atk Oit Ciowr aits'.— Among tbe foru-4 !i (ompaniee wo r.otloo tbe Winslow Po* ' ijiice second and Obestnut streets, over l,.«haM<e Bank), One of Us properties, V | j, ouo hundred and thirty acres, la fee i, n the vlo'nlty of the two hundred and ~e t tiowinß well lately struck on Pithole 'V. { uo United States OH Company, of Now ,’j j K ew Heydrlck well, on the Allegheny Lotted In the Fttroleum Recorder to he , Jae hundred and fifty barrels, Is In the \,i jod ef another property of the Winslow '•p, cco thousand aoras. ja!9 thatust* .. i. email DHPABI3,” Ibr Imparting bean- Liiliums to the oomplexlon, dearness and Vj tiie s#ln, Is now used by tbo most refined fdoas ladles as a toilet artlole. Sold by i inis, ill S. lentb, below Otiestaut i John (ViiowaT, & Oowden, and Dyott & Co. ja23-ot m Strok fc Co.'s Planes, ana Mason* ,k us Moot Organs, for sa!o only by J. E. ffevonth and Chestnut streets. nois-tf r.iR. Atm OiTAMH, snaeessfully treated if os, M. I>. L'oullat anil Aurist, 611 Fine St, j eJ -(i8 inserted. No oharge foroiamlnatHn. RIVALS AT THE HOTELS. ttlneninl. Ibo Com MMXtr 1 llutUH. fMken*'B Uunborir ' | yijcbtH.'tktJKswl) ft- V--*i‘r fiftirbwn* , Vitltala. W&wZ Boston feo^fSttlWhem E.,,(, Hortoik.'a fiKim, %w York Kb. Stw Took | Kn, oil City lew .T.rtey I arrp. Bow Bedford f;cw Bodfoid i,, Bordenioira i,!;,dfoid fcJS'irf. Conn '< f .a, Bow lork Sil.'Olli. Iff. t. If 6IT J«B#y , iowa„ , York iVtck. H 8 A rf , Virginia hj S la (Lwir. Baltimore, U, caiUela Ifn-t.'ls. Pottsv’e tie. Baltimore if. So* York nr, Kon'York 'it>r»rtb, H Sorkl .I i. Delaware ~i;,wYork u-r, How York ~a . Jr, Canada ~ k da. Garodft s r.-eoliOTer lIY it,. ', F.urriebnrg L vi i, Bow Yolk I v I'iiKire ifsw York It fi 3 da. SJ . s»w York :H Cushman, Delaware >A Decoder. Delaware : D Mew York |U u Caahman, New York (KM Oasbman. Sew York W T Osbjra, New York W L Barker, New Yo'k W MMcCoskey.Wrlghtsve D S'Oook, WrigbtovlUe S A Hilh-rg & la,Baltimore Miss U £ Feirv, B.'Dimore 0 0 Simpson, New York W Kiras Ain, USA Miss M G ioiUaujfl;, Chicago' iHTBHaia«, CSN RW Mitchell |jWWo^ f Ohio W McGlouahwi & la, N Y R PO«a«enberg,New York WG-Brown, Mexico J D ‘i Hereey. Sew York Fa Carnes, New Jersey A Samuel*, New York W a Citric, Waahingsoa W EUofiia, B«6oa BH«* £ 8 ttofia, Hoafcon E Slarri-u & la, Boston W *s ands-rsou, Boston A D Anderson* New Haven £ 51 et Mrs 3 t£ Jrfiusoa, Balt . A T Fahnestock. Fitwlmn J K k'&'ion. New York John N Bobus*on, Daiaw’e IB WDlets. New York jKobt H Lugneer. New York IE Gest. Cincinnati. O John Graham* Now York *A M Co* via. New York J 3 *hatier, New York Jo* L Wi kin?, New York 8 D Hn-gont, Lowell* Mass J 8 Wheeler GaO E Wuits, New York H H Kortwlck, New York H 0 G ifirbpesd, New York A a Duo*;i>3 & la, M Cbank Ml*? l Douglas, »£ Chunk Mice ) Dons n*. MChunk GeoH >vyos, M Chunk j K JiASiQy, New York ifcr&jftt. •Dr B B Wil-iarasA 3*. DU D Youi>» J.HH3, Bonding G*« tf Cirsort, Norristown J Wi* Utkins, Norristown F ? Pa’verso a, N Jersey G H .fawcott it wf, Boston U M. Mor*e. Oil City A BFrar.*h, Sretumso Hh Neal* Syracuse J M Frick, A-bland Ttoo U dUart, Brooklyn CT S A ierdv, New York Peona i meo,Poona «siar & wf* Fenca ihb» New ' Ark MVolif. Wow York tier* Colorado |i, 'iituevUle -* Vob. Virginia Virginia BobtYayior, New York Dr tYiii-erAins, Maryland Krs Patter atm, California G er GondAU* Washington T Y Williams, Washington HSLittle, N Jersey W Green. De l a.wara JWSavin, Chicago JfajASPeH, D U EdwHNtvia Carlisle Jim w orraii. Poona W D Btown, Eis'on Thos fi&okHt, Pittsburg H'Peanocs Wasbißgton h Wftttilggton s, .lr, Wellington ir, WesrViffftw'a V Atbeos co, 0 lanislmrg J 0 Pray, New Yo~k Jae Burn*', Lewiatown J A Whitman, Boston J F McOMlaa* Harrisburg John W fiyau. Potts rille J Huffman, Beading R a Heaton, Athlaud* Fa T J Sherman, New York J M*Cms!tey, New York H W New Jersey GCiUoy. US a L Dr.n's jn, Jr, New York H J Morton, New York JMEnos, Delaware W J Brlttiugham, Md B A Bedenet, Titusville G P Berger, Brooklyn Boston. , Kfcrribbuy*. t Cifcy rolat fra v , toltlmw «f*iler, Banbury Sunbury fcer, fcunbury jSDcastfr !, Buffalo iW, Buffalo tr Torit co itp, B?ew York on, aniford, Del ;oa, Mi'ford, Del tUware is, Jr Delaware 7*]ker» Del • lericoa, 0 L Mahon, Smyrna, Del J Noonan. New York G F Miller, Lewieburg BA Shaw, Chatham’s Ban 3 a Shaw, Chatham's Bon Q Lear, DovUsfcown H F Bose* Do>lestown C T Jackson, New York J P Bills, New York W Price G F Meahl, New York W J Clark, Maryland E Jndaon, Scranton T J Foss. Boston A W Bailer, Hsuch Chunk S Barnes Ss la, Fenna Ihe Au us M tfe. Ketr J«rsty PMla .Phil* Hiii* s, Pbila , Louisville .Colorado u s A iaiaw*r* altiiaoro halera* N J Kow Jersey Bnrlinttoii . lton, K»w Tort irs, Penn* 'Chants’* The Mo: .jfrtltttmrjr &». Sew iork U, SewuktS 3 fteum D Devenney, Mechanics!)? J D Quire aria, Ohambersb Henry SaxfOi., Carlisle D M Karmany, Lebanon Job* f Gnintne, Hentncky J Cook, Paunsr. J 6 Gaiglej. Look Haven' S 8 Doty, Mi Min Adam Bebert, Adame co John W Lott, Adame co Andrew, Aoame eo J B Grossman, New Jersey W Jaoi, G H Stark, Greaneburg Joe 8 Finch, PUtabnr* P J B*th. Delaware M J Ludes, Mmereyille J W Donglarr Chambersbg i, PhlUipsburg r* Penna arkersbnrg &!>, Parkersburg Hb,M Chunk irorßon.M Obuttk edy. hi Chuuk 3y, H Chunk pm»e,Catasaagutt cmai, Cataß iw. New York a, Franohtown vxu, New York TXie Con \y, co l u Hew lorlc ford, Bordeaiown r.KMdiag ! «y, Chester 2t, jsew Tors few Torh. fcttderco Ry, Oxford [ft>rd, Oxford unefdal. £ H -Saul, TJnlouvUle, Pa A J Watson, Cheats* Co W Anohenbach* Po-.tstaana Wm (Voucher, City Point John J T; ipple, &af? Harbor H Hennery, Jr, Doaglassv J C Lyman, DonslassriUe 8 M Lloyd. Dong'.asavilla J M Ireland, Maryland £ J Buckley, Maryland J J? B wman, Oxford, Pa Roht Bodg'on Jcs RTbotsas, Maryland Josiah Jackson* F«jm& f C Simla., Hew York <e:l, Pent a bLd£* Bridgeton , (Jay Point igcon, Uxford,Pf. Oxford, Pa ! a lagle, . Chas K’chlke, Fetersville Win Keep Bucks oo G P Weaver, Sch Haven John Qainu, Mioi-rsville eiiasLeemer. Milford, N J Sami A Ha veil, Easton A 1> Shinier. Bethlehem A B P«arson, Sprinftowa J T Hess, Pa Chas Springer, B<*h oo Jonathan ELe*s» Pa WH Wetherhoid, Beading Christian Nagel, Pa The Bal wahU Lehigh co i. Belvidere ■ivldarft 25th, Lebijhco . PenDßbnrg Iffer, Allentown lifter, AlUntwn •tilentown vOherrrriUfl Glen Hope La&epd&le titter, Bnctts oo Po^orsTllle ra Union. J A B‘evenß & wf, Bel City 0 Miller. Wash, 0 C V Connor, Wash., 0 C J Crawf-wd, Port Deposit Hon a Taylor. W Chester H W Hawlejr. Charter oo J G Hawley. Potts vide E McGill, wiim, Del H McGill, Wllm, Del Tho Stal ITJBA witesvill# CMllicotlxe, 0 liQf, UBA h att svllle iPennsylYattia >k7 Naw Jer«oy The (Germantown 'on, Ohio Union. LewlsT Lrn«» t Carlisle Toes W 8 White. Maryland •T Y Cantw-*U, Slansiioid.O H ' rou«e, Oil o>ty D H Trexier, Snyder co Ed-* Burton B K Green R H Jack, Pittsburg N Brans wick New Hope ley SbeaL John Brink. New Jersey Wesley Brink, New.Jeriey Dr J Over, Do»l«itown Timothy Kly,’ Books co J B Terry. OU City O W*(*ou. Hatboro Wm M* Miller, New Jersey Tbe Barl< to. Montg’ry co ), Bocks eo z. HatboTo Philadelphia iHatboro fr^BCllUWtt Ihoro Baptletown atllion, J K Trego J H Coitman, Trankford John Wa'meiley Geo Middleton, N Jersey [ Tl»« l^i r S la, Bucks oo Irenna Sew Hope I •rhora, N Hopei inn, Beadle c i [ The Black Bear* [rfi, Penna ] Henry Ind eo. Fa | Nazareth |Qeo WHakpns, Praakfoid ipecial notices, la, Flyers, Wire Nippers, Hand 1 Bauek Tints, Callipers, Bp,lns and Are md & genefal variety 'of Tools and Hand le at TRUMAN A SHAW'S, No. 839 (Sight KABKET Street, below Ninth. It iiujphmts, .Picture Thame Ma iE-01a?s Dealers, and other.* who nae Iron Brass Screw Blags, Knobs, Nails, and fa. Brads, &o , are in-rlted to examine the If those articles at TRUMAN h SHAW’S, ilht Thirty,lts) MARKET Street, below s’s Honey Soap. ited TOILET SOAP, 1b such universal da ta from the CHOICEST mate) late, is MILD [ENT in Its natsre, FRAGRANTLY SCENT' ’BEMELY BENEFICIAL ta its action upoa >r sals fcy all Druniata and Faaey Goods fe'iS-tothsly 1, Bba.ce ahd Mbohahical Bdp roved construction, aid light finish, ad liudfment, at 0. H. HEaDLSS’, corner of tnd BACK Streets. (Ladies' Department, Ladies, on Twelfth Street, first do rrheiow [cstenttoe variety of Supporters, Bails, tic Stockings, Syringes, Bursary articles, jal9-20t Beckitb Instruction in Book- Commercial Arithmetic, Mercantile Forma, Uicese Writinc. in O'D 'NNBLL’S Book* Hate, TENTH and CHEiTJSUT. ja2l Bt* 'eobqe Steck & Co.’s cffgaw FIASOB, rTTffi AB» 1 AOO IT & HA HUN’B OABIHET OBOAHB. Orer 600 aa«b or tana flue HABIBBT -ÜBt uments have be«a *oui ORGANS tT Mr. 9,, And the demand OABINBT i-coEttantly Increasing. 0 an Add ; Sot unis only by CABINSf jPEYENTH andOHESTNUT Bta. n*>(9-tf ORGANR i TB from $l4 to $53. Overcoats. >MB FROM *l4 to teg. OVIBCOATB. ** f« >ITB PROM *l4 to *S6. OVERCOATS, IAl » J’eom *m to m. overcoats. WASaMAKBR it BBOWJT, OAK HALL, oomoi SIXTH and Ha REST Bttteto. Mstn'e Sntis and el<w»nt vnriatyof tlu ltw “* at BBASOH ABLE PRICES, tTS & Wilson’s Highest Premium "ODK-BTUfIU S2WIKQ IfACHiNfiS, B SAFEST, SIMPLEST AND BEST, To * OTESTKUT H*rfwt. *h,iy« RAvtnth. ■*«AJR3RXiEa>. . '‘tKMAH —Oa Jioaajy 51st. 19J1. by tllfl “““ 19 DIED. BAUGHEB —Oh Snnday, the 221 InVt , at half past four o'clock P. M , aftsr a long and u'Mnful Uintai, which she bore wi«h Christian fortUnde. Rosanna, the bsloved wife of KUae D Beaiher, ln tte Teat of H‘ F /l th *«r joyfnl tolo*. And now in triomph hlbk; ® ?i5 T *l Vfc*» U tfiy Tlotorr, ODsath,ihralina! fT,!.l nd ot ttie family are re.oe'et o? U hM hn«4.* n a* t w“ d s?r S ln J r ® 1 ' from thn ceedraitartlll 1118 * ’ tttloclooS - Foueraitoore °“„ the 10th inrt .*1 Storlinjryillo, Pa., A if r r Q ?„ t it 0 - r **n H ‘ Sort!®*, nontenant and KT-Rorm aen „ T «fry- »I«d2oyears. » £. r! ® ce J;™' »• J . on the 2!d inst.. *s° Wth year of her aye.' ‘lhaftmeralwjil Jake piece from the reetdenoa of her KSeJtfc ?-, str oud, UOJ Aich etreet, on Fifth day, “IRASSvS 1 ]1 oqloek AM. «*« n»m?5 I ?i7I G & 831 instant, aged 8 months, I*ll - r j 011 “tod B * son of Charlee F. and Boeo Oor OBITUARY. ...ffiooioqaot OEOSQB a sTESMSO entered the ser „?** country atthe breaking out of tho rebal'ion, ot'boeioof seyenieoß, as a priyate in the S2d Jlagl ment p. Y. , was promoted te adjutant of hie regiment, and by rersonalreaneetof Genera 'l'erry Eo the nacre tsry of 17ar was placed upon his staff He w-ae taken prieoner with General Franklin on a train of oars between Baltimore and Philadelphia! in <JtL y last. Attar haring g oße through all the perils of battle Without recetring a wound, and after suffering dye nientha imprieonmentin a rebel prison, ha returned to «* bosom or his family apparently in good health. He was token aiek the day alter hereturard with typhus fever, and only lived ten dare. ,lli6 ®? e ?f Wm well and deeply sympa thiie with his parente in their lons of a dutiful son, a loylng companion, and a brave soldier. It* OLAOK ALPACAS.—A NEW STOCK ot Alpacas and Glossy Mohairs, from 62Xc. to *1 f f r BBBSON If BOH. Mourning dtoro, Mo. 918 CHKATHGT htract. QUEEN ELIZABETH COLLARS.— j 1 k few more dozen of wldeMeriere Geilars, just re* celred. Also, new style Fanty Crape Collars. . ■ BBSSOM & SOM, Meurntcg Store, jalB-tf Mo. 818 CHBSfMDT Streot, 186 5-CARDJOR N*W lB6s> iOO Honey-Comb iiallte. .. 359 Colored Coaafcemnw. l»OOG Quilts for Hospitale. Fine stock of Bluaketß, Towels, Ac',, Ae. . BYBE & LANDELL, FOURTH and AKCH Streak NOTICES. BBT. SELLA MARTIN WILL deliver tbe aacend of a coarse of lecture* before tbe Social, Civil, and Statistical Association of tbe Co* lored People of FennsylVauia,op. WEDNESDAY BYE iOPWY&P 1 ' I? .OONOBRT HALL. Bab- Ject **Tbo Friends of the Union fa Ragland.’* Mis? 5. T. GREEK FIELD, tbe celebrated *‘Blaok Bwaa,’ ? will bingos tbe occasion, , Admlseion 26 cents. For Ibe benefit of tbe Freedman* to aid in breaking dowitiWMadice, &c. *. The mbiennenfc leetarara will be Frederlok Donglase, F. E. Watkins Harper, J. M. Langston, Ee<i*, and Hon, Win, D Kelley. Tickets 25 cents—May bt bad at T. B. Pagk’s Book rtore, Sixth and Chestnn tsireets: Xeaiab C. Wears. Poplp.r and Randolph? Win. StUl, No. 107 North Fifth ana at tbe door. ia24-2$ ATTENTION YOLtSTEEESj! BI3HBST BOUNTY! FOURTEENTH Tie Recruitlcg Committee are bow prepared to pay is CASH the &&EGE3T BOOTS TIBS to all reoraifca ac credited io this ward -- •, They will sit at tie Southeast corner of THCRTEBIfTH sad OB EE# Streets EVERY AFTERNOON fr «m 2 io 5 o’ctoci. where ail Information, will is cheorfallygirea. Edu« I IIESI a b cilif.‘ ‘° ” " 4 BOUSTIKS. , Poren® year ~..*.77.7.7...7.' .........95% 00 For two years. 700 no Fortfcre*years .. 875 00 FOB TWd IEAR YETEBAH3 JOINING HANCOO&’S _ CORPS, For one roar.,.. «SS3S no For typo years.... .........,......*......1,0)0 00 For tlireeyears...... ..... 00 Br. j. machiohol, ) J. W. T HACK ABA. J ja24-6t FRED’S. A. YAH CLEVF, ) Committee. NOTICfi-THE ANSTPAX MEET ■*-*3* ISO of the Stockholders of the OCEAN ST&aW NAVIGATION COMPANY. forth a enaction of Fire Di rectors, and the transaction nf other business/ wi l b% held at No 126 North jHELAWARE Avenue (second floor), on TUESDAY, the 7th of February next,*at half past twelve o'clock P. M, WILLIAM DENNIS, jsg4-ISt . Secretary and '-Treasurer. gKgg=» STAR IROS CO.VPAHT.-SOTIOS. -—Tfcp first Stockholders* Meeting.for the Elec tion ol DIEEiTOBH of the SPAR IRON COMPANY trill he held at the Ofllce of Messrs. Frink & Preofcia, in EEW LONDON, on MONDAY, the 6th day of Febru ary next, at 3 o'clock F. M. A full attendance is re quested. WM. B. STARR. New London, Conn , Jan. 23,1863. jaSi-St ■ST* N«mE »THE AN9CAL MEET« ISO of the Stockholders of fcbe PHIL A DfSLPH (A AND SAVANNAH bTBAM NAVIGATION COMPANY for the election of fire Managers and the transaction of will he hold at So. 126 North DJ3LA WABE Avenue Oecond floor), on TDiSSBAY, the 7thof February next, at 12 o’clock noon. WILLIAM DENNIS, j*24 I2t Secretary and Treasurer. A CBICFLTURAL COLLEGE OF ®=3» PENNSYLVANIA.-Tie Seventh Session will open February 28, and continue forty-one weeks. For tuition, hoard, washing, room rent, and fuel. s2?d; pay able half on entering and half on JuW 1 i or further information, or catalogue of 1854, apply to the subscriber, ortoProLiJ 8. WHITMAN, Agricultu ral College, Centre county, Peana. „ WILLIAM H. ALLEN. President. January 23, 388 g, ja34-3i SK^* 1 LECTVBEOK COHKEECIAL LAW, by JOHN A OWENS, Bsu., at BRYANT, STEATTON. AND BANNISTER’S NATIONAL COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, ASSEMBLY BUILDING, Southwest corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. The Second Lecture of the Course on COMMERCIAL LAW will be delivered before the Students and Frieads of this Institution on WEDNESDAY E YENING, the 2oth Instant, at 8 o'clock/ ja24-2t ISf McCIEUAS OM> (JCAIUI-AN adjourned itated meeting of the Me ■'•BELLAS OLD GTTAHD wUILa htld at BAKU'S OLOBEHOi'EL. THIS (Tuesday) NISHT, at 7 o'clock. All toaorably discharged soldiers are invited to at tend. WM. D LEWIS. Jr.. President. It* Asthoky A Xiiwa, Secretary. HOBTICUITURAI HALL, S. W. cori er BROAD and WALNUT Streets. Special- Meeting THIS EVENING, in reference to the schedule for the coming 3 ear, and for the-transactlon of basinets generally. .. ' It F£XD£R DAltt COAX. COHPAXT, O&ce, »o. 333 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Jan. 23,1865. A Special Meeting of the Stockholders will be hsld at the Office of the Company* on FKIDAT, tha 27th instant, at one o’clock P. M. Easiness of Importance will be presented. CHAELE3 D. KNIGHT 1 , . Secretary. ICT* THE ASSFAL MEETING OF ■K® - TBE BOCIETI OF TBE UNION TBMPuRA&Y HOME FOB CHILDREN will be held at the Home, north east corner POPLAR and eIXTEES PH Streets, ©n THURSDAY sAFTERKOOBT, Jaa 26, at 4>,' o’clock. ja24-3t* D. O. HcQAMMON, Sacreta<y, I®* GEOBGE WIL CHDRTIS, ES<*„ •2® (01 Harper’s Weekly,) “POLITICAL INFIDELITY,” At CONCERT HALL, TUESDAY EVENING Jan. 24, at 8 o’clock. Tickets 2 5 cents. A few reserved seats mar be had, on early application, for 60 cents Sale of tickets to commence on Saturday morning, at Ashmead & leans’, 724 Chestnut street. ja2o 4t LECTURE ON MERCANTILE PA PEB.—The Fourth. Lecture of the Course oa Commercial Lew, at CRITTENDEN’S COMMERCIAL COLUGB, 63V CBE3TNUT Street, corner of Seventh, ■will he delivered tor JOSEPH C. TUBNER, Bmi., on TUESDAY EVENING next, 24th ivst.,at 7Ja o’clock. Subject, “MERCANTILE PAPER.” AU formerstu dents and graduate! are cordially invited. ja2Q 4t* ra** OFFICES OF THK COAL RIDGE IMPROVEMENT AND COAL COMPANY, 1517 South POUBTH Street. , P&IX.APSLFAIA, Jan. 16. 1855. The annual mealing of Stockholders and Election for Directors of this Company, to serve for the ensuing rear, will be held at this office, on THURSDAY, Janu ary 26fch, instant, at 12 o’clock AL jal6 lot JOS. T. FORD, Secretary, IKS 39 “ THE HOME MISSIONARY SO* F® CIETY OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA ” Office 507 NORTH Street. Open from 2to6P. M. This j escalation devotes its time and attention ex clusively to the poor of all classes. A permanent re lease from penury and want, and apnrznanent recovery from vice and immorality, are the objects at whioh it constantly aims—seeking to place all who become re cipients of tbo benefactions entrusted to it in better positions, both phvsically and morally, and to elevate them above a condition of beggary and want to one of self- sustaining independence DurinsrtheTesr jUßtpas.ltsGensralAMfit, Mr JOHN F. ABRIPOH, and its Missionary, Mr. ALBERT G. ROWLAND, have made 2 visit* to the poor. £64 families have been relieved. 64* orders for coal were gives. 347 orders for groceries. 66 pairs of shoes and 13« articles of clothing. 16 copies of the Bible and 4.2Sore3igious tracts were distributed. 330 religious and 40 temperance meetings were held, and 38 persons rlgned the temperance pledge. 183 adults were furnished with employment and 6' children were- provided with good homes In the country, 9he demands on the treasury are very heavy just sow* and the funds are very low, Many aged persons and little children are suffering from the severity of the season, and the managers, whose names appear below, appeal most earnestly for aid in their behalf. All money contributed specially for the relief of suffering are conscientiously appropriated to tint purpose only. PRESIDENT* GEORGS H. STUART. VICB PRESIDENT. ALEXANDER G. CATTELIu SECRET ART, RUDOLPH E. BCEFLICH. TREASURES, THOMAS T MASON, No. 428 MARKET Street. , M MAKAOBRS Wilson Dunton, * Thomas Potter, James Appleton, T. Esmonds Harper, Charles Santee, Alexander T. Lane, Janie* B. Rodgers, Thomas Pad rick, Robert F. King, H, M. Eimmey, Charles.L. Orum, Samuel Mullen, . Jamea F. Butler, Francis Bacon, Samn.l Work, Hiram Miller, Isaac B. Smith, Jamas W. Carson, George Nngtnt, BobertGrigg, John Weiat, jal3-thatnths-gt ■33** AJSNUAI, COHHKNCEHEin OF *=s? TUB ECLECTIC AND UNIVERSITY MEDICAL COLLEGE OP PHILADELPHIA, at CONCERT HALL. TUESDAY. Jan. 84, at 2% P. M. V*ledietory by Prof B. O. DALTON. Mania by Bs.k’a Band. Pnhlio ars invited. ja23-2t* KS= STOCKHOLDERS’ NOTICB.—TUB Annual Heating of tbo Stockholders of tha QON NBLSYILLB AND SOUTHERN PENNSYLVANIA BAIL WAY COMPANY will be bold on MONDAY, tlu Bth day of Jan nary, 1866. atSo’clook P. M., attheofdee of the Company, No. 330 South THIBD Street, Phila delphia. An Election for President and Directors will be held on the same day and place. B. D. BARCLAY, de2B-tia39 Secretary pro tem- FOVBtH NATION AY, BANK. 733 •OS? ABOH Street. Philadelphia* January 16,1865. At the annual -Election for Directors, Held January 10th, the follow ing feodemen were elected Directors of this Bask for the ongoing year: William P. H*znm» I John Farelra* Albert C. Roberts, Robert Clark, James C. Keleh. I J Henry Aakin, WUlism Biools, ! Erastus Ponlson* William 8. Stohley, feamael Mlilor. V. R. Harris* | At a meetinir of the Board, P, RAM#. Era * was usai dent, iLBBBT C EOBBKTE BHASTOS POULSON, Bag , JatS-lM BAMPBI. J. •3®“ FARM* ES’ ITATIOHAijAH' 1, held this day, WILLIAM wlmouwy re-elected Preai- Isq., vice P*e§ident,an.d , solicitor Mac MULLAN, Cashier. 4HD MECHANICS’ Pbilatblpsia. January 13, 1886. At &n erection, hud on the Uth of Juan ot, 1865. the following named sfcocfcholdera were elected inreetora of this B&nfe: 8 A. Mercer, James R. Campbell. Ed«rluM Lewis, Francis Tate. John Ashlmrst, J. Edward Fanuua, Anthony J. Antelo, WUllam M Farr, Joseph R. Levering, Jr., Ltndley Smyth, A. yamham, William H. Merrick. Jofibna B Lippincott, Aae at a meeting of the DirsctoTS.'thie -flay, S. A. Mer cer. Era , vas unanimously re-elected President, KD WIN M LEWIS. Er-q. , Vice President, and WILLIAM RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. jald lOt W. RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. KAIIONAX. BANK JKT®= TUB SBCOWi W=& . OF FHILADKLPHt, Fkai At tie Annual Election fo; on Taeeda*, the loth Inst., Nathan Mile?. Edward. Fares. George W. Ehawn, Beniamin H Deacon, Bimnnß. Snyder, - Dewis ShaHcroas. BenjaminKowJfcaclj Jr-* CharlesE. Kramer, . John Cooper, - ~ . were elect*d to serve for the ensnlng year. __ M a neeilngof the Board bold this day NATO \N BJLbEßwaMisaßiiaoiSSijn-elected Pr-fideot of wus Bask £jft3B 60 W, H RflAWff, Cashte .ukford, January 17, IBRr,. • .Directors of this Bankilield BKCBtITS FUR THE FOUR* 7 Bis .NTH WA&D can obtain their money an boon as n-oatered, at the Provost Mandial’a office, corner of THIRTEESTH and BRARDi WIWB Streets, Pas . M oviaMhV to enitatt and desiring information canav.'iy to either of the ondeisigned, Becraltloi' Committee. Dr. J. MAO SICHOL, No Parrish street. J. W. TBACKABA, No. Ontario street. TBED'K A. tfAPf ChßVg, Ho. 2W death Filth street, K®« A»sm;RsAßr of tub sir. 'S" CHANTS! FUND.—'The eleventh anniversary of this awoclation will be celebrated at the - ' • . ACADEMY OF MUSIC, OnTHURSDAY EVENING, February 3. at7K o'clock. The annual report will he read and addressee de- UTsrea by v Rev. BISHOP SIMPSON, and m DANIEL DOUGHERTY, £m. c Th« orchestra will be under the direction of Mr. Simon Hassler. Cards of admission maybe had gratuitously, by ap ply leg early to BENJaMIBT ORNE, No- 934 Chestnut street. WM. O. LUDWIG, No. 86 North Third street. JAMES-C. HAND No 614 Market street. . ®£%DKD A. SODDER, Dock*street wharf?, jagl-tfeffif - Committee. OFFICE OV THE EIIIOX CANAL COMPANY, _ „ PBn.Annr.prnA, January 17,18 W. of th* STOGK and BOND* the Union Canal Company, and election for officers and Managers to serve for the ensuing year, to «T*?Trm e J£. *k® office of the Company, No. ffi£S WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, the ?th day of Febru ary next, at U o’clock AM. , Transfer Books will bo closed the 28th instant. 3*lB tfe7 OSCAR THOMPSON. Secretary. THE LOCUST DALE COAL CO.-" ANNUAL MEETING.--The stockholders of the Locust Date Goal Company are hereby notified that their annual meeting, for the choice of Directors and sack ether business as may legally be transacted, will be held at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, In the city of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, the first day cf Febru ary next, at two o'clock P M. _ THEODORE D EMORY, Secretary. Pitiladklphta. January 14,1865. jaU-lSt* OF® OFFICE STORY FARM OIL CO3S< PANY. 308 WALNUT Street. w 3& e J£. l ! €Ctors have this day declared a dividend of (1) ONE PER CENT., payable on and after F3BRU ARY Ist. Bcoks will close Wednesday, January 23th, at 3 o’clock P. M. t and open Thursday, February 2d. at 10 o’clock A. M. W. P. M. HANCOCK, _ . Secretary. January 2S« 1865. ja24 7i« •ST* DIVIDEND NOTICE-OFFICE OF THE MAPLE SHADE OIL OOMPAaY, 524 WALNUT Street Jaotaby 23 1865. , The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of FOUR FSB GENT « payable at their office on and after the 30th Inst. * clear of B*ate taxes. The Transfer Books will bs closed on the 25th, at 8 P. M.« and opened on the 31st. . •; _ THOMASrR. SBARXrE, j«24 6t* ~ Secretary. MINING The Director* of the Quicksilver Mining Company have ' ' THIS DAY declared Aseml-annally dividend of ■*' v FIVE DOLLARS' per share in , , STATES GOLD COIN, , payable FEBRUARY Id, 1865, to shareholders of record January 81st, J 865. Transfer Books will be closed from February Ist to loth, inclusive. WALTER E. LAWTON; Treasurer. New York, January.4,lB6s. jalO IBt KS** OFFICE WEST PHILADELPHIA E2S? PABSE6GRR RAILWAY COMPANY, North west corner of FORTY-FIRSTand HAVBBFORD St*., PHiLAbaLPHra, Jan, 10, 1865. The Beard of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of FIVE PER GENT, on the Capital btock of the Company, to 31st ult., dear of all taxes* payable on and. after the 20th Inst. WARD The Boobs for the transfer of Stock will be closed until that date. jal2-thfta-12t* WM. MARTIN, Jb. , Treasurer. OFFICES OF THE BRIGGS OIL COMPANY, No. 14T South FOURTH Street, JakuabT 11,1365. The Board of Directors have this day declared the seventh monthly dividend of ONE PER GENT, on the Capital Stock, payable on the S6th inet. The Transfer Boobs will be dosed on the 21st inst., at 3 o’clock, and opened on the 27th. ✓ By a resolution of the Board of Directors, adopted this day, dividends will in future be paid quarterly. jaiaiSt CHARLES A. BUY, Treasurer. IKS® PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY.' Office No. 337 South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, November 30,1864. DIVIDEND NOTICE.-The transfer books of this Company will be closed-on THURSDAY, December X6> and reopened on TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1865. A Dividend of FIFTEEN PER GENT, on the common and preferred stock, clear of National and State taxes, has been declared, payable in common afeoek.on the 81*1 December next, on all stocks standing on the books of tbe Company, at the dose of businese on the 15th pros. Stockholders whose names are registered on the New York books will bo paid at the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company. S. BRADFORD, del-tf Treasurer. |2||P LOOK TO TOUR INTEREST! OIL AND MINING COMPANY CHARTERED BY THE STATE 01? PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL.....—..—. $5300,000. WORKiND CAPITAL, *38,000 CjfSH. * -NO FUTURE-A-SSESSMENT^^''^ COMPANY’S OFFICE, 434 WALNUT STREEP. The GOVERNMENT OIL AND MINING COMPA NY is organized on a strictly mutual principle, and its affaire will be conducted with the sole mew or afford ing a source of permanent business profit to thoee in • teresUd. Every Stockholder is practically one of the Company’s corporators. The Estates of the Company, is stead Gfbeiijg burdened with an exorbitant profit, ex acted by a tew lucky originals, are deeded, in fee, direct from diet owner* to the Stockholders of this Company, They ccmpiise' (Titles examined by Theo, Cttyler and T, J. Clayton, Esqs , and pronounced indisputable), located In the immediate centre of the great Oil .belt of West Virginia, which'region, for the superiority of its Oil end for the volume and certainty of its yield, is f«r surpassing the famed Oil Creek region of Pennsyl vania. Ist. The Peep Gorge Farm, in the Old Burning Spring region. In close proximity to this estate, on every side, axe situated the most successful Oil Welle to be round in the country, and at an almost adjoining distance is locatedthe widely-celebrated “LeweLiyn” and 1 *Eter nal Centro” webs, the former ol which FLOWED FULLY THEBE THOUSAND (3,000) BAR BELS OF OIL FEE DAY. being the greatest bona fide yield of Oil ever known,and vexy considerably surpassing, both in quantity and quality, the product of any two wells in Pennsylvania. 2d, Two thousand (2>QGu) acres; in two tracts, in the heart of the successful Oil region or the Great Kanawha, along whose course for over 70 miles Oil can be dis tinctly seen and gathered from the water’s surface, while the evaporation at the neighboring salt works is effected by igniting the Petroleum Gas emitted from subterranean reservoirs of OiL 3d. 100 acre* (in fee simple) of superior Semi-Bitumi nous Coal land, in Bedford county, Fa. The value and importance of the above properties may be Inferred from the fact that leases for adjoining lands, with large royalties of Oil, have been taken by New York and Boston companies at a bonus greater than the fjb simple cost of the Company’s estate, and if deemed advantageous by the Stockholders, it is be lieved that but little difficulty would presently be expe rienced in leasing a portion of their territory at a bonus and royalty greater than the original cost or the whole. A number ot wells are at once going forward, and more (Eight in all) will be sunk as soon as the first are com pleted. These, with a yield of Oil equal to adjacent wells. Will insure to this Company a daily cash income of several thousand dollars over every possible ex panse. The net cost of the Company’s three estates is $87,000. The Capital is $200,0C0, in shares of $1 each. 125,000 share* only will be sold, and no further subscriptions will be accepted at any price whatever. This amount pays for the properties and leaves a working capital of SSB.QCO cash. The remaining 76,000 shares stand pledged to be equally divided pro rata between the original or pretest amsciibers, at such a time as the Board of Di rectors may deem most advantageous to the interests of the Company - This reduces the actual cost of the stock to First sub. c iber* to exactly 60 cents per jhare. The immense profit to be derived, from earnest and successful working is shown by the fact that a tingle company—the Coiombia-ia thii year paying to its stockholders One Million (11,000.000) Dollars in cash dividends* besides a handsome reserve for additional devilopmenfc. The stock of this company, for $5 paid, has sold for over $4OO per share, The substantial inducements which the GOVERN MEAT OIL AND MINING COMPANY offer to those de sirous of securing an interest In a source of wealth that Is now startling ihe whole world are of a character that merit your gravest consideration. The profit of the undersigned, in common with thatof every stockholder, lies in the increased development of the company's rich Oil tracts, and their time and ener gies will be honestly consecrated to that one end. To persons feeding any interest or feeling none, every information •oncerningthe estates of the Company, its workings end prospects, will be cheerfully given, and detailed maps and charts will be freely shown. If you like our candid plan of dealing, or. nave any preference for a corporation that certainty means wonrc, we should be pleased to see you at once 30,000 shares were engaged on the first day. The promptest applica tion i* therefore indispensable to Insure a share in the original stock, subscriptions to which (</ not already taken) will be received at original price, $i per share, including a stock dividend of three-fifths the amount. ja24- tuthsSt WTOOW MCCUETOGK OIL CON* under the General Laws of the State of New York. 3 CAPITAL STOCK ~,......$600,000, SHARES, 1J50.000-FAB VALUE OF EACH... $5 O 0 ■WORKING CAPITAL ....$35,000 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ....$3 OO FBBJHABE. S, C. BOOT, Vice President of. Atlantic Bank, New York. W. C. CHURCHILL. 17 Wall street. New York. WILLIAM H. MARSTON, of Wm. H. Mauton&Co., Banks) e, No. 17 Wall street, New York. JOHN C BGHOOLEY, 3) Pine street, New York. LUCIEN G. QUIGLEY, of Quigley Brothers, Bask ets, 28 Bxoad street, New York. Tbe fact that the above named gentlemen, so well acd favorably known, are at tbe head of the CompAur, is a guaianiy of its value. The books close next we*-k. Only a small number of ebar»r&re • ffered in this kt-t, tbe balance having been alreadi taken. - The tkmpany owns the entire working Interest in three lots on the celebrated Two wells are ready for pumping, with a promise of large production. Another well is two hundred feet down. Aieo, -hundred acres in fee ©b Tloneata cree*k # e*ax i's corilDGrco -with the Alleghany river. The su.-- rcnodi&g prcpeitj i* now commanding several thoa »ai d doiJaiß ptr bcre. jib rf coivedfor a, limited nTkm'fcer of ehavea attbe Easking Hoose of FERREE & COV ja:6 & Kq 3d South. TfliSD Sir«t. THE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA,' .TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1865.' NOTICES. BITinEJiBS. OIL COMPANIES. GOVERNMENT OP WEST VIRGINIA, $1 PEE SHAKE, FULL PAID. OVER » 200 ACRES, PRBsniKirT, HENRY SIMONS. BEOBBTAttr, J. PERCY mx. TEEA9UBEE. WM. H. WEEKS. COMPANY'S OFFICE, 134 WALffPT Stmt. TRUSTEES. WIDOW MoODINTOOET FARM. -OIL COMPANIES. WEST VIRGINIA. TEMPORARY OFFICERS ORDER AST OF IHCOEPOKATIOR. PBSSIDERr. - Hon. JACOB B. BLAIR. secretary ard treasurer. THOMAS JD. OONYNGHAM. DIRECTORS* • - r Bon,, Jacob B. Blair, j Vi-Abraham Hart. William Sperry, *1 S. Stewart, George H. Levis, SHARES .5300;000. FAB VALUE, #5. PAID m— HO FURTHER ASSESSMENT, *50,000 WOREIHG capital. . No. L Tract of above three hundred acres (two hun dred and seventy by the deed, but three hundred and twenty* five by new survey), situate on Addison’* Etui ana Hughes river, Ritchie county. West Virginia, one mile below Carlo elation, with a good road to the station —on the Parkersburg branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Also, with a coal railroad passing through It. Gas aid sign of *oil on the tract, at least one half of it being boring territory, lying, in the oil-belt It is a first*rate farm; the lands allaround it have bten pur chased for oil purposes. Sno. % Tract oi one hundred and thirty-three acres, about five mile* from the above, immediately in the oil break on the east sice of hand Hill, about a half a mile from the Northwestern turnpike, leading to Parkers burg. A large well has been struck within a few days on tots creek. There are on this tract the moat unmis takable sisus of oil, rocks much upbeaved and broken. Astream (branch of Goose Greek) rnns, and a large part is good boring ground-oil territory of the best character. ' * No. 3. Atractof three hundred aud eighty acres, on. French creek, about five miles from the Ohio, lying os both sides of the creek for about one mile. Known to be A No. 1 territory; all the laud about aod below it have been purchased for oil. Gil bas reoeuUy been struck a ehoit distance line of this property. No. 4. Le&»e of half an acre on Horn Neck, about seventy-five yards from the Qlifiilan weil, alio near other good wells—a choice Snot, a well ha* been com* menced on it, now about 40 feet deep, % loyalty. No. 5. Consists of a lease on six acres, more or teas, on the south side of Hughes river: that is leased by the Company for one half the oil. This particular piece of land ip highly spoken of by all knowing ones from that region of country. A well has b«en bored by ha ad, from which the owner has pumped, by manual labor, over 200 barrels of oil, and sold the same for $22 par barrel. Arrangements are already made to put an eu* gise of sufficient calibre to pump this well, and at the slnie time boreanother. It is believed this well with a blower, will produce, at its present depth (about two hundred feet), twenty to thirty barrels or oil per day. No. 6. Consists of twenty acres iu fee, on the east side of Sandy creek, Venango county. Pa » about two miles from its junction with the Allegheny river, about one hall good borable territory. No. 7. Tiie Company have also made arrangements ft r a sufficient number of engines to develop the differ ent tracts, and having the personal attention of the president on the grouad, will derive many advantages over other corporations. Any other information can be obtained at the office of the Company, 406 LIBRARY Street, or at the Banking Office of ADAMS ft LEVIS. 905 Chestnut Street. ✓ ja24 tuthsSfc BP* ™ CAMEBON PETROLEUM CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL.... $1,000,000. SHARES-'. 300,000. PAR VALUE $5.00. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 8.50. PKBSIDEHT, VANCE STEWART, OF Mimosa OOBKTT, FA. TREASURER. E. J. JAMES, OF PHILADBtPffIA. SECRETARY. J. L. I) ARLINGTON, WEST CBESTBB. PA. DIRECTORS. VANCE STEWART, Mercer chanty, I*a. JOHN B. LEONARD, West Chaster, Pa. D. C. FOBREY, Washington, D. 0. BERRY I>. OOOK, Washington. B. C. SIBOH CABEiON, Harrlshuig, Pa, JOHR H. DIEHL, Philadelphia. JOHH T. GRAFE, Philadelphia. GEORGE O, EVAHS, PhUadelpMa. JAMES DUFFY, Marietta, Lancaster co., Pa Thepresent and prospective valueof the Company may be inferred from the fact that it owns a "lee'siiDple lntffiPest iir'97S‘'ttonr*"ii'ondred''aiid se renty three) acres of the richest tested oil territory in Venango county, believed by the most expsTienesd oil men in that region to he capable of producing a net annual in come to the Company of one and a half mUlion dollars* or three times the entire cost of the stock* which would he equivalent to twenty-five per cent, a month on Its snhsoiiptiox price* or one hundred and fifty per cent. per annum on its par •oalue. v The.following is a description of the Company's pro perty: . • One-fourth, fee simple interest in the celebrated “Hoover” Farm, situate on the Allegheny river, about two and' one-half miles below Franklin, con taining 292 (two hundred and ninety-two) aoreST with SS2 rods (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river, on which there are now twelve leases, each ten rods square,and from which the owners of the fee simple get one-half the oil, free of all expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners of the fee, from which they get ail the oil. ' On this Farm there are now ten wells in operation, producing an average of ten barrels per day, and several others are ahont being tubed. There are also os it 87 (elghty-Beven) more lots surveyed, and more than fifty applications are now standing to lease the latter for one. half the oil to the owners. Out of the twelve wells on this Farm eleven are no w paying handsomely: a fact which sufficiently demon strates the great richness and reliability of the terri tory. Ho. 2 ’» Is the entirefee ample Interest la 181 (one hundred and eighty-one) acres, situate on the Allegheny river, nearly opposite the 1 * Hoover ’ ’ Farm, and a little nearer Franklin, at the mouth of Mill Bun, having a front of 86 rods on the Allegheny river, and one mile on hoth sides of Mill Bus, with ample boring surface for one hundrtd wells* or'Lota of ten rods square. This traofris known as the "Stewart Farm,” and is clear of all leases or incumbrances of any kind. There is now in operation a fifty-barrel well (beside several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, which ad joins* this on the south. In fact, the Stewart” Farm is surrounded with good-paying wells, and within a shost time a single lease of 80 rods front, on the imme diate opposite side of the river, sold for $185,000 (one hundred and sixty five thousand dollars.) On this le&te a good well has been struck within a few days. In addition to the territory of the "Stewart” Farm, which is believed to be equally as good as the * * Hoov er”) there are on it a three-story Grist Mill, with fine water-power, a good farm-house, and other buildings, that will be of use to the company. The durability of this immediate oil section is illus trated by ft e fact that some of the wells on the * * Hoo v er’ ’ Farm 1 ave been pumping for over four yearn, with out any material diminution In their yield, while the oil here produced* from its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one to two dollars per barrel more than the oil at Oil Creek. The officers of the Company feel justified in present ing the following estimate of what, with vigorous manstement, the above lands can be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders in a comparatively short time: THE "STEWART FARM.” There Is room on this for one hundred lots of tea rods squaie, all of which can be leased immediately for one. half .the'oil, /rteof all expense to the Company, Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred wells although there is room for three hundred) at the verik moderate average of ten barrels each, would make a H Bally product of..*.*-... LOQObbls. Out of this the Company’s share would he. 806 bbls. Yalue of daily yield to the Company, at ten dollars per bbl (It Is now Belling at $18.50) .*.,****..*.. $5,000 00 Allowing three hundred working days te they ear, this would make the Compa ny’s annual net receipts, from the Stew art Farm alone. •«••••»••»•• 1,500,000 00 Allowing the same estimate for the ‘ ’ Hoo ver” Farm, in which the Company owns one fourth in fee of the land interest, the itwmifll net receipts from the latter would be. 575.000 00 Making the annuel receipts from both farms.-- 1,8757000 00 Deducting from this amount the sum of $375,0C0 for contingencies, would leave the Met Annual Inccme of the tympany $1,500,000 00 ALL THESE LOTS CAN BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED, If it is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the Oil, with covenants'binding lessees to sink wells, with all possible diligence, to the depth of 500 or more feet. A FEW PLAIN WOBDB TO SUBSCRIBERS, You are not asked to subserlbe’to this Stock with the expectation of immediately receiving large dividends* but the basis on which the Company rests, it U be lieved, will make your investment not only safe, but, prospectively, of enormousvalue. Notwlthstanding.atthe presentpricea of oil, the Com pany’* annual receipts (without any further develop ment) would he forty thousand dollars, or eight per cent, on the cobl of the stock. The president, Mr. Stewart, U one of the most prac Ucsl and experienced oil operators In the State, mid his residence near the Company’s property and general oversight of its management is the best guarantee that no efforts will he spared to make the investment pro fitable. Applications for a large proportion of thestoek have already been made, hut none will be received until the books of the Company are regularly opened for that purpose. Only a limited amount of the stock wit be sold at subscriptfonprice. The stock will be issued full paid, without further aaseerments. BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION will be open for a few days, on and after January 18,1885, at the office of E. G. JAMES, Treasurer, No. 101 WALNUT Street. PUtaia. I®* 1 OFFICF. OF THE SHUTOBIS com, company, Souft roaarii At the annual Meeting of the St oi holders of the abeve named company, held at their office on the ifth Inst. the following gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensulnc year: Gideon Bert. ] * John Ansnach. Jr . Wm. M. Bteten, ' Geo. M. Trutttman Wm. MeLellee. I, At a meating of ,he Board of Directors of Ike eicre Denied Company, bold os the earn, da,, the following officer. wa.e elected for ti e .asairg ytar: GIDEON- B iBT. Prudent. CBn*:B AS9PACH, YUie President. jaas-66 CHaS E. LII> DSa j , Secrecy and TreMuer, OIL COMPANIES. COMPANY, NOT LAND OOSC« a**-' - FAB Y. WILL YOU I*VEST IH A LARD COMPANY, OB IN AN OIL COMPANY ? riRBBErOJfT OH COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. Is strictly an OIL COMP ARY, and has no land bnt What has been demonstrated OIL LARD. All companies fqraed in West Virginia are located Within so many MILES of BUBHIRG SPRINGS RUR. Wbynotgo OR theßoutas it is so famoneas oil terri tory? This is a Question that can be answered beßtby those who tortare a little rum of about a mile and a half Id length, nntil they get It eight or nine miles long, that it. may eeetn close to their lands.- This showm plainly thhitfiA on ly reliable oil producing territoim is BUBHIRG SPRINGS RUR; hence, of course, the company having the moet of that Valuable territory is the best to invest in. This Company his ORE HUNDRED ASD FORTY-SiX ACRES In fee simple on BUBHIRG SPRIRGS RUR, and FOUR ACRES on lease, besides THREE ACRES near the Eter nal Centre and Bathbone Welle, both well known. All we ash is inquiry, £ investigation, , which ean alone show rel<Uive value. One half of the stock has already been disposed of and the subscription list will shortly dose. CAPITAL... BHA£lS~+*~...+:.*U . V deyblopmbntVurd^ ? -PRESIDENT, FRANKLIN S. WILSON. I TREASURES, GEORGES. CHRISTIAN. bIBSCIOBB, ' - F.,S: WILSOR, JOHR p. O’HBIL, Be*., WM. F. JOHKSON, % ROBERT CLARKSOR, JOSEPH D. KOSCEEB, a.;H. CHRISTIAR. PROSPECTUSES, a»i air Information »3 to the pio a poets otthe Company, viU be freely giyen at the OFFICE. SO, ISi SOUTH THIRD STREET, <Se«nd Story.) LEASEHOLDS. Since the announcement that the Company would lease their lands at a rojyaiiy of one half of the oil, ap plieatious have been' received for fifteen leases of three fourths of an acre each) TWENTY MOBB AK2 OF EEBED to parties desiring to form development com panies. As we are desirous of having imphivements at onoe made, no boaas will bo repaired for the twenty lots. , Thi» mode of operation insures to the stockholders, from arrangements already i« progress , the comple tion of eighteen wells at'iXn early day. Applications for leaseholds should he accompanied by references of tbe applicant’s ability to perform his con trset. Hone others will’he noticed. ja2l-tnthest. msoßAjrcE. ■pißß ASBOOIATIOK INCORPORATED MARCH ST, 1820. OFFICE, SO. 34 SOUTH HFTH STREET. INSURE' BUILDIR9B, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY, a i From Lob by Fire (in the city of Philadelphia only.) Statement of the Assets of the Association published in conformity with the provisions of the Sixth Section of an act of Assembly of April 5 ( 1842, which on the 31st of December, 1864* consisted of Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the city of Philadelphia. ....—-a...,.-.. $766,676 66 Ground ’Rents—2o,BlB Si Beal Estate, office No. 34North Fifth street.. 14,39813 Deposit withTT. S. i.s*isteht 40,000 00 Ualted States Loan, 6-20.... ......... .n,..,. 45,C00c00 United States Treasury Notes—**.••.--—--(S) • 646 OtT Gash on hand..... ... •.... ... .... .. TRUSTEES. GEORGE W. TETON, President, WH. H. HAMILTON, JOHN SOODEB, PETES A. SET SEE, JOHN FHILBIN, JOHN .CAREOW, GEO.I. YOUfIG, j&l7-tuths£fc Q.IRARD FIBE AND MA.3BIISTE INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE 415 WAIrNUT- STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITA!, .0200,000. INCOME IN 1861. From Fire Prejmiume only, and interest >5113,512 59 DISBURSED. , On account of Losses, none remaining nspaid-$55,73i 75 On account of Dividends. Expense Account, Jib., including United States and State Tfaxe5................... 33,933 97 ASSETS JAN. 1, 1805, Cash in Philadelphia National Bank ......*11,117 75 United States Loans, ,51.980 00 51,930 00 Bonds andMortgages**—***———*•—*•—. 88,167 00 Philadelphia City bixes. 7,800 no Gsmden end Amboy Railroad 80nd5........*..- 3,000 00 Fourth National Bank of Pittsburg*; »*•** 5,750 00 Loans on Cali, amply secured...l4,S)o 00 Beal Estate 7,P00 00 Cash on hand and due from agents. 8,500 00 Unpaid accrued 3,500 00 Bills Receivable—.. - 8,498 74 Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Go. Stock- - 1 40,40) GO Pennsylvania Bailro&d Stock. *..**..«»*•••»■. 4,928 00 T0ta1.... *5249,94143 Other Stocks and Bills Receivable, held (only) &i collateral,7s,ooo €0 With the above ample means to indemnify our pa trons, we shall,, after this date. ABATE PREMIUMS TEN FEB CENT. On all first, class merchandise risks coming direct from the insured. This sum will, oe deducted from the rates customary at this date. Bevenue Stamps will be-charged for , and no com missions paid. > - Parties holding Participating Policies in this Com pany, expiring on or before the 18th. instant, will, on the surrender of their policy,-rcceive a dividend of SEVENTY-FITS PEE CENT. New policies may be issued, but tbe old ones must bo returned to the office. . v DIRECTORS. Thomas Craven*. John W. Claghorn, % Formas Sheppard* N. S. Lawrence, ■ George H. Aehum, , John Suppl»e, Charles I. Dupont, Henry W. Gray, Joseph Klapp. M. D« * Silas Yerkes, Jr. Alfred S. GUiett, THOMAS CRAVEN, PRESIDENT. A. J. GILLETT, Vice President JAMES B. ALVOKD, Secretary. NORTH AMERICAN :tbansit insurance go. INOOEPOBATRD BT TBS LEGISLATURE OP THB STATE OP FBHKarWAKIA. ORGANIZED OCTOBEK 0,1801. FOB INSURING! AUAUTST LOBS OF LIFE OS FSSSOML HOTS! TRAVELLERS BT BAND OK WATER. Policies issued for a Single Trip, Special Journeys, Voyages, &c, daily, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Alto, again«t the contingencies of personal hazard, and ag&intt loss of all kinds, except real estate. Policies issued at the Principal Office, No. DEI CHEST* UT Street, Philadelphia, or by the Agents of the Company in any of the cities of the United States, or by the Ticket Agents at any Ball read Station. CAPlTAL******** OFFICERS. , FBESISBUT, THEODORE ADAMS. TICS PRIIBIBUNT AHD ACTUABY, J. H, BBADLBY. TBBABCBBB. JAMES M. CONRAD. SECRETARY, LUCiEN PEYTON. AGENT, J. E; PEYTON. DIRECTORS, Theodore Adßjna. Jamas Graham, James M. Conrad, Franklin St.nla, Binhatd Wood. Wm. Colder. Jals Im BwwCßMaUk —*l BACH PAB. ....—*30.000 *809,607 48 EDWARD HASTSHOSNE, M. D., 1439 WALNUT Street JOS. H. LYNDALL, LEVI P. COATS, FRANCIS GUBNEY SMITH, Jr., M. D.* 1504 WAL NUT Street. Is attendance at the office of the Company, from 1 to S P. M , daily. • JAMES TRAQUAIE, President SAMUEL E. STOKES. Vice President. JOHN W. HOBNOB, a. V. P. and Actuary. HORATIO & STEPHENS, Secretary. jaU-stuthft SAMUEL SPAEHAWK, CHARLES P. BOWES, JESSE LIGHTFOOT, ROBERT SHOE MAKES. JNSUBE YOUR LIFE [LLIAM T. BUTLEB, Secretary. S.E.Cor. Walnut and Fourth B ti., It ta » HOME COMPANY, and »ro!t« dlYldsd bbbb •Uy, thn. aiding tha u.oi*d to My fdton kobliuu Lut diyldand 60 par nut. BOARD OF TBUSTBZB. Ucsandn WUlldlm, J. BdanrTiiainiSK, Hon. J&me« Pottook, Hon. Joj. Allison, Aipert C, Booertß, Henry K. Bennett, Samuel T. Bodlne, Philip B. Mingle, Geo. Nngont, Joim Aikman, Wm. J. Howard, _ leaae Hadahurat, Samuel Work. ALEXANDRE WHILLDIN, FreddCM. SAMUEL WORK, Vlee President. nogl-Sroif JNO. g Wrr.SOl*. fioe-y and TrMKniw sn CENTS 1 30 CENTS ! 30 CENTS! «-*” ATLANTIC for FEBRUARY. PIPCHBR’S, ja2l-2t 808 CHESTNUT Street. $1 Kftf $l-60! $160! $1.50! I.aJU l THB THREE SMUTS. OA CENTS FOB GODEY; 15 CENTS for PETSRSON’S; 20 Cents for LADY'S FRIEND; 30 Cents for HARPER'S. MOORE’S, 305 ABCS St ja24-3i* TiRAITHWAITR’S RETROSPECT OP PRACTICAL MEDICINE AND SUBGBBY. Part 50, for January, 1865, NOW READY. Pries, $1.50 per number, or $2 50 per annum, if paid for in adranc *. ALSO, HAYS’ AMERICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL AND NEWS for January. Terms,s3tier annum, in advance. I MEDICAL AND SOIENTiFIC BOOKS • - NaVAL, MILITARY, and ARCHITECTURAL Works, on hand and for sale at low prices by LINDSAY & DLAKIBTON, Publishers and Booksellers, ja24 No. 85 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. XTEW CHROMOLITHOGRAPHS AND -*•* COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS.—Jnet imported, a new and well-selected assortment of CHROMOLITHO GRAPHS, after paintings by the most celebrated Eng lish artists. The collection is now very complete, and deserving the attention of all lovers of the fine arts. A email lot of PHOTOGRAPHS, from the most cele brated pictures by Mersonier, Merle, Lc-jeuae. B; id our, and other French, artists, exquisitely colored, after tbe original.paintings. These gems or art, reproducing perfectly tie originals, and colored with the greatest care and fidelity, must be «-en to be appreciated. , G. J. PRICE, Importer of English and French Books *ad Engravings, ja23»3fc 21 South BiXTH Street, above Chestnut. FIBHBR & BROTHERS’ VALEN TINES, 1865. We notify dealers that our popular $5, $lO, $l5, *2O VALENTINE LOTS are now ready at the manufactory BROTHER," jaTMtif* No. ISB Borth SIXTH, Street. WOOLEN SHIRTINGS - T * OI ntw and de.lrable itylea— Plain, Plaid, end Striped; . < Single and Double Widtb. CUB WEN STODDAKT * BRO., 430, 45a, and 454 North SECONO Street, , 'jeie-gt aboTe Willow. jal4-stuth6t T7LOCCTION TAUGHT AHD BTAM ALI mEEING CUBED -PHILIP LAWRENCE, Pro fessor of Elocution, Stol9 LOCOST Street. From the Sight Rev. Bishop Potter: Mr. Lawrence’s system seams to me fees from some grit vous faults which have marked the teaching of many elocutionist*, and to have some excellencies .of a high order. As a worthy and laborious man*. 1 curd'aily wish Mm success. tjß&-3t*3 ALONZO POTTER. ■ENERGY VERSUS CAPITAL!—THE J-i Proprietor of the ” Caßfomia_Wine Agency, ’* having succeeded In establishing the Tradtriu Philadel phia, sow finds himself. in the midst of a demand beyond his financial ability to snooty. He therefore feels disposed to treat with great liberality arty honora ble pany who will invest from SX-0 to $5.000, The busi ness is strictly cash, andean beimmediatelyjextended. Call at or address CALIFORNIA WISE AGENCY, 43 South FIFTH Street, above Chestnut., It* INSURANCE. SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE So. o*l CHESTROT STREET. Fnblifhed la Mnroraoltr with the Charter. RECEIPTS FOE THE TEAR EHC _„I»G DECEMBER 31,1864. Lite premiums toj term of life.... $192, Ml 49 Ltoltenpxemltune for ehott terms %¥> si latexe&t oninvestments. 334.146 60 *331.799 71 Scrip dividends received from policies purchased aad cancelled 4,-SKJ 03 w>Bßts A ASS‘sypßiiBM"iVf: ® mo93 71 mm THE SAME FEBIOjD. Thirty losses, amoitntijjgfJto.*... $72,600 09 Expenses, salaries, advertlalag, stamps, medical examinations, ............... O9 Beat and taxes—City, State, and National—, 6,042 Of Cotnmißsioa to agents, advertis ing. taxes, licences, 4tc...... EISBUKSEMEBM Premiums returned and policies purchased 7,002 9? Interest, dividend-....^,,4^,.... 27 80 United States Sanitary and CJaris tian ConuaiMioaSi 1,850 00 8,970 63 220,306 71 BurpJna.......' .. . Accumulated capital, December SI,IBBS~, 1,221,288 81 Deduct scrip of I£so to 1859, re celYsd .... ....... 66,080 00 . , , . _ . ' 1,158,229 81 Accumulated capital, December 81. 188 J £1,375.133 33 ASSETS OF THE COMPAKT XURI.K POH DOSSES. $lOO,OOO CO 0. S. 5 per cent, trsnsfarmble loan. 1871.. ». $100,212 09 160, QCOj 00 P. 8. 5-20 6 per cent. loan .. 3, ..... „. „ 150,C00 00 75,000 OOP. B. 6 per cent , transferable loan, 1881. 70,967 50 46.CC0 00 P, 8. Certificate# of lndebtedness...... 43,230 58 39 Pennsylvania 6 per cent, taxed, loan.. 81.842 89 20,000 00 Pennsylvania 5 par cent.coupnzis.*.#. 18,536 03 88,100 <X> Philadelphia 6 plr cant. Joan. free - 81,481 26 13,800 00 Philadelphia 6 per cent. loan, taxed . 11,037 76 10,000 00 Pittsburg 6 per cent. * - bonds. .c v, 8,8X5 00 28,000 00 Allegheny 6 per cent. b0nd5.............. 19,895 08 12,C00 09 Allegheny 6 per cen t. compromise bonds. 9,000 00 10,000 00 Washington county 6 per cent, bonds.. 7,525 C 0 21,000 00 Pennsylvania B, E. Ist mortgage 6 per cent, b0nd5...29,990 88 13,000 CO Pennsylvania E. R. . 24 mortgafe 6 per cent, bonds**•••«.• 9,795 28 . 10,000 00 Harrisburg Railroad 6Percent, bends.. 10,700 00 10,000 00 Louisville City 6 per . cent, b0nd5........ 7,14140 858 shares Pennsylvania Bail road Stock .................. ICO shares Lehigh Gcal and Jfavi gation Stock. Zl2 shares Girard Life Insurance, . Annuity, and Trust Com- pany 6,676 39 100 shaies Western Bank Stock 6,832 59 209 shares Commercial Bank Stock 11,035 » 76 shares North. America Bank Stock.- 10,168 06 100 shares Manufacturers *'*' and x Mechanics’ Bank Stock.... 2,784 09 SO shares Mechanics’ Bank of St Louis.... 4,950 59 250 shares Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Compa ny Stock 6,259 00 50 shares Girard Bank Stock... 2,000 09 36 shares Farmers 1 and Mecha nics’ Bank 5t0ck.*~~..... 1,820 09 425 shares Gem Exchange Bank Stock 21,250 00 1729,065 56 Bonds and Mortgages, all first liens..♦ 818,9 s ® 22 Ground fients...... 11,955 00 Beal Estate held by the Company...... «... 34,529 19 Premium JSdtes secured by P01icie5........ 98,806 62 l oans on Collaterals... 10,283 61 Balances in hands of Agentsls,B7s 06 Quarterly Payments due C0mp5aiy......... 11,867 30 ScripilvidendßpiLrcliaged. 72,931 92 Cash on hand and je 8ank................. 28,185 19 Deposit In U. S. Sub treasury Office Furniture.... Life Interest and Annuity................... Interest on Stocks and Loans to Decorator 31*18(4.... 20,714 81 Market yalue, $1,485,685 32. Cost. $1,376,435 32 At an Election, held at the Office of the Company, on Monday, 2d instant, the following-named gentlemen wereunanimously chosen Trusteesfor three years: Samuel C Huey. Thomas W- Davis, Theophiltts Paulding, Joseph M. P. Price. Edmond A. Bonder. Samuel A- Bispham, Samuel E. Stokes, Bllision. Perot. Henry C. Townsend, At a meeting of the Board of Trustees, held on the 10th instant, the Allowing officers were unanimously elected: JAMES TBAQUAIB-. President, SAMUEL E STOKES, Yice President. JOHN W. HOBNOB A T- P. and Actuary. HORATIO S STEPHENS. Secretary. The Board declared a Return Premium Dividend in Scrip of FIFTY PER CENT, upon the Premiums paid in 1&64 on all Pclicies in foree December 3L 1864, and decided to receive the Certificates of the Extra Scrip Dividend of September, 1859, in settlement of Premiums, on and after the 20th instant, and to credit those in debted for Premium Notes or Loans on Policies with the amount of said Scrip on their Notes or Loans on that date, BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Jtoaoipnuif Kentr 1 Joseph H. Trotter, Bill's 8. Archer, a, Y,» William H. Kern, B&xxmel J. Christian;' * Jameo-JBaston. . . Jamts O. PeaseV *®irardM: ifiedlw, ~ Warner M. Basin, Samuel C. Huey, Pierre V. Duflcn, N, Y , Theophllus Paulding, Samuel Williams, Edmund A. Bonder, Frederic A. Hoyt, Samuel S Stokes, C. J.. Hoffman, Hfenry G. Townsend, John G. Brenner, Thorn aB W Davis, Benjamin Qoates, Joseph 5L P. Price, Richard S. Newborn. Samuel A Bispham, James B. McFarland. Eilifiton Perot. WilliamP. Hacker. MEDICAL EXAMINEES. XU TO* AMEBIC A T 9, riutiiLriu NEW PUBLICATIONS. PITCHER’S, 808 CHBSTgPT Street. By J. T. Thcwbkidbb. ja‘l4-7t RETAIL 081 BOOBS. QOABLET CLOTHS, For Skating Dresses, Seduced to $2 ftf) per OURWEtr BTOUDAST & 880., 450. 4ItDS, and 454 North SECOND Street. {"**4 g» abovs WIUbW. JE OUCATION AL. OLD APPLK WHISKY. ID iarrel, ISKY . E y. MIDDLETON. 5 Cfoith FttO.NT Street. For sale by ja24-Bt* PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS CAN BE A bad a*l fettles. in great variety, at B, F BBI WER’rt, 634; ABGH street Go when you desire th.em, ard select from Ms splendid assortment, It* PARTES BE YISITE.—HAVE YOURS V/ made b? B. F. BETM£Jt, SBC*" I SB Street, aVive Green. Be has a way of taklog them soansoessfolly they alway* pleasa. Go early * ears ahfrri. It* tSBOVELB AND SPADES. i-SOOdo* at redneed ptlcw, aiUBO HAIFMAH’S fcHOVBIj FaCTORY. north went, Corner QOAKBY ftjd BREAD Street., betweeu and Eaoo asd Seenad and Third meets. j&B3-»wtio.* WANTED— IN A WHOLESALE GBOCBBY HOUSE. a YOUNG MAS aa ABSIS BOOKKBBPEB, mint baa good panman, quick at !sai«i, and wit* undoubted reference. Salary #* per week. Address in own haadwtittag “Box 9.17” Philadelphia I», 0. ja243t* WANTED—A SITUATION AS * * HOUSEKEEPER for a Gentleman by a raspacta- Wh AttMioan Lady. “M. S:.” Ho. 38 North SIX TEENTH Street. jaW-2t* WANTED—BT A NOTION HOUSE, ' ' two experienced Salesmen, who can InSuance a near thirty days' country trade ,- also travel and Hall ton mjiH. To cpmpeteat persons a good poelttoa willbe given. Andress Ml Philadelphia P. O. jail-:!.* WANTED—BY A COMPETENT * * Bookkeeper, d Situation as such, or Assistant. Best of reforcnce Riven as to competence and moral worth,' Address “Thorough," Press office, immedi ately. jaSI-St* WANTED—IN A CONVEYANCEB’B ** OHce, an intelligent, honest and lndfflfeous •>«/, not less than fourteen years of sgs. Hpaross H., ©Bice of Tke Pre&s, in bd pHcaiit. j a 2- 6t* WANTED—BY A TOUNG MAN * * from the conutry Cat present a student ofthe rQtm her Citv Business Collage), a Situation as ASSISTANT BOOK-KEEPER or ENTRY CLERK in a Commission or Jebb,rig House. Address “Dayton.” Pres* office. ja23-3t* Wanted—A boy, inadry goods * » Commission House. Address “T. 11. Y.,” Office ™«. ■ As*f- ■ jagi-St* WANTED—A PAUPER, WHO CAN ' * furnish from live to ten thousand dollars capital, in an Iron Manufacturing bnsiness. Address “B. & C 0.," Box 80. 812. Phil;da. Post Oflcp. jaltetnth 6t« WAM ED—A SITUATION ®Y AN J- ’ BOOKEESPER, a thorough bnsluess wan. .address "Union,” Press Offlos. Beat cityre foresee fnmiabed. ja23«it» 15,312 78 —: 108,917 48 "WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS BALES r\L having a 'Western and near trade, for a Jobbing Hat House. Address BAts, Xgdgtgr office. j&2l-gfc* 238,170 23 WAKTBD-A LARGE AND COMJ&O -4.7 \ dions ROOM, on the first or second floor, suita ble for a public office, and situated between Market and Pine, azd and FlftK Apply at JfAVY AGBCf- OY, No, IX4: South 25JEUBD Street. jalS-tf WANTED TO RENT, IN A CEN tral locality, on the first floor, part of an Office fog Peek room. Address P, ** Box 2212, P. O. jag- tf_. WAKTBD, AGENTS. —AGENTS IN < * cYerr aionttr, expenses paid, to introduce fifteen new and useful articles, the best sell ing ever offered. For pan!cedars, address OTIS T. qABEY/BXDPBFORP, MAINS. 0526-d&W3ra A GENTS WANTEDFORTHE NURSE **• AND SFY, the most interesting and exciting book ever published, embr&Hng the adventures of a woman in the Union Arm; as Nurse, Seoat, and Buy. riving a most vivid inner_picture»>f the war. JONBSBEOi. A CO., CCO CHBSTfIOT bfc., Philadelphia, Pa. ja24‘lni&W4t* A GAS ENGINEER OF THEOEETI caI and practical skill, having been many years engaged In the planing, constructing, and managing of Gas ‘Work*, desires a situation. Ftf*t-cia*B reFereoce furnished'Address “Oscar Bunsen,’’this office j&24>2t* T OCAIi AGENTS.—WANTED IMME **-• diatelr, Local Agent* fnrthe sale of FRUIT TREES. Address BINGBB, CONARD, & GO., Nurserymen, WEST GROTS, Pa. jal3-lii* f)IL! OIL! OIL !—GROUND-FLOOR '-' opportunity for one more party to join a relia ble Company. Very little money required. AddrcM, with real name, “Coal," Box 2560, P. 0., Philadelphia. li,* * A MONTH—WANTED— *IPAGENTS everywhere to introduce- the new SHAW & 01-ABK SIXTEEN DOLLAR YAMILYSBW ING-MACHIBB, the onto low price Machine lu the c .?55)?Y. w1 3i 03118 Mpen«e« by Grover * Baker, Wheeler a wtlecn, Howe, Singer & Co., and Baehelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed. All other machines now sold for lees than forty dollars each arc infringements, and the sellar and user liable. Illus trated circulars sent/re*. Address SHAW St CLABX, nol7-d&wBm _J*IDDBFOjftD, Main*. 39,342 77 ® WANTED TO BUY OR RENT— A DWELLING HGUSB, with modern improve ments; to be located beiween Archnnd Locust, east of Seventeenth street. Price not to exceed $ll,OOO. Ad dress P. Q. Box 2021. ja24 2fc* m WANTED TO RENT-INMARCH, NUeby a reliable tenant, a good, modern built House, containing 10 or 12 rooms; within six fqutres of Tht*-- iteentn and Market. Address "A.,” 804 N. TE3TH Street * ja24 3s* M WANTED—A STORE ON MAR KET Street, between Third and Sixsh streets, now or on July Ist next. A LIBERAL BONUS PAID. Address Box 2602, Post Office. ' ja23-3i* M WANTED TO RENT—BY A GOOD tenant, about April Ist, a first- clsbb DWEILIKG, weetof Broad and aonih of Market Streets. Rent no object if favorably located. Address Box 3343 Fhii&del- jalB-Uh* ASSISTANT QUARTEBMAa ffHffFTBB’B OPFICB.Ho. »7* South THIED St.. _ i PHII.AOMI.rHIA. Be. 24, 1?64. VeMtis wmsted to l«»d with coal foT Hewbern, M. C., tud Key Went, Pis. Despatch giyen „ JOHN B. JENHTHBS, dcgS-tf Captain and A. Q. M. 20,000 00 2,452 23 545 95 MFOR BALE-NO. 1609 WALNUT STBEET—Splendid Four-story Brown-stone front DWBLMHG, now vacant: Lot, 20 by 12S to a street. Price, $27,500. Can have a Stablo very near bv. ja24-inwthß4Hf MILLER, 154 North SIXTH Street M FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR other property, new FACTORY, well-built* TWEbTYaFiRST Street north of Ridge avenue; left 64 by ICO feet deep on Habbs street to a three- feet alley; Factory 64 feet equare. Immediate possession. MILLER. tuwthe 4tif 154 North SIXTH Street' Msso BONUS WILLBE PAID FOR a convenient DWELLING, at $460 to $630 rent. Central or within ten squares of Chestnut and Twelfth streets; for a family of three persons. Address **A. D.,l* Post Office,Box7Bs2. ja.2l.3fc m fob- bust. 819,, 81934. and 831, FILBBET Street, with stable on the rear, covering a “•*’ WUt - tW ° Trustees of the Estate of Wm. Logan, No. 16 Bank 8t YO LET—From the Ist of Apru next the property. Street, belostisg to the same estate. ja£M2t Mfor bale—four desirable MODERN DWELLINGS, three situate on SIXTH, above PARRISH, and the other on MARSHALL Street; ditto ly in the rear. All in good reptir, with modern Improvements Prices rtnglng irom Five to Nine Thousand Dollars. Inquire at 104 North SIXTH Street • ja2l 31* pi valuablmilll property, gm JHaKEMDESOIS. AND 10 ACRES OF LAND FOB-S 5 SALE, IN BUCKS COOTSTY, PENNA. . This property iso situated on Knowles’ Creek, at Its junction with the Delaware River near Brownshnrg, three miles from New Hope, Mid ten miles above Tren ton, ft. J. The mills consist of a two-aud-a- half-story Stone Grit i» mill, with two no of French Boer Stones, all la complete order? Saw-mill and Piaster- mill ai jolhin*v€ach capable of doing a large amount of boat* nfs». The dwelling is a now two story Frame Cottage House, with four zooms cn the first floor, five on the f ecord, asd'fonr on the third, well arranged, and well built; a Barn, Carriage-home and other bandings; eight or ten acres of easily cultivated and productive laud, well fenced, and planted with fruit and orua meutatieeß. The above described property is one of the handsome snots on the Delaware Kiyer where any one might spend their time pleasantly and profitably. - Tia convenient to school, store, end post office, and churches of different denominations, and will b** eold cheap Apply to B J SMITH & CO., ja23- if BeaMSstate Agent*, NEWTOWN, Fenna. SB. J. SMITH & CO., REAL A ESTATE AGENTS. Newton, Bachs county, HI Pa. .offer for sale in Bucks county and vicinity; over SO FARMS of from 10 to 200 acres; most of them are highly improved and remunerative fame, with frmt, water, good boiloings, and well located The early attention of buyers is directed to them. Letters of in quiry answered. ' ja24«tf SR FOB SALE—AN ELEGANT^ *Cooßtry Seal, with about 200acre* of Land, in -a- Bucks county. Pa Price, *60.C00. For particulars, applyto wa. ROSSELL ALLBN, S. B. corner FOURTH and WALNUT. jail-lit* m FOR SALE-SEVEN ACRES OF -*-LABD,comer of OLD YORK Bold and WARDEN’S i-are-vAppiy to WM. JROSSBLL ALLBN, ja2l-3i* S. E. corner PoURTH and WALNUT. A GRICULTURAL LAND SCRIP.—24 AGRICULTURAL LAND SCRIP. 160 acrei each, foreslelow by the MARQUETTE MININS CO., No. 319 WALNUT Street, Socund Story. _ _ DAVID b. HEYL, Secretary Philadelphia, Jan. 23,1865. ja2t 6t WO TEACHERS.—A. COMPLETE SET of FBTTON’S OUTLINE MAPS, in perfect order, for sale cheap Apply at jafe-at* ao3* BRANDYWINE Street. TO PHOTOGRAPHERS.—FOR SALE: -*■ st a sacrifice, a PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY on ARCH Street, splendid location* now doing a good* business. Reason given for telling. Addres ‘‘Box 8658,” Philadelphia!*. O. ja2s-3fc 20,000 AORBS of COAL LAN I> S The undersigned, by virtue of deed of trust, are au thored to sell at private sale about TWENTY THOU SAND ACRES OF coal LANDS, known as the« ‘ Hud son Coal Banks,” situated in Pnlas&l, Wayne, and Wliitley Counties, and upon THE CVBKBEBLAin) BIKER, Many of these lands are below the obstructions to the navigation of the Cumherlaid River, and have been successfully mined, and the Coal shipped, to Nashville and other markets on the Lower Cumberland and Ohio Rivers. ' - The strata worked are four feet and six inches, of superior Bituminous Coal, which abouudln inexhausti ble quantities. Persons wishing to make investments in tb&t region of rich and Inexhaustible mineral wealth, of Iron, Coal, and Oil, are requested to inspect far them selves, Propositions for sale will be entertained until 10th May, 1865. Any information in regard to these lands may be had by inquiries of the undersigned, at SOMERSET, Pulaski County, Ky.; or by application to E. L. VAN WINKLE, Secretary of the State of Ken* tueky, FRANKFORT, Ky. W. WOODCOCK,) „ , j Tnutew, W. M. NEWELL,) jalD-et ■ * TTOR SALE—A FEW CORPORATORS’ interest., $5,000 each, in a pioj noted Oil Company, owning properties which ate immediaSlyvery remu nerative. . , Apply ie LBDYABD. A BARLOW, ja2>-3t. 4»& CHESTNUT Street f)IL LANDS. ” NEAR 900 ACRES IN A BODY On a celebrated creek IN VENANGO COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA. . PRICE. St«JOO<K>. BAYMES & THOMAS. R*>al Rotate and- Stock Brokers, No. 50 North FIFTH Sweet, Pfaila. jaai-gt rm, LANDS FOB SALE—I2S ACRBS (more or less) on the ALLEGHENY River, direct ly opposite Tideout* and adjoining the prooerty of the EcourmUee, whosezeur wells have been producing 690 barrels per week for the last four years. The land is well adapted for the boring of wells, It having ularge river frontage. Apply immediately for teriDß to 809 and BIA CBEBTNOT Street. jaSl-6t G, j. HENKRLS, Trustee. *QIL TERRITORY FOR SALE, IN VENANGO COUNTY. PA.. ' Pazt ou - Two-mlle Run, fi oorehead Ron, Fithole Creek, „ Bullion Rue, and Big Scrub Grass. Applyto BaYLTS & THOMAS. No. GO North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, January 19,1585, ClalO 6k] Up tflalxs. TO LET—FOR SALESROOMS^OR lltfct manufacturing purposes, the upper utorte* oi building northwest corner of EIGHTH axJ MkRERT Apply in tho store, jatß. if f VFBITTEH AND VERBAL BE* SCRIPTIOftS of Character, Constitution, and Ta* lent, with ADVICE on Business, Health, Educa tion, Bt-lf* Improvements., Management aud Trott ing of CBILDIfcBN, social adaptation. &fi , da? and evening, by JOHN L OAPSN. Phrenologist and Bookseller, oeU-tatUslyU; No. S 8 «■ TOOTS 81 i stwvs Oiicatcat. WANTS. FOR SALE AIVD TO LET. FOR SALE. IN THE STATE OF,KENTUCKY, AOTTSEMiamL AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MU»£O. TESTIMONIAL B-NBKT To tho YotMBB Ador CHgKLES 8. POBTBB, „. ON YRIDaY AETBENOON, Jan. 2Kb, ISUi The following Artiste will positively appear* MSS*OAROLfNB RICHOTOS. KATB DBNIN BYAN. gf-wte. fffe, ~ Fr “ klW - Acclutcd by tbe whole of THB ABCH STBBBT THEATBB COMPANY (By bind parmtssiou of Mm. Draw) * THB WaT.SUT-SrBBBT TBBATRI COdPANY o- n .yS. l S£ifiS’fJig^ r mSs- o Jett on h r> THB CHUSTHPT SPBEBT THEATRE CJ JH-ANY (By bind permi.Biou of W. B. Sion, K-u > OABNCKOSS * DIXIB’B PHT-L BAND, la white „ TBB HBBAT OBGHBSTBA “*■ will ccamctofthe (nil bands cf tbs Arcb-stres- T nndcrthedlcectlohofC.E. Dodwortb, Bsq s'.h.Chosr Dnt-stieat Theatre, aadcr tbe directloa of Ad >iph Kiii teld. Beg ; the Walout-street Theatre, andor tho dlrac tioc of Dr. Coanlcgton. Stage Sattagej-B L. TILTON. Promptet—P. O. SAVAGE. apil particulars in fnturo anuouncemeats. Door* opea at 1 o’clock; performaacu comm ,uc.f at« precisely " W cents, reserved scats ®I, to be bad *t the office or Thu Pmoramme.llSh Sentb FOtTBTH Street Mssers. DONNELLY, HELLIBR, and PB Committee. jaS-2t WEW CHESTNUT ST. THEATRE. CHESTNUT BTBBET, ABOVE TWSLtTIL TUKSDAY EVE Visa. Jan. 24, LAST WEEK I’OSlflVßiiY OF TBHB EMINENT AMEKKAN TRAOIDIAN. JUNIUS BRUTUS BOOTH, JUNIUS BRUTUS BOOTH, , JUNIUS BEUTUS BOOTH, wbo Will aimesr tbis' eveninz la Schiller’s thHUlne Tragedy, in five act*. caOed r THB BOBBERS. CHAS. DK M00E........... JUNIUS BRUTUS BOOTH; To conclude with the interesting Drama, LUKB THB LIBOBEB WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY APTBKNOOHA . GRAND PAM FLY MATIHBBS, when beauty AND THE BEAST will be performed. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. f ’ - cos-msded arcoßsS” WiUb™o I dnS ee4ay>KVKMIKO, Jan - ' M ' »A»£Off AITD PTPHrAS. c « e oi;iawV t u'--;:; wJLiKigfc -*«•» x Mr. K. L. PavfrapwL Pg(fah»mu »••■•< MRB. JOHN DREW’S NEW ABVM '■***• BTRKBT THEATER EIBST -WESK ef Sir. IV P. B4EKBTT. TO-HIQHT. and EVBET jfrraHT. Tfie dramatization, of Terrtyrou's Poem of ENOCH AKOB2T. •*UKDEK THE PALM.” _ Entitled Enncb Arden r."V7~~..' ’ jv p- B tetnM n<r’ 4Y. BENEFIT OP I, P. BAEItSCT. j-Hlt TUTOBICAI* FUND HALL.—I. L. Rroa rospscifnlly inrorme his friends and the public in general shot he still give a K „_vpc»l, ABh IKSTBtrytBRTAT, CONCERT OH TBUBSpAY RYKNIKG, Jan nary 2Gte isagi assisted by the following prominent artist* tit HEHarern? bsbbsss: uf t- in* ?Svli»Sslnfl;.¥£„i„ B £ SBgNB!IKGKS *ft«feM« iD&URD WOLSIKFrER, Conductor Ticbeto.Ki cents. To be had at the Music Stores oC J E. Grald, corner Seventh end Chestnnt street*. Gh Andre & Co. ,1 KU Chestnut street, LouU Meyer. 13S CJn.i-tnnt Street, corner ol Juniper, and In the Bveniuc at the door. Doors open at Yo'ciock. Concert to o-.m. mence at 8. js2l-3t” THE GREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS, WAlsrtJT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH Bouestiian Bheotmr .1 Mr. F. ff. BOSSTOIT, of theCi«le........Mr. FBAHK WHITTaKbST Mr. to?»tomp orator and er, and the ceUbrated RJVBBS FAMILY, have bij* engaged, and will arpjer during this wee*. and RuBOLFB. THE SAGBIHBE FAMILY M!1l EOPHT, Mile. BLISS, the heanttfnl and graMfii e*n^ r.^b t ?£^'G S^.u RFnr ‘ TKAIHED BOGS OF PROF. HUTCH IBbOH. There are no* no lees than five first, elate Clowne aitbe great eomhlnaHon of the National wit v «*"*»-Sara Latin!.. S' J*[.®one, J - H - Marrß F« bee Powell, and J. £ BntCDJDfiOH T?MT L T„ B T t l T ,poV?;^ lle ’TNFORTUHATE TATLOEM week *° KB ' 4 ® Fo - K ®’ wll * be the afterpiece noy ABEUJSIT <!9k tte ***** place 01 ‘be BBIGAKB3 0F ADiflSSlOH—First tier, Sweats: second tier. Sficents- Private how, *3and*«. ee to sire and location. Par form&hce commences 7.40. _?t r l'SSijy"s oteVy WEDHESDAY and SATHRe BAT AFTSBEOOH, commencing at ’Hi o’clock. jaMfit XTASSLER’S ' ORCHESTKI ABB MILITARY Blßlli Office. Ho. 81*Sonth EIGHTH Straet jagi lm* * “T)RUNK ON COLD WATER."— Tie Humoroee Lecturer and Original legist, Br. B. BBOWH WILLIAMS,VIf glve fl™'X bis v e an< * Aanudnsr Lectures at AfesißHß!*Y commencing BVEXI!fQ,Jai£ 23» I£&>. He performs with gentlemen from the attdl* *nce,aj3d. tnr mjetemma inHnene?, causes them tm LaagiySing, Dance, hold conversations with, friend s*f a dittauee, to court and kws. and become drank on coli £,«if! ™ e T> S Ji^ Pai33 Prodnced and cared* «?SSf i s S l^^Pfe loBlcal i y UlPstrared “with plenty or light,’’astonißiicg and amusing tie firmsgfc be* lleTer, ".wo Hours of Ha znless Alirih. »* Ro Z&** tureen Wednesday Rfpht. Tickets, £Q cents: a4tntt ting a gentleman and lady* 60 cents. Open at Xto 7 Lecture at 7 %. jail. * C KATIN G! SKATING 1 SKATING W grshd musical torchlight psocessioit-' IHn lß^adlH*. tie BASS DRUM, which will aUo be on SKATED, will take place TOMORROW (Wednesdav) EVkVihg: SKATtKG PABKSC FOUETH and BIAMOHIJ Streets The above ProcMi eienwlUforiD a Gracd,Ncvel,and Imposing Scene.mem- P^lhllMk BWWiV srfw#Hl ““to™ On all fntnre extra occasions there will he twtFon trance doors and one exit door, if necessary, to sc com ffioilato those who may he kind enongh to honor ua with their presence. Extra Platfortss, with manv other preparations, are under way. The above Grand and. Hovel Procession has to bo witnessed to b- appreciated. Price of Admission, Tw«nty fivo Cents. Ho Pair Tickets sold. - ja24 sb* CIGNOR BLITZ WILL SHORTLY k-? CLOSE, ASSEMBLY BCILBIHGS. Great demonstrations in BECBOMANCY s SPISITOAIW ISM ILLUSTBATBD, and the WOHDERB OF VfflC TRILOQTIIBM IBTRODDPBO. —Grand fiotertainmen t EVERT EVEHIHG, coismensinß S® WEDNESDAY ana siroT»2i at 3. Com prising the mysteries of «**■ Past snd Present Age. **■* Admission, SE cent*. Children, 1* cents. Bourn* geats, 60 cents jff* A SSEMBLY BUILDING. MATINEE' MUSICALS By the Pbiiadelrihla CLASSICAL QUINTETTE CLUB! EVEBY WEDNESDAY, at 3 P M * Tickets at the Door, Fifty Cents each. ft fJEBMANIA OROHB BTRA.—PUBLIC £fei A ul£i! ®££* eento S Six Tiehets, $1; to ho had at Qonid’a, Andre’*, and Mayer a Mngic Stores, and at the Hail. aol-tf HPHE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. . CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, la OPEN DAILY for visitors, from 9A. M. to 6P. M. je3K PERSONAL. PATE3STS PROCURE D—UNITED’ ■ ani Bnropeaa. BDWAHD BEOWjf, j»24lm* 3XI Walnut Street. BOABPWfe A LARGE FOURTH-STORY ROOHL! with Board, at 13X3 MWLKUT Street. COPARTNERSHIPS. TVJOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN^THAT , the Copattoerahip heratoforo existing hetwee* CHSS. L. OBUM and ALEXANDER M. THOMPSON, train nit as CHAS. L. OECM A Co., ia this day diasolveA hy muinai consent. _ All busts ess of the Bna wfll be settled by ALE-X AN. Di-K X’ t nrbo 'will contione the bosinesw at No. X 46 North FOURTH Street. CHAS. L. ORUM. ALEX. M. THOMPSON. PHn.AHEi.rHTA. Jan. 2?, 1865. ja24-Bt* (■''©PARTNERSHIP. —THE SXJBSCRI- BES6 having purchafed the «old Chain Sfakinc Establishment of STACY B. OPBYSfi, he u tois day' admitted to a partnership in our. firm, and will give hur peisocal Bap rvieion to this department The maanfac tnre of Go s d Chain, Thimble#, and Fine. Jewelry wiUL be continued undanthe firm of „ w „ oto. W. SIMOKS, BEO., & CO. Geoegb w. Simons, Peter B. Simons, Stacy B. I'pjjyke. Thomas Maddock, Jb. Philadelphia, Jan. 33,1565, FANCY FURS. RADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN E’AjaESO&A, Ho. TU AKOB Str«S, .twy. Sofeoti Btmat, At M» 014 astablu&ed storo. IMPORTER, MANUFAC TURER, AND-' DIALER IN FANCY FURS IjAUIKS AICD CHUOJHEIf. HaYins nowln tto» a rery larro indbsanUfal tuwnW ment tha dlfaryct Bind, sad nnaijtlß* o* WJISGW* FURS FOB LADIES' AH» CHILbBEIPS WEAB, X. •olicit * *aU hom tho»o Is want. . Beniembarth. nsme and lumber, -■ JOHK lABEIBA, . ns ABOH Street, abore Seventh. I bars no nrtner or eonneeHon with any out*’ stmt in this oitr. •Habnff. fUANCLIL WHEREAS. THE AUDITOR GENE* T? BAX, as required by the eleventh section of thft, act entitled * *An act enablingthe banks of this Cons* znenwealth to become associations for the purpose off butbiiHr under the laws of tbe United States, ’ * p&sae£ t the 22d day of august, a.-IX. 1864, tias certified to me that. tbe, *' Commonwealth. Bank” of tbe city of Philadelphia has furnished satisfactory evidence to Mm that all tint requirements of said act have been complied withbjr e&id bank, and that it bas become an association for thm gurpose of banking under tbe laws of tbe Unitefc I do therefore cause this notice thereof to be published, in accordance with tbe provisions of the said elevenik station of tbe said act, *nd do declare ihai'the charter off 1 said bank by tbe terms of said set la deemed and takas to be hereupon surrendered, subject to theprovisions off' the first section of said act. ...... i JL G. CDBTEBT. Executcvb Champ sit, January, 9,186fc. jal4-18t AIL STOCKS, U. S. LOANS, &C., v/ bouqht a*i> sold Oir COMMISSION, Br fIBOBSS J. BOYD. Broker, So. IS Bonth THIRD Stmt. JJEMOmL. ZIEGJLoEK Se, SMITH, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS^ AS» KAKTOACrraEBS OS WHHE UGAD, 2INO, OOI.OBS, POTTY, h*i HAVE REMOVED TO So. 131 North Third Streep Where m offer to the trade s choice a*fcle *2JESSSSS BKI-OSAHDCBBHICALB. abea-yetockrifWltfOOW OX. ASS. OILS Ac. Aleo- WHITS LB AD. ZUKfc COLOBS. PR rift, aadWEBEL OKBaSB. ftomonr ow* BACTOBY. Ml and MS St. John etraot. j«33-lm« J m HOLMES GROVER. KMAMELKEI) SLAT* MASTS! WARIBOOMB* TABLE TOPS, <fco„, &0.. Ho. 933 Chestnut Street^ s. de9-3m PHTr.A-n-ET.ron FAtrroKV, TKSDTH AHT> BAUSON. A DMIBABLE STYLIS PORTRAITS— -tA h i’ bTBIMBR’S erurerlj Pbotosrtpba !■ oil color*, fkllfaliy esr,cated and trnlb'n'tv coland bs MtUtß at im» ability. Q«aarl}, 6$A ARCS St W-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers