THE CITY. MILITARY. ■ j GESi, HANCOCK'S FIRST ARMT CORPS: ,Tbe efforts of Mr. BenjamiaFranklimOhlef of Ola Detectives, to recruit the army oorpa to be under command of tie gallant Hanoock, are meetlnir with a reward that malt oommend Itself to the patriotism of the Wo lesr than 21s were reoralted for the corps jester day; The movements ha has al •** ““••‘hat gigantic. He is quite SS?wSSS £ Sw? , 5 ,> f r J? 6*»nSnlng surgeons were p Mladelphla, there would be no dtffi * fall regiment per week. The “y B * B ® B * »?°Ptea by chief Franklin having been SfiSSS*?’'s*’*® '***• time to attend to minor matters In detail. ,Hlb position Is certainly an en viable one.lf Ms efforts were properly seconded, ithe-Blraey Brigade; would not only be Mled:within a few days, but the enure city of Philadelphia " would be relieved from the pressure of the present draft W. O. W, Davis, another gentleman of en ergy, is .working like a beaver to dll the Blrnoy Brigade. If hlB efforts were energetically responded to, advertising for, wealthy men to come forward with their means would sot he at all necessary. • The 'Government want men 5 the committee want mon4ry. There should be a very prompt response, considering the great stake at issue. DEATHS OF SODDIEBS. The following names tf deceased soldiers' were received yesterday at the Medical Director's office' in this city: .Islington Dane—Mark Scull) Go. R, 189th John Swiss, seaman. U. S. navy. Ofcestimt Hill—Joint Welsh, Co. D, 61st N. Y. Broad and Cherry- Chauncey O. Ward, Co, K, 14th N. Y. Heavy Artillery; O. B. Wilkins,, Oo.JD, 27 th Missouri, Haddington—Philander Phllhriok, Go. O, 2d WlsocnEln. RECRUITING. yesterday warrants for the -paynAnt of the city bounty were Issued to 19 men. Of this number 2 were tor two years, 1 for three years, and. 48 for one year. They were credited as follows: First ward, 3: Second ward, 6; Third ward, 4 j Fifth ward,!; Sixth ward, 4; Seventh ward. 8 : Ninth ward, 9; Tenth ward, 6; Eleventh ward, 1; Fourteenth ward, 11 Eighteenth ward, 1; Nineteenth ward, 2 $ Twen tieth ward, 1; Twenty-third ward, 1; Twenty-fourth. ward, 6. ■ THE SEVENTH UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT. .The Tthßegiment raised by the Onion Deague IB new complete, with eleven hundred and fiftymon. It Is how stationed at Gamp Gad walader, ready to leave for the seat of war. The following is a list of Its officers: Colonel—John A. Gorges. Lieutenant Colonel— Jacob M. Davis. - Major—Enos B. Artman, Surgeon—J. R. Shtleve. Adjutant—J. L. Mollhenny. . Quartermaster—F. A. Chadwlok. Sergeant Major—Bopert M. Barber. Quartermaster Sergeant—Joseph H, Condon. Commissary Sergeant— W llllam H.- Crouse. Company A—'William H. MoMinn,' captain; Charles W. Bender, first lieutenant; James M. An thony, second lientenant. > Company B—James N, Blondin, captain; Frank D.‘ Bingham, fiist lieutenant; Birdel Brown, second lieutenant. Company C—S. W. Pettit, captain; James Da vis, first lieutenant s H. S. Godihali, second lieu tenant. Company. D—John Kennedy, captain; Lemuel Buoh, first lieutenant. . Company E—Henry O. Williams, captain; Franols Bandoiph, first lieutenant; Walter s. Dowell, se cond lieutenant. _ Company !’—Richard W. Davis, captain: Thomas M. Bender, first lieutenant; Horace M. Rowaad, seoond lieutenant. „ ■ Company G—William Babe, captain; M. L. Lit tlefield, first lientenant; James Oarrlck, seoond lieutenant. Company H—F. A Snyder, captain; John Smith-, first lientenant i George W. Hentey, seoond non tenant. ' . Company I—O. W. Dyer, captain; Samuel F. Ball, first lieutenant; Christopher Wycroff, seoond lieutenant. ' Company B»r-Lewls Stanton, oaptaln: F. L. Mannea, first Beutenant; Jacob Churchill, second lieutenant. TRANSFER OF SOLDIERS. Orders have been received by the surgeons in charge of: general hospitals In and near Philadel phia to send to-day to the Medioal ' Director of Transportation inch patients belonging to Vermont regiments as will be unfit lor duty for sixty days, and snok Netrtßampshire soldiers as will be unfit fordnty for thirty days, provided, In all eases, that they are able to travel to their respective States. WEEKLY HOSPITAL REPORT. The following are the weekly reports of the Go vernment hospitals In this district for the past week: e I w » 2 I i if I HOSPITALS, | Z | I I f J®2 $ 11 i , „ •< w is a[ a m F0rk....... IS 38 2 4 S 941 -Broadaid Cherry .... 8, 4-1 269 Germantown 4‘ 9 11 1 461 McClellan - 9 88 10 7 .. 443 Bontb*Btf«et«»•»»•*.*....... 13 4 1 431 Tunjer’ealane......* 16. 20 4 •• 233 White 13, 59 .. 78 .. 352 Chestnut Hill**-.*-...*.-., 6i 88 1 .. 4 1,450 Batterl*e.~. 4 10 2 23 3 1,442 Summit House 2 21' fi 6 2 S2l Haddington........ ~ 27 22 104 2 .. 362 Filbert-street 19, 10 I 3 .. S9B Chester.s 13**.. 260 Beverly, 11 .. 1 .. .. 491 dtiienß' .*( 6 1 .. .. 31 18; X .. .. .. 38 Fittabars. JW Jj* 346 Total-...—.. 188 30si M 3 15 m! 7 928 * NAVAL. ARRIVAL OF THE MASSACHUSETTS. The V. S. steamer Massachusetts, Lieut. Com mander W. H. West, arrived yesterday morning at the Navy Yard from Charleston, via Georgetown ‘ Bar, S. C. She brlngß the fint regular man from Charleston since Hie commencement of the rebel lion. gUSCEUAHEOVS. THE NEW MEMBER OF THE SUPREME •' COURT. , We are enabled this morning to present out read ers with the speech of John S. Book, Esq., the eolored main who was recently admitted to practice at the bar of the Supreme Oonrt of the United States,, which was delivered at the Union League meeting on Friday evening. A wan tor space forbad, onr giving It on Saturday, and, as the speech speaks for Itself, we have no com ments to make: - 1 Allow me to thank yon for this hearty demonstra tlon of your good will. Too are applauding the progress of American civilization in the nineteenth century, whloh may be observed everywhere in the general improvement despublie sentiment,' which as so emphatically swept away the Dred-Soott monstrosity, and whloh makes it posslblefor a colored . man to hold a position other than that of a depen dent. He hoped the day is not far distant when reason and justice will take the pleoe of an lgno (rant, silly, and cruel prejudice, which denies us our rights as oitizens, ana yet draffs and forces colored men to light toseoare and perpetuate the liberty and rights of a people who persistently wrest from them • thorn rights they have so willingly laid their lives on the altar of their country to secure. [Appianse.l As his name had been'mentioned in connection with the Supremo Oourt of the United States, he wished to say that In this matter he had taken but little credit to himself. It was not simply his sue cess, but the success of a great cause, based upon . eternal truth and justice. [Applause.]. Every colored man who had been enterprising, bonest, and . industrious, has contributed his .mite, and the ses vices of the friends of tbe.raoe have been .invalua ble. He would take this opportunity tothank their friends for what they have done, and he hoped they • would never relax their efforts until complete jus tloe and equality before the law shall be awarded to therm He.duly appreciated, the Bred Scott deci sion—a decision which even a Jeffries'would have shrunk from—-but he now thanked God that the court had been redeemed. [Applause ] This in famy hsß been Cftcse-d away. [Continued ap - plans.] It was the grandest step which the.natlon baa taken. He thonght they ought to thank God and take courage. [Applause.] He regarded the question of the citizenship of the negro as settled. Heretofore, if the President is sued a proclamation, or Congress passed any law whloh seemed to favor liberty, there has always been some doubts as to its constitutionality, and the Copperheads would say, “ It remains yet to be seen . what the. Supreme Court will do ;’h.or,“The Su preme Court has yet to speakand from its pro slavery bias heretofore we always had good reason to believe that its decisions would not be on the side of humanity; Now It has thundered forth Its . trumpet blast, and has not given au uncertain sound, [Applause] “ He thathath an ear to hear, let him hear.” The masses now see that slavery is incompatible with a free government, and the ques tion with them is what shall be done with the blacks, The Supreme Court, when questioned on this point, answers promptly, “ Follow the example wesetyouto day—give them their rights, and let them take the places tboy are fitted ror.” Senator Oharlcs Sumner—God bless him—[load and long continued applause]—when writing to him in rela tion to his admission to the bar, said, <* This will be a new epoch, or, rather, it wilt, help [mark our epoch.” He is right—it inaugurates a new state of ■ things. _ There are those [who would, give them their nominal liberty, and yet deny tbem tbelr civil rights. They would keep them in their former con dition, so that they may be used. They have »o prejudice against the slave—it is only as he rlsesHn the scale of manhood that he becomes objection able. The blaok man is a good fellow while he re mains a slave, and toils lor nothing, but the mo ment be olaims his own flesh and blood and bones be becomes repulsive. While be is a slave be is a dear creature ; tbe white woman rides In the same carriage, the white man sleeps in the same bed, and the white child nurses from the same' bosom. [Laughter and applause.] But give the slave his liberty, andfhe at onoe becomes loathsome, fit only. for a substitute for a disloyal coward, or colonized «n some of onr southern islandß. [Bond applause.] The passage of the sot to amend the Constitution was an act over which they were all inexpressibly thankful; he hoped It would soon be ratified by three-fourths of the States. When .this is done, all proscriptive laws abolished, and the right of suffrage extended to his race throughout the broad extonYof this great Republic, his cup of pleasure would be fall. [Applause.] He would then be able to say, as the old maid was reported te have said on the eve of her marriage: "This Is the day I long have soniht, . Aad mourned became t found it act. >’ [Uproarious laughter and appliuße.] There are now two millions of tree men, women and children of color in the United States, and from these two mil lions they have upwards of two hundred thousand soldiers In the field. If the whites had an equal proportion, they would have mere than two millions of men under arms—enough to wipe Jeff. Davis and bis minions from the faoe of the earth. Host of these men were raised without bounty, and served ■ for a long time without pay, and all the time under the most trying olroum stances; and yet they have fought so bravely as to challenge the admiration of the civilized world. And yet, when these scarred veterans, return home to their families, they are jeered and insulted, and denied their civil rights. The colored man of this State may carry the ket, but not the ballot! His United states uniform does-not guarantee him any respect. He cannot even fide & your city cars, but must, like the rest of us, male and female, either stand on the platform with the driverjor not ride at all. In most, lr not all the railroads leading west and south from this oity, colored people must either ride in the “ Jim Crow” or the “ smoking oar,” and pay lull faro for this ex clusive privilege. A few days ago I found a United States soldier with his musket stationed at the smoking oar at the “ Baltimore depot” in this oity, to enforce these rules. Not long since, at the West Chester depot, eighteenth and market streets, I saw posted up in large letters in a irame in the de ~ pot, and also in the oars, this sign, which speaks more eloquently than I can, of our. civilization: ••Colored persons are requested to take the bask seats In the passenger cart, or the passenger seats to the boegege oars.” Every colored man who goes to Washington must, before leaving our national Capital, whloh has been falsely reported free, run around to find the Provost Marshal's office, to see - if he is enrolled, and then to the offloe of the mUlta- S’ Governor to get a pass before he oan leave the te 1 This outrage is only upon colored men, and It Is painful to hear that it comes direct from the . War Department. (Shame, shame!) - These are not a tithe of all the outrages heaped upon ns. I shall protest agatoetthem as long as God gives me the •blHte, or until they shall cease, and I believe you will do the same. [Applause.] . There is now a great talk about reconstruction, and the nation seems to be perfeetly willing to let those retell who choose to lay down them arms come backwltb their hands dripping in the life blood of youT fathers, husbands, and brothers, and you will receive them into full fellowship i The man who deliberatelymarders another in cold blood you oonslgn to the gallows, and. tf pardoned,'you would sum k from uio mur eret! But those who hot only maliciously, wickedly,and “with malice aforethought,” murder and destroy all they oan, and strike at the very life of the nation—these yon will take to your bosoms. But the negro, who has always been your friend; who never did you a ' wrong I who. to the hour of your danger, when the - issue ires critical, and when the loial men of the North hesitated— forgot two centuries of outrage ' and oppression, came gallantly forward, and made UlMttu ft iHITOg saoriaoo for the natioar-hlm yea arenotireadyto - aoknqwledge.andtreat asvrell as yourtmurdererst I have faith In Gdd andvt&tfaa, and I believe you oannot much longer wlthhbld from ns our rights. They most come, as certain as "the daylight sucoeeds the darkness. [Applause., ' Thera Is now a great talk about the rebels arm ng the negroes, and the question eontloually asked la, “ Will the colored people of the South fight for he rebels 1” This ;Is~now a Serious question for the rebels, will, no doubt, as a demter resort, try she experiment. I think they are a Bttle too late to] be materially benefitted by their services. UApplauie.l If Jeff Davis had only issued a proclamation; or freedom, I believe the blacks would have rallied under the Confederate flag. For a long time the Union officers and soldiers were more eruel to the colored people than the rebels; now, as a general rule a different state of thing exists. The Patter, sons, the Fils. John. Potters, the MoOlellans, and the Bankses are out of the way. [Applause] And to-day, I believe, the chief pan of *nr army Is loyal. [Applause.] j. • Itls too late now to arm the slavesorto emanci pate them. It Is said that nothing sncceeds weU but what is done in season; and that the wise man does at first what the fool must do at last. I do hot doubt but that thf y will conscript them, and that the blacks, like many Union white men who have been pressed Into the rebel service, will fight when they oannot help themselves ; but I expect to see them come Into onr lines In companies and brigades, as opportunity offers. [Applause ] I nave no donbt about results; onr progress, though not as.rapid as l ccnld wish, is magnificent. Eveiy day seems almost to be'an era In,the history of onr eountry. Republican Institutions are now on trial, and the despotisms of the Old World are rejoicing over what they hope will prove the nttor fallacy of democratioal Institutions, but I will trust ; our cause to God, our brave soldiers, and to you; and I think yon have already decided that this country mußt and stall be free. [Applause.] I would now have every. manUwldiand firm. The statne of Liberty is now about to be cast. In the language of Danton: The metal Is already boiling. Lotus go down South again, In onr might, on an other peace mission. Let ns take canister, shot and shell-awlsble and reliable peacemakers—and at one blow blot out all rebels, conspirators, and trai tors. [Applause.] Lotus strike them as with a thunderbolt, that they may never rise to pollute the soil of Liberty. [Applause.] Black men want their liberty and their rights— nothing more, and nothing Mss. Icansay, wlthDryden: , ■" O, give me Liberty! 1 For were e’en Paradise itself my prison. Still I should lons to leap the crystal wills. ” METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. mena o F February, 1865, with thoße of February, 1864, and of thesame month for fourteen, years,‘at Philadelphia, Penna. Barometer 80 feet above mean tide In the Delaware river. Latitude 39 de- grees, 57J4 minutes N.; minutes W. from Green: PATRICK, A. M.: Thermometer.- Highest degree Do. date Warmest day—mean Do. date Lowest degree. Do. date. Coldeet day—mean, Do. date. Mean dally oscillation.... Do. range Mean at 7 A. M Do. 2 P. M DO. IP.U . Do. for the m0nt1r..... Barometer, Highest, inche5.......!... Do. date*** Greatest daily pressure mean. Do. do. date-. Lowest, inches Do. date Least daily pressure— 29.547 29:873 29.839 29.875 29.866 - Do. do. : - ‘ date- Mcan daily range Mean at J A. M. De.--2P.1t...... Do. DP.M Do. for the month. Three of Vapor. Greatest, Inches Do. date. Least, Inches ........ Do.- ' date, Mean at 7 A. M. Do. 2 PM Do. 9 P. M Do. for the month Belative Humidity. Greatest, per cent........ Do. date Least, percent Do. date “risS::=:::: Do. for the month Cloude. Number of clear days*.. • Do. clondy days.. Mean of skycov’d at 7 AIM Do. do. Do. do. 9P.M Dow for the month 100,0 Wet 23d. 35.0 24th. 75.1 61.4 71.7 60.3 . 8 days. Si Rain and melted Snow. Amount, inches .... No. of days on which rain orsnowfeU— Winds. Mean direction... Times in 1,000 Sesu'W 8 SI •Sky one-third or less covered at the hours of observation. . ~ , GUARBIANSOF THE POOR. The stated meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Poor was held yesterday afternoon, President Erety In theohalr.. . The steward reported the house receipts $3l 64 Out-door agent reported having collected for support cases..... .’4BB 83 ■' The house agent reported the following census of thejbouse, ho., for the week ending Saturday, March 4; 1885: Number In the house at 12 o’clock M......,,.*,.2,899 Same time last year .....2,648 1ncrea5e....................................... 251 BEOAPITUI, ATION. Admitted within the last two *eek5........... 168 Births « « « Deaths « k «« Dlsebareed 11 « Eloped: “ “ ; “ Indentured “ « « ........... Number of persons granted lodgings within the last two weeks Number granted meals. The monthly report of the Board or Tlsltors for the month of February : was presented and read: The expenditures amonnted to . *10,097 30 Sent to Almshouse..., 310 Befused admission.. 188 Total Dumber receiving out-door rellof: Amer10ana.................. ... Foreigners Children........ T0ta1........;.,. 12,986 Of the foreigners 471 wore from Germany, 2,260 , rozn Ireland, IS3 from England, 8 from Wales, 31 from Scotland, and 25 from Franee. ; The resignation of Or. R. Kenderdine, as attend ing eurgeon of tlxo Bleckley Hospital, was read and: accepted. , & number of candidates were put to nomination, and the election postponed till nest meeting. The steward's requisition was read and granted. The requisition of superintendent of manufactures was read and granted. Adjourned. • THE ARCH-STREET RAILWAY ACCIDENT. Coroner Taylor held an inquest yesterday to the case of Antonio Velner, the boy who was run over at Fifth and Arch streets, on Friday afternoon, by one of the cars of the Girard Passenger Hallway Company. The'evidence showed that an Arch-street ioar, bound west, stopped on the comer behind - which was a wagon. Three boys came down Fifth street, each having a number of baskets-on their shoulders, and they ran around the horses' heads of the wagon. Two of the boys succeeded to crossing, but the third was struck by a home of a Ridge-avenue ear going east, and trampled. The baskets were scattered about causing the horses to take fright. The driver jerked the horses up quickly, and put on the brake as quickly as possible. The deceased was next struck by the dasher of the car, when both whaclß passed over him, throwing the car off the track. A number of witnesses were'present, and stated to the Coroner that the ears which pass Fifth street at Arch are to the hablMf going at an unusual speed. If one of them, however, could sav that the car which ran over the boy was going at an unusual speed. It was stated that the Arch-street oars are to the habit of stopping on the crossings endangering the lives: of persons by going around them. The jury rendered a verdict that the deceased same to bis death by being run over by oar No. t, Bldge-avenue Railroad Company, and that there was no evidence before them showing, carelessness upon the'part of the employees of the company. w BOARD OF BtJBYEm The Board of Surveys met at their rooms jester-; day morning. From the Committee on Surveys were presented petltionsfor theextension of sewers on Elizabeth stteet, Twenty-third'ward; on Germantown avenue and Armat street: for a new sewer at Seventh and Franklin, from Spring Garden to Willow; for one qn Hale street, from Columbia avenue to Mont jomery avenue, and for one on Warnook street, rom Master to Jefferson. • All the above petitions were referred. The committee'on sewer at Seventeenth; and Master reported favorably thereupon, with a reso lution asking Councils for the construction ol the same. Agreed to.- The committee on sewer on Chestnut street, from Thirty-ninth to Forty-seoond, reported to fevor thereof, with an alteration of the route, and with a resolution asking Councils for lts oonstrucUon. . ;The committee on Bower onFilbert street, from Twentieth to Twenty-second street, reported in favor thereof, with a resolution' asking for. Its oon struotion. Agreed to. Adjourned. MB. BEDE’S COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS. At eleven o’olock, this forenoon,.the valuable col lection of original oil paintings, belonging to Mr. Thomas F, Bell, will no brought to the hammer at Thomas’ sales-rooms. This collection, consisting oblefly of pictures, executed as special commissions, has been twenty years to course of formation, and Includes some of the best works of the late Thomas Birch, with One speoimen of O. Kretehoff, (snow scenes,) Bonfield, Paul Weber, J. Williams, and others. .Money has been liberally expended, and good taste judiciously employed, to lormtog this, collection. We may expect that the sale will oe at tended by our leading donhoisßeurs and collectors. AN EXCELLENT APPOINTMENT. Testerday Mr. Charles Vanzant entered upon bis duties as an offleerof the Court of Quarter sessions, havtogbeen appointed by Hon. Oswald Thompson, vice, m Rudolph, deceased. Mr. Vanzant has been<one of the officers of Moyamenstog Prison for ten years past, mid has always discharged his duty with fidelity. Re wlll make an excellent officer in Ms new position, and the Prison will lose a value ble one. FATAL ACCIDENT. A woman, named Bridget Mass, fell off the rail road bridge at Fisher’s Lane; on Sunday afternoon, to the ground, a considerable distance. She was returning from ehurohj and was frightened at an approaching train. She was badly Injured, and died on Sunday evening. THE COURTS. ■npreme Court—Present, Woodward, C. J., and Tbompaou, Strong, and AgiteWi festices. A TAX-PAYBR OF THE CUTY HOT RKTITLED TO AH abatemeht OP MVB PER oent. for prompt PAVIIRHT, TFBDBR THE ACT OP ASSEMBLY, MAY 13, 1886. John J.Bidgway, plaintiff in error. vA Ohas. O’Neill, defendant to error. Certificate from Nisi Frins. ;In the court below tbls suit was brought to recover back f rom the Receiver of 7 area forth* city of Ptl!* delphia. an.amotmt alleged to have been erroneously paid to him under the following circumstances:: On the flrstof February, the plaintiff, the owner of a large real estate Interest Philadelphia, tendered the defendant the amount ot his State taxes, lees an Allow ance which he demanded for prompt pavment—viz: Its percent. This dec action was refused by the Beset rer, who, under Instruction* from the State authorities, alleged that the right thersto had been tikes awar by an act of Assembly of the 88th of April. 1861 The plain tiff claimed that fee ant only repealed one making the allowance general;' and left nnrepealed another act, of lrih May, 1866, oepeclaßy applicable to PhiladelphtA Mr. Bidgway paid the full amount of his tax, (under protest, however,) and then brought rail to recover back the alleged over payment Epon fee ease stated, the court below gave judgment. for the defendant. An appeal having been taken to fee Supreme Oourt In banc, the case-wat argued Wednesday lau by John (1 Johnson and ffa F. Jndson, Ksqrs , for the plain tiff in errer, and by John E Latta and Wm. M. Msre dith, Sears., tor defendant io error. , Yesterday the opinion of the court in the matter wts delivered bY Woodward, C J., as follows; - RIBOWAY YS. O’HBn.I.—CBRTIFIOATa FROM HIBI PBIOS-OPIHIOH BY WOODWARD, O. J. 947). He oiwiy ia* net** tfial section Js wpj tile 7il> section of tbe »ot SDth of April- 1854 (rt L 2))» ‘which in tenonrapga’B only the42d atetioa of 6A9 net of 29tb Apil'a IBM (Pardon, 0M ) . , . 4 . The aot oi 1814 offered to any osnnly EDaUtaetttof ftye wr seat, upon State taxec paid into th* Stat* trea- *»A flftew daf b b«formtta>,bit et Apia,s and te etlsiu l*t» tbe tedlridsal HFWrl«o Keh 7 ptoiaw«»>i>!a» weolfi ep.ble hi, coaoty to obtain tba abatemaet, iht act made hie unpaid taxes e Uen noon bis land, and sub jected them to as lntere.fc-of fire per lent, until pai<L, Ibis 71 SB a genetal P'orUlon. applicable to tbe whole State, for It tf aspaßßdiMa-Mmeof Kce« financial e|n barrawment. and was aedgned to enable the State treason to meet the eemi annul interest of ths Stria,, debt, then, and-stlll d 0,., on tie latjer Kb confined la Its terms to counties, the oUyjdfl Philadelphia didnot hesitate toeonslder herself Included’ in Ike peryiew of the enactment, and to anil herself enactment, and because the second section of the actfof Ajril 16,1834, (Purdon, 2CS.) had (declared ten yean ba ler#. In dlvlding-ihe State-into counties, that every el*» ebouJd he taken to form a part of the county within •which it is situated j Bor did the consolidation act of IBs4,ehaugekhe mat ter, for, though the boundaries of the city-were ex- ' raided to embrace all the territory of the county‘of Philadelphia,’ the 41st section of the consolidation law r 6ec?Sftjslhat the Comity ofPhUadelpfcla shall eoailatie 'to been* of the counties of the Commonwealth. If the city of Philadelphia was entitled to. the.benefitof the act,of 1844 before consolidation, much more after wards, for then her whole territory became by express law a county as well ae a chy, and she was more dearly tbaa ever‘embraced by the words cf the Legislators, * ‘any county. ’* ■ Thus the matter stood when the ninth section of the act of 13th Maty, i£66. was passed; and it Is observable that tMe sec’ioo did not lire the abatement; it on y re cognised that which was already “allowed bylaw,:'* ana it imposed ufepn the Receiver of Taxes the duties of collect!? s and paying over the State taxes before the 26th of July In each year. IfaUo esjolnsd the clty to allow to taxpayers, who. should pay their taxes' before that date, the abatement of 5 per. eent. upon tbelrfitue taxes. ' it I*. impossible to doubt, that this'enactment wa# bottomed on the acl of 1841. Taking up a provision that was general and uniform throughout the State,,it prescribed how it'saould be ap* piled within the consolidated dry; but It did not create an invidious distinction between the city and the other counties of the State. Taxation ought to be, and is always designed to he, as nearly uniform-as possible, and abatements, in relief both of tbe State Treasury and of taxpayers ought fo be common both to'cities and tt*s. ftotbing but language utterly dear and definite would convince ns that the Legislature meant to give taxpayers in Philadelphia an abatement which was to be denied to taxpayers in other parts of the State. The mode of allowing the abatement might be varied is Pii»ade/pbla to the Individual taxpayer, elsewhere to the corporate body of the counties, but throughout tbe State* to prevent inedoaiity of taxation, the abase ment was essentially the asms thing, and it was legal ized in both city and county only by the act of 1844. r “Allowed by law, •* meant, allow** by the 42d section *ef that set. rThe act of 1856 watonly the regulation of tht# allowance within tbe ; ciiycfPhiladelphia. - * •’ 'When, then, the repealing act of 1864 eame and took away the act of 1844, cah it oe doubted that the act of 18£6, which was always mere scaffoJdtnf. fell with lit What though the repealing law mentioned only the act of ’44. and not that of ’6CT Thdy were Is pari materia, they were essentially principal and Incident, end and means. If the abatement, which was general, wai re pealed, all special and local provisions for measuring the abatement must, by inexorable necessity, be re« ' gardedas repealed. • TMb conclusion is fortified, by the provision of tbe act 0£4444. witch changed the five-per-cent. reward for promptness s of payment into auenalty.offlre per -cent, for' tardiness -of payment. Gan anybody .doubt that this provision was meant to apply alike to.ail pay ers of State taxes? Aft would be- great injustice to im* / ’ pute anlntestioato the Legislature to make so disagree able a discrimination between; citizens. Wetr-ink this provision, like all others of general tax laws* should: have an uniform operation throughout the State, which it cannot have nnlera the act of 1856 fell with that of 1844; and* when the elghty SeVeoth section of the act of 1864 provided that “ allaciiof Assembly iscoseietest with the provisions of this act be, and the same hetelfr are repealed, !?4t swept away the recognition which the act of 1866 gave to the abate* meet of 1844.' . • # - We . conclude, therefore, 4hat as the clty of Phlla* delphla ciaimedtheibafceSnent,and enjoyed it for many years by virtue of that construction which gives to tax laws a uniform operation, so she must, on the same .principle, submit to a construction which takes it away from her when It is no longer “allowed by law ” The judgment affirmed; > ' opinions were delivered in other eases as follows ;1 . By TbompeokvJ. .Faxon’s Appeal.., District Court. Decree affirmed ' • Bill vs Grant. DlßtriotOourt.; Judgment affirmed., By Strong, J —Richardson & Co. vs Montgomery, District Court. Judgment reversed, and a venire de novo .‘ fpaldißgvs^ ddgment affirmed! • . i , Whitcomb <fc Bons vs. KephartetaL Judgment af firmed. ‘ . . • Whitaker Vs. Parsons. District Court. ■ Judcmcnt affirmed. 3 B, 40HBW. J —Trloltr Cbarch ts. Watsoa A Pa terson. (.omißon Pleas Lavioace const,. Jadgmeut rsyersed, and j adnnent entered her* for tie defendants in Hie court below.. . , TbelUVof cs.esfor Bncks.eonnt, wastnen taken up, andth.follbwin,easesw*Ma: , _ Smith ts Brooke.. Arined br McKent, for plsiutifi in error, and by Hawley lot defendant in error. Karlin tb Qeiker. Submitted on papsr books. Leidy'. appeal.. Submitted onpaparbook*. Becker & Kline’s appeal. Argnetf by Bagenmau and Barclay for appellant., and by Breen for appellee. Coart of Common Picas—Jmlgres Ttaomp. son and Allison. Tbe new trial motion list ocoupled the stssion of yes terday. I© 75 degrees, 10 r James A, Kirk- Feb., for 14 yrs 7»'65;8’61 6.70 7th, ‘65. 13.40 . 7.21 - 30.267 si 18th. £9.281 16th* 29.383 16th. a 182 29.792 29.742 29.796 29.777 30.696* 12th, ‘67. 29.06$ 23d, ‘63, 29.217 • I6;b, *56. 1&869 29.902 29.896 0.649 16th, ’57. .013 6th, ‘65. .138 1 G. 282 l*t.' .023 17th. .132 .121 .I*9 .132 °Hfo* 2M,’64. .'78.4 63.1 75.1 ra.2 6th. 20.0 224, 70 1 46.6 63.8 60.2 Court of Quarter Sessions—Jutlßo liUd* '-' r - low, The owe of Margaret Gilmore, charged with the lar ceny of WCO.-the property.of a man named McNamara, the trial ol which waa begun last week, was cnthe’nded yceterday. The defendant was^acquitted. Brook for the Commonwealth; D. Dougherty for defendant. Geo. W. bhirley was tried upon a charge of entering a room in tbe CosUnentai Hotel, on the morning of the 224 of January last, with intent to steal. One of the inmates of the room, Mr. Ashman, was aw&kened ai about 8 o’clock in the moraleg by a slight noise* and saw the defendant standing-near the head of his hen. Defendant qoletly but rapidly glided out of the room, anc locked the door on the outside with the key which witness said was on the inside when he retired to rest. Mr. Ashwan said seme money was missing by his two room-mates (who were not in court), but that nothing bad been stolen from him. Defendant was subsequently arretted in a parlor of the hotel* where guests of the house were occasionally put^to sleep, and from whence many articles of jewelry and other articles had been stolen. Jury out. District Attorney Mann for the Commonwealth; O’Byrne for the defendant. 10 days. 19 ®.7sct 63.1 47; 6 68.8 S 1 days 20 81.4 sct. 60,8 ■ 48.2 68 8 : 8. 89* W 879. OXW [Before Mr. Alderaan Bottler.} FINED. ' r: ' A drayman* riving the name of John McGee* was. arrestcoyestcrday at. Third and Chestnut streets, for blocking up the hishway with his horse and dray. He would not move when ordered to do so by the police officer, and was therefore taken into custody. He was : fined fqij drunkenness, but;, being uuable to pay the fine, • PERSONAL, James KcDonaldwas arraigned yesterday on'the oath of Jacob Hazzerene, charging him with com* mittirff&n assault and battery. The affair took place in a public house on Chestnut street near Fifth it is alleged., that the prisoner .wanted Jacob to do an act that did;not comport with morality;' words;ensued, andfinallyblows. . The prisoner was committed. , &RBAT CABBl S iKVEBTIGATBiD. An interesting case of alleged sharp practice in pur chasing a tract of oil territory will come up foriuves* tU atlon, at before Mr. Bscoxder £neu. . A woman, giving of .Lydia Williams, Was arraigned yesterday bn the-ebarge 1 of keepings disor derly house on.Oomslreet, In the First ward. The po lice,ln making a descent on the house, captured three men and two women. '.The entire nariy were commit ted, the proprietors being required to appear at court. ..... 9,338 ..... 2,958 ..... ' 7,698 BIBTTJRIfING A RELIGIOUS CONGREGATION. ■ A man giving the Maine. of Wm. McDuffie was ar raigned yesterday morning onthe charge of disturbing a t orif relation lit the ImoryGhurch, at Nineteenth and Callowhlll streets. It Is Misted that he.entered the building and hehavea'in a highly Indecorous manner, and when remonstrated with knocked on* of the trus tees down. The obstreperous Individual was bound over to answer. . ~ ~ , . [Before Mr. Alderman Jones. 3 VIOLENT ASSAULT AND BATTERY. , William Campbell.was arraigned yesterday - on the clan# of having driven a hows against Mr. W. Brew ster, near Chestnut and Eleventh streets, on Sunday afternoon, Mr B was considerably-injured in conse quence. The defendant was held to answer at court. CONTEMPT OF CHUBCH. , . A man, giving the name of Elijah Williams, was ar raigned' yesterday on the charge of knocking a man down in Centennial Church, In West Philadelphia; on Sunday afternoon. It is alleged that he entered the church, and, without any provocation whatever, knocked a gentleman down. The accused was bound over to answer. ALLEGED FRAUD. A man, bailing from Dauphin county, was arraigned yesterday on fee charge of fraud. It is alleged that he sgreed to furnish a ’substitute for a resident at Harris burg. • The money waebanded’to the prisoner, but. the substitute was not furnished. The defendant was ar rested in West Philadelphia on Sunday nljht. Ha was held to await a [rather hearing. - ; JpiTHRIDGB’B The World-Wide reputation which these Chimneys hsvesooulred Is daerto their acknowledged superiority oyer ell others. This eupariority Is demed from three sources: . . : Ist. Belni fifty per cent heavier than the common Chimney* they may be handled with. much, less care. 3d. The oral shape is an adaptation to the fist flame, the Chimney belay at all points the same distance from the heat, so that the dancer oferaoklnf by uneaual ex pansion is avoided- v Sd. The material of whieh these Chimneys are mean* fecturedis unequalledby say other Mass &s-a rapid conductor of heat; and* practically, it Is found that the combination renders them almost entirely free from liability to destruction by the heat cfthe fi&me. Henee the obstacle In the way of the universal use of Carbon Qil» found in the.nnxeasonable -expense for Chimneys, has been met and removed by the ihtrodnetiftn of AV tfa.B _ DITBLRIDQB’S fIBB-FROOy OHUUKia The popularity of theiw Chimneys hwrlnthteed him onprincipled persons to make use of onr noma and trade marks, and their repntstionha* Wen paitiallylmpaired bythawoithlessnessofspurions Chimneys sold as oars. '= Fartleswho have been annoyed with .the orasklm of somejilass Chimneys would do>weU to eall and try the appointed 'Messrs. FBKKIHB * BEYDMt. No. 103 Booth SECOND Street, Side leasts for oar Chimneys la Philadelphia, from Whom they san boob talned is ur quantity, at manufaetorex’s prises, with the addition of frelxhv , ’ _ D mituUmiß, f . EOET pitt'olass woeSb, iais-to WABBINQTON 8t .Plttshnrs. Feans. TWEAK’S GREAT TOBACCO, CIGAR, U , . IHD PIPE STORE. Ho. 413 CHESTS nr Street, Phil&delphH, Pa. , Dean keeps tie greateet assortment. Dean ktepe tie greatest YtuietY- ■ Sean keeps tlelargest general stool. Ton can set any kind orTobacco, Jon can set any ktndof Cigars, . Ton can get any kind of Pipes, , ; : 1 on can get an? kind of Snmffa. iTPEsIf’S GBEIT TOBIGCO STORE. »o: 413 CHHSTBUT Strset, PMladeLphia, Pa. When you gOcto Pean’e yon oan get anything too want in tie way ofFlng, Pine’Cnt, and Smoking To- Secede, Domestic and' Hayana Cigar*. Pipesu So. „■ Bean’isalesare so axtenslve.that he eta afford to sell at about one -half what other* sell for. : Dean sellßto.tbeAjmyofthe Potomac. J>*an sell* to the Army of the James. w l Dean sells to. the Army ot ihe Tennessee*. 3)ein sells totheArmy of the Cumberland * , Gunboats .allorder their Tobacco. Clear*. PipM. «« • from * DEAS’S.JIo, 4X3CIISBTNUT Street. Pennsylvania merchants all buy at Dean’s, Few Jersey merchants all buy at Dean’s, Delaware merchantman bay atDeau's, , , As they can always-get ;juet what they want, and at a ■ much, lower price - than they can elsewhere, and they do not Kaye "topiek uptheir foods at & ? dozen litfte All goods ordered, are„*uaranteed to give satisfaction. Order once-, and yon will always order from Dean’s, 9* hte plug and fine cat chewing and smoking tobaccos and cigars are far superior to ail others, and he sells for much lets. DEAL’S, So. 413 CHBSTSDT Street. n 023 tf o ?m ;. Philadelphia, Pa. TTYBE XX ISOBWII.LOW Street, Philadelphia, * Sole Manufacturers of the ABOKA-SAVINO COFPKB BOASTERS AND DIAMOND BDBK COFfEE Ml LLB. - ' B. ir. HTDB'B PATENTS. _ if '-W* save many times It* cost yearly by roasting our coffee with,our ArtaWeCe®* 00 . ' ' - Comlnental Hotel. Philadelphia. “■Where good coffee le desbred, we consider lour. Boaster absolutelTnectMary. ’ - .1 ; i > HaNaOA. FO WLBB.’fs 00 . Girard Hones. "I can fnrnlelt better coffee, at lees expense, than 1 when using the ready-rosetedeoffee.’’ .W.*H. BAKES, Ashland House. . ’*Torn Coffee Boaster and Mill are indispensable to me.” E, B. CLABKB, Germantown. tf-i consideryour Portable Coffee BoasteT thobest in the market.” JOHN B. LO WS, ...i Philadelphia Coffoe and Spies Mills. TJ. S. A. GsuaßAi. Hosprrati.T r-‘ - Summit Houan., “Tour Patent Coffee Boaster is In Use la this Hospi tal. and does Its work In a very sattefaotory manUert the coffee being much more evenly roasted, without any portion of IV being overdone. There,la earring in ouantitv and improvement in bain* Burgeon H. 8. V.. In charge, • 0. 8. A. Gksteral Hospital. Ckbster, Penns. , “It glTes me pleasure to rocoram-nd your Coffin Boaster to all desiring good roasted coffee ’’ __ - THOB. HBWBOff BAOHB, - , Surgeon C.' 8. F., In charge. Many testimonials might bo given endowing our small Family Coffee Eoaster.all of which unite in pro nouncing It. the only machine worth having. Price* ,*3.50, *8 60, and *6. ‘ 1 . * Price* for Fonable Stay* and Boaster. for Grocers* Hotels.. Hospital*. Coffee Manufacturers: Ho. 1. $4O: Mo. % ®Bo}Ao.B-SI2SiJSo. 1 $250. Send for circular. All Machines Warranted. Besponaible famliies. de* siring to try ajiy of the family sices* before purchasing, can be eoeozDi&ooated by sending their orders to *he or* fioe. 1505 WILLOW Street. * drift mMmX, OTPSfcBIZBrSft. TUB POLiIOE. [BeforeHr.. Alderman Lnti. ] DISOBDBRLY HOUSE. [Before Mr. Alderman Pan com t. 3 [Before Hr. Alderman Allen. 3 PATBMT ■ ' zz nm glass BZTBA HIATI LAMPOHIMHKYS. RAH.ROAD TMFORTANT TO RAILWAY TRAf FELLERS: —For fall Information to refarenno to Sta tions, Distances, and OudmUou, WMAte o» hundred bUrnrHin, representing the nwMbll way* of the country. <n« APPLCTOITg RAILWAI QEIDK. • • » noI9-6ss PENNSYLVANIA-CENTRAL RAIL cHANqEorjrmK Ami tfE^or. , Thß J™ 1 *? ot the eenn-ylyanu Central RaHroad l.m the Hew THIRTIETH and MARKET of Eleventh and Market Streets ( aa hern-. The,ears of the. Market-street Passenger Railway ran to and from Penneylraala Central BaUroad Depot, at Thirtieth and Market Streets; they also leave Trent ..street every two niinute*,oommenclng one hoar predi on* ofdHparture of each train, and allow aboat 30 minutes for a trip. •. Their cars art In waiting oaths arrival of each Train toMnvCTPMSsngerslnto thegtyi and connections are made with all roads crossing Market street aa* Market-Sts, at 7 46 F. M.*to eonnecrwitUPittsbar* and Erie Mail, and at 10.29 P. M. with Philadelphia Sxpress. Begjpge bpress wlllhereafter be located at Ho. Si Souih Seventh street. . Parties desiring baggage taken to the trains, can have It done at reasonable rates upon application tobim.- TBAI|m I>EA.V£ A9D ABBIYB AT DEPOT THUS; MAlDTBAHreeeteeaeaa.e.,.! »t 800 A. M. PaBKBSBCBG. *« 1w P M. BARBIBBOBG ACCOMMODATION... “ *.!» " LANCABTBRACCOBMODATIOH™. ACS “ FAOLI TRAIN, Ho. *• «■ {3« " PITTBBDBG aHD ERIK MAIL..™ » “ PHILADELPHIA BXPRBSB .... . ■< IIS «• ASBI7B. 1 PITTSBURG AHD ERIE 8A1L™.... ** 630 A. H. PHILADELPHIA BXPKBBS - ««. 7.05 " PAOLL ACCOMMODATION. Ho. 1.... « B.SB « PaKKESBDBG..*• 9 » «• LANCASTER TRAIN™—™ •• J* »p. M. FAfeTL1N8.......:............,.™„., 'r* JJ.SO ■* . PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, Ho. 1.... . «• A« MAIL TRAIN.™ ** 645 “ HARRIfBURO ACCOMMODATIOH ..’. “ 9.10 "J PbOadejhhia Bxoresa leaves daily. Pittsburg and Brie Hail leaves daily (except Saturday). All other Trains dally (except Suuoav.) •. The Pennsylvania Railroad Comoany will not assume hey riek for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars la vsi tie. all Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the rlek o( the owner, unless taken by spe cial contract. Furlnrther Information, as to time and connections, she Mils and framed carafe, or apply to JOHN F. TAX LESS. Je., Ticket Agent, at the Depot An Emigrant Train rnns daily (except Sunday ) Tor foil Information aa to fare and acomnmodaHogSj apply “W-tf ~ 13T DOCK Street inni ARRANGEMENTS OF lOfij iob4. NEW TORKLINEB.IoO4. THB CAMDEH ANDAMBOY AHD PHILADELPHIA AHD TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S ; wiS°K¥S D Is BT fSa^ti*= trdUuw At BX. If. ~tla Oundw and Amboy. C.aad A. Ae f>BHfl<»a.n 29 At 8 A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Express.. ......... 3 qq At 13m., via Camden and Amboy, 0- and A: Ac eommodatlon , x At 2F. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex- press* hi| jf At IP. M., via Camden and Ambby, Aesommoda- Hon(Freight and Passenger).......l 75 At 6P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aocommodn tton (Freight andPassenger)—lst Class Ticket... 3 M „,,„Do. do. M Class Ticket... 110 AtlljK P.M., via Camden andAmboy, Accommo . datura (Freight and Paaseuger)—lst clan Tlokat. IX - _ . _ Ho. . do, 2d Class TlckeS. ISO JSSXR “* *r- For Freehold at« ATMT and 2P. H. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delaneo, poverty, Bdgewa- H.|(^d| f ,.a3o, K aMOUdPiM.; dHte 3.30 and S P. M. lines ran direct through to Trenton. ForFalniyra, RlTerton, Delaneo, Beverly, and Bni- Ungton, at T P.M. .... , LIHEB FROM BSHBIHGTOH DEPOT WILL LBAT3 Atll.lgA. M,, via Kenslmrott and" Jersey Olty, biaH inn At iso P..M,, vlaKensington and Jersey fflty,b . ti* “* ■_■ *......3 06 : AO-45 P M.. via Kenrin*ton_ and Jersey City, Waehlngton and Hew Fork Express.S 00 Atl2 P M. (Hight), via Kensington and Jersey City, ( ;WaAlngtpn,and Hew jork Mall. „nx The ifif; M. Line will ran' dally. All others Son daysexcepted. For Bnlfalo, Dunkirk, Klmlra. Ithaca, Owego, Ro chester, Binghampton, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkes barre, Scranton, Stroudsburg. JFater Gapy *Manch Chunki Allentewn, Bethlehem,. Balvldere, Easton, LambertviUe, Flemlngton, MM.v at 7.15iA. lloeTOMectt Witt the train leaving Easton fonHauch For LarabOrtville at 6 F, Mi on Saturdays only. For Bristol, Trenton, Sc.. at 7.15 and 11.16 A, H., S and sp. li. aad IS iß&il|rhi * < . . Kew.XQ'Xiand W&T Llaes lQ&Ylaf K«iuUk> to& Depot, take the ears on Tirfch street, above Walnut* half an hour.hefoie departures The ears rqn into tne Depot, and on the arrival of eaeh train run from the pounds of Basjrage only allowed eaehpassangsr. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything aibag **** S n ™elr wearing at>paral.AHTiaggagepverflfty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One-Dollar per pound,and will not bo liable for any amount beyond 6100, except by special contract. Graham’sßafgage Express will call for and deHver baggage at the Depots. Orders to bs left at Ho. 3 Wal nut street. WILLIAM H. GATZMSR, Agent. December H, 18M. LINES FROM HEW PORK FOB PHILADELPHIA. WJPP AVk kKOK THB SOOT OF COOUTPASDSTEBBT, At 12 M. and 4P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. ;At 7.10. and.ll)t A. M.. 6P. M. aid IS ?®gh»,via Sm sev CHy and Efensington. l *•• -* - • From the< foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M,, via Amboy and Camden. > From Pier Ho. 1; North river, at 12 M., 4, andS P.M. (freight and passenger). Amboy and Camden, del-tf w * w cM? *• leare Chester at 7 46, 8.43,10.14-A. It , 11. K, 5.13, 164,7.30,and9.06F. M. . BUWDH THUK 8. ~ . : BxpressTrainat 108 M. for Baltimore and Wash lngton, flopping at 'Wilmington, Perrryine. Havre-de- Grace. Aberdeen, Permnan's. and Magnolia. - Bight Expreits at 11. 1® F- It for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester (for %lt!more and Washington passengers); Wilmington, Hetrark. nlk ton, north-East, ParryVlile, and Harre de-arase Aocommodation Traln at 10 P. M. forWllmington and WST ‘ ,& BAfeIB O ES P O E PHIEADKtPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9.3fi P. M. , stopping at Havre-de- Grace, Perryville, aiid 'Wilmlnftoii. Also stops at ®k ton-and Newark (to take passenger*, for PJmadelpMa and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore), and Chester to l»ve -passengers from Baltimore or lieave wSmlDfftonforPhiladelplilaat e.SOP. Me . PBOM BALtIMOEB TO Pfi ttADBLPEjUL Leave Baltimore 8.26 A, H., Way Mali: I.IOP. M.» tam 4 2SP, it, War Praia; 6.SSP. it, Express; *' F ' * S ?RAI»8 FOB BALTIMORI. _ „ Leave Chester at 8 57 A. M., 1. A) and 11* SOP. 11. Leave Wilmington at Rl4 9.4 QA. M., 125, 6,03. andi3.j6P. li - *--•* Freight Train, with Passenger Car attached* wul leave Wilmington fox Penrrrille and intermediate 18(^ PHILADELPHIA ARD EHIK RAIL BOAD'.—This crest line traverses'the Northern and Northwest conniieaof Pennsylvania to the *lty of Brie, on Lake Brie. ' It lute been leased by the FHNNSYLNANIA KAIL BOAD COMPANY. anile operated by them.' . Its entire lenxtb waa opened for passenger and freight boslneee October 17th, 1864. cm o» PASsnxaxniinAnrs a* nuaianpaiA. * LeaveWestwsrd.,. :: ' . _ „ Hall TltlCw. i - * 8. SO P, H LoekßavenAoeonunodationTrain...-..-...-B.OOA. M. Passenger oars run through on Hall Train'without change both ways between Philadelphia and Brie, and Baltimore Mf sri6, Elegant Sleeping Care en Blmlrs Express Tralna both ways between Philadelphia'and took Haven, and on Blmlra Sbtpress Train both waya between Williamsport *sd Baltimore. KABKST Streets* Philadelphia. , . Cteneral Freight Pkbadelphlar General Ticket Afent, Phlladelpklft. ,_ _ • JOSBPHi). POTTS, . General Mmmar, Willianuyoit. SanH' WEST CHESTER BBHWBwW" W“IAHD PHILADELPHIA Mit- BOAD, via MEDIA —“T OF HOTTER. ,• On'and after MONDAY, Oat. K>, 1864, the trains will leave Philadelphia, from Depoteomer of THIRTY! FIBST and MAEKkr Btreeta (Wait miadelphia), at B.l6and 11 A H., and at I, Aid. and 6.SOP.M; Leave West Chester at 6.86,8.16, and In. SO A. M.. andL W and Philadelphia atjUlil and 4.16 T. H.', and West Chester at 816 A, eon neet with trains on the Baltimore Central Eallroadfoi P. Ke Le&re WestOkesterfttjkxiul4P. JL i On Sundays thejmrs of the Weft Philadelphia Pas* sender Railroad Company YgUl leave Eleventh Bnd Mar ket streets at thlrtyjainate* before the. starting time of trains from thewett PhlladelpMaJDepot.aiiaw 111 he at the Depot to eoxvey passengers into the elty on the arrival of each train, • .« . " Passengers are allowed to take Yreatfngapparel only as Batsue, and in no case the Gompaarbere- liiw iwr iB6s.riyyA& BLMIBA RAILKOAD LINE to all points WEST. The direct ronte for the JHT OIL REGIONS OP PINNSYLYANIA,-BN WILHAMSPOBT, BUFFALO, SUSPENSIONBIUIiaB. ELMIBA._NEAaABA FALLS, ' and all places in the Western and Northwestern States and the Canadas. I" - TWO THROUGH TBAINB _ Heave Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad Besot, Thlr teenthand Gallowhlll streets, .daily, (gundsys ex cepted), for the North and West aa follow*: Mottling Express at BAM - Afternoon Expires* at &30 P. M. Makliga dtreotoonnertion with all Interssctlngroads. FOB TOROUGH TICKBIS to any point, and further tte^Mladelphia ___ „. _ 425 Chestnut street .v,. WEST . jersey iWKPl^W^PiiwsTT.Rnsitrr.Twiig 5.-0 )NEW«ABBAa.G;EHBHT. ■ . : • On and January?,lB6s. Train* will leave from WALNUT-BTBEBT PIER as follows: For CAPEM AY, and all plases south of MUlvUle, at# ‘Sor Hn.LVILLB, BRIDGETON, S4X.BM. ind fUU termediate places south of Qiasaboro, at 9 A M. and 8 -pSI^&SBOBOatSTACgSO P, Jt,, andSPJt For WOODBintY.'GLOUCBSTSB, Bos. at 9 A M., it gn p. M. .8 and 6 P. M. ■ - ,s*ou r. «:> »!«»." RBTUBNINO. Leave Cape May at 6. SO A M.. and a 46 A M. . LeaveSttOvlUeatS A M audSP/K c T Leave Bddgeton. at 7. 10 A. M, and 3.10 P.M. . t- Leave Salem at 7-A 41. and S P. M.. ■ Leave, Woodbtiry at 7,8.4 L and 10.44 A M., and A 45 WEST JEBSEYBXPEKSS ’COMPANY . will attend to all the usual hmnohes of SzprMsßtm* ness, receive and-forward through other WH sponsible Express Companies, to all patfß of the, souatry* any article entrasted to thern. _ „ . J.YAN BBNBBBLABB, Superintendent. Pfii.aebi.phia. January *. 1885. laS-tf RARITAN .AND IH«iBH9HKDBLAWABKBAY BULBOAB. PHILADELPHIA TO BBOOKLYM.: _ *° Passencers for Baprees Train for Tnckertoa* Barnegat, Toms Elver, Lang Breach, and Brooklyn leave vOT STREET PERRY at; 1118 4 M., dally (Snadays ex* Brook. Train for Atsion, Shaming, Man shelter, As., id ! TOlMffY, MAbM V. lSto. BAILBOAD LINES. fig»ggßagp WORTH PBHHSyXa- IHHWWBMH; TAMIA BAILROJJj-jhl BBTBZjJSBBH, DOTUU&OWX. MAOCH OBBIE, *». nmuK Train* leare IhOnerr oejyt, THIRD Strea*. dm Thompeon ctreet, Cully (Sundays nfcuhtt a* 2F&£ °FSWestown at9.6OA. M. uadil6F.lL Tor atLMP. Jf.;: Whßecareof tt* SeconJnnd TMrd-atreeto Uw City tan Betfich.m St KSBA?ierm«jrat.. uUU p M. 'tan VtriHlMiifjilM- K nd MiF. K Philadelphia for Doylestown at 9; 30 A. X. and 4. If for ; EXPRESS COMPANIES. :BS—MM THE ADAMS KX mSammtesm. press compart. o«** «h OHKSIWUT Street, ronrardsParcel..Paoka«M, Mar abandisV Bank Rotes, and Specie, either by It* own llnec or In connection with other tore* fmanenlce, to all the nrtnclpal Towns and TOMoadnthe Baited states, K. 8. BABDPOBB, W . . general Bnperlntendant rarsvßJjrcia. TV&LAWARE MUTUAL safety U INStJBABOK COMPART. ISOOEPOBATO®BY THE LEGISLATURE OB FBtiHSYLVASIA; 1838. 7 : WHO* 8. E. GOBBBft THIRD ASB W ALEUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA, MARIES IHSBRAEOE 09 VESSELS,) ■ ‘ CARGO. - >To all parts of the world. FREIGHT, ) ■' lELAHD lEBURANGKS On Goods, hr River, J3anal,Lake,and Lead Gerring*, to oil parts of the union. FIRE mSURARCRS. Oh Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Homos, tu. ASSETS OF THE OOMPAjrir, - Hoveraber 1. ISM . *lOO,OOO United State* Five For Coat. Loan, ’7l.#mooo 00 ; mioco - six •• ■*• ’Bi. us ns oo ®,ooo . •• „ six •■ s-ao* Ts,«ej so 100, tOO State of Pennsylvania Flys Per Cent. Loan.,.. 93,000 00 34,000 Stato of Fennaylyanla Six Per Cent _ > L0anm.56,810 00 133,060 City of Philadelphia Six For Ot. Loan 132,630 37 *O,OOO Pennsylvania Railroad Flrat Mort ■ taco Six For Cent. Bond* **,ooo 00; 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Seooad Mort- _ L. sure Six.PerCent. 80nd5.........,. 63,*50 00 151000 306 Shares Stock Germantown Gas '' Company, principal and Intenst' (uarantaedDy the city of Philadel phia...: .......4 10,300 00 6,600180 Bharea Btock Pennsylvania Ball ■ yoad Company 9,100 00 •6,00000 Shares Stock Horth Pennsylvania ■ « ~,, r ,^ ll , ro 4i <l , Co ffi l>aill “'t.—r.-^-r —. 3.08000 60, 00 (.United State* Treasury Certificate* of „■ 1ndebtedne55;.............. 48.4*600 30,000§(ate of Tennessee Fiye Per Ct. Loan. 13,000 00 *8,700 Leans on Braid and Haitian, amply «e0nred......~~™.«..1*8,700 00 *868,260Par. Coat*B4*.loo 60. MarketTalne.*B67,6*7 87 Beal Bmate.... 36,000 00 Bills receivable for Insurances made. 113,330 61 Balances dne at Agencies.—Premi — nma on Marino Policies, Accrued . Interest, and other debts due Ota _w Company. IRWIH Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance ' andotherCompantes, *4.363. Batl- . • „ , .mated va1ue........... —........... *,11300 Cash on deposit wlthUnlted StateeGovernment. subject _ to tab days’sail .'...100.000 09 Cash in 8ank5............... 68,164 93 Ca*htnßnmr».eeH.».» 637 66 *168.69*43 DIRECTORS: . Thomas C. Band, Samuel E. Stoke*. John 0. Davis, J. F, Penlaton, Edmund A. Bondar, Henry Sloan. Theophilns Paulding, William G. Bonlton. . Jobn E. Fenroae, - kdward Earllncton, Jamea Traanair, - H. Jones Brooke, Benry C. DaUett, Jr., Jacob P Jones, ■ James C. Hand, Jamea B McFarland, William C, LndVic, Joshua P. Byre, Joseph H.Beal, Spencer Molly.lno,, George G. Lelper, , , John B. Semple, Plttahnr HnihCraie, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg Robert Barton. THOMAS C. HANI>. President. °-.® AVIS * Vloo President HmtßT IFIWM, Secretary. d«l6-ly THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM a pin • 07 PHILADELPHIA. , ktorporateafemL _ OFFICB Ho 308 Wiurat STBBST. CAPITAL, *300,000. Sutures acainst toes or duntie by VIBE Honsee, Stores,.and other Bolldingi, limited or perpetual: and on Fnrnitare, Goods, Wares, Ad Merchandise, in Tows or Country. LOSSES PEOMFTLY ADJUSTED AUD PAID. ABBBTS, *400,088 Tl. _ Invested In the follcrtnns Securities, vis: Pint Hortcsceaon City Property, well sacorsdeWS,SOTO) United Stain Government Loan. 141.000 09 Philadelphia City C per cent. Loans. 60,000 00 Pennsylvania *3,000,000 8 per cent. Loan.... 16,000 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Bonds, first and se : eond Hortsaias.— ~~~ 36,000 00 Camden and Amboy Bailroad Company ’s 8 . _per «nt 8,080 00 Fniladslphis and Beading Bailroad Com* _pany’e6pereent. Loan6,ooo 00 Hontlnrdon and Broad Top 7 pernent. mort- .r; . (S|Q DOUdSe «+im*<4« . -, 4*680 00 ConntT.JPirelnanrjme® Company’s Btoek.W 1.060 06 . Mechanic!* Bmk Stocks <nt> 4*ooo 00 Commercial Sank of Pennsylvania Stock.*** 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock... 880 00 Beli&nce Insurance Company of Pniladel- - pMa’i Stock so e . *c..oe..«se .. . 1,000 00 Accraed 6,456 491 Cash in bank and on hand.'«»»*«. 13,023 29 >400,068 71 Wortk at present 414,888 71 DIEECTOBS. __ Clem Tinrley, Benl.W. Tingley, Wo.-R.Thomp*on, Harebell Hill, . William Hosier, Charles Lelaad. ■Samuel Blspham, Robert Toisad, H. L. Carson, - 1. Johnson Brown, Robert Steen, . Thomas H. Moore. William Ste-reason. : „ “ CLEM TIFQLET, President, Thokas 0. Him, Secretary- ■ . FhUiADKLPHia. December I,IBM. lalO-tf TNSURANCE COMPANY OF THE -?• STAI E OJ PEK BTBYL VANIA, -OFFICE Bos. 4«sd B BXCBABOE BniLDIHOS, north side of WALNUT Street, between SOCK and THIRD Street*, Philadel phia. INCORPORATED IN 1794—CHARTER PERPETUAL. ■ CAPITAL *200,000. PEOPBETIBS OF TdB_COMPAHT, FEBRUARY 1, Ukxn& mx aitd iNbAro teas&fobtatioit r ,™ UfSDBAHCB. : < - BIiRBOTOKRI * H*mt B. Skerrerd, Tobias Wamr. Charles Macalestor, . Thoms* B. Watson, William 8. Smith, Berry 6. Freeman,' William B. White, Charles 8. Lewis, . ■ weorgo H. Stuart, ; * George O. Carson, Samnel Grant, Jr., . _ Edward C. Knight, John R. Austin.. 1 „ -HBMBYD. BHEKHERD, PrMldent. WmiAM Habpbb, Secretary. nolB-tf A MERIC AH FIBK IHBIJRAHCB Philadelphia. , . Having a large paid-np Capital Stoek and Burplua In vested In sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on DweUlnniHibreK Furniture, Merchandise, Yesseis in port and their Oargoee. and other Penoiuu Property.- All loseesUbereHyAnd promptly adjusted B. CaMbelL , John Welsh,. j Bdmund G. DntiiA Samuel G. Morton. 1 Charles W. Fonltney, Patrick ®radv. I Israel Morris. raOMta M 1 : AsraßtC, L. CaAWVOHD. Secretary. . fea-tf WIBK mSURAHCB SXCLUBIV«LY. A -THE PBNNSYLVAmA PIBBINBHBANOB COM PANT.' Incorporated Sa». CHABTBB PBKPETHAL. No, 810 .WALNUT, went, opposite Independence This Company, favorably known to the community For nearly forty yean, eontlnnes to insure agalnst Lota orDamage by Fire, on Public or Prlvatfßnlldiege,' either permanently or for s limited time. Aleo. on Fur* niture. Stocks, Goods, or Merchandise generally, om .überal termo. - t ■' Their capital, together with a large Burplu» Fn*d. I* Invested, in.tho most careful manner, whfeh enable* - them to offer to the insnred an nndonbtodieeurity tn tha ease of loss. - . f-v.- ■ DIBBCTOBSi Jonathan Pattenom | Daniel Bmlth, Jn. Alexander Bennmi I John Deverenx; ZaaaoHaxlehnr*ts ■■- | -Thomas Smith, •- Thomu .^^lPtonrLewfi, ' JONATHAN n #AOTHBS6N, Proridont. '•■:'Wmmu» 0; CxewxPK .Senßtary.v i , A NTHRACITK mSURAHCK COM AA PANT ■—Anthorhted Capital WOO.OOO-CHAKTBB PKBPBTDAL. ' Ofice No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and fourth streets, Philadelphia. Thls Gompany will inenre against Less or Dataage by Fire, on Buildings, Fumitur*, ana Herthindi** gene* “ffii, Mwino B«n»n***. »n_ Ye**el». .OargM,, and freights. Inland Insurance to all part* of thoUnloA DXBECTOBB. .WlHlam’Eahtr, i ; DavlaPeirson. D. Lather, Peter Selger, ' . Lewis Andenrled. J. B Banm, John B. Blaekieton, William F. Dean. JoMphHaxtelA fa . UAMR INSURANC A No. dOBCHESi PHIL AD! TIBI AND IHLAI • _. mu Franeie N. .Bask, Charles Bichardioa. Henry Lewi*. S?TfuSg“* _ _ ~ ,'OHtASe RICE w. I. Buxouxoi bmi EDCOATIONA WOODLAND BEMINART FOH IT YOUNG LADIES, Nos, 9 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, West PhUada. Bey. HENBY BRBYBS. A. M., Principal. fe24-6w» WEST grove boarding school, for GIBLS, at WEST GEOVB STATION, P. and eom menee on SECOND- DAY, the let ofFIYTHMONTB next, to continue 20 week*. The coarse of instruction la extensive and thoronah, and i« adapted to all age*. For olicnlan, he.. address the Principal, - - THOB.F CONABD, , West Grove, Pa. fe27-mtn3m Y7XLLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— T MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four joiUs from MEDIA; Pft* Thorough course In Mathematics, Clerics, Ninural Science e.snd English; practical les sons In Civil wtgmesrtu* Pupils received at any time, and of all ages, and enjoy tnc benefits of a borne. R«- fees to JohnC Capp & Son, 23 Sonih Third street; Tho* J. Clayton, Esq , tilth, and Prana streets; ex-Sheriff Kern, andVtttfcers. Address Her. S. HKR7EY BAR* TON, A. M , TILLAGE GREEN, Penna. nofl-Sm •RUTTERFIELD’S OVERLAND DESPATCH, Office Ho. 40 South FIFTH Street A THROUGH FREIGHT Bin, has been established, prepared to racelyeailelbMea of Freight in the prlnosal elites seat of the Mississippi river. and totrsngporfthesaMiromuoint of shiymeat TO *T.T. POINTS IB ;-t ' COLORADO, IDAHO, UTAH, AHD MOHTAITATBRMTOMIB. uvoyranooaßoonTKAOT katm Aap BiiM o, HADnro. Through Rates lnslude ADD CHARGES—RaiIway, Transfer, Storage, »nd Forwarding Commission.on the Missouri- river, and treuponartiea tn»m Oe|Wiu- r thha enabling the SMpper to obtain a THROUGH Ooft- THAOTforma freight for adistance of OVER THBBB raoOSAMDbULES.andrelieving himfroraallreams- ; •Utilities sad anxieties Incident to the put disorgsniied and irresponsible system of Plains transportation. . Our Agents in New York, Boston. Philadelphia, Pltta bon, Chicago, St, Lonis, end Burlington. lowa,-are i Thli Gompany aseumea ALL the KESPOBSIBnirTT : of Losses, Damages, or Orereharaem on Freight while in transit from point of shipment to plaaeof destination. The Hew York office ia in possession of a foil set of : TRACE BOOKS, ahowinfthe data of aUptnasAtte time it passes the Mississippi river, la received. at and •hipped from the Company's Warehouses stAtchiaon (Kansas), the aharaeter ofthe tralna moving span the Plaint, the date It puses Tort Kearney, arrives at Rea rer, is received at deetlnatien, and the apparent vendi tion of the Wares along the entire route. ... . Jso~ If Damages or Loises ocour.Shlpeer* are notified In time to duplicate any important portion of the ahip- Theae hooka us open for the Inspestlon. of.pur cus tomer# at ail times, and pertioa ehipplug by thia lilne wfllbekept Informed by eorresponaenee 01 the exact condition of their shipments. Merchante and Minina Mon in the Tenltoriea ordering Goods, ehonld be nartlsular to alee InatrnetloM to mark euaavVla BUTTEBFIBU>’ 8 oVERLAJTD DESPATCH, Atehlaon, Kansas,” and hava them shipped under the. tsatructiona of our Axent at| point of ahipment. Letters of inquiry addreaaod to onr offs* at ATOHf* S 2M n “fc , *1.301,664 os DE COMPANY, ITHTJT STREET, »apfflA_ - JSTD INBURANCB. MORA t w JohnW.ljfmw.i Robert B. Potter, Jobs Kessler, Jr„ X. B Charles Stokes, Joseph D. Kills. BUCK, President , ARDSONe Ties fteridemt frrr.lsßkti PROPOSA-Itf.- riFnojr, bbpot commibsabi? op " MJJWHsraroß*? - ; * r , i • _r_ jWjBSttfK&T jJlTj, 4j 185®, PEorosiis fob Ftofta. , BIALID PBOPOSaW. in duplicate, are iilYjtcd mMIMABOH 11 ch, IBge, atlS o’clock M., for fcrnlsi- Tk« proposal* will be for what is known at this uopol Bfiffos. I.S, and 5, and bW* will be entertained. for any Qa&BUty#%tlDuJfce whole. Bide most be la dnpUeate, antf for each gradeen sepa rate s&eete of paper. . ; Ihe delivery of .the Flour -Ur commence.within &W 9 day* from the: opebirii of thebtdb, and in such; feienU; tie*, dafly, as (bo Government <ix»? direct j delivered'at the Governmentwah houseJin flcertttowm, at the Wharves or rail/oad depot Id Wa«Wn«ton, D. O - The delivery of all Flour awarded to be completed within twenty days from the openirgof the bide Payment will be shade in Bneh fond* as the Govemv ment may hare for disbursement. . . t The oeuaf GoTernmeatinspectlon wiil be made jut* , belt re the Fleer is received, aed none*wlU be accepted which is aot.freeh ground, and made from wheat ground j m .the T'etn&fry where j«*»ufaomred,unlBß* of a very superior Quality The Floor tone delivered in new oak barrels* head liiud. v; An oathcfaßegianee must accompany the-bid.of each bidder who has not the oath on file in thisbfioe. and no bid will entertained from parties who*have previ ouely failed to comply with thtir bids, or from bidders not present to respond Government reserves the right to reject anv bid for any *au«e. Bids to be addressed to the undersigned, at bo. 233 “Q-' Street, endorsed “ Prfpoeai*fi>r (“loor. t? . 2. 8 BRIDGES, __mh#-0t Captain C. S. V. ASSISTANT’ QUARTERMASTER’S XJL office. . FhILAUBLPHTA, March A, 1861. SEALED PBOPO?ALSWUI be received atttiis office until TBUKBDAT, March. 23,1835, .at If o'clock AT., for ANTHRACITE BTEAMKB COAL" for a period of three months, commencing April % 1865, Md ending June 30,-1866, Goal to be of the beat quality Anthracite, for the use of steamers; to weigh ftsOQ lbs. to the ton, and to be subject toinapeotion. ~ .» The Coal is to be delivered on board resell is the port* of Philadelphia or Mew York, in such quantities, and at such limes aa may be inquired; tarnishing, if de manded, terra thousand toju unveek. . la caee of failure to deliver the coal In sufficient quan tity. sad alt the proper time and place reserves the right to make good any deficiency by par* chase at the contractor’s risk and expense. The pr ice (which should be stated both in figures and in writing) must be given separately for the coal deli vered on board of vessels alibis port and at Hevr York, on the hTUMuid conditions above stated. Ten per cent will be withheld from the amount of all payment* made, which reservation is not to be paid un til lie ctntrsci shall have been fail? cojrfpleted." Pay ments of'the remaining nlnetT P9r c*ut:Vor'balance due, will lie m ade monthly, when the Department is in fond* for thetporpose■ Each offer must oe accompanied by a written guarau- Ue* eij ned bj two or more responsible patties;'(their responsibility to be certified by a United States-Judge, Attorney, or Collector, > that the bidder or bidders vuli, if his or thtir bid be accepted, enter into written obliga tion, with good amd sufficient euretira, in the aunt of one hundred thousand dollars, to furnieh. the proposed aap plies . • i_-.. • . - ■ -Mo proposition will be considered unless the terms of was advertisement (a copy of which should accomnct nyeach bid) ere complied with. Bids wi<l be opened Thurediy March 23, 1885, at 12 oclockM, and bidders are requested tar be.prsseut. .The right to rtjeci any bid deemed unreasonable is reeeryed, and no bid from atefaulting contractor'will be received. Theenvelopss tobeendoraed/’PiopoaaU for CoaL M and addressee to the undersigned. By order of Col. We W JfcKltn. Chief Quartermaster Philadelphia Depot. GEO. K. OKME. mhfi»iBt Captain and A STM. PROPOSALS FOR WATER TRANS JL YOBTATIOj#* Opfiob 0 Transportatior, U. S. A, Do. »T* 8. Third Braafirr, - ranADBWPHiA, March 4, iBs& - wUI-be received at this Office until THURSDAY, March 16, 1865, at 12 o’clock M., for the transportation by water of Army Eupplfes from Philadelphia. Pa , to the vgrioos points on the South* ern coast, and also for trampmatlon of Army Supplies from those points to Philadelphia. Fa., on the follow ing conditions: Transportation to be furnished by either sail or steam vessels, or both (to Alexandria, Ya., and Washington, D. 0., bybarges or other vessels), ae this Department rcsy reqaire it, and bidders should state distinctly the price in writing and figures fo» each claw*.. The contract will be given for the entice month of April, iB6O. Bidder* will state the rate per one hundred (100) miles for which they will transport horses, mules, cattle, wagons, saits. ambulances, hay. and grain; also, the f rate per barrel, ton of 2,240 pounds, and cubic foot, per one hundred (1* 0) miles for which they.will transport all other freight; orjfcey may propose rates lor the ea tire distance from Philadelphia, Fa., to any point on the coast, and rates from- same to Philadelphia, for the onto e distance, stating from and to what ports. • Transportation to be furnished when required and in case of failure on the pan of die contractor to furnish the ceeeeary transportation, the Government to have the right to supply the deficiency and charge the con tractor the difference of cost, should a higher rate have to he paid. The Government reserves the right to freight inde pendent of the contract, ail such vessels as may be own ed by the United States or under charter. , Bonds with approved security will be required from the party to whom the contract may be awarded. -Bids will be opened on Thursday, March 16, 1865, at J 2 o clock M., and bidder* are Ft quested to be present. Awatds will bo mac* on Friday, Mareh.l7, and the ane ceasful bidder notified. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved, as alio the right to reject any vessels which Z&ay be deemed unseaworthy. By order of Colonel WILLIAM W. McKIM, CMef Quartermaster Philadelphia mh6-10t Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. pROPOSALS FOR DEAD HORSES. QOAKTBKJIASmt GgIIBRAI/3 OypiCß, •• ■ First Division. Wabhieotok Oitt, D 0 , March 1, ISM. , SBAMD PBOPOBAMwm be received at this offloe until 12 o’clock on Saturday, March' 18,1885. for the purcfcaie of all horses that may die or ha killed at iha Giesboro Depot, near''Wnshiniton, D. C-, within the next twelve months succeeding the date of the letting of the contract . ' The hones trill be delivered at a certain designated spot, to be hxe.d by tho United States The animals are to be removed dally, amd~'eonvsyed far enough limits of the depot to avoid all nuisance, eltherMo th. depot or the resident. In the vi cinity. Payment wID ba reqaired In GoTernment funds, at the don of eaanmpht]i;for-all animals delivered op to that date. ‘ Bonds,, wiat4approyod,,««onrltleß in the stun often thousand no, (nDraollanS tiDl bereoulred from the party to whom the contract is awarded. Bach proposal tiUßt state the price per animal, giving mil name and post-office address of bidder, and be ac companied by a guarantee, signed by two responsible persons and certified by tome United States officer or re sponsible, person known to this office, and also by the oath of allegiance, signed, stamped, and doty attested. This office reserves the right to reject any or all bids that may be offered.. Proposals should be addressed to the undersigned, Washington, D. C„ and be Plainly marked on the en velope -> Proposals for Dead Horses.’’ mhtlSt JaKSS A. BKlff, Colonel In charge First Division Q M. G. O. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, 1139 GIRARD Street, Philadelphia,Pa., IfAKQBS. 1856. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office matii 12 o’clock U., WEDNESDAY, MarchlSto, 1886, for delivering . Itooo SIX- MULE ARMY WAGONS COMPLETE M-the United States Storeboase, HANOVM-gtreek wharf, to;be inspected by an Inspector appointed on the part of tbe Government. Bids will be received for 25 wagons or more; to be made in conformity with specifications, to be seen at this office. The name of the contractor and date of contract to he distinctly marked on each wagr.n Bidders should.state when they will commence their deliveries;thennmberofwatonstbey propose to far* nieb each. week.rtbe (which should he written both in toords cmd figures)* and conform to the terms of this advertisement, a copy of which should accom* by tworesponslbla per sons, whose slgnatnre* must be appended to tbe guaran tee, and certified to as being good and smf&cient seen* rity for the amount involved, by the United States Dis trict Jodie, Attorney, or Oouector, or pablle officer. , Bids will be opened on Wednesday, March 16th, 1865, ana-bidders are requested to be present. The right is reserved to rsjeet any bid deemed unrea sonable, and no bid from a defaulting contractor trill be received. .All bids received for tbe above wagons wQI be sent to the.Qosrterraaster General for Ids decision. All proposals to be‘made out on the regular forms, Which will be famished on application at this office. Endome envelope *;ftopoeafsfpr Army^Wagons.» ~ By order of Colonel Wm. W. McKlm. OMei Quarter master. GEORGE R. OEMS. mhS Ilt Captain and A. Q: M. fVFEICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER; 1 \f Cincinnati. Ohio, Feb. 27,1866/ ■ ■.PROPOSALS are invited by. the anderattned, until FRUDAT, March 10,18fi5, at 12o’clock 1L« fof fornish-- ing this Department with Sky-Bine Reiser, army standard; ' "' r _ . ‘ D. B. Uniform Cloth, do. To be delivered free of charge at the United Stateo In spection Warehouses, In this city, in good, nevrpack-- c offering goods should make separate proposals for each article offered, and most disrinctly state in : their bids the quantity they propose to famish, the price (which should he t oritten ooth in words and: fffures) t ßJnA eonform to the terms of this advertisement* a copy of which should accompany each proposal. Etandttd ssmPlos of the articles ngoired may bs seen at the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city. Samples, when submitted, must be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposalr and the parries thereto most guarantee that the goods shall he. In every respect, equal to army standard, otherwise the propo sals will not be considered. __ A guarantee signed by two responsible persons must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awsrded to him under his proposal- : .Bids will be opened on Friday. March 10, 1866. at 12'' o’clock M , at ihls office, and bidders are requested to be present. ' Awards will Bs mads on Saturday, March lit 1665. .Bonds will Bo reanired that the contract will bs faith fully fulfllUd. . Telegrams relating to proposals will not Be noticed. .. Blank forms of Proposals, Oontracti, and Bonds may Bsoßtalnedat Ibiacfflcs. * The right to r»ject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. Endorse envelope “ Propoial for [here insert the name ofthe article offered''l, and address G. W. MOULTOK, mha-ot Depot Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FORMANURB. GoaitTSMU*Taa Gisnain’K Oypio*, Fmsv Ditibion, WASHWOion Crrr. February 10, isl*. BEADED PROPOSALS wilt be received at tins offieo until WEDKEBDAT, MARCH 16. 1865, ad U o'clock M, for tbe purebaaa of ail the 'HaHIIRB that may be pro cured fromthe stables and corrals of the Gieaboro De pot, near Washington, D. C.,nHhiu the twelve months next succeeding April 1,1885, The successful bidder will be required to have bargee or boats moored at the wharf at Glaaboro Inconstant readineue to receive the manure which may aeenmu late:_ The United States wEj deliver the manure In the •aid barges or boats. and wUI designate an agent to mea sure it as rapidly as loaded r Bidden must state the prim per cubic yard. Anoath ofalleelanoe will he require t from each bidder. Payment will be required to Be bade la Government funds at the end of each month for the manure delivered in the barges during the month. Bonds, with approved securities, will Be required awarded. In the sum of ten thousand The Department reserves the right to reject any pro poral not deemed advantageous to the United States. Proposals must Be addressed to the undersigned, Washington, D. 0., and marked on the envelope -‘Pro posals for Manure. JAMES A. BKW, Colonel in charge Ist Division, : ftip-im • . q k, g, o. PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY.— *■ Proposals for furnishing the Medical Purveying Depariment. in tliis city, with BZATIOBBRY are apeotfnlly invited. , Manufacturers and dralers are requested to send sam ples, .with Price List, to this office as early as praclD cable, i . G. SUTHSULAIfB, , ass, , , ®ergnU. S.A .Med. Purvsyor. Medical Puivejor's Office, Washington, D. Q., teh’y 28. IBM . . ; „. ; . ■ mhl 1# ■ COAlffi Tbokaa J, okak. , Bomt J. HmtramE, fVRAM & HEMPHILL, T-e eiALIUIg LEHIGH AMD SCHUYLKILL GOAL, ■ i-ii* * llM ot best qualities, Carefully ploked and screened, and invariably at tha WlLEowVbefow*¥iFT*RfrTH Straat. . J@t%, d( lH,Ss£^elei t * * t " l *« »orth SIXTH Straat. 0?3 HorthTEETH Street, A 433 BARCLAY BtreeCor E SCHREINER, NEW COAL DEPOT, *- HOBLE Straat, above Einth street., .. BtreeV y :i? u? pagfuin . SlppOTtN.E: v EAfiLK:; YBIN ; COAL, sDratioßjro LraiGHTA : MaiSMT"- > saltern • 1' “EiaiBWRAJraOM. ■ C o „^^ 8 J?® AR LOAF. BKAVER MEADOW, and. Spring Mountain lAhighCoai. and Beat Locust Mountain, foom Schuylkill, nrenared »”.»aXl<g fagUr °*a.- Depot B. W. MdWlLLOWKreefc,' OSsaßo. 11a SouthSKGOBD Street. lap6-tO j. WAUtOM A GO. THB SCIENCE OF MEDICINE _ .should stand simple, purs, majestic; having fact for its BaaM, induction for lts pillar, truth alone for lta mpltal So stand HBLMBOLVS GIHUIHE PRBPA RATIOBS. established ovar 16 years. TONES HOUSE, - Oor. MARKET BTREK* and MARKET SQUARE, . The Proprietor vespeetfully returns hiailnmrethaalrj to hia Mends for the nrv Übsral patronage bestowed to the House sines under hie management, and > would a^ntinua^^j^e^^ ? AUCTION- SAXiES. lj 1 riVt jSSnr cd «fai JIZHIIMh' AUCTION NOTIOX. FURNESS, BRINLBY,dI CO will Mil TBimiiiPMina, Merrill 7- . Ob fonr mouths 1 credif, at thsir Store, GifkGHBSaSrOT btreet, a yory large and attractive saxony'woven rakSs goods. THBBK PIECES, IB entirely New epring Btylee of She celebrated max*' f«t«wai4 importation cf Mena*. BCHMBIDg^BKOTHEKS. By Special altmetlon is called to> the sale, as the .joode offered comprtee a most magnificent assert Hunt of ffcldrs ahd styles never before offered in this or any other market This sale cannot be repeated. * SPECIAL SALS OF SOO CARTONS NEW AND BX bjbablb spring sib bows. Of the Importation of Messrs. Boliliac Preree, and 1b ; ilittft ofafliM gHOHu ' ' THIS MOBBING No« 4@60 corded edgsrpottlt da sole ribbons, while, black, tad choice colors... , . ... Nos. 4@SB extra quaHtyblaek and white.div —Ncs. li @<so broohe figured and plaid colored do. Nos 4@60 extra white and Bials plain do. feathered edge satin ribbons. PLAIN AND WHITS OOH DSD EDGE BLACK SILK ■_ ■ VELVET RIBBONS. “ Km. .W 8 snper blach silk velvet ribbons. A full line of white eorded edge do. __ 44, 5 d. Asn»6 * OBOS GRAIN ENGLISH BLACK CRAPES. ' . Also, an Invoice of extra quality Bullish 4-4. 5-1. and 6 -4 gros grain Slack crapes. . WHITS OOOH3. A full line jaconets, fine Siriss molls, nainsooks, check, tncslln. Ac. , CLOTHS, CAS SI STRESS, COATINGS. —pieces cloths, black and fanes eassimsies, woolen coatings, &c. SALE OF IMPOSTS* AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. „ , ■ THIB MORNING. • March 7, at lOrv’clock, by catalogue. on fonr months' Clean — . MO packages and lots of fanes and. staple imported and domestic dry goods. Samples and catalogues early on morning of sal*. _ DOMBSTIO GOODB FOB CASH, v Brown and bleached muslins; 6-4 sai l*! Bleached sheetings, giiifhams* Cambrics,' print*, Kentucky Jems, Flumels; Balmorals. &c. 1;500 FIBOSS OF WHTPB 000% , Of a Superior Make. 1* GuO pieces, consisting of fine to superfine jaconets, cambric, and check mas . do Swiss mall#. *oft malls* VUtori*. IBISH BSISTIJVO LUfSBB. ewes 4 4 fine to extra fine shirtina linens. linens, linen drills, firmere' linens. BLACK ALPACAS ABO MOEaIES OF SOFKKIOS i • MAKS. 30 esftes f 4 fine to extra black alpacas. 4 sues 6- 4 b!aek and colored pant moh&lrs. n HOZAMBIQOSS. SILK CHECK MOSIIS3. 4f. 5 cams London silk check nomubianas, 3 cases silk stripe ooplics. lease pore silk check mob airs, for best city trade. 2 cates black and white mohairs. -,v WHITE MABBSILL S 3 QtfILTS. **“ 8-4 to 18-4 London white marseiiles quilts. EXTB A fine quality vibMa shocks shawls. S,»Ar »o Ce i e Sj? ,ted mannftctnro of Megan. OSCAR rkULSs St 00. ’ . . THIS MORNING, an invoice of aha win: all wool extra anal tty broohe mum shawls. . —all-wool extra quality extra fine;contrei.eholot colors. - . • all wool extra anallty open-centre long ebawli, for the finest city retell trade. S.O Minerya and zephyr spring aba wig, LINEN DAMASKS AND DIAPERS, WARRANTED ALL LINEN. S cages 7-1 and 8-4 fine bleached linen damasks. 1 case 3 4 bleached linss blidteye diaper. 2 cases 7 4,'8-4, and 10 4 brown liken damasks; 100 PIECES BLACK TAFFETAS, 6803 j>B SHINES. TENETT KNKBS, AND A&MURBB, FoR CITY TRADE. 2*@So-inch heavy black gros de Rhines. 54@32-incb extra quality gros grains. 2S@SO- Inch blaek Yenetlennes and annures. 2t@3o-lneb spdendld quality black taffetas. »,000 BALMORALS. FOR CASK MOhUck and white Baimorals; MO high-colored do. LCCO Premiere and Pontoosnc do. LARGE SALE OF DRY GOODS. THIS (TUESDAY) MORNING, March 7, at 10 o’clock. A CARD.—The particular attention of the trade is requited, to our la-ge sale of feaxony, British, Irißh, 55? Fr . e s; h dry goods, this morning (Tuesday), Maroh 7th, at 10 o’clock, on four months' credit, comprising a very large end desirable assortment of plain and fancy dress goid«, linen goods, silks, tailoring goods, white goods, quilts, ribbons. Also, for caen — SO packages prints, tweeds, casslmerss, bleached and brown sheetings. „ NOTICE ro JOBBERS AND RETAILERS. In sale THIS MORNING, a large Sax. ony dress goods, of the celebrated manufacture of Messrs. Schmeider&Bros. Also, fancy and staple British dress goods. Also, equate and long broohe shawls; Importation of _ Messrs. Oscar Proles k Co. NOTICE TO RIBBON DEALERS. „ , THIS MORNIRG, COO cations fancy and staple poult do sola bonnet rib bona, velyet ribbons, crapes, he PANCOAST & WARNOQK, AUC A TIONEERB, 840 MARKET Street. LAEGE POSITIVE SALB 750 LOTS OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRV GO DS. LINEN GOODS. EMBROIDERIES HOBBIBY GOODS, &«., he., by catalogue, ON WEDNESDAY, March Bth, 1865, commencing at 10 o’clock, comprising a large and general assortment of desirable and sea sonable goods. _ in _ FOB SAME JjJIP TO LET, m FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT, “••No. 542 North Eighth street; between Bane end Vine streets, west side. . • Lot 20 by 95; back outlet. ' : . : . ' Inquire at '-•7' . ffih4-3t« No. 354 North SECOND Street. M HOTEL TO LET, , _ 'IN POTMVILLE, PENNA -,. Known as the *’ American House. ’' One of the beet locations for a first-class Hotel in the Btste. situated in the heart of the ndou and at the terminus of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, the Depot of which joins the Hotel. Possession given let 'of April. To a party that can keep a first dan Hotel a long lease wUlbe given. Bone others mad apply. . For further particulars address or apply to mh4-St« VilZ'.R Moggß, Bsttwgfe M for sale—the desirable DWELLING 1515 Green, with side yard, and pos session Api 111 st. i i Very desirable Dwelling S. R. coiner of Twenty-first and Green; extra finish. Possession soon. .. Fonr handeome Dwellings,B. E. corner of Nineteenth, ’and Green. • 1 - - r . . Five neat Dwellings east side of Nineteenth street south of’.Green. ■■■’ - Four scat Dwellings south, side of Brand?wine east of Nineteenth. B. F. 0&BVB, 1533 South FOURTH. Street. mh4>6fc orS. W. Cor, of BBYBBTRETH and GBBKGT. & : FOB BALE VERY CHEAP— DWELLIKG,w.Ith Hide yard, 919 Morgan street, tomrdiatepoeiwijjtal.v; Tils wUI .be sold ah argaitt if closed within a feirlays B. r. GLBS*. , 133 Sooth FOURTH Btralt, . mild «t or S. W. cor. SRVBBTfIBgTH and GREEK. «CAPE ISLAND.—FOR SALE, A 'doable;; COTTAGE, 40 feet front by 8* feet deep. who two-story kitchen back, in a central location, suitable for private or-public business, with a large lawn attached, one square from tbe Ocean, apply to J. W. BLAKE, . , 43 Hqrth%&HT?Btnet. : M I DESIRABLE FRANKFORD PRO number of tms!l and eon- 1 venient Brlek DWELLIUGE, sltnated on CHUfiOHSt, between Paul and Orchard streets also, tie valuable building - LOT, northeast corner of CHURCH and PaBL BtreetaTsaby IMfeet. Will be eold on accommodating terms. - Apply to A. K. AF. K. WOMRATH, i. mhl-6t 415 ARCH Street. Mfor sale—large foundry and MAGHIHB SHOP In fall operation, with the Workingstock andtools, patterns, Ac., of every de scription, necessary for dolus a lane and tuccesebd business: sltnated on a railroad about twenty miles bomPhUadelphla. B. F. GLMH. , , ' UIS-tf »*•■,... 133Bonth FOURTH Street. im LARGE AND VALUABLE 1 *PBO the lots eMat thet width opening to a large c*rt-ir*T leadlngto of are rarely met with. Apply on the promisee. selS-flm* MFOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER o«Msfor sale his conntry seat, within half a mile or *f Uniinaton, Delaware, _on the Bawport pike, con talnln* eight acraaof good land. In the centre ofwbleb Is a larae lawn with a due variety of shade trass, ma ples, lindens, evergreens, eta, In all oyer a bnndrad full-crown {fees. The Improvement* consist of a larce and commodious mansion, flanked on the west by two towers, oce of which Is four stories In helghi. There are four larce rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet. The honse has the (modern improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces water bom a sprtnc Into the upper story of the. tower. There 1* also an lion pump and hydrant, nnder a covered area at the kitchen door. The ont-bnlldings consist of a carriage houae und staDla sufficißnt for four horses esi7lagee;also,a hen.fce, and smoke hoosce. The ■table has a hydrant In it - ■ Good Carden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and crape vines in fnllbearin*. Thera are also several varieties of apple, cherry ahd eheethnt treeiT Terms accommodating. Possession riven at any time. Apply to LEVI G. CLARK, tol4-tf 831 Market street Wilmington. DSL - m FOR BALE —THE ADYER-Hh JB TISEB will sett his COUffTfiY-PLACR. con- Z talnlsc 4 toe acres, sltnated on tbe Old York road, above tbe Sve mile stone, at Bnnchtown. The improve ments comprise a substantial, well finished, and roomy stone boose, nearly new, harlot fourteen rooms, con veniently arranged; good; frame stabling andcarriage honse, witlPthe osnel oof buildings. It Is planted with a foil and choice collection or Fruit, Shade, and evergreen trees and shrubbery, now well grown, and has. a large and very productive vegetable garden, apple orchard, copious running stream, fleh pond. Ac. Sear two stations (Green and Oak lane) on the Borth Penu mlvania Railroad, In a neighborhood nntxeelled for bealthlulntss, being wholly bee bom malaria at all seasons. The owner being determined to sell, offers the pro perty, with all the advantages of nearly ten years* as siduous careand cultivation,'at ahont its original cost. Fries, $16,000.: - . .Tor further Information: 'apply at 303 MARKET Etreet, second floor, between 10 and 9. feJS-thstufOt' m WANTED TO PURCHASE—AjfIh MlFaetory Property, or large lot. west of Broad street. Also, TO SELL, a handsome Germantown Re sidence; stable, and one acre; beautifully sltnated: on Bast Washington bane. It will be sold at <16,000 (worth now,si&qoo), or exchanged far a city house! If Jot sold April Ist, Will be ranted. With fn-nlture, at •I.jBO a year. Also, forrant, a 1 ARM of eighty acres, Sf*Y- .Apply to LIPPINOO'rrI BEoyHABD, A CO., office of Jackson Iron works, l 3 BAUK tweet. fe7-tnthslm«" m FOR SALE-A HANDSOME *3. GOTHIC COTTAGE. 10 Rooms, Stable, and Im proved grounds, 4)f 'miles bom the city; furnished. Apply at So 914 CHSSTHUT Street” fcM-tnthsOt* . , Second story. « FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE. valuable BUBIK ESS-BTAintS, Bos, 227 and Piorih,Becond street, 31 :hy 140; demrahls Farm of 9SK acres, on Delaware river, U mHeseSrtVdh?. ai splendid Building Lota of live, acr™ia2h,"n slhool honee lane, &>£,miles bom city ; will- be sold cheap for each, if applied for coon. i f JOS. LBMSIG, v rw—**ANClS street, fe2B-tnths9t Opposite Parrish at. and Ridge road. jj|' fob a Valuable Ask « FABKof l43 ? ci«, t near SeLsrcTille, on the 9! No; th Pennsylvania Railroad. Bnoks county, in good order, with good bnlidlngs: Will be sold low if sold <oon- M B. F._GLEKN, 133 South FOURTH St.. mh4 6t orß- W. cor. SEVSNTKSHTH and GBSKH. ,' m INDIAN QUEEN LANE-iflh desirable RBBIDESCE and worthy the-C attention of capitalists, containing FITTEBG ACRES tA»D, with KLBaaHT BITJSB FOR- BTOLDISS coach honse, large ham, tee-house. Act Surrounded by large ’forest trees, and within ten minutes’ walk of .Falls Station. -> - feS6-16t M FOR SALE, CHEAP—A YERYtJfc desirable small FARM of S 3 acres, with mode rale improvements, on e Railroad 7 milas fromthe city; abont 10 trains pass dally. a , B. F.- GtEaß, felS tf 133 South FOURTH Street. T© THE PUBLIC.—36, WO ACRES OF A -LAW) m WRSTREH VIBGIIIIA, lu the Counties of WTOHIBG aFdjSSo WELL, - . .TITLE ISDISPUrABbET Is offered to the public, for the pries of $9)0,600, or a )Kt)« over $5 per a*rs, in shares of VI.CPO each. ; From the report of Professor Whitaker, In 1856, he says COAL abounds in fabulous .quantities and of ex. ceUeutonaUty; IROH, GmBlMG:.TlHB*R—such ae Black.. Walnut Chestnut, Oak: White Wood, and nu merous otherklnds, with a laraely-increaslsc market for them—making it a desirable Inveetraent independent of the prospect of Oil development, of which w« feel eangnlne there is luge noantttles to be fonad on the place, bom reports that have been made seme time back, and bom extracts bom papers bom that section ot country in 1881. 1 here is already subscribed some 133 shares, leaving hut 67 shares ns sold. ■ Bubsarlptlon Book at the office of ' PATTRRBOH A BOULT GB, ib. • Ho - WALHUT atraet. fog tne pnaeat. «JO LET—FOR SALESROOMS OR, sssSS ■ APCTTON SAXEs/ w KERB, Non. »3aandB3#M^jr^ ULKQS PBBEIIPTOKY Bitg OP 1 BHOOA9S AB«T QO-Tdl^ 5 * b THIS KuBSIbO * |&Tdi7th wlllb fTO Td hr cis, foox months' oarodit, xboat LCO3 brrnsft, e&Taixjrhoot?, 4e .'«abnSr fi . n £^a r s**' o, * 8 “ o,i ‘ a,lBfoo<,9o, “'^^ ,or “*»«»»«« O liAKGB FBBBBPTOET R4M Of BTK4W GOODB, SICBTS *» “• WOTlCl.—‘lncluded In oni la g, eil* of , (fcoe*. 4c . 01 »] _«. « this aroßNisra, March 7. will Be rotted In part the roHov» desirable assortment, tJ*: ‘ yw ~s??^ Sfcn’e, boy*’* and youths’ calf, well, aod pnwp *Ol« d)«M boots; meo’s its youths’ kip and lftff leatWr boots; m-nv * longue cavalry boot»:ujea r » and bora' c Jr 3, ‘i or Congress bools and jn* tt « u s *i yontfcs' coper kip, bnff antf polished train uid pffimp-sofe browns; ladies* ft a* few and enamelled* potest sewed b*lmor& * a JL h* gaiters xaiases’. and leather Balmorals and lacs boots; children' - tewed cHj >madt lace boots; fancy sewed hUI s '-i atkle lies; ladies* fine black and colored ■wss and side*lace gaiters; women's *£'•** ctiidren’s goat and morocco coppsraailerfi laaiea fine kid ailpp re, *.traw bonnets, ah^pk LARGS ARD IMPORTABT SAT.E nr •> March 9th, at lOo'clock. wo will M n . Bf fcrjcaah, on account ofMr. F. 5C 3,000 entire packages of cotton, w<r£z;„ l '-i£W , goods, comprising the now desirable J g; notion. Open for examination on™ / »»'*" «.eS3^g r -Miea browiud Mueiej g \ M( . . /M. caws brown and bleached dnS* P* and »Mrt ftK eaten browaand colored eorseu^ Q , * rSSSS&£rj& • “fnd SKhTa 4 "“ te “. w ““X 8^ 8 - StHp “- _ * B ewn?“ le l kereeiß. satinets. cloths, j,^ caeeswoolen ehfrtfngs and flannels «ackh„ cues Hh‘n burlaps, docks, and drills ' 8 " caaescoatcaavaaand woolbaggingsT' —casee Spanish linens, colored cambrics —casee shirting llnenr, table damask, r elotbs. • w '{ —eases cottonand merinohosiery, patenttl,„, I sk —ceeee blent ete, And many other classes of Imported and a, ft” gcede, to be peremptorily told lx entire packSp LARGE POPITIVR BALE op BOOTS sung, GOODS, STRAW GOODS H'isS E*?■ A CARD.—tfennrifeiheearljratteßttoiiof can to the large and Taloable assortment of fco P n : ‘ ! etraw honnetv Ac., embracing w,. * I,MI packages forming a prime ard treA assf.' i to be peremptorily sold by catalogue, on four Hi credit, eommencingthls morning at 10 o'clock p j.'f THOMAS-& SONS, JTos. 139 ud I*l Boult fOIJETH „ SEAL ESTATE AND BTOGRB. Ma,a , || CARD.-Oorsale HHIS MOB# ISO wn| Ljl SIIWEKTIES, IreladiDjr a ranaVs !KO3 e® BET, KACHINIs SHOP. SHIP WHARF, ail ,fl BUUJpiHGr, GLOOCESTi.Iv, New Jer*€*-> r y 600 f«®*- #ity Dwelling Storu, Lot*. Ground Renin, Stocks, Lnang, Ac. p a V‘i co “ pri “ a& »“• •"* 1 PEREMPTORY BALE OF VALUABLE ORlffiJ, „ . on. PAiJsriAras. Tta colleolioa of Ties F. Bel}, of this dtr „ THIS MOSSING March 7th, 168% commeaclßf at 11 o'oloek. will b, at } tfce Auction Store, without resarral him It; coUeaaott of . , . . , ORKHSAL OIL PAIBTMSOg belounofftoTiioß p, Bell* The chief'portion *> order, eooshttnr of many of the heat works late eminent marine palmer. Tho*. t Birch, £« ALSO. Original productions ot C- KreighoT, ®. S. Bj* Psnl Weher* J. W»Htinii, Md 9,7;, The paintings are now arranged for inspection. Saleffo BM. WtaWßitea Biwe &tHJSEB 0 U> < FDllflTO'ttlS. Olf WBDSBfPAT MOWfI»O f , Bth tost« at 10 a’clock»;&t'£ro?BM Washington„ by. catalogue, t&e Kmue&otd fcuenitora, Tesltlan carpets, cottageftmdtjxre, 4co , &c. May be examined at S o’clock <m the moraim sate. EALE OP MIRGELL AITEOITS BOOSTS, ON WBOHBSOAT AiTIiiSfOOSF, Bfarob Bth t at the aucilofl store* xouodil&neoaslc from a library. • HEOA]*/ 1 „ _ SUET LIBRARY FURWim* OB THURSDAY MORRIS®, At the suction store, eleg&st suit carved oifc as librarr furnitnro, viz: book cue, sola, ara »&, vratl chairs, 3 small arm chairs. Sa'-e at Nos ISS and 441 South Fourth SUPERIOR FURNITURE, LARGE FISS-fsui safe, fine oak pets. * O . 61 * „ . . . ON THURSDAY HORSING, at 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, snpsrior fani? piano forte, targe and superior tire-proof nft. nit Evans & Watson; fine carpets, dw. CANAL BOATBOILB & KBYSEDT. WILLOW STREET WHARF, . OS FRIDAY MOKHIHG, A* H o*«l©clc, jtt the.Jirst w’? *rf above Wfsfd»i the canal boat known as BOYLE A KENSEDI, feet long. 17ti fast wide. IJI tonnage. SPBIKG 8 ALES KSAI. KBTAT S, STOCKS, ti „. , SBCOBB BPBIAG SALE, March?. Estates of Thomas Brawn, W Gieae. MahloiHi lnaon, 8. Hays, and others—33 properties, ver loable. and to be Bold p» remptorily. Hes hsndr yOTOTH SPBIHu SALS, March 11. _ Ifctateaof Charles atitson, K. I- S JaaMna, J. B. Jacobs, W. S. Skinner, Bordley Giba°n, A. It .Beale, Phillips’ minor bt>*, 3. B. Haines, Charles Pox. and others. Estates—33 properties , Bee handbills. „ , oH|TffBPBIHa SALS, 28th March. Schuylkill county coal lands, tho "Pi Head Tract” 63? acres; country seat, Sjlml lane, and. city property. PHILIP FORD &CO„, AUCTIONS 88S MARKET and saa COMMERCE SimU. POSITIVE SALE OP 1 500 CASES BOOTS • , SHOBt. - - ■OK THURSDAY HORSING, March 9th, conunecclxir at 30 o’clock, ws will catalogue, tor cash, 1,600 cases boot), shoes.' halmortac, Ac,, all prime a-d St. goods, to »htsh we invite the attention of billet. FST J. C. McGUIEE & GO., AUCTIiS EBSB, WiSHIJSGTOH. B. .0. '. ; TECSTEB’B BAT.E OF 535 ACHES OF VAPIS' HARD WITHIN FOOT JHILBS OF THIS CAPi “ , By virtue ol & decree of the Supreme Court of ih tnct of Colombia, passed Is the -cause of 8BSS! BOWBIB vs. BBASand WIFI* and other.,!},) Equity, I Trill expose at Public Sale, on THETSi March lfi. 1885, at lSolsdodkM., It fur, if not the fair day thereafter, at the residence of Mr. JOBS DEAF, npontne the Beal Ettite of - IBFI SHERIFF, late of ,}Fashlniton county. I died seized and possessed, containing ahoat 533 This property Is most eligibly situated, beinj about four miles of the Capitol and one of fir Bridie. Itis-wellwoodedand watered, hasp dance of line meadow land, and Is admi'&bl! for market phrpbset. Tbe soil Is of a das c kind and productive, and easy ol cultivation. The Improvement consists of two framed lngs, (one of which'la commodious,) sad ail sary outbuildings, and there an some beautiful mg sues on the premises, commanding a full t mIG Oily, . . The land will boauhdlvided into several small tut . Term* of tala as prescribed by the Beene; os' in cash on the day .of sale, and the resides in eq etanmenteatiWelveandfifghteeh months from! ofsale, with Interest, and approved security. Title Indisputable. Conveyancing and Bavenus Stamps at the cost ■ purchaser. Jf. C. STEPHENS, Trnstee. ftlilSt - JAS. McQUIHBdt C(h7Auctior MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFS - . Washikbto», D. C., Fob. 35. ■Will be gold at Public Auction, la this city, os DAT; the 13th day of Marsh next, attho Medics' keeper’s Depot, comer of Fend kIGHTBESri! at 10 o’clock A. M , a quantity of condemned f Prowrty, cot silting ot Bedding, Cots, groa B«( Tin Cops, Kniree, Forks, P&ckinc Boses, ■ Ac., Ac. • Successful ud4en irfll b* natind to remi stores within. (5) live dan from sris. Term* cy Government ftmda. C SOTSBRLiSt! fe27-13fc Surgeon and IT. 8. A Medical Pott#-’ JJORSESI HORSES II HORSES QtTAKTSBJUJBTXR GSH&AL’S OfPIC*. „ First Division I?abhotgtox City, February 13, HOBBES, suitable for the cavalry service; 5 purchased at GieeboroDepot,, In. open matte April 1,1868. »Oi*ee will be delivered to Captain L hor A. Q. ft. and be subjected to the usual Got* gpertion before being accepted. Specifications, as follows : * * Cavalry Horses, sound in all particular*. well broken* in fail fie food condition, from fifteen'OS) to sixteen (W igb, from five (6) to- nine (9) years old, aaa adapted in every way to cavalry purposes. Hor tween nine (9) and ten 00) years of acre, if still Tii sprightly, and healthy* may be accepted. Price, one hundred and seventy-five dollar.* eadu HonrsoTlnspection, from9A. ft todr.. Payment will be made at this office. JAMES A. fiaia!, , , t, fe!7»tapl Colonel in charge of Ist Pivisloa <3. > qavAlry horses. QwATgnMMtjittTgk’s DsPiBjOSTt Corner TWELFTH and GIB a.*» & U*,SskV Phti;Ai>»LPgiA* Fa,, ?ebroan , lM 5 JtVj Horses suitable for Be cavalry aerrice wiu . chased by the tmdereisoed, in open in&i*e‘» *T5a«Ji SDiz&Bl to be isbjoeted id the usual Govern WSa&'. to U. 8. trn^Stm Wet tern Hotel.Marketstreet* between Thirty- BL Broatstieeta. ***■&■•■ Said horses to be sound inall particular!; Mia fhasJLye, nor more than nineyears old; from wnpE handshiih; foil in flesh; compactlybnlit; and of sizesufficient for cavalry porposse. I? til • By ©jder of Col. H. Blare, Chief Qnarttfiift if; GEO. B. OSS*. felff-tmhlg :-■ » Captain and A fga 'JLT* 7 , boston and phila?-, faff MM? PHHOTBA.MSHIPI.tgg, raillnp'f,:. iMi port on RATCItDA'XB, from first wharf *bf J " £ U Street, Philadelphia. and I»ona Wharf, Bostoa- J|^b ThortoanaMpßOMiß,Oapt. Baker,will**'-i lift Philadelphia for Boston. 08. Saturday, March j *> .#i| jLTMd iteamßliipSAXOJß, Caps. Matthew*, ft*- ; s g ton fct Philadelphia, on the same day at * P. a These tew and substantial steamship* form *s! litjt line, 'sailing frcm each port punctually on Ssta - J ft Irsnrauceaeffetted at one*half the premium ttcf j on the vessels. JK® 1 ' Freight* token at fair rates. ,||Sgg Shippers are requested to send Slip Eecelp* s sa ' g of Lading wilh their goods. 1?^ Rriakt orK»«» ill SS&&. , jaSauVi»»ggtlw afllfc, STEAM. WEEKLY TO,, {CorkHarl>oT?a«Tfel-tao^lteun?™»> : grs CITY OP, BALTIIIOB*.... r .,.SaJBSDi|- V CUT. OF WASHIHGTOW. # SR and BTery aßaraadlaa-SatTirday at Jfooa. W>» |E Kortt Slrar. PASSIOI • IS £ »Sudil to tOHambiirlW so oo to .to IgS Fuawiaara also forwarded to ,o- , jfcV tordazoTZotworp, tot. at winallylow r*"rv,vj.. WEf Paras from BlTervool or (inaeiurtowo: “* ag WS. CMC. Btaaram SSa HTarpog or «HSSV* If Thoaa who wiah toaond for thalr &M e ,i f»;.v tlaketa tore at thsao ratea. , . a®!* -Si.j For farther bifonaatJex ikgr,»* SVio, *t7j Offloaa. lafijro. BttftJSif* £. 1 fe»taß2s .. 111 wiunrr street, - - -J&&. OFFICE SfflfepoKTATitfa d. a. a , «„»■, * KB 80-Jts* South Vends vaulted to tnSport'cwl t« Son'-i^" f c»p> *' Qjg *VA3SB & j§ ’ I t lJm> Txrtety ot KBJR-PKOOF SXr |3 OLD BYES MAPS g|| 1 ■•sat sssastetw*® '% K. B. FOOTE. 1 TOEWAREOF COUNTEKFEIW £ uuPKiHciPtro nuuu a! > dE !’oV tw.a; pose of thoir own uA.otber prup«atw“£y.jß l"‘ tation attained Kr BBLHBOtD’B OBSUWO XATIOftB. aSL-rtatU* U3O BSOADWiT. 5- Ac
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers