■the befc. ing success,, and mbuhtalßs. the Reformed x -'ytei Synod In Philadelphia, It was resolved to reinforce the mission by sending a physiolsn this fall, in compliance with this resolution the Board. appointed Dr. David Metheny, of Pittsburg, a young’man of medical skill and ability, .who intends leaving the oountry at once, in company with Key. Joseph Beattie (who has been sojourning here for the last year), for the field of their future labors and trials. .A farewell missionary meeting will beheld on Mon day evening, Oct. 3lst, in the First Reformed Pres byterian Church, Cherry street below Eleventh,, to bid these devoted brethren God-spaed, and cheer them to the Christian work in whioh they have en gaged. Addresses will be delivered by the Rev. Samuel O. Wylie, chairman of the Board or Fo reign Missions, Rev. A. M. Milligans Of New Alexan dria, Pa., Rev. Joseph Beattie, misaohary to Syria’ Dr, David Metheny, and others. ■ A similar meet ing will be held in New York, on the evening' fol- r lowing,;under .the supervision of Rev/Samuej o; ' Wylie and .Mr. John Caldwell, committee.. These missionaries sail, from No w York on Wednesday, Nov. 2d, for Liverpool— thence to Alexandria, Egypt, and Beyrout. IDOLATRY: TN THK UMTBD STATUS.—ItiSSaId that we have In the United States 50,000 heathens. Idol gods are worshipped in two heathen temples In San Francisco. The Baptists have erected chapels in both San Francisco and-Sacf&menfo, and some’ of those converted have already commenced preach ing. The Presbyterians have; an Amerioan mis sionary and two Chinese helpers. The Chinese have large colonies scattered oil over California, and the work oCtheir evangelizationfjs ah inviting ohe’fdr’ Christians of every sect. .s.v •“ ». OOHOBBQATIOKALISM IN CONNEOTTOTJT. The number of Congregational churches InOonneotlout 3s 284, and the aggregated membersls 45,614, about 10 per cent, of the population. There are .16T pas tors, other stated preachers, 'and 106 ministers •without.charge, - As; showing the regard uatci to infant baptism, It appears that,-for The last five years, 10 churohes, averaging 63 members, have not had an infant “baptised7 churches, averaging 68 membersj have'each baptized two children In five years; 55 churches, averaging 103 members, have 'baptized, on an average, one child a year, and so on. Two or three of the larger and more prominent churohes have.averaged 12, ia, or 14 infant baptisms yearly; but with the remainder the number amounts s .only to a mere “ sprinkling,” sure enough. - , Catholics ia Fs«e«.— ln Franco there are 6 cardinals, 15 arobblshope, 69. bishops, 155 vloars, 600 canons, 3,308 curates, 15,630 servitors of the ohurch, 10.000 priests, 30,100 seminarists, and 60,000 monks. The Stock market was’very active yesterday. The speculative movement in Beading Railroad wae unaba ted, and nearly six thousand shares were disposed of. The opening flgurevvas 05# —ac advance on Thursday’s* figures; Ithontinued to move upward, closing strong at 66X— an advance of 7 within or week. Other railroad securities were firmly held „ Philadelphia and. Erie was steady at 31#; Catawissa: preferred So dat 33#—an advance of #, and Little Schuylkill at 46—a rise of #, Huntlngdonand Broad TooKailrdadsbld at 29#; North ern Central at 51, and Minehill at 69#—the latter a de cline of#. The,Oil stocks received a new impetus, and the sales were large at better figures, except for Noble ancLDelamaier, whica fell off l#iin conseqnense of a report that one of the compaoy’e wells had given out. On the other hand, Maple Shade advanced 3. This was owing toon announcement'that'a. new .well, flowing . two hundred and fifty barrels, had jnst'been struck; on the celebrated Hyde and Egbert farm, In which farm , the Maple Shade, Bock,'Egbert,'and Mineral Oil Companies are largely Interested, There wgre but few bonds exchanied hands, Beading mortgage 6s sold at 103; Chesapeake and Delaware 6b,at 103#; Allegheny Co. coupon 6s at 78#; Pennsylvania Bailroad second mort gages at 106; Susquehanna Canal 6s ai 58#. Passenger Railroads a.e attracting more .attention, having been quite neglected for some ,ilae past in consequence of the excitement in regard to the Oil and other stocks. Sprnce and Fine sold at 84 ;'l5 was bid for Arch street; 29 for Green and Coates,! and 26 for .Girard College; 70 was asked for Second and Third ; 60 'or Tenth and Elay; enth, and 63 for Chestnut and . Walnut, u Bank shares are firmly held—l 63 was bio for North America ; 29# for Mechanics’ : ; 81 for Kensington ; 28# for Manufacturers’ and Mechanics’; 65 for City ; 48for Commonwealth,! and : -46 for Onion. Canal shares are more active, and prices have advanced ■; Wyoming Canal at 78; 15# was bid far Susquehanna Canal ;.SS# for Morris Canal common, -and 76 for Lehigh Navigation ; Schuylkill Navigation common and preferred.a’dvanced. The general market closed firm. . Gold fluctuated darias: the day as follows: ■-9 H A. H .....217 11 M... 1? ¥■ H' ..................,.217% 4 P.M....... ........217 The Corn Planter Oil Corarany have declared a.divi dend of two per cent, on the capital stock of the compa ny, payable November 12. The Elmira and, Williamsport Eailroad Company have declart d a dividend of 2% per cent, on the common stock, payable November! . The following official correspondence repeats and makes .final the decision of the Treasury - Department 'that the outstanding 7-30 per cents, of-1861, due lst'Octo-. her, 1664, arc not receivable for cns l ome; . Treasurt Department, Oct. 28, 1851 SIR: It having been represented to the Secretary that there is an impression obtaining that a decision is about to be promulgated by this department to the effect that 'the old 7-SO notes will he received in payment of duties, he directs me io transmit the enclosed copy of a letter addressed to Ellioit F. bhepard. aad to add. that that decision is final. ' Tory respectfully, . GEO, HAREINGTON. Assistant Secretary. ’ To John A. Stewart, Assistant Treasurer, He w York. ■ , '„ r ,; TRHAsnRV -Department, Sept. 24,186!. JHliott F. Shepard,.EsQ ■, Fern York: ~\ >■ Sir : I am In receipt of your letter of September 21, in which you suggest, on behalf of yourself and clients, that tho question whether the notes of the issue of 1861, known as- seven thirties, ara receivable for duties, be referred for decision either to Judge Belts, of tbaDaited States District'Court, or to the Attorney General. In the dieeharge’of my-official duties I have already found' It necessary to examine and consider luily the subject here presented, and have formed sndrep'eatedly ex pressed the'opinion that these notes are'not so recelva- , The question-being, therefore, decided, in so far as its decition rests with this Department, I must decline giving my aesent to the proposed reference.. Eespectfully, W, P. FESSENDEN, Secretary of the Treasury. There were on the 30th of September-notes of this denomination oatstanding to the a mount of $25,410, 400, •theremaining portion of the original issue of $150,000,000 having been.: converted isio'slx per cent, bonds.br re-f deemed in currenoy. These are cohvertible'or redeem able at anytime, Hut as apartof the whole reached their maturity on the 19th.of August and the remainder on the Ist of October, they have ceased to bear gold in terest, but are . entitled to six per cent:.-interest' in cur rency till after ti e expiration of three months’ notice of its discontinuance, The fact thai the Treasury notes In: question vrere issued under the same act, namely, that: of July 17,1581, as the 60,000,000 of gold demand notes, bearing no inteiest,which have been received for cus toms duties, has drawn some strong expressions of opt-, nion from tkeholieieof tief.rmeri and the constitution ality of the law of Feb,, 1562, has been seriously ques tioned, All of the seven-thirties, excepting about thir teen millions, werebongbt at par and paid for ic specie, and the intention of Congress, when it authorized their issue, may have been that they should be redeemed in -coin at the expiration of the three years for which they Were to run; but the act of 1162 clearly showed that this Intention no longer existed, for meanwhile the legal tender act had changed the aspect of t'-e case; and, as there was no mention inthe act of 1861 to the effect that they would he redeemed in gold, there was nothing binding upon the Government to that effect. The Void demand notes" were made on their face receivable for all public dues, ’' which was not the base with the others, and hence, as a point of constitutional law, it •would have tolls decided in favor of the Government; and Mr, Fessenden has acted in strict conformity with the law of Congress in his decision contained in the above letter on the subject. JBOn the back of the new national five hundred dollar notes is the,*‘surrender of Burgoyne," copied from the painting in the rotunda' of the Capitol at Washington. On one end of the facets a design representing civiliza tion, and on the other.end is represented the arrival at Hew York of the'eteamship Siriut, which crossed the Atlantic ocean In 1836. r The following is the amount of eoal transported on "the Philadelphia and Heading Eailroad daring the weekenditg Thursday, Oct. 27, 1864; From Fort Carhon..... Potfcsvilie. " Schuylkill Hayen....... ' ‘ Auburn.. v.v.w.'. •' Port Clinton “ Harrisburg and Dauphin Total Anthracite Coal for week 515,817 05 Sroiu Harriahurg, total Bituminous e0a1.... 7,235 00 Total of all kinds for week 63 072 05 Previously this year. ,2,650,913 .09 T0ta1.................. To same time last year. 1ncrea5e...v.....'.......,.. Tip following is the amount of coal transported by 4he Schuylkill Navigation Company for the week end ing Thursday, October 27, 1861 „ ' Tons. Cwt. irrom Port Carbon..., 7,494 10 “ Potteville i...... 913 00 “ : Schuylkill Haven 16,694 00 “ Port C1int0n;!...L..... 1,412 00 Total for week. , 23,443 10 . "Previously this year 781,503 06 T0ta1.................. To tame time last year, Increase........ ....................... 80,935 16 The lollowing ia the amount'of coal shipped over the Huntingdon andßroad Top Mountain Bailroad, for the •weekending Thursday, Oct. 27, 1864, and since Jan. 1, together with corresponding period last year: . Week. Previously. Total. - Tons. Tons. Tons, .......... 8,608 ; 818,986 826,694 2,814 . 264,607 , 267’421 Increase • • 89.Z73 Drexel it Co. quote: Mew United States Bonds, 1831..«« ICS @lO6 Mew Certificates of Indebtedness............ 9s%w 9654 Hew United States 73-10 {Totes..' .109 @llO ■Quartermasters’ Vouchers. 93 @ 94 Orders tor Certificates of Indebtedness. 314® 3J£ BiTe-twenty Bonds. 1....1.............. 10QX$UOJC PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Uct. 28. «v,o, „ BEFOBB BOARDS.* won®?*BB* 8 100Hogue Island .... IJf -«f 600 a 0...... 1 :™ Bull Creek. ..... C 4 100 Heading 8......i«;65* 4 100 > d 0...... ........'65» 88 Cor 1 ?„ Planter - ....c «* 100 d 0.......... .... 2S Morris Canal. •.,.c 98 inn ./us*-,- 200 Maple Slade CAP 17 100 dS'. - "" & ICO Keystone 0i1..b15 i 100 d0....‘ 120 66$ 100 Allegheny Biver.. \% ' V>*. FIRST B' "ICO Readlngß....cash 6C;4 100 do. 66% 40 d0..'.....*. 200 do .130 67 4CO d 0......... .b3O 67' 100 do £3O 67 100 dp...........b£0 67 260 d 0...... ....lots 67 100 do bS 67 100 do b« 67 3CO do.. ..cash 67 200 do .'..cash 67 100 do .cash 87 ICO do .hfi&int6J 100 do. ...cashtex 8 d 0.......... .... 66% 300 d 0....... lotahs ffi ICO Penn Mining. ..Lao 2154 •*ICO „ d° 030 2154' 16 Wyoming Valley. 78 ICO Big Mountain..... 6 .300Horth’nCent..lots Si 100 HohleAt De 1....... 1054 100 d 0...... m 2 100 do 20)4 -100 McCUntockOil csh 6 16Mirehill 8... 69)4 j ■■■■■■', BET WEEN BOARDS. jfSiW Snsa Cl 6s. hS 58% lra Alleg co Coupon 6S 78% *IOCOOO . do.. 4 0»B«tJ 65e3a.r......103 2C40 City 6s New.lo2 1000 do. 1870.1C0K 300 200.Bgb.ertOil. 2# 40(0 Penna R 2d Mart.lo6 ** 4UIU “ ; BEGOKD BOARD, 188 Poona K 69 IC6 do •>" 6 o^ 4CO Splint Oil*3 ; SOO Oil Crook. ....ofiwn 6 60 Little Sch B '6O d 0... 1U) Coal Bid go. • • • • I>3o 16 lOOWoble*Del....lots fA 10(1 do.. 810 do ....I,;. ......* 9JS KKSrOBMBD WSyflpaW tills 60UQ- In North tries,' via: ittle, were •ns to sur. leyroutln 'Ban labor* i .soa ooaat. meeting of f Ton*. Cwt. ....,..,,.21,437 10 ... 326 14 ...21,838 00 ... 4,386 13 ... 7,745 17 'S2.ll' ...2.744.016 14 2.725.12! 11 18.892 03 803,910 16 .....713,009 00 Peny Oil 4, , I®® M-plo Shade 17 12® IS 100 do-... - ic inn Mc ElhenyOU.ciik 656 100 d 0.... ...,,.csh 6& 100 do b3O 6? ■62 SchnylNav.. .csh 2fl- b 5 pref 39 ICO do 100 do..U.b3opref 39>i MO Egbert Oil. ....bo 2* .800 .d0....i........ 254 •'* B Penna 5.......... tag 600 Cataw K.lots prer 38 . 200 : d0......b5pref 3&X 42 PM & Erie B.lot* 31J4 , . 4Spruce& Plne-st .34 800 ITS 6s,lBSl..;.r«g®BH 100 U do reglo6>J 6000 IT BS. 20s;. .1 -new 100>1 400 City 8s; .nevr-102 1000 ;d0..-....;.....ri02« 600 d 0....... .10214’ 2TOO do .....10214 i 266001p6s ’SI.ItsIOSJJ 100 Hoble & Del.lots '9 .300 d 0.,.. lotg : -9!^ 200McE1heny,..,.;.“ & 100 Densmors........ Sli SCOOPS 5-20 Bs.New.lOofl 3000.. do. New-ioo* 4000 Cne« 4t D 6a.lots. 103 w 10000 PS Co 6g'Blls 2dB.lK.Ji 10C0 d 0....;.... Re* 106}£ 3500 Read' Mort 6a U«:i0:s , AFTER BOARDS. : "g» fading K™.'.,'.;' 61%- :1Q0 Rending Rr.sfiwn. tax: N® □. 49*,!*’ b3O. 68*1 100 do. 6»|f .<®J> state Coupon 5a.. »Ssa >.lOO Story-Farm!.'!.... W 'SCO 0 S 6.2OMBcpoff4Oo* i "BOO-Keadinir R.i.".-...i. M)|{- 5000 i d 0........ ......107>< (200 Oataur Rpref b3O.?S*« j6GO McClintock 0i1... 6>f SCO Sclil Wav Pror b3O 39>i 500 ! a0.;......;-l)S0. 6M 300 Feeder Dam ...... 'l>? 100 Egbert Oil J Mm Mining b3O 21)4’ MO Sell HavFref M- 39 MO Maple Shade--MO. 18# 100 ! d0...........b5. 39 200 Olmßteftd ......... 2J< 100 i d0.....,-.—bSO. ; B9X 100‘NciMe4'DeU »S ICO Catkins, a B Fret. 38H TO Reading 8..'. i b3O .67 > 100 Renry0i1......."- 4- i;600 Egbert'...'..;.j ' 100 i do •kSO» • &)£ 200 Butl Creek;.'...l dV 1 , ICO ‘ do»..**.««»vl)So. lOO Beading 8.,..b3D. 67 ' 400 Reading m 5MOO;0 Slo4Oai.-;. .... 91 •- 100 , do* .dSO. 66 ■ 50 StoTV'.Farm ♦.« c... -' s . too Egbert Oil -3 " 100 Bchttvl Mav-Pref oav 100 Endingß..,.l>3o. 66 ,100 BultCreekT:„ % W t .'s o- rx,V” *■•• :500 McEiheny. 'eg. M 0 Egbert 0i1........ 3 c 200 Rook 0i1.'.. 4T 200 Farrell 2>t 100 Rea Him. R sav ra n g d® oii:".: g* 599 1 ,(d0....i.....W0. 66500 d0r....... ha ;»«•. 3 . 100 Rook 0i1.......??; 4* *» Story Farm 2% 100 Union Fetro.. ..t! he mw rt n j7 2iT ''Mo Beading®??.....,' 6B« 60?JHaple Shad*..*-.. 183£ 50 d 0...... ••2*45 *K tal “" b!o ' L. 106 Maple Shade'.".:'.' vOT MOEllieny.,,.6K '5OO Olmstead.... ..... 2B iflft ; R^v‘H*V"‘** t3ov JOO gpraPianter...... m 100 Kock 0d.......... 4 .. -100 Ball Creek«4J£ At a meeting of subscribers to the stock of the pro posed Paterson and Rework Railroad, held in Paterson last Tuesday, '.lt was announced that.f m, 000 had been subscribed, the amount required.'by the charter pre vious to organizing. The following persons were then elected ;a« a: board of diieotors: Messrs. Robert S. Gonld, of Rewaak: H. Holmes, Belleville; John W . Stitt, of Franklin; Edward Ells worth and Eras! us W. Smith, of New York, ThV board subsegueetty or ganized by the choice of Robert 's! Qould.as president, L. W. Dnncan. of Franklin, as secretary, Erastus W: Smith, of Rew York, as chief engineer, John Hoppe?, of Paterson, as attorney, and Horace W. Tolies as ge neral superintendent. The condition of the banks of the three piincipal com mercial cities of the Union is exhibited in the folio wing table, which shows the. aggregates of their last weekly statements, compared with the returns of the previous week: - Loans. Specie. Circlat'n Deposits. N.Y, Oct! 22 $185,738,764 21,010,860 8,991,'779 150,816,884 PMla Oct 24 DU uSeiS 3 663,670 2,554;604 '37,102,885 Boet,Oct, 22 66:030,269 6,807,608 .9,619,707 .24,680.729 T0ta1...... $252,874,648 29;961!658‘ 212,'500,498 -Last week. ■ 281,960,(86 29,824,230 16,615,697 209,811,642 increase In loans $914,653 Increase in specie... 167,308 Decrease inoircnlation. • 419,607 Increase in deposits........ 2,688,466 An issue lias Been advertised in London of fourmil lions of dollais second mortgage bonds of. the Ohio di vision of the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, the terms being such as to pay in specie nine and a half, per cent, interest per annum. ... : , ■ The following were the quotations for American secu rities in London on the I2th instant: Maryland 6 per cent 65 @6B United States,. S 20 years, 1882 4s*@ 47JS Virginia State 5 per cent .46 @4B Do., 6percent..........'. .. 27 @29 Atlantieand Great Western, Hew York sec - lion, Ist mortgage;TSBo, 7per cent 71 @ 73 Do., 2d mortgage, 1881.. 66 @ 68 Pennsylvania, Ist mortgage, 1877....... ..... 70 @ 72 Do., 2d mortgage, 1882 66 @ 68 Erie shares, $llO, (all paid).... ....... .... 41 (a) 42 Do.-, 7peicent..preferred do.. 40 @ 42 Do., 4th mortgage 48" @ 62' Do., 6th mortgage- .....iv............. 47 @ 52 Illinois Central 6 per cent. 1575 73 @ 76 Do., (allpaid) .. 61 #'62 Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bonds... .69 @7l Panama Railroad, Ist mortgage, 7 per cent., , 1565 1 100 @lO2 ' > Do., 2d mortgage, 7 per cent., 18/2.,........:100 @102... : Pennsylvania Railroad bonds, 2d mortgage, • • 6 per cent, convertible : 79 @ 81 Do , $5O shares 25 @ 30 The rebel loan rose three per cent, in London on the 12th instant and sold at 63@55. 1 . ■■■< -; s , The extent to which produce is held In the West is ap parent from. the recent returns of the receipts at and .exports from Chicago, and the deliveries of grain and flour at tidewater by the Erie canal!".'■•Prom the opening of navigation on the latter up to the 14th of October the receipts In 1862 and 1864 were as follows': „ 1863. 1864. ' Canal opened ... May I.‘ April 30. Flonr, hbls. 1,009.600 ' , 772.660 Wheat, buihels. .......23,717i600' 12,391,606 •C0m...!.......;'.:..' 17,004,600 c 8.224:200 8ar1ey......"...................... 675,300 1.008,900: 0at5................. 3,4:6,700 7,2557900 Rye............................... 681,700 , 382,000 ‘ The receipts at Chicago for the last two seaions com pare thus: Season Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Beason Bbls- Bus. Bus. Bus. Bus. 1868.. 1,211,066 9,176.588!26,139,987 7,034,7*7 879,555 1864.. 9,8,240 9,691,708:12,265.002 11,096,892 -623,837: . The exports during the present season have fallen far short of the receipts, and thus the Eastern markets have been kept under limited supplies,' to which may be at tributed the high prices which have prevailed. The recent panic at Chicago does not appear to have forced the export of stock hoarded there and elsewhere at the West, but it has caused, lenders to withdraw considera ble support from the produce speculators, and so far it operates in favor of trade following its . natural course. The exports of produce from that port during, the last' week show'a marked decline upon previous weeks, and the foreign demand this winter does not promise to he quite equal tojhat of the last two years. The Hew York Evening Post of yesterday says: _ Gold opened at 216j£, and after falling to 215, rose to 217, closing at 216%. : Exchange is active at 111 for shori dates, and 108% for bills at 60 days. ' The loan m irket is Inactive Money-is freely offered to thebrokers at 7, per cent., and occaitonaliy at 6 on fir6t»cloBS secs.) Hies, with, ample margins, Commer cial paper is not in favor with capitalists.^ ■ - Government Securities are strong. New five-twenties bave eoldat IOOK, but they are firmly lieid for higher rates. Certificates closed at 95090%, seven-thirties at 108. and sixes of 1881 at 10.6. Bailuay shares are active, Beading' being especially j-in request. Before the first session gold was quoted ai-216;&* Now 53 : ,;,S entr ? 1 „ at 120%,.Erie at M%, Illinois Central at; 122@123, and Beading at 13134. • , ■ The following quotations were made at the board on some of the active stocks,' as compared-with yesterday - afternoon: •' ' y Fii. Thur. Adv. Dec Dnited States6s, 1881, c0up....105% 105% .. % Bnited Stales 6-20 coup.... ....108 107% % United States 10-40 c0up....... 84% 94 .’V United States certificates...... 95 94% % Tennessee 65.66 56 .. .. Missouri 6s 60 60 .. Pacific Ma 11.... ....1.....321 325 .. 4 Hew York Central Eailroad...liOS£ 120% Erisßaiiway ......... 97%96% % .. Eri» preferred 103% 102% 1 Hudson Elver. .........122 122% % Eead1ng8a11r0ad.........>....133% 130% 2% .. ’ After the board the market was Irregular. Beading rose to 124%, receding afterwards to Ix 3, and closing at 124. New York Central advanced to 121, Erie declined to 97%, Hudson to 122. v - . At the 1 o’clock eaU the market was depressed by ah increasing.disposition to sell.’ Erie closed at 97@97%, Beadingat 183%. ■ Weekly Berlew ef the Pliilndelpliia Markets. Octobrr 28—Evening. The Produce markets have been rather more active this week, owing to the rise in gold and foreign ex : change, and prices generally have had- an upward tendency, with a little more disposition to operate. Bark is scarce and firmly held. Flonr is scarce .at for mer rates. --Wheat,' Corn,' and Oats have, advanced.■ Cotton is rather firmer, but there is not much doing. Coal is rather firmer.' Coffee is more active, and prices are father better. -Fish and Fruit are without change. The Iron market continues dull at about former rates. Molasses 1b firmer. ‘Naval Stores are without auy ma terial : change. Petroleum’ is scarce, and prices are raiber better. ’ The Provision market continues very firm’, but the. saleß are. limited for the want of stock. Seeds are inactive; Flax has advanced: Sugar Is more active, and prices are rather better. . Whisky is’rather firmer, in Wool there is mote doing. .- There is not much demand for Fiour, either for ex port or home use, but holders are firm in their views; sales comprise about 10,000 bbls, at $lO 25@10.75 for ex tra, and.sll@ll.7s for extra family, including3,ooo bbls City Mills extra and .extra family, on private-terms. The leiaileTS and bakers are buying in a small ; way .at fromJ&6C@loll bblfor superfine, $lO. *5@10.75 for ex. tra, $11@n.75 for extra family, and *l2@l2.6obbt for fancy brands, according to quality. Eve fFiour is sell ing in a small way at $9 ft bbl. Corn Meal is scarce. Wheat is ecarce and prices have advansed ls@2oc f* bus. with sales of about 25,000 bus at23o@2stfc for prime PennaredST2ssc for. Southern do, and white at from 250 np to 270 c $ bus, as to quality. Eye is bet ter, with small saleß to notice at 160@165c $ bus. Corn has advanced; about 20.000 bus yellow sold at 162@166c; - a small lot of white at 170 c, and new at 160@160c $ bus, as to condition. Oats are also better; about 26,000. bus told atBs@BBc for Penna, and.SSc for Southern, afloat. • . The following are the receipts of Flour and-Grain at this port during the past week: . . »our.".. .............. .11,740 bbls. Wheat- 84,400 bus. Corn - .26,600 bus. 0at5........ .................29,000 bus PROVISIONS,—The receipts and stocks of al! kinds continue very light. Small sales of Mess Pork are making, at $41@43 ® bb! Mess Beef is quoted at $2C@BO fi 1:1*1 tor country and city-packed. Bacon ib scarce, and there is very little doing; small lots are selling at 21@24c lb for plain andfancy bagged Hams; Sides at 21@22c, and .Shoulders at 19@20c.|ilb, cash. Green Meats are also very scarce ; 20,(iU0-ib3 Shoulders in salt sold at 10 %c fj lb. Lard is scarce but firm; about 300bbls and tierces sold at 21%@22c © lb" Butter is.un settled; sales of solid-packed aie making, at 34@40c; roll at 4€@sQc, and Goshen at 60@51c Hew York Cheese is selling at 19@23c ft lb. Eggs are scarce at 30® 38c ft dozen. -METALS.—PigJron is scarce. Small sales of Anthra cite are making at $56@60 •* ton- for the three numbers; Scotch Pig is quoted at $62@63 38 ton. In Manufactured iron there is rather mere doing, and price s are firmer. Small sales ofjsYellow Metal; are maklngiat no sle*: - d IlUotod at 14c f-lb. bat we hea? of - BAEK is liffl, tot quiet; about 120 hlida Ist No 1 $ T ® nnerS ' Bark is t ‘" OM4 , CAKI)LES : --Adaßiaßtiae. are scarce; small sales are making at 34@35cfor short, and 40c lb for full weight' Tallow Candies range at from 2S@?oc fUb F3OAL is more active; the sales aiemostly on account of the Government, with rather more doing, to go East, £t fully former rates. m Cargo sales from Bichmoad are making at SS-75@9.50 3 ton. /. COFFEE;—There is more doing, and prices have ad vanced about Ic 3 lb. with sales of 1,200 bags Bio and . COTTON.—There is very little demand and the sales are limited, but prices have, advanced, with sales of about 150 bale&at 120@130c?Hb, cash, Jor middlings. DRUGS ABO DYES, —There is very little doing, and prices' are without any material change. ‘ln Indigo there is no change to notice; Bengal U quoted at *2.95 lb, cash. . .. FISH. —Mackerel continue dull, and prices are un settled ; small sales from store are making at $19@20 for Bay N .* $26@28 lor extra do.; sl6@iB for No, 2p, and sl4@l6s bbl for medium and large No. 3a. Pickled at sB@l2 bbl, and Codfish at FEATHERS.—Good Western are selling in a small Way at from 83@8?c lb, cash. FRUlT.—There is very little doing but the market is firm. 'Old bunch raisins are selling at sl2s@i 50 aD £,?J3L l &? r , ers 60@6 per box. Lemons are quoted at j|ir@l2 l2 box. Green Apples are steady, and selling at sS@sperbbl. Dried Peaches are selling in a small way at l£@l7c ft for quarters. FREIGHTS —The rates to Liverpool are without any change and there is very little doing. Two vessels were taken with coaloil to a continental port at 6sper bbl. In coal freights there is no change to notice. There is rathermore doing for the Government. • GUANO.—SmaII sales of Peruvian are making at $175 ton, cash ; HOFh are inactive ; old are selling at 30@3Sc, and new at 45@55c lb. HAY.-Baled is selling at $28@3Q1% ton HIDES —There is nothing doing in Dry Hides, and for Green the demand is very limited. The outsiders are very anxious to sell, and sales of any importance would have to be made at very considerably lower rates than our quotations. LUMBER. —There is very little doing!in the way of sales, and the market is quiet. We quote White Pine at t2S@So;;Lfchigb Hemlock at $20@23, and White Pine hingUsats2C@24BM. - -MOLASSES.—Prices are uasettled and rather firmer; small sales are making at full prices. NAVAL STORES are firmly held; Spiritß of Turpen tine'is sellinginatmall way at s2.so@2 40 gallon; Rosin isselluig i» small lots at 28@30 $ barrel OIL CAKE is firmly held; city-made is selling at $75 @7Bton/' ■*’-* ■ LEATHER —There has been a rather better spirit in the market during the past week—the same causes ope rating upon the leach t-r market as upon bout* and shoes. Some dealers from Newark, N. J ,' have also been in the maiket buying liberally, which has also helped to give more animation to the market,- The receipts con tinue good, and the stock upon ihe,market is large, c Slaughter - Sole. .—The inquiry : has been somewhat larger the past week', and the sales made’have included more of the lighter and medinm grades than for fchnpre vious week. Prices are yet nominal, and parties want ing the lighter and- poorer- grades l of .’stock in liberal ?avor itiefi ' WoDld fi£ld tte spirit of the market in their «,on A fni s s. Soi f •‘"The Btoek on the market is larger SaS/»twSla I™® 1 ™® pai j ’ j ani for the hea-rier and tetter the Of-£?nf d ® sre ® 0 flrmll ® Bs * bet there is ers aBft>r'"?HnghtCT. Ulinßn9B ® to mU on ) he P an "‘hold- Hemi-ock Sole —Tb* re has been rather an market’ia^ir. fialeSatoUr9 “ otatiuns- T he slock on the , OlLS,—lard Oil" 1« witet at *1 90 for winter TW iriii, Oils there i«;TOTy little doing! LinaeS on'i a *“1 1 ni. freely at *l,/0$ gallon Petroleum la firmer- the ve~ celpts andhStiks are-Tery lignt;: email aaWof crud» are making,S^@®c;,refined in bond at 63@8ie.™nd fice at from 78@62c p. gallonas to tiuality ““■ The following are the receipts of ornde aud refined at this jport dnrmg the past weah: , v ~„18P0 Crude.■ .•>• 1,9D0 bbls. PIASTER.'—A, cargo of son'gbid'ttt ffiso'ss’toS o^ lllB ‘’ RICE —There in very little doing, oat holders are arm In tteir Yiewsi.small rnakla* at from ISH@ 14c f! lb; 150 bags Bold at IS@I3K c ft its ■ SEED.-. —Clrversßeaiis ncarjpe andKio denand at %9.7f@10 ft 61 lbs. Timothy is selling m a small war at $6@6.50 ft bushel, and Flaxseed at $3 20@3.30ia basket. SALT:—2,6OO eackH of Ashton’s fine has arrived, but remain unsold.- : - .. SPIRITS —Brandy and Gin are drtnly held, bat there is vesy kittle « oingi in I4i6£eiv"v, WSw Englantl IBani'. is selling ti from $2.06@2 40 » gallon. Whisky is firmir with sales of Pennsylvania at 176® 178 c ■' Ohio at IROc! and drudge at 176@1760 ’ 10 M “ u# * ■ ■ B^GAKis firmer, andthore-is moredoinginthe wav »sold'al £rom*l6X@H& : noWNfeld^igher 1 ® o*^iSSToitiattaioountryiatieKoAT-ih 0 *^iSSToitiattaioountryiatieKoAT-ih. *■ "^2%®°®-“rheaf;manufactured 1 are :qutet but v ®v^rSvP 1, hear of no large sales. , v .A. V —Holders are rather firmer, in their views, . * the demand is limited.. Small sales ,are making at ' (?9 m Js@®Bc,s|! lb for medium 1 and fine rfleece, and 1(J0@ ■ 110 c T- lb lor tub. • ' <•' , VIHEGARi —Corn Vinegar Is selling at. 20c 'si gallon , inbhld - , , BOOTS AND 8110 SB. —There has been a rather bettor spirit in the market itbe past week, caused by the ad vance in gold and from.the sympathy of, the trade with. other branches of,business,; ali’ihaving.been, moreeor, Ifsa influenced by the same cause: There have (also been some dealers in the market from Delaware, Mary land. and Tennessee, which, in addition to those from Pennsylvania, and Ohio, hare given a'little more ac tivity £0 the market amongst the jobbers. With manu facturers, things .remain much as the previous week.. There has on-the whole been rather more confidence that an increased demand would he realized imme diately: after the Presidental election, it not eooner New York markets, Oct. 29. Asbbs ore quiet and steady, at $ll for pots and $l2 50 for pearls. . ■ ■ Bkeadstuffs,—The market for State and Western Flour is>lo@lsc better, and active: (ales 22.000hb1s at $6@9.36 for superfine State; s9.6o@9.7oforextra S'ate; $9 75@9.90 for choice ditto; <s9 11(3)9.66 for .superfine Western; $9..70@10.50 for common to medium extra Western; $[0.6t@10.90 for common, to good shipping brands:extra round-hoop Ohio, and $lO 95@t2.for trade 1 brands. - - - ' ... , Si uthern Flour is firmer; sales 1,300 hbls, at $10.85® 11,60 for common, and $ll 70@14.70 for fancy aud ex t™. 'Caoadian l)ourislo@lsc better; sales 460 bbls, at $9. h 6£@9.9Q for common, and slo@t2 foe -good, to, choice extra. Rye Floor is quiet and very: firm. Corn Meal quiet. " . ,■ ■ Wheat js 2@3c higher, .with,only- a limited supply apd afair cleinand; sales 26,000 bus winter red Western,, at $2 28@2 :m. Rye is scarce and firmer.- Barley Is. steady; sales, 21,000 bushels at #1.70 for'Canada,East, and $1.94(3 1.94 M for Canada West. Bariey.MaH Is dull. ■ Oats are doll at 92c for West, rn.. The Corn market is 2)jc better, with froth demand;, sales 62,000,bushels at $1:62@1.6ik lor mixed Western. PitovisiONS.-riThe Pork, market is firmer,/with a fair, demand; sales 5,660bb1s at $40@4l for'mass; $44@43.25 tor new f do, cash and regular way; $38.60@>9 for prime, :and $42<60 for prime mess. The Beef market is very firm, with morehdoiog; tales "I|ooo hbls atfabout-‘pre vious prices. Beef Hams are firm; sales of 200 bbls, to arrive, at $25. „ . . ... Cut meats are in fair flemandi with sales of 350 pack ages at 16K@H8Jic for shoulders, and 17K@'21c for hams; also I,soogreen.hams at 19c-and 10,000 barrels city pick led hams at 20JSc.a The-Lard market" Is materially active, and prices are firmer. Sales 8,000 barrels at 20 ■ @mc. ; Whisky.—The market is dull, with sales.of 4'5 bar rels Western at sl.72@l.72>4,'closing at the inside price Tallow-,- is quite firm, with a fair demand: sales 100,000 fts at 17>4@17>sc, the latter prieean extreme. Boston Markets, Oct. 27. Breadstuffs Market,—The receipts since yes terday have been 3,302 bhis Flour, and 5,850 bus Oats. The market for Flour remains about the same; we'qoote Westernsuperfineat $9@9,60; common extrasat $9.75@ : $1(; medium do'at $10.26® 10.75; and good and - choice, including favorite 1 St." Louis brands, at • sll® 14 bbl. Xj Southern Fionr no change.: Ccru is qutet at $1.70 for Wosternimixed,:and sl’fcO%t bus for Western yellow. Outs are selling at 9C@94c bus, for Horthern ;and Canada. ' Rye $1.60; Shorts $4O; FlnoFesdat.i 7 6 * 60: and Middlings at ton. PnoyisioßS—Pork ie efeady at s4oforprime;.s42 60® 43.60 for messy and $4«@47 for clear, cash. Beef ranges from s24@26for new Chicago; Lard.22@23e in hbis and tes; and Smoked Hams at 20c ¥ ft, cash: Butter Is sell-', ing at 4i@6Cc for common 1 and choice; and Cheese 16® 1 18c 88 ib, ,as to quality Boston Boot and Shoe Market. The A'hoe and brother Reporter says : Business re mains unaltered since our last. Priceß l are ■ well sus tained . and there seems to„be, little Vprospset of lower, rates this fail: Stocks are not overiabundant, and manufacturers, as a general thing, are doing;-nothing. ''**■v dem ® nd /or.seasonable goods, as ; there mut tbe after th e elections, ; the scarcity of labor, and the r high prices which will be demanded by workmen, will make,in the opiniomof many .persons,-goods rule high;. However, this is:a mere matter of surinlse.'and we must patiently wait the issue. We notice afaw buyers ‘R/own.iand one- from New Orleans r favored us with a ! call tins week. The total: shipments of boots and shoes by rail and sea fon the past Weok.haye been 7,661 cases, 1 Or this hutaber! 6,671 cases have been sent by rail fas follows: 1,872 to, New York'and Pennsylvania; 890 'to tho Sonthern! .States now in our possession; and 3,809 to the Western States, including 211 for California.: , The clearances from the custom house have been 1,090 cases, among whichwe notice 461 for San Francisco. ■ ' , Chicago Cattle Market, Oct. 26, Cattle —The receipts to-day were’about 1,860 head, against 1,282 head, yesterday. The market was less active to-day, although prices experienced no decided change. Sales'include'2,6oo Mead, including ISlhead that were delivered on .contract. About two-thirds of the entire number sold were, taken by packers, and the remainderby speculators on army account.' The mar ket was steady throughout at the advance noted last evening-; There was no improvement to note in the -average quality of the stock, it being-principaliy com- ’ mon to mediuni grades.. Sales include the following: Fair to choice Beeves... ,-,56 50@7 70 Good 8eeve5................. 1 ..,.... 6 25®6 25 Common;to.medinm 8eeve5....... ~..r. 4 oo@s 03 Inferior Beeves 2 58@3 75. . Hoos —-The (receipts _ to-day were only about i,sm head, and the entered sales 3,£00 head.h The market was . dull, and prices suffered a decline of fully 25@50c fl'loo lbs.:- Early in-the-day .shippers received-information* that a large-amount of stock was detained at the Suspen sion Bridge waiting for cars. This checked the demand on Eastern account, and as the packers were buying sparingly the most of the stock was left In the hands of drovers this evening. ... „ .... J,KTTEB BAOS V /"' AT .THB MERCHANTS’,EXCHANSB, PHILADELPHIA. Ship Philadelphia, P001e................Liverp001, Boon Bark Psyche, Weaver........ Janeiro, soon PHILADELPHIA BOABD OF TEADB. Israel Morris, > Joseph C. Gruee, f Committee op the Month. EdmusdA. Soudkr, } marine inteixigenge. POBX OF PHIIADEIPHIA, Oct. S8,18»4. Bun Eises... 6 47 I Sun Sets.-.,. 5 13 jHigh Water..! 21- ABEIVED. Ship Westmoreland, Decan, 41 days from-Liverpool, with mdse to John B Penrose. Ship Saranak, Eowland, a days from Liverpool, with mdse and 277 passengers to Cope Bros. - Had one death on the passage. - Bark Iddo Kimball, Clark, from Pensacola, Oct 6, in ballast to Henry Simons. Was ten days north of Halteras, detained by heavy northerly winds. Left brig Albeiti, hence, discharging. Ship St Petersailed from Pensacola, 2d inst, for Philadelphia, in ballast.- Hark Ann Biizaneth, Norgrave, saUed- 26th ult for -Mo bile Bay, and brig 0. H. Frost sailed Ist Inst with tim -ber for Philadelphia. , . _ Bark Charles Brewer, Wilson, 7 days from Boston, in ballast to captain « Brig AnteceUo (Brl.Bcott, 20 days from Windsor, N S» "With plaster to C u Horfi; - pebr Electric Light, Wallace, ? days from Portland, with mdze to E A Sender & Co, Schr Anvil, (BrpWUson, 18 days from West Isle 3. NB. With fish to £ A Bonder & Co. Schr Fanny Boardman, Crease. 23 days from Hew Glasgow, NS. with eas-mgs, to captain. , Schr E G WhUden, Heal, 6 days from Boston, In bal lan to captain. „■ s: , , , Schr MMine't MilleriiS days frbmHbw Orleans, in' ballast to D S Stetson & Co. •■, - ■ - i 6 days from Boston, lu ballast to Noble Caldwell &Uo. Schr E Peterson, English, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to captain. fccbr J H Wainwrigbt. Mulford, 5 days from Beau fort,. m ballast to captain. -.Schr Charm,.Chase, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. ' _ Sclir Paragon, Hateliy S'days from Bangor, with lum ber tocaptam. Schi Lucy, Morrow, 1 day from Brandywine, Del, With.corn meal to E M Lea. - ' * T Schr Delaware, Atkins, 2 days from'Milton,Del. with gram to Christian & Co.' Steamer Antliracite, Shropshire, 24 hours from New York-, with mdse to Wm M Baird. & Co. CLEARED. Bark John Matbeus (Brj, Long, Pernambuco. Brig Berald, Davis, Guantanamo. Brig Geo Amos, Coombs, Boston. Little, New Orleans. Schr Mary Parrow, Condon, B> ston.. SchrHjmpden Belle, Hatchi Boston. Schr Wide World, Adams, Portress Monroe. SchrGovFranklin, Tyler, City Point. : Schr Jones, Tattm, Washington. Schr J G Babcock, Babcock, Beaufort. Schr James M Flanagan. Cain, Beaufort. Schr N,E Claik, - Schr Bofiton, Brower, Hampton Roads. Schr J 8 Weldon, Hudson, Hampton Roads. Schr V Sharp. Sharp, Fortress Monroe. Schr.Ocean Wave, Baker*' do. ■ Schr C A-Greiner, Cruise, do. Schr:Percy Heilner, Grace, do. Schr RJ Mercer, Haley, do, ■Schr Mary Haley, Haley, do. Schr Gov Burton, Peacock, Port Royal. Schr Gilbert Green, ! Weaver, Alexandria. Schr Curtis Goodwin, Laird, do. Bt’r-R Willing Cnnaiff, Baltimore. St’r F Cadwalader, Pierson,* Baltimore. V. S. INTERNAI; REVENUE. TTKITBD-STATES INTERNAL EB YENDE—THIRD COLLECTION DISTRICT OP PEHNSYLYANIAfcomprising tbe Twelftb. Thirtdqntb. Sixtepnth, iSeventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Waids of the City of Philadelphia. - NOTICE. The annual assessment for 1864, for the above-named District, of persons liable to a tax on carriages, pleasure yachts, billiard tables, and gold and silver plate, and also of peisons required to take out Hcense, having been completed, - .. , MOTICB IS HEREBY GIVES that the taxes aforesaid wUI he received daily, hy the undersigned, between the hours of 9A. M. and 3 P If (Sandays «cTOto«.i»t'M»' Office, S. W. corner of ™IK,D and WILLO W Streets, on and after TUESDAY, the 26tb tost., andnntil and inclodina SATURDAY, the 19thof Horemhernextensninn. ' ' PENALTIES All persons who fail to pur their animal taxes upon carnages, pleasure yachts, billiard tables, and gold and silver plate, on or before the aforesaid 19th day of No vember, leof, will incur, a. penalty, of,-ten per centum additional oi the amount thereof, and be liable to costs, as provided for in the 19th Section of the Excise taw of July Ist, 1862. . All persons who in like planner shall failto takeout their Licenses, as required bylaw, on or before the 19th day of November, 1864, will incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, and be sub ject to a prosecution for three times the amount of said tax. In accordance with the provisions of the 69th sec tion of thelaw aforesaid- . - Ail payments are required to be made in Treasury note*, issued under authority of the United States, or In noteß of banks organized under the/act to provide a na tional cnrrency,.known as National Banks. No further notice will be given! . WILLIAM J WAIN WRIGHT. Collector, oclB tnol9 B.W. cor. THIRD and WILLOW Sts. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OmCB OF THR COMPTBOI.I.EE OF THE CUKBRKOT, WASHnraTOx.'September 27, 1861 Whereas,* by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the EIGHTH NATIONAL BANK 01? PHILADELPHIA. In the City of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadel phia, State of Pennsylvania, has been duly or ganized under and according to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitled “An Act to pro vide a national cnrrency, secured by pledge of Unit ed States bondß, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,” - approved June 3d, 1864, andhas complied with all the provisions of said Act reqnired to be complied with before commencing the business of banking under said Act: Now, therefore, I, HUGH MoCULLOCH; Comp! troller or the Currency, • do -hereby certify that the Eighth National Back of Philadelphia, in the City of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. f; In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of office this twenty-seventh day of September, 1864. r , HUGH MoCULLOCH, J SKAi,. > Comptroller of the Currency. > oc6 SOt (HARD —BELCHER & 00., PROPRIK tors of ' . C ENT RAL TE AT ING H OUSE, No. 43J CHESTNUT Street, Opposite General Post Office, Philadelphia, Pa., tender, by medium of the public press, to their many patrons and friends, their warmest thanks for the liberal encouragement most generously bestowed, and promise to add still further improvements and attractions, and nse every endeavor to merit the support and patronage of the business men and general public of Philadelphia and vicinity. ocl7-3ra CRATING—ILC. CAMPBELL’S SKA- M TING CLASSES meet TUESDAY and FRIDA'S morninga.cprner of BROAD and WALNUT Streets. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY mornings corner of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets-for ladles and misseß only. Gentlemen Wednesday Evenings at 7, Eighth and Spring Garden Streets. ‘ Ladies and Gentle men taking one course of lessons on parlor skates, will become exs-ert ice skaters,- For-circulars, terms, ‘he., aptly or address as above. , oclB-Ilt* DURE PALM OIL SOAP.—THIS SOAP I- is made of pure,-fre*li Palm Oil. and Is entirely a vefdtable Soapuaore actable forTotlet use tbaa fcboat taade from animal rats. In boxes or oae doxene&ke*. «*^M^LkI NT OR 6 SON, No. 118 MARGARKTTA Etreot, between Front and ttoßftpil.Ji'hftTftflslilflwWn __ PUNS, PISTOLS, SKATES. VT PHILIP WILSON 4 CO., J 400 CHESTNUT Street. ! Sfanufactnrers and Importers of ~ , Fine Guns, Pistols, * • Gunning and .Fishing Tackle. . Canes, Powder; Shot, ... ■ Wads, Caps, Sc. , .. . Guns Restocked, Eobored.andEe paired'in the -best "i.anner.,- . .. :: SKATESOF-ALL-KINDS . »eg-tr ■ -—♦OO CHESTNUT Rhreat * HEATERS FOR FACTORIES, i-^ M Sn 8 V &c w beated-wiih exhaust or dimtateami THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 186 C QHEEIFF’S 4 VIRTUE OF ' LJ a Writ of YendUlonl-Exponss.to me directed, -will be . exposed topablicsgleor/yendne, on.MONDiYErealng,, '.November?, 1864, at4o’olooki atSansom-stfeetHall, All that certain brick rmessuags oftenemeat situate on thehoatli Bide of Carter,street, and ontthe east side' of Relief alley, in the Fifth ward of the cky ofYliita delphii; eontaintngin front or breadth on the'said Car-'" ter stj qet forty-three feet tire; tocher, be the same more or less! and extending in.length or . depth souttiward along the said Relief, alley fifty-seven-. feet two inches,! he' it more or less rßeingj the same premiseAwhtoh. Geurge'Erety, of all and singular-the; goods and chst-' telsl'rights and creditB,i,whiohiWore offflohn Ha Coleman! deceased, under and by virtne.of an order of the Or phans' Court of the City.-andCo an ty-of -Fhiladel pn ia therein. recited, by indenture,dated the -tWentymlnth’ day ofiAngimt lay pastsCISCO), and vecorded:at Phila delphia, in Deed Boqk-A.|C«H.», Ko.ao%.pageaoBt &c. granted and conveyed untotthe said Thomas Mr Plow- : man in fee], t abject to theipaymenttof a certain-mort gageideht or pnnoipal.sum df sixrthousand'dollars to" the Pennsylvania Fire Insurance . Company,; withvin terest, las therein expressed;;’ and: subject to:a certain' exception and reservation untot ee said;Thomas J.Mo: lony, bis heirs and assigns, owners,/.tenants;,and occu- . piers of the said adjoiningrpremtses.fmarkediand'jde-. signaled in the said pamnhlot or ichadule No.'23,'situ ate on Exchange street, the free use, right, liberty, and privil*. ge of a certain street laid ont over the above-de scrih(d|lot, and leading southwardof the reduced width' of-three feet four and a half inches along the east line of the said above described lot .the> distance of'eiirhtnsn . feefto the south line thereof, and; thence narrowing to the .width of two feet six inches, and extending of the last-mentioned reduced width westward along the said south line of the hereby-granted .premises into tbs said Relief alley as a passageway -and water-course ’and, for'thojputposo of laying pipes to.iintroduee hydrant ■water In common with the said hereby-granted premises stall limes forever, .ti: < ■/ .1 ~ - And also all the following described: nine brick mes suages dr tenements, and lots or pieces of ground there unto' belonging, situate in:the equare.bounded by-Front' and Second streets and Moore aodv'Mifflin streets, in the First ward of the city or Philadelphia:. •• ‘ " On© of the said brick messuages and lota of ground be ginning at the northeast corner of Second street and a thirty feet-wide street called sMcClellan street,'and ex-= tending thence eastward alonjr thenorth side of the * aid McGlfrllan street eeyenty-one feet two and a half inckea: thence northward at right augLes with the said McClel lan street and aiougthe west side of atwo-feet-slx-inch es-wideaiJey leadihgr into and from the taid McClellan n street seventeen-feet three inches; thence westward, McClellan street alxty-nino leet to the east side of: the*said*Second thence *sonth wartl along the east aide of.the said Second street teven* teen feet four and a half inches' to the- place - of bexia nihg jttogether witji the free and common use and pri vilege., of the said two-feet-six-inchea-wide alley as a‘ way, parage, and water-course.at . all- times hereafter 5 forever. 1 .*-» • - t . ... One ofthe said brick messuages and lots of groundbe ginning on the east side of the said Second street, at the distance of seventeen feet four and a half inches north ward from the north side of the ; said McClellan street. r and extendmg thence eastward, parallel with the saii McClelifl.n street, sixty-nine feet; thence northward at right angles with the said McClellan' street and along tbe west side ofthe said two?feet-six inches-wide alley r lateen feet; .thence westward, parallel Wlth the said .McClellan street sixty-seven feet two-inches to the east side of the-said Second street: aad thence along the east sioe of the said Second street one inchand three-eighths of an inch to the place of be ginning; together.with the-free s and commonvnae and privilege ofthe said two feet-six-inches-wide alleyiAeV way, passage, and;water-course at all Ltimes hereafter, forever. • And the remaining seven of the hrick and lots of ground.situate on ihesouth side of a‘ thirty feet wide street called Seigel- street,beginningfatv the dis tancerof three hundred:and two feefe.weatward from the' west side of; the said Eronr street; and -containing alto gethtr in front or breadth on the said: Seigel street one hundred and five feet (each lot fifteen feet), and extend in? that parallel lines 'at t right angles with, the said .Seigel street, in length or depth forty-five feet; The'several lots 0/ ground above described are part of a large lot of ground which Chas. Williami Wharton, trustee. 4c., and others, by inden-’, tare dated the first day.of October, A. D 1862, recorded at Pbilad elphia un -Deed Book .N. C, H., No.', 71; page 401, 4c., 'granted and conveyed, iiter alia," unto Ste phen Flanagan and James M, Flanagan, and the said Thomas:M. Plowman and: Robert H. Rahsley,:in fee, •in equal /fourth parts ; as tenants in. common, and the said Stephen. Flanagan; and . Amanda :M,bis wife, James M. Flanagan and Emma S. , his wife,-and Robert H. Ransiey, and Mary Ann,"his .wife,; by.inaeutire - dated the 14th day of April last paet(lB64), duly executed and acknowledged, and intended to borecorded.granted; and conveyed all their three full equal and-undivided fourth parts>f,:in an’d to the same, Inter alfa. niitb the' i said Thomae.'M./Plowman, in fee, subject*ae respects' 1 tbe premises first above described, to the payment of a! certain mortgage debt of principal'sum 61 $1,800,' with’t interest, iand as respects the preniises above 'described, to the payment of a certain mortgage debt or principal', -sum iof $1.400,.; with-in terest secured thereon by two ! * separateindentnres of mortgage, executed -by. the said. Stephen Flanagan, . James M. ; Flanagan, Thomas M. Plowman, and Robert H. Ransiey to the Enterprise In surance Company, l oth dated the 23d day of Horember last past (IS6J), and? recorded in Mortgage'Book R;' C.‘ H-, No. 60, pages 850 and 853, 4c. : And abo, all those three contiguous two- story brick .messuages or tenements; and lots or pieces of gronud, situate on the north side of a thirty-feet wtde street, called Seigel street, extending from Front street to Second street, parallel with and at the distance of 106 f feet northward from jhe north side* of Mifflin street, measured on a line at right angles with the said Mifflin ! . street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia'fbe ginning at the distance of 197 feet westward from'the west side of the said Front street, and containing. alto gether in front orhreiutth on tbe said Seigel strebt 45 feet (each lot 16 feet), and; extending In length or depth northward, between 11*ee parallel at right angles with the said Seigel street, 42 feet 6 inches. And alro, all those sloven contiguous two-story brick messuages or..tenements, and lots or pieces of ground, Bituate on thehorthsideof the said Seigel street, in the 1 Fbst ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; begin ning at the distance of 267 feet westward , from the west side of the said Front street, and containing in front or breadth on the.said Sergei street: 165 f feet" (each lot 15 feet), and extending in length or depth northward, be tween parallel lines at right angles with the said Seigel street, 42 feet 6 inches. The lots of ground above described are parts of a larger lot of ground which Charles William Wharton, Trustee, and others, by indenture dated the first day of October, A. D. 3882, and recorded at Philadelphia in Reed Booh A. C. H. t No. 71, page 401, 4c , granted and conveyed inter alia unto Stephen Flanagan, James M. Flanagan, the said Thomas M. Plowman, and Robert H Ransiey .in, fee, in equal fourth parts, as tenants in comrona, and not as joint tenants; and the said Ste plienTlanagan and Amanda M , his wife, James Ml Flanagan, and Emma S.y his wife, and Robert H. ; Ransiey, and Mary Ann, :his wife, by indenture dated the 29th day of December, A. D. 1861, recorded at Phtia delphift,in Deed Book L. R. B,Ro 2, page3l4, 4c., granted and conveyed all their fall, equal,, and undi vided fourthparts of, in, and to the same, inter alia, unto the said Thomas M. Plowman in fee, under and subject, nevertheless, as respects the eleven messuages and lots of ground last above described, to the payment of eleven: mortgage debts; amounting to the snm of ■ $6,600 (each $600), with interest secured on the same premises: by eleven separate Indentures of mortgage, executedby the said Thomas M. /Plowman to the-Bn-- . lerprise Insurance Company, all. dated the 29th day of ' December laetpast (1863), and recordediat Philadelphia, in Mortgage Book A C. H. ,No. 7, pagesfiS, 619,616; 613;' 610, 617, m 502, 498, 495, and. 492, 4c.> : . ’ [H. C.; J.. ’65. 11. Debt $20,000. L. Stoever.] , Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas M. Plowman, JOHS THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia,.SKeriff’S'Office, Oct. 15,. 1864. ocl7-3t CHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE .OF M a writ otVehditleni Exponas, to me directedAwilbie ' exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, '■November 7, ISs4,;at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-streetHiitl, > 411 that certain lot ofgronnd situate on the north side of Gordon street, two : hundred and eight’feet'-easterly" from Lemon street, in the city of Philadelphia! con tamingin front on Gordon street 1 thirty, four feet,’and in depth sixty feet six inches. ? [Which said premises Samuel Townsend and wife, by deed dated July 14,1852, recorded inDeed Book KD. w, No, 151, page 142, Ac., conveyed unto Patrick Glark, infee; reserylnga ground rent of $26. DO. ] ; - o - ■ . - , ~v , t.G.-Ci F.;S.Y’64 108. Debts«;7s. Quin.] : ‘ Taken in executlon.and to he sold as the property of Patrick Clark.!■ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.' Philadelphia; Sheriff's Office,:Oct, 14, 1864. ocl7-3t •' SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF .hJ a writ'dfVenditldnl Exponas, to me will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, November 7; 1864,at 4 o’clock, at Bausom- street Hall, All that certain tyro-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west ride of Twelfth, streefthirty feet northward from Moore street in the city of Phila delphia: containing in .front on Twelfth street fifteen feet, and ,in depth forty-eight feet to a three-feet alley,"" with-the:privuege thereof, .[Which said lot Edmund C. Pechin, by deed dated.August27,lB62, recorded in, Deedßook'A. C. H., No. 61, page 854, conveyed unto James Kerns in fee, reserving a ground rent of £33, pay able first of January and July. ] [C.C.P. ; 8.;.,’64. 107. Debt- $16,507 G.T, Asbmead.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Kerns. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff., : Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Oct 14,1864. y 0c17;3t CHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF an order of Sale in Partition, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, onMONBAY Evening, November 7,1564, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain yearly ground rent, or sum of seventy: Spanish-milled silver: dollars, payable first of Jannary and July, out of and for all that certain lot'or piece of 1 ground beginning: at the northwest corner of Passyunk ■road, where the same enters South street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence extending along the south-ride of South-street forty-two feet, more or* less, to southeast corner of Fifth and South streets: tiienee southwardly along Fifth street sixty feet; thence : eastwardly to Pass,unk road aforesaid; thence up the said road to the fllace; of beginning. [Which: said premises Edward Boneall etnx, , by deed dated Jannary 1, 1798, con veyed nnto George Clark and Robert Thompson in fee; reset ying said ground rent, and subject to a paramount yearly rent of s3o.] • - .V-CD. 0.; 5.,'64. 318. .Paul.] „ , , ~ ’ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. . Philadelphia, Sheriff's. Office, Oct. 15, 1864. ocl7-3t QHERIFF’ S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ~ a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, Kovember7,lB64, at 4 o' clock, at Sansom-street Hall, .All that certain dhree-story brick messuage and lot of gronnd situate on the northeasterly aide of Fulton street, about one hundred and thirty-nine feet two inches southeastward from Trenton Bailroad,, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fulton street about fourteen-ieetflve inches,: and in depth about fifty one : feet one inch... Subject to a ground rent of fifty- four dol lars, -payable Ist January and July. [Which said £F e ffils® James 8. Bmith etux-i by. deed dated March 25, 1859, recorded m Deed Book A. D. B , No. 55, page 19, &c., conveyed unto Benjamin Wallace in fee. ] - .[C. C..P.; S. '64; 109: DebtsB4.s7. Briggs.] Taken m execution and to he sold as the property of Benjamin Wallace. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff ' , Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office,Oct.;lfl,lB6l ocl7-St CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A *-< writ of Venditioni Exponas, to medireeted, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, o’clock, at Sansom-sfereet Hall, ' All that certain lot of ground situate on the north side of Seyhert xtreet, twolhundred and nineteen feet ten westward from Nineteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia f containing in front on Seybert street forty feeD.ft in -depth on the west line .thirty seven lest eight inches, and on the east line seventy-one feet three inches, and on the northwest line fifty-two feet three inches [Which said premises Louisa Mcilvaine, by deed dated March 6, 1864. recorded in Deed Book T H y N 0.132, page 479, Ac., conveyed unto IsraelLnkensin fee; subject to a ground rent of sixty dollars.] ; ■ _ , . . CC.C.P; 5.,’64. Debt, *5O. Olmsted.] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Israel lnkens JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Oct. 15, 1864. oc!7-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a w rit of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 7,1854, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-etreet Hall, rAllihat certain lot rf ground situate on the west side or Front street and south aide of York street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Front street sixty feet, and in depth ono hundred and six feet sixAnches. to Bope street; subject to a ground rent of sixty-seven dollars fifty cents, payable first of April and October. w • _ C. P.; S., ’64. 120. Debt, $67.50 Wain-J Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Martin Detweiler. JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Oct. 18,1864. oci7-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF V a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even! mr“ November 7,1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall " AU those certain two three story messuages and lot of ground situate on the east side oi Twenty-fourth street, one hundred; and twenty .feet;northward from Vine wntatmeg In front on Twenty-fourth street 20 feet, and in depth sixty feet. [Which said premises Cadwalader Evans et ux by deed dated March 13, 1837,recorded iilSd Book si H- F., No. 181, page 205, Ac,, conveyed unto John Carter in foe; reserving a ground rent of $6O, payable Ist January and Jnly. 1 ... m , CC.C.P.; S., ’64. 120. ..Debt, $30. ; Fletcher.] - t T ab S n , n execution an J f® ho sold as the property of John Carter. _ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct. 15,'1864, ;. oc!7-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF kJ awrit of Venditioni Exponas, to medireeted, will bo exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Kveninv. November 7,1864,' atlb’ciock, at Sansom-street Hall, ■ All those certain messuages and lot of ground situate on the west, side oYMasoher : street,’No: 1622, eighteen feet four Inches south from Putnam street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing InTront on’ Mascher street eighteenfeet two and a hairinches, and-in depth seventy feet two inches to Newkirbßtreet., . : [C. C. P.; S., ’64. 82 Debt, 4174. Meyers. 1 Taken in execution and -.to be’sold as the property of James K; Polk. , JOHN THOMPSON! sheriff. ■ Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offlco, Oct. 15,1564. oc]7-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BT VIRTUE OF k-J a writ of Venditioni’Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to puhlic sale or, vendue,on MONDAY Evening,- November 7,1864, at 4 o'clock; at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate’on the south side of Venango street, 106 feet 6 inches westward from Clin ton street, in the .city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Venango street® feet; and in (depth 237 feet 6 Inches to John street. JWhich said; lot 'John* F.’Lawie etnx-.by deeddated June25,"1849, conveyed unto Jo-' seph L McNeill ln.fee; reiervirg ayearly rent of S 6 00 1 Jo6epb n L? I McNein tloll aE JOHN e THO1 > MSOJ^' r sS|rif of - •Philadelphia,,Sheriff’s Office; Oct. 15.-1864. ~ o cl7-Bt. ; CHERIFF’S: SALE.—BY- VIRTUE-OF k- 7 a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed,to publicsaleorvendue,von MONDAY Evening, l November 7, 1864, At,4 o’clock,, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain triangular lot of grpnnd and three story brick messuage partly erected thereon,’ beginning ;it a point cm he west side; of Birch "street about: two hundred and nine feetsonthward from Fitrwater street, -m the city of Philadelphia;; jhence, extending South ward along; Bir«hiv«rett, forty,: fAt; 1 thcnce west . waid ' twenty feat-six; inches ; thence northeasterly about fortT-sfivefeet to the place »f beginiUpgi-rWhlch; -aid prvniifW.^WylUmilv.,'t‘eubibolf,'Trteta.*By deed du-.ed epni.B,"lSs6i recorded-in Bo>k A D B : : efo. : lf3,paso.l77i:ac.,.eonveyed;neto':janDis*CaSpbaH' tu feO; ,T.eservißg-a-:grmnid rentrof •eightten-doJlars; ■ usyable IM-Jcuuary and July ; [C. 0 P,: S.. ’ p 4 111 Di-’d *(l9 pa voud=-s“1 . Takeu in eKfCttCon and to bo sold as the property oi Jenin, Jirmiib. 1 11. JOHN. THOMPSON Sheriff.’ TwPifiladelD3f|ffi§}teflifJi(lo.fflt9;iOot^ll,^jB6A"j:X«f®l , k s *O r SHERIFF’S SALES. IHERIFF’S SALES. CHERIFF’ S; SALE.—BY YIRT¥X OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, Will be exposed to public sale or vendue; on MONDAT Eve ning; Hcv, 7,1861, at i o'clock, at Sanf/om-street IfaH. Ail that certain lot of ground, situate on the west side of Front street, sixty feet southward from York street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Front street eighteen, feet, and extending in depth one hun-. drei and six feet six inches, to Hope street; subject to payment of a ground rent of twenty and twenty -five one hundredths dollars. . .. ;. . , . ■. . ..... .. „ , CO; c. P. ;S., ’64. 113. Debt, #29.25. Wain ] -• ■ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel M. Ritter, r JOHN THOMPSOST, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Oct. 16, 1864. oc!7-3t .SALE.—BY YIRTHE ~ OF .hj a writ.o'f VenditidniExponas, io me’directed.will be ■ exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAT Eve aing, November;7,. 186 e ,! at 4 o’clock,"'at Sansom-street Hall;; All that .certain maesnags and lot of ground situate on r tbe nortbeaatorly side of Apn street, Mghty feet .norths - , westerly fr/ m ’ Emerald street, in the city of, Phitadol >-rhi a: containing in’ front on Ann' street fourtoen feet, and in depth fifty, four.feet, with privilege bftwo alleys;" OC. C. P.; S., ’64 100: I .Deht,-la)J66; i .-:Pile;J l , ; ' Taken iu execution, and to he sold.as theproperty of . Charles B. Souder.' " - JOHNiTHOMPSONTSfieriff.' Philadelphia, .Sheriff’s Office, Oct. 14,~1864. ' 0.c17 3t . CEBRMJR, SALE/--BT OF M a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed topublicsale orvendue, onMONDAV/Evenlmr,, . November 7, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at. Sansom-street Hau, /" All that certain three-story brick meseuage and lot of .ground situate on the west side of Nineteenth street, forty-nine feet northward from Pine street, in the City of Philadelphia; containing in front on Nineteenth street sixteen feet, and in depth fifty feet to a fonr feet elley, GWbich f said premises Janus S. Spencer and wife, by deed dated October 4,1848, recorded in Deed Book G. W. C., No. l. page 286, conveyed unto Thomas Miller in fee; reserving a ground rent of sixtrdollars; payable let April and October. 1 TC. G.JP. i S., J64.i,ni. ‘l>ebt, 89. Letchworth.] • Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Miller. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office,- Oetm 1864. ':ool7-3t: SHERIFF’S SALE.-—BY YIRTUE OF M a writ of Venditioni Eseponas, to me directed, will ba exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 7, 1864, lit 4 o’clock,at Sansom-street’Hall, / AH that certain two-story brick messuage and lot of groimd situate on the south side of Dauphin stieet, one undred; eastward from Coral street, in. ■ the city? .61'; Philadelphia; containing in, ftont -on Dauphin; street fourteen feet nine inches, and in depth ninety - two feet to a’four-feet' wide aliey. ; [Which said lot Henry M, Boyd et ux ; by deed dated June 28,1858,. recorded in Deed Book A D. 8., No. 30, page 21; con veyed: unto John Christy in fee, reserving a gronhd - rent of $6l; payable first of April and October-] ’ '[C. C. P. ; S., '64. 116: Debt. $2l. McAUißtor ] " Taken in,execution and- to he sold -as the property of JohnChfisfir...: s ’ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.- Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, .Oct.’l6, 1864. ‘ oo!7-3t 3 SHERIFF’ S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A Writ of Venditioni Exponas; to me directed; will be exiiosed to public sale or,vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November?, 1864, at4o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall,, . All that certain two-story brick msasuage and lotof froui d situate on ihe north side of Hayes street, two undred! and thirty-four feet westward from Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front cr Hayes street thirteen feet and in depth fifty-sixfeefc. tWMeEeKM'prraim'.JAlm'SVdddxrhiiattirini? by dead dated'March 16, 1864, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No lbl, page 468,-conveyed unto .Thomas-Blackwell, m -fee.]/ .'.‘.r . „ , [C, C.-P. ;S , ’64.' IC6. Debt, $70.67. Doyle ] Taken dn:execution .and to be sold as the property of Thomas BlackweU.= - ‘" JOHN THOMPSONf-Sheriff.' Philadelphia, SheriFsOffice, Oct: 16,-1864. ocl7-3t -SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a writ of Venditipni,Exponas, to me directed, wiU be exposed to pnblio’sale or vendtievon MONDAY Eve ning; Nov. 7, 1884,, at,4 o'clock, at Sansom^street.Hall, All that certain two-story brick metsnage and lot of ground situate on the west side'of Hope street 120 feet 4 inches southward from Franklin avenue, in the city of Philadelphia; containing' in front on Hope street; 14 feet including one-half of a two-feet alley, and in depth westward 60 feet, with^Vhe“privilege' of" said alley. [ Which said lot George W.. Gorton et .al. ,by deed dated Keptembfir 26,11866,'conveyed unto Aaron Yankirk in fee; reserving a ground'rent of $52, payable Ist of April and October.] „ , . ' [C. C. P., S ’64. McAllister.] ■ Taken In execution and to bo sold as the property of. Aaron Vankirk. - JOHNTHOMPSON. Sheriff. -- Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Oct. 16, 1664. . ocl7 St RAILROAD, LINES. !JHE PE3STNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. FHILADBLPHIA '.TO PITTSBURG, 356 MILES, WITHOUT CHANGE OF CABS. THE SHORT LINE ROUTETO ALL POINTS IN THE GREAT WEST. _The Ticket Office of the PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD is now located at the New Passenger Depot of the Company, THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia., PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. Philadelphia to Erie, 451 miles, without change of cars. The Shortest, Quickest; and Cheapest Route to the OIL REGIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA. v „ THE MAIL TRAIN, M-8 M., for Downingtown, Lancaster. Columbia, Barrißburg, Pittsburg, .and all intermediate points, makes close connection at Harrisburg, with, the trains of the Northern Central Railway-for Sunbury, .Wil liamsport, Lock Haven- etc., Elmira, BttffaLo, Ro chester, Canandaigua Niagara Falls. [No change of cars between Philadelphia and Lock Haven. ] With the; Cumberland Talley Railroad for Carlisle, Chain bersburg, and Hagerstown. At Columbia with the lork andWrighisviHe Bailway for York, Hanover, and Gettysburg, THE FAST LINE. a at 11.40. A. M., for Pittsburg and the West, makes con nection atLafidißville with fcheEeading and'Coltimbia Railroad for Ephrata, Litiz, and Reading.' At Harris- > i burg with the Cumberland Valley and Northern Cen- j trai Railways for Carlisle, Millersburg, Georgetown, i Selinsgrove, Sunbury, &c. At Pittsburg with through ! trains on all the diverging roads from that point. North : to the Lakes, West to the Mississippi and the Missouri i Rivers, and, South and Southwest to all points accessi ble by Railroad* ■ i THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION, at 2.50 P. M. * runs via Columbia, where connection is made, with the York and Wrightsville Railroad for York, Hanover, and Gettysburg. -This train stops at |H intermediate points, and reaches Harrisburg at 7.45 ; , THE ERIE EXPRESS, ■ at 8 P. M., runs,through, without change of cars, for Sutbury, Northumberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Wat sontown,Dewart,; Montgomery, Muncy; Williamsport, Lock Haven, Renoyo. Driftwood, St. Mary’s, Warren, 1 Coiry, Waterford, Erie, : &c, ’\Afc Carry connection is v made with Oil Creek Railroad for Titusville and Shaff- . errand with the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad i for Franklin, Meadeville; and Jamestown. This train connects at Harrisburg with the Baltimore Express for i Pittsburg and all Western points: ! l PHILADELPHIA-EXPRESS. ! at 10.45 P. M., runs through, without change of cars, to Pitfccburg, and there connects with all diverging I roadfenorth, south, and west. .' At Harrisburg close con- • ■i nectionis made with the.trains oft he Northern Central • i Railway for Snnbury, Williamsport. Danville, Rupert, ; | Bloomsbury, Beech Haven.. Shickshinnv. Plymouth, Kingston* Wyoming, Pittston* Scranton, Elmira, Buf falo, -Rochester, Canandaigua. Niagara Fails- etc. I •' Sleeping cars run through with this train to Pittsburg. I j A through car for Williamsport and intermediate points i : is attached to, this train, and reaches Williamsport at 7.6sAi'M.'-, The Philadelphia Express leaves daily. Vha Erie Express leaves daily, except Saturday. All other Trains Sunday. - j the cars of the Market-street Passenger Kail way will leave Eleventh street at 7.1 a P. M., to connect with the Erie Express, and at 10 P M. to connect with the Phi ladelphia Express, at the Philadelphia Depot. DURING THE WEEK, except Sunday/the cars of theiMarket- street Passenger Kailway will leave Front street' every two minutes, commencing, one hour previous to the time of departure of each train, and the last car will leave thirty minutes prior to the starting time of each train frOm tho Phila delphia Depoi. V .JTor further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, corner of Thirtieth and 1 Market streets,' Philadel phia. JOHN F. VANLEEK, Jr. , Ticket Agent. MANN’S BAGGAGE EXPEBBS. The Ofllce of Mann’s Baggage Express is located at the S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets where all orders for the movement of Baggage will re ceive prompt attention., .An Agent of this reliable Ex press; Company will pass through each train befose reaching the dopot. and take np checks and deliver Damage to any part of the city. The travelling public are assured that it is entirely responsible. THE PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD COMPANY will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for Wear ing Apparel, andTimit their responsibility to One Hun dred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will he at tho risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract, i i . FREIGHTS. By this route freights of all descriptions can he for warded to and from an* point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, Or Mis souri, by railroad direct; or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg, or to all Lake ports by steamers from Erie. 1 The rates are at all times as favorable as are charged by other railroad companies. H. H. HOUSTON,. General PHUidel^hla, General oc2l-tf General Superintendent, iltooua. Pa. COPARTNERSHIPS., nOPAETNBRSHIP.—THE 7 U ND E B tioaOAMETKEIAIIf y BIKI)ING BDS ™’ atNo - • P. GKTFFEB, ■ ■ , _„ -• „ ' , GEOKGE W. GKIFFEE. Philadelphia, Oct. 1, 1864* ocs- w6t* IYISSOLUTION.—THE COPARTNER SHIP heretofore existing under the firm of SAMUEL N. DAVIES A SON Is this day dissolved. ’ The business will be settled by the undersigned, at No. 385 DOCK Street. CHARLES E. DAVIES, Surviving Partner. Philadelphia; Sept: 80, 1864. COPARTNERSHIP,—The undersigned have this day formed a copartnership under the firm of DAVIES BBOTHEBS, ’ for the transaction of .a general BANKING AND BROKERAGE BUSINESS, at No. 333 DOCK Street. :: CHARLES E. DAVIES, „ „, „ - PETER A. DAVIES. Phuadbi-phia, October 1, 1864. U. S. - Certificates of Indebtedness, Quartermasters 1 Vouchers and Checks,and Government Securitiee gene rally, bonjj&t and sold, - Business Paper and Loans on Collaterals negotiated. - Stocks andXoans bough! and sold oil Commission* ocl-lm • PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE . VTNEOAR, MUSTARD SEED, SFIOES, *O,“ ALL THE REQUISITES FOB PRESERVING OB PICK 'LING PURPOSES. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries, *e7-tf Corner EEEVENTH and VINE Sts. TVTACEEREL, HERRING, SHAD, &c. A.VA —2,600 bbls Mass. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, I,te-canght fatfish. In assorted packages. ‘ 2,000 bblß. NewEastport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring. 2,600 boxes Lubec, Scaled, and-No. 1 Herring. ■l6O bbls new Mess Shad. 250 boxes Herkimer county Cheese, Ac. Instore and for sale by MURPHY & KOONS,. . ]al9.-tf, Lffo, 146 NORTH WHARVES. WATER PIPE! DRAIN PIPE » . , . ... mbtof cash for Joint of 8 feet, 2 inch bore, 85 sente. forjoint of S feet, 8 inch bore, 46 cents, . for Joint of 8 feet, 4 inch bore, 65 cento. For joint of 3 feet, 5 inch bore, 70 cents; - for joint of 3 feet, 8 inch bore, 86 cents. - All slses, from 2 to 15 insh diameter. Also, Branches, Tarns, Traps, Chimney Tope, Calm rsr Fines, Garden Vases, As. v ' MoOOLLI* A KHOADB, ■vlß-sluthS ISai MAKKXT Street: \TRB. JAMES BETTS’ CELEBRATED BUPPOKTEBB FOR LADIES— - ihs only Supporters under eminent’ medical patronage Ladles and physicians are respectfully requested to sail ®n!T on Mrs., BETTS, at her residence, 1030.WALNU2 Street, Phlla., (to avoid soonterfelto. ) Thirty thousand invalids have been advised by their physicians to use her 1 ippiianeee. ' Those only are genuine bearing the Unitel States copyrights labels on the box. and-elgnatures,ani .also an the Bms»orters..wtth Uetlmonlals- n,lg-tnlhst MEDICINAL COD-LIVBR OIL.- «A MOHN C. BAKER A co:, TIB MARKET Street, ere .now receiving their supplier ftenh from the fish eries. , -- . •; . v 1 ■>' The. superiority of their Oil, .la every: respect; baa .gained for- it a reputation - and sale beyond any othai brand in the market.-.. .To-.maintain it they- am deter mlned to supply an.articie. that may be entirely relied in for freshness and parity. See testimonials of Pro lessors of Medical Colleges aall-thsta-6m JYBNSERVO FOR THE TEETH AND GUMS. —For strengthening. the gums, for pre iervlngthe teeth from decay, and for keeping them : beautifully clean - and the breath sweet, this, Is be-' Heved to be the best preparation that science andexpe ■ienee hae ever produced. Prepared only by - <• ■- :' S. TJ BEALE, M. D. ; Dentist, 1113 CHESTNUT Street, 1 Philadelphia, Pa. , uil7-3w. Fol* sale hv the principal druggists.:. •! per jar. TO G OVEKRMENT CONTRACTORS. »- A ND.'OTHEBB. ‘Certificates for the He jJeaße:of Contractors witli'the IT cited States from the' duties imposed l>y the Act nf .Tune 30,1561, ! 5 together withan arsortintnt of BLADES In general aee, Mr sale hy - MOSS & CO:. ■ 433 rHESTDUT Street, Stationery and Blank BookMannfaotorv. V/TOBGAN, ORB, & CO., STEAM 11^ LTJ. OIHB BtKLDERS Iron founders, and Genera Machinists and Boiler Mo k«i, So. ISI6 OMiDOV. FROPOSAIA YOTIEF* QUARTERMASTER'S ;,Q,W.- ! FICEi TWELFTH and GlfiABD Streets, L„ EiyLAnßr,i’HiA, Oetoi)«r 27, 185 i. SEALED BBOPOSALS will be received at this office until IZ o’ciock M on THUESDAY, the 3d November next, for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with, the following articles: Uniform Coats, artillery, army standard. I>o, do. • infantry, do. Do. " Jackets, cayairy, .j do. - ? Do. do. light artillery, do. Bat (lords and Tassels, artillery, do. Shirt Brutons, ‘ do." Bolt Bopes, do. - Wrapping Paper. S6x4o, - samples reiptirsd. StraWjPscklng Paper, do. Burlaps, 40 inches, , do. . - , Samples of such articles vas are required to he army standard can he seen at this office. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons,, whose signatures must be appended to theguar •antee, and certified to as being good and sufficient se . entity for the amount involved hy some public func tions ry of the United States. ■ 1 ' . Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fuily comply with the requirements of this adver tisement, will not be considered. ■ ’• Blank forms for proposals, embracing the terms of the guaiantee requtred in each bid, can be had on applica tion at this office, and none others • which do not em brace this guarantee will, be considered, nor will any proposal be considered which does not strictly conform to the requirements therein stated.; r • The bids will state the number and Quantity of each kind of article proposed to be delivered. -Deliveries mast commence within ten days from the date of the award: $ Proposals .must bo endorsed ,“Proposals for-Army Supplies, ’* stating on the envelope the particular arti cle bid for. HEBMAK BIGGS, Colonel, * c OC2B 7t Quartermaster’s Department fYFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSIST- ' ENCE, No, 838.vWAl.iroT Street. ' -. | ; Philadelphia; October 28,1861. I SEALED FBOFOSALS, in duplicate, will be received, at this office until 12 o’clock M on WEDNESDAY, No vember 2, 1E64, for supplying for the use of the United States Army, delivered in Philadelphia; 'r 4,0C0 barrels BX.TEA SUPEKEINE or EXTBA FAMILY FLOUH (which to be stated), to have ’been ’ ground within twenty dars of date of thle adver- ( . tisemet, from new. wintenwheat,in well-coopered, ‘ hea d-lined barrels.-' Name nf ’brand' ahd ! place of - manufacture to be stated in the proposal. To be i ..■■■■■■ dolivered within ten days, at any point In this i city designated by this office. Samples, in boxes, mnet be delivered with the propo- I .sale,.but.not inclosed with them, each sample to he ' marked with bidder’s name, brand, number of bar rels, Ac;- -T-l-' « - \ A printed copy of this.advertiaemeut mutt be attached i to.each proposal, and proposals must be specific iu com- i .plying, with its terms. . Each proposal muEt bave the written guarantee of two responsible persons for the;fnlfllment of the tgmmak >, who will give bonds if rehnifed.*'' “ '■.«* —~ ' ‘ Blank forms for proposals, containing tbe.forin of gua rantee,may be had on application at tbit office. . Payment will be made in such funds as' may be fur nished by the United States for the purpose. . Proposals to he endorsed ‘ ‘ Proposals for Flour, ’ ’ and directed to , ' - ISAAC B. WIGBIN, oc2B-6t - - Captain and Ci S. Yols. ■ QUARTERMASTER’S t ®IP A R T 'cJ&MENr, Philadelphia, October 27,1864. BELLED PROPOSALS will be received at this office mi til 12 o'clock Mi v TUESDAY, ?Nbvemb«r 1, 18S4; 1 for delivery at the UNITED STATES STOREHOUSE, Ha nover- Philadelphia Pa., of K 8 ambu3aßces, complete. Wheeling pattern. • Bidders will state price,-both in writing and figures, and the number of ambulances they can deliver, ana the shortest time they can deliver them in. Theambn-' lances toibe subject'to inspection, v, * r ‘ Each bid must be guarantee d by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee, and certified to, as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved i bylthe United States District 'Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public officer, otherwise the bid will not belconsidered. , The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too. 'high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received.' __ ■ ' ' r v, By order of Colonel H Biggs. Qnaitermastarla De partment B. S. A. ' GEORGE B. ORME, ■ Q027-stj*,, Captain and A. Q. M, OFFICE,. DEPOT COMMISSARY OF V subsistence. WASHraoTox, D. c, October 24, 1884, ' proposals fob pious. SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, are inTited until :■ November let, at 12 o’clock 11., for furnishing the Sab- Mstence Department with - . - . . ■“ .. TWO THOUSAND (2,000) 'BARRELS OP FLOUR.' raeproposalsrs’ill be, for what is known at this Depot as Nos? V* 2, aim 3, and bids will be entertained for any quantity lees than tie wholes - )V i Bids must be in duplicate, arid for eachgrade onsapa rate sheets of paper.*-•<- . delivery of the Flour to commence within'five ; days from the opening of the bids, and in such quanti ties, -daily, as the Government may direct; delivered at the iGoyernment warehouse*-in*Georgetown, at the wharveß or railroad Depot in Washington, D. C. The delivery of aU Flour awarded to be completed WiihinUw enty days from the opening of the * sj-V; Payment will be made in. certificates of indebtedness; ~ or such other funds as the-Government l may have for disbursement. The mual Government inspection will be made just „ beforathe Flouris received, and none will be accepted r > which-is not fresh ground, and made from Wheat ground m the vicinity where manufactured, unless of a very su perior quality. . The Flour to be delivered in new oak barrels, head ■ lined.' :• r •. -i, ;■; ■ * ;? An oath of allegiance must accompany-the bid of each! bidderwho has not the oath on file m this office, and no bid will be entertained from parties who have previous ly fail ed to comply with their bids, or from bidders not present to respond. Government reserves, the right to reject any bid forfcy cause. ; Bids to be addressed to the undersigned, at No. ! Street endorsed for Flour.” oc24*7t ; S. G. GREENE, Capt. and C. S. V. OFFICE CHIEF QTJAETEEMASTEB, CofoiH3TATi, Ohio. Oct.-17» 1864. ■ in 3n&oFoSAliS are invited by the undersigned until TUESDAY, November 1, 1864* at 12 o’clock M., for the immediate tkis department/of i ’■{ * 4 | AMBULANCES-WheelingPaiterm Samples of which may be seen at tie Government In spection JArd, corner Eighth, md Freeman streets, Cin cinnati, Ohio. ;; j/- ’ _T° be delivered, free of charge, at the B. S, Inspection Yard in this city,, with the name of the party furnish ing distinctly marked oh each Ambulance..? 1 .. Parties’ offering Ambulances must distinctly state in their bids tb ©number they propose to furnish, the price, and time of delivery, and must guarantee that the Am >-buiances sball be,in every respect, equal, to Army Standard, otherwise.the proposalwillhot be considered. ' A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons,‘must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the Ambulances awarded to Mm under his pro- Bids, will be opened on TUESDAY, November 1,1864. at twelve o’clock M., at this ..office, and bidders are re quested. to be present. Awards will be made on Wednesday, November 2d, 1864. •; "' • • Bonds will he required that the contract will be faith fully fulfilled, . . Telegrams relatlng.feproposals will not be noticed. : * Blank forms of proposals, contracts, and bonds may be obtained at this office. , ,: The right to reject' any bid deemed unreasonableis reserved.: Endorse envelope “Proposal for Ambulances,” and add S B 2. . Col. WM. W. McKIM, - 0c22- 7t Chief Quartermaster Clncinnati*Depot. PROPOSALS' FOR LUMBER. _ i CHrEF QCTABTERIffASrKS ’g OFFICE, 'Depot -of Washington, :Washington, 0ct..17, 1864. SEALED PRO POSALS ’will be received atthis Office untiISATURDAY, October 29, 1864, at 12o’clock M., for delivery :at this 'depot of • Lumber of'the 'following amounts, hinds, and descriptions, viz: 1,600,000 feet 4-4 or 1-inch White Pine common Call ings. * ; 60,000 feet 6*4 or 1%-lnch White Pine common Cull -160,000 feet 8-4 or 2 inch Whito Pine common Cull isgs. . . 100,000 feet 4-4 or 1-inch tongued and grooved Ploor . lng. t 25,G00feet3x4 Hemlock Scantling, 12foetlong. * ,25,000 feet 3x4 Hemlock Scantling, 14 feet long. 200,000 feet 3x4 Hemlock Scantling, 16 feet long. 60,000 feet 3x4 Hemlock Scantling, 18 feet long. 25,000 feet 3x4 Hemlock Scantling, 20 feet long. 26,000 feet 3x5 Hemlock Joist, 12 feet long. • 25,0C0 feet 3x6 Hemlock Joist, 12 feet long. 25,0G0 feet 3x6 Hemlock Joist, 16 feet long. 25*000 feet 3x6 Hemlock Joist, §) feet long. 25,000 feet 3x6 H>m!ock Joist, 24 feet long. 25,000 feet 3x7 Hemlock Joist; 14 feet long. 25,000 feet 3x7 Hemlock Joist, 16 feet long. 25,000 feet 3x7; Hemlock Joist, 18 feet long. 60,(03 feet 3xB Hemlock Joißt, 12 feetlong. 25,000 feet 3xB Hemlock Joist, 24 feet long -25,000 feet 3x9 and 10 Hemlock Joist, 16 feet long. 25,000 feet 3x9 and 10 Hemlock Jotet, r 2O feet long. _ feet and 10 Hemlock Joist, 24 feet long. |»5G6,000 Ho.-118rinch sawed White Pine Shingles. ■ 1*600,000 best quality sawed Cedar Shingles. -250,000 PlasteringLaths. l . Samples of Shingles and Laths proposed for will be required, • Bids will be received separately for each kind and quantity as above specified, or for the whole amount ad vertised for. .. v All of the ;above described to be good merchantable lumber, subject to the inspection of an inspector ap pointed on the part of the Government. ,_ £ll of the lumber contracted for to be delivered within thirty (30) days from date of contract; J^oposals-frprndisloyaV:parties will not be con sidered, r Ait oath of/allegiance to the United States’Go vernment must accompany each proposition. The abilitvbf the bidder to flH.the contract, should it .be awarded him, must be guaranteed by two responsible. persons, whose‘signatures are to be appended to the guarantee. '■ The, full name and post-office address of each bidder must be, legibly written in the proposal. . - Bonds in a sum .equal to half of the amount of the con tract, signed by the contractorand both of his’guaran tors, will be'required of i the successful bidder upon signing the contrast. : . - The right to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too high is reserved by the Depot Quartermaster. . ..v'oposals must be plainly endorsed on the envelope, I roposals for Lumber, ” and addressed to the under signed. - D. H. RUCKER, V,P, r JF a<^0r H®ueral and Chief Quartermaster, * ocl9-10t Depot of Washington. ~ MEDICAL. T)R. A. H. BTETBNS, ONE OF THE founder* of. this new system of treatiis disease* successfully by modified ELECTBICAL action, -with out shocks, .announces that he lias resumed' his office duties for the treatment of diseases, at 1418 South PENN SQUABS, where, for the last three.years, he ha* had almost un bounded success in cases pronounced in curable by medicine.' Please call, or send for a pam phlet. and learn particulars. N. B. Physicians or others deslrln* instruction can enter for a full course at any time after Monday, Sept. 26. . se26-fcf * ( ELECTRICITY. 1 SCIENTIFIC DIS-J J COVEHY.—AII aenie and chronic diseases? ) cured hy special guarantee, when desired by the ( ( patient, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, < land, In case of a failnre, no charge is made. Mot l drugging the system with uncertain medical agents. C t An cure s.performed by Magnetism, Galvanism, or J 1 other modi flcations of Electricity! without shocks or I: 1 any .unpleasant sensation.* For further informs- ( {tion. send and get a Pamphlet, which contains hun-, Idreds of certificate a from some of the most reliable f ) men in Philadelphia! who have been speedily and ( {permanently cured, after all other treatment from * 3 medical men had fail A Over twelye thousand ( ) cured in less than dye years at 1220 WALNUT St. i - Electrrical Institution established dye-years ago. { ' Prof C. H. BOLLES, Lecturer." . ( J’HTSICIANS. f > - W. B. BROWN, M. D. < }F. BHBDD, M. D. f \g. W. BECKWITH. M. JD., f ) ■ AND - ■ ■ ■ ■ ( { Mrs. S. A. FULTOJf. I ). Mrs. Fnlton, a lady of great experience and abill- ( ) ty, will have entire charge of treating in the ladies’ t > department. ’ • . - < C Consultation free. > all letters to Dr. W. B. BBOWIf, 1320} ( WALKtJT Street,* Philadelphia ocg-gm*> TO LADIES.—THOSE WHO ARE suffering with any chronic or achte disease; can be quickly /relieved and-anally cared of any curable LETTIE A. SMITH, 926 North EI»EVI3HtH Street, : above' Poplar; Philadelphia, who will administer Electricity in its various forms; with or without paths, as the case may require. The treatment is pleasant, free from shocks or pain. ‘ A few patients can obtain hoard in the family. Office hoars Bto IOA.'M.t 2t04 P. M. - 0c32-sw9t* TARRANT’S EFFERYESCENT 1 SELTZEE APERIENT * '■IS THU ■ BEST REMEDY KNOWN roa Ann BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADACHE,COSTIVE NESS, INDIGESTION, HEAKT-BHEN, SOUS STOMACH, SEA-BIOKNBSS, Ac . Ac. . Dr. JAMES R. CHILTON, the *r.eat Chemist, saya: “I know it* composition, and have no_doubt it will prove most beneficial is those complaints for which it U recommended.’’ • • Dr. THOMAS BOTD says; I strontly commend it to the notice of the public, i ' Dr. EDWARD 6. LUDLOW say*: ‘ ‘ I can with cohl dence recommend it. ■ ■ * Dr GEORGE Ti DEXTKE say.: “In Flatnlennr, Hfftrt-bnrtt.Coßtlveness, Sick Headache, *o., &o.,'the >n bands has proved indeed • Por'other testimonials see pamphlet with eaeh bottle, Hanu&ctnfed only by TABKANTSGO. »TB GREENWICH Street, New York Eg- FOR SALK BY ALL DEHGGISTB. mrt3-ti>o3i TTLECTRICAL' INSTITUTE. ' ■AJ come, ye APFLIOTBD, combi This treatment only needs a trial to be adoctedhv mi Ravins made many Improvements la theappHcationhf inAhecureVfthe followi: udtet? d ■ wssisss Khenmatisin, - Ndtff&l&ia, DAhHitv Paralysis, ■ Asthma, GenltiuTweaknes*. InjMßza, /Dyspepsia,' gSjWfawwraw. Spbial disease, Catarrh, Diabetes. rin^cHo^lThewao n ti«“ W time for fn* Consultations free. 1 Office hours 8 A.-M, to 6P. M : Testimonials at the office.. - ' DB. raOMAS ALLBN, ... m TlTrn.ltf!Eftctridim; XSA 11. BLKVliNTHSfc.ebelowßa—, - sell-tjat abni ca, oil or embro^ ell^?®beiuaatlBm,Nenr»l*i», T)B. KIKKELIK HAB REBUMTcnmi AUC-KION BJXEIU- r johk b/mtbbs 5 * (Gga^uapspgv ' W EERS, Nos. %ojkV>f4 SALE OF CARPETING?' DEUtfOETS, OIL-CaJoEHS,[ * .&c -THIS MORNING. , ' - , ■ A CARD.—The particular attention of pnrchasersis requested to the.general assortmenlof superfine in-' grain, royal damask Venetian, cottage., hemp, and list carpets, drnggets,.Ac..to hepsremptorUy Bold by ca- 1 talogne, on, a credit of. four' months, commending. tM« < morning, at 11 o’dock. - POIIDYB BALE QF OAKFBTINQS. *O. . - : THIS MORNING. .. October!®, atpreoisely 11 o'clock.' will tie sold, 'by cataloguel'on four months’ credit, an assortment ef su perflne and ine ingrain, Venetian, hemp, cottage, and rag carpetings.,-wbichmay be examined early on the morning of sale. ' : PEREMPTORY SALE OP FRENCH, INDIA, OSS MAN. AND BRITISH DRY GOODS, Ao. ' ON MONDAY MORNING, October Sl r at 10 o’clock, will .be sold, br catalogn*. on fonr months' credit, abont— • ■■ ■ - 900 PACKAGES AND LOTS of French, India, German, and British dry goods, A*., embracingia large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles In silk, worsted, woolen, linen, and •otton fabric*:- N. 8.-r-Samples of the same-will be arranged for examination with catalognes early on the-morning of the sale, whendealers will find It to their interest to at tend: "■ l',: 1 ' , r ’. : •> LARGE SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS, Ac. NOTICE —lncluded in our sale of French- dry goods, On MONDAY MORSING,* Oetober;3l,, will be found In part Ibe following desirable articles, viz: DRESS SILKS—in blacks, tolid colors, and fancy. [ dress silks; Florences,'gras de p Naples, satins, Ac. I DRESS GOODS—In merino cloths; figured and plain I ' mouseline, reps, cashmeres,: poplins, mohair; lustres, : brocade velonrs, ginghams, alpacas, Ac. 1 SHAWLS—A full assortment of; broche, long and I square, woolen, 'chenille and tbi bet shawls and scarfs, .Ac.- ; ■Vv-.'-.h - EMBROIDERIES, Ac.—Mull and book collars, capes,- lnsertings, bands,'capes, veils, laces, Ac. r v . : !- BONNET RIBBONS-A full assortment of broche, ' plain,, and figured bonnet and black silk velvet ribbons, andtfancy velvet and silk trimming ribbons, Ac. i Also; black crapes, tarletans; silk cravats and neok ! ties, hoop skirts, linen handkerchiefs, whits muslins, .'Sewing silks, head-dresses, girdles, fancy articles,- Ac. ; LARGE SALE OF-VIENNA: BROCHE, AND CHAINS i r , . :■ LAINE SHAWLS. . . ! . Included in our sale of next Monday, October 31, will |be found— ■■ ■ ■ - ■ . - . 1,000 lots all-wool Vienna, broche, long and square ; shawls, comprising a full line, in all qualities: from r lowlo fine: including chaine laine, ofthe importation ! of Messrs. Oscar Proles A Co., of New York. ■_ : "■■■ LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, Ac - - - -< ON TDESDAY MORNING, ..." - November Ist, at 10 o’clock: will be cold by cata logue, without reserve, on fonr months’ credit, about 1,100 packaged boots, shoes, broga'ns, balmbrals.'guui; shoes, army goods, travelling bags, Ac., of city and East ern manufacture, embracing a mesh and prime asaort men t of desirable articles for men; women, and children, which will be open for examination early on the mom ing of sale ..... ■■■-, . LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES" AND GOM SHOES:; ARMY GOODS, TRAVELLING feAGS, Ac., Ac. :■ ;-v. ’ ' NOTICE. —Included in our large peremptory sale of hoote, shoeß, .Ac ,-to be held on Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock, will be found in part the following fresh goods, viz: . . ■■ cases men’s, boys’, and youths’ thick boots. cases men’s, boys’, and youths'kip and calf boots. cases men’s grain cavalry boots. cases boys’ grain and L L boots. cases men's,'boys; and youths’ kip brogans. cases men’s, boys, and youths’ balm orals, tap sole do. _ ■ -v r-.- casesmen’s, boys’, and youths’ Congress boots, tap sole do. .■ * —ca es women’s,, misses’, and children’s calf, hip, goat, gram, and split, sewed, pegged, and copper n-iled boots aad balmorals, embracing a general as sortment of city and Eaßtern-made goods. Also, cases-gents’ 2f-inch leg enamelled, grain, foxed, > steel-shod cavalry hoots, gum shoes, army goods, Ac. . ---.i.; ..o; v -. r r - LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH, GER MAN. AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. „ We will hOld a large sale of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods,'by catalogHej, on a credit of four months and parffor cash,-v " ' ON THtXBSDAY MORNING, . November "3d, at 10 o’clock, embracing about 900 packages and-lots of staple and fancy articles;, in wool ens, worsteds,-, linens,: silks; and cottons, to which we invite the attention of dealers. f ; ; > > N. B.—Samples of tie same will % arranged for ex amination,- with catalogues, early on the morningof sale,- when dealers will flndif to their Interest to at tend." 1 a•’ ''.-1, . fi"^ , FOB’'SALE—TEN SUPERIOR bnilt three-story HOUSES,"located on COATES St., between Twenty : t}iird and Twenty-fourth streets (junc tion of Union and Coates.street Railroad): lots extend ing back to Virginia street For sale at great bargains, and on easy terms. "For particulars inquire of : HIRAM MILLER, 1820 GREEN Street, or Wi G.iIBEI)FOKJ>, 53? N. TENTH? St. .' and " ocl»-wfsl2t* 1913 CALLO WHILL St. m FORGE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE •**SALE, 2% miles south of Christiana, Lancaster 00., on the Pennsylvania Railroad, known as SADSBDBY FOKGBB; two' good water-powers, several thousand toss of good forge cinder, and a FAEM of 200 acres in a high state of Cnltivatlon. For full particulars address : v, . JAMES GOODMAN, Feuntagfcmville P. O. ; Chester county; Penna. Immediate possession given.- - Also, in the same neighborhood (on the Railroad), a valuable STOEB PROPERTY: good buildings, excel lent stand,: Address as above;: - . selO- tuthlim Jg FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP.— SHiIrAEGE AND HANDSOME RESIDENCE, South west comei of FORTY-FIRST And WESTMINSTER avenue, Twenty-fourth ward; 13 room*, (an. hot and cold water throughout the house, stable In rear of lot,' fine fruit and shade trees- ■ ; / Slzeof lot, 120 feet front by 179 feet d^p. Fries 810,000, clear or incumbrance. Terms easy. Also, Two very" desirable COTTAGES, on HALIT Street, near Westminster avenue; hare all modern im provements, ;10 rooms. V~-*f •> i . Size of lots.each 25’feet front by Ui feet deem Price $3,000, each. Tonus easy. Also, a number of desirable: Houses, At from $l,BOO sash to #16,000, In all parte of the city.-»Apply to ■ ' SAMDELP. HCTCHIHSOH, or J. WARREN COULSTON, ' • auSlitf Ho. ISA South SIXTH Street. m GERMANTOWN PROPERTY.— :*®FOR SALE, a Commodious double Stone DWELL ING, situate on Main street, with an acre or around attached, in a high state of enltlvation. Apply to • ": ■ ' ■ * '-- 7 : J ~S. HcOALLA, . Sel2-tf 18 South SECOND Street. m ,: LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO -“S-'PERTY FOE SALE. —The very large aud commo dious LOT and BUILDING, No. 308 CHERRY Street, near the centre of business, containing 60 feet on Cherry street, depth 106 feet, beta* 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and At that width' opening -to a large cart-way leading to Cherry Btreet. .Its advantages of - ■■'■v, SXZB ANJ) POSITION are rarelymet with,. . ' Apply on the premises. : selfi. Sm* M PUBLIC SALE OP REALS* ESTATE. —Will lie sold at Public Sale, on aIZ FIFTH- I>aT (Thursday)» Sd of lltlriao. (Noyejaber), on the premises: - Of about 40 Acres - of Land, in a high state of cultiva tion, late the property of Nathan Pratt* ‘ deceased, situated near the termination of the'Philadelphia and West Chester Flank Road,and about 12 miles froiu'Mar ket- street bridge,' in r ifewtown township, Delaware county, Pa;, a beautiful and healthy neighborhood. The:property is bounded by lands'of SamuelCaley, Henry Pratt, and others ■ 'The improvements are A COMMODIOUS STONE. HOUSE, Stone Barn, Stone Spring House, Carriage'House, and other necessary outbuilding; a young Apple Orchard,' of well-selected fruit,' just coming into bearing, besides' Fear, Cherry, Peach, and other Fruit and-f Shade Trees, in geat variety. There are several Springs of excellent soft water on the place, sosituated as to'water the fields conveniently. There is also on the premises ■ , A TAN YARD, Of over 40 vats, with Beam House, Currying Shop, ;Bark- House,, and Mill, &cl, with a constant stream of the best water in ' the country for Tanning pur poses running throilgb it. For further particulars, apply to Martha Y. Pratt, residing on the premises, or to : : 'D. E. PRATT, Executor, , Trenton, N. J. (Sate to commence at 2 o’clock ) P. S. —Early possession. ’ Tennseasy. Title good. 0020-thstu7t*: ' ; . V - M FACTORY PROPERTY ANDfifc FAEM AT PRIVATE SALE.-A valuable’ Wa-32 ter Power, suitable for almost any manufacturing bus! 1 -; ness, with Farm attached, about four miles from Ken--- net Square Station, on theiEhilaaelphiaandrßaLtimore * Central Railroad. and nine miles from Wilmington. Two good Stcme,Mansions, with, onthonsos, barn; 7 Ac , Also, four other stone houses, , and: one of frame, the whole capable of accommodating ten t o twelve families, and a store, ; and mostly occupied.. -A stone amLfcame : Millhon.-e 80 by 30 feet, three stories and attic; 114 acres ■M good red-clay-creek land, 75 of which are arable, with a sufficiency of;rail timber.: - < .= »> A Country Store has been carried on for nearly fifty years:; good vneighborhood, ; convenient to . meetings, schools, and mills ; is a ,very desirable and pleasant location, and taclndes the strongest Water Power now in the market in that section of country. - ■ , A recent survey has been made for a railroad, passing through this place, to , connect .Wilmtarfon,with the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central and Pennsylvania railrsads. The price is less than H would cost to erect the build ings and improvements. A large portion of the pur chase money may remain inthe premises. ' : Possession of the Mill; the power, and some of the houses can he had immediately, aid of the whole pro perty next sprinr. For further, particulars anply to JACOB PUSEY. ocB-lm ; Wilmington, Delaware WATER POWER TO RENT. AFPLY "» ' to OAVIDCHILLAS.TeweTIc. Del -1 nwa-tw KIJirCATiOISAt.' PARKESBURG INS TITUTE—BE -*r LECT SCHOOL foir Toung Ladies.—Twohonrs’ tide fiom Philadelphia. Classical, Scientific, and Oyjnrustic Departments. Address the Principal, J. M. BAWLINS, A. St, 0c26-6t* : Parkesburg, Chester county, Pa. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN ENG LISH BBAHCHESand CLASSICS: L. BL BUCKINGHAM, IStSNorth THIETEENTH Street. oc2B-lm* Ilf OUNT.PEACE INSTITUTE, NICE ■IXI. .TOWN Lane,near the Ridge-avenue Passenger Railroad. Bovs pxeparedfor college or business. The next Term will commence November Ist. Circulars can he had from WM* G.; CROWELL; Esq; , No, 510 WALNUT. Street, or of the Principal, J. W. PINkER TON, A. M; :: ?;'• W 0c25-6fc* ' WOODLAND SEMINARY, 9 WOOD- Jl- LAND TERRACE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. Rev. BENRY REEVES, A. M., Principal, (late of the Cbambereburg Seminary.) Session opened-September •14th. A Day. and Boarding School for Young Ladles. Experienced Teachers; instruction solid, choice, and thorough. Circulars sent on application. au!6-3m PROP. JEAN B. SUE, A. M., AUTHOR of "Sue's French Course,” Inetrnctor of French in Families and Schools. Residence, Ho. 331 Worth TEJSTH Street. : ocS-lm RKLLEYTJB FEMALE INSTITUTE.— W. A BOAJEDIH6-SCHOOL FOB GIELS. - ■ Tills institution. healthfully and beautifully ioeated >u the northim limits of Attleboro, Backs eoanty, PennsyTranl*, Trill open Its Wlnter Sosslon, Tbsth South IstilSM. For details, obtain Cirmlar. by ad tr*»lH, tt. PriHotasl.. . F* JAMS F. GBAHAMB, , Principal*. eoSl-Sra HHEGAKAT INSTITUTE.—ENGLISH O AND FBBWCH BOARDING ANU DAY 80H00X, fOK YOUNG LADIES US3T'and 1539 SPEDCB Bt.,' Philadelphia), will reopen on TUESDAY. September (Oti. Lettera to the abo-re address will reeeWe prompt. Utention. Pweonal application oair be made after An- M. lflM. .to-. MADAME D’HBKYILLY, anl7-Bia ■ ’ ' " Prinainal. ■ 'QSmEnSfSSL® B K* B AI. >-S ■Washikgtoh Cut, October l, 1854. HOHSBSI HOESBSI! HOBSBS!!! Hoimb Bnltable for Cavalry and Artillorr- rat-tlqo will A ieUyared to Captain L. Xowry Moore, t v subjected to the usual Government in spQotioii beforebeLng accepted. 1 ’ -i g!!? 8 P37,¥ !T So««B, *176 each. ffijaoffrttUary Horsaß, #lßoea<*. ferment will be made for six (6) and more. * JAMESA.SKIB, Colonel yirat Division, Quartermaster General 1 * Office. THOMSON’S LONDON EITCH rTI BNEK, OB: EUBOPEAN - BANGE, for families.' public institutions, In TWENTY Dip! SIZES Also, Ph’llsdelphia Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Hsaters. Lowdomi Grates. Flreboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates.-Broil! «». QooMngStoYes. &c., at wholesale and retaill bi the manufacturers, * i chase, shabpe, * Thomson, oel-amthfta ‘ Ho. 309 & BECOBfJ) Street. DE - LOWENHERZ’S - ?fr T^ T r EIE- for .the alleYlation'of ~ \ H>«Paine, and for the care of so*called had eyes. Also, for most t!l ® YMiRh-hSt th« ~1 6 »„ *M °nly floes the inflammation iv»’a spots, the so-called tunicles, upon near e-orV'anA* 0 ?^®!? 1108 ' inflammation, disap. P NJ5w¥oBK HOBO B irniiF lo7moat ' Prlce ® 2 J PHILADELPHIA—BIS Bonth FOTnPrTr - mm DR- FINE, PRACTICAL DEN. aie, mounted on flneOold, Katina. ! Aaher,4s.,atprices, forneat uni rahstanßal i work, more maoubN tau asT DaOdii-iii tiiUclbMa I S^tf^-^oelhi pluggedto.lastfdrlif£:*Artifleial TeeS repaired to snlfc H* pain In extruttnc., AUworkirar. ranted to flt.;, Beferenee. beet famnCT eeJ.fciA TrDOjBMOW SAUCE.—-THIS GBtiS* •Af brated Beateon hud gflfor saleby anKif ■ : * WILLIAMS. »«»■« Ml MathWATSK Stmt. ACCTIOIt- BAI.Es. IJUBNEBS, BBINMBY & 615 CHESTNUT andGlg JAYBs H( ,I'siti* |mB MOHNisi ; (iatoi; T )\T 10 _,*** I ACAKD.—The attention of ptttchairt.r o , o 0 CtOn. to oor sale of ribbons, sHke, and T«W#i r ! IH6 (Saturday ),• at 10 o'clock, onfonr month?, a& B)r , comprising a very desirable assortment “fo? SPECIAL SALE OP 600CAiii)S8 ETBfiftv. FAYffISITE IMPO-MaTION B ° SS 0» , ' THIS MOBBING. '* October mii *■»j’AMfi'tiry mann.,.,-.-,, J> catalogae, consisting of 1 • * c,e dtt,^fi cartons Nos. 4 and 5 corded edge nni, , * ribbons, white, black, and colored. p - “ da cartons IOaIOO do. cartons lOsSO broche Sgnred and plaid’do cartons 4aloo triple chain black gros grain a* i- c&rtonolOaSG extra anallty satin plaid, da K VELVET HIBBONS' ’ Celebrated Steamboat Brand —cartons Nos. lalOO steamboat black Bilk > bons. ; V4t fik. cartons do do colored edges scarlet. violet ribbons. _ “ 8 ‘ ',S( LABGE SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOVte. ; GOODS. a ®?t» ON TUESDAY, Nor. Ist, 1864;|a4 10 o’clock, on four months’ 600 packages ana lots of fancy and^stapleinmortS?*'*! domestic goode. Samples on morningof 6ale ™ SPECIAL SALE Of 30 CASES S-t ANDc 4 STYLE a’ANCT BRITISH DRESS FAVORITE fMANHFACTDEB, AND BALASpp* 1 THE IMPORTATION. AaCE Of .. ON TUESDAY, comprising very high coat fancy-flgnred mohair, plaids, silk reps, 6*4 figured pare mohairs, silk ch.-..- fancy silk checks. - - " e H SALE OF 21 ENTIRE CASES 34 AND 6.4 B i ITALIANS AND SATIN DE CHENES, OF A BBATEB MANDFACTOEB, ON TUESDAY. comprising all qualities, including some very high 15 Cases black mohairs and pitse ?? PACAS, 4t - of 6-4 black mohairs and alpacas, medium, t* fie®, 6-4 pure black alpacas.fne to superfine. • : 0 FLANNELS AND SATINETS. 10 bales yellow, white, red, and blue flannels. 10 cases blaick Satinets and cassimeres. Also "200'Pieces saxony plaids, all wool, of-a-very desirable make. MARSEILLES; OTILTeLAND WHITE GOODS fiy, • : > .... CITY TRADE. 8-4 to 16-4 white marseillee quilts. 8 4 to 14-4 toilet quilts. ’ WHITE GOODS. An invoice of jaconet cambric, check, satin stripe lt , Swiss muslins. M, THOMAS & SONS-, Nos. 139 and I*l South FOURTH Street PEREMPTORY SALE OF A COLLECTION OF OB PAINTINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. k • THIS MORNING, ’ • • - . October 28, 1664, at the aUctiou room, at .11 o'clock, will be sold a collection; of valuable oil paintiasa chiefly by the old masters, com prising, a variety 3} interesting subjects. ■ a -• ■. .: For particulars see catalogues and the pictures, which Will he arranged for examination on. Friday morning POSITIVE SALE OFA, AND SHOES. On MO 8 DAY-MORNING, Octobtr 31st. commencing at 10 o’clock, precisely We will, sell by catalogue, for cash, 1200 cases bootV eboes, broaans, ba.l morals, gaiters, and army goods 3 crime fresh stock, to which we invite, the early at tea ion of buyers. - / ■” ” “• PEREMPTORY SALE OR THE PREMISES, * ' : - Sale at No. 921 North Broad street. HANDSOME RESIDENCE AND SUPERIOR FtFRIfT. TURK, PIANO, MIRRORS, CARPETS, &0. On MONDAY MORNING, 3lstiust. , At 10 o’clock, at No. 921 North Broad street, above Poplar street, by catalogue, the superior household for. niture, piano, mirrors, fine velvet and ingrain car pets, &c. MS* The handsome residence will he sold at 10 o’clock, precisely. SALE OF THE EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE MEDr. CAL. THEOLOGICAL,. AND MISCELLANEOUS tl. BRARY OF THE LATE JOHN REDMAN COxi fli . f ■ a . Which includes many very rare, valuable, and I*. tsrestmg works, in various'languages, to he sold bv order of Executors, *. ■ ' 5; <•-* ' 1 ■" OIT TUEBDAT November let, 1664, and following days until finished, commencing each,day at 10 o clock A-M., at thsAuS tion Booms. 139,and 141 South Fourth street. MS* The library can he examined three days previous to sale. Sale at No. 1522 Pine street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE; MIRRORS, CURTAINS. , CHANDELIERS, FINE CARPETS, 4to. ■ ON TUESDAY MORNING. ... November 1, at.loo’clock, at No. 1522 Pine street, by , catalogue, the superior furniture, large mantel and side mirrors, brocatelle curtains, fine velvet carpets, supe rior book-case, chandeliers, &c. 4g*May heexamined onmornlng of sale at S.o’cleck. ' -VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. ON TUESDAY, November I, at 12 o’clock, at the Exchange, valuable Market-street store, &c.v included iu the above sale are the first-rate business stand, Market and Third streets; (core, Seventh-and Pine;.store, Thirty-seventh and ■Walnut; handsome residences, plain dwelling, valua ble farm, &c. ■' ; -. 4®* Bee pamphlet catalogues for particulars. pANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUG. A TIONHSES, 340 MAEKET Street. ; ' LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF-VDO LOTS AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS. HOSIERY, AMD MILLINERY GOODS. bv catalogue, : ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, November 2, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely Included will be found a large and desirable assort! ment of seasonable goods. , - PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, A' 535 MARKET and 533 COMMERCE Streets. ' POSITIVE SALE OF 1 400 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES ON THURSDAY MORNING, November 3d, commencing at 10 O’clock precisely. We will sell by catalogue, for-cash, about 1.400 cases boots, shoes, hrogans, balmorals, gaiters, and army goods of prime fresh stock, to which we invite the early attention ofhuyers.. TJY HEKRY R WOLBEET, -L' v AUCTIONEER, v: So. 540» MARKET Street, SouihSide, above Second St, Sales, of Dry - Goods, Trimmings, Notions, &# . even MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY Morning, eo«- menclii*at 10o’clock. - , B SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEER, Nos. • 633 CHESTNUT and CIS SANSOK Street. SALE OF FELTJJqOBS, BROWS VELVETS, FLOW . ‘EEsrri:ATfiMs,’&c. OK TUESDAY MGBSING, SEX'T, Nov. 1, at 10 o’clock,' precisely, will be sold a large assortment of felt goods, l comprising bonnets, tnrbans, orioles, jockey hate, &c. Also, bonnet velvets, black and fancy colored feathers, artificials, &c. TSAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, 4- .• If. E. comer THIRD and SPRDCE Streets. SALE OF FORFEITED PI.ED3ES BY ORDER OF ABRAHAM NATHANS, BROKER, On TUESDAY HORNING, November!, ISM, at 9* o’clock. A. MV. consisting of gold and silver patent •lßyer Uld OtM? VfltchsSj ' gold firiga;«- rfrjggj breastpins, medallions,. coats, pants, vests, shawls, dresses,jdress patterns, pistols, shoes, tools, Ac. NOTICE. Ail person* having goods on deposit with me over the legal.length of time will call and redeem the same, otherwise they will he sold on the above day. J NATHANS, Broker, oc2l-10t* N. W. cor. SIXTH and CALLOWHILL Sti - < LE6AL. FI THE ORPHANS’ COURT EOR THE CITY AK^COpXTY_OP_PH:iL iDELPHIA. ■ Ei ttVof WIL LIaM T. 'be SIV E rr. d acc.aKed Notice 3s hereby given that EMILY BENNETT, widotr of paid decedent, has filed in said-court her petition and appraisment, elaiemlng to retain of the estate of said de cedent property to the value of three hundred dollars, as Bet forth in her raid petition and appraisement, under the provisions of the act of April 14, A I). 1851 and tits supplements thereto, and the same will be approveiby the said court, on FRIDAY, November 4, ISM, antes exceptions thereto he filed, .. ' . ' " JOHN iTANSA, oc2o>ths4fc Attorney for Petitioner, T7BTATE OF ELIZABETH BARBY. -*-i DECEASED. . LETTEKS TB t'fAMBNTABY upon the estate-'of E«- ZABETH BARRY, deceased, haying been grafted ,undersigned, ail persons indebted to said Estate ars re quested to make payment, and those haying claims or demands against the same will pleads present them without delay to JOHN B, VAUTIER, Hope Ferry Road, Tweniy-sixth ward, or to his attorney, HOBATIO a. JONES, se24-s6t* 133 South FIFTH Street. STEAM WEEKLY TO LI tMiWW YEEPOOL, touching at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Harbor.) The Liverpool, New York, and IMIS' delphia Steamship (Lmpany intend despatching their .full-powered Clyde -hoilt Steamships as follows: _ CITY OP WASHINGTON. SATURDAY. Oct. 23 GLASGOW... SATURDAY, Not 5. CITY OP MANCHESTER SATHEDAY, Nov. 12. and every succeeding Saturday at Noon, from Pier «, North Elver. ; BATES OP PASSAGE: PIEST CA81N.,,...*100 00 STEERAGE. *«M do 'to London... 105 CO, do to London.... -800 do tO’Pariß 115 00 do to Paris...... DOO do to Hamfcrurg. ,110 00 do- toHainbarg.. W Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, sot terdasr, Antwerp; &c., at egnaliy low rates. Pares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin, re*'. *lO5, *125. Steerage from Liverpool, $5O. PromQoeenJ town, $lO. , Those who wish to send for their friendl esc tray tickets here at these rates. - -: ~ These steamers ihavo superior, accommodations iior passengers ; are Atrongly bnilt in water-tight iron sec tions, and carry Patent Fire r Aohihii&tors. Experienced Surgeons are,attached to each steamer., ITT! r ' For further information apply in Liverpool to wHr LIAM -INMAN,-Agent. 22 Water‘street; in Glasgow to ALEX. MALCOLM, 5 St, Enoch Sqnare; In Queenstown to C; & W. D..SEYMODE & Co.’fittLondon to SlYftiJ| MACEY. 61 'King William street; in Paris to JULES DECGUE, 16 Rue Notre Dame des Victoires, Place de la Bonrse;in NewYorkto JOHN G. DALE, 15 Broadway, or at the Company’s Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 0c25-tno!2 111 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. gaffe, BOSTON AND PHILADEL PHIA STEAMSHIP USB, sailing from o«| port on BATHED ATS,- from first..wharf above PISS Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston., The steamship NOESBAN, Captain Baker. wiU sail from Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday,' Oct. 29, *t 10 A. M. :-r" " These new and substantial steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays Insurances effected at one-half thapremium charged on the Yesseis. _ - Freights taken at fair rates. ■ . Shippers are requested to send Slip Becelpts and Ml of Baaing with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having fine,accommodations! applyto HENBT WINSOB & CO., ; mh22-tf 333 South DELAWARE Avenue. FOR ALBANY AND TROY, iTtlH’T'l'ii VIA DELAWARE AND BARIT/1H CAHAL. The-Barge J. STACKPOLE; —: , master, is notr loading at -first whaTf below, Spruce street, and will sail for the above points on MONDAY, October 3lst. For freight, which will be taken on reasonable terms, applyto D. L. FLANAGAN, Agent. oc2B-3t No. 30X Sonth DELAWARE A range- TTENRY BUDDY, ‘ * Distiller and Wholesale Dealer In - PIJHB OLD BOtrKBON,. HOHONGAHELA, RYE, AND WHEAT WHISKIES, 145 NOBTH SECOND STREET, below Eace. Phils. HENEY, HBDDT. ISAAC,!. EVANS. [ocl9-3m] PHILADELPHIA LOCAL -EXPRESS COMPAHy.—Daily Express to Germantowo, Chestnut Hill. Atlantic City. Abeeeom, '£sz Harbor, and Hammonton, N. J. • BAGGAGE COH VEXED TO ALL THE EAILEOAO LIMBS. ... ocs-lm J£VAN DALE, THE POPHLAB NEW NOTED. Pbice $1.8). For sale by all Booksellers. „ A. WILLIAMS & CO., Publishers, oc2D-thstn6t .100 WABHIMGTOM Street, Boston. TOYS, TOYS AND FANCY GOODS.- Just received from Europe* ft large assoHment of Toys, of every Ako» Paucy Articles, io great variety; Meerschaum/ Briar, and a .variety d other Pipes and Cigar Tubes. JOHN.DOLL, Importer* ” ■ No. 50!> MARKET Streep T ATOUR’S OLIVE 01L.—400 BAS JLi ieti fresh Ztfttonr’s Oliya Oil, In lot* to wwluuer; for nto >T MOMS* WILLIAMS,. inao-tf • ■ . IOT BonthWATgg Btwt_ MARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF JjJL & writ r of s ale,by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA* DBS, Judge ofthe District Court ofthe United States, in and for the Eastern district ofPennsylvania, in au* miralty, to me directed, -will be sold - at public saif»fs the highest and best biddeiy for cash, at flflCHEggg ® STOJ E, No, 143 North IitONT Street. on THIIKS - NovenAer Sd, 18S4, at U SI., Twenty-four B** 1 of SeaMand Cotton ungumed. , 1 . WILLIAM MILLWABD, D. S. Slarthal 1. D. of Pennsylyagh- A SAFE STEAM BOILES.-THB ' ■A*- subscriber isprepared to receive orders far y “HASSISON STBjStt BOILBHi’’ lu sises 'ebfte'ers. The attention ot Manttfactuieraandotße” «Bed to -the new Steam Generator, a» comb jrw sehtial advantages In absolnte safety from destrao , explosion, first cost and,durability, economy 01/ facility of cleaning and transportation, Ac, *»-« sessedby any boiler now In nsa. ; These boilers seen in daily operation, driving the otrteasi wo Messrs, Wo. Sellers A Co. “fflxteenth and WffiJS. streets; at 6. W. Cattelliefaalory.Spnicestreet. Beh«>* kill, and at Garsed’s Tremont Mm£FranHprd, ' • ‘JOB. HABBISON; ft• • "Washington BttUalo** i W»-tt Jilt gOttiU THIBOBtfWk I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers