ARRIVAL • The'Co <3 W Tarabell. New York S W Porter. Blastr• C 0 Peek, New. York N Camden, Virginia DI Bdmeston, Virginia .J W hiager. New York P I Toles, Troy 'C A Sweet, Buffalo X A Morrows & la, Canada 8 lII' Pettis J Cratere. Steubenville T Bailer Washington Carbondale OBarber, 0 t antord. New York D W Tarr az wf. Boston C Lowe, Zdaasaohusette H Washburn. Bolton . ( W Ringeloy..Boston W JParkr, Boston C Bacchant, Boston T Itichardeon. Bosto4 D Robinson. Jr,Bostoit US Patter. Boston .1 N H Patrick, Omaka B Stieglits, New York oeo Dexter, Mae, F.l !netts, Ness .r • C H Mime. New Jersey Rise MB, Bell, Pittsburg Ali Simla°, Mass .1 8 Rawlings. Baltimore .T C Bright, Pottsville W H Hopkins, Penns Jae Andrew., Alleg'y City, JoellgoN enact, Fenna , liohert liendereon. Penne John 'Brown. Jr. Penner I 0 D Fenno, Boston .I... Ritchie, Boston 11 . O'Neill. New York R Hell Boddiek, New York W J Combs & la, Brooklyn B Shepard. New York Floyd Bailey. New York ' Lyman Elmore. New York L Jerald:is—Boston A B kfaxin, Boston The li F Eagle... Palma B Henn. Cincinnati .0 DI Haldeman, Penna T C McDowell, Ponta A F Clapp, Parma A P Brandt, 'Harridan's' Jno Nloingsr, Ed Pant A C Kirok..New York Robt Darman, 'Pittsburg W ti Bumphrep. Jr. N Y J N Stickney, Rceitvllle,Ct Geo Howell, Jr Chas Ir Pine Alfred Newhoure IV 8 Johnston, 0 8 A E Sweeny P Dot an,•Baltimore Jared R Reinter. Lancaster .Jos M Opdyeke, Harrisburg W OrthHaerisburg Mira R R 'Orth, Harrisburg MA Roland, Lancaster co I' 0 Roland, Lancaster co 'Theta Lyons, New York J 0 Mulf.rd, Salem, N J J V Craven. Salem, >I J Miss Mary Murphey, Del Mies Lydia Murphey. Del T B 'thorn, Maryland W D Johnson , blew Yark James Thorn, New York Julius Levy..lfew York T Walker, Indiana co A 8 Landis. Hollidayabeag .1 A Eicholte DowninatoWn .T B Chadwick, U 8A M untoy Lewistown .7 W Da izell, Titnaville Mr.Bsker & mother J Blobs') deon, lowa B GSA. Elizabethtown W 0 Tranor, Delaware co Mrs Tranor, Delaware co D W Belden, Salem, PI J W W Bassott,Washirgton W W Wittman Baltimore 0 Gilley, it 81 1 B Y Cox, New Jersey • The lire W Et Pulienborger •Penna 43 Richardaon, Phila .18 Sorter, Virginia atlas Stever SOD rearm J Levy, New York E Holden, Felton. Del .1 W Reynolds. Del R W Reynolda, Jr, Del I IV Brennan k wf, .Perna Miss Brennan, Parma Samuel Trudel, Maas Cant B H Torry, Maaa M 111 Mathews J Boone, Felton, Del $ S Harvey. N Jersey • W B May, Elkton, Aid M Pnrnell. West Va John Buckley, Pottsville Henry It Says, Oil City W S echofield, Yardleyv'e T J Wolfe Wilmarth, Pittsburg W Haab, Baltimore amee, Parkersburg bfre S A Naylau t. Hew York J Taotansou, ou City The A John Boylan, Newark, N S C Ball, Virginia 0 W Wangb am, N Jamey F Stone, Baltimore W &boles, Blkton,Md Jae Brown, New York ' W Stick, Oreensboro C W Mitchell, Ortenstioro N Solace J Webster A Tuttle Geo Wagner, New York 8D Carpenter, Wisconsin A M Richmond. New York D 2 1 Whitney, Matamoros 8 (Wiley. Lewisburg W Bradford, Dayton. 0 L B Hellman, Germany Capt Jim .1' Wilber,U A W Mitchell, Ind Pa TP Williams, Ohio W S Batchelder. Ma's Joe Richmond, Wash, D 0 B 0 Cloud, Columbus; 0 W Selfridge, Bethlehem I .1 Kauffman, Beading F Brewer. Massachusetts F M Tracy k wI, Kansas Mrs H 0 Melrin, Kansas Mrs Houghton & da, lowa Miss Culiough, lowa Df D Thatcher,Marti u sburg 4) H P Parker, Ohio' D W Brown, Ohio The Co C W Batterfoes. Penns Jos Well. Easton J F Gurney. U S A W 0 Donwill, Dover. Del W A Atwood. Look Haven •Oro Ayrly, Lock Haven W Davie John H Simone A 0 Verner, USN. C W Milltdre P Hymn. sabittgton Peter slate. Troy. N Y J G Doherty • W H Doherty W Seal, Penns I Tyson, Ohestei co, Pa SPECIAL NOT/CEIL BE CAREFUL OF YOUR LUNGS "Dr. Swayne a Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry." 1. It will cure the most obstinate Cough. :..It will cure Asthma, Bronchitis. Weak Lunge. .3. It will cure all diseasos of tho Oheat and Throat. 4 It will cure Palpitation or Dimas° of the Heart. •5. It will cure all complaints of a Pulmonary nature. *So long as diseases of the Throat and Lungs exist. and afflict our race. eo long will "Dr. Swayne's Com pound " be sought altar as a remedy eminently supe rior to all others. Principal office, 330 - North SIXTH Street:. COAT TAILS AIM NOT TORN OFF; OH Donate ripped open by catching upon your drawer bandies, if ion use the neat " Drawer Pals" we have tar sale. THIJHAN it SHAW, No. 835• Thir ty-Sire), MARKET Street, below Ninth. it FOR NARROW STILES OF DOORS WE lave Show Case Catches, Locks, Flush Sprin gs, Re verse Bevel Catches. Bolt Sabot:hats, Short and Heavy Flush Bolts, and a varitty of other uncommon Hard- Mare. TRUMAN & SHAW, No 836 (Right Thirty dye), MARKET Street, below Ninth. It TRUSSES, BRACE AND MECHANICAL. SUP ports, of approved construction, and light Ilatah, ad• justed with judgment, at O. H. NEEDLES', corner of TWELFTH and HACK Streets. (Ladies' Department, eondtteted by Ladies. on Twelfth Street, first door below' Race.) An extensive variety of Supporters, Belts, Braces, Elude Stockings, Syringes, Nursery Articles, &a. 4.19-208 ass COLGATE'S HONES' SOAP. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, In eneh universe" de. mend, Is made from the CHOICEST materials. le MILD and EMOLLIENT in its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT ED, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL In its action urea the Skin. For tale by all Bracelet' and Fancy Goode dealers. fe2B-tntlisl7 fMt i l GEOIIGE STECK & Co.'s sWiil PLAROS, . Ann MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS PIANO Over COO each of these fine CABINET FORTES. 'instruments have been sold ORGANS. PIANO by Mr. 0., Knd the demand le CABINET FORTES. constantly ineresaing. t ORGANS. PIANO For sale only by CABINET FORTES. J. E. GOULD. ORGANS. PIANO SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Ste. CABIN= FORTES. nolit-tf ORGANS. WHEELER & WEL9OI.I' 8 HIGHEST ThEundritnl 1100K•HTITOH SEWING MACHINES, THE OHLLPEET. /HAMM AND BEET. Salesrooms. 704 CI ITESTNIIT Street. above Seventh. ..) ....1 HOBSON.—On Tuesday, Feb. 7th, in the 80th year of tier age, Hannah Hobson. • Interment will take place oniftateuday, 11th inst., at 1 o'clock P. M., from the residence of her son-in-law ' Wm • H. Moore, No. 1226 Coates street. •• COPE. —At Germantown. on Feb. 8, Eliza E., wife of J. J. Cope. _ Funeral on Friday; Feb. 10. at 2 o'clock P. M. The male friends of the family are invited to attend. without farther invitation. • RHOAD —On the 711 inst.,__John Pressmen Rhoads, son of John and'Elizabeth P. Rhoads, in the 4th year of • his age. The relatives and. friends of the family are respectful „ly invited to attend the fc neral from the residence of his Parents, in Kingesessing. Twenty•fourth ward, Phila. delphia, on Fifth day, the 9th instant, at two o'clock 'P. • LIVICK.—On the 7th instant. at Chestnut Hill, I Mar tha S daughter of Richard and Martha A. Levlck, n -the 6th year df ber age. DR&PER.—On.Tuesday, Feb. 7th, John Draper, in the 16th year of his age. His male friends and those of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late reel • &tee, Sixth street and Elwood Lane, on Friday, 10th. instant. at two o'clock Carriages will leave Wm H. Moore's. Fifth and Arch streets, at half. past one o'clock. • •• JUSTICE. —On Wedneeday, fith • instant, watt = - Handy, youngest son of the late Geo. 11 Justice, aged '7 Lears. The funeral will take place on Friday next, at ten A M. , from the residence of his mother,l2ll Walnut street. •Te proceed to Laurel Hill. •• HAINEB.—On 6th instant. of consumption, Fenton Haines, in the 31st year of hisxge. Funeral to meet at Friends' Meeting -noose, Fourth and Green. streets. on Fonrth•daY, Bth instant. at 2 o'clock. P. 81 Interment from the house of J. Curtis Smith, West Chester, Pa ,on Fifth. dav,2tb, o'c:oelt, P.M • WOOD WARD —Suddenly. on the morning of the 6th Inst , Thomas Woodward. In the 45th year of his ask The relatives and friends are reepeotfally invited to attend his funeral,. from his late residence, N 0.14 Wood. land Te r race, on Thursday morning. February 9th. To leave the hones at half past 9 o'clock. To proceed to Wilmington, Del. by railroad. Tbe funeral services will b e perforeued'at St. Andrew's Church, Wilming ton. Del lwilmington;DeL, papers please COPY. 3” SHASPLIS.—On Sunday. February 6th, at his reel grncesiltr.L O . o a n g c e o d eh Delaware aa county, Casper W. Shar. The frieends of the familyare invited; without farther notice, ha attend the funeral, on Thursday. 9th instant, at 10 A. N. Train will leave depot, Thirty-first and Market, streets, at 8.15 •• WEIR. —On the morning of the 7th inst., after a short illness, Robert Weir, formerly of Woonsocket, R. 1. Due notice will be given of the funeral. ELACIC:II:ND PURPLE 'DEL/LINES, 40 c enti;plsiik and White Debases, 90 cants. .13E95011 & EON. Mownlna Store. ti - No. 918 CHESTNUT Street.'S - WHITE ;ENGLISH CRAPE.-ALSO, Black En4llsh Veil snd Trlmmlnr-Orapes, all Qualities. • BISSON & SON. Nonraln_s Store. • 71e. 018 CHESTNUT Street. 4.4 LONG CLOTH MUSLIN'S, 44 OTS. New York Mille Shirting% Better than Williamsville. D. Warattntta. next to the best, D. 84114"18 )leeting. Mu I I TUMID l a 2B •• - . _PC/NEVI said ARON Eitrit) ligr Tuzus wilac. sz pnEscinsa In .011EMAN • BAPTIST' 0H173100,_10 SOWN Etreal. below Oollowhili - br D.- P. tilielox, Ilies7laad_l alkd P. Looselte/ter. 'MIRY' SVSN/X ° ' mil viiliK. " li'i e'ciack. - • • ' . ' ..., =ill HOTELS. tinental. •J Chase, New York J A Nichols, Baltimore I Efollingshead. Baltimore T Stanford, Baltimore J Dann. Baltimore . T J Hoskinson, Plttsbari IR 0 Johnson, Boston C Parkinson. California • H Brightman, Milwaukee H Chloago A H Cardl, o. New York w Born,New York W Waler, Erie W titephens,Virginia • S Barry & la , Illinois W R Murphy G W Shaw, Ohio T Legier, Ohio D W Ora% KentuokY D A Ginnie,: itentuckY W S Carter, Milwaukee :W W Madam Ohio Chas A Dickey, Penns John *mom, Colorado D H Mal ratty, Norristown Mrs B Lather. Pottsville J H Placer, Boston W 8 Eliot, New York W D Elliot, New York B Combs, Borth. atown S 1' Walters, Bentucki W Kellogg & da, Illinois J B Crane, Indiana W Lazes', New York :Saud. P rimer, Pranklin.Pa Robt B Vance, N Oarollua IF Brown, Boston H H Burgess, Portland W 110011ln & wf, N York Thou Terry, Now York R P Dunn. Pray. R I Oboe Winston. Boston J B Palmer. Pros', R I ID If Casa°, Boston. 10 T Calmer, Boston - W B Elisabeth IJ 0 Paine, Jersey Oily O H P Willcox, New York J Pril.halm, New York • 11 Minimhumor, N York R Griffith, Jr, Balt James E. Cantwell S Kohn, Burlington, lowa lasliesti us. Baltimore W M Gallaher Cant A lintchtuaon,D S A John McLaughlia, Troy 1:1.1 Mintran, Bladensburg Mrs Van Camp & oh, 11l Miss Enoa,Prairle du Bitten H J Blocs & la, 'Portsmouth- Miss V J Illoes.Portemouth Miss H J Garland, Balt CI A Bitner, Lancaster .Tae D Morrison, Albany D K Diffenderffer,Lanc co Joe W ynolds._ Mi Capt (Teo EL Beaufort, Va • Capt J C Harm & wf. Va W Marm,Winchester, Vs Henry Riele,Tremont, Pa O Howell, Jr R Pecker, New York C W yobay, Washington B Brown, New York W Mc .:wady, New Jersey_ Dr W T This & wi.o Ft L Cc Miss L B Chiaylor cago , Olen Riddle r. L P•Brookn &wf.Pottaville John Bede), Maryland • Wm Bedel, Maryland W C Sipple, lowa W H Meconkey. W Chester W H Johnston Pittsburg 3 It Frisk, Ash land: H G Wolfe. New York David Moffat, New York J Palmer, Mechanicsburg A It Bennett. New York R A Lamb erton , Harrisburg A B Kaufman. Lancaster Claley. Pltteb Irg F Maley. Jr, Pittsburg Jae Leighty, Irvin, ra • ants•. H 11Poster, Mercer, Pa 0 Morris, Boston Tbos Slocum, Luzerne co Mies Bello e W H i er Y h o r a k us% Mite Tulle White Pittsburg J G To wnsend, IBA E Labsagood, Schuyil cO) M beltzer. tichayll ao Miss Merrill, lowa A C Abbott, /owls P Parse' & wf. Penna H C Lewis, Westbrook, tat .1 A Mcidenry, Wabash, Ind J - W Edwards. New York B F May, Baltimore 4 W Halsoy, ri Jersey J Albrliz, Pittsburg Richardson. Jr, N York C Lockhart. M Chunk. D'Brln die, Mechanicsburg W W Evans, Penna 11 Thompson, Cincinnati .1 Best bda Penna W D Dowe,'Delaware erlean. • P E Balaton, Indiana Dr 0 W Patrick, Indiana J 8 Barnes, lediara Semi Frost, Prov,_B I Wm B Maas Albert A. Davis, N A C Kuck, New York Stephen Leahy, New York Thee H Livermore Wm S De skyne. N Jersey II Wiggins, Jersey City • H T Downing. Delaware J I) Messick & bro, Md Jae Brown, Marriar d IN El Westcott Maryland A T Tiring, New York M T Burgess, Connecticut Phil Sevin. Connecticnt Jae S Ralston. Ind. Pa nion. W Moranneeller. Penna.,. B nillyman, Pottsville Jesse Lane. Delaware Geo Heller, Necidlarg 0 Emmons, New Jersey W B Bark, New Jane,' A D Holdrldge, Vermont Col S K Roes, Allentown P Kern morer, Allentown Henry Jackson, Indiana Oeo Cook & wt, Upton, 0 Mr Hollinger, Ohio W H Heyberger, N York . Chao Bamberger, ()Engin, 0 mercial. Chas Dinree, Westgroye W Seal, Parma S Pennock, Chester co, Pa 0 L Swoops., Penna D Stiller, Huntingdon co Eastbarn, Yardleyvillo J B soapier, Yardieyyille M Hauck, Lancaster co W Curtis, 17 8 A R Reynolds, Maryland John Hough. Doylestown W Darlington. W Chester Tyson. Chester CO, Pa Jno•Oatford, Oxford J allay, Lancaster co, Pa NOTICES, PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY S, Ha —The following-named gentlemen hove been appointed by the citizens of the EIGHTH WAND as a collecting committee to raise money for the EIGHTH-WAIED BOUNTY FUND: • First Precinct—Wm. Brotherhead. 911 Locust street; Owen Petted. Tenth street. below Balsam. east aide; E. E. Smith, 216 Washington Square; Edward T. Law rence, 258 Washington Square; C. W. Smith, MO Wash ington Square; George Seaters, Eighth and Samson) streets. Second Precinct—John M. Wolf, Twelfth and Locust streets; W. W. Davis; James BrA138; Richard Park, Eleventh street, below Locust; Matthew Patton, &le. Tenth street, below Locust. Third Precicot—Caleb• Johnson, Theodors Frothing ham, Andrew M. Jones, A. _J. Catherwood, W. P. Cresson. Clement Sammy. Fourth Precinct—W. R. Patton, HOS Oliestnut street: Rdward Irvin, 1507 Fll7lBOlll etreet Hawkins, 1427 Moravian street; H. C: Brolaeky , .lo 8311th Tint' teenth street; Francis Wells, 124 South Thirteenth street; George F. Reed, UM bansom street; Robert M. Hoeker, 1525 Walnut etreet. Fifth Precinct—lease G. Colesberry; George Dellaker., Twentieth, below Locust street; John W. Sexton. Twentieth, below Locust street; Willitusx Devine, 1801 RI ttenhouse str eat Jame; McKinley. . • Sixth Precinct—Joseph R. Flsnigen. 121 South Eigh teenth street; John Comber: S. B Cohen, 120 South Se venteenth street; Solomon K. Bogey, Chestnut. above Twentieih. street; Wm. Maul, Chestnut, below Sigh .teenth street; Win. Sommers!, 1938 Sensom street; Ed ward Shain.'llo 8 with Twentieth street; Edwin Greble, nineteenth, above Walnut street. CHARLES L. DR 11,11TQUE, ..- President Eighth- Ward Bounty Fond. EDWARD BROWNING. Treasurer. CHARLES W. SMITH. Secretary. • - • fe9-3t. AT A MEETING OF THE TWEN• TIETII 'WARD BOUNTY COMMIdSIO N. held Feb. Bth. it was unanimously reeolved to close the books of the sln subscriptions en MONDAY EVENING, Feb. 13th, and tht Chairman of each Precinct was di rected to report the names of those that halsubscribed, for the purpose of taking each measures as may be re• cessary to secure themselven from the Draft. Another ni,ctiesr via be held T 818 BVENINO, Is the CR [MO Er. TWENTY-FIRST Street, below . Shorewood, at 7% o'clock. W.M. S. BALL, HAIMPR, Secretary. ' It DRAFT. DRAFT,. DRAVV— TfibiTH WARD.—A meeting . of the Citizens of TENTH WARD will be held on TIINDAY IMMO. the 19th Teb'y, in the basement of BAPTIST CHURCH. northwest corner BROA j y and ARCH Streets, to adopt measures to avoid the raft. It is desirable that all interested will attend. A H. FR ANCISCCS. Treasurer of Tenth Ward fee 6t -Bounty Fund Committee. HEADINGS BY JAMES & MURDOCH. AND TIM GREAT SLOOUTIoNurr AND rATRIOTIC . - - A DISH, NYbote obilenthroty sso well known in every good cause, but more especially in behalf of oar noble sot. diem has contented to give one more R what at CON CERT HALL. on THIS (Thursday) EVENING. Yob. L, for the benetlt of a worthy and charitable cause. Tickets for sale at CI. aXTON'II (late Mantien's). 606 Chestnut Street • ASHZEAD & EVANS'. 721 Chestnut s:reet; GOULD 43, Seventh and Chestnut streets, and at the door on the evening. rrogrammes can bs obtained With the ticket& Beadinks. corm:ll6ogs at S o'clock Dows_open at 7. Tickets, SO cents. Sioreserveli seats; an equal charm for all. Er.EULOGY ON TN= IRON. GEORGE N. DALLAS —The Judiciary, the members of the Bar. the Reverend Clergy, the city anthorittee, and the citizens generally,. are tesneetfally Invited to be present at the EULOGY on the Honorable GEORG& 51 DALLAS. to be delivered by the Honorable CFIARLE3 J. BIDDLR at the Ball of the University of Pannsylva nit. on SATURDAT EVSNING, Febrnsryi ilth, at 8 o'clock. JAMES PAGE. GEORGE hl. WHARTON, 1 DAVID PAUL BROWN,- Committee. BENJ. H. 81‘1WitTEB, Tel). St MORTON P. REIM, J • °FYI()); WASHINGTON AND VAN BOREN OIL COMPANIES. PRILADELriIii. PebYllll7 8.1M65. It special Meeting of the Stockholders of the &bora companies will be hsid at the office. Ho. 10 MEB -O.BABTS' BXCHANGE, on • WEDNESDAY, 15th. lust . st s.3i O'clock P. M. l for the purpose of consulting es to the propriety of telling all or part of the property of the companies. By order of the Board, WM. O. STILES, Jr.. feft tit - tlecretsry. WEST VIRGINIA NATIONAL Iar ' EXTROLEIIM ASSOOLATION —The Fourth I. etalment of 0/1/3•FIFTIten each Share of the Stock of the Association will he _payable to the Trustee; FAMES LIND. Lg., No. 5;4,, booth SIXTH St. (second floor). on the Othicbroary. lt* OFFICE OF THE CITY. BOUNTY itgr ' FUND OOMMIMION, COMMON W 3 ALTS BUILDING, No. 613 CHESTNUT Street, PIIILADRI,IIIII. Feb. 8, 1.885. ' The COMMISSIOI will MEET' DAILY hereafter *63 'o'clock P. M. . . By order of tho Committee! on. F. 9-111 JOHN BLAIR, Secretaiy.. TWELFTH WARD:A MEETING I of the citizens to adopt measures to avoid the Draft, by d iin ny one Quota, wilt be held TIM CI lin) sdaY) EVZOING.. 73b: o'clock, at the Mifflin Behool,bouee, TRIED Street,. above Brown. We mint have funds, or cease exertions. By order of the Com. zoittee. OBAS. M. WAONSE, President. Taos. It Cowititym. Secretary. It ELEVENTH WAREN—AVOID THE DRAFT. —The Enrolled Citizens of the Ward will meet TO-NIGHT, at 7.K o'clock, at the Hall, BE. COD and COATES: arouse from your lethargy, people - of the Eleventh Ward, and show that your former life anductivity are a t?lillan:egrtr illlid:oaWara that via permitted the Draft to catch us napping, and' making no effort to avoid' it. Now la the golden opportnnity to escape the Draft, and let us embrace It. - THOS. W. MARCHMENT, President. THOS. A. Year, Secretary and Treasurer: Hsi ALUMNI AISSOCI&TION CEtA- R THAL HIGH SCHOOL • The semi-annual meeting of tho A.LUMNI 'ASSOCIATION OP THE CEN TRAL HIGH SCHOOL will be held at the High School Building, on WEDNESDAY EVENING. Peb: it, 1968, at 8 o'clock. Business of importance will be brought before the meeting. feS 7t* . HENRY R. EDMUNDS, Secretary. 110.. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION), USN. TEAL HIGH ECHOOL.—The Annual Address before the ALIIKEI ABSOCIATION of the Central High Fah°ol Will be delivered by HENRY R: ED8117111)1, Req.. on FRIDAY 1sV814111(1. February 17tb; 1865, at 8 o'clock, at CONCERT -HALL. The Introductory Ad diens will be delivered by GEO. ALFRED TOWN- Etait Tickets may-be obtained of EBN•EY R. EDAlariDb, Esq., No. 221 South FIFTH-Street. B. H. D. FRALEY, 91.* Chairman of Board of Managers. 11W'PHYLPLISELPHIA-PIUIPLICI SrOCIIIC BRCHABUS, 80. 414 'LIBRARY Street —The Committee having charge of the Annual Subscriptions wisl be In attendance at the rooms daily. between the hours of 10 M. and. 8 P. M., until SATURDAY, the 11th test , for the purpose of receiving the SUSSCRIP ,TI Off MONEY and the names of new applicants. The list closes positively at It I' hf. on. the 11th, and the Suchange will open for business on the 13ttr. att‘pre vionaly announced. f45.4t* ATTNPITION VOLIINTEERS- HEM SST BOUNTY FOURTEENTH WARD. The Recruiting Committee are now • prepared to pay In CASH the LA.ROEST BOUNTIES to all resrnits ac credited to this ward They NO 111 sit at the Southeast corner of THIRTEENTH and GREEN Streets ItVBRY DAY from 9 to 4o!olook, where all information will be cheerfully . given. Avoid the brokere. come to us atm receive PULL BOUNTIES in OASH.' BOUNTIES. For one year For two Vara 676 00 For three years ' 825 CO FOB TWO TEAR IFST*RaIFB JOINING HLOGOOK'R For one year •-•-•••16826 00 For two years - 976 00 For three years Dr. J. MAONIa - WE: '' ... 1 .. ....1 ' 126 °° Recruiting J. W. TRACKARA, . fe7-6t FRRD'R. A. VAR OLIII%. C°2l-latttea' gar. TWEL F.W H WILED BOUNTY FUND,—CITY BOUNTY. ONE. YEAS MEN. FOUR SUEDES') DOLLARS; TIMES TEARS. PIPS HUNDRED DOLLARS, eaeh in hand. No recruit need wait for hie money in this Ward. BOUNTIES NOW PAID: One-Tear Men $525 Two-Year Men MY. 00 . 675 . , Time-Tear Men .-••••••:••••••••• SiYl HANCOCK'S CORPS. TWO-TEAR VETERANS. One Year .i....•........ ........ ...... EOM . . . . Two Years...—. —...- ... 975 Three Team..... ..•.. 1,125 Committee to muster in and My reor7ti . ta — meet every day at F. de L. Ladner's Northern Military Hall, 'I EURO Street. below Omni. JOBB H. BI ER,I JOHN S. HBYL, L. B. ENGLBS, • CHAS. IL MASSON, • OZO. BUTZ, fe7.6t Disbursing Committee. OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUNTY. FUND 00lithlIBSION_, 0011110NWS6LTH BUILDING, 611 CHESTNUT Street; PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 27, 1865. Notice is hereby given that the Commiseion for the Payment of the City Bounty are now prepared to receive and adi wit the clatme of all new recruits under the pre• visions o Ordinance of January 26, 1666. 'Volunteers for One Tear will resslye . it, Warrant for FOOR liutrilEED DOLLAR Volunteers for Two Yarn will receive a Warrant for FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. Volunteers for Three Years orlll.receivea Warrant for FIVE HUNDRED. DOLLARS. Enrolled citizens who shall place in the service of the United States a Sobstitute for notiass than Three Years, in advance of a draft, and who ahall thereuxn be cre dited upon the quota of the GUT of Philad pigs, will receive a warrant for THEE HUNDIVAD- DOLLARS. By order of the Commission. ja2S•if JOHN •BLAIR, Igr IDE • NORWICH OIL AND MN* IRO COMPAIST.—AL meeting of the Stock holder, will be held at the Rooms ie the Hardware Trade e,sociation, No. 4115 COMMERCE Street, Phila. delphia. on THURSDA.Y, the 9th inst.,at 4 o'clock P. la, to accept the charter, organize, a dopt bY•lawn, and eleot officer, for the current year. A. B. SHIPLEY, A. B. JUSTICE. } Corporator& MAXWELL ROWLAND. p. PIIILAD3LPHIA. Feb. 8,1665. fe4-st• aiNittrEse TILE LIBRARY COX. arPANY, PHILADELPRIA. Feb. 6, ism. The Annual tfaection for Officers for the ensuing year will take place on TUMIDLY, 21st last.,at the LI BRARY BMA!. Polls open at 4 P. L. nd close at 8 P. M. JllO. A McALLISTSR. fe7-181 Recording Secretary. Ige7THE NEXT DR &FE.--CITIZENS 9 EITJESTITUTE. W BEPRBSENTATIVE. AND VOL UNTEER OENCY. —e beg leave to call the attention of those who 'are drafted, and those Pr ho are enrolled and liable to military duty and also that class of per sons who are not liable to draft (ladles, and gentleman over forty-five 7 ears), to our agency for procuring sub stitutes and volunteer representatives Persons stiould attend to this important matter at once, as the draft has been fixed for the 15th of February next. We are doing a strictly legitimate business: we are furnishing men not liable to the draft as substitutes and representatives, as low, if not at lower prices, than any. other agency in Philadelphia. The law allows us to put substitutes in the Nary or Marine Corps, to be credited to any district in tho State where the principal resides. To facilitate business. if persons living in or out of the city, who are enrolled, will furnish ne with a certifi cate of their enrolment from the Provost Marshal of their district, they san have substitutes sworn Into either branch of this service, which will fully exempt em from draft. Reference can be given to ladies and gentlemen in this city for whom we have done basineee in this line, and also in the following counties: Chester, Delaware, Montgomery. Berke, Books, Schuylkill, and North ampton. . N. B.—Churches and Clubs tarnished at the. lowest possible prices. Committees . Liberal arr qu oteangs. ements made with Township Call or address MoNALLY, PAXSON, & CO., 4111. CHESTNUT Street - or • ft6-flt ' 'Box 2on Philadelphia Post Office. Iar'SIXTH WARD."—THE AT rENTION * cd the enrolled citizens of our ward is particu larlyealled to the following preamble and resolution, Paned at the meeting_ of the Bounty Fund Committee an Saturday evening, the 4th instant: "Whereas,_ Heretofore the burden of filling the quota of the Sixth ward has fallen upon the few. many en rolled men. liable to draft, having entirely ignored their duty in fatting to aid in subscriptions or work whom we know to be liable, but ,have depended upon those who have given their time and money to save them from conscrivtion; therefore. Reeedued. That it is the sense of the Sixth Ward Bounty Fund Committee — . Furst. That an assessment of $25 be laid upon every enrolled man liable to draft in the Sixth ward. /'second. That the Secretary to instructed to prepare a Mel of all who will pay $25 tex, and in the event of our taping to fill the quota 01 the ward by the time the di aft takes place, then that /vela/ amount shall be divided among those who may be drafted, but in fie event shall It be need to procure exemption, or a sub. et The for those who refuse to pay the above tax The Committee will meet on THUBPDAY BYE:WIG next. the Kb inst.. at 7 o'clock, at the School House, In inter Street, when hey expect a roil adept:lan will of allested. noes t wbo wish to subscrtbe will please hand their eubecriptione immediately to the- Treasurer, WM. H. BABBBS. No. 371 orth THIRD Street. or the Precinct Conanitte: e, who are earnestly requested to continue their labors and report on Thar"- day evening next Aid. CHABLIS WELDING. Chairman. JOHN RAGAN. SW, and Been:kiting Agent: feeAt OFFICE . OF THE :: BLACK - 11L1.- :_ MOND COAT. AND IRON 00111PANY..2001 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. The annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will he held at this Office on niodDAY. the lath day of February, between the„b ours of 10 and 2 o'clock, at which time an Election will take place for Directors for the ensiling year. , .1. S. HESTON. is2B-etnthift* Secretary. 10ff° OFFICE OF THE FIRE INBIJR ANCE COMPANY, OF. TITS COUNTY QF FRUAXELFEUL, FRERTJAIIT 2, 1816 At a meeting of the Stockholders of the said ComPanY, bold on Monday, thel6th.nli., the fcilowing gentlemen were duly elected Directors for the ensuing year, to wit: • Charles J. Sutter, Henry Bndd. Henry Crilly, , John Horn, Joseph Moore George Macke, Andrew IL Miller, James N. Stone, Edwin L. Restart, Robert V. Massey, Jr. P And at a meeting of the s aid Directors, held this day, °BAILIE J. StIT?Alt. Eva . was was :metal:nor:sly re elected President, HEBEI oilifDD. Esq., Vice Prowl: dent, and BENJAMIN F BOPOK.Lri • rearAtary and !Treasurer. - • Baultiu., ve.g.ttkgr. THE PRESB.-PHILAnELPHIN; THTTRSDAY, FSBRUARY 9, 1865: NOTICES. 110". NOTICZ. A SPEOIAL MEETING Oi erocurotirns OP TIM M'OLINTOOKVILLE PETROLEUM COMPANY Wlll be bell et the OFFICE OF THE WMPANT. No. 111 ITAINIFF ST.. OA T.IIOIISAAY. IPlarY 15, 186 V, it 12 o'clock BL. to CONFIRM ♦ BALE Of a portion of their Land, made by the Board'Orbi• rectors January 29, Ind. By order of tho Board.' 1a26-Kl6 LOGAN OIL COMPANY OF PENN• BYLVANIA.—Office Removed to 309 WAL NUT street, third story.. Stecthotdore are invited to cell between 10 and 12 o'clock A. N., when informa tion of the ornerrono condition of the Goinnemir win be riven, and ell illAtlitiel% answered fe6 6t 0 EO. G. ORUBB.'Fretident. LirT.ll E - COMPANY, No. 21 NASSAU Street. - .litsw Toga,- Februa 1865. The Annual Mooting of the Stockholders wi l t be held at the COBTINERTAL HOTEL, in the city of Philadel- V ita, on WEDINY.SDAY, February 27,d, at one o'clock he Annual Election of DIRECTORS will be hold at the someplace. on the someday. between the hours of two and three P. H. The Transfer Books will be cdosod on SATURDAY. February 18th, and reopened on MONT/AA February Eth. • J. R. RA:WM.- 101-11 h Secretary. FREDERICK DOUGLASS WILL deliver the third lecture of the course bofore the "Soclal.Civil and Statietical Aerociation of the Colored People of reuxurylvania " ea THIIRSDAE xviarNo, February 16th. Subject, "Equality Before: the Law." • ••• fe9r6i 11R5r'OFFICE GIRARD COX PANT, No. 324 - WALNIIT Street, Pi ILADELPRIA. February an;.leco. NOTICE IS BEIRUT COM P A N Y all STOCK of the GIRARD MINING on which' Instal ments are due and nueid has been declared for feited, and will be sold at Public Auction on SATUR DAY, the fourth day of March, HO, at 12 o'clock, neon, at the Dace of the Secretary of the Corporatibre according to the Charter and By. Laws. unless- re deemed on or before that day. BY order of the Directors. B. A. Hoop fa-tm4 Secretary and Treasurer. IrM.T"'• OFFICE PENNISYLVANLS, RAI ROAD COMPANY, , • PRILA DALPITIA; February 1. ISM. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Meet ing of the Steckholtiera of this Coropany Is ill be held on TUESDAY, the 21st day of Febi nary. 1865, at 10 o'clock A. , at the SA ti SO SI. STREET. HALL The Annual Election for Directere will be held on MONDAY, the 6th day of March, 1865, at the °Mee of the Company, No. 238 South TRIED Stroot fel•18t - EDMUND SMITH. Secretary. !gr. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. USECED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, FOURTH DISTRICT, PEN NSYLVAN lA, 427 CHESTNUT Street, Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank Building, February 1, 1(66. NOTICE is hereby given, that, having received from the Assessor the ofEcial• lista of assessment of the SPE CIAL CIAL INCOME TAX. for this district, the duties hav e become due and payable, and will be Piesived at this office until the 11th that After that date TEE PER CIATUR with costs of collection, will be added to all bills remainiag.tuipsis. Official notice will be served on all persons ishose names appear on said lists. ' fel-lit JOHN E. RILEY. Collecter... OIL COMPANIES. Far. THE . • CAMERON PETROLEUM CO. OF PENNSWIVANIA. CAPITAL SHARES 2400,4900. PAR. VALUE..... ...« Woo. iIIBSORIPTIoN $2.50. • . • PBIBIDBAT: VANCE .I§ITEWART; OF /tIRRONa COIINTIq PA • TREASURER; E. G. JAMES, OF ppiramivizie.. BECRITARY. J. L. DARLINGTON. - WEST °RESTER, PAL., DIRECTORS. VANCE STEWART, Mercer covirtr, PA. JOHN E. LEONARD. Wed Cheater. Pa. - D. C. FORNEY, Washington; D: C. • HENRY D. COOKE. Washington,-D: C. SIMON CAMERON, HarriebtirgoPa. -JOHN H. DIEHL, Philadelphia. JOHN F. GRAFF, Philadelphia... GEORGE 0. EVANS, Philadelphia. • JAMES DUFFY, Marietta, Laneazier ecr., Pa. The present and prospectlie value • of the Meek of this Company may be inferred from the fact that it owns a' fee simple interest in 471 (four hundred and seventy three) acres of the richest-tested oil territory in Venango county, believed by the most experienced- oil men in that region to be capable of producing a net annual in come to the Company of one and a half million. dollars, or three times the entire cost of the stock, which woold be equivalent to twenty live per cent.• a month on tie subscription price, or one hundred and Afty.per. cent. per annum onite par rocaue. The following is a description of the Company's pro perty: One-fourth fee simple Interest ia..the celebrated "Hoover" Ferro, situate on the Allegheny river. about hvo and one-half 'miles below Franklin, con taining 792 (two hundred and ninety- two). acres, with -832 toils (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river. on which there are now twelve leases, each ten rode square, and from which the owners of the fee simple get one half the Oil, free'of all expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners of• the• fee, from which they get all the oil. On this Farm there are now ten walla In operation, Producing an average of ten barrels per day, and several others are about being tubed. There am. also , on it (87 (eighty. Lev en) more lots surveyed, and more tharuilfty applications are now standing to lease the latter for one half the oil to the owners. Ont of the twelve wells on this Farm.eieners aro now paying handsomely; a fact which sufdciently demon strates tho great richness and reliability, of the terri tory. No. 2 Is the entire/es simple interest in 7131...(0ne hundred and eighty-one) acres, situate on the Mlegiteny river, near ly opposite the "Hoover"'Farm. and %Mtn° nearer Franklin, at the month of Mill Hun,..having a.front of 06 rods on the Allegheny river, amt. one mile on both aid es of Mill Run, with ample boring . surface for one hundred toells, or Lots of ten rods-square.. This tract is known es the "Stewart Farm," and is clear of all leases or incambrances of any kind. There is now in operation a afty-barrel well (beside several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm,, which - ad joins this on the south. Infants .the "Stewart " Farm is surrounded with good-paying ,wells, and within a' short time a single lease of 80 rods front, on the imme diate opposite side of the rivere sold for 8185,000 (one hundred and sixty-Ilya thonsand dollars.) -'On this lease a good well has been struck within a few days. In addition to the territory of. the "Stewart " Farm, which is believed to be equally se good as the " Hoov er, " there are on it a three-story Grist. Mill, with fine ater-power, a good farm. bowie, and ether buildings, hat will be of nee to the company. The durability of this immediate oil - section le illus trated by the fact that some of the wells on the "Hoov er" Farm have been pumping for oven - four years, with out any material diminution, in, their yield, while the oil here produced, from. its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravjty, aiWayz commanis from one to two dolla.m.per.barrel more than the ell at 011 Creek. , • Tie officers of the Sompany feel justified In present ing the following estimate of what, with vigorous management. the above lands can be made to yield for the bentiit of the . stockholders in a comparatively short time: THE. " STEWART EARL" There is room on this for one hundred lots of ten rods square, all of which can be leased immediately for one half the oil, fres of all to the Company. Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred wells, although there is room for three hundred) at the very moderate average of ten barrete each, would makes DeilYProdact ' I,OCO bbls. Ont of this the Company's share would be. WO bb/s.. Value Of daily yield to the Company, at tan dollars per bbl (it is now selling at - ;18.60.) - ;6,00000 Allowimg three hundred working days to . the pear, this would make the Comps- ny'a annual net receipts, from the Stew- . art Farm alone 1 600.000 00 . Allowing the came estimates for the "Hoov er " Farm, in which the CoMpanfownis one:fottrth in fse of the land interest, the ' ' annual net receipts from the latter would 0001)13 Making the annual receipts from both Fermi.• 1,875,000 00 Deducting from this amount the- sum of 1170,000 for contingencies, would leave the , Net Annual Income of the Company...—. $1,600,060 00 ALL THESE LOTS CAR BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED, If It Is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the Oil, with covenants blndinglassees to sink wells, with all gonads diligence,lo the depth of 600 or more feet. A FEW PLAIN WORDS TO SITDSCRIBRES --Yeziare not asked to subscribe to this Stock with the expectation of immediately receivinflarge dirotelen4B, but the baele on which the Company rests, it le be lieved. will Make your Investment not only safe, but, Prospectively, of enormous value. rotwithstanding,at the present prices of oll,the Com pany's aminal receipts (without any farther develop• meant) would be forty thouaand dollars, or eight per cent. on the cost of the stock. - , The President, Mr. Stewart, Is one of the moat practi cal and experienced oil operators in the State, and his residence near the Coinpany's Properti and general oversight of it is management is the beet guarantee that no offorte will be spared to make the investment pro fitable. .applications for a large proportion of the stock have already been made, but none will he received until the books of the Company are regularly opened for that PurPo ll o. Only . a limited amount of the 'stock will be sold at enlbeeription price. The stook will be leaned full paid, without farther assessments. BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION will be open for a few days, on and after January 18, 1865, at the office of E. G. JAMES, Treasurer, Ao.IOI.*ALNUT Street. Philade. R PRIVATE ENTERPRISE. KENTUCKY OIL TERRITORY, THE . GREAT OIL BASIN. 1.50 SHARES AT.000.10,0H on ths well-known OIL (MINKS of the BIG SaNDY RIVER, comprising a tract of MO sores in fee eta pie; and CO acres on a lease of 40years. 1-10 royalty, near which is the celebrated LYON MBLL end several BURNING SPRINGS. The projectors for the above- named sum agree to snpply the idompany with a first-class Repine, Tubing, &c , and sink one well/500 feet deep free of charge. Thai Subscribers electing their own Directors, each snore representing one vote. . The lands WO been secured under the most fax w. spit at which will be more fully explainettloa application at J. W.. ALBRIGHT'S. No 91_5 CHESTNUT Street. Prom 10 to 18 A. M. and 3 to W'. 111. Sabre Options close on Ei.giU &DAT KVFX:IIO. Febrn sty 11th. 1666. Al 10.000 acres of oliolo4Vau 1 441M 1 4 ECENTrwry laic Of WHS.. CHAR. L. DOUGLASS.- &metal" , pro. toil; OIL COMPANIES.' ww - A NEW ENTERPRISE. Oh:IC/IN A.M. SVATISCRIVTIOTer TO • • PRIVATE OIL COMPANY, • ..• .. • . TBBLAND SELECTED IS IR TEE CainienD MECCA DISTitIOT, • • TRUMBULL COUNTY, OHIO, . • ' , MUMS to the property of the Boston Labrioathig OB • , •••• • . • . Company. SHAMES 1,000 DOLLARS. The objeit of organizing the above ()plurally le an SM. -mediate development of the land by galling Wells as lO2ldly ae capitol and energy !en aneomPllell the wevT.. I ' W ill? irg t i i v e g e 4 d :c s , i d = elmorttring fall particulars. THOMAS kL SHOEMAKER: • •.• CARE OP C. HENRVLOTE. - NA. W. Corner Fifth sod Chestnut. fa. St far BERNIIN SPRNITISt AND GOOSE CREEK OIL ewe/al y, OF WEST CAPITAL, 11325 ool[r. 11l PER SHARE. FULL PAID. WORKING CAPITAL, EN5,000, •Wlif. F. DEAN, President. CHARLES BLARISTON, Secrebary. nindrbits. W. F. Dean. Frederick Leititandt, William To -McDowell; I Wm. 11. Schap , Lewis Rothermel, Charles Elakietbn Wine of- the corernny, No. 311 WALNUT Street. back bnildni, first tlocr, Philadelphia. The Eastee of this Company are advantageonaly situated in She very s choiceet Oil Tetritory of West Va. adjoining and many of the csle• brat ed Olt Wells in che 'tundra Spring and Oreab Rana wha Oil Disitiet of West Virginia,. giving exemenes that there mail be a very eatinfectory yield of elk when the property of Oita Campaign fatir developed, They comprine-- let. A tract of ' lan d containing- I.ol' acres, • in. Wood county, West 'Virginia, on' the leftleak of ,Walkoz's .Creek, three-foraths of 'a mile fibm Walker's 5t1..1.40n, If. miles east fronTarkeeburg. A.gte at Portion of this is splendid boring territory. as - the indications are re sosikable,end it bleu/rounded by laased lawn on stria= there ate many wells in mogress of development. Lying so near the Weal Virginia Railroad, the expense or de veloping and renbeemiently 'winking this land word dhe very light. in comparison with many other locations, - Ibis tract Is owned In fee: 2d. A lease upon four acres on the Hawstead Farm: on Goma Ore ek,inWirtconnty, on which there lea well 200 feet deep, in wfilch several strata of 'heavy oil; have i been struck. The lay of tbeland is exceedingly cboioe . There is room for at.' lean 'ten more wells on this most desirable Property. 7he lease has seventeen your; to ! rue; the terms are, half of ott obtained. the owners !aYing one-half of all empOnses 'a ft er the oil shall have !bet n struck. This well will be pat in Working order 11L821,011 as possible. • • - 3d. • lease on one half amen:the KAR_AWHA Rival! !hrthe LL. KW OWN 81JRNING SPRIN el DISTRICT. ;on the celebrated RATH BO NERSTATS; having a - Well on Ito( 11,9 feet in depth, which contained 69 feet of oft l in it when the rebel raid occurred. This well i within :a few hundred feet of the celebrated " Ls virsuy N' !WELL," which produced before the rebel raid 1 400 barrels of -.oil per day, and which was sold recently'for 1} . 160,(C0 cash, as leperted in . Pie money article of the Philadelphia Press of January 12, 1866. The Company has commenced operations on•this tract; a new engine -is upon the around with working apparatus, and a eallefaceory yield of oft is confidently expected, as soon as the primping avffaratus is put' in operation. This lease expires in IEBO. The Company to have two.thirds of the oil. The location and surronndings of this pro perty are so well known that it is not necessary to say anything farther about it. . le will be percetved from this Prospectus that the BURRII9O , SkRINO AND 000138 08. SK 011, 4307 V PINT hold in fee simple 104 aoree of well-established 011 'Territory, two leases of the best boring territoryln that celebrated region, offering , splendid inducements for rattles seeking luvestreent in oil property. The management of this Company is entrusted to Wit.' I:L -ECH ALL, of Schuylkill county,Penna., a gentleman of great energy and Industry, who will reside on and give hie personal attention and enpervistori to every depart ment, with a 'VW* to the economical developmedl of this property. • • • Air; Snbscription Books are 'now open at the Com pany e Office fora limited number of Shama at One Dollar per bbara. . ,164-st. VULCAN OIL 'ANDMISING OON. • Company, a faTieglir on ntgf6th tititittof.hp.holtralocluithiregilbdiree men. were elected to serve as officers for the enacting ➢ear: DIRECTORS: Hemp Simone.l Wm. , ll:Weeks, A. L. Willoughby, Win Jardani• W. J. P. Inaraham. \ .... . President—HENßY SIMONS. Treasurer—WM. B. WBEKII. Scretary—JOß. P. BRO.' it JOSIS. US . P BROSIUN, Seerela . DIVIDENDS. figr. DIVIDEND NOTICW-11113 DI• rectors of the CHERRY RUN PETROLEUM COMPANY have this day declared a dividend of TEN PEE CENT. , payable on the 21d inst.. char• of State tax. Books close on the 2Ath Inst. felt St HENRY B. PAUL, Secretary. IlAr. OFFICE OF THE CORNPEANTER OIL COMPANY, 52.1 WALNUT Street, Phila delphia, • • Fsnatratera, adl The Board of Directors have this day declared a dIvl• dend of ONE FIR CENT. 00 the capital stoat of the Company, payable at their atlas on• and after the 20th inst. Transfer books close on the 10th, 8,13 o'clock P. M. and reopen on the 21st Inst. fi.9.10t THOS. E. SEALS, Socratary: tar. INSUR &NCE COHPANY. OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.- FEBlttriiity The Directors have We day declared a dividend of TWENTY DOLLARS PER SHARE. clear of al. taxes, and payable on demand to Stockholders or their legal representatlTes. WILLIAM HARPED, fe7-10t Secretea7. ligr" MERCHANTS' AND "HANDMAID.. ATIONAL HAMM - (late MR CHASMS' AND MANUFACTURERS' BANK). • _ Prrraarrito, January 26018t6. The REG CLAR DIVIDENDS of this Bank will. here after be made In JANUARY and JULY instead of May and November, and for this arrangement tha•Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of OMB PER CENT. out of the profits to December DRY ult., free of United States tames. Stockholders on the Phila delphia list alai be paid at the COMMERCIAL 111A TWIrAL BANK on demand. JOHN SUOTT. fe.6.13t Cashier. W. , OFFICE OF ATLAS OIL COMPA NY, 524 WALNUT Street, Boom SO, PHILADELPHIA , . fan. 31. lea DIVIDSND NOTICE .— The Board or Directors , have this day declared their third monthly dividend °DONN AND A HALF PBX CENT. (1X) out of the net earnings of the Company for the montilof January. PaYtthle•on and after the 10t1; inst. Transfer Books close onthe 4th inst.. at 8 P. M. ; open on the 111 h inst.. at B.P. fel-tll P. W. WiLTBANK. nacre:err MILITARY. fi.2I"ONCE MORE TO THE FRONT 1" 1 3.11. REGIMENT INFANTRY PENNSYLVANIA VOLIIIN TERRB. 7th UNION LEAGUE (NATIONAL. WAND) agar.. COL. JOHN A. GORGAS. RECRUITS WANTED FOR ONE TZAR'S BERNICE. BOUNTY FROM OITY, 84-00, • ' " GOVERNMENT, HIGHEST WARD BOULTIES PAID; • BESIDES PLY, RATIONS, AND OLOTRIAG, This Regiment is authorized try the War Doarttrunst and the Governor of Pennsylvania.. All the Officers are Veteran Soldiers..and havesbown their COURAGE AND ABILITIES' ON THE FIELD OF BATTLE. Do not wait to be Drafted. but embrace the , preeent opportunity to receive the liberal • BOUNTIES ,0 .F F and to select your own °Blows. ALL CITIZENS SHOULD INTEREST TREmear.vzs IN FILLING THIS REGIMENT PROMPTLX. Colonel, JOHN A. OORGAS, late Maio!' Ifißth P. V., 'formerly of the 90th P. V. Lieutenant Colonel. JACOB H.. DAVIS, late Major 9Cth P. V. Major, WILLIAM H. HEWLINGS.-lite -captaln9Oth P. V. HEApeZUAR'rEIRS, 533 CaIiIIISTNITT Street,. NATIONAL GUARDS' HALL. RACE STREET, BELOW SIXTH. tog-tf IPUBLIC NOTICE;;---IMPRESEN—TA TIVB RECRUITS FOR RANCOUR'S. KEW ARMY CORPS.—AII loyal citizens :who would aid in pro curing xnen to fill the ranks oZHancock's New let Army Corps, and particularly all ttiose.who are liable to be drafted, should pay particular attention to the fol lowing announcement of the undersigned: -Any citizen desirous of proonring_a Representative Redraft must procure a certificate from the- Provost Marshal of his district stating whether he is liable to be drafted, or whether he is exempt. It exempt, a Re presentative Recruit will be fumished for three years for $3OO, for two years e0r • 5175,. and for one year for $5O. If liable to be drafted,, a substitute will be 'fan/hired for one year for MO, for. two years for $950, and for • three years for $1.1702 • Recruits must be Veteran Soldiers. and must be cre dited to the district to which they belong. Citizens should avail themselves of the foregoing op portunity without delay, for it will readily be under stood that it is the'duty of every man to put in a Repre sentative Recruit in order to avoid the draft. The undersigned assumes all responsibility, and will furnish certificates to chrsenspreeenting recruits for the term, the men have been enlisted, directly after they have been mustered in. ' . - A Heciniting Office for Hancock's Corps has been ettabliehed at No. R,Seatit SIXTH Street. All neat nary information will be chaerfully given by making application to EII3NWHISI FRANKLIN. Chief of Detective Pollee. hiayor's Office, Phila. PRMATELPRIA. Feb 6. 1665. NEW PUBLICATIONS. LORING'S RaILWAYI, RA. R Y hits the wants or - every tiaereller, and is eciaaily attractive for home reading. ' _ No. I. TWICE LOST is a brilliant English novel, so popular that the whole edition Wet taken by the Trade OD the day of issue THE EIGHTH. EDITION will be ready on Saturday., No. 2. LINNET'S TRIAL, by the same author, will be ready at the eamo time. Price of each in neat paper covers. 16 cents. Good Books, good print and paper, neat paper covers so handy to hold, and told at a reasonable price, are the strong recommendations Booksellers, news. dealers and • cm:yellers will send In their orders. 1,011ING: Publisher, .319 viAsunurros sow: swan 6 GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH.'' ~ • "TONY BUTLER." : • A *rest English Story. b. LEVER; for which FIFE TUOUSAND DOLL ARS • WERE PAID; Is commenced in thte week's TELEGRAPH. For sale by TREINWITH, 11.3 South THIRD Street. newspaper Stand, THIRD and DOCK. Newspaper Stand. EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. SHEA RD. Frankford. On It/ arch 9th the TELERRA.III will appear in a beau tiful new dress. fee. WISHER & BROTHERS' • - VALBSTRUS. We wilily dealers that ow popular $l5. SUL SlB,..and SID VALENTINE LOTS are now ready at the mane/dere FISHER & BROTHER, 4tif* No 12 North SIXTH Street. HYDE & BIIRPEE, 1505 WILLOW Street, Philadelphia, Sole Manufacturers of the AROMA-SAVING COFFEE ROASTERS AMD,D/AMOND • BURR COFFEE MILLS. E. J. HYDE'S PATENTS. "We Mee many times its cost yearly by roasting our coffee with your-Portable Coffee Roaster. " J. E. NIN.GSLEY & CO. Continental Hotel : Philadelph ia. "Where good coffee is desired, we consider your Roaster absosntely necessary. Relie GA. FOWLER, & 00, , Girard Hence. "I can furnish better coffee. at less expense, than when using the ready-roasted coffee." W. H. BAREAL Ashland House. - "Your Coffee Boaster and Mill are indispensable to me." R. Th. CLARICE, Germantown. " I consider your Portable. Coffee Roaster the best in the market." ZOTIN R. LOWE, Philadelphia,Coffee and Spice Mills. • : D. S. A. GENERAL HOSPITAL. SUMMIT House. . "Your Patent Coffee !Boaster is in use in this Hospi tal, and does its work An a very satisfactory manner, the coffee belua much more evenly roasted, without any portion la 11. berg overdone. There Is saying- In Quantity and Improvement in quality. the aroma being retained." J • 11. TAY charge. • Burgeon U. S. V.,.• in A. HEAERAL HOSPITAL. . Gumtree, Penna. "Ik rives me pleasure to recommend your Coffee. ROaSeit to all desiring-good roasted coffee " "' THOS. HEWSON BACHE. • • Surgeon 11. S. V., in charge. Kent testimonials might be. given endorsing our AiNiall rurally Coffee Roaster, all of which unite to pro. menacing it the only mataune worth having. Prices .52.50,.53 60; and $5. ..• - Trines for Portable Stove and Router, 'for Oroosre, • Hotels, Hospitals. Coffee Manufacturers, No. 1, $4O; Ito, 2, pga; sto. g. $125; No. 4. *250. Elezed.for cirocaar. • Mi. Mac hines. Warranted. Respectable families, de- Bring to try any.of the family sizes, ktafore purchasing... . - ean•be accommodated by sending Pueir order's to the of - ce - 1505 WILLOW &MEN ehradelnhta. • • . 10 / 01 t 1 0 1 . 044 . • FINANCIAL. IL S. SEVEN-TI-1.111/ItY BY authority of the Secretary of the Tretteurv, the undersigned has assumed the General Eubseription Agency for the. sale of United States Traeger) , litotes bearing seven and three•tenthe per sent. Interest per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are leaned finder date or August 13, 1369, and are payable three years from the time, in oar ruler, or are convertible at the option of tae holder into T.T. S. &SI SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. Tkose Boucle aro now worth a premium of vitae per conk . ; 'including gold interest from Noyember. Which rnitittir' - the aotudA mitt en the 7.30 Loan, at carront fated 'including interest, about ten per cent. per an num, baubles Its &TEM 'A:Ion/7-ons Elate and municipal Gaza/ion, which adds/rota one to arm per cent. more; according to the rate loyied on other property. The interest ls payable semi• annually blooorions attached tvescli note, which may bactitroff and gold to any bank or Vanier. Tile interest amonnts to One cent per day on a $453 note. co n t per day on a gli)Onote. Ter mita porday On a s3o6note. 'Zwenty cents 'er day on a 41400 note: Obe - A ollar'perday on a $5,000 note: Notes of ell'the denominations nanied lie'PrOmpt ly fundshed'apon receipt of seduarlptione. Thbritr TIIE ONLY . LOAN IN NUMMI'. now offered by Ma' government, and it" Is . conldetit27 expected EAVltei superior advantages will make WM, GREAT P0T . .4112AN LOAN OE T3E'PEOPLR. Less than 000,'000,01)1) remain unsold, width - will pro* bably be disposed' of within- the next sixty or ninetr days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a. Premium, as has uniformly boen the case on closing the snbecrlptions of other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section or' the' country may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Banki, - State Banks, and 'Private Bankers thronirkout the country have generally agreed' tO re= esdieLspbscriptiontrat par. Subscriberswill select their. :OWil,:ssients, in whorl they have *eciatidence, and who dogi lie to be respondible . for the delivery of the notes .oair Wok they receive orders.. JAY 4? •9 JE sußscßrEnciN•itiENT, No. 114 SOUTH ( THIRD •: STREET, PHILADELPHIA. TELE NEW 7-30 U. Sk NOTES FOR:SALE. IN BUMS TOWIT NI}IWIABBRS, 3DAVIEEt ,‘"BROTI4ERI3; 15A. , 4 KERB AND VROK:VWfV, DEALERNIN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES MINE " BALLY. r e i., T. YERKSI3, 31.4 at‘ CO., BANHERS; - , . . ITSTOOIe AID EZOHANGE'BROKERS: GOLD, 9X(aVIiIE4 BA*ES NOTES - NV'A'&TED.: No. 20 South THIRD Street jasam CRAB. - 7: YEBKB; JR; STOOK AND .BILL BROKER; UMBIOVP.33' No. 20 SOUlrit TMED•STREIST. 3a26-1m Drazzi, & Co., 3BA.D7EE - E.n,s, 84 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DEALERS /X AMERICAN AND , FOREIGN GOLD; FOREIGN EXCHANGE; UNITED STATES BONDS, QUARTERMASTERS'. VOUCHERS; AIM UNOURRENT MONEY. STOOKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AHD • SOLD AT SOLED OZ BBOKRBS. UR- Im. THOS. CALDWIII,L. CALDWELL tic-.C0., BASKEF. No. 43 Sortth.THIRD Street. STOCKS AND LOANS BOUGHT 'AXD - SOLD. ON COMMISSION AT. TIM gl RBOULAR BOARD OF BROKERS. lINCUBRIMT Bl2l.3r A nTakeßOM, BOUGHT COLLECTIONS l ADE^ And INTEREST ALLOWED , ON DEPOSIT. • Jal7.lra* ULM= AVM. 311101 t. aft CHARLBS EMORY' CO.. STOCK AND-TICIIME BROKER 4 No. lb South Third. Street, rRILADILPBLA All kinds of ruminant rands and. /jot& and 31/vor sought and sold, and (Sollestions made. Particular att.,- ton riven to the washes* and sale ot Govarnment, Mate. and other Btosks and Loans on 'emersion. roltklin OBOACIE W. IMIES. EDWIN ISIIILZB. JOB. L. HOUSTON. HEWES-, MILLER, it Cth, • STOOL AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, 50. 50 SOUTH THIRD RTRRRT. DILSIMM3 Sever...meat Securities, Specie, Ur.ourrent Money, _ city warrants, GTOOND toucan AND SOLD ON OONMDMoN AT 'THE RBOULAB BOARD OV BROKIBB. bilgrbt . • ll - 13. - LRICOH & COMPANY, • - • BATCSERS AM) STOCK BROKERS, No. 14 FARQUHAR. BUILDINGS, (WALD= IT., BELOW THIRD), , ' rITILADBLPHIA. Gold, Government Bonds,On and Miscellaneous Steaks. bought and sold on ommission at the Board of Brokers. Dealers in Foreign Exchange. Letters of cre dit Issued on London, Paris, Antwerp, Ago. jal7.3m TREASURY DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF TFIR COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, WASHINOTON, January 25, 1866 Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK OF Paff..A.DEL PHU. in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel phia. and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly orga nized under and according to.the requirements of the Act of Congress entitled 'An act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds. and to Provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved Jane 3, 1869, and has complied with . all the provisions of said act required to be complied: with before commencing the bnainsse of banking under, .said Act— Now, therefore, I, HUGH. McCULLOCH. troller of the Currency. do hereby certify that T NATIONAL EXCHANGE BAIIK OF PHILADELPHI in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philddel phia. and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized td..00r4- 1118ZiCe the business of banking under the act afbrescld Seal of the COMP . In teetimonr whereof, clines my troller of the hand and sea of office this" (WentY iifth day of January, 1866 1.."1 .1 1 en4 Y• HUGH McCULLOCII, Comptroller of thsgarroaw. BONDS FOR BALE. • , . OFFICE Pinto COMMIeBTONER.P.AWIO R R , ST. LOUIS, Janr4l7 30, 1660. PROPOSALS will be received under coat for the sale of ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SIX.f MORTGAGE CONSTRUCTION BONDS OF THE WESTERN DIVI SION OF TER PACIFIC RAILROAD, in the State of MiesourL of One Thousand Dollars each, with Interest Coupons of .Seven Per Cent., 'stile semi. annnally, principal and interest payable ats Bank of Commerce in the City of Dew York. The" ; nda are a first lien on all the Papilla Railroad from undo° to Kansae City, and all the net earnings of the. whole Road. extending from ht. Louts to Kansas City. are pledged for the Pay .,ment of principal and interest These Bonds have four, ' five, and six years to run e an t sf.All authorized by Actof - the General Assembly of the. tate oS Missouri, approved February )oth, 1664, undeAwhich. act Fifteen thil.ared Thousand Dollars et biortgAga Construction Bonds were issued, all of which, except the One Hunized and Illehty-six I now offer forAtio, have boon dins:Gad ot at par, and for,the rapid extension and completknt of said. Road I now offer en Italarsee. and will ten:live pro Petals for one or intim under seal, at my aloe in the Oily of St. Louis, antlL the 10th day of February - , 1066; and the same will lso told subject to the approval of the Governor of the Dias and the. President of the Pacific Rani oad. All needful information will be tarnished on application at thin algae. THOMAS L. PRICE, Fond Commissioner, St. Louis, Missouri. Information I especting the *pude above offered for sale, the law under which land. and. the character and wane of the seceritY, wlji be [Sven by the under slimed FRANKLIN A. DICK iabLiOt 715 WHEW Street. Philadelphia. Oll,wrocK.s, , r. S. LOAIII3, &c., smazer AND SOLD .9* t rala s itapz BOYD. __Woke; 110' ;t O. IS &nth UUCP litxtt. 225 DOOKSTRBIT, CALDWELL . FINANCIAL. 10 - 4 10-40 1.0-40 mum 801701/T AT IiKEHIST MARKET RATH BY rort - ExEric.,- et,' co., re4•IAI 34 South THIRD Mired. . z4k...*; . Era - -wx -xmww - in'tirmes, • • • • . • . • . TIZ AMOUNTS 7 TOr. SUIT, • • • . • • .• • • • • • • • "r e 4• 41 1, 0 :, •'• •34 Strati Street RAAPICR, DVENICY, CO:, 13A1 4 03ZEICS, . ATOM AND EXCHANGE BROHERS. rertioalar attentloo, jodd to Potshot's out sato! Oil • Alt SOME IBM WRIST. Armattarcroo;---Drozel 3m" tin, President Fienthwarkallanir. noirld-are 11ISVILANCIts WIRE INS RANDS UNION MUTUAL, INSURANCE' COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA, MS CORNEA . ITUiRp Ata WALNUT STS., EXCHANGE BUILDING INCORPORATED .1804. ISSETS ~ 400,000. E[EE AND MARINE. The Elsard of Directors of this COMPSAY have deter- Mend to insure risks against Fire, in accordance with their charter, and are now prepared to !sate Policies covering lire Risks at the current rates. DDIZOTORS: 'S. DEBTOTIRT, FRANCIS TETE. NBWBBRRY A SMITH, HENRY LEWIS. Js.. BDW. L. CLARK, ELMS YARNALL semusr, 0. COOR S A G. W. BRRNADOD. WM S. BAIRD, S DBLBIRT. SOLOMON 'TOWNSEND. JOHN MOSS. BICHARD S. SMITH. B BORIS. JOHN H. lawiN witukti C. HSHT. J. P. STEINER. ORO. F. ROB I NSON,. JAP. CAMPBELL, HENRY. SAMUEL °BAB. wEIPPLEit. scums 8. CUMMINGS, 1. LA.THRHHE. . - . . RICHARD S. Dup. President. JOHN .MOSS. Seorptarp. rI /went AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE CO- IFOOtiFORieIED Hr - SHE LEOIBLATITHE OP THE 5TA111.97 O.IIGAIiIZED OCTOBER. 6, 1864. FOR INSURING sower NM OE LIFE OR PERSONAL INJURY TRAVELLERS BY LAND OR WATER. • Policies issued for a Single ''r p, Special 30111116714 VOyeges, ha, dally., monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Also, ngainst the contingencies of personal-hazard, and againstloss of all kinds, except real estate. Pollak's tuned at the Principal (Mee, No. OWL 01:1ESTRIPP Street, • Philadelphia, or by. the Agents of the Company in any of the cities of the United States, or by the.Tisket Agents at anYnall rood Station. »«.............$950.000 OFFICERS. PERSEDENT.. • THEODORE spats. ME PRESIDENT AND ACTUARY. J. H. BRADLEY. • TREASURER. JAMES M. CONRAD. • SECRETARY, LUCIEN PEYTON. AGENT. J. B. PEYTON. DIRECTORS. James Graham, Franklin Startle. Wm. Colder. 1a17.1m Me odors Adams, Santee SI: Conrad, Bit:hard Wood. George T. Stedman. peiraz YOUR LIFE IN THE Nr. S-. E. Car. Walnut and Fourth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. It is a HOME CONTATY, and profits divided annu ally. Ulna Aldine. the assured to pay tabor° premitune. Last dt - ridend 60 per oent. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Alexander Wbflldln, J. Edar Thomson, . Hon. James Pollock, Hon. Joseph Allison, Albert C. Roberts, Henry K. Bennett. Samuel T. Bodine, Philip B. Mingle, George Nugent, • John Alkman.' Wm. J. Howard. Isaac Hasleharat. Samuel Work, • ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, President. BARIUM WORK. Vice President. n029-Smil JOHN S. WILBON,Sec'y and Trearager NZW BIICKWHBA.T WHITE MOVIE EMT. NEW PANED PHLOEM CULTIVATED manhunts% &a. - ALBERT 0. ROBERTS. Dealer in line Groceries. not-t 1 Corner ELEVENTH and.VINE Streets. COMMITTEES APPOINTED TO FILL THE QUOTAS OF VIM TOWNSHIPS TARE NOTICIL—TMs lathe only office In Philadelphia that can muster men in the city and have them credited to any. part of the State. Principals supplied with SUB STITUTES. Rtusaers liberally dealt with. B. F. LEVY, 403 LIBRARY Street, second story. IVIO TICE .-PARTIES •+- their own Patterns of Heaters, Ranges, SW . ' ing, Sewing Machines, &c., can have impactor matte on liberal terms by addressing LASKI& STOVE WORKS, Lancaster, Pa. ' fee-7 • I=lMiaiMl COTTAGE ORGANS Not only UNEXCELLED, but UNEQUALLED In purity of Tone , and Power, deslgied especially for choral:ma and School', but found to be equally well adapted to the Parlor and Drawing ft la. For ■sle mar by R M. BRUCE, No. fl North SEVENTH Street., Also, a complete assortment of the Perfect Melodeon constantly on hand. NM NEW PIANOS. . _ SUPERIOR NEW YORK PIANOS,Noot reeeiyed and for sale at G. .ANDRE At CO.'S - Music Storo, foO4-Iro Ro. 110* OHEINTINIT Btiaat.. /MO DECKER BROTHERS'_ • PI -The public, and partiontrAy. the profes.ion, are invited to examine these beauttfal,in straments, which are meeting with such an unparah. baled degree of populeritt and sale in New Ytra, and wherever known. • The desideratum so long istriven for, t. e., the strength of the iron, and sonorousness .01 the wooden frame so happily attained by them. renders their Pianos incomparable with any others. The nn. qualified testimonials of such names as Wohlso hn. Mason, Bailer, Thomas, &rude]. and scores of. others, amply establish their high rank. For sale only by W. J. COCHRAN, 908 OHESTNNT.Street. Also, a large tte~ortment of other Raw and 'second hand Pianos. fox sale and to rent. nolit•fha, fiffr t CITAIMINGSAJANNIFFIT rs Mannfactuis of GRAND. ELIEARE, AND ooyrAoKUPUICAT PIING-Fonym, Ro. Imo BROADWAY. NEW: YORK. • Each final,. went warranted:jug years. At wholesale and retail 25 per Ont. lees than We ma, elys Plane elsewhere. Dealer will do well to examlue Ou; lAstrlonts. ARP Egad for a catalogue. el-thft ADOLPH_ HINTWB FINK. sy TOR E an ;ran:M(1413441 • IffMERNEST GkBLER'S 1-8 Octave Parlor Oran PIANO& Mee 1.000 in use to Phllattelabta. Only for askle at JAB BRUME'S. BUS. FLITS StreeS. ' RAVEN& BACON'S PIANOS 1171, F.50W11 for 90 years: , Only foi Rare at • . ;las. 13ELLAH'13, 281'S. FIFTH Stmt. CALERBIJRG &_VAUPEL'S 1 ii YY' Conaart,PlATlVB; Ant- clam Only for sala B at • JAB . BELL &K• 8. An 8. ITIPTH Street. !MrNEW FINE' 7-00TAVE MO; DRItft•STYLII 08. from $475 to SI.CIIO. .1 S. BELLAK, 5181 11: PUTH Street. FR" • PIMICR'S AUTOMATIC OR earn surpass anything known in this line. Only for sale at JAB. BELLAIi'B, 2818. FIFTH Street impo . PRINCE & "CO.'S WORLD RENOVirID MELODEONS. • Over 31,000 In nee now. SAS. BELLAK,SoIe Agent, ja3l-Imlfr. 281.8. FIFTH Street. WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE SCRIPTIONS of Charaoter,Constitntion, and Pa. . lent, with ADVICE on Business, Health, Baum. tine, Ben-Improvement, Management and Train. • ing of CHILDREN, social adaptation. &c., day and evening, by JOHN L. CAPEN, Phrenologist and Bookieller, 0414101 1. 1 1 /f it HQ: NO 6, TWITYL fit,airice QktiMug. AMUSEMENTS. • GROVER'S GRAND GERMAN OrZltA 4 COXIOINUES • . A 'BRIEF FAREWELL SEASON • AT TEM . . A.OA:DEMY OF , MUSIC. • itIONIDAY, FiMitlilAßY 20th. POSITIVELY TO TEN ?TIGHTS. Several rrzw ARTISTES appear. and a largely la ereased Chores and extzaerand Orebeatra. POSITIVELY LAST APPEAR/40S of several of the leading artists, as they deems shortly for Enrope. Eee am neap cements le Saturday's papers. fa- if ACCTION NOTICE. BAZA.AIR; 'AITIY• 80M Street*. • , AUCTION SALE OF HORSES CARRIAOIB. 9Nr.seLTUE.p.lpt pIoEpIEN NEXT. At 10 0 ' oiOOii:iiiiia.:ii r g• iii - o - tTE F I FTHOHBE3, suited to harness and the saddle Full description at tale. ALSO, A large collection-of desirable new and second=hand`. cantatas, light , wanons, dearborne, arc., with which the sale will ~. . . . . die°. tingle and double harness. eaddles. bridles; Whine. covers , halters, dsc. tar no postponement on account of weather. Bale cf horses. &c., on Wednesday. Aar Carsisges and harness at private sale. ..1e9.2111" ALFRBD M. HICERN.IIB43. Anctlonsir. RETAIL DRY GOODS. BLACK •ALPACAS • • - • AT REDUCED PRICES. — 1 Lot Black Alpacas, 65 COWL Lot Black Alpacas, 75 cents. 1 Lot Black Alpacas, S 5 cents. 1 Lot Black Alpacas. Sir?Grior goods at corresponding prices. CURWEA STODDART ec BROTIIIIE, 4.50 4rigl; and ID* North SECOND' Street, above fe9 3t. I.II3TEDISE LOT OF LOW QUILTS.- 11 4 Honey-Comb (halite; . 10-4. 114, and 12.4 Landaster Chant. Bine ar d 'White, shy Pink and White Quake. . lioepitate, Hotels. &a., tupplied. • fe-9 , . EY.1414 dt LAIII).ELI,„ LEGAL. ; 7M. THE 'ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE .AND , COUNTY orISILADIMPALL Estate of WILLIAM 1r.011(..AN, treceasted. • • The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, nettle, •andadjost.lbe areonnt of WiLLiAll wani.m.m. JOHN SCRAVENDYRB. BUFAN C. -WHZDAN.. AMR ILIA :BEADY. and dli("AiAtt• FitHSll, - erscbtors of the last will and. testament of WILLLSM. WHIM h If, - ;deoeased;and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will ree,t the parties interest ed for the purposes o' his appointment, on WBONR3. DAY, February 22d...18&5, at 8 o'clock F. M. at No. 4.451 south /ROHM street, in tie city of Ytilledef pHs. • - JOHN B. COLMAN; fe94hstu6t . • Auditor. WANTS. ANTE D=A tbNeitonab exgerrience in Color's Fiedotralltho• Address Ledggroffice,withpsecianlags.fiffig3t. - ur A:IVVE T V- , B 1 1 - A WHOLESALE: BOOT AND SHOE Boum an EFFICIENT . SALESMAN. wbo bass tho Tough knowledge of the boldness. Address, for One week, "Shoe Mercbant... Press Office. fe9-6t. • WANTEDTO' Rk6NT; FOR' A DRY GOODS AGENCY—A. Fecund-story NOON. bly located. on North Third. street.. Cheetnut, below Fourth. or Market street. Addreea Poet Office; .Box fe9 WANTEDA LAROE'ROGILEi!VrITH STSAIIE.POWBX Addretus " W.." 1418• Worth SIXTH Street. • Phlladeiphia (o 8 Eta WANTED -A 'YOUNG' MAN 4.8. AN Atabitant intryClerk in a Dry Goods Cernmi?eon Bonne. Must coma well recommended Address •• H. 8. M.." at this office. •••feB.3l' WANTED -A SALK SLADTV • TO lake charge of a DEI -GOODS non. Norka bat a drat-clue haw] need apply. Liberal' wages will be given. Addreee • ' Press office.tbree days.Cfeil•gt WANTED BY i YOUNG' 2iIAITA, SITUATION in a Wholerale Dry Good, Notion, Or Wool House, as ASSISTAIIT BOOLE-1013Pnit or to learn the Business. Unquestionable reference as to cha racter, ability, &c. Address "!8.," at this office. feS-21.. WANTED-A:SITUATION AS BOOK KEEPER in a wholesale House by &young MAN of experience, and vale can give the best of xeferenca. Address." G. L.," at this office. fed St• lAr ANTE D-BY A YOIING , MAN, & situation as Clerk or Aseistant Book-keeper. Ad d rose T; J. P.." Press altar. fer-Sts WANTED TO RENT-A• LARGE STORE. between. Second snit Tenth streets. and Market and Walnut Waste. Address "A. J. _W.." Press office. • • " fe7-3t. vA NT E D -TWO COMPETENT SALESMEN, in a Wholesale Notion House. None but there who can influence a good- trade need address Box 917, Yost Office. te74t* WANTED-TWO OOMMUNIOAT . Ira .ROOMS on First Floor, satiable for Real Estate and Conveyancing Oflice. Locality, Ram to 'Walnut, Third to Ninth Streets. Addreu RD. 11: RAD CLIFF, 920 MARKET Street. • feT-St• WANTED-AT $l5O PER MONTI}, a reliable CANVASSER In every town and county for 'The Nurse and Spy." the most interesting and ex citing book ever published, embracing the adventures of a woman in the Union army as • Nurse. Scout, and Spy, giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. We. have agents clearing SISO per month, which we will Drove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES BROS. & CO:. ia24-1m - 600 CHESTNUT St , Philadelphia, Pa. -A LADY WISHES TO FORM AN Engagement to sripply a Publishing Route with- TRANSLATIONS from the PREWGH or OBISKAST. Ad dress A. POBRST, Phila. P.O. 14.2' BOOS.KEEPER, WA NTED-EXPE BIBBOED, Quick. and competent. Address. with references, Box U 72 P. 0. ' fe7-3t* N T E EX -a-A PERIIINCSD, EDITOR. to take charge of anestab- Hailed Weekly Paper; meet be a perspicuous. pungent, end racy writer. well Informed upon general td beef the day; his wilting's and selections Iron irom , political bias. Address Publisher." at this Office. It* SALESMAN WANTED-IN A DRY Node Commission House; one well acquainted with the oily trade. Addresa Box 1438. fe7-Bt* 8125 A MONTH!—WANTED AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SHAW & CLARK SIXTEEN-DOLLAR FAMILY BE clr me him:mugs, the only low-price Machine to the country which It ticvnased by Grover Sr Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Rowe, Singer & Co., and Bachelder. Salary and expel:34B.°r large C0M111151310111. allowed. All other Machines now sold for lase than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and neer liable. Illus trated circulars sent free- Address mew & OLARK, nol7-d&W3m BIDDEFORD, Maine. WANTED; AT FIVE PER +B., 000 dim on Arch. etreet Property worth tbioilmes the amou4 . 8 CARPENTER it. SON, 144)..6t*• , - • • =•'242 South THIRD Street. ilki; l7 - WANTED -A:HOUSE; FIIR SIM. for one year..lns central loontion. Ads dress Pres" Office to B. 8. BENTON. NB 3t4 WANTED-TO, - RENT,TOR THE -ma Summer—s Furnished Roues in the country, near a railroad station, and within an hour's distance front town. Diffireee "8. L. T..?' 1123 8P237013 at: fe9-thsra3c• WANTED TO , PDROFIA:SE--Aja, Factory Prororty, or large lot. west of Broad street. Also. TO LELL, a haantome Germantown Re sidence, stable, and one acre; beautifully situated. on Bast Washington Lane. It will be sold at $15,000 (Worth now & i S. 000). or exchanged for a. city house. If not sold April let,' will ho rented, with fa , nature, at 811,200 a year. Also, for rent, al' of eighty acres, elabt miles from the city. Apply. to• LIPPINCOTT, BROTBABD, & CO., office of, Sacksoniren works, 15. BANK Street. fez-tnthslm, ABLASSISTANT lIQUARTERMA.S. YEVE 0FF10N,N0..2124 - Socith TIIrED St.* PRlLeuxszPare. Dec 24, 2564. Vessels wanted to load with coal for Newborn, N. 0.. and Key West, Fla. Thurstatch atven- TON. IL TENNI/YOB. de21141 Csrtsin and A. Q. Y. FOR SALE AND.. TO LET. din FOR •. ARM - TREET , eolith aide, *eat of Tenth, large DWELLING; lot 25 feet front by 150 feet deep, :oath etable and eoacb. house on an adjoining lot. Price. $19,000 clear forall. MILLER. 154 Borth SIXTH. Street. if •valuable tract. or LAND In Fentuulvania, near railroad, water, Sm. Good timber, Iron Ore, Sco: Will roll a bargain. or will sell a half-interest. 080. N. TOWNSEND k GO., fsa-tt , 123*.Sonith FOURTH Street. TO LET.-TNZATIRD STORY' OF Mak COMMONWEALTH BIIFILDIN% 611:1 i d.G13 amen= Street. LIORIED BT,TWENT/LEIGHT WINDOWS. • CrN' REARRANGED FOR OFFICES. TWOS, I! . CONNELL, Conntiag•Nonse of Dr. D. JAYNE tr. SON. fe7,80 21421 CHUMMY Street. To, OIL. COMPASTEEL . -a- TO RBITT—The large, well-ventilate& and lighted third. story Office of thp. Banding nosthetuit corner FIFTH and 'WALNUT Streets. ' Apply to B. A. ftiITOEII3LL, in building. fe9.6t. OIL CREE.M.IIIIOPERTY—CONSIST _II ING of 210 Across on TV RUC near CBE SEVILLE, a larmycrortion BORABLE. and for sale at a low price, by 3 EVAIiS, 1?.DIo. 435 WALNUT Streets. UNDBi. Ti1T4133. AND A lIALP•ACRE3 .of tha beet-eelacta land on PITAOLR CREE', Ve .naneo,coruity, within a short distance of the river, and surrounded:by producing waits. It is below the ,large Wall lajely. struck by the United Stater' Com- Play. which..lshow.prodacing 2Tharrele ger day. The urge Pumber,of- PRODUCINS WILLS now beim gatrisek in this (Plthola) Region has produced a great estetteactnt. and the 'Derritory In this neigh borhood to daily enhancing ii value. Tide Beatenpromises to actual the productions of either Oracle or Cherry hon. .Addreca " Petro- teem. • Ehuadelphia Post Oliice.. feS 41. TRIIRITORY. N•-• , .0 FOR SALE—A Tract of O Land, contAbong M acres. situated; to the celebrated Mecca distyist. - Trumbull county, Obi°. This distript produces the famous Mecca Imbricattag Oil •-•- Alto, a Tract of 62% loess on East Sandy. Creek, To.. nsngo• county. two and' a half miles from its month. sad oppseite Kingston om. Oompany'uTroperty. Vol , particulars apply to COCHRAtt dr RUSSELL, left tit . 22 North FRONT Street. OIL LAND FOR SALE LOW-114 Ames SALMOES CRESH, rive miles from Tionesta river and 011 operations of Buffalo, Brooklyn. Salmon, Big Salmon, and Cutter Farm Cstl Companies. Amber 011, worth 830 at ( The Wells, is fonnd here. Oil springs abound one and half miles from Harlan, county mat of Forest, 011,2teek and RidTwav Railroad will ran near by. • H. OSLER. Jr.. & CO. fe7.61.* if THIRI) and HARSIONV Court. - 110 ETRMETIJNI LANDS.- A TRAC • of between FIVE and SIX HUNDRED AORRS, lr ing In the centre of the break of the Virginia Oil triet, on an line of the. Northwestern Virginia RP-a read—onsr•tbird boring territory—a substantial baste foi ft a i o ffacsoa tt wurpose will be offered to oligibl• partite. A ddaess " Owner. " for two dar 11. at this offtee. feS-Tts. C F I 3 ) 15 1 , sai Diortatagea of tam ! B ut; 1:44t • BOtiSALT. BRos i 'AVM*. • " 110 Aorta/aI:ITS Street. WEST . .Trit . GENIA:. LAW) OFFIOA . PARKERSBURG. IMPORTANT TO OIL COMPARISS AND OAPI x TALIRTS. BURGESS & PAIST. • --(formerly of Pb.liedelphia.) SURVEYORS. CONVEYANCERS. DRAUGHTSMEN, AND DEALERS IN OIL LANDS Have opened an Office I_n PARKERSBURG for the purchase and sale of Ott Lands. Surveying and Con veyancing. Lands ertiveyed. andl Manned, - Titles ex amined, Deeds and L ae drawn. companies and in dividual intereem attended to. Parties desiring In. formation regarding Lands. Companies. Wells. aa., b 7 mail or otherwise, promptly answered. Persona visiting the great oil regions of West Virginia will find it to their interest to call upon BITRGESS at Pain'. 1"It fe3-Im , rkellbgrs, West Vtainis..-- A. R. BVTAI33, 10. IL P,Atir - . . .c- ~ . -.. .eiriTa; .rori - e ' ries. .4 ..Mini sat via's own* HANDEL ham Ri o " ) -1 50Crurr vig SL I CCPM?. VCI/144Criaii OF. TSUI SEASON 1364=1865, The Managers announce that the MOW/ GOMM of the Beason will take place on Friday Evening, FebriaStrY 106; MESICAL KID . HALL; when zoosizgislifuldims,Onowitkit THE STgBA'I!. *4!A I WILL Bs ritstdititii The 861* Farts wilt be istletightett by the fetbyeKies =tste: MRS. 11102 ART. soprano, Rota Now Ttrrkr MRS. JOSEPHINE SOHINFET, Contralto: MR. citoßctE sintftC', • Tenor, froth New Tonic: MR. A. R. TAYLOR. . Hisao, Amr the Leitoß CEfOr.l7B or the Sostet-i. Ti' additioa'Ya the STABAlTtg.Nifirhe even ea OVIRVISE 5 - # the allitm.prx :ORCEnEttlia, and: DUET and:MU/BUS from Itindeliaohn'a HYMN Or PRAM?, All under the dliketiCeof dilEtt ECISTZ Enheoribers Will tie taken for tlitis - and the remalnint C4Stette at TEARS DCLLACY; staining them to THREE 'fichete for each Concert, cn nppllcition to any member of the Soot*, or et J. E. titoitad's kloslo Store, Seventh and Chestnut stmete. !angora Tic'rs: ON DOLLAR. to be bad iftbe Munk' &Urea; at Itlbtri'A tPontinentat Hotel). and at The dam' on the evening nr the Ooneezt. To conimehte at 8 O'cl'oelf: fe6.6; FOY Ell'OF AC4DtlitY OritirSlo. ; • *. CROSS - W . JARVIS'" • .•, . • SECOND CLASSICAL • SUIFINDE, • • • • SATURDAY As' wan Art 11, 188. at a o'clock. -When they IsIEL be sedated by CARL SIAERTNIIR. A. ROOOBH2HROIR. CHARLES' scgaurz; J. • AfiERCHT. Tickete. each. $l.O be hod 'at the princtper Made Stores ASSAt ACADEMY OF MII•StO. • • BOMBE 'erranrcrnatt Bs the reptiele ILLEInte D LEWIS' GY MNASI MG, - Ticked', THURSDAY RVRISIUR, Feb. 16. .60 Reserved Feats • 76 b: com" Secnre_yeur tickets in Stm - e &t. the ' - GYMNASIUM, corner of RIDTILand.,AROII. Where also full programmes can . fe7-211 NEW CIIESTNITT-ST. THEA2II2--• CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE-TWELETIL Groyer & Sinn • --.—. • heA.113418 aad THIS (Thursday) EVE NING. Fab. kb. • GLORIOUS TRIUMPH" OF THR YOUNG, BEAUTIFUL, +ND Sciralutto SEIM . TIONAL ACTIUBS. MISS HELEN wEsTERCT: • who will impear this Evening in SEVEN DIFFERENT OFIARAUTUBS. dS DON CIESAR DE BAZAD?' in the ere:tint drama of the same name, acorrasairablf SIX DIFFERENT CHARACTERS, in the amusing Waste= speciality called ty• • DEVILISH GOOD JOKE, In which ate will also Dance a YORKSHIRE CLOG HORNPIPE. COMING THRO a U ud Gii in i f tlE HEATHER. ,. • FRIDAY EVENING. BENEFIT .0P HELEN WESTERN. • Or SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Fob. 11, THIRTIETH GRAND FAMILY MATINEE.. :TBM THREE GUARDSMEN WILL BE rEESEIETED. .EW CHES IMT-STREET TEL AID FOR THE SUFFERERS BY THE GREAT FIRE AT NINTH AND WASHING. TON STREETS. The Manager takes pleasure in announcing his Titan, Non of giving the ENTIRE GROSS•RECEIPT% (Without any deduction) of the GRAND MATINEE. - OF WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON NEXT, Feb. 1211.,* To the Aid of the SUFFERERS OP THE LATE GREAT CONFLAGRATIO2( (At Ninth and Washington streets.) - The money to be immediately handed over to the r . COMMITTEE RAWED FOE THEIR RELIEF: TEE CAUSE OF HUMANITY Should urge every Citizen to Contribute his mite to this Fund. The Entertainment Will be of the molt Makalleent 11ce ption. For 'further partienlain, Price of Admission. Ece. , sea nonce advertisements. : fee WALNUT -STREET . THEATRE. . FRANK DREW, _ FRANK DREW. THIS ( IDDRSDAF) EVENING, Feb. F. IN THREE ELEGANT PIECES. The performance will commence 'with the beautiful Drama of the IRISH EMIGRANT. After which the great Drew Burlesque of CAMILLE. Camille (with goats). .« Frank Drew. , To conclude with the screaming Farce of • THE IRISH DRAGOON. Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan......Mr. FRANK DREW MRS: JOHN • DREW'S NEW AU. STREET THEATRE. . FOURTH NIGHT. OF MRS. JOHN DREW. • THIS (THURSDAY) STEWING, FRB. 9, IM6. THE DELLS'S STRATAGEM. Letitia' Hardy Mrs JOIIK DREW. , :' . . DOTiCOLIrt... 4.... Mr. Carders. After whieb, POPPIIIG THE QUETTION. Mr. Prlamee Mr. Griffith. FRIDAY. BEERPIT OF MRS. JOHN DREW_ READINGS BY . • JAMES E. MURDOCH, Req, THE GREAT ELOORTIONItIiT ADD PATRIOTIC READER: Whose philanthropy Mao well known in every good ranee. but more especially in bohaif of oar noble sol diers hen consented to give one more Reading at CON CERT HALL, on THIS (Thursday) EVES/IMO. Feb. 9th for the benefit of a 'worthy and charitable same. Tickets for sale at CLAXTOII'a ( ate Arartleft's) 0)6 Chestnut *street ASHMEAD & 12'TM, 721 Chestnut street ; GOULD'S. Seventh and Chestnut streets. and. at the door on the evening. Programme can be ob tained with the tickets. Iteultngs commence at 8 o'clock ; Doors open at T. Tickets, 60 cents. Do reserved teats ;an equal chance for aIL it JAMES E. hIIIRDOCH, . READINGS AT CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT Street, alma Twelfth.. At the solicitation of a Committee of Gentlemen, Mr. MURDOCH has consented to give four more of his popu lar READINGS for a charitable object, and we take pleasure In presenting the following magnificent Pro- • gramme for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, expressly Waded by him as containing many of hie finest pieces, some of which are. for the first time. Introduced in this city: FRIDAY EVENING. Feb. 10, 1885. SELECTIONS FROM THE .TRAGEDY OF OTHELLO.. The Midnight Brawl-Claaelo's Disgrace, and bin Ras &afore en Drunkenness (2d act. )-Shakerseare. Extracts from T. Buchanan Read's WAGONER OF THE ALLEGHENIES, consisting of two pictures- First, the Frozen Camp at Valley Forge; second, the Tournament given In honor of Lord sad Sir William Howe in Philadelphia, 1776. How they brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix-, -R. Browning . Foolsters of Angels -Longfellow. - Vaunt Defence before Agri pp a . -H oly Writ. On e Boa p d g he n C n mber F a D , H (bal Jan ) l -G e orgs. H. Bolter. Oar Defenders. -T. Buchanan Bead. ' Wounded and Mustered Oat-Rev. Wm. IL Miller. The Valentine. • Practical and Theoretical Remarks and Be7ections on the same by the Elder Weller and his Son SamueL- Dickens. SECOND EVENING, Et ITURDAY„ Feb 11. EXTRACT FROM THE PLAY OF BING MORT TEN EIGHTH. Cardinal Wolsey'a Disgrace and Lament. -Shak speare - Mend huller.-J. G. Whittier. Tho High Tido on the Coast of Lincoluablre, 157 - Seen Ingelow. The Deacon's Wonderful One-horse Shay.-0. W. Holmes. Brushwood; or, Labor and Prayer..-T. Buchanan Bead. The Ballad of New Orleans.-George =t )3oker. Our Heroes =T. De Hams Janvier. • Sheridan's Ride. -T. Buchanan Reads Selections from Lady of the Lake; Death of Blanch* . of Devon- Interview and Combat between Roderick. Dtn and Fitz James.-Scott. The Humorous Ballad of Kowtows Tonson; or, the - Troubles of the Little Frenchman Tickets for each Evening, 110 rents. AGE:kited number of RESERVED SEATS. without extra charge, can be obtained on early application at T. R. PUGH'S Book- Store, corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Hale to commence on Wednesday, Febrowy 8. Tickets will also be sold at the Hall on each e ;ening. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Recitation at 8 Programmes for Monday and Tuesday Evenings will appear on Saturday. Persona boning tickets can pro. cure Reserved Bestsby applying na.above• feS-St SELECT READINGS .AND RECITA- L VOHS by PHILIP LAWS.F.NOS and his Daughter MARY, at ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, on FRIDAY and SATURDAY RVENIbt OS, Feb. aeth and MM. " The Death of the May Queen," "Charge of the -Light Brigade." " Barbara FrieL b jo The Famine." `• The Gambler's Wife." ' Flin con on the Rhine. "Amami Lee." "Lori Tom jlodtly." :sc. Tickets 60 cents. Commence at 8 o'clook. feB et` THE THIRD, AND,.I.E.A.ST LECLTUIIII -A- of the Series upon the zainle of EDGAR - A.. PO& will be delivered at the Ball of U.ll, CrlllYerAitX, NINTH. Street. below Market, February 10th. at It entOck. P. - M. It will include • dhcrtesion . of the con•traietion. and the poetic nignitleance of THE .11A,VEN." -Tloketo 25 cents. For 05. , 1.hp.111.. T. 8; RIBS, South west corner of SIXTH anO. CEISSTMHT. fe9-2t• B • M. CLIVELAND. GREAT NATIQNAL CI - RCVS; WALNIGT•STEEBT. ABOVE EIGHTH:. `La A WEEK OF -GREAT ATTRACTION: COL. DAN R THE 8L1TA.H. 4 . - NRRE EXC ELSIOR, THE THOROUGHBSED. ARABIAN STBRD STEYR:MI A: LAS. ORIGINAL COMO' M IILES PETE . arlffe BAHNIT. MONDAYIi - Rica 1•111. . make Ms and aDemmlles during EVEN.II44, Rh tusk and continue during the Week . He mill Mt/canoe to'tbn:audience his Won.- deed] and vvell-tralned. animal?. Re-engagement of 51'lle ELISE; /he Saone Family;. Begrimes TamßT: Butclineon sal:M=7; the Tr - ...n0d Dogs; Le Jonas Burk • Admission still the same—First, Tier . so sts ;Second do- 25 dn.: ?Agate B once $Ng e., Parformaim commences ew,....Neeenlair at 740 Per formance every Afternoon, commencing at 2)! &Mock. A . ESRIKSLY DRIIISFE" ONO LD WiTkE," LAST MOM Of the Imacarons Lectiiraiad *dead Pezalologht. DK 0.. SRO TifT4LLIIII4. Two I,oe.ra of fat and ta,foreaatiox. ON BATOR:DAM I.OISWISLL Efe.Tl3llll, Tiokateto maftwee 26..aenbe; Evening HO dents tea 31 TION.A.L SKATING PARK 4 V* 4 . TWMITY• BAST StieetaS COLZIMBIA Anne Mark cleated of. the last fall of tinpaf t /00.$11 1010 / 1 gooloonditkra. HABIBIAUPS OECHESTEL /au afrurAßT RAXI• " 1444 146 Y Atta Boa* IDIGHTEISIreO.- Ja33,la• • 515U1L4382. 1 . 8 every_ SATURDAY. at 93e t P. N. MIMICAL FUND ituLL. suukla -w.ets, sad • Bix Tiokoto. SI; to IDO bad at Ocraal'a. Andro's. sad Trawor's Music Stoles. and at the reva • no7-tf TAB ACADICMY OF ram ARTS, OHYT Street, above WADI. 12 OPEN DAILY rAw visitors, from 9 A. Y. to) 6 P. "RECEIVED IN 1171WILAUICE—AT THE Jim Hop of La Coterie - BlaaeU„ 'au . OVERCOAT. Ilia mastr can nave the aspic byylooringproperty and denying ittpenaea,at No. go. .THIBD Street. 13* RE -CM. S • (*LOBED PHOTO mums, widely .known and appreciated for their wondrous accuracy and artistic colorinr. made for the moderate charge of N 1.50. Go early: days short. SECOND Street. above Green. rARTES VISITE--BEJAM •••••• styles, plain asd tinted, boaIaTINFA. Patrons. pays iFam Go earl Ga ll e ryy, days . shot. a ' '' ' - 1 . 9 ,„ PHOTOGRAPAmsTigibIit jorthipt r itunre &see thebeetelouth-EDIRER Week. .11419Ele! Stole Sixthlap -- 3 MFROANLL 010213118T31:41.::-EftlilLICI 1 REHEARSALS eve HATIISDAY, at MC toWea P,11.. at RUUD:IAL t he. HALL. %vacle =girths. NS Gents. Six Ticketa,sl; tad at omit% Andzelle and Knees Music storea..ead at the Rat , L .•atdtair • ' THE ACADEMY' ', or ':MIS ' , Asp CHYSTNITT Streot,abore soma. Ls CPU D for ostton. tiviP 4 de.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers