THE ritmoms, :I) DAILY (suNua.vs EXI/EPrxD) NT JOHN W. WORN ICY. 240, 111 YOUTH POrtiLTE( NTEIST. THE INIAI i.lf PiKENN, Iblitrlbell3. in TUN DOLLAIM Pan Lynn!. Ix TwErrrs Cerra PIS W Rem. oasoble to Mailed to Subscriber.. oat of the atty. a I'm ANNUM: Roos DOLLAILIs ARM TWIT is imn; Two D04'44111 Mgr TWgirrT• ma THREE NOSTWe. Invitriablyll. edvenoe rdered. !gement!' toserted at the mil rates. E TRIWEEKLY PILEMS. Irtbscribirs, rims DOLLABP Poe Aosuoi. ti STOKES, & CO., 3 COMMISSIPIQ KERORANTSI HAVE R3MOVED TO 022 Chestnut street, LIT offer for sale, by the paeans. D BUMMED COTTON% oBNABITEDS. TICKS, AND DUD'S: I. I.ANNKLS; IS-MIXED, AND SCABLIT VLANNELS4 SKIRTS; _ . , of all leading miumfactares: AND OTHER CASSIHRRIE: TWEEDS, RIPELLANTS, ac.. &a. I. US EE BLANK-87 TAIL DRY GOODS. NEEDLES, Mg CIIESTBRITT ,STREET. Wagon to Ms Urn ostortmold of ACS GOODS, COLL.LBS. OHM HANDKZIKRIIIII. Le for thermion% seamen. ARDS W/D1 MUSLINB. srgeas, and for fads laic ELETA.NB, ITAusrows, and other pod*. kiirI . PARTY DUMB& ..o stye assortment of Riammonnsre, nionmancs, age., all of which are offered slk below the present gold rates. E. M. NBEDLES; 'BROWN FETING AND SIIIRTINGS, 'ILLOWOASE =slaws, MOUSSELINE DE LAINESI ST/0 GOODS GENERALLY% AT !WNW PRICES. eery flight stock on band vrlor to the Melt Price, we are enabled to sell all the styles aaed at the late attettonealee in Philietel- York at our usual small advancee. titiILWRYT EITODDAET di IMO, 453. and 4114 Eorth S Mit S Gan always find a fall stook , Ot TB. ILTS. LINEN GOODS, BIIEETINOB. t wholesale prises, at J. C. STBAWBBIDOK & 1. w. cor. EIGHTH and MARKET Ste. ALPACAS AT RISDUOID PRIORS. 1 Lot Black Alpacas, &5 cents. 1 Lot Black Alpacas, 75 cents, 1 Lot Black Alpacas, 85 cents. I Lot Black Alpacas, $ l. gopdo at eorrespondlog prices. CURWRIS STODDART 11 BROTHER, and 484 North EIZOOND Street, ,e' LOT ,ey-Clomb Quito. 1, and 12.4 Lancaster Quilts. d Wits, also Pink and Wlita Quilts. Hotels,. &c.. aupplied. EYRE & LUNDELL. NT CALICOES, Haider Colors. cußwstr %TODD/CRT fc.:5130.. 152, and 454 North litEr , 4-4 Unbleached Mullin at 500, iched Nuelins at 81 and 8734 c. 'We idnelin, 98t. Mllls Muslin. 50a, it Calicoes in this city. is Oblates'. 310. van Chintzes. 330. Deoainee, 360. ilk Grenadines. 60c to 161.60. even' Witty, at your LOW PROS. amentta,and other Bret-olosofibirtl duguenot Wide Shootings led Extra Heavy Wide Shootings. leached Nulling mad*. ins for Shirt Fronts. Powele, Napkins. Doylies, gie. rale._ Shakos, and otherFlanneli. cLosizro OUT ()HEAP. Hods Winter Goode,Heavy Dregs Goode, do. Also, Blankets, Heavy Flannels, cal Skirts at low Rrlces, _ d Bilks, in Wine . les. Whites. &a and heavy Plain Wks. vr Sleek Corded Silks. VT Plain Black Saki. o, various styles. Moire Antique.. tared silks. versins Breast __s. I Wins& TVs BM Velvet* for Cloaks. real superior quality Profited Beaver Cloths. "''"WLII RAIL & '"" ‘IIBBIIOND .LICATIL $: . '0 HEAVEN ; OR, THE OE INES) Sermon on "Iip•ROCK UPON !USSPLIT, by U. Just U out. Price 10 cents, or Ke 13 W 1. keen.. -- ^-id Dr. Landis' Medi A NEIN SLIT. AFRICAN'S B IGHTTO crraviruirr. a rest Interest at the present time. PRICE 25 UNTIL, au and for sale by JAMES 8. CLAXTON, Successor to cto MORT. I lustrations of the Be. attlitninees in the happy death•bed expert. aletlens. tBN IN PARADISE. By Rev. F. H Wines. WE OF HEAVEN; Or,_ tho principle of the Life applied to the Earthly. By the late Rey. .ES ON THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE, Ba the Eoyal Institution or Great Betide,. in Fe , arch April, and May, MN. By Max Moller. cowl Series. atIONS ON THE FASENCE OF CHRISTI. d on the Religions (Wisdom of the Day. By ND HOME PAPERS By Mrs. Stowe. 'E AND TIMES OF PHILIP DODDR(DOE, Noticee of some of Ile OotetnPorariee and. d hie Style. By D. A. Bertha, If A. JAMES B. OLARTON. WM. _ 'REEVES. at New /50...0n. iff ic a good story. full of lively intoned and It shows manly trust in God, the effect of ter'atralning on youth who had to baffle + . 4 alio. that a true woman honote worth ,or nobility. "—Journal and MaBßenger. edition, of EDITH'S MINISTRY. 11%1.. !taltroinoy o, o l ,003031 'red by - ASHNIAD &AMAMI, (Hazard's old stand), 80. .L 74 CHESTNUT Street. 'CAL YRISND. By Charles Dickens. IHEE'S ping- By, Amelia 5, Edwards, 'Barbara • History_ ,• A STRAY. A new novel: TAM cover. O . DOAH VALLEY. Campaign of 1861. By sttereon,late Mer Caner's! of Volunteers. ThEVYLYA.N'S ai DIARY. Be the anther of 3honberg.Colla Family.' naldsa AND AN EDITIONS -MADE AND EAR. Thoughts for a Young I. B. Blaney. "OD. A Novel. By the author of "Buy 4OF LAW GIFIAGE. BY MAX MULLER. Be 1T kT/0/ 1 8 OW ORRMITIAMITY. BY M. (Moot. 114 E BOMB. Br the author of C7TuJO'B .tt LAW and rarest collection in Phila. Erhatopearo, filloen hundred . 114111117' source, for mile at 419 JOHN CIAMPSILL. COAL. do HEMPHILL, DRALSI7.B IN LISHIOH AND SCHUYLKILL 00154. of all sizes and of best Qualities , Picked and screened, said invariably* the lowest cash MUM Yard, WILLOW, below FIFTNIINTH Street. rders eau be left at 1413 North SIXTH, Street. TENTH Street, 1433 BLIIOLAY it, or toe, which will be pr 'cud ,EEPER'S U. MANITFA.b7 MARKET sTRIBT. 4 d94r abovo Teng4 VOL. 8.-NO. 166. DRY GOODS JOBBERS. VII-er CAMP 'BUM. BURR & KURTZ, AND JOBBERS Li EVY GOODS, Savo EIMOVSD thdr Store from IST N. THIRD Bt., 4.9 NORTH THIRD STREET, where they will keel, a fall line of-- Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vestino. Silks, Ribbons, and Dress Goods. Shawls and Balmoral& Linens and White Geode, Lases end Smbroideries. Tisanele, Jeans, ainitAMS. Bl•aobed Shirtings,llolored Clambriss,ke. jalll-ha STATIONERY & BLANK BOORS. nIL MINING COAL, AND OTHER Riw oompAink. We ire prepared to fur lOW (10rPOrlitIOWS with sU h. Books they require. at short Potter add low Arles. of Ent <malty. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CHRTMOATIB GP STOOL LITHOGRAPHIC If I; TRAWSPIR BOOS. alma Os TRARI7Ii. STOOK LEDGER, STOOK LEDGER BALANCE& WWII Or CAPITAL STOOL . BROKER'S PETTY LRCM& ACCOIIIT OP SALES. DITIDRID HOWL MOSS .ffla QO s aIaiIIBDOKILLIMIACTURIRE;AZDSTATIWINIM Li WTI) ;IF:tde *VA kl) EDWARD F. KELLY, 612 CEBBTNUT ST"REET, WINTER STOOK REDUCED PRICES. Jr23.ti GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. ;4 • 4 : • - 210/laUral GLOVES, And STWIT desstiption of GENTLEMEN'S FITENISHIRG GOODS, VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The enbeeribera would Invite attention to thou' IMPROVED CUT OF GREIF& Whieh they makes aneetalty in that: bneiaae.. Mee. eaketantlyreeetying XO.• TIES FOX GRATLENBA'S WELL J. W. SCOTT & Co., GENTLEMEN'S FITRIGERING STORE, No. Si* CERSTRIPP SPREET, Four &ore below the Continental 11/ 4 *IF 1,1 THE SUBSCRIBER, HAVING SUCCEEDED F. P. DUBOSQ &I SON, AT 102 S Chestnut, Street, ReeptietroUT infOrllla 'hie friends and eastomers that he has for sale a large Ana -varied dock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER, AND Also, constantly as hand, a Urge and well-alsorted stook of WATCHES •nd JEWELRY CAREFULLY REPAIRED, GOLD. su.vra, and DIAMONDS BOUGHT. tent Iiti)MITE WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CORNEA ARCH AND TIDITH STREETS. ethos. Sleeve lattons, Armlets, Erseeleta, Sad !Ms end Sinks, Tea Sets, Ise Pitchers. Walton. Goblets. Perks. EIPOOIIII6 as. or Wstithes roalred and Wansatted. Old Weld: lemonds, and Silver Walla, 8010 3m HARRISON URDU", NOTIOB. OUR ATTENTION HAYING BEEN CALLED TO AB unions and etatemente lately made In the public' print. with the design of detracting from the high repute en joyed by our Thread, we beg to stele that our standard has never been changed during the put Thirty Years; end that now, as heretofore, no pains and expense are, or will be spared to maintain for this Spool Cotton its present character. The attention of Buyers and Consumers Is drawn to the fact that most of the new Threads offered to the pub• lie, from No, .90 upwards, are masked up, and that the difference In the coarseness of numbers, supposed to cor respond with our numbers, often varies from ten (10) to twenty 00) Per cent. al9 80t REMOVAL. WAVAGrIAIait & SMITH, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, WILT= toR AU s ZINC, COLORS, PUTTY, &o No. 137 North Third Street, Where we offer to the Irade s 'holes sto. k of IPIIBBEI Dir.llol3 AND OREELIGALS, a heav stook of WINDOW GLASS, OILS - &e. Also. WR ITE TE LEAD. ZINO. OOLGES,_PXYTTT, andWHEEL GREASE, from oar owe TACTORff, all and 513 St. John street. R IBT GOLD'S PATENT IMPROVED STEAM WATER-HEATING APPARATUS UNION STILII !I ND WiTER-NLITING COMEPANY 01 JAMB P. WOOD & CO., la SOUTH FOURTH STREIT. ma-aliptsß. M. FELTWELL. sup% AMERICAN STEEL. . BoBEW J. HNIITRThI. EIpHNC TOO OaIM madeire Ind Sleigh Shoe Steel, of all sizes and kinds, of the best =torts!. at the • NORWAY IRON Nvoicams, Atn4 for sale by the proprietors. 99 and 101 SOHN Street, New York. 80 STATE Street. Boston. fe2 ILOLKIIe GROVER. grAwietttn gun mmcb IruM“*Mlo WALOW SLEIGH BODIEB4-+A•FEW more left, it hat rotten prime- • . Alm Me MATCUES at rearmed erleee BUSTON. s n e er. Jal6 16T 6.94 169 &Ali T 11139 Omit. ...., .... '' ' .• - 1 ~ ~.,•. . It:* 4 , ,, , ,. . . .1 ~ •q•i', • . . re ••-• , ;..... . . . . . -.. . ...NA • iio ,-- - . . . ' I ., , "•:. r rk. . w,,.--,.„.,. 4 , . . ::: .' . ' ** , -- .: '!;:' s % A'. ' -e- -- II -- /..- .• V. .b.r-fi „, .........„. % ~,,,., -: - . ~. II kino...- !..1.; '. - 4011,11,1 i , •, --- ------ , , . p.: . . •JO ..,„- .-..- ,-, ,- • _ , ~ . . ...—.... . ,- 4 , • ' . 1. . _ zAil ...,___ . ..........ram. . , - ;"*, ** . -"A - . *-.:olPit•- , _ - •'.Iii.0 1 1!! • 7 ' ---'''' . - aft-Aisa--" ---_ -=--- . -- ---- .L . --rt- 1 -- ': - ,- .. -- • ',--r i c . ,• 1 '''' . .k.** 4 A' '' -- ------- - ."-'• ,5-...*"..L'Hii.7-11...-"1 ' . .._" 1/7;4 , sL' 1 ------- -;Ft , l - "-4.•-7 ----7- 1,- ----"."-----":' .., -• -_„ , ...=....•-_---...1-•,- , sgzfrs tt6 -..:. 3 _.- ? -- _=, ,---.. _ -„,i-t- ~.....„ • •_-_--,-- -..-, •--...... . ~. .- ..,-.....7....„=? L ,•. 2 ., „ : ,-.-----;:.--- ~,,.. .... . . • . , ... . MIIMM 42 CHESTNUT street. JOHN KELLY, TAILOR, Wormer selling from their • 111L1110D •BBOSTMBIIT OP TRAVELLING minas, SUSPENDERS, MUFFLERS, BDXFSn surnits roz PRESSATS. LINFORD LUAEINS, N. W. tor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT. PLATED WARE. :A'lll. JI3MN'VM3IC.4It-Sa". .IECUIEA3T4T, Late of the Firm of LEWIS LADOMITS /a CO. J. & P. COATS. AND XANTIFADITIUTRS OP W6:V3E, REDIOV3EI3 TO WAIN:LNG AND VENTILATING roam° lIILDINGS MID PEIVATI RESIDEIONS. WASIIIMOTMIND SY Sall BOSTON. NAYLOR & CO. 121. 