the city. The Thermometer. JAff. 26, 1864. .. W «p M is “::::.l“'.v;:.?.^- wsw..~J!r?r'. aw ff»w...wS» nw fIIMTABT. THE CUYLBR HOSPITAL. There have been admitted to the Ouylor Hospital daring the year 180* 2,17* patients i number return, ed to doty during the year, 1,290 j transferred to otter hospitals, 413; dlsoharged Item the United States serrioe, 82; deserted, 83; died, 28 ; transfer red to Veteran Corps, 178; number remaining at tta close of the year, *Ol. MISCELLANEOUS. EXPLOSION IN WEST PHILADELPHIA—THREE PERSONS KILLED. Yesterday morning about eleven o’oloolt an or* plosion ooourred at the fireworks manufactory of Predertok Fir, on tte north side of Market street, west of Fortieth, Mr, Fry has been in the army, but la now at home, and attending to business. The building in which the explosion took place is a two-story frame, with a one-story back-building. There are in all three rooms. The front room is used for the "business, and the family oooupy the other two. There were five hands employed in the placo. At the hour above stated, from some unknown cause, an ex pic sit, n took place. Two distinct shocks were heard. The building was considerably damaged by the ex plosion, and the woodwork took fire. The flames were speedily extinguished, and the polloe went into the house. A terrible spectacle presented it self, Three of the employees were lying dead, hav ing perished in the flames, and another was so bad ty lnjured that his life is despaired of. The killed are Joseph Kano, aged twelve years; John MoOne, aged fourteen years; Philip Fry house, a one-legged soldier, aged thirty years. The injured person is Edward Colwell. He is sixteen years of age, and resides at Thirty-sixth and Walnut streets, where he was taken. The dead bodies were removed to the Twenty-fourth waid station-house. They were so mangled and burned that they could not he re cognized by their own friends. Fortunately several of the employees were absent at the time. One boy had been discharged and ano ther had gone out for a pitcher of water. Tho famtly, with the exception of an Infant six months old, were absent. The child escaped unhurt. The powder magazine Is located about two hundred yards to the rear of the house, and contained considerable pow der. As the explosion was confined to the one room, and did not extend-iaok, the magazine fortunately escaped. The oansatif the sad affair is as yet un known. There are many rumors afloat about it. As all who were present are either killed or wounded, It will be difficult to ascertain the facts. Coroner Taylor was soon upon the ground, and after viewing the bodies adjourned the inquest till 2 o’clook this afternoon. Young Colwell died last night from his injuries. TRAGEDY IN NORRISTOWN. On Tuesday afternoon a most sad and unfortunate occurrence- took place at the depot of the Philadel phia Railroad at Norristown, resulting In the death of Benjamin McOalla, a cooper employed in the flour mills of O. Heebner. Tho olroumstanoes, briefly stated, are these: The Provost Guard was about forwarding to the olty a large body of volun teers and substitutes, who had been mustered into the sorvioe by Provost Marshal Yerkes, numbering about 176 men. They were put on board the 1,30 train. At the depot there was a large crowd of outsiders, and considerable oonfuslon' prevailed, during which several of the enlisted men made their eseape from the hands of the guard. Two of them were found, after some time, in the cellar attached to Mr. Kite’s residence in the depot building. They weie taken to the train, and while upon the platform, and about be ing Ironed, there being, some pushing and confu sion, a pistol in the hands of Daniel Dare, one of the guards, was exploded, and the hall passed through the left side of McOalla, who was standing within a few feet, he being merely a spectator, and having no part in the disturbance. The pistol ball also grazed the arm of a young man named RiohaTd Powers, Inflicting a slight flesh wound in his arm. _ Dare at once gave him self up to Eequre Lawrence E, Corson, and made following statement: “1 was bringing two deserters at the command of Major Yerkes, provost marshal, and taking them to the oars, when the crowd pressed upon us and I ordered item to stand hack; (I had drawn a pistol when pursuing the deserters; it was still cocked;) the pistol went off, and a man was shot; I did not see the man; I have been told It wbb Benjamin McOalla 1 1 do not know him; my orders are to ar rest the deserters; to shoot in case they cannot otherwise be arrested.” He was commited to prison to await the result of the coroner’s investigation. The body of the deceased was removed to his late residence on Lafayette street, below Mill. A PHILADELPHIA BOUNTY BROKER IN * TROUBLE. On Wednesday last a substitute broker of this olty, named Charles Oliphant, was arraigned before Justice Corson, at Scranton, under thoflaw which forbids any part of the bounty moneyjpald to volun teers being withheld from the recruit. The facts are these: The recruit had been contracted for by Oliphant for the sum of *250, all of which he re ceived; but learned from otter recruits just sworn In that they had received from three to four hun dred dollars from him under like olroumstanoes, and that the broker was paid by Lehigh township some four to five hundred (for Oliphant admitted the facts above stated) for men entered by him. After con sidering the matter, the justice bound the defendant over in *5OO to answer at oourt. THE BIRTHDAY OF ROBERT BURNS. The one hundred and sixth anniversary of the birthday of Robert Burns was celebrated last evening by the Burns Club of this city. A supper was provided at the Assembly Building. The company sat down at half past seven o’clock. ,Mr. Daniel Mclntyre, the president of the olub, occu pied the chair. The bill of fare, which iB thoroughly Scotch, was as follows: Scotoh mutton pies, a-la-mode beef, celery, boiled ham, beef tongue, mashed potatoes, soused tilpe, pigs’ feet, Scotch Baggie, oai meal cakes and bannocks, sour milk scones and butter, ale, Scotch whisky punch, cheese and crackers, pipes and Turkish tobacco. Burns’ address to the Haggis was recited by Mr. A. N. McFberson. . The following toasts were drunk and responded to, as follows: 1 To the memory of Robert Bnrns, the bard of Scot land, who always sympathized with misfortune, whether in mice, men, or dells. Song—’’Rantin Robin," Mr. Daniel Mclntyre. 2. Robert Bums, Nature’s true son and post, the suf fering of whose lire was the source of the sweetness and purity of hissong. Song—" John Anderson, my Jo," Mr. Robert Mair. . „ , _ 3. The martyrs.heroes.and bards of Scotland. Song— '• Scotlai d Tot, ” Hr. Thomas Duncan, Jr. 4. The Republic of the United States of America; Us first birth in Revolution, Us second in the suppression of [rebellion. Song—" Columbia N. C. Vache, 5. The President and constituted authorities of this United States. Response, C&pt, J. H. Jack: Song-* • * The Flag of our Union Forever, * * Mr. T. £. Harkins. 6 The BnrasAstociationathrousliOTit the world. Song —■“Of a 1 the airts.the wind can blaw. 5f Capt. John Orr Plante. 7. The memory of Wallace and. Brace. Song—“Scots* wh» ha«, “ Mr. Alexander Robb. 8. Universal education—the true source of the moral and intellectual power that elevates the people of the United States. Hesponse—3>r. B. Shelton Mackenzie. Song—Mr. David S. Winehrenner. 9. The Lassies. God bless them! as lovely on skates as they are useful at home . Song—“ Green Grow the Bushes O P* Mr. John Bh^dden. After the regular toasts a number of volunteer toasts and gouge followed, and the company separa ted in the best of humor with themselves ana the rest of the world. ALMSHOUSE STATISTICS. The population or the Almshouse at the present time Is 2,980, of which IJ2BO are mates and 1,700 fe males. In the insane department there are 203 males and 389 females, classified as follows: WALK DMPAttTMBNT. Uonfirmed lunatics Temporary lunatics Epileptics Imbeciles Idiots.... Assistants Total men’s insane department.. SBMAX.B DEPARTMENT. Confirmed lunatics. Temporary lnnatlcs Epileptics’. Imbeciles Idiots Assistants Total women’s Insane department, PERSONAL. Dr. L. C. Czapskoy, a well-known and distin guished Hungarian patriot, but for some years past an adopted citizen of the United States and State of California, is now In this city at the Continental Hotel, en rente for Europe. He now visits Europe on a tour of pleasure, and has volunteered and been appointed to act as commissioner for the United States Agricultural Department at the Interna tional exhibition to be held May next at Stettin, Frusslai He has letters to all our Ministers In Eu rope, including an autograph letter from President Lincoln. CORONER’S INQUEST —A DESERTER SHOT. Coroner Taj lor yesterday afternoon held an in quest upon tie body of a man named, or had en listed In tK6 navy under the name of, George Flynn. The evidence adduced set forth the facts that aoont ten o’clook on Tuesday night four enlisted sea men attempted to escape from the receiving ship lying nearthevliarfat tbe Navy Yard. They were hailed by the sentinel, tint heeded him not. They were on the lee, and making their escape as rapidly as possible. The sentinel fired, and George Flynn fell dead. The ball entered the bank part of his head, and passed out through the left eye. The other three men escaped. The jury rendered a verdict, “ killed by the guard in the discharge of hlB duty.” SKATING. The skating was never better than it was yester day. A vast throng visited the different parks. The Philadelphia Park, at Thirty-fourth and Wal nut streets, is fortunate in being so well located. Aooess can be had to it from all sections of the city. Ihe best order Is preserved on this park by the gen tlemanly managers who have it In oharge, and everything posslole to promote the comfort and oon venlenoe of visitors is provided. An excellent band of music la in attendance during the afternoons and evenings. The selections played are always In good taste, and the mnslo adds much to the charms of this delightful exercise. ; WOODEN BUILDINGS. Notices have been served recently, by the High Constable, on the owners of wooden buildings In the lower portion of the oity. An ordinance passed by Councils prohibits the erection of wooden buildings In the built-up portions of the city. COLLISION. A passenger car of tne Green and Ooates-street line collided with one of tbe Fifth' and Sixth-street line, at Sixth and Green streets. The tongue of the farmer ran Into and broke a window of the latter. No one was injured. NEW COUNTERFEIT. Counterfeit *6OO bills on the Fourth National Bank, Boston, are In circulation. GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL. The closing exeroises ol the Girls’ High and Nor mal School will take place this morning at ten o’clock. SLIGHT FIRE. A slight flro occurred last evening at GreenhUl Ohuroh, on Girard avenue, near Seventeenth street. It originated from the heater. Damage trifling. THBi OOUBTS. gupronis Court- Pr-sent, Woodward, C. "* J., and Justices Thompson, Strong, and Bead. Judgments were' entered yesterday In oases as by Woodwabd, C. J—Callahan vs. MoOreedy. Error to Distrlet court of Philadelphia. The only question upon this record la whether ven dor or vendeeof land, by artlolesof agreement, is to pay for tbe stamp which the act of Congress of July Ist, 1882, requires to be affixed to the title deed. The court decides that from the aot of Congress Itself it seems dear that It Is the duty of the vendor to add the stamp to MB deed, and of coarse to buy aud pay for It, If tbe vendee has not expressly agreed .to do this for him. The Judge said: «Itls plain that the plaintiff having furnished and affixed the stamp to Ms deed, had no right to charge the defendant with the price of It. Tne stamp was essential to qualify the plaintiff to perform what he had agreed to make.” Judgment reversed, and judgment en tered for defendant lor costs. Matilda Jauretohe vb. John W. Prootor. From Nisi Pries. Judgtnert affirmed. Maples vs. Brown. Error to District Court,Phila delphia. Oertifloate. Judgment reversed and a venire facias de novo awarded. _ By STKorJo. .T,—Ke-ii vs. Vaughn. Error to Dis trict Court, Philadelphia. Judgment affirmed. McDowell vs. Johnson Error to Dlstrlot Court, Philadelphia. Jodameut affirmed, . „ . The City of Philadelphia vs. Bees A Cabot. Error to Dlstrlot Court, Philadelphia. Judgment sffinßßd. Catherwood et al vs. Collins. Error to Dlstrlot Court, Philadelphia. ■ , This oase Involved a question as to the Inspection of distilled liquors, apu the parties to pay the cost of Inspection. The*oourfiffteolded that ’ the aot was clearly Intended to be executed Mall Its provisions hers. .The Inspection Is to be done here, payment U to be made here, and the liability for the fees arises contemporaneously with the inspection. The fees are to he paid at all events, either by the purohMer or by the person offering the liquors for sale. In the eye of the Legislature, then, all persons for whom Inspection may be made, are either purchasers or persons offering for sale. Any one then who de mands inspection, if not a seller. Is in -the meaning of the law a purchaser, and liable primarily to pay, If on inspection his liquors turn out full proof; Judgment affirmed. The list for Bucks and Montgomery, also for Say dor and Northumberland counties, was then taken up, and the following eases argued: Heist vs. Bakor. O. P. Montgomery county. Argued by O. H. Stinson and Jas. Boyd for plaintiff In orror. The court declined to hear argument on the other side. - Sehobor vs. Mather. Bueks Submitted on paper books. Barrenger vs. Stiver. Bueks county. Submitted. Weldensanl vs. Reynolds. C. P. Snyder county. Argued by G. F. Miller for plaintiff in error, and Doty for defendant in error. Gorgle vs. Hcnold. Snyder Bounty. Submitted. Dewart vs. Clement. Northumberland county. Argued by Oomly for plaintiff in error, and by Rooka feliar for defendant. MaloDe vs. Sallada. Argued by Packer for plain tiff in error, and by Ryan for defendant. Hugh Maxwell & 00. vs. James D. Shaw, owner, or reputed owner, and contractor. To recover on a mechanic's Hen! for work and labor and materials. Vordiot for plaintiff $89.88. ... John H. Anderson vs. John Mundell. An aetlon to recover damages for injuries from an assault and battery by defendant npon plaintiff, and from losses by sickness occasioned thereby. Verdict for plain tiff #3OO. Pettit for plaintiff; J. W. Badd for de fendant. Yooum vs. Tront. An aetlon of ejectment. Be fore reported. Verdict for plaintiff lbr one-half the property in dispute. Kensll vs. Hungerford. An action to recover amount alleged to be due defendant in a settlement of their partnership account. Before reported. Ver dict for plaintiff #1.160 33. „ . • Peter Baltz vs. Willey Wallach. same vs. Henry "Kraber. Feigned issue to test the ownership of cer tain! property sold by the. sheriff in 1857, as belong ing to John H, damp, but which is claimed by plaintiff as his. - Verdict for defendants. Robinson for plaintiff; Thom and Heyer for defendants. Thos B. Shay vs. Henry Norcross and wife, late Mary A. Shay. An action on three promissory notes, purporting to have been made by Mrs. Nor cross prior to her marriage.. The defence deny that she signed the notes. Jury out. Hunsicker and 'George W. Norris for plaintiff; W. S. Price for de fendant. Eeuit of 4mut«r Sessions—Mon. Joseph Allison, Associate Justice. A CROSS SUIT DISPOSED OF. -The jury in the case of Xavier Frink, charged with committing an assault and battery with intent to kill, came Into oourt with a sealed verdict of not guiity, end to pay the costs; and on the bill charg- - ing him with carrying concealed deadly weapons, rendered a verdict of not guilty. In the case of George Fry and Gemellus Stra line, tried on cross bills with Frink, a verdict of guilty was rendered. TWENTY*THIRD WARD ELECTION FRAUDS. Barney Gallagher was charged with attempting to vote on a forged certificate of naturalization. Allied Bartolett testified.—l was present at the election held at the First preelnct of the Twenty third ward on the 11th of October last; I saw de fendant there: he came and offered Ms vote, which was challenged, and he produced papers; I exam ined him, and he admitted that he did not get them at the court, but from a man in Holmesbnrg, who is now dead. (The paper was shown and'identified.) I believe this- is the same paper the defendant has voted on before; have known Gallagher several years; he is a laborer. Mr. Spangler sworn.—l was appointed an addi tional Inspector of the eieetion by this oonrt. Mr. Gallagher presented this paper and offered to vote. Mr. Reeves sworn.—l am in the office of the Pro thonotary of the Oonrt of Common Pleas; there are no records of any such proceedings as are set forth lu this paper; I believe the seal on this paper to be an imitation. The witness was here directed to go and got a fac simile of the seal of the court. Thos. O. Webb 'sworn.—l have the seal of the court for the year 1868, and hero produce it. Mr. Mann offered the seal in evidence. Objected to by ex-Judge Parsons for’the defen dant, and objection overruled. Witness resumed.—This is the seal that was used in 1856, The body of the writing In this paper is not Mr. Havliand’s, and Ido not think the signa ture is his, Mr. Dare sworn.—l assisted in making this im pression in wax from the seal presented here this morning. The .defence called the fallowing witnesses; Tho*. Helverson sworn.—l have known defendant for Bix or eight years, and have known him as a voter since 1856; I believe he cannot read or write; have seen him hand his papers to the election offi cers and then vote. Nicholas Kelley Sworn.—l have known the de fendant for eight years; he Is a laborer, and lives at a place called Penqypack: never saw him read or write; have seen a paper similar to the one pro duced in Gallagher’s possession. On cross-examination the witness refused, to answer whether he had a naturalisation paper in 1856, so, from whom he obtained it. Jos. Johnson sworn,—The defendant is a stranger to me; l don't reoolleot or ever taking his vote. Wm. Brady sworn:—Have known defendant to vote at eleotions for eight or nine years; never saw defendant’s papers. Cross-examined.—l was naturalized at Major Bartoiett’s house; he said he would make me old enough to vote, and I have been voting on the paper hegave me ever since, verdict guilty. William Grady was charged with attempting to vote on a forged certificate of naturalization. Alfred Bartolett sworn.—l was present at the October election, 1864, in the First district of the Twenty-third ward; defendant offered to vote there and produced this paper; he said, alter the paper was taken from him, that he obtained it from a man in Holmesbnrg, paying him #2 50 for it, and that he never appeared In oonrt to havOiany naturalization papers taken out. Cross-examined.—l did not furnish Grady with the paper, nor did I assist in obtaining It for him; don’t reeollect of asking him if he was old enough to vote; did not tell him X would make him eld enough to vote, and would furnish him wltk papers; I know be was (tarnished with that paper, In ISE6, by Jackson P. Oomly, because Grady told me so, on his oath, when examined at the eieetion; did not take Grady to the polls, that I know of, at the Presidential election in 1856. John N. Patterson sworn,—l was an inspector of the election when defendant offered to vote, but was refused on showing his papers; on being sworn he told one of the inspectors that he (the Inspector) knew where the papers came from. Cross-examined.—Tho Inspector referred to was Major Bartolett; defendant has oharge of the Frankford and Bristol Turnpike; have known him 10 or 12 years. > Mr. Bezckert sworn.—l am in the Frothonotary’g office of the District Oourt; have searched for the petition, record, &0,, for the proceedings, as alleged in this paper (the paper Is the alleged fraudulent one), but could not find anything. Cross-examined.—lt has oceorred that papers sometimes get in the wrong bundle in the office. James W. Fletcher sworn.—l was the Frothono tary of the District Court in 1856; I did not sign this paper; the seal on it is not that of the court; the paper is a fraud. Cross examined.—Never saw the paper before to day. Mr. Bartolett recalled by defence,—l made the complaint.before the alderman against Grady. The defence was as follows: James Walker sworn Have known Grady be tween ten and eleven years; at Jimmy Buchanan’s election, in Bartoiett’s store, Mr. B. asked Grady if he was going to vote, and hevepUed he was.not old enough; Bartolett said, “We will make you old enough, and you go to Jaokson Gomly’s house and get your papers saw Grady vote at the election for President; when Grady first came to work where I did, he did not know a hoe irom a pick. Cross-examined—Don’t know when I first worked with Grady; it was when I was an apprentice; I was nineteen years old then, and am thirty years old now; I can’t count much; never asked him hew long he had been in the country, when I disco vered he did not know the difference between a plok and a hoe; don’t know if ho had boon in the country five years. Mr. Helverson sworn.—ln 1856 I was at the hall for the purpose of receiving taxes ; I am under the impression that Mr. Bartolett came with Grady when he paid his tax. Mr. Enoch sworn.—l was at the election in 1863, and saw Grady vote on hlB naturalization papers; don’t reoolleot what Mr. Bartolett said about his papers at that time. Joseph Johnson sworn.—l was an officer of elec tion in the fall of 1863; think Grady voted, but won’t be positive; don’t recollect his vote being challenged, and his producing his papers; I have seen him vote. Thos. Purcell sworn.— Mr. Bartolett proffered me papers at Jimmy Buchanan's election. Cross-examined. —l have been in this oountry 14 years; don’t know the year I came here; it was in the month of January; stopped at New York a night and part of a day, then came to Holmesbnrg, where I have lived since. Jury oat. ... 66 69 lB 6 165 ..125 District Court-Judge Stroud. District Oonrt-Jmige Hue. THE. POLICE. HONORABLY DISCHARGED. Some time since Mr. Simon Strouse was arrested on the charge of selling or dealing in Government stamps without authority. The particulars of the case were pretty fully reported in tMs eolnmn at the time. It Is due, therefore, as a matter of justice to Mr. Strouse, to say that the Grand Jury Ignored the bill against him, and he was honorably dis charged by the coart. [Before Mr. Alderman While. 3 “STRIKING ILE." The women, generally, who have a flew.dollars to spare, seem to be seized with the oil fever to an alarming extent. We have heard of many interest ing oases, all showing the anxiety of the ladles to Invest In oil stocks. Much of the business la of a speculative character, and the votaries at the Bhrlneof the oil god are supposed to have “oil on the brain.” Wo leel disposed to pass the subject, but must relate the following rather amuslngxiase that came under our professional notice yesterday. It was not only a ease of-” striking lie,” bat it was a practical exemplification of ” lie on the brain Yesterday afternoon a man with his head ban daged, tbe blood marks still quite perceptible upon his forehead and neck, stepped into the office of Al derman White. ” Sir,” said he, “ I want a warrant. I have bean very badly treated; my head Js awfully injured, and lamalmostdead.” . The magistrate seated Mmself In Ms offioial chair as preliminary to Issuing the document that weald bring forth the offender. “ Just relate the circum stances. where were you beaten 1” “It was last night, sir, In my own house.” . “By whom 1” “By my own wife, sir.” She was drunk, and as I was going to leave the house, to get out of her com pany, she ploked up a poker aud struck me over the head; hnooked me down, and Mt me two or three times more.” “ What is your name 1” “Peter K. lie. Mv wife is named Mary He.” The warrant was Issued for the arrest of the ter magant wife, and placed In the hands of the con stable TMs* was a cam of “striking lie,” with a ven geance, or He on the brain that perhaps was never dreamed of by the King of Petroleum. [Before Mr. Alderman Carter.] ALLEGED LARCENY. Mary MoMollen was arraigned yesterday on the charge of the larceny of a pair of pantaloons. It ft alleged that the defendant enticed a young man from the country by her syren song. While In the house, to whioh she had accompanied him, he took adilnk of whisky which had the effeot to produoea deep Bleep. It was drugged. While he was la a state of stupefaction she pulled ms pantaloons off and pawned them to the nearest old dothing broker. She was committed. . WHITE VIRGIN WAXOF ANTILLES. If —a. new French Cosmetic for beautifying and pre serving the complexion. It is the mow wonderful com pound of the age. There ft neither chalk, powder, mag nolia, bismuth, nor tali in Its composition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence the ex traordinary qualities tor preserving the skin, makinglt’ toft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, thehomely handsome.the handsome more beautiful, ana the most beautiful divine. Prices SO and SO cents. Prepared only by HUNT A GO., Perfumers, 4,1 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above. Chestnut, and 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. j«8-8m _[ TSEWABE the NORTHEASTER I Jj BROWSE’S PATEHT METALLIC WRaTHBR BTSIFB and WINDOW BANDS totally exclude COLD, WIND. BAIN, and DUST from doors and windows. They slop the rattling of Bashes, save one hall the fuel, and are warranted lor five jean. For sale or applied by _ „ .. ■ DAVID H. LOBRT, 38 BouthEIFTH Street,. _ . Sole Agent for Pennsylvania. Local Agenta wanted throughout tha State. jaH-lm* WISH AND CANNED MEATS. 600 bbls Mesa and Ho. 1 Mackerel. Formate VT ***** WitalStOUGH. * del»-An U« North FBONT Street. SHERIFFS SALES. QHEHIFF'S SALE.—BY VIfiTUE ft writ of Levari Facias, to mo wUlte «c* posed to pnbHc sale or veadtie, on MONDAY Breaux*, February<3. 1866. at4o'clock, at Bansom-etreefc Hall, All that tbree-Btory brick building and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Girard avenue. Ipl feet west of Sixteenth etree t, in the city ©f Philadelphia; contain ing infront on: Girard avenue twenty-one feet, and m depth ninety-nine feet six inches to a three-feet-wlde id,W ' (D. C.; D., ’64. 569. Debt, *2OO. Paul. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property t« George F. Apple and Chsrles Field, trading as Apple & Field, contractors, and John Molvaney and Jamea-Mc ilroy, owners or repute w«,e ; Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office. Jan. 23. 1865. Ja26 St CHEREFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, exposed to public sale orvendue. on MO2J DAY Evening, February 6,1866, at4o'clock, at Isanßom-street Hall, nil that three-story brfesk messuage and lot of ground situate on south side of Race street, between Front an a Second streets, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Bace atreot twenty feet, and In depth seven ty-six feet sixinches. Bounded east by ground now or late of James Panock, south by ground, now or i&te of Richard Bill, deceased, west by ground now or late of Beraon Taylor, and-north byjßaco street. C Which pre mises George,Jenkins etaL, by deed dated June Iff 9. recorded in Deed BookA. D. 8., Ho. 71, page 354, 4c. conveyed unto Henry w. Hey, in fee. 3 __ ‘ CD. C.; D., '6l. 344. Debt, #l,OOO. Fenner. 1 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry W. Hey. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Jan. 21.1865. ja26-8t QHETOFP’S SALE.-"BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Venditioni me directed,wiUhe exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, February 6,1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sauaom-street-HaU. All that lot of ground situate on the southwest aide of Indiana street, between Bath and Bank streets, in the Twenty-fifth ward, city of Philadelphia; coßtaininc in frost on Indiana street 300 feet, andTln depth 100 feet. Bounded I northeast by Indiana street, southeast by Bank street, southwest by ground now or lata of Solo mon Alter, and northwest by Bath street. [Which pre lniees’Charles Eensll, by deed dated January 81,1559, recorded in Deed Book l. B. B , No. 18, page 30, con veyedunto Howard Eire and Marine Insurance Com pany in Jee. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $lOO, payable Ist of January • . , [D. C ; D-, ’64 3£9 Debt $l6 000. J. Clayton.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of The Howard Fire and Marine Insurance Company. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Jan, 24,1565. ja26-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expoaas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, Fobruarr 6,1863, atd o?clock,atSansom-streefeHau, All that lot composed of two adjoining lote of ground, numbered 367 and 168, in the plan of “Philadelphia County Beal Estate Association, ’' situate on the south side of Columbia avenue, fifty* two feet six inches west of Bailey street, In the olty of Philadelphia; containing together in front on Columbia avenue thirty-five feet, and in-, depth seventy-nine feet, including a three-feet alley running to the depth of seventy feet Into and from Bailey street, with the privilege thereof Which pro mises John Stillman et a!., by deed dated July23d. 1863. recorded in Deed Book B. 3>. W.» No. 41* page 861, Ac., conveyed unto John J. Griffiths in fee.] „ _ CD. C.;D.,’64. 593. Debt,sl,ooo. Bonsall ] - Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John J. Griffiths. HENRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff. FhiladelpMa. Sheriff’s.Offlce, Jan. 23.1365. ja26-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex fosed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, ebrnaxr 6, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that two-Kory brick messcage and lot of ground,, situate on west ride of Fifth street, between Lom bard find Cedar streets, in the olty of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fifth street 14 feet, including on the'BOuth side au alley 3 feet wide, and in depth 90. feet to alO feet alley- Bounded north by ground now or late of Joseph Carnell, east by Fifth street, south by ground now or late of Nathaniel Fowler, and east by eaid 10-feet alloy, with the privile.® of saiff allays. S' CD. C.; D., ’64. 416. Debt $57016 Love. 3 Taken In execution and to be sold a* the property of enaor Leonard. HENRY C. HOWELL, Bheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jah. 34.1865. ia36-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE-OF a -writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on. MONDAY Evening, febrnary 6, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansoßi-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the southeast center of Brooklyn and ABjien streets, in the city of-Philadel phia; containing in front on Brooklyn atreot 164 feet 10* nches.and in depth aton g Aapen Btreet 165 feet 2 Inches, and on the sooth line 171 feet 4 inches more or lobs to Forty-second Btreet. rc.C.F.; D.. 64. 63. Debt, #B4. Lex. 3 Taken in execution and. to he sold as the property of William Given, owner _ HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. .Philadelphia, Sheriff’e Office, Jan. 15,1M5. ja26 : 3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF KZ/ a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex xjsed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening* i’ebniary 6. 1365, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, „ ah that three-story brick building and lot of ground situate on the north ride of Girard avenue, 143 feet west of Sixteenth street, in the etty of Philadelphia; contain ing infront On Guard avenue 21 feet, and in depih.99 feet 6 inches to a three-fest-wide alley- CD.C.; D., *64. SSL Debt, $2OO. Paul.] Taken in execution and to be sqld as the property of George F. Apple and Charles Field, trading as Apple & Field, contractors, and John Bf ulraney and James Mc- Elroy, owner* or rented cwMM. . _ HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff s Office, Jan, 24, 1865, ja26-gt CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF £3 a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, : February 6, 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansoxn-etreet Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Marshall street 133 feet lb* inches north of Master street, in of Phlladel ibia; containing in front on'Marshall street 17 feet, and n depth 71 feet 2 inches, CWhich premises George Me gee. Esq., Sheriff, Ac., by deed dated March 13ih, 1868, entered among the records of the District GourMn Book O, 2, page 240, sro.» conveyed unto John P. Percch, in ’ea. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $3O, payable ! Ist of April and October. ] CD.C.; D.,'64, 384. Debt. $2,10S 20. Quin.] Taken in execution and sold as the property of John P. Perach and terre tenant. ™ . BBNRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff a Office, Jan. 23,1865. ja26-3fc CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF kj. a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to mq directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve- Bing, February 6, 1866, at .4 o’clock, at S&nsom-st. Hall. Ail that lot of ground situate on the sonthwesc side of Marlborough street, 265 feet 1 inch southeast from Bel grade street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Marlborouthetreet 47 feet.and in depth 100 feet. Bounded southeast by public school lot, south west partly by ground sow- or late of Thomas Rose, northwest by cround now or late of Thomas Mcßride, and northeast >y Marlborough street. ' A - .... ' All that lot of ground situate on the north side of Nau dain street 38 feet 6 inches east of Twenty-fifth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containiugin front on Nau dain street 33 feet 4 inches, and in depth 60 feet CD. 0.;-D.« ‘64 48). Debt, $B>OGO Caven.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as theproperty of Thomas H. Bice. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Jan, 24,1865. ja!6 3t QBERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A O writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, February 6, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-etreefc HWI, ~ *u that three-story brick building and lot of ground situate on the north side of Girard avenue 128 feet west of Sixteenth street.ln the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on Girard avenue2l feet,and in depth 99 feet 6 inches to a 8 feet alley. .. _ , , CD. O ; D., ’64. 360. Debt, #2OO. JPauL] Taken in execution and to be sold as tbe property of George F. Apple and Charles Fisid, tiadlng as Apple & Field, contractors, and Jobs Mnlyaner and James .McElroy, owners or reputed owners. ■ ’ RBNRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 24,1865. ja26-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, wiH be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, February 6,1866. at 4 o’clook, at Sansom-street HaH, All that lot of ground situate In the Tenwty-second wardofthe city of Philadelphia, beginning at a point:ln the middle of rark street (or WissaMckon avenue) ; thence by ground of Samuel H. Austin north 18 derrees west SIS feet to land of Hiram J. .Hartwell; thence by same south 43-degrees west 100 feet t thence by land of Samnel-Hl Austin south4B degrees east 281 feet to mid dle of Park street ; thence by same north 69 degrees 8 minutes east 104 feet SB inches to beginning; contain ing 2 road* and 30 perches of Jand. CWhlcn premises Samuel H. Austin etux., by deed dated July 2. 1880. conveyedunto John Myers In fee.] . CD. O.; D., ’64. 850. Debt. 33. O Bryan.] Taken in execution imdto be sold as of John Myers. HENRY C. HOIjVBU* Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office. Jan. 24,1865. ]a23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF KJ a writ ofVenditioni Exponas,to me directed, *wm be exposed to public sale or vendue-on MONDAY Evening* February 6, 1665, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All those buildings and improvements-and lot of ground situate on tbe northeast side of-«iage avenue, 386 feet Ilk inches northwest of Jefferson street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence along hidge avenue 18 feet; thence northeastward 104 fee- B&..inches; east 104 feet Bjf£ inches to the west sice or a thirty-feet street: thence south along same 18 feet; thence west 99 feet 4$ inches; thence southwest 99 feet 4X inches to the beginning. Subject to a yearly ground rest of $72, payable Ist of January and July. - ED. C.; D., ’64. 351. Debt, $852 93. Simpson. 3 Taken in execution audio he sold as the property of William H. Brown. HSNRY C- HOWELL, Shone. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ogee, Jan. 24,1865..- ja2B-3fc CHERIFF’S J3ALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Venditioni Expense, to me, directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, Feb. 6, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Gall, No 1. All that brick messuage and lot of ground aitu a te on the east side of Cedberry avenue, 95 feet south of Columbia avenue, in the city of Philadelphia; contain •in front on Cadbury aveeue 16 feet, and in depthss feet. Ho. 2- All that brick measuage and lot-of ground situ ate on the eaetside ofCadberry avenue, 111Teeteonth of Colnmhia avenue, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on Cadbury avenue 16 feet, aud in depth 65 feet. [Welch premises Israel Vanhorn at ux., by deed dated June2lM. 1860, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., Ho. 12!, page IS, conveyed unto John H. Davies in fee. 1 Ho. 3. All that lot of groutd situate in the Twenty second ward, city of Philadelphia; b(atoning on the northwest side of East Logan street, 64 feat 6 Inches southwest of Wakefleid street: thence along East Lo gan street 64 feet 6 inches to Wakefleid street; thence alcng same, nor’h 47 degrees 80 minutes .west 117 feet; thence by ground of Jacob Mehl, south 42 (legless 30 minutes west 62 feet 1)4 inches; thence south 47 degrees SO minutes east 119 feet 6ii inches to.beginning. [ Which premises Jacob Mehl et ex , by deed dated October 4th, 1856, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., Ho. 60, page 197, &c., conveyed unto John Davies, in lee. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $6O ] _ . [D. C.Td. ,’64. 373. Debt, *2,910.46. Thom.] Taken in execution and to be eold as the property of John Davies. HENRY C. HOwEtL, Sheriff. PMladelpMa, Sheriff’s Offlee. Jan. 25, 186 6, j«26 3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF *■7 a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed; will be.ex posed to public sale or vendae, on MONDAY Evening, February 6. 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that three- story brick messuage and lot of gjonzd situate on the west side of Tenth sheet, one htmdredl&nd ninety-eight feet north of Wharton street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing infront on Tenth streetthlriy thxee feet, and in depth one hundred and five feet to Austin etreet. [Which premises Jacob 8. Lentz, true* tee. by deed dated May 2, 385% recorded in Deed Book T. H., 80. 121, page 92, &c. f conveyed unto John D. I “* 1 TD^C.; D.. ,«4. 439. Debt. *2,000. Biddle. 3 Taken in ex*cution and tohesmd asthepropetiy of f John D. Lentz. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Offlee, Jan. 24, 1865. ia2S-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, February 6,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaH, All that three- etory brick messuage aud two- story back building and lot of ground sitaate on the east side of 5 inth street, seventy feet north of Columbia avenue, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Ninth street sixteen feet, and in depth one hundred feet to Clinton s tret t, - » ' [D. C-; D., *64. 385. Debt, $4OO. mile. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of JohnSL Sharpley. HENRY O. HOWELO, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 25,1855. ja26-3t - CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF' k-J a -lyrit of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning,February 6,1865, at 4 o’clock,at Sansom-street Hall, All that two story brick messuage and two-story brick slaughter-house and lot of ground, situate on'tha west side of. Fifth street, 76 feet north of Jefferson street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fifth street 18 feet, and in deoth 190 feet to Mifflin street. [Which premises Jacob Warner et ux., by deed dated October 27, 1660, conveyed unto David Sad ler, in fee 3 [D. C.; D„ ’64. 317. Debt, $5,625. F. C. Brewster.] Taken in execution and to be soldas the property of David Sacler. BBNKY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 21,1865. ja26 3t CHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of 'Levari Facias, to me directed,* will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, February 6, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the west side of Twelfth street, 196 feet 6 inches north of Montgomery street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Twelfth street 16 feet 2 inches, and in depth 78 feet to a2O feel street. [Which premises Tatlow Jackson, by deed dated May 11th. 1863 conveyed unt6 John Frede ricks in fee. 3 For furthersrceUal see writ. [D. C.; D., *64.-"429; Debt, *2,070"84 Littell.3 „ TaJ en in execution and to be sold as the property of John Fredericks and term tenants. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jen. 24, 1 W. jatf-St CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF k} a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to pnblic sale or vendue,, on MONDAY Evening, February 6. 3.865, at-4 o’clock, at Bansom-street -dali. No. 1. Ail that lot of ground situate on the west side of Fifteenth street 231 feet 6# inches north of Brown street, Inthe city of Philadelphia; containing tn front on Fifteenth itreet 31 feet S inches, end in depth on The north line .99 feet .IOS Inches, and on the south line Allthat lot of ground situate on the west side of Fifteenth street. 252 met 8% inches north of Brown street,in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fifteenth street 31 ftet 4J* inches Mid in depth 99 feet 10X inches. [Which two lots william RlchM*aon et ux., by two separate deeds dated July 14,1848,_coa veyed unto fee. Subject asto N* 1 to a ground rent of $93.76, and as to No. 2 to a ground saldlwo lotß are erected six th»e*stonr brick buildings, ana eight two-and a-half etory build t“‘a[». C.; D. >64: 433. Debt, »2.162.3 S H»rtihi.] Taken is execution and to be soid as the property ox Zebedee Dobbinr. HENRY C. HOWELL, SheriKL Philadelphia, Sh^rifTs Office. Jan- 25,1865, jag6-8t THE PKESS,—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1865,' U a writ of Allas Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, onMONDAXJBVenIng, February 6, 1£66, fifc"4 o'clock, at Sansom-gtrees Hall, N 6. l. Ali that certain, tract or parcel of land; with* the stone building or hotel tbereon erected,isituafe and lying on the easterly side of the river Schuylkill, im mediately north of Gray's Ferry bridge, in the First ward of the elly of Philadeiphia. formerly Faseyunk township* afterwards the District of Moysmensing, in * the county of Philadelphia, described ana bounded, ac cording to a survey lately made thereof by Joseph Tay lor, surveyor, as follows,to wit-Beginning at a point in’ the low- water mark of the river Schuylkill. a corner of a lot of land reserved to Gray’s Ferry in the partition hereinafter recited, since granted toH&ttfcew Newkirk; thence extending by the said land granted to Matthew Newkirk, south' seventy-three - degrees east fifteen * peicbee, to thebauk of said river; thence continuing of' the same course twenty-six and nine-tenths perches, to acofner; thence still by the same south seventeen de gree! west four and three-tenths perches, to the side of Gray’s Ferry road; thence* along the northwardly side of , said road south seventy-one degrees east one hun drod’aud ten and five-tenths perches, to & point, a cor ner of land now or formerly belonging to the heirs of Daniel Dnpuy; thence by aaiavDapay's land north for ty-eight degrees west ninety-three and three-tenths perches, to a corner; thence still by the same land north, sixty degrees east nine rand sixty-five-one-hundredths ptrcnee, to the bank ofsaid river; and thence the last mentioned course eighteen perches farther, to low water mark of said river, and from thence down the, said river, bounding' on and following the several' courses thereof, at and along the lo w-water mark of said river, to the place of beginning; containing thirty four scree, three roods; and forty-two perches, Inclu ding eight acres, one rood, and eleven perches of marsh or fiate, lying between the river bank and low-water mark afoietaM. . JRo; 2. All those four lots or pieces of ground, with the three messuages thereon erected, situate on the'west wsrdly side of a cer.atn fifty-feet wide street called Thirty-fourth street, as laid out and conveyed by Doctor “William loung, deceased, to. the city of Philadelphia'• and their successors; by deed dated Deomber 24th,1857, ‘ and recorded in Deed Book A. D 3 , No. 25, page 302, Ac. Commencing at the distance of £5 feet 4% inches northwardly from Gray’s Ferry road, and extending in fiont or width.on the said Thirty-fourth street 62 feet 4K inches, and in length or depth of that width at right angles to the said Thirty-fourth street, 7ff feet IGH inches; together with the free and common use* light,' libeny, and privilege of the said Thirty-fourth street at all times hereafter;, forever, and-of a certain five test-wide alley in the rear of said four lqts,andvara3el with the said Thirty-fourth street, and of a certain other three-feet wide alley on the southwardly side of-the raid four locs, and running wertwardiy from the said Thirty-fourth street, and to communicate with the said five feet 57,681,33. Judson. 3 C “ 378. *' #»,878.00.* “ 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the “property of William Young, M. D., deceased. . BEERY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 24,1865.. ja26-3t QHERIFFS BALE.—BY VIRTUE OP O a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, February 6,1865, at 4 o’clock, at SanßOm-street Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Thompson street, one hun dred and sixty* five feet westward from Eighteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Thompson street sixteen feet, and in depth one hun frei and twenty feet to Cabot street [Which premites ohn W. Downing, by deed dated February l?tn, 1854, conveyed unto Kennear W. Latcham in-fee, subject to a yearly ground* rent of fifty* six dollars, payable Janu ary ana July. 3 " * [D. C.; D. ’64. Debt. $516 Ledyard. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property*of Bennear W. Latcham and Mary* his wife . HENRY 6. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 24, 3885. ja26-3t SHERIFFS BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari me directed, will be ex posed to pablic Bale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, February 6. 1835, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. Ail those two eontigaons lots of ground, Nos. 2D and 21, on plan of Mantua village, situate on the north side of Sycamore street, 110 feet east of Maple street, in the oity of Philadelphia; containing In front on Sycamore street 100 feet, and in depth 170. feet to Plumb street. No. 2. All those two contiguous lots of ground. Nos. 27 and 28, on plan of Mantua village, situate on the north side of Plumb street* 110 feet east ot Maple street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in fronton Plumb street 100 feet, and in depth on west line 187 feet, and; on east line 145 feet. . ' ■ •? . CD. C.;D.,’64. 424. Debt, $337.50. Onyler.3 Taken in execution and to be sold aa the propMty of Daniel J. Irvine. HENRY C HO WELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jaa. 24,1855. ja2S-3t CHEEIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF n-3 a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, wiilhe exposed to public sale or vendue,'on MONDAY Evening, February 6, 1865; at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that three* story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Tenth street, 223 feet lnches south of Prime street, in the city of Philadelphia, thence east 23 feet 9 inches to ground of Mutual Family Burial Ground, thence by same south 14 feet 1 inch,-thence west 31 feet 1 inch, to Tenth, street, thence along sams fourteen feet to beginning. [Which premises Ann Par ker, by deed dated December 31, lBs6, ; conveyed unto William G, McMichael In fee, reserving ground rent of $44 3 " [D. 0 ; D , ’64. 434. Debt. *2OO Brinokio. ] Taken in exGcution'and to be sola as the property of ■William 8. Me Michael . HENRY O. HOWELL. Sheriff. Fblladelpbia. Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 24.1865. ja26-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF Ks a writ of Alias LevariFacias,to me directed, will be exposed to public sale orvendue, on MONDAY Evening, February 6,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, i All that tract or lot of ground, situate in the Twenty third ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a corner of land of Thomas Bnckiey and land of John Clark, thence south 82 degrees yroat 38 perches to land of John Wilkins, thence ny the same south 68 degrees 45minutes east 291-10 perches, thence south 64 degrees 40 minutes west 241 4 perches, to l*nd of Dennis* Der rickson, thence by the same south 41 degrees east 246-10 perches to land of Elias Boudmot, thence by the earns north G 4 degrees east 40 3-4 perches to John Clark’s land, thence bj the same north 22 degrees 30 minutes west 40 perches to the beginning, containing twelve acres ex clusive of roads, [which premi tes Jonathan -Tyson and wife, by deed dated April 6th, 1807, recorded in Deed BookE. F,, No/26, pageS9h Ac. * conveyed unto John Ely hoof, in fee, who departed this life, first haying by will bequeathed all his estate to his wife Elizabeth Sly * ho ° r :I [D‘. C. ;D.,’64. 396. Debt, *726 ; 25.’ Parsons. J Taken in execution and “to be sold as the property of Elisabeth 81y hoof, a Wi| Philadelphia, Sheriff's,Office, Jan. 24,1865, 1,26 3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,. February 6, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street-Hall, - All that four* story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Front street 81 feet 7 X inches south of Callowhiil street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Front street 16 feet 9 inches, and in depth on the north line 85 feet 6% inches, and on the south line 84 feet 3X inches, the rear end being ; 16 feet &% inches. [Which premises John Airyet ux,. by deed, dated May 16th, 1859, conveyed unto Edward L Clark (E, lb. Clark has parted with Ms interest.) >- CD. C.; D, *64. 483. Debt $3,750.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the' property of Edward L. Clark. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 24,1865; ja263t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue',on MONDAY Evening, February 6, 1865, at4o’clock, atSansom-street'Hall. No. 1. All teat brick messuage and store and lot qf ground situate on the northwest corner of Wharton ana Austin streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Wharton street about 14 feet 6 inched, and in depth 45 ft et, including part of alO-feet-6 inches alley, with the privilege thereof. , No. 2. All that three story brick messuage and lot of , ground rituate on the north side of Wharton Street, 14 Feet 6 inches west of Austin street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on-Wharton street about 12 ftet 11-8 inches, and in depth 46 feet, including part of a 2 feet-6 inchesalley, with the privilege theraoL • No. 3. AH that three utory hiick meieaege and lot of (round situate on the north side of Wharton .street, 26 lest 71-3 inches west of Austin street, in thd.cliy of Philadelphia; containing in front on Wharton street 12 feet 11-Slnches, and in depth 45 feet. including-part of a 2-feet-6-inches alley, with the privilege thereof.- No. 4. All that three-stoty brick messuage aad lot of ground situate on the north side of Wnarton street, 38 met eight and two-third inches west from. Austin street, in the city, of Philadelphia! containing in front on Wharton etreet about twelve feet one and one-third Inches, and in depthforty-five feet, with the privilege cf a two feet six inches wide alley. t .... No. 5. All that two story brick and frame buildings and lot of ground situate on the west Bide of Austin street, forty *flve feet north from Wharton me city of Philadelphia; conteining in front on Austin street fifteen feet, and in depth fifty feet ten-inches, more or less. [Which premises Jacob S.Lentz, trustee, by deed dated May 2d, 1553« recorded in Deed'’ Book T. H., No. 121, page 92, conveyed unto John-D.Xentz 4 n f ae *1 ..¥■ * ‘ [D. C.; D., ’64. 440. Debt, $2,000. Biddle. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as Hie property of John D. Lentz. HENRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 24, .1865. ja26 3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, willbeex posed to public sale or ’vendue, on MONDAY Evening', February 6,1895, at 4 o’clock, at Sausom streefrHall, All that t hree- story brick messuage and lotpf ground on the west side of St. Jobs street, between Coates and Green streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in fronton St. John street 20 feet, more or lees, aadin depth. 100 feet ter Bose alley. £ Which, -premises Morton McMictael, Sheriff, by deed dated September 14th, 1844, recorded in District Coart Deed Book Bi* No. 17, page 64. de., conveyed unto Pliny B. Falier frrfee. ] CD. G. sD , ’64 423.- Debt, $1,891. Husband. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of PHny B. FuUer. HENBY G. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff*b Office, Jan. 24,1865. ja23-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF *3 a writ of Levari Facias,.to me. ,diT«dted£WiU be; exposed to public saleor vendue, on MONDAY Evening, - February 6, 1860, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, * * All that three *tory brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Sixth street, 4Sifeet north of Wharton street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Sixth street IS feet, and in depth 67 feet, to the head of a three-feet alley, with the privilege there of, [Which premises Stephen Myera et ux ,by deed dated July 20th, 1855,conveyed unto Herman Van Beii, subject t» a yearly ground rent of $30.. ' [D C.; D. *64. 455. Debt. $625.70. Fajlton.3 Taken in exeeution<Snd to be sold as the property of Herman Van Beil, and terra tenant,* j* HENBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s,Office, Jan. 24,1865. ja36-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF K-J & writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex* fused tq public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, ebruary 6, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. All that -two-story brick messuage and. lot of § round situate on the east side of Fourth street. 137 feet inches southward from Christian street, in the City of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fourth street 11 feet, andindepthB4feet ’ , - No. 2 Two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Fourth street, about 148 feet 6 inches southward from Christian street; containing In fronton Fourth street 11 feet, and in-depth about 84 feet. [Which premise b Charles G. Raymond. by deed dated February 19th, 1863, conveyed unto Sarah M. Towell in fee. 1 [D. C.; D., *6l 395. Debt, $624.75.. Haines.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Sarah M. Towell. HENBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 24,1865. ja26-St SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF k-J a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will he ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, February 6, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-streetHall,- All that three-s ory brick messuage and lot of ground situate on -the east aide of Front street, twenty-seven feet eight Incheß north or Morris street, in the cay of Philadelphia; containing in front oh Front street thirteen feet eight inches; including on the south tide the half part ox a one foot eleven- inches alley, knd in depth thirty-nine feet two inches, [Which premises John Lancaster et ux ,by deed dated January Ist, 1857, convey ed unto Philip Trotter in fee. Be serving a yearly ground rent ox $24.1 •*CD. C.; D.,’647 441. Debt, $617.50. Salter,! Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of PbidpTrott-r. HENRI O. HOWELIJ Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 24,1865. ja2§-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Fad&s, to me directed, trill he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, Feb. 6» 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street .Hall, No. L All that three-story brick and lot of ground situate on the west side ot Tenth street, 225 feet south of Wharton street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Tenth street 15 feet, and in depth 63 feet, with the privilege of a three-feet alley, leading is to Austin at) eet No 2. All that three- story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west ride of Tenth street, 241 feet south of Wharton street, in the, city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Tenth street 16 feet, and In depth 63 feet, with the privilege of a three-feet alley, leading into Austin street. .. , .. • . No. 3. All that two* story brick me»suage and lot of ground limate on the east side of Austin street, 225 feet south of Wharton street* in ihe city-of Philadelphia; containing in front on Austin street 16 feet (including on the south line the half part of a ihree-feet alley, with the privilege thereof), and in depth 42 feet No 4. All that two story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Austin street, 241 feet south of Wharton street, in the city of Philadetphi*; containing in front on Austin street 16 feeet (Including on the north line the ha f part of a three-feet alley, with the privilege thereof), and in deplh 42 feet. . [which pjemUes Jacob S. Lentz, by deed dated May 2d, 1853, recorded in Deed. Book T. B.« No. 121, page 9% &c„ conveyed unto John D. Lentz, in fee .. _. . [D. C ; I». *64. SB2. Debt, $2,324. Gowen.] Taken in execution and to be sold aa the property of John D. Lentz. HENBY C. Ho WELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 24,1865. jaS6-3t * CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A yO writ of Leviri Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Febrnafy 6,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ail that three story brick messuage with two-story back buildings, and lotof ground, situate on. the east side of Seventh street. 921 fret 4H inches north of Poplar street, in tbe*Uy of Philadelphia;.containing in front on Bev < nth afreet 18 feet, and in depth 87 feet 5 inches. [D C.; D.,'64. 422. Debt, $1,989 60. Fierce. 3 _ Taken in execution and to be sold ae the property ot James Alcorn. HENRY C. HO WELL, Sheris. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 24,1865. Ja26-36 SHERIFF’S SALE.—BX VIRTUE OF k! a writof Levari Facias, to me directed, willbeex -Bosed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, ebruary 6,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, AIJ that lot of ground situate on the north side of Haverford street, 45 feet east of Thirty.seventh street U the oity ‘of Philalelphia; containing in front on* Haverford afreet 50 feet, and in depth 175 feet to Story "m P.iD:, ’64 m Debt, ,1W.60. GaU»,lter.3 , Takes In exeentibn and to be sold as the property of Hevard tilden, owner. • ____ _. ■ HENBY C. HOWELL* Blwrlfi- PbUadeiphia, SheriTs Office, Jml S 5, K«. iMS-St SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF Exponas, to me directed will be fi 18651 , at 4 o’clock, dtOree-Btory hrlek jnessuaio and lot of ground ea»t side of Twenty-second street, 8® feet Itt ‘be cHy of Philadelphia; eon front on twenty- second etreet 16 feeat, and Is deplhlfly feet CWhlch promises Charles Dugan, by April Mh, 1888. recorded in Deed Book A. h. Subject to^S^ouWlS 4 ] n * ,l> 8&Iaael L ‘ r c ?- 0 ! '64. .438. Debt, *177.76. Dlehl.3 i aken in execution and to be sold as the property of SamuelL. Bibbs. HBKRYO HOWBLL.Sherifc Philadelphia. Sheriff's Offleb. Jan. 24.1865. ja2g-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF “ VH 1 o f Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue.on MONDAY Evening, r ebrußry 6,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, that lot of ground situath ■ on, the sontheast comer »'Hiu*h and Berks irreets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Ninth street 200 feet,and in depth “iS-Ugjßerks street 100 feet IX inches to a2B feet street. CWhichpremises Amos EUis et ex., by deed dated May 13th, 1853, conveyed -unto William H. Lord, in fee, re senring a yesriv ground rent of *350.1 CD.' C.; D., ’64. 432. Debt, *8.251.56 Juvenal. 5 Taken in execution and to beaold as the property of William B. Lord. HESBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Kuladelplua, Sheriff's Office. Jan.2s. 1865. ja26-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed,' will be ex posed to publici sale or -vendue, on MONDAY Evening, February 8, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the west side of Twelfth street 108 feet 4 inches north, of Montgomery street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Twelfth street 16 feet 2 inches, and in depth : 7Bfeet toa twenty-feet-wide stieet, with the privilege thereof. [Which premises Tatlow Jackson; by deed dated May 11, 3853, conveyed unto John Fredericks, in fee. 3 For further recital see writ. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Fredericks, and terre tenant. HENRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 24, 1865. ja26-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—By VIRTUE OF A writ of *lias yenditioni Exponas,toms directed, will he exposed to public sale orvendue, on MONDAY Even ing. February 6,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate-on the east side of Lewis street, two hundred and four fett south of Jefferson street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Lewis street six teen feet, and in depth fifty-three feet to Alder street. [Which premises Paschall Gog gins, by deed dated Oc tober 3, 1859, recorded in Deed Boon T. H., No 151* page 2u, conveyed unto Moses Lacy, in fee. Subject to a ground rent of twenty-four dollars. 3 mmm .CD. C.;D., >64. 419. Debt, f 254.56. W. L. Hlrst.3 1 Thkeh in execution and to he sold as the property of John B. Adams, Moaea Lacy, ana Peter. Hinckle* Jr. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 25, 1665. ja26-3t CHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF n-J a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex* fesed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening* ebruary 6, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-streetMaU* All the buildings and lot of ground situate on the north Bide of Haveriord street, one hundred and forty'five feet eatt of Thirty seventh street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Haverford street fifty feet, and in depth on the east line one hundred and se venty-five feet to Story street, and on the west line one hundred feet to ground of James C. Baugh, thence east about sixteen feet 8 inches, and thence northwardly to Story street, _ [O. C. P.'; D., ’64. 108. Debt, *155.83. Gallaher.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Kobert Mukwood, owu |&Ey HQ SSoriir . ; Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 26, 1865. ja26*3t COPARTjnEHSHIPg. TWOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT aV the COTMtaeraUp heretofore cjrisHuk-hetwemi CHAB. L. OEDM aad ALEXANDBE M. THOMPSON, trading as CHAS. L, OEDM S Co., iathlslaj dissolved by mutual consent. AU busLcesa of the firm will be settled by ALEXAN DER M. THOMPSON, who will continue the business at’No. 146 North FOURTH Etreet. ■ OHAS. l. orum. ALEX. M. THOMPSON. PgiLADSLFgiA, Jan. 23,1865. ja34-3t*.. /COPARTNERSHIP. —THE SUBBORI- O BEES bavins pnrobased tbe_Oold Ghain Making Establishment of STACY B. OFDYKE, lie Is this day ■admitted lo a partnership in oar firm, and will siTehfe personal supervision totals department Tie mannfac tore of (fold,Chain, Thimbles; and Fine Jewelry will be contlnned older the firm of ■ ■ GEO. W. SIMONS, BRO., it 00. Geohoe W. Sihobs, Petek B. Sihobs, •ST ACT B. OPDTKK. ■ Thomas Maosogh, Jb. . Philadelphia, Jan. 33,1585, TYISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— A/ The subscribers* heretofore trad Inf under the Arm of BUSTING & JOSKS, have this day dissolved part •vdtetanmii*—*. BAM I. a. johrs. THOMAS BABHES. Philadslphia, Deg. 31,1964. riOPARTNERSHIP.—THE ITNDTO ?oS*iftS & tl MS s |g“ 61,, ‘ * S&HL. A. JvKSbi THOB. BABHBB. 8. LEHMAH SMITH. Philadelphia, Dec. 81.1 SSL ja2-lm THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO. JOBE existing under the firm of JOS. & WH. E. WOOD, Ho. 8 Horth BECOHD Street, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The business of the late s&TffiSFS %ss Street «OT°^OOD, January 5,1865. The*undersigned has this day associated Wmself with the ÜBIOH SCBA.M AND WATBR HATING COM PANY O? PENNSYLVANIA, for the sale of GOLD ’ S fasbht steah-heatihoappab^i^^ The business of the above Company will in future be conduced hr JAMES P. WOOD &'JOSEPH WOOD, under the name of JAMES F. WOOD A CO. January 3, 1865. ja3-tuthalm THE undersigned has this day A associated-with himself WH. H. H. HITGHBS.and will continue theory Goods CommlMlon Busiaera. at Ho. Hl6 GHBSTHDT fetrest, under the flimof X>DH> CAH * CO. ' W. T. H. BtTHCAH. Philadelphia. January 3.18 M. , - ia2lm copartnership notice.—bavib V-> -PEABSOH, end BMAHUEL BART, trading under the firms of Davis Pearson & Co.. at Philadelphia, and Bast and Pearson, at Ashland, HchuylkiU-conuty, Pa., have this day associated with busmBOBBET M. LIHD 6AT, of Philadelphia, and BOBBBT TAYLOR, of Hew York, in the businoss or mining and shipping of coal. The style of the firms will remain as heretofore. DAVIS PEABSOH A GO., BAST A PEABSOH. Philadelphia, January 2,1868. . ia2o-6t the undersigned has this day A associated with himself MYERS F STRAUS. aud Will continue the WHOLESALE HOSIERY, HOTIOHB, AHD VARIETY BDBIHESS. at Ho. 39 Horth THIRD Street,-under the firm of WBIL A STKAjJSS. WM. S. WEIL. Philadelphia, Jan 1, 1865. ja2o lot* OF dissolution; The limited partnership .xlstin, between thennder signed, under Hi® ton or RIEGEI7, WIBST, & ERVIN, expires tMs day by Its own limitation. jacobbiegkl, ; JOHN WIEBT, DAVID B. ERVIN, -a T HENBY S. FIBTSB, - JOSIAH BIE9EL, ■: General Partner*. / SIEGER, WM. K BAIRD, Special Partners Fllladelphia, Dee. 31, IMi. NOTICE OP LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. The snbserlbers hereby rtye notice that they hay* entered Into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the proylsione of the several laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships. That the name of the firm under which said partnsr shipistobe conducted is JOS. RIKGBL *k H. 8. PIS. TER. • " That the general nature of the business Intended to ,bb transacted-Is the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goods. • ' That the names of ths general and special partners, all of whom reside In the city of Philadelphia, are Josl ah Siegel, general partner, residing at the Bald Same Hotel, No. 416 North Third street; Henry S. Flster, general partner, redding at said Bald Eagle Hotel; Al fred Byerly, general partner, redding at No. 1324 Arch streets William B. Albright, general partner, residing at No. 1607 Wallace street; Samuel G. Scott, general partner, residing at No. 2M3 Vine steest; Jacob Megd, special partner, residing at No. 827 HMth SLxth street: and Peter Sieger, special partner, residing at No. 717 North Eighth street .. .... That the aggregate amount of the capital contributed by the special partners to the common stock Is One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, of which One Hundred Thousand Dollars in cash have.been contri buted by Jacob Blegel, special partner, audFlttr Then sand Dollars In cash have been contributed by Peter at’ tSe oi sa!dpartherßhip Is to commence on Hie second day of January* A.. D. 1865, and is to terminate on the thirty- Sret day of DecerhbMjX. h*, HENBY 8. FISTBB, ALFRED BYERLY, WM. E. ALBRIGHT, SAM’L.G. SCOTT, •; .. - General Partner*. JACOB BIBGBL, PETER SIEGER, *■ - Special Partners. Philadelphia. January 2.1866. iaS-6w EDCCATIOSAL. "ELOCUTION TAUGHT AND BTAM -AJ MERING CUBED.—PHILIP LAWRENCE, Pro lessor of-Elocution, J. 019 LOCUST Street. From the Right Rev. Bishop Potter: Hr, system seems to me free from some grievous faults which have marked the teachlngof many elocutionist,, and to have some excellencies of a high order. As a worthy and laborious man, I cordially wish him success. tja24-at«3 ALONZO POTTER. TTHE TENTH SESSION OF MSS, X MARY E. THBOFP’B English and French. Boardlm . and Day School for Young Lacies; at 18441 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, begins February 1, 1865* Ofr .cularssenton application. de3l-dl2t&Btuth 6t*' THE PHILADELPHIA SOHOOLT^OF A DESIGN FOB WOMEN, southeast corner of FIL BERT Street and PEBN Square, (wept of Broad.) will eoxazaence its sessions for 1865 on the Aral of February.. A large number of imported casts are added to the Drawing Department and Museum. A limited number if students can only be taken, as our rooms are nearly all. Terms are very low. For circulars, apply at. [he School-house ■ ja!9-12t. T. W. BBAJDWOOD, Principal. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— ¥ MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four mU« Bom MEDIA, Pa. Thorough conns in Mathematics, Classic., Natuml Sciences, and English; practical las. sons In Civil Engineering. Pupils received at any time, andof allages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Re* fsisto JohnC. Capp A 50n,23 South Third street; Thoa. J. .Clayton, Esq., Fifth and Prune strcetsj_ex-Sherlf Rent, and others, Addnss Rev, J. HBJSVEY BAX* TON. A.K., VILLAGE GREEN. Penn’A noS-dm HSGAIo rsr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK, PENNSYLVANIA. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the said Court to distribute the balance on-the account of ALBERT MILLER,* Administrator de bonis non of the estate of JOSEPH GRIM, late of ssffd county, deceased, will meet the parties interested, for the porooses of his ap pointment, on FRIDAY, February.S, WS, at 10 o’clock A. M.. at Ms offlce. ln the borough of York. Pennsyl- Yarn a, York, Pezuxsyalvania. JAMES KELL, jalg-thSt ; - : . ■ Auditor. T7STATE OF MICHAEL DAY, DE- J-J CEASED.—Letter. Testamentary upon the estate of MICHAEL DAY; late of the city of Philadelphia, de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, nil persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment..and those having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay to Street; ALFREDS WILT. „ 1114 HAnpVJßStreet; CHARLES If. LUKBBTS. de29 th6i* 1035 BEACH hh, ab. Laurel, Executors. WHEREAS, LETTERS OF ADMINIS ¥¥ TRATION. o. t. a. to the estate of EDWARD EVANS, deceased (Slater), have been granted to the subscriber, all perrons Indebted to the said estate will plsase make payment and those having claims against the same wllf Present w BLACK. Administratorc La., <3e22-th6t* No. 640 North THIRTEENTH Street. PT the ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNT t OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of BEaNBVILLB D- BROWN, deceased The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the flrst and final account of DILLWYN PABBIBH and JOHN O. WSTHBRILL. Execntors, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountants, will meet the parties interested for the purpose.of hteappointment, on WEDNESDAY, Februa ry Ist, 1886, at feur o’clock P. M., at his offiM. south east corner EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, In the cltyof Philadelphia. jalfi thstuSt ÜBB. JAMES BETTS’ CELEBRATED he only Sttpyirtere o unto e jtefn^mw^Tpatronage.. also on the Snroortem. with testimonials. oclß-tnthrtt PABINET FURNITURE. sxamlneoax.teek, * •?*'*“ proposals. ntTAKTERMASTHH’S OFFICE, «t comer TWSLTTH and OIK „ 18M FniLAimLpsia* Pa. * January SEALED PBOPOSALSwtU.Hi LWjSS n ‘llf MM until 13 o’clock M. t TUESDAY. v*®®*****? -sSS for the immediate delivery at th#m»noy«r-ette*t|g»e ' bouse, properly packed, and ready for of the following described uaartemMter’eetores—vl«. 20,5C0 Wagon Bowe. 000 sets Ambulance Bows. - 8,000 Wagon Tongues, Ironed. . All of the above-described to be of the boat auamy, and subject to tie Inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the Government. ■ Bidders will state pricofboth U* WJittng and figure*, the quantity bid for, and the tfiirrof delivery. All samples to be seen at*the Govcrameat Storehouse* Hanover-sfcreetwharf. * ' . . All' bide must be made out on printed Wanks, which may be had oa application at this office* otherwise they will be rejected. . , Each bid must be guaranteed-by two rasponetblepar sons, whose signatures must be appeuded toMwgua rantee, and certified to as belng/ood aad^ufficlmt (se curity for the amount involved; by the United States District Judge, Attorney, or Collector,-or other public officer; otherwise the bid will not be considered. The right is reserved to reject all btdßdeemedjojrhiglL. Bias from defaulting contractors, and those thatdo not fully comply with the requirements of this- advertise ment, will not be considered. _ . By order of Colonel Herman Biggs. Cgiief master. _ GEO. R. OSMB* j»26-6t Captain and A. Qt JL- nUAHTERMASTEB’B DEJPABT v* MEM, corner TWELFTH and GIHAED Streets. Phllabhi,phia» Jin. 22,1866. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this o files until 12 o’olock M. MOHDAY/Jannary 30th,18M,for the Immediate delivery at the united States Storehouse, HANOVEK-Street Wharf, of , ' „ . 260 “ Ambeiances, ” Wheeling Pattern, per sample and specifications to be seen at the Storehouse. Bidders will state price, both in writing and figures, how many ambulances they can deliver, andtuecnorf est time they nn deliver them in. _ The Ambulances to be inspected by an Inspector, ap pointed on the part of the Government „ . AH proposals-must be made out on printed blanlCß, Which may be had on application at this office; Other- Each bid must be guaranteed by tvo responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee* and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved by the United States District Judge, Attorney or Collector, or other public officer, otherwise the bid will not be considered. . right is reserved to reject all bide deemed too Ifrds from defaulting contractors, and those that do not tully. comply with the requirements of this adver tisement, wili not be considered. ’,. w By order of Col. HEBMA3T BIQQB, , Chief Quartermaster. CEO. B. OfiMß, Captain and A. Qi n. depart- MSNT, Corner TWELFTH and GIBABD Streets, FHmjLCELTBXA, Jan. 21. IKS. SEALED PBOFOBALB will be received at this office until Iff o’clock M. on THURSDAY, January 26*1865, for the immediate delivery at the United Stafeß Store house, HANOVEK- street Wharf, properly packed, asd ready for transportation, of the following described Quartermasters’ Stores, viz. • 1,000 Head Halters. 1,000 Halter Chains. 08 pairs Hames. 300 Garry Combs. 600 pounds Gat Nails, 12d. 800 do. do. do., «d. 1,600 do. do. do., 40d. 600 do. Borseshoe Nalls, No. 8. 100 do. do. do. * No. 7. 2,000 do. Horse Shoes, assorted sices. 1,000 do. Bound Iron, assorted. 600 do. Strap do., do. 600 do. Bar do., do. SCO do. Nsilroddo., do. 800 do. Bam ess Leather. AU of the above described to be of the best quality, and subject to the inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the Government. - Bidden will state price, to include bones and deli very, both in writing and figures, the quantity bid for, and the time of delivery stated, and no schedule prices will he received. All samples to be sect to the Government Ware house* Hanover-Btreet Wharf. Ail proposals must be made .out on printed blanks, which may be had on application at turn office, other wise they will be rejected. Each ud must be guaranteed by two responsible par sons, whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to a* being good and sufficient security for the amount involved, by the United States District Judge, Attorney, or Golieetor, or other public officer, othexwite the bid will net be considered. The right is reserved to reject ail bids deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requirements of this adver tisement, will not be considered. w . • ' By order of Colonel Herman Biggs, 0. 8. A. .Chief Quartermaster. GEO. E. ORMB, ja26-6t Captain and A. Q. M. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE U. S. ARMY, Ho. 30 SOUTH Street, lUurxMO&s. Hd.» Jan. 29,1885. SEALED PROPOSALS, in dt*©Wca£g»wili be received at this office until 12 M. on THUB&DAY, January 26th» 1866, for furnishing the United States Subsistence De partment, delivered in Baltimore, Hd •with— ~ 6,000 BBLB. FRESH GKOOBD BXMA FLOUR, of grades Bos.l and 2. The Flour must be fresh a * ground' and brands stated, Both heads to be rally'head-lined. Flat-hooped and machine made barrels will positively be rejected. To be delivered within fifteen days from date of award. 60,000 FOUNDS PRIME WHITE BEANS (60 pounds to the bushel), well seasoned and dry; packed in good, Btrong barrels, folly head-lined. To be delivered within ten days from date of award. 41000 FOUNDS CAREFULLY SELECTED TEA, in original packages; K Green, H Souchong, H Oolong Packages to be well strapped wUn green hickory straps, and in perfect order. Cargo and chop marks to be stated on the pro posals. Each sample must be marked in full with the name of the party offering, the cargo and chop marks, price and quantity offered. Bidders are requested to offer not more than two samples of each kind of Tea. To be delivered v in twenty days from date of contract: 600BBLS. FRESH-GROUND WHITEOB YELLOW COEN HEAL (which-to be stated), packed in food, Btrong, clean barrels, rally head-lined, obe delivered mi called for.- - Separate proposals, in da plicate, must he made for each article enumerated, and bidders may proocse for the whole or any part of each. Proposals mu si be made on blank forms, furnished at this office. The certificate attached to the proposal must be signed by two respon sible parties. Express charges on samples must be prepaid, or the proposals will not be considered. Each bid must have a printed copy of tills advertisement pasted at its head, ano must be specific in complying with all its terms. Proposals must not be enclosed 1 with' the samples,'but be delivered separate, and endorsed ** Proposals for Subsistence Stores. ’ ’ In all esses not specially excepted, the delivery must be made at the time specified. In ease of failure, the United Stales reserves the right of purchase elsewhere to make up the deficiency, charging the advance paid over contract price to the party failing to deliver. All stores will be carefully inspected asd compared with the retained samples. Returns of weights, signed by a regular public weigher, mußtbe furnished when ever required. Contractors are expected to hold their goods without expense to the United States until required for ship ment. Payments to be made In such funds as may be fur nished by the United States. Each person, or-every member of a firm offering a pro ne sal, must accompany it by an oath of allegiance to the United States Government, if he has not already filed one in this office. In addition thereto a certificate will be required' setting forth that the articles offered the Go vernment under tne above advertisement either; belong to the party bidding, or are to be purchased or received by them of loyal citizens, for delivery to the United States Government. - . . ' Bids must be legible, and the numbers must be writ ten, as well as expressed'by figures All bids not complying strictly with the terms of this advertisement will be rejected. . J. H. GILMAN, ja23-4fc Captain and C. 8.. U. S. A. piTY COMMISSIONERS’ OFFICE, Fbix.A2>blphia, January 24,1865 PROPOSALS to furnish the City Commissioners with' the requisite BOOHS, STATIONARY, and PRINTING, for 1866. sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Commissioners, No. 11 STATE-HOUSE BOW, until BATGBDAY, at 12 o’clock H., January 23, 1865, for the supplying of certain Books- Printing* and Sta tionery for the City of Philadelphia, according to the Srovision of an ordinance making an appropriation to le City Commissioners for the year 1866, approved January 4,1865. A printed schedule, upon which the bids are to be made, can be bad at the office of the Commissioners, and samples shown, on and after Thursday, January 26,1665. JOHN GIVEN. fs iLtp Hamilton, THOMAS DIGK6ON, je2s-3t City Commissioners. pATEB. SULPHUROUS BATHS OF SAN DIEGO, ISLAND OF CUBA. Large building* have heen erected on the spot, under the inspection of the Government of tbe Island. -■These sulphurous waters (cold and warm) have been used for the last sixty years, and are recommended by the most eminent physicians, among whom we may name Bn. Jorrin, Leßeverend, Zayas, Buz, and GUuzzo. They are visited every year during the season from February to May, by upwards of four thouß&nd people, and their use is specially recommeuded in cases of rheumatism, venereal diseases, and other complaints for which sul phurous waters are ordered. Great relief will be frit >y both sexes In their use. Tim village of Sau Diego has five spacious firet-olass hotels* with every accom modation for travellers; these hotels are located near the Bath establishment, and their charges do hot ex ceed three dollan per day. Communications between Havana and. San Diego exist both by railway and stages, or by steamers and stages, and the trip, either inland or by the *ea shore, is made in about twelve hours The price charged for every bath is only twenty cents. These Springß are very well known to many tra vellers from the United States and Mexico, who avail hemsrives of the fine season (from February until ; oay) to visit Cuba. That season of the year is the most delightful and propitious for the use of sulphurous wa ers, inasmuch as tbe cold weather iu the United States treventspersens living there enjoying the benefit of heir own springs. For further particulars apply to ihe office of the Sau Diego Sulphurous Baths, No. 16 Obispo sfreet. Havana, December 31st, 186!. jal4-stuihl6t T>UTTERFIELD’B OVERLAND -U DESPATCH, Office, aw. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. A THBOUGH FREIGHT LINI has been established, prepared to receive all desses of Freight in the principal cities east of the Mississippi river, and to -COLORADO, IDAHoJ UTAH, AND MONTANA TERRITORIES, HPOSr THROUGH CONTRACT RATES AND BILLS OS’ LADING. Through Sates include ALL CHARGES—RaiIway, ' transfer, Storage, and Foi warding Commissions on tut Missouri river, and transportation upon the Plains has enabling the Shipper to obtain a THROUGH CON TRACT for us freight for a distance of OYER THBBS THOUSAND MUiES.and relieving him from all respon sibilities and anxieties Incident to the past disorganized and irresponsible system of Plains transportation. \ Oux Agents in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Pltto* burg, Chicago, St Louis, and Burlington, lowa, art prepared at all seasons to receive and ship at the LOWEST THROUGH TARIFF BATES. This Company assumes ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY of Losses, Damages, or Overcharges on Freight while in transit from print of shipment to plate of destination. The NeW York office is In possession of a full set of TRACE BOOKS, showing the date of shipment, ths time it passesue Mississippi river, is received al and shipped from the Company’s Warehouses !at Atchison (Kansas), the character of the trains moving upon tht Plains, the date it passes Fort Kearney, arrives at Den ver, is received at destination, and the apparent condi tion of the Wares along the entire route. tig- if Damages or Losses occur, Shippers are notified in time to duplicate any important portion of the ship ment. Theaubooks are open for the Inspection of our cus tomers at ail times, and parties shipping by this Line will be kept informed by correspondence or the exact condition of their shipments. Merchants and Mining Men in the Territories ordering Goods, should be particular to give instructionsto mark uses ‘"Via BUTTERFIELD'S OVERLAND DESPATCH, AlcMron, Kniu,". and hays them «Upi»d undei th. instruction, of onr A*ent aft point of .Wpmont. Letters of inquiry addressed to our office at ATCHI SON, Kansas; No. IVESEY Street. A*tor House. New York; or Southwest corner of SIXTH and CHEBTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, will be promptly and reliably answered- D. A. BUTTfißFlELD.Proprietor, A.W SPALDING, General Agent, New York. WM. H. MOORE. Agent, Philadelphia. driS-tf J^ITHRIDGE’B PATENT XX FLINT GLASS NX TEA HEATT LAMP CHIMNBTS. The world-wide reputation which these Chlmneye have acquired is due to their acknowledged superiority over all others. This superiority ia derived from three 'sources: Ist. Being fifty per cent, heavier than the common Chimney, they may he handled with much less care. 2d- Theovalehape is an adaptation to the flat flame, the Chimney being at all points the same distance from the heat, so that the danger of cracking by unequal ex pansion is avoided Sd. The material of which that e Chimneys are manu factured is unequalled by any other glass as a rapid conductor of heat; and, practically, it Is found that the combination renders them almost entirely free-front liability to destruction by the heat of the flame. Hence the obstacle in the way of the universal use of Carbon Oil, found in the unreasonable expense for Chimneys, has been met and removed bj the introduction of w -V|Pl _ u . ff oy«»fl DITHRIDGK’S FIEE-rEOOF CHlMfill & The popularity of these Chimney a haa lndooed aomn unprincipled perrons to make nse of onr nurse andtrade matks.aod their repntitlon has been partially impaired I>p the wot t hies fin oa 9 of sparionaCMmaeyr geuaaoare. Parties who hare bees annoyed with, the CHsklnc of sameness Chimney a would do well to call and trythe We hare appointed Meaaie. PBBSISX A LEYDEN, Ho. 10a South SECOND Street, Sole Agents for ear Chimneys in Philadelphia, from whom they can ho ob tained in any quantity, at manafactnrer’s prices, with the addition of freight. E. D. DITHBIDGE, HOST PITT GLABB WOHKB, jalB-2m WASHINGTON St , Pittsburg. Henna. 'pOTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK v> andCANVAS, of all nnmbera and brands. Tent. Awnlm, Trank, and Waaon. coyer Dunk. Also. nos-tr SALE AID TO AIL LANDS. U WEAR 900 AOBSB IB A BOOT On a celebrated creek: IN \ISSA3QO COUBTT. BESfirSTIiVAITCA, • ia rßicJßrSjoonioo. KiTUS 4k THOMAS, BealUstote and Stock Brokers, BAX ***** g 9 gQ Btreat, Phtfe. j&2£» rail LANDS FOR SALE-125 ACRES \J cmcn or lei*> cm -ttf ALUSBHBBT Bhraift direct- It apposite lideont.eJid adjoinlng the property of tha Rnonimltes. wbosefoar wells here besm pro dado* 500 barrels per wwk for fee last font „ The land to well adapted for the bormjf of wells. It /ATT. TERRITORY fob sale, IK VBBAaa© COOHTT. PA.. Tiro-mile Saar Jfoorakeai Xua, Pittol©' Creek* BaElion Bun* aad Apply to Big & THOMAS. Ho. SH Horth FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, •Tannery 19, 3055. Q**o «H Up Staira. MFOR SALK—ON BASY TERMS— a three-lior/ sine roomed BRICK HOUBB, witb all the improvements. AIOO,. a BRICK BTiBItS. Apply TSBSS SHIRLEY Street, near Eighteenth and Coates Streets. ja26-4t* « LARGE FACTORY FOR SALE— Lot 75 by 200, fronlingon two streets, with 65-horse power Engine, near ScbnylkiU Teras fayomble. In gnlre'at the PLANING MILL, BROS® and WALLACE Streets. ■■ ja2s-2t« m TO LET-ONE OF SIX STORES JEland DWELLINGS, 3*lBouthFlPTF,BWTHßtreet; lane bulk window. Dwelling private. Rant $4OO. jaS5 3t» MTO LET—THE FIFTH AND SIXTH stories of tbe Granite BnUding, Dock street, below Third, with steam power. _ The largo third-story room of the Commonwealth Building, Nos 611 end 613 Chestnut street. Can be arranged for offices. THOMAS Hi CONNELL. Counting boose of Dr. D. Jayne A Son, ja2s 6t« 3*3 CHESTNUT Street. MFOR BALE—NO. 1609 WALNUT STREET—Splendid Pour-story Brown-stone front .DWELLING, now vacant; Lot, *) by 126 to a street. Price, *27,600. Can have a Stable very nearby. jaM-tnwtha 4tlf MILLER, IB* North SIXTH Street, Mfor sale or exchange for Otler propfrty, mew I'AOTOBY, well-built, TWBSTT-FIB6T Street, aorta of Bid go areane: lot 64 by 300 feet deep on Htibbs etreet to a three*feet alley; Factory Mfeet square. Immediate possession* MliiLSßi 154 UoTth. SIXTH Street. ja24> tnwtha 4tif « FOR SALE—VALUABLE BUST BESS PROPERTY—Sos. 819, 819J£, and 821. FILBERT Street, with stable on the rear, covering a lot 60 fey 160 feet, with two fronts; for particulars in quire of ' HERB GUILLOH. Trnetees of tfce Estate of Vm. Logan, ffo. IS Bank Bt. TO LET—from the let of April next, the property, Ko. 999 MARKET Street, belonging to the same estate. ja23-12t . ■ M NORTH BROAD STREET.—FOR SALE—A superior Browns tone DWELLIffO, of extra finish and most complete, arrangement, with good lot. Possession Boon. B. F. GLEBFN, jag-tf 123 South FOURTH Street. Mfor sale— I three small Bride Houses on TWENTY-SECOIID Stress, be tween Bees end Cherry attests, Tenth ward, with three Bouses In the rear—ElTCH Street, This property la rented to cool tenants, and pays 8 per sent, clear. Tart of the money may remain on mortiags. hot 81 feetfront by 80. .Apply at is2o 6t* No. 40 South FOURTH Street. Mto rent—a modern RESI DENCE, with Garden, Stable, and Carriage House, Gas, Hot and Cold Water, Shrubbery and Bhade Trees i delightfully situated in a pleasant neighborhood, on the comer of Seventeenth and Tioga streets: combining all the advantages of city and eoantry, being three minutes* walk from station of steam oars, and Are minutes'from home cars and fifteen minutes* from the city. Tim House is completely famished, said Fnrni tare for sale. '~"n Inquire at Quartermaster's Office, corner of GIBiBD and TWJSLF CH Streets, 'first door on right hand side. de29 thstutf Mfor sale—two or three first-class HOUSES, with all the modern improve ments, on the south side of ABCH Street, west of NINE TEENTH. Also, toveral first- class HOUSES in FORTY* SECOND, between Locust and Bpraoe. Inquire of J D. JOKES, TWENTY-FIRST St., three doors above Chestnut. ja!4rlBt* g| FOR SAXE OR TO LET—A NUM -■skber 0 f convenient new DWELLINGS, with modern lmproTflßffiitßi on Worth. Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thir teenth etreets. Apply to TaTLOW JACKSON. 611 CHI SMUT Street, or at nolS-gm 1858 Worth TWELFTH Srreet. M LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO FBBTI FOB SAXEL —The very large and commo dious LOT and BUILDING, Ho. 308 CHEBBT Street, near the centre of business, containing 60 feet on Cherry street, depth 106 feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening to a large curt-way leading to Cherry street. -Its advantages of SIZE AND POSITION axe rarely met with. Apply on the premises. Mfor bale.—the subscriber offers for sale his country seat, within half a mile of Wilmington, Delaware, on the Newport pike, con taining eight Mies of good land. In the centre of which is a large lawn with a fine variety- of shade trees, ma- J»les, lindens, evergreens, etc., in all over a hundred nil* grown trees; The improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, flanked on the west by two towers, one of which Is four storiemin height There are four large zooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet. The house has the Imodern improve ments. Ahjdraulicrara forces water from a spring into the upper story of the tower. There is also an iron pump and hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door; The out-buildings consist of a carriage house and stable sufficient for four hones and several earriages;aleor a hen, ice, and smoke houses. The stable nas a hydrant in it. Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and grape vines in faU bearing. There are also several varieties of- apple, cherry and chestnut trees. Terms sceommoda ing. Possession given at any rime. Apply to LEWI G. CLASH, n024-tf 831 Market street, Wilmington, Del. MEOR SALE—THE ARKWRIGHT COTTOH FACTORY, at Manayunk, with all the necessary machinery for the manufacture of cotton goods, in complete running order. _ ■f B. F. GLBHH, jaSLif 133 South FOURTH Street « WATER POWER FOR SALE,— The Saw Mill Property, situate in Harrison Town ship, Gloucester County, H. J., 2%miles from Hardin vllle Station, West Jersey Batlroad. Atraehai to the Hill are 100 acres of Land, 20 acres of good Truck Land, with Pond, Swamp, Ac., with a large two-story frame House and Kitchen. The water power is good, being supported by two streams, oae fed by springs, the other from Eimpkin'a Mill. The mill has eleven feet head and fall, and now running. The above property Is worth the attention of parties desirous of engaging in the mill or manufacturing busi ness. • Apply to STACY BUZBY, at the MILL,or to COBHELIUS'M. KBWKIEK, Upper Plnsgrove, ja2l-6t* ‘ Salem county, K. J. M DELAWARE COUNTY* A FOR SALE—A FIRST-CLASS' FARM OR-E COUNT.RY SEAT, with superior buildings; land under a high state of cultivation; ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND. This Farm is located convenient to the termi nus of the Darby Passenger Railway; one of the best and moat desirable in the market. JAS E. CUMMINS, 504: WALNUT Street. N* B.—Call for Catalogue of Farms for sale. ja2s 3t Mvaluabl milll PROPERTY, m RESIDENCE, AND 10 ACRES OF LAND FOR-C SALE, IN BUCKS COUNTY, PENNA. Thie property is situated on Knowles* Creek, at its junction with the Delaware River near Brownsburg, three miles from New Hope, and ten miles above Tren ton, N. J. Tim mills consist of a two-and-a- half-story Stone Gritt-mIU, with two run of French Burr Stones, all in complete order; Saw-rain and Plaster- mill ad joining. eacii capable of doing a large amount of busi ness. The dwelling is a new two story Frame Cottage House, with four rooms cn the first floor, five on the second, and four on the third, well arranged, and well built; a Barn, Carriage house and other buildings; eight or ten acres of easily cultivated and productive Land, well fenced, and planted with fruit and orna ments! trees. The above described property is one of the handsome spots on the Delaware River where any one might spend their time pleasantly and profitably. ’Tie convenient to school, store, ana post office, and churches of different denominations, and will be sold cheap. Applv to B J. SMITH & GO., ja23-tf Real Estate Agents, NEWToWN, Penna* m B. J. SMITH & CO., BEAL A ■®a ESTATE AGENTS. Newton, Bucks county, -C Fa., offer for sale in Bucks county and vicinity; over 60 FARMS of from 10 to £OO acres; most of them are highly improved and remunerative farms, with fruit, water, good bulla in gs, and well located- Tim early attention of buyers is directed to them. Letters of in quiry answered. jaM-tf. m FOB SALE—AN ELEGANT#* A Country Seat, with about 200 acres of Land, in ■■■*» Bucks county, Fa Price, 450,000. For particulars, apply to WE EGSSELL ALLEN, S. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT. . ja24-3tr #* FOB SALE—SEVEN ACRES'OF D,comer of OLD YORK Road and WARDEN'S Lane, Apply>o WM. ROBSBLL ALLEN, j»24-3t* 8. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT. HACHINEBT AND ZRON. WM. M. FABER & CO., n STEAM-ENGINE BUILDERS, IRON FOUNDERS, GENERAL MACHINISTS, AND BOILER MAKERS, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PASSENGER STATION. PITTSBURG. PENNA. . Manufacture all kinds of STEAM ENGINES, ranging, from three to one hundred and fifty horse-power, and suited for Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Furnaces, Oil Weils, Ac., Ac. Give particular attention to the construction of Bn- Sines and Machinery for oil boring and pumping opera one. Have always on, hand, finished and readyfor shipment. ENGINES and BOILERS or every descrip tion. Orders from all parts of the country solicited and promptly filled. ' jal6-3m J. VAUGHAN MERRICK. WILLIAM M. KBRRIQS. JOHN B. COPE. QOUTHWABK FOUNDRY, O FIFTH AMD WASHINGTON STKSBIB, IHKKKI uH ft SOHS, ENGINEERS AMD MACHINISTS. Manufacture High and Lew Pressure Steam Burin*., for land, liver, and marine service. - Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac. • Gut inn of au kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-frame Booft for Mas Works, Workshops, Xaß road Stations, &e. Ketorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Im proved construction. „ .. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar. Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Fans, Opel Steam Trains, Defecators,Filters. Pumping Engines, &«. Sole agents for N. BiLlean’s Patent Sugar- Boiling Ap paratus, Mesmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspln ■wall A Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar-Draining Machine. . aulfi-tf PENN BTEA.M ENGINE AND ■AsBaHEHasBOILEB WOEKB. —MEAFIS St LEVY rgACTICAL AND THEOBETICAL IsGINIEES. Mi: S3?t™S3S’„ BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS and POUNDSES, having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in. boildinraal repairing Marine and River EngineeThlgh ngfl low prat* sure, Iron Ballets, Water Tanks, Propeller*, Ac., sc., respectfully offer their Mirlen to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all rises, Ma rine, River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns o! different sites, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-makins gade At the shortest notice. High and- Low-pressure. Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder BoUere, of the besfc~Penn gylvanlacharcoal iron, Forgings of allsUe&andfcinds, Jgon Mid Brass Castings, of all descriptions; Roll- TmmLng, Berew-Cu ting, and all other work connected With the above business. Brewing? and specifications for all work done at th« establlEhmert free of charge, taivotk guaranteed. The subscribers have amplewharf- dock room forte* pairs of hoate, where they can lie- in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, falls, Ac., Ac., for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB. C. NEAFIB. isn.« BEACH TWDRGAN, ORB, & GO;, STEAM EH- Pounder*, and General PjLB°9 e f A*ke*s, No. law CALLOW HILL Street, Philadelphia. fe3D-tf THOMSON’S LONDON KTTOBS OE EUROPEAN BANGB. for fumilim ns. Cooking Stoves, &».. *t wholwl. sidr&riLh* SHARPS, A THOMSON, Qd-smthSm Tte. <MH» M. SECOND gtmk. ma EVANS & WATSON’S' WP IS SOUTH FOURTH BTSEBT. PHILADELPHIA. PAT^ t dlMge vurl.ty of FUUtPEGOir SAFES alwuyi♦» MS DBNTOOTBY.- DR. BABBEI -“*TO T ln«rt« ARTIFICIAL TEETH on Oold. BUtm, jg b. SEBHPRB’S UMBRELLA MA- T^SE!f CTdBT ’ Street, om door Ko - ctscHKsraprMA.ffi. MYERS & « £EBb. Son. *aa«d LdBGB SPECIAL SALE OP i w . DOMESTIC Wswlll hold on Wednesday* 0 *??- ** 0? 10 e’clock, by catalogue, for «Sn°s' R jery extensive sals'ot 1 K ~J> f Hr F% Me Cottas Goods, yi Z; 06 esses York and Everett cottoned,., 160 cases bine, o*f or d, brownAT',,, , leans. - ‘* ua 'Mel k...» . f 0 cases Lahcaeter tad Tiverton si-M. " ’’ HO caws Androscoggin, lewirivTlfe ~ jeans. rfn.. .. _ 8° eases apron and furniture cberl-. " leases Lancaster and EoanoK .:-, 105 eases 7-8 and 4-4 WiUU^v Blackstone, Red Bank kri H, _ makes. “*“• 5Ei other 4*, r . ! '> 07 eases 9-4, It-4, and 11-4 blchV sea s ' 00b., 90 bales 4-4 Pampico, Howard. Ann' r- Park, 60 bales brown drills. " ■'* 4S bales tickings, B 6 eases Madder prints. f!5 SM 68 *?3* brown denims. ..... abahle makes ofJTAPLE COTTO?? **«’** The Goods are all in order and , ... FIRST LARGE STRING SALE OF j inr d. boots, shoes, brooass; Y»&y% YELLING BAq|. ,0. - °J>d, T' _. , oh Tuesday moesiso Peb. 71b, at lo o’cloek, will be sew \ r , on fonr months’ credit, abont O sboee, brogans, oaTalrr boots, fa emE . 1 - l"r.i and fresh assortment of seasonable sm~a, ,? c 8 f ‘'i. Eastern mannfaotnre. Will b a ops a '7or eJ[.' ::r withcstalogne, on morning of sals “‘nxass^ ■pANCOAST & WARNOCK Tu> - 1 TIOHEERS, 340 MARKET Stress 1 AL C TUT THOMAS & SONS,~~ -i * T -*-* Bos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH .Sir: a , AHD REAL ESTA", At the EXCHAHOE, eyery TUEB»AY7at F „•, noon. ****•» link eaeh property issned and on the Saturday pronon. to eaeh ealei MuS* i°™s. in pamphlet »rntj,*tTinK fuU desertntiom t^sday. llokls 6Atfes A “* j “ ««R r*, Ee^enc a S! 0 Ac M ** * *** BUP^OEFEITOUBK, l fmE- I pIoOFVAFI' „„ iSilkrM 0 FOKTKB * „ , THIg MOP. 8180, At B o clock, at the auction store, superior r Are proof safes, (hy Evans Sc Watsin,) rSeVaod ’& fortes, superior high case dock, chaadstiS, v S’ Brussels and pther carpets, Ac. ' 5, U Sale at the Aaction Store. LATHES TOOLS, fro. THIS MOHHIHO. [( Lath«. lathe-heads. visS/Thaftlnn lßi SALE OF MISGELLAUEOUS BOOKS, , „ . THIS aFTEBHOOH, Jmi. SS, at the auction store, mlscedaneous hoot, __ SWoJh Actant oT the United States SUITS, WROUGHT AH» CAST lEOH, STEEL Sits BRUSHES, OtRTHS, fro. ' d OH FRIDAY MORHIHa, _ January 27, 1885, at U o’clock, at the U. S. Aisw-t Bridesburg, Fa., the following condemned ordraul stores: 25 32-ponader Iron guns, tranlons broken of, HU» Pounds s U 24-pounder iron anns, 58,685 pounds ; ills, pounder Iron guns, 45,430 pounds; 15-inch Col ambus S,4Wpounds;3sponnderlron guttß,2.4oopounds; inch iron guns. 920 pounds: 1,773 muskets, broke, in wrought iron, 2,147 musket barrels, broken up, I 5 m i, ketoon bawela, broken up, 1 lot oT parts for mnskou" 22,347 ponnds; 1 lot of parts for muskets, steel, 2,® pounds; 1 lot cast iron scrap, 14,022 pounds; fg* wrought Iron scrap, 5.686 pounds; 1.517 curb biu- n pafrsspurs; 133 watering bits; 12,S48brushes and pr gale 1636 Wallace Street. SUPERIOR FURHmntgjTd^SSmY^CARPETS, 30th inst., at 10 o'clock, at No. 1835 Wa’uaoe street, bv catalogue, the superior household and kitchen rural, ture, fine tapestry carpets, china aud glass ware* he Also* a superior Sewing Machine, by Sou, in haai« some case. May be examined aft 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. Executors* Peremptory Sale-Estate of Mrs. 0. K. naldson, deceased. * BESIDENCEAETD PnEBIPoBK fWOOS STREET. OJT WEDNESDAY MOSKIITO, Febraary l*c. at 10 o'clock* without reserre* oath* premises, the valuable three-story Brick Dwelling and Dot of Ground, northeast corner Fifteenth and Sprat* streets. Foil particular* ready In handbills. „ . HOUSEHOLD FUBNimtiE. Immediately after the sale of the house will ha salt the fnrnitnre. Particulars in catalogues. pHILIPI’GRD&OO., AIJCTIONBERS. ■* 535 MARKET and 523 COMMERCE Streets, se!2-8m» FIRST SAIE OF BOOTS ABB SHOES FOB THE SPRIHO OF 1885. „ , OH THURSDAY MORfUKG. February 2, commencing at 10 o’cloik precisely, w# will Bell, by catalogue, for cart, 1,500 cases print boots, shoes, brogang, balmoraU, cavalry boots, Ac.. Ac., comprising a general assortment of Int class goods, to which the early attention of buyers Is mTtted. Thomas J. Ob am. r)RAM & HEMPHILL, DHAT.RRftnr LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL GOAL, Of all sizes and of best qualities. Carefully picked and screened, and invariably at tin lowest cash prices. oface and Tart, WILLOW, below FIFTEENTH Street. *S- Orders ran be left at 146 North SIXTH Street, 653 North TENTH Street, 1463 BARCLAY Street, or thningh the Port Office, which will he promptly uit satisfactorily filled. jalf 5a E SCHREINER, NEW COAL DEPOT, » NOBLE Street, above Ninth street. Constantly on hud superior qnalitles of Lehlsh aai Schuylkill Coal, selected eapreasiy for family pnrpocct, at the lowest market prices. Wharf Twenty-third street, below Arch street. Office 119 South FOURTH Street. ocAtfict PURE LEHIGH CO AL.—HOUSE* A. KEBPBRB csn rely on settle* a pnre arttetaat Hl, comer FRONT and POPLAR. 1. W. HAMPTON. jalg-lm* nOAL. COAL. COAL. yj H. GDITEEHAN & CO. '8 COAL, the hast in the city. . , For sale at the frweet caßhprices. MANTOAOOUi YARD, comer THIRTY-FIFTH Street and PKNSSt- YANIi Railroad. dalO-lm*] W. D. HESTON. Genuine eagle vein coal, EQUAL, IF JTOT SUFESIOB TO LBHIGH. I trial will secure your eastern. Ere and. Store bUm, #l9 per ton; Lam Nut, » Office 13X Spnft JfOTOTBL ! Itreefc, below Clieefamt, Depot IXI9 OALLOWHILL Street, above Broad, sell-So. COAL.— SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain LdilgbCoal, u* beat Lqcoat Mountain, from Sctaylklll, VMHOHIug; proraVjftor family m. Depot H. W. comer BIOHTK and WILLOW Street*. Office Ho- lla South BECOHD Street. [aps-tfj J. WALTON h CO. HOTELS _Aj*P RESTAURANTS. «T OCHIEL,” Jti (Late Herr** Hotel.) Comer of raiED and MAK*gT Streets, HABRXSBUR&, Pa. The attention of tie travelling pnblic is most respect* folly called to this old- established stand, which for the ?ast five months has been closed to trade* and dartuE hat time has been remodeled, repaired, and newly furnished throughout, until it now possesses an the conveniences pertaining to a first- class hotel, which are in any manner calculated to insure the perfect coot* °lte°sitoa?to;cfalone would recommend it as a stopping place, being only two and a half squares from the depot*: near enough to prove convenient, sufficiently distant to avoid the annoyance of railroad noise and bustle. . The furniture is entirely new, rooms large ana well ventilated,table supplied with everyluxury the market can afford, while as to the management, it is trusted to the judgment of a discriminating public to decide. The Proprietor, having determined to make thecas* racier and reputation of the house the object, wuaoat regard to cost, hopes to merit the patronage and favora ble opinion of those Who design stopping intfae State capital. HEHBY THOMAS, jagl-lm Proprietor. _ TONES HOUSE, W Cor. MJIBKET STREET and MARKET SQUABS, TTARRrgttTHM*, jpg. The Proprietor respectfully returns hig sincere timakg to w« Mends for the very liberal patronage bsstowa* to the House since under his management, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the game. dSs-Sm 0. H. MAETH. Proprietor^ ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE, 154 North ELEVENTH* heiowEace street—Dr. THO y*R ALLEN, very successfulin the cure of aunoff every kind of disease, invites all to call at his Of fiee.and see that Ms treatment is free from shocks. mr CONVULSIONS.— Adiscoyary has keen made which seldoin&lls in the cure of Epilepsy or any other kind. Any one deslrima kaowiedgeji this practice can enter at any time for fall Hons. Cards and Testimonials at the Office. Hoars 9A. H. to6P. M. Consultations free. Dr. THOS ALLES, BlectrieUa. j>l7-3m 154: N. ghEYBBTH St., heloirj^ -G'I.ECTROPATHIC ESTABUSH^ Jll KENT, for the core of dlMases fncarable w dicine, hr br. A. H SrKVfflS om p! iCTIM of ao entire new system of ELSCTBICAL r&AA/iu at 1418 South. PENN BOUASE. . 4®“ Please call, or sendfor a pamphlet and leara p« tlcnfan. j VoehdrgeforeoneuUation. «ab rt* 4®* Physicians and others destine S^trocna. enter for a foil coone any time after MONDAY, ary 2d. 1865. Any member of the daw inst ®J“®p may review without any charge. i- JOHN C. BAKER & CO.’S CUD im* O OHi.— THE TEIJBAOTGBEnJIIf^niwBrpMW 4 ® other remedies h&Te little or -,-nnrf#* CUMMINGS & JBNHYSt SQUASH, Jta~ Send fora catalogs*. ogam istey’s COTTAGE ORGANS, *»t inly iraBXCKM.gP, UntP^gAwS 1 CiiS|j* S, 4 p^r ol idDr^^ Alio.* aomplat* aMOrtmcnt of the Ferfe*' constantly onlumA. —— (CaBI NSW PIANOS. "sOTEMOS-SSW YORK PIANOS,iiwt «*»’■"* f “ at * ISSSE; led de*»ee ol pomli&md » loif'^'S iIW *K»rtaM‘ » w u *J«j PUnot. tor •»!• »&& *& nui. -^-^-^Z^tx.T,^ i 4gK*€a snkmu sTeRS, 310 HJTH Street, OU>KYE3MAJ> s ■‘te! Ste» fTßS oB> aea-Bt-afcMa COAL. Robert 1. Hsapatix, ELLIS BBAEBOK. MEDICAL. E. B. FOOTE, 1130 BBOADWAt;® 8 *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers