if?*® PW*JSSH» ' | U ,,y (SUNDAYS EXCIEPTBB) JOHN W. K»*S*l. f ’L 111 S : 'H’’H FOURTH STEBBT, ff&' __ I>A«*.T P«KSS. . * ls r B » Oou.i«s p?» ARfro “-1«, r CKirra Pee »***. .. of 7 ~ i to sobMfrtbors out of the ottr., >'• {,*£ AffSOH; WOE DOUSES *™ Ptyrr »“** WOOTBH; TWO DOLLARS ASD TtOBHTT to* SIS three Mobthb. Inwlabli UtdvuM jjit ft* 4 nta inserted Btthe usual rfttM. |i", TW .WEEH£.▼ PBCHS, Il gnb“' ,borB ' FITB Do, - LA ? H *» m *’ lll rtpTAH' eOODS. ‘ B . CAMPBELL & 00., CHESTNUT street. TAFFITAS and POULT DK BOIES 111 ,!i r „lotmes. Also BLaOK UKO OKAIKES, IsJli 58 of SILKS In (rant Vnrlaty, at J3LACK MOHAIRS. ~-a jroHtlKS. flne tosabUmoanalitlas. 'j 9 481.ACK MEitllfOJtS., ' CLOTH?. . I( ,rwis-iß*4« CLOTH GLOVES-rUd ffniaW jjiSKETS AKD FLAKJfKLS IK QEBAT VAEIBTT. POPULAR priors. [jIOR QUALHtjC . 15 bkOOHK *>»a and MU'i e*at»#», jUJiKKT SHAWLS. BUCK THIBET SHAWLS. ( £l,l 3HAWI.S for Mlwie* and OMldrsa. j BKA.TBS CLOAKS, , t4K S 0 t TsrSMs Mads of Olotha, IOBAE SKIRTSi w? rioistrUl, • - ;K ASD WHITE BALMORALS. iHD WHITE BiLWORAt SKIStISH tJT CLOTHS FOR SHIRTS. ;pWIN HALL & 00., m mbWm » 4m *h#w of pioixrlr- i!«i»Bt (iurmnti, tortoU and wluMr wwui. YEIiOTJSt pLOAKB. D Oj FROSTED BFA.VB3 DO, I TRICOT AND BEAVER DO, BLACK GARMENTS. !B FROOF CLOAKS. .KS MADE TO ORDER. COOPER A' conard; gaattiMgtwnw NIHTH and MARK , I CLOTHS! CLOTHS t T. S^ODGBASS* CLOTH HOUSE, ■a SoaUt SBCOJU> Straet, S 3 STKATraBBRT Street. * ut teeslved pot latest Importations s groat stock ASD k«v . . . OOTLBMEK’B COATINGS. 11 stock of tv 1 . '■ P 1 ABMY GOODS. AS FOLLOWS I 18,1 U SHADBB AND PBICBS. lIESSBS, VARY BEaOTIPOI. uuy abd aiOH rinsH. 'P.S DKY ASDHIOa’KHXSH; ‘ v-. SaS, REAL BSDANI MX, BOW fUNISHi - • lESkAb, HBAYY AgD-SOW PINISH. , chi.lab alb otaSfej'SJtrw to fca. ■I lliKS. BLOE CLOTHSA .■ •Bl.nn CLOTHS. ■ '■■ ■ , 0 BUIE PIIOTS. ' 1 ‘ • 1 • ;i>BLBR ntmt' ' )18, HIGH KSI8B.: ... ei riMsa BBAylm SACK BBAVJHW/ .> . T „ 1 :i 6 8 INDIUCABr.UB PLANNBLS. IGHT BLOB PMSHBBLB ; ■ 11 kinds of OlotlfSlfWMimerM, and/Ve! -* cioaJtlnfs,*' -gooas pert»* ii Bilks, It alu. Wii?g6,«o - and £aa vr PJllltt £111(8. ary Black Corded Silks. pstj- Plain Black SUka. 1 , ills of variotu stylos; \ Moire Antiques. ' dtered Stikfl. iveninarDreawa. id 32-UckFare Silk Yolwto for Olpaka, real if superior joss reduced for reduced for Christmas, reduced for Gbristmw. 'reduced for Christmas, reduced for Christmas. v he reduced for Christmas. . . . \m Hosiecr-reduced for Christmas, isdkwchieni redfooed for Christmas, 'tadkerefciefs reduced for Ghriafcmai. tii miae—uo trouble to Bhj>wjroods< ..a, extra flneiiuality, for il i'cpitos of nPnjmal beauty, at $2. - quality wide plataFopliiis,sl. 30, ‘M reps, Mohairs, and Meriuoes. {««s newest unique Amerlcau Delaines* some • stfrn choice and seat, others yeryjay stripe. KiM pieces American prints, 81,35,38, and 40 cts. tUlobairs-and Alpacas, 65ctsto$L75. , morale, fresh lot for misses, maids, and. matrons. ts&Dd Shawls in Cloak room.. Qitplay nmuuaUr nd. r I'D BE SOLD BEFORE JAHTJABYI, m USE AT BBDDOTION IB PRICES. DBBBB QOODB, sriety. sellable far HOLIDAY FREBEMTS. -I‘ome Silks at low prices, h»(all kiids at low prices. a Matinees sod Poplins. RICH PLAID POPLIMS ” floods of all kinds at low prices. BKOCH3 AMD WOOLBM SHAWLS. ■is Bdkfs, Lace Collars. 1 - ’ «b and Cambric Laos Yelb BIOKRENEj ;OR| » . i'Z HEJOY E N A I OBi ’“SHof tM* powerful lnvlgorao ticay he summed ; ,(7 words. It relieves, with absolute certainty, "'nl dfwiJr Utiet ; cures nervous debility of every ! ®rs» the exhausted animal powers after long* “Itidiness j prevents and arrests premature de -1 vitalizing, strength-renewing cordial to tha !t ? bs relied upon by woman In all her physical a «i a harmless and sure restorative i Is an an *6 canssonenees of early indiscretion in hoth u be relied upon as a specific for paralysis,par »ite has so eciual as a stomachic, in eases of tcstftlrs not only the physical strength, but WtUiou itself, and la in all respects the best (attire aid anti, billons cordial In existence. WHSSTOH, HOLLOWAY, ft OOWDSa.m V.XTH Street, Philadelphia. ; ‘“'Mrßottle,oi aixßgttieaforss. Boldly -^rally. 'wfrsse anywhere, It addreaßin* WfCHISGS & HILTtYXB, ProprletoM, ;’m-fp Mo. 81 CKDAB attest. H> .! COFFEEM COFFEE i!! i'oq a lover of good Coffee? If bo. to families pay, brown your own, in the PATENT ARO XCfiAMIDY COFFEE BOABTEB. which will Dias its cost is six months, ana always in* 'tfee in its purity and fragrance. As they are ifioneiraeiion, and easily and quickly operated* .utility'to hum either fingers or coffee, no L®aM be without one. _ . ’ -No. 1, roasting from to 52.60; to 4 pounds, $3,60s No. & from %to 8 i*>. ■ . ■' M a distance, by clubbing and sending their 'sot less than three, to be forwarded to one will be entitled to a discount of 20 oercent, ! , fc J all leading Hard ware, House Famishing, 'fores, and by the undersigned. 85 froprietors, Grocers* Hospital Managers, &c., we beg to say much of the flavor of coffee m wasted by imperfect uia more by ifc e addition of water to bring up &nd of grease (often ranoid) to give it a ‘£2 6 PATENT COMBINED STOVE AND KOa&TEE is the only machine by which, Mis rout coffee in quajumee, as it shamd be,and *T' *. toper cent. issaVOd hVthe use of theße ma* catt 'well substantiate by testimonials hotels, and from many hospitals and gj'thcal ar ar dsee testimonials from Continent and Fifth Avenue Hotels. PBIOK*”” ■ • Oft* from %to 36 pounds. *.» h •»• *••••• • * *9 40 £P rpoww » capacity from 40tO 70 pounds. JQ •s*» w&aclty from 80 to Impound*....--J23 , *• *• jsotoSSO •• '•«««<••• 350 J&V a scbines can is a moment be converted .f** 1 * dose store for heating or other pot \fbrtby tbs attention of frocers as f.,ir beating their stores, iFJjwUvtry where. -. "*"*•* &s&*„»**. JnTMWB Philadelphia, PUBLIC.—THANKFUL TO a,l<s Public for the liberal patronage we would Inform them that, having >tw . slt «atir)i!S la onr establishment,we are Mv (U Pictures the satisfaction of i £“*« m with a call. ’ Saving now at ,onr fsciiities, we take pleasure In so- H ihiUjs public to compare.the o*>oattoa’of pzodueedat airyother establlsh • caitsd States. We would also state that !j OAbLERY is rEBB to AIL „ specimens. notwithstanding »6ar*S a i t ? rlal . used and wages of hands dm «* ye; tarnishing Pictures . %v„ AT OM> P3ICJBS. . ? OH.and Pastel. V»S 9ada m Crayon* 01I. ; and Pastel. r ‘ sto aaa colored, 13-14,8'10, 44, and 1-2 , Vignettes, full else, 8-4, *O., *3.50 per Mot * n P?ards. i 1?} Mt dor , So., So, ■ ■ _ ■ ;■ I'totm’L 88 } 0 * largo loi of Copies of Baroßn i'mi.siSpPllB of ml the prominent Generali ori e «A“.?-ea. «Ci, So. . furnitubb. .. i OAHHOBr, 1 SEWISfG- IHACHIIVESt A GIFT FOB A WiFi; A GIFT FOB A SISTEB, The moat naafol HOLIDAY PRESENT that can he made la _ THE- “FLOBENGB/ .. -«l;aeobjeotlon, to other Machines are orereome 1b the FLORENCE. It make* with the game ease. andwith aa little machinery sa othersmaleone, Besides, It has the -- * unifom»self* regulating tension of thread, audno springs, *og-wheel», or cams’ fcoget out of order. It does | . ALL KINDS OF FAMILY*SEWING, « ftdlp theheayieet woolena to the most delleata fabrics. aH.kindsofsUk, cotton, and linen thread, from Hor-»teaoo: i HO OTHER MACHINE does ao large a range of work as the FLORENCE. ■ So other machine pleases the ladles so well aa the FLORENCE More than ONE THOUSAND of the FLORKNaB have been sold In Philadelphia within the last fe w lpionths. The FLORENCE la the only PERFECT FAMILY BBW. IN G. MACHINE, warranted to giro entire saitefaotton, or money retorAMr, There'ls nci''One who osrhe a FLOEENCEthat wouldsell it at oost. ‘ "~ ; Ohl| B iMl,ADY OPERATORS giveinatraptipsept the tonnes 'of purchasers free of charge Every Machine ’arraßtedVdhcl kept In perfeot orderfor one yesr. Gall and see its operattons. whetnor yon wish to par •hose or not. Samples .of sewing, with price Gat, sent free bymau. i- South SECOND Stroat. LAY. ■^itaiiCiox 'BED towns. teem. .'Q U R TAIiF BTO Rl , VOL. B.—NO. 120. A GIFT FOB A FAMILY. AMEBIC AN INVENTORY GREAT TRIUMPH. IHE SEWING MACHINE PBREECTED l FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHES , reversible feed motion, IT IS THB'HANDSOMEST AND THE BtiSTi FLORENCE SEWING MACIIISECO., * _ 630 dtestiMit Street. v ' SEWING MACHINES, , m CHESTNOT ST,.; CURTAIN 60008. A.'.la_ JEt. A. V E 5J nt..~ - .■" - • c ' / - *' ’ -' ■v' ■ • - : / ,■ sa i i fr 5* - 4 ' " "l NQVELTti^i . - ■ 'iJSfjjsv t** V” » w#ATygw».' fhbnitueeoovebings.^ 1 ."Jr Ahfi ; VEfr;; ; '* . MASONIC BALL, - ■ ' T» CHESTNUT STREET. i ... *,->-!• v« • VS '■ CLKQS!e'-A'jy_ij;X'BT: 1626 * CHESTMT BTBEKT. 1626 J CtoTAHSfSr - OOTELINE btJ’B’TAINS. TEERYoxrgTXnsrs. MUSLIN OUBTAXNS-. SATIN DE LAINE CUKTAINSi- - - ref Curtains. LACE CURTAINS, AND WIN DO W S<H ADE S. Oar worktauudilp istmirarpaajed; O. M. STOUT & oa,. 1036 CBESTiOTKatreet.. ,„V ‘ FDIiNCIAI. JVSAAAA OHJliltBB Biioal.o UISX. 0BUkBEB» & CO* V '>,7, SjOtIiANDEIfttASGEBEOKEaS, ~ No, 15 South Third Strefef, i * pmT.AHTW.TTtIA. .ill kinds of nncanehV ftmdS tad Sold and B!)Vtr bovckt ud sold, %sd GdU<wU.oiui mads. , Particular attention riven to tbs purchase and sals of Government. State, and other Stocks and Scans on commission. noie r e® JJARPEB, BURNKY, & CO., jv . BATSKIBItS, *~T~ STOCK'AI^iiXbSAKOEBEOKEBS.. • Pvileolai attention paid to powliaee and ule« bu Stooko. ) SB BOOTH THEED BTBEET. • •* ■ PEiUPinPEiA.- -.- y •* - r ‘ Knpxsmon.—Dtoxel OCe • PhSladeWMat I. B.dna ttn, President Southwark Bank. r . noTl6-3)a -aEEEAS, THi AUDITOR GENE ■•. SAL, as rewired by tie 11th Section of the Act entitled “An Act to enable the Banks of this Common wealth to became AsßoclationSfor the phrpote of Bank toe under tnerlawe Af-tbe United States. 1 ’ passed on the 22d daydf AneoaCA. D. ISM, has certltecTto me that' "THfi cosloLißAmoit ,babjb:> OF.JEHILABKL FHIA” has famished satisfactory, to him that all the reanlrementsof said. Act have been, com plied witirby the said Bank, and that it has become an Association for the purpose of Banking under the laws of the United States— .. . . X do, therefore, oaase this, notice thereof to he pub liehed, In accordance with the provisions of the said llth Section of the said Act, and do declaro'that the Chexterof said Bank, by the terms of said Act, le deem- ’ ed’and taken to he herenpon surrendered, subject to the provisions of the Ist Section of said Act. ■ - -" a. a. 008-rnr, BXSCCTIYE CBAMBSB, HjinliraSjta, del-lßt ■ . ■ TREASURY department; -V WABHJFGTOir x D u C.. December 10, tSSL .» ffOTIOS IS HERSBY GIVSS.of tiiereadiness of this Depaxtment to redeem on presentation* by payment-in lawful money, or byconversion into Jxraaa. riaed l>y law, the three* years Treasury Jfotas bearing Interest at the rate of seven asd per cent um. issued under theactof July 17th, 1861* interest willceaseon all such Treasury Rotes not ao presented after three mouths from this date; at which time,under the law, the right of conversion ceases.' Holders will govern themselves accordingly , , ’ W, P. FESSENDEN, - ; deU-ltft ~ v - . Secretary of Ihe Treasury, COrARTSERSmpg. •PARTNERSHIP. DISSOLVED.—THE A tea of BILLINGS, BOOP.& CO., of tWe city and Hew York, expired THIBDAY byliimtatioo.-Thdlm >ioee> of the eaid firm will be settlod by elthor of the underlined, ' g W MOT* 6". W' BOOP,' , Biecutorof W. F. WaeWaitoa. & H. XIBBE. . Pru.ausx.texa, Dec. i,. 1564. Moted paStnbbship , HoricE.-Tite_Mder. ii*nedb»yeTHlSDAT entered into a Limited Partner amp, agreeably to the Act of Assembly of-the yommon weafthofPennsylvania, entitled an Act relative to Li, mitod-Pftrineiahip. etc., passed the twenty-first day-<rf March*.Av 3 . ISSB, and the eupp' ements thereto, and ihey>do,hereby give notice that the name of the Firm unoeV:whieh said partnership is to be conducted is HOOP * KIBBE; that the general nature of the busi ness to betransacted is the general Dry Goods, Import ing. and Commission business, and that the same will ha carried onlUthe cifcytof P^adeiphla? that the ses , of the General Partners of tlm safdTFirm are SAMUEL We BOOR HBHBm KIBBE, CLIHTOM TBQDT, and JOSEPH a EOOP.jmd.ihe name of UwrSpeelai Partner is JAMES it BILLIHGS, aU of toeriKr.<£P)d iadelphia: that the capital by. the said James H. BUlingvthe Special Papier, to the common stook, is one hundred thousand dollars 4n cash, and that said partnership la to commence on ime first day of December, A* D. IS&i, and terminate oa the thirtieth. d*y of Hoyember, A. D. 1667. w ?O OP, HBHBY B. KIBBK^ QLIBTOH J. TBOUT, Joseph a. zoor, General Partner,. JAMES H. BILLINGS, _ . Special Partner, ftrrr.lDßUglA, Dec.)» 1661 wottae —-The sadttriDted rocMsson of BILLI£TGS a , BOOT, & CO., in ?awYork,Jwill S a S“ n |S , OommUtion Swdjs^^ao.^WAgß.BH “ IH. Brainras, E. 3. CHAPIBK. ■ Hbw lonic, Bm, i 18#t TfTSNRY HUDDY, * - n BUtlUer aad -Wialegg* “ KOpfflffH«W , "' ’ WHIBKIEa . . Mg HOftffl fjOOITP | KpU-Jsa §AAg / v *V>ifc.. A N OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE HOODAY PRESENTS \ ; ■ Having determined to {ettre from business, and wish* lug to closeout my entire stock of WaTCHSS, JEW* BLEY, bILYER WARS and 81L VEK-PLATBD Wdttß. CLOCKS, MUSICAL-BOXES, TABLE CffXLBSY. aw., within sixty days, I am prepared to offer indnoenteaia to purchasers, and solicit an examination of these goods* most of which, are good styles and of fine quality* : * * 'v ' THOMAS O. GARRETT, JJE WIS LAD OMU 8, '■ _ DIAMOND DEALER. AND JEWELER, No. 802 CHESTNUT STREET, Has on hand a large and splendid assortment of , ‘ JEWELRY. SUITABLE FOB HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Aleo, abeantifol assortment of Gold and Sllyer Watches, Jewelry, &c. 7 Silver Ware.in. greal^variety. Ihitahle for and * Holk-ay Presents. ' . . ' " My aeßoitment of Diamond-Jewelry is coffliplete. and at less price than can be found in this, city. ,i OLD GOLD, SILVER, AND DTXMON'DS . BQRJtHT, ■ FOR CASH. .. - J)IA.M O If-'©' Si • j Perrons having Diamonds or oth ar Preoiotia Stonqs to diepose ofi will do well fcycalling on . LEWIS LADOMUS, j DU9OSK BEAtEK ASD JEWEUSB, " • Ho. 80SS-QHBBTHOT STBSSTr Who #UI gtva tire highest oaahflfcrloM. 1 ' ' - Old Gold mid 'Silver Bought r«r (M, _ de!3-!« . . \ -J IN 181%. V HOLIDAY PRESENTS. ■ ■! m WILSON & 'SON, . ■ 8. W. Cor. riFTH and CHKBEY Streets, ! ■ FHILADBIiPHri, Have on hand a large and general assortment of I * SILYEB WABBi, .7 t Of our own manufacture, of Hie finest duality anil :. -’.'-'-AMO,/. ;y ,; ; 3g|A|aiggy . ; - jtonsfti; Msortment 4f* aifperiSr Flatgd. • ' r ' ■ ■ .i ■ OLD BEL^fe eiclinge! OBtprlotfß.ytife.,...:f f• . V V’.i . . dal2-JSt ■' GF 333 ®’ PRESENTS. -< • ’' :•: Et i' - "■■ j ST,BEET', 1 attention,* ioltig atSot offline Atae*icaix and; T I S!-siS£w6raaiiil," •* ■ >. f <S file Latest Styllte 3 - ■- d * Sc' , ‘soAtaMa-foi HOLIDAY: PBESEHTS. •" ■• ■ Lli,' ■ftatSortk SIXTH Street. | , JjSEFtJL AND ~ - ' cjaaaisTaEAjs -ttpEienEasiea* - O 01» SP2OTAGLEB, BOLD ixli<3£#SßS, , * WiSSiCOrtSrOPBBA-GfiMSlKf,,<■ , - EPS-GLASSES, STEKEOSCOPJJS AID) VIEWS, BOXE& OP DBAWIHG lIfSTBGMBNTS, •„ ■ pocKftrcSMFissas; „,v ■ — ~mr«n^KßH(oinnß% . » - GLOBES, Am PUMBgf ■ I ‘ ’ ELECTRIC MACHINES, - . . GALVANIC BATTEEIBS, SPELLING BOABDS, wim*KoraWa Le»»«>. *>., : - JAMES W. QUEEN & 00., , ; 93* CHESTNUT BTKEBT. . - . : Hlnstratad CaUUOKO.es gratis. , • delQ-13t gOfWJ3Pii -■■-i ,|fe&wri* ss?beh 3 " ,; ] . Are now offering ifcjjlr fine etockxif Bilk's/ ■ : DRESS 00013 S, : ;. ■■ SHAWLS, -’•••'■■ CROAKS, •. GMTHS,-&G.,- At Reduced Prices, to Close Them Out. A *ooa opportunity now offered K eeleet a nieeV mee-'n ful,CHRISTMAS FBESEHT. ' dels-tham3t •. • •-5 f :‘ i AIJD LrSEFUL. GOODS FQR, • 3&BI ST&A £. E N Til FOR TEH HBLFSABOUT'THE HOTJSBf , •jasanufl PEiHm.4octs. .* diets. AMBBmB.PEtNT&37K.ciB. s .BBISHTdPBAIIKOMIHBIBBS. BEieHT.PIrAID FOPMHS: ~ A.-,,.. JBHMMOJMI (AT.BEDBCBD PBIGBS. *•*.\ .« ©Q.,, V?’ deltithiraStr • , »6 SoaUt SECOj^Jgtraat: gWD A Y FRBBE ’N T’-B? v . ' s%'fiJ' fidit cSKSTIfOT STBBBri- Hae now ralia^^oiThf^gfitodrof; ,• - "* . .. ~*„:**» t - -;■ j ' wabW (feinted expkzti&toi the comln* HOLID AST TBADE, atextrsordliiarlly, Joy prices, fiFSharea large stock of the following goods it . Gold watches, •■> Sllrer Watches, Ladies! Watches, Geots’Watchea, Boys’ Watches, • £3®^* SwißsWatoheer ; Gold Veat Ohato- , : GoldChatelaine Qhalae, •- . {fold Nedt Chains* _ * •■* : g»g<w^Gw«*' GoiaPens. t ■<„ GoldTooffiploM, . . Gold Thimfilee, ; ■ Gold Armlets. „ • Gold Bosom Studs, Gold Sleeve Buttons, |ordWotohgfijjj£, ; 1 GoldPlns.^'^iaO, Gold Bar B1m», Gold' FingorlplieJ, Gold BcarmSS GoldOhjirmE,,...., Bold WatchHookS, Bllrar Thimbles,',’' Silver Bapkln Binge, • *. ■ Bilker Fratt Knives, SilverFob'ChalM, BUW If&^ATBHWAE& . -Tea Sets, - * ' Gakeßukets, - Batter Pishes, - Breakfast Ja&iorß, Dinner Casters, ’ Fickle Cfcstors, Spoon. Holders. Walters, , v ~ . v ' ' BiAb.'''' rl ‘ Salt Stands, Gobleta, gffi'w . •; - . Sasktn,B£nM, ; Fish Knives, ■ i Pie • f , Xce Cream Knives. Cake Knives, ■ Crumb Knives* - - • 9 Children’s Kiiive*, . . Children's Porks, Children's Spoons, Oyster Ladles, Soup Ladles, • * Table and Lesßerfc Spoons, . • * Tea, Soger, and Salt Spoons, Tea and Pinner Forks,■ » _ -7 FLITBD . IBWELB7. » Wefcave on band a Jarge lot of :*Ee plated,Jewelry, which we are closing oat atcostpiices to make room for other goods. - Those w* *h in g goods in. our Unewould do well to call and examine before-pawhai* r lag. All goods warranted, aa recommended-- f - D. W. CL*BK, , . 603 CHBSTfIUT Street. ■• H. B,—Watches and Jewelry carefully Bepaired by» experienced workmen* and warranted, nolfl- sjgidel7&d7t ' . OHBISfMAS PRESENTS.—SUITA* BfcB:pBEBENTB-to a Deaf friend are tie lastly* meats .to atststths hearing. Also, snperior Eazol fitrora, Penjand Pocket-Knives. . Scissors, .Ac. Also. Ladies’ Scissor Cases, of tie itnest quality,.at p. MA DEIRA’S, 115 Sonti TEETH Street, ielow Cheßtant. : del2-13t - •’ £s FINE WATCHES, .JEWELRY, Mkffi SILVER AND PLATED WAKE, COEKEE AECH ABD TEETH BTBBETfI. Brooeis*. Sleeva Buttons. Armlets, Bracelets, Bear! Pins and Binjm{r<MiBet*, loe Pltciars, Walters, Goiltts, Porks, ■ Spoons, As. ■ *»-Watches repaired' and Warranted. Old Sold, Diamonds, and StlTer homrht. no2o-3m HABBIBOE- JABPEB. MA-CKBKEL, HERRING, SHAD, &0. U-*- -Jum bbla. Kut Ho;. 1. X and 3 Maekarel, late-caught fat flab, In auoited packiurea. , _ ... *.OOO bbU. Hew Sutport, FerfonTßey. and Halifax t H ![soafoxea Xotbee, Sealed, aid He. lHertln*. - ISO bbla new Meaa Shad. - ; i iso boxes Herkimer eoaßtr€nueee,&e. TOE HOUDAT9. AT LOW PRICES, 713 CHESTNUT STBEET, JfOK SALK BY -HT* Hf . PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY,* DECEMBER 17, 1864. THE HOLIDAYS. QOODSSOITAjiIiI?ORPjfc^ E. M. NEEDLES, 1034 CHESTNUT STREET, A LABOR ASSORTMENT OP LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, fn all varieties, for CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS, . kadies* Uem*ititcbedHandkerctaefe»'aUUneo,SOG. ' Men’s •“ ~ " ** , 70s. CbDdwm’a ~** • “ *! \ -85 e. • f lain B andkerchiefe* alHiafifei 20& ' \ - Lace BBnrikercbiefB,.s3,to»ssQ. > . ' - %- • JSmbrolder«(£HaEdkercfihiefa»!§l toslO, * Men's, Women’s, an? tflitrdten*fl~Bandfcerc‘M9fe» j&c kinds, and at prices very much -balow the jbwie. , ........ ALgO ~. LACE GOODS, EMBBOItiERIBSVand WHITE GOODS j- OfaJlktodß, I. - de!4-l2t '‘VEBT; LO <‘ ~ - gpLIDAy sl®s*; ! x-:\ & '■ U, -> CLOSINef OUT mll i.* -vii.- ' >:• 1 . ymtj- -. , e ■ • ■•. 'JOHN- #V imOMAiii ' ’ 40? and 4»* 3 NORTH jSECOND STREET, yr&m. the atteaUon ot splendid FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Comilrlaing afall linrot.every variety FANCY;-AND STAPLE GOODS,. . Suitable for ossfahpresentsh | . > <*!■*'- *• ■•'•-- ‘ ■ <- i4 v‘r ; '■ • ! <W£S' and 407 North-SECOND Street. pSISTMZsWEEBENTCB ' y FOB <&EI>rXTJELIHCE]Nr... A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF' SOAKFS, i ■■ CH.OVEg,,,.—, • . , . • - <■ *" -.MUFFLERS',.;- :• ■ f >• /' * * —-♦P’—?' -HDKFS., > 't~ .1 And everydefi*#lptlbi if bf - ■ > «<p % i -.i;'[nßwper. sixth ana chestnut. - QEEAT«E]SCeTION.m PRICES. HftWDAlffilFfS «F REAL YALFEi i'v&Wii rift-. yf -Kintimr'*him: will »uw offer Jbeir entire Ktfick of FALL A III) WIN- WfflMi ‘%<b'6D'Sf%®#LS, r'GtOAKS, too at a IoaTT MdnistloiijOtom fomer ESJfSiS^amelT: f , .4-,, ■ ■ .--3^*4'. * POPLINS, reduced from $3 to *ifi sj JeOPLXNßfrddiuied from *2.50 - - TbFOPLINS, rodimedfrom *2 to $1.25. ) PElPLUN'S^niaitoeafrom faifiOtoWl - ' *»>:.* J IRISH POPLINS, redifoed firßStlMO tcttfel.- ‘ W&PJtfeB,MBHINO *2to $1.25. ■ EfGTJRED WOCJI DELAINES, rod dead ftom *1.26 to 760.' ■ . EKSNOH MEBtNOES, JOduced from *2.26 to. *1.60. . . ... A ,0. •■•: - FB.ENOH MERINOES, rednood from *2,60 to *1.75. ‘. « * ---'■ ,■ ■ . . KRBNOH MERINOES, reduced ftoia *3 to *2. ; A heavy reduction in the price:; of all of our WINTER DBB8& QOODSnowreiaainliaoS hand: : CLOAKS.'SHAWMj CLOTHS,'.SKIRTS, 4e. H..E. —A few pieces of very ridi.Single and Double- Width Printed FLANNELS --and'CASHMERES for Wrappers,,... ..-.* '' i- ’.X" Vl. . ; Abo, a few very rich ROBES DE CHAMBERS closing dnt'at redu<»d prices. ' - EEWIN HAUL. & CO., , , 26 S. SECOND STREET. . ; jel2-glW»8i i» e - tEEW . BOOKS' HOLIDAYS. J.K /_ JUST READY, r THE POETICAL "WORKS OF JOHN MILTOH, r . - ~.'iTO,A LU'E. OK THE AUTHOR, OH EACH POEH, ’NOTES critical and. expl an atory, AKINSES - TO THE 'SUBJECTS OF'TABADISE TOST, 'Si AND A VEKBAI, INBBXTO ALL ‘ a' ‘ ~S#' AND". Piolnme large Re pal 12m0., 688 pages, on- flue toned paper&Oeund ia Yeiluiii ciotdi.' Price $3. . . nBBABT^rHIS-MTr— j WitF-iilliMraUans and vigaettes.bi German artlets. U&WHHSBf&r' ■ " ■ ' " f ••• ' ■ srEJI/LBR’S’JJOEMS. Bolwer’e translation. lSmo, Jt.Mv Trrr „. TIT j. . if- JUVEKILES. ; HOTTER MICHEL" AND HIE CAT. 16mo. M. , i MOT rfEB 6008E< FROM GERMAH S'. 4to. ' - MOTHER PITCHER’SPOEMS foe Little People. *O. • aSSafIA OBRMAK ("Eia Popeia”). • ST®''*'"#!;''''" 7 '’-v. U’t . MOTHER GOOBE .pT FEESCH (“Mere l’Ole”). ji.oirUtaia* stonr. m. 76 cents. i APPLY FOB ;LEYPQ£DT’S BIST , ,o_.. pr i PBMSTATIOS BOOHS FOB -1865. - Eclndiiifr~tiia-'iiiostbeaTitlfiil''Work* published tortho Jolidaya inFhilaielphia, Hew York, Ooeton, lK>adoß> . -* ■- ?FiibltsliWr BocfrsflUer,*f^^mportorrt . 133acHaST«^^Stre^f, delfi-St • ,1 - *-*• f Floor; BOOKS I ' ' .? ' ■ We are nowjoKfcared.'td'offer on* jbjstpf iLLBf- TK4TED PIRE'BISDISaS. eswotelljr rtnsta toHh«^l-I*AX T SEABOi9 } ‘at hVW BK1CEB; , -- LINDSaY;-A B£jAKI§TJ.N, ? , , „ „ . Publialiara ana Booksellers. , dak - , 80. as Sonth SISTTH Ste.iit. ip?B B=S EHtfA TIO K BOOKS OF A A VALUABLE CHAKAC rER. ■••;■.■ : Anecdotes, 2 vols.' v : f ?■'*>■- *’■ ■ “ - i ’ Goos er’B Morale; ulustr&ted. ■'? ; Dickens* Wojkß:iilastrHtßtitt' J - &atef^p , , /, , Jferlvaia,*«THisto/y of the Romans. , Gems from tßSDtfs&WorfGaUery. r ’*.■■ •; * / . DJgkwfcM a B&fwk>W6of New York Piet are Galleries* Martin’s History of Franee, ageof Louis XISWv' —-,, : IS!»W^ trate4 - ' • ' ' 1 Prescott's Works. . v - v - Bancroft’s TXnitedStatSs/ 11 ' Bayard Taylor’s Works; ••*• Works ; ine edition. ' EaUam'a Woika. lOyolb “ At JAB. K. SIMONS’ Book •** - delS-lSt 33 S-uth SIXTH, - . B« B.^A-liberaldiBconßtinade.oiL,aUpiiroliaoes>. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. : winkerd©* the lawyer’s son. ; & lifs of if A JOB An raatkentic life of the boyhood ana subsequent.:career t om3ga. Hancock, ’-.containing a Cotrect portrait add ilius itr&tions. Oho of the most entertaining hoys’ hooks yet .published: Price 81.60. •;■ - - i SEASIDE .{AND FIRESIDE FA TRIES. , Translated .from the German by A. L Wietor. ' Abharmlhg collec tion of-Gerroair Fairy Tales, linked'together‘with a pretty narrative; beautifully printed and illustrated. -Price $176. . . ‘- V '- .v ENOCH ARDEN. Elegantly CLEVER ETOMES OF MANY STATIONS. .By John O. Saxe. IllurtratedbyW.L. Champney. ■ " FOIE BONOS. 1 Anew edition of that most popular ■; A new edition of EX jIBE SWEET, with additional U TOVAItD SUNSET. By L. Marla Child. iYKAAMEJiCANAsorTeraeaOf Praise rand 'Faith, fromAmerfcanrrbetfl; ’■ ■ ■• ' - \ LYRAANSUCANAi or, A.Hymnal olß^sred Poetry. anc In an endless ’’rTaItBABD WORKS and hook* of all kind. In every variety .of-bindlng, placed on long conutere xunninr the fiffl'lwwihof car .tore, where they can ho examined ’ s (SVCOEBBOBBTO W. FgJMMtPN ■ ; . delO 4Sd~ YBS: JIHEBTNUT Street. , OHRISTMAS PRESISINTS. i Corsets and Braces, forMiwai and Children, to im j prove the figure and!: expand -the chest. Also, latest . styles of Pam Corsets in great variety, at Mrs. STEEL’S, TEtSTH Street, beiov Chestnut. - delfcSt* i THU BEST (.CHRISTMAS present gen tl e men'can make to their ladyfiiends is . some useful article of Furniture, such as auSseritoire, with Music Stand, Reception,"or Rocking Chair, Piano Stool, Marble Top Table. &c.; all of which may be had, fcheap*-st and bept, at GOHi.O GO. ’ST%ion Depots, n. E. corner SECOND and RACE and NINTH and MARKET Streets. 1 -.. . de!4»tjal "OATHEBS AND MOTHERS—CALL X at GOULD & CO. ’8 Union Furniture Depots, N. £- corner of NINTH and MARKET and SECONb and BAO%’7and aratify your children by the a Christs^*?memorial.,. A splendid assortment from, t which *b select may be found there, cheapest and best.' • del4-t|al • "&"<-■*&} : • ■), r...-- - lIOI.IJDAY OOtfl'BC'flOWS. JgARB AND FASHIONABLE v-! _ .coninFmcTioivs THE HOLIDAYS, nr NEAT BOXES, SUITABLE FOB PRESENTS E. [Q. WHITMAN & 00/S, dettoi No. 318 CHESTNUT St., below-Fourth. nOTTON ANTi Fi.AX BAIL DUOX > v>- AND CiNVAS, Of aU *nmb»re end braider . V ; Teat, Awning. Trohk, Sd WMOuOoTell>njte.‘Al», : fronil - i .. . ;•' ■ Offers for eale At very Low Prices.. "stock of . OB ... FAhOBY USB, FRESH EVERY DAY, the holidays. M. HAILEIGH, ooa OHESTETT STBXIX, ...WILLOPpi TSTESBAY, DECEMBER Gtli, t - • .. '4s ' . < : < r . .. - - - A rtmaiaf ihroagh the wnt» of Us Store, 60 feetlß tenstk, toi bo loxowam' THE CHEAP DEPABTIHENT, ; •. t • '■ /,'} . Which devoted excluelvely to the exhibition i Ahd«ale.«C; , -ri# - - r DRESS • REDUCED'W&NRitALP THE PRICE SGfiD At ; ths bXginJsinb op THE SEASON. , t ' -y. e- ' -- :. - ;■ ' y. M. H. boa* made arransemente ite furnish to hla customerB‘ftom : i .4. . yttyds of o . English! _ ' PCBCHIBEb'M A GREAT SACRIFICE, AND MWli? ’ A-UOTION SAEES, ' *' 1 - ; To this ohaunel without reoorfe. ! : ■ tf- ™ during. :• .Mm,£3. TEE-p)LIDAY .SMKON:“ ' I?ybefourth ahd : JC< J^w&ema. -&E &jtAIBEL^^, '•: &*#&*' ■ ■”> - Vl» •• • FdSI?i^^IW*''JpEOH. : 'JSTBEETS(j; - ; abb’ prices just such goods I 'as VEST ACCEPTABLE j . PRESENTS. •' .f : -CeRIS I *|pß :«4- •... siiiKs.' ■ ■■■ „,,- -' >y ■ " / i % OLI ,OEL aJnE S. - - f. PI ANO-G OVERS; : DO; GOYERS. • fle3> •■ • •■ •. .' ~ f -l -4- ' ' •- .'•■> * - • BY RUa|t MILLEB. •L'yife S SAY &|i- • B[OGBAPHICiL»J®m<Jifr. '' " - - = ? v , £ fSjpw MII^M : Will Bathe. *1.75, ■ This zrtil'hevlote&sne of the most fntereßtiag of all this popahtfcasflnjjragirorks; ' . I«LLBSSWi I IWiBTE .WfIBKS, tas-TBS Volumes,- honnnja nim®Esrle> andjpnt iiolo-an slogans, sub- StßiriiBA'tioj?f?vi‘Bßtr embossed cl ,tllf $l7. The set emwißS- theJtHowllitr wsftie: The Old Bed BesidciouV. Foctjofctsof ! be Creator, Cenise of the Bet- • iey, HsadallbArpgMst. Tale* and Sk elchsS, 'MyEErfcttraprefc-ixms-of--»lig!nuo aud its Peo- . pie, My Schooli asuf Sohoolfflttatenj (anaatobiography). The aaa thenewyolame EsJ **A B ate present for Christmas or Eew Tear’altVWfidbedifiloalttdfind. i3G%10- s & LINCOLN, - ’ " ' ■■' •'” de!B-3t„ . Btreet, Boehm. — - - tg*Blisßlßl> THIS DAY BY. ; D, . AEKiSTON S Co., Hoe. 443 4Ifei443:BEOApWAT, H.; i X.>, .. MBEAItY OP jB&TBfa- AND ADVENTTJBE. PIGHTIHG TH® WHALES; or, Doings and’Dangers of a Pishing CraiaOi rWUh foarcolored illustrations. 60 cents; .' : .- ~ - . ? PAST BOraß I@K orSAdyontteres in the Polar Regions.h BO.osnts. jTit Ay \IlfTHg .VPILBPitWfiSS; ortLi/e among the Bed Inmans of honjpmetfica. With rduriHUßtrations. do cents. • ,-.. . '•' '• • , BKCtEijoHiraß BffiST BOOK, '. BIKOifD BOOK. . ' «!BD BOOK. 1 : .4raOh®iO»feJOI7BTH.BOOK. . c mjiolE jQgs;s;aiifTg book. . , ■tnmx roSsia stxm boob. - • This is e series- of .hopktt of a progressive character, commencing wRh slgESyeasnfif age, leading the yoatnf nl mind on tomoreniffidaltxsgtUng. Theyare entertain-, lug and irstrtictive. h * - . ; TBdEAStFK Y -■' -SSBt TRAVEL Amp ADYENTURB • IE NdETH jMMSODTWAMEBKiA; ■■WMWSaO-XBMIQA. - ■i BOO&fO®WtS«:iBB OI». WITS ORB TWENTY -ILLD6TBA- Ytol. ißlbftii *2. “ Who«ysr hnrs thlaKokAanset off at any honr that. he likes, and journey air<£ aiplore with scores of intre fid adventniets for cstt>ony, v in Mexicpr In the Fiji elands,- in Africa, inM&i&a,' Japan. and Lew»Chew Islandstinthe eferhU ice. among tne mined empires and perished gforiea of the in every ppr tion- of-the globe where wondere worth ihe gathering fpnnd. * t —rjga drag from jteJPrefnoe. • AIEjBBD DEBPEEhOW. ' *• Tbo anthOr of thU little hobk has tried to mahe it so ■ enicrtatainK thatthero srtU-ABa desirefor another of a similar hind., .JCfthoagh the soenes of B are not laid in Africa, nofgirathAmerica, nor thnßocky Monntalns, yottheretisfsn.lndiatfan-itean4*:Battlesnak9,-andit came yery neanhayisg a bear also. "—Preface. A COBPLETB HOLIDAY CATADOGDB . GIFT' fRQ.OKS, rbE'.OLD AND. YOTJNa FOLKS, i KOW- READY, * ‘ : del*»• . -hAMP MAY BB 'HAD GBATIS. -XTEW BOOKS yoii THE .HOLIDAYS. ,I*3 -jaaE poßms .of . maokwoeth PRAto.' BeviMd editton, yrahMemoir, . KAXS OF LIQIIT FOK DaMi'HOURS. Fine doth, SeUcTetl from vaiions authors. Fifed cloth,-afttedies*; - ■ • s * 1 ■- - - • GJ?AY,with Memoirs ofhis Life. : THE BEES; or, Common places RoTreshed. ByLeigh ’ Tfffefeß-ANDRXERejSES OF HOLY LIVING, and : THE RULE AND (EXERCISES OF HOLY DYING. By Jeremy .Taylor, D.D, „ .. ~ ■ _ _ » Also, a large asEortmeis of Books iar fine bindings; Books, delfl-tf-. ■ «y .. HOTJEULk AVD KfeSTAURAiVTS. QBIJTRAL . .ttOPSB, ! ~,r-( .1 :: Opposite the BSW Oflieei -'a- ■ .* flwjt . . - oei7-sin '. ■ ‘ PHiLAiiEEPEQA. ” WE #AMi THE : 1 V , atteatlojfc'ofj*ll eonnoiaileßrwto’ the following v Thebest'Cinalltyof ftllkbidsofDi^nors, .HOTBI, 6SB3JEBCH Street. ■ ' i . > a - FPHM. BT.AIR, Frejprletor. i IDNBS-vSOHSEj • - -r , r , ; sotae%, . The Bioprletor.reepertfuUy returns hie gneere thanks i to WS fri§nd»7or the. veVy' llheral plitfojHie hestowad tath«OSu»o slicdsunder KU' mana*eihett,*’and would respectfully,eoll.lt aeontlrmanre of thgeamo.: . - del?- C. H. MAHN,Troprieto*._ ;fPHE iW Aifi-HI N OTON - HOBSE—A s A OABD.—lthavinf been-announeedhythe Bulletin ■ot tt* »OP tffltanVthst thft Notol-wojffdds.Moßedon ,-or about theSiof JDeceinber, the lessee fiom January, Uet.'lSddf leSto-ljffom the puhllc thataffi3K the time fthfl House fig* be'olosaa.lt'wlll -be ■ thoronghlyreno -5 voted and jdttAin a. manner Umt to gtva ,«atlBfa<rtlo4 W uloM who may patronize the eatabflsh" CEABliig JJ- ALMOND, formerly of the '•TOafaß wUmiieton, hut roorS reoently of ; thy..“ St»t^M&>lon,*f-Philaa«lpMa 1 .wJU-.bave -theen :tlremanMe*Sent,underthe newaaminlstratlon, andhe 1 iseures the public Hint no'exert. Willhe spared on hu ; part ’to make the Hoiue In. an respects pleasant ana HPH E MAHOHY HOUSE, IN ASH LANl)«Bchnylkm, county, after being closed'for two month., bhoios handsomely fitted up, and Is now ojwn frfr 'trdvtller. and visitors. * Mr. HENRST B. of Morthmnbar lend bad long experteneeintlils line of BusloeMi Wfll keep a FIKST OX.ABB HpuSE,and. oae that will compare favorably with the belt Hotel. In the couhhry.^' ?•.•.•• . . .. -• i Shhattp. Fa.» Hoy. B. IBBA. ■ . noM-lm SKATES. W^SdiR^SKATi^DEPOT, H Aio9 CHESTNUT Street,-EMlAdelphla. %e hays j<ut-recelved thelargest and moitdeslrabl. stock of . „ , : HABIBS’, GENTS’, ANB BOYS’ SKATK " ever offered In Hb city, which we much sleksure in showiqi&u wnb'dssiid to enjoy the delight-, ful recreation of gating. - PHILIPrWILHOJT * .l defi'lm < 40D CHESTNPT Street. CKATBS, BKATEgi SKATEB for sale etjftry low pries, at vr - Wr TY. KNIGHT A SON’S. i „ r iW M 4 0U <7O«mOS JStSHiv ■t’-e *=- ~ •* ■/ -t a'la,.o - -.-. - - --. 1 % |i J x t n . SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1864. OKKKRAL ÜB&liT’jl ABXT< • • cßri<th-> ‘ WHAT OCR CORRBBPOMDBsr SAW OK HIS COCR KBT DOWN THS WELDON RAILROAD, [Special Correapondenco of She Press,! ‘ BePORB PHTEEBBITROi DeO. 14, IBM; ■The owner of every large plantation between Pel terebnrgand Weldon is an offloer—either general, colonel, major, or aurgoon—they descend no lower ■in grade. Near Jarrett’s station UAUnfeted the jmanslop of Oeneral .tmambllsa,, At this house were, i captnred , some time daring the' ltentenant' and twenty-ave men, sent oat to dea’troy a large bHdgebn the DanvlUe Railroad. He stopped with Mr/n Ohambllss to take breakfaati and was entrapped ‘anfl captnred later in the day. The ladles of this ’family sent out tyto trusty seryants to watoh for ourt ioomlng.apd warn them In tlme. Of course' the co lored eeouts deolined roturnlng to their Indulgent" owners. ~ . . There Is mneb that Is contradictory In; this lncon-". staht world.* .Every one will willingly pieaoh, bnt" h<Wffow Eraotfoe thelr own prooeptal Ic la easler, ds 'Tortia says,.to be among twenty who glre.advice ‘thanlJO-pneofthat number tofollowonrowiuteaeh. ' tags, .Sb.ewas.an honest oounsetlor. .Wp bßlieve- Marlborough wws a brave man, bat oowered, before) Ihls soowilng wife, Lawrence Sterna oonld niafeel fbJSj weep over hls pathetlo plaints;-and tDfckenil be&ntifully wrttteSdesoripUoos of .happy., [homes an4.3oineetlofeUeltymake one think saoh (was his lot, and no ars oo old mar the’ happl rnees of blshearth, While gatlng on the s ralns of ;what once were happy homes. I met a conCratjAnd,' jWhoEe oloaely curling hair was venerable with* the ’.rrosts ol many .years. A major of infantry came [aashlngnp,andbrostidely exolalmed: ‘-Fallln,old [mab;now or never,ls yonr chance for- freedom !” The jagedi worn-ontservant sboohhls head slowly, from [side to side, and sadly Informed the officer fhat® . ;he had a :wlfe. t[ Pd bo mity proud to -gd :you alVbo8«, bnt l'e got an ole-wontam. .ypnnggalwhen I marrteaher,and*bi [to syil ; aaiHere: was sentHnfilteStflß^t S|ayq^mpbfflmgiHaTO* : wlth: In a loilg, wme. iflftS . of that sentence seemed to reilere from repulsiveness tie sable f&oe of tlie onß who gavelt utterance. Iwondered how many married couples of iny acquaintance had It red together harmonious ly the same period of time. Ah! I fear me* there are few but havebeen gulled by matrimony's Joke, - |wh!cb is not always easy,neither Is Its burthen lights hririplaott wasoften Invoked by the yoke-fsHOwi-itri ■Roine, add doubtless had much dlfilcultyioi deciding j ■whether her petitioners should merely be JbpbruteS •‘'fr.oih.hed and board,” or a vincula matrimonii, 'tin." iortnnaitelyypr those. who onoe thrust ihOlrhhands Intothe. sack of eels, containing a single,snake, jpeotl|ig. l fedraw.a i prlifi, and only. getting-ahbtta; :mpst.Unluoliilyfor such, I sayrtherenojrtekfetemo.' snch sympathetic spirit as that famous Bomjp^jud-: ’dess. •' ■ wii’ii js-il . A, mile or two this side of Sussex CdurtTCoWdt itgpdjs the handsome and commodious rosldonoeof' griggs-t-The Doctor is a surgeon In- the.robei- Army. -,lt wgg nsjgiMS house three otouiMidlfllisp. and lndecentlystrlp-j sgffjaUtiqqymtog. Some -ttot in the Surgeon’s eelienwashl) ■lftrge Wack sack of white bleached hones; whlohthe.; iabel Bald.was formerly the frameworkofsomAun-'; foitunaMTankee, Of course there were anyamount t jof cursesshowered on the mansion, and scowling brows looked-thunder at the poor occupants, who probably never saw a human skeleton. One thing, I . know, waß dlacovered In that' mysteriousaoelta*. iwhatwaa.that, do yon ask? It was.«applejack? l , the soldiers’groat enemy. In sonmdweHißgswMe.; found thlrtybajrels of.this ad9t*oi|& as eamphene and as somnolent as laudantunvThett 1 Iswlth'the draught a pleaaant;hQuqaMbu£After-rt Uke an adder.-, ir;any:o£; ijj& men; 4 were*oaptuiefl, Jit wttk '‘-‘»l#|e. jack,” I don’t wonder Early’s army was ruined with this beverage.- It .would destroy the morois of=the bast disciplined troojaton earth. .Wheroyerthe foot. Steps.of our troops turned, there eottld.be found Mbs bursting .with corn, and foddfbtetoeke aiming their pointed tope at the cold gray sky. But' cider* ptesßcaand apple-crushers were iarmoreabundant. ■What; did, theso peoplo moan to dowlttusomndh. .... . ■ As you near the North Carolina line, thosoll grows. lees .sandy.. The pale to a deep;' red, the pines are heavy, anctsmall. oanebrakea: are? fojtnd.. ; Eoliy;t>ushes adorn the roads with thedeep green of their leaves, contrasting beautifully aß'the . bright rod-ofusterß.of berries gently touched eaeh other. Hidden amlda falrydell-wefound Goman’s •Wells, probably a hammer resort for' the unSmbP tious “tarhoelß,” who esaßedfor a Beason to pitch into the pines fin temperature, and sought ; these - w*nsfor Spa.water, . ~ pv-i;, ,:.t -: iwe hear the shine ceaseless shooting alongthe lines since our return. Sounds of heavy; Cannona ding come to ns from the extreme' tight, bat wo jnake little of sneh noise here'. . The weather Is ex tremely cold; the wind whistling freealngly all nightlong. , quritT, WITH HOTHraa TO, lITDICATE EAEtV WORK -—MIS CELL AKEOTJB SBWS, HeaixiuartersArmy or ; tbe Potomac, Efac., 15.— Unusual quiet lias prevailed along the lines'in' front of Feferebti|g the iifer rew flajs, searoajyji, shot being exchanged, excepting In the evening'on, the right of the line. . _ ' ‘ f ~' Last night, 'however, quitaan oxoltement was fceptup from about 8. till 10 o’cloek,Tvhen theflring gradually died away, and after'midnight not a shot! was fired. ! Of oourse, the plbkets' ft the vicinity of Port" Bell were responsible for the outbreak, although some parts of the line farther west were ' participants. ■ s A' report -Is current that a number of oor plokets watching the rear of the lines were taken and mur dered night before last, and that in consequence the force of men on this side has been doubled. Changes are being made In the disposition ,of troops, but nothing, to Indicate an early attack upon the enemy, The troops engaged in the late raid are almost all in good condition, but some returned from the trip with frozen hands and feet, and others are ill, caused by the severe weather. ti . - On Friday five .deserters are to be hanged. Two or them are from New York, two ftbm'New Hamp shire, and 086 from Maryland. Deserters'from the rebels are coming in dally. Seven came In yesterday and five to-day. They bringnothlngnowfromreboldom. ' - .Special Correspondence of The Press. 3 City Pomy, Ya., Dee. 13,1864. The general court martial of which Brigadier General Charles H. J. Oolite is president and Oapt. 'Whitehead! judge advocate, convened for the trial of deserters and bounty jumpers, holds Its dally sessions at this .point.. The - following caseß have been fried and approved by the' Commanding Gene ral: - t ' Edward Rowe and Daniel Smith, 179th New York Volunteers. Joßb Thompson, 6th New Hampshire Volunteers. William Kano, alias William Garter, Bth Mary land Volunteers, . . Joseph McNulty,, alias Joseph Killy, 6th New Hampshire Volunteers. -v , . ; Christopher Lehr and Charles Hummel, 7th New York Volunteers. ' ’' ” ' 1 ’ —all charged with desertion to the enemy for the par-’ pose of receiving the benefit of Jeff Botiis’ girder No, * 66,^ offering to send to their homes aUffeseriers from the Union armies. The'sentonco ln eachof the above oaeeß Is as follows:. To-be hung by the neck until dibd, at such time and place as the Commanding Gene ral may direct,in the presence of so much qf the com mand to which hisregimentpel'ongs «t ihe eicigehcietbf the service wifi permit, two-thirds; of (the of the oourt oononrrlhg therein.' Rowe and Smith : wero exeotited on Saturday lastthe remaining five will be executed on Friday, the 16th. ' There, are SHU sixtyprisoners of this blasr awaiting trial. It. Is to he hoped Jhat the.soierltyjfith whlok thie ! oourt Is dealing wlth.theae men, wIU have the de sired effeototcheoklng'.the oontlnuanooof this-most: serlons of all crimes known to military law.- the socthwesi, CBpeeial Correspondence of The Preied , - .- , .... CaxbO, ; Deb. 12^186%; OrBBATIONB ON THE OUItBBBLAMD AKO TJUTSBa- The chief feature In' military operations lit this! vlolnlty is.the oconpatlon of’laaddle Tennessee by : Hood’s army. ' Of the Investment of Nashyille you are fully Informed via Ebnlsvllle, But lit the en deavor to out off supplies from that point, the rebel cavalry have struck/ the, Cumberland Ini three ’ places below Nashville, and by mean's of arttUery fare seizing and destroying the transports. The : Iron-oiads MOund Olty and Carondelet are at Nash ville or rather cruising between HaTpetb Shoals and that city (twelve miles), and have had several iengagements with the rebel batteries, Invariably driving themi off. Below the shoals We have- the ■ monitor Netfflho' and two or three lron-olad gun boAte, but since tbe unparalleled saoceaß of (Jen. Lyon ln baptuxing the three gmibdats on the Teh-' nessee, the rebels have shown a very determined - opposition, so that our, mosquito boats are rather, cautiousabout faclnga battery on bluffs. " Lyon’s force, .consisting of some 2,600 eavalry and sixteen guns, struck the Tennessee river on the, east bank, at Cumberland Landing, some twenty miles above Fort Henry, where they captured the side-wheel Bteamer Thos. E. Putt, on her way to 1 bring off stores ficom. Johnsonvilio, used her. as a : ferry, aha Uien hnmea her. Thenpe 7 the rebels, marched across to the Clarksville,' abont twentyfffve miles distant; where they repeat 'ed the' same role. We are at a loss to know what boats have been capturod on tiffs latter stream, hut tile last boat, down, the Masonlo -Gem, states -that she heard Bring on an upward-bound boat soon after passing Clarksville, Possibly the (Jem was allowed to pass down in the hope a- omit laden i with supplies. A.' later report says that Lyon erossed the Cumberland, and was moving toward Hopkinsville, Ky., in the hope, probably, of reaoh lng'-the-LouisviHe and Nashvilie Railroad. This is nnddubtedly a bold and successful trip of the rebels, though devoid of much strategic Importance. The sieged Nashville cannot be maintained, but South erhKentueky mid Middle Tennessee will bo stripped of blankets and horses. VSOU THB LOWBR SnSSISSI^PI. Simultaneously with these reports we'have ac counts from Memphis of a move on that place by Beauregard, or, as some contend, It is a move for Fort Pillow, with heavy guns, so as to blookade the Ti*» Of »K« tmm for FOim CBNTB. doubting this report. The rebels oannot ,VpMU from tbeir mils armfc a sufficient force to establish tAn telves ob thebanksof tbe Mißßtaalppi. 411 t'te force tie? have Isoo-operatlng with Hood at this t.W. It must have: come to their knowledge that .'»»ny troops are moving onthe Missisalppljust now, »nd the; mayhave given out each a design. As for the - possibility of haulfcig heavy siege gnus from ttyvir nearest railroad terminus, sayOerinth, it is absurd. Not less,than fifty gnns would be necessary to hold; Fort PlllowagaJnst the gunboats notty above that point. The report originates, probably,ln the pluu derlng and ooßßcribing bands of some of the free booters in West,Tennessee. Hood's foroe? may,.tn > deed, reach Kentucky, but theirsta? will neewtori ly be ehort. , • . • From farther down we have aeoounts that Sty / steamer has been fired into by a battery below Ar- 1 1 kansas river. This may be taken as evidence that, ; the retreating army of Prioe has reasited the south. aideoftheArkanßaß, and la now at the old practice. Price lost thirteen gnns in. Ids orulse throngh Mia : aouri, but still has enough left to make wanton and : u»justifiaßie:jraron passenger steamws. r , From VJcksbnrp jn> deam ttet a cavalry fores under Col. Oaband ihas been despatched eastward ' into Mississippi, witty a view ofdostroylng tho Mls -Blaalp.pl Central Railway, which has lately been worked from Canton to sodiedistanoe betejr Jack-. : son, mss. This raid has been very.dehtradtive to • rebel property. Thirty miles of the railroad were • ruined,, extending from' Canton to below-, Jaokson. ' MUrirai&n a thousand bales of cotton, many thou : sands of bushels.ofcom, and other supplies, frere burnril, The Yasob Valley was well nigh Stripped) < abd thl command returned without serious loss 7 ‘ ~ : 'Ata Mint'near.Nitohei the ram Avenger reoaiit 'ly oaptSfed a party of rebols and some correapou i tp Alexandria, : : ]SBW'':odtTOi:.fianLATioir. r ' , \ ; 'One Of the‘knottiest questions with whloh the ■Q-bvcrnmdhi fiishad ’ <o* deil in, tods'rebeliion has jbeen the ootton traffic—tbo staple whioh froot an }aversge value of ten to twelve 'oents'a 'poand, in ipekee times', feU 'soon after the, eriforoetaent of the i blockade to be worth in the rebel lines five cents in Snfederate currency. Soon it was discovered to worths flellar in greenbacks on our side of the 4 : os. * Such enormous profits wore tempting, and - officers, trea s tydgents, and'even sihgeoha, beoame enjiogaa in; ‘•man profits were'gfaatutlly'Msgehed: 3 (mere was some demofalltaUon in the»army and .navy.-an-asofiur-fisgranvinstsnoesofllfoahailinb iidst aud expOeed for putpos'esorprivMO gain, [The. Government itselr got but little of-the voir* ] small fax ltdiad Imposed'on the purchase,drat the? jNorto in generaiundoußtedly derived muehbßaeftli ‘from It. The rebels, seeing this,.commended the ipoHoyoi burning ail that was likely to fail {into onr hands, either by capture or purchase. '{Half; a million of.bates were burnt—perhaps a mttilon. : The frauds and irregularities in the trade {because'sugrossdtyat K a truly honest and eonsoien- . itlous.offloer was pralsedlMie banlshedaud stopped • all trade In ootton. But lt is, evident thatwe were . Ito be benefited- by getting all-the cotton we could : out of the hands of the rebels. In exchange they j must take fiaper money, or got, by soma means, ■ commodities. There aro.only a few things which Ijvtyoouid notafford to let them have with impunity, Qnd*’theso are ‘‘contraband, of war,” in the strict jeeEse , Suppose, for example, &%y of . the; produoers ofiootton to get; gold, fon their prot 1 •duct, Is at at'all probable that they wtll Invest the ■ gold InOonfederate''b(jnaBl No: Rather more that [ the gold wOuld bo hoardOd and-doled dufc'as 1 neeeg slty fVqulrea; isTtycsainSlhay) he said of testy Coffee, whisky, flour,'dress material, and shoes, SuofcfefSj arC.'ffiernEfof afnfy purposes excluded. ' Our people are bound to-makea largo per oentage ofproflt l& ' the exchange, and .lt ls not discoverable when the fighting strength of the enemy Is increased by a man or aguh. t.' : . system of rogulatlons is designed to epebniage the bringiogtef eotton again. ' But the 'pmWSlonaare both' 'olamSy; And expensive. -Pur .tehs»ingagknls«f«'lft:ely to bß' Well paid. ' Besides, , ;th« irffiufcemefatstd thexebels to brihg'-ln fhe'cotton -intern selves' and sell lt' aro ihadCunato. - : Ttee sfluplest afid; the most • effeotlvo plan* ffir the Government Is the best. Allow all ootton to ba brought Intd tue Hues arid pald-Tof 13 anytiildg not contflCEand..of war.' -Itet tho labor and rtek of' transportation to our -lines rest with the holders.'; The Gffvernnseltt tfibn pitt a tax of ton Cents a pound (ftftyrfOllars 'a bale) on -all shipped * to a general markety thus glving a revenue of many' millions of:dollars, coliectableby loss than ten per sons on the KHaslsslppl. There is great misconsCp tlon on the subject of tradlng with the enemy In all places except in the .vicinity of two great armies. Nothing has so much tended to weaken our hold 1 in the lower valley As onr exclusion of Buppllbs, unless • perhaps Itbuthe attempt to steal their ootton by the thousand bales at a time. ST. X.OVIS. THX STXAHBH ITAUTA DESTEOYBDBV TOSPMOBS —A UKEUTEBS’ STHIKB. ; St. Louib, Deo. is.—The recent exploslomof tho steamety Maria, at Oarondelet, previously reported, is said toteave been the work of rebel torpedoes. Tie printers pf St. Louis are on a strike, but the publication of-tbo: papers has not been suspended. Tbc proprietors cffor ftfty oents per thousand ems, wltb steady work to good bands. St. Louis, Deo. 15.—Hogs firm. Tobacco active'; prices arm. Floor neglected. .Wheat firm,-and not xnvoh doing on acoonntof the small supply. Whisky, total 1 sales; Pork,-small sales;' prime Mess,'*39. The weather ls moderating, and the river ' Is fall of tMok floating ioe. ' • ... < KANSAS. QIIjUSTpSXiBfpTO AGAIN—A X.AEOE eoVBBKMEKT TEAIN IN DANGSB. St. feouie-, Dee. 15.'—The Lawrence Tribune says the notorions brigand Quantrell was removed. In an ambulance with Price's retreating columnjstok be yond hope of redo very. The Democrat's Fort Scott - (Kansas) special despatch of the 2d says that “yesterday’s oonrior arrived from Fort'Gibson with despatches, causing apprehensions for the safety of a large Government! train whloh left the camp on Dry Wood, tpn miles south of that place, on the 2d of November. The train consists of one hundred and twenty Government wagons, five yoke of oxen to eaoh one, thirty sut lers’wagons, with.six mules to eaoh, all heavily for Fort Gibson, distant ISO miles. It was guarded by a few dismounted Indian, cavalry and a section or artillery. The train Is now said to be correled on the Neosho river, about 100 miles South bf thls place, and the men are throwing up earth works for defence, being closely invested by the rebel General Gaines, with 7,000 men and five guns. Colonel Moonlight Is reported to be moving to the assistance of the train.” The Itcbel Manifesto In Enrope. . The following is-the joint note addressed to the French Minister or Foreign Affairs by the agents ol tbe rebels abroad, transmitting an official copy of the manifesto of the’rebel « Congress “Pauis, Nov. 11,1804. .“■Sm: The undersigned, Commissioners of the Confederate States of America-, in pursuance of the instructions of their Government, have the honor to.present to your Excellency a copy of a manifesto issued by the Congress of said States, with; the ap proval of the President, and of which the President was requested to cause copies to he transmitted to their Commissioners: abroad, to the end that the same might be by them laid before foreign Govern ments ; they at the same time communicate a copy of the preamble and resolutions of Congress ac companying such manifesto. The dispositions, principles, arid purposes by which the Confederate Stateß have been and are still animated are set forth In this paper with all the authority due to the solemn declarations of the legislative and execu tive branches of their. Government, and with a clearness which leaves no roomfor comment or ex planation.: In a few'sentences It Is pointed out that ‘all they askia Immunity from interference with their intcrnal peaco and prosperity, and to be left in, the undisturbed" enjoyment of their Inalienable, rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, which their commbn anoestry declared to be fche equal heritage of all -parties, to tbe social compact: Let them forbear aggreßßlons npon us and the wax ls at an end. If there be questions which require, adjustment by negotlatlons. they have ever been willing, and are etill willing,’ to enter Into conumtnlcatlon with tbeirm-dversarles ln;a spirlt of equity and manly fraiiknoes, and commit their cause to the enlightened judgment of thh world, to the sober reflection of their adversaries themselves, and to the solemn ’ and righteous arbitiament of Heaven.’ The under signed beg le&ve most respectfully to invite the at tentlon of the Government ofhis, Imperial Majes ty to tills trank ana full explanation of the attitude and purposes of the Confederate States, and will mereiy remark, in additlon, that since the issuing of that manifeßtothe war has continued to be waged by our enemies with even Increased ferocity, a, more signal' disregard ‘off air the rule's of civilised war fare.Aiidimore wanton violation oftbeobligatlons of .intematlonal law. The understated, having thus complied with the Instructions of their Govern ment, beg to assure your Excellency of the dtetln fuiebed consideration with which they have the onor to be your Excellency’s most obedient ser vants. John StlPBLn, • “J.M. Mason, • •••• - “A. Dudubv Mann.” •OE3EEEJ' - CJ-EFYi MILITARY. DESBBTION3. Tho -ailowlng-named soldiers were reported yes terday at the Medical Director's office as hating deserted Irom .army hospitals In this department FilbermHct’Bosp«at-aeo. Frßowman, Go. F, 9th New York Artillery; Joseph Barton; 06. D, 23d Pennsylvania; Benton Carl; 06. c, 13th Ohio ; 'Be ter Dubree, 06. —, 30th Massachusetts; -Albert Franke, 00. H, Ist Michigan Oavaliy; John Foley, 00. D, 69th New <Tter, Thomas Harper, . Co, F, -41st New York; J. M. Hartley, 00. B, llfith Ohio; Ml •N. Thompson; Co. H, 53d Pennsylvania; John Jaokson, ,Co. I, 55th Pennsylvania;. James Mc- Lane, Co. 1155th New York Andrew. J. Phillips, Co. I; UthYlrglnla: Thomas Stenle, Co. 1,107 th Pennsylvania; A.'-‘L. Stephens, Co, D, 2BthCon neotiout; John Tipton, Co. H, 4th Pennsylvania ■ Cavalry; J. L. Ward, Go. D, 128th New York. ■ Beverly Hospital.—O. S. Wall, Co. D, 4th New York Artillery. _ Haddington Hospital. —John Boyd, 00. D. 23d Pennsylvania; JosepU Clemens, Co. C,lS4th Penn sylvania ; Maurotis Knoir, 00. K, 41st New York. White Hall Hospital.—John Burke, 00. 21st Connecticut. - ■’ ' pbaths; ' The deaths of the following named soldiers were reported yesterday at the MedloallMreo tor’s office: CheslnntrßUl Hospital.—O. J. Bankln, 00. K, 3lßt HoepUai.— Peter H. Scott, 00. E,l4th New York. . .. , . .., . MISCELLANEOUS. THE AldEKitiAN TEBEGBAPH COMPiNF, Mr. Jas. Merrlhew has been appointed manager of the Amerloan Telegraph Company, In thls olty, together with Hr, William A. Morrow aa assistant manager,. ■, CLEAIt THE PAYEMENTS; It should buborne lamina that an ordinance ye qulrlpgthe snow to be removftfl fmm t>iA pavements within six woiklng houra after It has ceased falling, is In operation In our city. It is to be -strictly en forchC As an act of humanity oiUsens should have’ tfiejr paywa«?St» kept projper order: thew b y W THE WAR PRESS, Asbubhid widkli.i Tsn WixFxns wlUbeaent toeubenlbenlv ■uU (per ennnitt i» utvue*) et ™~ M Five eoules.. • W ■wiewHee....;-,. M Unset Olcba-tluui TenWiU be<hemd at toe no* rate. IX 60 per copy. - ' Wkemonep nuet stoops oeebmfxntor MeAnSer. on* toetonee mn Aim Itrau to deetotetfiVtoe, to wvaarordwrv uuittnm Bumttmaoitarpamr. *** *• tot to esetosfct venttegmany accidents by fails, and pt >motinHr *l*o healtii Of theoityby dry, dean sideeiiks? DOMESTIC ' MABKETS. There aro but few changes to; report this week. The continued high prioe of butter is the Buajaot of general rgmsrk, and it is suggs ited m alt uandc that butter leagues be again formed. 1 There Is great difference tbefween the price |of pound and roll : bolter. Tbo same man who charges TS cents pec ; peund for pound butter wiU.sell roll butler. gaH enough for the table for SS oents.’ The roll butterfS trequently quite as palatable.as the hlgheivnetoad artooie, and has the advantage of being “grasat' Bed,” being put up in the summer. Applos. per half peok .7,,. S 3 to a Beans, lima, per quart a •tylnttetyper pounj. ,6StorS tHo'wJSegar, per gal&i:::" SO Botn» Fish—Bteekjpor p0und.......... gtolt , - pouid..... lutolt Hdffiut, per pound. as liooBtBryPWJ{OlUla«offs»sf>s»es«t ]0 , Mackerel,salt, each..... 10 to SS Perolu per pound. is Plko,per,po«nd....l* Hook, per ponnd. U Shad,SEtt, eaoh.......fttoit Salmon, smoked, porpoun*..'..., SS • •• Herring; smpked.'psr bunohi..'... is to at LAmb quarter, per p0und........ :ty ,SS fore flnarter,per p0und....,.,,. IStoM Im*d,perpound,....i.-.i. 2StoCS Meats—corned beef, per pound...is to SS . beef, dried, per p0und;.........' to tsS ribroast, per p0und............ 2ito *» rump steak, per pound. 30 to to sirloin, perponua........ to test -foup pheceß, per pound 14 to 1A . -7 .... beef tongues, each. n tO.IM I Mutton—Chops, jwr pound , i., • 1 '!■ ■ lore quarter, per. puund ... 13% to H .. hind quarter, por;pouhd...r.... lsiarffg Onions,perbalfjpeok. astaM . Fork—oorned,per p0und......... » -hsms.sCced, perpoUhd... 'Mto’aS , per p0und........,, zstoto „s6tmlderB, per p0und....... ' to - Sauaeges, 8010gna..4 SS.toM Potatoes, Irish, per half pepk.......... 22 to to - sweet, per half peek.:.. to CoS# Foultry—Fowls,per p0und............... . as . i Spring Ghlekensfperpound... 2S Veal—cutlets, perp0und................ 2S teas fore quarter, per p0und........... 15 to IS hind quarter, per pound:. 2hto2S shoulders, per p0und......; 16 line,per p0und...,..,.-. potato : ■' •- sSSb aiiss Caroline HteMumr Gallfornta. Taelr m. 'jPqPßSmnHin-tUtttyState was brilliantly trittmpliauty stSd they-wUli be warmly welcomed here hythw -hosts of friends. ■ ■ THE POLICE. A WORD OF CATjnON. . F . r g? l J arl ?s ß itejjs of Information lodged at Hu Oen. tral Station it would imq tkat soon -perte oaf areltftsied with petty thieves, who w&yl&y loneWm teas who chance to be oat late 1 at night. Ka ick do war and rooberieß are of freaaent oecorraaoe. aad maer of them are not nottcad in the papers, teenage the raose av* withheld from the reponerm Thus tne oomomaUT are idled into a sort of false secority. It would beadvisa* ,blefor a l person# whose bnsinefla keepa them oat at . late hours to provide themselves with revoivere A. few nighte sinoßx st a late a g»nmm*n pointed a weapon dthU a ade« siredilate t3a& biniu-tfhe^mmUx tionb&dthe desired, effect. ..The man passed oAir and the gentleman wan hoi further molested [Before Mr. Alttermen Beltter.] WAS IT A THEFT ? •> Jk woman, somewhat advanoea in yews, was arraign* r >ed at the Central Station, yesterday* on the charge -of she gave the name of Harr, and said she had he home. This woman was poorly* though cleanly. civL. in search of a place as a domestic - A maw P. Q. jJ\Goaner r ihe keeper of an “inteUlesnca Jcept that she did-notAteadahyihinfjtJuiUshw Jaffa**): 'HbtindJes when sue entered the omce. She was cam- • fmitted in default of’KOOhail to answer. This 1 that large class of petty cases which, in the aggregate, add largely to the public expenses. This woman will SrobabXy remain in pnson several weeks; tha Grand ary will ignore the bill unless farther evidence is 'elicited, and she will go free. .An effort was made seve ral years sis ce to have a law passed providing for th« “prompt disposition of tnch cases as this, but it fell through beeanse of-the want of proper attention on the part of the members of the Legislature. [Before Mr, -Alderman Patchel. 1 " ALLEGED HIGHTWAV BOBBERY. Francis Hagan and Steward Qainn were arraigned yesterday-morhingon, the charge of highway robbery'. It is alleged that nfm- Huller, a young tiur - was walk ing along in the vicinity of Washington avenue miff T street, a ; very ioneaomefand sparsely seU tied %tween eleven and twelve o.’clock bn' Tuesday night. He drarsuddenly accosted by three men, demaßdedhisffjoneyr&c Hullin evhwed k peslre not to comply with, their request, for which he was knocked dowix and fobbed of Ms watch and pocket- al l: the Money he had. " The vicitnised young man hastened for assistance, mid meetis g offleen Taylor and Bonner at .Twenty •third and Lombard street/ informed them of the'robbery. In company with itheefficer?* HnUin we&t-backhand the three espied under a lamp post. They were engaged in shar ing the spoils. One of the party escaped. The defend ants were committed to answer. THE NA-VY -YAHB FRAHDS. ; Threermorepersona, iima*l«ted i; fs*^- Meved that the parties ill h&vtft&rihVby court mar ctiaL 'ln tbe meew .Oicott will ba ilad toreceive anyevidence of anylraud that haaheen committed in hf %hd 'nsyal departmMt of Philsdelphia.’ If-ahsolutelyitecessary, hefliaybeeon ver>ed with confidentially, ana. whenever aa» person who gives the first informatloh desires held thie will be sacredly adhered to. Thus the mili tary commiEsion can be put non me track, and be en ableS to solve tle problem of fraud. J THE COURTS. United 'state* District Court indge Cndwalader. Gbauds at thb kayt yard—the case of cost* T-EACTOK PEAK. ; The United States Ex Bel, Peak v. Colonel H. A. Prink, Provost Msrahal, &o. This caa«, Jjn wbich ilia relator, who, being a contractor a* the TS#*f Yard, is under military arrest; and in- confinement to ant wee charges of fraud, tut., was again before the court this morning. ' - ‘ ' - It will be remembered that at the conclusion of the argument on Knox, for tbo United States, stated tbat he bod been informed that a court martial bad been convened expressly-Jor tbs trial of tbo parties charged with these frauds, and that at the re* quest Of-Judge CadwaJader, he agreed-to amend the re turn to.the writ setting forth these facts. • ThU vWas done; but yesterday he presented to the - court a communication to the effect that a court-martial had not beenaefuafij/ convened, but was the intention of the-»avy Department prorapUy to order one for the trial of these ca&es. " Upon ihe points raiSedupon the argument on Monday*. Judge Cadwalader then read an-opinlon. deciding t Ist. That the 12th section of the act of Congress, July 17, 1662»-making contractors for furnishing suppuea to the army and navy amenable to military law and trial bj courts martial, was constitutional, because a per* son, by making a contract, by that very act accepted the condition imposed and waived his privilege asm citfzen, and subjected himself to military law-~ M ea* liete,” eo to speak. 4 - : 2d. Under the act of July 4, 1864, authorizing bail iig such eases, he decides that if any pereon who was be-* fore a court martial actually trying him, or convened! for that purpose, he is- to be regarded uin custody oT that court, and he would not interfere. But not bsin* on trial before such court, and none having been actu* ally convened for -sush trial, the party should bepro* duced, in order that the question or bail may be settled. Be derides, in fact, that Feak is entitled to be admitted tobail. < The Judge desired, and again suggested to counsel* that the officer making the return to she writ should so amend his return as to express his readiness to produce the body of the relator in court. The Judge also said that he would like to have a re argument upon the question as to whether the case of ihe relator is within the scope of the act of Congress and tbe President’s proclamation suspending the writ of habeas corpus. If bo, hts production cannot be required. The return sets out a detention by order of the President; and then, sets out the alleged offence. How is the return to be construed? Boca it show a ease under the statute wed proclamation ? is and essential aiumirity of the President shown ? Wednesday'was assigned for the argument of these questions. . ■ P. C. Brewster, Esq., for the relator; Jao, C. Kacac and Mr/Chandler for the United States. - . - Supreme Court at Slsi Frias—JusUee George T. Waite* et al., trading* &c-, vs.' C. Ham mond & Eon. An action to recover damages fox alleged 'bread* of contract. Before reported. Jury oat. C«pit of Common Tlioiup. son n nil Lndlev, Yesterday was devoted to the transaction of Orphan** Court 'business. Court of Quarter Sesrtons-Judge AUlsea* Patrick Smith, charged with an assault and battery on Michael Houghton,-and also with, toe larceny of SE6 belonging to the same party, was acquitted of the lar ceny and found guilty of the assault and battery. Soj tence deferred- " •' 1 -- >• • Antonio Cericino* tried upon, a charge of carryinjg. concealed deadly,weapons, was acquitted. James Wallace, a soldier, was convicted upon tho testimony of Lieut. Bowers, of the police force, or hav ing illegally voted In the Sixth ward. Sentence de ferred. * * ... George fisher and Marv Fisher, charged with reeslT ing stolen goods, knowing themlohave!beea.6tol4n, were acquitted. . . Mary Sekstein was acquitted of a charge of keeping * dlf orderly houee, and the prosecutor, Adam Plane, wwr required to pay the costs. - Henry Stone, a bfakemam on the Beading waa acquitted of a ch&rge of stealing $575, the property of George Clark. - _ Thomas Jones,, hailing from Beading, pleadedjroulqr to having stdleA ftmm a stable at Kurtl^ ton, atfd was sentenced tv an imprisonment of afteem months. : The court then adjourned. iEMJEKBAGB, •' At TBB SCEEOHAErS’ EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. Ship Coburg-, Gibson....-* Liverpool, soon. Brisßila Seed, (Br), xuzo ......Havana, soon. Brie E. A. Beraard, Crowell. ~-~oPorfc of,Spain, soon. Brie Hunter, F&irikner...-.-.Barbados, soon. Schr Lilia, Ackerly>~...Barbados, Deo. If. PHILADELPHIA BOABD OF TBADB, Geo. L. Btjzbt, >. . Bdw.C, Biddle, > Committee of the Moittk. Tsos, S. Fernoh, ) MARINE ramtltflliVCE. PORT OF HWTTJ.T.EI.PHTA, Pec. 16. IStfc Bus 8u5e5..,.11,251 Sira Sets—4 S5l Ham WAgßßt,,«3* abhived. Brtrtfeusea, Bob*, 10 d&ye from Kay 'Wist, la.bHSmt i*°Bxlelsfi§?B»ter», lord, 9 days from Boston, in bal 'luftS J B Barley * Co. . • ~ : : BrlK'Saamel Lindsay. Cleric, 38 hours from Hampton Boadf, in ballast toEA fonder a Co. • Boto Boston, Bearse, 8 days from Boston, Inballastt* W days from Pensacola, In ballast to scbr Mechanio. Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Bel, with, grain*toJasLßewley «Co. , • -* Sv‘r Comstock, Drake, 21 hours from MowYosk* wlttt mdse to Wm fit Baird & Co. *■ - ;... v :Hk - CLEARED. Brig Maine, tßr), SagualaGrando* Brig Bival, Appiegtt, KeyiW^at. Brig A G CatteU*Watson, Cienfuegos, BrfgEennebeck. Lilly, Boston. Schr SeaGuil.-Moody, Gloucester, Hass, Schr Marla Peer, Foss* Boston, |chr Monterey, HcLaue Mew Bedford,. ' ‘ Bohr E B Wheaton, 'Wheaton, Fortress Monroe, M Quartermaster. Scbr Ocean Wave. Baker, do. 4s. Seur A Haley,-Haley, do d«. ; S«hr Stephens Lee. Somers, do do. Stehr Monhem Light, Steslmaa, dd do. Schr.W G Bartlett, Connilly, do do, Schr John Ktroup. Lake; Beaufort, do, Schr Mary 'Tleo/Tice, CifcyPomt, captain. , . Scbr Wa Hunter, Bldripge. B W- Pass, H A Adams. Schr Mary D Haskell,' Haskell, Salem, Haas, Ham« mitt. Van Dusen, &.Loebman. : __ _ - Schr Wm S Loud, Frye. Boston, W Boater, Jr. * Steamer PißnterCU S}._BmaU,jßiltonHead. Steamer E .Wiliing. Cimdiff, Baltimore. A Groves* [Correspondence Of tbe Philadelphia Exchange-3 _ ' ISffßSi Deb* Dec. 14—P* Mi. .es^vsss&l&g&M RE&S&M3S Kew Origan.; Btoateth. do Jo*>'w«Bttoseato-day._Jft S*" w “ • * AASwSpwW***-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers