JIB AS CIA L AS» ‘OIHIHBBOIAIi. GoYOTiirrient ercnrlt-.e e>- tiuue in gn. d demand. On Fatur. By the - were Nig. «.H» »t <"•» l «<* b 1 ** 117 K for the IfS! loan, an advanc* of * 5 *1,7 «? advance iff H, with coup 'n» off Th ’' M-40i sold a it¥ un sdimcß ol l. e.,d th-n-s. bond, were .toadya* -i®k Burylu. captul • lo« * '«'* f * Sat forGovenunent gold boric* *""*'• tor the reason that they haven specie r**>- ™ d - s » lo!l * M«be public “edit is jneirnMned. have the same aeteai rain, fhrou.b all the •bßaen cf currency and of prices. Next to public pennies, a preference is shown for Invest j m enterprises. The railway share list wm very dull and were gßa*rally lower. Kead 3b* fold atfii* ado-lio* of IH.-imd P nnsylvaata Bail mfid at ef>&, a decline of Bank stocks were held •firmly. TM**wa* nothing *»d in pa»sen*erraUroadB. Company b«»*d* were very noil. Of iito oil stocks there were sales rf ported of Gorttu at a farther advance of 1, and Maple Shade at an advance uf IX* Canal and mi* Hint eterkft were »**leoted. The following were theqnotationa of gold at the hours named: J 10 A. * •*••••• ......232* 11 A M...** * *SEH . 11* A- 8 * IS* 12* J* «-«-* * "Ha* TMea'efadj decline in g"ld re Sects the general ednfi cUnce’of the ability of General Sherman to capture Savannah. Th#following i».» s*at» meutof the approximate earn-. P lags of the PittshnTg, Port Wayne, and Chicago Bail* tray Company* during *ha mnp Jt of November, nit, compared with theie&ntwperiOd last year: 1F64 * 1861 Increase, 67-» 93 <5B $124,899 85 PaSnseis *S7,Mi 9u Ji ® l!2l 5S M ’SS ixprexsmatter... 6,0 000 f’JjSnn- 3,600 00 Dalis- ».B.*w ?**» Bentof railways- 7:8 •83 VnoJm l'loaon JttisceUaneone ** * **»* *« 10 l ' m 90 ,«7-»,70J M $460,299 70 $277,411 40 _ Total..— Warnings from »oyfeSer 1 30®e,336.m M 4 645,292 16 1,890,840 44 Increase for November. 69>i pero&n*.; and to Novem bers*) 861-3 per cent* Tbe oil foyer athl rages, though, the Indications point to a decline a»d au wy ** smash up ” of many of the worthless t» at are no wreceived so favora bly al the Stocfc'Exoharuf Piojectora of newcom panies find it a somewhat difficult task now to get a’suf ficient amount of abhecrlherf- to put, their machinery into operation, and after tising end flaming circulars ary obliged to knock under, flndmgit impossible to convince the pobllc of the truth Of all tie aetoundio* tacr* ifc**y pieseat. We think that the limit of thep* bile' *u ; ubliby is about reached, ihatUir not so eaa- r now for a swindling company, t,<bP»\ih i.fiV'emtr Kuccesafnllyas was the chse £ who have money to in vest begin to inquire as to tbe merits and demerits of ih« peeking tetir subscriptions, and no thing.* but the most po-Htve arsciraoces that the com panies v mean to d«ai hooectiy by their subscribers, coupled with the most compete exposition of assets end prospects, can Micce d in securing a fall com* plement of subscr ptne*. The market is how glutted with oil KtoVhe, good, bad, and iedtt fersnt.v The old compa-ies which have declared xegrUaf monthly duibHuds remain either itatioa ary as'to price at *h« S ea or decline to par. Few indeed have aovaued f lat-, nor is it to be ex. pected thatthey wUI advai.cn, vrfcea so many others are engaging a tention, unit** new developments of oil are made to justify*!!. W« ko.iwof one or two good companies that bar* to declare dividends quarterly* and not depen - oo monthly dividends to ap* predate stock/ wh*n tnvtt does dot warrant such a com so. It nth** ambition of evert new compa ny to make a good dr<>w at first by* declaring monthly dividends for a short ver on, antU, having created a be lief in Ua honestly ana suhsunttalUy, the original sub scribers ate enabed to back out, leaving to the new* comers only magnificent and high hopes in the place <3f flowing w : U*anc overflowing coffer*. The swindling mconj-ection wi i ol . operations has many phased and the »rap> eel f< r unwary are baited With nil the cunning, plausibility, and seeming respec tability needful ro’gecure the same. The public hare been {frequently cautioned to beware of the manifold deceptions, on«-h uervfsCrd, of the gettere-up of com panies, organized upon oon-borahle land, in the vi cinity of oil* beaiing territory f but w« think it now ad visable that some aitenti ;.p should be givento particu lar sharpers whost dens are In various Tocillties., These predatory guerillas in toe pretroleum or miningfield generally have up»’n th*ir flag *-uch inscriptions as * * pe troleum ex*hange,” or “petroleum agency/* or mining agency," *e.» and the viciim’e power to es cape, when within tbeir eucehef, is about equal to the chance of a mouse in the ctew* or a cat. To use au ap propriate figure Of an able writer in the American Ex* chanffe anftjßiVteWi Jonah, while in the big fish, got to the oil, but lie wa». doubtless, glad to bo freed from his oily environments with a whole skin; those who go after oil in the dene we refer to will not get quite as near it as djd Jonah, nor yet come out whole, like bin. The Pope 'Farm Oil Company have called for an extra assessment ol 60 cents per share to enable them to work their lands. The 44 Vance Stewart Bock Oil Company,” that a few weeks ago advertised so extensively, has, we learn, •‘gone op*” the stock not having been subscribed for. The Titusville Banking an if Exchange Office of G. S. ■Warren&Co.» has “goneup” petrudeumically. The ■ * president ’ ’ of the combination, association, or com pany, aW. b. Bannister, banker, has evaporated; so have the deposits in the “bank.” The sheriff went af ter the ‘‘ftEsets,” possibly is still going after them, but our latest intelligence does notadvUe us how far he has got. A Titusville journal, watch styles the event a ** catastrophe.” says; “Itpeems that Bannister had used the money of tue depositors in the purchase of oil territory, and had organized a company under the title of the * New York Flowing Oil Company, l with a no minal capital of $600,000. At the time of the crash he •was in New York, for the purpose of selling the stock of the company, and thereby r&isUg funds to replace the deposits, and complete the purchase of the territory upon which advances had already been made.” By this defalcation the depositors wilt lose about $25,000. The stockholders of the Central Coal and Oil Compa ny are [happy. Lucky fellows! The directors “have gone and done It * * by calling in an assessment of 25 cents per ihare, payable by December Ist. Among the concerns in the oil way, which lately jnade their appearance, in Philadelphia, is something entitled «‘ The Dunkard oil Company. ll It makes, in Its ** circular ” or “prospectus,” no mention of capi tal, par value of shares, or subscription price. The reason for mingthe title * ‘ Dunkard, * ’ is not veryclear. It claims to hold by lesse, aad in fee simple, 103# acres in “Green” county, yet by its own showing, it has but one acre and a quarter, on Dunkard creek. •This spot, it is claimed, is on the “Maple” farm meaning, we presume, as the company does not under stand the designation of its own property, the celebrated oil farm of Bobert Mapel. All the borable land on this farm, is, however, said to be held by other parties, and the aforesaid acre and a quarter is on the top of a hill. If the shares - of this company have any value, it rests hpon the real'Worth oflOO acres, on a stream known as •‘Ten Mile creek.” Somaoh for “The Dunkard Oil According to its prospectus, one of the oil companies aow claiming patronage extensively through the public prints owns 4 * a deed right forever for oil on 1,500 aeres ©ntbe property known as the Brandon Tract, in For* esi county;” also, “aleaseforntnety-nine(93)yearifor sine*tenths (9*10) of * u *Le oil on a tract or 1,300 acres, inown as the Messenger Tract, on the Clarion river, about twelve mU« s above tbe Brandon Tract. 1 * The company, it will be perceived, do not claim to DWnoneacre of land in fee simple, but only nineteen* twentieths of the oil right on two tracts t* elve mile 8 apart, comprising jointly 2,800 aeres, all in Forest coun ty. This oil right is offered in the shape, of 300 000 shares of stock, at $2 DO per share, amounting to $750,000; de duct therefrom $lOO 000 for working capita], and $650,- OCO remain as the net cost of the ell right aforeiald to the original subtcribt rs for the company’sska-es, which $050,000, of course, will be divided and distributed among the originators of tbe scheme and the owners of the land—which latter sold not their land, hut only nineteen-twentieths of the oil on St; so', if no oil be found, tht company will fade out, andttte land 1011 l remain in its present ownership / We have a list of two hundred and twenty-eight (228) Dll companies, whose joint capital is divided iatoinore than twenty millions of capital shares. Twenty-two Of these companies have an aggregate capital of twenty eight and half millions ($28,600,000) of dollars, divided Into flyemillions (fl t OOP*OoD>of shares, eqailto ah ave rage of 2j27,272 shares for each one of said twenty-two oil companies! Anyone can foresee that the existing plan of organiza tion of the oil companies wiU not withstand the shock of a financial panic nor a serious revulsion orfiuctua lion in.the oil trade. And as panics, revulsions, and fluctuations visit all commercial countries—see England at this time-ibe period may not be far of when neces sity and wisdom combined will cause a reorganization of the oil companies, and a rednctlon*of their capital khares to a number that will represent system afod in sure greater confidence throughall stages of the stock or oil markets. Iron, coal, and copper are the older mining interests In the United States, and, consequently, are now orga nized on plans that units the teachings of experience With the current lessons of the hour. After the oil companies shall have gone through the same ordeal there will he fewer oil snares, and those who are now Buying their experience in the stock market will he Wiser men. Drexel & Co, quote; United States bonds, 1881..- ..117 <3ll7kj United States Certif. of Indebted ness. 57K@ 97? s Quartermasters’ Vouchers 95 @ 95 Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness 1H& 2 Gold #227 Sterling Kxchange...........245 <&24S]£ Five-twenty Bonds..~*«lQ9 @io9>a JPBKLkPBLPBIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES,Dec. 17. -•■■■■ v BEFORE BOARDS, aifcfefl Walnut Isl...cath 3 l 100 ReadingßC SP- 59 HdO do »«*»•$*•»■•♦••. ■“ I DIDST BOARD. “ 'too WBMbßd«..lo*»-MHfj 10081 Dorado 2 1W) U 810-40 Dda lorn-102 ICO Egbert Oil 3 81 100 ! 100 Fraskliu • ••».•»♦»» 134 loco state 63. 93* 800 d 0....... 134 2COO City 65 New C&P o 9834 60 Maple Shade...... S7j| ICCO Cam & Amb 6s’831(11 fiu Noble SBetamater 13 ICO Caldwell 634 1 StOG Western....lots. 3 St t". cash 6351150 Ferry 0i1....10ta. 6 SCO d0.........t0te. hM 10Q d0...........M. 4> # SCO do lota DEO- 6% 100 Read RC&P 69 100 do b 6. 7 610 Tarr Farm........ 3% . ioo d 0.... 7 10Q Union Petroleum.. 214 * 300 d 0........ *b3Q. IX 18 Phiiadelnhia 8fc.166 300 do .b 5 . 734 30 Farm & Meeh Bk.. .09 1(0 do>... 734 10 ManArMechßank. 3334 m d0.>....bS lota. IX S niiy Bank 60 fODßenemore b£o. £>4 100 Northern Central-■ 64* SCO d 0.6 ICO do 5434 IGOBalzell (311 i% lOOCatawiesa E .16 *JCO - d 0... lota*. S3i 100ArcU-atE.......... 13% BETWEEN BOARDS. 1500 St Nicholas 0i1... - . 4341 2GO Caldwell IX 'BOOTJBOalSSloonpoff.llO I'.OWalnotlsland.... 3 10(0 do ;,..cash.imrlOOOCreecein City Oil.. 2 84 Lit Schoyl E. .lots. 44* 4000 C * Arab 6a ’S3. -sO.lOl 300 Oil Creek reg. 8 lOOCnrttu 0i1......... l.j 200 Maple Shade-.lots. 3854 200 McClintook 0i1.... SX 100 do bls. 38* 100ReadmieBO&P... 63 IKOTarr Farm. lots bSI- 3 % 61 Poona R *»« 610 do 834 60 Trwia Oil rf b* 35C0US5 Mbonds.new.lo934 2CO Wat ant Island b 5. 3 200 d 0...- old .It 8* 651.1(1 Aleg'.yecrtp bS. 77* ICO Banner Oil I*. 1(0011 Ok *ChRJH rg 3% 100 Arch-street K.b30.1834 6(0 Obw Creek 2>e lCOOaldweit..., 7*l fcEOQBD £OOO Lehigh C...., IQI 100 Benner Oil 1* 400 MoKllienr 0.1.10ta, ft* 100 OiiCteek..., 8* 1(0 Swaiara Falla— 7 200 Hibberd. lota, -.gw ICO Perry (Ml* «?! . - AFTEa 1 MO Caldwell Oil. ..MO^7* ICO Great -Wettern-.i.'S 100 Scbl MaTigation.. * S3K 282 do 3334 200 d 0........ 3934 • 2CoPerry 0i1...;, lots .434 4CoBilgge 0i1.....10ts 5 300 Bittner 1-69 Kfi lit ICO Pen nOH Creek blO 8X 600 McClintock Oil Its 5 Fhiladelphla markets. . t . December 17~Bvening. The markets generally are-very dull to* day, owing to t"hc decline in sold, and the tran»actiom are in a small way only. Quercitron Bark u dull. Cotton it rather lower. The Flour market is quiet at former rates. *Wheat, Corn, and Oat&are unchanged- 'The Provision market is veryffrmat fail prices. Whisky is in de mand and prices have advanced. The Flour market continues dnll, there being very little demand for shipment; tie only sales we hear of are shout 000 bbla to the retailers and bikers, at from $9 6O@lo 26 foT superfine; *lO 75® ll 26 for extra; $11.60 t@l3.fio for extra family,and $12.75(2113 r*bM for fancT brands, as to quality. R>e Flour is selling in a »maU way at Corn Maal Is scarce at iorm*r rates. Buck* heat is in demand, with sales at $5.12>a(2. 5.25 the IQQ lbs * ■“ GRAIN-In Wheat there is very little doing, and the demand is limited at about former rates; bib all sales of ftds are making at Irom 20Q@260c for fair to prime Fean* BOARD. 100 Union Petroleum.. 2 600 Caldwell.... lots* 7K 100 Curtin Oil .. IB 25 do 14 lf-0 Walnut Island.... 3 , 250 Irwin Oil.lots b 5.11 tSQQ do*~-. ....lots. 11 BOXBDB. 2QOMcClintockOilh3o 5X d_OP BC-20 bonds 109 o 4 Far Cl Mesh Bank. 69 ‘ 100 story Farm ....... 2 100 Re t din* KC&P-. 58 000 bt Sacbolas Oillots 4% 500 Tarr Farm b3O 3 X 2'X) Egbert gt 2 ? 0 Irwin Oil bfl li 800 do..** .regll Rylvania ard Western reds, and white at from 29Q@t900 busbe), see *diog qa&lit . Rv*» i* selatg ia.a email wsy at 17,5®18ec$* bushel f »r Dtlawareand Penn silvania. Corn is quirt; amolf ~*‘>{**» Jt* from 1700171 c for new. &ud 18*c 9 bushel for yellow Oa*s are in steady demand, and siting at 9ic V BARK. —There Is little or c. thl< g doing in: QucJ. citron, and the market is dull; fir«t Wo. I Is JieU at Baled Is selling at from ton. . COTTON.*-Trices are rattier lower, aod the market is duff, with small lota of middlings to notice at 152#133b Sugar is drml- hold, with sales of about 150 hbds Cuba at 18&@19c fi>. Coffee Is scarce at ahont former rateß. ..... PETROLEUM. —Prices are wet! maintained: small sal. sate making at from le crude. 74@7*0 for refined in bona, aidfrte aifrom. gallon, as to qoality. - SEEPS, —Clove T PPed cent! men scarce, and tn demand* 64 lbs Timothy te dul, and quoted at l-nthe'. F'axseed is in steady demitd; fiOJ bush els fold at $3 70$ bushel .. PROVISIONS.—f here is a firmer feeling la the mw ket, and prices are rather better, but we hear or ns tales wo* thy of notice. WHISKY Is in bet ,®r demand and prices have ad vanced, with PBiesof about 400 bbls—Pennsylvania and Western at $2 $ gallon; now held higher. • . The following are the receipts of Flour and Grain M this port to day; F10ur*...... \’Bs9bbU. Wheats******. ~ 6*700 bus. C0rn.~.~™~,.........».~~..~.-.-~...... 2.400 bus. „.. ™......—..... 4,710 bus. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Geo. L. Bpzby, ) •. ‘ Bnw, C. BIDDIiB, f COMUITTEB OP THE MONTH. Thos. 8. Febkon. J JLEriERBAGJe, AT THE BreROHAirTS’ EXCHANGE* PHILADELPHIA* Ship Coburg, Gibson Liverpool, soon. Brig KUa Heed. < Br), Tuzo. . soon. Brig E. A. Bernard, Crowell-. Porter Spain, soon. Brig Hunter, Faulkner........ ....Bafhalos, soon, MARINE INTEALIUEIVCE. POKY OF PHILADELPHIA, Pec. 17.1364, Sun Rises-... 7 251 Sun Sets.. 4 861 High Water*. .6 01 ARRIVED. * SchrßVanneman, Townsend, 10 days from Key West, in ballast to D S Stetson &Co _ , ... fcchr JP Klrtlaud, Besee, 7 days from Boston, with plaster to H Wlnsbr & Co. „ _ , . • St hr Moonlight, Tuthiil, 5 days from Beaufort,fhbal a|teampSipi E C Knight. Gallaghar, 20 hours from Her York, Wm J Taylor & 00. CLEARED. Steamship Saxos, we* Boston. Bark Wm T Van Name CoOk, New Orleans. Brig Fannie, Boahoff, Soutewenc Pa^s. Brig Lincoln »Webb lireenteaf. Boston. Brig Opes Sea, Babhidg?, B >st.n. , Brig Isaac Bic« m« r- v . B- ateu. Bark Fannie, Partridge. New -‘rleaus. SchrGC Morrie, Artte, Boston. fichr Mary L Vaokirk. Vaukirk. Fort HontOft. gchrM Tilton, Fitzlover. P*>rt RojaU Scb'rLilia, Ackerly, B,rbadoe. Scbr Edward Lee. Lee. St J-'hn, P R. Schr lohn Tarj, New tork* Sohr Palo, Short, New Or eans. Schr C WlEiwell, IKr'»’S*- —m Schr Sea Ranger. Wipg &*, New Bedford. Schr Abhie, Knight, Bostoc. Scbr Aceljae. Gt.m*-re t B 'Ston, Schr E G Willard, Paraona* Portland, Sir Atlantic, Trout, Wasnibgton, Sir II T, Gaw. ner, SirPMladelpbte, F«l% A'-xaudria. Sti E C Bidd e, Fountain, F<*rt Conroe. OIL €OUPAJVIES. »5B«» WILLOW 6LES PETBOLEUH W3B COMPANY. CAPITAL. ©300,000. DIVIDED INTO 60.000 SHARES, OF THE PAS VALUE OF $5 EACH. WORKING CAPITAL, 930,000. The few shares yet remaining unsubscribed may be had upon application at the office of the Company, er any of the directors. ✓ pmbibeut; JAMES M. COETBAD. SECRETAB7 AND TREASOBEK, JOHN H. GABB. DIBBCTOBS, JAMES M. CONBAI, 623 Market street. JOHN 5. OBAHAM, 627 Market street, JOS B BBBPPaBD, 1008 Chestnut Btreet. COATES WALTON, 623 Market street. WM. EAET CABB, 1334 South Broad street. The Oil las ds ef the Company consist of the following described tracts, embracing in all one hundred and fifty two (252) acres i Tract No. I—Contains fifty-six (56) aeres, situated at * the junction of Burns* Sun and the Ohio river, with a frontage on both the river and run. Tract No. 2—Contains forty (40) acres adjoining No. 1. Nos. 1 and 2 are leased for fifteen years, three-fourths of the oil accruing to the Company. They embrace the entire valley of the run for nearly one mile. Tract No 3 —Contains fifty- six acres, owned by the Company in fee simple? located on Fifteen Creek, which empties into the Li tie Muskingum river. The Messrs. Tack Brothers, who have been so successful on the Horse Neck property in Virginia, are now >inkisga well on the adjoining tract, within six hundred feet or our 'line. del2 Im ggP“ PRESIDENT PETROLEUM COMPANY, PRESIDENT, TBNANSO CO., PA OESAKIZEB TOBEK TBB Or PEHUSYiVIIrtA, OFFICERS: Prcaldent—AMOßY EDWARDS. Ban.. New York. Treasurer—L. H. SIMPSON, Esq., New York. Secretary—J. EDWIN CONANT, Esq., New York.' JOHN M. CLAPP, Eeq., General Resident Superin tendent. Counsel—Messrs. PLATT, GERARD, & BUCKLEY, Hew York. DIRECTORS: AMORT EDWARDS, Bsq., New York. EBEN B. CROCKER, Eaq., of Crocker A Warren,New York. PLETCHEB WEBTRAY, Bsq., of Westray, Gibbs, & Hardcastle, New York. J. M. CLAPP, Esq., President. Yenango county, Fa. L. H. SIMPSON, Esq,, of L. H. Simpson A Co., New York. * Ite lands are put into the Company at the unprece dented low price of One Hundred Dollars per Acre* the lowest ever known for Oil*heauig territory, and form ite CAPITAL STOCK, 85,000,0001 In Shares of $25 each, par value. Subscription price & per Share, being in full payment for a $25 Share . / No furthei call of asteeement to be made. 360,000 SHARES, or $lOO,OOO PRESERVED FOK WORKING CAPITAL, Parties subscribing in this Company will receive an equal amount of stock in two other companies ad joining without further charge „ The Lands of these Companies are located on the Allegheny river, and on Hemlock, Porcupine, and Me- Crea creeks, MAKING AN OIL-BOEING TERRITORY OF OVER TEN AND A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on this property are being sunk: with great vigor, and promise large supplies of oil. To the capitalist and to parties of limited means un surpassed inducements are offered. Persons investing in this Company get $5 stock and the above BONUS for each $1 invested* without farther call or assessment. Subscription books, maps, and all other information can be obtained at the office ef the Subscription Agents, It. H. BIHFSON A CO., 64 CEDAR Street, NEW YORK. No Subscriptions taken for less than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. del-lm BERRY FARM OIX COMPANY.— C APITAL $1,000,000. DIVIDED INTO 200.000 SHAhBS OF THE PAS VALUE OF fa EACH. WORKING.CAPITAL, $40,000. , Books of Subscription for a limited number of Shares of Stock, at TWO DOLLARS per Share, opened at the Office of tbe Company, No. 5358 South THIRD Street, first floor,or subscriptions maybe left with any member of the Board of Directors. PREPIDBHT, _ JAMES Jr DUNCAN. SECKETARY ARC TREASURER, WILLIAM HaCKBB. DIRECTORS. JOHN B. NEWMAN. 1715 Spruce street. JOHN 3. GRAHAM, 637 Market street. ED war T. COXE.sk Walnut street. THfis. H. WILSON, 716 North Broad street, THEODORE ADAMS. Broad and Parrish streets, E. POTTS, 524 Walnut street. THOMAS R SBABLE, Germantown. SAMUEL MUNN, New York/ HENRY WARNER, 702 Franklin street. The following valuable Oil Lands constitute the basis of the Company: Tract No. I—Known ns the * * Berry Farm, * * contain ing 164 acres, owned by the Company in fee simple, ntuated in Wood county. West Virginia, directly upon the Ohio ilver. Several ompetent judges have visited this property, all of whom agree in the opinion that it presents unusual evidences of large subterraneous re servoirs of oil. Tract No. 2 consists of a tract of land in Washington county, Ohio* also Oh the Ohio liver, about \\i miles above Newport, containing 184 acres. It presents the most extensive ravines, and certain evidences of the presence of Oil; also, innumerable sites for Wells, with several large oil Springs on one of the runs. There is also in the oluffavainabeveinof Ooill, fully developed (say six to eight fe*t thick). wftfsimilirdl?elcpm?St? aCr6S ' a « ofaiM 018 alroTB > The lengthy rivtr fronrgives to these properties many advantages, avoiding expensive land carriage for the oil and coal. No. 4 is a tract in fee of IGO acres, near Franklin, Venango county, Pennsylvania, on French Creek. In addition to the above, there are belonging to the Company two superior twelve horse engines, with boil ers, &c., complete; alio two substantial derricks, with complete sets of holing tools. The Company are now engaged in developing the pro perty, working with double Bets of hands, under the sunerintt ndence of their efficient President. Prospectus, maps, and farther information, on appli cation at the Office. dels* lit *t&n» THE LEBANON la? OIIj and mining company. PRESIDENT, HENRY LIGHT, Lbbaxojt, Pa, Treasurers I • _ Secretary. ABRAHAM SHIRK. I D. S. LONG. PRINCIPAL OFFICE NORTH LEBANON, PA. PHILADELPHIA TRANSFER OFFICE (No. 3 FOB- REST PLACE,) 133# SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 30,000 SHARES RESERVED FOR WORKING CAPITAL. Sttbecription' Books Osea only until this number is disposed of. SDBSCRIPTION PRICE $3,......... FAB VALUE $5. CAPITAL, $500,000..............100.000 SHARES. This Company owns In fee simple (162) one hundred and sixty-two acres of OU and Mining, territory in Ve nango and Indiana counties, upon which tkere Is al ready a good producing wall. ». I S e v l,Tel ?P mellt! will be made after the reserre of 20,0C0 shares ie taken. Tdfßartieulars and circulars call on Mr. SAMUEL W. WRAP, at the Philadelphia transfer office of the Com pany, No w Forrest Place) 133# South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. del7-3t |®” dwectoks of the tack K 3» PETROLEUM COMPANI have this day de clared a dividend of TWO Feb CENT, out of the earn ings of the Company for the month of November, pay able on and alter the 21th inst, at the office of the Trea surer, Mr. GEORGB H. MILLINGTON, No 4fc2 IX CHAiaS PLACE. Tranßfmr hooVB closed from the 17th to the 20th instant. HERMANN. CROSS 51, New Toau, December 10,1664 . S««et*nr. Payable to the Philadelphia. Stockholders at the office of Tack, Bro., and Co., SIT WALNUT Street, on and after the sthlast. 1 defter OIL rOMPASIES. KOKH . AND PHILABEL PETROLEUM COMPANY, CARD FROM THE TRUSTEES. NO,. SB WILLI AH STREET, Naw York, Dec. lith, 1834, To the Subscribers to the Stock of the New Pork and Philadelphia Petroleum Company: It le advertised that £O,OOO shares of the Capital Stook of this ComDihr will be reserved i« Woautko Oaktac. To prevent misconception, the management desire te state that ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS la cash ($100,000) will be deposited with the Company's bankers, to be tued only in tbe development ef the magnificent property belonging to the Company, and for the legitimate contingent expenses. A large majority ef the stock having been taken, the Jwoko will soon be closed. ALBERT H. NICOLAY, President, for the Trustees. E. C. STEDMAN, Secretary. Subscription Agent* In Philadelphia, CLARKSON * CO., rgf° HEW YOBS AND rBLUOEIs •aw phia • PETROLEUM COMPANY, ORGANISED UNDER THE LAWS OP NEW .rOBBr TRUSTEES, ' PBANCIB- A, PALMER, Pcealdeat Breadway Bank, New 1 ork. NATHAN BAND ALL. exPresldent United States Tele graph Company, New York AIBBBT H..HXCOLAY, of Albert H. Nioolay & Co , Broken and Auctioneers, S 3 William 'street. New York. • • , EUGENE J. JACKSON, of Polhamlns & Jackaon, Bank ers and Broken, ft Exchange Place, New York. EDMUND C. STEDMAN, Secretary New York Petro leum Stock Board, and Broker, No, 33 Broad street. New York. ANDREW MEHAPPSY, PhUade’phla, FRANCIS A. GODWIN, Philadelphia. ROBERT OLABKSON, of Clarkson A C*., Bankers. 121 South Third street, Phlladelpnla, JAMES H. CLARKE, Oil City Pennsylvania. PRESIDENT. ALBERT IT. NIOOLAY,’ JJIW YORK, VICE PRESIDENT. ANDREW MEHAPFEY, PHILADELPHIA. TREASURER, A. V. STOUT, PRESIDENT SHOE AND LEATHER BANK. NEW YORK. OFFICES OF THE COMPANY: NO. 52 WILLIAM, STREET, NEW YORK. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILA, CAPITAL STOCK 800,000 SHAKES, AT THE NOMINAL PAR OF $S EACH. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER SHARE, STOCK SUBJECT TO NO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. 50,000 Shares, or 9100,000, Reserved for Working Capital. . A LARGE MAJORITY OF THE SHARES OF THIS COMPANY HAVING BEEN ALREADY TAKEN IN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, TUB SUB SCRIPTION. BOOKS WILL REMAIN OPEN BUT FOR A FEW DAYS LONGER, AT THE OFFICES NAMED BELOW. - NEW YORK SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS. FRANCIS A. PALMER, At Broadway Bank, No. 231 BROADWAY. ■ALBERT H. NIOOLAY & CO., No. 92 WILLIAM Street, POLHAMIUS & JAOKSON, No. A 3 EXCHANGE PLACE. KM- PENNSYLVANIA. HU’EKIAL OIL CONPANY, OFFICE No. 139 South FIFTH St., Philadelphia. CAPITAL, $1,000,000-200,000 SHARES AT $9 BACH. RESERVED CAPITAL, $290,000. Freshest—ALEXANDER K. McCtUSE. DIRECTORS. A. K. McCotbe, Thojjas a. .Scott, I>. K. Jackmak, J. C. Bosbbroeb, Treasurer, ELISHA W. DAVIS. Secretary, JAMES M. SELLERS. This company has' 120 acres of land, In fee, on Alle gheny riTer, immediately opposite Oil City,-and ad joining Laytonia, with 110 rode fiont on the river, and 76rods front on Lay’s Run. Hon. C. P. RamsdeU, edi tor of the Oil City Monitor, and agent for this land,’as sores tbe Company that it will sell in lots for $lOO,OOO, reserving the oil right, which, is worth $lOO,OOO addi tional. Immediate revenue will be derived for the company from the sale of these lots, and the Company has two good engines with complete fixtures, to ope rate immediately for oIL The territory in this imme dfatelocality has never failed to produce profitably. Also* one hundred acres, in fee simple. In the cele brated Cherry Run District, immediately adjoining Cherry Bun Petroleum Company, whose stock is now worth over $3O per share. The Company now has ’offers, which will he accepted, for sinking wells on lease, without any cost to tho corporation, and one-half the proceeds to go to the Company. The Curtin aud St. Nicholas Companies are in this immediate locality, and their stock is now commanding a large premium. - In addition, the Company has 40 acres, in fee simple, on Cherry Tree Run, which empties into Oil Creek, and in the best producing section of the Oil Territory, and 110 acres* in fee simple, on Walnut Bend, five miles above the- mouth of Oil Creek, and not over two miles from the celebrated Reed well, now producing over 200 barrels per day. Also, the lease of three tracts of land, two on Oil Creek, each producing over ten barrels per day, and one on Allegheny river, producing teabarrels per day of heavy oil, woxthsows2i per barrel. The Company now re ceivesthree-fourths of the'proceeds of the last-named well, and one*half of the other two. Each of these tracts will be by the Company by sinking additional wells, and the engines and fixtures are now on hand to do it. The officers of this Company mean to prosecute the development of these lands most energetically, and they have entire confidence that they will yield very large dividends on the capital stock. Subscriptions must be made promptly, as more than one-half of the stock is already engaged. Subscriptions will be received at the office of the Company. del4-6t |®» THE HUSTON FABHOn COB* FAftY.-~The property of this Company is situated on the Allegheny River, in Venango c»unty, and consists of the fee simple of two tracts of laud, with a frontage of one hundred and thirty <130) rods en said river. , _ . A working capital of’ twenij-five thousand ($55,000) dollars is reserved in the treasury for developing the oil fesources of the lands. Books are open for the subscription of stock for a few days at the office of WALTON & TOST, i No. 35 South THIRD Street, where also a prospectus may be obtained. OFFICERS OP THE COMPANY. Hon. ELLIS LEWIS. President. DIRECTORS “ Hon. mils Lewis, fE. W. Ball, John Anspach, Jr., C. W. Bchropp. Thomas A. Robinson* ' ‘ . JAMES BOYS Secretary. Jams* U, IFaltof* sourer, * deU-Ktf* THE PRESS.—PHTT;A DEfiPHTA. HOOTUY. BEOEMRER 1% 1864. 131 S. THIRD Street. xxro urns STKUT Street. A large and well-selected stock of handsomely-bound and fine copies of all the Standard Work* of the day* designed especially/or Gifts during, the approaching Molidays. _ Also* a variety. of Juveniles* Toy Books* Games, Photograph* Autograph, and Scrap Albums, Diaries, Bibles, &c., Ac. Also on lhasd, three sets of the popular Chinese game, "The Race Course, ’ ’ the only sets in the coun try not in private hands. Price $75. BEAD! Off THE 15th IffST., A new Steel«plaie Map of the State of Virginia, show ing the Oil Regions* new Bailroade, &c., Ac. Sent by mail post-paid. Price CO Cent*. ' CHARLES DESTLVER, *oio4tel X 839 CHEBTBTPT Street- JOHS M. POITEROV, Blisha W. Davis, Peter B. Shah,, OOir-Sm v PHILADELPHIA. HA&RtSBTJRG, Fa. The Proprietor respectfully remrnrhis sincere thanks to his friend* for the very liberal patronage bestowed to the llon.ee since under his management, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. del?-8m CL fl. MANXi?, Proprietor, T'HE WASHINGTON HOUSE—A CARD.—It having been announced by the Bulletin of the 25th Instant, that thirhoiel would be closed on or about the Ist of December, the Lessee from January Ist, 1860, begs to inform the public that during the time the Bouse maybe closed it will he thoroughly reno vated and refitted In a manner that cannot fail to give 'satisfaction to those who may patronize the establish* menL Hr. CHARLES M. ALLMOND, formerly of the "Indian Queen/’ Wilmington, but more recently of the "States Union/* Philadelphia, will have the en tire management under the new administration, and he assures the public- that no efforts will be spared on his part to make the House in all.respects pleasant and agreeable to his guests. The House will be re-opened on the 15th of January;. - n026-tf THB MAHOHY HOUBB, IN ASH- A LAND, Schuylkill county, after being closed for two months, is being handsomely fitted up, and is now own for travelers and visitors. Mr. HENRY ■B, WEAVER, the present landlord, lately of Northumber land county, who has had long experience in this line of business, will keep a FIRST CLASS-HOUSE,and one that will compare favorably with the best Hotels in the country. Ashland, Pa., Nov. 9.1864. . no%Mm “JJEhE IS AKOTHER GLORIOUS BOOK FOB, BOYS-” A COMPREHENSIVE HISTORY OP THE REBEL LIONv FOB AMERICAN TOOTH, IB THA Y E B 5 S YOUTH’S HISTORY OF THE EEBEUIOJf. BrWM. M. THAYER. Author of “Tlu> Pioneer Roy,*’ Superbly Illustrated. Prlee $l5O. The Indianapolis Journal, la epsahtast of It* merits, oaro: “Bp reading it a boyoan ep?ak underetaudlagly of the treat struggle through which we ars now pass tag. Even men •will not Injure themseWes by master lag tha oontents of the book.'' Tor Sale by Every Bookseller, or Seat by Hail oh re ceipt of $1.60, by WALKER, WISE, * 00., . PUBLISHERS, BOSTON, MASS, 4®-NO TICE.—ACTIVE OANVASSINO AGENTS WANTED to Bell this book ia every town iu tho coun try. Apply to the aliove address. - del4-wfmBt,' XTOYBLTY ALBUM COMPANY. A* An elegant Album, coFtafolng Photographs of all tho Generals m the United States ...,$8 09 A Splendid album, containing Photographs of all thePreridente of theUaited 5tate5........... $5 00 A* Beautiful Album, containing v a collection of all om Naval Heroes...- $4 00 The three together, comprising the whole collec tion..... ..16 Ot A MOST SUITABLE PRESENT FOR HOLIDAY .GIFTS. A most exquisite POCKET, ALBUM containing a fine collection of mobt piquant French Pic tare V only ..$1 50 AodresMhe “Novelty A)bam. Co Post office Sox 64% New Toih city* enclosing amount, and any of the above will he immediately senfby express. 4e7-wf<aSai QUT THIS OU.T.FOR REFERENCE. AS. THE HOLIDAYS APPROACH las'oUEsriOK katukally saigas. WHAT BOOKS CAN I BUY FOB MY CHItfiREYJ In these times, whe? books are plenty, it Is a difficult matter to ‘"get the best.!’ You may b. sure to get a good one if yon select from the following JUst of NEW BOOKS OF REAL VALUE AND INTEREST, BOYS AND GIBBS. THE YOUNG CRUSOE; or. Adventures of a Ship wrecked Boy. With-twenty elegant illustrations. Price J1.,60. A YOUTH’S HTSTORY-OF THiRBBELLION. By William M. Thayer, author of “The Pioneer Boy,” &c. Pricesl.so . " ■ nr. /Ivv,"- THE PIONEER BOY, and How he Became President, By William M. Thayer. Thie is Ihr, test eric of the Bov Books. Pi ice $1.60. Twenty-seven thousand copies of this famous Book have been- sold. rv. THE FEBBY BOY. By a regular contributor to tha ‘‘ Atlantic Monthly. ’’ Ahplendid book. Pries $1.60. . V. ‘ THE FARMER HOY, And How ha Became Comman der-in- Chief, Price $1.60. vt ; '■■■■, THE FAMOUS “SPECTACLE SERIES.** By Kiss Lander.. Rive volumes in a handsome case. With one hundred and twenty-Jive new and ori&inaTHUustrq- Hons, engraved by Andrew. Price per set ; ss, Any yoiume sold separately. V. JOS?* These boohs are for sale by every bookseller in the country, or will be sent to any address free, on re ceipt of above prices, by WALKER, WISE, & CO** PUBLISHERS,’ delfi-fmwSt JJICH AND RARE BO O KS. H* Holidays can gratify Jj OH* I obtain the most filegant Standard Books, l ( beautifully illustrated, . „ | M t*fand buy at about one-half the prices 1 #"D 1 charged by any other house, $ JE# I* i whether for American or Imported Books*) * Y V at the Rooms of tho $ .JL4 J) * | LONDONPBINTINGUin) PUBLISHING Broadway, New Yorfc, 487 |*M Yk". tor by order, for which purpose a descrip-) * C t , tiye price list will be sent. J © HENRY A. BROWN, del6-ftnw7t MANAGER^ i?ROM. ATLANTA A SOLDIER ■writes : All through the tedious campaign the GotDKK Tbeascrt has been my constant poafcet eamvanim, and has enlivened -many an hour which would otherwise kave be*n spent in yawning and list lessness,” This If the famous GOLDEN TBE ASETSST of Songs and Lyrical Poems in Ihe'EngJlsh Language* selected and arranged by F. T, PAiteKAYiJ.lfimo* vel lum cloth. Price sl7s' The other volumes of the seme series axe as follows : A Dew and beautiful edition of the PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, with Btothard’s illustra tions: 16mo, vellum cloth. Pries $2. DRBAM CHILDREN: A most elegant and fascinating juvenile, delightful alik ein feeling and in fancy, beau tifaily illuetra;^; 16mo. vellum uloth, $1.25. „ TBB B ‘OK Of* PRAISE, from the best English hymn writers, arranged by Boukdkll Palmer con taining the choicest hymns which have been written, whether lay or clerical, judged only by a pure re'igion end a high, poetic standard ; 16mo, vellum doth. Price $2. THE CHILDREN’S GARLAND, from the best Poetaf rejected and arranged by-CoWUfTRT Fataiorb : a choice cabinet of precious gems, or better still, a dainty wreath of blostoms; 16no, vellum cloth. Price $1 75 All the above works are among the handsomest and most tasteful issues of the American Press,' and are especially appropriate fox. holiday gifts. This is also fcjue of the splendid Cambridge edition of , . DB TOCQDEVILLE’B DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA ; 2 volumes, Bvo. Price $6. ’ - These Boohs are for sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price, by the Publishers, SEVER A FRANCIS, d*l4-win2t * Cambridge, Mass. TOCIS MEYER’S NEW MUSIC STORE, 1303 CHESTHDI StrieC flret aoorbelow U. S Mint, Depot for American and Foreign Music, has just published the following Texy .desirable novelties, viz : Mireille Quadrille ~40 cents. Mireille. Ga10p..... .................,.*.30 cents. Both from Gounod’s New Opera' Mireille, and ar ranged by F. Losse. • Trebilli Mazurka...... ............40cents. A most charming piece, very brilliant, yet easy to clay. •*, . I Paw the Moon Rim C1ear.................. SO cents. A Finland Love Sing; words by Moore. This is a perfect gem.and will be warmly welcomed by all lovers • of good xnnsic. Kissing in Fur, by Q. Han is^. ..SO cents. . This is a very popular style of melody, and will soon be one of the most favorite soßgaexlattng. Mr. Louis Meyer has a very choice stock of Musio, and special care will be taken by him to accommodate Ttacbers and Artists whose peculiar wants hie know ledge of Musical Literature will, he trusts, enable him to supply. Orders will meet with prompt attention. On hand an excellent slock of Musical presents for the holidays. da!7-3t A TTBAOTIVE JUYENILEB. -OL Bf Miss G. M. TROWBRIDGE. GEOEGE MOETOfr ASH HIS SISTER. 16rao. CHARLES NORWOOD; or. Erring and Repenting. 16mo. . FRANK AND RUFUS; or, Obedience and Disobedi ence. ISmo. _ DICK AND Hlfi FRIEND FIDTTS. 18no. THE TWO COUNCILS. 18mo. JENNIE’S BIBLE VERSBS 18mo. WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, 606 CHESTNUT Sireet* de!7-tf Philadelphia. A BTHU R’S MAGAZ IKE. jgKUABT NUMBER BEADT, and for sale by ZEIBEB, PITCHER, and CALLED DBR. de!7-6c* office, 323 WALNUT Street, BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!! Tie attention or the pallia it directed la the fine cißortment ol new and popular BOOKS on hand and lor B&iety, CHABJjBS BfflffiEß, i ..... I*»9 CHB STNDT Street. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. QENTKAL 'EATING HOUSE, Opposite tlie Tost Office, TONES HOUSE. ■ V Cor. MAEKET.STEF.ETm3 MARKET SQUARE, W00L.—15,000 LBS.' CLEAN TUB * * watlied. scoured Wool, la eto.o aud for sale by CHESEBBAUGH & PEARSOB, del?-3t* • 14 Sou ill WATER gtreat. WOOL.-5,000 LBS. PULLED WOOL, in S,OIC aad %Tb!e.WgH & PEARSON, ' d«l7-3t* 14 Santa WATER Street. Tj'EATJtLERS, A 60bags prime Western Feather*, In store-apd for sale 1)5 * CHBSBB BAUGH & PEARSON, del7 Sl* 14 South WATER Street,- STSAMANDWATBB GAUGES—THI largest assortment In PhUadelphia—conitaatly on IOfiOWM* »U WALNUT Btmt. - RETAIL DEI UOODS. TNDIA SCARPS, •*- IN GBEA” VARIETY. J. M. HAPLEIGH, 903 CHESTNUT STREET. , IBBItOIDF.RIEN. fc K°l« BLBBTBB - Cheap, by J. M. HAPLEIGH,- 903 CHESTNUT STREET. ' EVENING DBESSES. Latest Novelties just received from Paris, by J. M. BCAFIiBIGhH, 903 CHESTS UT STREET. ' BILKS. MOIRE ANTIQUES, DRESS GOODS BLsCK GOODS, IRISH PoPlilNS. - -FRENCH CHINTZES, &0. All the above at Low. Prices for the HOLIDAY S. J. M. BIAFLEIGH, - delt-mwftf 90a CHESTNUT STREET. T COWPERTHWAIT & OO. t «F » > x- . & E. OM. NINTH and ABCH Streets, THEGREAT BLANKET STORK BLANKETS AT RETAIL. BLANKETS AT WHOLESALE, BLANKETS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS, BLANKETS FOR HOTELS. BLANKETS FOR THE ARMY. BLANKETS FOB THE NAVY. BLANKETS PR ALL SIZES, BLANKETS OF ALL QUALITIES, BLANKETS THE CHEAPEST IN TOWN. BLANKETS TO SUIT EVERYBODY, It, MGM.’ S'A'OBEjjEIj S. E. cor. NlNTH'aad ARCH STREETS. aot-fmwtdeSl , . QURTAIN DEPARTMENT. SHEPPARD, YM HARECfGEY,* ARBISOY, No. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET, Have received from the Tate .' AUCTION SALES IN NEW YORK A large addition to their eplsndid stock of LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, BROCATELLE, SATIN DELAINES, REPS, TERRY JAPANESE CLOTH. . And the'various other materials most desirable for PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM, AND LIBRARY CURTAINS. Estimates for furnishing single rooms, suite of apart ments, or a whole house,' based on a large deduction from former prices, promptly furnished, and the work punctually- and faithfully- performed by experienced and reliable hands. • deg-fmwlOt BOSTON,HASSi TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE J- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA John J. Hallowell vs. Joseph B; Evans, alias Vendi tioni Burtons*. Sept., ISM. No. 847. The auditor appointed by the Court to report thedls tributton of a fund produced by a sheriff’s sale, under the above writ, or all that certain three-Btory brink messuage or tenement, back buildings, and lot orpiace of ground, situate on the east side of Eleventh street, at the distance of three hundred and fonr feet southward from the south side of Girard s-reet, m the Twentieth wt.rd. of the city of Philadelphia; containing iu front or breadth outlie said Eleventh street seven teen feet (in cluding on the north side thereof the southernmost half part of an alley three feet in width by the -whole depth of the Hereby granted lot,) and extending in length or dupth-eaitwazdot that width seventy one feet, ten and one-half inches to afour-feet wide alley, leading north ward and communicating with the said three- feet wide alley,-subject to the yearly ground rent of $32, will at tend to.the duties ofhis appointment,on WEDNESDAY, the Twenty-eighth day of December, A. D. 1864. at 3k o’clock P. M-, at his office, No. 142 South EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia, • when and where all parties in terested must present their claims or they will be de barred from coming in on said fund. del6-10t .JOHN B. COLAHAN, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA, estate of CATHARINE BTAHLSB. deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and’adjust the account of 8. R. WARRINGTON, execu tor of the will of CATHARINE BTAHLER. deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet-the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment. On WEDNESDAY, the 4th day of. January. 1865, at 31 o’clock A. M., at his Office, No. 4:31 WALNUT Street, In the city a Philadelphia. THOMAS E. McELKOY, delS-thsmwm* Auditor. P? THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AHD COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. - Estate of GEORGE LUDWXGK,<d6C6&9ed. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of PETER FRaILEY, executor of the estate of GEORGE. LUDWICK, deceased, add to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countant, will meet the parties interested. Tor the pur poses of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, December 28tb, 1864, at 4 o’clock P. M., at the WETHBBILL HOUSE,4n thecltyof Philadalphla, deH-wfmSfc Fr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AlfD COUHTY OF PHILADBIiPHIA. In the matter of the estate of WH. H. McOKEA, da ceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of SABAH HoCBBA and JOHN O. McCBFA, Executois of the last will and testament of WM. H McCREA, deceased, and to report distribution, of tbe balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for tbe purposes of his appoint ment, on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Decemher 28, 3864, at'4 o'clock, at Ms office, 304 South FOURTH Street, below Walnut street, Philadelphia, __ DAVID WEATHERLY, Jr.* de!6-frmwst Auditor. TEf THB ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Eatat* of MARGARET FLAHERTY, deceased, and Estate of MARY FLAHERTY, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the first and final account of BEwRY T. GROUT. Administrator of the Estate of MARGARET FLAHERTY, deceased, and also the first and final account of HENRY T. GROUT, Administrator of the Estate of MARY FLAHERTY, deceased, and to report distribution of the bats aces in the hands of the account ant, will meet the partite interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, the i6th day of Decern • ter, 1864, at 4 o’clock P M., at his office, No. 371 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. de!6-fmwst Fr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In tic matter of tie Estate of GEOSGE SHIELDS, da- ' Th&Andiior appointed to audit, rattle, and adjust ilia separate account of MARIA SHIELDS, one of the exe cutors of said decedent* and to report distribution of the balance* will meet the parties interested* for the pur poses of his appointment*, on TUESDAY, December 20, A. D. 1864, at 4 o’clock P. M,, at his office, at the south east comer of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets* in the city of Philadelphia. de9-fmwdfc P" f TEE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. _ E» tate of GERTRUDE FARR* a minor. The Auditor appointed, by the Court to audit* settle* and adjust the account of THOMAS H. POWERS, guar dian Qf the person and estate of said minor* and to re port distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment* on WEDNESDAY, Decem ber 21*t* at 11 o'clock A M., at his office* at the South east comer cf EIGHTH mid LOCUST Streets,in the City of Philadelphia. de9-fmwst Pr THE COURT OF COMMON PLEA.B FOB THE- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. Estate of DEAL. MILLIGAN, A CO., and DEAL, MIL LIGAN, A HUEY. Tie Auditor appointed by the Courtto audit, settle, and adjust the account of of 'WILLIAM C. RICHARD SON and JAMES O. -PEASE, Trustees of Deal, Milligan, A Co.. and Deal, Milligan, A Huey, and toreportdis tribuUomof the balance, Ac., will meet the parties Interested for the discharge of the duties of hts appoint ment, on WEDNESDAY. December 21st. 1854, at i o’olcck'F. M„ at the WBTHERILL HOUSE, Phtladel pbia. ' de9 fmwfit TN THE ORBHANS’ COURT FOR THE -L CITY AND COUNTY ON PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of-the Eetafce of GEORGE SHIELDS, The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the separate account of HBNRY K' 8.-OGLE, one of the executors of GEORGE SHIELDS, deceased, and to re port distribution of the balance, will meet the parties mterefted, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, Dec. 20tb, 1864, at four o’clock in the after noon, at bis office at the Southeast corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. do 9 fnrwdt PI THE ORPHANS 5 COURT FOR THE CITY AND COONTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JAGOB EEGEB> Deceased- f The Auditor appointed b' the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of WM. H. REGER and THOS. MaGARGEI Executors of the last BWili and Testament of JACOB BEGBB, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appoint meat, on TUESDAY, December fflth, 1864, at * o’clock Vt 3d., at his Office, Mo. 3#3 JXoith SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia., 3 JOHN L. SHOEMAKER, del4*wfmsfc* . Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY 0? PHILADELPHIA. . , Estate of FEBRY 0. COPE, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ELIZA COPE, Administratrix of PARRY C. COPE, deceased, and to report distribu tion of the balance in the hands of theaccountant, wilt meet the parties interested for the purposes of his ap pointraent, cn WEDNESDAY, Jannary jl. IBM. at foot o’clock P, M,,lit lit, office. No. 131 South fifth Street, in the city of Philadelphia . ' ■ GEORGE M. CONARBOE, d<l4- wfmgt Auditor. T ETTBRB TESTAMENTARY UPON Pi the eiiate of ANDREW P MILLER, late of the city of Philadelphia, Attorney at Law.deceased.ltayin, bem granted to the undersigned, all persons indebteato said estate will please make payment,and those having claims against the some are requested to present them to JAMES MILLER, Executor, ABIGAIL F. MILLER, ExmuMx, des.Jtt6t Office, No. 806 Sonth FIFTH gtreet. I?STATE OF SARAH PRITCHET, Ci DECEASED -LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the Estate of SABAH PRITCHJKT. deceased, having Wen gianted to tbe undersigned, all poisons indebted thereto are requested to make payment, and those haying claims thereon to fff ** Or to his Attorney. J. ALEX. feIMPSON, ; des mfit* . No.. ISSB Sonth SIXTBf Street, **f\\ L ON THU BRAIN.” (60NU AND ; v/cHOBHR )—The most popular piece out,Ss cents, at MARSH’* Piano gad Music Stew, XlOa CHEST*UT Street, del7-& LACEB. LACE COLLARS, IrCK SETS DUCHESS COLLARS, EMPRESS COLLARS - OUEBS MARY COLLARS, At Low Prices. JT. M. BLAFLEIGH, 908 CHESTNUT STREET. H4SDHKKCHIEFR. EMBIOIDERhP HANDKERCHIEFS, HEMMED HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. TRIMMED HANDKERCHIEFS. J. M. HAPLEIGH. 90a CHESTNUT STREET. HOSIERY, A FULL ASSORTMENT. CHLOVES IN GREAT VARIETY. 903 CHESTNUT STREET. AT THE LEGAL FBOFOSAIS. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, J- OFFICe. LMJaT-aGUStS BOARD. - Washington Gov. W.lwt SEALED PROPOSALS will b© revive * at until 1 o’cj. c* P. H., o* TSDR>DAT, the mUdavoi }S64, for snpplVifllC tbe will thirty thousand gallons J”A_ quality pure winter etriioed lar4 &ouMsnd gsllens ofthe b>st quality pur© winter pperm otl, to be divided into f.ur.lota, and to bedj lwered at the times undermentioned. *-to**W®£*“J Government supply vessels, or at tb© or other p ace of dep*»Bit, to be designated bv me fnsoect ing Ofliwr. or othfr auiliGriz«-d agent of tne Lty.nt- Houee Board, in strong, tight, iron 'bound-well-made cesks, snitabl** for shippinn, in gor»d order, of a capacity each of from fifty to *mb*y gallons; not to exceed tb© letter. The Jard oil may be delivered at Boetoujir «© * York. _ Either lot of sperm oil, or both-of them, maybe de livered at Few York, Sfow Ldndon,Bag Harbor,Boston, Kew Bedfo'd, or Kan'ncaet, at the ootion of the bidd rs, Th« place of delivery is each case mint be distinctly stated in the bide* and will be embraced iu the contracts. y The four lots will bp delivered as follows, viz: Lot Eo 1. Ten thousand (10,000) gallons sperm oil ou ihe 6th day of April, 1885, or as sr on thereafter as the proper tests and gauging ca* be completed. Lot No. 2 Eiftfen thomand (16,000) gallons lard ott os the 16th day of April, 1865, or soon thereafter a* the proper tests and gauging can be completed. tot No, 8. Ten thoutand (10,000) gallons sperm oil ou the Ist day of June 1869, or as soon thereafter as the propertas<sand raugbgcan b*completed. Lot No. 4. Fifteen taoosaad (16,000) gallons lard oiion the l*t day of August, 18S5, or soon thereafter asitqe proper tests and g&utticg can be completed. * ’ No bid will be considered unless from a manufacturer of the article H . . . ' .. . , No p srt of the oil proposed for, and to be embraced in, the contracts under tbts advertiatemenAwlu be accepted, mL.ivpd, or paid for autii it shall bave been pror-’dyto the entice satisfaction of the person or persons charged with tt«examination, test, and inspection, to beef tne beet quality pure winter strained or bagged oil, and five from mixture with other or inferior oils aadadol teratons Th»- Df-ual means for determining the character and quality of the srerm oil will be employed, viz> specific gravity, burning, the am on nfc of residuum, and any otber proper tfsts to arrive at correct conclusions that mar be depmpd necesvary. The Jard oil will be subjected to special tests# and will be rejected uoless found to be, in regard to burn ing sod fiuidity under reduction of temperature, and in every other respect, eqnal to th’t of the standard edopted by the B-ard, of which £ sample will be fur nisheo on application to tne Light-House Engineer at Boston, M&t>B. Tbe esahs mart be tanged under the direction and personal enpervisiOß of the inspecting officer, by a custonf bouse or other'leaally autrorised ganv»r, according to the United -"Pates standard, aad iDui-t b«> marked and accepted before they are removed from the cellar or warehouse of the contractor. The temperature of the oftwiif be accurately aot*d, and the measurement* reduced to the standard tsmperatnre of 60 degrees Fahrenheit by tables prepared for the pur pose. Proper a! s wLI. be received and considered for each loti separately, or for all of >helote, at tho option of the bidder; but no bid will be considered foralessquantlty than that specif), d ns one lot. to be delivered at one time and place; Each bid must state explicitly the rate ?er gallon, in writing, the number of the Lt or lots bid »r, and the time and place of delivery, conforming to . this ad verrisemeiit. Bids'Mibmitted by different members of the same firm or copartDPYehip will not be considered. The Light House under the authority of the Department, reserves the right to rejert »ny al though it may be (he. lowest, for other considerations than the price. No bid will be considered for any other kind or de scription of oil than those specially called for iu this advertisement. Abend, with, security to the satisfaction of the Da partmpt,' in a penal y equsl to one-fourth o i t&e amount of each contract made urder these proposals, will be required of each contractor, conditioned for the faithful pertorroaice of the contract, to be executed withintea days aftvr the acceptance of the bid. • Each ofier must be accompanied by a written gua rantee, signed by one or more responsible pare >n% and known to the Deportment as such, or certified b/ a United Hfetes district judge, attorney, navy agent, or collector of the cn -toma, to the effect that, if the bid be accepted, the bidder will duly execute a contract iu good faith, acci. rd'ngto tlie provisions and ierms of this advertisement, within ten days after acceptance; and that in case tbe said narty offering shall eo eater into the contract a*- aforesaid, he or the* guarantee to make good the difference b-tw*enthe offer of the said party and the next lowest bidder. All bids must be scaled and “-Proposals for oil for light houses,** and then placed in another envelope, an* di rected, prepaid, to the Secretary of tha Light-House Boßrd, Wa-hington thty. Ail bids witt be opened publicly at the hour and ou the day Specified. Payments will he made for the several lots of oil Wubia thirty days after they shall hare been received by the United States. Bv order of the- Light- House Board. delfi-nwfgt ANDREW A. HAHWGOD, Secretary. XTAYY DEPARTMENT, ' ' - Buebau of Stbav fiSFunrxuunra, _ __ _ December 9,1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Bureau until meridian, January 10. for the Iron described in the Zol}owfngblaei>es. Efcehbid must be made for an entire class, and tbe price to be a round sum for the class delivered at tbe respective navy yards. No payment Will be’made until the whole is delivered; delivery to commence in twelve days after notiflc*tion of accep tance of bid, to proceed court anally, and the whole to he delivered in two months thereatter. Th* contract will be awarded to thelowest responsible bidder, the right being reserved of rejecting the lowest hid if it he deemed exorbitant. - The n*ual guarantees will be required, and the con tract will he dated the day the notice of acceptance is given. * ' Printed schedules and instructions can be obtained by application to the Bureau. Proposals must be directed to the Chief of the Bu reau of Steam Engineering, and endorsed ‘‘Proposals for lion/,’ that they may he distinguished from other husinessUtterß. The following are the classes required at the respec tive navyyardß: WASHINGTON. Class 1. 36 plates Boiler Iron, 7 16, 46 by 98 inches. 30 do. do. 3-8, 84 by 98 do. 32 do. do. 1-3, 48 by 98 do. •82 do. do. 1.2, 43 by 100 do. 48 do. - do. 3-8, 35 by 110 do. * 12 do, do. 3-8, 30by 128 do. 36 do. do. 616, 40 by 96 do. 36 do. do. 7-36, $5 by 109 do. 16 do. do. 8-8. 89 by 109 do. ' 16 do. do. 6-16, 48 by 109 do. 24 do. * do. 6-16, 46 by 66 do. 32 do. do. 3-8 34 by 46 do. 82 do, do. 3-8, 28 by 45 do. 12 do. do. 7-16, 61 br U 2 do. 6 do. do. 716, 61 by 90 do. 82 do. do. 7-16, 43 by 43 do. 32- do. do. 6-16, 43 by 78 do. 24 do. do. 5-16, 36 by 125 do. . 24 do. -do. 6-16. 42 by 136 do. 16 do. do. 6-16, 50 by 66 do. 16 do. do. 6-16, 48 by 64 do. 16 do. do. 616, 43 by 43 do. 82*" do. do. 7*16, 60 by 114 do. 28 do. do. 38, 20 by 60 do. 12 do. do. 8-8, 60 by 109 do. 12 do. do. 6-16, 48 by K 9 do. 20 do, do. 38, 30 by 120 do. 12_ dol do. 5-J6, 36 by 120 do The above to he of the best American flange iron. WASHINGTON. Class No. 2. 10,000 pounds best American square bar iron, g-inch. 10,000 do. do.- do. do. do., % do. 2,000 . do. do. do. - do. do.. ?£ do. 30,000 do. do. do. flatbarlron, 23£by j£-isfh. 5,000 do. do. do. .do’, do.. 2 by §6 ao. 14,000 'do. do. do. do. do;, 2 byK do. 3,000 do. do. do. do. do., byi4 do. 20,000 do. do. do. round do., I^-iach. 60,000 do. do. do. do. do.. "IH do. . 10,0(0. do. do. do. do. do., % do, In length as may be required.. ' WASHINGTON. Class No. 3. 69,000 pounds boat American Tiros, 3% by 4# inches, Iftfeetlong; WASHINGTON. , . CI.ASS. No. 4. 4,000 pounds iron rivets, ifc by 11*16 inch diameter. 4 000 do. do. mby 11-16 do, 4 000 do. do. 12i by 11-16 do. 4,000 do. do. . 2 by 11*16 do. • CHARLESTOWN. Class No. 1' 324,000 pounds best American boiler flange iron, from 6-16 to %-ineh thick, in sheets of such dimensions as may be required. CHARLESTOWN. ' Class No. 2. 64,600 pounds best American round iron from l*inch to JK* inch diameter, in lengths as may be required. CHARLESTOWN. Class No. 3 20,000 pounds best American T iron, 32£ hy 4 inches, the inch part to be %*inch thick, and the 4-inch part K-inch thick. The lengths as may be required. CHARLESTOWN. Class No. 4. 32,000 pounds boiler rivets IX inches long and X-inch diameter. del2-m4t A RMY SUPPLIES. Closbuio Bubbatt, Quabtbrvastbk GSXSBAXt’S ’ Office, Washington,Dec.,B,lBBl SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the respec tive, offices of Army Clothing and Equipage in New Philadelphia, until 12 o’clock M., on WEDNESDAY, the 2ist instant, for furnishing by con tract, at the Depot of Army Clothing and Equipage in either elty, at the option of toe contractors: 200,000 Army Blankets, wool, gray (with the letters XL 6. m black, 4in ches long, in the centre), to be seven feet long and five feet six inches wide, to weigh Are pound seaeh.' Proposals will be received for tie delivery of Blank efcs of either American or English manufacture, but must be, in all respects, equal to the Army Standard, at the respective Depots where they are to be delivered. Bidders will state the number they wish to furnish.; how soon they can commence, and the number they can delivermcnfchly. . Proposals must be accompanied by aproper guarantee, signed by at least two responsible parties, setting forth that if a contract is awarded to the party making the bid, that he, or they, will at once execute the contract, and give bonds for the proper fulfillment of the same. The right is reserved by the United States to reject any Sait or the whole of the Olds as may be deemed for the iterest of the service. Proposals should be endorsed "Proposals lot Bur nishing Blankets, *’ and those for New York should be addressed to Brigadier GeneralD. H. VINTON, Deputy Quartermaster General, New York city, and those for Philadelphia ehould he addressed to Colonel HERMAN BIGGS, Quartermaster’s Department, Philadelphia. ,«el3*St SKATES. WILSON’S SKATE DEPOT, . 1 * 409 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. We have just received the largest and most desirable stock of ' LADIES’, GENTS*, AND BOYS* SKATES ever offered in this city, which we will take much pleasure in showings!! who desire to enjoy the delight ful recreation of Skating. .PHILIP WILSON ft CO.* deg-lm 409 CHESTNUT Street. CKATEB, SKATES, SKATES A full assortment of SKATES and SKATE STRAPS for sale at Yery lew prices* at ; „ _ W. W. KNIGHT & SON’S, < BQSe-tf 509 end 511 COMMERCE Street T IMITED PARTNERSHIP.-WE, -*-* the. subscribers, have this day.entered into a Limited Partnership agreeably to the provisions of the act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed tbe 21ft day of March, A. D 1836. and do hereby certify that the name of the firm under which said partnership is to be conducted, is HAHN, FERNALD.ft WETHERHOLD; that the general nature of the busi nessto be conducted is the manufacture of and whole sale dealers in SHIRTS. LINEN BOSOMS, AND COL LARS, and the same will be transacted in the city of Philadelphia; that the names of the General Partners £k£ h r°.S? ld c.J ri ? WM ‘ ®. HAHN, residence 2009 POPLAR Sfereet; NATHANIEL M F&BNALD. resi dence 2126 GBEEN Street, and WILLIAM WJ3TBEB HOLD, residence 1439 North SIXTH Street, and the Special Partner is JOSEPH NICHOLSON, residence SOS North Sixteenth Street, all of the city and county of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania. That the capital contributed by the said Joseph Nichol son, special partner, is TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, in cash. • , * That the period at which said partnership is to com mence is the twenty-sixth day of November, one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-four, and terminate on the thirty* first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty*six __ - WILLIAM B. HAHN# NATHANIEL M JERNALB, WILLIAM WETHERHOLD, General Partners. JOSEPH NICHOLSON, no2B m6t* Special Partner. A SAFE STEAK BOILER. THE J& f«eiY» order, forth, ’•HARRISON STEAM BOILER,’’ la'clzes tonitnur thaaera. The attention .of Mannfactnren and other, 1* •ailed to the new Steam Generator* as comblnin, ■ential advantayea in absolute safety from dectructiy* explosion, Srst cost and durability, eeonomy of fn*L facility of aleanlnr and transportation, As. Ac., noteos esemd by anyboiler now lnnae. These boilers cat be seen In dally operation, driyinr the extenMro work, of Messrs- Wm. SeUeff, A Co., Sixteenth and Hamilton jtreaU. at 8. W. CatteU’e factory. Spruce Btreei, Sehnyl- WU. and at Gamd’s Tremont HlffiFrankford. * JOB. HARRISON, J*., «*-« W«Sonth?^TtU%&. f3LABB SHADES, OVAL. GLASS SHADES. ROUND* GLASS SHADES. SQUARE. FERNERY’S GLASSWARE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. • HARTBLL-A LETCH WORTH, noSB-Im Ho. 13 North FIFTH Street. CABINET FURNITURE. ~~ MOORE A CAMPION* *6l Sonth SECOND Street, are prepared to follow the decline In the market if the price of their furniture. Purehasefa will please tall and axunln* OTP «irw»V tsatJtm WOOD, WOOD, WOOD.—OAK, PINE, ’ ’ and HICKORY WOOD, for sale at lowest each prioeß.. „ F- D WATSON, noSO-lm* YINB-STREET WHARF. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD.—OAK, PINE, ” * and HICKORY WOOD, for sale at lowest cash price,. _ F. D. WATSON, no3D-lm« VINE-STREET WWawV ■REFINED TALLOW FOR MA OHINERY, manufactured by L. JL & n Rr.wm TON, 110 BAUOABBXTA SWOtf, ' PROPOSAI.S nWCE OF ASSISTANT quabt.br \J TEKM4STER, DIBE.SICT OF PHILADELPHIA,. No 7S** MaRKET Street, nec.-lfir 1884-- ■ ' ' SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until noon of MON DAY* Dec. 26. 1864. ftir fttrnishiog the United States with forage, viz : Coro, Oats, Hay* and St) aw, fo* then*® of animals in the public service at this poet or distent* including Pore - Mifflin. Cbestnm Hill. Nicetown* H.*ddi£gtQo* %ve*ly, f. J-. White Hall, near Bristol, Pa v Spring .Mill-, and any other locality within this commend that may be di rected, for the period of six months from January 1, 1F66 AU grain to be of the best quality. 31 pooxrjs to the bushel of Oats.and 66 pounds to the bashei of C «ro. Hay of be*-tquality timothy. Straw, of goad,quality. Rye or Wheat as may he ordered; all to he inspected and approved as delivered* ... . Proposal* will sfca'e price per 100 pounds, for hay and straw, apd perbusbei for grain, delivered at places ef consumption in such quantities and at such times as United States reserves the right to reject ail bids deemedim«ompattUewi&ißtateresg. ABHJn[JJ>> deW-tK Captain aid A. Q. M. r«JABTERMASTER'S DBPA B T~ V* neNT, Philactß-phia, December 1\ 188 A SEALED FROPOBALBwt«I be revived. at this office until 12 o’clock M WED NESD A.Y% 1684, for the immediate deliverjr at the Uniced Btates Store Bouse. BANOVBtt-Street WharL of ' ‘ ONE HUNDRED (100) PAULrNS. To he maae in the best manner, of cottou dues i army standard, size 20 by SO feet* whenfioißbed, and subject to the inspection of au in spector, 'appointed on the paifc of_.tne Oovernmtiit. baffipgesOf cuck required. . ... . _ 'Bidders will state price both in writing and figures, theqhantity time of delivery. Price to in clude packages aaduelivery. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per ; eons, wh s® wtuanirfiß most be appended to the gua : ramee, ctnd certified to, as being good and *uffi4ems se*- , ennty for the amount ievoived, bv the United States . Di-mctJudge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public I officer* otherwise the bid will not be considered. *i h« right is reserved to 'reject all bids deemed too 1 high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be f 'rec*ivetf. By order of Col. H.nnan Biggs.nw*f Quartermaster. VaOßua K, OKUIL de!6-0t ‘ Captaiu and a' Q. a. AUAHTERMASTIIR’S DBPAKT- Vst fiiNf, Philadelphia, Dec 14.1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be readied at this office until 12. o’clock M. * MONDAY, December 19* for Immediate delivery, at the United States Storehouse, Hanover-ntreet Wharf, pr perly. packed, ready for transportation, of the following articles* viz: 1,000 Head H<era. LOCO Hbifer Chains. . _ , _ The above described tb beof the best quality* and sub ject 90 the inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the Government. . „ Bidders will, state price, both m wnttngaud figures, and the quantity bid for, and the time of delivery, price to include box«-s and delivery. ? ‘ • Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible pert-one, whose eignature* mu-t he appended to the guarantee, and certified to. as being good and sufficient security for thewmount involved, by the United a tales dis rict judge* at orney. or coDector, dr other public officer. oth*xwi*e the bid will not be considered. The right is reserved to reject all bid* deemed too high, and no -bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. - : . By order of Col. Hermanßigas, Chief Quartermaster, delude , ■ GEO, R. OBME ( Capt. and A. Q fIL OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QOARTER- MaSTKB, No. 1103 (HEARDStreet Philadelphia. Dec. 7, 1864. ' SEALED PROPOSALS wdl ne received at thin office until noon of WEDNESDAY * 21st inst. * for furufshiog the Stationery that may be required at this office, in accordance with the following schedule* for six months commencing January 1, 1839: White Cap Paper, ruled, to weigh, not lees than 12 pounds per ream. White Legal Cap Paper* ruled, to weigh, not less than 12 poundsper ream. White Letter Paper, ruled, to weigh not less than 9 pounds per ream. White Commercial Papfer, ruled, to weigh not less then 4 pounds per rearm White Polio Post Paper, ruled. Name price of paper per ream Buff Envelope Paper. 24x32 inches. Blotting 19x24 inches Price per iheet. Blank nooks, demi size, full bound. Price per quire. . ’ Blank Books, folio size. Ml bound. Pries per quire. Blsnkßooks, capsize, half bound, “ fl Envelopen, woite or huff, No 12. Priee per 1.000. .**. “ •* 9x4 inches. •• u « “ •* B#x3* in. « «* <t m «* in, «« « Letter Copying Books, letter and cap size, 609 and 1,060 pages each, per dozen. ■ Memorandum Books, octavo* per dozen. Writing Fluid, equal to Arnold's* quart and pint bottles. Copying Ink* equal to Arnold’s, quart and pint bottles. Carmine Ink, equal to Davids’, glass bottles and stoppers. r Ink Powder, per dozen papers. Lead Pencils, equal to Faber's*. Dos. 2 and 9> P** dozen. . . ‘ ‘ Bed and ,Blue to Faber’s, per dozen. Glass Inkstands, asßOfted, per dozen. Steel Pens* aborted, per gross. Steel Pens, Gillet’*, No. 303snd4&t, per gross. Pen Holders; assorted, per dozen. Tin Paper Fo dere, per dozen. ' Bed Sealing Wax, K-ounce and 1-otmoe sticks, per pound. Bed Tape, Fo. v 23, per dozen pieces. Olais i&i sof Mucilage and Brashes, large and small sizes, per dozen. AUtbe articles must be of the best quality. Samples of each article mast accompany each bid, with the name of the bidder distinctly marked thereon, and only one .price mast be named for each article. Should any articles not enhm«rated above be wanted they most be furnished at the lowest marketplace. Proposals must be made only upon the regular forms fnratshed at this office. .... The United States reserves the right to reject all bids, or parts of bids* deemed incompatible with its interests. . AI/BEST S. ASHSrSAP, de7-tZI Captain and A. <3. M; SUBSISTENCE OFFICE, U.-S. ARMY, No. 30 SOUTH Street, , (Ud.)i December 9, 1884. SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be received at this office, until 12 M. on THURSDAY, December 22, 1864, for furnishing the United States Subsistence De partment with: ' ' ' * *OBB THOU3AKD (4,000) HEAD PAT BEEP CATTLE, on the hoof, delivered at the State Cattle Scales, at Baltimore, Md.,in lots of one thousand each every (10) ten days; to be weighed within one and a half days after arrival, at the expense of the contractor. They must average about (L 300) thirteen hundred pounds gross weight; all falling short of (1,050) one thousand and fitly pounds gross weight, Bulls, Stags, Oxen, Cows, Heifers, and Hornless Cattle, will be rejected, A deduction of ten (10) pounds will be made from the weight of each Steer accepted under this contract, pro vided the animal does not stand in the pens two and one half hours before being weighed, or is not weighed im mediately after removal from the cars. Blank forms for proposals can be had on application at this office, either in person, by mail, or telegraph. •Proposals by telegraph, or other irregular, informal proposals will not he considered. The Government will claim the right of weighing any one animal separate, if its appearance indicates less weight than the minimum above mentioned; the ex pense of weighing will be paid by the party erring in judgment. Each bid, to secure consideration, must contain a written guarantee of two responsible persons, as fol lows: 14 We, —■ —, of the county of——, State of , do hereby guarantee that is (gr are) able to fatal & qnntract in accordance with the terms of his (or their) .proposition, and should his (or their) proposition be ac cepted, he (or they) will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith, and we axe prepared to become his securities, giving good and sufficient bonds for its fulfilment.” The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dis trict Court, or ofthe 1 United States District Attorney, to be enclosed with the bid. -Bidders mutt be present to respond to their bids, and prepared to give bonds and sign the contract before leaving the office. The Government reserves to itself the right to reject any or all bids considered unreasonable. Payments to be xnad« after each delivery, if funds are on hand; if none on hand, to be made as soon as re ceived. Bidders will please state prices if payment is made in currency, and also prices if made in orders for Certifi cates of Indebtedness. Proposals must be endorsed distinctly,' * PROPOSALS FOR BEEF CATTLE, 5 ’ and addressed to “Captain J. H. GILMAN, C. S., Baltimore, Maryland. * * If a bid is in the name of a firm, their names and their post-cfflce address must appear, or they will not be con sidered. . Each person or every member of a firm offering a pro posal must accompany it with an oath of allegiance to the United States Government, if he has not already filed one in this office. All bids not complying strictly loUh the terms of this advertisement will 6c rejected, % J. H. GILMAN, de!2-9t Captain and C. S., U. §. A. (XF¥LUR of THE DEPOT QUARTER^ MASTER, . JFOB.T^LBArSH'W’OSra,JKjUVB A3g J?OT. J.O.JLSJi, _PKOPOSIiTf6K'ABIif , TBASsjOBTAffe)S. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M on the 81st day of December, 1864, for tbe Traojroortatioß of Military Supplies daring the year 1866 on the folio wins routes: Eoute So. L “From Forts Leavenworth, Laramie, and Biley, and other depots that may be established during the above year on the west bank of the Missouri river, north of Fort Leavenworth, and south of latitude 42 degrees -north, to any posts or stations that are .or may be established In the Territories of Nebraska, Da kota, Idaho, and Utah, south of latitude 44 degrees north and east of longitude 114 degrees west, and in tee Territory of Colorado north of 40 degfees north. Bide era to state the rate per 100 pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of tee months from April to September, inclusive, of tee year 1665. Bouts No, 2. —From Forts Leavenworth and Biley.in toe State of Kansas, and the town of Kansas, lathe State of Missouri, to any posts or stations that are or map he established lu the State of Kansas, or in the . Territory of Colorado, south of latitude 40 decrees Doith. drawing supplies from Port Leavenworth,and to Fort Union, N. M., or other depot that may he designa ted in that Territory, to Port Garland, and to any other point or points on the route. Bidders to stole toe rate per 100 pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months from April to Septem ber, inclusive, of the year 1865. Eoute No. S. —From Fort Union, or such other depot as may he established in the Territory of New Mexico, to any posts or stations that are or may ha established in that Territory, and to such posts or stations as mar be designated in toe Territory of Arizona and State of Texas west of longitude 105 degrees west Bidders to state the rata per -100 pounds per 100 miles at which they trill transport said stores In. each of too months • from June to November, inclusive, of the year 1865. 40 betoaaisported each year will not ex ceed 10,000000 pounds on Some No. 1 ; 15,000 000 pound*; onßoutoNo. 2; andS,oGo,ooopoundsonKouteNoT8. No additional per eestage will be paid for the trans portation of bacon, hard bread, pine lumber, shingles* or any other stores. Bidders slould give their names in fall, as well as their place of residence, and each proposal should be accompanied by a bond in the sum of ten thousand dol lars, signed by two or ;more responiibletoeraons, gua ranteeing that in case a contract is awarded for the route mentioned in the proposal, to the parties proposing, toe contract will be accepted and entered into, end good and sufficient security furnished by said parties in ac cordance with the terms of this advertisement. The amount of bonds required will be as followst Oaßoute No. 1 $lOO,OOO OnEoute N0.2.* -.... 200,000 .OnKoute No. S-,,* 60,000 ®*tistoctory evidence of the loyalty and solvency of each bidder and person offered as security will be re qnired. Proposals must be endorsed *'Proposals for . Amy Transportation on Boute No. I,” **2, or *‘3,” an the case may be, and none will be entertained unless they fully comply with all the requirements of this adver tisement. , Parties to whom awards are made must be prepared to execute contracts at once, and to give toe required bonds for toe faithful performance of the same. Contracts will be made subject to the approval of the Quartermaster General, but the right is reserved to re ject any or all bids that may be offered. _ Contractors must be in readiness for service by the first day of April, 1865,and they will be required to nave a place of agencies at or in the vicinity of Forts Leaven worth and union and other depots that may be establish ed, at which they maybe communicated with promptly and readily. By order of toe Quartermaster General. H C. HODGES, •nol3fcde23 Ca.pt. and A. d M.. TT. fi. A. COPiSTKEBSHIFS. T>ARTNBBSHIP DISSOLVED.—THE firm of BILLIHGS, BOOP, & CO., of this city and Kew'S ork. expired THIS DAY by limitation-. The ba »in«se of the eatd firm Will be settled by etther' of the nadereiined. J. M MLLIfIGS, S. W, BOOP. , B. W. KOOP, EiecatoiofW. P. WasMnrton. H. S. PmUbSMHU, Dec. 1, IBS*. LIMITED PAKTOEBBHIP HOTIOB.-Tlie under signed have THIS BAT entered into a Limited Partner ship, agreeably to the Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an Act relative to Li mited Partnership, etc., passed the twenty-first day of March, A. D. 1836, and- the-supplements thereto, and. they do hereby give notiee that the name of the Firm under which said partnership is to be conducted is KOOP & KIBBE; that the general nature of the busi ness to be transacted is the general. Dry Goods, Import ing, and Commission business, and .that the same will be carried on In the city*of Philadelphia; that the names of the General Partners of the said Firm are SAMUEL W. KOOP. HBNBT B. KIBBE. CLINTON J. TBOUT. and JOSEPH C. BOOP, and the name of toe Special Partner is JAMES M. BILLINGS, aU of the city ofPhi ladelphia; that the by the —m James M. Billings, the Special Partner, to the common stock, is one hundred thousand dollars in cash, and that said partnership is to commence on toe first day of December, A. D. 1864, andJtermlhate on toe thirtieth day of November, A. D. 1867. . SAMUEL W. KOOP, - HBNBT B. KIBBE. CLINTON J. TBOUT, JOSEPH G. BOOP, General Partners. ' JAMBS M. BILLINGS, _ Special Partner. PjaiAßrnraiA, Dec. visa. NOTlCE.—mtdareigned snccoasors of BXLLIHGB,' BOOp, & CO., in Sew York, will continue ImpoH i«fir and Commission Business, at 80. 38 WAKSES Sirest. m _ J. M. BILLING® £ CO. i. M. Billings, i B. J. Chaffee. Bbw Yoke, Bee. 1* 1861 CATSUP.—NEW TOMATO A Catsup in quart aadpiut bottlw at choice gnalttr. AUCTiyasa CRs J°HN . E£BS a Hoe. SS3H and LABGB PEREMPTORY BU-.B oe „ BROOANS 4c P Bf >OTa, Bomber aSf, Sa'o* l gsr^ sortmtst of deai ra bmanfcbt rn?m J""* dren..which will beop”oforexS.?,-.T»"'A ai?' , 2 most re B or sale. oiaK!lß a!ioii POTIOR. —Oor ea’e <-r lmo DSLrV., T !«. Ac., on TUESDAY MORNING, ! ’'‘-’P, in part— ’ U6c 2 , *ria C 1 'Si C*w« men’s Mined stain eayalre a. ® t «s eases men s and b->ys nailed sj “•««. ease,. m-n’s and b j B ’ thio* b boote“' SB, “ "■ boT *’’ “ 4 '«*<’ calf.kip CT -ease.men’s, boys’, and yonths’ *■<« cases men’s, boys’, and yoniba’ ® *n, s, beys’, and wnUn^Wj*. "> “ 4 *««.»•. ** eases women’s, misses', and diio “*6) kid he.led boots. »«w sandr*., cams women’s, mißseß’, and cbus„ , ®M and enamelled boots. ’—-.1-os a e. cases women’s, misses’, and chin. balmoralr, &c. “Uidrea’, cases men *s. bnyn*l and ysnths’he Kl er^ esses women’s aed mls.e-' if B -The above will embiso . assoi tment, well worthy the af. at i .**?»« >»i for examination early on the morrnne i boyar, ,’ r d CLOTH AND IT. CsP|. r ,£<%&%?$ * Alio, ON TUEbDAY^MOay tgg “'*»» AtJOo’eloel, willbopold- * a ' S5 ’ A» invoice of doth aad for cans, ~ AUoy 2.100 lbs l«-ath*r emt eg* * . Also, 10 cases glng&aui umbreUag. ** LAKOB POSmvB SALB OP British GEEM »N, AM) DOJ!E3riC uW p SBtn» We will h"W a large tils of ‘Dg B * B^ CataSo * ne ’ ou a ««H‘<* , Off THHRSDtY BORsmn ,K # Dec. 2M, at lOo’dock, emom»i B »»ff3 , . , 900 t AfItAGBB AMD & of staple and fancy articles in w jollmi, „ SffifTß&S!* t 0 *■ Bj-Sampies or the name will be "• amlnattoit, with catalogues, early on n.„ tM bt» »e jge. whea dealer* wftlltadlVthl^^ FOBITITE SALE OP CAEFRTfima , ' OH FEIDAT MOBfflßg 881 te. Dee. 23. at precisely 11 o’clock, win , taloEoe, on four months 1 credit !tn .11, Porfiee and fine Ingrain, .Venetian, h-mo "i ra* carpetings, which maybeexamitS'S K -5 morning of sale: ——oaeo «ari r^^ PURNEtjB, BRIRMSY, A So. 013 CHESTNUT and 613 jiiSj SALE O? PBEHCH, BEITISH, ABB A«p»,». GOOD* "” isB!> ‘lCAS6», ' „ , OH TUESDAY MORNinb ' Dcc/iCtf!, at lo o’clock, byc&t»l.,gn» ul credit, KB lota of fasoT and ccapia imni.;,? DOMESTIC GOOW FOB C4SB dr '*»k BtsteStti"'''"' *»'* Tl , OH TUS'DaY. Dec: 20tb, a> 10 o’clock on four mend,,. c . ... Cartons Hos. i. and 6, .tardsi-odjo Mick JL, colored p nit de aoie ribbons, * wc ® ! m Gsrtonti Bob 10 a. SO, do H. B. —Tie atTßiitio a c f tbe tracebi?eon,V!f »1H betee left ssle this feawra of tfci, tuife BLACK SILK VKtver EIBBOHS SIEAHBOAT BKIHD OH TUsSBaV —cartons Hob to 20 blest »iik velTel,ihk,., M THOMAS & SONS, ~~~" * Jjjps. 139 and Sooth FOUSTS SALES OF STOCKS AND REAIISr,,™ At the EXCHANGE, every TUESDAY a 3, 8008- - ““ 4 SO* 'AS-Handbilla of each projmrty issosd on tbs Saturday previous- to each Kale 1 ra!2£S l >**A BALSt, at the Auction Stetom, rid SaSfb^ laltaa ‘ lU>a tlna REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. B» » BASKET STREBL'. SECOND STREET BtT.« STREET. AND SEVENTH STREET Phop!of,l? 30th DECEMBER. BY ORDER OP TRffSmj .V ECUTOBB. AND OTHERS. ‘Auotisj, JJ. CABD -Our owe on Tuesday next will cornU, u addition to the above valuable bustcets sron-ni* luable COAL, IRON. AND TIMBER!,ENDS, city mgß. two .arms, German to wit prop .nr, <l. Ji Schooihcuselane, stocks. Joans, Ac. See catatocß^* SALE OF MEDICAL AND MSCBLUNEOm SMffl ON TUESDAY AFTERfIOOi. Deo 20th, at the auction sto «, TsluiblenadMini uureuansons books, from tie library ot a aUsirj,. deceased. _.„ Administrator’s Sale. No. 118 Vine strest BAS FIXTURES, HOUSEHOitDFDEEITnitE, PUSS, ... ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. At 10 o’elock, at No. 118 Vise street, tite bar Srtnm, bagatelle board, rosewood piano, liquors, poar.Wl •furniture, tapettry carped Ac. May be examined a; * •o’clock on the morning of tlie sale. EXECUTORS* WISES, 4c. OH WEDNESDAY, Dee. Slate at 12 o'clock, at the auction store, hj eHtf oftte executors of B. Gerhard Esq , aqa&ctLiTofYsrr flue Madeira* Sherry. Pert, Claret, and other whs. "whiskies, &c now ready, w* Samples two hours previous to sale. PEBBMPff OBY SALE OP‘AH INTEHSSTFKG m \AIatFABLK COLLECT:ON•,OP-01l PAIKTINDS. • OH SATURDAY SOHNISG. Dec. 24th, at II o clock, will be sold, without reserve a collection or flue modem paintings, coraprisla? o?s 100, among which are many works of merit fnrnhj studios of talented artists of this city and New Iri, considered some of the offered fori longtime EThd p»,tptlßgB are mw exhibition with dwcririto catalogues. "D SCOTT, JE.. AUCTIOKEEB, Noi XJ * CHESTNUT.and 615 BAHSOSC Street SALE PANCY GOODS- SILVER PLATRD WAEE, 4c __ ON TUISDAY MORNING HEXT, 510th Inst., at II o’clock, will be sold, a litigs a**orr* of fancy goods, silver plated ware, snUaoli U: the holidays. XARffB AOT> PEBBMFTOBY TBADE SAM Of 1500 I ONWEDNESDAT MOK’nLvg; Dec. 21et. at 10 o’clock precisely, will be sold 1,5® cases boote, shoes ~brogans, &e., embracing & assert assortment of citj and Eastern work of the very bed manufacture- consisting of men’s, boy’s and rentes’ calf-kip and wax>sewt<rand pegged boots, brorans.bal norals, Ac.; ladies', misses', and chiidren’e calf kip and morocco boots and shoes; a complete assortment of women’s, misses i and children’s city-mads morocco, kid, and goat lace boots and balm orals; also, men’s and women’s buffalo overshoes, gam shoes, carcalr? B. B -*-T]ie particular attention of the trade is vavM to this sale, as every sample and duplicate will be without theleast reserve ox limitation of any lias. PHILIP FORD & 00., AUCTIONBEBS, A SStS MARKET and 539 COMMERCE Etresil POSITIVE SALE' OF 1,000 CASES BOOTSAKB SHOES. / THIS MUKHIBG. " December 39th, commencing at 10 o’clock we will sell by catalogue, for cash, 1,000 cases prim boots, shoes, brogans, balmorals, cavalry boots, it, lrom city and Eastern manufacturers, comprising a jeas* ral assortment of goods. ...... POSITIVE SALE OF' 3.250 CASES BOOTS XSS •SHOES. OB THURSDAY BIORNUJG, December 22d, commencing at 10 o'clock precisalr, wewill sell by catalogue, for cash, 1,250 cases puma boots, shoes, brogans, baimorals, cavalry boots, from first class city and Saltern manufacture, coajri* sing a general assortment of goods, PAKGOABT & WARNOCK, AW A TIOBEEES, 240 MARKET Street. SPECIAL SALE OF TOYS AND FARCY GOODS FO2 HOLIDAY SALES, THIS DAY. December 19, commencing at 10 o'cloek. „ Included in sale on MONDAY, -will be found icvoicas neh French china Bohemian, and bisque figures, ora*- men Is, groups, and vases ; fine French travelling bus pocket wallets, ladies 1 companions, Paris fancy &<).,&& Aifeo, French and German toys, fancy goods. 4c. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP 800 LOTS AMEBKJj aHD IMPORTED BBT GOODS, MfLLINSBf iS» JIOHERY GOODS; EMBROIDERIES, Ac., *t,h catalogue, - OB WEDNESDAY MOBBING, - . . December 21, commencing at Id o’clock Inyluded will be found a large and general assorts®* of new and desirable goods fox present sales- fi J. WOLBERT, '-'*l6 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. GENUINE CHAMP AGEES, EXTRA FINE OLD E3.tf- DIES. WINES. WHISKIES. GUST. CLiBEN, Ac. _ ON TUESDAY MORNING NEXT, k The 20th inst., at precisely 11 o’clock, at No 18 Sow* Sixth street, A large invoice of choice champagnes, purs die*, Madeira, sherry, and wines, Holland !»• extra clarets, Jamaica mm old whiskies Ac- „ Y2ie* e old and fine liquors are in cases and ddßUoaa]* and are particularly recommended to private neat-e™* and first-ci&£S hotel keepers Catalogues now readr _ T>Y HENRY P. WOLBERT, -*4 AUCTIONEER, ■. N« 303 MARKET Street, south side. aboYO fe** 1 ® Seles of Dre Goode. Trimmings, Notions. Ac, m* MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDA I MoruM commencing at 10 o’clock. ——- PAWNBROKERS’ SALE.—JONE3 & *• CO.’S Large Sele o? first class GOLD eudKLtig WATCHES, BRILLIANT DIAMONDS, IS KABJi JEWELRY, GUN*-, P.STOLS. Ac., OB MONDAY, December 19- m^ion AtM o clock A. XL, at J. is. SMITH A CO.’S Store, corner c SECOND AND UNION STREETS. in’fe’gSg*”” * C ° - """ Tmß S&Sg /QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OF* V * PICE, PIEST w> Will he told at PuWio Acctipa, to the highest W* ■ TillTON^'j P^DpiDAT Y TE^T |f HOESK3 at each place. «,«* «wtH These Horses have been condemned as uaa* w -avalry Service of the Army. haifali* For Bead and Farming purposes many good aay be had # _ Borses sold singly. . , „ Sale to commence at - 10 o clock A. AL Teimts-Cash, m United States Colonel In charge of First M» Quartermaster Haneral’e FOR SAJJE Mlaese and 'valuable PR°; PBBTY FOBSALB-The eery laf?| “gl'iSSl. dlons LOTmdBVILDma, So. 308 CHBKBI-S”. near the centre of trasinese, cGhtainms ei inei , nr Street, depth. 1M feet beingrefeet wide on U* JK of the lot, and at that width opening to a large tsn leading to Cherry Btreet. Its advsntwfes of SIZE A3S» POSITIOH wre rarely met with. Apply on the premises. MFOB SALE OR TO LBT-AffO* ter of convenient new VWSLLimS. fit"■ fSK. improvements* on North. Eleventh, Twpvft’JS?*. teenth streets. Apply to TATLOW IACUse 61* CHKSTJK6T Street, or*, ll& North TWELFTH Sl«* Mfor sale.—the SUBSCfflfjß offers for sale hi# country seat, within ofWUmlnstoE, Delaware, on the Newport taining eight acres-of good land, in the centre a* ® as . is a large lawn with a hue variety of shade pies, lindens, evergreens, etc,, ia all over a jstisrf® full-grown trees. The-improvements vctf® and commodious Mansion, JS&nkedon the w*f* h*r* towers, one of which is f.iur stories to hei«a‘- gB &y are four large rooms on afioor, with a halt forty-two feet. The house has the moder* meats. A hydraulic ram forces water iroia. s , *s into the upper story of the tower. Thwre * e t tM toonpumpaud hydrant under a covered kitchen door. The out-bulldings consist of house andstable sufficient for four horse* *? d 'f fit carriages; also, a hen, ice, and smoke hous® 8 * map, vines, 1m foil hearlnr. There are 681 rietiee of apple, eherrv andohestnot tree*. - ;!»*• TermaarcommSdatina. Po» B es 6 lonr.veasU^ Ki aas* : ■ EscisKEmiißr^SßW^caip' • POT, HOBLB Str»tabOTe Stem Constantly on hand Boperior unaUtto* « Schuylkill Coal, Tnsr.!i„#B at the lowest market Pri^„^ aT L.„th *<®g street, below Areh street. Office IM» >**• offiDjS- Street. COIL. nEHVIHH EAOLB S 2SSf ao A. L. BUGAR *S*-t$
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers