13f OPINION* iTTORWET OKHEEAT/sOppigg, MvchlS, \M& Hon. Edwin M Stanton. Secretary of War: * F«i In yuor Utter of the lltlt of March y o n mft Whether, apderthe a ct of Congrss* eart L»d ** lnAst tn amw-d the w*r*J ***« heretofore p&#«ed to oroide /or the enroll: ng and calling out the natloial force? and for other LUfpnsps." approved SI March. 1885 /hi Pr7* vott Marshs! Oeneral 18 reunited to cA»na.i.e pr-Toot tmotas In Iht pending draft b» reason of o u r«c.iooa ia tie enrols eat, made since their assignment In tneiSthmotion of the sot 11 1? « lct,d "That Wbereanr renißed onrolment la any Ootgr?*.lnnBlor obtained o- made, prior to anv JC ? ia the -ten the rSSSrJL 6^ ffla T adjusted and app rcioaed Js. instead of hel-ig appl e i to fo re *b o i S ’ f arollße:ilt * as it may hi re wood ba that the language of this action I® v«*il opafe itease, and prop a iiy so. thontb reform* andexi-ting enrolments: Ane'-roim-a mast Kf®» JPT*-#*■«« any action aider the sec - .ton. lt wsa, utftroore, right to speak of u o enrol meat ns a past fact. -|re something that-bad been done Begirding cue Ji*J by itself. and as U" affects bv other ctaases in. the hiatnte, it applies as well to any future, as to a a exist ing; enrolment * But, at the rims of the enactment, there was an an 'rolttent and pendirg draft n'•dor a call for troops, ardihls appears from ta« provisos to th*. iftrh *nd2mr**ct«?s. A* m credited 1o tn« ®s\h that the «U« o? credits fixed theret o shall not anni v to ih. ln * “V • «?<» i“ «oS’tb MoVloß. it I ???Prl a Hided: Thai n.tMn* hueln cental Ded ,hali oEera» jK&ff &£!S?^^o^‘«fe te wuk X™al:Zt ?nlf of ° f «tthat e“a«*SreS iMtcm.ll tfce draft, or tear wontd {ton. dentered it'., <i e od ,C 0 „ , ban. bf lmpltoa nr naorffni lB<f<Ilot»s aeulfoe'l for tn« pro—at s*S®L“S'®* i? r 4 ' la, l not he lnorlersd with Tins ?®P*"w?®?*® been dose in tbe enacting- patte.i.f rh« Bts lUte, but may be &% well and aptly doa* by pr»vi*.o «oir, hthe coirrctioi.B provided for In the utih sec* lion are mado lo&ppiv to the present draft. the q-iotas as Meisned therefor, will b* Interfered with This is tvhat Oopgrefif! has said shall not he done. Aftnr the Pjndlagdrafs. tbe provisos will have performed thMr office, and all fnfme draft* mast bemadeenbiecttothe yules preseribul In tL« act.„ lam, therefore, of tbe ©ptcloa that fchs Provost Mar shal General ir noirequlr,d to ehacgethe present qao tft* In the pending craft hy reason »r correction >in the euroliDHpt. made since rieir &t*!gnn.eat -*••• I am, sir, very reßpectffnlly,vonr obw lent servant. _ , ... JAMIJS ispBBO, attorney Ua'ite'-al. By order of the provost Marshal General, T y. pxy. Captain, Provost Marsha! First AiUsruC^l*.*, OWKlOfi, Attorkey General's Oppice, March 14.1895. JxpU. Edwin m* Btawo* t Btertiary of War: ..blß*. The firbt unction or-poaaaed la lnifAf Af «.Vc°o 9d a « a ' S l '.?' )iethßr ‘“to. It ‘h, 4?t of “*rcbrnLry 3 2itb.“8M? toieS The 4th fcfeCtlon of the Act of February 24th, 1854 an le u pl9TB ' n » before & drift to tur-iish spbi>u t nte who is n«»t Habie to draft. stXv£? EH* 110 ** iQ i kft miytftry or naval »f the United States, ’ tisd providps that thi+per*«>n s«»faT*tu«h aSSJ!^£ k spbeilltlia ' shall be tx mpt from dvrtft (lu titne for which such tnthf.tiiufc shall nor- bn l^Zir^tA^tt^Sr for wh * h rih *» j **#/ tbiaenattiueit, ftu 7 person pnrolled,and liable JO drarl, may obtain exemption from tn« ar-tft dating •he whole period of Uane/or which be shall p?..care a fubstunte to he enlisted, provid d the 6ttb4fa>ta shall |>e *0 long pt.t liable to draft, it is not a m*c*credit for a particular drefC pereon obta na r-, iBl a eutetuuie before the anticipated draft, but i: is an absolute exemption which he Acquire* from liability to be drawn at any and every draft wb!«h any oomr during tie vnU: eiicoo for widen his submituta Las accepted by the Government, provided the sohstua e be oolo&i not liable to draft. If, for example, h!.<su o»ti tute is accepted as a three ye*rs’ volunteer, and ra mainjß eolaignctliable to draft, the prtcclpal, by the girovUion of the law of 1881, jh’it referred to. against the. riBK of beta* drafttd daring wh*»le period f<tr Which lie substitute enlisted, no master how ynahy drafts may occur bet*o*& iheeniistment of the iftubstitate and the expiration of hU term of But the Govensment, under this provisiou. is to be at so expense in. cunseqneuce of the antnonzed sabotttn* tionof one individual for another in the draft. The party who desire* to avail Mmseif ot the heue fit of the privyfge confeired by the law ia properly and jastly ZOqulrtd tooompensite thesnbstiinte. # huch being proviaion of the law of 18?4 on the sub 3*ct of **feubstl•ute.t ,, famished in aaticipHUoa «f a draft, the law of March 3d, UO5, profiles (in Us 23i B*etion) a* foiUw*: or persons imroUsd in any snS aistrut may, alter nonce of a draft, and b,furs the name shall have t&fcen place, cause t» b» mustered into tne seivke ot ib« United htates such nuoiher of rs* emits* not subject to draft, a? thuy may danra expedi ent, which recrulcu shad stand to th* erfdi o the persons thus cansin* ihrm to b« mastHreo in. nod »ha.l hoiSken as substitutes for such parsons. <r so of them as m&y Ot draltod, to t.,e extent of the arunber of such recraits, and in the order designated by the principals at the time such recraits *ie thus as afore said mustered in ’* It Is clear that this enactment provides for quite an Other awe than that conlemplated by thsprovimoa to Which I have uoa adverting in the itato’e of &6t. and confer* upon an enrolled person a priv«;e*e *iatireiV distinct from that given to him by that statute, of whch he may avail hirnse f at bin option, in preference to the privilege confer! ed by the act of igfit. IJndfcr the wovwloa of the 23d section of the act of 3d March, 18(5, in «fiance of a draft, “cogpc to be mustered into (he service * * a * * recruit not sub* feet to draft* s> wuicn *" reorait : ’ will ‘ sttinaioihe ■credit " cf the enrolled person, causing him to oj was tered in, tu the e>ent of the priucipei nMr-e and b- taften. on the happening 0/ that cmtin.ff.nfy, US a substitute lor soch iiilic.p«i. Batlhe * cmdU ' shall aval! him only for the particular dr.tf; ia »<tv<tuce and in antioipatien of which he may hive eezared the .“recruit ” There Is no provision In the «»tof 1885 that the per fion furnishing a ‘*Tecroit. , ' under tbe 2is stciiou. shall be ** exempt from draft" during the time for Which thereerUt may nave be?n accepted and euitoted. But tbe only bfn*flt which a perron bo fat'uinc :a t & re mult derives, under the aU of 1885, ia the seeurieg. in the event ol hu ceiur drafted, of a "credit" on the fciriicular draft imai-tiei nation of which th» * *recratt* ’ may have beeuriumished. The *‘ieeraU n nmr ba mustered in‘o tbe service fox three years, aud yet. as a subitimte, he esn only avail tna person who caase.* him to be mustered in flit, and with respect to the one draft before, and in auric nation of which be w*s ob tained. The liability of tee principal to be drafted at any other drafts occurring after the mustering ia of the “recruit," anddurmg the term of his service, is not ftt all affected, 'ii-ere is manifestly, the refute no 000- Bictheiwesa the tedpactive eedions of tbe ac's of 1831 and 16€5» to which sou have called my atteDik n One does not impiege upon, nur even crops tne pa'h of, tae Other, They give different and distinct rightA -*n:t srl- . Viiegee to the citizen liable to draft. He has cbe al ternative oc.utfp to pur- ue before any draft, «<nhet to buy a *’ lubstitute 1 * and secure him to be nmsserei in, afcd thus obtain exemption from tae draft daring the entire term o'enliß.zuent of the subetitate. if the latter he so long no* li&ole to draft, or he may proca.e for tae Government a * retxnit" not liable to drjjft, aad obtain credit for such recruit in case he should ba drafted, sob* jetting himself, however to th« liability of beiax c <m pelled to repeat the operation at ev-» ry succeeding dr*R that may ha ordered by the Chiefly, I suppose, the desitn ot the provision of the act of 1865, ludfr conticeraiion, was to utff-r iudics meht and present a stimulus 10 numbers or association* of Individual* ia any mb-district, before the li ability of any of them became fixed by a draft, to obtain vo lunteer moults for th« army. Congress, ia this law, offers such association* a premium to ns* their exer tionstofillnptfco armies. It »ays >o the rnwideata of the muitiiudinons counties, townships, wards, and precincts, throughout tba country, ** Organize yoarself into recruiting societies; induce volunteers xo enlist Into the s*mee before the draft; pay them such amounts of bounty as yon m w b* able to raise by yoar contributions to the recruiting faods of your several districts i aid, when they have been enlist id int i the service, tie volunteers you may have rai*ed will stand to the credit of aa many of yon as may happen to be drafted, to the extent of the snznbsr of r-oruiis, “in the order designated, ’ at the Urns tne recruits are mus tered in. ” «, Snob is the declaration and promise of the new law. Impolicy istoeaonirAgerecrwiffrtflv not the procura tion of substitutes; to induce the people to organize •«- sedations for the advancement of volunteering. rather than the purchase of feubfUtutes. Inenactlfigthisnewlaw, and inaugurating this new policy. however, has not taken away the rightof the ©moiled person, before the t rats, to far- Uish asnbß Unto, wiin tbe qualification before staled, and thus secure his exemption from draft curing the time for which hi* tabs tit ate shall have been accepted. Be still has it in his power to ex*rcise fh*t right in S reference to the right conferred by the 23d section of teactof Sd March, 1885. of obtaining a “recruit" previous to each draft, a* it may occur, and securing thereby a credit in the event, on any occasion, of his bri&f drafted. a am of opinion# therefore, that the 23d section of the Set of Muoli 3, 1865, does so: eapeneie the 4th .octioa of the set of Pobrnaty 34, 1864. The leered question which yoa ha-ye referred to me, let whether the **recraits," which are “to be takense enbrtitntf b. - ’ are to b» .coseWered «d bor.e noon the master-rolls and records of the office of the Provost Varahal Genual, as other TolantseT raeraU i which a». Obtained at the expense of the United States, or as sub jtitntes which are farnlshed at the cost of the prinoi- V “l am of opinion that the “retraUs,” whom persons enrolled in any « üb\df strict may * cause to bt Into the set vice ot tbe United States." in pursuancs of the 2sd section of the act of 3d March, 1886, -are to *»e considered and treated as ether volnnteers who are ob tained at tha expense of the United btates it will ba observed, from the analysis of the law tootained in the foreioiDf remarks, that the idea involved la tee law of 1864 is substitution, while the idea of the law of 1886 is crediting. The t cot ion of the act of 1808 ueder coaside ration decs not speak of the “ recruit* in quej-tton as • % substitutes,I’but 1 ’but declares that they “shall be taken sis evhsUluus' ’ for the persons vriio cause them to o* mustered in They are not substitutes, bat only of the nature of substitutes. Tbeir primary and essen «al character, under tne law. is that of credits for their procurers,or principals; and this description ia the jtrst dsfcriptinn livenoftbemittthesetfion inrtaftstiott.for. after saying " which recruits shall stand to the credit of the persons thus causing them tabs mustered in. the section proceeds: *'and shall be takt-.n as nubsti iufes for such persons , or so many o/th*m as mag be drafted, to the extent ofihj} nurnittr of such recruits A critical study of tho words of the statuie tna* de velops the fundamental ids* which I have sappiwed, from other indica ion*, was to be jmbodied tu the law. The " recvaita" who are. to . H ! irii £o tne credit” of the en»olled persons* causing bneoa to be mustered in before the occurrence of a draft, 1 am of opinion, then, are to ba considered as other voinatasp itcrnlts which are obtained at the of the United States, and not as 1 substitutes." in the ordl bajj sente of that term, which are furnished at tha co*fc ** *ycTY r©ipec! fnl 1y- ynur obedient servant, y James SPSSOs •attorney General. By order of the Provost fifarßha^Gftneral^.^Frf. Captain, Provost Marshal, First Distiict, Pa. OPINION Attorney Ouxesal’s Office. Warnli 15,1885. Son, Eduard M Stanton , Secretary of War: Sir : Upon the I4th seclioh of ttia act eatlwed * 1 An act to amend tbe eeveral acta heretofore passed to provide Jor tfce em oiling ead calling oat of the national forces, 1 * provide* aelollowa; . ' . .. ■'That hereafter all persona muttered into4Ue mui- Ury or naval service, whether as volunteers, aohsti tntes, representativeß, or otherwise. shaU be erdditaa to the State, and to the ward, township. preclncE, or other enrolment sub d'strict, wheresnoh poisons colon* |t aetnal residence, (if snch person* have an a«to*‘ re* jridence within the United Stases,) and where each per ions were or shall be enrolled fit liable to enrolment)? And it Is hiMby made the duty of the Provost JUreiiai gfoa*yal to inttirotmtffartiJeeiMsd give auch lastraoiiooe te the teveral Provost Marshals, Boards of Enrolment, and Moatcrln* OQce/s, as shall be necessary for the faithful enforcement of the provisions of thu section, to the end that fair and jnst credit "halt be given to •very section of the country*. Provided, That in any call for troops hereafter, no county, tovn. towaship, ward, precinct, or election district, shall have credit except for men actually furnl«hed on said ca ; l. or the preceding call, by taid county, town, township, ward, precinct* of election district, mastered into the military er naval service on tfcequota thereof.’* _ Ton, in your Jett-r of the 13th of March, ash my •pinion on the following point*: First. As to the meaning oi the words *• aetnal real* dence, 1 ’ as employed in the above section, and the pro per mode, aceotdiiVio law, of determining the aesaal iesidence of men off*lint *« recruits. Stc&nd Where tbe reßldenoe’’ of the recruit Is in one sub district, and he in a different cub* district, where shall the credit be given / Third In cases whew the recruit h*» no legal dotal« «Uor actuaJ residence in any enrolment s ib-dietrict, Shall he be credited to the sub-district or d!s'nc> where he is enrolled, or shall he be allowed to select his io first of the above auctions may bs> divided into two parts: First, as to tfee meaning of the words "actual residences* and Beeondly, _as to the proper modeof asceitai&lnfrthe “actualresidence;* It Is very di hi cult to give a test by which the auss tion of actual residence may be determined la eatk par tlcnlar ea*e- A few general rulas may bs given, how •vsr. tby which a vast majority of the cases can be *1 Every fee presumed to have an aottul haytTbut oneaduat residence at one and •2*Amldtnce cnoa acquiredremainsuntilanother is **AThe piece of a man's origin la that of his ao:ual re- with their pa- Mats, guardlan*,{or, if apprentices. w**h their |aaatd. a. 0. Adults reside at the pf £r man's dwelling is in contradistinction tobij pi; sg%*t business, Irads or occupation. He dwells at the place he habituaHy sleeps or parses his night*' 7, In every country there is more or less population floating likedrift They never expect to r«mam *<_ng At any place, and go thence whenever and wherever fie hope of employment may invite or tanov Snehpersons have their actual residence in the cimu- Aifcy In which they may dwell at the time of the enrol *As to the mode of ascertaining the actual roaidoiee of s the clatule gives authority to tbe Provost Marshal tfeneral tomakeisuoh rules and-five in structions a* will enable the Boards of Bcrplment and Mustering Officer* to ascertain the facts, and assign tfce credit according to the truth of the ease. Is most cases, the Affidavit of the enrolled man would determine the S alter. But as it is a question in which .the sub dik tats have an interest as well as the recruits, and as re •rnlts may, for bounties or bribes, declare contrary to the fact, their p aces of residence, the rules to he pre scribed should admit «.f counter -proof.' , - . Ilf My oplnlon.is, that whore the aetnal residenae is asftras? W“W** of this seeilin la to fix Places are to receive credit* for*a it *ive*a rule of credits to the S?a?e, and tnwnshfp, precinct, or other enroltreas n»* only. It Is sliest as to Raw-vwh.ni n emit, not enrolled, or lUsbls to be ea MIXS r SS\iVSd»*d° I" orfe ? thnt'he credit mar be mJ. Moordfn g to the rots In tits seetlon preset!oed, MMUBB rolmra t * a * K>T ® Tuotoi, to wit: <*■« lUbletoso wrat, and tbe credlUlraa accordiojl, 9 ?thlwe””lt f, h “7ar «h“di«trtrt aP tK* , ' t - l llon * h e "™ Uaii »« »?«“ «hrt*Vifl i?« 3a anct case the credit must be given M d >nd up, »y of°thfs act? ° tK<i ‘“ f « rwb9fo ™ 1 am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, •d- ~ JAllfid BPBaU. Attorney General. By order of the Provost Marshal G.neraf J 8 Fry. mmx.ii ft ~ ' Wfit EL LBftMAJT. ronatt-u Captain. Provost Marshal Ist Ptetriat Pa. 60* CIBCOUB ho. ft w. M War Dbpartmbn’T. > Marshal General's Oppiob* > WAB«iAGroN, S). C * March 11, 1855. 1 With the Pro demstion of the Pr aside at, published, all ofilceraaad employees of this !£?*£!* ftrfc instructed to give prompt atteationto the receiving and forwarding or each deterttra aa preaeat themselves 5o scc -rdance xith it* provision* BY THB PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES OF AMB» RICA. „ "i. PSOCLAM4TIOIf * Whereas tbe tw* nt>-hr*t auction of the act of Con greA*, on the third Instant, entitled. ‘ Aa *ct ««> ibe several sct« heretofore pss-ed to provide for the enrolllcg and calling out the national forces. tfl l^ rp ° w ?’. requires ‘that in addition to p-naltiespt the crimeof desertion from »hn .Kt h M ssivlceof tbs Halted ststes. f? 0 14 return to said service, or report them « ahal wl 'b'» sixty d.ys altar tv> atio i J berolß.ltar raeatioxadt shall bs desm.d * ifS ,0 . 5 l aTB ™«totarliy isttßqalsbed aad for- S' Bt-lssaiblp ana thslr rithta ta Sf,' BE<! snob destsrtsrs shall ba farevsr la ffif, tad £L h ,2l i,Bg a “T offios ot trust or profit n nde r tba tb.reTf ?“£JS- .Sf °* «osot.ijg any n*bt. of oltlran, Jbt l,S f i{,a??iv al „ 1 .55 , , eoo L, who 8! >» u barf after d»«ert jafda j i ry or ,? h J al •'ervica, and all persons who iwl le L' 8^ ttU ofih4 TY b , **? i* enrolled, or go beyond the Blftt * R with intent to avoid any f* uii h^iLti 6 rariltary oi‘naval service, duly ordered, Pri.idf-M 1 * ?JlV° K b ® p fv al f ®® of l ¥ a Sutton. And the nn 1 1 d « r fa r y on ? 9 ? &Bd required fortawtth, 2St!iS 8 ?S of Xhi *, ? ct » to it&oe his proclaujiatWa PJ°viBlons of this section, in which p ectemation the PienidenE is reqnested to uorify ail Fhf?lL ers within ae aforoaa'd, that tb*>y shall be pardoned on condition of remralrg &Jld companies, or to such other or* f? n .f a^ onB as thvy may ba assigned to, until th«y Email have served fora period of time tqnalto their original term of enlistment; 1 he-it known that I, ABBAUA’d President of tho Uoi«od States, do Issue tai-i my Proclamation, ae required by said act. ordering sue requiring all deserters to return to their proper po»iBj and t do her*hy notify lhs>m that alldeserxers who shall, within sixty days from the date of tots pr > cl filiation viz: -mor before the 10th day of M*v, A 865. to service, or report ih&msblvss io a Pmvou Maishai, shall be pardoned on condition that they return to their regiments and companies, or to such otfceT organizations a* they may oe ssstfnod to, and nerve in© retuaiucer of their originaL Terms of enllit xi ent, and, in addiiien thereto, a period, equal to the time lost by desextirn. ‘ Ia tes\imon> whereof, I have hereunto set my her d and caused the teal of tho United states to be affixed. - w “Bone at the clsy of Washington this eleventh d*y of March, in the year of our Lord one Cl. a.J thousand eitbt hnudre-i and sixty five, and of the fnd*pendence of the United Spates th« ««« *iguty-ninth. ABJtAHAM “BytheFreridsnl: “ WILLIAM B. BSWAEU, '‘Secretary of State." The records *nd returns of these deserters will he mpde up in the same manner as is provided for in other ©sees by existing regulations, except that it will ba noted on the book of de*trter« arrested, opposite the nsxneofthederener, thefaetof htshaviagvolantvrilv Bijrrerder«d himscifineonformUy with tha Presidect 1 * rrjoi&Biaiibn ; and the nomber thus surrendering be separately stated on the report to this Cnee, ' 'i be Secretary of Wardiieritfthatno reward be paid for the aiteet of deierterswho mayba arreted suhss qrtent to tbe receipt of the (this) order by the District Provost Marshals. JaMBS 6. FEf, . Provost Marshal Go ae cal, Offlnial: 3). H. LAMB, Capt Provost Marshal, mii2B*6s Foutlh District', Pennsylvania. f2Sp JffIWTjST WARD. An adjourned meeting of Drafted and Enrolled Ciiizec* of tbe Ward will beheld oa TJJBSDaT BVf HJNG, March £8 A, at the Hill MARKET aid 41SR- Rf«‘K ?tred». Vse bave reduced the quota of the ward from 176 to eN-Ui6i). Addit o-tal fundsar« required. Those drafted met who have not subsoribsd will have an opportunity *tih b meetior, A list is now being made of tho>e who have not sub* scribed, which, when completed, will bo published. Attend this meeetiDg and avoid exposure. danirl rteiumetz, . . „ w « . Pr^sidsot. John L. Frun. Secretary. mb27 2 * rjF 9 ROBERT MORRIS BUthDEIVH —adjimraed Meetiag witi bo held on WEDHESDAF EVRaIISG, 29th last,, at 7 X o’clock, at 8 W. coneer and GSBEU Streets, to receive further subscriptions to the stock. JOS. S. SIDALL, bperetarr, mb2s 4t* 434 LIBRART Street. frits** Bfsivis»a»rffY or j»B«iissYfcva- HIA -—DEPARTMENT OF ARTS —The exami nation of the Junior. Sophomore, and Freshman dieses, at the dos* of the Second Term, will ba held in ibe following o-der: WtDUBSDnT. 22d —From TO to 19, Sophomores, by Prof. Fiaier {Chemistry of the MttaUoidi, ) and ?rash men, by rirof. Kendall, (Algebra. ) written. Fro al2 lo % Juniors, by Prof. Jaclcsoa, (Horace’s Epistles,) oral . ‘ _ TfiURSDAY, S'ld —From 10 to 12. Sophomores, by Prof. Kohdatl, written From 12 to 2, Juniors, by Pr<f. F t’.2nr. \!f.ya?-:dt namics,) oral. FRIDAY. 24tb —Prom 30 Un Juniors, by the Pro vbt-t. (Intellectual Philosophy,) oral. tiopi’aptnres, by Pr<-f. Coopsh, (Log-'c ) oral. wOPDaY, 27. h. —From 10 to 12, Soohomores. Prof. Alien, (Thucydides— Sicilian Expedition completed,) oral. From 12 to 2, Juniors, by Prof. Kendall, (Dif ferential Onlcvhis,) written. , , TUESDAY. 28ih, Fiv*m 10 to 12. Juniors, by Prof. Alien. U)emo6tk*nts—First Otynthfac and First Phi lippic \) oral. Fr. tax 12 to- 2, Freshmen, by Prof. Cop pfe. (History,) oral. wEDJBEbLAV, 29th —From 10 to 12. Freshmen, by Prof Alhs. (X* Helienica, contlaned.) oral. Fiom 12 to 2, SopkomoreStiPiot, Jackson, (Gicsro de Sef4ee , vie t ) oral. TEURSDAt, mb,—From 10 to 12. Freshmen, by Prof. Jackson, (Livy.)oral. GEORGS a£*LSM, mb22-8t Secretary of the Faealty of Arts. KST* OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUETYi W? FUJTD OOMMISBIOH, COMMoffWRUiTH 3UILDISG, 613 GHESTHDT Street, Philadelphia Phtladelfhia. March ft, 1885. tfotlee is hereby given that the Commission for the payment of the City Bounty are now prepared to reseiyg and adjust the claims of au new recruits under the pro* visions of existing Ordnances Yolnnteeis for One Year will receive a Warrant for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. Volunteers for Two Years will receive a Warrant for . FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. _ Volunteers for Throe Years will receive a Warrant for BIX HUNDRED DOLLARS. They ere also prepared to receive applications from, and to award to, all eitlzan* who shall be drafted for one year’s service, and snail thereupon be duly accepted for military duty, or shall furnish substitutes, certificates for warrants for the sum of " FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. wh7-d&W*f ra® OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL and navigation company. . _ Philadelphia, March 10,1865. The Stockholder*©!this Company are hogghv notified - that, to provide meanefovcompietmgthe improvements of the Company between Wilkesbarre and Manch Chunk, axd tobe prepared to pxogrefjn with other im portant railroad connections, the Board of Managers hate determined to allow to all persons who shall ap pear av Stockholders on the bocks of the Company on the l&th inri., after closinr of transfers at 3 P. M. of that day. the privilege of snbaeribing for new stock at par, to the extent of one share of sew stock for eyery five eharee then standing in their names. Each share holder entitled to a fractional part of a share shall have the privilege of subscribing for a fail share. . The subscription book* will open on Ihe 20th Inst.* and close on the 2rih of May &t 3P. M. The new stock will not participate in the May dividend. Payment* wUI be required as follows: Ten percent, at the time of subscribing* and tha balance on the 24th day of May afore«aid. after which time only will the new certificates bei;su*d. Stockholders not paying as above will lose their right to the new stock. Those who desire to anticipate pay ment will be allowed discount on the whole amount of their subscription at the rate of ri* ner cvnt.par annum." mhlB-lm SOLOMON SHEPHERD, Treasurer. ft"ay* l CHORAL FLSTIVAL. W 3& TRINITY CHOIR OF »RW YORK, Under the direction of Dr. CUTLER, will repeat the Choral Festival recently «lv*n in Trinity Ohnrch, at bT. CLEMENT’* CHURCH. „ On WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. April 19. and 20. ADttl&tUON $1 to Tickets for sale at Gould’s Ma rie More and at the Episcopal Book Store, 1224 Chest nutstreet, ' • • . _ • POSITIVELY no money will be received at the Chorch, aid no more tickets will be solo than the Cbarch can comfortably accommodate. Full particu lars in future announcements. ■ mh2>-mSfc rs» THE PUBLIC ARB RESPECT *» folly ii formed that C L FOLWBLL A SONS k o. 33 Noith FIFTH Strtet, Phfladelphta. wUI receive subecriptloss for a number of Shares remaining untold in tbelotiowlog Companies: . MINOR FARM OIL COMPANY* Greene county, Pennsylvania.. Subscription orlce, $1 Par value. $5, MT. VERSON LUMBER AND MINING COMPANY, Centre county, Pennsylvania. Subscription price, SI Mi£IVbI?K o S IL COMPAN v. Fayette county. West Virginia. Subscription prfc®, $l. Par value* fLfi fQDALITS OIL COMPsNY, barren coansy. Penn sy W»nia. Subscription uriee. 25 Cents. Par value, $l. TWO LICK Olb COMPANY, Indiana county. Fenn sylrani*. Subscription urico, 25 Cents. Par value, 411. J6sr~ Please call or ssad for Prospectnsea. mh2s-3t BKV. T.J>22 WITT •SS* TALMAGE having been requested to repeat his grist lecture, * 1 Grumbler & Company* *' will do so on THUhsDAY EVBNir G, 30th Inst* at Handel and Baydn Ball corner EIGHTH and oRSM Streets* Doors open at 7 o’clock. Lecture at 8: Tickets 25 cents, to be haa of fct. A. Bower, cor. Sixth and Greeo; Geo. Evans, cer.'Sixth and Poplar i Ashmoad & Evan^,Chest nut, bsl Eighth, and at the door on tha evening nf lec ture. . mh3S-6t* JriCT*» OFIIOE OLD TOWSBHIB LINE S» ROAD COMPANY, No »100 CHESTNUT »»t., Psiladbdpxia. March 1865... The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Old Township line Boad Company will be held on MOB. BAT Arid] 8, ISM. at 80. 83 MERCHANTS' EX CHANGE, st half pastlSo’cloos P. M , at which time ai d pi ace an ei« ction will be held lor President and Bi rectors to terra the ensnlog, ear. mhid-tap3 WM, W. COLgBT, Becratary. KSP- OFFICB OF THE BOHBHIAIf KSV mIHIBG COMPAHT OP MIOHIGAH, 13ii WALHUT Btreet, . I iTILADEI.P HI A , March SO. 1503. The annual meeting ol 11, stockholders of this Com pany for th, election of Birsctors. and such other busi ness as may come before it. will beheld at the office'of the Secretary 13S# WALNUT Str.et.in the city of Phila delphis.on the BSOOBB MOBDAT.the 10th day of April, A-B. 1666, atlOo*cdo«ir A M BAMUBIi P. DABLISITON. mhBl-tloap Secretary. Oils GOMPAMES, aw ABIOUBSED SPEOUI Meetlrgof’ho Stoch holders of theBBIOB BE > OUT lEOB COMPiHT will he held at the office of the Oraptisr, 808 South FOOETE street, on WEDSES BAh, at OA, M., Maich29,lB6s. „ , ml2B 2t B. W. EBAY, President. WCEMF- OFFICE OF THE CHEBBT BBS fcß? ABB WEST BIGKOitY MDI’BAL PETROLSCTM COMPAHT, Bo aIT H. WAT SB Street, abore Kace, as the Oompany deelresto procsedto animmediate deretepment ot it, rartons interests, enbserlbsrs to stock ere rr guested to come forward at once and pay the amounts dre upon their subecriptions. mh2B lathe 3t EZRA I.UKEN3. Secratary. OFFICE OF THE JEfBA HlifISH K3S? COMPAST. Ph nAnstPHiA, March 27. 1385. b OTIOS IB EIKEBY GIVEn that! an Instalment of OBh BOLT AB p»r tstiars on each and every Share of the Cspit-1 Stock of the iETSA MiSIMG COMPANY has this day been called in, payable on or before the 10th day o* April. IS6S, at the office of the Company, 80. 384 WaLnUT Street, PhUadelphht ■By order of the Blrectors. B. A. HOOPIS, rohiStaplO - Traararer, KSST** KSTICE.—THE COMPANY op pbilabblphia, will receive prop.-mld far leas.no i arts of thetrmlu able OIL pJwlJulsa TEKBICOKY, on the east branch of (lilOrefk, one mile and a half east ofTltas- Tllle, Crawford connty, Pennsylvania. The Ctica Oii Corapsny, thePonntain Oil Company, and ti e Gmid Farm Oil company, all of New York, bound these lands on tho north; whtls the celebrated Watson Fitt s, the Peinaylvarla O'l C«ek Petroleum Company,of Philadoiphla.attd the Klngstaud Oil Com psnj scjoln them on the west* The celebrated " Oon ftnejjtsl ’ ’ and, Goodrich Wells, ” the " Yenango Bor curb W.ll ' together with other ralnable wells ba longing to private individuals, surround them lath# Ii r!ieB3THA%Ii , COMPANY are now testing a well insi completed, and having an excellent show of oil, wl h gas sufficient to aid In running the engine. A plan of-the lands, as laid ont inacre lota, sent by to alt to applicants. Proposals add™»««d to the PreM. dent of the Company, a*d ladtlpbia, orUEAS. LANING, superlntenoent-Boxesi, Titusville P. O, .Crawford county, Pa .will rocalve due attention E. HBEITAGB, mhSS etuihSt* Secretary. CAMP CBESK OH COM- Op/IOE 888 SOUTH THIRD STHBITP. ’ Pwrr.R itgLPHiA. Mareli 24, 1885. rOTICB.-The Company bare contracted for boring four wells, and pxpset to have at leas.t two wella In oueratloc within six weefea. . - There are Four Tboasand Shares remaluinc lobe "taU,‘p e r^» at the effleo of the Company. S LTiTUABi), Treasurer. 35IEECTOH3. -‘-'n.Ai-jg-iu JOS- ZBTSWIG. 4iS'£ s SSJ&^y 0If * B> CEAB ». ABBOTT. MBGER, mh26 etntl6t* J. B. CHAMPION, Becretaiy. THE OD, BROOK PETBOEEEH • few COMPANY.—The Corporators and Sfook hojder. oftbe Oil Brook t AitOoii ftftt * will *e bald s: Hoorn .i.• HaK' CB ANTS’IxpIaNgI, Philadslphla,oa BATrfROAV, the Mb or April, 1865, at 4 o dock P M: > fur the pt£- poseofcfTociiaff permauert orgnui2*«®R» electing offi cers, and transactingßaoh other as J«*y oe seeesvitry in order to comply with the law of West .Virginia, thronghwMehth^erive^lrAa^r Secretary pro tern. maeohlB,‘lB66, , awrr-at OIL COMPANIES. AND CHERRY PETROLEUM COMPANY. «*wm i 500,000. 800,000 SHAKES. SUBSCRIPTION, |2,SO Pfiß SHARE. WOBKIJFO CAPITAL, MS,OOO. OFFICE NO. 538 WAXiNfUT STREET. PBEsrnmrr, CHAELBB L. OBCH. TUEAmaBB. W, W. COOKMAH. SSOBBTABT. T- HARTLEY. SIXB0TOB4: CHARLES X*. DRUM, Philadelphia. W W. BMkUICK. “ CHARLES DaKPORD, WILLIAM LBHS, A. H. angrlju, New York. This company own the following Interests; The one-third (X) fee simple, bring one sixth <1- 6) Of all the Oil produced, or to bo produced, freeof expanse, in eight (8) lots, known as the DUFF TRACT, situated on bosh rides of CHERRY RUN, sur/oundiugths celebra ted Seed Wriltease. The Doff and Reed Leassscover the best boring territory on Cherry Rub. ?® IhePHILLIPF LEASE, on which 1« situated the Is land well, compleied January 1. and flowed three Iran dree banvle of v>U while waiting for a naweagUe; it is now pumping from 26t0J5 barrel per day. and has every lndtratlon of bacomiog a flowing well after a shoTt when ?be eogiae is to bs reversed to drill another well r-n this Lease, which will be in a-di revt Due betwefn tha Reed an< Baker Wells; she Jattar is on the Curtin property, and flowing at this time about il<> barn-la per day, 1 The KCAD. or DRW PHILLIPS WELL, i* also on this Lease. It has just been tubed, aad commenced about March 10 to piodace from 90 to 100 barrels per day, and 1* iscrearin* This i* considered by good j ndges of f-herry Run Weils to be the beet ever exhibited on this territory, promising 6o rival the Head Well—all the riiisJettfebeiug Mraated from one to six rods uom the Reed and Baker Wells, I« the BAUM LEASE. A well was commence! on this Lesee strut February!, It will bs packed vigorously loan early completion, lhzoe wells are projected on this Leate. which lays between Cherry Run and four of the Curtin Company lots. IH!beSWBENEYLEsSE.°wh;ch borders on the Run. On inis Lease U the Sweeney Weil; commeroad flowing about February *l5, 40 to 60 barrels oi Oil per day, ana increasing hourly. Two more wells are projected on this Lease, No. 4 & *he COYLE LEASE This Lease also borders on the Run. The Coyle Well, just drilled, wIU be mb ad im m^olate-y; it Is eenridered a very promising well, it havlrg thrown up large qaantit e*of OU when but 400 feet deep. Two more wells are projected on this Lease. Is the MOORE LEASB. Commenced drilling about dssn&ry 2fi; it l» being worked night and-dar thelo* being determined to get Oil as soon as possible. Two wells are projected on this Lease. No. 6" Ts tbf BRADLEY LEASE. On tHs Lease is the Brad ley weji, which coremfenced pumping about January 5, now flowing about 60 barrels per day. and increasing. .No doubt b entartalned but that It will be & large flaw ing w*ii. It ha* large crevices in the third rocs, and wDh large annuities of ga*, similar to the Noble Well. Two more wells are proceed on this Lease one will be commenced mimed lately. No. 7 Is the WHETMAN. or CBE3SWBLL LEASE. Well down abc ui three hundred and fin? feet, with a large show of Oil; will be «offii>Uied in about thirty days. Is the PHIPPS LEiS2 A well on this lease hat just been tnbKO'land commenced on the 14th of March to flow from 180 lo 2Ui b&ri eis per day. This well id within ten roce or ihe jt>eod Well. Two more wells ore projected on thus L^ase. , ****** the five wells already completed on this lease (ail of which are y teidiag large quantities of OU, and oihfcr wesis m theimmediate neighborhood} as the proof of the qnality or the territory upon which they ara bimateo, teen all must acknowledge that better has ».*■*«• yet beftn found ■ . ter> itory thare has neveV been a well sunk but what produced largely, and ailoftneinare flawing. ‘ The pnmpiog bring anneoeesaryl excepting for a few d>»y s. io exhaust the water and gst them fairly started. Wnbia a stone s throw of till* “ D*iff Tract" are the celebrated;’*£eec," “Granger," “Anbura. ,, “Yan kee. “ “Baker,'* **B», Niohoia*," and other flowing w«ilSi and the whole prooerty around U'considered'as tne most valuable in the entire oil region. Oa OU Creek the average is one producing well out of five drilled ibis The Company altioown, in-tee simple, the F. /Beuuv hocf Fa; m, situate oil Oil aad <Tout Runs, containing about ocehurdred acres. The well-known character of this farm needs no commendation- On the aaj ining farm three wells aregoing down Preparation* are be* Ids mace to sick a number of wells on this farm, as application for leases have been made onmost favorable terms. Subscriptions will be received at the OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No. 528 WALNUT STREET, Mi alio It W. W. COOKMA.IT, STOCK BROKER, No. 3*l WALNUT STREET^ TflE WEST VIRGINIA NAfEONALPETSOLEUai ASSOCIATION. At a meeting of the Stockholders, held March 2d, after hearing the import of the Provisional Board, showing the treat rise in the value of the lands, it was Rtsolved, That all stock which shall net be paid ia foil boic.re tbe first of April ebaU be forfeited for cue use of the Association, and that alter that date no stock si all be told at Jess than ®l. 60 p -r share. _ The lends of the Association consist of 1,188 acres* rituateo «>n Eeedy Greek, on the Little Kanshvva and ou Hughes liver* in the best oil district of West Virginia, Ail engine has been purchased, and work will be im mediately commenced. fcnbscriptiouii to stool: wi ! l bs recalTfd nntil April Ist, at ope fiofiar per .bare, by JAMES L7&D. 'iru*tee. 80. South SIXTH Street, eeco&diloor, or by as, of the .'el'Owit'.-nitfeed gaatiemen: Maitbew J. Brair, Ho. 11S7 Shackamaxon street Joseph T. Howamd, Ho. 317 Stevens street. Camden. Abraham Stewart, Ho. 136 South Sixth street, or Ho. 1843 South Fifth Btreet ... Wm. B. Aokley. Ho. 802 North Second street. Ms l ion GUliuxham. Ho. 2141 Arcti street. James Zimmerman, Ho. 1201 8 Second street. Jones Webster, Ho. 60 Horth Wihstreet,seeond fioor, or fiioia .treet, near Twentieth. mh27-2t if g£jjgp> I»HII,A»EU*HIAA!!U CHICAGO OIL COMPANY, OBSiITIZUfi ITHDHB THS haws oh PEHHSYI, Y A H I A . OFFICE. 318 WALHUT Street. mMB-3t» FTOT” STABIBIIVS STOJSR OIF- ASD MINING COMPaNX-CHEaFEST STOCK 13 THE MARKET. CArITAT,. 800.000 SHARES. ■WORKING CAPITAL, $40,009, PAR VALUE. $l. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 60 CENTS. NO FURTHER ABSKS3MBHTS. • ... . Within a lew dtye a new well has h»en struck at a distance of one hundred yards from onr propsrty, on the Kanawha. AJlthe lands of this Company are located within the £r*at UJI belt of West Virginia, and embraces 848 acres i fee simple* and two leases, one of 10 and the other of £ acres. Maps and Prospectus at the office. Subscription book will slots in a short time, as the stock is being rapidly ,old. . „ Office, AIT WALNUT Street, Room No. S, third ,tO,y * ISAAC COOFBB, President. JAMES M. FEROCSON. Treasurer. mhHS-iat CHAS. H SIDEBOrHAM, Secretary. ear- a HEKiise of the stock. HOLBBHS OP THE LITTLE KfiHAWH* A«D SPEIHG CBKEK OIL COMP AN?-will ba held at the Hortbwest corner ofPOUKTH and WALHOT Streets* on MOHI)AY, April 10th, at 2 o’clock P. M., to mahe By laws Mid sleet Board of Btre«ors to serve oee year. ' JOSEPH H. HUGH, President. SAMUEL ECCLE3. JB,. Treatnrer. The properties of this company comprise 28 acres on lease at }i royalty on Burning Springs Run, Wirt connty, Wen Virginia, and dfH acres on Spring Creek, near the above, In fse simple. The oompany have two engines on the ground working, A limited portion of the working capital is still not subscribed for, which can be hadlat subscription price, $1 per share, at the office, No. 886 CHURCH AHey. mhgl-taplO Fgff- MVIBEND SOTICK —OFFICE OF ■=» THE MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY, S3A WALNUT Sheet, Philadeipuia, March 23. ISM. The Board Of Director* have this day declared a regu lar Dividend of FOUR PERCENT., and an Extra Dlvi. deid of EIGHT PER CENT., making In all Twelve Per Cent., payable on aid after the 80th Inßt. The Transfer Boohs wilt close on the 25th, at 3 F. M,, and open on the 31st. THOMAS B. SEABLE, mt24-Bt* Secretary. OFFICE ov THE NO BEE AND *=s®' DBLAMaTEK PETEOLaUiI GOMPASY, ttSO CHSSTAtJT StlMt. Fsn.Aim.rai A. March 20. 1165. ' The anneal meeting of the stockholders will he hela on MOhUAX, the 10th of April next, at twelve o’clock', noon. QISOHGtE W. HI7NTER, mMltuthift Secretary, Kgr” A MEETING OP THE STOCK. 1» lOLBEKS or THE HUGHE3 RIVStt OIL COMPANY «U 1 lie held at the Offlca of the Com pany. Ho. 60S WALHUT Street, on TUESDAY, April 4ti, at 93d A. M, for tie purpose of election a Piciident and Directors to «erve for the eneolnE Tear. HENRY B. EDMUNDS, - rabSl-ththlt* Secretary of Hughes River Company KSf*- OFFICE OP THE EGBERT Oil, ■W CO., Ho. 147 Sc nth FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, March 15.1885. The snnont meet: nr of :h.. hi. Ckhoider.* will be held on WEDNESDAY, April 6th, 1865. at 1 o’clock P. M. WM. M. CABTSB, mhl4-tnfr6t Secretary and Treasurer- OFFICE OF THE HYDE FASH *=» OIL CO., Ho. IF? South FOURTH Street. _ Philadelphia. March 13,1855. The arnnal meeting ot the Stockholders will be hold on MONDAY, April Sd, 1E65, at 1 o’clock P. M. - . „ WM. M. CARTER 1nh.14 tnfrtt _ Secretary and Treasurer. 1®“ OFFICE ORGANIC OIL COKPA> Bas ’ HY, 10 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. Philadelphia, March 22.1885. The annual meetliiH of htocanoldeis will be held on tl e 6th day ol April, at 12 o’clock U mliM-tapt STILES, Jr., Secretary. MORRIS FARM OH COMPANY, - ISB ' OFFICE, »86 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, SECOND STORY FRONT ROOM. 03* Clreniarr can be procdred upon application at he OSes of the Company. v rnhS-lm l®“ OmCE OF PEHN MINING COM FJKf PAHY OF LAKE SUPERIOR, No. 319 WAL NUT Street, - Philadelphia, Maroh S 4, 1885. The annual meeting of the Stockholder, of this Com- Deny, for tho election of Dlrectore and inch other bast, neee at way-come before It, will ba held at the offlco of the Company, 80. SIB> wALNUT Street, city ot palla delphta. on tho first TUESDAY, the 4th day of April, A. D 18(5. at 3 o’clock, p. M mh2s-tap4 . DaYID S. BEYL, Secretary. KS“ BIYIBEND NOTICE -OFFICE OF the Washington and walnut band oil CO., No 31A MARKET Street, _ , ■ Philadelphia, March 18,1885. The Directors of this Company have thla day declared a Dividend of TWO PER CENT., clear of tax, payable on and after April Sd next. « Transfer books close on the 27th Inst and open April tth- THOMAS B. SUPLEB, mb 10 ISt Treasurer. ■3§jr“ THE ANN FA I, MEETING OF THE K*? STOCKHOLDERS ot the ROCK OIL COMPANY will be held In aoeordance with the by-laws, at the the, company, »<> ~*O9 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, thethlrdof April next, at 11 o’clock A. M., when an election will beheld for Five Dlrectore to serve 'or tho taenio* year. JOHN F. GRAFF, Dlhl3.tep3 See’y and Treaenrer. BOUTAST. S BOUNTY FOB MARINES.— WASTED—"Veterans, only, having honorable dis charges from the U. B. Marine Corps; will ba entitled to the Government and all the local botmtiw, .tut* upon enlistment Term of service four years. Better compensation than toe army. Marines receive prise money. For all fnitner information apply At JLlis eraiting rendezvous. ITo 311 Sooth FKOIST Street ha low Bprnce eta set* between, the hoars of 0 and 3 o’o’ock. i „ a, JAMBB FOEMfiTk mhlAtf y Captain &a 4 Recruiting Officer. TJIB PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. MARCH 28, 18®. HOOSII H O M E; NEW PUBLICATIONS. BOOKS, From l lie Pnwa or J. B. lApplncott * 00, SPEECHES OF Mil. GEN, CARL SCIIPRZ, F. B. Collceted and Revised by tirn Author. IZjbo. 92, CONTESTS. I. Tie Irrerroealble Conflict. 11, PoHttcal Morals < lIT. Fro. Amerir&nlein, IV. The Vooal.»r Scvereleatr Doctrite. V, KatificMionof Mi. Lincoln , Fttrt Boml nBtn>Bforn«>Frcs!d,no, , VI T t» n on of surer,. VII. Tbe Bill of Indictment VIII, Vrse Speech 1 1. Reconciliation bv Emancipation. X.-Pe»ce, Liberty, end Umpire- - XI. Tlio 'lieaaonof Slavery. -XXL Ap peal to Ooinmos Sense. A Hew Work. by the Author of "Held la Bondage: or Granville de Vigne. *' STRATHMOHEI OS, WROUGHT BY HIS OWS Hill. BY ••OUIDA,” Aatbor Of "Hell in Bonds*e;or, Granvlire de Vila*. '* One voL 12mo. 630 pp. Frlee 92. Sf- PAUL IN ROM®. LIOTURES DELIVERED In tb« legation oMhe United States of America la Home. 8y «or 0 H. Batter. 1) D., Professor of Ecoleslastioal History in Divinity School, PMl&4elphia. Oao vol,* 12mo. $1 .76, RITTER’S COMPARATIVE GEOGRAPHY. LECTURES Off COMPARATIVE GEOGRAPHY. By Car] Bitter ia*e Prhfeg-or of Geography la the Oni vereity ef Berlin. Translated by Boy, William L, Gage, One volutes, Umo. SLOO. A Sew Work i>y Bon. Jerc. Clemens. TOBIAS WKLSON. A TALE Of THE GREAT KEBSai/CilpN. BY HON. JBRB. CLEMENS, of Alabama, First Series. Paper, $L J. B. LIPPINCOTT . &CO.i POBLISUSBB. QN THU 13xn OF APRIL WILL APPEAR THE FIRST NUMBER OF A POPULAR MAGAZINE OF RELIGIOUS AND USEFUL LirERATUBE. #3 it Year : Single Numbers 35 Cents. HOUBS AT HOMEisderigneatobea religious and literary monthly of the very highest character* ffo ex* peneo wilbespaiedtomate iteaoal to our best mag&' zines in artistic and mechanical execution. It wiU ex clnde everything of a frivolous and evil tendency, and aim tolarnishapnro. healthful, and useful literature. Beside* articles on religious subjects.-it willcontaia re* views of books, historical and biographical sketches* poetry, notes of travel, moral tales, papers on popular science, and essays on various topics. The following names of some of the. contributors to HOBBS AT BOMB will be accepted as a pledge of the high standard of literary and reiigiousexeeUence which will characterize it, and also of its entire Catholicity j F. D, Huntington. D. D. Joseph P.‘fhompaou, D, D. Philip Scb&ff, D J>, Henry a.. -Kelson, D. 0, . William ioams, D.D. Prof. SI. 1> titjever. D.D. Elbert 8. Porter, D.IA G. L Premiss, D D. 35. L Rancher.E(<l., LL.D. James R. fepild'og, Bsq. B, H. Giilett, D.l>. T. H. Skinner D Bnf as Aider sob, D D. H. D, Gaose, D, D * . _ Pi of. Edwin Harwood, D.D. Prof. Benrv B. Smith, D D. Taylor Lewis. LI O. Prof. 2*o*h Porter, DD. . Prof. BB Bitch cock,D.D. P/of. G. T Bh*dd, D D. B Turnbull. D D. Pres. F. Watiand. D.D, M. W. Jacobus, D.D. K*v. 0. S Bobusion. Leonard Baconi D.D. Bav. James E-lie. D D. Abel Stevens, D-.D. Prof. George P; Fisher: •* William B. Sprague, D.D, r*re». D BGoodwin- D.D. If ay P&'mer. D. D- Wm Ivas Buddington. D D. * Fr’tT. D. Woolsey, D.D., £t. &ev. Bp. Clark* of S.I, LL. P. The first number will contain a Mszosihi EnasAvntfl of Sr. Elizabeth of Runqaky, after a statue by Paul Alrere. • The year will make lyols. of 1200 royal octavo paged, double columns. $3 per year in advance; 25 cents a number. Clubs qf five will receive an extra copy.- Chibs of ten or more each $2-50. CHAS. SCRIBNER & Go.; m127-2t gOOIAL STATICS. BY SPENCER. D, APPLETON & CO., Hoe. 4ASand4*B BROADWAY, Fnblleh Toie Day : SOCIAL STATICS; OR. THB COHDITXOKB BSSfctfVlAJi TO HtWAIT HAPr. ■ PIHBSS - enwnrao. — _ __ AKD THB ?IBBT Oi’THBM DBVBHOPBD. By Hkebekt Sfbscer. Author of **HlufitratJo»e of Frogreas, ’’ '* Essays. ’* •’FirstPrinciples, etc, With a Notice of the Author and a Steel Fortran. lvoL,l2mo Pricas2* COBT*ENTA Part X Definition of Morality—The Evanescence of Evil—The Divine Idea, and the Conditions of its Realization. Part 11. ' Derivation of a First Principle—First Principle—The Rights of Di/e and Personal juiberty—The Right to ihe Useoftheßarih—Th© Kl *btof Property —The KighE of Property in Ideas—The Bight of Property in Character —The Bight of Excbang*—The Right of Free Suesch— Further Bights—'The Bights of Women—The Bights of Children. _ Part 111. Political Eights— The Bight to Ignore the State—the Constitution of the State —The Duty of the State—The Limit of State Duty—The Regulation of Gommei ce—Se ll# ion* Establishments—Poo? Laws—National B&uea tion—Sanitary^uperYision—Currency—Postal Arrange ments. Ac. D. a. A Co. also publish the following works hr the same Author: EDUCATION—INTELLECTUAL, BIOBAL, AND PBISICAL. 1 vol. * )2rao. $i fQ; . ILLUSTRATIONS OF UNIVERSAL FBOGBES3* I Vfl. ,12mo. $2. ASSAYS—MORAL, POLITICAL, AND iE3THSTIC. 1 vol-, 12 mo, $2. / THB CLASSIFICATION OF THB SCIENCES, to which is added reasons for dissenting from the Philoso phY of M. Comte., 25 cents. __ Jfibst principles. YoX 1 of a New System of Philosophy. s2.' Any of the above sent free, by mail, on receipt of the price. mh27-2t TVTEEIVAIiE’B ROME—NOW COM AT_L PLATE. D. APPLETON A CO., Nos. 443 and 445 BROADWAY, _ Publish this day, VOL. VII—BEING THE LAST OF HISTORY OF THE ROMANS UNDER THE BMPIBR . BT OHAHIiES MERITAIE, £. D. - 7 vole, small 8ro.» handsomely printed on tinted paper. Price 92.5) per vol ; half morocco, $4.6%' CONTENTS. Vols. I and ll.—Cromprising the History to the Fall of Julius Crcear. Vol< lII.—To the Establishment of the Monarchy by Augustus. Vols. IV. and V.—From Augustus to Claudius, B. 0, 27 to A. D. 64- Vol VI -From the Reign of Nero, A. D. 64, to the Fall of .Teruea’em, A. D. 70. Vol. VII.-From the Destruction.of-Jerusalem, A. D. 70; to the D eath of M. Aut elius. This valuable work terminates at the point where the narrative of Gibbon commences. ?' ' * * * * "When ws enter on a more searching criticism of the tYrowriters.it must be admitted that Herivalehas&sfixm a graspof hla Bubjeet a* bibbon, and that his work U characterized by a.greater free dom from prejudice, and a sounder.philosophy. * * * * * * •* ThU history must always stand as a splendid monument of faia learning, hisoandor*and his vigorous grasp of intellect. Though hois in. some re spects inferior to Macsnley and Grote, he must still be classed with them as one of the second great triumvi rate of English hist on us. * '—North American RcuXw, April, 3583, - mh37- 2t ■KTBW BOOKS FOR SABBATH- Al feOBOOL LIBBAKIKS! , The Bed Lien, or Borne in Humble Life. The Conqueror, by the author of Ell en Mn I,ra ?»r? o *, ' The Fithoman’s Children, ox the Sunbeam of - Hard- Faithful Shepherd, or Sketches of the life of Ber/" Tie Ferryman s Child, or Lifht out of Darkness. Little Permon Talks, by Caroline B Kelley. Bessie Lovell, or the Bower of a Loving Chita. ■ Vivian and his Friends, or Two Hundred Vease Ago,. by the author of The Story of a Pocket Bible. - - * Tried and True, or Into the Light, by A. J. G. The Village School Mistress' or More About Kate SU« more, by the author of Kate Bllmore For sale by JAMES S. ULaXTOK, Successor to W, S. & ALFRED MkBTIBN, CO6 OHSSTfIKT Street, HEW BOOKS 11 w ""WAno i bvans. (Hazard’s old stand), ■ . Ko. OHERPBHT'Street. , , GOETHE’S WIJjHKLM AJEIS TEE, AneW.mlsed edition. By Thomas Carlyle, 2 vole CAPS CUB. By JUniy B. Thoreiu, author of ‘ * Main© Woods. ** ** Waldan, 1 * &©,. &o , ~ POFM* BY K W. BMSHSOCf. Ivo*. blue and gold. A BOOK OF GOLDEtf DEEDS of all Timas and all Lands, Gathered and js&Tr&ted by the author of the ‘ * Beir of B* dclylfe. 1 * Tinted paper, green vellum, .THB JEST BOOK The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings Selected and arranged by Hark Lemon. Two beautiful little volumes of the Golden Treasury TBAGKBB AY *S VANITY FAIB. Hlastrated elltiou. 3 vote Tinted papsr. Cambridge Fre^s- TBIAL OF JOHN Y. BEALL. Official report. - TOO tiTRAHGB NOT TO BE TBUB, TON l BOTLEK and ail the other NEW NOVELS. ALL TBB HEW BOOK* received as soon as issued from the press, Mid sold at lowest prices. mh2s- tf THE SWEDISH MOVEMENT CURE. JL-TBE THEORY AND PRACTICE OP TRB MOVE MENT OURS, by tho Sued i.h System of Loclzed. acvcmentß By Charles Fayette Taylor, M.D. Second edition. With mn*tr*tionB. l voi. 12mo. ' ALSO. BY SAME AIITUOK, SPINAL IRRITATION, OI the Causes of Baek-aohe a THfiwBCBiNK!AL C! TBBATMBNT OF ANGULAR CURVATURE OP TEE SPINE T LINDSAY A BLAKISTON. Publishers. mM4-tf No. »5 South SIXTH Street. MEW SUPPLY OP CHRONICLES Of* AY THE SCHOBBEBQ-COTTA FAMILY. ALSO. BY THE SAMS AUTHOR: , THB EARLY DAWN ; or. Sketchee of Christian Life In England in the Olden Tlm». DIARY OP MBS. KITTY TRBVYLYAN. ABtOryof the Times of WMtfleld and the Wesleys. THE CRIPPLE OF ANTIOCH, and Other Scenea from Christian Life in Early Times. THE MARTYRS OF SPAIN. AND THE LIBERA TORS «P HOI LAND. tales 'an d sketches of Christian life, in Different Lends and Ayes THE VOICE OF CHRISTIAN LIFE IN SONG i or, Hymns and Hymn Writers of many Lauds and Agee, TEE TWO VOCATIONS; or. the Sisters of Merer at Home. JAMES S OLAXTON, ~ (Successor to Wm ». & Alfred Martlen), mh2l-tt 608 CHEeTNUT Street. Miscellaneous and law BOoKB—'The best and rarest collection in Phila delphia. —-Hallowel!’* SbaHepeare, fifteen hundred do!- Jar#, and other Books, eauauy scarce, for sale at 119 CBEVTNBT Street. ja2 Sm JOHN CAMPBELL, PUBB- CORK , VINEGAR, ff FREE from drags, asd warranted to preserve fruits aai^ Sickles equalto cider vinegar, manufactured aul sola y - POROY * C mhSB‘lm 35 Bouth FBONf .Street. PEMOYAL.—TKB OFFICI OF THE SX BuOVBK AND HkBSaALL OIL OOVPAVY ha« been removed from No, ftB Bouth F.OtfBTH street to Borthwefit o Ocrner FIFTH and CijESrtftf r ji-.reali, BoomHo.B. , ' —aMB-iB- 1865; THURSDAY, Maicli SOth. .*¥&& CRestaut. Streci, rohiG-st , ■ ~ 18(56. ' f • BFRIN& CLOAKS. PHILADELPHIA, WILL EXHIBIT HfS HEW STIXES Of ON TUESDAY, 538TH INST. it - QPENmO. THOMAS W, W&M & CO. NEW YORK, PulllUllOTS. SIS and S2O Ckestnnt Street. mh27-St 1865. CLOIHSIOEI. 1865 Eelonearly dead, we have adopted measure* to re vive tiro upon the good old principle of within the roach of people living upon fined Incomes, such as Ministers, Judges, Retired Merchants, &c., &c. "Onr Stock is complete, purchased under a-severe Golden pressure. and we are prepared to offer , CLOTHS, _ No. CLOAKINGS. CAESIMBBES. _34 . SILK VESTINGS, COATINGS; South NAVY CLOTHS, BILLIARDS, SECOND ARMY CLOTHS,, BAGATELLES, Street. FLANNELS, ho.. AX SO, 31 SOUTH SECOND STREET. W. acC SNODGRASS. Also, a large assortment of BROWN AND OLIVE CLOTHS for Friends’wear. mh23-12t REDUCTION OF PRICES ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF DESIRABLE DRESS GOODS. GURWEN STODDART & BROTHER Have determined to retain the eonfldense and re* fewnee of their enstomers, and.haYe reduced the prices ol their entire stock to the present panic rates, without regent to cost. Large purchase! at ihe recent New York and Philadelphia Auctions enable ns to offer CALICOES AT IS and SO cts. i t blbachbd muslin, as ct«. SAX'S! DEEPS GOODS FROM 31 to 3Y}£ eta, MOUSSBLINB DELAINES FROM »S to »Bots. JJLACK SILKS Of ail trades end widths, from a recent auction sale, at YOIT REDUCED PRICES. ■RLACK ALPACAS, X> •• MOHAIRS, CANTON CLOTHS, From a recent auction sale, at very REDUCED PRICES. CUB WEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450,45», and 454 North BBCOND Street, . Abote Willow. SPRING GOODS, . FOB MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR, AT REDUCED PRICES. OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 430, 45a. and 454 North SECOND Street, . Above Willow. JTADIBB’ CLOAKINGS. WATER-PROOF OLOAKINOS OUR WEN STODDART it BROTHEE, 450, 458, and 454 «ertb.SßC >)H DNtr.et, mh2s-3t : , Above Willow. O-OODS GREATLY REDUCED I! 1 VA : THE TIME TO BUY HAS COMB J ! I A SPLENDID STOCK JUsT OPENED ! ! ! t We have held off buying until prices went right down, and tben stepped In and bought freely, and are now pro pareo to SELL COMPARATIVELY CHEAP ! 1 ! Black Silks, most excellent quality. Plain Sitke in all colors, ■Wool De Laines, In all colors.- Figured De Laines and Calicoes, Beautiful Plaid Goode. -. Plain and Plaid Mohairs, vary pretty. Linens and Muslins, ail grades. Ca.tlmeres and Cloths. Flannels, Tickings. Checks, Ginghams. No., Jte. Shawls, Skirts, Hdkfs, Veils,Ao„ he. Marseilles, Swiss, and other thin and Plaid Mae lttt.combQnHto.Marsettloss^lfei*o. l | S ,, Si mhlS-lm Cor. of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. YARD-WIDE BLEACHED MUSLIMS, *• Best In the eitT* Beat i* the city, , . For SIX mats* For Sl» oeate. A great Barton. ▲ great Bargain* stuff* tf nro HOLDERS OF OIL STOCKS.—I , will $50,010 w r or»h. of Furniture, atcft’h prices. for good Oil blocks* and will add tea per cant, to toe price ofstock now aelUag on toa market, QBO J 'nauJLoi<ii< SW aid 8U QHEMKOT Stwet. RETAIL DRV ROODS. FIRST OPENING* SEBING BOMKffiITS, WOOD & CADT* ©FENING. J. M. BAFLEIGH, bos tmmvsvx btbe et, mi A§9 CLOTH CLOAKS* WILL HATE THEIR FIRST OPENING PARIS STYLE MAJNXII.I.A.B, TUESDAY, 28th INSTANT. KING COTTON KING GOLD CLOTH TRADE MODERATE PRICES. cheap; CUE WEN STODDART & BROTHER, . 450, 458, sad 454 Horth SBCOR D Hreet, Above Willow. OCR WEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 458, and 454 Horth SBOoHD Street, ... Above WlUoiv. AT BIDUOBD PRICES. 1084 OBBSTBOf BTBBBT. 1, M. NEEDLES, 1034, CHestaUt Street, Haa “redneed” hie 1 ‘ entire stock ’ ’ to eorre* apond with the recent heavy "DECLINE IN GOLD,” JLND H(OW OFFERS FULL LIKES OF WHITB GOODS. L4CBB, EKBROITTBRIES, HANDKERCHIEFS. VBII*. BDREVJSS, COhLABS, fcETd BABBBS, Eio. Alec, agreal variety ofPhwfi*, ehirred, puffed, striped, plaid, figured, aad otherfanoy Jinoliae, suitable for WHITE BODIES. Just received* a very large lot of choice styles HeeclSework, Edgings, and ieserUags.vary low. Also* Duchess* .Impress, Queen Bess, and other new styles Collars and Seta. load: CHESTNUT STKBET. JOHN H. STOKEB, 708 ARGH Street. AUCTION NOTICE. Jg T. WILLS, AUOTIONKER. . 9 J AUCTION NOTICE. HKMBIYE SIM 01 RIBTHM¥ABE. I.SOO CBATISS. BY OBDEB OF MESSRS. J. & G. MEAKIN, Manufacturers, England, TO QE SOLD AT Atiol'lON BY E. T. WIIJQS* OH WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28 to, ISSS. AT HIS AUCTION BOORS. Me. 13 MURRAY STREET. HEW YORK. •JMP The sale Will indnde 1.300 CRATES, cm- Priam* beet goode. ae follove; PLAIN CHIN a, BUd- SOH, WHEAT or CERES. WHITE 3 SANITE, SHaPESs best-quality of COMMON WARE, SELECTED SE CONDS, Metal Cor’d Jo *6, &c. Warranted in every particular, to which the trade are particularly Invited. Cataloeuee are now reedy. mhis.4t 1865. WAU PAPERS. SPRING STYLES PHILADELPHIA 1865. WAItL FAFEIBS! HOWELL & BOIBIE, N< B, OOR, FOURTH AND MARKET STS,, PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADES. mbSS-thetn 2to «EISTB». FURSIISHISO OOODB. PINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. -d- The sabsoTlber* would invito attention to thtif IMPBOVBD CUT OF 83ERT8. which tl»y make & apeoialty in their basinese. Alsu* constflntl'w Ttcfivlng NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAK. J. W. 800TT & oO.* GENTLEMEN S FtJBNtRHING STORE, No. bi 4 obestnot srasst. Four doors below the OontlneataL J^OOKING-GLaSSES, AT BIDUdID PRICES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS have made a GREAT REDUOTIOH in their price,, and have now in stock a very large and elegant aeseort mentef LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT ABB PICTURE FRAMES. LOOKINC-CLASSES made to order at the earns KR DU.iEO PRIORI 1 , to fill every character of space, for MaSTELB- PIERS. WALLS, BAR-ROOMS, HOTELS, bjaifo, &o. EARLE’S GALLERIES, mh27-12t SIB CHESTNUT STREET. r® TQUKQ- LADIES* AND CHIL ’S SPRING MILLINERY OPENING, THURSDAY, Mute! 3D:h. IBM. MRS NICHOLS, 103 South EIGHTH Street. jnb2B»3t*if r® MRS. ALLEN, «?»8 CHBSTinJT Street, Wul 003*1 FARES AFD KBW TORS: MILLItIBBT.' . THURSDAY. Maria EO,iBS5. mS3-2fc* £ H. SLEEPER & CO., BIS HINOB STREET, MANUFACTURERS, AGENTS, AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLINT AM) GREEN GLASSWARE, , Have now. In .tore . full assortment of tbs shove goods, whlsh we offer at the lowest market rates. Being sole agents for the SALEM GEEBN GLASS WORKS, wo are prepared to make and work private moulds to order. PORTER, MINERAL, and WISE BOTTLES, of a superior color and finish. Also, LAMP CHIMNEYB, APOTHECARIES’ SHOP FURNITURE, SHOW BOTTLES, STRIBOEB, HOMCB OFATHIO VIALS,and Druggists’ Glassware generally. T. A. EVAHS & CO.’S PITTSBURG GLASS VIALS lomtaatVy on hand at factory prices. fe!6-Sm QAKD. SPECIAL KOTICR. The Store I sow oeonpy is cold toi a Banking lnttl tution. . Rot being able to procure a bnllllog safficlently large to hold my atcoi, I am compelled to SEIA, OUT Asf&etaepoeeible. Jnowoffer my Immense asaoriment of E’TJRICIXIJXiE AT VEST ROW PRICES. GEORGE J, HESRELS* mhlMm 800 ARB 811 CHESTHOI BTBBBT. QOTTONADIS, AN ABSOETHEHT OP TORE COMPANY’S COXTONAPES, BOOTT KURD BROWN AND -BREACHED GOODS, EECJSXYED ASB FOB SALE BT wain; LEAMING, & 00., No. aai OHESTHUT STREET. JgHGLISH BEOWK STOUT, SCOTCH AJLOE3, IS STONE and glass. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN TINS GROCERIES. yf-M" H. JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia,) ATTORNEY AT LAW. FEANKLIH, VENANGO COUNTY, FBNNA. Special attention given to the examination of Titles. \ Pbilapelphxa Befbrenoes j— Ohas, B. Lex, Esq., Bon J. .Boss Snowden, James H Little. Bsq.T, T. Tasker. Sr., Hood, Bunbrtghfc, A Co., J. Z. DeHaven, President 7th National Bank. mhlQ-Sm* TkEAH’S GREAT TOBACCO, CIGAR; XJ ASP pipe stoke. Ho. £l3 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, Pa, Dean keeps the greatest assortment. Dean keeps the greatest variety. Dean keeps the largest general stock. - Yon can get any kind of Tobacco, Yon can get any kind of Cigars, You can get any hind of Pipes, lon can get ant kind of Snuffs. AT DEAN’S GBEAT TOBACCO STOBB,. No. £l3 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Fa. When yon go to fes&'s von can set anything von want in the way of Plug, Fine Cat, and Smoking To* baccos, Domestic and Havana Cigars. Pipes. Ac. Dean keeps the largest general stock of Tobaeoo, Ci gars, Pipes, Ac., in the United States. Dean’s sales are so extensive that he can. afford to soli at about on*-half what others sell for. * Dean sells to the Army of the Potomac. Dean cells to the Army of the James. Dean sells to the Army of the Tennessee. Dean sells to the Army of the Cumberland. Gunboats all order their Tobacco. Cigars, Pipes, Ac., from DEAN’S, No. £l3 CHESTNUT Street. Pennsylvania merchants all hay at Dean’B, New Jersey merchants all buy at Dean’s, ’ Delaware merchants all buy at Dean's, . As they can alwayt get . just what they want, and at a much lower price than they can eirewhere, and they do not have to pick up their goods at a dozen little stores. All goods ordered are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Order once, and yon will always order from Dean’s, as hie plug and fine cat chewing.and smoking tobaccos end cigars are far superior to all others, and he sells for much lets. DEAN’S, No. 413 CHESTNUT Street. no3o*4m ~ Philadelphia,. Fa. GAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY O AT LAW AND CONVEYANCES, FBAKKLIN. VENANGO COUNT Y, PBNNA. (lata ot Philadelphia.) TtyBBRS TO Charie. B. Lex. EsqTT , B. OBlddleftCo.; B. O. Knight ft Co., Dr- R 8. Ma.fc.nil6, Janes B. L«Uo, ISacu. I W. H. Yeaton&Oo. mh7-3m ; riABTEB DE VIBITE-TABTE IN AR- V-/ rapgement and skill in execution characterize those very popular styles photograph* now made at B. P. EBIMBE’S Gallery, 634 aBCH Street. See sped* m* nr. . ft* POPULAR STYLES LIKKKESS A EBIWER‘6 Colored Photographs, a pleasing, aeon rate, and durable picture, executed and colored in. the best manner for 60 only, at SECOND Street, above Green. it* PHOTOGRAPH .ALBUMS BEST styles made, insuring perfect satisfaction, cambin infcsfronath and greatest possible Q-aNblUtv; patented all size*, elegant bindings? B Jr. KBIMh£~B. cat AR.riH sweet ■ - It* THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE i-' ln the oil, t« let HEA3>-3>RBBSSS, plain or fancy cm, u»t a«. w* asm etwe, ■ an#-*** % MANUFACTURE 83 OF NEW STILES, Conn of ELEVENTH and VTNB Sic WANTS. TfTAJTFED, BY AN EXPERIENCED ff LADY, accustomed to children a situation, ss Housekeeper, or to attend upon a slot: person. Qooa eitT references Appiv at the southeast core er of TWELFTH and FLEMafTYff Ste.. ab. Msrtet mh2B-gt« WANTED—A BOOKBINDER WHO tv in thoroughly acquainted whh all branches of the buslces*. and capacitated for the bo»t hied.of work; to whom capital, tooiß, &c.* will be furnished, and an interest giv«a in the ba»Ueas» Address »b* under- HUnfd at Brie, FA. B. f. H. * YMS. nii27-4t Daily Dispatch^ WANTED-A SITUATION BY A RE »* fiPEOTABLK yono* mania a Store. Offlse, or Haxotaetory i 1« a *ood penman, and can rive rood cltr reierencea. Addrow " Wf. 8..” Box 139?, POUoda. Boat Office. mMS-it WANTED—CAN VAfeSERS FOR 7 , The beat terms offered. Ap* ply at 43a OBBBTBUT St., second story. mb»- im* WANTED—AT $l5O PER MONTH— ** A reliable Canvawerin every town and county, for the IfUiiSK ABB SPY, tbe moot Interextin* and exciting book e»er jsnbH*hed, embracing the advea tore, of a woman in the Union army ae Karas, Ecout, and Spy, riving a most vivid inner ptesnre of the war. Wo have Ateeu cleans* *l6O per montb, which we will prove to any doubting Applicant Bond for eircnlst*. Address *'JOBES, BEOS., * GO., 600 CHKSTffOT Street. Philadelphia. ” mb7 Im* A COMPETENT BASS SINGER IS open for an Enregawonttf applied to immediately. Addr-vs -‘Choir,' 1 Peat. Office BvX‘2l7. mhM-2t*r fJRBATEST THING OF THE TIMES V* -BO WESTS PETZE ESI VBLOFES -Agents wanted everywhere. Pmnmui Watches given to Agent*. Uu receipt of $l6 We wlll mail, post-paid. MO Envelopes, and afipieodld Solid Silver Huntiog-Gm Watch as a premium to the agent. A single Envelops sent, with circular and futl particulars, on receipt of 25cents. Ad dress A. H. BOW EM & GO., P. 0., Box 4210, 36 BEES MAH Stmt, M. Y. mh27-3m PARTNER WANTED IN THE IRON A Bnatness, with a capital of 009 in caxh or Pi* Iron. Apply at th« ofiico Eon a tala Green Iron works, 4a* WALPOf strtet. . mhgS 3t» m HOUSE WANTED. —WANTED -■Eto BEMT—A medium-sized Hour's* with all tbe modern conveniences, and withM twhnfey minutes of The Press office, Post *>f references give it. Address **B. P,» offloe of The Press. _ iafa34-tf £ WANTED TO RENT, BY APRIL Ist, a mod.ro BWBIXIK9, Bitnated abovo Arch •treat ai d west of Broad, Bent about Ms.‘ Address Box IBS7, Pott Office mM-lm* FOR SALE AND TO LEl>, «FOR BALE—THE HOUSE AsHD LOT, 1430 SPfiUCE street, aoath side; 33 feet front, four stories, with. Office ia from basement, Ap Ply ob the premites, . between 10 and 2 o’clock. m COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE. Jg}v EBSI— Eanddooe Vllia, ’vith twenty-eight Acres of Land, romsnticahT ululated, let one of me most healthy aua beautiful sections of tbe country, ton atlas from the city, and a mil* and a half fr-'ta a station, with almost hourly communication. Hot and Cold Water Ihicnghout tbe house, and other modern conveniences; Stabit, &c &q.' - _ Address *’A. L. B. T.," Box2o7sphtladetnhiaPost Office., . mh2B-ta.thsfft* ®FOR BALE—COTJNThY SEAT A or Barm of 40 acres, on Church Lane Darby Township, Delaware county, within a few naiautes* walk of the Went Chester and Philadelphia Ballroad* and one mile of tbe Darby Pasaeiuer .Kaii-vay The land is in a high elate of cultivation, handsomely Jo e&ied, with exitiDsiYe view of unrounding country; there ate several Buricgs of wa.i*r and an excellent quarry of fiay-stone oa the premises The improve* meat's con si* t of two writ* built substantial stone Houses, with shade, shrubbery, choice fruit, and ornv mental tree*. AUo. two bams, stable. carvUge-hoaws. spring-home,. corn crib, sheds, flic. Ice hmve, well filled with ice. Applv to JOHN WHILST on the premises or JOEL S. PJSBKIB6, Efos. 415 and 47 smith. FBoflT Street. __ mhitf- 6i* «FOR PALE—LARGE AND DESL KAELE DWELLING, wsstsidocf Fourth, street, south of ereoo Hreot. Lot 20 feat iroot b» 18lfe«t rtsjp toB.street. Apply to 8 Ttrti.'B, mh-27-3t I*l Rorth BIXTH Street. MFOR SALE—A YERY SUPERIOR BCUfcB in WEST PHIL iDBLPHIA, excellent stable, fine well of water: rural, vet quite ne&?; ail ccnveitieiicess replete in nil respects. Address “Mer chant. *' Box 2300, Post Office. mb27-lm m FOR SALE OR TO BENT, IN BUR- IrIJfGTON, W X, a large and coaven’ant B riTCE DWELLING HOUSE, thirty feet £r:iat oa Broad street* containing tbiiteea room*, with bath, g&a, &c The side tardea, of half an acre, is well aapplb-d with, choice fro it iree» in tearing. The ioca.lon is desirable and within a abort distanceof the Camden and Amboy Bail road kt&Uon. _ 2S8 r ,‘!f ri * w ‘ 0 m FOR SALE-DWELLING-HOUSE -■aAon FIFTEENIH Street north of Arch street. B W. BBBNUY, Mo. 30 Morth SEVSaTa Sirrah Apply to H3hlS>lm* POE PALE—A LARGE MOROCCO **- FACTORY, -with capacity for tanning- and finishing 25 do* thin? p*r day, with steam eujjlaa, 3s« “Lot 40 feat by 181 feet deep, to a navigable stream, and well adapt ed f «r tint or any other manufacturing biSßioeaa, . There are two three-story brick dwellingt-efc the front. Inquire at 917 Forth FRONT Street, Philadelphia; Also, a Union Leather Splitting Machine and Oarriera* Tables. mh2s 3t* *TO RENT—DESK ROOM IN A ETJR- A ntsb<d Office, for au Oil Comas**; bonks of the company kept. Location, Third, feelovrOhe* a» A - ditas box 2?aQ, F O. mh2s 6;* 0»E MILLION BRICKS FOR SALE. Apply to J. AT. GIU.ES CTB. 8(IT ana 80S Swtb THIBTEBHTH Street. or ac Brick Yard, TWESfl'i- BIPTH sod WBaKTOB Streets. mbSS-Mi* T?OR SALE—A LOT OF GROUND ON "*• SETBEBT Street, west of Birteieoeth, 40 by 83 feet: Will be cleßcd very low for ca-h B K OLBK i, mblB tl 1»3 Sou'.b FOU&T d Street. “FOR SALE—A NUMBER OF DESIRA BLJE JBOILDUBG LOTS. For partica>ars apply to BAfaUfiL Q TffoMPdON, Attorney at Law, 356 WAkffUT Street. mhll-lm pOAL YARD.-TO LEASE FOR A term of year*, a vacant lot on north side of IHGTOJST Avenue,, above Twelfth., 60 feet by 95, suita ble for a ccal yard, or for purpose*: will be fitted up for a coal yard, if detlred. Inquire at Mo. 509 COMMBROB Street. xnhSfi etofcMc* ■DESIRABLE DOUBLE OFFICES— S-J foe LENT, on tha flint and second floors, in WAImUT fciriftt, below Fourth. Apply to JAQOB Iff. BLLIB, So, IS4 South. FOUETfI Street, corner of W*l ittt, second story, ; - mhiS-Sv* ThRUO STORES, CITY AUD COUH TBY, for sale and wanted at all prices. mMlm» W. M. DI JKSOS, *27 WaLNCTC Street. 9f)(M AMOUNT YERNON STREET. &\J\ BjitE by THOMAS U SO NS, at ten o’clock next WBOtfS&PAY MOBNI2TO, of entire household FUKHiTUiB, and enperlor rosewood MALOLB »sf. 5 octaves, u&rh art’s make, mMB-2t WnW77 AMD $2,066.66. nP*',” f *• l i Orontd Kectc of shore amounts, amply securedacd centrally located lor sale by. E OABPEBTBB & SOB, mhS- 18t* 3*3 Sooth THIRD Street Department: of markets, WHARVES, AKD FiFrfl Street, below Cheainnt. •*, HOtIOE. —The following- named Wharvea and Land inf 8 will be leased at public auction, for a term of ona . or three jears, to t-se stand bestb-«lder, at toe MBBCHABTS’ EXCHANGE, on WEDNESDAY, tie S9ih daj of March, 18s5» at 12 o’clock noon. Vine-street Lansing, on toe Delaware. Vine-streefc Landing, on tie Schuylkill. Race- street Landing, oath* SchuyikiU. N. B —AUo, ihe materials of ti e Market Shed .on York avenue, east of Frankfort road. , , mb 27-St J. H. PDGH, - Commissioner. FISASCUL. •p C. STEDMAN & CO., 57 EXCBMHE PLACE, SEW TOSK, BANKERS AND BROKERS. DEPOSITS AES COMMISSIONS BEOEIVED OB THE' HOST FAVOSABLB TEEMS. PETROLEUM STOCKS BOUGHT AHA SOLD strictly On commission at tie Segnlar Board. This business is a specialty with as. Our facilities for lie transaction, and onr Information as to tbs condition and prospects of ttic various Oil Stocks, w« believe to bo unsurpMsod. JKS~ Correspondents please observe that we. have re moved from SO Broad street to our nets BABKIBG OFFICE, 80. 57 EXCHANGE PLACE. EDMUND O. STEDMAN, CHARLES E. CLARKE, THOMAS M. NEWBOTJLD. mhSl-tnthsSl* nfREABURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE -A OF THE OOMFTSOLtBB OF THE CUBBEffOT, WiSHtSQTOK, January Si, ISM Whereat, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, It has been made to appear that THE BATIOBAL EXCHABGB BABK OF PHILADELPHIA, la tbe city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel phia. and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly orga nlsed under and according to the reonirements of the Act ot Congress entitled "An act to provide a national Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the cbsulatlott and redemption thereof,'' approved Jnne 3,1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said aet required to be compiled with before commensing the business of banting under said Act- . Now, therefore, I, HUGH HaCUI/LOCH, Comp troller of the nurreQcy, do hereby certify that THS NATIONAL EXCHAKGfe BAIK OF PHILADELPHIA, In the city of Philadelphia, In the county of Philadel phia, and State of FewuiyiTaniv 1m authorized to eom ssenee the builnese of banJslni under the act aforesaid. Comptroller oj the Currency. 'J'HE FRANKLIN SAYING FUND, HO. 136‘j3Q0TH FOURTH STREET, BELOW ' CfIESTNOT, Pays flveper cent, Interest on Deposits. Agents for thesaJSof united Staves 7 3*lo Loans at Far Goysra* meat. State and fttty Loans and Stocks bought end sold lor depositors and otters cn Commission. mhlfl 3m TXYDE & BURPEE, A A 1503 WILLOW Street. Philadelphia, Sole Manufacturers of tits “^SfflffDnunoro E. J. HYDE’S PATENTS •* We save many times its cost yearly by roasting ouj coffee with your Portable Coses Boaster. ” . J. S. KINGSLEY* CO.. Continental Hotel, Philadelphia “ Where good coffee is desired, we consider ydni Boaster abeoiELtely neosuary. I '. KANAGA. FG WLsR, & 00., Girard House. •*I can fnraiah better coffee, at less expense, thaa when using the ready-roasted enffee. 1 * . « « « W. H; BAKER, Ashland House. “Your Coffee Roaster and MUI are indispensable k me.” . ' B. B CLARKE, Germsntown. ** I consider your Portable Coffee Roaster theheat in the market.’* JOHN B. LOWB. Philadelphia Coffee and Spice Mills. U, g. A. Qbxbbali HospjTAi, SCTMXIT Ho.tfSß. " Tom Patent Coffeo Roaster Is in Me in thi* Hospl tel, and doe, its wort In a very satufactory maoaar, the coffee boing mach more evenly roasted, without any portion of It, being oyerdone. Tiwte iseayin* te auantUv and improvement in onallte, th^aromajo: aw retained. ” SnrgeonU. 8. V., inchargc. D. 8. A OasERAI, BoapiTAp. Chbstbb, Fenaa. "It gives me 'pleasure to recommend M roor OoSSe Boaster to all doling BACHBi Surgeon U. 8. in charge. JHIJSSBS&SiE JSSciw it oSy machine worth having. Price, *Pri’c»fOT Portable Store andßoaster,fcr Oroeer., HoWtal.. Coffee Mann/actarMs: Ho. 1, #«i bp* jfr |_| JSLMBO&D’S EXTRACT BUGHTJ Jtl elves healtn and vigor to the frany the pallid chert. DebUTtv ts acoom- *K d h b ‘°®” i J alarming symptoms, and if no treats' JJJTJSSI teT.owSawttoa. lowßlti gALBOFA OOLLECTIOH 0F YALUABMI OIL PAINTINGS, EUBOPEAH AHD AMEBICAIf. ITMras. TpOMAB BIECH & SON respectfully lnftn* die polio that they have now on exhibition, atthoir HO. 1110 OHEBTNtTP BtBEKT, A collection of oxer iso Olt PAIHTItos. «■«(&« many choice ,pBciman» by dliUngnlkhad XuomuS ABioricMi artUto, CaUlcgoes are now ready, and.the Paintlano>w dally lor exhibition from Oo cloek A. M. natU 10 o'eUflfc Pi M., ontUthe time of sale. THE SAX.B Will tale place on the Evenings or WEDBBBDAT ABD THUBSBAY, MARCH 39 4Xl)3# COMMENCING AT HAIF-PASr T O’OiOCK. mhS7 3t THOS. BIEOH & SOM, AnotloneeA THE PHENIX MANUFACT URDfi A COMPANY will offer for sale at PUBLIC “AUCTION, <W THOBBDAY, THE 6rH OP APSIh BKE ■ At 11 o'clock A. H„ Atß-tHE COTTON MAOHUTEKTi HbW In good running order, at the PHENIX KHiliS, PATEBSON, HEW \ - Adapted Mr*the making or Caitp* - 28 Cotton Card,, SS Inchev with a Beads, Drawing hpeeaers’ Pra with Cans. Bobbins,Ac. \ SS Spinning Frantss," 132 isjrtrile, \ SJf inch Traverse Gels' Prunes!? 7 Fra. verao. \ 2 pair Mule*. 2,600 nptndles;. \ 14 Twist*rs, 7,0 spindles' V. 62 Power Icon:8. for wedvtnc cotton or V *S££t* I SS£S! am ' wW,a!f * r 4 v 2 Tart Presses B lb. bnsdleeoaMß. * \ Irens Frees, 101 b. bnadtes. \ 2 belli** Machines V 12 Cotton Keels. &c. . . \ Cans. Bobbing. Belt., WlirpJKiUa, Sc. Lots of Band BaeUes forSaxr mh2B 8t BBNjf.Hlfl B. TJT.T, Prasident, . n,h2B «*' CITY BAZAAR AND TATTE*. SiliLSt SACS Snoet,'between Eleventh uA Twelfth- .. —„ BTEEH A CHAMFIOS; Anotionssrs, Will offer for trie on . . . TUESDAY, A large lot of Horse*, Carriage!, Wagons, HarnaaC Ac:, in besold wbhout reset v*- Atnonstfetemm«v£« fojurd several pair ef verr fast; and‘splendid Carriage Howes. Also, family Horses. Ponies, draught work Horses. Also, corns .very fere Boekawa&VfagAes, Ph&sfc***' Geri’sntewn wagons. NBuikies, dsggy Wagons, mad* by some of our beet Male* re ■Alto; stogie and double Harne*e, 'made bv Laser ft Phttlh*,- Pierce, Ho&n, and other efty makers. 8. &6. wruict rebT-ectftuly c&U ascension to the about sale, asoao in. every rasped wonhythe attention df buyers. Catalogue ready, early en the morrlng of sale, bo poseftnaasaent on aecount of weather, robiic SAlitve'rery Tuesday and PrSday/ -v Horses, Yffh&lea, and JELatnesa always oahws.s at mi# vate sale. Splendid accommodations for all horssa ed for puba«ror privet tale: mhU-2t TUEW CHESTNUT. STREET'' THEA ICE—OH3SBTEIJT *TRKST, ABOVS TWSLFrH. •I CBsPAT SVESi HG, March KHi, GEAHB GOSJOTiIffEHTAKy BKSmi TO m .'»» h gakbhks, Bnctne** Jgcnt, Upon which ecoalbn a GBUSO HAMMOTS BUS WIU be OIMBER EUEtf bas. In the hirdeat ntanner. votoat«ert»d herVaitiaWw »ervic£s,and willma»eherFlßSi* her recent indUpoiStfoir, a* OBBTBTJOJS. with Sonn& in ihe eiegarc morel PSti* Oomedv, tue BVEBY LADT that attends This Evening win he pew* MAGMfTCBST SATIIf PSOGIRAXtfB. The PerforsiaiMifi wiU cocom-nc« with great moral Drama, in- i acie, by Hiss i*aurA Kesiuk syied THE WOBBLES PHIL AIiELPHIAs Or, TheCdrseof Drink, The Performarce to coneiude with tie Httsicil Petfc Comedy, the LOAN OF A LOVER. Gerutade, Mrs S.iphls Glmber Kwh* CHANGE OF TlME,—Doors open at Ps£ formance to commence at C o'clock. JOHM COLLIHB. WEDaTKSDAT APTESSOOS' AWD BVE3ri3rSt Bvn©*t Of «r. LEWIS BABER, SISS WESTERN will appear at the Xadhtfia' SATFSBiT AEEBKSOOIT, April Ist, GKAfftf .**MIt,Y THE WOEKMESf OF jvVi j 5« pr»Kfttea, - THBBSSA? EYBNCW4 Benefit of the ODjJ-fELI.OWB. FRIDAY EVBSU*G-. Kerch Slat. Benefit of the THISD-WAKD DRAFT COMatCCTfc WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. f f TOJ3SD AT KVESSINC?. 'March 28, JfABBWBLI, BSSCEFir Of SAM HEMP MS, sah hsmpuß, Slit fiEMPIfE. Tie domestic dram* cf YICTORIffB. Mr BoTirorinß Sam HontPlOa' To conclude with th* Lodger dr*mdof tho BIDBBM HAND. _ _ W 001.............. TUBS.'JOHN DREW’S NEW AROflE* ifX fcTBEET TSEATEB. HOUSES PACKED TO THE BOOT. - _ Mr. anri Mrs. BASSET wtlrUinr TO-JtXGBT {TOESDaI), MaYfchSß ISJ6, 1* GiwKtOUS PISCES. BOBXf TO GOOD LUCK, AM HOBS IS SEVILLE. and THE 9iPP7 HAH’* FBJDAY, Mrs. BABSBT WILLUMS’ BEBEFIf IVrU&ICAL FUND HALL. "A Mile. DE Mr. WKHLI. TWO GBASDCONOBBT3 fEtTRSUAYand FSIDAT „„ March SPt&aud 31st 2Jr. 3,48 thstonorto announce that SfJJe. HELENE DB KATOW. the renowned Btusisot Violoncellist, and Mr. JAMES M. WEHx.I, tEoemiaeafc Piano-force virtuoso, will *tre TWO GRAFD ©u THURSDAY and FjvlDaY BVBsISCR. March SBfr and 31st, im f assisted by Mrs. HSffRIETfA B*H £ h* ?ed American Prinsa Donne, s!gv POTT* LICCBI. Basso Frofundo. Musical Director and Con* d®ctor,Mr. 8. BEBBEKB An entirely net* progr >**a Mr. W%hli wtH perform Jor the flr»t dm* “Soaat* Patbetique,” Beethoven; ” Hellers *L« _ Zephyr ror ie* Roses’* and Grand March Fantasia WehlL Mile. De Hatow will play * * Sonwotr da Spa* Serrate and Offer bach’s Musette. ** Admission SO cant*. Reserved seats 5 * rent* estra The t*ie «.*f seat* c»m menceaon TDBSDAY, March 23th, at 9A M, as OKAS. fo&nypisgsg?'*'* uaie sW - smam «* Boor* own st 7«. To commence at Bo'clock. Chide* ering’s >ianos are used at the.Be Concerts. mk27-St MR. DEMPSTER, COMPOSER OF The May Queen,’ ' “tament.of the Irish Suit* arast,”Sc., baring recently retained from Sareph TPjm ClTAft, BALLAJ); BNEEBTAI3 ME??T OF HIS MOST FOFIfr ■ ABD ballads, «P THS KTJSICaL FU3D HALL, ■ OW-MOTOAY SVBHIUO, April 3d, which vill inciu<l||&» **TS& MAT QngST. • - Tickets, 60cent'seach." Reserved seats, Resetsextnv? .Withjanmtert attached. may ba *ecmed at fifr. J. S. GOULD’S Music SJjre, corner of t»* CBBSTHUT Streets, where & plsji of the Hall may b« seen. To commence at S o’clock. mhSS-stathemK* ORCHESTRA.- PUBLIC BBHJABSAJIB erwBATBBDAYsi3& o’clock P. H., at MBSICAi PBNB HAM,. Single Ticket*, X tents,. She JMfkgjseSl; to be had at Trumoler’s. An dre’erAod Stores, and at the Hall. no7-MT THE ACADE&Y OE ETOB ARTS. /-CHBSTOTT Street, above Tenth, Is OPEU BAU.2 for visitor*, from 9 A. Jf. to 6 P. SL jax BOARD WANTED-BY A GENTLE •*-' MaN and hie wife, In* strictly private family, or in one where hut few hoarders ate taken.- References *Jv€n and required. Address “Kew York,” Press office. mhS7-3t* TW O HANDSOME COMMUNICA TIPS Second-story BOOMS, unfurnished; *lso a two fumuhed, with Boarding, in a first class Bead* donee. Location central. Reference required, Addraa*. **B. M.,* 1 BoxSSliP. O. mh22-st* ROAD, YIA.MKBIA. 4 SUM MSB ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, April 17,1805, the trains wftt leave as follows:; WEST CHESTER TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for West Cheater at 7.36 and 20. JB A, M., and 2.15. 4.45. and 6 45 PUL Leave W©*t Chester forPhiladelphla at 5;20,: 7.46, as& 10.56 A. M., and 1 46and 445 JP, ML Trains leaving West Chester at 7.45 A.2L and leavinx Philadelphia at 4 45 P; M. will step only at Media; BJT Junction, Glen Mills, Oheyney’B, and StrestßcwL B. <s* JUNCTION TRAINS- < Phil ad elphla for B. C-. Junction at 4.16 and 13 Leave B. C. Junction for -Philadelphia at 8.28 A. JE. and 7.50 P.M. , r These trains stop at all intermediate Aistions. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 838 A M. and 28. SL * l eave West Chester at 8 A. SC au&dP.'tf. __ Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.58 A. M. and 4-45 Pr M., and leaving West Chester at 7 45 A. Jd and 4 45 P, M. connect at B C. 'Junction with trains on P. A B. SLR. fox Oxford and intermediate points. Passes sera are allowed, to take vxstrinf apparel raly" as baggage, and the Company wili nothin any case, be responslDii for an amount exceeding one hundred del* laxs, unless a special contract is mide for the name. HBNBT Gea‘l Bap*t, PhuadkiiPHTa, March 15, 1865. mh22»33tlf ESmmzs&Sßsm CAMI>EN AK-D AT BW y jjl'iW" tt*TT.-RflAl» It uve Yine-Mrvet. Ferry. Freight, with Paereoger Cur atiaeh0d.».,w«..7.30 A. Ki Atlantio Accommodation.., 1.15 p. if. Inaction Accommodation „5 30P. £ .. EBTtrESIKg i LRAVSS.A!rX,Airr*3. Atlantic Aee0mm0dftU0n...*, w ».,...».. m ,8.13 A. Be. Preichc. with Paatenier Car attached™. „.LSaP. K. Junction Accommodation — 6. SS A. 52. _ BXTfU EADDONTIatr» TBAiSfS hear®Tina street 11.15 A. It, Haddhn told 12.30 P. K> „ Freirtt must he deUvned .st.Cooper-’s Point before 3.30 P. St., to inanie its sains down thrwnext dar. JOSS Q. Eft? AST, Asonk. FOB Jl&B&NZ AND TR9Y, TOSK,' AfIFIK iUiU*i*Aff iE-33'TSiBY, S. Pso >ers, master, |a now load!** first artiar/ baiowr -HSSS I LS^ pll iJ'» 0J *b* abov« points*, and will ieave oa THUB6HAY E*enisff, Yor wbi<s& wGI bt taken ©a reasonable terms, «* , 4 J>. L. *XA*TA<UI& Agent, mb27*4t 3sHl ifoatli PSijAWA'tfifi Arena*. e®s£S* NEW JBBOHmTOBS —The FHIJiATJsbPHIA *B» HEW YOKE SXPJtSSS SrBAMBuA' { COMPOHY. Tl« Delaware and Ea'itan <Tanal. Steals an leave DAII.Y, ftut wlw>f below HAEKJt Bases, at 2 o’clcoS. P. M. \ WH. P. CUlf lS& GO ll: S / WH IEVSS. FMU. JAKES 3A3Di I/J.7 WALL Street, t. Hew York. _ mMff-gm NEW EXPRESS line, to ■firaSHßlßV ALSXiTOBi i, OiOEaKFOWK. i»D WiJfHINexOJf, Via OflMap-imKe tu Delaware Oa&aL Hnwra leave lfcst Wh »>/ a bora MARKS? Street, every W2»tfESDAV and 8 ATOKD'aY,at 12 M. For Freight epply to Are ata.JVJ’J. p. OLVDB & CCS. 14 K orth.as d SoatS W{> eg™* fjß. DaVIDSO^# Georgetown, D.<L.iFLOWSB& ABO wEH/AleXMKiria, Ta.- . ; ; mhll-9tn efgfp “ ORGANS 2h&£ r 2d* bntiriißOTALLiD rorarozutajKfr jri&KSoom/Vore&laohlt by • • - 3S. M- 8®555f a. • ilto, »' aos»' Ho. ISHorthSEVSHTHStreet. wwoitmeatol the FsrfeotHogg®* fS./vKITTEN AND VERBAL Eg ■??JHIPTIOHS of Oharaeter,Conetttntton, nl» ■ ■ lent, with ADVICB $a Baelnosa, Health, o.u-taABiT« no. j^nffiMtSsafeb* TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT a and Maaf»jcemoaiM|BMt.gßg l gMM* t jg.*nimilß» rone dleeesra. Hie HRLKBGLD 8 SXxKAOX BUUttU and FM PR»VSD BOSK WASH. - OALT.—I,6OO SACKS OF LIVERPOOL O GjoTjnd Sait. landing from Sehx. Charm. For »M« In lota ta anlt by ogoBSE B. KSKFOOF, , BbjWt* 10* SOOTH DSLAWAEI AHH*» AUCTION SAMIS. AMUSEMENT*. ..... ... gam Bamglfc' BOJIBMITO. WEST CHESTER Ann PHILADELPHIA BAlfc.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers