follf OITT„ Olt MICA Of The Press 3 Nuw YoßK,'Nov. 6,1844 lon't,T OF =MOTON, , odeS the ultimate I act of voting, rret. eD es. The excitement has cultist post Belmont offers to bet $2.0,000 p o d which no one eau underaand. Etatt,of w,lt of (g a dishonorable A rt weaning Of which phrases a court id Dot decide unguirnously, Col. Rush D J Hon. Henry .T. Raymond are at r egarding their respeetive rights to a I Domination. The newspapers are mon t and vituperation. Eoh party far itself an unequivocal victory at SOLDIRREO VOTII 6ulated upon by Can, And claimed Tbere can be, however, littler doubt et . 'unless griavously mistaken, the I D poll fully seveneyfive per cent. of t New York soldiers, all Uopperhead it e contrary notwithstanding. Suoh, Idea of well•informed parties, ofrORTANT sierchants, bankers, and brokers of 3 plass mooting yesterday, in Wall r e addressed by Moses H. Grinnell, ~,D 1 Walbridge, R. H. Dana, E 40., of yield, and others of similar standing t oe world. The Corn Exchange and produce Exchange attended in a barly. eolt strong grounds for the Union, and :tlr. Lincoln as the fittest person for I sar to a successful close. IitTLER 1N COMMAND. 1 g enerallyunderatood that this tried practically In command of New York two times. Therefore, there will be or rcenaCtion of the July riots. HIS wfil do more to discourage the mar -0 the Copperheads than would tllO la the city. Every Grne man, Atical prejudices may be, will thank w r this notification of his resolve to oris from the torch of the Incendiary 00 of the mob-men. :Br Telegraph.] NRW YOarc, Nov. 6. OP RIEGULAP. TROOPS. 'l, and 14th Regiments of regular• troops arrived here to-day, and are ;:luos parts of the city. :MI 10th Uouneo int Regiments, ; 'Hawley, arrived here today, with ;Iv General Boiler. It, is understood orison duty here. qachus.etts Regiment, one hundred tonight, en route homeytheir, cF:•vr OP RIVER THIEVES. ;fie harbor police seized the schooner a vessel of 160 tons, and arrested :,named Brenner (who acted as cap and Scott, on the ground of having epantity of pig iron at Orotoo, New eve nty tons In all, of which twenty ;03 hoard. It appears that an ergs-- , ased this vessel fora long time for :Jrryin offlunder. The catured :0 bar g lrg committed extensive rob-, Nert3lo33 B, :r OP TEE GUNBOAT ITYRISCIIIS. tt draft, tarn-screw gunboat Hybis. ,ficfal trial trip yesterday, in which lIMIbI, She was built at Fair- Sam ra uel y H. Zook. She has two of .oi, and, working under an easy pies; Blokes eleven knots. She steers 0 complete circle in four nalnuteS wads, . PIRATII CHASED. McClellan, from New Orleans on the :rived. She reports that on Nevem ming Pan Steals, saw a United chnsing and firing at a large steamer, e.slacks, and burning soft coal. The eleing on the rebel very rapidly. Ale Eutertainmentp. ritula THRATREI.—The visitors to . Saturday night enjoyed an enter . worth. The performance consisted 11 :Stranger" and Tobin's " Honey one or two exceptions, both were !Most irreproaohable manner. The . ening but penitent wife have rarely den more force and pathos than by The morose and suffering recluse representative in Itir. Plordaunt, Pa great favorite in this city, and !Jing to eminence in his profession. t an excellent Peter. :This actor, to guard himself against a fatal late has seemed to be creeplog lances. It is one thing to be quiet to be lifeless. as finale to an evening's entertain- Honeymoon," performed as it was laid not easily be imagined. The bat one imperfection. The im yrs, Bowers as the scornful but and of Mr. Mordaunt as the wisely ailed their acting in the previous the stage manager, whose merits !said he glad to acknowledge more yield us opportunity by oftener a very amusing Rinaldo. The ;morn was pleasingly sustained by :ok, an aotress of constant grace, modesty. Monastery of St. Just" will be Ant time in this city. This play is one of the most effective of the MEM, by Delavigne, and has been great success in London, and re• mere in Baltimore. tTRES7 TRZA.TRE.-" Waiting for .lei has proved quite a successful lidrawn after Tuesday, to makewray Hy, called "The Plebeian's Baugh int week is the last of the engage. banana, who will be succeeded by gun. 'I'.IIET THEATIVIE.r. and Mrs. shave proved a sufficient attrac .eatre during the past week despite Cement. The drollery and humor Ito exponents of Irish and Yankee o doubt, continue during the pra t with the success which they de• irs. Williams will appear tonight ;e," and "Latest from New York.” 7 will be Concluded by the farce in which Stuart Robson and Miss Var. rs NATIONAL OIROVS.—The MMus 'but street, above Eighth, is now :dor improvements, and will be Thursday evening, 10th Inst., for 1, by Dirs. Uharles Warner, a lady Is energy, who promises to introduce In the profession during the season. I circus is a valuable acquisition in cements. Tl 7 IT E 1 ' will end the most exciting political :le age. The result is set down as a rerybody, of course. Nothing could however, than that the beat place to buy the best and cheapest Coal here, 057 North Ninth street. AW' AND GENTLBMWEI FURNISH- Would call the attention of the tenelve assortment of Gentlemen's Hand Winter Under-clothing, White other Gooda appertaining to a gen rote, manufactured in beat style and and offered at reasonable prices, by at his old stand, Nos. 1 and 3 OP Gezmentan's FURNISHING IT Mr. George Grant, No. 610 Chest ' e finest in the city, and his celebra tat Shirts," invented by Mr. J. F. taturpasSed by any others in the Wort, and durability. ti Atm»; NEW.—Prlessre. Wood & inst street, announce to their lady Cvelvet bonnets are made over, and )tats reshaped 'at their establish- Ot ETESIEB.—The Emperor of Rue. "ling a visit to his Imperial neighbor 'e two Emperorts hob•nobbed together Arent cordiality, and high compli tween them. It IS understood that Ilimented Napoleon upon his. ele toe, and the last-named potentate %Ifidentially, that it was altogether et that he sends to this country and Sunday suits at the Brown Stone of Rockhill Si Wilson, Nos. 803 and .reet, above Sixth. dully inscribed to Mr. Geo. 'Francis le for the next Presidency. Sant is the march of mind! ayes yesterday behind ; :where such increase gains node of drawing trains. !Is drew, then steam was used ; as some minds amused. all these we man surpass, I's a Train that goes by—gas I Your Olothing at Charles Stokes Sr. lei tinder the Continental, and don't Pon of yourself. I CLOTHING, %thin g , At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, PERRY a CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT Atitiate. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY .'& CO.. CLOT/H.138, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, TFIERI, and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, T BIRD. attd.CHESTHUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. P E R RY & CO.. CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. P E R RY & Co., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. FERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD'aidTHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, TRIED and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, 'THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., 4LOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY dr CO!. CLOTEfING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THlRD'and ,CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO, , CLOTHING, TRIED and CHESTNUT. PERRY &.CO., CLOTHING, , THIRD and ORE TNUT. PERRY- & CO., CLOTHING,' THIRD and CHESTNUT. cml4 fmw tf 'To PURCHASE CLOTHING at low prices, make a tielection from our stock of READY-MADE CUR ERS TB, We are selling goods equal in style, flt, make, and material, from 25 to 50per cent. lower than is now charged for same goods made to order. We have all styles, sizes, and prices of Clothing, Meng', Youths', ind_Boys'. All can be suited without delay or trouble. BENNETT & CO., oe4.mtathi tt TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET Street OVERCOATS FROM -$l4 TO $55. OVOROOATS. OVERCOATS FROM $l4 to $55. OVERCOATS t 6 6.6 OVERCOATS FROM $l4 to $66. OVERCOATS OVERCOATS FROM $1.4 to $55. OVERCOATS. WAAAMAKBR & BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E. corner HICTE and MARKRT Streets. 4,8 , Young Men's Suits and elegant viriety of the best class Clothing at REASONABLE PRICES. WHBBLICE & WILSON'S HIGHEST PEEMMiI TRIkOREAPEST. SIMPLEST. AND gearooms. '7O 1- CREI3I2I7T Street. above Seventh. CONIVELT.,.-:-On the sth instant, Emma P:, daughter of Georwe and Elizabeth Connell. Funeral from her father's. residenco, La Orange, Darby rosd, this (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. HAWKINS. —On the 23t1, nit., of wounds received in the action of the 27th. near Richmond, Limit Col. (late aptniu) Geo. W. ErklWhiflic t 97th Regiment, P. aged 37 years; His friends and those of the family, the members of his regiment, and Phomix Lodge, A. F. td., are re spectfully invtted to attend the funeral, from the resi dence-of his father, John Hawkins, in Upper Darby, on Monday, 7th inst., at 2 o'clock P. fd. withont further notice. ears leave Forty. first and Mat kst streets, hourly, direct to the house. Interment at Mt. Morish Cemetery. " MILLER. —On the morning of the 4th instant, Andrew Miller, in the 6501 year of his age. , The relatives and friends of , the family are respectful ly invited to attend his funeral, from hie late residence, EO4 Routh Fourth street, bete w Catharine, on Wednes day, the 9th instant, at 1 o'ulock P. M. Interment at Laurel Bill Cemetery. es** ROWLA ND. —On Thursday, the 3d of November. Al-' bert 0. Rowland, in the 42d year of hie age. The relatives and friends of the family ere respect fully invited to attend' the funeral, without further no. lice, from the residence of his father, in Cheltenham, Montgomery county, on Monday, the 7th inst., at ten o'clock. - • *5 SEEGER.—On , Thursday, November 3, Frederick L. Seeger, aged 34 years. - His relatives and friends are invited to attend the f nueral, from the residence of his mother, No. 011 North Sixth street, on Monday nest, at 10 A. M. *5 5 PARKINSON. —On the 3d instant. Mary It., youngest daughter of Robert B. and Jane B. Parkinson, in the Ilth year of her age Funeral on Monday, 7th 'natant, at I o'clock P. M., from the residence of her parents, East Walnut lane,' above Morton street, Germantown. • To prodeed to Lan- rel HIM HALL. —ln Philadelphia, November 6th, Thomas M Hall, in the 30th year otitis are. Weekly Reßort of Interments. HEALTH. Orme. November 5, ISM Deana and Interments in the Otty.of Phi ladeLph from the Zia dal, of Oct. to the 6th of Nov.. 1864. <urns or DEATH • Asthma Asphyxia GECEIIIII Allmel nada Apoplexy Burns and Scalds.. • . Oancer ' Breast " Uterus _ . " Stomach .... Casualties Croup Congestion, Brain... Lungs .. Cholera Infantnm... Caries of Skull Coma Consumption, Lungs Convulsions Cyanosis Diptheria Diarrhoea Dropsy " Abdominal . Brain " Chest.. Heart Disease of Heart.... .• Liver. Frost'e (End Drown; d Dysentery Debility Effusion on Brain... Eryitpelas Fracture of Thigh .. Few Brain " Congestive . " Catarrhal... " Camy " Petechial... OP THE Under 1 year From Ito 2........ 2to 5 " 6tolo .. " 10 10 15 .. " 15 to 20 • • " 7/oto3o •••• 80 to 40 " 40 to 50.. .. . ..231 I WARDS. WARDS. I WARD& First 14 Tenth ....10 Nineteenth Second .........111.Eleventh. 41 Twentieth Twentieth Third 3'Twelfth Twenty-fir. Fourth .... 9 Thirteenth .....11 Twenty -set Fifth........... 19 Fourteenth. •• .. 7 Twenty-thi Sixth .... 8 Fifteenth 19 Twenty-fot Seventh ..17 Sixteenth .• 4;Twenty-tift Eighth - 11 Seventeenth'.... Unknown.. Ninth . ..... ....14,Eighteenth 71 Total Deduct deaths from the country Fret deaths in the city . . NATIVITY. —United States, 223; Foreign, 60; Unknown, 17; Almshouse, 10; People of Color, 21; from the coun try, IS . The number of deaths t compared with the correspond ing week of 1863 and of last week, was as follows; Week ending November 7th, 1863, was 2-10, Week ending October 20th ,' 1864, was 270. Males, 179•, females, 121; boys, 89; girls, 83. Deaths and interments of soldiers, 47. By order of the Board of Health. ' . GEORGE B. CHAMBERS. Registrar. LUPIN'S BLACK ALL-WOOL REPS. Lupin's Black All. Wool Empress Cloths. Do do do Mousseline de Leine% full double width. do Tamise do Merinoes. do Cashmeres. do Thibet and Long Shaw le, full and extra sizes. Do do Bombazines, dm, &c BESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. Do do Do do Do do Po do VIBE AND LANDELL ARE OFFER ING all their Foreign Goode, one Gold basis of 190 Premium, and as Gold has now advanced, they are able to offer buyers a better chance than they can obtain elsewhere. Lyons Velvet for Sacks and Cloaks. Best Black Silks in the city. Best stock of new goods in town. nod-tf tgr LABOR, INCOINE, AND REVD. NUE —COAL COMMITTEE. In addition to numerous contributions heretofore ac knowledged, the undersigned, with pleasure, acknow ledges the receipt of. the following: Proceeds of coal purchased with contribu tion made by workmen of Norwegian 'Coal Company 8460 30 Contributed by the mine contractors and em ployees of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com- ' pany, at Mauch Chunk office Engineore' Department Clerks Can al Railroads SUMMIT MINES. Mine No 2, Sharpe, Van Horn and. employees 276 76 Mine No. 4, Bertsb, Leisuring & Co. ,and employees 179 83 Mine No 6, Jamee M. Lean & Co., and employees 162 19 Mine No.. 6, Abbott & Davis and em- Mine N ployee o s ..•. 72 55 . 8, Sharp & Winterstein and employees ....143 25 Mine No. 9, Daniel Bertsh and em ployeea 95 79 Machine bhop and Foundry, M. B. Ab bott 19 68 S. T. Minnick and others 30 80 Remitted by B. Barman, Pottsville: • From a Clerk—the odd change for 6 days, ow ing to the scarcity of pennies and currency— could not be paid under 26'oents Contributions by hands of Johnt Anderson.... Proceeds of Coal. contributed by B Ham mett, from his. Vick et Mountain Colliery.... 1,323 13 Previously reported 63,456 58 OIL SUBSCRIPTIONS:-.-PERSONS desiring to engage in an Oil operat ion presenting unusual inducements should promptly avail themselves of the opportunity to secure one or more of the balance of the ONE HUNDRED SHARES for the purchase of SEVEN TRACTS OF 'VALUABLE OIL TERRITORY,in Venango county. These estates alt front on the Alle gheny river and its tributailee l arein fee stsnPle, sub- Ject, to no royalty tenets, or mortgages, and adjoin and are in the immediate vicinity of roar oil companies. When the list is full they will thus be conveyed to the subscribers, who will organize the Company among themselves, elect their own officers, and otherwise themselves manage the affairs of the Company. BY the plan proposed handsome results may with confidence be expected. Shares $l,OOO each; five per cent., or $5O on each share, payable on subscribing. Books to receive subscriptions to the balance of the shares are now open. )or maps and circulars, giving farther padiculare. address or apply to the hodersigned,bY whom subscrip tions are received. DUNCAN M. MITCHISON, Office N. E. cod. FOURTH and WALNUT Ste. Subscriptions, by mail or otherwlsejalso received by E. BO RDA. Treasurer 327 WALNUT Street, Phiimig. THE FOLLOWLNG ADDITIONAL donations kave been received for the rational Sailors' Fair, Boston, March 1: . Cash 1 00 03 Mrs. J. P. Steiner 6 CO Cleo. W. Hill lo 00 ler. Pyle, goods valued at 60 00 Mrs. Dr. Wallace. books valued at 60 00 J. 0 Meade, goods valited at 20 IX) ' G. W. Huller, goads valued at 8 00 Amos Hilborn, goods valued at ......... ........... 800 Ooidthwalt & Co., goods valued at 2 50 J. F. Young & Co., goods valued at 26 no Also, bronzes from Cornelius & Co. ; ferrotypes from Master E. Wallace; afghan from Mrs. Newhall: fancy articles from Mrs. Frazer, Mrs.. Major Green. Mrs. A. H. Burns,- Mrs. R. Sharp, Miss Smith, Miss M. A. Clark, Miss Cooper, Mrs. W. P. Hacker,,,Army Aid of Norristown; afghan from Mrs. J. Hazeltone. Mrs. D. HADDOCK, Ja., li . • Treasurer. re are now m for per- Colds are m of many being laid, hies that a Itorant, In Ireton , or• of dangers eis are of- Indard re• ,t street. I treated 1 Pine et. mlnation. igir SIXTH WARD V N lON ASS°. CIATION will meet at Leech's Hotel, CHEESY Street, between Third and Fourth, THIS (Monday) BTU INO, at 7% o'clock. By order WILLIAM B. BARNES, President. Jon:: O. SITTI.BR, Secretary. It ertisement lerils of Me WTHE REGIULALE MONTHLY Meeting of the ECLECTIC MEDICAL MAMMA. TloN of Philadelphia will be [held THIS (RONDA!) EVENING, at the Eclectic Medical College, NINTH Street, below Locust. Subject-for discussion, Female Medical Education. " The public are invited. T. F. BLAKE, N. D , Secretary. ~~-,~ rl~~~i. lar• NOTICE.-THE WEST PHIL&• DELPHIA TRUST COMPANY have removed their office from No. 1429 to No. 303 E MARKET Street, (opposite the new Passenger Depot of the Penn sylvania Railroad ) where the business .of the Insti tution will be conducted as usual. no - ft* DAVID B. PAUL,Prestdent. ,een sold by popularity.' )111,1), ThITNUT. LATIUM for RETAIL marked in • warranted tly adhered" I' OLD-118- en, 804 deBl-1, rarOFF ICE OF PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL COAL AND OIL COMPANY, N. E. corner , THIRD and DOCK (Second Story.) , -NOTICE.,—The Board of Directors have this darcall ed in an assessment of TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER SHARE on each share of the capital stook of the Corn- PMF, Ramble on or before the first Mir of December. IM4. by, order of the Board. ' • , nos-flt• •• - ADAM WARFEL/dill, Trossarer. • LOCK` -STITCH SEWING MAORINFA. DIED.. CAMS OF DEATH. Fever, Scarlet Typhus " Typhoid Hemorrhage Stomach and Bo wele - - " Lunge }looping Cough Inflammation, Brain " Bronchi " Kidneys " Larynx ' " Peritoneum . " Pleura. • ' " St. & Bowels. " Spleen • " Uterne.. , Intneeneceptlon..,: Inanition .... Intemperance Jaundice Manta-a•Potu Maraemus Measles.... ..... Neuralgia Old Age Obetruction, 'Bowels Pyernia Scrofula Sore Throat.... Mouth Softening of Brain .. Small-Pox Still-born Tetanus • ~. •••• Unknown ...... Urelmia. • .... Wounds—Gunshot.% Total ' E THERE WERE -68 Fro m . 60 to 60 38 60 to 70 32 " 70 to 80 19 " SO to 90 8 " 90 to 100 17 " 100 to 110 86 Total 6634 85 ..• 81 75 244 78 498 86 367.689 02 E BORDA, Treasurer. lIITIOIAL UNION TICKET ABRAHAM LINCIO:C.N ANDREW J'OHNEiON SENATORIAL... MORTON MoMICHABL, Philadebbia. THOMAS CUNNINGHAM, Beaver Corattil REPRESENTATIVE. 1. lobert P. Sing. 13. Elias W. Halo. 1. G. blorrieon Coates, 14, Charles H. Skrins6l 8. Henry Bumze_„ 16. John Wister, 4, William H. Bern. 16. David lifcConanghy, 6. , Barton H. Jenks. 17: David W. Woods. 6. Charles M. Bunk. 18. Isaac Benson, Y. Hobert Parka, 19. John Patton, 8. William Taylor. 20. Samuel B. Disk, 9: John A. Hieetand, " 2L Everard Blerer, • 10. Richard H. Corre ll, 22. John P. Penney, 11. Edward Holiday, 83. Ebenezer MoJunklaa 12. Charles Y. Head, 24. John W. Blanshard. 55 , order of the State Cent LEAkf;tl7E HALL. THIS EVV.NING-, HON. CHARLES GILPIN MAJOR McNITOEIAEL, And other Distinguished Speakers, W=. " REPUBLICAN INIVINCIRLES, A Fpecial Meetiag of the (Nab will be held' THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, at 8 o!clook • A full attendance is requested. as business - of great importance, will be transacted. All members having LASIPS in-their possession will urn them in, as it is expected the Clad will turn out in great force WM. L. Fos, Jr., Secretary Or FIFTEENTH WARD: NINTH DIVISION.„ A meeting of the Citizens of Ninth DivisiOn, •Flf teenth ward, will be held THIS (MONDAY) EVENING,• t Hall, NORTH Street, below Eighteenth, at 8 o'clock. Pr. B. B. ADAMS, of North BroaVetreet Presbyte rian Church: • Rev. THOS. CUNNINGHAM, of Alexandrian Presby tertan Church, - N. K. RICHARDSON, Esq., and other slit alters will address the meeting. The loyal citizens of the ward are invited to attend. This Is the last call for the victory on TUESDAY. • . H. B. lIX_OITS, - Cliairman. J. ATLEE WHITE, Seeretary. . lie TO TINE .111:1111ION VOTERS OF U PH ILADELMIA.—At a meeting of the Ram five Committee of the MERCANTILE TINION CLUB,. held on November let, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That this Clab will present- to the ward giving the largest increased pro rata vote for the Union Electoral Ticket, compared with tbe October vote, the SPLENDID •TRANSPARENCY ..... carried by the Club in the procession October Stb, re pretenting "Our Flag supportid. and defended by the Army and Navy. " Resolved, That Narshal JAMES 'D. KEYSER be era- Pon ered to carry the above reso) ntion into greet C. J. HOFFMAN, President. Wst. A. Bowls, Secretary. no7-2t srwm WARD' LINCOLN ASSO. CIATION. —A special meeting. of the Ninth ward Lincoln Association will be held THIS (Monday) WINING. Nny. 7. at 8 o'clock, at the Hall, III&REET and MERRICK Streets. AU loyal men of the ward are rtouested to attend. , By order of the Ward Committee of Superintendence. JOHN D. HILL; Secretary. TWENTY-FOURTH WARD.— LINCOLN. JOHNSON, UNION: AND VIC TORY I— Messrs. D. W. C. O'Brien, D. P. Sonthworth, J. W. Farrell, and.Lient L. C. Reeves will address the Lincoln and Johnson • Club; at their He.dociarters, StAREAT Street, above Thirty-third, THIS EVENING, 7th inst , at 8 o'clock. Let every loyal citizen, not otherwise engaged in his precinct, attend this lasi grand rally for Liberty and Union ! The - Executive Committee Will meet at 7. CHAS: GITHERS, Pres. pro tem. MAI THENV MORRIS, Secretary. iIIgrTHREE CHEERS FORABRAIHAII AND THE UNION. —A Mass Meeting wilt be held THIS EVENING, at the northwest corner of TWENTY-SECOND and COATES Streets, Fifteenth Wald, when the Union ladies of the Eighth Precinct will present a large Union Flag to the Union Ipen of the Eighth Precinct. The, flag will be presented by Col. Wm: F. Ulan. and received by Abraham Myers, Esq on behalf of the ladles of the Eighth Precinct of the Fifteenth Ward. OrMEDICAL LECTURES BY-PROF. W. PAINE, M. D. every WEDNESDAY EVE NING, at 8 o'clock, until the Ist of Febraarg, 1561, at the New School Medical College, NINTH Street. below Walnut. Lecture I. Nature, causes, and New School treatment of * Consumption. Seats free. leAtea and Gentlemen invited. Medical Students who have not the means to pay full fees, and wish to attend the Col. .ege, can obtain thefree ticket by applying to the Dean, W. PA I NE, - M. D.. Noe. 931 and 933 ARCH Sliest, Philad.s. OFFICE OF THE CI rY- BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION, No. 44% PRUNE Street PITILADELPHIA, November 4, 1564. Until further notice the following - bounties will be paid to men duly enlisted and on aad after this date mustered into the military or naval service of the United Statee,and credited to any Ward or District of Philadel phia: For twelve months' recruits, one hundred and my IA ars. MIIM3 - - For two years' recruit% three hundred dollars. For three years' recruits, four hundred and fifty dot- And to moiled citizens, Who furnish substitutes in datums of a draft— For one year's substitutes, one hundred dollars. For two years' substitutes, two hundred dollars. For three years' substitutes, three hundred dollars. nob-et R. P. KING, President. WOFFICE PENNIIYLVANIA•R&IIL ROAD COMPANY, • PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 4461861. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS.—The Shareh olders in this Company are notified that, under Resolution of the Board of Directors, they are entitled to subscribe to the Stock of the Company the amount of TBN PER CENT. on their respective interest, as 'shown by the Books of the Company on the WI in.t Each Shareholder entitled to a fraitional part of a share, under the terms of the Resolution, shall have the privilege of subscribing for a frill share on tho payment of Fifty Dollars. This Stock will be issued at the par value or FIFTY DOLLARS per share. Accrued interest at SIX PER CANT. will be charged from Ist inst. until payment is made. The Books for subscription and payment will be open on MONDAY, the 7th inst , and will close on the 31st of December next, aft -r which no farther subscriptions will be received under this Resolution. nod-tde3l OFFICE OF THE WEST PHYLA" DELPHIA PASSENGER _RAILWAY CO. • PHILADELPHIA, liovAmber 2d, :1864. At a meeting ofthe Stockholders of •this Company, held at their office, on the Ist instant, the following gentlemen were duly elected Directors for the ensuing year, viz: John S Horton, Samuel Baugh, John F. Gross, J. Warner Johnson, Berman J. Lombaert, Benjamin Griffith, John C. Davis, James G. Har William IS , Wright, die. And at &meeting of the Board of-Directors, held this day, the following officers were elected, via:- JOHN S. MORTON, President. WILLIAM MARTIN, Ja Secretary and Treasurer. GEORGE C. JERVIS, Assistant Secretary. no6-6ts NOTICE.—THE BOOKS OF SUB SCRIPTION to the Cipital Stock of the "Frank ford and Philadelphia Passen ger Railway Company of the City of Philadelphia " are now open at the office of the Comrany, 4384 CLISSTP UT Street nod-ero A. B. KEITH, President. , PHILADELPHIA DENTAL COL- I 108 North TENTH Street. west side, above Arch street.—Professional' &rotas rendered in the Clinic from 9 to 11 A. M. and 2 to 41'. M., gratui tously, cyFry day except Saturdays and Sundays, from the first of November, 1361; to the first of March, 1863. n045-3t $1,760 76 ligr FIFTH WARD Itt ILTIONAT. UNION PARTY. —A meeting 01 the Union men of the Ward will be held at Good Intent Hall, 602 SPRUCE Street. on MONDAY EVENING, November 7th, at m o'clock. Division officers are particnlarlT reqttested to attend. I. S. ATKINSON, Jr nob 2t* Secretary. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE.—THE Winter Course of LECTURES, and practical demonstrations in Mining Metallurgy, Civil and Me chanical Engineeering, Chemistry and Arabi' ectara, will begin on MONDAY, November 7th, and continue Four Months. Apply at the College Braiding, MARKET Street and West Penn Square. ALFRED L. SMEDY, M. D., no St* President of Faculty. IgrOFFICE CALDWELL OIL CO:PL. PANY, rear of 91113,1 WALNUT Street, second story.—Certificates of stock of the Caldwell Olt Com pany will be issued, upon pzesentation of ncelpts, at the Office of the Company, on and after hfONDAY, November 7. CHARLES M. SITES, Secretary. PHILA.DISLIMIA. NOV. 5. 1854 nos St gro YOUNG MEN PREPARED FOR . THE COUNTING. HOUSE and BUSINESS LIPS st CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 637 CHESTNUT Street, corner of Seventh. Practical instruction in BOOK-KEEPING in all its branches; PENMANSHIf, Plain and Ornamental; CON MERCIAL CALCULATIONS, in the sborte.t and most approved methods; TELEGRAPHING. by Sound and on Paper, taught by a first-class Operator. Also, Commercial Law, Business Forms, Detecting Counter. felt Notes, Mathems..ics, Ste Students inetracted separately, and can inter at any time. EVENING MISSIONS continue !rim September 15th to April Mb, thus giving to those engaged during the day an opportunity to become qualified for holding de sirable po,itions in business life. Catalogues, containing terms, &c.,and the names of nearly five hundred students; may b e obtained; -gratis, on application. • no 4 St' liar DIVIDEND NOTICE. Oftice of the CORN PLANTER OIL COMPANY, No. 524 WALNUT Street, October 27, HAL The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day de clared a Dividend of TWO PER CENT. en the Capital block of this Company payable at their Once on and after NOVEMBER 12, clear of State Taxes. The Transfer Books will be closed on the lst of NO. MEMBER, at 3 P. 51., and be opened on the lath. c0c28.14t , THOS. R. SEARLS, Secretary. lar OFFICE OF :THE AETNA BRINING OOMPANY—PnILADELYnte., Oct. 29, 1864. Notice is hereby Oven, that an instalment of ONB DOLLAR PER SHARE Aln on each and every Share of the Capital Etock of the ETNA MINING COMPANY has this day been called in, payable on or before the 14th Day of NOVEMBER, 1864 at the Oftice of the Company, No. 324- WALNUT etreet, lau treet, pseeipki a . By order of the Directors, oc3l-1214 , . • B .A. HOOPES, Treasurer. MrMERCANTILE BENEFICIAL AS ' SOCIATION. —The twenty third annual meet ing of the MERCANTILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA will be ;Aid on TUESDAY NEXT, November Sth, at S'o'oleck P. It, at No. 118 South SEVENTH street. The annual report will be submitted, and an election held for a Board of Manager.' to Berra rot the ensuing year. -WILLIAM . A. ROLIN. nolAt • , • Secretary. GREAT BASIN OIL LOSIPANY DIVIDEND NOTCCE.—The Directors of the above Company have this day declared a dividend of TWO (2) PER. CENT. on the Capital &oak, payable on and after the 10th Inst., , at their Office. .19o.• 7 P.Z. WEAR BUILDINGS, WALNUT. below Tbird. . G. W. WILLIAMS, Sec'y aaci•Treastr.. . PITTLADELPETA, Nov.'l, 1864. . noS-RI! .THE._..I?RESS - , -. I' I .I.TTL.NMLPITtI,. .IkION-pAir,..-..-N0,,vg:413 FOR PIZESID.EIST. Olt ILLINOIS, rex VWE PROMI/Ma OF TENZiMiBIL RILEGTORAM TIOELET. rid Committee LOAMEROX. Ohstram. TAP O'CLOCK, WILL ADDRESS TUE 1'U131.10 ATrrENTION! ON TUESDAY NIGHT GEORGE INMAN RICHE. President THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer WA A.' DA.II3IP 111 DT A ,COLORADO GOLD MINING COMPANY • ohnterod by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL STOCK, 11,000.004 200 000 SHARES—PAIL VALUE. d 4 PrOstdsnt"J o B NB. ANDEEBjri. untstrroas James E. Magee. John W. Hall, Elarrialstilt T. C. McDowell, de: John Brady, " do. W.W. Wylie, Lancaster; Wm.' G. Shute. Colorado. B. P. SOUTHWORTH. Secretary and Treasurer. Oface of the Company, No, 91N13 WALNUT Street— Boom No. C. Ambentioated specimens have been procured from some of the Company's hides, and have been assayed by Prdessors Booth and Garrett with the most gratify ing results. Subscription lists have been opened at the Office of the Company and at the Treasurer's Office (In ternal Revenue), No. 427 CHESTNUT Street. Farmers' and Mechisairs' Bank Building. Tooriginal au bsoribers, 413.50 per share, for n limited number of ((hares. Circulars, pamphlets. or information can be obtained at the Office of the Company after the 17th inst. &maim 14.1864: .ocl4-1m Thomas E. Scott, N. B. %nesse, Win. B. Freeman, itobt. F. King, John Charles DeSayer. • " GREAT ACENTRAL P.A7II."—ALL 1160- . 7 bills against the "Great Central Fair" must be presented, on or before the TENTH D aY OF NOVSIK 888. at the Office of the Sanitary Como:assign, 1307 CHESTNUT Street, addressed to G. - A. !WOOD, n01.9t Chairman of Auditing Committee. PENNSYLVANIA R A I'L IC@ & COM PANT. —TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT,. PIITLADRLPFITA. Nov 2. 1863-The.Board of Direotota DAY declared .a .semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CEoIT. on the. Capital Stock of the Company, clear of National and Stat e taxes, payable on and. after I6th instant. Powt rs ot attorney for collection of Dividends can be had on application at the office Of the Company, No; 23S' Smith THIRD Street. . no 3 THOS. T. FIRTH, Treaaurer. E FIG lITH NATIONAL ANlki, ] Orr North SECOND Street,between 'Pop lar street and Girard avenue. will be opened for the transaction of business on WEDNESDAY" next, 9th inst. Bankina hours 9A. M. to 3P. M. . H. WILLIAMS, Cashier.. no6-4r krOVEMBZR 4;1884 TREABITKER'S DEPARTMENT' Or NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. COM:. PANY. ' CALVERT STATIC)N, BALTIMORE, October 21, 1814 DIVI.DEVD NO. 3.—The President and Directors of this Company have this day declared a DIVIDEND OP' TWO (2) PER CENT., clear of National and State taxes, for the quarter ending September 30th. payable to the Stockholders on the 10th of NOVEMBER next, at this office. The transfer books will be closed from the let until the 10th of November inclusive. By order. oc24.nnvflOt . J. S. LEIB. Treasurer. DIVIDEND NOTICE.-OFFICE OF THE ItIcCLINTOCK VILLE PETROLEUM COMPANY, - No. 41L. WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, October 29. 18M. The directors of the Company have this day declared the.seventh' monthly dividend of ONE PER GEV. parable on and after TUESDAY, Nnvemberlsth,lB6.l. The transfer books will be closed November 9,. at .3 o clockP. Dl., and reopened November 16. . 0c.31- m wftf WM. MOORE V, Secretary. sliglalr — ' GIRARD BANK., ' • • PH ILADELPIII t. Istorember -1864. This Bank has declared a D 1V IDRIS D, out of the profits of the /set six months. or. FIVE, PER CENT., payable on &mend, free of all taxes. - It will be necessary for the holders of stock which has not been consolidated to surrender their old certificates for consolidation before receiving the dividend. By order of the Board. wini6t W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. CONSOLIDATION BANK, whiAcor • PHILADELPHIA, October 13, 1864. An election for Directors to •derve the &toning year will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, 21st day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. awl 3P. M. JOSEPH N. PEIRSOL, ocl4• fmwin nl4 Cashier. tar' UNION BANN. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 1. 1.864. • At a mcetingof the Board of Direetors,.hold this day, a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT: for the Last six months, free of all taxes, vvas declared, payable on demand. no2wfmft ' J. J. RIICHEL, Cashier. Mr PENN NATIONAL BANK, • PRILADELPHIA. Nov. 1, 1854. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of EIX PER CENT. on. the Capital Stook for the Wit six months. payable on demand, clear of all taxes.' ' no2;wfm6t JAMES RUSSELL, Cashier. NATIONAL BANK OF. COM. BERCB. PHIL ADELiII N . "1'0311091' 1.1861. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of FIVE' Per Cent „payable on demand, clear of Aimee. (notwlns6L] JiDriN A. LEWIS, Cashier. . . Iar.EXCHANGE BANK OF PITTS. CTISG, November let. Mt —The Board of Di rectors have this da'y declared a dividend of SIX PEE CENT: out of the earnings of the last six months. The 'United States tax will be paid by the Bank. Eastern stockholders will be paid at the Western Bank of Philadelphia oft or after the lath inst. no3-12t Cashier. 110... MERCHANTS' AND MANITFAC. TIMERS' BARK, • •• • rITTEIBIIRG, Nov. 1, 1814. The Board of Directors of this renk have this day de clared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT on the capital stock out of the profits of the last six months, parable on or after.the 11th inst.. free of all taxes. Stockholders 'East will be paid at the Commercial National Bank. no 4 7t • JOHN SCOTT. JA., Cashier. lar• THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BAN% OF PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA, November 1, 186 The Board of Directors hatethis day declared a diet. dend of FIVE Per Cent. for the last six months, payable on demand, clear of all taxes. - no 2-81 . 8. C. PALIIIER, Cashier. IkENSINGTON NATIONAL B ANIL Pamiamtnfra, November 1. 1864. The Board.of Directore have thleday declared a divi dend of FIVE Per Cent., payable on demand, clear of all taxes. [not-6t] C. T. TERRE% Cashier. WESTERN RANK OF PHILA.. J DELPHIA, Noveniber 1. 1864. The Di , ectors have this day declared a dillikof TEN PER ()ENT., payable on demand, clear a tional and State taxes. not-64 C. N WETGANDT, Cashier TREE MANUFACTURERS' NA. TIONAI, BANK. • PHILADELPHIA. November I, 1881 The Directors have this day .declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., for the last six months, payable on demand, clear of all taxes. not-6i 111. :W • WOODWARD, Cashier. FiIIIRXERIP AND MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANS, PHILADELPHIA, November 1, 1664. The Directors have tbis day declared a dividend of FIVE PER 03NT., payable on demand, clear of all taxes. W. BUriIITON. JR , no 2. 6t Cashier. sFeoND NATIONAL..MANIL OF I rHILADELPFIL Fie NIZFORD November 1. MN The Directors have declared a DI , IDEND of SIX PER CENT. for the last six months, payable on demand, clear of taxes. W. R. RRAWN • no 6t Cashier. SEVENTII. NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA,. Nov. 1; 1854. The Dii ectors have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT. out of the. earnings of this Bank since July 1,.1864, payable on demand. clear of taxes. - no2-St • B. 8. BALL, Castile 11W- THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BAN& Prfu..instrni a, October 31. 1861 The 'Directell4 have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. for the last six mouths, payable on demand, clear of all taxes. not-6t . B. B COMEGYS. Casnier. Itgr 3'l BST NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. TAIL 4DELPETA, November 1, 1861. The Board of Directors have thi4 day declared a Divi dend of SIX PEHOENT., free of all taxes, payable on demand ont, of the earninia orthis Bank for the past six months. MORON McMLCHABL. no2-et Cashier. Itgr• THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK. - PITTLADBLPHIA, November 1, 1864 - The Directors bave this day declared a Dividend of FIV PER CERT. on the Capital Stock, payable on de mand, clear of all tames. ' B. GLBADINNING, no2-tit " Cashier. DIF.CHANICS' BANK. • PHILADELPHIA, NOT. 1,1864. • The Dowd: a Directors have this day declared a dividend of SIX PEE CENT..'on the business of the last six months, payable to the stockholders or their legal representatives, on the llth inst., free of all .taxation. J.. WIEGAII 1), Jr., no? 9t Cashier. wir ATTENTION, UNION CITIZENS EIGHTH . A LAST GRAND RALLY FOE LINCOLN AND .JOHNSON. The. Union citizens of the Eichth ward favorable to the election fOf ABRAHAM LINCOLN and ANDREW JOHNSON, are requested to meet on MONDAY EVE NOG, 7th inst., at 7% o'clock, at the Ball of the Schuylkill Bose House, LOCUST, below Thirteenth. Business of importance. By order of the Ward Executive Committee nos-2t 'ALEX. P. COLSSBBRRY, Secretary. lar OT I CE. RIMMING SPRING OIL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVARA- —Per- Eons lislding Receipts a) e requested to call at No. 1).3 CHESTNOT Street, and receive Certificates for same. J. C. FRYER, Secretary and Treasurer. NOVRXBRR L 1564. no2-6t COMMISSION OF THE 'UNITED STATES AND ECUADOR. Notice is hereby given that the Commission provided for by the Convention of November 26, 1862, between the United States and Ecuador, for the mutual mil net- Meat of claime; was duly organized at the city of Guay aquil, on the 18th day of august last, and that the said Commission will continue in session for the period of. twelve months from that date. - - All citizens of the United States haying claims upon Ecuador are, tt erefore notified, to appear 'in person, or by attorney, and present the proofi in support of their claims to said Commission; or to file their claims and• woofs with the Secretary of the Commission, " Senor Crisanto Medina, " in ennyagnil, in the RePuldie of Ecnador. Claims, which-shall not be presented to the Commis sion within the twelve months it remains in existence, will be disregarded by both Governments and consi dered Invalid: FREDERICK HASBANREK, Minister Resident and Commissioner of the United States. WASHINGTON Om. October 1, 1884. oc3-1m Eir WALTER .WELLS WILL CON. Ilene to lecture before Lyceums l _Scltoole t it*. Address to care of J. B. Ltrprdncon & Co..rhtla. °swat* ATLAS OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL,OI,OO6,OOO. Office No. 524 Walnut Street, Room No. 211 £OO,OOO SHARES-PAR VALUE, $5 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.60 Ist. This Company owns (1.6) one sixth land interest' in lot No. 21, on Rude and Eglert Farm, containing about ono acre, on which is situated the Jersey Well; now flowing alxiut (350 bblis. ) three .hundred and fifty harrely per day. This interest is situated on the cele brated Byde and Egbert . Farm. which has proved it self to be one of the great oil basins, a large, flowing we 1, of some 1,2f.,0 barrels, having been struck within a few days. 2d. The. one-sixty-fourth (1.64) working interest in lots 7 and 9, on by de and Egbert Farm, known as. the Keystone Leases, on which there arc two producing wells known as Keystone Wells 1 and 8, and another well in process of boring, and from the well-known character of the property, we have every reason to ex-. pect a second Jersey Well. This interest is also situ& • ted on .the above celebrated farm, and a well is now tested on these lota with every indication, of being a very large well. In fact, when the above-mentioned well was struck it was the general impression that it nag the new Keystone Well No. 4. Bd. The one-half working interest, being one-fourth of all the oil produced from Railroad Refit, on Miller Farm, on Oil creek. now producing about twenty bar-. rely per day. The Oil from this well commands a higher Price than any other oil on the creek, on acconnt of its superiority for refining purposes. This Company have ordered one of the new patent air pumps, and it is.con . ilder.lly expected that when it is in operation it will bring the yield 'opt° tome one hundred barrels per day. 4th. One-twentieth working interest in "Breed Town. Lease," on the celebrated Story Farm, containing 3,k4 acres. The working interest have bought a new patent blower for a well on this lease that did produce large quantities of oil.; and as there is also a new well going down on thin lease, the yield to the Company will be largely inereaeed. . - 6th. '.Fifty acres in fee simple on Cherry run, about one and a half miles above the celebrated " Reed Well," nearly one-half of which is bottom land. Oa adjoining lands above and below there axe a number of derricks going up, and wells in process of boring. The character of Cherry ran property has been fully tested. Every well sunk has produced more,or less oil The Reeti. Well is doing some 300 barrels, Antrim Well 150 barrels, and Prince Well over 100 barrels, and a number from 60 to 100 barrels per day. 'The books of the Company are still open for-a limited number of sithscriptione at their office, 524 WALNUT Street, Room No. 20. • ' 1105-6t* Mr :DIVIDEND NOTICE —OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND OIL OEMS OIL COMPANY, No. 3F/ WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 2S, 1869. The Directors of the Company have this day declared the Second Dividend of One Per Cent. on the Capital Stock of the Company, pay able on and after TUESDAY, November 16. 1864, clear of State taxes. The transfer Books will be closed on the 10111 of No [ember, at &o'clock P. M.. and opened on the 15th. W. D. PAINTER, Secretary. GREAT 'CENTS:4I4 %OVUM 810176/6, ar- BANK OF NORTH ABFERIOR t.. . PHILADELPHIA, 00t0b04 I bpi• A ge;vsrai meeting of the STODKITOLDEBB of this Bank wZfl tte held at the BANKING-HO Wigan OfOki- DAY, the Nth day of November next at _ll'o'clock A. -M., to co.'isider and decide whethinr t h is ' Bask ehell become en Alvcciatios for the business of Banking ander. the la of the United' States.: and whether it shall exercise tits powers conferred by the act of the Legislature of thiaState, *mated "An aseensblingthe banks of this Commonwealth -to becoine associations for banking _under the laws of the United Iltittris," ap proved Md August, I£B.}: and to-tnko any farther &CCM that may be necessary. By order of the Boanrof Directors. ocli-lino T. ROCIrLBT, Cashier. riro F CZ' 9 F lETIYA: COMPANY,, NO. SZYWAINUT Street PRIZAD9LPHIA..OcIober'2I; 1364: NOTICE le herebx, even that all stock of the -.Etna Ninth g Company, • oR iellab Instalments are due and unpaid; have been declared forfeited; and Will be sold at public - Motion on lIONDAY, November 21st, 1864; at 12 o'clock; noon, at the office of the. Secretary of the Company, ;according to the Charter and Bylhavrs, run. less paid on Or before that, day. • . By order of the Board Of Directors. D. 'A. HOOPES, 0c22.tn02T k Secretary and Treasurer: W.kfi'kE it 11.4:33ik OF PHIL/1. R DELPHIk, OCTOBER 18. VAL The Annual Meeting of the STOCKHCIDERS of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HOUSEon TUES DAY, the first day.of November next, at 12 o'clock M. And the Annual Election for DIRECTORS will be held at the BANKING BOUSE on MONDAY, thcrtwenty-tirst day of November n'ext, between the hours of 10 A. M. and - 2 P. M. 0c19,tn021 • C. N. W.EYCIANDT, Cashier. arNOTICE -BANK OF • GERMAN.. TOWN. ' PHILADELPHIA, OM. 20, 1864. Notice is hereby glVeli agreeably to Section 2of the Act of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled '' An act enabling Banks of the Com- - monwealth to become, Associations for the purpose of Banking under the laws of United States,'' approV ed the 264 day of August; A D. IE6I, that the Stock holders of the Bank of Gerniantown have this day voted to become such an Association; and that its Directors Preprocured the authority of the owners of more than two. thirds of the Capital Stock to make the certificate required therefor by the laws of the United States, CHARLES 'W . OTTO, 0c22 30t - • ' Cashier, DIVIDEND NOTIVE.—OFFICE OF THE RYDE FARM OIL, COMPANY—No. 1 , 17 South FOURTH Street, PEUILADELPFITA, NOV. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS hitve this day declared a - Dividend of ONE AND 'A HATA? PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, being 30 cents per Share, payable on and. after DIONDAT, the 7th, free of State Tax. The books will be closed the 9th, and opened the 7th. WILLIAM' M. CARTER, no?, 6t , Treasurer. FANCY FUR*, LADIES' FANCY FURS, Jr , t)n.N. FAREILA, No.' 7119' ARo4,Strevt. above Seventh Street. At his old established store. IMPORTEB, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS LADIES AND ODTLDREN. Having now In store a very large and beantlfal assert. ment of all thelifterent kinds andqualities of FANG! FURS FOR 'LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. I solicit a call front those In want. Remember the name and number. JOHN FAREIRA, 118 ARCH Street above Seventh. I have no partner ot connection with'any other atom in this city. - 0034mtf GAS FIXTtTRES, &c. CORNELIUS & BASER, 710'C'ilEST1 VT STREET, Have - the pleatinrelo amanita* that they are noir DM; • we& to. tarnish A NEW - STYLE' OF GAS FIXTURE?. SUITABLE 808 DWELLIV3, - .STORES, OFFICES, .&c., WHICH CAN BB LIGHTED BY ELECITRIONT. oe17:Im if ' • HEATERS AND. FURNACES. pHILADBI.PHIA WARMING AND . VENTILATING WAREHOUSEI, Enamelled Slate Mantel NannlltetorY, No. 1010 CHESTNUT STREET ECONOMY IS MONEY. CRILSON'S PATENT GAS-CONSUMING CONE FURNACE will warm Tour house with one- third less coat than any other Furnace in use. • MIME'S PATENT ELEVATED DOUBLE-OVEN _ COOKING-RANGE has no equal In the world. Call and examine it. At the present high prices of marble no one in want of Mantels should fail to examine my etock of BEAUTIFUL ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS,. A large stock of LOW-DOWN AND COMMON PARLOR : GRATES, - • .41 0 .11.1161/ATERS &Ed-. • - constantly on land. -- • • VENTILAT ORS, W...4_. ARNOLD, No—lolo CHESTNUT . Street • BAJIMOAD -LINES. PENNI3.Y.LVANLi. CENTRAL R-A:I.I4ROAD. PHILADELPHIA TO.PITTSBURG I 4S6 MILES The Ticket Office of the'PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD is now located at the New Passer ger Depot of the Company, THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. On and after MONDAY, October 31st, 1864, Trains will leave Philadelphia as follows: 8.00 Bt—MAIL TRAIN, with the followingcon-. nections: Arrive at WEST CHESTER IN CAR-. • SECTION 9:05 A. M. and connect with West Chester Railroad.. arrivir g at West Chester 9.30 A. IC At DOWNINGTOWN 9.35 A. AI. connecting with train for Ws.rnerbarg; and reaching there at 11.10 A. M. At COLUMBIA 11.50 A M., connecting with. Northern Central Railroad, and reaching York at 260 P.. M., Hanover Junction 3.30 P. M., Hanover 4.45 P. si.. and Gettysburg . 6.11 .P. M. Also, with train on 'Reading and Colombia Railroad, leaving at 2 P. M. Arrive at •HARRISBURG /.2a P. con riecting_with Northern: Central trains North, 'thus: Leave Harrisburg 1 46 P . M. arrive at Banbury 4.20 P Al., Milton 6 08 P. M , Williamsport 515 P. M. , Lock Raven 7 50P. M. (Pasrengors for Elmira, Rochester, Canandaigne,'Niagars. Falls, etc , reach Elmira at 10.45 P.. M., and Buffalo at 6.15 A. M.) (Passengers for Dan-, villa, Rupert, Bloomsburg Berwick, Beech Haven, Ehiekshinny, Plymouth; Kingston, Wyoming. Pitts ton, and Scrankiii, take the Lackawanna and Blooms burg trains at; • Northumberland.) At HARRISBURG, forkointe Bontiron Northern Central R. R..,leave at-1:30 P. M., arrive arlork at 2.57 P. M., Hanover Junction 8 30P.M. ,Ha noveri:46 P.M., arid Gettysburg 6 15 P. M. At HARRISBURG, for points in Cumberland Valley,. leaving at 1.40 P.• M.arrive at Carlisle 2.68 P. AL; ' Chambersburg 86 P. , M. and Hagerstown 6.15 P. M. At TYRONE 6.68 P..211‘. connecting with Bald Nagle Valley Train; leaving at 7 P. M.- and arriving at Belle fonte at 9P. M.. At ALTOONA 7.40 P. It., connecting With BranchtrainTor Hollidaysburg, reac ring there at &26 P. M. At CRESSON 8.38 P. M., connecting , with Branch train for Ebensburg, arriving there 9.40. P- M. At PITTSBURG LBO A. fd., and there connecting for all points West, Northwest and Southwest. • •-• A. AL-PAO 1 ACCOMMODATION,: NO-1, 10.0 U arri • ing at Paoli ail l A. Al. . • • 11,10 4hrtliann 'tact% Columbia RatlrOad, arriving at itiz .3.10 P. AL, Ephrata 3.33 P. M., and Reading 4.26 P. M. At HARRISBORa, with .an . Aceommooation Train on Northern Central Railway, tor kunbur y and:totems dis te points, reachli g Sunbury at 6.N) P. M. - At HAS. RISBUtte with train on Cumberland Valley for Car- Hale, arriving there at 6.16 P. M„Arrives at Pittsburg L3O A. Al.andtbere ;takes close connection for ill Western points. • • I' M. -.PARKESBURG ACCOMMODATION, 1.00 a rrives at Parkesburg at 325 P. M.., stopping at intermediate Stations. • 2.30 .P . ...1,r*4 - cole.fialYßDGow . tk;tlmlt7:l°P AL ' with train on Waynesburg.Branch, leav ing at 4.301'. Al , and arriving at Waynesburg at 6. P. Al At COLUMBIA., ar 626 P.' At*, with Northern Central Railway, 91' York,. leaving _Wrightsville 7 P., AL , and arriving at• York at 7.40 . P. M. Arrives at Har risburg at 7.45 P. m. ON, £rout 4.0 FAIL D-4111131. eet, daily , eMxAcleOp.l3Ta Sunday. ° rives at Jab rrisburg 3.45 A. M. Mifflin .9.47 A. M. Altoona 3.20 P. M., and Pittsburg 11.4 UP. M. The care ate comfortable, and emigrants, or families going West, wilt And the rates low, and have their baggage, for :which - checks are given, forwarded .by the stme train For further .particulars apply to .FR A.NCIS FUNS, Emigrant Agent, 137 DOCK. Street. Between Harrisitirg and Pittsburg a first- class car is attached o this train for local' travel ... reaches 4 ! 00 P. .LANCASTER. ACCGAIMODATION, ancaater at 7.2 9 P.. pt., and:Cohunbla at 8.10 P 3E. 630 nali.e - s'Ef' ,l 3l . it 6.90 P . 2(o. 2, ca;.oirm P. M. -PITTSBELRG.. AND NNIII.•NXPRESS, 011 • W . ) with the following connns: Arrive at ,• Harrisburg...l2lo A. 'ALI Sun bury. 3.25 A. X s Northarnbevandr 3.39 A. Mr M il ton, - 4.48 A. M. : Williamsport, 6.20 A. Afi ' • Lock Haven, 635 A. M. • Emperitinn• 10.12 A. AL, St. Mary's, 11.12 A. AL.: . Corry, 3:621P. 'Mr, and Brie, 636 P. Al • (At Corry close' connection is made with OlVCreek Rail road for Titusville and 'Shaffer's, the present terminus of the road, thence by Stage or Boat for Oil City and Franklin ) (Paeseniters tor D Rapert, .11too Blooms burg, Berwick. Beech Have _ _ i Shickahinny, moath, Kingston,. Wyoming ' Pittston, and Scranton,' take the. Lackawanna and Bloomsburg trains at North umberland.) CPaseengers for Elmira Rochester, Canandaigua, Niagara Falls, etc., reach Elmira at 11.36 A. M., and-Buffalo 9.20 P. M.) At HARRISBURG, with Northern Contra/Railway, for the South, leaving at 2.60 A. M. ,• arrives. at York,. 4.10 A. Al ; Hanover Junction, 4.4 6 A. M. ; liaves Hanover Junction, 9 60 A. M.: arrives at Banover,.ll A. M., and Gettysburg, 1 . 2.5 P. M. At. HUNTINGDON, 4.49 A. M., with train on Broad Top kailrvad, arriving at Hop-well, - A. If. ; Mt Dallas, A. Dl., and counseling thence by Stage fox Bedford. At TYRONE, 6.48 A. Di., connecting with train on Bald Eagle: Valley Road; leaving Tyrone at 350 A. Al ; arrive at Bellefonte, 11.33 A, AL , and Reward, 12.2 S P. M. leaving Tyrone on Clear3c:d Baiirs a d at 9.65• A. M.;_and arriving at Phillipsburg at It A. M. At CRESSON,•7.3I A. 31., connecting with ' branch train for Ebensburgand arriving there at 12.30 .P. M. At BLAIRSVILLE iNTEBSECTIyIi, 9:62 A. AL connecting with branch train which arrives at Blairs ville at 10 15 A. M., 'and Indiana, 11.45 A. M. (This trainaleci connects at Blairsville with West Pennsylva- I d a R a il r oad. ar riving at Saltsburg at 11 90 A, M.) Ar rives at PITTSBURG at 12 40 P AI. , and connects for all Pc°. •Ibta Webt .4HiLADELPHIA EXPRESS, stop 10 46 ifril M yat Downingtown, Lancaster, Harris! •• burg. Marysville, Newport, Mifflin, Lewis. town; Huntingdon jr Altoona, Gallitzin, and Cone insugh., At HUNTINGDON, with' Broad Top Rail: , cad. lealrioa there St. ,- .8 A. ht., and arriving at Dudley, ---•. L Xt. Dallas, - A AL., and ttence stage to Bedford. At ALTOONA.. at 9.15 A. Al , connection is made with train for Hollidays burg, reaching there at 9 45 A.-AL, and thence by hack to Bedford Arrives •it PITTSBUNG at IQ P. M., making close conneeti on.with through trains on all the r iveming roads from that point, North to. the Lakes, Wert totes Jiis elPni -and the Missouri Rivers. and South and Southwest to i. ail 'points accessible by Rail road. • - Por further information ; empty at the Pains.nger Sta tion, corner of THIRTIETH and m.4,Rgia Streets, Philadelphia • • no& tf 'JOHN F.' TANLEER Jr;„Ticket Agent. GOPFEBINO_,_:4 OENTS PER YARD i t: all widths, at SOB VINE &met. and the bnstriFee taught on reasonable terms at BENTLEY'S,StaropIng Store. ' • • ••• riat7:l3V THOSE - INCOMPARABLE :;.:;;POR -a- TRAITS. litesize Photograllis 4- A, by B. F. ILEIMBR,•62IIC treet,.areigesouneed by t OlunolafietlYS in 11,.rt 'wet accurate auk admirable portraits. • ' HENRY RUDDY, • - and :Wholesale nosier in • PUBS OLD BOI7RBOW, MONONGAHELA, •ItYL AND WHEAT WECISKIES, 145 IiORTB SBOOND STRAW. below Race..Pliiis HENRY RUDDY. Coel9-9m) ISAAC J. RYAN& S, E. 00114 taILTIL ADM MARKET STSEETS, HEIM RETAIL DRY 4; 4 '. OODS. go PIECES OF Elitritross CLiorrEugif OR • • ALL-woor, roirrams, • WILL BE OrtlIED MORNING, .or A VERY' KOTERIOR QUALITY, AT A VERY LOW- PRICE, BLACIIS and ail the choice shades of Colors, for sale by the PIDCE or YARD. EDWIN HALL & CO,;' 2 . 6 . SOUTH SECOND STRICErt no7-zaw7A G REAT BARGAINS IN SILKS; . - • - • . • • IL - STEEL & SON NOS.-'713 ' AND - .7ls' NORTH TENTH STREET. . - Figured Black Silks, at: . .... 40 do do $1.62,4 do do - $1 . 76 do colored. Silks, at...... . ...... $1 60 .do do 76 dodo • •• • • ..... .. .$3.00 Plain Silks, choice - colors - $l.OO to 6.00 Plain Black Silks •• • .$1.65 worth $2.00 do do .. .... •.. "$2.25 do do $2,00 • $2.37 % do do $2.25 412.62 Black Silks, all qualities; at'low prices. 'RICH HEAVY MOIRE-ANTIQUES. • RICH SATIN STRIPED MOIRE ANTIQUES. RICH HEAVY FANCY', SILKS. A large assortment of Fine Silks AT'EXTRENtLY LOW PRICES. Alarge assortment of Choice Shadee FINE TRENCH. MERINOE% PINE REP. POPLINS, FINE EMPRESS CLOTH .POPLINS,' AT I.OW PRICES: . - • RICH PLAID MERINOES, • RICH PLAID ALL WOOL POPLINS, RICH SILK PLAID POPLINS, MUCH LOWER TRAY THE ILIVAL RETAIL PRICES. " A large assortment of New Dress Goods, 30 to 40 per cent. below the cost of importaticin. We are still Sell ing all our Goods at reduced Pricee,‘notwithstanding the recent heavy advance In gold. no7-mws3t .11ADIEB' . .ca • Frosted Beavers from $3lO $13)51). Velour Clakings from $7.50 to $9, Chinchilla Cloths from $8 to Ell 50: Whitney Cloakings from stto $5. Felts, Meitons, Water-Proofs, drc. Black Castor Beaver-farm $5.10 to • Black Tricots from $6 60 to $B. Beaver Cloths from $3.50 to $10: Black Bloadolot hs from $4 to STISO. - CLOAKS. a Cloak-room an unequalled_ stock of elegant and faoliionable garments made of the 'above, description of goods, and selling at prices within reachbf. all. FLANNELS. "Shaker" unshrinkable Flannels' 'every quality. • The very scarce " Washington Mills" Plitonels. "Ballardvales," white twilled l Domot, Arc., dm Gray, red, and blue plain and twilled' Flannels by the.yard or piece. • • Fancy Shirting Flannels. 4 fancy neat styles Shirting& Heavy and fi ne plain colored Shirtings: • Low prices by the piece to the trade. MUSLIMS by the yard and pfecp, at the low prices. New York Mills, Williamevilles, Wamsuttas. • Good makes unbleached—low by the piece. - Utica, -Huguenot, and Waltham wide Sheeting& . BUTCHERS' LINENS. Shoe Linens, Nursery Diapers, Bird-eye: Linen Diaper, every width, by the yard. Fine Towels and Towellings. • GooFER & CONVID, no - . S. writer NINTH and MARKET Ste. STRIPED BROCHE BRAWLS FROM . AUCTION AT SS.W: _ CIIRWEN BTODDD ART & BROTIER. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street. nest above Willow. • RICH PLAID POPLINS-0 H 0 ICE ETYLER NOW OPEN. • . - CIIRWEN sTODDART & BROTHER, . 450, 452. and 454 Horih SECOND Stied, no6-3t . Above. Willow. WRENCH MERI NOE S FROM THE • LATE AUCTION SALES, AT REDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER. • 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street. AO-St . Above Willow.• LANKETB I BLANKETS l ALL B •SIZEE, MAKES AND GRADES. __ AT THE LOWEST PRICES. CIIRWEN STODDART &•BROTHER. *- 450; 4521,-audl4s4North SECOND Street, • nor,- St _ •;Above Willow. ` TAG G & BROTHER, COR. TENTH -••• AND PINE. "BARGAINS" FROM AUCTION. 1 lot Ladies' merino balmoral stockings, 60c. 1 lot Misses' do do do 25c. 1 lot Fancy colors, stripe, silk scarfs. only $1.50 1 lot Ladies' merino vests, long sleeves and high necks, $1.02:0 $2.60 1 lot Heavy, double-boiled, black silk bonnet rib bon, 76c. 1 lot Ladies' black and white, and brown and white, wool undoreleeves, Isc. • 1 lot Ladles' black cloth gloves, 50c. 1 lot Feather dust-brushes, 13e. 1 lot Three-inch wide, beat quality, black velvet, $5 60 per piece. 1 lot No.. 60, high colors, plaid velvet ribbons, 65c. 1 lot Ladies' linen collars, narrow and wide, 10 and 16c. 1 lot Gents' white merino undershirts, $1.60. 1 lot brown and lead colors, Willimantic spool cot ton, 12c. • 1 lot Ladies' buckskin gauntlet gloves. $1.60. Llot Ladies' black, fleecy-lined silk gloves. 31a. .1 lot hair brushes—old prices-31, 62, 65, and 76c. 1-lot Misses' ribbed merino stockings (white). 31c. ' 1 lot Gents' fancy colors silk neckties, 2.50. 1 lot Portmonnaies. 20. 50, 35, CO. 60c., and SI. Also, several lots of bonnet and trimming ribbons and velvete,ladies'gents' and childrene's gloves. men's and boys' half hose, fancy colors apd black alpacas, plaids for children; Canton and wool flannels, plaid shirting f1anne15,..12,4 and 13 4 Marseilles spreads, drc., etc., all „Anction , Bargains. -. • ; nos-2t NEW OWELERIT FOR --1864;. . • ... • • . • .. • A NEW AND °BEAT miniartatur HOOP SKIRTS. - • • . • •- • THE rin , LEx ELLIPTIC • (OR . DOUBLE) STEEL SPRING.. • . • . . • J. I. flt J. 0. WEST, No.- :97. 101AMBERB:SPEEM NEwriaßss , • • • • . • . . Are the ow ners of the patent and nielealve mannlae• turers.of this. • .. W. BRADLEY'S PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRINE SKIRTS. This invention consists of Duplex (or two) ElliPtis • Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge„ making - the toughest, most Elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever used, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and fold the skirt when in use aseasily and with the same convenience as a silk or mnslir. dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objee- Lion to hoop skirts, via: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public, especially in crowded assemblien, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, or in any crowded place, from the difficulty of contracting them to occupy ing a small space. This entirelyiremoves the difficulty, the skirt the usual full and symmetrical form, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera. promenade, or house dress. A lady having enjoyed t , h:Jeastire, comfort, and great convenience of .wearing t e Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single. day, never afterward willingly dispense with the use of them. They are the beat quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladies In most first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the different Ste toe. ,101- Inquire for the DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRTS. • RRADLEY'B DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when in nee to occupy a small apace, making the most agreeable skirt worn. Yor sale by J. M RAYLEIGH, . 902 CHESTI.iIYT Street. B RADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT—The greateet improvement we have ever v3en In LAMBS' SKIRTS, and an article of .SUPERIOR 'EXCLLENCE. CURWEN STODDARTids 450, 4hissii;nd 454 W. SECOND St., ab. Willow. •• WINTER GOODS, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE.—A. large assortment of long and square Shawls. French Merinose,.all salon. English Merinos?, 1% and 2 yards wide, cheap.. DRESS GOODS.Delainee and: Calicoes in variety. Cloths, Cassimerss, and Satinets, good and cheap. - - All kinds of Flannel?, and in all qualities. Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, and roweling. at JOHN H. STOM' not No. 102 ARCH 80;34, U. S; INTERNAL REVENUE. UTED 'STATES .INTERNAL',RE: VENUE—THIRD COLLECTION DISTRIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA, comprising the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Wards of the City of Philadelphia. ...adeleL NOTI E. The annual assessment, for 1864, for the above-named Dish let, of persons liable to a tax 'on carriages, pleasure yachts, billiard tables; and gold and silver plate, and also of persona required to take ent license, having been completed. • - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the taxes aforesaid will be receivid daily, by the undersigned; between the hours of 9 A. Sf.• and 3 P. AL (Sundays excepted), at hie Office,- S. W. corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets, on and after TUESDAY, the 'kith inst. , and until and including SATURDAY: the 19th of November next'ensning. - PENALTIES. • • All persons who fail to pay their annual taxes upon carriages, pleasure yachts, billiard tables, and gold and silver plate, on or before the aforesaid 19th day of No vember, 1864, will incur simony. of. ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, and be liable to coats. as provided forin the 19th Section of the .Bx,cise Law of July Ist, 1862: All persons who in like manner shall fail to take out their Licensee, as required by law, on or betere the 19th: day of November, 1884, will incur a penalty of ton per seldom additional of the amount thereof, and be sub ject to a prosecution for three times the amount of said tax, in accordance with the provisions of the Beth sec-. Lion of the law aforesaid. All payments are required to be- made taTreasury. notes, issued under authority,of the United Statea, or in notes of banks organized under the act to provide a na tional currency, known asNational Banks. No further notice will bogivau- • WILLIAM J WAINWRIGHT. Collector, oclB. tnol9 8. W. cor THIRD and WILLOW tits. CLOAKS. • CLOAKS. • _ - : - . Mrs. 111 TATER, Agenji; Is ao w aaning a handsome als_ortraa tof . OAKS, FOR LADIES A4p . n ClaiL_Dlirs la rt , 6t . At No. 36 North ISIIITH Street. • 66 11F1E HUMAN FACE DIVINE."-A New Sradem Phtlerynomy--Eyes, Ears, Nose, Niiuth; fluid, Hair, Handir, ,Y4ot. , Skin, toith all 'Sips or CHARAOrmt,." and Soso. to. React Them, given in • HE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAT• AND LIFE IL. LIISTRATS,D for 1865. S. R. •WELL 3, Edltor. Portraits. of Remarkable Men, in every calling, illustrating ditje rent Phases of Human Character, the sane and the in, sane, the virtuous and the vicious. Physiognomy, Ink , nology, Phrenology, Psychology, etc., in 'each number.. New volume, 41st, for 1865. Monthly. Only $2, a year. " Now is the time to subscribe." Sample numbers by Erg post, 20 cents. Please address Moser& FOWLER & WELLS, 389 BROADWAY, New York. no7-4t . TT s. PENSION AGENCY REMOVED • to SOS WALNUT Street, SeconcrStory. Ofikeea to rent on first and third floors. E. POULSON, . . no7-St. Pension" Agent. TILSTriUL AND StriSt&tinkl. OLOTOING wArers. WA X T D-.-A. GOOD BUSINESS • MAN. Wien WOO. eau engage is a o ° l PaYiag business. *dents CARLTON. Ledgesr n 07410 . . W 1 TED -BY AN INTELLIWT Yoting Men. some evening emPl references given. Adtireet. for two days. 'John. Pros Vi vant. Beet of °Moe. no74t. IVI4.I4TBDRY A SALBBMA.Iii WITH irwie•ealaTrylilsodusiDatt: aziAlik,V/IPlelr`rbielda mama Near Trak " rrms! oth es- ree p no, -It VITANTED—A SITUATION AS POR TIM in a atom b ayoniag Man of ',ober. ateadY, and bdustrionm babnit. With bear of city retort:a:Wee. Apply d No': 36 NortIFTRIRN3Ltast. P' AGENTS.—AGENTS llt • ever' GAMY. at 070. a montt eipbneeri WA, to go intdneePleer" 4 new and u seful arttelni. the beet sell ing ever offered..- For particulate, addytis.with stem,. JOHN F...LORD,I3IDDEFORD. NAINB. oeigi•d&WSre WANTS AT $l6O PER MONTH-- We wanta reliable CANVASSER in every town and 'county. Welts's° agents clearing sl6og , month, which we will wove to any doubting app cant Ad dress JONES BHOL & 00., BOO' CHEST Street, Philadelphia. oeig-lm' WANTEI TO RENT-FOR' THE - 010 LWinter, a Inrnisiied HOUSE, in Oermant niniiT, near railroad' station. 'Ketoronce given if re _ quired. Address "Botta," Press °ace. . i t s • el WANTED TO RENT - --ON Talc Alga led of January, DWE LLING 2101 / 8 B; With all modern improvements and fn good rep*:• .61. pleasant ly ibcated: Address, with 'terms, "J. " Bost 1261, Peet Office. • s . not. St* FOR: 'SAME AND TO LET. SALESTATE. REAL ESIVA.TIK -KA/ REAL•• ESTATE. REAL ESTATE' . . • ESTATE REAL BSTAT . • . • NSW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUT ,OUT. • • . NEW 11:10NTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT. . . • :NEW MON9HLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT. FOR GRATUITOUR • FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIKUTION. FOB GRATUITOUS DISTRIVOTION. CONTAINS NEAR $5 000.000. WORTif CONTAINS NEAR 85,000,000 WORT CONTAINS NEAR $5, 000 F, 000' woßra: : FOR 6 &Lit—Said catalogue contains a east amount or .Bret-class' City Property, Splendid Mansions, &c.. within a few miles of the city. A number of.elegant :Mansions in West Philadelphia, Tloga street, Roxbo- • rough, and other desirable localities. Very:eligibly :located Bntlding Lots, &c. Also, for sale, a great aura-' her of first 'class Farms. with Mansions, at'prices rang ing from $lO,OOOlO $25.00 . 0 Call or sand ' 'address for catalogue . • GEO. C. MILLER, • Practical Real Eatate Operator. n05.2115* • 154 North SIXTH' Street. et: W T PHILADELPHIA. PRO AGEPERTY TOIVBALS CHEAP. —The balance of those splendid brovrti atone residences on forty- second street, south or the Baltimore pike, adjoining the nem? , park, finished in the bestwanner, with all the modern cl niences. 'Applyin the afternoon on the nr.mises or , to C. D. SUPPLBE, • • no7.3t' Bo: 140 North BINETBENTEL street. der NEAT HOUSE ...AND .-LOT ON JO= Mount Vernon street, west of 'Flfteentb—value s6,ooo—will exehanaed for a Germantown Cottaae, near the Depot, of game seine. B. F. GLE SST. • no7-3t* 123 South FOURTH Street. FOR'SA_LE-NEAT DWELLING, .I=anorth side Vine street, west of Nindientath. Lot, 19 by 126, to a street.' -Garden and iron ratting In front. Price, 37,000 clear. Possession very soon.. • • - nob-3tif MILLER. LSI North SIX ra Street. F 0 W- AILE -A FOUR STORY brick D WELLING MUSE, No. 125 North TWEN TIETH Street. opposite* Bt. Clement'e Church; 18 feat front -by 100 feet deep. `• The house has double three story back lrnildinge and all m adent conveniences. Im mediate possession given. - Apply to • LgwlB ARDNIIII,- , nos.2t* No.. 1551 South FOUR ra Street. • 0 FOR BALE=-THE FOLLOWING Ala DESIRABLE DWELLINGS : - _No. 2601'Mount Vernon street. • -_ 204 • WM Green street'. 717 and 719 North Twentieth street. • • 638 North Fifteenth street. 813 Columbia avenue. . 2203 Montrose street. . • Also, many others, laiiret'and small in - various lo calities. . • • B.F ; GLENN. . 123 South FOURTH Street, and ... no 6 - tf .8. W. nor.. SEVENTEENTH and-GREEN. ft , •.:T.0rt..13" ALB;:-SPLENDID LARGE Jr.& side.yard Dwelling, Seventh street. above Spring Garden street. In Ant. rate order. Twelve rooms Lot 44 feet.front by 90,feet. $13,000. Immediate possession. Neat nwelling, 1810 Summer street. Lot and bond trigs 28 feet front by 111 feet deep to Spring street. Will be sold h. bargain, and pdsiession given at once. . Neat four. story Dwelling._ south side of Pine, west of Seventeenth street. Lot 22 by 100 413,000 Neat well•built fonr-etory Dwelling, south side of Pine, west of •Eighteenth street. Lot 22 by 100. 412.500. Great bargain. Dwelling. 18t2 Pine street. Lot 18 by 100. to Helmuth street. $4,700 clear for both houses. Neat eide.yard Dwelling, Franklin, above Poplar. Twelve rooms. Price $11,000.• Poseeseion soon. Beet Dwelling, 716 Brown street Twelve rooms. Lot 18 by 85. 86,000, Immediate possession. . Besides nearly 2000 other city properties. Call or send for catalogue, just out. MLLES., nos-2tif ." 154 North. SIXTH Street. fo- _. FOR - SALE' OR TO LET, IF NOT ' Walsold within two weeks, the: very complete new FOUR-STORY DWELLING,' 942 FRANKLIN Street, second door above Parrish. itentjgoa. Inquire at 151 YORK Avenue, from 7% to 8%A.-211L..1. to 2 and 6 to 6 P. M: nod-2V BOARDING. • • • BOARDING. -- SEVERAL • DEBIRL - - SLR nninrniebeCrooms,with boartr; no . obildren. APPIY.S2S ARCH Street. . - no 4-30 PLBABANT ROOMS, WITS BOARD, at 622 South TENTH Street. no7-411.* VLIGIBLE ROOMS VACANT A R RILL% alg SPRUCE Street. ooh-la' PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QUARTER MASTER—MILITARY DISTRICT OF PHIL A DELPHIA.—No 11.03' GIRARD Street, Nov. 7, Mi.. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at thin office until noon of THURSDAY, lath instant, for the erection and completion of additional Quarters and Storehouse at Cadsvalader Barracks. according to plans and seci ilcations now at the office of JOHN McARTHILR, Esq., Architect,-No: 409 South SIXTH Street. • Proposals will state the shortest time required to' complete the work, and must be made upon the blanks fttrnithed at this office: The United States reserves the right to reject all bids deemed incompatible with its interests. ALBERT S. A.SHBIBID, Captain and A. Q. M. EDECATIEPNAL. O RGAN LESSONI3.•;- THOMAS LOUD, Organist, can receive a few more PUPILS at hie Rffidence, No. 1535. SPRING GARDEN Street. His course of lessons for the Organ embraces also a course of lessons on HARMONY AND COMPOSITION. T. L. can refer to ten Organists in this , who have been his pupils, and to the profession generally. Ir PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY.. ACA vain. 'wEs.i. CHESTER. —The Tiird Session of this ACADEMY will commence September Ist. The Board of Trustees consiste of the following gen tlemen TRUSTEES. Hon. JAMES POLLOCK. President.' Captain WILLIAM APPLE, Vice President. W. E BARBER..Esq., Secretary.. . JAMES H. ORNE,Isq., Treasurer. Rev. Rich' d Newton, D. D., Charles B. Dungan, Esq., . Rev. Thos. Brainerd, D.D.. Oeorge P. Russell, Peg., Hon. Oswald Thompson, William L. Borings, Req., Bon. Charles O`lgeill, George L. Rural, Esq , Hon. W. B. Lehman, . Addison. May, BAq. Col. Wm. Bell Waddell, T. B. Peterson Esq., Joseph B. Townsend, Esq., Theodore Hyatt, Esq. James L. Climb orn, Esq., Thorough instruction in English, the Dlas3ics and the Sciences, by teachers of the highest attfinmEnts.'is fur nished to Cadets. Students can be fitted for any Col= lege class, or can prosecute to any extent the usual Col lege course. The Military Department embraces all the drills taught in the United States Military Academy, Horses for Cavalry and . Light Artillery exercises are provided. While no military duty trenches neon the time- ssigned to scholastic pursuits, such Theoretical and Practical Military instruction is afforded to the Cadetlia will completely lit him to be an efficient officer in any arm of the United States service.- For circulars,. apply to JAMES. EL ORNE, Esq., No. 626 CHESTIMY Street, Philadelphia. or to " • • Colonel. THEO. HYATT, nog -lm President Pennsylvania Military Academy. - TILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY. - 7 MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four miles from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics. Natural Sciences, and English; practical lessons in Civil Engineering, Pn pHs received. at eny time, and of all a gee, and 'enyoy the'bonefits a home. Refers to John C. Capp & Son, 23 South Third street; Thos. J. Clayton, Esq., Fifth and Prune streets: -ex-Sheriff Kern, and others. Address Rev. J. HERVEY BARTON; A. M., VILT.AGR.GRERN, Pennsylvania MISS Ti Rlr E. THROPP'S ENGLIKE WA. AND FRENCH BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladles,' 1541 CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. Circulars containing particulars, terms, etc.. sent on application. _ • oc3l-11* • PRIVATE INSTIATOTION IN ENG LISH BRANCHES and L. CLASSICS dam, 0e26 7 1m* 1845.1iorth.TERETBENTH Street. WOODLAND SEMINARY, .9:WOOD. LAND TERRACE, WEST 'PHILADELPHIA. Rev. HENRPREEVES, A. M., Principal. (late of the Chambersburg Seminary.) Session opened September 14th. A Day and • Boarding School for Young Ladies. Experienced Teachers ; instruction solid, choice, and thorough. Circulars sent on application. anl6-3m • • /IEGARAY INSTITUTE .-ENGLISH AND 'TRENCH BOARDING AND DAY .130/100L FOR YOUNG LAMBS (1527 and 1529 SPRUCE St., Philadelphia). will reopen on TUESDAY. September Nth. Letters to the above address will receive prompt attention. Yersonal application can be made after An- Gist 20, ]864, to . MADAMS D'HBRVILLY, anl7-Sm • YrineiDal gi 01 Oki I I '4l D ISSOLUTION:: -THE COPARTNICX -. SHIP heretofore existing under the Erns of SAMUEL N. DAVIES St SON Is this day dissolved. The business will be settled by the undersigned, at No. %RS DOCK - Street; CHARLES E. DAVIES, Surviving_Partuer. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 34 ' COPARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned .have this slay formed a copextnershik under the-firm of , DAVIES BROTHERS. for the transaction of ag_eneral - BANKING AND BROKERAGE BUSINESS, • at,No. 2125 DOCK Street. - CH ARLES.E. DAUBS, PETER A. DAVIES. PHILADELPHIA, Oetobei 1, 1864. . - U. S. Certificates of, Indebtedness, Que.rferseastewe Vouchers and Checks, and Government Securities gene rally, bought and sold. Business PX.lfer and Loans on Collaterals nkgotiated. Stockdand Loans bought and sold on Commission. 0c1.2m • COPARTNEIISHIP. - WASHINGTON BUTCHER, Commission. Merchant. and. Wholamas Dealer in Provisions and Produce. has associated with him in his business his son, Walla CLAY BUTCHER. The ktyle of the find will beWASHINGYTOR BUTCHsER & SOB, 146 and 148 North . Y.RONT4treet. • • OCTOBER 21. 1864. •• • : • • 0c24•71m1s . . NE NV • Itomix. *a trOMPOok , ••.: • • • . • . • P ETROLEUM OpOTANY. ' • CAPITAL STOOK,- 31,000,000. • 100;000 SHARES AT $lO sioß. ~ Subscription Price $6 per Spare., ' LANDS YIELDING LARGELY. OFFICERS: HON. DANIEL 5... DrCEINSON, Presiden‘ WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice President. ' ~. • ROBERT BASSF,TT, Secretary. Books are open for subscription at the office 01 the-Com pany, No, 24 Empire Building, 71 BROADWAY, The lands of the Company are situated in the heartee„; the Oil Region, and. include portions of those wail. known localities. the MeElhany Farm. the two kid Clintock Farms," and other proved and valuablowar' d . ins t err it or ie s . I n cluding over Two Thousand anti a o f the best Oil 'Territories along Oil OPeok 3114 tki i ffest - Virginia, now ender process of snecessful devehV meat, snd oil is already regularly , and largely predwo d. from several wells upon them. oe,B) 4 .t.p. 0. Box 5368," York. Addr!.ta the ComPanSts. POTTON • AND • FLAX '.DUCK AND CANVAS, or all numbei.e_ail. brands. TAnt Awning. 'Prank, stud Wagolk.W, VOLDIUIk: Also. Paper Manufacturers ' Drier Pelts, I t o o f ee t wide; Pauline, Belling, Sail Twine, &a: "1111 '& CO.. nag-tf - 01 . - : 103 JONES' Alm B. THE CLASS F R E.E • LUNCH of Amer% r.vitry Day and Night, at the METROPOLITAN - BM -4823 ARCH &toot. above the Theatre. • n03.4t4 VIT , KEASONAB&E PRIOM ....0 11,t ,,,,,,,,. JM1. . TO FPORTSMEN—A RARE OPPOII- ... TIIISI PIT. — . I ACOII - 11, 3 1111i b co._,_ isotioimill Dortbeeet corner of FiEen p end NION - Streets, wiP Bell at public sale, on ONDAY MOOTING, the Ilk instant, a superior DOUBLE GUN. made by Weetley Ricbarde„ London. 12 bore, 20-incb. barrels, 7'i pounda weed, wi th case Also, a splendid double barrelled DUCH GUN. namall by Moon &,T, I F I II, 1 .12P4 ,1 ! 1 • rfo.Atore SALT OF CONDEMNRIY QII&RZEBSI ziAsTairs Evis.s9, ♦MSCLADICES, ato. CHIEF QOARTERIdADTER'S OrPion. DsPor o Wairamormr. WASHINGTON, D. C., OttOber 27. MIL . . Wit h s s eei. , at l'abilc ancVon, at the Government Warehrmao,.sitnated on.tbe'stralre hAt4reen'll and./ and Trfentiath and Twenty- first streets; Washington. D. C.,oh 11181 DA V -. freverhher 11, 1864. at lO cf . 4ocAt A. alet'.or ClilaßrllltbiA'S'Tga'S STORM condemned' art unlit Sor - . Axes, C.tiieritors' Tocels, Brindles, Bridles,. Beoirete,,- Saddloa, Saddlelnanketa Stable Broome, Stoves, ea!M , I.berelr, llube, Pauline muffs, Scrap Lea th er', Porsni ble Forgee, /naves, and a large lot of Scrap Iron ' ant Wagon Tires, de. Will be sold, a.t. foot of biinelnDthetreet, near Chew'. pee and Ohio' Canal, immedlidety after ihe ampler tiOD of the Pale alcrre referred warnber of Aruba.' lances, Carts. Mbi.ical Wagons,. Metallic Wagons, WegonSodies, Boring Wagons, &e:. Enceessful bidder:: will be recinli4d to remove *A stons "Within five (6Ydava from the ditte of sale. Terms sash, in Government fonds • D. &Cox Brigadier Genetal and Chief Quartermaster, (46.114 NBr.ashineton, ALIIHTSNMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUIR°. GROVER'S GRAND GERIEAN.OI"ERI . . LEONARD GE:OYER .. ... - • - MONDAY EVENING.-Nov. 7. 1834. FIRST APPEARANCE OF GRAND GER RAN OPERA COMANY. Oat) time. most liositively P , of Beildien's very favorite.' Grand Opera. • LA DAME BLANC.4I .:THEODORE HABETMAN as George Browne In which be has this season won the most ilattezlni tcOmments Irons the critics of New Torte and Ralston. 'JOSEPH HERMANS en Gaveston. Mr. Hermans assumes this comparatively light role lo'gtve strength to the :Ist 4131D.0RE LEHMAN a.........:. .. .. . From Royal Opera, Polito. (his first appe a rance s ) All'ON GRAFF ....... ...................... Mclrton. MADAME BERTHA JOHAWNSEN as... ........ Anna. • AILLB SOPHIE, DZIUBA ..... ............... Jemmy, Froze hprerial Opera, Vienna, (her first al l earance MADAIIIE.E7MMERMAN as • ai PEASANTS. arc , 13 - PaItAND CHO'RtS. •la - DAME BLANCHE had' proYed t Gr a ndoll Ge r man among; the Qv' ateot succeeStek of the German Opera. The very great strength of the cast. the perfec tion of•the grand obelus, the okilliant an" spirited en- semble. seem to give a degreo 'of pleasure seldom ob tained irrOpera. EARELNAR sings, incidental*, ROBIN .ADAIR. • TUESDAY EVENING' Nov. 8, 18$4. • only night; most positively. of • GRAIt R OP R R TL Y D EB A Y E E R BEER. KARL 'FORMES: his first appearance since his return. from Europe, a. Bertram, the role- in which ho made ' his first appearances in London and• America, esteems , ' one among the greatest assumptions: FRANZ HUBNER. his first appearance, as Robert THEODOREE kßElMAltsecondappearance,as Reim- - lbatild.• Madame .TORATTN•A ROT ER, her arst appearance. ee Alicia, In Which she has this season made an enthn ideate anemia in. Neer Teri , and Bostotr. Madame KRATEnJOHANNSEN, second appdarance. of Princess. . . Mies TEIERESA - +WOC11), her Aret aPPerahrine s , as Slew The remaining' cast•by Company. ' ROBERT is rendered entire by the Grand German 'Opera Company, with extra Orchestm state band, et ea. Upon its first representation in New York and Bea ton thousands were - UM/es to obtain access to the AWL elemies'ol'hittefc.•' WEDNESDAY EVENING, Noy: 3;;18134";" may Night. most positivgly. of Gotinod'Er Grasnol OpOrs; IrAI7I3T. . • . ~.. . —...._ . . THURSDAY WINING', Nov. 10,.1861, onlytlme,mostpositiv'elyo_tVon. Weber's Givad Oita*: D.III?..*FRSISCHIITZ.• FRIDAY EYBNING, Nov. 11, BBC.. only time; most positively'. 'of. Halevy's Grand Opera. THWirtVESS, with its grand cast. It will be impossible to repeatibis very favorite Opera, 'which upon two OCCI4OIIB dartag the New , York season was witnessed by the Lattenit ASSEMBLAGE ever congregated at Opera in the entire world. PRICES O ADMISSION.' Secured Beate in Farm:mi t :- Parquet Circle or Balcony Admission to the above places Family Circle Amphitheatre - Docira open at 7 o'clock.• Overture at 8 o'clock. Beate may be eecured for ah7•nlght of the Opeta Sewn_ at the ACADEMY 0E.1113810. and GOULD'S. MUM STORE. It NRW CHESTNUT-ST. TELIDATRB. MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS; ilioy.l and I. CONTINUED POPHDASITY OIF MRS. 'D.T. BOWERS, Who will appear upon the eveg in thr i ll in gu, for p la te first time in this citysin new. romantic - - in three acts, by John Oxenford,.stylsd the MONASTERY OF Wl'. JUST; .'" OR TRW ' JEWESS OF MADRID. To conclude with the amusing farce of SARAH'S' VOUNG;M AN. ' CHANGE OF TIME - • On and after Monday evening, Nov. 7,'doors will on at 'guar ter of 7: to commence at 7X..o'clock. SATURDAY A_FTERNOON, Nov IS. ELEVENTH GRAND FAMILY MATINEE, When the FORTY THIEVES wilt be presented for the - tbird time in this city, in all its eplendor. Admission to the Matinee SO all Darts of the House. nol-St.„ ' AIRS.. 'JOHN -DREW'S NEW , ARCH- . STRET THEATRE. 2D•WEER OF Ar. and Mrs. BARNEY WILLIAM& MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS. " . AIL HALLOW EVE," LATEST FROM NEW YORK, • and "JONES' BABY." Mr.. anoltMrs. - BARNEY . WILLIAMS ...• .IN .FOUR CHARACTERS. • WALNUT -STREET- THEA TR E.- On MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, Nov. 4 - and 8, will .be presented, for positively the last tiniest. the great success of the season, entitled • WAITING FOR THE VERDIOT. Last six nights of the distinguished tragedian. MR. McKEAN BOCHA.NA.N. And his talented and beaatiful daughter, MISS VIRGINIA BUCHANAN. On (first-thne) a new prize Tragedy,writ ten expressly for Mr: and Miss Buchanan, entitled the PLEBEIAN DAUGHTER..or a Father's Vengeance. • CHESTNUT-E3TREET OPERA noun,. No;-1.21. CHESTNUT Street. • ALLINSON & HINCIKEN —.Proprietor', MORAN'S MINSTRELS appear every evening in an elegant ETHIOPIAN ENTERTAINMENT. Doom open at 7. commencing at 8 o'clock preelael7. Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats, which can be secured from 10 is o'clock, 60 cents. 042-tf . GREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MRS: CHAS. - WARNER.: (formerly Mrs. DAN RICE') Will on on THURSDAY EVENI NG. Nov 10th, DK FOR THE WINTER SEASON,. ON WALNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. The id AIS AGERESB is determined to make the entire- Winter Exhibition remarkable in equestrian history. as grouping together a grand bouquet of went never excelled in the profession in any part of the 'world. ADMITTANCE. First Tier __ _ __ GO cents. Second Tier 26 cents.. Private Boxes, from $3 to $5 each. MASTLESS@ on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AF--• TS RNOONS, commencing at EX: o'clock. Evening Performance commencing at S c'elock, See distributing bills.: 11 . no - M., A SSEMBLY IMILDINGS, TENT.Ei 4.-"--AND.OHESTZTUT Streets. TFAIPLB OF WONDKRA ! SIGNOR BLITZ EVERY EVENING. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTE4NOONE Change of Performance Constantly.. Admission. at Cents. Children. 16 Cents. ReseryaS Seats, SO cents. Evening• Performances commence at 73C. Afternoon at S. - 0r.3.4.1 GERMANIA OitCHESTRA. 7 4I3BLIOL REHEARSALS every SATURDAT; , at:SKo'slocki P. sac MUSICAL PUb D HALL. Single. Tickets, Sit. cents. fix Tickets, to be sad at Gorr Ce. and Meyer'fridusic Stores, and at the:Hall.. no7,tt THE ACADEMY OF FINE ART 5", - 1 - CHESTNUT Street / _above Ten th ; Is OPEN DADA. to: visitors, from 9A. IL to 6P. IL • • Jen LOST AND FOWND. I9EITtOR.MIBLAID-A. PERPETZA.U r •Aa Polley Of Insurance, No. 16,077; tamed by tits*, TIRE AbSOCIATION -Oct. 18,•1850. to LAMES 111.114.1 i...- oAN,•for 414% on ProPerty eor., of Brown ititik. Emery..streets. Any information thereof will be calved by C. STIVER; No. 520.1torth-THIRD Street,..4 . • . . oe94=inwf-121. LOST' OR,STOLEN--•-011 THE ITIGHW -Aa of the . &tibia., four of tbe.followng Certlfloatesec, , -• Nos.. 24,319; 28,929, 23,1:91;. 24499 of Philadelibiti andlV Reading Railroad Stock. The public are . cantione.e. against. their negotiation, as_ their transfer bag .beata stopped: A liberal reward will be paid and questkeni asked on their return to P. S, ROWLAND, ocl4-l3e 427 SPRUCE Streets. PERSONAL. "``L' EMAIL-- -DBI PARISP• Is. Nor; A., paint, powder, or paste, but, a. moat delta" one preparation that, gives both the color and: teuunt 3 o t polished ivory to the akin. EUGENE .101314i4.3.1%. 111 TENTH Street, below Chestnut. ccf,.'EMAIL DE PA-RI - 8 ". Ctvist BR, need , by &Iliad:lea in the privacy. of. ti zha ilette. It removes all spots and -roughltaca. and • it4r Myl es effeet on the skin calla forth freehoese, color, " an t,. 301:11N, No. Street, below. ha Anat. c"1 - .'ERt111, DE BARIS."• QN-fi CELT - -z-t4 and effectnally removes• those weigh. n y maw ,)v specks 'Which detract somtich fromithe beau of the skin. E: JODIN, T 1 isiTl/1 tin Jet, Wow Chesttnnt. 'EM-A.IL DR;a , PLIVID"' Is Es— . PEClALLT•endOreadibY 1dae214 . 4 1 / 4 3Stvail, Mrs. *Waller, and many Isaias In private. . whose room, rnipdatou letters ; obvious mama, 0' anot be Dab- Dewed. N, JOUIN, I..U.NoTINTI3 titre l V Orders by. mail should.. be addrffo? y JAREED rat GENE. General ligiortors. Pb#sdelonlo ocx m w s tr, iNck, • • JOHN SCOTT, V TERINART griggEON. OfHee 4060EP1 .K Avenue; above. Noble. Carriages forlire. n07.6t0 WITBLEMatt Mr . g 101 71.111A.T FLOUR: 1 -'7,Thiettbicr.Sbers have qudor solved their Ars= ply,of this stasmes BUCK w .T FLOUR, from. Mem. Pa. • 'ROBSRT DONNELL & SCYN, solkits• - 806 WALNUT Street_ • CIDERNEW .ARIFIBD .CHAM 'III4I/1"/DE'R, 41441 E parlor quality, by the barrel'. or hogshead, for sale by' :3;klsl2tlfEl 24 Non. Ll lk ' . 1 22. and 124 LOMBAP.D S. . _ LADrits , •.: -: . . Bnlrcring lens • Amite or Chronic Diaease.c3n Die curtskwith SLIXT'Y acirY. of sn: carabla edemas. by calling_on LETTLV A. SMITH, 026 North .IILEVENIII.. Street,7PhilacWrot , 11. The trea'ment is pleasant; 'fr-e• kern shocks or rof . in. • . , ,06.8 v.., 1190TTBRF3' CLAY-SUPERIOR. CLB. * Oe are and for sale by lAN. WOOLNKR, AgiL, 'no 5-3 , ; No. 146 WILLOW-Street apioNis t B BOTA 0'1; , J AMES . w. QTJEEN ili Oa. %ei .6.2 m 9'44- CIIEBOUT-Pr ATH~MATlCALmsirlime=!m, • ' '•:;':.(1f all lands to be h& - 1 at JAMEI3.:9V.-444.7E.EN ek 00.'8, se 2 7-2m • ' 994 CEllialtillT Stroat BROW NE'S -MBTA.LLIC3 WRATH/BR STRIPS, end - wiNDOAV BANDS • • . Totally exclude Cold, Wind, RaiD. anow.. an a. from the crevices of •• • ' • • • DOORS AND WINZOWS, • ••• And save ene-teelf the tnel - • 7 . .. , • CHARLES R No 38 South FIRTH Street;- ' Soy. St4ite.ssent. Sandler Circular. • Lo c alrgents wanted throaahoat the State: DOL • R-E IVER'B COLORED PHOTO GDAPBS, admired pyalland'acPceeedected itt Repuleiiiy, are executed in the ruoct. artistic eTtanitec et b icopiD street, above Green.... Oen •111 60 See SiXtet, ItDebs there. • s. • • T - 4 - oRYTYPES. A.S. MILDIC i. BEIlkf3A'S Gallery, 6.991. &KOH. Slreet. are. 04 Plea►tug natural Etylee: ecateeilin elaborate. and 4414.. sic manner by artists of rare abilfty. , • • I?: DEPARTMENT FOR OUSTOIV:W110Z60, $1 60
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers