CTVBHOOATS MOM |l4 TO $55. OVRBCOATS. .. " « OVERCOATS IBGM *l4 to *». OVERCOATS. .. •• OVERCOATS FROM $l4 jo $55, OTSEGO ATA OVERCOATS FROM *l4 to SM. OTBECOAT& WAHAMAKEK ft BROWM, oak hall. S E. corner SIXTH end" MARKSr Streets, True* Ken's Butts and elegant variety ol t!w ...IMSOIothtM etRBABOMABtSPRICK& t U..KRMTV—THAOV-To Sen Vranoloo, California, ~ ire ISM, at ttin Olmrct of the Advent, Ly the Kec-' rt e 'tfa B-v. F Marlon ttcAllttter, Jackson MoKeuty, £’• >0 MI'B Bva Rogsnlft-Traor, eldest daq*nter of Charlea C. Treoy, of Sea Franelsoo. * £)XHD. WILSON “~° n the luorntnK of the 30th. Theodor# WlW»* 7 ftoß|rest eon ofTheo, and Louisa WHson. io KIP —l*® city of. New York, on-tl>e 2=Hh .Jtini Kf ury 8., eon dr Bohert B- and Maria H. Mil i?? 8 ° f th*t pity. ** theSOiii instant, Mary G. Bunting, s */rhft%Fudsoftbe family are respectfully iarlted to ,Hp«d her funeral from the residence of her son. Win. a. Bontios. *t Darby, on Fourth-day, theUtefgeoogd -8 *tbe Sftth jusMnt. WilMom W. son of wVsiifecm K and Ann.K Stokes, aged 11 years, 10 Tnoiths, and 31 days. *" , “fWral from the resident* of hit father, German* tft«n avenue, adore School street, Germantown, on ■Wflrf&ndfty afternoon, at 3 o'clock. ** hßOWßk.—Ontho mprniugof tbeSO’h instant, Cor- Ttftllos V, Brower, in the 74th year of.Ms ate. H T)ie reiaiives and friends of the family are respectfully f-*j ttti to attend the funeral, from the ivsldenca of hte fSa-tn-law, Joseph D Murphy, No. Gi2 North s*hlr-. t«enth street, on Wednesday morning* February ». at ic o’clock. tritbnut fujthernotice . **. 1 —At Germantown, on the 21th lest, Mary Thayer, danghfcer of flnlings and the late Ccroline K Cowpertl»waifc' Funeral services at St. Luke’s Church, Germantown, an Wednesday afternoon, February 1, at SO-elock ** FLEMING.—At the residence of ms mother, in Car* Drle, on the 20th of January John C. Fiamiax, in the jSHh year ot his sge. w „ * COkYKLL. —At New Hope, Bucks county, Pa., on ibe 28th in it., in the 7Gthyear of hia age, Lewis S. Coryell The relatives and friends of the family are rsspset fully invited to attend hie funeral, without lotlce. on Thursday next at 10K o’clock A, H , from hii *»fe residence *** tfIBSHON;— Suddenly, at his residence, on the morning of the 28th instant, Daniel Mershoon, aged 08 ie Thl* relatives and friends of ft* family, also the mem hers of the Eastufn Star Lodae, No. 386, A. Y. M . alae Philadelphia Lodge. Nb, 13; I. 0. of O F., also Lafar ;tu Encampment, and the members ot.the Uaira league, are respectfully invited to attend his fuusr*!, ftom his late residence, No 2? South Sixteenth street, os Wednesday moratug, February Ist, at 10 o’clock. I'on«raHo proceed to Monument Cemetery, r Trenton. New Jer*»y. papers pi*a*e copy.-] *** BEBGKSHEJMBB.—Drowned/od the evening of No* ventberlßth. 1864, Albert Hergesheimer, an*d 32 years, sea- in-law of Daniel Mershoon *** HOOD.—On the 2?ih lui*t, Samuel Bingham, only sou of Thomas G. and Maria B. Hood, 1m the 17ft your of his ago The relatives and friends of the family are raspscb fully Invited to attend hie funeral, from the residence of his parents. No. 804 North B'oad street, on Wednesday a/leraoon. February Ist, at two o'clock:, *** HOBTON. —On the moraine of Seventh day, the 23th last., John Horton, to the seventy-fifth year of his aga. His relatives'and the friends of th*--family are re- lnvited to attend hie funeral, iro n his late Idenoe* N*. 370 South Fourth street, oa Fourth day orning next, at eleven o’clock, without further notice, 'o proceed £ South Laurel HUI. ‘ *♦*; yUAJfCIAIi Aim COMMKBCIAI*. Tha following Is a oomparatlTe atatommtsf the eom 'ton of tbs Philadelphia Banka yesterday and on the lea* Monday: Jan. 23. Jan. 90. IM 5ta5h..819,6*1,986 *13.654,300 H....1S ~48,755,718 - 60,058 634 do. .... 1,792,901 1,778,283 i. leial-teoder... 14,989.598 15,572,893 8 posits... .40, 183,613 99,229,950 llrcnlatton.. . 8,605,061 4,010,193 f , 'WEEKLY BAKE BTATEMBHT, The follr wing is the average condition of the banks infill atfelphia for tie week preceding Monday, Jana ary so, lBSa: • : § g-g filsl !?•§" sEs • • • isSfar* »=|iLr2.aS.* ©SH-sfsfcffl S l u j lif i ill HI fll: I i liiissimnjfiissiiigir *■* m n SSs|l§2l3lliillpll|§Bll|S | §§g§§§So§§§§§gB§S§§?3§§§o -2 S* r“ t'f* : Sgg9s£f 3SSS& §ifl|§®S2lS3 §¥§§s§iigggg§gig§gi§¥§i¥i bsse: S3S: PssjßaaaSSSS litjiiliisgiggi; eisasilfgj b 9 Ml—l 2 §§§Bs§iS6fiill¥ff§3§¥§gaS ¥§ig£i¥ias§£iiigg§iiiii§§ H.KbiSSsS.g3S>iS*aS%o s S33 ! sl?l liBlg§lBll§g§§gggg'l§il§l§ tfc jrf • m Mbs rawiliipil§ps#l§gp¥s I ¥§llli¥§s§§liilil§l§i§§gi "... t? I si g§i§i¥§ii§sii¥ii§sliiiggi «: " Clearing*. Balance*. 28*~.*~.717,84810 $*92,637 59 *» t*,. 7,909.261 14 652.817 01 *•" 25....* 7,161.099 98 7o3,Air> 29 ** 2C............ 6,952v60619 468 65043 «* 27.*.,.6,188,169 22 SRB F 3 04 ■* 28 6,152,063 85 869,250 05 $42,120,741 83 $3,084.850 88 Intelligence was.received in this city yesterday that the stolen bonds of the Bank of Crawford County had all been recovered, and the thief apprehended. The stock market was steady yesterday, with a light business. Governments were generally firm. The ISSIi advanced H* selling at 11GK» and the 5 20s H f »sll tagat3GB& There were free fate* of the new 7 00s at 3§Jf, and the 10*40s at 101 }f, State securities were dnll, and the War Loan 6s fell off selling at 103 X * City 6s were nnohinged. There was little or no demand for company bonds, and the few sales effected were at pre vious prices.* The share list was doll. Pennsylvania Sailroad fell off I—selling at 62? and Beading sold at £2X—a decline of X. Camden and Amboy was 4 lower, selling down to 13d Catawisaa, Llitle Schuylkill, Minehill, Jforrisiown, and northern Central were about tteady. Of bank stocks there were sales of City Bank at 80& and Western at 120; 61 was bid for Com mercial; 32X for Mechanics’; 85 for Kensington; 44% for Penn Township; 61 for Girard; 61% tor Commonwealth; and 06 for Union. The following ware the (or void at toe boms named yesterday: 10 A. M ~..~.21S |I2H~ ..... 10.80 “ ....213.5* 12.30 P. M 11.80 *• « 211 I 4 «• Market very dull and steady, The following were the for the principal aavi*ation ; Sid. Askt SchuylNav....... 24 29 ! fichuyl Nav.pref. SO SIX finsa Canal 14 14 I BirMoantainCoal 8X 6><j Clinton C0a1...... 1 1m Cons Minin*...... X H •I'nlton Coal 6)4 7 leader Dam >, X Green Mima Coal, d ( 4 Key.ton. Zino..,, 1 2 Moarcacy.....•••• .. 8 KIT 4MiddleC F Mi 9 H. C.rbondale C’l 2 How Creek Coal. • X 1 Swatara Fall. Cl. .. B AUaa.. *-»■ I.® iX Aileri & Tideonte . 1 Big Task 2% 3M Braoor OU.-.—ISl IX BoUtCreek.. 2K 534 Brlgga 0ii......... .. S & if Corn Planter 8H " Caldwoll... 634 e« Cow Creek... 2 2)4 Clienr Una,— , 27., Dunkard 0i1...... X X Dunkard Cr'kO.. 1 IB Deaenioro Oil«. ■ 6 6 Dalrotl OH. BX 9., Bicelalor Oil. ™.. 134 IX filbert. SB 8X E1d0rad0.......... I.M lk frank!la Oil IX IX Great Wee tern 8% Germania. % 1 The following National Banka hare bean authorized (or the week ending .Tar ear. 23: Name of Banks. Location. Capital. "Wyoming County Wyoming, tt. T #U 0,000 Hint,, Franklin, Ohio. 1(3 j, 000 National Albany Zxch- Albany, H.8)f1,0f,0 0ak1and............... garclnjr, Me mo.oto Fa......... 89,000 Pint WeatmUater, Md 75.00 Mechanics' Deyr Bedford, Maaa.... 600,500 Waldoboro***.,.. Waldobjro, Me...,..., oj.'HXi- Lewiaburi DewlahnrK, Fa. 100 «W Hint,,. ....... Woburn Maaa......... 150 not) Flret Hew Windsor, Md.... .65,T00 Flrat..-~. Montpelier, Vt 2CJ.MO Bock County..... daneeTtil*, Wia JW.TOO America* New Y0rk.....™ 52M52 National State Bank... .Burlington, lowa 100 000 Ball road... .......Dowell, Mae 5.......... oooiooo FMrfleld County,. Morwteh, Coon .too.ojo National Bxohange t-oHadalphia, Fa TOO TTO JEtna..... Hart ord. Conn 6TO OiiO German- Hrtaburg, Pa.m*o Hat. State Capital Bk.. Concord, H. 101, OT First....«. , Knoxrille. 111......... TO MO Pint.... ................Lexington, Ky 100.000, Lincoln ....Bath, Me.WOW T0ta1.......... . .....$6,066,000 The following banka bare added to their capital taring (be week: • flrßt.„ .... butiield, Conn ....,......$lOO,OOO first .........betwick. Me. 26,010 Pint,., Deports, Ind .. 60.W0 Becond .Fraoklin.lnd 20.T00 llliott,, Burton, Maaa 400.000 First- MahoningCltr, Penn*...... 10 ono -First,.... A-,ifiliuburg, Feuna. fO.OH) Mechanics' Hewbnryport, Mass 8 ,009 Total™ 7»S.OOO Capital new banka aa ab0ve.............. ......$B. M 6£"d Aggregate additional capital., $6,703,5), PieTiouily authorized. ..1®).099,299 . Total capital. ...*m 859.208 Amount of circulation lamed to national bunas for .the' week $1.980,770 Prerioaely ieeued e3.c6r.i00 Total... .S9I.OiS 970 The following national Banka bare been designated by the Secretary of the Trcamry as additional deposits rise of the pnblio money: Pirat, Yonkers, N. T.; Ha tlonal Bank, Broad nay, H. T. The following were tbe Quotations for American seen, ritiss in Loudon on the 17th Mat. : Maryland 6nero»«t. «0 ® 68 tni&S&S.&fc? rearaf 1882. Bper cent.... «X§ 4634 Virginia State 6 per c, a t.. .i. 40 @46 .P». ;•* pereeat....... ... 37 @29 Atlantio and Great Weetnrn, Hew York sec tion, mortgage,lS», 7 per cent 69 ®7l Do. 2d mortgage. 183C...07 @ 66 rennsylrania, Ist mortgage, 1877............ 7! @73 80. . 2d mortgage, 1632 64 @6B Brie shares, $lOO Cadi paid S 36)4 Do. 7peroent.pref d 0.,, @4t 80. JtVmOrt, 48 g6l Dfti 6th dOTI, rttrt.tlttttttHirltrtia,,,.. 6fl 6*2 Illinois Central 6 p«r cent.. $76..;....* !75 @77 *r D s'.. „ 1100 sharea (all paid) m Mai Marietta and ClncVsnat! Bailrd@d-.boad*.-... 69 mil P&atmaßailioad, Istnuort. 7percent.*’M. 93 {fey'o _»«. B 2d zoort., 7 per eeat.. .1872. Mi PBaaßylTanla-KalJroad bonds, 2d morigace, _ • per cent, coovenlble 78 ©po Do*» wOßharee «... 25 a HQ The rebeJ ootioa loan sold In London, os thei7ih of Jaimary, at 7 Urrrrel * Go, quote: s Bouli*. 3881.0 a. imK@llo n . fifow<7eiti/’g. ofladebtedness.... $7H® J}3 Qnßjrtenna«terß ( Vouchera 94 for Certificates cflisdebtedneis.... @ Sit pai* stttitof Biohangeo** mm- a BALES AT THE STOCK EXCHANGE. J A ». 30 tj' Reported by ffewes, Miller, «fc Co., Ko. fia ,s Third at incc 086-20bdalCOs*cp-108?f 10000 08 10-40 bds-.cp-KHjJ iroooS7-SOTrntenew. oog MCO City 0s new- - lots. 06% 6490 do lots. 87 100 W Central ttf. 62 100 Beading 8... cash. 62% 100 do s 5. 62% 60 do -trans ea«h..C2 44 7 do..tranB.eaeh. 53 60 do 62% ICO do.«. ...2dya. 62ft 7 Cam ft Amb K.fis.l36 lfili Scbnyl R-. W**. 88 BETWEEN 200011 Creek*.*., lots 735: asOUßfttlßSl... wff.lVM MO 0 81{M»hQB<lfl....TO$; 2W) Eeadiearli....-lota 62>4 «> do..s3oafUrlo.&2tfi iro d0.***«.....b30r»3 i 100 do.*♦***.....l>So G 2& 100 do. 02* KQ d0........a50wn SI& 100 d0....**.*. 2dys lr% 2 0 d 0.... 4dys3tint 62H ICO do.*..—alGwn 62K 200 do SCOOlmste&d 2 R 1 £OO St NJeholas 0i1b64 1-16 600 d0....M00fiat.41-18 IGOQ Fenna B2dmt3dy* INK BECOWJ) 760 US 520 Walts cp .103* 4000 do- -lots tonp.loB* £OOO State wle&n6>l-8.103* 200 City 6580W..2dy8 97 200 Reading R.»*..lots GZ% 61 fennaß*'«•**.lota 62 AFTER ] 4CPO State WLoan 6b... 103 V soPcunaß.,...lote.. 62 toolxwJßioi ......bSO 1 H JO rata Bank., v 6QM 603L0gan....... & 600 Unton Petroleum 1H 1(0. Wyoming C0a1.... 9* 100 Curtin b3O 14tf The New Tort Port oJ ye^terdaysays. _Gold is lower to day." The opening quotation was 215. thedowest 211. At the close 214* Was hid. Toe transactions bays been small and devoid of excitement. The lean market Is w«U supplied with capital seekiug investment on call at 6@719 cent. As currency Is ra pidkv flowing in from the West there is a daily increas ing accumulation. Commercial paper is ihore active at 8&&w«e r -tv The etoc* market is depressed by the re* sewed efforts of the bears, who, having made large profits by their recent manipulation, are encouraged to continue them, although the market is reported to be largely oversold. I Government* ar* firm,- Coupon sixes of 1891 are wanted at 109#, five-twenties at 108?$. new loan at 1(8%, and ten forties at IGGX Ball'oad aoares are brisk Bile bas been tbe ehler object of the hammering of the bears who have'succeeded in betas down the pi ice from 74, its highest point this morning, to 70%, i» iq - * eet. The best dividend'paying Western shares are increasing in favor with investors. H«fore the first session gold was quoted at 213, New York Central at 108, Brie at 73%, Hudson Biver atlos. The following quotations were made at the board compared with those of Saturday afternoon: ‘ Hon. . Sat. Adv. Bee. United States tfs, 1881* e0up*...10&% 193% % JJnited States 5-20 coupons-..-108% , IQSK halted states fi.?o coup, new.*lo3% IQS* .. \% v United States 1C.40 coupons--.■ 100 X .. United. States certificates...... 9774 , 97% % Tennefc8te63......«,»^........ 05% 56 % hlifsouri fg..................... 64 63 1 ' Pacific Kit 1........ 29d 6 Wo s® |s? .* o B 93 &* F O jlotiaar Qaotatloas at 4 P. If, , mining, amdoil eioeks: | Sid. A#Jt. I Globe 0i1.... ... 2 flowed Wdr Oil* VA tHlbberd 0i1....** 1% ;Br)ge Island. 3.91 .. H>de Fan#4 IrwiuOU....—ll KeyetcneOU...T.o IX 2 Erotzer 1)| 1 Maple 8hade...... 24 U% McCUntock 0i1... Z)i Mineral 0i1....... 7M 2* S.5«S>f MoKlbenyOil.*-.. 4% & McCrea *Cher R. 1% \X Noble & De 1.«... «K.63i 7M 7K Orianic 01L...... % 1 Ols&te&d Oil 2% 2% Perry 0i1.., s£ 4 Phlia 4t Tideout IX Pope Farm Oil— l IX Petroleum Centre* 2% 3 Philada. & Oil Or. VX IX PhUlips... 2 4 Sock Oil SX 4 Ratbbone Petro'.. .. 2 , ShermauouHHt.oowo* 1.44 IX ; SenecaOU .***—* .. 4 Story Pern Oil. 2 1-28 2 3 16 Boh St Oil Greek.. I \X *t Nicbola»....-T.4 MS 4% Sunbuxy .. 1% TanrFarm.-...... .. %% Tarr Homestead.. 6 bX Union. Petrol. lX IX Upper Economy. •.. 1 » . Venango OU..t.w % 1 WaTnnt Island 2.Bl2X Watioa.—— a BEFORE BOARDS. 20 Norristown Railroad. •*»•*< FIRST BOARD. DSMineMUR n 1 do 18 Thirteenth i»t E... 21 a ino Big Mountain t>'Z tCOA'las i»: 600 Big Tank. ~.....,2 8 55 600 do *....b3Q. 2V 600 Keystone Oil.lots, 2 U 2WHcClintooltOtt ... 0?i 100 Yenango Oil,. .Us. 1 400 do 1 500 Ca'dwell Kil iconjlioU ou 9 tor Wroratustloa! ... r BOARDS. ; 501 Bit; Tank bill 9SJ 2iO floraPlanter....b? « i 42 Poona K...,...10w 886 ; 20 Western B-nk as 120 630 Caldwell Oil«lot. Bit > 400 d 0....— b 6 6Sf 4000 Wilmington tod. 152 1 « 100 Ttirr U .meßtd bio 514 SOOHoTaIOU bS 1% 4000 <1 S 5-211 bonds ojh.lOSlf 0000 do .10854 lWlDaUsll Oil 9 to -d0............Us 9 WO MoOlWEook Oil bso . 654 ion Wyoming (10a1.b5 9k wo Ostawlß.n B-.pref ;-:o 1(0 Sltngo ?.50 BOASD.- 2P«nn, R,......... 03« lOOftm A MnS ..,.135 M 0 Walnut ruand-.. Vi 100 lm 600 Cherry RunAPites 1 81 100 Hogan Oil. •••«-.,. )i SO ARDS, ICiO Curtin- • l4 300»oble A Delam’r, 3% 50QRoy|iL4.-» M ,...b5. VA . JJI tittle Schuyl R kl . 39 100 Oil Ran Petrel. b 5 3M lOMinehUl E.v.,..., 67 New 1 ot&Central Railroad-.1073£ lta% Brie Rai1way.................. 70% 73 . Erie Railwaypreferred........ 90 90 Hndsonßiver Rai1r0ad........105 101% .. 1% Beading Railroad 104% 165% .. 1 alter the cell New York Central closed at 107%<RltH, Erie at 71X, Hudson River at 106%, Sea&Bf at loffT Philadelphia Markets. January 36—Evening, There Is very little export demand for Flour, and prices are without change; sales comprise about I*4oo bbls at $9.60@1C for superfine, *lO. £Q@ 1a,75 for extra, and $ll sf@l2 bbl for extra family. The retailers and bakers are baying in a small way at the above prices for superfine and extras, and famey brands at from $12.6C@13 $1 bbi, as-to quality. Bye Flour Is se U ling in a smell way at $8.75@9 9 bbl. GRAIK. --There is very HtUe demand for Wheat, find the marietta dull; 2.609 bas good to choice red sold at $2 ££@2.6o % bn: White is held at $2,6€@2 90 i tu. Bye is selltnc at $L72@l 75 9 bn. Coin is dull and no settled; 1,800 bn* new - yellow sold at $ l ss@i 79 $ ba. Oats are dull; 6,000 bus told at 91@93e 1? bu/ BABB.—lst No. 1 Qaeroitron is held at $4O $ ten. bat we h* ar of no sales. CoTTOK —The market continues dull; small sales are making at £@@ooe @ lb, cash, for middlings. - GhOCEB' EB. —Sugar ana Coffee continue very quiet, and we hear of no sales worthy of notice. - SEEDS —Flaxseed la selling in a small way at from $5. ?m& SO $ bus Timothy-if held at $6 60, but wehear of xo sales Clorereeea is selling in lots at file® 15.601* *4 ms. PKOVTSIOHS.—The market continues quiet at about foi mer rates, add the transactions are in a small way only. Mess Pork is quoted at bbl. Bacon is polling in a email way at 20@24c $ ft for plain and fane* Bams. WHISKY.—The market continue* dull; 100 bbls re filled xold at£22>scs gallon, . The following are the receipts of flour and grain at this port to-day: Honr. -**«•• .e,,....*™ 1,600 b&ls. Wheat...,.,hh....» 4,700 bus Com —« 3.106 bus. Oats*.»«<•»»»*►»*.»»•«..• 3,600 boa. Philadelphia Cattle Ki^ket, January 30—Evening. The arrivals and sales of Beef Cattle at Phillip’s Ave. nue Drove Yard reach about 2,200 head tills week; the market is very dull and prices have dscliaed fully lc $1 & Extra Pennsylvania and Western Steers are telling at from l?<jslB>£c, fair to good at 14@17e, and common at from 3C@130 lb, according *to quality. - The market closed very dull and several lots of common Western were reported at rather lower prices than the above; about 6CO head were left over. Cows are rather dull; 116 head sold at from S3Q up to $7O per head. Sheep axe ur chanted; 6, SCO head arrived and sold-at from lb, gross. Hogs are rather fl> mer; 5,700 head arrive*. and sold at fiomsl7®l9 the 100 lbs net. Cattle on sale to day are from the following I,C6C bead from Pennsylvania. 660 head from Ohio. - 400 head from Illinois* v 100 bead from Indiana. The following are the particulars of the sales: 45, Martin Fuller & Co., Western, 16@1|& r 42 A. Kennedy, Chester county,' 13516, 106. James McPillen. Western. 14@18, 87, P. Bathaway, Western. 15@i8H- • * ICO, Mooney & Smith, Western. 16@17. * 174, M. tfilmao, Western, lAftt7. * If 2. H. Cham. Pennsylvania; 12@16. 300, J. & J. Chain. Peansylvania, 39@1534. 35, Chandler A Co.» Chesser county, 16@18>$. AP, Grors, Western, 12@16 70, Huffy & Co.. Western, 12@15, 32, P. Duffy. western, 12@15. 20, W. Duff*, Western, AU&IS 78, B. Mams, Chester county, IS@l7. 34, W, Yogdes, Cheater county, 16@17. , 46, B. Bood, Chester county, 16@18. 46, Dryfoos A Co , Western, 12@14. 117, Gust. Shamberg* Western, L5@lBH. 326, L. Prank, Western, Io@l6. 60. Bloom A Co., Western, 12@16.Jt 71, J. Anil, Western, 12@16. • - 40, B. S McFilien, Chester county, 16@1S> 93, Christy & Bro .Western, 13@17. 20. Owen Snutb, Western, 16@18. i Cows and Calybs. —The arrivals and sales of Cows at Phillips* Avenue Drove Yard reach about 115 head. The market is rather dull at former rates; Springers are selling at from $30@50, and Cow and Calf at from $35 up to $7O h-ad, as to quality. Old, lean Cows are selling at sl£@26 Hhe ad. . Calves.—About 37 head sold at from ll@l3s9lb, as to condition. THE SHEEP MARKET. The arrivals and sales of Sheep at Phillips' Avenue Drcv« Yard reach abant 6,600 fceadthis week. There Is a fair dußand at former rates, with sales to notice at from 9@locforfair to good,and extra at from lQXmuXe V ft gross* as to quality. THS HOO IiARKST. The arrivals and sales of Hoes at the Union and Avenne Droye Yards are larger than they have been for several weeks past, reaching about 5,700 head. The demand is fair at former rates, with sales at from $l7 up to $l9 the IGO &e net, the latter for prime corn fed* 4.946 head arrived and sold at Henry .Glass l Union Drove 1 ard at from $17@19 the 100 lbs net. 780 head arrived and B*ld at Phillips’ Avenue Drove 1 ard at from $lS®l9 the ICO lbs net, as to quality. Hew York Markets, Jan* 30# A&xss eontinue dull and nominal. M Bmadstdi-fs. —The market for State And Western Flour is dull and 10® 15clower; sales4,soo bbls at 59.35 ®9 45 for DtLperfine State; $9.65@9.60 for-excra Sute. I® 6&@& 7& for choice do, and 9.40®9.70 for enperfise Western; $9.75®10.10 for common to medium extra Western; $lO 7l®nforcommonto goodshipping brands extra round-hoop Ohio, and $ll. O5®lL 75 for trad a brands. Canadian Flour la 10@15c lower; sales of 350 bbls at $9.6C@9.90 for common, and $9.95®U.65 for good to choice extra* Southern Flohr is lower; sales 6QO bbls at $10.55® 11.75 for common. and.sU.Bo®l4 SO for fancy and extra. Sye Flour is dull. Corn Meal is quiet. Wheat is dull and 2@3c lower. , kye is quiet. Barley is dull. Barley Malt is quiet. Oats are quiet and firm at for Western. The Corn market is dull; sales 6,500 bushels new j el low Jersey at $1.75@1 79. _4_ „ pEorisfoss. —The Pork market openedduu and low er ana closed firmer; rales 7,fOQ bbls .at $36®H7.50 for new mess; 433.7£®H4.75 for 63 4 do, cash and. regular way, closing at $34 75 regular, and fSS.6o@So.flo foT prime, and $34@36; also 5,000 bbls now mess for Febru ary and March!) 0., at $37.50©88 50. : t The Beef market is quiet; sales 400 bbls at about pre vious prices. Befef Hsms are quiet. Cm Meats are dull; sales 150 peks at 17@18Kcfox Shoulders, and 38@22c for Hams. The Laid market is declining; sales 2,200 bbls at —The m*rk*t is firmer- and fairly active; sales 01 750 bbls at $2 io®2.3i for Western. Baltimore Markets, Fan. 30. No transactions in Grain afe reported, owing to the closing of the bar bor by ice. Flour—the stock- hr lign t and the market steady; Western superfine stl 12>4; extra sll3i@ll 50 Prorisione are duil. Whisky heavy. Groceries firm and tending upwards. % ' 3LBTOEH BAGS AT THB MpnCHAfiXS' EXCHANGE, P3IH.ADBUHIA Bark Linds, Hewitt' Cienfuegos, soon. Barn hea Bsgle. Howes hpain, soon. Brig Bexminf, (PoL-..8i0 Janeiro, soon. Brig Ansa, Morrow.-. - .......St, Thomas, soon. Brig Herald, Pavls soon. FBILADBLPHiA BOABD OF THA i>£* Jas. B. CAkrnsLL, > „ Pahx. W. DeUoceset, > Committee of the Mouth. James C. Hasp, ) MARINE INTBIiLIGESCEi PORT OF PfIILdDFLPHXAt OTAR. SO. Sex 8ub5...7 011 Bos Sets... 4 591Hian Watbr..*s 6* ABBIY£i>. Steamship John Gibson. Bowen, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm Taylor St Co. Ice very heavy in the bay and river. BELOW. Ship Tonawanda, Julius, from Liverpool Decembor 14th. Cabin passengers—Kev Jos H Co'.ftof Maryland; LevHnshT Harrison, of do; Wm G Harrison. MD, 'do: Howard Kennedy,do; Frank Kennedy,do; B How el Gri> wold, do; B Howell Campbell do; Jas Grieve, of beotlsmd. surgeon, and&l in the forward cabin and steerage. The T arrived oif the Capes in shoal water on »be2lft Inst., and was obliged to haul off on account >f thick weather; did not get in again till early on >he morn it gof the 25th, when Bhe anchored. December 29tb, lat 46.30 N; 'long 42 W. exchanged signals with Hamburg bark Surah, bound B. -Bark Jobn Ohriis, Sylvester, S W Pate- Brig Kate Stewart, Paddock Key West, fichr Cyprus, Cole, Port Boyal. MBMOBANDA Steamship. Norman, Baker, cleared at Boston 28th inat for this port-. _ . ■ _ ■ ' , Sieamship Glasgow (Br), Jones, from Liverpoolllfch in»t and Queenftown X3> a* New York on-Sunday, wi;h4Dl paatesgeis Bad heavy westerly winds most < f i,he passage. Jan 17. lat 60 46, ion 16 49* passed bound east; same day,; 3at 50 47, lon 17 34, ►teami-.hlp Ciiy cf Manchester,, hound ea«t; %ih t )at 42 53, lon 58 06, steamship United-Kingdom, ■ <t«am*bip America (Brem), Weasels, from Bremen and Si nthampton ISthinst, with 276 passengers, at New York on Sunday. - ■ hrebmship Boruwia (Ham), Meier, York on Sunday from Hamburg Bth Inat., and- Southampton 12th iefct, with 368 passengers had a very roujfn pas ssife, i=ttoßg wetterly gales iha Whole time; Mthins ~ shipped a very heavysea, which forecastle deck, part ot the deck-house, and one boat; carried away head sails and catheads, and disabling eight men, one of whom subsequently died from his injuries; 16»a, the steward was washed overboarl and lost LVlaWex ptriented a ftarful hurricane from the a w, which lasted four bear?, and moderated into a severe scerm withadreedfui highsea. . , :•• • Bark Katharine (Br), Colbert, hence, was below Ant- Witch, Fairchild, henee, at Marseilles lOth Bsrv Amelia (Br), Priest, hence, via New Sork, at BTrk Dixon, London9th inat Brig AnteeeUo, McC'e^lan.-hence, at Lond)*n9th lust. BarkDessiah, Gllkey, hence, at Antwerp9>h last Bark Pro wees,. Brown, hence, at Grangemouth lllh BmV Etall (Brtm), hence, at Hrem#rh»Tea6th Iddo Kimball, Clark, cleared at New Orlean* I6*h inst/or thte port. : * Bark Warrior (Br), False, cleared at Bmtjn 2Btli inst fo* - MeJboorne. Schr J V Wellington, Chipman, cleared at Boston Sfth inst fer this p«rt. , . Brig tan Antonio. Jackson, for this port, in ball ait, eSared at New Orleans ISthinst, and was at anchor at tbe S Brik Glendale, Gnthrle. cleared at New Orleans 17th li-< . for this (wrta.end'waa w aaehnr « s f Pas. 21st Capt-duTowntend, la e.rtheeohr AUce Slowe of B .1 tifnurf, bas reached hlsh'>me-lu f>att : more, and reports t«- t on the of November, his veetel, while atauc .or i ff SfaTauioioe. was cap?ored by a party of iebete,.c J>i carried Into a port of 7-xas _ The ca.t.-'n was oa sb -'e at tbe time f the capture The A-les Howe was jt fine ▼ewel of 169 tons Dorth’eflf'owiiwl b» Meswe. Strtl'ag Jt Ahrons. or Baltimore, and wasaregulat West India tiader. Tim vessel Is said to be fally.covered by -n -surance, but in whut offices it is not stated. THE. &HSGS: TtfOURNING CHINTZEP, S 3 CENTS.- AYJ. We have reduced the price of best quality Bf.tck snd White Americas Chintzes to 83 cen *s BESBOK A SON. MuaroingSV.ve, ja2T Ho. DIB OSJSBTNUT dtreet. fWEKS ELIZABETH COLLARS.- A few more dozen of wide He rlere C lUra, just re •sived. Also, new style Fau«y Crape Collars BSBSOH A SON, ««uruingBtore, laS7tf Ho. DIB CHEarEfuTßtreet, A. A LONG CLOTH MUSLINS, 44 OTS. * * Hew York Soils Skirtings, Better than WltiJarnsville, D. Wanwutta. next to tbe beat, D* fieamlees Sheeting Muslins. jan ROURT^md* NOVICES. of » k °eiv«r Fhh,a»blphia, January 30, 1865. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. Tk, TAX DUPLICATES Will U owned on WBDJT23- DAT HEXT, Pebtnaiy Ist, for. Ibo pirpoao of rsooliing CITT and STATE TAXES for tbe year 1966. [Signed] CHAS. O'NElLiti, ja3l-8 BEOEIYBR OP TAXES. |SS» THE ASSSAL HRErtSS OP CHE •=»' Steckhdldera of the ROCKLAND PSTROLEHa COMPANY wiitbe held at.their OSlca. northeast cor ner TfiißD sad DOCK Streets (2d stoiy), on WEDNESDAY, Feo. 8-h, 1865, *> at 11 o’clock A. M., when an Station wiu be held for five Dir* store. ja3l-3t* EDWARD H. FLOOD. Secretary. A MEETING OP TfltE STOCK. HOLDERS of the UHIO* DEPOSIT HiOif 00. will bft Isold at the Offioe of the (lompmy, 90S Sooth. FODETH Street* on Wedne«d&ri Feb. 1, at 12 a. Easi ness of Importance will be transacted, By order of the President HASONXO NOTICE.—THE OFFX -OBHB and members of EASTER STAR LODGE, P 0.168, A. Y II.« and the c*af ; generally. ara r*qu*»>t<>d to meet at the HaUT OHE-TNUT StfwBD NJsSDaT. the let Feh » at 10 o’clock A M . to attend the funeral of their late B o&her, DANIEL MBRSHON. -.By order of the W, M. GEO. P. LITTLE, ja3l-2i* Seare.aTy. PHII/ADBIPHU, JANUABT Sir 1866 —All Officers of the army on duty or lea-re. now fa Philadelphia, as well as alldUchargsd officers, who ha-re served m tha 2d and 3d Corps, era ra ip*et fully invitf.il to attend the funeral of the late Colonel JOBN w MOORE. They will assemble at the corner of BROAD and CHESTS OT Streeisat 12 o'clock M.,THId DAY, in full uniform. Col. A. EL TIPPIN, , 68thP*nua. Vola.; „ GoLF. SIDES, It* . y X 67th Penny Vet Vole, * SIXTH WARD.-EVEBY PERSON E 3 5? interested in the coming DRAFT, is requested to attend the meeting TRJ3 (Tassday) EVENING, »t 7 o clock, at the School-house, in GROWN Street. The Precinct Committees arenowsolicitinc funds ror WARD BOUNTY, and expect that ev«y per*on wJI I glvn whit they can afford to 7**lie vans from a draft. Mr. WAT H. BARNES, Fo. 37 North THIRD Street, le treasurer of the Ward Bounty Fund, and will thankfully receive and record all subscriptions landed to him Alderman CHftS. WELDING, Chairman.' Jogw Hagak, 8ec T y and BeerttHlng Ageat. if Kg® ELEVENTH WARD AVOID THE DRAFT. —The enrolled oltizens of this ward are requested to' meet TO-NIGBT, at 7>£ o’cldok, at the HaLL, SECOND and COATES. Every enrolled person In the ward is requested to give this matter hies?* lions consideration, as there yet remains hut 16 or 16 days to think of it. ___ _ _ . FRED. GLARING, President. Thob. A. Fabt. Bec’y and Treas. U* TWESTY FIRST WARD.—T H 8 official quota of the Ward is now ascertained to he near three hundred men after all' allowances are made. __ The Executive Committee of the Ward Bounty Fuad now call upon the enrolled citizens, and all others who desire that the draft ma&be avoided, to-meet them at MAfcOHIO BALL, MAJ&YUSK.on THIS (Tuesday) EYEWIttG, January 31st, at 7K o’eloek, to council to* gerher as to what shall be done. ‘ It is for the people them«elves to elect what actios shall he taken, and that without delay H. CAMPBELL, President. It*’ F. Fatrhoubb, Gjs«. fl. Smith, Secretary* M MD«CAKTEBS, IPENHSyIVA IKS’ HU. MILITIA, .Harkisbiro, Jan. 36,1885. OBKBE4S o&jblSs'mo. iuthoriiy frem the War Oepartxaeat baring this day been received to raise Fifty Companies of Volunteer' infantry, uad«rtliec*lloftfca Fr-sideat of the Unlit d btatescf tie 19th of December, ISS4, for three hundred, thousand (901,000) men—*aid companies to be assigned' /to regiments now in the service, wherein vneancle* exist, or consolidated Into complete regiments, as may hereafter ha deemed heat-jf is ordered, I, Specie!authorities wm ha granted *o raise eompa nies; to he reontf’ed and organized agreeably to Geuo* ral Orders .No 181, War department, series of 18S4« Preference will he given to persons who hare been la service, and have been honorably discharged, or who may he detached from reduced £« giment* in the field, or mastered out of service in consequence of eonaolida* lions, il. Applications for appointments as mustering LUnr~ tenants, under the above orders .will be immediately made to the office of the Adjutant Gener&l of the Btat *, as the time allowed fox raising these troops Is too short to admit of any delay XU. Commanding officers n&squads or of companies, recruited in the Western Division of the State will re* port to the commanding officer, Gamp Curtin, Harris burg; and of those recruited in the,Eastern Division of the State, to the comm and* ng officer. Gamp Cadwa lader, Philadelphia. Upon the application of the commanding officer, or of the mustering Lieutenant *f a company, to the agents of the different railroad companies throughout the State, transportation to the camp of rendezvous 'will be furnished. - IT. Actual and necessary expenses for boarding and lodging of troope raised nader this order, will be paid by the United States disbursing officer, at the proper post, at a rate not exceeding forty cent* per day for t&ch man muttered into the service of the United states, .on "'the affidavit of th» < dicer furnishing the men, supported by the receipts of the party to whom the money was paid- Hames of the men, and the dates between which each man was boarded and lodged, muit be stated is the accost rendered. , ..... ... • . V. The term of terries will be for either one, two or three years, aarecruiUmaj elect. ' YI. These troops musi be mustered into service by the seventh (7th) of February next. In order that, theymay be cn dited on the quota of the State, under the afore* said call, prior to tne draft. VII. Incomplete companies which fail to organize, . will be consolidated within a reasonable time, so as to form and be mnstared in with complete-company orga nizations before Ihat date. „-*••. - TUI Bounties will be paid by the United States Go vernment as follows: Tor recruits for one year $lOO 00 Yor recruits for two-rears*".****"**"-* 300 TO Forrecrultslor three rears,. ...: 800 00 The ffjst instalments of bounty will be paid by the mustering asd disbursing officers, when the recruit is mustered in, as follows: ’ To a recruit who enlists in the army for one year. $ S 3 33 To a rsezuit who enlists in the army for two years 3663 To a recruit who enlists in the army for three _ _ years..... ....-."**—- - .100 00 By order of . . _ . *■ A. Q. CUBTIIT, Governor and Commander-in- Chief. A, L. BUSSELL, Adjutant General, fennsylvania. The annexed order is published for general inferma lien: WAX DEPARTMENT, A® JUTANT GJBH SEAL’S OFFICE. Washington, March. SI, 1334 GENERAL ORDERS, No. ISI. „ , General Orders, Ho. 16, series of 18i2, are hereby xa* seineea, and toe following orders will govern hexeafUr Loll** thereof: I. In organizing new regiments or independent com* Sanies of votpmeere, the Governors of tne States are erehy authorized to appoint,/ in addition to the staff ofletr* heretofore authorised, one 24 Lieutenant for each company, who shall be conditionally mm taxed into service at the date of his Appointment. Any ©fleer ibus appointed and mastered, shall only be en titled to be paid on the master and pay roll of his com pany, and should he fail to enlist an organized compa ny within inch time as the War Department may dv eignate, the men enlisted by him shall be transferred to some other company; his appointment shall be can celled and he shall be discharged without pay, unless the Governor gives him a position in the consolidated company to which Ms men shall-have beejfitransferred. II; Mustering officers will report promptly to the Ad jutant General of the Array the name of every recruit ing lieutenant mustered into the service by them ta* der a conditional letter of appointment, together with the company and regiment for which he is*recrait!ng. Officers will he umsteredintothe«Brviceooly on the au thority of the Governor of the State to which their regt- Article's o' enlistment will be made out Indupli cate by such recroitlcg officers, *nd wilt be disposed of as provided by paragraph 15, page P), Recruiting Be luiations, VoJnnteer Service.' Recruits will be sent to therefiment&l rendezvous, at least, ?b often as onoe a week, wh«felhey will be immediately examined by the Surgeon of the regiment,or other Surgoos employed for that purpose by the Superintendent volunteer Re cruiting Service, and if found unfit for duty by reason of permanent dieabittt?, will be discharged from ser vice lor.hwith bt the Surgeon, who wilt .'resort such discharges to the Superintendent volunteer Recruiting Service, and also to 'the Adjniant of the regime at, noting particularly those cases where' the disability was obvious at the time of enlistment As soon as the organization is eeinplete, it shall be carefuUy Inspected end mustered by a United States Mustering officer, who wti see that at lesst the minimum numoer of eaoh company is present; no absentees will be counted. IV. Until regiments br independent vompaoles are organized and mustered in, they will be under the cou ti oi ox the Governor of the State, bat all requisitions for Quartermaster, Medical, and Ordnanca sto.es, ail coli tre cts for fuel, etraw, and subsistence, and all requisi tions for transportation. must be approved- by the Sa~ perlntendvnt of Volunteer Recruiting Service for the State or division. , _. . . . V. Ho accounts for expenses Incurred in rising new crgaaizatioji* stall be paid byDisbursin* officers, nu le, s approved by the Superintendent ot Volunteer Be* bruiting Service. * i By order of the War, i fOmou&.3 , E. D TOWfiSEND, jaSO-St _ - Assistant Adjutant General. «<H» A DRAFF IS THIS TWESUK I'M KE? WARD cun only Da avoided br the prompt oay• Burnt of the TWJBfITS -FIT* DOLI.AR, AS 5B SS H* STS. So far only 226 men out of 4,000 enrolled and liable to be drafted, have subscribed -The (junta oftbe ward is about tOO, aid if the Draft takes place double that num ber win be drawn, which wiU take two men out of •aery seven. Bat this can be avoided if ever* matt will nay $26 at once. jßvery man can better afford to pay $25 than to he dHfted. The ComjpUtw egela sit to receive your subscription, on 31F» ORO AY. MO3S DAT, TDBSDAT. and WBDNS«D AY 13YB£?12* GS,-Jan uary 28th, 80th, and Sl«t, and Pebrnary Ist, from 7 U 9 o’clock.p. M.. at tbefollowing pieces: v ' Ist corner Te?tbandroplar. Zd do. School Boose, hifhth and Thompson 8d do. ' School House, Bighth and Thompson 4th do. Southwest comer Sleventh and Girard avenue. Southwest corner lleveath and Giraid avenue. 6th de. Packer’. Hardware Store, 1576 Girard avenue. 7th do. J. G. Adam*% 1116 Jefferson street. Bth do. School House, Seventeenth and Master streets tth do* Wihiam'SHeldsMlUetednthuttd Hldge avenue. .. 10th do. School House, street, above Twenty-second. Hth do. Humane Bactae House, Thirteenth and Oxford • • • HJff. S. HALL, President. sth do. B. Haspur, Secretary. jgjjp- U.'S. CHKISTIM COMMISSION. THE THIRD ANNITEESABT MEETING UNITED STATES CHBIBTIAS COMMISSIOH WTLL BE HBLB IW IH* IWaWCAK AiIAPBWT Of MUSIC, TuesdayHvenlnie, Jan. 31,1865, AT 7K O'CLOCK. ADDRBBSEB WILI, BE DSLIVEEBD BT (tenoral FIBK, of the Army of Hiwoori. Hot B W. cMidi.AW, of Cincinnati. JOSI PH STORY. Era ,of Boston- . - . ■st. BICHIBD 6, KWTON. D. D., of Philadelphia Set ALEXaKDER KEKD, of Philadelphia, hey. EDWARD HaWBS, of Philadelphia, Aj>& other dUdinfaished speakers, whose iun« are not yet üßOQcetid. * Free Ticket* ofadmission will he ready for distTlbu* don oh FBIDAY *fierooon, at 3 o clock, at Giaxton *m Book stores Mo. 00C Chestnat street. .., One third of thp tickets will then be distributed; an* other third on fIATUEDA-Y afternoon, andthe rent *n hIOWDAY afternoon, at tbe same hours Thersvill be no otHr places or times for obtaining tickets.' HaeJc by the Germania Orchestra. Boors ©pen at half past six. . ja26 5t GBO. fit. STUABT. Chairman. iOOtCFABY OF TH 8 P*? STATE OF PESMSyLYASfA. Jaxtraar 31,1855. The Annual Hcetihffof the Stockholders will be neld at the Company's office* on MOM©AY, February 5, 16 f£30 el tf*6 **’ *WIUJAM HABPBE. Swafaurr- _ OFFICE BTOBT FARM Oil. €o3*. PANX, : ••-•". ‘ ThV.Pi*Pet«rs‘b*y« tbl*.d ar 4ee)ared a dividend Af(\) 'Awi FBROBFT., pj»yaWe.dn.aiid afw FBBftETaRY 1-s Bo'ts# vilV w«driABdaTL Jag,wy *M|u *t-3 o’cl<u* V. M , and opinTbomftr, .Pehm»ry,2d. «t W „ a. *. . ~ ,y. * * ' Jannarj SSi IW. NOTICES. KOfltiß. A SPECIAL MEETING CP THE STOCKHOLDER M’OI.INTOOKVIL.LE PETROLEUM COMPANY. Will beheld at the OFFICE OF THE COMFAKT, Ho. Ml WAI.NTJT ST., OR THURSDAY. FEB’Y 18. 1665, At 12 o’clock H.» to CONFIRM A 8 ALB Of a portion of their Land, made by the Board of Di rector* January 23* 1865. . . By order of the Board. , CHAB L. DOUCLABB, jaflLtfifi TWEBT fT-FOEftfß WABB.-Of. FICIAL loforma’iun has been received that not? less than FOUR HONORED MEN wi-1 be required from theTwentv- fourth Ward, under tbs eaU of Daceubet 18. 38E4. But two. weeks remain before the d*y fixed for tfae draft, and the ward can only e»c&pa by a uoit-id and vißorons,effort. The citizens of the Ward are ear nestly requested to meet acthe Commmsionar'i’ Sail* comer of THIRTY-SEVENTH and MARKET Btreets on WEDNESDAY. EVENING. Feb; Ist, at 7*4 o’clock, when H will tm determined whether or not the attempt will he made to fIU the quota of the ward by volun teering. - By order of the Executive Committee. ja3t-2t E. D. SaUSPERS. Chairman, McCLELLASr OLD OIJA8&.-4 Meeting of the McOlellau Old Oaird will b'e held at Barr’* Globe Hotel, South SIXTH Street, THIS (Tuesday) NIGHT, at7o’clock. All office re and honorably discharged soldiers are in vited toaUend, ■ - By order of WILLIAM D. LEWIS, Jr,, President. Harry Larks, Secretary pro tem, It*. PBILAHELPHIi BDOIKTY FOR PROMOTING AGRICULTURE -Stated meet ing, at r00m5,702 WALNUT Street,on WEDNESDAY, February let, at 11 o’clock A M. jsS^2i THE ASNFALMCE 12 flMtt OFTHE Stockholders of ifae VoLtJAMO «IL AND COAL COMPANY. _ Will be held at the office, Ho. 11 PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, oc TU Esß AY, the. 14th of February next, at 4 o’clock P. M.. for tba pa-pose of electing fire Direc tors to serve the easaing year. _ jaSQl6t A. L. MASSEY, SecreJarv. ra* OFFICE GF THE COAL RIDGE IMPROVEMENT AND COAL COMPANY, - PiniiADBLPHrA Jah. 26, 1885. At a meeting of the Stockholders, held this day, the fallowing named gentlemen were chosen as Directors for tbe ensuißgyear: • . « . George d. Pepplier, f J. L. E/rlnger, Samuel C. ’Ford, | Israel Morris, Thorr aa Drake, l Ha ary H G.Sharuless, Joseph Trimble, 1 Edmund 8. Frishmuth. And at a meeting of the Board of mfesVorf,Told ft• jmsry 27th, ls£s, the following Officsre were elected for tfceanSUi C*E§Ra.K R KEPFLIEE, FfBßld»ife THOMAS DRAKE. Treasurer. HORACE B HtyOHEM., Beorstarr. i»80-a BORAGE B HITCHBLU. Sesratary. |2S= ATBUTIOK VOI.VNTKEKg]! 1=8? BIIiHSST BOUNTY I fouktsshth ward. The Recruiting Committee are now prepared to pay in CASH the LABGE3T BaDHiTKS to all recruits ac credited to this ward They will eit at the Southeast comer of THIRTEENTH and GREEK Streets EVERT HAT from 9 to 4 o’clock, Where all iu formation will ha cheerfully gives. Avoid the brokers, come to m and receive ye Lb BOTJKHES In CASH. „„ BOUHTIBS. Forone year |i» 00 For two years * 875 08 For three years, 835 00 FOB TVfo TEAR YETBRAHS JOIKISG HaHTCOGR'S CORPS. For oneye*r. ..*.*.5835 09 For two yesrs... 975 00 For three years*. ; 1,125 00 s Dr. J. MACNTCWOI,,. J. W. TEACKARA. __ ja24»lffc ■ FSBP’K. A. YaK CLEVIS, > <wm»Ktee. I5S* ©FTSOE OF THIS CITY BOUHTT* WS& FUSC COMMISSION, COMMON WB 4.LTH BUILDING, 631 CHESTSOT Street, Philapblphia. Jan: S 7, 1865. Notice is hereby given tfcat the Commission for the - payment of the City Bounty are now prepares to receive and adjust the claims of all sew recruit* under the pro- Visions of Ordinance of January 28, 1835. % Toluuteeia for One Tear will receive a warrant for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. • Volunteers for Two Tears will revive a Warrant for FOUR HUNDRED AffD FIFTY DOLLARS,., , Volunteers for Three Tears will receive a Warrant for FIVE BUNBBBD DOLLARS. Enrolled citizen* who wbal! place ia the service of the United States a Substitute for not less than Three Years, In advancrof a draft, and who shall thereupon be cre dited upon the quota of the eSty of Philadelphia, will receive a Warrant for •-• THEE HUNDRED DOLLARS.* By order of the Commission. ‘ ■ *■ ja3B if JOHN BLAIR, Secretary. THE PKItADSIPHIA PUBLIC STOCK IXGHaKGB Gos£PAifr haring com pleted its organization* and t»ken on lease the spacious room on lie *eoo»d floor of the LI 3£ ART-STREEP HALL, in the rear of the Custom Honse and in the im% mediate vicinity of the Post Office, trill open the same for business on MONDAY, the 13th proximo. • Particulars as to the roles. &e.» of the association . will he siren hereafter. - - A limited number of tickets will be issued to Annual Eubsciibe-rs. the price being fixed at $25 each. app)i« .cation for which may be mad a at the office of the Presi dent, fio. SO MhBCfIAITTS' BXCHABGB. - b. s. qassatt. President. . ja-38- 4t* F££D£B DAM COAL COMPANY, OFFiCE. No. 333 S<>OTH fHfRI? SCKEBTV Philadelphia, Jan. 37, 1865 At a ppaclal meeting of the stockholders held ’ HIS DAY, it was decided to purtbase a lease on a working colliery, which will yield a revenue to the company immediately. Thow wishing to subscribe for their proportion of new stock, will call at the office on or be* fore Feb 1, next. CHAB. D. KSIQHT. ja-28- 4t* , Secretary. NOTICF.—'*H B MEBT- I23B? IP Oof the Stockholders of the DARK HOLLOW OIL AHI> MAKOFACTURIBQ COW PAPY will he held at tie Office of tie Company, Ho. 539 WALHITT 6L. Room Ho. 7 1 first floor* on the 30th of Feb. next (being' the third Monday in tie month), atio’oloek F. m. H. RICHiRnS, Secretary. FgII.ADEI.PHIA, fan 27.1865. OFFICE WESTERN PMSSYLfA -NLA RAILROAD COMPA-HT,' ‘ - PIIILAMSDTHIA, JannaTy 3». MBS. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS—Ac Adjourned An. Baal Heating of she .Stockholder, of the Cote 11 aßy will ba helo on TUESDAY, rhe eaventh day of Worn ary, 1866. at 12 o'clock Ml , at 80. 838 Soutb TflEßDStreei, Fiiladekbia - Annnal Election for President, nod IMrectora will rbe held dameday andplace. - “V JOSEPH LESLEY, ■jaiSSt ' ‘ Hicretary. BCTSS*’ OFFICE OIE CREEK AXO MDO. WAY RAILROAD COM PAST. Phidadelphia, Jan. 38,1885. UOTICE TO-STOCKHOLDERS —an adjourned an imal meeting of tlie Stoetrholdere of this Company trill be bald on TUESDAY, tire 7th day of Pebrnery, 1865. at 1 o’clock F. M , at Mo. 838 South THIRD Street, Phfla delphta. Annnal election for President and Directors trill be beld came day and place. JOSEPH LESLEY, ja2B 9t ■ . Secretary. OFFICE OF THE FWjLTOSf CO Ali V 3& COMPANY PbilabbljPHla, J4H. 27,-1865. ; Tee Annual Meeting of the sioc*ho-dars will beheld nttbe Office of «he dompa»y» 4rOT LEBSaSY Street, on MOW DAY, February 6th* proximo, at hstlf past o’oloelr P. M-. at vrbich time an Bleotion for Officer* serve ihe euauisg year wilj a) bo tak« place. ja2B»tfe€ * P. C. HOLLIS, Sectary, THE IOVtST BAI£ COAI CO- V 3& ANWUaJ, MUBTING *-The stockholders of the Itoonst Dale Coal Company ar* hereby notified ibat their annual meetia#, for the choice of Directors and such other business as may legally be transacted, will be held at the COWTIKBWTaI. HOTEL, in the citv of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, the first day of Febru . ary next, at two o'clock PM, . : THEODORE D SHORT, Secretary. PHTLABStKRIA. January 14.1866- jal4-15t’ Kg° AKSITERSART OF THE HSS, CHANTS’ FUND. —The ele-renth anniversary of. this association will be caiebraWdat-the AO ADS MY OP MUSIC, On TJ3UESDAT BYEaiJSG, February 2. at o’clock. The annual report will be read and addresses de livered by BIBH j p bthPSON, and DANrBL DOTOHERTT, Esa The orchestra "will he jmder the direction of Hr, Simon HaSsler. . ; , , , , . Cards of admission may be had gratuitously, by ap* P lyin|jnriy MINORNB. No 904 Che ate ot street WM - C. LtfDWIG, No. S» North Third street. JAMES C HAND No 614 Mamet street. EPBUSD A. 80UDBR, Bock-street wharf. Jaai-tfeHf Committee. fr<sa» UNION CASAI, COHPANT.-AN IfS? Adjourned Meeting of the Bond and Stockhold ers of the UNION CaNaL OOMPaN I wIU he held at the Room* .of the Board of Trade, on TUB -D AY. gist tost, at 33%’elock M. JAMES PAGE, - President. JaapAmT 26,1865. ja-26 5t THE wm DSAFf.-CITIziWB* SUBSTITUTE. ji E PRIS ENT AT IYB, A*D vOL- UftTEEE AGESCT.—We beg leave to call the attention of tfco&e who are drafted, and those woo are scroll* i and lisble to military duty, and also that class of por tonawho are not liable to draft,(ladies, aod g«atl,eoiea oyer forty-five years), to our fegency for procuring sub sti*utes:and volunteer representatives. Persons should attend to this important matter at once, as the draft has been fixed for the 16th of February next. . We are doing a strictly legitimate,business; wears furnishing »en not liable to the draft as substitutes ana representatives, as low. if not at lower prices* than any. other sgtney in Philadelphia. The law allows-us so.< put tutwsitutes in the Navy or Marine Corps, to be credited ta any district in the State where the principal business, if persons living in or cut of the city, who are enrolled; will famish us with a certifi cate of their enrolment from the Provost Marshal of their district, they can have substitutes sworn into, either branch of this service, which will folly exempt them from fr aft,- , , „ , . Reference cam be given to ladies and gentlemen in this city for whom we have done business in thi<i line, and also in the following counties: Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Berks, -Bucks, Schuylkill, and UICPtOB. " N. B —Church,* and Clabs famished at the {meed 'possible price*. Liberal arrangements hcade ;Iwith Township Committees to Sllgnolas- _ t Call or address McFALLT, PAXBON. &CO , • * r *IICBBSTSUT Strset. or jug.- 6t ■ Box 2U77 Philadelphia Post Office. OFFICE WKST FHIUBKLPHU las PABBEKGKR Railway company, forth west corner of FORTY-FIRST and HAVEBFORWte., PaltAßßt-PHIA, lan. 10. 18S5 - The Board of Directors hare tnis day. declared a divl dend of FIVE PER CENT on the Capital 8 took of the Company, to3lst nit., dear of all taxes, payeele.on end after the 20th mst. - The'Books for the transfer of Stock will he cloeed nntll that date. _ iaia th»tq-12t* WM. MARTIN, Jit., Treasorer. etH- OFFICE OF THE BUCK DIA *3/ MOND COAL AND IRON COMPANY, »05>f WALNUT Street, Philadelphia' ■ ■ The A nnnal Meeting of the Stockholders of this Cota pany will he held at sbis OSes on MONDAY., thelBth day of Febinary. between the hoars of 10 and 2 o clock, at which time an Eketiox will take place for Directors fortke eisntnc year. J.B. HB3TON, - jaSg-stnhSl* . Secretary. *-TS= NOTICE.—THE ANNEAL MEET* ■JfE? INOofthe Stockholders of the DNION STEAM-* SHIP COMPANY will be hdd on TUESDAY, Febroarjr 7th, lefj. at 4 o’e ock p, M , at the office. No. 14’Sonh DELAWARE Avenue, when an eleotion will take place for Bye Manaiers, to wryiyorthe Krtnln* year. ; j»2»-12t WM. W. HARgNESS, Bs.ietary, I®" COEN EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION. IKS? —He Annual Meeting ''of the COEN BX CHAHOB ASSOCIATION will be held on TUESDAY, Jannarj 81, 1865. Anolettlin will be held for officers to seme forth* ensnln* year. Polls triU bo opan Icom 11 A M. until 3P. M., and from tii ootll P. M. The annual report will be read-at J>£ Pr M - ia«.6t JOSEPH 8. -PEROT, Seeretary _ KST O*FIUIS ALLKGHSNI B&ILROAS I® AND.COAL COMPANY „ m FHtLADBLPHIA. 1865. The ANNUAL METING of the ai'OCitauLOEK-j of the ALLEGHENY RAILROAD and COAL COMPANY will be held on MONDAY, flth da- ofPebcoary, 1?65, at 12Hat No. 3 FORREST Pit ce. 133* South FOoftTff Street. Philadelphia An election for President and Directors trill be held at the same time and place. J>3128« PREP*K B. HPBgSbL, Secretary. FotIRTH NT. ARCH Street Phil ad] At the annual Election f< 10th, the follow lag tantieme title Bank for the ensuing y» William P. Himm, Albert C. Roberta, James C. Ke:ch, William books. . Williams. Stokley, W. B. Harris, . ■ ■ • At a meeting of the Board, P. HA&Xy Esq. , vr&a unai dent, ALBERTO ROBERTS EHAfiTtrS POTTLSON. Eeq , jama SAMTT6L 4 'NOTIOE -THR ASsijAl MEKT* IRC oOie Stockholders of the O.IBiH S tUX NAVIGATION COMPAS ?. forthe sleeting ot Five- Di rector?, and lb a transaction of other hdslhess, wi i o* hold at Vo 1»6 North DELAWARE Areaae (seooid floor), on TTJESDA V ,'vbe 7th of next, at ha.f> past twelve o oiock P. U. • , WILLIAM DENNIS. jag*-12* v gaeretarr and Treasurer. ISST" NOTICE —In* ASM CAT, St|SESV ■** „ I«0 of the Stockholder* of tea PHU, A D tSBPH t k ABD BAVABBAH big AM N.t VIH ATIOSOOMPANt for the ejection of hoe Managers ead of other business will he held at K 6. 186 Berth DRL V WiEE Averfne (teoond floor) oil TOESO AY, the 7th of Behrosrj next, *tl2 o'clock noon. , WitLIAHDBSBJSw 1 Ssoretary and Trehsaror. K2gr--’ driivii «r vhj& ijstws I'kn/kt, COMPANY. -• ' HHii.ADKJ.PBJA, .Tanaarvl?. tB£»- Ttof Ammfd *>f the JjfOiJK and JldifD' fl<*3.l>B.hSs of the Union O&o&t '-ora;-Bu>, and election for«. filters art* Manage tb to serve tor tee eneoln* y«*r, will be held at the office «f ih* Company, &(<>. &28 WaLKUT Stieet, on TUESDAY, day ofifebra anr next, at U o’clock A M. } : The Transfer Books wiU he closed on the 23th Instant. ijalS tfeT , , OBCAB THOMPSON, Secretary. KOHITOft Oil, COUPAKT HOF YBNAKGO COUfITY. PBSTHBILVAaffA.- LlapitAL SI, COO, OOP. Par value of each Share, $5; Only 10,000 Shares will be sold at the snbaoription price of $l jack. Books open at the office, So. 145&- South FOURTH. Street. Prospectus will be forwarded ffra,- lUitously. . \ I»HB*rbSKT, C. P. of Oil city, TBBAHUHBH. JOB* KARSH, o*n 1 n v • ia»et aBOEOB P orf«r4». m. d. jSgf** piTOEsn kohces. flbe following Dividends (for DSCKMSBB) hare bttn declared parable JANUARY 3lat» to Shareholders of record January 2l«t, 1£64: Secretary pro, taw; NUth Dividend •■.. One Dollar per Share. CHASE HOLD COMPAHY, Totith Dividend...... .—..One Dollar per Share. Sixth Dividend —. Three per Cent. Second Dividend ........ One per Cant. Tram fer Books will he olcmed from January 21st to February Ist. PHIMBBIiPVI&AMD BE4DU€» . RAILROAD COMPANY, Office No. a eOTJBTB Street. • „ : w _ i f Philadelphia, 1864. I DIVIDEND NOTICE -The trailer books of this company will be closed on THURSDAY, December 1-5, as a re opened on TUESDAY. January 10, 1835 A Dividend of-FIFTEEN PER CENr, oil the commoa v and preferred stock, dear of National and State raxes, bfeabeen declared, payable iu coma on stack on'the Slat December next, on all stocks standing on the books of the Company, at the close ol business on the loth prox. . _ „ ■ Stockholders whose names are registered en the new York books will be-pald at the Farmers' boau and Trust Company. - 8. BRADFORD, ’ , Treasurer. f 192 d Fi ATTENTION!—THIS *H uudsTriiued has received authority to recruit a ©am QpKDT for Oftß-YBAB’S B&&VIQB. $525 Botitity. #A£iH BBBORD, Captain, and Beerni ling Offissr, R; B. coiner THIRD and POCK Streets, aecoad j-tory. Bntraiufo oa BOCK fetreet •* / - ja3l-2t* ik. NEEDLES, UKM CHEISTHVT STBBKT, [svltwkttuiUan to hl» luge ueoitmoat of iIaCE. GOODS, IB SERETJBS, COLEAK9, SBTS, HAHBHSBCHIEPS. to., »uiti[bla for tit prannfc aoason. 11,000 TABDB 01 3-XABD 'WIBI , FRENCH MUSLINS. Mntht a \artrain, and for tale few. Al*o> tIkEBTASB, ILLOSIONS. Md othM toed*, ndtabieSrßßlDAL ABD PABTT DBBSMSB. A Tery «xten*iYe assortment of HIiSBKEROHISfS, VKILS,ET2KbOIDBBIKB, 4w. , all of * blah an «On« 4 it prleoa ATish b«Iow tbo present acid rates. j \ EL M. NEEDLES, 1034 CHKBTSOT Stnofc iyrusiilKB AHD CALICOES B3a- XU. DTJGBD. ' We areriow prepared to offer all the makes of Cali eces, Shining and Sheeting Masllas, at greauyre dneed prices, WLliamsvilla Maslin CO cants. Other leaCixgmikesinjw«oortfon. f- CUR WENBTODDABT& BEO., ■ 450, 45&, and 454 North SECOND Street,. - «;•»- • above Willow. Blankets, all sizes and SHADES. Prices reduced to close' *®t. ■ „ CBKWEN STODDAJRT At BKO., 450, 453, and 454 NoithSECOND Street, above Wlllovr. •PLANNELS 4 of ell toe leadir* makes, at less tbaa former Mires. ODEWEN STODDAIiT * 880., 450, 458, and 454 North SECOND Street, above Wlllotr. and BOYS’ WEAR, XTA. of all desirable ftyle*. M • Wo axe dosing ont above Stock at IJBDUCBDPKICBS, CURWEN BTODDABT & BSO., . 450, 45fc, and 454 North SECOND Htreft, above Willow. ."READY-MADE CLOAKS ll Aod LAMBS' CLOaKISG CLOTHB A, 880.. 430, 453, and 454 Ijorto SECOND Street, . - - above Willow. JJRESS GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, Closing out our entire f-toot:, winch still is largo and varied, comprising, French MBRINOEB, - Preach POPLINS, Preach EMPRESS CLOTHS, Pres oh BP'MGIES, Rick CASHMERE PLAIDS, •i > Rich POPLIN PLAIDS. 4c., Sc., andvrc have al,o arrav «d a larse stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, wbich areaeranged And marked at such prices as will induce perrons to anticipate their wants for the ap proaching reason. l jaso-st Above Willow. OTILLXAHSVILI.E, NEW YORK “T Mlsig,Wanisatta,an4otter first-data Skirt inis. Utlck'mi amrueßot; i»ld« Bh.»stliigs Cables shed Extra Usury Wida Sheetings, Sent Unbleached Mnslina made. Good Linens for Shirt Fronts. . ■ Di&perfi, Towels, Napkins. Doylies, dee. Nali&rdsyale, Shaker, a&d other Flannels, CLOSING pOT CHEAP, - „ , Odds and Bads Winter Goods, Heavy Dress Goode, bad Styles do, also. Kankete, Heavy Tlannels, tu., Balmoral Skirt, at & CONiKD. S. i. corner NINTH and MAKKKT. THE lowest prices our motto. JL—'a great ebancs for bargains, as we are determined to close ont our itock, if great ledacEionsin prices will do it We are new selling oar entire assortment of i>re«s Goods and staple Drr Goods, at lower prices titan »,oO l « l ,..| Sß i|tK i = r U W _ ' 1 BALB^W*OOL A ASD O «OTT™» J FLA«* ELSaUSOo. 14 BLEACHED MUSLIHS at Mo. wortsej}!. WILLIAMSVILLB MOSMN. 630. HEW TOSK MILLS AT A VBKt LO W PKIOS. The BEST Muslins of aU klnda at LO W PRICES. ; 8.-STEEL «Suß, Boa. 713 and 715 Korth. TEETH Stfaai. lTiosax bank; tos >bl?hta» Jaaaary 16. 1666. for Directors, neUt January an wore elected director* of Job* Fareira, Bobert Cleric, J HanryAstia, Brasta* Poulgoa* feamaelMiUtt. v = 1, held this day, WILLIfH iDimously re-eleoted Freei- Eeq., vice President,and lo.loitor _ _ « tuo HPMi&B, OmMot. ’aeMartWBBBO '«***}**» DITEDENDS. BBIQQS GOLD COMPANY, McKIHLEY OIL COMPANY, roUHTAIN PBTBOLBUM COMPAHY, WALTER B. LAWTON, Treasurer. No. 81 JOHN Street, MIUTABY. IT AIL, DRY GOODS. STBRY RICH AND HEAVY COLORED I Corded Silks, in Wine Colon, Browns, Greens mKUu.WUtes.ta Very riels and heavy Plain SUB*. Very heavy Biart Oprded Bilk». Very heavy Plain Black Silke. fun sllict of Yoriona atrles. Vary ri*k Moire Antique*. Black Watered Silks. X, » a»dlf-UelPnrsßfflc Velvets lor Cloaks, real very .nwrtor AolSfcf - »6 South SECOND Street. A TTRAOTIYE NOTICE TO LADIES. * Lupin's Merinoes at $1 50. Lapin's Merlnoes at $1.60. Lapin's Merinoes, aU colors. ' Tbo KTOfttest bargain offered in tttese goods. Call and oarar&iae them. Compare them. H*Uiog fast. Assort ment good» at ' JOHN H. STOK*S\ jal® ' SEVENTH and AEGH, No. TOIS, SEW PUBLICATIONS. pENBRAL TODLBBBN’S HISTORY VI t)T THE DEFENCJ3 JF SKBiSTOPOt. IS’4 6* A Bsview by William Howard BnM.ll, late Special Cor retpendent of the Times. In one volume Uaa ALSO, CILMOBB’B ARTILLERY AND ENGINEER OPE RATIONS AGAINST CHARLESTON IN 1663. STlta7« Illustrations. v * ■ HOLLY'S ORDNANCE AND ABMOB, Wiih lllos larjc. assortment of MILITARY, NAYAD,.and BCIBNTmO BOOKS, for sale by „ „ LINDSAY A BLAKISTON, Publishers and Bookseller*, jaJO NelNB Sonih SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. T ATE PUBLICATIONS. L NEW SUPPLY OF CBBONICLES OF THE SCHONBEBO- COTTA FA i MILT. Also, by the same Author: „• - , ■ THE EARLY DaWH ; Or.SketchSß of Christian Bile in Enalaud in the Olden Time DIARY OF MSS. KITTY TBEVTLYAN. A Story ol tie Times of Wbitefleld end the Wesleye. THE 08/PPIB OF ASTIOCH, and Other Seena. from Christian Life In Early Times. „„„„ THE MABTT BS OF SPAIN, AND THE LIBERATORS OF HOLLAND. TALKS AND BKETCHBS OF CHRISTIAN LIFE, in Different Lands and Agon THE VOICE OF CHRISTIAN LIFE IN SONG; Or, Hymns and Hymn Writer* of Many Land* and A*ea. • Bv<BaY-eST> TA.TLOK: _ JOHN GODPEBT’S FOETUSES % Belated by Himself juaa 8 , ciaxton. Successor to' WM. S. *aLFBJDMaETIEN. jaS6 • 806 CHBSTNCT Street, BOOKS ! NEW,BOOKS ]! • Jnst received by ■ ■ _ " "A. ASHHBAD At RVAHB,- ■ , (Hazard's old eland). Ho. T»* CHESTNUT Street, AUTUMN LBAY Kg. By Samuel Jackson Gardner. HATTIE; A STRAY. A new novel; paper cover. HUGH MILLER’S BSBAYB. _ CHAT SAG FRISSAOj 08, HOME SCENES IN FRANCE. By Olive . Logan, authoress of “Photo *b£iM? OB,*HY»iNffoF -HOLY REFRESHMENT. *WBT ,> i>AlB AT 0 Jh D Jto'rvel’s last book. HOUSE AND HOME-PAPERI By MrsStovre. COUSIN ALICE. A Memoir of Allce B. Hayes. , autobioobaphy of a hew England fabm SOUSE. A Book &y N. H. Chamberlain.. _ _ . STUDIES FOE STOEIBB. Jeattlogalow’s mew books ■Bim TAKVYLYaH ’S DLAET. Bj the author of "Scbflnberc*CottaFftittUy. , V jaai-tf. TYRY TO HEAVEN; OR, THE CE JA- LRBBATBD form on. on*-THE-BOCK UPON WHICH *THB CHURCH’ SPLIT,” by Bev. 8. «. LANDIS. M. D. Jnst out. Price 10 cents, or IS for *L A. WINCB, Sole Agent. ■ , Also, for sale at Snores and Dr. Landis' Medical Oftoe, 1313 CHESTNUT Street. jalt-lm* IUriB’OBIiIr'AHBO-US AND LAW 4*l- BOOKS—The belt and rarest eoUeotlo* In PMla. delphla.—Hallowell’e Shakspeare, arisen hundred dol lars; and other Book!, equally icarce, for sale at 41» OHESTHBT Street. jsS-SSn FANCY FURS. FANCY FURS. i JOHN FABBUtA. No, Til AEOH Bbrwt. *lkw» Seventh Street, At Us eld established store. IMPORTER, manufacturer, and DEALER Ilf FANCY FURS T.anrga AND OHXUJBSH. * Having now In flora a very largo and besntHhTifftort «mit of Ail the different kind* audquaHtle* oJJRAWt. I FUBB FOB LADIES" AND OHUJHaN'S WBAB. I solicits, sell from those in wsnA ’ - BuntinlMr tk* iubm asA smuNtf* . JOHN FABEIEA, Tiß ARGHBtre«t,gbevn Seventh, hsvsno Mitnuor conAosttoawlth an a etut^st.« piEE INSURANCE INSURANCE COMPANY H. K. COBSM THIRD * WALNUT STS., ASSETS- •. - *400,000. The Beard 8f Birectors of this Company have deter mined to innnre risks against Fire, in accordance witn their charter, and are now prepared to inane Policies covering Fire Bisks at the current rates. BICHAKD B. SMITH, A* E. BOEIEi JOHN H. iawiffp WILLIAM G. KENT. J. P. SrEfNEK, , 010 4 LEWIS, H. F ROBIHsON. JAK B. CAMPBELL* HBNRYSAMnELj, CH*B. WHEELER. NORRIS S CUMMINGS, I, LAYERQNB, HEW YOBS. JOHN MOSS, Seoretary. jaSS-lm r]W NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE CO. raeoKPOKAnm bt ran nnennsTna «f ties statb of FBtrHsmvAKia. OBOAHKKB OOTOBXB «. MM. idAIKKt MSS OF LIFB OR PERSONAL HJCRY TBAVELLEBS BY BAND OB WATES. Policies Issned for a Single Trip, Special Jonrceye, Yoyages, Ire, daily, monthly, qyftrterly, or yearly. Also, against the contingencies of personal hasard, and l gainst less of all kinds, except real estate. Policies tuned at the Principal Ofiee. Be. Bill GHBSTXUT Street, v ’ Philadelphia, or by the Agents Of the Company & any ef the oitiea of the United States, or by the Ticket Agents at any Bail road Station. H-ItS^SOIOOO OPPICXBg. FBESISBIfT, . THXODOMSADAKS. hob nssmnrc ah» aotpabt* J. X BBADEET. TBIASUBBB. JAKES H. OOXRJJK SSOBB7ABT* ' ttJGIBH PEYTOX iQBH% J. JL PEYTOX SIBBOTOBa. Justs Or&luua, I Franklin SUelej Wsa. Gaidar. j&IS-lra TAeeA.re Adame, Jams M. Conrad, Ki.hard Weod, Georie T. tteunao. T?IFTH ANNUAL STATEMENT OF JO THE MUTUAL PIKE INSUSAHOE COMPAHT OP PHILADELPHIA, OBm Ho. 5 Booth PiPTfl Btreot. Amount of Property Insured Tlrst Month lot, 1864..... ...... Amount of Premium Hotel Pint Mo. let, IMS. C»eh As««t*,Tirat Ist, MM...»5.«97 fiS Interest on Pncßsinni Bote*.—"—...•*»♦••.••••». 4.156 46 Polities. Surveys, and Transfers...... «♦*« 109 00 Pronlcms Perpetual insurance.■■.•»•*••»»♦ 836 75 Interest on . 021 78 for 8 75 LOBBSS. Fifth Month 9Hu-Mary* Yorho. v .. fgf M “ 18th.-Chas. G, Bichards. 1,000 00 ' — $1,608 88 BXPHKBES, ftC. Salary. Xent, Stationery, U.S Tax, *6.1,180 68 Cei&nilsticns paid Agents.*♦•►*.....♦♦.• SSfl 09 Interest Eeturnad. 13 60 Premiums Returned....... .......... 87 48 1,650 66 Invested InU. 8. Ldfen5.......^,.••♦•*'6,750 21 Jhfcands ef Treasurer.. *-**« • • L Sll 09 Oiiee Furniture........ ........ 134 58 8,204 88 Premium 'Hot* b. ■ Invested is U. S. 10an5..... Cost in hands of Treasurer Offlc. Furniture —... $78.88188 The undersigned, aoomtnlttee appointed by the Com- Bany,8 any, have examined the above statement, compared ! with the, books and TOpshers.and tod ittobe cor net. , bKNECA E. MALONE, •WILBON M. JESKINB. First Month 23d, 18CS. Caleb Clothier, Thom*BHa%Brr— Aaron W.GmkiUs . - CALS T. lu.wooe CsAPHAir, Be JNSURE YOUR LIFE S. E. Cer. ffalnat and Fourtk Sts., ft is a BOMB COMPANY, and profits divided annu ally, thus aiding the assured to pay future premiums. .Last dividend GO per cent. t BOARD OF TRUSTEES- Alexander Whilldin, • J. Edgar Thomson, Eon. James PoLlock, Hon. Joseph AUlsen, Albert C. Koberts, Henry X. Bennett, Samuel T. Bodine, Philip B Mingle, George Nugent, John Attmau, Wm. J Howard, Isaac Bailehurst. Samuel lf 's& XAJrBER wHTEt BIN, President. SAMUEL WOBK, Vloe President. noS-Smlf JOHN 8. wiLgoa.gec'r and Treasurer. nTEE SFECIAL PARTNERSHIP EX- X isting between the undersigned expires this day hr its own limitation. . ’ ■ „„ - B M NEEDLES, TBOS. J- MKGEAB, Special Partner. PHEtAOTM-ftiA, Jan. SI, 1B«S. • E. M. NlEb£bS will continue the business, as usual at No. 10*4 CHEBTNHt Street.- insist* PBOTOGR&PH ALBUMS —SELECT A the patent hinge-hack Alhnms. superior to all others, combining elegance, strength, snd durability For sale, all sizes, at B. F. BBIMEE’S, 034 ABCS Street. It* fTAYE YOUR PORTRAITS TAKEN n &i B. f BEIMBB’S Pnotograph Gallery, 634 ARCH Sires t, iu his unsurpassed styles life-size Fho graphs colored iu oil, of rare accuracy of likeness and coloring, It* . /CARTES DE YISITB-HAVE THEM \J taken, when desired, at REIMBR’S Gallery, SB GOBI* street. *boye Green. ad examination of speci mens there will prove hls ability to please yon. Go early, ’ It* QOAL OIL LAMPS. BYBBY YABIETYOF GOAL OIL LAMPS, LANTERNS, BURNERS, , "chimneys, AND GENERAL LAMP FIXTURES. " h&aA. and’fersalo'by . "' B. —AlfiO, the rery best quaHty SOIT-IXPbQKrVB COAL on*. X : jal^stutMia TTYDE & BURPEE, II 1505 WILLOW Street. Philadelphia, Sole Manufacturers of the AROMA-SAYING COFFEE BO ASTERS AND DIAMOND “ BURR/COFifSg MIL 1,8. b. j. Hydb;s patents. ** We save many times He coat yearly by roasting our coffee witkyon,:/ortahl.Co|«|oa^ co _ Continental Hotel- Philadelphia, «rWhere good coffee is desired, we eonsider your Boaster absolutely newsrary.'*’ - - - , K aNAGA. FO WLBR,' ft 00 f Girard House. •<X can furnish hotter coffee, at Ims expense, than When using the readyiroastej cofibe." W. H. BAKES, Ashland House. •■Your CoffeeßbastOr and Mill are Indispensable to me. ” B. B CLARKE, Germantown. ••I eonsider your Portable Coffee Boasterthebest in the market.” JOHN B LOWS Philadelphia Coffee and Sptce Mills. V. S. A. Gunsbai. Hinrnzi, * - - • SUMMIT Hours. ** Tour Patent Coffee Boaster Is Id u*e ia tfcl* Hospi tel, and does its work In a very eatiefactory manner, the coffee being much mere evealyroastsd, without any portion of ft being overdone. There is caving iu quantity and lmpreyeaent in quality-the aroma being retained.” „ / H. TAYhOB, , . Burgeon H. 8. V., in charge. H, 8. A. GnannAi, hospitap, Chsstk*. Penns. “It gives me pleasure to recemm*nd Voor Coffee Boaster to all deeiring go^ro*!f B ACHB. i Bmrgeon U. 8. r., in charge. . Mauy testimonials might be given endorsing our email Family Coffee Boaster, all of which unite in pro nenneingit the only machine worth having. Prices *J.«, *3 «0, and $5. ' _ . , „ Prices for Portable Stove and Boaster, for Grocers, Betels. Hoepilale, Coffee Manufacturers: No. 1. |4O; No. k #6O: «o. S. 5156; No. 4, AMO. Send for eirentar. All Machines Warranted- Besponeible families, de siring to try any «f Ihefamilysizes. beforo pnrchaeinr, can be accommodated by Bending their orders to the ol der, ISON WIMiOW Street, PhUadslghta. deip-stutbSmif HYDB 4 EtJRPBX. JOHN OAJTPBEM. TTAIR CHA.KGBD tfBOM GRA.Y TO XI NATtTEAL COLOR.: . - . Mr WM. G. MONTGOMERY—Dear Snt: lam urtaf **MostfFom«tr T s H&ir He*«;or«r, *’ and cm ear with nnoh pieaftGre that ft will do all (hat le «\aimad for it. * I am era tiA in tad with a lady whoso hair waa Terr fray, and bow it is a natural brown; not partialljr so.- but /rom tho rooti to tho extfomUios is of a uniform color: She it about fifty years of ace. and Rover need any other preparation but your Restorer. Two members or xny own family, who were cray,and their lair thin asd fouls2* used not more that two hot* tie* each, and I cannot now diecorer a cray h«.lr o i either of their heads, and: their hair is much thicker than J ever knew it before- At they have used t othin* else, the dbucenroet bd attributed to your Rectorer. Bespeebnlly, r OATERSON. - - - No, *I'S-Seventh street. MONTGOMERY’S HAIB BESTOKEB, Depot No 140 -N. SIXTH Street. . •- ■ i»3B-8t XT 18 HK B & BROTHERS’ YALEN -U, _TINBS, 1885. , , . We notify dealers that oar popular ' »S,‘ SlO. Sldt MB LOT3! ja»6Ut* < r Se. W jrbrtkWXTllHttwtt JJVSCTIANCE. UNION MUTUAL OF FHDUIDELFHIfIi, EXCHANGE BTODTNG. ISCOSFOS&TSB 1804. ' , . FIEB AND MARINE. BlXBOTOBft: 6 MBTOtTBR FEANCIBTKTB, WSWBBRaY A SMITH, HBNRT LSWIB. J*., EDW L. CLARK, ELT,TS SAMUEL C. COOK* a w. berhaoou, WM S BAIRD, 8 BELBKKT SOLOMOH TOWJTSBXH, JOHH MOBS. RICHARB 8. SMITH, President. FOB INSUEI isra CAPITAL OK AJISSTS. $68,677 00 6,769 21 1,81109 15158 PIRBCTQES. „. • • Wlllism P. X«eder» Joseph-Chapmaa.. ~-. Jo*estb SenecaE M&lghs, Wliteii Xv'Jetiieln* * XiXtkeuß Webarer. SB GLOTSIEE, President, ecretarr. j«35-Gt IN THE AM E BI CAN) PHILADELPHIA. COFABINEBBHIPS. H. COULTER, 86 and SS South SECOND Street WANTS. WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, A ” SITUATION as Assistant Book-keeper or Entry Clerk, bt tome "Wholesale Bst&blisbment. Please ad dress 1 * office of thl« paper, It* 8 WANTED—A SALESMAN WHO CAN V " command Country Trade in a Wholesale Hat and Straw Goods House. Apply to SHBDLBZ 8508..691 MABKBT Street.- ja3l-6i« WANTED—A SITUATION AS AN Tv Assistant Book-keeper or Entry Clerk, by a young man oC experience, also a graduate of Critten den's Commercial College. Address “J. P. U.,” Press office. ja3Q 3tf WANTED— IN A WHOLESALE HOSIERY HOUSE, as active MAE, acquainted with tbecity trace as SALESMAN. Address, in writing, Box 665, P. 0., stating age, present position, and s&> Ury required. - ja3B?lt* WANTED.—BY A YOUNG GENTLE v v MAE of practical business Mbits with #20,000 capita), wishes an interest in some established Macnfaetory or Machine Shop- Address Box 1295 PhiTa .delpbla Post Office, ja3P fit* WANTED TO BORROW, ON BOND 7» and Mortgage* Sixty Thousand Dollars, oapto pcrty valued at Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand. Inquire of ROBERT M&O GREGOR, ja£o-2t Mo, 410 WaLNUT Street* Phiiada. WANTED—A LARGE AND COMMO vt dions BOOM, on the first or second floor, sala ble for a public office- and situated between Market and Fine, and Second and Fifth. .Amply at BAYYAGSBT CT, Ho. 11* South. TB'BB Blrt.t, jal9-tf WANTED TO RENT, IN A CBN v* tral locality, on the fiTst floor, part of mi Office for Desk room Andress ** P," Box 2212, P. 0. ias-tf. . A GENTS WANTED FOR THE NURSE ABD BPI, ih« most interesting and exciting book ever published, embracing the adventures of a woman in the Union Army as Burse,-£coat, and Spy. tiring a most vivid inner picture nf tbe war. Send for circulars. Address JOBES BROA & CO., 000 CHESTHUT at . Philadelphia, Pa. ja24-lia&W4fc* BUSINESS WANTED-BY A MID *-* DI.E-AGED MA..N, of character, renpon.aiWlU'jr, and capacity. Is a flrst-claes Solicitor and Salesman. Will enesge in Ymaincw In »ke city, or aa a travelling agent. Bas bad many years’ excellence &% such. Addrees “Business, 55 at the Office of The Trese, for two days. First* class reference given. "DOT WANTED, IN A JEWELRY D gtore. Good reference required. Address **Trr>tworthT»*/ at this office. ja3i*Bt» (D>|9R A MONTH!—WANTED— *iP y&O AGBSTS everywhere to introduce the new BHAW A CLARK SIXTIES.DOLLAR FAMILY BEW IBG MACHINE, the only low-pries Machine in the ecniitty wbiehis licensed by Grover A Baker, Wheeler A Wilfon, Howe, Sieger A Co., and Buchelder. Salary and expenses, or large commission.* allowed. All other Machines now sold for less sham forty dollar* each are infringemmtSy ass the seller and n oozliabU. HJus txawd clymlaw nont/ree. Addreas-SHAW A CLARK* PoT7-d&W3m BIDDBFORD, Maine. ASSISTANT QUARTEBMAB -& 1 S OfFIGB.No. 371 Routt THXBD St., . Philadelphia. Da*. 34# 1964. Vessels wanted to load uritii coal for Kewbera, £l. 0.. »&d Key Wset, Fla. DeipatdiHiven. JOBN B. JBNSTNSB* Captain and A. Q, M. FOR SAME AJfft TO LET. H FOB SAL E—Y ALTJA B L E STOKE AND DWELLING. ON BPBING GABDBN stbebt. Will be sold a great bargaia. Possession atones. OAT* TOE HOPS* BSOISTSB, NOW KBADY. CALL WOE FABM KEGIbTER. NOW BBADT. GBO. N. TOWNSBND Sc CO., i«n-8t 133 K and IBsjd 8- POPRTH St, PMla. m FOR SALK—FACTORY, 60 BY 87 MEL feet, new and for heavy work, light and high cellists, one hnlldmg si by 45 feet. Good entrance for coal Tor engine; can be thrown irom cart and ahorelifc to the fire with one throw- Engine and boilers in goad order, good dra/t chimney, cost over $lOO, Apply before 32 A. H. Clear of incambranoe, jftSl-st* m SOB SALE—ABCH ST BEET, Mem- Sotttlt aide, we»t of Thirteenth, seat large Dwel ling. Lot 21 feet front by 140 feet dean to cnthbert etzeet. Only 16,000. MILLEH, 154 North SIXTH Street. JaSl-StiT M FOB SALE, A LARGE AND WELL bailt FACTORY, three stories, with bwemeat, together with SO hone engine*. boiler, shafting. &c. jaSl-St*. Apply at No. 314 North gIQHfH St, Mpoe sale—two adjoining BOUSES in Colorado Bow, Chestnut street, be tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. Ad ply to JOBS G. JOHNSON, jftSl-gt* 70S WALNUT Street. T\RY goods stock:, good will, A/ AND FIXTURES < FOB SALE.—A rare chance. Must he sold in a few days, on account-of ill-health, one of the oldest and best stands in the city; basinets can be largely increased. .„ _ - Apply, between 9 A. M. “« 1 *•«£*. pAIBT> jB3I-gt« No. 385 North SIXTH Street. ©TEAM ENGINES OF 5,8, 10, 12, 20, C/ 30,'and 6(1 Horse Powers. also Bnilera. for sals at »45 frorthPbOHT Bt. 0./WBST tTgEBS. ja3t-3t« — OIL STOCKS IN E^- A* CHANGE for Houses* Mortgages, or Ground Bents. Address ‘*D. H., 5 ’ Box 1*46, Philadelphia Dost Office. ja3l«2t* rVQ L E T—FOR SALESROOMS OR A u*ht naannfactnringparposeitjthe upper stories of bunding northwest eorssr of EIGHTH and MARKS?. Apply in the store. . / iafl-tf FINANCIAL. JJAKFER, BURNEY, & CO., BANKERS, STOCK ARB EXCHANGE BBOKEKS. Butlralu attention psld to xnteant «al» ot OH <to*ka.' M BOOTH THIRD STREET. TWIT.IPHI.PgI4. l|jnß|lQHk—3P] nn,:Paw«idsnt Southwark Bank. gOBDS FOR 8 A LB. Obfics Fuse Commtssiober Pacific B R , St. liOEris. Jatmary 30,2885. PBOPOSAT.B will be received under »eat for the sale of ONE RONDEED AND BIGHTV-vIX MOETGAGB OORSTBITCTION BONDS 0? TBB WESrBEN DIVI SION OF TBE PACIFIC EaILBOAD in the State of Missouri. of One Thousand Dollars each, with Interest Coupons cfSeren Per'Cent., payable s«mi-Annually, principal and interest payable at the; Bank of Commerce in the City of BewToik. There Bonds are a first lien on all the Pacific Kail road from Dresden to Kansas City, and alltbe net earning* of the whole Eoad, extending from fcfc. Louis to Kansan City, are pledged for the pay ment of principal and interest. These Bonds hare four, five, anaslxyeart to inn, and are authorized by Act of the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, approved February 10th, 1664, under which act Fifteen Bundled Thousand Dollars of Mortgage Construction Bonds were issotd, all of which, except the One Hanlred and Eighty-six I npw offer for sale, have been disposed or at gir, and for the rapid extension and completion of said oad I how offer the balance, and will receive pro SoEal# for one or more, under m«1, at my office in the ity of St. Louis, until the 10th day of February# 1555; and the same wiu betold subject to the approval of the Governor of the State and the President of iheP«cidc Bail?oad. All needful information will be famished on application at this office. „ „ THOMAS L. PBICI, Fund CtfmmUßicmer, St, Louis, Missouri 1 Information Jaspecting the Bonds aboveoffered for sale, the law tinder which issued* find the character and value of the security, wiU be *ivea by the under signed, FRANKLUf A. DICE, jaSMOt. ‘ 715 LOQTJdT Street, Philadelphia. WHEREAS. THSL AUDITOR GKKB. I » as required by tha eleventh gsetion of the act entitled * &*t enabling the banks of this Com monwealth to become associations for the purpose of berthing under the laws of the United States* * ’ passed the 22d day of August, jL J>. 1564, has certified to me that the ‘ • Commonwealth Bank” of tbe city of Philadelphia has furnished satisfactory evidence to him that all the requirements of said act have been.complied with by said bank, and that it has become an association for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United States. 1 do therefore cause Ibis notice thereof to be published in accordance with the provisions of the said eleventh ** ction of the said act, sad do declare that the charter hi said bank by the terms of said act Is deemed and taken to be hereupon surrendered, subject to the provisions oi the drat section of said act, A. CLOUS?!! !. Executive Chamber* January, 9, 1965: j all-18 AH' STOCKS, V. 8. LOAHB, &c., , BOUGHT ABU SOLD O* COMMISSION, Bt GBORGE J. BOYD, Biokoti Wo. 18 South THIBB stiaet. 3a3-£mif LOST AND FOMD. T OST.—flO 000 RE WARD.—ON SA- Ju tUBDaY. Jau 28fl», at 12 o'clock, H going from 823 Cbeitirot street to tie Philadelphia Bank, a largo BtJIF EHYBi.OPB, eortatniog Three One-thousand-. Dollar Bills, Twen’y nlue Five-buadred'doUar BUls, and Twees? One-hundred- Dollar Btlis —all Government ironey.. The package bore the owner's same The above reward willbepafd, and no questions asked,by returning the same to owner, J. HOLMES GfiO VEB, 9»3OHESTfItrT Street, Philadelphia. /-•- It gfiggsa ADOIiPH HINTZ’S FINE ITFfTI TOJSE and PrAHOS OnJyfor JAB BELLiK B, »BXB. i'lFfH St. -^S=gaa ERNEST GABBER’S 7 1-3 ITSTT* Delays Parlor Brand PIANOS. Oyer 1,000 ''ln nee in Philadelphia.. Only for rale at JAB BBlB. FIFTH Street. gfeSBR RAVEN* BACON'S PIANOS. »7TTTf Known fordO ye«». Only for *n)eat JAB BKtiliAK’S* 881 S. FIFTH Street. eszpm CALENBURG & YAUPEL S If * I I > Concert PIANOS; fin* clegs. Only for aale at * . JAB. BBLLaK 8, 8818. FIFTH Street. flT—art NEW PINE 7-OGTAVE MO mm JKBKN. BTFLS PIANOS, from SHS lo *l.OOO. J4B. BELLAS, 8818. FIFTH Street FRINGE'S AUTOMATIC OR -11 fit f I GANB earposa anything known in this line. Only for tale at s »* 8818. FIFTH Street. fpsasaa; PRINCE & CO ’S WORLD ITsTT» RENOWNED MSLODEONS. Oner M.OOO la use now. JAii. Sol* Ayent, jaSMmifr* 58818 FIFTH Street ESTET’S 'COTTAGE ORGANS Not only UNEXCELLED, but UNEQUALLED In.purity of Ton® and Power, designed especially for Caarckea and Schools, I>ot foandT to *ie eqaally well adapted to tie Parlor and Drawing K, ». jFo £ l j* BttUcl Ifo. Xtf Kortli SSVBNPff Also, a complete assortment of the'Yerfect Melodeoa constantly en. natd. ■ goal 3m jfgawf MEW FIAMOS. RTPn SUPBKIOB Hltr XOBK PIAIfOB.Stut receive* *n« lor uio tt AHDEB & CO. •» MgrieStwe, 80. 1104CHB8TSTOT Street. DECKBR'BitO,WHBRB’ PI 0* V f "ASOB —The . public ■»«3.'?parUcalayly tha profession, are Invited to examine thane beautiful i«- fitiumerns, which are meettnrwlih each ananpirai ieled degree of popnUrU> and uln in New Tore, and wherever fcnown.3£The desideratum so lou* fsttiren, for. i.e.. the strength of the <ro7t, and sonorousness of the wooden frame eo sappily attain ed~ by them, renders their Pianos ineomparablewtth ah ? others Th* ua qualifled Wolfcohnj SOIU. Maeon, Heller, Thomas. scores of ©tbeg. amp,y establish their For-aals.only,by W. J. UOCHKAN, 906 CBEBr*UT Street. Al*o*alawi astoxtiscstof other new and second hand Pianos, for sale and to rent. nol93m* § 'WHITTEN AND VERBAL DE BCBIFTIONH of Chßractor.Cowtltution, «|dTi lent.with 4DVICB on Bwtnem, Bealih, Bdnoa tio» B^lf-improvement. Management and : Train* taeif OBIX.BBBM. «o«tot adwtataa. fce , tos and.whW by »£S>r. go. »» B TBBTH W..at»TOCliBßtßnt gKATING *a2i^^«wi!a^JS^aaV3. tiLTW/of Ooniden. Sew Jornoy. for TWO BgaUTtfU b gILK FLAG". TBIB OFTBRNOOS. at tha UNIOf IkoTJNGPaRKS, FOURTH and DIAMOND Struts Tho West Park ran be hood for Skatina wbilo efts S+«t Is wed for tho ahoTO Gloat Match, whioh wtli eoui- B&ASs'baND all ho In.attondano*, to ««- Htop thiakay and fcaUya aoeae. _U‘ _ PEBTS G&.B A.VOTDTHE DRAFT BT VX e»HlntroabTßM; WtAH, 4C0.. Ho 343 CBEs f. EUT Street Sfcnd I'lf'or wlwwiyott w always tt’>» Allen enfyetemn BOBSKT"TBS »• _tot re^aae, U terns. ■ STEIf. L'l-Vd; k GO., 80. 343 CHSSfHOT ST,-. Beeoad Etoor. JOHN B. MYERS ft 0 J., «W AHI» jßi HABKIt STRKKT. LARGE B: 1,903 mmm paciiaes DOMESTIC GOODS,' At 19 o'clock, Hr. F. M. REAEOK will mike throe* DOMESTIC GOODS; as OASIS YORK AND'EVEKETT COTTONABM. KENTUCKY JEANS. > « " LANCASTER ANO TIVERTON PLAIDS. 110 ANDROSCOGGIN, LEWISTON, Aid BATHI CORSET JEANS. 85 *‘ APRON AND FURNITURE CHECKS. 10 “ LANCASTER AND ROANOEB GINGHAWR 1M “ 7 * AND 4-4 WILLI AMSVTLLE, JAMB*. TOWN. HOPS. BLACKSTONE, RIB BANK, And otter decirahle makee, W “ #-4i 10-4. AND IL4 BLCH’D A BSD. PBf. ■ FBKKLL, LIPPITT, AND ONION SHgg% INGS. St " 4-4 LACONIA, PEPPKKBLL, NEW MAH. BET, LYMAN, JAMES STEAM MILS* INGS. M BALES 4-4 PATAPSOO, HOWARD, APPLETON! PORTSMOUTH, PARK. LANCASTER HE AVI BROWN SHEETINGS. - H " BROWN DRILLS. 1 45 “ TICKINGS; 85 CASES MADDER PRINTS. SOS BALES BLUE AND BROWNDEtHMS. 100 “ STRIFES. Hr; REAZOB deairaa to call the particular attsnltmi of thetrode to thio solo, os It wfll comprise the raostio eirable gutkos of STAPLE GOTTON GOODS,' *s4 wlll he thelargest offering* with one exception, erfW * mads tntbia country. , The goods are all in order and original package*. TERMS CASH. -Bills tq be settled within fifteen d« from sale. 4Sr*Wifc be open for examination with catalog*** one day previous to sale. ja3sfl MEW CHEBTNUT-BT. THEATwr Av CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. GROVER & SINN r “VJt A MAGNIFICENT SPECTACULA MONDAY AND TUESDAY BVBNUSGS,fiIUaJ Jt _ . Amd EveryEv.hlpk during the W.ek. ProdnotlOß, alter low* and active preparation, of J.GL Foit.r’e grand, thrilling, exciting, and romantic nrmt Uraraa. *—~ TSB THREE GITARDSKESr, THE THKEB GFARDSMEff! Sroduced in a stylo of Gorgeous magnificence, wife iew scenery. Costumes, Properties, &e.; the Dr&ra* replete with Thrilling Combats, Startling Situation*, Danees, Soars. Ac., &c., THE CAST OF CHARACTERS embracing all the POPUL AR NAMSS „ Oi Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday Evenings the performance will eonclnae with the bsaatifal Fatar Spectacle, in two vets, ■■ BEAUT? AHD THE -BEAST, presented with aIIJU magnlfi'ent accessories. lia BREAD Street. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. »1 THIS (Tuesday) BVBSIHG, Jan. 31. ACAK.'tVAI, 0? Fast. Bewmd Night of tbs rsrorito comedian ' . Fit AN iv PIIB w, who will appeal drama of th* Tim O’Brien, with wife. r....Fran* To conclude with drama of w * HandyAnay _~V7.T T.T.'..™„p r ««k Bisvt la ichtateal an entire tuw KBW-tleal extraraiaiaK JOHN DREW’S NEW ARSH- A"X STREET THEATER EIGHTH BIGHT 0? L. P. BABBITT. TO-HIGBT. (TOBSDAY). JAH. Sl~l«S. KIKG OP THE COMMONS. ’ King James —.E. p. Barrett To-eonciade Pith BBABHEB ASD CBASHBB. Slaelifr ...Bteart Robsag. FRIDAY, BBHSFIT OF 1. P. BARRETT. MOB DAY, MBS. JOHK DREW.' TTESTVALI LDND THEATRE, v c “‘Ss3s®f, , 3s3B!aM«£P^ S^gdElgMom^gagerneEto^ocH^TSK. MI«S ELISE TESTYALI LDHD. Jan* lyre ...... Miss Elis* Yestyall LM Rochester ■■■■■Mr. Adolpft VeatTgM THE great national cirgus, WALNUT BTEEET, ABOVE BIGHTai Mr. J.H EOBSTO BqaestrSaaßlMetat Mr. FRANK WH[TTAKER.™...Master of ttteCirel*. ■Will appear dorlEK the present week the celebrated JAMES COOK 3, the Queen's Jester, from ASltll'l Bcyal Amphitheatre, Loudoa.. Alio, the SAGfsIHBE FAMT LT ; the oBttZBE FAMU 4 y^„*Be‘KIKG;FAMtLY J the fSTOBEFAMILY ; Messrs. MDRRArY and OTTCHljrio*. abb his traibsOi SS?t S! T , » o^i, «T ett *» u o rider of tin West. LB JEUNB BURT Will Also be produced tha ; grand fcfptorical pantomime, entitled the VP ABRUZfi—a piece admirably adapted to develop* the excellent training of the horses connected with th*> great establishment. ABMISSIOJS—First Her, 60 cents; second tier* Scenic*' private box, $3 and $6. Performance commences each evening* _ Extra oh every WEDNESDAY an* SATURDAY at s}£ o'clock* iz3.~9. Am*'- . sotlB*Ss _ SPECIAL CARD. The Manegement begs leave to asnounea that &«'«■*- raiment has bepn made with DAN .-BIOS, tfcasrea* Bmnorfst. who will appear ard introduce his woader ful TALKING HOUSE, EXCE&SIOB, first on MoN &AX EVENING, Peb.fdth* and dnriag the week. ja3o»6t XTYPOCHONDRIACS CURKD, BY B. BEOWff WILLIAMS, at the ASSEMBLE BUILDINGS.—Second of science and mirth— Drunk on com wa-er The humorous Lecturer e&d original Fsychclosiat. Dr. B. BROWN WILLIAMt Commencing January 8L A BAT ENTER TAIJSMBBT; for LaDIES ONLY, commencing at tw» o'clock; no gentleman admitted NIGHT, usual boors aDd every ttemn* daring toe week, " New experiment* during the week. Mooses crowded and everyone de lighted. Boors open at hto ?; commence .at to 8, Tickets 90 cents; admitting a lady and gentleman, fit cents, it XTATIONAL SKATING PARK X * Street and COLUMBIA Arena*. GRAND BB3OBT FOB LADIES AND FAMILIES, The skating on the Park is again in fine having been flooded on Satnrday nlaht, Ev*rv at tention is paid tothecomforfcsnd eonveaiencsof visitors* & fact well proven by the brilliant attendance each eve ning, The national Is but twenty minutes* ride from Arcn «tre«tby the Ridge avenie Cars. Brilliantly ilinminated at night. Donglass* Braa* Band every evening. Admission 26 cents. It* QB ATING I SEATING 4 SKATING I ELEGANT SKATING OK BOTH PARKS—FOURTH ABB BIAMONB “STREETS This Park is ac*noi£ ledied to nave superior .accommodations, superior facilities, and superior mean* of access to any in Phibs delphia; beside?,The most expert Lad? Patera in Phila delphia are to be sfen here daily. Inetmca »n ariveaa every morning. The Artificial Moon rises THIS BVE NUS G, at 7.20, and floods the Park with its Inmineot rays A BRAFS BAND in attendance this ev*>nT«g. ifc* XJASE BALL ON SKATES. A' A grand Hatch Game of Bow Ball on Skates ox TI'BRDAT IfJSXT, at the union Park, FOURTH and DIAMOND, weather permuting, between those celebrated Clubs the ATH LETIC. of Philadelphia, arid CAMDEN, of Camden, New Jersey. This will he a great treat to th* Skaters and Base BaU Players of Philadelpl ia Tkm Game will commence at I>S o’clock, and will be played, on the Eastern Park. The proorietor, M. C. C VMP BELL, will present to each Club a beautiful BUk Flag. The presentation speech will be made by Col. Thomas Fitzgerald. This will be a novel and interesting enter tainment. . Extensive accommodations have been made for vid* tors. A BRASS BAKD-inattendance. it* OONOEKT HSLIt. Gem—«ndß( MONDAY, Jan, 30 ih, erer, Elchl aa4 K*tnrcin.y afternoon. ABTXHUB WARS AHON3 THB HOBMOHB. From SOS Broadway, Hew York. J. W. "WILDER The public is respectfully informed that ABTAHBS WARD AMONG TER MORMONS 1b precisely the same entertainment which lies reeenJly ■cmeved and brilliant successes in me cities el New York and Boston.. THE COLOSSAL PAINTINGS, HlastratlTe rt ISOBMON HOMES AND. MORMON PEOPLE, are from the brashes of the foremost of living teeni* me*. list*. end trill be ebe*r/olly and coarersenonally de scribed by AETEMHS WARD. Admission SO.eents. Referred seats $L Boors o*m st 7; commence at 8 o’clock. Saturday afienuoA, open* atli commences at 2 o'clock. Ogee open from 9 until 4 o T cloak. jalMt JTASSLBR’S AA OBCHESTRA ABB MILITARY BABnau Oftoe, Ne, 31* South Street. ja33 la» QIGNOR. BLiTZ WILL SHORTLY £> GLOSS, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Great demonstrations in NECROMANCY: SPIBITUALr* I6M ILLUSTRATED, And the WONDERS Of VEN TRILOQUISM ISTRODOOBD.- Grand Entertainment EVERY EVENQgg.ootaJDftodaßC at_7K o'clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AETSEHOOBS, at S. Comprising the mysteries of th* Fast and Present Age. Admission. 2d cents. OBtldren, IS eents. KeserreE seats, gQ cents jaa ASSEMBLY BUILDma A MATINEE MUSICALS By the Philadelphia CLASSICAL QUINTETTE CLOSL EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 3 P. M. Tickets at the Door, fifty Cents each. deSI-emtatHC ORCHK STB A.—PUBLIC 'J RBHBAKSALS every BATUEBAT, St 8K o oloalc f. M-, It MUSICAL PTTKD HALL. SUM. TlcVsU, * cats. Six Tickets, *1; to Be had St GotOd's, And'a'* and Meyer s Music Stores, and at the HalL nc7 tt Ths academy or ms arts, a CHKBTHUT Street, aboTe'Taoth, ie OFES DA LX for niaitore. trem ft A. M. to *l*. M. i.3S PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN- A STITUTB FOR FOOBG LABIRB. 1530 ARCH Street. Few CHARLES A. SMITH, CLA KESCS SMITH. A. Mnelpats. Th# next aassta*. will begin t>B MOBDAT, Fehrnarr 6th. j*3l 6|F PRENCH LESSONS GIVEN; BY A. A Parisian Loe, at 1301 ARCH Street. j-30-6t» PATENTS PRO CURB D^UNTFEBS A States end Soxopea*. EDWARD BROWS, jsatrlm* 311 WALOTJT Stsset, PIBST-CLASS BOARD, AND BXOEL- A LENT accommodations for &>amall FAHILT can ha bad at ike Old 0 8. Hotel, 413, CHESTBU? Street. A bandeomo chamber, on Cheated street, in the a. coad. etorr. will be vacant to morrow. Reforooaereoalted. This hon e has no har. _ jast-M* PUENIBHED ;=2WjJDNFDRNISHan A BOOMS, with partiat Board, fat a private fatailr. for tentteinen only. Lwatt on. central Beferenejw- Qntrcd Address *M. 0..' at (his aide*- jslHt* flflß SOUTH BRtAD STREET (SB- A4U ikct BOARD!HG.) 'saeuuiM &*■ two fami ne* *»d two elszle person*- A LARGE FOURTH-STORY ROOM. A with Board, at 1315 V ALEUT Street. is'C tt* A SINGLE CLERGYMAN WISHB* • BOARD within half a mile of the Teana. HopiM. ivf tio' t notice. AtrOTIOWKHatS, ON WEDMSIiAT, rmi, 1865. \ os Us seml-ainraal sale of .EmhrselnE the most desirable Brands. oSs.: BLUE, OXFORD, BKOWJt, Ajd> CAD* AMDSfifIUGNTS. FOB OUR WEEK OHLT, EDIJCATIGNAI. PEnSONAJe. B.A.TJHI •Msnawr.
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