THE OITYi THE TAX ON INCOMES. As the time for tlio payment of taxes on iaoomeß ror the past year la drawing nigh, the subject of devising moans whereby* with the present law* the amount of tax realized might be Increased, becomes interesting. It is alleged that not more than a third of what the Government should receive is ever actually paid. The word income has different meanings with different persons. Some imagine it to mean the amount of money one haß after paying expenses of every kind. To'seme this would be a very favorable way of Considering this sabjoot. -Some, In allowing for expenses take allow ance for many things which the law; does not allow. Ignorance, in most instances, Is the eanse of these discrepancies. That some do make unjust returns is oertainiy true, and this pro* bably cannot be avolded where money Is the price of perjury, and conscience holds no sway over their heaxts* It haa been suggested as a means of remedying these defbets, that the names of taxpayers and the amount of Income returned by them should be pub lished. This course would meet with serious objec tions, no doubt i but it would eventually prove po pular. Half a century ago, when the first list of taxpayers was published in a New England town, the pamphlet sold beyond all expectations, and a large number of extra copies were printed. .Lises of rich men. With the value of their estate, have been' published in this city, and have proved very into 'resting. Would not the publication of the annual in -come of our citizens be equally sol There Is no xloubt that, by having publicity given to-the amount of taxes paidby our citizens, the amount now raised would be more than doubled. If one was to return his income at $5,000, and it could be proven that it was $10,(300, It would reflect much on his ho nesty. - The result would be that more care would ■ be taken by those making returns that the proper amount was sent in, and that no allowance unau thorized by the law should be claimed,* timely caution. Should the present “ warm spell” continue the heavy masses of Ice in the Delaware and Schuylkill ■must give .way under Its power. Some of the most disastrous freshets have occurred by just such a softening of nature. A heavy rain storm, at the present time, the ground being frozen very hard, and thns impcnetrable to water, would oause the streams to swell to an enormous extent, and thus jeopardize property all along shore; We remem ber an ice freshet, that took place several winters since, that even inundated a part of the navy yard, and threatened to destroy a million of dollars’ worth of property. It required all the energy possessed by Oapt. Turner, the Intrepid captain who had charge of the yard at tbe time, to save the property from destruction. A few days sluee we observed large amounts of valuable property on the wharveß all alODg the Schuylkill, much of whieh would be swept away In ease of a sadden rise, that oertainiy cannot bo considered an improbable event, judging from experience. Persons having charge of pro perty thus situated may take the gentle hint thus convoyed. Public officers ougbt to at once prepare for any fresh emergency that may arise and threat en public property, most of which was in exposed condition b yesterday. A WELCOME BAIN. Last evening rain feu steadily and profusely, with every Indication of a continuance for Borne hours. Nothing could have been more welcome, as tbe slush in the streets was getting very uncomfortable. The olerk of the weather has generously relieved the street inspector of a heavy responsibility, and our citizens of a great nuisance. NOVEL AND HANDSOME COMPLIMENT. On Thursday evening. Messrs. A. Q-, and E. G. Cattell, residing at Merchantsville, N. J., were the recipients of a handsome gift from Messrs. Gary & Hopewell, formerly engaged in gas and water works. The princely gift consisted of a complete set of gas works, Dorn which enough gas can be generated, from residuum, to illuminate the mansions or both gentlemen. Mr. Oarv, for a period of eighteen years, has been connected with the firm of the Messrs. Cattell in various bnsisess transactions, and this novel, useful, and handsome gift is an earnest of his appreciation of former associations. The occasion of the presentation was one of enjoyment to all the parties Interested In it. CONDITION OF THE STREETS. The rather warm ratn of yesterday speedily con verted the snow and ice that had accumulated In the streets Into mud and slush. This was particu larly the case In streets occupied iby the railways. It seems that at some intersections the iron rails prevent a ftee flow or water, and thus the passage ways present all the appearance of so many sloughs, more than ankle deep. At fourth and South streets the condition Is entirely repugnant to the liner feelings of humanity. Ladles, bless them, oannot conveniently cross the thoroughfares without dangerof being engulpbed, or baying their pretty dresses soiled to a ruinous extent. At Sixth ana Walnut streets, where thousands of pedestrians fass daily, the annoyance Is intolerable, and oannot e removed too speedily. HOSPITAL OP THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The annual report of the managers of this insti tution states “ that during the year 1861 there were 592 patients admitted, and these, with the so re maining in the hospital at the date of last report, made the whole number treated daring the year SCSI.” The dispensary patients prescribed for and furnished with medicines, without charge, num bered 5,844. Tbe netoost of maintaining the hos pital was $20,041.33. UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. During 1864, the visitors of this institution made 11,425 visit* among the poor of the city, and 3,445 families were under the oare of the association; 51 were sent to school, and 560 sick taken care of; 4,899 orders for ooal were given out, for amounts varying from one ton to oce fonrth ton. The total eash distribution during the year amounted to $7,884 90. Of this amount $1,929.49 was for coal, and $2,181.42 was paid to sewing women. RECRUITING IN CAMDEN. At the last meeting of the Camden City Conn ells an ordinance providing lor the raising of $70,000 for the payment of bounties to men oredited to the city was introduced, bnt after some discussion was postponed until next week. The ordinance also pro vides for the assessment of a tax of $lO on eaoh male citizen between the ages of 20 and 45 years, and of $5 on eaoh male citizen of 45 years of age. GIRARD COLLEGE. During 1884 the expenditures for the use of Girard College were $112,252.81. Of that amount $82,885.25 were for household expenses; bedding,- ‘Clothing, &o. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OP DONATIONS. The Committee of the Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon acknowledge the following receipts : Henry C. Carey, $26; Friend, by James Toomey, $5O; I. G., $2O; Reading Railroad Company, remission of freights and tolls, additional, $51.51. PENN WIDOWS’ ASYLUM. * The annual meet tout of the managers of this vary charitable institution wIH be held on next Thursday afternoon, at the Asylum, on Belgrade street, above Otis. It is expected that several distinguished gen tlemen will he present to deliver addresses. DOMESTIC MARKETS. The following shows the current rates of market ing for the present week: Apples, per half peck 35 to 45 Beans, lima, per Quart 20 Butter, per pound. 66 to 76 Cabbages, per bead 8 to 15 Older Ylnegar, per gallon to Cheese, per pound SO to 86 Eggs, per dozen. so to 56 Fish—Black, per pound Btol2 Dry Cod, per pound 10 to 13 Halibut, per pound 20 Lobster, per pound 10 Mackerel, salt, each. 10 to 25 3Pereh, per pound -n Bike, per pound... 10 Bock, per pound 18 Shad, salt, each 40 to B 0 Salmon, smoked, per p0und...... SO Herring, Bmoked, per bunch IS to 20 Bamb—hind quarter, per pound 28 fore quarter, per p0und.....',.,. 18 to 2o Bard, per pound 28 to 38 Heats—corned beef, per pound 18 to 28 beef, dried, per pound, 30 to 85 rib roast, per pound 25 to 30 rumpsteak,per p0und.......... 20t02S sirloin, per pound... 28 to 30 soup pieces, per pound J4tolB beef tongues, each 75 to 1.26 Mutton—chops, per pound 35 fora quarter, per pound 12X to 18 hind quarter, per p0und..,.,.,. 18 to 25 Onions, per half peck 86 to IS Pork—corned, per pound 35 hams, sliced, per pound.. 30 to 35 hams, whole, per pound.... 11k... 28 to ao shoulders, per pound 20 steak, per pound 35 Sausaras, Bologna 26 to 30 Potatoes, Irish, per half peek 22 to 28 sweet, per half peck 25 to 30 Poultry—Fowls, per pound 20 Spring Chickens, per pound... . 28 TOM—outlets,perpound— 25 to 28 * forequarter, per pound istoia hind quarter, per p0und.......... SotoK shoulders,per p0und............. 15 line, per pound 20 to 26 METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. A comparison or some of the meteorological pheno mena of the year 1864, with those of 1803, and of the last thirteen years, at Philadelphia, Penna. Baro meter 40 feet above mean tide In the Delaware river. Latitude 39 degrees, minutes N.; longitude 76 degrees, 10K minutes W. from Greenwich. By Jambs A. Kibkpatkick, a. M.: . 1864. 1863. IS years. „ Thermometer, —— ;—. —: Highest degree.*. 9s. 00 95.00 MOO 0- . . date..«.•. Jane26rh Aug. 10th Jy2l, ’64 w anneal day—mean..... 80 67 88.60 91.30 T data.—- JnneSfth Am loth Jy2L, *64 Lowest degree.* •*..**.*.. . 4.C0 e.oo —-5.50 _ ,?o. J flats Feb. 17th Feb. 6th Ja 25.67 Coldest flay—mean 7.00 11.17 —L00„ „ 80. date Feb. 17th Feb 4th Ja. 8. ‘6® Mean dally oscillation... 18 79 14.63 15,04 s® 6.89 5.53 Mean at 7 A M.. 50.40 49.88 49.77 80. Sf. M.. 59 66 59.21 59.5 S 80. 9P. M 6,176 63 21 53.19 80. for the Tear 64.60 . 64.13 64.28 Barometer. Highest inches.... 80.411 30.671 30.704 dat ® Bee. ,9th Fab. 4 Ja.2B,’6S Greatest daily pressure . . _ . , .mean.. 30,362 , 30.663 , 30.611 , Bo ao. date Bee. 9th Jan. 18lh DMB,’56 Lowest Inches.... 29.071 29.127 28.884 , 80. „ date Dee. 21st Jan. 16th An.21.'62 Least daily preesnre— mean.. 29.160 29.298 28.959 „ Do. do. date..... Not Ith Jan. 16th Ac.2l. ’52 Mean daily range 0.162 0.157 0,158 Mean at 7 A, M.. 29.772 29.879 29.880 Do. 2P. M 29.730 29.835 29.810 -Do. 9P. M 29.775 29.877 29.867 80. for the Tear 29.769 29.864 29.862 Force of Vapor. Greatest inehes 0.895, 0.980 1 058 -.80. • date Aug. 2d Anr.lOth Je.30,'66 Least Inehes...... „ .022 .027 I .018 „D°. , . M d»te Feb 17th Feh. 4th Fa. 6, 55 M r?„ n en' 5» ISI4 .316 .323 5®- gF, M .821 .823 .338 Do. forth# Tear .324 lis lls Relative Humidity. Creates! per cent.. lfO 100 100 Do. date...... -lan 18th Jan. 21st Often. Least per cent..... - 18.0 , 16.0 13.0 Bo „ date. M 9,Ap 7 Ap 26th Ap.13,’62 Maanat7A,Jf 72.0 74.5 75.7 Do, 2P. M » 63.9 68 7 67.1 80.- 9P. M 6".9 7f>.5 72.0 80. for the Ttar 64,-9 67,2 68.3 „ Clouds. Number of elear days* 94 93 10.9 ~ Do. elondydays.. 272 ' 272 25.6 Mean of el y covered at _ , „ , _ 7A. M. 61-Slict. 63.418 et. 60.0 etct. 80. do. 2 P.M. 66.6 63.9 60.8 Do. do. 9 P.M. 62.4. 49.9 46.8 Do. for the Tear 60.2 59 1 65,5 Rain and Melted Snow. Amount inehes 46.730 49,642 45.438 Nnmber or days on which rain or snow fell 128 143 . 123 S.B2KW, 210. Winds. Mean direction...... Times in'1,000... *Bky one-third or legs .Miration. severed ft THE COURTS. Supreme Coni’*— Before Woodward, C. X, and] Strong, and Asnew Justices. Jibe Consolidation Bank,:to use of George H. Roberts, vs. Wm*Marßh, bail for stay of execution of IsaaoMurray, plaintiff In error. Error to Dis trict Court of Philadelphia eonnty. Argued by G. GuUlou for plaintiff in error, and by Diehl and -Gerhart for defendants in error. • ‘Thomas Richardson & Co., et al., plaintiffs in '«rror,va. ArohlbaldMontgomery, defendant in error. Error , to District Court of Philadelphia county. Argued by MoMurtrie for plaintiffs in error, and by O. GuiUon ror defendant in error, and sub mitted, Charles J. Wolbert ts. The City of Philadelphia. Nisi pitas. In equity- The plaintiff in this case, filed tin the Supreme Court at Nisi Prtas a bill asking an injunction to restrain the agents of the city from altering the grade of certain iota of ground between Canal street* li&ndlng avenue* and Hare street, haying thereon an Ice-house, (of which property be, the pfatatffi claims to be the owner,) for use purpose of adapting them to the use of a publio park, pte alleged If such alterations were made It would wholly prevent the übo by him of the read or passage-way heretofore nsed by him for the passage of Ms lee carts from the river Sohuylklll to his ice-house, and he accordingly prayed an in junction. The answer of the city sets rorth, that by a certain aet of Assembly they were authorized, upon and after certain proceedings in the Quarter Sessions, the appointment of a jury, and the assessment of and payment of any damage sustained by the party, to take suoh land as needed for the purpose of a pnblle park. Also, that such proceedings were had; and damages assessed, and the property in question paid for. The judge at NiM Prins upon thft show ing dismissed .the bill, whereupon an appeal was taken to the court in bane. Tbe case was partially argned yesterday, by Gee. M. Wharton for appellant, ana was then postponed. Supreme Court at Nisi Ipelns—Judge Thompson. The defaulting juror, whose non-appearanee at the appointed' time at court, after navlng been sworn to try a case, was noticed on Thursday last, did not appear, and the officer sent in seareh of him has been unable to And him. No other case on the list being ready, the jurors were discharged till Monday, and the court ad journed till to-day. Court o t Quarter Sessions—Hon. Joseph Allison, Associate Justice. [Wm. B. Mann, Esq , Prosecuting Attorney.! TUB LUMBER CASE, The jury in the case of Tneophtlus Gobelonltsh came into court with a sealed verdict, finding the accused guilty. Sentence deferred. Joseph Robinson was charged with committing an asßoult and battery on James Campbell. Thelat ter testified that he was going home the night after the October election, doing nothing to nobody, and tbe aoonsed struck hltnand kloked a tooth out. The accused and some others were hallooing for Abra ham Lincoln, and asked witness if he would not do the same. Before he could answer he waß knoeked down. The accused afterwards said that he pulled some men off of witness. The defence called the following witnesses: Mr. McGee testified that Oampbell told him he did not know anything after he was struck, and that h 6 did not know Robinson. Witness gave accused an excellent character. The prosecutor Informed witness that he had taken out a warrant for Robiu- Bon, but such was not the ease, as was ascertained by the witness subsequently. Verdict guilty. Sen tenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs. Solomon Rogers was charged with oommittingan aesanltand battery on PollceAn Llebriek. The latter testified that the Sixteenth and Seventeenth ward Clubs were fighting in front of the Friendship Engine House, when the accused came out of the house with a fire-horn, with which he commenced cracking at the crowd. Officer Barger arrested ac cused, and, upon the witness assisting In the arrest, the accused struck him, and continued the assault at the station-house, The defence called the following witnesses: George Gibson testified that a number of boys and women cheered for MoOleUan aB a procession was passing the engine house. Witness and Rogers ordered the crowd away, saying that nothing had been said by the members of the company. The dubs drove the accused and witness into the house, and the police came in and arrested Rogers who was badly beaten by the crowd with their lanterns. Other witnesses corroborated the above, Mr. WMte, one of .the marshals of the Sixteenth ward, testified to hearing men cheer for McClellan. The Seventeenth-ward Club eame up and beat Rogers, chasing him Into the engine house. Bar. ivlopp testified that he belonged to the Twelfth-ward Club, and saw acoused at the station house half an hour after his arrest. He was bleed ing very profusely, and some of the officers said he should be attended to. The sergeant of police went to the engine house, and said a doctor had better he obtained as he feared the acoused would die. Witness heard one of the officers, and he thinks the prosecutor was the one, say that they in tended putting the acoused through, a course of sprouts this time, Verdict not guilty.. THE EBOST* STREET BURGLARY CASE. James Doud, Henry Allen, John Gailagher, Ben jamin Dixon, Charles Ward, and Thomas Holland, were charged with burglary. Doud and Allen pleaded guilty. Holland not ap pearing, his ball was forfeited. The trial of Gal lagher, Dixon, and Ward was then proceeded with. The value of the articles stolon is set down In the hill of indictment at $547.70. Frank Ball testified that his iron safe was stolen from Ms house. It contained deeds, jewelry, Swiss medals, etc. Witness identified the medals; also, some cigars wMoh were stolen from him, and a sugar-howl. Gallagher, Dixon, and two others were in the house In the morning, and spent a couple of dollars in drinking. Mr. Bull testified that the safe was taken, away after half-past twelve o’clock at night. Erftrance was effected through, the cellar. Gallagher and Dixon were in the house during the day, and they slipped around and lifted the safe, after which they whispered to Borne other men. Detective Lamon testified to arresting Gallagher and Dixon at the house of the latter, Front street, below Dock. Ward was arrested In Bay street, be low Sixth, at a house. Alien was arrested at Sixth and Bay streets. The safe stolen from Bull was founfi in the vault of Dixon’s house, covered up with coal. The door was cut through, by wMoh means the holts were opened. A silver sugar bowl was found In Dixon’s house, under some ashes. Some cigars were found in Gallagher’s pocket. Some wrapping paper, simi lar to that nsed by Mr. 8011, was found in Dixon’s house. The District Attorney abandoned the case against Charles Ward, and he was acquitted. The defenoe called James Smith, the bar-tender of Dixon, who testified that he went to bed between eight and nine o’clook, and left Dixon and Galla gher down stairs drutk. About eleven o’clock heard Dixon go to bed. Next morning saw the safe in the cellar and showed It to Gallagher, who pulled Dixon out of bed, not being able to awaken Mm until he did so. Charles Ward testified that he slept In the same bed with Dixon on the night of the robbery, and he was very drunk and did not leave the room that night. On cross-examination witness stated his name was not Charles Ward; he had gone by the name of Reed to New York. James Dowd testified that Allen, himself, and two other men stole the safe; Gallagher and Dixon had nothing with It. On cross-examination witness said he did not know the names of the other men, nor whether they were English, French, Irish, or Dutch; after getting the safe to Dixon’s It was cut open with an axe: witness got $96 worth of plunder; he broke up the silver sugar bowl and threw it away, not knowing it was silver; never told Mr. Lamon that the men who took the safe away were himself, Allen, Gal lagher, and Dixon. - Henry Allen testified that he, Dowd, and four others took the safe away: the four men were New Yorkers, and strangers to Mm; did not tell Officer Lamon that the robbery was done byGaliagher, Dixon, Dowd, and Mmself. The Commonwealth recalled Officer Lamon, who testified that Allen made a statement toy him diffe rent from that he had just stated in the witness-box. In the trial of tMs cause a female was called who, with the most unblushing effrontery, narrated her Infamy is connection with the of the prisoners. She rather rejoiced in being the mistress of a felon, bnt when asked if she was not represented at tbe house as a washerwoman’s daughter, she asumed a scornful look, and with .flashing eye, and cut led Up Indig nantly denied that she was a washer-woman’s daughter. The jury rendered a verdict of guilty as to Dixon and Gallagher. Brldget Cunningham was ohargod with commit ting an assault and battery on Mary McDonald. The latter testified that Bridget struck her lu the lace three times and on the back once. The parties are sisters-in-law, and the fight originated about the loan of a five-dollar bill. The case was withdrawn, and a plea of guilty entered. Sentence deferred. SLOP AND WATER BATTLE, James Johnson, a hoy, was charged with commit, ting an assault and battery on Mary Casey. She testified that she asked accused who he votea for, whefi he went off and got a bucket of slop which he struck her with, and threw the contents oyer her. The sister of accused testified to seeing him on the morning of the occurrence, and ha was wringing wet. The hoy said Mrs. Casey throw two pitchers of water on him, and afterwards he threw the slop on her. Verdict, not guilty. BUTCHBBB IK COURT. John lilnehower was charged with the larceny of a butohei’s block. P. E. Huber testified that he loaned the block to a friend of his, and afterwards found It In possession of defendant, who said it was bis block, and if wit ness wanted it he must go sue for it. Mr. Kneedler testified that he borrowed tbe Mock, and It was stolen from a cellar where it was kept, and afterwards found in possession of defendant. The defendant called a witness who testified that he sold him a block which he had used for six years, and believed the one alluded to to be the same block. Several witnesses gave the defendant a good character. Mr. Huber was recalled, and testified that the ao fendant had changed the block he usoi since his arrest. Without concluding the case the court adjourned, the defendant, late cashier in the Custom House charged with being implicated In the recently-dis covered robbery at that place, was to have beeen ar raigned at the Central Station yesterday afternoon for a final hearing. The office was crowded with quite a number or persons who are not usually seen about polioe offices. Amongethsm we noticed seve ral holding distinguished public, positions, others who are applioanta for prefeiment, and others again known as money-brokers. The counsel engaged in a private interview for half an hour, after which, “ silence” being called, Mr. Beitler seated himself In the official chair, when the following proceedings took place: Mr. F. O. Brewster, counsel for defence, said: Tour honor, alter consultation with my client and counsel, we are satisfied to have the ease finally dis posed of without any further examination. We do not see that anything gained by continuing It, Mr. Beitler responded: “The defendant must enter ball in the sum of $25,800, freehold security, to answer,” A carriage was In readiness at the door, by order of the counsel for defenoe. Tbe defendant, In com pany with his wife, left the office In a few minutes, the observed of all observers. It may be stated that the circumstances are deepen ing against the accused, A single tact was brought to light yesterday, of a certain transactionin which he figured, that explains all. The officers having: the matter in charge claim to have tho prisoner 11 dead to rights.” A couple of independent detectives were ealled in hy Mr. Allen, at his request, because he entertained the opinion that Messrs. Taggert and G. H. Smith would do him injustice. This, however, was simply his opinion. Colonel Thomas, the collector of the port, desires the law to calmly take Its %oureo: ho will not Interfere. In order that Allen oouid not have any exouse In regard to any injustice on the, part of detectives, Colonel Thomas allowed him to select any Independent detectives. Constable Mir hie was selected, and he Chose a “shadow.” It was rather amusing yesterday to observe the attempt made to get through the little window at the dwel ling house. One man might push another through the window, but such could not be possible without removing the dust from the sill. Even Constable Mlrkle admits this,and-so does his “shadow.” The constable admitted more, whleh, for prudential reasons, need not be stated publicly. It has been ascertained tbat the money was not taken all at once from the vault, butat different times for nearly a year past.' ' PROFESSIONAL THIEF, Frank DIUon was arraigned for a hearing on the charge or ploktag pockets. He was held in $l,OOO to await a hearing on Monday next. It Is alleged that he was on a passenger car in the western part of the city on Thursday night. A gentleman from Venango county was a passenger, who discovered, -much to his astonishment, that a book containing $2OO had mysteriously disappeared trom his pooket. A Jadapassenger on the same car was also equally surprised upon ascertaining $165 had been taken from her pocket. ALLEGED BOBBERY OF AN EMPLOYER. N6SKW. nr 78 W. 149. 205. the hoars of ob- Of all robberies, that of stealing from an employer Is considered In the police business, and among thieves generally, as the very meanest of the pro les* ion. Yesterday a young man giving the name of Wm. H. Kline was arraigned on the charge of larceny of *4O worth of cutlery, the property of his employer, Jacob Keufel, storekeeper on South Eighth street. The defendant had been employed In the store for some time. He admitted the rob bery. The prisoner was committed to answer. Horace Palmer, James MoOoy, and Edward Bra ser were arraigned yesterday morning on the obarge of misdemeanor. This trio of hopeful juve niles were employed In a book-bindery near Oherry end Sixth streets, and It is alleged they secreted themselves in a targe -walled fire proof, wlthjfelo ntous intent. The trio were committed to answer. POLITICAL DIFFICULTY, WARD CLUBS VS. ENGINE HOUSE. VAMII.Y SQTJAEBI.B. THE POLIOE. [Before Mr. Alderman Beitler.! MILTON 6. ALLEN, A FUNKY SCR KB, [Before Mr. Alderman Welding.! MISDEMEANOR. OU COMPANIES.- Iggr PBEBXBNCT PETROLEUM COMPANY,' PRESIDENT, VENANGO 00., FA. OkGANUHD UIDHK THH LAWN OF FBNXSVXiTANXA. OFFICERS: President—AMOßT EDWARDS. Sect.. New York, Treasurer—L. H. SIMPSON, Eaq., New York. • Secretary—J. EDWIN OONANT, Eeq., New York. JOHN M. CLAPP, Esq., General Resident Superin tendent. Counsel—Messrs. PLATT, GERARD, A BUCKLEY, New York. DIRECTORS: AMORT EDWARDS, Esq., New York. XBBB B. CROCKER, Esq., efCroekerS Warren, New York. FLETCHER WBSTRAY, Eeq., of Wertray, Olbbe. A Hardeastle, New York. J H CLAPP. Eeq.. President, Venangoeonntv. Fa. L; h. SIMPSON. Esq,, of L. H. Blmpeoa A Go., Now York. Its lands are put into the Company at the unprece dented low price of One Hundred Dollars per Acre, the lowest ever known for 011-boaing territory, and form It* CAPITAL STOCK. $5,000,000! fn Shares ofVtR each, par value. Subecrtption price $5 per Share, being in full payment , for a $25 Share, Mo farther cell or amassment to be made. No subscription received for less then TWENTY SHARES—SIOO. 180,000 SHARES, or $lOO,OOO RESERVED FOR ' WORKING CAPITAL, Forties eubsarlMna in this Company will receive an equal amount of stock in tun other companies ad- Joining without further charge. The Lands of these Companies are located on the Allegheny river, and on Hemlock, Porouplne, sad Mc- Orea creaks, MAKING AN OIL-BORING TERRITORY OF OVER TEN AND A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The well* on this property are being sank with great vigor, and promise large supplies of oil. To the capitalist and to parties of limited means un surpassed inducements are offered. Persons Investing In this Company get $6 stock and the above BONUS for each $1 invested, withont further call or assessment. Subscription books, maps, and all other Information can be obtained At the offide of the Subscription Aleuts. L. H. SIMPSON A GO.. . dell-lm 6* CEDAR Street. NEW YORK, a , _____ __ ___ gggp' THE SUMNER - PETBOIEUM AID MINDfG COMPANY, LOCATED ON THE WEST BANK OF THE ALLE GHENY RIVER, BELOW FRANKLIN. CAPITAL, *1,000,000. DIVIDED INTO 300,000 SHARKS. FAR VALUE, $5. No further assessments or call on the subscribers, as SC,OOO shares are reserved for working capital SUBSCRIPTIONS, $1 PER SHARE, Received at the office of the Company, No. 614 CHESTNUT STREET, Second Flqok, Philadelphia. jBB-12t ISAAC P. OUTER, Secretary, |ggp» WORDEN FABM OIL COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL, $500,000. SHARES, 100.000. FAR VALUE, SS. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $3. WORKING CAPITAL, $30,000. NO FURTHER ASSESSMENTS TO SUBSCRIBERS. CHAS. TOON, 828 Commerce et., or West Philadelphia. XRSASVSSB " JAMES L. DELPLAIN, 8. R corner Third and Race streets, or Wilmington. e. „ ___ ' SXOHETABY. * F. KIiENM, Company’s office, 208 South Fourth street- SOLICIVOB, - HENRY M. DECHERT, 289 South Fifth street. DIRECTORS. CHAB; TOO2T. f F/KLBNM, JAMES L. DEPLAIN, JAMES BRADFORD, THOS, B,- TIStMIMS, G. W. gTSPHBJfS* Tbe property consists of one hundred and thirty (ISO) acres, in fee simple, of valuable Lubricating Oil Laud, -comprised of three tracts, situate upou the right bank of |vgar Creek:, Venango county, Fenxtsylvtupa. Sugar’ Creek runs on a course nearly parallel with OU Creek, at a distance of about seven miles irom it. It rises near the headwaters of Oil Creek, and empties into French Creek, above Franklin. The Company’s property has been carefully selected, and has ail the usual surface indication of good oil territory. One hundred acreß of tbe land are flat or bottom land, with a front on the Creek and Hastings’ Bun of about one mile, giving an abundant space for drilling a large number of oil wells. Wells of Lubricating Oils have been struck on adjoining farms.both above and below, upon the creek, and a well yielding twenty barrels per day is within one-fourth of a mue above the Company’s property on Sugar Greek. The Bussell OU Company’s lands are situated immediately opposite this tract upon Sugar Creek. The wells in this vlcinitv Held the Lubricating Oil, worth per barrel double the price which is paid for the, Oil Greek oil; and although the wells are smaller, yet it is believed that oil is more Certainly obtained as the remit of the drillings. The large fr ill t upon the creek, to be owned by the Company in fee simple, will of course prevent any interference with the wells. It is proposed to lease to responsible parties smaU lots upon the Company’s lands,the lessees paying all the expenses of drilling, Ac., upon the usmal terms, vis: Delivering to this Company one half of all the oil pro duced free of expense. The Company will retain a large working capital, to be employed in drilling a number of wells. All necessary machinery will be at , once sent to the farm ■ No reasonable doubt can be en tertained that, ae the result of these operations, large yields of oil will be obtained, paying handsome divi de ads to the subscribers. A limited number of shares may he had at the office of CEO ROB HENDERSON, Jr., Stock Broker, No. »33 BOCK Street, where the prospectus and all necessary Information can he obtained * ja2-6t* ggr** FABSSWOBTH OIX. COMPANY. CAPITAL, ©1,000,000. 200,000 SHAKES—PAK VALUE $5.00. WORKING GAFITAL, **o,ooo. SUBSCRIPTION PBICB.«— The valuable Oil territory of this Company Is located on the Kanawha river, Gilmore county, West Virginia, some distance above Its confluence with the Ohio 3 Parkersburg (the terminus of the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroftd), uud lies directly uuon and In' a direction across the seat ‘Oil Beit’’ of this region (as may he seen upon the map), in the immediate vicinity of tho wonderful ‘-Barnine Springs,” now regarded as a sore Indication of the presence of oil, from the fact that it is tfce oil g&s that rises to the surface and burns upon the water. This property consists of an area of l, 185 acres of magnificent oil and mineral Zands, of which the Company owns an undivided half interest in fee elm {tie* extending 1% miles on the Kanawha river, which s navigable to the Ohio. Other streams, tributaries of the Kanawha, traverse this tract, presenting along their margins every surface indication of a rich yield of oiL The Company holds the right to putdowuwelia aliover this extensive boring surface,, and oil has already been discovered on this property, near the river, at the depth of S 6 feet. The sinking of two wells to the dep:h of 800 feet, if necessary, was provided forin the-purchase of the land, all of which is paid for without touching-the working or reserved capital of the Company. * In addi tion to this, the Company owns an important interest (also paid-for) in a well located within 400 yards of the greatXeweilyn well,which has flowed 2,500 barrels per day, and is directly among the celebrated Bathbone fronp (see map). These are, It is said, the greatest pro ia the country. The former owners of mmyd) were forced to abandon it on the breaking out of the rebellion, but the Company has now made ar rangements to reopen and tube it, when a large yield of oil may reasonably be expected from this source alone, in addition to the above described properties, the Com pany owns in fee simple Some 400 acres of mineral land# in Pennsylvania., This Company,is most fortunate in posting every facility for rapidly developing the oil, having on its own property both timber and coal In great abundance, and in also having the resident Su perintendent of the work£; Sfr. T. G. Farnsworth, isrteJy interested as a stockholder. The manage ment being in the hands of practical men, of indoml- „ table energy and perseverance, the stockholders may reasonably expect eoon to find their shares ranking with, the nest dividend paying stocks on the market; for, being out of debt, and having a large working capital, the holders of stock in this Company take no 'risk of being called upon for additional means to carry on the operations of the Company, but on the contrary, as soon ae otl shall be obtained in sufficient Quantities* a dividend on tbe capital stock will be'declared. The remaining portion of the 20,000 snares reserved stock oniy is now being sold for additional working capital, at the subscription price of two dollars per share. It can be had by applying at the office of the Company* No. 400 C&BsTNUt Street,- up stairs, room No. Id, t??«^JS e o5 oU ? till|£ ‘ SIOUW,Of the President, Ho. &04 mark kt street. PRBSIDEKT * F» PAXSON, No* GCi Market street. tbbasuxbb: A. A. &BUMWAY, No 221 Market street. DIRBQTOBS ; F. PAXSON, No. 504 Market street. TfIOMAS JD. WATTSON, of the house of Truitt ft Co. * 528 Market street. CHAS. BLOO MING DALE, of Bl#«nlngdale, & Co. ,832 Market street. ’ EDWARD J, REED. of George W. Seed ft Co., 423 Market street. M. J. JOYCE, of A. A. Bhumway A Co., 221 Market street. Jt-EIAH BASSETT, JBj, No. 423 Market street. D. D. T. FARNSWORTH, Esq. * West Virginia. . - BDWamS iC PAXSON, Solicitor. de2o-tf A. B. HARLAN. Secretary. KS“ THE STASHING STONE OIL **§? COMPANY OF WEST VIBOINI*. 40.000 Share., at $3O each. Subscription price $l5 per Shaw, subject to ao further call or assessment. A working: capital of $lOO,OOO reserved. .Only 30,000 Share, ttrbesold at the subscription price. The Property of this Company consists of the well known Martin or Standing Stone tract, and contain, from 2.600 to 3,000 acres of land, in foe simple, free from leasee, undivided intereßta, or royalty-standing Stone Creek (a branch of the Little Kanawha river), and its tributaries pass through this property, and it has upon it a larger amount of boring territory than i. owned by anyother company in West Virginia. It is .totaled in Wirt county, near the celebrated Bathbone or Burning Bpring tract, and in extent of territory is five times S eater, and is considered by ail experienced oil Inen" miliar with the oil district of West Virginia quite equal, if not superior, to the Bathbone tract. TThe Standing Stone Oil Company’, property extends from the Little Kanawha river, near Burning Spring Run, across tbe waters of Standing Stone Crew, including a portion of Robinson’s Fork'and Two Biffie Bun, and 1. unmtdiately fu the Great Oil Break, extending from Burning Spring through by Standing Stone ftnd Petro leum to .Hcrse Ned wells,.near the Ohio river, and embraces the line of uphkaval. . The property of this Company has not been developed “L'he reason that it belonged to miner heirs, who o< ™ l J V , convey until they attained their marority, which the yonugeet did afew days ago. . ? eU , 8 ,^ e . b f bated on the adjoining lands. and oii mfiraVdlßcovertd innsb.* 111 ” Standing Stone tract oU On the Dovers Farm, adjoining, a weU Is being bored and oil obtained. The well of McFarland A Jones, on tbe Morgan land, is near tbis property. Theselands aw bold Intrust by J. N. Camden, Esq., Resident Flret National Bank of Parkersburg. Wesi Virginia, and the Hon. John s. CulUo, Senator in Con- Eess from Virginia, and will be by them conveyed to e Standing Stone Oil Company whenever the stock to be disposed of by anbsorinnon, (to wit. 20,000 shares) shall be subscribed and pud for. Throe thousand six hundred shares of the stock have already been sub scribed and pild for. •; * ~ Sntscriptlons received at the; Banking Houses of BIGGS ACO.. and iITTENHOnSB, FOWLSR. ACO, WASHINGTON D, 0. . ! deW;!® THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1865. g*gp fHB HEBBSPOiri! Development Fund, $30,000* The attention of the entire community is now drawn to the- development scarce of national wealth—PaTßOLßirir. Many schemes' are - presented, and the question is ho' longer **Bhali I hcvust?**j but I iKmeT?’* Failures arts® from In judicious selections of territory, and had local manage meat. Where these things ate obviated success must follow. • This Company olaims to ha to reached the de sired end. They hare one hundred and forty-six acres of land in. fee simple, and the entire workint interest in six of the most valuable leases of the Bathboxe Es tate on Burning Spring Bun, Wirt county, West Vir ginia ; and an engineer of extend ed experience in the de velopment of Petroleum as Superintendent. . Their estates are all is the midst of wells that hare been and axe producing large quantities of oil,and ope rations hare'already been commenced. Failures on .Burning Spring Run are comparatively unknown, and it has proved itself for its limited development superior to Oil Creek, in Pennsylvania. They make no allegations of the existence of bogus companies, 'but challenge the most aoru Hairing inquiry in to the character of their estates, and will furnish prospectus, maps, &c , with any farther information de sired, to all parties- % Temporary Office of the Company, 80, 131 SOUTH TBIKD STRUT, (Second Story.) -DXEEOTORB, FRABKLIN.S. WiliSON,. tJOHHT P. O’NBtL. Esq.. ROBERT ffIkSHSON. GBORGE H. CHRISTIAN, JO6K*2 f). KOECKER, - IW. F, JOHNSON, jafl*4t. - |gp*>. PROSPECTUS OP THE LINSCOTT PETROLEUM AND COIL . COMPART OP OHIO, CAP1TAL............... SHARES 150,000 .PAS VALUE $3.00 REBBRVBD WORKING CAPITAL $30,000 A STOCK FOLLY PAID. Price to Subscribers-.—.......1,,.......,...52per Share. Office, No* £lB Walnut Street, PEESIDENT. JOHN M. EVANS. TREASURER, AUGUST C. MILLER. SBCRETAB.T, EDWltt fl. UOARS. PiRBCTORS JOHN BL EVANS, Be. 817 North Second street. AUGUST O. MILLER. 80. 623 ST Thirteenth street. ZABIBA ELLIS. No 1108 North Third street. FRED. LaDNER, Ho. 632 North Third street. ISAnC H. CONRAD, M. D , No 215 Vine street. JAMES TRACT* Consfcohachen* Pa; M. F, MaIZE, FotisYiile, Pa. The property of the Company* consisting of two sepa rate tracts containing 315 acres in. fee simple, is located in Athens c< unty, Ohio, about two miles and a half from the town of Athena TBACT Ko 1. containing 200 acres, consists mainly of bottom Land, with a frontage of three-quarters of a mile upon the Hocking river and canal, presenting an unlimited space of the finest boring surface .This, tract is located in one of the best oil-producing' districts in the mats, and parties who have developed lands in the vicinity have, iu almost every instance* succeeded is procuring the finest quality of Lubricating Oil, worth from $35 to s3o'per barrel, at the depth of one or two hundred feet. This property abounds in oil springs and ether positive-indications of the richest de posits of Petroleum. On the adjoining lands, within a lew, yards of this tiact. a number of wells have been sunk, some within a few weefcs past, which are yield ing oil in large quantities A portion of this tract is rich .farming laud, which, With t> e improvements, consisting of a double brown stone mansion, barns, and other necessary buildings, wi l yield a handsome rental to the Company. TRACT No. 2 contains IX6 acres, and, although un connected with Tract'No. 1, is located about the* sane distance from the town of Athens <3)4 miles). This pro-. perty beais the most positive evidences of being exceed ingly rich oil territory* and presents the same features in its oil springs, &0,. as No, 1. Amid the ravines, and upon the stream* which flow through it, are found the finest sites for boring purposes that could be desired. This tract, apart from Ub rich deposits of oil and large surface of boring territory, contains immense beds of COAL, which can be mined and ►hipped with compara tively little expense. Large collteridß are In active ope ration on the adjoining property. The Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad passes directly through this pro- r perty, while Tract 80. 1 fronts upon the canal, thus greatly enhancing their value in the facilities presented for transportation. The Company own no uncertain interests or tempo rary leases, bat offer to stockholders 315 acres in fee Simple » of the richest uihand Cop lands, located in a section of country regarded by eminent geologists as the great centre of the ou region. To those desirous of investing in a substantial organi zation we.submit the above facts for consiceration, and feel no hesitation in presenting this enterprise as one of the safest and most tellable that has yet been offered. A working capital 0f530,000 has been reserved, and a committee of the directors are now making active pre parations for an immediate development of the pro perty, which will in a very Bhori time yield the largest returns,to stockholders., But fifty thousand shares of ihe stock are offered for pale.;. Subscriptions will be received at the office of the Com pany, No. 5518 WALNUT Street, first floor, at $2 per share, par value, fully paid. jas thstufo Kg* DAUPHIN AND COLORADO GOLD MINING COMPANY.** Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000. 5500,000-SBABES ....PAR VALUE, $5. • Presto enWOHN JB. ANDERSON, _ . DIRECTORS Thomas A. Scott, T James R? Magee, B. B. Ka’ease, “ John W. Hall, Harrisburg, Wm. S. Freeman, T O. McDowell, do. Robt. P. King, - John Brady, do. John M. Riley, W. W Wylie, Lancaster. Charles D« Silver* Wm. G. Shuts, Colorado. D P. SOUTH WORTH, ■ Secretary and Treasurer. Office of the Company, No. 4*3 WaLRUT Street- Room No. 6. . Authenticated specimens have been procured from some of the Company *s lodes, and have been assayed by Professors Booth and Garrett with the most gratify ing results. Subscription lists have been opened at the Office of the Company, and at the Treasurers Office (In ternal Revenue), No. 4557 CHESTNUT Street.Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank Building. Tooriglnai subscribers, $3. £0 per share, for a limited number of shares. Circulars, pamphlet*, or Information can be obtained at the Office of the Company after the 17th lust* • October 14, 1884. oolS-3m ESSFi FOURTH OUARTEBtY REPORT OF POUBTH NATIONAL BANE OF PHILA PHIA, Philadelphia, January 5,1866. • EESOUBCES. Bills and notes di5c0unted....................5346,278 90 Expenses........i 545 37 Pcrcituie audflxture««.. 2,28516 Premium paid on bonds and accrued interest ' on 73*10notes*»». 10,467 32 United States bonds deposited to secure circu- . 30,000 00 United States bonds depositedto secure de posits.. ................. 60,000 00. usitedStatesbonds on hand. .41,900 00 Other United States securities on band....... 91,718 19 Due from National banks... 44,07163 Sue from State banks..., 6,559 38 Legal-tendernotes 202 440 88 Kotos Of National and Statebanks.«.....,,-w 13,700 00 Capital 5t0ck................ Profit andloss.. Circulating notes.. Deposits (individual) United States deposits.*. Dividends unpaid «»X*V........... Due National banks..... Due State banks and bankers.——...... Disconnt h.. .........a**......... Exchange. United States tax. .................... KSB“‘ KESSISOTON SAITOSAI BANK, ; PHUABELPHrA, Dec. 9, 1864. An election for thirteen Directors to serve the en fining year will he held at the Basking House os TUBS' DAT, January 10, 1865, from 10 o’doc* A M. to 3P. M. delO stnthlm Wit. McCOBHEI.Ii, Cashier. SOCIHW4BK SATIOSAI, IIASK, . ", . Phuabelphi a, December9,lSs4. . TheAnnsAlßlectionfor DIBBCTOKS will ha held at the BANKING HOUBB, on TUESDAY, the 10th day ol toughest, hettreen the. hoars oflO o’clock A. U, A general meeting ol the Stockholders trill he held at the same time. F, P. STSSL, deldstnthtjalO ' Cashier, |®“ THE MASSIF ACTUK EH S’ IS A. .TIOHAt BAKE. _ „ i, ~ pHirADOLPHIA, Dae. 9,1884. The Stockholder* ere hereby Dotifled that on BLED* TIOH-JfOS NINE DIBBCTOBS or this Bank, to servs theensnini Tfar, will bo held at the BASKING HOrnE. on WEDNESDAY. January 11,1565, between the hoars of 10 A. M. and 3 fM.. dolA-stathtjsU KST 188 COSSOUSATIOH NATION* _AI> BANK. PHiLADELPHIA,.Jan.4.IB6S The Directors have tils day declared ail Extra Divi dend of TWENTY FES CENT., payable on MONDAY, 16,1865, clear Of tr. S Taxes, stockholders willbe required to surrender their Cer tiflcaie* of Stock, tor which new ones will be leaned In the name of •'The ConioHdatlon National Bank." jas-thstntlB JOS. H. PEIBSOL, Cashier, &£&“ THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, O'"" . . _ Philadelphia, December 8, 1864. Thij-Annual Election of DIKECTOKB will be held at the HANKING BOUSE on .TUESDAY, the 10th day of January. ISBB, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock 'The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be hold at the same time. SAMUEL J. MAC MULLAN, deStMjalO Cashier. KB*> EIBHIH NATION AT BANK. ' Philadelphia, Deo, 9,1854 An Election tor Directors, to serve the ensuing year, will beheld at the Banking House, onTOESDAZ, Jan. 10,1866, between the honrs of 10 A. M. and 3 PM. i fi. ,H. WILLIAMS, js3 tnsmSt ~ Cashier. I®» nECHASICS’ NATIONAL BANK. , Philadelphia.- January 3,1885. The Annnal Meeting of tbs Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on WEDNES DAY , January 11. IS6A,'between >he honrs of 10 o’olook A. And 2P. M , for theeleotion of Nine Direotore to serve tor the ensuing yew. __ ■ ■ la4-7t » -J. WIBQANP, Js., Cashier, THECESTEAI NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. _ . . Philadelphia, January S, 1885 The Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at tbe office of G_JT. TROUTMAN, Ban., 16 South THIRD street, on TUESDAY, Januyy 10th, 1865, be tween tbe honrs of 10 A M. and YP. M. ja< «■ ALEX. IBYIN, JB,, Cashier. •ST ' FABBEBS* ANII MECHANICS’ * !a ® r NATIONAL BANK. —Philadelphia, Deseia- Kaj 9 ’ 1864. The Annnal Election tor Directors of this Bank wID be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on WEDNESDAY, the llth day of January next, between the hoars of It o’clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P. M. delO-tiall W. BUSHTOH. Jn.. Cashier. KST" SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. • . , _ Feakhpobd. Deo. 20, 1864. The Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, January loth, 1865, between the honrs of 12'M. andSF. M. deSl-tjalO W. H. SHAWN, Cashier-. IST SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK, *=?' - Philadelphia, December 12,1864. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank, tor the ELECTION OF DIBBCTOBB, will be held on TUESDAY. January 10, 1865, between the hours of 11 .o’clock A. M. and 2 o’clock P. M, del3-tialo K 8. HALL, Cashier. ear THK THIRD JUTIOSAL basb OF PHILADELPHIA, Dsoemsbb 8, MM. The Second Annual Meetini of the STOCKHOLDERS of the Third national Bank of Philadelphia trill he held at the Banklnc House, 8. W. corner of MARKET and MERRICK Streets, on TUESDAY, January 10, MU. at Id o’clock seen. . ... , An Election for Directors to serve for the entrains real will be held on the same day, between the hours of 11 sad 2 o'clock. ' delO-lS B, GLEmilinnii tST 1 r)H IMDEJLPHrA ASD DABBY K® BAILED AD CO. —NOTICE Is hereby riven to tjie Stockholm era of this Company that the Annual Meeting and an Section for President and six Directors will take place on the second MONDAY (9th) of January, IBM, at 4P. H., at the Company's Depots on DABBY Avenue, between Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets? dtjM-tiaß D, H. FLICKWIR, Secretary, PBEhTON RETKBAT.—KOTICK IS HEBBBY GIVEN that an Annual Meeting of the Contributors of the PKSB YON BBTBKAT trill be held on MONDAY, the 9th day of January. 1865, at S o’clock PTM., at BU. ARCH Street, In the oily of Phila delphia, -at which time and place an election will he held for twenty-four Manager*, a Treasurer, and two Auditors. EDWARD HOPPER, Secretary. , PanADEtYHiA, Deoepthor 10,1661, delO est - Oil. COMPANIES. Oil. COMPANY OF WMF VIRGINIA. CAPITAL. $150,000. at m each, par. » PRBSIDBHT, FRANKLIN'S. WILSON. TRBAStHtBB, GEORGE H. CHRISTIAN. PHILADELPHIA. GOIl) MITOO COMPMIES. NOTICES. LIABILITIES .»««••• nmmMisl6o,ooo 00 1.200 00 ...... ‘68,000 00 401,1*8 92 22,00186 ........ 180 00 229,043 89 14,203 84 3,83183 . 386 36 278 30 967 65 SAMUEL J. MAC MPLLAH, Cashier. M. W. WOODWARD, __ Cashier. KSp TH* NEXT DRAIT.-CITIZBWS’ MBWSSa. ii B = vi Wh .° a ™ and those who are enrolled *0 military duty, and also that glass of, £SS°™ W ho , ai 2 nct Uable to draft (ladies and gentle- J„??.?, Te J *»MF;toe years), to our sgenay for procuring volunteer zeprestntaUves. Persoa. V® B 4 Important matter at ones, as the draft has born fixed for the 15th of February next. a.sjiictty legitimate businessj wean Ssl 5 hot liable to On.draft as substitutes and representatives, as low, if not at lower prices, than any nm ,pbSff°, y '? PJiledeiphla. The law allows u« to pnr t p bstitnUis in the Nary or Marina Corps, to be ore- ariy district in the State where ihe prlnofpal re- ,iS > '5.v !lltat6 hiMnese, If persons Hvinfr in or out of tha ■®HJ’ are enrolled, will famish ns with a eartift enrolment from the ProTost Marshal of i™£L .i®' ri °S tb ?7. can have substitutes sworn into ttemfrom draft* Mt,lc6 »which will folly exempt .iS ! ? r<m S e cso he iriTon to ladies and xentlemen in this S£ f Sf VA® l ? ff® h P® d °h® husiness in this line, and wSS*XJS™ to o°T ißg o' 0 ?“ ti e„ ": Chestet, Delaware, ampton B ® rk '’ Buoks * BehnylhUl, and Horth- J*-. -dhnrches and Clmbß fnrnlshed at the lonrM SSwlibi^rS®® - ; .. Libe . ra ii, aT ”? Eom ® n ts made with iownsbip Committees to fill quotas. Cali or address MoN &LLY. PAXSON, &co , .. * „ 4110HE3TNUT street, or 6t* . Box 2077 Philadelphia Post office. ts3f» EIGHTH WABD—AVOID THR - M4 fT /”A tall meeting of citirens of 54 determined to invite two from each t ’•cinct to t volunteer their services to collect funds wUSX!?" i s£m 5 t .£® BJ3d employ a recruiting agent to fill ?f ■! >e y’^Fa d ***** the last call of the Fra sitsent of the united states for troops. Gentlemen will- H*** volunteer thsir servlccß for this purpose, will to J. B. FL4NIGEN, at the offloe of the PhuadelphiaDaifp Newts, 13G booth THIRD Street REFRESH —V MENT SALOON, foot of WASHIHOTON Aye nne.—We are again obliged to appeal to onr fellow citirens for aid to snstaln onr inalitation. We are for the liberal anpport we have received, and believe the expending of no similar sum has added so mueh to ihe comfort of onr soldiers; in addition to Which We have been 'Compelled by circumstances to assume temporary care of thousands of refugees, freed men, ind rebel deserters, nearly all of whom would A a^lJ? e4 l a , tepsd to seek charity at your doors, and, domidled in the lowest haunts of the city, w>ald have caused much annoyance and disturbance. They have remained with us generally but a few days, and places have been found lor them away from the city, where thsir itbor was in great request. The arrangements for the care of the soldiers in our city have added largely to our repatatiou for hospitality andbroihexly love, and to continue the good work the necs-asary means must be furnished. Funds forwarded by letter to our committee, or handed to either of the following gentlemen, will reach üb: Rev. Dr. Thomas Brainerd, No. 634 Fine street. Thomaß Robbins. Esq, .President Philadelphia Bank. D. B. Cummins, Esq , President Girard Bank. S- A. Mercer, Esq., President Farmers* and Mecha nics* Bank; J. B. Austin, Esq., PresidentSouthwaTkßank. M. W. Woodward, Bsq., Cashidr Manufacturers* and Mechanics* Bank- Thomas T. Firth. Esq., Treasurer Penna. Railroad. James 0. Band A Go., corner Market and Decatur sts. Samuel B. Fates, Esq , 707 Vine street ARAD BAREOWS, Chairman. J, B, Wads, Secretary, de26-12t 5300,000 i*ga» BONUS TO THE ISSURID.-THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY,'AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Office No. 408 CHESTNUT Street, v December 31, 1854. As the period of five years has elapsed since the last Bonus was made, the Company bas declared Bonus No. 5 to the insured for whole life on all policies in force which were issued prior to January 1,1862- Thus a policy issued In 1867 by this Bonus has $lO5 added to the sum insured for each $1,000: those issued in 1858 have $9O added; those issued in 18S9. as well as all policies which participated in Bonus No. 4, declared in De cember, 1869, nave $75 added for each $l,OOO insured, &8,, &c. Larger and smaller sums participate in like propor tions, without requiringany increase in the annual pre mium to be paid to tie Company. In addition to which on all the above-named policies on which future premiums shall be paid, and on all other life policies after they shall have stood three years, and shall become claims within the next five years, there shall be paid a further Bonus in the same ratio as that now declared. * As soon as the Bonds shall be credited to the policies on the Registers, a notice wiU be sent to each policy holder who participates, stating the amount. By order of the Board. THOMAS BIDGWAY, President: Jko. F, James, Secretary. jaS-thstu St*, ass'* 3 COOPER-SHOP VOLUNTEER BE* FRESHMBNT SALOON, 1009 OTSEGO Street. 'DsoembsbßD, 1864. We are again compelled to .appeal, to the citizens of Philadelphia for means to aid us to carry on our insti tution. Whilst we feel thankful for the liberal support we have already received, we feel confident that our present wants will call to our aid again the liberal sup port of our loyal and patriotic citizens, which at present is essentially necessary to enable us to continue the good work of feeding and administering to the wantß of our. brave soldiers. Contributions sent to us by letter or otherwise will be thankfully received. WM. M. COOPBB, President, 135 8 WATER Street ADAM M. SIMPSON. Treasurer, _ 9 QUEEN Street. WM. M. HAULL, Secretary, 339 CATHARINE Street. E. 8. HALL. ' ja6-6t Cashier Seventh National Bank. SMAFTON CsAt COMPANY. LOppice No. 5508 South FOURTH Stbbht. DIRECTORS, President— MARTIN DIXON, - Treasurer—ROßEßT P. KING. PETER A, B. WIDENBB. HENRY B. WALLACE, JACOB B. DbHaVEN. jas-6t» GEO. PbHAVBN, Jr., Secretary, ISS* MOYAMENSING SOUP SOCIETY, Northwest comer of EIGHTH and < MAR RIOT Streets, will open their home for the distribution of Soup to tbe poor of their district, on MONDAY MORN ING NEXT, January 9th, 1865, at 11 o’clock, and con tinue daily (except Sundays) during the winter. Donation; in meat, money, flour, coal, or vegetables Will be thankfully received at the house, or-by either of the undersigned, and by any other manager of the society. (Contributions will also be received at this office.) ROBERT GRAFFEN, President, 657 PINE Street. • COLLINS WEST, Treasurer, 302 Bouth SECOND Street. . , A. J. BATON, Secretary, 3&6 3t 722 CHESTNUT Street. KSg" TYROHE AND GLEABFIELD ■??? RAILROAD CQMPANY,—The Annual Meeting of the stockholders will be held at the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company on MONDAY, Jan. 9, tS6A for the purpose of electing twelve Directors to serve the ensuing year, and transacting such other bu siness as may come before the meeting. de3l-ja2t H. H. SHILLINGFORD, Secretary. iSSr* PHILADELPHIA CRICKET CLUB. —NOTICB. —The Annual Meeting will be held at the Office of the Presidect.'r'No. 131 South FIFTH Street, on MONDAY, 9th. inst , at 4 o’clock P. M. A full attendance is desired: j&6 3t»* ALBERT A. OUTBBBBIDGE, Sec’ry. ■SSEF- PETBOLECH STORAGE COM PANY OP PHILADELPHIA. -The BnbseripflOH Books will remain open at the office of the Company. 337 WALNUT Street, and at the Booms of the Phila delphia Board of Trade, 505 CHESTNUT Street, until the stock Is all subscribed for. . Persons forwarding subscriptions or instalments Will Pleas* make thoir checks payable to the order of F. B. HUBBBLL. Esq., Treasurer. no2B- sth if IS*' OFFICE OF THE FHUVKFORD - AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGERRAILROAD COMPANY. No 312 BERKS Street. Philadelphia, Dec. 2), 1861. NOTICE. —The Annual Meeting ct tie Stockholders of this Company will be held at their office on MON DAY, January 9th, 1865, at 12 o’clock M. An election for President and twelve Directors,to serve the ensuing -year, will take place at the same time. . „ „ B. FRANK ABBBTT, jao-tt Secretary pro tern. KST° OratCE OF THE OAK BALLOU, o** COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA. J. C FRYER, 113 CHESTNUT Street The Book of Subscription to the Capital Stock of the OAK BALL OIL COMPANY will close on THURSDAY, January 12,1865, at S o’clock, after which date the cer tificates of stock will he ready for delivery. Persons hcldingthe Company 'sreooipts are requested to present them and obtain their certificates. JOHN OAKFORD, Secretary. Philadelphia, January 4, 1865. jas-7t OFFICE OF THE NORTH FBNN» SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 407 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, January 9th" 18% it fi o’clock fit., at which time and place an Election wili be held for a President and Ten Directors to serve for the ensning year. -EDWARD ARMSTRONG, deM-tjafl - Secretary. $890,967 85 iy OFFICE OF THE THIRTEENTH „ and FIFTEKNTIL Streets PASSENGER BAIL WAY COMPANY, 4X7 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Com pany will be held at their office on MONDAY, January 9£h..1865, at 10 o’clock A. M., when an election will he held for a President and Ire Directors to sarve for the ensning year. , . H. HAINES, de24-26,31ija2.7,96t* Secretary, trad- OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MODS TAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY, _ . - Philadelphia, Deo; 16,1864. The Annual Nesting of the Stockholders of the above nsmed Company will beheld at their Office, No. 330 South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the leth day of January next, at 12 o’clock M., when an ELECTION will be held for seven Directors to serve for the ensning year. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed for fifteen days prior to the day of said election do!7-tial6 EDWARD ELY, Secretary. aSSS“ OFFICE OF UNION MI’TCAL IN SURANCE COMPANY, , „ , Philadelphia, Dec. 17,1861. The Annual Meeting of the Stock and Scrip holders of the Union Mutual Ins, Co. i of Philadelphia, will he held, at the Office of Company, on MONDAY, January 9, 1865, 12 o’clock noon, at which time an election wifi years or Directors toserre A^thsensu^rthne de!9-18t Secretary. OFFICE OF THE NESQEEHON* INC VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY. _ Philadelphia, Dec. % 1864. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at this office on MONDAY, January 9th, 18e6, atnoon, at which time ah election for a Pre sident and Twelve Directors, to servo for the ensuing year, will take place. JAMES S. COX. deat-smwSt* Secretary. Wg»“. OFFICE OF THE EE HIGH AND Jra? DELAWARE WATER GAP RAILROAD COM PANY, No. l«S! Bonth SECOND Street. . Philadelphia, December 23, 1864.- • The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an ELECTION for a President and twelve Directors, to servo for the ensuing year, will be held at Uiis office, at I o’clock P. MTonHOIfDAY. the 9th of January,JB6s. W. B. WHITNEY, de24-amwBt* Secretary, ■raa- office of the western lw PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia, December 22 1864. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—TbesnnaaIMeeHne of the Stockholders of the Western Penusylyanla Kail road Company will he held on MONDAY, the nlnthday of January, 1865. at 12 o’clock M., at No. 338 South THIRD ttreet, Philadelphia. .Annual Election for President and Directors will he held same day and place. deZj-tjaS JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. ■Sr* OFFICE OF THE FARE INSU BANCI COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street.- _ Philadelphia, December 27,1564. NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fame Insurance Company will be held on MON DAY, the 9th day of January next, at 10 o'clock A. M„ at the office of the Company. -An election for twelve Directors, to serve the ensuing year, will be held on the same day. at the same place, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M., and 2 o dock de2B «a 9 WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. aSSr- OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE »’ COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, Philadel phia, December 27,1864. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held' at the Office of the Company, No. 333 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, January 9, 1865. at 12 o’clock M , and on TUESDAY, January 10 (the day following), an election Will be held for Directors to ser re for the ensuing year, ae2Sl3t CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. KST* OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE ■OP INSURANCE COMPANY. 400 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, December 23,1564. NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of "The Enterprise, Insurance Company" will he held on MOJNDAY. tte Sth dayof January next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at tbe office of the company. An election for twelve Directors, to serve the ensuing year, will he held on the same day, at the same place, between tbe hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P, H. CHAS. FOSTER, de24-tia9 Secretary. IW STOCKHOLDERS’"NOTICE,— ■ w- The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the OTL CKBBK AHD RIDGWAY RAILROAD COMPANY will bo held on MONDAY, the ninth dayof January, 1866, at MK o’clock P. M., atNo. 338 Sonth THIRD Street, Philadelphia. An Election for President and Directors will he held same day and place. JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary Philadelphia, Dec. 22. 1864. de22-tiaB IS" DiKITSAKI'E COMPASY OF IHE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. . H PaiiADHiPalA. Deo. 23,1851 An election for Thirteen Directors of the i Comnany will be held.on MONDAY, Janoary 9,1883, at the Oom pany’e office, Eos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE Bnildlnn, be tweentbetour. of ten I. Cashier. KH- MEUt'ANTII.F. ÜBBAR7 COS 13E> PAHY. Phiisbkiphia; January 3,1855 Ska Annual Meeting of tboStoclsliolders of the MER CANTILE LIBBABY COMPANY will be held on TUESDAY, 17th Instant, at IK o’clock p, M.. In the j«3-t!7..: AM V Recording Secretary. XB» THB AMiBAh MEKTESfO OF THE WP Stockholders of the POTTBVILLB MINING AND HABUPACTUBINS CO , for the EMOTION ol Officers for the ensuing year, will be held at the Office of the Company, JNo, 817 WALNUT Street, on TUBS. DAY, Jan. 10, l»fc at 2 o'clock p. M. delS-tjaM • KIQHABD JONRS.Prasldeat, NOTICES. SeciatarT. COPARTNERSHIPS. nOFARTNEBSHtP NOTICB.—-THE VJ nndernigned h»TBthl» d*r aerafatp nadir tlie ax®, aad HO- I) DWELL It CO., for the tramaotion oft h« Baav dbi) Q.oHonAxy Buissn at bo.- sSSI “ Statloß 7 SBOBOB McDOWBLL, B t6et - T. P. M. BBS SETT. PHitAßEtpirrA. Jaaparr 3.18 WC. TV/TR. HENRY C. BTEVENBON HA.S tUeda r wltliarawnftomonr|m. RTfc Q(> Phlla., Jan. 2, 1968, Onfi-gl*) 80. 383 MABKKT Bt., TVISSOLDTION.—THE COPARTNER. SHIP heretofore existing under tbe name of BEIL MAH 4 RAb'K la this da, dissolved br mntujl Mtteeat, JOSEPH KaKK retlrtng. AM'iS «. HBILMaH, JOSEPH BAHK. Phiiadeiphia, Dec. 31,1864. - •NTOTICE.—TBE BUSINESS OP THE late firm of BBILMAB & HANK wilt be settle 1 br the undersigned, who will continue tne Wholesate Dry Goods business at the old stand, No. 550 North THIRD Street. AMOS G. HEILMAN. December 81, 1864. ja2 6i* THE FIRM OP WILLI AMB & ARNBST Ja this da, DISBOLVED by mutual eoasent. Tbe name of tbe firm will be naed by either partner la liquidation. CHaRLBS B. WtLLUeIS. JAKBS D. ARNBaP. Phii.a»bi.pbia, Jan. 2,1886. ©PARTNERSHIP. THE UNDER signed (successors to Williams & Araest) have this day formed a COPARTNERSHIP, unden the.firm, of WILLIAMS, ARNBST, ft CO., for the transaction of tbe Wholesale Dry Goods business, and have' removed from 417 Market street, to the store lately occupied by J. B.ft J. Price. No. 55 4T M4BKET Street. * CSAKLEs B WILLIAMS. JAMES D. ARNBST. FB4NCIBC WILLIAMS. _ JOHN C. BERRY. Philadelphia, Jan. 8,1861 ja2 6fe THE COPARTNEBSHIP HEBETO.- JL POKE existing under tbe firm of JOS. & W*. B. WOOD. Ho. 8 North SBCOHD Street la thla day dis solved by mutual consent. The business of the lata firm will be settled by either of the uartlea at the OSes of JAMES P. WOOD & GO., Ho *1 South. FOURTH Street. JOSEPH WOO ti. WILLIAM B WOOD. January 2,1865. Tbs undersigned bus this day associated himself with, the DHIOH STEAM AND WATER HEATING C.iM PANT OF PENNSYLVANIA, for tha sale of HOLD’S PATENT STEAM-HEATING APPARATUS. • JOSEPH WOOD. The business of tbe aboye Company will In futnra be conducted by JAMBS P. WOOD Ac JOSEPH WOOD, under th. name of JAMES P. WOOD & CO. January 2,1865. jaj-iuthila THE FIRM OP BABTON GREES & -A. GO. is THIS- DAY dleeolved by mutual o'nscut. Tbe bCßineng of the Jate firm will be eettif d by either of the at No. 40 N. FRONT S reet. BARTON GREEN, ’ G ~ H SMIT 9 Philadelphia, Dec, 31, 1864. * * jag-tutbeSt* Dissolution.— the limited. partnership heretofore existing between the un dersigned, under the film of WOOD & CART, expires this day by its own limitation. THOR H. WOOD, CHARLES CART. General Partners. WILLIAM L GREGG, * _ _ ... * Special Partner. Philadelphia, Dee. SI, 1881. COPARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned wilt continue the Sirawjand Millinery Goods business at Ne. TaS CHESTNUT Street,' under the *rm of WOOD ft cart. THOS. H. WOOD, CHARLES CART* Philadelphia, Dec, a, 18M, j*B 3i* MOTICE.—THE INTEREST OF WIL -*-® LIAM B. HENRT in tbe firm of WILLIAM B. N. COZENS ft Co., terminates this day by limitation, and William B. N. Cozens is alone authorized to settle up the business of said firm. WILLIAM B. N COZENS, • WM B HENRT, __ ■ „ DAVID FILSON. Philadelphia, Dec, 31, 1861. r pHE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CON TINUB to cairy on the Dry Goods Commission Bu- Sdobs as heretofore, nnder the firm of WILLIAM B. N. COZENS ft CO. WILLIAM B. N. COZENS, DAVID FILSON. PhiladbiphiA, Deo SI, 1864. . ja2-Bt* TYISSOLUTION.—THE COPaRTNBB -V® SHIP heretofore>exlßttng between the subscribers, under the firm of JOHNES, BERRY, ft CO . is this day dissolved by limitation. GEO. W. JOHNES. WM. H. BSKRY. WM. Hi HURLEY. V, „ „ , FRANCIS R. ABBdrT. Philadelphia, Bee. SI, 1864. /COPARTNERSHIP.— THE UNDER- A-r SIQNBD haye this day formed a Copartnership under the firm of JOHNES. BERRY, ft CO fir the pro secution of the Wholesale Silk Goods Business, at 337 MARKET Street. GEO. W. JOBNES, WM. H. BERRY. WM. H. HURLEY, _ JOS M. FOSTER „ „ JACKSON McABEE. . Philadelphia, Jan. 1,1868. ja2-6t NTOTICE.—JOHN B. ELLISON THIS J-Y DAY retires from the firm of JOHN B. ELLISON ft SONS The undersigned wIU conduct the business nnder tbe same style of firm as heretofore. WILLIAM P. RLLISOtf, 4 n .v „ „ . RODMAN B. ELLISON. 12th month 31st, 1864. CAMUEL COLLIER, JR , AND ISAAC Aj KBELER stai.retainan interest.and WILLIAMH. LEWIS is admitted tefan interest in onr buslneasfrom thla(date. - JOHN B. ELLISON ft SONS? Philadelphia, 12th Month 31st, 1864. Ja2 lot TYISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— Tbe subscribers, heretofore trading under tbe firm of BUNTING ft JONES, have this day dissolved part . nership by mutual consent. ■* BAML. A. JONES, THOMAS BARNES. Philadelphia, Dee. 31.1864. nOPARTNERSHIP.—THE UNDER .V' SIGNED have this dayformed a copartnership under the style and firm of JONES, BARNES, ft CO., and will continue the business of the late fitm of Banting ft Jones at the old stand, No. 38 S. WHARVES. BAML. A. JONES, THOS. BARNES. •» ■ 8. LEHMAN SMITH. Philadelphia, Dec, 31,1884. ja2-lm T\JSSOLUTION:—THE FIRM OF JL' GAREETSON, BRADY, ft CO. expires THIS LAY by limitation:—The business of said firm will be settled By either partner, at No 307 MARKET sweet. JACOB GaBKETSON. t. . THOMAS P. BLAKEMORE, December 31, 1664. THOMAS F. BRADY., H E UNDER- Vy signed will continue the wholesale Dry-Goods business at No. 307 MARKET Street, under the name and style of-GARBETSON, BLAKEMORE, ft CO. JACOB GABBETSON, THOMAS F. BLAKEMORE, SAMUEL FLOYD, January 2,1£66. J, B. C. OLDHAM. ja2-6t TYISSOLUTJ CgSf.—THE COPABTNER SHIP heretofore existing between the Subscribers, aider the firm of BEHJSETT. SUCH, A CO , Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Joseph N. Each retiring, The business will be settled by either partner. H. K. BENNETT, JOSEPH N. EUCS, .- Or He SIEGES. Philadelphia, Hoy. SO, 1864. COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDER .V .SIGNED bare this day associated together nndar H. E. BEHEKrT & CO., and will continue .the bnjineja of the late firm of Bennett, Knob, & Co., at 31T GHTJBCH Alley, where the business of the latter Arm will be settled. H. K. BENNETT, _ O. H. SIEGER. PHnADELraiA, Dee. 1,1864. jaS-6t T)ISSOIiUTION. « TbeCopartnoreWp heretogre ander tba firm of YAH HAAGKH Ac McKEOHE, Pblladelphta, and CHARLES McKEOHE * 00., Hew York, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Their late business HeKMHAV& t HAA*ACO. 80f ‘ lleirSnCCeBSoJfS * AHTHONY YAN HAAGSH, CHARLES McKEONB, DAVID TO AIK, PHn.A-.Dee. 31,1864.- JAMES McKBOifE. T)l£ SOLUTION.—THE COPARTNER. ship heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of THAUT & McKEONB, is this day dis solved by mutual cod sent. Their late business will be settled by either of the undersigned* who £re autho rized to sign the name oi the firm tn liquidation. - • • • DATID THAIN. Phila., Dec. Sl* ISM. CHABLES McKEOKE. fWARTISBRSHIF. THE UNDEIN SIGNED have this day entered into Copartnership, under the firms of McKEoEFB, VAN HAAGEar, &C(>H Philadelphia, and CHABLES McKBONE &CO , New Vork» for the manulactnre and sale of £oaps> Candles, Oils. &c , and Wholesale Dealers In Soap and Caudle Stock. CHABLES HcKEONB, Jl van haagbn, DAVID THAIXf. Philadelphia, Dec. 81, ISM.* nOPARTHERSHIP NOTICE.—EDGAR VV, EABLE is this day admltted to an interest in the business, of JAMBS S. SABLE & SOV. The style Of the firm will be JAMES 8. SABLE & SONS. • 816 CHESTNUT Street, Jan, S* 1865. ja2-8t THE ■ COPARTNERSHIP HERETO -A- FORK existing between B. B MUCKER. Jr., and GBOBGB BOYD, under the firm of 8. SMUCKBR, Ja, , «-CO;i le this day diseolved by mutual consent. P. BMUCKSB. Jjt„ • ■ . ■ - GEORGE BOYD. Phii,adhi.phja, Decembers!, 1864. -The business of the late firm will be settled bvS, SMUCKEE, Jr., at-K0,605 MARKET Street. , . ' THE UNDERSIGNED WILL CON -*- TIHUK the wholesale Grocery and Commission bn sine, s as heretofore done .bySmacher & Co. .under the tfEe oi G. BOTD ACQ,, at the old stand, southwest corner of TWELFTH and MARKET Streets. ,3a2-10t v i OKO. BOYD. TBE FIRM OF DE COURSBY, LA * c Rv a , oin * business at 631 CHEST EUT Street, h w been this day dissolved. Tne business of Jbe Arm will be settled by S. W. DE COURBET, M, LAFOUBCADB, B. LAFOUBCADB, and CHABLES LA FOURCADE, who are.&nthorlzedto settle the same. S. W. DE COUBSET, M. LAFOUKCADB. Bi LAFOUBCADB. oharies lafouroade, W.B. LAFOUBCADB. GEBALDDE COUBSET, WH; H. IRWIN. Pbiladbi.phia, Dee. 81, 1864. jaS-tf WILLIAM McKEE MASON IB AD , V MITTED to an Interest In oat House from this date. .. MASON * CO. -■ . No.*3S MARKET Street. January 2, 1865. ja2-6t XTOTIOE. THE COPARTNERSHIP A-v between the subscribers, under the Arm of H B MAHON Y AGO., Is this day'dissolved by mutual cor sent, the senior members retiring from commercial pur suits. Either of us will attend to the liquidation of the the Ann signature for thatpnrpose. Ko, 33T PINE Street. - M. B. MAHOHT. J. F. STACKHOUSE. _ - C. A. MAHOHT. FtTTTjAhRLPHTA, January 4th, 1855. ja4-st* TTNION STEAM SUGAR REFINERY, Ho. 33T ST. JOHN Street LBVi.TAYLOR and THOS. GILLESPIE have been admitted to an interest in onr Arm from this data .. .. „ TAYLOR, GILLESPIE, & CO. PHiLAßsr.i’HiA, Jan. 1,1865. - ja4 6i* "DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP.—i A-/ The Arm of CLABKBOH & CO., Bankers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. ■ ROBERT CLABKSOH. D. K. JACKMAN, D. A. MACKEY. PgIIADEtPHIA, Dec. 81,1864 ‘ ‘ ° CIIU ' HOTIOB.-We have this day en tered into a Copartnership, for the transaction of the Hor-IMI South THIRD St., under the name of CLARK SOH A CO. i BO BBRT CL ABKBON, E C. MoDLUSE. „ - T „ „ KAMUBL QLARKBOH. PgnADRUHiA, Jan. % 1865. jaS-et PIISSOLUTION.—THE COPARTNER heretofore existing between the subscribere under the firm of WALTER S,EACB Is THIS DAT dls eonsent. The bnsiness of the lato Arm wm be settles by either oA tbe undersigned, at the store, Ho. 83* North THIRD Street. ' ' ■ ■ V J- f. WALTER, w la, EAOB. rgn.ADßr.rnrA, Dee. 31,1864 ja3-M nOPABTNERSHIP NOTICE.- 1 HAVE wTIS*!? TAYLOB and BD- “Ainterest U my business, beywntlnutd under the name and style of SAMUEL 8. SCOTT A GO. BAHUEL S SCOTT. January 1,1865.. . ja2-st* (COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE VJ undersigned have this day formed a copartnership, under tbe style and title of ADAMS & LEVIS, for the purpose of transacting a general Banking and Stock Broxer&fe business. Oil. Telegraph, and Express Company stocks made a S&eciftlty. GoYenunwrt Loans aud Spedo boagkt asd sold. delfl-lm 803 CHESTNUT Street. 4HQ MARKET STREET,. PHILA. ROBERT B LEYICK and this them PERQIVAL COLLfHI ( and ROBERT LEYICK. and will continue the WhoF E ‘ ffeof?re Wthßarla 0f PajIADBLTBIA, Ist So., gd, 1865, COPARTNERSHIPS. •nit solution of partnership. . enbscribers.heretefora trading under the 8m of BEEJ. 9. JANE fey, Jr., *CO, hays thiAday Dissolved their p&nner*hip, by mutual consent. All of the late firm will be eet* tied ot 60S MARKET Street. BBSX ». JAffKEY, Jfe„ Vmhusuvfmk, Dm. 20, IBM. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL CON- I' TINTTE the Wholesale QSOOSBT ABD PBODTTCB COMMISSION business, as heretofore done by JaN NET & ANDBSWB, at No. 631 MARKET Btreet. BENJ. 8. JANNEX. Ja., Decihber 20,1864. B. W. ANMTKWB. fiOFABTNERSHIP.—J. MORRIS Vy BURNS, (0' the late firm of B. S. Ja-eeey, Jr., & Go.,land 8. S MUCKER. Jr., (of tho late firm of 8. Smncher, Jr., & Co ,)haye tale day formed 1 a Copart nership, under the title of BURNS & 9MBCKKK. aad prill continue the Wholesale GROCERY aad COMMIS SION business at tho old stand formerly occupied by I. 8. Janney. Jr., A Co., at N~6OSMARKET St., Phils. Philadelphia, Dec. 30,1864. , OTSFDER- Vy SIGNED fcav* this day formed a Copartner* ibj, tmder th© firm same of S. A. COYLE & CO., for the prosecution of the Wholesale GROCERY aad PRODUCE COMM SBION business, at Jfos. 16 aad 1» Berth FIFTH Street, shore Market. gAMI< A COYLRt Jr d 4Go ) J. A. LINN. Firn.ADHi.PKTA Bee BQ, 1864. de3o-lm ThISSOLTJTIOIf.-—THE COPABTNER XJ SHIP heretofore existing between the undersign ed, under the firm of OH AS. H. GKaHAH & CO. pie this day dissolved by mutual consent. CHAS E. GRAHAM. ' EDW T D H. GRAHAM. FnrLADA., Dec. 31,1864 s COPARTNERSHIP.—M. K HARRIS, Gate ofSTieher eon* Harris, & Mofeely,) aad SDW’D H. GRAHAM, (late of Cbas. H. Graham. & C 0.,) h&Y© this day formed a Copartnership, under the style and firm name of HARRIS St GRSHAM,, and will coafcinueHhe Wholesale Grocery and Produce Commission Busi ness at lb© old stand. No. 337 ARCH Street. Phil apa., Jan. 2, 1835, ja3- tufch>3t* THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE J existing under the firm of JOHN B. MYERS & CO., Is dissolved hy the decease of the senior partner, CHAR LBS B DDRBOBOW, i NATHAN MYERS SAHGBL BUNTING, JOBN B. MYERS, Ja., ALFRED S POTTER, JOSEPH 8. BUNTING. Philadelphia, December 31,1861. THHE SURYIYraaFAETNERS HAYS this day entered intoa copartnership as Auction eers and Commission Merchants, at if os. 333 and 334 MARKET Street, under the firm of JOHXf B. MYERS & CO. ZTATH&R MY2RB, JOSH B MVBKS, CBAS B. OURBOROWfi SAMGBL BUtfTnffq, ALFRED R. POTTER, JOSEPH S BcsrrjTG. January 1, 1865, ja2 JSt OF DISSOLUTION. The limited pSTtnerehip existing between the under signed, under the Arm of RIBGEL, WISBT, &BBVIS, expires this day bj its own. limitation. JACOBjIKOBL, JOHIfWIBST. DAVID B BBVXIf, BENRT 8. FiSTBR, JOSIAH BIE9EL, Genert 1 Partners,' PETES SIEGER, wm. s. baird. Special Partners, Philadelphia. Sec. 31, IBdt „ KOTICE OP LIMITED PARTNKESHIP. The eahscribere hereby give aodee that they have entered into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the proyisions of the several laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships That the same of the firm under which said partner* eMgistobe conducted ie JOS. BIEGBL & H. 8. FIS- That the general natnre of the hnslness intended to he transacted is th» Importing and Jobbing of Pry Gordo. That the names of the general and special partners, ail ol whom reside In the city of Philadelphia, are Josi ah Kiel el, general partner, residing at the Bald Eagle Hotel, Ho. did Horth Third street; Henry S. Fliter, general partner, residing at said Bald Eagle Hotel; Al fred Byerly, general partner, residing at So. 1321 Arch streati Witliam B. Albright, general partner, residing at No. 16C7 Wallace attest: Samuel G. Scott, general partner, residing at No. 2033 Tine street; Jacob Illegal, special partner, residing at No. 6*7 North Sixth street; and Peter Sieger, special partner, residing at No. 717 North Eighth street. That the aggiegate amount of the capital contributed by tbe special partners to the common stock is One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, of urhieh One Hundred Thousand Dollars in cash have been contri buted by Jacob Biegel, special partner, and Fifty Thou* sand Dollars in cash have been contributed by Peter Sieger, special partner. That jthe raid partnership ia to commence on the second day of January, A. D, 1665, and is to terminate on the thirty • first day of December, A. D. 1853. JOS [AH RIEGBD, HBRKY S FISTER, ALFfiSD ST BELT, *. ¥tt S. ALB EIGHT, SAM’L G. SCOTT, v, Get eral Partners. JACOB SIBGfiL, PETER StSGBR, _ Special Partner*. Philadelphia, January 2,1865. j*2 6w PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED.—THE f- ten of BlLLltfgg, KOOP, & CO., of this city and New York, expired THIS DAT by limitation. The bu tiness qf the said him will be tattled by either of the undereUnad- J. M BILLINGS, S. W. HOOP, . 8. W. KOOP, Executor of W. F. Washington, H. Bo KIBBE. Philadelphia, Bee. LIS64. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The under sicned have THIS HAY entered into a Limited Partner snip, agreeably to the Aet of Assembly of the Common* weaXtbof Pennsylvania, entitled an Act relative to Li mited Partnership, etc. f passed the twenty-first day of March, A, 3). 1836, and the supplements thereto, and they do hereby give notice that the name of the Firm gsdcgr which said partnership Is to be conducted la KOOP & KIBBE; that the general nature of the busi ness to ta transacted is the general Dry Goods, Import ing, and Commission business, and that the same will be carried on in the clty’of PhUadelpbia; that the names of the General Partners of the said Firm are BAMDBL W. KOOP. HENRY B. RIB BE, CLINTON J. TBO-P1? and JOSEPH C. HOOP, and the name of the Special Partner 1b JAMES M. BILLINGS, all of the city of Phi ladelphia ; that the capital contributed by the said James M. Billings, the Special Partner, to the common stock, is one hundred thousand dollars in cash, and that said partnership to commence on the first day of December, A. D. 18W, and terminate on the thirtieth day of November, A. D. 1507. SAMUEL W. KOOP, HENRY R. KIBBS, CLINTON J. TROOT, JOSEPH C. KOOP, General Partner*. * JAMES M. BILLINGS, _ Special Partner. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. LIBSI ttp4«w?*ned successors of BILLINGS, EOOP, & CO., in New York, will continue the Import tog and Commission Business, at No. 38 WARREN Street. j. It BILLINGS A CO. J. M. BrLLUTGB, E. J. Chappee. New Tong, Pec. 1,1881 de2-6w ' PROPOSAJLS. (QUARTS BM ASTER’B DEPART '<* MEST; Office TWELFTH ana GIRARD Streets. T vtLADEIPHTA, January6.lB6s. ,i v_J U b‘-> received at this office imtil IS o’clock M., FRIDAY. January 13, 1865, for de liMrysstonn m po®iMe.« the Hnited States store- Wharf, of ONBHHNDBED MEDICINE WAGONS, Antenrelth pattern. Axles to pe made of same size as those of Army Wagons* as pax cample to be seen at tbe United States ctorehoase, Banover-street wharf. Philadelphia. Bidders -will elate price, both in writing and figures, how many wagons they can deliver, and the shortest time they can deliver them in. . The wagons to he inspected by an inspector appointed on the part of the Government. AIJ proposals to be made out upon the regular forms furnished at this office. Bach bid mutt be guaranteed by two responsible per* sens, whose signatures must beappended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security & r tarolvetf, by some public functionary of the United States. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed toohlgh, ana no bid from a defanltingcont. actor will be received. By order of Col. Herman Biggs, Chief Quartermaster. * * r, * i ■ GKO. R. OEMS, jafi 7t Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FOB REVENUE STEAM J- QUTTEBS OR THE BAKES. Treasury Depautwesy, ™*» n -nA''A- P « U* • . . December 31, 1861 \£ r€ s2!? € # at Department un til 12 M, MONDAY, the 16th day of January-next, for <S *s*l® °? foxa BBVEIfBS STEAM CUTTKB& (side-wheel) for the upp&r lakes, and one or more for Bake Ontario. Specifications in detail will be furnished bidders on application in pew on or by letter to this Department, or $S t .¥®, c ?H^ cto,rs # the Customs at Boston, Hew York, Phil adelphia,Baltimore, and the collectors at the prin cipal lane pons. The proposals should be sealed and addressed to the Secretary Of the Treasury, and endorsed on the enve lope Proposals for building Ravenna Steam Cutters." , „ „ W. P.-FBSBBNDBN, degMhstutjalg Secretary of the Treasury. QUARTERMASTER’S DEPART ** MENT.-Office, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, BEADED PROPOSALS liU S l , 18 j, c ] oc ,k M- on MONDAY, Jannary 9,1865, for Hl^oTE^trt&Jl^^ 164 StBteß Stoleho ' lae - OgE BARD TIBS ENGIBE, in complete order, with all the appurtenances and fixtures completes including al| the necessary, tools for use when at work. SCO feet of 9~imch Leather HOSE, copper- rlvetted, with screw couplings. Bidders will state the price In their proposals, which must be given in wriiiDg as well as in figures, and the be delivered^ 8 time the afe °Ye-mentioned articles can The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high, ana no bid from a defaulting contractor will be re ceived. Each hid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, arKteernjsea to as being good and sufficient security fMr tbs arnorint in volyed, by eome public functionary of the United States. By order of Colonel Herman Biers, Chief Qnarter master. GEO. E. OEMS, ia4-6t Captain and A- OTk. LEOAL, T ETTERB TESTAMENTARY UPON rito J d««sed, late of the city of Philadelphia, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims against the same to present them without delay to - JOHN FEATHER, Twenty third and^amllton Or to their Attorney, JOH^t^Cß^ll* 0 ”- delO- c6t» Frankfort, Twenty-third Ward. P)T THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE cityandcounty OF Philadelphia; _ Estate of J EDI AH MIDDLETON, deceased. . ' ) . y i k ? Court to audit, settle, fiiiK 1 ? 111 account of JACOB M. ELLIS, adi J; n-a-Of said Jedlah to report distribution of the balance In the lorthoSnJSJ^rIwill 1 will meet the parties Interested lmi? JIm 8 ?. 0 / h s* appomtmem on MONDAY, Jann- JMT Istn, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office. BTo 231 L* thecityof*Phila<Jelp!ita." jafi-tbaiust JOHN Q T BBTEPf, Auditor. TN TH E ORPHANB’ court for the -a- CITY AND COUNTY.OF PHILADELPHIA. ESTATE OF AUGUSTINE J GILMORE The Auditor appointed by the Cionrt to audit, settle, ahhadjast the first account of EDMUND YARD, Ad rolnlstrator ofthe estate of the said Augustine J. 6U more, deceased aad to report dtstribntlonof the balance Jh'ho heads of the aoconntaat, will meet the partws tn tere-tcd forthepnmosesof his appointment, on TUBS JSDnary_ 17th, _ ISB-5. at 4 o’clock P. M,, at his pMtoA.nSh.,?'®*' FIFTH Street, In the city of *yS£n£fiKf- JOHN O'BaiEN, - jao-thstnet . Auditor. rsr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA The Auditor appointed by tbe Court to audit, settle and adtcsttheaccoant.of PEBDBSICK NAILS, tons" tee under the will of HENRY SELL, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance In the handß of the ac countant will meet the parties Interested for thepur appototmenf, on MONDAY. Jannary 16th, offloe 306 WAL&UT Street, in “SbHLS 1 * 11 * 4 ® 11 * 18 - WM. ESNST,’ raS-th.tuSt Auditor. AUL PERSONS INDEBTED TO OR ■ 5 a7 % < ? a j* nB apon JOSEPH McMULLIN, de ceased, wffl plefco pay or present the same to the nn deraroed Executors. WILLIAM BLADING, Ho. TU3 FINE Street. GEOBGE O. EVANS, . d*S-sM» Ho. 418 ARCH Strict JUOTICE.—WHEREAS, sL^t^ TI ™ A ®WAllt?llA. GBR *hNTOWN, AND NORRIhTOWN BAILROAD COM iMIif* 1 ! 1 Febrnary 6, 1858, and numbered 8,391, to and leaned in toe name of tile under- Of?? “it!?* token from my hoardicit-hoase, in Gettys tSk?' &t Ahe ttme of the rebel Inyaston of the place'ln hottoe Is hereby given that application will he SKATES. 2 f &°^°ffi TßS 884 BKA - ra ..... ’ ENTGHT A SON’S. BEAL ESTATE »Bs7rr- CkBB-BAL* in addingnmch to i*s value* oon> r^“ r lfo > .Alee, the valuabl™&r e Ef‘yto°’ r , •< Si,?' Commerce etreet, Khy^S.»»ri r ? t e »«. * < Cte^etr4K?w?lS tS> > Bt ‘ AlKt”vata^fe T » acres. Market street, wl™, 1 &»«te. i. ' iwe no^«l BABBS OP At the ■ noon. *• tSCfcgßristne***:< SE^rfaarS'E^S tirn N BAl ?sf J) a Jan. Hth, coma^m^?n^.f PHILIP FORD ft cTirn> J- 535 MABKSraud 533 CO^SJJBj PUBNESB, BRINLif r A 80. cia OBBBTmrr Co.7^ E®**™**!?*^ at^Srate^sale^h^^^®®. kitchen with range oa the £3 a tw ° d/ sr i the second floor, with all tha S?T' and four on the third ««« a °£*rn .---‘av, summer Mtcfcea 4h t S&QCO cbh remain ifdeßirgj . Ihaye also a large LOT. conta in the borough, suitable for ST a?aV ‘ ft, Noincnmbrance. ° r Wm ° st m can remain on the premiss,. ® A RARE CHA.-SCKTKn^ 1 MOKEY-A Flsf, 8-AHM t-,i„„ I^VSST co «aiT.-ol’o turapite ts PM’adalphU, wfii l si B»le, onthe PREMISES, at Vni X °*“*ivV ® ESjDAT. Jaaaary ISth, 1865 ° I* 0 .! * ? ? p - X » THREE ACRES, without a perctt'a*^*' 3 ' P nd ®? good fe©ce, with. couveni*.? lB^!* hfilldifigß. Thoee wishing a sieaf3 ari<l ■:*, of should b* 0 l j?ll% »®4 » r J to purchase a 04 4 JK* Farther information a* . * obtained of \?lr \jVs*. ?r,1 Mnr, No. Oil CHEST* PTe,,*'' Sls 'l' jaS-timtoSt* ialJTStr »*t.(; 4g ''; f| TO B*KT-nrostt?Y »itt Garden, g tob “;f" R » Hj afn’JSS'P 1 ' 1 ? old i.' S ? a - ttr * s Snbhe4\»f. r i'^S dellghtfnUyniioated in a pleasant tte comer of SeTemeenth aid n£! »B the advan tares of city and mßrates’ wait from station of •'fori minutes’ from torso fare and art™ Ti.®' 1 - and tnrafor tale H<>,l ' e “ ““*“*** ■gm^gaatga M*" SALE-—A HS?D?()Mpn] BLK threestory bride DWBLli\ri ■ i Jhe Barby Plankroad, two BuU fi f, v ri l c ?‘ «??***&*** seven rooms each3 rfef back buildings; With largo yard K 21$ ««* Sftfif 3KKJ£ , * u * ,t j JOSES' fwj tj^ M FOB SALE, 14 (FOURTmt *>“«». all in perloi bmldinae. and are yen destafe S" Also, many otter Farms la «rioM «X l,t,! and otter States. R -=ttui deal B. W. BLENK, 183 Soatt Fnn-rs:- M J£¥ ?3L aotjjlma'blbl dions LOT and BOILBIIaT tki® 3CB ollil'S near the centre of boalneM, coatsininseSj lesdin, to /" are rarely met with. Apply on tte premises. ®FOR SALK OR TO LET—Ti ber of wnvealenl new DWEIJUSrJS, impraTwnento, on Worth Eeresia, Tw.jM ,i* teentti atreeu. Apply to „ TA jtow Jiofia, .. . 614 CHESTSUT Si rs! ji„ nolS-tf 1858 Worth TWILFTS& «FOR BALK.—THE SUBSCEifI -®*“» Jto side Ms wnbr seal, wttahw,. pi Wllmlnrtou, Delaware, oath, talning eight acresof good land, Intheinm?. ta a large lawn with a hue variety of ah&dsme, Biss, lindens, evergreens, etc,, in all err t 5 full-grown trees. Th(, tnjprcvenent. ■ ana commodious Mansion, flanked on the wea v, towers, one of which Is four stories la heist, are four large rooms on a floor, with a M sieve forty-two feet. The house has the moles t™ mentis A hydraulic ram forces water from so into the upper stow of the tower. Tim Is ih Iron pump and hydrant under a covered sreid kitchen door. The ont-bntldlnrs censisl ofa tan house and stable sufficient for four horses sstsn BtehleliM ah °dranUm it Md ““** *“« Good garden, with several varieties of dßiri-j. grape vines, in Ml bearing. There are atosrat riaties of apple, cherry and chestnut trees. Terms accommodating. Possession s; ven SU:>l Apply to LET! 0. CliSl no2d-tf on the prsna TTOB RENT—THE LARGS FflOl Agraphic Booms formerly occupied b- W, L. 5 MOB, corner of SEVENTH and CHSSISTST 3a Also.severalother room s over the PhotodtUshs Inquire at 618 WASHIHGTOIT Sausre. i . MEDICAL. Tj’LECTROPA.THIO ESTAISLI: ' MBHT, lor the cure of diseases inctuai’e wtt dicine, by Dr, A. H. STEVENS, one of discos of an entire new aystsm of E LECT RICJi F&A Cfi at 7418 South JPESa SQDAKB. J9St Please call, or tend for a pamphlei and leas. ticni&r*. l?o charge for consultation. Physicians and others deairUg enter for a full course any time after K'vsA7, h ary 2d* 1565. Any member of the class jia tn may review without any charge. j*i TOHN C. BAKER & CO.’S COB HI u OIL.—TBE TBUEAKD quality and effects—beigg the SWEETEST A-SD BEST PESPAHI3. Lb Goughs, Colds, BroucMtts, asthma, Gsn • pienfc Consumption, and all Scrofaloas oftontimos prodoces immediate an*J certain other remedies have been taken with ii;i:€orsj>7 Bold by all Dmggtata Inthecity, ard tor, go TXB MARKET Street aull-mtcj MSS. JAMES BETTS’ CELuBRAT XTX SUPPOSTEBS FOB LaDEES he only Bupportera under eminent Ladles and physicians are respectfully only on Mrs. BETTS, at her residence. I'J® Street, Phila.. (to avoid eounteneita.) Tkw*? invaildshavebeenadvlßedbytliairphT--- I '': appliances. Those only axe genuine bc-arce States copyright; labels on the boat, also on the Supportea, with TiUTTERFIBLD’S OVEBiI AJ DESPATCH, Office, S. W. comer SIXTH and GEESTfrT;-" A THROUGH FREIGHT 1151 list Men estsbUalisd,-prepared to wcem rU® Freight in the principal cities east cf tee riier, and to transport the same from pouts! hj TO ALL FOISTS IS ~ „ COLORADO, IDAHO, UIIL ABD MONTANA TSRBITOBIa. UPOS THROUGH OOKTKACT KATES AJD Through Bates include ALL Transfer, Storage,and Ton warding Missouri river, &ud transportation awa thus enabling tne Shipper to obtain & 1834»k TRACT for his freight for a distance of lf> * THOUSAND am.BB.anii relieving Him te’" fcibili ties-and anxieties incident to tbe G -:;r . and irresponsible system of Plains Iran ?' 1 Our Agents in Sew York, Boston, burg, Chicago, St Louis, and Bari 3 . prepared at all see eons to receive as* LOWEST THROUGH TARIFF BATES. rr This Company assumes ALL THS of Losses, Damages, or Overcharges oa ■ * IntmuitfrompointofshipmenttopU *. # The New York office is tn posses a s TRACK BOOKS, showing the data c» time it passes the Mississippi river, is ft*- shipped from the Company’s Wareboo-e (Kansas), the character of the trains niOV*-> • Plains, the date it passes Port Kearney. srT -j;;. ver, is received at destination, Mid tion of the "Wares along the entire rente n< If Damages or Losses occur, bhis?« rj r.\ tl in time to duplicate any important porno* u ~ These books are open for the laspeeHj 0 tomera at all times, and parties snippet , will he kept informed by correspoadeace «• condition of their shipments.. „ Merchants and Mining Men is theTeirUo^,. Goods, should he paitlcaiartogivgiaMracrr p. , eases “ViaBDTTBRFIE! D'S Atchison, 'Kansas,' ’ and havs theta Instructions of onr Ateat atj ppu- f 3 ; !- Lettotß of Inquiry Ei i;SS s o,™er° a i»Mt H ■ SOB, Kansas; Ho. 1 VEiST Street, Ae,ot n York; or Southwest cornelMf-l “ KT ~ j e ISM Us4elphl s: rS«Wgir A BATS BTBAM BOIIEM A- subscriber Is eremuod to “ r! t c ,: '‘HARRISON STSAM BOILBB, chasers. The attention of Hanmaetsrsr e ■aued by any hollar now in use. Tfce** t \-. n *** ssskr'sffl: ■tzeoit* atS-TT. C‘ttelF»fa«torT, sr W'. ■ kiH, sudat Simi’i A Waasing** B » s ss* *T* South TF7£tf POTTON AND FLAX 8A& f \J A HD GiHVAS, ol »U nnml»;« “ c '£* * tSS)^SsSS^^&^ FralSna, Jk. THOMSON 5 ,8 LONDOS JBS BITKR, OB BUBOPBAN SAN«%'i an, CoofcHs StOTsa, &c, »t ▼&««“* a Uw jniiittikßhiwra, n . w » s THjffe, •“"•■ CHASB, SHAB«' %00% ocl-«rothBm «o- a(>g J' -y OLD KYESJiAL'K 3 gent bs Mailfree on receipt of uc * E. J 3. FOOTE. * l ' f;*f, 1130 BEOinWi!::-'- deSl-stnthSm a-Hm iqstey’s If rrP /vrfrti r;s., COTTAGE OBQ ,j&4 Mot oily UKEXCBI.LED, $$ of Tone and .Power, a«ifr«l Sir **l!k and Schools, Imfc ftrand to fee 6 &}; 3 M the Parlor aad Drawing Boco- * Also, a •ornplsl* aßsoitjceEtof *tA soast&atly on. flial, rf'-TTOf DECKBB ff jjnfjl^jfoa— Ths pnMt«..“ 53 S 'd profession, are larUed to S™*?* u^Jr (A stroments, which sre jneatinlJs 13 led deem of popm*rttr^ i ,'^ c s eVX wherever knom£ *?SV‘fS for, 4. & the strength of b T«C§ the wooden frame, so hagpUr s ‘u *3 their Pianos Lcoomparatrle « jg *% «fS^^r Street, below haonst. _— J MAM*»3&f' -®gSSSl"> ! *‘ A lerge'eariet? « ” I#E ' , head,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers