removal. o vs!. Removal. Removal. Removal, Removal. Removal. Removal. S! ® J)r, fCIIENCK has removed hla Office From SO North Sixth etreet, to his HEW STORE, .wytß OF SIXTH AHD COMMERCE STREETS. 1 '■* Scbenek’s Pulmonic Syrnp, Sea, wes t Tonto, Sea. weed Tonic, r ASB .. Vsadrakot’Ul'- ManiraiePltU .OR. SCHBNOK’S v C i«ftl office and laboratory Is at the H. E. corner .SIXTH and COMMERCE Streets, Philadelphia, „ all letters for advice or bneinesj should be dl- wHI I,e fottß4 *^ BrB eTcr T SATURDAY, profeerfon ; 13 axnmlne longs with the Beepirometar, for which 'i t 'three dollare i all advtoa free. ; " h’tw Toth, at No. 3!9 BOND Street, every TUEB - from !> A. M, to 3 P, M. Bfj<RLBO.HO f HOTEL, Boston. January J 8 and r uftry 16 and 16. March 15 aad 16, April 19 and 20, *■; r and ia, Jane 14 and 16, July 19 and 20. *r],e time for my being In Baltimore and Pittsburg ‘ll [>s seen in the daily papers of ilioas eitUs, yiSIOST OF PB. SCHBXCK’b OWX CASH, XSD HOW hr was cored op cossdmptioit. t jears ago, whilst residing in Philadelphia, I a ,regressed gradually Into the last stage of Palrao > Coa?nmption All hopes of my recovery being •: j pa !ed, I was advised by my physician, Dr. Parrish, ,; lf! nove into the country. Hoorestown, Hew L b e my native place I was removed fHther. My M l, f r Bod all his family had lived and died there, and of Pclmonarj Consumption. On my arrival I was , u{ to bed, where I lay for many weeks in what was ;, eD *d a hopeless condition. Dr. Thornton, who had vac my father's family physician, and had attended ,tyi in his last illness, w*.s called to sec me. He L fl jht iay case entirely beyond the reach of medicine, decided that I tenet die, and save me one week to trinßgo my temporal affairs. In ihia apparently hope , s condition, I heard of the reme ties which I now Iksßodsell. It seemed to me that I could fealthem JoTbiag tbeir way, and penetrating every nerve, fibre, LtUsaeofnn eyitcm. • y r lungs and liver put x»n a new action, and the ‘"•bid matter which for years had accumulated and. :bo different organs of tie body'was elimi thetaberd.esoftmylungs ripened, and I sxpeo* Ijjitsd f**m my luge as much #8 a pint of yellow A ctWd matter every morning. As this expectoration cf matter subsided the fever abated, the pain left me, , t . joui'h ceased to harass me, and the exhausting lifrLt-sxsaU were no longer known, and I had refresh* I,’ecy to which I had Jong been a stranger. My .p.y tite cow began to return, and at times X found it JjjiE nit to restrain myself fn m eating too much. With t'’is return of health I gaired in sfrength, and now am I Am* now a healthy man, with a large healed (i' HUi? h* the middle lobe of the right lung, and the lover Ulo hfpatized, with complete adhesint of the plr-ra. The left lung is sound, and the upper lobe of •vg is in a tolerably healthy oondition. Ciat that time was thought to be an lncu- iii.veafle by every one, physicians, as well as those , y sre unlearned in medicine, especially such cases jv*(*<»reduced to the condition I wasin. This in'Jucad z say people to -heHeve my recovery < nly temporary. 4 .i'W , P re P Rre d andgave the medicines to consumptives ■:*.«* time, and made many wodderfnl cures; and v* Remand increased so rapidly that I determined to f .; f iHem to the public, acd devote my'undivided i ieniiou to- lung diteases. In truth, I was next to I'fC'. d to it, for people would send for me, far and near, K i (.certain whether their rases were like mine. i\.r many years, In conjunction with my principal -co is Philadelphia. I have been making regular ; :, iis>ional visits to New York, Boston, Baititnore*and jiuiburg. For several years paet, f I have made as many ae five • edred examinations, weekly, with the “Sesplro &ißT.'' 'For such examination my charge is three dol lire, and it enable*<me to give each patient the true ttsdiilon of hie disease, and toil him frankly whether peril! get well. The great reaton why physicians do not cure Con sumption is* that they try to do too much: they give s {diciiies to stop the cough, to stop the nighfcflwaatsj Uciic fever, and by so doing they derange the whole c!;mUvo system, locking up the secretions, and event ully the patient dies, ?se Palmonic Syrup is one of the most valuable modi* t\w known. Itis a nutrient, powerful tonic, and heal \a ia itiolf. It contains no opium, yet loosens the ia the bronchial tubes, and nature throws it off -p.ih little exertion; one bottle frequently enres an or ;!:> T y cold; but it will -be well first to Uka a dose of ithtcck , i Mandrake PUIs to cleanse the stomach. The Pchecoic Syrup is readily digested and absorbed into Ibod. to which it imparts Its healing properties. It is the best preparations of iron in use; itlsapow tonic in itself, end when the Seaweed Tonic dts* rim the mucus in the stomach, and is carried D 3 ild of the Mandrake Fills, a healthy flow of gastric nice, rood appetite, and-a good digestion follow. I lie Seaweed Tonic 1b a stimulant and none other is weired when it is used. It is pure and pleasant; no effects like when using Bourbon whisky, which iisordero the stomach, torpors the liver, locks up-all the rueiions. turns the blood into water, dropsy sets in, id tliepatfent dies suddenly. / Bonrhon whisky is recommended nowadays by al- R.r.;i every physician. Many patients that visit my foobs, both male and'female, are stupefied with this visoa. The relief is temporary. If they cough they lie a little whisky; if they feed weak and feeble, they ike a little whisky; if they cannot sleep, they take a itliswhisky; and ihey go on In this way, requiring cae and more, until they are bloated up, and imagine L y ire letting fleshy. The stomach, liver, and diges ;v* powers are completely destroyed, and lose their rratlte ior food. No one was ever cured of consump* i a by this process, where cavities have been formed iKbelnngs. A little stimulant is frequently beneficial . comumptives, eucn as pure brandy or good wlnes-dn. Ei'y esses London porter or brown stout, in moderate •sactltie*; but Bourbon whisky battens on instead of tiring consumption. Tke Seaweed Tonic produces lasting results, tho* i:aghly invigorating the stomach and digestive sys* to, sad enabling it to eliminate and make into healthy blood ths food which may be that ripose. It is ao wonderful iu its .effects tlat*a wine* £l»-$'ul will digest a hearty meal, and a little of It tak«.a before breakfast will five a tone to the atomaoh triiicij few medicines possess the power of doing. Tie Mandrake Pills may be taken with entire safety bj all ages and conditions,producing all the good results :Ut can be obtained from calomel or any of the marcu* riai medicines* and without any of their hurtful or in iirioua results. They carry out of the system the feeu i<ai and worn-out mattersloosened and dissolved by my :uweed Tonic and Pulmonic It will be seen 'lit all three of my medicines.are needed in most cases so core Consumption. Is the various editions of pamphlets I have published a.asy of the mo»t wonderful cures of Pulmonary Con* [caption are on record. Persons, many with both hnt* affected, sometimes large cavities in one lung, i«&Ud over by my medicines, are sow living and en v.jiag excellent health. I will give a few cases, and aiect them from different parts of the country, so that ftose who wish may visit or write to them for more tttiiivo information: Mr. Green, of Tacony, fthdelphia, Pa. When he commenced using my aricines he was confined to his bed with Pulmonary u-omption, and his death was looked for daily. They tsuld have to fan him frequently to keep him in life, commenced using my medicines, the phlegm.began K-rise. and he began to breathe easier. They felt on* Enraged, and sent tor me. On examination' I found hng deeply diseased, but the other in a tolerably fc<hy condition. The matter bad loaded the bron liial tubes, so that he was dyi»g for- breath, and cer- U!nly could not have lived much longer without differ* «i treatment from what he was getting. I have his ttrtifkate, with testimonials tf his neighbors, and the Cdd Fellows’ Lodge of Holmesburg, of which he was a jesaber. Richard S. Cox, of Evesham, Ba-rlington eounty, flsw Jersey, was confined to bis bad for a long Use with Bronchial Consumption, and given up by Dr. Spencer. As a last resort he tried my medicines. He lad been many weeks taking my Pulmonic Syrup, Without much change apparently in him; but the medi cine was doing its work; an abscess broke in one long, and diechargedlarge quantities of the most offensive natter that can he imagined. The neighbors who sat *P with him say that it was impossible to remain in tie room with him long at a time. For some days he by, and it was impossible to change his shirt. His bags would seem to collapse, and he would sink. He is now a fat, hearty man. A minister wrote to me that ie went to Poe 14m and prayed with him, and when he if:; he never expected to see him again; and to his mat astonishment, some time after that, he came ffalktog i»to his church He could hardly believe his o''&eyes, This is evidence that Consumption can be eared without pure air. Charles G. Johnson, of Bristol, Fa., who was pro aounced incurably fixed In the last stage of Pulmonary CoasuiDptiott by two skilful physicians, the time Ms commencing with these medicines, says: “I enduing sufferings that made life burihensome, great pain in coughing, expectorating from a pint to a quart of nauseous matter eve ry twenty bar hours, gradually sinking under the weakening rroceiß of my disease, and had fallen away in fieshfrom «ae hundred and seventy*seven pounds to one hundred iad twenty* one. was entirely cured, and at this fcrae, after many years of hard labor at the Bristol Steam Forge, my weight is over two hundred pounds. I t%re not had a day’s sickness for a long time. ” E. T. Frambes, residing at No, 227 North Sixth street, attacked while sitting In Franklin Square with lungs, and lost over a gallon of blood Wore be could bs removed to his home, only a few fardsoff. His phyiioiaa said he could not possibly re* ftvsr, and, after exhausting his skill, Dr. Schenckwas *eot for, and completely cured him. He is now as healthy a man as is possible to be. . Mrs. Farlow, resldlngtben at No. 107 Houston street, Sew York. Her husband called upon me at my rooms, 32 Bond street, and wished me to call and ee her. He said I could do so good* that he had tad all the best medical attendance, and all said she was too far gone with consumption to be enrol 1 but the had beard of some great cures I had made, and. he desired to gratify her wishes. 1 called and found ter lying confined to her bed In the last stage of wonchial consumption, and without doubt must have difd jo on. I examined her lungs, ft tin d both bron •hlal tubes very mush affected; but no cavities had brined. Her cough was very severe. The spit-box waa half full of thick pus. Pulse, 140; legs swollen T *ry much, and Worse than all, she had chronic diar* Her bowels had been moved eleven times that 1 told her tb at she had lungs enough to*be cured; tatthatthis diarrhoea had been of longstanding, and htomacb was in such an ulcerated condition, that I afraid nothing could be doae. She Insisted I should try and do what I could for her, obssi ring that could not last long in the condition she was in, and ' Cf -uld not make her any worse. I gave her first a J* 5 ® of my Mandrake Pills, and the Tonic and Syrup " eeJ 7« That was on Tuesday, and by the next Sun* the diarrhoea was carried off, her appetite had re* and she coaldsit up in bed and eat her dinner, the is aow wt ij gave me a long certificate, certified ’•■' kj the Bey. Dr. Dowling. Mrs. Bartholomew,, 83 West Forty-fifth Btreet New came to my rooms with a tumor on her liver, was low-spirited, skin sallow, tongue coated, costive, no appetite, and fast sinking into the *r<ive. The said tumor had been running forover four years. I gave her Syrup, Tonic, and Pills, and .p to take them justas the directions were printed. '* came back to my rooms, 32 Bond street, in two , ***s• somewhat better; her tongue had begun to clean b>< v around the edges,, her skin whiter, and her eyes rn 1 *' aß< * the tumor discharging very offensive much faster than it had ever done before. She tradualiy improving, and in about two months t 0 rooms very much frightened, saying itoit tn *nor had nearly stopped running, and was at ‘ng up, and that every doctor had told her that if. Vu JV' 9 * I** 1 ** w ** would cause her death. I told her v ‘ «* all left her system* and nature aai 1? i€al tbis ola ® r XP* 14 Is now healed, and ? f be *u '° 7 about ayear, and she is as hearty and v <fti & as you would find In a day’s walk. r!f , for any one to call on her, and takes great as to visit sny one that she hears Ims anything like r <*te, and tries to get them to come and see me. «uj» Bcofield, of Stamford* Conn., was brought to me .grooms in New York, by Mrs. Bartholomew, ap* in the last stages of Pulmonary Consumption* 21 much emaciated with a distreesing cough, spit t. «lensqoantlttejofhlood. lexamtaed har lan ,8 with '.Wrometer.and to all my practice never found one <wi i fl lna **° far rone and toe otoer eo soond. .1 give much encouragement. I thought aha id t to my astonishment. toe Polmonlo 8v- K 't'oatOi and Mandrake Pills all seemed to a ta.n ° wol b. Tie tong Is all healed over, leaving y aa large aa a goose egg; good appetite, fine » si .; and hae gained some thirty five pounds to *!te« ■ * ooi: aelonaUy the visits my rooms, 3, Bold Main if ew and I take pains to show her and ex _ cate to my patients, and get them to Helen to '«(that was eo hadly diseased and now hpaled over. The air paaeing through th.e cavity has suck a roaring s nnd that ft must convince anyone that His hollow, and the difference between the sound of.the two lungs, connected with the healthy, rosy appearance and expression of her countenance, they go away as* tonibhed. ; t ? eMT Moi-EM. * minister of Ugh repute la the eujr of Boeton.ud well known over the United States as a man of great ability, was cured hi taking ray medi cine, aflorall other treatment had failed. He has ofsoa been written to with regard to the facts of Ms case, and always answers, “lam the man ” A full statement of his case may be seen in my pamphlet He had profuse hemorrhage of the lungs, and was very much ema ciated. Hebert-H. Deacon, of BnrHngton, N. J., wascured of Scrofula and Mercurial disease. At the time he com menced using the jnedioin* lia was almost a mass of sores. He ie now perfectly well, and attributes his cuts entirely to my medicine. Martin Koch, farmer, living near Petersburg, Maho ninr county, Ohio, was a very bad case of Pulmonary Cossumpiion, and was entirely cared by my medicine. Hois well known in that community, and hat been, the means of inducing a great many persons in Ohio to use these remedies, and with great success. Wnr. Alexander, of Pittsburg, Feuna., was cured of a very bad case of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, by the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills. Mrs. Prudence Johnson, wife of Captain Johnson, now r&sidlng at No. 12 West Third street, Williams burg, N. Y. , was cured, many years ago. of Pulmonary Consumption, and is now as heaxtr an old lady as can be found. Peter Stjker Beekman, of Somerville, N. J.’, was an other remarkable cute of Polmonarr Consumption. His certificate Is attested by his clergyman, and other well known citizens. Mrs. Jane .Barber, of-Washington City* was cured of a bad case of Dj spepsia and Liver Complaint, and is an aged woman, and her complete recovery is very re markable. Miss Mary Bchmidt, of Kensington* Pa., was a bad case of Consumptkfn and Liver Complaint, and suffered greatly from boils, having lad at one time more ttian forty boils upon htr person. Bhe was entirely cared, an d is now married and living with her family in Cin cinnati, Ohio. Captain J„ J. Allen, No 89 Ann street, Baltimore, Md.j after a severe attack of Panama Fever, was left with a severe cough, greatly emaciated, had night sweats, &0. , was fast going into Pulmonary Consump tion, without any hope. To please his family, he was induced to. try m; medicines, and was restored to per fect health. it A Biiort Receipt to Cheapen Coal.— Boy a Patent Ash Sifter at TRiJMAN A SHAW’S. No. 836 (Eight Thlrt, -fi re) MARKET St,, below Ninth. R Philadelphia. & Co.’s MASON & HAMLIN’S . CABINET ORGANS. PIANO Over 500 each o( the«e fine CABINET FORTES. Instruments have been Bold - ORGANS. PIANO by Mr. G., and the demand CABINET FORTES, ie oonotantly Increasing. ORGANS. PIANO For sale onlyby CABINET FORTES. J. 3. GOULD. ORGANS. PIANO SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Ste. CABINET FORTES. noia-tf ORGANS. Overcoats from |l4 to $55. Overcoat*. OVERCOATS FROM *l4 to ,65. OVERCOATS. VERCOATS FROM *l4 to CO. OVERCOATS. •4. «« «* IRCOATB FROM *l4 to *56. OVERCOATS. WANAMAKBR & BROWN. OAK HALL, S. & eomer BIRTH and MARKET Street* Se*Yonng Men’s Saits and elegant variety of the best cl&sa Clothing at REASON ABLE PRICES. Wheeled & Wilson’s Highest Premium L O CK-B T IT € 1 BKWTNQ MACHENBS, TIKE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST. AND BEST. Salesrooms. TO* CHESTNUT street, above Seventh. STtTiBT—STOKES. —At the residence of the bride’s fetber. on the evening of the6th Inst., by the Rev. J. G. Shies, chaplain f/. S. A., Mr. JamraF. Stuart, of Baltimore, Md., to Miss Lizzie H., daughter of Uriah W. Stokes, Esq.« of tuts city. * JEWELL—InJHCAH.—On the 4th inst., 4 by the Rev. Dr. Jos. H. Kennaro, MlssM. Addle Jew%li, daughter of Dr. Wilson Jewell, of this- city, to Mr. Kenneth J. Duncan, of New Brunswick, N. J. * T> lED. _ McAllister —On the morning of the oth instant, Susan hlizabeth MoaUister. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly {invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, 508 North S inth street, .on Monday aUernoon, at 2 o’clock, . ** GEIB.—On the morning of the 3d instant, Mrs. Eliza Bretz Geib. widow of the late- Dr. Wo. Geib, in the 64th year of her age The relatives ana friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend her funeral* from her X&te residence, No. Bil North Eleventh street, on Saturday afternoon, the 7th instant, at 2 o'clock. Cffew York papers please copy. 3 *** TSLACK CRAPE MASK VEILS. »■* Grape and Lace Mask Veil*. Grape and X»aee Bound Vetls. BSdSOtf & sob, Hoarnlnr Store* 80. SIS CHESTNUT Street. TIffOURNING BALMORAL SKIRTS. "A Gray and Slack Balmorals. Gray and Farple Balmorals. White and Black Striped Skirting*. BESSON & SON* MoTtrain* Store* No. 918 QHEBTNOT Street. r<KB3N BAIZE FOB SKATE BAGS. V-I Skating Shirts, new style, Skatiu g Scarfs, Clan Plaids. Gents'Skating Mufflers. „ __ Mud Shirts, new Balmorals. deH EYBE & LASiDKIiL RELIGIOUS NOTICES. (]«® = = FIRST COJTCJRKOATIOirAK. fcS? CHURCH, FBA.NKFORD Road and MOST GOMSRY Arenoe.—Key. B. LOBAR, Pa»tor,preaches BABB ATH.IWS A. M., “ Joafpi Hated of Maßrethrea ’ 7 RF.H., “SioFailof Sodas." It RET. BISHOP WAYMAS Wftl ■Os PREACH TO-MORROW (Sunday) Afternoon and Eveninr, in BETHEL CHURCH, South SIXTH Street, near Lombardy It* Xgg~ THE RET. THOS. SEWAit, OP By Charles-utreefe Church, Baltimore, will preach (D. V.) at TRINITY M. E CHURCH, TO-MORROW, at 10# A. M., and 7# P- M. It*- ■pgg- XHEBEV.DR BUTLER, OFTHR ■EBN Divinity School, will preach in behalf of the Stodents’Aid Society, in the Chureh of the Nativity, ELEVENTH and MOUNT VERNON Street?, on SUN DAY MORNING, afelO# o’clock. A coHection will he taken up, It* BISHOFSIHPSONWILIPREACH <D V. >in Gentral M. B. Church, VINE Street, above TWELFTH, TO-MORROW MORNING at 10# o’clock, and Rev. J L. HOUSTON at 7# P. M. AfamL ly gathering of all the former and present members and friends at 3 o'clock, at which the Rev. J. B. HALL will preside. All are cordially invited to be present. . It* •ST 6 FIRST REFORNEB BCICHS CHURCH, SEVENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Rev. J. H. SUYBAM, Pastor. Services at 10# o’clock A M and 7# o’clock P, M. The young are par ticularly invited. . it* KB> SWBBE9B9BSUH —CORKER CHf y® BROAD and BRANDT WINS Streets. Subject of Bev. B. F. BARRETT’S hectare, TO-MORROW EVENING, at lU o'cloeh: “WHERE IS HELD, AND, WHAT IS It ?>' answered by toe revelations made to toe New Church, clearly, deflnltelT.rattonaliy. and Bcripturally. Sermon byWr. BARRETT to the MORN. IMG, at 10M o’clock: “Nothing covered that shall not he revealed.'' All interested are invited. It* |KS= REV. D. W. BABIISE WILT, preach to GREEN-STREET M. E. CHURCH, SABBATH MORNING, Bth tost., at 10M o’clock. Rev. H F. HPRN, Factor, at 1H to the Bvenlng. It* “THlireS SEW AS® OL»,«- This inblect contlnned, hy T. H. STOCKTON. SABBATH AFTERNOON. 3 o’clock, at ELEVENTH and WOOD Streets, to the Lectors Room. Friends, old and new, heartily Invited. It* (]KTKf“ RUFUS WENDELL, OF . SAEB.W, #3fc? Maes., will preach TO-MORROW, at the Hall N. E. corner of HINTH and CALLOWHILL Streets, at 10>f o’clock A, M. and 7M P. M. Subject—Morning “The Sleep of the Dead and the Resurrection Hope. ” Evening— Life to Christ for toe Righteous alone, ° It* ■egg— SPECIAL DISCOCBSE OS COS ■as GREGaTIONaLISM, and the ESTABLISH MENT OF. THE CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL •CHHKCH, hy the Rev. EDWARD HARRIS, at CON CERT HALL, SABBATH EVENING, fan. Bth, 1865. Those interested specially Invited. Horning Service at 11% o’clock. Seats free. It* A MEETINC OF THE HALE HBH< •=» BERN of toe M. B. CHURCH will be held on HONDAy EVENING, Bth tost ,at 7M. to the D. M. E. CHURCH, FOURS H, below Arcb, for toe purpose of considering the general interests of the H. Church to tola city. Bishop Simpson will preside on the occasion. GKJS” THE 99111 ASSET ERSARF OF ICS? the Sunday Schools of Emmanuel Church, Marl boro at., abovo Girard ay., will be celebrated TO-MOR ROW MORNING, at 10 o’clock Collection will be made for the support of the Schools. It* SPRING GARDEN HALt; TBCXR- / |0» TEEuSTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets.—The, meetings of the Church of God assembling here are every LORD'S DAY atlO&A M.» for worship, in “the breaking of bread, “showing the Lord’s death till He come,” in prayer and praise* and for *‘teaching and admonishing one another."* Preaching of the Word by CHAS. CAMPBELL* at 7K P- M. no6*BlS^ dPHILADELPHIA TRACT AND MISSION SOCIETY.-The Seventy seventh Meeting, iu behalf of the Society, will be held in the Presbyterian Church, SEVENTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, on SABBATH EVENING, Bth instant, at 7X o clock. Thepastor, Rev JJT. WlUls, Bev. Wm Jjf. Cornell, LL.D. * add Bev. J. tt’Anghey, Trill take part in the exercises. Tract Distributors needed. Public invited. NOTICES. DR. FITZftIRBON’S LECTURES ON HUNAN ELECTRICITY—ABBBMBLI BUILDINGS.-SATURDAY and MONDAY Evenings, Jan 7th and 9th. Illustrated by Physical Manifestations through Mrs. FERRIS and the EDDY Family. Admission 50 cents; reserved reals 75 cents. Doors open at 63£. com mence at 1H o’clock.. • ja7 2t* BEASQUARTEBS CAMP »WU> LIAM PEHN,” CHBLTRN HILLS, PA , Jant- AkY 6, 1865, Thore being witnesses of the cowardly attack made upoujthe Orderly from this camp on the 3 30 train. North Penneylvania Railroad* on Thursday afternoon, will further the ends of justice by addressing the under* sianed. Louis Wagner, ja7 Lt. Col. SSthP. V. t Command in gEost. (KS*» ASSESSOR’S OFFICE, UNUED STATBB INTERNAL REVENUE. FGURT 3 DIS TRICT, PENNSYLVANIA, FARMERS’ AND ME CHANICS’ BANK BUILDING, NO. 427 CHESTNUT BTREET. Philadelphia, January 7, 1885. Notice is hereby given that the official lists of as seremeate, for the FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRICT, of Pennsylvania, of the SPECIAL INCOME TAX, re quired to be made by provisions of the Joint Resolu tion of Congress, of the Fourth day of July, 2831. are now ready for examination, and will remain open for the inspection of all persons, who may apply for that Snrpose, during the ten days next ensuing, exclusive of undays. Appeals in wriUnp, specifying the particular cause,' matter, or thing, respecting which a decision Is .re quested, and stating the ground or principles of efrror complained of, will be entertained by meat any time before the 20th Inst. D. P. SOUTH WORTH, ja7 fffc ■ Assessor. OFFICE OF THE CLiBH OIL AND MINING COMPANY, No. 521 CHEST NUT Street. On and after the 81st instant the Subscription and Transfer Books of this Company will be closed for ten days. The Company having disposed of a part of their lands to the Sumner Pet’Ofenm and Mining Company, receiving inpayment therefor one-half theatconnt in the Capital stock of said Company and the balance In cash, will declare to the Shareholders in the Clark Oil and Mining Company a Dividend of TWENTY PER CENT, in the Stock of said Sumner Petroleum and Minink Company, which will be issued on TUESDAY, tbo lOth of January. 1865. Dne notice of the Cash Dividends will be given. ja7 St. CHARLES J, PALMAS, Secretary. IKS** INTERESTING COURSE OF LEO* TUBES, to come off, under the auspices of the Social, Civil, and. Statistical Assogation of the Colored People of Pennsylvania, at CONCERT HALL. WM. LLOYD GARRISON, the Pioneer In the Ant!- slavery cause, and the Unswerving Advocate ol Equal Rights, will deliver the opening lecture of the course on MONDAY EVENING, January 16th, 1865. Subject— “ The Guilt, Funiihment, and Redemption of our Country ,f Tickets of a«mia»lon. 26 emte. MaybehaJ of T. B. PUGH, SIXTH and OHBSTBUr Streets, and at (he door, The proceeds to aid Freed men, Ik. ja"-3(* OFFICE VEWAWOO Oil- COM PAST. S. B. oor. THIRD .nd DOCK (second * special meeting of toe Stockholders will b* held on PBIDAY, lan. lsth. isss, eta o oloek, to derlse mean. of ‘ iB E^ P ?rFLOOD. j*7-B|* . _ „ Ttoaenfst,,. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. JANUARY 7, 1865. BFOTIC2JS. PVBUC BBffItoJfSMTRA. fcs 7 Tiojr. The PEffNStLVANTA STATE EQUAL BIGHTS LEAGUE will tender to the great sufferer in the cause of human freedom and the advancement of equal rights, the Kit. CALVIN FAIKBANK, a grand public oration, in “honor to whom honoris dire,’ r at National Hall, MARKET Street, above Twelfth* cn WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 11th, 1855. Tickets* 25 Cents* Poors open at Exercises to- commence* at 7K o’clock. Mr, FATRBANE: was senteuaed 1 to raelve one hun dred and »f y (350) lashes on the bare buck* and nodar so an imprisonment of fifteen je&rs, with hard labor, nnder the creel slave code of Kentucky. thrilling account of hia-eonilaemest' and terrible sufferings daring nearly thirteen yearn of J lB wP«vity. Mr. FAI&BaNK wUI be *«fcompanie«V t, £ s f is .? if ' p »,’ w ho, being betrothed to-the distinguished philanthropist at the time of his arraat-'and conviction, went to Kentucky and adminisiereo to the necessities of her devoted lover during all those long and dreary 8 „ 8n forinar, amid the jeers, insults; and contempt of that slavebo’ding community, remained' true to her first love, and married Mr. Fairbank as soon as he was released. But coice and hear, and see for yourselvcs-’fbiafc truth. Is stranger than fiction-. The Committee wilt spare no effort to renderthe occa sion worthy of the diistin *ulahed stranger, of tkfe League, and ©f the city ©f Philadelphia. x Nearly two hnndred’of our best Vocalist*, assisted by the talented artiste, , Mr. Ira D. Cliff, Mr. David B. Bowser, Mr. Daniel Paivis, ;Mr.& J.Brown, will sdd their delightful melody. Rev. Theo. D. Miller, Bev. Wm, Furness, James Molt, Mrs Lucretia Mott, Miss Anna D. Dickinson, w Win Nicholson, Esq., * r Robert Purvis, Em 3.. Ph>f. Che*. D. Cleveland, Sent Mhj Alfred M, Green, ana other distinguished persons, have been invited, and are expected to participate in the exercises. Vocal Conductor ....-Mr. A. W. Lively. Musical Director Mr.* F. V. Seymore. Organist........ .................Mr. Jos. H. Carter. COMMITTER OF AHRIRORMBST. A. M Green, s>r. J®B McC. Crammel, Jos. C. Bustlil, J. C- White. Jr., CBas, B folly, Key. B. Wearer, P. Norm; jggp" BATAEI> TAII.OK, £s%> >* ourselves AND ODE RELATIONS,” AT CONCERT HALE, TUESDAY EVENING-, JANUARY 10th. Tickets 26 Cents. For sale at the Book Store of Ash mead tc Evans. No. 734: CHESTNUT Street, on and after Satnrd ay. Also, at the Ball on the Evening of the Lectors. ' Doors open at 7 o’clock. Lecture at 8. jaS-4t Pgf” BBV. U. »[. SCUDDEB, I>. D,, WHO HAS RECENTLY RETURNED FROM INDIA, Will deliver Ms fine Lecture on “ihs nrpoo mutisy am jhb am% BIOAK REBKLLIOH,” IN THB ACADEMY OF MUSIC, MONDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 9, 1865. This is one of the most successful efforts of this bril liant Lecturer,and he comes to Philadelphia only at the argent invitation of many of our leading citizens. Tickets to ho had on and after TUESDAY next, at MAETIEN’S, -606 CBESTNUT Street, and at the Book Stores generally, at 29 cents each. A number of Tickets for Reserved Beat's will he dis posed of at HASTIEST S at SO cents each. 'JKBh NOTICE.—/To avoid crowding and loss of time, the sale of Tlckeis-wSI commence on TUESDAY, at 7 X o’clock AM. j&2 7t OBieiMAL EMANCIPATION i>iro€?x.AM:A.Tioisr- TO HISTORICAL. SOCIETIES AND COLLEC TORS OF LITERARY CURIOSITIES. The Hon. Gerritt Smith, having generously given the ORIGINAL EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION of President Lincoln, dated September, 1802, to the United States SAOTTABY OOMMIBBION, TORY OFPHJt IT FOK SALE, As a document of unsurpassed public and historical in* terest. The lowest hid that wSilbe considered must reach $l,OOO. Considering that the President’s second Proclamation,' of January. 1863* sold at Chicago for .$3,0€0, we cannot doubt that the more valuable docu ment we now offer for sale will sooner or later com mand a price as good* if-not hotter* Apply to the General Secretary, at the rooms of €ommiesioh> No. 83& BBGADWAY, in person, or hy letter. By order of the Commission; *T. FOSTER JSNKZNS, deSl-swsSt GEITERAL SECRETARY. |KTS= CAM* “Wn> LIAMP3NM," _ _ Gheltbn Fa., Jan-nary 6, 3865. Tie undersigned- begs leave to return the thanks of the men of his sommau&to their friends* wnose names are annexed, for their liberal contributtoiiß of money and goods to theChrl&tmas dinner provided for them. With many wishes for pleasant returns of that festive oc«aeion.tooite*aiid>aU l they remain their grateful ser vants: • . , ConcributionßOf money; Contribution Committee.—.. “ rounders Lewis.. *« William heller* r B 00 «* Lindley Smith,....— ........ 800 S. b. 6 00 “ PfiIn&r'toOXHItMLMiIHMMMH 6 00 " Wm. Still —... **.* 10 00 “ Thoa. Megear....— 2 00 “ Gr0baa.......-..—~ 6OT *■ Stack*.. 6 00 Collected**& H. D&yis: Contributionhy Chas. Biobardson.lo 00 “ Aubin ..................... 10 00 Collectedby.E T. Shaw: ' ContnbulioitblC, 5pencer.......................... 25 CO P. S. Jttstioe., io 00 ” B. N. Wright—.. 10 00 T. T. 8ea......... 10 00 ** Dr. Noble .... 2 00 G, Y. Brow*. —lOO " XT. Perot 6 00 T. Smith.... 600 ** J. L. Claghorn 10 00 *• K. W. Clarki* Co ™~ 20 00 *» F. A. Hoyt 5 00 '* S Shipley-... 6 00 Abratam 8arker........... 6 00 Jobs W. Thomas. io 00 “ George 80110 ck............ 60 00 “ Jay c’00ke&C0.................... 50 00 “ B. T. Shaw...* 60 03 Collected by Mi* & Martha, Shoemaker: Contribution by Warner8a1ein..................... 5 00 ** Charles Sharpless....6 00 ** Mrs. Brannin....... 103 Contributions of goods: Mrs A. do B. Hears, James Mott, Henry C Davie, : Thomas Holier, J, Heaeock, William B. Birchall, Hiss Martha bhoemaker* Soldiers’ Aid Society of Weldon, and many other mends of Cheltenham and Abingcon townships, Montgomery county, wiuue names I was not able to obtain. LOUIS WAGNER, It Lt. Col. BStbFa. Yols., Com’dgPoat. •3®“ THE PENNST I.TANIA FREED. MEH’B BELIEF ASSOCfATION acknowledges the receipt of tbetol owing contributions Bince Decem ber IS, 1864: YariMlA Trimble... A, E. Borie R. M. M .... R J. a.....,.,. Church of Our Saviour. W. T. Hildrup ...... William 5hi11*•.......... T. E Beesley 20 00 Beni. Bullock’s Sous.. 600 00 A. Barkers ~ 100 00 ManufacturersVWation&l 8ank.................... 100 00 Member of Church of Holy Trinity. SO 00 Colored Glass of & 8. do. 500 Dr. Charles P. King......... 25 00 Brown & Ca1vert.....»•.......................... 50 00 Tfcos. B. 'Watte0n..*.M«........................... 100 00 3 T 1000 Mrs. P. 8. Justice .. 20 00 A. Pardee & C0..100 00 W. Sellers &C 0... ................ 250 00 Jag. GraiamS C 0...... ...... 103 00- L lOO 00 ioo co . 200 . saoo ioo B.X Jonathan Wright. Bev. A. B. Cleveland~» G. B. Cleveland John P. Crczer J. H Clark.. Caleb 0. Cbi1d5................. Chas. Wise John Wise.. JHra. B. Y- Maseey.**.. Shot. Empowers BHbop Potter*. 20 09 Tredick, Stokes, St Co.«■•*►**.*•*... ........ 250 09 Evan Randolph.2so 00 Israel W. M0rri5*.............100 00 Miss Agnes Crane*.• ...... 35 00 0. 0 00 W. A. Tiomar, Bellefonte, Pa. 60 00 Geo. D, Parrish & C 0........ * 200 00 Dr. BairyC Hart.% 95 00 0. W. Bunting * 20 00 Thos. so 00 James Henderson.. 60 00 Member of the Church of the Holy Trinity. 6 00 G. A. Matile - 600 Gash—sl. $5 sl6* $lO, $4, $1.36 00 Previously acknowledged. 46,967 69 „ _ - ■ • *53,788 79 E. W. CUBE, Treasurer, Ho. 35 South THIRD Street. AMERIGAH MFJE INSURANCE AND TttUST COMPACT, WALNUT Street, fcouthe&rt corner of fourth. Pbii.APßl.phia, Jau. 5. 3866. Ai the Annual Election of the Stockholders held on MONDAT, January 2d, the following-named gentle men were elected Trustees, viz: Alexander Whildin, Hen. James Pollock, Sssr net “Work, Albert G. Roberts, 3 Edgar Thomson, Wm, J. Howard, George Nugent,. John Aik man, Sfimuel T Bodice, PhjUipß Mingle, Hon Joseph Allison. Isaac Hazlehursfc, , . , , , , Henry K. Bennett. And at a meeting of the Trustees, held this day, the following-named officers were elected for the ensuing rear: President—ALEXANDER WHILDIN. VicePrefcidem—SAMUEL WORK, Ae»nary—JOHN C. SIMS. Secretary ardTreasurer—JOHNS. WILSON. Assistant Secretary—UHAB. Q. ROBESON. j&7-st KSSP* SFUUXUAMSai.—mbs. f. o. ht> RN ZBB will lecture at BANSOM STREET HALL, TO-MOBBOW, at IOX A. M. and IX F. M, MeetUgs free. It* SOTIOE.-AN EUEGTION FOB i» MANAGERS of the GERMANTOWN DISPEN SARY* will he held at their Booms, MAIN Street, above Arm&t, on THIRD DAT, (Tuesday,) the 10th in stant, between the'hours of 3 and 5 o’clock. The an nual Teport will be presented to the contributors at 4X o'clock ja6-st* ' BUJSTON F. MOEBIS, Secretary. KB* TXi£ SOCIETY FOB THE AO. ■=» VANCBMEBT OP CHRISTIANITY IN PENN SYLVANIA ■will celebrate Ite FIPTY-THIBD ANNI VBBSARY on SUNDAY EVENING Next, at SAINT MARK'S CHBRCH, at7J4 o'clock. Tie Sermon will be Preached bj the Soy Dr. RUDDER, of St. Stephen's. A Collection will be made In aid'of the object, of the' Society. ■ - , The Annual Meettng of the Society trill be held on the EVENING OP THE EPIPHAnY, Jannary 6th, 1865, at 7)4'o’clocb, in the Vestry Room of SAINT JAMES’ CHURCH. ' GEORGE W, HUNTER, ja<s 8t i Seerotary. MS- PHIUDEIPIIIA and BKAI»IS« RAILROAD COMPANY Office SUIT) South FOURTH Street. _ PniLACEtriTiA, December 12, 1864.. Notice i« hereby given to the Btockholden of thl. Company that the Annual Meetln, and an Hlection for President, six Managers, Treasurer, and Secretary will take place on the second MOfIDAY (Sth) of January next, at 12 M, WM. H. WEBB, del2-tjaD . Secretary. STOCHHOLBEBS’ NOTICE.-THE K'Tir Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the 0011- gBhSVILLE ABB SOUTBBSN FBBABTLVABU aILWAY COMPANY will be held on MONDAY, the 9th day of January, 1865 f atSo’elockP.M.»at the office of the Company, No* 230 Sooth THIRD Street, Phila delphia. An Election forFreeident and Directors will be held on the same day and place. de23-tia29 KB* NOTICE -MAIIS FOB PORT ■SR BOTAi.S C. s BBAOFOKT, S 0.; ST. AU QBSTIEE, Fla., and FBKHAHDINA, Fla., to be de- Satclied per U. 8. steamer Uassadmsetts, will be wed at this office os SATUBI'aY, at 10 o'clock A, K. A mall for GEN. BHEBUAN’S ABUT will also be doted at same boor, and Masiiacl mja»-» ’ Poatmarter. WA.NAJBAKEB * BEGWN, _ David D. Tamer, Georgs W. Goins, John W. Simpson, O. V. Catto. John B. Oolbeit, John W, Page, tn Judah/ «.~4fiO-oe s3so 00 250 00 fosoo 20 00 . 27 70 25 00 100 00 6OO 00 25 00 2)00 IOCO, 10 00 lOO CO 100 00 B. D. BARCLAY, Secretary pro tem. I>IVI»ENDS. jDIWUttKB HOTXCES. Tbs followin, BItIBEBBS (for BTOVSMBEK) bar# be«B declared, payable BEOEMBEE Slat, to Share* holder, of raoerd Bewraber auk, 1884: BBIOQS OOliß COMPANY, EIGHTH DIVIDEND ONRDOLLARFBR SHAHS. CHASE GOILI> COMPANY, THIRD Diy»IND......ON* DOLLAR PER SHAHS. MoKINLEY dtLi COMPANY. FIFTH DIVIDEND. .....-THREE PEE CENT: CLIFTON PETBOMFM eOMPANX, S2SOND DIVIDEND..... PER CENT. mmuix PETROLEUM CMPUfT, FIBS? DIVIDEND*. r.»» ..........ON&FEB CENT. WALTER E. LAWTON, TREASURER. j&4-6t No. 8f JOHN Street, NEW YORK. ira® THE BOARD OF DIRECTOB9 OF the WINFIELD OIL COMPANY have declared a Dividend od the Capital Stock of ONE PAH CENT.,, payable on the 20th in+t. The Transfer Books will be closed on the 15th. and Stockholders who have not re ceived their Certificates will call for them before that' date. HARRY HEARS, _ Secretary, jft7-St* IBgSonth FIFTH Street. . PBESSTEYMBA HALL ASSO< I* CIATION —By resolution of tbe Board of Mana gers a final dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND A HAL? PER SHARE will be pUd UI?OM PRESENTATION AND SURRENDER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK to ELI DILLIN, Treasurer corner ol RIDGE avenue end GREfiiv Streetn, between 8 and 1 10 o-’ciook in the morn* irg, N. B.—Need not apply without the certificates of stock, • ja7-3Wfi>* KgP 3 OFFICE ANTBIC&OTE ISSU* W RANGE COMPANY, No. 31t WALNUT Street. PHSLADBLPffIA, Ja*. 2, 1835.. The Board of Directors have thiadav declared a cash dividend of TEN PER CENT, on the Capital Stock paid in. payable on.demand, _ ja7-6t . ,WM. Ml SMITH, Secretary, OFFICE OF PSION KUffUAL I9T §=» SUBANQE COMPANY. Fn rLAOfiLP'mA, January 5,1865. The Directors of this Company have this dav declaied a DIVIDEND of EIGHT PER CENT, on- the Stock, and SIX PER CENT, ontheontetanding Ssripof the Com pany, free of taxes, payable on 'dealand jfeC « ‘ r JOBN MQ3S, Secretary. KJS** OFFICE OF THE HOSEY €OHB PETROLEUM COMPANY, No. 43 South FOURTH Street. , Philadelphia? January fi, 1865. DIVIDEND NOTICE.-The Board bf Dfrectere have this day declared a dividend of*ON& PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company'Cbelcgtwo percent, on the tnbscription price), payable on *and after the 16th in*t., free of all taxes. Transfer Book*will close J&nnarylOth, at 3 o’clock P. M., and open January SO’.h. Persons holding receipts will* please present them without delay, and receive their certificate*. , THOMAS TOLM4N, ja6-6t Secretary and Treasurer, yar on- cbeek a jtd 'cHekkt bun Oil. COMPANY. I . TKAK6FEB OPPICB, 308 South FOURTH Street. _ PHiT.ADELpHrA," January S. 1868. The Board of Directors have this day declared dend of TWO (2) PER CENT , payable to Phil adelphia Stockholders, at this office, on and after tbe 17th inst.- Transfer Books will close on, the 7th and reopen on the 16th inst. '' The dividends of this company will hereafter be made payable quarterly, in accordance with a resolution of the Board adopted this day. ja6-6t 1» BENSWANGER; T. A. ASr* THE PHILADELPHIA NATION- I® ALBANS’, Philadelphia', Jan. 5,-1865; The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT , payable on the IfithinsA Stockholders are requested to bring or send their cer tificates to be exchanged for new ones of the Philadel phia National Bank. B, B. GOME SYS, ja6 tja!6 • • Cashier. raf* DIVIDEND MO- IU ($).-GREAF *=& BASIN OIL COMPANY.—The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of TWO (2) PER CEfiT. r payable on and after the 16th instant. Books close on the 10th instant. By a resolution of the Board of Direc tors, adapted this day, dividends will in future be paid quarterly. G. W WILLIAMS, Treasurer. . January C. 1£65. [ja6-10t*] 14 FARQUBAR BDGS. t3T THE MECHANICS’ BASH, Sx. Louis, Dec. 31.188 i , The Board of Directors have declared a dividend oF THREE AND ONE HALF PERCENT (3Kp c.)paya ble to Philadelphia Stockholders at tbe Mechanics’ Na tional Bank, Philadelphia, on and alter Jan 16,T&&, jaS-tja!6* OHAS. EVERTS, Cashier. ■SHF**- OFFICE OF THE SCHOM4CHER Ku • PIANO forte manufacturing comfa. NY, No. lu3l CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Jan. 3, 1865. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Board of Directors have thisday declared a dividend of FIVE PEE CENT, out of the net earnings of tbe Company lor the last six months, payable at the Office of ihelCompany, clear 4f State tax. on aid after January 16th, 1865. Transfer Books close on JanuarylOth. and open on January 17th, 1865. H. W. GRAY, jas 3t Treasurer: WEST* OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH Lt* ZEENE RAILROAD COMPANY, 330 WAL NUT STREET, Philadelphia, Jan. 4, 1865. * The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of SIX PER CENT., payable on and after tbe 18th Inst. EDWARD.ROBERTS, Ja., jao-St* . Treasurer. • WSB* OIFICE OF THE UNION ZEE* PROVEMBNT COMPAS Y. 330 WALNUT STREET, ' Philadelphia, Jan. 4,1865 The Board of Directors have this day oeciartd a semi annual dividend of FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT., payable on and after the 18th inst. EDWARD ROBERTS, Ja , jas-3i* . Treasurer. ft 2»» DIVIDEND NOTICE-OFFICE OF THE TIOGA IRON COMPANY, No. 934 WALNUT Street. Boom No. 25. Tbe Board of Directors have THIS DAY declared a DIVIDJEND of .91 VE PER CENT, {twenty- five c«nta per share) on the capital stock of this Company, paya ble at their office on and after January 16th, 1865, clear Tbe transfer books will be closed on the 13th and opened on the 16th. ,ja6»tjal6 D. R. JONES,--Treasurer. - USS* OFFICE OF THE MINGO OIL »» COMPANY, No. 534 WALNUT Street, Room, 20. Philadelphia, Jan.. 3,1866. DIVIDEND NOTICE -The Board of Directors .have this day declared their social monthly dividend of TWO PER CENT, (twenty cents per share), out.of the net earnings of the Company far the month of December, payable, clear of State tax, on and after January 20th. Transfer Books close January 14th, at 3 o’clock P.M.-, and open January 21st. P. W. WILT SANK,. jas tjag? Secretary, |3S» OFFICE STb NICHOLAS . COAL •3® COMPANY, 30554 WaLNUT Street, Philadelphia, Jan. 4*1865. The Directors of the St Nicholas Coal Company have this day declared a quarterly dividend of TWO AND. A HALF PER CENT on tbe Capital Stock, clear of State tax, payable on demand. jag- St* - C, P, SHOBNBB, Treasurer. THE MAM IFF AC TUBERS’ NA- B® r TIONAL BaNR. Philadelphia, Jan. 3, 1866. The Directors have declared an extra dividend of TEN PER CENT., payable on demand. ja4-4t M. W. WOODWARD, Cashier. Wv-y- OFFICE OF THE PHILADEL* PHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY, No. 3100-CHESTNUT Street. - Philadelphia* January 2, 1865. At a meeting of 4h« Board of Directors, held this day, a dividena of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY GENTS PER SHARE, subject-kothe United States and’State taxes, was declared, payable to the Stockholders or their le* sal representatives, on and after the 12th.inst The transfer books witl be closed until the 12th inst. ja4-10t WM. W. COLKBT,. Treasurer, DIVIDEND NOTICE-OFFICE OF TBR MINERAL OIL COMPAN Y, 934 WAL- HUT Street, The Board of Directors have'this day declared, a Dividend of OKE ABD OHE-HALF HR CEHT on the'Capital Stock, payable at their Office on and after the 12th instant, clear of State Taxes, The Transfer Books will be closed on tholth at S P. M., and opened on the lltth. • ja3-9t THOS. B. SBASLE, Secretary. omßEm-THs dibeotobs of the ST. NICHOLAS OIL COi&PABI hare this day declared a dividend of Oh B PBB CERT. payable on the Bth. Inst. Books dose on the sth and open on the 10thinst. JOHH ST. WILE, Secretary. Jaimary 2, 386SL . ja3-7t DHIBEND.-.THB VIBECTOBB W&& of the COBTIN OIL COMPANY have this day declared a Dividend of TWO PER CEBT.* payable on the 9th Inst. Books close on the 6th. and open ton tie 10th inst. _ JOHN H. WYLfi, Secretary • Jaauaiy g, 1866. KST* OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE WP INSURANCE C0 a 400 WALNUT ST. Philadelphia, Jan. 2,1855. The Directors have TBIS DAI declared a dividend of TBRBE AND ONE HALF PER GENT* on toe capital stock of the Company for the last six months, parable on demand, free of all taxes. B. LOCKWOOD, ja3-l2t Secretary. HENSIR6TON NATIONAL BANK, S®* Philadelphia, January 2, IMS. The Director* have t&iß dav declared an extra divi dend of TWBLNE DOLLARS AND FIFTY GENTS on each share of the stock of this Bank, dear of tax, pay able on demand. stockholders will be required to surrender their cer tificates of stock, for whch new ones will be issued in the name of the Kensington National Bank of Philadel phia. WM, McCONNBLL, jaS fit • Cashier. office: of the sghuylkill wZ3& NAVIGATION company. Philadelphia, Decembers), 1864. The managers have this day declared a dividend of BIX PEE CENT upon toe Preferred and Common Stocks of this Company, payable-less the United States and State Taxes thereon, 'retained according to law—on the 23d of January next. _• * ja2- 6fc W. M. TILGHMIN. Secretary. ftSST OFFXDB OF THE ATLAS OIL CO,. WBS jfa. 534IWALNUT Street, Room No. 20. Philadelphia, Dec. 28,1861. DIVIDEND NOTiCB. The Board -of Directors have THIS DAY declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT (16 oenes per share) out of toe net earnings of the Company for the months of Novemberand December, payable, clear of State tax, on and after January 10,1865 Transfer Books close on January 3, at 3P. M., and open January 11.1866. Stockholders who have not called for their certificates, are requested to do so prior to dosing of toe books. deSQ-lQt G. W\ WILTBANK, Secretory. »Sr MERCANTILE PETROLEUM CO., B*» Office, »» North FROB T Street. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Board of Directors have THIS DAY declared a dividend of TWO PER CENT, on toe capital stock of this Company, free of State Taxes, pay ab Jeon and after the stb of January.. Transfer Books closed from thh 3d to the 6th proximo. Certifi cates of Stock are now ready for deKvery. - JOHN H. TAYLOR, Secretory. . December 28, 1864. de29 lOt PHILADELPHIA ANI> REARING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office No. 33T South FOURTH Street. „ Philadblphia, November SO, 1864. DIVIDEND NOTIOK—The transfer books of this Company will be closed on THURSDAY, December 16. and reopened on TUESDAY. JANUARY 10, 1866. A Dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT, on toe common and preferred stock, clear of National and State taxes, has been declared, payable In common stock,on the SUrt December next, on all stocks standing on the books of toe Company, at toe close of business on the 16th pros, - Stockholders whose names ore registered on the New York hooks will be paid at the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company. . - S. BRADFORD, del-tf Treasurer. •REMOVAL.—McILVAINE & BACON J-V> h.y. removed from Ho, 136 to 332 CHE3THUT Street, pp stairs, ja7-3t* REMOVAL. XV WJLLH, liEAMIHG, & 00, bare removed from Ho. 80 South Front street to No. 221 CHESTNUT Street, where the, «ffer DOMBSTIC DBT GOODS fcy the Package. jaS 6t A CHANCE TO AVOID THK DRAFT, Principals Furnished with Substitutes at toe shortest notice, and at low prices. JOHN MANSFIELD A CO. Office 403 LIBRARY St., second story. deSS-lm* PURE PALM OIL SOAP, MANUPAO X tubed by L. M. &C. BLKINTON, 115 MARGABBTTA Street RTEAM AND WATER GAUGES—THE U lanest assortment In Philadelphia—constantly oa banAE. WROWTf- ID WALNUTWet. RHOTOGBAPH ALBUMS, AN KLE- A GANT assortment of toe most improved styles for sale at B. F. BMMKR’S GALLERY, 634 ARCH Street. Come early, fine lot, all etyles and prices, It* TTAVE YOTJB LIKENESS TAKEN AT AA reihEß’S, only SLfiO. Pictures of rare beauty of coloring, likeness accurate Go early and avoid the ciovd, day* short. SECOND Street, above Grten. It* HOENB, BUNIONS, NAILS, EN v/ LABGBD Joints, all discards of the FEET, cured by Dr. ZACHABIJS. No. 931 CHESTNUT Street. It* GREAT CENTRAL CLOTHING KOUSE» PKosmrts FAME .Oil, COMPANY OF VBKAHaa CODHTT. FBHKSTLVAHU, OltlCl, 20? SBOTH FIFIE ST., PHIII, Capital, r "«r ■ >..'.0500,000 ; BEAEEB, IaS.OtW-PAE ViMJB, *i. I 30,000 BHAKBS WOBKiaa CAPITAL-JDB3OBIP-- TION PBICE, *l. 34*0*L®*®!S!P. Js., h THOMVUSH: OIBL, JOHN. KOBLE._ JOBS HCFNBKKB. KAAHJEL O. KIHO. The property of this Company consists of Ho 1. One hundred and twenty asrea of land in fee Bimf>le»*itnatmron both sides or Little'Sandy Creek, three-fourtha of s mile from tte confluence with the JMg Sandyvonemile from, the. town, of Waterloo, and six miles iron* Franklin, the county seat of Venaueo,coun ty, and-within half a mile of the station of the James town and Frsbklfc* Railroad. Ahoufc one-half of the Jandtehearily wooded, producing a variety or supsiior The lord is designated on the original map-ofYenango comity os the JDennfu Job Tract; upon IF-are several hott6ep»b*Tnp,#e. ' This particular location, although at present‘unde* reloped, Will, i; is bißeved, prov* very productive, as upon the adjoining property a natural oil ageing nas been knowh for more-t San a centary. No. 2. Forty five acres- in fee simple, adjoining Tract No 1. on Subtler Run *- This Tract ha* been selected by experienced oil 'operatives because of its extraordinary, surface indications, and will undoubtedly prove equal to the heat oil county, No-8. Two,leases ofUme acre of land onthe Graff &nd Hassan Tracr, oa Oil Cf»es> Oornplahter township Fona foaith of a mile abovd Oil City. These leases are each for seventeen ye* re, one-half royalty. On this landtere nowfcwo Wells, producing from ten to twelve barrels per day, .with Steam Entitle, whichis new, Tanks, and all necestary appurtenance*, House,- Barn, ixs to the Company, . - ; From (he well-known productiveness of all the land on Oil Creek, not asinale failure having yet been known where proper used to develop the re sources of the land, anda* the Company purpose sink ing arnumber of new Wells on these leases,itis confi dently-expected that very important results will aocrue therefrom. Thirty Thousand Bhares of the Capital Stock will be devoted to Iheimmediate'development of the various, properties of the Company, the Directors of which pledgo'them&elves to the'Stockholders that nothing on their part shall ba wanting-to render this one of the most desirable investments that have yet bean put be fore thepnhUc. They.&teo ceUafciention to (he folio w ing facts in regard to this Company: Ist. That not one dollar's worthof Stock has been sold, bryond what was required to*pay for the lands in fee simple and the leases owned by the Company. - 2d. The Company has hot created a Bingle liability; all (heir purchases have been paid in full, and their ti tles are (rear and indisputable tb all the property i amed in this prospectus 3d. The Thirty Thousand Shar3B of Reserved Stock or Working Capital-will be actually sold, and the pro* ceeds devoted to tlie development of the property, sink ing wells, Ac., before the Board- of Direction will au thorize thodswie of any more Stock. Subscription Books open on MONDAY, January 9th, 1865, aithe Office, JSO.TSonth FIFTH Street. *'■ JOHN I. ROGERS, Secretary. jggp UOXTEII JFABBI CAPIMI SI«CK, $1,000,000; aOO.OOO KHASES AT $5 PBB SHARE, STrBSCKIFtIoNPKmE. TO 60 000 SHARES ONLY, $3 60 FEB SHAKE. No more to fee leaded above that member mitil tba laid i« developed. Stock itemed fell paid. $30,000 CASH AS A WO SKIN Cl ' . CAPITAL' President, MSI AH BDXBSB. M. D : Vise President. W». M. BTSWABTs! Treasurer, «. D. SMITH; Secretary, R J. lIAKKISOH, M. D, OFFICES, ms. 23 AND 24 -WASHINGTON BUILDINGS, TBIBB'STREET, BELO WV7ALNUT, Bat a few shares remain for sale. rap CfcAßloaC KIVKK ©II, COM PA fSK' NIJsS.-r-Afc. tho, Axmoal Election. held at the Office of the Companies. 341WAL3UT Street. on the 4th January, 1856, the folio wine* named 1 gentlemen were chosen DIHECTORS for the current year : BLACK DIAMOND <CO -ffm P. Schell, John C. Lot©, A. M. Brfinneman, John Savage, Frederick Wil helm, a. B. LoagrakerJß. fif. Breoneman. CLABION BIVBK CO.-Wm. P. SeheU, John 0. Lore, John Savage, F..-S. Sltzinger, A. B. Longaker* John Rowe, Seth Clover, % DAVBB PORTICO.—Wm P, SchellJohn C. Lore, Jot n Lyoßj A. B. Longaker, F. S..Sitzlager, Frederick Wilhelm, John Savage, DBBR CREB3B.CO -Wn. P. Schell, John Savage* John Bovre, Beih'Ciover, John C. Love, Samuel Daft, David WbttehilL * GRBBELAHD CO.—Wm. P; Schell, David Oillmore, John Rowe, “John Savfege, John C. Love, Frederick Wilbelmv'F. S 'Sltitejto: _ _ „ _ „ „ . „ HIGHLAND CO.-Wm P Schell, Win. Reed, A. B. Losgaker, Jobs Savage* JohaO. Love, F. S. Sltzinger, Frederick Wilhelm. LITTLE TOBY GO.-Wm. P. Schell, Jehu Rowe, Samuei'Dhff, John o. Love, F, S, Sltzinger, Frederick Wilhelm, John Savage. PENNSYLVANIA CO.—Wm. P. Schell, A. B Longa ker, John- Rowe* Jolm Savajge, Frederick Wilhelm, Columbus R*ed» John G. Love. -- WHITKHILL CO.-Wm. F. Schell, Johu Savage* John C. Love, John Rowe, Seth Glove?, David White hilh . - _ „ J. gfMPSON-AFRICA* Secretary. HXI6B FARH Oil, CO. OF PHD LADELPHIA-rOhar tiered by the Btate of Penn sylvania, under the General Mining Law.—Capital Stock, .$500,000: Ko. ot Shares, KO s GjK); par value, $5 per share. OMcers of th*T Gompmvu—Ql&O. A ENO, Preaident;: CoURTLABXLF. FULWELL, Secretary and Treasurer. JHre£tor&-5£L L. Hallo well, No. 634 Mar ket street; Thos. Worsley* Ho. 518 Prune street; J. W. LingfivNo ISIS Pine street; Geo. A Sno. No. 535 Arch, street; A: Beeves. Jactton.-M. D. ,»StroudBbarf, ICon ree counfeyr Pa> OSw ol the Company, 3% North FIFTH Mreet, Philadelphia. It* THE practical COMMERCIAL IN * . .STITtiiIOK tor YOUNG- MEN, BBX&NT, STRATTON, AND BANNISTER’S NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, ASSEMBLY BUILDING, S,. W. oar. ol CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets, *Pie most extensive and complete Institution of the kind in the country, to preparing young men for_the duties of a business life. •„ The course of instruction pursued in this College com bine Theory and Practice in a more perfect manner than ever before devised. All? thjo principal departments of trade and commerce fully yapresented and.eondueted by students. • A S 3 stem of business-training faithfully exhibiting the precise practice and accuracy of detail of our best American merchants atfddrosiness men. The Spencerian System of Business Penmanship taught in its purity. r; DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER MATHEMATICS. A scholarship purchased at this Institution constitutes* the holder a LIES/MEMBER of the twenty* nine Colleges comprising the Internation al Chain ‘ . This Institution extendi to the young meu of the coun try a combination of.facilities and influences wholly be yond the means of another Institution fbr preparation for Easiness. Thin met is dearly evinced aul demon- Btraud beyond aJ Lconirad lotion by the grout-popularity and unprecedented patronage which it now enjoys. THE BUSINESS DEPARTMENT of the College baa been organized upon a basi&superlor to anythin g ol the kind in the country, and is thoroughly administered. The point aimed at in this department ia not to present a novel exhibition which shall have the outward seeming of business, but to give rise to such transactions, and in such manner and order as will produce the bast and moat-approved forms* of business record, and to illustrate enchcharacteristlosof trade as are necessary to a thorough business training Young men who become members of this College have the assurance that they will be fully prepared for busi ness 'Thpse desiring such a preparation are invited to call and examine tor themselves the facilities offered. A DEPARTMENT Of HIGHER MATHSMaTIGS has betn eztahliihed, lnwhlch; Algebra, Geometry* Trigonometry, Surveying. Navigation. Astronomy, Analytical Geoxneirv, theDl f erential and Integral Cal culus, EnglueeriogCCivil, Mechanical, and Topographt* call, etc i can be pursued to&uy extent desired. The instruction in this department will not be, as is often the case, ame?e explanation of mechanical processes, but the pupils will receive a taoid exposition of the ra» t ion ale of all matl emaJicaioperation*. Mr. HENRY H HOLLOWAY, the author of ‘‘Men ial Geometry ” (published by X B Lippincott & Co. >, is the jnsi motor in this department. BRYANT, TELRGRh sw ars *« ?bui*dik *G, S. E cor, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Under the charge of a practical operator of over twenty years* .experience. ' The proprietors have constructed and put into opera tion, for the benefit of the students, - A REGULAB TILE GRAPH 8188, Connecting the Telegraphic Institute with the College, This is the largest school of the hind in the country, and the on’y one offtring-its student* all.the .advan tages of a regular telegraph line. Excellent facilities &] e afforded to ladies ; A complete khowledgecrthGart can be acquired in a short time . Forfhrther information, please call at Collage Booms; or address BBYANT, STRATTON, A BANNISTER, It • . Philadelphia.. JAKfA»Y 2d, 1884. PREPARATION FOR BUSIMRaa liTiPB —lnstruction 1 ofihe most thorough and practical hind in Book-Keeping, Penmanship, Com geicial Calculations. Business Forms. Commercial tw. Ac... at CRITTENDEN’S COMMERCIAL COL- IdBGE, 637 CHEeTNUT Stieet, corner of Seventh. Individual Instruction day and evening. ja7-6i* TORN O. ZIMMERMAN’S SINGING W CLASS. 8. W. corner'ofElXTH Street and OtEABD Avenue,-will commence fheseoond qraarter on MON DA? EVENING, Jan. 9, at 7M o’clock. We respectfully in viie all Interested In amide to attend. ja7-3t t 2.TTERS TESTAMENTARY TO THK If Eirtate of JOHN W. OLIVER. deceased, having been ..anted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate are re lines'ed to make payment, and those haylnjfclalme to present the same to i. SARAH C. OLIVER, Executrix, mo BROWN Street. Pirn.ADfP/pinA. Jan. «■ 1565. • ■ ja7-s6t* I') BAN’S GREAT TOBACCO, CIGAR, J_/ AND PIPE tfPOBB, No. 413, CHESTNUT Street, PhSadelphla* Fa Dean keeps the greatest assortment. . Dean keeps she greatest variem > Dean keeps the largest general stock. You can get any Undo? Tobaoco, You can get any kind of Cigars, You can get any kind of Pipes, You can get any kind of .Snuffs* ■ AT DEAN’S GREAT TOBACCO STORE, No. 413 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, FA When you go to Dean’s you can get anything you grant in the way of Plug, Fine Cut and Smoking Tobae coes* Domestic and Havana Cigars. Pipeorwe. Dean keeps the largest general stock of Tobaeeo, Cigars,Pipes, &c., intheunitedStates. ' „ Dean’s sales are so extensive that he can afford to sell at about one* half what others sell for. Dean sells to the Amy of the Potomac. Dean sella to the Army of the James. Dean sells to the Army of the Tennessee. * Dean sells to the Army of thb Cumberland. Gunboats allorder their Toprcco. Cigars, Pipes, As., from DEAN’S, No. 413 CHESTNUT Street. Pennsylvania merchants all buy at Dean s* New merchants all buy at-Dean’s, Delaware merchants all buy at Dean’s, . As they can always get just what they want, and at . a much lower price than they can el* ewhere, and they do not have to pick up thetr goods at a dozen little All goods ordered areguaraiUeed to give satisfaction. Order once and you will Always order from Dean’s, as his plug and fine cut chewing and smoking tobaccos* and cigars arefarsnperior to all others, andhe sell* for muchlesi. DBAN’ftNo. 413 CHESTITOT Street Philadelphia, Fa YXBNBY BUDDY i XX ’ Distiller and Wholesale Dealer In PURE ODD VONONGAHSLA, BYE, AND WHEAT WHISKIES* IMMOBTH BXOOX9 SSSItrKUUk ' h55.C J H £vStfc tnaao-Sm] MACKEREL, HERRING,' SHAD, &o. «*■ —3,600 bbla. Him. Hoi 1,1, and 8 Maekerel. late-eanght fat fish, lnasaorteipneksfes. ■ 3,000 bb&. Hew Kaatport, Fortane Boy. md Halifax 3,600 boxaaLnbeo, Boded, end Ho. 1 Herrin*. 160 bbla new Men Shad. < _ SCO boxes Herkimer oonnty Gbeess.ftt. In store and for sal* by _ CftIKPHY A gOOOT, ,Mo, 1*« "BOBTH HHMtm THB CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE A IH THE CITY to get Headdresses, Plain or Faney Cap*, isatNo. 003: Alt OH Street- ja7-6t* S. E. COB. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. on, COMPANIES. oihm: - JAMBS OIBBOWS. Pr«ai4en<. PHILIP LOWMT, Jr. , Vio9 Praaldon'.. A. K. PAUL, ’Umasnm. JOH.H I. BOQEKS, Sacratarr. directors: FRANCIS’WqT^BXrs, OI3D COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, EDUCATIOHAIr. DEVOTED ÜBGALet) COPARTNERSHIPS. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. —THE , ' Limited Partnership exietina between the nnder stg&ed.mider theu&rm of UATTEIAS M. MAEPLK, ex pites tLie day by its nra limitation. Tna business will besfttled by HaTIHIAB M. MABFLB, at Ho. 53 Hortii THIEI) Street. M. h. MaEPLE, General Partner. OEOP.QS OOEBOH, „ _ Special Partner. rnlt.ADjtr.Pitts, ipee. 3], 150 l „ HOTICB OF LIIHTED PAETHBHSHIP. The subscdhere hereby give notice that ihey Have entered Into: a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the oro visions of the several laws of the Commonwealth. of Pennsy] vanla reiatlug to limited partnerships. That the name of the firm under which said partner-' ship is to be conducted is tf. M MAftPLB. That the general nature of the btteftMjßßjntettded; to be bSMnels ls tho Hos i EKy AJW> JPA WOt DRY CtOttDS , the names of the general and special partner, WAnwraTdo o ,? reside in the city of Philadelphia, are M- MABPLEf General Partger-, residing'at go 1220 COATES Street, and JACOB BIEGSL. Spwlal P rrw n f r iu reßi<llaK at fio - 52? North SIXTH Street. ** at . tie •fcPttal contributed by the special par ti er to the common stock is fifty thousand dollars in ca»k That the sale Partnership \e to commence oa-ihe sixth day of Jantt*ry» A. D. 1865, and ie to terminate oh the thirty-first day of Becember, A. I>. 1866, M. U MARPLH, _ General Partner. JACOB BIEGSLj - ja7-121w4i Special Partner. HTHE UNDERSIGNED 1 HAS THIB D&T associated" wi£h hlmaelf W'Jfl H, H. HUGHES.and will contimre tlicf Dry Goods Commission Basiness. at No. 316 CHESTNUT fctreat, muter the firm of DON* CATS & CO. .. . _ _ _JT, T. H. BBWCAjr. PhilapklphTa; JanaaTySyiBfi£ XTOTICE.-EENJ. KARRICK HAV -7-' ins retired from our firm, the business will be con tinut dhereafter By the remaiathsr partners, „ . SAB. 3; CAMPBELL Sc CO. PgrCAPBUHiA, Jan. 2d, 1865. ja2-6t* JOSEPH Hi SB AVER Is this day admitted to an intej>lg ottt Arm. , . „„ B. w. CLASS St CO. Janttart 2, 1885. ja2-6t* FINANCIAL,. mOTICE.—TREASURY BE PART -*•2 MENT, 2d J'AKtjMnr. 1886. Notice i» hereby glvenv that any eubsortptlon for 10-40 BONDS, made dnrlnr-the curient week, amou al ius to $16,000 and upwards, may be paid tn’ingtal'ments of not less than one- third on the 7th inst sot less one<third on the 14th inat.-,- and the balance <m the 2lat Inst. * , iacfe instalment must be some multiple of one hun dred-tfoifinr*. . W P. PESSBffDStf, JU Secretary of tho Tfeastrey. {XO* STOCKS; U. S. LOAKS, &c;, BOUGHT AMD SOLO OZf COMMISSION, By GEORGE J. BOTo; Broker, ja3-Smtf Ho. 18" South THIBD Street NEW PUBLICATIONS. PIERGE EG AH, ESQ., Author of “The Poor Girl," “The Marble Mart,.I'’ 1 '’ “The Flower of the Flock, ’’ “TheWondeij of Kingswood Chase,” eta, * WILL COMMENCE IN The Sew York Sunday MtrcoTj^ OF TO-MORROW, A new Novel of Interne power, entitled THE FAIR TJEULAm^z life iil Deatlii • * THE NEW TOBK Sp»AT MRCVItT Is for sale on fIseSUND AY MORNIRG of its publication by every News Agent in Philadelphia. it* RETAIL DRY DOORS. WET BXj&HKET S.—TO BE OPENED 5 * H on MONDAY, January 9th. a lot of WET BLAN KETS, heavy and extra large, to be sold at $9 75. The attention*of "hotel-keepers,-private families, and the trade, is called to this lot of goods. - . JOHN BURNS, »£T South-ELEVENTH Street, Above Spruce. JT. B. —A large and well-assorted stock of HOSIERY and DOMESTIC opened. ja6-3tif*j FANCY FURS. 1864. 1864. A K. & F. I. WOMMfH, OCSSBOBS TO THI AATI CEO. I. WOMBATS,I No. 415 Arch Street, SATE NOW omr A TULL ASSOBTHSKT OF LADJ2»> W'AJSCTSr WUXim, To whleh they Invite th. attention of buyers, .«€»-*■ - - T ABIES' FANCY FURS* L v.- JOHN FAKKCRA, No. HS ABCH Street. above Seventh Street,. At hl» old established store, IMPOSTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS FOB LADIES AND OHUjDKBN. Haring nowin .tore a very large and beautifnl assort, meat of all the different hinds and onalttie* of KANCT PUSS FOB LADIES’ AND CHILDKEN’S WEAR, 1 solicit a call from those in want. Remember the name and nnmber, JOHN EARETHA, 718 ABCH Street, above Seventh. . I have he ,artner or eohneetion with any other store inthieelty. oeS-4mlf INSURANCE. pSUKE YOUR ;LIFB IH THE * AME BI CAN, S. E. Cer. Walnut and Fourth St»., PHILADELPHIA It a a BOMS COKPAHY, and. pronto divided araa ally, thus alijini the asanxed to pay future premloau Lari dividend 60 par cant. - BOARD 07 TRUSTEES. Alexander Wlnldln; J. Edgar Thomson, Hon. James Pollock, HonTJos. Allison, Albert 0. Boberts, Henry K. Bennett, Samuel T. Bodine, Philip B. Mingle, Geo. Nnrent, JohnAlkman, Wn, J. Howard, - , Isaac Haalehnrat, Samnel Work. ALEX AH BEE WHILLDIH, ProaldtU, SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. no3o Smlt JHO. B. WILBOH, Bec’y and Troaanret. T?AHE INSTOANOE COMPANY, Xo. 400 CHESTNUT STREET* PHILADELPHIA. TIBS AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIBSOTORS. _„ , Frauds N. Buck, JohnW. BTermaa* Charles Richards, Robert B. Potter* Henry Levies John Kessler, Jr., O. W. Davis, 3L D. Woodruff, P, S, Justice, Charles Stokes* CFeorge A. Wert, „ ‘__ Joseph D. MR*. , - FRANCIS N. BUCK, Resident. * CHAS. RICHARDSON* Ylce President. W. X BXtASQBABD, Secretary. jal44f FORMA* P. ROMtmBBSjLg. • WILMA* ?. GBATSO, nrOLLIHSHEAD & GRAVES, XX IHSURAHCB AGENCY, Ho. 81» WALNUT BTBEET, PHILADELPHIA. AGKKTS yon THB HOBWIOH PIBB IH|DKAHfB COMPAHT, CHARTBBeA UOft ' REFBRBHCES IMPHILABELPHIA (by authority): JohnOr!,!, Esq. ; | Messrs. Tredick, Stokes &(Io Sales, Wharton, ft Co. 1 Messrs. Chae. Lennlg ft do. Keesre. Coffin ft Altemo*. IHessrs. W.H. Lamed ft Co. jegl-gm , ; ■ yoKHAir y. HountußgAP. wn. zt. anAvna. XT OLLINBHEAD & GRAVES’ XX IHSCBAHCE AGENCY, HO. M» WALNUT BTBEET, PHILADELPHIA, Agents for the OBOTOH THUS IHBHBAHCB COMPAMY, or New York. ■ . 1e37«6m FORMA* P. HOHiiySHBAPe _ WM. H. GRAVIS. XTOLLINSHEAD * GRAVES, XI IHSURAHCB AGENCY, Ho. 31» WALNUT St., Philadelphia, agents for the ALBAHY CITY Fliß LNSUBANCB CO., J«37-6m 07 ALBAHY, H. Y. g H. SLEEPER & CO 015 MINOK STBEET, MANDFACTUBEBS, AGENTS. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IST FUST AND GREEN GLASS WARE, Have now in store a fall assortment of the above goods, which we offer at the lowest market rataa. Being sole agents for the SALEM GBEEH GLASS WORKS, we are prepared to make and work private moulds to order. POBTBE, MINERAL, and WIHE BOTTLES, of a superior color and finish. Also, LAMP CHIMNEYS, APOTHECARIES’ SHOP FURNITURE. SHOW BOTTLES, SYRINGES. HOME OPATHIC YIALS, and Druggists Glassware generally. B. H. SLEEPER, JOHN W. CAMPION. jpw BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. WHITB OIiOVIK HOHBT. I«W FARAD FHAOHKS. COIiITVATID OBAHBKRBIBS, At. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, - DMltr la Hu Groterlej, CoTjtmr MamnrTH «nd VOTE Btrtttt. QPLBNDID STYLES PORTRAITS.— k? B. P. RF. EMEIi’S superior styles life-size PHOTO GRAPHS in oil colors; likeness accurate, and artistic coloring. See specimens, and encage at Gallery, 6 >3l ARCH Street. ; It* "DAILEY HILLYA.RD, GBKEKAI# -A-' Agent and Accountant. Bents and debts col' looted. 16 ST. JOHff Street, Devizes, Wiltshire, England. • de24-s 4t* Kfjn BBLB. ALCOHOL IN BOND, 95 V'-'"percent ; 6,000 fcbls. Highwines, or Whisky, in bond. 40 per cent, aboee proof, for sale by A. P. CROSKBY. JOHST H. OORb. Agent, jat-I2t« H» If. DELAWARE Ayenue. TOMATO CATSUP.—NEW TOMATO TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL OLOTHINa WANTS. W Air TED—IN AN OLD ESTA- T? BLISffBD PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING HOUSE, a Yoaug Maa having a thorough *ao wied** of the Booh Business. with one possereiiig ins re quisite, and seining well recon mended for mergu aud ability ! a verv favorable arrangement will he made. Ad die ss Box 1712 Philadelphia Post Office. j*7 3t Wanted—a young man as as ▼*. SIBTANY SALESMAN Jn a Retail Bookstore? one having some knowlc dge of the business preferred. Address, with real name* reference, Ac , “Booksel ler, ** at the Office of The Press, for one week, ja7-3t WANTED —A SITUATION AS SALESMAN fa a Err Goods or Cloth Jobbing House, Good city and country trade. No' objection to travel. Address *‘J, Bi P.,“ Prexs office, ja7-3t* TITAN TBT— A SALESMAN IN A * T Wholetsja Cloth Sf-nst on Market etsSBt. • * To one who cSn toflaes&e trade n liberal Hilary will he paid. . • Address Bore 2131 Phlla. P. O.' ftrst* WANTED, BY ONE HAYING |5,0D0 "» to SIO,COP, an interest In a lucrative business, either Wannfaetorltir or Commission Addres*. with particulars, “H.," Box 1486, Post Office’, ja7~-3t* wantid-_a First-glass sobka : J * HO YOJ6E for the Choir o£*an Episcopal Church; 8/so, a first-class TENOR. Addtoss , ” Bix 15#t Poet Office, ja6 2t* WA NTED—IN a STEAW-GOODS 1 \ \ HOUSE, an experienced SALESMAN. acquainted with country trade; Addreea Box 2673, Philadelphia Poet Office, ■ 106 21* WANTED—A YOUNG MAN, ABOUT ! . jJ,. 'V Bn fcS? yeare-of tie. as an BWTBT CLERK. Sodressbox 2287, Post Office, in hand wit tins of appli cant. with references. jaB-3t* WANTED TO' SENT, IN A CEN ** tre! locality, on the first Boot, part'd an Office for Pesfc room Address “P. * ’ Box 2212, P. O. jaS tf WANTEE—BY A YOUNG MAN, OF „ T 1 , tc nr ye are’experience In »he retail trade,® situa tion in a Wholes*© Dry Good* or Commission Hoasa, as ralfesman for Delaware andfsaryl&nd. Address *oon to Clarence/* Press office. •• ja§vgt* WANTED-A IiAD IN A SILK HOUSE on Market street. Address “MeTcaa- Ule.” office, jiSJ-st* WANTED—IN A SILK HOUSE ON " « MARKET Street, a Salesman acquaintod wlth near trade Address “B K, n Press office. ja4-4t* WANTED,. AGENTS.—AGENTS”IN " " every County, at $7O a month * expenses paid, to introduce fifteen new and useful arts3?es, the best sell in* ever offered; For particulars, address OTIS T. GABBY, BIDDEFOBD, MAINE. ©c26-d&W3m A BLANK BOOK FORWARDER AND SIHISHBK WASTED. Address Box MBS. Post Office.. ■ ja7-8t» A SITUATION AS CLERH OR AS -BISTANT BOOR KEEPER. Good penman, and anick at figures. Graduatoof Bryant & Stratton’s Col lege Best of'eity references given. Address “X. Y. Z* t Press office, ja7 It* A YOUNG MAN, AGED 18 YEARB, desires a Sanation in a Wholesale House, Gro cery preferred. Salary not so much an object as a knowledge of business. Address Box IQH P. w. js4*6t* A GENTS WAITED FOR THE NURSE AND SPY—The most interesting and? exciting book ever published, embracing the adventures-of a woman m the Union army as Nurse, Scout, and Spy. Giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. Returned and disabled officers and soldiers in want of profitable employment will find it peculiarly adapted to their condition. JONES BEOS. & CO., 600 CHBSTNOT Street, Philadelphia. de23-tjafl* T?MPLG YMENT HOUSE, THE LARG -*-■ est and most reliable, for city and country. Has always a good selection of capable persons, with good references. Americans, Irish, English, French, Ger man, Scotch, Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchmen, sc. Cooks, Chambermaids, Seamstresses, Laundresses, ■Waitresses, and general Housework Servants Also, Colored Servants. Nos. 803 and 804; LOCUST Street, above Eighth. deifM»» PARTNER WANTED —SPECIAL preferred—with|twenty-five thousand dollars cash capital, to conduct the COMMISSION BO*INBiB, and the buying and selling of Dry Goods to the Jobbing Trad* of this and otheT cities, by an established house, v Addresses to ‘‘CommissionMerchant,” Boxs2s“Post Office, with, real name and address, will be strictly confidential. Philadelphia, January 4,186*. jas»3fc* CALEfcMAN WANTED—IN A HAT, Cap, and Ftraw Goods Hmse, who cm mfliaaee trade in New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, or Western P«»nsylvania. Address ‘’Hats and Caps,” Press office. ja7«3t* QALESMAN WANTED—IN A H^T, *•-' Cap, and Straw Goods House on MARKETStreet, To a first-elass man a liberal salary will be given. . Address Box 1507, Post office ja4-6t* XTOTiCE TO DRT GQOBB MER -hi CHANTS—Wanted, a Situation as SALESMAN fh a firet-class wholesale Dry Goods House, by a young man, for Jndiana and Illinois trade. Five years’ con stant travel from thin city (Cincinnati) has made me well acquainted with the merchants of the States named. Please address, giving full name, “B. B. 8.,“ Box 2219 Cincinnati, Ohio. • ja7-3t* NOTICE TO COAL OIL COMPA NIBS.—A first rate mechanic desires a SITUA TION as Superintendent of a Well, or a Situation In which the services of an ACTIVE BUSINESS MAN may he required. Address “E. H. R.,” Press Office. ja7-3t* PHOTOGRAPHIC.—A COMPETENT A- OPERATOR desires a StTUATION, either in or out of Dark Room. No objection Iff leaving the city. Ad- It* 8 S. E. earner SEVENTH an i AR<HTStreek TO BANKERS.—A. YOUNG MAN who has for some years been Assistant Cashier in a country Bank, desires a situation in a Banking House or Insurance Office. The best of reference can he given by hank officers. Address “National,’ 1 Press office. ja2-mwe3t* TO OIL COMPANIES NOW FORM; _l_ ij?G.—WANTED—By a young Attorney at Law*, a’ POSITION as Secretary of a good Oil Company. Ad* dress “E. L, D. ,*■ 309 SPRUCE Street. jas 3t* M WANTED TO RENT, IN APRIL, a moderate-sized HOUSE, with all the modern im provements, situated west of Broad street, and between Spruce and.Cheßtaut streets. Rent from s6»to SSOO. address Vs. COXE, - ja6-St* 339 South BBOAD Street gg WANTED TO RENT—A COUNTRY -■■■. RESIDENCE, wholly or partly furnished, with modern conveniences, within an hour, bv rail or tout, from Philadelphia; to be occupied from May l to the last of October. Apply to JO- TURNER, jafi-lt* 63T WALNUT Street, Phila, j&IOR A MONTH—WANTED a@enTS everywhere to Introduce the now SHAW & CLARK SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY SEW* ING MACHINB. the only loir price Machine in the conn try which ie lleenaedbj Grocer & Baker, Wheeler A Wilson, Bowe, Singer A Co., and Baehelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed All other Machines now sold for less than forty dollar© each are irtftinaerruints, and the Beller and user liable, Xllna trated circnlare sent/ree. Address StTAW A CLARK, nolS-dAwßm BIDDBFOBP, Maine. ASSISTANT QUARTEEMAS* »SsS»TEB»B OFFICE,No, 374 Soutb THIRD St., Philadelphia. Dee. 24,1864. Vessels wasted to load with coal for Newborn, N. C., and Key West, Fla. Despatch given. JOHN B. JENNINGS. de26 if Captain and A. Q. St, FOB SALE AJVO TO LET. QIl4 PROPERTY FOR SALE. The advertiser. having* some very valuable Oil Properties, desiiea to dispose of them in one lot, and at a price much bßlow their present value, to such parties that will form aCt mpany, and will take a large interest himself. The developments which are now being made on ad joining lands, which have all been leased and sold, will increase the value of this property tenfold It will be sold or divided within the next ten days, and there is no other such property for sale for three times the price. For particulars address Box 180 Pest Office. ja7 6c* Htt WELL FOE SALE—ON ONE ACRE LEASE, at Burning Springe, Wirt eonnty, West Virginia, Present capacity about eight barrel), which can be increased. Will be sold low, by E B. .TORE 5, It* No 504: WALNUT Street.. O tl FORTUNES.—’THE ONLY CER- tain method to make a fortune in Oil operations is to ini e&t yohr greenbacks in good and cheap oil lands, on the GROUND FLOOR. In this way you have nothing to lose, and all to gain.. -All the fabulous fortunes made in Oil have been made by purchasing the land and stocking it. A word to the wise is sufficient. To enable the man with moderate means to invest his money on as favorable terms as those who have their thousand*, I offer for Bale, in interests of s2£oeach, A FINE OIL TRAGT OF 340 ACRES, eitiu to about ten miles above McCosnellsviDe. Morgan Cf'Tmiy, Ohio, on the Muskingum river. This river afford* cheap transportation to all parts of the West— note the advantage. There is an Oil Soil aery at Me- Cosnelleville. Coal Is abundant In the hills There are about 75 acres of good river bottom lands $ numerous fine shows and springs of Oil in-the vicinity. On an original portion of this tract is an old salt well that flowed considerable Oil in the process of boring. Price only Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, divided'iuto One Hundred Shares* of Two Hundred and Fifty Dal lam? each. Sobecripiienß received dailjr, fr<nu by 108 South FOUBTH Street Ten per cent, payable upon subscription. References given. j&6 3t* TTORTICULTURAL HALL, S. W. A-*- corner BROAD and WALNUT Streets, TO LET for Literary Meetings, St c. Apply at 26 South SEV BN TS Street. A. W. HARRISON, ja4-wsBt Recording Sec’y. TO LET—THE FIITH AND SIXTH STORIES OF THE BUILDING Nos, 237 and 839 DOCK Sirrot, WITH OR WITHOUT SIBAM POWER. HOISTING DONE BY STEAM. o< ,. Counting House of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, ja6-3t» No. 3*3 CHESTNUT Street. TO LET—THE THIBD STORY OF A THE COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, Nos. 811 end 613 CHESTNUT Street CAN BE ARRANGED FOR COAL OIL OFFICES THOS. H. CONNELL. Co tinting House of Or. t>. Jayne & Son, jag-3t* No. 34:8 CHESTNUT Street fXlh STOCES TAKEN FOR .LIFE V/ INSURANCE. Address Box 532 Philadelphia Post Office. jaS-61* SALE—THE GOOD WILL AND *4-' Fixture b of. the Confectionery, No. 1133 PINS Sheet. Will be sold cheap. Good reasons for seil ing, ja6-2t* g| FOI SALE—WALNUT STREET, ABl wrst of Sixteenth, Two splendid Four-Story Brown-Stone-front DWELLINGS tots 20 hr 125 feet, to a street. Prices. $20,(X0 and $27,500 Can .hare a Stable near by. , MILLER. Broker, ja?.smwthttif 154- North SIXTH Street. Mpor sale, with possession, Desirable DWELLING, WALLACE Street, eoutb side, west of Nineteenth. Lot 18x100. - M. D LIVE ff SETTER. ja6 2t* 139 South FOURTH Street. Mfor sale or exchange for FOR FIRST-CLASS OIL STOCKS-STORB AND DWELLING, 1M North Sixth street; Lot sear IDS feet deeptoaten-feet alley. $6,800. STORK and large h WELLING, .835 CsllowhiH street, and 828 Willow street on tie rear. $6,500. jal-wthnstlf MILLER, 15* Nortk SIXTH Street. £| ORPHANS’ COURT SALE. |g of CD as. W. Hepbnrn, Dee’d. VALUABLE PROPERTY, TWENTY-FOURTH WARD, WEST PHILADELPHIA, Consisting of 4 Acres and 128 Percbes lt hae fonr fronts —fronting on Market street. Forty-third and Forty fourth, and Ludlow (formerly Only streets. The Improvements are a Frame Cottegjuwithpsrlor. sitting-room. and kitchen on the fiist ffdfr. two cham beiß <m the second, and two f Hre aboye; eae ont: cookinf range;good well of water in the yard, to. Also.alarge Stone Barn and Stable, and two one-story Frame Boild tags fronting on Market sweet. To be solft on TUESDAY, January 10th. 1865, at 12 o’clock noon,at f& PBILADiLPHIA EXCHANdK, by M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. j O HN J SCHELL. STEPHEN BENTON. jaS Stif Executors. ■ TO BENT—THE UPPER ROOMS OF A STORE No. 531 MARKET Street. Onset the beet business locations In the eity. . , ... Apply on the premises. jal-4t« non -ground bents, spIUyUvFVJ. well secured. For sale hr TATLoW JACKSON. 614 CHESTNUT Street. deSl-12t« • ■ AT REASONABLE PRICES, v FOB SAME AND TO LET. MREAL ESTATL 1 REAL KriTATE! BEAL ESTATE I ESTATE I BEAL ESTATE ! Kt AERATE 1 *,1,000.000 WOBTH . v 0« BAX.E. IKOOUOO WORTH Pv°g »££§• *6.000 000 WOETH F<V*SAL*. HEW MOHTHLY CATALOG!)? J?*T OCT. MEW MOBTHLY CATALOGUE JUST Of T. M®w MOSTHLY CATALOGUE .JBBT OUT. FOB j inoary. foe jaOklaEy. |OK JAETTARY FOE JASn iRY. OiHOASY. FOE JAB JM.KT. JOB OEAamroiTS DIgrEIBTJTJOg, |OB GBATniTOUS DISTKIBtITTOir. FOB GRATUIrOOS BISTEIBGTIiir.' No person wishing to purchase city property stall* fail to get one of my catalogues mit exceed* In Import anee to purchasers any catalogue ever published* t* this city,no matter by whom. first-ciat-e dwellings and mansions near »y. Also atawl $ 1,COO»CQO worth of building lots, eligibly located, GEO O. MILLER. Practical Seal Estate Op>*at*y, ja7-2t if (for the last 20 years.) 154 N. SIXTH it. M VALUABLE FARM AT PUB c Qk IslC BaltE. —Will hepoJiitiveiy s<*ld af pobnc JC sale on MONDAY. January 6, 1365, the following da scribedYarm, known as “ Xos3 Common,’' teiongTag totbe Estate of. Wasbfngtos Roes, deceased, fdttfiie ih Londongreve Township, Cheater County, Pa * on public mad Zeadicg from Avondale t<y KimbfevilleV' three miles east from New London and two mile* front Avondale Station, on the Philadelphia asd Baltimore Central Baijread, andcoutainingl74acrei and e percha*' of Land, divided into fourteen enclosures, and all well fenced, end with a imnuin* strews of water iu each. The Land is in a* hiehr state of cultivation^-and watt adapted to gram Thor# are frotVforty to ' BaT!!T Jioslwred, a grtit per lion of which is in condilic®. The ißJpfeTemeets-coßffiet of good *a4 exbstssaal 6TOBB 3WET,t,!NG HODBS, situated In » central parffof the Farm and overlooking 1 the greeter portion of It; three Tenant Houses, large dmme»deck<?7 Stone Bsrfcr, with over-shoot and slfefr* dlngattacbed,.Pump intern yard under srsyer. Gtatur ries; Straw Honee, Carriage atd Waged Hones wftfe'. Poultry Bonso attached; two large Orchards, oa* yousry. of choic* fmit&nffiffst coming int6-&earlng, to gethtrwith a variety of other fruit trees. ?h*r property fs in as Intelligent and .respedtabl*- neighberhood. adjoining lands- of Abner Robt: LyeJe, and others? and is convenient to aehdols and places of pnbHc worship. rersoas detirin* to view tbe jjame can call on the oc cupants, or inouire of JOHN T. JtOSS, Chathittf, Ches ter County; Pa., or MAKGARFf 0. FOSg. corner of THIhTY-foeojtfi) StieeS en* BAROASTER YreiaJ: Weet PhiJadnipbla. Bale will take place at one o'sibck P. M. on the day ato.e mtna«n»B, when the coacHMena will he-miito Ueo-wis bx thk HEIRS. December dfr, Ifg4. j»7-7t* gt FOR SALE—A SMALL FBCIfA' JBft and TRUCK: FARM, nesr Torresdale; a yery desirable place. Also several large and valuable farms in the same neighborhood. Br F- GLBNN. ja7»tf 133 South FOUR rg Street. ®FOB SALE—A VERY DESI 4® RABLE COTTAGE and fnmitnre/'wfth twen ty acres offend, riffeafed on the Delaware, fifteen ■>***» from Philadelphia. B. FI GLENN. ja7 tf 133 Sfmth FOURTH Street. AUUTIOJV BAI.ES. tfcrn IMPORTANT SALE AT PofsPT -b9a brbezb park. OK TOBtDAY MOBHIKO, Jan. 101 S, 7S6S. Ppuetaalljr at 11 o cl nk, comprislnit the entire etoefc of tfm tenant, declining nnslness. namely: FIVE VALUABLE inclnding two very fast ‘ bay mares; WAGONS. &c . Hoaashoidand Bar room Furniture, fine Wine**. Liquors, ife positive. ALFRED M. BBBHNB3B, Ja7 Sttf Auctioneer, *s2l* BAZAAR, HENTH AHH BAH* <«!■!», SOM Streets. AUCTION SALE OF HORBKB. CARRIAGES. ON SATURDAY MOBBING NEXT, At lOo’clock, comprising about FIFTY BOSSES, Salted to harness and the saddle. Fall description at eale ALSO,- A large collection of desirable new and second-hand ’ waßonß - 8 - &»., with which ths sale will commence. Also, single and double harness* saddles, bridles whips, coders. halters, he. Also, precious to' the horses, * BB “ 1 " ror »*»b4-liubl sleighs. 49* Wo postponement on account of weather. AS* Sale of Horses, he., on WEDNESDAY 49* Carriages and Harness at prirate sale. ALFfiED H. HBBKffESS. - Auctioneer. AMUSEMENTS. CHESTNUTBT, THBATRR THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON. at 8 o’cloclr. TWENTY-SECOND GRAND FAMILY MATINS*, Upon which. occasion the Popular Drama. _ _ TEE OCTOROON, ““*» Will be presented Admission to the Matinee, 30 CENTS to all parts of thar house. Children 86 cents. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, THEBE GLOEIOUS PIECES, In all of which the celebrated WAhBBN COMEDY COMBINATION ’ Will appear. The performance will commence with the eomedw called the POOB GENTLEMAN. Dr. pi1atj0d.............. Mr. Wa, Warren Emily tfonMriton MlesJoai.Orto* Frt derick B; rail! e...... Mr. Charles Bcrrc* Lncretla McKahb . Miss Emily Mastayay Altar which the Farce of 1 wm-ye* „ , HCKSETjCHICK WEBB.- To conclude -with th» F.'irce Call'd BETSEY BAKES. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. »w FAREWELL UCUISVISIIEF On the occasion of which wiU be offered a GRAND DOUBLE ENTERTAINMENT.' THIS (Saturday) EVENING. Jan 7. The performance will commence with the drama of THB SPY OF ST. MARC. Thisbe. ..LFCILLB WESTERS. • To,conclude with THE-WEPT- OF-THE* WlBg. Mop day, WAL LACK-DAVBN PORT Alliance, TLfBS, JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH XTX street theatre. * LAST SIGHT OP J. 8. CLARKE. TO-NIGHT (Saturday), January 7.1865. * THE PAT BOY, THE TOODLESk MY NEIGHBOR’S WIFE, and JONATHAN BRADFORD.. CLARKE IN FOUR CHARACTERS. MONDAY, MISS CAROLINE RICSINGB. THE DAUGHTER OF THB REGIMENT. Jj’OTEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC. BATTTEDAY. January 14,1855, CBOSS A JARVIS' FIRST CLASSICAL SOIREE _ . ~ „ . .on rax season. Snbacription list Is now open at' the Stores of Lee & Welter, Andre & Co., and JVB. Oonld. Single ticfcetß $l. Concert to commence at 8. jaS-tf fJREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS—WAL- S? T SJET st,eet, above Eighth. ~ DIRECTBEBS--Mira. Charles Wamer, formerly Mn, Das Jaice. „The management begs leave to state that during tin PRESENT WEEK the following named artieteswlU make their flrst appearance; M’LLB ELIZA' ayonn*. graceful., and angelic equestrienne; SIGNuB GIBBON* NOISE, the wonderful contortionist; Messrs KADI GAM and DONOVAN, the Intrepid and pleasing gymnasia. These, with the remainder of the-GBBAT COMP ANT ¥f 1 ?&yri!SS: lees in magnificences and surprising in effect ADMISSION--First tier, 50 cents; second tier, 25 cents* priVAteboxes. s3and s6. as to location. . 011 WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, commencing at 254 o'clock. Eremins performance commencing at 7.40, ja3-5t A SBEMBLY BUILDING. MATINBB MUSICALB By the Philadelnhia CLASSICAL QUINTETTE CLUB. EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 3 P. Iff _ Tickets at the Door, Fifty Cents each. de3l-Bmtuw tfi CI6NOR BLITZ, ASSEMBLY BUILDS LJ IHGS. TBNTH and GHBsTKUT Streets • A HAPPY HEW YEAR TO OLD AHD.YOUHO. Three Grand Performanceion HOHDAY, January M. commencing at 11 A. M , 3 and 7K P. M., and on the and Evenln.a or TUESDAY, THURSDAY. FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, during the creek. WOBDBRB OF HBCBOMAHCY. COMICALIITB3 OH YBEThiLOSUISM. and Ihe BIRDS. Admission, 20 cents. Children, 15 cents. Reserved seats, 80 cents jal fJEBMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIO w tI?I?.SATUEDAY, »» S* o'clock P. M., at.MUSICAL FUMD HALL. Single Tickets, 9 cents e Six Tickets, *1; to be had at Gould's, Andie’s. and Meyer’s Magic Stores, and at tho Hall no?-tf CHRIST REJECTED.— This admirable picture, the greatest production ol me painter West, isnow on exhibition nt the ACADBMY OP.FIHB A8T5.1035 CHESTHHT Street, togethw With the entire collection of ihelnstituiiGa. Admittance twenty-Mte cents. • nol4- 2m* /THE ACADEMY OF FUSE ARTS, J. CHESTHHT Street, above Tenth, is OPBH DAILY for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 8 P. H. jc2S BOABDDre. OEVIRAL GENTLEMEN CAN -OB- TAUT a pleasant BOOM and ful*, or partial, BOABD, at 804 Worth TENTH Street. jsS-2t* lost Asno rom. TOST OR MISLAID—ON FRIDAY. SO, 1864, an agreement between E. 0. KNIGHT and others. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it with B. BUNDLE SMITH, E3d., No. »13 S FOURTH ST. HOTELS AND RESTAUR ANTS. QENTRAL EATING HOUSE, Opposite tl*.e Post Office. POTT, A TtKr.PITTA ■ TONES HOUSE, 0 Cor. MABK&T/STBEETsud BfABKBT SQUABS, HABBIBBUBG, JPa. The Proprietor respectfully returns his sin cere thaalc* to his Meads for the very liberal patronage bestowed to the House since under his management, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. de!7-3m i a JL MANN, Proprietor. /THE WASHINGTON HOUSE—A A CAED. —It having bees announced by the Bulletin of the 25th instant, that this hotel wo old be closed on or about the Ist of December, the Lessee from January Ist, 1866, bees to inform the public that during the than - the House mav he dosed it will be thoroughly reno rated and refitted in a manner that cannot mil togtr* satisfaction to those who may patronise the establish.' dent, Mr. GHABXJSS BL ALLMOIfD, formerly of the “Indian Queen, ” Wilmington, but more recently of the * * States Union, * * Philadelphia, will have the en tire management under the new administration, and h» assures the public that no efforts will be spared on hie part to make the House in all respects pleasant and agreeable to his guests. The House will be re-opened on the 16th of January, no9MR ffViifTP MALCOLM MACNEELL’B 3* SPECTACLE HTOBK, Ho, 310 Sontt FIFTH Street, bob^pruce. _ rlllitAUJilicniA. • _ JKf Glasses refitted to salt all ««. andaU mannere* repairing carefully and promptly attended to. del-t. WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE„ EmHI SCBIPTIOHS of Character, Constitution, andYA. yLJ lent, with ADVICE on Business, Health, Bdtts*. Horn Self-improvement, Management and Tram* «»*> ingof CHILDBEH, so«M He., dvr and evening, by _ JOHH L. OAFRH, Phrenologist and Bookseller, osll-tnthtlvlf Ho. as 8. TENTH St. above Cheetnt; SUBSTITUTES, VOLUNTEERS. A.NB O PRINCIPALS, _ , If you will e«ll at our office you will do well. We aeree to render S ATIBFACTION TO ALL PASTIES. . OS HO PAT, At Ho. 8 South SEVENTH Street. Tj'REDERICK BOLAND, A Manufacturer ofevery variety of LOOKUta- GLAPSand PICTURE FBAMfe, and dealer in EUBOPEAH AHD AMKRICaN BHOBaVIHGS. PHOTOGRAPH OYAL FRAMES* fn great variety. de2B-lm« Ho. asi Horth HIBTH at., above Baea. TOSHDA T. OWEN. ATTORNEY, V COCBELLOB AT LAW. AHD SOLICITOR O# CLAIMS Office, asi P Street, near Fourteenth St. Waahlnston. P.C- da3n < m "PHILADELPHIA SCALE WORKS.— JL -patent Platform Scaleß'And Beams_of ovary TA rlety conßtantly on Band. DAVIS & CO . lao-fit* FIFTBBHTH and PBHHSYLYAHIA AYBHm 1 nm BPBIH6 HOBBY-HORSStt I,UW ft«w mid tutor styles), loose-ne«k BMb ExpressCsrti, *».. forssleby __ _____ wmjus WISH AND CANNED MEATS. A GOO nniß Hess and Ho. 1 Mackerel. 2,000 oasea canned Heats. Lobet«ra.Jm, For sale By „„„ P- O. BOSjBOUGH. de29-8m , MB Horth. BKOHT Street DEPARTMENT FOB CUSTOM WOSK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers