The Tate Visit or the Prince and Princess -of Wales to Sweden. [From Urn London Illustrated Sew*. 3 The Royal Falaoo at Stockholm to a building for which wo have no parallel la England, and those who have never seen It mast throw their ratods-baok to or Assyria and Babylon If they would obtain a proper conception or its dlmen- Jjona. Upon the Interior decorations, either now or at some recent perlod. wi amount «£ wealth mUBt have been lavished which England, wealthy as she u, is seldom In the humor to expend upon her pa laces. A suite of apartments of extreme .magnifi cence. adjoining the sumptuous ball-room of the pa laceVhadbeen prepared for the Prince and princess. A large entrance room opens, on the right from the staircase landing, Into a waiiing'Olianiber, wiuon loads into a saloon beautifully fitted mpeoallarplnk ebinta-pattem satin coverings, sinking under ibe feet, beyond wbjek is tbe mawfl fioent amber drawisg'foom of tbe Prinoosse Her Hoyal Highness 7 bedroom is tbe next apartment, -ana in beauty of proportion and splendor of and decorations, is tne whole suite of TAoniß Tbe beustesd, withitß crimson t&biutfiow* ered curtain* . broadly embroidered with gold lace, is a study itself. The pUlows are covered lit magnlfi oentwhite satln.and the coverlet seems worth a blog's ransom. There are two statues of white mar blew this gorgeous ohamber, one of Charles XII, the other of Bernadette. Farther still than this ohamber of the Princess Is a room elegantly fitted un for the lady In attendance upon her Royal High ness, and opening on the right is a most prettily de ooratetf room, fitted up as a boudoir. The sulto of rooms occupied by the Prince of Wales are to the left of the grand staircase, which shows the amount 'of accommodation In this Im mense palace. By daylight these rooms were su nerb to view. What must this splendor have been when they were one blase ©flight, with all the inter mediate doors thrown open asr.t the moment of the Prince and Princess’arrival 1 The homeliness of the ciuiet Danish palaces, where they had so recent ly resided, must have made the contrast the more "hteamef, the royal party, accompanied by the leading members ol the Court, paid a short visit to UreopMahouse,where they irrifedto timetoseo the last act of the Swedish version of “ The Daugh ter or the Regiment.” The house la much larger and of a more ornamental character than the one at Copenhagen. Five tiers of boxes rise one above the other, to the celling, the decorations being purely white and gold. - * * * * * * The following morning was devoted to viewing the olty and Its environs. Any monarch might be proud of having such a capital to show, and the King, with evident pleasure, pointed out the many Interesting localities which are associated with iit’otinal traditions. Stockholm Is but little known oy ffUl"rfrl ‘i* —l.n miiuln ha-iJiWP-Mflni *— -c*-*- man towns wMehhave not a tithe of its attractions. Most assuredly the tourist public of Croat Britain has not done justice to this noble city, which has not anywhere a rival in Its own peouUar style of beauty. In the evening of the same day the royal party and invited guests were entertained by the King of Sweden Witt, a grand dinner, at his favorite Castle of Ulrleksdal, which Is about six miles from Stock holm, on an arm of the sea, A drive through rioh ly.wooded parks reaches it. * * * The effect, produced by Die fitting up of the dining-room In this castW is singularly pleasing. A mahogany panelling, about tlx feet in height, with a deep ledge round the top, skirts the room. This ledge is filled with curious ware of every description, principally drinking horns or mugs, ranged as closely together as possible; many of them being of priceless value, from the fact that they are relics of antiquity, dlß oovered in various parts oi the King’s dominions. Above the’paneßing hunting swords, daggers, me . dallions,and other souvenUS of the ohase, may be ' sold to drape the walls. Massive silver candelabra on the tables, small chandeliers of gold suspended from the Ceiling, and clusters of Ught in the re cesses. gave to the scene all the brilliancy that it needed without necessitating the noxlonß heat of gas. At the principal table no one had a scat who was not either a member or the royal family or di rectly attached In some oaoauity to those having places there as of right. The general com pany, however, Included about one hundred of the Swedish nobility and other persons of rank. The * silver plate and china were magnificent; the din ner comprised twenty courses-. - The King’s own band played a choice selection of music. As dinner* ended the palace grounds were brilliantly illumi nated. The next evening a great ball was given by the Queen Dowager of Sweden, at her residence, the Falace-of Drottinghoim. This building stands on the edge of the Maiar Lake, and Is approached from Stockholm across a bridge more than half a mile in length. On the nlghtor the ball this bridge and the road for some distance were lighted up with bowls'filled with a blazing resinous mixture, supported on pillars at regnlar Intervals. The grounds of the eastle had their outlines and the principal walks Indicated by a similar Illumination. Steamers which brought down Invited gueqts to the ball lay off: the landing-pier, where flights of stone steps gave admission to the series of terraces, con nected by double staircases of exquisite green mar ble, wide enough for eight persons to walk abreast, each terrace leading to a suite of apartments right ' and left. Let the reader imagine a series of princely rooms, furnished In exquisite taste, and abounding with works of Incalculable value, and he will have formed an estimate of the Interior of Drottinghoim. The Queen Dowager wore a rich silk dress of deep mauve color, trimmed with white lace, and a tiara of cameos and diamonds; the Queen a sea-green dress, with white, laee oyer, and a wreath In which were sprays of diamonds. The dress of the Frinoess of Wales consisted of a rich flame-colored silk, trimmed with the corresponding shade, and falls of white lace, with necklace and head-dress of dia monds. The following day the King entertained Ms royal visitors at QripEholm Castle, on Lake Malar, about forty miles rrom Stockholm. Two dare were devoted to elk shooting, and Ms Royal Highness, far from feeling fatigued by the sport, although late In the evening when they reached Stockholm, changed his dress and pro ceeded to Ulrleksdal, where a large party hau as sembled on the ocoaslon of the farewell dinner given by the Queen of Sweden, returning again to the palace at Stockholm the same night. The next day the Prince and Princess of Wales ended their visit to Sweden, and took their depar ture for Elsinore. Appeal to Dae Presidents and Directors of the Passenger Kail trays of tbe City of I’lUlatiolpHta. Gbhtusmbn : The Philadelphia Female Anti- Slavery Society respectfully request that you will rescind the rule which forbids our colored citizens from availing themselves of the convenience of using your railway cars, and that you will direct the. drivers and conductors on your line to admit and ac commodate passengers irrespective of color. We urge you to do thus: ’lst. Because we believe that, as common carriers, railway companies are legally bound to carry aU peaceably behaved persons, Ottving no infectious disease, who tender the payment of Die usual fare, until the cars are filled. - 2d. Because of the moral obligation which rests upon all men to refrain from tho Infliction of suffer ing upon their fellow-men on acoount-of circum stances or condition over which the latter have no control. ' , Ton are aware that we have a large and respect able elass of colored people In our olty, who own property, pay taxes, furnish soldiers and seamen for the army and navy, support ehurohes and schools, charitable and literary institutions, and perform the general duties of citizens. Scarcely a week passes without witnessing the insult offered to this olass of ourfellow-eltizenshy the eieotion or one of them from one of our oitv railway oars, or by the prohibitory mandate of a driver or conductor ad dressed to one about to enter it. Scenes vary revolt ing to the feelings of just and humane persons are frequently enacted in these cars, .the narration of which In our : dally papers tells a sad story for the Christianity or tho justice of Philadelphians. During the last snmmer the pastor of one of our Churches, carrying his Blok and almost dying child In his arms from a steamboat, in haste to reach his home, attempted to enter a car, in which there hap penea to be not a passenger, and the conductor re fused him admission. Delicate women, with young ohlldren In their arms, Invalids nnable to take a long walk, persons enfeebled by age, are refused entrance or-compelled to stand upon the front plat form—a part of the oar regarded generally, and by yourselves, is an unsafe place. Inoffensive men and women have been Insolently ordered to leave a oar, and have been thrust out by the conductor, sometimes with violence, though in the same cars persons whose condition and conduct render them . offensive to all decent passengers sit unmolested. In the name of our common humanity we protest against these, things. * - . We do not hold you, gentlemen, clone responsible for this deniglto our colored citizens of their right. We are aware that as yohr conductors, when ap pealed to, adduce your orders In their own justifica tion, so may you adduce that popular prejudice against the negro, in deference to which those orders were given. We will not detain you with argu ments respecting the moral character of that pre judice, or the duty of individuals or corpora tions to reßlßt rather than eater to It. But we earnestly entreat you to consider the fact that the public sentiment of Boston, New York, Balti more, Washington, and Alexandria permits white and colored persons to ride together in street ears; that the prejudioe against-thenegro has been great ly diminished sinee the commencement of the rebel lion, and during the progress of the war in which the colored troops have fought so bravely, and died so heroically, to save the life of the nation ; and we ask you to try the experiment, and see if Philadel phia has not made as much progress in Christian civilization as.her sister cities. Signed, on behalf of the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society. Sabah Pooh, President. | Secretaries. THE CITY. Tbe Tbei JAN. 5R.18M. JAN. 21, 1865. 6 A.M. ~. 12M. ....3P.M.6 IZM. 3P. M. 86.,-. -.47 54K~..-.-S8 88^ WIHD- WIWD. Hb,W—.WBW....WSW ENE EKE NE SITTifABT. TEE bounty and substitute business. Some of the amendments to the enrolment law Which will be advocated In the military committees of Congress are the following: The payment of half of the bounty at the expiration of the term of service, and the other half In quarter yearly instal ments during the term; one makingprtnolpals re sponsible for the good condnot of their substitutes, and liable to lmmediate service In the army lr the substitute deserts; another abolishing the substi tute system entirely, and establishing a few exemp tion*, with 'power to provost marshals to grant others In certain omob; another holding the pro pertyof drafted men sulijeot to confiscation If they ran away, and still another to forover disfranchise deserters and drafted runaways. The Secretary of War is known to favor some of these changes, and each has itß supporters outside of the military com mittees, though neither of the more radical ones' seem at present likely to be Incorporated into the law. RECRUITING. Since the creation of tbe new Bounty Fond Com mission, on the 8d of January last, only nineteen warrants have heen Issued. This Is less than one manjoer day, and if more activity Is not displayed by the several wards .the .dratt will moat certainly take place. It 1b hoped, however, that, upon the signing of the new ordinance giving $4OO to one year volunteers by the mayor, recruiting will take afresh start. - 1 ' . mscEiUHiiom PRESENTATION OF A FURNISHED HOUSE TO MBS, GENERAL GRANT. In The Frees of January 9th Inst, an Item was published in the city department containing the following truthful announcement!' "A number of gentleman of this oltyhave pur chased for Mrs. Gen. Grant a handsome residence on Chestnut street, near Twenty-first, and have fur nlshed it throughout in the most elegant manner.' Mrs. Grantnas been notified of the faet, and It is Srobable she will make it her permanent rest onoe.” T-' ■ *» This statement was . denied by a reporter for tbe Inquirer on the’iothlnst. - .. . we present to-day the official correspondence on ~ the Interesting subject, asking the reader to take notice of the date thereof. It will be seen the origi nal statement In The Press was true. . ; PHitADatPHIA, Jan. 2,1866. lieutenant General V. S. Grant, commanding United States Army: - 7 . L Deab Gshsbai. : Havln z learned that Mrs Grant was looking for and unable to obtain a house in this city, which yon have concluded to make your plaoe Of iesidencsit affords u* f great pleasure, to present to yourself and famlly a house furnished and ready In our City of Homes. As citizens of the United states, we beg your' ae • oeptance of tbls slight testimonial of the gratitude we feel, In common with all lujal citizens, for the eminent services you have rendered to' the nation during Its present struggle for the suppression of the rebellion, and of our appreciation of your distin guished military ability and patriotism and moral of Philadelphia, feeling that It would be a high honor to have you a fellow-townsman, we . praent It as a token of the welcome which .our on ' tire elty extends to your family whilst you are still fighting the battles of the nation, and which we will most heartOyiOXtend to yourtelf when the war shall be over. .lmr*4neat!ng.»'ur »Meptanoopf. the title deed let us express the hope that, through the In strumentality of yourself and other tried and trusted heroes, (he time may soon come when the blessings of Union and peace, founded on the jprinclples of justice and freedom* shall crown the efforts now mayoome forth from theterri-' ble ordeal stronger, better, purer, and freer, Is our earnest wish, and to tMs end we pray that God may tang spare your valuable life, and continue your invaluable services for our National prosperity and Deace. On behalf of the subscribers, * Very truly yours, - _ Gko. H. Stdabt, E. O. Knight, A. O. Bobib, Davis Fbabsoh, Wji. O. Kbnt, Gbo. Whithby, Jambs Geaham, Committee. Hbaiwjabtbbs, Abut o» thb United States, City Point, Va., Jan. 4, IMS. Messrs. George B. Stuart, A. EY Borie,JV. C. Kent, E, C, Knight, Davie Pearson, George Whitney, ana Joe. Graham, Committee: Gentlemen : Through you, the loyal citizens or Philadelphia, have seen fit to present mo with a house, lot and furniture In your beautiful city. The letter notlfylngme of this Is just received. It is with feeflggs of gratitude and pride that I accept tMs substantial testimonial of the esteem of your loyalWtizens. Gratitude, because It IB evidence of a deep set determination on the part of a large number .of citizens that this-war .shall go on until tho Union is restored. Pride, that iny humble efforts in so great a cause should attract such a token from a olty of strangers to me. I will not predict a day when we will have peace again: with a Union restored. But that that day will oome is as sure as the rising of to-morrow’s sun. I have never doubted thlsjn tho darkest dayß of this dark and terrible rebeUldh 1 . , ’ Until this happy day of peacßidogacomo my fami ly will occupy and enjoy present.- But until that I do not expeot nor desire to see mnoh of the enioyments of a home fireside. I have the honor to be, with great respect, yonr obedient servant, ,U.S.Gbant, Lieutenant-General United States Army. The house seleoted’M the new one, NO. 2009 Chest nut street, wMoh Is now being furnished by Moore & Campion, of tMs olty. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA. . The annual catalogue of the officers and students of this College for 186* has been published. The number of students during the past year was one hundred andlorty-six, of whom about threo-fturthß were from Pennsylvania, and one-fourth from other States. Nearly one-third of the Pennsylvania stu dents are residents of this city. The College contains the requisite apparatus, oabinete, ana laboratories for a fuU coarse of In struction to general' and special physios, engineer tog, and - ohemlstry. Students are thoroughly pre pared for agriculture, mining, chemical manufac anti thc TneahaTUo arta. The literary depart meiitembraces.all the studies which are usually pursued In the best &mwieAn«oi]«ge8 t -axMiE4-ai«AE and Latin. A larm of four hundred acres of productive land affords the students all requisite facilities for a prae Meal application of the principles of science, which they study to their classes, to the actual work of the farm, garden, and nurßery; and as every student Is required to work on the farm three hours a day, he has an excellent opportunity to develop “ a sound mind to a soun’d body.” The college is located In a rural neighborhood of remarkable healthfklnesß and beauty, and free from the allurements of large ( towns and cities. By a statute of Pennsylvania, no place for the sale of intoxicating drinks can ever be opened wltMii three miles of tbe Institution. Faculty and Boabd of Inbtbuotion.—Wil liam H. Allen, M.-D, LL. ID., President, Professor of Political Economy and Constitutional and Inter national Law. Jacob S. WMtman, A. M., Vice President, Pro fessor of Botany, Physiology, and Horticulture. Thomas K. Baker, M. S., Professor of Mathema tics, Fhyties, and Analytical Mechanics. John H. Leas, A. M., Professor of English Lan guage and Literature, and PMlosophy. George C. Caldwell, Ph. D. B- S„ Professor of Chemistry and Scientific Agriculture. O. Alfred Smith, M. S. A., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Robert Jennings, V. S., lecturer on Veterinary Art. J. R. Linn, superintendent of the Farm. J. M. Linn and L. L. Haughawout, teachers in the Preparatory Department. Chaplains.— Kev. R. HammlU, Rev. J. O. Lav erty, Rev. J. H. Barnard, Rev. W. W. Hloks, We tore Informed the chair of Mental and Mo ral Philosophy, and English Literature, has been vacated by the retirement of Professor Leas, but it will be filled at the opening of next session (Februa ry 28), by Jhe appointment of a new professor. GUARDIANS Off THE POOR. ■The’stated meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Poor was held yesterday afternoon, President jSrety in tho chair. The house receipts were reported at *80.7*. The outdoor agent reported having collected for sup port esses, *220 so. - * ' The house agent reported the following census of the house, Ac., for the weekending Saturday, Janu ary 21st, 1866 : Number of persons to tho house at 12 M...... .2,980 Same time last year ..2,660 Increase Admitted within the last two week 5........... 231 Births “ “ “ Deaths “ « “ *7 Discharged “ “ “ - IJB Eloped “ “ “ 2* Number of persons granted lodgings witMn the last twoweeks *3 Number granted meals. , 91 The monthly report of the Board of Visitors was presented. The total expenditures amounted to *15,868.17. Number sentto Almshouse, 418 ; refused admission, 280. The total number reecivtog out door relief is 14,695—Americans, 2,624; foreigners; 8,222; Children,-8,749. . The nativity of those re ceiving relief Is as follows: Germany, 604; Ireland, 2,419; England, 191; Wales, 7 ; Scotland, 48: Italy and France, 44; Philadelphia, 884; Pennsylvania, 759; United States, 981. A communication was received from the Histori cal Sooiety Of Pennsylvania, enclosing resolutions of thanks for the City Almshouse bell 0ri768. The resignation of Dr. M. K. Knorr, visiting phy sician of the sixteenth and Seventeenth wards, was received and accepted. The annual report of the Board of Visitors was presented. The whole expenditures were *51,128.61. Number sent to the Almshouse, 3,732; refused ad mission, 3,304. Total number relieved, 60,651. Ame ricans, 10,740; foreigners, 13,381; children, 36,695. The nativities of those refused were; Germany, 1,982; Ireland, 10,108; England, 717: Wales, 60; &mUand,lB6 ; Italy, W; France, 178; Philadelphia, 4,2C1; Pennsylvania, 2,041; United States, 8,898. - The steward’s requisition was granted. Adjourned. - ' About half past ore o’clock on Monday morning fire.was discovered to a carpenter shop on the south side of Little Pine Btreet, below Seventh, in the Fifth ward. The building is two-stbries high, built of briok, and runs back nearly to Lombard street. It is owned and occupied by Edward Kelley. The rear portion of the building was totally destroyed. The'lnterlor of the remainder was pretty well da maged, and the oontents were consumed. There was not ranch lumber or finished work on hand. The origin of the fire Is a mystery, and is being In vestigated by Fire Marshal Blackburn, The shop Is surrounded by dwelling houses occupied by color ed families. Owing to the stillness of-the wind, the rain wMch was prevailing at the time, and the snow on the roof, none of these sustained any damage. The loss on the building is estimated at *1,290, and that on stock, tools, &0., at $3OO, making a total loss of $1,600, upon wMoh there is no insurance. BAD WEATHER, It would he difficult to Imagine how there could possibly he any worse weather than we were afflicted with yesterday. The snow of Saturday was sue. Deeded* by a thaw, then Host began, and It was al most impossible to walk on Sunday night. Yester d&yraln fell In torrents,and the streets were In some places knee-deep with slush. The Schuylkill and Delaware rivers and the tributaries thereto were, greatly swollen. An immense body of water was running over the dam at I’alrmount curing the day, but no serious damage has occurred thatnas dome under our notice. r POUND DEAD. A shoemaker, who occupied a room in a house at Penn and South streets, was found dead, yesterday morning, (in his bed. He had not been seen for several days, and the policemen broke into his room yesterday. Prom the appearance of the body the deceased had been dead for a day or more. The V. S. gunboat Massachusetts, Lieut. W. H; West commanding, sails on Saturday next for the South Atlantic Squadron, from the Navy Yard. All packages must be on board by sp. M, the day pre vious. None will be received afterwards. Frederick Assner, alias Wm. Lyndalt, was ar raigned yesterday on the charge of the larceny of the sum of $778 belonging to Mr. Adolph Testvall., The larceny la alleged to have taken place on the 12th of November last, between the hours of six and ten o’clock at night.\The mosey was contained In a German trank looked at both ends. One of the looks was broken off and the lid pried open. The defendant in this ease was in the employ of Mr. Vestva.ll, and the night of the robbery dls appeared very mysteriously. Suspicion fell upon him owing to nis sudden absence, and on Saturday he was arrested at Pittsburg, Pa., where Uepassod himself off under the fictitious-name of William liyndall. He was simply arraigned for a hearing yesterday, and the case was postponed until snob time as the witnesses may be present. A man giving the name of George Adams was ar rested on complaint of Mr.'Bowers, charging him with being a hotel'thief; The prisoner had taken lodgings at the Commercial Hotel. A number of skeleton keys were found In his possession. He was committed in default of $2,600 to await a hear ing to take place on the'26th Inst. lOmeter. A man, giving the name of Michael Holly, was arraigned yesterday morning on the charge of obm mltting an assault and battery on Pollee Officer Birkenßtoek, It Is alleged that- the defendant, while in oustody of the officer, struck Mm a violent blow In the face. The accused was held in the sum of $l,OOO to answer. A colored -woman,- calling herself Mary -Miller, was committed yesterday on the charge of tbe lar ceny of a boiler, made for Booking purposes. The. article remains at the Twenty-fourth ward station house, where It awaits Identification. additional police force. It is very evident that the police 'force ought tube increased In number. Robberies are becoming quite frequent, and hundreds, might be committed with impunity, without the offipcrtibelng liable to any charge of dereliction of doty- The beats In some parts of the oily are a mile In lengthy and from a quarter to half a mile wide. On some of these beats millions of dollars worth of property Is located: Murders could be committed every night -in the week, and shouts for help eouid not under some oir oamstances be heard by the officer. RECAPITULATION, FOB THE SOUTH ATLANTIC SQUADRON. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Beitler. ] ALLEGED LARCENY. ARRESTED ON SUSPICION. [Before Mr. Alderman Shoo maker. 3 ASSAULTING A POLICEMAN.. [Before Hr. Alderman Miller.] OWNER WANTED. - : THE COURTS. Coart of Quarter Sessions—Hon. Joseph - Allison, Associate Justice. [William B. Mann, E6q , Prosecuting Attorney. Emma Holland was charged with the larceny of a Shawl .valued at ten dollars. Elizabeth Hart testified that she was at Mrs. banner’s .house, and the'defehdant snatched the' shawl off of her, saying it was her shawl. On cross-examination the witness said she bought the shawl onrSecond street. She’had formerly lived with Mrs.: Holland as a servant girl. The shawl was bought by Mrs. Holland with the money of oalled'Mr. Dryfuss, who testified that Mrs. Holland bought a shawl from Mm for which She paid $14.60. Yerdiot guilty. , A bill charging Elizabeth Hart with receiving; stolen goods was submitted without evidence, am. a verdict of not guilty taken* ... - Geo. Fisher was charged with the larceny of some trimmings. ‘ Officer Hess testified to seeing tbe trimmings in the pockets of accused daring the conflagration at ■Williams’;blind manufactory. - „ The case was withdrawn from the jnrywlth the eonsent of the prosecutor, and a nolle prosequi entered, i . ' ' Jane Richardson, colored, was eharged with the larotny of $3OO. Mrs. Murphy testified, that the accused lived with her when the money was missed, and acknowledged to taking ten dollars of it. Yer dldt guilty of the laroeny of ten dollars. Neither the Supreme Court In banc nor tbe court at Nisi Prfus were In sesston. Judge Read Is sick, and both Judges Woodward and Agnew being ab sent, there was no. quorum. The Supreme Court was adjourned till Wednesday. The Nisi Prlus will be In session to-day. District Court-Judge Hare. The Besond period of the Deoember term of the DistrictUourtß began yesterday. James O. Finn vs Qulntlus o. Brown. This was an action to recover on a judgment bond for $*,006, with arrears of-interest. ’ The se ttiemon t had been -made -between tbo.parties, In cluding among other matters this judgment bond, and second that usurious Interest had bee:“°hargea. Plaintiff, on the other hand, dented that the settle > ment aliened inoluded the judgment to suit; and contended that U usurious interest hadbeanoharged it was now too late to set it up as a derenoa, more than the six months allowed by lawin suck cases having elapsed. Jury out. George W. Biddle and Wm. L. Marshal for defendant; Bullitt and Dlek sonJOr plaintiff. , District court—Jartge stroad; . Francis Logue vs. The Gadwalader Building As sociation. This notion was to recover an alleged excess ot dues paid the assoriation on the amount borrowed.' The defence was that a settlement had been made between plaintiff and defendants, and also that the action had not been begun within six months from the date of tiie lastp&wnent, as should have been done. Verdict for defendants. McOabe and Oelsohlager for plaintiff; B. L, Brewster and Colahan for defendants. . , , , . HutoLlnaon vs* Leonard* Verdict for aefenaftsit. Freno vs. Lane, Verdlot for plaintiff, *426.35. Adjourned till to day. Coart of Common Pleas—Judge Ludlow. INJUNCTION ASKED FOB. ; William G. Mmon vs. Colonel Alexander Cum mings. In equity. This was an application on be half or complainant for an Injunction to-restrain the defendant, who Is the military commandant at Camp. Gadwalader, from further interfering.with Mm in ptie erection oi a building on the .lot at Twen ty-reoond and Brown streets, about three hundred yards ftom tbe camp. Respondent, as tbe bill al leges, has twice Interfered by means of a file of soldiers, and stopped tiie workmen foomprooeeding with the completion of the bnildtog Judge Ludlow granted a cautionary order, and fixed Saturday next for hearing argument of codnsel upon the applica tion. Leonard Fletcher, EBq., for complainant; John O. Knox, Esq.; for respondent. NEW PUBLICATIONS. J^APHAEL’SCARTOONS. R{en^i^/to e i<“ d bTaTalliTßlo^ UttB }C A 5 From Original Drawings made at Hampton lA " t Court Palace, expressly for this work. J“. PS Descriptive text and quoisHon with each ITS (Plater Introduction and Memoir of Raphael. Hi The whole produced to Art’s highest style;! T ( Chaste!: Unique! and Bleiantl I ? A 1 Cabinet aissi to a Beautiful Portfolio: Fries (ft .3- ( Proofs; *lO. Artist’s Proofs. *IA I v Ej Now Ready—Retail and'Whofosale—at the (ft I Retail rooms of the • $ v | LONDON AND PUBLISHING |Jf Si 48T BROADWAY, New York. 487 l K ( HENRY A. BROWN, Manager. I ° EAPH AEI/S OAB-TPONS jaI7-tuf4t % KTEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS ! AN History of the Planting, and .Training of the Christian Church bythe Apostles.- By Dr. Augustus Reflected Light, illustrations of the J Redeemer's Faithfulness in the Happy death-bed Experience of of Heaven, orthe Principles of the Heaven ly Life applied to the Earthly.' By the late Joseph A. . Children to Paradise. By Rev. Fred. H. Wines. Vellum cloth :_gllt edges. ■ . Melbourne Blouse. By the author- of Wide, Wide World. 2 vole.: eloth; ’ . . ■ The Death and Burial of Poof Cock Bohto: from otl gtoaideBtgns,JbTH.L. Stephens.- Price 75 cents. • A Frog he Wonld a-Wooing go. From original de- To^Jely 1 ” SyiIM’AKTON. Successor to WM. S. S ALFRED MARTIER,, Ja3l : OOP CHESTNUT Street. . BOOKS I NBW BOOKS I! Just received HM EAD & EVANS, (Hazard’s old stand), . No. 7»4 CHESTNUT Street, , AUTUMN LEAYBS. By Samuel Jaokson Gardner. MATTIE; A STRAY. Anew novel; paper coTor. HUGH MILLER'S BSSAYB. - niesTRAtT FRISBAO;. 08, HOME SCENES IN FRANCS. By Olive Logan, authoress of “Photo graphs of Paris Life,” Ac. - . __ ELIMt 08, HYMNS OF HOLY REFRESHMENT. Edited hv the Rev F. D.i Huntingdon. D. D. WET DAIS AT EDGEWOOD. Jk Marvel’s last book. i HOUSE AND HOME PAPERS ByHrs. Siowe. COUSIN ALICE. A Memoir of AUoe B.. Haven. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A, NEW. ENGLAND FARM HOUSE. A Book by N. H. Chamberlain; ■ STUDIES FOR STORIES. Jean Ingelow’s new book. EITTT TREVELYAN'S DIARY. Bj the author of ' ‘ Schonherg-Cotta Family. 1 - jaal-tf- MEMORIAL of the b AWT art XTA FAIR.—A suppW of this interesting and hand eozaely*gotton np BOOK now on hand. AU members of committees and others interested in having a copy* will please caU or address the Agent Immediately. Bat one edition will to printed. A(( , ntj . 33 South SIXTH Street, Office of Hew American Cyclopedia^ “ fYN TO CHARLESTON”— just ' / oat, Song and Chorus-Words and Music are perfectly beautiful. Price SO cents. Published at MARSH'S Music Blow, IXO3 CHESTNUT St. jaSO-St TTEY TO HEAVEN; OR, THE CE •IX LEBRATED Sermon on, "THE BOCK UPON WHICH ‘THE CHURCH ’ SPRIT,'’ hr Bov. S. M. LANDIS. M. D. dost out. Price 10 canto, or 12 for ,L A. WINCH, Sole Agent.. ■ T „, „ „ , Also, for sale at Stores and Dr. Landis’ Medical Offloe} 1312 CHESTNUT Street. . jal9-lm» "]UfISCELL'ANEOUB AND LAW auL BOOKS—The heat and rarest collection inPhtla lelphla.—Hallowell’s Shakspeare, fifteen hundred dol lars, and other Books, equally scarce, for sals at 419 CHESTNUT Street. . jsa-Sm CAMPBELL. COAL. Thomas J. Oram. QRAM & HEMPHILL, LEHIGH AHD*BCH0 9 TLKILL COAL, Of all iiz«B and of best qualities. CareXolly picked and 'screened, and. invariably at the Office and Tard, WILLOW, befow FIFTEENTH Street. Orders can be left at 14t6 North.' SIXTH Street, 653 North TENTH Street, 1*33 BARCLAY Sfcrcct. or through th<rPo6fc Office, which will he promptly and satisfactorily filled, ja!7 3m Escbbmnbb* w&w goal dbfot, • HOBLE Street, above Hinihsfteet. ’ Constantly on kind superior qualities of Lehisn ana Schuylkill Coal, selected expreßslvfor at the lowest market prices. Wharf Tweacy-tMrd street, below Arch street. Office US South FdpilTH Street • • ' ° <aP ~ Baa T>URE LBHIGE OOALHOTJBE- J KEEPBBB esn rely on getting a pure article at S. B. comer FRONT and POPLAR. i. W. HAMPTON. j&13»lm» . pOAL, COAli, COAL. , - VV H. GUITEBMAN A CO.’S COAL, the best in the olfer. ' . For sale at the lo west meh prices. MANTUACOAL YARD, comer THIRTY -FIFTH Street rad FENNSY YANII Railroad. QalO-lm*! W, D. HESTON. Genuine eagle vein coal, EQUAL, IF HOT SUPERIOR TO LEHIGH, i trial will secure your custom. Ear aud Stove sites,- #lO per ton; Large Hut, *9 Office 131 Sooth FOUBtS .Street, below Chestnut. Depot 1419 CALLOWHILL Street, above Broad. mvv™uT,i«./v« bsl46si ELLIS BKAHSON. rfOAL.-SUGAB LOAF, BEAVER ' MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill, prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot If. w, corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office Ho. II&SouthSBCOHD Street Caps-« 3 J. WALTOH & 00. MACHINERY AND IB ON. WM. M. FABER & CO., IT STEAM-ENGINE BUILDERS, IRON FOUNDERS. * GENERAL MACHINISTS, AND BOILER MAKERS, nEAB THK PENNSYLVANIA RAILKO AD PASSENGER STATION, PITTSBURG, PENN A. Manufacture all kinds of STEAM ENGINES, ranging ftora three to one hundred and fifty hope-power, rad suited for Grist Mills, Saw 11111 b, Blast Fnmaoes, Oil Wells* Ac. » 3tc. _ Give particular attention to the construction of Bn* lines and Machinery for oil boring aud pumping opera ions. Have always on hand, finished ana read? fox shipment, BRGIHES and-BOILBBS of every descrip tion. . ' Orders from all parts of the country solicited and * promptly filled. • . ~ * jalg-Sm J. VACOHAK HKKEICK. WILLIAM H. HEB2IOS. JOBS k. COM. COUTHWABK. FOUNDRY, O FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS M EEEI SOHTSj EHGIHEEBS AND MACHIHISTS, ’ Manufacture High and Low Prefigure Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c.; Oast* lug* of all kinds, either iron or brass. . _ iron-frame Boof* for Gas Works, Workshops, Kail* road Stations,* &o. Betortsand Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction. v. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such, at* 3ngar, Saw* and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators,Filters, Damping Bnglnes,sc, Sole agents for N. Biliieux’s Patent Sugar* Boiling Ap paratus* Hesmyth?s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspln wall & Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar-Dralnim Machine.* . c •- antibtf *ef|Sfk PENN STEAM ENGINE AND woeks. -neatib a lbvt, PEACrICAL AHD THBOEETIOAL BNOIHSBE9, MA CHINISTS, BOILEE-MAKBBS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOBNOBBS, laving for many yean mss in successful operation, and Been exclusively engaged la building and sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanka, Propellers, Ac., As., respectfully offer their services to the public, as belnr folly prepared to contract for eat loss of all sizes. Ma rine, Hirer, and Stationary; havicraets of patterns of different sires, are prepared to exeente orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-ajaklni made at the shortest notice- High-and Low-pressure, Fine, Tabular, and Cylinder Bouera, of the best Penn sylvania charcoaliron, Forgings of all sires and kinds, Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; 801 - Turning, Screw-On ting, and aU other work connected with the above business. _ Brewings , and specifications for an work done at the establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie In perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, null, Ac., Ac., for raising heavy or light weights. - JACOB 0. HEAFIK, JOHN P. LEVY. BEACH and PALMBB Streets. MORGAN, ORB, & CO., STEAM EN SINE BUILDERS, -Iron Founders, and General Machinists and Boiler Makers, Ho. 1319 CALLOW BILLStreet, Philadelphia. feJO-tf MEDICAL.'- ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE, 154 Horth ELEVENTH, below Eacs street. -Dr. THO MASALLEN.very snccessfolin the coreof almost every kind of' disease, invites all to call at his Of-, flee,and see that his treatment Is free from snooks. MSP CONVULSIONS.—A discovery has been made which seldom falls in the cure of Bpilepsy or Fits of any other kind. Any one deslrinc a knowledge of • this practice can enter at any time for fall instruc tions. Garde and Testimonials at the Ofice. Honrs 9A. M. toBP. M. Consultations free. Dr. THOB ALLEH, Kleotridan, , ja!7-3m 154 g. ELBVBBTH Bt„ below Bans. T2LBCTROPATHIG ESTABLISH -El MENT. for the cure of diseases incurable wlthms at 1418 Bonth PENK SQUARE. ' ~ Please call, or send for a pamphlet and learn par ticulars. No charge for consultation. aa* Physicians Aid* others deslrinc instruction mi enter for a full coarse any' time after MOIf DAT. Jana* ary 3d* 1865. Any memoeiT of the class just finished may review without any charge. , j&2 tf TJEWARE THE. NORTHEASTER 1— AJ BEOWBE’S PATBffir JPTALLIC WEATHER STRIPS and WINDOW BANDdtotally exclude COLD, WIND, RAIN, and DOST from doors and, windows.. They stop the rattling of sashes* save one half the fuel* and are warranted for five years. For-eale or applied hr' . . DAVID lL LOSST. 38 South FIFTH Street, Sole Agent for Pennsylvania. Local Agents wanted throughout' the State. ja!2-lm* WHITETtRGtH WAX OF ANTILLES, f T —A new French Cosmetic for beautifying and pre serving the complexion. It is the most wonderful com pound of the age. Then Is neither chalk, powder, mag nesia, bismuth, nor talc in its composition. Its being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax: house the ex traordinary qualities for preservingthe skin, making it ■oft, smooth, fair, and transparent. UmaXestbe old appearyounr,tbehomely handsome,the handsome won beautiful, and the'most beautifuldivine. Prices 80 and 00 cents. Prepared only by.MONT & CO,, Perfumers, ' 41 Bonth EIGHTH Btreeh two doors above Chestnut, and 133 South SEVENTH Btrset. A'wTa Walnut. ja6-3m . . - rtOTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK \J sad OAHVAB, of all numbers aud brands. Tent. Awning, Trunk, and Wagon* caver Duck. Also, Pantr Manufacturers' D»ler Felts, from Ito 5 feet wide i Paulin*. Bolling, B«3't* . *». wawsas’law. THE i»KESB.-PMn.A DKEPHrA:; TUKSIxA Y, JANUARY 24, 1865. thfoktast to railway tba. X TELLERS. —For foil Information In reforonoo to Sta tions, Distances, and Connerttons, Illustrated byon* hundred EaUway Maps, war* of tta country, SM APPLETON'S - RAILWAY GUIDE. nol9-6m (JHANGB Or TIME. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. The Ticket Office of the PENNSYLVANIA OBNTBAL RAILROAD Is now located at the Pew Passes jeer Depot of the Company, THIRTIETH and HABKET Streets, Philadelphia. THE PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS leaves daily. THE ERIE MAIL leaves dally, except Saturday. Ail Other trains leave dally, except Sunday. On and afier MONDAI, December 23th, IBM. Tralna wIH leave Philadelphia as follows; BfVid. M.—MAIL TRAIN, with the followln»con ,UU nectlons: Arrive at WEST CHESTEBAtHTSB SECTION 9.95 A. M., and connect wHh Wert Chester Railroad, arriving at West Chester 9,30 A. M. At DOWNINGTOWN 9. §5 A. M., connecting with train for Wayne*burg» and -reaching there at ILIO A. M. At COLUMBIA. 11.60 A. M, , connecting with Northern Central Railroad. and reaching York at 2-00 P. He, Hanover Junction 3.30 P. ‘M., Hanover 4.40 F. Gettysburg 6.15 F. ,M. Also, with train on and Columbia Railroad, leaving at 2P. M. Arrive at HABBIBBURG 1,20 P,lf-, con necting-with northern Central trains North, thus: Leave Harrisburg 140 P.M, * arrive at Sunbury 4.20 P- M.aMUton 6 03F.V, Wmiarnaport 6.10 P. Lock Haven 760 P, M. (Passengers for Elmira. Rochester, Canandaigua, Niagara Falls, etc., reach Elmira at 10.40 F. M. i and Buffalo at 6.10 A. H.) (Passenaerafor Dan ville, Bupert, Blooxußhurg, Berwick. Beedi Haven,H ShickahSnuy, Plymouth. Kingston, Wyoming. Pitts ton, and Bcranton, take the Lackawanna and Blooms burg trains at Northumberland.) At FARBISBUBd, torpplntejoothon Northern Central R,E. .leave at 1.80 P. M., arrive at Tork at 2.67 r. if.. Hanover Junction A3oF.M.,Hahovert. 45 P.M.,and Gettysburg 6 ISF.JC. At HARRISBURG, for points In Cumberland Talley, leaving at 3.40 I*. M.. p.rrtye at Carlisle 3,68 P. M.. Obambersburg 4.35 P. M..’ and Hagerstown 6.15 P. M,. At TYRONE 6.58 F. M., connecting ..with Bald Stipe Valley Train, leaving at 7 F. M. vandarrtVing at BeUe fonte at 9F. M. At ALTOONA 7.40 P. M., connecting with Branch train lor Hdllidaysburg, reacting there a* 8.25 P. M. At CHESSON 8.38 F. H., connecting with arrixing there 9.40 F. M. At PITTSBURG I.SO A. M.and’ there eotihfectlht for all points West, Northwest, and Southwest. Robert J. Hemphill. RAIUIOAD I-ranßi, PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG-BN* MILK? in rtfl A. M.-PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No. I. artvlngat Pioil atILW A. .. 1 M.—FAST LINE, connects at LANDISvILLB at I A 2.40 P. M. With train- on -Rending and Colom bia Bailroad, arriving at LiU* 8.10 P. M., Bpbrata 3.53 P. M., aadßeadlng 4.25 V.-M. At HARRISBURG, with an Accommodation Train on Northern Central Kailway, for Sunbury: ahd interme diate points, reach!* g Sunbury at 6.60 F. H. At HAR. KISBuBQ with train on Cumberland Valley for Car lisle, arriving there ht 6.15 P. M. Arrives at" 1.50 A. H., and there makes close connection for au Western _piEKEgßmKa ACCOMMODATION, I.IU arrives at Farkesbnrg at 3 85 F. 11. < .'stuping at Intermediate Stations: ■ - 2 OAF. M.-HABBISBBBG ACCOMMODATION. .ejU makes connection at Downingtown at .4.94 F. M., with trainbn Wayneebnrg Branch, leavr lng at 4.80 F. M.. and arriving at Waynesbure at 6 F. Mi At’COLOMBIA, at 6.2tfp.,M., with Northern Central Railway, or York, leaving WrighfcraiUe 7 F. M.. and arriving at York at 7.40 F. M. Anri vae at Har risburg at 7.45 P? M. ■ j ~ A nn*- M. -EMIGRANT ACCOMMODATION, from 4.UU 137 DOOKStrirt, dally, except Snddby. Ar- Harrisburg 4 06 A M„-Mifflin 5.47 A. M,, Altoona3.2o F. M.. and PittsburglLooPjsf. The care are comfortable, and emigrant*, or families going Weet, will find-the rates low, and have tbelrfbaggage, for which ohecks are given;' forwarded’ by the same. train. For further partionlara apply to FRANCIS FUKK, Emigrant Agent, 137 DOCK Street.-s Between Harrisburg end Pittsburg a first-clacc-car le' attached to thle train for local travel. j ■ A ATI F- M- - LANCASTER ACCOMMODATION, A(.lfU reacheaLancaster at 7.39 P. M. .andpolombia • SQA P. M-PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No. 3, •OU reaches PaoJl at 6.30 P. M.' “ M. i Williamsport, 6.00 A. E: Lock Hhveu,' 7;20 A. M.; Emporium, A. -IL. SV Mabr’sr 12:06 A, M,; Coary, 47M P. M.. aud Brie. 6,36 P. lL (At Corry close conuectiou is made with Oil Greek Bail xoad for Titusville and Shaffer’s, the present termiuus of the road, thence by fctage or Boat for Oil Gtty and Franklin.) (Passengers for Danville, Rupert,-Blooms burg. Berwick, Beech. Haven, Snick shinny, Ply mouth, Kingston, Wyoming. Fittsion,- and Scranton,' take the Lackawanna and Bloomsbarg tralna at Nortn umberland.) , r Passengers for Bimira. !Bo Chester. Canandaigua. Niagara Falls, etc., reach ■ Elmira at 11.55 A. M., and Buffalo 9.SOP. M.) At HAKBIBBUBa, with Northern Central Eajlway, for the South,_leavtug at 2.60 A. M. s arrives at York, 4.10 A. BL t Hanover Junction, 4.46 A. H. t leaves Hanover Junction, 9.60 A. H : arrives at Hanover, 11 A. M., and 1.26 F. k. A At HUNTINGDON, 0.31 A. M., with train on Broad Top Bailroad, arriving at Hopewell, A. M.; Mt. Balias, —A. H., and connecting thence by Stage for Bedford. At TYBONE, 6.29 A. M., couneetiag with train on Bald Bagle Yailey Boad, leaving Tyrone at &60 A. M.; arrive at Bellefonte, v ILI3 A. H., and Howard, 12.20 F. M, Leaving Tyrone da Clearfield Bailrcaa at 8.55 A. M., and andving at Fhillipsburg fli 11A.M. At QBESSON, 8.13 A. H.. connecting with connecting with branch train which arrives at Blairs vtile at 10.40 A M., and Indiana, .15U0 P. H. (This train also connects at BlairsviUe with W6st Pennsylva nia Bailroad, arriving at Saltshurg at LL 46 A» M,) Ar rives at PITTSBURG at 1.00 P. 2ft, and connects for 4H points West. 11 1A F. M.—PHILADELPHIA IXPRBSB, stops 11. Ilf only at l)owiiingtown, Lancaster, Harris burg, Marysville, Newport, Mifflin, Lewis* town, Huntingdon,* Altoona, QaUltrin, and Cone msughe At HUNTINGDON, with Broad Top Rail road, leaving there at 8 A. M., and arriving at Dudley, A. M.? Mt. Ballae, A. M., and thence by stare to Bedford. At ALTOONA, at 9.05 A. M., connection ie made with train for Hollldays burg, reaching there at 9.66 A. M., and-thence by hack to Bedford Arrives at PITTSBURG at 2.40 F. U., making close connection with through trains on all the diverging roads from that point, North to the Lakes, West to the Mississippi and the Missouri Rivers, and South and Southwest to all points accessible by Rati- For further information, Apply at the Passenger Sta- * tion, corner of THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets, 7. TANLBEE, jE.'. Tloket Agent. IOC! ARRANGEMENTS OF in/JJ 1004. NEW YORK LINES. 1C504. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S — lj m - . JAB*. At 6 A. M , via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac finwunnjßtiOT M At 8 A M., via Camden and Jersey City, Horning Skpresa**. 3 00 At 12 M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac eommodationeeee—e,—.*—• 2 2K At2F. M. ,via Camden and Amboy. C. and A. Hx- PrfifiltM<M44e.«eHM.MM.M 2 2f AflP. M., viaCamden^and.Amboy^ACsommoda-'•" .tion and Passenger)* ....170 At 8 F. M. . via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion (FrelfbtandPassengerJ—lst Class Ticket... % 20 Do. . do. 2d Class Ticket... 100 At U% P. M., via Camden and; Amboy. Aecgmmo- . d&tion (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket. 226 Do. do. 2d Class Ticket. 1 00 For Belridere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, &e.. at S.SOP. M, r For Mount Holly. Ewansville, Pemberton, and Yln centown, at 6A. s£.»2 and SP.H. M For Freehold at 6 A, M. and IF. K For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Edgewa ier, Burlinatou, Florence, Bordentown. Ac., at 6 and 3X30 A M., 12.30, 3.30, 5,6, and U3tf P. M.. The 3.80 and fi P. H. lines run direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Delaneo, Beverly, and Bur* will leave AtU.l5A.k, rl* Eenelngton and Jemer Olty, S M. ’..Via Kenß>nrton.and Jersey CHy,Ex r press*.mm 3 00 At 6.46 P 2ft* via Kensington and Jersey City, * Waahlngron and Hew York Express ——3 00 At 12 P. M. (Night), via Kensington and Jersey .City, Washington and New, York Mail. M*tilS The MSP. M. Line will run daily. All others Sun days excepted. For Buffalo. Dunkirk, HLmira, Hhaca, Owegoi Ko ebester, Blnghampton, Great Bend; Montrose, Wilkes-’ barre, Scranton, Strondsbsrg, Water Gap, Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, - Belvidere, -Easton, Lambertvllle, Flemington, Ac., at 7.15 A. M; 'This line connects with the train leaving Easton for Maueh Chunk at S.SOP. M. . ’ For LambertviUo at 6F. M. on Saturday* only. _ For Bristol, Trenton, &e,,.at’AniU.lfi A. M., S and 6F. M. and 13mldnlght. _ , , For Holmesbnrg, Tacony, Wlesonomlng, Brldeshnrg, andFrank&rd.rt9JL M. 45,-6, surd SRjg. Bar For New York and Way Lines leaving Hrtislng ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth Btreet, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run Into tne Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the B lSftr pounds bf Baggage only allowed eaoh passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking amytunfiae bag gage butthelr wearing apparel. All baggage over fiftr pounds to be paid for extra.’ The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One DoUar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. . , . - December 21,1854^ LUTES FROM HEW TOSS. FOB PHILADELPHIA, vn>i> leave from the foot of oototlahd stksbt* At IS M. and 4F. M.* via Jersey ■ At 7,10, and U& A. M. * 6 P. M. and IS (Night), via Jar* aey City and Kensington. > Prom the foot of Barclay street at 6A. M. and 3 P. Mi* via Amboy and Camden. • From Ffer Ho. 1, North river, at 13 M., i, and 8 P.H, (freight and passenger), Amboy and Camden, del-tf Rg»CBß^3- WEST JERSEY BWi RAILROAD LINES. SEW ARRANGEMENT. Oh uJ MONDAT. JsnM.i7 2,1885, Trains will leave Aom WALHTJT-S.TKEffr PISE as follows: For CAPE MaT,' and all plates south of MtilvUle, at 9 A. H. and-3F. H. . For MILLVILLE, BBtDGETON, SALEH, and aU In termediate places south of Gl&asboro, at 9 A. H. and 3 ? For GLASS 8080 at 9A.M, 12 SOP. ,M., and SP. M. For WOODBUBT. GLOUCESTER, ad, at 9 A. H., 12.90 P. M.. Band6P.M. RETURNING. Leave Cape May at 6. SO A. M. and UJC.A~ M. LeaveMlffifUleat9 A. M andSP. MF _ „ Leave 7. f 10 A. M. and 3.10 P. M. . Leave Salem at 7A, M. and SP. M. - „ Leave Wooobnry at 7, 8.43,and 10.44 A.M., and4.l3 **" ** THE WEST JERSEY EXPKBBB COMPANY- . Will attend to all the usual branches of Express Busi ness, receive deliver, and'forward through other re 'sponsible Express Companies,to all parts of the country, any article entrusted to them. . , • - .L. . ~ A Bpecial Messenger accompanies each Through Rain. Office, Ho. 5 WaXHUT Street. J. YAH BENBSBL4SB, Superintendent. January 2,190&. jaifrtf fST—I 111 TT i'i TTtf i TT and CWi.WSiiEIIiiMBELAWABB BAY RAILROAD. PHILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN. FARE. $B. EXOJBBION TICKETS, GOOD POE THREE DATB, *3. • ' ~ Passengers for Express Train fof Tackerton, Barnegat, Tome River, Lon* Branch, and Brooklyn leavy VINE STREBT FERRY at ll SLA. (Sundays ex cepted), arriving at IDooklynatSP.M. - WALL-BTREBT FERRY, Brook ,lyv?ay Train for Atsion, Shaming, Manchester, Ac., he. , leaves Cooper’s Polntat7.4sA. M. jaS-tf L.B. COLE, Agent, Camden. 1865. IBOS 1865. PHILADELPHIA. ,AND UITtTTC RATTj- BOAD. —Thla nut line traYeraes the. Northernand North west coonHea of PennsjlYaniato the oltr of Erie, ieaeea bTthBFBNHBTI.ItANIA BAIL. EOAD COKffAffTVuidlß operated hy them,' 7~\ Ita entire length wee opened for paosenierand freight business October 17tb, 1864, * TIMB 01 PABBXFOBB|TBAIire AT mSAPUMBA. „ Sjfe - Xw T t Westward.. - - w MUlTniBm<4M«MeM.»- ..M.,wneiwtMMt 8.80 f. g. Look Baven Accommodation. Train A* M, Passenger care ran tbronjrbon Hail Trainwithout •bang* both wars betweenrbiladelpMa and Brie, and Baltimore and Brie. _ ' __ _ .... BemtSleepini Careo* Elmira Bxprew Train* both n»«i Baltimore, . 1 ■ ‘ AndforFrelght hnslneafof the Oomnanfa AconU. S. B. KINGSTON. Jr., .corner THIE'MKNfH and LABKBT Btreeta, Philadelphia. J. W, BEYNOLDB, Brie,. _ J jg wtir.T. Agents. O. B. Baltimore. e. m. »««. " h. h. Hdnssroa, General Freight Philadelphia. Generalli| | t p Ag | nt t &e.nMn General Manager, Willlameport. On andafter thetrttoiWiU wSrtChStW U.* »d D» «#d sect with trains on the Baltimore Central Railroad lot Oxford and lntermediatepotote. . „ -, , On Snndaya leayoPhlhHaßMant RSOA-ltj and S k«»«sSSS of trainsfrom the w«t PhllanelphU.Depot,and. wjH he at the Depot toeonvsy passenger* into the ettyon the *DiSS^S™ &a BinftMe ana In no owe will tt* OonpuTw w SHERIFF’S S^bfill. CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF *** * writ >f Levari Facias, to medlreotod, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, February,6,lB6s,at 4 o’clock, at SaMom-Btreet HaH. „ .Alltbatthree-story brick messuage and lot of ground sltuaio on'tho north side of Walnut street, one-hundred and ten feet east of Fifteenth street, in the eity of Phi ladelphia; containing in front on Walnut street eighteen feet.andlndepthone hundred feet, to a thlrty-ftre-feet conzt called Jefferson avenue, together with the privi lege thereof and of two certain twelve-feet alleys con nected therewltln CWhich premises George Seneff rt ux , by deed endoned, dated December 201 U, 1833, re cordedTfn Deed Book A. M , No. 31, page 664, Ac., eon veypd unto Caleb Johnson in fee. Subject to a grotrad rent of dollare, payable’ first of January (Caleb iphnson has parted with hlslnterestin above.) _ , [DI C.; D., ’64. 864. Debt, $4,864.43. - FauLl Taken in execution and to be sold as tbe property iff Caleb Johnson. .HENRY 0.1 HO WELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, Jiin. 19, 1865. ja2l-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of LevarlFadas. to mo'directed, will be ex psedto public ale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, ,February 6, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, ' 1 bt.tbr-ea- story brick messuage, with two-Btory backbutJdmss and lot of ground, sitnate on the east side of Seventeenth^‘.street. thlr.T- four feet north of Swain street, in the 'city of Philadelphia; contalnlngsl'n front on Seventeenth street seventeen feet, and in depth seven feet to a three-feet-wide alley, with the privilege thereof.. pwhich premises Hugh 8. Black et ttx .bv - deed dated December Wth. 1809, reoorded in Deed ifook 4t 4 'b a *e ®< • conveyed unto Edward S. V[D,C.:|D ,’64. 3>«bfc, $742 76* Weath*rXyJ .• 'Takep iu execuLtioa. and to be sold as tbe property of Os HO WELL. Sheriff, ; Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office/Jaa. 19,1865. jk24-St SHERIFF’S SALE,—BY VIRTUE OF a writ bf Levari Facias, to me directed* will- be ex posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, February 6. 1365, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hail. AU that three* story brick messuage aAd lot of gronnd situate on the south side of Spruce street, seventy-four fgetwest of Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing,in trout on-Spruce streel eighteenf>>et, and' in depth one hundred feet to Bay street [Which pre miees lgnatius Donnelly, et ux, jjby. deed dated ianhary 2tth, 1068, recorded in Deed Book A..D. B.*No 34. page I£9* &o.« conveyed unto John P. Perach, in feerj m. Debt, *8,140,90. 6eyer l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of JohnP. Persch HENRY C. HOWELL, Shertff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 16, 1860. ja24-3t GJHEBIFFS BAIrE,—BY VIRTUE OF U a writ of Lovari Farias* to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY ’ Evening, February 6*1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that messuaxe audios of ground sitaats on the north side of James or Chestnut street, continued in Blockley-towhship, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the - city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Chestnut street fortyrfive feet, and in depth two hundred feet, to Oak street.! Bounded'west by lot now or late of Joseph . Hunt, north by Oak street, east by lot now or late of Jacob Snyder, J.» and south by James or Chestnut street. [Which premises Anson V. Parsons, by deed dated February X 4,, 1303,-. conveyed unto Waldron J. Cheyney*. in fee, aubject to a mortgage debtor four thousand five hundred dollars.'! r [D.C. ? D.V ’64- 846. Debt, $1,067 00. Paraons.3 Taken Dm execution and to be sold as the property of Waldron J; Obeyafry* and terra tenants-, j . _ i-t HENRY C- HOWKLIfe Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sherifit!s Office,;Jan*. 19,1806 ja24-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a writ of Venditioni Exponas,'to medireoted, will be exposed to public ealeor vendue, on MONDAY Evening, -Febroaryfi; 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, - All that Joanary, machine shop, buildings and im provements, and lotol ground, situate cfn’the north west cornet of. Bixtetnih and kalrvtew streets, in the city of Phlladelpbla; containing In front on Falrvlew street two hundred and forty nvefaet two anda half Inches, an d in depth two hundred and fifty- two feet one inch to Morris street. (Which premises James Hamil ton et ftl, by deed dated March 35tb, 1816; recorded;la Deed Book M, R., No.-12, page 627, &c , oonveyedunto Oliver Brass, James J,- Rush, and J. F. Davis Kohlen berg in fee.’reser vinga ground rent of four hundred and ninety dollars and forty-tvro cento 1 . . CD. 0.: D., ’64 322. Debt, *348 25. Townsend. 3 Tal en m’ execution and to be sold as the property of Oliver Evans, James J w ßrab, and J. IV DavisMuhlett berg.' HENBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Fhiladelphla. Sheriff's Office; Jan. 18,1865. ja34-3t EXPRESS COMPANIES. ngamrm : THE : ADAMS '.EX MO'WrfOy WrJli PRESS COMPANY, Office 3SM CHESTNUT Street, forwards ParcBls, Fackaies, Mer ehandlse, Bank Notes, and Specie^elther by it* own lines or In tosnectlon with other Express Oomranie*, 6S «** Town. «dSf«^rt^nia f*37, ..> . Superintendent , BOTEES AND RESTAURANTS. «T OCHIEL , XJ (Late Herr’s Hotel.) Corner of THIRD and MARKET Streets, HARRISBURG, Pa. The attention of tbe travelling public is most respect fully called to this old- established stand, which for the part five mpnthB has been closed to trade* and during that time has been thoroughly remodeled, repaired, and newly furnished throughout, until it now possesses all the conveniences pertaining to a first- class hotel, which are in any manner calculated to insure the perfect com fort of its guests. ■•• • , • . . Its situ&tioii alone would recommend it as a stopping place,beingonly two ahdahalf squares from the depots; near enough to prove convenient; sufficiently distant to avoid tbe annoyance of railroad noise and bustle. The furniture is entirely new, rooms large and well ventilated, table supplied with every luxury the market can afford, while as to the management, it is trusted to tbe judgment of a discriminating public todecide. The Proprietor, having determined to make the cha racter and reputation of the house the object, without .regard to cost, hopes the patronage and favora ble opinion of those who State -ja2l-lm - ' Proprietor. WASHINGTON HOUSE.—A CARD.— •ft Mr. CHARLES M. ALLMOND, Manager of _th« Washington Bouse, has the pleasure of announcing ttatthia jpopularHotel wHI be opened for ihereeeption of TRANSIENT GUESTS On MONDAY next, Jan. 16th. During the time the house has been closed it has been thoroughly refitted, and is now presented to the public as being, in every particular* a Hotel suited to their tastes. * jalfl-tf TONES HOUSE, V Cor. MARKET STREET and MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, Fa>. - The Proprietor respectfnlly returns Us sincere thanks to Us Mends for the very liberal patronage lmstowed to the Hones since under his management, and would respectfnHy solicit a continuance of thosame. delß-Sm ' C. H. MANN, Proprietor. J)ITHRIDGE’S . PATENT XX FLINT GLASS —-LAMP CHiMNim W The world-wide reputation which these Chimneys have acquired is due to their acknowledged superiority ; over all others. This superiority is derived from three sources:. -• Ist. Being fifty per cent, heavier than the common Chimney, they he handled with much less care. 2d- The oval shape is an adaptation to the flat dame* the Chimney being at all points the same distance from the heal sfethat the danger 4>f cracking by unequal ex *bansloixls molded 3d. The material of which these Chimneys are manu factured is ‘unequalled by any other glass as a rapid conductor of heat; and, practically, ills found that the combination renders them almost entirely free from liability to destruction by. the heat of the dame. Hence the obstacle in the way of the universal use of Carbon Oil, found in the unreasonable expense for Chimneys, has been met and removed bjf the introduction of »uu removed bytu v DITHBIDGBJS FXKE-rEOOF pfilMNEt 8. The popularity of these Chimneys has induced some unprincipled perrons to make use of our name and trade marks, and their reputation has been partially impaired by the worthleesnessof spurious Chimneys sold as ours. Parties who have-been annoyed with the cracklng of •some glass Chimneys would do well to call and try'the XX Flint. . . „ We have appointed Messrs. PERRINE & DRYDEB, Bo? 103 South SECOND-Street, Sole Agents for our 'Chimneys in Philadelphia, from whom they can be ob tained fri any quantity* at manufacturer’s prices* with the addition of freight. " B. D. DITHRIDGE. FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, |alB-2m WASHINGTON St, Pittsburg. Pesna. jg i T I S V SULPHUROIJS BATHS . OF BAH DIEGO, XSLAHD OF CUBA. ' Large buildings have been erected on lire spot, under the inspection of the Government of tee Island. These sulphurous waters (cold and warm) have been need for the last sixty Tears, and are recommended by the most - emineut physicians. among whom we may name Dra. Jorrihj Le Reverend, Zayas, Buz, and Gtluzzo. They are visited every year during the season from February to May, by upwards of four thousand penile, and their use is specially recommended In cases <ATrheumatism, venereal diseases, and other complaints for which sul phurous waters are ordered. Great relief will be felt by both sexes in their use. The village of San Siege has five spacious fimt-elass hotels, with every accom modation for travellers; these hotels, am located near the Bath establishment, and their charges do not ex* ceed three dollar# per day. Communications between Havana and San Diego exist 'both by rail wav and stages,*orby steamers and stages, and the trip, either inland or by the sea shore, is made in about twelve hours The price charged for every bath is only twenty -cents. These Springs are very well he own to many tra vellers from the United States and Mexico, who avail themselves of the fine season (from February until May) to visit Cuba. That season of the year is the most deliihtfQl and propitious for the use of Bulphuroms wa ters, iuaemuch as the cold weather m the united States preventspereens living there enjoying the benefit of their o*n springs. For further particulars apply to the office of the San Diego Sulphurous Baths, No. 16 Obispo-'street. - Hat aka. Dtcember Slst, 1881. jall-stnthlOt TXUS’TEBFIELD’S overland -U DESPATCH, . . Officers. W. corner SIXTH and CHBSTH UT Street*. A THROUGH FREIGHT LINE ha* been established, prepared toreceiye all classee rtf Freight -in the principal cities east of the Mississippi river, and to COLORADO, IDAHO, UTAH, • ’ AND MONTANA TERRITORIES, • TOOK THSOUOH bOKIKAOT BATES AKB BILMOF LADUTO. Through Bate* include Ait C HARGES—Railwsy, Transfer, Storage, andFoi warding Commissionson the Missourl-rlver, and transportation noon the-Platoa thus enabling tne Shipper to obtain a THROUGH fIQH TRACT for his freight for a distance of OVER THBHI THOCBANIkifILBB.and reliOTing him from all respon sibilitie* snMnxleties incident to the pact disorganised and irresponsible sysWm of Flam* transportation... Onr Agents inNew York, Boston. Philadelphia, Pitt*, burg, Chicago, St Denis, andßurlington, lowa, are prepgredVat all seasons to receive and ship at the Lowest through tariff bates. This Company assumes ADD THE RESPONSIBILITY of Dosses, Damages,’'Or Overcharges on Freight while In transit from point of shipment to place of destination. : The New York office is in possession of a full setoi TRACE BOOKS, showing the date of shipment, the time it passes the Mississippi river, j* received, at and ■hippedfrom the Company’s Warehouses at Atchison (Kansas),'the character of the trains m ovifig upon the Plains, the date it passes Fort Kearney, arrives atDen ver, is received at destination, and the apparent eendi- Hon of the Wares along the entire route. ■ ; 4®- If Damages or Losses occur,Shippers ara notified in time to duplicate any important portion of the ship* meat. ’ • These bOOks are open for the inspection of our cus tomers at all times, and parties shipping by this Line will he kept , informed by correspondence of the exact the Territories ordering Atchison, Kansas, ’ r sad have them shipped under the instructions of ourAc&ntailpoint<ef shipment. SMin -_ Letters of lnquiry»aaressed to our office at ATOati- SOM.-Kansite;Mo. IVBSBY Street, Astor House, Mew York; or Southwest comer of SIXTH aud CHKBT£ItJT . i.w SPALDING, General Agenti-Mew York. tY. H. MOOBEi Agent, Ph2*lspbia. delS-tf T*EANB GBBAT T 084.000, CIGAR, U r AMD PIPE BTOBE, Mo. 413, OHBSTMTJT Street, PhUadalyhia, H J Dean keeps the greatest assortment. Dean keep* as greatest variety* . Dean keeps Umlargest gcmeraljKtoek. You can get any hand of Tobacco* You ean get anykindofCiiaii* You can At any kind ofPip«i TOU 'S'&liiliWAOCO WORE. No. iISTOHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. When yonfgoto Dean’s_vou can get anythlnf.yo* Want in fheway o/Ptoc, Fine C(nt and SmoktogTobas sees. Doinesfis and Havana Cigars, Pipes, Ac. Dean keeps the largestxenerai stock of Tobaeeo, Cigare, Pipes, Ac., in the United States. Dean’s sales are so extensive that hsean afford to sell at about one- half what others sell for. Doan solieto the Army of ttePotoma*. Dean tells to the Armyoftte James. Dean sell* »the Army of the Tennessee. DeanseUsttotbeArmy <rf the Cusaberland. O^boaUfflmdo^e^b^^^p*^, Pennsylvania xnereKants-ftH buy atDean’*. Mew JerseyanerehantsaU buy «Dein’ * t jsfgood* injured aiegnfirenteed toglThsatMMrtoh; Order onceand you will always order ftom ?han s. MBS. JAMEB BETTS' CELEBRATED JDKJL SUPPORTERS FOB LADIES be only Supporters under eminent medical pationac% Ladies aßdpMiclaus are respeetfully reomiefltod toaUl only on Mrs. BETTS, at hex residency 10g WALEUT Street, PhSa., (to avoid Thirty tboueud invalids have been ad physicians to ueebm aunlianees.; only are the United cSlsam eoDVTIKbt; labels on the box, andngn&turei, and oolfi-tuthatf a GHAIROBTO AVOID THRDRA.FT, -Ol: with shortest notice, audjglow price*. JOHEHAEBFIBUD A (JO. OfiUa 403IiIBBAjBs eewad^-ia* SEALED until U o'clock M. MOHDAt, ““ immediate delivery at the ftnited States Htoroiurase, HAKOYEB-StreetWharf, of „ __ ..mel* 260 “Ambulances," t»heeH»*,fb**«™» B *™“. and bpoclhcations to be seen at the Storehotiße. Bidders will state pricer both in wrlHng.aad how many ambulances they can deliver, and the **ort eet Mins they can deliver them In. _ , The Ambnianees to be Inspected by an Inspector, sr pointed on the part of the Government. AII proposals most be made ont onprlnted blank*, which may ho had on application at this oflce; ether* W E i £ih l hldmnßhbegnaianteed by two responsible per sons,whose signatures most be appendedto the iu»- tee, and certified to as being good Mid eoaoient sscnrtty for the Bsiosiit involvedby the United States district Judge. Attorney or Collector* or other public offlter? ofcheivrise the WA willnothe coDßidered.. The right is reserved, to reject all hide deemed too Bids from de&nltin* contractors, and those that do notinlly comply with the requirements of this adver* ”* C ° MW Oof HKKMAS BIGGS. CbWG^rmasmr. Captain and A. Q. M. OTJARTERMASTER’S DEPART KBHT, Comer TWELFTH and GIBABD Street* PBtLADBLPHIA, Jan. 31. IMS. BEALES PKOPOSALSTSIba reoelTftd at tUa o2I<» until 12'o'clock JL on THURSDAY, January 26,1555, for the inunedtate.d«UTenrjt the United States Store house, HAHOVBB-street Wharf, properly packed, and ready for traceportatlon, of the followin, described anarteinjaetois’ Stores, ria.: LOCO Hoad Halters. - - - LOCO Halter Chains. 00 pairs Haines. 900 Curry Comb. ■ 800 pounds Cat Halle, 12d. 800 do. do. do., Bd. 1,600 do. do. do.* 40d. * 600 do. BorseshoeNaUs. 80. 8. 100 do. do. do.* 80.7. 2,000 • do. Mono Shoos, asso* ted sizes. I*ooo do. Bound Iron* assorted. 600 do,'Strap do.* do. 600 do. Bar do.* do.. SCO do. Nallro&do., do. gOO do. Barness Leathsr, All of the above described to be of the best quality* and subject to the inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the Government. _ . . „ Bidders will state" pries* to include boxes and.jleli very, both in writingandngurss* the quantity Md for* and the timeof delivery stated, and no schedulepnoea All be sent to the Government Ware house, Banover-street Wharf. - . AU proposale-mnet be made out on printed blanks* which may be had oh application at this office* other wise they will bo rejected. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons,whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved, by the United States District Judge* Attorney, or Collector* tor other public officer, othoiwUe the bid will not be considered. The right Is reserved to reject allbids deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors* and those that do not fully comply with the requirements of this adver tisement, wulnot be considered. By order of Colonel Herman Biggs, U. 8. A.* Chief Quartermaster, GEO. B. OKEh ja2o-6t • Captain and A.Q.M. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE U. S. ARMY, ° 80. »0 SOUTH Street, T M . ; BaiiTIMOBB, Sfd;* Jan. 20* 1885. SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be received at this office until 12 M. on THURSDAY, January Sth* 1866, for furnishing the United'States Subsistence De partment*delivered in Baltimore, Md , with— -6*ooo BBL 6. FRESH GROUND EX*RA FLOUR, of grades Bos. 1 and 2. The Flour nmsf'bs fresh ground Mid brands stated, Both heads to be fully head-lined. ,Flat-hooped and. machine made barrels will positively be rejected. To be delivered within fifteen days from date of award. 60,000 POUNDS 'PRIME WHITE BEAUS (60 pounds to thebotbel), well seasoned and dry; packed in good* strong barrels, fully head-lined. To be . delivered within ten days from date of award. 4,OOOPOUNDS CAREFULLY SELECTED TEA* in original packages; Green. & Souchong. % Oolong- Packages to be well strapped with green hickory , straps* and in perfect order. Cargo and chop marks to be stated on the pro posals. Bach sample must be marked in full With the same of the party, offering, the cargo and chop marks* price and quantity offered. Bidders are requested to offer not more than two samples of each kind of Tea. To be delivered in twenty days from date of contract. 600BBLS. FRESH-GROUND WHITE OR YELLOW COBB MEAL (which to be stated), packed in good, strong, dean barrels, lull* head-lined. M To be delivered as called for. Separate proposals, in duplicate, must be made for each article enumerated, and bidders may procose for the whole dr any part of each. Proposals must be made on blank forms, furnished at this office. The certificate attacked toithe proposal must be signed by two teapoa sible parties. Express charges on-samples must be prepaid, or the proposals will sot be considered. Bach bid must have a printed copy of this advertlsement pasted at its head* an* must be specific in complying with all its terms. Proposals must not be enclosed with the samples; but be delivered separate* and endorsed “Proposals for Subsistence Stores. ’■ In ail cases not specially excepted, the delivery must be m£9e at the time specified. In case of failure, the United States reserves the light of purchase elsewhere to make up'tte deficiency, charging the advance paid over contract price to thetoarty faille* to deliver. All stores wiil be carefully inspected and compared with the regained samples. Returns of weights, signed by a regular public weigher, must be furnished when evsr required. *. Contractors are expected to hold their goods without expense to the United Mates until required for ship ment. v Payments to be made in such funds as may be fur nished by the United States. - Each person, or every member of a firm offering a pro posal* must accompany fit by an oath of allegiance to the united States Government, If he has not already filed one in this office. In addition thereto a certificate wiU be required setting forth that the articles offered the Go vernment under the above advertisement either belong to the party bidding, or are to be purchased or received by them of loyal citizena.'for delivery to the United States Government. Bids must be legible, Mid the numbers must be writ ten, as well as expressed by figures. Allbids hot complying strictly with the terms of this advertisement will be rejected. _ ... J. H. GILMAN, ja23 4t _ Captain and O. 8., U. S. A. OTJABTBRMASTEB’S DBPART MEJCJT, cor. TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets Pbxlabblpxza, January 17, 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M., WEDNESDAY* January 35.1866* for the immediate delivery at the United States Store house, Banover-street wharf, properly packed* and ready for transportation, of the following described quartermaster's stores—viz; 25 gross Buckles, roller X Inch. 26 do. do. do. % Inch. . 1 barrel Blacking, edge. Chains, Halter a. ooo of them with T’s at efcch lO aete Chisels, Firmer—l 2 to each set. 600 kegs Ambulance. ; wans—eutsa. ~ 400 do. ; do. lOd. 25 lbs. Bails, clout—l inch. 100 gross Knobs, carriage—black. 600 Papers Tacis—6 oz. 600 dp. do. A os. . 25 Paul Ins —‘to be made in the beat manner, of 15* ox. cotton duck. inches vide, beat quality, amor i ablings all round; eke 20 by 30 feet. when finished* as per sample of paulin at Hanover street storehouse;" 1 yard sample of duck required. 600 Hose Bags; shoe pattern. \ 2.000 Saddle Blankets. 800 McClellan Biding Bridles; snaffle and Wild curb bitts. ' 1.000 yards Enamelled Cloth; <62 inches wide, for am bulance covers.> 2,000 Mule Collars-15 ic 17 inches. 500 Horse Collars-17 to 22 inches. 1,000 Wagon Covers; 10 ox. cotton duck, as pot cam pie of cover at United States storehouse; 1 yard sample of duck required. 1,000 sides oak-tanned Bridle leather; 10 lbs to side When finished. 20,C00 lbs. oak-tanned Harness Leather; IS lbs to side when finished. ' 1,000 Blackanake Whips, all leather, full size and weight.. ; 81 papers Tinners* Eivets—24 10-ox. papers. 241-lb. papers, 241 X-lb. papers, 124-lb. papers. 92 papers Iron Bivets—24 1-ib. papers, 48 IK-lb. ■*Wfc inch'. 200 pairs **T ” Hinges—B inches, dll of the above-described to be of the best quality, and subject to the Inspection of an inspector appointed on the part oftheGovemmenfc. Bidders will state price, “to include boxes and deli very,** both in writing and figures—the quantity bid for, and the lime of delivery stated; and no schedule prices will be receivedr All samples to be sent to the Government Warehouse, Banover-street wharf. / All proposals must be made out on printed blanks, Which may be had on application at this offlce, other wise they will be rejected. • - Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee, and certified to-as being good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved, by the United States Bisbut Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public officers otherwise tbe bid will not be considered. The right Is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not folly comply with the requirements of this advertise ment, Will not be considered, ' , „ By order of Colonel Herman Biggs. XL S. A. , Chief Quartermaster. „ <2*o. B. OBMB, ja!7»7t , Captain and A. Q. A, A RMY SUFPLIRS. CLOTHING BUBEAU, GUABTEBMASTBB GENERAL’S OFFIOB. „ Washiwton, January 12,1865. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of Army Clothing and Equipage, Philadelphia, until 12 o’clock M,, on WEDEEBDAY, 25th insi,. for fdmish isg, bycostract, »t the Depot of Army Clothing and Equipage, Philadelphia, viz.: Sack Coats, lined, army standard! . Sack Coats, unlinedr do. Blankets, India-rubber, for infantry, army standard. Enaps&fiks, complete, do. Hatchets. do. Uniform Hats, do. Hat Cordsand Tassels, do* Camp Settles, do. Mess Pans, do. Shelter Tents, , do. Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee, and eertljkd to as being good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved, by some public func tionary oftheUnited States. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not tally comply with the requirements of this adver tisement considered. Blank forms for proposals, embracing the terms of the guarantee required in each bid, can be had on applica tion at this office, and none others which, do not em brace this guarantee will be considered, nor will any proposal be condoered which does sot strictly conform to the requirements therein stated. Bidders will stale the quantity they propose to fur nish, how so on they can commence, and- the quantity they can deliver weekly. . The right is reserved by the United States to reject any parti or the whole of the bids, as may be deemed beat for the interest of the' service. Awards will be subject to the approval of the Quar termaster General of the army. . Samples can be seen at this office, and proposals must be endo reedy Proposals for Army Supplies,'* stating on the envelope the particular article bid for. ' * . HERMAN BIGGS, JalS-llt Colonel Quartermaster’s Department. EDUCATIONAL. npHE PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF A, dSBIGN'FOB WOMEN, southeast corner of FIL BERT Street and PENN Square, (west of Broad.) will commence its sessions for 1565 on the first of February. A large number of imported casts ‘are added to the Drawing Department mid Museum, A- limited number of. *tudenig can only be taken, as our rooms are nearly Axil: Terms are very low. For circulars, apply at the School-house. ■ > jal9-12t T. W. BBAIPWOOD, Principal. THE TENTH SESSION OP MISS A MART E. THROPP’B English gad FremchßoMto| and Day School for Young Ladies, at 1843. CHESTNUT Street,, Philadelphia, begins February 1, 1865. Cir culars sent on application. de3l-<H2i&stuth 6t* 17TLLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— , M (LITART BOARDING SCHOOL, foar mllre (torn MEDIA, Pa. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classic.,Hatnral Scleachs,English: practical Is*. sons to Civil Englneertog. PnbUa rweived atanrtima. and'of all ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Re* leie to John C. Capp St 50n,23 South Third street; Thoa. J. Clayton, Esa., Filth and Prone streets: ex-Sheri, Kern, and others. Address Rev. J. HERVEY BAR* TOH. A. M . TIDDAHE OREEH. Penn'a. nos-6m LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS A FOR THE CITY AND COUHTI OF PHILADEL PHIA ' 4 JOHM LHKENB va. LOUISA LUKBHS. -’DecemberTerm, ’B3. .Ho. S 3. .- MaDAic: Yen will pleasotako notice that the Court has granted a role on yon in above case, to show cause why a divorce “a vlncnlo matrimonii r ’ should not be decreed.* Returnable on January SB, 1888. Yours, Sat., WK. W. JUVESAL, . . ' Attorney for Idbollantt To Mes. LOUIBA LUKEHB. " January 18,1886. ' jal7-tuflt TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE a- CITY AND COUNTT OF FHILADBDPHIA , : -Estate of BE a NEVILLE D. BROWN, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit settle and adluet the-first and final aeoonnt of DILDWYN PARRISH and JOHN O. WBTHERILD, Executors; and to report distribution of the balance .to the hands of the accountants.'will meet the parties interested for the pnrposesof UsAPPototment, on WEDNESD AY, Februa ry Ist, 1866, at four o'clock H.BL, at Ws office, south east corner EIGHTH and DOGOSI Streets, to the city of FMladelphia. - - jaT9 thstuSt A. SLEEPER'S UMBRELLA MA NUFAOTORY, MARKET Street, one door above J Tenth. jalt-lri* E/TAOKERBL, HERRING, SHAD, &C, HA —3,600 bble. HAS. Not, li 1, and 3 Mack«reL Ute-esnget fat fish, lnassorted paskagos. - DOOebbls. New sastport. Portnna Bay, and Halifax H |J»ol'oxe» Dubec, 8«led. and 1 Herrin*. 1» bble new Mess ffliad. . . 860 boxes HerlelmeT-eonnty giieese. Ae. Instore andfttr sals bjr^ FOR SAME AJTP TO LET. VERY- DESIRA ■9 BLIS Cooutrt BTOBK BTAHD, inCheetereoanty, p. . wbeie&fOodpAYlar business iabeiaffdone. For; «mB desiring to engago In the business would do well to eonrider wr offor and «»nd forpaittonJars. Address “Merobant,” Box Ho SOll, ' 1 Pniiada p, o. m NORTH BROAD STREET.—FOR d. g*T.«—A snporior Brownatone BWBLIrWB. of extra dnieh andmMt complete a»*n*emeiJtv F^b MFOR SALE—THREE SMAiii Brick Houses on TWWTnr-BECOHB tween Baoe and Oherry stmti, Tenth ward, with three Hoiiee In the rear-FITCH Street. This property is rented to good tenants, and nays 8-per cent-riear. Fart of tee money may remain on mortgage. I,ot SI feet front by .90. go. 40 gottth FOURTH Street. m TO KODERN BESI- MffiDENOE, Witt Qub, Hot and Cold Water, SlmHwryaaa H&aaaTwes, doUgh tfnUy situated in a pleaaant neighborhood. oa the comer of Seventeenth and Tioga etreete; combining all the advantages of city and country, being three minnte*’ walk front station of steam oars, and lya minutes' from hone cars and fifteen mlnntes from ate city. The House is completely famished, and Fnmi- Inooire atQnartermaster's Office, corner of GIBAKD andTWELF t'H Streets, first door on right hand aide. deW thstntf - ** _ m DBTTG STORE AND GESTURES JEI FOB BALE—Trice *I,SOO, worth *3.000. Solendid opening. B. & T. M. GLtBT, openwa. «®5 MABKgT Btroeti jalB 6t • \ Wilmington, Pel. MFOR SALE—TWO OR THREE first-class HOUSES, with all the modem improve the south side of ABCH Street, wem ofSINB TBENTH. Also, several firet-class HODSSS in FOKTY 6BCOND, between Locust and - Inquire of 1 J> JONES, TWENTY-FIRST St. three doors above Chestnut. jal4-18t* m< FOR SALE—A WELL-BUILT JR four story BBICK DWELLING HOUSE. S. W. corner BFHINOSADDEN and THIRTEENTH Sts- Sni ta ble to a physician or for a store. I. O-FBIOB, jaH-12t* ' 61* CHESTNUT Street m FOB SALE OB TO LET—A NUM *®3her of convenient new DWELLINGS, with modern improvements, on North Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thir teenth streets. Apply to m TAfflhOW JAOKSON, 61* CHI STNUT Straet, _or at nolt-Sm 18»B North TWELFTH Srreet. m LARGE AND VALUABLE FRO 111FBKTY FOE SALK.—The very large and commo dious LOT and BUILDING, No. 308 CHERRY Btreet, near the centre of business, containing 60 feet on Cherry street, depth 105 feet, being 76 feet wide. on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening to a large cart-way leading to Cherry street. Its advantages of SIZE AND POSITION are rarely net with. ... . - Apply on the premises. - adl-te* Mfor bale.—the subscriber offers for sale his country seat, within half a mile of Wilmington, Delaware, on the Newport pibe, eon taining eight acres of good land, in the centre of which is a large lawn with a fine variety of shade trees, ma ples, lindens, evergreens, etc., in all over a hundred full-grown trees. The improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, flanked on the west by two towers, one of which is four stortauin height There are four large rooms on a floor,* with a hall eleven by forty»two feet. The house has the {modern improve ments. Ahydraulie ram forces water from a spring into the upper story of the tower.' There is also mi iron pump and hydrant under a-covered area at the kitchen door. The out-huildlngs consist of a carriage home and stable sufficient for four horses and several carriages; also, a hen, ice, and smoke houses. The stable has a hydrant in it. Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and grape vines in fall hearing. There are also several varieties of apple, cherry an 1 chestnut trees. Terms accommodating. Possession given at any time. Apply to LEVI G. CL ASK, noM-tf 831 Marketstreet, Wilmington, Del. m ONE MORE CHANGE—A JR MSt SPLENDID FARM. —Will be sold at Pablte-*- Sale, on the premises, on SEVENTH- DAT (Saturday), the 28th of January; 1865, at 1 o’clock P. M.« all that valuable FARM; situated and lying on the Street road, in Warminster township, Busks county. Fa , one-half mile from York road turnpike, 2X miles from Hatbo rough, 6 from Doytestown, and 18 from Philadelphia, ac joining lands of A. Danenhower. BUiabrih Morgaa, and others, containing NINETY- FOUR ACRES, more or less, of LAND, 4 acres of heavy timber, and the balance under eultureand in a high state of cultivation, divided into nine enclosures by post fence. The im provements, which have all been erected within eight year*, consist of a three-story modern-style STONE HOUSE, with four rooms and a hall on the first floor, eiaTm the second, and four on the third, with a kitchen and wash house adjoining, and cellar underneath: a large frame BARN, stone stable,\high, with bridge - house, overihoot, and large hay house adjoining; wagon house, corn cribs, wood house, ice house, spring house, - hogpens, andhenery; and water wells at the home and barn, spring near the house, and a small stream of water passing through the premises. The buildings are haadsomely loc&ted on a knoll or eminence, command ing a view of the premises and surrounding country, and are well planned and arranged, and built of the best nattrlal and workmanship. The property is situ ated in an excellent neighborhood, convenient to churches of nearly all denominations, stores, post of iflce, and other conveniences.. It has on it an Apple Or chard of over 750 trees, a part of which are just begin ning to bear, Plums, Cherries, Grapes, and other fruit, and we consider it a Farm embracing at once more ad vantages than is seldom offered to purchasers of Farms, and should claim the attention of every one who .has even the prospect of buying, for it isthe opinion of many that land is at this time the best investment for capital, and the cheapest of anything offered to the public. The owner, who lives on the property, is about to engage in other business, and will cheerfully show the farm to those wishing to view it previous to the day of sale, and the subseribererwill answer, by le;terror/otherwise, any questions concerning it, and be at the sale at the hour named, give the terms, and sell it to tbe highest bidder. B J. SMITH & CO , Agents for A K DICKSON. JOS. S. BLTi Auctioneer. Newtown, Ist mo., 10. ja23-3t M CHESTER COUNTY.—FOR A SALE, a handsome small FARM, convenient —E to Acker Station, on Valley Railroad. Excellent stone Mansion, 7 rooms; good Barn and other out buildings. Four acres woodland, abundance of fruit This 1b an old homestead, and is a comfortable home, good land, fine, neighborhood. JAB. R. CUMMINS, 504 WALNUT Street. V. R. —Call for Catalogue Delaware and Cheater cona ty Farms. ja2l-& m AT PRIVATE EALE—AFIREm ACFARH, of 73 acres. In Mont.ornerv county. -A— For particular, inquire of WILMEB ATKINSON. No. 611 CHESTNUT Street (second floor). ja2l-3t» ... - . Philadelphia. MFOR SALE—THE* ARKWRIGHT COTTON FACTORY, at Manayuuk, With all the necessary machinery for the manufacture of cotton geods, in complete running order. B. F. GLENN* jazi-tf 1553 South FOURTH Street. « WATER POWER P<5R SALE The Saw HOI Property, situate in Harrison Town ship, Gloucester County, If. J.« 2jS£ miles from Hsrdin vilfe Station, West Jersey Batlroad. Atrachei to the Hill are 100 acres of Land, 20 acres of good Track Land, with Pond, Swamp, Ac., with a large two-story frame House and Kitchen. 'The water, power is good, being supported by two streams, one fed py springs, the other from Simpktn's Mill. The mill has eleven, feet head and fall, and now running. The above property is worth the attention of parties desirous of engaging in the mill or manufacturing basi nets. Apply to STACY BUZBY, at the HILL, or to * COKSKLIUS M. HEWKIBK* Upper TiUsgrove, Salem county, S. 3. OIL LAND—FOUR HUNDRED AND v/ seventy acres of OIL LAITD, sear BUSHING EPEIHGS, West Virginia. There are two streams run ning through the Property, making nearly five miles cf boring territory. Call or address GBO. Y. PASSHOKE, . jaSl-atnat* 5806 MARKET Street. T?OR BENT—SEVBRAX. BOOMS IN X- the TBIBD BTOBY of the Bnilding on tie south west corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Ap ply at tMi office. jal3-tf SHIPPING. •tffSffc BOSTON AND FHILADBL dAHSK jPHLABTBAMBHIP LOT, saffln* from each port on SATURDAYS, bom first wharf above rm Btreet, Philadelphia, and Lon* Wharf, Boston. _The steamship SAXON, Capt. Matthews.will sallfrom Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, Jan. 28, at 10 A. H„ and sfanunshlp HOBMAH.Cspt. Baker, from Boston for Philadelphia, on the same day at 4P- M. These new and suhstantial steamships form a recnlai line, sailing from each port pnnrtnally on Saturdays. Insurances effected at one-halfthe premlarAeharjtei on the result. Frelrhts taken si fslr rates. Shlftfert are requested to tend Blip Receipts and EBb fLadlnc with their roods. - For Freight or Passage fhavinifine accommodations pplyto HBMRYWIKSOB A CO., mb»-tr ' BSa South DHLAWARJLAvemna. STEAM WEEKLY TO LI- SmmaSSL VEBFOOL, touching at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Harbor.) Tht well-known Steamers of theXivot • pool. Hew York, and Philadelphia Bteamship Company (Inman Line), carry In* the D. a Malls, are Intended to sail as follows: BpIHBPRG -. J ......- w .. w .BATPBPAT. Jan 21 Cm OF BALTIMORE.. BATOBDAT, Jan. 28 andevery tneseedins Satnrday at Moon; from Piet 44, RATES OF PASSAGE ; Favahle in Gold, or its equivalent ia Currency. FEBST GABIN™~.f» e» STEERAGE...—™*SO CO do to London.... 85 00 do toLon&o&*£~ 54 CO do to Faria.***-*:96 00 do to Paris .a**** 40 00 do to Hamburg-* 90 00 do to Hamburg*. 87 60 'Pascengera Also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Bot> terdam, Antwerp, &«., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $76. $B5, $l6O. Steerage from Lranpodl or Queenstown, $3O. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy' tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at Use Company’s Ofiees. JOHN G. BALE, Agent* jal7-tja2S Hi WALNUT Sireet, PhiladelphU. FOR NEW YORE. OUTSIDE LIME. COASTWISE STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S HEY FREIGHT LIRE FOB HEW YORK, and connect!*; for all northern and Eastern sltles and Hew Qzleaw THURSDAY, AHD SATURDAY, from the Company’s wharf, tort above Bace street, *» New York, from Pier 11, Horth river, on earn, day* at For freight, which will be received dally, haadM In the most earefnl manner, and delivered with thf greatestdespatch, atfairrates, applyto WILLIAM A TAYLOB A CO. molO-Sm BlOHorth WHARVES. OLD EYES MADE how to speedily restore Slfht and flye HP spectacles, without Md of Doctor mr Medicine. Sentbj Mail Dree on receipt of TEH OEHTS. Address E. B. FOOTE. M. D., deSl-stutMm 1130 BROADWAY, Haw York. myjj I^TEY’S COTTAGE ORGANS, - Mat only UNEXCELLED, but UNEQUALLED in parlb of Tone and Power, destined especially for Chursh, and Behools. bat found to be eqnally well adapted t> the Parlorand Drawlni Boom. For sale only by „ , Ho. 13 NorthglvMfTH Sreil. Also,a complete assortmentofthePerfeetMelodee; constantly on hand., . . noll-tm NEW PIANOS. SUPERIOR HEW YOBK PIANOS,Ijost received and for sale at _ -- “■ ... . V o. ABDBB at CO.’S MosieStore, 3514-Im 80. IIOdOHKBTKPT Btreet. gaa DECKER BROTHERS’ FI n * 1,1 >ANOB.—The pnblle, andpartlsulurly tb profession, uninvited to examine these beamtualb ■truments, which ue meeting with such an qbmik led decree «f popularity and sale In Hew York, an* Wherever known. The desideratum eo lon* strive: 'fof, 4. «.the_stren*th of the Won, and eonorousneeae the mooctcn frame, so happily attained by them, render. thelr Flanos with any others. The ax qualified testimonials of[ inch names tjs Wolrtoh* Mills, Mason, Heller. Thomas, ZundeLand mm * others, amply establish their Meh rank. For sale DIP by 1C J. COCHBAH, 008 CHIESTMOT Street Abis a larie assortment, of other new and setond-han* Pianos, for sale and to rent. . . nol9-3m* MALCOLM MAONEILL’B - * *--* SPECTACLE STORE, Ho. 310 Bontb FIFTH Btreet, below Bprace. . PHILADELPHIA **- Glas«es refitted to salt all ages, and all manner of repairing earefnlly and promptly attended to. deh-Sm B| EVANB & WATSON’S •Hi ) SALAMANDER BANES. 16 BOOTH FOTOTH STREET, * , , PHILADELPHIA, PA. A Jane variety of FIBE-PBOOF BAFEB always », nIBCL OK DENTISTRY. DR. BABBITI -aaawnuierte ARTIFICIAL TEETH on Qold. Silvet. Ynleanlte, from 85 to 840. Teeth filled, SO eurts u« -gaajmt 1 000 , SP R A K G HOBBY-HORBBE Mil'll HI Ml UB HorUt^TH^Dtowh S«!|SBto, M THOMAS & BOHR “*‘2*, it J^Wto ? .S'S, OCKs * BP ’r. nooL tt EXCHAI ' GE > CT trj - . 49“ Hjadbiu* or eoA Bron»« , ‘' P>TO,gfn r ,„ f v, ;•; .. ; THURSDAY. 11 •“««“ ««« t» &iz > BEAL ESTATE. ® r sr. B ?Sr .?SP r * a& d Executor^ CLAY LOP, ' CAKJ>. —Our #ale on jn. .A,, valuable el&y lot, 5 acre?. Ria2J ", ness properties, neatcvsiiaasV; ‘ eity.Tjufldtefflotf, mill, v-KrfhS.' 1 : &&*• Peremptory sales by \idfr^ S°S, Bnd ottera - «“ »Vf uii Salaat Ko» ISSsndijj s„v' - SDPBBIOR PUBKITOB3, KIM ,• HOHS KiSO FOKlii. u , CARPETS. ac. *« HOH' A 1 ffo decs, at the auction -, r aw proof safes, (by Erar s & ‘ ’ fortes, superior high c-.m ef-,.* Brussel? and otker carpets ic v “ OK THuUDAT^rr^'^-r taS5?& *■*«. aSiai'* SaJifor Acerant cf the - OOJTS, WKOOGHT ABD CABV 'v.-,;- 0 ' BRUSHES, GEBTHa T „ <>» FRIDAY Mofs’lv JannaryW, ISS6 at 11 o'clock, .'ft’' r Bridesbnrr, IV, the following : * mores: - 6 '•'•a •• isa. ; , 25 KHwoncor iron anns, tisakr, ■ , pounds; 1124-poondertroc ®ua« pounder iron guns, 45,430 poasd.s* fV- '" ' B.466pounds; 88 pounder iron rap; suck iron gpus. 920 pounds; 1,77* aV \ ' wrought iron, 2 147 musket barrel . 1 n ketoon barrels, broken up, l lot nr ~ 22,317p0und5; 1 lot of perls fJr V r 1 . ... pounds; I Jot cast iron scrap, 14 i** >■ wrought iron scrap, 8,5*5 tnund*- V - . ®i£?hl ;mwateri,iKb,:tß ' tl2i^tr -’ K ] T y 't JOHN B. MYERS & 00., V BBSS, go., «3» and 831 M42ri- Ho. gMgfaßSgaU'f taj C£a pANCOAST & WARROn?^ TIOHEEEB, aao MABKBT Sires* ’ BALE OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED „ STOCK OF GOODS, &c , fcv Cwt j__ „ WBDIIESBAr *ObS «». 4 Jas. 2o> 1060* commencuur at lu fv*;-..,', about 600 lots seasonable arti desirable BLACK ALPACAS * Also, on Wednesday morning im ' v rior gaahty fciatk alpacas and fine bfabkrJu' 1 "to. -■■■■'i. i . a '•Wnßiif. T>HILIP FORD & GO., AUCTIONEto X B«5 MARKET and 588 COKMEEng I*?%, USURAViI, J)ELAWARE MUTUAL BA^tT* IHGOKPORATED BY PJSMBSTBTAtriA. 1835 T “ as W OFFICE B. E. COBBER TElRDaltti BTBKBTB. FmEADBLFmr _____ HABIEB INSDHASOK OS VESSELS,) FREIGHT j T »aU Part® »f the wotll ISLAND INSURANCE) On Goods, by Slyer, Ganal, Lake, and Um n._ toall rarUofthe tJnlo«. M ®«*nt ■ „ _ „ FIRK INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &e. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1, M - $lOO,OOO United States Five Per Cent. Loan, 'n .m*, . m,oco • ;* six « “ 70,000 “ Six “ 4-Ss jIS2 IOO.COOEtateotPennsylvania KvePerCea? ? *' ss * 64,000 State of Pennsylvania BLk Per €«ai. 48! gage Six Per Cent. Bonds... v, w ,_ 00,000 Pennsylvania Baiiroad Second Sfort gage Six Per Cent. 80nd5...... 15,000300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas B9 * Company, principal and Interest guaranteed by the citF of Philadei. 8,500 IS? Shares Stock Pennsylvania Eatt’- 15,8311 * road G0mpany....................... a im -6,000100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania ' m .Railroad Company—im a 50,000 United States Treasury Certificates of 5 " Indebtedness..;.... &«* 30,000Btateof Tennessee Five PerOt.Loan. ul 88,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply secured.......—*- *— •«—lM* $868,250 Par. Cost $842,100 50. Market value.»Si"i Beal Estate.... Bißs receivable for Insurances made. M3® 8 Balances due at Agencies.—Premi- * tuns on Marine Policies, Accrued Interest, and other debts due Ike Company..... •,*« »j«u Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance . and other Companies, SC26& Sen mated value LQi Cash on deposit with United States Government, subject to ten days* ca 11...... 100,00006 Cash in Banks.—— 58,15493 Caeh in Drawers 37 66 slB,6** DIRECTORS: Thomas C. Hand, Samuel E. Stokes, JohnG Davts, J F. Penietoa, Eamt nd A. Boader, Henry Sloan, Theophllus Paulding, William G. Benitos, John £. Penrose, Edward Darlington, James Traquair, ‘ BL Jones Brooke, Henry C. Jrallen, Jr., Jacob P- Jones, James C. Hand, ; James B McFarluad, William C. Lndwir, Joshua P. Byre, Joseph H. Seal, Spencer Mcßsuine, George G. Helper, John B- Semple, PitMv Hugh Cfraig, . A. £. Berger, PittaTran Bobert Burton,. - THOMAS O. HAND, President. - _ L w _ JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President HENRY LYLBUBN, Secretary. , dalS-ly THE RELIANCE INSURANCE CO*. A PANT OF PHILADELPHIA. taeoTpormtedln 1841. Charter Perotst! OFFICE Ko. 308 WALNUT STREET. capital, *300,000. Insures against loss oi damage by FIRE Smai Stores, ana other EnUdinfs, Ifmited or perpetne! ■ *M on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and -Merchandise, in Ton or Country. LOSSES PROMPTLY adjusted asp paid. ASSETS, *400.068 n. InYestedin the loLlowmaSeenriCes, rfr: First Mortgages on City Property, well United States Government ho are HUM® Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loan*.... M»* Penneylvania $8,000,000 8 per cent. Loan— 15,88838 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and te eond Mortgages— SSstwMa Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s S per rent- Loan —■ 6 ’™* Philadelphia aa< Reading Railroad Com party’s 6 per cent. Loan . 5.BB» Hnnttnrdon and Broad Top 7 per eent. molt gage bonds.*....—..ji*™* Connty Fire Insurance Company’s Sock™. u> ■ Mechanics’ Bank Stock Commercial Bank of Fennsylyaaia Stock— 103 8 Union Mntnal Xnsnmnce Company’s Stock-. .K* Beliazice Insurance Company of Philadel phia’s Stock.... Accrued Intorest..*......**—-f-Jss in bank andonhand.—.—.«»*»*****• sma»» Wort* *t "fiSi “* l Olein Tinsley. Benj. W. Tinsley, wSsfiomMon, JtoriallfflU, William Mnsser, . Charles Mend. Samuel Biapham, BobersToiana, J. Johnson Brows, Eobert Steen,. Thomas H. Boors. William Sterenson, Thomas 0. Hux, Sacra FmxAßßxrau. fleceml TNSUKANCB COMPANY 0? Tffl A BTATB OF PKHNSTIVAHIA -OFFICE Km *»* i BXGHAKGB BDILDIKO& north «Ws of WiU« Street, between DOCS and THIBD Street* ftW*- »fcia. OKJOBFOKATED IJf 17M—GHAKTSE FEE?2?^ PBomTH* flftfflftMft. IUJOBB, FIBS, im HTLu&ICD TBJJfSFOBTtE* mBUBABOB. DIBBOTOKS. Henry D. Bherrerd. Tobiae Wagner. Charlea Kacaleater, Jhomae B. was*. William S. Swift, Henry 6. rrseEtsa. William B-Wbite. Oharfes a tewU. George H. Stuart, George C. Cano* Samuel Grant, Jr., _ 1 Edward 0. Knlgit. H^CT B P. A Bwjgjj William HjJlpkb, Secretary. &SZ. A HTHRA.CITE INSURANCE a PAHY—Authorized Capital fmOOO-CHAB** *?BS55fSb WALHUT Street, between Tblii “* fire, on BuUdfiitz, Purnlture, end Kercleniise I* w f J*o, Marine Ineturaneei on yeMels. CtrfoMJ* 1 rrelfbte. Inland ril part, of to Baja William Beber, ’ Barie Peawon, ». Letter, . Peter |elr«, Lewis Andenritwl, wrfn?m 1 F t ’Be»ii. John K, Blaekteton, WBUg t 5 Joseph M&rfeld, .^¥ 3 g&ⅆ»S WH. ? W. M. Smith. Secretary. piKB”mBIfBAHCB JBgggXS ■T —THB PBHSSYLYANIa *«|ES , S@BS&IMI PAST. Incorporated 1823- GHASTJSn *O. 810 WALHUT Street, opposite utus** B<^ta S ' Compnny, ihTonfc|y^*® i *®Jjk BaSii«<' 8 a Sii«<' tor nearly forty years, StW® ,or Damage by Hm, on I™£ , ‘SS,™ T *]»,«!«£ llther permanently or for a llmltedttae. m/aßr* <* Dltnre. Stock*, Good*, or MerehandlM ttwW. together with* Urge SwrfSj; InyestaMn the most them to offer to the Insured »n nnicaow* the case of loss. BIKS CTOBB. ileXMd'r’SfflSm?’ I JotaDeje™**- gSSHjSf' ""SkMlftEn.--- WmTir G. Cnotnaae Secratary. Vesstde inport&ad“ifJf ®?, r J^otohpW‘ 4il ‘‘* * op#ttT - lUi^W&gJ JoluiTt Lsw&i 7SOKAB 5* HABISt **TS5* Hmwß. L. OBiWFOKD, Secretary. & s Z22£jjjj£i^' -**«asSrs-. jeesssr. ten* 9 * or ” A -MUjtalß If. BDCiyfeW ciia WCHAKDSOH, Vice - ~ iy. l Bmmiw. B«® , « UrT ' ~ iji g, 8V AD *KwiCHF^rosf| A cola. OHF wM aa mmM3oi£SSj&a Jolui Gritc,£aq. r&t», mSttolU kOo. E«.l itre Hess re. OofiakAUeanu jygMto _____ ~9»- *• 8 * SBS * 1 TTWT-msiliS) * GRAp 3 ' H »» wigf iraSafortiie OBOTOK fIBB gagsSs“iS® s "" B ‘"' yramiiifl OUI >tOflk- • X ■1: yy, lUK<IH4 TUKHiET, FnsUffil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers