THE CTTYI THE DRAFT. Under orders just Issued from "Washington, the quotas or dlstrlots. will be regulated aooordlng to tcfl il{&d of service of recruits as won as to tw number of men. In Other words, the quotas of all towns are Increased oyer the /State quota under the eaU for 200,000, but those towns, wards and districts which have furnished under the previous eall a larae proportion of three-years men will have their quotas reduced by deductions on that- aeoount- Those dlstrlots which filled their quotas un der the last oall with one-year men will be required to supply tbe deficit oaused by the credits given towns which have furnished three-years men. The offiolal deoislon of Mr. Solicitor Whiting, under date of August Ist, 1864, confirmed by Provost Mar shal General Fry, stated as follows: „„„„ “ That district which furnishes three-veMS men now gains atonoe, on its account with the Provost Marshal General, the same benefit on.the quo taof the next draft os though it had furnished three tintfifl m mftßv TYißii for cm ymr s service. , pr“ ‘ cr , be allowed until the next oall follow w’ that under which the men are credited. It hag tSIn stated to us that these cron its were to bo made immediately, so that a town could fill, say a quota of sixty with twenty three-years 5 men. But this is got go at least no orders to this effect have been m&iilfi DUWIOi the quotas of the different districts, words, &0., are regulated according to the number of men ao tuallv liable to be draited residing In such district, it will bo to the Interest of all to have such list re turned sb for as possible. The following Instructions may be found useful In the furtherance thereof: I. Whenever a name appears of any person who Is not enrolled, but liable, notloe of the fact should be given to the provost marshal of the district, by any person who may bo cognizant of tlio f&ot t in or« der tnat the same may be recorded. 11. 'Whenever a name appears of any person who film removed, notice of the raefc mould be given at the provost marshal’s office, that the name may be stricken from the roll of that district, and recorded W III? whenever a name" appears which Is known to be fictitious, or any one is aware that the person Indicated is not a resident as describe*, notloe shonld be given at the provost marshal’s office, that the name may be stricken from the roll. TV Whenever cause of exemption exists for any reason, notice shouldlbe given to the provost mar shal of the diet riot by the exempt person himself, thht the name stricken from the roll. The following are the recognised causes of exemp bloa: 1. Over 45 years of age. 2. Under 20 years of age. 8. Being an alien, ana never having voted. 4. Having furnished a substitute In anticipation of the draft. &. Having: been drafted and furnished a substitute. 6, Havlrg been drafted and paid commutation. T. Having been drafted and rboeived a certificate °T disqualified. 5. Having served two years in the army or navy during the present war, and been honorably dis charged. In. addition to this, bo far as possible, every one should use their efl'orts to have those Improperly enrolled takes off, and to add those not on, but who should be enrolled. , . , ■ . A number of wards have already taken steps to wards raising their quotas under the eall, and re cruiting will now go on quite briskly. We have over a month to furnish the number required. The Mayor has appointed a Commissioner of the Bounty, and everything Is now In a fair way for a speedy filling of our quota. IMPOST ANT RAILROAD BNTEBPBISN. The engineers to whom was assigned the import ant task of surveying a railroad from Frankford, in the Twenty-third ward of this city, to Attleboro, In Bucks county, have completed their labors. The gentlemen ol>the survey report as the most practicable route the one running on the northern fide of Frankford, continuing a little north of Bus-. tleton, and passing near to the celebrated Vanarts dalen quarries. The Neshamlny is crossed at Wil son’s old mill, running np the south side of the stream to the Attleboro and Newton road to the front of tbe bill on the north side of Attleboro. This road will open np to oue neighbors of Bucks county a ready connection with this city, and, to the farmers residing along It, it will bo of Incal culable benefit. Large numbers of our citizens have availed them selves of trips to Books county when the heated term Is upon us, notwithstanding the lumbering stage-coach was the only means of conveyance. When the comfortable oars shall be placed upon the road, we expect the iron-horse, drawing large numbers of pleasure seekors, to dash into bright and cheerful little retreats, where reoreatfon and sport may be enjoyed In one of the most healthful portions of our state. The stockholders of the road will meet In a short time, when the whole subject of the route will be considered, and we presume the road will be speedi ly put in operation. There is no city In the world, perhaps, which is surrounded by such a splendid rural territory as that of our own Philadelphia, and we always look with pleasure towards the means by which we aro placed In quick and easy communication with our neighbors oi the country. The road will, no doubt, be'kept busy Jh conveying milk, the products of truck-patches, and the various commodities of a light oharaoter which are brought to our markets. "Vast quantities of grain are raised In this section, and will find its way to onr city by rail, as our farmers are fully awakened (p the fact that In the. disposition of their crops time is money, BEATING. Yesterday and last evening the skating at the several parkß was excellent, and was Indulged In by a large number of l&dleB, gentlemen, and ohildren. The tall of snow has not Interfered with the skating at the narks, as It was soon cleaned off. by a large force of men engaged for that purpose. Some of the dresses of the lady skaters are unique and be, coming. It would be impossible to describe them all. we noticed amongst others a Butt of black with very small crinoline neatly trimmed with fur, and hat with fur trimming to match. A'brlght plaid, with sash and Scotch thistle ornament, and Scotch cap, was much admired. Colored skirts are worn almost exclusively; bright plaids being pre ferred. Bed stockings are not much admired, espe cially by the masculine visitors to the parks. Bed jockey sacks are much worn, and make a good ap pearance.- Expanded crinoline and long.dresses shonld be avoided by those who skate for pleasure. REPUBLICAN INYINCIBLES. The Invlnolbles will hold a publla meeting this evening at the National Union Club House lor the «seof peifeoting the arrangements relative to auguratlon of their grand ball, to take place on next Thursday evening at the Academyof Music. It is reasonably expected that a number of distin guished strangers will be present npon the great occasion. LICENSES POK PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. A late aot -of Assembly requires all places of amusement to take out a license every year for the right of oarrylng on their bualneaa. For this year the Mayor has granted licenses to the following places: American Mechanics 1 Hall, Fourth ana George streets, Musical Fund Hall, Arch-street Theatre, Fox’s Casino, a ten-cent show Eighth and Market, and one of a similar character at Sixth and Chestnut streets. MOYAMBNSING SOUP SOCIETY. This 'society will commence distributing soup on next Monday morning to all persons who may make application. SCHOOL CONTROLLER ELECTED. Mr. Samuel S. Money has been elected a mem ber of the Board of School Controllers by the di rectors of the Twenty-sixth section. THE DEPARTMENT OF SURVEYS. During the past year the Surrey Department of this city has expended $24,813,60. Of this Sum $28,- .184.99 was for sowers. FATAL ACCIDENT. Samuel Oummlngß, aged seven years, was run over by an lee oart at Twelfth and Federal Btreats, about noon yesterday, and Instantly killed. He re sided at No. 1838 Ellsworth street. CARELESS USE OF FIREARMS. Yesterday a woman named Kramer, residing on Second street, near Union, was shot in the neck ac cidentally. It la stated that her husband was handling agun, and In sport with his wife pointed It at her. The weapon was firsd off accidentally, and a portion of the load took effect in the back part of her neck. The wound Is not eonslderad dangerous. FREEDMEN’S RELIEF ASSOCIATION. The treasurer's report of tbla association states that during the last month the receipts into the treasury amounted to $20,242 29, of which $2,579.40 came from friends in England and Ireland. PERSONAL. Ylee Admiral Farragut has arrived In this olty, en route for Washington, and Is now a guest,at the Continental. He Ib accompanied by his wife. CITY COUNCILS. The new City Oounells held their first-stated meeting yostorday afternoon. STCWXKCT BBANdU* President Lod in the chair. COMMUNICATIONS. A communication was received from the Mayor announcing that under the ordinance to create a commission to revise the tax laws of Philadelphia, he had appointed Messrs. Eli K. Price, Jos. A. Olay, Andrew D. Cash, Jas. C. Hand, and Wm. Bueknell. Mr.SPEBiNO (U.) submitted a communication from a citizen, offering to sell to the city an original portrait of Gen. Harrison in his possession. A lengthy communication was received from the meehanles of the Nineteenth ward, requesting such action on the part of Councils as will place them upon an equal standing in relation to exemption from the draft as the citizens of wealthier wards. STANDING COMMITTEES NOS 1885. The Chair then announced the appointment of tbs following standing committees for the year lBBs: Finance—Riche (chairman), Sparing, Freeman, Gray, K %«-8r ay (chairman). Hodgdon, Cattell, Jones. Armstrong, Kamerly. Gat Works— Wagner (chairman), Cattail* Manuel* Shalleroßß. Marcus. Hopkins. Girard Estates —Freeman (chairman}, Spering, Hodg*. don, Van Gleve, McElroj, Marcus Highways— Zane (chairman), Hodgdon* Manuel,Bar* low. O’Rourke, Hopkins. City Property— Spering (chairman), Zane, Manuel, Omerly, Bang. Armstrong. Markets— Manuel (chairman), Omerly, Wagner, JSane, Kamerly. s- FcAoo&T-Riche (chairman), Wagner, FreemanTYan Clove, Mcßlroy, Marcus. - _ - jPoWce—ShaUcross (chairman), Jones, van Clere* Cattell, Kamerly, Shorn, Eailroads—Zen e (chairman)* Jones, ShaUcross, Cat* 2VwSand° J&e—Oraerfy (chairman), Pollock, Riche. Van Clere, Barone, Hopkins. Hi aft h—Wagner (chairman), Pollock, Ritchie, Bar* low* O’Rourke, MoSUroy. flurceps—Spering (chairman), Cattell, Barlow* Free man, Shern, o’Bourke. Law— Jones (chairman),.Wagner, Zane, Riche, King, B Pwf i fr«r(fenff--Hodgdon (chairman), Omerly, Free man, Gray, Hopkins, Kamerly. * Poor— Barlow, Ritchie, Pollock, Gray, Mcßlroy, O’Rourke. Prisons—V an Cleve (chairman*. Riche, ShaUcross, Hodgdon, Armstrong, Brightly. „ Claims— ShaUcross (chairman), Ritchie, Sparing,Pol lock, Shern, Ring. . Street Cleaning— Manuel (chairman), Ritchie, Bar low* Shern, Hopkins .. ~ Printing and Supplies—Omerly (chairman), Zane, Pollock, Spering, Shern, Hopkins. To Verify Cash Accounts— Hodgdon (chairman). Yam Cleve. Mckiroy. To Compare BUls-*Z≠ Spering, Hopkins. _ Defence and Protection— Cattell, (chairman). Gray, Jones, Ritchie, King, Kamerly, Lynd (President). BILLS AND ORDINANCES. Mr. Spbstho (U.) presented an ordinance appro priating the further sum of $3,260 for the Improve ment of Union Square, , Mr* King (O.), said that this was one of the old dents of one of the olty commissioners, who was decapitated by his party because he could not re ceive the support and approval of his brother offl* £©rs. T"©ie is no use, he Bald, In “kicking a dead Horn” The money for the work has been expended, and now au that remains to Councils is to foot the bills. A motlpn to referwas voted down and tho ordi nance was speed to. Mr. Zaub (U.) presented an ordinance to appro priate $B5O for the purpose of printing a manual for the use of the members. Mr. Brightly objected to the appropriation. Mr. Zane. The manual is necessary for the members. Those who have lately entered the Chamber need It. Some of the members who last year opposed this appropriation weie among the most Ignorant members, as far as parliamentary Jules which the Chamber holds. Mr. Brightly did not know how far his know ledge ol parliamentary roles extended, but the wis dom of the Chairman of Highways (Mr. Zane) is like’that of the man who spent all day trying to make a barrel out of a. bnsghole—beyond all pre cedent. [Laughter.] The credit of the city suffers while these needless expenditures are being con tinued. To-day the oltv bonds sell for 92. Mr. Zane. There certainly is a mistake. Mr. Brightly. 92 is the quotation. Mr.SrBBiNG (U). The city sixes are quoted to day at 88 jf. There are some mm in this Chamber who will vote away millions oi, the olty money, and at the same time will decry and attempt to de grade the credit of the city. - ... Mr. Armstrong (O.) said that retrenchment had beeii promised by the-new Councils. The members flhbuia set the example themselves, Mr, Zash, There are several new rules adopted by the Chamber which are not In our present ma n, Mr. Bribhtly said that the ordinance provides that the manual be printed without providing for any manner of printing, and should bo amended by letting the printing out at oontraet to the lowest bI Mr r ZANB stated that there was no use of such an amendment, for all large printing establishments barf adopted a similar scale of prices. The dfeeusalon was further extended. Mr. Bright jy’s amendment w&s finally voted down* The original motion was also lost. RESOLUTION OB' INSTRUCTION* A resolution Instructing the Commissioner of Olty Property not to expend any of tbe appropriations for 1965, except certain items named, was introduced and referred to the Committee on City Property. BILLS FROM COMMON COUNCIL. The bm from Common Council asking for certain Information from the Receiver of Taxes was con curred in. The bill from the other Chamber in reference to the purchase of certain toll gates was defeated. A resolution of Instruction to the City Controller was passed, and the Chamber adjourned. coaoiosr branch. President Stokley (U.) In the oh&lr* THB NORTHERN LIBERTIES OAB WORKS. The following oommunioation relative to the pur chase of the Northern Liberties Gas Works was received from the Mayer: 11 Gentlemen : My assent Is withheld frpm the bill entitled ‘ An ordinance to take possession of the Northern Liberties Gas Works and to oreate a loan therefor.’ The propriety of any further consolida tion of the Gas Works within this olty under the management of one trust Is very questionable. The capabilities of the Philadelphia Gas Works are al ready overtaxed, and In portions of the olty, parti cularly In the Twenty-second ward, the supply Is frequently so diminished that consumers are greatly lnoonvenleneed, and sometimes deprived of its use. Bat apart from snch questions of expediency there should be some urgent necessity to warrant at the E resent time any further increase of the olty debt, owever the redemption of such debt may be pto vided for. I have,-therefore, deemed It proper to refer this measure to the judgment of the present Councils. “ Respectfully, Alexander Henev.” « The further consideration of the subject was post posed for the present. The Mayor also sent a communication transmit ting the correspondence relative to the presentation of a sword to General Meade, whioh had been voted him by councils. THE BOUNTY BILL, Also, a communication Informing Councils that the bounty bill had been signed, and asklhg that a supplementary ordinance be passed authorizing the Mayot’s olerk to sign the warrants, so as to lessen the labor heretofore entailed upon the Mayor thereby. He appointed J. D. Kosengarten commissioner under the bill. THE NEW TAX BILL. Also, a oommunioation relative to the new tax bill, and appointing EII K. Price, Joseph A. Clay, A. D. Cash, James C, Hand, and William Buoknell, Esqs., commissioners to revise the tax laws. C HUMAN TOWN WATER WORKS, ETC. Mr. Taylor (U.) offered anhordinanee providing for the purchase of the Germantown Water Works. Beferred to the Committee on Water. Mr. Simpson (U.) offered a resolution instructing the City Controller to place to the account of the clerks of Connells part of the appropriation to pay deficiencies Tor 1864, Agreed to. Also, an ordinance providing for the opening of Manayunk avenue, Twenty-first ward. Beferred. Also, a resolution providing for continuing the committee appointed by Connells on the I4th April, 1964, relative to the removal of toll-gates In the olty limits. Agreed to. Mr. Sot-gkk (U.) offered a resolution asking the Ee'ceiver of Taxes to Inform Councils the amount of discount allowed on the payment of taxes for 1864. Agreed to. An ordinance authorizing the olerk of the Mayor to sign bounty warrants was adopted. The Chair announced the following: STANDING COMMITTEES ON THE PART OF COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE TEAR 1865. Finance Marcer (Chairman), Evsrman, Harper, Bnmrn, Hanson, Dillon. ■Water Works—Feale, Evans, Brady, Blllington, Alien, Gill. Gas Works— Harper (Chairman), Feale, Stanton, Fox, Krupp, Telford. Girard Estates—Feale, Simpson, Stanton, Willett., Schaeffer, Hetzeil. Highways— Brady (Chairman), Miller, Billinjctoa, Taylor, Adams, Wothert. City Property— Yankirk, Little, Brady, Harrison, Dillon, Woibert. - Markets Taylor (Chairman), Bnmm, .Derbyshire, Maciagne, Willetts, Vcgelbach. Softools—Marcer, BRiser, Allen," Willetts, Dillon, Hetzeil. - Police— BUUngton (Chairman), Earnest, Mactague, Hancock, Gill, uolehower. Everman, Fox, Krupp, Griffiths, Van- Trusts and Fire—Adams (Chairman), Griffiths, Han cock, Haiaee, Baine’, Nichols. Health—Hainan, Oresswell, Echaeffer, Derbyshire, Hnhn, Barnes. Mi)ler f S , m B Vo rl olbach A^nlßt^on *• Siml ' 3ott • Law— Stilier, Marcer, Adams, Gratz, Colehower, Buhn. t Port Wardens— Brnner (Chairman),’Evans, Arm strong, Earnest, Colehower, Telford. Poor— Simpson (Chairman), Armstrong, Schaeffer, Derbyshire, Barnes, Hallowell. Prisons— Litile, Evans, Schaeffer, Cresswell, Hahn, Mullin. Claims— Haines (Chairman), Stanton,Little, Earnest, Vogelbach, Telford. Street Gleaning— Cresswell, Fox, Krupp, H&otague, Ntchele, Ballowell. Printing and Supplies— BUUngton, Griffiths, Har per, Gratz, Mullen, Hetzeil Verify Gash Accounts—Grata, Allen, Mullin. Compare Bills- Adams, Bulger, Woibert. B>fence and Protection—Hannon, Miller, Taylor, Hancock, Yankirk, Hallowell. THE POLICE. A PISTOL FOE IDENTIFICATION. As a subject that may tend to effect the ends of justice In regard to the Invisible thief who robbed the custom house, and who left a loaded pistol In the vault, we give a minute description of the weapon: The pistol is one of Colt’s patent, there being six chambers. The number of the weapon Is 249,368; calibre, 31; and bn the Inside of the ram mer are the figures 9,368 stamped. There are several marks, as though roughly scratched , with a knife* blade, or other sharp Instrument, on the handle. OnomaTk on the guard looks like an attempt to make an Xoran M. On the plated band on the top of the handle are two similar marks—one near the hammer of the look, and the other near the butt end. Any person who may identify the weapon from this description, or think they can do so, are requested to call upon or send for Chief Buggies, or George H. Smith or Joshua Taggert, of the de tective torce, GAS-FIXTURES STOLEN. An unoccupied dwelling house, on Mount Vernon street, below Broad, the property of Mr. James Thomas, a resident of Germantown, was entered on Wednesday and robbed of all the gas brackets and chandeliers. The thieves stripped the house In every part, and seemed to have taken their time In doing the work olrobbery. . HEAVY LOSS. A gentleman, gave Information last evening at the Central Station that he lost $7,500, some of it in notes on the Bank of Quebec, Canada. He had been in quite a number of places on business, and carelessly left the money In a pocket-book on a counter. (Before Hr. Alderman Hutchinson. 3 FAST DRIVING. , Two young men were.arraigued yesterday, on the charge of “ fast driving” In Falrmount Park. They were fined. [Before Mr. Alderman Beltler,) A COMMON SCOLD. Ann Benton was arraigned, on Wednesday, on the oharge of being a common Bcold. It Is alleged that she has been in the habit of sueing her neigh bors, who reside in that'classic thoroughfare known as Prosperous alley. It Is further alleged that she usually made mlsoblef In families, and then entered suit against them for abuse, and, in some Instances, assault and battery. In legal parlance shels known aB a “barrator;” in the estimation of her neighbors she Is regarded as a berpter. The penalty for a vio lation of the lawln this ease Is Imprisonment for one year or a fine, or both, at the discretion of the court. The accused was bound over to answer. THE COURTS'. Supreme - Court Chief Xustice Wood ward, and Justices Kea<l, Agnew, and Strong:. Judgments in the following eases were entered: O’Donnell vs. The Allegheny and Valley Railroad Company. Judgment reversed and a'venire de novo awarded. Bundall vs. Watt. Error to Common Pleas of Erie county. Decree affirmed. Dean vs. Sloan & Hunter. Error to Common Fleas of Crawford county. Judgment affirmed. Pitman’s Appeal. From Common Pleas of Indi ana county. Decree affirmed. In Elliott’s appeal the argument was concluded. Sisi Prins-Judge Thompson. A oase having been fixed for the morning, tbo jury who were empanelled on Wednesday were oalled, but only eleven appeared. An attachment was issued for the delinquent, who will be brought before the court on a charge of contempt. ' Coiurt or Quarter Sessions—Hen._Joseph AlUsoa, Associate Justice. (Wm. B. Mann, Bag., ProMoatin* Attorney.] YOUNG AMERICA DID IT. Charles Chow, a small boy, was obarged with committing an assault and battery on another boy. On being asked to plead the youngster said, “ I did it.” A fine-looking man-o’-war’s-man, a relative of the accused, said the boy did not understand what was meant by pleading, and he asked to plead not guilty. The trial was proceeded with, and Mary Ann Dawson said the accused struek her adopted child with aspade. The jury rendered a verdict ofgullty. The relative of the boy said he wonld take him to sea with him if theconrt allowed him, and the re quest was granted. The gallant tar presented to the court a certificate from the Secretary of the Navy, awarding him thanks for tho part he took In the destruotlon of the rebel ram Albemarle. Judge Allison said be had no doubt but the boy would oe In good hands whilst with the sailor, and the gallant Jaok gave a hitch at his trowsers and .left the court with his protege, well satisfied with every one around. FAMILY JAR,- Mrs. Davenport was charged with committing an assault and battery on John Beaney and wife, to which she pleaded guilty. The parties are first cousins, and,Mrs. Davenport having heard that .Beaifev asserted about town that her husband used the till of his employer in addition to the pay he re-' ceived, she quietly took a cowhide and applied it to the back of tho husband. The wife ran in and was accidentally struck, as Mrs. Davenport alleges. Mrs. Beaney contradicted this, and said Mrs. Davenport said she came to give both her and her husband a good cowhiding. AU of the parties ap. pear to be in good circumstances. Mrs. Davenport was sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs—the court thinking the prosecutor had brought the punishment upon himself hy the imprudent use of his tongue, 1 POLITICAL' TALK. Wm. Fleming was charged with committing an assault and battery on George Fleager, to which he pleaded guilty. Mr. Fleager testified that he met the accused aud spoke to him in a friendly manner. Some one whis pered to accused, when he suddenly turned, and knocked witness down. There was no dispute with Fleming before this, but he did have a talk about politics with some persons In the house early In the evening. In consequence of. the absence of other witnesses the case went over until Saturday. LARGBXtY OF LT7MBE2. Theophllus Gabilowlteh was oharged with the lar ceny of some white pine boards. Geo. W. Hannah testified that the accused was a tenant ol hlB, occupying a room In his mill. Having learned that his lumber was being taken by some one, be marked the boards with a lead penoU. On searching tho defendant’s room he found a number of strips, all of wMoh contained tho pencil marks across them, and had been recently sawed up. The witness produced a number of the strips, and exhi bited the marks thereon to the jury. The boards were planed oh both sides. _ . William H. Carr testified that the accused was at his place very early In the morning, and seemad anxious to ascertain If the witness, who Is the en gineer of the mill, was there. He frequently called to witness, and would throw cinders down, but wit ness did not answer or notice Mm. Tha witness went to work at 8 A. M., and generally found ac cused at work when be got there. Mr. Bochman testified that he had a shop In the same building. On three occasions he noticed, as he went from work, after 8 P. M., there was no lum ber in the room of the accused, but early In the morning there was a quantity of lumber there. The defence oalled witnesses as to character, and to show that oarpentors generally marked boards. The counsel for defendant, In the oonrse of Ms ar gument, said to the jury that some lumbermen-had attended In this oase until they became tlred. He bad receipts to show that he had purchased planed lumber from p. Back & 00. Mr* Mann said if the defendant could show that ! he purchased the tymbejr pow lq conrt frp.m any one he would suspend the ease, and send for the witness. Defendant made affidavit to that effect, and an officer was sent for the witness; : The oaee was again resumed. James Buck testified that he sold to aoeused. on the 12th November, 1864, two hundred feet white pine boards, and on the 16th of the same month four hundred feet. One of the lots, that of two hundred feet, was planed. Oo cross-examination the witness said he could not identify the strips shown: never delivered boards at night, and do not atari to de liver before TAM.' Mr. Hannah recalled.—Testified .that there was about five hundred feet.of lumber out up Into strips when he oaused the arrest of accused. Tpe record shows the aooused was arrested on the 14th of November* - The jury were Instructed to seal their verdlot and bring It in this morning. THB BURGLARS AGAIN. Henry Allen, James Doud, and John Gallagher went charged with burglary. . • ■ Williamteyers testified that Ms store and dwelling were broken into and robbed of jewelry, knives, Ao. The day previous to'the robbery John Gallagher was in the store, pricing a gold chain, and said ha would be back again,- On .cross-examination the witness was handed a number of trinkets, whioh ho only Identified by their lost, butthere was no mark upon any of them by wMoh he could positively swear to them. Ho, however, Identified a pair /Of ear rings, because of their peculiar construction. B. B, Phillips testified that Doud and Gallagher were at the store the day before the robbery, and the latter went towards the yard, looking about, the place attentively. Detective Lamon testified to recovering a pair of ear rings from a woman, and from whatsho said ho arrested Allen, who acknowledged to selling the rings to the woman. Allen confessed to being en gagecfln the robbery and dividing the goods between those who were with him. Detective Bartholomew testified to finding a knifo upon Dixon. Dixon was now taken from the dook and testified that he obtained the knlle from Gallagher. Yerdlot, guilty as to all of the parties. Sentence deferred. Benjamin H. Brewster, Esq., who appeared for GaUagher, In. the course of Ms remarks paid the following-tribute to District Attorney Manu: . “ Standing upon a broad stone of honor, heknooks at the portals of his mind, and touches the chords of Ms heart, and the response Is immediate and Im pressive." The oourt adjourned until this morning. INSURANCE. TYELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY Xf INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BT THE LEGISLATURE OP PEN NBYLVA NLA. 1835. OFFICE B. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS,) CARGO, > To all parts of the world. FREIGHT. ) INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canal, Lakeland Land Carriage, to alt parts of the Union. FIKB’INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Honseß, Shi, ASSETS OF THB COMPANY. ' > November 1,1864 $lOO,OOO United States Five Percent. Loan. ’n.»100,000 00 111,010 ■'•••v Six *• “ -’SI. 118 215 00 76,000 Six •* “ 6-20 s 75,662 SO ICO,COO State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. L0an..................... 93,665 00 54,000 Slate of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. , L0an.......... 65,810 00 123,060 City of Philadelphia Six Per Ct. Loan 12/,620 37 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mart gage Six Per Cent 80nd5—...... 22,000 00 60.000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mori gage Six Per Cent. 80nd5.... 53,250 00 16,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the olty of Philadel phia . .. 15,800 00 6,600130 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Rail road Company ...... 9,100 00 5,G00 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company—.— 3,060 00 50,000 United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness,,, 48.425 00 So,oooStateofTennsseseFlvePsrCt.Loan. 12,000 00 128,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply secured 128,700 00 $868,250 Far. Coßt $842,100 60. Market va1ue.5857,627 87 Beal Estate , 86,000 00 Bills receivable for Insurances mafia* 113,830 42 Balances fine at Agencies -“Premi ums on Marine Policies, Accrued Interest, and other debts due the _ Company, * 28,798 24 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance . and other Companies, $4,263. Eati - mated va1ue.«..♦»«................. Cash on deposit with United States Government, subject to ten days* call .160,000 00 Cash in Banks 68,154 83 Cash in Drawer.*,........... 537 56 5158,692 49 DIRECTORS: Thomaa C. Hand, ' Samuel B. Stoke., Join C Davis; ■ 11. Paulston, xambsa A. Bonder, Henry Sln&n, Theophilup Paulding, William G Boulton, John B. Penrose, Edward Darlington, James TraqoaJr, H. Jones Brooke. Benry C. BaUett, Jr,, Jacob P Jones, s James G. Hand, James B McFarland, William C. Ludwig, Joshua P. Eyre, Joseph H. Seal, Spencer Molly une, George G. Leirer, John B. Semple, Pittsburg Hugh Craig, . . A. B, Berger, Pittsburg Bobert Burton, . THOMAS C. HANB, President, - JOBSC. DAVIS, VicePresid-nt. • HENRY LTLBUBN, Secretary. del6 1y THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM- A PAmr OFPHILADELPHIA. Incorporates in 1841. Charter Perpetual. OFFICE No 305 WALNUT STBBET. Insures against loss or damage by FIBB Houses, Stores, and other Buildings, limited or perpetual j and an Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise. CAPITAL,43OO,OOO. ASSETS, $387,311* 80, Invested !** the following Securities, vis : first Mortgage on City Property, well secured $108,900 00 United States CoveWLment Loans....+**«•*«* 119,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans.. 80,000 00 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per lent. $3,000,000 L0an......~......~*«.^..,..,***; 13,000 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Bonds, Erst andse- ** cond Mortgage L0an5.....*...**........**** 35,000 00 Camden and Amboy Bailroad Company’s 8 'K6aa'li'r e ’ ooooo paoy’» 6 par cent. Loan 1 . ..™ 5,000 00 5 untie.don and Broad Top Bailroad 7 par eent.Loana.. 4,850,00 Commercial Bank of Femuylyaiiia Stock-*. 10,000 00 Koohantoa’ Bank Stock ... 4,000 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.*.* 1,060 09 Union Mutual Insurance Company’s htoek of Philadelphia. *WV. .....**.*..**♦ 3,500 00 £*oans on Collaterals, well secured***..«3,299 00 Accrued Interest...*****.....***♦♦ 5,983,00 Pash in bank and onhand *.*.**.. **.. w ...., 16,587 S 3 $587,3U86 899,664 98 Worth at present market ralue******** *+*+* DIBECTOEH. BobertToUnd,. william StereiMoit. KBlai?”' J. Johnson Brown, Thomas H. Moore, tBM TIJfGLBY, President Clem Tlngler, Wm. B. Thompson, Bamuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Mugger, Charles Leland* Benjj. W. Tingley, * OL. THOMAS G. HILL, Secret Fbtlapblfhia, January^ 17IRK INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. A- —THE PBNHSYLVANIA FKBINSURAHOB COM PART. Incorporated 1823. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community (or nearly forty years, continues to insure against Loss or Damage % Fire, on Public or Private Buildings, sltherpermanently orfor a limited time. Also, on Fur niture, Stocks, Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. . Their capital, together with a largo Surplna Fund, is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security In the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Devereux,* Isaac HazlehurSt, Thomas Smith, Thomas Robins, Henry Lewis, J. Gillingham Fell. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President William G, Obowbll, Secretary. A MERIC AN FIRE INSURANCE AA- COMP ANT. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PETUAL. Ho. 310 WALNUT Street, ahoye Third, Philadelphia. Having a large pald-ap Capital Stookand Snrplms in fested in sotrnd and aysllahle_BecalUies, continues to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels In port and their cargoes, and other Personal Property. AlllossesHheraU^and promptly adjusted. Thomas B. Karls, James B, Campbell, John Welsh, Edmund S. Dntilh, Sanrael C. Morton, Charles W. PonltnsT. Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, John T. Lewis, THOM. Albert 0. L. Crawford, tfAME INSURANT 1 HO. 406 OHBS'. FHIDADI TIKE AND IHIiAI dikes; )E COMPANY. TWTJT STBBBT, »BLPHJA. NO INSURANCES. JTOBS- FraneisN. Buck. JohnW. Everman, ’ Charles Richardson, Robert B. Potter. Henry Lewis, John Kessler, Jr., O. W. Baris, ' E. D. Woodruff, P. 8. Justice. . Charles Stokes, George A. Wert, , D. Bills. . FRANCIS V. BUCK, President ' T „ OHAS. RICHARDSON, Vice President. W. I. Blatohabd, Secretary. jald-tf ANTHRACITE INSURANCE OOM FANY.-Anthorlsed Capital *lOO,OOO-CH ASTER PERPETUAL. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Leas or Damage by fire, on Building!, Furniture, and Merchandise fen*" rally. Also* Marine Insuraneea on Vessels* Cargoes, and freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the union. DLRKGTOBS. William Esher, Davis Fearson, Lw&enried. SVSS® John K. Blasklston, William F, Bean, ' Joseph Maxdeld, John Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHER, President. _ „ ■ „ WE F. DBAS. Tice President. W. M. Burnt. Secretary. - apU-tf INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE A STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA —OFFICE Nos. * and * EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, north, side of WALNUT Street, between BOOH and THIRD Streets, Philadel phia. , [HCORPORATE^ra^rai-- CHARTER PERPETUAL. PBOPEBTIES OF FEBBUABY I, HABINB, FIBB, ATO^nn^D^BAgBrOBTATIOB DIBBOTOBB. Henry®. Sherrerd. Tobias Wagner, Charles Macaleater, Thomas B. Watson, VSSSfeWfc IS'ktef* George H. Stnart, George 0. Canon, Samnel Grant, Jr., . .Edward 0. Knight, John B. Austin. _ HENRY D. SHBBBEBD, President Whmah Habpbb. Secretary, nois-tf roniug p. holmsshsad. wiiliah n. obavbs. TTOLLINSHEAD & GRAVES, II ihsubahcb agency. No. 3la WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. AGHHTS FOB TBB , . NORWICH FIBB INSURANCE COMPANY. OF NORWICH, CONN. CHARTERED 1808 ' RBFEBBNCEB IN PHILADELPHIA o>y authority) s John Grigg. Baa. (Messrs. Tredfck,Stokes hGo Falee, Wharton, Jk Co. Messrs. Ghas. Lennlg & Co, Mesras. Coffin dtffiltemca. iMossnuW.H. Lamed ffi Co. le»-6m ■ FORMAN ?. HOLLINBHBAD. W B. a»iw«. TTOLLINSHEAD & GRAVES’ AJL , INSURANCE AGENCY. tSffioß STREEV PHILADELPHIA. or New York. __ - ie37-Bm fblMlffiSA graves; * a,u ™- O. S UR a^CY,NO. J 3WWA M fUTSt.. SEEDICAX. ■PLECTROPATHIO ESTABLISH -LI MENT.for the cure of diseases incurable with me dicine, by Dr. A. H. STEVENS, one of the dlscoyerers of an entire new system of ELECTRICAL PRACTICE, at 1418 Sooth PENN SQUARE. , NS“ Please eall, or sendfor.a pamphlet and learn par ticnlars. - No charge for consultation, 49 s Phyeidans and others desiring instruction can outer for a full course any time after MOH DAT, Janu ary 2d, 1865. Any member of the class just finished may review without any charge; * ' ja2 tf SKATES. OKATES, SKATES, SKATES CJ. AMI assortments SKATES and SKATE STBATS (or ills At Terr lew prims, at s „ W. W. KSTIGHT It SOS'S, EOS and 511 COMMERCE Street TIAf /LOESKSIii R h a h_ "J- —2,500 bbl*. Maas. Ho*. %%, andB Haakarat*: UU-eanSht fat flab, litassorted pukuna. ! fcOOObbls. How S&atport, Fortima Ban and Halifax H lfrol<>XMLiib», Bua»d, lHttiiac. , 160 bbU new Meas Shad. i_l *6oboxesHerkimer Che«»«£*»v i In atore mi fat talk 1» „ MUBPHT fcKOOgB., * J*l9-H So. 116 HOSTS WHSSVfe THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1865. *1,201,654 02 18 B. HABIS, Pmiaoat. Saeietiuor. tesa-tt COPARTNERSHIP'S. pOFARTNERSHCP NOTICE.—THE V.d nmiorslsiißd have this day entered Into a copart nership under the name and style ofOBD.GB Mo DOWELL h CO,, for the traneaction of the Wholesale Book and Stationery. Bustosesat*a. ISIJIfaKKEf Btreet.' OEOEOEMc DOWELL, T. P. M. BESdKIT. Pira,ifT>FLpgfA. Jftrsary 3.1865. TUB. HMJSKY C. ttTiSVBNSOH HAS xYX tbrls day withdrawn from onr firm, . W. S. SWW.BT & CO.. Phil* . .Tan. 2. 1855 jjag-Sf-) Bo.aa.t MaHggT St. DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNER SHIP. -The Copirtnarahip heretofore exUtlag be tween JOSEPH a MEDABa, PASCHAL H MBDaBA, and SAMDEL T. WARM BE, expires this day by limita- M Tha bnsinots of the late firm will by J. S. MELAKA. as the old stand, Ho. 18 North THIRD St. • JOSEPH S. MBDaBA. PASCHAL H MBDABA, „ , SAMTOL T. WARNER, PiirLADKLPur A, Deo. 31,1864. nOPARTNERSHIP.—PASCHAL H. hbdara, Samuel t. warnbe. aw oharles W. JONES have this day formed a Copartnership under the firm of P. H. MEDAR A & CO., and will continue the wholesale NANCY DRY 000 l S and HOSIERY Business of the 1 tie firm of Joseph S.'Medara A Co., at Ho. 18 North THIRD Street, PASCHAL H. MBDABA, SAMUEL T WARNER/ __ „ , , CHARLES W. JONES Pgrr.Anßi.pgiA, Jan; 1, 1895. . ja3-mwf3t f /COPARTNERSHIP. THE TJNDER SIGNED hare this day formed a ConartneVship under the name and firm of MOLINEAUX &IDUF YIELD, for the manufacture and sale of Soots and Shoes, at <he old stand of B, P. MOLINEAUX, 408 COMMERCE Street. _ •' , . B. P. MOLINEAUX, SAME, M. DUFEIEID. Pgir.ADßr.pgrA,. January 2,1866. ja‘2-m wl'Ji* TTOSSOLUTION.—'THE COPARTNEK SHIP heretofore existing under the name of HEIL MAN * RANK is this day dissolved by mutual oonsent, JOSEPH BANK retiring. AMOS G. HEILMAN, Joseph rank. Philadelphia, Dee. 31,1861. XTOTICE.— I THE BUSINESS OP THE ** lat« firm of HEiLMAN & BANK will be settled by the undersigned, who' will continue the Wholesale Dry Goods business at the old standi M«- 20 North. THIS!) Street AMOS G. HEILMAN. December 31, 1864. ja2-6l» ffHE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE -A exisUng between the undersigned is this day dis solved, by mutual consent. JOHN F YOUNG. General. Partner. CHAS, S. K LLINGEB, Special Partner. Philadelphia, Dec. 31, 1364. HPHE UNDERSIGNED WILL OON- A tinue the business as heretofore, at No. 70 North FOUEIH Streetr JOHN F, YOUNG. ja2-mwf*6t . fTHE FIRM OF WILLIAMS & ABNEST JL }g this day DISSOLVED by mutual consent. The name of the firm will be used by either partner in liquidation, CHARLES B. WILLIAMS. JAMES D, ARKEsT. FHiLArztPHih, Jan. 2,1896, COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDER signed (successors to Williams & Arne at) hare this day formed a uOPARTNERSHIP, under the firm of WILLIAMS, ARNEST, & CO., for the transaction of the Wholesale Dry Goods business, and hare removed from 417 Market street, to the store lately occupied by J. B. & J. Price, No. 3*7 MARKET Street. CHARLES B. WILLIAMS. JAMES D. ARNEST. * FJB£»CIS C. WILLIAMS. JOHN C, BERRY. Philapelphta, Jag. 2,1885. jag 6fc MOTICE.—THE INTEREST OF WIL ■LY LIAM A HENRY In the firm of WILLIAM B. N. COZENS & Co., terminates this day by limitation, and William B. B. Cozens Is alone, authorized to settle up the business of said firm, WILLIAM B. N COZENS, WM. B HENRY, DAVID FiLSON. Philadelphia, Dee. 31,1864. ■ nTHE SUBSCRIBERS WFIS&’OON- Jk TINUE to carry on the Dry Goode Commission Bu siness as heretofore, under the firm of WILLIAM B.if. COZENS & CO. DAYID A COZB^S * Philadelphia, Deo 31/1864. ja2-9t* TYTSSOLtJTION.—THE COPARTNER- A ship heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of JOHNES, BERRY, A CO., Is thie day dlseolTsd by limitation. GEO. W. JOHNES wm. h. Burst,- WM. H. HURLEY, FBANCISR. ABBOTT. Philadelphia, Deo, 81. 1864. COPARTNERSHIP.—THE UNDER? VJ • SIGNED have this day formed a Copartnership under the firmof J MINES, BERRY, AdOjr the-pro seeutb n of the Wholeeale Silk Goods Business. at 337 MARKET Street. , GEO. W.-'JOBEBS, WM. H. BESSY. . ,WM. H. HUS LEY, . JOS M. POSTER. JACKSON HcABEE. Philadelphia. Jan, 1, 1868. ja2-6t XTOTICE.—JOHN B. ELLISON,THIS XV DAY retires from the firm of JOHN B. ELLISON & SONS The undersigned will conduct the. business under the same style of firm as heretofore, . WILLIAM P. ELLISON, ..... ~ „ . RODMAN®. ELLISON. I2th month 31st, 1864. • CAMUEL JR , AND ISAAC b-r KEELER still retain an interest.and WILLIAM H. LEWIS is admitted to an interest in onr business from thisidate. JOHN B. ELLISONf* SONS. PnILADBLPHIA. I2th Month 31st, 1864. r ja2 Iot TYISSOLUTION OF PAETNERSHIP.— J-ATke subscribers, heretofore trading under the firm of BDKTING & JOBES, have this day dissolved part nership by mutual consent. SAML. A JONEI.. THOMAS BARNES. ' • Philadelphia, Dee. 31,1894. UNDIR- Vy SIGNED have this day formed a copartnership under the style and firm of JOBES. BARNES, & CO.» and will continue the business of the late of'Bunting & Jones at the old stand, Ko.»8 8. WHARVES. SAML. A. JOBES, , THOB. BASHES. ' S. LEHMAN SMITH. Philadelphia, Dec. 31,1884. . ' ja2-im TV IS6OLUTION.—THIS FIRM OF AJ GABEETSON, BEADY, S'CO. expires THIS DAY by limitation. The bnsiness of said: Ann will be uttledhy either partner, at No 3GT MARKET Street. JACOB GaRKETSON; f ■ . THOMAS F. BLAKSiORE, December 81, 1864. THOMAS E. BEADY.; pOPART NEBBHIP.—T H E UNDER. Bigned will continue the Wholesale-Dry- Goods business at Ho. 307 MARKET Street-Bonder the name and style of GAREETBON, BLAOTtOBS. &CO. JACOB GARBETSOH, THOMAS F. BLAKEMORB, BAMUBD FLOYD, • January 2, im. ' J, B. C, OLDHAM,, jag-et ■DISSOLUTION.— THE COPARTNER -L/ SHIP heretofore existing between the Subscribers, urder the arm of BENNETT. HUGH, & CO-, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Joseph N. Such retiring, The business will be settled by eitheijjSrfhor. H. m 'BENNETT. JOSEPH It. BOTH, C. H. SIEGES. Philadelphia, Hot. SO, 1864. fIOPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDER SIGNED hay© this day associated together under the firm of H. K. BENNETT & 00 , and will continue the business of the late firm of Gannett/ Each, & Co., at 217 CHURCH Alley, where the business of the latter firm will be settled. H. K. BENNETT, C. H. SIEGER, ‘ PbiladelphiAt Pec. 1 ,1884. jag-St DISSOLUTION Ay The Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of VAN BA AGE* & McKEOSE, Philadelphia, and CHARLES McKBONB & CO., New York, is this day dissolved by. mutual consent, Theirlate business will be settled at the Counting* house of their successors, UcKEOJKE, YAH HAAGfiN, & 00. ANTHONY VAN HAAGBN, CHARLES McSEONE, DAVID TGAIN, Pbila. , Dee. 53,1864, JAMES McSEONE. ■DISSOLUTION.— THE COPARTNER ship heretofore existing between theuudersigned, underthefirm of THAIN&McKEONB, i to'tmrday diet solved by mutual consent. Their la|e business wiU be settled by either of the undersigned, who are autho rized to sign the name of th* firm in liquidation. DAVID THAIN.. Phil a., Dec. SI, 1864. McKEONB. COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDER '-4 SIGHED have this day entered into Copartnership, under the firms of MeKEoNg, VAS .BAAGES,& CO., Philadelphia, and CHARLES McKEONE U CO , Hew York, for the manufacture and sale of Soaps. Candles, 0i15..&0 »and Wholesale Dealers in Soap and Candle Stock. CHARLES McKEONE, A, VAN H4AGBN, DAVID THAIN. Pgn.APBi.PHiA, Dec. 81,1864. jafrfit* nOPAETNERSHIP NOTICE.--EDGAR V-* W. EARLE is this day en interest in the business of JAMES 8. EARLE & style of the firm will he JAMES 8. EARLE & SONS. 816 CHESTNUT Street, Jan. 2,1866. ja2-6fc THE copartnership hereto- A PORE existing between S. SMUCKER. Jr., and GEORGE BOYD, under the firm oT S. SMOCK 88, Jr, , & CO.»is this day dissolved by mutual consent. B. SMUCKBIt, Jb., GEORGE BOYD. Philadelphia, December SI, 1664. The business of the late firm will be settled by S. SMUCEER, Jr., at No. 605 MARKET Street. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL CON- A TINGE the wholesale Grocery and Commission bu siness as heretofore done hySmucher &Co., under the title cl G. BOYD & CO., at the old stand, southwest corner of TWELFTH and MARKET Btreetß. jaa-lOt GEO. BOYD. TEE firm of de COURSEY, LA -I- FOOKCADB, & CO.. doiur bnsineie at 631CHEST HUT Strest, hts ieen-thfs day dissolved. The business of the firm will he settled by S. W. DE COURSEY, M. LAFOURCADE, E. LAFOURCADE, and CHARLES LA FOURCADB, who are authorized to settle the same. S. W. DEGOURBBY, M. LAFOURCADE, E. LAFOURCADE. CHARLES LAFOURCADE, W. R. LAFOURCADE. , GBRALBbB COEJBSEY,- * WM. H. IRWIN. Philadelphia, Dec, 31,1864. jag»tf • WILLIAM McKEE mason is ad ' V MITTBD to au interest in our- House from this date. MASON* co., - Ho. *3B BASKET Street. January 2,1868. ja2-6t "VrOTIOE. THE COPARTNERSHIP between tbesubscribers, under Ihe firm of M. B. MAHOHY & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent, the senior members ratlringfrom commercial pur suits. Either of us will attend to the liquidation of th# account*, and use the firm signature for that purpose Ho. 337 PINE Street.. M. B. MAHOHY. J. P. STACKHOUSE. C. A. MAHONY. . Philadelphia, January 4th, 18W. ja4-St» TTNION STEAM SUGAR REFINERY, Ho. 337 ST. JOHN Street LEVI .TAYLOR and THOB. GILLESPIE have been: admitted to an interest is our firm from this date. • ■ TAYLOR, GILLESPIE, & CO. Philadelphia, Jan. 1,1865. - ja& &* DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The firm of CLARKSON <b GO., Bankers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent ■ D. K7JAOKMAHT L. A. MACKEY, „ E. C. McCLUBB. Philadelphia, Dec. 31,1864. . : , COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-We have this day en tered Into a Copartnership, for the trens*caon>pf the BABKINS AND STOCK COMHISSrOH BUSINESS, at 80. 131 Sonth THIBD St., underthehama of Ob ARK SON * CO. KOBERT CLARKSON, E G. McOLURB, SAMUEL CLABfcsON. Philadelphia, Jan. 3,1866. , ja3-6t DISSOLUTION.— I THE GOPARTNEB SHIP heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm cf WALTEB S KAUB is THIS DAY dis solved, by mutual consent, aJhe business of the late firm will he settle, by either of the undersigned, at the store, No. 3341 North THlBD.Street. J. H. WALTEB’, . A. L. KAUB. Philadelphia, Dec. 31,1864. jaS-dt COPARTNERSHIP NOTIQE.—IH AYE this day admitted JOHN M. TAYLOB and KD WABD B THOBHroHto an Interest in my business, Which will be continued under the Aame and style of SAMUEL 8. SCOTT * CO. SAMUEL S. SCOTT. January 1,1886. ■ ■’ ja2-6t» fIOPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. —THE Vv nndersigned have this day formed a copartnership, under the style 1 and title of ADAMS * LEYIS, for the purpose of-transacting a general’Banking and Stock Bros erase' bturineu; - : and Bxpresi Company stocks made > Government Loans aik Specie radsold. ' GBo! H7LSVM, , delS-lm ' 80S CHESTNUT Street. ArtQ MARKET STREET, PHIL A., TUO ■ 403 MARKET Street BOBBRTB LB7ICK and THOMAS J. LB VICK have thle day associated with tbem PEKOIVAL CObblNS and ROBEBT I.EYICK, and wIU continue the Whole rale Boot andtShoeDnsiness, under the Ursn of BOfiBBT B T,EyiCK * CO , as heretofore. PnitiPELpHiA, Ist ao.,|d, 1864. ja!-6t C Ol* ARTVEH SHIPS. T)IB SOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. . under the firm of BEHJ. B. JAHHEY, Ja., & CO , have this day Dissolved their partnership, by mutual consent. tl&Uoos'MjSkEYi«et. f WIU BENJ. 8. JANNEY, Jg., JOHN M. BURNS. , SAML. A COYLE. Philabulphu, Dm. M, 1864. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL CON TIMTOB the Wholesale GROOBRY AND PRODUCE KSSH Js. BllloB 'i as heretofore done by JAN NEY & ANDREWS, at No, 631 MARKET Street. _ BENJ. 8. JANNEY, Jo., Decskbbr 20,1864. B. W. ANDREWS. COPARTNERSHIP.—J. MORRIS BURNS, (o’ the late firm of B. 8. Jauuey. Jr., b Co.,)aud 8, BMUCKER, Jr., (of the late firm of 8. Bmnoker, Jr., & C 0.,) have this day formed a Copart umshlp, uader the titls of BURNB A BMUOKBR. and giUcouHuue the Wholesale GROCERY and COMMIB - o t ÜB^ae *l at the old stand formerly occupied by B. 8. Janney, Jr. ,& Co., st 80. 60S MARKET St.Tphila. Phiiadelphia, DM. 20,1864. /COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDER v-J BIQNED have this day formed a Copartners Mp, nnder the firm-name of 8. A COYLE b CO,, for the Broefentionoftlie Wholesale GROCERY and PRODUCE COMMISSION business, at Nos. AG and IS North FIFTH Street, above Market. SAML. A COYLE, (Lateof B. B. Janney, Jr , &Co.,| J. W. LAUGHLIN, J A, LIHH Pgn-APEUPHIA, Dec 20, 1864. deZJ-lm THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE X existing under the firm of JOHN B. MYERS b 00,, is dissolved by the decease of the senior partner. CHARLES B DURBOKOW, NATHAN MYERS. SAMUEL BUNTING, JOHN B. MYERS, Jn , ALFRED R POTTER, _ _ JOSEPH 8. BUNTING. Pbiladbithia, December 31, 1864. THE SURVIVING PARTNERS HAVE -“--this Bay entered into a copartnership as Auction eers MdCommleslou Merchants, at Nos. 333 and 334 MARKET Street, under the firm of JOHN B. MYERS & CO. HA7HAH MYBKS,. JOHN B MYBKS. OB AS B DUKBOKOW, BAMDBL BUJNTING, ALFKKD E. POTTBB, • JOSEPH S BUKTIHG. . Philadslphia, Janonry 1. 18SS. ja2 12t UKDFESIGHED HAS THIS DAY ~ associated with himself WM. H. H. HUGHgS.and will continue the Dry Goods' Commission Business*'ht Ho. 310 CHEBTHUT fetieet, under the firm of DUN CAH & CO. W. T. H. DUNCAN. Philadelphia. January % 1895. jag lm TWTOTIOE.-BENJ. F. KARRICK Hft V xV jug retired from our firm, the business will be eon tlnut d hereafter by the remaining partners. JAB. R. CAMPBELL & CO. PuiLADEl.rniA, Jan. 2d, 1866.- . ja2-6t* JOSEPH H. BEAVER Is this (lay admitted to an interest I* our tom, ' E. W. CLARK b CO. JagUAßr 2, 1886. ja*-6t* OF DISSOLUTION. The limited partnership existing between the under signed. under the firm of RISGEL, WIEST* Sf SEVXH* expires this day by ita own limitation, JACOB RIBGKL, JOHN WIE3T, DAVID B. KEVIN, HENRY 8. FIBTEE, " JOSIAH BIEGEL, ' Genersi Partners. • ■ PETEK SIEGER, WM. S, BAIRD, Special Partners. Philadelphia. Dee. 31,1391 NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. The subscribers hereby give no? ice that they have entered into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the pro visions of the several laws of the Commonwealth of relating to limited partnerships. . Thai the name of the firm under which said partnar- BMgUto be conducted la JOS. EIEGEL & H> 8. FIS . That the general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goods. That the names of the general and special partners, all. of whom reside in the city of Philadelphia* are Josi ah Riesel, general partner, residing'at the Bald Eagle Hotel, No, 419 North Third street; Henry S. Fister, general partner, residing ax said Bald Eagle Hotel; Al fred Byerly, general partner, residing at No. 1324 Arch street; William E. Albright, general partner, seeiding at No. 1607 Wallace street; Samuel CF. Scott, general partner, residing at No. 2033 Vine street; Jacob Riegel, special partner, residing at No. 627 North Sixth street; and Peter Sieger, special partner, residing at No, 717 North Eighth street; That the aggregate amount of the capital contributed by the special partners to the common stock is One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, of which One Hundred Thousand Dollars in cash have been-contri buted by Jacob Riegel, special partner, and Fifty Thou sand Dollars in cash have been contributed by Peter Sieger, special partner. , That the said partnership is to commence on the second day of January, A. D. 1865, and is to terminate on the thirty- first day of December, A. D. 1866. • JOSIAH BIBGEL. HENRY S FISTBK, ALFRED BYBBLY, WM. E. ALBRIGHT, _ SAM*L G. SCOTT, General Partners. JACOB &IBBSL, . PETER SIEGER, Special Partners. Philadelphia, January 2,-1835. ja2-9w PARTNEBBHIP DISSOLVED. —THE A firm of BILLINGS, BOOK A C(X, of this city and New York, expired THIB DAY by limitation. The bu siness of the said firm will be settled by either of the undersigned. J. M BILLINGS, 8. W. KOOP, 8. W. BOOP,- r Executor of W. F. Washington. H. B. KIBBE. PhiladsZiPHlA, Dec, 1* 1864. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NOTICE*-The under signed have THIS DAY entered Into a Limited Partner imp, agreeably to the Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an Act relative to Li mited Partnership, etc., passed the twenty-first day of D. 1836, and the supplements thereto, and they do hereby give notice that the name of the Firm under which said partnership is to be conducted is BOOP & KIBBE; that the general nature of the busi ness to be transacted is the general Dry Goods, Import ing, and Commission business, and that the same will be carried on in the cityfof Philadelphia; that the names of the General Partners of the said Firm are SAMUEL W. BOOP. HENBYB. .KIBBE. CLINTON J. TROUT, and JOSEPH G. BOOP, and the name of the Special Partner is JAMES M, BILLINGS, all of the city of Phi ladelphia; that the capital contributed by the said James M, Billings, the Special Partner, to the common Btock,. is one hundred thousand dollars in cash, and that said partnership Is to commence on the first day of December, A. D. 1894, and terminate on the thirtieth day of November, A. D. 1867. SAMUEL W. BOOP, . HENRY B. KIBBE. CLINTON J. TROUT, . - JOSEPH C. BOOP. General Partners. . JAMBS M. BILLINGS, * _ ... * Special Partner. Philadelphia, Dec. 1,1891 NOTHIE. —Thb undersigned successors of BILLINGS, BOOP, A CO., in New York, will continue the Import gw and Commission Business, st So. 38 WAKES* Street. . J. M. BILLIBGB b GO. J. H. Bitirsoß, E. J. Chaffee. New York, Dee. 1, 1864. de9-oir LEGAL* T ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION TO -•-J the Estate of GEORGE H. NAPHEYS. deceased, having been granted to the all persons indebted to the Estate will please make payment with out delay, and aU persons having claims against the same will present them to GEO. C. NAPHEYS, Administrator, del6-fr6t* 847 North TWELFTH Street. rSTTHB ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND' COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Relate of WILLIAM McLAUGHLIN, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit* settle* and adjust the account of JAMES BOSS and SAMUEL L. MgFBTRIDGK, executors of the last will and testa ment of WILLIAM McLAUGHLIN, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY. Janu ary 11th, 1865, at 3k o’clock P. H.. at his Office* No. 142 South EIGHTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. deBo-ftnwfit JOHN B. COL AH AN, Auditor; Pf THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF.PHILiDELPHIA. Estate of ffi ART WHITBHBAD. deiiasedl The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit,settle, and adjuet'the account of JOHN WHITEHEAD. Executor of the last ■will and testament of HART WHITEHEAD, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties inte restedfor the pnrposesof his appointment,on WEDNES DAY. January 18,1865, at 12 o'clock M., at his office, No. 3318. FIFTH Street, in the city 6f Philadelphia. ja4-~wfmst JAMES it SOOTH, Auditor. T7STATE OF ELIZA 1.. DWIOBT. DE CEASED —LETTERS TESTAMENTARY- on the above Estate laying been granted to the undersigned, all persons'having claims against said Estate are re quested to present the same, and all persons indebted an requested tomake pavment to WILLIAM T. DWIGHT, -Executor, de£o-fr€t , 319 South FIFTEENTH Stieet. PI THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOB TUB CITY AND COUNTS OF PHILADEL- I'HJA.of JUNE Term, IStH. No. 31 In Divorce. SARAHBANDS, by her next friend, SAMUEL HAYEN -BTBITB, vs. HENRY W. SANDS: The said Henry W. S rads 18 hereby notified that the Court ha* granted a rale en him, returnable on the 14th day ot JANUABY, 1865, at 10 o’clock A. M., to show.cause why a Divorce should not be granted in the above case, as prayed for by the Libellant: In her Ethel. ■ AMOS BRIGGS, Decbmbsr SI, 184. - F ° r faatthflt* ■ _RggTATOAjCTS. QENTRAL -BATING HOUSE, - Oppotfte the Post Office, oel7-sm PHILADELPHIA. TONES HOUSE, U Cor. MARKET STREET and MARKET SQUARE, . ■ HARRISBURG, Pa. - The Proprietor respectfully returns hie sincere thanks toils Wends for the very liberal patronage bestowed to the House since under his management, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, de!7 Sn C. H. MANN. Proprietor, THE WASHINGTON HOPBE-A CABB. —lt having been announced by the Bulletin of the 25th instant, chat this hotel would be closed on or about the Ist of December, the Lessee from January Ist, 1865, begs to inform the public thst during the time the House maT be closed if will be thorougnlyreno vated and refitted in a manner that cannot mil to glvr satisfaction to. those who may patronise the establish ment. Mr. CHARLES M. ALLMO2TD, formerly of the “ Indian Queen, * * “Wymtngton, but more recently ©I the “States Union,” Philadelphia, will have the en tire management tinder the new administration, and he assures the public that no efforts will be spared on his part to make the House in all respects pleasant and agreeable to-his guests. The House will he re-opened on the 16th of January. , noaJ-tf TYEAN’S GREAT TOBACCO, CIGAR, U. ■ AND PIPE STORE, No. 413. CHESTNUT Street, Phliadalphln. Fa. Dew keeps the greatest assortment. Dean keeps the greatest variety. Dew keeps the largest general stock. You can get wykfnd of Tobacco, * You can get any kind of Cigars, \ You cw get anykind of Pipes, \ on STORE, No. 413 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Ps. When you go to Dean’s you can get anything yon want in the way of Plug, Pine Cut and Smoking Tobae «oes, Domestic wd Havana Cigars, Pipes, dec. Dew keeps the largestgeneral stock of Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, &«*., in the United States. ' Dean’s sales are so extensive that he can afford to cell at about one-half what others sell for. Dew soils to the Army of the Potomac. Dean sella to the Army of the James. Dean sells to the Army of the Tennessee. Dew sells to the Amy Of the Cumberland.- Gunboats all order their Tobacco. Cigars. Pipes, die., from DEAN’S, No.4I3CHSSTNUTSSeet. Pennsylvania merchants all buy at Dean’s, ~ New Jersey merchauteall bay at Dean’s, Delaware merchants all buy at Dew’s* As the? cw always get just what they want, and at a much lower price than they cw elsewhere, wd they do not have to pick up their goods at a doses little stores. . - •. All goods orderedjiro guaranteed to give satisfaction. Order ones and you will always order from Dean's, as We plug and One out chewing and BinoKma tobaccoe. and dears are far superior to all others, ana- ns sells for much lee,. DEAN' S, No. 413 CHESTNUT Streep no2S-tf - ■ Philadelphia, Fa. 1 nnn SPRING HOBBY-HORSES (new and fancy styles), goose-sett Sleds, lxpre« Carta. *o„ for sale delO-tf 157 and ISB North THIRD ffirett T7ISH AND CANNED MEATS. •»; 500 bbla Mess and No. 1 Mackerel. 2,000 eases canned Meats, Lobsters. &c. For sale by F. O BURROTJOH, de29-8m MR North FRONT Street. ifflA PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA- BIUBOAD MUTES. tivtportant to railway tba -L VZLLBRB. -For faU Information io Krferance to Bta- Hone, Distances, thTpHndpa/Rail? knndrefi r «, rrasgS,^§P |l^KwfiY GuEbK* tIS a>UßtT *’ 888 K xSSB-6m QTTATvra-Tn' OJT TIME. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILBOAD. FHIIADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG—3Sft MILBB. ' •Tie Ticket Office of tke PBHKBYLYASIA CBKTRAL BAILBOAD is now located at the New Passer ger Depot of the Company,-THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets, r THE PHILADBLPHi i EXPRESS leaves daily- THE ERIE MAIL leaves daiw* except Baturdayf Ail other trains leave daily, except Sunday. _ On and after MONDnf, December 26th, 1884, Trains will leave Philadelphia as follows: 8/”W"t A. M- —MAIL TRAIN, with the ftdlowingcon .UU sections: Arrive at WEST- CHESTER INTBB v SECTION 9.05 A. M., and connect with West Chester Railroad* e&ivirg at West Chester 9.30 A* M. At DOWNINGTOWR 9.35 A. M„ connecting with train for Wayne* burg, and reaching there at ILIO A. M. At COLUMBIA 11.60 A M., connecting with Northern Central Railroad, and reaching York at 2-50 P. If*, Hanover Junction 3.30 P* M.. Hauover 4.45 P. M.. and Gettysburg 6.16 P. M. id o0 * 'with train on Beading and Columbia Railroad, leaving at 2 P. M. Arrive atr HARRISBURG 1.20 P.M., con necting with Northern Central trains North, thus: Leave Harrisburg 145 P. M., arrive at Sunbury 4.20 P. M.» Milton 503 F. M , 'Wiiliameport 6.15 P. M., Lock Haves 7 SOP. M. (Fasoengers for Elmira. Rochester. Canandaigua, Niagara FaLlB, etc-, reach Elmira at 10 45 P- M., and Buffalo at 6.15 AM.) (Passengera for Dan ville, Rupert, BLoomsburg, Berwick, Beech Haven, Shickshinny, Plymouth. Kingston, Wyoming. Pifcts ton, and Scranton, take the Lackawanna .and Blooms - burg trams at Northumberland.) At HARRISBURG, for points South on Northern Central R. K .leave at 1.33 P. M. v , aTriveat York at 2.57 P. M.. Hanover Junction S 30P. JL.HanoVerA 45 P.M.,and Gettysburg 6 15P.M. At HARRISBURG, for points in Cumberland Valley, leaving at 1.40 P. M.. arrive at Carlisle 2-58 P. M. , Chambersburg 4.35 P. M,» and Hagerstown 6.15 P. M. At TYRONE 6.58 P. M., connecting with Bald Eagle Valley Train, leaving at 7P. M., and arriving at Belle fonts at9P. M. At ALTOONA 7.40 P. SL, connecting with Branch train for Hollidaysburg, reac ring there at 8.26P* M. At CRESBON P. M., connecting with Branch train for Bbensbnrg. arriving there 9,40 P. M* At PITTSBURG 1.90 A. M., and there connecting for all points West, Northwest,, and Southwest. in OH A * M.-PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No. 1, Av • vAJ arriving at Paoli at 11.05 A. M. • If) M.—FAST LINE, connects at LANDIBVILLE at X/C/ 2.40 P.M. with train on Reading ami Colum-r bia Railroad, arriving at Litiz 3.10 P. K. • ®phrata 3.33 P. M..' and Reading 4.25 P. M, Ac HARRISBURG, with an Accommodation Train on Northern Central Railway, for Sunbury and interme diate points, reach!; g Sunbury at 6.50 K M. At HAS. BISBu&G with train on Cumberland Valley for Car lisle, arriving there at 5.15 P. M Arrives at Pittsburg I;3Q A. M., and there makes close connection for au Western points. lin .M.—PARKESBURG ACCOMMODATION, X* Xv/ arrives at Parkesburg at 335 P. M., stopping at intermediate Stations. 2QA P., M.-HABRISBUBG ACCOMMODATION, Downingtown at 4.04 F. # . ■ . . M., with train on Waynesburg Branch, leav ing at 4. SO P. M , and arriving at Waynesburg at 6 P, M. At COLUMBIA, u-6 ap. m” *itk Kofthera Central Railway, or York, leaving wrightsvilie 7 P. M., and arriving at York at 7.40P.M. Arrives at Har risburg at 7.46 F. M. 4 AAP, M.—EMIGRANT ACCOMMODATION, from •U\J 137 DOCK Street, daily, except Sunday. Ar . _ rives at Harrisburg 405 A. M., hCLfflin 9.47 A. M., Altoona 3.20 P. M.. and Pittsburg 11.00 P. M. The cars are comfortable, asd emigrants, or families going West, wHi find the rates low, and have their baggage, for which checks are given, forwarded by the same train. For further particulars apply to FRANCIS FUNK. Emigrant Agent, 137 DOCK Street. Between Harrisburg and Pittsburg a first- class car is attached to this tram for local travel. 4AA P. M. LANCASTER ACCOMMODATION, •UU reaches Lancaster at 7.26 P. M., and Columbia _at 8,10 P. M. 5 QA p * M.-PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No. % .OU reaches Paoli at 6. SOP. M. 8 Oft P *-Ar PITTSBURG AND ERIE MAIL, •OU Wl *h the following connections; Arrive at . Hairisbure, LOO A. iL : Sanbury, 4,16 A. -M., Northiunberjand, 4.24 A- M.j Milton, 4.<0 A. M.; Williamsport, 605 A. M. s Lock Haven, 725 A. M.; Emporium. 11-08 A. M. , SA -Mary’s, 12.05 A. M.; Corry, 4.38 P. M.. and Erie. 635 P. M, (At Corry dose connecUon is made with Oil Creek Rail road for Titusville and Shaffer’e, Hie present terminus of the road, thence by fctage or Boat for CHI City and Franklin.) (Passengers for Danville, Rupert, Bioome burg. Berwick, Beech Haven, Shickshinny, Ply mouth, Kingston, Wyoming. Pitision, Mid Scranton, take the Lackawanna and Bloomsburc trains at Nortn umberlasd.) rp&ssengers for Elmira. Rockester. Canandaigua. Niagara Falls, etc., reach Elmira at 11.86 A, M.. and Buffalo 9.20 P. M.) At HARRISBURG, with Northern Central Railway, for the South, leaving at 2.60 A. M.; arrives at York, 4.10 A. M.; Hanover Junction, 4.45 A, M,; leaves Hanover Junction, 9.50 A. M : arrives at Hanover, 11 A. M., and Gettysburg, 1.35 P. k. At HUHTIMGDOK. 6,31 A. M., with train on Broad Top Railroad, arriving at Hopewell, AM.; Mt. Dallas, * — A. M., asd connecting thence*by Stage for Bedford. At TYRONE, 6.29 A M., connecting brain on Bald Eagle Valley Ro&d, leaving Tyrone at 8.60 A. M.; arrive at Bellefonte, 11.13 A M., and Howard, 12-20 P. M. Leaving Tyrone oh Clearfield Railroad at 8.155 A. M.« andarrmngat PMUipsbnrg at 11 A. M. At CRBSSON, 8.13 A M., connecting with bras ch train for Ebensburg, asd arriving there at 12. W P. M. At BLAIBBVILLB INTERSECTION, 10.20 A.M. connecting with branch train which arrives at Blairs yille at 10.40 A M., and Indiana, 12.10 P. M. (This train also connects at Blairsville with West Pennsylva nia RailroaA arrlring at Saltebnrg at 11 45 A M.) Ar rives atPITTSBURG at 1.00 P. H.,and connects for all points West. 11 in p « M,-PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS, stop* XX«XU only at Downingtown, Itancaster, Hams burg, Marysville, Eewport, Mifflin, Lewi,- town, Huntingdon, Altoona, Galiitzin, and Cone maugh. At HUNTINGDON, with Broad Top Rail road, leaving there at 8 A M., and arriving at Dudley, - A. M. r Mt. Dallas, - A M., and thence by stage to Bedford* At ALTOONA, at 9.05 A M., connection is made with train for Hollidays burg, reaching there at 9.65 A. H., and thence by hack to Bedford Arrives at PITTSBURG at 2.40 P.M., making close connection with through trains on all the diverging roads from that point, North to the Lakes, West to the Missitsippi and the*Missouri Rivera, and South asd Sonthwest to all points accessible by Rail, road. * For further information, apply at the Passenger Sta tion, corner of THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia de24*tf JOHN F, VANLIER, Ja., Ticket Agent. 1864. xrfjraßßMfcs. 1864. THB OAMUKN ANO AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AHD TBEHTOH BAILBOAD COMPANY’S LINES, FEOM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YOBK AND WAY PLACES, .. . .nOU WALNUT STBKBT WHARF. • - WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-VIZ: PAUL At 6A. M-, via Camden andAmboy, O. wd A. Ac commodation; - «2 35 At 8 A M., via Camden wd Jersey City, Morning Express.*.......* $OO At 12M.,;via Camden wd Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation... 2 a 5 At 2P. M., via Camden wd Amboy. C. wd A. Bx« press..... 2 2$ At IP. H., via Camden wd Amboy, Accommoda tion {Freight and Passenger)......2 76 At 6P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion (Freight wd Passenger)—lst Glass Ticket... 225 do. . 2d Glass Ticket... 1-00 AtllKP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation (Freight wd Passenger)—lst Class Ticket. 225 Do. do. 2d Class Ticket. 1 50 For Belviderg, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, For Mount Holly. Bwansyme. Pemberton, wd Yin* centown, at 6A. M., 2 and SP. M. For Freehold at 6 A. M. wd 2 P. M. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Edgewa ter, Butiington. Florence, Bordentown, Ac., at e and ILSOA. M., 12.30, 3.30, 5. 6, and-11#P. H., The 8,30 and 6P. M. lines tub direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Eiyerton, Delaaco, Beverly, wd Bur lington, at 7 P. M. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: At 11.16 A. M., via Kensimgron and Jersey City, Express....... ~ SOB At ABO P. H., via Kensington wd Jersey City, Ex- press soo At 6.46 PM., via Kensington and Jersey City; " Washington and New 1 ork Expre55.......... . $OO Atl2 P. M. (Night)! via Kensington wd Jersey City, Washington and New York Mail .. -#2 26 The 6.46 P. M. Line will run daily. All others Sun days excepted. For Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Ro chester, Binghampton, Great Bend, Montrose* wilkes barre. Scranton, Stroudsburg. Water Gap, Hauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, lambertville, Flemington, Ac., at 7.16 A. H. This Hne connects with the train leaving Easton for Mauch ..Chunk at 3.30 P. M. For Lambertville at 6 P. M. on Saturdays only. For Bristol, Trenton. Ac., at 7.16 and ILI6 A. M., S and 6P. M. and 12 midnight For Holmesburg, Tacony, Wissonoming, Bridesburg, and Frankford, &191 E ,5, 0, and BP. M. A®* For New York wd Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the ears on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure The cars run into the Depot, wd on the arrival of each train ran from the Depot. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag cage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over flftjr pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound,and Will not he liable for any amount beyond #100» except byapedal contract. • Graham’s Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 8 Wai nufsfcreet, .WILLIAM H. GATZMEB, Agent. Decembers, 1864. LINES FROM NEW f ORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, • WILL LEAVE FROM THE FOOT OP COUBTLAND STREET. Atl2M. and4P, M.,v!a Jersey City wd Camden. At 7,10, and ll£‘A. M., 6 P.M. and 12 (Night), via Jer sey City and Kensington. From the foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. wd 2 P.M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. ,1, North river, at 12 M., 4, and 8 .p, M. (freight and passenger), Amboy and Camden, del-id 1865. mmmm 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAH.- ROAD.—This, great line traverses _the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. EAtt - Its entire lengtb was opened for passenger and freight Arasiness October 17th, 1861 TrHE OF PAaeaWbaITEAIKS AT PHILiDBEPHia. Leave Westward. Mall Train.....—. p. jj. Lock Haven Accommodation Train.......—8.00 A. M. Passenger cars run through on Mail Train without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie.- Hegant Sleeping Cars on Elmira Express Trains both ways between Fhil&delphiatand Leek Haven, and on Elzniraßxpreßs Train both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. ForiirioimaHgirespeeHngPassengerbusiness, apply corner THIRTIETH and MARKET Sts.. Philadelphia And for Freight business of the Company's Agents. 8. B. KINGSTON, Jr.. corner THIRTEENTH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. J. W. BBYNOLDS, Brio. _ _ , ■ J. M. DRILL, Agent N._o. K. K, MHmorA Genera! do2S-tf deierti Manager* Williamsport. Em—nSgJCTl.iH.l IQCK —P HIL A IIWI l'AHms—Wte AOVftf.DBEPHIA AND EjjNINA RAILROAD LINE to all points WEST. v Theonly direct route for the - _ T *T-(/ILREO IO N 8 OF PBNNBYLYANIA, WILLIAMSPORT, BUFFALO, SUSPENSION BRIDGB. , „ , ELMIRA. NIAGARA FALLS, and all places in the Western and Northwestern States and the Canadas. TWO TBROUGH TRAINS Leave Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, Thir teenth and CaltowbUl streets, Ldaily, (Sandiys ex cepted), follows: Morning Express at 8 A. M Afternoon Express at 3.39 P. M* Making a direct connection with all intersecting marl ■ FOB THROUGH TICKETS to any and furthir particulars concerning tho different routes* aoplv at the TICKET OFFICE, 425 CHESTNUT Street, iindS the Philadelphia Bank, and opposite the Custom House. N. YAfi HORN, Ticket Agent, - 426 Chestnut street. ■ ■ JOHN 8. HILLBS. General Agent; . jefi Thirteenth, wd Callowhill streets. e*s^*.S2> T „i a * s NEW ABBAS GEMBNT. On wd after MONDAY, January 2, 1865, Trains will I®|T« ftom WAMUT-StSeet PllßaXilowtr W For CAPE MAY, and all places south of Millville, at 9 A. Ju. and a r M, For MILLVILLE, BRIDGETON, SALEM, and all lu te mediate places south ,of Glaesboro, at 9 A. M. and 8 ForGLASSBOSO atB A. M. 12 30F. M.l and 3P M. T „ . RETURNING. Leave Gape May atg.SO A. M. and-11.45 A, M. Leave Millville at 9 A M and 3P. M. Leave B cldgeton at 7. 10 A M. aud 3.10 P. M. Leave Salem at 7A. tr. and s P. M p Wve Wooabury at 7, 8,43, asURA M., and 4.43 ' „ THE WEST JERSEY EXpJ»B COMPANY Will attend to all the usual branches of Express Busi ness* receive deliver, and forward through other re sponsible ExpressCompanies f to ail parte of the country, any article entrusted to them. A Special Messenger accompanies each Through Train. Office, Ho. 5 WALSUT Street. - J. VAN BSNSBBLAEB, Superintendent Philadelphia, January 2, 1865. ja3-tf BAILBOifi MOTES. .mmmaßsmaaa PHILADELPHIA, W and baiti- KOBE BAILKOAD. TIMETABLE. Commencing MONDaY,DECEMBER 19, ISM, Trains will leave Depot,corner BROAD Street and WASHING TON Avenue, as follows: , . . Express Tran, at 4. C 5 A.JM, (Mondays excepted)* for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville, Havre de-Grace, Aberdeen, Ferryman’s, and Magnolia. Way MAtl -Train* at 8.15 A.M. (Sundays excepted).for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations, connecting With Delaware Bailroad at Wilmington for Milford, Salisbury, and intermediate stations .... Express Train at 1.15 P. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington* stopping at Chester. Wil mington, Elkton, Perryvilie. ana Havre*de Grace. Express Train at 8.-60 P. Bf. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, steppinr at-WUmittfton. Newark, Elkton, North East, Perryville, fiavre-de- Grsce, Perryman’s, and Magnolia _ Night Express at U -15 O. for Baltimore and Wash ington* stopping at ChesterCpnly to take Baltimore and Washington passengers). Wilmington, Newark, Elk ton, NortS-Ewit, Fonjyine, Md aavr|-fe-arMa. Passengers for FORTRESS MOJFROB will take the 8.15 A. M. tia [c COMMO i) ATr ojf TBAINB • Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wll- Leave Philadelphia at 11 A. M. t 4. 530. and 10P. M. The 4PM train connects with Delaware R, B. lor Milford ind intermediate stations , „ . Leave Wilmington at 7.16 and 9.80 A. SL, 2.80 and 6 30P tbkobqh trains pkom baltimobb. ■ r Leave Wilmington at 13 BL, 4.24* 8 38, andS.MP. M. CHESTER FOB PHILADELPHIA. ~ M Leave Chester at 8.15, 10.14 A, M » 12.86, 3.13, A 54, 7. at, and 9.05 P. M. SUNDAY TR ATIfS Express Train at 4.05 A. M. for Bsitlmdre and Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville, Havre* de- Grace. Aberdeen, Perryman's, and Magnolia. Night Express at 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Washington, stepping at Chester (for Baltimore and Washington passengers), Newark, Elk ton, North-East, Perryville, and Havre <te-Grace Accommodation Train at 10 P. M. for Wilmington and WBT ““BAfeIMOSB ROE rtDO.ADM.FH|^ Leave Baltimore at 9.25 f- M., stopping at Havre-da- Grace, Perryville, and Wilmington. Also stops atEik ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passensersfrom Washington or Baltimore), and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. „ Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6.30 P. M. FROM BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore 8 i5*A. M-, Way Mail; 1.10 P. M., Express; 4.25 P. M. , Way Train; 6.36 P.M., Express; 9.26 P. M.» Express. TRAINS FOB BALTIMORE. Leave Chester at 857 A. M., 1.50 and 11.60 P. M. ~ Leave Wilmington at 6.13* 9.4 Q A. M., 2 25* 4.66, and £12.25 P. M. . Freight Train, with Passenger Car attached, will leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate slctioni at 7.55 P. BL . del? H. F. KENNEY. Sup’t. RKamn —m WEST CHBSTBfi TOgM^^BWfe A Tfp PHILADELPHIA RAIL- ROAD, VIA MEDIA. CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after MONDAY* Oct. 18* 1864, the trains wHI leave Philadelphia, from Depot corner of THIRTY FIRST and MARKET Streets (West Philadelphia), at B.lsand 11 A. M., and at 2, 4.15. and 6.30 P. M. Leave West Chester at 6.35,8.16, and 10.36 A. X.»and LSQ and ISO P. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.16 A.H. and 4.15 P. M., and West Chester at 8 15 A. M. and 4.80 P. M., con nect with trains on the Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and intermediate points. p°i Smutoß y 8.89 A. K. »ad 1 P. M. Leave west Chester at BA. M. and 4P. M. On Sundays the cars of the West Philadelphia Pas senger Railroad Company will leave Eleventh Bad Mar ket streets at thirty minutes before the starting time of trains from the West Philadelphia Depot* and will be at the Depot to convey passengers into the city on the arrival of each train. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage* and in no ease will the Company be re sponsible for an amount exceeding $lOB. oc7 HENRY WOOD, Superintendent.' fFftTIBIff” NORTH FBNNSYL. IMUU-MBi—lag YAM IA HAILKOAD For BETHLEHEM. DOYLKSTOWN, MAUGH CHUUK, EASTOH williambpokt, wjLkbsbakrb. a., WINTER ARRANGEMENT. PM«en*er IMm leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, (tally (Sanaa** excepted), as follows: , At 7.SOA. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Jfanch Chunk, Eaileton, Williamsport, Wilkes barre, &e. At 3 30 P, M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton* &t. At 6.16 P. M. for Bethlehem* Allentown, Haucfa Chunk. ForDoylestown at 9.50 A. M. and4.l5F,K. • For Fort Washington at 1.26 P. M. For Lansdale at 6.16 P. M. White care of the Second and Third-streets Line City Passen*erß ST a |? n H di«stljto D thene^Depot. p D»vs Bethlehem at 6.50 A. M-, 10.02 A. M., and 8.15 Leave Doylestownat 6.50 A, M. and S top. M. . Leave Lansdale at 6.10 A. M. Leave Fort Washington at 2.20 P. M. „„ . ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Doylestown. at 9.30 A. H. andAU P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7A. M. an42F.IT, hole ; ELLIS OLABK, Agent PROPOSALS. QAR -WHEELS AND AXLES. Assist axt Qpartebmaotbb’e Office. „ Cihciseati. Ohio, January*, 1865. PBOPOSALS AKE INVITSD by the nndersiened. until MONDAY, January 9, 1865, at 12 o’olook M„ for the immediate delivery of the following named articles at the eoyernnwnt Warehouse, No. 59 Bast SECOND Street, CINCINNATI, o.: „ °» e hundred Car Wheels fitted to Axles complete, of the following sizes: . Diameter of wheel, 33 inches; size of hub of wheel* 4 inches. * Bore'of hub of wheel* SB inches; length of journal* s}£ Inches. * From hub of wheel to journal, 2 inches; -cut collar, % inches. Length of Axle, 7 fee*; centre/Of axle, 3&inches. Width of gauae, 6 feet. ' The quality bid for, and time of delivery* must be slated, and each bid must be guaranteed by two re sponsible sureties, guaranteeing over their own signa tures that the bidder will enter into bond for the fulfil- ' ment of his contract should one be awarded him. Bifs will be opened at the time above specified, and bidders are invited to be preseat The right is reserved to reject any hid deemed un reazonaole. Each bid must bo marked on the envelops, * * Propo sals for Car Wheels and Axles, ” and addressed to the undersigned. By order of Colonel Wm. W. McKhn, Chief Quarter master Cincinnati Depot. A. J. PHELPS, j&5-2t Captain and A. Q. K, nUABTiBMABTER’S DEPABT- V3i£ MENT.-Office, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, Philadelphia, Jan# 4,1865. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tnis oitlcc until 12 o’clock M. on MONDAY, January 9, 1865, for the immediatedelivery at the United Stateß Storehouse, HANO.YBB- Street Wharf, of ONE BLAND FIRE ENGINE, in complete order, with all the appurtenances and fixtures complete* Including all the necessary tools for me when at work. fiCO feet of 9-inch Leather HOSE, copper-rivetted, with screw couplings. Bidders will state the price in their proposals, which must he given in writing as well as in figures, and the shortest possible time the above-mentioned articles can be delivered in. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high, and no bid trom a defaulting contractor will be re ceived. Each bid must be guaranteed by iwo responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to tbe guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved, by some public functionary of the United States. By order of Colonel Herman Biggs, Chief Quarter master. GEO. R. OEMS. ja4-5t Captain and A. Ql M. pROPOBALS FOR ICE, MP-DinAl Pim VRVOS ’ 8 Offto®, Washington. D. C. SEALED DBOPOSALS will be received at this office until January 25, 1865, for furnishing ICE to the Medi cal Department of the Amy during the easnint year, at the points herein designated. The ice to be stored by the contractor in properly constructedioe-houses at each point # of delivery, on or before the 15th of April next;the ice not to be Receipted for unt» its quality, the fitness of the ice-house, and the manner in which it is packed shall have been approved by a medical offi cer, and payment will be made only for the amount thus actually stored and receipted fox. « The proposals will be made for the quanffifcies indi cate d below, as required at the respective places, with the proviso that should more be needed at any time for the year’s supply, it shall be furnished at the same rates, and under the same conditions: Quantity to be delivered at Annapolis, Md. ,ice* house owned by the United ...... 350 tons. .Point lookout, Md , ice* home owned by the United States. 200 “ Fortress Monroe, Va., ics-house owned by the .United States **., 280 * * Portsmouth, Va., ice-house not owned by the . United States,** Hewbenj, H. C., ice-house not owned by the United States... 400 •• Hilton Head, S. C.» ice- house owned by the ‘ United States.. ..450 Beaufort, 8 C., Ica-houre owned by the United States..... ..300 “ Savannah, Ga«, ice-house not owned by the States 400 ** Pensacola, Fla.»ice- house not owned by the United States. 100 «* Mobile Bay, Ala., ice house not owned by the United States ................ ~100 ” KeW m Orieans, La., ice-house owned by the United Siatea.~.~. 600 “ . Proposals will also be recivedforfurnishing Ice daily, by weight, for the year 1865, in such quantities as may be required by the Surgeons in charge, at- United States General Hospitals, at the places enumerated above, and upon the following annual estimate, in mid near— Boston, Mass ........... lOtona. Portsmouth Grove, B. X—**..****•*.. 130 *« Hew JSaven, Conn.. go *< Hew York SOO “ Hewark.H. J 100 <• Philadelphia, Fa.............. 1,300 «• Baltimore, Md*. goo *• Frederick, Md...... 75 ” Washington, D. C.~............... 2,600 «« .All additional amounts that may be required at these placed until January 1,1866, are tobe furnished at the same rates, - , . FORM OF PROPOSAL. The nsdemgned proposes to famish tonßOf flrst S?si.‘L«£s calef o% tacksd in substantial ice-houses, at the within named points, namely - ■ at th « following price per ton of two thousand pounds, namely; at ■ ———- —- tons it$ —-—per ton. * The ice to be subject to the inspection, measurement, and approval of a Medical Officer, • or other properly- au pointefl inspector, before being receipted for. . .Fayraent to be madwfrom time to time upon duplicate bills certified to by the Medical Director. (Signed), * . “ FOBM OF PROPOSAL. The undersigned propores to furnish dMly or other wise, all the Ice requiredfor the hospitals, upon au proved requisitions of Surgeons in charge, at or near the within, named points, at the following price wr hundred pounds, namely: • cts. per hundred pounds 9 «^iS 1 of tte best quality, and subject to the approval of the Burgeon in charge, who will receipt for the actual amount delivered at each hospital. The above form of proposals adhered to as as Other forms will be received by the Department and only considered. 7 _A mreper guarantee that the bidder is able to fulfil the contract* certified to by the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or a United States District Attorney, must accom pany the proposal, or it will be rejected. An oath of allegiance to the United States Government must also accompany the proposal. , fcftrtv tl awa , r ,? e v d to the lowest reaponsi ble parties, who will be duly notified by or otherwise that their bid 1b accept* d, and immediately required to enter into contract under bonds to the amountof $6,0Q0. JThe bonds most be properly certi tt«k f Sld^^S eea4dr * 880 f p,toe&,al * “ d roM are^Ued 1111181 ** present Person when the proposals , The post office address of the parties proposing must be distinctly written upon the proposal. Proposals must be addressed to ‘'Surgeon Charles & Army, Medical Purveyor, Washing* Tte bep&rtment reserves the right to reject sn, ana all bids deemed unsuitable. S™*nn TT ‘ , - . Surgeon U. S.-A, and Medical Purveyor, deSl- 6t Washington, D. O. Printed forms of proposals maybe hadlifthiß office SHIPPING. BOSTON AITD PHILA.DEL jBMSKraiisraAMgmp lime, wiim*from 5 U TSI from first wiSrf above FXHJ Street, PMUdelpbig, todJmngWbarf, Boston. ThestaamsMp If OSMAN, Cart. Baker, will sail troa PhiledelpMa for Boston onfiatarday, Jan. 7, at U A. M., and steamsUp SAXON. Capt: Matthews, from Boston for Philsdelphia. on tha same day at 4P. JC, These new and snbatantul steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port panctnallyon Batnrdaya. iifrffmmTi*” 9 *** 4 ' ** °»-halfthe sremimnehargei freights taken at fair rates, of L^S‘w«hWiSl2." ,ld Ki * *•«**• “ d BU} * 01 fassaas (having fin* accommodations. HBMRY WIMSOB A 00.. tahaT-tf 13, South DELAWARE Avenue. FOB NEW YOKK. 1 11,1. oijtsidb hunt w—. COAgTWISB STEAMSHIP COMPAtfr’S MYN fEHfIHTLffIK 808 MEW YORK.tod conaM*& for aU Northern and Eastern cities anil Sew Qdeaa* sailing every ■ " TUBSDAY, THURSDAY, AMD SATURDAY, from the Company’s wharf, first above Baca atresia ana from Pier U, North river, on same Smt 3 Ms lor freight. Which will he received ially, hasdlet in-the most oarefolmanner.tod deliveredwUh Ot greatest dessatto, tdfeir rates, apply ■ . WItiMAM J. tATIiOR A CO., -wto-sn 810 Sorth W^ityii.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers