adlsoni ¥ K Crosby, Cobh R W Vansant, Ky OastJas P Hinkle, Ohio WW Graham 4 lady, Ohio H 8 Trejo, Illinois Major D Twiford, Md 1 M Bivens, New York A A Slack, Backs co, Fa roe Mi , Mr. »** Je'W i fa TmAbimaodi :;;;£. »•» lorlt _ >y Shear. Tlie Barli Bockaco ir '.. Hack* no a r ,!„,er, f-ob»aon ’’S' »«» Hope W^Vckaco iKiVu, Books co fltwtown I'W Id Miller, Burlington |Oeo Samuels, Backs co lOeo Willard, Backs co C W Wright, Phllada ,0 K Fell, Buckingham iW M Kirk, Forrcstviile Chas Reeves, AbSngton J W Bartolett, Boyles sown icb Itenr*. The Bln T.ihy|s?\sssfe^ais?* w v’nhflrf, Pa**a Ed ward Holtecstetn Penna Jftckson, Pa l» W Warner, Backs co /■ Belfast* Pa E2w Klein & wf, Lehtgk co srECIAX. H.flttCIlIES. pwmo Homer is a neat and loyt 'bMitute for the Sewing Bird, which should be Vbafihfit of every lady. Bold by TRTTHAIf 5q.833 (Bight Thirty-five) MARKS T Street, Until- _ It Pinchers, Curling Rods, Curl- , lh Kail Scissors and Cutters, Tweezers, Hair „ Bazois- Hoaesand Straps, for sale by TKtT , Si'AW, No. 830 (Sight TMrty.firo) MARKET brloW SMk* ft Jones’ OLD-ESTABLISHED OSE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 004 MARKET Street, Above Sixth, , C j CLOTHJHG, of the latest styles, made In njsaier. erpressly for Eetail Bales. .I M .licit Prices marked In Plata Plgaree. All , B j,, to order warranted satisfactory. ua . price system Is strlotly adhered to, All are mated alike. .. JOKES, 604 MARKET Street, One-Fries Store. McClain’s Cactus Grandiblobis ; OUT- BLOOMING CBRUS -We Sellers it to He gecalne extract in the market, it being made it of the ffiort beantiffcl and fragrant flowers of icuiibet id«o, Me new extract Queen of the - Jf perfect Love, and other choice extracts of Prepaid by W, B. McClain* Sto. 334 », -it liberal diaconat given to wholesale deal* dsVlha !B Dve ! Haib Dye t ,'HELOS'S HAIB DTB la the bast la the world. ,ij true and perfect Dye- harmless, lastantane - 3j reii.tble ; produces a splendid Black or If at oral retuodiee tha lH effects of Bad Dyes, audfre jreitor»«tt» original color. Bold by all Drug- Tie tenuSne is signed W. A. BATCHEtOK, 81 ,41 Street, Hew York. ja2-mw(rlr ; George Stkok & Co.’s «&gS3U* kabob, rrrfn _ AKB MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. 1 Over 500 each of these fine CABINBT instnlmsmta Raya been sold ORGANS, by M.r. 0., and the demand CABINET la wnetanttj lnoraaela*. ORGANS. SEVENTH aadOHBSTNIJT Sts. CABINBT nol9-tf ORGANS. iatb took $l4 to $55. Overcoats. BOATS MOM «M to 965. OYBEOOATg. )ATS #BOII 114 to $56. OVERCOATS. jAT3 IBOM $l4 to SM. 'OVERCOATS. WAHAMAEBB & BBOWJt. , OAK HALL, 1 S. 8. aornar SIXTH and HABOT Stmts. ,om Maa’a Salta nd alesaut Tiriety of tlu C'w.hlal at SEASONABLE FBICBS. jBB & Wii-son’b Highest Pbbiche LOCK-STITCM SEWIEG MACHIKBS, „ ii OHEAPBST, SIMPLEST, i.HD BEST, ~ TO* OHBBTHnT Straat. nbore BaTaatß, 'RSOK— HILL.—OnTImradaT, the Bib Instant, fjV 0 Shinn, chaplain. U, 8. A., Mr HU- Fatierson to Mias Alice J. Hill, all of Phila- iIBD-BO!ES,—At Sangertles, If. T., January Dr Thomas C. Bralnerd, U. 8. A,, to MarlL, .nali t e r of Jos. M. Boies, Esq. * LEN 0 ER— TRUSS. —On the 21st December, by W. Bartlne, Edward Challenger, Esq, to Trnes. both of Mete Castle, Del. * r-MIDDLETON.-On the 3d Instant, by Rev. Bartine, Mr William Holt to Miss BliaabethP. 'p'tiEß-BslCKlk On the Sd Instant, at Har hj the Rot. Charlee A. Hay, John shaffasr, lie city, to Mary X. Brisker, of Harrisburg. 2DX3s2X>. it —Oa the morning- of the 3d lust.« John Easfcy* life ni»ti W aad Menas,also the Phreaix Lodte f ., are respectfully incited to attend the funeral, jlate residence, No, 342 South Front street, on , the 6th inst , at 2 F. If. ** J HENS. —On the 4th inst., John M. Stephens, relatives and friends of the family are respsct-. ■Tiled to attend the funeral, from the residence mother, M. M. Stephens, Montgomery cpmnty, Vrania, on Friday, the 6th inst., at JLO o’clock, ut at Friends’ Valley Meeting Honse. ** ,KER -On Tuesday evening, January SdJlarnest ? od, son of W, W. walker and Maria C. Banner, aher.onths. _„ . , _, , , tbl» Uves ana friends*of the family are invited to d the luneral, on Friday morning, at Wo clock, the residtnce of H, 0. Eckstein, So. 1318 Coates -On the morning of the Sd instant, Mrs. Elisa ieib, widow of the laie J>r, Win. Geib, in the relativ^ r *m?frienae of the family ue respectful ft6d to attend her funeral, from her late residence, 31 north Eleventh street, on Saturday afternoon* 1 instant, afc2o’olock. Fork papers please copyJ _ !K CRAPE MASK VEILS. Crape and Law Ma»k Velle. Crape and Lace Bound Valle. BEiSOS & SOU. Jdoaminc Store. Mo. OIS-CHESTBUT Street. TRNIKG BALMORAL SKIRTS. Gray and Black Balmoral;. Gray and Pnrple Balmorals. ■Whits and Black Striped Skirtings. BEBSOH & SON. Monrat he Store, Ho. 818 CHE3TMUT Btreat. SBN BAIZE FOR SKATS BAGS. Bleating SMrta, lew style. Skating Scarfs, OJanPlatdi. Conte’ Skating Madiera. Had Skirta, new Balmorals. BYRE * LAWBBMi. NOTICES. 2ATABO XATIOB, "ESELVES AND OTJR RELATIONS,” AT CONCERT HALL, TUESDAY EVENING-, JANUARY 10m. lets 26 Cents. Par sale at tke Rook Stone of Ask- A Bnaig No. va* CHESTNUT Street, on and ■atard ay. Also, at tke Sail os tho Brenisg of tha fs open at 7 o'clock. Lecture at 8, REV, H. M. SCUDI*KB, ». lAS RBCE3TLY BBTXTBMBD FROM INDIA, Will deliyer his fine Lecture on Hindoo mriunr and the Ame rican REBELLION,” IN THE ACADEMY OE MUSIC, ©AY NIGHT, JANUARY 9, 1865, is ia one of the most successful efforts of this bril- Uctnrer.audfce comes toPhiladelphia only at the it invitation of many of our leading citizens. tfeets to be bad on and after TUESDAY next, at TIEE'9, 606 OBEBTNUT Street, and at the Book geneiaUy, at 26 cents eacb, nutter of Tickets for Beserred Seats ■will Tte dis ' of at MABTIEN’S at 60 cents sack, • NOTICE.—To avoid ciowdinr and loss of time, isloof Tickets will oommenoe on TKBSDAT, at 714 =k A. M. jag 7t OFFICE OF SOSIJICEHT GEME« TEHY, Janpabt 5,1885. i meeting of the Board of Managers held Wed *7 evening, the 4th lust , the following Preamble were adopted: '«&> the Insatiate arener, has selected and made a >2Q of one who, fOT years past, has been an asso ■ of the members of the Board as Superintendent of 'founds of the Monument Cemetery, Daniel Smith, i whose sudden demise, on the evening of the 2d , it is out melancholy lot to realize. - view of this event, the members of the Board deem is, as well to the memory of the deceased as to the aptings produced by It, to place upon their record following resolves: * That recognizing In this dispensation the hand of i to whose decrees we must all submit, while aowledging that they are j net and well ordered, we, srtheless, are impelled by our appreciation of hie acter and worth, inspired by the possession and tics of qualities of head and heart which coin led oar Highest esteem, regard, and confidence, to si our deep, heartfelt, and sincere regret for the ’this Btard of a faithful and efficient officer, to immunity of as upright and estimable citizen, and family an affectionate tad hind head and pro- hat we deeply sympathize with, and Under our fe condolence to, the family of the deceased in the wreavement with which as all-wise Providence «QBen to afflict them „ . „ ihataea farther testimonial of oar regard for the tied parson allyvwhile living, and respect for his >ry when dead, we will attend the funeral la a > and direct that this preamble and these reso jjs be entered At large upon the minuses of the That a copy of the foregoing be signed by ih« Pre« ®tj*d Seoxfltary oI the Board and transmitted to That these proceedings be inserted in the public ?* timed by the officers of the Board. tbe Minutes - JOSEPH PEANKIHTOH. President. Uvlor, Secretary, M_ KASOHIO AOTICB.—THJE OFFI OlTsud Me mb m of B ASTERN STAR LODGE, P.A T. it. , the Grind Lodge of PennsjlranU, ", 6 wder generally. are fraternally ragaerted to moot ‘JitRaU.TIBESTSDT Street, on FKiDAf. at I f. nitend the funeral of their deoeaaed brother, m SMITH. Br order of the W. M. GEO. P. LITTLE, Secretary. TO XJII2 CITIZENS OF PlKlil- HOSPITAL, BOTTOM WOOD St., below Broad, '? ‘MI this to be a movement sanctioned by all hn ‘ t»4 Christian feeling. we therefore hespeafc for it fjneroaity of the people, and recommend to their resard MrSAMCBL T.KAMSBT, who ‘“take* the aolicltlneof fnndi tor this object. T. J)B WITT TALMAGB, Pastor of Second Befarmed D atch Ohnreh. J. H. SO7DAM, Pastor of Plrst Befomed Hatch Ohnreh. 1. H. KBMSABD, Pastor of Tenth Baptist Church. BBHIAMIH WATSOM, Sector of the Ohnreh of the Atonement. STTJABT * PETERSON MATHEWS & MOOSE. MOBBAH OBK & 00. please copy. It* COOPF.R-BH4II* TOMSTEKH KG fREBHJHBHT SALOON, 1009 OTSEGO Street. f. DECKMBBE 30,1384. iiiJS* A**!® compelled to appeal to the eltizons of fot means to aid na to carryon our Ustt -I.'. -we fool thankful for the libera!rapport mjy* hlraaiy received, wo fool eontdent that our S* Wants will call to our aid again the liberal sup loyal and patriotic citizens, which at present jd i“™Ujr neeesraty to enable us to continue the it of feeding and administering to the wants of soldier* Contributions sent to us by letter “wwtea will ho thankfully received. WM. M. COOPBB, President, 135 8 WATER Btrest. ADAMM. 81HP S mT E ™r u _ 9 lir»foet. ■ cashief Seventh national Bank. j tear WABTFBIY RKPORT of THE NATIONAL BANK OF PHIL * T , ASSISTS. Loans and discounts**.. 744 7$ United Slates bonds deposited to * secure circulation***... ... im iwi rv» United States bofida on hand* Will , isiooo 00 |o?e\)»er ß^X ni ,? 9 , c !?::;::: 72 Due from banks and bankers •*•*«-» 68.858 is Furniture and fixtures.* * 6 14161 Expense accounts 3,35022 9,52183 LIABILITIES. ® 494,731 23 Capital stock (paid la).. *117,870 00 Circulation. 70,810 00 Bee depositors. . 288.710 06 Dnebanksand bankere 16,560 61 SnrplnS fund.'....................... 643 47 ProfltandJoes. 3 982 34 Dividends unpaid..... 285 00 5494,73i 23 State of Pennsylvania, \ „„ , _ _ Oith of Philcdelphicit * E. S. EAItL, Caihier of the Seventh National Bank of Philadelphia, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the beat or my knowledge and be*, lief- - , , E. S. HALL, Cashier. Affirmed before me January sth, 1565. It J F. MAQILL, Notary Public, isr* FOURTH «VAKTEBLT REPORT OF FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILA -IHI - »«»• Bills and notes discounted., ...*34s 373 90 Expenses.**. *.•*..*«**..«*■»• M x'/us 37 Fornitnre and fixtures.. 9 235 15 Premium paid on bonds and accrued interest * on 78*10 n0te5*** 437 03 United States bonds deposited to secure circa*' * 1at10n....89 COO OD United States bends deposited to secure de- * posits.*. 69 090 GO United States bond* on hand.4l|9o9 00 Other United States securities on hand. .«.**. 91,718 19 Due from National bank5..44,071 63 Dus from State banks 6,5-59 38 Legal-tender notes 202 44 ) 88 Notes of National and State banks 13,700 00 JONBS’ liabilities. * BM ' 967 85 Capital stock „ *160,000 00 Profit analog.... 1.200 00 Circulating notes 63,000 00 Depofits (individual) * 491,1J8 92 United States deposits. 22, CGI 8G Dividends unpaid 189 00 Due National batiks*.***** »*..**;*, 229.643 69 Due State banks and bankers.***«-.«.......... 14,298 84 Di5c0unt...............7... 3.834 83 Exchange*.**....*....., ■ gSS 38 United States tax... 273 3.5 ja6-3t SAMUEL J>MAC MULLAH, Chtsffi. 89 Kg- FOURTH RUARTERUF REPORT OF THB THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. _ RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .$303,82127 U, 8. bonds deposited to secure circulation ..... 2C9.000 CO U. S. bonds deposited to secure de* posiie...... 60.000 00 U. S. bords and other U, S. secu rities onhand... 92,050 00 mjs 871 27 gpede and legal*tender notes*.... 202,885 * Bills of other basks 63,916 oo Due from banks and bankers****** 32,540 05 Gash items*. 6,247 29 285,588 72 Heal estate.3o,ooo 00 Expense acc0unt.................... 2,445 15 w LT-ABIIiTTIES. Capital Stock * ..........$lOO,OOO 00 Circulating notes.... 174,930^00 Surplus fund.... 1,90613 Due to banks and banker 5......... 122,044 74 Due to depositors...... 6368,114 32 Due to Treasurer U. 8.. 58,890 45 446.C04 77 Profit and1055.............►**...... 9.C2Q 50 5953,905 14 Etats of Pesxsylvasia, County of Pnn.AD t. I, R. GLRNDINJXING, Cashier of “Third National Bank of Philadelphia, 3 * do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. B. GLENDINNING, Cashier. A Affirmed to and subscribed before me, this third day of January, 1865. EDMUND WILCOX, la4-St Notary Pablto, HOYAHEFSING SOUP SOCIETY, WSSS? • Northwest corner of EIGHTH and HARRIOT Streets, will open their home for the distribution of Soup to the poor of their district, on HONDaY HORN ING NEXT, January 9th, 1865, at 11 o’clock, and con tinue daily (except Sundays) during the winter. Donations in meat, money, flour, coal, or vegetables Will be thankfully received at the house, or by either of the undersigned, and by any other manager of the society, (Contributions will also be rechived at this ©dice.} ROBERT GBAFFEN, President, 537 PINE Street. COLLINS WEST. Treasurer, 302 South SECOND Street. A. J, BATON. Secretary, ja6 3t 722 CHESTNUT Street. FREE FROM DRAFT.-THE FOUR WXf TEENTH WARD has succeeded in avoiding conscription heretofore, and if those liable to be drawn from the wheel will take the proper Interest, it can be done now. The following, who took an active part un der former calls, are willing to work again if they are as&urtd that those liable are willing to assist, and in order to know how many are ready to work, the citi zens of the Ward, irrespective of parly, are invited to meet in the SPRING GARDEN HALL, THIS EVE NING. at 7k o’clock: JAS. B HANCOCK, I Dr. J. MaoNICHOL, B. B. ZORNJt, I - I*. R. GATCHBLL,. CHAS. KECK. I WM. E TABES, It FBEP’K A. VAN CLBVB ■ PHILADELPHU CRICKET ■235* CLUB. —NOTICE. —The Animal Meeting will bs held at the Office of ihe President, No. 131 South FIFTH Street, on MONDAY, 9th inst., at 4 o’clock P. M. A full attendance Is desired: ji6 3t* ALBERT A* OBTEBBBIDGE, Sec’ry. RUFUS WENDELL, OF SALEH, 9<Sv Hass. . Will speak THIS (Friday) EVENING, in ihe Upper Hal), northeast corner NINTH and CAL LOWHILL Streets. A considerable portion of the meet ing will be devoted to an interchange of news on the doctrine of Life Iron the Dead for the Righteous alone.* INTERESTING RELIGIOUS 197 MEETINGS, THIS EVENING and TO-MOR ROW EVENING. at Olivet Church, TWENTY-SECOND and MOUNT VERNON Streets. AII are invited. It* notice-mails for port IbS? -ROYAL, s. C. : BEAUFORT, S. 0.; ST. AU GUSTINE, Fla., and FERNANDXNA, Fla., to be de spatched per U. S. steamer Massachusetts, will he cloted at this office on SATURD AY, at 16 o’clock A. M. A mail for GEN. SHERMAN’S ARMY wUI also be closed at same hour, and despatehedbythe Msssachu* setts. O. A. WALBORN, jag-K ' Postmaster. KS- BEPIIBUCn IK VINCI BFES.—A BS’ Meeting of the Invlneiblea will be helj on FRIDA'S KTBHIfiG next, at 7ii o’ the Rational Union Club House, 1105 CHnSTNUT Street. ?aS-2t GEO. INMAN RICHE, President. ♦ yrojr— XUJB FOURTH NATIOX AY. BANK, UW Philabbupbia, December 8,1861 The Annnal Election or DIRECTORS will be held *t tIeBAN KING BOOSE on TUESDAY, the 10th day ol January, 1866, between the honre ol 3 and 4 o’clock Animal Meeting of the Stockholder will he held &t the Basse time. SAMUEL J. MAC MULLAH, de2CMjalO Cashier, ma* OFFICE OF THE JLOCFST MO CM IMF TAJIK COAL AND IRON COMPANY, Philadelphia, Dec. 16,1861 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the above named Company will he held at their Office, Ifo- 330 Sooth THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the IJfch day of January next, at 12 o'clock M., when an ELECTION Will he held fox seven Directors to serve for the ensuing y The Transfer Books of the Company will he closed for “teeSI sriMto tha **MW ElT.°Secretary. iwaar" OFFICE OF USIOS MUTCAI, IS WBB SURAHCE COMPANY, _ Fhii.jdej.phiA, Dec. 17,1864. The Annual Meetim 01 the Stock and Scrip holders of the Union Mntnal Inn. Co., of Philadelphia, will be held, at the Office ol Company, on MONDAY, January 8, 1866,12 o’clock noon, at which time an election will be held for Eight Dtrectori to serve ty theewulrig three Secretary. 4*Sg~ OFFICE OF THE WESTEBS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Pbihapelphia, December 22 1864. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. -Tbe Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders of the Western Pennsylvania Ball roed Company will he held on MONDAY . the ninth day of January, 1860, at 12 o’clock M. ■ at No. 838 Bonth THIRD l treet, Philadelphia. . Annual Election for President and Directors will be held same day and place „ de22-tja9; JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE “SHAMOKIS l=F COAL COMPANY,” „ „ . PHIPADEIPHIA, Dec. 28,1864. The Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders of the above named Company will be held at their Office, No. ”04 tsoulh FOURTH Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of January next, at 11 o’clock A. M-, when an Election will tie held for Five Directors to serfs for the entiling year The Trantfer Books of the Company will be dosed for fifteen days prior to the day of said election. UHAq. a. JuliN 1/SAX , de2B ihmwf-4t Secret try. ■rasa- OFFICE OF THE FAME ISSU wae range company, no. 40» chestnut Phii.adewsia, December 27.1504, NOTICE.—The Annnal Meeting of the stockholders of the Fame Insurance Company wUI be held on MON DAY, the 9th day of January next, at 10 o’dock A. M., at the office of the Company. An election for twelve Directors, to serve the ensuing year, will he held on the same day. at the same place, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. H. s and 2 o’dock F 'deb-tia9 WILLIAMS 1, BLANCHARD, Secretary. W7S— OFFICE OF THE HSIIBASCB a*? COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, Philadel phia. December 27, 1884. ’. . , . The Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders will ba held at the Office of the Company, No. 838 WALNUTStreet, on MONDAY, January 9, IMS, at 12 o’clock M , and on TUESDAY, January 10 (the da; following), an election will be held for Directors to eer 76 for the ensuing year. deSB 12t , - CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANE OF PHILADELPHIA, Dbosxbk* 8, 1864. The Second Annnal Meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of the Third National Bank of PhUadelphia wUI bj hold at the Banking House, S. W. corner of MARKET and MERRICK Streets, on TUESDAY, January 10, 1860, at 12 o’clock noon. . . An Election for Directors to serve for the ensninir year will he held on the same day, between tbe hours of 12 and 2 o’clock. delO-lm R. QLENDINNINO. Cashier. »-4f* OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT Street, Philadblphia, December 23,1864. NOTIOE.—The annnal meettng of the Stockholders of ** Tbe Enterprise Insurance Company!’ wilt be held on MONDAY, the flthtfay of January next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the office of the company. An election for twelve Directors, to serve tbe ensuing year, will be held on the eame day, at the same place, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. de24-tja9 Secretary. STOCKHOLDEBS’ NOTICE— PSt? The Animal Meeting of the Stockholders of the .OIL CREEK AND BIDOWaY RAILROAD COMPANY Will he held on MONDAY, ihe ninth day of January, 1865, at 12X o’clock P. M., at No. 838 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. An Election for President and Directors will be held same day and place. „ JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. Philadelphia, Dec. 22, 1864. 4e22-tia9 ■3Sa» PETKOUBUM storage com. fcs? PANY OFPHILADBLPHIA.-TheSnbscriptioll Books will remain open at the office of the Company, 387 WALNUT Street, and attoe Kooraelot’ the Phila delphia Board of Trade, SOS CHESTNUT Street, until the stock is aUeubscribed for. , , , . Persons forwarding subscriptions or instalments will pleass make tbeir cheeks payable to theorderpf F. B. HUBBSLL, Esq. • Treasurer. n026-sthtf | rSSg* UNION LEABEE HOUSE, 1818 IHP CHESTNUT Street. _ - Philadelphia, Dec. 28.1864 An Adjourned Meeting of tbe UNION LEAGUE of PhUadelphia will be held at CONCBBT HALL, on FRIDAY, January 6th, at 8 o’clock F. M., to receive and act on the Report of the Committee on By-laws. Tickets, admitting memoers only, can be obtained from Mr. C. B. Whipple, Assistant Secretary, at the Leagne House. GEOKGE H. BOKBB, de2B-tiaB Secretary. ■cgfig» INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE W state of Pennsylvania Philadelphia. Dec. 23,1864. An election for Thirteen Directors of the Company WUI be held on MONDAY, January 9, 1865, attha Com pany 0 office, Nos. 4- and 5 EXCHANGE Building, be tween the hours of ten o’clock A. M. and one o’clock P. M. WILLIAM HARPER, de23-ja9 Secretary. | GST*. UNION NATIONAL BANK. _ MB’ Philadelphia, Deo. 9, ISO. An Election for nine Directors of this Bank will be beld at tbe Banking House on TUESDAY, January 10th, 1866. between the hours of 10 A. M. and SP. M. . . deS-ImtjalO J. J. HUCKEL, Cashier. —asf» MERCANTIEE LIBRARY COM low PANY, Philadelphia, January 2,1898 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the MER CANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY will he held on TUESDAY, 17th instant, at lli o’clock P. M., in the ja3-tt7 Recording Secretary. kst aIk£GHSST ciri coupons, §SX7 due Ist lust . payable in Philadelphia’, will ha eMID offl S C tUl VOKK ’ McCOUCH, * 00.^36 MjP> THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BSF Stockholders or the POTTSVILLK MINING ANDMAHUJACTDRLNO 00..f0r the ELSCTIO«oI Offloersfor the ensuing year, wfllbe held at the Offiss of the Company, Ho. 817 WALNUT Street, on TUBS DAY, Jan. 10. 1866, at 2o’clock P. M. , de&tjaW ’ RICHARD JOHJS, Prasllant. NOTICES. *953,906 11 NOTICES. ■aS— Til* NKXT »RAFT._CXTIZEVS' BDBBTITDTE, KBPRKSBNTATIVE, AMD TOL- UfITEER A GEHOT -We be* leave to call the sttenUon of those who axa drafted and those who are enrolled and liable to military duty, and alao that elasa of persona who are not liable to draft (ladies and gentle taen over forty- flve years), to oar agency for procuring tnßrtltnUs and volanteer representatives. Persona should attend to this Important matter at ones, as the draft has been fixed for the Ifith of Febrnary next. We aie doing a strictly legitimate bnsinaes; we an fnrniehing men not liable to the draft as enbstitates and representatives, as low, if not at lower prices, than any other agency in Philadelphia. The law allows as to pat inbstltates in the Navy or Marins Corps, to be cre dits d to any district in the State when (he principal re eides. To facilitate business, if persons living In or ont of Ihe city, who are enrolled, will furnish ns with a oertitt cate of their enrolment from the Provost Marshal of fh« r dis-rict, they can have substitutes sworn into thernfrom drafll tUS e6rvice ' which wUI folly exempt Reference can be given to ladles and gentlemen In this Sim f ?» Tni 11 ? 11 6 h f T ® donB trariness In this line, and Bhnrohes _and Clnhs furnished at ths lament Ul'il.sti’S' 66 ' . Uteral arrangamenta made with Township Committees to fill quotas. Call or address MoWALLY. PAiXSON, &CO., „ «1 CHE3TRDT Street, or - i** <t* Box 2077 Philadeiehia Post Offlee, log- hebobul OP THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR U, S. SANITARY COMMISSION, HELD IN PHILADELPHIA, JUNE, 18« i BY OHABLBB J. STILLS, paioa, FIVE DOLLARS, D. S. Saeitabt Coanneaios, Philadelphia Aassov, 1307 CmsTiruT Sthsbt, ... , _ December 15, 1864. ' To the Members of the Various Committees of the Great Central Pair: TbeSANITARY COMMISSION ban to announce tbal the ‘ HISTORY OF THE FAIR,’* prepared by Mr. STILLS, at tie request of tie Executive Committee, is now ready for delivery. It forms a very elegant quarto volume of. mo re than two bundled pages, la printed on the .finest paper at tie “Caxtoa Press ” of Messrs, bier man & Co., and bs Illustrated with photographs of some of the more interesting objects of tie Exhibition. It contains an accoui t of the origin and progress of the Fair; a description cf the different Departments; a ||&tementof the financial result; a full list of all th« Committees, Ac., fire. As this work is designed primarily for the members of the various Committees, and a limited edition only has been printed, it has been thought best to place It in charge of Hr. JAMES K. SIMON, as special agent fox its delivery. Those who desire copies will please call on or ad* dress him at No. 33 South SIXTH Street,(eecond story). Hr. Simon will call upon those who may not be aolc to communicate with him. Will be ready for delivery os ™S A J- rgp* UNION .TOLUYTEER REFRESH* I® MENT SALOON, foot of WASHINGTON Ave nue. —We are again obliged to appeal to our fellow citizens for aid to sustain our institution. We are thankful for the liberal support we have received, and believe the expending of no similar sum has added so much to the comfort of our soldiers; in addition to which we have been compelled by circumstances to assume temporary care of thousands of refugees, freed men,and rebel deserters, nearly all of whom would have been forced to seek charity at your doom, and, domiciled in ths lowest haunts of the city, w*uld have caused much annoyance and disturbance. They have remained with us generally but a few days, and places have been found for them away from the city, where their 1* bor was in great request. The arrangements for the «&re of the soldiers In our city have added largely to cur reputation for hospitality and brotherly love, and to continue the good work the aectstary means must be furnished. Funds forwarded by letter to our committee, or handed to either of the following gentlemen, will reach us: Rev. Dr. Thomas Brainerd, No. 634 Pine street. Thomas Robbins, Etq,. President Philadelphia Bank. D. B. Cummins, Eaq , President Girard Bank. S- A. Mercer, Eaq., President Farmers’ and. Mecha nics’ Bank'. J, B. Austin* Esq., President Southwark Bank. M. W. Woodward, Esq., Cashier Manufacturers’ and techanics’ Bank. Thomas T. Firth. Esq., Treasurer Peana. Railroad. James C. Hand A Co., corner Market and Decatur sts. Samuel B. Fales, Esq , 707 Vine street. _ ARaD BARROWS, Chairman. J. B- Wadb, Secretary. Ae26-12t OFFICE OF UNION BENEYOLKNT ASSOCIATION, N. W. corner of SEVENTH and SANSOM Streets, December 5. 1864. At the Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the Associa tion, the following named gentlemen were elected oft* cers and managers for 1864r , 65; SAHBBLH?^PE&KnrS. KICHAED D. »» LEAKING. TB.BA3DUBB, • EDMUND WILCOX, No. 404: CHESTNUT Street * . OOEB3SFONDXXG SECRETARY, L. MONTGOMERY BOND. RECORDING SECRET ART, JOHN H. ATWOOD. HASAOSES, Benjamin Coates, Thomas A. Budd, Thomas Latimer, Charles Rhoads, John Bohlen, Richard Wood, William Puives, Charles S. Wurts, M, D.* Arthur G. Coffin, B. R. Wood, Benjamin Oroe, James Bayard, • John W. Claghczh, Joseph A Clay* Thomas Wattson, Alfred M. Collins, Joseph H. Dalles, Charles W. Cushman, John Ashhurst, Philip C. Garrett Messrs. S. C. Cooper and Thomas Evans are the only persons duly authorised to collect funds for the Aasocla* Hon, JOHN a ATWOOD, deg-Xm . Recording Secretary. KST NOTICE-AN ELECTION FOR MANAGERS of the GERMANTOWN DISPBN SARYg will be held at their Rooms, MAIN Street, above Armat, on THIRD DAY, (Tuesday,) the 10th In stant, between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock. The an nual report will be presented to the contributors at 414 o’clock. jag-fit* - ELLISTON P. MORRIS, Secretary. - Kg'* the SOCIETY FOB THE AD* VANCEMENT OF CHRISTIANITY IN PENN-' SYLVANIA will celebrate its FIFTY-THIRD ANNI VERSARY on SUNDAY EVENING Next, at SAINT MARK’S CHURCH, at 1H o’clock. The Sermon wUI be Preached b 7 the Rev. Dr, RUDDER, of St. Stephen’s. A Collection will be made in aid of the objects of the Society. The Annual Meeting oLthe Society will be held on the EVENING OF THE EPISPHAfi Y, January 6th, 1865, at 7X o’clock, in the Yestry Room of-SAINT JAMES’ CHURCH. GEORGE W. HUNTER, jaff St Secretary. EIGHTH WARD-AYOID THE BBS? DRAFT. —At an informal meeting of citizens of the Eighth Ward, it was determined to invite two from each i to volunteer their services to collect funds to paytwbounty, and employ a recruiting ago&t to fill up the quota of the ward under the last call of the Pre sident of the United States for troops. Gentlemen will ing to volunteer their' services for this purpose, will please report to J. B. FLANIGEN, at the office of the Philadelphia Daily News, 136 South THIRD Street. ja4- 6t • SHAFTON COAL COMPANY. |C2» iOvPiOE No. SOS South FOURTH Street. DIRECTORS. President—MAßTlN NIXON. Treasurer—ROßEßT P. KING. _ PETER A. B. WIDENED HENRY E. WALLACE* JACOB B. DbHAVEN. jafi-Gi* GEO. Jr. , Secretary* yiSP- .OFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD K 0? AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY. No 313 BERKS Street. Philadelphia, Dec. 23.185 L NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of tie Stockholders of this Company wUI be held at their office on MON DAY, January 9th, 1865, at 12 o,’clock M. An election for President and twelve Director!,to serve the ensuing year, wUI take place at the same time. H, FRANK ABBITT, •ja6-4t Secretary pro tern. —TS7- OFFICE OF THE OAK BAEEOIU WSB COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA. J. C FRYER. 113 CHESTNUT Street. The Book of Subecrintion to the Capital Stock of the OAK BALL OIL COMPANY wtU close on THURSDAY, January 12, 1865, at 3 o’clock, after which date the cer tificates or stock wUI be ready for delivery. Persons holding the Company’s receipts are requested to present them and obtain iheh certificates. JOHN OAKFORD, Secretary. Philadelphia, January 4,1865. jss-7t MECHANICS’NATIONAL BANK. S52S’ Philadelphia. January 3, 1865. The Annnal Mooting of tbe Stockholders of this Bank will he held at the BANKING HOUSE on WEDNES DAY, January 11. 1865, between ihe hours of 10 o’clock A. M., and 2P. M , for the election of Nine Directors to serve for the ensuing year. - _ ja4-7t J. WIEGAND, Jk. , Cashier. |KSr“ THE FEN THAI NATIONAL BANK MW OF PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, January 3,1865 The Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at tbe office of 0 M. TROUTMAN, Esq., 16 South THIRD Street, on TUEBDAY, January 10th, 1865, be tween the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P.M, ja4-6t ALEX. IRVIN, JR., Cashier. FARMERS* AND MECHANICS' NATIONAL bank.-Philadelphia, Decem ber 9, 1864. The Annnal Election for "Directors of this Bank will bo held at the BANKING HOUSE, on WEDNESDAY, the 11th day of January next, between the hours of It o’clock A. M. and S o’clock P. M. delO- tiall W. RUBHTON. Jb.. Cashier. rjS- SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF IoW PHILADELPHIA Fsaxkfobd. Dee. 20,1864. The Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banking House, onTUBSDAY, January loth, 1865, between the hours 0f.12 M. and JF. M. dell-tjalO W. H, RHAWN, Cashier. FARBBL OIL COMPANY.—THE lay Annnal Meeting ot the Stockholdersof the PAR REL OIL COMPANY will be Held at their Office, No. 55 North THIRD Street; on SATURDAY, the 14th List., at 12 o’clock M. GEO. W. McWILLIAMS, Secretary. Fhilada. , Jan. 3, 1865. - js4 wfnffit* m THE CONSOLIDA'IXONAL NA BK’ TIONAL bank. Philadelphia, Dee. 8. 1884. The Annual Meeting of the Stockho’ders of the Con solidation National Bank wUI be held at the BANKING BOUSE on TUESDAY, January 10,1865, at 12 o’clock M. An election for Directors to. serve the ensuing year will be held between tbe boure ef 10 o’clock A. M., and 3 o’clock P. M., on that day. JOS. N. FIERSOL, d<9 fmwtjalO Cashier. ffTSF- THE PHILADELPHIA NATION wax AL BANK, Philadelphia, Deo. Bth. 1864. The Annual Election of DIRECTORS will be held at the Banking House on TUESDAY, the 10th day of Janu ary, 1866. between the hours ol lAo’clock A. M. and 2 o’dock p. M. b:% COMEOYS, de9-fzuwlra .Casnler. OFFICE USIOH CANAL COM* K3v PATY, ' Philadelphia, Decaxnber 31,1354. The Bond asd Stocfcliojders of this Company are re auested to meet at the BOOMS of the BOARD OF TRAPS, Ho. 505 CBESTUUT Street pjl TUESDAY, the 10th day of January, 1865, at 12 M, By order of the Board. j a2-m , wfrst JAMES PACE, . NOTICE -OFFICE BCTCjK MOTO VSP TAIH COAL CO., Philadelphia, Jan. 2,1^5. The Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders of the BUGS MOUBTAIH COAL COMPANY will be held at the Office of the Company, Ho. 320 WALNUT Street, on WED NESDAY, February Ist, 1865, at 11 o’clock A. M. An election for seven Directors to serve the ensuing year win be held on the eame day, between, the hours of 11 A. M. and 2PM * ja2-mwltfel ‘ T. H, TROTTER, Secretary.* Kg* THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE •*1 Stockholders of the Bjedaware County Passen ger Railroad Company, for the election of officers and other business, will be held on MONDAY, January 9th, 1£65. at 12 o’clock, noon, at the office of JAtfKS MIL LER, Surveyor, MARKET Street,west of Fortieth, West Philadelphia. -A. L. BOHNAFFOH* de26-mwf-12t <-• Secretaryl OFFICE OF THE UNION PAS. 82NGBB RAILWAY COMPANY, Ho. $3OB South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, Dec. 22, USL The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Union Passenger Railway Company trill be held at the office of the Company, 2508 South FOURTH Street, on MON DAY, January 9, at Wa. o’clock. An election for Presi dent, Vice President, and five Directors, will be held, between the hours of ten and one^at. the graejplace. de23-fmwtfo9 Secretary. •ST OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENN* Ke SYEVAHIA RAILROAD COMPANY. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company will be held' at the Office of the Company. No. dtOT WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, January 9th, 1865, at 12 o'clock M., at which time and plate an Election will be held for a President and Ten Directors to serve for the ensuing year. _ EDWARD ARMSTRONG, de24»Qa9 Sseretery. •Sg* PHIIAPELPBIA AND DARBY BAILBOAD CO. —NOTICE is hereby fiveuto the Stockholders of ibis Company that the Annual Meeting and an Election for President and Biz Directors will take place on the second MONDAY (9th) of January, 1866. at4F. M,, at the Company's Depot, on DARK' Avenue,, between Forty-ninth and FJftfatu streets. ds24-tja9 D, H. FLICKWIB. Secretary. ■S?® .PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING waff RAILROAD COMPANY-Office South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. December 12, 1854 Notice is hereby.ziven to the Stockholders of this.. Company that tTin ffirnn 1 Meeting and an Rleotion for President, six Manilbrs, Treasurer, and Secretory will take place on the second MONDAY (Sth) of January next, at 12 VL WM. H. WEBB, de!2-tja9 Secretary. |Q3* STOCKHOLDERS’ MOTICE.—TJEFR §2B? Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the CON HBLSVILLE AND IOUTBERN PENNSYLVANIA RAILWAY COMPANY Will be held on MONDAY, the 9th day of January, 1865, at 3 o’clock P. M., at tbe office of the Company, No- 236 South THIRD Street, Phila delphia. An Eieefciocrfor President and Directors will be held on the same day and place. _ _ _ _ R. D. BARCLAY, de2S-tja29 ' Secretary pro tem. SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK, K" Philadelphia. December 12,1364. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank, for the ELECTION OF DIRECTORS, Wtti be held os TUESDAY, January 10, 1865, between the hours of u 'o’clock A, M. aal % o'oioSkP, M.' B. S. HALLv Cashier. THE PRES^—PHILADELPHIA, EEIDAT, JANUARY 6, IS®. |ggr» KOTICES. Th* folfotring MVIDBSBB (for DTOVEMBBR) lax# tan deolusd. M,ablo DECEMBEK Slet, to Share holders of record December 2ttb, IBM; BRIGGS GOLD OOMPkNY, BIGfiDH DIVIDEND OHE DOLLABPER SHABB; CHASE GOLD COMPANY, THIRD DIVIDEND...., ONE DOLLAE PEE SHAEB. MoKINLEY OIL COMPANY. VIETH DIVIDEND .....THEBE PEE CENT. CLIFT®! FETROLEUM OOMPAHI, t SECOND DIVIDEND;*.. **gONE per cent. immm fstboleum compiot, FIRST DIVIDEND**.** .***.ONR PER CENT. OFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL IJC bubance company. Philadelphia, January 5,1865. The Directors of this Company have this day declated a DIVIDEND of RIGHT PER CENT, cn the Stock, and SIX PER CENT, on the outstanding S»rip of the Com pany. free of taxes, payable on demand. jao 6t JOBN MOSS, Secretary. I®* OFFICE OF TSEE HOSEY COMB J^ t |ETBOLEUM v COMPANY, No. 43 South Philadelphia, Jatmarj 5,1865. DIVIDED NOTICE.—The Board of Directors have ibis day declared a dividend of jONE PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company (beisgtero percent, on the aubßcriptien price), payable on and a iter the 16th infrt., Lee of all taxes. Tianefer Borhs will close January 10th, at 3 o' clock P. M. r and open January SO. h. , Persons bolding receipts will please present them without delay, and receive their certificates TBOMA9 TOLMAN, ja6-tf Secretary and Treasurer. 123*** GIL CREEK AND CHERRY BUN OIL COMPANY. TRANSFER OFFICE, 308 South FOURTH Street. JThs Board of dend cf TWO (2) PER CENT , payable to Phi adelphla Stockholder?, at this office, on aod after the 17th lust. Transfer Books will close on the 7th and reopen on the 16th inst The dividends of this company will hereafter be made payable quarterly , in-accordance with a resolution of the Board adopted this day. ja6 6t B. BBNSWANGER, T. A. B>wsn» THE PHILADELPHIA NATION mX? AL BANK, Philadelphia, Jan. 5, 1885. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT , payable on the 16thinst. Stockholders are requested to bring or send their cer tificate! to be exchanged for new ones of the Philadel phia National Bank. B. B, COMEGYS, ja6 tjalS • ♦ . • Cashier. DIYIbEND SO* 111 (3).—-GREAT BASIN OIL COMPANY.—The Directors have this day deci&red a Dividend of TWO (2) PER CENT;, payable on and after the 15th instant. Books close on tbe'loth instant. By a resolution of the Board of Direc tors, adopted this day, dividends will in future be paid quarterly. G. W WILLIAMS, Treasurer, January 5* 1565. CjaS-lQt*] 14FASQUHAR BUGS. THE MECHANICS’ BANE, Sr. Louis, Dee: 31. 1864. The Board of Directors have declared a dividend of THREE AND ONE HALF PERCENT (354 P c.)paya ble to Philadelphia Stockholders at the Mechanics’ Na tional Bask, Philadelphia, on and after Jan 16,1895. jas*tjal6* CHAS. EVERTS, Cashier. OFFICE OF THE SCHOM ACKER W PIANO forte manufacturing compa* NY, No. 1031 CHESTNUT street, * _ Philadelphia, Jan. 3, 1865. DIVIDEND NOTICE —The Board of Directors have this 6ay declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT, out of the net earnings of the Company for the last six months, payable at the Office of the'Campany, clear of State tax. on aid after January Ifith, 1865. Transfer Books dose on January 10th. and open on January 17th, 1865. H. W. GRAY, jafi 3t • Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH LU* WP ZEBU'S RAILROAD COMPANY, 330 WAL* NUT STREET, Philadelphia, Jan, 4,1865. The Board of Directors have this day- declared a Bern!* anum'.dividend of SIX PER CENT., payable on and aftor the 18th inst. EDWARD ROBERTS, Ja., jafi-3t* Treasurer. n*gSF» OFFICE IHUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP'MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COM PANY, 358 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, January 3, 1865. The Board of Directors of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company have de clared a dividend of 3% PER CENT, on their Preferred Stock for the past six months, payable at their office on and after the 17tb instant. The Transfer Books will be closed until the 17th instant ja4 wfintl7 J. P* ABRTSBNfr Treasurer. KS 80 TREASURER’S DEPARTMENT BAILWiT COM - Baltisiobe, Dec. 17, 1864. DIVIDEND No. 4.—The President aud Directors of this Company have this day declared a Dividend of TWO (2) PER CENT, .clear of National and State taxes,for the quarter ending December 31* 1864, payable to ihe Stock holders on the 20th of January, 1866, at this office. The Transfer BooSs will be closed from'lst to 10th of January, 1865, inclusive. By order de2l wfm lOt - J. a LEIB, Treasurer. KST OFFICE OF THE UNION lIH. FROVEMBNT COMPANY, 330 WALNUT STREET, A Philaiwlphta, Jan. 4,1865 The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR AND ONB-HALF PER GENT., payable on and after the 3Sth inst. EDWARD ROBERTS, Jr , jafi-31*. Treasurer. DIVIDEND NOTICR-OFFTCE OF 5=®LtHR TIOGA IRON COMPANY, No. 534 WALNUT Street, Room No. 25. The Board of Directors have-THIS DAY declared a DIVIDEND of FIVE PERCENT, (twenty, five ents per share) on the capital, stock of this Company, paya ble at their office on anch after January 16th, 1865, clear of state taxes. The transfer books, will be dosed on the 33th and opened on the 16th. jas-tja!6 P, B. JONES, Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE MINGO OIL K» COMPANY,. No. 534 WALNUT Street, Boom 28. Philadelphia, Jan. 3, 3865. DIVIDEND NOTICE -The Board of Directors have this day declared their Becrni monthly dividend of TWO PER CENT, (twenty celts per share), out of the set earnings of the Company for the month of December, payable, clean of State tax, on and after Janua? y 20th. Transfer Backs close January 14th, at 3 o’ clock P. H., and open January Sflst. P. W. WILTBANK, jafi tja2Q Secretary. OFFICE ST. NICHOLAS COAL 1® COMPANY* »05K WALNUT Stmt, Philadelphia, Jan. 4* 1865. The Directors of the Si. Nicholas Coal Company have this day declared a quarterly dividend of TWO AND A HALF PEE CENT, on the Capital Stock, clear of State tax, payable on demand. jas-3t* C.F. SHOENER, Treasurer. iSS* THBMASUFACTUBERS NA 1® TIoNAL Bank. Philadelphia, Jan. 3,1865. The Directors have declared an extra dividend of TEN PEE CENT., payable on demand. aa4»4t , M. W. WOODWARD, Cashier. OFFICE OF THE PHILAOEL* PHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY, No. 3100 CHESTNUT Street Philadelphia, January 2,1865. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS FEE SHARE, subject to the United States a Ad State taxes, was declared, payable to the Stockholders or their le gal representatives, on and after the ISth inst The tr ansfer hooks will be/ciosed until the 12th inst. ja4-10t WM. W. QOLKBT, Tieasnrer. BITIBEND NOTICE-OFFICE OF THE MINERAL OIL COMPANY, 53* WAL-' NUT Street. January 2d, 3861 The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of ONE AND ONE-HALF FEB CENT, on the Capital Stock, payable at their Office on and after thaJ2th instant, clear of State Taxes. The Transfer Books will be closed on the 4th at 8 P, M., and opened on the 13th. „ ja3-9t THOS. R. SBARLB, Secretary. Brnssm-THE BIRECTORS WF ofthe BT. NICHOLAS OIL .COMPANY have this day declared a dividend of ON E PER CENT, payable on the 9th inst. Books dose on the sth and open on the 10thinst. JOHN H. WILE, Secretary. January 2,1865. jaS-7t DIVIDESD.-THE DIRECTORS Of the CURTIN OIL COMPANY hare this day declared a Dividend of TWO PER CENT., payable on the 91 h inst. Books clcse on the 6th. and open oatte 19th inst. . JOHN H. WYLB, Secretary. January 2, 1865. ja3 7t OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE W INSURANCE CO., *OO WALNUT ST. - Philadelphia, Jan. 2,1865. The Directors have THIS DAY declared a dividend of THREE AND ONE HALF PER CERT, on the capital stock of the Company for the last six months, payable on demand, free of ail taxes. B. LOCKWOOD, ja3-12t Secretary. EENBISOTON NATtOML BAIH, •255? Philadelphia, January 2, 1835. The Directors have this day declared an extra divi dend of TWBLNE DOLLARS'AND FIFTY CENTS on each share of the stock of this Bank, clear of tax, pay able on demand. Stockholders will he required to surrender their cer tificates of stock, for winch new ones will he issued in th e-name of the Kensington National Bank of Philadel phia. wm. mcoonnell, ja3 6t " ' „ Cashier, KS* OFFICE OF THE SCHUYLKILL NAVIGATION COMPANY. . . ' Philadelphia, December 30, 1864. The managers have this day declared a dividend of BIX PEE'GENT upon the Preferred and Common Stocks of this Company, payable—less the United States and State Taxes thereon, retained according to law—on the 28d of January next, jaiet W. M. TILGHMAN. Secretary. A DITIDEND OF THREE AND WSS& a HALF PER CENT, on the preferred stock of the Elmira and Williamsport Railroad Com pany will be paid on and after the third day of January, 1866, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Company Building, room No. 1, first floor, corner THIRD Street and WILLING'S Alley, by GEORGE TABER, deSl-6t Agent., KSP OmCE OF THE JLTXAS OIL CO., W? Ko. 534 IWAtMUT Street, Boom Ko. 20. ' Philadelphia, Dec. 26,1681 The Board of Directors have THIS DAT declared a dividend of THEBE FEE CENT (16 cyats per share} out of the net earnings of the Company for the months of November and December, payable, clear of State tax, ob and after January 10, 1865 _ Transfer Books dose op January S, at3P. M., and open January 11,1865. Stockholders who have not called for their certificates, an requested to do so prior to dosing of the bookß. deS&oOfc G. W. WILTBABK, Secretary. KSSr ISERCMTIIE PJETKOIEUM CO„ IV office, JS» North FRONT Street. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Board of Directors have THIS DAT declared a dividend of TWO PEE CENT. op the capital stock of this Company, free of State Taxes, payable on and after the 6th of January. Transfer Books closed from the 3d to the 6th proximo. Gertifi* cate. Of Stock arc ® 0 r |- Becretary . December 28, 1884. de£9- lOfc TJEMOVAL.—KUNKBL, HALL, & 00. L hayo removed to No. 733 CHESTNUT S net and Ho. 718 JATNE Street. ■ WV DIVIDENDS. WALTER E, LAWTON, TRBA&DKSR, No. 81 30HBT Street, NEW FORK, DIVIDEND NOTICE. fcjar PBIh&DELPHIA AND BEADDSe EAItEOAD COMPANY, Office No. »»T South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, November SO, 1861. * DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The transfer books of thii Company will b 8 closed on THURSDAY, December 16, and reopened on TDEBDAJ. JAH CART LG, 1865. A Dividend of FIFTEEN PEE CENT, on the common and preferred stock, clear of National and State taxes, has been declared, payable In common stock,on the Slat December next, on all stocks standing on the books of the Company, at the close of business on the 15th prox. Stockholders whose names are registered on the New Fork books will be paid at the Farmers’ Doan and Trust Company. S. BRADFORD, del-tf Treasurer. KS* NATIONAL BANE OF THE ■» NOBTHEEN LIBERTIES, Philadelphia* Dec 30, 1851 The Directors have this day declared an Extra Divi dend of FIVE PBE CENT., payable on FRIDAY next, January 6,1865. stockholders will be required to^surrender their Cer tificates of Slock, for which new ones will be issued in the name of the National Banhof the northern Liberties. de3l-6t W. GUMMEBE, Cashier. "REMOVAL. XI WALN. LEAMING, & CO., have removed from No. SO South Front street to No. »31 CHESTNUT Street, where they *ffez DOMESTIC DET GOODS by the Faokage. ja6 6t A chance to avoid thb draft. Principals Furnished with Substitutes at the shortest notice, and at lowp rices. JOHN MANSFIELD ft CO. Office 403L188A81 St. ■ second story.deB3-Xm- PURE PALM OIL 80AP, MANTJFAC- A TUBED by L. H. &C. BLKINTOH, Oelß-Iro* lift MIBOAKBTT* Street. CTEAM AND WATER GAUGES—THS N-r larcest assortment In Philadelphia—constantly an hand. * BTiOWU, nil WiLJrnr street ■MORGAN, ORB, & CO., STEAM EM "X GINE BUILDERS. Iron Founders* and General Machinists and BolHr Makers, No. MUG C4LLOW HXLL Street* Philadelphia, fes)-if gold iswijre companies. KECirßocrrr hiskg compast. OHAtTDIEEE DISTRICT. CANADA &AST. & GHITTINDEN, President. OFFICERS. JBx- OoV. Jarim PoUorit, DlrectetU. S. Mlat. Phlla dalplititj Hon. TT- a Moorhead. Pras. Pbila. Erf* KallroadCo ; C. ». Wtlghl, Eaa.. of 0. B. Wright A Co., hangers: Hennr Sheldon, Ksq., of Stanton. siol don, AOo., W- B- Hatch, Esa,. ofJPalr banks & Co.,jßew Tork: T. B. BnntlngTTßiq., of T. B. Banting Co., Now Voik; L. K. Chittenden, bate BegUterH. StTrearia,. 100,000 SHARES. PAR VALUE, $9O (BAGS spß'soßii’mojr pbice, $3O. PBOPERTr, i*, rro av&sb, all khowh to be- RICH IH GOLD. 30.000 SHADES OF. STOCK OFFERED FOR SUB- SCEIPTIOH. 500 ounces of pare GOLD from the Company's pro* w&w basTdFSsmaf ■ maps, proapeetuses, and all information may be had. The latest report from the Geologist of the Company' announces the discovery of FIVE new and very rich. GRRTt2 lodes —~ * ' The OfFlClAt REPORT of tho Goi.p CoMMigstOKßEf* op CAKAPA will soon be published, showing oxer One HnspEKD asd'Fiptt Thousand Doltiaks, at coin rates, of gold has been recently mined in the CHAUDIEBB DISTRICT, principally npontb* Company's property.. A limited number of shares of the • CAPITAL STOCK may be subscribed fop at the offlee of o. b. Wright .a 00.. s. • 14a SOUTH THIRD STREET, opposite the Exchange. deZI-fmwlm raDAITPHir AJVD COiOK&DO GOLDMINING COMPANY. Chartered by 'tbe State of Pennsylvania. *OO,OOO MW Presi^m—JOHN B. ANDBKSON. DIRECTORS _ Thomas A. Boot*, U. B. Kneads*. Wm- S. Freeman,: *©M. P. Kinfc :■ JohnM. Blley, Charles Dt SUver* James R. Magee... John W. Hall, Barriahtirr, T G. McDowell* do. John Brady,. do. < W. W Wylie, Lancaster. Win. O Shuts, Colorado. . D. P. SOBTHWORTH, SecretaryandTreasurer. Office of the Company, No. 423 WALftCT Street— Room No.. 5. Authenticated specimens hare been procured from some of the Company 'a lodes, and hare been assayed by Professors Booth as d Garrett with the moßt gratify in? results. Subscription lints have been opened at the Office of the Company* and at the Treasurer's Office <ln tern&l Revenue)*.No. 457 CHESTHOT Street, Farmers * and Mechanics* Bank Building, Toorigina* subscribers, $3. £0 per share, for a limited number of shares. Circulars, pamphlet*, or Information can be obtained at the Office of the Company after the 17fch'inst. October 14,1861 oel&-9m COPARTNERSHIPS. TYtSSGLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— «*-' The Copartnership heretofore between JOHHF. 1 OtFNG. General. Partner, and CB ABLKS KILLIWGEB, Special Partner, was dissolved by mu tual consent on the 31st day of December last. All persona indebted to the said firm are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims thereon to present them to JOHN 3?. YOUNG, No. 70 North F 0 ÜBTH: Stre et, whole duly authorized to settle ;he affair sof the ] ate firm. JOHN F. YOUNG. C. H, KILLINGSB. ja6-fmwBt- JABCABYSj T>l 8 S OJjXJ TI ON.—THE LIMITED ■L' partnerabipberetofore existing between designed, under,the film of WOOD & CARY* expires this day by its own limitation. TflOS. H. WOOD, CHARLES CARY. General Partners. WILLIAM L. GRRGGK Special Partner. Philadelphia, Dee. Si , 3854. COPARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned will continue the Straw sand' Millinery Goods business at Ne. 725 CHESTNUT Street, under the firm of WOOD & CARY, r THOS. H, WOOD, _ CHARLES CARY. Pim.ißßl.PirtA, Dec. 81,1884. la® 3t* RETAIL DRY ROODS. WET BLANKETS.—TO BE OEENED if on. MONDAY, January 9th., a lot of WET BLAN KETS, heavy and extra large, to he sold at $9-75-. The Attention of hotel-keepers, private families, attd the trade* is called to this lot of ' Hi 7 South ELEVESTtt Street, S. B —A la¥,9 and well-aesorted stock and DOMESTIC GOODS now opened. faft-3tlf* PUBLICATIONS. yiCK’S ;' ' " ' ILLUSTRATED annual catalogue ; - ok FLOWEB AND VEG-ETABLE: SEEDS, ‘ ASD GUIDE TO THE FLOWER; GARDEN, ! FOE 1865, Now PuDlislied* It contains ACCURATE DESCRIPTIONS of the lead ing Floral treasures of the worlds with full directions for SOWING SEED,TRANSPLANTING and CULTURE, making a work of over SIXTY .PAGES, beautifully il lustrated, with about . THIRTY FINE WOOD ENGRAVINGS V AND s TWO COLORED PLATES. This Annual Is published for the instruction of my customers; and to sueh U is sent free as soon as pub lifched. To all others price 10 cents, including postage, whiah is jnuc£ leas than the actual cost. Address james Vick. ja**2t M ROCHESTER, N. Y. TVTEW BOOKS I KSW BOOKS!! 4. V the diary of mbs., kitty teevyltan. a story of the time* of WhiSefleld and the Wesleys. By author onSdronberg-Coit* Family, Chronicles of the Sehonberg-Gotia Family* by two of-Themselves. ENOCH ARDEN.' By Alfred Tennyson, D. G. L. illustrated. ? THE OF WINTHROF MACK WORTH PRAED. Revised and enlarged edition. 2 vols. QUEENS OF SONG. Being Memoirs of some- of the most celebrated Female Vocalists, with chronological list of all the Operas that have been performed in Europe.*. STUDIES BSI STORIES. By Jean Inflow. HOUSE ANBtIOMKFaPERS. By Mrs tfcowe. For sale by ' JAMES 8. CLAX-rON, Successor to W- S. & Alfred Maitien, jas 606 CHESTNUT Street. IC RR LINDSAY & BLAKISTON’S IOUU. PHYSICIAN’S VISITINfI LIST foi-1865 now ready in every variety and style of binding, including the INTERLEAVED edition, with pages for special memorahdar&c. DIARIES FOE 1865, of various styles of binding and sizes ; ALSO, HOL [DAY -BOOKS of all kinds at LOW PRICES. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, s Publishers and Booksellers, de2S No. 25 South SIXTH Street, Above Chestnut. "NTEW BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! i-t LIFE OF GENERAL HANCOCK. WINFIELD, THE LAWYER’S SON, and HoW he Became a Major GeneraL. By Rev. C. W. Dennison, lateCfiaplala u. S. Volunteers. Illustrated with hand some portrait and spirited designs by White and Cadet Hancock.- Printed on fine white paper, cloth binding. Price $1.50. The following letter received from B. F. Hancock. Esq., father of our distinguished hero, will be read with Interest : SWBD& Street, Nosristowk, Not. 23,1864. Sir: lam in receipt of the advance copy of your life of my son “ Winfield, 1 * and have read if withpleasure. I acknowledge the compliment implied in the unex pected honor of the dedication of the volume to me. The style is pleasing, and the historical statements are cor rect. It is written with spirit and in a faithful manner. The work is neatly gotten, up; the likeness is a good one. I cannot bnt hope that ‘•Winfield” will be a useful volume, not only in interesting and instructing the youth of oicr country, but in promoting sentiments of patriotism among all our people. K BS pectruUyyo riHAKcoc& To Rev. C. W. Veebiboe* Philadelphia. - SEASIDE AND FIRESIDE FAIRIES. Translated from the German of George Blum find Louis Wahl. By A- I*- Wiater. Printed on the finest tinted paper. JiwacUoinely Illustrated by White and others. One W the. best fairy books yet issued. The children are &Udelighted with it. Price $1.75. The American Publishers'' Circular of Sept, let says: It is acknowledged by everybody that the German language is peculiarly rich in a class of stories com prehend ed under the term “Mahrchea,” which are especially attractive to juvenile readers. The Grimm collection has become almost domesticated in our houses. We have here another brimming draught brought up from the same olden well. It is Just such a collection as will delight the hearts of bright boys and girls. We almost envy the little folks the pnre, hearty pleasure which the book v ill give them, as their wide opened eyes go starlngly from page to page, and their mile hearts heat air excited accompaniment to the un folding of rtrange events Messrs. Ashmead-& Evans have issued 1 the work in the handsome style which it deserves It is, in every way, a highly creditable spe cimen of The typography is admirably executed, the paper is delicately tinted, and the bind ing, the gilt top and the lettering, present an attractive external appearance. We should aleo add that there are several appropria fce and expressive illustrations. It is both a pleasure and' a duty to commend such a work. BUST HANDS AND PATIENT HEARTS; Or, the-Blind Boy of Dresden, and his Friends. A story from Germany, Price 66 cents. From many flattering notices of this little nook we Hands’* we stall not soon forget. The darJisg bright little Magda, the support of her rheu matic old mother and blind brother, is as pretty and helpful a' Christmas picture as we ever set eyes on; while good Master Tanzer’sand Mr Gloaming’s kind ness to the.poor afflicted ones will lead old and young at Ghristmas time to think whose hearts and lot they can-make blither and brightefere the new year is rang in. -We willnot tell the story of the book, bat beg oar readers who hayachlldren to bay it and read it them selves.—London-Jteader. ■ - , , . One of the very best of recent story books for children. The old straggle of cheerfnl piety against want, mis fortune, and trial, and the final victory is told with simplicity, tenderness, and. discrimination. We com mend it to families and Sabbath schools. —American Fre ®TMBB'HB W AND ATTRACTIVE BOOKS TOE THE. HOLIDAYS. PnW ’ASHmSaD & EVAHB, Ho. 7*4 CHBSTHDT Street. Philadelphia. de22-tf Sold hy all Booksellers. TLfISCBLL'ANEOUB AKD LAW XU. books—The beat and rarest collection in Phila delphia.—Hallowell’s Shakapeare, fifteen hundred dol lars* and otfaer Books* equally scarce, for sale at 419 CHESTSTDT Street. '■ f&m ' JOHN CAMPBELL. VTOVELTY ALBUM COMPANY. ■Lv An elegant Album, containing Photographs of allthe Generals in the United States ••••*8 00 A. Splendid Album, containing Photographs Of all the President* of the United States-;,--. - -.. $5 00 A Beautiful Album, containing a collection of ail onr Naval Heroes... • .e-1 00 The three together, comprising the whole collec- ™. IS 09 A MOST SUITABLE PRESENT FOR HOLIDAY • GIFTS. A most exquisite POCKET ALBUM, containing a fine collection of most Piquant French Pictures, only.. .*4 60 Address the 1 Novelty Album Co., ” Post Office Box 6438, Hew York city, giving address, land any of the above will he immediately sent hy express, who will collect on, delivery. do7-wfo>3m jg H. SLEEPER & CO., 515 MXNOB STJBCESE'X’, MAHBtAGTUBEBB, AGENTS, AND -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FLINT AND GREEN GLASS WARE, Have now in 8 tore a full assortment of the above goods, which wo offer at the lowest market Tates. Being sole agents fbr the SALEM GBSEH GLASS WORKS, we are prepared to make and work private moulds to order. • PORTER, MINERAL, and WINE BOTTLES, of a euperior color and finish. Also, LAMP CHIMNEYS, APOTHECARIES’ SHOP FURNITURE, SHOW BOTTLES, SYRINGES, HOMffl- OPATHIC VIALS, and Druggists Glassware generally. B. H. SLEEPER, . W6 ' lm JOHN W. CAMPION,, Kfin BBLB. ALCOHOL"IN BOND, 95 tAvJv per cent ; 6,000 bbla. Hlghwlnss, or Whisky, In bond, JO per cent, above proof, for sale by A. F. CSOSKEY. JOHN H. CORL, Agent, JaOlV ISA N, DELAWARE Avenue. FINANCIAL. gPECIAL NOTICE. If. S. 1040 LOAN. HE. FESSENDEN WAS KSCI-DM' TO BTOPFAB BOSBCEIPTIOMB TO THIS NESIBABLB , GOLD LOAN on «bie Tith lust. We wlli supply oust «ttstom*r» on the usual teotur. Jf asydeaire to avail tbesadfflvOs «f She TIME PAY&Stf?# ALLOWED BY THB SECKEfAET OP THE JSUEY* wo will allow si«3i ; credffc*& m#y fee deslr«dWti exceed!eg tea, twenty* upon each izpt&i*. meat. JAY OOOEE & CO., ia«-« . TBIBB Strwt. ~ 'JOT! FIRST NATIONAL BANK. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO * TH® V. S. 1040 LOAM WILL CLOSB JANUARY 7, 18651 Treasury Departs vm, l Deo. 23,18841 f Nati«e is her.»y given that the TEN-FORTY- LOAN will be withdrawn oh the 7th of January next. No subscriptions will be received after that date. (Signed) W. P. FESSENDEN, Seoretary of the Treasury. In compliance with the ahoye order, ao suhssriptione will be received for the TEN-FOBTY BONOS after the 7th of January, 1555. Those Bonds, upon which the INTEREST IS PAYABLE March Ist and IN COIN, have now about FOUE MONTHS’ AOCB0B& INTEREST, which-is a material advantage, as anhaeri bere have the privilege of paying the back interoat- In currency, adding only BO per cent, for premium. ' This Bank la prepared to receive subscriptions in largo or email amounts, and will allow a liberal commission to Banke and Brokers. MORTON McMICHAEL, Jb., J7OURTH NATIONAL BANK OF FHII.AJDEI.PHIA, l No. 738; ARCH STREET, DESIGNATED DEPOSIT AST OV THE UNITED STATUS. 7 3-lOtbs- TREASURY NOTES,. Convertible at Haturlly Into 5-80 BONDS. This Bank Is how prepared to Smash these Notes- in •mall or large cinantlties, and of all denominations. They present the advantage over any other Loan of-the Government of being oonverted at maturity into-the popular 5-20 Loan. The Interest Is payable semi annually In February and Angnst. A COMMISSION ALLOWED ON SALES of *5,000 and upwards, SAMUEL J. MAO MULLEN. de2B-lm CASHIBB. QFFICB FOR SUBSCRIPTION OF NATIONAL LOANS. 10-40 11, §. 5 FIR CIST. GOLD LOAN. In accordance with the order of the Secretary of the Treasury, the SUBSCRIPTIONS to this LOAN will cease on JANUARY 7th, 1865. This Loan is a five-per cent. GOLD LOAN, payable at the option of the Government, after ten years from February SS, 1664, and redeemable in forty years from March 1,1864, Interest payable March and September. Subscriptions received at . par, by payment of Interest back to Ist of September, adding fifty per cent, as an equivalent for Sold Interest. For further Information apply to ... jAY COOKiE & CO., ila south third STRBBT. deSI tjan? J)E HAVEN & BROTHER, s B A N K -E 16 S , v -. * REMOVED TO No. 40 SOFTH THIRD STREET, de3l-lm __ jJABFEB, DURNBY, & CO., BANKERS, .STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. Particular attention paid, to purohase and sale of OR a °* k *‘ H SOUTH THIRD STREET. ManADnuraiA, Rapßßßßosa. —Drexel A Co.. Philadelphia; J. B. Aui- Hn, President Southwark Bank, novl7-8m OHAEtI.ES EMOET. I ALEX. BBHSOIt. JB. QHARLES EMORY & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Mo. 15 South Third Street, . PHILADELPHIA. AH kinds of uneurrent funds and Gold and Sliver bought and sold, and Collections made. Particular attention' given to the purchase and sale of Government, State, and other Stocks and Loans on commission. nol7-8m OIL STOCKS, U. S. LOANS, &c., BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Bt GKORGK J. BOYD, Broker, jaS-Smlf No. 18 South THIRD Street. FANCY 'FURS. 1864. 1864. i. K. & F I. WOMBATH, SCISSORS TO THE LATE GEO. I. WOMRATH.I Ko. 415 Arch Street, HAVI *OW OPM A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LAJJIBS' FANCY lUBS, To whlsh they invite the attention of buyers. oeMrim ; RADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN FABEIRA, No. 71S ARCH Street,-above Seventh Street, At hie old established store. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS r.AnrFJi AND CHILDBbn. Having now In store a very large and heautlfal assort ment of all the different kinds and qualitls. of FANCY FURS FOR LADIES’ AND GHELDBBN’S WEAR, I solicit a call from those in want. Remember the name and number, JOHN FAREIBA, TlB ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have no partner or eonneetlon With any other store In this eitv. oeS-4zaif , PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMB-OF ALL X sizes and Improved styles. A splendid assortment at B. V E81M8K’8,.6584 ARCH Street. Those who desire them should patronize him. Go early. It* -REIMER’S PIKE STYLES CARTES Xfc DB VISITS are unsurpassed la accuracy or taste ia finish. When you desire a satisfactory picture, co parly to Gallery, oBOOfIP Street* above Green, lt*jfl Eife-like pictures-accurate of outUneand features, and truthful expression, B F. RRIMRR'S life lias Photographs in ott colors. Please come early* days short. 6»4ABCH Btreet. It TOSHUAvT, OWEN, ATTORNEY, tl COUSBLIVr AT, LAW, AND SOLIOITOB OF CLAIMSOffice, 851 F Street, near FourteanthSt.. Washipttos, D, v, deSbSm A YOUNG MAN, AGED 18 YEARS, desires a Situation in a Wholesale House, Gro cery Preferred. Salary not e* roach an object as a knowledge of business. -Address BbX-IOItP. O. j«4 6t* A SITUATION AS CLERK OR AS- SrSTAST BOOS KEEPJSB.. Good penman, and qraielt at figures. Graduate of Bryant & Stratton’s Col ls*?: Beet of etty referencee given. Address “X. Y. Z," Press office, jad-3t* PARTNER WANTED SPECIAL **• preferred—wnbjtweiity-dve thousand dollars cash Wim, U> .corduci the GOMMsSSH'N B0«INEi8, and the buying and selling of Dry Goods to the Jobbing this and other cities, by'an established honae, Addresses to ‘‘Commission Merchant,’* 80x625 Post Office, with real name and address, will be strictly confidential. Pbtlai>b%fhta» January 4.18C*. SALESMAN WANTED—IN A HAT, Cap, and Straw Hoods House on MARKET Street To a first-class man a liberal Hilary will be Sven. g Address Box 1507, Post office j a <|. gt* TO CAPITALISTS, WANTED, A -f- man of capital willing to invest S2S,GCO as Special Partner in a m&hufactwin? business yielding large profits and certain sales. Address, with real name, * * Business, * ’ Press office. ja4-3t* to-oil Companies now form- A ISO. ♦‘-WAlf TJsD—By*a young Attorney at Law. a POSITION as Secretary of a stftKi Oil Company. Ad dress *‘JE. L, D 309 SPRUCE Street, jag Si* WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS SOPRA * • HO YOICB forth. Choirofsn BplucopalChurch: also, a first-class TBSfOB. Address Btx Vißl Poet Office. ■ jas a» WANTED—IN A STRAW-GOODS ' BOOSB, aa mamrJencedSABESMAH. acauatnted Port Office &44ms Box ***• Philadelphia WANTED _A SITUATION IN A V . Wholesale BOTIOW HOUSE, by a Young Man who has a knowledge of the business. Can give the bast of city reference. Address *♦€!./* Preat office. xt* WANTED, BY AN AMERICAN WO tii where she can have her son, tins years of age, with her, and where he can be or service also. Address ‘-Mr* <j. W. H., ,? office of Press. ja4-wfn:&Wlt« WANTED—IN TISiE GENERAL-DRY " * Goods Commission Baiiness, already established and capable of being Increased to* a® indefinite amount, a PARTNER. either active or opectal, with twenty-fire to forty thousand dollars cash'capiial. Address <l ‘ W. M. C ♦” with real name, which will be confidential at the Pr(88 office. de3o-fmwgfc* WANTED—A YOTJNGMAN, ABOTTP seventeen years of ue, as-au RETRY CLERK. Address Box 2287, Post Office, in hand writing of appii cant, with references. jas-3t* WANTED—A GOOD ©UTTER. AT » » Ho. 333 CHESTNUT Street jafiYt* • JOHN T. WfUSOW. WANTED TO RENT, IN A CEN ,T,f tral locality, onihe first floor; part of an Office fog Desk room. AddressI** 1 ** P,” 80x2212j F. O. jaStf WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, OF * • four ye ere’ experience In »he retail trade, a situa tion in a Wholesale Dry Goods or Commission House, ae salesman for Delaware and Maryland.. Address soon to * Clarence.’ ’ Press office. ja6 6t* WANTED—A LAD IN A SILK , BpIISE on Market street. Address’ ’’Meican tlle.” Press office. - jU-rt« WAHTEB-IN A SILK BOUSE ON r T MARKET Street, a Salesman acanafnted with near trade Address “B. K. ," Press office. jad-dt* WANTED-A YOUNG MAN IN A .J * Wholesale Drag House as Assistant Book- keeper. Must be a good penman and be quick at figures. Best of references required. Address r ‘Drug Bookkeeper.” and name amount of salary expected. fa4-St* WANTED, AGENTS.—AGENTS IN * i every County, at $7O a mouth, expenses paid, to introduce fifteen new and useful articles, the best sell ing ever offered. For particulars, address OTIS T. GARRY, BIDDBFOBP, MAINE. oegfrd&wW CASHIEBi A GENTS WANTED FOR THB NURSE —— AND SPY—The most Interesting and- exciting hook ever published, embracing the adventures or a woman in the Union army ae Hurse, Scoot, and Spy. Givinga most vivid Inner picture of the war. Returned and disabled officers and soldiers in want of profitable employment will And it peculiarly adapted to their condition. JOBES BROS. & CO., 600 CHBSTNOT Street, Philadelphia. de33-tla9* EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, THELARQ •*-* estandmoßt reliable, for city and country. Has always a good selection of capable persons, with good references. Americans, Irish, English, French, tier* man, Scotch, Welsh, and newly*landed emigrants, ae Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, .Watchmen, Ac. Cooks, Cnambermaids, Seamstresses. Laundresses* waitresses, and general Housework Servants- Also, Colored Servants. Nos. 803 and 804 LOCUST Street, above Eighth. de!9-lm Salesman wanted—m a bey- Goods Commission House, a capable and ambi-' nous-young MAN, who has had some experience, can hear of a good situation by applying to . Dost Office, Box 129, stating references. deal-61* M WANTED TO RENT, IN .APRIL, ft moderate-sized HOUSE, with all the modern im provements, situated west of Broad street, and between Spruce and Chestnut streets. Best from $6OO to tfioo. jaMt* 88 339 South BEO~AD°sfreet. M Wanted to rent—a country BBBIDENCE, wholly or partly furnished, with modem conveniences; within an hour, by rail or boat, from Philadelphia; to be occupied from Mavl to the last Of October. Apply to 3. C. TURNER, ja6»4i* . 637 WALNUT Street, Phila. MWAMEDr-BY THE FIRST OF FEBRUARY, two or three large ROOMS, with Steam Power preferred. Locality, from Chestnut io Race and Second to Seventh streets. Address Box 2232, Post Office. - ds3l«6t* # 1«A A MONTH—WANTED— SP-LOtJ AGENTS everywhere to Introduce the new SHAW & CLARK SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE, the only low price Mkebigo in the country which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler ft Wilson, Howe, Singer ft Co., and Bachelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed. All other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringementßy and the seller and user liable. Illus trated circulars sent/ree. Address SHAW & CLARK, _ uolfi-d&wSm BIDDEFORD, Maine. J 2& ASSISTANT QUARTEBMAS* dHßim’S OFFICE, No. 3T4 South THIR3? St., _ . ... Philadelphia, Deo. 24,1864. Vessels wanted to load with coal for Newborn, N. C., and Key West, Fla. Despatch given. JOHN R. JENNINGS. de26 if % Captain and A. Q. M. OIL FORTUNES.—THE ONLY CER- V/ tain a fortune in Oil operations is to invest lour greenbacks in good and cheap oil lands, on the GROUND FLOOR. In this way you have nothing to lose, and all to gain. All the fabulous fortunes made in Oil have been made by pnrchet-ing the land and stoeking it, A word to the Wise is sufficient. To enable the man with moderate means to invest bis money on as favorable terms as those who have their thousand!, I offer for sale, in interests of $260 each, 4 FINE OIL TRACT OF SB4O ACRES, situ? ie about ten miles above McConnellsvlDe. Morgan ceumy, Ohio, on the Muskingum river. This river affords cheap transportation to all parts of the West note the advantage. There is an Oil Refinery at M«- GonnellsviHe. Coal is abundant in the hills. There are about 75 acres ofgood river bottom lands; numerous fine shows and springs of Oil in the vicinity. On an original portion of this tract is an old salt well that flowed considerable Oil in the process of boring. Price only Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, dividedbnto One Hundred Shares, ef Two Hundred and Fifty Dol lars each. Subscriptions received dally, from 10 to 2 o’clock, by D. S. CaDWALLADER* . 108 South FOURTH Street. Ten per cent, payable upon subscription. References given. jafi 3i* TO LET—THE F3TH AND SIXTH A STOKIE3 OETBK BUILDING Nos. 237 a.ii 239 BOCK Street. WITH OB WITHOUT SIE AM POWER. HOISTING DONE BX STEAM. THOS. H. CONNELL, Counting House of JBr. I>. Jayno & Sob, ja6-3t* No. 3,» CHESTNUT Street. TO LET—THE THIRD STORY OF A THE COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, Nos. 611 and 613 CHESTNUT Street. CAN BE ARRANGED I’OK COAL OIL OPFICEB THOS. H. CONNELL. Counting House of Dr. J>. Jayne & Sou, jaf-St* ' No. a 912 CHESTNUT Street. ' AIL STOCKS TAKEN FOB LIFE INSURANCE, Address Box 532 Philadelphia Post Office. jaC-sfc* T7OR SALE—THE GOOD WILL AND A Fixtures of.the Confectionery, No. 11%% PINS Street. Will be sold cheap. Good reasons for sail ing. ja6-2t* Mfor sale, with possession, Desirable DWELLING, WALLACE Street, south side, west of Nineteenth. Lot 18x100. M, D. LIVBNSEfTER,- > ja6 21* 189 South POUKTH Street. M, THE SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL at private sale her DWELLING in Norristown* situated in WASHINGTON Street, sear the depot, with Iron railing in front, hall, parlor, two large rooms, and kitchen With range on the first floor; five chambers on the second floor, with all the modern improvements, andfour on the third floor; a good, dry, cellar and summer kitchen with range; a carriage-house and stable for two horses; a large yard, with a variety of fruit trees in bearing, grapes, and other small fruit. Any person viishingtoviewthe premises can call on Mrs. T. SAURMaN, on the premises. No incumbr *nce. $B,OOO can remain if deelred. I have also a large LOT, containing about four acres, in the borough, suitable for almost any purpose. No incumbrance. *2,ooo«an remain on thepreroJses, _ jia6-Bt* “ C. SAURMAN. m HOUSE AHD FURNITURE FOR JMsaLß* CHEAP.—s9,Boocash, leavingsl7l per year mortgage, will purchase {house and furniture) a beau tiful three- story brick, with three-story back- buildings, in perfect order, with every improvement, and furnish ed throughout beautifully, within fifteen minutes’ ride of Third and Chestnut streets. Addres* _ H. GILBERT & CO., j&4-3t* Box 2163, post Office. jg| ORPHANS’ COURT SALE. Estate or Clins. W. Hepburn, Dot’d. VALUABLE PROPERTY, Consisting of 4 Acres and 128 Perches, It has four fronts’ —Denting on Market street, Forty-third and Forty fourth, and Ludlow (formerly Oak) streets. , The improvement* are a Frame Cottage. withpßxlor. sitiing room, and kitchen on the fi*at floor, two chain* here os the second, and two attics above; gas through' out; cooking range; good well of water ia Ihe yard* Ac. Also, a large Stone Bern and Stable, and two one-story Frame Buildings fronting on Market street. To be sold on TUESDAY, January 10th. 1865, at 12 o’clock noon* at the FBILABBLFHIA EXCHANGE, byM. THOMAS A bOSS* Auctioneers, , JOHN J SCHELL, STEfHEH BENTON, jafl Olit Execntora. m< DELAWARE COUNTY.—FOR#* JBtgALE. FINE FARM, IK miles from Thurlow-A- Station, and 2K from Cues ter and Baltimore Railroad, eighty acres of lands brick mansion, rooms, piazza in front, handsomely shaded, parlor, hall, open stairway, Ac sbarn aid other buildings, stream of Water, fine riyer yiew, CUMMINS**’ -50* WALNUT Street N-B.—Call for catalogue of farms, jast ont. ja4-3t F3R sale-building lots in tho Oil Keslons. still inhands of ftntparties. Flye aerts, suitable for Building, InCorry, Crawford coun ty, Pa., opposite the depot. This is the great Railroad Centre of the Oil Regions, B. WBIOLKY & CO., jad St* 131 South FOURTH Street TO BENT—THE UPPER ROOMS OP A STORE No. 531 MARKET street. One of the heat business locations in the city. . . ~t Apply.on the premises. J 8 it/fn nnn -ground rents, tfIrAU.UUU. well secured. For sale by TATLOW JACKSON, 61* CHESTNUT Street. de3l-12t* JJBW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. WHITB CLOYBR HONKT. * NSW FARM) PEACHES. CULTIVATED OKANBKRRIKB, Ac. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Groceries, »02-tf Comer ELEVENTH and VINE Street*. THE cheapest and best place A In the city to get HEAD DRESSES, plain or fancy CAPS. Is ai Hci 00* ARCH Street. de3l-6t* TOMATO catsup.—new tomato WANTS. FOR SUE AND TO LET. TWENTY-FOURTH WARD, WEST PHILADELPHIA, AUCTION BA3L.EB. CW BAZAa.®> ninth AND SAN «<IS SOH Street* AUCTION SALE 0?'”hOV 5 5% CABBrAOSS, tie., OH SATUBDAr MOk msa aBXT, At 10 o'cloolT, comprirfor Buif«| to harneea and tbe saddle. * ttU deMrlption at eale. «^ i iol«t c ? 5 I> s ct,on of Arable *ow wd *’• • wfflST^aB^SS ,, ~ “ MUa * brHl "* el^F^E m roitf I '™^ s * ° r seconds** iloWi*.'' *S~ Ho postooneineat on “n£at fifwosaißr; **• Sale of fle,, on WUBltob AT. jafegt if _ _ _j__. . „ . ._ Ancflffnhm' ■ AfIftTSEMEW'TSi. CHBSTNUT-Bl*, THIS (FlMay) EVBNFHB, Jan. 4 OSBBPIT O? . _ COSEDT COMBIBATIOJS. . The peirorfeance -will' conUnonde 'WHth the «o!SedyeC „„ T SWEETHEARTS AND WIVES. . Billy LackiUay.. Wm. mrren , Miss Josie Orton. Charles Frasttlin .v. ...»Mr. Charles Barren Mrs. Bell. .•• Miss Ermily Jtfeat&yer To condo dyfojth the beeiHM Comedy, . _ ALL THAT GLITT2BSIS NOT W^D. Toby tfm. WarrdtP Martha GibbB<-~*-~«« ...............Miser Josie Orton* Stephen Cherleaßarrel* To-morrow Broafaffi Three Splendid Pieces. SATCKfiOtr AVTERIWON. Jan. 7, - TWEKTY-SECegp GBANP gAMILY MaTTSBB. WALNUT-B'f'&EET TSEATRB. ** PAKEWEM .TBSTIMOBry, BESBFIB, AJSTD POBITIYEI,2%AST KrGHT f BBT ONE, Of the actress, THra (PrtcaT)' EVENING, jan 6, He performance wilßciJniniance with tine play at TflS WBASGEB. _ , „ . _ . Sfij. Haller .Encille Western, To conclude with tbe ctfavming coined entitled THE EOSjSYMOOIJ. __ 1 Ltrcille Western. JttifjlD&K «44< « ••tllir,** (4 MBS. JOHN DBjSW’S NEW AB02&- 1,1 BTREET THEATRE. • . EASE WELL BENEFIT Of J. S. CLARK*. TO-NIGHT (Frida-*)/Jaimir.ry 6.IST*. KNIGHTS (>F THF.ROnNir TABSB, THE TOGGLES, and ‘'‘SPECTRE BRTOESROOIf.’’ nffissa^oZSßwesap^ar. MONDAY. MISS CAROLINE RICH IDrGB- Xj’AST LYNNE: OB'*' THE JI&aPH- Yu meht. * The Popular WontedJOnn^Aetnis*. LUCILLE WEBT3EH, willsivoa / _ GRAND XATINE& of C. W. Tayleure’a moral emotional play BAST LYNNE, EAST LYNNE, OR THE ELOPEMENT, OB THE ELOPEMENT; AT THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ' BROAD and LOCUST Street*, TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) AFTRRBOOS, for the especial accommodation of ladies, and children. ' Admission, to all parts of ttte Louse, 50 cents. Reserved Seats, 75 cents. Seats mar ba icenred or tickets purchased tnadnudir •» at the Box Ogce of fhe Academy, at the Continental * Hotel, and at the Indies’ Restaurant of the Continental. -Morel. ja2-5t * jyOXBR ACADEMY OF MUSIC/ SATURDAY. January 14,2 ggs _ GROSS * JARVIS' FIRST CLASSICAL 80IR8E ■Subscription list is now open, at the Stores of Lee Sr Walker. Andre & Co., and f. B. Gould, aingle tickets el. Cogoart to commence at 8. jaS-tf * fJ-REAT HATIOKAL CIRCUS—WAL BUT Street, above Eighth. Charles Warner, formerly Hhv «SSSrIMS ,< ® , lesva to state that daring tfc# PRESENT WEEK the following'named artistes wli make their Ant appearance: M’LLE ELIZE, a young., grace/hl, and angelic equestrienne; SIGNoB NOISE, the wonderful contortionist; Mbbsts MADIGAN and DONOVAN, the intrepid and. pleasing gymnasts. These. With the remainder of the GREAT COMPANY of unexcelled artistes, will enact some of the most vle*»- sing and wonderful SCENES IN THB ARENA, match less in magnificence, and surprising in effect. ADMJSSiGfl'—Firet tier, 60 cents; second Iter, 25 center private boxes, $3 and $6. as to location. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. commencing at 2J£ o'clock. Evening performance commencing at 7.40. jaa-fit CIGNQR BLITZ, ASSEMBLY BULLBi XH2pK''iilw“iEjUTTo'oLbTNl) YOUNG. Three Grand Performance*on MONDAY. January 24. commencing at 11 A. M , 3 and 7KP, M-. and on the T sa?s«!s®a“™ er eeat^WcentB 26 Chu * rea ' l6 c9Bt »- Beeerw* CKATING.—ELEGANT SKATING ON o m c. caimsßLL’s übiob skatibo parks. FODBTH and DIAMOBD Streets.- Opan from 91a tha morpins till 10 at night. Infraction given every morn ing from 9 to 12. u* XTATIONAL BKATING PABE, - -L’ TWENTY-FIBST AITD COLUMBIAAYEBO'B. SPEBBDID BKATISO. ICB IB PERFECT COBDITIOB. lIHB DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS AT 9 O’CLOCK TBIB EVRHISg. TAKE RIDOS AYBBPB CABS- It* CKATINGI SKATING! SEATING BE kJ MOONLIGHT !—Good Skating oa Park, THISTr- FIEBT aad WALNtFT Streets. Full Band in attendance afternoon and evening. It* S AML. SIMES, Treasurer. T? AST WICK SKATING PARK.— J ABOUT TBIT ACRES OF ICB ARB HOW CLEARED (AND STILL CLEARING), AND READT BOR TH» SUBSCRIBERS AND PATRONS OF THE PARK. TLB Train starting U A. M. and i P. M. from BALTI MORE DEPOT, BROAD and PRIME Streets, will <arr» Passengers to tne Park. A BRASS BAND will be In attendance. fJ.BBMA.HIA. ORCHBSTBA.—PBBMa V* BBHBAESALB every SATURDAY, at 354 o'clock F. M., at MUSICAL FUHD HALE. Single Tickets, a cents. 6SixTJckets, $l;to be iiad at Gould's, Andre’s. and Meyer’s Mnsic Stores, and at the HalL no7»tf fjHRIBT REJ EOT S D. —. ,V This admirable picture, thagreateat production of the p ,SjsjS r Is now on exhibition at the ACADEMY Of' FINB ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT Street, together with the entire collection of the Institution. Admittance twenty-live cents. - aoM-Vm* THE academy of, fine arts. a CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, is OPEN DAILY for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M- jeM BOARDING. QBVBRAL GENTLEMEN. CAN oB ■ ' TAIN a pleasant ROOM and ful’. or partial. BOARD, at SO* North TENTH Btreet. ia6-2t» TfOARD WANTED—IN • A PRIVATE MJ family* or where there. are few other boarders, tat en, by two Gentlemen. Address, with full p&rticu 3ars» **A. L F-Philadelphia Post Office. it* "pTOST-CLASS PBBMANBKT BOABI* -L bad at the old .UNITED STATES HOTEL. 4«3 CHEST-BUT Street. This house hae no bar. Charges moderate, it* lost mb gymro. f OST OR MISLAID—ON : FRIDAY' AJ Dec. 39,1861, an agreement between E. C. KNIGHT and others. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it with R. BUNDLE SMITH. Eso., j&o St* NO. 3?3 S FOURTH ST. PROPOSALS. QUARTERMASTER’S DEPART- V* l MENT, Office TWELFTH and GrRARD Streets. SEALED PROPOSA^sWI?IteIiIS U |f y tlis 16 oi« until 12 o’clock M.» FRIDAY, January 13, 1865, for livery eaeoon as possible, at the United States store house* HANOVER* STREET Wharf, of ONE HUNDRED MEDICINE WAGONS, Autenreith pattern, Axles to be made of same size a* tboßft of Army Wagons* as par •ample to he seen at t»e United States storehouse, Bacover-fifereet wharf. Philadelphia. Bidders will state price, boih in writing and figures, how many wagons they can deliver, and the shortest time they can deliver them in. The wagons to be inspected by an inspector appointed, on the part of the Government. All proposals to be made ont upon the regular forma, furnished at this office. Each bid must he guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee* and certified to as being good and sufficient security for tee amount involved* by some public functionary of the United States. The right is reserved to reject allhidsdeemed toohigh, and so hid from a defaulting cont-actor will bereceived. By order of Col, Herman Biggs, Chief Quartermaster. QSO, B. OEME. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. UEfiAIo r* THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE CITY AHD COBHTY OF PHILADELPHIA.. Estate of MaBGABET LUCST, deceased To Alexander Lucet Martin, John S. Martin, George S, Martin, and Anna Maria Angnera Take notice that an application has been made by ADRIASA A. L. LAMBERT to the said Court forth® private sale of a three-story brick messuage and lot, ah the southwest corner of Delaware Front aad Belief streets, in said city, and that the same will be acted on by Court on FRIDAY, March 3, 1865, at 10 o’clock By the Court. R. M. BAT FURS, ja€-fr2m Deputy Clerk Orphans' Court.- : T7STATE OF WHjLIAM HENOTYV Xi DECEASED. betters testamentary upon Hie Estate of WILLIAK of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted 1o the undersigned, by the Begister of Wills of said city, all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make payment, and those having claims to present them without delay to ‘ JOHir BfcABTUtTR. Ho. »<K> South SIXTH Street,. Philadelphia is6-ft6t* YjMtIEREAS. LETTERS OF AD MINIS »r THATIOH to the estate of ELIZABETH MAT iiIK'GEH, deceased,have been granted to the subscriber, all persona indebted to the said estate will please make payment, and those having claims against the gam. will present the same to ADAM MATBIK-GBS. • Administrator, ia6-fmw6t* 1003 MOHTBBEY Street. insubmce. JNSURE YOUR LIFE or -THB AMERICAN, g. E. Cor. Walnut and Fonrtfe gtE* PHIL ADBLPHI A. It is a HOME COMPAHY. and profits divided aann ally. Urns siding the assured to par fntere premiums. Last dividend ISO per dent. BOABD OP TETOTKEB. Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson. Hon. James Pollock, Hon. Jos. AllisonT Alhext O. Cherts, Henry K Bennett Samuel T. Bodlne, Philip B. Mlnrie. Geo. Nugent. John Aihman, Wb. J. Howard, J Isaac Hajlehnnrt, iaiMUM Work ALEXANDER WBTT.T.T>TIf. M SAMUEL WORK, Vice ProMto*. n. 020 Bmlf JKO. 8, WILSOn. Sw’y J—l_nnf~ MALCOLM MACF|E!ILI«*a s—^SPBCTACLB STOEE. He 310 ptTTHßireet.below^^ SUBSTITUTES?, VOLUIT TEBRS, AM* If office yor' x will 4o welL agl PAMm , At .y°: 0 'South BBTESTH Street. T7REDIBICK BOVaOT 'pHIL&DEJjpHii SCALE WORKS.— "T, P, I 'Jfo r m Scales sad Besma ot ersir va. rtety constant lT olt hand. bavis ft CO ja2-6t' tK^TSSSTBMiiPmmST^fUArwmL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers