fO&BHMt NOTES. —The getters-op of tea rebel loan now meditate a fresh OSS, mentioned at £8,060,000, the Inducements bald oat being very tempting, tbe security, or bourse, cotton, said to be safely stored at a definite and accessible place, This time Erlanger, who has heretofore been the engineer, Is to be lett out la the cold, Messrs. Hotte and Williams undertaking the business themselves. The ant of those is the editor of The Index, the London rebel organ, a ole verly conducted paper, sustained South ern money, and curiously well.adapted to English tastes in its abstinence from anything calculated to offerd John Boll’s self-love. Mr, Hotte is an Americanised Swiss, of Southern antecedents, who visited Europe in ISST as an altachi to (Jen. Thayer, of Alabama, when United States Minister to Brus sels. As tbe law of our oountry prohibits any suoh office, ho remained but a short time, travelled, re turned to America, and ultimately turned up In his present capacity, it has been questioned whether he over was really naturalised as an Ame rican oil Ison. His coadjutor In the new enterprise, Williams, Is the ex-Dnlted States Minister to Con stantinople. under Buchanan, in all probability, the loan wlft be temporarily postponed in the hope Of Some ray of rebel success. A Paris letter of December 30 says: It is hardly worth the while to attempt to reproduce In detail the comments of the French press on Mr. Lincoln’s message. As a matter of course, the U. S. A. organs think him to be In the wrong, aafi the Liberal press think him in the right. All parties are mainly agreed that this state paper, wise or unwise, is ia logical accord with the popular verdict pronounced at our last election, and that there is no middle ground between the position our Government now bolds and the surrender of its position as the Go vernment of the undefeated United States. A long article in the Canetituttimncl this mUning is per haps worth exceptional notloe—not lor its matter, which Is In no way novel, but for its grave, conside rate, perfectly reipeotful tooe to us. Tae Unian, organ of political and re'lglcus reaction, asserts that slavery and abolition have nothing to do with the war, and, furthermore, specially Insists that as abo lition of slavery is the proper office of Ohrlstiantty, and, as war Is not Christianity, If Christianity were only let alone long enough it would abolish slavery. A new Liberal dally newspaperluas been autho rised to appear In Paris. The editor-in-ohlaf, Iff. Peyrot, formerly managing editor of In P rente, Is a thorough gdng Ltberal, moderate. In force, but ab solute In Ideas. The American specialist in the edi torial staff Is M Jnef, a gentleman laminar of old with our country, people and language, and hono rably known by bis speeches and other service for the good cause In our late Presidential oanvaas. The oondsssion of privilege of starting a new dally paper toa dark, uncompromising, political, liberal, ana religious freethinker, as M. Peyrot has vigo rously proved himself by, past written works to oe, Is at first blush matter ot surprise. It is certain that hto first application was refused, and that he was also urged to renew It when he thought any chance of assent was impossible^ • Tbe well-writ’eo military articles In the London (Hobe are prepared by a Mr. George Hooper, author of the “Uampalgns of General Bonaparte la Italy,” and of a l< History of tbe Battle of Waterloo.” It Is said that he Is the beat military orttle in Europe, and Ills estimate of our generals may be accepted tbe more readily from the tact that he dees them justice in spite of the tory proclivities which he shares with the paper he wrl-es for. It is under stood that he contemplates writing a military his tory of the war. and that his privately expressed opinion la that if must result in the suppression of the rebellion. Increased activity !s manifested among the -bloekade-running business at present, no leas than five steamers having been recently launched in the Clyde for that purpose. Furthermore, the rebels are enlisting men add sending them, one by one, to the Bappahannoek, now used as a reoelving-ahfp and lying at Ualais.:- They despair of getting her ont. The iron ram originally built for the rebels at Glasgow, and sold to Denmark, has been resold, it is said qn good authority vto Spain. The’Danish Government has*, acted in perfeot faith to us iu this as in other matters. A little brochure has been published, edited by the adjunct librarian of the city o! Dijon. M. Mil sand. It is entitled Bibliographt den publications reUUlvee au lime de A). Benan, Bibliography of pub lioations provoked by Renan’s tumour Vie do Jems between July, 1803, and June, 1864. It gives a list Of 208 bocks, pamphlets, sermons, reviews, &c., for that first year. The list is not perfectly complete, and publications did not by any moans oeasa at the end of the first year. THJB CITY. The Then moiutitfr. JAN. 18, ISM. JAN. IS, 1665, 6 A M.,... 12 M. ....3 P M, 6 A. M.... 12M. .... JP. M. 36..«.... -41 43 15 m 23 WIND. >' WIND BSE-m AN8.... ~BNE -2TW liJNW.—.sraw MINCE UAStOCS. MAGNIFICENT PROVISION FOB THE ORPHAN CHILDREN OF SOLDIERS AND SAILORS; The donation of three thousand shares of stock In the Jersey Oil Well, by Dr. Albert (J.' Egbert, to Sirs. Rev. E. W. Butter, for the fonndlngofa Home for the orphan children of oar soldiers and sailors, proves to be of far greater value than the first notices had led the public to suppose. The Jersey OH Well is located on the eelebrated Egbert Farm, and the present market valne Is $2 per share, making the actual present value pf I)i. Egbert’s donation $B,OOO, with a large prospective increase. It yields, besides, a dividend of three per cent a month, equivalent to $1,260 per annum. Theatre ia hence a truly munificent one. iCb institution for the mainte nance and education of the orphan otitldran of sol diers and sailors Is about being established in niereer county, Fa.,~ with an endowment of $200,000, one half of which amount Dr. Egbert agrees to furnish alone. A similar Institution, on a large scale. Is in Sr ogress of being founded In this city, of which the onatlon of Dr. Egbert is the auspicious beginning. It Is In contemplation to purchase a farm In the vicinity of Philadelphia, and associate with It suitable schools, ex least $lOO,OOO ought, to be raised for this noble enterprise. Mrs. E IV. But ter, SOT New street, Is prepared to receive farther subscriptions, and appeals to the ” Oil and Coal Princes,” and moneyed men generally, throughout the state, to furnish the amount required without delay. The fathers having poured out their blood like wator in defence of our imperiled country, it behooves us to pour the “oil"of joy” Into the wounds of their suffering and dependent ofisprlng. NEAT DODGE OF A PRISONER. The excellent manner In which our Ooqnty Prison Is managed would seem to render the idea .of a prisoner escaping therefrom simply preposterous. Shch things, however, will occur, no matter how vigilant the officers of such institutions may bo. Rogues make it the great study of their lives to outwit officers, and sometimes succeed admirably, as the following case exhibits. The prison vans sometimes aonvey to the aonnty jail a half score or more of prisoners, and, after alighting from the vehicle, uieir names are enlled and appropriate quarters assigned them. Of course, the prison offieers cannot be expeoted to know all the parties sent to that institution. A fow days since a batch of prisoners entered the gate, among whom was a\countryman, who had seen the “ elephant ” by looking through the bottom of a tumbler, and a olty sharper, whose province it is to Insert his digits Into the p -okecs of other folks and extract therefrom any valuables they may oon tain. When the names of the parties were called, the, city sharper answered to teat of the country man, and wsb assigned to the Inebriates’ cell; while the countryman, who was still laboring under the effects of his utbauoh, was furnished with accommodations in the cell used for those charged with larceny. In the due coarse of time the sharper was taken &om the inebriates’cell and discharged, according to the rules of the Institution. A short time afterwards an alderman sent an offi cial document to the pTlfon demanding that the body ol the pickpocket be produced before him. The countryman, who was much surprised at finding himself in a cell, when he eame to his senses waß still more so when he was led forth as an expert pickpocket. Be stoutly denied the soft Impeach ment, however, and a more thorough examination revealed the fact that the elty sharper had flown, and, of oourse, the countryman was permitted to depart, we hope a better and wiser man. COLORED PEOPLE’S CONVENTION—EQUAL BIGHTS WITHOUT REGARD TO COLOR. A' meeting of the Executive Board of the Penn sylvania State Equal Rights League was held last evening, at their rooms, on Lombard street, Ylce President Dr, dames MoOrummill was called. to the chair. ' A report was presented from the •Committee on Call for a state Equal Rights. Con tention, from wbleh It appears sutraogemsnts have been made lor holding the Convention at Harrlßburg on Wednesday, the Bth day of February, 188 S. it was stated that delesates would be present from all parts of the state, that a committee had been ap pointed at Harrisburg to-make all the necessary arrangements for the reception and accommodation of the delegates and visitors during the sessions of the Convention, and that ample arrangements were made for the holding of the Convention, which was'expected to, be the largest ever held by them In’ this Stale. The general agent of the State League will leave In a few days for the purpose ol visiting and addressing the citterns of Lancaster, Columbia, Harrisburg, Altoona, Holli dsysburg, JBlairsvllle, Pittsburg, Brownsville, Uniontown. Oreensburg. Johnstown, Huntingdon, Danville, Williamsport, Plttston, Montrose, Scran ton, Wllkesbarre, Belvldere, Allentown, and Reading, upon the great- questions whioh will be presented for the consideration of £ha Convention. The" earnestness manifested by the colored people In all sections 01 our. coun try, since them great National Convention, hold at Syracuse, in October last, has awakened a corresponding interest among leading men in all sections of our oountry, span the subject of equal rights, without regard to oolor- The rapid strides made by public sentiment, and embodied; In the aotton of the late Constitutional Com ventions of Louisiana, Maryland, Tennessee, Missouri, and Kentucky; the celebrations of emancipation in Baltimore, Cooper Institute, New York, and at the headquarters of the supervisory Committee In this otty, apd-tbe great meeting advocating their right to equal oar privi leges, held at Concert'HaU, .on last Friday evening, all Indicate, with urnring certainty, that ere. long the freemen of Pennsylvania will be called upon to acknowledge their claim to equal rights at the ballot box, as they have already their manhood, loyalty, patriotism, and bravery, upon many, a well-fought and bloody field of strife, during the progress of this monstrous rebellion. “Let Justice-be done-to whom justtoe is due, though the heavens fall,” wilt ere long be the universal sentiment of the people of our State and nation. * Arsenal work. It seems that, under the present system of giving out army clothing by contract, the women who do that kind ol work are almost, deprived of .their livelihood. Their wages are reduced to the lowest possible limit, and they are obliged, lnotdcr to make a living at all, to do the work in a less oaraful Why than when they wrought directly for the O-overn dent. - it IS alloy ed by them that the work that con tractors send In is far inferior to the kind they were in the habit of doing.' The capes and overcoats are each about on inoft shorter than the arms standard. The pookets of the pants are also about an loch shorter. The buttons, festeadof being put on with the eagle up, as It should. be, are put on in any sort -of way, and sometimes not even on the place they should be. A meeting of the woolen who make up army clothing, popularly known as the ‘'arsenal work,” will be held at Jefferson Hall, Sixth and -Christian streets, this evening, to give expression In reference to the contract-system, and the conse quent withdrawal of the work from the direot su pervision of thq Government. This meeting will no doubt he an ln’erestlng one. The laborer Is worthy of.his hire, and it seems unjust that contrac tors should fatten, and that these worthy people should almost starve, INCREASE OP PEES. A bill M now before the Legislature authorising Sheriffs, prothonotaries of Common Pleas, clerks of Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions, registers, re corders, and district attorneys, to charge fifty per cent. Increase on eaoh item of fee, and releasing them item the payment of fifty per oent. of such fees to the Common weath, unless tuetr gross receipts exeeed *2,000 per annum. An Increase In the esta-' bushed lees is no doubt demanded at this time, when all-the neoesfarles of life are at least double the prices they commanded when the fees were fixed; but, it seems that the officers whose fees It Is proposed to increase are the ones who need It least. If aldermen, notaries pnblja, and attornies fees were Increased, the most pressing, demands would be met. The present attorney fee; as now fixed, is but 48. it might be increased to *lO, and it would be mote equitable, SEATING. The skating yesterday at all the parks was in . •excellent condition. At the. .Philadelphia Park, Thirty-first and Walnut,lt Is estimated that not less than four thousand' people were present. A fine band of music Is In atten, auoe in the afternoon and evening. Arrangements are being made to have the entire park brilliantly illuminated at night. There Is sufficient light for all skating purposes at the pre sent time, end’the park-18 open nil ten o'clock at night. A more brilliant lighting, It is thought, wIIT make everything more pleasant. LA COTERIE BLANCHE. The tickets for the fanoy dress sn b-arlptlon hop to take place at the Academy of Mir io on the Tth proximo are nearly all disposed «r. TheccwlU be so more tickets issued lor the ballroom floor than oan te comfortably accommodated with dancing room, . The andiosoo tickets &re In ration demtod* Each subscriber reoolvos, in addition to M$ own ticket, which admits himself and ladles to the ball room floor, two audienoo tlokots, which ho I* at liberty to dispose of. TESTIMONIAL TO A VETERAN ACTOR. Arrangements are nearly completed for tendering to Charles 8. Porter, the oldest actor and manager In the United States,, and who Is now quite 111, a testimonial benefit. The benefit will be given on Friday afternoon, 27th Inst.,'at the Academy of. Mnslo. It is expeoted that Mrs. John Drew, J. S. Clarke; Davenport, Wallaok, Frank Drew, and 'other talented artists will appear. Messrs. John T. Donnelly, Henry R. Helller. and A. D. Pennoyer have charge of the business arrangements. GAME LAWS. . Persona dealing in game should bear In mind that there is a penalty of,five dollars, half of which goss to the informer and the other half to the city of Philadelphia, Incurred by offering for sale within the limits of the olty of Philadelphia any quail, par triage, grouse, pheasants, or rabbits, between the fifth day of. January and twenty fifth day of Octo ber In any year,' nor any woodcock between, the fifth day of January, and twentieth day o( July. THE UNITED STATES CURRENCY. All treasury notes are receivable by postmasters for stamps and postages. If less than one twentieth part thereof he mifsing. Postage currency Is re ceivable by them If'less than one-tenth- be mlßslng. Mutilated postal currency should be returned, as occasion requires, to the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, in sums of not less than three dollars.' - . FIRE ON CHESTNUT STREET. Last evening a volume of flame was discovered Issuing from the chimney of the residence of ex- Mayor Richard Vaux. The firemen were speedily on the ground, but their services were not required.' Various surmises were indulged In as to the origin el the fire, bunt was supposed the ex-Mayor had beta engaged In destroying a number of copies of The. Press containing the doings of the Democratic Diriner recently held at Sanaom-street Hail. ATTEMPT TO MARE A SKATING POND. _ During Tuesday night a fire-plug on Spruce street, between Eighth and Ninth, was turned on, and the street, from Ninth to Seventh, was flooded with wator, and It was with difficulty that oars, wagons, or pedestrians could pass. It is supposed that this was a trick practiced by some hoys anxious to have stating near home. THE DRAFT IN CAMDEN. The Olty Councils of Camden have passed an ordinance assessing a capitation tax of from five to ten dollars on each male citizen from twenty to forty-five years of age, according to their ciroam stonces. By this and other appropriations they pro pose to raise the sum of, $70,000, which will be de voted to bounties in securing volunteers for Cam den olty; The exact quota forthe olty has not yet been ascertained. ' FATAL RESULT. ~ , James McLaughlin, who was run over by a freight train at Broad and Race streets, a fow days since, died yesterday morning, at the St.. Joseph's Hog pital The deceased was about thirty-five years of age, and resided at Eleventh and Cherry streets. FORT FISHER. A salute was fired yesterday afternoon, on a lot at Nineteenth and Wood streets, In honor of the osptore of Fort Fisher, by the Keystone Battery, under the direction of the Union League. HANDSOME PRESENT. A handsome photograph, finished in oil, of W. E. Sinn, Es'q., ; manager and lessee of the Chestnut street Theatre, has been finished for presentation to Mr, Sinn, by a number of his friends, as a token of their regard for him. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. A boy, muneS Jacob MoKoo, had his arm crushed yesterday,atwllde's woolen■ mill, Frankford; Be was taken td the Pennsylvania Hospital, where the Injured Umh.was amputated. (Before Mr. Alderman Beltler.l MORE ABOUT THE BOUNTY BUSINESS. Francis Peters, otherwise know* as “F/eneh Pete,” was arraigned at the Central station yes terday afternoon, on tho charge of enlisting- the husband of Catharine Sweeny, at Bridgeport, Con necticut: also, with feloniously-retaining bouhty money of said husband sent to the wife j also, with entleing said husband to desert, by Implication, having enlisted him under the fictitious or assumed name of John Mellor. The complainant jives on Front street, above Moore, in the First ward. The evidence unstained the charge as set forth above. The defendant said that he had enlisted the husband for one year, tho bounty being $OOO Of this money the husband al lowed him some for his trouble, kept soma for his own use, and sent *5O to oomplainant, whtoh de fendant gave her. The complainant said her hus band went as .a substitute, and was to get $l,lOO. On being questioned by the magistrate on this point, tho deiendant denied tho assertion, and said that he had enlisted hen husband as a volunteer. The ae -cused was committed in default of $2,000 to answer at court the violation of the law passed last August, that it shall not bo lawful for any person to receive any bonnty-money, with or without the eonsent of an enlisted person. The penalty is fine and im prisonment. (Before Hr. Alderman Welding, j A REMARKABLE DOG, A curious case was developed before Mr. Aider man Welding yesterday morning about a dog. It seems that Dr. John CL Keppara came to the city yesterday, having iqeharge a patient upon whom a surgical-operation was to te performed. The Dootor had a strange horse, and as he started down the Chestnut HITI turnpike he observed a strange dog following the wagon closely, at times under the wagon, and at other times just In the rear of It. Finally, upon reaohing the college, In Ninth street, the dog took a position under the wagon, and here he exhibited a very watchful though surly disposi tion. He snapped at pedestrians who happened to pass along too near the horse. Mr. Charles Essiing-, residing on South Tenth, street, was slightly bitten, and a piece was tom from the Kg of his pantaloons, quite an item In these days of high prices. The attack being very unex pected, Mr. E, suddenly gave the dog a wide berth. Persons who passed along the sidewalk a few feet from the horse and vehicle were just merely looked at by the canine. He watched them closely. Quite a orowd collected, bat kept at a respectful distance from tho animal. The dog did not appear deßlrons of Interfering with any one who kept off. Tho Dootor finally, oamo from the college, and when about to enter the carriage was taken Into .enstods on tha-eharga - .of,keenine- v a vlnloua.,dag— Be disclaimed ownership, but theonly way to satisfy the law officer was to have the subject submitted,to the magistracy. The oase being heard, the Dootor was discharged. He offered to remunerate any per son who would kill the dog, but ho one could be found willing to enter into the primal preliminaries Incident to the manufacture of bolognas. While the case was pending In the office the street became temporarily -blocked with wagons, carts, oars, horses, &0,, and it was not a little amusing to see tho canine running among tho horses. In the con- Insion he had lost the horse driven by the dootor. With his head down the dog hastily ran from one, to the other, and placed bis nose to the hoofs of the horses, and finally,’upon reaching his favorite, equine, eame to a stand, The Dootor drove away, and the dog, though a stranger, followed, for he evidently knew the horse, and perhaps had been trained to protect tho animal. [Before Mr. Alderman White. 1 COUNTERFEIT FIFTY-DOLLAR TREASURY . NOTE. John Murray, a colored man, was arraigned yes terday on the charge of having passed a counterfeit *5O United States Treasury’ note upon a colored woman named Ellon Banks, resldlngln the vicinity of Lombard and Sixth .streets. It seems that seve ral months since the husband of Ellen enlisted, and received *450 bounty. Murray, who had procured the enlistment, paid to the wife the sum of three hundred dollars, In two instalments. Of the amount so paid, was a *5O note. It was carefully laid away until wanted, and a few days since Ellen, taking a fancy to a dress, made a purchase, and tendered In payment the note. It was a counterfeit. She was arrested on the charge of attempting to pass a conn, terfelt note. . Possessing, a good character, this charge was withdrawn after the circumstances had been narrated, and she in turn had Murray arrest ed. It was the only $5O note she had, and she testi fied positively that he had given it to her ln the manner above stated. Theaooused was ordered to enter hail in the sum of *l,OOO to answer at court. THB COURTS. Snpreme court— Before Woodwsrd, C. J., and Justices Strong and Aghew. The Schuylkill ocunty list was taken upyoßter day; only one oaae was argued, namely, Ulrich’s appeal. The court then at an early hour adjourned for purposes of consultation. Supreme Court at Mini Prlas-Jndge Ttaontpgon. Louisa Hunt vs. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany. This was an action to recover damages for the death of plaintiff’s husband, who was killed last tail by the accidental falling of some iron rafters that were being plaeed In position on die new depot then being ereoted at Market and Fifteenth streets. Plaintiff alleged negligence and want of skill on the part of the agent or servant employed by defendants to erect the building, and also that defective ma terials were fumlshedfor the work, and that some of these causes, or all of them combined, ocea • stoned the . accident and the death, in damages for which it was sought to make defendants liable. The main defence to the action was, that the build ing was being erected by contract, and that the contractor, and not the company,-was responsible for any damage resulting- from negligence or want of skill during the progress of the work. Another defence was, that the deceased himself was guilty of negligence, and that as there was mutual negli gence, according to a well-settled principle of law, defendant ought not to recover. Still’another de fence was, that the company paving employed a man whom they had every season to believe a skll-' ful and- competent meehaslc, to superintend and direct thb work, and whom they had no means of knowing to he otherwise, they had-done all that was required .of them, and could’ not be held liable In damages for accidents. The case was summed up by Geo. M. Wharton, Esq., for plaintiff; and by Theodore Uuyler, Esq., for defendant. •• . Judge Thompson instructed thejury briefly and to the point as to the law of the ease, leaving the facts entirely for them, that as a general principle one servant (and for the purposes of the ease he treated the contractor as a servant} Injured by another could not recover damages'therefor from a principal. * There was, however, a modification of this rule, if the principal did not use proper core In the selection of his servants, and employed know ingly unskilful, or careless, or incompetent men, then for injuries resulting he would be responsible. So, If the men employed by the defendants were known to them to be unskilful or incompetent, or careless, they were liable. If they were competent and skilful, the company was not liable, and plain tiff could notrecover. The whole duty of the com pany was discharged when they employed Skilful men. The defendants would be responsible if they gave to their servants Inferior and defective mate rials. and by that reason an accident should occur. The judge also instructed the jury that where the negligence was mutual there could be no recovery. The jury rendered a verdlot for defendants. John T. Smith et al. vs. The Butchers’ and Dro vers’ Association. This was a feigned Issue to try a question of-fact, as to whether the holders of cer tain coupons upon the bonds of the Butchers’ and Drovers’ Association had procured them after they - had been paid fay Jeremiad! Bonsall, the’ treasurer. On trial. Gnlllon and Speakman for plaintiff; J. Alexander Simpson for defendant. District Court— Judge-Haro. , Jacob Kohler vs. The city or Philadelphia. Be fore reported. Verdict for plaintiff, *6,865. ‘ Ludwig Kramer .vs. Henry J.Siebel. An action to recover money alleged by plaintiff to be due him as a shareholder in a Saving Fund and Building As sociation, upon the settlement of its affairs. Ver dict for plain till, *2OO. „ District Court—Judge Stroud, Mowbray and wlfe vs. Helfrioh and wife. An ac tion to recover damages for alleged slanderous words.: Before reported. Verdict’ for plaintiff, ,*io. George W. Khbn and Thomas. A. Hiller, to the nse of G. W. Kuhn, vs. Daniel; Smith. An action to reoover oommlsslonß and for serviees,-in nego tiating’ the ’Bale' of plaintiff’s property.; Defence that the agency of'plaintiff In the matter ceased be fore the consummation of the gala Verdlot for plaintiff, *128.12. Manderson for plaintiff; Dolman for defendant. , Henry H. Swartz vs. George F. Wardle and Ohaa. N. Boed, trading as Wardle & Reed. -This was an actlon to recover damages alleged to have resulted from a violation of a contract of sale of a quantity of syrup, defendants having related to receive the same and pay the twice agreed upon. Verdict for plaintiff *246 40. Brewster and ElcockMr plaintiff;, Briggs for defendants. * • s - ; Jacob Beni* vs Angler, Huge’, * Oo*-, A feigned issue to teat the right of property, in certain go ids taken in execution by the sheriff. Jury out. Dltt men for plaintiff; White and Earle for defendants. . Court or Oyer and Terminer, . ' There being no business ready, the eourjt adjourn ed until Friday jsornlng. TUB PREBS.—PHILADELPHIA.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 19. 1866. HIGHWAY DEPARTWEYT. SEPABT9 ENT OF PUBLIC-HIGH ■fcS? W ays. -OF WOS OF uHIBFGOMMffiaro x BK, S. W CORA BE WALNUT ASH FIFTH . Philadelphia, January Mi 1685. The foHow!im«iuida have Veen destinated a*a ap pointed tobe Stands for Hackney Carriages. Furniture Sirs, Carts; Wsgonr. Brays, Hata-eatau etc. ■ Chief Commissioner of Highways. • STANDS FOB HACKNKY CAJWUAGSS. Kwth end east aide, from Second to 'Walnut street. Bosses head west and north. ~ FI PTH STRBKT, . • . ■ West Walnut street, north to east gate Of Independence Snoars." Borses head north. t % LIBRARY STREET. . - - ~ .... Noth side, from Fifth street to west boundary of the Post Office Building. Horses heml west; f SEVENTH STREET, , . , , ' \ Past side* south from Chestnut, one hundred rest. Horse* head north. • FOURTH STREET, Feet side! south from Aich afreet, to a point opposite the northern boundary of the Merchants’ Hotel. Horses head north. ■ NINTH - STREET* ■ East side, north from Walnut street to the northern boundary of Theatre. Horses head SCUth, ; *• NINTH STREET, East side, from Mace to Tine street. Horses hea4„ north. FRANKLIN ST&SBT, Bast side, from Bees to Ties. .Horses head north. EROAD> STREET. Bast side, from the north to the south of the Penn E&uaje. Home head sooth. . SIXTH BTRBET. West side, from Ch«*tnuc to Jayne street.' Horses head south. To be occupied only at night. TEMPORARY STANDS FOR HACKSBY OAR BIAGE9. DBPOTWALKUT-eTRBBT WHARF. •Walnut street, south side, from Delaware avenue to Prom street, and Delaware avenue. east side, from the ecutfc side or Cope’s whar? to the north entrance of de pot, flf:een minutes before the arrival ofewh train. Horses on Walnut street tohead west; and on the ave nue to head north. DJtPOT VINE-STREET WHARF, Tice street, south side, from Delaware avenue to Front street, fifteen minutes before the airival of each train. Horses head west/ ' DEPOT BROAD STEBBT AND WASHINGTON AVBNUS* Fast side of Broad street,from the couth side of Ben ner & JKwlfng’s stables to* Washington avenue, theses along the north side of Washington avenue to Thir teenth street, fif een minutes before the arrival of .each train. Homstohean weft and north. DEPOT MARKET AND THIRTIETH STREETS, South aide of Market street, frum Thirtieth to Tbirtp flrst strtet, fifteen minutes before the arrival of e*oh train. Hoocstobsudeatt. DEPOT THIRTEENTH AND CALLOWHILL STREETS, ' Rcrtb side of C&UowhiU street, Cnirteenfch street to Brofid, fifteen miontea before the arrival of ea«h train. Roms head «aet DEpf-r ninth ani> green streets, Nor:hstcteof Green street, from the east side of the d*p<tt totoe weft the eame, fifteen minutes be fore thg.&f ft vsl of each train. Horses bead, east. DEPOT THIRD AND GERMANTOWN AVBKUB# . - Past sidacf Geriuantown arenne.vfrom Ro. 1311 to 13tf. fifteen minute* before tho arrive* of each train. Boms head south. v ACADEMY OP MUSIC, BROAD STREET, • • • ; " Woßteide, trim dpmee street norih to the south aide of tho Academy Bores* head north ARCH STREET THEATRE, AHOH STREET, - Rortbside, east from street to the west side of the theatre. Hordes . /. CHESTNUT STREBT THEATRE OHBSTinrTSTaRBT. ; . ITorthßiGf.from Twelfth street to the east side of the theatre. Borses head wcet. . WALNUT STREET THEATRE, WAtNUT STREET, Berth side, from the t &st side of <he theatre to a point sixty lee; e*Bt of the same. : Horses bead west. NATIONAL OIRCUS. WALNUT BTREBT, ' Forth side, from R'gtrth the east side Of the Circus. Boieeft head west. THE ST ANDS AT PL ACCS OP AMUSEMENT, To be occupied thirty mlnuies-prior to the closing of the theatres, unless there upon special agreement. FURNITURE CARS AND WAGONS. DOCK STREET. South side, sixty frdt west from Front street Horses head north. • „ ' J ' MARKET STREET, , w -Houth side, ftoavnt to Front street. Horses heal north. MARKET STREET, _ . - North side, from »o» 7 Market to Front, Horses heel couth. West side, from Harketaonth^ XI Homes ttoai north. DECATUR STREET West side, Ao&th from Market to &0. 1 Horses head north. . vtnb strebt, - North side, from to front street? Homes head souih ' ' FRONT SUREST, ' Bast side, from Tine tcreet to a point .two hundred fett south of the same- Horses Bead south. ST. JOHN S STREBT, ' West side, from Brown street eoain,' to No. Til. Horses heed south. _ bt. John’s stsskt, Tp>t side, from brown street, to No. SIL Homes head north.. ST. JOHN’S STREET. " ..'West side, from Germantown avenue, south to No. 3110. Horses head north. RACE STREET, r ' North sine, from Sixth to Seventh street. Heraes hesd west. . NEW MARKET STREET, ' from Callowhill street to Willow- street Hones head south. . , TWELPTH BTRBET Bast side, from Market street to Girard street. Horses head north. NINTH STSESf* West flie, from Mount Teuton to Groan BirastHonM heed south. * ... ' COATBS 6TRBRT, North side, from Fifteenth $o sixteenth street. Horses to head west. t/ MERRICK BTREBT, South from Market, east side, sixty feet. Horses to head nonh. , . SIXTBBHTH STREET, West side, from Market to Jonee street. Horses to headsonch. . SEVENTEENTH BTB*BT, Eaeteide. north from Market street, sixty feet. Horses bead south. . - • EIGHTEENTH STREBT. Feet side, north from Market to Jdhes street. Hones head south. . _ ’ NINETEENTH STREET, West side, south from Market forty feet. Horses head north. ° / * JEFFERSON IvSNtfß, „ Fast side, south from' Christian to No, 939. Horses head south. SOUTH STREBT, North tide, west from Eighth street, Horses head west. SHIPPER STREET, South side. No. 127 to Second street Horses to head west. .... GUILFORD STREET, Bast side, south to No. 6*3. Horses head north, CADWALADER STREET. North from Girard avvsue, east side, one hundred and .fifty feet. Horses head south. ; GIRARD AVENUE, . On the vacant point booud* d east by by Second street, and westbj Cadwalader street,for six wagons. Horses heed tenth. TOUftTH STREET* Pine, jfe^t I s!de.. (r Jioitli.— Between FoorUt and FUHi street,’aorth side. Horse* to head'treat. ; - -. BOOK STBEBT, South from Becend street to ho, 152 west ride. Homes 1 bead fioriiu WAGOES DBAIS. "" FRONT STREET, From Market to' Chestnut street, east- side. Horses head couth. . . . FRONT BTRBBT, From Chestnut to G&fczmer street, west Bide* Hones ioheadeouib. __ , , FRONT' BTRBBT. ‘ w • . From Walnut street to Ho, 145 east side. Horses head noifch. FRONT STRBBT, From Walnut to Dock street* east side. Horses head South. ' • * • • • • - uqqk STREET North side, from Fiout street 115 Book street. Horses to head west and north. HAND-CARTS. BARROWS, Etc. SEVENTH STREET, West *!do, from Market street north sixty feet. Wheels in the gutter. . . 'MARKET STREET Harsh side, from fcecond *Btreet thirty feet, WheeU in the goiter. DECATUR STREET, Erst side, south from Market street thirty feet. Wheels la the gutter. SOUTH STREET, South side, west from Second street to No. 214. 10MBARD STREET. Worth side, west to No. 211. MACHINERY AND IRON. WM. M. FABER & CO., IT STBAM-ENGINB BUILDERS, IRON FOUNDERS. ■ GENERAL MACHINISTS, AND BOILER MAKSES, jfKAR TECH : PENNSYLVANIA RAIWtOAD PASSENGER STATION. , PITTSBURG, PENNA,. Manufacture all kinds of STEAM ENGINES, ranging from three to one hnndred and' fifty horse-power, and eulted for Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Furnaces, Oil Wells, 4c., Ac. Give particular attention to the construction of Bn slues5 lues and Machlnerr for oil borinc and pumping opera ions. Have always on baud, finished and ready for tMcment, ENGINES and BOILERS of every descrip tion. Orders from all parts of the country solicited and promptly filled. . - Jal6-8m j. vAsanAx renames. JOSE S. COPS. QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, O FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STBBETS, rHIhADBU'HIi. MNBKIt H A SONS, ENGINEEBS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Eustace, for lead* river, and marina service. . Boilers* Gasometers* Tanks* Iron Boats, Oast 1 ' inn of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-frame Roofs for Gas. Works, Workshops* Rail* road SutloDs.&c: Retortßaid Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved ernstruetion* Rye rr description of Plantation'Yaohlnery, saeV at Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum, Pans*- Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters,' Pomping Bsgines.Rc. Sole agents for H. BiLieux’s Patent Sugar- BoilingAik paratus, JXeamyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and AapLn wall A Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar-Draining Machine.: anlS-tf PENN STEAM ENGINE ANB 2WB£bBOHBU WORSTS. HRKA?IB & LETT, IrHACnCAX. ABO' THEORETICAL SHGITfKERS* MA OBIBICTS, BOILRR.JhAKRRS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been la successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and Slyer Engines, high and low pres* *nre, Iron Boilers. Water Tanka. Propellers, sc.. &0. , respectfully offer their services to the public* as being .• fnliy prepared to contract for engines of all sires, Ms* tine, Slyer, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of different sizes* are prepared to exeonte orders with quick despatch. Every description ofpattern-making made at the shortest notice» High and Low-pressure, Pine,. Tabular, and Cylinder Boilers* of ihebest Penn sylvania charcoal iron, Forgings of all sixes and kinds, Iron and Brass Castings; of—all descriptions; Boll* Turning; Screw-Citting, and all other work connected with the above business.- for fill work done at the eetahllelimeei freeof chirftA. And Work guanoMM.— ' The subscribers have ample whsrf-dook room lor re ‘ pairs of boat*, wbero they can He In perfect safety, and are provided with eliears, blocks, fulls, Ac., dw., for raising heavy or llxht weights. . - _ JAOOftO. NBAFEg, • : JOHN P. LBVY.’ jeM-tf BEACH and PALMER Street*. AffORGAN, ORB, & <30., STEAM BN HI GINB BUILDBES Iron Founder*, and Genera) No ’ f l 9 CA » tfate & JENNYB, I f » ¥ " M&nnfactnrers of » GRAND, fAGB-UPBIGHT No. T3O BEQADWAY.HBW YORK. . Each instrument’ toarrantedjive years. At wholesale and retail 36 per cent, leas than the sub* 01ms Piano elsewhere. Dealers will do well to examine our instruments. jOST Bend fora catalogue. del-th&a ms^c£rsr*s COTTAGE ORGAN’S. Net only UNBXQBLLBD, but UNE<JUAi.LED In writ) of Toue and Power. desirned eepeclally for ChnridiA and hut found to be equally well v theParloraud Dmwlnx Boom. For sale only hr K M. BBUOB, . N 0,13 North SEVENTH Street. Alio, a eomplete auortment of the Perfect Melodect eonetantly on hand. - . neß-lg - NEW PIANOS. bUFEBIOB NEW YORK PIANOS.Qutt received end for sale at G. ASDSB &.CO.M MoMcStorau_ JaJ4-lm No UOF CHESTNUT Street'.' ttSgm DECKER BROTHERS’ FI IT NTPANOa—The public, and partienferiv th profeeelon, are Invited to examine then beautiful ta ■trumehte, which are meetlue with euch an unparai led .decree of poeuiarity and sale in New York, aar wherever known. \ .The desideratum eo lone etriw for. t e- the etreuxth .of the fron. and eonorofuneae e the wooded frame, eo happily attained by them, render .their-Fianoa Incomparable With any.ouure. The fit guelUwl feethnpSlal. of .nob name; ae Wolliolut Mllbb Maion, Heller, Thoms*, Zundel, and uoree e other*, amply eetablleh their bleb rank. For eale ox,' by W. J. CtfUHEAN, DOS olSmuT Sheet "IK a larco aaeonmeut of o tiler uow and Meon&-faan» Plano*, for eale and to rent notf-te* Jb. THOMSON’S LONDON KITOHi ENER. OB EUBOPBAN RANGE, foi famlllm' era, GookincStoves, he., at wholesale and ratail, fc tk * S T eBAJtr S , * THOMSON, ocl-.mthSm No. aon B. SECOND Street '•iriihir~i J maloolm MADKEtLi’s SPEOtaGLK. BTOBE.-NO. 310 South FIFTH Stmet.belrwS Ea?SpHti ' Kg- Glasses refitted to eult all ante, and all manner of repair ln« eaiqfuliy end prangtly attended tq. J7OURTH RATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 738 ABOH STREET, DiaisßAno swonun w in vavtab stains. 7 3-lOthS TREASURY NOTES, Convertible MataMtr Into <5-jS© BONDS. Tbit Bank Usov prepeoed to farnuii these Note# to null or largo quantities, ud of ail denominations. Tier present the advantage over anr,other bout of the. Government of being eonverted at maturity tab, til, popular MO tom. The Interest la parable leml. annually in February and Augusi- A COMMISSION ALLOWED OH SALES of 85,000 and apytr^i, SAMUEL AV MAO MULtEN, do3o-lm i ...... ! OASHIBR.. fJBK FARMERS' AND .MECHANICS' FINANCIAL AGENT AND DEPOSIT AST OF THE UNITED STATES, Beeeivw tmhaodptlona forthe NEW THBEE-YEABd f 80-109 TBEASTTBY NOTES, Wltlalt are convertible a maturltr Into deW-tmthslm pB HAJVEN & BROTHER* No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. jaAlm i ■ ■ I HS. LEECH & COMPANY, • ; * ' -Si BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, NO. 14 FABODHAR BUILOINOS, (WAIHOT ST., BBLQW THISD), ■] (laid, Covernment Bond*, Oil and MUdelMeSS* Stool 6, bought ud told on Commission at the Board of Brotete. Dealers in foreign Exchange. Letters of ora iit leaned on London, Patl*. Antwerp. No. jal7 3m THOa. CALDWEI.I,. J. K. CAODifflli. pALDWKLL & CO., A 1 BANKERS, . ■; No 43 South THIRD street. STOCKS AND LOANS BOUGHT AND SOLD OJf i COMMISSION : : AT TBS BVfitJT.AR BOARD OF BROKERS. DNCUBBENT BANK NOTES. SPECIE, &e., BOUGHT AND SOLD- ’ COLLECTIONS MADE and INTEREST ALLOWED •ON DEPOSIT. lalTlm* ££ARPER, BIJBNBY, & 00., RANKERS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. JRuttfolu attention paid to pnreha*# ud eale of OH ' ftTupjfcp. MBOUTH THIRD BTBBST. miABBU-BIA NWMtwroM. —Drorel dt Co., Philadelphia; J. B, Ani iin. Preoldont Soothwarfc Bank. ~ novlB-8» «nabxou bkoet. - , ialh*. nareor. m. QHARLEB EMORY. & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. IS South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. All Unde of nneurrent fond* and Bold and BllTOf bought and »old, and ColleeWou* made. ■ _ Partienlar attention (Iran to tie purchasa and sala ef Government. State, and other Stock* and Loan* on, eommimdou. ~ • no! 8-fit* 1 OKOBOE W. BBWB9. EBWIB XIPBBK. STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS,_ . .. . STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ONCOMMIBStON AT THE BEGULAB BOARD OP BROKERS. ialQ.lm - JpSOCH ARDEN. CHEAP EDITION, IN PAMPHLET POEM. Messrs. TICKSOR & TIEIB3, Par tit* purpose of mertlng ilia very general demand for .Mr. Tkkstsox’s beautiful poem in a cheaper form.liaTe this day published a Pamphlet Edition of ■ 1 vol. l«mo. paper cents. It may Fafely be ea!d that no production of the poet laureate has won so tenoral and hearty a welcome at hae been accorded to (hie poem; and the &cf that Messrs, T. & F, have already istned it in three different formß, each of which has met with a rapid sale, is evidence that its popularity Increases dally. j93~ the three other editiona of Ehogh Annin, pub lished hy Messrs Tickhor & Fieldb, are asfollows: ILLUSTRATED EDITION. With nineteen foil-page - drawings on wood, hy La Fargo, Tedder, Hennesay, and Parley, two steel plates, a portrait of the author, and a View of his home lyol small quarto, printed ’ on tinted paper, and beautifully hound. Price ii. WHLIAII X. ÜBBUOX, SIXTEEN-MO EDITION. With six illustrations on wood.- Handsomely hound in muslin. 1 yoh ISmo. Price 1. BLUB AND GOLD EDITION. Uniform with Temny . son’s other works In "blue and gold,’* containing a biographical notice of the author. 1 Yol. Stmo. Price »1. 1 . ' sale is) <s2} Booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the Publishers. OEE A T BU CCEB ft ' GEBHRAL SCOTT’SAUTOBIOGBAFHY. Six Editions called for within one month of its publica tion, and the demand ieetiU increa«iur. Every One ts Beading GENBRAL SQOfT’S AUTO ' BieOBAPHY ! ! * Eyery One is Talking about GENERAL SCOTT’S AUTO BIOGRAPHY !!! , . . It throws more light upon the obscure parts of “ Arne-' rican-Htstory' ’ than any pooh inbuehed for years. It exhibits the rampant ti.aeoaol ° Buchanan’s Cabi net. ’ 1 and' depicts, the feaMnl peril in which pur Government was before lu. Lincoln Was Inanin- rated.- It Eivea the secret historyof the dreadful struggle: witht Treason in every part of the Government before it bioho it out into open i pbellion. SVols. Ifiso. Illustrated, Pric&.'per yet, $h Sent by mail on receipt of the pike. “To the student of American History this work is in ..J—ute, being written by so distlneuished and proml lei" ai already diettnguisheu iY-tteyaungest ti*A. temporary of the groat men vThs gave It a place in tha world of nations. Legal tntellt ff*“ To revlew this book ie impossible; evU*Y'|n»*honld be read, every chapter carefully considered. —City Stem, Philadelphia,. ■ : '.s\ . “The history of no.liying Americanis invested with anything like the degree of interest and national pride asthatgiven in these volumes: "r-Toteao Blade. -S- ‘ “The most Intereßtinrbiography ever written in lids country.—AT. X. Exmress. ■ •• We call the attention of yonne men to tho record of the life of this great man. ’ ’—ST: Xr Observer. “General Scott Las made a contribution of singular value end Interest to American, history-a eontidbu-. don which it would bo difficult, to match, not only in our own, but in 'any nation's Mterature.*'—ffnfon, Brooklyn. . . “To the last day of its existence the country trill have reason to< regret that, Goneisl Scott was not per mitted to manege matters af the time, when secession Erst .hersn to show that It wa» a vital: thing; ,-v * * * Snch will be the verdict of. history,. in’, whose patee Scott will stand at the hlghestpplnt.”—Boston Tra- . _ - '• • The General tells his story in a manly, modeet,,and winning way, and every rear ar will be charmed with the dearness of the style aud of the au thor. 1 '—Saturday Evening Express, Boston. “Bo patriot can afford without them; no stu dent ol American history wili be without them.”— Press, Portland. . XT HAMILTON'S ARY SURGERY. XL : NEW EDITION.'.: PUBLISHED THIS D AY: . . • • A TREATISE ON MILITARY SURGERY AND HY GIENE. ; By Prank Bastings Hamilton. HD. .Professor of Military Berger and Hygiene, and-late Metrical Dl reciorU. A- Army.. In one vplome octavo, with nume rous ill uetzetione - ! . ‘ : • ’ ' MILITARY, NAVAL. AND SOIBNTIEIOBOOKS. A large assortment always on hand and for,sate at lowpridM. LINDSAY St BLAKISTon, ■ Publishers and Booksellers. . jslß No. HE South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. Rooks i new books t! Just received by . ASHMEAD * EVANS, (Bssaid'iMiU stand). • wWoJ»»4fOHK3rNOTBtr«t,'^^ M rw CHATRAD PBISeAOi' 08, H-)ME SCENES IB PBANCB. -By Olive Logan, authoress of “Photo; "Him 0 / o^ BhySns*op( 8 hySns*op ( holy bepkeshh^nt F D'Hu&Hßfdos D. O. / , VBTjDAIS AT BDQBWO^D.' J. K, MiirT|l'». laBt .'’boOSE AND HOME PAPERS By > , COBSIN -ALICE/ A Memoir qt AHdS.'ili’Jftpdfel \*trTOB(O«B«PHV OR A - NE.W BNGbKNO PAEN SODSB A Book by N. w. Ohembevlatn . . ETC WES FOB STORIES. Je»nlngdow's.ntwbook bitty Tjt DLAKI. ,B| the author ■ Js •*Behaa*etrQytt*Pitinilr, ,! . .r }»** £' r j' 11.I 1 . *•. V t H f t -jM FINANCIAL. NATIONAX, BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, SIX PEE-CENT. 5-aO BONDS. W. EUSHTON, JR, ' I -.. _ .•? - , - jfc*. • M A'S9\ '»•, : REMOVED TO • EWES, MILLER, & CO., HO. 90 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DEALERS IH it Securities, Spaola, tTncurrent MToney. Olty Warrants, &o. y SEW P STBLICATIONS. ENOCH A-HDEIV- TICKNOR « FIELDS, > 135 WASHINGTON Street,.'Boston! „ SHELDON & UOMPANY, .PubUshere, 335 BROADWAY, New York. jalt-tnihsSt ■ - , ,- - COPAETSEBSmPS. , TYISSOLDTION. THE PARTNKR SHIP heretofore existing under tk« Aim of JOHN B. I* ELSON A CO. is this day.dlsKlM br mutual The fcaataera of 'the late firm will Be settled by JOHN B. NELSON. 48 BANK S'roet JOS. 0. FLEMING. JOHN B.HKT.BON. Phiiadelphia, Jan. 12,M8&. ja!3-l3t* THE UNDERSIGNED wtlloontizne (ko manufastare 01 Wool aad Cotton Goods. . ' Offleei H0.438A8K Street. lalB 6l« . . . ■. JOHH B. NELSON. TIIBSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— ■^S£S!WtesA"! l4,l> “, t '‘? li '*i ,| “ l * lr th* *«» of BUNTING ft JONES, have this day dissolved pert, oersklpbymutual ednaent. BASIL. A. JONES, i _ THOMAS HARHBS. Phh,acelpsia. Bee. SI. MSA COPARTNERSHIP.—THE ijNDBR '-J SIGNED have tkis dsyfoymed a copartnership under the stria and firm of JOBES, BAHNKw.ft CO , sad will eontlnne the business of the late ft, m of Knell ns A Jonas at the old stand. Ho. 88 8 WHARVES. ' SAML A. JONES, ’ THOR BARNES. B, LEHMAN SMITH. Pnri.ADBI.pgIA. Dae. M, IBM. jat-lm »TBE FIRM OF DE ftOURSEY, liA- A FOCECADB, A CO., doing iraeinese at 63l'0HEST HUT Street, kn been this day dissolved. Toe busineaa of. tbe *ijp will be aetMeiTßyS. W. DB COtTRSBT. M. LAFOUBCaDR, B. LAFOTJRCADg, and CBARt.ES LA FODhCADR, who are authorized to.setile the same. 8. W. DB COURSBT. ‘ M. LAFOUROADE, B. LAPODRPADB. - CHARI,EB<LAFOUIIOADB, W. B. LAEOURCADB. , OBRaLD DB COUBSEV, • _ WM. H. IKWXK. PgIPADBI.PHIA. Dee. St, 1864 ' jai-tf TYlfc SOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The snhserlkers, heretofore trading nnder the firm of 888 J. .8. JANNBY, Js., & 00.. have (hi*day Dlseolved their partnership, by mutual consent. AU'ortstasdlnc knstnessof the late firm will be set* tied at 60S MARKET Street. _ , _ BBHJ. s: JANNBT, Jm., JOHN M. BURNS. -- BASIL. Ju COYLB. - ' Fsxladbspkuv Dec. 26, 1864, •' T'HE UNDIRBIGNBD WILL CON- A TINtTB the Wholesale GBOOBBT AND PBODHOB COMMISSION bnslness, as heretofore done by JAN NET A ANDREWS, at Ho. 631 MARKET Street. BBNJ. B. JANNBT, Jn.. Dbchhbbb 2D, IS6L B. W. ANDREWS. COPARTNERSHIP—J. MORRIS VJ BURNS, (o' the late firm of B 8. Jahney, Jr., ft C 0.,) and B. SMUCKBS, Jr., (of lha latefirm of 8. Smnoker, Jr.. ACo , ) hare this day formed a Copart nership, under the ntte of BURNS A BMUOKBB, and Will continue Ike Wholesale GROCERY and COMMIS SION business, at the old stand formerly ooonplad by B. S. Jarney. Jr., A Co., «t NoTeOS MARKET St. .Phila. „ Philadelphia, Dec. 20,1881 * - gabbier. COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDER- Af SIGNED have thl* day formed a Copartners ilp, under the firm-name of 8. A. COYLE ft CO., for the prosecution of the Wholesale GROCERY and PRODUCE COMMISSION, bustnees, at Ho*. 16 and 18 Horth FIFTH Street, above Market - . ■ BAML. A. COYLB, (lateofß. J. A. LINN. Pgn.APßi.pglA. Den 2D, 1864. de2o-lm ffHE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS DAT -A associated with himself WM. H. H. HUGHES, and Will eontlnne the Dry Goods Commission Business. «t No. 316 CHESTNUT btreet, tinder the firm .of DUN OAB&CO. W. T.H. DUNCAN, Phw.apelphia. Jannarr 2.1885. lallw TMSSOLUTION. —THE PARTNER^ Ja ship heretofore existing under the firm of CAMP BELL ft HOLLO WAT is this day dissolved by mutual content.' The business of the firm will he settled by cither oT the firm. - ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. G. K. HOLLO WAT. jAOTAXTI, 18M. NOTIOB. —The business will he condnrted as hereto fore, at the old plare, bv 8. K. HOLLO WAT, whtre ha Will be happy to sea our old patrons and the public generally. So 63* WASHINGTON Avenue. js!7 Sl« __ o-T>«Tj-r NBBBHIP HERETO- UVrAitft.,, ** WM So fO BE existiugtmdßf flfffi fif JOs, jf'v - u WOOD. No. B North SECOND Street is this solved, by mutQal eoosaxit. Tbs biiEUesi of th* Hue will be settled br eUber of th» parties at the oflee gf JAttBS P. Wool> 4J0.“, BTo. 41 South POUETH bir%et JOSBPH WOpjX^ WUAIaSS f. WOOD. January S, MM. - -The undersigned has tkis day associated fetaosalJ with . the UNION SfßA* AND WATER HEATING Or*- PANT OF PINNrYLVANI A, for the sale of GOLD’S PAIBBT STEAM- HEATING APPARATUS, JOSEPH WOOD. The business of the above Company will f n future be conducied by JAMBS P. WOOD ft JOSEPH WOOD, Under the name of ' JAMES F. WOOD ft CO, Jsnnary 2, MM. Ja3-iathslm TTISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— Jr The subscribers, heretofore trading under the firm of DA TIBS ft YBKGB£,have this day dissolved partner ship by mutual content. The bnslness of the firm will bo eettled-by J. H. DAVIES, at 336 North NINTH St. JOHN H DAVIES, ■ • „ AUG. B. TBRGBR. JAHBAKTI7, 1865. ' - „ The fansiness will he continued by JOHN BL DAVIES at 336 North NINTH Street. jaia st* XTOTIOR OF DISSOLUTION. THE J-v Limited Partnership existing between the nuder- Rlgned, nnderthelfirmofMATTHlAß M. HIRFLB, ex. plies this day by Us own limitation. Tbo business will be settled by MATTHIAS M. MARPLB, at No 53 North THIRD Street. SL M. MABPLB, General Partner. GEOBGB GORDON. • .-nanliti Pariway. Philadelphii, Deo, 81. ISM. 3 OTIOS OF ItTMITED PAETif JKKHHIP. ITbe aubeoiibers give' notice that they hart entered into a Limited Partnership, axxeeably to the provißionß of the several laws of the GommoiivrealUi of Penssylvaztiareiattag to lixoited partnerships. ' That the same of the firm under which said partner ship is to be conducted lsH. MMARPJUB. That .the tceueral nature of the business intended to be transacted is the HOSIERY ANl> RA3OY OKY GOODS BTUsIBESS - That the names of the general and special partner, both of whom reside in the city of Philadelphia, are MATTHIAS M MARPLE, General Partner, residing at Vo 3220 COATES Street, and JACOB BfSGSL, Special Partner, residing at Ko. 527 Sorth SIXTH Street; That the amouni of the capital contributed by the ; special partier to the common etoek is fifty thousand 'dollars in ca*h, i That the said Farts ersbip fis to commence on the sixth day of Jauusry, A. D. 1865. and is to terminate on the thmy-flrst day of December, A. 0.1866. _ M. M MABFLS* lot. &. HOtJSTOJt. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. ' 'The Umltedpartnership .exirtin* between the nndw - signed, under the Arm of BITSGEL, WIBST, A BE VIE, expire* thiedsr 1» its omt limitation. •. ' JACOB RIKGltt, JOHN WIEBT. DAVID B. BKVIN, HESBT 8. FISTBB, joaiAH BraaEL, _ Genera LPartawre* PETE a SIE&KB, WM, S. BAISD, Special Partners. ?mt,A»BLPHIA. ; Philadelphia, Pee. SI, 1861 1 ■ - NOTICE OF LIMITED PABTNEBSHIP. *Th* subscribers hereby five settee that they have entered into a Limited Partnership,' agreeably to the provisions of the‘several laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partners hi pa. . - That the name of the firmunder vrhich said partner ■jhfgistobe conducted is JOS. BIEGEL & H. S. FIB - the feneral nature of the business intended to he transacted is the Importing and Jobbing of Pry Gttods. f . " That the names of the feneral and special partners, all oi whom reside in the city of Philadelpnia, are Josl ahEieiel, general partner, residing at the Bald Eagle Hotel, No. 416 North Third attests Homy 8. Futer, {general partner, residing at said Bald Eagle Hotel; Ai red Byerly. general partner, residing; atllo. 1321 Arch street; William B. Albright, general partner, residing at No. 1607 Wallace street Samuel Gf. -Scott, general partner, residing at No. 2033 Tine street; Jacob Siegel, special partner, residing at -No. 527 North Sixth street; and Peter Sieger, special’ partner, residing at No. 717 Northßghth street. That the aggregate amount of the capital contributed by thespecial partners to the eommon stock is One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Hollars, of which One Hundred Thousand Dollars in cash have been coofart bute&by Jacob Biegel, special partner, Fifty Thou* sand Dollars in cash nave been contributed by Peter Sieger, special partner. " ' That the said partnership la to commence on' the second day of January; A. D. 1865, and is to terminate « U* Wit,, tint da, of XLl**. HESKY 8. riSTBE, AlFBBI) BTEBLT, . i ' WM. K. ALB SIGHT. ■S' BAM’L G. SCOTT, Gwenl Partaera. JACOB BIBGKt, P£7SB SIBGBB. 8m dal Paitnem. PMladelshla. January 3,1868.. ia2-Bir ~ nPHEtUNDBRBIGNED HAVE ENTER -4 ed into a Gopartjerfthip for the purpose of manufac taring Flint ana other Glass Were,rutder the name, style, and titleof "DOT FIELD & 00.," Onion Flint Glass Work*, Point, JJ.JT. _ _ _ „ > i THO» J. DOT FIELD, CAC.VDT H. TBST, JdO. R. PCI WELL, JAXtURT 9. ISM [jftlOlOt*] THOS. CRBBUH, Sr. Thokas J. Orax. (VRAM & HEMPHILL, XS DEALERS Ilf LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, Of all tizes and of best Qualities. - - Carefully picked'and screened, and invariably at Die >, lowest cask prices." Office and Yard, WILLOW, beW FIFTEENTH Street. - JSG&~ Order* can he left at 146 North. BINTS Street,. 653 North TENTH Street, 1433 BARCLAY" Street, or -through the Poet Office, which will he promptly and satisfactorily-filled, jal7 8m PURE LEHIGH COAL.—HOUBB- nOAL, COAL, COAL, H. GOITBRMAH ft CO.’S OOjUW the beet In the eitv. . . * Tor. sale at the !■treat eaai nrieee. MARTHA COAL YARD, corner THIRTY-FIFTH Street and PBHKBX VAKIA Railroad.' . UalO-lm*] W. 9. HBBTOH. EBOBBBtHKR, NEW COAL HEPOT, • FOBLS Street, ahovs ninth street - Cowlaotly onAand injwrio? qualities ofLehigh and Bohuylkill Coal, eeleete d expreealyfor family p urposeg, at tie lowest market price. Wharf Twenty-third street,' below Arch atreet, Office 119 South FOURTH Street : , ooan-am GENUINE EAGLE VEIN COAL, EftUAi. IFt HOT SUPERIOR TO LEHIGH. A trial will eecnre- yonr cnatom. . Era and Store eine. slo,per ton; Eared Hot, $9 Office l»l South‘FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot 1419 CALLOWHILL B ®S OT * BLEIS BEAHSOM^ Hoi.L-—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER Xjf' ar«At)i?W, aid Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and beatLS;"tfc>w^, oSStHa U»s“th anaWIELOWStKj. $ <3O. ELECTRICAL INSTTZ'UTE, 154 Horth ELBVBMTH, helow Race atreet -Dr. THO HAB ALLEB, trory, successful In the cure of ajtnow every kind of disease, Invites all to call at ale Or flre.and eee that Ms treaimeetisfree from shades, ns- COB VULBIONB. —A discovery has beenmade vehicle seldom fatlein the care of Epilepsy or fits of any other kind. Any one desiring a knowledge of thleprßotloe can enter et aey time fdrTuU Instruo-. tione. . Carde and Testimonials at the Office. Hours 9A. M. to6F. H. Consultations free. ■ Dr. THOS ALLS!!, Electrician, lal7 9m 154 H. EtKYBUTH St. Below Race. PLECTROP4THIC ESTABLISH- J-i MBNT, for the cure of dlseaees incnrahle wlth mo. dicing* by Dr. A. H. STBVBNS* one of the discoverer* of S» entirA new system of ELECTRICAL FRACTION . SI4IB'Bb!iUiPaBf«SQUAKB. •• . ■ ' * 4®-Flea*e call, or send for a pamphlet and Isampar* ttcui&rs/ No charge for con*uuati&n. , . 4 jkpt and. others desiring-instructi on e&n enter forafnll course any time afterMOHDAY.Janu ary -3d. 1869. Any member of the class lnat;fnished may review without any charge. ■- jeatf TOHN C BAKER & CO.'S COD LIVER V OIL. —THE TRUE AHD OBHCIirB-Dnsnrpassed 1» PESP.ABED. t . In Coughs, Colds, Bronohltls, Arthma, Ooat, lB»l -plant Consumption, and 'UU .Scrofnlons ComulmhJU oftentimesproanc^istmediateandoGrtjdn efiectswiua othS remedlee have been taken with little ornobwieit. ww DENTISTRY. DR. BASHT) UHWlnserta ARTIFICIAL TKSTH on Sold, SUyax, 'a^asrgbaeyfeggg As EVANS & WATSON’S ! SAFE*. ' * * 16 BTSEET. - PHIL»aBt.PgXA,PA A large variety of ffiUtfEwl SAFES always a hand, \ COAL. BOBSKT'd. HBMPBtLP. PBOPOSAM. dbpart y men" w" TWELFTH end OIRARD St-ert. . , Hn ,iDai.r*lA. januzrylL. MM SEALED PROPOSALS Mil be repelvdd *vrtrt« nnUl 11 e’eiock VL. WEDNESDAY, .for the immedUte del vwy et‘beUnliwi MAtesßwee } bouse* Banorer-stie-t wharf,• properly pace* ready for transportation,* of the fellowing describe* Quartermeaier’estores—tle; • 2ft gross Buckles, roller ft in«K, - > 26 do. ■ do. do X Inch. 1 barrel Blacking, edge. - ... 8,009 Chains, Halter (1.000 of them with T v « at end.) . 10 sets Chisels. Firmer—l 2 to e&oh set, . •COCkegs Ambnlanoe- SOOkege Kills —catBd. 4H? do.’ do. lfld. 2Slbe Vails, clout—llnch. <% . 100 nous Knobs.-cerritTge—Maek. ' 000 Papers Tacks—6 os. 4500 §o. do. 4os. _ v - - 20 Paulms—lo be made id the bwf manner, of 15 oi i eotton duck, 2EH inches wide. b»*t army etanoaro. With tabliogs all round; size 2) bv 33 lest. when finished; as rer samute of pauiiu at Hanover atr«!tbtor«-boo8e; 1 jard <*ample of duckre^tursd. 4500 Bose Ban*; shoe pawera. 2COO Baddie Blankets. StO Mcuieilan Biding Bridles: snaffie and wild curb bbts. I.OCO yards Edameiled Cloth; (52 Ineheswlde, for am bulance covers.) 2,100 Mule Collars—ls to If ioehes. 600Borsfe Collars—l7to2l inches.; , , f liOCli Wagon Mover*: h' ox. eettouduok, as per sam ple of cover at United Sutsastorehouse; 1 yard sample of'duck required. 1.000 sides Ohk-tanned Bridle Leather; 10 lbs to side When flatbed, „„ ~ ~ 20,i00 lbs. oak■ tanned Harness Leather; IS lbs to side When finished ... . „ : 1,000 Binofcannke Whlpt, nil leather, fall size and , weight. « - 8c papers Tinners* Bivetn-84 10-o*. papers, 241-lb. papers, 24 IK-lb. .papers, lt4*lb papers. ’ • rapeis Iroa Kivste—24 1-ib. papers, 49 134-lh. papers. j 10 lbs-Iron Bivets—K loch ~- 2CU pairs “T” lnches . . , All uf the above- u*teri*o& to be of the best quality, and subject to the iDspi-ciion of an iespector appointed on the p»rt of the Government. j Bidders will state price, *‘to Include boxes and deli- * very.’* both in wrHlncand figursa—the quantitv bid : for, end the time of delivery si&tad; and no schedule prices will be received. . _ AJJ samples to b» sent Govemmsut Warehouse, Henover-Btrest wbarf. Ail propo.*alß iourtt be made out on printed blanks, which may behsd on appl'CAtloaat this office, other wife ihf j rejected . Each bid mu«t be guaranteed br two respon<dble per sons, wh jse'signatures mast be sp'seaded to the gua rantee, and cartifled to as befog good aad te cnrlty for the amount Involved, by she United dt&tes Dtntnct Judse, Atternev, or Collector, or other pubiio officer; otberw iie tbe bid will not be considered. The right is reserved to rejectaUbldsdeeined too high- Bids from defanlticg contractors, and those that do not folly o. mply with the requirements of this advertise ment. wOl not be omeidfired. By ord«r of Colonel Homan Bjtgs, U. S. A.,-Chief Cuartf'rmaster. GaO. B t) &ME, jal7-7t f ' CsnUin. and A, Q M. A RMY supplies, . ' Offiob of Army Clothtjto ax» Eouifaob, Kbw TomK. J*b. 14. L 865. Bidders for AbM‘T SUBPLI&S, under advertisement, dated 9th instant and timed by me, are here** notified that the time for opening bids has beon until iSo 1 clock SL, on W&DAK ?OA2, tbe 36<h instant, D. H. VINTON. 1 , Jal7-6t 2.9 2 Gen., BL Drig. Gen. A KMY SUPPLIES. - CLOTHIfIU BOBS ATT, QoAETBBMASTKa Qkxkrax’b Okpraa. ■ ' *'isniwuTOß. Jannuy,. ISM. ■ BBALBP PBOFOSAIiS «riu be Malnd *t tli« otteaoC Army C.uthlßg and NEW YO; K CITY, natil 13 o'clock SL, OB WEUSBSDAT, tk«3Stklut.. farf nr nlstinj.b; oootract, at tea depot of A rmr OlotUag iSi, Equipage, Hew Y oik city; Uniform; Coata. infantry, atandaid. Artillery Jackets, standard. Trourera, infantry. standard. . Back Goats, lined, standard, tack Coats, anUnadi ntanota** hirte, Domet flaauel, '^ndard. ISkie'S. standard. t Stocking, sundaid. »OU#a, sewed and pegged, standard, pote* cavalry, sewed and pej&ed. standard. Blankets, li.dia rubber, standard. Ponchos India rubber, standard. Knapsacks ■ - „ . fiaTuwtokit standard. Canteens standard < Camp Kettles, standard. Mss* Pane, standard. Aatf 8, standard. * rioc as»i Bmnaara. Hatchets standard. , . §padee, eteudard. bnoVe’o, tutnd***!- ©air i eon Pings, .»tandem. Tents, hospital, standard. ... Tents shelter, 8-ounce cotton tacit, sUndafd, Great ceat*t*ap*, standard. Further information «»ay be had, and samples of the above articles znayb* seen, at the ofioe of Army Cloth ing and Bqtrtfea*®* Turk city. Bidden; will state thenumber t* ey propose te furnish. ■ now coon they can commence, and the number they can deliver weekly, and will submit samples ef the articles, or of the material of which they are to be made, and When & textile fabric at least one yard should be for* nibbed. . Proposals mush be accompanied by a gr grantee signed by atleast two retpoitsibl* persons setting forth that if a contract is awarded to the party making the bid, that he or they will at once execute the contract, and give bonds for the proper fulfilment of the same. - The right is reserved by the United States to reject any part or the whole of the bids, as may be deemed for the interest of the service. Awards will be subject to the.approval of the Quarter master General of the aruiy. „ Supplies must be delivered in regulation packing boxes. • —■ Proposals should be endorsed ** Proposals for fur nishing <here insert the name of the article bid for}, 1 * and addressed to _ Srevet Brigadier. General D. H. VH?TO2T, jal7«si Pep. Quartermaster Gen., New Turk city. A BMY SUPPLIES. . CLOTHIHQ BUREAU. aBAETERMASTaR GESERiL’S OFFICE _ Washekqton, January 19.1865- SEALED PROPOSALS wi;l be received at the’ Office of Amy OlotUnirand BanlpAce. PMiadelpnia, antitlS o’clock jML. bn WEDNESDAY,26th last.* for farnish irg. by coitract, s-t the Depot of Army Clothing and. 'Equipafe, Philadelphia, Til.: Sack Coats, lined, army standard. Back Coatß/nniin«4* do. . Blanket*. Xiidis-ruVbsr, for infantry, army standard. Knapsacks* complete, .do. B&tcnets. do. Uniform Hats, do. Hat Cords and Tassels* do. Camp .Kettles, dd. . Hess'pans, do. Shelter Tents, v do. ", Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures mast be appended to the gua rantee. and csHifi* dto aa being good and sufficient se~ wity for the amonntinvolveti, by some panlle func tionary of the United States. Bids fronb defaaiting-'contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requirements of this adver* tiiement. will not. ba coteldefrd. - - * . ? Blank fu*m* tot proposals, em bracing the terms of the guarantee requited in each bid, can b«Tm& on. applica -11 nu ii ii i. r> B| fl M I, ~ i. , |^ JMU dft w —» 'am brace this guarantee .will be considered, nor wm any propoial be considered which does not strictly conform to tbe reqnirementsthereln staied. .Bidders will state the quantity they propose to fur nish, how soon they can commence, and the quantity the* eft& deliver weekly. The right is reserved by the United States to reject any part, or the whole of the bids, as may be seemed best for the interest of the service. , Awards will be subject to the approval of the Quar 4eraatter General of the army. . Samples can be seen at thlsoffice, and proposals must be endorsed “Proposals for army Supplies,” stating on the envelope the particular article bid for. • - HERMAN BIGGS, jal3-llt ■ Colonel Quartermaster’s Department. pHIBF QUARTERMASTER’S OF XS FIC-E, Philadelphia, January 12, 1865. SEALED PBOFOSALa will be received at thi4 office, until 12 o’clock SL, on TBnRSDaY. the.lßth instant* for euDplyißg the Bi)HTJiLKILL ARSENAL with the following articles, viz: 6*4 dark bine Cloth, army standard. 6>4 dark-bine Kersey, army standard. Vest Battens, army ktanoard. . gg*ineh yellow Worsted Lace* inn; etandajrd. Brass Cross Sabres for hats, army standard. < Brass Eagles for hats, army standard. • -- ■ y j Regimental Colors, infantry, army standard. Betimestal Descriptive BoohS, army standard. Begimertal Indix Boohs, army standard. Hospital Tent Poles, stts, army standard. Heavy 54-inch Burlaps, sample required. Canvas Padding, sample required. Canteen Webbing, 1-inch, linen or cotton, sample re quired. Machine .Thread, (6tewait’s linen, He. 70, fcpobls,) sample required White Basting Cotton, sample required. Flax Sewing Twine, cample required. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons. whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee. and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved, by some public functionary of the United States. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply vrtth the requirements of this adver tisement, will not be considered. Blank forms for proposals, embracing the terms of the guarantee required on each bid, can be had on applica tion at this office, and none others which do not em brace this guaras tee will be considered, nor will any proposal be considered which does not -striatly conform to the requirements therein stated. Bidders will state thequantityihey propose to furnish, . how soon they can commence, and the quantity they can deliver weekly. The right U reserved by the United States to reject any part or the whole Of the bids, as may be deemed best for the interest ef the service * • - Samples of such articles as are required tobo of army standard can be seen at this office. * Proposals must be endorsed ** Proposals for Army Supplies. ” stating on the envelope the particular arti cle bJd for. HERMAN BIGGB, jai&fit Colonel ttaartermadter’sHipanment. LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS’ THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ’ ' Estate of WILLTAM J; HAY. . ' The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, t and adjust the account of MARIa G. HaY, Administra trix of WILLIAM J. HAY, deceased, and to report dis iiibution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for the purposes of Ms appointment, on MONDAY, January 23, 2%.% at three o’clock P. El , at the WetberlU House, 60S SANhOM Street, in thecity ofPhi)ad%»hia. - - WASH. L. BLADEN, Auditor. ja13,17,\9,21,53»5t ~ Pt THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOB THB CITT AKD COUHTT OF PHILA DELPHIA. _ CHABLAS J. WISTBK et al., yb. OEOKOB KBBCBB. March TernT. 1887. So.’3. Vaad7ix. Theunderelgnea Auditor appointed to distribute the fond in'Court arising from proceeds of Sheriff's sale of all that certain lot !or piece of ground, with the mes suage otftenemept thanon erected situate on the south side of Mary street, at the distance of one hundred and fifty-tight feet east of Seydkth street, In the city of Phi- j ladelphia; containing in front or b said Mary street sixteen reel, and extending of that width south wardly forty feet to ground now or late or John oawt hounded on -the north by Mary street, on the east ay a lot granted hytOwan Jones-to John Mereer, on the south by said ground of John.Gaw, and. on the west by a lot granted hy Owen J-nes to PatrickMoHugh; together With the u.caad privilegeof a privy situated partly cn,- this lot and part y upon the adjoining lo sof the said John Gaw. Being the northernmpstpart of a largsriot ofsronnd exl ending from Mary to Southstreeti which Ow*n'Jones, "by indenture dated the ttrit day of Sep tember.79o, recorded In Deed Booh B. LL. 80. 38, psgeSSS, &c , grant*d and. conveyed to Georfe Mercer and Ms heirs, reserving thereout the yearly ground rent of thirty-two dollars, payable E£lf-yearly on the first days of stay and November, for arrears whereof the judgment In this case has been obiained. B. B. On the above described premises is ereetedSa three-stoty frame dwelUnghonse—will meet the parties intonated, for the.purpose of bis appointment on TUESDAY,- January Mth, 1866. at 3 P;M.,nt the WeiheriU House, Bo DOS SABEOBf Street, in the city of Philadelphia.- . jalS 1719 SI 23 WASH. L. BtiMff, Auditor. EPCCATIQMiJU ■ROOE-K B^PnTGrP^NMANSEIP, -a-e Business. Perm*. Commercial Calculations, Coni mrrOial law. As v taught thoroughly at CSIPyBIf- BBH’B CVMJIiBOIAI. COI.MG*, 637 CHESTNUT Street, corner teTeßih To egraphlng laught, by one of the be«t ol practlcai Operators. ladteareoelTed for Itt etruetion in this brandin'-Individual Instruction, Day and Evening Sessions : . jaU-St* THE; TENTH SEBSIONOF M3SB A MABY E. THKOPP’B Engitofa and French Boarding for Yoitiur Laai«».at 184JL CHBSWBI Streep Philadelphia, begins February 1.1966. Olr* culms sent onappllcalion. , ae3l-dl2t&atuth. (St* Tl/TBS. A. B. DtORrON CONTINUES -to receive Pnplls ln PBtmtBBH~TP. fa. ill its branches, at her rooms, 130* CHBBIJHJT St. jaIE-Bt* village green seminary;— '. V MILITARY BO ABBING SCHOOL, four.milss irom MEBIA, Fa. Tkorough course fa Classic, Natural Sciences, and:English; practical les sons in CiTilßngfaeertat. Pupils received at any time, an dof all ages, ud enjoy the baneflte ofahomo. Be lei sto John C. GappA Son,S3 South Thlrdstreet ; Thoe. J,'Clapton. Esq.,.Kith and,Prana streets! on-ShorU genii .and otSetj. TON. A. M , VIIiLAOS GKEKN. Penn al ■ . no&-6jn UFTHTEVIRGINWAXOF ANTILLES. * —As«w French Cosmetic for beautifying and pre wiring the complexion. It la the most wonderful eom ponno of the ana There is neither ehalfc, powder, mag nolia, bismuth, nor tala In its composition. it being composed entirely of pore Virgin Wax: henoe theex tiaordfaary qualities lor presemngtbe skin, mas Ini lt ton, smooth, fair, and transparent It makes the old appear yonnr. tbe homely handsome, the handsome morn beautiful, and the most beautiful dlylne, Prlesa 30 aad 60 cents/ Prepared only by HUNT 4 CO , Perfumers. 41 south EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut, and 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut^ jaS-Sm MBB. JAMBS BBTTB* OBLBBBATBD «A SOFPOETB3B FOB LADIS&- he only Bbtowum muffiramindmt mWawa Ladles ami tQolm are only on Mrs. Bgftft. at her Teriifanae- loan wlTjfiw .• Strootv Fhila-vfto avoid «>antemitu>) ' lnvalitehavehoen advised by theVgphyffiM&natouMhS - applianoea, Those only aro midhehwhSWsVwSSt FOB SAJbB.ANP TO LBT, MFOB' OB THREE HOUSES, with all the modern iraproT*. BWtMiti* Mk lUt JiSCE l«tt. westofNINS TKENTH. AJbo. teYjral «nrtel»e«HoCBgB in FOJCfI BEGOBOi bmwei Ufcaet aadtjuaM. Iraolre of J. J>. JONHS, TWBIf rr-PIEST 80.. three doom ebofe Ohoetmrt. jaU-lßt* M FOB BAM— A WELL-BUILT four OMIT BKiCK BWIXLtSO HOUSE, 8. W. comer STRIA G G AitlrßN and THIRTEEN!H Bte. Baita- J)i« for a physician or fora atom. I. CAPRICE, Jali-1»» 81* CHESTNUT Street. m NORTH BROAD STREET.—FOB 08 a rig—A miiCTTtor Brcwnetone DWELLING, of extra flaleb aad most oompleie amui*. meat, with good lot. PooßOislou eoo*. ~ jall-tf ■ 1»3 Booth FOURTH Siroft. m FOB SALE OB TO LET—A NUM- Mfeor of conYenlent with modem lmpfovomeote, on North Eleventh. Twelfth, aodThir tceiohitiHtt. Applv' o TAT 1.0 W J ttESOE, 81* CHI ST NUT Street, or at nclS-Sm I 18»8 North T WBbrTH Brreet. ~4gjj LA KGB'AND VALUABLE FBO JEIPBJM* FOK 84LE. —The vetr 1»- (£« aßd comm»- dioue LOT rad BDILD;fI<3, Ho ,308 CHE BBT Street, ne*r tbecestre of bn»IMM, cmiialirin* «0 fteton Cherrr street, depth 106 feet. beta* 76ftet wide on the rear of the tot, and at that width, opening to a large cart-w&T leading to Cherry »tr*et. Its adrantame of BIZB AHD POSITION *r<? rarely met - Asply on the pr^miteß, Mto bent—a modern besi- DEKOH, witk Curd«&, Stable, and Carriage Hooa*. Gas, Hot and Cold Wafer, Shrubbery and Shade fnw; eitoated in a pleasant neighborhood, on the corner of Seventeenth and Tioga street*: combining all the advantages ofcitv and country, Wing three minutes’ walk from station of steam oars, and fire minafes* f mm horse cars and fifteen minutes’ fe,»m the city. The House is completely famished, and Furni ture for tale. Inquire at Quartermaster’s Office, corner of 3 FRAUD and TWBLF "H Streets, first door on right hand side. deS9 thstutf • Mfor sale.—the subscriber offers (Sr mUf his oomntnr s«at. within half s mil. ofWLimtnaton, Delaware. on the Hawport pika, earn tainlne eigt t acres of good land, is cita centre of which "t* a largejawn with a flue variety of shade ties?, ma ples. lindens, evergreens, etc., in all over a nundred full-grown trceK. The improvements consist ofa large and ccmmodtoog'Mansloiu flunked on the west by two lowers, oie ofjwhicb is four stories in height Taera are four large rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty* two feet. The house has the improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the upper story of the towef There u also an iron pump and hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door The. out-buildings consist of a carriage bome and stable sufficient for four horses and several ear iagestaHo, a and smoke'booses. Tne slablehaa ahydrantialt. Good garden, with severitX varieties of dwarf*pear aiu grape vlneAln fall bearing. Thera are also several . varieties of appi e, y and ch*s td ot trees. Te*ms sceommoda ing. given at any time. Apply to LKVI <K CLAdK, io2bM 831 Market street. Wilmington, Del. M FOB SALE, , A FBI A VAItTiBLH COUNTRY “EAT, FAEM ASD—C MILT. PKOPgKIY. filtaataos (be linn of tha (forth p«naff.lvanla Railroad, Bear the eiiy of Philadelphia The Farm contains 7(t ■area of Aret c>a«t land, with laraa iMaasirn-ftonfla. Tenant-bonne. u,d Floor Kill erected thereon. The mill a>d 'enact honne oonld be eon.eoiently divided frora the reel of the property. The WiaeaUekon oreek paesee ttironab the Farm. The Maneiim-hinue ia within two minutes' walk of the deoot on the north Pennsylvania Kailroai, -For (nrlhtrparUotdirs apply to ft X. OOBBOS. jalT-tnthsfr -60 S WAMIPT Street. « FOB SALE—A SMALL FRUIT A and TRUCK FASH, nearTornadale; a very -E desirable plane. Also several large and valuable fanaa in the same neighborhood B. Y GLKNJf, iaT-tf 183 Booth FOPS fg Street. A JOR SALE—A VERY 33E81 A Hit BABLB COTTAGEand furniture, with twan- JE» fcy acm< of bad. kUosfed on the Delaware, fifteen miles from Philadelphia. B. ?, olißflfi, jaTtf iat3 South POP&Ta Street. A FIRST-CLASS NEWBFAFEB XV KOCTE FOE SAMS.-Apply to AO COX GOO JAY Street, situated between highth and tfurh aid Coatee'and Wallace Btreets' - jsi3fi* '- i ■ y»ar"E | g^n>a«t^»tMJc»aßg a; s gag^r! V ilia|iii w*aW^*^ ———— pen bent—several booms in a the THIRD STORY of ihe Bnfldlng on the conck west corner of SEVENTH and. CHSBT.NOT Street*. Ao> pty at this office. jalB-tf OIL 0 IL PROPERTY FOB SALE. The advertiser having some very valuable Oil desires to dispose of them la one lot. and at a »nw° much below their present value, to such parties that whl l fo*®* a Company, and will take a large interest join inr lands, which have all been leased and sold, will lscreaee tb« tenfold ItwllJ he told or a. within the neat ten days, and therein no other ,*"» property for sal* for three psrtnlulans address Box 130 Poet Offlee, ja7 J2t* HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. WASHINGTON HOUSE—A CARD.— 'I Mr. CHAKhBS H AU.MOND, Manner of She Washington Bouse, has the pleasure of annouucinc that thin-popular Hotel will be ooeaed for the reception of TRANSIENT GUSSTB on MONDAY next Jam ICsh. During tbe time the house has been closed it bss been thoroughly reftifed, and Is now presented to the public as being, In every particular, a Hotel suited, to their tastsgo TONES HOUSE, jHB|Pf v Got. MABKAT STREET and XAB^BSShTAES. HAR&ISBB&G, Fa. w The Proprietor respectfully returns his sincere thanki to his friend* for the very liberal patronage bestowed to the House since under his management, and would respectfully solicit a continu&nra of the same. delS-Sm 0. H. HAHIf, Proprietor. SKATES. SKATES, SKATES, SKATES. tx A (nil JUFortment at SKATBS and BKATR BTRAPB toy aale at very lew price*, at If. W. KRIOHT A SOU’S, no*!-2m . *OO and fill OOMMSBOB Streak J^ITHRIDGE’S PATENT XXFLINTGDASfI bstha LAMP CHIMNEYS. The world-wide reputation which these Chimneys have acquired ia due to their acknowledged superiority ever &n otfecra —ThißßUpditoroyiadarived fromthree sources: Ist. Being fifty per cent, heavier than the common Chimney, they may be handled with much less c*re. 2d The ovat shape Is an adaptation to the fiat flame, ihe Chimney being at all point* the same distance from the heat, so that the danger of cracking by nntq.oal ex pansion is avoided • ■ Sd. The material of which the* e ’Chimneys are manu factured is uneQdalled'by any other glaas as a rapid cchductorof beat; and, practically, it le found that the combination rentiers them almost entirely free from liability to destruction bv the heat of the flame. Hence the obetad« in the way of the universal use of Carbon Oil, found in the unreasonable expense for Chimneys, has be*n me-and removed by the introduetiaa of * DiTBIRIDGE’S FIBE-FSOOF CHIMSEIS. The popularity of theta Chimneys has Induced Borne unprlDcipJed per* one to make use of oar name aad trade soaTkslacd their reput *t in ha* been partially Impaired by the wottuieeeoess of Bporions Chita aeya sold as oars. Parties who have been annoyed with the cracking of some glass fcMmnejs would do well to call and try the yx Flint. Messrs. FERRINE & DRYDEN, Ho. 109 'loath &ECOHD Street, Sole Agents for oar Chimneys in Philadelphia, from whom-they can be ob tained in any quantity, at manufacturer's prices, with the addition ot fmight. _ • * B. D DITHEIDGR. _ FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, jalB-2m WASHINGTON St, Pittsburg. Penaa. "DUTTEKFIBLD’S OVERLASO) -U -DESPATCH, - w Office, S. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. A THROUGH FREIGHT LIHB has been established, prepared to receive all elM*e* ot Freight in the principal cities east of the- hßssissipvl river, and to firomjpomtof shipment COLORADO, IDAHO, UTAH, AHD MOHTAHA TERRITORIES, UTOIT THROUGH OORTBACT BATBS AJTD BIXHB OF LADZV9. Through: Rates Include ALL CHARGES—RaiIway. Transfer, Storage, and Forwarding Commissions on the Missouri river, and transportationupon the Plains thus esabltng tee Shipper to obtain a THROUGH COH TRACT for Ids freight for a distance of OYER THREE THOUSAND MILES.and relieving h£mfrom aU respon sibilities and anxieties incident to the past disorganised and irresponsible ay stemof Plains transportation. Oar Agents in Hew York, Boston. Phßadelphia,Pitts burg, Chicago, St Leals, and Burlington, lowa, art prepared at - aU seasons to receive and ship at the LOWEST THROUGH TARIFF i£A»i»gfl ~ This Company assumes ALL THE RESPOHSIBILITI of Losses, . Pamegesi or Overcharges on Freight while Is trandt from point of shipment to place of destination. The Haw York office is in possession of afaibsetof TRACE BOOKS, showing the date of shipment* the time it passes the Mississippi river, is received at aad shipped from the. Company’s Warehouses at Atchison (Kansas), the character of the trains moving upon the Plains, the date it passes Fort Kearney, arrives at Sea* rer, is received at destination, and the apparent cendi lion of the Wares along the entire route. 49* If Damages or Losses occur. Shippers an noticed In time to duplicate any important portion of the ship* m«nt. These books are open- for the inspection of our cus tomers at all times, and parties shipping by this Lins will be kept informed by correspondence of the exact condition of their shipments. Merchants and Mining Men in the Territory* ordering Atchison, RantAe,” and have them shipped under the instructions of our Ageut atl point.of shipment. Letters of inquiry addressed to our office at ATGH3- BOH, Kansas; Ho. IVESEYStreet, Astor House, Hew York; or Southwest corner of SIXTH and CHEBTHUT Streete,-Fhilsdelphia, will be promptly and reltably answered. D. A. BUTTERFIELD,Proprietor. ATW SPALDING, General Agent, He w York. WM. H. MOORE, Agent* Philadelphia. delB-tf PATH 8 . : - ~ StHiPmjROUS BATHS OF SAH DIEGO, ISLAND OF CUBA. Large bull dings have been erected on the spot, under - the inspection.*! the. Government of toe Island. These sulphurous waters (eo»d and warm) have been used for the last sixty rears, and are recommended by the most emioest phrslcians, among whom we may name Drs. Jorrin, Ls Reverend, Zayas, Buz, and Galusso.- They ar«VJsited every year a uring theseason from February May, by upwards of four thousand people, and then use is specially recommended in cases or rheumatism, venereal diseases, and other complaints for which sul phurous watkis are ordered. Great relief will be felt byboth sexes inlheir use. The village of San Diego -has'fivtf ipScioufl flnt-class hotels, with every accom modation for travellers; these hotels are located near -the Bath establishment, and their charges do not ex ceed three dollar* per day. Gornmunic itions between Havana and San Diego exist both by railway and stages, orby steamers and stages, apd the tripr either inland or by the tea shore, is msdfein about twelve hours The price charged for every bath is only twenty cents, There Sprinssare very well-knownto many tra vellers from the United States and Mexico, who avail themselves of the fine season (from February until Kay)to visit Cuba. That season of the year is the most delfahtfol and propitious for the use of sulphurous wa ters, inasmuch as the cold weather iu the united States prevents persons living there enjoy tog the benefit of their own springs. For further particulars apply to the f ffice of San Diego Sulphurous -Baths, Ho. M Obispo street - Pavafa, Pfgemher gist, Iflft. jal4-siathlflt TWEAK'S GREAT TOBACCO, CIGAR, JU AWD PIPS stobsT W*. dUKOHRSTIHIT Street, Fbfiadellhis. F*. Dean keepe the greatest assortment. X . Dean keep, the greatest variety. Dean keepe the unrest general now. lon can get My kmior Tobacco, • Ton can fet way kind of Cigars, - . . lon can rat anykJndofPipefc ' lon can get any kind of HntlHS, AT DEAR'S GREAT TOBACCO STORB, Ho. 413 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, I*. When von go to Sm’i ni an cat anything M want In the way of Pine, Fine Out and SmofcingTobee- . •mi, Domeetleand Havana Cigars, Pin,. Aw. . t Dens keeps the largest general stoat of Tohaesa, Cigars, Pipes, &c., in the united States. .. Sean’s sales an so extends that hesan aSerd te sell at abont one-half what others sell for. Seas sells to the Armr of the Potomae. Dean eelleto the Army of the James. Seen sells the Axm, of the Tennessee. _ Sean sella to the Army of the Cumberland. \ Gunboats all orderthelr Tobacco. Olgara, Plpee, from DEAR'S, No. 413 CHKSTBIJT Street. Pennsylvania merehanta all buya* Dean's, Jew Jersey merchaotsallbayetßean’e. Delaware merchants all bay rtltoan’s, - . As the} can always get lost whet they want, and ate ranch lowerprioe than they can elsewhere, and.they do not bay, tor pisk np their coeds at a down little * All roods ordered are guaranteed toglve satisfaction. Order onoe and yon will always order from Dean’s, as hie ptaf sod fine not shewing and smokln* tobaeeoee and eliars are fttr snperler-to afl othera. and he eellsfor maohTeea SSAS’A Xo. 4]3 OiLMTIIUT Street, neMrtf . . > PhlladslphlarPa. Macebrkd, hsrrino, shad, so. JU (00 bbls. Meet. Mot 1. », and * Maetetol. lAic-cuuahhfiUfiah. tnMsortedpiudcitCM. , w • tooobbie. CewKastport.PortonelaT.and Baßfox lines Lnbee, Sealed, and Ho. I Herrinr. inrtor, and for .ale b^ PABINAT FUBNITUKK. > k ts. thn miricct- to. ftl mice of their rurchaaysvpH plc»m«mlluud "*-• *«*• KH. aiintetV^* •' ~ SALgR OF STOCKS iS^i!?.. '*“* BXCHaHOK.«r« r B2&SM 1 “* «W to &k >% Alin , MIaWMtSIBBT 6tit X Bh^a. 0 4 tta -w,. 3!i05 „ 5 ' is < ?b?» *••’**.« ag s ® , s>tt« by Sehomacfccx- icCJo . ni4V f, -n* v j '-‘iw «m PTMf aafe*bT '••«. 1 1«, • ■pfert».l* and other carp*t«, &e a ’ fia * Also, Japanoi*"TO*S braea, »« ‘’'a AlaA # pair xaatcb ro*Lr, cartiaao, u.j n Alro, alot of Butch metal fr.iryiffi »»>»»« pABCOABT & J- TIQHEEBB. B*o MA2KBT Bt".T S> ABn BAiE OF AMERICAS AS]) IMI-nevr-, STOCK t-F SOOD-i, 4c ??£ EDI, KTiw Jan * l2£ ioßMiVw.^ . SCSI^ P H jgaASiS 6liKl ael2-«a* -pOKNESB, BBnSisfT^ X Fo* 616 OHKSTITOT tad «j» ! ..'■ '■■_■■ !» ■■ * faUtefon^ol^lf v tii qpßr the matrr - “• m’plSVoS?' % ISfLi ARKAyOKMBHTt: of , - 1004. NEW YORK LIKES, hill IHK C _ asbthbstois eailkoad o.iV I ';'- Ir-’U Iffl, |BCK PHa«m,V A : 11 KBW lORK ASK W 4 y p. ~ f «;AW rT etEKBi w 3il : E '• WILL EiBAYS AS FOLLOWS-?-, AtS A. M.» via Camden and ierac.y v 4?» Express***.*.*...*.,.,.,. *' •*- * At IS H., via Camden Etna Arabc’yV a At SP. M., via Camden aad Amboy c ft ;, > * press ** , * sv- ‘ .1 Afl P.M.* via Camden and Ajai»y,*iV c 'w ; -4 and Pseae&r-r)* ” JA«P. M.. via Camden ana Amber, •: tlon (Freight and Passenger}—i« c; r * * Do. do. 2d Ci-v - •;? AtllJs P. M., via Camden and Amfch-r * ( a dstiom (Freight and - _ _ Do. do. ?d‘ , For Belvidere. Easton. Lambert* r at B.SOP. M. •’ - '*x-z. ForMcnstHolly. Ewaasrille. P*r-v»rtv . , centcwn, at ea. If., S and ft F, M. " For Freehold at B.A. M. and UP. M For Palmyra, Riverton. Det&nco, ter, Bonin* ton. Florence. Bordeuiowti «•- 11 30 A. M. # 15.30. 3.30, 5. 3, and r-:p V' v 1 *4 andfiP M. line* ntr direct throe J .s'* For Palmyra. iUverton, , *, Unnton. at 7P. M ~J ’ *«. LISES FROM KENSINGTO3 DYPO? Win T , . AS FOLLOWS: * " At 11.16 A. SL, Ti» Kensington and Jars, Rspraja »*.-♦** At 4.3 Q J?M*, via Kensington and Jen*? ruv VJ * press..*.. ,4*.*. *****►*..,.*.»,„..,. , At 6.4 S P BL. via Kensington and Utmj r£T ' * WatMnftou and New YorkSxpiesa...... Ft ~ DEP.M. (Night).via Kensington sad W«tW Washington and New York Mali . The*.4sP U, Line will roa d«ily. ah v \i^V* days excepted. . for Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira. Ithaca, «^ ew *. 'cheater, SiSjSSTSSJ, ***»*“ #,£ barrts. Scranton, Stroudsburg. Wiiu,' ■ < Lambertville, Fl*mfi*tt>a. *c. f at 7.lft a line connects with the train leaving E&stos vV 1 ChnnkatS.3oP.Jtf. ««0,. , yr dw* ForLambertvUle at 6 P. M. on Saturday* ,-tr r For Bristol. Trenton, Ac . at 7.lft aad 11 u\ v , tid 6P. M. and IS zßidpigtt. u ~' 1 For Hcdmeeborg, Wtssonoridae. and Frank lord, &i 9 A. ft?. >5, R. and h V7k. For New York, and way Lines leavioi toe Depot. Uk* she cars on Fifth street, Xaov e .7* * half an hoar before departure. Th«» rarn rn a j £ ' Depot, a* 4on the amval of each rna 'to* Depot M _Fifty pounds ofßfergege only allowed saoh Paseengsn are prohibited from taking aaytV h. >J.2. Cage hat their wearing app&rcJ. Allh*ms* „, H it pounds to he paid for extra. The Company h-j* responsibility for baggage to One Polls ’ per oouai ui win not be liable for any amount beyond lift, by special contract, Crahanrs B&cg&ge Express will call for and fain !9n Atlf.. iftj, sat street. W ILLTAfIf H. OAT22Q&, Aieat December 21. IBM. DINES FROM NSW YORK FOB FHILADSLFSU. Wim. USAVB y&on TKB FOOT OP COtTXTI.AXO iftmT Atl2H. and «P. M., via Jersey City and Caaii Ai.T, 10, andlßfi A. BL, BP.M. and IS {Night), m jj. eey City end Kensington. From the foot of Barclay street at 6 A.M. sadlP.E. via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1. North ilTer»ai 12 K., i, ssd B P.3L {fireight and passenger), Amboy and Camden. dsi.« EOAD.—This great line traverses the Ifcnfcsra «i Northwest conntiei of Pennaylvasia to the city of Sda on Lake Erie. It has b&n leased by the PENNBYLNAEU SAIL* ROAD COMPANY, and is operated by them. Its entire length waa ooened for passenger sad frtftsl business October 17th, 1684* TD£B OF PASSEFOSBfrBAXFS AT FHXUPELPSZA. Leave Westward. Mail Train *♦*****-♦»*•. ..•»—• ,Mu..**M*Mt*M* S.W ?. St Lock Bftven Accommodation Train.. ••*.»** .8-(X) L & Passenger ears nrn through on Mali Train wiitoai change both wave between Philadelphia and £ri& uA Baltimore and Erie, Elegant Sleeping Cars on Elmira Express Tr&fos taft ways between Phii&delphiatand Lock Havea, iid oa Train both ways between WikfcasMt and Baltimore. And for Freight bestnees or the Asentt. S. B. KINgM’ON. Jr.* corner THIRTIES el MARKET. Streets, Philadelphia. •J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. . . J. K. dsill. A« t tH. a S.| 3 General Ticket Agent, PMiidaJpMa JOSEPH D. POSTB, de2B-M General Manager* WEUamstKMt i-u- HORS RAILROAD. time table. Commencing MOHDaY. JANUARY 16, ISK, Trilut Will leave Depot, coruer BROAD Street mid WAS HISS TON Avenue, as follows: , J Express Tram, at 4.06 A.M. IMondeye excepted). «r Baltimore and Washington, stopping at WiianagiGs, Perr^fille^i Havre do-Grace, Aberdeeft, FerryraAiA Train, at 8.15 A.M. (Stmdayß exceptel)./* Baltimore, etopplsgat aU regular stations, wm-seu With Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Kii&i Salisbury, and intermediate stations Express Train at 1 Ifi P. M. (Sundays exeepteuj* Baltimore and WasMsgtos, stopping at Chester. Wil< mlngton, Slkton, Perryville, ana Havre-de-Gr&cs. Express Train at S.SS P. M. (Sundays excepted) k Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wiinxmit*. Newark, Elkton,, North- East, Perryville, Harre-dr Grace, Perryman’s, and Magnolia , _ . Right Express at 11.15 pTm. for Baltimme md Vadj ington, stopping at Chesterjonly to take Wsshiuttonpassengen). Wilmington, Newsrs, sit* ton, North-East, Perryyllle.and Havre-de-Grace. Passengers for POBTBKSB MOHKOS wIU uss lh B.H A. • ‘'“iSicOHMODATION TEAEHS Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia ssd F 5» “^Se*Philadelphia, at U A. M., 2,3.30,5 i» ulB P. M. The 830 P. M. iraln eoimette with o***» S. B. for Milford and Intermediate stations. , Leave Wilmington at C.ffi, S, and 9.50 AM.,IS)»* (.80 P. 1 1. THBOOGH TRACTS PROM BAiTIMOSB. Leave W,lmlnjton at IS SL, 4.24, S 33, &nA9.»r. 1 CRESTSR POR PHttADBLPHIA. Leave Chester at 7 45, 8.43,18.14 A. M . 11% tl - and 9.06 P. M. SDHDAT TRACTS. Repress Traiii at 4.06 JL H. for BaUlniereiud wai' ington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville, Grace, AWrileen, Ferryman’s, and magnolia. , Bight Repress -at 11.1# P. M. for »a p® o ” S Washington, stopping nt Chaster (for Bal t:mo ?|S Washington pastengers). Wllmingten, Pswarfcaa 'ton, Rorth-Rast, Perryvjlle, and Havre aewraf* , Accommodation Train at IOP. H. for WilffliMl vaB ‘ wav stations. - "1 " _ BALTIMORE FOR PHHtADELFHfA- .. - Leave Baltimore at 9.85 P. M., stopping &• Grace, Perryville, and Wilmißitou. toe and Newark (to take for tmd leave passengers from Washington or Bair aud Chester to leave passengers from Bai-ik** B Si lt 9.26 P. 14.. B Sg JOB BAl^ Leave Chester at & 67 A. ML, I.® audlhSOr. «- . g» Leave Wilmington at 6.13, 9.40 A. K-. 2% » * and 13.56 P. M, _ Freight Train, with Passenger Car leave Wilmington for PorryvlUe and Wsrm*a* «s*•*”■*>■* s.T.KBSSn.m^ EI.MIEA EAILKOAD LCTB to all points WAS r. and all places in the Wostern and HorthWMtora =»■ and the Canad^ ro 'CTAISS Leave PUladelphla and fcadthf O' tssnth and CaßowhlU Btrsete, 4&UJ, (Snndne eepted), for the North and Wert, as follows, Moifiisg Express at 8 A M Afternoon Express at K3OP.M- . afra sli R?nI MI * de,PMa TtAB iofTmck|V^ House. •»- “ 435 Ch^s c ItSr 1 t Sr JOHN S. HILLER General AgJ* 5a2 Thirteenth aud Callowo^fL^ Ob and Bftwr MQgPAYy • M Sot “nIyILLB, »f@ fcermediateplaces aonik of Giasaboro, «**• Sot GLASSBOEO at 9A.H.Jg 33 P *?' ’£fs iS lor WOODBURY, GLOUCESTER. *B., « IA3OP. M.,SandS„ BBTOBKOTSi ,«* k !Lo&to Capo Mar at 6. SO A. M-_ and LeayeMluyilleat 9A. M 4419 P, SL Bears B rid go too at 7. 10 A.W. a "“ 41 I*aye Kalemat 7 A.M. MdS P.M Q WJL jt.wW Leaye Wooabary at 7, &«, ana w-" ™jets fgsg any article entrusted to them. . muoulin*' A Special MeejanaMMem^^nlee 6 ®* 111 t , ygTT. a TißTj>mA. January & 1565. * ASTOH TgSp d»Ur <BobW ** *2jr«> &i f<,r «^ ;^r *«■«■«" <^img r *g™ **aawm«» «.»*- *•■ jj, jff. * isaya Dorlegtown at *.® A- teaTal*ii«4alB»»SJßA. ,/ IMtada&Ma ft* DoTl*sto< „„ii r* I>oyleittf«rar<*FMl*a«lP9mJ*i= - 8614 *S£bbs**&».+. .H " ... *:*&»»**"*'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers