the De. eleotAi4h, present eon% but one - party nth.- rind that party the - gratifying BUccess, to conquer a peace with those who have recklessly plunged our once happy nation into a terrible war, and re-establish the dignity and might of the greatest nation. in the world; and I cannot understand how an Intelligent man, if he be mot as treasonable as Jeff Davis himself, Can can his vote for the candidates of a party who would, if once in power, supplicate an ignominious peace that would suffuse with shame the countenance of every loyal man In the country,— Sincerely yours, C. H. WuLts, Lieutenant Commander, 1. 7 . S. N. TILE crr-y-. POLITICAL. MEETING TO-NIGHT IN THE TWENTY FOURTH Messrs. D. W. 0. O'Brien, D. P. Southworth, J. 'W. 'Farrell, and Lieut. L. 0. Reeves. will speak -this evening in the Twenty-fourth Ward, at the - headquarters of the Lincoln and Johnson Cam paign Club, Market, above 33d. As this Is :the last grand rally of tke campaign. there should be a full -attendance of all the friends of Lincoln, Johnson, 'Union and Liberty, who can be spared from their york of preparation in their resPective precincts. 'FIFTEENTH WARD. • • A grand Union rally will take place In the Fif teenth ward this evenimr, at the Hall on North street, below Eighteenth. Able . speakers will be present. , • ' " MILITABY. OFFICERS FOR COLORED moors The following students of ,the U. 'S. Military School, in this city, for applioants for command of colored troops, passe , ' a successful examination be. fore Gen. Casey's board at Washington, last week, and were recommended tor the positions named : For Captain. —Rlohard S. Eaton, civilian, of Springfield, Moss: For Second Lieutenant—Warron W. Jordan, pri- Tate, Company 0,138 d Pennsylvania Regiment. Since this school was established riot a student has been rejected by the Board of Examiners at "Washington. FOR FORT DELAWARE The sth Union League Reglment (one hundred days men), Colonel H. Neff commanding, which axrired , bere laet week, left on Saturday morning for Fort Delaware. BOUNTY JUMPERS BENT TO TEE FRONT. Oa Saturday, .quite a large - number of bounty jumpers were marched down Broad street to the Baltimore depot. They were on their way to the :front under a heavy guard. 'They were handcuffed "by two to a long chain, and each man was labelled " Bounty Jumper. ,, AS colored man was at the head of the line. It appears that he had-been convicted of smuggling citizens , clothing Into Oamp.Cadwala• der for the bounty Jumpers to wear when making their escape. U. 9. MILITARY. CIIOOL The following oft:meow of the U. S.. Military School for applicants for command of colored troops, passed a successful examination before Gen. Casey's board at Washington, last week,' and were recom• mended for the positions named : For Captain—Richard S. Eaton, civilian, of Springfield, Mass.' For Second Lieufenant—Warren W. Jordan, pri- Nate, Company U, Eighty-third Pennsylvania Reek =ant. Since this school was . established , not a student :has been rejected by the Board,of Examiners at "Wasbington. WINCELLAWJEOIOI9. THE FIRST SNOW. The first snow of the season fell on Saturday afternoon, about one o'clock. It lasted but a Aar 3ninutes. About half put on, ,oielook on Saturday a fire broke out. in the puking department of L. Martin Co.'s lampblack factory:•.Twentyninth and Ox.. ford streets... Loss $2,500. No insurance. No water -could be obtained. • - ' • BRRIOIISLY BIIRNRD About two o'clock' on Saturday afternoon Win. Houser, four years of age, residing at No. 614 North Fourth street, was seriously burnt by .his clothing taking fire from a Ebove. INQUEST Coroner Taylor on Saturday held an inquest on the body of Stephen Vieria, the keeper of a public house on Second street, below Queen, in the Third ward. The jury rendered a verdict that the de ceased came to his death from a pistol-shot fired by David Gregory. The deceased was a native of the isle of Madeira, His wife and child;who are on a visit to that place, are expected to arrive on their return home in the course of a few weeks. The pri soner was oommitted. THE PO LICE. fEefore Mr. Aiderman Reiner.] LARCENY or HARNESS. George Parsons was arraigned at the Central 'Station, on Saturday, on the„pharge of the larceny of a set of harness, valued at $228, the property of Samuel R. Phillips. The evidence developed the fact that on the 2a lust , the prisoner called upon Mr. Phillips and purchased the harness,and ordered it to be sent , to the Girard House. He gave his check for the amount, and the. goods were sent as directed. On the following day the check was pre sented at the bank upon which it was drawn, and then it was ascertalued to be entirely worthless. The purchaser in the- mean time fled the city, and he was arrested by means of the telegraph. He was brought to Philadelphia by Detective .Levy. The - prisoner was committed to answer at court. A SHOOTING AFFAIR IN A LAGER BEER SA LOON. A young man giving the name of Jacob Ketcham was arraigned yesterday morning on the charge of carrying a concealed deadly weapon. He was committed. We may state that on Saturday night a row oc curred in lefr. Becker's layer beer saloon, on Chest nut street near Sixth. The lights were suddenly .extinguished, and some one at the front door shouted "fight," flght. ,, Lieut. Henderson and several officers of the Reserve Corps of police hastened to the aaloon, but the place being in darkness, they could do nothing. Mr. Becker In thmeantime had taken his money drawer with' its contents into the cellar. He relighted the saloon at the request of the pollee, and It was then found that a young man named George Collins, a son of G. Constantine Collins, a member of the bar, had been shot. A cavalry revolver, partly loaded, was found upon the dicier, and was taken in oharg e by Lieut. Henderson. The wounded young man was placed on a stretcher and carried to the Central Station,where the wound was examined by Coroner Taylor. The ball entered the fleshy part of the thigh, then pissed upwards, trazing In its progress the hip bone, and lodged In he small of the back. The wound, though not lin ariediately dangerous, is a painful one. It was stated that the prisoner had fired a pistol, and this 1s the reason why ho was taken into custody. There - was no evidence elicted at the hearing involving him. It was also stated that Collins had tired a ' pistol first, but of this there is no legal evidence. It Is all hearsay on both charges. MO prisoner -was held to await future developments, there being TO evidence against him that he had any deadly weapon in Dispossession. NEW YORE PICKPOCKET. A young* man giving the name of James Ray. !Mond, hailing from New York, was arrested on Saturday evening on the charge of picking pockets. The main witness did not appear at the hearing yesterday morning. The prisoner was therefore corn. naitted to await a further hearing, ANOTHER CABE. Lewis J. Welsh was also arraigned on the charge of picking pockets, on Saturday evening, but the parties did not appear against him yesterday. The :prisoner, however, was held on another charge, that of beating a woman on the bead with a stove•plate at her residence in the rear of St. Stephen's Ohuroh, a few nights ago. She was severely injured. A *warrant had been issued for hts arrest, hat he evaded the police until taken on Saturday night, as above stated.- THE COURT. Court of Oyer aDd Terminer and Quarter Sessions—Judge Thompson. TILE NEW YORE JEWELLERS' ASSOCIATION LOT- In the ease of Mr. Thoth, the-actuary of the New York Jewellers' Association Judge Thompson, on Saturday, decided that the license to the Academy of 11111/310 did not embrace the concert or entertain ment given' there .by the defendant. The con struotion he put upon the act of, Assembly was that specific entertainments, which'are to be given at a particular time, require a separate license. In re ference to the charge of maintaining a lottery, the court held that, the inducement to bay a ticket being the chance of drawing a prize, and the prizes being so drawn,by chance, constituted the offence charged. The defendant was accordingly remanded for triaL - SENTIINGB OF OTLLINGHAM William Gillingham, whose conviction on two bills of indictment, charging assault and battery, 'with Intent to kill, and, with carrying concealed deadly weapons, we.noticed on Saturday, was son lanced by Judge Thompson to three months' im- THE ' a • itINISTBSITTE WARD ELRCTION DIFTIOtTLTIi. John Gorman, Charles Wadley, David Allen, and John Eartram, charged with assault and bat tery, and inciting to riot, had a hearing on habeas Corpus. The charges grew out of a disturbance at the polls of. the Fifth division of the Ninteenth Yard, on the day, of the last election : After hearing the testimony, Judge Thompson remanded the de- Tendants to stand their trial for assault and battery, but decreased the amount of ball fixed by the al - demo. Nothing of importune° transpired in the other courts. • FDrAITML AND COMMERGILII4 The stock market was very active on Saturday for all 'kinds of securities. The oils especially were in de mand, and the producing Companies sold higher. Con- Ainental, Maple Shade, Richert, Rock, and Curtin were In undiminished favor, and were all Xigl34 better; Maple Shad* sold up to 90—an advance of 4; McClintock , sold at 634, and Die)llhsny at 6%. There was a general Improvement in the share list. Reading, though not so active ae on the previous day, sold freely, closing at 419—an - 'advance of 134; Pennsylvania Railroad was slightly off, selling at 883 i ; Minshill advanced 1 c'Little: fichnYlkill sold at 9539—a decline of 134; !forth Penneyl-. "Mitt at 32%—an advance of 134; Camden and Amboy sold i n small guaranies at 160. There was a steady de )nand for company bonds: Elmira chattel As at 77; 'Beiuling bonds '7O at 101; Camden and Amboy tla 'B3 at -102 ; d o . mortgage 66 at 116: Chester and Delaware Be at 215;• and Camden and Amboy 'B9la mortgage at 107. Q. vernment loans were about steady: the 1851 loan at 108%; the 7-30 e at 10434; 10-90.3 at RN ; and the 5-20 s at 101 State loans were nnchariged, and; City as taidd at previous prices. Of passenger railroads, there were • sales of Spruce and Pine at 3434, and Chestnut and Wal nut at 50; 69 was bid for Second and Third; 80 fir Fifth and Sixth; 64 for West Philadelphia; 18 for Arch; 29 for Green and Coates; and 2634 (or Girard College. Bank shales continue to be firmly held. 195 was bid for Philadelphia; 5734 for Commercial; 69 lot'. Northern Libe xlies; 98 for eirard ; 2639 for Manufacturers' and ifech &nice' ; 35 for Consolidation; 65 for Corn Exchange, ..and 50 for Union. yHILADELPHIA STOOK EXCHANGE SALES, Nov. 6. .y. BEFORE BOARD. '3OO Continental 2 . 600 Phil dt 011 Creek 2 400 do 2% 1921) do 2 - 700 do 5% 500 do c 2 app do 2-44 500 do 2 .400 do * 240 50 Roc; 011 5 'ET do - 2-06 100 do s)i 2CO do b 52-50 10110 Exrdee'r 011 lh -IVO do 2% 1150 r t 01cbolas ........8 rOO do 2.41 500 Bgbert Oil ........b6 lt 5% -poo do b 5 236 400 do 5% .cos do %36 200.1Thion Petro' 244 100 do b 5 2E 100 do b 52-44 000 do b3O 2% 100 Caldwell 4% 100 do 2-81 TO:Reeding R 11 - % 200 do b 5-2-81 100 Hibbare b 5 2% 2100 fltbbard bb 2hi.:050 Seneca 011 b3O : 3 3•4 103 Reading R 2d ratE4oo Story Filrrti 3,‘ . . .2AI tlo 67%' ' NEST 100 Fulton Coal / I X , 480 Organic Oil.. lots • % 100 Dalzell Oil 9% 100 Noble & Dela—he. 8% 103 do be. 'B% ;op do. •••• tat/. BX 3000 Phua Oil lots. 2 118075 pennaß lons. 69 80 ~/OtP 16 Spruce a rine•stli, 34% sso pgbortOil...".lote 6 1.00 011Creek . "6% KO Perry 011 • 3S, 500 PeaderDani—lots• 1, 10 Swatera-Coal 10 150 Schl Coal Insp.:. • 'lO 200 Hyde Farm 7% 100 do ' •• • . 7% 300 Great Basin.... • 3% 100 Reeding" B• • ce i;tt. 68• 100 do .... 68% 500 " do .lots•-. 6 5% - 100 do be. 68% 100 do ...... —sewn. 68% 100 do 68% 100 . d 0.,.. . ..... se. 68MI AFTER 303 Phiia & 011 C cash 2 2000 Rlinira . 77 CO Cam & Amb ... .14934 MO Phil & Oil Creek.. 2%, 480 ' , short ..... b 10.• 300 Curtin 810..' 8 300 Corn Planter 7% 600 Sghert blO 5 180 Reading 66 400 Phila. & Oil Creek. 234 700 Ilihberd..... blO.. 2% 2(0 atory Farm ' 3 180 Union Petroleum. 2 44 200 Curtin. .... ...'830.. ICO Pei:ismer° a% 800 Phila & 011 Creek. - 2% 403 Egbert..._. .... b 15.. 5 100:Reading. b10..68% 400 Union Petroleum. 2%, 100 Keystone 011 27i ....3 I ICO Reading..... .. ... 68%, 500 011 Creek 6%' NM St Nieholas•.b3o - ding. 68% 25110 Hibberd Oil, .b 15.• 2% 'l2OO Phila & Oil Creek. 2 ILOO- do hso..p 146 200 Story Parra— .. •• • • 3 2CO Camo.• 3 4 a & AroboY..• .16 eo h Penna 351% 200 .R'ey st on e 3 200 Phila & Oil Creek. 2 100 eicElhenY 01 1 6% 50 Desalt 1)5.• 9% 100 Resort 4%1 300 Hyde Farm 7311 200 Kee stone 2%''' 2000 U S 10•405. i........ 34%1 100 300 Continental 300 St Nicholas 3 I 100 8gbert........b30.. 5% 200 Balzell 9% 600 Keystone 011 2% 4 94 300 Curtin.. '... • BX' & 144 Chest Walnut,, 80 100 Eabert 4% 100 Curtin . 8% 109 Maple Shade. ' l.39.. 28 200 'Mizell 934 Drexel, Bt. Co. quote: . New United States Bonds, 106 K New Certificates of Indebtedness 95 953 4 New United States 7 3-10 Notes 109 110 Quartermasters' Vouchers 93 94 Orders ,for Certificates of Indebtedness 33' 3% Gold 243 245 Sterling Exchange' 263 288 Five-twenty Bonds ....10034 10134 Gold fluctuated as follows: 9 X A. • • • 237 11 A M 240% X 1 1 2 240 P.-31 240% 4 P.M 240 The folloriing is published by the Treasury Depart. merit, from the office of Comptroller of the Currency, at Washington: _ TREASURY DEPARTMENT, °MOE COMPTROLLER OP CURERNOY, WARRINGTON,. November L - Abstract of quarterly reports of the national banking associations of the United States, showing their condi tion on the morning of tee first Monday in October, 0;1864, before the commencement of business' on said =EEO . Loans and discounts 1093.238,607 92 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures 2,202,318 '2O Expenee account 1,021,669 02 Remittances and other cash items.— 7,640,169 14 "Due from national banks .... 19065,720 47 Due from other banks 14,061,396 31 United : States - bonds and other United • - nates securities - - 108,084,996 CO Bills of other banks 4,687.727 28 Specie and other lawful money. ••. • • ...... 44,1301,07 20 Other items 1,4`34.6J 76 Aggregate $297,168,196 SO - LIABILITIES. Capital stook paid in $86.785.802 75 Surplus fund 2,010,266 10 Noise in circulation 45.260,504 00 Deposits 121,645.820 55 Dividends unpaid... 520,715 10 Due to national bants 20,145,449 65 Due to otber'banka 14,716.934 96 Profits 5,98'1,392 23 Other items ..., ....... 43 289.77 Antrim. - V/7,103,193 30 • London correspondent, referring to the financial re- Weldon in Europe, says that three-fourths of all the 'failures and bankruptcies in England, during this pa nic, were caused by adventures in rebel affairs, Cotton speculations. &o. All who have ventured their capital in Southern trade or securities, thus stand a fair chance of being swamped in this disastrous crisis, which is scat tering ruin wherever it has extended, and though the final day may be procrastinated, it is pretty certain to overtake them in the end. On the other hand, all the countries which have simpathized with the United States Government and people in this rebellion, stand unshaken. The finances of Russia, Sweden, Pres- Ma, Italy, ,and the minor Powers of Germany are thus • far unaffected by the rude blasts sweeping from the British Isles. The leading English press set down. "the Americen trade " as the primary, cause of these catastrophes, but they studiously avoid any allusion to' the trade with the insurgent States. It is plata that the uneasiness in London is greater than the journals Would lead us to believe, and that the leading finan sclera are straining every nerve to avoid a genera/ crash. If the port of Wilmington were to be closed at an early day, it is probable that' the panto would be felt with much more pressing severity in England than at present, as in such an event the cotton supplies from t h e South would be measurably reduced and the rebel cotton bonds experience a heavy decline. The Chicago Tribune of Wednesday says " There has been au increased demand for money to day, coming mostly from packers which I s.the great in terest which now secures recognition from bankers - Fortunately our bankers have plenty of means, and can respond to almost any lemitimute demand for money. Bo packing season was ever inauguratedwith brighter prospects than this - btrangely enough, this conaition grows out of the recent panic which swept over our - monetary interests with snob fury. Had not that event become historic,-immense stems of money now at liberty would have been buried up under immense piles of grain, barrels of whiskey, pork and lard, &c., and the prospects of packers would have been anything but en confaging. 'The maxim is apt that good frequently comes out of evil. . The fluctuations in gold to-day completely unsettled the produce market, but moat ar ticles settled into a decline—say 30f,i3 cents on wheat, &c. • Operators who have any reputation at stake could not be rash enough to follow the vascillatione of the gold market:" The Boston Post of Thursday tarll The money market is well supplied with capital, which i i readily-furnished to approved borrowers, for prime collateral loans on demand, a! the standard bank rate of six per cent, ' The discount market is easy for Paper of the first class, at about eight per.cent.; and for the lower grades at from nine to . twelve per cent., ac cording to strength, amounts, and dates, preference being given to short maturities over those having a longer time to run. With the exception of notes given for accommodation, by forestallers, the offerings in the street are limited to a moderate amount. There is no abatement in the demanc for currency certificates, or for the different classes of the funded securities of the united States, which are steadily inquired for by a large number of investors. The call for hish-priced local stocks is limited 10 the retail trade, but the best of the more fluctuating kinds are scarce, and in pretty active request, both for permanent holding and for speculative act aunt. The importations of dry good 4 at New York during the week ending November 2d, compare as follows wish those of the week previous: Week ending Week ending Oct 26. Entered for Consumption. Plum Value. Pkgs N . V a lue.. Manufactures of w 001... 261 $96,342 263 $72,868 Manufactures of cotton . • 66 25,875 76 20 280 Manufactures of silk.... 91 64.94.3 58 37,397 Manufactures of flax.... 167 96,238. 3a9 68,907 Id i keel I aneous.... 128 13,067 19 8,365 Total 703 $229,465 Withdraw ale Manufactures of wool.. 1,396 $595,748 1,152 $178,593 Manufactures of cotton.. 79 28,295 118 84.352 Manufactures of. silk.... 183 120,899 111 93,785 Manufactures of flax.... 816 103,981 485 85,M6 Mi5ce11ane0u5........... 325 35,438 . - 61 24,273 Total 2,699 $Bl, 371 1,927 $721,033 Warehoused. . • • . . . .. . . Manufactures of w 001... 662 $208,268 288 6138037 Manufactures of c .tton.. 97 32 60e 18 3,579 Manufactures of silk.— -65 49,6 A) ' 8 7,110 Manufactures of 8ax.... 722 185,207 16 6,263 Miscellaneous.... . ...... 61 22.655 .. .... Total` 1,497 $495,352 The New York Poit of Saturday says. Gold opened at 236, and after•rieing to 241 and falling 236, closed at 250. The loan market is fairly active, and the National , anks have celled in their loans. . • The stock market °mixed strong and. closed dull, with a drooping tendency. Governments are steady'. Few fire. twenties are firmly held at 100%. Certificates have declined to .9.5; seven. thirties are quoted at 107)1010734, and ten-forties at 943 , 4@r94X.. Railroad shares are irregular, and prices have advanced under an active demand Before the board Rea York Central was quilted at Mi. Brie at 10414. 'Reading at 13N e - 'rh following quotations were made at the Board on some of the active stocks, as compared with yesterday afternoon: Sat. Fri. Adv. Dec. United States.6s. 1581, c0np....106% 106% 34 • • United States 6.20 e COUP 100 k 100 K X . .. United States 1040 Co upons.• • • 94% 94 .. United States cert 95 94% • Tennessee 6s 66 66 le .. Missouri 68 e 034 60 ' 34 .. Atlantic Mail 1: • ]BB .. .. Pacific Mail. ' ...306 300 6 .. New York Central Ra11r0ad....127% IID% 1 127 % .. E . 101% Erie prefered • ' " 104 103 1 ... Hudson River 123 122 1 .. Reading 137 ' 134% 23t Atter the Board the market receded. New York Cen tral. closed at 127%, Erie at 10134, Hudson at 12235, Reeding at 136% At the 1 o'clock call New York Central closed at 177%. Er e at 101%, Hudson River at 123%, Reading at 137. Philadelphia Markets. biOVEII ass 6—Evening. The markets generally continue dull. bat holders are Sun in their views The demand for Flour is limited. Wheat has declined about Sc be. Corn and Oats are unchanged. Cotton continues dull. In Groceries there is more doing. Petroleum is ecarce, and prices are rather better. Provisions are firmly held, but there is very little doing for the want of stock. Whiskey is quiet. There is very little demand for Flour, either for ex. port or home nee, but holdre are firm in their views; tulles comprise about 1.300 12 00 s Western and Pennsyl vania extra family at 40012.50 bbl, and 500 bble Ohio do on private terms. The retailers and bakers are bay ing at trort4lo6lo 50 for superfine, $10.75011.24 for extra, $ll. 12.00 for extra family, and $12.7E 13 ,bbl for fancy 'rands, according to quality. -Rye Flour -is selling in a email way at $9(x}8.20 $i bbl. Corn Meal continues quiet. GRAIN —W heat is more plenty, and prices have de clined; about 2.000 bushels interior red sold at 2500 203 e; 3,500 bushels prime amber at 256 c; and 8.500 bush prime Delftware on private terms; white ranges at 275 ,02Etc V bushel, as to quality. Rye is selling ilia small 'way at 170 c yB bathe'. Corn is scarce ,• small sales are making at , I7oc tor prime yellow • Oats are without elms: about 8,000 bushels sold at 68c it bushel , afloat. BARK.—First No. 1 Quereitton is ftrutlY held; small Bales are making at $4O } ton '" , COTTON.—Tbe demand is and the market is Very dull: small sales of *Middlings are making at MO 128 e V lb. cash. OItOCERIES.—There is more doing; small sale of Rio CB62l) i offee are making at 49u. 800 hhds Cuba. Sugar sold at* 1c lb • PETRO it LEUM—HoIders are firm and prices rather better, wit)- small sales of Crude to notice at e 0410; Refined in bond at 65@e8c, and free at froni BEOBSO 7 13 gallon according to quality.. aBEDS —Cleverseed is scarce and prices have ad vanced; small sales are making at ill. 75@12 64 tbe. - for prime. - Timothy is scarce, and quotes at MIS bushel. Small sales of Rlaxseed are making at In 335 bushel. IRON--Manufactured Iron is rather more active and Price. are better. Pig Metal , continues scarce • small raleti of Anthracite are reported at $55032 ton for the three numbero HAY.—Baled is selling at from i138@30 it ton. PROT ISIONS. —The re saint s and stocks continue light, and thorn is very little doing in the way of sales, but tolders continue firm in their views Mess Pork is quoted at $t3044 at bbl. Mess Beet ranges at from $l4 lip to $3O it bbl for country and city packed. Bacon Game are selling in a small way at 21024. V lb for plain and fancy bagged. , WHI6IS.EY. —There 'Avery little doing. Small sales are making at . 177@176c it gallon for Pennsylvania and Ohio bb}s and drnoge at 176 c 'IS gallon. * • The following are the receipts of Pionr and Grain at this port today : Flour .. Wheat . Corn ........... . Oate New York markets, Nov. 5. ASEIRS are quiet at 811.60642 for Pots. and $l3 for Pearls BBEADBTICPPS —The market fotate and Western Flour is 10 to lb cents butter. Sates 8 OM bbls at t 9.60% 9.76 for superfine State; $10.14)10 98 for extra State; slo.9Ogln 50 for choice do;. $9.6:W 80 for Burial/me Western; slo.nalD 90 for common to medium extra !We.tarn; slo.9t@ll. Zs,for 'common to g shipping • 100 lteading R 11668 ,ki" 100 d 0 do 6a, l 100 do b6.ltini. GOO do.. .lots eswn. 66% 10 Delaware Div.—. 66% . 6 CILCU & mb R e 6.1494 5.6 Lit gehi 4fig 74 Min d ehill 60 lots b§. M 6 200 rrYri Este R 11)10.102 50 Cherry 100.11.8 6-20 Bonds reglOt 4601• do ..—. N . •. • DO US T7-306ng ch 1013( 2800 City 6s' new ..10ta.102 Siggi do. ..... M. 102 6000 13 Gni/1—.1 , 48.108X 18000 C & amb "sort 6s 10e 30t0 do.• .• • .11888.101 1000 Penns R Rd mort • .10754 1000 Reading Ge 1870.,..101 10( do ... .. . .101 2M) liters Chattel .. 6e. 77 1180 Chess ilt.Del C 8a..103 BOARD 10 Lehigh Nay 74 100 N Y & 11.10 —1,80302% iro McClintock 6 L' . •4 600 Curtin. 8% r'6o Rack 011....• ...• • • 5 100 Reading 68% 500 Beacon Oil 8 1 1 ,110 Bream It 69 200 PhDs & Oil Creek. 2 600 Bracer 011 1% 20 Excelsior 011 1% 100 Broo II 8 6 Pone- 20a Farm 110116- 101 Noble & De 1.1330.• 8% 20G Core Planter • 7y; . t ow cam & am 'B9 M. 10) 1003 17 8 6 20a 101 1(0 Noble 1% 100 & Del 8% 1200 halv.rt " 6 I'loo Maple Shade 37% 200 do 40 100 Hebert ' 5Y... 200 Big Tank . . .. - • - •••"..2 3 16 I 200 McClintock 634 100 Eghert ' " ' 5% 200 gibbi,rd Oil 2% 200 'Onion Petr0..1.16.• 2% 201.1)alzell 011: . . ... ... 9% 1000 Excelsior 1 66 100 Bruner 3 , 14 100 Ezbert b 5.. ot 200 Dalzell .. ... '.. b'3o ..0 1 800Esbert b 5.• 53; ,100, McClintock........ 63 100.Curtin Oil 8% 60 McElheny 8.)( WO Reading 69 1000 Curtin bBO. 9 100 McClintock ..... ..• 6Y 100 Big Tank 24 200 Excelsior 1.% 100 McClintock 6% 300 Phil& & Oil Creek. 2 100 Eater; b 5.. 6 3L 100 McClintoCk ' 8% 403Tbils. & Oil Creek. 2 600 Union Petro..." • 2 44 SOO Hyde Farm.... b 5. 8 600 Babert ..: ..... b 5.. 5% 400 100 do do My s. 5% " 5% 769 $207,797 525 $153, • •. WOO bble. 16.c00 bat; •• • • 12,600 bus. 8,200 • btu. brands extra round-hoop Ohio, and $11.30012 for trade brands. southern Flour le a shade inner ; valet 600 bbls -at $10.70011.75 for common and $11.80(415 for falter and extra. Canadian Flour le 10015 bettor, sales CO Mils at for common, and $10.40(412 25 for good' to oire,ex Ira. Bye Fionr is quiff Corn.Mesl is quiet. rrE4obeat I llgne better and quiet. Bales 32,000 bus u ar• .12 20 for Chicago epriag and $2 SU for choice am- Milwaukee, and 412 40 for winter red Western. Bye qui.-t. Barley ib dul. OLIPH 4,000 bash CAns.ds..Bast at $1.76. Barley , Malt fa dull. Oats' are quiet and ' Mead) at Ale for Western. The Corn market is lo bet. 'ter; rake 39,000 bosh at $1 60g1.67 for mixed Western. Chicago Markets. November 4. There was a very limited Inquiry for Flour, and the market was dull and depreaser,with eales of only about I,XO We, at sloesll.Bs'for_mbite •Winter, and 40:24 9.80 fsr ,pricg ovine, clooing weak. Wheat coffered a decline of bogoic baBhel from Tee terday's ruling quotatione, and closed unsettleol and weak.• About 200,f.00 bus hels of all grades changed bands, at $1.96 for Not 1-red ; - $1 9601 N. N 0.2 red; $llB5 for rejected red; '51:93®1.85 for No. 1 spring; $l. 85(4 1.98%,f0r No. 2 Ming. and $1.7501 80 for rejected arcing, the market clostria weak at $1.8601 81 for No. sprit g. The latter grade opened buoyant at $1 96,4 1.983, fell back 'la a pant c to $1:85, - adyanced agal.n•to $1 90. and closed at $1 Be 4 t. 87: ' ' '' .* Corn was scarce and in good demand, with sales of about 41,000 bushels at $1 86 for No 1, $1.39(01 35% fir Do. .2 and $1.82 for rejected,' the market closing firm at onteide quotations. Oats were in less inquir ati we note a decline of folly 13fic boshel, with sa le s ' f shoot 120 000 bushels at BraBBo fur No:1 Oats, and 823(A33e for rejected 0118; °toeing quiet.and steady at 650 for No, 1. Rye was in fair demand and firm, with sales of i 6 000 barbels at $1.17@1.18 for No. 1, and $1.1501.11 for No. 2, closing steady and firm. • • There was a very limited inquiry for Barley, and the market was weak at $1 1501 69 for NO. 2, closing dull at the inside quotation. Cbare was a good demand for rlighwinea, and Dilate rdlloiloj)2c fl gallon, with Wee of 900 bbls at $l. 64 t. 65, closing firm at thefrisid.• qnotation. • • - •;" • LETTER BAGS AT THE MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. PHYLADREPHTA. 1p Philadelphia, Poole • Liverpool, Nov. 15. Bark Roanoko,Cookser.: Lagnayra & P. Cabello, soon. Bark Rea Bag)e, BOWSO Port Spain, soon. Bchr Blue Billow, Wilk Port Spain, gook, Fair Fannle.•Vsnotr ' • '' 'Havana. soon, PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. IBRARI*MORRIS, .. JOSEPH C. Gam*, s Oomitzrrsa - oi run Mons. EDMUND A. FAMDER, MARINE INTELLIfkENCE. PORT OP PHIT.ADRLPHIA, Nov. 6, ISM. SUN 818E5..• .6 671 Boa 8grc...6 OS I IffOH WATBA..B 29 ARRIVED Steamship SC Knight, Gallagher. 18 hours from IfeW York, with rodeo to Wm J Thompson & Co - Steamship John Gibson, Bowen, 24 hours from 'New Yolk, with mtirte toWm J Taylor & Co. Experienced a heavy SE gala on Thursday, which•lasted 8 hours . Bark Andaman. Otis, 18 days from •New Orleans, in ballast to Peter Wright & Sons. /Brig Titania, Hopkins, 0 days from Port Royal, in ballast to captain. • • • Brig Orozimbo, Flowers, 3 days from New Yor,k, with rtdoto.Twolls St Co. ' Fehr W, G Bartlett, Connelly, 5 da - ys from Beaufort, in ballaft to Com H A Adams. . . Far Rachel• Jane, Roathe. 4 daya from Norwich, in ballast to captain: • Echr Mary S tandish , Blob, 6 days from Boston,: with ice to captain. • Sra Sarah & Mary, Morris, from DOYer; .Deli with wheat to Jas Harratt • . Bar Muni ca; Maxon, 1 day from Frederica, Del;*th wheat to Jae Barratt. : • • k- • • .• • SChr T P McColl ey, Durboroneh, 1 - day from Camden, Del, with whes t to Jae Barrett. Eahr Delsavare,..Connor, 1. diy from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to James Barratt: • • - - Saw Ariadne, Thomoe, 1 day from Smyrna, bel, with wheat to JIIMAi Barratt ' ' ' Behr Sarah Warren. Poetleso; 1 day from Magnolia, Del; . Avitli grain to James Barratt. . . Fehr F. A Baxley, Crosby, .12 days fromlWindsor, NS, with J IS Baziey & Co. • Steamer Anthracite, ShrouShire, 24 hours from New York, 'with =Wits, .. lcm M Baird Co. ' CLEARED: . Steamship John Gibson Bowen, Heir York. Bark Psyche, Weaver, RieJaneiro. Brig Matron, Hillman. Port Royal. Bohr H Daly, Saunders, New London. Bohr J B Simmons, Smith, Port Royal. • • Bohr Rachel Jane, Rooth. Norwich. Schr B L B Wales, Hoffman, Hampton Roads. Bohr John Dorrance, Rice, Norfolk: Schr Annie Megee, Grace, Providence. Bohr Ocean Bird; Qnillin, Alexandria. Schr Geo Edwards, Weeks, do; • Bohr Jas S Hewitt, Foster,-Fortress Monroe. Bohr Crisis, Rose. 'de. A, Bohr Carrie Wells, Farnsworth; do. • Sohr S T. Simmons, Gandy, do. Bohr J B Johnson B math, do. Schr Mira Neal, Weaver, do. Bahr Reading , BR No 49, Smith, do. Bohr Allan Downing, Rice. Hampton . Roads. Bohr Reading RR, N. 46. Jones. do. Bohr Mary . H Banes; Haley, ' - • do. chr John Rowlet t _, Bradley, Washington.. Behr B JHeraty. Meredith, Boston. St'r R Willing, Cundiff, Baltimore. St'r Octorara, McLaughlin, Baltimore. ' . BIENOBLNDA. Late on Friday evening the -bark Orchilla, at. anchor in the stream below the navy yard, outward bound for Pensacola, was run into by the brig El 0 Adams, from New Orleans, then in tow of the tug Garrison, carrying away the 0. 's jibboom and doing her other damage. The brig sustained Borne - slight damage. About 8 o'clock the came evening, , Wm Barry, second mate of the Online., who was going off to his vessel in a boat, was run down by the steamboat• Burlington: he was Been to leap into the water, but has not since been beard cf. Barry was a good swimmer, and is supposed to have been struck by the wheel of the boat and rendered unable to save himself; he was pi native of Belfast, Ireland; and aged about 28 years.: • .SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S. VIATVE OF . 11 writ - of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, Will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on .MON DAY -Eve ning, Nov. 7, ]S64, at 4 o.'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. .No.'l. All that- certain lot of ground situate 'onthe '.southeast corner of Twenty-fourth and . Ashburton streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Ashburton street fifteen feet, and in depth fifty feet 10 s five-feet alley. No. 2 Lot on the south side of Aebburton street fif teen feet east from Twenty-fourth street, fifteen front on Ashburton street. by fifty feet in depth to said alley. N0,,3. Lot on the .south side of Ashburton -street, thirty feet , esst from' Twenty - fourth 6treet. fifteen feet front on Ashburton street, by fifty feet in depth to said alley. '• • N0.,4. Lot on the youth side of Ashburton street forty- Ave feet east from Twenty-fourth street. fifteen feet in front on Ashburton street. .by of ry feet in depth to said alley. [Which said lots John McCrea et nx., by four deeds, dated respectivei; June 14; 1251, recorded in Deed Book ,A C 8., No. 21, page 321, &c., conveyed unto Howard J: Pottivin fee; reserving oat of. Nos 2,3, and 4.!each, a yearly ground rent of .thirty-six dollars, payable An .-- tof June and December - • • • CD. P. S:j '64. 421..,Debt, $700.. McCre a.] Taken •1n execution and to be sold as th property of Howard.J. Potts. • • • • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.. PhiladelphiarSberir,'oo,lce, Oct. 25, UN. tic27-3t P,HERTIT'S SALE: BY VIRTUE OF A Writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, Naverolber, 7,1664, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, .All that certain three- story brick measuage and lot of ground beginning on the west side. of Fifteenth street one hundred and twelve feet seven inches southward from Ellsworth street in the city of Philadelphia; thence extending westward one hundredsfeet to a six; feet wide alley; thence northward along the same twenty feet to a four feet six Inches wide alley; thence westward along the same forty five feet; thence. southward four feet; thence westward 5.5 feet, more or leas, to Fifteenth street, and thence southward along the same sixteen feet to the , place of beginning. With the privilege of said alleys. (Which said lot is part of two lots, one of which Elan Dunbar, by deed' dated April 17. BM, re corded in Deed' Book- A. 0.11., No. 14, page 377. Sze and the other , which Eliza Barnes conveyed unto Hen ry AL Black in fee.] ' .[D. C. ;:5.'64. 431. Debt,82,621 66. Grout:] Taken in execution and to be sold as thebroperty of Henry M. Black. - JOHN THOMF'SON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 25,1864. ' 0c27-3t pHERIFF'SISALE.-BY VIRTUE OF. KJ a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or , vendue, ou MONDAY Evening, iioVeMber 7, 1164 ; at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall,. All that certain brick dwelling and lot of ground site: ate on the east side of Fairmount street sixty. live feet nine inches southward fromirennsylvanta avenue, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fair mount street fl. teen feet, and in depth abont fifty feet to a three-feet. wide alley. CD. C. ;S. '64. 407. Debt, $l,OlB 67. Ernst.) Taken in execution an JOHN sold. as the property of John B Moffitt. THOMPSON; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 25, 1864.. 0c27-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Bxponas, to me directed, be exposed to public sale or vendue on MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1 6 84, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom- street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Sixteenth street.. sigh een feet southward from Stiles street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Sixteenth sired 16 feet. and in depth 67 feet to a three-feet alley. -., No. 2. All , that certain three story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Sixteenth 'street and south side of Stiles street; containing In front on said Sixteentidstreet 11(feet, and in depth 57 feet to said three-feet alley, with the privilege of said alley. [Which said lots Wm 'B. Scott et ux.,- by deed dated April 17. 1866, recorded in Deed Book R. -D. W.N0.138, pages 17 and 21, arc. conveyed unto -William !Graham in fee ; reserving out each of said lots a yearly ground rent-of $Bl, payable first of April and October. • CD. C. ; S., '64. 442. Debt, 51179.84. Junkie: ) Taken in execution and to - be sol d - as the _property of William Graham': - JOHN THOMPI3O/4 • Sheer Ph - elphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct; 26,188 E 0027-St SHEItIFF'S SALE.-BY.VItTIIE OF a writ of Levari Facies: to me directed, Will be ex-• posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1864, ••at - 4 o'clock, at Sansom- street Hall, • All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Marshall .treet seven teen lest seven inches northward frem Parrish street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front onlifar shall street. sixteen feet and in depth seventy-eight feet one and. one-halt Inches to a three-feet-wide alley, with. the privilege thereof. (Which said premises George L. Nagle et ux., by deed dated April 7D; 1812, recorded in Dred Book G. 8., No '4O page 259, &c., con veyed. unto George. R. : Hressler. in tee; subject to a ground rent of fifty-six dollars, which ground rent was conveyed to said George R. Kressler by Mahlon Hutch inson, whereupon the same merged.] _ D. C. ; S., .04. 444. Debt, 81,820 . 10. Thomas.] Taken in execution and to he cold as the property of George R. %Tessler. JOHN THOMPSON,•Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 25, 1864. • 0c27-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF SHERIFF.' e writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-street Hall, All that certain two-story brick messaage and lot of grorind, situate on- the north corner of Ash street and Richmond - etreet (lhitel'oint road), in the city of Phila de)phia: containing in front on Richmond street seventy felt, and in depth along Ash street two hundred feet to Salmon street.. [Which said premises iota G. Schnei der et tut , by deed dated December 20, 1861, recorded in Teed Book A. 'C H. , No. 84, page 85; Ac., conveyed unto Charles Danenhower, in fee. J• • ED. C S .sy 412. Debt, $1 655.13 Elhallcrose. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Charles 'H. Danenhower. • • - • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. - Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, October 25,1864. 0c27-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levarii Facies. to me directed. will be ex posed to public 'sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. November 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hull, Ail that' certain Ithree-story brick tnessuage, piazza, kitchen, - and lot of ground situate on the south side of Coates street, one' htindr, d and twenty four feet six inch es eastward from Tenth street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Coates street seventeen feet, and in depth one hundred feet. [D. C. ; S.. '64. 361 Debt $3.625. Bell.] Taken in• execution and to be sold as the property of Wm H. Engard. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oilice..Oct. 22, 1864. 0027-3 t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE .OF a writ of Levert Facials, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. November 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Bansom-street Hall,_ All that certain three - story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the 'east aide of Fourth street sixty feet northward from Shippen street, in the city of Phila delphia,; containing In front on Fourth street §eventeen feet, and in depth about twenty-nine feet. [ Which paid premises Mary A. Hoffmaster, by deed dated May 1864, conveyed unto Thomas B. Roney in fee, sub ject to al. early cound rent of alx pounds seven .shil- Bags sir pence, Pennsylvania money.] $2OO to be paid at sale. e' CD. C.; S , 'B4. 389. Debt, - $1,028 Hanbest.) Taken in execution and to be. sold as the property of Thomas B. Honey. • JOHN THOMPSON ; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff 's Office, 0ct..28, UMW- 0c27-St sZ • HERIFF'S BALE.--BY ArtitTUE OF KJ a writ of Levari Facials, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on IdONDAY Evening, November 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock,l at hansom-street Hall. all-that certain brick dwelling and lot of groundaitu ate'on the east side of Fairmount street, thirty Ave feet' nine inches southward from Pennsylvania avenue, In the city of:Philadelphia; containing in front on Fair. mount' street fifteen feet, and In depth Show fifty feet to a three-feet-wide alley. • • [D. C execu ti on 40. Debi, $1,(718.67. Ernst.] Taken in and to. be sold as the property of. B. Moffitt. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphla,'Sherlirs Office, pct. 25. 1864. ..0c27451 SALE.-BY VIRTUE' OF writ Uf 170011183 d Espouse, tome directed, will be ,posed republic Bala or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1.864 1 at .4 o'clock, at Sandom-street Hall, All the, or half 'part of rigbt,:t De, and interest .o Edward McQuade . In and to one Mpiety, the following-ds-: dribed promises: :Lot of ground. two and-a- half -stOri .and slaughter-hone, situate on the northeast corner oeflecond and Greenwich streets, in the city,' of Philadelphia ,• containing is front on Second street one -, Eldred and twenty feet, and in depth one hundred and siaty_feet. • ": • • • •• No. Lot of ground ivi . th• four .two-and-a• halt-Story ‘, Irrick dwellings, and four,throd:.skiry'stone conrrhonseer.. thercon.,aituate oirthe'mast•side •of Second street, one nndred and twenty feet north front 1.i:4604100ft street; roz.tainic g in front ,oeSeCond street - sixty , fekt,Yand in' '4,ptb about two hundred feet. t"-' 4" • No 3. Lorof•ground'arid two-and-a:half story brick 4 W :and•slatighter:boase, . altnate.on tlCg , •.,ener of Lancaster and Greenwioh streets; containing trout on Greenwich weft one hundred feet. and in il.pth one hundred and twenty feet (D. C.; S., 'R. 376. Debt. $7,000. S (4. Thompson.] • JOHN, THOMPSON, J3heriff.", Philadelphitt,- eritfls Once, Oct 5;: 0021;30% TILE PRESP,.-pII.II I .A.DELP T AS, _MONT) A Y,.. NOVEMBER 7,. 3864. S . HERI.F.2 " 8 1:,13 E. 8y 1911 E OF 111. Wrirdf rattini , , to me ilfree "VlR TUE , will bepx- PosedlOPublic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Premihg. 'November 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sanborn-street-Hall. All that lokor piece of ground &situate in the townehip of Ringeessing and county of Philadelphia, nambered twenty-four (20 in the plan of lots laid out by said Henry R Wallace, and beginning at a center Of lot numbered five in said plan; thence exteoding north 62 dejreee east by lot number Ave 28 perches and twelve hundredths of a perch, to the line„of Hansell'e land:. thence by'said land north 20 . degrees 46 minutes, west' 26 perch* s'and four-tentbs of a pefch to a corner of lot numbered twenty-three MD; thence - by said; lot num bered 21 south 44 .dertrees .55 minutes, west 34 perches and four- tenths of a perch to a corner of a lot numbered ta et ty- five (26); thence south 30 degrees, east along the middle of an avenue 60 feet wide, laid oat for pahlis use forever, 21 porches and tWelveoliundredths of a perch to the place of beginning, containing four acres and seventy-Seven perches . Being , parti'Gf a tract of :laud which Samuel Allen, Esquire. sheriff, by Deed Poll acknowledged in open District. Court • for the city and county of Philadelphia, September 24, 1833, granted and conveys', unto said Henry B. Wallace in fee. (D O.; S:, 'St 357. Debt, $1,101.50. J.l3' Towasead. Taken in execution and to he•aold •ae.the property of Henry Wallace JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philsedelphia, Sheriff's Office , Oct. 21. 1864. 0c24-3t SALE.-;--BYTIRTZE OF A. - writ of.Levarl Pastas, to ria • :directed.- will be ex posed to public sale or rem due: do MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1864; at 4 o'clock, at getieom:etreet Hall, All that lot or piens, of ground numbered 6 in the plan, of lots laid'out by 13 etiti:E. Wallace, in Iflugeesoial township, countyof Philadelphia, beginning a a,corxer orlotNo. 8, in the middle of an avenue 80 feet wide; laic out for public use; thence eatetdieg by lot , No B. south 62 degrees west 91 perches and 6-10ths of a corner el lot numbered 7. t• en by lc Loom- C rd a. v. reil l north 47 degrees 42 minuteswest, in the middle of a lane, laid out for public use, leading to the Barb, road, 26 perches and 16-100 ti. If to a corner of-lot No '26: thence north 62 degrees east by lots Nos. 26 and 25, 99 perches 65-10(Ithe of a perch to the middle of said avenue, a corner Of lot numbered 6: thence south 30 degrees east by lot No. 6, 26 perches to the place of beginning; con taining 6 acres and 117 perches; being part of the *same lot of ground which Samuel A len, Esq., storiff,by deed :poll. acknowledged in open District Court, far the pity and county of Philadelphia; on the day of the date of these presents, viz., September 24, 1863, before the exe cution horeof, granted and conveyed unto laid Henry E. Wallace lute°. • _ - - - 0). C. ; 8., . 368. Debt, $2 972. Townsend. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property . of Henry K Wallace' JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff. Philedelihia. Sheriff's Office; Oct: 21, 1864.. 002444 BALE.-BY SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF SHERIFF'Sa writ' of Levari Fachte; to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. November 7 ,- 1864, at 4 o ' clock, at Sansom-strect -tall, All that ' certain lot or piece of ground, numbered 6 la the plan of.lots laid out by Henry X. Wallace, in the ownehip,of Kingsessing. and county of Philadel phia, beg•nning at a corner of lot numbned 4, thence extend ing by lot No. 6, in the middle of an avenue sixty feet wide, laid out for public use, north 30 degrees, west 23 perches, to a corner of lot numbered' at thence by lot numbered 24 north 52 decrees, east 29 perches and 12-100ths of a perch to land late of Hansel': thence by said land south 20 degrees 45 minutes, east 27 perches and 3-100 the of a perch to another corner of lot No. 4; thence-by lot primberod 4, south 52 degrees, west 24 Percheeatuid 74400ths of a perch, to the place of begin ning; containing 4 acres and 59 perches; being part of the same tract of., land 'which SamueP'Allen. Beg., Sheriff, by deed poll acknowledged in open District Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, on::the day of the date of these presents; via:' depfember 24. 1853, before the execution hereof granted and conveyed unto said Henry B. Wallace in fee. execution nandebt, $2,528.2D. Townsend.] Taken in o be sold as the property of Henry E Wallace: ' JOHN THOMPSON,Sheriff. ' Philadelphia, Sherifre Mee:4)0:11i 11 1 64:. 002 4-34 . . SHERIFF'S .SALE.-BY; VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendinoni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, November 7,1864, at '4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that rtain lot of ground situate on the southeast side of Centre street,' in the Twenty-secant ward of the o:ty- of , Philadelphia; containing in front on Centre street sixty-one-feet,'and in dspth 'on e hundred 'and fourteen feet six inches. Bounded southwest by land of Tosby Brownholtz, southeast and 'northeast by land of Charles H. Shoemaker and' Robert 'B.-Thomas, and northeast by Centre street aforesaid [Which said pre mises Samuel IC Hager et ux.,by deed dated - March 1, 1816, recorded , in Deed. Book It:•D. W., No. 112; page an dm., conveyed unto Jeremiah 'Setter in fee; re serving , a ground rent olninety dollars, payablelst of- October and Appril. - : •• -• • , • ••• [D. C. ; S., '64. 339. ' Debt, $838.25. ifillette.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the Jnoperty of. Jeremiah Fetter. JOHN THONPSO.N, - Sheri/ Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 21, 1864. 0e24-it • SHERIFF'S.SALE.-BY VIRTUE ..OF a writ of Venditioni Expomin, to medirected, will be 'exposed fo public saleor vendue, on MONDAY &coning, November 7, 1664, at 4 o'clock, at Sallffoll2-Eitreet, Hall All that certain two-stray brick mananage and 10 % of ground situate ontbe east aide of Fifth street, between Willow and Noble streets, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Fifth street forty-five feet,..and in depth eigb_ty feet. Bounded northward by ground of Jeremlah'Willete, southward by. ground now or late of FrederlOk 7 l3attl and Frederick Gaul, Jr. [D. C.; S.. '64. 345. Debt, 4506: - Heyer.] Taken in execution and to be sold as. the property of John Baird.. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. . Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Oct. 21,1864. 0e24-8i • • SEERIFF I • SALE. -BY VI RTUE OF -'a writ of Levari•Facisis, to me 'directed:-: Will be mm 3 to public sale or vendue.on MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1884, at 4 o'clock, at Ransom-street Hall, All that certain brick building, part one-story and part two-story, and lotaf ground situate on the south west corner or Minor street and Girard avenue, in the city of Philadelphia; coni aining in front on Girard ave nue about eighty feet, and • in depth alon Minor street' about two hundred and seven feet The above promises are occupied as a passenger railway car-house, stable. and °Mem . . . . . . CD. C. ; S.; !64.. 85 2. Debt. $404,95. - Husbands. 3. Taken;in execution and to be Fold as the property of "The Richmond and Schuylkill Passenger Railway Company." JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, .Sheriff's Ofiloe,.oo. 21,1861. . oc2l-3t SHERIFF'S BALE."=BYVIRTUE OF . a writ of LevariFacias,lo'me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, NOvember 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that three-story brick messaage and lot,of ground situate on the east aide of Sixth street; forty eight feet 'northward from Whartonstreet in .the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Sixth street fifteen feet, anti in depth sixty-seven feel with . the privilege of a threit.leet-wide alleY. (Which said premises Stephen Myers et ux.. by deed. dated July 20, 1850, •convered unto Herman Van Beil in fee,subject to a' yearly ground rent of thirty dollars. ] • , . .• (D. C. ; 8., '64. sn. Debt, $6.K70. Fulton.] Taken in execution and to be sold' as of Herman: an Beil. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. ;Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct 21;1864. 0c24-31 • SIIERIFF'I3 SALE:- 7 BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expands, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or ve eau°, on MONDAY Evening, november 7,1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sausem-street Hall, N0...1. All that certain lot of ground situate on the northeasterly side of the North Philadelphia Plank road, eight hundred and ninety 'five fset•three inches northwesterly from the northerly side of„ths Philadel- Phin, Reading, and -Pottsville Ikailroad,•-in the.eity of Philadelphiat.containing.iii front on said plank road._ two hundred feet, and, in depth northeastwartlly two hundred feet. No. 2 -All t h at certain' lot of 'ground satiate ofi:the northeaetwardly side of said plank 'road; teiiiltundred.' and ninety-five feet three inches .northweeterb from said railroad; containing In front on said - plank road one hundred' feet, and in depth northea'stwardly two hundred feet. . • ---. . . . • CD. C. ; S., '64. 334. Debt, $1,200. Briggo.) Taken in execution and to be sold-ea the property of Robert K. Mlle. JOHN THOMPSOI , I; Sheriff. . Philadelphia ,, Sheriff ' s Office,, 1864. - "0c24-3t SHERIEF'S SALE. - BY VIRTUE OF, a writ of Veuditioni Exponai, to me directed will be exposed to publinsitie or vendne,on MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage and - lot of grcund situate'on the east side of Eighteenth street, fif teen feet' southward. from Bedford street. in the. city of . Philadelphia; containing in front on E'ghteenth street about fifteen feet, and in: depth about sixty-four - feet. including a three-feet wide alley. [DJ O. ;. 8. •, '69. 319. Debt, 8266.60. Thompson. ] • • Taken 'in execution and to be sold an the property of Elisajane:Grey. ' JOHN -THOMPSON, Sheriff. -Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 21, 1864. 0c29-8t SHERIFF'S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of VenditiOnl Exponas, to roe directed, will be • exposed to public sale or vendne on MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansoni-street Hall, All the right, title; and interest of Samuel A. ki oo dles in and to all that certain . three-story brick roes suage and lot of ground situate on the west side, of Sixteenth street, 96 feet northward from Wallace - street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Six teenth street 36 feet (including the south half of a two feet alley); and in depth 70 .feet ; subject to . a ground rent of 0126. • • . [D. C. S. , '64. 314: Debt 4117,928:. Olmstead.] • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, • • Philadelphia, Sheriff's'Office;.oet, 19, 1804. criCH-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUF: OF' a. 'writ of Levari FaCIUS; to me directed, will ho ex posed to public sale or vendue, on 'MONDAY Evening, • November 7, IEB4, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain frame dwelling and lot of ground situ ate on the .northwesterly aide of Franklin street,. in Frankford. In. the oity or Philadelphia, containing in front on Franklin street twenty feet, and 'in depth one hundred and sixty-five feet; bounded northeastward by ground now or late of Joseph - T. Vankirk, northwest. ward by ground late the estate of Henry Taylor de ceased, southwestward by ground now or late of John F. Lamb and and southeastward by Franklin street afore said. [Which said premises Willlamliart and wife et al., by deed dated February 23, ISO, conveyed unto Bridget Foy in fee.] ED C. ; 8.,'64. no. Debt $262 69. Rodney.] Taken' in execution and to be sold as the property of Bridget Foy.. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia,. Sheriff's 011ice..Oct. 21. 1864. A44-3t RHEAIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF kJ a writ of VenditioniEiponas, to me directed, will be exposed topublic sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate on the north aide of Coates street, and west side of Twentieth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Coates street forty feet, aid Fin depth along Twentieth street about one hundred and three feet. r. . ID. - C. ;S. 'B4. 809. Debt. $713.87. • BretY.) Taken In execution and to be sold a:s the property of Adam .Bedenk . 'JOHN THOMPSON. 'Sheriff. Philadelpbia, Sheriff:A Office, Oct. 25, 1884._',m27-3t, . • • • .• SHERIFF'S' . VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expanse, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, - November 7, 1864. at 4 o'clock. at Sansem- street Hall. All that certain tines-story brick meeeuage and lot of ground situate on • the north side of Summer street.. seventy-eight feet west of Twenty-second street, in the cityof Philadelphia; containing in front on Sam mer street sixteen feet, audio depth sixty. one feet to a three-feet' alley, with the privilege thereof. f Which gaidlot Joel B. Moorhesid et ux ,Aby deed dated September 19. 1854, conveyed unto Peter Purcell in fee; reserving. a yearly ground rent of thirtY•six dollare.-] [D. C. • S., '64. 378. Debt, $748.14.. Blackburn.] Taken execution and to be sold as tbe_property of Peter Purcell. JOHN..THOMPSOW Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffinolll4se. Ost. 25, Wok • 0c27.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-4LBY •VIRTII.Fe OF: . a writ of Venditioni EXponSte, to me directed.vvin exposed to public sale or vendue. en MONDAY Evening: , November : 7, 1869; at 4 o'clock, sit Sansom.itreet Hall, All those certain three three-story brick dwellings on Green street, and corner house with office, and lot of ,ground situate on the southeast corner of Thirteenth and Green streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Thirteenth street twenty feet eight inches, and in depth seventy feet. ID. C execution no. Debt, $8.183 Wrigley.) 'waken in and to be sold as the property of Jeremiah Bonsall. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 26, Hy. 0c27-St . . . SHERIFF'S -SALE. -BY ArIBITUE t a'writ of Levari Facies, to me direbtedi will be ex posed to public sale or.vendue. on MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock. at Hansom-street Han, No. 1. All that certain three-story brick moSsuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Sevilinteenth, and south side of Cuthbert street, in, the city; of Philadel 'phis.; containing in front on: Seventeenth street- P 3 feet: and in depth 60 retitle a three•feet-wide alley. [Which said premises John 0. Watmough, Sheriff by deed poll dated September 21, 1836, recorded in C. Deed Book J.,page 297, conveyed unto Thomas Natio • in fee; 'sub ject to a ground rent of 972, - No. 2. All that certain thremstory brick inessuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Chester street (No. 239), between Race and Vine streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing infront on Oh:ester street 14 feet 3 inches, and in depth 83 'feet to a-ilve feet-wide alley,witlithe privilege thereof. [Which; said premises A • Hoops et ux,by deeds dated January 13 , 1813, record ed In Deed Book I: C.,' No.' 23r page 248, &c.. and Jane 3,1818, recorded in. Deed ,Book M. R. No. 18, page 717, conveyed unto Thomas Matlack in feo. - 3 No. 23' All Dist certain three-story brick messnago and lot of 'ground situate on the northeast ec*ner of• Filbert and Seventeenth.streets,• containing id .front . on Seven teenth street 19 feet; and' in depth 60 feet t k a three- feet alley' [Which said premises Benjamin D uncan, She rib, by deed dated Jjaly 6,1836, recorded, D, '0 Deed Book o,nage 152. conveyed unto Thomas Monadic in fee; subject to a ground rent of 876.] • - • • ;8" 64. 438: Debt; $41&;75.' Clay.] Takemin execution and to be eold as the property of Thornasildatiach • JOHN TBOMPBON, Sheriff: Philadelphia,ftherirs.Ogice, Oct. 28,1861 0c27-St p i litß' It P TUE OF 11 / 4 - I ,a writ of . Levari Facial, to me direti., wil l be ex- Posed topublic sale or vendue, on• MO DAN' Evening, November 7, 1684, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Nall, All that certain messuage and lot ofiground situate ou the west • aide of Third street -thirty. two feet two helms northward from Queen street, in,1128 city of .kb.l-. Asdelphia,Acontaining to front on Third street siztaen• Wet one,and gquarter incheP, and in dep th about PiXtY .. seven feet two inches,erossing three. et-wide alley, ivith.the privilege of said alley. [Which said promises Andrew, C; - petti et ux. .by deed dated May 23, 1330, 'convoyed untri'Andrew . E. • - .1. 425. •Debtl,2y77O. • Earger..3 execution and to be sole , ae- the property of Andrew 11;. Godshall. YORN.THOMPSON, _Sheriff ~,r,h9lloefralle, Sheriff's Office, Oct 241, 1361. 0027-3 t , BALE.—By VIRTUE Or I • a writ . of Levert Facies,- to maltreated, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. li ovenaber 7' 1864, at 4 - o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, • "A a that certain brick =assuage and lot of ground situate the north side of Wallace street, one hundred and fry eeven feet ten inche a westward from fixteenth „street,. ; lase dity tPhiladelphla.,containin in front on Wal •4l.ce street twenty feet, and • in dept liortlaiyarrcl one .I,undreditnd e+ghty feet to North street._ Which Bald liT(711 sea Richard ' Pet nypadlt et et al:, by deed' dated April 2,3856, conveyed unto Abel Lukens in fee [rD. l C. ;' E. ; '64 - HO. Dent 34,569.19. Olmstead. ] A . Tilt en to execution and to be eeld . F 1.5 the property . or bel ne: • . JOHN THOlirt"Ht l S, 'Lleriff t , ThlUdelPhlat - Sherl r Otlice,'. Ott 1 1.0 - .lsB4`;' , 0029ir'r.1 SHERIFF'S SALES. ~~~' . • •. .• • • ••• SHERIFF'S BALE n -BY .VIRITIN . OF a writ of Levert Facies, to IRO directed , will be ez" posed to public sale or ven dee, on MONDAY Evening. November 7. 7564, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. Ali that certain two-story brick mesenage and ro a d, ground beginning on the east side of Old York thirty-seven feet northward from Poplar street, in the City of Philadelphia; thence eastwardly one hundred sad two feet to Culvert street; thence northeastward/1 along the same thirty-five feet to Orchard street; thenc e &long the same seven inches thence westward along Jacob Slinghaff's let ova hundred-.and thirty-three feet to Old York road (now Fifth street); and thence south:. ward along the same seventeen feet to the Mateo( e ginninr. [D. G. ; S .. '64. 364. Debt $2.172.60. Buckwalteri 'raken in execution and to be sold as the pruperty of Abraham Weckeriy. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Once. Oct. TA 1864. 0c26-3t - gEntßlirrlitl3ALE.-BY NrRITE OF a. Writ 'of. Levin Facies, to Me. directed; will lib' 'exposed to public sale or vendue; on MONDAT'IIya- - Mug, Nov. 7,•1864,at 4 o ' clock , at Stumm-street Hal l . •.4111 that certain lot of ground, with , the two-story •briek messuages and two story frame messuage or tene ments thereon erected, beginning on the west side e( Sixth street nineteen feet ten inches south ward from arriotir street, in the city . of Philadelphia; thence southward along Sixth street fifty-six' feet eleven. inches; thence westward one hundred and thirty-six feet four thence; thence northwardly seventy-six feet eight inches to blarrlottstreet; thence etto•tw ardly'slong the Fame thirty feet eleYen Inches; thence southwardly nineteen feet six Inches, more or leas; thence ealtw4rd -1- ninet_v-six feet seven inches to the place of begin ning. [Which - said premises Sheubert Iseminger and others, .by two deeds dated Ja)y 1, 1917. recorded- la Deed Book 'A.- W. M., No. 69, pages 111 and 117. * conveyed unto Paul T. Jones in fee. . E.D.•• C. ; 8., 'St. MI Debt $1,660. Bulger./ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Paul T. Jones. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, 04; M. 0025-3 L SHERIFF'SSALE.--BY.,.VIRTUE 'OF a writ of 'ffenditloni . Exponas, to nisi directed, will be. exppsed to•pnblicrialsor vendne, on MONDAY Evening. l(ovrinbei - 7. 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. • all•thoes certain two three• story brick messuages and lot of grand situate on the eurathwestwa thy., side of 'Richmond Cate Queen) street, and south westwardly 'side of. Warren street, in the city of Philadelphia; con tainingin trent on Richt:n - ond street thirty -& ve feet: and; in depth sixty feet.. (Which said promises William M. . Hall et al• . by dead. dated November 16, 1868, recorded In Peed Book 0. - W.-0., No. 7, page 91, &c., conveyed !ante Thoiiialt Williams infee, subject to a yearly ground rent.of seventyreight dollars. . . - • • 'O. 426. Debt $996.51. Letts] Taken hi execution- , and to' be sold as the property of Christianh Hager • JOHN THOMPSON. Sheri S. .Philadelphla, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 26, 1864. 0ci27.34 RRERIFFT • SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF : wiltof Venditioni Bipanas; to Hid directed, will be 'exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY live ping, Noirember.7, - 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Stumm-street Hall, tbat,•-certain lot of ground, with the brick and frime mesenages thereon, sitnate on the • north' side of Jefierron st.'eet thirty-two feet westward from Howard street in the city-of Philadelphia; containing- in front on Jeffersen attest sixteen feet,and in' depth eighty feet. With the , ptivilege of a three-feet alley 'leading into Howard street, [Which said premises William Back. nell, Jr:, et ult., by deed dated June 8, 1850, recorded in Deed .Book 0... W. C. , NO. 73, page 384, &a. ,conveyed unto 'James- McCartney' in fee.. reserving . a - yearly. ground rent of thirty dollars, payable Ist of April And Octoberl CD. C. ; S., '6l. • 441. Debt $1,400. Warrlner.J Taken in execution and and to sold as the property of James McCartney. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 25,1884. . 0c27-8t siSHERIFF'S . SALE.BY VIRTUE wrtt'arpieri FOAMS, to me directed, will be ex. .Boned to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening. November 7,.1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom•street Hall, . • Alitbat certain three-story brick massuage (partly owl isd as a brewery) and lot of ground situate on the West side of St. John street. between Green and Coates -streets. in the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front • on Bt. John street2o feet, more or less; and in depth 100 feet to Rose alley. Bounded northward by ground now °tints of George Miller. [Which said premises Pliny B. Fuller et ux., by deed dated October 7, 1848, re corded in Deed Book A. V. M., No. 76, page 985, con veyed unto Philip Blaine in fee ; subject .to a:yearly l ground rent of :79. I -• •• • • • • - [D. 0., S.; .64 '356." *Debt, $l.BOO. Woodward.] Taken: in execution and to be cold as thepropertyrof Philip Bisbee. •• JOHN THOMPSON.- Sherif. Sh'eriff's Office, Oct. 26, 1864. 0c27-3t - • - - SHERIFF' BALE: - -BY 'VIRTUE OF a Writ.of LeVariPaCiati,.to me directed, will be ex. prised to public sale or vancine, on MONDAY Evening, - November 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock: at San/tom-street Hall, All those certain: four franie messuages:and lot of ground situate in Afilnayunk, in the city of Philadel phia; beginning, in the northerly Hue of Towers street, thence by lot No. 23 northerly one nnndred dud six feet to Aires+ street, .thence along the same illy feet seven inches to hit No. 26. thence by the same southerly nine ty•seven feet seven inches to, said towers street, and thence along the same northwest fifty feet to the place of beginning. [Which said premises Samuel B. Cauley et nx., by deed. dated March 31,-1852, recordpfl in Deed. Book T.'H., No. 19, page 392, &c., conveyed unto Alex ander Nicholson in fee; reserving ag round rent of $-.3 [D: C. s.; , 64. 423 Debt, 11 81 Gallon.] ' • Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of . Alexander Nii3holson. JOHN THOMPSON,. Sheriff. . !•:- Philadelphia.,-Sheriff's' Office, Oct. 25, 1.851. 0c27 St LEERIFF'S. SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed; will be 'ex posed to public sale or 'vendrie. on MONDAY Evening, November 7; 1864, at 4 o'clock, at hansom-street Hall, - No. 1. All that certain two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of . Fourta street, 137 feet sixincbes southward' from Christian street in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fourth street 11 feet: and in depth 84 feet. 2. All that, two-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on r the 'east side of - Fourth street, 148 feet six-inches southward from Christian street; containing in front.' on Fourth ' street'll 'feet, and in, depth 84 feet. ' (Which said premises Charles C. Ray mond, by deed dated February 19, 1863, conveyed CUM Sarah 14, Toweli in fee . . [D. C:; B.'-'64. Sit Debt, 862.5 75. Haines.] Taken in-intecatisin. and to be fold as the property of Sarah X. Towel]. . "JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 25, MK 0c27-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas,to the direeted, will be exposed to or .vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1664 at 4 o'clock, at Bansom- street Hall, - All that c er il iot a dgroun at on the e istwar dip :be side of Am reet, two hundred and eighty feet sonthwardly from Le high avenue. in the city of Phila delphiat'containing in fronton Amber street fifty- four feet eleven Inches, and in' depth on the north line one hundred . and -ten' feet,. aid. on the south line one hun dred and ten feet two-inches to Collins street. :[Which said premises - Horatio G. Jones and wi'o, by deed dated October 6. 1263, recorded in Deed Book T.H., No 116, page 201. dr.o., conveyed unto Francis R. Baird:in fee. 'reserving a ground rent of forty-eight dollars sixtl ceita,fpayable let of April and October.) e, CD. C ;S. ~'64. 379. Debt, $219 62. H. G. Jones. Taken in execution and .to be sold as the property of Fraucia R. Baird . • JOHN. THOMPSON, Sheriff. . „Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Mee, Oct. 26,1864..0c27-3t . SSHERIFF'S SALE.--BY- VIRTUE OF a writ of Flirt Fainas, to me directed, will be ex posed to public-sale' or vendne , on MONDAY-Evening, - Boren ber 7,1.864; at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground beginning.on tne south east side of Mill street three hundred and forty-three feet from the not theast aide of Main street, in Oermntown, in, the city.of Philadelphia; thence extending north eashwardly along Mill street sixty feet; thence south eastward) y one hundred and two feet seven and a quar ter Inches, thence southwestwardty to lot, ffo. 2 in the plan annexed to the hereinaeter recorded deed poll, thence northwestwardly alone said -lot to the place of beginning. [Which said lot Wm. Deed. by deed Doll dated June 22. MO, recorded in D. C. Deed Book-W., page 57d, &c , conveyed tint.) James Meredith in fee. C. •S. '64. 489. Debt. $750 Taylor I Taken inWbution aad to be told as the property of James Wayne Meredith. • - . • JOHN THOMPSON, sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 00t..26. 186.1. 027 at RHERIFF'S SALE.---Bir VIRTUE OF A writ of VenditiOni Bxpenas,•ki me'directed: will be exposed to or vendue, on MONDAY Evening; November 7, 1864. at 4 - o'clock, at Sansom• street Hall, . All that certain'three• story brick meeense a and' lot of ground situate on the northeasterly side of Charless treat, one hundred and twenty-one feet northwestward from Francis street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Charles street seventeen feet, and in depth • Bev , my -two feet to Orr street [ Which said lot Robert Orr and wife, by. deed dated 26th of March, 1852, re corded in Deed Book T. H. , No. 9, page eB3, atc. , con veyed unto lames Davidson is fee; subject to a ground rent of tw , ntyAive dollars and fifty cents, payable first' of January and July. • fIX C. ; 'M. 427. Debt, $1,896 • 'Byrne.J Taken C in execution and to be sold as l3 the_ 'O property of James.navidt on. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oot. 27 ISM. < oc2B-3t. • QHERIFFI3 SALE.-=BY - VIRT.IJE OF kja writ of Irenditioiti Ermine, tome directed will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MO NRAY.Bvening, November?, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, • No. 1. All that certain two- story frame mesanage and lot of ground situate on the nortlfleide of German street, one hundred and ninety-one feet east from Third street. in the city of Philadelphia - ; 'containing in front on Ger man street eighteen feet six inches; and in depth one 'hundred and thirty-six feet' . No. 2. All that certain two. story frame mew/mum and lot of ground situate en the south side of German street, between Becondsand Third streets,' in said city; contain ing in front on German street ' eighteen feet six inches. and in depth one hundred and thirty air-feet [Which said rat muses No. 1 Martha Wilson, by deed dated Oc tober 13, 1849, recorded in Deed Book G. W. C. N0..30, page 129, &c ., conveyed unto John Hadfield in fee. Ann No. 2. Joseph Bontard et nx , by deed dated 21 Oc tober, 1846, recorded in . Deed Book A. W. DI. , No. 19, page 637, &c., conveyed unto John Hadfield and Ann Bhdfield (since deceased), and the survivors of them, in fee. • - • • . - [ execs S., '64. .867. Debt, $2,600. Clay.) Taken intion and to be sold as the property of John Hadfield. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 25,1869. 0c27-3t •SRERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF awrit of Levari Faciae, to me.directed, will be ex public sale or ypndne, on MONDAY tiovember 7, 1864, at 4 o'Clock, at Sansom-street Hail, AD that certain brink dwelling and lot of ground situ ate on the east side of'Fairmount, street, .fltty feet nine inches southward from Pennsylvania avenue in the city of. Philadelphia; containing in front on Fairmount street fifteen feet, anti in depth about fifty feet to a three feet. wide alley. CD. C. ; 8., '64. 406. Debt, $1,018.67. ~ E rnst.) Taken in execution and to'be sold as the property of John B. Moffitt. JOHN THOAIPSON Sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Oct. 25, 1864- 0c27.8t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE. OF sundry writs of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or venduo, on MONDAY Evening, -November 7, 1664, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, • All- that certain four-story brick store and lot of gr_ound, situate on the south side of Church alley, No. f2S (between Market gnd Arch streets), in the city of Philade)ph la ; 'containing in front on church' alley thir teen feet two and a half inches: sud In depth about linty feet. [Which said premises George Bartholomew et mt., by deed dated June 9. 1831, recorded In Deed Book A. M . No. 12. page 585, &c , conveyed unto James Howell in fee.] CD C. ; S.. 'fit 419 and 421 Droptde. Taken in execution and to be sold as the nroPerty of James Howell, deceased, JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct; 25, 1864. 0c27-31 P,HERIFF'S SALE.,BY -VIRTUE OF tti.iirit of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, Will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MOB DAY Eve ning; November 7, 1864, at4e'clock s .at Sansom-et. Hall, . All that certain three'-story brick mesenage and lot of ground situate on the nertheastwardly side of Ridge avenue, two hundred and eighty-three feet eight inches southeastwa t rd from Fifteenth street, in the city of . Phi ladelphia; containing in front on Ridge avenue twelve lest, and in depth, on the northwest line, one hundred and four feet eleven Incise, and on the southeast line one hundred and nine feet two inches;: subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of forty-two dollars and fluty cents, payable let March and September. - ED. C. ;S. , 64. 437. Debt, $696.150. Abrams.] Taken in execution. and to be sold as the property of Eugene Peart. JOHN THOMPSO6i, Sheriff.. Philadelphia,. Sheriff's Office, Oat 26, 1864. oc'37-31 , SIIERIFrs SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Leiter' Facies, to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale. or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1664, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-Story luta messnago and lot of ground situate on the north side of Vine street, between Second and Third streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Vine street 20 feet, and is depth 82' feet; bounded westwardly by ground formerly of Edward Pennington, northward by the next described prernlees, and eastward by ground formerly of Adam Etigertewith the privilege of a four-feet .fottr-inettes wide alley. No. 2. All that certain meesnage and lot of gronnd I..itnate on the south aide of Wood street, between Se cond and Third streets; containing in front on Wood meet 20 feet,.and'in depth 64. feet. [Which said pre mises John Gilbert and wife. by deed dated December P, 1864, conveyed unto John H Simon in fee. 1' [D. O. ; S. '64. 446. Debt, 86,638.75. Biddle Taken in osiontion and to be sold as the property of John H. Simon; • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriff's Olffee, Oct. 26. 1864. 0c27-It ' kIIBRIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE. OF a writ of Lever! Fades, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or v endue, on MONDAY Evening, lvovember 7, 1864, at 4 o'clook, at Sentient- street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuagu and lot of ground,, situate on the northerly side of Kingsessing avenue, at' the distance of eighty-four feet westerly from Forty-seventh street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on lanisossing avenue eighty-four feet, and • in' depth northwardly one hundred and Overity- five feet. • [Which said premises Henry Phil lipi, et ax'.,•conveyed unto Anna 0. Gayer in fee;.ttub- Pat to alnortgage of three thousand four hundred and interest; and to certain restrictions as to build-. • Taken in' execution and to be sold. as the property of -Isitac C Guys) and Anna C. his wife. • • . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. :Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct 21, Mi. 0024 St. • :SHEItIITS SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of VenditioniExponits, to me directed, will be ..esposed tepnblic sale or velidne;*on MONDAY Everdng, November 7, 4864, at 4 o'clock; at Ransom-street qp All4bat certain three story brick , messnage and lot of . Iround 'situate.on the east aide of Eleventh street. three tindred and four feet southward from Oirarkavoune, in the city .of Philadelphia; containing in front on kieventh strew seventeen feet. (including ,one-h all of a hree-feet alley), and. in depth . seve.aty-ons feet tea and one-half duct s to' a. four-feet alley. • (Which said lot i..harles'A .ux.. by. deed dated •August 13, /848, recordedin'Deed'Book A W No. 24, Page 23, ..enveyed untot.Joseph B. Beans in tee; reserving a .eround,rent. fifty.. two liollers.; : payalde ist April and: eictober.l [D. C. 'a& 617.. Debt. illr* 12. Campbell. 3 Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of loseph B. Bvaos, who hap parted with his interest. JOFIN TROMPEnN, Sheriff'. philadeipidy sherlfrrAfildfcPati ocB6,gci LEGAL* TN-THE ORPTIANEP , OOIIRT FOR THE A. CITY AND COMITY OF MI. ADBLPEILIL. Estate Of JEggil EfeWrlgfc demand. Notice is hereby given, that BLIZASIFFEI K. Hdlg . - , HUMS, the widow of said decedent, has Sled in.eetd Court b. r petition and apprateement, clainaina to retain personal prooerty therein mentioned •to the value;of 000, under the Act of Assembly of April 14th, 1551 , and the several Supplements thereto, and that the mild Court will approve the Name on FRIDAY. therlgth 6f tiovember.A. D. 1665, unlese eNceptione bellied thereto. N JOH . llEralf.CSOBt, nod- 4t* Attorney for Cralitraut, ESTATE OF GEORGE R: YIJSTIOE, DECEASED.—LETTERS TESTAMENTARY• upon. the Estate of GEORGE R. JUSTICE. late of the City of Philadelphia, deseaeed, havlng_heen granted to the un dersigned by the Register of Wills for the County of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to the said Estate are reqnettteti to make payment , and those haying' claims or demands against the 'same to make theta known without delay JANE W. JUSTICE, Executrix', No. 1211 WALNUT Street, Or to her Attorney. A. S. MITCH WORTH, 0017-mOt* No. 131 Sonth..FlFTßJ3troot. • TN THE ORVHdEW COURT' FOIE 'A- TEE CITY AND CoLTETY OF PHILADELPHIA. - - Estate of SA AIM: STEBI,, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, and adjust the arcoont of EDfdIIND GRUNDY' and* THOMAS R. STEEL, Executors of the last will and testament of Samuel Steel, deceased, and to make dis tribution of the balance in the bands of the acconotasts, will meot the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment on TUESDAY, the lath day of November. A D • 1864, at 3% o'clock P.- M., a% his °Mee. No. 3,15. North SIXTH Street, in the city of Philedelphtai JOHN L. SHOZNAKER, no4-frnw6V " TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY' OF - PHI LAD EL PRI 4. WM MAULB. to the nee of ARTHUR, MAOINNIS, is. GEORGE O. COLLINS. (Deo. T. 1863. No:10.9. Yen. Ex.] The undersigned, appointed by the Court to make dia• tribution of the fund produced by the Sherlff'e sale Under the above writ, of all that certain lot or Piece of. ground. with the throe-story brick messuage or trove- - pent thereon erected, situate on the n;"tth side of VER. NON street, at the distance of one hundred and twenty-' two feet four inches eastward from the east side of Eleventh street, in the late district of Spring Garden. • now in the consolidated city of Philadelphia, contain ing in front or breadth on said - Vernon :street sixteen` feet eight inches, and extending northward in length or depth sixty-five feet—{Being the Caine premises (No, 1025 Vernon street) which BENJAMIN F. BUDDY and wife, by indenture dated the Zth day of May, A. D.. 1864, recorded at Philadelphia In Deed 'Wink A D. B. 'No: 16, page 4711 dm., granted as d conveyed to the said. OEO. U. COLLINS in fee, ) —will attend to the (hale, of his appointment on* TROIisDAY, November rith, 1864; at 4 o'clock P M.. at his office, southeast corner SIXTIK and WALNUT Streets. Philadelphia. when and where, all parties interested nlif4t make: their Matins, or • their:- Will be debarred froth coming in on said fund. nog 10t , • D. W. O'BRIEN. Auditor. N THE DISTRICT COURT IPOR'THB CITX - AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. PAUL N. MILLER vs. • WILLIAM COMMAND: NO BLE GILBERT, and ROBERT L CI7REY, owners or reputed owners, and NOBLE.GILEERT, contras: _Del . Jae, OW. ,21. EXCEPIIONS Tu SHERIF 'S SPECIAL RETURN. The Aadttor appointed by the Court to report (Wart; bntion of the find produced by the Sheriff . sale, un der the above mentioned writ, of the following proper ty, to wit: "All that certain two-story stelae dwelling house, with the atone-slaughter house, and shine • wagon house, and stables in the rear thereof, and the lot or piece of ground whereon the same are erected, situate at the northeast corner of Poplar or Thirty-third street and Elm street, in the Village of Mantua, in the Twenty-- fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; the said lot being. twenty-live feet in front on the said Elm street. and . rnnning of that width northward along the said Poplar.. Or Thirty. third Street, between parallel lines; one hun dred end seventy feet to Grape street; the said house being seventeen feet in front and thirty-two feet deep, • and. two• stories high, with basement; the slaughter house being fifty- five feet long and twenty five feet wide, , one story high, of stone; the wagon ' house be ing sixteen feet square and two• stories high, of stone." Will attend to the ditties of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, November 16th, 1864. at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 114 E South SIX PE Street, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all parties inte rested must preterit their claims or. they will be de barred from coming in on said fund. not-)Ot JOHN' D &N.: A:.dditor. • PB.OposALg - FRESH BEEF. AND VEGETABLES. . . NAVY Dill' ARYMENT, &TIMM! OF YBOVISIONS AND CLOTRINCI, November 4, 1854. SEALED PROPOSALS endorsed "Prop:o32.lß for Fresh Beef and Vegetables," will be received at this Bureau until .2 o'clock P. M. on the Lsth day of November, inst.. for the supply of 1(X/,000 pounds of Fresh Beef, and 100,000 pounds ol Fresh Vegetables. at the Philadelphia station, as required The beef and vegetables must be Of good 'quality, and the market affords, and each article must be offered for by the pound.. The beef to be in equal proportions, fore and hind quarters. • Bonds. with approved security will be reqnired, in one-half the estimated amount of the contract, and. twenty per cent. in addition will be 'withheld from the amount of each payment to be made, ae collateral se curity for the due performance of the contract which Will on no account be paid until it is folly complied with. Every offer made mild be aicoinpinied by a written guarantee, signed by one or more responsible parsons, that the bidder or bidders will, if hie or theif bid be to copied, enter into an obligation within live days, with good and R flicient sureties, to furnish the articles pro- Poned: • No propotal be considered unless accompanied by snob guarantee, and by satisfactory evidence that the bidder is a regular dealer in the articles proposed. and has the license required by lam. The. Department reserves the right to reject any pro ps ot al notconsidered advantageous to, the Government. n 1 • pROP4;pI3 . A.LB- F,01; • QuAirigilitadrigg'it 0111016 WI M Coare, WASHINGTON. Slat October, 1851. SEALED PROPOSALS wilr be received at this office. until 2 o'clock P. M. of the ifitliday of-November next, for furnishing Rations to the United States Marines, at the'following station s _, for the year 1865, viz: • Portsmouth', New Rattipshira; 'Charlestown, Massachusetts; Brooklyn. New York; Philadelphia Washington City, District of Columbia; Gosport, near Norfolk. Virginia. Each ration to consist of three- fourths of a pound of pork or bacon, or one and. a fourth pound of fresh or salt beef• 'eighteen ounces of bread or flonr, or twelve ounces of hard bread, or one and a fourth potend of corn meal; and at the rate to one hundred rations of eight quarts of beans ; or, in lien thereof, ten pounds of rice ; or, in lien thereof, twice per week, one hundred and fifty ounces of dessieated potatoes, and one hundred ounces of mixed vegetables; ten pounds of coffee; or, in lien thereof, one and a half pound of.tea; fifteen pounds of sugar; four quarts of vinegar; one pound of. sperm can dles, or one and one. fourth- pound of adamantine can dles, or one and 'a half pound of tallow; four pounds of soap, and .two quarts of salt. The -rations to - bo delivered upon the. order of the Commanding Officer of each station; the fresh beef, either in bulk or by the single ration, of good quality, with an equal proportion of the fore and hind quarters, necks and kidneys, tallow . excluded ; ,the pork, No. 1, prime mess pork ; the flour, extra superfine ; . the coffee, good Rio; the sugar, good New Orleans, or its equiva lent, and the 'beans, vinegar, candles, soap, salt, dm., to be of good quality. All subject to inspection. All bids must be accompanied by the following gua rantee: • • FORM OF GUARANTEE. indertsigned, -, of, in the State of , and ,of ,in the State of , hereby guarantee that in case the foregoing bid of - for rations' as above described , be acceptecl,_ he or they will,. within ten days after . the receipt of the contract at the post office named, execute the contract' for the same, with good and sufficient securities; and in case the said shall fail to enter into contract as afore said, we guarantee to make good the difference between the offer of the said - and that which may be accepted. Witness, E. F I hereby certify that the above named are known to me as men of property, and able to make good their guarantee. * To be signed by the United States District Judge, United States District Attorney, or Collector. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by the above guarantee. Newspapers authorised to publish the above will send the paper eeI:LW-aim; the first insertion to this Office for.examination. . . . .... . Proposals' to be endorsed "Proposals for Rations for 1866,' and addressed to the undersi • • ed. 0c24.m4t DITTO - MG, FORT 'WA.YNE,. AND -a- CHICAGO RAILWAY..COMPANY. Orricn OP Tux OIiTEP ENGINEER. . PITTSBURG, PA., Oat. 26, 1864. NOTICE'POR PROPOSALS for - two stretches of an IRON- BRIDGE over the Allegheny . River at Pitts burg, Pa. Sealed Proposals will be receivr d at- this office until 4 o'clock P. R.- of the 16th day 9f November next, for an Iron Bridge, or for Os o sperm, 'each about 166 feet in length, over a part of the Allegheny River, at Pitts burg, Pa. The plans and specifications for the same will be ready for examination at this office on and after the 6th day of November nest JOHN B. JERVIS, ' 0c29-121 Chief Engineer. MEDICAL. DA: . I H. 'STEVENS, ONE. OF THE founders of this new system of treating diseases successfully by modified. ELECTRICAL action. with-. out shocks, announces that he has resumed his office duties for the treatment of diseases, at 1418 South. PENN SQUARE, where, - for the last three years, he hag had almost unbounded success in cases pronounced in surable by medicine. Please call, or send -for a pam phlet. and learn particulars. N. B. Physicians or others desiring instruction can enter for a full coarse at any time after Monday. Sept. 26. se26-tf ELECTRICITY. . { WONDE R FUL SCIENTIFIC DIS- i COVERY. —All acute and chronic diseasesl nt cured by special arantee, when desired by the lpatient, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and, in case of a failure, no" charge is made. Not drugging the system with•uncertain medical agents. /AB cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism, or other modifications of Electricity, without shocks or any unpleasant, sensation. For farther informa tion, send and get a Pamphlet, which contains hun dreds of certificates from some of the most reliable men In Philadelphia, who have been speedily and Ipermanently cured"after all other treatment from medical men had failed. Over twelve thousand cured in lets than five years at LI) WALNUT St. Blecthical Institution established five years ago. Prof. C. IL BOLLBI3, Lecturer.. } . ' • . PHYSICIANS. W. B. BROWN, M. D. )P. SHEDD, 31. D., IS. W. BECKWITH, H. DI AND 1 .: Mrs. S. A. FULTON. Y rs. Fulton, a lady of great experience and shill- . ty, will have entire charge of treating in the ladies' , department. . , 1 Consultation free. Address all letters to Dr. W. B. BROWN, 12201 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. ocli-Bm+ TARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APIRIENT . • •IB THB BEST REMEDY KNOWN BOIL ALL BILIOUS COM P LAINTS, SICIBREADAORLOOSTIYE NESS, IRDIGESTION. iIFaRT-BURN, SODS STOMAOIf, SEA-SIORN.ESS, ad. tag el. • Dr. JAMES R. inuraort, the great Chemist, sage: "I know as composition, and have no doubt it will prove moist benefits's' in those complaints for which it is recommended." Dr. TIIO3fAB BOYD eas e: " I stronuly commend It to the notice of the public. ' Dr. EDWARD IL LUDLOW says: "I can with confi dence" Dr. GEORGE T. DEXTER says: "In instillensy. Heart-burn, Costiveness, Sick Headache, dm. , &c.,the SELTZER APERIENT in my heads has proved Inded a valuable remedy." !or other testimonials see pamphlet with eseh bottle. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO„ 21.8 GREENWICH Street, New York, air FOR SALE BT ALL DRUGGISTS. mySE.tnon ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE. • own, YE AFFLICTED, COMB ! This treatment only needs a triallo be adopted by a ll . Having ma d e many improvements in the application of this twig, we feel in duty bound to make them pablie. We w guarantee to care any ease .Of fever and ague In two treatments,' It has also proved Very inmsessful in the care of the following diseases Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Debility, Paralysis, ' Asthma, Genital weakness. Influenza, Dyspepsia, Piles, EPlital disease, • Catarrh. Diabetes. Ladies and gentlemen can enter at any time for fax instructions in the prattles. Consultations free Office hours 9A. M. to 6 P. M. Testimonial' at the office. DR. THOMAS ALLEN. • • Medical Electrician • sel4-t Ja4 154 I. ELEVEN TH Bt.. below Bait. TAYLOR'S ARNICA OIL . OR EMBRO .A-"CATION never Me to onrelthetimatiorkNenralgie. Spreine,Frooted Feet, Chapped Hands, and AU Skin MUMS. Price 260, and wholeeale and retail by H. Y. TAY LOR, Drnarlot, TINTH And OALLOWHILL. oe6-311 . _ . ' llll ` : 4 : 4011 ` 8 RZBIIIIIED Hi ' %home practise at his ?amidst's, iierthwest sem etTRIELD and Triaoir Streets. sees a toe. maim LATOUR'S:, OLIVIC • OIL.--400 BAB keta fresh Latenar'a.ollve Oil in iota to =Ram ttrabaaer. for ii4n l bir .11110Dzia, WILLIAM% onlil4l •• • • &Mt WATIER litrark Gin"; 'PISTOLS SKATES. wu.soN & co. • 409 MRS ' liananotnrers and Importer* of , TilltrTl Pine Clams, Pistols. Cunning and nailing Tackle. Danes, Powder, Shot, Wde, aps h_ .41 - - onrie Restocked, Rebored C , and P.Stairsit . In the bog mariner. . SKATBS OP ALL RIND& • • . 409 ammo: ``TEAM AND WATER GAUGES-THE NJ largest anortnient in Philadelphia—constwitly on :Lead. E. BROWV,.3II,WALNUT VIVA. 11 4T Ea A. B. , Guarantor C. D.. Guarantor • B. SLACK. Major and Quartermaster AVOIniON . HE a MYERS. • dt . CO. ,AUCITION g, 10 EKES, Nos. 532 and 2341- MARKET Stmt. • * LARGE FOkITIVE BALE Or FRENCH. 'GERMAN. 'BWIES, AND ERITIsIi DRY GOODS, FORS,. ko.. DAT. A CARD. —We invite the early attention of purchasers to the desirable assortment of French, German. Swiss, and British dry goods, embracing .aboar Sae , late of. *olce articles, to be peremptorily. sold, br.catnielfaft ois fonr months' credit,commencing this 11Pernia& . 10 o'clock precisely. • .. • . LARGE SALE OF-FRENCH DRY • NOTICE g-Inclnded In our sale of Franck dr" goods. on MONDALEIONNING, November 7, will be farad itt part the following desiralsia articles, DRESS . BILKS—In blacks; solid colors, and relay dress Floreices, gros lie Naples, satins, Aye. DEEM GOODS-:In merino , clothe, firmed and plain monseline, reps, cashmeres,. poplins, mohair lustros. brocade velours, gibghams, efVgeati. Ac. SHAWLS—A , fall -assortment of brooks, long and square, woolen. chenille and , thlbet shawls and starts. GLOVES- 4 Men!s and 'womertra kid, silk, back; cash mere, and thibet gloves andgauntlets, dm. EMBROIDERIES. &c—Mull and book collars, canes, insertings. bands, veils. laces, Ac. BONNET•RIBBONS —A full assortment of broshe, plain and figured bonnet and black silk velvet ribbons, and fancy velvet and silk trimming ribbons, Ac. Also, black crepes, tarlatans. silk cravats and neck ties, hoop skirts, linen .ha.nkerchiefs, white mashes, sewing silks. headdresses, girdles, fancy articles; Ac. LARGE SALE OP_VIENNA iptocE AND IMAMS LAINE SHANTA Included In our sale of Monday. Nov. 7, will be found 1,000 all wool Vienna broche lone and eitctare shawls, oornpriaing.a full line In all qualitlfie from low to fine, Including cbaiue laine of the' importation. of Maters. Oscar Proles & Co. , of New York. " PEREMPTORY. @ALE OF F lain a, SWISS. GER- MAN, AND BRITISH DRY GOODS. ON "MONDAY MORNING, • November 7, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by eatalogno. on four months' credit, abort 700 packagea and loth of French. Swiss, German and British dry goods. &c embracing a large" nd choice assoitment of fanny and, Maple articles. . N. B.—Samples with catalogues early on mernint of LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS. SHOES, AND GUSHOE?, &. NOTICE. - : lncladed M in our largo c peremptory sale of .boots, shoes, &c., to be held on Wednesday morning. Boy. 9.. at lo o'clock, will be found in part the follow:- ing fresh goods, via: - -cases men's, boys', and youths' thick boots. —cases men's, boys', and youths' kip and calf boots. cases men's grain cavalry boots. cases boys' grain L. L. boots. —cases men's, boys', and youth's kip brogans. cases m en's, boys', and youth's balmorals, tap sole. &c. cases men's, boys, and youth's Congress boots, tap sole do. —cases women's. misses' and children's calf, kip , goat. grain and split, sewed , ' Pegged. and copp.rnalled boots and balmorale, embracing a general assortment Of city and Eastern made goods. Also. cases gents' 24-inch leg. enameled, grain foxed, steel shod cavalry boots, gum shoes, LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF 1 100 PACKAGES BOOTS. SHOES, ARMY GOODS, TRAVELLING BAGS, &c - ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, November Pth.. at 10 o' clock, will be sold by catalogue, on four months' credit, about 1,100 packages boots. shoes, brogans, army goods, travelling bags, &c., of city and Eastern manufacture, comprising a fresh and prime assortment. • Samples with catalogues early on morning of sale, LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. &c. We will hold a large sale of British, German, French. and American dry goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit, and part for cash, ON THURSDAY MORNING, Nov. 10th, commencing at precisely 10 o'clock, com prising 750 PACKAGES AND LOTS of British, German, French, India, and Americun dry goods, embracing a large, full, and freLli assortment of woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and silk goods for city and country sales. POSITIVE SALE OF CARPETINOS, &e ON FRIDAY MORNING. Nov. be - aold by catalogue. on four months credit, a frill assortment of superfine and line 'arrays vaaatial!PbValo. Ile; rag, aaa cottage aarPega, 4kg.' -*OWL -HALE - SALE AND. TO. LET. • PARTY RETIRING _FROM THE HARD WARE BUSINESS offer for sale ? their stock of Hardware and Fixtures, or will dispose of Lease and Fixtures. The stock is in good order, and well select ed. For particulars apply on the premises. No. 735 MAR HST Street, Philadelphia • n°l-6t* FOR SAL Fr-VALUABLE IM {PROVED:PROPERTY. do WALNUT Street, •be twet.n Eighth and Ninth streets. Apply to • MORRIS & BROWN. Reallstats Brokers, nog-6t' No. 432 WALNUT Street. e FOR SALE-HOTEL EXTRA.OR •mt NARY.—The splendid Hotel; land and large outbuildings, at White . Ball Station. Pennsylvania Genital Railroad, only 8 mllee from the city. A &st oical' summer resort. Will be sold a bargain and on easy terms. MILLS& 151- North. SIXTH Street. nol-Lt MILH . GERMANTOWN PROPERTY.- 2=708 BALI, & commodious double Stone DWELL ING. situate on Main street with an acre of ground &Wished. in s high state of cuitlystlon. Apply to .. . . B. McCALLA, Mier 18 South SSOOND Street. da LA OE AND VALUABLE PRO PSITY FOB SA.L.E. —The very lar_ge and eozarno dims LOT and BUILDING,' No. 308 ORRERY Street. Dear the centre of business, containing 60 feet on Chem street, depth 106 feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening 'to a large sari-way leading to Cherry ptreet. Its advantages of ' SIZE AND POSITION are rarely met with: - Apply on the premises,. ' sel2-Smo FOR BALE, VERY CREAP.- ma.LABGE AND HANDSOME RESIDENCE; South west corner of FORTY-FIRST and WESTIOGIHTHEIL avenue, Twenty-fourth ward; IS rooms, gas, hot sad cold 'water throughout the house, stable l it, rear of lot , due fruit and shade trees. _ Else of lot, 120 feet front by 179 feet deer; Price $lO,OBO, clear of incembranse. Tenn easY. Also, Two very desirable COTTAGE% on HALEY Street, near Westminster ayenue; have all modern Use proyements, 10 rooms. ' Size of lots, each 26 feet front by 116 feat deep. Price s3,6oo,eash. Terms easy. Also, a number of desirable HOLM*. at from 11.900 ,each to 1116.000, In all parts of the Apply to S...k.WEL P. HITTCHEINSON, or ' J. WASIZEN CODISTON, an26tf 121 South SIXTH Street VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. • 100 Acres on the Frankford pike, three miles. from Market street; just ripe for Cottage lots. " • 100 Acres on the Bnstol pike, eight miles from Market street. . , 59 Acres on the Bristol pike; fourteen miles from Phi ladelphia,.at a station on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. 107 -Acres on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, near Princeton. N. I. • 109 Acres near Darby. 100 Acres near Darby, superior buildings. 126 Acres on the Delaware, two miles south of Bristol. 60 Acres near Pottstown, Montgomery county. With others in various localities, large and small. Also, a very large number of Delaware and Mary land farms, at exceedingly low prices. B. 0c29 123 South FOURTH Street. FACTORY PROPERTY AND ma.FARE[ AT PRIVATE SALE. —A valuable Wa ter Power, suitable for almost any manufacturing bust peas, with Farm attached, about four miles from Ken net Square: Station, on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad, and nine miles from Wilmington. Two good Stone Mansions, with outhouses, barn, &c. Also; four other stone houses, and one of frame, the whole capable of accommodating ten to twelve families, and a store, and mostly occupied A stone and-frame Milihouse al by 30 feet, three stories and attic; 114 acres of good red-clay-creek land, 76 of which are arable. with sufficiency of rail timber. A Country Store has been carried on .for nearly fifty years,- good neighborhood. convenient to meetings, schools, and ; is a very desirable and pleasant location, and includes the strongest Water Power now in the market in that section of country. A recent survey has been made for a railroad, passing through this place, to connect Wilmington With the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central and - Pennsylvania railroads. The price is less than it would cost to erect the build ings and improvements. A large portion of the pur chase money may remain in the Premises. Possession of the Mill, the power, and some of the houses can be had Immediately, and of the whole pro- Perty next spring. For further particulars apply to JACOB PUSBY. Wilmington. Delaware. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Oppioa OF THE COMPTROL.LES. OP THE Wuxi/serum September 27, 1861. -Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned. it has been made to appear that the EIGHTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, in the City of Philadelphia. in • the County of Philadel. phia; State of Pennsylvania, bee been duly or. mired under and 'according to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to Pro vide a national - currency, secured by pledge of Unit ed States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June 3d, 1864, and hu complied with all the provisions of said Act required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking under said Act:- Now, therefore, I, HEIGH HoCI7LLOCH. Com/- troller of • the' Currency, do hereby certify that' the Eighth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the Ott yof Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of office this twenty-seventh day of September, 1864. - HUGH hfcCULLOCH, { ORAL I • Comptroller of the Currency. • nee-set puRE PALM . OIL SOAP.-THIS SOAP Is made of pure, fresh Palm Oil, and is entirely vegetable Soap • more suitable for Toilet use than that made from animal fate. In boxes of one dosen tau, for $2 per box. Manufaetnred b_y . GEO. M. BLEINTON 801, Mo. M.ABGAREITTA Street, between. • Front asi Buena. above Oallowbill. DEAF MADE -.TO BEAR-INSTRII- Iawn to aseist the hearing. at P. MADEIRA'S, 115 South TENTH Eteeec, below Chestnut. no2-st* q3PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA . .TIONS,. with full descriptions of character. Elm • DAY and EVENING, by J. L.. CAPEN, ocl2.wfmly No. 25 SOUTH TENTH Street:. rrES' OHIO PETROttIIM COMPANY. SHARES, $100: ' s_l, .:Composed of 1,444 acres; ciiiFEDERAL C REM. Mor an county, Ohio inciudingtbe whole of the celebrated Joy farm The first three wells bored are now pro 'diming over 100 barrels per day. • Thirteen wells in progress (sixteen in all), which will Income d sent December next •• • • at pr $5OO per day. Two ner cent. on the Capital Stock now on hand for sales of Oil, and appli cable to dividends. First Dividend will be declared let December next. ' With no material depreciation of oil below present prices, large dividends may be confidently looked for. For further information, or for pamphlets, apply at the office of the Company, No 4 BROAD Streetßooms No. 11 and 12. New York. WM. A. SHREVE, President. ALLEN D. VORCE, Secretary. /Saw YORK, Sept. 20. 18B•1. DRAIN:TERIEDRA_IIT PEPB. VITBI7IIID •TEKBA COTTA: DRAIN PlPl—all exec, from 2 to Pi- inch diameter. with all kinds 01 branches. bends. and traps, for sale in any 9. o antitY• Birtch bAre Per yard 85e. . 66 66 . 4 65 66 St 66 ‘ 4611 554 : 5 411 SI 46 66 706. 6 54 60 •4 8 , 56. TERRA. COTTA CHIBINSY TOPS. For Cottage., Villas, or City Hones , Patent Wind mr.rd Tops, for caring smoky chimneys, from 3 to 8 fee ORNAMENTAL GARDEN VASES. Fountains, Pedestals and Statuary Marblo Lute Brackets,. and Mantel Vase_____s PHILADELPHIA TsMitA COTTA WORMS. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. rell•faiwtf • 11. L HAB.RISOW. CARD. -BELCH ER CO., PROPRIZ NJ tors of CENTRAL EATING ROUSE, No. ,431. CHESTNUT Street, GPposite General Post Office, Philadelphia, Pa. tender, by medium of the public press, to their 'natty patrons and friends , their warmest thanks for the liberal encouragement most generously bestowed, and promise to add st il l further improvements and attractions. and use every endeavor to merit the support and patronage of the business men and general online of Philadelphia and vicinity. • ocl7-am A SAFE STEAM' BOILER.—TIM subscriber is prepared to receive orders for the "HARRISON STICH BoThEil," in sizes to suit pur ehasers. The attention of Manufacturer's and others is called to the new Steam Generator, as combining es sential advantages in absolute safety from destnictive explosion, first cost and durability, economy of fuel, facility of cleaning and transportation, - &c. seised by any boiler now in use. - These boilers mh be seen in daily operation, dri. the arterial re works of • Messrs. Wm. Sellers & .00. ' nth and Hamiltoa streets, at EL W. Oattell'efactiory„Sprucestreet. SchIIYI. aag at 0112141111'11TrONIODI Mlll Freakford. - - JOS. HARRISON, • Washington Building. 1111T4 Beath TRIED Street. Philade * • 'MACKEREL, HERRING,: BH2O . , Okei --2400 bids. MM. MOIL I. 2, and . 2ll. late.caugnt fat fish In assorted paekages. • 2,000 bbls. New Bastport, Fortune Bagvand HallfaX. Herring. - 2.500 boxes Lubec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. 1t 0 bble new Mass Shad.. 250 boxes Herkimer county Cheeee, _Aro. . In store and for sale by muuPHY BOONE 6 • ,N o. 146 NORTH - WHARVE S, nEriszpxolron THE..TEETH :AND ..a. , (113118. For stienkthening the i',• for - pr ~ serving the teeth from decay, and for keeting tlias • beautiyally,elean and the breath sweet, this ' lievea to In the bestpreparation:that science and, axle- . tient:Ow!' eTer Drodneed. ' Prepmsd only b . y ' t • S. T. BBALIV•iti. 1). , Deatist, , • i.. 1113 CHISTNIPT Street, Philadelphia- Ps iel7-5a Tor siltby thapirliudpal Illoggista; it pa vuXItTESBRINLIST J: N o , 615 unNIFFNUT and 61 j e A . 9 6):: • SALE OF IkTORTED AND DO MESTIC h •ON TUEiDeir, - Er ti Neve . mbar EM I atloo'alocs. on friar i n , t , • 1 packages and lats or fancy and staple c 0 ,C 1 '...r, WOOL SHAWLS AND pikni• . . .. ON ITlNsner . 3 '• 500144a11-woOl plaid 6 9uare ehawis. 800 72x144 all wool plaid lour de. DO do. Waterloo locz u h aw i e , - • • CLOTH CLOAKS ANt 300 super cloth closita sod sacque. 1 25 • BRITISH Dsgss Alpseao, Cobragsonobairs. reps. , r u ti Arc. - = = Or Also CO Metes black *ad fancy BLACK OEOS DE REINES AND spAy, 50 pierce 24' and inch blach gins de Et t 20 nieces 26 and 30-inob taffetas. Re., WHITE GOODS,. 1 , 15115 DAMASKS, ea [IT 8-4 to 14-4 brown li nen damask. 14; 10.4 linen shootings. Linen towels. erub'4ll,linen cambric hadikii linen diapers. - • Jaconet and cambric and Swiss natal j aq CLOARINOS, FLANNELS, 20 nieces 7 4= London cloaking.. 30 Vanes 7-4 fanoy abirttsg finnnals. lin London faney_carriage =Eft "DOTIO GOODS; FOR Cilia. Blankets, satinets. °not em,. Mee:lags, FURS. 141 14 An Incite of miler furs. . THOMAS & SONS Nos. 139 awl 141 South FOURTH at n , 4 • SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL W u , At the Exchange. every TUESDAY. at Ir e Randbille of each Property issuedamaN, on the Saturday rrevious to each sato 1,7 y) . - in pamphlet form giving fall descriptions, THURSD FURNITURE SALES, at the Auction R AY . Particular attention given to ealea at p d , eldences. atc. Sale No. 1708 Race aired. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, BILREORS. T A , CARPET. - On FRIDAY atoitrima, 11th inst., at 10 o:clock. at No 1709 Reel a . eatalosue the Supenor (I:mature. Ape o m i. 4 mantel and oval mirrors, fine tavestry otrpyLZ paintings: spring . and hair Mattresses, es. I May be examinedst 8 o'olock on the morniy eale. • ANCOAST:, &:"'WARNOCK, P TIONEERS. S4O MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AI PORTED DRY GOODS. .HOSIERY clou t BROIDERIES, MILLINERY GOODS, &c., logue. ' ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, November Otb, commencing at 10 o'clock p it , Included will be found a large and general of seasonable goods well worthy the Emir buyers. :pp 113LIP.FORD4 00.01170TIONE1 sss:44swirr and 5 COMOROS 6tr POSITIVE SALE OF 1 000 OASES BOOL SHOES. ON MONDAY NonNixa, Nov.?. at 10 o'clock precisely. we will tell hi logos, for cash, women's, men's, boys'. Yosti,l children's boots shoes, brogans, bahn or d, dm., from ct.y and Eastern maaufactarers, cot a general assortment of goods. SALE OF 1,200 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, 13ANS, &o. • , ON THURSDAY MORNING November 10th. commencing at 10 o 'clock preoiss be sold by catalosne, for cash, 1200 cafes book') brogans, balmorabs. -cavelr'r, boots, & c., rot boTiVoNto nun's ant .ehildrea's wear. BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, /lICTIOZIERF.., DTo:1102 MARKET Street, South bid*, above Sales of Dry Ooodo, Trimminim Notions, act, MONDAT,WEDNEBDAT. and FRIDAY Mori* month= at 10 o'clock. B SCOTT, • JR., LUOTIONBER, OHNSTIMT and 6115 SANSObt Streit g m STEAM WEEKLY TO VERPOOL, touching at QUIESI (Cork Harbor.) The Liverpool, New York. and delphia Steamebip (I. mean) intend despatch* fall Towered Clyde •built Steamships ae follow!, • GLASGOW SATURDAY, ..l, CITY OF MANCHESTER SATURDAY. 3, CITY OF LONDON, SATURDAY, j a and every succeeding Saturday at Noon, :rota Y.- North River. _ _ RATES OF PASSAGE: FIRST CA BIN......BIOO.OOISTEERAGE. • do \to London ... 106 001 do to London., do to Paris 'll5 001 do - 'to Faris do to Hamburg. 110 001 do to rr Emhart.] Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Sunli t , terdam. Antwerp. dm., at eonsEy low rates Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Celsol $lO6, $125. Steerage from Liverpool. 1 850. Froarb town, $4O. Those who wish to send for then can buy tickets here at these rates. These steamers have superior'accommodat r , passengers ; are strongly built in water-ti h t: . tions. and carry Patent Fire Annihilators. Exp ir. Surgeons are attached to each steamer. For further information apply. in Liverpooin LIAM INMAN, Agent. 22 Water street; in ALEX. MALCOLM, 6 St. Eno& Square; in Qa*;.e. to C. & W. D. SEYMOUR & Co. ; in London to Cr MACEY El King William street: in Paris to DECODE, 98 Rae Notre Dame des Victoires. Plug Bourse; in New York to JOHN G. DALE, or at the Company's Oases, • 0c264n012 • BOSTON AND FRILL PITIASTRAMBIP LINE, sailing freal port on 'SAWED AYS, from first wharf abort, Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston., The steamship NORMAN; Capt. Baker, will MI Philadelphia for Boston on. Saturday, Noy 12. M. and steamship SAXON. from Boston for Pr pda, on same day at 4 P. M. These new and substantial steamships renal. line, &tiling from each port punctually on Battu% Inettrances effected at one-half the Drennan on'the vessels. Frelghte taken at fair rates Shippers are requested to send Slip Itessipts of Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (havinuline accomras6:l apply to HENRY WINSOIt nih22-tf 332 South DELSWAIt£ STIn ligrit' NEW EXPRESS LINE WASHINGTON, GEO RGETNIS ALEXANDRIA, VIA CaNAL —Coe of the sal.M this line will leave the first wharf above Raba every WEDNESDAY. and SATURDAY, for all/ ports, at 12 o'clock. For freight, apply to WM. P. CLYDE. Solt' No.l4lSorth oc3l -1m KA.OHINERIE AND [ROIL J. VAUGHAN MERRICK. WILLIAM 1.. JOE'S B. WPM SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY,_ ITIPTH AND WASHING/TON SI" PHILLADELPELL. • BUM/MICK et SOWN, RAGMEN= AND MACEEFISN, Mannflutrae High and Low Pressure Steam Sate /and, river, and marine aervice. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, AL; is of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-frame: Roofs for Gas Works, Work4oA. road Stations, dtc. Retorts and. Gas Machinery of the latest sad mai proved construction. Beery descnp £ ion of Plantation Machluem Sugar, Saw, and Grist 'DMills, Vacuum Ms, Steam Traims, - Defecators, Filters, Pumping Ise Sole agents for N. Milieux's Patent Sugar*Soe paratus, Neemyth's Patent Steam Hammer, Lai wall & WoWs andrifaisl Sager-So Machine. . : glia PENN STEAM ENT. IHD BOILER WORKS. —IVSAF $ PRACTICAL :A.ND THEORETICAL ENOINRI CHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITH FOUNDERS, having for many years been in ea* operation, land been excltudvely engaged inbuilit. repairing Marino and River Engines, high audios! sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks. Propellors, at: reoectf ally offer their services to the public. Si fully prepared to contrast for engines of all dm rine, River, and Stationary ; having sets of fait-. different sizes, are prepared to execute ordan quick despatch. Every description of patters made at the shortest notice. High and. Locr•Bv; Fine, Tabular. and, Cylinder Boilers, of the b 651. sylvania charcoal iron, Forginge, of allzimcgcM Iron and Brass Castings; of deselPticac Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work so VA with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work dots s eetabllehment free of charge„ and work real The subscribers have ample wharf-dock non palm of boats, -where they ; can lie in perfect oda. are provided with shears, blocks, at-• reigns heavy or light weight'. JACOB C. HO JOHN P. LIM. BUCK and PAMIR ST! ORGAN , ORB, & .ca, STEAM 111 - GINS BUILDERS. Iron Youndens, and Machinists and Boilsr Ai:takers. No. 1219 HILL Street Philadelphia g TEAM HEATERS FOR FACTOL MILLS, dm. heated with exhaust or dire %I'm. Coils for Heaters Condensers , Sysperstorh a sal- are M. FORMAN. S4l. Inrth RiITP COAL. SB.OOA TON FOR LARGE COAL, . $lO 00 a Ton for STOlp GRATER COAL, at "ALTER'S COAL YARD, Street, (057), belo w GIRARD Avenue. N. B. -41aniples at Branch Office. SIXTH and = l .• GARDEN. P URE LEHIGH COAL.—ilOt ! KEEPERS can rely on getting a pare ern& E. corner FRONT and POPLAR Streets. no 2-110 • Jolla N. Harr E: V " SCHREINER, NEW COAL POT, NOBLE Street' above Ninth street. Constantly on hand superior qnalities of LeU•I Schuylkill Coal, selected esrpresslylorfaudlSP at the lowest market prices. Wharf Twesil st St reet seet., below Arch street. Office 119 South V. GB NU IN E EAGLE VEIN CC MULL IF NOT SUFBBIOII, TO LEHIGH -, Will SOCIII9iour custom. Egg ma a im su e % ti ton; Lam) Nut, $lO.OO. Office. rm. South FOilgt below Chestnut. Depot , 1419 CALLOWBaI above Broad. tsel4-13m] ' ELLIS BEASi COAL.- SUGAR_ LOAF,. BE OW, And Spring Mountain Le high C beet chat Mountain, from Schuylkill; Nen; Pressly for Family use. t Depot, N. W. corner and-WILLOW Sta. Office, No. 112 South SECO apli-tf • J. WALTON 3 THOMSON'S LONDON 10 1 RYER, OE ECHOPS.dir HANG ' E, for P hotels, or Public Institutions, in TWhErr FERRET SIZES. Also, Philidelohis • ' Het-air Parnaces, Portable Heaters. Lowdosrs PireboarS Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Piste , ars, Cooking Stoves, he., at wholesale and re the manufacturers CHASE CHASE SHARPE, & Tgolii ko. 209 N. SECONit& oc2l-fmw3nt oel-amtligm - - - COTTAGE ORGANiii Aot only' trNMXCILLED. but D'INQUALLIIIII of Tone and rower, designed erpositalY and Bshools. bat found to be equally well 1 4 s i the Parlor and Drawing Nom. For sale 01 B. M. 11, 1 tu No, lg North :en Pi + t also , a ocunplot• Lastortnient of the Palo— • 'militantly on band. FINTSMEYER'S NEWLY PROVED • CRESCENT SCALE 'O I 7ESTRCING PIANO& Acknowledged to be the beat. London • and Hi heat Awards La America received. _4 .14M,ODIONS AND SECOND-RASO ee9-3m Wareroo ma: No. 251 ARM( St. Di COTTAGB fffi lli niaos.o4taAn,NAludolnums,oa, DEONS..II • • " • ••-• - 11[All.SIrs binge r^ oe7-2a. - • •• • ••: INK 'lie% CHESTNITTF . . DR PENA PRIOTICAP TI A TIST for We last !Welty Years , / 1/ 51t below Third inserts the most beautiful t v o age, mounted on fine Cteld,-Platine, Bticarj,ttO • coralite, Amber, ate., at prices, for neat dAi work, more reaeonnbln tham any Deu/li, ° t.. State. Tth 'plugged to last for life. i re/Aired to MIL No Pain in extra.ctius• U a o." ranted tri Raitaream . .. boot &Italian 01Wil. DR tOWENELERZ'S PATENT UNIVERSAL Sit SALVE, for the allevistion of, thea— • the Wilt& and for O. e cure o. lle s aae4 tren . gt i t ikL en me ing a an t most advanced.age. Not °nit does the ' A k a van.tsb, but thew.hite spots, the so-called an d_p d r . e s Zerv call ati ed on ba d d i Ce T t a , the eyes.'the consequence of the inflavP pear very soon after its employment. Frlte RIM YORK. HOBOKEN. _ PH iLARRLPHI.I-815 South FOORTN St.l4° • 'CABINET . 71TRNITURN. MOORS & CAMPI Meilkuth Bloom, stre ss, pl are prepared toldlow &lief decline In PriCe:of ut OO*. rtarchaseis sed....r.anitzteiensr:seselk.-: . . j 864 BRICKS, 0 ,1 • . ,E; large and SuperJor stock oil 4 11 ;it reduced prices. - BitildinKs_costrsc!r• &it ble terms. JOHN M. MOM Bait ' LANZ, below Buck road. Orrin-099 sir • AUCTIoIii sAJL*; WHIPPING. --77 10111 T G. Dila, 1 4 i t in WALNUT Street, Philade.,4 af:-10
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers