HILITABT. UNITED STATES ABMY HOSPITAL STATISTICS. The following ere the statistics of the United States Army hospitals for the week ending on the 28th butty as received at the medical director’s office yesterday: ■ t ■8 j ts A g * ,g aosm*t». I I 1 I 5 !I1 I I 1 - *< * §; . w Taraer’s-1ane. ............. 25 13 2 •• •• 206 Booth .strett .87 323 Suuunit House 10 42 17 10 4 653 Islington 1ane............. 4 2, ..1 18 mite Ha11.....8 27 43 2 1 667 Broad and Primal *. 6 3 40 Officers'... -• .. .. ll Filbert-street « i 33 3 60 4 1 678 Chester 2 2 »• 462 CieatnuVHilW™.. 3 316 100 .. 1 1,303 Beterly. 8 111 + .. 1 627 ‘Broad end Cherry 1 2 02 .. .. 232 Wes* 34 72' 27 SO 2 1,488 M*olell an.................. 6 9 32 6 2 892 Germant0wn.............. 3 39! 5 .. 1 288 Pittsburg." 11 16| 7 3 1 386 Y0rk........ 28 22 6 ■ 3 1,014 H&ddiaiteU" _JB 33 i 7.■ 2 691 Total 247 610* 370’46 20 9.553 the payment to troops in hospitals. Major Stryker has called upon us to say that we were In error yesterday in stating that be bad been gent on with money to pay the hospitals. The money was sent to the paymaster In oharge of the post, at whose request major S. was ordered here to assist In. making the payments. .RESUMED his position. All disability which has rested upon Major A. 'White, of 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry, having been removed by the War DepartmentJjhe has resumed his position in that regiment. The laot of his having been reported absent without leave was occasioned by his being taken prisoner at Win chester, Ya., in Jane, 1868, while serving with Maj. General Milroy. FOURTH DISTRICT. The following Is the sub-division of the quota of the Fourth District: Fourteenth ward 47ITwcnty. first ward.,....510 Fifleenth... 014 Twenty-fourth ...4TO Twentieth-™*- 661 _ ' Total™*-..*........,.. 2,626 MILITARY FUNERAL. The funeral of the late Gol. J. W. Moore trill take place at 10 o'clook F. M. to- day from 1807 Lee street, Eighteenth, ward, and trill doubtless be a very Im posing oeremony. INTERESTING TO THE FRIENDS OF THE 73d PENNSYLVANIA VETERAN VOLUNTEERS. del. Ohas. O. Oresson, of the above regiment, has arrived In this oity from Savannah, and the friends of those now with the regiment can see the Colonel at 808 Walnut street. . MISCELLANEOUS. THE GIRLS 1 HIGH SCHOOL. The number of applicants ffir admission into the Girls’ High School is reported to be 188—the num ber to be selected 72. The questions submitted to the candidates yesterday are as follows: . CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED SNATHS. 1. Glto that .part of the Constitution which re lates to the mode of apportioning the representa tives among the States alter'the enumeration has been made. 3. Specify the,constitutional rights of accused persons. s. Explain the difference between a dbcct and an Indlrest tax. How are they apportioned among the States! - 4. How are all vacancies m the Senate filled 1 6. Give the mode of proposing amendments to the ■Constitution. 6. Give the provision of the constitution which provides for the election of the President In oase of the death of both President and Tice President. 7. What provision Is made In the Constitution for the compensation of members oi Congress 1 What for the President! .What for the Judges of the United States Courtßt 8. Define bills of attainder, bills of orodlt,and bill of rights. 9. speoify the eases In which the Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction. 10. Name five powers granted to Congress by the Constitution. DEFINITIONS. Define and give the etymology, that'l3 the roots, prefixes, and suffixes of the following words, and, In connection with each, write a sentence of not less than twelve words to .illustrate the meaning you give: Inflection, reiterate, reluctant, remonstrate, pal liative, opportune, condescension, aspersion, detri ment, controvert. THE MEETING AT THE ACADEMY TO-NIGHT. The United states Christian Commission cele brates the close of Its third year of successful work among the heroes of the army and navy, by a mon ster meeting, this evening, In tbe Academy of Me sio. The popularity of the commission, the public Interest in its operations, and their objects, as well as the high standing aha reputation of the orators of the evening, have eaused so large a demand for tickets that the committee frad lt utterly Impracti cable to supply it. We have been requested to ask that those who have tickets which they are unable to use will return them Immediately, to the offloe of the Commission, 11 Bank street, that there may he as much satisfaction as-possible. ' VOTING IN THE CAES. A great number of persons riding In the oars yes terday did not voto on the question whether colored people should ride, or should not ride, In several instance%of persons voting that came under our notice the vote was cast with a profane oath that ought to have subjected the voters to ejeotment. Ignorance, brutality, mod profanity seemed to be related to each other. In one Instance a woman took the name of the Almighty in vain when she cast a vote against the “nagnrs,” and yet that woman was permitted to ride In the oar in company with several ladies and gentlemen. We heard or many Instances of persons voting often. It Is said that ir dozen of votes were east by a single person at one time. Some persons received tbe tickets from the conductors and quietly folded them up, and plaoed them in their pockets for future use. The voting will be continued to-day, and the result will mot bw«M»«w*itatlvely made known for several days, AS the voters may return the tickets, as voted, to any of the conductors during ine~wueh. SHARP PRACTICE. That class of the genus homo who live by their wits have adopted a branch of the confidence profession, in order to relieve unsuspecting persons of some of their money. 'Ehe dodge was resorted to a few days Since in Milwaukee, and as it may be tried In Phila delphia a oopy of one of the epistles sent will not be Uninteresting: ' WIWAUKBK, Jau., 1836. Mr. ——: On the 23d of last mouth i was in Chloaxo, and just as I was leaving for home I found a package* eontatnin* a fine gold watch and a fine set oi jewelry,” such as ladles wear. 1 have no chance of seeing Chi-' «ago papers here so I dont know if it was advertised, a neibour came In last night and in looking at it he saw your name wrote in pencil on the inside of the paper. Now Mr 1 am a poor man and it troubles me to have such fine things in my honse tnat don’t belong to to me, if they are jours, you eauhave them sent to you in any way you may direct. lam going out of town to ■work next tuesday and wonld like yon to write be lore then if they are yours. John L. Jones. My old woman bids me say that she wants a new bon met and if yon choose to send her a trifle by way ofa re ward to set one she will not ne mad. ‘ LARGE' lUSVf ARD. It will be seen by reference to our advertising columns that a very large reward is offered for a Bum of money lost on -Chestnut street last Satur day. SLIGHT FIRE. About 8 o’olock last evening a firaoosurred In tie building rear of No. 428 Walnut street, used as a turner’s shop, A lew buofeets of water, applied by n, couple of police officers, extinguished the fire. The flames were first discovered In one corner of the shop. BURNING OF A BARN. The barn of Godfrey Hague, situated on Nice* town lane, was destroyed eyfire about 7 o’clock last evening, together with three oows and a horse. The lop Is estimated at $2,000. THE COURTS. Supreme Court-Before Woodward, c,x, and Justices Thompson, Strong, Bend, and Agnew. Judgments were yesterday entered in cases as follows: ' * i By Strong, J.—Neff’s appeal. From Register's Court, Philadelphia. At the outset Judge Strong Bays: “That the effect of a codooll duly executed Is to republish the will to which it refers, whether the oodocll be annexed to the will or not, is the doc trine of all.the authorities. The legal presumption of Intended republloatlon may Indeed be rebutted by the language of the oodocll, but In the absence or any expressed intent to the oontrary It always operates as a new adoption of the will and a re rmblloatton at the time when the codooll was made.” The judge then refers to numerous authorities in point and dlsousses at some length the general prin ciples upon which they were based. In conclusion he says: Applying the principles to the ease before us the result la plain. The first will of thetestator was mape on the 224 of April, 1850. It was duly exeouted, and attested by two witnesses. It contained a olause revoking all wllls before made by him. On the 14th of August, 1857, the testator made a second will, signed by him but not attested. It was still In form a good will. It also contained a clause revoking former wills. Of course it supplant ed, at least temporarily, the will made in 1860. But afterwards, on the 10th of October, 1857, the testator added a oodloil to the first will, In which he re voked some of the dispositions therein made, and Spoke of the Instrument as the foregoing will. This codicil was duly executeo and attested by two Witnesses. It refers expressly to the first will, and Speaks of It as a will. It therefore republished It, and gave to It the same effect as If It had first been made on the 10th of October, 18(7, Containing a clause of general revocation of former wills, as already noted,- It of course revoked the will made In August previous, and became Itself the last will of the testator, as It had been the first. Hence It -la unnecessary to Inquire in what respect the two Wills differ. By Its republicatlou the will to which the codicil is attached became the last, and it was entitled to probate as .such. The decree of the Register's Court was therefore oorrect. Decree affirmed. Hanbest vs. Heerman. Common Fleas, Delaware county. Judgment affirmed. Keen vs. Hartman. District Court, Philadelphia; Judgment affirmed. Buckley's Appeal. Common Fleas, Chester county. Decree affirmed. Bt Rbad, J,—Harsh vs. Consolidation Bank. By Agkbw, J.—Hague vs. the City of Philadel phia. Certificate from the Nisi Frius. This was an aotionfor extra work done by plaintiff In the build ing of a bridge over the Schuylkill, at Girard ave nue, under a contract founded upon a special act of Assembly, passed the 27th of March, 1862. -"The plaintiff, alter having given In evidence the law, the contract and specifications, and his bill of par ticulars, offered to show that after he had pro gressed on the chosen site .five or six weeks, the County Oommlssalontra changed the location -against his objection, and required him to proceed Upon another site under a promise to pay him any additional expense the work might cost by reason of the ohange; also to prove extra work ana materials found necessary to strengthen the bridge under the direction of commissioners and of the Com. mission er or»Hlghways after 1854. This offer was rejected by the judge sitting at Nisi Frius, and -the question here Is whether he was right In so doing, The Court (Justice Agnow) deoldes that there was SO error in this ruling. The ■' County Commis sioners, acting under an authority of the most special and limited kind, had no power to change the site, SO right, to ohange the plans and specifications, and not a particle of authority to promise payment for -extra work, or to ratify Its execution. It was the folly of tbe contractor to rely upon their directions to proceed outside of his contract He knew the ex tent of their powers defined in the law. and. referred to upon the laoe -of Ms written contract.” Judg ment affirmed. Bart on. N. Dickens, Chester county. Judgment reversed, and ayenire-fablas de novo awarded. Maloney vs. Davis. Judgment affirmed. Miller vs. Consolidation Bank. Judgment affirm* -cd. In the matter of Wharton street. Appeal by the city. Opinion by Woodward. 0.-. T. Decree affirmed. Ulrich's appeal. Schuylkill county. Deoree Affirmed. THU LHUAL-TBUUBR NOTH CASKS, Yesterday-having been assigned for the argument of the legal.tender note cases, of which, there are seve ral, they were called up. Wm. Sohollenberger vs. Mary M. Briuton, was tbe first ease argued. This oaee first came up before Justice Agnew, at Nisi Frius In Equity, upon bill and domurrer, the .biU'asklngfor specific performance to compel the de fendant to execute a release and extinguishment ol •a ground rent. - The oase wgs follows: The defendant sold to John McDowell, whose title complainant owns, a lot In rhlladelphla upon a ground rent 0f.*311.60, payable half yearly. In “law ful eUvef money ot the United States of America.” The deed oontalfis the folltwiog clause or redemp tion: - • ; - - “Provided always, nevertheless, that If the said John McDowell, Jr., his heirs or assigns, shall and do at any time hereafter pay, or cause to be paid, unto the laid Mary M. Brinton. her heirs er assigns, the sum of three thousand five hundred and twenty five dollars, lawful money, as aforesaid, and the arrearages of said yearly rent: to the time of such payment, then the same shall forever thereafter oease and be extinguished, and the Covenant to the payment thereof shall become void, and then the said Mary M. Brinton, her heirs, and assigns, shall and will, at the proper costs and charges In the law of the said grantee, his heirs or assigns, seal and execute a sufficient release and dtsoharge of the said yearly rent, hereby reserved, to the said John Mo- Dowell, Jr., his hem and assigns, forever, anything hereinbefore oontsdned to the contrary thereof In any wise notwithstanding.” The complainant tendered to tbe defendant the sum required to extinguish the ground rent in legal tender notes of the United States, which the defend ant declined to aooept, and the point raised by tbe demurrer is. that tbe tender was insufficient, be cause not made In current sliver money of the United States. The question of the constitutionality of the legal tender act was waived In the argument, and the case rested on tbe grounds that tbe subject of payment was not a debt, hut an. estate subject to redemption only on stipulated terms, and that the owner of the rent only bargained that the owner of the land might buy it off upon fixed terms. jndge Agnew decided that when the grantee elected to pay the principal sum then It became a debt within the meaning of the legal-tender act, and the grantor was bound to extinguish upon payment of the same, and decreed accordingly. An appeal was taken to the court in bane, which was signed yesterday by Wm. M. Merideth and J. B. Townsend, Esqra., for appellants, and by F. C. Brewster, Esq., for appellees. District Conrt—Jndge Hare. Jos. Burk, Jr-i vs. Henry Coy. Am action ot da mages. Before reported, verdict for plaintiff, $798. Levering vs.'The Farmers’ and Meohanles’ Bank of Camden. This was* an attachment execution served upon the Farmers’ and Meehanlos’ Bank of Camden, and the only question in the case was as to the effect of meriting a cheek "good.” On the morning the attachment was Issued, and before ft had been served upon the bank, the defendant had drawn a check for $7,700, and had it marked “ good.” This check was. afterwards deposited in the agency of the Slate Bank of Camden, and, as was alleged, value given for It by that bank, but was not paid until after the servioe of the attach ment. Such being the fact, plaintiff claims to re cover the amount from the bank. Jury out. H. M. Coleman and H. -M. Phillips for plaintiff; Bul litt and Dlokson for the bank. .District Court—Jail go Stroud. John Davison vs. Isaao O. Yansoever & Ob. An action on book account for goods sold and delivered. Yerdlct for plaintiff, $122 68. , J. &T. Elkington vs. G. S. Burnett. To recover for goods sold and delivered, Yerdlot for plaintiff, $1,248. Sloanaker & Cameron vs. Jermon & Jones. An action of .replevin. Verdict for plaintiff. | Court of ffiiarter Session*—Hon. Joseph Allison, Associate JTiistice- C Willi am B.Mann, Esq , Prosecuting Attorneys! TUB TWBNTY-THIBD WARD BLBCTION FSAUDS AGAIN. Edward Davy was charged with voting oh a false naturalization paper. Mr. Mann said he fslt It to be his duty to present these cases for the purpose of demonstrating whether these people were lawful citizens, or whether they were not citizens, bat were In the habit of voting on fraudulent certificates. John F. Patterson sworn.—l was an Inspector of eleetlons.at the First division. Twenty-third ward, last Ootober; I am under the Impression Davy voted there. .' Alfred Bartolet sworn.—l was present at the election; saw Davy oomo to the window and his vote was challenged; he 'presented a paper, pur porting to be a naturalization paper, Grom which I made a memorandum. It was dated Oct. 1,18£6. Mr. Mann now called upon the defendant for the f reduction of the paper he presented at the polls, ut it was not forthcoming. Witness was handed a paper produced at the poll by Michael Kirwan, and asked to look at the seals and signatures thereunto attached. Judge Parsons, for the defendant, objected to the witness making any comparisons. To the court.—l think the words "prothonotary’s office” were on the margin of the seal of Davy’s paper; I believe, to the best of my knowledge, that the Seal on Davy’s paper was printing something similar to that upon this paper of Kirwan’s; the paper presented by Mr. Kirwan was similar to that shown by Davy, except the names. Mr. -Benkert sworn.—l made aearoh In the Dis trict Court office for proceedings of thenaturallza tlon of Edward Davy, but found none. The witness produced the alphabetical Index of proceed ings In 1868, bnt the name of Edward Davy did not appear thereon. / Cross-examined.—Was ndt In the office in 1866 ; have been keeping tbe Index during tbe past six months; cannot say if all the names were entered in the index In 1868. James W. Fletcher sworn.—l was prothonotary of the-courtinlB66; the words “ prothonotarj’s office” were not npon the ssgl of the court. The paper of Kirwan was now shown witness,, and he pronounced it a forgery. Mr. Beeves, clerk of the prothonotary’s office, produced the returns of the First precinct, Twenty third ward, of the last October eleotlon. Mr. Mann offered the returns in evidence, to show that Edward Davy voted. Mr. Parsons objected-to this, as the returns were not signed by the officers of the election. - Mr. Mann said that the returns were ac companied by the oathß of the clerks and all the other papers required by law. If this waß not a legal paper, why Is It required to be kept so guardedly In the protho notary’s office. Mr. Parsons urged that the clerk who filled up the paper could prove It, and then It would be legal, .• ' The oourt sustained the objection. Mr. Patterson recalled.—The clerks of the elec tion were Messrs. Mills and Sowerby (return shown); this paper was not kept by my clerk. Mr. Schull sworn,—l was the judge of-the elec tion ; I think this return was kept by Mr. Mills; I saw Davy vote at the eloction that day. Yerdlct guilty. Sentence deferred. ATTEMPT TO STEAL. Stewart Higgins and Francis Quinn were charged with an assault with intent to steal. The ball of Higgins was forfeited, and the trial of Quinn pro ceeded with. Wm. Mallon sworn.—On the 16th December I was coming, down and noticed three men behind me, two of whom passed me, and afterwards I was ac costed by Quinn, who said I was mot the man; Hig gins ordered the others to go through with me, which waß done bV-thclr taking a knife and kev from mv poeket. ' Oioss-examlned.—Quinn had heehaflnklßg free-.* Iy, and wanted the others to let me go; he had his arm around my neck, and when he soldi was not the man, he let me go. Yerdlot guilty. After the rendition of the verdict, defendant called his sister, who testified that he had been a hard working mam and never had been arrested before. He had served two yean In the.army. The wife of Qiilnn was very sickly, and had to support herself and two children by hard work. • SKBIOUS CHAJtOB. ’Barry Markwooa was charged with committing an assault and battery, and assault* with lutent to kill, Robt. Idttle. Robt. Little sworn;—The occurrence took place near .Twenty-tMrd and Cherry streets, about six 'o’clock In the evening, In July last : I heard defen dant ceme down from McCormick's oourt, saying that Abe Lincoln was a —— old scoundrel, and so was any man that would take hlapart; I said to him that Jeff Davis was a better man than he was, for one was trying to make disturbances at home, and the other was fighting tbe public ; my daughter Interfered then to get aia bome, and Markwood said people who liked Abe Lincoln had better marry niggers; witness struck at defendant, and after wards received seven or eight stabs, four or five of which entered his body. Dr. Buffington sworn.—l examined Robt. Little, who had a cut In the neok, one in the centre of the sixth rib, one below that, and another near the short rib; he was very seriously injured. Without concluding the oa.se the oour; adjourned. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Baitler. ] 'ALLEGED STOLEN GOODS CASE, Matthias Karae, charged with receiving stolen goods, the property of Messrs,(Kahn & Haas, olo thlers, on Market street. The parties Interested In this affair are Jews, and the proceedings are watched by that fraternity with more than usual Interest. The C,entral Station was pretty well crowded with them 1 yesterday. There were some developments In this case rather unexpectedly ob tained. It will be remembered by those who read the police column of The Press that Karsa was ar rested on thaxharge of receiving stolen goods. He was seen at Ninth and Chestnut streets, a short time since, with a chinchlil coat on. This was Identified as having been stolen from tbe store of Messrs. Kahn & Haas on the night previous, A pair of pantaloons he wore, and aisoa vest, were stolen from the same store on or about the 9th of Novem ber. He was arrested, and the boldness with which he appeared on the street, dressed in stolen goods, was suggested as a point that he was guiltless of any felonious charge'that could be-matle against him, as a thief or a reoelver would bo more apt to Mde his transactions. The case went over for a further hearingr Yesterday he was arraigned for the third time. He desired to waive,any farther bearing, and entered ball In the sum of *2,600 to answer at oourt. A man, named Jacob Llvenstein, doing business at 64(TSouth street, was arraigned on the charge of reoeivlng two boxes of olotbtng, valued at *1,228.25, the property of Messrs. Kahn & Haas. Thesegoods were sold by Matthias Karse to defendant, who sold them to a Mr. Oohen, one of the firm of Messrs. A. .& J. Cohen, No. 51 South Fourth street, Cin cinnati,-Ohio. __ The police officers, MeSSrs. CalUnan and Carlin, having traced thesegoods to the Pennsylvania Rail road depot, seized them, and arrested Llvenstein. - Mr. Haas testified that on the 9th of November last, In the night time, his store was forcibly entered and #4,000 worth of goods stolen therefrom. A short time after this the store was again broken open and goods to the amount of several hundred dollars stolen. Ho testified that, he had a conversation with the defendant, Llvenstein, In thepresenee of the police officers—Callahan and Carlin; the defendant said he got the goods from Mat thias Karse, on South street, but did not know how much he paid for them. The witness tes tified that Wolf Walker called upon Mm; saying that he had been sent by Karse to tell him that he (Karse) had a lot of goods for sale; after this Wolf brought tbe goods to witness; the goods were pur chased from witness By Mr. Cohen, of Cincinnati; the drayman who hauled the goods to the depot firstrefnsed, on the ground that they were not pro perly marked; he took them on being Informed the boxes would be marked at the depot. The police officers arrested Llvenstein on Friday evening; he did not keep any books or bills relative to Ms business; he told the officers that he did a cash business; Mr. Llvenstein said that Karse said he had just bought a lot of clothing, and‘did, not want to take the same to his new store. On Saturday, Officer Carlin saw Mr. Cohen, and obtained from Mm the Mil of lading, which an swered to the description of the boxes, except the residence. These are about the main features of a: heavy robbery, that has.given a vast deal of trouble' to Messrs. Kahn & Haas. Llvenstein was bound over in the stun of *1,500 to answer at court. RASH CASE OF SHOOTING. Last evening a Cuban named Domingo Garcia was brought to the Central Station, by Reserve Officer Creighton, on the charge of fifing a pistol at Arthur H. Davis. It seems that Garcia and Davis board together, on Spruce street, and at dinner had some words. AS Davis was leaving the housea lady said to Mm, “if yon ride In the ear vote to allow the colored persons to ride ” Garcia, it Is alleged, re marked, “yes, and sleep with them,if you,vote for them.” The parties did not meet again until five o’olock, at the Continental Hotel; when the diffi culty was renewed, whereupon Garcia discharged the contents of a pistol at Davis, who avoided the shot by tumping through a door. Garcia was held in *2,000 to answer. ' ' ANOTHER DARING BOBBERY. We learn that Officer Meyers, of the Seventh dis trict police, had his attention attracted, early on Sunday morning, by a horse and wagon driving ra pidly np New Market street, above' Noble. He stopped the horse. The driver jumped out on Hie other side and escaped. The officer drove .to Hie station house, and after examining the wagorf, found It to contain several thousand dollars worth of goods. It was subsequently ascertained that the silk-goods’ Btoreoi Messrs. Raiguel & Bro., Third, street, near Tine, had been “cracked,” and robbed of #2,000 worth of goods. The entrance to the Btorewas made through a rear window, a “jimmy” being used to facilitate, the burglarious operation.' Quite a large quantity of stolen property was found In the yard attached to the store, ftom which fact It is Inferred the robbers made rather a hasty retreat. OWNER WANTED. Sergeant Huston, of the Chestnutmil police fores; desires an’owner for a pocket-book, containing-a .small amount of money, wMeh he found a day or two ago. . . > WILLOW SLEIGH BODIES,—A. FEW 1« more left, at last year’s prices. Also. 200 gross M ATCRBS.at reduced prices. > EOWB. BOSTON. A CO., ja26 157 and 159 North THIRD Street TOMATO CATSUP.—NEW TOMATO nolo 107 South WATER Street Oa COMI*ANTES. THIS CAMERON PETROLEUM €O. OF PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL. -81,000,000. SHARES. 300,000. . PAH VALUE Wkd*. SUBSCRIPTION PRIOEi.... 2.6 A PRESIDENT, VANCE STEWART, of Hxaona oomrer. fa. TREASURER, E. J. JAMES, or PHir.Anst.rHiA. SECRETARY, J. L. DARLINGTON. west oireaTß*. PA. DIRECTORS. VANCE STEWART, Mercer county. Pa. JOHN E. LEONARD, Vest Chester, Fa. D. G. FORNEY, Washington, D. G. HENRY D. BOOK, Washington, D. C. SIMON GAMBBON, Harrisburg, Pa. JOHN H, DIEHL, Philadelphia. JOHN F. GRAFF, Philadelphia. GEORGE O. EVANS. Philadelphia. JAMES DUFFY, Marietta, Lancaster 00. ■ Pa. The present and prospective value of the stock of this Company may be inferred from the tact that It owns a fee simple Internet in 473 (four hundred and seventy three) acres of the riohosttested oil territory in Venango county, believed by the moat experienced oil men in that region to he capable of producing a-net annual in come to the Company of one and a half million dollars, or three times the entire cost of the stoek, which wonld be equivalent to twenty- five per cent, a month on Its subscription price, or one hundred and fifty per cent. per annum on ite par value. _ The following Is* description of the Company’s pro perty: One-fonrth' fee simple Interest in the celebrated "Hoover” Farm, situate on the Allegheny rlver, about two and one-half miles below Franklin, con taining 292 (two hundred and ninety-two) acres, with 332 rods (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river, on which there are now twelve leasee, each ten rods square,and from which the owners of the fee simple get one half the oil, free of. all expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners of the fee, from which they get all the oil. On this Farm there are now ton wells in operation, producing an average of ten barrels porday ; and several other* are about being tubed. There are also on It 87 (eighty-seven) more lots surveyed, and more than fifty applications are now standing to lease the latter for one half the oil to the owners. ", Out of the twelve Wells on this Farm eleventoo now paying handsomely: a lhct which sufficiently demon strates the great richness and reliability, of the terri tory. ' " Is the entire fee simple interest In 181 (one hundred and dghty.one) aims, situate on the Allegheny ;river, nearly opposite the "Hoover ’’ Farm, and a little nearer Franklin, at the mouth of MEI Bun, having a front of 96 rods.on the Allegheny one mile on both sides of Mill Sun, with ample boring snrface for one hundred VKllt.oi Lots of ton rods.square. This tract is known as the. "Stewart Farm, ” and is clear of all leasee or incumbrances of any kind. There is now In operation a fifty barrel well (beside several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, which ad joins: this on the 'south. In fact, the “ Stewart’’Yam is surrounded with gbod-paying wells, and within a shost time a single lease of 80 rode front, on the imme diate opposite side of the river, sold for $166,000 (one hundred-and sixty-five thousand dollars. ) Oh this lease a good well has beehstnude within a few days. In addition to the territory of the “Stewart” Farm, which is believed to be equally as good as the "Hoov er”) there are on it a three- story Grist 1011, with fine water-power, a good farm-house, and : other buildings, that wlUbs of use to the company. The durdMUty of this Immediate oil section is illus trated by the fact that some of the wells on the “Hoov er’ ’ Farm h ave been pumping for over four years, with out any material diminution in their yield, while the oil here produced, from its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one to two dollars per barrel more than the oil at Oil-Greek. The officers of the Company fool justified in present ing the following estimate of what, with,vigorous,, manaiement,'tho above lands can be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders In a comparatively short time: THE " STEWART FARM. ” There is room on this for one hundred lota of ten rods equate, all, which can bs leased immediately for one. Imlfjhe oU, free of all expense to the Company, ' Estimating one well to eAch lot (one hundred wells although there is room lilt three hundred) at the very moderate average of ten barrels each, would make a Dailyproduct of -• •>,■ • 1,000 bbls. Out of this the Company’s share would be. 600 bbls. Value of daily yield to the Company, at ten dollars per bbl (it is now selling at $18.60).....™*™...,...—.... . $5,000 00 Allowing three hundred working dayß to the year,'this would make the Gompa- * ny’s annual net receipts, from the Stew art Farm alone ™. 1,600,00000 Allowing the same estimate for the ‘ ’ Hoo ver” Farm, In which the Company owns - . one fourth in fee of the laud interest, the annual net receipts from the latter would be. *•»*,,.»*••,..*•,,»» 376,000 00 TKMBg~tKe~Sßfittal-'resmpt»~tt6MTS6Hi ! farms.—.,—... ..™..„....-j.876.a00 oo Deducting from this amount the sum of $376,000 for contingencies, would leave the Net Annual lucerne of the Company $1,500,000 00 ALL THESE LOTS GAN BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED, If it is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the Oil, with covenants binding lessees to sink wells, with all possible diligence, to the depth of 600 or more feet. A FEW PLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Yon are not asked to subscribe to this Stock with the expectation of immediately receiving large dividends, but the baels on which the Company rests, it is be lieved, will make your Investment not only safe, but, prospectively, of enormous value. Notwithstanding, at the present prices of oil, the Com pany’s annual receipts (without any further develop ment) would be forty thousand dollars, or eight per cent, on the cost of the stock. , The president, Hr. Stewart, Is one of the most prae tical end experienced oil operators in the State, and Ms residence near the Company’s property and general ore, eight of Its management is the best guarantee that no efforts wiU be spared to make the Investment pro fitable. Applications for a large proportion of thS stock have already been made, but none will be received until the books of the Company are regularly opened for that purpose. Only »limited amount of the stock will be sold at subscription price. ’ . The stock will be issued full paid, without further assessments. BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION will be open for a few days, on and after January 18,1865, at the office of E. G. JAMES, Treasurer, No. 101 WALNUT Street, FMlada. fctSp? OIL COMPANY, NOT LAND COM ■i““ FAST, WILL YOU 111 VEST IN A LAND COMPANY, OB nr AN OIL COMPANY ? FIEKBKFONI OIL COMPACT OF WEST VIRGINIA. Is etridly a» OIL COMPANY, and has no land but what lias been demonstrated OIL LAND. All companies formed in West Virginia are located within so many MILES of BURNING SPRINGS RUN. Why not go ON the Run; ae It is so famous as oil terri tory 1 TMe ii a question that can be answered best by those who torture a little run of about a mile and a half la length, until they get it eight or nine miles long, that it may seem close lo their lands. Thisjhows plainly that the only reliable oil producing territory .is, BURNING SPRINGB RUN; hence, of course, the company having the most of that valuable territory Is 4he best to invent in. This Company has ' ’ ONE HUNDRED AID FORTY-SIX ACRES In foe simple on BURNING SPRINGS RUN, and FOUR ACRES on least, besides THREB ACRES near the Eter nal Centre and Eathbbne Wells, both well known. Allwe ask is inquiry,’investigation, 'which ean alone show relative value. One halfof the stock has already been disposed of and the subscription list will shortly dose. CAPITAL...—SISO,OOO CAROLINE E. HELMICK. Ly liar nsxl friend, HENRY „ ' ATKEOD. obo. k. heluiok. My 080. £. HBLMICK: Sir: You will please take notice that the Court has Sramed a rule to show cause why a Divorce a vinculo znatriinonii should not be.-deereea in IMb case, return able SATURDAY, February 4,1866. Tours, Ae., WM W. JCVEJTAL, Att’y for Libellant. January 8,156&. . ~ jagg thflaftt FRANKLIN 8. WILSON, | ATH 8 . SHAKES— EACH PAB. DEVELOPMENT FUND...™. ..™. *3O. 000 PRESIDENT, " TREASURER, GEORGE H. CHRISTIAN- bireotom, ■ F. S WILSON, JOHN P. O’NEIL, Ski., WU. F. JOHNSON, BOBEBT CLARKSON, , JOSEPH D’ HOBOHEB, * G. H. CHRISTIAN. PROSPECTUSES, and alllnforaatlon as to Hie pros- L posts of the Company, -will' be freely fiyen at the OFFICE, NO. 181 SOUTH THIRD STREET, (Second Story.) LEASEHOLDS. Since the announcement that the ’ Company would lease their land's at’arbyaUy of onehalf of the oil, ap plications have been received for. fifteen leases of three fourths of an acre etch TWENTY MORE ARE OF FERED to parties desiring to form development com' paries. As we are desirous of having improvements at onoe made, ne bonus will be required for the twenty lots. , . This mods of operation insures to thestochholders, from arrangements already in-progress, the comple tion of eighteen weih at an early day. Applications lor leaseholds should be accompanied by references of the applicant!* ability to perform his cou tract. Hone others will be noticed. j»24-tuthsBf. TOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNBY, o COUSBLLOK AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR OJ CLAIMS ONce, MSI F Btreet, njarFoarteeath St. WaaMniton. D, A dea-Sj* THE PRESS.— T&ESDAY, JANUASY 31, ISCS.' OIL COMPASIEB. igg— *‘ OOK *® TOBB nriEBEST! OIL AND MINING COMPANY OHA3BTBBBD BTTHB STATS OF PKKNBY: q APITAL ®dOO COMPANY'S. OFFICE,- 43* WALNUT Tie GOVERNMENT OIL 'AND MIHIHG BOUPA ing q source of permanent business profit tdthose in* terested. Every Stockholder u praodeuly onkof the Company’* corporators. The Estate* of the Company, instead of belt g burdened with an exorbitant pro|t» ex acted by a few lucky originals, aredeeded.in fegdlrect gom first owners to the Stockholders of this Oojfoany, They comprise OVEB 3.300 ACRES, jl - examined fay Theo. Cuyler and'T. J. ijlayton, Bsqs , and pronounced Indisputable), located in the immediate centre of-the great (Ml belt of West Virginia, which region, for the supskiority of its Oil and for the volume and certainty, of ltfyield, is far surpassing the famed Oil Greek regm of rennrai vania. . Ist. The Deep Gorge Farm, in the Old Barnfi# Sprint region. In close proximity to this estate, on every side, are situated the most successful Oil Wells tf be found in the country, and at an almost adjoining distance is located the widely-celebrated **Leweliyu” and * * Eter nal Centre’ ’ wells, the former olwhich. FLOWED X BLLY THREE THOUS AND (3, OOO) B AB- faelng-the greatest bona fide yield of OU'ever known, and very considerably surpassing, both in quantity and quality, the product of any two wells in Pennsylvania, 2d. ffwo thousand (2,00)) acres,-In taro tracts, ; in the heart of the successful Oil region or the Great Kanawha, along whose course for over 70 milel Oil can be dis tinctly seen and gathered, from the water’s surface, while the evaporation at the neighboring Bait works is effected by igniting the Petroleum Gas emitted from subterranean reservoirs of Oil. 3d. 100 acre« (in fee simple) of superior Semi-Bltumi nous Goal land K in Bedford county, Pa. 1 The value and importance of the above properties may be inferred from the fact that ieaeß for adjoining lands, with large royalties of Oil, have been taken by New York and Boston companies ata bonus greater than.the fee simple cost of the Company’s estate, and if deemed advantageous by the Stockholders, it is be lieved that but little difficulty would ire sently be expe rienced in leasing a portion of their, temtorysta bonus and royalty greater than the original coat or the whole. A number or wells axe at'once going forward, and more (Eight in ail) will be sunk as soon asihe first are com pleted. These, with a yield of Oil equal so adjacent wells, will insure to this Company * daily cash income of several thousand dollars over every possible ex pense. L . j* The net cost of the Company's three estates is S37?QOQ. The Capital is 9200,000, in shares ofifii each. 126,000 shares only will be sold, and no: farther subscriptions will beaccepted at any price whatever. This amount pays for the properties and leaves & working capital of ' $38,000 cash. .The remaining 75,000 shires atand'pledged to be equally divided pro ratabetwe&n the original or prereiit subscribers, at such a time as the Board of Di rectors may deem most advantageous to the interests of the Company * This reduces the actual cost of the stock to Firet subioi iben to exactly 60 cents per share. „The immense profit to be derived from earnest and successful working is shown by the fact thfftfi'feingle company—the Columbia-is this year piping to its stockholders One Million ($1,000,000) Dollars in cash dividends , besides a handsome reserve for additional developments. The stock of thiß company, for sspaid, has sold for over s4oo per share. The: substantial inducements which I the QOVEBN MENT OIL AND MINING COMPANY offer to those de sirous of securing an interest in s source of wealth that is now startling the whole-world are of a character that merit your gravest consideration. The profit of the undersigned, in common with thafof every stockholder, lies lathe increased development of the Company’s rich Oil tracts, and their time and ener gies will be honestly consecrated to that one end. To persons feeling any Interest or feeling none, every information concerning the estates of the Company, its workings and prospects, will be cheerfully given, and detailed maps and charts will be freely shown. If you like our candid p)au of dealing, or have any preference for a corporation that certainly means work, we should be Pleased to see you at once- 30,000 shares were engaged on the first day. The promptest applica tion it therefore Indispensable to insure a sharain the original etcrok, subscriptions to which (</ not already taken ) will be received at original price, 9lsfet share, including a stock dividend of three- filths the amount, . ja24-tnth»Bt |jjgpn» M’CIiINTOCK . ; * * RESERVE piXi COMPANY, OFFICE 436WAL8TJISTBEET. Tii« subscription book, of this Company wlll be closed on WBDHBSDAY NEXT, February Ist. • \ By order. . J.DIIIEINBOTH, jft3B»3t Secretary^ PENMANSHIP. MR. AND MBS. A A. B. DUBTON’S BOOMS, 130* CHESTNUT St., are now open for the reception of pupils and visitors. A large collection of specimens of Penmanship and. Pen Drawing on exhibition, which all lovers of the art are cordially invited to examine. An easy, elegant, rapid style of writing taught,atfiperfect satisfaction guar anteed. . ..• Visiting cards written, and- all kinds of ornamental work executed in the beatmanner. ja26-6t* THE PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF A dbsigh fob women, southeast corogj.ef 531- BBBT Street and PBBJR Scpsi., (west of Broad,) will commence its sessions for 1565 on the first of Bebraary. a Jarge humbtr of' imported easts 'are added to the ©rawing Department and Museum. A limited number of students can only be taken, as our rooms are nearly full. Terms are yery low. Bor circulars, apply at the School-house. Jal9-12t T. W. BKAIDWOOD, Principal. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— ? MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four mile* from MEDIA, Fa. Thorough course in Mathematl.*, Classic, natural Sciences, end Bullish ; practical lee sons in Civil Engineering. Pupils received at any time, snd of all ages, and enjoyihebenefits of a home. Be fere to John C. CappA Son, 23 Booth Third street; Thou J. Clayton, Esq, .Fifth and Prune streets; ex-Sherif -Kern, and others. Address Bey. J. HKiVBY BAR TOH, A. H;. VILLAGE GREEN. Fenn’a. noB-«m HOTELS ANB RESnUTRANTS. «T OCHIEL," J (T.ato Herr’s Hotel.) : Comer of THIBD and MARKET Streets. HARRISBURG, Pa. » The attention of the traTellincpubUelemostreepeet fully called to this old established stand, whloh for the past five months has been closed to trade, and during that time has been thoroughly remodeled, repaired, and newly furnished throughout, until it now possesses all the conveniences pertaining to a first- class hotel, which are In any-manner calculated to insure the perfect com fort of its gueSte. .It* situation alono would recommend it as a stopping place, being only two and a half squares from the denote: near enough to prove convenient, sufficiently distant to avoid the annoyance ofrallroad noise and bustle. - The furniture is entirely new. rooms large and welt ventilated,table supplied with every luxury the market ean.affoid, while as to. the management, it is trusted to thojudgment of a discriminating public to decide. The Proprietor, having determined to make the oha raoter and reputation of the house the object, without regard to cost, hopes to merit the patronage and favora ble opinion of those who design stopping, in the State capital. HEfIEY THOMAS, . Proprietor, TONES HOUSE, , o Oor. MABB*T^^|»d e KABKBT squin. . respeetfuUy returns hi* elaeert thanks to hie Mendsfor the very liberal patronaie bestowed to the House slice under his manuement, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. delB Sm ' C. H. MANN, Proprietor. TN THE COURT 0F COMMON PLEAS -fi-808 THE CITY ABB COUNTY OP PHILADBL PITTA. . JOHN LUKEJJS vb. LOUISA LUKBHB. December Term, ’6B. JSTo. 39. Mad.am: Yon will please take notice that the Court has granted a rule on you in above case, to show cause why “a vlncnlo matrimonii ’* should not be decreed. Returnable ©nJIATUBDAY. January 28, 1866. Yours, Ac., WM. W. JUYBS'ALi ■ ■_ _ Attorney for Libellant. > To Mbs. LOUISA LUKBKS. January 16,1866. . jal?-laflt FT THE COUBT OP COMMON PLEAS FOH THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. » -, / \ . . . jf. ■' Large buildings have been erected on the spot, under the inspection of the Government of toe Island. These sulphurous waters (cold and warm),have been used for the last sixty? ear b, and are recommended by Abe most emineutphjrfilclans, among whom we may name Drs. Jorrin* Leßeverena, Zayas, Kuz, and Gtlnrxo. They are visited everyyear d axing the season from February to May, by upwards of four thousand people,-and their ose Is specially recommended in cases of rheumatism, venereal diseases, and other complaints for which sul- Ebnrons wattrs are ordered. jSreatrelief f wUi be felt y both sexes in their use; The village of San Diego has five spacious first-class hotels, with eve*y accom modation for travellers; these hotels are located near the Bath establishment, and their charges do not ex seed three dollars per day. Communictitans between Havana and San Diego exist both by railway and stages, qyby steamerß and stages,.and the trip, either inland er by the sea shore, is made in about twelve hoars The price charged for every bath is only twe#y cents. These Springs arnvery well known to many tra- Tellers from the United States and who avail themselves .of the fine season (from February until May) to visit Cuba. That season of the year is the most delightful and propitious for the use of sulphurous vra tersy tnasmuch as the cold feather J.u the UnitedSiatos prevents persenß living* there-enjoying ! thebeneflt of their owffifcprings. For further apply t» the efflee of the'San Diego Sulphurous Baths* No. Is Obispo street. ... a.* ' Havana; December gist, 1864. jaU-stuthlOt YTANDSOME CHRIBTMAB GIFTS.— AJL rustic adornments FORHOMBB OB TAOTE: WARDIAN GASES, HANGING VABEB. BERN CASES. ■ ■ a IVY YABBB, Billed with Rue and Choice Kants. _ .’ KHHTIONETTB POTS. ORANOB POTS, HYACINTH POTS, BLOWER POTS, - Witk- ' YBBTIBULB,_PARLOB, LIBRARY, and ■ . ■ BOUDOIR. ,;z; is! . -■ Hnported an4forealel>k tßpr(inl , deO-tuthatX Jfo, IQXO OHfISTNUr Street. GrOVErRNMEIPiT: * OF WEST VIRGINIA. *1 PER SHARE, FULL PAID, WORKING CAPITAL, **B,ooo O- NO FUTURE ASSESSMENTS. BELB OF OIL FEE DAY, PRESIDENT, HENRY SIMONS. TBEASURBH, WM. H. WEEKS. BBCRBTART, J. PERCY . DIX. COMPANY’S OFFICE, A3A WALNUT Btraet. EDUCATIONAL. LEGAL. SULPHUROUS BATHS OF SAN DIEGO, ISLAND OF CUBA. rarsußAivciJ. TAEL A WAKE MUTUAL SAFETY INCORPORATED BY TH’^L^fsT^UßKOF™' OFFICE B. E. CORNER A ?Hliuf 3 AND WALNUT BTBEBTB. PHILADELPHIA ONVEB B EL 8 ,) M ™ I 3 BlIaAaO5S _ „ , ‘ ’inland insurances Chi Goods, by River. 1 Ganal, Lake, and Land Carriage. . to all parts of the union. _ „ . 'FIRBINBUBANGSS, Gn Merchandise generally, -On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Sts. ‘ ASSETS OP TEB 0 OMPAIfT, MOO.OOO tJnttedState« O F?5«^r 1 '7I.»100,000 CO ui.oto " stf •« «• ’gi.iwnsoo W.OOO ‘‘ Six •« «.« 6-30 e 76,084 60 100,000 State of Pennsylvania PiTe-Per Cent. 61.000 State of Peniisyivania SixPeTcent. 9S,#BS 00 ■ Loan 66.840 00 ’ass ssta ssss&ss m6 * 37 „ .*a*e Six Per Cent. Bondi™ ™. 23,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Bailroad Secoad'Mort -68,960 00 16,000 3W Shares Stock Germantown Gan Company .principal and interest goaranteedby the city of Phlladel -8,50011$ Shares Btook Pennsylvania Kail , , road Company 9,100 00 6,00010 G Shares Btoclc Sorth Pennsylvania ' 60,000 UnltedStetes 8,06 ° °° „ Indebtedness... 48.435 00 u ' ooo *' «e«50»d......™..,™„ 128,700 00 •868,260 Par; Cost*B42,loo 60. Uarketvalne.«B67,S» 87 Beal Estate*. g&ooG00 BIUb receivable foriasttrancea made. 118*90 41 Balances due at Agencies. —-Premi jotti oa Policies, Accrued '* Interest* and other" debts due tbs Company 28*798 9i Berip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $4,263. fetl mated J 3.3X3 06 Gash on deposit with United States Government* subject' to. tea days’ eaU MO,OOO 00 Cash la Banks.... -6*164 93 Cash in ©rawer.*.. M 637 66 • 3168.093 49 DIRECTORS- ' Hand, Samuel B. Stokes, 39“ c Pyi?’ ■ J F. Penlston, Sonder. Henry Blnan. TheopWlns Panldln*, William a, Boulton, Joiux H. Penzos«y tdvudPjurlLafrtoß. feffi&jr.. fUzrfk?' Joseph H. Se&l, - Spencer McHt alixe, StsT MMsfias- THOMAS O. HAND. President, urn™,,, DAVIS, v!« President HENRY LYLBUKN, Secretary. delAly TNSURANCE COMPANY OF THB t -OFFICE Nos. grand i EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. north aide of WALNUT Street, between BOOK and THIRD Streets, Philadel lllifc ■ INOOBFOKATED.INjOTi-CHABTHIt PERPETUAL. PROPERTIES FEBRUARY 1, KARINE, FIRE, UrSUBAHCB. „ ' - DIBICTOBB. Henry D. Sherrerd. - Tobias Wagner,. Sharfea Haealester, ThomasßTwatwn, William 8. Smith. Henry O. Freeman, WUllamß. White. - Charles 8. Lewis, GeorgoH. Stuart, George C. Carton, Bamnel Grant, Jr., Edward C. Knight, John B. Austin, . e _ _ HBNKY B. BHKKKKBD, President WmniAM Baupbe. Secretary. ; nolß-tf A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COM JPAHTj-Authorlsed Capital MOftODO-CHAETBE .Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third end Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Loss or Damage by Hrs, on Buildings, Pnrnltnre, and Merchandise gene . Afio, Karine Insurances, on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insnrance to all parts of the Union.. William Bsher, Pearson, , B. Luther, Peter Selger, • Lewis Andenried, J. B Banin, . John B. Blsskiston, William P. Dean, Joseph Kaxfteld, ... : John Ketcham. WILLIAM BBHBB, Presldent. _„ „ _ WM. F.DBAN, Vioe President. Wt M. tea, Besretary, apS-tt fTHB RELIANCE INSURANCE COM- A PANY ’ OF PHILADELPHIA; incorporated In ISO. Charter Perpetual OFFICB No. SOB WALNUT- BTBBBT. CAPITAL,, *300,000. .'wa InsnnS against losa or damage by PURE. .Hesses, Stores, and other Buildings, limited or perpetual: and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, andMerehandlse, in Town or Country. • _ -LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ASSETS, 5400.055.71. v Ingested In the following Becnrities, yll: Tlmt Mortgageson City Property, well secured *lO6, dOO’OO milted States Government Loans....™.™. 141,000 00 Philadelphia City 8 per cent. Loans.™™™ <O,OOO 00 Pennsylvania $3,009,000 Gper cent Loan™. 16,000 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Bonds, flrst and se. cond Mortgages™,™,™ .......™™. 36,000 00 Camden and Amboy Bailroad Company’s G ■per cent. Loan™™ S.OOO 00 Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad Com . panv’b 6 per cent. L0an™.™.....™.-™. 6,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent, mort gage b0nd5.....™..... ..-™ 4,500 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock™-. LOGO 00 Mechanics’ Bank Stock-.................™™. 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock™- 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock... 880 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel phia’s Stock 2,000 00 Accrued 1ntere5t.......... ™...~—™.™— 6,466 43 Cash in hank and on hand.™ ™™.™™™ 13,033 30 *400,008 71 Worth St present market value—™..™. 414,393 71 BIBBCTOBS. Clem Tlngley, Beni. W. Tlngley, Wm. K. Thompson, Marshall Hill, William Hussar, Charles Lelnnd, , SamuelElgpham, Rohert Tolanu, H, L, Carson, "J. Johnson Brown, .. Robert Steen, Thomas H. Moore. William Stevenson, CLB Thomas C. Hm,, Beoretar- Phuadbipbia- December PIRE INBTJBANOE EXCLUSIVELY. -I- —THB PENNSYLVANIA FIBB INSURANCE COM PANY. Incorporated 1836. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. ’5lO WALNUT Street, opposite Independence This’Company, favorably known to the community for nearly forty yean, continues to insure again si Lou or Damage by Fire, on Pnblieor. Private Buildings, slther permanently or for a limited time. Also, os Fur- Üb'rS te took *’ a °° 4 ** 01 Merchandlfs generally, on .Their capital, together with a large Surplus Fond, la invested In the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, I Daniel Smith, Jr.; ■ Alexander Benson, I John Devereux, Isaac Haslehnrst, I Thomas Smith, Thomas Robins, I Henry Lewis, J. Gillingham Fell. _ JONATHAN PATTERSON, President Wir.T.TAir G. Onewnnu, Secretary. American fire mstfranch COMPANY. Inwnwrated m.O. CHARTER PER nsTUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Sniping in rested in sound and available Securitiee, continue. to Insure on Dwelling., Btorea, Bnrnlture, Merebandlie, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses literally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thomas B. Maria, I dames B. Campbell, John Welsh, | Edmund G. Dutilh, Samuel 0. Morton, Charles W. Foultnsy, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. JobnT. Lewis, ! THOM) ALBERT 0. L. Crawford. PAME INSURANCE COMPANY. A No. *O6 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. BIRR AND INLAND INSURANCE. ■ DIRECTORS. . Branel* N. Buck, John W. Evermam,' - Charles Richardson. Robert B. Potter, Henry Lewis. John Kessler, Jr.,' Samuel Wright, E. D. Woodruff, F. 8. .Justiee, Charles Stokes, George A. West, Joseph D. Ellin FRANCIS BUCK President _ T . CHAS. RICHARDSON, Vies President. W. I. Bdamoharp. Secretary. Jal«-tf SKJLCluuux jkSR'V sAJNJb UftOlVc WM. M. FABER & CO., * * TT> „„ ' STEAM ENGINB BUILDERS, .ieon bounders, GENERAL MACHINISTS, AND BOILER MAKERS, NEAR THB PEHDSYLYAHTA EAILHOAD FABBBHGBR STATIOIT, „ PITTSBURG, PENN A.. Manufacture of STEAM SNGIKBS, rangtni from three to one hundred and fifty horse-power, Ana ratted for Grist Millß, Saw Mills* Blastfurnaces, Oil wells* Ac., Ac. Give particular attention- to the construction of En gines and Machinery for oil boring and pumping opera none. Have always on hand* finished and ready, for shipment, JBKGIKEB and -BOILEBS of every descrip tion. Orders from all parts of the country solicited and promptiy filled. jal6-3m 3. VAUfiHAX affi&BXOK. WIZJ.IAX K. XB&BXOK N. , JOH2T E. OOPS. W COUTHWABK POUNDRT, & FIFTH AHD WASHINGTON BTKBITS. KSBBIufi ASOIS, ENGIKEEBS AND MAGHHOSTB, - Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engine*, for lrad» river* and marine service. > .Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks* Iron Boats* Ac.: OasP inri of all kinds* either iron or brass. Iron-frame Boofi for Gas Works. Workshops, Bail road Stations, Ac. • ( Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction, 1 . Every description of Plantation Machinery, such at Sugar* 'Saw, and Grist Mills* Vacuum Fans* Open Steam Trains. Defecators*Filters* Pumping Engines, Ae. Sole agents for H. BiLieux’s Patent Sugar* Boiling Ap paratus, Xfasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspin waU A Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar-Draining Machine. **" aitiS-ti PEJjfN BTB AJM ENGINE AND iTtfMftaPi BOILEB WORKS. -HEATII & IiBTT. PKAGTICAL AND THEOBBTICAL ENGINEERS, M& BOILBB-NAKBB9, BLACKSMITH#, mud FOUNDERS, baying for many yews been insncoessftu operation.and been exclusively engaged in bnildinra»d repairing Marine and River BnginesThlgli and low pres •tire* Iron Boiler*. Water Tanks. Fropeller*, Sc 7» &c.. respectftilly offer their services to the pnblie, as Mint ■ralljraepar# 4 to contract for enilnes of all rises, Ma «*»* Biyen and Stationary; havin g sets of pattern* of different' sixes, are prepared, to execute orders with S despatch; Every "description ofpattero-makln* ™ade SL shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Fine, Tubnlar,and Cylinder Boners,of thebbst OTlyania. charcoal iron, Forgings of all rises and kinds, gonand Brass Castings, of all descriptions; 801 - Turahag, Sere w-Ctating,&nd. all otherwork connected With the ahoye business. . , ' Drawings and, specifications for all work done at the establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dockroom form* palra of bo&tSjVrhere they can lie In perfect safety, and ate provided with shears, blocks, falls, &e.,A0., for raising heavyor light weights. NEAfTB, JOHN P. LEVY. * BEACH and PALMBB Streets. MORGAN, ORB, & CO;, STEAM BN. . GINK~ BUILDERS! Iron. Founders, sud Genenl Machinists and Boiler MakerB.No. 1319 CALLOW HILLBtreet, Philadelphia. feOO-tt T\EAN’B GKBAT TOBACCO, CIGAR, J J AND PIPE STORK i Mo. «*, OHBSTHUTStreet, FhHadelyhl*.-pa. Dean keeps the greatest assortment. Dean keeps tee greatest variety. . Dean keeps the largest general stock. Ton can get any kind or Tobaeeo. Ton can get any kind ofCtgars, Ton ean get any klnd of, Hpee, T ° tt STORE. No. 413CHB8TNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pi. . When yon go to Dean’s yon can get anything yon want In the way of Flag, Puts Cut and SmoklngTobae aoea, Domestic and Havana Glgara, Pipes, Ac. . , jOean keeps the larseat general stock of Tobaeeo. Glgara, Pipes, Ac., ln tlie united States. Dean's sales are so extensive that he ean afford to sell at about one-half what others sell for. Dean sells to the Armyof thePotomae, Dean sells to the Army of the Junes. Dean sells to the Army of the Tennessee., Dean sells, to the Army of the CnmberlanA^ atom 'DEAN’S, No. 4O3 &HBSTNUTS&Mt. ’ Pennsylvania merchants all bnyat Dean’s, , New Jeraeirmershants aU’hny at Dean's, Delaware merchants all buy at Dean’s, . . , as that can always get Inst what they want, and at a mneh lower price than they can elsewhere, and they do not hays to pick up their goods at a dosen little All goods ordered are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Order once and yon will always orderfrom Dean’s, M Ms plug and fine cut chewing and smoklngtohaesoes end cigars are Tar superior to all others, andhe sells for nmehlesi. DKAN’sTNo. *IS CHESTNUT Street; no*3-tr Philadelphia, Pa. nOTTON AND FLAX SAIL BUCK and CANVAjLofall numbers and brrnds. ’ . >TonV AwntoggTnink, and Wagon* covor Dnek. Also* Drier PelU, lromltodfoet wide; Paulina, *JOHII w« BvaSKAS & GO*, aoj-tf *O.JD3 JOffMß’ Alloy. *1.901,6*4 09 TWGUSY, Prodded J»10-tf AS B. MARTS, Proidcnt, Secretory. feS-ti PBOPOSALB. nUAB'PBBMASTEB'S OFFTCB, U Cor.erTWH.^.dOffiAßDSt^. tor tte imitate d«liwy at the Btatg house, HASOVBB-etree* Wharf, properly peeked, antt ■ The same to be of the beet analtty and 9ejtt*«W*£™!j7 jest to the inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the. Government. . , _. , The above-described Hafnes* to be made in accord ance yrttb sample and specifications, to he Been at the Banover-street btorehouse. - Bidders wUI state price both In writing and «rnrea (to include boxes and delivery), the quantity bid for, and the ehorteet time they can deliver them In Ail proposals most be made out on printed blnnic, which may be had os application at flua.oaoe, other wise the bid will be rejected. Sack hid must be goarantoed by two responsible per sons .whose signatures must he appended to the guaran toe, and certified to as being good and sufficient seetudty for the amount involved, by -the United States District Judge. Attorney, or Collector, or other public officer; otherwise the wd will net be considered.' The right is reserved to reject all Md* deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not folly comply with the requirements of this advertise ment, wifi not be considered.. % . By order of Colonel H. Biggs, Chief Quartermaster. T orwr 01 VWMMW *** (jgoKGiS JEL OEMS, ja3Q-6t Captain and A. Q. M. OUABTEEMASTEB’S OFFICE, confer TWELFTH and GlBUffi Street* Philadelphia, Pa , January 39,1886. SEALED PBOPOBALS will be recelreiat this offloe until 13 o’clock M-. TUESDAY. January 31. 1889. for the Immediate delivery at the Hanover-strei t Store-' house, properly packed, and ready tor of the follow lor described 4uartermaater*s stores'—Vi*: 20,0C0 Wagon Bows. 600 sets Ambulance Bows. 5 000 Wagon. Tongues, ironed , :. All of the aboye-aeecnbed to be of the beet Quality, and subject to the inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the Government. Bidders will state priwrboihiiA writing and figures, the quantity bid for, and the time of delivery. „■ fill samples to be seen afttae Government Storehouse, Hanover-street wharf. lt , fill bids mast be made out on printed blanks, which maybe h&d on application at this offloe,'otherwise they will be rejected. . . . , Each bid mast be guaranteed hy two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended- to the gua rantee, and certified to as being good and sufficient se curity for the •amount involved, by the United States District Judge, Attorney,- or Collector, or other public officer; otherwise the bid willnotbe considered. „ The right is reserved to rejeotali bids deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not folly comply with the requirements of this advertise ment, will not be considered. . •. By order of Colonel Herman Blags, Chief Quarter master. <3 SO. R. ORMB, ja2&-6t Captain and fi. O. fit. 8 DEPART- MEHT, corner TWELFTH sad GIRA.BD Strata, M ™ _ PHIiAMLPIttA. J»B- 38, 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received, at tide office TtntU 12 o’clock M. MOB DAT, January 30tb,1865. for the Upmedlate delivery at the United States Storehouse, HAJfOYEB-Street Wharf, of SSO “Ambulances,” Wheeling Pattern, per sample and specihoaUons to be seen at the Storehouse. Bidders will state price, both in writing and figures, now many ambulanoer they can deliver, and the short esttime they can deliver them in. The ijobmanefle to be inspected by an Inspector, ap pointed on tbe part of the Government. #|l proposals, must be made out on printed'blanks, which may be had. on application at this office; other wise they will be rejected. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved by the United States District Judge, ACWrnev or Collector, or other public officer; otherwise the bid will not be considered. .The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requirements of this adver-. tiMment, will not be onsidered. By order of Col. HERMAN BIGGS, ' aster. ja23-8i Captain and to ‘SY COPARTNERSHIPS. TYtSSOLUTION OF COPARTNER •*-J' SHIP —The copartnership heretofore known as the firm of FBLTUB & ZIMMERLING is d issalved by the de cease of CharlesZiinmeriing, Sr., one of the members thereof. All persons, bavins claims against the firm trill please present them for settlement to the surviving partner. HENRY J FELTJB, v 71SS FILBERT fctrsei. December SI. 1864. NOTICBOF, CO PARTNERSHIP. —The undersigned have this dsy formed a copartnership, upder the style and tom of FBLTUB AZtftMBBLING. ThelrSnelness ■Will ha that of Sugar Refiners. . _ * hbnby j fbltus, - JOHN ZIMMERLING. January 2, 1866. . iaBo-St* DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The subscribers, heretofore trading under the firm of BUNTING & JONES, have this diTdissolved iwrt. nershlp by mntual consent SAML A.JONR?. „ „ THOMAS BARNES. Philadbiphia, Dee. 51,1864. nOPARTNERSHIR—THE UNDER SIGNED have tldP day formed a copartnership tinder the style and firm of JONES, BARNES, & CO. . and trill continue the business of tie late tom of Banting & Jones at the old stand. No. 38 E-WHARVES. BAML. A. JONES, THOS. BARNEST* pRttAPBUBIA, Pee. M, 1864. 8 ’ LSHMAg THE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS DAT A associated with himself WM. H. H. HUGHES,and will continue the Dry Gooda Commission Business, at M$ HSSTHD# %°b & To&2S*- Pim.APEi.PHiA, January % 1868. iatlm THE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS DAT -a associated with himself MYERS P. STRAUS, and will continue the WHOLESALE HOSIERY, NOTIONS. AND VARIETY BUSINESS, at No. 39 North THIRD Street, under firm of WEIL & STRAUSS. WM. 8. WEIL. Philadelphia. Jan 1,1866. ja2o lot* THS COPARTNERSHIP HERETO -fi- FORE existing Tinder the firm of JOS. & WM. E, WOOD. No. 8 North SECOND Street ie this day dis solved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be settled by either of the parties at the office of JAMES F. WOOD & CO. , No 4rl South FOURTH Street. JOSEPH WOOD. January S, 1865. ~ The undersigned hss this day associated himself with STEAM AND WATER HEATING COM PAH Y OP PENNKyLVANIA, for the sale of GOLD'S PATENT STEAM HEATING APPARATUS. JOSEPH WOOD. conduetetMry B JAMtoi under the nsjneof JAMES P., WOOD A CO. January 8, 1860. ja3-tnthsim OF DISSOLUTION. The limited Mrtaamhipexisting between the under signed, under the firm of RIBGEL, WIEST, & ERVIN, expires this day by. its own limitation. JACOB RIEGEL. JOHN WIESTT . ' DAVID B. ERVIN. HENRY 8. FIBTEK, JOSIAH RIBGEL, Partners. PETER SIEGER,' WM. 8. BAIRD, __ _, , _ . Special Partner a Philadelphia, Dee. 31,1864. . „ NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. The subscribers-hereby rive notice that they have entered Into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the, several laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships. That the name of the firm under which said partner -shlgiatobe conducted Is JOS. RIEGEL & E. 8. FIB That the (eneral nature of the business intended to be transacted is the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goods. That the names of the general and special partners, " *U of whom reside In the eity of PffiladeTnnia, are dost ah Bieiel, general partner, residing at the Bald Eagle Hotel, No, 116 North Third street; Henry 8.- Plster, general partner, residing at said Bald Eagle Hotel; Al fred Bverly .-general partner, residing at No. 13M Arch street; William B. Albright, general partner, residing at No. 1607 Wallace street; Samuel C K Scott, - genetal partner, residing at No. 3053 Vine street; Jacob Biegel, special partner, redding at No. 6*7 North Sixth street; North Eighth sir t® 1 * 1 - Partner, residing at No. 717 - That the aggieSate amount of the capital contributed by tbe imecial partners to the common stock is One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, of which One Hundred Thousand Dollars In cash have been contri buted by Jacob Biegel. special partner, s od Fifty Thou sand Dollars-In each have been contributed by Peter Sieaer, special partner. ' \ That the safd partnership is to commence on the second day of January, A. D, 1866, and la to terminate on the thirty, first day of December, A. D. 1866. JOSIAH BIEGEL, HENBT 8 FIBTBB, ALFRED BVERLY, WE. E. ALBRIGHT, SAM’L G. SCOTT, General Partner*. JACOB BIEGEL, PETER SIEGER, . , „ , • Special Partners, . Philadelphia, January 3, 1865, ia3-6w BUTTERFIELD'S OVERLAND ■EJ DESPATCH, Ofilce, S. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, A THROUGH FREIGHT LINE has been established, prepared to receive all classes of Freight In the principal cities east of the Mississippi river, and to tramgortthasgme frompolnt of shipment COLORADO^IDAHO, UTAH, AND MONTANA TBRRfTOBIES, upon TBEOUOH oonTaaqr katbb ak» khs op umn. Through Rates Include ALL OHARGES—RaiIway, n%nsfer, Storage, and Foi warding Commissions on the Missouri river, and transportation upon the Plain* Urns enabling the Shipper to obtain a THROUGH CON TRACT for his freight for a distance of OYBB THREE THOUSAND'MILES, and relieving him from all respon sibllities and anxieties incident to the past disorganised and irresponsible system of Plains transportation. Onr Agents in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Pitu* burg, Chicago, St. Louis, and Burlington, lowa, art gri>pared, at all seasons torecelve and ship at the LOWEST THROUGH TARIFF RATES. This Company assumes ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY pi Losses, Damans, or Overcharges on Freight while In transit from point.of shipment to place of destination. -The New TOTk office is In possession of a fall-set of TRACE BOORS, showing the date of shipment, the time it passes the Mississippi river, is received at and shipped from the Company'* Warehouses 'at Atchison (Kansas)-the character.of :tha trains moving upon the Plains, SBr date It passes Fort Kearney, arrives at Den ver, Is received at destination, and the apparent eendi- Hcnof, the Wares along the entire route. ... . JKWIf Damages or Losses occor.Shlppors are notified in time to duplicate any Important portion of the ship ment. These books are open for the Inspection of-our cus tomers atalltlmes, and parties shipping by thin Line willbe kept'lnformed by correspondence of the exact condition of-thelr ehlpmonto. . Merchants and Mining Men. ini the Territories ordering AUMson, Kansas,” and have them shipped under the inatrnctiosßof our Agent appoint of shipment . oftoquiry&ddr«»ed to our'offieeatATOHl- SOD, Kansas: so. IVSSET Street. Aitor House, Dew Tork; or Southwest comer of SIXTH and CHEffTirUT Streets, Philadelphia, will be promptly .and reliably answered fH, H. MOOEB. Agent, FMladelpbU. delS-tf - J)ITHRIDGB’S PATENT XX FLINT GLASS __ t „„„B2TRA HEAVY LAMP CHIMNEYS. - —- Tbe world* wide reputation wbieb these Chimneys have acquired is due to their acknowledged superiority over all others. This superiority is derived from three -sources: 3 " ' _lst. Being fifty per cent, heavier than tbe common Chimney, they may be bandied with much less care. 2d- The oval shape is an adaptation to the fiat flame, the Chimnev-beinjr at all points tbe same distance from tbe beat, so that tbe danger of cracking by unequal .ex pansion Is avoided .. Sd. wbieb theteChimneys are manu factured is unequalled by any other glass as at ranld conductor of heat: and;nraetieaUy* it to-found that the combination renders them aim osr entirely free from liability, to destruction by the beat of ihe fiame. Hence the obstacle in toe way of the nsiyeraal nse of Carhon Oil, found in tbe unreasonable expense for Chimneys, has been met and removed by the Introduction of _ DITHRIDGJB’B JPIRK-PJBOOF CH^MDESS. The popularity of -tbeae Chimneys has induced some . unp rlncipled.perions tomake nse of our name and trade 'marks, asd their reputation has been partially impaired b^t wort ? 2®t^ of WWlpusChimaeysgoid asqaxs. BpP?*** with she cracking of CMDme7S would do weUtoe&ll and try tbe JtfeMrs. PKRRIDa dc DRTDBD, Agents for onr £r^?? TR ltt Philaddphia* firom whom they can be ob* dithridgr w.oJISSTJPISP GLASS WORKS, WASHINGTON St, Pittsburg, P^Sa. \ ■ jalB-2m .WUITEVIRGIN WAXOE ANTTT.T.iIiH serving i^comp!e^>£ W! Hte°tL 0 e r m“?wpiSfrtuf<Sa: composed entirely of pure Virgin wS j henoethe exf “Sto BS«t > °2KveWMfu 1 r“ tt "‘* TIfACKBRBL, HERRING, SHAD, &Z4* f’A -S.M Nbs,l. a/aSmshlkSSir «|,xe.LnW|^e 4r No. l H, t rin,. W v lGObbls. new Mess Shad. ■MT 2BQ boxes Herkimer county Cheese, &c. m - InetoiaMd for sale hy ,-KffiPfF 1 l** B ’* He. 149 NORTH WHaTtSS, MFOR SALE-4 superior. BUILT m&ntic-front DWELLINGS. withforge air.rSomn 8. E. corner of Nineteenth end Green etreS, ’ 1 double-front f;6 feet) do, N. W. corner Nineteenth and Green etreets. 'uomwua 6 neat and convenient brick Dwellings, Nineteenth etreei. south of Green. 4 do, do, Brandywine etreat. eajt or Nineteenth. Three-etory and Baeement. 124 Union street. Do, with double haohhnlldun, «7 Pine street. Do, do* west aide of Twentieth at,, north of Cherry Do, do, south aide of Wallace at., east of Eleventh.' With many others in various situations, B. F. GLENN, ' 133 South FOURTH Street and Ja2B-tf B. W, cor, 83BVBarBBrfm and GBESN. POB SALE —A LARGE LOT, CORNER of Richmond and Flum streets, Kensington, near Cramp’s Shipyard, 177 feet hy ISO feet, with office and dwelling thereon. ' « Alot adjoining, IK) feet by 133 feet, with four houses thereon. Large loion the Delaware river, between Westmore land and Ontario street a, 800 feet front on the river, 3,672 feet deep, having eleven fronts. A lot on Pennsylvania avenue, corner of Oxford street, 300 feet front, 100 feet deep; a fine stone quarry with railroad sideling into the quarry. A lot corner of Somerset street and Trenton avenue, 60 feet by 190 feet A lot corner of Somerset street and Gunner’s Bun Canal, 180 feet by 312 feet. __ , Aclay lot, near Hicetown, m the Plank road, ad joining Eowlett’sbrick yard,3oofeet front. 300 feet deep. A lot on Costello street, Germantown, *lB2 feet front, 336 feet deep Will be sold very low. Terms easv. - Apply to . J. or A. LONG3TBSTH, - _ , „ M 9 Walnut Street, or ja3B Im* . ISS North BLEVgaTH Street. «TO LET—THE FIFTH AND SIXTH stories of the Granite Building, Doric street, below , Third, with steam power. -~ ! The large third-story room cf the Commonwealth r Building, Nos 611 and 613 Chestnut afreet. Can be : arranged for offices. / „ w ■ - THOMAS H. CONNELL* . Counting house of Dr. D. Jayne A Son, jaafigt* CHESTNUT Street. m FOB SALE—VALUABLE BUST *■ NESS PROPERTY—Nos. 81G, 81934, and 821, FILBERT Street* with stable on the rear, covering a lot 50 by 160 feet, with two fronts; for particulars in quire of GUILLOU, Trustees of rise Estate of Wm. Logan, No. 16 Bank St. TO LET—Prom the Ist of April next, the property. No. 909 MARKET Street, belonging to the same estate. ja23-12t MFOR BALE—TWO OB THREE first-class HOUSES, with all tbe modem improve ments, on the south side of ARCH-Street, wees of NINE TEENTH. Also, several first- class HOUSES in FORTY SECOND, between Locust and Spruoe. Inquire of S D. JONES, TWENTY-FIRST St., three doors above Chestnut, jali-lSt* Mto bent—a modern besi- DBNGE, with Garden, Stable, mid Carriage House, Gas, Hot and Cold Water, Shrubbery and Shade frees* delightfully situated in a pleasant neighborhood, on the comer of Seventeenth and Tioga streets; combining all the advantages of city and country, being three minutes’ walk from station of steam cars, mid five minutes’ from horse care and fifteen minutes’ from the city. The House is completely famished, and Furni ture for tale. ♦ Inquire at Quartermaster’ b Office, corner of GIB ABB and TWBLF m Streets, first door on right hand side. de29 thstutf m FOR SALE OR TO LET—A NUM •“teer or oonvenfont bow DWELLINGS, wilt motors improvement*, oa North Blevanth, Twelfth, sad Thir teenth streets. Apply to TATLOW JACKSON, . 61* CHISTNUT Street, or at aolg-Sm 1858 North X WBLFTH Street. M LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO PERTY FOE SALK.-Thererr Wand commo aron* LOT Bad BUILDING, No. 308 CHERRY street. Bear theeentre ot btulßeee, containing 60 feet oa Cherry street, depth 106 feet, befog 7* feet wide oa the rear of the lot, rad at that width opeaiag to a largo cart-way loading to Cherry street. Its advantage, of , SIZE AND POSITION are rarely met with. Apply oa the premises. eelS-Om* M/fob sale.—the subsgribeb offers for sale his "country seat, within half a mile of Wilmington, Delaware, on the Newport pike, con tainlng eight acres of good land, in the centre of which is a large lawn with a fine variety of shade trees, ma ples, lindens, evergreens, etc., in all over a hundred rail-grown trees. "The improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, flanked on the west by two towers, one of which Is four storieaJn height There are four large rooms on a floor, with a Bali eleven by forty-two feet The house has the Imodem Improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the upper story of the tower. There is also an iron pump and hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door. The out-buildings consist of a carriage home and steble sufficient for four homes and several carriages; also, a hen, ice, and Maoka houses. The stable has a hydrant in it Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and grape vines in full bearing. There are also several varieties of apple, cherry and chestnut trees. Terms accommodating. Possession given at any time. Apply to LEVI G. CLASH, n024-tf 831 Market street, Wilmington, Del. £& TIMBER LAND.—FOR SALE, IN -A—Pennsylvania. a tract of TIMBRE LAND of about BEVEH THOUSAND AGEES. This land is heavily co vered with excellent timber, ia a locatioß afford fog rare facilities for safe aad rapid transportation. Title indis putable. A portion of the purchase-money can remain on bond and mortgage. Address Box 718, Philadelphia Post Office, Pa. ja2B-12t MVALUABLMILLL PROPERTY, Afe RESIDENCE, AND 10 AGEES OF LAND FOfi-Xi SALE, IN BUCKS COUNTS, FENNA. This property is eltnated on Knowles’ Greek, at Ita Jpnction with the Delaware Elver near Browneburf, three miles from Hew Hope, and ten miles above Tren ton. Jr.. J. The mills consist of a two-and-a- half-story Stone Griit-mDI, with two ran of French Bnrr Stones, all in complete order; Stw-mili and Plaster- mill ai joinlng, each capable of doing a large amount of buel ness. rn«.dwelling Is a new two story Frame Cottage House, with fonr loome on the first floor, five on the second, and four on the third, well arranged, and well bnUt; a Barn, Carriage home, and other hnlldlngs; eight or ten acres of easily cultivated and productive Land,.well fenced, and planted with fralt and oma mentti Lees. The above described property is one of the handsome spots on the Delaware Elver where any one might spend their time pleasantly and profitably. Tie convenient to school, stoie, ana. post office, and cnurche* of different denominations, and will be sold jefceap Apply to B X SMITH & GO.. ja2S ISt *Real Estate Agents, NEWTmWN, Fenna* WJLWAM E. WOOD, m &: J. SMITH & CO., REAL JR ■H ESTATE AGENTS. Newtown, Bucks county, iE Pa-, offer for Bale in Buckßcounty and vicinity; over 60 FABMS of from 10 to 300 acres; most of them are highly improved and remunerative farms, with fruit, water, good, buildings, and well located ' The early attention of buyers is directed to them. Letters of in quiry answered. jaSAISt A CHESTER COUNTY FARM.— A FOE SALE—I6* ACEES OF LAND, 25 X WoodlandffilS Meadow: i K miles from Oxfordboro. A stream or water passes tlroughthe land. Substantial Brick mansion house, - nine, rooms; house for farmer; good Barn. 40 by 60 feet; carriage house, and. all neces sary buildings. Located on a good read to railroad station. Price, $B5 per acre. JAS.JEL CUMMINS, j»3O St 50* 'WALNUT Str et. WEST VIRGINIA LANDS. IMPORTANT TO CAPITALISTS SEEKING! INVESTMENTS IN @ID LANDS. FOB SALE —A Jarre Tract of Tory valuable OIL JAND !? Tl^®^ er S T Xt rg l?T i^r,a<^ointß B the Lands of the BLUE CREEK, ELK BIVT3R AND BLUE OBESE, VULCAN, and GOVERNMENT OIL AND MI9IN& COMPANIES, being 1 part of the same estate out of which the said Companies Were formed. This is believed to be one of the most desirable bodies of Land ever offered to the public. and will be sold either in one body or in tracts ofl,ooo acres each at very low prices. In addition to ibe Oil in these Lands, they contain enormous Veins of Coal, Cannel and Bituminous, Iron Ore. Limestone, and Fire Clay, besides being covered with a very heavy growth of valuable Tim ber As some evidence.of the value of these Lands, it may be stated that the stock of the Companies formed out of this estate has already nearly doubled in price since the Companies have been organised. For full particulars apply at 407 WALNUT Street, Boom No. 2, first floor. • ja3o 6t* J7ORREBT COUNTY OIL LANDS FOE, SALE. " 435 AOBBS, IN FEB SIMPLE. PBICB $5O PBE ACRE. Address Bag 1741 Philadelphia Post Office. jaM-td* ■POR RENT—SEVERAL ROOMS IN A the THIBD 6TOBY of too Boildln* on toe .onto wort cornet of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. An ply at this office, • jal3-tf 1708 SALE.—MAGNETIC IRON ORE •A- foe BALK—The GABBISONS’ MINING COM PAN, is now prepared to make contracts for sale of their superior Ore. delivered on toe Hudson river, op posit* west Point. Apply a* the Office of the Company, 39 WILLIAM Street, New York. ja3o-16t* Thomas J. Oram. OKAM & HEMPHILL, V PEARSES xy LEHIGH AND SCHBYLKILL COAL, „ t Of all sizes and of lent qualities Carefully picked and screened, and Invariably at Uu lowest cash price*. Office and Yard, WILLOW, below FIFTEENTH Street. ASP" Orders can be left at 146 North SIXTH Street, ,653 North TENTH Street*,l433 BARCLAY Street, or through the Poet Office* which will be promptly and satisfactorily tiled. ia!7 Sm EBCBBEINBR, NEW COAX. DEPOT, • NOBLE Street, above Ninth street. Constantly on hand superior Qualities of Leblsh and Schnylklll Coal, selected expressly for family purposes, at the lowest market prices. Wharf Twenty-third street, below Arch street. Office 119 South FOURTH Street. oc2o-6m PURE LBIIGH COAL.—HOUSE •a. KEKPBEB can rely on settlejr a pure article at S. R cornerFKOJlT and FOPbAB. jr. W. HAMPTON jalS-lm» <• '• rtOAL, COAL, COAX.. V, t H GHITEBMAJT & CO.’B COAL, the best in the city. For sale at the In west cash prices. HANTuA COAL YAgp. corner THIRTT-FIFTH Street and PEHHHT VANIA Ballroad. QalO-lm»] W. D. HESTON. fJBNTJINE EAGLB VEIN COAL, V, equal, if hot sufebiok to lbhioh. a trial Trill teenra yonr custom. Etx and Siove sixes, MO per ton; Large Hut, $9 Office 121 Sonti FOUEtM Street, Iwlow Chestnut. Depot 1410 CALLOWHILL Street, shore Ero&d. eeX4- 6m Y^jOAli. —SUGAR LOAF, BEAVBE M 8» Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill, prsund ox- P»“M«fcg»iJrTOe. De P°‘ BT. W. corner EIGHTH sad WILLOW Streets. OffleeSto. lla Sonth BBCOJTD Street taps-tn J. WALTOH* 00. TO&OTB.OP4THIO ESTABLISH- within*- diclne, by 3>r. A, H.. STBYB9B, one of the diMormn of. an entire new urstom of 'BLSCTBIC£L PSAQfIfIB. at 14:18 South TW* SQUABR raaux««. MSI* rhytUfaam un. others desiring isdmettoa «u 25? m“ t ,|£* u f o,ur »» n ? Hina afIarYOITDAY, Iw, .**” *■*“* to* M KB. JAMBS 'BETTS’ CEMSBRATKD ■ BtTPPORTEBS FOB LAD IKS — a* only Snsporteni under emipent medical patron***. I»adiea nii puddansan NBpeett&Uj nguaded to oidy oa llra. BETTB, at ter reriaqnoe, MqlwAlJnJT ?Mla* i (to avoid counterfeit*.) tiilrty thousand isralid sfenveb een *d visad by their physician* to uselS TOHN C. BAKER & CO.’S GOD LIVES - „ SWEETEST AND BEST PEEP ABED. . In ,OS!?»k*. Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Gout, Inci pient Consumption, and all ScroMou* Complaints, 11 oftenttmeß produces immediate and certain effects mhaa otnervremedieß have been taken with little ornobenefit. to?1lMM& “ d Kffig- TiEWABE THE NORTHEASTER ! BROWNE’S PATENT METALLIC WBATHES STRIPS snd WINDOW BANDS totally exclude GOLD,, WIND, RAXN, ..and DUST from doors, and* windows. They stop the rattling of sashes, save one hall die fuel, and ara warranted for ive jears. OT Booth FIFTH Street, Local Aientswanted th|)M*out tS’toUsf * T i AHta* FOB SAI.E AND TO IjET. M DESIRABLE BUBINEBB PROPER. »T, H°. |3l Md a 33 fforoi THIBD Street, » ieetfrentby 190 feet deep. 'For sale by 28-it* A. X. b J. H MORRIS, 9% ARCH Street OIL! OIL!! OIL!!! OIL!!!! COAL,. MEDICAX. ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE, 154 gorthJLBVKHTH, below Bace street —Hr. THO MAS AXLES, very successful in the cure of almost, .every Mud of disease, inviteß all to call at Me Of fice, and aee that his treatment is free from shocks. COHytJLSIONS. —a discoveryhas bemi made which seldom fails in the cure of Epilepsy or wy other kind. any one desirinc a knowledge \J this practice can -enter atany time for foil insSL#< tions. Cards and T*stiinonisl&at the Office. Horn**, 9A. M. toOP. M. Consnltationafree. - ! . „ . „ »*. THOB ALEBH. Heetrldan, '•*, .. ]»I7-Sm 154, w. LLEVBBTH Bt.. below Bace. , F ' s^2Bi LAB <* SPECIAL 1 an* ->. ial "Mi, ICS cases 7-8 and * 25s^s^as^.^ * •*“ ?-f V -4, and n . 4 M ' **• *os : ■hs®*£s»3S mouth, Pftj-v‘r K/4 *tM . , ln*a • *“' , , 55 v*!®" brown drUla ""' V |S bales ticking, *« St? 8 S*d4or print, “natrr. W ’ wlttl ®»« «« Y !»■, TKHMHrcABH-bifirt,i)L ail ' i s «r.’. '" from eale. 0,115 *» ba settle ;*■ ; h «“ Will be open for ». 1! "M one <Jar previous to sale. era “ ,is Mir „,,'* "Slfsa'a?*; jrtßs£&3i‘Wv&:‘ EartrrnmaM&o™e' SALE OP AMEEICANTun f«n stocks op foßns, UP®***.. CoßUDencing at 10 seasoiutMeiooda. ' *a-H(tndbUU of each m,,. , ,l: dfe&g™ _ *£• PartJcnlar attention *i T „ . Eesidence*, Sui. *" to S^, KBAL ESTATE, BANK AND OTam- SiMS^SS: 0^" Thlrd-efcroet; several desirable sSf, ,®» etoeks. &c., by order of OrplaM'S See pamphlet catatoittesforMtthLS 1 , _ EXTEA VALUABLE . SffltesMasaT^S bills forpart of each, sale Bale JTo. 42 North Eiirbth eixtueeswa^l^ SW Instant* at 10 rtlMfc“| street, comprisinr marble-top tafia slabs, counters, show cases, g am ji, crockery, kitchen utensils, 5c IK *‘ May be examined at 8 o’clMi 00 tl 6 Executor*’ EESIDBHCT igD fgEßlToffipsj, _ - _<W WMJHBgDAY HOEStI- Fetraarjltt, at 10 o’clock, witnoa , Dremlm, thepaluable three-etorc S "“‘“f GrocyO. northeast comer Finis t &s r «L‘' a a£^ „ HAIE OF VALUABLE LAW Bin? On WEDNESDAY, TBURtDAT, aad FEti ii WOOBE. February l,t, 2d'- s! WBI be *old at the Aoctloa Store, a wai and valuable law; library, whirl & number of the Rn*llsh aad America ;!?' many other valuable works to ‘*t Catalogues now ready aad the beok?' examination,. ci-cJ&i 81 8o«0> *'«Bh SUPERIOR FURHITUSB, MAHOGaVs FORTE, FREHCHPLiTE MIKH- Rs - PETS, &c * 5 ' _ On THURSDAY MORNHJG. at & a ' t At the Auction Store, superior furnttar* piano forte, fine French plate oval nirre ■afes, fineßrneaelfl and other carpets, & c LA.BGS FIKE.PEOOJ On THURSDAY MOBSIBTG, at the At superior fire-proof cheet, nu "PHILIP FORD & CO., ATJCTk 585 MAEKET and 588 COXSIEECE! FlBSr BAIE OF BOOTS AHD SHOE! „„ bpeutg OF m _ OH THOBSO4T MOSSIKG, Fftenary J, commencing at m o'clock n will sell, by catalogue, for cash, l.go boots, shoes, brogans, balmorali, m St. Sc., comprising a general asserc class goods, to which the early atlentiw inytled. C J. WOLBERT, AUGTIO: • 16 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. CHOICE OLD BBAjfDIES, WISES, t *KY. HOLLAND GUT, CH4MP4GS? ETS, Ac. _ , - THIS MORNIJG. At precisely 11 o’clock, at ffo. 16 ?oath gi lt large assortment of choice old brassies.« whisky, Holland tin, wild cherry brand} pagnes. cl arete, Ac, including the b&lan?* choice mad high grade wines. Hennesey's bm the balance of private stock of a gentleman in* this country, all of which were seiested years since. Catalogues now rea*y - OI»l> RTE WHISSX. Alto, 5 barrels very choice Old Hews* whisky, suitable for first class hotel-ke'- open. AUCTION SALE OP CO: HOKSiB. Qcjlbtbemastek Gbkbrax’s _ tf»BT Dm&tij , .. WABHIKGTOS Citt, Jaanirjtt Will be gold at public auction, to the tiger at BALTIMORE. Md., on *s,®®*** FBBRTTABT 9,1*5, OKB HT7HLEEO ABD FIFTI CAYAIIU _ w HORSES. These Boreas hare been condemned as Brit c&vahy service of tie army. Forioad.atd famine purposes manyr mar be had. - Horses sold sintly. Sale to commence at: trill be held at Phillips’ Government ssabl' PACA GERMAN.Streets. Term*—Casli, la. Uni lei states currency. JaUBS A. SSU ja27-12t Col. in charge First Binsios Cl X ; MBWSPAPER EBTABOs. FOB SALS. —By unanimous ggHemeat Proprietors of the PHILADELPHIA BVBSTNG BULLSTU That valuable establishment will be sold i; Auction, on. WEDNESDAY, THE FIRST DAT OF F£F' REX?, The time for which the Partnership/ formed expiring on that day. The present organization of theeitablifhi the h&ais of a capital of Fifty Thousand 1 whiehsnm the dividends (declared sect izi several years past have exceeded THIRTY Fi PER AH HUM, and the business is now tc we? than ever, making it a most valuable any person desiring to engage in sues. »& The sale will take place at Bxl? Pi'- O’CLCCK P, M. on thw ahove‘2.eutionfitl ~ T . Publication Office of the Establishment, 113 THIRD Street, Philadelphia. The terms to he cash immediately at tie iz* and if not complied with, the property w « dlately resold at the risk of the former bidder. ForzartherinformstionapDlyto , . „ • JAMBS A FREEKAN, AW 1a26-7t Store Ho. 422 WALSUr Street. r lilffl STEAM WEEKLY JtUßk YHKPOOL. toschfsr aITE ' (Cork Harbor.} The well-knowa eisfatn < pool. Hew York, end PMledslpM»ste»B«’ Unman Line)* earryinff the 0. S. Mails. ire sail as follows: GLASGOW SATimmt, C W vt CORK —SATOBBiI. i CITY OF LOHDOH. SArDsDiL r j and ©Tery snweedlnx Saturday at floss. * North Biyer. 3ATBS OF FASSAGK: , Payable in Gold, or its eauiyalentia CtirrK FIBST CABIN. *™.fBo 00 ffiPEBSAGS •/;- do to London.... 85 00 do to do to Peril..—.. 9fi 00 do do to Hamburg.. 90 00 do _ ioHsfW Robert J. Hbmphibb Funnier* also forwarded to Harr*, ierdam, In twerp, it., at equally low ojj, Fares from Idwerpool or Qaeenetowa: 1”J *S6, lies, steeraze from Llrerpcol or flee®; Thon wbo wish to send for theft W*® tickets here a; these rates. . For farther Information *!?!T *’ ’, . Offices. T JOHJr ja!7-tiagB 111 WALITOT Street, * - 4fg#fc- BOBTOK ImT*’™*- UAIIb PITTA STSAHBHI? LUfH,Ky •ort <m SATOMATnCfrU 4 &£tbLm Street, PiUndslphla. usdiff ' nai - BodJ . The steamehlp HOBMAN. C?! I *. s^' PWladelphja for Boston on A, M., and steamship atXOB.Cef j Boston for PhilidelpMs. on tie same 457 * ‘ TiOMMWMd JSSSmSmsS*' liZW* Mfllnfftwm M«h Port O3 lMuran*e* effwted ftl ©aa-hJtff wOT ** on the tombU. JreUhtttriaa »i fHiratw. Shipper* an rwjttMtsd to Mild SW s * ! ' pB if L»sla«-with their good*. , c . JarS**** 1 " S3S Booth DK* wi6! FOB NSW YORK OUTSIDE LIKB- jy : COASTWIBB STEAMSHW Ci'HW HHHsltt US* FOB HBW TOES, >f o y for >ll northern end Barters eitles aßa . THTTOSDAY, ARD §^f<fr£’S?fi« W U.‘Sortf &. °*»« 8 whieh will *••*??faitr#** la the most earefnl maimer* t 0 create**despatch, atfeir/atM. fairies WILLUM^ ELLIS BRANSON ——OLD BYES MADE jsy % h a »d ' to speedily restore .», r or -• v, SteofTES CB«= Y 5e tf 5^ aen-rintham 113° MALCOI»M „ g 310 ■ *ET TLST spbctaole stohs. * FIFTH Street, Jfe. H. M-TJHB, f D of i£^ a ’ SwfJ y* nS " Watches. mik flaulU inserts ABJHJJCl'''Vetti PP- STOBB TBS gt. i6 sS/‘^: r A.'large rarietVof hand. .__ PISH AND t * &s pEAOHBS.-o.^^Sf l^. A caily-seeled PescM'* ' 10I1 K. by S. Edwards & C0., 8 wV* 5 noli S^Ki§o§fiifi KITOV RL FaCTOBY. as! BREAD Bteit.. betwe.- Ar,B and Third streets- Thomas & sons'" —- * ® O5 - 139 E. B. FOOTE, >'■
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