THOMAS —On filxth-day morning. the 81st ttlt», Bn* bKc* Thomas, in the TGth year of tor *m» - Ber relatives and friends are invited to attend her furerai, on Becond*day. the Sd of Fourth month, at fee retidenee of her brother, Robert Thomas, Doruagtou, If. J. * at 3 o'clock P. tt. * *r* BANBULL —On the morning of the 81stuU>, James Hansell, in the74th yenrof hlsage- The relatives aid friends of the family are reenact* fully invited to attend bis funeral. fiojuJMalata resi dence, 80. 3640 Green street, on Tueadariaornl ftff , a t 30 o’clock. without further notice . _ ** BAludSD.—C*» the right of the 30th hit., Aaron L. Raymond, in toe7lstyearofhieage. HU relatives and Wends are invited to attend Us fa &«[£, rrom hi; lato rwrtfisnce, Ho, 1701 Filbert street, on Monday* at 10 o clock A. M., without farther no tice ** PBlL^OW^OnThur^MrafternGon,Matthew PhUson. Th» male relatives end friends of the deceased are in* Yttjd * on Monday afternoon next at 3 o cloek, from his late residence, lie North Sixte»nto street. v *** Weekly Report or Interments. Hsaith OvTJtrs, April 1,1365. Deaths m%d Interments in the CHty of Philadelphia, from March 25 to the la£ of April, 1885. •ATOM OF DEATH. =| g OAtTSES OV DEATH. 4 3 : 51 1 I I ►***♦«••« 2 2 Fever, Typhus. *«.«* 19 "Hi fa _ J Typhoid.***. 13 IS **n’ , SY M " I J « Spotted ..«** 2 »d Scalds. . s l Gangrene. *„•♦.,*♦** a Meophagus. 1 Hemorrhage 1 Uterus...... 1 «• EntiM I **>***««-***. 3 1 Hooping CottjSuH"! 2 2 21 ” , 1 fcjantom.., j ** p er ttoneum . 1 spinal Me- «• S. & Bowels. 2 2 g 4| Tntnssuioaption..... 1 •*•*-•*;•*♦*-. 2 11 1naniti0n............ 1 7 ptton,Lungs 38 3 (icterus 1 t0n5......... lo Intemperance. ...... 1 i............. 1 Staala-a-Pottt. ...... 2 a..... 7 Malformation....... 1 *•••««•♦ 2 Mara5mu5........... 13 ............. 5 Measles-............ 2 f the Brain. 8 Old Age..*...... .... 11 ftbeChest.. 2 | Palsy... 4 »f Brain.... .1 l .Pyemia l lilSl" ? |Boftralttii’ o f Brain.. 1 Berne 1 | Small-P0x.,..s 2 *••*••••«•*« 8 81 buffoßatioaV—. 1 on Brain... 3 Tabes Mesenteric*.. 1 1 liunga.. 1 Tumors 1 a 5........... 3 l Unknown 3 2 2 Uraemia.•*•*«...«,,. 1 Beetle ...... 1 Korean ***** 1 "• 1 Wonndg-Gunittof.. 3 1 EemUtent... 2 cartel,. 7 Total 191 isi OF HXM ABOVE Y&BBS WEBB— TOM From4oto 6C - * 2........ *| 60to ,*.26 .0 6*....... ......88 41 80to 70......... .. M £B:::r.::.v:”.vS 100110 Li “B - * _ 'wABM.' I* wlbm’" m *2l Tenth 10; Nineteenth ....,27 24 Eleventh ....... fifTwentiefe , 8 »».«*... 7 Twelfth ........ 8 ' Twenty -first... 8 ***2| Thirteenth SjTwenty-seoond.lO 37 Fourteenth. ***.lo Twenty-third .. 6 7 fifteenth .......39 Twenty-fourth 43 29 Sixteenth .... ..11 Twenty-fifth ... 4 9 Seventeenth.... 9 Twenty sixth.. 14 ***. 6 Eighteenth.*... 9 Unknown..••••*lB ........ .37,1 e&ths from the country..... * 19 is in the city.... jr.-United States, 2831 Foreign,6i; UakaownT house, id; People of Color, 22; from the conn uaber of deaths, compared with the corree. week of 1864, and of las; week, was as foJ. nding April 2,1864, was 368 nding March 26, 1866, was 341. - 2t4; females, 169; boyg.99; girls, 33. and interments of soldiers. 24. tr of the Board of Health. GEORGE E, CHAMBERS. Begietrar. [N’B PLAIN BLACK QOODS.- l'sTwnlMi- Bombailaes. AH-wooi Ji«pa. Empress Cio:h«. Mertnnes and Gasbmnrs*. Mouse,line Da Leines. f-4-wWe Ba»(e BarnanL 8-4- wid, Bareree and Crape Hants. Thibet Shawls;-Sa. BESSON £ SON, Honrnlnr Store, Ho. 918 CHESTNUT Street. i ETRE & LAND ELL’S OOID BASE Foa foewgn goods GO rn TIME TO BUT, aeortmpnt la enrellent mh7S-tf CBOBAJh FJtSTIVAIi. '* TEIHITT CHOIB OF HEW lOEK, - he direction ofßr. OBThES, will repeat the sttival recently given in Trinity Church, at bT« GLBMENT’ci CHURCH. JHESDAT and THBKSDaT, April 19. and 29. SION $llO Tickets for sale at Gould*. At tr iad at the Episcopal Book Store. 1221 Ghest- VELY no money will he rccaived at the and no more tickets will be solo than the sn comfortably accommodate. Fall partlon tue announcements. mh2l-m3t JOBS B. BOUGH, ESA., Will stiver two I.KOTRKK , in the AMERICAN ACADEME OF MUSIC AS FOLLOWS: r BYEBINO, AMIU*4- “TBK GEE IT METEOPOMS,” . For the first time In this .Ity. AY EVENING, APRIL », , . , “ PACT AND FICTION, ’• I here only once, upon which occasion large ere unable to obtain admission. irlll roaltlvejy he the last opportnnltles the rason of hearinMthl*,dlstinrntshe i lecturer, e ofttoket. wtllrcommence atOLAXiON’B •», No. 608 OHISTNUT Street,.on FEIDAY G, March SI. Tickets 25 cents. Reserved Beats. rranremtnts will be made to prevent unnecss r to parties purchasing tickets. pen at 7o’clocks lectors at 8 o’clock mh.33 4t & SBPPIEHEST TO THE CHAR. PKB OF THE OON fINEH fAL HOTEL COM o enable the managers to pay off SI’GAGE B.IBDS >F THE COMPANY. AND IUEJEIBb TO TH£ STOOKHOLBER3 THERd 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of tativee of the Commonweal'h of Ptmnsul- Gmeral A**erhblymet, and it is hereby en he authority of the some. Fbat for the par ablmgtbe Uontluental Hotel Com pan? to pay the mortgage debt of enid Compaay, now Ltereet at tbe rate of eight per cent par annum, of Mail lagers of eald Company are authorized, fasue. ana dapope of shares of preferred capl* )f said Company to ao amount not excdodiag and sjx hundred aha Tee, of one hundred doi- That each of the preaeut holders of the common aid Company, (toe par value of which la five loUare p. r sbare t ae ebittl.between the passage t and the fitstoa* of October ona thousand ired and sixty-five, take and pay for, at par, re? of the preferred stock hereby authorized nd fvery share of the common stock held by li have the right and privilege at the tame q surrendering to the Company their cortifi* >mniOtt stock and taking their said proportion ed btock, I<> receive a certificate of five shares femd stock for each and every share of each trek so surrendered. Tli <t if any &f the holders of the common be Company shell not, before she first day of ' Anno lfomlnl. one thousand eight huodred fiv«, avsil themealvea of the privilege of air respective quotas of said preferred stock mce with the provisions of the second section t, tnen the said privilege *h&U cease as to the erfeßO neglecting, and the Board of Managers ttpany shall have the power, to be exercised thereafter in their discretion deemed expedi te b of said preferred stock to such parties as e the asms si aad Jor the best price that can d for the same at public or private sale for the said corporation. _ That in all dividends hereafter to be declared > year in which the profits shall notexoa*d six >n both kinds of capital stock, the eaid'pre ik eo to be issued shall have a pre:ersnca over m stock to the extent of six per cent per *a 'on, that is to say, if the., net yearly profits affice to pay a dividend of six per eem, per both kinds of stock, there shall be first do th* holders of the preferred stock such a divi* exceeding six per cent., as the said profits r t usd if any residue be left of eaid profits for , then the common stoek shall thereafter re* i dividend* as such residue of the profits will l exceeding six per cent.; hut if it shall hap n aoy one or more year or years, more than t.on both kinds of said stock can be declared, ehau iee%lve in such years di i the ifttoe amount; Provided. That notice of lions of this act shall be given by'publisation two dully newspapers published lu the city >lphia wlihin thirty day# after the passage A G. OLMoTBD, f psaker of the House of Representatives. W4T. J. TURBSLL, Speaker of the Sex ate. the twentv 'first day of March, AnuoDomini, imand Eight Hundred and Sixty-five. A. G. OUBTIK. PRIVATE UiCTCTBKS III)OS ERT-BALL LECTURE ROOM —DR. S. M. by theearcert soUcitatiOßS o numerous iu- Ladles and Gentlemen, will commence next f, April 4th. a short course of his popular UuEirated Lectures at the above Hall, in IT Above Twelfth street, as follows: Next 8 P. M , to Ladies exclusively, who always crowds', Wednesday, 8F M., toMen;Thurs* M., Maiinen to Ladies, and Thursday, 8 P. n. Ho Children admitted. Bach Lecture is lu itself- ai d Illustrated with chaste models Inca. Admission, 35 cent*. Lecture* are as crowded In above Hall as tbey he northern portion of the city, a complete two months wilt be given. TO LOVE’' and all hie Publications, for sale s and at hi < Msdlcal Office, ISIS CHESTJJUT ut this out for reference, pen one hour previous. apl 2t* _______ War Dbpauthsxt, > 'bovost Marshal Gejtbbal’h Offiob, > WAsbi; orox, D. O , March It, 1355. ) ralty with the Proclamation of the President, published, ail officers and employees of this re instructed to give prompt attention to the and forwarding of such deserters as present ib in accordance with its provisions. I PRESIDENT OF *rXTB UIUTKD STATUS OF AKB* BIOA. *' A PBOCLAMATIOH •eas the tw* nty- first section of the act of Con >rovtd on the third Instant, entitled * An act the several acts heretofore passed to provide nroiling and calling out the national forces, her purposes,’requires 'that in addition te lawful penalties of the crime of desertion from iry or naval service, all persons who save de i military or naval service of the United states, L not return to said service, or report them* it Provost Marshal wbhtn sixty days after the tiou herein*fter mentioned, shall be deemed n to have voluntarily relinquished and for* lir rights of citizenship and their rights to Ltizens, and such deserters shall be forever in f holding any office of trust or profit under the tales, or of exercising any rights of citizens and all persona who shall have after desert ary or naval service, and all persons who, y enrolled, eball depart the Jurt«dtction ot ttie d Which ha le enrolled, or *o beyond the the United State, with intent to ayold any tlo military or naval eerTiee. dnly ordered, [able to the penaltlee of this section. And the le hereby anthorlzed and required forthwith, aatage of ibte act, to ieene his.proclamation »rtb the provisions of this section, in which tion the President ie requested to notify all return ict wtthin eirtty day,, as aforejald. shall be pardoned on condition or returning igixnents and companies, or to such olher or es as they may be aseigned to. uutil they re served fora period of time equal to their ;ermof enlistment;’ therefore, be it known that I. ABRAHAM 1, President of the United States, do Issuethis wnation, as required by said net. ordering iring ail deserters to return to their proper d 1 do hereby notify them that aU deserters I, within sixty days from the date of this pro 1, viz: on or before the 10th day of May. H!65, service, or report themselves to f Provost shall be pardoned on condition that they their regiments and eompaniea, or to such anizattoua as they may oe aasicaed to, and remainder of their original terms of enllw* I, in addition thereto, a period equal to the by desertion. itimon* whereof, I have hereunto set my caused the seal of the United States to be at the city of Washington this eleventh day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty five, and of the Independence of the United Rentes the eighty-ninth ABRAHAM LIJSOOLff. President: _ JAM H. 85WABD, t * * Secretary of State. * ’ ords and returns of these deserters will be n tbe same manner as is provided for ia other existing regulations, except that it will be the book of destriers arrested, opposite the ie deserter, the fact or Ms having voluntarily ed himself in conformity with the President’s Jon: and the number thus surrendering is to be separately stated on the report to this rotary of War directs that no reward be paid eat of deserters who may be arrested subse the receipt ca the (thie) order by the Dietrict ftrohel. JAsUSS B. P Kl, arehnle. p, 0 yo«t Marshal General. D, M. LANE, Capt, PrOTOBt Mar.hai, Fourth District, Fenneylyaala. PAYING SAIABIES.—TH* WAR. ANTS for the salarlee of Teachers will be le the Eecietary of the Board of Controllers In e with the resolution adopted by the r-Seeticns 17th to !«th ieclneiTe. —Sections 16th to 9th inolaeive. *—Section) Bth to Ist, InolodlnA 23th Section. SIOO WAB» B9BSU tN CASH. EBOEUITB and VETEEANS eslUtin* to the orelll of the JIFTKEHTH WARD will he paid the Ward Bounty of ONE HUMDBBD UOLLAEB IN CASH, by * o*o, T. STOKES, Treasnr or. . Offloe > «**>»*THIBTBK*I S w BRANDYWINEStreete. m t S ! . , yBE BFOIJiOWIMP COaHHfTE a - ~TT. **M|EOH.ANTB’ FUND,” appointed to t?i5 l! *i 8I1 L r ?, Ild . 0f *200.000, to enable the Aae j effectually to carry out it« beneficent on encresaed in the language of lte charter: *'To Oiflraah reUef to indigent Merchants of Philadelphia, especially »nch ae are aged and lnfiim ” JOHN WBLSH, ~ i OhMimau of General Committee. Advisory CommUteSif the Board o! Managers, MarsWHHiUe Samuelß. Stokes, Jaa. B McFarland, Wm. H. Bacon, Wm C Ludwig, Bapjamin urne. DiyGoode Jobber,. Ohas. B. purborow. Ohalrman. Retail Dry Goods, S?™en Stoddait, Ohalrman. aud Gorn Bxohange* ~ ~ Knechi, Obairman. v. . Cotton and woolen Manufacturer* and Dealers, mf 1 ?* Owpo&rtwi, Chairman. BDB^erBi 8 D B^ er8 i »afi firokers, David B. Cummins, Cbairman. Corporations, Thomas C. Band, Chairman. _ , Shipping, John Welsh, Jr., Chaiiman. Coal Snippers and Miners. William C. Ludwig, Chairmen. Groceries, Sngare, Wiuee, and Litwore, „„ Ndwaid 8. Clarke, Chairman itP* J f’ t 2 lrr l an4 Facey Wares, ■ William J. Hqr.tmann, Cnalrman. _ Clothing. .SjFtohß Soyder, Chairman Pnbllshere Books and Stationery, Henry Chairman. A. D, Jessup, Chairman, ~ . -Carpets, • Benjtntlc Orne, Chairman. _ _ Hardware, J. W. Goff, Chairman. Lumber, John 0. Davis, Chairman. Leather, _ Samuel Baugh, Chairman. Drugs, Chemicals Faints, and Glass, John Price Wetherill, Chairman. Lead, Tin, Copper, Ac., Thomas Sparks, Chairman. • „ Small Wares, Samuel T. Canby, Chairman. • . Oils, Robert H, Grttz, Chairman. „ . Iron, Robert B. Cabeen, Chairman. T«bac*o, m D. C. McCammon, Chairman. Boots, Sines, and Hati, D. Roaner King. Chairman. Miseellaneouß. Samuel B. sto* es, Chairmen JAMBS B MoFAKLABD, Treasurer, —. Ro. 51 South FOURTH Street ..v 0 Chairmen baying completed the organization of Committees, tbe . members Eoereof will at ouoe enter upon the discharge of their * a f S^ , ®t» B £v,® ral i. c ? ia^t^ntioß ®» sums varying from el' 00 to $2,600 each, have all eady been received* amount lug ia the atgregats to about $2,0.0. _ ,mhBl-fm» OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAX ARD HAVIGATION COMPANY.' „ fl . .. _ Philadelphia, March 10,1885. .. I StockhoMera of this Company are hereby notified tnat, to provide means for completing the improvements of the Company between Wilkesßarre and Mauch Chunk, and io be prepared to progress with other im portant railroad connections, the Board of Managers have determined to allow to all persons who shall ap- Pv ft ißAv®f O<, A holders on the books of the Company on *?{*•» s«gf5«gf* of tiansfeta at BF. If. of 2> a 8 *l a y* ithe privilege of subscribing for new stock at * V ar ' to the extent of one share of new stock for every five shares then standing in their names. Each share holder entitled to a fractional part of a share shall hays the privilege of subscribing Jor a full share. The subscription books will open on the 20th insi, *nd close on the 24th of May at 3P. M. The new stock Zm v ot PfrfHdpate In the May dividend. Payments will be required as follows: Ten percent, at the time of subscribing, and the balance on tbe 24th day of May aforesaid, afterwhichtimeosly will the new certificates be issued. Stockholders not Win* »e above will lose their riaht to the new stock. Those who desire to anticipate pay isent wilt be allowed discount on the whole amount of their subscription at the rateof sir per cnt. per annum. mhlß-lm SOLOMON SHEFHEBP; Treasurer. tCgf” CAUTION I—RECRUITS) BBC. N 5381 KEES, and WARD COMMITTEES, aro hereby notified tbltt ihe TWKNTY-THIED WARD ENr.ISF MENT ASSOOIaTION WILL CLAIM ALL RESIDENTS OF TBEIR WARD who may enlist and bo credited to other ward, or districts in violation of the' new enrol ment law. M. M. AHL. President. _ _ - „WILSON W'BLSH, Beo’V. F. T. BOWLAND, Jr., Treasurer. mh29 wfm3t* ISW** OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUNTY. fund oommissiom. commonwealth BUILDING, 013 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia _ . . , PhiIAP2LFHIA, March 6,188*. that the Commission fortlis yayment of the City Bounty are now prepared to resolve •“ «w recruit, tinder Ut, .re visions of exietins Ordinancos Yolunteore for One Year win receive a Warrant for _ , ■ FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. Two Y ri |wm o rec.elv|» Warrant for Yduntoer. TTisy sre also prepared to roesive applications from, and to award to, all citizens who shall be drafted for one year s service, and shall thereupon be duly accepted foi military duty* or shall furnish substitutes, certificates for warrants for the sum of FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. mh7-a&wtf *»«*"*wjiviuams,. Om<sE OF MERBIHfiC HIVISG COMPANY OF LAKH SUPERIOR, 1355 WAL NUT Sheet. Jj* _ PniLADBLPHiArM&rcb2I.IB6S. The ANNUAL MEETING- of the Stockholders of this Company for the ELECTION OF DIRECTORS, and such other business as may onus before it. will bs held at fee Qfita* of the Secretary, 133 WALNUT Street, iu the rity of .Philadelphia, on the SECOND MONDAY, fee 10th day of April, A D. 1865, at 10 o’clock A M. mhBllBt SAMUEL P. DARLINGTON, Sec’y. I®* OFFICE OF THE BOHESHfiN COMPAHT 0F MIOHIGA *’ 13 » ■ . PHiLADELPHrA, March 20, 1860 The Annual msstinrof tie Stockholders of this Com pany for the election of Directors, aid eueh other busl nees as may come tafora It. will be held at the oil™ of Ute Secretary, 138 WALNUT Street, in the city of Phila delphie,on the SECOND MONDAY.the 10th day of April, A.D.1806, atlOo’doekA. M. , SAMUEL P. DARLINGTON, ~ mhgl-tlOap Secretary. K®* “THE CONriFEKTAL HOTEL COMPANY.* *—A special meeting of the Stock* bolder* of fee “ CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPaN T, ’ ’ for tbe purpose of adop.ine the supplement to the char ter of the company, passed by the Legislature of Penu* JLY-vfcDia, and approved March 21, 1865, and earning into effect the proTisions thereof, will he held on MON DAY, April 10. 1865, at 12o’clook M , at the HOTEL. Ev order of tbe4Bo«rd of Managers, xohSO-lOt J. SERGEANT PRIDE, Secrotary. •2S*» OFFICE OF THE WESTHORE. LAND COAL COMPANY, NO. 230 South THIRD Street, corner of Willing * Alley, Philadelphia. Marchl6, 1885. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the West* nsoreland Coal Company will he held at the Office of fee Company, on WEDNESDAY, April sth, 1865. at 13 o’clock M., when an Election will he held for eleven Directors to serve during fee ensuing year. mhl7-»aps ’ . F. H. JACKSON- Secretary. OFFICE OLD TOWNSHIP LINS BOAD COMPANY, No »100 CHESTNUT at., Philadelphia. March 20, 1895. The Annual Heetinr of the Stockholders of the Old Township Line Road Company will he held on MON DAY. Atril S, 1865. at No. S 3 MERCHANTS' EX CHANGE] at half past 13 o’clock F. M , at which time and place an eUction will he held for President and Di rectors to serve fee ensulngyear. mhZ4-tap3 WM. W. COLKBT, Secretary, PHILADELPHIA. MARCH 30, 1866.—The PEOPLE’ STOCK EXCHANGE, for Daily and Evening Sessions, will he open for business in a few days at their Room. No. 505 CHESTNUT at., where all information will he given on and after TUES DAY, April 4, proximo. Full particulars until that time can be obtained at No, 31 Bank street. President, Dr. ALBERT G. EGBERT. Tice President. A. 0. FINES. Sec’y and Trees.« S. 0. Folwjll. mh3l>4t OIL COMPANIES. |gp~ PEIBOLEUM. TBE NEW YORK AND EIVEBPOOZi PETROLEUM COMPANY, OBGASIZID UJTDBE THE MIHIHG AMD MAHUFAOTURIHG LAWS OF THE STATE OF HEW YORE. CAPITAL, OWE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, •10 PER SHARE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, *5 PER SHARE, HOT LIABLE TO FURTHER ASSESSMEHT. OFFICES: Ho. 34 EMPIRE BUILDING, Ho. T 1 BROADWAY, HEW YORK. Post Ovpice address, box Ho. 6368, Hnw York. OVFICBBB. Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, President. - WM. T. PHIPPS. Vice President. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. H. J. BUKTIS. Mining Superintendent, Titusville* Fa. ATLANTIC BANK, No, 142 Bj oadway, N. Y,, Treasury. The wells of fee Company are now producing' oil. Payment for stoek may he made In drafts, registered notes, or Government bonds snd securities,which bonds and securities will he taken at their market value. Remittances may he addressed to the Company* P, O. Box No. 5368, New York City, or to * 'Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the New York aod Liverpool Petroleum Company, No. 142 Broadway, Now York City,” or to any of its agents,. mhi-Sm. fcSgr* STANDING STOWS OXI* AND MINING COMPANY-CHEAFEST STOCK IN THE MARKET. CAPITAL 300,000 SHARES. WORKING CAPITAL, $40,000. - SUBSCRIPTION PRK)k $ 60 CENTS. NO FURTHER ASSESSMENTS, wnnin a few d*ye a new well has baen struck at a distance of one hundred yards from our property, on fee Kanawha. AU *ke lands of this-Company are located within fee great Oil heit of West Virginia, end embraces 348 acres in fee simple* and two leases, one of 10 and the other of 6 acres. Maps and Prospectus at the office Suhswiption hook will «lo.e In a short time, as the stock ia being rapidly »oid. Offise* 417 WALNUT Street, Room No. 3, third ■tray. j COOPER, President. JAMBS M FERduson. Treasurer. mMO-lift CHAB. H. SIDKBOTHaM. Secretary. S3ja“ A HEEiraa T OF mb stosh . HOLDBBS OF THB LITTLE KANAWHA AID BFRIBG CREEK OJik-gPil? at the fl orthweet corner ofFOURTH and WALNUT Streete, on MONDAY. April 10th, atY o’clock F. M., to make by laws and elect Board of Directors to serve oae year. , w * JOSEPH N, RUCH, President. SAMUEL SOCLES, JR., Treasurer. The properties of this company comprise 20 acres on lease at H royalty on Burning Springs Run, Wirt county. West Virginia, and 503 acres on Spring Creek* near the above, in fee simple. ■- The company have two engines on the ground working. ~ . A limited portion of the working capital Is still not subscribed for, which can be hadiat subscription price. 9i per share, at the office, No. CHURCH Alley. ml 21-taplQ a* bowce.-the annual meet. I3F ing of the Stockholders of the GOMMKBOIAL OIL COMPANY vril) beheld ®n TUESDAY, April 11th, at 40’eloek F. the Office or the Deeatnr.Oll Com „my, 144 South * ODBI VsoßGß«M£is, apt- St* ■ ; Secretary. ISf” WIYIDENI) NOTICK—OFFICE OF I=» the WABBINOTON AND WALNUT BAND OIL 00., Ho 314 MARKET Street, oi * m “"-" PHIIADBt p mAIM , I<! ] llBilBBsj The Directors of this Company have thie day declared a Dividend of TWO PER GENT., clear of tax, payable on and after April 3d next. .... , ... Transfer hooka dote on the 27th. tost, and open AprU 4th. THOMAS B. SUPLES, mhOOlSt Treasurer. • OiWcß OBBASIC OIL COMPA- HY, 10 MERCHANTS- BXCHAHGB. „ . Fhii.adri.phia. March 22. 1865. : The annual meeting of Stockholder, will he .held os theflthday o( April, atl2o’clockM . miffis-tapfi . W. C, STILES. Jr,, Secretary. , OH COHCPAWOBS. CAMERON PETROLEIM €O. OF FEKNSYIsYAJKIA. CAPITAL 81.000,000, SHARES... 300,000, PAH VALUE...,. ■UBBCRIPTION PRIC*~~~. fbbbident; VANCE STEWART* or uunt oouvn, fa. TREASURER* E. Gk JAMES, OF FHOADX&FHEAf SECRETARY. J. JLu DARLINGTON* WBBT OXBSTBX* FA. DIRECTORS, VANCE STEWART, Mereer eounty. Pi, JOHN B. LEONARD, Weet Cheetor, Pa, D. C. FORNEY, Waihinnton, D. O. HENRY D. COOKE, Wuhimton, D. O. * SIMON CAMERON. Harriebntrc, Pa. JOHN H. DIEHL. Philadelphia. JOHN P. QUAFF. Philadelphia. GEORGE O. EVANS. Philadelphia. JAMES DUFFY. Marietta, LwtMtofM., ft. The present and proepeetlvo value oftheatoMiof thie Company may be inferred front the fart that it owne a fee «imple InUrest in 473 (four hundred and seventy three) acres of ths rloheet -tected oil ten Story inVenanao sonnty, believed by the moet experienced oil men In that ration to ho sapabie of prodncln, a net annual In terne to the Company of one and a half million dollars, or throe times the entire eost of the stock, which would be equivalent te twenty* five per tent, a month on its subscription price, or one hundred and fifty per ontf. per annum onits par value. The followin, ia a description of the Company’s pro perty: One-fourth fee simple Intemt in the celebrated “Hoover “ Farm, situate on the Allegheny river, about two and one-half miles below Franklin, con taining 292 (two hundred and ninety-two) acres, with 352 roda (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river, on which there are now twelve leases, each ton rods toLUare.and from which the owners of the fee simple get one half the oil, free of all expense. Besides this, then an two wells owned ter th* owners of the fee, from which they get all the oil. On this Farm there are now ten wells la operation, producing an aversgh of ton barrels per d ay, and several others are about being tubed. There are also on it 87 (slghty-ieven) more lots surveyed, and more than fifty applications are sow standing to lease the latter for one half the oU to the owners. Onto! the twelve wells on this Farm eleven are now paying handsomely; a fact which sufilciently demon strates the treat richness and reliability of the terri tory. (s the entire fee simple Interest In 181 (one hundred and eighty-one) acres, situate on the Allegheny river, near ly opposite the ‘•Hoover.” Farm, and a little nearer Franklin, at the month of Hill Bun, having a front of 70 rods on the Allegheny river, and one mile on both sides of Mill Rdn, with ample boxing enrfitse for one hundred teelto, or Lots of ten rods satiate. This tract is known as the “Stewart Farm,” and Is clear of all lease* or incumbrance, of any kind. There is now in operation a fifty-harroi well (beside several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, which ad joins this on the south. Intact, the " Stewart ” Farm Is surrounded with good-paying wells, and within a thort time a single lease of SO rods front, on the imme diate opposite side of the river, sold for 0186, C5OB (one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars.). On this lease a good well has been struck within a few days. In addition to the territory of the “ Stewart > ’ Farm, which is believed to be equally as good as the "Hoov er, ” there are on it a three-story Grist Mill, with fins water-power, a good farm-house, and. other bnUilnes. hat will be of use to the company. The durability ot title immediate oil section is Illus trated ter the fact that some of the wells on the "Hoov er* * Farm have been pumping for over four years, with out any material diminution In their yield, while ths oil here produced, from ite greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always commands ftom one to two dollars per barrel more than the oU at OU Creek. The oflicers of the Company tool Justified in present ing the following estimate of what, with vigorous management, the above lands ean he made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders In a comparatively short time: THE " STEWART FARM.” There Is room on this for one hundred lots of ten rods square, all of which can he leased Immediately for one half the oil,/ree of all expense to the Company. Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred welle, although there is room for three hundred) at ths very moderate average of ten barrels each, would make a Daily product 0f.—.... 1,000 bbls. Out of this the Company’s share would he. SOO bbls. Value of daily yield to the Company, at ten dollars per bbl Gt Is now selling at ' *18.60.)—. *B,OOO 00 Allowing three hundred working days to the year, this would make the Compa ny’s annual net receipts, from the Stow- ' art Farm a10ne............ 2,000,000 00 Allowing the same estimates for the "Hoov er ’’ Farm, la which the Company owns one-fourth in fee of the land interest, the annual net receipts from the latter would bs.-..—. , .......................... ..... 378,000 00 Making the annual receipts from both Farms VOS t.«„. ..I.S ».»»s « 1,875,000 00 Deducting from this amount the sum of *378,000 for contingencies, would leave the Net Animal Income of the Company-——. *1,500,000 00 ALL THESE LOTS CAN BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED, if It Is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the Oil, -with covenants binding lea, cos to sink trails, with all vouihle diligence, to the depth of 500 or more feet. A FEW PLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Yon are not Asked to subeoriba to this Stock wl!h ths expectation of immediately receiving large dividends, but the basis on which ths Company rests, it is be lieved, will make your lnveetmont not omtyeaf*. hat. prospectively, ot enormous valusi Notwithstanding,at the present prices ot oil,the Com pany's annual receipts'(without any torther develop ment) would he forty thousand dollars, or eight per cent, on the cost of the Stock. The President, Mr. Stewart, Is one of the most prarti tal and experienced oil operators in the Stats, and his residence near the Company’s property and general oversight of its management Is the host guarantee that no efforts will be spared to make the iavMtment pro fitable. Applications for -a large proportion of the stoek have already been made, bnt none will be received until the hooks of the Company are regularly opened for that purpose. Only a limited amount ot the stock will be told at subscription price. The stoek will he Issued full paid, without further assessments. BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION will be open for aftw days, on and after January 18,1805, at the office of ES. «. JAMES* Treasurer* No. 101 WALNUT Street, PhliadA, Also, temporarily, by - A. DOUGLAS, fe3-tf At S. B. cor. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Ste. yar- notice. V-"- PHtnADRIPHIA, April 1,1855, The Office of the . COMMONWEALTH OIL COMPANY, On and after this date, will bs located to the Third Story Front Boom to the COMMERCIAL BUILDING, No. 515 CHESTNUT Sr. mh3l-12t DAVID B. HILT, Sserstary. NOTICE,—OFFICE OF TBE I’HI LADBLFHIA AND SUGAR CREEK OIL COM PANY, 305 CHESTNUT Street, Fnii.AOHLPrflA, April 1, 1335. The Certificates of the Philadelphia and Sugar Creek OH Company will be ready to he issued to subscribers, upon surrender of the original receipts, on and after TUESDAY, April A Qt«] E. Q. TEASEL, Sec’y. KS” OFFICE HYDE FABH OIL COJY PAH Y,' PHILABEWHU, March 31, 1865. The Board of Directors have thie day declared a Dividend of FIFTEEN GENTS PER SHaBB? payable on andafter April Bth: The Transfer Bookawlll he closed THIS DAY-st 3P. M., sud opened April 10th. apl-flt WM. M. CARTER, Sec’y and Treat. OFFICE OF THE STERLING OIL ES? COMPANY, SJS4 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. „ Phjiadblphu, ApiUL 1835. The Directors of the STERLISG OIL COMPANY have this day declared a dividend of ONB PER CENT, on the par value of the capital stock (S 5 per share), payable on the 16th lnat. The Tranafer Books will close on the sth ins *i„ JAMES M. SELLERS, xbli3x- 3t Treasurer, frjir* DIVIDEND DOUCE.--OFFICE of >«1„TBR »LAQARA OIU COMPANY. No. 411 CHB6TNDT Street, Pan*adblphia, March 33,1865. The Board of Directors Jaave this day declared a divi dend of ONBjper cent, on the capital stock, payable ou and after VHDBSDAY, April 6th, free of State tax The transfer books will elose on FRIDAY, MarohSOth, at 3 o’clock F. M. * and open on April 7th. WM. M, CARTER, mh3l-gi* Secretary and Treasurer. Kgpv OFFICE OF TBE PERRY OIL Stoeetfc ’ Sonthea6UorQerof WALNUT and _ , PHitADELPHri, March 20. 1865. toe Stockholder, of the P SRKY OIL COMPANY trill be held at the office of the Com pany, on MONDAY, the 10th of Aprilnext, at 11 o’oloVk A. 11 , whenanrteetlon will be held for nine Directors, a Secretary, and Treasurer, to serve for the enenitu? year. mh2o-mwfataplo JAMES F |KKY,^ ISf OFFICE OF THE EGBERT OIL K*' CO., No. 14T South FOURTH Street, FHinADRnPHia, March 29, 1885. The Board of Director; have this day declared a Divi dend of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of tide Company, payahie on and after SATURDAY, April 8, free of State tax. kooks of the Compiny will be closed Friday, 3 !’ a * S opened on Saturday* April 8. mb3o-6* WM. £L CARTER* Sec’y and Treas. Kvgr** OFFICE OF PENS MXNISTS COM* *TWfi£i** Y OF LA % B No. 319 WAtr 3 Sc htreet >, PaiLanßtPHiA, March Z 4, 1865. meeting of the Stockholder* of this Com* of ?ti' ac *o r 8 and *uch other bust itMoteT"' the 4d &° f u mh2s-iap4 DAVIDS. HEYL, Secretary. |CS?" ALLEGHENY RIVER DOLL OIL ?? M f ASI '7T, T b e . fl” 1 ANNOAL MSSTING of U’lJ?-'?. 11 ® 1 ? 618 tohojlsoo at No. 135 South FIFTH Street, on MOSDaY AFTERNOON, ths third day of April. 1865, at two o’clock precicely, when an Election of a Board of seven Managers will be held a& A SPECIAL MEETING will alio be held at the same hour and place, on the snbjvet or an issue of Bonds.and of increasing the Capital Btock.&o. * mh29 fit EDWARD BRADY, Clerk. I®* DITIDESD NOTICE. -HcCLIN- PETROLEUM COMPANY, Office 411 WALD UT Street PmtA., March 28. The Board of Directars have this day declared a divi dend of FIVE PER CENT., subject to State tax, paya ole at the office of the Company, on and after THURS DAY, April 6th. The Transfer Books will close on FRIDAY, March 31* at 3 o’clock P. M„ and open THURSDAY. April 6th. _ VOft „ C. L. DOUGLASS. mh29 8t ■ Secretary, OFFICE OF THE JSTEA SEIWIMG March 27. 1865. B feat 1 an instalment of ®“ rri ‘* acJl and every Share of min x ng COMPANY day been called in, payable on or before the fe® **ffice of the Company* Do. 334 WaLFUT Street, Philadelphia X.S? °T2 er of the Directora. B. A HOOPBS, aahSelaplo Treasurer, THE AEKUAIi NEETIEG Of THE STOCKHOLDERS of fee ROCK OIL COMPANY will be held in accordance with the by-laws, at the jffice t f the company*' No 409 WALNUT Street, on itONDAF. the third of April next, at 11 o’clock A. M. 7 when anelectton will beheld for Five Director* to serve ;'er the ensuing year. JOHN F. GRAFF, mblS-t*p3 S»c v and Treasurer. WANAMAKEB fc BBOWN, I THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA,' MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1865: S PRIZE MONEK, GOVERNMENT AND I.OOAL BOUNTIES TO ALL WHO BNTEB TBE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. Orders have been received from the head.of the Marine Corps at Washington not to restrict recruits to a particular date (an has bees the esse heretofore), but to receive ALL who have served in the volunteer set* vice, or in th» re gulars, or in the marines, and nave been honorably discharged. Such persons enlisting in ihe U. S. Marines will receive the Government and local bounty, and will also be entitled to their share of prise money in any capture of the enemy's vessels. For further information apply at the recruiting ren dezvous. Ho 311 South FROST Street, between 9 A. M. aud s o'clock P. M., eve.y «■* apl-tf Captain and Recruiting .Officer. tU. 8. MILITARY SCHOOL FOR OFFICERS. No, 518 CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia, OPPOSITE INDiPESDENCB HALL. • J'UH. TAG HART, Preceptor. Late Colonel 12th Regiment P.nneylvamla Reserves. A Jane number of Secmd Lieutenants lor Colored Troops wanted Immediately. , > Terms—One month, $2O; two months. *3O. Soldiers admitted lor two weekH at $lO Payable In advance, Books supplied. Pamphlets aent by mail on applica tion mh3o-12t .—-*5.00. & onwnnnY AT REDUCED PRIDES. 3COEJWIB IaAIJAMItrS, DIAMOND DEADER AND JEWELER, ■NO. 80» CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invites the attention of the public to Ms large and well selected stock of DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, AMD WATCHES, Which are offered at REDUCED RATES, tally equal to the decline of gold. Diamonds, Pearls, Cold, and 811- ver bought. _ apl-2t STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION PEOPLE'S FIRE INSURANCE CO, ENDING DECEMBER 31, 4880. AMOUNT OP CAPITAL STOCK ,$300,900 Amount of Capital actually paid in In cash.. 300,000 Amount of Beal Estato owned by the Co. ..,..$11,989 09 ’• Loans on Beal Estate 73.334 00 " Bank Stocks (market va1ue)•..—.J25.833 09 " United States Stocks do, ......7117,36, ot) “ Loans on Collateral 31,775 00 “ Cash on hand and in hank. 18,686 67 ’* Cash In hands of Agents 6,885 62 ** Other Resets not above specified. Includingaoernedinterest....... 4.253 13 Amount of Losses nnadjuitod—.—s3,ooB 00 “ Outstanding claims, anddne...... none. “ “ ** andnotdne. none. JOSEPH TII/LINGHAST, Agent, 400 WALNUT BTBEBT, apB-mwfBt Philadelphia, Pa JNSUR ANOB AGAINST ACCIDENTS TRAVELLERS’ ISitBAHOg COMPART, Capital ....ffSOO.OOO. WM. W# ALIM, Agent, 401 Walnut Street, Fop Five Hundred Dollars, with $3 per week compen sation* can be bad for $3 per annum* or any other stun between $5OO and SIC,OOO at proportionate rates. TEH DOLLARS PREMIUM Secures a Policy for $2, OCO, or $lO per week compenta* non for all and every description of accident-travelling or otherwise—under a General Accident Policy* at the Ordinary Mate. . e , THIRTY DOLLARS PREMIUM . Secures a full Policy for $5,000, or *35 per peneation, as above* at the Special Mode, Policies Issued for Foreign* West India* and Galifor° rna Travel, Bates can be learned by application to the Office. SHORT TIME TICKETS. Arrangements are in course of completion by which' e .A a l^ ler LeaLteto purchase, at auy Railway Ticket Office, Insurance Tickets fur one or thirty; dzji' travel. Ten cents will ticket tor one d#y 'e travel, Insuring $3,C00, or ,#ls weekly compensation. Ticket Policies may be bad forS, 6, and 12 months, in. the lwtfee manner. . Hazardous Risk* taken at Hazardous Bates. Policies Issued for 6 years for 4 years premium. IKXkTJOJBMEIirtE^. The rates of premium are lest lhan those of any other Company covering tbe same risk. ■No medical examination is required, and thousands of those who have been rejected by Life Companies, in consequence of hereditary or other diseases,. ean<eii6Ct Insurance in the TRAVELLERS* at the lowest rates; Life Insurance Companies pay no part of the principal stun until the death or the assured. The TRAVELLERS* pay the loss or damage sustained by personal injury whenever it occurs. Tie feel is | of seeuxity which such, an Insurance givei to tboife dependent upon their own labor for support is worth snore than money. No hatter or more satiatec tory uae can he made of so small a earn. J. a. BATTSSSOJT. Preßldeirt. KODHET DENNIS, Secretary. G. F. DAVIS, Vise President . , BBNBY A. DYES, General Agent, Applications received and by , WILLIAM W ALLEN, mhl3-mwfr3m No. 404 WALNU C Street, T^EaSTOTMPSKT^NTToPFi(m A OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY^ „■ _ • Washington, January 25, 186$, . Whereat, By *&tt*fa«tory evidenoe presented to the unaerslrned, it ban been made to appear that THB NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of PhU&dal* phia. and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly orga nized under and according to the requirements of the Act Of Congress entitled * An act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledgeof Bulled States bonds, and to provide for the and redemption thereof," approved June 3,1804, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking under said Act— Now, therefore, I, HUGH MoOULLOOH, Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that Tffli NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK 07 FHILXDSLPHIA" in the city of PhlladelpMa. in the county of Philadel phia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorised to com mence the business of banking under the act aforesaid. Sgsa-Zl fel- SB .Comptroller o) the Currency. *£HE FEAKKLIN SAYIKQ FUND, NO. 136 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT, x Paysfivepercent. Interest on Deposits. Agents for the scUe of United States 7 8-10 Loans at Par. Govern ment, State and City Loans and Stocks bought and sold for deporitors and others cn Qommlialon, mhlfl- 3rq- • WILLIAM H. WAYNE, * i Date Discount Clerk Bank of North America, STOCK and BILL BROKER, No. 16 BANK Street. „ Loans, Stocks, Ac,, purchased and sold'at the Phila delphia Stock Board, money procured on hoJlaterali. Promissory notes negotiated. &«.. Ac. • mhlO-ImV — THE UNDER signed, on the 16th day of March, formed & copart nership. under the stjle and title of OaPJSWBLu & W HBRRI, for the manufacture and sale of Giasswaze generally. JOHN B OAPEWBLL, • , ALEXANDER S. WHERRY. Philadelphia, April l, 1865. N. B. —GLASSWARE of every description to order, at the shortest notice, os tbe most reasonable terms. Particular attention paid to private moulds. . BOOMS, ap3-2i» : No 8»3 POOR Street. fIISEOLUTION OF COPARTNER- A/ fcHlP.—The Copartnership hitherto existing under the seme of BAILEY & CO., composed of £ W. BAILEY, JEREMIAH ROBBINS, JOSEPH T. BAILEYI JAMES GALLAQHIB, JAMES R. BALDING is this day disiolved by limitation. E. W. BAILEY is duly authorized to settle the affairs of the above firm. Philadelphia, April 1, 3865. THE IJNDER v SIGNED have^this day associated themselves to gether under the-firm of BAILBY' for the transaction of the Jewelry and Silverware 'business atBl9 CHESTNUT Street. B. W, BAILEY, • J. BOBBINS; J. T. BAILEY, jar. r. balding. Philadeli hia, April 1,1865. E.C. PROSSER isthi4 day admitted to an interest In the business of BAILET fit GO. Philadelphia, April i, 1865. apl. fit DISSOLUTION. Tie firm of THOS. RICHARDSON ft CO., in Phlla- d!,solyei by the death of THOMAS No person is authorized to ns. the home of at transact any bneineßß of the inn except mveelf SAMUEL NIMMOaS, Surviving Partner. Fhilaiibltbia, March 80th 1566. api-St* p A. WAIN WEIGHT’S INTEREST ta out firm cesses from this date, by mutual consent. „ „ CHASLES CAMBLOS ft CO. PBiLADF.T.riiu, March si. 186 S. apl-St* pOUSULATE OP SPAIN IN PHIL A- V/ DELPHiA.—Saving authorized tiaptain Lucianode Lauda to borrow Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000) in United States Currency, on Bottomry Bond, on tbe rpanish barque Marlay Julia, of 272 tons? cleared from Manzmailla, Cuba, to Havre, France; put into this port in distress, and of which ve*sel said Luciano d« Lands is captain, I hereby notify all persons desirous of making bids for said loan, that I will receive In this Consulate tbeir Soiled Proposals therefor. Baid Pro posals to specify the rate of interest demanded. The reimbursement of said loan and interest to he effected within twenty days after the arrival of said vessel in the port of Havre, France. The Proposals will be received in this Consulate from this date until THURSDAY next. April 6, at 2 o'clock, P. M . and the same will be publicly opened by me on FRIDAY next April 7, at 12 o’clock noon, when the loan will be adjudged to the bidder offer’ng the most favo*able terms: Provided always; tnat said terms he satisfactory to the Captain, and in accordance with the customary usages in this market. j Should there be two or more Proposals of equal tenor, I wgl open a verbal bidding during the half hour im mediately succeeding the opening of tbe Proposals. The Consul of Spain. W«r* mr v e , , CaRLOS DB RAMEAU. Philadelphia, March SI, 1565.1 aps 3fe g, H. BLEEPER & CO., StANUFAOTUKEKS, AGENTS, AND WHOLE. FLINT AND GREEN GLASSWARE, Buy. bow in .tore A foil aeeortment of the ehoveiood., w. offer at the lowest market ratee. Beln, sole azeat. for tbo SALEM GREEN GLASS WORKS, wo are prepared to make and work private mould* to order. POSTER. M Iff BEAL, and Wlffß BOTTLES, of a ■uperior color and fintah. Also, LAMP CHIMNEYS, APOTHECARIES’-' SHOP FURNITURE, SHOW BOTTLES, SYRINGES, HOMCH. OPATHIO VIALS.and Drutgiats’ Gla**ware generally T. A EVANS ft CO.'S PITTSBURG GLASS VIALS «OB«taptlT op band at fatter, price., fclg-8m . ■i GEEAT CENTRAL CLOTHING HOUSE, MILITARY. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. nrSVBAJVGE. OF THE WORCESTER, MASS,, ASSETS: LIABILITIES: EVERY DESCRIPTION, BY IHs HABTPC RD. CORN. PHILADELPHIA. OENEBAL ACCIBBBT POLICIES FOREIGN BISKS. COPARTNERSHIPS. 615 9QNOB STREET, SALE DEAT.F.KS IN v retaiil' dry COOP'S. 1,000 PIECES C ALIGORBi BEST MAKES, • AT 30 CXEJPrrs PER YARD. h C, BTRAWBRIDGE & CO,, NORTHWEST CORNER SIGHTH ANS MASEET; ap3rawfr3t MOURNING STORE,” 936 CHESTNUT STREET. JUST RECEIVED, NEW SPRING GOODS, WHICH WH-ARE OPPERINC AT PRICES ACCORDING o*o THE DECLINE Ilf GOLD* - ■ ■ (9 lad rwpentifilly invite Ladies, who are seleotlnf this style of Good** to cull And examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, A. MYERS Sc GO. mhas-smwlm - OT 10 B. —LOWEST MARKET : PRICE, Good Calicoes. fast colore* SOo. Exlr*,qualite Calicoes, best steles, 25c. Nice white Musjln, 2£tc. Very good Kueiinjiil^c; GhaUies. neweststyu*, 25e. v BAEGAIMB, BASGAIHB*AT £r * . J. H STOKES*. mh3o-tf . yoa ABCH Street. JfEW SKIRT FOR IS6S. TH* 6KUIBI arVNimON OP THN AGE IN HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLBt'S New Patent DUPLEX BLLIP TIC (or doubleVSPEnrG SKIRT. WESTS’ BRADLEY & OAKY (late J. L US. O. WesthjßOLE PROPRIETORS and MANUFACTURERS, 97 Q&AMBERS'and TO and 81 BEAUS Streets, Dfew York, .... $120,991 32 THIS lirVEimpjr consists of .Duplex (or two)- El liptic Steel Sygdros, ingeniously be aided thjhtlt and FIRMLY together, bdok te bdub, makingfthe touuhbst, moid %exxble. ELAano, and durable Sr sins ever used. 'They seldom bend or break, like the Single Springe, ana consequently preserve their perfkot and b rautiful Skafb twiob u LONG as any other Skirt, THE wonderful piiEXEBiLiTY and great comfort and pleasure to any Last wearing the Duplex Elliptic) Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded OBBRAS* CARRIAGES, BaTLROAP GARS, CftuRCHTKWB, Armchairs, for Proscenadb and Bouse Drebs, as- the Shirt can be folded when in nso to occu py a emqlljLACß a« easily at a Silk or Muslim Dress. A enjoyed tbe pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wsabiho ttu* Duplex Elliptic STsiL Sprieo Skirt for a sxnole day will never afier- Sard diepance with their use, ForIfJHiLDRBN, s&d Younq Ladies they are superior to til others 4 a THEY- tte the beat ouality in every pert, land unques tionably the lightest, most desirable* comfortable an* BdOHOMiCAL Skirt ever made. , . FOE SMsS4n*li FiRBT class Stores in this city, and thfoaghoß Ueited - States, Havana db Cuba* and the Wbst Inbiks THB DDFLSX ELLIPTIC SKIKT. rnhe-lm JN CORPORATION OF THE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COLKECJE. Estßblißbffiteptotanew and higher oourseoflnetruction. S TO BE CONFERRED upon grßauaweby authority of tbe Charter. xhepjopTietorofthislnatitutionhas the eatisfaction to announce to the publie that it is now a regularly / IS OOKPORATED> COLLEGE) having the Legislature: of .Pennsyl vania, withtra the powers: and .privileges of the best literary colleges in the eountry.' . It has full authority to grant diplomas under Its cor porate seal, and to confer degrees of merit. Anew circularwtii he issued in a few days, contain ing the aaattalogue of the officers and atudenfcs, ana full concerning its piesent and pro poiedfDturemasagemfnt. * In thn* pr«*eßHnf xiew clalms to public favor, it will be our hichest ambition to maintain for the' Goilege the character it has hitherto sustalaed, o’ athorough ,, PRACTICAL SCHOOL OF BDSIiIBSB, affording f&ellitlek of ihe.highest order for training yoimgmen for jhe costing-house, or any other sphere of usefulness inghe pursuits of business life. N. E. AN© GHESTNUT STS. Dt<FAIBBANK'9, a Kb. President. Chestbb K.-Yabr* Jr., Secretary ap3-2tif* hH MBSeiM. A. KING WILL GFKN A handsome assortment of Spring and Summer HU* on WEDNESDAY, AprUCth, and also, a case of French Bonnets. - &p 3. it* Fan MBS. H. WEIGHTy NO. 187 PINS "*“StrMt,Jrfll m BiSHIOHABLE MILLIfIBET on 7HUSSDAT* April Sfch* 18Gi. ... apS^4l* Jpgn MISS E. CALL WEIL, No. 824 y~,ABCH Street, will exhibit Spring and Summer MILLINBRY-aa, TUESDAY. April 4th. apblir .£» MRS#«f r DiLLON, “»?“> 333 and 831 SOUTH Street, Will open —/wTsyfry™*.. SPRING MILLINERY, - ; Ob TBPSSUAYTBOUi.March. mhBo-Blif* •fin 145 N. EIGHTH Street, WIU open on THTJBBD-AY, April 6. alaree asßortment of SPRING AND 3UMtf*s MiLLINBSY of the very Utestitylea. City We have now open our Ribbonf, Flowers. StrSw mingß. Bonnets. Hate, and Frames of tbe best shapes;— mfiSD'St* . CARPETS AMD OIL-CLOTHS. iB6§. GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. M’CALLUM & CO., MANUFAOTUREES AND iStPORTERS OF - ? ■ CAKPEiaNGe, OUi CLOTH, MATTINGS, &o. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, RETAIL DEPARTMENT, mbSO-Sm QARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, PRICES REDUCED. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, 807 OIJESTNOT Streat. 0 mh33- tnibamiet RALSTON, & CO., MAffUFACTUBIffG AffD COMMISSIOK MBBGHAKTS. CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, BUGS, fto., *O. «19 OHBSTffUT STKBBT, CABINETFURNITIIRR. '(QARbT^" SPECIAL NOTICE. Tbe Store I now oecopy ie sold for a Banktni initl tntlon. Vet belnf able to proenre a bnllllncsafieienUy larte to bold my stock, I am compelled to SELL OUT As fast a* posaible. I now offer my lmmenas assortment of FURNITURE AT VKET LOW PBIOBB. GEORGE •Jf- DEPfKELS, Wism-lm 80a AffD 811 CHBSTffUT BTHBBT. ASSES, AT REDUCED PRICES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS bay# made a GKBAT KBDUCTIOB in tbeir prices, and have now In stock a very larie and elegant aessort mtnt of LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, POBTBAIT AND PICTUBE PBAMSS LOOKING-GLASSES made to older at the same RE DUCED PRICES, to fill every character of space, for mantels piers, wallb, bar-rooms, hotels, SHIPS, &0. EARLE’S GALLERIES, mb27l2t 816 CHBSTHUT BTEBBT, k ■■■■., :i! . A E. STEEETS. miXIVEBI'. 309 CHESTNUT BTHBBT. 319 CHBSTffUT BTHBBT. pamAPBPPHiA. NEW PUBLICATIONS. 1866; OFFICIAL EDITION^ TIIK NEW STAjp* DUTIES 1865. Imposed by Act off Congjesi, M swell 3d, 1865. WHICH TOOi EFFEOT APRIL 1, 1895, OSLY OFFICIAL EDITION ISSUED. It is entirely different from the old Stamp Duties, and n«f„,S?'L», <!ol,rr l Blltod> aild i® the only correct and , E ,'? itloll wahllahad In the country to meet the Wants of the community. Price, IS Cents a Copy; $1 a dozen; $8 a hundred; |IS 75 for 260 copies, or 7% efhts each; $33.76 for 600 copies, or 6& cents each; $3O for 1,000 copies, or 6 cents each. Ket cash with order. Consumers to pay transportation. M£f~ Collectors and Commissioners of Beyeuue Taxes, Storekeepers, Stationers, Variety Stores, Booksellers! Dews Agents, and Canvassers should order a supply a ? once, as they will find them to meet with a rapid sale, as everybody will want and must have a opy of it Published and for sale, at retail or wholesale, by f. B. PETER&ON & B BOTHERS, 3C6 Cliestmrt st„ FliiladelpMa, Fa. ®tt whom all orders for any quantity at all must come addressed, and they will receive immediate attention. Copies sent per mall, bee of postage, on receipt of the retail priei Canvassers and Pedlers wanted everywhere to en gage in Its sale Send for Oironlar containing Instrao- Hone. n BEADY. THE HAEBTINO MAH. A KOVEL. BY THE AUTHOR OF “THB JlLT,**’ &o , See. The Harrying Man is certainly one of the most amusing and unique productions that has basis issued for sometime is tne way of light romanca. The eccen tric absurdities of Old Barridre. though perh&pp&litrie over-wrought, arc very humorously developed, while the sentimental offset or the character of Osmond Dela agreeable land refreshing contract.— Bell s Weekly Messenger. v „ . * PRICE FIFTY CERTS, Mailed, free ForcalebyT. B. PKTBB \ T ee national quarterly re- A VIEW-Vol. X, HO. xE MARCH, 1865, , Ti „ _CO«TBfITS. 1. Italian Poetry—Ariosto. 11. Lunar Phenomena in, Grahame of Ciaverhouse aud the Covenanters. IV. Our Gas Monopolies. V. Edward Everett. VI. Mschiaveni and hie Maxims of Government. VII. History. Usee, and Abuses ot Petroleum. vJn, Swedenborg and bis Hew Religion. -IX. Fotlcee and Criticisms Subecrtotions s3^a in advance, 4 Single number* sLso. Thj Editor will sesd tbe work frecof psstege to any part tf the United States, on receipt of subscription. General Agent for Philadelphia, JAMES K. B£MO£T, 33 South SIXTH Street. AU communications to be ad dressed to EDW, I. SEARS, LL. D, ap3*3t BIBLE HOUSE, HEW YdRK. REANSTON’S PHARMACEUTISTS’ -V AND DBOOGISTS’ PBACTICAI, BIOEIFT BOOK, with a glossary of Medical Terms and a copious Index, in oneyolume 12mo. „ IDBO, Beasley’s Druggists’ Keceipt Book. Beasley V Book ot 3,000 Prescriptions. Pelfse's - Whole Art of Perfumery, MoifJt*Chemic&l and Fharja¢ietl ManlpnlaUem. LISDSAI & BIiAKTSTOff, Publishers, Ho. 25 South SIXTH Street. BOOKS! NEW BOOKS IJ Just received to ABHMBAD ft BYAHB, _ (Hazard ’s old stand), „„„ r CHESTITUr street. SOCIAL STATICS; or, The Condi tioni Essential to Human Hsppißeae Specified and toe First of Them-De veloped. St Herbert Spencer Steel portrait. CH SfbTldH’S MISTAKE. By tie author of “ Join Halifax, aentleman, ” *o. ÜBOLB SILAS.A Tale of Bartram-Hangb. ByJ S; X.e Fann. author of ** Bouse 1| tie Clttrcl Yard, ” ftc GOMHI’S WILHELM MEISTEK. A new, revised edition. By Thomas Carlyle. 2 vois CASK COB. By Henry l>, Thorean. author of ’’Maine Woods,” Walden,” Ac., Ac POEHI BY E. W. EMERSON. I vol, line and cold, A BOOK OF COLDEST DEEDS of all Times and all Lands. Gathered and narrated hy the anthor ofthe *• Heir of Bedclyffe. ’’ Tintedpaper, green vellum. THE JEST BOOK, The Choicest Anecdotes and .Sayings . Selected and arranged hy Mark Lemon- Two lieanttml little volumes of the “ Holden Treasnxy Senes.” = THaGKEBAY’S VANITY FAIK, Illustrated edition. S volb Tinted paper. Cambridge Frees. . THE HEW PATH. A. Monthly AKT JOURNAL. April number just ready, Subscriptions received, or Single nnmhers for sale at 20 cents each. ' ALL THE HEW BOOKS received as soon as issued pom the press, and sold at lowest prices. mh3l- tf MEWBOOES FOR SABBATH feCBOOL LIBRARIES!: Tte Bed Lion, or Home in Humble Life. The Conqueror, fry the author ofFlien Murray, dtc. Fisherman’* Children, or the Sohbewn of Hard ies Cove. ' The Faithful Shepherd, or Sketches of the Life of Bev, 'hcmas Scott. The Ferryman’s Child, or Itifhi out of Darkness. - Little Sermon Talks, by Caroline JS Kelley. Bessie Lovell, or the Power of a Loving Child, Vivian and his Friends* or Two Hundred Years Ago, » the author of The Btory of a Pocket Bible. Tried and Tin-, or Into the Light, fry A. J. 6. The Village School Mistress or More About Kata SU iore, fry the author of Kate KUmore. For sale fry JAMES 8. GLAXTOH, Successor to W. & ft aLFBKD MABTIBW, 606 CHESTNUT Street. SUPPLY OP GHRONICLES OP A 1 THB SCHOBBBBG.COTTA FAMILY. ALSO. BY THB BAHB AUTHOH: . THE EABLY SAWN; or, Sketches of Cbristian Life in England in tbe Olden Time. , UIAKY OF MBS. KITTY TBBVYLYAN. AStwyof of Whitfield and the Wesleys. THB CBIPPLE.OF ANTIOCH, and Other Scenes from Christian Life is Bartar Times. THE MABTYBS OF SPAIN, AND THB LIBERA. TORS OF HOLLAND. TALES AND SKBTOHES OF CHRISTIAN LIFE, in and Area __ Tijtr-VOICK OF CHRISTIAN LIFE IN SONS; or, ofinany Lands and Ages. THE TWO yOCATKiaerjar. the Sisters of Morey at Home. JaKeo-a-claxton, „ _ (Successor to Wm. 8. ft ilrred MartUaj, mh2l-tf 606 CHESTNUT Street, ’J'HE “CYCLOPS” CAST-STEEL KATT.BI POSSESS THE FOLLOWINS ADVANTAGES OYBB THEY WILL NOT LAMINATE, SPLIT, NOB BREAK. THEY WILL DO TEN TIMES THE SER VICE OF IKON BAILS. THEY COST LESS THAN DOUBLE THE PRICE OF IRON. THE SAVING DURING A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS IS SHOWN TO BE EQUAL TO 88,0(10 PER MILE FOR EACH YEAR OF THEIR USE. Many thousands of Tons of Oast-Bteel Balls are now laid in England and on the Continent, with tbo most complete success. Orders promptly executed by tbe eole representative of THE •‘CYCLOPS” WORKS. PHILIP S. JUSTICE, No. 14 North FIFTH Street, Philada , No. 43 CLIFF Street. New York. rnhso-m gCHUYLKILL COAL. NOTICE. —The undersigned hereby respectfully noti fy their friends and tbe public that tbe leases from the New York and Schuylkill Coal Company (formerly the Forest Improvement Company), under which they have heretofore operated various Collieries in Schuyl kill county, Pa., haying severally expired by limita tion ol tbe same, and tbe Company baying determined to er gage in mining and selling Coal, the business will hereafter be conducted by said Company. In making this announcement the undersigned desire to return tbeir warmest acknowledgments to tbeir nu merous customers and friends for tbe liberal patronage extended to them daring the last twenty, five years, and to solicit a continuance of the same in favor of the NEW YORK AND SCHUYLKILL COAL COMPANY, in Which tbeir senior Is. and wHI continue to be. largely interested. CHAS. A. HECKSOHEB & GO., 45 SOUTH Street, NEW YORK. Febroabt, 186 S. THE SEW TORE & SCHUYLKILL COAL CO. OFFICES, 48 SOUTH STREET, NEW YORK; and 887 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. DIRECTORS. MOSES TAYLOB, IS AML. SLOAN, CHAR A. HEOBSCHEB, O. WILSON DAVIS, JOHN P. PHELPS, WM. B. WARREN. RICHARD HECKSOHEB. OFFICERS. O. WILSON DAVIS, PRESIDENT. WM. E. WARREN, TREASURER AND SECRETARY. W. w. DUFFIELD, RESIDENT MANAGER AT WOODBIDI, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. 48- NOTICE. —Referring to tbe annexed card the NEW YORK AND SCHUYLKILL 00 MFAff Y announce that, having assumed tbe working of the ee veral Col lieries which have for many yeare been operated by Mesere CHAS. A. HBOK6CHBB ft CO., they are now prepared to contract for the delivery, during the enening year, from their WHARF (U) at RICHMOND, ON TBE DELAWARE RIVER, NEAR PHILADELPHIA, of their superior White and Red Ash Schuylkill Coal. Orders respectfully solicited. O. W. DAVIS, President. March 11, 1885. fJHEAP REFINED SUGARS AND Vy f TBUPS. by the Package, for sale by CHASLES DO gOQBUB, OfflceUOY CffKSTfIUT Street, apt fit* TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING AUCTION BAI.EB. | A 00MPAH1 will o&r for sale at [ « „a.xUSET THjSA* -_ • ABOV/JWiiU.rfi,; MOBI)A V AND TOfcD AY bV SC(I »Ua, POBMIYEUY LAS* TWO R a STS Of Hi* GBBAT MoKAL DBaMA. by Kas KOWfe styled THB WOEKMBH OF PHttADSGFHIA. ' OS , , g Barth. conaltile with th* T*ffi«aS. , s3?l*fiSSte maaTmpAEß. Jenny Le&theiinn*i(whL H “»>• Sopllle Ojahar will be produced, with EVEBY S3ENE NEW -, SS I S e « PrU,e “ WrlMt •W*-*-*? JBIDAY ® enefit Of Ur, WrALTBKLBYNOX.' Mrs. D. P. BOWSES is engaged, and will sboiMraDraai' SATUttDAY AFTERBOOS, April a S PMaT - TdIETY-BINTH GBAUD FAMILY MATIBHL And first daylight performance of ETngLa rom'g CAiaa. OR THURSDAY. THB tea 07 APRIL HBXT. FHENIX MILLS, PATEBSON, NEW JERSEY, Adxpt«d for the making of Cotton Dock, Ties Hea^nSSiS^'. 3o^ I ®*! I * tte Pinters. Ballvraj wm Cans BJ,hbin». 4 arc P9f " l< ' r ‘ 2 pair Moles, 2,600 spindles. >4 Twisters, 7,50 spindleji 82 Power Looms, for weaving cotton or dsn duck, all ' WißdlaS * I**" "esses 6 lb. bundles each. 1 Taro Press, 10-». bundles. Machines 3? °»t»«.Reels, So. Warp Hills, Ac. Hand Hackles for flax. a,liaB gt BBKJaMIB B, TILT, President. S T l??n« & GHAMPION f AUCTION wm*slu' 2f °* llB6 < ™ dllaB AdCE Street, stecko/a* Bt “ °’ <,lo^°A. I> M F 'at SOS Arch street, tbs 7IBST-CLABS FtJBHITCBH STOBB, eomprtelflfl in part of etegeres, tete-a-tetes. bureaus, washstands, tro«net tables, bookcases and secretaries. whatnots, wardrobes, pianostools, libra* z tables, bean fete, I,angina batrscks, hatsi&nds, B. W. parlor chairs, cane-seat and dining room chain, towel racks, cottars suites, campetools, jockers. Ac., Ac - The above sale la worthy the attention of housekeep, ers and dealers, as the owner is declining the business, and every article will be sold without reserve, and arc all made from the best and finely.seasoned materials, lor a flrit class city trade. Also, the office fixtures of the above aiore. cui^flO 0^1 workbench* haircloth, varniah, bni*he*» Caialogues ready early morning of sate. Goods now on Tlow. mh23-6t CJsr, CITY BAZAAR ANB TATTER. 1 Street, bstwesu Eleventh and ■ 6tm & OHAMPIOU, Jkam obmh. Auction tale of Horses, Vehicle*, &c., Harness, &c. 811 TUESDAY MOitNiWa. April 4 1865, Will m sold at PttbUc sale a large number of Hones, ■ aw-—Vehicles, Harness, &o. _ About CO Horeep, Comprising good Family Hones, rut-driTing, road, Baddle, and draught Horses Also, a lumber of Vehicle* of all descriptions, both new and second-band, 9. B. —Bo postponement on account of weather. Public sales every Tuesday and Friday. * Private sales every day. St ablin g for horses for either public or private sale. 9. B. —Particulars is catalogues ap3-2t STEBK U CBAUPIO3T, Auctioneer*. WANTED—A SITUATION AS BU *■ perin tended or Olerkof a Betel in the city or country, iy a man wi<h ten years' experience, and the beU of reference. Address ‘*G. 8. fowler,” Frees office. ap3 4t* WANTED —A COMPETENT AO " COUfiTAST and Garreepondent, to serve as Secretary totwoor more (Hi Companies. To a first-rate man a liberal t&ljry wll be p»id Addressv .wtth real jwnjy. reference, ■ ‘Petroleum, 1 * Box lm Phila delphia P. O aps.2t WANTED IMMEDIATELY-IN A * " business already established, in this city, one or mere parties, who can famish $20,000 to $30,000, to take part in the manufacture and sate of a A STAPLB ARTICLE. Which command e a ready market at satlef aetory profits. The parties can have the entire control of the sales of tiie-manufactured article. If desired. Address **B. B. C.» at the office of this paper. mhai-St* WANTED-OANYASSERS FOR I" WTII INSURAIffCE The heel term 8 offered. Ap ply at OB BBTHPT 8t„ eeconi ater™ mhlj-ffi* WANTED—AT sl§o PER MONTH— , T T ,A fgygbto Canvaaer in every town and county, for the NURSE ASB BPT, the most interesting and exciting book ever published, embracing the adven tumsofa woman in the Union army as Horse, Scout, and Spy, giving a most vivid. Inner picture of the war. We have Agent* clearing $l6O per month-which we will prove to any doubting applicant Send for circulars. Address *‘JONES, BBOS., « CO., 600 OESSTHUT Street, Philadelphia. * * jnh.7-lm* A RECIFE FOR MAKING CIDER, J " m ' without frail of any kind, equal to the best, will be lent on receipt of to cents. Address FK4WHAITHUB, It* Box 327 Philadelphia P. O. A YOUNG If AN FROM THE OOUN THY, who understands double- entry Bookkeeping, desires a situation as Assistant Bookkeeper or Salesman in a Wholesale House. Bent City reference given. Ad— dress ** H. M.,” Press office. mh*U-3i* fJEEATEST THING OF THE TIMES —KOWBH‘B PBIZEBJiVBLOBES.—Agents wanted everywhere* Premium Watches given to Agents. On receipt of. $l6 we willm*!lv post-paid, 100 Envelopes, and a splendid Solid' Silver Bunting* Case Watch as a luemlum to the agent., A single Envelope sent, with circular ana fu«l particulars r on receipt of 25cents. Ad dress A. a. BOWES 6rCO., P. 0.,80x4270,36 BEES MAH Street, H. Y. ■ mhiff-Sm f>FFICE WANTED.—A LIBE BA.L rent will be paid for a well-lighted, commodious office, on first or second floor, near FOUSTS and CHESTNUT Streets preferred. Address * * Office, ’ * 1494 Philadelphia P. t>« ap3-3t f\IL-WELL BORERS WANTED—TO A/ PBEBISH IVBBTTBIRG, AND SINK THEBE •WELL, OH STDaHT’B EOH. in Venango County. O. H. MoBABB, 63» WALNUT Street; fipl-2l* P. O. Box I7DS, Philadelphia, M WANTED TO RENT, FOR THE Summer, In or Mar Germantown, a furnished iiotfSß, with Stablini and grounds attached; or woaid buy'* snngnlace of a few acre* well-improved In the above location. Address "Is. 7. W,* ’ Press Office. apl St* M HOUSE WANTED. WANTED **TO BBHT—A medlum-rfzed House, with all the modern conveniences, and within twenty minutes of The Press office. Seat of references given. Address B. F , ” office of The Press. mh34-tf i 4 nno * 6 > ooo > AK ® * 9 > oo ° To loan K OABPHHTBK&SDtr, SI!S South THIRD street, uh 29 fi.r FOB SAULE MB TO LET. '' M VALUABLE COUNTRY SEAT A . AT PTJBLTC B&XE.. 2E at_Pab!ic Bjle.jin oaa, ®fe^iA^ naWB Loeated within hslf * mile of Wilmington, Delaware, on the ffawport pike,. containing eight acres of rood land, in the centre of which is a large lawn with a fine variety or shade trees. maples. lindens evergreens* etc., m all oyer a hundred fail-grown trees. The im provements consist of a large and commodious Mar sion* flanked on the wtst by two towers, one of which is four stories in height There arc four large rooms on a floor, with a hall e|even by forty-two feet. The house has the modem improvements, a hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the tipper story of the tower. There is also an iron pnznp and hydrant under a cover* ed area at the kitchen door. The outbuildings consist of a carnage house and stable sufficient for four horses and bjveial <»riiage*; also, a hen, ice, and smoke-house The stable has a hydrant in it The ice-house is filled with good ice. Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf pear and grape vines in full bearing. Tsere are a. so several va rieties of apple, cherry, and chestnut tree*. Immediate possession will be given For further in formation applv to LEVI. G. CLARK, _ 831 MARKET Street. Wilmington, DeL WILLIAM H. JTAFF. Auctioneer. ap3 10t « GERMANTOWN.—FOB BALE OR TO LET—A ver-r desirable Residence, with, saves aaiea of ground, within three minutes' walk of the Rain-itrtet Depot]well shaded with old trees a-M ever greens. Waterworks on the premises supplying the hones, garden, * table and & fountain Is front or the house, with an abundance of the best spring water. Gas m the house, a good vegetable garden, already p *lotlt" I “ medl “ teßo ? B^?l s e fe, Ho. 8 WABHIBGTON BOILDISB, „ „.„ . , jraj?l> Street, below WALS?Or, From 9 A M. to 1% P.M ap»6t* ® FORSALE OR TO RENT, IN BUR DIHGTON. N J., a large and convenient BRICK .DWELLING HOUSE, thirty feet front on Broad street, containing thirteen rooms, with bath, gas, &eu The side* garden, of half an acre, 1b well supplied with choice fruit trees, in bearing. The location is desirable, and within a short distance of' the Camden and Amboy Railroad Station Apply as above to &Pl-61* JOHET COLLIES. m foe sale-store and dwel- MR 9 northeast corner of Fawn and Master streets. Immediate possession. DweUing and Lot on Kirk bride street, east of Point road; will be sold cheap , A J arge number of Go<tages at Germantown and other desirable localities, and a great variety of Jtrst-etaas and other Farms. For list of Dwellings see North American and United States Gazette . B. F. GLENN, apl-tf 133 South FOPBTH Street. MjS UPEEIOR MANSION AND LARGE LOT, on the FRANKFORT) Road, at Allegheny avenue; built in the most substantial man* ner, with every possible convenience,-with *table and carriage-house. This is a delightful residence for sum mer or winter. B. F GLENN, apl-tf 123 South FOURTH Street. eTO LET—A COTTAGE, FUR BISHED, at CAPE ISLAND. Inquire at 80S MARKET Street, Phil ad a. apl-3t* A OFFICES FOE RENT—SINGLE JJSiand Double. on tie Firet and Second floor.—in Walnut ttreet, below Fourth, and la Walnut, above Second. ALSO, A FIRE MAHSION, wltb plenty of ehade, and .delightful prospect, si to ato on very blab around, fronting the river SshuvOilL Apply to • Jacob m. bums. Ho. 13 A South f ODETH Street, spl it* Corner of Walnatt(2d story. > TO LET— A THE OFFICES Nob. 235 and BSS CARTER'S AUey. In the Old Post Office Building. Also the fifth and sixth stories of same building. The third story of the COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, „ ? cB ' «y »?« «3 CaESTHOr street, Suitable for an Exchange Lghttd by 28 windows. Apply to FOR SALE—A LOT OF GROUND ON west of Nineteenth, 40 by 88 feet; will be closed oerp few for cash. B F. uLBHH, mhlB » 133 Boalb FOURTH Street. «t 4 000 —FOR SALE, A MORTGAGE '** of this amount, seenred upon proper ty near Frsnkford. E. OARPBNTKB & SON, P»b29 St* 343 South THIED Street. BOABDINB. , ■ \ HOTEL, 418 a CHESTNUT Street, has no bar. First Class Board, and excellent aceommodations for families can be had at moderate charges. One handsome chamber, large and convenient, vacant to-day. ap3*St* ■REMOVAL—THE OFFICE OF THE HoOVBK AHD MAESHALL OIL OOMPAHY has been removed from Ho. 208 South FOURTH street to wSSwa'*. 00 ™" FIFTH “ d OHBSTHirT Streets? Room No. 8. * ■ mh2B-i2k- "REMOVAL. GEO. C. MITCHELL v„ w .? nl A r< L' pB " tfilllT Us friends and the pnblic ‘bat hehas removed from 83a North Ninth atrset. to the northwest corner of EIGHTH and MASTER Streets, and wtil continue to deal in tfi best «u3ltui Of Coal. mh29-7t* 50(1 DOLLARS REWARD.— a# W DROPPED this morning, about 9 o'clock, at comer of Sixth and Chestnut streets, a BELLOW ENVELOPE containing TEN PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD C0..*8 SBCOKD MORTGAGE BONDS, Nos. 4642 to 4561, Inclusive, for SI,OCO each, with Coupons at* tached, payable Ist April and Ist October. Payment of the Coupons and Bonds have b*e» stopped Ail pa* eons are cautioned against negotiating or recemng them. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of the Bonds and Coupons to _ c . B. D. WHITNEY, No 217 CHESTNUT Sl Phi LAD 2LPHI a March 31. 1865 mhjo-mwfllt PARTES DE VieiTE.—A GREW varlstyof slyles. srtistlcaUy cxfcn-ed and dnaly finished, at BBIMBB’S Gallery- Btrsot, a^?, Ya Green. All pictures dons in a superior manner. It, iT REASONABLE prices. FUBLIO - - , AUCTION, At U o’clock A. H„ all the cotton machinery, How is good running order, at the WANTS. THOS. H CONNELL, Counting House of Dr. D. JaYNE it SOH, 343 CHEBTHPF Street REMOVALS. LOST. MBS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH* aTA street thxatbe KEST MIGHT OP EDWIW ADiKB. T 0 % g hM^M 3 ’ 1865 - Sphaell -.Edwin Adtae. To conclude with B B.s Or. THE BEHICIA BOX. BEHJAMIH BOBBIH STUART BOBSOX. 3VALNUT-STREBT THEATRE. ' MOHDAT BYEHIHG, AprU 3. Plat appeal'*®* VBSTVALT 5,7ns MaGSIFICEttT. Who will appear lJ h« n«timper«oin»Hoa of THB HEBREW S'OHTUIfE.TELLEE. To’conclude with the EKBTCEBaIh JgPIA. IriBSISIIMA WILL 1)£ —A IrlyEß a course of three Lectures .at „ -, _ . mjjmoal fdhd hall. • Fifct I.eotnro,OTßapaT BVHHCBG April*. Subject - - / AMEEfCA ASD HEE PBBSIDfiHTd. ” Second l ecture, MoaDAT, April 10th. Third Lecture, THHESDaT, April 13th. Tickets for the Course, with secured seat*...,,,rsi on EsserVod 5eat5....... m Admlssfon 45 . For sale at Pugh's Bookstore, and at Gould's afed Lee & Walker s Hnclc Stores. lj* M R - DEMPSTER, COMPOSER OP _ , TJe May Queen, ’■ ‘•tnmentof the Irian Ee*. grant, 'Sc., Inning recently returned from Burra* will give a bal2ad ATt'hb''WsiGAiTFUftV JHAltti. - , OR MORDaY EVEKIHG, April 34 Which Trill include the **THS MAYQ3BEET. *•' Tickets, BQ cents each. Eeseived seats, 50 easts extra. «/vrrtri»2 ,J( ?£* *fe*«fo**» »*Y *>9 leenred at Mr. J. R. 181 ®, ««««>* of 8B7B&TH CHBSTRUT Streets, where * plan of the w*n mart* seen. To coEoroesce at 8 o’clock. mhas-stnihsm** fJERMANIA ORCHESTRA.— PUBLIC ““'.S&SSfft 3 4K5.T BATOBDAY at 354 o’slo* FUND HALL, Single si cesls. SbK Tiolfftig. $1: to be had at Trum ol ez 1 s?An~ <ue*». end Merer’e Magic Stores, agd at the H«p noT-it THE ACADEMY OP PINE ARTS. OHBSTHDT Strew, above Tenth, is OPEST DMLT for visitors, from 9 A. if. to 6 P. SC joX RAILROAD LEVIg, TMPOBTANT TO RAILWAY TBA « information In referent* to Hta~ Honw DlWaneu, and Connottione. Illustrated by on* tioodrsdStiirroTMapa. reprssentinxtheprlßstpUßaK SSlDE. 1 **** ® ocultr!r ‘ •** APPLJSTOb“B KAILWAY - . nolfi*Sm 1865. 1865. TBZ CAMDKN AKDjUKBOY Asfß parunrr.wiT. AHD TKEHTOH BAILROAD COMPAHY*! lOm FSOH PHILADELPHIA TO HJSW YOBK ASD Wat flacks, FROM WAMTSTt STSST 'WHARF WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VI 2: At® A . vl» Gamdaa and Amboy, C. sod A. Aw** 1 eommodation., .. B At SA. M., -rift Camden. and Jersoy CKy, UTomiox 2zpi6BBw<ttM»*teviee«« . S Oft H™?riil!f. Cani ' ien “ 4 Amboy, a: sad AAw AttP. M.» TiaCamdanand Amboy. 0. ftod A. JSx- -tnirimimnmi,, • fIK Camden and Amboy, Inoiaaodi* aand Pa6&en««T).. v i s At or. M.,Tia-C&maen ana Amboy, Aecomsiodft and Passencer)—list Class Ticket... 2 9 it'll/w V _a „ Ao. .2d Class Ticket... ISB 334 F..M., t3r Camden and Amboy. Aamamih «biion (Freight and Passenger}-*! si ClateTlcket. S M sffat “* fl u & !^S"“ 0 k P 9 “ d Vte for Freehold at 8 A M. and S P. M. Por Elyerton, Delaneo, Bayeriy-, JSdciwt* J®r,^^ l ¥? l^- F £ O £P£ e ’,.Bordentown, *e., at # and MLSO A. 2f. # 12.30, 3.30, 5,5, and 11% P. M.. The »*0 and 6P. M. lines mu direct through* to Traattn. Biyerton, Pelsneo, Beyerly, utd lsf sJtCraSt at 7 P. fit- IrffiES FBOM DEPOT WILL LEAVE _, . AS FOLLOWS: Atjll.lSA, M., yia Kensington and Jersey City. AtiwE IL, TitKensliictoiiaiid Jersey CitT.S- ** P* IL* yia Kensington and Jersey CSty; *orkExpress....^.fi« da««SA' M “ ewUl AH others Sa n Buffalo, Dunkirk, Klmlra, Ithaca, Otsego, Bo ehester, Binghampton, Great Bond. Montrose, Wlitaw bane, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap.- Keuch V,' rn, l Bethlehem, Beividere.- Easton, L&mbertrille, &o. t at 7.15 A. Steffi ChutSatr^p 1 !* a * 113121 Issuing Benton for For LamljertviUeat 8 P. M. on Saturday* only; For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7.14 and 11. IS A. Jf.. 9 and 8 P. M. and IS midnight. * aud o F^k“at-9TM.% W B lTna°B^l ßridM^ mt For Hew Tork and VPay Lines le&yinc Kenaiu tonpepote'take the ears on Fifth street, above WtW half an honr before departure. The cars ran into ta* Depot, wad on the arriyftL of each train ran from %hm firoot. Fifty pounds of Banatsonly allowed eachpassenMTk Fassesacrs are promDitedfrom taking anythinx gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over Sfty pounds to bepaia for extra. The Company Hunt their responsibiiiW for baggage to One, Dollar per pound,aa« any amount beyond *lOO, except Grab am’ sßagga’ge Kxpresa will eaU for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at So. SWd. nnt street. WILLIAM H. GASSMSS, Agent April 3,18 w. USES PBOM MEW YOBK FOE PHILADELPHIA. WattEATK FKOKIjra FOOT O* COTOtTIAIfB STBrafc Tia JerseyClty and Cam den. ■SS&i&SSASi£ R,t ’ “ dM “**»•’" fgiCBTO3 PHILADELPHIA, —*■ IWWWILMIMQTOM. AMD BAX.TI HOBE BAILBOAB. * TIME TABLE. Commencing MOSJUI, APBED 3di 1866. Trains wUI leave Depot, corner BEOAB Street and WABHIBB - Avenue, as follows: Express Tran, at 4.06 A.M. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, Wilmington. anip&lgnolia 1 ' 1 '' 1 ' 8 Aberdeen, Perryman's. Delaware Bsllroad Train at 7.4 S A M. (Sundays ex cepted) for halirburr, Milford, and intermediate sta tions. W ay- Mail Train, at 8.15 A. M. (Bondars excepted ).fee Baltimore, stopping at aU regular stations. - ~ Express Train at 116 P. M, (Sundays excepted) fig Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester. WH mington, Elkton, Perryvffie, and Havra-de-Grace. Express Trainat 8,65 P. M.-(Sundays excepted) far Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington. Mewark, Klkton, north-East, rarrWlUe, Bavrs-de- Grace, Perryman’s, Magnolia, and Stemmer’s Ban. Might Express at 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chesterfpnly to take Baltimore and Wasffiigtonmasengera),. Wilmington, Mewark. Elk tm, Morth-Eaat, Perryriße, and Havre-de-Orace. tS’T'sPtrain o '' FOETBBS ® MONBOE will taka iha „ WILMi NGTOS ACCOMMOD ATIOM TBAIMS stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wil ’ttpidladalphla at 7.45 and 11 A. M., 2, JL9O.e&, 7* and It P, M. Tha 3. 30 P, SL train cosietts with. Sflr lstrare B. K- for Milford and interrasdiate TOtadntfonat Q. 4& 8, and 9.30 A.M., 2, 4. Mail o.SO c. M. drains for ffaw’CMiU tarre Philadelphia at ?, iS and 11 A> tf» § 3.30 aad 6 P H« THROE TRAILSJ?ROM BALTIMORE. tt “ *• * • "*■**■ PBOM BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore 8.2/5 A. K , Way Mall; 1.10 P. M.. L26P^M., Way Train; B.SS F. it., Exprau; ‘ ' ’ TKAIEB 808 BALTIMORE. Leave Chester at 8. Si A. M., LSOandILSOP. M. at 6.13, 9.56 A. JL, 3% 6.01, Freight Train, with Passenger Car attached, will leave Wilmington for Perryville and- intermediate stations at L4QP. M- SUNDAY TRAINS. Express Train at 4.06 A. H for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville, Hayre-do- Grace. Aberdeen, Perryman’s, and Magnolia. Hlsht Express at 11. li P. M. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester (for Baltimore and WasUngtou puteagers), Wilmington, Newark, Ba ton, North-East, Perryville, and Havre do- Grace Accommodation Train at 10 P. 1L lor Wilmington and ■way stations. „ BALTIMOBB FOE PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9.28 P. M.. stopping at Havre-de- Grace, Perryville, and Wilmington. Also stops at Ba ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore), and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at &30 P. H. fig—c—Kt WE S T CHE9TKB jffAITD PHILADELPHIA HAJOr ROAD, VIA MEDIA. SUMMER AEBANQBMENT. ©a and after MONDAY, April 17, 1806, the trains wiß leave as follows: WEST CHESTER TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for Wait Chester at 7.3&iad 10.9 b A. and 2 15, A 45, sod 5 46 P M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 6.20, 7As,sttk' 10.96 A. 81., and 146 and 446 P. K. Trains leaving West Chester at 7.45 A. M, and. leavingc Philadelphia at 4 45 P. M. will atop only at Media, B.C; Junction, (Hen Mills, Chayaev’B, and Street Rosa. , _ B. C. JUNCTION TRAINS Philadelphia forß. G. Junction at 4.15 and IN Leave B. C. Junction for Philadelphia at 8 38 A. ML anc 7.20 P. M. These trains stop at all intermediate stations. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 8 90 A M. and2P. M. Leave West Chester at BA. SI and 6P. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.35 A. M. and A 45 p. and leaving West Chester at 7.45 A. M and A 45 T* M. connect at B .C. Jnnction with trainaonP. SB.O, B. for Oxford and intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and the Company will not. in any case, M responsiole for an amount exceeding one hundred. doL« lata, unless a special contract ia made for the same. „ HENRY WOOD, Gen’X Bup*A Philadelphia. March 15,1865. xnh2!-Sttt fSSmmcsmmsa camden and at- MB, lrl'Mm Pima railroad. - h*i*» leave Vine-etreet Fern: Freight, with Paetenger Car attached.—~. -T.90 AIE Atlantic Accommodation- .4.15 P.|ML Junction Accommodation „ RRTTJRSING, LRAVSS ATLAHTIO. Atlantic Accommodation Freight, with Faeaencer Oar attached-.—-*-*l-20 P. K. Junction Accommodation-——*—.-------; A. K.. , „ EXTEA HADDONFIKLD TRAIHB BBYAHTflitent. OIL LANDS SURVEYED AND LAID Vl in out leares and TmioHaphical Wane Drawn b» G. M BOFKlHS,CgU4igneorandftWTMor, apl-I**** Sontll . FirTH PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.—PATENT 8^ tolSia wldaffe Y. SAIMISK-S. Mt ARCH Street. SSL flFl-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS IN OIL Jj OOLOBS-Hatnral atyles, wondronsly aoonrata Street. . Whale oil.—crude akp re- Oil, in auoiUd &*1«. 16 Arena#. PARAFFINE MACHINERY OIL—A A superior artido. ligW color and ssyeel-irtaiids cold-. For a&te by EDW. H. BOWLET. 16 South JBJ3LA.WAKB ATaao». MORGAN, ORR, & 00., STEAM EK iM- GISTS BDTLDEKB, boa rounder*, and _ General Machinists mad Boiler Masers, Mo. ISU» HIM. Street. PhiladslahU. *»•*>. fob custom: wo^e*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers