAED Street, PhU/ADBI/Phia DbPoT, April 12. 1865. SSI LSD PROPOSALS wUI be received at this office until WSbSSSDAT. April 19. 1805. at 13 o'clock 2f.> for immediate delivery at the Schuylkill Arsenal, bi merchantable packaaes, (cases to be made to conform’ to specifications at tbii officr); 10.(00 pairs sewed Boots. No. 9, Army standard. 5,000 pair* sewed Boots. So. 10, Army standard. 3.000 pairs sewed Boots JJfo 11, Army standard. 50,000 pain sewed’Bootees, Jso 9, Army standard. 8,000 pain tewed Bootees, Ho. 11, A'my standard. 10,f00 pain sewed Baoiees, 80, 32, Army standard. 5,000 pairs sewed Bootees, 80, 13, Army standard. m sewed So. la', Army ataadard. Balitf Hope, Army standard. Hospital Tent-poJea, Arm? standard. Ons> inch Cotton Webbing for Canteen Straps.-eftm plejeqnired. Partiesofferini goods should nuke separate proposals for eafh. aiticlr offered, tbe quantity they propose to inraiua, the price (which should he written Both in words and figures') aod conform to the terms of this nayertisement, a copy of which should accompany each proposal. * * Samples of the .standard articles required toay he seem»sthls«ffi«e. ft Samples, when submitted, most he marked amlnum bered to correspond with the proposals; and the parties thereto mu« g oarantee tfcat the goods shall he. in eyery to army standard, otherwise the props* sals will not be considered. vSids mill be opened on fIfBDHSSBAY, April 19, 188$,' at 33 o’clock, 2L, fad hidden are requested to be pre« sent v. i: ->?"*-: Sacthbld must be guaranteed by two responsible psr> sons,, whose efrn&tnrea must be smtendad-to the goer * irtee, and certifled to.as belng good and safiieient se* rorUy tor the amoßai4nyolved»by some public fane* tlonary of the47hlfeeA>tetos. • = r*. " . All proposals should be made out on ths regular forma, which will be famished on application Ist this' Office. . ~ ....... Sheright la reserved-to reject .any hid deemed an* 1 reasonable, and no bid from a defaulting boiuractor WUI be recelyed, t • Sadorseenyeiope “ Proposals for (hereinsert the same of the ftfllcU offered#, and address . Colonel WILLIAM W. MoKm, __ Chief Quartermaster, aplS fit , Philadelphia Depot I SUBSISTENCE OFFICE U. S ARMY, Nf _ Mo. 580 South Strbst,' :> . Balttkoeb Md , April U, 1865 -» SEALED PBOPOBALB, in triplicate, will be received ‘ at this office until 12 M. on TuESDat, Apjil' 25,1865,. for furnishing the United States Snbalstenee Depart* Stent With— ' \ ' „rODKTB°UBAIID (4,000) HEAD OBGOODFAT BEE? CATTLE, on the boof (Stoan four years old and over), delivered at the State Cattle Seales at Baltimore*. Mary ufia, in lots of (1.000) oseAhousand each evcfry CIO) ten days, to be weighed within one ai d a-half days after arrival, at the expense of thd oootnctor. Then mast average about a. SOO) .thirteen hundred pound* gross, weight, slUalUngshortof O;0&) one thousand n2d fifty pounds, grossweifht. 801 l s,S tegs, Oxen, Coirs* Heifers, and Hornless cattle will be rejected. « ,? * .A deduction of fifteen (15) pounds will bemads from the weighted Steer accepted under thin contract, provided the animal does not stand in the pens two and .wte*i or “£l°. r J> r 2E2®*MH> *»***s ba application At ropotalaby televr&ph.or othertegular, informal proposals, will notjoe considered. The Government will datm the ritht of weighing any £Po animal separate, if Its appearance indicates lets weight than the minimum mentioned above; the ex : >ense of weighing will be pud by the party erring in , segment. Bidders must "be present to ret pond to their bids, and wepared to give bonds and sign the contract before leaving the office. m > . The Government reserves td itself the right to reject 'Shy oi all bids considered unreasonable. Payments to be made after each delivery in such funds as may be on hand; ifnone on hand, to ha made as soon asreeelvcd.. Proprsalsmust beendorseddistinctly, “PROPOSALS {£&*l and adfcesaed to “OapUin J? 8 Maryland. '* .If a bid is in the name of a firm, their names and If elr post office address must appear, or will not be considered. Each person or every member of a firm offering a pro posal must accompany it with an oath of allegiance to the United States Government, if he has not already filed one in this office. -£ u ¥J** complying strictly frith the terms of this advertisement will oe rejected. . V rJ. HOWARD WELLS, aplMOt Captain and C. 8., Tols. O?riCE DEPOT COMStIBSARY OF A/ SUBBBTEHCE VASHCT9TOS, D. ft, April 10. ISM. „„„ -PBOgDSAW FOB TOOHB. . FEyFOSALe . are InTJtod until TUESDAY, April 18,12 o’clock M , for fornishin, the Sabatateaee PQftrQßtlit with. TBRBB TBOUSAHp<3.OOO) BABBBLS OP FLOBE. „h? known »t thl» Depot “ SfSi*•. A«< 8, and bid ■ will be entertained Bn utr Isssihanthe whole. . - . M dnplicate.and for each, (r&dt on. seph **to sheepi of paper. Thedellvery of the Flour to eom ; five days from the opening of the bids, . afcd must bedeilvered ta such quantities dally as the Government may direct* either at tfca .Goveroment Warehouse la Georgetown or at the wharves or BaU road J>epot in Washington* I>. Ct __?he delivery of all Flour awarded to be completed wpin twenty days from the acceptance ofthe bid, . - Bids will be received for Flour to be delivered in new oak hamls.head-lised. Payment wiU.be made In such funds as the Govern- 1 meht may bave fordls burse meet. The usual Govern* ment inspection will be made just before the Flour is received, and nous will be accepted which is not fresh ground,.andof a superior quality. . oath of aUealance must accompany the bid of each Wader who has not the oath on file la this-office, and no bid will be entertained from parties who have previ ously failed to comply with their bids.orfrom bidders not present to retpoad: Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any. cause. - „ - ■ .ißids to be addressed to the undersigned, at 80. 993 ' endowed ’ Proposalsfor Flour.** apll-6t £. T. BB CPfiBS, Oaptain O-Bc V* - A SBISTANT QUARTEBMASTEB’B ■“ OFFIGB, U 39 GIBABD Street. Philadelphia, Fa.»April 7, 1865. BSAItES PROPOSALS will be received at this Office, untilia o'clock M., SATURDAY, April Ifi, 1865, for the iroroedULe delivery at the tJiited States Storehouse. HaROYER Street Wharf, of £OO AVBLLAJXOgs! Wheeling Pattern, as per sample an* specifications to be aeenat the Storehouse. ~ ■ Btfawillalso bereceived at the seme time and place for furnishing the Quartermaster’s Department with 10W AMBULABGfiS OF THB RUCKAB PATTBSSf. to conform in all respects to the model, which can be seen at this office. * The name of contractor and date of contract to be dis tinctly marked on each Ambulance- The Ambulances to be inspected by an inspector appointed on the part of the Government Bidders should »iate the nnmber of Ambulances they can famish, the shortest possible time they can deliver them in* andthe piiee, which should be written both In words and figures, and conform to the terms ef this advertisement, a copy of whith should accompany each proposal. each bid mast he guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended cto the gua rantee, and certified to as being good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved, by the United States District Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public officer. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received.' All proposals to be made out on the regular forms, in duplicate* which will be furnished on application at this office. Bids will fee opened on Saturday, April IGth, 1865, at IS o’clock M.. and bidders are requested to fee present. By order of Col- Wm. W. McKlm, Chief Quartermaster Philadelphia Depot. GEO. B. OBUE|i Captain and A. QiM. AB TI! LE R Y AND CAVALRY BOSSES., „ „ Assistant QuAkriaMASTER’a Omcr, 1139 Girard Street, __ _ Philadelphia, Pesna.. April 12.1865. BORBSS, suitable for the Artillery and Cavalry ser vice, frill be purchased by the undersigned, in open market. Bach animal to ba subjected to the usual Go vernment inspection before being accepted. Homes for the Artillery service must be dark in color ; sound In all particulars; strong, quack, and active; Well broken and square trotters in harness; in good flesh and condition;from 6to 10 years old; not less thin 15% hands high - each home tc weigh not less than 1; 000 lbs. . One hundred and eighty ($180) dollars willbe paid for each. __ ... Cavalry Horses must be sound in all particulars; well broken; In tall flesh And good- LS to 16 hands high; from 5 to 9 years old. and wall adapted In every way to Cavalry purposes, for which one hundred and'seventy five ($175) dollars sock toill be void. Horses will bedelivered to the U. B. Inspector, at the BULL’S-HEAD HOTEL. HABK2T STBBET, <?I3T PHILADELPHIA, PEHHA. Bj 'order of Col Wm. W. MeEim. • 080. B OBHB« CspUin and A. Q. > p.AYALRY HORSES! V ABTILLEBY HOBBES! MULES! QPAKTERKASTBR GSHBUdIi’B OFFICE, FIBBT DXVTBXO**' _ Washington City, D. o.* March 18, 1865.' . HOBBES, suitable for the caYalry and artillery ser* ▼lce, will be received at Geiaboro Depot, In open mar» keCtiUliayl, 1860, by Captain QlO. T. BBOWNISa, MULSS, In loti of twenty-five or more, will be re* solved in this city* in open, mark,!, till May 1, 1866, by Captain C. SL TO J4PKIHS, Assistant Quartermaster, corner Twenty second and G streets, all animals to be subjected to the oraal uoTOoneßi Inspection before being accepted. Specifications as follows: Gavalry Hones must be sound in all particulars, well broken, in toll fleet and good condition, from fifteen (16) to sixteen (16) bands high, frcm-flve(6)to nine (9)yeara old, and well adapted in every way to cavalry purposes. Horses between nine (9) and ten (10) years of aye, if still vigorous, sprightly, and healthy, may be accepted. - Artillery horses most be of dark color, sound in all particulars, strong, quick, and active, well broken, and square trotters in harness, in good;flesh and condi tion, Jrom six (6) to ten (10). years old, not lees .than fifteen and one-half (1530 hands high, each horsettf weifhncH lees than ten hundred and fifty (1,050) pounds. Mules must be'over two (2) years of age, strong, stout, compact, well-developed animals, not less than fourteen (14) hands high, in full health, free from every blemish or defect which wonid unfit them for severe work, and must have shed the four front'colt's teeth and developed the corresponding four permanent teeth, two in, ach jaw. These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced In every particular. Hour? of inspection from 9A. M to 4P. M. , Price-Gayalry horses, one hundred and eighty- five dollars ($186): Artillery Horses, one hundred and nine ty dollars ($180); Mules, one hundred and ninety-five dollars ($196) Payment will be nude at this Office. JAKES A. BETN. Brevet Brigadier General in charge ZahSO-i&pS) First Division Q. M.Q. O. TTELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT “■ .BUGHU la pleasant in taste and odor, free from all lnmrious nroncTtios. and Immediate inits aeiioa. 42NOW WHITE ZIKC, AT REDUCED U prices, by the manufacturers. _ - ZIBGLBB & SMITH, Proprietors of the Fenna Paint and Golor Works apfi-lit* Store and Office I3T ; £forth THIBD St. gPECIAL NOTICE TO BUSINESS Tie underlined Insert advertisement! at the lowest, rates is tie netrspaparsof Harriatmrg. Pi tub nr* Bsadini. Lanceeter, Chambersborg, PotttvUto. Horrii’. tows Tweet Chester, Doylestown. lienton Bridgeton, Wilmington, and of ovary offiifc tows to tie United States. (inEnding Savanna!Charted ton, Wilmington, and Richmond.) Adventlalnv-el tended to for oil oomnaniea Papers on flte _ „„ WILMKE ATKIBKOhI {)0 h®oaca anisam 611 OHBSTHtT! f Street, “afcond floor). ; ■ PMladtlrMa, W INBOW GLASS —AT,T, SIZES AND " walitiis, at extremely i ow pricM • „ ? [ 2QIiBE & SMITH, anS-ni* * jsSiiL Gl*s* Beziers apS-lll* state and Ofllca 13T North THIRD St. h. ga: —.- .RDEN & CO,, NOS. 600 AND GOODS, XSTIFIGitLFIIoWBIs Bnylg' m mM-a™? fOR OR INorm ■V TIKESCB of ariM, Irritation, l nflam „ .vf-.r ulceration of the bladder o i kidneys, dlew»-n wortat. eland., .tew la tits UadY«, «av£f‘ *<4 oi an«k-dtt«t depo.it, aadall disease-, ;?*■ JPV der. kldnsj; and dropsical iWelllu“T SL H irlI i S‘ bows twist ssesaot Booao. - ’ BSM i* - -AITCTIOaf > F QUI Jiiai StrAe'tC. sale of imported ABPPoMsyno put ooods;. April 18th, alien o^'oeky on four credit. 6M lor* c 4 fancy ard etapls dty roods. * DOHBSTIds TOK CASH. Aleo; a largo assortment of domestic cop3*» „ -m cartons Oil TtJJBBDAT, , i -800 eftrtofis Net*. 4 *so black, white, pari* a®* *mm colored poixftde soJe bonnet ribbons. ; 4 a 40 white edge do* : 4a 80 choice colored grog grain do. « ■ . . PANGOABT & WABNOCE, AITO JL : »*Q MARKET Street LARGE TOiITtYB SALE 09 800 LOTSAMBEHJNN AND nffOSTBD DRY GOODS, BM*ROIBBRIBSv MILLINERY-GOODS, HOSIERY GOODS. Ac., Ac, By catelocne. on WBDJrKSIiAY, April 19,1885, com. meceing: et 10 o'clock, comprising a fall and: general anorimt at of new an* dceliaMe goods tor present ealoc. T>HILIP FORD aCO., AUCTIONEERS, A »iis MAEKBTani Sa* GOIOiBRCB Street*. BALK/OF fc»Oo“ChggS, BOOTH; SHOES, - : JBt MrfBLSWf-g and kip boot*, brogans. bal morals, gaiterfc *# * wo- and children's «&lf. kip, reat, kla* «ftt r moroecoheeled boots and ehoes, from first-clasi city and Eastern manufacturers. • large bale of 1,500 oases boots and 1 shoes. Wewillwll by catalogue* for cask* . . on tbbbsbay MOBsrrHG, April JH)th'*c*in mecctsg at ten o'clock, liCOooaiee men's*: boys*’and youths’ boots, shoes, brogans. balmorals, Oxford lies, ko*. with a, desirable assortment of wo* men’#* K>iB*e*.Vand children’* boots, shoes bal moral#, gaiters, slippers, Congress gaiter*, *c. • *' T 3 ENRY P. WOLBERT, ! - AA -~ AUCTIONEER, „ .. * 80. 9CO* AfARgBT Street. SHEEIFF’S SALE. At Bo*. 316, 218,230, 233, and 324 GABTEK’S Street;, between-Second and Third and Ghmtnat and Wamot street*. THE MACHINE AND FIFE STOCK OF A LARGS BOOT ABD SHOE MANGFACTOKY. on Tuesday horning, April 18th. commencing at l&o’clock, will ho sold a ■ largo assortment of gents’, ladles’, misses** boys’,. ycuthsY .children's* and infants*,unfißlshed intnif »booto* broinas, stogas. Congresa- falters, lasting bal- , morels and gaiters, calf, kip, goat, and patent?ie*thar b&lmorals and gaiters, button fitters,-shoes* &o » Ac. Also, alarge assortment of flcefinlshed boos#, gal tens. halxQorals, dippers* shoes, &s , Ac. assortment append soles, heels. *lw'*o»t,welt.' and a c&lfeiiui« and ddes* pieoesawi scraps. .] Also, fineFranehandnsgushlastings* drills- nttts- i lij*i linings* a men gore, machine auk usd thread, trimmings* naoff. laBta. Ae. Ae . AlsoYlftwe’sahd&ngttfc’s sewing machine batten-' j hole dojeyelet end ran Wingheeling anAftnish .®Jp^ers a -fate, steam engine and piiUes, h*lttnr» fixtures, «c., Ac. t The attention; of, the trade Is requested to this large sale of flue goods and iaschia«y. Catalogues o&the teeming of sale. apl^St^ A UuTION BALE OF CONDEMNED A...80858K Qoaktsrmastbb GunfEßAi’aOprrcß, IsTßrnsioj, Will be sold at ■lt BALTiMO iE. lid., on * * “ - „ „ THUBSOAT. AjfHl 19.1865.. , TWO BUfIDRBO **£BB WITHJBDAI., : mu? or them well M int in toad condition. Oil ,-•■ - ~ > v ora-HUHM3S> a wf*K»i’ witiTfoaL. asd oji,' . 7 HUftDJKBB -CAVABBY HOUSES. The horses haye bees condemned as unfit for the ca valry service oftbe army. For road and farming purposes many good bsrnisi may be had. Animal.«oldelaglT. Sale to commence ot9A. IL, «.« »uibe held .t Phillips* sta- B fesls^S? l> S r FßßHOflTand EAHSKX.Streetn, TKBMS—OKh, in Halted State. enrTvcoy. . .TIMI3I A BAKIN. Brevet BrliidUr General, in ibun Ist Bivislan Q. H. O- O- ' ' >;S-,7. »p6-*K FOR BAI.JE AND TO LET. MP O R SAt E--A S i DJI-TA R D . &• mo ? > hleasaut part of Sorth --U-AD Street. The Home 1. order, i. re piete witJViYe) y modem convenience, and Will" be sold cheap. Immediate possession. - .-vr- Apply to FOLWST.t. * SOSB, apli St* ■ Mo. 3g .north FIFTH Street. m TO RENT,., »A-HOUSE within one square of Chestnut itreet. Bent $6OO, and Furniture for eale cheap (new), or will trade for-oil stocks. Slone need apply without they desire to purchase car* pett. Ac.» A«. Address 1 ditßUtT; aplB-8t» Y_ Box 2163, Post Ogee, 4| *OR BALE—TWO SIX-B&OM COTTAGE HOUBBB. Bot. SOO9 sidftll Cedar street, above Aorris, Nineteeath Ward. ' -Lot 16x50 feet. Apply to apis a* m FOR SALEr-A modern,built JjSsTOHE MABSlON.Cheeinot Hill. Tscmlre of A. FITLEB, 51 north SIXTH Street, or M WILSON, cor ner of Evergreen Arenne and County-line Road, ad jolntnglhe premises '■ apll-W m FOR SAIiB—A.- BBAXTTIFIJIj ggk JHL FARM and COUBTBY SKATS, of forty an*,- IE on Church Jane, J>arby township, four sutes from Mar ket- street Bridie. Possession can be bad ftomedtotelr. Apply to JOHJSr WfilTSltTi on the premises, or to ■ ■ ■ • 1 JOBL a PBSKUfBL , ap4-tm» 45 Sooth FROM f Street, - A ATLANTIC CITY, N, J.—FOR J“SALB—A hand.ome COTTAGE (opposite th« U at Hotel), with or without furniture, containing 13 room* and a good Clatern. Apply to H WOOTTOfL Atlantic City, or to J. H. HAY £c, Be Tenth Ration*! Bank. Philadelphia. - - - apC-iit" m FOB SALE—STORE AND DWEL LIB Gnortheaet corner of Fawn and Master street*. Immediate posse.slon. - BRIDBSBtJfiG—Neat Bwellinr_ and lot on Kirk* bride street, out of Foist road; will be sold cheap A large Mnnimr of Co tages at Germantown and other de.lrable localltie*, and a gnat variety of Jtrst-elaee ; ud-other Farm*. -- r Forll*lofowelltng**ee Worfl>A»»erfcctn and tTnitett Staten Gazette. . B.F.GLBSN. apl-tf 133 Bonth FQgßTHStreet- m iB UFB 81 0 R MANSION AEnD LABGB LOT,' on the FBANKFOBD Bo&,* at Allegheny avenue; built in the most substantial man-' ner, with, every possible convenience* with stable sn< carriage-house. This is s deligfctfnl residence for sum* mer or winter. ,„ n _ B. F GLMSTU* apt-fcf 183 South JOPSTH m fob sale-A very superior SSI BOOSB In WEST PHILADELPHIA, excellent stable, fine well of water irural, ret quite near; all conveniences; replete In all racpsets. Address ‘•Mer chant, Box 2100, Post Ogee- mh27-t™ Wr PRIVATE SALE—MILITARY “ BOARDING SOHOJE user Philadelphia, in eue ceeslnJ operation, with furnitnre of all kind.. Apba r,tss..s?o®B’ OS ll *. Ac., at a very low figure. Addlv t« SCHBEMEBHOBNk BANCROFT; apa-Im* ‘ •- ' -■ ' . - m,. FOB SALE—A SMALL FARKflfc FIFT t■ SIX AGUES, in (famden about twenty minute. 1 drive fromHamden, 'on the 2**£t«n » *1 oB e ? f ffi® moaifavorabls locations in the conntr; the landlsrlch and very productive. "With food iMttiwMU,rnowto Rw Thousand Dollars Sf«* «-. OoodliSoHOTOKi also. plentT of Bams on It, and weU.**pod for city persona wishing a country Also, fronts** enough, for (several Cottages. T*** # Bor farther information apply to" f KICHAKD 6BJLYBRB, opposite the Premises. s^owgMgfrßdßßk m: FOR SALE—LARGE FOUNDRY SHOP ia full operation, with the worfcing stock and tools* patterns. Sec. , ofeverv deserto uesf SfS*eS.^. tor d °j“ aWe bSrtT MgaaaaMMßWiier • *OR sale OR EXCHANGE FOR STOCKS—Farm of 83 sores, near Sellersville. rahlS-tf orB.W. cor.SBYBgTBBJyrHand QBgM^BU, « sellers, hi ~ Ti *i FARM of I*3 ACRES; cheap for" or will take In part food Oil stocks in exchatuEO. : mhtttf li!3BonlhgOOßTwafSt POR SAIJE—A LOT OF GROUND ON sFwv&Sr£F nt> g' l ?r f i&Br*W mhia-tl 183 South POP&TH Street. ' m .SAEE LOW, IF CLOSED SOOlf—Tfewe* story DWELL!#©, *Ko 184 Worth’ Twentieth street, Immediate possession. Apply to B 7 CT.WWV ' ft i , ‘ 1583 Sou'll. FOURTH Street; and apB»tf S. iy. corner SBVKfITKBJFTS and Qaßny, m S3,SOQ.—FOR SALE, WITH FOS -* SBBMOH, TTa TWENT!-FOIJRTH Knot bnlMr Brown. Nine rooms, larao yard. SALE—BEAUTIFUL A SUMMER RSSIDJBKGK, eit&te of Dr. -S. A S Bov. 1. Sold very low. . . * ap4-lm* POR SALE— ™ „r™ „ T VALUABLE OIL LAUDS U» WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO, ADO PENNSYLVANIA _apH-im» 38S WALR JT'Stroet,'Philaja. TO OIL MEN. . . ' * ' ROE SALE, FIFTY-ONE ACRES'OF LAND on Two-Mile Hoe Sugar Greek Township. Venango Connty. TVnnSrt" ©M*. M ; a ® from orietaS?4 W ells. • This tract is not. excelled hvnna ?„ for the production of the BfaSf .particulars apply at No. All WALNUT fcoa,t aplS-thatnSt* SALE- ~~ ~ •DEL.AWA.R.E COUNTY PASSENGEB EAILROAI) COMPANY, i.' nndereifnod, mortsagees or trustees named' In a ' S^A , S. mo l ,g S« e . d * t ?, 4 24.1860, recorded in Phfla Morttage Book A. D. B. J« « which the above-named Company, to ee- ; h T il " m 2 rt f ®S«4 lta road or rail. Way* including the iron rails, sleepers, cross ties R m*' - string pieces, and all other parts or portions of the «n" peisfenctnre of said raUway, together with aU the oS‘ pomte rights, powers, lihertles. privileges, and Iran cMies of said Company, and its tolls, income, and- profits« and Wether also wßh So oitato, real and personal, ol said Com&ty, toaldiSS “Jp-hmsea, harness, provision and eoninmafbVSf all other Us property, effects, and oatat£ Personal, whatever and wherwoewt iKSmS-S®. whli under poyrera ekpose the above property to sale, by ptSSc an“ ol? 4 ' ON THD 3d DAY OR FIFTH MONTH (May) NEXT. At 2 o'clock P. It, AT THE BOWABD HGUBB, - ssaiSfS i ffiisa?-,4 as J 1 '"*and hu-apntsfrom Qi& W&416. it QODllOC^a' be^SS^ftv* 1 ! 1104 wiiljeqaircT Syelmuirea aolllrs to atttetoAM tt ¥Co «^t. &Pll-201*- \. JOSEPH- PQWJSLL, } Trustees. TO LET—A iFIRST-f L&SS OFFICE. AABCHESTHTirW Address “A.X.” Pr£ =■=:• >s : apl2wfm3t F pib MORT stUppi^° aas Soqth *arEi» M. OR RENT—A FINE -oKB***»- 250 ACHE LEA-SE, OM °* Creefe, neirsoiae 'ftae waU*. . cSSSitSss** tttn - * w * lw ; «».-rtSSfc. ■dPPIX to ~. ■ j watbss 1 atAYtei* Company* * &ja*6l« , 4OTWAXJSfOf si^et gSjNUfel PHIL4DET,PHjC'sUR- g. Street, ab<»7B Market—B fi- BVEBETT, after thirty ‘years 1 pf actic&t o« n T wwantee. the skiUol Mjwtaunff ofSSft l ® r«Dt Yresiurf Tiwg, Sara 3 rt«£ lt&sflir Stockings, Shoulder Rraeoa, CrnterasL Ac r »•?£;? apartments oondhoted fcy a Liiy. ,3jS 4 ,^: F pnwßpy tiiCi • -'*■ ftwHrton »*« u« Stws l3r*OrtkXHiia» St. „„„ NAYLOR* €O., BROAD and WALLAOS. JOHJT B. MYKSB3 & 00,, att,'. » im .»<*. aaamntuitfg'Ji LABQB POSmyB SACK OF CAEPST,.. , aiats, opißMATrttofL Si'Sci v _ THIS *OKWSe' ** • ’* A CABS’. —The pantealar atteallon o fn. nqceetf df to tAe r**i tral snortxQ&xt 0 f Ij.**>&. royal tapdKte* Kan** rich Wl»4 *,,!** i **<l fla* lauate, eotOtgo, A c mg, miru *» ecirmaftbcai, Ac t® tit r vmt aiptorU T miiS*, c, 'i creditor fcor moa;»»;’■MMaat l «& amocock. , «U posmr* JotH ISth. *t U »U b <d> fgwr iß<wtb»’er«m.iLtont ax pi4m’ r te!», »orper*n«, ltdjM fcartln; royal n ll;^ lc^^^, lb*. ton. «>*««». *nj£*»r »rpati o^.' k "i 1 J tocMautf»>:®c., tWbrattn, a ehoK?'; £ ’W superior good* wiich mar So- BODtBCOf nlfl "* I&eladed In the shore be round *„ tavotee of rick patter** tepetfry Brns«fif Q worthy the »peeial atteatiW of the fttde * Alsu*M pieces elessa* desiUrt frltcS-pk^ MSO» BAX» O? T&Snn* *' °f *SS«hdS avu eabnddi eAufre and' eludes es*om«a£* /°*Jt B. B: —gamplesof thlf-tgltie ’em be ■gas. , £ss^&’c£^',> JfO TICK. —ln clotfed la. o&r uianf Pro , aM’ wf<rand|np * rt “• m °**‘ k, DBJSSS SlLKS'—Fleets flossy blarfc A 5 «ro* do JBfciues* vaiuw, am dm Attic o;., 8 ! solid colors sad finer pools d« sole*, rJSIu I '?' csllioeßt Ac ' v 'Sn*s,f DißbS GOODS—ES*ce« moneallnet, a,—. , cbeTrea, fetter aleck*, tert-g**, Brtated 'y’/tE lawn*, poplins, Outer «lngfe»«n, ebamW, ie. - ■< ■ eloth a»d«Ukcfr«ulars/*c 7 |£ *m ItIBBOIS, —Boxes*so3ld colors sad faacy (tr o , * u|et and poult do* sole bona*t aud trimmw i'll' Blech and cb&laottMdj^jfih relvet ribbons,*? 5 BUBfiOJDEMJWT'jte.— Full Haea L. e * chiefs, stripes* liwbs, moils* jaconet*, Sw;«. ; : 2lXtge»'&C. Abo.XßtflHh crepes. buisepialeadhoopri:? , trimmisf*, clock ornamentfjhrells, head net*. - i tfons, £c. jt ■ > ■ Ida at FKKBMFTOBT B*l.l OF BOOTS, « BBO0AB& ABUT fiOOBi -fSAVKUSO bJ OB TOBBBAT JfOKßlira. J! . April 18th at ID o'aloole. will-be tola, br cam.,. Jour montbs’ credit, «b«atZ,3oo> packages boo-,;; jjafonss, etnln: boon*. *£. embracing a pr .: , n«l si sortmant of seasonable goods of c’tv era mannlkoMSW, wbM will by ooaa for ex«» •/ wlth catalognes. on metteing of sale. ' 2.AH68 PBBBBCPTOSTftxrfo, BBOOABS, TKAVBUtfK* 8193 4; * -■ BOTICJJ. —Inotnded In.-.ott large sale of s v .. •ho*., so, “*•, 1 April 38, will bo found la perl the folio win; f ~ desirable assortment—tU:. ■ .. . .Men's, boje’, and jrontt*’ oK doable ».. well, aid pomp-sole dress-boatatmen's, %„; • youths' kip and buff leatherbbots; men louglr g caealryboots; men’sand boys' calf t,» Conferees boats -led. beUeorats: men's, b.n,' v louiSs’ super klpTbuff, sod psHshsj gram. and pomp solebrogans; ladles'ffne Ida. a >ii , i end enuneltsd patent sewed balmonii am sailers; women's, misses’. aadAhlldren’s C i. - leaiker balmorals and laeaTtdolba ehilirea'jj, * saved clty-msdo lace boils: fansTaewed bste .., , 1 ankle tiee; ladles’ araeolored la**, 1 ’- 1 * dffeea. and efdo-lase gnltersf women's, ml.-,, *< children !a lost and mbroeeoeopper-nal'ei:,.' ladles’ flso kid slippers; oarpet and enam-i. • . ' travelling bale, As. '«» LABOR POBITIVK SALS OP BBITISa. (MBMAH. ABB BOHSSTIO BBT OOcKf W« will hol d a ls>S« nil <rf foreign Usd 1 .. goMcfrr Wttdesiu, oaacndli of fear mociiu, l; , „ OH THURSDAY MORSIS3, April 50, »t l0o’«lo«k. Msbmdiis about 75i !5. *B** »B®l* ol fancy article* In »8«,, ; . 4 togj, Bnuia. iUkA, and cotton*. to Thick 17* [., aticnttonofdealer. L ‘’““me will b» *rrai, s i ... • •mluHoa with caUlornw, aarly on the wlioo dealer* Till and It to thoii ictutn M THOMAS & SONS, ~~ *2*i 1« fcdkKUWTH 3-:^ FaMio Beiljktate and stock., -, •’-■»■ chants, entry TPEBDATTat xt o’clock. ” EXTRA LARGE 841,1 BKAL BSTATE AN r .- ■■ APBIb 18’ m €AßP.—Our sale on To£*DaY next win thirty teve* properties Una portion ofth-rs ' toiy tales, hy order of the Orphans’ Coart, n-r~ fcha others. 8«e pamphlet eataiocaes (20 a lfßtof v salesssilrAprll 2d, 9th, i- Msr. Also, yaliialifebaak and other stocks * „ _ KSHTHSPEIHG SALK. XBtb April Of the Jmte Lswi* Wain, -Bsq., Thw .; n „ William John Diamond and gtbe-. V _ „ SKUBG BAMS. 36th Ap.il k rat list of ptopei tiss la tha above three eun.-J cataloma Tuesday next. *#? KEAT EBBHITBBB. rriT* OABPKTS. i OH MOHBAT MORMISO, Wlhlmt.atlO o'clock, at Mo. 1718 forattnre, Una Brn,sel» cirp-.. y dissr, eloclt. &e. - B »:rl}eexttniMat*o , «l<Mk on the aoraiafo: ; , fMtit Vo. US Bpnn atrect BLEGUffT 7MJUHTI7BB. MTRJtORS, FtkSO, ; CUBTAIHS, 04BPKT8. GBAtfßlfclSgs, * 0*TOBMIJO«»«a. ISth ipst , At 10 o’clock, st Mo 1828 Hornet rrvr caraloiue, the rat ire fnrnltur®, lodnitiu rores I reap pi pah ar* wins-room larpitaro, elerin : cnrtsipß, msmtel mtmn, zomoed piano. 6m carpets, bar dooms chandeliers, superior waictH-’ room asd- Übrarj Intsltare, book-cares, elegun , kerforaltnre, fine mattrreAw, a»„ Me.; af». iii cneß_uijoiuil». ’• > , he examined, on the moraine cf gals o docs. Sals No IOSI-Viis strest . SnPJEIOB KtBGiHT Bon &® aCH PL “?- * ISK OKS, BSI i 4«,« * W Monmtsr Mfß inst, at 10 o’tflqek, «» nMor- Ylne stnisMle Bopsrtor lanltnn, ev Io»*ood piano fofte By Beio*-- mirror, carpets.&c Also, thfikitrlifn beeaamiae'’ RLTS CTROPAT HICEBTA KBST —DB. A. JL BTSVnrS, ons of tl 2J?JS2rK? E SP,?££jSw «y ,ta ™ «traatlnid HODIFIBD jaopnu. APPMCaTIOSS, . iaw boen io vary nwßaiiftd at PBB* saaiKJ laatthrae yefur«,hai fsmoT&d Ida 0«m and Bm to 1638 VIMB StraetAcna door baiow Seyenteed AS paraona / referenoea. or any part With retard to ’ Tnode of treatment, will _ ALSO, ?£!&*MVT***> rQWPXI ► Dr. THOS ALLBff, Terysuecessfol ii the meat of ali diseases would inform Ms tteob I th« puhHe is «HH bmrfttfn|iiid ci. ijauusT on whom medicine has had s« effect. 1 considered incurable. * _. _ ADD VBT7RALGIA. i WOiBBEr OITd ISCOVEK T -We Wtf ask your attention to time diseases. « have found tnat we possess a remedy which rared many, and will restore to their woi health, hundreds mere who are at present mnaff the most ensmoiatißK acony. Gewr a few daye only age seeded toelfcoC’s ears, would urge no one to try it; if yon d<r not the is year own. .Those who follow our mq&. mente, and not cured. hayenothlng to pty. h tienhs treated at their residences when desired. Testimonials at the offices; hours 9 A M. tcST gL -_ Conattltationa free. Offices, 38# &<*' BLgygRTH Street, also* CHESTHUT and 7 '•Mladelp*'* iritm* BOSTON AND - BHIABTBAIISHIP tISB, sailiuiu Boa from first whirl ihorr street, Philadelphia, led Lens Wharf, Bostoa IS? M««n«Wp HOEKAB, Capt. Baker, will i fhßadeliJila for Bwton, OttSatnrdaT. April M &•<!£ wSS®?^, 84 * 0 ?* «»!*. Matthews, tn hat for Philadelphia, o» the same dar at 4 P. H t]iQiex«w s&i inhtsoMititffliliiu fora • tailing from eadb pftrt qh Srim a * oie-lialf the prtmii ®»l*Witaitt at fair rate*. rt's^&TSEtsfi."" 4 BHP ■ mM-tf ' 33a8ont> *£s£& STEAM VERPO GL. at w ar^I 2J T* l ® Welikobwn fte&mera v H«W Twk asd Pliilad«ipliis. fijnuul H®ma» HjieK onrytae the United Statei Intenaedto wll as follows: , , ..-..-..Saturday. aw' SES SATURDAY, Apt gj%* , og Bakttiiobb Saturday, apj AndgroriTwetaini Saturday at Boon, from Y* #CO •* to ioiidoJi* <« B 5.0 0 - *• to Faria g.|^fWg°£^«SaSt 0 H *S.‘ , £. l Sl a ‘ t ? 8 f»*»*««- “r o jE°*~ further information^»— ■- PBILA.DEI ■SSSR&aSSF* 4ntwl “ rt w * WM. P. CI1TB8& do., I*B WHIBY aus-to ,«W»»arwtfv nJSTJsrsr’si - : COTTAGE ORGANS »«toaIjjmXXCKLIKD, Jrat TjjrsQUallbp ft** tanned eapeetellrft' fiat foradfobe equally w#U i Brawiai Boosi. roi nle onl; . ill ' • *O. ISJforth SSWrrf cwn. MAIIGOIIM MAC .T* -5 * STZCTACkg STOKB. iBTo. CT*B Street, Iwlaff Spyw—. ~ PBTTABBT.PHTI. „ 49'HHftSMt nfittod to sou ail &cm< and** 1 ] aareftdiymj promptly OtHO BAIN IN EXTRAC; -SIWu Oxide Oa. »*»“* beautiful ad;Bitaniit>lft of . & W. . "■ gw)Sir W BOOTH TOOBTH BEBBW. - •» ~wmu>mrmk, nu „ * rarut r of ZUtB-TBOOT EtTJS * AKEADYAITD eOSCLUST? “• j)f of HLXBOItD’S f. 1 TBACTBtfCHuwIII.Vi a ooHsulboo farthla Hut UnlW Bhik« MraioinltHr. 'I|WriNa.~OWIN« TO TI-2 " CtTBl in nw m&terlal. HOYT BBC’.-f; Jiicea the priceof that pat. JM-reted, 31Schi 34 c». IBinch . $1 S-Ti> 4 JSeh.™. AS- tn. ift. inoh 1«:»!»«? $ Jneh *S eta. M Inch.™-.. l-SD-Stiw*; ... Intern ediue widths in proportion. 1 - iwi*o the pries of stogie. . - . . A*B H. BU.I.THGTBH & GO.. S-’ i 45 soa 47 Booth BKO3T Streep Phils-. - . Maxofaciureri’ i-'indi'-ii* generally. qWKS KO‘ MORB ”UNPl;'' J*>"* aid %RS&f« nnoddiaa *sai ’asplfoßs*^, %- * rocs B»BEL<jSQLP § BS * and mP»OT£&. BOSS WASH- pTJKE COISK : VIHBGJiS. , from dregs, Kid warranted to 3>w»f *' “. gtck!** cqu&J tc a!u p^ - ntijS'la : 35 sos-six i- : -‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers