NOTICES* ' lAßttfclt**' A»l» MKOHTAJfr«S‘ 0! I.ynoSAL BA.VE.-fjrn.AUßi.pniA, Usoaoi p.'l,l, l'r?.ppl Klwtan for Directors of •Msßitnk will iip BAbKiSU HOfT-g, on WSDEB-DaT, Hv',V,i■:» of Jantury ooitt. between V,e hoars ef 10 'i' ii. anlSo’clii'k P- h. r W. RFUITON. Jit.. Ca«hl«r. Kill/AH W *»K NATI-WAI, BAVWK, PC'S: FaiLADSLiMfi a. Do •*m :s i*r 0, 13iH. rr i,?I lor uiKhO-‘ovtS will b» held at qt !'aSKJJSG BOUfca, ou the loth cUy of \ I'ctwtcu the hoard of JO o'clock m., St, Meting of tbs Stockholders will bo held at ■ .: m.' 1 r. P; BTSSL, ' |.l Oasbtor, {BE WASCITAtITB »KKS' KA. Kg! HORAE BASK. „ . , Philadelphia, Deo. 0, 1864. n-s?BfrUn>ldero ere bsreby notided t ml ati KI Sl ;'ll. 8188 DUMOJr-./*< O' this bank, to um .I, u.n* *<» r . will be bold at tin BASKISO i»roK on s WEDNESDAY. J-nuary 11, 1835, between rJ«“ Of » A. M.juid a e.JL i' K M. W. WOODWARD, Cashier, jSTbF«IJ*D KATIWSAI, BANE m OV I'HU.AUJSiifHIA, Bbchmbbe 9,1861 f, W ooa Annual Heating of the 8 f<«SK HJLD SRS 'AJ'nirit National Baoi or mia-elphta will s>e o.*?*!Uie Bank's* Houses W. foraer of MARKSt’ Street*. on 9 VUStiIY, Janaary 10. 18W* 1 i/’cU ck iIOOO. *pfAfiinA ror Director* to ferve for the * year °a il» same the hoars of 13 B 01/BBDINN'Nft. Ctahler. BWSIN«T«X NA'fIOSAI. BANK, M§? Bhilai BtPHtA, Dec. 9 IS6I vT.Vfiioa for thirteen Dnec ort- so rerve^the en-- '■novtitr wilt be be d at the Banhiaif Sanaa on .rannßrylO.lMS, fg'tftipo'clock A M toSP. M. Pj giniMtn WM& Cashier, W. NOBTH %£f ABERiCA* November. 2)» 1664 hereby liven, aareenbly to section 2 of the ?®, the General Assembly of the toimuouwoaUh of ttiltanto. *nt|t?ed ” Anact enahlios the banka of I'fLniibonwealth tobecomeaeaoeUtiitms forthepar of the OaHed Sines, M w\-.d the 22d day of August. A. T) it>B4, that the *• l o ilers uC the DAMJ tjs fiORTII AMERICA, oa vt'i4*h Ijiet. • voted to Income socb au association, and piwetorß have procured the authority of the ■ fftrore than two 1 thirds of tli» capital dock to *”?! wrtiiicate required therefor by in* laws of the S', ilti-tea. - ■ , J. HOCKLEY, *;S?s>t > • ’ Caehter. W»BTt*J», BAKU OP PHIU t® DELPHIA,nSM«mt«HBth, 1864 ' " “Tr.ntiieotllia Stookholaers ot this‘Bank will be ,At.*tho BankingHonse. on day •f Lreubev n*rt> attt oioloek, M , to decide whether S> iiscl- sbalt become an asm elation foe the porpoee t ibtk'tn r-nLtcr the laws a) the Catted States, and ' titter it shall exercise the powers conferred by the ijrflhsO-nenl Assentblj or the flammoawealth of entitled Ah Act enabling the Conks of W-Am, non wealth to become associations for the par • tonkin* trader the laws of the United States, *’ the BS(i da; of Angnst, 1681, and to take an; - SlSic 0. K. WEYSANPT, Cashier. iflK ÜBEA.X WIiSTBBS & cojirA«r, Bfcrmbbe 8, 1864. «l. \nnnal Meeting, of tbeStoclrbo d** s win be bold -* tbe**™ of „V h « r .9? lDpaQ t’,»& ,it l * w ±t**K* T k BiIiAPBLPBIAi on 'MONDAY, Janaarr 2d, -ik* at 12 o’cuek noon. *•;; gifftion ?cr five Directors for tlio year 1835 will be • iAatMettinetlißO / ■fWft'n* Transfer Books will ds closed from Deoem* J.V unlU JBnnary.Bd, 1«65- . M, 8. KEfLT, Soeretaxy. SST WAISOH PJBTIIOIdiCII emi ts i'A NY Si-ihssb 8,1884. nalm ual Meeting of the Stock! ulil ; *r- isiU ha held .. ,* TOee of tie Company, 80. *l* WALEOf .Philadelphia- on MUED-AYf”J«na*rrSd 1865, . , g Hfction forFltreßbeetors for tlia sen* 1566 will at the same time. . _ •laB ids Transfer Books will to closed from Deo. •fr, I*l, nnlU JaoaarySd, W 5. _ ijnZ tt, B. HkILT, Seorttttry. r" OFFICK •FEMKSYI.YASHA. BAUD; BOiIhCOMPASr, Philadelphia, Not- 4th, 1084. 10T50S TO SHABBHOXit> ERS. -The Shareholders 1b ‘tiefompany are notified that, under Resolution of the r »rd »f Directors, they are entitled to Subscribeto.the i \of the Company the amount of TKD PERCENT, lit'-ir respective interest, as shown by the Books or I-: r,jispafiy on-the 2d ln»t , E ct -bareholder entitled to a fractional_ part of a ,v e . wider the terms of the Resolution,ohall have the of subsoriblue fora full share on. the payment tested at the pat value of FIFTY - i.yga par ns hare. Accrued intercut at SEX PER fsVr. will ,fce charged trom let ins*, until payment is s r|f Books for subscription and payment will be open 'IOB BAY, the 7th list, and-will close On the 91st of tfrenV' next, after which no farther subscriptions Till k received undsr this Beedntbmj ..■i-tiieitl .1 • ' ' ' Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE tlll Y Hitt!SITY 6® FUh D COMMISSION, COMMON WEALTH SpAo, No. 013 CHESTNUT Street „ iLi " Pnil.ADßt.nnA. Deo. 7,1384. Cebr io the Increased nnmntr of Recruits, the Com ,;.Wis under the necessity of sfinotmclng that the ir Bounty will he withdrawn after FRIDAY, 9th M, ho bounty will therefor* be paid to men mus and to after that date. ■ - JOHN BLAIR, Secretary. orritißor tiir homey-comb ps rETBW.KDM COMPANY, 43 Sonth FOURTH tooks willfle dosed on THURSDAY, of Stock will be Issued on MONDAY, aMctcnt, on surrender of ' Secretary and Treasurer. Wm, Mas*. President. de9 St KK* OIT-tCK OF “THE BEI.IASCB Bp insPBAHOS COMPANY OP PHILADEL fHIA," So. 308 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia- November 28. ISM. The annual meetins of the Stockholders of “The Re- Bat! 1 entrance Company of Philadelphia, ’’ ana the e'Kttanof Thirteen Directors, to serve for the enrol n* mr.vill be held at the o®ce of the Companion HON tit, PBCEMBER-lSth, 1864- at 12 o'clock M i»Sf-td*l!) THOB. O. Bid., Secretary. rs*> OFFICE OF THE MASEFACTB* I* KEBS’ IHSDEAIfCE COMPANY, Ho. *l4 MiKET Bltoot, _ ■ _ . , Phii-adklphia, December I,ISHL Its Usual Meeting of the Stockholders or •• The liot'actorett’ - Insurance Company or the State of PtsMSkaLia!’will be held, at the office of the Com }iW, ca MONDAY, the 3d day of Jauoiry, IMS, be i tie sours of 4 and 6 o clock p at, wins &u ilettioa (or Ten Directors for the year 1839 will be held ji Mcmdaice with the Oharteraad By-taw*,, _ U, 9, SSILYf Secretary. I®» OFFICE OF « THE BSI.HSOE IS* SPRAMCH OOMFANt OF PHILADELPHIA,” h. 30s walnut stbbet. „ Philadelphia, Deo. 5,1581. Ike Boar l of Directors of “ The Ketianca Insurance »SP«ay of Philadelphia.’ ’ lure THIS DAY declared L’indendof (3X) TIKEB AND A HADE PBS CENT. LiU last six months, payable to cue Stockholder* or Mitefal-lepresentaUYes, on demand, free of taxes. ' THOMAS C. HILL, iiLIOt - Secretary; tar DIVI DEJiB. -TH E DIRECTORS IK? of the HOBLB * DELAMETBR PETitOLMTiIf ; v I ! h' Y have this daydeolared, their eighth monthly i-vidmd HVfi FEW OJSNT., payable free of State ;.s, ou the 20th ip st. Books close 9th. and reopen 21st. GEORGE W. HOHTER, Secretary, December 7.1564, dsB*iht Ur cue at basin on company— ts DIVIDEND HOTIOE. Ho. 2. , PsTiLADEf.ruiA. Dae. 0. 1682.. Vs Directors have THIS DAI declarsda Dividend of TV: PER c BBT, to Stockholders of record, pm able on Btfterthe lfith instant. Books (rfose on WBDHBS* 111. .‘th instant. G. W. AYII.LIAM3, *-;.10; Treasnrer, DIVIDEND NOTICE-BOCK OU *® COBFAHY Of PENNSYLVANIA, ADD WAL. S"T Street, PhiisAdelsPhia, 2. 18^4, Tire Botr<l*of Directors have till# day declared a dm fcti of TWO PEB GENT. (twenty cents per share),free d Sutetax, parable on suad after MONDAY, the 12th it. The Transfer Books will dose on TUESDAY,. nuauUs 6th* at B o'clockP. M.* a*d openoatbel2th. JOHN F. QR&FF, J&Tt Secretary and Treasnrer. V&" PHH.ABEUPHIA ANDBEdDIBQ W BAIDBOAD COMPANY, Office No. »3? South taRTH Street. - .. PHTTtADBLPKiA, November 30,1884. I'IVIDBND NOTICE,—The transfer books of this will he closed on TBURSDa 7, December IS, ‘Unopened o» TOBBDAY JANUARY 10, 1385., A Dividend of FIFTEEN PEB CENT on the common stock, dear of National and State takes, • i l soeD declared, payable in common stock,on the dlst next, cn all slocks standing on the books of ,;c C' wpany, at the close of business on the loth prox. t -i‘ .iiioldera whose names are registered on the New l-'i hovks will be paid at the Farmers* Loan ami ;:>;i Company, fi. BRADFORD, jji-if • „ Treasnrer. tUiION XEACiITB HOUSE, 1210 CHESTNUT Street ,SOrGE.-The Kited Annual Meeting rftheTJHION nf PHILADELPHIA will h» held at 008- Hai HALL, on MONDAY, December 12th, at 8 ‘ WkP, M. . adiaUtiag members only, can be had onap* t# m Client B.Wh^ta.^^U^Beere- Jte-St Secretary. gf- lIE All QUA HTERh SUPEIIVISO ~ EY COMMITTEE FOR BE,*DtTtao 00- iIEOIMBHIS. 1310 SSBSTN.OT Street. , ft. . . ijni.Aiijsi.rHiA, Dee. 7.1884. m Supervisor, Committee for Kecrm.l. k Colored haring resolved to adjourn sine dm on the a 1 persons having claims again* the said t 'v-;;'Pve required to present them fob payment to S OuRSOH, Agent, at the Booms of the Committee, VI !>• Via the 25th Inst. ."‘•Bs CADWALADBR BIDDLE, Secretary. iST- DAtpHIS AND COIAUDO w cold kismo ooKPAinr Clurter«& by the State of Pannfrylyanla, CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, '*■ tEAREB-FAB YALOB, sfi. h«id«at—JOßH B. AKDKBSO3. *,. w DULSQTOES. {s£•*■ *s; T. o. MoDoweli. do. ,{■ King, John Brady, do, tSSJatar. w. w. Wylie, Lan«aater. “ ! *sil>eSUy#y, Wm. 6. Shnte, Colorado. B. P. SOUTHWORTBL of Company, HaWSSSu •siiLeatiefsfced specimens have been procored from ■g or the Company's lodes, and have been assayed rufe sacra Booth and Garrett with the most cratify «Bnlta. Subscription lists hare been opened at the *o t the Company and at the Treasurer's Office (In* Eevenoe), Wo. 427 CHESTNUT Street* Fanners’ uh'chaniea’ Bank BoUdlny. To original subscribers, r -4 per share, lor a limited number of shares. ,-‘ttiiara, pamphlets;-, or information can be obtained M OMw Of too Company after the lTtb (net •®>BK* U, 1864. ocls-3m OFFICE OF THE MAN BAN MIN* IHO COMPANY. Nof, 324 WALNoTBti**et. Philadelphia, Not. 28, 186-i. y ! «*J« hereby riven that all stack of the Mandan on •which instalments are due and have been declared forfeited, aad will Resold •W? faction, on TffOJRSDAY, December 29, 1884, f < clock noon, at the Office of the Secretary of the according to the Charier aad By-laws, unless on or before that day. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPBS, Treasurer. SSfc" urrica pshh BiKme com. OF LAKS BOFBBIOB. 31.9 WALfIUV ,S h?.!?*i! h “»l*7’ Suit ftn of One I.™ Share on each and ever 1 Shareof the Capital u> ,«*. 11 *ue I'ena Minin* Company of Lake Superior Mrbeen called by the Board of IMreciora of do ® and payable at tbe OflSca of the !^r?uT, i?, a , or before the 16th day of December tast. u-i 6 , 1 ; 1 be charged on all instalments after the i?«»j*bavfl become due ■ v ! «uer 0 f th e Board of Directors. - h !Ilr . DAVIDS. EBTIi, SecMtaw. '■“■em-hu, Dec. 6,1M1. : de#-tl*_ . .PERSONS WHO WISH TO PUT (..-“/MbkiHutea or Representatives, and who are (..7 01 *<scnrin(t tbs bounties allowed by tbs city =- a' lll ’, Who pot Substitutes into toe Military ser d® 8® before MONDAY next, 12th. Inst., lr w>t date all local beauties e»ase MOHAM.Y, PAXSfiN, * CO., ii-... SnOstUnte Broker*, 411 CHESTNUT Street. J>»t»*st of markets, <h iS il 'RVIS?, AND LANDINGS—UffIce, FIFTH “'low Chestnut. _ . ■ ir, T)r.* Philadelphia, Deo. 7,1884. -The Wharf attha foot of Chestnut street, -li rti will be leastd for a t«m of one U( sito tbs blabestabO be*t bidden, *t tbe '}■ «n‘ j till fXCHAJSGS, on WBDnSsDA^ 1 , Dee. 2___ Commissions?. AI>JOUR WED MEET* ‘- 15 Abb StocbhoUore Ofta.w-KTISHN Ml* :‘ : t, W«.?A h ? fa CTUBINQ company, of Boob riv’f iT' ,t \ l nttnia, will be held on MONSaY. the r , *«Tbt;£l'? bw ’ « 3 o’clock P. M at No. 33S rc ®w second fitory, to hearth** report of at on tie Sd alt. A fall meettnxis ];>u c’t■ Jr.aoy €SB Importance will be laidbe- y ’ SAMUBC WBIGHT, ) Chairman. VKITEKAN BOUSTT iW Bt?»S°ILV¥W' »«• ? BoWamlth'a flail, '.fot sot «Ai PhUad *iS w Veteran*, £ kiHiatv'n? <r e “ 5 W *rd Bonnty, are entitled to iff’ Dollar* Tie Commit fiSi' twiSJ! 4 . 4 * examine claim* for the abon » s EBiuf• ! L t, " Bt ° dollar* will, meet on MUSDAYS, ~1 W>J d*m!«S¥L FRIDAYS, atdo cloctt P. Mj M to ft?. i HA f XIBBARI Street. I»er. 19m. *“* Bounty are reqoeated to apply at •* O “A ■ f™- yT - mQS %m.m MILCWfIPAWIEI president PETROLEUM company. president, VENANQOCO,, pa. OROAKIZEB «WM» SHB LAWS Of raSOTTIVASTA. OFFICERS: President—AMG’SY EDWABDB, Bag., New York. Treasnrer-L. H. *IMPSON, Eso.. New York. T EDWMT COBAN?; Bsql., New York, tendon? ** ®*fc ■ General Besident Soperin gGonnsel-Mesers. PLATT, GEBABD, & BHCELBY, DIRE3TOBS: ®s4'r-HawYork. _ BBEB B. CKOCBEB,Estj., of Crocker* Warren. Bow Tcrk'. • FLETCHER WESTS AY, Beau of Westrar. Gibbs, * Hardoaetie, Mew York. #■ S- President,.Venaano county. Pa, _L. H. &IHPBOB, Bm„ of L. H, Simpson & Co., Now 1 York. Its Lands form IBS' CAPITAL STOCK, $5,000,000! In Share* or mtSeaeh. par value. Subscription price ihger pesj/mmi Bo further call or assessment to bemads. SO.OOO BOB J’“ 6sa i !>f V iS 'J n , V 1 1? Omapany will receive ‘The Lands of theme Companies are located on Ilia Allegheny river, and on Hemlock, Porcupine, gad M«- Creacreeks, MAKING AN OJL-BORING TSRKITOSY OFOVRRTBN AND A; HALF MU.EB IN KXTSNT. The wells on the adjoining property, known as the celebrated , *Betd»ick r ’ walls, and ‘‘Ktnole Greek** wells, are famous for their immense supply of oil. uThe wells on this property are being sink with great vigor, and promise large supplies of oil. ' • - To ilie eaptaiist. and to parties of limited means on ttppgssed inducements ais oft red. inviting in this Company get #5 stock and the above BONUS for each#l invested, without farther call or assessment. - Subscription books, maps, and all other information can be obtained at the office ei the Subscription Agents, L. H. SIMPSON & CO,. 61 CEDAR Sliest, NEW YORK. No Pubrc?iptionB taken for less than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. , dst-Jm g|T tOSSOMDAILD OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL, ®600,000. ! 60,000 SHAKES, .FAB VALUE, $lO. Book ears HOW OPEN to receive subscriptions for TWO THOUSAND SHAKES ’ of the reserved capital of the Company, at $3 FEE SHABB. Full information Riven at the OFFICE, 134'SOUTH THIRD STREET, IST* TWOB CUBK OU AITO MINIS» ooMPisr. cafi ral,shoo 000 " PAR 1 VALOR FIVE DOLLARS, . SUBSCRIPTION PRICE TWO DOLLIES. No farther a«Bass«m*<nfc to he made, as 28,090 shares hare been reserved for a Working Capital. ‘ OFFICERS. • PRESIDENT. JAME.' 11. WEBB. VICK PRESIDENT, JAMES I>. BOOT T, Philadelphia. *, TREASURER, JOHN H. GOULD, Philadelphia. • SECRETARY, chas. j. dalmas. DIRECTORS, JOSEPH 0. CL ABE, JOHN H. GOULD, WM JEfiKS FELL, »ASfEL HEftSIL, ALFRED WILtATS, JAMB-i B, W£3t*,* • JAMES D. S- OTT. , TUNIS P. CONWAY. IBAAJ D OUTER. ' . . The Certificates are now Being leaned. delO-ot * Office No. 521 CHESTNUT Street OFFICE OF POPS FARM OIL KS? compajsy, 1 PHiLiDSLPinA* December 9,1861. At a meeting of the held thisP.M., the following resolutions were adopted: Mfsolvt.dt That an aseesiment of Fifty Cent* upon each ibare of the Capital Stock of-TBe Company be and the fame is hereby is vied, JResotved, That Twenty Gents thereof per state be a*s**Bed upon the stock as U shall stand recorded on the hooks of the Ccmpiny at 3 -o’clock on TUESDAY, the 13lh day of December, at which time the transfer books shall Ibe closed, and, on TRUKsDAY, the 15th day of December, re-opened. The assessment to be paid to the Treasurer, on or before the 20th inst. - Resolved* That the remaining thirty cents, thereof shall become due and payable, either as a whole or iu part, whenever the Directors shall deem it for the pro motion of the general interests of the Stockholders to call for the payment of the setae. By order of the Board of Director <j AKTOf Secretary pro tern. THE - Sap DRAKE PETROLEUM GOM’Y OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITA I, #1,000,000. 100,000 SHA£EB< $OO,OOO CASH irOEKIHO CAPITAL, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $3.50. OFFICERS* PRESIDENT, T. BABKINS DU PUY, President of the Catawissa Railroad Company, VICE PRESIDENT, THOMAS I>. WATJTSo: Of the B ardware firm of Truitt ft Co. , Ho. 526 Market St. ' TREASURER, SAMUEL WORK, Of Work, McCeueh, ft Co.* Bankers, Ho. 365. Third Bt. DIEEOTOES. T. HASKINS DU PUT, . THOMAS D. WATTSON, X. S. RICHARDS, of Germantown, WM. D. shebrbbd, Insurance Agent, GEORGE P. WAY, if laic Dry Goods firm of J. T. Way & 00. A. W. LBISENBING, Cashier Hauch Chunk Bank, EDWARD SHIPPER, Esq.- The property of the Brahe Petroleum Company con sists of two tracts of land, one oftwo hundred and fifty seyen acres &nd one of two hundred and sixty, five acres, making in all five hundred andltwelve acres, in fee, on the Caldwell Branch of Oil Creek. The property has been critically examined by a Com mittee appointed for that purpose, and the territory pro nounced, in their judgment, to be fully equal to that on Oil Creek, along which the largest oil wells ever dis covered have been found. The lands resemble those on Oil Creek in every parti cular, and it la believed, from the large number of Oil Springs in dose proximity, that valuable wells will be opened on both these tracts. The management have already secured several en gines, and engaged a competent Superintendent, with a view to immediate and energetic development. Alargeportion of these tracts Is bottom, and admira bly adapted for boring. Several Companies are organized on lands immediate ly adjoining tils territory. smongwhlch are the Briggs and Crescent Oil Companies of Philadelphia. ' In presenting' the Drake Petroleum Company to the public, the Directors ask that their scheme should he .examined, and subscriptions made to the Stock in full faith as to its present and prospective value. T. HASKINS DD-PUY, President. THOMAS D. WATTSON, Vice President.' SAMUEL WORE, Treasurer. SnbECrijtiOßßTJiUbe received at the Banting Hoxsa of WORK, McCOUGH, & CO., No. 36 SOUTH THIRD STREET. |3jgF“ corns i’AKsr OIL COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL STOCK, 91,000,000, DIVIDED INTO 300,000 SHAKES AT $3 PKE , SHAKE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, TO A LIMITED SOMBER OP SHARES, *3.50 PER SHABA STOCK ISSUED PULL PAID. $50,000 CASH APPROPRIATED AS "A WORKING CAPITAL." Tils Company owns oyer font square miles of terri tory, in the choicest localities east and west of the Alle gheny river, adjoining Venango county, and has al ready a timber*--- " s' Subscription hook* are now opened, and snbscriptiona to the capital etosk received at the Company’s office, Bos. 23 and 24 WASHINGTON BUILDINGS, South THIRD Street, and at the office of ,PHILIP H. BRICE A CO., 309 WALNUT Street. WM. D. SMITH, Treasurer. E. J. Habhisok, M. D., Secretary. de3-dt MVIDEND NOUCR-OFnCS OF Saw THE MING OIL COMPANT, 534 WALNUT Street, Room No. 20, PbilahsiphiA, Dec. I, 1884. The Board of Directors of this Company have this day declared a Dividend of TWO (2) PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, payable at their Office on and after SATURDAY, the 10th instant, free of State taxes. The Transfer Books will close on the 6th, at 3 P. M., aid he opened on the Iffih instant deg-St P. W WILTBANK, Secretary. arrsf" OIL SUBSCRIPTIONS HIE MS' BOOKS ABE CLOSED.—The Trustee is now collecting subscriptions—the reserve list la now open To ■ enter names On It, which conditionally secures one of tbo “original shares" (41,000 each), address at once er apply to . DUitOAN M. MITCHiSON, »?£. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Sts .Phila, - Or B. BORDA, Trnstee, 337 WALBUT Street The deeds, searches, and surreys, it is expected will be ready in a few days. ds7-4t THE PENSSYIfVAHIA AND OHIO |SE? OIL COMPACT OP PENNSYLVANIA. All subscribers to the stock of this Gomyany are re fQested' to 1 *brine thtir receipts to the office, corner of GURTH ana LIBBABY Streets, and obtain their certi of Stock, which are now being issued. ' J. B. TBOUTMAN, Sec, and Treas. petbolevk STORAGE com- EETwaNY OF PHILADELPHIA.—The Subscription Q nn v.. wAn rAmain o&en at the office of ihe Company, aa?WATlliyp street, and at ihe Booms of the Fhila d-llhSioard of T»7005 OHESTNOT Street, until •jr* SCIIUYI.KII.L HAVIGATIOW CO. ■”■7 PHILAI>BX.PHIA. 2, 18SL B OTICE is hereby given, tnat the Annual <« the Stockholders' and Loanholdere, Office Ha***«“« deS-stuthtjaS Secretary. T. S. BROWN, Eecrstarr. ■lOO,OOO SHARES. PAR. *10; THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA!,’ SATURDAY; DECEMBER W,1864, K3ar*> IVEADEU. PHILLIPS OABBISOE. LICWKB. n “THE NEW COBNKB-STONB!" AT SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE. (Broidand tprteg Girder.) WED! SiDAF. December H, at S o'eloek. • Tickets id mats, at PUGH'S, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. • ■ . ■ de? 7,* JIIVAM LVANU ISSmiITIOJi was? FOR TbS BLIND A mietirg of the members of Pm PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION FOR THE INSTRUCTION 0? THE BLIND trill be hold at the Institutloa. EACB aad TWENTIETH Streets. Philadelphia, on THURSDAY, the IStb Inst., at IP. M a.'SUisrom* . ROBERT P. KANE. Secretary THE HOLIDAYS. (J P E ‘N IN 0 CHOICE TOIIuET fMCY GDDDS, SUITABLE FOB PRESENTATION D uillfa TKI ' HOLIDAYS. HRS. E.- O. »A.VIS}, No. 84 SOOTH EIOHTH STREET, » . . ' , ' QBANB-- EXHIBITION OF * «II Mi S PffE 8B ft T 8! G. A. SCHWARZ- No, 100 C CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH; PHIL AD A'.,. Eespectfollylnforais Ms customers aai-Uie public la general, that be has opened now all his - NEW ntPOBTAHONS of German, French, and English FANCY GOODS AND TOYS; - Having visited all tbs largest Enropsan.Matmfaetorf»» personalty, £ am confident ■ that the VA-RLB'fg- ANO’ CHEAPNESS OF GbODS cannot- be surpassed in:tMs country. , . • All a re invited to vidithe store, whether theypnrchase or other wife. „ . „ Gr. A. SCHAVABZi Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer. _delo-em« 8t . fj OLID AY PRESENTS. a. EtrssEiiis. 2B NORTH SIXTH STRBET-, would invite attention to his stock of fins Americamand Imported * In Gold and Silver.. GOLD JEWUIiBir of tio Latest Styles,. « ' * HANDSOME SILVER-WARE. wamDtaii para c01a,.. Sc. , gait aMe for HOLIDAY FKESiiIiTS. -- O. RUSSELL, 33 North SIXTH Street: deTOfgl . ■JJSEFUL AND- ORNAMENTAL CHBISTHAB ITEUEjSiEHVTS. SOLD SPECTACLES,. GOLD bye glasses, MICROSCOPES, OPERA-GLASSES, SPJ. GLASSES, .STEREOSCOPES YIEW3, MAGIC LAN HESS, - BOXES OF DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, POCJ®T COMPASSES, FANCY THERMOMETERS, GLOBES, AIS PUMPS, ELECTRIC MACHINES, GALYANIC batteries, SPELLING BOARDS, 'Witt Movable Lett Bl s, &e„ * FOR SAAB TiT , JAMES W. QUEEN & CO„ 9»* CHESTNUT STREET; Illustrated Catalogues gratis. JJOLIDAY PRESENTS. CHARLES DTJMMIG, No. 812 CHESTNUT BTREET, Begs leave to Inform Ms esteemed customers that Ms preseat stock of - FARCY GOODS AID TOYS Surpasses that of any former Importation. Haying se lected with care every article Mmself, he can v say thereto no simUareetabllshment in theeonntry hat can compare with his. As to prices, getting Ms goods root the first manufacturers and artists in Europe, those dealere who hny from the importers here to sell again can certainly not compete with Mm; Of the following goods he keeps so large a variety, and in such entirely new styles, as no other store in this city can offer: LADIES’ WOBK BOXES. ’ ■ JEWELRY. ODOR, AND GLOYE BOXES. ’ necEssaexb fob ladies and gentlemen. WRITING DESKS, DRESSING CAIES. FANS. PARIS GILT AND BRONZE GOODS. PARIAN WARE, BOHEMIAN GLASS. YASEB, OF FINEST ANTIQUE AND MODERN. CUTLERY, FINEST ENGLISH WALKING CANES. CRICKET AND AROBERY IMPLEMENTS. . FANCY LEATHER GOODS. LADIES’ BAGS-OYER TWENTY DIFFERENT KINDS. CABAS, POCKET BOOKS, CIGAR CASES. PURSES AND PORTMONNAIBS. GAMES OP ALL KINDS. CHESS, DOMINOES, LOTTOES, , CRIBBAGE COUNTERS, CHESS. AND BACKGAM MON Boards. BAGATELLE AND TIVOLI. -r-; — i ; —arimK —mis usual sm» jwrorapleto In every va riety known, with many novel things never before im ported. Dolls, the very large variety of every kind known, kept in this store, surpasses in beauty and taste ful dressing any thing known here and in Europe. This is no idle boast.. Ladies should call and see them. ■ def-tde24if ' _ /CHILDREN’S CLOTHING FOR HOLI- Vg BAY PRESENTS.—Boys and girls Overcoat?, Boys’ Suits, Children**Zephyr Goode, MissesiDreiws, the largest and best assortment in the M. SHOE MAKER h CO. ’S.No. * North EIGHTH Street. delo-6t* CHKISTMAS COTTON TJH "P BRELLAS. A Christmas Gingham Umbrellas. Christmas Silk UmWellai. Cbiietmaß Alpaca. Umbrellas. Christmas Small Umbrellas. Christmas Large Umbrellas. Christmas Medium Umbrellas. * • JOSEPH FUBSELL, .delO-Ct Nos, g and 4 North FOURTH Street J. HOLMES GROVER. EiyAMETiIEP SLATE MANTEL WASEBOOMS, TABLE TOPS, &o.„ &*c., Wo.- 033 Clxestnxit Street, deS-3m PHILADELPHIA. ‘ TACTOBY, TENTH AND SASgDM, HECELE B B A T E D "ANGELE” •KID GLOVES, ' HEW AHD HLESAKT OUT, A. RUBCH & OO.; - IMPORTERS, 349 Broadway, New "STork. del-lm ; pOFFEE! COFFEE 1! COFFEE!!! Are you a lover of good Coffee? If so. to families we would say, brown your own, in the PATENT ARO MA- savin o vamily coffee roaster, which wm , ave more than its cost in six months, and always In t ure the coffee in its purity and fragrance. ■ As they are simple is construction, au<l easily and quickly operated, without liability to dots either Ungers or coffee, so fsratly should be without one. PRICES.—Ho. 1, roasting'from K tf> IK pounds, $2.50? Ho. 2. from ft to * pounds, $3 60; 80. 3$ from 1 to 8. pounds, $5. * Families at a distance, by clubbing and eendisc their orders for not lees than three, to be forwarded to one tddreFF, shall be entitled to a discount of 20 oer cent. For sale by all leading Hard ware, House Famishing, and Stove Stores, and by the undersigned. To Hotel Proprietor?, Grocers* Hospital Managers, Coffee Manufacturers, &c., we beg to say much: of the pressth and flavor of coffee is wasted by imperfect roasting, and more by tie addition of water to bring up •te weight and of grease <often ranctd) ,to give it a *jfss. HYDES PALEST COMBINED STOVE AHD COFFEE ROASTER is the only machine by which ifcis i rseible to roast coffee is qaantmep, as it should be, and retain all the aroma. , , From 25 to 40 per cent, is saved by thguse of these ma chine?, as we can well substantiate by testimonials »rom the leading hotels, and from many hospitals and Lioeers. Send for a circular at* d see testimonials fromCoatinent- St. Nicholas, and.Fifh Avenue Hotels. . , JPKIOBS. p.o. J, capacity from 20 to $5 pounds..*. 40 ° ss, hand crpower, capacity from 40 to 70 pounds. 63 ** 8, po* er, capacity from SO to 140 ponatLs-...... 125 14 4. 41 “ ** 160 to 180 253 N. B.—'3 fcese machines can in a moment lie converted zntoa Franklin or close stove for heating or other par itfißOß. and are "well worthy the attention of grocers as Lei eg well adapted for heating their Stores*——— ff M, hy BBRJEEEj Sole maanfacturere, FIFTEENTH and WILLO W streets, Philadelphia. PRINTING STATIONERY, BRYSON & SON, No. 8 North SIXTH Street. COaL OIL and other Incorporated Companies supplied at the low est cash prices, with CBETiPiCATES OJ STOCK, teaksfek books. STOCK LEDGISfiS. . DIVIDSSB BOOKS, &<s, «M. styles of certificates of stock can he seen, at Jhe store. 4®“ Fenr, In**, Enyelopes and Paper, the best the. market can offer, always onhand. delQ-fit fTNGLISH’ MUFFINS AKD CEUJrI- F£TS, BATH and CROSS BUNS, EGG and LUSC* BIStPITs fr*sb at all times at Steam Bakery. >229 -he nib FIFTH Street, below “Walnut. dslO- It* TVf EBCAKTILE LIBRARY.—HAVING several Shares which I oo not use, I will aesiga the ate ot themjor $3.75 each a year. The Idbrarj charges $6. Mo. 13 north TENTH Street. it* POCK DBXL L. X%j Tbe Pieeidentß and directors of the Goal Oil Com panic* are particularly-invited to call and'esamiDo the * 0. Evans Patent Combined Rock Drill and Reamer,» * which drills and reams the oil well a* the same time, at ring at least one-third time in. putting down, wells. a complete Stfel Drill and Reamer of the above patent, and models of the same, can be seen at the Salamander Safe Store, No. 16 South Fourth street. DAVID EVANB,Patentee, No. 10 South FOURTH Street. 1 /w\ SPRING HOBBT-PGRSES (new and fancy styles), goose-neck Sleds, Esphss Carts, Ac., for sale & mmov 137 ana ISO North THIhD Street. p. BEIMBH’B UNSOBPABBED •styles portraits,, Ufa sla» Photographs la oil colors. Gallery, 684 AECB Street la holiday times pictures will bo sought Go early and avoid delay. It*- WABAMAXEB* BBOWK. RETAIL PHY GROPS. PlN^T^LOAEiNGirMDir^^ A- ‘ Superb textile fabrics for Cloakings, comprising a magnificent assortment of all the popular ►tyjes. to jsetter with some enoiosive goods more difficult to ob ‘ Finest Chinchilla Beavers. Finest Yeionr Cloakings. ' Finest diagonal re** Frosted Beavers, . Finest plain mixed real Frosted Ba&vers,. Bvtry dreirablb sbade of the above. Americßn~Ohlochill*s, of good fiolaht §a.CO Cloakings, of several sorts. 3.6 G do. do. $4 00 do. do. ‘ . $4.75 do. do. Ji.tO do. do. . Mack Tricots. of every grade. Bl&ch Castor Beavers, do, do. Black Doeskins, ' do. do. Black fancy woven fabrics, of fine quality. 6-4 heavy Silk Mixed Coatings, c * Barrie' 1 best oiik Mixed ana other Coating*., 6 4 five goods for good business''eaite. PLAIN PiOPLB, BVMNE*B MSN, THE STYLISH, ARTZ OIL’ SPFCT7L &TOR 3, ' .BOYS, ASP ALL OTHBEB. can be suited with heft and mediomj goods at v*ry moderate prices. ’ We claim to have-aft good a stock ot FINE CAbSIMBEES ae a»y other house In. town. CLOAK ROOM • ; . - . abounds la elegant and fashionable- garments, second to nt no and supers to mast, tmr &olliti*s for getting Cloths and in manufacturing enable' us to even Improved every former very eueos«*fal ex hibit of these desirable garments for ladies’ wear. COUPES * CONASDi, d«I0-» S. E. cor. NINTH and MaRKB'V fctceete* CILKS AND OTHER GOODS FOB P BVBNING DRESSES. White and Pearl Corded Silks. White and L‘gh.6 Colors Moire Antiques.- White, Pearl, and Lavender Silks. Fink, Blue, and Buff Silks, Wine Colors Watt red Silks. Wine Color# Moire Antiques. White Alpacas. . ** White French Mualins, Ac. BDWIN HALL 4t QO.> deg fS& South bBCQffP Street, jJEP POPLINS. ' 4-V Solid colors, extra ine quality, for sl'" Plaid Fopilss of unusual beauty, at 42. • Good Quality wide plaid Poplins, sh 2& Figured reps, Mohairs, and Menaces. 127 pieces newest unique American Delaines, some of them choice and neat, others verjf 'gay stripe. OverlOO pieces American prints, 3i,is.3B,uad4Qetft* Black Mohairs and Alpacas. 05 cts to SL7S. Balmorals, fresh lot for misßoB,tnuds,and matrons* .Cloaks and Shawls In Cloak room. Cloak display unusually^mwl^ • »026-tf 6. B, Cor. NINTH and WAKKbtW T>ARGAINBt BARGAINS! -Lr i,noo j aids Linen Crash,' at I2He. 1,0.0 yards Linen Crash, at W4c. 3 lots of beany White Flannel, at 58&ci 8 lots ol English, i lannel. at 66££«. 8 lots of all* wool Flannel, at66>4c. , .. I reepeetfnUy call the attention of HoapltaJs and the “ Ladies’Aid Society to these Flannels, as they are a great bargain. JOHN H. STOKES, , de2 YOa aBCH Street. ftOQ HOOP SKIRTS. fiOQ VZ’O* **ODB OWN BAKJ3.” v4»o* The most complete’assortment and bast .quality and styles in the market, wholesale and retail, at manu factory, -. . - • No. 6£6 ARCH Street. Together with the *•N BW FLEXIBLE SKIRT, 1 * just out. the most pliable Hoop Skirt in tbo-a-irket, equal to the * * Duplex Elliptic, ’ * and at much lower prices. Also, constantly in receipt of full lines of low* priced Eastern- madeSkirta, kid padded and rivited—ls springs, SC cents; 20 springs, $1; 25 springs, $1.16; SO springs, $1.25: and 40 springs, ft 1.50. no2o-lm» WM. T. HOPKINS. «T ’&MAIL BE PARIS” IS HOT A AJ paint, powder, or paste, but almost delicious preparation that give* both the color and texture of po lish* d ivory to the ekio. BUGBNB JOUIN, No. 11l TENTH Street, below Chestnut. / . “ T’EMAIL DB PARIS” CAN BE A-J used by all ladies in the privacy of the toilette. It removes all spots and roughness,.and Us purifying effect on the skin calls forth freshness, color, and beauty. E. JOPIK, 80. 11l TBNT&Street. “ T ’EMAIL DI PARIS” QUICKLY AJ effectually removes those unsightly blacr worst specks which detract so rauch>from the beauty of the skim K. JOUIN, No. lIITEITTH Street. t<T’EMAIL DE BASIS” IS EB- A--4 PBCIALLT endorsed by Mad’lie Vestvall. Lu cille Western, Mra. D. P. Bowers, and many ladies in private life, whose commendatory letters, for obvious Saeons. cannot be published. B. JOUIN, 111 SOUTH. TENTH Street. Officers and soldiers whose complexions have become tanned or bronzed by the exposure Incident to a camp life, invaluable. Orders by mail should be-addressed, JAHBD a BENE, General Importers. Philadelphia. de3-smwtf FANCY TORS. JJANDSOME HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SIBERIAN SQUIRREL MUFFS, ?8. MINK 'SABLE MUFFS, si9. HUDSON’S BAY SABLE MUFFS, $BO. , Also, a Eeaeial assortment M LADIES’ nms,. IN ' FITCH, STON&TSIARTEN, SOYAL ERMINE, AND OHINOHSLLA. A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, delo.J2t . 41S ARCH Street! PMladeipMa. JUDIES’ FANCY FURS. ■ _ ~ JOHN FABEIBA, Mo. TIB ASOH Street, eSore Serenib Street At Ilia old estabUsbed itsre, IMFOBTBB, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS »o*, LADIES AHD OHILDBEJ*. -- BWB» OfSurfetj-wPriyaTj}, feindg &nd qbiMUsb of ¥ AHGI Remember the name aad number, JOHN FABEIBA, 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh. X have no partner or connection with any other store in this city. oc3-4mif FANCY FURS. " JOHN A. STAMBAOH, IMPORTER AMD MANUFACTURER 01 LADIES’ fancy fctbs, KG. 836 AEOH STREET, BELOW HIHTH. Jut owM,*Urn rad handtoke stock ot LADIES’ ADD CDILDBEFS IMOT IBB» Of ,very desariplloa, tad in the neweat and moit 19. proved itylea, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. oel-tnlheSm 1864. 1864. 1 A. I, A F. I. WOMRATH, QGBBBOKB TO THE LATH GEO. F, WOHKATH.J No. 415 Arch Street, HAVE HOW OPR* A TOLL ASSORTMBHT OF JLuAJDLES’ FANCY FUJtCS, To which th»y tnvllo tha attention or trayen. eeJO-Sm "CURB 1 FURS ! FURS ! A Fore cleaned from moths, repaired, and altered to the latest styles, at moderate prices, at Mo. 113 North FOURTH Street, above Arch de®-Bt* FINANCIAL. OBABhES SHORT. J LAUIX. BggSOV, JS. QHARLES EMORY & C 0„ STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 15 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. All klnda af uncnromt-taid.-and Hold and Silver hen«Kt..awi(rrand Collectious'inaaer Particular attention given purchase and sale of Oovernment,.Btato. andother Stocks and Loans on commission. nolGCm |J ARFBB, DTJBNEY, & OO. t BANKERS, . STOCK AND EXCHANGE BKOKEKS. ' Particular attention paid to purchase andsale of Oil Stocks. •5 SOUTH THIRD STBfiST. PHH-ADBItPHIA. Ebfssmtobb. —Drexel &Qo., Philadelphia; J. 3. Ana* tin, President Southwark Bank. . nov!6-3m WHEREAS, THE AUDITOR GENE* TT BAL, as required by the 11th Section of the Act entitled An'Act to enable the Banka of this Common wealth to become Associations for the purpose of Bank* in* aider the laws of the-United States.” pasted oh the ;23a day of August, A. D. 1864, has certified to me that “TBE COMBOLID ATION • BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA” has furnished satisfactory evidence to him that all the-requirement* of said Aot have been com plied with by the said Bank, end that it has become an Association for the purpose or Banking under the laws of the United States— -1 do, therefore, cause this notice thereof to be path Ilshed, i#accor<Jance with the provisions of the said 11th Section of the said Act, and do declare that the Charter of said Bank, by the terms of said Act. is deem ed and taken to be hereupon surrendered, subject to the provisions of tie Ist Section of «U 4 Act. ctJETIH Governor of Pennsylvania. Bxecttttvx Chamber, HARKiaßuna, Hot. 29,1864. del*lBt EEIMBR’S COLOR hD fhoto grapbe, only $1.60. Fine style, for holiday pre sents fake a hint; go early, and save delay and dis appointment these slinrt days. Time Is predons. It* BE. REIMER’B EXQUISITE STYLES • Cartes de Tislte. Hew 1b the time to get them, before the h lida-ve come. Como early, as the days are short. 63* ARCH Street It* GREAT OEHTBAL OLOTHIKO HOUSE, STEW PUBLIC A TIOSg. JUST! PUBLISHED. “TRUMPS’?) AMERICAN DOTLE, Gentlemen’s Ilantl-Book of ctames; Uentalalas clear ami complete descriptions of alt the Games played in tie Hatted States, wttl tffis American Enlee for plajlag tfiem. molrtlngV Whtet, Eaolre, Beztqne, Cribcage, All* Fonts, Loc, .Fokcr, Brjg, Tlquet, Esarie, Boston, Caseino, Chess, Cbeckcrs, Baclifamcnon, Boainoee, Billlsrds, nni a hanlrel other games. * ■ BY ‘t TEDDIPS.” •To vrMeh is appended aselahorata treatise on tho doctrine of chances. 12ao..’SCO pages, cloth, gilt rile and hach, profoselr tUnstratSd- ‘ Price, $2. Seasons Mil the “/American Houle’' muse lie the , Standard Miffitriti/ for all Sames Planed 1 "’in the United. States: Because it is an American Book, prepared with nreat C , with the- aid and counsel of a large number of the best playert (both amateur and prof«ssionai) in this ct untry.- * • • The rales, detcriptionsy definitions,-and technicalities are all simplified and adapted to the several games as they are actually played here. Many of ©ui ’games are peculiarly American,and can not be intaliiglolydercribed except by an American who understands them, while .those of foreign origin have •become so changed by American modifications as to .make the European: and descriptions as likely to misread as to instruct. In preparing tbis work the beit or greatest weight of authority for each particular game has been taken upon disputed pointy - r s» v . The important gamegof Chess, Draughts and Back gammon are UluptratedwifclroYerl&Odlaxraai" of g*mes, problems, and critical positions, all of which have been carefully played upon the board since the work was ptereotypeiV and nearly 100 errors (which appear la English and thiir American repriats) have been cori^ojed. All the'games played in tho-Hnited States, whether of boms or foreign o*igm, are given as they are played by I'Ainericana at the present day. Published by DICK & FITZGERALD, ■ ■ . No. 18 ANN Street, N. Y. ADo for sale by all Booksellers in this place, popies of the above book sent by mail,to any address, free of postage, on receiptof the price. deiQ-staat QFI MJO. 1. WHO WEOTE THE, FER R Y B O YP ’ THIS l| THB GUJBBTION. ' At any rate, it Is a splendid-book, and reads muGh like oi»of our^ popular-**ATLiSfrio-** authors. •The' price Ift f nd it is forsale by all the Book sellers.' ' * v; ; -_ ’ Get it for your Boys.' please thenrbetfcer* WAEKEK; WISE. & CO. f ' -' 'ldblishers, , _■ *e!o-2f AfiSiWASHINGTON STREET. ' BOOK BY THR:.AUTHoi UN-"TEN ACRES ENOUGH.’’ 1 ■ ~W— HOW TO- »ET A I^ARM. WBCE3S TO KIND ONE. ShowSurthat HoSieSteects may le Lad by those de eirocu»ef securing them, with the public law oa the sub ject .of and Suggestions from Practical Fanners; nnmerous successful esperi euoes of beginning with liitlelor nothing, became the owners of ample farms. BY THB AUTHOR OF “TEN ACRES ENOUGH.” X2m».£Mn>tb, price §1.75. For ialeby all Booksellers. J AMES’ MILLER, PtibUsheY, delo eta2t ,• gga BROADWAY. New York. TWO CAPITAL NEW BOOKS FOR A YOUTH. - THE OfThE REYOLUTION, BY JACOB ABBOTT, Author of the'*'Bello Books,” “Bdlo’s.Tour in Bn rope,** Ac., One yoI. Ulnitrated, with designs by Chapin. Pri<j*» $L ~ This Is the 7th vol. of“ Abbott’s Series of American Histories * ’ for youth. Bach volume is complete in itself, and the whole series forms at once the most instructive and entertaining , history of this country that has ever been written. Jacob Abbott’s name is a sufficient gua rantee of their exaCHlnce. The series embrace*, Abo* riginal Aiats&sa? ’, **.The Discovery of America,* 3 * *The Norther*. Oo lonies, ? *■ “ The Sou hem (folo* niee,” “ The Warscf iT&Voloniee,” “ The Revolt of the Oolo‘RfcSj_* , Wctir of the Revolution. ” THE W^iftfieMSTASTINOPLE, BY D. O. EDDY, *Author of the “Fersey Family ihKurope,” Ac., Sc. One vol., 16m0.‘ Elegantly illustrated by Herrick. Price, 90cts. This is the fifth vol. of” Waiter's Tour in the East. 5 ’ The Series embraces Egypt, ” fi lnJe- It gives inthe-jrofet attractive form all that a youth fiatointravelliniTthrotigh the “East.™' SHELDON & COMPANY, . PUBLISHEBS, N. "ST. Either of this above. sent hr mail on receipt of the price. ’'y . iie3 ths2t JUST FUJPrISHED, ’ ' T HE"* C ONSTADLE TEOB TOWER, iu|ari : Toeic'al hovel, . BY AINSWORTH, SSQ., aothor pB “ The Totter of London.” “Old St. Paul’s," etc. TS CENTS. This splendid historical novel* which obtained for-Its author so much celebrity while raiming through * * Fra zer'* Magazine*” and afterwards appeared in the “Eclectic Magazine,” is now issued in book form, and will no donbthave ihe extensive sale its merits deservd. Published by { DICK & FITZGERALD, ' ; ■ u- ? • , ■ No. 18 ANN STEBET, NEW YORE. Alio for salAby allbooksellers in this place. Copies of the afftve book sent by mail, to any address, free of postage, on receipt of the price. " delO-stn2t BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS fTI The attention of the publio is directed to the fine sssortment of mew and popular BOOKS oh baud and for solo by , CHARLES D«SIEiVER, - ; ,> 1339CHK3TN or Street; A large and welPteleoted stock of h&ndbomely-bouud and hue copies of all the Standard Work* of the day, designed especially/or Gifts during the approaching Holidays, ' * : Also, a variety of Juveniles, Toy Books, Games, Photograph, Autograph, and Scrap Albums, Diaries, Bibles, &c,, Ac. '" v Also on ihand. three sets of ..the popular Chinese game, * * Tim ! 1 the only seta in the coun try notinprivatebaiSdst' Price $75.^. on THE 15th iWST., A new Steel-plate Map of the Slate of Virginia* show ing the Oil Regions, new Railroads, Sec., &c. Sent by mail post-paid/ Price 60 Cents. f-'-* CHARLES EESILFBB, . delO-ljal : ‘ 1389 CHESTNUT Street. TO THE TRADE. . *' . The publications of Bn. wer & Tilsit on, consisting of • WORCESTER'S DICTIONARIES, . ; WORCESTER’S SPELLERS, ' BILLIARDS READERS. LEACH ASWAN’S ARITHMETICS, Ac,, Ac., Will herealtea be supplied to the trade by ~ - CHARLES DESILVEE, delO-Sfc J_- - 1»29 CHESTNUT Street. pYCLOPSffJtA OF COMMERCIAL VAMD BUSINESS ANECDOTES. 2 vole, octavo. The wore is er tertai&ingos light reading, bat it serves a higher and a nobler purpose. It lays before the young men of our country numberless inssauoss of tho success which always attends honesty, integrity, and perseverance ,Ifc shows to them how those men whom they are always taught to look up to os models of a life well spent, tiarted in their career of honor, penniless but honest; as shop beys or cabin boys. - How by dili gent attention to business nod strict honesty in every transaction,, they gained the confidence of their em ployer, And so rose irom poverty to wealth, from social nullity to the highest places in society. The work does not tpe&k to them-in these words, but by adducing instance after instance, lays before them the moat powerful argument of which the human mind issns ceptible—an argument bas-.d upon example. ~Ev. Tel. . The book Ib finewtegi ponraiiS or eminent business men, auttoapu tal illu&irationtf/jf thetexc. It is a book which every merchant should have; and which every citizen who desires to rave nis library complete cannot do without.' Sunday Hit-patch. v Pubiishtd by B. APPLETON & 00., and sold by Bubiciipfclon by JAS. -K. SIMON, 33 South SIXTH Street, delo 3t Office of ‘‘.New Amtrican Cyclopedia. ” pERKOE’S REGISTER FOR 1864 ! TO IMYISTEBB IN BOADS AND MINES! The U. 6. Ballrdad and Mining Register Ccntains the latest intelligence on all matters relating to roads ord mioes, to the transportation of products, and to the manipulation of the metals in all parts of the commercial world, but most particularly in the United Bti tea and Territories. And as the rail lines, now- stretch out West from Bangor, and East from Ban Francisco, with a prospect that the Pacific Baiiroad will soon supersede the Over land stage route, and as mines of coal.and lion, oil and quicksilver, copper and nickel, leau and zinc, silver android, are scattered throughout the Sia&osand Ter ritories, 5 ielding an annual product worth bnudrads of millions of dolhrs, and increase Which surpaeses eßtimate.rasd is beyond example* it will be perceived, where the mutter is appreciated, that the mining and-rarrying investments of the whole c -untry have enlarged into stupendous totals and expanded our vast areas * . Of developments and results, touching and pertaining to there special interests, the Register keeps current re* coid.ln more variety and .wider scope than any other weekly newspaper,. ■ . , „* ‘ TfieNeptefer-wa* first published in May. 1855, is'ih its nisih year, and is an established institution . - Af* an advertising sheet for mixti»« 'machinery, rail road equipments, the metals, engineering, etc., the Register oakra unsurpassed attractions through the lamification of its continental and international sir eolation. . ' . • Terms—Three doUars vg|e| b^ delfl 6fc 4-33 WRLeiJT Street:'. Philadelphia. TMPORTANT TO RAILWAY TRA -1 VELLERB. —For fell information la reference toßta tions, Bi»tnnoe«, and (Jonnections, illnsimced by one hnndrea Railway Maps, reprewsniie* tte pr.Mii»l toil ways cl the country, see All LETON'S RAILWAY OD * DR. - ■ aol9-6<a 8, E. QOS. (3EKH AND IUAEKET STBEETB, NEW PUBLICATIONS. BOOKS! PUBLISHED THIS DAT BT T, B, PETERSON & BROTHERS, 300 Cbesluut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Ahil for Bale by all Booksellers. THE LOST LOTS. THE LOST ZOVB. By the ,iatfcor of "John Dray ton. This is an admirable nore-1 J healthy ta its tone, full Of Well* drairn and cbly-discrlmlnated characters, a noble moral. Price sLSOiapaper, or $2 in cloth. FOLI.OWIHS THE BllFSt FOLLOWING THE DRUM. By BRIO, GEN. EGBERT I>. VIELE, A "WAS KOVEL, A' Story of great power of military Life In the Camp, on the March, and in Battle. With illuminated military cover In ciders. Price GO cents. NEW BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED; OSWALD CRAY. By Mrs. Henry Wood.- Compile InoneJaTg* octavo volume of over five hundred pages* Price $1.60 in paper cover, or $2 ic*ctoth. THE MYSTERIES OP FLORENCE.- By George Lio- Complete in one large octavo volume. Price One Dollar. THE: BOHEMIANS OF LONDON*. One of the moftr excUicg bootts ever printed. One voh, paper cover, price 51.60; or In one vol., cloth, for £2. FLIRTATIONS IK FASHIONABLE LIFE. By Cathfv rine Sinclair. One vol., paper cover, price $1.33* or in one vol., cloth, $%, I THE PBIiE OF LIFE. By Lady Jaue Scott, Ohe vo?., paper cover, price $1.60; or bound in one vol., doth, for $2. - THE RIVAL BELLES. By author of “ Wild Western Scenes. ? * One volume, paper cover, price SLGO: or in one voiame, cloth, furs 2. THE DEVOTED BRIDE. By St. GeorgoTueker, One volume, paper cover, price $1.60; or in one volunw, cloth, for $2. ’ LOVE AND DUTY. One of the best books printed for years. One volume. papercoYer, price 51.50: or in one volume, -cloth, fer $2. . SELF SACRIFICE. By author of “.Margaret Mait land. ” Oce volume, paper cover, price $1.50; or bound in one volume, cloth, for $2. t TBE WOMAN IN.BLACK. One volume, paper cover, price SL6O; or bound in One volume, cioth. tor $2.. FAMILY PRIDE. A companion lo “Plqtte. ,, On# voJnniß.pßper cover, pries $1.53; or bound in one vol., cloth, for $1 THE BRIDAL EVE. By Mrs. ScuthwoTth. One vol. pa*er cover, price $1.60; or|n one vol., cloth for $1 THE BAUNTRB TOWER. By Mrs. Henry Wood, pne.jerse oclavo volume. Price GO cents. - PETEKSON’S HEW COOK-800K,,0r Useful Receipts for the Housewife and Uninitiated, Full of valuabe •receipts. *ll original and never before published, all of .Which will be found to be very valuable add of daily u*e. It U pronounced by all the test Cook-Baok ever printed, as well as.the most economical.. One volume, bound,- Prices 2. Published and for sale at the Cheapest Book Store iu the world to buy or send for ‘a stock of books, which is at T. B. PETERSON A BROTHERS’, PublUbers ot Petersons' Selector (price $1.60 a year), 306 CHESTHUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa/ Copies of any of Ihe.abovewill be sent everywhere, at once, free of postage, ou receipt of the price by- ue. FOB SALE BY Ath BOOKSELLERS. pUBEISHED THIS DAT, HAZCEWOOD ; OB,’ - THE BLACK MOJiK’S CITBSE-. BY COTJSIH MAY CAKLETOK, ' (Miss M -A. E.-Uiun), Anther of “Silver Star,” “Erminie,” “Victoria.” ‘■Sybil C«n»hell,” &c , Stc. * EIGBT FBLL-PAeEJLLDS.TRATIOgfS, BY D ABBEY. _ , . . Price Twenty five Cents. • Tjus is one of the 'most ebarrain* and fascinating sto ries Miss lailiebas ever produced Let alt wko would enjoy a rare Inteliectnal treat read ‘ * Hazlawood. ’ * Mailed free of postage on receipt of price. BRBDfcRIC A. BRADY, Publisher, * No. SSI ANN Street, ‘ew York. by T. B. PETERSON £ BROTHERS, and all BoofeseDere. , it jJEW BOOKS FOB THE'HOLIDAYS. tWINFIEm THE T.AWYKR’S SOB 7. 4 LIFE OF A JOB’ GENERAL HANCOCK, An authentic life of the boyhood and subsequent career of Gea, Hancock, containing: a correct portrait and many beautiful LUas trations. One of the most entertaining hoys* books yet published.' Price $1.60. * SEASIDE 'AND FIRESIDE FAIRIES. Translated from the Getmaa by A. L -W is ter. A charming coUec tion ot German Fairy Tales; linked together with a beautifully printed ana illustrated. Price $1 76. • ENOCH ARDEN. Elegantly illustrated. CLEVER bTOAIES oTMANY NATIONS. By John G. Saxe. - Illustrated by W. L, Cbampsey. FOLK SONGS. Anew edition of that most popular book, . * • & new edition of BITTER SWEET, with additional il lustrations. LOOKING TOWARD SUNSET. By L. Maria Child. LYRA AMERiCANA; or-veises of Praise and Faith, from American Poets. , LTBA ANGLIC ANA; or, A Hy zonal of Sacred Poetry, Elegant ly printed on tinfced*r>aper, red edges, ALBUMS, BIBLES, aac JUVENILES, la an endless 7 STANDARD WORKS and books of ell kinds iirevery variety of binding,placed on long counters rannfngrthd fall length of oar store, where they can he examined carefully and leUnrely. We invite their inspection be fore the usual holiday rash of purchasers. For sale by AbHaEiD & EVANS, (Successors to W. r. Hazann), No Street. QIL STOCKS. . The mania/oi* speculation in OIL STOCKS is prevail iag at a fearful rate, as the transactions at the STOCK BOABD daily exhibit. . Holders of these stocks, to pro tect themselves from the impositions frequently prac-~ ti»6d lupon them unprincipled operators, should read the / v COMMERCIAL lIST AND PRICE CURRENT, PUBLISHED BT AT 241 DOCK STREET. (]>IL! OIL!! OIL!!! SHE AMERICAN EXCHANGE AND BITIEW MINING AND PETROLEUM DEPARTMENT. The AMERICAN EXCHANGE AND REVIEW Is re cognized as a most reliable and thorough exponent of Petroleum matters in regard to the practical, scientific, and financial facts and current intelligence. It gives lists of the Oil Companies of New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Boston, Baltimore, and Cleveland, iheir capitals, value of shares, dividends, &c.; also accounts oi the various coiporations, both the bogus and the re liab'te, with oil production of thejrespective properties, geological and topographical surveys, new discoveries, character of oil lands, expositions of oil swindles, &c. ' SUBSCRIPTION $3 PER ANNUM. * . . . • , . F9WLIR St MOORE, It* 531 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. BOARDING. fIOATO WABTBD—IK A PBWA.TE family, by a Lady and two daughters, grown; northern section of the city not objectionable Pay ments weekly Reference given and required. Aa dreis *.* Promptitude, ” this office. de9-2t* ■DOARD.—A LARGE SECOND-BTORT BACK BOOM* conmninlcating with a bath-room, together with Board, may be obtained at 369 Souti FIFTH Street. nolfi-tf LOST AND FOUND. T OST JOB DBSTROYKD-ONB -*~4 Share of the Delaware Mutual Insurance Com pany’s Stock, No 3.399, date 1851, in the name of JOSEPH 8. HBDARA & GO. AppUcation will be mads for the renewal of the same. • . UfCEMBER 7, 1884.' deS thfmw4t i ‘ pFBSONAL.—MR. ROBERT H. FOR- A ERST* Jain of Memphis, Tenn.Y will hear ofßoma thing to his advantage, by callthg on JOHN E. ROT TBK, 617 SAHSOM Street. d69-2t* pSFOBMATIOM WANTED.—TH 2 A undersigned desires to hear from the sister of J. M. Staples* Deputy Sheriff of J& Dorado county, California. She is supposed to reside in Philadeluhia. Mr. Staples was murdered .while in the discharge of his offieiaj duties. His effect* are awaiting, delivery. _ JAMES B HUME, Sheriff’s Office, nplS-lm PlacerviUe* ‘EI Dorado county. Cad. FOR SALE—LARGE SAFE, TWO . SIDE* SHOW CASES, for silver-p'ated ware; oae COBRTBR-CASE, TABLES, DESKS, CUPBOARD, he. Also. OFFICE TO LET. Apply to I. C. FULLER, i deS-sSt* 713 CHESTSUT Street. T‘o .TOUKG ACTRBBSRS.—YOUHG actresses who are little-accustomed to the use. ot * * stage making-up” will find that the “Email d< Paris’’ will remove all the evils r* suiting from the w of paints, powder, and rouge. The “ Email” is not x paint, but it preserves and beautifies the skin* byre moving all black spots and impurities, and is endorses by- M’lle Yeetvali, Mrs, D. P. Bowers, Mrs. Bmxn? Waller, and many other actrestesof talent and beauty. EUGENE JOUCN, No. 11l South TENTH Street, below Chestnut, is.the .only agent In this city. nols-mwati JSjDVOATIONAJL. CTUDEKTS O^ENamEEBWGTAKD O PHILOSOPHY are briefiy improved and perfected in required Mathematics; carefully instructed at au aarly in. Mechanical Science, and skilfully di in tha investigations and solitioas - delD-St* - S.BGAI» T ETTISBB TEBTAMKNTAHY UPON -E-i iho IsUte of HaNNAH STOTT, deceased, late of the city of Philadelphia, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and ttose* having claims against the same to present them without delay to * -JOHN FEATHER, Tweuty thira and Hamilton street", Phila. ? WILLIAM KBD WARD,| . . ... Frank ford. Executors. Or fo their Attorney, JOHN SHaLLCBOSS. delO sfit* Fiankford, Twenty-ihird Ward. 9nnnnn pea gees—very 4UU,UUU SGPERrtiR—PUT DP B7C.P- MOR TON & CO., at the ROUND TOP *EACR FARM, Md . Hew arriving and fo* sale by R, K. NEFF, No 106 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia: ‘ • de!Q-12t^a FOR SALE—A ROAM MARE, ASu 15 hands high. 7 years old, a prompt free dri ver and fast trotter* can oe driven by the most timid, being fearless of locomotive?, and otherwise perfectly safe. Also, a no-t”P w a e*>n, and harness. Will bs sold low, ti>A .owner having no farther use for them. / pply at 203 MARKET Street, Second Story, after 10 A Bt. ued-St* FOR SALE—A YDUNG AND Btylish FAMILY HORSE, well broken, free from trick oV vice, and warranted sound. Apply 1o T. Ml MORGAN, 33 South THIRD Street. de9-2b* WRITTEN AND VERBAL DB SCRIPTIORS oiCharaoter, Coastitation.and Tm .yv leßl ’ With ADYICR on BnslEOM, He/Uth. Bdno* ZJ\ tion, Brtf-toprovMoont, Management and Train ™»" } lng of CHILDREN, soolal adaptation, &c.. dal and evening, by • ' JOHH L. CAPER, _ Phrenologist and Bookseller, ocil -tnthalytf Ho. 3B 8. TENTH Rt. ahovaCWnnt MALCOLM MAONEILL’S FIFTH Street, . Km- Glajetee refitted to Bntt aU ages, and all mannero! n-pfttri.s carefnlly and promptly attended to. -nogj-Hw TASTETML ARV SUBSTANTIAL ULGTHINa WAOTPB. DOOR-KEEPER WANTED—ALSO 6a act aa tab sman and make himself general y usa fell in doors. „ • A respouaVbe, steady young man* of good. charac ter and bshits, only i>ecd *pply, with the bea’ of rer~r statins compensation *x peered, and former em ploy men*. In bin own hand-writing, and aadre*»«edw Box im Philadelphia Post Office, deto-2i* WANTED—ON OR AFTER JAN. 1, ,* * in a ’Wholesale Hardware Store, a S AL&SM 4DT» ViaFi}*? 111 * ‘ OU£Q trale, or one with trade. Address £*%•" Post fflee; WAH TED—A IN A / 7 Wholesale House by a Young Man of high prin ciple andcapacity. First-class reference, Ad dress ** H. POWERS, * * Post Office, It* WANTED-BY A RECENT GRADU ’ ; A*J?t of College, a position in a Banker's or Broker p Office. * R, P.Box 1728. de!o*2t* WANTED TO SELL—THE STOCK * * and Fixtures of an old-established Hardware House, doing an excellent business. The stmskfo well selected and suitable for Pennsylvania and Ohio trade. To.onewt'hi&?*o encage la the btxsiaea* srett indue meats win be offered,' as the part; wishes to retire from basinets. Address, with real name, “N, &Co.,* r Ho. 639 H. BROAD Sliest. deUMJt* WANTED—TO FORM A CONNEO *» TrON With an established Dry Goods or Sift Home. The party advertisfeg offers Capital and Trade, having been In the business for some years Any c > os in tmication in reply can be railed on as private Ad dregs Box 28(2 Post Office delO 31* WANTED—A CORRESPONDENCE ‘ v .V'.tb Bom« Young Cady possessing superior men tal attainments end an eloquent pea, bp a yoaih of fanceti*a and refinement,-wh* ba never yet fonnd his Ideal Object lent nil instruction and amusement, or ifavrefahle. Address “Or lando*” 841 Post Office. Philadelphia. 11* WANTED-A YOUNG MAN- IN A T» Boob and Stationery ntore: One-that understand* the business preferred. Address * ‘ Books, 5 * Press Of. fire, Philadelphia it* WAKTID-A SALESMAN IN A «” cloth store. Address ‘ ‘ Cloths, 1 1 Press Office.';? deff-a* WANTED—A FIRST-RATE ORGAN f f IST'for an Fplsenoal Church In this city; also, a thoroughly competent Soprano and Tenor Siuger for the eHoir of the fame church. Address 44 Box 674,” Philadelphia Pest Office. deS St* WANTED—IN A JOBBING DRY v» Goods House, an oxp c rienced BSTKY CLERK. Address, is applicant’s writing, * * Entry Clerk, * ’ this office. . daS-3.* WANIED-BY A YOUNG MAN OF ▼ * energy, a situation either as Salesman, Book keeper* Assistant Bookkeeper, Clerk, ot ia auv ca pacity where he make himself useful and he WBmnerattd'or services. Best references given. Ad dress jJ HBLLINGS, Press Office, or apply 330 gon-b FIFTH street. - dsS'tt* WANTED—A; YOUTH TO LEARN ’* the Whcrteeale Hosiery and Variety Easiness Address, in hard writing of applicant, staring age, resi dence Ac.* “Franklin.g* Pr**s office. de7-4s* WANTED—ON OR BEFORE THE *" last of December, by a gentleman, wife, and frown daughter, Boarding, the year round, in a respect able neighborhood; two communicating rooms, one to be front; also, privilege of hot and cola baths and water closet. Lccaion between Arch and Spruce streets. The best reference required and given. Ad dress “J. o. W.,” 80x2339 PoAOffice. - d*7-8-* WANTED.—A GOOD MAN, WITH * * $1 Oft’ cash, can secure a highly respectable busi ness, which will pay $2OO per week. Address * Carl top,” Ledgir Office. ■ de6-6.* WANTED-BY FIRST OF JANUARY ** next, by a "Wholesale Boot and Shoe House on Market ftreet, an efficient SALSeMiN, for Pennsyl vania trade. To one who can command a gjod trade a liberal salary will be paid. Address, for one week. Box Ho. 1024 Philadelphia P Q. des 8t WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE AND *1 Retail Cloth Store, a Young Man as Salesman; also, a Book-keeoer A person who sneaks German preferred. Applications will l>e treated confiden tially. Address, with real name, “H. 0.,” Press office. de6-6t* WANTED—IN A DRY-GOODS JOB -;* BIISG ROUSE, an experienced able to control a general cash trade. Address * Job bers, 1 * at this office. dsS-6t* WANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK v T KEEPER. Best city reference for ability and integrity given. Address “Bookkeeper,” Press office. nc3o-16;* WANTED, AGENTS.—AGENTS IN * * every County* at #7O a month, expenses paid, to istTOducenfteen new and useful articles, the best sell ing ever offered. For particulars, address OTTS T. GABBY, BIPPEFORP, jfAISE. ooZo-dAWSm A GENTS WANTED FOR THE NURSE **• AHP *6PY, v ona of the most interesting and exciting, books ever published, embracing the tj ventures of a Woman in the Union army as JSurse, cent, and Spy. Giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. Returned and disabled officers and soldiers in want of profitable employment will find it peculiarly adapted to their condition. JOKEB BROS. & GO,. nolSMm* 600 f.HBSTHDT St, PhUadelpaia, Pa. TO THE DRY GOODS JOBBING A AKD COMMISSION TRADE. —A YOHNG MAN who has had seven years' experience in the jobbing business wisbeß to make an engagement about January 1; can influence a large city and cohnlry trade. Address 41 A. VL Press office ' deB-3t* nro THE WHOLESALE DRY GOODS A- TRADE.—A Young Man who has had several ▼ears’ .experience in one of the largest -Wholesale Houses, uisbes a SITUATION as Salesman. Address “Jones,” Press office. de9-2t* $9 non —WANTED—A PARTNER, either silent or active, with the above amount of capital, in a well-established cash retail bn* sinirss. paying large profits. Address “J. K. P, ” at this office. de9- 3t? 1&4 (inn os $5,000.—A PERSON with good business qualifications, of ten years’ experience, wishes a POSITION in some well «stablished, safe, and profitable business. Unexcep tionable references given. Address “D. K.,” Press office. d€^-6t* cjiof; a month—wanted— AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SHAW A CLARK SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY BBW ING MACHIHB* the. onto low price Machine in the country which is licensedby Grover <s Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Bowe, Singer A Co., and Bachslder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions alio wed All other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infi inoements* ana the seller and user liable. Ulus- FOB SiJLE MD TO SJET. J| TO LET— A VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND. MARBLE STORE, Ho. 585 MARKET Street, extending through to COMMERCE STREET. Apply to ROBERT R. LEVIOK, noI9. fituth-tf Ho. 403 MARKET Street, POR SALE-A LARGE LOT OF SBELYIfiG and COUNTERS. in excellent coadi tton. suitable for a Whole, air- or Retail Clothing E;oa blisbment. or other business. Address Boa 1169, Philadelphia Post Office, . • dc9 2s* T?OB SALE*OIL CREEK TERRI TORY.—A free ir royalty interest on one of the most valuable tracts of OIL LAND, on OIL CREEK, VE NANGO COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. It lies* at tfi junction of - OIL CREEK AND CHERRY IHJN, . . ~ - . and covers about ic6 acres of pronud, upon which. ard numerous LIASES, ‘with, oyer SIXTY WELLS thereon, either produciDg, or in progress and nearly finished- The LESSEES are daily beginning other well* on sites yet unoccupied, as there is room for ONE HUNDRED additional -wells. *Those In use are both PLOWING AND PUMPING WELLS, one of which had f owed X,OOO BARRELS PER DAY. The working interest of one of the new wells sold last week among the operatives ti emselyee at the rate of $138,000 POR THE WELL, and THREE ACRES, reserved by the original owner for his residence, sold also at the rate of $7U> 000. Such an opportunity, it is believed, * as not been re cently offered, and would make a producing basis of such value as to afford an immense capital Ap»ly to O B. DUNG AN, d*B fit No. 436 WALNUT Sireefc. MTO LET—HOUSE NO. 1634 AM BOY Street, above Oxford street, with all the modern improvement*. Apply to DAVIES & TERGTSR, 33G North NINTH Street, Paper Store. It* m FOR SALE—SPLENDID DWELL- Js-gING, north side of ABCK, west of Fifteenth street Lot nby 120 feet deep. Only $20,000. MILLER, 154 North SIXTH Street. de!o-2t if m CHESTER COUNTY.—FOR £Bk •WSALE—AII that valuable HOTEL PROPER fY,«E DROVE YARD, aid FARM, containing 90 acres of sand, known as the “BOOT TAVERN, 11 ia Goshen Town ship, convenient to railroad station, and three miles from West Chester. This tract of land is valuable as a Farm, and has been profitably used as a Erove Yard for a number of years, and is known to be as one of the best. JAB. R. CUMMINS. 504 WALNUT Staeet, or C. B. LEE. WEST CHESTER. N. B. Call for Catalogue Delaware and Chester County Farms for sale. delO 5s m FOR SALE— ■SStSIore and Dwelling, N. S. corner Seventeenth, and North street*. Store and Dwelling, 1025 Spring Garden street. . Store and Dwflling, B. E comer Eleventh and Locust Dwelling, Hid Oim street Dwelling, S W. corner Twelfth and Myrtle street,. Dwelling, 1716 South Fifth street. N Dwelling, 380 Catharine street. Dwelling, 1013 Olive street. For Jaree Dwellings, see the North American and United State* Gazette. B. F. GLENN. 123 South FOURTH and 8. W. corner SEVEN TEENTH and GREEN Streets. delO M FOR SALE—THE FOLLOWING^ VERY DESIRABLE FARMS AND COUNTRY-E -SEATS: 4S acres superior Land, with first-class buildings, on the By berry turnpike, within Vi miles of- Orawali’s Station, on the Phi adelpbia and Trenton Railroad, and fifteen miles from Fafladelphia 58 acres adjoining the above- also superior Land and excellent buildings. Can be sold atparately, or together' "us one farm. 25 acres excellent Laud, with good stone cottage, two tenant hemes, anc handsome barn and carriage house, satiated at Bridgewater. Sohenck’s Station, on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. ...So sriea on Salem creek, Salem county. New Jersey, 104168 fjrom Camden; good land and fair -12 &rres Land, stone house, barn."whoeiwrightshop, blacksmith’s shop* Ac , on the Milford pike, at the junction »f the street road, half mile from Eddington Station, on the Trenton Railroad. All of the above can bo bad at very low figures. . Also, ftber Farms, Cottages and D wellingb ia various localities For Dwellings, see The Press. _ _ B. F. GLENN, , 133 S. FOURTH and S. W. corner SEVENTEENTH a.Ld GREEN Streets. delD m WAITED TO BERT—A STORE -ffi&on Market dr Third streets; limiisfrom Second to Sixth, and Race to Market. Address “R. B.,’' Box Philadelphia P. o. j a 6 6t» FOB SALE—A THRBE-B't OHY MsL Brick DWELLING HOUSE, 2000 CHERRY St. Trice low—lmmediate possession. Apply at 258 Sooth T£ ISP Street, second story back. . , des-6c m TO RBHT—THE HOUSE AND ■BSSTOBB, N«,-4fi3Sooth SECOND Btre.t_Pora.sJon given immediately. Apply -to GEO. W. HALSfBD. me GIRARD Street deS-Os* FOR SALE —FOUR SMALL Tracts of Land on the North Pennsylvania Rail road, in Cheltenham, between City Line and York Station* (five minutes’ walk from either station): aU fine eite* for country residences! 2 Lots on Cheltenham avenue containing abont 6 1 acres, one close ,by of 4J£ aetei. Woodland, and one of 6 acres, east Ride of Bail road, on the same tract ... • ... , „„ This property is in a fine healthy locality and within half an hour’s ride on North Pennsylvania Railroad care from the city. For particulars ii quire at 3T5 South.Tßlßju fctreet, above Spruce. _ des-6t* LOT FOR BALE. VJ a. very desirable Cottage Lot, about 200 bv 180 feet, comer of JEFFERSON and UFSAL Streets? two square# beyond the depot for the new paasenrer rail way. Price low, terms easy. ■ . Apply to JOSEPH LBA, noI7 lm 128 CHESTNUT Street. POR RENT—THE LARGE FHOTO h«,i|§F^h|;i^‘ 0 * rapWo \T AT SEASONABLE P KICKS, „ Mr. FORREST, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY RIGHTS. ’-andjlfth Storieg.of the NATIONAL CIRCUS.—STAR iNG AG E4I ENT. Walnut street above Rights. Directress, Mrs Charles Wamn, formerly Mrs/Dat nice. The largest company in the world A star en gagement having bees made with the immense Nleolo 2 roupe.these great artists will appear this eveaisgaxi every evening during the week. Young Nicolo,an serial performer on the L'Eschefle. perileuee? or dying tra* peze, is regarded by all critics as the cMid-wonder. The Talieen Brothers and W. Rochelle, the great Mas Monkey* with Herr Nicolo. constitute the Croupe. Tits Dsszer Brothers, Baton Tom King, G. Batch~ elor, Mesers. Hurray and Botchlnson, Chas. Sherwood and Family, will also apeear in many beautiful eceizea. The Trained*Dovs will also appear. Glo =rn, Mr. Sus Eticksey. Jr Gome sarly, and get seats at sight Cout* mence at 7-40. Hatinees Wednesday and Saturday after* noons. Commence at Admission, first tisr, 60t. a arcond tior, 25c.; private boxes, $8 and $3, as to also and location.. POJBK OF THE ACADEMY OF A- MUSIC. , CLASSICAL SOIREES MESSRS. CROSS AND JARVIS, For the Season of 1641-5. For particulars, see clrcu’ars au4 Pnb-crJpUon list*, at the stores of J. £ Gould, Lee A Walker, Andre & Co. 0c22-st£ A SSEMBLY BUILDING, TENTS ajL and CHESTNUT Street*. SIGNOR BLITZ, The Great NECROMANCER and VENTRILOQUIST Performances Every Evening at 7X o’clock, aid WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Afternoons, at 3. b*actue the WONDERS AND MYSTERIES ofr BXTBAOEDINARY POWERS OF pro6ncln*a«tontahlrtr effects of the human voice, ami the LKABNEO CANARY BIRDS’ ENTERTArNMKim Admission 26 cents; Children 13 cent*; Reserved Stf&tr SO cents. n 024 A BSEMBLY BUILDINGS —FIFTH J-A CLASSICAL MAT,NEE of the PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL QUINTETTE CLUB, At half past three o'clock, . WEDNESDAY, Decmber 11, 1864. Single tickets, at the doer* 50 cents. aelO-tf SANFORD’S NEW OPERA HOUSS, BAGS Street, below Third. OPEN FOB THE SEASON. SAMUEL S. BA NFOED •-. -ProDrieto’* and W«»«fy SANFOBDB opera troope, The largest end'best Hlnstre) Company in existesea, Saiuord appears in Hou«, Dances,‘and his BurlenpML Doore open quarter to 7reommence quarter to i Admission 25cents; Orchestra 50cents; Boxess£, $& ardM ; CH EBT N U T-S T BEET OPERA HOUSE CLOSED ' FOB OSE 'WEEK, Ppi■ Altering and Bnlariement of the HALL. Vlll OPftl* MOHDAT EVEHIBO, December 12. OERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—FUBI2& 3-" EB-HBAKSAI.S every BATSJBDAY. P. H.. at MOSICAiFTO’D HAIL. Single XUGtfaTB eente. SixTickete, «u to be Had at Good's, AndnA'K and Meyer's Mnelc Store* and at the Hall. ttoT-tt ah-bibt bbjbctbh.— ,V This admirable jdctnre, tle?roateßtprodnettM*Jfc the painter Weat. la now on exhibition at the AC AD3K2 OP BINS ARTS, loas CHESTNUT Street, together with the entire collection of the Institution. ‘l'lillltll WA twenty-five cents. ; nol4-hW EXHIBITION OB WORKS OB ART, -El FOE THE BENEFIT OP THE CHRISTIAN COM-. MISSION, at tie ACADEMY OP PIUTE ARTS. „ An, Exhibition Of a Private Collection of Works «f Art, In Pain tings, Scnlptnre, Water Color, and Who Drawings. Enaravlng,, Ac , ie now own at the Peog eilvania Academy of line Arts, No. 10AS CHBSTHWT Street from 9A. SL to 10 P. M., for the Benefit of iha Christian Commission. _ Admission 25 ctal; Season Tickets 50 cfcs. no2s*ttfl£ fTTHB ACADEMY OB BINK ARTS, A CHBSTJTOT Street, above Tenth, !* OPEN DAILY* S» TUtora. CremBA.ll.teß frM FOB SAT/E AX»» TO LET. «F O R SAL E-ARCH STREET, vest cf Tenth, two larg* first c'a-s DW&Lbt i&j, Lots 24 sno 2S i<=et fr< nt b.v mO and &c. #2s 00. E*rly pos-e?»;ioa of both, •ARCB Street, ea-t of SiAth, larg-* firsi>eU*s b iYBMi- ING. Lot S® by te-fow #2fi,CGO. Wou’d make an exdWsßt «>»*», MILLBR, tP4-Knrtb SIXTH Street. d if ft sale-sacrifice unpre- S’ T^ *’ —ThwfotiT and fl.a atory bn !, d'n7 at 7 A' ]!e' street and Harmony coart (north Lot 22 by t2O on oonrt. P/iee »M,000; e™t #<O.MO. WtU rent for «5.00» per ajnnm. Only SW.O J toot reqntred. Ht'.T.iß, Keal Estate Broker. ISA N 81XTH attaet. d»W-2«“ AMIJSBMJBJITj?, OF MUBIC. Leaeeeand Banturer JOOT T. fobd (A!ko of the Hfcliday-atreet Theatre, Balttmorej Ford'* Beta Theatre, Washington; and the Alexandria (Va.l Theatre.) BtaeoMaEa«er....« .....JOHIf B. WBrawr. RHAESPBAKE’S TRAGEDY OF OTKB&LO X MONDAY AND TUESDAY Dec. litis anilSttu R|>trril FORRES f, EDWIN FORE ESP, "Will render H|h Grand Sh«!coT»»rean DaUnoatten, 0f Hfe Grand Bhakapearaaa Delias®Boa OTWEKE.O, , . , _ . OTHKuIO. [& fibatapeara a o**Mwrtprf traced vof the Santa tbfcma HR JOHN MoOULLOtraH. „ _ a* UGO ■ MAD 4ME FONTS’ as EMILIA. Adige mi ay, a« DESGEMoHa. This jtraat tracedy will ba praseEted la a atyta 9f aa< eraaimded nerople-tenee,, w th AFFEOFRIATE SCENERY. COSTUMES, ARC ama appoint meyt*. ED'OTN_ FORREST’S engagement wfU positively close FRIDAY EVENING, number 36 th. w 4»~ SEATS SECURED SIX DAYS Iff advance. EylmrgT“*" CT WEDNESI)AY and SATBXDAX Sheet, f«T the sate of tflsund «m* op *& between the hours of 9 asd 4Jtf o'cloc* 1 *s** 5 ** Admißßiofi, 50 and 25 cents. Becnred S*aiB 50 cents additional. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— * * WALSUT. GREAT SATURDAY ENTJSRTAINarB*Ta GKBAT gATUKDAY ENTERTAIN&BJUfC _; .GREAT SATURDAY ENTERTAINMENT. The charming ? onv e and tatanted actress* LUCILLE WESTERN. LUCILIR WESTER^ . LUCILLE WgsißßNr; LUCILLK WESTERN, LUCILIE WESTERN. • / _ LUCILLE WESTERN, in another of her gr*-at characters. NANCY Si KE9, NANC? SYKBS, NANCY BYKB**. NANGY SYKES. NANCY SYKES. Dancy sykss The exceedingly beautiful and universally txronUy play of this evenina-is from CHARLES DICEESS* MASTERPIECE, written In the early blorm of hw gening wbiJehi«nr»- f*a*it>n If reporter bronght hir;—-happily for bhaworli and what is beanuml in -t—in daily contact with franca scenes l , and strange men, and st>asge manners , , the KTORT op OLIVER TWfsT ti eve! opes more strongly than any other of Dickens* works that passion for picture, that large and taring nnmrntty* that deep sympathy with hn«aan eafferins? aud all that >s go- dane noble, however poor and iowiv. on ih« wth, which has mad*, his name In ihoaeandsofc ttonseh-nid* a name of blcsßinc, and Ktarop'-td him as th« KO>T iRBBtST CHAMPION HOW LIVING of family life and »irfcne. and the eternal foe-of selflsk* ness and vice. Long before aught of his foand a froma in print, . * LITTLE PAUL. T AND LITTLE NELL, . .. . . . IUTLfi'OT.IVBR bed found e heme m bis bl* bear! and there he warmed them »M OTrnifi tSem, until the firecanisht tbemtad. tlie mind tenched the heart, and forth spra> ga st »ry— a entry foil of aM those bad things- he had mat in Mm daHv walks of life, FULL OF QUAINT FANCIES FULL OF SMALL ANGBL N vo?CES TAL MOOEBS * AND LITTLE MERRY BELLS, A«D CBEEJteTTL OReCKLIHG FIEHS* FULL OF POOR LITTLE CHILDSES. * CAST, HOPELESS ASD COLD, „„ UPON COLD STREETSt FULL OF OGRES AND FIENDS ‘ in human shape, who b»at thorn, and „ , r KEPT THEM EAR OTO WORK f Full, in feet, of all the _ FEATURES OF LONDON HUMANITY, as seem by Charles Dickens, THIS (SATURDAY) SIGHT, OIIYVIt TWIST. OLIVER TWIST. OLIVER TWigip. OLIVER TWIST. OLIVER TWIST. , 1,,,, „ , UI , Olivertwist. LUCILLE WESTERN as NANCY SYKES. MONDAY. CYNTHIA, TEE FLOWER GIBL. TW'EW CHEBTBTJT-8T THEATRE. L CHESTNUT'Street, above Twelfth. 6SOTBH tc SfflKn.i.. .... .Leßeeeß St Mr nag*"* THIS (SATTTRDAT) AFTERNOON.' EIXTEEKTfI GRaNI. FAMILY MATINBB* FIB ST MATINEE KEKRESENTATIOH OF - JEBBIB.UR.O WN; ■ Os. THE BELIEF OF LUCKNOW. VYlilch Ml Vi be prr^fvvleA, with a\i its MAGNIFICENT ACCESSORIES, THRILLING TABLEAUX, Hc.V&a. THE PATRONS OF THE FAMILY MATINEE Mf- TERTaINKENTS Are most respeetfoll? informed of the necessity of COMING EARLY, In order to obtain sears, for the CROWDS OF LADIES AND CHILDREN Are reaUy so r: eat that this BEQUEST SHOULD BE COMPLIED WITH AS A NECESSITY. Understand that there are , NO RESERVED SEATS, Thr price of edmlsßion beina . THIRTY CENTS TO ALL PARTS OP THE HOUSE: So those that come first have the CHOICE OF SEATS. Children are admitted for 25 cents. Doors open at Ue o clock. To commence at 2R o'clock. THIS ISA PUHOAV) EVENING. A BILL OF WONDROUS STRENGTH. _ TWO THRILLING DRAW AS. The performance mill commence with the grand Mili tary Drama,* In three ads, called „ m JESSIE BROWN; „ob, the relief of luo: With all the nagpiumiotMifia r, CORRECT, COSTLY WARDROBE. NOVEL MECHANICALEFFECTS, PROPE*RMe", d ! l o C ; . EXCELLENT DISTRIBUTION OF CHABACTSBR. including the names of Mira EFEtB GERRON, Mr. FRANK HOBDAUNT, .Mr. W. S. HIGGINS (hii tot appea’ance), Mr. 3. f. WARD Mr. H. S MURDOCH. Mr. W. A CBAPM4K. Mr B. T. SINCLAIR. Mr J. y! DAILY. Mire BELLS YAUGHAN, Miss FLOOD, KAT- TiE BiKEB, &c.- inthe Lrat Scene of Ibis Grand Drama, . THB STOBMING OF THE SEDAN. OYER ONE HUNDRED PEBSONB appear in artlya conflict upon the stage at the same time, forming a Tableau of such Thrilling, Powerful Effect as to awakes the Interest and hold the attention of Brery Beholder. T The performance will conclude with the Comte Sarto Drama, in three acts, called *®ON CJSSAB DE BA2AN. Doa Cmaarde Bazan. ....Mr. Lewis Baker. .WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. TT- THIS (SATURDAY).EVENING, Dee. 10th, The charming, young,- able actress. iIISS LUOIMTR AYESfisaN, Will appear m her great diameter. . . NaKCY SYKES i NANCY SYKES t m the famous adimtation of ChaTles Dickens* OLIVES TWIST; OLIVER TWIST: Or.'THE PARISH BOY’S PBOGRSBS. - To conclride with the comic Drama of the „ GOLDEN FARMER; Or, YELL, VOT OF IT? Box Office open from 9 till 3. .gartaln rises at 7>f. TURS. JOHN DREW’S NEW AROH STREET THEATRE. TWELFTH NIGHT OF J. S. CLARKE. (Saturday), December ID, 1864, "SOMEBODY’S *’and ‘‘JOKATKn BRADFORD.” CLARKS a* * * PAUL PRY. ” CLARKE ub "SHABWINGTON ” CLARKE as 11 CALEB BCRIMMIDGE.” J'OYER ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WOLFSOHN & THOMAS’ CLASSICAL CONCERTS. The first Concert of the Ssrfe* will take place on SATURDAY EVENING. Dec. 10th, 1884, .AX THE FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Single Tickets, $1.60 each, may be had at the Mute Stores, and on the evening at the door . SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. gu* admission for the Six Cod certs 5 Thr*»e admissions for the Six Concerts.. 12 de9-2i pHESTISTUT-STBEET OPERA. HOUSE V WILL REOPEN „ _MONDAY EVENING, Dec. 12. The .Hall has been remodeled and the Stage enl&Tgedi making it one of the finest places of amusement In the city. Prices of admission 25 and 50 cts. Doors opsn at 7 o’clock; to commence at quarter before 8 o’clock. It DEPAKTBIEST 808 OTSSOSS WORK* LOST. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers