NOTICES. i-'i'nfVUS ÜBIBH ceu l‘S A riOHO'MPAaT. January 18, 18*5. of tbe Board of Kansgare or the ’f i«riS» Uo “ fj»» Pf«»id|lt Hoard too dwath, oe (be S(h WiliT*Jti Bsg,, Seoratary and r"j, m p .oj; whereapoa it was ttttattl !o me death of SDWItr WAiPBB t»t, a n ost worthy and upright ottiien, i |o *old and saiaoa friend, ende*red to r ant rocollootloos. nut the Eehtgh it , p in floaiP*»J'* noiß “ r tooneetud with fe,«tarv front“>o veryogautzaitouof Si 1835, and whoso seryieae, dating VlmrtT f<irty-tbre» years, warootia iiff tideltiy, lot,lhoonei, and tho t,s,,n with tbe bt'tjf # and latewwwof Hbe memory of M* genial dt;vo<lt(oii, , jtJ’bieintebad reputation will ba Che- iff ofthme resolution* ba trana fVtof tea deceased, with tboagprev L of the Maaanjire In their trial aid if» Vf. B. WHITSBT, Secretary pro, tern. (cT ,V*I. Off I>E€&TUK cocrx* o IT. A. M., on <AT KVBNISTO* Jan. 10, Minis Hill I iinVued Bomber uf tickets, deinst unsold, ' La door. k* ordet or the oommUtve. $f OEt'-HSL, Feo’y of Ooinm^tee. _|»Y A’l'l'EV’l lOV HA.VI.VCt [ild to *o nuiota pabliahed U th« B'in f rte Wtti Inrt. omuUid “Port uffloa KiSri., witmrat any amhor!t» wba'tayar, eonaaott m wltli the offlo, of Post- I ii.slio pnbliolyto dtsolatm any Hi L \d 3't ca, Bud to ttnaoTiEco that lam ' I'iSffl" ..fEPSTH WARB.-T UK KV • va, ttre requested meet at laxii tf‘! Vr BKOaP and SPAING GARDEN fersUr EVBNffSG* 20*h *l 7* L* f ßr ti}cr measures to tttt the qa->ta of the f. r dr*ft It is imperatively |* la Jheinat'er be present. A E.rt now pat forth will, donhlleta, ao* 5 Vf J<»atr «. HSNNOft, 0 Secretary Executive Committee, * Jv'jfFXT DBAF'f.-Cl'TiaeVs’ pfrUXE hEPHESSISTACIVE, a-ND VOL* (SCV- —-Wt* beg tear* to caU the att> ntioa •o imbed, and those who are enrolled [Htary duty, and also that etas of per , t uume to draft (ladlea, and g«r.tleru*.n rears), to our Sidney for prumarine auh ?Bieer repres* motives. P«r«ou>* «hoaid mpormat mailer at oawr as the draft has ij l 9 jfrh of February next. Bi a stnetly H Ultimate businsMi we are in sot liable to the draft as suostitutes and u $a lo if* if not at lower prices, than any lit r&iJsdelpbia Th« law allows'ns to L tu the Navy or Marias Corps, to be district in the State where the principal ,v n r4nflBa. if persona 111 log in or oat of the ;>rr>Hed, will iuraWhue wltb a oerttd «ci-c n-oat from the Provost Marshal of (tbey can hare substitutes sworn into, I this service, which will fully exempt t W friven to ladles and gentlemen in this ve have done business In this line, sud .raffia* counties Chester, Oeiaware, p^ T ta. Bucks, SchnyikUl, and North* jeliw tod dabs furnished at the lowest fa, liberal arrtngemeuts made with Vmitter* to dll quotHs S MOSALLV, P*XSOff, *GO.. 5 All CHESTNUT Straevor Bfix 3077 Philadelphia Post Offio?._ t* AHMEKAI* WO«K .4 PUB* gating of the Women who cuak* no the !u, popularly known a» the ** % heJd at JEFFaRiON HAtl*. HIXTH liff Streets, *n ‘ifiUkSDlT BVBNISO, ,it 7H o deck, to giro expression in r«- ? contract eybtein, and the ot the work from the direct of lot. M ARiH* YBA3BE* President of the meeting Vo IWI-. ttBSAtfPBB Mretary jalfry .vAKKUA -THK |PaL ELitCTIOH ?0B umOERS. MAN A iffl>ltOftS:»wr the ensuing *»• iLL OF TUB ICTSTITU FB, oa TRUftHDAY »ft. flie Puli will be. upen from 4 to 8 (\ Meeting trill be held oa tbs seme Ere* jd othershovinir Models and Specimens >**hibUwlU plPHeepead them lotto HaU jttriiooe. %li.bUa HAUTL fUST, Aotaury, A ffiXSOTITOt OF THE B4UBU ~cu*aof *“IHSS*A.aCr>KIN CtUl. 00 4ii at the Office «i the Company, ‘4Ol Soa*u L-’% on till* 19\h day o' Jaaasry, A D,, [i OP PoOS U) PER vko was out of ttar> garataaCof the tiirUn’HVß MOHTHMt** of Um, lifter the 20. h 1-at. CHAS. B. LINDfUT. S-jCfeiftry, ■ ICE OF l'fl« VJSIUN CASTAIj : Philadelphia, January 17. 1885. a! Wopttttf of the SPOOK a art BOtfß Hbn Union Canal Oompauy, aad election igu Ksaag* ia to nerve ?or tbe eaecting yea-, j at the office of the Company. N;» 3&S t,u t. WD4I, the 7th day of Febra* [it <i , cl* , ck A M. Itt Bocks wFI be cloaofl on tbe sSth instant. 1 OSCAR THOMPSON. Secretary.- jirttfH NATIOKAL BASK, 703 iij Philadelphia, January 16, 1885, on«\ Election for DUectora. held January o* lag rea-Ueisen were sleeted Director* of ? the ensuing year: „ , „ Hamm, t .John Fareira, (flfeprta, I Eobert Clark, ;*cb, J Henry Again. * T, ‘ Bjatiii" T'cralaon". feam&el Miller. [ GiokUT. ifi*. ! be the Board, fjß«t , was uuftt Ist 6 KOBBETf WhSOB* Eea, SAMUEL J „ r *M» day, WILLIAM ire-elected Freni * vice Ple*icUut,aad , Solicitor _ M*Q MVLLkIS, C&aMer* X ' JSIMttRCI AX KASIOJJAX BiSE j fEEa siLy &wjnA <Janl6i)B3S ml aUctlon, bald on the 11th. last-. the fol- IftLea were elected Directors of this Bank jfcuysar, yls. : „ _ _ meu, Joseph Wa, Bates, jf, Charles H. Baker, sagh, George Vales, Bfcbar, Paalel Haddock, Jr., "’lllhimson, Joshua LippincoH. L Bowers, Archimedes j. Backnor. aeeUag of the Board,lheldltMs d*T, JQSBPH was uaanimouslY re elected-President, 8. 0. PiLMEft, CaahUr. HE COSSOIIBiiTIOaf NATION i BANS. Philadelphia, Janizary 16. luftS, lcotior held on the 10th inat. the following <wa elected Director* of this Bank, to serve ' Thomas I. Potta, BrlDghnrflt. Boberfc fchoemafcer, r<*k*y» Bobert P Taylor, I Collins, Josephß Van Bases* Hg gt. Jr,. John P, Ye/ree. lauhewß, James 8. Watson. (meeting of the Board, held this day, JAHBS 1)8, E'<] , was unaotmottelT re elected Pre«i- IJOSEPfI K FIEhBOL OashUr 1 JOSEPH 8, PIBKBOL. Cashier, .miSOIOK S4MOSAI. BASK. Fhiuauswbia, January 18, IKS. (Itctlon held on Tuesday, Jann&ry ,10th,1883, Ira-named gentlemen were duly elected Jil- Utie Bank to serge the ensutn* year: . Yeikes, Benjamin H. Brown, - . to, Benjamin 0. Nat lee, Was, Joseph 8 K“en, U. J. H. Wain wrlght, Leadell, Charles M.hnkens, f, Qorgaa, Henry W. EHU, M. D, rneetlngef the Beard of Dtreo’ora hald this iI.EsT. YEBKEB, E6U, waannaalmortaly re sident. and WJa. JHoOOBBKMi. Ca»hl«r. MECHANICS’ S4TIOKAL BANK, Philadelphia, Janaary.l6 1895. anal] Elect'oa for Direct rs of this Bank, held :h lost, the followini. named stockholders to Directors for the eosning yea-: B. Mitchell, 6. William A. Drown, In IP. Tingley, 7 . Darla parson, lotengarten, 8. Oeorge 0. Stnart, .Baker, 9. JamesT.Xonng. jteflDe iling of the Board of Directors, held ihiaday. Mitchell was onan'mooslT re eleotad Preei- H ~ Sfffchtat... FABHXBS’ ASD MECHANICS’ atiorad bane. , P Pun, adblpbia, January 13, 1965. flection held on the ilth of Jaantrr, 1885, the name! stockholders were elected Directors of Jemes R. Campbell, Francis Tete, J. Edward Farntus, William U Farr, Mndlej Smyth, Williams. Aferriek. nrst, . AntelOi [severing, Jr,, A Karniiam, i. iromSlgoVtlui Dlrwto?*, thleArt, ft A. IC«- was una&lxnorcaiy re elected PreiJHJ, Eea t Vice President, and WILLIAM ', Jr " Cas “ er w. bTOBTOBT. Jb., Caahler. lira SFX’OSB SATIOSAI BASH J ua , uiMal Election, for Directors of this Bank, held w. theloth,last., ... __ mien, Edward Hayes. r . Rhawn, Baniszain H Beacon. S&yder, Lewis ghalioross, Howland. Jr., Charles K. Krezaer, ar, • ' | »d to serve for the ensiling year, eetluz of the Board held this day JfATHAST Frssldoot of this [jalS 60 W. H KgtWH, Cashier. XIUIITH NATIONAL BANK* PHUiMiynii, Jan. 17, im tnenal election for Directors* held on the iota following named |<nUflineii were elected Di this Book for the «B solus rear: . trior, Henry 8. Ziegler, twin, James lons, >. Heafle, Henry? Shiasler, H, ChUdl. v John Dorian. H, Cratee, Andrew Mcßride, iKisg, . Jobs 8. Koi cross, utter* - ' - eetlag of the Directors held this day, Jacob tao. vu aaaaimotttlji rt-elected President, William* Cashier. , B H. WII.I.IAMB, Cashier. bkcbuits fob thbfoob. BSHTH WAHD can attain their money as soon rat, ftt theProyost Marshal's of&oe, oornerot KHfcH and BRABDTwiNßßtreets. Parties to enlist, and desiring Information can apply of the undersigned, BeornittogCommittee. Dr.J. MAO BlcaOL, Ho Parrish street, J. W. TBA'JKAKA, Ho. Ontario etrest. PBEH'E A. VaH OLSyB, Bo. aMgoath Fifth street. STOCKHOLDERS’KOTICK.-TK® Annail Heating of the Stockholder* of the COS fILB ABB SOtJTBSJUJ PKSoIBTL?ABIA AT COMPANY wilt be held on HOBDAY, the 1 January, 1833, at 3 oelook P. M. , at tha oOm einpany, So. 930 Sooth THIRD Straat, PMia illon for Prealdent and Director* will bo hold «» day and plaea. K. B. BaKULaY, >9 , Secretary pro tom. Tills ASrJV'UAI/ MEE rlMtt OF THK .Contributors to the WOMSH B HOSPITAL OP d&LEH IA V?tu be bald at tbacßosoicai Baild &Tß COLLEGE AVSNtJB »3l TWESTT-Bg •tMt, OiTHDBHDAI,Ja>J. 18. at 3 <M. ' E P. HtLIiO w AT, Baewtor. ftmOK OF THE COAX KID OR IHPBOVBMHHT ASS CO All COHPAH*, 147 'OOETH Slwet. Fftn.ADii.PUA, Jan 16. 1885. Inal P'oeilnf'of Sxoot holders and Election for a of fhlo Company, to serve for the ensuing U 1 he held at this office, on THOBSDAT, Jana* .Instant, at la o’clock if. _ _ JOS. T, FOSS, Secretary. ' "THE phovinoe op foktrt.- , l ««nre by Mr. BSOtjH H aOPPLaB, M 0». '•nlflf, JanoarTffl, at BaKDBt. ABO BASTIX* L£* the benefit of the disabled Soldiers and Sol- Jrqowe and Orphans, under the eateof the La , r ;M Orion Association. Tink«ts 25 easts. For «■ Association Booms, Bo* 537 Berth 2(0 OTH jal7-6t ' _ 'BTROMSUM STOKAUB COM- JlWt OP PHIL ADS hPBIA. —The bataeripHos ®PSW»A Stffti&ft STOSS; «ki‘&f b^d aos OMgramr street. mo ”»ake tSe 41 ,? 8 '"bacriptloasdrlaetalmanta wUi ‘taMS5&U pi® or the FAIKMODSir fASBBSGS RAll&r&Y COMi-AK*. Philadelphia, Jan. 11,13(1. 1 am'Sl the Stockholders «( th s floitt* !H*sng »S THl®®*® £® ?»- PHILATiBLIMIA January astta, iSftl. at Ej anrt'Sf irtn of * Freslda, t aad Are T ol s* aiHHttoa of eoasolHatioa. •K" jgafTA SPAhIWB. Sao’sr. 0O?r r ™iffiY 4 ' THE BCAZ' ETOSr Wil. COMPA9T,, g O3 WAtBOT g , re9t> tVutlu] MooHntr nl’ilii. J ">- ‘ 6 < 2J 65 , their Offlaa Sa Pule.- fie o f Fob'll ary □'x r, («te« to 8«t^ a oS<il|x e >i-l be hold for Alee Secretary TBK ABuDA-I. Mij s k« baitinß»B ti at tbe 00> BO&ESDAt Uadalptain, 'o'dpr’jTpPfln coal «»- ?|SSI Ir?i day at Fa bra- ditidejds. |55P> OFFICE OF THE TACK FCTM> V s . LBDM COMP AMY, Mo. 13 South WILEUM How YoTk. • • ' At a meeting of til* dlractorirof the Task Petroleum Company, hell tils day, ft waa • SttalveO, That » oleldeiid of TWO PEE OEBfT,, Is cash, fca paid on the 20th but. to tha holder* <rf the offl « of tha Tratnin. Mr. OBOBCB B WICUtfGTOH, Wo. « iXCHAWai *l*oB, and that the Transfer Hooka 1» aloaadlroati th* 17th to lha 20th that.. inclusive „ _ T HBRM«N CROHBft, Secretary, Wbw Tohk. January 11, lfles. to Philadelphia sbaraboldere payable at thr Offlcr of RICHARDSOH. HARCSY;ft 00., Mo. 3*l WAlfiOT Straat, oa and after MOM DAI, Jaa. 23, ISM. JUP St* THK UCICKSXI.VEK HISISS •Sts' COM PAN I. Tha Director# of th# QnlokiLlyer Mining Company have THIS DAY declared a sejnl-aanallr dividend of FITS DCLI.ABB > per share in UHITOB STATES aom COM, payable FEBBOAKT IS. 186 S, to ahareboldOK of record J> noary Slat, 1865. Transfer Books will bo closed from February let to IStb. ioolutlYS. ' „ ’WALTER E. LA-WTOtt. Treasurer. Sew Tong, January 4,1668, jalO ISt ■gar* office w*s» phii.a»bi«phxa PABSEKGitR EAILWaY COMPART. Horth west corner of FORTY-FIRST and HAVKRFOEDSts., Pkii.adki.phia. Jan. JO. 1885. The Beard cf Directors hare tale day declared a (Uri dine! of FIVE PER CBHT on the Capital Stock of the Corupany. to3lst nit,, clear of all taxes, payable oo and etter the SQth teat. The Boot a for the transfer of Btock -will he closed until that date. ja!3 lhstg-13t* WM MARTIR, Ja., Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE IKSCHA.SCE IOT STi(EBT ANI ° F KOETa AttBßloA > a3a WAL- _ Philadelphia, January-9.1865. „The Directors hays this day d.ciared a dlTldend of ORB DOLLAR AID TWBStV CERTS per share ftfiefrom tales, payable on e.mand. jalO lit CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. OH'H® Of THE FAME ISSO KAHOB COMPA.KT, No. 400 CHBSTSUT Street. _ _ PmtiAcst.FHtA, .laettary T, lflffl At a meeting of the Boardtf libectorHofthetfAMß IKSUKaROB OOMPaRT, held this day, a dividend of TBBEB PER CEUt. was declared.payable on demand, eJesr of all taxes. WILLIAMS I. BLAHOH A 80, left 121 Secretary, OFnCS OF THIS BBIfiOS on COfcFASI, Ko. 147 tautii FOtTSTH Street, Janu.ry I], 1856. The Bt>«d of Directors bars this day dwlarei tka I‘evenlh rcoithJr dividend of ONE PER OBNT. os tka Capital Stock, parable oa the 26ch last v she Traaa'or tsoo*. will be olosad on tka 21pt last., at So'elotk. ar.d opened on the 27th. ' By a resolut.on of the Beard of Piveotora* adopted tala dey, dlvldeada will in fntnre be paid onartarly. jm.« lit CHARLES A. PUT, Treasurer. K®” OF* ICK OF THE LOCUST noils- TAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY, PFitiiißLPntA,. Janaary W, 1888. At a Meeting of tko Board of Dirsetorsof this Com pany, he d tpis day, a Dividend of POUB PEB CENT, on the Capital Stock, clear of State tax, was declared, payable to the BtorkiOidera orthetr legal lepcesonta tivea on and after the S3d instant ' jaW 91 fcf>WARD,ELY, Treasurer. «mCE OF THE MISiOO OIL COMPANY, No. 5544 WALNUT Sirs#, Rtwm ■t) PaiLAi>Et.PRrA. dan. 8, 1855, DIVIDEND NOTICE -The Board of Directors bare this day dectaied their second monthly dividend of TWO PEE CEST. (tweet. cento per share), out of tie net earnings of the Company for the month of December, payable, clear of State tax, oa and after January Wtlh Transfer Books close January 14th. at3o clock-P.M., -aec open Jannary Slat. P. W. WTLTBANK, jad tiag) Secretary,. F®° »1 VIDE* THE DIRECtOBS I=SP of the NOBLE AND DBLAMATBB PBTRO UKUM COMPANY have this day declai their ninth monthly dividend, BIX "EE OBST., payable. free of State tax, on the 20th instant. Books close on the 14th and re- open 21st. GEOROE Yf. HUNTER, js!2-9t Secretary, PHILADELPHIA ASDREADIHB •s» RAILROAD COMPANY, Office No. ffiffiT Soati IfOUKTH Street. • . _ . „ PHaAPKiraxA, November 80, MSA DIVIDEND NOTICB.-Tho transfer books of this Company will be closed oa TB UR§ DAY, December 15, and reopened on TUESDAy. JANUARY 10, 1888. A Dividend of fIPTKEN PBE CENT, on the commo* and preferred stock, dear of National and Stats tares, has been declared, payable in common stock.on the 31st December next, on au stocks standing on the books «! the Company, at the close of business os the 16th prox. Stockholders whose names are registered on the New York books will be paid at the Fanners’ Loan and Trust Company. S. BRADFORD, d«1-t.f Treasurer. ft, ■ • 01L COMPANIES. jggp THE &TJMNMR PKTItOIMM OB MIKING COMPANY, LOCATBD'“ON THE WEST BANK OP THE ALLS' GHENT BITER, BELOWPBAHKLIN. CAPITAL, *1,000,000. DIVIDED INTO 1400,000 SHARES. PAR VALUE, *5. No farther assessments or call on the subscribers, AS 88,000 shares era reserved for working capital. / BUBSOSir i BEARS, Received at the office 7 «HKSrGomp&ny, Ko* 614 CHESTNUT STREET, Seoohd Yloob, PaiiADßUraxA ISAAC D. GUYEB, Beoretary. KS® PRO BOKO* PUBOCO. EOS’ The community at Urge are requested to TAKE NOTIOB THAT TBB OLD "WELL OIL COMPART OF THE 810 BROKEN STRAW CREEK, WARREN CO , PA>, la n»»w Being oreraßiied at the offi mb of the COTTER FaBM OIL COMPART, Mo*. SHlmd 800TH THIRD STREhT. AH parties desirous of becoming .formation of a COMPANY are reauesiea to call at the offices and obtain fall infor mation as to propositions, etc. , . k , lhe land# of this Company consist of two hundred and forty (310) acres In FEtS-SIMPLE, adjoining the spring Creek Station of the.FhtiadelpfcUand fine road, on the Bin Broken Straw Crook* Warren county, Feiisa . and about one and a half miles west ot tae ■ lu?b of the COT CAR FARM OIL COMPANY. There is already a well on the property 600 fret la depth, con tainicg a great amount of OU in the conductors, which, with a little expense, can be made reidy for tubing and pumping, operations will be commenced at soon as tbe subscription list is fitted. • , ~ Subscriptions to the landed interest and to a fand for a working capital will be received at the Offices of the Company until SATURDAY, January 28;fc, • Pvjbots subscribing to this fund hare the property deeded to them at a price as low a« any lands can be purchased in the neighborhood. Each subscriber will own the stock of the Company in exact proportion to the ratio of his subscription to fctta purchase moavy of tbe land, and to tbe workirg capital Therefore, - ROBE OF TBE STOCK WILL BE PUT UFuN THE WM M STEW AST, President. % J. Harrison, Bec’y and Treosater. jal94h»3fc «<s» THE _STAXBIS« STORE Oil, fcS? COMPANY OP WBBT VIKGIHIA. CAPITAL $8,000,000, In 40,000 Shares, at ISO each. Subscription price *l5 par Share, subfectto no farther call or assessment. A woTktas capital at 1100,000 reserved. Only 110,000 Shares to bo sold at the subscription price. . . _ The property of this Company consists of the well known Martin or Standing Stone tract, and contain* from 3, MO to 3,000 acroß of land, in fee simple, tree &om leases, undivided Interests, or royalty. Standing Stone Creek (a branch of the Little Kanawha river), and Its tributaries pars through this .property, andithas upon it a larger amonnt of boring territory than is owned by any other company in West Virginia. It is situated in Wirt county, near the celebrated Bath bone or Banting Spring tract, and in extent of territory is Its.times greater, and Is considered by all experienced oil men familiar with the oil distriet of West Virginia Quite Saudi, if not superior, tt) the Baihbone tract. The standing Stone Oil Company’s property extends from the Little Kanawha riyer, near Banting Spring Bun, across the waters of Standing Stone Creek, utelnding a portion of Boblnson’a Pork and Two Kiffls Ban, and il immediately in the Great Oil Break, extending from Burning Spring through by Standing Stone andPetrtH lenm to Horse Meek Wells, near the Ohio riser, and embraces theline of uphbavaii.„ ~ , , - , Tb© property of this Company bas not been deyeloped for the reason that it belonged to minor heirs, who eonld sot convey until they attained their majority. Which the youngest did afew days ago. Wells are being bored on the adjoining lands, and oil bad. It is said that upon this Standing Stone tract oil was drat discovered in 1790., , , . . On the Devere Para, adjoining, a well is beta* bond and oil obtained. The well of McFarland * Jones, on the Morgan land, Is near this property. . _ Tbeso lands are held in trnst by J.W. Camden, Hot., President First Hational Bank of Parker»barg, West Virginia, and tbs Hon. John 8. Carllla, Senator in Con- 6 rets from Virginia, and will be by them conveyed to le Standing Stone Oil Company'whenovM the stock to be disposed of by subscription, (to wit. 30,000 shares) shall be subscribed and paid for. Three thousand six hundred shares of the steak hay* already been sub scribed and psid fob. _ , Subscriptions recelTed at the Bsnking Houses, of BICOB A GO., and hITTKKHOOSH. POWLBR, & CO.. WABHIMOTOB. P. 0. dekS lm jgp- WIEET OH, COMPART, OF GREENE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. PEPSIBEST. j. c. payntrb, rmia. VICE PEKSIDBBT. CEPHAS WISEP, Greene eo. prsßOTona. A. B. Davis, Fhlla., |W. W. Waller, Phila., Thos. McGee, Greeneco.,|J. 0. Paynter, do. Cephas Wiley, do. [Joe. Caldwell. Greene eo., B. W. Bees, Phila, ] A. B DAVIS, Treasurer. 3. W, HESS. Secretary, The valuable territory of this Company is situated in Greene county, State of Pennsylvania, yielding the rich' est oti in the country. This Company is most fortunate ij possessing every facility for rapidly developing the oil on their lands, which the Geologist and the Commit tee on Property found on the surface of standing pools of water in various parts of their properties—Viz: The j. T. Biddle Farm of 338 aoree; the Samuel Horner Firm of 13C acres; and the Alfred Oregg Farm of M acros. There Is on all the different tracts of the Company an abundance of coal and timber, and having secured the services, as superintendents of the mining of wells, Messrs, r avid Seed end Cephas Wiley, propel, tor of the celebrated Wiiey well.on DunkardCreek (near the pro perty of this Company), which averages from 40 to SO barrels of lubricating oil per day, worth $2l per barrel at the well, the aforesaid gentlemen being practical oil men, and largely Interested as stockholders and officers of thla Company, and the general management being in tbs bands of practical business men of Indomitable en ergy and perseverance, and the Company having over six hundred aoree (f the richest oil territory, three hun dred and six and abalfofwhich Is boring land,and with the large working capital at their command, and an abundance of coal and timber on each of their proper ties, tbs stockholders may reasonably expect soon to find tbelr shares ranking with the best dividend paying ttock on the market. The Company's well nownoring on the A. Gregg Farm Is being worked with greet ener gy ; It Is now giving ffatorUg evidences of a largo yield. (Cluck gas wsa struck at the depth of Ida feet). Should it prove bat a ten-1 arrel welt tt wilt pay. at the present prtee of oil, *7 per cent upon the money invested. The Company has good boring surface for over 1.000 wells. They Utend pu'ting down immediately twenty wells more. Our iandsbeingont of the way of guerilla*, and no War from the greatbnslnoss centre, and the fast of there never being a,well bored to the proper depth In this conn ty without products g oil, weare sanguine of our entire success. The remaining portion of the shares are sow being fold at the subscription price of VIM. Ho future assessments. ■ Apply at the Company's Office, Ko. 380 K WALNUT STBKET, BIW YORK, PHIIADELVHU, ADD BALTIMORE OOBSuUDATSD PETRO LEUM AES MIHIHO COBPjBY. 300,000-BHAKES. Par Talne, $5 per fituire-fiabscriptioEl Pricefl persk&re. GO.GOu ehares reierved for Worklc* Capital, President—J. 8. CLAEK, of Mew York. Tice President—K B, wISHARf, or Hew York. Treasurer—H. F DEVOS, of Sew Tor*. Secretary— l. COMKLIN, ot Mew York. DIRECTORS. . R, V.B.Ketchum,Balt ,MdiK. B Wiskart, KewYors. O. K!o«. Baltimore Mo, }Dr. T. S, Kio*, Herr York. 3. B. Gould- Philadelphia. | A Clark, Tarr Farm, Pa. W, Woodruff, Baltimore. Jll B. Olark. otlOlty, Pa. . fIESBBACeBPBBIBTEKDEMTS J. S. Clark, Hew Yotki A. Clark. Tarr Farm, Pa. W. B, Clark, Oil City. Tfels (Wpany b*» i 6 properties; ta all, upwards of *36 scree < f land. every acre of which Is bottom, and the best of boriogjaad on oil Creek* Cbeny Bun, Che?; ry Tree Creek, wainut Bend* Allegheny Elver and other streams where the lauds are being developed with greet success Besides those now woduoiee, tea new Welle are beisg bored, m&blar la ail Vw»lU oa th»t« properties The prrpei ty is already yielding the Cflinpaßy a net product of 15 parrels par day- with a a* shinty of a l»ie 1 crease* and offers a moetdeetrabU opportunity for a sate iut«-s*menk These Uadi hare p*enc»'efaly eeJecwd datlmgthe last throe years* not to b«o| bat forth* pturpo-o nf pcodoc*ait . ufflce in Phil ceJplita. C3R9WIUI Street, whore fuheoriptione will be r«c4veJl>ud aU in* ft»?ui* . - ViUNCIS P KXASaSa, yOfl-35 - - Philadelphia < LfJOK TO VO Pit IMTJBBESi: fidTEBNKII! OIL AND, MINING COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF CAPITAL, #BOO,OOO, *1 PER SHARE, FBM PAID. Working Capital, *33,000, Cash. Tka eralaeht snccws wMah attended tho organization of the VULCAN OIL AND MINING COMPANY, the rapidity with Which Its itock wia absorbed, sad It, nr paralleled advance in value, on closing the snbscrtp- lion licks, induced a representation of over 30,010 share, of stock to solicit the above corporation. ‘ ’ THE GOVERNMENT OIL AND MINING la organized on precisely the same straightforward mu tual principle, audits affaire will,bs under exactly the same rigid bnainesa management which Inspired cond denes in and insured success to the Vtcicati, The Estates of this Company comprise over 2,loo*aeres all in fee simple (titles examihtd hy Theodors Coyler and.T. J. Clayton, Esqs.,aid pronounced indisputable), ol tbe very choicest actual oil-producing land in West Virginia. The whole of this large estate is rich in oil, and at once available for successful developments. The machinery is all of the best Philadelphia make. The profit ot the undersigned, in common with that of every Ftockholder, lies in the increased development of the Company’s rich tracts, and their time and energies Will be honestly consecrated to that one end. To persons interested or not interested every informa- tion concerning ths workings and prospects of the Com pany will be freely given, and detailed maps and shafts cheerfoUy shown, while the Books, Titles, Deeds, and all property of the Company are open to the Inspection of every Stockholder. If yon like cur frankness, or hare any preference for a corporation that means wobk, we should be pleased to see yon at once. Thirty thousand shares are already engaged; the promptest application is therefore indispensable to In- sure a share in the original stock. Subscriptions to the smodnt unsold will be received at the original price, ONE DOLLAR per share, includ- ing s stock dividend of three-fifths the amount?- - y f VREBIDBHT. COMPANY’S OFFICE, A U&W Bud •wl a.» Yvuvatt- aad - Hivfli/^ YEB2IMEKT On asp MutiwoCos. ’properties may now be had gratia at the Company's Office, ja!9-3t |ggjp» VULOAN Oils AND MINING Persons holding receipts of the undersigned for In terests In the Capital Stock ol tils Company can bare them exchanged tot the CORPORATE CERTIFICATES, by presentation at tbs Company's office oa and, after the 23d instant. yy wpw HcCUETOOK OIL COM. [Organirsd under the General Laws of tie State of Hew York. 3 CAPITAL 5T0CK.,..—....«... $600,000, SHADES, iaO,OuO-PAB VALUE OF EACH...*S OO WOBKIHCf CAPITAL-... - $35,000. BUBSCEIPTIOH PEICB ...$3 00 PEE SHARE. B. C. BOOT, Vise President of Atlantic Bank, Hew York. " W. C. CHURCHILL, 17 Wall street, Hew York. WILLIAM H. HARSTOH. of Wm. H. Mauton & Co., Bankets, Ho, 37 Wall street. Hew York. 1 JOHN C. SCHOOLEY, SO Pine street. Hew York. LUCIEN G. QUIGLEY, of Quigley Brothers, Bank ers, 26 Broad street, Hew York. The fact that the above named gentlemen, so well Md favorably known, are at the head of the Company, is a guaranty of its valne. Tire hooks close next week, Onlj a small number of shares aro i fibred In this mar ket. the balance having been alretd, taken. The Company owns the entire working Interest in three lots on the celebrated SECOND PLOOK. Two wells are ready for pumping, with a promise of large production. Another weU-is two hundred feet down* . Also, two hundred acres In fee on Ttonesta erode; roar its continence with the Allegheny river. .The sur rounding property Is now commanding several thou t&nd doilaißper&crd: * - £%heciiptionß received for a limited nttmbor of stares si the Bafifci ox House of ' FERREE & CO., - j&!6'ot e * fto.'33 Stath THIRD Steoofc. OX.B XKIHVNIOH Oils CORPiXT OB WB fc T VIRGINIA.—The subscriber* to the n ock ett ihe Old Dominion oil Company are hereby Notified that Certificates are now ready for delivery npoD bom jider oi subscription receipts, and boobs open T °Tibe«a&li B,<oo shares tmsobsoribtd for. directors: O. H BAMBOBGRR. Pferfdout. • ) J(.;6S,PH'BEOART,YIce Resident* -wj a CMTit'O v ■ ■ • J A koAL'ISTEB. of Philadelphia. C 3 wtliHKbT, •• C J. woIBEBT. Jb.. JOHN » t-B’OH. , , V K. KNIGHT, Countr.Cterk. Doddridge oounlv. C. u. I>aVlH,.x SherlCDoddrtdgeonnty, Weet Ya. TSBASOICKRi •" • | - - SRWCTAItV: _ WM, H I'ttLl.fPS. I ROBEEI H. SHITH, THE PRESS.—PHIL A DELPHI A, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1866. OIL COMPANIES. PENNSYLVANIA. NO YU TUBE ASSESSMENTS. COMPANY HENRY SIMONS, U, S. National Wagon Works, TBUASURBE. WILLIAM H. WEEKS, White Lead Manalaotnror. SECRET AST, J. P. DK. No. 434 WALNUT STREET. COMPANY WEST VIRGINIA. STOCK NOTICE. WIULIAM H. WCiEKS, TRUSTEES. WIDOW MoOLINTOOK FARM. TO* CAMEBOS PETRffIdEUM CO. CAPITAL - 5i, 000,000. SHARES-.- 300,000. PAH VALUE *S.O«, SUBSCRIPTION PE10E,.., ffi.s9. PRESIDENT, VANCE STEWART, OF HSUOBB COUNTS', FA. SECKETABY, Jffi L. T> ARLINGTON, VANCE STEWART. county. Vtk JOHN B. LEONARD, West Chester, Fie 3). C. FORNEY, Washington, D 0. HENRY D. COOK. Waehiugtoii, D. a SIMON CAMEhON, Harrisburg, Fft, JOHN H, DIEHL, Philadelphia, JOHN F. GRIFF, PhUaflelphla. GEORGE O. EVANS. PhllftdelpWA. JAMBS DUFFY, Marietta, Lancaster^, I*A The present and prorpective value of the stock of ikli» Compaarmaj be inferred from tbe fact that it own«'& fee simple Interest to 473 (four hundred and three) acres of the richest tested oil territory in Venau&o* Aou&ty, believed by the most experlencsd oil men Itn that Jtegioa to be capable of producing a net annual le**- come to the Company of .one and a half million dollars. - or Ibree times the entire eost of the stock, which would l bo equivalent to twenty five per cent, a mouth on tta subeoriptioE pric«, or o«»e hundred and fifty per cent, per annum on its par value. . The following Is a description of the Company's pro perty: One-fourth fee simple interest in tbe celebrated * i Hoovtr M Farm, situate on tbe Allegheny river, about two and OBS’fcaU miles below 'Franklin, con taining 292 (two hundred and ninety-two) acree, with 332 rods (or over one mile> fronton the Allegheny river, on which there are now twelve lesser, each ten rods square,and from which the owners of the fee simple get one half the oil, free of all expense. Besides'fcMa, there aretwo v ells ‘owned by the owners of the fee, from which they get all the oIL Op this Farm there are now tea well b is operation, producing an average of ten barrels perday,and several others are about beiag tubed. There are aUo on it 87 (eighty-seven) mow lots surveyed, aad more tbaa jfty applications are now standing to lease the latter for one half the oil to the owners. Out of the twelve wells om this Fariaare now paying handsomely: a fact which sufficiently demoa atratea the great richness and reliability of the terri tory. - Is the entire fee simple interest In' 181 (one hundred and eighty-one) acres* situate on the Allegheny river, nearly opposite the “Hoover” Farm,’and a little nearer Fiaaklin, at the mouth of Mill Ban, having a front ol 96 rod# on the Allegheny. Tlver, and one ml'e oa both aides of Mill Run, with ample boring, surface for one hv.ndrtd to*.lie, or Lots of ten rods square. This tract is known as the f ' 8U wort Farm* ’ ’ and 1b clear of all leases or incumbrascca of any kind. There ia now in operation a fifty*barrel well (beside several smaller oaes) on the Cochran which ad joins this on the south. Id fact, the 4 * Stewart” Farm ie surrovndtd with gob*-raving; wells, and within a aho&t time a stogie lease of 80 rods front, on the imme diate opposite side of the river, sold for $165, QTO (one hundred and sixty five thousand dollar*.) On this leal e a good w ell has been struck within a few days. In addition to tbe territory of ths *‘Stew*-rs’ "Farm, which iahblieaed to bo equally as g.nod aa the ‘ * Hoov er”) thtre are on it a three-story Grist Mill, with fine water-power, a good farm-house, and other haUdiagi, that will he of ute to the company. The durability of this Immediate oil section la illus trated by tie fact that some of the wells on the “Hoov er” Farm 1 ave been pumping for over four years,with out any material diminution in their yield, while the -oil here produced, from its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, alwayscomxasnda from one to two dollars per barrel more than the oil at Oil Creek. The officers of tbe Company feel justified in present ing the following estimate of What, with vigorous masaiement, the above lands can be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders is a comparatively shoxt time; , Therein room on this for one hundred lots of ten rods square, all of which can be leased immediately for one half the oil, frte of all expense to the Company. Estimating one well to each loHone hundred wells although there is room for three hundred) at the very moderate average of ten barrels each, would make a Daily product i.QOObbla, Outof this the Company's share would be- 800 bbls. Value of daily yield to the Company,- at ten dollars per bbl (it Is now selling at $13.60)—.. W4OCO Oft Allowing three hundred working days te the year, this would, make the Compa ny's annuftl net receipts, from the Stew art Farm alone. 1,500,000 00 Allowing the same estimate for the *' Hoo ver* * Farm, in which the Company owns one fourih in lee of the land interest, the annual net receipts from thelatter would , be 375,000 QO Making the annual receipts from both " farm 5......... Deducting from this amount the sum of $376,0(0 for contingencies, would leave the rfireTrAnnu»^in»v*w-v#-«—.,.,.51.600.000 00 HT.T. THESE LOTS CAN BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED, If it is Atoned expedient at a royalty of one half the Oil, with covenants binding lessees to-sink trolls, with all poeslble diligence, to the depth of 600 or more feet. A F#W PLAIN WOEDS TO 6UBSOHIBEEB. . Ton are not ashed to snbserlbe to this Stock with the expectation of immediately receiving large dividend)!, bnt the basis on Company rests, it a be lieved, willmake your investment not'only safe, bnt, prospectively, of enarmnus value. Notwitbstanding.atthe present prices of oil, the Com pany’s annnal receipts (without. any Inrther develop-, ment) would be forty thousand dollars, or eight per cent, on the eoßt of the stock. The president, Mr. Stewart, is one of the poetprae- Head and experienced oil operators in the State, and hie, residence near the Company’s property and general oversight of its management is the hest guarantee that no efforts will be spared to make the Investment pro fitable. Applications for a large proportion of the stock have already been made, bnt none will be received until the books of the Company are regularly opened for that purpose. v Only a limited amount of the.stook will be sold at snbscripUon price. The'Stock will be Issned foil paid, without further assessments. BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION will be open for a few -days, on and after January IS, 1585, at tbe office of E, 6, JAMES, Treasurer, SOLD MINING COMPANIES. rag» OFFICE OF THE BESOtCTE ■=» MINING COMPANY, t*HiLADBi;PHiA| January 9,1865. Kotle© it hereby tiven that an instalment «f UNB DOLLAR PER SHAhE os e*eb and ©very share of the Capital Stock o* the RESOLUTE MINISQ COMPANY hat this day been sailed in payable on or before the 23d day of January, 2855, at the office of the Treasurer* No. 32ft WALNUT street. PbUadelphia. By order ot the Directors I B. A. HOOPER, jalO-taaSS ; ; , Treasnrer. SCO. D, BLUB BBSEBTB8 —A meeting of the Company will be held on FBIDAT EVEKING, goth inst , at the Armory, on business of importance. CjalS gt»] CBAS. NAYLOR, Capt. ■^■OOL-WOOL. . t - 60,000 TUB AND UNWASHED WOOL, XOO BALES WOOLEN YARN, 18 TO SO OUT. • / AL SO, 100 EIRKINS GLADE BUTTER, . In store and for sale by B. M. JONES & 00., Jal»Btlf : . : 313 MARKET Street. TREASURES. J^OTIOB. OUR ATTENTION BAYING BEEN CALLED TO AS sertions and si atemenis lately made in tbe public prints with the design of detracting from the high repute en joyed by our Thread, we beg to state that our standard has never been changed during the past Thirty Years; and that now, as heretofore, no pains and expense are, hr will be spared to maintain for this %>aol Cotton its present character. The attenHon of Buyers and Consumers is drawn to the fact that most of the new Threads offered to the pub lic, from No, '3O upwards, are marked up, and that the difference in the coarseness of numbers, supposed to cor ' respond with our numbers, often varies from ten (10) to twenty (go) per cent. jalfl-SOt* ■REMOVAL. Xki J. w. THROCKMORTON, NOTBand BILL BROKER, has removed to No «1 WALP tJT btrret. Room No. 3. jal7-6t* T7XTBA CAST STEEL RAILROAD -AJJ PICKS. —BO Dozen for aaleby 1 t - JENKINS & TONOUB, Bdr© Tool Wore*, ja!9-3tii* 39 ard 31 RICHMOND St., near Front. PERSONAL.—SPOONS, P L A T E D with pure Silver oh Whit© Metal. $1 per set. 916 BACK Street. iaiB-2t* ■PHOTOGRAPH AEBUMB-THE -A place to purchase is at B. F. RKIMER’d Bisstock embraces a fine aseoftaient of improved styles, and at prices so,suit. ARCS fittest. » h* TXAVE MADE AT B. F.REIMER’S AA a superior Portrait; life-siae Photographs colored aitisticaljy in oil by srt|«Se or rare ability. Go earlv; days short. Ga*ierv Oft* ARCH Street It* PEIMER’S ADMIRED AND POPP ~L-v LA& styles Lik^Deßf*©#—Colorid Pbotog^aphs—ihe etylea felted to tbe timer; #conrata desirable, an 4 cheap: only ll 60. S&COfIP Mtatt, above <*reen. It* T'OMA'JO CATSUP.—NEW TOMATO Catsup, in tmarfc and p'nfc bottles, of oboloe quality. Also, barrels. For sale by RWtiDßa A WfLLLtad, nolfi 107 Smith WaTSK Street 1 non iP RING HOBBY-HORSES i,U\)U (naw and fancy stylos), goosa-naca Sled* Express Cart,. Ac. ■ for sale by _ / ' ROWS ft EUSTQN. MHt Wf *»A XW North THIRD Street ©!Fj COMPANIES* OF FMimSYIfiVANIA* TREABURSR, E, J. JAMES, 0F PHILADBLPHIA, “ WBST OHSSTER. PA. DIRECTOBS. THE ‘ * STEWART FARM. * ’ 1,875,000 00 No. lOi WALNUT Street, Phiiada. MILITARY. J. ft F. COATS. EVSVRAWCK. gITVEKTEEKTH ANHUAL i REPORT QIRA.R3* PENIf. MUTUAL laIPR; insurance company OF PHILADELPHIA. OKMC3 If®. Ml CHiSTMUT STSEBl 1 . Fnbll!h«d la conformity Witt the Otm&c, RECEIPTS POE TBS YEAE BED ibo decbbbbb si. m Life premiums ft» twin 0Htfe....*192,471 41 Limited premioraß for ikon terms tSSST ixoiarieka, &e.» 874 00 Leteieet eslaveetments 184.1C6 80 , . . , . _■ . 5831.0T9 71 Serip dividends received from policies puroliasod and cancelled.... Amotuits336.o9s7l' LOSSES AND BXPBBBBB DU KING TBK SAME tBBIVD. Tblrt» lowes. wnoirnttii* •72,60000 Bxpessep, talanw, adveittainit, atampe, roedical examinations, «,****a;*;* * 15,96301 Kesi&xd taxes—City, Btate, and Hatioial«,**.~ 5,042 67 Com mission to agents, adreriU- • j m - ' ing, taxes,licence?. &c... 11,312 75 , . — 1 106,917 4$ Pwmlnttff temrceii *nd policies purchased.'.****"** «««•• T a o9® 91 Inurest, dividend, 2T 99 oi>lted tian. 1,850 00 8,079 52 m 206 71 Aecnmuiated capital, December I SI, 18RJ-.—.. •■■•■• • • • • • ■ 1.221,289 01 |- Deduct soils of 1650 »0 18,9, re- ■ J C8JY€d........................... 86.000 00 ;> ' —1,158,2® (FI II Accumulated* capital, December ■ ■ ■j 81, 1864..»^***11y .‘.‘j?V/n*. *„*.yy , ®1,576,435 32 iJassetb ofthb compaht hable vor juossas. ? 3100, WOMB. 8. 6 per cent. tranß'errabls ./ lone, % $180,213 60 ■ • 15P.CC0 00 C. 8. 6-20 6 per cent. 10an.......... ... 1501000 00 75,000 00 TJ. H. 6 P*f ,e«t : ' * ' i trenaterrabl* loan, 15»1................ 78.967 50 45,0(0 00 V- 8. Certificates of •‘lndebtedness...... 43,2305$ 35,892 S 9 Pennsylvania 5 per / •cent, taxed loan.. 81,843 os. 70,000 CO PenosTliaata 6 par * „ , cent «OTtjpn«....i. , U,535 00 98,100 CO Pctladelpma 6 per cent. lean, free .. 81,481 35 - 13,800 00 ihtl&derplita 6 par cent, loan taxed . 11,037 7$ IB.CCO 00 Ptttebarg 8 per cent, bonds... -•••. 8,325 00 20,000 00 Allegheny 6 per cent. -■ bond* 19,895 00 IS.COO 00 AlleenenySpercect. compromise bouds. 9,000 00 rEHQOO 00 Washington county G percent bonds.* 7,525 00 211000 00 Pennsylvania R, R. let mortgage 0 per . cent. b08d5........ 30,99010 IfeOOO 00 Pennsylvania K. H. '24 mortgage 6 per “cent, bonde . 9,790 IS 10,300 00 Harrlabnrg ttatlroai „ „ Op.rornt bonds.. 10,700 00 10,000 00 WUvi.Je Ctt»6per »pent. b0nd*.......; 7,14140 858 aharee JPennsylvaala Ball- tv• • • . • -roadStoek-.. '• 80,342 77 ICO ebaresLehlibCoal-andlfaTl- ■' gatioc Stock* - - - 7,817 38 212 shares OirardXUe Insarance, Annuity, and Tract Com- 5,575 SI 100 abates'Western Bank. Stock 8,882 50 209 ebsres Commercial Bank fctocV.... 11,035 28 76 sharia Korth America Bank ■ - - Stock.....'. -t- 10,108 00 lOOehsres Maonfaetarew* and Mechanics’ Bang Stock.... • 2,78100 50 thane ileohanics’ Bank of St. bouts..., 4*960 50 250 »barfis Delawaie Mutual Safety tUuiaaw xiompa ny 5t0ck...... -8,250 00 60 abates Girard 3&ttk Stock... 2(000 00 36 oleies Farmers’ a»a Meeks nice’BsMt Stock..... ..... 1.820 08 4J6 stores Com Bkcbasge Bank Stock... 21.26!) 00 *729, MG at Bradsand Hortfsgta, all firsUlena,.. 318.9 S 21 tironcd • 1X,955 00 Be el Esthte held by the Company. Premium. Botea-eecured by Policies.-.....* 93,806 63 l oans on Collaterals. •.»«-«. ....... 16»28j 61 Balances in bands of Agent5..15,875 66 Quarterly Payments due. C0mpany......... 11,657 S 3 Scrip b lYldeada purcb a5ed.............. ..*» 72,931 92 C&enonli&nd.ftxtd in Bank.2!MB? I& Deposit in ff.S. Sub 3reaeury....~~ £>,003 00 (jffioeFurniture...iw** •»•* 2,4*2 23 Life Interest and Annuity................... 548 95 Interest on Stocks and Loans to December 81,18t4.. ................. 29,714 97 Coat. 91,376,435 32 Mall ei value, $1,485,685 32. . At an Election, held at the Office of tbe'Company, on Monday, 2d instant, the following-named gentlemen were unanimetudy chosen Trustees rortwree years: Samuel C Huey, ptomasV. Davis, Theophilns Paulding. Joseph ML P. Price* Edmund a. Souder, Samuel A Bispham, Samuel 3, Stores, BiUtfton Perot. Henry C: Townsend. , ,__ . Afca meeting of the Board of Trustees, held on the 10th instant, the following officers weie unanimously elected * JAMES TBAQITirB, President ' SAMTOH. B STOKES, Vice rtesiaent. JOHH W. BOBBOK. A V. P. and Actoarr. BOKATIO S STEPHENS, Secretary. The Board declared a Ksturn Premium Dividend In Scrip of PIFTT PBB CB»T. upon the Premiums paid ialttftcn all Policies in force December 3L 1864, and decided to receive the Certificates of the Sutra Scrip Dividend of September, 1850, in aettlementof Premiums, on and after the 20th instant, and to credit those in debted forPrejrJnm Boies or Loan* on Policies with the amount of said Scrip on their Jfotea or Loans on tk»»4»ta. boaBD OF TRUSTEES. _ BodolphuAKent, Joseph fl. Trotter, Elite S. ‘ Wimam XL Kern, Samuel J. Chrutian, James Bus ton, „ James O. Pease. Edward M, Nsedlei, KerreV. i>nliß,’K. T . , Tteophilus pitUiiln*, fr^lW Jvha<?. BreiuTer, — p ? avis, Benjamin Coates, Joseph M.P- rrise, Eichaid B Uphold, Samuel A Biepham. James B.McFarla&a. BlUatoit Perot: William F. Hacker* MEDICAL EXAMINEES- • EDWABD HAK'ISHOBEE, M. D., 1439 WALHUr 8 7EANCIB GCBNEY SlrflTH, Jr., H. , lfiOl WAIr- ECT Street. ■ „ _ " - ~ _ In attendance at the office of the Company, froml to 3 Y. X , daily. • ■ JAMBS TKAQO AIK, President . ’SAMUEL B. fcTOKES, ’Vioe-Frenident. JQHE W. XOEEWK, A.V. Y. and Actnanr. ■ HOBATIO B, arSPBESB. Secretary. JaMrtajhßt JflRB ASSOCIATION. INCOBPOBATED MABOH 27, 1820. OFFICE, SO. 34 SOEIH lIPfH SIBEIT. INSURE BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND lIBRCHAHDIZE GENERALLY, From Loes by Fire (in tbe city of Philadelphia only. Statement of tbe Assets of tbe Association published in conformity with the provisions of the Sixth SeoHon of an act of Assembly of April s.lBl3,'which on the 31st of December, 1864, consisted of Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the city of Philadelphia.. $768,873 66 Ground Rente-.-.. ~. 5D.84831 Beal Estate.cffice No. S 4 North Fifth street.. 14,398 13 Deposit with U. B.Aeiistant Treasurer....... 40,000 00 United States Roan, 6-20. ....... 45,C00 00 United States Treasury Notes— 6,6® 00 City Warrants— —... " *4B 00 Cashon hand— 16.461 S 3 trustees. GEOBfqj W. TBIOH. President. ■WB.B. HAHIJ.TOH. JOBE SOTOEB, PETBBA, KB3TBBK, JOBS PHILBIH, JOB'S CAKROW, 080. I. EOUftO. WORTH AMERICAN , :transit insurance 00. ISCOBFOBATSB. BT THB LSaiBLATVBB OF THB STATS OS. PBSKOTITAKIA. ORGANIZED OCTOBER «. ISM. FOB INStJBDSrO AOAXHBT loss OF Ufß OR FEBSOHAI DfJUBI TKAYELLEKS BY LAND OK WATER. Poll el es lamed fur a Stall* Trip, Speoial Journeys, Voyage*, &c, dally, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. AUo,. against the contingencies of personal hasard, and Against lose of all kinds, except real estate. Policies issued at the Principal Offlee. « Hb. 981 OHESPPUT Street, Philadelphia, or by the Agents of tho Company in any of the cities of tho United State*, or by the Ticket Agent* at any Rail road Station. CAPITAL.. .*300,000 OFFICKKB. PBESIBSKT, ' THEODORE ADAMS. TICK rjREBIDBHT AKD AOTVAB*. ' ' J. H. BBADLKT. TBBASTOBR. JAMES M. COMBAD. BBORETART, LUCIAS- PETrOH. -AOSRT, r j. b. pxrTOir. . : DIRBCTOBI. TußMOnAam. ■' Franklin 8t««U, - We. Colder. jaU lm Gaort* T. SWdmui, ... Theodor* Adams. James M-Conrad*. Blobard Wood,’ Cl&s IBBAL BBCRtfitma AGENCY U OF BJSTBBN PEFNSFLVANEA.—GentIemen lia ble ffethe Draft furnished with Teprecaatelive# wito «.«tb*-i»*pwB*at. B«ad aoertificate of j outjen'otoe** frcm the provort mar* had of your dietHLct Township# ordistiicre supplied with credits on reasonable Satisfactory r©tMonce«_ &¥>*• ApWK-« CO. * Do* 23 South THIB V Street, f M*ad*lphte* ja!7 tutb»Bt* n.ENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, U No. 40 Booth THIRD Snoot. ccond door —Moo ttoeut to enll.t will find U to tb,ir interest to com* to tile Office, and reolye the Hlshe-t City and Ward Bounties la Cush, Bad Belief Money *<w their femllie*. WILLIAM LbffdßO, ja!6 H* heoralting Officer. TNBTBUMICNTB <TO ASSIST THE -A BB.8ING; also Pea and Pocket Xulces. Itiw Mreort, Ac , cfthaeneat quality,, at P- M ABSIB£S. lislouth TENTH Street.-lalow Chwtiwt. jaM-.M* s V J T ' FIRES MABtNB OFFICE 415 WAWfcT STREET, CAMrA1,.v.»......... ..8200,000, : INCOME IK ISS* . From Fire Premiums only, and 1ntere5t......,113,611 £9 DISBURSED. 0a spjoMt of Losses, noMreiu»iMn.nlipald.sK J ras 's' On aceount of Dividends. Expense Account, ‘ Ac , including Halted States sad State Taarott. 83.JSS7 ASSETSTah. 1, 1865. Cash In Philadelphia National Baal:.»«~<»'y.,.sn t U7 75 United States Loan a, 00*.6U98'J OJ Bonds and Mortgages..*. *+++ «-**««. •. •«5..« 5i.157 00 Philadelphia City Si7,SM 00 Camden and Am hot bailroedßonds..*........ 3.000 00 Fourth National Bank of Pittsburg...*.. 5;7» 00 Loans on Cailr amply secured...l4.Boo 03 Beal Estate.. ......***■»*• 7,000 00 Cash on band and due from agents-... •* * §*gw 00 Unpaid accrued Interest. -»•*•...*«. g’?2 29 Bills Be celyable... 3.4 J& j[* Girard Fire and Marine Insurance 00. Stock.. 40,4(P TO Pennsylvania Bafiroad 5t0ck................... 4,92300 T0ta1............ ..............Mi 4» Other Stocke and B£Els Receivable, held (only) • _ as c011atera1........... 75,000 00 With the ahoTS ample means to indemnify our pa trons. we shall,, after this date, i29,8* SS On all first-class merchandise risks coming direct from tfceinsured. This sum vrfil no deducted frqm the rates customary at this date. ' Bevenue Stamps will 5« charoed for, and no com lesions paid. Parties holding Participating Policies in this Cora*’ paay, expiring os or before the 10th instant, will, on the surrender of their policy, receive a dividend oi New policies may he Issued, but the old cues must\be returned to the office. , F BURB ram- ’nam S.E.Cor. Walnut and Fourth St.* Bto A HOME COMPART, ud proito divided UK. ally, thu* aiding the sssuredionsy ruture premluw. Ls*t dividend 60 per ceni. ALEXANDER SAMUEL WOI aOT-SjoU JNO. S./WILS' 628. The most complete assortment In the city* warranted to be fuperior in syinetry of Btrie- and finlsh.tlje most & UraSZe, and ft ally the Skirts inthe market. Also, agents for. the "jBOsW\ fIiEXIBLB” 8KIE?» the most pliable Hoop Skirts made equal to Bradley’s "Duplex Bliptic, ” and atroneh.iower.prices. together with fall lines of low-piHced Eastern- made Sfcirtf, from 16 to 40 spiinas, from J-6 cents to $1.50. Skirts made to order* filtered and repaired, wholesale and retail. ATHOPKItfS’, ja!9-gt* - - go. eaS- ABQg Street. TMFOBTBD TAPH TRIMMING.— A Four widths, at $1,95 a piece, 12 yards long, or 12?£ ”e ABlfo WJAGOa JST EDBiira-lfa&a !n tiialoom, at 25 and SO seats a strip, three yards loss* closely resetab ling the band work, quits ae durable, at lose than one* third the cost of the needle wrought. JACOKET EDGlBo—Hand- wrought* one lot of good E JACOBET 0 BEVIEiE-Jfertow at 10 <K»ta a a&ip, three yards long. JACOSET SEVIEKB—Wide, at 29 cents a strip, three T ' ' ards long. MUSLIN KUPFLlNG—Bntfftalxole stitched edge, at S 3 and 60 cents a str<p, three-yards Ion?, a beautiful trim mix*, and for many purposes, preferable to magic ruf fling. CAMBBIO AND JACONET ITTSEETINOS —With and without heron bone* a good assortment of medium and *wid*». at fair Piio^e. ISUMADE MOSLH? CAPS-r-Ten cents a Cap Pattern, balance of an old importation.'at this low prioe. Special. -rTaking stock has developed some odds and ends of o)d purchases,, such as Worked Bands, Machine Muslin, Insertions,Muslin Sleeves (uot the last fashion), Ac., ‘which will be sold very cheap, as their room will be preferred to their dompanr* v, ■„ . , STRIPED OBOANDJ E MUSLIN—For eveidng dresses, WOhNB t S Laae aid Sffibroidery £fsfih^§~So rth EIGHTH Street; It* A ttractive notice to ladies. -(A- Lupin's Merinoes at $1 50. Lupin's Msrlnoes at $1.63, Lapin’s Merinoes, all colors. The greatest bargain offered in these goods. Cali and examine them. Compare them. Hailing fast. Assort ment good, at JOHN H. SPOKES’. jala SEVENTH and ARCH. Ho. TOS. TUKW BOOKS AT REDUCED PRICES. AY House and Home Papers, hr Mrs. Stowe ■**.s! 25 Dev Atmosphere, by Gail HamlUon*.l7s Family Secrets, lSx&Ot.3 25 Moods, by L, M. Alcott~*< X 25 Enoch. Arden, illustrated.. 1 1& .I »» p&pereditton*.2o 'Kitty Trevylyan’s Diary, 12mo* «••■•...«.... *♦***.! 50 Bari Dawn, 12mo . cloth**—...... 153 Schonber* Cotta Family. 12m0t*.‘^».»*»—160 Queen of the County, 12mo 1 75 Perpetual Curate, 8v0.... SO .-Quiie’Alone, by G. Augustus 61 SUtfcie;AStiaj,Bvo 60 Won Hearted, by Mrs, Grey. 69 All $2,00 books for $1.75 All $1 00 boohs for 80 cents. *» 1.75 “ 150 “75 cent hooka for 61 eta. “ I.£o “ 125 *‘6o cent boohs for 40 eta. “1.25 “ . 1.00 “25 cost books for 23 cts. RUSTIC FRAMES. WAiHUT and ROSEWOOD FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARD, MEDIUM and IMPERIAL PHOTOGJfeAPHS, plain and colored, - , ALL AT VERY LOW PRICES. jal»Bt' PITCHER’S, SOS CHBSTKUT Street.' SO -CENTS 1 30 CENTS I! 30 CENTS!! DU HAMPER FOB PgBKTTABV. < ja!9 PITCHER’S, 808 CHESTNUT Street. nEMOBEST’S FASHIONS FOHFEB. XJ BDART. a. W. PITCHER'S, jal»Bi ■ 808 CHESTNUT Street, JJEAD'X IN A FEW DATS; Or the.Marche*, Bivouacs, Battles, Incidents of Camp Life, and History of the Second Pennsylvania R&eer res, one of Philadelphia’s most gallant Regiments, during its three 3 ears’ term of service, together with a Sketch of the Amy of the Potomac under Generals McClellan, Burntide, Hooker. Meade,and Grant.and of the Army of Virginia* under Gen. Pope. ByE M- Woodward, Ad* jutant of the regiment; Cola. Maun and McCaadless; 12mo. cloth; prices - • __ ... _ JOHN B POTTERePublisher* jalB 3r* No. 61T SANSOM Street, Philadelphia. XT BY TO HEAVEN; 08, THE CE TV- LBBBATBd Sermon Oh “THE BOCK TOOK WHICH ’TEE CHURCH’ SPLIT," by Bey. 8. K. LANDIS M, B. Just out. ■ Price 10 osnts, or 12 for $l. A. WINCH. Bole Agent. Alee, for rale at Stores end Dr. Landis’ Medical Office, 131% CHESTNUT street. jal9-lm« $909,(9713 PUBLISHED THIS DAY, JAMES S B CLAXTON, SUCCESSOR TO WM. S & ALFRED MARTIBN, 606 CHESTNUT Street, THE AFRICAN’S RIGHT TO CITIZENSHIP. A pamphlet of great Interest at the present tuns. Price, 25 cents. , • " ja!7-tf JOS. B. LIND ALL, LBYIP. COATS, BAMUELSPABHAWK. CHARLES P. BO WEB, MEMORIAL OF THE SANITARY AtA FAIR,—A supply of this interesting and hand* somely- gotten up BOOK now on hand, All members of committees and others interested in having a copy, will please call or address the Agent immediately. Rat one edition wlli be ' . 33 Snath SIXTH Street, jalB-6t Office of Hew American Cyclopedia. JESSE LIGHTFOOT, ROBERT SHOEMAKER; .LIAM T. BUTLSB, Secretary. T?IBHER & BROTHERS’ VALEN r *rrwEf? isss, We notify’dealers that onrpopnlar ’ $6, $lO, $l5, *2O VALENTINE. LOTS Areaowmdy at the monoffi^. R ■ jiBOTHBB, ialß- 4tif* No. 18 Worth SIXTH Street TCTISCELI/ANEOITB AND LAW AuL BOOKS—The beet sad rarest collection in Phila delphia.—Hallowell’. Sbaksoeare, fifteen hundred dol tare. and otber.Booka, wnallp twee, for sale at 419 CHESTNUT Street, Jv ■ I.S-Sri - JOHN CAMPBELL, •WHEREAS. THE AUDITOR GENE- F f RAL. aa required by the eleventh section of the 'act entitled ‘' An act enabling the banks of this Com mcnweslth to becoise associations for the purpose of bulking under the laws of the United States,” passed the 23d day of August, A. D- 1864, nas certlfled to me that the ‘ Commonwaalth Bank’ ’of the city of Philadelphia has furnished aatlsftwitory evidence to him thataU the requirement* of said act have been complied withby said bank, and that It has become an assoriaiion tor the purpose of banking under the lavra of the United g tntos* Ido therefore cause this notice thereof to be published la accordance with the ororteions of'the said eleventh s. ction of the said act, cad do declare that the charter of said bank by the terms of said act is deemed and taken ’ to bs hereupon surrendered, subject to the proyisiosa of the first section of said act. OUBTIN ErECPrrrK Chahbbe, January, 9.1865, * iaU-lfit jrtiL STOCKS BOUGHT AND BOLD.— ■v ’ Among others. Humboldt, Maple Amber, Logan, and Weilref, Ac.. Ac. Q. COLLINS. Broker, jaia-31* 384 OHESTN PT Street, second floor. fpL BTOCKB, U. B. LOANB, &c. t V BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, By GEOBGE J. BOTH, Broker, ,aS-Smlf No. 18 South THIRD Street. THE PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF -a- DESIGN FOB WOMEN, southeast corner of FIL BBET Street end PENN Sucare, (west of Broad.) trill Stmmiace Its sessions for lfeOS on the first of F.brnary. A largo number of imported casts are added to the Di&ying Sftvarti&efit and Museum. A limited number of tiuaents can only he taken, as our room# are nearly fell, Terms are very low. For circulars, apply at tbe Bcbroi-house. ™al£ra T. W. BRAI.DWOOD, Principal. rsr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE PITT ANDHOUNTf OF PHILADELPHIA. ' Estate ol 88.0EV11.1.E J> BROWN, dac«i;ed Tbe Andilrr Bppolfiteil by the Court to, audit settla and adjust the firsf.and final a-count. of Df OLWtN, PAKBIeH and JOHN O. WiTHgHIi.L. Ks-oulpra. and to .©port dia>ribution of tha balance ln.tb» bands of the acoouttas's, will meat , the parties i'leresWd for -the putpoMßofhlaappointment en WEDNESDAY. Fahrna >y Ist, lfiso, at faro clock Phi. offtcOj asnth earl corner UIGETH and LOCKS! Streets, in'ce cdtjof i,Pta»slktW*,. * # ■ jalS thMuH i iwstJKAJfCE. INSURANCE company, PHILADELPHIA. ABATE PREMIUMS TEE PER CERT. BEVEHTY-PIVE PER CENT. DIRECTORS lobn,W. Clazhorn. N. S. Lswremie. John Snjmloa, Henry, w. Ofay. Biles YerAes, Jr, Thomas Craven, I Furman Sheppard, j George H.- Atnton, I Charles I.'Dopont, Jteei'h Blapp, ftf. J>.»- Alfred S. Gillett, x 1 THOMAS CIIAVEN, • PRESIDENT. A. J. GILLETT, Vice President JAMBS B. ALVOKD, Secretary, IN THE AM EBIOAN, PHILADELPHIA. BOARD OT TRUBTKSB. AUxaodar WSmdlu, J. 2dgtit Thoma™, Eon. damea PoUookt Hon Job. AUlbou, Albert 0. Roberts, Henry K, Bennett, Samuel T. Bodiae, Philips. SUagla, Geo. Hngeßt, John Aikmaa. Win. d. Eaarard, Isaac Hatlebant, Samuel Work- WBILLDIN, PreeMwL K, Vioe President. IN. Sec’y and Trauntw. RETAJL oftl HOODS. HOOP SKIRTS g2B. Of "OUR OWN MAES." NEW PUBLICATIONS. OUR CAMPAIGNS; FINANCIAL. EDUCATIONAL. WAjrTEU—A SITUATION IN A ” * Whole#al«. pr Mm# light smatoynwnt, hr « energetie yoanr Man Who hAi eerred un«e years In th» unj, ana his re«Wt*d an honorable dleoharga. A - r-tem “C.W. T. 1 " fww offc* • „ . lal-Mt* tCTANTBi), IN A STATIONERY Stow# a TQUNG MAN about 18 year* ofaice; one ■wao lias some knowledge of the business preferred. Address Bob 1664 Philadelphia Post Office, In hand* writing of applicant, jaifi.ftt WANTED-A LARGE AND COWHO- V dioua ROOM, on the firet or second floor, MiitA b»e fo? a public office, and *Uu&t*d bit ween Market and Pine, and Second andPUth. Applyai NAVY AGSS* 1H South TH HD, WANTED TO PURCHASE OR EBNT-A PEW In the GhClary of HOLY TRINI ty U 8 OBCH.Nlneteenth and Walouf: streets.• AfHrosw Boar 2421, Post Office. . . jri9-Bt* WANTBD.-A MARRIED MAN. A ” Practical BOOK- KEEPER. ,with sixteen years 1 experience, desires'a Situation as such Satisfactory ely reference given* Address '‘Petersburg-” p.-am Office. j%19-3t* WANTED.—A YOUNG MAN WANTS ' ' a Situation In so®# Wholesale or Ketatlßdab lifhiDPot. ej< SA LEHMAN; has had soma exoertencs Is the Boo*and Periodical Business; has a knowledge of Booster plug Beat reference. Address ‘‘A. 8 8..' ’ this Offer, for three days. ■, ■- It* WANTED—TWO BOYS ABOUT 16 JJ „*««» old. ins a WHOLES ALB HAKDWAHfS STORE. Address “ Hardware,’’.Prefa office, jai»3i* WANTED—AN -ENTRY CLERK IN ’ ; a Dry Goods Job bln* Bouse. Address, in hand writing ortbeapplicant, with references, •*£ /’ Box 199 Philadelphia Po»-,t Office. jalS fit* WANTED—BY A GENTLEMAN , I whose evenings are nnemployed. Writing or Book- keeping. Please addraea "5. A.,’> thla o«ca._ jalB-3t* ’ WANTIB-BY A GENTLEMAN "" control! In » valuable Consignments of Foreign Goods for New York account, a position in an estab lish fd house of mean*. where- ais cGnwig.'aneots and services would be appreciated. Addres*, with real Dajpe (roue other jit-tited). whichwill bec:>nfia*nfrUl. to “Gonaignments,” at this office. jal7-fcuth; &* WANTED—A PARTNER, WHO CAN * * furnish from five to ten thousand dollars capital, in an Iron Manufacturing business. Address ”B. 6 Co.,** Box No 342, Phil* da. Post Ogee. j*l4stnth fit* WANTED—IN A PLUMBING EST A "* BLISHMRftT# ayonng MAN toassistatk«ep!n» books, and make himself generally useful# IH> and 113 South SEVENTH Street. jal7-3t» WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED BN# V v TBT CLERK in a dry goods jobbing house ; none but a good writer need address ** Competent,” at this office. ~ jal7-Bfc* WANTED TO PURCHASER-UNION "* Mutual, and Delaware Mutual Insurance Scrip, Address •*Box94 r 7,* , Post Office, jat7 3t* WANTED TO RENT, IN A OEN »* trad locality, on the first floor, part of an Office ,for Desk room. Address “P.” 80x2219, P. O. jas- if- WANTED, AGENTS. —AGENTS' - IN ** every Oorinty, at $7O & month, expenses paid, to introdtieetf/foen new and useful articles, the best sell in* ever offered. For particulars, address OTIB 1 ; GABBY, BIPPBFORP, MAINE- . Oc2B-d&W3m jaM-atath3t‘ APPLICATION FOR A PRINCIPAL -£*•- Male Teacher at Laud wh Uac’ai*rifi»A Sshori, 26th. Section Apply to SAMUEL S. MOHR 7. Chair* : man of Committee on Qualification of Teachers# Debtors* Apart ment.Connty Prison# jalfi-fit* | A READER—WANTED BY A GEN; : -fl TLBM*N, a BBAPtIK three or fonr nights a week. ! Address “W.. l ’thlB«fflde Rate pay wanted; jalS 3t* 1 ANY PERSON DESIRING A BOOK KEEPER can communicate with one, stating term*’ land business, by addressing ORLANDO HIMM-ISg. CHESTER, Pemsa. Ha* had two yean* experJeoca and is ihoreugo’at the baaioes*. _jalB3t* 'DUSINESS IN THE OIL REGIONS AX in opportunity offering forthe establishment of ft profitable business, tb* advertiser would be glad to meet with one who baa a small capital;' Address *• Eit-ustt.‘ * Box 1673 Pest Office. jalS St* * ThENTISTS—A. SITUATION 18 -A/ Wanted as As*!9ta*tOperatiniror Mechanical Pen tiet, by a person who has had twelve years’ prattle*! experience. Address Box 475, Philada PO. jqlSrS * EMPLOY.MBNT HOUSE FOR Clerks, Book-keepers, Salesmen, Packers, Porters. 'Watchmen. Coachmen, Drivers, Coudu*.tors,'.Bartend* err# W«iterc,F&ria hands. Gardeners, Ac.- Employers suited alTshort notice# and LOCUST street, above Kirhth. - j»l7 St* - T 00AL AGENTB.—WANTED IMME -M diataly. Local Agent# ftwtks sal.of YEtJIT TRBBB - Addreee PIHGIBB, CONABD, & GO., Hufaer,men, WELT GEOYB, Fa. j»!3-Ut* eOPRANO.—WANTED, IN A QUAR KJ TETTE CHOiR, a good SOPRANO. Address “Ro berls,** Press Office, with references. ja!7*3t* 9 non DOLLARS TO INVEST WITH -4',UUv an energetic person to carry on an old es tablished Auction Business. Address ‘‘H.,’' Frest Office. ' It* foK nnn T ° $50,000 capital, |[pi't/ f VW either active or special, wanted In an established mercantile business, capable of bring in creased largely by the addition of capital. Addresses. With real name# to "$50,000,” at Prcaa'Office. will be strictly confidential. jal7- 6t* m9K * MONTH—WANTED— *&*-+s*J AGRSTS everywhere to Introduce the new SHAW & CLARK BIXTEBH DOLLAR FAMILY BBW- HfG MAGHIBB, the only low price Machine in the country which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Singer & Co#, and Bachelder. Salary and expenses, cr large commissions rllowod All other Machines now arid for less than forty dollars each, are imftingemeut&i and the seller and user liable. Blus trated circularsaeat>Vre. AddressSOAW&CLARK, nolß-dfcwSm BIDDBFORP, Maine. M WANTED TO RENT—BY A GOOD tenant, about April Ist, a first-class DWEL LIiSG, Wfst of Broad and south of Market Streets. Rent no object if favoi ably- located. Address Box 5343 Phil&del phiap. O. jai9- IQ’.* M WANTED TO PURCHASE, ABOUT the first of April, a moderate-sized Bf’USS, with all the mod era Improvements; situated between Spruce and Cheettut streets, ud west of Broad Street. Address «■># C.»" P*esB office, ja!9-2t* m WANTED—BY AFAMILY OF SIX, -Efi-a BOTJSBf with all the modern conve niences, between Race,and Flne-and Fifth and Thir teenth, for whieh a liberal rest will be paid. Address -1»V» --joIO-fe* A&k ASSISTANT QTJARTEBMAB BSwaCTB’B OgFIOB.No. 374 Honth THIRD St., _ T . Phu,ai>bi,phia. Bet. 34,1554. vcamls wanted to lo*a wltb coal for NewlMrn, If. 0.. ud Eoy West, Fl*. Deapatch Riven. JOHIT S. JBKJIISSS, de26 tf x Captain and A. .0. M. FOR SALE AND TO LET. 20,000 AGRIES 0T " COAL LANDS undersigned,.by virtue of deed of trust, are au thored to sell at private sale about TWENTY THOU SAND ACKBS OF COAL DANDS, kuownwthe “Hud gouDoal Banks, ” situated in PnlssM, Wayne, and WMiley Counties, IN THE STATE OF KENTUCKY, and upon THE CUMBERLAND RIVER. Many of these lands ara below the obstructions to the navigation ol the Cumberland Elver, and have been Bueessefnlly mined, and tie Coal shipped to Nashville and other market# on the Lower Cumberland and Ohio Elvers. The strata worked are four feat and six Inches, of superior Bituminous Coal, which abound in inexhausti ble quantities. Persons within* to maks investments in that region of rich and Inexhaustible mineral wealth of Iron, Coal, and Oil, are requested to inspect for them selves. Propositions for sale will he entertained until 10th. May, 1865. Any information in regard to thes e lands may be had by inquiries of the undersigned, at EOMBKBBT, Pnlarki County, Ky., or by application to B. L. VAN WINKLE, Secretary of the Siata of Ken tucky, PEANKFOET, Ky. W. WOODCOCK, ? T W. M. NEWELL,! ' jal9 6t * QLARION COUNTY Address Box 1741 PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE. jalO-St* • TO BSSNT—POSBBBBTON GIVEN immediately—Store Hp*. 32 South Front street and SSLetteiaetreet. Agrty toTOECOUESEr, HAMILTON, & EVANS. 313 CHESTNUT Street, ... gft IK ME DI ATE POSBEBSION ■*& Large dwelling, with thirteen Toom« range, gas, Ac., near FISH HR’S LANE-STATION, on Germantown Bailioad, For sale low. and on easy terms. By A. P. AI H. MORRIS, ]'al9-4t« - No 916 aSOH Sweet. «BEAL ESTATE,—KEEP IT BE FOBStbepeoplc, that MILLER'S CATALOGUE ifOB- JAKOABi, jaat-out. standtijuuriralled before the gublio as the beat production of the awe to pa ties wish ir to purchase city property. Office* 154: arorth SIXTH Street. y jalB-2fclf «TO LET—A CONVENIENT Three-story HOUBB,with three story back build ings, and all the modern Improvements, all in good re* p Apply on the premises, No 656 North TENTH St., from 10 o’clock A. M. to3P. It ja!B-2l* Mfoe sale or exchange tor other property, well-built FACTORY, TWENTY FIEBT Street, above Bldge avenue; lot 64byjnp: two frosts; immediate possession MILLER, ielS wths3tif . 154 North SIXTH Btrset. m DRUG STORE and fixtures an FOB SALE—Price «,*», worth S3.MO. Bolendid opening, 8. A f. M 7 CLARY, 60S MABKBT Street. jalB 6t r- Wilmington, Pel. Mfor sale-that beautiful and well-finished DWELLING, with'extra mar ble finish- -southeast comer Twenfcr-first and Green streets. Postes»ton soon B F. GLEBS, jalS tf 8. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and QBBEy. 41 HOUSE NO. 933 ARCH STREET SStFOR SALB, or to Lei on ah improving Lease; or will be altered to a Star* to suit ths tenant. Lot 20 feet front by 160 deep to a back street. Apply to J. WEAVER, oai7-&* 375 South THIRD Street. m FOB BALE-NO. 1609 WALNUT •■St STREET —Splendid Four-story Brown-stone front DWELLING, new vacant; Lot; 20 by 129 to a street. Price, $27,600. Can-have a Stahl; very wear by. . jal7-iuwtbs9til - lIILLBB. 154 North SIXTH Street TYORTICULTUBAL hall, s. w. II corner BBOAD and -WAL»mP Streets. TO LET for Literary Meetings, Ae. Apply at 36 South SKVEN TH Street. , A W. HARRISON, ja4-w»Bt Becoidun Sec'y, X?OR B ALE—FOURTEEN HEAVY X .• Wrought and Cast Iron. DOORS, suitable for a largo warehouse or depot. ial7-«t Stresla. WRITTEN ANi) VERBAL DE {H BCBIPTIONS of Character.ConstihiHon, andTa- YV* lent, with ADViCB on Business. Beslih. Sduea- ZA tion. Self.improv*?nt,Bana»m»nt and ingof OBlLLBElLBortat adaptatjMi,4lc,,day and evening, hr Bonier. Wli-tntbelyif No. 358. TENTH Bt. .above cn—reet T"-«f.KTtPKR’B UMBRELLA. Md kbfaCTOßY, MARKET Street, one'demr above . J Tenth. , ■ s jala-lSt" TTREDERICK BOLAND, -I Manufacturer of every of LOOKlNG nr.*>,Rand PicnJßß FRAMES,.and gealeriii XUBoMaH AND AMEBIC* S BNOR a VINOS, PHOTOGRAPH OV &L FB A«B8, In variety. duSEHr** - Dfw efil Snnb STBTgrt nOTTON AND FLAX B.AIL DUCK V and CANVAS, of all numbers and breed*, ; , Tent Awning, Trank, and Wagon- cover Dock, »!«>, PeferMenufontorera’ D ier Felte, from ltosleei wide. Paulina, Belting, 6*Jl.Twlne< ho cauuca, gTgB WAS A CO-.. . e; 'j“TOaM»«r&»»•; , WANTS. FOR SALE. OIL LANDS FOB SALE. AVCTMH SALES. BAZAAR, NINTH AND BAN. A9S BOH Btn«to. ■ AGOTIOH BALB Of HORHSa, CIKKIAO3S, m.. ( O»BttTGBSAYMOB*jSraH«XJV At 10 o’olaak, oamprlstu .boat _ „ ■ . > IFTY HOBBSB. JBWWUj hsiseu nd tb# s.ddl,. Fall 4#s;r!paoa»t Ahs, ttew and leeoad basd llkht vnvatg. deanoms. 4#., irithyrblokuifwi# wlUoo«; meaw. , , Al«>, ud donbl# bantu. #a3dl«& biidM whip#. #B##™'robe#, el#t,lt b«ll#, B»po#tgi>ii«ni«*ton aesnunt of w«ath«r. mr Satoof Hor#e#,_*«„ oa WBBSMDAY. mr CaWl»»*B and ban «## at private ■ ALPKED M. HJKKtoa. 3«J»-3tH ■ . AtutiOMiK. .. AMUSEMENTS. JRE MOON iCLIPBEDJ the MOON ECLIPSED l SEATING BY MOONLIGHT! SKATINa B t MOONXiIOHM CAMPBELL’S WONDERTOT AHA IErSAOSBI. HART ARTIFICIAL MOON baa bees completed, and throws a perfect Flood e{ Ugbt ot#i tbe • UNION SKATING PARKS. FOURTH AND DIAMOND STREETS* This Wonderful Moon wilt Rise THIS BYBItEMG ISminutes ia*i7. and Sri acfifimlnures past 9. THIS (Thursday) EVBKIHG, there will be a GRAhD AHD APFEOPSIAT2 CBLBBSATIOM la honor of the RBCBHT GBBAT VICTORIES, at the above Paiks. The Greatest, the Grandest, the meet Subllm* Sp«6~ tacl«s and bceaic. Representations ever beheld will be produced os this occasion. TRB RATIONAL COLORS, RCp. WHITE, AfITD BLUR, will be predueedin tbe air, ard thrown on the fee» chauging-lha Skaters, as they glide to and fro, from one color to another, which will form the most enonautteg scene ever witnessed. A IDLL BRASS &ARD will be In attendance The File* of Admission will remain asusoaL Ba2f %!ckns*or Complimentary Tickets canneft be used on this extraordinary occasion. A large force has been engaged to clear the ice In of snow, so as not to interfere with the arrangements. A tpeelai Invitation is extended to Editors and ff«- portere. Please present card %. with It* M. GAMFBELL, rtopristor. EXTRAORDINARY.—THN ii popular and ever welcome LUCILLE WESTERN will appear at the - WAXdNUr-STREET THEATRE, for the benefit of MR. E. L. DAVENPORT. On FRIDAY NIGHT, Jina&ry SOth. r«nre yoar Beats early, for there will be a ETJSH. jaiaat , » PW CHEBTNUTBT. THEATRBL A-' CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH, THIS (THUKSDAV) EVENING, Jatmary », OKE.T SHCOBia OF THE EMINENT AMERICAN TSAr-BDIAN, JUSIUS BBHTOB BOOTH, Who wVH appear this eresing In tbe thrilling Sem&asa of Keal Llfe, to a Prelosne and A aota. called THE. HAKBLE HBABT. Pliidla# Raphael jDncbalet J. BRUTUS aww To conrinde with tbe lattllsr farre at A KIRS (N THE DARK. „ TO JIOEROW' (FR!D-Y) ETENIN3, Benefit of J. BBUTUS -800 PH, MEECHAHT OrVBNICB, ' A»» . SBE WOULD AND SHE WOULD NOT. SATUROAT AFTBSNOON, Jan, 21, TWEtiTI -FIFTH GRAND FAMILY MATINEE. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. ff TWO GLORIOUS PreCBS THIS (’iburedoy) RVSBntG. Jan. 19 tbbdavekpobt-wallack alliahob wfll appear in I‘om Tayl«r *s beautiful riay of STILL WX3 R4S RUN DfflSF. John MUdmay... J. W. Wallack. Captain BawKsley.-v. E L Darenncrt. To conelnd* with THE SCALP HUNTERS. Srguin L. Dweaport. To-motrow—Benefit of B. L. Davenport, on wkU/k occasion Miss L.WetleTE will appear as aaocy Sykes. MBS. JOHN DREW’S NEW .AROSE* i-T-t PTRE'R'T THRATBB. EAST WEEK OF SIB AND MIS 9 R10H1503. MONDAY, TUJsSDaY.WEDSEsO *Y And TfIUfiSDAYI THB ENCHANTRESS. Stella (the Encbanttesd) Ml*a 0. BicUnsi ...........Mr Peter For paritcn’M-p of *c T *** Mile. FEIDAY, BRFEFIT OF MISS RICHISQ3, Sfata secured tlx days la acvacee, TBB GREAT-NATIONAL CIRCUS; A WALNUT STREET, ABOVE SIGHTS Equestrian Director.. ...Mr. ?. H. ROSSTO3L. Maa-.eiof ttefliTde Mr. PRANK WHCTTAEnt NEW FACES! NEW SCBNBSU GRAND DISPLAY OF EQUESTRIAN, ACROBATIC. AND GYMNASTIC TALS&T, By cecldedlythe toetfc aiid most artistic Oompaar i* th* The Management begs leava to announce the appear ance of tfce celebrated Mr. D. 8. STONE, the People's Jeetex; also, Mr. LEE POWELL, the rr«at JecterCs* mJque: also, Messrs. MURRAY and RUTCffINSON.ibx pleasant Gymnasts. Professor BUTCHIaSON and Us xondxrful and veil trained Do*s. Those greet Gymnasts, th* DENSER BEOTHESE— VALEEVS- CBARLTB, andRNDOLPH The BaGRINEE FAMILY. Mila. EtIZS and HU*. SOPHY, darirgand fearinaling Equestrienne*,in slmcts and double acta of horsemanship, will appear darac the week. The performances will close with a laughable enters tainmeut—a paatiroiraicexiravaaanza—-entitled BILLY BUTTON i 08, THE UNFORTUNATE TAILOR S VISIT TO BRADFORD. The character of Billy Button vi& be personated by Mr. FRANK WHITTAKER, Master flt the Circle. ADMISSION—First tier, 60 cents; second tier, 25©eat»t private box. $3 ana $6. as to size and location. performance commences every evening at 7.40; ox WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 2% o'clock, jalS-St pOKCBRT HALL. V GOTTSOHALK’S POSITIYB FAREWELL. SIGNOR MtTZIO has the honor to inform the citizen* of Philadelphia and vicinity that he has succeeded fix making arrangemerts with the world* renowned Pianist and great Compeer, : _._ _ - L. M GOTTBGHALK, to give a series of Grand Concerts in the principal citlex of »he United States prior to his departure for Havaax and Mexico. . . • . _ MB OOTTKIHALK’S FAREWELL CONCERTS -iirPkfiwdMriiift yi<l t»%« place Ott THURSDAY AND FRIDaY EVENINGS, January 19th and 20th. Signor Mnzio also' takes great pleasure to announcer that he has t ecured the services of the following ner weal artists to assist Mr Gottscbal* »t these Concertos MISS LUCY SIMONS, the Young and Talented Cantatrlre, (pupil of hlsj* -whose unprecedented euccess during a eerie? of Gob* eert« ta Nevr York has been cheerfully acknowledges, by the press and enthusiastic nubile 1 The Celebrated Baritone. SIGNOR ARDAVAHL SIGNOR MDZro.. . .Musical Director and Conductor. Tickets, One Dcllar. No extra charge for Reserved Seats. Ticket Office open, commencing Tuesday. January If* at J. GOULD'S MUSIC STORE. SEVENTH and CHE3T NUT Streets, where seats can be secured for either eve ning. Doorg open at 7M- Concert to commence at 8. jatt flfc SELECT READINGS—MR, RUFUS "3 j. DA MB wfll vivo Dramatic and Poetic Beadhtnu on FRTD sY EVENING, January 2Dtb, *t the MUhl- GAL FUND HALL. Doors opsn at ?, to commune® aft 8 o’clock Tickttp 80 cents. For sale at GOULD’X FBVEbTH and CBBSTNUT, at W. MASK’S, 48 Boa£ FOURI H Street, and at the door. jall-4t* PHYSICAL CULTUKBe X HOC BSTi HEALTH, - STRENGTH. • f( , n CHEESTXTLRBSSt The Light Gymnastic *t THE SANATORIUM AND PHYSICAL IKSTHPUTB. Glasses for Little Girls and Little Boys, Classes for Hist ea Classes for fouug Ladle*. Cla» see for Ladies and Gentlemen. Classesfor Boys. Glasses Every Day; good Music, and _ , Kind attention to aU. _ The L*st Regular Quarter of the Season begin* MOM* D&Y, the 23d. and the d ays fol lowing, according to class* For particnlars. tee Gironlar orapolv at the Office. 219 South BROAD etreet. jalfrfit CIGNOR BLITZ WILL SHORTLY O. CLOSE, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Greet demonetratione in HECBOMANCY; SPIBITUABe ISM ILLUSTBATED, and the WONDBBS OF VBN. TBILOGOISM INTRODUCED. Grand Entertainment EYERV EVENlNGbcomraenelnai at jk o'clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTIBNOoNS, at S. Comprißin* themyeterieeofth* Feet »nd Present Ago. Admleelon, 25 cents. Children, 15 cents. BascmC seats, 50 cent, 19 ASSEMBLY BUILDING. - a - MATINEE MUSICALS By the Philadelphia CLASSICAL QUINTETTE CLUTC EVEBY WEDNESDAY, at 3 P. M Tickets at the Door, Fifg Cents each, deSl-amtuw Ml CRATING, SEATING.—THE UNIOI* SKATING PARKS, FOUBTH and DIAMOND Sts,, are now in excellent condittonfor Skating. Open durfnar the day, and illuminated from 7to 10 this Evening. A Sue Braes Band in attendance to enl.veh the scene. A GBARD FANCY DRESS BALL and Musical Canrf valtiven THIS (THUB3DAY) aPTerNOON and EYE NISG. All toholars, with many eubicrlhers, bay* pledged themselves to be present in Fancy Coenune. Fancy Skating Costumes kept for hire. It» M. 0. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. NATIONAL BEATING PARK, TWJS»TY.FIBST ABD AYBHITK— . 20miimt€B ride from NIKTH aud AEOH. Te« la *pl«sdid Condition Brilliantly illumiratei at Efight Instruction to Ladies and Children every morning. It* njiRMANIA OROHItBTRA.—PUBLIC vl BEHBABSALB every SATURDAY, at 3K o'do* P. M.. at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single TickeST* cents, c SlxTJehets. gltto be had at Gould's, AndrVa* and Keyer’sKmic Stores, and at the HalL no7-tf THB AOADBMY OF FINS ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, is OPEN DAILY for visitors, from 9 A. K. to 6 P. M. yea BOARMN6. OOK SOUTH BBOAD STREET.—TO ——a/ those wishing permanent Board, vacant tw* suites of handsome rooms, third story, ons a freak parlor. „ . jal7-St* A LARGE FOURTH-STORY ROOSfc A with Board, at 1315 WALNUT Strset. jal7-at* FANCY FURS. 1564 18641 ill I. 1. WOMEITH, QQBSBOBB TO THE LATE GEO. f. WOUUU Wo. 415 Arch Street, ■aye now on> * Full ajssobthbny of r.ATUKW’ FANCY AriU'JlbfcSy *0 which they lnvit* But sttsntloncf bancs. RADIES’ FANCY FURS; J JOHN FARISIBA, No. 71$ ABCS Street, ebon Seventh Street, At M» old established etoco. IMPORTER, MANUFAr TUBER, ANU DEALER IN FANCY FUI» FOB , indies and ohujjbbr. Havtarnowln store a very large and IwantUhluMtks manf ™sll the diffsreut fcndrMidQa»ii«w ofFIBOT FUBS FOB LADIES’ AND CHILDREN S WEAR, 1 solicit» ceil from those in wank ■- •' Knmcmbcr tba nnmn and uumbw* JOHN FABEEHA, TO 4fiOH ab<yrv Bevauth! I havenv nannnrnr «nnns«tionnrith any otn*£ lntM«*itv. oos-dalf 171 SH AND CANNED KEATS. E NX) bbls Mess and Ho. 1 MLcksreL 2.000 eases canned Meats. LoostorsjJtat For eal.e by P. O. BUBKOUGH. detS-SiA US North FBQBT BtruOL
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