the city - MILITAKY. OFFICERS FOB COLORED TROOPS. Last week William H. Macomber, private 14 th New York Heavy f Samuel S. Barmelee, olvUlan, of Guilford .(Jonm, no need as ivooDl lieutenant bslorfl tti6 bouu of ox* simmers for colored troops, at Washington, D. O. Both were students of the United States Military School of this olty. death of chaplain henbies. Tho funeral of Kev. Henry O. Henries, chaplain of the Naval School Hospital at Annapolis, took §laoe yesterdayfrom the resldenoo of Mr. C. W. •osb. The remains will be taken to Bangor for in terment. Obapiain Henries died on the soth nit., at the age of 46 yeais. He had been ill but a few days. He had been an earnest, faithful chaplain during the past four years, and his death Is proba bly owing to his steady and unwearied devotion to his|dnties. RECRUITING. On Saturday warrants for the payment of tho olty bounty were issued to 69 men, of whom one was en listed for four years, four for three years, and fifty four for one year. The credits were as follows j Wards. Hen. I Wards. Men. imt. 6,Twelfth 1 5ec0nd....... Fifteenth ..............12 .yifth ~t 2, Sixteenth 3 Sixth 2 Eighteenth 2 Seventh..... 1 Nineteenth..... 1 Eighth.. 1 Twentieth 7 Ninth 8 Twenty-third...... 7 Tenth-. 3 Twenty-fifth 1 The following are the deficiencies of the several wards up to to-day: Wards. Men, Fourteenth........ none. Fifteenth .298 Wards. Hen. First .....Ml Second 206 Sixteenth 67 .Seventeenth ....383 Third Fourth.... Fifth 11* Eighteenth., ..206 Sixth 82 Nineteenth... -ssa Seventh 860 Twentieth 133 Eighth 12 twenty-first. none. Ninth 60 Twenty-second none. Tenth 16 Twenty-third 2 Eleventh 26 Twenty, fourth none. Twelfth 8 Twenty-fifth 144 Thirteenth none. MISCELLANEOUS. FLEASBBABLE EXCITEMENT. The war news, tbough brief. rocetyea ftom Waßh- Ington yesterday caused delight throughout theolty. The Public Letter, to appease the anxiety of the public mind, Issued an extra, which enabled many newsboys to reap a current harvest. Everything— even Nature Itself— oonspired to make people hap py. Old Sol shone from a cloudless sky from the orient to the Occident—unusual for April—and the stars and stripes streaming in the west wind, bathed In the pure sunlight of heaven, thrilled the patriotic heart with emotions of pleasure. We understand the glorious news was announced in a church In the southern section of the olty, and the congregation almost testified their approbation by applauding. The slight indication of momentary Impropriety stave way under excellent remarks of the preacher. The scenes In the Streets in the vicinity of tho news paper offloos were pleasurable. Tho exoitement was not of a nervous character, indicating fear, but was tinged with nope and happiness. ••Gold will go down to morrow,” remarked one. •‘Lieut. Gen. Grant ought to bo made ffte Gene ral.” exclaimed another. -. u Yea »* responded a third, ** and Sherman, Sheri dan, Meade, Hanoock, Thomas, Ora, and others ought to be made lieutenant generals.” •*Bv Jupiter,” exclaimed an enthusiastic indi vidual, as lie turned away from The Frets bulletin board, “the new reoruits In the 6thCorpsfought lU >*Buily for’the raw recruits,” said another, at the same time recognising and shaking hands with an * e ‘>ls l Fr66l(tent Lincoln at tho front 1” Inquired another, . _ ” Guess he Isn’t on tho Galena,” was the reply of a Stranger. This gave rise to a general laugh. " How about the South Side Railroad, Mister 1" said a long, lean-looking, middle-aged man, who xalghthavo once been an T. F. V. , _ “It’s all right side up tols time,” was the reply of a wag; ‘‘Wright’s down on It and up It camp. That means Richmond.” , .. . « Good ! The old 2d and sth are sweeping through the rebel lines.” shouted another individual, as he Stuffed an extra In his pocket and made rapid strides. *ThS?we oould portray the feeling as evtooalby the vox popttli yesterday afternoon, but sufficient is given to enable the reader to form a slight idea, of the scenes, SENTENCE OF A FEMALE SAILOR. On Satu day Judge Allison sentenoed Emma Holland to undergo a term of fifteen months impri sonment, she having been convicted of larceny. This woman was formerly a sailor on board a ship where she served two years. Not long since she was engaged in the substitute business, and when she wot asuffleient number of men she took them to tho Eastern States and had them mustered in. She lived In the vicinity ot Front and Dook streets, and was a tenor to even thai hardened neighborhood. TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF A CHURCH. Yesterday morning, at o’clock, the Baptist Ohuroh at Holmusburg, Twenty-third ward, was totally destroyed by fire, together with its contents, save a few books and blinds. The fire originated, frem'a stovepipe, which passed near the roof of the' structure. The loss is estimated at $4,800, upon whtch there was an Insurance in the Frankford Mu tual Company o! $2,000. APPOINTMENT. F, Carrol Brewster, Esq., City Solicitor, has ap pointed A. Atwood Grace, Esq., to be an assistant and financial clerk in the Law Department of the olty. THE MASSACHUSETTS. The United States steamer Massachusetts sailed from the Navy Yard on Saturday, with supplies for the vessels of the South Atlantic Squadron. She also takes out a number of officers for the squadron. PERMITS ißsued for buildings during March, 1866: two 4 story, fifty S-stofy, seventy-six 2-etory, and ten 1-story dwellings—total, 138; one dye-honse, ono depot, One engine, six lactones, one lonndry, four offices, two sheds, eleven shops, one coach- house, sixteen stables, three store-houses, one slaughter-house, one store, one tavern, one sohool-houae; alterations and addi tions, sixty-six. Total, 265. ' CASUALTIES. The following oases were admitted to tho hospital Within the past twenty-four honrs: Francis Dunlevy, aged 14, with Us thigh broken, at the Beaver Meadow mines in Carbon oounty. Andrew Murray, aged 26, burned in the back and arm by failing at Savery A Co.’s shop, with a ladle of hot Iron on his shoulder. John Daddy, aged SS, stabbed In the head and eyes, at ono o’clock on Sunday morning, while at Tenth and Market streets. He said he was.well ac quainted with the parties who did it. DXSTBESSINC ACCIDENT. On Saturday evening James Paton, aged 6 years was tun. over by a grain wagon In Thirteenth street, above Vine, and had six of his ribs broken and fils head severely lacerated, He was still alive at the Pennsylvania Hospital last evening, bat no hopes were entertained for film. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. Stephen Lockscrlpt, aged 97, was admitted to tbe Pennsylvania Hospital on Saturday, with, a wonnd In his ehln, said to have been accidentally instated at 207 South Front street. NEW BBIDGB. The Baltimore Kallroad Company have deter mined to erect a new bridge at Gray’s Perry, in place of the one now In use. The workmen will commence operations to-day. >' FIRB. On Ssturday morning, about half past one o’clock, a frame dwelling house, on Prospect street, below Master, was slightly damaged by fire. THE COURTS. Court of Quarter Sessions—Judge l.ualow. The February term of this court closed Saturday. The session, which was short, was occupied with habeas corpus cases. But two of these were heard, and those only partially. In one of them a girl, aged about 19 years, sought her discharge from the Bouse of Kelugo, where she has been detained four teen months, under a commitment by an alderman on a charge of disobedience preferred by her mother, who testified before the court that at the time she was under the belief the girl would be released, or •could be, at the expiration of three months. She said, further, that at the time of her complaint to -the alderman she was Is a passion, provoked by the f;!rl having disobeyed herupon that day, she haying, n all respects previously, been a good and dutiful child. Mr. Barolay, solicitor for the House of Refuge, called a witness to show by confession of the girl slnoo the sendee of the writ that she had been guilty of Immoral practices previous to her oomnllt tal, and that therefore she should uot be dlsoharged. Judge Ludlow said that admissions made by the relator subsequent to the service of the writ oould sot be received ln;evldenoe. Mr. Barolay Bald he could show by the matron of the Bouse of Refuge similar admissions or confessions made by the girl when she was committed. To afford an opportunity for this, the oase went over until next Saturday. John O’Byrae, Esq., for the relator. Another case was that of Catharine Lyon, who sought the custody of her niece, aged about twelve years, whom she stated she had piaoed as a servant with Mis. and Miss Billenstlne, who now refuse to send the child to church or Sunday sohool, and also refuse permission for the relator to see her. Relator claims the right of custody of the ohlld as her guar dian (both parents being dead), by appointment of the Orphans’ Court. The respondents, on the other hand, alleged that the ohild was placed in their eare by her father be fore his death, and that they know nothing of the relator having been appointed her guardian. The case was held under ad virement. o’Byrne for re lator j B. L. Brewster for respondent. SBNTKHOBD. Judge Allison oame in during the'day and sen tenced Emma Holland, oonvloted before him at the last term of assault and battery with Intent to kill Mary Barrett, loan Imprisonment of fifteen months In the Oonnty Prison. The court then adjourned. It wis intended to have had a hearing oefore the Court in banc in the case of David Biggard, the - soldier who shot Mrs. Hancock, but in consequence -of the indisposition of Judge Thompson, the oase went over until next Saturday. The April term of the Court commences' this ' morning. The United States Circuit court, both Dlstrlot Courts, and the Court of Common Pleas also meet to-day for jury trials. THE POLICE. [Before Hr. Alderman Settler.] DISOEDEBLY CONDUCT. Two young men, giving the names of Simon and Camac, were arraigned at the Central Station on' Saturday evening on the oharge of having behaved in a disorderly manner, in the barber shop at the corner of Sixth and Walnut streets. The parries were decidedly intoxicated, it is alleged they en tered the shop and commenced behaving In a most ■disreputable manner. Several oustomers wore there, undergoing the process of shaving, hait outtlng, &o„while others were seated awaiting their tnrne. Among other events, the prisoners seized the blacking-brush and oommenoed polishing the boy’s head with lt,| chairs were overturned, and It teemed the Interior of the establishment was about to be tom out. Police offlaere, however, arrived, and stopped the proceedings by taking the bellige rents into custody. They were bound over in the sum of $6OO, to answer the charge of malicious mis chief. ICEATY BOBBBBY. A. young man employed as a bank runner was ar raigned, on Saturday evtning. at the Central Sta tion, on the charge ofobtaining from Do Haven & Brothers a sum or nearly $3,000. It Is alleged that he purloined a sight draft upon which he obtained the cheok of De .Haven A Brothejs and drew the money. Ho was bound oror to answer. ALLEGED BOBBERY. Two men were arrested on Saturday night on the arrival of the train from West Chester. They were •charged with robbing a gentleman at that place, on Saturday afternoon, of the sum of $1,600. A tote* graphic despatch was received at the Central Sta tion announcing the robbery, and measures were adopted at once to receive the alleged thieves upon -the arrival of the train. They were commuted to await a hearing to take place at 2 o’clock: to-mor low. STATISTICS. Tie police, under Chief Buggies, made the follow ing number of arrests during tt e month or March 3?i»trlei. ntitriet 292 12... - 2 - ' 352 13 302 14 289 15 199 16 142 Reserve 88 Harbor.... 8* 78-Park. 10 llB Day Sergeants. 23 tO,* ..........184 . .... . SHERIFFS SALES. CHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April S, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Sail. „ No, 1. All that three story brick me*BTUtge,three-story. back buildings, and lot of * round, situate on tho west side of Seventh street, 81 feet north of Christian street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing is front on seventh street 16 feet, and in depth on the north line 76 feet 1034 lacker, and on aonth lino 79 foot SR inchot. with the privilege of the fear- feet alley bounding there, on. Which premises Joieph M. Patterson et nx.. by deed-dated December 21. 1868, [recorded In Deed Book A. D. 8., 80. 60, page 484, Ac., conveyed unto Wn. Bonjgby In fee 3 'Subject m aground root of $4O, which by deed Anted November 234, 1864, recorded in Deed Book L- B-B , No. 64, pace 147. Ac , was extinguished. No. 3. All that tbreo-etory brick eoap factory and lot Of ground, situate on the northwest corner of Wall and Qrubb itreet;, >n the city of Philadelphia! containing In front on Wall street 16 feet, and in depth 84 feet to a four-feet alley, with the privilege thereof C Which Joh S ?• Brunner etnx.. by deed dated April Sdj 1867. recorded in Deed Book B D. W„ No 126, page 4«. Au, conveyed unto William Doneghy in He _ CD. C. i M., ’66,, 242. Debt, *4OO. E. 8. Miller. 3 Taken in execution and to be eold as the property of WUltem Donaghy. BENBY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. March 22,1866. mh23-3t ©HERIFF’S SALE.—-BY VIRTUE OF ~ a writ of Levari Faoias, to me directed, will he ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3,1855, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hail, I BTo. 1. Jill that two* story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Bye street, 122 feet south of R*ed attest, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Bye street 16 feet, and In depth 40 feet. H 0.3. All that two-*tory brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of R*e street. ISB feat south of Seed street, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front dhßye street 10 feet, and in depth 40 feet. Ho. 8- Ail that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground iltuate on the noithwast corner of -Hampton (now Twenty-seventh) and Federal streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Federal street 16 feet, and in depth alo*g Twenty* seventh. street 46 t feet Ho. 4. All that two-story brick meesuase and lot or ground situate on the west side of Twenlh-aeveuth ground situate on the eoathwest cornei seventh and Dethong Btreßis. in the city of PMUdel phla;contalninginfront on Twenty seventh street 15 ftat. and in depthalongXeßhongstreetlSfeet zees, a c *65. 243. Debt, $2 020. Hanuis. 3 Taken In execution end to be sold as the property of Bsmuel H. McFadden, deceased. an. HENBY C. HOWBLT., Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, March 22. 1885. mh23-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, April 8* 1865. at 4 o’olock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ho. L All that three- story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the eaifc aide of Twenty-fomthstreet, 98 feet north of Fr&ti street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Twenty- fourth s tfeat 17 feet (in cluding the touth half of a two-feet-wide alley), and In depth SO feet. Ho. 2. All that three-story brick messuage audio! of ground situate on the eaefc side of rweety fourth street, 115 feet north of Pratt street, intueeityof Philadelphia; containing in front cn Twenty-fourth strest 17 feet (including the north.half <?f said two-feat alley), and in depth 90 met. *• No. 3, Ail that three- story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Twenty-fourth street 132 feet north of Pratt street, In the city of Phila telphia: containing in front on Twenty»fcurth street 17 feet (including the south half of a tw o* feot-*a!ley), and in depth 90 fees. . _ _ . , . [Which three premises Jerome Tantemat nx , by deed dated September 28, 1880, recorded in Deed Book A: 0. H-, EO.SB, p. 24, conveyed nnfco tout* S. Ascher, in fee. 3 Subject as to each to a yearly ground rent Ol*6°. [p.c.; M., ’65 232 Debt, $6,390 F. P. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Louis 8 Ascher. HERBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1865.- mh23-8t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendittoni Exponas, to medixectod, win be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Aprils, 1866, at4o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that two storj brick zneß*u&ge and lot of ground situate on the west side of Moramensin* avenue. 192 feet south erf Morris street, in the city of Pait&delphia; containing in front on Moyamensing avenue 16 feet, and is depth on north: line 114 gat, Wei. more or less, to Cuba street. [ which premises the Wagbimtou Workmen’s Bullitt* Association, by deed dated December 10th, 1863, recorded In Deed Book T.- H., No. 170, page 2io, S«., conveyed nnto Chrietlaa VebmeieHn/eeJ Debt. $137.46 Horn. 3 Taken in execution and to be soldaa the property of Chrietlan Vehmeler. HOWSLL, SheriK Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1865. mh23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF £5 a writ of Yerditioni Exponas,to me directedjWill be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing. April 3, 1955, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom- street Hall, Ail the several brick messuages and lot of ground si* tuate on the northwest corner of Market and Fifteenth streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Market street 26 feet, and in depth SO6 feet to Filbert , street. [Which premises George Pepper et ux ,by deed dated May. 22,1611, re carded In Deed Book J. O , Ho. 13, page 702, Ac., conveyed unto Alexanaer Adams and William Adams, in fee, reierving ground rent of *800.3 CD; C.; M , ’65 203. Debt, $lBl 80. T. 3k. Smith 3 . Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Alexander Acame and William . HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office,* March 22, 1865, mb23-3t SHERIFF’B BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF K-? a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or venane, on MONDAY Evening, April 3,1805, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All those three two* story brick messuages, two* story frame messuages, and lot ot ground situate on the north side of Ehippen street end west side of a twelve feet alley running from Shippen to a small street between Fifth and bixth streets, in the city of Philadelphia ; containing la. frofit on fchippen street 20 feet-and in depth 126 feet to a small street, with the privilege of said alley. J.D. O ;M. , ’65. 233. Debt. $1627.43. Glbbons.3 , Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Michael Boy. BENKY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. ■ Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22.1£65 mfa23-3t CHERIFF’B BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O awritofYenditioni Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, . . AH that one* stoir brick caTpenter»hop and lot of ground situate on the south &' e of Federal street, seventy <one feet east of Fifth street in the olty of Phila delphia; containing in front on Federal street sixteen feet, ana in depth Sixty six feet, with the privilege of a thiee-feet alley on the weU of said lot. [ Which pre mises William Harper, Jr., by deed dated February 19th* 1865, recorded in Deed Book K. D. W.« Ho. U, page 315, Ac., conveyed unto John Oamphor, Jr., in fee, reserving ayearlv ground rent of $50.3 [D. C.; If., 65 197. Debt. $356 70. Flood 3 Taken in execution audio be sold ah the property of John Gamphor, Jr HEN RY.O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’a.Office, March 21,1865. mh23-St SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF £3 a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will ho exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, April 8, 1865. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, AH those two* three story brick messuages and lot of ground situate on the south slue of Redwood street, one hundred and sixty -seven feet east of Fifth street, in th< i city of Philadelphia ; containing in front on Redwood street 16 feet, and in depth 112 feet to Marshall street, including, on the west of said lot, 15 inches part of a two feet six inch alley leading into Marshall street, with the privilege thereof [Which premises Mary Robertson by deed dated May 19, 1848, conveyed, ucto Samuel Powell in fee, subject to a ground rent of thirty two dollars, which, hy indenture bearing same date 246. D,tt. $1,600 Lb*.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel Powell. HENRY C HOWSLL. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. Maroh 22,1865. mi>23-3t CHERIFF’B SALE. —BY VIRTUE OF A Writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed,will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Aprils, 1865, at4o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Howard street, one hundred and forty-two feet four and a quarter inches aocthvof Franklin avenue, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on Howard street sixteen feet, and in depth sixty f«t, including on the south side the cue-half of a two-feet alley, twenty* eight feet deep , [Which premi see George W. Gorton etal., by deed dated September 6. 1850, recorded in Deed Book W. No. 131, page 230, conveyed unto Aaron-Yahkirk In fee, reserving ground rent of eighty*fout dollars- 3 [D C. ? M.» *65. 209. Debt, $276 96. Spenser. 3 Taken in execution sold the property of Aaron Yanklrk. C. HOWELL. ShenC . Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March a, 1865. mh3d-3t SHERIFFS SALE,—BY VIRTUE OF K 3 a 0 f Levari facia b, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or-vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April S, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, * AU that three-siory brick messuage and lot of around, situate on tie north wait side of Hol&Eaan Gate Parker) street. 2C2 fett northeast of York street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Holeman street 12 feet, and In depth 70 feet* more or less- « ... Taken In execution on judgment [C. C. P.; S , 64 90 Dedrick], os cityclaimfor paving, and to be sold as the property of William Gibbs as m proper / HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia,Sheriff’sOffice, March 23,1865. mh23-3t CHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me direcfced,will be ex- • posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY. Evening, Aprils, 1865. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hali, , ■. All that lot of ground on the east ride of Ninth street 16 feet north of Dickerson street, in the city of Philadel phia ; containing in front on Ninth street 184 and in s ‘irtMfa«e«Bttomonjodgmentrc.C.P. m. Lattal on city claim for taxes, and to be sold as tne property Unknown. HEHET c HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff 1 a Office. March 22. 1865. mh23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A h 5 writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be .ex posed to public sale or vac due, on MONDAYEvening, April 8.1856. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-etreet HSU. *u ihat two-story brick xde.saxro and lot of ground sltnato on the southeast comer of rarrishacd Twentie-.h •treats, in the elty of Philadelphia; containing In front on Twentieth street 16 feet, and la depth along Parrish street® feat 10 Inches. CWhieu premises Amanda Bn sell hy deed dated April 13th, 1853, recorded in Deed lock A. 1). 8., Mo. 20, sage 160, itc.. conveyed unto John L. Martin in fee 1 „ [DC. iM.,’65. 239 Debt, *l,OBl Gest.] Taken in executtoa and to he ,old aa tne property of John L. 'Martin, deceased HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia,'Sheriffs Office, March2l,:iB6s, mh2S-3t CHERIFFIB SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF *3 a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, ApriLS, 1885, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All those two thr; e-story brick messuages and lots of ; ;round situate on the west eid* of Thirteenth street, 138 eet 2 inches north of Federal street, In the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front on Thirteenth street 34 feet 2 inches <l7 feet 1 inch each lot), and. in depth 100 feet to Clarion street, CFor rec'tal see writ. 1 CD. G*; M.,’66. 223. Debt, $2,100. Hopper.] Taken in-execution and sold aßthe property of Francis Tieraan. deceased. . riw HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff! Philadelphia, Sheriff a Office,March 21,1865. mh23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to pnblic sale or vendue,on MONDAY Evening, April 3,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the northeast corner of Huntingdon and Jasper streets, in the city of Phila delphia: containing in front on Huntingdon street 114 feet, and in depth-120 feet to Elizabeth ►treat. * _ Taken in execution on judgment CO. C P.; D., 63 347. Dedrick 3on eiiy claim for paving .and to be sold as the property of William H. Boyer. ' m HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22,1865. mh23-3t OHEBIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF writ of Levari. Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3,1866, at 4 o'clock, at.Sansom-street HaU, All that lot of ground eltaated in the westerly corner of Huntingdon end Jasper streets, in the city or Phila delphia; containing in front on Huntingdon stieet9o feet, and In depth, southwest 146 feet 8)4 inches to Has raru*street. * i _ _ _ rt . n ... Taken in execution on judgment CO. 0. » P-; M*, 64. 111. - Dedrick] on city claim lor paving, and to he sold as the property of A. Ce-ti. P HENRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, March 21,1865. mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public Bile er vendue, on .MONDAY Evening, Aprils, 1865, at4o*clock, at Sansoni-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the east side of Mar garet street 106 feet 6 inches south of Market street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in L on& os Margaret street eighteen feet, and in depthlOO feci. [ Which premises William Hillary et ux, by deed dated January 13, 1860, doaveyed inter alia unto David Anderson in fee. J CD G.; M., ’65. 961 Debt. S3M 4Q Blackburns] JWteninexecution a?a to be soldtheproperty of David Anderson HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff! Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office,March 25.1806. mh23 3fc (SHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a- 3 a writ of Levari IFacl&s, to me] directed, will be exposed to public tale or vendue, ou MONDAY Eve ning. Aprils 1866. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, AH that lot of ground situate at the Intersection of Cadwallader and Fourth streets. In the city of Phila delphia; thence noithwest along Oadwallader street 77 fee. finches; thence northeast 14 feet 8 inches; thence east 14 feet 8 inches, to Fourth street; thence south along same 77 feet »H Inches to beginning. Taken In execution on judgment (O. O P ; D., >64, MO. Cornmsn,) on City jUm for work dons !u front of said lot, and to besold as the prop, rty of Edward Parrish HENKYC. H'iwrll Sheriff. Fhilada , Sheriff’s Office, March 2S, 1865. mh2B 8t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A? a writ of Levari Faciac, to me directed, will be. exposed to pnblic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, April 3, 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, All that three-story brick messuage and frame stable and let of ground situate on the northeast corner of Tenth street ac d Oirard avenue. In the city of Phila delphia; thence east along Girard avenue 34feet; thence bv around of Bobert M. Lewis et al. 61 feet 7K inches; ffieES wsst 26 feet incheß to Tenth thence along earns 85 feet 8 Inches to beginning C Which pre mises Bobert M. Lewis et al., by deed dated September 29. 1849, recorded in Deed Book G w C., No. 23, page 633. Ac.,conveyed unto MicCael Lourd io fee, reserving ground rent of $B4, which ground rent wm afterwMas conveyed to Uich&el Lourd, and bcCime merged and _ , g 5 5(5 Debt, $2 000. Lex.] Taken in execution and to be sold aetne property of Mlebael Lourd. HENBY G. HOWELL. Sheriff. . PhUadtlphia/ShorlTc Office, Much 22, IS®. *Qb2l 3t ■WwwvvJMM^ CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF hJ & writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Aprils, 1860, at4o’clock, at Sansom-street Ho. 1. A>l that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Ontario street, 190 feet south of-Jefferson-street in tbe city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Ontario street 12 feet, and in depth feet. [Which premises Joseph P. Smith et al., by deed dated June 29thiT1859, conveyed unto Isaac B. Thorn in fee; reserving a ground rent of $37.50.3 No. 3. AJI that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Ontario street, 112 feet south ©f N Jefferson *tr«et, in tho city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Ontario street 18 ftet.&nd in depth 69 feet, including at the end a three-feet allev. [ Which premise* Joteph P. Smith et a!.', by deed dated June 20th. 1569, conveyed unto Isaac B. Thorn, in fee: re serving a ground rent of $b7.5D3 ~ _ No 3 All that lot of ground lituate on the north side of Chestnut (or James) street 365 feet west of MUmre street. lntheTwenty*fouithwardof the mty of Phila delphia; coßtaininginfront on Chestnut street 45 mat, and in depth 65 feet [Which premises Thomas ». Wil liams, by deed dated March 10th, 1856. recorded in peed Book A. D. B , No. 81, page 262, conveyed unto Amos [D r G?V SOL Debt,52,014.97. E B:Campb9lL3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of ABO.Bnrton nndlM»|| R TWra ; H0WBLI( . skerle Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. March20.1866.mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF I-J » wr it of VenditionvExponas, to mo directed, willba exposed to pnbliosale or vendae.oii MONDAY Exenlng, Apri13.1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hail, 80. 1. Ail that lot of ground situate on the east fide of Sixteenth street, about two hundred and twenty feet south of Walnut street, in the olty of Philadelphia: containing in front on Sixteenth street twenty feet,ana In depth ninety feet. . ■ t ■ Ho. 2. A)l that three-story brick messuage and lot of groudd situate on the north side of George street, se venty* nine feet eix inches west of Fifteenth street, in the citr of Philadelphia; coniaihihgdn front on Georie street fourteen feet, and in decth thirty six feet [D C., M.; *65 17). Debt, $l.BOl 86. Wm JB. Hanna.} Taken in execution and to be sold as the-property of Edward Irvin.- HENRY C HOWELL, Sheriff _ Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office,March 21,1865. mh33-3t SHERIFF’S SALE —BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari facias, to me directed, will be exposed to pnhlic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, April?, 1865, at4o’clock, at Saneom-etreet Hail, All that lot of ground situate on tfee southwest ride of Huntingdon street, 177 feet south- east of Jasper street, in the city of Philadelphia; containingin iront on Hun tingdon street 53 feet 6 inches, and in depth 146 feet 8K inches to Hazard street. _ v .v Taken in execution on judgment (0. C. r,; M., ’64. 510. Derick) on city claim for paving, and to be sold as tbe property of E, G Quion. as mepruim * HENRY O. HOWSLL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s OSoe, Mrach 22, 1665. mh23 3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, wUI be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street ‘tall, All that lot of ground situ&ie on the southwest corner of Eighth and Beed streets, in tbe city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Eighth street 18) feet, and ia depth 90 feet. Taken in execution on judgment (O. C P.sD.. '64. 123. Latta) on city claim for taxes, and to be sold as the property of William-Sawl. p y HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1865.;mh23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF awrit of Levari: Facias, to me directed, will be ex. posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April ?, 1865, at 4 o’clock, atSaneom-etreet, Hall, - -All that storehouse and lot of ground situate on.the esst side of Third stiest, 62 feet 2 Inches south of Hew street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Third street 25 feet, and in depth 195 feet. The northern 20 feet being same lot which Joseph Oat et ux ,_by deed dated July 1, 18J0. recorded in D»ed Book G w. 0., Ho. 62, page 79, Ac., and the other part, which Ann Slmmons. by deed dated August X, I£so, re corded in Deed Book U. W, G., Ho. 64, page 447. Ac., conveyed unto Hulings Gowperihwait (in fee) H. Gowpeithwait has parted with his interest ia the above nremiaes [D. C.; M., ’65. Ho. 227. Debt. $20,000. Paul. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of HuliLge Cowperthwait - HENRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff. Phiiada., Sheriff’s Office. March 21,1865, m23-St QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, ■ All that lot of ground situate on the northeast comer of Seventh and Moore streets, in the city of Philadel ph a; containing in front on Seventh. SSL feet, and in depth 258fr*t to Mooie street. Taken in execution on jud*ment (O. G. P.; D., >6l 129. Latta) on City c aim for taxes, and to be sold as the property of J. Johnson HENBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff's Office, Maroh 22,1865. mhS3-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of- Levari Facias, to me directed will be ex-' posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3* 1865. at 4 o’clock,at Sansom-street Hall,. All that lot of ground situate on tbe i orth side of Lewis.strset, sixty*four feU west of Sixth stirs*t, in the city of Philadelphia; ooctaln’ugiu fronton Lewis street sixty- four fa*t, and in depth one hundred fset Taken in execution on judgment (0. C. P. ; D ,’64. 126. Latta), on city claim for taxes, and to be- sold as the property of B. S. H&rri*. ■ . HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. March 22,1365. mh23-St (SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public saleorvendue.on MONDAY Evening, April 3, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that brick house and lot of ground situate on the tonhweet corner of Front and Moore streets, In the city of Philadelphia; hontaining in front on Front street 83 feet, and in depth 50 feet. . Taken m execution on judgment [G. C., P.; D.« ’64. 115. Latta] on city claim for taxes, and to be sold as the properly of Henry Imhoff. * . HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. BMlaftelphla, Sheriff’. Office, Match 22. IMS. - »h 23 3t CHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to or v.ohdue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at San§om-street Hall. Ail that lot of ground situate < n the southwest corner of Race and-Bineteentfa. streets.' in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on'Bace street 183 feet, and in depth along Hinetconth street 2iS feet to Cherry street. Taken in execution on jndiment £D. C.; J., ’64. 423. Latta. 3 on the city claim for taxes, and to he sold as the property of Thomas Stewardsoo. , HENRY C. HOWSLL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office,March 22, 1865. mh23«Bt GHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a . of fioTaari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, bn MONDAY Eve 2finK. Aprils, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, ' All that three story brick messnace and lot of around situate on tbe northwest side of Coral street 99 feet northeast of Dauphin street, in the oily of Philadelphia i containing in front on Coral street 17 feet, and In depth ln execution on judfment CO. C. P.; M. ’6l. 292 Hedrick J. on city claim for paying, and to be sold as the property of Edward neigh,- ; HENBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22. 1866, mh33-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or yendue, on MON DAY Eve ning, Aprils, 1665, aid o’clock, at Sansom-street Half, All that lot of (round situate on the northwest side of Tuiip si root, 120 feet eouthof Aramlngo' street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Tulip street BA fset. and in depth 100 ftiet. • - CD. C.; M., '66. 255. Debts36o.s4. BonsaU.] , Taken in execution and to be sold as thefiroperty of WUllam Burroughs. HENBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Offlco, March 22,1865. mh'M-St CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF e-J a writ of Lerari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to pnblic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3. 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, AUthatthree-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Broad street, 90 feet south of. ; Poplar street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Broad street 30 feet, and in depth 160 feet. - t Taken in execution on jndgment £O. O. r.; 8 »,64. 355. Latte]. on city claim for taxes, and to be soldas the property of R. J. iraril* _ HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office. »fer<h 22.1665. mh23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A S 3 writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, win be ex paed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Aprils, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All toat three story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Potts it reat (late Pena), 46 : feet I&inehe» east of Thirteenth street* la the city of Philadelphia; containing in front ou Potts street 15 feet, and is depth on east line 40 feet 8% inches, and on the west line 40 feet $% inches: bounded on the west hr \ tbrcofeet wiJe alley, with the privilege thereof. [Which premises Benjamin Harper et ux., br dead dated May Ist, 1854, conveyed unto Charles H. Wakely Taken in execution andto be sold as the property of Charles H. Wakely. HENRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff! Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 20,186-5. mhZ3 3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A U ’ W rit of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to publicsale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Aprils, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, ah that thiee-story brick dwelling and lot of ground situate on the north side of Guthbert street. 86 fuel west of Twentj -first street, in the city of PhUadelphla; con taining in front on Guthbert street 14 feet, and in depth 28 feet. CWhich premises Morris 8. Wicker*ham et ux., ay deed dated March 27,1848, recorded in Deed Book L. Et B , No. 79, p. 214, Ac , conveyed unto Thomas Pol lock, in fee, reserving ground rent of $3O. ] * tC. P.; M.,’65. 83. Debt, $l5. Gummey.3 , Taken in exccntion and to be sold as the property of Thomas Pollock. . . HENBY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. ■ Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 11,1865. mhlS-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF Al a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to pnblic sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, April 3,1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, All that frame messuage No. 716 and tot.of'ground situate on the .onth side of Cherry street, between Seventh and Eighth streels. In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Gberry street nineteen fest four and a half inches, and in depth sixty-seven feet to a on judgment (O. O P.; D-, 64- 124. Latta) on city c’aim for taxes, and to be sold as he property of Mrs Perkius. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, March 22,1865. m&23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Farias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue/on MONDAY Evening, April 8, )fcC6, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that two-Etory brick messuage mad lot of ground situate on the north side of Montrose street, 98 feet west of Twenty-first •treet, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Montrose street 14 feet, and in depth 69 feet, to a 3 feet EJf-inehes alley,with the privilege thereof. ID C. 261. Debt, $598.50. G. Bergeant ] Taken in execntlon and to be sold ap the property of Alfred B. Croasdale. HENRY O. HOWELL, Sneriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22,1865. mh2f 3) CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale ox vendne.on MONDAY Evening, April 3,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Bansom-Btreet Hall, Ali that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Eighth and Lombard streets, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Lombard street nineteen feet, and in depth along Eighth street seventy-eight ieet. [Which premises Sarah Lea, by deed dated June 4th, 1810, recorded in Deed Book J. 0., No. 21, page 224, conveyed unto Jae. G. Kenton in fee, reierving ground rent of thiriy-eight dollars. 3 [C. P.; M.,’65. 62. Debt, $19,88. H. O. Townsend. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James O. Kenton. HENRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia,Sheriffs Office,Marchll,lB6s. mh!3-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to mo directed, will be exposed to publicsale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3.1885. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, All that brick messuage and lot ef ground situate on the south side of Mifflin street sixty feet six inches west of Church street, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on Mifflin street fourteen feet* and in depth forty-two feet six inches to a two-feei-six-inches alley fending into Dutton street. [Which premises David L SkiUm&n, by deed dated October 21st, 18S9, conveyed unto John A. Jones in fee, 3 _ „ CO. P.SM. *65. 6a Debt,sll2 11. Ferguson. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John A Jones. HENRY C. HOWELL* Sheris! Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, March 11, 1865. mhlS-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3.3565, at 4 o’clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that one • story hrick and frame building and two story brick stable and lot of ground situate on the south east corner of Sassafras street and a twenty feet alley, between Sixth and Seventh streets, in the city oi Phila delphia; containing in fronton Sassafras street 20 faet, and in depth 88 feet along said alley. £Wnioh premises Elizabeth Fritz et al ,by deed dated March 29, 1826, conveyed unto Jacob Ha&re infee, s2ooto bepaid at.time of sale by order of Const.] __ CD. c“’ M-. ’66. 263. Dolt. $666.32. Folreo ] Taken lx execution and'tole Bold as the proper;, of Jacob Hoars.' HENBY C. HOWELL. Sheriff PhUadelpMs, Sheriff's Office, March 22.1865 mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF 13 a v rit of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to puhlie sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, Aprils, 1*65, at4o’clock, at Sansom-Btreet Hall, No. L All that lot of ground hßginninc at tha south west comer of Beading Bailroad and Kensington ave nue, In the oily of Fhlladelphia, thence northwest along said avenue south 66 degrees 1434 minutes west 160 feet 3K inches, thence .north 88 degrees west 66 feat \y. inches, thence south 28 degrees 49Js"minates ea*t ly ground of Leant ry estate 643 feet IOJf Inches, thence north 41 degrees minutes east by ground of Widow Mifflin 205 feet 11 % motes to Be adlngHsUrrad. thsnoa north 88 degrees w eat along said road 111 fost 10K lo ohes, thence south 67 degrees 35% minutes west too fast 6% lichee to Lehigh avenue, thence along same north 83 de grees west 822 feet 5% Inches to Kensington avenue, tbeuee-aloßg»ameuOTtb 56 degrees 14K lO9 foot • 3K it cbes to Reading Ral road, thence alongcame north 38 degrees west 70feet 2 X incheato beginning. No, 2. All that lot of ground situate ou the southwest side of Beading Rrilroid, beginnini 100 feet northwest from Kensington avenue, thence northwest along said road 2C5 feet 6 inches to, old Front street, thence along centre of old Front street 71 feet 9 inches, thence south east by ground now or late of Leamry estate 171 feet 5 inches, thence northeast 93 feet l?Z inches to beginning. [Which two lots Christopher and Jo on Fallon et ux , by deed dated Deoember 20th, 1855. conveyed inter alia unto George Martin in fee 3 - re. P. ; M. ’66. 47. Debt, W 5.76. Bogors ] , ' Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Georae Martin.- - r HENEYC.rHGWELL, Sheriff*. . ; PhjSdQlpbiftj Office, Jdftiohdl, ■ mW ft THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1565. CHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed* will bo exposed topublic sale or vendue, on MOND AYBveniag, April 8* 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Saneom-street Hall, Ho. 1. Ail that double three story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southwest corner of Six teenth au d Carpenter street, In the city of Philadelphia j containing in front on Sixteenth street 15 feel, and in depth 6i feet 4 inches. . • , , , , Jjo % All that threevstory brick insssußge and lot of a round situate on the west side of Sixteenth street* 15 fe*t south of Carpenter street* in the city of Fhiladel* phia; containing in front on Sixteenth street 15 feet, and in dtpth 51 feet 4 inches. _ _ , . Ho. S All that three >story brick messuaieandlotoz ground situate on the west side of Sixteenth street, 39 feet south of Carpenter street/ia the city of PhlUdel phia: containing in front off Sixteenth street 16 feet,and IndeP’h 62 feet 6 inches. . ... Noe Ail that lot of ground situate on the west side of Sixteenth street, 46 feet south of Carpenter street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Six* teenth street 14 feet, and in depth 62 feet 6 Inches. . No. 6. AU that brick slanghtarhotue and lot of ground Bitnate <n the south side ofCsrpenter etreet. 61 feet 4 inches west of Sixteenth street, thence south 30 feet, thence west 1 foot 2 inches,-then*# south 30 feet, thence west 47 feet 6 Inches, thence north €0 feet to Carpenter street, thence along the same 48 feet 8 inches to begin ning. Nos. l, 2, 3,6> and 6 are all subject to one ground wntof , M 2Jg Debt, $364.95. Howea 3 , Taken in execution and tojbs'fcold as the property of Mictall Donnelly. _,HEMT S%O WEbtf sfierift Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 22,1865. mh23-8t CHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF 0 a writ of Venditioni Exponas,to me directed, will be exposed to pnblioßale or vendue, on MOOD AY Evening, Aprils, 1866, at4o'clock, at Sansom'street HaU, ill the buUdings and-lot of ground altaato on the sfntheaat comer of lombard and Schuylkill water stride. In the eityof Philadelphia; containing in front onWater strott 78 feet, and In depth 60 feet [Which premises Timothy Abbott et al-, by deed dated luxe Bth, 1812, recorded, in Deed Book J. G., Ho. 28, page 39. conyeyed nnto Caleb Foulke in fee; subject to ground rent app *rtion»d to $73 3 „ „ ID. C ; M., ’66, 26Q. Debt, 4257.65. J. B Townsend. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Caleb Fouike. HBSRY G. HO WELL, Sheriff • Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22,1365, mh22-3t CHEBIFF’S SALE.-BY VIRTUES OF 0 a.writ of Pluries Levari Baclaa. to me directed. WUI be exposed to pubile sale or vendue on MONDAY Sve nine, April 3 1666, at. 4 o’clock,.at Sausom-itre&t Hall- All that two-story brick znsssu&gcraed lot of gr?ttna situate on the east side of Fourth street, 137 feet 6 inches «outh of Christian street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Fourth street 11 feet, and in depth 84 feet. C Which premises Charles C. Bay mond, by need dated February 19th* 1863, conveyed unto Sarah. H. Towell in fee. 3 ~, CD. G.; M., ’ld. 279 Debt M 26 75. Gault. 3 Taken te execution and to be eold aa the propßrtrrof Sarah 4L Tow.lL BBBTKT C. HOWELL. Sheriff. - PhUadeiphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22.1886. mh23jf SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias to me directed.'willbeex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening*. April 8,1866; at 4 o’clock, at Sansom street Hall, . All the buildings and lot of ground situate on the south side of Wilcox street, 103 ff®t a 10 inches east or Twentieth street, iu the city ot. Philadelphia j coulain. ing in fronton Wilcox street 48 feet, aad-in depth 70 reet to Centre street. . . ‘ ./i 3et4 Taken in execution on judgment (G.O. r. ; ci. m .GcfOTth.) on Oity Claim for curbing aud Mvte* and to be eold as the c HdWBM,! B&Vlff Philadelphia. Sheriff ’a Office, March 22,1665, mh33-3fc CRERIFF’S SALE; —BY YIKTUE OF O a writ of Laver! Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3,3866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom street HaU, All that lot of ground situate oh the south side of Mif flin street, 6Qfe*t 6 inches west of Otsego street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front bn Mifflin street 14 f4et, abd in depth 45 feet Taken in execution on judgment (C. G- P ; E* *65. 25. Gorman,) on city claim for work done, and to be sold ae the property HO WBLL, Sheri® Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office. March 22.1865, mh23 8t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY YIBTUEiQF •0 a wilt of Levari Facias, to me directed, will ba «• posed to public eale or vendue, on HoBDAT Evening, Aprils, 1866, at 4o' Saneom-'etreet Hall, All that two-etory brick messuaggjtndlotof ground situate on the eonth side of Henrietta street, 114 feet fll lf inches west of Twenty-first street, In-theastty of Philadelphia; containing in front on Henriettastreet 1, feet, and ln-depth 6ofeet . CD. C.: M., '65 370. Debt, *I».IL Hartraufi.l Taken in execution and to-be sold as the property of William E. Scott. HESRS C. HOWELL. Sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriff's office, March 22,1866. mb»-8t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF 0 a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public, sale or vendue,’ oh' MOHPAT-JSvening, Aprils, 1866. at 4 o’clock, at Sansont-street HatT,, All that three- story brick meseuare and lot of ground, situate on the southwest side of York street. 30 feet northwest of 'Gaul street, In the city ofPWlS|elphla; containing in front on Tork street 11 feet, and tfidqpth. 68 feet -. ■ Taken in execution on judgment (OOP fir., *63. 133. Dedrick), on the city claim ter paving, and to be sold as the property of t Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Qfflce.March3»qBBjrmh23T3t GBERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A of Levari Facias, to me directed, wiU bs ex posed to publid sale orveudue, on MONDAY Bvenlag, April S* 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom- street Hall, All that three etory brick messuage aud lotpf ground situate on the north slde.ofDavls street. 141 feet east of Thirteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia ; contain*; itg in front.onDavis street XSfbet 4 inches, and in depth Takeninexecutionbajudgment CG.G. P ; D * ’64 213. - Corman.) on City Claim for work done, and to ba sold a,the UeiligtmMherlff PhUadeiphia,.Sheriff’sOffice, MaiohCjiSTmh23-8t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VTRTHE OF. a writ of Levari Faciaa, to medirseted, will be ex posed to public sale.or vendue, oh MONDAY^ Evening, April 3, 1865. at 4 o’clock; ak&ufeom-etreeyfall* 1 . All that brick messuage and lot of grottipdtuate on the north side of PaTk street 107 feet IKincheß west of Twenty eeventh. street, in the oity of Philadelphia; con taining in front.on Park street 16 feet, and in-depth 1M ffet to Pederal street. • Taken in execution on judgment (C. C. P ; M. , ’65. 28. Corman) on city claim' for wotk and to be sold a. .he property .^ Philadelphia, Sheriff s Office, Maiob M. HB6. mh2B- 3t CHERIFF’B BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to 'me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendjae»oii MONDAYEyeniiig, April S, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at- Banßo|fes*treet . All that three-story brick messuage analot of ground Bltaate on thv north side of Davis streeWlwfeet 4 inches we«t of Twelfth street, in the citi of PmStMiphla; con tsining in front on Davis street 15 feet 4 inches, and in depth3B feet, - .> Taken in execution on. judgment IC.' C, : P.; p. f *6i 214. cornmavj on city claim for work done, and sold as the property of George B. Kressler. : HBNBY C. HO WELL, Sheriff. _ Philadelphia* Sheriff’s Office, IforchgSi 1565. mb23-3t SHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIfITUE OF k-7 a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, 'will be ax poied to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April-3.1865* at 4 o’clock, at S&usom-street Hall.' All that three-Btov* brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of York street, 15feet 19 inches northwest of Caul street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on York street 14 feet 2 inches, and in depth 60 feet. -. . , Taken in execution on judgment! O. 0., JP. j D., *66. 137. Dedrick! on city claim for paving, and to be sold as the property of Mark Balderatine. - r M J HBfIIEY Or MOTS&lLHheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, march mh2j-8t CHE RIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF' a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will posed to public sale or vendue, ofi jftgflS?’ J »r Aprils. 1865, at 4 o’clock, Hall. All that lot of ground- *ifuate on' th* northeast corner qt nineteenth and Prime Bfcreets, injhe city deJpbia; containing in-front on Prime street. 187 feet, a \ake» on judgment (O. C P.; D. .*B4. 39E."Xat:a) on city claim , for taxes, and to be scud as the property of J* W. Potts. T J HBNBY C HOWELL, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Marchga,lB6s. mh23-3t CHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP M awrit of Leyari Facias, to me directed, will jieex posecbto public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, AprfiS, 1866, at4o'clock, at Sansom-street Hail, All that lot of gro and situate on the southeast corner of Eighth, and Franklin streagMa the* ell? ;ot-Philadel phia; containing in front on Eighth street 40G feet, and in df p-h ISO feet. Taken in execution on judgment [O. C. P.; D. 64 128. Latial on city claim for t*»», and to I>a cold as the property or J. W. Potts ._ • HENRY 0. HOWIT.iI. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Offloe, Maroh 23,1865. mh2B-3t OHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF h? a writ of Levari Feelae-to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale 6, venffne, on MONDAY Evening, Aprils. 3S6S, at 4o’clock, at Sausom-street Hall. All that lot of tround situate on tbe northeast corner of Federal and Sixteenth streets, in the city qf Phila delphia icontalsinr In front on Federal'etreet 75 feet, and in depth 126 feet. -.1 _ _ ~, . Taken in execution on judgment (C. C. P.; D. 01. 119 . Latt»), on city claim for taxes, and to be sold as the property of Unknown. „ HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff .. Philadelphia,,Bheriff’e Offloe, March 582, 1965. mh2B-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP a of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Apri13,1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-atreet Hall. No. L All that lot of around and three story brick messuage situate on the south side of-Shippeu street, between Thirteenth and Broad streets, being No. 1308, in the oity of Philadelphia; containing in front on the ssid Shippen street 17 feet, and extending southward in depth 63 feet, with the privilege of a two-feet-wide nJ/2. All-that lot of pound and three-story brick messuage senate on side of Rose be tween Thirteenth and Broad ■treets, being No. 1307, in the eltr of Philadelphia; containing in front on the said Hose street 17 feet,|neludtogon the east side thereof an alley 3, feet in width, and in depth 47 feet 8 Inches, more or less, to the line of ground first above described, with the privilege of said alley. , . , . No. 3. All that lot of ground and two*story brick sitoate on the south side of Bedford etreet. between Thirteenth and Broad streets, being No. 1840. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in ftontou tha said Bedford sfcieetld feefcrlnciudtog on the west side thereof the easternmost half part of an alley 3 feet 4 Inches in width, and in depth 69 feet 4 inches, more or lo^w^e^iU^ofua^ dwellinf.bwise, situate ou thesoath »tde or Badrord street, betwien Thirteenth and Broad stoeeta, beiug No. 1842, iu tbe city of Philadelphia; coataiaiug in front on said Bedford street 16 feet, inducing on the east side thereof the westernmost half pait of an alley 2- feet 4 inches in width, and in depth 69‘feet 4 inches, more or less. ? [Nos. land 2 Being the same premises whiih George Roberts et al,. by indenture da\ed July 26th. 1828, re corded in Deed Book A. M., No. S 6, pag« 492, conveyed unto William Sproul in fee; reserving a yearly ground rest or sum of *21.34; aad the raid George Roberte e* al., by Indenture dated May 27th, 18S3. recorded is same Deed Book, page 495, assigned the said yearly ground rent unto the said William Sproul in fee, where by the same was extinguished. Ana Nos. 3 and 4, be ing the same premlies wMchJohnH, Britton, by in denture dated AprU 12th, 1827* recorded in Deed. Book A. M., No. 36, page 497, &0., conveyed the said William -Sproul in fee r rcfcftrving-therSOut'U yearly ■round rent or sum of $23. And Charles Stakes ot nr , by indenture c ated May 23d, 1833, t recorded in same Deed Booh, uage 499, Ac , txttngulßhed the same unto the said William Sproul in fee J. • . , CD. O.j Me*6s. 278. Debt, 11,601 Whaxton-3 Taken in execution and to be sold a* the property of William Sproul. HENRY O HOWELL, Sheiiff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 22,18&. mh23 3fe SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF k-? a Wl it of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue; on MONDAY* Evening, April 3,18(56, at 4 o’ clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that brick messmate aad lot of ground situate on the north side of Park street, 123 feet 7 X inches west of Twenty, seventh street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Park street 16 feet, and in depth 100 feet to Federal street. . „ _ __ Taken in execution on judgment (C C. P.; M., 65. 29, Oornman) on city claim for work done, and to be sold as the property of Sarah Foot. ' BBNRY O. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff 1 sOfSce, March 22,3865. mh43-3t CHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OP £5 a writ of Levari Facias, to me dlreoted, wlHbaex noted to publio sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, April 3, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-atreet Half. Ail that lot of ground situate on the northeast side of Yolk street, 44 feet southeast of Trenton avenue, in the city of Philadelphia; eontalsis, in front on York etreet S 8 feet, - and In-depth 125 fe«t3 incheatoßmlen etreet. OTi'rity "Sim for paylnti and to be Bold aa the property of J. hOWBLL, Sheriff. • Philadelphia, Sheriff’s office, March 22. 1865. mhffi gt SHERIFF’S 8A.L1.-T-BY VIRTUE OP D 4 writ of Yenditloni Rxponas.tome direefad, wffl he exposed to public ealeorvendue, on MONDAY Evening, AorilS, 1865, at4o’clock, atSansom-atreetHall, aii tkat messuage and lot of ground, situate on the northeast corner of Twelfth and Citron ftreets.iu.tha city of Philadelphia; containing in front, on i Twelfth street seventeen fget.and in depth on north line flftr six feet six inches, thence south nine feet seven and three-eighths inches, thence east four feet nine and a Quarterinches, thence south fourteen feet six inches to Citron street, thence west along same sixty fdet to be ginning. [which premises John Armbraster, et ux.. By deed dated January 1, 1852, recorded in Deed Book T H ♦ No. 4, P. 183, &o , conveyed unto David Arm bxniter, in fee, reserving ground rent of $ 63.3 ©ia»«r, Debt, $B2 24. Paul. 3 Taken in extension and to be sold as the property of David Awnbru*ter. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sneriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 11,1865. ,mhl3-3t QHERIPP’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF U • writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public ealeorvendue, on MONDAY Evening* Aprils, 1865* at 4 o'clock, at Sansom etreet Hall, All that twe-storj stone messuage and lot of ground beginning on the southwest corner of Germantown ave nue and Park street, iu the Twenty-second waTd, city of Philadelphia; thence southeast,along said avenue 80 feet • thence southwest 250 fee t; thence northwest 89 feet to Park street: thence noitheast along same 250 feet to beginning CWhicb premDesJames Miller etux, hy deed dated. April 1.1851, recorded in. Deed Book G W- G , No 85. page 617, conveyed unto Rdfer Owen ana Joshua: Owen to fee; and Roger. Owen. etux,, by deed dated May 17* 3866, recorded in Deed B*ok B. D. W.. No. 27, page 154, Ac , conveyed unto said Joshua O wen In rD B C ; M., ’B5. No 250. Debt *7,712 60. Boobs!!. 1 Token in ex»cntioa and to be sold asthe property of JotbuaT .Owen.^, fbttSUelpiua, BbeiHf' e O Slee, Mar ft, %> !*55, wSSS-ot SHERIFF’S SALES. CHERIFF’B BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O'a writ of Venditioni Exponas,to lae directed, will be bn MOM DAT %enlng. April 8,1866, st 4 o'clock, at Saußom-street Hall, All that three story brick messuage and lot of ground sltnato on tho northeast Miner of Tntrtsenth ud Fulton streets In the city of Philadelphia; contain in front on Thirteenth street eighteen feet, mid in depth along Fulton street thirty-eight feet. [Which premises Alexander Armstrong et ux , by deeddnted October 81st, 1842, recorded InDeed Book, B. £,£,»<>. 23. page 244, Ao , conyeytd^auto, John L. Martin, in tan • rphflrviuf Round rent of thirty'Six dollars. 3 fee, reserving^ 0 ““| 5 10T a t 1 o^ eb t, 3 '*37. 20., Bright^;] Taken in execunon and 4o be sola the property of J °p£udriphia?' mUlB^3t CHERIFF’B BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF 0 a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to pubUe sale or vendne, on MOM DAT Eve nink. Aprils, IW6, at 4o’clock, at Sanaom-st HalL AUthat three- story brick mesauageand lot of ground, .(toahsan the east side of Front street, one hundred and two fee?eight Inches south of Morris street. In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Frost street sixteen feet seven inches, and indrpth eighty-sight (Mtsjx inches to Dutten street, r WW& GaUash-r et ux., by deed dated jteuuary 27th, U 69. re corded in Deed Book A. » T ®c'„ P *A B t fS-’ conveyed inter aiia unto-John Baxter iu fee. For further recital see writ. w 8 Oampbell.] Taken in execution c L Pr sSri? ° f R beHA ß o N^. C°h?l? T^. B^hg:3t SHERIFF’S BALE. —BY VIRTUE OF 0 a writ of Levari Facias,, to wm be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MOMDAX Evening, Anri] 3. 1868, ftt -1 o’clock, at Bansom-straet Hall. All that -■ hree-stary brScr mewiuage and lotof grennd sitaate ontbe osst side of Broad sireet, 69 feet south of Poplar street. In the otty of Philadelphia; oontejntng in front on Broad street so teet, and in depth 160 feet. i. Taken iu execution on judgment W. O. P. pH, M. IS6. Latla), on city claim for taxes, and lobe-sold as the property of B. J. Q H r^ wg][jLi sheriff'' Philadelphia. Bherlff'B Office,March 22,1866. mh23.M CHEREFF’ 8 SALE.—BY "VIRTUE OF 0 a writ of Levari Facias, to me dljeoteg. wUI be sxnoeed'to public saleor vendue, on MOM® AT Evening, April S, 1860, at 4 o’clock, at Sanuom-utreot Hall. VU that two-story brick messuage and lotof ground situate on the south side of Henrietta street,2o3 feet UJf Sobes west of Twenty-first street, in the city of Pnlla delphla; containing In front on Henrietta atreet 14 feet, [D SK. Debt, #l3Oll. Hartranft 1 Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of William K. Scott. ’ HEBBT 0. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22,1866. mh23-3t CHEKIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed* will be exposed to public sale orveudue, on MONDAY Even ing, April S* 1865, at4o’clock,atSaimom-streetHall, ■ nil that tbree-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south aide of PonUoa street (formerly Sumner street), eighty-four feet west of teooad street# in the First ward, city of Philadelphia; containing in fronton poulson street 14 feet, and in depth 57 to a three-feet alley, with'the privilege thereof. CWhieh premises Edwin Ford* bvueed dated May 20th* 1851, reccrded in Deed Book T. H, No: 60, pa*e K Ac , conveyed unto Thomas E. Williams in fee, reserving ground rent o( $38.1 . rC.F.iM., '65. 89. Debt,s79.6l. A. Burton. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Franz Pao and Mary, Ms wife. • HENRY C HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 11,1865. mhl3«3t SHERIFFS SALE,—BY VIRTUE OF S?. a writ of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, ou MONDAY Eve ning, Aprils, 1865, at 4 o’clock, atSansom-street HaU. Ali that three story brisk znsasuage aud. two* story bask buildings ana lot of ground situate on the south Bide of.Greeu street, SIS feet west of Twenty first street# in the city of' Philadelphia; containing In front on Green street 16 feet, and' in depth 82' fee* 5 inches to Wilcox street. [Which premises Oliver Perry et al • by deed dated Marco Ist, ISM, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No 144, page 332, &c., conveyed unto Samuel B. Juniw to reeerylng ground lent of $93- For fuithar N. B.—S B. Justice has parted with his Interest. CC. P.;M., ’65. 62.. Debt, $45 45. Gnmmey.3 Taken In execution and to be ? sold as the property of Samuel B. Justice HENRI C. HOWELL, Sheriff. , Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 11# 1B6&. mhlB 3t SDVCATIONAL. QAEDALE SEMINARY, AM EMOLIBH, CLASSICAL, AMD MOEMAL SCHOOL TOHMO MMAKB BOTS, PCGHTOWM, QgESTEB CO., FEMMA. Tbs next term sf tbl. Isriltotion will begin os MOM* DAT, April 3, 1866. For ClrculAM. containing partTcu lm», address ISAAC W. GDLDI3. A M.. mbe.lm - PriacipaL WEBT GROVE BOARDING SCHOOL, » » for OIBLB, at WBST OBOTB BTATIOW. F. and B. Central Sallroad, ChMtei Couuty Pa The 80HMBB TEEM of this institution will com mcnce on BECOHD. DAT, the lit of FIFTH* MONTH next, to continue 20 weeks. The course of instruct!on hi extensive and thorough, and U adapted to.aM ages. For circulars. Ac.., «^|^^ ONARD> fe27-mtu2m West Prove, Fa, A LLENTOWN. MILITARY.. INSTL xk TUTE—Chartered by t> e States with commodious buildings and superior educational Military advan tages, 2K hours by railroad from Philadelphia. .For circulars, address H. L HOFFOED. A M ♦Pres’fc, fe27-mthllfc Allentown# Pa* YTILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— i MILITABT BOABDIMS ScaOOD. fonr miles from MEDIA, Fa. Thorough coutk to Mathematics, Glassies. Hatural Brienocs, and fingllsh ; pra,tioal les sons to Civll Bnglneering Pupils rMelved at any time, and of all ages, and enjoy the benefits of a horns. Re fers to JchnC- Capp A 50n,23 South Third street; Thos. J. Clayton, Esq , Fifth and Prune streets; ex> Sheriff Kem, tnnd others. Addrevs Bev. J. HJ&RYBY BAB TO*, #M , TILLAOB OKBBM, Fcnna. nc6-6m WOODLAND SEMINARY FOR TOHMO LADIBS, itos. 9 and 10W0ODLAMB TBBBACB, West Fhllada. Bov. HBMBT BBBVM. A. MTTPrteclpal. f«24-6w* COAL. Thomas J. Obak „ -,*■ Bobbet S. Emaxat.. rmAM. & HEMFHIIn,.. LBHISH AMD*»SWraLKILt COAL, or all sires and of best uuaUtiss. . - Carefully picked and screened, and Invariably at the ! lowest cash prices: Office and Tard, WILLOW, below FIFTEEVTHStreet. JtSF Orders can be left at 146 Morto SIXTH Street, 653 Forth TBMTH Street, 1433 BABOLAT Street, or tbrongh the Post Office, which will be promptly and satisfactorily filled. ja!7-3m E SCHREINER, NEW COAL DEPOT, - MOBLB Street, above Mlnlb stecet _ Constantly on handrsnperlor suaSltles of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, selectedexpretadyfor family purposes, at the lowest market price.. Wharf, Twenty-third .treet, below Arch street. Office, 119 South FOHBTH Street. oc2o-6m COAL.— SUGAR -LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain LehithCoal, and best Looust Mountain, from Schuylkill, pressly for family use. Depot, If W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, Ho. 113 somhSEOOHB Street. Cap6~ tf3 J, WALTOfi A CO, PURE LEHIGH COAL.—HO USE JL fitBEPEBS cut rely on^getting a pure artielest theß. FBOBT and POFLaB Streets. JOHB W. HAMPTON. ,_ 3 mhatfclxa* "PORE LEHIGH COAL. A ; J. B MTOPOBD, 1846 MARKET Street. jaliSOlM* I.E6AL, THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND CODSTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WM. H. C. BOaLBN, deceased. The Alitor appointed by the-court to audit, settle, and adjust the accouut of GEO. K. ZIEGLER, Executor of W2L H. G. BOHLEN, deceased, and to report distri feurion of the balance in the hands of the accountant, win meettheparties Interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, April 4,1855, at 4 o’clock ; -VM ,at hi* Office, southeast corner SIXTH and WAL NUT Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. . • ■ . D. W. O'BRIEN, tthSifmwSt . Auditor. P ST THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THB CITY AND COUNTY OF FHILADBLPHIA. Estate of JOHN LINDSAY, deceased. ... : The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settler and adjust the final BY ANS SOGERS, sur viving Executor of John Lindsay, deceased, audio re port distribution of the balance in the hands or the ac countant* will meet the parties interested, for the pur poses of his appointment, on TUESDAY, April 11th, 1866. at three o’clock P. M., at Ms office. No. 14# South EIGHTH Street, to the dty of Philadelphia. mh24-ftawst JOHN B ODLASAN, Auditor. TN TIE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE I CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of Mbs E OFFER, deceased The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, mid adjust the account of JONATHAN O. GIBBS, ad ministrator of Mrs. JB. Offer, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the account meet the parties interested for the purposes of hUrjppointmsnt on MONDAY, April 10th, 1866, at four o’cmekP. M., at his office. No. 193 South FOURTH Street, to the dty of Philaddphia. . • t znhS9* wfraSt WiL C HANNIB, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE J- CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA, • Estate of ANSA MORTON, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, and adjmt the account of the PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCE ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, trustees of the estate of Anna Morton, deceased, and to report distribution of the ba lance-in the hands of the acoountaat, will meet the parties interested lor the purposes of his appointment on MONDAY. April 10th, 1865, at 4 o’clock, F. M., at his cffi#e,-N0.153 booth PODHTH-Street, in the city of Phi ladelphia B. SfBNCER MILLER,. Auditor* mh2B-wftn6t ; ■' • TO THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE A CITY ABD COUJHiYJDFJPHILADBLPHIA. Batateof PETES BELL,deceased. The auditor appointed be the Court to audit, settle, and adjußt the account of JOHS H. HARFBB. Admin istrator of the estate of FETES BELL, deceased, and. to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the partlei Interested for the pur powsof his appointment,-on-MONDAY..ApriI 10. IMS. at 12 o’clock Jd , at his Office, So, Sill Sooth FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. mMMmw St JOBS O’BBIBS. Auditor. TTNITED BTATEB, EASTERN'DIB TBICT OF PBBHSTLVANIA-nor. WHEREAS, The DHtrict Court of the Halted States for ssid District, proceeding on & libel fllsd in the name of the United States, hath decreed that all persona who claim to have any interest in the sloop ELVIRA and cargo, captured oh the coast of South Carolina by the United States steamer Chenango, under command of ' Lieutenant Commander George u. Horns, hemonishsd and cited: • Therefore, All peraoss who elalm to have any inte rest in the said sloop and cargo are monished and cited to appear "before the Judge of the said Court, at the Cityof Philadelphia, on'the TWENTIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said sloop and cargo should not. be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture * of the same* to the enemies of the United States, and therefore or liable to eon demnation as lawful prize, ' , . . . . The-above is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court In the'said cause/ ; ■_ WILLIAM MILLWABD, * U. 8. MsralftiE D, of Penna. Philadelphia, March 80,1868. mh3l»3t NEDICAL. PLECTROFATHIC EBTABLISH IJ MBNT —BE. A. H. STEVENS, one of the FIRST DISCOVjBBEES of a new system of treating disease by MODIFIED ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONS, and who has been so very successful at PENN SQOABS for the last three years, has removed hiß Office audßendence to 1638 TINE Street, one door below Seventeenth. All persons desiring references, or any particular* with regard to his special mode of treatment, will pleas# call or send for a pamphlet Consultation or advice gratuitous. mhfrtt ELECTRICAL OFFICES. ' OORHBR XLSVEHTH AHB RACE STREETS, ALSO, CBEBTNUT AND FORTIETH. I , Hr. THOS ABLER, yerv successful in the treat- , ment of ,11 diseases would inform M* Meads and the public that ho la still beneffttlng and curing I many on whom medicine has had no effect and ARB HBUHdUSId. ■ WOUBiBfUI DISCOVERT-Wewould ask your attention to these diseases, as we have found tnafc we possess a remedy which ha® cured many, and will restore to their wonted, ' health, hundreds more who are at present suf fering the most excruciating agony. Generally, a few days only are needed to effect a cure. We would urge uo one to try it; if you do uot the loss ,Is your own. Those who follow our require ments. and not cured, have nothing to P*y* Pa tients treated at their residences when desired, i Tettimonials at the offices; hours 9A. M. tofiP. M. Consultations free. Offices, 154 North "ELEVENTH Street, also, CHESTNUT and FOB* TIETH Btzeet, West Philadelphia. jalB 3m PH THOS- ALLEN ft/T&GKEKBL, HEBBTOG, BHAD, <fcc. iyl. —2,600 bbls Mass. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late-caught fiat fish, in assorted packages. • _ 2.0C0 bbls. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring 2. GOO boxes Lubec, Scaled, Ho. I Herring. 160 bbls How Mess Shad. . 260 boxes Herkimer- county Gheet».Jkc. In store and for sale by MUBPH t & KOONS. jal94f No. 146 NORTH WHABVE3. nOTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCK v-' AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. - Tent. Awning. Trunk, and Wagon-cover Duck. Also. Paper Manufacturers* Brier Felts, from one to five feet wide; Paulihs, Bolting Sail Twine, die. __ - ‘ John w bvb&man*co., DoS-tf No. 103 JONES* Alley. tTELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF BAB- Ll SAPASILLA cleanses and renoyates the blood, nstllsthe vigor of health into the system, and nurses Outthe haaoH that make disease. PROPOSALS. rfHIEP QUARTERMASTER'S yj OFFICE, So. 1139 GIRARD St rest, ■ PHii.ADBi.PHii Depot, ltojcli SI, 18». SEALED PROPOSALS will «» HBtUMOMDAY, April 10.1885, *t 12 o’clock M.. for » livering aft the Schuylkill Arsenal* in ■‘“SfJjBSJJ packages teases to be made to conform to specifications at this office); , _ . 3 4 Ccnton Flannel for Drawn, army ctandar3. Stockist*, army standard. ... Parsed Boota for Cavalry, army rtandard. Pcßged Bootee* for Infantry, army standard. Hospital Testa and Flier, army standard. Forace Cape, army standard. Samples onto standard articles required may Be seen at this office. - Parties offering goods should make separate proposals for each article offered and mustdistUneily state in their bids when they will commence their deliveries, the quantity they propose to furnish, each week, the pi we (which should be roriiten both in words and figures), and conform to the turns of this advertisement, a copy of which should accompany each proposal. Bids win be opened on Monday* April 10* IBM, aft 13 o’clock M., and bidders are requested to be present. Bach bid meat be guaranteed by two responsible per* sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee, and earn flail to as being good and sufficient se curity for the amount Involved, by some puclic func tionary of the United States. All proposals shouldbe made on! on the regular ferns, Which will be furnished on application at this office. The right la reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable, and no bid from a defaulting: contractor will be received. Indorse envelope. 4 'Proposals for (here insert the “ meo( “* ““^oSVi^A^kcKIM. Chief Quartermaster,. Philadelphia Depot. pHIEF QU A. B TERM ASTER’S V OFFICE, No 1139 GIRARD Street. <Mp PaiT,Aa»rfkTA Dbpot, March 27, 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office tiU TUESDAY. April 4. 1865, at 12 o’clock M. , for de livering at the Bchuyikill Arsenal, in merchantable packages,(cases to be made to conform to specifications at this office): . Wool Blanket*; Arm? standard. Haversacks, do. Cuiteens, > do. Cavalry Guidons, do. Cavalry Standards. do. National Colors, Infantry, do. BegS mental Colon, Infantry, do. Artillery 2 rampet Cords and Tassels. do. X~inch Dark Blue Worsted Lace, do. Js*lnch do Wonted Lace, do. / IK-inch do Worsted Lace, do. H'inch Yellow Worsted Lace, • do. . 3%>ineh do Wonted Lace. do. „do , Wonted Lace, do. % Inch Scarlet Worsted Lace, do.. l||ittch do Worsted Lace, do. K-inch Sky- Bine Worsted Laos, do. j&ineh ScarletfcLkLace, - do. Axe Handles.' ' do. HatchetHandle*, Ho. Regimental General Order Bookr, do. Regimental Letter Books, do. Regimental Descriptive Books, do.' Target Practice Books, - do. Great Coat Lining, sample required. Sack Coat Lining, do. , Parties offering goods should make separate proposals for each article offered, and mast distinctly state in their bids when the* will commence their deliveries, the Quantity they propose to famish each week, the price (which should be written both t in words and figure* r),and eonfoxm to fch« terms of this advertisement, a conoy of which should accompany each proposal. Standard samples of the articles required may baseen at this office Samples, when submitted, must he marked and num bered to correspond with the proposals; and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be. In every respect, equal «o army standard, otherwise the propo sals will not be considered. „ . Bids will be opened on Taesday, April 4th, 1885, at 12 o’clock M., and bidders are requested to oe present Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose slgnatutes must be appended .to the gua rantee* and certified to as being good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved, by some public func tionary of the Cnit6d States. * • * All proposals should be made out on the regular forms, which will be furnished on application at this office; : The right Is reserved to refect any bid deemed unrea sonable, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. „ Endorse Envelope **Proposals for (here insert the name of the article offered?** and address . Colonel WILLIAM W. McKIM, ~ Chief Quartermaster, Philadelphia Depot PROPOSALS FOR WATER TRANS- A POBTATIOM, ~ Office Water Transportation, U. 8. A. • Ifo, SBTE SowthThird street. m Philadelphia. March. 2d. 1885.- FBOPOSALS will be received at this office, from day to day, for the transportation by water of Coal* from PhU&oelphia, Penna., to the following points; . Fortress Mcnroe.Yft » 400 tons* more or less, per day. Alexandria, Virginia, 6CO “ “ ** $ •“ «■ Fort Barrancas, Fla., 160 *■ ” Jfew Orleans, La., 800 ** ** *• rity Point. Virginia, 200 “ “ ” Washington, I>, C,« 300 ** ** " Beaufort. A C., 800 “ " Charleston, S. C., 500 ” “ Morehead 0.. 200 ** “ . " Transportation to be famished by either sail or steam vessels, or both (to Alexandria. Vs.. and Washington. D, C. t by barges or other vessels), as this Department may require it; and bidders should state distinctly the price. In writing asd figures, fi»r eachclass.^ By order of Col. W W. McKim. Chief QaarteraM* ter. Philadelphia Depot. HEJffBT BO WM A2F. mh29»lot (Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. MABSHAI/8 SAXES. _____ MAKSHAL’S sale.— by yirtue ATX Of a Writ of Sale fcy the Hon. JOHN C4DWA.LA.- DEB, Judge of the District Oonrt of the Hutted State*, in and fat the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In Ad miralty. to me directed, trill he sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at Michenerls Btore. Ho. MSS North FRONT Street, on MONDAY, April 17.1856. at 12 o'clock M.,the cargo of the Sloop EL YJBA, consisting of 89 bales of Upload .Cotton and 11 bags of Sea Island Cotton. A1«024 boxes of Tobacco. WILLIAM MILLWARD. U. 8 Manhal Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. March 31, 1866. apl-St SALE.—-BY VIRTUE JJJL 0 f Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN GADWALI DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Penneylyania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and beat.bidder, for cash,at.SAMUEL C. COOK'S Auction Store, 80. 13* Soath FBOST Street, on SaTUBBAT , April Id. 2865, at la o’qiook H., twenty- thousand Cigars, in »e bark Hisa A, Cochran WILLIAM MILLWABD, United States Marshal Eastern District of Penna. Philadelphia, March 81,1865. apl-ft CAVALRY HORSES ! V ABTILLBET HOKSESI MULES l Quartermaster General’s,Office, First Division, Washington CittyD. C., March 18,1866. HOBBEB, suitable for the cavalry and artillery set* vice, will be received at Oeisboro Depot, in open mar* ket^tiUMayl,lB66, byCaptain GSO. T. BBOWBIBO, MULES, in lots of-twenty- five or more, will be re* ceived in this city, in open maTkst, till May 1. 1866, by Captain 0. H. TOMPKIBS, .Assistant Quartermaster, corner Twenty second and G streets. All animals to be Subjected usual Government ini pee* ion before being accepted. _ Specifications as follows: Cavalry Horses must be sound In all particulars, well broken, in full nest and good condition, from fifteen (16) to sixteen (16) hands high, from five (6) to nine (9) years old, and well adapted in every way to cavalry purposes. Horses between nine (9) and ten (KB years of age,'if still vigorous, sprightly, and healthy, may be accepted. Artillery horses must be of dark, color, sound in all. particulars, strong, quick, and active, well broken, and square trotters in harness, in good flesh and condi tion, lrom sbc (6) to ten (10) yearoold. jaot.Uja-thasr each horse to weishnoi less than ten hundred and fifty (1,050) pounds. Mules must be over two (2) years of age, strong, stout, compact, well-developed animals, not Ims than fourteen (14) hands high, in foil health, free from every blemish or defect which would unfit them for severs work, and must have shed thefour front colt’s teeth and developed the corresponding four permanent teeth, twolntach jaw. . ~ . These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rigidly emorced in every particular. _ Hours of inspection from 9A.Mto4 P. M. • • . Price-Cavalry horses, one. hundred .and eighty-five dollars ($186); Artillery Horses, one hundred and nine ty dollars ($190); Mules, one hundred and ninety-five dollars ($196) • * < Payment will be made at this Office. JAMES A. fiKlfi, , „ _ Brevet Briwflier Oeneral in eharga mh2o-tap3o First Division Q. M. a. O. ARTILLERY AND CAVALRY /l HOUSES. Assist ant Quaktbuxasthk’s Officii, . 1339 Girard Stbbbt, Philadelphia, Pa., -March 10,188 S. HOBBES suitable for'the Artillery and Cavalry Ser> vice will be purchased by the undersigned in open mar ket; each animal to be enbjectodto the usual Govern men! inspection before being accepted. * • Dorses for the Artillery Service must be darklneoler, sound in all particulars, strong, ; quick, and active, well broken and square trotters in harness, in good flesh and condition, from six to ten years old, nojfc lest than l&H -hands high reach Horse to weigh not leu than 1050 pounds. One Hundred and Eighty Dollars (9180) will be paid for each. Cavalry Horses must be found In all particulars—well »roken. in full flesh and good condition, from Ifi tolfl sands nigh, from five to nine years old, and well adapted & wry way to Ojyalry purpojea. for which One Hundred and Seventy-live Dollars (,176) each will will he delivered to the Halted States Inepe*- tor, at the OBBAT WBBTBRH HOTEL,, MARKET Street, Philadelphia, Pa, between Thirteenth aad Broad streets. ■ „ By order of Co). William McKlm, Chief Quarumaster mUdggMa Dg* mhld-aet Captain and A. Q M. G. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIL "* LEB.—A new French Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonderful compound of the ate. . There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor tale in Its composition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence the ex traordinary qualities for preserving the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young.the homely hand some, the handsome more beautiful, and the most beautiful divine. Prices SO and 60 cents. Prepared only by HUNT & CO>, Perfumers, 43. South EIGHTH Street, twodoors above Chestnut, ana 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. jafi-Sm H. JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia,) " ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRAHELIH, VEHAHGO CODHTT, PEHHA. Special attention given to the examination of Titles. Philadelphia Rephbehosb i—Oha*. E. Lex, Esm, Hon J. Robs Snowden, James H_ Little. B«q..T. T. Tasker,-Sr.."'Hood, Bonbright, * Go., J. Z. DeHaven, President 7th national Bank. mhlo-3m» SAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY O AT LAW ARB OONVBYAHOIR. FRAHKLIH, OODHTtTMHHA. (late of Philadelphia.) REFERS TO Charlesß. Lex, Esq., i B, *W. G. Biddle* Co., E. c: Knight*Co., . Dr. R. S. Haekuule, James fl. Little, Esq., f W. H. Heaton * Go. mh7-Bm . TO SHU A T. OWEN. ATTORNEY, V COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AHD SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS. Office. 351 F Street, near Fourteenth street, Washington, D. C. . deffiMSm CH. GARDEN * CO., NOS. 600 AND * 603_ MARKET Street, Masufadorers of *c.. *e. The largest and most complete stock, and the brat term*. Conatry Merchant, and the Trade sup. hl iaJ rahl-finr BSSf“ T sl,i,ißD « B4 ' rß '•ish'issMr 1 600 ** do VeaL . 600 do Mutton. Itooo “ do Turkey. 1,000 M do Chicken, 1 107 South WATER Street. 'TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT ■* and unsafe remedies for unpleasant and dang* rons dUeaaee Uae HELHBOLD’S EXTRACT BDO&S and IMPROVED ROSE WASH. REWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND MALKBB endeayorinr to dls. FISH AND CANNED MEATS. -- _ 600 bbla Meas and Ho 1 MackeraL For|2SSr' jat-gss HB Worth PROMT PURE CORN VINEGAR, FREE a *?W» A»4 warranted to proserye fmita and ptcklei sqnal to cider ylnogar, manufactured and (old mhM-lm , 35 SonfePßOTp s^t. E N JSS®j“ D delicatecon. r aelmg» and enable you to sleep well. “kiw* F OR NON RETENTION -OR INCON. -A- TIHEHCB of urine, BolMllSgtylxScTßPcat lllB * “* ffELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU the naiiTfl frame and bloom to •i?.iS5r 4 Hebility la accompanied by many treatment is submitted to. consumption, insanity or apilentlc fitsensne. QPWARDS OF THIRTY THOUSAND P“ ! , PRBPaYaTIOHS. many or wUch are from AUCTION SAXES. FTOSkSSS®"*SSa M »“■ ” -apmiiafiaßßß^*!^. April4ft, 1866. at 10 o’clock, on - 600 packages and lota of fancy and staple impo goOdB ‘ DOMESTIC, aOODS.FOB CABH- ~ , ‘ Brown and bleached mueliss, cambrics. »»»" prints, eaeilmeKa, jeaua. *o. .ruiflß 500 PIECES 6- * BLACK AMD COLORED ALPACAS AHD MOHAIKS, BEST MAKE IMPORTED. OS TUESDAY MOhBINO. cases 6>4 fine to extra fine yloasy black alpacas* eaces 6 4 splendid quality, for city trade. eases 6*4*Piendid, v*ry fine pure mohairs. —cases 6-4 pure colored alpaca litres. __ J*4 One blue and purple lustres. 6 4 flnesttk cord mourhlnc mixtures. A 4 corded alpacas. «• 4 oriental lustres. SS^^BasaisaraJtfss ’’aStowtSh extra aud splendid black poult de.oie “»extradouble ehaiu black*” al ‘ r “" e, ‘ 2f to 34 Inches double tree da ecOMO. SO solid colors heavy poult do MW. . 26 solid colors Lyons taffeta. 22newstylecoloredil&cepoint. _ _ . 20 very heavy and five quality colored anuures. WHITS GOODS. __ • .«». 2- Jaconeta, cambrici, Victoria lawns, mull muslins. 300 OABTONB-BONNBT RIBBONS. , . Kcs. II to 60 splendid quality black, white, aad choice colored corded edte poult do sole ribbons. 2 and 23£ inches super colored belt ribbons. Mos. 1 to 16 colored taffeta ribbons. BHt&TS, Ac. a An Invoice of c:tton, flannel, and hickory shirts, de nims, overalls, &c. fcTuCK OP DRY GOODS. A stock of dry goods of a city retail store, comprising silks, organdies, lawns, mozamblques, merinoes, pop lins, reps, broehe, stella, and blanket shawls, Ac. LARGE SPECIAL BALE OF~FRBNCH GOODS, BY ORDER OF MESSRS- BESKABD* HUTTON, OH FBI DAY, April 7lk» 1865. at 10 o’clock, on four months* credit. By FOBBEBB. BBINLEY, A 00. Comprising the following celebrated and desirable fabrics; . „ 460 pieces Lupin’s superfine qualities plalnmoußieune de laines, black mode, high colored, white magenta, and Bxuhne blue; - 60 pieces Lupin's 6-4 ex. superfine qualities black do. 26pieces Lupin's EM do. do. ICO pieces Lupin's black bombazines, fine to extra su perfine qualities..' .... 00 pieces Lupin’s 6 4 black tamise, all qualities. CO pieces Lupin's 6-4, splendid quality, assorted colors polonaise. - , 60 pieces Lupin's black and colored challies, fins to superfine qualities- . » . • _ 60pieces* Canton cloth, line to extra fins qualities. „ _ A ... 26 pieces 6 4 black crepes, fine to extra fine qualities. 60 pieces 6-4 poplin melange, for travelling dresses -76 pieces 6 a pl&id danniers, a new md beautiful article ICO pieces rich Paris-printed monuolino de laines. 100 pieces 6-4 plaid moHunbianea. 100 pieces 6-4 black mohairs, fine to ettpsrflne anility. MO pieces shepherd plaid mosamblanes 200 pieces plaid imperial lenos, moiambiauee, bareta,,, hernani, Ac. BILKS. 76 pieces plain colored Lyons taffetas, of new choice shades. '. , . 60 pieces double face Lyons armurea, assorted colors 60 pieces double face and Stored black Lyons taffetas. 60pieces Bonnet’s and Poison's biask taffetas, tell widths. • 60 pieces black gres d’seoese, drap de France, poultdo sole, and Yenitiennes, all fresh coeds; best qualities ÜBSCr ** d - -SHAWLS. ; 7,000 Lupin's fine to extra superfine qualities black, mean, brown, and high colored silk fringe thifcet 1 shawls. 1,000 Lupin’s do. do. wool fringes. . LOCO Lupin’s very fine mousseline shawls, wool fringes. • SCO new style tamartine and lama shawls ©o extra superfine black and white barege shawls. * 400 extra superfine black and white gaze maretz ■ £OO extra superfine hernani shawls, < T>ANCOABT & WABNOCK. AUC- X TIONEEBS. 9*o MARKET &reefc LARGS POSITIVE BALE OF 750 LOTS AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DBY GOODu, HOSIERY GOODS, LINEH AND WHITE GOODS by catalogue. OH WEDNESDAY, April 6ft, comprising a general assortment of season able and desirable geode, to which the attention of buyers is invited. La 808 FOBITIVE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE'OF EM BROIDERIES, HAHDKEEGEIEFS. AND WHITE GOODS. TO CLOSE A CONSIGNMENT, by Cata logue, OH WEDNESDAY, April 6th, comprising a very full and desirable assort ment of new geode just landed. Sale positive, to cloea an account. SPECIAL POSITIVE SALE. OF STRAW GOODS, BY CATALOGUE, OH FRIDAY MORNING, . April 7, commencing at ltl o'clock, comprising about 400 cases new and desirable goods, of beti shapes, in straw and braids, for ladies', mimes*, and children s weer. , FOB BAI/E AND TO MET. gr FOR BALK—WEST WALNUT 'JEn Street—One large and one medium-sized brown atone DWELLIHQ. Apply to & BROWy> mh3l-6t« . go. 413 a WALBror Street. M COUNTRY RESIDENCE. —TO LET, a larie and convenient COTJBTRY HOIJBB, corner of Sixth atroot and EUwood lane, Twenty-ifth ward, with Stable and five acres of Land, lncindtng Harden in complete order; variety cf superior Fruit Trees, and excellent Water.' ■ Inquire on the premises, or Ho. 279 South FOURTH Street. mMI 8t« m FOR BALE—THE MODERN FOUR X. STORY brick DWBLLISG HOUBS, with double back building, and lot of ground, Ho .2006 walnut street, 18 feet .front by 120 feet deep to Porcelain afreet. Po«o^onaivoninthfctyd.y| B^§ l & to BBi)sn!B> mh27-mw2t* % No. 15S8 & FOURTH Street. rn FOE BALE—WHITE HOUSE, AT * IABTIC cm. A BASE CHiuNOE FOB IHYBSTIOBrT. M The commodious andwU-Mtt, hooae, *' AUantic City, known as the WHITS BOUBB, beautifully altn ited on the beach* at the foot of Massachusetts avenue, with fine ocean view. Xtot 160 feet front by 150 feel deep. The house Is furnished with every complete conveni ence for carrying on the business of StTMHSB BOARD* IKG, and is capable of conveniently accommodating 150 fuests. All the beds* beading, linen, plated ware, Ac., :c.«will be included, in the sale. There is under the entlrehouse a well-built brick cellar. . On the piemises there are four fresh-water wells, and about twenty-five bath-houses, with one hundred suits of bathing clothes. . ' Season for selling-the present proprietor is engaged in another business* and cannot give this the attention it requires. The reputation of the house is first dais, and has al ways done an excellent business . . For terms* and other information* app y to LTJKBNS A MONTGOMERY, I»h3l'fin'w3t* 1035 BEACH Street. aboTB laaraL Mwalnutstebbt residence. —yOK SALK, a handsome, well-built three-story brick Dwelling, with three-story barti bnUUnwmd Jot of eroundr-on-Hie emuii atde of-WAT.TinT roee*.- between Tenth and Eleventh streets. 28 feet front by 123 feet deep to a back street; complete with all modem - jkpply to ■ A. B. CARVER & CO « s&W 6t* S. W. cor. NIMTH and FILBBRT Sk HOTEL PROPERTY FOR JR ask haml-tii* „ -E NATIONAL HOUSE, .. AT LOHG BRaNCH, JfcJ., * . Will be sold at a great bargain. Terms easy. The Hotel is between three and four hundred feet front, with gas works and extensive out-buildings, and be tween six and seven acres of land, and the very best and most central location on Long Branch, being with in one hundred yards of the sea, and not over three irondred yards from the depot of the Sarltan and Dela ware Bay Railroad, running from Philadelphia to'Hew 1 York, and within one. hundred.yards of the depot of the handy Book and Long Branch BaUroad, from Maw Tori, which will be in operation by the first of June, 1866. Address, until May Ist. ■ .... . WOOLHAH STOKES. Congress Hall, mh3l-6t* Long Branch-N. J. rn FOR SALE—THE HOUSE AHD JBL LOT, 1430 SPRUCE Btreet. sooth Bide; 20 feet front, four stories, with Office in front basement. Ap* ply on'the premises, between 10 and 2 o’clock. mh2B 6t* Mfor sale—a very superior r HOUBB in WEST PHILADELPHIA, excellent stable, fine well of water; rural, red quite neirVaU conveniences; replete in &U reaptets. Address ** Mer chant, ” Box 2400, Post Office. mb27-lm Mfor bale—the residence Ho. '383 South FIFTH Street; all modem con veniences; large lot; stable oathabsck street, Ac. mh2fi-smw9t* F. B. REEVES, 45 M. WATER St, «FOR BALE—D WELLING-HOUSE onFIFTIBNTH Street, north of Arch street. 1 Apply to B W. BESar.IT. mhiS-lm* 80. 30 North BBVEBTg street. M TO RENT—A DOUBLE COUN TBT RESIDENCE, with coaeh house and stable, Terr near Wissicozning Station, on the Trenton Bail road,-seven miles from the city. Applyat No. 717 WALNUT Street. . mh2slM* ® ATLANTIC CITI%-A HAND SOME COTTAGE (opposite U. 8. Hotel) for sale. With or without farniture. containing 13 Roms and a Rood Cistern. Apply to H. WOOTTON, ATLANTIC CITY, or to J. WOOTTON, Jr.. 4158 South THIS- or J. H. HAYES, SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK. mh2ll2l* «FOR BALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER offers for Bale'his country seat, wit» Inhalf a mlle ofWilmington, Delaware, on the Newport pike, eon taiiiDii eight acres of good, land, in the centre of which' is a large, lawn with a fine variety of shade trees, ma ples, lindens, evergreens, etc., in all over a hundred full-grown trees. The improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, Hanked on the west by two towers, one of which is four stories in height There are four -large rooms on a floor, with a hut eleven by forty* two feet. The house has the modern improve* ments. A hydraulic ram fords water from a spring into the upper story of the tower. Tnere is also an iron pump and hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door. The out buildings consist of a carriage-haute and stable sufficient for four hones and several carriages: alto, hen, ice, andj smoke houses. The stable has a hydrant in it. Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear mid grape vines in frill bearing. There are also several varieties of apple, cherry, and chestnut trees, Possession g\ven at any time, »atl 831 MARKET Etra.^Wnmiiffiot^l. FOR SALE—A SMALL FARMjd OP FIFTY-SIX AOEBB, in Camden county, annul twenty minute.’ drive from Camden, on tbs M.rlton Pike, one of the mostfavor&ble locations In the county; the land ia rich and -eery productive, with good management, Three to Five Thousand Dollar. p*r annum can be made off of It. Good-large HOUSE* aleo, plenty-of Bam. on it, and well adapted for city person, wishing a country residence. Aleo. frontage eimngh for several Cottages. For fnrthtr information apply to BICHABD SHIVERS, oppoiite tbe Premises. Or B. H BROWNING, ■ . OOS COOPEB Street, Camden. N. J. , Office at Ws.t- Jorge, Ferry. mha-lm* FOR SALE—LARGE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, in foil operation, with the working .took and tools, pattern., So.. of every descrip tion, necessary for doing a large and successful bnsT ness, situated on a railroad, about twenty mile, from B. F. GMnH.ia3g.Eotjffi.HaJ. mhlB-tf or 8. W. cor. SEYESTEBMTH and GBEESHts A FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR mMS-tf Jr a: W. cor. Ttitl N*st.^ A FOB SALE—!NEAR SELLERS- gtk 1 f 3 ACHES ; euah, or will take in part good oil stocks in exchange. M vig tf - B. FOLEIS Hi mms tf 1563 South FOURTH Street. A T F .9H„SALE—SEVERAL FlRBT irwiE£ SB 5 ,^l I® i8 » oa Cte eonth aide of Arch, west street, with all the modem improve mento. Now ready for occupancy. bl*o. mveral firstciass HOUSES in West FhHadel- C'tSl “W“dAtr«et. between i^enstandSpruce wnrixeofj D. JONEE TWBSTTFIBS, Street.abOTe Chestnut, opposite the Planing MUI. mh9 im* TITTLE KANAWHA AND ELK -V EiYBK Oil, AND MINING COMPANY.—PubIic attention is asked to the really valuable OIL and COAL LANDS .eenred by this Company in fee simple. A few shares In the original interest still unsold. Subscriptions obtained, mid plans ana description* of the laud and other information given by ©Brt. F. WOKK&OO., ]fo 48 8. TffltßD Street, and J. Ho. «08 8. FOURTH Street. „ A. BAELOW, Presllent BBNEY 0. BOH BALL, Secretary. rtthSO 13t* (AIL LEASES.—THE STERLING OIL .SSH?*** a lai ** iraot of land on CHESBY TKJE EDN, near theproperty of the Big Tank Oil Com pany, a portion m which they wiU lease to re.ooasible off l“ (ABE MILLION BRICKS FOR SALE. iJ- OfLUNSPiaSOY anc SMlSenth Street, or at BrSek Yard, TWENTY FIFTH and WBARTON Stieete. mh25.12 t * T?OB SALE—A NUMBER OPDESIRA -C BLE to mhll-Im TyRUG STORES, CITY ANB COUN ■f-f TET, for «*le and w.Titad at all prioeiL ■M-Vn.* w. m 3>WKSoa, tai'WJMffr Btas«v AtCWOJf SAMS. PCBHW* BALE OF FBMCE, GBEHWT j UP ißimttßlfeoM,™. 8 »&s, ACAED. —We Invite the enriv attention of D i, r ,i. to thederir»blcareortraantgf French. Oermaa Swna. and British dry goods, embracing ab<mt?£’ n ».' of choice article*, toT» peremptorily sold by Cftt.t tots on four months' credit, commencing THIS fifopi, l .?', st 10 o’clock precisely; “ ul «Hys; LAKGB FEBjatFTOBY SAM OF FRKHOH t»„. GEBSAA, AHBBEITI|a DBT OOOdI; £»U. April S, at 10 o'clock, will be sold’, by cgtsiw. fonr monthsYcredH, about * —“tcg,^ roni vso f ACKAaEB ahd LOTS of Trehcb, Indls, German, and Britleb dry embracing a largo and choice assortment or fan,**, rtapleartlcles in silk, worsted, woolen, linen, *4 Samples of the came will be arranged »», ** minaHon. witocalaloroM, emly on the m^isg'?ft sale, when dealers will And it to their intero*^ “»« SAtB °B F B F “S°?ETG0 8 0%E 4» ON MOHBIY. JprilS, by catalogue, ©a fo«» months* credit DRESS GOODS.—Large Hues of Fans prist* , j plain moos delainee, Ronbatx check s,piaiu sqa .Mi moeambiques, poilae chevres* percales, nets and lawn*, fancy ginghams, cnambrayg, I &Ca &C. . I DRESS {SILKS.— FuII assortment of bUek *,** rfcines. taffetasdeLyons fancy Pl*ia poalt dV™ <* esdrilles, eroe de Baplts, grbsde Zurich, floxenees. ftc. . ‘wi j EBAWLB. —Broehelon* end «qn«s, .Un, s borders, lama, grenadine, and thibstehawlr, ai.’di doth circulars, baeanes. rad mantles 1 hi BlBBOH3.—Boxes solid colors and fancy I kspies and poolt de sole bonnet and trlmniiii p l ®* b j black and chalnctte edge velTetrlbbonj, ir ns «H } EKBEOIBABIBB.—BoII assortment j jsconets, mulls.’chocked nmaline, frilling, Ba jj %; cotton Jaee ybils, era. Also, black and white crepes, gloves, head j LAEGB POSITIVE BAEB OF BOOTS, SHOES c»„ I GABS, ABMY GOODS, TBAVSLUKO an®. 1 80 - ’ on TUESDAY MOKHIHG, JJ > ta, April 4th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, hr ate! ~-, on fonr months’ erodlt, about I,SW W«t«ies k”** shoes* brof&nß. civalxy boots- *« * era ’>rac;. r - I and fresh assortment of teaaonable goods 'Eastern manufacture . _ ... ’* *•* Will be open for examination, with catalog, _ morning of sale.;, , , , , , BOTlCfi.—lncluded in onr large sale of boot, „» shoes, An, O jr4TTEBDAT HOBBING, April 4, will be'fonnd in part the folio vria? _ desirable assortment—viz: **< Men*s, boys’, and youths’ calf, double «>]* welfc. aid pnxap-sole dress-boots; meti s. b>* s ?y Jrouths* kip wad’bnf? leather boot*; wea'sfini *?« oztg-legeawalry boots; men sand bora'cal: Congress boots and baimorala; mea’s hm - .*] youths’ anpar kip. buff, and polished grain. v and pump* edltb'ogaus; ladles* fine kid* goat, m and enamel led patent sewed balmoraH a&i £■><.?' gaiters; women’s, misses’. and children’s calf aj Ar; leather bahnoraUand lace boms; ehildm'* sewed city-made lace boots: fancysewed bfciaiiri : ankle tier; ladies’ See black and colored la-»: a;, Ota gress, and side-lace gaiters; women s, rai<>s9«% j-j children’s goat and moroccocopper-naiteiu C a ladles’ fine lid slippers; carpet and enamalLci la,'** ixayeUing bag b, sc. LAKGB POSITIVE SALE OF BBITIBH. TKK3OS GEBMAN, ABD DOMESTIC BET GOODS. "■ We wi!J hold aiarae tale of foreign and dom«sti< goods fcy catalogue, on a credit of four mouth*, for cash, w April 6, at lOo’elock- embracing about $OO pstkuj and lota of staple and fancy article® in woolens, t?*, . teds. linen*, silks, and cottons* to which we in-rfr & r attention of deaden ' 11. B.—SaißPies of the same will be arranged foi* aminatfon with catalogues, early on the montu> 3 when dealers will find it to their intarest eg POSITIVE SALS W CARPETINGS. BKWOQSS. HATTINGS, &c. oh"kidat MOKwntg, April fth, at 11 o’clock, -will be gold, hr catalog, on )onr months’ credit, about 300 pieces rich Hires.Si, superfine and fine ingrain, royaldamatk Yeaetiiti! list* hemp, cottage* and rag .cwpe&ifi; cocoa mat inks* *©.. embracing a choice ateortae» Xjf superior good*. which star he examined early os morning of gale* M THOMAS & SONS, • Vos. 139 and 1M 8ob& fOUBTH Street Public SalesJrf and Stocks, at Uj&. change, overyTOESDAY, at jS o’clock* SIXTH SPBIB9 SALB* dthAprCL __ : Estate of the late Dr John Btdmoa Cow* W. He ▼er,4E. Wearer, J. Kirkpatrick, and others. Had bnl *“ SKVEITTH BFRING SALK, 11th April. Estate of the late Robert Ralston. »q., and ottsn EIGHTH SPRING Bal>E. 18ih April. Ectate of the late Lewi* Wan; Era . and ott ia For lint of propeilee la the above inrea erisna pages catalogue Tuesday. HANDSOME BBSIDEBOKS. VAI.yABbE aroaii fM GEeTEEL P KBJt T- io CARD —Oar sale on SWBBOAT MEXf w'.U w, • # prise some of the moet asiintMs property offsisj tin «) season* Including handsome residences, tyalimt wEe Pine and Broad wreeta. Filbert, Sixth, Fourth sirwa, SSB Epring Garden street, he : valuable Stores, Hum afiftj street, South street. Second street, and Fowtiuur*, fig Borrietown and Camden properties Ground s*m imS Stocks. Ac.; a large portion peremptory so.un. K| pamphlet catalogue*. - S| BEfL ESTATEABDBTOCKR. dthAprii CAKD'—-Otu sale oik MOHDAY BEX? w»il camprje a Terylarge amocatandTaxietjof by order of Orphans* Court, executors ana o.h*n, including handsome wMddenees,|plaia v*ia. able stores, and other bmriaess properties, ground r?au stocks, loans, &«. See handbills. PEREMPTORY SALEOF THE CABAL BOAT SSOWJ AS OB WEDNESDAY HoBNUG, April S, 1886. at 12 o’clock, at Green-street wharf tb CANAL BOAT, known as the Obtain> E Knight, 96 feet long* 16 feet wide, 9 lees held, ini <3 tonsApnnage.' Sale absolute. SALE FOB ACCOOFT OF THE UNITED STATES. OB THtJBSDAY, At 13 o’clock, at the store. 79 iron bedsteads, Sale Bo 1614 Green street. SUPERIOR FBBFITBBB, BOSBWGOD FIAXO, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ac. OB FRIDAY MOBBING, Tih April, at 10" o’clock, at 80. I6U Green sire«, bj catalogue, the superior foreifcnre, fine - toned rtH6w»d piano-forte, book-cue* faattffiiKnods. fine tapestr? car* pets, Ac- ■ Ray be examined at 8 o'clock on themorninsd'jj sale. ' T>HILIP FORD &CO., AUCTIONIEE3, A »»5 MARKET and 6Ril COMMERCE Stre.ii LARGE SPRING SALS 0F1.300 GASES 800T5.151 SHOES. We will sell, by catalogue. for cash, THIS HORSING. April 3d. commencing at 10 o'clock, 1.300 eases chi t , boys’, and youths’ bools, sheet, bslmorals, Oxford i s,: bneklc.GoaKreet.dic , together with a prime aseonmi of women's, mltaee’. and children’s boots, ihoei. hi-| morals, gaiters. Congress boots, &e.. etc. ; LARGE SPRING BALB OF 1,500 fCASES BOOHi AttD SHOES. We will k ell by catalogue for cash on THURSDAY MORNING, April 6th* commencing at tea o’clock precisely, l.« oases boys’, and youth’s boots, shoes. bwius, ; halmorals, gaiters, Oxford ties, Congress boots, pets.&e., together with a desirable assortment o' i> raeir B,mlßseg, att*-ohUdrwr , g Doofeyjsfaoce, balnwra gaiters, slippers. &e , Ste. B SCOTT, JB;, AUCTIONEER, M * 700 sad 70S CHESTNUT Street. ' Balfrgp.BB7 North RLBVENTH Street.- SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRRORS, BRUSSELS ill TAPESTRY CARPET*. Ac. | OH WEDNESDAY MOBBING, next. April 6th. at 10 oleleek, on the premises, Fa. ST North Eleventh street, the superior famiiare, mmtu Brussels and tapestry carpets, dining-room »na kiicra furniture of a gentleman declining house*ke«?t«. May be examined early on morning of sale , . Also, one TT2£ octave elegantly carved rosewooi?:^- RALE BY ORDER OP THE MVL\ *3 AGENT. , BARK GXM OF THE SEA. . I n*. On‘WEDNESDAY, April 13, at 12 o’c-oeinx: at the EXCHANGE, will be sold at publics* ■B by l order of the Navy- Agent, as she now * the JtaTT Yard* the bark GSM OF THE SEA, 112 > 6* long on deck, 13jtf feet hold, 26 feet beam, and by n in register 871 tons. Included In the sale will be a Sails, set of standing and running Rigging* two e* and Oars, one Anchor and Chain. Spar*, &«. < May be examined any time at th* Navy Yard. - JAKES A. FKBKMAH, .iMttoiiw.f mMB.SI ap5,5,7,1l Ho. 4:33 W.LNDT blrffll BOSTON AND FHILADS PHIA STEAMSHIP MOTS. «aU!Mfr'r-:| port on SATtJEDiiS, from Erst wharf alord rJI Street, Philadelphia, and Long WhaiLßostou- JaVES Mi 8ELI(EE8( Secretary, ON THURBDAI HORNING, SHippiafti. The steamship SAXON, Gapt. Matthews, will**-^ 3 FtiiadekpMa for Boston, on Saturday. April 5 a: M l M., and steamsMp NORMAN, Cant. Baker, ton for Philadelphia, on the same day at 4 P. M. m These new and substantial steamships form s reP- c M line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturn §} Insurances effected at one-half the premium « srrs §§ on the vessels. *3 Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts of Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (haying fine |j£jß apply to HBBRT WiaS»S&CO. mhS-tf ' .J 332 South DELAWA EEhtg-*. z. jHSfc. STEAM "WEEKLY TO L.. Y' B rv TEBPOOL. tonchla* at QUE*-’-'?'""' . (Cork Harbor), The wellknowiiSteamerso- ; PooK Bew York and Philadelphia iteJ.msai’A'- »- :iy (Inman Line)* carrying: the united States &■&*’ ir intended to sail as-fallows: _ . Tfi CITY OP LOBBON SATUSDAT, -JP ;t- §| CITY OP HABCHEaTEB SATURDAY, A:s£j|aj| CITY OF BOSTOM— SATUBDaY. ApM '5 And every * acceding Saturday at Boon, from % Korth Elver. 9 HATES OP PASSAGE: „ M Payable in Gold* or its equivalent in Cart 3a v ?JM First Cabin....sB9 CO Steerage ,to London.♦*.*• 85 CO ** to Loafi^-‘, j,■ to Paris* •• 95 00 •• to Pam ;- f f * to Hamburg... 90 00 '** to Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Brems** || terdam, Antwerp* Ac., at equally low rates ~ t% dL Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown : Ist a 'S 936, $lO6. Steerage from Liverpool cr Qaeea* w Thote who wish to send for their fneads c*a | tickets here at these rates. rv-"tfT l * For further information apply at-tj? * Offices. JOHB G. PALS, mh2LtapB 111 WaLSTUT Strtffc BjssES#* TOR JLLBAJST y' H iMSfiIW; HEW YOBK, Tli MU Btt- KAMI AM CANAL.—TBa Barra MGS r ? 'VA; bi>* »** jenti master, is now loading st ftrat ®?HSS msfcfisS&!S?!Ws2sS gs-***gw will 1» takeaca lewonable terms. «®^ 1 } 0 4f jjt, m* •'Mjfp. WABHrSCHTOK, Via. *&* J}¥§ssr &*W& Btearoera leare first Wharf aj>o*-' $ sags ««t? WKDHKSDAT and SATDRDaI, «u ® g , rib « l* ?sWrt'»p»*y £^ fe2t,, -sJ?A • j b i>A vnls ij^E 14:SqxUland South Wharv^.Ph Ha. Auttfi-faM Georgetown,D.C. ; FLOWERS & BOWB*. * ffi hljj« |S v*. NO TI CJ-'giJiif ■&HSHBKtOSS -The .KEP’tvca'tf**' * 1 HKW YOBK BXPRBBB SVEAMB-AT COJtr 1 Delaware and Bari tan liana!. balow SS iSJ * * Steamer. leave DAILY, flnt wharf new Street, at Jo’clock P.M. L. WHr - I #. m w/f^ mhie-9m _____ — — eesagga ESIEY’S COTTAGE ORGANS n Jfot only UITBXCELLED, but USEOTAk"?; SfTon/Md fowerTdSlied V=*‘ and School* bnt fomid tobe Only'S the Parlor and Drawing Boom. *O. Also, s complete SMortmeat of the ren** soaastnatty on~flaa&. fp raw?, MALCOLM MAO* , >s>, SC/ 1 SPECTACLE STOBB. U>°' J PHTHSt»et.l»lew^ &>pHljL J 43- OTaaw refitted to enlt all **“ •*?A ». repairing eareMlT and promptly attendee j tnak NO PAIN IN BX'fKA^,^ TOIItUTE-Hikroxs Oxide Ob* a ! beantifnl and i T 3 i c sgss^ gB KVAN& * 9 1» SOUTH POnSra STKEB? jl PHILADELPHIA. FA.-,; s :*t 1 A lugs Txriety of yiEB-PBOO? fcwuL > ■ m. PHRENOLOGICAL ?JA* 11 1 nous, with foil description* ? f J ENGLISH BROWN STOCT, SCOTCH AHG' nr BTOSE AHD OLiSS - ALBERT C. ROBES"- DEALER IN FIN 3 OBOCe3- I eat-'H Ooresro' BLSYSST 8 a ' l
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