•The Pence Democracy a I'uilnrp. *HOM A STATK-BIGHTB*ATiTI«COJB&CIOIf DBMOCSAT [From the New York Tribane. ] Subjoined to a missive from Mt. Wm Jewett, we print a letter from Mr* William M £257/ 5f e r?hf n g «^h tC oa Rlght8 ‘ anti * COBrctnno3mo: aA?cM* to ns deserving of the ? V nrfn«? l ii^ era ? on ' I * oW ‘ far or in what respect m/ m wPi!L? n T I lfeWBof mt ' oqtt 7 differ " om Jefferson 'Davis & Company does So 4r ap P® w by tins letter. *kK?J?£ v *° 80 sympathy with ** State sore jeiKiity » in any of its phases that we cannot assume to judge lmpartia>ly-in tiie premiesj but we warn Mr, Gorry and those who propose to unite la hta proposed Convention that war exißts In oar country, and that the Federal (jopatliution is very clear, as to the orlmlßnißyef “adhering to the enemy, giv ing him aid and comfort,” Beware! THU PBAOS DSMOCJBAOT. To the Editor of the New York Tribune: Sis: Having been identified with the late Gindin* nati Peace Convention, having la view independent nominations for President and Floe president of. the United Sfcatos upon “ Peace and State Rights prinol pies,” and having withdrawn from all co-operation In a proposed National Convention at Fniludelphla the 6th of March, and tendered my resignation as -chairman of the committee for Pennsylvania, I deem It bnt jnst to msseit and parties connected to i furnish ior publication the following letter from the President tf the Cincinnati Convention—more par ticularly Irom the fact that said Convention was not held, and my resignation has not been aoeepted. "While appreciating the noble and patriotic pur pose Mr. I-ODg and Mr. Qorry have In view, I must -thus publicly insist upon the aooeptanoe or my re-. signation: first, to resume my Independent nation al position; secondly, to avoid a position in direst hostility to tho Government. Independent of these grounds, one mote important In connection with the preservation of our Republic exists—that of a future unity of the people, Upon Democratic princi ples, In legitimate opposition to the party now ruling under whatever banner they may hereafter march for renewed power. A po.*oa. party at this time baseduponan ism; is not only Meal tmthls re sult, but disastrous to the seenrltyof the RcpuhUa. Atom Its' tendency to provoke revolution. I there-' fore not only toslstnpon the aooeptanoe of my resig nation, but do mosroarnesOy on behalf of the coun try, and as a means more than any other to pro. thole peace, urge upon the members of the Peace Committee to abandon the Idea of a; oonventlon In -Aprfl, and Instead, to unite with the Democracy, they in harmony, to aot with the Administration in a fpeedy pacification of points ahissue between the {forth and'Soutb, thereby not only preserve tho Re public and secure returning prosperity, but oheoit the, ttCptefent, purpose of Europe to" destroy our nationality. There Is but. one course now left for the true Democrat, tbat Is to maintain his princi ples lor future power and support the Government. Wm. CornsßLoJawarr. IETTBB OF WM, M. OOBBIT WO W«. COBHBLL JBWBTT, My Dbar Mb. Jewbtt 1 was disappointed In the dispersion of the peace party when I got to "Washington, where I expeotcu io-huvo met S. and yourself, >our letter aovises me oi the rupture be tween you, and It showed that it was on serious f rounds, - I bid not presume- to be aols to heal It; ut I mount to hear brnheidea. As it was I heard . neither, both parties being absent; Mr. Hong was of course absorbed in Ms duties alt the close of the session, and l was leit to my ownrefiemlons whloh I pawned continually. If I had arrived at a conclu sion, I meant to write you from the Oaptsol; but I did not. It Is onlv now teat I have decided whatto -do, and therefore I write in justice to yon as well as myself and other- colleagues. Tno; decision is to abandon for the present the idea ot calllug a Natton . al Convention ptihe 8. R. and Peace party, beoauss of the utter abjectness ol leading Deihcarats to mili tary events. Tf oil will hardly believe that it Is Im possible to get’them to answer letters, or even to talk about peace While Grantis reported to be hold Ing Lee like avlie and Sherman; is duccesifttlly ad* : trancing. Another rt-aeun let not making a general movement exists; which is that more good oaa bo. dots® by States, ’bskfcntag with tho State of Ohio as thp most advanced Northern .state. Not many years Several of our leading young men uaVe been ldstritcfi odln the scientific view ot our Federal system as tsnght by the great lights ef Virginia and South Carolina, and they are rmw ft fluentlal and cou rageous. I have not observed tnesaine preparation In any of the States above IBaion and Dixon. Penn sylvania has always been solicited by. her Interests In the wrong direction or consolidation and corpo rations. She has bees, even her Democrats, for hanks and tariffs, and of course for a correspond ing deformity of the Federal system. New York and New England are worse. New Jer sey Democracy is in the fix of Laoooon, the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company being Its Serpentof Tenedos. ’ Ohio," therefore, moss lead, and the States west will soon follow her radical Demo cracy, They have lately been bedeviled by seoret semi-military organizations, and for many years Rave been Instructed by Jackson's physical-force ad mirersand bach ers. The vestal fire of pure princi ple has been kept alive only among us la thirty years we have asserted the right of nui- HSeatfon and secession to be olearly warranted by onr Federal system; and just now the dlsoiples be gin to multiply In spite ot the apparent Suothera overthrow. And so we have founoed for three months Onr State Sovereignty Society at U. and have gene rally disanssed the subject throughout the State at large. Z spent Sunday at Ooiumous. as I was going On, and found the leaders there in readiness to co operate, I perceive that The Crime responded. The Enquirer Is not hostile, nor Is any other organ. The peace proceedings are helping us. The elty spring elefiUons are at hand. "We have Written a set ol radical resolutions which onr folks Intend to pass through the city Oonventlon; and pledge the candidates and the party to separation and recognition, to the right of secession and the Wrong of coercios. We hope to succeed by a ma jority ; bnt, if not, we will split .the body and make onr own nominations and platform. We will net raise a hand nor give a dollar for the Softs, but will oppose them a Pautrance. You shall have the re port of the proceedings, and do not be afraid of radi cals or radicalism. They are the only Democrats Worth anything In this trying hour. We are for Peace and states Rights on principle, and we mean to fight that Issue squarely ; if we can have any coltaborateursnl Philadelphia well—lf not, well. We are decided to make vigorous war "on the whole sham-breed, no matter, how, respectable BB the Reeds and Woodwards, logsrsoHa anu Whar tons, or how disreputable, eta F. Wood and the rest of his New York allies. I had to write this brief letter so that yon might reel that I valued your efforts-for Peace, and that you have my sympathy and shall have my co-opera tion hereafter. We will hold a- State Uonventton probably In AprU.(lBth), Jeffersoii’s birthday, which we expect to control, in any event do your best, whloh is a great deal, and we will 1 do ours, ba It ever bo little. And lam always very respectful!y yours. W. M. Cobby. Oixciknati, St, Patriot’s day, ISM. Crime ln New York; The Secretary of State has sene to the Legisla ture of this State his report on crime for 1864, giving toe results of information transmitted him by too sheriffs and county clerks. The convictions at Special Sessions havo Increased noth in counties and cities (particularly the formar) during the past year. Toe charges tried In these Courts consist of minor offences, as petit larceuy, assault aßd battery, disorderly conduct, broaches of the peace, vagrancy, and intoxication. The whole number of convictions In oonrts of record in 1863 yyas 1,644; in 1884,1,430; decrease tn 1864,214, The following are the classes of crimes In which the Increase and decrease in counties occur: INCREASE, Petit larceny soo Assault and battery 1.624 Vagrancy, liaoo Drunk and disorderly 4,840 Disorderly conduct....' 1,69 T Malicious mischief 488 Assault....... 810 .Violating city ordinance. 274 Attempt at petit larceny 623 Other offences.. 636 Total increa5e.......... DBCBBABE, 5,101 101 Intoxication Breach of the peace........ Net Increase 7,873 Total Increase of oonvlcttons at Special Sessions in cities and counties over 1863,9,409.-17. ¥, Pott. A Nsw QuMrowDEß.—The explosion at Erßh has led to the manufacture o a now gunpowder, the discovery of Mr. X,. H. G-. Ktirhardt, a German. It consists of tannlo galllo acid, or the resin of com merce, and chlorate or nitrate of potash. The new gunpowder Is said to be of three times the explosive foroe of that now in use, and one half cheaper. It leaves no residuum when exploded. It can also he Kept In magazines with safety, by the resin and pre paration ol potash being kept separately, and mix ed as wanted, both the articles named being inoom hustlble by themselves. If it bears the test of ac tual experiment a saving Of one third win bs effect ed ; and, the combustion being entire, It will re move ail objections to rifled firearms, such as the fooling of Enfield rifles and Armstrong guns.— London Times. THE CITY. KIMTABT. RECRUITING. Yesterday warrants for the payment of the city bounty were Issued to 74 men, of whom 4 were en listed for three years,! for two years, and 69 for pne year. The credits were as follows: Wards. Ben Wards. Msn. First.... ................. l Tenth...... . 15 Second...... ............. 3 Eleventh...... .... 12 71bil(l«M4*4t.«M4M*«e.et«4 2 Flfteenth. VCa . V 4 fourthl Sixteenth..«►*«, g « OM+4 •'« 4MMt4444««* 7 BCTOHt66Sth »f»t« HSt We X 1 .Bigbteenth>«*< 3 eventn. ~ 2 Twentieth. s3 l Twenty-fifth 1 6 * ; Tot&l« vw »■’ S MMMtMttlMiHt IHWMIIWI » I tlt»toa«7l THE Bth union league regiment. The regiment Is now nearly filled, and will pro bably leave for the seat of war during the present Week. The following is a list of Its offlosrs : Colonel, David B. MoKlbbln ; lieutenant colonel, William H. Harrison j major, William M. Wbr t aIL,, . Company A-Captaln, Charles D. Foy: first Hsu tonant, Henry Badger; second lieutenant, John H. Fredericks. Company B—Captain, James Benson. Company O—Captain, John Snyder; first lieu tenant, Walter Eckel s second lieutenant, W. Mor ris Cox. Company D—Captain, Thomas S. Mason; first Heutonant, J. 0. Linton; second lieutenant, Tnos. C. Stokes. Company E—Captain, Cadwalader; first lieutenant, B. W. OroU; second lieutenant, Fichardson. Company F—Captain, Thomas F. Coryell; first lieutenant, Fressby Chaplin; second lieutenant, George D. Coleman. Company G—Captain. BobertH. Ford; first lieu- EGniert llUam Jll<jC! - uad ® 5 second lieutenant, E. Company H-Oaptafo, Edward Kelly; first lieu tenant James S. Arndt 5 second lieutenant, Frank lin uopp. Company I-Oaptalo, Mark Walter; first lieute- Bant, J. F» Sweeton; second lieutenant, Tkomas Cooley. ' Company K-Oaptaln, Ford; firstlieuto- Bant, Edward E. Barr; second nontenant, E. Frank rtfalborn. OFFICERS OF THE SCOTT LEGION. The following persona were eleoted officers of the ficott Legion last Saturday eveniDg: Charles A. "’“eg, |s«sWentt CoL Casper M. Barry, vice presl- S®**s,Wm. O. Haines, recording seoietary; J. Enable, corresponding seoretary 5 Aid. George Mooie, treasurer; trustees. Captain John Spear, u¥^ 1 . t ' Oo1 ; A - H. Reynolds, and J. j! °S tbe Anament, Mesara* J. Bumble, W, A. Schultz, ana I». A. Lorrlll&rd, HISIKUAX Kova, \ THE MAGDALEN SOCIETY. .i.iSflW ll of the Board of Managers of the Mag. iSS*aa*** baa beeD received. .From It we learn ftom°f lnmatea has varied but little common „ of “«“> P™«ous years. At toe °. f . tbe year 1864 tberd were la tbe 5 5 entered respectable fa- The following toe AWnm, was read^% o K n^fm a » *«““«» ® f To the Managers of " Eespbotrtj Feimmob:Vrev touiwmr ftomthls Asylum I take yew lines to you, to acknowledge my SiSilS toe many benefits 1 have reoelvea tbromr n l ® n J bounded charity. I knowjt is ImpeJstbfe rotate compensate you, In for your klndsejn t« me: but He that rewards ill aoSomtng tothoto works Bhall abundantly recompense you for vour . Meritorious aots of benevolence towards the out. ■ casts of soolety. Esteemed friends, I can njyar fully appreciate whet has been done here for mo, for how cftCAdothe people of the worldimahe such as me the recipients of mere oomempt! and, there fore, next to my Heavenly Father, you are worthy Of my most sincere ,thanks ; .and also the kfudness of CUT .moat .w.cithy matron apd Miss Levan, who do ■All IB their po-cr to promote the welfare of the In mates, both spiritual and temporal. I also acknow ledge the instructions which I hare rcoolYadfrom MW. Garrett 1 1 feel under great obligations to .her for the interest #htoh she has taken In trying tofu struct me. When I came here I was unable almost to read a Terse* and now X ©ojoy that mesttniibla blessing of both reading and writing. And now once more I return you my thanks, and pray that God may prosper you In your labor of love, which you unceasingly bestow on erring* bat not Irreolalai able women. M. L. THE TRACT AND MISSION SOCIETY. The thirty-seventh annnal.report of the Tract and Mission Society has been received. ‘ This society has been steadily progressing, Imlts work, number ing five hundred and thirty-three dlstrlbdtora, and circulating monthly through the olty lofty" thou sand English and seven thousand German tracts, with one hundred and twenty French, aided by a generous gift of temperance tracts, from the Ameri can Tract Society, accompanying the regular dis tribution, But. one distributor ha 3 died during the year; some have withdrawn, while others have taken' their places. Many have been persuaded to attend the house of G6d on the Sabbath. Children not be longing to anjr school have been added to tbe Sab bath School from month to month. A number of Bi bles (from the Philadelphia Bible. Society) have been furnished to those destitute and nuabie to purchase one. The sick and dying have been vi sited, while intemperance and Sabbath breaking, • and other public evils have become alarmingly prevalent in these days. Tbis society has endea vored, through the printed page and personal con versation, to counteract these tnfiuenoes.V ’ . The tracts circulated during the paßt year were confined to one page. The soolety has issued four page tracts for the past two months, and have'also increased their missionary operations. Weekly meetings have been held on Sabbath evenings during the past year; among the evangelical churches of the olty; by this means the caueo In general has been promoted, distributors and" funds, to aid Jn oarrjißg on the work obtained. Tract dis tributors’ monthly meetings have been held in the different districts for prayer and exhortation." It is intended to hold small meetings in the courts and alleys of this great city, to be conducted by male members of the churches, aided by tract distribu tors. - interesting meeting, . Rev. Mr. Hammond’s meeting for children, fn Dr. Adams’ church, yesterday alternoen, was one of very great Interest. The house was well filled, rfiany being seated In the aisles. We noticed smHg the ministers present on the platform and through the "honse, Drs, Adams, March, Bralnerd, Stockton, Messrs. Simmons, Henson. W. W. Tay- Jor, Shepherd, iHamnar, Robbins, Hawes, Moure,- of the American Presbyterians and Mr- -T. N. Baker, of tho Sunday-School Times, Deep lmpres-lons were made upon the minds of nil, and several hundreds of the congregation -remainea.for prayer and con versation. UNION TEMPORARY HOME. .The ninth.annual report of the Union Temporary Home for Chlldrensets out that the Institution Is in a .highly prosperous condition. There are now seventy children enjoying the comforts of a home boa oath its friendly roof. Thirty of these are children of soldiers. Ah effort to pay off a mortgave of $lO,OOO during the present year will be made. The fbifrly Interest ob this sum Is. a" serious draw back to tho efficiency of the Home. ’[BeforeMr. Aldermah Psßceaai.l BOGUS FIYE-DOLLAB GREENBACK. A man giving the name of William Brady was arraigned yesterday on the charge of, attempting to passa.counterfeit United States treasury note of the denomination of five dollars, fit a public house in the Fifteenth ward. The prisoner was committed to answer." 'This is the first public development made in, Philadelphia of this denomination of treasury notes. Individuals are so hut to take a “greenback" without partioularly-looking at it that’ they are likely to be deceived. The very heavy and just penalty for countenelting a national bank note does not appear to Include the ordinary green back. [Before Mr. Alderman Titterroarr. 1 GREENHORN FLEECED. bThree .women named Mary Foster, Alice Sulli vac, and Catharine Meyers were arraigned, yester day on the charge of robbing a man ot ail tbe money he had.-The defendants reside on Trout street (alias Pine alley), on Saturday night, It seems the in dividual from the rnstlo scenes of New Jersey visit ted a house In that classic thoroughfare, Imbibed several drinks, and became oblivious to things terms tial. Upon restoration to somethlngllke conscious ness he found himself minus.hla mpuey. The trio of women denied the charge made against them, They were committed to answer. • DISOBDRBI.Y BOYS. Tho police, nnder direction of Chief Buggies,-ap-- rested abont one bundled boys on Sunday. These precocious youngsters often Indulge In the oangerous pastime of stone-fighting; often, while ladles, gen tlemen, and children are returning from chnreh. Other squads of boys congregate at street corners; ripe a njoaieat for misolilef. So great a nalsanaa was complained of to the authorities, and finally Chief Rngglcg has perfected an arrangement to rid the city of the annoyance. The boys upoo first ar rest have been held to keep the peace. Any one of them arrested for the second time will probably be sent to the House of Refuge. A sergeant of the Provost Guard-was placed in the custody of Provoßt Marshal Palmer, yesterday morning, by the police, on the charge of enticing a soldier ot tho stn Connecticut to. desert, for par poses ofre-enHstment. It seems, that on Saturday night, the sergeant of the guard, having a soldier In custody, called at the Eighth-ward station-house, asking that his prisoner be looked np as he was a deserter. The lieutenant properly refused, . Appli cation was made at another station-house and was s nceessfnl. The prisoner then stated that the ser geant of the guard had made a plot; that he (the prisoner) should desert for the purpose of going as a substitute. The affair was left quiet until yes terday morning, when the sergeant applied at the station-house to take charge of the soldier whom ho had caused to be Incarcerated as above stated. The sergeant was taken into custody, and aseer tained, to Ms entire satisfaction, that olril law was superior to military, In a olty of peaoe. He and his prisoner were handed over to Provost Marshal Pal mer for final trial. His offence eomes dlreotly under the martial law. Court of #yer and Tenniner-Ben. James R. I.udlow and Son, Joseph Allison, Associate Justices, [Williamß. Haim,J&a,.prosecutingattorney, aeslsled „ by.T. B. Pwlebt, Bsq. 1 The trial of Mary Ann Btrine, charged with in fanticide, In throwing her child out of a window, was proceeded with. 1 J. Alex, Simpson, Esq.,,appeared for the prisoner, The selection of a jury was proceeded with, result ing as follows; Alexander Russell, grocer; Charles Sehnaitman, optician; W. H. Sinter, merchant; Benjamin Fennypacker, tinsmith; Thomas J. Mar tin, brick-maker; Louis Brown, grocer; Abram Detwller,tobacconist; Henry E.Esllng, ; Edw. Frailey, book-keeper; Cnas. Freeston, stone-ouster; Abner Jones, plasterer; John Ashmore, carpenter. Mr. Dwight opened the case for the Common wealth, saying the case was of a peculiar kind, and one seldom brought before a oourt. He then stated the law of homicide, and the various distinctions thereof; also the facts of the ease, which we publish, as detailed by the witnesses. Wm. Taylor sworn.—l am the coroner of Fhtla delphla, and held an Inquest on the body of a child on the evening of the 2«h June, ism, at the house of Mr. Shock, at Chestnut Hill; there were no out ward marks of violence on the child; did not see the defendant. " Dr. Sbapletgh, tie coroner’s surgeon, testified to haying made a post mortem examination on'the body of the child. The various medical teite were applied with a view to ascertain if the lungs had been Inflated. Upon opening the scalp; clotted blood was found .between It and the bones of the skuU; these bones were extensively fractured; the fracture extended through the entire length of the parietal bones; underneath the bones, presslng,jipon the brato, I found a elot of blood; in my opinion death was .caused by the violence to the head; the ohlld had freely breathed and had lived; the Injuries could have been inflicted by violent contact with any smooth surface; I could not form an idea of how long the child lived. We omit the cross-examination, as it was Of a purely medical character. Mrs. Susan Shock sworn.—l live at Chestnut Hill, and have known the prisoner since April 20, 1864; she told me she was a single woman when she came to live with me; after Bhe had been there a short time, I noticed and spoke to her of her condition; she declared Bhe was innocent, and appealed to her Maker to sustain her state ment ; the ohlld was born on the 23d or June at my house; she came Into my room in the morning and told me she was sick; 1 told her to lie down and rest; X accusedher Of being about to become a mo ther and she denied this; I sent for Mrs. Christy and a physlei&n; I first saw the ohlld In the yard between 10 and li o’clock A. M.; the prisoner oalled me Into her room five mlnuteß before 1 saw the child and acknowledged that she had a child and threw it out the w Inflow; I noticed that the ohlld breathed and gave a kind of heaving; that was the ohlld the ooroner held the inquest on; there were evidences in the room to show she had given birth to a ohlld; the child had a convulsion in Mrs. Christy’s arms after we went to the yard to plok It up. Cross-examined.—l notloed her condition two weeks alter she came to live with me; I taxed her then and several times afterwards; I got her from an Intelligence office In the city on the 26th April; I asked the prisoner who the father of the child was, and she said she was a married woman, and her name was Mary Ann Crawford; the child was thrown from the third-story front window; there Is a yard In front of the honse; the prisoner remained in the house ten flays after the death of the child, when she was removed to prison. ■ Mrs. Ellon Christy sworn.—l went to the room where the prisoner was, after Mrs. Sohook had sent for me, and found her standing In the middle or the floor, suffering from pain; 1 entreated her to lie. down, but she refused; I then charged her with . being about to become a mother, and she oalled on her Maker to hear witness that She was not; X thought she needed a physician; and went In search of some person to go for one; In ten mlnutesl re turns fl, and found her still standing, positively re fusing to lie down; Mrs. Speaker went for the phy sician, and Mrs. Schoek and I went flown stairs; shortly afterwards the prisoner called Mrs. Sohook, and she went up; X heard the conversation between them, and when Mrs. Sohook canto down we went to the yard, and saw the ohlld breathing and heav ing before we reached it; Mrs. Sohook' picked it up and placed It In my arms, when it had a convulsion; we curled It Into the house and laid it down; a few minutes afterward It appeared to be dead; we then w ent up stairs, and found the prisoner lying down upon the floor. Cross-examined.—The child was,lying on the ground upon its face and knees F tho child was wrapped up as soon as Mrs. Shook picked It un ; the convulsion appeared to have been Internal. The Commonwealth here rested their oaae, and J. Alex. Simpson, Esq., oponed the case for the priso ner, saying that he expected to prove that she was single, ana had been of weak mind all her life, her parents having been very fllsslpatefl.loslng their lives from that cause. She states that she was engaged to a young man named Crawford, who accomplish ed her ruin. The very conduct of the woman, about the time of the birth of the child, showed the condl tlonofler mind. The jury must be well satisfied that the child had Ufa, and also whether the weak minded girl had thrown It from the window through malice, or In the extremity of her deep agony. . The following witnesses were called for the de fence : 6,262 Mrs. Margaret Kelly sworn.—l havejknown the prisoner since December, 1883; she lived with me as a domestic In Race street, during December and January; I noticed she was rather high tempered, but generally behaved herself very well. She left me, saying she was going to get married to a re turned volunteer. Mib. Allburger sworn. —I am related to the prisoner; she la mv brother’s child; she Is about twenty-fiye .years old ; I have known her from in fancy ; her father has been dead eight years; her mother died In the streets; they were about to take her to .the Almshouse, but she died before they could get her (here; she was very dissipated; I brought the father and three children to my house "WhAU h© wa&Bick, tho mother having pledged ©very* thing in the house; he died a few days afterwards; Mary Ann lived with me one and a half years; I tried to educate her, but tho teacher said her brain was not right; she would sometimes leave off In the middle or her work and go off to the country and stay a year, and then come back; after staying three or four months she would go off again ; she lived with me five different times; the oldest brother of the prisoner is very weak minded; the prisoner Is the oldest of the children; she has soars enough on her head, where her mother beat her, to have made her crazy. The defence here closed. Mrs. Shook recalled.—l never noticed anything about the prisoner to Indioate Insanity while she lived with me; The case was ably argued by the Commonwealth Officer, as well as the counsel for prisoner. - ' J. Alex. Slmpßon, Esq , was assigned by the.court to defend this miserable woman. He discharged his duties with great fidelity, and his speech had marked effect upon all who heard it. . The bin of indlotment was handed to the jury at Hair-past three o’clock, and without leaving their seats they rendered a verdlct of guilty of murder in the eeoond degree. - TREWARE of counterfeits and DBALBRB endeavoring to dll- THE POLICE. SERIOUS CHARGE. THE COURTS. -OIL ©<WttFA«riE«. , Iggr 4 CAMERON PETROLEUM CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA. O APIT AU 81.000.000. SHARES 200,000- I*AB TALHZ,...—.—..-.-4~--*B.OO. HUBSCRIPTION PRICE »H,60 PRESIDENT, VANOE STEWARTs OF KBBOBR OOUKTT, PA, ? . TREASURER, E. G. JAMES. OF PmtAPBLPUU- BEGRBTARY, J. hi DARLINGTON. WSST OBBBrsi, FA DIRECTORS, VANCE STEWART, Mercer sonnty, ri, JOHN B. LEONARD, West Chester, Fa. D. c. FORNEY, Washington, D.' O. HENRY D. COOKE. -Washington; D. 0. SIMON CAMERON, Harrisburg, Fa. JOHN H. DIEHL, Philadelphia. JOHN V. GRAFF, Philadelphia. GEORGE O. EVANS, Philadelphia. . JAMES DUFFY, Marietta. Lansaaterto.. Fa. -The present and prospeetivevslae of the etoek of this Company may be Inferred from the fast that It owns a fee simple Interest In 473 (four hundred’ and seventy three) acres of the richest-tested oil territory in Venango county, believed by tbe moat experieneed oil men In that ration to be capable of producing a net annual In come to the Csinpany of one add a half million dollara, or three rimes the entire cost of the stock, which would he equivalent to twenty-five per sent, a month on Its sttbacriptionjwUe. or one hundred and fifty per cent. twra» numonitsparvaUte. The following is.« description of the Company’s pro perty; ...... One-fourth fee simple Interest’ln the celebrated “Hoover 1 ' Farm, situate on the Allegheny river, abont, two and one-half mflec below Franklin, con ‘.rtlnirs 282 (two hundred and ninety-iwo) acres, with 532 rode (or over one mile) front on tho Allegheny river, on .which there are now twelve leases,’each ten rods square, and from which the owners of the fee simple cot one half the oil, free of all expense. Besides this, there aTe two wells owned by the owners ef the’ fee, from which they get all the oU,- ■ , -- : On this farm there are now ten Wells In operation, producing as average of ten barrels per day and several othersaroaboat bolus tubed. There are also on tt{B7 (eighty-seven) more lots surveyed, and more than fifty applications are now standing to lease thg latter for one half the oil to the owners; Ont of the twelve wells on this Farm eleven are now paying handsomely; a fact which, mffioteutly demon straths tho great richness and reliability of tho terri tory, . , Ho. X It the entire fee simple Interest In 101 (one hundred and eighty-one) acres, situate on tho Allegheny river, near ly opposite the “ Hoover " Farm, and "a tittle nearer Franklin, at the mouth of Mill Bun, having a front of 66 rods on the Allegheny river, and one mile on both sides of Mill Run, With ample boring carfitcs for one httneired welts , or Lots of ten reds square. This tract Is know” •• the “Stewart Farmi" and’is tiear of all leases or Incumbrances of any kind. There Is new in operation a fifty-barrel well (beside several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, whish ad join# this on the couth. In fact, the “ Stewart ’ ’ Farm is surrounded with good-paying walls,: and within a short time a single lease of 80 rods front, on tho lmms dlste opposite side of the river, sol - for fISS.OOO (one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollara I On -this lease a good well has been struck within a tew days. In addition to the territory .of the “Stewart’’ Farm, which is believed to be equally as good as tho “ Hoov er. ” there are on It a three-story Grist Mill, with fine water-power, a good term-house, and other buildings, hat will be of use to the company, . The tUiralAltiy of this Immediate oil section Is Illus trated by the fact that come of the wells on the “ Hoov er* ’ Farm have been pumping ter over four years, with out any material diminution lh their yield, while the oil here produced, from its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one to two dollars per barrel shore than the oil at OU Creek. The ofieen of the Companr feol Instilled in present ing the following estimate of what, with vigorous management, the above lands can ba made to yield for the benefit of tho stockholders In a comparatively short time; THE “STEWART FARM." There Is room on this for one hundred lots of ten rods square, aU of which can be leased immediately for one half the 011,/ree of all expense to the Oompany, Estimating one well to each lot (ono hundred wells, although there ic ioom for three hundred) at the very moderate average often barrels each, would makes Dsily product of—l,ooo bbla. Out of thla tbe Company’s chare.would bo. . 600 bbla. Value of daily yield- to the Company, at ten dollara per bH fit is now soiling at 613- ITb, *6,000 09 Allowing three hundred working d&ysto the Tear* this would make, the Compa ny’! annual net receipts* from the Stew** 1,500*000 00 blowingthosameeßtlmateafortlie "Hoov er ” Farm# Ln which the Company owsi one-fourth is. fse of the l&nd interest, the annual net receipt! from the latter woald te„MS...eO4.SkRI«.M.>MHae rtm.WVSM. 875,000 00 Making the annual receipts from froth' Farms eWSHt-lIIWI C+t-toAMt HAS • l-HMI W4IO 1,876.000 00 Deducting, from thl* amount the sum of *376,000 for eonUngendw, would leave the ■ Net Annual Income or the Company-™—. «i, 000,000 00 ALL THESE LOTS (lAN BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED, If it is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the OU, with covenants binding lesiees to sink walla, with all possible diligence, to tiro depth of 600. or more foot. A FEW PLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Ton are not asked to subscribe to this Stock with the expectation of immediately receivlnx large dividends, but the bade on which the Company reels, it la be lieved, will make your Investment not only safe, but, prospectively, of enormous value. ' Notwithstanding,at the present prices of oil,the Com pany’s annual receipts (without any further deyelop inent) would be forty thousand dollars, or eight per sent, on the cost of the stock.-' The President, Hr. Stewart, Is one of the most praetl sal and experienced oil operators in the State, and his residence near the Company’s property and general oversight of Its management is th* best guarantee that no efforts will be spared to make the investment pro fitable. Applications for a large proportion of the stock have already been made, but none will be received until the books of the Company are regularly opened for that purpose* Only a limited amount of the stock win bo sold at subscription price. The stock will be Issued full paid, without further AflmwTnflntu ' BOOKS OF SUBSOBIPTIOB will fee open for*tar d&yj, op *sd after January 18* 1866* at th© office of 13. Ct. JAMES, Treasurer, No. 101 WALNUT Street, Phllada. Also, temporarily, by . ... A. DOUG I, AN, fo3-tf At S. B. cor. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. ■Qsa» THU MAMMOTH SLIPPEBT fex? BOOK OIL COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. SCO ACRES OP MB SITUATED ON SLIPPERY BOCK CREEK. BUTLER COUNTY, PA. 130 ACRES IN BEE AND 746 ACRES ON A TWENTY YEAR LEASE. CAPITAL, 500.000 SHARES .—..PAR VALUE PER . SHARE. SI. WORKING CAPITAL. *35.000. SUBSCRIPTION PEICETO ORIGINAL SUBSOBI BEES, R 5 CENTS PER SB ARE. ' OFFICE. No. »13 WALBUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. PEESIBEST, . "WILLIAM C, HcfuBBIN, ■ * Proprietor of Merchants’ Hotel. TREASURER, E. A MARSHALL, Jb., No. 213 Walnut street. 1 BECRETAaV, W. 6. HAYWOOD, IT©. 213 Walnut street. JASPER.B> BRADY^d™ 3 ' GEObefiL oralf,’ MattoMl Biak ‘ ■ Herehint* Bethlehem* Fa, LEWIS 0 GBBBBTe • .Of The Catholic Herald and Universe* Colonel O, H. CHRISTMAN, ww Importer, 114 Walnut street. Hon. C. M DOB AVAST, . State Senator. WILLIAM 0. McKIBBHT, . Merchants’ Hotel. WILLIAM H. BARNES, Merchant, Philadelphia. The properties contain sufficient territory for • , TWO THOUSAJJ? 0 WML C*S . These lands are all situated iu one of the. choicest localities on Slippery Rock Creek, and near one of the large-prdducißg wells recently struck there. It is fee jleved the Stock will fee par by July, when a portion of the lands wilthe developed. Rot lees than One Hundred Shareswill he sold to any one, and . one half the Subscription Price v*r share will he required of each Subscriber on entering-their names on tkt books. ■ This Company is the only Company owning so large an amount of territory on Slippery hook Creek, which pvomues to rival Oil vmk fa its production of oil, • the Pittsburg Commercial 3 To© repent strikes on Slippery Bock Creek have caused as intense excitement in that locality, and lands are coneeQuentl? rapidly increasing in value. Mr.Qlu, of Lawrence county, arrived is the city from the new Oil Doi&do jesterday, and reports that the new Well wee flowing fifty barrelsjper car, the oil feeiagof the most excellent lubricating quality >J - * CFrom the Petroleum and Mining Journal, PitfcshjßTg. 3 A new wellhaa been struck on Bllppary Rock Greek, near the Rntler-connty line, which proves beyond a doubt the existence of Oil in that section. Lands are grtaily increased in value. Ten acres are said to have sold for ten thousand dollars, The lands ofthis Company are situated near the lands or the Jersey Weil Oil G-irapany, and were selected by one of the most experienced oil men in Western Penn sylvania. The titles have been examined, and are rsRFKiT-dear of all encumirances. fcIXTT TBOUSAHD SHARES WERE TAKER THE fat the company was grgabized. The Company will he chartered immediately. The Books are now op»n for a short time only at the Office of the Company. Money may be remitted to the Treasurer, and printed receipts for Stock will be for warded at once, . Address E. A. MARSHALL. Treasurer, mh27 3t - Ho. 5313 WaLRU? Street, Phil*. |ggp OFFICE OF THE JERSEY WELL. OIL 00. PHILADELPHIA. March 25,1865. The following information had haen received from SAMUEL GRIFFITH, Bsq„ one of the Directors : MERCER, March 23, 1865, THE JERSEY WELL 13. ALL SAFE. NO DAMAGE DONE, AND NOT A DROP OF OIL LOST. The Company have been famished with a letter from Hou. D W. Findley, dated Mercer, March 22,1866, from which they extraot an folio we ; “From the amount of Oil now being discovered on Slippery Rock Creek, and adjacent streams, land has risen to almost fabulous prices. New developments have been made along Slippery Rock and Maddy Creeks and along tho Beaver River. Land along some of these streams Is now selling at one, two and three thousand dollars per acre mh27-St 1 W. If. BARLOW. Secretary. 0P WARDS OF THIRTY THOUSAND reMiTrf,^^^^th^SriS 4 *g!l SMB PREPARATIONS, many of which are from ths highest sourest. including eminent statesmen, cler rymen, governors. State iudkes. die, the PKESB.-PTm,Ai>Rmiiii. Tuesday. march ss, is6s. |gy *“* BEE HIVE OH COMPANY. CAMTAI STOCK 300,000 SHAKES. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE S 5 CENTS PER SHARK TULL ffJOiOOOOABH RESERVED AS WORKIMG CAPITAL. The. property ofthis Company comprises 100 Acres la lee simple, situated la Warren oounty, Fenntylvanla. oathe Allegheny river, 4J£ miles above Tideonte, front toe oh the river aboutMOrods. There to.room enough on the property lor 10 to 60 well*. Boring will he im- mediately commenced. TheKconomile wells, some 4%miles below, are now sending 600 to 700 barrels per week to market. The well lately sunk on Magee's Run, I>J. miles below, to art yet tubed,- hut gives all prospects of a 60-b«rel well. So 11 may he seen at a glanee that bar prospects for oil are very flattering. This property was pur chased elaht months ago at a low figure, the, company thereby gaining Immensely by the advance Inland. To the stockholders to reeorved the prlrilete of ehoostog their own officers, and to placing oar names to this we are eattofled we are offering to the publicslnducement! not to ho procured in any company of the hind no win the market. 1 - **' Snbscrihare will please call and examine for tham eelves. Bnhsorlptlons received at the Banking Office of BECOHD 8008 ABOVE CHKSTHUf STREET. We wish to close the hooka of this Company in one BOOKS WILL BE OPENED MARCH 33d, ' mhid-ut - THIS MIKING, & MANUFACTURING CO., CAPITAL *350,000, ft CM BEK OF SHAKES.. .. ~350,000. FAR VALUE AND SUBSCRIPTION PEXCE, 81. SO,OOO SHARES EESEEVED FOB WORKING CAPITAL. TEMPORARY OFFICERS; President, JOSEPH SAUNDERS. Secretary and Treasurer,' WILLIAM M. LEYJOK. Joseph Saunders, Ho. Si H. Fourth street, phila. William M. Levlck, Ho 331 H. Sixth street, Phila, B. Allen Moore, Ho. Si H. Fourth street, Phila. William B. Morrison, Coatesville, Charter co., Fa, Thomas P, Emith.No. SO H. Fonrth street, Phila. Benry B Fnseel, Forty-sixth street and Ktogsesstog avenue, Philadelphia. ' Isaac fialdeman, Newton Square, Delaware so, • Pa, Umrirt filnrk. PfiTniUn ~ EdwVn«feCrf3a,JSo. 18S — Adam D. Wuiiainßon, Newtown, Delaware co., Pa, The property of this Company consists of 357 acre* of land in fee simple. No. I—Contaios 200 acres, sUcate on the Hocking Ri ver, shout four miles east of Athens, the county town of Athens county, and about thirty-four miles west ot Marietta. The Marietta and Cinciunail 'KaUroaa through the premises; Stroud’s Run Hows through the entire jergth of the farm, and forms a junction with she B«cM* g River on the property* agoraing nearly two miles of boring territory. No. 2—Contains 97 acres, situate about 2K miles north - west of No. 1. Stroud’s Run also passes through the tract, upon which there is a large amount of land suita ble for boring purpose*. The well known as the “Stalder Salt Well ’ * is on < Tract fio. 1» whies, at the time of boring, discharged oil in such quantities that it was found necessary to tube it off. There are surface indications of oil on. Tract No. 2: also, Gil springs from Which-Potroleum flows In small quantHies at aD times. Both of these properties are in the immediate vicinity of several wells, which are now producing the best quality of Lubricating Oil. The amount of boring territory, the convenience of bra?spoliation Which the railroad and river afford, the large deposit of valuable coal which underlies both tracts of land- together with the pledge which thema nagers m«ke that no reasonable cost shall be spared to thoroughly develop the property, render it worthy the attention of those who are desirous of investing money in what promises a rich return. Subse* iption for a limited amount of the stock can be made bv application to any of the officers, or at the Of* flee of the Company,: ; - * No. 331 Nortli SIXTH' Street, KSF** All IdJiCS mBOtKUH AND I® COAL COMPANY. CHARTERED UNDER 'TEE LAWS OF PBNN’A. subscriptionfeioe twenty five cents per SHARE FOB FUEL-PAID STOCK. ■ - . FAB VALUE OF EACH SHAKE, $l. 1 WORKING CAPITAL, $35,000. Fabbsext-JOSTAH J. ALiEN. Tbbasobek—CHAS. W. HORSE. 3. 3. ALLEN. iOSTABLES W. MORSE, GEORGS L- SENAT, .WM. W. NEEDLES. CHAS. B. HOLBROOK, I - SsfIBETABr-SAMniL ALLEN. * Eoperibtendext-ALBEBT TIBBIN. OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, 136 8. THIRD STBEBT. Subscriptions received by E. A. MAESHALL, Jb. , 313 WALHUT BTRBET. property of thle Company comprise? the foilow -80. l. S Abont4Co Acres Ik fee, on theGonemaueh, In Cambria county, Pennsylvania. The CusaSraga Creek rop through the proparty. One hundred and ten Sere* to coring territory*and there is room for over HUNDSEp WELLS. , . A flnevtln of coal isoathla tract, pronounced by Welle. Wells are .now Ms* hored In the immediate ■vicinity;. , 80. 2 consist* of a twenty years l lease in Pleasant West 'V irginJa, on BftWxoa’sßun, a branch of number of luge producing-wells are adjoining. Two wells are now going* down on this lease anT^th^leetTSh^ » a Sue 10-horre engine, engine-house, derrick, tanks, So, all In working order,-and now in fall operation. Well lo 2—Everything Is here ready, and only waiting tor the engine. SUBSCRIPTIONS By mail, addressed to the 'President, J J. ALLEN, of Allen at Needlee, :4a SOUTH W HaBVBS, or the Trea surer. G. W sIOhSK, of Speare. Holbrook, dt If rse, 108 WALNUT Street, will receive prompt attention. Remittances oon be made by draft, express, or regis tered letter. Government bonds and secnrltiea taken Books will open at SSI3 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, March SOth, and close WEDNES DAY, March 29th. , * mh27-2t fetNoleum. THE HEW YOKE AND LIVERPOOL COMPANY. OEOANIZBD UNDER THE MINING AND MANUFACTURING LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YOKE. CAFIIAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHAKES, SUBSCRIPTION iPRIOB, $5 FEB SHARE, HOT LIABLE TO FUBTHKB ASSESSMENT. OFFICES: Ho. *1 EMPIRE BUILDING, Ho. VI BROADWAY, NEW. YORK. Post Otnam adpbbss, Box No. S3BB, Hiw Yobs. omiosxs. Hoa. DANIEL A DICKINSON, President. WM. T. PHIPPS. Vice Freiident. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. .H. J. BUBTIS. Mining Superintendent, YitUVßl**?*. ATLANTIC 8ANK,N0.142 Broadway,H.Y.,Trea*ttry. The wells of th? Company are now iirodueini oil. Payment for stock may he made In drafts, registered notes, or Government bonds end securities, which bond* and securities will be taken at their market value. Remittances may he addressed to the Company, P. O. Box ao. 6368. New Fork City, or to ‘-Atlantic Bank, Treaeory of the New York and Liverpool Petroleum Company, Ho. 142 Broadway, Now York City,” or to any or lie agents. mhd 3m . - - - CHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE* O STORED br HELHBOLD’S XKTJUOT BBOHU. OIL COMPAKIEB. PAB TALUS *1 PER SHARK. OORPOEAPORB, W. H. STEVENS. WM. MoKIBBIH, ADAH WABTHHAH. B. B. BLISS, m a. HOEv. WM. Or. HUEY, Fo, 54 Bouth Ililrd Streets STALDER FARM PETBOLEM, : OF ATHENS OOUNTY, OHIO. Directors, PHILADELPHIA. 600,000 SHARES. DIRECTORS, *lO FEB SHAKE. COPARTNERSHIPS* THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE A existing between the nedereimed'under the style of BROWN SOaLVERT is this day dissolved by mtt tnal consent. oECBOS H s&off s. CHART, d- W. F. CALVERT, GEORGE M. BOBKSON. PHH.ADEI.rmA. February 3. 1856. THE UNDERSIGNED have formed and entered Into a limited partnership oncer the laws of PennsyleauH, apd do hereby in accordance therewith, certify that tha nsme *r firm under which tbe same ia to oe con do cted is & C »LVS££T. ... The general natore of th« bnsin«s» to be transacted ii aGeieralManufactuiJng Business. „ The camps of tbe general partners ar* GEORaB a. BKOW N and CHARLES W. F. CALVaR r, of the city ot I’bD&de phia.and the only special pi-rtnor IsGSUBGs M BOBEBOH, now of the city of Camden, a. J The said special partoer has contributed to the common swok or capital of said Sim Twer tv- five Tboafaud Bol iars to cash, and the said parin' rship commences oo too FuUBTH (4-. bl DA? of Fabrnary. 1866, and wilt termi nate on tbe slot day of January. 1857. GEORGE P. BSOWJ, ‘ - CHAKLf 8 W.F.CA CVgRT,-General Partners, . GEOB9E M. B'JBESOv. Special Partner. PnrLAmai’RM, February _4,1855 fe7 tuut MB. BARRY C. HUNTER 18 THIS Hi- BA? m-mber of o« 0 «,m &0o Pbltoda.. March 86th, 1885' - mh3s Bt* ÜBttAL. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE 1 mri AS_»ci>u»rypppHitisEt,PHiA. SsTate B JDBs BnLb7d6^Be3. Tie Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, »nd adjcst th*-sccouttof A.. NISSfiT TtJBHBtT&Ii, Ad jDlßi trator of the Eetate.of S. Graeme Turn ball, dec a» and to ieport distribution of the balance la the hsoda of the accountant. will meet the parties iutereßted, for the ■purpoees of his appointment, on THUBSOAY. April 6, 1866, at 4 o'clock P, M.at hiscfflce, Ko-115 South. SBVBHTB Street, In the citv of Philadelphia. ah£B tathss<* - qSoBGB W. Pg&felQK, Auditor, -j PT THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOE THE CITY ADD COUNTY Of? FHUiA.DBI.PHIA.. Estate of WILLIAM TOD WtLOOX> dec’d, . The>ndi r,r appointed by thA Court to. audit, settle, andarjestthe account WItiOGX, Bseou fcorof tbp last will and testament of WILLIaM TOD WILCOX, deceased, and to import distribution of the balance in the hands <f tbe accountant, will meet the pariles interested, for the purposes of bis appointment, on MONDAY. April lOth, 3865* at 4 o c?ock PrM , at his Office, DOG WALNUT Street, in the city of Ph.Ua deJrbia WILLIAM RRNKT, 10M8-tnlhsEt . Auditor. P[ THE ORPHANS'COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. EeTATB OF MaRY LBBTER. The Auditor appointed by tbe Court to audit, settle, end adja»t the accrtmt of w H WaLWSLEY, Adminis trator of tbe Estate of MARY LETTER, deceased, and to report oietiibuion of toe balance in the hands ot the acctnata*t,-wlll me*t the partita lut-rested for tee pnr-- po»e*of hts appointment on TUESDAY. April 4 r -b, A D. 1666.-at four o'clock PM. ,st his oifl.ce, No. 12 9X 8, FOURTH Street, in tbe city of PaUadeiohla, »*b?3.tH»tpfil; JOHN HANNA. Auditor. EHECATIONAI. QAKDALE SEMIRARY, AN ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, AND NOEHAL SCHOOL job . YOUNG MBA AND BOYS, PBGHTOWN, CEbSteß CO., PENN A The next term of thil levitation on MON DAY, Amli 3, I£Bfl. For Circular,, containing ptrtlcu lar«, aodresa ISAAC W.‘ GUJLDIJL A M., mb9lm ■ . ftrlacipM. WEST GROVE BOARDING SCHOOL, » * for GIKI>, at WEST GBOVN STATION, F. and B Central Ealitoad, .Chester Conntr Fa ■ • The SO MM SB Tls&tt of this institution wIU com merce on SECOND DAY, the Ist of FIFTH- MONTH next, to continne 20 weeks. The course of instruction Is extensive and thorough, and la adapted to all ages. For circulars, Ac., address tne Principal. THOS F COKARB. fe27-mtn2m • West grove* Pa. X/ILLAQ® green seminary*— Y MILITARY BOaHOINH SCHOOL, four miles from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough course In Mathematics, CUsrics, Natural Sennets, snd English; practical les sons in Civil hngineertuff Pupils received at any time, and of all ages, and enjoy th- beneSts of a home. Re fers to JobnC Capp A Son, 2&Somh Third street; Thos. J. Clayton, Esq , Fifth'*nd Prune streets; ex Sheriff Hern, and Others, Addra-* Rev. JT. HER FEY BAR TON, A. H .VILLAGE GREEN, Penna. no6-6m WOODLAND SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIEB, No*. 9 and IQ WOOPLANB TBBBACB, W««i Phllad*. Bot. HENBY BSBVSg, A- M., Principal • feS»-Sw» COAL* Thom A 3 I Oram Bobski J. Henphim. Aram & HEMPHILL, DEALERS IX LEHIGH AND biJtiUl LKITiL COAL, _ Of all sizes and of best qualities.. Carefully picked and sftMened. and invariably at the _ ' lowest cash prices Office and Yard. WIbLOW, brio w FIFTEENTH Street. 4Sff* Orders can be left at 140 North SIXTH Street, 653 North TENTH street, 1433 Ga£oL AY Street or through the Post Office, which will be promptly and Satisfactorily filled. ja!7 8m E. ■ SCHREINER, ÜBV COAL DEPOT, ' NOBLE fctreat abov@ Ninth street. „ Constantly oh * ana superior qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, selected expressly for family purposes, at the lowest price*. Twenty third street, .below Arch street. Office, IX9 South FOURTH Street. • - oc2o-6m CO I I .—SUGAR LOAF, BE AYER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Goal, and best Locust Mountain, from Schuyjklll. pr. pared »x> preeuj-for family use. D*pof, NW. corner BHJHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office,No. 113 south SECOND Street. fang tO X WALTON & CO, fIOAL.-$0.50A TON FOR THB VERY VJ Healer and Egg GOAL* eq.a&l to Lehigh. Stove, $10; Jfut, $O. Office. »i>s South FIFIH Street. Yard, BBOAD and CATBaBIAE Stmts, xDbSft-fit* pUEB LEHIGH COAL.—HO USE ~ KEBPEBS can rely on jetiinta jmre article it the 8. B.corlierof PBOHT asd FOPBaK Streets. JOHS W. HAMPTOH. • mun. ire* ■DUTTERPIILD’S OVERLAND -•J DESPATCH, . - Office Ho. AO South FIFTH Street. . ■ • A, THBOHGH FKBIGHT tHI hac been ertibiished. prepared to receive all claitee of Prelaht is the principal cities cant of Ore Hisiicclppl river, and to of shipment COLOEADO, IDAHO. UTAH, ABD MOHTAMA TBBItfTOBiBB. WO* IHKODOH OOETBAOT S*TK3 AHD BILLS OP LAMBS. Throwrh Bates lselnde ALL CHAEGfiS-Bailwav. Transfer, storage,and Foi warding CoinmiMioE* an the Hlssonri rtver, and transportation npon thoWatna- J&MMaHinjrtneSMnpertooMaiaa THBOUOg Coif. StSMStr for a distance ofOYBB THBEB THODSAHD MlLS.and rationing him from all respon - elMUMeoeßd snzieuee incident to the past disorganised and irresponsible sjst»m of Plains transportation. Onr Agents in Hew York, Boston. Philadelphia, Pitts, burg, Chi Cano, St. Lonls, and BullngtonTlowa, an I.WIIT THIOTOHTIB’fF^IiFEr 4 **«“ This Company assnmes ALL THE KBSPOHSIBILITT of Losses, Damages, or Overcharges on Freight while TBACB BOOKS, showing the date of shipment, the S, 1 ? 8 **?!? 86 * 5t 8 Mississippi rtver, is received at and shipped from the Company’s Warehouses at Atchison (Kansas), the character of the moving npon the- the date It passes Fort Kearney, arrives at Den- AS T?. ce lS--?_ at “estinatlon. and the apparent eendl oanoftte Wares along the entire rente. . A 3" If Damages or Losses ooonr. Shippers are notified tatlmeto dnplicateanylmportant portlon of the ship- SBShta These books are open for the Inspection of onr ana tome™ at all times, and parties shipping by this Line will be kept Informed by correspondence of the exact condition of their shipments. Merchant, and Mining Men ln the Territories ordering ■&£a£sr&i 2&%s&a ar 4l lnquiry addrewed to <mr offiee at ATGHI SOW, Kansas ;No. IVBSBY Street. Astor HonsteNevr York; orSouihweit comer of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, will be promptly and reliably AW SPjyCiUnfQ, General,Agent, New Tors. wlf.l. MOOBE, Agent, Fhnadeipaia. delS*tf pHILAI.ELPHIA TERRA ..COTTA WORKS. OFFICE AND WABEBOOM3,' 3XO. 1010 CHESTOTT . Street JuPSFPQ WATER, DBAIN, and HEATING PIPES, to 12 InA ho r! ' MilM ’ tr#w * itc ’ ■ to eorrespoad, from OBNAMEHTAL CHIMNEY TOPS, and FLUE PIPES, to eland»-i action of fira, gaa, or weather. ORNAMENTAL PARLOR .AND GARDEN VASES, fc laasical designs, plain and bronzed. fSPSSS,® FlowerFots, Ivy Vases, - Hanging Vases, Vam VftJAR Jkj, o_. hSMh&iK?’* T “ e ‘ f « <“*»• mhl-tnthstf S. A HARRISON. TMACKERBL, HERRING, SHAD, &o. ~ —2 600 bhls Mats. Nos. I, 2, and 3 Mackerel, late- caught flat fleh, In asserted packages, 2.0C0 bbl*. New Eaatport, Fortnne Bay, and Halifax Herring. 2,600 boxes Lnbec, Scaled, No. I Herring. lSubbls Hew Mess Shad. 260 boxes Herkimer-connty Obesse, &e. In store and for sale by MTJRPH I A KOONS. jais-tf No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. tctermetically sealed meats AND SOUPS. 1,030 dot Sausage Heat. ICO “ Boast Beef. MO •• do VeaL - 600 ** do Mutton. US I & .. . F S^h;*™ s m^i*Lg§i, MO-tr 10T South WATEB Street. nOTTON AND PLAN SAIL DUCK 'j- AND CAHVAB. of all numbers and brands. Tent. Awning, Trank, and Wagon-cover Dock. Alio. Parer.Manufacturers’ Drier Felts, from one to five feet Wide; Pauline, Bolting EaU Twine. Ac. „ • JOHN W EVBRtfAN & CO., no3-tf- Ho. 103 JONES’ Alley. "PISH AND CANNED MEATS. ■ 600 bbleMeas and Ho 1 Mackerel. 2,000 sMeteanned Meats, Lobetera, Ae. For sale by P. 0. BUR ROUGH, ja4-8m mi Nnrtb PKOBT Street fifin ARCH STREET* fijlfl UUV* EITCHKff HARDWARE* UUU* WOODEN WARE,and BEtteHE* „ „ A complete assonmeht Of Bouse ftfraislimf Goods. GRIFFITH & PaGB mhie-ly SIXTH and ABOg Streets. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF AHTIL *» LBS. —Anew French Cosmetic for beautifying and preEeryißg the complaxioa. It la the mest wonderful eomponndof the ajie. There is neither chalk, powder* magnesia* Hsnmth* nor talc in its composition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence the ex traordinary qualities for preserving the akin, making it soft, smooth, fair* and transparent. It make* the old appear y onng, the homely h and some* the h&ndsomomore beautiful, and the most beautiful divine. Price# SO and 60 cents. Prepared only by HUiTP & CO, * Ferfamers, 4rl South BIGHTH Street, twodoore above Ghoatnut, and 133 South SEVBHTH Street, above Walnut. jfcg-Sm CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, EN TIKBLY NEW STYLES FOR THE SPRING TRADE —A Superior Lot jn«t received, and fer rale by ROWS. EUBTON. A CO., mblS-lf 137 and 139 North THIRD Street. TTELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF BAR JLI SAPABILLa cleanses and renovatet the hlaod, lnetilsthe vigor ofhealth into the syetem, and pnrgee Out the hnmore that make dleeaee. , TOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS. Office, 331 F Street, sear Fourteenth street, Washington, D. 0. ■ de23-6m HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU ia pleasant in taste and odor, free bom til inmrifm. oronwUee. and Immediate in tie action. p H. GARDEN & CO., NOS. GOO AND m;iee 6^De^ K STRAW GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. RUCHES, An. 6c. • The largest and most complete stock, and th« best terms. Country Uerchanta and the Trade sup* piled. mfrl-Sm 170 R NOR RETENTION OR IHOOR. ■*- TIBEHGB of urine, irrii&tios, inflammation or ulceration of the bladder or kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus* gra vel or brick* dust deposit, and all diseases of the blad* der, kidneys and dropsical swellings, use HBLtf- BOLS»a FLtno EXTEAGT BPCHU. POR FINE DYEING AND INK MA- A- NUFACIURERS. —REFUSED COPPERAS, prepared with great care, for ule by the package, in lots to suit pnrehacere, at a email advance on the price of the crude. OBBDBCOPPKRAS andfor.Me mM-Im* ‘ Maattf iSS i isnWo l SfTßt» rt . Enfeebled and delicate oon- A-J STITUTIOHS, of both sexee, nee HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. It will give hrlek.and energeU. teellnxe and enable yen to deep welL - ' CAMUEL L. TA’SLOR, U No. 4SMf WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOB’ALE THB STATES.. Except Connecticut, New Yolk, Blinoie, Nevada, Oregon, «»4 Texas. fa24-(rtiil,* ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S XV OFFICE, U 39 GIrtARD Street. Pau.Außi.pmA, Pa. Marat 88, W». SEALED PBOPOsaj « »ul be iemjv«d fttthla OffiM until IB odock M , S.TUBDaV, April let, 1855, for tee . UnmMlric delivery at the Dotted stafoe W"" 1 ®. 8 BaFOYEB- Street wharf, properly oacW aad for tr»n,po«atl<n, of the foll-wiag-deeanbad Qaarter meetue’ BtorOH. to bo Inspected bv an Inspector ap pointed on the part of the Oov-roment, via: 6 coiea Ga» Fittiage, each 1,4,6, 6, 8,10. 7 do do 2, 10 do do 8. | d? do Id, 17, 18 20,21.23. 1 do So 24.87. 81. 41. 4J, 41.. 3 H §0 4*. 45,61. 62 62 67. I SX do 61. Ft. fS. 70 7 . li. I S; do ' 71.74 75,78 77,78. 1 So do 79,80, 81, 82 53. 84. 4 do do 85- 86, 87, 88. 6 dozen Drop Elbows. 145,147. _ 6 dozen Deducing Elbows, 13S, 139,140, 111. 10.000 loot 2 inch Gas Pip*. 2,C00 do nS, Web do. I.COO do K-toch do. 6CO do fi inch do- Ldosen iVm. Sellers & Co. *s Injectors, No. i. 20 Globe Valves. SO do do each X lech, and 1-inch, E 0 do do H iech, 2« do do V& inoh. 2d,:do' do inch. Id do do 2‘uch, • 0 do do S inch. SO Stop Cccke. each K inch, %■ inch, £0 do do A ' IX inch. EG do do > inch. SO do do 1 inch. 15 do do IK-inch. 20 do do IX inch. ■ 25 do do 2 ioca. v S do do 8 inch. 20 Brass Unions, each X inch, 2 inches, ■ SO do do do 7t ineh, 1 mch. .60 do do do >s-inch, % inch. 10 do do do l^f'inoh 2 doz braiß Bibb cocks, each inch. Ido do do do IV inch.l inch* do 'do do do inch The Globe Valves, Stop Cocks, and Unions mast hare a thretd cut m them to e mnect gas pipe. All of the above articles to be of the best Quality. BiddfM sbonld eta'e the quantity bin for and whan they will cjir-mfiice and fini'h their deliverer, the price of the articles (to include boxe* and delioeryj, which should be written both in word* and flgare*, and conform to the term* of this ad vertisemeot, a c'-py of which should aefezapany each proposal, aad no scheanle prices will he received. Samples of the articles bid for mast be delivered at the Banover-street btorehonse twenty four hoars be fore the opening of the bids. . Bids will be opened on Satardav. ipril 1,1835, at 12 o’clock M , &sd bidder* are requested to be present. Each bid most be gnhza&teed by two responsible par sons,whou signatures most be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good vend sufficient secorlty ft>r the amount involved by the United States IMstrtw Judge, Attorney or Collector, or other public officer. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed an re&s< nabtoiand no bids from adefaoUmc contractor will be received. AHpiopoealsto be made out on the regular forms, Which will be fUmbhed on app ication at this office* . order of Col. Wm. W. dfcKim Chief Gaartermas* ter Philadelphia Depot. GE jRGS R. OEMS, mhSßdt . Captain and A. Q SI. DEPOT QUARTERMiSTSH’B OF- Cincinnati, 0., Msrch 23, 1865 _FBpUOSALB are invited by tne undersigned, autil FRIOAY, Match 31, at 12 o’clock M., for famishing this Department with , BLOUbB FLANNEL. ARMY STANDARD. To be oi pure wool, free from shoddy, and wool-dyed, u a&rar b)ue eolor,in I»digodye. Width to be not less then twenty seven (27) inches. There must Jbo fort?- eight (48) fitting threads to the iceh, and in the chain fiity #i* (£6) >he weight per linear yard mast be Are and one b&jf (s>£) ounces .• To be free from m*le«, thoroughly cleansed,and minn factured in a workmanlike manner. Deliveries to uemiaence within thirty days afterdate or award, and be completed within ninety days there- Proposals for longer deliveries will not be con -62 d * red PTApozale for article* Inferior to standard wUI not b» conuldered. Bide "ill be opened on FBIDaT, March 31.1, at 12 o clock H , at this office, and. blddaire are redneated to be present. Awaj ds Will be made on 8 ATU RD AT, April Ist. 1885 , „ Col C W.M .CoTOS. mb23 8t Depot Quartermaster. OFFICE a. a. p. m. general, sup. A/ YOI/ DECBDJM*a BBBVICB, EA9TBRS DIYI EIOH. FEBSA Philadelphia. JUrchtl. 1865 SSALnD PEOPOSALB wtu be ccelsed at this Offlss TO til lz o’eiock 11 , on THOEaDAT, Marci SO. 1855, for dellvejry to ibis Office: Letter Paper, Congress ruled, 11 lbs. 1 Brief do!' d§: mi; IBy tbs Beam, Bnvclopsdo bun about 80 fts. j BuvrJoPes, bnff. 11 by b inches. Do. ' bght yellow. 9by 4 Inches, Block Ink nKarnardAt Noyesor, or Arnold’s). Carminelnk (Bake’s or Cohen’s), largo bottles, Beating wax. Steel Fens (Gillott’s or Commercial), Red Tape, spool of .100 yards, Lssd Pencils. Blottii g Board, Indiaßubbar Bfcrilage. quart bottles. Itdia Rubber Bands (sm«ll and narrow, assorted). Letter Copying Buosb (soopages velum). Swattwout's Metallic Paper Fasteners. Drafting Cards, 2 by S inches. Proposals in duplicate, addressed to the A. A. P. M. General, and to the bupt- Vol. Rseruiting bervicsi may be made for any or &U of the article* enumerated. Forms for bids will bs iurnished on application at this Office. Envelopes will be marked ,r Proposals for Station ery. ” Ran-pies of the articles bid fox must be delivered at this Office twevty-four boom before the opening of the bids. deliveries to commerce fire days after date of award in such quantities as may b- required. Bids will be opened on THURSDAY, March. 30, at 12 o dock H., and bidders are requested to be present. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea tonable. Further information will be given on application at this Office. ' v J. HAYDEN, 4 Msjor 10th United States Infantry, A. A. P, Iff, General and Supt- Vo). Rec’g service, mh2s-4t Eastern Division, Penna. Aemy supplies. • CLOTHING BUREAU, QUARTERMASTER GE NERAL*® OFFICE, Washington, *arch 2?, 1865. BEeLED PROPOSALS .wta he r Gael vert at the office of ■ Army Clothing:and Equipage in New York city, until 12 o’clock M. on WED i*hfaDAY,the29 Eh Inst,for famish ing by contract at the Depot, ofArmy Clothing and . Equipage. Ntw York: t reigcd Boots, Standard, to be delivered immediately. Brass Castles for Hate, Standard. Braes Crossed Sabres, do. Brass Crossed Oannon, do. Canvas Gaiter*. do. Brass Dium Stick Carriages, do. Brum Head* Batter, do. Prom Heads Snare, . . do. , „ , . Fanner information can be bad, ana samples of the articles can be seen at the Office of Army Clothing and iSqtripage, New Ytrk City. Bid*. era will atate the number they propose to famish, how soon they can commence, and the number they csn.d eliver weekly. Proposals must be accompanied by a guarantee signed by two responsible persona, setting forth that if a con tract i? awarded to the party making the bid, he or they will at once execute the contract, and give bonds for the proper fulfilment of the came. The right is ra served to the Untied States to reject any part, or the whole of the bids that may be deemed objectionable. The articles must he delivered in good new Proposals should be endorsed ** Proposals for fur nishing (here insert tbe name of the article bid for). 51 and addressed to Bt Brig Gen. D. H. VINTON/" mh2s At P. Q M General, New York City. lAMBS O’BBIBN. QFABTBEMASTIB’S Vf OFFICE, JTo. 1339 GIEASD Street, Phiiadklpuja Bspot, March 18, 1865. , SEALSB PEOPOaALS wilt be received, at tbla office Pit Y t®J ar ch 2 i B3s ’ •* U o’clock a,, lor de llveilag at the BchnjlkUi Arsenal: M or 6-4 Bine Wool Flannel, indigo wool-dye,to weigh. standard* 5 yard, of X width, for sack coats, army i3&s£WgfiiSS£ u * • mT dif“ tel &• inch yellow Bilk Lace, , do. K-inch Bky blue Silk Lace, do. 3£;incn scarlet Lace, do. Sk*E r,r A?!!? ad » s°- ?£* £m* ra ** ftmtieh sample. ®traw wrapping Paper, 86x40, to weigh abont 95 ibe. P«r ream. Panles offeilngeoodg should make separate proeosala fej ea i?l altic , ie ofierei and mnst distinctly state In their S .AtT.rS. 17111 commence their deliveries, the to trrnlsh each week the price Winch should is written both in words and figures}, ®5" tc > jhe terms o t this advertisement, a copy v«mch should aceompanv each proposal. •t Wtfclots required may be seen Samples, whsn submitted, anet be SS snrSJi?™!^ 818 .? *° correspond with the proposals; and the parties thereto mast guarantee that the goods in every respect equal to army standard, othei wfee j th s.K o ? oßals 17111 not ha considered. ’ „>3K,v m J e , O Pf?f 4 on Tuesday March 28,1866, at 13 o clock M., and bidders are rennet ted to be present. each hid mnstbe gnarsnteedbytwo responsible per* SSSiJ 7 * 0 !? Bi K at ?’l e *.“?'f b « appended to theena 2£?f?i’r an SL cB,tlflBd 1°, &S being good and sufficient se- UonaJ/efthe vS£fi£3F*‘ * S ™' reserved to rejeetany bid deemed tmrea- ll ofrom adefaulting contractor will Endorse envelope. .''Proposals for (here Insert the name of the article offered 1. 1 and address. Colonel WILLIAM W. MeKIH, Chief Quartermaster, Philadelphia Depot. »M5-m |?LECTBOPATHIO ESTABLISH DR A. H. 6TBVEHS, om of ths FIRST been 10 very suooeisfia at PENN SQUARE for the fMrIS£PI£S£ a j,J ,,w . reiao *®d Ms Office and Besidene* to 1638 VINE Street, one door below Seventeenth. hll persona desiring references, or any particular* 'ttft,**** 1 ?* 0 tls *P««*aJ mode of treatment, will please call or send for a pamphlet Consnltatioa <?y advice gratuitous. mhS-tf COBSBR ELEVENTH a»D BA.CE STREETS, 1 r» CBESTNUT AND FORTIETH? t Dr. THOS ALLEN, Tory successful inthe treat ment or au diseases would inform his friends and I the public that he Is still benefit ting and curing I “^ e r€dTmSmWe dlCllie *** M W > _ BHKOBIATIBM AND NEURALGIA. I WON DEB IU LDI SC OVBBI -We would aek your attention to these diseases, as we I bare fonnd tbafc we possess a remedy which ha* eared many, and wui restore -to their wonted health, hundred* more who are at present suf. ‘ ' foring the most excrodating agony. Generally, a few days only are needed to effect a core, we would urge no one to try «; if yoa do not the lose -is yonr own. Those who follow oar require.. meats, and not cored, have nothing to p*y. Fa’ tieats treated at their residences when desired. Testimonials at the offices; boon 9JI M. toSP. M- Consultations free. Offices, 151 North ELEVENTH SWeet, also, CHESTNUT and FOB'’ TIBTH Street, West Philadelphia. JaJg&a US THQB. ALLEN ; FENN STE AM ENGINE AND FBf,CTICAL^iND , TH¥oRMICAI, B KNMNisR^ l Ki: BOILER-MAKBRS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOT7IJBKJ2S, having for many years been in operatioc, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and Bivar Bnidnes,hlgh and low pres sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, 6c., 6c., respectfully offer their aervicea to the pnblic, as being ftuly prepared to contract for engines of all sires, Ma rine, Bivar, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of different sues, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of p&ttern-makinn .made at the shortest notice. High and Low-prsßraraf Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Bouers, of the beet Penal eylvania charcoal iron. Forgings of all sixes and kinds. Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions: Boffi 1 ?,. *“ ° ttel wk .JlnifS 1 ® 8 epeclficatlons for AU work done it the eetahllehmei t free of ch&rge. and work gnaranteed. ““beeribers have ample wharf-dock room for rw pmre of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and ™?,w’ni! 8dw ' lt S fhears, bloeke. felle, ftc.,dkc., fer yawing heavy or light weights. JACOB C. NEAFIB, . „ .. JOHN P. LEVY, 1621-tf BEACH and PALMES Street*. WM. M. FABER & CO., 11 STEAM-ENGINE BUILDERS. „,„lEON FOUNDERS, gbheral machinists, and boiler makers, FBHHSYLVAHIA RAILROAD PASSENGER STATION, » , . PITTSBURG. PEHNA., Mannfactnre *U kinds of STEAM ENGINES, ranting hundred and fifty horee-powerTand Welle, f *c ° jfo Hm *' Saw Mille, Blaat FiSnaceJ, Wl Give particular attention to tte conetrnotion of Bn* tinee.and Machinery for ell boring and pumping opera- Bone. Have alwava on hand, finished andreadjfbr Shipment, ENGINES and BOILERS of evnydesetip* fiUed* 11 ** 0t fea J. VAOOHAK HBKKIOK. WILLIAX H. »»..*. &OUTHWABK 0 FOUNDRY, ° FIFTH AND WASHINGTON «wn «£°SWlS*.,^, 0r ‘ for Works ‘ Workshop* Kail p™vSuo?:rtdrSo£a,CMn!‘rT 0f latest and most l*. deecrlpMon of Plantation Machinery, eneh ts i?*“?*_ B aw, and Grlat Mille, Vacuum Pane, Open Fofecators. Filters, Pumping Snginee.Ae, r ° r s - BlLienx’e Patent Sugar.BoilingS£ Patent Steam Hammer, and Aeidn- S RU . ,* Wolser’s Patent Centrifngal Sugar-DraSdae Ma ° hln9 - ; anH?tf* ■Morgan, orb, & co., steam em. “,GINE BUNDERS, Iron Founder*, and General THE GLORY OFMANIS STRENGTH. —Therefore* the nervonx end debUiteted'iihrmisi tmmedtatolj ueo HBUKBOKD’S EXTRaotb SQHUt - PROPOSALS* MEBICAI. ELECTKICAL OFFICES. MACHINERY AITO IRON. iUCTIOB BAWES. T7UENKBS, BRINLEY, & CO„ Jc No. 01» fffiMTNPg and film JATMN StreeGL LAEGB SALE THIS HOEHIHg (TUESDAY), AT TBS O’CLOCK. A CARD —The attention of tie Tradejs to onr *aip of 1*&0 lots. THIS MORNING (Tneilayh March 58th. at fen o'clock, os four months’ eredlseom prising a large and fall assortment of British. French, and Imhdry including a large aesonmriiEoi Uses cunbrfe hdkfa, linens. linen damasks, whit* good 8, &c. Also, an sssoTtment of domestic go?ds, for cask. NOTICE TO DEALERS IN ElBBO8«, —fie particu lar attention of rbbon dealers is requested to onr sale, THId MORNING* of 60) cartons bonnet and trimming ribsons, plain and white edgejbl&ck silk velvet rib bons. _ Alfio, Taffeta rihlom. Mallaa laces acd flowers. LARGE SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DBF OO'JDS. THIS MORtONO. Sf&rck 28th, at 10 o’clock, on. tour months’ credit, AM) L^ 1 REnCMEFS, AND WHITE GOODS, new Unbind, of Ml6br&ted mabes THIS OiT, dozens % and % tape- border Mnen*cambric hdkfs** fine to e-xtrfr tine. » dozens % and % hemstitched' do. «% dozens % hemmed and printed bordered. dozens Scinch, woven snirt fronts. pieces fine to super superior make jaeonsts. ~r pieces Aaioeooks and check muslin. pieces Swiss mull and chock muslin. &B 1 RTfim LINENS. cates 4 4 fine to extra superfine shirting linens, su perior make, eomorirftg a large and handsome assort ment of fresh good* worthy the attention of the trade* 3.000 PIECES WHITE GOODS, Consisting of Jaconets, cambric, checks, mull and Swiss muslin. Also. SCO fine to extra white brilliants, BBITISH DiiE?S GO >Dd. cases black and colored aipacasand mohairs. * cases figured and silk s riped do. cases nix, check, and s:riped lens* and mMam piques. . . . cases 3-4 brocade figured mohairs, 6 4 worsted.fan — cases 6-4 black figured mohairs, silk and mohair lenos. CHAMBRAY GINGHAMS. 5 cares London fine Cbamhray einghams. LYONfe MXT&A QUaL TT BLa tK GjSOS DEBHIN2& THIS DAY. SO pieces 32 to 36-ir ch heavy black gros de Bhtmes. Also, black armnres, venetiennes, gros grains, etc. 1,000 VlBSffA BBOCHE A£»D CHAWS Long AN3> sQUaBS SHAWLS, of a celebrated me* nufectrue -60014-4 broche and chaine laine rqnare ahawlf. SCO do. . do. long do. 40 high-cosi open-centre chaine laine do., for city trade. Also, a line at Ltoclio liordered stella eliawle. SALE OP 600 OAKruH* KIESOBB. IMPOETaTXOH «-p MEaSBS 80LEUA0 PSBK33. _ THIS MOBNING. March 26, consisting of —cai tons Nob. 4 and 6 corded edge poult de sole rib bons, black, whit*, and choice colors. car toe B Dos 10060 extra do., do. cartons Nos. 12®40 plaid and broehe figured. cartons Dec. 30@l04wh.1te and mate. cartons Noe, 20® & splendid Quality, All boiled. > ALSO, . Black velvet ribbons, colored edge ribbons, sarin rib bons. etc. „ FKEfICH FLOWERS. ICO C'rtona French flower*. 15 CASES BLACK IT fcLTANS AND SATIN DE CHINES of a very superior manufacture. THIS DAY 16 oases 3*4 and 6 4 fine to extra Quality black Italians and satin de chines. TO MBBCHABTT TAILOBS,' . THIS MOBNiNG. 16 cases extra Quality black Italians and satin de chines. • . ‘ PHILIP FORD &CO„ AUCTIONEERS, A 535 MARKET and 5»» OOMMBBGSJBtreete. LARGE SPRING SALE OF CASES BOOTS ADD SHOES. ON THURSDAY MORNING, March SHth, commencing at ten o’clock, we will sell by catalogue for cash 1.400 cases women’s, men’s, boys', youths’ and children's boots, shoes, brogans, balroorale. saiters. slippers, cavalry boots, dec., em bracing A prime and desirable assortment of firat-eLasi goods FOB 8 Ali® AiO» TO WET. J?OR SALE, A TAMABLE COAI, IROS, MB TUBES TUACT IK EUENSIDE TOWNSHIP, CENTRE 0017NTT, FENNA., ' CONTAIN ISO 438 AOBES. Tblsla ono of tbs 6«et Coat Tracts In Snowaboft Val* is,, near or adjoining tbs property of Bsowsboe Coal Company, tbs CHuton Coal Company, and tbs railroad. Leases bays also been applied for for tbe production of Petrolatum Apply to O. IZ>. KNIGHT, mh2s-6t No. 333 Eouth THIRD Street. Mto beit-a double coun- TBY RESIDENCE, with coach house and stable, vtrv near Wissinomlcg Station, on the Trenton Batt road, eeven mi Us from the city. Apply at Wo. 717 Walnut Street - mh2s lag* «TO RENT—HOUSE 1518 NORTH BBOAD Street, above Jefferson, 25 feeifront; lot, 200 feet deep; four-story front and three-story Double Back Buildings. Modem improvements Aoply to THOS. HUNTER, Jr., mh23*st go 305 K WaLffOT Street. CHANCE.—FOR SALE, an did established Umbrella and Ga&e Manufac tory, wholesale aad retail; sales over $lOO,OOO par an smm and increasing* Location beßtiniheciiy, Apply at or address mb22- 6i* No. 560 MARKET Street. « COUNTRY RESIDENCE.—FOR SALE, a small Place in EOXBOROUGH, Twenty first ward, six miles and a half from the ilty; easy of accers every hour by railroad, and within a few minutes* walk of the station at Bfanayunk. The house is well shaded with large trees; has three porticos, and the modern conveniences of heater, gas, b&th, &c.» and is paved around with Hag-stones and brick. There is also a summer kitchen separate from the bonce, and the grounds are elegantly laid out and filled with the choicest kinds of fruit. App'T to B. A. STITOOELL. mills 12».« IT, E. corner FIFTH aad^ALlTOrsn. M ATLANTIC CITY.—A HAND. SOME COTTAGE (opposite H. S. Hotel) ror sale, with or without furniture, containing 13 Rooms and* good Distant. Apply to H. WOOTTOH, ATbABTIQ CITT, <2 to J. WSoTTOH, Jr., 412 rfuthTaiK TEBSTH Strest.Phllada., or J. H. HAIRS, SEVBSTH NATIONAL BANK. . . mh2H»« At FOB BALE—SIX THREE-STORY •M BBIOK and three Two-story FKeMB HOUSES, on a lot 100 feet square, corset THIBTy. FOURTH and 01 s - pahcoast. m. 018 SPUING G Ait I) BN Street, mhi7-lSt* || VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE. By order of the Court of Probate for the District of Norwich, directing me to sell at Public or Private Sale IS®, atllo’eioek A. M., (nnlees previously sold at pri vate Bale), all the valuable property belonging to said estate, consisting in part of— A Paper Hill and Machinery, Tools, Cisterns, dupli- S**®,# 8 ." 1 ??* Se *ments, Pulleys, Sc., with 11,600 Spin dle Water Power. The capacity of said Mill is about IJ,- M 0 pounds paper per day. Counting-room, Storehouse, Bepair Shop, one Store, seven Dwelling Houses, several &e«h water ’ BpriM for MOTMu* the Mill with Cwies of Inventory, win be furnished on application tottie underrigned. The sale will be made without ra of• __ . , „ JAMBS S. OARBW, w Trustee Chelsea Manufacturing Company. Norwich, Conn., March4th. 1666. m£ftlBt* fII’OE SALS.—THE SUBSOBIBER oSerß for sale Ma country seats wfti in half a mile of Wilmington, Delaware, on the JSTewport pike, eon taining elgbt acres of good laatf, in the centre of which is a large lawn with a line variety of shade trees, ma ples, Undent, evergreens, etc., m all oyer a hutdred foil-grown trees. The Improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, flunked on the west toy two towers, one of which is four stories in height. There are four large rooms on a iloor, with a hall eleven toy forty-two feet. The house has the modern improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the upper story of the tower. Tnere is alto an iron Sump and hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen, ©or. The out buildings consist of & carriage-house and stable sufficient for four horses a&d several carriages! also, hen, ice, *nd[ smoke houses. The stable has a hydrant in it. Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and grape vines in full betring. There are also several varieties of apple, cherry, and chestnut trees. Terms accommodating. Possession given at any time. Apply to X>B?1 G. GhhKS, 11024- tf 831 JfABKET Street, Wilmington, Dal. Mfor sale—a small farmjr OF PIPTI- BIX ACBBS, in Camden county, -U -about twenty minutes’ drive from Camden, on the Marlton Pike, one of tie most favorable locations in the county; the land ie rich and very productive. With good management, Three to five Thousand. DcUare ptr an mm can be made off of it. Good large HOUSE; also, plenty ofßarno on it, and well adapted tor city persons wishing a country residence. Also, frontage enough for several Cottages. , , for fortinr information apply to BICHaBB SHIVBEB, opposite the Premises, Or B. H. BROWNIN 3, - 805 COOFBB Street, Camden, N. 3. Office at West-Jersey Ferry, . mtt2l-lnt* MFOR SALE GERMANTOWN COTTAGB; Barge and superior Cottage on Walnut lane, with every convenience; flue eltnation. and good lot. B. V. OLEto; mills tf 183 South FOURTH Street, MFOR SALE—LARGE AND valu able PROPERTY, 015 and 017 North FRONT Etreet, embraolng several Dwelling Houses, Tannery. Morocco Faetozv-ruidurerythlng complete for carrying on the morocco business, with large lot, he.; will h B sold low. or exchanged fora good farm mhlS-tf 1583 South FOOBTllStrect. 1 M FOR SALE—LARGE FOUNDRY •SH.AND MACHINE SHOP, In Ml operation. wlththa Philadelphia. on B a mhlS-tf or BW. cor.SKVESTBE.gTH and ORUgI g-- 4gt FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR Nflc STOCKS—Farm of SB acres, near SellersvlHa Bucks county, in good order, and has good BaMiiiiS’ B. F.GLBHN. 183 South FoteHStreSf” - mhlS-tf orS.W.cor.SEVESTBENTHand GBglsßb., ®FOR SALE—NEAR SELLERS? -^ ville—GOOD PABM of I*3 AOBSS; cheat, cash, or will take in part good oil stocks in eiH&rama tf 183 BouthFOUßfH^^it. g§ FOR SALE— 11 GREENwnrm »^ dosirsble Country Seat, coutaiuing about S& re i* $S 8t ®d °“s¥ * ork iobA ’ below ffl»w.i~ « f * *•« large Stone Manstak.fa?'. Bulled with sil iba Oiodfim dnnYATtfAn... snd Stabling, lee wlrkl? Portef^B^™ frait, rtl|™and S wlt,? 3U Uli out ’ atnndSraSi, FOR SALE—SEVERAL "ftrstl **• GLASSHOUSES, on the south side of Atcb wad Inquire of JD. JONES. TWENTY-FEBSI StreaKS-SS. Chestnut, opposite the Planing Mill. *‘mhkim* A TO RENT—A LARGE STONY j® MANSION, situated fa NBW CENTRBVTT tk Chester Co.-Fa . within one hour’sride raP 11 *!* I ®* Chester Valley Railroad, within threeml?,nfi!^ y ™?M, 0 .5 Beiot Add«ssorcaUon MGERB kbnd ifr* M ■ mhai-tuthsfif > *l5 MARKET Stfpsfeda. 3$ cbbmlu?S~ A v FROPERTY at WaieAromeprSgs. *° nd '* supplied with.* A grove of Forest Tree* Mgh pricsß BnUdln;? L^°~hllrt *s ld at ealeacSiMdaU n r AiplT to alpUa - T « r “a <* mhlfi- thstuSt* 1388 WABNUT streeh P P‘ : , i^V-? r 1 hi tl . FOR SALE—A HERM. BRIO nowoatheFtocki: cau be iftnn*w4 t dajß; double-decked &re and aft. 8 launched in a few Dimensions 117 feet over all, h || 1 f|!“ 4«Pth lower hold. For farther particnlare apuhr to lll b6tween dacks. jhjßtuthsit, -3felo§ S E. 8 u™?„f Y t TOUKG ASJCTIOJ* BAjLISr«. w BESS. Bo*. 83SM4SM BAKKBT ij, LARGE POSITIVE SAIB OP BOOT? GOODS, TRAVELLING BaGS & c . . * A,V • A CARD.—We Invite tbe aerlr aite-f;. cheers to ihd iarg 4 * and valuable 1 * ehcee, brrgan«, tr&ve-lin«: bags, ctitidrea’w &c„, Bampie* of !,&. * pactaru *V* prime and fr&th to b^peremrrL: o «a>a}ogTic, on four months’ erodir c >nsm« - T MORNING, at lOo'ciocA precisely, ® ,a «iBi BA 808 POSITIVE 841/S OP BOOTS S!»n„ GASS, AUUY 0O»m, V&iV&i.uzPjm ™ THIS HOKHISa. March 28th, at 10 O’clrck *11; be toii h, r . four Monas’ credit, about 1 500 psekaie- . : brofaus.caTalr? boots £c.,embrasiag sV r ':?' assortment of seasonable ncods of cits VV manufacture. a - Will be open for examination, with moraine of sale . LABGB PBBBMPTOBT BABB OP BOo»j TRAVJsLMSG BAGS, * e ‘4 JSOTlOB.—lncluded in oar. huge eiu e »<, shoes, &c, • » Vi • THIS HOBSIHG. March 281 h, will be found is part tbs foil, and dejlrab e assortment, tU: Men’s* boys’, and yotttbs’ ca'f. docbU w®H. and pump-sole dress boot©; f talks’ kip aod buff-leather boots; m«a'L, oßs-legcavalry boots; men'Baadboya. oi |V Corgreas boots and b&tmorsis; men's h yontbs* super kip, buff and n.'M*hed grai 3 i ? * and pump-sole Irogana: ladies’ fUe kfd p--.' ( Cl ’ and enamelled patent sewed bilmor&N*'^ Jaiters; women’s, misses’ and children^;;,;* eatber btlmorslsaed Jace boots; f sewed city madeUceboots; fane* eaw^dW» apkle ties; ladies’ fine bUck and cblwsaj* grees and aid*-laee gaiters; women’* ».■:• children's goat and morocco copper nallai ladies’ fine kid suppers; carpet and etaW travelling bats, Ac. I BABGB POSITIVE BALB OF BRITISH. , GBBMAff, AND DO MBS HO OB* <&,■ We will hold * large rale of foreign aaj t ■ goods by catalogue, on a credit of four menu for A«w«iA, 03? THURSDAY MOBHIHft March 90* at 10 o'clock, embracing aboutft and lots of and fancy articles is wa , if teds* linea*, alike. and cottons* to which w e attention of dealers. . * _, F. B. of the same wilt be arm# aminatfon, with catalogocs, early on tfa f * Bale, when dealers will find tt to their lst? toed. LABQS SALE Of WBKOITABD BOliE GOODS, . Included In our.ealo of THCTBBDAY, Hare be found in J»rt the foliowinf, vis: 150 FaUKaSSS DOMESTICS. —• hales brown and bleached iheetuijß ad i bales brown and bleached drills. • bates while and colored wool flannels, bales striped shirtings. ' - - ,* —crecs bleached and colored corset jeaaj^ cases indig '-bine Chechb and tickings, cases Kentucky jeans and cotton»de-. eases HanciUder ginghams and pUfdg. esses miners* flannels and P*ntaJt»_; fl rttrm black and c»lo*ed cambric-, s*’ --cases iancy malttas, W “*« GOODS. Also* Yresoheloths, cassimeres, dceshiuß, C °Slso!f l & largo Hap of black arid colored gßd ml* do Iffii&e.' DINKI! GOODS. Also, fall lines shirting Unens, nil grades. Als-O,foillinenhlouauand Spanish iinsns Alee, roil lines linen ernwn ducks, anil. ail Also, linen damask, table oit«n« rowe.o i t DBKSS GOODS. Full .SBoitmentof c-sri.nioua aeisines, m ; pop)inn, bungee. percales, jaeoneta. Jawo, . checks, French flannels, aupneas. muiutrs, bai moral BBirss, *c „ WHITE GOODS. Barge variety of jaconets, cambrics, Swiss »> mnsiinE, y lctoria Very superior line Of black and colored dra< taffetas. Bros de Bhlnee, grond’Aftic, mu awe de Naples. m aroeil to«. F orancea. Ac, bUd. W Xjw,. BrochS, long and square* ihlbtfc, *PXIi2 %\ mozambiquea and etona shawl*. SPECIAL SALE OF 15.000 OOEBKf fiO, OLOVJte. *e. Os F&IOA1. * » , Marcli SI, at 10 o'clock pr-els® ▼. 15 ; 0C0 d**"' cotton licei/ry. comprisinf wliA*ft; brows eel- Lose, tail itote. and ohiiorcii'p three quae** qualities, of a. celebrated importation. Also- eilk, lisle thread, and F*m kid U*e, abuts and drawers, winders. aosion*, 5 - POSITIVE SALE OF CARPBTiHGS. DEff;-. MaTTISGS, WlBi> >W SHaTiM, 4 OH SATURDAY KORNIHG. April Ist. at lloclcca. mill be sold, on Jotir mouths’ credit* aboutW ptef-* f , EooerCne and fine ingrain, royal dammit V.. list, hemp, cottage* and rag catpatfjig*; i;* - cocoa mat inga* Ac.* embracing a cho’c, a -;: Superior geode, which may ho examined si:;r morning of eale Included in omr sale of FRID if. Marsh j].| folia! an excenetvaand varied a«cr:icu:( ; > shades* fancy and plain* green* brown, Oc t we invite the attention ef Pennsylvania and :<■ trade. LABCra PEBBMPTOBT BALE OF FB-N-ig OEKHaJe. ABO WHY UO .D< OB MOHDaT M JKXiNw, - April 3, at 10 o’clock, will be cola, by tut' four months’ credit, about 750 PACKAGE? AtTO t<!T3 of French, India, German, and British dir m embracing a large and choice aseorunoit ~f - staple article* in silk, worsted, woolen, lk f - loe. fabrics, S. B.—camples of the same will be arri«. : mlnation. With catalogues, early on the mm’, sale, when dealers will And it to their inlet tend. M THOMAS & SONS, • Bos. 139 and 141 Boost fOUETE BEAT, ESTATE AND STOCKS SS-itSs^' FIPTH SPEISG SALS. PEBEMFTOBT SADE-80FEKIOK Tff[go.c; STOKE. WiIiNDT-STEEEr KESIDESCE, 4: JeLAJBC a. _ CURB.—Oar sale ©a Tuesday next tnj ! ; s -'- large and valuable store, 235 aad m & ;IJ street, occupied by firet-c.ass tenants au'-es;}' a year, the >&leofwhicii will be absolve, &«>. residences 1703 Walnut street, Areh-Rtrppt : Also, valuable store and dwelling; hli *>-• street, and other business properties; efegsac-r dwellings, country swat, and 639 acre* >c ccumy coal lauds. See pamphlet cat&Ugas ceriptionß- They sell every week. For list of sales ft, 18th April, see pamphlet catalogue? _ *_* BJXVH SPEUBfr SiXB. m April Estate of the late Br. John Rodcioa C-Z' ' yer, S. Weaver, J. Kirkpatrick, and othsxi bill* xeadv. „ t A BEVBWra SFKIWG SALE, Hth Ap-l Estate of th«late Botoxfc Balaton, E?n , aM BIGHTS SPBiKG *aLE iSil Apr. Estate of the late Lewie Wafa. £sq , and e; Bate No. 2004 Mount Vemoa ei^st StTPEEIOB FDBtf XTOKE. FISE Wii,TOS BOSBWOOB MELOI>EOS, CSANDBLIifii _ OS WBDHESjDAY MOENI3O. . 29Hilnst., *t 10 o’clock, by catebcae, «i’} Yernon the superior faraitare, fiue W.. pets, e octayemelodeon, eh&adeii*rji, booYci'. May be examined at 8 o’clock on tfcemsui sale. , gala Won. 139 and 141 BoatU Fon-m •;« BOTEKIOS FOHKITOES. FIBS PhOOF -in- FJtBNOB PLATE XiZlji: ’OH THOBBJ)AT MOHJISO, At 9 o’clock* at the auction eupemr h inmlture, large acd superior fir«- proof a'; alphabetical Jock, made fey Bran* & Wa>«oi> i safe by JParrell & Herring, fine convex m >tj& plate ot&I and pier mirrors* fine carps,e, s: sals of BooKßurmras* OS YHBJKSDAY Karch. SOOu at S o’cU ck. will be told for *'■ whom it may coicera one sending rr : v* ; emboesiny press, made by Brock & Ac for tit kinds of Work, pair of shears with sj: J»k benekee, Ac. _ Sale Ho. 706 Pins street. HOUSEHOLD PUSKITUKE, CAEPETS. - OH PHIDaY ttoRHI&G. STstfstly EtlOo'Ciceki at 706 Pioe r hold and kitchen fomittire, carpels, oiltUk &C- Kay to exajnijied at 8 o’clock on these! sale. PXBBMFTOKTSAIE-CAHAT, SCHOOSES BIQHT,” OF TKESTOS. OS SB [DAT HORSIHG, March Slat. at 12 o’clock, at Poplar street \t. canal schooner 1 ‘ Keatrichfc, ” ol ' 36 feet wide* 120 toes tonne?* absolute. May be examined any U: SOPEEIOB BOSBWOuD IJ TiPSRTRY CARPBTS, Sc. ... . „ , 0M TUESDAY HOB'TBO. I 4th April, at 10 o'clock, at Ho, 1614 Guo-* catalo*ne. the superior foraiture, fiue-to*,t - piano-forte, book-case, featherbeds, pets, &o. Hay ha examined at 8 o’clock on thenK® sale. PANCOAST & WARNOCK, SHOKESBS, *4O MARKET LARGE POSITIVE SALE ISO LOTS AC". > JSPOBTKI) X>RY GOODS. BHSSi' W»M, AND HOSIEST GOODS, GOODS, *O.» Ac. Br Catalogue— nn QKWBBHBSPaV. -gSgfr.ffii apmaeaetag at 10 o'olwfc t< »e»6oaablfi *<*>&, u ' at.eattott cf taiars fa totted. * QAVALRY HORSES! - ABTIitKSX HORSEV. ; «toAKTEKM4BiEE tauili Okm* Vi**!' vdcewm B^?™^ 1 * tte cavalry aid as t kSS’K?iS._7 e ?SJ®f «*B«lab<jra Depot, U ;s r A \ K,* yI,IBSS ‘ ** C*P‘atc <320. I. Bd calved twenty-fly* or row.*'. «ra/rTVe f ly «Sa2| food wadittonrftofflAhoTOtM) to ti” 11 l*^^j§^^£S£K“- W€i*hnot lees than teahuiidrcd an Ji " " >r •fJi?® 8 milst be oyer two (2) ye<& ®* ** W& Li®', 1 fSSIt e £ a *> UilL to fall ieaira. »• j S*s?®k or defect which wonid aac£ a S®s“s<W»); JjttUtej Hories, oasinsd?;.., JH raiment will be mad® as tMs Office. 5 -; *J| OoMO-tapSO. M A* £ I LE R Y AUD'Ci'' BOSSES. • n4^a TiST ®OASTERMASTS'.’ : ’ *139 OIBAKD SIKEEr, PHIU' ; ~ .. for the Ar tillers/--. l ®iHl» Parclmsssd by tho nndeissp *° *>« subjected to p 8 J ‘ belast sooepte' soasds. f o» tlle Berries 221 PSJtUrolare, etroar,. ffajjasSSlS? tor I «ac2 Bntod * na Eitbty Dollar! .Cavalry Horses moat be sound is hn.rid» I H,<?s/ n iL f 18 8 51014 A*” 4 ci,T from five to ala* s ■gSaOTS^M iSigSaas’sfissa 1 Bwad 6t^^ 4elpMa ’ * b * tWi Cap:' MALCOLM SPKCTACLS STO IBBat -No PAIN IN Hlh-orn Oslda Ix&uiUol and Mtjigitjbo; ~, . ■ TBBTH INSBBTBS mM-Irn TLUj^" R| JSVAKS & WATSOg s! = IS SOUTH MOBTH pim.iLTiKt.PHIA. r^ fS 8 T A lim YKl.tr or KES-PBOOr «** >tß|, ■ ^ j\ r gg Si OLD BYESMA^“ <^3s*ags& EL B. FOOTS. il! U3O *
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