OFFBJS OF- TBK CITT BOCTTT -'.«*> coMstrsßion? wAoSwkftna !ILDIHQ, Ho. 613 OBEtsTNUT Stmt. _ Philadelphia, Fob. 35. IBM. [OHOI IS HEBEBI 6IYSS thu this Coonuililos Is w prerarea to TscslYß •sptioottons from sad toiwird oil cuieeiis who shall be drafted for one year's ser- "««*» •.TIIICATisFOBWoRa^ oM„ of th. Commit HU * DMD *>“«*• 0 COOFEB. Booiotory. Jsf** BHWICB.—BMWBB COPPER COM. * j ?*&*., m?» Is not paid, ti for- «? that according to the Charter »UI he sold at PabUe 9t * March, 1885. at 12 M, at AL»ur B Sg?f a P 1 °D h * Company. Ho. &3 £#*ts3 antes* paid on or he e that day. By order of the Board of Director*. .. . , J. 8 KiMOLLttf, Secretary. >ated Philadelphia. Bob. B. ISB. fe7tawfggktnifafl ■ HISS EMlt HAKDDHIII WIU i&Mure on “Liftln California,” gWior the re- SMeryaticaß in that wonderful country, at •HOBET HALL, on WBDMBBDAT IVBNING.the £.*\®**- 35 eeate. Bor sale by ,suvtt’ l!? fch . a ® 4 streets; Mr. Gould, r fotb and Chestnut streets; M. B. Dyott.ll4 8 So' >d Bt.; Br, Child, 634 Kaca Bt.,and the BatV mh'jit* H"* OFFICE SEKEU4. OIL COHPAHT %gfiwMas(SHswt*“* * l *' : W. 0, STILUS, Jt , Secretary. PBUADGWBU. AND BOSros IRTH g °MPANY, OBmHo. 038 Sooth ifo£v?l r f2**pwaentlci Tr«a*arar*# ite ?t%oa l .“”wte« 8 Stoek ® f tu * Comßlßl ' wUl r# - ‘BBl* J ATH4B HttEfßS, Secretary. Cm COMMISSIONERS* OFFICE, ptfrr.AVBLPHJA, March 2, 1865. IGB TO PEO’PBISiOES uF HOTELS, BE9TIU ,/S» hod others enraged in or desirous of telling Ituous, Vinous, or Malt Liquors by less measure one quart; * Commuaioperfl will eit to bear applicants for *se at tbeir Office, No. U STATE-HOUSE ROW (up i), for the several wards, on the following days. >n tie h urs of ten and three o'clock: i and Twenty-sixth Wards—Oa Monday, 6th of >nd and Third Wardt—On Tuesday, 7thof March, arch and Fifth Wards—Oa Wednesday, Bth of Ah. i»h and Seventh Wards—On Thnreday, 9th of (Oa. *hth and Ninth W&rd*-On Fjld&v, lDth of Hareh. nth and Eleventh Wards—On Mjndar, 13th*V !h. relfth end Thirteenth Wards—Oa Tuesday, 14th of Sh. __ _ __ -rteenih and fifteenth Wards-On Wadnesd&y.lOth iareh. : _ * rtccnth and SeveatMUth Wards—Oa Thursday,lBth larch. jgtsenti MS Nineteenth W»fds—On Friday, 17th /©afietli and Twenty, first Wards—On Monday. 20th larch. < ■ fMiyeecona aid Twenty third Wards—On Taei iStst of March. Mnty fourth and Twenty- 4fth Wards—On Wednei /* 22d of Mareh. JOHJT GIVBV, _ ' >*BIUP EUMILTOIT, THOMAB DICKSON, City Ccmmis&ionerg, r OFFICE OF THE HOARD OF HSAI/PH, S, VT, oomer SIXTH and SAtfSOM its. I Philadelphia, Fab. 0, 1885. PHYSICIANS AND COLLECTORS -HoHoe Is jr given, that an ELECTION will beheld at this , on TUESDAY. March7th. 1885. at 12o’clock, tH . i VACCINE PHYSICIANS and ten COLLECTORS :cine Cases to serve until October 3d, in the fol- KDiktilcis; Coraprislnt the Ist and 28th ward*. *' 2d, 3d end 4th wards. ' * sth, 7th and 8 h wards. *- 6th, 9th and (oth wards. *• ILh, 11th, 16tn, and 17th wards. * 1 13th, 14th, 16 th, and 20th ward a ’ 18th tad 19th wards. 23d and 25th wards. . ‘‘ list and 221 wards, , ■ ‘ ‘ 24th ward, snty-flve cents to each physician and. fifteen cents seach collector, will he paid for each case auoceasfai : vaccinated, (except In the 21st, 22d, 23d and 24th fards, of which the physicians and collectors will re live respectively 50 and 25 cents) and duly reported tcoidint to the rules of the Board, copies of which &y he had on application at this Office. ?Fersons deeirlngio he Candidates for said positions hr invited to make written applications prior to said section. By order of the B<ard of Health L fel42l&mh7 WASH. L. BLADEN, Clerk. PimiiCßfl, FOOT WAT.V*, ISO - CHICAGO RAILWAY COMP AH Y, OFFICE OP dS SECRETARY, ftrramras. Pa , Feb' 14 ISM. The Annul meeting of the Stock and Bondholders of lie Company, for the Election of Directors and snob her business as nay oome be fare It, will be heldat la Office of said Company, In threity of PITTSBURG, L-the THIRD WEDSBSDAY (Ifith) of MARCH, A. D. 186, Yt 10 o’clock A. M * The Stock and Bond Transfer Books of the Company, t their Office m the city of PiUeburg, and at the Trane ir Ageney In the city of Hew York, will be closed on 10 Ist day of March, at 3 P M , and remain doted niilthe lltli day of Marob thereafter. felltrnhlß W. H BARHBS, Secretary. BOBBIN *AKM Oil. COttPANY, ■ OFFICE, 3»fl WALBCP Street, Philadelphia, SKCOSD STOET FKOHT HOOtt JtSF Clrctuara can be procured upon application at n offlea of the Company. mbS-lm OFFICE FELTON GOAL GOMPA* HT, Philadelphia. March 1, 1885. A special meeting of the Stockholder* will ho held at lie office of the Company* 407 LIBRARY Street, on iOSDAYi March 6,1885, at 11 o'clock U., to vote on lie question of the acceptance or rejection of a enpple- Pt to the charter of the Company, approved the Uth of lebraary, 1866, anthorlalai an mcreaie of the Ital Stock, and to act on such other batiness as may e before said meetlnf. F. G. H iLLIS, Secretary. M. B.—Annual report fcr IBM now ready for dhtribu mh2-4t BABUL OF WORTH AKERICA, PHILADELPHIA, March 1, 1585. Tie Director, have declared a Dividend of SIX FSB JEST.. pa] able on and after Jfareb 10tb, nU-l<jr J. HOCKLEY, OMbler. OIL CpHPMIES. IHB PIEBBEPOKT OIL COMPAKY OP WEST VIRGINIA, I APITAIi ©150,000, SUBSCRIPTION, ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE, Of naked oader (lie liberal laws of West Tirtfaia, rill close tteir Subsorlptioa List on MOSfDaY, the l3tb lat., unless the ftWTemalniag Shares are taken before ten. IDE ESTATES ABB NOT EXCELLED AS OIL LANDS BY ANY COMPANY YBT POBMXD XS WEST YIKGINIA. Ilia plan of operation of our Company will be that followed by indiTldnale in the development of Petro turn. It has been demonstrated that the most money i made', by selling wells at the market rater, as soon iproonred, This Is the prlnolpal npon which we eiall it. Instead of paying oontinnons dividends, we ■all sell from time to time oar wells and divide the mney in gross among the Stockholders. We have it well already down 800 feet, one down 100 feet, and me down over 125 feet, and the development 'will be mshed vigorously. Betides, we have applications to grant leases on dnty-five acres of the estate of the Company at a royalty of ono-balf of the oil. each party binding them ilves to sink hi least one well at once. It should be remembered that all oar estates are on longing Springs Ban,- exeepting thfee seres near the Eternal Centre Well, and that this Is the only Plate rhere Oil In largely remnneratlre gnantltleshsa eyer its obtained. Froßpeotmes, and all Information, will 1» fuel* ■*en at tte Offlca of the Company, [o. 121'S. THIRD Street, Second Story, Irfcj any oneof the OFFICERS: .AHKLIIT B. WILSON, Baq., Frealdant, Hoa. «3 and ' Chaatnot stiset iORGE H. CHRISTIAN, Eta., TreMOrer, No. 24S iCieitimt street. IBIBT CLIKKBON, Esq., No. 121 Soutk Third street. ISRfH IK KOKKBR. No. 419 W&hmt street. fHM P. O’BBItL, E«2., Ho. 144 South Sixtt street, '■ P. JOHHSOH. K*q.., 80. 1336 Borth Flffli street. WMV H. WALLACE, COMPANY’S OFFICE. k7*ttttbsSfc m _ THE EXCITBMKHT IJi BBOARD to OIL STOCKS has increa«ed to., within th» two wecke that pereone who wen fortnnato ingh to hold Stock of the SCGAB CREEK, and corn leg adjoining It; have realiied hatdeome profit). ,BCGAB OBEBK having struck a well which is at laent flowing 60 Barrel) per day. advanced from $4 to 160 per share.' This hae had great effect upon the ft aof the sue Aß DALE and ASHLAHD, who own Is adjoining the SUCAB-CBBSK. The former ad id W per share. and the demand fbr the latter la so , that the Company will he able to close their tub ition bookatn a few days, iea who wish to subscribe had better do so at once, stock Is at present selling for fil per share, a id number of which can ho had by applying im ilelyto ARFEB, DUBNEY, & 00., 8. —We bare just received information that another l had been airuck upon the adjoining proper tr on jhell Bpb. mh7-tf PETKOIiKUH. THE NEW YOKE AND LIVEBFOOL TEOLEUM COMPANY, OBOANILSD CHUBB THB [Nina ATSD HABUFAOTDBina LAWS OF THB statb of sbw iobk. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLAES, DICE HUNDBED THOUSAND SHAKES, » FSB SHAKE, NOT EIABLE TO ASSESS- lOVEBHKSBT BOBDB AND BBOBEITISB TAKBN -IN PAYMSBT 808 STOCK, - OFFICES: HO. »4 EMPIRE BUILDINO, Ho Tl BROADWAY. HEW YOBS, is* Omtcob Addks**, Bor No. 0308, Nnw Yqbh, ORIDISS, Hob. BASIBI. 8. DICKINSON, President. VK. T. PHIPPS. Vice Fre.ldeat. BOBBKT BABBBTT, Secretary. B. J. BUETIS. Minis* Bnperlnt»nJent,TUn«TlUe,Pa. JIILASHO BANK,Bo- lfl Broadway, N, T, .Treaiary. The wells of the Company ere now pradastat oil* Paimeat for etook mar fce made la drafts. re*trteT»d )tii ( or OnTarnmost bonds ladseontiiies. wbiehboade od Moomles will be taken at their market wm. Beisittanees way be eddrossed. to the P *»£ * ?£*X ? Box *o, £968. Hew Tor* City, .«* l ®*2*B2* r< ?*tn« Tresanry of the Hew Tor* a«d PetfoiettQi Compwjy/ifo. 143 Broad *ork Ojtr. Protpeems seat to any, address on tpptloation. eov Uiaing a foil sad dear aocooat of the oparattons of this fIBCQSSaTCX. FSTBOWW OOKPAHT, No. SS Sooth THIRD Stmt. MEET. OIL COMPANIES. THE STABfBIHO STONE OIL AND MINING COMFANf. CAPITAL 9200,000. SCO,OOO SHARES— FAR VALUE #l. TO BS SOLD—THE REKiIKIHO 80,000 SHADES TO BE DIVIDED EQUALLT AMOHQ THE SHAREHOLDERS. Cost or Property.,,,, iso.^oo. Working Capitol.... $lO,OOO. Each Shareholders Stock Costing but 00 cents per Share. ..The Directors of this Company, desirous to diyelen too mlneial resoaroea of tcelr teriitory, without r— yooreo io the speculative spirit now prevailing, propose to piece their lands In the market on the original basis They desire development. knowing that the legitimate proonctlon of Petroleum Is of more yalttg than the mere excrangeof lands. . Since tbe organization of this Company Infotmatlon has been received that a Well, yielding: Ninety Barrels a day, was strneb last week In tbe vicinity or onr property, on the Standing Stone. Within two days arter the announce ment or this fact, and before tbe Boohs were opened to the public, 21.0U0 shares were subscribed. The Lands of this Company are located a* follows: r ? n8 ttaai <Jf '“d on Mnddy Knn, a branch of HU die Island Creek, in Tyler eonnty, near the great oil m. lions of Greene andVyette, m ThSbiraem 1W sylvasia. This tract eontaina one hundred and dfty f,”™ 8 ' and baa abundant mineral indica- JffiLnWk'Si 1 IkeStb of January, la the. neighborhood, at the depth of three hundred test; and ie now flowing largely The Oil ia lubricating, and a* l&nd is convenient to the Ohio river, the cost of tranejKutfttion will be comparatively email. , One tract of land, in fee simple, containing one hun dred and thirty-four acres, adjoining the above, with unusual developments of Coal. Antimony, sod Asnhal turn* in addition to the abundant indications of Petro leum. 1 tract or land. In fee eimple, containing Mxtr-four aei-Bs.oa Steading Btdne Creek, withtn two mites of the Little Kanawha, and In the immediate viotaitv of the Bernina Spi Inge and Hoghee river terrttorv. This land ie in the heart of the oil region of Weal Virginia, and alt' ongh hitherto undeveloped on account of the "war. the indications of oU are unmistakable Briar Within two miles of the Kanawha river, the faculties for transportation will save a large p. wantage on the price of the oil and mineral*. IV A lease of ten meres on Little Kanawha river, In the immediate vicinity of the treat Llewellyn andKsth bone Wells, which, are the largest .ever discovered to. the histoiy of Petroleum,' the. first flowing three thou sand barrels aday when struck. For mis the Company pay* A ROYALTY OF ONK TSHTfi Of THB OIL Tae valueof this lease will be understood when we state tkat a mw wall. flovUc two haodradjbtrtein, wa« strnok Ui tieneigbboflioea, on tlio Burning Spring Ban, within the last few days. 6 Y . A lease adj oining the above, for which the Company gives a royalty of only 0 s K-TEVT« ofithe oil. a. .. 3PYI.BR COOBTYI - . Id presenting the lands of Tsier c aunty to iheaUen tion of the public, the Directors will merely reprint the following extracts from evidence of the most trust* worthy character: [ P*om the Pittsburg Commercial. ] A correspondent, writing from How Matamoros, Tyler county. West Virginia* says that oil was struck, on the fthlnst, on Middle Island Creek* five miles from the Ohio jriver, at what is called Htseam’s Mills, in county. The well is at a depth of some three hundred feet, and the oil was pumped up by a hand pump. The news flew like wild fire, and those who sold their lands optionaliyfor $lOO per acre some time since, are now sorry that &ey have sold. R early all tne lands are bought or leased In the county, and great excitement prevails there. Fiom the Special Report to Forney’s Press , published December 6th. 1864, and understood to be from the pen of an editor of that journal who was sent by Mr. For ney to make a tour of the West Virginia oil region; “In Tyler county, especially around the county seat, Bfiddleburne, the evidences of oil are very abundant;. This i» so near our State that one almost imagines he is riding on Pennsylvania farms. The people of Tyler county are an intelligent, busy class, and more enter* prfllng than any of tne other counties 1 have visited. They have taken their own lands in hand, and do not invite the ontside world with as much avidity as more humble neighbors on the Little Kanawha. As an evidence of their confidence in their own enterprise, i know of one lentlem&n now living near LUtersviue Who refused fifty thousand dollars for a tract of land not more than eighty sores in extent. He was boring a well at the time, and the neigh bora around him were also boring wells. The capitalists of the VFest, from Ohicago. St. Louis, and Cincinnati, as well as the capitalists from Boston, who came rather late into this new business, are greedily and eagerly endeavoring to supplant the masters of these coveted lands, fhe oil territory that extends from Middlebnrne, Tyler county* if the surface indications are borne out, will be the great oil basin of the continent 11 The necessary machinery is now ordered, and an effi cient Superintendent already at work for the prompt development of the lands, so that an early return may be expected from investments in this Company. OFFICERS. PRESIDENT, ISAAC COOPiB, . Of the arm of Cooper A Conard, S. £. corner of HINTH and MARKBr Streets. JAMBS y Office of the Company. SBCRSHA&T* CHAS. H. SIDBBOTHAM. Froipeetne, with Maps of the Company's estates, or dered. and will be ready in a few caye. Subscription Books now open, at the Office of the Company, Mo. 417 WALNUT STREET, mh7 tnths tf Boom No. 3, Third Story, iggp THE PEOPIE’S EQUITABLE OIL COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. HIV TOSH, AND BOSTON. TWENTY-FIVE CBNTS FEB SHAKE POB FCLL PAID STOCK, CAPITAL, 880,000 SHABEB. AT SI, FAB. WORKING CAPITAL, 100,000 SHABES, OB ,85,000. The equitable bxsia Upon which tb 1b Company lftform ed, and the character of Its interests, should commend it to those shoot Investing ln'OllCompanies. Oar plan differs from that of other organisations, in asmuch a* that every person who subsorlbss enters the Company upon the “GROUND FLOOR,” as it is termed, or, in other words, becomes a purchaser of the property, and shares all the profits; therefore, in order that all, both RICH AND POOR, may he enabled to participate, it has been deemed ad' disable to lsane the stock at the remarkably low price of 95 CENTS PER SHARE, thereby enabling persons of limited means to secure an Interest at a small cost, with .every prospect of speedy and handsome returns. The property consists of 238 acres, In French Creek towpship, Venango county, Pennsylvania, and bnt a very shoit distance [from the ‘ ‘ Adamantine Well.” ol two hundred barrels, struck last week, on Bast Sandy Creek. No. 1 Is a lease of twenty yean, free Of royalty, of 100 acres, on West Sandy Creek,, four miles from Frank lin, and Immediately adjoining the town of Waterloo; has a frontage of one hundred rods on the creek, and over fifty acres of fiat boring territory. The railroad, now finishing from Jamestown to Franklin, passes Within fifty rods of the properly. " No. 2 Is 188 acres, in fee simple, half anile from tbs above, on Seaton’s Run, a tributary of West Sandy, The ran passes through the property, thus furnishing a long stretch ol boring territory on both sides. There is also a heavy vein of coal in the blnfl*. Three wells will he put down without delay. The subscription hooks will he opened on MONDAY nest, March 6th, and remain open one week, as fel lows, in Philadelphia: At No. BO South THIRD street, and at the Office of the Treasurer, No. 39 South SECOND Street, above Cbestunt. T. H. SHOEMAKER, President. SAMUEL TOWNSEND, Treasurer. mM fit WH, B. RICHMOND, Secretary. UNION OHEEEY BON BASIN OIL HIEING COMPANY OP PITTSBURG. CAPITAL STOCK—....-.™-, $230,000 . In aSO.OOOShtres of ONE DOLLAB Bach. $30,000 of which is set aside for working capital. Only a limited number of shares to bo sold. OPFICSBB. FUUSIBSUT. I BTRBOTOBS. WH. McOOTCHEON. JOHS P. KKAMKR, liberty etreet, Pittsburg. (c&sbter first Natioa&l Bank, Allegheny. |_, B_B.MoBLBOT. iOMUcßlroy, J>icfcgon.i Go., "Wood Street. Pittsburg. TBEASUKSK, R. A. QBuSQB, Caehier Fanners’ Z>aoadt ftattowti Bask* Pitt 8- tmrgr. SBCBBTAKY. JAMES McOBTCHBO*, Liberty street, FUtsburf. BUPB*IETBKI>E3rr. TEOMaS B. GLASS, Oil City, Fa.-' The property is located entirely in Yeaanio county, Pennsylvania. AND CONSISTS OP First. 194 acres choice territory in fee simple on Hickory Creek, oommenclns about 275 rods froze its month, en the Allegheny river, and extending along either side of the creek & distance of 230 rods, making a water front entire of 600 rods, or room at least for 5100 Welle. The developments now being made in this lo cality, combined with the late strikes on Pit Hole G*e«k, and other tributaries of the river, show and establish conclusively the-fect that time and labor are the only hecetsary reanisites to the obtaining of large paying wells on this territory. The land is subject to two If mm of one*half acre each, the Company receiving one-half the oil, and being at so expense. Second. One-anartor lease-hold lots Eos. 43 and 49. ALLBOHBRT PBTBOLSUBf COMPART. On the Allegheny river, about ona* fourth mile above Horn Creek and about thirty rods from a well now said to be producing 40 barrels of oil per day. These lots join front, each 8 rods on tba river and extend baok some 20 rods—making a frontage of 16 rod*, TWO WELLS Are going down on this property, one of which Is nearly eompleted, being about some 400 feet, The in dications are that this will be a big well, as already “ fl “ ’2BSk°TO*FHBsa > ’SiSsr'ffasiSarfiftfShvißL * BPBINGFIBLD PBTBOLBOM COMPANY, Oa Cherry Eon, about three-quarters of a mile above the “Bead”well, and bora short distance from the "Auburn,” "Yankee,” and other good welt*. Tnare la room on tie property for three wells. one of which }e now beta, vigorously prosecuted. TMrty.days, L is confidently bellved, will make this well ready for teet tac. ee the machinery end every thin, connected with It 1* of the first order. Lease, 20 years; Royalty, one- Fourth. 9 The entire lean hold of lot So. 18. BT. HIOHOLA3 OIL COMPANY. On Cherry Bun. On this property there la room for four well*, one of which is now being eonk. As this lease »iocateo near the famous Seed,' Baker, and Gro cery Webs, producing rerpecti-ely aft), 100, and 200 bands, them is scarcely a doubt of abundant success. The record ot Cherry Eun chronicles no failure in tole favorite locality Lease. 20 years; Realty, hsif the oli MrtcqrfpU* n Book fora limited number of the above sharennow epenatthe officeof 340 anc 242 tforth FBOIf r Ssrest. Philadelphia, Feb. 27. 1865. xniuSt TTBLMBOLD’S EXTRACT OP SAR XI SaPablLLa cleanses and renovates the bleed. It .tile the vigor of health Into the. System, and purges out tba humote that make disease. WM. McCUTCHBON, Liberty street, Pittsburg. Si. t B. M’ABOY, Pittsburg. JOHN M CRAWFORD. New Castle, Pa. BBBHBZBR MoJUNKIN, - Butler, Pa. Hon. JOHN H. DUNLAP, -Lancaster, Pa. OIL COMPANIES. |giP» THK ' JAMIESON OH COMPANY. CAPITAL 8500.000. 50,000 SHARES. One-fifth ef the Capital Stock Be- served for WORKING CAPITAL. PAR VALUE OP SHARES, *lO. SUBSCRIPTION FBK3K FOB FULL-PAID STOOK, #2.00. FBBHDBNT. JAMBS BTCH4H IN. TRBABHBBR. ROBERT CLARKSON. SECRETARY. SAMUEL F. BABCOCK. yjIBEOTOBB. JAMES BUCHANAN. I BOBIBT OLABBSON, • H. B. LiADEKMAN, . I MAXWELL ROWLAND', Xi* M. BBLX fiits. OFFICE OF THE COMPANY. 0 : »h xftsonlli THIRD Streep Pblladtas The property of thls Company is situated In Venango county, Pennsylvania. It embraces the following very superior Oil tract*: 1. Sixty-seven acres, in fee simple, on the west hank* of the Allegheny river, in Tioneata township, about a mile above the borough of Tionesta. This tract contain* ue widest and most promising portion of the Jamieson Plate, which ie the most productive portion of the river Oil territory within many miles, it has a frontage on the river of one-eighth of a mile, and extends back from > U»e same abent three-fodrthe of a mile.-encloslng the bed.of a •mall stream called Jamieson’* run. Nearly l the half: of this tract is fiat, and adapted for boring, ft lies in immediate proximity to several wel'B nowprodu cing. Within a few feet of the boundary line dwell is noiofiotoing v ~ * There are also three Wells on adjoining properties jftieh are pumping, the most celebrated of which, the Sowers well, is within a few rods. • J&mieson’s inn forme a broad and level valley on this tract, which is regarded b? Oil operators as most favorable for Oil. The quality of the Oil prodneed-on thaadjoininr lands is very superior, being need by the workmen for lubrica ting thßir engines? it is at present worth about $l5 par barrel at the wells. The successful operations on the Jamieson Flats have given value, as Oil property, not only 10 the immediate neighborhood, hut to the vast body of las d son the Tionesta creek. The Company's lai a is well wooded, and they will, therefore, be saved the great expense of fuel. • 3 One and three- quarter acres, in fee simple, on OH Greek, on tie Fleming farm. This land is directly on the bank of Oil Creek, with lane flowing wells in close proximity; a one hundred barrel well is on the adjoin ing territory. The NobJe well is within two miles This tract is perfectly flat, and ofimmeme value, being in theheari of the best uil producic* territory in the world. 3. A perpetual lease of three one acre lout, on the great flats just below Titusville; it was on these flats that Oil was first discovered. This lease it subject to a royalty of one-fourth of the Oil. The Company propose to proceed l oitn, the greatest diligence in the development of their lands , ana desire to give their stock intrinsic and permanent value. information wilt be cheerfully furnished at the Office of the Company, No. fcSS6 South TtnRD Street, wfuttv Subscriptions will be received at Two Dollars and a Half frr each Share of full paid Stock. . Subscription# toUl be also received by the Treasurer , op mail or otherwise* at CLARKSON & CO. 'S Bank ing Souse, No. I&XSouth THIRD Street, where books arenow open. mbs 6fc XfiQß CAMERON PETROLEUM CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA. CAP1TAL................81,000,000. SHARES 300.000. FAB VALUE. ...■■»■■ ......-~.-t5.00. BOBSCBIPTION PE101.~..~...~«_,a.50. PBESIDENT. VANCE STEWART. OF MSKOSB OOPUTT, PA. E. G. JAMES, OF PHXLADBLPHXA. BEOKBTARY. J. L. DARLINGTON, WHAT OHBSTHK, PA. DIRECTORS, VANCE' STBWABT.Mermsr Monty, F»- JOHN B. LEONARD, Vert Chut*. P». D. 0. FORNEY, VaeMlUrton. D. 0. HENBY D. OOOKB, WaablnitOß, D. 0. SIMON CAMERON. Harrisbnr*, Fa. JOHN a DIEHL, Philadelphia. JOHN F. OBAFF, PhUadelpMa. GBOKGB O. EVANS, Philadelphia. JAMES DHFFY, Marietta, Lan tarter eo.. Pa, The present and prospective value of the stock of this Company may be Inferred from the fact that it owns a fee simple interest in ,73 (four hundred and seventy three) acre* of the rtehest-teetedoU territory InYenanga county, believed by the meet experienced oil men In that roilon to be capable of producing a net annual in come .to the Company of one and a half million dollars, or three times the entire cost of the stock, which would be equivalent to twenty-five per cent, a month, on its subscription price, or one hundred and Aft!/ per cent, per annum on tie par valve. - The following is a description of the Company’s pro perty: One-fourth fee simile Interest in the eelabratsd “HeOver ” Farm, situate on the Allegheny river, about two and one-half miles below Franklin, con taining 282 (two hundred and ninety-two) acres, with 382 rods (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river, on which there are now twelve leases, each tan reds sanare.and from which the owners of the fee simple gat one half the oil. free of all expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners of the fee, from which they get all the oil. Oh this Farm there are now ten wells in operation, producing an average of ten barrels per day, and several others axe about being tubed. There are also on it (87 (eighty-seven) more lots snrvurcd, and more than fifty applications are now standtairo lease the latter for one half the oil to the owners. Out ot the twelve.wells on this Farm eleven are now paying handsomely; a fact which sufficiently demon strates the great richness and reliability of the terri tory. Is the entire fee eimple interest In 181 lons hundred and eighty-one) aeres, situate on the Allegheny river, near ly opposite the "Hoover” Farm, and a little nearer Franklin, at the mouth ot Hill Bun, having a front of M rode on the Allegheny river, and one mile on both aides of Hill Eon, with ample boring surface for one hundred wells, or Lots of ten reds square. This tract is known as the "Stewart Farm,” and is Hear of all leases or incumbrances of any kind. There is now in. operation a fifty-barrel well (beside several smaller ones) on the Cecbran Farm, which ad joins this on the south. In fact, the “ Stewart ” Farm Is surrounded with good-paying wells, and within a short rime a single lease of 80 rods front, on the imme diate opposite ride of the river, sold for $165,000 (one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars.). On this lease a good well has been struck within a few days. In addition to the territory of the “Stewart” Farm, Which Is believed to he equally as good as the " Hoov er,” there are on it a three-story Grist Hill, with fins water-power, a good farm-house, and other buildings, hat will be of uio to the company. » The durability of this immediate oil section Is Gins (rated by the fact that some of the wells on the “Hoov er" Farm have been tramping for ever four yean, with out any material diminution in their yield, while the oil here produced, from its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one to two dollars per barrel more than the oil at Oil Creek. The officers of the Company feel justified in present ing the following estimate of what, with vigorous management, the above lands can be nude to yield for the benefit of the stockholders in a comparatively Short time: THE "BTBWABT FABH.” There is room on this for ono hundred lots of ten rods square, all of which can be leased immediately for one half the oil, free of all expense to the Company, Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred-wells, although there Is room for three hundred) st the very moderate average often barrels each, would make a ■ Daily product of-——.. ■■■— LOCObbls. Ont of this the Company's share would be. too bbls. Value of daily yield to the Company, at ten dollars per bbl (it is now selling at $13.60.)™ —— 1.™.™.. *B,OOO 00 Allowing three hundred working days to the year, this would make the Compa ny’s annual net receipts, from the Stew art Farm alone.™™ ,™.,.™™. LBOO.OOO 00 Allowtagthesameestlmatesforthe “Hoov er ' ’ Farm, in which the Company owns one-fourth In fee of the land interest, the annual net receipts from the latter would he....- —™™-™. 878,000 00 Making the, annual receipts from both farms •«.—• - .....—• ■ ■......1,878,00000 Dedusting from this amount the sum ot (378,000 for contingencies, would leave . the Net Annual Income of the Company™™. $1,500,000 00 ALL THEBE LOTS CAN BB IMMEDIATELY LEASED, If it Is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-lurif the ,011, wltheovenantabtadtaglesieeato sink wells, with all possible diligence, to the depth of 800 or more feet. A FEW PLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Yon are not asked to subscribe to this Stock with tbs expectation of Immediately narivtax large dividends, but the baric on which the Company rests. It Is be lieved. will make year investment not only safe, bat, prospectively, of enormous value. the present prices of oil, tbs Com pany s annual receipts (without any further develop ment) would be forty thousand dollars, or right, per sent, on the cost of the stock. The President, Hr. Stewart, Is one of the most pjaett eal and experienced ell operators In the 'State, and Us residence near the Company's property and, general oversight of its management is the best guarantee that no efforts will be spared to make the Investment pro fitable. Applications for a large proportion of rite stock have already been made, but none will be reoeived nnttl rim books of the Company am regularly opened tor that purpose. Only a limited amount of (he stock will be told at subscription prise. The stock will be issued full, said, without farther assessments. BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION will be open far a tow dsrs, oa and after January 18, 1866, at she office of E. G. JAMES, Treasurer, NO. 101 WALNUT Street. Philada. q'HE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH. A —Therefore, the nervons and dehftitsted should immediate!) use BELMBOLB S extract BDCHU. m .PRESS-pmEABEtPHIA, TtrESPAr. MA.RCH 7. 1865. / M«MTA«Y._. : ■ S GRANT HOST HAVE | MORE MEN ! 1 WILL LOYAt. OraZESS OOMBXITE TO GIVE LET EVEET HAS HAKE HTMSEUFA BKCBOITIira OFFICES. The Veterans are etiy to ko to the front without de lay. if citizens will do iheir duty. Let every Veteran who enlists join the BIRNEY URIQAUE, now forming in Philadelphia, . . . . Be shall receive all his bounties In cash, and b» *t tached to the Corps of the bravfr&nd gallant HANCOCK, - - This war will be ended Insixty dkysifevery nan and woman in tbs country will do *U tn theirpower to send men to the army. There are enough discharged eoldiere willing to return to the front, if proper meats are used to induce them to go. to enable General Grant to take Richmond, destroy Lee's army, and end the war without the aid of the Peace OcssrnisaioDers of Jeff Daria. Let tnr procure them ana Bend them forward. THE BISSrSY BRIGADE. General Hancock is ncrfr recruiting, under the orders of the War Department, a* corps of veterans—»J%a who hare seen service for two years or more, author's been honorably discharged from the aenriee of the United States. It requires very little argument to prove* that such men are worth infinitely more than ten times their number in raw recruits or bounty pampers. THE BRIGAKSB&tiGS. Each recruit will be furnished with a Badge com*- memorative of the service and honored memory of Major General D. B. BIBNEY, which will be Sr.proud souvenir of the true veteran soldier who haa re-enlisted in the Blraev Brliade. • BEPbRsENTATIVB BSORUITR . in the proposed brigadetevey man'er woman desirous of sending a r*p: eaentativo recruit fo-the army can do so by the payment or $5O to any of theiunUemen named, or any of the foregoing committees orttflksamsl£wiU be paid to the recruit, and $26 will bWretained by the Tn asorer of the Committee to defray the extraordinary expenses, including inuaic, printing, &e.‘s As., incident fo raising troops. Let every man and woman, in the . Btate r who desires to be represented in the army come ■ forward and make this investment for the-purpose of strengthening the ranks of the army. DOnot wait to be called on, but send the money ana procure a Repre sentative) Veteran Reeruit, one who has and*east make himself of service to our Government tn its hour of trial. Don’t count the coat.wDl p^a^handioixm*dtYidend. . Shall be treated with frankness and equality;- Bfoi one dollar jhall be taken from their bounties, will be paid them without commission or discount, ft is oar purpose tovaise this brigade without'the aid oreubsti tute brokers, and not a single bounty*jamper wili be admitted. wewiU fcreat every soldier as agentifrmaa, and every promise shall be kept If he is injured, the Chief of Detective Police will discover the reasoh, and apply affimmedlateremedr. BOUNTIES AHB PAY. , v The net pay of a Veteran Volunteer in Hancock’s Corps Is, vi*:: For-one_rear-oovemmenl Bounty.*** •»*+»*.**,„.. $4OO City of Philadelphia Bounty-. 400- Monthly pay from-United-States Cfewernment, $l6 per month*,..—.*•■»,,,.*•«. 193 Clothlßaaccouiit year1v........^..4% Ward. Bounty (averagejw........... —.m*,...,.*** 30 City Belief for Famtlfee- o# Vofouskeers* $8 per . tQOttd.mnM,,• »j«mw4*»••••» ....... .t.Mtw~4, ; 73 T01A1m...,, ISI The net®*, of "Veteran Volwatßera Iter two'years tn Hancock Goi-p* is; visr Government Bounty* -*.-.***♦*** 1009 City-of Monthly pay from United' States Government, $l6 , Clothing account, $43 per year~~-*. 64 Ward Boaab,isve;aie)u« K . M .^.,m*. n * MM . 4 i 36 City relief for family, SS’permosttw.-—..hi .v Total. ~ ...... Jr.<1.687. _The net pay of a Veteran Volunteer fbutfcra years In Hancock’s Corps is, viz: Government Bouotr. M ii $6OO Gity of Philadelphia Bounty..6oo Monthly pay from United States Obvenunewt, $l6 Clothing account, s43peryeart....~.~..«*..«*.~+* 138 Ward Bounty, (average). » Gity relief for families, s6per m0nth.............. 316 Total.' 1 ( [[|l . m 64S _ OBGiHIZATIOH TO EAISB THSBSJ3ADE. * The committee who have charge of the organisation of the Brigade are: O W. Davis,_HSnry C. EFoweli, Gao. Bullock, David Faust. John - W. Evemnau, Joseph F. Tobias,- D; 8 Winebrenner, Seth B: Stitt. _ Executive Officer of the Committee,. BEN JAM lAT FEAHKLIB, Chief of Detective Police - of the city of Philadelphia. Treasurer, MOBTON MoHIOHABL, Jr,, Cashier of First Rational Bank. The Brigade will be composed of' Three Regiments One will oe rabed under the direction- of the corpora tions of Philadelphia. Prom these corporations the committee will consist of Col. Thomas A Scott. Vice President of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company; Frederick Fraley*. President of the Schuylkill Navigation Companv: Chas. B. Pmith, President of the Beading Railroad Company; Thomas C. Hand, President of the Delaware Mutual Insurance Company {Stephen A. Caldwell, President of the First National Bank of Philadelphia, The 3d Regiment will be raised under-the direction of the Manufacturers, Merchants, and Brokers of Phila delphia. The: committee will consist of Barton H, Jenns, Lemuel Coffin, Henry, Lewis, Jr., Charles L. Borie (ofC L. A H. Boris), John W. Sexton (of Jay Cooke *Co ) ■ The 8d Regiment will be rairtd under direction of the Cora Exchange. The committee appointed are nhertea Knecht, President of the .Corn Ixcnange, S. <3. James, SamuelL. W^tfUie^JameeF; Perot. It Ir an, object worthy of your consideration on. re entering the serviceto obtain all 'the money you can, in order that you may invest it for the benefit of your families, without being taxed for commissions by sharks, substitute brokers, andother commission men of aiy character whatever when you*are mustered into the United States -service as a Voj onteer- the Di»* burning Officer pays you $333 for one year,.sod*s6B more at the end of your term. - The City of Philadelphia gives you a City Warrant for f4OO, ‘upon the presenta tion of yonr mastering-in certificate to the Bounty Bund Commission. The veteran who retains his warrant for the City Bounty can have it stamped by the City Treasurer, making it bear interest at the rate-of slxtoarcent. per annum. The committee aiding me wifi pay each veteran who retains hii City warrant in cash a sum sufficient to make the interest he will receive from the City, 7 7-10, so that It will be equal ita the Government loan. The City Warrants will soon be paid by the City ofFbliadelphla, principal and interest, and the votean will be able to procure the Government loan to the amount of the face of the warrant. This is all the local bounty yougat, with the excep tion of the Ward bounty. Of Course yon will secure the Government pay of 916 per month, $l2 per year fbr yonr clothing; and. at the end of yonr term, you are pre sented with your handsome breech-loading rifle, which can he fired from 16 to 20 shots per minute. HOW YOU SHOULD IfIVEST TOUR MOSSY. The 7 30 is sow being absorbed by the capitalists of the world at the rate of millions t>er day. The Gov ernment agents and National Banks will furnish you the certificates of Loan. For every hundreds dollars, you invest you receive an interest of two cents per day, equivalent to ten cents per day on *very*liTe hundred dollars Invested This amounts to three dollars per month, which added to your monthly pay* will yield yon nineteen dollars. Thu bond >«an be turned Into cash at any time. It will soon be at a premium. ' OFFECBS.' The Chief Office of the Brigade is at the If. JB. corner of SIXTH and MIHOK Streeia. _ ; The Recruiting Offices areat FIFTH and PBTTNK Streets* and Military Hall, THI&D,-below Green streat. Bl£HMOtfD HALL* Nineteenth -ward, has been de signated as Headquarters for the men after they are mustered. J. BARCLAY FASSITT, mb7-tf Secretory of tsOmmUtee. U TO MEN OP COLOR!' IIT HIGHEST BOUNTIES EVER PAID,' $54)0 PAID WHEN HVBTEHED- IN. Ton are now offered And will be treated in EVERY BBSPHOT the same as ■white moldtere, Great care 1b exercised In the eelectlon of vour officers. As soon ms mastered yon wilt ee sent to CAMP WILLIAM PENN. beautifully located at Chelton Hills, one of the best regulated camps lathe country, wheie every attention is paid to the comfort ofthemeu. w A Volunteer will receive for one year SEVEN HUN DRBD said THIRTY-FOUR DOLLARS (*Y3*)r EX CLUSIVE OR CITY BELIEF FOR FAMILY oFSgSS. Over $5OO of which he oaa leave with his family,, or invest in sold-bearing bonds. COLORED MEN THROUGHOUT TH* COUNTRY COMB FORWARD! Do not hesitate and remain at home to fill inferior positions, when the opportunity ts offered yon to volunteer as a SOLDIER OR THB RB PUBLIO, and to prove yonrself worthy to be a CITI ZEN OR THB BKrUBLIO. CALL AND RECEIVE YOUR PULL BOUNTY. EOBT. E. CORSON, mh7-6t HEADQUARTERS 1»10 CHESTNUT Street. 'JHE ‘‘EVENING TELEGRAPH.” THIS AFTE pNO ON. GIVEN EAST NIGHT AT WASHINGTON. THIS WAS THE GRANDEST AND. MOST IMPOSING AFFAIR THAT HAS EVER OCCURRED OX THIS CONTINENT. BEAUTY,' FASHION, AND DRESS, THE SCENES AND INCIDENTS, FASHIONBLE LIFE AT THB CAPETAdI, APPEARANCE OF THB WHITS.ROUSE, HISTORY AND DESCRIPTIONS, OF ALL. THE, INAU GURATION BALLS OF THE. PAST! All epeelally reported for THE " EVENING TEMBRAPH.” . \ The **EVBNING;TELBGRAPH"- le now generally conceded to he the great live newßptper of the city. It contains the lnteet War News,, and fall telegraphic re ports of all important events transpiring in. every part of the world. Served by careful carriers in all parte of the city. It* PRIOE.THREB CB^TS. BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS !! Jn.tro«lved^r HmuD & (Hazard’s old stand), Ho. 7»AGHESTffUP Street. GYOBGE GBCTH OF FfiJl COUBT. A Navel. By F. G Trafford. author of M Too Mach Atone. ’ ’ Ac, BXILES IN BaBTLON: Or. Children of Light MIBACLBS OF. H^A^BNLYLOVE IN DAILY LIFJB. Two new bf-oks by A L. 0. S. English editions. NOTHING. Bos MONEY T. ». Arthur. BALLANS. -By Miss Edward*. Printed on tinted paper, gilt edges. A beautiful little book. . AUTOBIO Gi APH Y OF LYMAN BBSGHBB. VoL S sow ready. OUB MHTT7AL PBIEND. By Charles Biekens. MY BEoTHER’&WirSv By Amalia B. Edwards, author of “Barbara’s History. ” MATTIE: A STB AY- A new novel 5 paper coyer, BHENiNDOAB VALLEY. Campign of ml. By Sober* Patterson. late Major General of volunteers. KITTY TBEVXLYAN S DIARY. By the author of the “Schoaberg Ootta Family.” English and Ameri ''walEWOOD. A Novel. By the author of ’‘Easy Nat” ' ALL TBS NEW BOOKS received as soon as tamed from tbe press. mh6 if PETROLEUM AND PETROLEUM A wells —new work on petroleum and THE OIL REGIONS -Every ono at pmeeiii £ oaetrous 01 knowing everything nonlble about Petroleum, and iho region, where it le tube ronnd. To meet this,want, a convenient hand-book has h-aa pnh'i-hed, wtththo llte, ‘‘Petroleum and Petroleum Wells,'' showing what Petroleum is. where It Is to ho found, and what It le need for; where to mink. Petroleum, Wale, and how to rink them: being, at the tame time, a uomplote Guide Bock msddMorlpaonof theoii Regions or t*een«ylv»- nla. Weet VOginla, and Ohio. Sunk a hand book is greatly needed at the present time, and It will m-et the wants of that large and rank ly luereaeing class of the community who have • * oil ou the bralu, ’• The author or the honk hae the advantage t>t aege.iblng what he has actually seen and knows about. Price, 50 rents. ~ J_B LIPPtNCore & GO., It 715 and 71T MARKET Street. OIDNEY GEQIIGE FISHER’S - , , NATIONAL CURRENCY, Renly to. Pr.ce, 55 cents. Published ev,a foreale. et *l9 CHESTNUT: Street. WM* > \ JOHN CAMPBELL. THEM. TO HIM ? .fco’lr&a VBTSRAm $64)0 BOUNTY FOB OSBYEAK SAME PAT! SAME BOUNTY! SAME EELIEF 'MONEYY Witt OOKfAIK, A RULE AND GRAPHIC AOOOUNH GRAND INAUGURATION BALL* u. s. I^OAN. ■v authority of th» Bnmtny of th* Trssrary, Bio undersigned baa usunad ths Gsnsrnl Bnbsarlntfon Agsnoy for tba late of Umfod gtatoa Tressury JTotaa* fcoatfai aorta nni Hum- tenth* par tank intern* par annum,'knowunsth, - • XbaaaNote*aralamed under 4»t* of Angurtl*. UN. and ara parabla threa roan from that time, la or raa«r. or ara eonvertlhl, at the option of tba holder Into These Bonds an bow worth a premium of nine per sent., Including told interest from November, which makes tho actual profit on tba 7-SO Lout, at current rates, lnelndin* interest, aboat tan par odtt, par an trum, besides its exemption from state and municipal taaurtton, which adds from one to three per cent, more, aeeerdinc to tba rata levied on other property. Tba interest is payable Mml anxnslly by coupons attaehad to each note, wblab map be eat off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest amounts to One cent per day on a 860 note. '• Two mite per day on a 8100 note. Ten eents per dsy on e $5OO note. Twenty eenta per day on a *l,(X»iote. Oho Dollar per day on a *6,000 note. _ Ksterofairtbodnnontnations named win be prompt ly ftsfoished apom receipt of subscriptions. This Is now oßtred by the Government, and It ia confidently expeoteGthat" ltr snperlor advantages will make it the oBEArmpUDAB or the jpeopi,e. tese than *»RO0O,O0O mmabunuold, wblab will pro bably be disposed" of within the next sixty or ninety days, when Bib' notes will undoubtedly tomaand a premium, as has uniformly been tba ease on closing the subscriptions ofother Doans. In order tbafettlrens of eyory town and seetlon of tba aonntry may bo-afiSrded faetlltles for taking the bum, the HattinalßankS, State Bulks, and Private Bankers throughout the sonntry have federally arraed to re eelve subscriptions** par. Bnbsorlber* will seleet their own arents, in whom they ban* sanMsnss, and who only are to be responsible forthe delivery of the notes for wbleb they rsertva orders. No. 114 SOUTH* THIRD STREET, - 7.30. ADAMS As LEVIS, BANKERS AN© 5 BROKERS. aOVKBMMBHT SBCUBHTBS AMD STOCKS BOUGHT, GOLD ABB BILVIK BOUGHT AND ,SOLD. Special attention given to OIbiSTOGES. mhl-Sm EDWABD BOBIBS. BOBAOB ». PBAKSON, J£DW. ROBINS CO., STOCK AND EXCHANG-E BBOIEBS, So. 47 SOUTH 111 I HIS STREET, PHILADELPHIA. All KISBB OF BABE NOTIB, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS. AND GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, BOUGHT AND'SOLD. Collections made on all parts of tbo country. Deposits reoeived, subject to sight draft, and Interest allowed, foag-Sm gECOND NATIONAL BANK, . OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LATE IRON CITY TRUST OOMFANT.) CAPITAL. 8300,000. BANKSSB’ AND MERCHANTS' COLLECTIONS promptly attended to on the moat favorable terms. 6. E. WARNER, President. JOHN B. PATTERSON, Cashier. fe«-3m NEW BANKERS AND-BROKERS, W» DOGK STREET, DEALBRB IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIBB GENE RALLY. 1040 BONDB ’ mS.S^StrWSB. 8 - . 4Mtoi) M BOIJ. BT HENRY A, HEWER SONS, DEALEBB IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, No. Aft PINE Street, NEW YORK. In view of the prospect of PBACB andvt FALL Ilf. GOLD, holders of Gold Bonds will do well to detach the Coupon* and realize the interest at present rates for Geld. Parties residing out of the city wishing to cash their Coupons can forward them-by express, and we will re* turn the Gold or Us value in greenbacks, as desired. feiaaot __ ; SAME-FENSION! CHARLES BXOBT* ALES BRJISOS, JR. QHARLES EMORY & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 15 Soitflk Ttaircl street, PHILADELPHIA. All kinds of uncurrent funds and Gold and Silver bought and sold, and Collections made. Particular attention given to the purchase and sals of Government, Stat6| and) other Stocks and Loans on com* mission. noßQfim g 8. LEECH * COMPANY, BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, MO. 1* FABtiUHAR BUILDINGS, (WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD), PUHADBIPHIA. Gold, Government Bond., oil mi XisedlanMiu fltoeke, bought mud .old on Commisalon at the Board of Broken. Deeiem In Foreign Exchange. Letter* of ere dlt lnuci on London, Parle. Antwerp, he. JaWSm gPEOIAL ATTENTION PAID TO SMYTH, RAKDOIePfI.* CO.. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE 1 OS' TBS QpMPTKOLI.EE OP TBS COSBBSGr, Waohihotoh. JannarrStf, ISSS Whtnat, By •atlttoetory evidence presented to the nnderalirned, It luta been made to appear that THE katioSal sxcaaJJaß ba«u>f pMlapelphia. Inthe.oityof Philadelphia, in. the county of Philadel phia. and State of Pennsylvania, hae been doly area- Hired under and aeeordlnt to the requirements of the Aet of Gonareea entitled “An, act to provide a national Ctureney, teemed by a pledge of. United State* bond*, and to proylde for the elrettlatlon and redemption thereof," approved June 3,-1804, and baa compiled with, all the proylalona of xald aat required to be .compiled, with before eommenelni the bMUan.of banking under £BidAcfc~~ Now, »«r«fOre* I, HUGH KOO3LLOGH, Comp troller of the Currency, do harebr «utthr thAtTHI HATIONALEXCEABSk BANK.OF.PHaABBLPHIA, lath* city of ?fcil*defe>lti*. in tfc* eoantyof pbia. aad StAt« of P«iijßy»lTßnSß»lßanGwriKßilto.<K»m« Daeaee tb.e buslaess oibanklnt under the act aforesaid. - rtomptaaller.o] the Canrenoy. OH. STOCKS, U. B.LOAHB, Ac., Bt BOTD, ' ' Broker. j»4-tall Ho. 18 South THIRD Street. -yfimiß AND LIQUORS. RELINQUISHING THE BUSINESS. SELLING OFF AT COST, FOB CASH, WINES. LIQUORS, and SK3ABS, Of crerr description. ALSO, WINB VINEGAR. „ , _ , . - Bland-Casks, Hhdc. ■ Barrels, Ac. COFFER WORK for running Alcohol. COPPER HETn,B. MAnin4lEoKplpEi i FECIT PRESS. . , _ . Apply at »3St South SECOND Stmt, betwwnDo* and Bprnce streets. . ' mh.7 3t* pHARLES DONOGHUE HAS RB r V 7 boVED hia office for ths sals of Stosm-refined SUGARS and SYRUPS to 80. 10T CHESTNUT Street, above Frost. * JMOO pkssof v&riotis trades aad brands, la store* and for aale atgreatiy reduced prises. Terms cask. mh.7-6t* INSTRUMENTS TO ASSIST THE A BBaKIP G—Also PER and POOOT KNIVES, BaZ»B8 SCISSORS, &o , of the Snoot quality, at BABEIBA'B, US South TENTH Sirest, below Chestnut. mh7-6»* T HAVE THIS DAY PURCHASED A tie. interest of I, H. STEPHENS in the PHILA DELPHIA PHOTOGRAPHIC COHpal*?. tth dtyieia out my Interact in the PHILA •' -■ C. ' : r . PBANCUL. SEVEN-THIRTY ROAN. V. S. MO SIX FEB CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET • JAY GO OK E. SUBBOEfPTION AGENT, PHILADELPHIA. 5-201 No. SOS CHESTNUT STREET, All kinds of SOLD, AND NEGOTIATED. 7-30 XJ. S. NOTES FOR SALE. IN BUMS TO SUIT DAVIES BROTHERS, the purohaae and sale of O I Is . S T O <D K. S-. 16 South THIRD Street. fe2f7-lm J. ALOES ARTHUR. RETAIL PRT COOPS. jsSra^SE^iSr~ A FRESH INVOICE GEITOIPTB JOTJVXN’S kid gloves. tHOS. W. EVANS & 00., * 818 and 820 CHESTNUT ST. mh7-St - .' . ROYS’ CLOTHING, OF THE BEST " Stand finish, and In the greatest variety or siias and styles that we have ever offered. We confidently Invite examination end trial Boys’ best fitting Salts. Good class Jackets and Pants. Nobby necks for Buys. Bolts made to order. „ COOPER ft CONABD. mh7-«t 8. B. corner NINTH and MaRKBT. TIAMASK TOWe£B, Napkins, Doylies, aad Tablolinens. Good and Cheap IrarSeiy Diaper. Shortings and nhirtings, cheaper. Flannel and Ticking, stock complete. Heavy Drawer Linens. Batcher Linens. Shoe Linens, Drills, Brown Hollands, Ac. _ „ COOPER A CONARD, icb7-M B. E. comer NINTH and MARKUP. PASBIMEREB VJ And Clothe for Spring woar: Good Goods for Sfon "s Baits; Curtmeres for Boys' wean Ladies'Spring Cloakings.. Water-Proofs, fine imported" Glbaklhgs. Middlesex Spring Cloakings, Cloth Stock, very fall au4 invUtag. Bt>ffie Auction Bargaiae la Wooiftiis. - COOPBKa'GOWAKB. mh7-5t 8. E. cemer.HINTH and MaKKBT. SPRING DRESS GOODS, OP NEW STYLES, "OPENING DAILY. . Spring-styles Valencias. Spring Btyles Pell ds Chevies. Spring styles of Poplins. ' BummertPoplins. , Bplendid’Organdiea * Percales, in sreat varisty. New styles-of Planes, . Spring Colour. de Laints. ' - t Spring ColenrsMohatrs. New styles of Drees Goode, lngreat variety, Edwin Hall a 00., fflhO-tf 86 South SECOND Street, CTYLISH. CLOTHING—REAeDY aj made and made to order, at GRANVILLE STOKES’ OLD STAND. No-apWCHESINUT Street, above Sixth, PRICES SEASONABLE, mbT-6t JyEW SKIRT FOR ISGSr. THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE IN HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX ELLIP TIC for doable) SPRING SKIRT. WESTS’ BRADLEY tse GABY Gate J. L * J. o. West), SOLE PROPRIETORS and MANUFACTURERS, 07 CHAMBERS and 79 and 81BEADE Streets, New York. 1040. THIS INVENTION consists of DcPmx for two) to- X.IPTIC Steal Springs, ingentoualy braided tightly and firmly together, bdgb to mjwb. maklag tit© toughsst, BlOfit FLEXIBLE, ELASTIC, ABd DURABLE SPRING ©VST usedr They seldom bend or break, like the Single Springs, axtd eosseaoe&tly preserve their perfect and BEAUTIFUL gHAPB TWIOB AS’LONG AS R&y Other SKIRT. TMJt wonderful FLEXIBILITY and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced paitieol&rly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas. Carriages, Bailr6ad Gars, Church Pews, armchairs, far Promenade and Housb Press, as the Skirt can be -folded when in nee to occu py a small place as easily am a Silk or Muslin Dress. A Lady haying e*soy«d the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience or wearing u« Duplex Elliptic Stkbl Spring kirt for a single day will never after ward •willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Misses, and Young Ladies' they are superior to all others THEY are the best quality in every part,land ungues tionably the lightest, most dbsirablb, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. TOM SALE in all fi&st class Stores in this city, and throughout the Uniibd States, Havana ds Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies FOB TAB DUPLSX ELLIPTIC SBIBT. mh3-Xm AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE TRUST COMPANY, Walnnt Street, S. E. Corner of Fourth. INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1884, LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR AMOUNTING TO Insurance* made upon the Total Abstinence Rates, the lowest in the world. Also upon JOINT STOCK Bates, which ale oyer 20 per cent, lower than Mutual Bates. Or MUTUAL HATES, upon which a DIVIDEND ha* boon made of On Pollcle* In force January Ist, 1855. THE TEN-TSAR NON-FORFEITURE FLAN, by which a person insured can make all hie payment in ten years, and does not forfeit, and can at any time cease paying and obtain a paid-up policy for twice or thrloo the amount paid to the Company. ASSETS. 9100*000 TJ. S. bonds».«»»».-.««♦»*■«***** 40,000 City of Philadelphia 6e,*new."*- 30,000 IT. 8. Certificates of Indebtedness. -35,000 Allegheny county bonds -.***«.**♦* 16,000 0 S Loan of 10,COO Wyoming Valley Canal bonds.*** 10,0(0 State of Tenues-ee bonds.. 10,000 Philadelphia and Erie Bailroad PQ]!Ul< M* »-».»-», *444<«t«H44 10,000 Pittsburg, Port Wayne, and Chi- CftKO 0,000 Beading Bailroad Ist mortgage bonds.* «***♦* *»»«»*»*** *»»m« mu 6,500 City of Pittsburg and other bonds 1,000 sfiares Fenna. Bailroad stock.... 450 shares Corn- Exchange national Bask***.*.*.**.*,.,,.* .........u 23 shares Consolidation National B'k 107 shares Farmers* National Bank of Beading 142 shares Wiilianjßport Water Com pany**** **** *'.**■»* ■ « ,-4 ♦*** » , , ■ HM 192 shares imerican Life Insurance . and Trust Company-*-..-.......J, Mortgages, Beal Estate, Groana£ents,&c.. 207,278 88 Loans on collateral amply ****** 113,765 73 Premium notes seemed by policies .***.*.** .114»%9 62 Caahinhandsofagents secured by bond*... 26,804 70 Cash on deposit with C. S. Treasurer, at 6 _ per cent ..*•«*,•**.*...,,**** 50.0C0 00 Cash on hand and In banks....,.*,,********* 50,331 C 7 Accrued interest and rents due, Jan. !.****• 10.454 71 THE AMEBICAIT IS A HOME COMPAHT. Its TEtJHTEBS sts well-known citizens In our midst, entitling It to more eonsider&iloa than those whose managers raelde In distant cities. Alexander WhOldin, William X Howard. J. Ediar Thomson, Samuel T. Bodlne, George ifngent. John AUtniftn, Bon. James Pollack, Henry K. Bennett* Albert G. Boherts, Hon. Joseph Allison. F. B. Mingle, Isaac Haxlehoxsi. Samuel Work, AUSX. SAMTJEI* WOEK, Vice President. ,OH3r «■ 7 AHKM ’ «®“® ral ***■*• Fo. 2013 GEEEF BTBIBT. feM-fmwßt PBTOS AM) CHEMICALS. igIEGLEB & SMITH, Srng, Faint, and Glass Dealers, Proprietors of the Penney It ania Faint and Color Works, BEST WHITS BEAD, BBS! ZERO, PUKE MBEKTY LEAD,. Wnnipaseed for Whiteness, Fins Gloss, Durability, Firmness, and EYenßeea.olSurlace, PDBB LIBKBTY MAD—Warranted to coyer more surface for same weight than any other. « try it, akd yob yam, sate no other] PURE LIBERTY ZINOi Selected Zinc, ground in Befined Linseed.Oil,ane<ioaledi in q.naliky,.always the mine. PTBB IIBKETT ZEKC. Warranted to do and hatter worKat a gjTen. eost Store and 0%»-Fo. 137 Forth THIBD, Street, jnhT-Sm* ROBERT SHOEMAKER & GO., X. E. Comer of FOTJBTH, and BADE Streets, ran. A PBLFHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. iHPOBXKBB AFD DBALBHSIF FOBSIGtF AFD DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. KAjrcnaAOTTraBBS on WHITB LEAS AFD ZIFO PAINTS, PUTTY. *O. AOBNTS YOB THE CBLHBBATHD FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealer* and eonnunen supplied at fell-Sm VEBY LOW PKIOBB FOB CASA "COR RRTRNTION OR 1NC.03&- X TIBIJSCB of urine, initatioa, Inflammation or ulceration of the bladd*r ox kidney*, dtsa&ass o# the prostate glands, stone in the bladder, eatedlus, gra vel or bnokedust deposit, and all diseases of ihe_blad der, kidnere and dropsical swellings, use HELM* BotlftaJrifalO BXTBACT BUCBU. E PHILADELPHIA SCALE WORKS, FIFTEENTH Street and PENNSYLVANIA A venire. felS-lm DaVIS At 00. A READY AND CONCLUSIVE TEST ** of the nwpwtiee of HBLHBOLD’S FLtTID SX TBACT BUGBOwIII be a comparison wt% tfcos* »»l forth to the Oniwd GMlej : JUST BEOBIVXD. XNTSURAIICB. AND ©357,800. #85,000. FIFTY FBB CBFT. ns, President. JOHN S. ; WILSON, See’y and Treaenrer. WHOLESALE MannfuetuMrs of than any other. GJT THE BEST! PHILADELPHIA. AUCTION NOTICE. MR. Ft M. BEAZOR MR OTHERS JOHN B, MTERS & CO., Auctioneers, ON THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 3,00® ENTIRE PACKAGES COTTON, WOOiASti, IiINENfcEBY GOOD® OOH?8IBIHa THI HOST BVBB OFPXBHD AT AUOTIOS: Included In the rale will be found larscfltnes of BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. BROWN and bleached drills BROWN AND DOL’D CORSET JEANS. YORK 1 , EVERETT, AND PEMBERTON OOTTONABES. KENTUCKY JEANS. Tg-E EEIMAO, &PKAGUE, AMESICrAN; ; AMOSKEAG, and other brands of PRINTS. DENIMS, STRIPES, AND TICKS. FURNITURE AND' APRON CHECKS. WOOLEN SHIRTINGS AND FLANNEL^ SACKINGS. LINEN BURLAPS. LINEN DUCKS AND' DRILLS. COAT DANYAS AND'WOOL BAGGINGS. SPANISH LINENS? SHIRTING LINENS! TABLE CLOTHS. TABLE DAMASK. COLORED CAMBRIC® PATENT THREAD. COTTON AND MERINO’HOSIERY, ’ SATINETS AND OLOTHSi BALMORAL SKIRTS, and many otter olasses of Imported and Domestic Goods-, to be sold In en tire packages. ■ The shore offering is one of thedargest ever made in this country, and well worthy the attention of the trade.' flood* open for examination, with catalogue*, ond igr previous to ealo. mh7-3t WAN3TED--A YOTXTH, PROM 16 TO *" 17 years of age. to learn the Retail Drag Busi ness. apply to 80. Htl SPRUCE Bt., fhila. mh7-3t» A YOUNG HAN, A »" Situation as SALESMAN in a Retail Dir Goods Store, Ha* had six year* experiences sod can come well recommended. Address ** Walter,’* bW 2t* Prm office. WAN T E D—AN" EXPERIENCED *T HALKSMAKf in a Wholesale Grocer, Hou-e. A good salary will be paid. Address “M. W. V., ’ ■ Press Office. . - mh7-2t* W ANTE D—BY A DIBCHARGED Tv SOLDIER, a Situation aa Cleric or Book-keeper. Has had considerable experience* and can giro good reference* Would he willing to go to the f*OuJße gtoßs’ 1 in the service of a Company. Addreia ** G. W. E.,” Press Office mh7 2t* W A NTE Bo CORRESPONDENTS ** of Newspapers in thic and other cities, who have any leisure time, to state what papers they correspond for* and ssui their address to Box 3049 .Philadelphia Post ©flee. • ... . mhS-41* WANTED—A COMPETENT BOOK * Y KEEPER, in a Wholesale Notion Stores Address Box9i4Phila P. O mh6-3i» WANTED TO RENT—A ROOM FOR " a Select School* north of PINS, between Tenth and Eighteenth streets. Address ’*Teacher,’ * Pres* office. mho-at* WANTED—AT fl§o PER MONTH— *> A reliable Canvasser In every town and county, for the NUBSE AND SPY, the most Interesting and exciting book ever published, embracing the adven tures of & woman in the Onion army as Nurse, Scout, and Spy, giving a most vivid inner pic rare of the war. We have Agents clearing s!£o per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant . Send for circulars. Address “JOBBb, BROS., * CO., 600 CH*BTNOT Street, Philadelphia.” mh? Im* A YOUNG MAN WANTS A SITUA TION in a Wholesale House as Assistant Book-' keeper. Highest reference given. Address “G. W, M.,** Press office.. - mh7 3t* A MARKET-STREET DRY GOODS House will take two Lads to learn the business. Thoae livinjc with their parents preferred. Address Box 2603 Post Office. / mh7-&* APARTMENTS ON THE SECOND ■O- FLOOR, with B OABB, WANTED by two Ladies for occupation next Fall, in a faxhily where there are f«w or no other boarders,' and in. a pleasant location. Ad dress “0. L » ” office of The without delay. mh74nthsa at* - Employment house, for Housekeepers, Seamstresses, Chambermaid*, Wait ers, Nunes. Cooks. Laundresses, and ceneral house* work, White and colored. SON LOCUST St. fe3o-lm EMPLOYMENT HOUSE FOR Clerks, Book-keepers, Salesmen, Packers, Porters, Watchmen, Coachmen, Drivers, Conductors, Bar-tend ers, Waiters, Farm hinds. Gardeners, &c. Employers suited at shortnotisc. 802 and 804 LOCOSP Street. feS)-lm • {SALESMAN WANTED INA WHOLE- SALE NOTION HOUSE. — One that can influence a near Pennsylvania trade preferred Address, with real name and reference, “Baser Goods, "Press Office. 7-5 1* CALESLADY WANTED, —WANTED, la a Chestnut-street Dry good* Store, a YOUNG LADY, thoroughly experienced iu the business. Ad dress “ Anthony, ” Ledger office* stating salary expected, experience, and reference. Communications confidential. - - iv* M WANTED >TO BUY—A HOUSE -with modem improvements, from 97,009 to $9,030. Possession May l, 180$. ' mh7 St* Address i*mg Office, ** J, B. S. ’ * « WANTED ;TO BENT, BY APRIL Ist, a modern DWELLING, situated above Arab street ard west of Bread, Bent aboat $4OO- Address Box 1637. Post Office • mh2-lm* M WANTED TO BENT-BEFORE the first of April, a DWELLING, with the modem improvements, with 9to 12 rooms. Bonus of $35 Address “H.,” 303 Barbel street felO-lm* months from March Ist at $5O per month, or for two months at double rent, the plain double house, with large garden and carriage house, hot and cold bath and saf throughout, on the west side of Forty first street, above Hutton, in the northern part of West Philadelphia,three squares from railway*. Maybe bought for $lO o'o Subject to the advertiser’s lews. Inquire of BO BERT A MAXWELL, 1033 CffETT POT Street, or at BOWLER’S Grocery, FORTY-FIRST Street and LANCASTER Avenue. ■ It 1394,193 SO « FOR> SALE—SUPERIOR RESI BEBCB. sltnsted at the corner of SPRUCE and J UNIPEB; Lot 40 by 130 feet. AJbo, three-story Brick Dwelling, Ho. 817 South HJHTH Street. $4,600. ■ Aieo. three elory Bjgck Dwelling, Ho SIS Sonth THIS D, $5,500- 41«>, three-etoJyßrlck Dwelling, Hoa 1401,14031.0- C3BT Street, $lO,OOO It 4H VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE M -C —Beautifully situated in BURLINGTON « COUNTY, New Jersey; containing Two Hundred Acres of good Grain, Grass, and Fruit* growing land. For par ticulars applv at or address No. 338 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, between 10 and Bo’clock. mh7»3t* *966,461 19 m FOR SALE—TWO ADJOINING ■■SIHOUKES on CHESTNUT Street, ahore fifteenth, bot 40f. et front and 120 feet deep. Terms easy. Apply to JOHN G JOHNSON, mbS-St* 708 WALNUT Street. m FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. Late property of George B. Ewart, containing SIXTY-TOUR ACRES OF GOOD LARD, well watered; good fruit; good buiidingM-sufficleut wood for use of farm; a very superior quality of Kaolin Clay,, in abundance, on the property ; situated nine mUes North-west from Wilmington, three miles South oiKeunett Square, and near New Garden ; part of land In Chester county. Pennsylvania, and part in Xe«& Castle county. Delaware. Will be sold inlots to suit: purch testa. Will be sold at public sale on TUESDAY, MARCH Slat, 1865. with all the Stock. Grain In the ground, &e. mh7,loj4,l9atis» ELIZABETH W, EWART. ATTENTION, CAPITALISTS 1,-OIL j“ I»AHDB FOR SALE.—Two very aaperior tracts of OIL:LAfI DS.onc of ninety* six acres, the other of eighty acres, Doth in the valley of Pit-hole Cmk mad nearly opposite the town of Plumer, to the east. These Lands lie in direct lines between the best flow tog wells on Oil Creek and Cherry Son and the great United StateaWell on Pit-hole Greek, The first comprises the whole of OaidweKPa Basis, and adjoins theneUbratcd Shaw Farm. The .second comprises a large pari of ton great Central Basin, and, by the best judges of Oil Land, is considered A 1 Territory. Addres»,.iiiiUl the Bth instant, J. M. EOBBET3, Burlington, a. J. » After that date, ■RETAIL DRUG STOREyFOR BALE.— On# of til# best-paying stores, io the city will b# Glared for sale for on# week frox% date. Annual sales between $0,0(0 and $5,0G0. FropdatarlßKOiaffto West ern Virginia. Address, with real name, ‘*0..W.,” Press Office. Oath pries, >3,000. mbs-2i+ TTkRUG STORES, Cf? AND COUN TKY, /or ra!e ana wanted at all prices. rnKMitt* W. M DiaKEOlf. «KF WiLHOT Street !E*o B SALE —AN OLD-ESTA* a Wished BBSISUSSS, Whole eel# and Betaii, in Bnce#Mfnl operation. Sale# over sl6o*ooB per annum, and in creating Best location la Pfrjiadeiffhia. Address Press office. O il > COAL, 4sND TIMBER LAND ” FOE SALE. 210 and 1.060 acres In Elfr county. $2O. 120 and 990 do. In Forect comity, ilCOanl $5O. SOO . do. In Centre county. *2O , . JUro, In ClearßetvCilctoa, Lycominr, anil other cotrn tleß. A. ofcWIBE * no., mhl-tt* S. W. cpr. ELEYEaTH and BtDOB At. A MIDDLE-AGED MAN, OF LARGE -*■*- business experience and energy* is about to settle In the Oil regioua.of either Western Virginia or Penn sylvania, Would be willing, to act as Superintendent for one or two good Oil conayuales, and faithfully at-, tend to tbeirteiereats. ' ' TJnexcepiiojiaMe referenceajlven Sato ability, et<*. t etc. Addrsas Post Offlce Bsxirej, fe2B*mtba&'* 1 779 ACRES, qe heavy pine J-yJ * ~ TIMBER USDS. In tha vloinity of f'O Oil Sf alojL». for a ale loirhj DisTIBY * C 0„ 13S. South SIXTH *tr»at . ELECTRICAL OFFICE- ) COESBE SLStBHTfI AjJD BARE .STRSBTB, > . ALSO,. CBESTBDr AHD FjjKWBrH I Hr. Taos ALI,B», T«»r»Boee»»ridiatßo trait- 7 neat.of all diseases lnform hm friends ana | the pcWic that he ia »tIU. «nd enrinj r < many on whom medicine haa had no enact and. a consider'd Incnrablo. _ / BHKUMATIBK AND BXBRALOU. \ WOl DBKfUL aiSCOVRBf -A Ph»>tflwl» f this office has given especial attention to these at- > eetues. and founi taa.l we possess a remMr «njcn 1 , has titled ijianj, and will restore to *ho!r Wonteil / health, handled* more Who are at Pteeent enf- A faring the moat exeraeta'lng war. Oeßerallv. f a few. day* only are needed in an- ot a ottre. Mr 6 4 Wonld ant no one to try t i .Vi® I°’* / >ls yont own. Those who fo'* o * A lotstß. &odsot oB>%d h#re#oft!pff to p y» ftt* i ti&nta treated ftYtheir residences When dfsifed. V I “the offices; | tofiP i M. Consultations free. ‘‘ac“s. t 54 North 7 ' ILBVBSTH Sreet, eiso, CaBiTHDrandFOB -1 TIBTH Street, West PUladalohla. - _____ Y ptifhn HA T&Q3. AXihSI. f ■was. mb. Theotoh FOR GASH, WANTS. TitUßvlHe. Pa. Philadelphia. BEfiDICAL. Ijmcsemeiits. XTEW CHEBTNUT-ST. THEATRE. LA.6T WBKK •£*** sffl£ eT “’ w ” oSSi J^JSSJVE ? S 0lm ““ wlll conuaeam with th. ur&na Legendary Romance, styled THE OBESE CORSAIR. -wew er Abe , Jim. .vauitna fjK£, \ was HBLfflr W'SeTIR*. • r<H!o " #ltulaw,ffll, y B gg ,^«>»e4TWSsa!.rt : rirt Carlo (the v . Stylod»r *"*““* “ <*"“ Loral ifoMMnss 0? ok the- owess SAffIRDJY A FTfESOtm. Hank It OPAKPSIrfa wUlbenra«rafa.S M 1&. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH AH 85EK8T THEATBB. ‘ . Bdeifre.of tbexreat (rasste Arttat. BBS F. W. I.ABDKK,' 1 _ „ forflerlyMiss DAvmteotT, TflBS»*F iVBHIBO. Merab 7. IBSS, -188 HDKCHBAOK" JnU * - AiteHHri‘<*;' aSTa t-AEMIBOKAKBITiCB.*" 1 "' Friday, Beaehtjgfjfe* F- W. Lander. theatre. _ THIS C”n«ak»)KYßHlirlll. Man*?; ISHb ffberalebramdfl^^^ la ILo freet eemaKtotil IJ?e»a of . —TBB STkiSTS, OF PHILAOEUFIGA, TSIU, new Sceseir.xbimi appiopriste-Miisic. and -new Macbiseiy. aOM BADfiEB Mr J, B,CUKKI Boo,* open at 7; rattaja rffiee at half pial 7. AMEKICAN ACADEMY OF WCFSIG. ■“ LBntpEE'ifr GSOBOB PB4BCIB TKAIIT. , _■ . IK AH*t>£'lKß L ABIES’ FIfiST 00 - „ FOB THE BBFIFIT OF THB . WaiftTPS AfiD OBPHABB OFJOtDIIfe WiH?han& died Is defence of Jteir country, and of discharged and disabled soldier's, - - • On TJJSSDAY SVESnSO? Mar«b I<L Ticksrttradcert*. Beeorvtd Seats'fiO cents. For sate at T. B 1 Fogh's, comer of Sixth. and Chestnut streets; Gould’s Music Store, comer eleventh and Cbeataoc' «w Aw&cUtioa* COT.fioitb Bs*hth street; Handel Hall, and as* the door ea toe evening oi the Beet ere. mhT tf 0H) ijEAf AMEErCAN CI&CUS. WJcUKUTgriIEBT, ABOtffc EIGHTH. ln Well “4 entarrainiu* icAh id. 8 Aar JL GjSDI&BB. tbegraceful eqaeatrioaoe; Mr. LB*> TBB. the wondeifM and agile poeturen will perform durlngttie Week. -Admission, CO cents first tier; & cente second tier,' JBrening commence at 7 Cro'clock. Per formance on* Wediresuay and Saturday afternoons «»m -ffleneinf ©’cloak. Parties dealringiibe Otrcos for beaefiteopj make application at the Heart office. * XPbtMf TVIUBI©A'L ! ' PTTWI> HALL. "■*- MAD*I,LE BEH&rOTr AMD ME.' »8H» THE SSCCUO ©BAND COMC3M Of the renowned But s ton ! VblonceiJist. . „it MAD’LLB HhLBBB 1>& KaTOW. fad the highly soccsaafW Plano fbste Virtuoso and Composer, f will tak# plac»M S i'KIM? BYBrflHOl'KMfeh M. Mr. Weßll will PBrl&rnftorHie first time la- Fliiiadsl- P_ hia Mi CTlabntara-Fmtraift-og airs from mfy.roe.r’. Graiia Opera, hIS HU'GraSO'IS, prononosMhy ths Pans Md Loncon-critlct t*. ftethe cAe/ d'anregf piano- for t<» compositions - Maa'lle Helena da Kairow» wlll perform fe*»th, ftrst 4o Bitill.” by (Sbtuioi, with tfta acoom paniment of Piano and jjrdrmoninm. UjSb LAUBa BiBB-rartAe'jnmsK American Piima and Sig. viUuiisi andvJomhtttnyi, Sig.-ROEA* and A Admission CO cents: EosnrVedlgdaia $l, wWm be fecund at J. S. Gonld'[jHusfe , a*»re.commencing "Wed nesday, Marchs at 9A, M ' OSakaiing'sGrade Piaaa will be tuned on the ocea»:ojt, zzk&St SELECT AND BEOIBPA- M ti6bs, V PHILIP UWSBSCB and his FUt-ILS. at ASSEMBLY BOILDHfGS'- IPSFJSBDAF BVEStatf" March 7. on which occaeion«iew»aL of bis Lady Pupils wifi read and reciter and one will* Champion fiaadera will be present. # The Gambler’s ■ Barbara Frietchie •>»>*.»».. .<...5...»i1i8s The May Queen r <• Tbe P amis e ( iia watba) •• V.«» Philip Lawrence ' 2>bets, fiOeenis.* Commen«at'?3£. Jrom Elocutionists o? JfkUTloßx. Boston; dre. - Philip Lawresoß cordially invfce*any Teacher of Elo cution In America to prodacv three pupUs to reettai against bis, at tbe Academy of Hnaitt, for the proud titT« of “Youthfal Champion Stadtfrs'Of Amerlua.” Tfc* trial pieces to be* VFM by Longferowr ** Alexander's Feast.-*’ by Bidden: and “Eugea* inn'B Dream,*’ by Hood, thr&e-of the most difleoU poeme is tbe English language. The Judge on the cion to be the greatest Actor or* beat Elocutionist ha America Address PHILIPLAWBBarCE, mb&2t* gOIWhOOUSf Street fWCEBT HALL, COTSTOTT'BTII V/ ABOVE TWELFTH. MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, PATHIOTIO AED SG&IPTFSI2, BSIDINOS* BY JAMES E. KUBDOCH BO cents. For sale by Aabmead & Brans. 79S Chestnut et tCb&Uen & Son, 1303-?Cbestnut at r Pres. Bookstore, opposite Mint A limited number of reserved seats may be secured at T. A PUSH’S. 8 W_ ear. SIXTH and OHB6THPT Streets, mh3-4fc* S MORGAN SMITH • Respectfully informs Me Meads and the public that be -will gire an Entertainment oTftELRQf READ- IfIGS ADD BBCITATION*. at CON* jEBT HALL, ou FRIDAY E /BNING. KsrelrXD, Commencing at 8 o’clock Doors open at 7o’ clock. Ticketsof Admission, go.eents. keserveuSeats, SO efcs. For sale at J. E Gould’s, Seventh aodChsstnatetreetss Ashmead & Evan*’, Chestnut, below Eighth. mh7-3.*.A fJJERMANLA ORCHB STR&;— PU BLIC BBHEAKSALS every SATURDAY at $X o’clock P. M., at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Tickets. 25 cents. Six Tickets, $1; to be had at Gould’s, Andre’s* and Meyer’s Music Stores, and at the Hall. no7-tf HTHE ACADEMY OF JUS ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, is-OPEN DAILY for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. js2s educational,. pRITTRNDEN’S COMMERCIAL OOL- V LEGE. 80. 63? CHESTNUT StreeV e>rntr of Se venth. Practical instruction in Book-keeping la ite different branches. Penmanship, plain and ornamental. Commercial Calculations, CommerciaLLaw, &t. Etu dents inatxucted separately. Ed vacations mh^-St* LOST. f OST OR MISLAID—A PERPETUAL *-* POLICY OF INSURANCE issued by the TRUS TEES OP THE FIRE ASSOCIATION toB. T. HAL LOWfLL for $6OO. dated June 2,1856, and transferred to the Fourth Jetfessdffß. and L Association.. Any in* formation, concerning sunt edit be received by -fe2g»Btnthl2t* J. H- CHUBB, 331 REED Street. BOAiutßre. A HANDSOME SECOND-STORY FRONT BOOH to let, "With Board, ia a private family. Inauire at 1106 VINE Street. mh« 3U PARTES DE yrSITE—HAVE vy yours made at B. F. BSIMBB’B, 694-ARQ3 Street. Hie styles are tasteful and finely executed, and never fail to give entire satisfaction to all patrons. it* BF, REIMER’S SUPERB - STYLES • Portrait*, accurate in outline, features, and ex* Dresden, natural and life lihe coloriog, See epeeUnsnsa life-size oil-colored Photographs, 634fc ARC ft-St, it* 10, FOR SI.2S.—PRETTY STYLE Card Photographs, suitable for albums, and lust the thing for scholars to exchange with tneur sehool matea, BRIM SB’S Gallery* SECOND Street, above- Green. It* RLECTROPATHID I&TABLISH MENT —DR A. B. STEVENS., one of the FIRST DISCOVERERS of a new system of treating disease by MODIFIED ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONS, and who ha* been to very successful at PENN.B4&ARB for the last three years, has removed his Office and Residence to 1638 VINE Street, one door below. Seventeenth. All persons desiring references, or any particulars Willi regard to his special mode of treatment, will please call or send for a pamphlet Consultation or advice gratuitous. CHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RK- O BTQHHD by HBtMBOLD’S EXTHAOr BOCHB. -VTITRA.TE OP SODA—2OO. BAGS JUST ' received, ami for B£le in lots to luit p'-irefcaters, by HAKKIBQN BROTHERS ft CO.. Manufactarinf GhemUtu, 109 South FRONT StrMt. feW'lm* T7NFEEBLED AIJD. DELICATE CON -M STITUTIOSB. of both sexes* use HBLKBOL&’S 2XTBACT BUCHu, It will gi re brisk and enerfeti* feelings and enable you tQ Bleep ireljU f WRITTEN AND ,¥KBBAIi. DE SGBIFTCOHS of Character, Coiwtttutiott, usd Ta lent, with. ADVICB on Business, Beaton, Educa tion, Self- Improvement, Management ana Train- Ink of CBILBBBff, social adaptation, An, day and evening, by „ JOBJSf L. OA EBB, Phrenologist andßookaeller, oeU-taihslyif ITo. BBS. TBIiTH St,above Chestnut. MALCOLM MACNEILL’S - SPECTACLE STOBB, £No. 310 South FIFTH Street, below Sprues, PHILADELPHIA. M3f <3l asset refitted to suit all acres, aud all manner of repairing earetuliy and promptly attended to. "mnS-3nL fSHfe NO PAIN ..IN JEXTBAOTINa «Wn3TTEBTH. -Hltroas Oxide Ou edmiilstaredi beautllol end natural »tils at TSSTH premTßD. Hit C- Tj. fe II If SH. 731 BPEOOS Street egei FIRE iAND, THIE F-P3OOF SMI3sa?B MANUFACTORY. Larse and small Safes lffiEt' constantly on hand by J, HABSBSFGRT, 41M TIRE Street, .Philadelphia. faSMmlf* ESTEY.’B * COTTAGE ORGANS .Rot only UNBXCSLLEB, bat TINEQOALL3H in parity of Time had Poorer, demised especially for (Hunches and Schools, bat found, to be eqaally vrell. adapted he the Parlor and Diair]ricßoog& For ealooaly by ■ E.MaBRBCE, 80. IS Berth SBYBHTH Street Also, a complete taaortmeat of the Perfect Melodeoo •onstantly on has d. ' feO-Sm mssst FOR S4-EE —HRVfF OUHDn iAsn pops. •• M 3 Kortfe SIXTH Street. HO. MORE UNPLEASANT A- and nnoafej-eaoedle* for hnpUaeazt add danse rone diseases. Use HEbMBILmSiTRAOT BUCHO and IMPROVED- BOSK WASH. X) EMQJfAL.—JORN, a, WILLI AMB & J-v.. op-, hare removed firms. HO. 339 to 80. 9M CHBBTSBT Street lately (stoppled by Masers. Wnty McKee ACo, from^os!to*’ B 4£Bl£iK& r has KBHOFKtt »40 CHEBTHBT STBIBT. „ coPARTHEKaarp h otiob. . Sr.GHARLBBF. HABStTlHEbecomes al>rtn»l Us firm torn thUd«c. JHd H WIMXUHL* W> 4 . Psklabkiphia, Fshmarr Id. 186 s. • fSlB : im* : ETERMETICALLY SEALEDi 3SSATB f M-as J> soots. „ - r 600 •* do Veil. 600 **•’ do Mutton. 1,000 ** do Turk*y. T?ISH AND CANNED MEATS. t* Tores'" ““ dS*3m DV U 8 Borth Y&am BtoaM /~*OG- WHEEL WEENQER- V —TieT«T7 best article nade j also.all the otter so sco., . »uwr ul WM iortb TBIBB sw«»_ EXTRACT BUOHtT A-*- siveßhfi&l*b and yiewr to the frame tad bteom to the paJlid CBf'efc- Debility is seeempiusied by many aJaraln* iyroptosia, and If bo treatment li eobautwo to, <oB£tusptlop) ißttfßliy orepileptie fit* ensue MOROAN, ORB, & CO., STEAM Efc; wA fIIBS BTTIIiDEBS, Iron Fopuderj.tud Oeaere* Haeiftlai*and Bolter Kaken, So. 1*1» CALLOW BJT.IiRWt. PhUadelaM*. f » gut -_ GARDEN & CO., HOB. 600 ANEJ V* 605 S MARKET sy«t. ttm»swtyr«M M »“« Wholreule Dealer. In RaTk, OAPa, FDBi «O**gS STRAW GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FBOWfSS. KDOttg. to.. to. TheUrgeatandmostcowolewjf beat term CsnJStffTtfwcliaahs «*4 *s9
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