BOUli MISSIOWAKT SO> #d£? cum 0? THE OIF! op PHItaDBuPHIA " offles 807 HOBTB Street. Open from 3 l*»P. M. Tbit erepclattou devotes Its time and attention ex clusively to the poor pr all classes. A p«rmanent re lets* from penury and want, andapermanent recovery froin rice and Immorality, are the objaots at which ft soostautlr alma-eesbin* to place all who become re «totents of the benefaetlone entrusted to It In. batter ucHlona, both physically and morally, and to elevate them above a condition of beggary and want to one of •eiMuetaraing independence ~ , Purlnatheiearjuirtpasi Ite General A«nt,ieJOHir p, ABKI*OIJ, and lte Mlselonary, Mr. ABBESS a. rOWLAH.D. .nave made 3,1X10 Visile to the poor. SM tollies have Been relieved, at orders for ooal were given. 347 ordere tor groeerlee. ilS'rSigUHis distributed. lSOreHgioue and 40 temperance meetings were held, and SS persons »I«ned the temperance pledge. 183 ndulte were furnished with employment And S ■children wore provided with good homes in the “yhe’Semonds on the treasury are very heavy just now. and the funds are very low. Many aged persons and Uttle children are anttorlnt from the severity of the searcn, and the managers, whose names appear below, appeal most earnestly tor aid In their behalf, jul money contributed specially for the relief of- suffering ore conscientiously appropriated to that purpose only. P»BBt»*!tT._ __ GEORUIS H. hTTART. VICE PRBBIDBHT./ AUSZABbKH G. CATTELL, BRCRKTARV. KBBOI.PH K. PCEFLICH. TRRSSORSR, THOMAH t MASOW, Ho. 438 MARKET Street, KAKAGBRS Wllpon Canton, Thomas Potter* James Appleton* , T. Esmond* Hamper, Charles Santee, Aleraod-r P. Lane, , James B. Bodgers, Thomas PadrioK, Robert P. Kin*. H M. Klmmey, ClmriesL. Oram, tutmael. Molten* James P. Butler, Frauds Bacon, Samuel Work, Hiram MUl*r, ln&ac R Smith, James W, Carson* George Naffest, Bobert Grieg, I JohnWelw, j *l9« t b atutUt* Ot SOWS OF TEMPJKBASCB -THIS GBABD SCABS MEETiNG, tob*baldTOMOß. tow (Thursday) BVESISG, at GONCSftT HALL, inder the anspioM of the Grand Division* wUi com* bence afc.TJi o’clock precisely Address®** will ho de [vexed by Bay. P. B. Benson, Kev. J* S Willis, and Ur. T. De Witt Talmage* Intetsperssd with singing by ha American vocalists. Members of the Grand Division fill appear in recalls, and occapy seats on tee plat km. G W. p. B. Frank Dennieon will preside. The toply of tickets for this meeting it entirely exhausted. Bjr order of the JSxtcutlve Ommittsu on jrablle moot -I***. JOHN 0. MAG CTO AN, , jagfi-Bfc* . Chairman, irtS* OPFWK OF THB FAIRtfOGHT , Hfc» FA9BKJGKB BAIL WAY COM PAN*. Jan. 11,1555. The Annual-Meeting of the Stockholders ot this Com pany will, be-held at Boom JS®. sid, PHILADELPHIA fSXOHAHGB, on THURSDAY, January 28th, 1883, at M o’clock M,* for ibe election of a President and five Director*, and to Tote on the question of consolidation, rJOSBUa fePEBING, See’y. yjBKIMvR BAM COAL €O,ll PAST, » oflics, Ho. »33 loath THIBO Street, . Philauklwiia. Jaa. St, 1885. £ Special Meet! nr of the Stockholders will he h' Id the OiSoa -of the Ooniiaiiy oo PKtDAY. the 27th steal, at one o’clock F, M. Baslaees of importance 111 he presented, fjaHTt* CHAELK3 D. KJSIO&T, Seontarjr. omes «*• ms coal »id«b IMPROVEMENT AND COA& COMPArfP, UT OUBTH Streot. PHrLADBLPSXA, JaiwW, JBB. mail meetln* of Stockholders end Election foe s of tiiU Company- to ser»e for tha easnliig HI be held at this office, on THURSDAY, Jana* > instant t at U o'clock M. jftlfi lOt JOS. T. FORD, Secretary. STO€fiM<MLI>EKS» NOTICE.—IHX __ Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the OOif- IJSLSVILUI ABB SOUTHEBB PBNtfSYLVA»IA HaILWAY GQUPAHY will be held on MONDAY, the 9th day of January, 1860, at 3 o’clock P. M.» at the office of tfc« Company, Ho- 330 South THIRD Street, Phila delphia. As Election for President and Director* will be held **the day and place. £. I>. BAKCIiAY, d«2S-tja2o ' Secretary pro tam. A«BIi!T!l/rS!IUl, cnitims OF MB’’ PKKifBTLVAKIA.-Tie SeTtatb'SnaVoß wUI open February 28, and continue forcy-one weeks. For Initios, board, wasbia*, room rent, and fuel. $2?0; f rable hair on entering end half on JoJt 1 for tortbar information, or ©atatcame of 1854, apply to 2 onbscriler, or Prof. J 8. WHtFMaJN, Afriooita i College, Centre county, Penua. IHLiiUM fl, AOTBST, President. fannarySS. 1885. j&24-3t SBE UNJCSf MIE COAL CD.- ANfIUAh MIBTINO —The atockVoiders of the tenet Dale deal Company are herebe notified that their jmnal nfeetfnr, for the choice of Directors and snob tier business as may legally he traasaated, will be eld at the OOHTINSNTaL HOTBt,, in the oltr of Mladelphia, on VfXDHBSDAT, the first day of Febru tr neatt, at two o’clock P M. r THEODORS D SHORT, Secretary. PHn.ADBt.PIfM. Jaanarr M. I m. JaM-lQt* Bf.K, BIC/fAB OSOJf, Will live select BEaDIKGS ia the Charon corner of . BKTI&TH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, on JUBBDAY EVENING, January!* Ticket 59 cents; r sale at the door, Proceeds to aid the ladles in far* [shine their new eharch edifice B r order of the Com iitce. D'a2S-2t*j Mrb. A. W. BARD, President ARHimSAKY OP TBE HER* CHANTS' FUND.—The eleventh anniversary of . association frill be celebrated at the ACADEMY OF MDSIO. a THURSDAY EVENING, February & at 7*f o'clock. The annual report trill he read and addresses do rered by Eer. BISHOP BIMPBpN, asd _ DANIEL DOUOHSKTT, leg. The orchestra will be .under the direction of Mr. mos Haggler,, Cards of admission mar bo bad tratoitoasly, by ap -sln|BNJiMlir OBNE, No 904 Cheßtont street. WM. 0. LEJDWIQ, No. M North Tuird strast. JAMBS 0. BAND. No 614 Market EDMUND A. 80UDKB, Dock-street wharf. , iagl-tfegf Committee. ATTXJmON TOLimmßSlt > HIGHEST BOUNTY! _ „ YOUBTB BN T H WaRB. The HeoroiHnff Committee are sow prepared to pay . CASH tbeijOGEST BOON TIBS to all recruits ac edited to this ward .'her will sit at the Southeast comer of THIBTSBNTH id GBBEH Streets EVSEY AFTERNOON from 2to o’clock, whsieall information will be cbeerfailyalvea. Avoid the brokers, • come to-as and receive FULL in CASH. BOUNTIES. >?one year...... ~..$535 GO jr two y ears. .... 700 00 ir three years* <•••*«««•*'*•*»• .» $75 00 )R TWO TEAK YBTBBASTS JOIBIUG HAHCOQR/S CORPS. a one year... *....*815 00 »two 1.000 00 ff three •«♦*►*.oo 1«24-«t FSBD'K. A TAB CLBVB, i Committee. TBK 9£XT DKAFT-CmZEJTS 5 SUBSTITUTE,itEPH^ S& STATIVJS, AID 701- ITEER AG SWOT.—We beg leave to call the attention those who are drafted, and those woo are enrolled id liable to military.duty, and also that class of per ms who are not liable to draft (ladlas, and gentlemen tor forty-five yean), to ourageooy for procuring sub llutes and volunteer representatives, Persons should land to this important matter at once, as the draft has m fixed for.the Ifith of February next. Ye are doing a strictly legitimate business; we are nishing xr en not liable to the dr*ft assubstitates and nesentatives, as lowv if not at lower prices, than any ttr agency In Philadelphia. The law aluwsusio 1 substitutes In the Navy or Marine Oorpa, to be lited ta any district in the State where the principal o facilitate business, if personaliving in or out of feha r, who are enrolled, will famish ue with a cerjin iQltkeir enrolment from the Provost Marshal of Er district, they oan have nubatitnUa sworn into ter branch of this service, which will fully exempt m from d> aft. iference can be given to ladiea and gentleman in city for whom we have'done business in this line, also in the following counties: Chester, Delaware, Ugomery, Berks, • Bucks, Schuylkill, and fiforth gon, [ 8 Churches and Clubs furnished at the lowest lible prices. liberal arrangements made with uahtp Committees to fill quotas _ ’or address MoJTALLY, P AXSOW. ECO , v dM CUBS PfIUT Street, or ‘Box 207? Philadelphia Post Office. FIFIBBSTH WAIID IK IHE DRAFT.—Aa adjourned meeting of the Bn id CUIMHB <rf this W&rd Will ha Hold on THURS f EVBSIHe. Wth last., at School Haase, north (of MOUS'D YBRSOS Street, west of Twenty first, V o’clock. Atthe meetlns last Friday eTenins hut irfons wertpresent, and the object of the Commit- Jefeated ffOTIOK IS HOW CUVBS that unless litlrsne come forward at once and snow of tnetr Sees and: contributions tholr desire to escape a t, no further effort wIU be made by the Committee, Wary one be left to take eare of himeelf. KEHKM , OUR QUOTA IS tnsFttLßD, and it r«m*tne for liable to th* draft to art effUleaUy. Secretary Knecutivo Oommlttea. NOTICE.—THE ANJfUAt MEET ISO of the Stockholders of the TJBTION ST 8 AM OOHPANY Will be htld on TUBBDAf, February iB6O, at 4 a’ciock P. U , at tha office, Xfo I4r flortii AWARE Avenue, when an election trill take place tve Managers* to serve for ibe ensain* year, M 2? WM, W HABKSB-SS. J?ec atary. COBH KSCHASB* ASSOCTMTIOSr. Tha Annual Maatlu* of the GOftN BX -I<JB ASSOCIATION will be bald on TOBSDAT JflBQ, January 31. at my«u o'clock, Tba annual rt wlllbe tead, and an election held for gffioarc to ,for,hBeMOiaey /o»PH S. PEROT. Secretary. J»a. 24.1863, ja2s 6t NOTICE— TUK NKJII-ANNDAI, Examination for the admiaaion of Fupila to the &• HIGHLAND normal SCHOOL will Com te oa MOHDaT, the 30ih Inst., at 9 o’clock A. M., to School Bnildins la SBisdEANT Street, below > candidates must be foarteen years of ue, Bad been pupils of the Public Sccools at least one year. ) order of examination will be as follows: nday, Jan. 30th— Definitions and Constltntlon of id States. _ . Isday, Jan. 31st —Grammar and Parsing., Idneeday. ?eb Ist History o( Halted State!, nrsday* ** 24 Orthography and Practical |metio nay, Feb. 34—Mensuration. I j-3t , a. W. PBTTBB, Principal. S' TC'E—THE ANAUAE MEET* ISO oftheStoekholdensof the OOBAK STSAM lOATION COMPART.'forth* election of Tlve Di re. acd She transaction of other bnelaeee. wl X be (at Bo 186 Horth HBLAWARB AVenuo (mood 1, on TDESDAT, the 7th of Tehn ary next, at half- Wye o V.ockP. M. DENNIBi Sacretaiyand Treagnrar. NOTICE.—THK AN NO AO MEET ING of the Stockholderso' the PHILA DStPEtt A SAVANNAH 6TBAM NAVIGATION COMPANF eeleclioiuof fire Managers and da transaction of 'businesswill behold at Ro. 180 DBtA IE Ayenne (teoond floor) on TDAdDAY, the 7thof wry nest, at 12 o'clock aeon. WILLI AM DENNIS. Secretary and Treasurer. OFFICE Of THUS CSIOS CASH COMPANY, T Philadelphia, January 17.18515. Annual Meeting of the STOCK and BOJSO JBK6 of the Union Canai Oompao), and election facers and Manage rB to serve lor the ensalng year, [be held at the office of the Company. No. 888 tßOTßtreet. on TUESDAY. the 7th day of Pebru lext, at 11 o'clock A M. ’ Transfer Books wiU be close') on tbo 23th instant. tfe7 OSCAR THOMPSON. Secretary. FOVKVH KATIOKAX. BAHfi,72» ABOH Street. „ lD __ „ PmiADBiPHtA. JanuarylS, 1860, the annual Election for Directors, field January the following gentlemen were elected l/lrecfcora of Bank for the ensuing rear: 111 am F. Stmm, Jobe F&reira, lerfcG.'Roberts, Robert Clark, see 0. Kelch, J Henry As»in, - •mam Brooks, Bra-ta-* Pontoon, Hl&m 8. StoklSKi feanmel Miller. B. Harris* ttmeetlnffo* the Board, held this day, WILLIAM UM», E*q.. was unanimously re-elected Presi- ALBERTS) SOBBRTS, tea., Visa Pw«l4«nt,aa4 'TDg POOSBOH, Bea , So’ldtor •1» BAMtfBLJ. MAO MULLAH, Cashier. FARHXKS’ JkSO MEOIIAHICB’ HATIOHAIt BANK, T „ Philadelphia. January IS, 1860. [>tt aleetlon Bald on the uth of Jairatnr, 186 S, tie P»bS ? am * 4 >b>*U>oU*>a wars elected Directors of [*>«««, . Jamas B. Oamphell. R M LewU, Frauds fate. lAsurarsi, J. Edward ?arnam> AuUlo, . William M ¥arr. lAS. Lovartna. Jr.» Idndtey Smyth, s®t» 4 I'araham, William H. Mosriok. |a B, LlpptDoott, 'at a moating of the Directors, this dac,H. A. Mar , wes nnanimoosly re ateeted Pre-Heat, KD Km , Vice President, &ad WIlLiaM lOt * r " 6r w. EUBHTON, JR.» oaBMer. OFFICE OF THE SIIAWOHIS ~ CO4L COMPAUY, 31>4 Booth VUO «TH St«set. n&e Annual Heating of tbe St of the P *«f*d company* held at their office oa thn 18th. V ( he following gentlemen were elected Directors }» ensuing y*£r: i John Ansoach, Jr » * Btetem* I Oeo. JM. Troutman. McLeilarf* I jtoMtlogof the Board of Directors of the am re held on thea&wtd&y tha following * n.WfefiSP* for tie eosair? ytar: QJ DEOK B AST. Present. SgAH B ASSPACH, Vice President CHAS B. LI»DSa>. Bocrottt?y aod Treasurer. „TH* ANNUAL HR'is'j'lWO OF It SOCIETY OK T IB 08(08 TgWPJEAKY I HILDRES Will bn )>»H at i«< H»ow, iSS.S?rf* POPOAii ann -IxrF.B.I i'H rtt enla, .£>» day aiteksoo*. j»- ». at jk o’eio<*. * D. 0. HaOAHMOB, Swntiur. KBihsNi MBS* luw# *»n r^s ! K 6 ? ParabIeJASDAKY But, to Shareholder* of record JanuaryMrf, 1684: BRIGGS GOLD COMPANY, Klatti Dividend.,..* ... One Dollar per Share, CHASE GOLD COMPANY, Fourth Dividend............ ......On, Dollarperß&sn. HoKINLEY Oil COMPANY, Sixit Dividend..... .....Three per Cent. FOUNTAIN PETROLEUM COMPANY, Second Dividend ................One pel Cent. Transfer Books will be closed fro® January Mat lo February let. WALTER B. LAWTON, Treasurer,' 80. 81 JOHN Street, i*®-«t NEW TORE, OFFICE WEST PHILADELPHIA PABSBSG SR RAILWAY COMPeBT. North weet corner of FORTY-FIRST end BAVARFORDSt,.. ' Pmi.ADßi.PHri, Jan. 10 1853. Tie Board of Directors lave tale day declared a divi dend of FIVE PER CERT, on tie Capital Steak or tie anTSrt?? ■ of ‘“ es ’ piy * WB 0 “ uutlfihat’dnte” tb * transfer of Stock will be closed iaia thstn-iat* TO MARTIN, Js., Treasurer. OFFICE WORT PARS Oil, COM. PAST. 3UBWALBDT Street. . „ w have tils <5 av declared a dividend of (l) ONB PERCENT., payable on and after FKBRUUtY Ist. Bsoks will close Wednesday, January 25tti. at S o’clock P. M., and open Thursday, February 84. at 10 o’clock a. u. w. p. m. Hancock, , „ ' Secretary. January S 3, 1888. ja 24 7t» KSF* lUVIBEND OF S*f x ..Tßß MAPLE SHADE OIL OOMPAuY, 544 WALNUT Street. JxkoartljU 1885. Tie Board of Directors lave tile day declared a dlvl dendjof FOUR PAR CANT . parable at their office oh' and after the 30th host., clear of State taxes. die Transfer Boobs will ba closed on the ffitb, at S F. M„ and opened on the Sl«t.. THOMAS B. SEART.B, ia24 St* Secretary. I®" Til* ÜbICKSIi¥EB KUOIG COMPABT. The Directors of the Quicksilver Mining Company bars . THIS DAT declared a seml-annaUy dividend of x , FIVE DOLLARS per share in BEITED STATES COLD COTS, payable FEBRUARY Iff, ISBS, to shareholders Of record J> unary Slat, 1865. Transfer Bookswill be closed from Febraary Ist to loth, inclusive. „ WALTERS. LAWTON. Treasurer. Nr.~tv Yomt, Jannary 4,1885. jalo lst OFFICE OF THR. BIEIGGS OIL fCOBPANT, No. 141 South FOURTH Street, JAKUART 11,1868. The Board of Dlreotors have this day declared the seventh monthly dividend of ONE FEB CENT, on tie Capital Stock, payable on the 2*th Iml The Tranerer Bocks will ba closed on the Slat Inst,, at 3 o’clock, and opened on the 27tb. By a resolution of the Board of Directors, adopted this day, dividends will In future be paid quarterly. iaisiM . CHARLES A. DOT, Treasurer. KjS- PHILADELPHIA AMD BEAIHSiI BOg u RAILROAD COMPABT. Office Ho. »SW Sooth FOURTH Street. ■ _ „ _ ■ Pffn.ADBi.PHU, November S), ISM. DIVIDEND JfWTIOB.—The transfer hooks of this Company will be closed on THURSDAY. December li, and reopened on TUESDAY. JANUARY 10,1880. A Dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT, on the common and preferred stock, clear of National and State taxes, has been declared, payable In common Block,on tbe 81-1 December next, cn all stocks standing on the books of the Company, at tho dose of business on the Iffth prox. Stockholders whose names are registered on the New York books will be paid at tbs Farmers' Loan and Trust Company. B. BRADFORD, del-tf Treasurer. , Oil- COMPANIES. COMPABT,KOI LAND UOJS> WILL TOD INVEST IN A LAND COMPABT. OR IN m OIL-COMPANY t riEBRirOJfT OIL COffiPAITY OF WEST VIRGINIA Is strictly an OIL COMPABT, and has no land but what has been demonstratsd'OTL LAND. All companies formed in West Virginia are located Within so many MILES of BURNING- SPRINGS BUN. Whynot so ON the Buniasit iaso-famousas oil terri tory 1 This is a ouajtien that can be answered best by those who torture a little tun of about a mils and a holf in length, until they get it eight or nim miles long,thaHt may seem close to their lands. Tils shows plalnly that the <mly reliable oil producing territory is BUSSING SPRINGS RUN; hence, of course, the company having the most of that valuable territory is the best to invest in. This Company has ONB HUNDRED AED-FORTY-SIX ACRES In fee simple on BURNING SPRINGS HUB, and FOUlt . ACRES on lease, besides THREE ACRES near (he Eter nal Centre and Rathbone Welle,.both well known. All toe ask is inquiry, {investigation, which ean alone showrelattccisalue. One half of tbe stock has already been disposed of and the subscription list win shortly dose. CAPITAL SHARIS™.. ..-..51 EACH PAR. DBYBLOBBffiNTFUSTJ>.-..—53fe006 PRESIDENT; FEANKLIN S. WILSON, TREASURES, * GEOROE EL CHRISTIAN- F. 8 WILSON, JOHN P. O’NEIL, Esq.» WM. F. JOHNSON, ROBERT CLARKSON, JOSEPH J>. KOhCKSR, Q. H. CHRISTIAN. PROSPBCTUSISp and all information as to the proa* peets of the Company. will be freely given at the OFFICE* HO. 1» 1 SOUTH THIRD SIBIBT, (Second Story.) LEASEHOLDS. Sine# the announcement that the Company would, lease theii lands at a royalty of one half of the oil* ap plications have been received for fifteen leasee of, tfcurea fonrthe of an acre each TWENTY MORE ARE OF FERED to parties desiring to form development com panies, As we are desirous of having Improvements at once made, no bonus will be required for the twenty lots. This mode of operation insures to theetockholders, from arrangement* already in progress, the comple tion ofetghUen wells at an early dost. Applications for leaseholds should be accompanied by references of the applicant's ability to perforin his con tract. Hone others will be noticed. jafig-tutbeSt. BIAIR 0114 COMPANY WEST TIRGINIA. TEMPORARY OFFICERS UNDER AOT 0? INCORPORATION. PRESIDENT, Hon. JACOB B. BLAIR. SECRETARY AND. TREASURER, THOMAS D. OONINGHAM. DIRECTORS, Hon. Jacob E. Blair. 1 Abraham Hart, William Sperry, I „ W. S. Stewart. George H. Lovis. SHARES PAB VALUE, 05. ,8 PAID IN—NO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. $50,000 WORKING CAPITAL. No. 1. Trad of above three hundred aerea {two hun dred and seventy by ihe deed, oat three hundred and twenty, five by new suivey), situate on Addison’. Baa and Bashes rkver, Ritchie county, West Virginia, OQQ mile below Cano Station, with a good road to the station —on the Paraersburg branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Buiirosd. Also, with a coal railroad passing through It. Gat aid sign of oil on the tract, at least one half of it oelsg boring territory, lying, in the oil belt It is a first* rat* farm; the lands all around it have been pur chased for oil purposes. ■, 00. 3. Traci oi one hundred and thirty-three acies. about five mile* from the above, immediately lu the oil break on the ea«t side of* Sand Hill, about a half a mile from the Northwestern turnpike, leading to Parkers* bun. A large weU has been struck within a few days on creek. There are on this tract the most unmis takable elsne of oil, rocks much upheaved and broxea. A stieam (branch or Goose Creek) runs through it, and a large part is good boring ground—oil territory of the best character. Ho. 3 A tract of three husdred and eighty acres on French creek, about five miles from the Ohio, lyiog on both sides of the creek for about one mile. Known to ben Ho. 1 territory; all (fee land about and below it have been purchased for oil. (tit has recontly been struck a sboit distance below the Hae of this proper* V JJ6, 4, Lea*e of half an acre on Borre tfeok, »b )*t seventy-five yards from the GlXftJlau wmJ*al»o - other good welU—a choice spot. A well h»* been com* minced on it, now about 40 feet deep, X royalty. . No 6. Consists of a lease on six acres, more or !*•««. on the south side of Hughes river: that is Ussed by tue cnjuany for one half the oil. This particular pise* ot land iithiahly spoken or by all knowing ones fr im that region of country. A well has bran bored by has t, fioio which the owner has manual lab <r, over 200 bswela of oil, and sold the same for *>2 ptr barrel Arrangements are already mada to pur «„a gine of anfflotsnt calibre to pump this well, and at the seme time boreanother It is believe® thl- fffii w*l o blower, will procuce* at its present d«spth (abou r * two 1 undred feet), twenty to thirty barrels of oil per- ay Ho 6. Consists of twenty acres in fee. on the e ».st •Ido of Sandy creek, Venango county. Pa .about I vo miies from its junction wtu* the Allegheny river, ah one hall good borabie territory. Ho. 7. Tbe Company have also made f. r aßuffldentnumberof engines to develop the all. r est tracts, and having fch* personal attent 4 on or n*a president on tbegrouod, will derive mtay *dvxattt t s* ove> other corporations As v other infertnat'on can be obtained at the offle * of the Company, 406 Ll ttBaRJ fltreat, or at toe Baak*n3 Office of ADa«U A I/BVI6. 30S(!4b»1!SM s’***, THE EBTRSDAY, JANUARY 2S, 186 S: OH. COMPANIES. somnist OIL MB -MININS COMPACT WEST VIRGINIA. THE ESTATES OF THIS COMPANY EMBRACE OVER TWO TBOUSAFr©' ACRES, Into* Immediate centre of the Groat OU Belt of West Virginia. EVERT ACRE OF TBIS LARGE TRAOT* IS RIDE 131 No Company (cave the Vulcan) was ever organised in the same business manner, presented the same honest face, nor furnished to subscribers the same undoubted security for their money. Tbs Company’s working superintendent la under ap proved bendsfor 130,808. Nothing will be left undone to shield toe interests of toe Stockholders; and no energy left unspsnt to insure large and uniform dividends The Company’s property is so pregnant with Oil tout I! could to-day be leased at an enormous proportionate, advance, and sales of adjoining tracts are now quoted at some COO PER CENT, increase. These are facts. Re Sect, but reflect quickly. A few thousand shams at original price. ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE, Entitling toe holder to a THREE-FIFTH- DIVIDEND. Are all that now remain unsold. ' PRESIDENT, HENRY SIMONS. TREASURER, WM. H. WEEKS. ! SECRETARY, J. PERCY DIX. Office, 431 Walnut Street. * ja26-2t • |gp~ CAHEBON PETROLEUM CO. OP PERWSTX.VAHIA. CAPITAL v *1,000,000. SHARES... 5300,000. PAR VALUE... .$5.00. SUBSCRIPTION PR1CE......;... ihOfti PRESIDENT. VAN OB STEWART, or kxkoek oobhtt, pa. TREASURER, E. J. JAMES, OP POTtADELPHIA. SECRETARY. J. L. DARLINGTON, WEST CSBSTEB, PA- DIRECTORS VANCE STEWART, Mercer county. Pa. JOHN E. LEONARD, Westchester, Pa. D. C. FORNEY, Washington, D. G. HENRY D. COOK. Washington, D. C. SIMON OaMKBON, Harrisburg, Pa. JOHN H. DISEL, Philadelphia. JOHN F. GRAFF, Philadelphia. GEORGE O. EVANS, Philadelphia. JAMEB DUFFY, Marietta, Laucaater on., Fa. The present and prospective value of the stock of this Company may he inferred from the feet that it owns a fee simple interest in 473 (four hundred and seventy three) acres of the richest tested oil territory in Venango county, believed by the most experienced oil men in that region to be capable of producing a net annual In come to the Company of one and a half million dollars, or three times the entire cost of the stock, which would be equivalent to twenty-five per emit, a month on its subscription price, or one Aumfred and fifty cent, per annum on its par valve. The following is a description of the Company’s pro perty: One-fourth fee simple interest In the celebrated “Hoover” Farm, situate on the Allegheny river, about two and one-half miles below Franklin, con taining 292 (two hundred and ninety-two) acres, with 532 rods (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river, on which there are now twelve leasee, each ten rods square,and from which the owners of the fee simple gat one half the oil, free of all expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners of the‘fee, • from which they get all the oiL On this Farm there are now ten wells in operation, producing an average of ten barrels per day, and several ethers are about being tubed. There are also on it 87 (eighty-seven) more lots surveyed, and more than fifty, applications are now standing to lease the latter for one. half the oil to the owners. Out of the twelve wells on this Farm eleven are now paying handsomely: a fact whichy sufficiently demon strates the great richness and reliability of the terri toay. No. 2 Is the entire fee simp le interest in 181 (one hundred and eighty* one) Mires, situate on ihe Allegheny river, nearly opposite the “Hoover” Farm, and a little nearer Franklin, at the mouth of Kill Run, having a front of 96 rods on the Allegheny river, and one mile on both sides of Mill Run, with ample boring surface for one hundred wells, or Lots of ten rods square. This tract is known as the “Stewart Farm, 11 and is dear of all leases or incumbrances of any kind. There is now in operation a fifty* barrel well (beside several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, which ad joins., this on the south. In fact, the 1 * Stewart ’ ’ Farm is surrounded with good-paying wells, and within a sheet time a single lease of 80 rods front, on the imme diate opposite side of the river, sold for $165,800 (one hundred and sixty* five thousand Ndollara.) On tide leateagoodwellhasbeeustruckwithlnafew days. In addition to the territory of the “Stewart” Farm, which is believed to be equally as good as the “Hoov er”) there are on it a three-story Grist Mill, with fine water-power, a good farm-house, and other buildings, that will be of use to the company. . The durability of thie immediate oil section is illus trated by,tl e fact*that some of the wells on the * * Hoov er” Farm 1 ave been pumping for over four years, with out any material diminution in their yield, while the oil here produced, from its greater convenience for transportation, and superior gravity, alway s commands from oce to two dollars per barrel more than the oil at Oil Creek. Ihe officers of the Company feel justified in present ing the following estimate of what, with vigorous management, the above lands can be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders in a comparatively shoxt H “® : TEE “STEWART FARM. ’’ There is roam on this for ons hundred toil of ton rode, square, all of which ran bo leased Immediately for one. half the oil. /« « of all expense to the Company. Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred wells although there lo room for three hundred) at the ver, moderate average of ten hatrels each, would make a Dally product of l,Goobbls. Outof this the Company’s share would be. 600bble. Yalue of daily yield to the Company, at ten dollars per hbl (it la now selling at *13.60) «... «. *5,000 00 Allowing three hundred working days to the year, thie would make the Compa- ny’s annual net receipts, from ths Stew art Farm alone,*... «« 1,000,000 00 Allowing the earne estimate for ihe •' Hoo ver' ’ Farm, in which the Company owns * one fonrth in fee of the land interest, the annual net receipts from the latter would he..., ««« « 375,000 00 Making the annual receipts from both farm 5........ Deducting from this amount the mm of *370.010 for contingencies, would leave Net Annual Inccme of the Company. *1,500,600 00 ALL THESE LOTS CAN BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED, If it is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the Oil, with covenants binding lessees to sink wells, with all possible diligence, to the depth of 600 or more feet. A FEW PLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Ton are not asked to subscribe to this Stock with.the expectation of immediately receiving large dividends, hut the basis on which the Company rests, tt is be lieved, will make yoar investment not only safe, hut, prospectively, of enormous value. .. Notwlthstahding.atthe present prices of oil, the Com pany’s annual receipts (without any farther develop ment) would ho forty thousand dollars, or eight per cent on the cost ot the stook. The president, Mr. Stewart, is one of thomoet prao tlcsl and experienced oil operators In the State; and his residence near the Company’s property and general oversishtof its management is the best guarantee that no efforts will be spared to make the investment pro fitable. w Applications for a large proportion of the stock have already been made, bat none will be received until the books of ths Company are regularly opened for that purpose. Only a limited amount of the stock will be sold, it subscription price. The stock will be issued full paid, without further ssseguneuts. BOORS OF SUBSCRIPTION will be open for a few days, on and after January IS. 1865, at the office of E. (i, JAMES, Treasurer, So. 101 WALNUT Street, Phltaia. KOTICB— OFFICE KOTAI. Pfc K3s? TROLIUM COMPASS Ho. 3tt WAoKUI PnK.fce*i,psU t J*nwyM 1853. Tie Cc-IGPBEy yplIL t<B ready to Isßoe Certifiortee of ffi-rk on ,*oa latter VUVRSDAI, Jatmary 26. Pete UK hela'ti* lie Or l doe htl’a Will plamo pra*iOt (ism o' thiKdo' on or ofteMke ab«a« day, aadre wive oerhflwiae.of gtark ia ettobaoate ji.3s 4t* B. 0. {W8«8I»Di Bml*S*W. X.OOK TO VOTE nmcni GOVERNMENT ML AND MINING COMPANY CHAPTERED THE STATE OF PE^KSTIiVASTIA. O APirtAlA.-.9300,000. « FEE SHARE, FULL, PAID. WOEKINCI CAPITAL, *38,000 CASH. NO FUTURE ASSESSMENTS OFFICE, WALSOr STBSSY* The GO7BBEMEST OIL AE» MIEIEO COSPAV EX ia orsantsed on artwetly mutualprinciple, amFita afiates will b& conducted wttk the eole vuno of afford inpa source of permanent profit to thorn va* Urettid Every Stockholder is praotlcaliy out of tit* Cosaraoy ’Bcoiporiitors. Th* E&tatoi of thoCompany* instead of behs burdened^vritft an exorbitant profit, 02> acted hy a few lncky oriKin&is,ara deadod,in fee* direct from ihet owner* to the Steckkoldere if thla GoinpanyT They comprise ©aamlned hyTheo. Gnyler and j T'/A-' CUyton, Eeqs , and pronounced indlspnt.«3ie)*^ located in the immediafet coatee of the great? Oil belt of West Virginia* which region* for the acperlorlty of its Oil and for the volume and certainty of itayield, U fur turpweiajrthe famed OU Creek region Ponnivi* iV lst & The l»eep Gorge Farm, in tho Old BurnitJ* Sprtef region. In clobonpronimwy to this estate, on every Bide* are situated the moat saceessfol Oil Wella to ha found in the country * and at on almost adjoining drntamo# is located the widely.celebrated “Leweltyn” and* e,< Eter nal Centre’ ’ welifi, the former ol which FLOWED FULLY* THREE THOUSAND (3,#oo>«iß. heingtho greatest bona fide yield of Oil ever known*and very eonwderably l surpassing, bo’h in quantity and quality, the producirof any two wells In P«nnb7lvan4a. 2d. Two thousand (2,000) acres, in \wo tracts, in the 1 heart of the Kiicceakful Oil region of the O/eat Kanawha* ftlong whoee course- for over 70 miles Oil can be dia* tirtcUy eeen and gathered from the water’s surface while the evaporation at the neighboring salt works is effected by igniting-the Petroleum Gas emitted from BuhlewaxußnreserveiTßOf Oil. , ' 3d. 200 acres (is fee simple) of superior Semi-Bitumi nous Coa! land, in Bedford county. Pa; , ; ' The value and importance of the above properties may be inferred from the face that leases for ad joining; lands, with large royalties of Otu have been taken by Hew York and Boston companies at a bonus greater than the fae simple octet of the Company’s estate* and if deemed advantageous by the Stockholders* H la be lieved that hot little difficulty woald presently be expe rienced in leafing a ponton of their territory at a bonus and royalty greater than the original coot of the whole. / number of wells are at once going forward* and more (Eight in ail) WiUba&uuk as soon as the first are com pleted. Theee, with a. yield of Oil equal to adjacent Wills* will insure to thw. Company a daily cash laeozne of-several thousand : dollars over every possible ex pense. The net cost c-f the Company’s three estates is $37,000. The Capital is |2oo*oCo,*in snares of $1 each. 135,000 ebaree only will be eold, and no further subscriptions will be accepted at any* price whatever. This amount pays for the properties aed leaves- a working capital of f&GCfitoash. The remaining 75.000 shares stand pledged to divided pro-rata between the original or pretest suesciibers, aranoh a time as the Board of Di rectors may deem most advantageous to the iatarests of the Company • Tins reduces the.actual coat of the stock to First eubtc-.ibere to exactly 60 cents per share. , The immense profit to be derived from earnest and successful working is shown by the fact that a single company—the Colombia—is this year paying to its Btockhoidera One Million ($1,000,000 Dollars in cash dividends, besides a handsome reserve for additional developments. The&toc&of this company* for $5 paid* has sold for over ttASfiper share. % Tbe substantial inducements which the GOVBBBE MEAT OIL AJSD MINING COMPAHY offer to those de sirous of securing an interest in a source of wealth that Is now startling the whole world are of a character that mexityour gravest consideration. 'The profit of ihe undersigned, iu common with that of every stockholder* UesiiHthe increased development of the Company’s rich Oil tracts* and their time and ener gies willbe honestly coa seorated to that one end. To persf ns feeling any interest or feeling none* every information loncersing the estates of*the Company* ini workings and prospects, will be cheerfully given* and detailed maps and charts will be freely shown. . . If you like our candid plan, of dealing, or have any preference for a corporatio&that certainly msauß woks* we Should be pleased to see you at once 30,000 shares were engtged on the first day. The promptest applies,’ lion is therefore Indispensable to insure a share in the original stock, subscriptions to which (</ not already taken) will be received at original price, $1 per share, including a stock dividend of three* filths the amount. PRBBSEOT, HENRY* SIMONS. ?aS4*tuthfl3t' ra** MONITOR QII COMPANY OF W& VBKAISGO COTTISTT, PBfITNSYIsVANIi,- Capitftl, $l, COO, 000. Far v&k»e of each Share, $5. Only 40,0 K» Shares will he sold at the subscription price of $t each. Scoks open at the office, Ho. South FOURTH Street. Prospectus will he forwarded gra tuitously. « pkhsidentv C. F. BAMSDELL. of Oil City. TREAatfBBR. JOHN MARSH, BgCRBTASY* jaa-et GEORGB P.OLIVBI, M. B. NEW PWBMCATIONS. T ATE PUBLICATIONS. Ju HEW SDPBr.T OF CHRONICLES OF THE i BtIHOHBEEO' COTTA FA- MLLY. Also, by the nae Author THE EARL I DAWS; Or. Sketches of Christian Life to Breland to the Olden Time. j>JASY OF MBS. KITTY TBEVTLYAN. A Story of the Times ot Wbiteiield end the Wealeye. THB CR'FPLE OF ASTIOCH, and Other Scene* from Christian Life in Early Times, • ■I'HS WARTiHS OF SPAIN, AND THE LIBERATORS OF HOLLAND. TALES AND SKETCHES OF CHRISTIAN LIFE, la Different Lands and Ares. THE VOjCB OF CHRISTIAN LIFE IN SONG; Or, Hymns and Byron Writers of Many Lands and Ages. B* BAYSRD TAYLOR: .. _ JOHN GODFREY’S FORTUNES: Belatedhy Himself. A Story of American Life. _ _ _ For sale hy JAKES SL CLAYTON. Snccessorto WHsS, & AMMD MARTIBN, j»26 606 CHESTNUT Street, -pisHSR & BROTHERS’ VALEN -A- TINBS.IS66. We notiiy dealers thatoar popular $6, #lO, *l5, 3*o VALENTINE LOTS! are new read, \ j»26 4tif* Ho. 13 Horth SIXTH Street, OfS CENTS FOR GOOEY; 15 CENTS forFRFRBSOH;®;SOCeatsfor LADY'S FRIEND; 30 Cents for HARPERS. MOtfRB’S, 305 ARCH Sc. ja24-3t* TJEAITHWAITB’S RETROSPECT OF JJ FBACTICAIfMRDICISE AND SURGERY. Fart 60, for January* 18SC* HOW READY. Price, $1.60 per number, or $2 50 pax annum* if paid for in advaac u ALSO, HAYS’ AMERICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL A HD;, HE* g for January. Termß.ssuer annum, in advance*!/ MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS „ ' S AVAL,MILITARY* and ARCHITECTURAL Works#*, on hand and for sale a* toy. . _ LINDSAY & IjItAEISTOK, Publisher* and Booksellers, jaS4 Ho. 9S South SIXTH Street above Chestnut RADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN B , AIEEIJ».A» . ■ No. TIE ARCH Street, (bov* Seventh, Street, At hi* old established stone. - ’" t IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS FOB LADIES AND OHILDEBN. " -r Havto, now In store a very lun nnd be&utSlslaMOrt solicit a sail from those In want. Remember the same and number. JOHN FABETRA, TIE ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have no »artn«r or eonneetlon with any other store to this *Kv. - osMmlf Q T. YERKBS, Jb„ & CO., bankers. , STOCK AND EXCHANGE BEOKEKS. 1,875,000 CO GOLD, S3X.IPTBK, BANK NOTES WANTED. ja26 lm - m. 20 South THIRD Street QBAB. T. YERRRS, JR, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 30 SOUTH THIRD STREET jaS6 Im. ■ X\[ HIREAB. THE AUDITOR GENE It B&L* aa required by the eleventh section of tht act entitled ‘ An act enabling the ban* * of this Com* mcuwealth to become associations for tbs purpose of b tubing under the laws of tbe United States,:” passed Ibalgd day of AUgmt, A. D. IB6A na&amt&ed to,me that the 4 Commonwealth Bank” of the city of Philadelphia has fordU bed satisfactory evidence to him that all the requirement* of said act nave been complied with, by said bank, and that it has become an association for the pnrposa of bashing under the laws of tho United state*. i do therefore cause this notice thereof to be published luaoooidanc* with. the provHtons of. the said eleventh station of tbe said not, *nd do declare that the charter ot ■aid bank by the terms of said act krdeeioed sod taken to be hereupon surrendered, subject to the provisions of the first section of said act. _ A. 9. CUBTIH.. • Expcuttvr Chamber* January, 9.188-1 * jal4-lSt m STOCKS, U. S, LOJJSS, &c., V/ BOTtOHT A»r> 8-I.D OH COMMIKtYOH, BY OBOBdE J, BOYD, . Broker, 1 . Ho. IB Boat* rams btraW. jsS-Jmif OIL COMPANIES. OF WEST VIRGHNTA, OVER R. 200 ACRES. BEDS OF OIL PER DAT. SF,C3.ETAStT, J. PERCY • mix. TItKASTIIKIt, WM. H. WEEKS. COMPANY’S OFFICE, *3* WtLBUT Strwl. FANCV F UKS. FINANCIAL. REMOVED JtrcriOtf NOTICE. JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTIONEERS, «* AND 334 MARKET STREET. UABGI! SPECIAL SALE 1,303 EVTIRE PACRiUES DOMESTIC G'OODS, 'OK WEDNEBDAT, FEB. 1, 1865, At U o’clock, Mr. F. M.-KBAZOE will make torongk ne liia semi-annual sale of DOMESTIC GOODS, Embracing toe most desirable Braude, via. BE CASEfj YORK AND EVERETT COTTONADEB. 160 “ BLUR, OXFORD, BEOWN, AND CADET KENTUCKY JEANS, Hi " LANCASTER AND TIVERTON PLAIDS. llfl ANDROSCOGGIN, LEWISTON, and BATES CORSET JEANS. 8S « APRON AND FUBNITURB CHECKS. !0 « LANCASTER AMD ROANOKE GINGHAMS. ISO ” 1-8 AND 4-1 WILMAMSVILLg, JAMES TOWN, HOPE, BLAOKSTONR, BED BANK, and otoer desirable make*. Of *A 9-4,10-4, AND 11.4 BLCH’D A BRO. FIP PBKELL, LIPPHT, AND UNION SHEEF ' INGS. H 4 4 LACONIA, PBPPEBBLL, NEW MAR KET, LYMAN, JAMBS STEAM MILLS, DWIGHTS, WASHING XON. BRO; SHEET INGS. 90 HALaj<-4 PATAPSCO, HOWARD, APPLETON, t PORTSMOUTH. PARK LANCASTER HEAVY BROWN SHEETINGS. fiO “ BROWN DRILLS. 49 *’ TICKINGS. SS CASES MADDER PRINTS. 200 BALES BLUB AND BROWN DENIMS. •KX> “ BTRIPES. . ' Sir. RSAZOK desires to call toe-earHenlarattentfea' oftoe trade to tote sale, as it will comprise toe most On -sirablamakpsof - STAPLE COTTON GOODS; and will be toe larseet offerinirwith one *3ception,BTer made in tkis country. Tbe xoods are all in order and original packages. TERMS CASH,—Bills to be settled witolnfllteen days from sale. BSP-Will'** open for examination with catalogues oneilar previous toeale. ia29'7t RETAIL BM ROODS. BTODDABT & BROTHSR Offer tos-balaneo olftkeir exlenslre stock of , FALL AND WINTEfi GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, and have arranged a lane stock of spring and Summer dress goods, FANCY DRESS SILKS, GRENADINES, So.,' SC;, At such price* as will Induce purchasers to anticipate their wants. OUKWEN STODDABT If BRO., * 450i’403, and 454 N. SECOND Street, JafS-if ' ' ~ Above WIHow. MSWUSCE. piSE* INSURANCE IMON MUTUAL INSaiRiiHCE COMPANY m OF- PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1804. ASSETS- ®400,000t FIRE AND MARINE, The Board of Directors of this Company have d«t«r miend to insure risks against Fire, in accordance with thelr cbarter* and are now prepared to issue Policies covering'Fire Bisks at the current rates. B. BBSTOTTBT, FRANCIS TETE, NKWBBBBY A SMITH,; HBNRY LKWIS, Jb., . EDmLGLABK, ELLIS YARN 4LL> SASttrSL C. COOS, G, W. BBBNADOO, WM S BAIEO, S DEOBEHT SOLUHON TOWNSSNB, JOHN MOSS. BICHARDB. J3MITH, A. B. BOBIB? jobs H.*xirarcar. WILLIAM* KjtffT* J. P. STBINBB, H?3fc B01iI«fe0N. JA&. E. CAMPBELL, BBJTEY SAMH3EL, CHaS. WHAELBE, BOKEIfrS -CBMMUTGS, F. LAYES9NE. RICMABD S. SMITH, President, JOSSN MOSS, Secretary. jaSfrlmu piES ASSOCIATION. I2HK>iCPOatAT£D MAHCH 27, 1620. OFFICE, 10. 34 NOBTH ¥EFTH BTRISf. INBH3B' BOTLMNSB, HOUSEHOLD TOBHITUBS AND MBBCHANDIZE GENERALLY, . FrcmiLce-liy Wire <ia tie city of Philadelphia only.} • Btaiejseatof ihe Assets of the Association published BMOStformity «Hh the provisions of the Sixth Section , of an act of Assembly of April 5.1912. whleh os the 31st. of. December* 1564, consisted of Boadsand Mertitates on Property in the city of. Philadelphia......... 9768,67865 around Heater... 26.346.31 Bsal.Btta.te, office 80. 34 North Fifth street-, 14.396.13 Deposit with TJ. S. Assistant Treasurer.~.... 40,000 (MV- Halted States Loss. 6-29 ...........d&COO-00 United States Treasury N0te5....... 3.640 00 .City. Warranto.. 646 00. Cash os hand... .......... ™-r,. 18,461.88. TEUBTEKS. GEOBGB W. TBION, President, BE H. HAMILTON. JOHN SOTJDBB, PETER A. KBTBEB, BAMEER SPABHAWBS. CHARMS F. BOWBEi, JOHN FHILBIN, JOHN CAEBOW, GEO. I. YOUaGt, jal7-tuthiß6 FIBE ' A3ST&: MEAJBMO* ■>' ' INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE 4.15 WAX3V.WT &1f .dEET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPISAlii,.»**• ~.s3oo}ooo> INCOME IN 18841, From Eiro.Pwßtinmaonlr, and into**/ 5 t......5113,512 59 DISBUBSKO, ■ On account of Losass. Boae r«ro«inli .g,iapaid.ess,73s 75 On account crOlYldeniß. Bxponsf , account. Ac , Including United States and State Taxes ~ 33,933 97 ASSETS Jab. ‘ i, 1865. , Cash in Philadelphia HattensAß ank ~....$11,117 75 Untied States Wane, *01,980 00. fit,9Bo 00 Bonds aud Mortsages...,™.—, 88.167 00 Philadelphia City blxes, 7,800 00 Camden aid.Anißoy Ballroad Bonds. 3,000 00 Fourth national Bank of Pitt : a tmrg S 750 00 Beans on Call, amply secure 4 14,300 00 Beal Estate... 7,000 00 Clash on band and due from’ agents 8.500 00 Unpaid accrued Interest. ~ s.erooo Bills RM5Wab1e........... 5.4P.8 74 eiraid Flreand Merisel; trance Co. Block.. 40,40 *OO Pennsylvania Eailroad S' amt 4,828 00 Total VaV."J ...$349,941 49 Other Stocks and Bills.? Receivable, held (only) aseollatsral 75.000 90 With the abov* ample means to Indemnify onr pa trons. we shall, a Her this data. ABATE■pBEMIUHS TEN PEE CENT. On all Awl-da' as merchandise risks coming direct from the insured. 1 JMs sum will ne deducted from the rates customary at f this date. . Bevonne St amps will he charged for , and no eom. missions pay i. Parties h/.’ldln* Participating Poliolos in this Com pany. expl .ring on or beforo the 18th instant, will, on the am reader of their policy, receive a dividend of BEVBNTT-FJVB PEE CENT. Nejy policies bat he leaned, but the old ones must be returned to tho office. DIBBOTOBB. -Thomas Craven, | John W. Claghora, - Putman Shenpard, N. 8: Lawrence, George H; asbton, I John Buppl-u, Charles V. Dupont, , Henry."-, J> eei If Kiepp a. D., . Silas Texkea, Jr. Alfred B.>Glflett, 4 THOMAS CRAVEN, i * >EBSIDSNT, A J. GILLETT, Vice President JAVBB 8. ALVOKD, Secretary, "W 1,186,229 81 Accumulated capital, December —— OT”iHB*COMPiMri' LIABLE FakLOSSEa $-100,000 00 U. S. 6 per cent transfenabie loan. 1871 $100,211'50 150,000 00 U. 8. 6-20 6 per cent. _ loan™~ 150,€06 00 75,000 00 V. 8. 6 per cent tranetarrable loan, ISBI-.....—...... Xi;9St» 45,0€0 00 U. S. Certificates of Indebtedness. ..... 43,230 0$ , 36.8G2 SO Pennsylvania 8 per cent, taxed loan.. • 31.842 69 SO,OOO 00 Pennsylvania 5 per cent, coupons 18,*635 06 88,106 00 Philadelphia 6 per cent. loan, free .. 81,48125 33,806 80 Philadelphia 6 per cent. loan, taxed. 12*037 ft 10,000 06' Pittsburg 6 per cent. bonds. —*.. 8,325 06 26,000 00 Allegheny 6percent. bonds 19,805 06 BM3QQ 00 Allegheny® per cent. compromise bonds. 9,096 06 10,000 00* wasiußjfton county fl per cent, bonds.. 7,535 06 21,0® 00 Pennsylvania R. R. list mortgage’ 6 per _ cent, bonds——*. 20,990 06'* 12,000 00 Pennsylvania S. R. 2d' mortgage 6 per _ cent, bonds—..... 9,796 25 ’ 10,006 00 Harrisburg Railroad 6percflit. bonds.. 10,76009 10.00000 Louisville City O per cent. b0nd5..*..... 7,14149 SSfrsbares Pennsylvania Rail road 5t0ck.......... 39,313 77 160 shares Lehigh Coal and Ravi gallon 5t0ck.—........... 7,817 26 *213 shares Girard Life Insurance, annuity, and Trust Oom- _ pany.' 6,675 33 100 ahaies Western Bank Stock 8,862 66 209 shares Commercial Bank Stock. 11,035 2f 76sbaresKorfch America Bank _ Stocks 10,1® 00 109- shares Manufacturers* and • Mechanics’ Bank Steak,*-. 2,734 09 56 starts Mechanics’ Bank of . • Bt. touts.. 4,960 69 250-sbares Delaware Mutual Safety Issuzance Compa- . .. ny Stock 6,260 06 fiO Bhares Girard Bksk Stock— 2,000 00 35 ; shares Farmers’ and Mecfca- nice* Bank Stock.— 1,820 00 425 sh*res Ocm Exchange Bank _ _ _ Stock—2l,26o 00 smseow Bonds and Mortgagee, all first liens 3iS,ft&22 Ground Bents*,*. 11,96500 Beal Estate-held by the Company...— .... 34,629'10 Premium by Policies—..... 98,8Q0452 loans on C011atera15........ 10,283-61 Balances in hands of Agents.. —** 15,875 56 - Quarterly Payments due Company—...... 31,65730 Scrip Dividends purchased. 72*931'03 Caeh onhand ana in Bank..*—•———•• 28,385'W Deposit In tf. S. Sub Treasury.... •* ft*OGo 00 Office Furniture—— - 2,452 » Life Interestand Annuity 648‘06‘ Interest-on Stocks and Doans to December 31,18(4. .. 30,714 9? Market value,- $1,460,685 33. Cost. $1,370,436 32 At an Election, held at the Office of the Company, on- . Monday, 2d instant, the following-named gentlemen' wore unanimously chosen Trustees for_three .years: . Samuel C Huey, Thomas W. Dans, TheophUus Paulding, Joseph H. P. Price. - Simnnd A. Bonder, Samuel A Blspham, Samuel E. Stokes, ElHsfcon Perots Henry C. Townsend, At a meeting of the Board of Trustees, held oath*- 10th instant, the following officers weie unanimously elected-:. JAMES TBAQUAIB, President SAMUELS STOKES, TicePresident. JOHN W. BOEHOB. A T. P. and Actuary. HORATIO S STEPHENS. Secretary. _ , , , The Board declared a Return Premium Dividend, la Scrip cf FIFTY PER CERT, upon the Premiums paid in ISW'on all Pclicies in force December 81. 1854, and decided to receive the Certificates of the Extra Scrip DlvldesdofSeptember, 1859. in settlement of Premiums, on and after the 20th. Instant, and to credit those la-, debted for Premium Dotes or Loan* on Pedicles With the amount of said Scrip on their Rotes or that date. > B eiss> OB TRUSTEES. Bodelphus Kent. Joseph. B. Trotter, H EllisS. Archeiyk 7., WilliamH. Kern, J. ! Chrutian, James Easton, sam<»o. Pease, -- . BdwatdM, Reddle*, . Warner if. Basis, Samuel C. Huey, Pierre T. Dufien, R. Y » Theophilus Pauldinsfcs Samuel Williams, Edmund A, Souder,.: Frederic-A. Hoyt, Samuel S Stokes, C. J. Hot&nan, Henry C. Townsend John G. Brenner, Thomas W- Davis, Benjamin Coates, Joseph M. P. PtieAr- BicnaxdS. Rswbold, Samuel A Bbsphaste James-B. McFarland; EUiston Perot. William P. Hacker. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. EDWARD M. 5T1433 WfiLSUY B FBAUOIS QHfcNBT SMITH, IKtt.WAL RUT Street; , j * m , _. _ In attendance at the office of the Ciompany, froml to 2 P. M , daily. JAMES TBAQU Are. SAMUEL E. bTOK.KS, Vies JOHN VT, HOBNOB. A, V. P. ■ nd Actnary. HO RATIO B-. BTBPHBNB, Beep jtary. NORTH AMRRI CAN TRANSIT INSU/RANOE GO"! nreOBPOaAfBaP Wt ?BB JXdlt LATPBK OF SffiMTAM OF PSKHBYIJ fjjsiA. ' eBGK&ESIZEI) Of ITOBSB 6,1304^ Af JAIWfT H»S» m IIFB f?B FIBBOK&b HOTRI : Felicias issued for a Slnale Trip, Special Journeys, Yoyajea, As, daily, , monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Alro, agaiMtae cog .tingenclen of personal hazard, and ' agalnshloss of all kl jids, except real estate. Polloiee iseued at' the Principal OSes. No. 9»1 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, or. by the Agents of the Company in any of the cities of thaUMted, State », orby the Ticket Agents at anyßail road Station. CiSffl!ALo.,.- $330, 000 $993,057. 48 JOS..B.UNDALL, LEVI P. COATS, ?? leodon Adams, V Lines M. Conrad, f .ichard Wood, ’ JeorgeT. Stedman, JESSE, LIGHTPOOT,. EOBEET- SHOEttAKBtt. [LLIAH T.- BUTLBEv, / Beoretaiar. j&U-Btttthal ursmsAifcaß. gSVENTEENTH ANHUAIi REPORT PEItN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OB PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE JTo. e»l CHESTHUT STREET. PnMlshed to conformity with tha Charter. RECEIPTS FOB THE TEA'S EJB JHG DECEMBER SI, 1861 Life premiums for term of life*.-.5102,121 41 Limited premiums for short terms 236 31 EEar risks ...... St Extra risks, 4c.... 874 03 Interest on investments 13#, 168 80 _ dAQCPM a® Serin dividends received from policies ' purchased and cancelled 1,800 03 Amount . $336,093 71 LOSSES AS I) EXPENSES DO- ’ ” . RIHOTHB SAME PERIOD. * Thirty losses, amonntinggio $72,600 09 Expenses, salaries, advertising, stamps, medical examinations, Ac— 15,663 03 Rent and taxes—City, State, and National....—..-.. 6,01167 Commission to agents, advertis ing, taxes,Sconces, A 5.... 13,311 79 lO6, HE'4B rISBUItfIBMBNTS. Premiums returned nod poUeies pnrctassd., 7,892 M Interest, dividend*--- 27 90 United Stated Sanitary and CiOra tian Commissions, &o 1,850 00 8,878 82 msxsTi Surplus— Accumulated capital, December SI. 1863 1,321,389 81 Deduct scrip of 1860 to 1850, re ♦«+.*«• 68,060 06 FOB It? .SUBIKO TB&VBAM3KS BY LAND OR WA-TER. OFFICBBB. PHPRTBKNT, THEODOBE ADAMS. TICS PBESIDEST ATO AOTtTABT, 3. H. BBADLEY. _ TRKASITRBK. JAMES M. COHBAD, RKCRKTAStY, LUC IKK PBYTOJT. Aoxirr. J. B. FEYTOH. DIEEOIOBB. James Graham, iFianklia Stasis, . Wm. Colder. jalS lal JNSURE YOUR LIFE nr the AMEB I'O A. IN', S. E. Cor. Walnut and Fourth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. It Is & BOMB COMFABY. and profits divided annu ally, thus aiding the' assured to pay fatare premiums, "li&it dividend £0 per cent. BOARD 0? TRUSTEES. Alexander Whilldin, J. Bdg&r Thomson, Bon. James PoHocfc, Hon. Joseph AUtsofi* Albert C. Roberts, Henry K. Bennett, Samuel T. Bodifle, PhUip B Mingle, George Nugent, John Altman, Wm, J. Howard, Isaac Hazlehurst. Samuel Wort, __ * SAMUEt* WOE) no2I-Smlf JOHN S. WILF PIFTH ANNUAL STATEMENT OF A THB MUTUAL FIBB IHSUBAHOE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Off ce Ho. 5 South FIFTH Street. Amount of Property Insured First Mouth Ist, _ isos, $011,950 Amount of Premium Note* First Mo. let, 1885. 88.677 Cash Amts, First Mo., Ist, 1884.........—..55,697 66 Interetton Fn-miumNotei.~-~............... 4,156 46 Policies, burveya, and Tran5fer5...,......—.. 169 00 Premiums on Perpetual 1n5urance............. 80S 75 Interest on Investments •• • • ............ . 821 79 For Bxtra Risk* *~* 3 75 I>OSSS3. Flrth Month 9th.—Mary F Yorke....\ $9B 88 *' 18th.—Ohas. G. Richards. 1,000 00 sl,ooB 88 sxpsnsßs, AC. Salary. Bent, Stationer.. H.S Tax, &o. 1,193 66 Contmistionspaid Agents*..*.*.... 359 08 Interest Returned........................ 18 50 Premiums Returned.B7 40 . _ * 1.650 55 CASH ABBSTB. Inyeated inU. S. Loans. ~...~*.6»7e9 31 In bauds of Treasurer.....-*..*-..*»*.»•.l sil 09 Office Furniture 184 68 _ 8,201 88 CAPITAL OB ABSBTB, Premium Notes, $88,677 00 Inerted In U. 6. L0an5........... * *2l Caeh in hands of Trea5urer*...,...,....,. i,alt 09 Office Furniture, .4..*..134 68 $76 88^88 The undersigned* ft committee appointed hr the Com pany, hare examined the above statement, compared it with theibooks and voncfaers. and find it to bn cor rect. SENECA B, MALONE. •WILSON H.JENKINS. First Month 1865- DIBBCTOBS. william P. Eeeder, Joseph Chapman, JosVpji'W. Moore, Seneca E Malone, Wilson M. Jenkins, Lnkeng' Webster, IB CLuTHIEB, President: rC rotary ja2s-6fc Caleb Clothier* Jams* Smedley, -ttbovae ftlat&er. T. >llwood Chapman* Eimeou Hatlaefc Aaron W. tifttkill, • ’ _ CALB’ T, Vt.t.woop Chapman, V'O'llCE TO OIL COMPANIES.—AIR ■L’ PUMPS ana 8Kn.1,1 KG TOOLH can ho lad at ISO 9 PFIsneYLVANIA Ave®99 (late Willow »tres‘>- u»U and examls* <feun. j ais-8:' /89.m'23 WHILTjBIBT, President. IK. Tied President. and Treasurer. WANTS. WANTED—IN A LAWYER’S OF ▼ F FICB, a Toons GBSSTLSK AN of integrity* With a liberal education, who wilt give Ms s«*rvless iaoo.’i* slderation of instruction and ample facilUleH for etaay Address Box 80. 310, Post Office, In hKOdwrUlnfif of a J* pH cant, stating name and address. » ja2S-3e* WANTED—A YOUNG MAN WANTS FF a SIfUATIOS as Pale#man, insomeeetab ?«>ied business. Has a v no*? ledge of bookkeeping. Address »H. 8..» this office. jaM-3.* WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN JUST • » returned from tie army, a SITUATION In a store oroBce; writes a #ood hand, andts w.'Uio* to main Muieelf rueful; nan gtye the beet of references. Please ad drees It* “treacle,' 1 Offlce o t The Press. WANTED— A FIRST-DLASS TEACBKK of MATHSW4.TIOS at ouce. Fay *7O Kr month. Apply to day at 10 o’clock, at Ainerie m stunts. 51» ARCH Street. It* WANT ED—A SITUATION BY A Young Man. either as Bookkeeper, Clerk. or Cashier, iu a Mercantile. Manu-actarlag, or Banking House Is a competent, practical, antr exueriencad Bookkeeper, and possessesgood Undoubted references tires. No objection toleivi-ag the city. Address **o. P. Q.**' Wetts offlce. WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, Fw BOARDING with a respectable French family. Where there will be facilities foracaui3ingth.ftlaag™g4. Reference given and required. Address “X. Y Z Philadelphia P. O. jaTW WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE F F BOUSE la this city, a young LAD about 18 years, or are# to assist in the Counting Boom; must he » good: writer, quick at figures, and bring unexceptionable re ferences as to character. A graduate of the Sigh School preferred. _ Address Box »IS, P. O. j*2s-2t* WAITED—BY A YOUNG MAN, 22 FF years of jt«e, who Is a fair'penman, a SITUA TION in some Wholesale House, wheTe iua services wSU he appreciated. Address * * Perseverance ” attbis office. • ,\ j*2s-2t* WANTED—A PARTNER, WHO OAN F F famish from five to ten thousand dollars capital, in an Iron’ Manufacturing business. Address ** 3. A Co- 1 * * Box Po- 342, PMltda. Post Office, jaltetath gf* WANTED— IN A WHOLESALE GBOCBRY HOUSE, a YOUNG MAR as ASSIS TANT BOOKKEEPER,-must be a good psnmau, quick at figures# and witi> undoubted reference. SaUry $3 per week. Address in own handwriting “Box 937” Philadelphia P. Q. JaSi 31* WANTED—BY A NOTION HOUSE, F? two experienced Salesmen, who can influence a sear thirty days’ ootmtrr trade ; also travel ant Bill from samples. To competent persons a good position will he given. Address SSS 4 Philadelphia r. 0. jaU-3^ WANTED— BY A COMPETENT Bookkeeper,. a Situation as such# or Assistant. Best of reference given se to eompetenev asd moral worth. Address “Thorough,” Press office, immedi ately. jaiiifc* WANTED—IN A CONVEYANCER'S FT office, &n intelligent, honest and industrious BOY# not less then fourteen years of nge. Address “H.#” office of The Treat, in handwriting of theap ■ pUcant. ja%*6t* WANTED—A SITUATION BY AN FF experiencedßOOKßßEPßß, a thoronghbusiness man. Address “Union,” Press Office. Beet city re ference fumi*hed. ja2Mt* WANTED-A LARGE AND OOMMO FF dioos ROOM, on the first or second floor# suita ble for a public office, and situated between Market and Pine- and Second and fifth. Apply at MAY? aGKN CT, No. m Bouth THIRD Street. ja!9-tf WANTED TO BENT, IN A CEN * * trsl locality. on the first floor, part of on Office for Desk room. Address “P," Boa: 2212, P, O, jafctf A GENTS WANTEDFORTHE NURSE A AND SPT# the most interesting and psclliag hoak ever published, embracing the adventures of a worn m in the Union Army as Nurse,- Scout, and sbt. string a most vivid inner picture of tbe war. JONBS BRO i. fie CO., 600 CHESTNUT 6t.»Philadelphia, Pa TO OIL COMPANIES. A WANTED, by a practical Machinist, a in a gord oil company, t*» s> nperlntsßd machinery aud other bnsLneefl; attend book sccobr's if necessary. The -very beet recommendations cas be giveo Ad dress “ J. E. s, ,* Press’ Offiie* TO OIL COMPANIES.—Wanted, by a&Tan for eighteen years? engaged i»the Wholesale Business in this city, a SITUATION as in a Company where energy and close attention to Che interest of the Company will be appreciated. Tm best references will be gives. Address “RasißesB > M at t hie office. ja2S 21* t\i)Fx A MONT H?!—WANTED— I4<«r AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SHAW *• CLARE SlXTfiKtf-BOLLAR FaMILI SB #- IRQ MACHINE, the only Machine in the country which ie licensed by Grover & Baher, Wheerles At Howe, Sister A 0o. t aodßaehelder; Salary usd expanses,or large commission* &ilowed. Afiother Jfflcbioes-now sold lor less thaw forty dollar* eaehare infringement*, ana the seller aodnser Hr.tiflA- Illus trated circulars tent free. Add res* SHAW & CLARK, aol?-d&W3m BIJPDBgOBP, Milne! Rooo, sssm* ss 9 omt &wi> Vy other sums to ia&v on Mortgage. S. W. THACICARA ®.SOJJT, ja2S-3t»~ a*grgQgthTJßlftPßtreefc. m -WANTED TO EENT-INIMBCHi. J@t>y a reliable tenant, a good; modern built House, contaluinsdC or 12 rooms; wit Ma-six 'sqtursw-cf Thir teenth and'Market Address “*.<»” 804 H- TBNTJT Street sa2i 3t* m W^lTl m TO RENT—BY iS»GOOD*. ffi&ieaaiti abottt April Ist, a .fret class DWBILING. west of Broad and south of Mishat Str-etor Bent no object iffavoiablr located. Addneeeßox phia P. O. j»l9>h?t* • ASSISTANT QpARTBBMAB- SfiH&TEa’S OyriCß.Ko. aWrfßootb THr3BBt.. PsiLADxrau, Dec. 24,-ldo4. Vessels wanted to load with coal for Ufewbem, E. G.* sad Key met, Fla. jeanmua. de26'ti Captain and A. Q.Bf. F(»B.8AI£ AND TOM*BT. Mfor saiiE—liAroe jymsuumm and hot of Ground, west, aide of PO3BTH Street.* below GREEN Street. Store. MARKET Street, norsh side, Ke>. 121£, above TWELFTH Street. _ I> welli* S-- 1630. WALLACE* south sida, east of SaX? TBB»TE*treet. Apply to , v> . B TAVIrOB, ja26-St an -Worth BPXTJg Stceot. m 3CB SALE OHEAB 4 -HOUSE; -HES £ot, and Stable, eifcmted on the south side of locust, second house seventh street Ap ply to . R&BiSBT M*o GREGGS* It 419, /WALNUT Street WANTED TO PURCHASE —A ■K&. three* story HOUSE ndth three story doable bade bmldinae. end all modern.conveniences; side yard pro* forced,,situated between Unittonwoodiand Master, and Fifth and Eighth. Prtao not ove?. $lO,OOO. Address Box 93fi Post Office. ifcffi-St* m FOB SALE—SUPERIOR FARM;® JCBof 87 acres, situated in Berks county, Blcjtiand ■* township, two mils from Quakea-Town Station .south* east,, on North. Penssylvauia Railroad, S&,bugb from* the city, quarter xni& from railroad. Improvement* food ; new stone House, frame bam; six acres wood aad,. ten of meadow, balance under cultivation; good Q.& cherd, and a variety of-oVher feuite; running-Btream ef water through the since- App-y to EOBE3T MAG GREGOR, It ___ 419 WALNUC BtrW £& TIMBER LAND.-FOR BALEHIN a tract of TIMBER HARD of about SEVEN THOUSAND ACRES, This land is heavily co vered with excellent timber* In a location affording rate facilities for safe and rapidt transportation. Title indis putable. A portion of the purchase-money can remain on bond and mortgage. Address Box 719, rMSadelphta, Pest Office, Pa. j&23*l2t J'ORREST COUNTY OIL LANDS FOB SALE. 425 ACRBB, IN FEE SIMPLE, PEICS *5O PKB ACES. Address Box 1741 Hriladeli'lia Port Office. j&26-t6* F)R bale, very low, for cash— A desirable BUILDING Lor la West Philadelphia, north of Market Street, extending from Thirty-ninth street to State street, with 60 fret front os each. Inquire at ho. 1113 CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. . ja2B-3.* TkISTILLERY FOR BALE—LOCATED ■l/ in this city, in running order, with Rectifying Ap paratus attached. Capacity SX) bu* bets daily . Terms Javorable. U quire southwest corner of THIRD and BRANCH. ja2s 2t» OIL STOCKS—OIL STOCKS— OIL STOCKS —A few thousand shares of Oil Stock are yet for sale in a first-class reliable Oil Company, now formica Address * * Guy, * 1 Box 1685, P, O, ja2s- 3t* A GBICULTURAL LAND SCRIP.—34 ■kV AGRICULTURAL LAND SCRIP, l«r aerei each, for sale low. by tbs MARQUETTE MINING CO.. No. 319 WALNUT Sheet. Second Siory. DAVID S. HEYL, Secretary . FnILAPErPHIA, Jan, 23, 1865. ja24 6t X?OR BENT—SEVERAL ROOMS IN A the THIRD STORY of the Bnildlncbn the south west comer of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Ap ply at this office. iat3-tt TO L E T—FOR SALESROOMS OR light maimfactariiig purposes. the upper *tor)es of bnlldA, northwest comer of SIGHTS and MARKET, Apply in the store. jaSl tf LOST AND FOMD. IyjOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A 1 application has been made to the proper authori ties for the renewal of Bounty Warrant, No 2L&9G, dated December 7th, 1864, on the City Treasurer, for $3OO, being to order of and endorsed by JOSHUA P. THOMPSON, the same baying been loss or mislaid. The payment thereof has been stopped. JOSHUA P. THOMPSON, j&26 tbm4t* Box 2489 PhUada Poet Office. LEGAL. Pr THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTS OF FHILADEh- CAROLINE L. HBLMICK. by her n«xt friend, HENRY . AYBROD. vs. GEO. it. HELRIOK. Mr. GEO. B. BELMICK: Sir: You will please take notice that the Court has granted a rule to show cause why a Divorce a viacalo matrimonii should not he decreed in thiscas.*, return able SaTURDaY. February 4,1865 . Yours, 4c., WM W. JUVENAL, AtVy for Libellant January 21,1665, ja26 thftaftt XTEWSPAPER ESTABLISHMENT V FOR SALE.—By unanimous agreement of the Proprietors of the PBILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN. That valuable establishment will be sold at Public Auction, on _ _ _ WEDNESDAY, THE FIR C T DAY OF FEBRUARY _ NEXT, The time for which Ihe Partnership Association was formed expiringon that day. The present organization of the eitablishment is upon the basis vf a capital of Fifty Thousand Dollars, upon which sum the dividends (dec l ared semiannually) for several years past have exceeded THIRTY PER CENT. PEE ANB DM. and the business isnow more than ever, making it a most v&loabie investment for aoy person desiring to engage in sues an enterprite. The sate will take place et HALF PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P. M. on the: above*mentioned dav. ia the Publication Office of the Establishment, 119 Booth THIRD fc treat, Philadelphia. lie terns to be cash immediately at the time of sale, and if not complied with, the property to he imme diately resold at the risk of the former bidder. For farther inform*-tion epoiy to JAMES A FRBSVAN* Auctioneer, jatfr 7t Store No. 499 WALSUT Street, PhlltiU- XST IILOW SLEIGH BODIES. —A FEW ”» more left, at la»t yewr's prices . Also, 200 gross MATCHES. redyeed "tlcss. i BOWT6, BOSTON, & CO., ja26 157 and 159 North THIRD Street. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMB, OF THE A. bee* styles and latest improvements, for sate *t B F. REIMER S Galley, 694 ARCH Street. When you detire one.eelect from hie fine assort meat. It' T\FO PORTRAITS SXOEL IN NATH- X* BALNES3 of style, accuracy of feature and erpr*s tiofi, or truthfulness of coloring. 8 F KgrMAR S. *ife aize Photegiapbe ip oil colora 694 ARCH St. it* PEIMBH’B COLORED PHOTO -LV GRAPHS, only $1 to, are bean tiful of die and naturally-colored likeDes***; just tbethi g foi me times; accurate, dar&ble, and cheap. SECOND Str<j“t, above Green. H*- MAOKBRNL, HERRING, SHAD, &Q, HI —2,600 bU*. Mass. Not. 1. t, »n 4 S M*»h.™'. Ute-nnght fst Ish, In assorted pstksnw. - 2,000 bbls. New Eastport. Fortoaa Bsy, aad Naluar flerrinr. . . 2.600 boxes Labes, Sealed, and No. I Heniaa -160 bbls wear Mess Bhad. koone. , lain-t» No. 1*« NORTH WHARVK. TOBHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY. U COOSELLOB AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR 01 CL AIN S Offise, 251 F Street, osar Fourteenth St. WashlßAton, D. A deSS to •sa* BAZAAB, NINTH and Saß» SOK Strata. ATJCTIOJT BALE OT HOBSEB, OASBU V !'“- „ OU SATURDAY MOERIHO JA SsIM to harneaa and the saddle. Foil dear a W- *« Bale. Also, new and second-hand carriages, light xr ' ,v "”*• dearborns, &e„ with which the tale will cominenev- _ Aleo, single sn? doable harness, saddles, Or* us**- 4b srhlpslcorers. robes, betters, Ac. ■ A9-na postponementos accngat of weather. 49-Sole of Horses; Are., on VBDmßßdfr mr Carriages and harness at Prtrate sale. jaxßjtß a. eexkhebe, Ja*S-5t if * AnetianeeE.' AMERICAN ACADEMY OF HTJ-IC, TESTIMONIAL BESTS FIT. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, Jan. XRh, 1665, The following Arttels will appear: Mlm Caroline KicMa'gß, Kate Dfftdeßyan, E.l Davenport, Peter Elchin**. J- W. Wailack, L. P Barren, Frink Drew, , Edwin Aiuss, Assisted ty the whole of THB aKCH-STKEWP THEATEE COStPA3r, (Bv eertnleeioß af Sirs. John Brawl, THE WaiHDT-ScBSST TBEATBB «HttPAHr. (By permission of Mrs. S. A flarrettsoa), THE CB»BTJSBT BTEBST TSBATKB COKPABX. (By permission off W, 35. Rlnn, Es<i.) THE OKBAT O&GHESTKA Will eoneitt cf the combined Orchestras of the Arefe’ Chestnut, and Walnnt-streot Tisratree, with their re spective lead* re. Tee enter tei omen t will commence with the thlrdact of Frutur r E h Davenport; Cassias, J. W, Maic Aniony, t. P, Bar rest; Jaftza G*sitr f Frank 29ar* daunt; Caeca, W. H Bailey; Darina, Jamas *c*y ore Trebonino, W. H Wallis- gitellos, B h TmoS| Popilltns, T. Green; C ana, 8. Youoe. Servian. it B, Craig: Lories, Mite Clara -Bead v S&otbe&yer. G. John son Citlsen, Walter £*imo:£;\Beowta GUisea. • Hem pie; 'JKid Citizen, Staart Bobioaj Portia. ny» Benia J-yan. Citizens—G. If, Griffiths, J. A Horde* Ja?*es Garden. Owes Sarlowe. M. Billy ard. W. Ax &tm*ld«oti k w a! V * Bail3y * B E ' i '® r8 * 6; aCardejh-and Senators—H. Bj Bascomb, J. T. W&?d # . B. Touht, EL t. Sjinelair, P. A. Acde**oa, T. A. Creoee r Frank g:»iy y?orth:?Sa lv f sr^; ' MB,a,a - Cli “ dBs^ After Wbicl, a Coiaic Sin-g: ,e Horrible Tale of ft Suicidal Fuatly **., .C 'iftW O’Bdec -..jsßw*LS ADAMfL. To to foUowod by the celebrated JJ*LE3OfiY ♦ Bias CABOtIKE ElCfii£faSast£iB Goddefcf * wiih tire 6oe£ Stacer. •* George W sahibgtoa *P3STB3 dSHISfGS. Chorus by tb* Lsdies and Gectjomea of th« x EICHIKGS OPS HA TnOUrK. FbfJMa’pfcia/ 81 " 7 B,emlwr atth ® theatrical prcSwsioa 1* To be Drew’* Great Eartesoae. CAHIEEE. ...FBAJTK J>KKSfL’ s. a. OEiiii Cami11e........,*........ Annaad...-. After which, the celebrated Bong, ‘•Tta-Total Sooi«» ■ W A. CHATHAM. iecitatioo—Tennyson's Chztfe of tie tithe Brigaio CAKBBBi To cc-BolodaTpUh «h« Onroear, la ihiaa note, aatSUmL MARRIED life First act by the Arch- **treet Theatre Company. Second act by the W&bitvt- street Theatre ComfcMiT Third ac£by the Cheataut‘»treet Theatre CcrauwaT Admission, 50'dents. Beseryed Seats, 91. Entrance on Broad street for reserved seats; non-ife* served seats on Recast street. Beats can notsrjbd sheared of H. E. HBLLIE2. jfW. aramme. office, Ko U 2 S-nth FOURTH Sfroet Oa Friday morals# at- ills Academy of Music Doors open at 1 o’clock; commence at & o’clock pra* ; i>as-i* MEW CHESTNUT ST. THKATRE. CHESTNUT STBBET, ABOVE TWELFTH ' v- x THIs CThmsdar) KVEYISG, Jan. 26, GSASn DOUBLE BILL. LAST NiGHT KTi 1- TWO OF JUBIITB BBHTOB BOOTH. AND SSCoND SIGHT OF MISS COED &LIA CAPMSLLB. 5Ma grpat combination wi‘i appear this even In* In fcfe* Emotional Eoraancw is five acts, of the M&SSnB HEART. RAPHAEL POCHALBT....Ja«ftrS BRUTUS BOUTHL KLLB, MAKCO.... muB CORDELIACAPPgLIJL To conclude vith tie Grand Fairy Spectacle of BEaUTT AND THE BBa&T With all its new *nd magnificent scenery, eharminc Illusions, mperb jrmsic.eachfturinff flonjw.grt&t c *.«<;. 10-AKKROW EVENING FAREWELL BENEFIT OF' J B. BOOTH. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Jan. 2GU*, TWENTY SIXTH. GRAND FAMILY MATIN KB INACTIVE PREPARATION, THE THSB3 G'JABSS. forTae week. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE, f? TFB WALLACE-DAYBNPOBT ALLIANCE. THIS {Thursday) EVENING, Jan as, Second eight of a Dramatic version of Ticsyeoa'a Peeni ml Bnoch Arden, entitled ' . , THE TEST OF LOTS. Enoch Arden,,.,.. Mr I W Walliak. Mr._R L, Dstvenpon. Annie Lee. Miss Bos* To conclude with. LITTLE TODDLERINS. Bbn ogee open from 8 till 3. Oartata rims at Vri. M RB - JOHN DREW’S NEW ABCS- A«- BTHBKT THEATRE. 1 FIRSTWESK Of Mr. L P. BARRETT. TONIGHT, and EVERY NIGHT, Tlie dramatization, of Tennyfeon’s Poem of • „a, A ENOCH ARDEN, Fnfitled ~ . '‘UNDER PH&PALH.’* Rn*cli Arden. L y. BfemE FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF L R BARRET?. j*S.4t TJESTVADI LUND THSATRE- CAL ” LOWHJLL, between Fourth and Fifth streets-. WEDNESDAY, Jannarv SB. 18SS. BSKBFIT Of MB ADOLPH VKSEVAII. A CBAZT ENGLISHMAN; 08. A BBIBE TO OBDBB. Comedy In four act- JOBE BTBON6U ...Mr ADOLPH 1 VESTVAU. MUSICAL FUND HALL.—£ L. RTCE ■**-*: respectfully informe his-Menda and the PttbUol* general that he win give a INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT 0? T BUBS DAY EVENING, January 26th. 1885, a* sUted by the fo* lowing Dr >mlnsnt Art sU- of this city? Mrs. JEfENRIETT# BSHiiiftfS, Ifr IJAetE. 7B cents. To he had at the Music Stores ot J E. Oi.nLi, corner Seventh end Chestnut streets. 6. Andre-& Co., 11G4 Chestnut'street. Loots Meyer. n» GhesSrrat street,.comer of Jtantper, and in the Breain* at the door. Boors openaS7o‘clocJi. Concert to com. raence ai 8. JaK-st* /□.BAND GONCEHT. TO BE GHfEJI . ’h? the Graduates of the Institution forth* BS'nd. atihe MB'KJaL FDft D HALL, on FBI Da Y EsrE HIM, Jannary.27th, 186 a. Tickets 2SGents. BeservS t e s! s „ V? 1 * 8 ,- Boors open at 7. Commence a •,carter bolWe 8 o’clock.* ifHB GREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS, JE WALNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH Equestrian Dtaeotor Hr. F. H. RC6STOK. ;or of tl e Circ1e....... • Mr. FEANSC WHITTAKER. Mt- SaKLaO HROR the stamp orator awldeclslm «r, and the eelebrsted ErVJBES FAMILY, hays bees sagaged, and wnl app*er during this sreeir. AlsojUtetfENZEß BROTHEI S,.TaLENTISB.CHAS.: and EUDOLFH. THE SAGBXtfKB FAKILY MUs SOray,.MUe. ELIOS, the beattMttl and graMfit «suaJ. TBAHJED DOGS.OP PROD. HUT<® INSON. There are no- no leas than fiya flrst clarßClowps iiSw great combination o» the National y ° T K C ‘sf u \r to wlt -1 Mersrs. Sam. Laf.uroo. D. W. .Stone, J. H. Marray, Lea Powell, ana J. 9. Bafcbmson . -.BILLY BiTTTOB iOr.TheDNFORTUISMPE TAILOR'S we*? B ' tiDFOKD ' ' wsli I* afterpiece tlda Next week the great piece of the BRIGANDS O* ADMISSION—First tier, 60 cents; second tier. 36 sestet private box, S 3 ana $6. as to sire and location. Per. farmasce commences 7,40. Performance# «u every’ WEDNESDAY audSATUM-. DAY AFTBRBOO2I, commencing at 3££ o’clock, ja23-8t ABIES' SKATING PARR, THE NATIONAL PARK, TWENTY- FIEST Street and COLUMBIA Avenue. Fr* eminently the Ladles* Park of the city. No palna have been spared by the proprietors to make all the ap. polntments of the Park complete aod perfect. Qalie recently the Ladles’ Boomsbavo been enlarged. Competent pet sons are present each day to give instruc tions to Ladies and Children. Thelce Min splendid condition. DOUGLASS* BRASS BAND TO-NIGHT. It* [JO 1 POE THE “EAST WICK PARK.** ArnbUgemeutehave bees made with the Baltimore Hail road Comwuiy to convey visitors to said Park auriax the Skatt&g Season . The following trains will leave the depot. Broad an& Tjime streets, daily for the Park: 11 A. M , 2 P. M.. 3.IDP. M . and 5.60P.M The following trains will stop at the Park and convey pass ngsrs ? o the depot: 10 30 A M., 3.&J P. M., 53) P. M. (Special Train), and 8 F fit. ja&3t CEATIKG ! 81ATIRG! S SEATING 1! 1 C’The UNION PARK, FOUETH and DIAMOND Ftrffte, w*s FLOODED Last Evening, and is io KGB GAKT condition for Skating 2 The finest SUBFAGS of the Season! Skaters should avail themselves of ihia OP GRAND t MUSICiL MATINEE THIS AFTERNOON. The ARTIFICIAL MOON rises THIS EVENING at fifteen mlnutespast * even. it* TYRUNK OH COLD WATER-CLIMB -L/ jug A.POLE (imaginary)—Fishing in Winter— Courting and Kissing—Singing aid Dancing—States* men and Heroes from civilians, prtmoted tuatiniau*- ouely. hy MBSTAL Dr. B. BROWS WILLIAMS, the humorous Lecturer and orieinal Psv choloflsfe, at ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, THURSDAY* FRIDAY- and SATURDAY. Last three nights, posi tively. Exhibitions of a mirthful and instructive char acter, a»»teted by Ms audience Two hears of harmldtui mirth Tickets SO cents; admitting a lady and gentle man. 50 cents. Open at kto 7; entertainment at M to & ja2s*4t TXASSIEB’B M.X ORCHESTRA AlffD MILITARY BA YD, Office, N0,.5614: South BiGHTH htreet. ja23 lm* fiIGHOB BLITZ’S BXHIBITIOHS AT the ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS are PGSrPOYBH untU THURSDAY EVBRIRG. ja3s*2t CIGHOH BLITZ WILL SHORTLY CLOSE, ASSEMBLY- BUILDINGS. Greatdemonetrafcion*in NECROMANCY; SPIRITUAL ISM ILLUSTRATED, and the WORDSRS OF TBN* TRILOQDISM ISTRODOOBD. Grand Entertainment BVRBY EVES ir<G, at 7K o’clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at S- Comprising the mysteries of Past fend Present Age. Admission, 25 cents. Children, 15 cents. Reserved seats, 50 cents - j^9, ORCHB BTRA—PUELIO 'J REHEARSALS e.ery SATURDAY, at 3R « clock P. H., at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Ticket.. 35 cent. . Six Tickets, #1: to be bad at Gonld"*, And- e’s. aad Meyer's Mnsic Stares, aad at the Hall. aof tf THE ACADEMY OF FINK ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street, aboveTeath, la OPEN DA LT for visitors, tram 9 A M. to 6P. M jols PEBMAKSHIP* MR. AND MRS. A a. R. DUSTOB’S BOOMtS, ,I3O4*CH6STBUP St*, are now open for the reception of pupils aad visiters. A ls*ge collection of fptcjmVns of Pen uaubhip aai Pea Diawisg on exhibition, which all livers of the arc are cordial;y incited to exaiuiite. An easy. *frgaut. rapid s’jle of writing tasght, and perfect satisfaction Visiting catds written, and all kinds of ornam»*taL work executed in the brst mapner. ja2o 6;* T>ROFKPSOR RHPUd AD a MS, A TB&CHER *■¥ BbOCUTION, No. 665 North THIK CSSNTH Street jals-wfm6fc* "PATENTS PROCURE D—UNITED * -A. states and European. BI>WARJ> ja24-lm* 311 WabNOT Street. DOARD'WANTED-IN A PRIVATB FAMILY. Parlor and bedroom. Undoubipif re fersuces given and required. Address “H W.,** P-rtt «gr office, with location and 3 3.* OOARD WANTED —BY A TOUNQ of good habits, in a private family, wh*-ra ha can enjerr xbe com for. sof a home. Addrc6s ‘ r chant. “ prewar office. - ja2s 2a* ¥¥7 AETED—B OA BDING IN A PRfc * * .vats family* for a. gentleman and wife. For suitable accon modations a pries will he paid. Address “M. G. JV' ja26-3l^ A LARGE FOURTH STORY ROOM, A with Board, at 1315 Street. h2'-4t m fWBITTIiK AND VERBAL DK BCBIPTIOIfS of Oh&ractftr.Comttfntioa, et»d T*. teat, with JDViCE oa Be&itfc, Krloca tioi, 8f M&oavamootaad Trill ing of GBILDBBJS, soctei adaptation. &o , dag &ndeTBSis£i bj JOHN £> Phrenologist and Booftosiler, 0011-fatbslyif No 85 b. TBWTH St-.atottre Chaasnnfc URBDXRICK BOLAND, A teHtmfactni>r of over* variety of PfCTDBg FKAjJES. aad doiiiay U ■ EOB.OPSAH ASll AMKKIG>B KS<is'<vylN9H PHOTOOBaPH OViL Fi AjSgi, iB cleat .atloty. da2S lm* Ho. 851 Hoilk HtH2B gt., as£T; £ys- AVCTioir gjh“!i AMUSEMENTS. CHARLES 1° PORTER. JULIUjS cjbs&k. EDUCATIONAL. PERUSAL. BOARBisa Th!» Ofitoa,
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