0010113031 Most. PhUti TABLE TOPS. Ao.i ego. 92a cniestilut Street, M&U)3161 0 E14 /[kr %:1) AI 1. v ; TO THE PEOPLE. NOW READY, . A WORE BY DR. VON NOSHREISHER, of No. 10*7 W ALEUTS:reeI s ENTITLED. • A BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE, On the following Dineasee: EYE AND EAR DISEAAES, THROAT MEAGER IS GENERAL. CLERGYMEN'S AND PPBLIC SPEAKERS' SORB THROAT, DISEASES OF THE AIR PASSAGES, (Laryngitis Bronchitis ASTHMA AND CATARRH. The book is to be had or W. hA. miarnstr No. SOG CHESTNUT Street, and at all Booksellers'. Price, One Dollar. . nutivnr. Dr. VON MOSCHZIBIKE Et. can be eon. 'tilted on aft theft nthladles,and ali NEItVOUB &FEB°. TIONS, ',blob he treats With the anreet name. Office, 11.0:47 WA.LBUT Street. im2ol-3m MEDICAL ELECTRICITY. WONDERFEL BOISNTIFIC DISUOVIRT. DR. B. W. BECKWITH'S (Formerly Prof. C. H. Bolles') :IN*orrru-rEs, • 1220 W/i.LINIUT. STREET. All Acute and. Chronic diatheses cured by special gua rantee, if deetred, and In cage of failure. no charge Is made. Bleairlcal inveldigatlen-bas proved that the human body action the arts ciple ohtbe galvanic battery The broth, mucus and terms membranes, the skin, timanee, and Made constitute:, the negative and positive forces. Every action whether mental or physical, is the result of these antagonistic forces. Digestion, respiration. cir culation, eacretion, and excretion are due solely to Electrical influence. There is a polar action established throughout the nervosa system which connects with every part of the body. establishing and preserving Proper balanceof the electrical element. welch coneti totes health, and a dlstrabeace of which canoes disease. There are strictly but two Conditions of disease—one of inflammation, or positives‘the other weak , debilitated, negative: sad as Electricity contains these two condi tions in the asthma( the positive sad negative currants. all we have to cots to neutralise the disease and restore Draper healthy action. We do not wish to convey the impresslon that we cure all diseases in all We cannot care consnmp tion after the longs are all destroyed; yet we do assert, and are prepared to practically demonstrate, that hun dreds of camels of !mimosa every form of chronic disease, pronounced incurable by the best medical praetitioners of the country, have teen radically CURED, some of them in an incredibly short time, by our Blectrical tiratment, Ite.great superiority over other practices in the care of disease is also attested in the fact that, with in. the past Ave years; over fourteen thousand patients have been treated. at this office. suffering from almost every . form and condition of dleeaee common to hu manity, and in nearly all Gums a benefit or perfect cure has been effected. Therefore. with d iseas e , we to ft rov our theory andlreatment of disease, we are wil ling to guarantee any of the following diseases by special contract, if the patient desires, with very many others poi here enumerated: 1. Dfseases of the Brain and Nervous System.-Epi lepsy, Chorea or St Vitus' Dance, Paralyses (Hemiple gin and Paraplegia). Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpitation of the Heart, Loek jaw, etc. • eta 2. Orgoars and . Tterwireoreneeted with the Digestive System —Sore Throat, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dysen tery, Obstinate Constipation: Hemorrhoids or Pilea. Bilious ]Flatulent, and. Paisber's Colic, and all affec tions e? the Liver and Spleen. S. Respiratory Organs.--Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma (when not caused , by organic diseases of the E heart). Bronchitis. Pleurisy, Pleurodysia or nflame, Nem of the Chest, Conanmplontn the early stages. 4. Fibrous. and Dfuscutar fivetem.—tthetunattem. Cant, Lumbago, Stiff Neck, Spinal Curvature, Hip Disease. Cancers, Tamers. - 0 Urinary and Oenitat Cryan. —Gravel, Diabetes , and Kidney Complaints, Impotence and. Seminal Weak ness. The latter complaints never fall.° yield =Plat , to this treatment. 6. ',weasel _vetuttar to Females. —Merino COM phial e, Involving a Mal-position. as Pro3apans. Ante earldom. Retroverelon. nliatamation„ Ulceration. and varione other aMtertone of the Womband Ovaries. Pain ful, Stapprateed t &may or Profuse Menstruation. Lem on-Aqua. 7. Skin Dieram.—Sorofulona Bruptiona, Glandular Swellings, Ulcers of every kind; Felons, Erysipelas, Herpes or - Tatter; - in fact. in every deaarirtion of gain disease the Galvanic Bath has proved vas ly more Mb. cartons than all other means combined. Also, diseases of the Bye and Ear. TO LA DIES Call we recomutendthis treat ment as onoof FINVARIED BROWNS: Almostlataninerable caseshave come under treatment at-our o Mee who can testify to this fact. Mrs. B: A kat,TON; a lady of great experience and ability: has entire charge Of the Ladies' Depart ment, and all delicacy will be need. toward those who entrust themselves to her care. In female diseases as mentioned fn the above list, with-others not mentioned, she has had-a large experience, and man confidently promise the molt gratin , ing-results. TO Tk EuAFFLICTED:--The treatment is mild and gentle. producing gm shock- or unpleasant sensation whatever. Our professional: intercourse with the at. flitted will ever be characterized by perfeet candor and honesty, and those whose complaints are incurable, or do not admit of amelioration, will be frankly told ar. and not accepted for treatment. It matters not what may be year complalatior how long you may have snf fared. or how much , or what course of treatment you may have been subjected to, or what disappointments you have vantages:3dd ; if the system is not worn out— if sufficient vitality xemaias forreactloa—there is a fair prospect of recovery. -- • REFERENCES. —The diseased and all interested are referred to the following-named gentlemen, who have been treated and witnessed oar treatment on others, at No. 1220 Walnut street - A. J. Plasm:atm. brigadier general, Philadelphia:. A. Pleasanton, meter -general. St. Lonis; W. B. Smith, N 0.1022 Hanover street, Pit) adelphia ; George Douglass, No. 26 South Fifth strseti.Wliliam S libriver. Baines street, Germantown; C. Stockton, No 1 .ffiarket street, Philadelphia; Charles II Grigg, Nos. 21.9 and 22L Church alley; Emanuel Rey, No. 707 Sansomstreet, at torney at law: H Craigaro 1725 Arch street. No. 301 Broad street; Robert. D:. Work, No. 51 North Third street; A. A. Orel]. N. U. earner Tenth and Market streets; George Grant/ No. 610 Chestnut street; H. T. Desilver, No. 1736 Chestnut street; Bd. MeMallon, Mn. 1227 Front street.. .1 Consultation free. circulars O. cures effected, with numerous references, can be bad by ap -plisation at the office. All letters addressed to DR S. W. BROKWITH, 1220 WALNUT Street. Prdiadelotht. 'alb-wfml2t Ki)alzYbk3B;ll:lo:fifi 71111 UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS day associated with himself ALBERT G. BUZGY, and will continue the DRY HOODS Colledi MON BUSIDESE. at Noe 223 and 225 CHESTNUT Street. under the Arm of THOMAS E. TOZTH & Co. • THOS. E. TtN/S. PHILADELPHIA, February 1.1965. fel EV DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The eu Marlboro. heretofOre tracing under the firms of REYNULDS, HOWELL, St REIFF. Philadelphia, and HOWELL. BARB, & 00.. New York, have this day dissolved partnership by mutual consent. The business of the late firms will be settle,t at No 130 North THIRD Street. Philadelphia, arid N 0.91 WATER Street, New York. THOMPSON REYNOLDS, BENJAMINOWELL, REIFF. WILLIAM H. HOWELL. THOMAS T. BARR. FRILLDELPSIA, Jan. 31, 1E65. HOPARTHERSHIT. — The undersigned bave this day formed a copartnerahlp under the style and arms of NB 7. HOWELL, 6r. HARVEY. Pkilad.-lptila. and BOWELL,BARR, & HO , New York, and will con tinue the 'Wholesale grocery bueiness at the old stands. No. IRO North THIRD Street. Philadelphia,and No. 97 WATER Street, Now York. BENJAMIN REIFF, CHARLES HOWELL, WILLIAM H. HO WALL, THOMAS T. BARR. WILLIAM- HARVEY. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 1, 1865. - C OPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. -THE undersigned has this day associated with hint his son, BBNJAMTN F. TAYLOR. and will eoutinne the Wholesale LUMBAR COMMLSSIO6T BUSIMESS,. under the name of D. B. TAYLOR. & BCD, at the old place, lint wharf above Coates street. DAVID B. TAYLOR. f47.6t* FEBBITAILT 6, 1E66 NOTICE OF DISSOLVTION. The limited peritAthipiefletiAg be_twsen th i tt&der- Misted, under the of WEL, WHIST. di& lA. expires thbi day by ita own Ural anon. JACOB =BOIL, JOHN 'WIEST, DAVID B. BP.VIN HENRI ES.III FSTBB; .TOSIAH 01L, Ogneral Putnam PETER SIEGER. WM. S. BAIRD, Special Partners. Philadelphia, Dee. 31.1864- wrier. or LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Ths subscribers hereby give notice that they. luxe entered into a Limited Partnership, agreeably toibe provisions of the several laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships. That the nuns of the Arm under Which said partner. ship is to be conducted le .TOS. RIEGEL 6t Hs B. NI& TER. That the general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the Importing and Jebbleg of Dry Goods. That the names of the general and spatial pertisers, allot whom reside in the city of Philaderphia, are Josi ah Riegel, general partn_er, residing at the Bald Eagle Hotel, Ho. 416 north Third streets Henry S. Aster, general partner, residing at said Bald Eagle Hotel; Al fred By arty, general partner, residing at rte. 1321 Arch street; William B. Albright, general partner, residing at Ho. MO Wallace street; Samuel G. Scott, gene; al partner, reelding at No. 20M Tine street; Jacob special partner. residing at No. 627 North Sixth duet; and Peter Steger, special partner, wielding at No. 717 North Eighth street. That the aggregate amount of the capital contributed by the special partners to the common stock is One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, of which One Hundred Thousand. Dollars in cash have been contri buted by Jacob illegelorpecial partner, areelflfty Thou sand Dollars in cash have been contributed by Peter Sie special partner. That the said partnership is to , commence on the second day of January, A. D. 1681, and le to terminate on the thirty first day of December A. D. 1866. JOSIAH RIEGEL, HENRY PISTEE ALFRED RIEELL . WM. B. ALBRIGHT, SAM'L G. SCOTT, General Partners. JACOB RIEGEL, PETER SINGER, SnecialYartnera. isse-aw Pbtladelphia, January 2. 1866. EDUCATIONAL. FRIENDS' PRIMARY, SECONDARY, -I- and GRAMMAR SCHOOLS (the latter for Girls only) will commence a new term. Second month. ( febolary) Ist In there schools a thorough education may be ob tained. Patronage of the public la solicited. Prices from $7 to $l5 per term. Entrance, Meeting house Gate, FOURTH Street, below Green, and 5311 RILL 11 Street. REFEILENCE3. —William M. Levick. 331 North Sixth et; Macpherson Saunders. 543 York avenue. fee smwir•at PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN •. FOR YOUNG- LAMM. - 1.5130" ARGO Street. Esc. CHARGES A. SMITH, D. D.,and B. CLA, REECE SETH, A. 111., Principals. fe7.6i* VILLAGE DRBEN SEMINAR MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four mlla from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough course Msthemattes, Cituisier, Natural Sciences, and English: practical les • sons b$ Civil Engineering. Pupils received at any time, and of all ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Ite , lei ■ to John C. Capp & Son,EI South Third street; Thos, J. Clayton, Esq., - Fifth and Prime streeta; ex-Sherif Kern, and others, Address Key. J. HERVEY BAR, TON. X 'VILLAGE GREEN., Penn's.. nod An ..) MANUFACTURERS, • 1 On hand, a goodArtiele of COLORED 0013, Slate and gray, No. 10, suitable for Balmoral. and Tan• tale= stuffs. Also, an Roc Of Cotton Yarn, 6 to 20, Jute Yarns. Li nen Carpet Chain, Wick, Twines, and Wadding. By . T. WRITE, feLet 23'7 MARKET Street VVILITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. • I , —A new Trench Codoetie for beautifying and pre set-Tins the **males:ton.. It is the most.wonderful com pound of the age. There Is neither sheik powder. Mag nesia, bismuth , nor kale in its composition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence the ex. haordthary qu a lities for presersing the Ain, making it loft. smooth, fair. and transparent. It makes the old .appear young -the homely handsome. the handsome_ more beautiful. and the most beautiful divine. Prices 80 and 40 cents. Preend only by HUN'T & CO., Perfumer.. kit South EIG HTH Street, two doors alxis Chestnut. and 133 South 811 1 /11ATH Street, above Walnut. ja/S4im BEWARE THE 'NORTHEASTER 1- BROWNE'S PATENT METALLIC WILMER STRIPS sad WINDOW BANDS totally exclude COLD, IND, RAIN, and DUST from doors and WludoWe. They stop the rattltir of eashee, time OAF halt the RM. end aremarranted for live Years. Tor sale or implied by DAVID H. LOUP, 313 South FIFTH Street, Sole Anent for Pennsylvania. .Loaf Agents ' , wanted tiuronahout the SUM. CABINET FURNITURE. • BMUS a CARPIOI4 1111 Booth BEICIIID Street. - VG prepared to follow thylitellne lathe meakot In elan Woo of their furniture. rarehMen Win PIMA. gal &RA NUISBUte eni ItteelL seiMa PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FFMRJJARY 10, 1866,:- Cljt Vrtss. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1865. THE ADVANCE. FULD DETAILS OF TIN FIRMING ON BIINDAY AND MONDAY. INCIDENTS OF THE MARCH . OF THE FIRST DAY. THE FlOATifie OF MONDAY, AND HOW WE WEER REPULSED. PROSPEOPTS SlTOOrgeff IN AFTER, ISTIDITAAMITIEL SMOOTH. OF OVB rogrnoN—ovie . MEN IN MUT OF TUN 130IITHSIDIL THE BATTEM OF EITORRIL'Et BIM. -- Jr. c Warner.—; [Special Correspoudenee of The Press.] , - BATTLII-FIBLD OP AdrallarreEr RUN, Februitry 6,1865. The movement of which F wrote you a short ac-. count yesterday has - already developed' results of considerable, and, to uninitiated, unanticipated magnitude. This afternoon a - sharp and bloody bar tie was fought by the bth Corps, and to-morrow a ge. neral engagement Is anticlpated'along the whole of our extended litre.- Before coromenoing an , account of the contests of to-day, yesterday's - operations de mand more than a passing- notice'; flir a proper understanding of the disposition °roar fOreell eon' scquent upon the movements of yesterdayildneoes eery, to the comprehension of to- dars - right. As I wrote you yesterday- , the whole' of the ethr Corps, parts of the 21, 6th, and 9th Corps, which- If then specially designated, had marched to the left. 'Phe cavalry division, who , were stationed willithe sth- Corte in reserve, had previously broken camp and marehed on a raiding detour in advanoe of theln- Pantry. . OPRRATIONS OP THE CAVALRY 00BPS ON SE;TI7E DAY. As this corps wan the first to Start l and waethe re. connoitring partf of the-expedition, Iwill follow its movements first, though they did net as Important results as the infantry march. Starting in part on Saturday, under command of Mid*. Gee neral Gregg, they took a southwesterly eoureeiand after making a considerable detour to feel for rebel works, at about three o'clock on Sunday after noon they gellopped into•Dinwiddle Court Mese, and brought the strange population 61 that little place In great consternation to their front doors. A lot of the rebel General:l. - -R. Johnson's forage, supply, and ammunition wagons wails stationed Isere and weakly.guarded. To• capture this guard - and hitch the mules belonging to the train, which were found near by, to the wagons, occupied a very abort space of - time; for work done 'within an enemy's Mee, as this was, is apt to evince. considerable promptitude. The next movement was to , sottioh the town for those desirable Southern men who have the oinoxious peoullarity of wearing gray clothes, and place them, when found, in the wagon& In Dinwiddle Court House the• Cavalry at thiS time captured , a rebel colonel, one•or two captains, NM rat lieutenants, and fifty or sixty privates. The , faces- of the mules were then speedily turned eampwards, and, attended- by a sufficient guard, reached army.headquarters • at eight o'clock. this. morning. The prisoners, as they passed through our camps, were carefully scrutinized, and pre. seated an appearance which was quite worthy of • attention. They had the same style of ragged, worn- Out gray uniforms, of indberlminate shades, so gams described ; wore the same haggard, woe-begone aspect which Is so common among the rebeltroeps, who are all more or less disheartened, and seemed to take their unexpected captivity in the same-dog ged, resolute, care-nought optrit which has cained them to fight stubbornlg-on while their hopes of ultimate success were vanishing like a perturbed dream. Some of theror. were old and deerepid enough to be grandfathers of soldiers, and( with their gray beards and silvery hair, seemed Strangely out of place in an army of fighting men. Borne back to the - rear, - tlimarmen weedily , found the stockade prison widish biddroted to their-meowed. modation, and which cur men have facetiously de nominated "The Bali Pen,' While taking a short• rest in Dlnwlddico widen' their arduous march rendered very grateful, the cavalry were brought. speedily into the saddle by reports that the rebels•we're closing In - upon- them. On the receipt of this intelligence they- did not stand upon the order. of their going, but- went at once. For ten milesthey galloped on with tightened rein and spurs pricking fast, almost challenging the winds to catch them. Night found them across Ratchet's Run and to the left of the 2d Corps. OFBRATIONS ors THU 2D CORPS ON SU-IiDAY. The 2d and3d Divisions of the 2d Corps (the Ist remaining in camp), starting at snorts°, reached Hatcher's Run er. about ten in the morning, and drove the rebelalrem a slliht line of breasl,works on, this side of the stream, as haVe before written you. The left of the corps then tdvanced, come distance beyond the run, and immediately threw up strong breastworks. The right of the corps remained on the other side of the run, •. d protected themselves in a similar "winner. The precaution was ver timely, nir about four o'clock that, afternoon th • rebels charged upon a part of the, Line held by . 0 3d Division, who were advantageously posted o the edge of a wood through which the rebels I' to. advance. They found 011 t troops ready receive them, and were rather astonished to, find o fernlidable a line of breastworior already tiro n up. in our front. The rebel .charge was assisted a small battery of three inch calibre, which they ad stationed In * favor able position In their r, and from which they threw shell with great ra dity. Oar men also had an important auxiliary . similar battery of rifle piece.% which did severe caution upon the ad vancing enemy. The firs charge was easily re pulsed, a second was Sri • with the same result, and a third met with a SI ler fate. It was now seven o'clock in the eves and the rebels gave up the fight, having scat etty heavily, and did not renew it In this parte! t+ field. This contest, though brief .mprising in its scope no very great body of troo was quite severe. The trees' lying between the ad ming columns Orthe r, rebels and our breastworks re out and &limited to death by the shell of our shorting battery, width, ' stationed upon a hill, delive d an enfilading fire at the rebels as they cameo Many of the rebels fell victims to thb shells We by this battery. As i I passed over the grount Me morning I stopped beside the graves of five a them, who were killed by the explosion of a single shell. Near by a rebel officer met his death insame manner while charging up. to our Werke. is morning his body, t s was conveyed within our Me tworks and hurled within our lines. His nami, a read it on a rade l headboard, was William Itiod , acting adjutant Tennessee Battalion. Beebegrave were those of ten of the Bth New 3 ey. It is a touching sight. Men who one day t ted for each other's ali o blood the next rest quietly by side, and' there is naught but peace between em forevermore; 01 4 ; To the left of this spot odds cleaned away a little from each side, and 1 room fos s an open field to be a scene of carnage') On the ene of this field, nearest the enemy, stemthe house of a 'Vir ginia planter, who, it Is rep ted by the boys, has a large quantity of tobacco , il l es, end other good things stowed away. Ave willing raid upon these luxuries would have foil wed the knowledge of their presence, were it n tei provost guard t\ ui was stationed there before 1, boys" found out the news. As it was, the old m 100 hi; chickens and i rk , pigs. This house was soon oconp d as tbs headquarters of the 2d Brigade of the 8 !yield—not a very wise proceeding, as was prov by th) result. The rebels, having an inettneti knowledge that so tempting an opportunity for resting Within walls, directed from several differennuarteri a very severe artillery lire upon the house ale the field and sur rounding woods, where a lam detaoliment of oar troops was stationed. Col. urphy, of the 60th New York, commanding the gado, was wounded In the leg by this lire, and A tent MoTavers fell 4 1 beneath it to rise no more. e proportion of offi cers hurt in yesterday's en gement was indeed minimally large. The rebel eateries were thistly shelled out of some of their lions, and this morn ing quiet reigned at the pia The 2d Corps at the close f the day held all the ground they hod wrested fr t e enemy, and mote pied the right of our extendd ,e. It was the only corps whit ' t with any forcible opposition during the day,d I losses were, there. fore, the entire losses In th ar • . The killed, wounded, an mi t It not amount to over five funir , are supposed to have suffered in i especially where their charges i our breastworks. OPERATIONS OP THE STH oO'B At 4 A. N., the sth Corps, • I troops, taking no knapsacks, ten • ovy scarcely anything which seem of long stay, began to march weetw e the ground where once lay the • , they struck off to the south, an ..- road south fora considerable d = nt westward and north, and ens et the 2d Corps, with a gap betwee • • 4 10 o'clock the men were hurriedly t and by midnight bad Connected They lad marohed during the 0 twenty-five miles , through woods l muddy roads—a very poor preps, . Into which they were destined t morrow. They had no fighting o . at Stony Creek, out of which th bole, losing two or three men. OPBBLTIOIII3 OP THB 6TH. 008 The let Division of the 6th Corp Its quarters at 8 o'clock on Sund encountering any resistanee, took reserve behind and to the left of malted there till the exigencies of brought them into action. orismaTrowe OF TEE inrff CORPS The Ist Division of this corps and aisd ad saarcligd tcpm their old p. coining, 613 d 1011*Sg a serpent'se muse, like the Stlk Corps, camped' for the ntglit to the left of chit body of trooPii, end thus oOrtipletar • rns ±.llll{ OP - BATTLE. Thos may,be oblisidered to have commenced where Olir Old line 011134 upon the left, and extended about nix miles Westward and' to the south. Of course this whole lint was protected' by strong breastworks, &town up by the troops' before Unify Sought lope "ALL' TON MONDAY 4 te MORNING: • When day fled; afiet one of~ the.datep, biting cold nights pechllsr to this'region,.lb-found ono troops already en the alert, and not kw:Swing at what momentediey might be,littacked; The•day was beauitlia, qua the sun, as he slowly rose' In the' htavensflooked,leronely down throughlrwavering mist of oieucislimn the host in blue, which' lay in strange os th*. among the green' pines and sombzw.hld =Misr . growth. Most of the min lay or , a , 0.001RNI• their large campfires, in positions as varied as , their feelings, striving- to keep themselverWarm while they might snatch:al moment of sleep'-for many of them tnelast ere that sleep which knctsrs no waking. Others, neglecting rest were indicating in. all sorts of rude' athletic sports around tliapamp, patting-and tossing; their comrades about itnd befog - pitched and toiend la re turn. Many Wito thus theughtlessly walled the morning in plat were themselves ere dark, play things for reber6ll4b3 to whiStie thr ough.. This gays ty un the vergeibf death Is appalling; bat each Is every army ; the-careless, haphazard sort of men seem to predo u ntate, and their mirth Is contagious and infects o who would - gladly alma It. _ Tall HATTLRS er r TUB DAT—IIBA.VV LOSS OF TEN OA. t e R VALRY 4,2ip AR 2T CORYB , -ORNIIRALIS WARGO 'AND NAVA . BARD: ' i gnietreigit ong tbeiines until ationt2 o'clock ;; only an oeoael 1 shot, fired by an alarmed picket, disturbed the Anchalent repose of the camp At 2 o'clock the &tang lines were drawn up opposite each other. ' ',l2i woods, so that for the most part we were inyliilble to the rebels and they to us. About this - 4i,the, however, having waited long enough for ;the rebels to attack 'lts, which it was rather hoped they would do, skirmishers were sent out from tlOttleft of the sth .4:torps with orders to ‘, !Ind the retela." They were not long in doing thet,for the rebels were quite near, and in heavy ktlf force. A oof day/A.16 - y consisting of the 4th, 81h, and lat . nsylvania, clismeanted--except one regiment ---v than ordered to take the _breast. works white' he skirmishers had discovered in .our front. f , ey advanced gallantly to • the 'Mersa, aereKen open field, till they came to a high post Avail fence, which the mounted ca valry were able to pass. They remained here awhile, stri to get the bars down, the cavalry- Mei:. haekin them with their sabres, and the dis mounted endeavoring to tear the fence to pieces.- - A lt time they *ere subjected to a Dore. Me fire fro ' 'e breastworks in front. Both shot 'and shell petaled In npwi. them, and their position fo Untenable. y, si lny WOO 00011 They retreated. Man dead and w leaded were left behind. Again they ,were form _being thistime alrthe horses left in Pennsyl vanians.l6 the rear . pin they charged gallantly forward. They were , codlly repulsed again, and a second time they back. Unconquerable ' in spirit—ln defeat as , w , as in victory—these briVe Pennsyl verde ref 'd within our linos. They were now weak in nutierrs, many were , killed; more wounded. and some amble to get away, had bsen caught In therebel remained some, as captives. The third _ , :. and last atteisopt to storm these works was made as bravely, as _gallantly, as uselessly as the first and en the second, 1 9 . n. the men rushed ; baok they were burled by . olleys of musketry, and here the en deavor to a plash so difficult a teat Fah. so small force end '' t .. _ ... An advanewof&the Sd Division of the sth Oorps was now ordered to drive the rebels [iota their ob noxious brametworke. Under the eye of the indomi table Warren,the men sprang gallantly forward. A short, sharik and decisive fight drove the rebels dis orderly away. We followed. Up bill and down dale, throagbrvalley and marsh and over hill tops, we followed ,. as they slowly retreated, fighting our advairee. Onward we went—too far on ward. Fit ',nearly four miles the rebels re. treated, gradually getting stronger in num bers, but Still giving way steadily before the dashing obswges of the 3d Division.. Backward they went till ok men reached the tannery and lead' works, whi t tre well known to be situated close to the -Sent road. Here the rebels stopped. They had grown more powerful. Stubbornly the 6th Corps veterans seeing the long-sought object of their dieires alined in their clutch, strove to push on. The ammunition of many of the regi ments was exhausted, and the advance gun, in fol lowing, bee me glried in a swamp and resisted all efforts .ta aftricate it: A swamp was in front ; rebel eartliivorke, with heavy guns mounted, and lynx-eyed cannoniers Were behind the swamp, rh!ch war,in itself Impassable. There was no cfiaset"ciskfeey bueiri-x.i 4 s,f --Crux men paused ; they paused and; fought: The rebels received more reinforcements. They massed them. Finally the left wing of the ad Division was flanked and driven back. After Ms the"divisien fell back in disorder. Once started, there was an overwhelming force of renew In. front: There was no refuge yin the rear, save three( miles back, for reinforcements, which should have been sent before these gallant fellows got so far away, were not on hand. They were too late, and a certain amount of temporary disaster re sulted. Our men, however, were mostly veterans, and knew how to retreat. They went back rapidly, keeping pretty well together, losing, some una voidably, as they went, but experiencing much less loss than ander the circumstances would be ima gined. Once up to our breastworks the troops clambered over ; and while some panic-stricken men rushed ollls and to the rear, spreading horrible stories of death and disaster,, the rest fell into their laces, prepared to fight again. The head of the column of the let Division of the 6th Corps, which was coming np the road which leads through the weeds to the front, at this point was seat back, and a few were carried away by the retreat ing man, but the remainder flied into the breast. works, joining the gallant man who had j net rer mimed their places. The :chola followed our men no further. The lino otbrcastworks was a barrier mounted with bayonets and, cartridges which they dared not tempt. The afternoon's operations may be summed up in a short paragraph. A brigade of diemounted cavalry failed to take sonic oneast works, an infantry division then advanced and did take them, and drove the rebels—more than that, It drove them for miles. They went, indeed, too far, 'and in consequence ware driven to the line from Which they started,Whish they still hold. I cannot pretend to judge whore the blame of the reverse lies. It was plainly, evident, however f . that the reinforcements from the 6th Corps to the sth came too late to be of any, service in maintaining their adianced position, and only helped them to man the breastworks. Mere is n 6 better Aghting corps in the army than the 6th, and, once there, rebel dead would have been piled in heaps beyond the breastworks, been one could have come in safety over them. The loss of tbe corps today will not reach a thou sand, and may be considerably less. There were so many wounded in so short a time, however, that the ambulances on the field proved insufficient, and numbers of the poor fellows, etilf and bleeding from, horrid wounds, were carried from the front to the field hoSpitals upon stretchers, and some ware even brought in upon blankets by their sympathising comrades. Nearly all the.wounded who were able to walk ware ordered to march in to their hospitals, which in the sth Corps lay from eight to twelve miles from the front. A. large number of additional ambulances mane out this evening, and if a general engagement takes Vomit& day, as is thought very likely, preparations for receiving wounditd Will be much greater than they were today. It is *remarkable fact that in this eugagament of the ilth Corps there was scarcely any artillery used—none at all by our troops, for heavy woods where our lines lay would have rendered it almost entirely useless. Big. Gen. Irwin Gregg is reported wounded. en. Davis received a bullet in his breast. Both Wiese generals are well known as distinguished cavalry officers. Capt. Snyde, commanding a bat talion of the 11th Pennsylvania. Cavalry, was killed. A- report is commonly , current among the troops that Gen. Warren was either killed or wounded during the advance of the sth Corps. This Is un true, as Gen. Warm was well at a late hour to night • _ An amusing Instance of the value of a ready wit and presence of mind occurred during the advanoe of:the 2d Corps, on Sunday. Near Hatcher's Run a young lad In the 14th Connectiout, going with a coffee pot to get water from the stream, suddenly found himself surrounded by three rebels. With all the fierceness of voice he could muster, he com manded them to throw down their arms and surren der. Supposing that the bold youth had compan ions near to enforce his command, they complied, when he seized one of their muskets, and marched them Into camp in great triumph. This' story Is re lated In his camp as the capture of three rebels with a coffee pot. The Bankrupt taw. To Me Editor of The Press: SLR: I regret to see in Thursday's Press a gross attack by a correspondent upon our Board of Trade for having asked of Congress a postponement of final action on the bankrupt bill until a large amount of indebtedness from the revolted States to Northern creditors shall have been paid or settled by compromise. Assuredly there is no " arrogance" in presenting such a measure. lam not a member of the Boara, and the gentlemen are abundantly able to take care of themselves, but I venture to say In their behalf that their request and the roe, sons alleged in its support are well worthy et eon sideration. The facts axe simply these: There are ,mil lons of dollars due from the seceded States 40 the mer chants and manufacturers of Philadelphia. As the authority and civil laws of the Union become re established In these States, collections are made, and a largo proportion of this indebtedness may be recoverea. But just as the prospect opens fairer and brighter through the success of our arms, it la proposed to accommodate these debtors with the means of enabling them to evade payment, and In their present temper of mind many - will eagerly avail themselves of this bill, which a few Interested men in and out of Congress, principally in New Sort, are endeavoring , to force through Congress. Our Board of Trade deserves the thanks of the merchants for their action In this matter. ug probably will , and the enemy ;h more severely, rare made upon 8 ON SUNDAY. , . ke the other LBoverlap, Indeed .111401paOry of a d. Alter Crossing eldon Elellroad followed the na mes, theX turned ed on tie toft'of hem an It. At 'dared ID fall In, (I the $d Oorpc. from twenty to d wimps and iin for the fight nter aped the he wm7 except naked the re- I am, sir, yours truly, MAREIBT STUBST. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 9, 1865. THE WARREN (Ohio) Chronicle days a gentle man of that plaoe has &natural baroMlter whlott 00n elate of a live frog, that ilves In a glass' jar, whtall Is aepthalf full of water. A. email three round ladder is placed upright in the jar, and in dry or fair weather his frogahlp perishes quietly on the ladder, but when the atmosphere Indicates a storm, he drops to the bottom of the jar and seta OS though he felt unoom fortable. Inasmaoh as he has a dainty palate, and will. only eat tliee, spiders, bugs,,and other live In fects, and as that speelee of game is spares at this season the Wt. amphibious gentle Man is enjoying a pre 'Oda x sus AT. rob. from , and,, thout a 110 S on to e sth, d re• battle day IA Wyse . outs of 2d A early I Di A QV/DM INCIDENT. Irircam.lECS. TBERIW CONGEZISSWONAIt DISINUCT. FULL Bunkvis noinr TEF tW LFrH WARD. The Twelfth , Wa.rd omprizeir that' part of the olty lying and belsg between? Thlrd'arnrStall and V4ne and Poplar stmts. THIRD Dl Ay), A C _ Aac en.reid, .7 T 363 Armstrong. T 600': Alex:sneer. ThomagM . 2201 Anwhan, Myer 1,0311. Arnold, slayer 1,947'. Arnold. Resekiah W 8,244 1 . A repeal, Wm . 5;3461. Arnold. Shnon•W 0.465' Arnoid, Edwin W Aeb James 101 • Anahretz John P' 1.266 Akerbagb, B 162. Altman, Mahlon 133 • Larne, Wm 4bl Beagle, Henry Iliellanger. Isaac 316 Barton, Samuel 3.429 Barren, Wm H 600 Biddle, John W 6,158 Bruen, Chauncey H 1M . Berens, Joseph 4,356 ' Bruton. Felix 3013: 13y lee,. Th omas .1' 196 Berks. Wm T 115 Boson, :Richard W • 967;. Breaker, George 253" Bintahries. -- 8,615' Bishop,. Charles C 236 Bummer, Bernard /00.: Brerariser, John B 13,ttingi, Thome B. 6,5371: Bremer, Theodore CIO Bower; George 13 773 Bower. John S 100, Bay:Exedra-ler, _ M 911: Beiger, a, 1,6601 Boner, ' MiltonC 361 Boyd, Alexander 2331; Bomberger..lseopold 2,201 1 . Buckwalrer,,lienb F 8,013 r Campbell. charles 3.042 1 ' Conkle, Henry 2,9011 Combs, E L • 296 1 Craig. Charles 57811 Onu,mter.Blellard 432; Ilampball.'Wililista 268. Coon', Joseph.- 401) Campbell, Edw.& 366 Crawford. Jobn3B 66 Clouser, Levi 619 Carpenter, 4i B 189 Robert.B 876 Coniston. Davtdhl 100 Orange, Seth. 900 Craig-a, Maria 13 315'l Claire, Martha AMY 9151; Craig., Louisa- . 816 Carier,, Nem J • 24.6760. Conn. Geo - 1,1661 1 ; Crawford,- A M , ,13,1,330 01911184 Jno Cantwell, Wilson- 3,160 Conn, Wm. 600: Donavan„Danl 5.914 Davis,Elijah 4,862 DleceErneet 61 Dunlap, Wm .186; Duroaa, G B 1,150 Delavan, J W 78 Leighton, David W 2016/ Dandt, Goo Henry • 400 . Dalton, E G 30 . Duress, John • 400 Josiah W 2;152 . Hallam, Josiah W; . trustee for F Klett' • 280 Dunlap, Henry • 100 Devine, Mark 808,365 Doblemen, Jno C 562 Etien, Andw J 381 Eggeling,Benry 1,'267 Everharr, J C 840 Elfreih, Jag R 680 Elfreth. Jac k,Jr 1,400 Edwarde, Eli 3.718 Evane, Isaac J 430: Engles. Lewis B 888 Fox, Danl M 4,836 Feather, Augo 8 1,278 Forestal. Bachdli 4,497. Fort paugh, Francis H 1,000 Pritz,Jessob 1,170 Oster. Henry S 19.281 Frei: Wield, Chas 286 Frank, ham]. 460 Fuller,-AR 415 , Ford, Edwin 6.568 1 Graham, David B 364 Gans, Solomon 6,743 Gana, Myer 7.227 . Gorton, Win 1,74. or.. en, Beni 9,386 (lumina, 1,000 Gibson, John 137,413 °likens, John H 1,91 Grove, Conrad 13 9.033 Oesernyer, Chas W 56 Grainer, Chas 01ading, Geo 245 Grubb, Mimi 1,000 Green, Evan 1.000 Goldman, Marcus 30,493 Green, Barton 12.000 Uraybill, J B 600 Goldsmith, Jacob 6,008 Hnnt,Hrlah 2,4621 Helweg, Wm H "Bough,,Fletneas 1, 6 908 9 1 Baba, Christian 869. Hamburger. Joseph 6141 Bonin, Jacob 807 Hardwick, WM. 1.07 Hinkle. T IL G 1.660 Heyl, John 13 1.000 Heyl..7ohn S. trustee ... Bey!lia S Eleyl 835 Mrs B asa Herl,`Carollne 396 Hausman, Conrad 103 Harris, Virm - 1,164 Hodge:ion, F 608 Beckman,Arclitmldes 6.489 Belierinan. F 4.16 Rudders, Hannah 182; Ray, Peter 281' Hun e. James 2321 Hume, Robs 684 eintn.idward A 1(0 .Hoght, 9,601 H' Jacob 23,108' Bare, Thee a. u, Hooley, Beni 6, 0 051 Barris, 11 .036 Hopkins, Henry • 3 465 /mines, John 0 . 46,733 Justice, Bather 1,400 Jenkins. Jabez 2: r 44 Jamie:on. John 788 Jeanee, :Teeth 3.508 "Johnaon, J H 544 Johnson, J H, trustse,.l; 108, Johnson, -J Et, trurtee.l, 3301 Johnson. J B, trustee,l,o64• Johnson,.J H, trastro, 4071 Johnson JH , truatea.l,o36, Jacoby, !IF 1,809 Jagody, Paul awl RenoSg. Henry C, a. 150 Kerteot, G B 990! Kite wJohnL , Thos. 10..9M1 Kirkpatrick, F 4.118 1 Knipe: Oscar 1.060 , Kellogg, Edward. 2,805 Boone, ti M 2.314 Keller, : W :A - rsqszoN !Lantz; J E 6,627 Littleton, Wrm'EN 944 Lersis, Jefferiromss7 Levick, . 2,800 Lostor, E J 3,128) L 710 A, " 2,120 ;Lindsay, John'. L 823 !Lang, .730u1s 1,9i7 L efevre; Peter 9,410 D' Leidy, Snyfier " 393 Linderman -RR 700 Matlack, r i ;E 872 Martin, ' 8,415 Moore. Joseph . 3 976 'Merrifield. J 'G' 2.409 Myers, Gilbert- 951 Myer, Samuel' 8,323 Mansfield, tl A. , 1,866 Myers, Geo EP' 393 Mleore, R P 90 Malreed,. Sas P" 131 J 17,105 ; Moyer, Michael 8.719 ,111oeee, A 01 29084 11f'097, John 363 ;14/Dwain. H 1;877 !Marie, Otto 32 'isliileze Jacob MO Maseman, A H 190 .Moore„ Thomas 12:330 I*in:us, Sabato 700 131climain, - G K' 706 McCarthey. D J 272: Mitchell, It A 1;492 Mitchell, Sarah 693 May, a 659 111fassonJ, co Ch b as H 2:12.3; IManson, Chas Ef, Att'y Haseon,Chos H, dtt'y 368 Mae son, C se H, Att ' y 079 I Mambri 3 Ohas 13..Att'y 2 776 I lilloson,o H,Guard'is 3,431 IMasson, C EL Guard 'n 8.431 Masson, C El,Guard'n 3,131 IMagnire. Ann 805 ; Matchiet kr M 200 •M'Oaulay, hi 7;5 MrtEsath. W ae 4,175 Nsglee, Mary 2, 923 Msglee, Hannah R 1,935 kordman, L P 61 Nicholson, F P 600' Nusbaum, John 4,857 Naglee, .7 M, trustee, 1,903 Naglee, J M trustee, 1,902 . ffuslee, M, trustee, 1.903 (Nesbit, A 18,677 Phillips, John 2,637 TV 799 I Pitfleld. 13 If, Att'y 443 Park, J G "5,383 Pinson. Elio. 181 Paul. Battle 2,170 Potsdainer, D 62 Parry, Samuel 25,539 Porter, Robert 6,760 Phar Robert ' 1,002 Parry, es 'J H 1,839 Pedrick, Wm 403 nester, J W L 316 Reinke. Henry 460 Risbrough, H 414 Edw 1.E39 Rovondt, P 263 Roberts, Spencer 1,330 Rank, ,Jo.,sph. " 6,000 Remssn, George 12,506 Jcislah 19,935 Robicam, Et 6 178 Royal, T A 1,062 Rnckdeecbel, Chas 400 Hagar. W K 200 Riegel, Jacob 49,280 Riche' deem. J J 17.836 &eve, E S 1,175 Rohm, 13 C 350 Rieble. 0 1,237 H K 67 Um:iers. Macpherson 9,847 Shafer, Michael 1,261 Schanz, Christopher 581 Schanz, John P 616 Seeger, Pred L 200 Seeger. Louisa 502 Swope, George 2,115 S mith„Ed ward 0 1,213 , Stauffer ' , Irma') K 170 +Smith, Jesse 68 Seitzer..7 R 6,161 Sargent, James 393 Santee. Chas 45,913 Stanton. Ma 9,698 Sintth. Julia Anna 1.006 &wrack. Welling 1,214 Smith, Huston 600 Stokes; Mary 211 Seeger, Roland T6B Schneider. Fred 1,406 Stokes, John 68 Elchober. Fred 2,431 Smith, Jacob 9,908 Snowden, Geo M 499 Strulb, Joseph 7.159 Schick, Chas 664 Smell, Lewis /50 Smith, Geo .7 671 Josiah 100 Sutter, Charles 1.200 !'Satter, Charles E 1,064 I Shear er, eamuel C 560 Sheppard. Catharine 1,4 - 9 !Shoemaker. 663 SollidaY, Daniel - II 60 tmi L Sta. Charles F 2,174 Shultz, Philip 77 Smith, 6,011 behold, Hugo 61 Shallingebnrg,. John H 49 Sultzback, EL L 129 ScherzegH S S - 7,2 Taylor, John E 1,104 Townsend, Edward 627 ,1 Turner, Andrew 4,694 Tneker, Daniel 458 11Thomas, Rebecca M 2,814 ; Trailer. Jame E 2,497 ,Thallheimsr, 110 900 'l'lyrell, Charles. 26;3 ';Thisyer, Charles H 770 Thoupson, J&;71.36 - Tholey, Frank 384 Thompson. Spencer 903 Tademan, Henry 1,500 Vance, James M 21,273 Tome, Louis 0 ,1,123 Volans. George W Vaughan, Horace B 150 Wileon, Franklin El' 9,973 Whitaker, Sarah H 2,243 Whitecar, Mary 635 Williams, Thomas C 840 Woodsides. John 4.600 1W ill lame, Charles, trustee for S W Fox 521 ;Wli 55 er, Moses 3,0 Charles) F 35 Waters. Aaron 360 'Walker, Lewis 630 Wlson, John M 1,630 ; Willits.Jeremiah 901 Wolf, Abraham 5,585 Wise, John W 482 IWise, Charles 11,071 Wine, Joan 837 Wise, John,. trustee for William Grant 627 Walmsley, Widiam 3,011 Wolverton, Runyon 3.995 Wolf, John 661 Weaver, Emma 2.399 Westervelt. Wm P 976 Webb, Wm H, estate 1,016 Wentz, Samuel A 3,784 Whitaker. Oliver C 228 Walton, Wm B- 3,932 WagnerC Whitman, nas Edward G 3,349 Wilson, ' Slmon 237 Williams, Samuel N 1,600 Weeks, John El 958 Work, Robart.D .8,374 Weaver,Lient D P 290 Young. Chas 29.232 Zonis' Nathan 16.034 Zama,Jacob 1,644 Zehnder, Geo F 330 Kern, J B 139 Kern, Henry 131 Kern, A 8 335 Hoch, Kilizere r _John., 3487 Rachel, Fred. .144 Keyser, N L 1,539 Klemm, 0 3001 Kelobline, 08 , 1,260 Keyser, P A 701 Keyser, PA, trustee 1.903 Keyser, PA, trustee 1.803 Keyser, -P A, trusteo 1.303 Knanff, Henry 278 .llnauff. H trustee 2;025 LetchwortbiA. 8 1,182 I.eberman, J 6,990 Lox goope, W H 12,489 Linn, Jiro". 1.045 Love, Henry 1 036 Levis. R J 3,330 Ludwig. 41 B 3,941 DIVISION FOURTH Atkinson, T H 6 Amor, Chas T 283 Brottain. Danl sme, %until, Jos 701 Bomberger, J H A -666; Bomberger, J 11 A Guardian 457, Eclair, L D 4,869 Becker, Moses • 6,253 Berkenatook. Frank 73 Beerhalter, X 62 Beats, Peter 1,760 Banks,red 734 It 11 296 Bauman, John 298 Baker, J F 2,160 Baker, Joeeph 2,197 Bolaterling..l F 305 351 Benner, Sarah 1,897 Baker, Sarah 210 Baker, Hannah N 183 f Brown, Sarah 6,196 Buehler, M. 1.432 1 /1 Buehler, X, EXX 416 Buehler. Martin 2,460 Butz, Georg, 771 Butz. AL - 1,600 Brown, Fred . 1,267 Berry, 'Wm H 9,681 Cauffman, M , 420 Clarenbaeh, Ohaa 400 °rear; James 46 Collins. Jae (1 2.130 Getman, T FE 300 Covrdriek, Chas 861 Cain; Thos 11.885 Carey, D 608 Dougherty, 0 A 6,438 Davis, Eliza T 681 Ezety, George 2,246 Bane:Gk. Jos True 834 Engard, Aloe 12,19 2 Reherick, Jos' 11,863 kngh, 2(10 Ern a li ri a , Ann 391 Ibis. JOK R 400' BUG, PH 60 BlyEllis, R R 200 J B 1,000 Ely, it B 660 12 • 107 Raisin. 0 James 2,676 Finletter, Thos K 2,6 W Fischer, Emil 418 Franck, 'Wm 6061 Foreman, H 7891 Fon, Semi 13.000' Finchr m WO S BW 61 Fitehet, J 13 1,240 Fisher, F J 819 Fish, r, Wm 156 Fernley, John 4,670 Farmer, () P 923 Gelzer„ Wm • 27 Goldseranit, Abr 6,816 Goldsmith. Jacob 1,812 Grange. ; Wm 1.293 Wingenhaueer, 11 1,121 Green; Maria 781 Gorton. Henry C 966 Goodman, X 1,441 - Goff. Norman 100 Geiser. berg, J 606 Geinsert, Gustavus 1,467' Gereoly, X 2997 Gaarrigus,H - 68 mble, Wm . . 1.71X1' Howard, Henry 162' Bungler,A 92 Horning, A 28 / Howard, .Jr, JA 200 Hirsh, Louis 375 Henderson, 11 4,491 HenlY. Leopold 245 Stepney, J 999 Hallowell, (3 999 Hallowell, John 310 Haines, - A W 6 98 Harried, L 6,002 Horn, Pii 1,687 Irwin, Them 1,661 Johnson, Jane 106 Johnson, ,-L 886 Jeffory.Reuben 1,668 Janney, Frank 2,603 Keaeler. John, Jr, trust ns Knees, Jos_eph 126 Keeby, N 1,666 Knipe, Conrad Knight, 11,8 923 Knight C 300 Kershner, $ R 6lio Kern, R 202 Long. Wm 1, 14 Landoll. Geo - 8;606 Logan, R M 1,177 Logan, Margaret 195 Lae, John - .600 THE STATE. BOATMAN'S CIONYENTIOM—A Convention of boat men and persons interested In boating was held at Sunbury on the Ist inst., and continued In session several days. The Convention , was well attended from various sections of this State along the line of canal, and also from Maryland. The object was to devise measures to acquire more perfect unity, or concert of action, in regard to the rates of freight and other interests connected with the boating COM. munity. About one hundred delegates were In at tendance. MoNTOOMIMT COUNTY BANK BILLS.--Tha NOW one-dollar bills recently Issued by the Bank: of Montgomery county are the first the bank has had in circulation for a long:time. Seine individual In Philadelphia reoeived one, and was assured by every- body that it was a counterfeit. To test the matter he presented It at the counter of one of the city banks, which also threw it out. A wager having been made on its character, a visit had to be paid to riorriMOWn to have its gelAkieneee proved, Lippincott, Geo E 21 Landauer, A 950 Lambert, Henry 602 Ladner, L J 1,160 Ladner,_9red 2.150 Mann, W 2,689 Magese, Jos 330 Mc Vadden,"Wm 1,000 McComas, Jae A 8,552 McCalla. Rd w 1,339 Moore. Wm 314 Mann. W 360 Mooney. Dennis 753 Myers, A W 1;336 Mayer, Henry 8,661 Morgan, Joseph 706 Morgan, 'James r 310 Middleton, J W 3,1160 Macferran. Wm. true' e 1,143 Megee, George, Jr 122 Maeferran, Wm, true' e 3,396 Macferran. Win 203 Heaver, Wm F 2.633 Maul% Cas H 2,605 Mann, W J 2,659 Nocreee, Oath 550 tfocross, John F 4.595 Newman, John A 2,181- Newman. .1 A, air.'r 1,511 Real, Chas M 1.400 Neal Jesse 1:1 159 Real Wm, Jr 130 Neal Wm, Sr 1,400 Nusbaum. R 3.087 Omen, Chita I. 5,097 Ogden, Geo 2 318 O'Neil, Thos 1,160' Pier. W A. 2.563 Pe p arson, Davis 106,771 Poh, loswie, trustee - 152 Poh, Lewis 201) Pleb, J M, Jr 1,261 Pleis, J M, Br 4,439 ' Potts, Albert 233 Patterson, II C 6,705 Pale!, M Watson 400 Rattenmann; 9 • 2,936 Rentschler, J D 172 Riegel, SteLtu 16,9:0 Rudman, 1.931 Reichard, J M Relzenstetn, H _ 780 Baku, .1 L, guardian 160 Rahn. J L - 146 Sheppardeny ' 637 pT J 944 &Oberlin& John 600 Shot*, oeorgL3P 443 Sanderson, WM 2,367 Safford, Henry 1,6)0 Safford, silas H 200 Sliver, Chr 1,684 Snitcoly, 0 H 6.1:130 Smaltz, J H • 3,930 Schou.. Henrietta 144 Smit neon John B Stev John B 12.520 Stevenson, trustee 131 Steppacher, Wen 236 Stern, S A 1,581 Steel, L 718 Steel. Canby 769 Spelllesey, Henry 3,414 Spits, Jereph 337 Spleee, Henry 665 Solliday, W W 103 Smith, C B 749 Sloan. Joseph 1,512 Bluer, John H 813 Triebels. O R 38,700 Thorn, Nicholas 198 Teller, Raphael 1,979 Teller, Solomon 1,666 Tischer, Chas F 1,400 Trumlert, George 248 Taller, Glee 8,260 [Oman, Michael 640 Vollmer, Reinhold 40) Vernier. Wm P 2:18 Vernier, J A 200 Vansykel. Henry 491 Wolf, Gabriel 356 Wilmer, Tholi 133 Wieders helm Wm 191 Walker, Henry 1,966 Warner, D M 160 Writhigh m t, JR r 7,B3 Willis, B B 3.376 adminietrator 393 Wood, Alan " 78,176 Wilkins,, John 91 Wentwo alk th, Thaddene 1,437 Wannamasher. Chas 6,431 wer, D Warner. Win 6.217 Young, Wm 603 Verger, Jonas ; 724 Zeigler, Geo K 6,743 Zeigler, H 4 ' 14,605 FOUR CENTS. biteresttrig Mid SiNggestive Corres.elv dgmice• [From the Ohielists Journer.3 • A few days elide, Dlr. Aston, of the firm of RiX• doll & Aston, booksellers of our City, received t.ker funewlng Vote aid enclosure; ender the frank O r " Asnj‘ Wood, W. IL6WEIiTILLE,..BIIrOO3IS2. 00., N. 0., A To Intec C. daton cOlutObsto, Ohio: mery 4,1446. Or- Lieutenant he nry B; Lee, of General S. D. Lee% sten; ifte captured at rtankllio, Tennessee; shout 30ttl. November, 1504, and may be sout tcrJohneee , e Mend. Ile is peculiarly endeared! tbms. Attead to hls wants, and ohargfr i to your AU welt • Ocetrarn Er*. New York News copy. Dlr. Astmi being a tray loyal Man, and min. momently not very kindffr disposed toward =re pentant rebate, prepared this we hope, tterrifew York New will ha prOmptly 6081- Eirtalieate to the person addreased ne ir- dld'the ad vertisement from rebeidom : To Ed. J. Astrnsi Asheville, N. C.: Dean Cousin ; Your 00antanieation Carta Safely to hand under frank of Hon. eins Wood,'of *eraser York Daily New'r, (wow '' I duly appreciate your kitiftefe toward:- polar Mend who has Met the fate Of war. but I anskappy to inform you thit_Llent. HenrylK Lee hatallen. into good hands ; 'Mole Sam will , attend to all: hie wants. I know Whoa as good glutei's furnished him an any of ourroldlere who are fighting down this causeless rebellion. I. wish yon to tmderstand distinctly that all prisoners falling Mto ourhande. are treated like eta—well clad, well fed and: sheltered. Should he, remain at Jonoson's Island during the summer be a delightful retreat:— fresh air, fine soeneryiand wholeaome diet and'inild officers. As your friend has chosen to fight against the country of his fathers, and has sought to over throw the best of all human Governmonte, I daunt offer "him any sympathy or material aid.' I intuit say, however, I pity any , man who is so deceived or misguided, and am happy' co know he will have time nowt° repent of hist:mimeos. I can do &Moot of humanity and kindness to one who has wronged me, but I will not aid anyone who has dellberamty sought to destroy my country. Look;-you to history, for an-expose of atrocities unequalled:in the world:s - , park ages, and then ask a man who loves his coun try to administer to the wants of those who are trying to destroy it. All welt. I am, truly, Your cousin, Liam: 0. dance: (New York Daily News and World please copy and Charge to Cousin M.) Tan Portland Press has oonsulted its almanac, - arid announces that . this yeEsr shore will be sir eclipses—two of the sun, two•el the moon, one of .1611 Davis, and one of his rebellion. The eclipses of the sun occur on the 25th of April and the 15th *of October ; those of the moon on the MOM Aprli And 21st of October ; and the other two at a contra. ffilentlaesaon, not long to be deferred. EININCIAL AND COMNIERCIAL. The stock market showed some signs of improvement yesterday for almost all descriptions of seaurities. The variatione and changes from day to day have been unite remarkable for the past week or two,the ups and downs following each other in quick succession. These spas modic. movements are attributed to various dram stances. First, the ease in money and the cessation of the peace rumors have given more stability to financial affairs generally. Secondly, the opinion - prevails that the moat tonna and ;stable divldend.paying' railroad shares have been unduly depressed. For this down ward movement several causes are assigned. With the approaching close of the war, it has been urged by many that all prices will go suddenly down to a specie heals, and that railroad shares will sell at prices approximating to those of 1860. Moreover, the net earn• tags of the roads are less adequate to pay dividends, as the expenses of operation are very mach enhanced These gloomy vie we of the folture prospects of our rail roads are not. hoWeVer, universally held. There are persons who urge that, as the termination of the war will open-to our industry and commerce once more the impoverished but fertile Beath. a stimulus will be given to our internal trade, and a million of men being at once set free from unproductive pursuits, there will be an Increase of business rather than a falling off. and the transition from war to peace may thus be made with few. If any, of those severe financial convulelone which, in-other countries less happily circumstanced. and poeeessed of lower recuperative powers, have often attended the_ clefs,' of a vast military struggle. and the return of industry and, capital to their old and Peaceful channels. The latter of these opinions seems to be gradually galeing power, and the consequence le that the panto which has so long raged lathe stock mar ket has been succeeded by a steady and intermittent. though not very lively, upward movement in prices . Government loans. continue In favor, and yesterday were considerably higher in prism. The lliate sold at 111%, a rise of X, and the 10-40 loan at 1013 , an advance of X. The new 15-20 i were steady at 108 X, and the old at 119 X. The 7. We sold at 99%. Stete loans were *ore lombired for; the 6s sold at 94Xfa decline of 3,:". The War Loan es sold at 1(1, which is a slight improvement. City es were also active, though prices were weak. The new sold at 9034—a decline of 3:"; the old remained at 92X. There was a moderate demand for company bonds. and the second mortgage bonds of the Peanzyrianla Railroad advanced X; Ike first mcfages were steady at 107. Snednehanna Canal es sol at 66: Union Canal es at 2336, and Schuylkill Damnation es. of 'B2 at 80 The share list was rathir unsettled, though prices were better. Beading declined X, selling at the close at about 64 : „.12en_ess leant& Railroad sold at 63X --an ad vance .7, Little Schuylkill rose 34—selling at 36N; Catewlesa preferred advanced X-.—selling at 52341. The most active - stock was Camden and Amboy, which, on account of intelligence of the failure of the effort to break down - tie "monopoly," , by' a Kirin Congress giving smother=companir - the right of *ay across New Tereey, advanced steadily up to 140, at which it:closed. This Sean advance, es compared with the previous day, of 734 Bank stocks ware. firm, but the sales light. Manufacturers' Sad Mechanics' sold at 32;5. The only sele"of.:Y#ssengs* Railroad stock was Green and Coates at 30. Of the' &al 'stocks there wlrie 'sales of Fulton at 7; Clinton at 1. and Green Mountain at 336. The oil stocks w4ea moderately active at abont'former prices. The Board of Brokers continue in force the rule ex cluding the reporters of the press from copying off the sales of stocks which take place after the afternoon '"call, " The Board constitute lathe strictest sense a close corporation, and theirj Gateway of outsiders% unboanded. In these times of immense commissions, inch a rule is doubtless beneficial to the brokers themselves, however injurious to those for whom they bay and sell. In New Yolk no each monopoly exists, for there has existed them e an open stook board for a long time, and it is found to work advantageously for all parties. As Philadel phia; is said to follow Pew York In most things, she might imitate her sister city,in this respect, and gain thereby, and mace plagiarising in other respects: The following were the quotations for gold yester day at the hours named _9.41641... M» 213 I 2 fd 12.30 P. 11...... 212 1 " 212 3 .. 211 4 ** «......»»....212 elosint quotations for the • . and oil atocks: • Bid. dead. Globe 0i1.... ..« 1g Rowe's Eddy O. .. 1% Hibbard 011... : » 131 Hoge Island. • —1% • • Hyde Farm ...... - - 4 Irwin 011 ...... tIN 10 Krotzer • ••••• so at lej 131 Maple Shade 24% 25.4 McClintock 011— • 5 ):4 3% Mineral Oil 2 2% hitarro • • —• 18.16 McEibeny 011.... 434 McCrea & 0 R.... 1 Noble & 6 8% Oil Creek . ..... 6% 7 Organic 011 X 81 Olmstead Oil-- 2% 3 'Perry 011 33i 4 Pope Farm 011• 1 .Pat 2% tt ... 'Pall & 0 0k....» 1% !Revenue 2% Roberta 011 ...... • . 2 Hook 011 3%2 3' Itath bone Petro— . Sherman 131 Seneca Oil—. 4'( 4% Story Farm...... 2 2% Bah & 0 Gk.. 1 .. St Nicholas...". 394 4 Story Centre 8% GU Stinbury .. 1 Tarr Farm 23( Tarr Home. • • 6 11%, Union Pet.... Venango Oil X 1 Walnut Island... 2.% 23% Watson 1 3 10 90 ERA 11.11 " 21 21 2X 30 " 1X 'Jibe following were the principal navigation, Bid. daked. &Amyl Nay pref. 023s' 8214 tar q Canal 13g 1935 Big Mountain.... 6 61i Butler Coal 10 11 Clinton C0a1...—. X 134 . Conn Mining.-- Ai 34 Diamond C0a1...... 17 Fulton Coal .. 7 Feeder Danl.— .. 1 Green Mountain. 33( 4 Keystone Zino— 1 2 MonocacY ..... •••• •• 6 kr-3i iiiiace—. .., ex D Carbondale...-. 2 •,. New Creek Coal. % L t llwatara C0a1.... 6 Atlas. I,;fi' 17a Big Tank 2' MI Mazer 011.•..... M "1-M. 24 Bunning Spring.. .. 331 Continental 011.. IX 2.1 i Creecent 1..% OW tin /3,14 .• Corn Planter .... fOi Caldwell 5 5.!.'4 Cow Creak....... 3 2 Cberry Run -• Dunkard Oil X iG Onmkard Ck Oil. .. • • - • - • Densmore 011•••-• 6 6X Dalzell 011—.4 ee 83¢83rEgbert Szcaleior 011.'... 1 • gam 1.1 Dorado....—. F Fairs! Oil /34 ranklin ..... 2 Great Western..... Safi Germania........X ii The directors of the Cherry Brut Petroleum Company have declared a dividend of ten per sent., payable on the Rid inst., clear of State tax. The board of directors of the Coraplanter Oil Company declared a dividend of one per cent. or the capital stook of the CODIPSAY, payable on and after the 20th inst. The following are the monthly exports of petroleum, from Pittsburg, by the Pennsylvania Bsilroad. for 1561: Barrels. . Barrels. January 46.181 August-- • • ••• • 90,076 February 40,370 September 23.672 March 27,541 October 45,129 April... 62,911 November •........ 42,556 S/113 , ......... 94,740 December 88,967 June 68 793 July ...... . ... 41.626 Total during year... 545,781. Counterfeit live-dollar bills ou the Mechanics' Bank of Rahway. N. J., have just been introd used. The vig nette of the counterfeit represents a man and two horses ploughing on the left of a large figure 5 in a circular die. The genuine bill has & portrait of Washington. A counterfeit fill* note on the Eastern Bank has made it appearance. Vignette, female seated.; Indians; male bead on each end. The Philadelphia Board of Trade estimate the busi ness of Pennsylvania in coal, iron, and coal oil for 1301 as follows: The total production of coal has been: Of anthractie.. 9 916,174 tons. Of semi- anthracite 417.993 tone Of bituminous 2.399.246 tons T0ta1.......... $........ 12 d 99,632 tone. The value, as estimated at the point of ehipment neared the mines. by a gentle man conversant with the trade, at $5 60 On ton $69.841,926 DO On which the Government tax was .. , 437,192 68 The product of iron has been (ratiroad . hare re-rolled, 37,672 tons) Itaihned bare, new, 92.M7 tons, at $36 8 237,210 OWtolled plate ir0n,86,932 tone, at MD..... 8,693,2C0 Of rolled bare, other than ratio, 73,342, at $9O. .-- 6613,780 Of bnildin g castings, 46,772 tone at $100.... 4. , 577,260 Of cut nails. rivets, do , exclusive of those made of imported iron. 37,135 tone, at $9Xi _....... ..... Hollow Ware and stoves, 11.9 4 0 tone, at 7.427,0C4) $2O) ,390, Various manufactures of bon— ..... ....... 12 2 833,6 000 00 Steel bars-4,039 tone, at $260 1, 009. 760 • of Aster kinds. 3,219 Sons, at P413°1.287,6G) 0 manufacturee of 5tee1'..................90E014 Total Talus iron and steel Government internal revenue tax $1 003 gyr EitPOrts Englandfi gallons 24,015.699 Worth in 2 shillings. sterling $2,403,515) Total export of crude, 8.069.812 gallons 241.423 Total sterling value, subject to shipping And .gS, Hire And in oar own currency, in round num bers, more than um $30.223.000 - The home cons has Refined in Pennerylvanla ption , gallons ' 13,8t9,974 Average value, 74 81.103 c, say $10,012,48L /Wined out of the State, gallons 2,069,819 Total raffled. gallons 21.418.203 °Gystnlnsut tax , 1112,141.e26 value In Pennsylvania of the 8.069,919 gallons relined out of the State, bottle equal to 11,430.876 gallons of crude oil, worth $3,422.260. The values of the three articles to Perflusylvania for Calyear : a t 569,821,226 Petroleum 46,912.439 Iron. •-•-• St 7/31 997 Tota r• $171.018,323 And the internal revenue tax to the Goren:meet: On Coal _, ...., „. $4.7.102 83 On Iron ...• L 016,837 00 On Petroleum . 2.141,82 D 00 Total V4622488 88 Drexel St Go. Quote: view Malted Kates Bonds, 1881 N uoliquo34 Sew IL 8. Certificates of Indebtedness • 98 913)4 Quartermaster' Voucher. —••—• 93b" ftl", Orders for Certifier/tali of /ndebte4nes........ 98 1 98; C01d.•.• • ••••• • 211 132 . R u li ng R z0 binge..........•• •••••••• 000000 ••••E In Flys.tsreatv Bounsatew ....••••••••• Y. 1: a) Five-twenty Scads. 01d...... LOWS MX Ten-fort? riende 10N MIX ;ware W 14131, PRA, ITIMUISHXD WKILILLY.I TIM WAR. MINI arill he seat to gabewthers ST wait (Per smut to am's) 0. Time ropier- Fite 111 L i° Tat. Larger Mahe than Tat will bekeharatet at the eaves ate. St DO 104 copy. The gooney mart atwoge aragiargeny be order. wet in no feurroace oegn these terms be drenrateafrom6 at the afford eery UWe snare than the coat etf WNW. • aa- Poetrowitent are regneeted to mot so weals Mir Tin WAS Pogo. Te the getter-up of Ski MOO tea as Muth IS ea,tra 50p7 of the tower will he dyes. SALO AT TIM sT ,Reported byßesat. MU . . . .BEFORE 3fil Reading R...WAleb. 54%1 krp do ..... ........•• 64% 166 6innecei. ...... ........ 4 . FIRST 80AE514. 1001 13" 26s '41....e0u0.110% • :100 Cease/rifles pref.- 334 4012/ U If 6.2 A Bein -lolls • 200 Green Mottat 3% old-coup 134% 4110 1 139raten Cod-lOte 1 1(0) • • d i es. •7404741011P.105% kV Bruner 011. 1 31 12940 d[o}o-40 Boods„ 100 OtmOn. - • b3O 14 loti-c0up.192%e 901 Corn Plaster 6 Vet u 0 7.3oTreiterrits • 190' Royal Potro -•- 13, new lots 99%1 225 do ...... --Me i% sordstate 5g lots 92Y e l 'kV Robe OR 1% 1. (2 1 9ite tis over ID- 92%1 le &best -Bits 6% 3/00 d0....0k1...t0ts 94,% I 2;6 1 - 1 Aboard. • ----lots tsl 500 de...„,,,,,,,.. ge% ' kke 1114011n 0 eck o.less 8% 2000 96% 2l2rlllneral. 011 2% 1900 01031 Vim 641 'B2-esk 89 CO Miumi -- • ....lots sy. - CifA) Thelon Cut (b. 23% 1000 d0.....1821' lots 3 ••1 1(0'? hkwyCni 65.• --- 55 ICfr do• ••• -•-• b 3 3% 296 .11e ding ft....10ts 54% 260 011 Creek k" Cher 100 ,d0....10t5...,theb my .ry Rea ----lots AK 11:0 ,41,,-...sseth 64 3•: s 1(0 Densmore...... b 5 6 lio ao=- .•- • • 54%1 re Rook 0i1.... • .... 3% 4 Cam -NAM It 140%,1(01 St Nitthola.7otlnts 4 82 Benno , R......10te (74 I 6(6 dom.caek .lots 4 1(0 d 0..- •.. ; . lots 158%1 WO do-- ..-.b.39 41- lel IVO Permit J1.25mt.185 ISt 1 106 Tarr Parra -..- . 2% 190 CalsewiWth•pref.-. 32%, 450 Atlas , . -_. __l o is 164 BETWEBO BOARD/3. 390 Corn PI kenter-tets 5 WO Schyl Nay.- my. .51.1 Story Pe .3m 21-16 RIO do ....- ...... .• 2 kr,. 270Atlets . . ........bell 259 Pk do. -- , 315».. peer 32 3 ; 100 Tan Au lb bile 2.81 506 Caldwell • ---- .. 634 200 hi b slb o w, r.....•1/30 5 UV 11146.111 bds-sask 19 3 .5.: lie do . .. e.• • • ..... 474 100 do old ha 508 10($2 30 Cam &in `.bey it 1311 100 Sherman ISt 4130 Et Ilichola. 1 ., .2dis 4 100 McClintock Oi; 185 6% 400 do -__, ...1:804 1.16 100 Ruddier R 1,6 54 100 d o ~.. 4 201 Union Petroleum 13 16 110 Plena & Sri, I R..- 26%1 Re 0110 reek ...• • .s2O 5%. SECOND BOARD. 1263112 6s 1881 lie coup 110% 7 Wyomtng Valley. IR 11086• Wallow it. l rem 106%, 200 Fulton Coal . • •lts 7 1590(ity &, new ... .....• (.6N 26 011013931 &CR lts 636 &VT do 01d.... •-• •" 92 re 363 44- -"• ' • ** -4 " b " 44'. 45 sh a k o it pref V% PO Organic X 104 Green & (log o . •b 6 Su 200 Oil Creek....,..... gli 10 Cam & Amboy , E• / 242 2.71 do • ..... ..-b 6 3 7 3 do ... . -VS 273 Royal Petroleum • 144 2 1 : 1 d 0... - ...plo NO aloOlinto air. 0111ots 6,4 i, Al ITER BOAR I II6 ED Wednut island.. • 2 19 70 4 •11,0 7 ta 34 •-•-•.• MIX 7'll M cClintock '3ll bk 1 41 1 6 0 Man d° & Mesh Bank 3 6 1% .4 2(llc2lheny bi 2171 do-- ._ . b3O 6 31:10 El •O 'redo.... 1% 100 Logan *ll ..,% WA State C4._•.......... 9, , v . 10 Cam & Arab R.... 1. 10 200 D 417011 041 •••••••• 634 Seise A ' 2. T H E " L138B • iiiirs• $ 5 25 1 ,....5,,,,.31,, '% • 60•hs 1.3 N srn do fr oor ag.. 74 50 Eldorado ((U 11( 16(11 do ..... ...New. les. % 50 Mc CO at Mk .... ..!,.. gyi 500 d0.........8ew 1C8:: I F. 66° d° ... 6 ' l'4 10t. FlutqaCaael b 5 13 . 3. e 2013 Ringo 011-85wn•3 1-16 10(0 State 6s War Loan .101 1 100 St E1ch015a........ 4 /(0 Don emore Oil.. - 6 - 3 0 0 'd° 4 1(0 do - b5 21.10 do b 5 4 4(0 do .- .. ......- 6 26 Senvca 0i1.... ... .4% 100 Catawba* prof 321 b 100 Brauer i 100 do • • .......• ll 100 do 58,6 Penile R. 241 m P o r r e t. f l9 4 4 4 . 100 do -- WO 131. The New York Post of Teak. 44 dY ease: acid 18 dull and drooping'. '1 _„The °Willing quotation was 214, from which Ink it gra eacallY declined to 211 K. dogleg at 213%. The loan market is easy at 6 : IR mnie% with a little buslnees doing at 711 cent. Barr eet complaint is made. a 2 : the large amount of -01 : 17 bora now due and fendelookedlll4 in Government v eti.l unpaid. ,_ , __ ... Ihe stock market 'lit depressed" 1 v2,.._ oo ddlondg rumor.. Governments are strong .' Fier" 1 Iwalkes have ad vanced .3i. Ten• forties Pi, and Ger t inmates %. Railroad shares opened dull, the Westernlda. 1714 being heavy. Cumber/and to attracting the chit 1) to ll4tentlon. and has advanced. wi th large transactions, , 4 I 3 (• Before the first sesedon gold was. q, . toted At 2149(212%; Beading at Kw, The following quotations were. r, lade At the board. compared with those of yesterday et ft 977.00 n: Th in ,. Wed Adv. Dee. United States els. 1881. coup... 111051; ~2 _ 1 0„ % .. United States 6-20 coupons -.1043‘ - .. 4 „;",..r. .'•,. • - United States 10.40 coupons .101,.' 4 . 4 .( 7 . 74 • United States certilicates •- - 98,4' . 20 !(. • • ' Tennessee 66 • 0 4 . 14 1,, • • V liihwourl Be .....- es - i • ,, z. - V Reading Ratites d. • -... .....ion % 1( 2 3 31 • • % After the board there was a dean% •e of ' percent . followed by a rally the. market 01( 85.1., 1.6 steady, eta dull. Hudson River closed it 106; 1 lit 05102 at 108%. Subsequently there was a decline o, % .', PE C 40115. There le very little cavort dematuk for Flour- sad price! are anchanged; 6,0(13 M.'s sol 5„ to the United States Commiseary Department, mesa 7 ci 1 7 male. at $lO. E9@ll 60 $1 bbl for extra and esti a fat ally. The retailers and bakers are buying in a ems 11 w. 17 11 from 1909.75 for superfine. 1310@'0 76 for oil ra. t UlOl3 for extra family, and $12.2801S bbl for tam :7 br and), ac cording to Quality. Rye Flour is WM tg in ` a emsl.l way at $8 7e@Blit bbl. Corn Heal ccintin use d WI.. ant pricer are unchanged:. ORAIN. --The offerings! of Wheat are ligl it, b at bold. ere are Ohm at about former rates; 3,503 be .e bile red Fold at 42.50 bus, and 1,260 bets choir( Ks •rit - twcky white at ft'l 130 *bus Dye la selling ill aam all war at from $1.7001. 72 * bus. Corn le dolt...and rat her . lower, with sales of 2,000 bus new yellow at $1.66 L t the s Care, and $l. 65* bus in atowe Oats are selling in a mall way at 92e* bus. 4.000 bas Barley gold at $1 9l 202 4 41. bus and part on terms kept private. - - BANK —ln Quercttron there is very little. dein, gr let No. 1 is firmly held at s4o* fon. COTTON —Prices have again advanced ; en tall Vales. of Middlings are making at, from 88020e* lb, c ash. GROCERIES.—There is very little doing t ellawer • Sugar or Coffee, but prime remain about the same As last queted. IRON.-s-Mannfiustored Iron is Infair demand st former , rates. Pig Metal continues quiet; small'iots of rinthra cite are reported at $43035 ton. for the three on mbers. PETROLEUM. —The market, as we have nett ced for some time past, continues. dull, and prices are unset tled. We quote crude at 47@480, refined in bon& at 670- 66c,and free at from 61006 1 c bi gallon, tato quality. bEEDS —Flaxseed is selling lna small way at from $3.70103.75 15 Nisbet Timothy is held at 1260D.50 bushel, but we hear of no sales. Cloverseed is in fair demand ; salsa reach about bushels, In loti, at from 114.70015 50*64 itis —the latter rate for prime. PROVISIONS. —Prices' are without any material change. but the market is dull and the sales In a email way only Mess Pork le quoted at fr0m1,38039 W bbL Dressed Hoge are selling at from $15016 the 240 The. Bacon Hams' are selling in a small way at from 20026e* lb for plain and fanny bagged. Prime Lard is selling at 2310* lb, for bbl, and tierces. WHISK - Y.—There is very little doing, and the market is dull; small sales of Psmrusylvania and Western bids are making at 2330234 c 22 gal- The following are the recalpts of four and grain at tis port to-day: Flour bb/a. Wheat ..... ..... bus Corn . . ... bus. Oats ......... IrLorß, &e.—The market tor. Western spd State Floor le more active, and prices of the low and medium grades are five cents per bbl better. The light receipts and the much-reduced stock give sellers the advantage. The sales are 19,200 bbk at $9 $9 0(49 66 for mewling State ; 69.65@9.65 for extra State; $9 901410 16 for fancy State: $9.7M9 90 for the low grades of Western extra: 510.6C@11 for. shipping Ohio; $l.l ,0011 50 for trade and family brands, and 11(g14.26 for St. Loins entree, the latter rate for choke. . Canadian ?lour Miens plenty, and very firms sales of 200 bbls at $9. 55(49 90 for the low grades, of extra, ant SIC@IL 50 for trade and faintly (atlas. Eoathern Flour is quiet and uncharged: MICA of 350 bble at $lO 34011 GO for mixed to good superfinsuoun. try. Baltimoi 0, dm, and $ll. OAR 60 for trade and fami ly brards. Bye Flour to olet; Sales of 100 bble at $K43.50. - Corn Meal is heavy ; sales of 200 bble at $7.76 for Jer sey. and $8 75 for Brandywine. OHATN.—The Wheat market is a shade better. ami more active; the demand Is entirely confined to millers_ The sales are 14,500 bushels at $2 15 for good Chicago spring, $2.20 for amber do, and $2.573:02.63 for white Michigan. Barley is quiet but firmly held. Barley Malt is steady. We note sales of 600 bushels at 661. • Oats are nuoitantieti idd qulet. be sales are 12,40) btteltela Pennsylvania at $1.06. Canadian at $L M. West ern at $l-11, and State at $1651giL03.3i. _ . Bye is in fair demand. The sales ore 2,010 bushels Western at 51.60, and Jersey at $1 70. Corn la a shade firmer. Old is neglected. The sales are 6.600 bushels yellow at $L70@j1.72,. on.the pier, and $1.74, delivered. PROVISIONS —The Pork market hzglxren fairly statics. at full former rates. closin steady, but Quiet. Beef is steady, and cont i nues in very good demand: sales of 1360 bbbs at $lB 60g139 for Vain mess, and $2l 6C(443. fa! for extra do. Tierce Beef le quiet, but Considerable - sales are said to have been consammated, but the trade gene rally are of the opinion that the balk of the lots now going forward are on owners' account. Beef Barns are steady, with a few retail lots selling at $20(426 60 for Western. Cut Meats are in fair demiurd t sales of 660 pkg. at 170 173'0 for pickled shoulders; 164@19e for hams. and 25,k0 tbe bellies, In balk, at 20c. Bacon is rather more active: sales Or 160 boxes Cum berland cut.on spot and to Re; 60 boars short ribbed at 21c; 00 boxes city short clear at 1830; 3.010 tbs City long clear. in bulk. at 20c, and 12,000 Ds city Com ber and ant, in bulk, at 20c. Dressed hogs are steady; we quote at lOgHiPtile for Western: city nominal. AMISS.—The market is quiet, and prices are nominal at $l2 for pots and $ll 75(412,- tor pearls. COPPER Is quiet, but without change in prices. Corrox. —The warket is firm and the demand fair ; sales at the for middlings. Prrnover 31 is quiet and easier ; sales at 48gifte for crude : 67(063c for refined in bond, and 82@d8c for do free. Si oan.—Ram Sugars are quiet, bat prime are With, ont change Relined an dull. WHISKY. —The market is dull and heirs; sales of IGO bbla at $2 ZO for Western. Louisville Tobacco lia2lLei., The offerings at the auction warehouses to-day num bered altogether a break of 97 khds, but at the Loan'. Ville only a few hbds were sold. and at the Boone the prices bid for 26 tilde Mere rejected, while a lot of hbds new Inc lane leaf, from Washington county, com manded very good prices. Old Tobacco is dull, while new crop is Inn and much sought for.with.very meagre receipts The sales were u follown: At t h e Pickett-9 /thde low grade ats6.3o to $7. 4 1 hds t lugs st $7.96 to $9 60, 2 of heavy Bus at $lO 63 to $ll 76, 8 bbds light leaf at $l4 to SIB GO.. and 3 hhds at $90.26, $31.50, and $3O 25 At the leinth-street-1 bbd at * q .io. 2 at $8 to $lO ell at $l3 to $13.50, and 2 at $2l. • At the Boone —l5 kbds at $6 to $7.80. 6at e 9 to 40.93 S at $ll to $41.60. 13 bade at $l6 60 to WS. and 4 hhcle new leaf medium. from Washington county, Ind., at $'41.60. $21.60. $24 26, and $92.60. At the Louisville-2 khds at $8.90 to 14, 2ator to $lO. 60, and 2 at $1260 to $ll. Cincinnati Provision Market; Bob. 7. Then was Undoubtedly a firmer feeling oiLthe part of holders of Prpviaionato•day, bat buyers ofittintie °dish. and the amount of business transacted was small. No sales of Mesa Pork were reported. and we are therefore without a base for quotations. We omit them alto gather. Balk Meats are very duiL Shoulders may be quoted nominally at 115qe, and Sides at 17?, 19c There is very little Bacon offering. and holders are Arm at lie for Shoulders, 213 s for Rib Sides, 210 :or clear Rib. and 24,tie for clear. Lard could have been sold at 21; bat it was generally held as higher. Head and Out mold to the extent of one hundred ttercee atitte. LETTER BAGS. • AT TKE arratCHAINTA' RacHAEGE, PillitdoirLPHlAL Bark Bea Eagle. Hay Spain. soda. Brig If arm a, Room. Brig Herald, ....... mom PHILADELPHIA' BOARD OF IBA DE. Jae. B. CANTRELL. BA L. W. DECOUESEY. }CONXIITZEOP Tint Noma. Jess C. NAND. • --- POET OF PIKIELAIDELPHIA, FEB. O. Star 8u5in....6 61 I fhm errs —6 91 Man Waxse....ll Steamship John . Gibson. Baleen. !!'Mara from New Toth, with mdse to Wm Taylor & Co. Brie Ororimbo, Tracey, IS days from Boston., with sods* to Tswana & Behr Norweeter. Hillier. 7 days from Gloncester, Mass. with Into captain BELOW. Bark Blomidon (Br). from Liverpool. cams to Ma Breakwater on Wednesday. Brigs Leonard Myers, from Bow Orleans,. Fredonia, from Mammas; Frank Allan from do; from Fawns, anz aurato. from Key West.anehored inside the The ship T massaode. Break water Yesrerds7 morning from Liverpool , was at anchor off the Ledge Light at I o'clock yesterday morning. OLE iRED Behr Bobbie W Dillon. L trdlam. Fortress Monroe. Bohr Lizzie W Dyer, Sumner. Bo s t on. RAILED. Ship Equando. for Et John. N B, and Bark Linda, for ciserneg To r tugas, of tow Amen ca Also, bark lives.- tide, for inor the tug J R Nammitt. $54,784.997 MIMOBAND.A. Etearnehip Gravada (II B transport). Baxter. from Sa vannah and Hilton Bead 4th last, at Now York Yea tarday. Reports; 6th lust saw stainers Illinois, Al, lactic, and reveal others bound 8; encoaniered a heavy gale north of Hatteras; trill, same day. 40 miles of Hatteras, passed staaiger Alhambra, steerins 8; lib. eteountered a hem B gale, and helms short of coal Put into Delaware Breakwater. and left this morphs/ at 2A. M. The steamers Oriental, Gardiner. and libt , lawns sailed same day. The atesantr Blaokatoae. Berry. arrived at Hilton Head oa the 3d; on that:h. at 3 P M. 14nallaed staamar Monterey. Bark Ranter (Br). Faulkner, henos.was at Berbadooli 19th Wt. AVM/ TO MARINERS ! . PEER !gilt THOROUGH - PARE. —VMAIII a &laming La Deer Isle Thorovihtere should not szahor over-tee rods to the westward of Green's whee, u there to • =Wren wreak to the westward In the wittorleuc %tweed ( - :ele thoorrectly reported.? XICHANCHS. Vu. 9./ ,& Co., ZAK 00 ff. third et BOARDS. "Wr Mciabonnv Ott.. 4W, 300 Cora Plast..lto 0 ., i) 6 Phpadelphist War* 'eta 1. Fiszrei -Nrating_ Mew York Markets, .Feb.. 9. J,r,.141,,40,1D11«4D):cs p.rci tw o
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers