\ TJieGJ W Carter ft daoitter. Pa IE Junes, New Fort j Qee Amlereon, BewSl ork Jobs Hanocck, 0 8 i. TTWlerjnan EnrrUburt , HIM Wurmin.f artUbnr* B Dnd«hM. WtiHamwott Geo A Torrance. Bnff&lo J H Beleil, Sebellebnrg J,“nJ Sobell. Somereet , J T Wmthtnatoa, Browciv I 1W Gnthlie Va Vsnonr, new Barm . Oh» Kiel? re soji.CincinQau i Trancl. S.-uterthwaH, H T 8 j? Conover. Illinois 5 B JMnei,. Baltimore A ft wife, Uoitoa . Geo valentine, Bellefofite W H irmuiog*, X&stoa ,13 Demare, Sewport '? Boteetmau, Newport •log 8 Laudis, Fauna yta*M Ultuk. Indiana, Fa Geoßsw.bcfiana, Pa ■ DaaffifFuller, Pittsburg SWli Harrisburg V HKlj, Banlsb.irg 'Mrs Beaotas.vDe'aware JkiM'Beattoni Delaware Tkm'McCrredy, SJ Benjßnnousna H J jolt* HobblUz-Ue Bftlt Wiver HebblUseU*, Bijt §*pl Geo W Ahl, Ft Bel 2m l T Bertrand, Boaioii TV W W ii*on A Trf, YermM *5 M WaakbnraSjLllifcnY jSobt M*ti ord ""irlff B **" t* Fork: €hM T Tbder. U 8 X 7H Ewbim, Ofalo ?/Sa? llrnrit. WO Norris 0«o Platet, Oil City Thos 8 Fernon A helm, Mew York J Hate HtwTwk o«« p Ksti. nan T WB.II, Ptttsbnrg Garst, Maryland JKP Parry, Bristol ? CaUforaia **'! Sohaffie, Le wlaburg WH Mattson, Phtla J EHuut, Phlia g?o Raymond, Woodbury FT Bant, n 8 A WT W heat, New York W B Jordon, New York Jobs Retd, New York E HcCockley, Ohto Jaa Clark Dr David AH, Fauna H D Back, Memphis,Teltn John Januinm Fauna i B Winhlay, PhUada Oeo M Brown, 0 S B M’bs Page, Boston! HisaCatlar, Boston E H Biddle, Boston Edw Watts, Maryland 8 Smith. Brie, Pa J B Benson, Erl*. Pa John 0 Baler, Brie. Pa J Hopkins Tarr, Md L Feast ft la. Now York J.a Sloan, Munsy, Pa. , C Davis, Prlnostoi ■ Johnston Lore. Wash t|||a?r^York H S Evau*, W Chester sa“" y "' k f JP Patterson, N Jersey : GB, Bairett. Olearftala J O Hopewell* W Jersey T B Monks. IrVhx*, Pa H G Loti ..V&e Hei y C B Spnirr, Jfew Tort S & iftovTan Wert, O | M WortOj Oblo 8 Mlmbtod,-Illinois Sobyamaltosc. AUeihany J- 8 Walker. Troulon BoyaVfcworinre. Mrniroo Mirr'Coie.'HafldontieJd ■ BZ OoUiatt,.JU*irt)ft»l4 Thoa Ws-ker, Indjane co B.«lierheill.-Maryland. W JB JluteMnron, Ohio Rf«d Armitrnnr. dr, lowa jJT Bojlesr B*wea*tle w»M*nn. Jr, LtwWown JoSnSeDoweil. Jr.kOlroy' JaAltfeMaeter, u S hi '■ J Bfiw, Pittrtau Bov 8 W Brown, N T . A AnrMlter, Bew'Tork Jnßahoo Mm a It Mahon,, ritlabarg Smbl Bell, hSher, P» W T FSrsttMn • , v Martin ijpL Lancaster. T reeetoßeeMOn, lianeaetigs f Mon roe, Wofctijuion , *B t johir BatW *3% Tort 8 A My iif, J,AuOAfitcf ' M Moureer, BalejSiLJ ,J„I '‘aju -***hte twribemm, ' 1 4 w»l*nrT ...,■ 5. W H*d*s & stater, BKT3&. J'M>a T? Ccfnnoliy Iw>it flayar J< s *bce]j)i f kbr Jj£*aaft IB Wstse. Milord, Pal I. If Fiiiut.'n, Hart£m W Harris, Jr., ft aon, Pa i' O 8w)i»ato I'eana JB>amaay, Oxfo'd . i'rs £ Baa. H T Mr< Dickey, Oxtard r_-ifa £oo*,f. iSstr 5 ork Htssrsos, NMnstawn . *BSoDthtasd-,. Jeniestown U»l>t B Ma’oa a. Delaware )**•■», wuMaato*. I> C Win fan*,- WUmtaftur I,‘fialriH, Bor&Wqo Waiter W Barry " HawlfT, AsKaad J ; <> SWriy. lilirjlsna Jotn Ersnelv U BA Mia* Wide, Sfnrrts.tfaaaa fDanaar, Btinol.. .. *; MraTJitwi.antm «awafarlßJetol ,rr HeoW MerrtMWamjia u VulsJ Wurbisatsa , W Vam Vtriiois a IDiltk', »«9 Wi(~ B Yori' , JniMjw lisw«,Ma»»r ' s-S-Lariwf. tftica fi-'-.i -.tol>Kßbsr«Sle.Mtl*iearenk 9»o » Satoaw Haw Tort £ W Brains, Tjrona D Slid. Harr Torlc ; w ro PeTdTlfirtlfton Jutu H Briatoa, feaaa SHaa Bate Bead, Penns ' Tile - ' s :- , 8 8 Brltttk, Bdttmn' 8 gMc«frr,>enna • W Bean.Kewark, Del Iff B.ntb, MacuanlCtbalg JJ?B»rbei. CMat So* JW Xoftnil-Eliot # yrf, o*l. , WBoßLvwaj. Ohio - ; EK®Wi*«y. Shannon, IU LBoge. Ohio ;0 Dnjsnif’i.tUylUs S A Gorge*. Indians W Oianea. Poittsvitle Mrs tf/oonltag, Penna Mis/S Mcßride UlKu«ea)<ir ~ ' J « Corey B ShMTer,'Middletown, O Henry J>ia». Zanesville JiiiD Mcßritls, U.BA .Johnß Bryner. Pyrry co MrsXi fi K&iy (Mrs E’Bryaer, P«yy co > Vi dimhmon, Penn* ijßsi 0 witmaa, Ra*4m* Knl McLain * ohili Pa H« 8 idel, vfum’n, flyi .<3 a floizem, herv Polk T Wsboet, Hew York " "W W Paid v J I Morris, Jr, Potlsvlllc ' : ' TM Biwli - 4 e Baste, -California JosEntcl ir,’ Bnots co J Bubsler Stoft tarrevllls € Bsekeler, Stoddsrtsvjlfe £ Thomson, Stoddarhvitlo Bars) Snyder, Bneks co ‘ fc Barkley, Backs eft, - M"W Ditkf Bnrtaeo f Pearson. Bootsead B Lent. Eew York J Sevrbold. BoCks co It 3fl E night, Bnoks co 3S Parson. Bock* co Jno Staci bonne. Books co Ja* Thornton. Backs co ■V Klrkbrlde, Boohc co The Blim B Jl Ooodhirt, Seeding A PnwelU, Bsafting- ... • Berry warnhr, Kntztown V Ken'?. KnUtown J> B Looter Beading EM-Meber, Washington Oliver J»nney r Y*rdleyv iltot-hen Janeey, Tarcleyv - Ca tnt Roads. Semeitott A 8 acids. Komerton h Boksland, toineiton John WilHsrd, Somerton 8 B'ask, Btowncbnrg., FBroner *l».J>ftyl«slowa: m«o Yerkes, Caabtcwn I She Bali Vm TTn’gbt, Schuylkill co Mis Kj ig >t. fcpbuyikGi co | B*dck, I*fb*nrm co P JMeUitr AlloAtowa Xi Bran., ~BJ x J Metzger, iSSntowm Vf D fccba»t* ' . Jos B B»«do, Hamburg >S y Ridley & la, Bucks co J AB or*b*r V" Tte States Union. Mrs C H Dare &m, N J 3 y-Parttaean,- Guess oo J. H.dge, Waneebtiig J,® SH' 1 }!? , B J?"s? co ti B Pinat, Ceatrat (Sty ■ Mrs B A Bleu Hope W dwell*. P«t»i»«» • J ESchiacm'l, Sew York 1 W Eurarti <r wfj Del DtßPPnllnm ill stiepeoe, InStanAco 1 MeneU. We*t morelamd oo A 8 fiber?, Clearfiela ECKerre, Wa.htcgton eo ■TtW Jones, Mw, JPolte. liSseMter 301 Msrett. Baltimore JBCaller, Belawar* ij, ■ Hie JJfc S Bette, Solejrary Sites Hlljerd, Penns D » RewlioW, Hew Jersey EG Bacdi. Hslicwk, S ¥ 1W Beta, C BirftC Hamminton •C 8 PeKueten 4 wf. Osweto Jao B Barry Awf, Attleboro a W nana. Sewtork By berry. Pa ' Special notices. Brants Misbbus. BY THB BABB OB TOWBB SABA. - ; This breezy time of year Now aide some 10s «6Teie ttbto the triale of mankind: . ' > Neuralala’Akeen pain. And horrid toothach&’sreign O’er both the suffering frame and mind. Oli, who that feels Ua sting. Althoo*h ho afore a kin* Seated on Berth's supreme* throne. Would not »t ones laydown,. , His BOOprQ a lid Ills crown. ■ i Jfo'ioore fromtoithache’s panes to (loan? Tadk not of glorjt’s bright Charms to ths wratohed wight ’Whose narres beneath that torture real. Bcr think that beanty’semUe Can now hU thoughts beguile, And bid him glad sensations feel. But ege tie paln’asevere Ameisy way to obaer Th'e'heatt end to dive) t the mind Is teaeleet near Clothes . ' Prom all the piles and rows. “Which you at Tower Hall may And. Onr purchases haring bean made for each, and Mostly since ,■ the heavy decline in prices » and the Valance of our stock haying been rednoed to Present calnea. onr cnatomers may rely upon receiving thefnll benefit of thadeeline. and purchasing at lower prices them the lowest offered elsewhere. Our stock of season able clothing ts full and complete, notwithstanding rapid sales, large additions being made daily, and in cludes the finest class of goods, made In the beet man her possible. All persons ten be Sited at once to gar ments euual in every reepect— style, j St, make, and jarful—to any- made tomeaenre, at fully U per cent. tower prices. Anexsmlnationinvltsd. pneev. TOWBB WtT.T., j Ho. BIS-MABKBT Street. ! « ' BB9NBTT & 00. liXOTnHATiNG Candlesticks, with cups to prevent the grense dropping down-several styles— lor sale at the Hardware Stoic of TEC MAN & SHAW, So. 890 Utifht Thirty-five) MABKBT Street, below IteuwPhitsd'&hl* i ~ ■■ - “ IyTfbtJEi BOOH LEAKS ABOUND THE CHIM »»T, trap.door, sky-light. Ac,, u» Stead’. Linseed Oil Cement&r stopping It. It 6«es not pool or crack on, indmaf%» applied by youmoir to metal, wooden, or othaTrSls* fe boxsdofB»a for »1 20, . ITBOMAN A SHAW’S, 80, B®® (ElghtThLrtjr-Ave) BASEST Street, below Btoth. —. ■■ u ■ * Candi.es the Illumination !! Dool>le-re*ned MOULDS, SO cents per pound. 10 , test qnality Eydrsallc-pressed ADAMANTINE ■*'idnsntitles(osnit, at KELLY ft NBBL’S 4 Coal Oil Store, 91X MARKET Street. Mbs, ' PiHfEXSSTOH Ihbtoebd,—The Vhite Mountains or Raw Hampshire an evidently a lnstltntion— very hlrh, heavy frosts, baauttfnl view, four-dollar dlnnere. But the prsotital eye of n renowned Drake saw then a mooth-f«ed note, hT,d ttKirttoMt adorned and variejatod thob:ldle-path “H«i.9|ith hi. familiar S.T. --18S0--X. PJ.AHTATION BlT’fßfcS. This rained the ire of the .e.mPO.ln*theJ*.lfl.mt.- . site State, who got their wise heads together, onUawed B» Drake, and made it a WB?1 *° artistic brash on thilr beloved hUla- Verily, the fine at a dßconntin Hew Bampthite. Owy-Bli Brahe pen them for this splendid advertisement? 14- 6 t ewwhwn Combination 1 GoodNewspob PKOPLB i Grand OomhinaUdht Good Newe for the People! Grand Combination! Good News for the People! Grand Combination! Good Hewa for the People 1 Ixmtirai Bbdbotiok iitPuioßa! Ihmbbb* Hbbpotios ih Pnioasl Ilf 2CESBS Bbduotior'lK-Prtobsl ’ PUKSt & 00., Ho. 303 OHB3TSOT BtBSM. PBEBI & Co., H 0,609 Chbbtitot Btb«*t. 4 Co., H. 2. ooritsb Bbvbnth i»D Harsbt Sib. "lo meet the popsl&r demand for lower prices, Mosers. T - , Clothiers, h»Y« determined to throw opsa . for * limited period, their immense stock stag, contained In their three atoresv-Tis : J Cisstntit street, shore Third, ogestnnt street, (6BAHYILLE STORKS’ old joniar Barentb and Marketing , (JONES’,) tbelr enUf*-«(oofc of CloUtlfl* ai priws Jailj Pia onfaf" , M peb obht. 'noun.-. 1 20PKB OBHT. i*OB*T. ’ 20PBK OBST. -iOWB* THAU ABT O.T£HB BOCSB, tOWJ*B THAU AHT OTHSR HOUSE OWB& THAU AHT OTORftrHotrSß, ' I consists of Spring Goods,'jmqiiifefittrsd for loAsOBr&Bd the bsHoca ofW&ster Glotfain* op kaad, All whjchis sot np lp tht tots’ " OXprMßlr for rstail Bales, and be sold %iUxa«ke it to tile interest of the pabli* to rmoucr. . *.»***<«»*. IfßOHfi' ' ' SO PEE OB*T. •SB Oi!BT. 20 PE* OSH. „OWB* TSA* AWpTBBB Bnm. LOW** T«A* AW.OTBB* BOOS*. LOWHB THAX AXl<%B** HOOM. . «orn«i t WOJHS’.) rebants’s Wi«» Jenny Powm Penna EF City W Ellis, Penna . Jos Clifford, Penna JR Diik &21a, Mfeadyilk T Clark, Wheeling. Btt Grubb, Wheeling A & King, Petersburg J M twn Alien Craig, M Chant B Arjlunay Mbn.lf Haxcu W-SRwaris, Haiemtowa A D Henaett, Hagerstown Geo W hake, Haw Jersey O H 2f imaonAllentown. <3 C Bait on, Virginia J G Gjwyond,’ Salem, H J 7asßtehardJ, Pittabarc Mr* W H Har£u, Pfusburg & W/FaV*j*» Pittsburg 1 Cbaa-Q-Oarea Plus bar* W Murray, Fofcna . ; barnuel la>*l, BUjr ca-^' ? ‘" WiS* D Bl&fi CO E : > H.li SAjl Job'Cr* PUt*oarg * : •• •**’ IV Bethlehem Hah Wrjßiiler.A fh, Penan Ohns S/K% oHfillilfiW Jersey Att«h Iby hbenT. Jp*t*'J£inee, Bocks eo T 0 Atkinson, Btberry Geo W dbarp, K-tw ier jey B OUUngbfiQi. Backs co a Kirk. Backs no JAsJSjMatit l * «o Peary Watson. Backs eo M’-Palmer. Sogwood . T O AtjlioeojiC’&igwood f jttkiasonivßacssco , Harper, fox Chase T 11*. Fox Cbaeei X, Back man, Poylestown J S Hart, Virginia E Galkin, Hew York ; J BUheUe, Stow York •kßear. Mrs H XerkQß, Hatboro. BU Cadwalader, Penna J«rKßaeko)&&, Penna W Faff, YardtbyviUe W Bddows. Moreland . Isaac Yerkea. HartsTillu w Boswell* HarlscUie- ' Tfcos Headman, Penna Isaac S Trexler, Tardleyr ffbos WiUiard- Peaaa__ 117 B Vanartadalen, ra JKr» 0 Vaaartfldataa. Pa • Jos btaekbonsei aUleboro W Heal, JSewlown - i W Boswell, Hartivlile Id Eagle, Ad B«idelmaa,Mß.BaaioxL Wjp Bridelman, Bastdn Geo W Rjtb, Pe&na 1 B Leedozo* Jy; Penaa Blmpsaa WrWUn Femsa Win Beans, Backs eo Cbas Palmer. Edjewcod C A Bek erSo Ohio Sol Sbaatz, Penn* Amos Early. Dauphin co IAIWIk John Finney, Biockton, N J John Tttc»er, Hnrriatnwa Wilson DLsrgeila.Fauna W A Oomstoor- Penaa J 8 Heston. Haw to a H J Tempany. Fennv Cl ,T»cu or. Dolingtnn, Pa B N MOes. Backs ca, Fa B B Uroi-hiser- Binghamton J 8 Mo,mas. YinaUnd, N J Thb Mobt Aotkembe, th* rennlrsmsats of whose profmmlon ren««r their jndgmsnt, in all ttmtrelrtw to the toilette. nnerHng and vslnsble, endorse only ” JAEED’B EMArf/nn PAEIB, ” for lwpurtlnra fine, soft, and beantlfol comploulon. and preseivln* the healthfnlns.s of the gilts, Perfumers, and Coiffanrs. apl2-mwstf Gbay Haik, Baldness, Dandrhff, wUh the*" 6 Bt no compare -Erfr Color Bsrtorsr.” London * tan woann's "Hair Color Restorer.’* .Lsndte*’ (o*BAT);r fißair Color Bsstorsr.** London’*, behe£t. .. Colorßestonr.” London ’ ’ , ~v Hair Color Restorer. ’ * ‘Loddon’’ ! “ Hair Color Restorer. * * •, (Invalnahle esa dxeislngund haantlfler ) Stitoru, Gray Bair, ' Present* Sabtnets. Seetores Gray Bair, Prevents Baldness. Restores Gray Bair , No Dr*- Prevents Baldness, Restores Gray Bair, Prevents Baldness, Restores Gray Bair. Prevents Baldness. • The certificate of Mrs. Miller, No 780 North. Ninths : Street, Is oonvlno’ng proof. Hell hair 'was very- way.; ijvhen the commerced Its me t now*d£lk end flociy. by Edward B Gtittrtgjtes, jffilguat, Tenth ahd Coatos streets—a man :Whose veracity none can doubt. . ' ■■ Slnalo bottles 75 contet six bottles, |L Sold by Dr- SWAYNE S SON, 330 North SIXrH Street. It Jones’; THE LOWBSY ’ SELLXNB PEICB is marked In Sgnre* on eaeh artlele, AND NEVES VARIED. . JONES’ < i ’ c Oreseeid Ons-prlee • eiOTHiia eousx, HARSETBTRBKT, ‘no^ ESr-BBeei redaoed to trait the tlmea A In,. Assortment <jf READY-MADE CLOTHING, suitable f<;r all eeudna,’ constantly on hand. '' Cnttota-Work msde to order at short notlse. Cmh9 lie Oolgats’b Honey Soap. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, In sttehnnlversti de mend, Is made from the CHOIOBBT msteilale, la MILS and EMOLLqtETlnlts nature, FRAGRANTLY SOBNT ID, aid BXTSEMELI BENEFICIAL In its astlon npos the Skin. For sale ;by eil and, Faney Good* dealers. ........ ; ffetuthply. !>sinR(PRECRI>ENTE3O' SUCCESS,;.; . ;i xrniijjl BU|'l , olflHo'Lß v .. : S E W XlfT» JIT J N E s "♦ • S' i ■‘‘■'-w ■ '•* • - • r MOW BEAST. ' ' '• ••• .mg an hour. ; --T v>. The Stitclany Warranted to hr. Superior. to K tidnder>'ork, ' v '' ■ * '* 1 ■ »n any tlalerial, - ■ . -rC, ■ BAtnsnooit*, • • ! v. , l ... 800 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. **« BHOJLDWAT, gy Tori AMOS R.WOOO, i • . . Treasurer. AW* feCH,DIBEiSBB. ■ • * 4 Dr. Sway oe' e* * f .»«■. “Ointment.** “Dr. Befe, v “Ointment.” r, “Dr. Swayne’e*? Certain “Ointment.” -Care. “Ointment.** Sotegaedy cnxerto qnidkyno metier bow obstinate Salt Ehenm*,_Seald/Bead, itoj;Mi,tindBof Tetter. -Ae'a Blood* parser and cure foKScrofnJa, nee ear worid-renoWtrad/Pa nnoea. Prepared only K. SISTfi feireet. above TO ~ / ' Ojk Itch.' •. (WHBAi<oH?sy ; Itch; BAM BHBtJK. vfOIKTSOSjftn , SAM liHBJJK; Wiil care tlia lich,iJr'4B.£enrs. Alstflteires Salt Rkettto triMra, Chllblatia; '.ill A '»ll '3ropuciM of the "BMn 6O cents. By 6endinY.BG cents to WSBKB £ POT TOTf, Ittss V Y*lU be forwariad free by mall bUDmciiete. mU7Bm KET's'p -libTE, ob De. 8. M. Landis” Terr Taipei it Titrate Lector, on “ FSYQOLOBI3i£ FASCINATIONS in. t ont, Learn to charm those you lore, tfecrets worth kno'Wing..FBad price, 25 cents, to Or. LANDIS’ Kedlcel Offlcef-80, 1313 CHESTNUT Street, and raeetveltjiy retnrn mill. jnh2l-a6t* De. Trasses, Shoulder HFaifcb; Supporter*, Elastic Stock* , in oeit>arlety» atO H. ■ 5 BPI/HB\ corner T.WBWH »pis; , Indies’ Twelfth street, firsfcdoSr belowß&ce; lady attendants. SyrlnisaofaU descriptions- / mhl9*lsi. Parmblee’s Patent Isolated n #"Vr PIAHO EOSTB /= , SOMETHING NEW! APBBPBOT PIANO The Oh sorb latheTtiode of construction is not partial, tuVfft&ionffMand ra#tcal K disoarflng all those ele ■ meats i w£ich tend sc soon to destroy tone "and rend6i:’t|«un incapa3}le fo fcifoir original IW*«fres*. ... ForpSwer, pMtty, B#o4ta«Sß, »ad • - 1 DURABILITY OF TONS, they are unequalled byany Piano known. vThe simplicity of the construction of tMs FJano,.to getter Vitt the iwpogfii&iiifi/.n/ife giving out, it one ofitaynost /. \ Persons desirous of obtaining aSEPSfiIOR PI A. NO at a should call and examine these before purchasing else* where. < m&iz t ou bxamisb raxiE wfciTß, you; wn* BUT JO OTHER. EYEEI INSTRUMENT PULLf WAKHAN*3D. H. M HORRISS, Bole Agent. It* '< *3B MaßKlST'Street. wm gbobm^o° 8 k & Go -’ b iwii .. 4SD IABOB a HAULIH’B CABINET OKS AHB. ■ PIANO ... €tyer 600 each of those floe CABOntT FORTES. instruments have been sold by ORGANS PIANO Mr.G , and the demand is eon- CABINET rOETSS. etantly increasing. ORGANS. PIANO For sole only by CABINET FOR* ES __ J. B. GOULD, ORGANS. PIANO SEVENTH and CHESTNUT St», CABINET FOKTBS. no2o tt ORGANS. Please to bihg the following extba superfine ‘ PIECE OF POETICAL PATEIOTISjf To the well known old tnae of •* Tn* Koto os ibb Oashisal Islahds.” Hurrah! hurrah! rebellion's done! We’ll gather our frienda, end everyone Will sheath his sword and hangnpllls font We’ll Bine a eon* and we’ll have some fan. And we’ll think of the way the rebel* ran, As we tell the gloriona story. One General Grant presssd hard on Lee; Poor Lee kept running away till he Cane to the certain comoUutom that we Were a little too much for him; don’t yon eee ? So he made up his mind no farther to dee, And onr hoy 8 rallied on with a shout of glee. And they shouted a shont of victory ’ In the day of the nation’s glory. TEiy runaways audit wasn't slow The way that Jefferson 9. did go, With a dismal face all full of woe, And aeady garments from top to too. He marked his tranks lor Mexico, Tie land where they have a rebellion, oh! Every sixty day s or.no. And he's going yet for all we know. And may ha long continue to go Till he meets tho reward of his treason. Though Jeff and htafrlend* are on the wing Onr song of thanksgiving we’ll merrily slags We'll sing of magnificent clothes for sprint, And of every sort of eleaant thing. Which the folks at Oak Ham. so cheerfully bring To put on onr backs In time of spring That our clothing may he iu season. TAKE HOTICB! Oak Ham, hasn’t ran away! Don’t mean to run. Will stay and sell good clothes! LOOK OUT POE A GREAT LIGHT AT OAK HALL - V . • '-OJT. MOHTDAI NIGHT! ; 43* We are selling at much lower prices than any tints during the last three years. How ls the time to get bargains. WANAMAKBB ft BBOWH, OAK HALL, : ' It 8. R cor. SIXTH and MARKET Streets MARRIED. HIBBS-ECKFELDT. -On ISth Instant, by Key. H. P. Earn, James M. Bibbs and MaryH. Eckfeldt. Ho curds. . ninBXD- MDLFKE7.—Captain Q. W. Molfrey, of Company <J; (Saunders Guards.) JSSthP. V., was-MUed April Ist. ihfrontof Fsttr.burg He was in his 23lhyear, . Hi* funeral will take place from the residence of Pro fessor Saunders, Thirty-ninth audHarkel streets, this afternoon, at fi o'clock. 1 . , * ASDBBiOH.—Onthellth inst, Catharine. daughter of Jamea and Bllen Anderson, aged S learn and S n rhe > r<ilatlvB« and friends of tie family are respectful ly incited to attend her funeral, from the residence of In parents, So. 1430' flortu Fifteenth, above Masmr streets, on Sunday afternoon at SM o’clock, without far ther notioe. Interment in Cathedral Cemetery. * BAMhBOrroa—TAILOB.-On - the 13th tntt., hy Btv-T. P. Ooulston, Hr, Benj. Bamsboitom and Sites GOOD. —On the 13th iyst.,Jby Bev. T. P. CouHtcn, Hr. Alfred Scott and Mins Cornelia flood, On the 11th Inst;, from a wwend re cfivcd in tl>& tattle before Fetsubucg) Ool# WtIUMU Serjeant, in the 36tb year of We ase- The relatives and friends of the family &« respaofr fully In-yit+d to attend the faaeral, from the residence of his mother, STrs. John Serteant. 251 South Fourth aircei. on Sa urday* 16th April, at 3 o clock. The fa i erel to proceed to St. Petsr s Church) the iatormcmt 0n the 13th inst., Sterile itGiaham, son of John and Behecca Ooehras. aged 10 months and 13 dare* .The words of Jesns Suffer little children to come unto to®* and forWd them not. for clench la the kingdom of Heaven. «ot ©or *ill. hut thine. O God be done. ' ■ The relatives and iriendsof the family are respect fully Invited toattera lWfaYiBttlrfre«''’hi»paTents* residence, floliaiYincitreet. on Saturday afternoon at So clock. TopMfoed to Gle&wood Cemetery. ** ALPfUGH “-On Tourth day morning* the 12th lost.* Joseph W- Aldrich. - . The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited*, ■without farther notice, to attend the funeral, from his late residence in Bowalngtown, Seventh, day* the 15th. in«t.. at 2 o'clock P. M Friends attending the-funeral can leave the city by > PennsilvenJa Bailroad'at 8 I.M and 12 M , and can t*>iTSTti the same afternoon. ** 1 BELLBBB. —Ob Thnwdav mornln*. tie 13th instant, Edwin M Sellers, In the 41>t yearof hi»at«. Thorelativcs and male fti.nd; of the family are re onictfnltv invited to attend his funeral, from his late 2rid l ence T , Sprln.Qarden street™ Sattud*, afternoon, the 16th instaa** Sul o®** 0 ®** Without Bratiu Annie Lloyd * youngest daughter of Jamas &.and Bnaßell.»ged7yearsa»a2niOßtfli. •The relatives and friends, of the raoeete -fail* invited to attend the funeral,, ftom the residence tfSamnelw'lXliftlWaUaoe street, on Saturday morning* at 10 o’clock. ■ OLACK BIZANTINES—BLACK BY- D ZA.HTIHKB, FlcrcntlmM, B«M9 Hem»nl»,Ortpe Musts and Bare***. 8-4 and£ 4 wH« B3BBOS xaua, Morale* *tore. 918 OBI3THT>T Bireet, «*'«* •\TOUBBING POULARDS.—BLACK JML tad White. Black aa4 Porple. Mdßtaiaßlack /store. fe. ols apB tf ‘ TJBD, BLUB, FO: itfwti&afisßSa. *"• WHIM, ITBg & j, 4WoBtlii gaXTSTH tad ARCH Btreeta. »iii i_i > rru m VICTORY.—TO. X,,W at H M . FIRST aOaaREJA -1 lojtil? CHOTfidj fIaSKFOED Bold and GOMEAY A reuse, f>rß»r. U t G|AK, P*»tor. 1W A. M , “The Onplnßenjamin's Back. £ AtW» niJOH H. E. CHBHOHiMt Wll Street, bnlow Axeh.—BABBATHi April jS, Bar. G. D. CAJtSOW will preseli tn the Mornln*. at ICK o'tlwfci e#4 ip the Brews? fttsiawtw to 8 ¥«loe*, It THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA," SATURDAY, APRIL id, ISB6. |-y FESTIVAL POSTPONED. In accordance with tenoral desire, and that all - rae» participate In the Illumination on Paster M-iadir ere nlnr. the OPENING OF THE GREAT ORGAN, IK THE- / • .> CHUBOH OP THE COVENANT*/ PILBEBT Street, between Seventeenth and Blghtoentk,- Baa been Postponed to . TtBFDAT BVBNISG NBXT, April 18th. h Afew ticket. remaining at One Dollareach.nray he had at the Episcopal Bookstore, 1524 Chestnut; G, T. Adams (lata Borne), 911 OheatoatiWEia Honse, N. W cor. SeTenth and Walnnt";jT.j, Caffeo, N. K. cor. Broad and Cheßtnat. npd Ph &. 'OllTer. K. W. cor. Eighteenth end Bprnoo. . . .js aplS smtnSt AHEBICAS SAIh ' ' 1 AS* N-AIL IHACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY PENNSYLVANIA AND MARYLAND. CAPITAL .. ...©BOO,OOO. <3,000 SHARES—PAR FAME, §5O, PBESn>BK*, ' HENRI THOMAS. TSBAStrasa. JOHN W. HAM., PfSBCTORS. HENRY THOMAS. Haniabnfg. JOHN W HALL, Harrlsbsrg. C. A WAX. BORN; Philadelphia. £. G. BiEMAVv Baltimore , * ££GRY GILBERT, Harrisburg. y BIVESBSi ADAMS ft LEVIS* Philadelphia. The Subscription Book for the Capital Stock of ihis- Compsny is now open at the BsfcHng Honse of ADAIfd & LsYle, 80. 30f> CRBbThUr Street, Philadelphia- Persona wishing to ro&fce a profitable investment are refcp*ct(a!b. incited to call on Messrs ADAMS & LIiYIS, wo will *iv* ihstzi further iaft-rmatioa, and wili show them the Machleea, now raaning and mafciag-nails. . *' - the advantages w©,claim for onr Machines over any others in u*e. a*e: . . r; That toeypiodjice a more perfect nail, with *• bettor heed, aid fewerimpeffeot nails. That they effect a savin*.of not Ims than lift; par pest ie fbe.expease of irtncHnrhniTes&nd dies. •J*d the Machines being eel/:feeding, they effect a saviig oA from fi?ty to Leveniy-flYe per oent. in- the labor of euttizi* nails. .. Tarties feeling an interest, and desiring to subscribe, will please call apl6 1m ■agaar* tbb be*, hk* kt Hieniimi iW* Blim-rt -WMhlottor. 0. 0;, ■wttt proaoh, In the PBBSBYIBRI4S OHOhCH. LOMBARD Street, 1 ' below NINTH, on BDNDAI. nl S>l o’cl.ick P. M. It* €)mh.»wes’s ghbbck-tiie *3s< yBXTIIIIBTHLT BBBMON TO TBS TODS9 wUJ bepreaeJaeO in the Church of the SPIPI&Xf TO* MOBB<*W Afternoon* Service at four o’clock, * . &T. CIkBMbEHT>S CHTJRCSH, KX? TWESTIKTS and 'CHBRBY.Sta —TO MOR ?*%QW (Baxter-day) there will he Service in this Church iOTihwwhVfiiilfiG, instead of the afternobn, at 1% • • It wgg- OhIIfVKACEIcT VICTWKI^S,—J. W. VXf BohP4Tl.ha» cVjfSspt«d.to repeat his sermon commemorative of our recf,r^»iek>^e9 l TO~:HO&&OW (Bnrdai) BVBffINO, in.the Churtnortheu&itercessor, BPBIbO OAEBSSr Street, below Broad. 'Service to sbmipeneeat7.4s o clock. It* IST TIRST REFSBUIBD IBS CHURCH. SBYBYTH and BPRISO CA.SBBY Sireetiu Rev. J H. Sutdam, pastor. Services at lGhi o’clccli A. M , P. M.. . n It* i ra* OUR BIBiE ASBOBBCOfnrTBT -(Bible Creeds, No 10)—By TH. STODKTON, SiBBATH AFTRBNOON, at SH o'cIock.atELRVSNTH a'&d WOOD Streets. Christian Onion ; Coed Music; at- li* . (®“ At CONORKG ATIOS AS. . CHURCH -Her. BBWABD HAWES. Pastor. *W eWcB (tej OBCBHT HALL. TO MOBKUW, atl'K A. It (lid 'sf F. M. Tbepnbllc are cordially Invited. * CSSTBA ra**’ v«£« O S B CO SORRG JLTION CHT»BQH, Corner ELEVENTH and WOOD.- Freatbiiyu ‘tOfyfofcßOW.at 10& A. K.. by Rer.Mr. D WiOBT? IK P ML, by Bev. Hr. CHAMBERS. L* JOeN CJBTAMBRBS AND SECOND Slder W. 8. C4.MFSEbX. wiU review fir. “Chamber** dlsconm— ‘ Progress of; the Gospel Retarded by Second Advaottm’ -—at Wash ington HaJl, S. W. 'comer of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Straeta;-SUNDAY EVENING, at a aaarter before 8 o’clock F*- wi.l preach in the name place at IPX A M,» on **The Final Punishment of Sin. * It* rar* WESOBK H.^CHUBCH, TWENTIETH Street, below Walnnt —Treaoh* fog by the Bev. THEO STEVENS* TO MOBBOWi (Sunday). 10% A M., and IK P M, It* ra* THANHSOmSH MEETING ■WP TBe r k'Orion’s news of the week demands oar JhsnfrFtiTißgß to God, and onr acknowledgments toonr £brave defenders * Union Tbftnkrgivinjr meeting .will be held TO r MORROW (Sabbath) VVERING, fit the Fiist Fresbr- Urlan (3hnTcb, .WASHINGTON SQUARE Bey Albert Barces wIU preside* 7 &hd the meeting will he addressed by Bey Edward Hawes. Bev. Lemuel Mosfe, Bey. Robert Pattereon. *'D D » and other Delegates of the Chii&tia* Commission from Bichmond ana the reoenfc battle- fitlda The collection will be for the relief of onr wo oaqfd <• t • * ' „ It BT TABEBNACtE ■S3® BAPTIST SCHOOL, CHESTNUT Street, west o* JH*bt?eirkv —The Seven teenth Anniversary will he heI&jmUMOBRO W AFTB B» 'NOON, April 18ih,.commmcfri J&fcb clock. The ex erei*efc will coniYstof 6ißging pyi,the School and'ad drei&ee by.Eevs. G. Dana Boardpia3u- J H Gastle. and. Bon J&meaFolloekrAllintwelt^dlnSabbathSchools . are invited. - ♦ ~■ . Ui. ' ‘ t < ' - It* ftSS-- PHaABEhMA %RACT AMD MISSrON SOCIETY -The ninetieth meeting in behalf of this Society wiU be'held in the Mariner’* Belhd.'PßONfTStreet. above Ohrlstian, on SABBATH EVKNIhG, I6thlnst . at 7X b*clock, peroral addresses will bomtdo. PobUc Invited." It?; vQV* SPIRII XJAI.ISBI —MJB. SX FIN IW *?BY wll lecture as SANSO&STKEKTHALL, on BtJSI>AY, at 10# A. 41. wiUSE M,, oa ‘‘Liberty and tb*- BepobUc. ** it rsr MASONIC N«mCE.-IHE HB3f. W&& ber» of FSANKLLKLODGB, Mo 134; k. Y. &£., aid tie Order in general, axe requested to meet at ttie WABOHIG BA T »I>, *rßlS(*aturw) aFCE&MOOJST, at ?#Vclocfc, toatfend tbe Fnnerai of <ms late brother, K0W&& .BBLLEB^"**:•: By otrderof the W, ~ .It* . QBO. J.BECffBU, Secretary, (Kja— MASOWIC JUSTICE—THUB HEH- Io» BEES ot MONTGOMERY LODGE, No. 19, A. T. M . and tie. officers and members of the GRAND LODGE, and the Order le general, ate retmesjaa to meet at the MASONIC HAI.Lt on SATURDA Y, the IMh instant, at 3 o’clock P.-M., to attend tbe Funeral of their deceased Brother Cot WILLIAM SBBGBANT. By order of the W. M. _ _ i . - ■ a It . , J. T. THOMAS, Secretary. “ WUPnWBBSB ISIKBSATIOS. fcK r AT. EXHIPITIOa. ’ ’—Contrlbutors-to the shore Exhibition will receive every information by calling et tb* rfßee of the Portuguese Consul, 5301 South PSOffT Street. , &pls-gt ormi of ihx ranr bodstt. PBBB OOMMIBBIOW. OOMMOJIWJUMB BolW>l*a. 013 CHESTS PT Street, Philadelphia Pmi.Alisi.PHiA, April 14.1885. Hotloei*3t«reb? *Wea tut bowarrantsforßounties ■Wtu be letntd to rocralte musteiod la aubewnLont to 13thApril,' 1666. BrorUrof^—rtog. Seoretary.- OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF THE .‘PS*? CITY OP PHILADELPHIA.—In • acaordsucs With the reontst of Citizens of the Rural Districts* I do hereby recommend that the ILLUMINATION appointed fur Monday Bvontng next shall nottake place ia the Twentv.flrat, Twenty-secondhand Twenty third Wards until the evening of THURBDAT* the 20tn instant • Is yrUnssaccrbereoL I hav» beietosetmyhand.and -caused the seal of the Chy of Philadelphia to be affixed, tMal4LhdayofAp.il. A. HI!HSY Mayor of Philadelphia. Bon. Alexander Henry. Mayor of Phtladelphta : Dear Mb: 'fie possibility of a deficiency In the sup ply of Oas on Monday freeing next at Germzntowu, and tie yen'general de*lra of its citizens to view the illumination in tie city-proper, lead us retpectfnliy to sugneet tlat some otler day -tlan tint fixed upon In yonr PrcdsTßStion le named ly you for an Illumina tion In tie Bnral Districts of lie City. Teryoreepeetfully, your oledient servants, - A, Mointyre, Sol. B. Caleen, ' 1 T. C Caldwell, - Charles H. Grail, S. Charlton Henry, Jahez Gates, Strifes '* * ' - • gj_A; Hoyt, - C. 1. Pan coast, Bllwood Johnson^ B W. Clark- , Annin 14, IMS. It Sis .DORADO SILVER MISMO lde? COMPANY. —Having secured Mines in Nevada, whose ores yield over $3OO per ton. 11 BulrhiOlf, tie company ere now shiering machinery with a capacity to work THIRTY TOSS per day, realizing a clear profit of more than HO per cent, a year. To; enlarge the ope rations of the Company they will sella few thousand' more shares, at the ORIGINAL HBI’JB of #1.60 per, Per orgautzsilOß and full psrHoulara ayplyat the office, 80. 308 South FOrRTB Street. . H» GEO. PE HAYES, Jr., Secretary, rST OFFICE OF THE PHIL4DEI PHIA AND CHEERY RTTH PETROKsUM COM PABt, 538 WALNUT Street. p OTICB —Thesuhscription books afthe-PBujAOBLr PHIAAWD CEEBKVitON FBTEOLBHM COMPANY are TB IS DAT dossd, hy orderof the Board of Directors. ' APH116,1165. tltei THJtOS. HARTItAY, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE AMBRICAS ibstjhabcii compaby, FBH.ADBi.PHrA. April M,IS&S. The Directors ERVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY OERTB PER SH SRE lor the last **ix Months, which wUlhe paid to the Stock holders or their legal Representatives, on and after the CIl AhlgBT A O. t, JogAWPOBD, Sec'y. wrere I'HOiSIX OIJL COMPANY—AW V 2& Adiouroed Meeting of the stockholders ortho Phmnlx OU Company wllfbe held at the pffice,Ho. . 13* Sonth WHARYBS(upstallb). on MONDAY. ApnU7tn, ?13 o'clock P M.. for the purpose of taking Into con ,!4er,AFB*S?JfBNT OP 3S CENTS PER SHARE: OB the stook. for an Section of Pine Directors to serve for the enaning year, «>a i ®‘g B * l, W?ny* WjSL apt lit* JAMBS P. BRADY, Secretary. wts- OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAli ABD BAYIGATIOH COMPABY. . PHiiiDUnpECIA, March 10, 1885, The Stochh older sof thi t Company are hereby notified « reilroad 0 c«tn%ThflVd^ff|^ Have determined to allow-fco-arl who shall a P-* pear &» Stockholm on the book* of the Gompauy on the 18th after closing of transfers at 3 P. M. oL that day, the pririlefe-opcuhscribing for new stock at par , to the extent of one share of new stock (br every* five share* then standing ia their names. Bwh share holder entitled to a fractional part of ft share shall hay* the privilege of enhserlbinr for a rail share: The subscription book* will open on ths ®th and close on the 2*tb of May at 3 P.M: Thu »«w stock will not participate, in the May 4lvidend. Paymeat* will he requited aafollowB: Teh per cent, at tho»time • «f subeerfbisg, and r the balance on the 24th day ot-May iferotaid. after which time only wtU the new eertlScater Stockriders-not paying as above will lose their light (e the new stock. Those who desire to anticipate .pay ment wlli be allowed discount on the whole amount of their subscription at the rate of six ner cMxt.Jper annum, ShSlm SOLOMON SHEPHERD* Treasurer. NEW DOMINION OILOORD^Y. fzS? —A meeting of lb* Stockholders will, b* held at the Office. No 16 South YUONT Street, onTUEiDAY, April 18th, at 12 o’clock M , for the pnrw»e .of adopting Bv- Laws, ejecting officers* and transacting, each other bust nesaes may be Drought before meeting apB jq is 1713 JOHN B. LQ yUL Secretary. PHILADELPB,IJt OIL l 3» CRffiSK OIL COMPANY, 327: WALNUT Bt T* e a'Tr»nifsr Books of this 'Company. will olose on MONDAY NBXT. 17th Just . ah3,o,clock B M., pre natatory to the annual meeling. Stoakholders. All holders of stock must b*ge berttfUaUa to entitle them to,vote at the abovejneeapg.-: By Order of Board of Directors- b.a»a»opw aplWSt W. fli FAlftTißlt, Secretary, S&OVS-TS AHB QUICK ‘_ - BLAHK BOOKS- Paper xnd Burelopes. Copvi&c said Cancelling Presses, Gola Pari* ftßdPenoils. ;■„ PockfA Books, Wallets.and Bankers’ Omm. j Backgammon Bo&rd*, Portfolios, and Writing Desks. !/ . . PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. » The largest and finest assortment In ike dtp, holding f from 13 to SOO photographs, bound in velvet and Turkey f mOTOOTeo. with abased edges and beautiful clasps. —--- y<a — WBW mwAw i CHBAPBBT- ALBUMS I* THE GIT I . B^vSef* 8 * KOTIC/K AS HfEUKBY | Arnold a Ink ■25? that the Amiutl Mesttne of the StookhMWM of : Baber’* Bead Pencil*. the CBNTKAL TEiNSPORTaTIOa Of Copying Baoks. . ' „ . „ , PBBHhIBVaffU winbe told at the o%». eomer of FiUwrednced to <ar»ro;nd wltt the decline la grid. TEIBBIBTHand MnßKßlßtreete, WeatPljSadelpata. 1 R BOSKIBS S OO f «& fe&lS*. ! BOOK w mTIO HOTp a , y H iT_ t ni!i,PHiA, Aprils. 1868. apßl2t anl3.lßt 80. »8 BpathEOPßftß Btieet. "" | ■■■— " ' ■ 1 \ 'T T i ■ w» isa>’ GOOD 55.81H.6 BAIGBOAD COMPANY. ■_ . „ IRB , Tbs annual meeting 91 dueMdeklio&ets of this Com pan?, and an electionfor President and fj* ** a ® s 1 ? 8 l ? s to serve for U e eneni, g rear. and. until others etteiioe ele.tei. willbeVelcMUbe OHtce of the Pi'lsdelpWa and Beading Ri-ilr :-d ComosnT, Bo* ~A7 Hontu POORTH street, on sONDeY-, the let day , of May next, at 11J6 o'clock A. M a®B-tmyl Wtt. H. W EBB* Secretary. ■yrftnrftWaßP.lt ft BEOWK, |y HUGH HILIEB ROCK OIL COMPm 1,000 HHAICBS. XOO DOLLARS EACH, ... ..... S* . To original BnMertbera, who era entitled to all the be rolls arising from the ownership of THREE HUNDRED ACRES" OF LAND . is the centre of the great Oil‘Batin of Yen an go and Warm, conn ties. Also, to all the profits In ite derer opment. Operations haring already eommeneed.early ' ! ' A dlTidfindemay be looted for. For particulars, call upon or address J. S. WILSON, 014 CHB3TNUT BTKBBT, . apW-4t THIBP STORY. msse* OFHeis «>»■ thk chbrbt bps V 3& AHl> W BBT BiCjCOBT iflTTnlL FETSOI.BOH CO., Ho. ISSB Worth WHABVS3, Philadelphia At »n adjourned » eeUni of,the etoekboldera, held April 18th, 1866, the follow Inis-named gentlemen were: duly elected o ill cere- and Managers of the Company : - ■ ■ ’ ■ pbbsidekt, ■: ‘ dk jambs tbcman. Corner of Eighth eed'WeUece attests. fracBOTASY. , BZEAEOiCiSHB,^ Of MeCUntock fctnkena, Ho. 12jf Horih/Whama CHABLE^W^MoChIJ'rOCK., Of, M cCllotoik im, Sorffi'WhHTM- BOARD OP WftßOfOßt. Col. Bouj J* No. 618 South Wha*ves. JobnO My ms, Ho 608 South wharves- M« J Thomas. Ho, 241 North Seveateenth»tr«t Geoffte b Jejobinc. of George b. -TauMn* ft Co. ; JohaC&TTer. Ko 1681 Snmmor street ’ William Palmer, earner Seventh *hd Green street*. .John Much N©. 608 South Wh*TV«g. ■ jraiahlb Brook*, of Bror, ft Ch. Dr. 1. J. Clark. No. 2181 Green street. r John Fry. of McC&m bridge ft Fry. i ,, C. T. Terkeßf Jr. . of C. T. Tartars* Jr. ,ft Go. - • Col. Peter Fritz, No. 616 Bees ttraetl apl4*3l PKTROIBVM. THE NEW 'YORK- SJXD I^VBBFOOIi PETROLEUM COMPANY* organize* min the JfINIHO AHD, HAHUFACTCBING LAWS of the v TftATE OF JfBW TOES. CAPITAL, ONE ©OLLABS, ? ' ■ , \ ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, no PER SHARE, i SUBSCRIPTION .PRICE, »5 PIE bIcaKB. ROT LIABLE TO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. ' OFFICES: *». a* empire BTritDiita, 80. Tl BBOADWAT, NEW YORK. Fob* Opfiob addubos, Box No, 6388, New’ Tun*^ opynraßS.. ■, Hoa. D ARIEL B. DICKINSON, ftMMgt! WM. T. FHIFFS, Vice PreCdent. BOBKRUaSSBTT, Secretary- i - f fJ fe. H. 3. BDETIS. ATLAKTICBAHK.Be. Broadway.*. Y.,Tr*Miiry. The wellsof the Company are now pn>du«ln* oil. Payment for stock may be made in drafts. re*i*ter*n . note*, or .Government bonds and securities, Which bond, and securities will be taken at their market value. . . - Remittance, may ba addreesad to the Company, P. 0. Sox *o. Am Hew Fork City, or to ’.‘Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the Hew Pork and Liverpool Petroleum Company, 80. 113 Broadway, Raw Fork City;” or’to any of Its agent*. - mhS'Sm KSa— NOTICE —A SPKCTiI, MEKTINO of the Stockholders of the BLUE CBBKK OIL COMPANY- will bebild at .the Comptny’s ‘offlee, Ro. 407 WALNUT Street, os SATHKDAt, the 33d April, at 4 o’clock P M. _ Br order of .the Board.: ' r. B. B. AX,SOP, spll' lOt* Secretary. *<SP“ NORTHERN LIBERTIES AND fcK 7 PENH TOWHBHIP RAILROAD COMPART, t r * ' . ‘ PHniADßtraiA. Aprii 8.1886 The .Annual ‘Meeting 6f_tfae Stockholders of. this Com pany, and’, ah BlectiOn Jor Officers tu serve for the ea rning yt&r, and until others shall be elected, will bs held at the Philadelphia and Beading Bail road Company, - No. 337 South 9OOBTH StraeV on MONDAY, the Ist dar of iifcXt, at ll o'cloch A. M. , apS-imyl' WILLIAM H. WSBB, Secretary. , r®* OFriCJB OF THE MAYOR OF 'WS3& TBB GITI , : ' • Whereas* It Is right that the k people of Philadelphia should. by some publicand special manifestation, show forth their rejoicing for the reeentifcompiete and glorious victories with which it has . pleased/ Almighty God to bless our National Force* in the defeat and dispersion 01 rebel armies* and in the restoration of our country?* flag over cities foremost in the cause of treason: Now* therefore, I do hereby, appoint the KVhNING of HOBDAY BBXT. the I7lh of-Aprtl« for art Ulttmtuation of the public and privktrf buildings in Philadelphia, and I do recommend the general observance of such celebration* not only in commemoration proud eucceMes which have signalized the past, but eleolu joyful anticipation of the coming'pease which has been thus aeMir<dtoourland-' *.*»*■*£ ••■ In testimony whereof f have hereto set mr hand and caused the rehhof the City of Philadelphia to ba this Twelfth day ofTpm, in one thousand elghthundred and tintrfiye. fi. s j ALBXifft BR HESKTh. apll-St Mayor. of_Phiiad^phfa. OFFICE OF THE 4)»fSIKO£USBS 8» OF PCBLXO SCHOOLS, FIRST DISTRICT OF FBPUS'SLVAJNIA.—At a meeting of theCoatrollera of Public Schools- Flvst Dial riot of r«Dn*ylY&nia,lifi\d at the Controllers’ Chamber, April-11, \Sf6 t the following pr* am We and resolutions were ad? Wed: . H Whereas « There i« now. * a tound-of iottnToui'b all thb land;** sndtbe public heart with -deep 'emotion over the victories whlch-h aVybodn. YbttcWMec to the armies and-navies of otxr BWwd SwWrby i KUa.» from whom all blessings floir. - „,, . . And whereas, ,Our schools should hare canal chance WHhottefs their youthful joy ; andparHue in the * lories of the time*. thus rendering their cue tribute to- the arrav and nary of our free laud,, and to their saJHit commanders; therefore - . Resolved,. That this Board- hereby - authorizes Its president and semetary to proclaim.a general holiday to all our schools when recommended j»j national or ■other authority v _ . Resolved, That we. recommend to the Sectional Boards the propriety of illuminating the f chool houses -when the evening shall have.beenset apart by the city .... .... "1 Whereas. The Mayor of. ft* eityof Philadelphiaby. hisProclamaConaaAappwuted the evening of Monday, uejrt, April 17, 1656*-for an of the public and private buildings, and hßß>*e*ommended the same, not only in commemoration of the, proud successes which have signalised the past, hat alto in joyful anti cip&tion of the coWlnc peace i: how. thercfote, put>, .snant to the b»I4 reeolutiGn W the Board of Controllers, we dohereby announce MO HD AY HIXT w a general holidayfor all the Public Solhoel*onW*Oietiioi,. _■* • EDWARD SHIPPED, President, i*. Attest: Hbkbv.W. gAuawjtan, Sccietary. apH-St - »mDKHD H«>n<E. liS? WESTERS UNION TALESRAPH COMPANY. TBB«eo»*RfsOpfios, Bouh-stss. Aprils .Axegnlir quarterly dividend of TWO PER GENT, upon the capital stock of this company has been de clared payable on and after April 25th, instant, to the holders of stook on the 6th-ia*t. • o d FARMER Treasurer. N. 8.-Pillai elohla SlockSdiders trill receive their dividends tblougU - H.“Hf JHILLIHOPORD, ... ...... No 3 Porre-t Place, . epPTIdMJt FOURTH Street * OFFICE OF CORN PURTER Oil, K*? COMPANY, No:,ea* WAtaUT Street, March M 1»g ' : The ANNUAL MEKTIH3 of the Stockholders of this Gompany will be held at their offic.on;TGRSDAY, APRIL 18th. MSB, at. 12 o'clock tt, at which time aa Election for Directors to serve the ensuing rear will be held. THOMAS R. BRARLB, . - mh2B- tnstsplS - Secretary. • OFFICE OJR THE HI SOLUTE E 3? MINING .COMPANY, No WALNUT'Sh ;■ PailAHEirHlA; April U.OBBA t NOTICE le hereby oivcsnthat all Stock of the RESO LUTE MINING COMPANY on which instalments are doe and. nnptid is hereby declared forfeited, and Will he sold at public auction- on SATURDAY;, the 13th day of May, IWS, at 14 o’clock, noon, at the offloe of the lieereiary of the Corporation, according to the ,Charter and By-Laws, unless redeemed on or before that day. By order of the Directors. BA. HOOPSS. aplYtmyU Secretary and Treasnrer. F®" SISTB IWRD -THS fItWWA OF THE NINTH WARD bavin, been filled, all those citizens who went and are interested IN the ml : ’are of the Ward; wiUaaeetat tbo HALL. MARKET and.. (MERRICK-Streets, on .SATURDAY EYINISG, Apgl 16th, at 8 o’clock, to hear the final report of the Recruit in* Committed, and of the *ttLL ■ apl4.lt* - : . Secretary. OmCB d»F THE MAPIB AMBSB RS? OIL COMPANY, 33 South THIRD jitreot. - v . PfUrADBirPHIA- April.lo,lB The first annuaUmeeUng of the stockholders o! toil Company will be J»©ld on . . ■WBDHEfDAT, the Sd day o? Hay,. 1865, at the office of the Company, £etw»Ao «h « , honrg of 4 and 6 o'obck F.' M.« to fllMt FIVE aerv* for on® year. B BEAUMONT S?AX*BY, splltmbtSt*- S^oratary. : OF THE CASIEBOS PB' warn- TEOLEBM COMPANY, 33* fIALTSUT «tr*et, = : ’ PHriADBiiPHiA, ApiU X 3. 3fiofie • .By &yeablutlpuof the Boardof oixeptor|. thi book® of this Company were closed on HOBDAY, the 10th. inet Holders of Teceipt* will please present them, at the Offigs andneoelve their certificates. For the information of subscriber tt may be;*?atad that, bssldea the several lnoj*retiodoaone* of the farm* of this Compsay. forty new. wells ®re now* being- srn k severel of- which will be.finlsbed wkhJn sixty .days; whilst on their other faTimihe B >ard hay® dijectectforiy lots to be leased, for wn3ontherA.are.al* re,d» applicant, for apl4>St • Secretary. MTIBEbB HOTICB.-OFFICE OF HUhrSY BROOK GO aid COMPABT?, WALNUT street, ' AnrUl2. iSte. :. At a of the Board of Directors of the SHOOK GOA* COMPANY. iejdnt their Office. Sfe 259 Walnut street, a .Dividend of TSK'BB PBK CSNTea, their Capita Stock of sB,Qo(MXftwasi decUred p*jabw •‘on the 28tn liet. J; B. McGBEAnY, - &pIS 4t President faib.-thb mbies> umoa #2S? ASBOCIATIOJS will OPBJt A FAIK AT 003- CBBT HaLL ON MONDAY, April 17th. to continue, throngh the Week. Proceed* AND WOUNDBO SOLDIEEB, i his Assoeiatton has now a Commttteo la Etch mo ad dietrlbutlas dolisaoies*, and it is hoped that in view of tbe late joyfal news the FelfAwill re ceive enthusiastic support. Tickets TWK3frY*IXIi£R. Cents; singleadnaleeton IP certs. ao!2>st* SCKCYLRILL SUSSMJB HANNe RAILROAD OOMPAIY, O-PPIGE m Bontb POUBTH Street. Philadblphta, April 6th» 1886 The annual meeting of the of’this company, and an oleotion- for President and six Managers, will takarleoe atfho OFFiqg of the COM PANT, on EONBAY, the Ist day of at 12 o’clock If-*-- < ap7- tmyl . WM. H. WEBB fc Secretary. JHILLVERI. "w 2 ’ NINTH, Street, Las opaned String and Snmmsr Millinery. Also, a large as9ortmeat;Of MourningMil llnery, / apl3-wtbs3i* f CORSETS AN D DUPLEX SKIRTS aV Mi« STEbL'B, new store. Hoi SS6SS Seutb BBBVBNTH street', above Spruce, and at Ho. 107 TENTH Street. Vilow CSLwtnnt, aplS-3i* OREA.T OEKTRAi OIsOTSWa EQT7S& jREnjmL pry eeops. £)BMONBTRAI , lON -IN . O C> : T lON S.i and l« C©M«*,r FASTCOMBS AND (JOtCD STYLB3. 150 honeycomb beiou ecaiaw, AT f 3,SO—ABOUT HALF PBIOB. TBe Celebrated Housekeeper Kn*H»* xxsni BxiVT—as cnrm *M PEPPEKAI BBEETING, 80 CBXTB. Splendid lot of ' • . . TARB WIBOPBEHCH chintzes, AT @0 CENTS—WEBE SOLD AT «. r J. OOWFERTHWAIT * 00., S. E. COBB BE BIBIH and ARCH STREETS, APIS, if , . Philadelphia. TCBOM-jAUOTKWr, A I.OCO yda- dii Bleached Hnallit. LOOQ yds. 4 4 Bleached Hnslln, Only 3D Ceuta '• _ , Only TO Cants. r _ PiHow Cue MuMin, 88 Cent*. ■■ Plllcw Caie Mn»UB, 28 OaitK i They will all ,o in a conplaof daya- , epl4-tf ; J. H. dTOKBH, 703 ARCH Bt. BLACK BILEB V* AT LOW PRIORS, ;fromthe law auction aalee, comprltina all width, and tl ' l CDRWEN STODDART & BKOTHER, . ' 450, $5O, and 454‘Bocth SBSOBD Ftreet. t ; - • i Above Willow. T AniJlSn GLOAKINQ' GBOTHS, If Of 8 RWAND ITHOIOE STtLES ahd colder. STODDART tr BROTHER, - 450, a»4.4S4’Rorth SICoHD Street, . . ~r . ■ «••*» ■ V, Abo y e WIUow. tJLAda MOWaBELIHE DB' LAMES,. fiihileknddotible widtbe * ■ . 'BItAOFTAMTSS CLOTHS, BLACK BOMBAZIHJSS, BLACK ALPACAS, - , BLACK CAB TOR CLOTHS, pweis: CURSTEN STOOD ART St'BROTHESi 460, 453, and 454’Horth eplB-3t ’ " ■ ’ Above Willow. fOBN P, YOUKG. w , t 80. 70 North POITETH Street, Ha* how 4n store a most extenßive assortment of' . V. DSBsS ROODS at tteTEBT LOWEST PRICKS. apS-Imlf militabi. j THE OURS! 2)51h PESNSImWI VOLUNTEERS. ftTH ¥NION LEAGDB REGIMENT. THE- MFLITAEY COHMITTBB OF THE 08108 ‘ LEAGnB has received anthority to iai*e AROTESE ERGIitEHT OF IKFABTRT for TWSDVE MONTHS' SERVICE, URDSR THE CALL OF DBCBMBiAID, 1564.' Orders baye been to the Provost Marshals and other Hnsterisip ORcers to mnstcr .in' Recruits for the Ke*lment. .. The Offlcen are all Veteran Soldiers, and will take care of their mew* and be with them in the Bald. HEADQUARTERS, KfAftONiSL GUARDS’ HAIjL, RACE STREET, BELOW SIXTH. CITY AND VESTED STATED BOUNTIES; ,OBB 1EA8.eH.,,e.» |5OO, "tr*WO 650., s T»BBEXBABB’W«,„ '*Boo.- Beride* the HIGHEST WARD BOUNTIES and FAT, RATIONS, and CLOTHIN3, RrcrniUng Station* hay* been established in various parts of tie elty. - : ' a :* - > By order of the MILITARY COMMITTEE OF THE HRIOR LEAGUE. ep7,B-ipll tsthsdV ' SPRtZBKONEX AND GOVERN MENT K iDKIT TO AM.. WHO EffTEB THE DHITED ST ATM SIABWBBoaPg. hAVMMespTecelvea from the he&d of the wehhlattoa notto restrict reernite to a pArtfcnlftT ctaeet&s has been the csae heretofore), but to receive ALL who•have'served to the volunteer ser vice, or to the or to the marines, and, have been fetich persons enlistm* to States •Manses will receive the Govern*, orient bounty, and will also bo entitled to their share of srlze money to any capture of the enemy s vessels. or apply at the recmltlne rea- SfeiiYoasAouth.FAGßT Street; between B A / Captain and Seerulvtos Officer. %M. V. mKBURTON, 'FASHIONABLE HATTER, , ' . 4S?O '.ci»eaiiaut Street. next doobto.the post office, PHILU>SI,PHIA> kpl3.Ua ' t . ; 413 AEOH STREET, • ‘ ■ : '• WIUL ■ «* - ON TjaX)KSI>A.Y, AffED 13m, t . TBEEE;,HOmWIED CASEB .. , .... . ; ■ - _OF SIIBAWGOOPS, -**»• j>' •• .-t-" "i- ■ v . .. JtfST REO23VBJL MAWIA KAOTUHERS. -V 1 - ■ ’ ■ - ALSO, ... Alorgestock-of FAHCHORQ BOSKETS, FR3SCH FRAMES, &e.„. to vrlfleli wp Invite, the attention ot the trade.. , - «• ggIEpTOEKB t f' EOMAS CANDLES, ' '•WHEELS, . SOCKETS, ■ S3AKS3, FLTIKO PnjBOtJS, BLOWER POTS, COLORS® TOES. €*T®iAiroLKS k aiL,.a* ?qr gale by A. BL FRANOISOUS-& GQ., 513.K4RK*N»«>et PARABOLA. S 3?,J3 © T? : 4- S. i So on* has ever need these Claeses Without approving of tlieer jnostemphatlcally. ■THEY IMPROVE Aip) STSHS.HTHEN THE DnlSto other Claesel, tbe»'le,.n<ji'weaT upon the eye. THE EYE ACTS- TOH THE3CC as generally as in their* strength and vigor without Cissies. FOB SALE OKLT BT E. BOBHEK it SON,'opticians, Mo. 403 CB33TSHJT Btreet, & PfOE, SOS. 1731. and 1*33 M ARK EC Street, gOLB RECEIVERS OF THE FOHOWIBG WELL KHOWS AHB ESTABUSEED BBAHBB OF E l- O © B: •"■JOHN MUEBELMAH,” “■ETNA MILLS.” "PRIDE OTTHE WBST.” ••KOgOIDBkO," ‘•CITY KILLS." PSNSSIIVASI* -AID VB&fIKR BMKBS. Tbs Trade supplied at mortal rates. apU-lmJ B,jfc.Coß, SIXTH AMP MARKET BTBEBIH- PUBLISHED THIS DAY. By Mrs. iBN ». STBPH ESfS, AtrlWof “The BejoeteCWifd 1 /’ "The Wife’s S«ret,” ; ’’Fashion and Famine,” *”i?heOid Homestead,” ' '•TlfoHelrees," "Mvr Dfertrant," ate., ate. Sfes, StephtfSVHas berm engaged on the*'atanuseriptof th* above wori for neareyear, and it will Bo'donbt pro ve to be as popnlfiytthd'li.V&ac largo and as 3X tended a •ala as har celebrated Worh, ‘ • Fasbioneand 'Famine. ’ ’ MgS: ANlt S.-STEPHENS’ WORKS'. fcJr/. • ■ f&x ' mt jdJA’ KEW ANB’BEA'OWFm, EDITIONS. THE WIFE’S SBCTJB'T. One volume, paper tow. Frice SS?JO; or in on. volume, olbth, for $2. . THE IJSJEGTKU WIFE. On nltm, paper eordt Price $1 SO; cr In one vohtmb;' cloth, for <2 FABBIOH ABD FAMINE Oils vstame. paper cover: Price $L 60 ; or in one volume, doth, for $2. MAET DEBWBBT. Ope voißine, paper cover. Frio* ,1. fO; or ia Gee volume, cloth; for SK THE HEIhBSS, One voSiifce,' paper cover. Price $1.06; or In onevoldmd', cloth, for $2, THB OLD Ono-Volnrae, paper cover. Price »1. CO; orlaone volume, cioih< ftr $2. Copies of any of above boohs will be sent to any one, free of pottage, on receipt of the retail price. • U (gT. PHILLIPS,, Thenewnovsl, by thc^uthoiof “BUTLEDGE," will be ready in a few days. CARLETOS, Ptßllisher.SewTt&Pfe. ap!B* stnth-8t TO 75 CENTS. LINCOLN, ©BANT, SHEBM AN, SHERIDAN, ! HANCOCK,' * ; „ FARRAG#!?; Sent by mall on receipt of price. J . PIICHEB'B, - ; 80S* CHKSTSIIT STSEEI. tn gtyln» of Btaii «t Low Prioet. : -pETEREOSf r B DETEOTOR. APRIII ;X iftth issue ready THIS MOBRIfIG. Price 16 cents a ■number, cr $\ 60 per 7 ear. . iTHE only reliable detector: ' X- — PETERSON'S I is tho only reliable Detector pub lished. Price IScente e> number, or $1.60 per year. .Subscribe at once t- . .. . XTATIONAL- BASES, NEW OQDN- Xv TBRFBITS, Fiaanci&\sfew*, Broken Bank*. and General Discount. a] Bin- PB9 BitSOSTS DET SCTOR for APKIb 16th Prlco'M.6o-per year, monthly. T B. PETERSON A BROS;, FhbttsheTP, 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. . • ______ vAB new Book* are for tale at PETERSONS*. It npBE OIL INT3BBBSTS-A HEW PUB x LIGATION. • j&g* ’‘TheOil Companies ofthe-Unlted States” (copy* risns secured) is the title of>a’new work, to be issued atioat the first of Jane. and complete Register of all the OU , Xnt*rsws*iw»hs country. giving the names and locations of ail the companies, plans of organization, capital*' par raise, and price of Mocks* description of oil prupOrtießiSo:, Stc targe, outlay o f capital and immense labor will be devoted, to its produwicn*and to ineare its rellabiß^. This book will be pubUthea ln quarto form bound in" 1 Turkey morocco, of nearly 1,009 pages, on best quality of paper, aud furnisbetLkPxuy to-subscribers at Five Dollars per dopy. w Orders or letters of inquiry to be* addressed to the JIHHB-0 BBSD, 108«onti roPEm^siraat. , . \ Philadelphia. HIBAM TQBBBY, PaMltationiJc.nfc apW-urawilSl* « EaCLEKILLS, 11 oi^r NEW PUBLICATIONS. mmi struggles. AN ENTIRE NEW WORK, • * Prie«*l.sott Paper; or9* in Cj^tlr. yOBLtaHMi if T. B. FESSBBOB A EBRITHEBS, 3be%HBBTEOT Street,“ Philadelphia. feMLENDID J3NGR.AVIIM»§» EDUCATIONAL. THE QUAKER CITY B®SINEB 8 A- CM.LBGB, H. B. earner TESTE aid OHESTHUT BreetB THß PIAOB FOKmEBYfTDUSG M«r "Who expects to engage lnbnsin<«s for himself or who dr sires employment. ■ ' , This Inttitution'ia now*sdvan«ed to- a rank which ceiixot be claimed by any other Commercial School In the United States, bewg a rarolarly INCORFOKATBD COLLfBGS* "With power to grant diplomas under its-corporate seal,, and confer degreer of merit ' The advantages :of th© Institution are ia every par ticulai of the highest order; --The course of instruction is of. the most thorough ant practical character, the teachers are- gentlemen? of education and- experience, and tne roferas are fitted fnrnißhed ha the best and most substantial manner. - ; Tie sniH^orit adopted, over the methods, of common " Commercial College*," ishcknowledged by aliwhofeaweconsidered its merits, Afordihg," as lt dooe,*allvhe advantages of • •; l - AOTUaB PRACTICE * in the counting-house, and fitting the* student to eater at once upon the duties of business life. The Cell* tele before the-public with-means and faci lities which cannot bufc*claija*«m attention of.|dl in tcrestsd-in. the .cause' of -adncsftimi and;-we earnsttiy Invite the citizens of Philadelphia, wfcoehonld be true to themselves, in whiehie, auX will hereafter be, identified with the eHy as- one of its most-permanent and useful InstdiUtions, to call and learn further particular*.- . __ _•••■•* ’ L FAIRBANKS, Xt B&, President Csestsk N Park Secretary*? ■ It* QEITTENDEN’S*; rttIIADKIiPEII COMMBEOIAL CeM.ES®, 637 CHESTNUT BTBEBT, COBHEB OPBBYBBTH. BOOK KEEPING In all its brtwcbaa. PEN MAS oB IP, plain COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. 7 O RMS, ate. bTUDEHTS IBBTRUOTBD BEPAEATBM, and EB CBIVED AT ANY TIME _ .. .. "Catalogneeftmitoliea gratis on application. apl3-6t» MUiITABT INSTIT®I» f ALLEN JJA. TCWST, Penua,* chart are d. by* tIaSV Sfc&t*,> with commodious building* nmd superior Eauoattonal-and Military aavAßtages, opens its Summer term April 18, HOFFORD? A. M.. President, j'OK THE ILLUMINATION. FLAGS, PRINTED ON PINE PAPER IN ■NATIONAL. DOMES. race, atSvCentß. A DISCOUST TOTHSTBADB. . Aim. names of tbs prominent Military and Nani Heroes-OEANT, SHIEMAN. MEADS. SHERIDAN, E ARE AGP T, and POBTBBr-rta large Type, Printed and for sale.by , . BINGWALi ;*. BROWNj , apMSt lit and.Jl34ioutb FOURTH: Street. 1 ELAG(B+FLAGS!- PQB-THB 11 ijU a. sri o m Kamttoth%heet»^. , •... •*»— ....h..m«.18 Cents, Medium. --*• ...10 1 OH. PAPER, [Mailedto any addpa; on receipt of'price. For sale by SING. & B AIRD. eOTjSAIfSOM Street. •pOR THR-ILLUMINATION. SOMBTEiN.9 NSW FOBILLUMIS'ATIONB. 088 HUMDBEB , PEE CENT-. SAVED BY CHINO : TOT PATENS'IiIPEOVBD illuminating gandlesticks. Per art* by JSL w. soNy^ JpOßt THE ILLUMINATION, “GPN- GRANT OANDLEa” ■Warrantednot to “Bon." For sale by BOBBKT DOHHBBL A SOH, -RLAGS.!. FLAGS JI—TILLER’S FLAG X repot. -rkOOOMna in Slags for retaliing, at 34 and 60s. td’ arrive tkls morning. Healers supplied. Also, SUP Slags, of ail tires,- S and 4 fast bunting and cash mere Flags. 8.000 Union Lanterns. Candle Holders, 4c., dot. foriUmninatlon, atmoderaterateia gplB-8t». 3N Bontb FOURTH street. nANDLES FOR ILLUMINATION.— © ’ • WILLIAM CONWAY, aplE Stfil 316 Sonth SECOND Street SOMETHING NEW. M BEAUTIFUL DEOOEATIVB TRANSPABENCIIS FOB THE ILLUMINATION, For sale by W. W. BATES; No. 811 MARKET STREET. lt» T?OB THE ILLUMINATION. 4- LABGE SIZE PAPER PLAOS, of tb« RICHES? COLORS, for sale by WM r MpCpU,T, Jto&tng Bulletin Office* 113 Sontti THIRD Sinn iplied at tbe lowest rates, ll* T?OB THE ILLUMINATION—LA.RGE JC sized PAPEB FLAGB, JS Mttln; small slze.Xß oeuU. For sale bi n»8 k BUM, So 607 SASSOM Street. HANDLES FOB ILLUMINATION— V For s ,i e L. M ar 0 BtKIHTON. »Pl 4 8i» 110 MABOABBCTA Street OASDI»_ ap!6-2t*lf 316 Soath SECOgP Street. TLLUjMINATION CANDLE * BwWS;“tti» best Un4» *» sale at 805 MUtKBTSt. -H«*: ~.4?;. : V. DOKALD. ■ YOURSELF TAKE N—AN ■*J-~iijSel«ebl«portrait,oontrpiased In atvl«and ac roorecT df See epeeime a* F. BB 'jlga’S Photcgtapht In ottcolore at <Vds ARCH St Mf WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE HO VV SIEBY BOTIOMHOaSB. a AAESWI# ... *• WANTED—IN A DRUG STORE, A It capable CLEBK.or a trwtworthy Boy. of «®od education, as an Apprentice. Apply V*S South PIP 1 '! 1 Street. apUBt waKted.-a, graduate or J" s*yeral years’ exparience in teaching dasiws a BITUATIok, or would puichsee the' giftd-wiU’anA fl** tares of an established Boarding or Bar Bo>ool, , Best rafeienefa *i*sn. Address “■■Tmch*r,' , Pres# office, Philadelphia. apl4»gt* wasTed=two smart Sots in a dry (foods bonne on MABKBT Street Address * G* v G.,” pttes office with.aaias, rseidssos sad reference, . »r>l4-3t* waNted-a young man who "I rrrßeS'a goed hand v and bas soma Voorrledgs of Bookkeiplng Address, With reference, Box SOS’. Phl ladeipMa Poet Office. aig^gt WASTED-Bf TWO YOUNG TS£& % ** & rood furnish ed'JßooiiU with breatfat and sap per end Sunday dinners' Location, west of Broad, Ift ween Spring Garden and Coates streets _ . Best of references gtydlf. Address ** £. L. D.. M Feet Office, Box 457. • aplS-3t r WAHTSI)-CAIfASBERB TOW TT LIFE msUBABCB *te best terms offered. ply at *39 CBEBTKPT St.» second story mhiblmf A GENTLEMAN OF EXPERIENCE In ihs Commission Dry 6k»6ds bueinass, a good Salesman, and posseesinc a Jar«» uonalntance, U de sirous <f obtaining a POSITION wherein bis services wcnld be y&luable. Address *’€<JiiftdeaUal,” Box BS2P. O, ; apl4-Bfc* r'ANAL-BOAT BTXIEDKBS AND v-' CAKLEBBS WANTED. At CEB6SBE. ConstantsmploymeiitslTen.. Addresa' - , WILLIAM BBIOS a CO., Gtustsr.Penna. Xf’MPLOTMINT WANTED—AS -V 4 ftfert m A wtaUnt, in tone lifht tmaimUs- tor & fstr jwniEiin. leferencegiven Address “J Press olflge. , . apB-3t* (KEEPERS, Seanutresssa, Chambermaids, Waiters* M'uraes.Cook*, Lanndreeses, and general honesW>rk» white and colored, 80% LOOtTBT Bt. T TpMPLOTOMBHT HOUSE fobOLEJSES, Book-keepers, Packers. Porterß Watch* men. Coschmen, Drivers. Conductors, Bar-tenders; Waiters, Farm-bends. Ojuroesters, &c. Employ ers * sited at short notice. 80% and 804: LQQPBT St apHm ll rj-REATEBT THING OP THE TIMES" VX —ROWES ! 8 PRIZE urn VBLOPES. ~A««»fis wanted ’ everywhere Premium Watches glvento Acdnt*. On.' 1 rereipt.df #l5 we will mall, post-paid, ICO ftrrelopse, and a splendid Solid Silver Hantlng* Cue Watch as a premlunr agent, A single Envelope sent, with circular anal fail particulars, ah receipt of 25 ceais: Ad dress A. £1 KOWM * CO., P. 0,, 85ard270,36 9EEC MAN StrfegtA<K •?•■•-... . . raW*3m nro vm m»kcha.nts;—fa> ther and'£99, of business energy and nuallfl cations, want Roxoa A jUo- 1 wboleaateory' goods house to fur- Bjah goods oh salary ot per c*a'&g«; both wall scauaißted iiPtfeelmsiaexs Aetata yrtfl bo taken. at fiDC«*« and consfii*see the retail trade, for coin eicla- Bively. fhe j»n!e» arc well haowa; a&d se curity for t>e faithful perforaßpee of the .trust and management ofbasinees It cat* be conduct ad bore or elsewhere. at toe option, of the 'house. Nona hut par ties of too* and credit need address “Old Friends ” Pr&ff-rMcv. , aplff 2t 'IT' /OOL, WOOL. t WAKTE good MCoad'¥au4 30 IKCH COKBSfiSBa MdJBOuHD BEBAKEK LAP DEAW. & C BRmSEB, Middletown. Pa. $0 f\CXf\ TO 5 LOAN OK MORTGAGE. AZ/AjXJKJ w. B LITTr.KTOJS', It* y ; . go, 534: WaLKDT Stmt. « WAKTED* TO BEST—FOB ONE S 9. or more yeais. axHOUSB. with modem im prirvemeßte, furnished* or Tmfantished f location pre ferred Petwean Broad and Twenty. first street* on Chest pat.WalnuNorSpmce sfteets. Posa*sstonrequired about July let ah excellent opportunity to rent byparsons going*, abroad. Good locations other than above not Address Box 862. P. O npi4 66* apis-aufi m OIL IANDB: FROM ONE HTJN- LlJdred to five ihoneani Aor.i ol good, low priced Oil Leeds wanted. Address Sellable, ’ ’ Press office, /or wt»h terms.' etc. It* « GERMANTOWN. —FOR SALE— Two nine-mom BOUSES, on WceMnf tonlane. five Dilutes’ walk eaet of station Immediate possession. Apply at 888 ET FBICKB’B, near tbo premises. m TO RENT-A HANDSOME COT JSiTAGB* ready ftmtithed, on-Cape Island, g $. In a**^TBttceU “‘mfe-rnour. m SIXTEENTH STREET. —FOR most desirable four story brick D W£LL llsGy 321 JSouth Sixteenth street ; two water closets, furnaee, -gss and. 5 gas-fixtures, marble vestibule, flues verandah, end situation most elliibfe Apply to J K CDETIS & 60g, Beal Bat ate Broil ere. apls _Sf*' 43g£WAL£fUf Street m FOB BAI.B—LABOEMRBT‘OIiA&& JB* FkCTOBYi near* the centre of the city; four stories, lot 10Q feet front-andl?o feet deep on two other streats. Three.fronts. Steam Engine, Boiler, Shafting, Blev* tor, arc. ,‘ndl nearly new. Possession in thirty days. Flics, ,45.000. ■■•“ ' .. . __ MULSH, spB‘Klf US* Mortb SIXTH Street. 4g SUPERIOR MANSION AND SBL EAIGELOT. on tbe FBABKFORD Boad, at At- LBGHSiiT Avenue, built la the most substantial man ner, with every possible •onYeniecce, with. sUbla and carriage-! ouee- ThSs i&a delightful residence for «nra nur or winter. 4 j B. F. GLBJftf, apldlf ia3~B.gQPBTg.Bt. SALE—A DESIRABLEJOOT TAGB, with* AXj acres, on the Old FOBS Read, targe variety of fr,mt and ; shrubbery, carriage honse, Ac., and'everything necessary to mahelt-a desirable snajnerresidenee. > . B. F GLEcf 2F. apifi tf - . 193 S. FOOBTH St. M, EDDSALE- DWELLING 10S5 FID BBLT Street, with early potsession. , Dwelling MB Sonth MB, H Suture. Thislsadslight fa l reticence In cummer. Large dwelling contbeactcorner Blggraff-and Sprose. Heat dwelling 134 Ifortb TWEfiTIBTH. now vacant. Alec, many others, ;spi|o»ri!» and smaH, ■ - B- F. GLBH3. 133 8 FOURTH Bt, apld-tf and-R/.Wi eor. gBVBHTBBNTBandGreem M CHESTNUT HILL COTTAGE ABD FBRKITUBE FOB S ALE, with stable, Ice hones, flower garden, fruit and. shade,trees. Lot 3& feet front eh Bethlehem turnpike, aboutLthree »inutee’ walk north of the depot, with fine view fc/l the valley. J B. UIrCHBL, . ITo. 310 YORK Avenue. Or, W. B. LITPLBTOJ, aplli-St* . Wo. 514 r WALfiirr street. TO GLASS MAHERS.-^—FOUR FLAT * A damaged, on voyage of impor tation, w5l« taLaoUbto-fhe drij&egt bidder TBI3 DAY, at 11 o’clockX m;*«at the VIbST WfiAßFabdve iom hard street. v , • '■ '• - It*..' A- BA.» CHANCE FOR INYE3T MBBT.—An opportunity ia offered to original sub scribers In. the pui chase of several properties situated on East Oil Crsek\ Gordon? s Run, and Hickory Run, consisting of 2io*er*s.- , , ~ , „ Tbe lands are/Some of the most valuable- ia the oil district Two of the traots-are within, tioowtife# of the TicUout t - A thirty barrel veil■ has recent y been struck on Gordon’s jtoftra&d within a very short distance of the trscUituaJed on that stream ... , ' OU Crtek ana Hickory Rim &m too well kaotmto need recmmendaiiofl. Those streams p&es immedi ate It tbronghdhe tracts. . . '• « . ' It is desisned to secure those lands for the purpose of 'ormirg a company upon them, with a view to their immediate development. , . , , An excellent Superintendent has been secured and has cone tot elect a site preparatory to commenca boric r. An engine will be sent oat, and operations will be once, and before the formation of the thc-office of BYENK, McCLELLAN, & 00. and see Maps* deseriptlooS' phvnof operations,.*!!., &c, ap!6-9t ! OFFICE- 538 WALBUT St., Boom il. OTL LANDS US WEST VIRGINIA.— V THBBB>HUBDB*D ACRES at vain able Sanatory on Sonih fo.ic of HOUSES KIVHB, BUobto oonnty. It la intbe lire of tlie- great upheaval, and- near tbs celebrated ASPBALTOM DBPOf.IT. The enrfaoe teat cation. of OIL are abundant and wells are about to be soni on the adjoining trad. Title verjtet*or fnr itier parcicalers, acdrese J. u POLES, apls-swe* Washington, JP. 0. rpx LANDS FOR SALE.—A VALUA vAbie Tract of. 180. acres Boring Territory, on Ma honing Ewer. in Lawrence eonnty. Pa. Alco, a tract of'76*eree on Cherry Ban. GBgra nplDtf _ 183 Fonth BOUBTH Street. I?ORBBNT—AN OFFICE, FINELY 1 Iccaiod on CBBSTATJT Street,.suitable for an Oil Company* May, be had on easy £rm s.. of U- D&K£wQ3(/9it Ho 311 cnaSTNOT Street, epl6 3t Second Floor. RUILBIWG LOTS, CHEAP.—ELIGI- T* bl, litaated near Derby road. Twenty-fonrtkward. Apply atHo.. 3 08Bonih FOOBTHBgeet. - J7OR-: SALE. A QBXfEBAIi LAND OEBIOE BUSINESS, EASIHQ $3,000 PAR MOUTH. Furniture and Office. SCQTT’S EVENING GOLD AND STOCK EXCHAHGB at the ASSEMBLY BOILD -IHGS,. wilAbe open Brcry Evening tot the transaction of bneineeg. aplfl-6t MOTICE.—THE MARSHAL’S SALE? N of COTTON, being theoargo of ■ .loop 8 LVIBA „ advertised for lale on MONDAY. AprU Wth. ls post, prnednniu next Bay, TDESD a.Y,lBtb, at the aantf. ime and place; WILEIAm I^IiIiWABDV~f pHn.ABEi.FinA, Aprllbf* 1865. V aplS-3C tee best pi age in the city to ■ go, HXADDBESSEB, Blain or Fancy GAPS, la to * aplblt* Ho. 90* ABCHStreciC ® THE GOODRICH NEW SEED LIHQ POTaTOJSS —Jnst received, a limited quantity of these vtry. superior new kind*, fres i from Oite&se and highly; productive, viz : THB BAKLY GOODBICB, earl? as the eanv June, ripening in days; healthy, prcdufitiv*. and superior gnaUtv—ppa peck $2 CALICO. —Lear, smooth, nearly whits, productive, yieldlns lastyesT at V*e rate of SQObasfceia per acre—per pack $2, TAB OLEASdtf —Extra pre-. outlive. fine trained, ac-lii fia«h, cooks while—par" peck $3. CCZCO. —^Yield verv lam, a profitable mar ket variety, buaheL GARHEt <3Bll*l i rat AdAiitr. jass^ It* TIH OHBil!HPrßtr.ej.„ Hj| FLOWER BEE D B —THE; *' xargeet aarortwent In the city Twenty fret-diloom. ere, with dßecttone. for *1 HBSBY A. aBBBB. Beedemaa and Blerlst, Ylt OHKSTHPT St apj? stall* 806 WALBUT Street HH CHAMPION OF ENGLAND PEAS SC—"The finest sad sweetest* flavored variety; just re ceived t* ora London afresh RY^. &^^^ arfc ? * aplff stu2t* 714; btreet. ® ONION SEED. —YBLLOW-B.tr AS BUFQHi Bed Aether*field; Whi>A:and Silver Skin* fresh and genuine. $5 HEi5Af-:A 714i|0tiEfc»TS>UT Street. > A wheel-barrows^gabbsen, Zp farm - Canal. Coal and fggS&f^OT! L S^ ,to It HOE. saa and 93* MABS3T, St., aboTe.Hin.tA ea PLOUGHS, HARROWS, OUCTIVA oa“ la %3&sB&fai’, v * It Hoe oaa and 93* MABEggst., abSe afntb. ' gg ICO BUSHELS .GARNET CHILE nr POTATOES; a very annerior yarJAd for general crop, for sale br „, SSSM T WIST. Jr., H hoc 938 and 9adr MABgbT St, abare Ninth. JH BU!ST’S WARRANTED GARDEN —A- BBKDS.—Gardeners* and all of Vegeta ble*, who wfrh pure &n<t ehouldpur ekase their supplies at. " HUIbT’S &BBDWAB2HOUBE, • It ffoe. 9»a aodffiS&BfrißOT fit t abqyy ffluth, A BIVATED4BAOE LAWN GRASS **- Scythes, Grass Books. Snaths, English Scy£ts* Slone*, Garden Shear*. Garden %M* ei*. Garden and,Lines* Steelßak*«» aoeB,Sjades» and all oiht* Implements required byths gsrdegar. for sale by ROBBS?!* BUIST, It Eos. aaa and MARKBT St., aboYeglntfr* . WANTS. UPLOTMENT HOUSE PORHUUSS- FOU SAJLfc MB TO ÜB'l’. ■pSipOGRAPH G®TA.IN JL purchase,when desired, the parent hinte baekAibums They kirtae of superior dtt raWHy- Bold at B. F/BBia«B T S, 6»4;AB(JaSfe. It rfYNLY ?1.5(V-REIMBR’S COLORED V pbotoirapb.,- llkenemee of moet pleasing and life-like character S-e and enfage inoae ponttlw tnr^sittb* Oalp.rr. bECOHG StreehnbciraOteen. V? AT SEASONABLE PBICEB. AMERICAN ACADEMY O? MUr-IC. xi - THE GRAND W4TOSBBI BATO!tBA-t, April2J, im. at2«o'clock. Tju gifted of n* . MISE CASOLIgB &;CHI^G3, to B.ciretti-e jfewa Js£f* “OBM Ifeiljtfß BEtflnfißTl MB PSTTISS BICHIRQgn^ Tbfl opera entire. c „ at ois t Rg DIRTW f °s l« itder. Wltb Iff Mnd J O HBT Ejssw, Of ®»Few Arch wreetTheatrjrc , • A* f A terl mi cm etrt wi il be p-eAntad latrol Mine her popomr a»d talented Company its? ■ * ■ OTERA, COJfB&Y. AWL BSBLlteBB! The great event of the S.aeon _• AdmJSißinr 80 cento. Reeervoi rente extra The eaSrof Seatc will oommenopcb HOlßnl, at 1> Seventh and CEaetnntstreere , , i-• ••, „ Alee, at Adis’ Stand, ConOnent .1 Hjte-, <t, io Friday next. 3FBDIAXrirOTICB. THE PLATPr-ftoludlrg lhi can. w.tVjiamee of ar- Mete who parttdpXfer, will be aincuD ced In the Sonday papers to-morrow. _ ' v It *5 1 ACADEMY MIJSIC. | -WOL?8(JB» & THOKAB 1 ' * fOBBTE COgCE^BT at the KwScßfegßs. L 1 OYER ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ** TnifffiAT BVBSIgCP,' /Tflptt igfch —OTTO OKS SBL’S nKBTPIAao SoJsofipttS T° r w M For sale at Louis Mayor s Maslc store, api lhSff* WTEW thea- XN TBB-dBBSTIfCT STBByy- ABOVE TWrßi.yrtt THIB CeSfTBBBAT) AFfEBSOOW. Aprli fs FOJBT)BTHGBA»BFA4HCT JBATISE3, When the C? 1 eat LraciH, In eix note; jiina Üblaaux, 9tTl6i VSOhS TOB'S CX&Ut; LSF& AMO? w)U be presented: ' ADMISSION To. THE KATIifSB .30 Cgls ?g to ALL PABTS HOOSB. CHIE.DBBB SS BP* Boore open atlJ^tPelfteb: tecammerbS stwr a’clock . CSiTBBBAh) BVIHHXO-r *- LAST BIOHT. KOsT PObiriTßiT, St tte. Barriet BedbSar-Stowe’e Orefet Eomam», I " 3T 1 OHOLB CABIH; Ok, t ’ LIFE AElbsa TBK LOWLT, 1 .y itsl, , tB fie- m.-T, Hovel Mechanical I E>fftets_ beaatifni BnekCPowcrfol test, itc . *. *ASI*K ®OKP»t Amia f 7 | PIBkT «EB »’ P ■«> yfiES , EASTER MCIRISfJ, APRIL 17, . GBtBD BOLliiS? aiATIBES. • gxtßfflJßAT SVEH'EOTA'cra 17,' the Tceatre will b* bjfliisnUy iUamlnated a,t#sbwrM«d, in honor ,t oar victories. > THEATRE, . ' TBSTTaLW: _ .. The Msgaifiiftat, In jsOtdSM!© Jnl» d© Sagtisr^fCs 1 b»autifal qlat at bbaetjb abb t mrsm p ayac AS TaS^fsßqUK.* ySSTvali will srge sosa% r • And ft Duet with lt»3*Gi fisnr! M RS ‘ aroe lyX STBBBT TPBATRB . LA«T DI9ST OF BDWtir A'OAMS To-ffioßT (Saturday) l£th, 1855. TBB D£fti> &EAZ&. KObUTt Lftgd/y ♦ .A. ... -e a >e gd Will To conclude wltb tire MO# ' . m saiUtfGLEL-S - t B MoSda,Tii^ 7 5a<«tom''g K<> ** o * > ' THE 'SOiSMERS’ MUSr@iL ’ TEM i- FEB ABCS TWIOH will give a eBAJUB'TBSFPBBajrCB OOBOBBT, AT BA*SOa-STREET HALL, TZUti&tffV April 25th, Tor the benefit of *he cawise among ourbr&ve teers. Great painsiaverbecu taken tojnal&thls the most interesting of tbt sea^a: Music by rouEg- : kfen’ , » Ghrietiaa Assodition and American Yooatists. Tiskets 25 cents; at 1614 Markeb street, 1591 Chestnut street* 18 B? Sereatb street. Seventk and Cbestnm, or at tae’doorin the everting: it* ppNCERT HA^CL.—SELECT READ IKGS by BBFUS ADkfiES, Teacher of BocatiotL. TIOSB and SULITAET'DRILL, at C<>B\®Kf HALL. TUESDAY, April 25ifc,?183S,’a08 o’clock P. H£i The Battle 01 Looaoot Mountain. 0. H. Bober The School for Scaneal,. fOßarrel Scene), cherid.n The Birdling, Mis. Dr. Jnieon:’ Little Jim. The-flrldiron. IOW BECITATIOSS BTtJ'dDTOB-FABT Sag»»». The Bfcliad of Isbißoei(Patriotic), Barpar r » Weekly. The Ple&sures-of Hope* (finract). Qunpbcll. The vld Tsskee Farmer- B>P. Bhil abar Parrha*ius. &5-.35? fl SSSi ¥ fe23Wf* 34> 6M “ '«* Tickets fifty cents. For sale at T B Pa gh*s. Sixth and Chestnut street^; et IBMlveris, 1229ChestiHit8treet* and at tbe door. Doors will be open one hoar bo'ora theßgftQing. it* QHORAL FESTBTAII TEiiiir ce*»ib, OF SEW Y'JP.SV ÜBDBK THE DIBEOTIOH OF’BB. OUTLSB. THE CHuRAL FESTIVAL Recently given In Trinity Chnrch, IT. Y., at BT. CLEMEHT’H CETfBCIH, WEDIfBSDAY ABD THDRSttAY; April 19th and 38th. Master BICHAKD sopnmo o* Trinity oh«!r. Messrs. GEOBGg SIMPdOg? Tdhorr-J. K T&OMA& Berifoue Masters EBELrCH, o and PE ATT. aod W. EDGBSfi THAYBR,the talented v ireat wCTke^of'KftgDßL, BACH, MSBDyLSbOBg. and HATBSI- - Adm'e&ion, $1 50 Tickets for sale at Mr. Charles W?A^ThimpleT’ s Mtude Store, fceventb and Chestnut the %>Ueo pal Book Store, ho. 1224‘Chestnnt‘streat; Doors open at 634* commence at Books of words in full, contatoingihe- historical re raerk*, will be prseeuted to eaeh'of tChe«&die&ce ek tbya Gbureh. Positively no money will be received a* the Church? and no more tickets will be »old-?4hap the Church can eofofortably sccommod&te- FuH'T>articul*rs in fa*ura außounceiaegts , aptO-mwsSt THE HANDEL AND'-HAYDN SO x CIETY f G THIBD ADD LAST COifCBBT OF T.Hfi SBA*Og OF 1864r65, will take place on FEIDIX EYFgISTG. April2l, at MDSICA& FDgB'fiALL, wteu geakemm’s Grand Oratorio of •' * Wilt fee produced The managers deßirs to Btate*ih&t ihe'WOric will be peTfonr ed with. aU the strifciiiE-affaSitslnteiided hr tee composer. and the descriptive pieceawiil be rendered hr the fall force of the Society. - The solo part* will be sustained by - air*.; MOTAKT, Soprano, • 3 J Mr. eiSO- BIMPoOB, Tenor, i ffflWTwi!. Mr. A EJPAYIO®. BsM. Mr. W. ITBOHBB; Tenor. Mr. JAB. MABB% Bnjltonfc , , And the chorus of the’'Bcctetyi accoearwled by the Germans Orchestra, all trader the dJseation of Mr. CALL SBNT2. . To commence at 8 o'clock. Tichetionedoilar, Tyampler’s Music Store, where softscriborstcasualro- rscetv* their tickets, Lee & Walker's, had. Marsh*emaslcstores, and. at the dooroa the evening of Em,concert*. apls-stnthf 4t } rjBAKD COMRLISiSHmRY BILL ” to the of pMladetobia. TPBSDAIT EYEHIEG, April 18th, l/J6s,&tSiUtilGA-li.FBFJSrD H khh. Tlchets« One -Dollar. ! *p!4 4t* OKCBBaTRA.- PUBLIC 'j BEHSABSiI.B ei ery BATHED A 3 si SH o ol<x* F. H., At MUSICAL FT.KD HALL. Sm*l» ffickets. tf coats. Six Tickets. *1 ;to to tod.si TnguUt's An die’s. sisd Meyer’s Mtl me Stans, sad at the H«3l- n»7-tt. TBB ACADEMY 0» KM ARTS, A CHBSTMOT Strei a. stole Tenth, U OFSS DAILY for visitors, ttom ft A*. Bf. txiVi'F. M. je&i OOR BOUT'S BSGAIE>! STREET.-VA- cant, tw i »bandsj3a» second- story front ROOMS* and two slmle a .osim. . apli-st* r>OUNTR7f BOARP-VERY PLEA \J SAKT loef ,tlon from the city. Apply at S. E cor. of Gf &E£N anOffaBTBSSTH Streets. &p13~3* ; I/OST u MB FOTOfP. T 0 B?;.—A SBBPBTUM. POLICY, » - (Itch bf the FStanklln. Fire Insurance Co in puny o Philadetpl ris, Eo. StOt. dated. January 9th. MS o» JOBE Pj 110EIBB. and by him transferred to WML <3RABT,i j.p,u M, 1»3. haring been lost a rotteMa Bewardf *lll be girea.for lta return to JOHE WISE, Eo. 56E Eotth FIFTH Street . Psii.l deuhia, April 6. !S6d CTQ'x.EK—WARRANT NO. 4,475* daf e d December-34. IS*4, by the Hirhway Depart' zuent i ,f Philadelphia, to «?M. GILL, for #9i 21 ceuw* and V f him endorsed, payable to ihe order of Dr. WIL CDBJ iAB. _ • Ttf imentof iMsWirant has been sloppad. ETotte* 1b W ,i«by given tha* application ■will be made for a dn plif atetbereof. _af p 6 th«gi* KORTH PEiprSYl*- >■ flMHßwjjyiffi VASIA BiIIBOAIW * AH EXTRA TEAXjr |< UILII “PETKOLEUM,” At ibis Office 'will fce inn on this road on MO3TDAT EVENING, 17th F Instin order to accommodate visitors loathe Ceiebra ; tlon and Iliaiaißation. Leaving Boyißstotra at 630 P. M. > stowing At all stations on Doylestowu B ranch, and Sandy Ron, Edge Hill, Cheltoa Hills, City Line, Jftfc lane, Pisher’ftlaoe, ana Tioga street, ca-Main. Hoe. BETtTRfIIWi?. d and Thompson streets for BpyTeatowa at lIP. M , stopping at all Inlericedi jte stations. aplfrat. - KLLI* CLaRS, Ay eat. figiMro AND MfrgffWM.ff l HI DKUnwABB bat baibkoab. PHttABSLJPMXi.'rOBaCOKI.TK^ JAKE. ,a. gXCJBSIOSf 5 TICKETS. BOOD TO* THXBB OATS, SS,-, On and afiar Monday, April 17. forS*- at 1115- A. M._, daily IStmdsys •* cep ted), arriving at Bropklyn.at SP. M. - E&niaina. leave 'WMJ.-ST3BKFr*BBBT, Brook* ira, at a aTsL Way. Twin lor Ataiott, k*. Ac., leat-w-floo w>« Point at 7.4 a A. it. '; taftM .- . lu B. <Sgjwamimjij:i PHjiAßßiPau ASP sSSAtflHtt BAILBOaB. —CEAH6E or smm. -■■■•• ... On saA after Monday, 17th last , tho i'cccjmmxlatioa Train. Ter Banding and places will Icaoa ttmMiwt, TBH.TKBBTH CALtOWHILt, Siresta, at &?>clock P. M. ». A NI COLLS, apTa-St j ■ Ceneral Spparintendant, g^kiagWESßg;., W-.E .S .T" CHESTER mawa&sakmp phibabulphia bai* «; and a «.SMS m ut S **.«» heave as follows : ' WBS*P CHESTER TRAINS J Philadelphia: for West {Blester at ?- 86 and K’.fcJr !«,£«. aad6.«F Sfc „ . Bean* Weat Ciestnifor PMladdlishla at 6 a), 7 45, and 1&8BA. ¥\ aifdl«l&a 4 WFTK „ . PratonT savin W*«t Girentt* nt.T-.48k. M and leajia* PtitadeJ-pMa at idfif. M. wUI etna only at M«lia, B. o jtuuitaf., Qian SSnEcb<>yoos> A®**™®* a °* l ' T ,• _ b. ctJraoPiolj. T-EAINS p *#T8 PMladslpUia for ft 0: Jdacfcon at 4.18 and H B. C. Jacttlon for, FhilidolpMa at S J£ A. M fJmSi&stgp •taiione. /leave PbHadalpM* at 6.80 A M. ’a®A? ?> ” - Leave West Chaster at fc-A. II aedSP.M. • f Trains laavinff PMiidaJphia.ai 7„3& A. M* and 4li i. iM.,ind’eTjti|Went Cbeatetat 7M A M and 4 « ? M coniSat ft C. Junction with train* on P. * »• C B.E. fnr.tWord aniintßnnailatopMnte. Passainsrtareellowed-o.tak« wearin* as basiafio. and tie Company will w*vjj £5J,2?iiS; mtxSSro for an Amount anceediM ono a» {S»o 6B a. E ecial«on S no,.r^Vor ( tbn^a Eap,annpau. March M. 18dd -a?Mtfmmac CAMDEN AND AV- BAII4*AX>.-T»al»/ jnn&n A- S bosv* Vino stnact 11.15 A. Kjlffiipiilleld B-S)P, ft Freicht maat bo dallTrrftd. * Goomr’t Point befor-' B.SOP. M. to Inanroltosowddwn «« nt» JSJHH fl, BBTAKT. A*»« S WRITTEN AND VBBEAL DE BCBIPTIOBB of Ciaraotor, OoMUtoßon. andTa- MO. IJft[SEUBST». WILD •tksA MT : SATUBDAY EVSTfraO, Aprh 1518,1855. ‘£>AYnP» reißsise. WM. CCKRtB, M. P. nyipa torment KOS OtJgyQM WpBK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers