Christian Commission—An Incident. To the Editor of The Press: SIR : About three weeks ago the writer was a pas. senger on a West-bound express train of the Penn sylvania Central. Among the many , passengers was a very sick soldier and his devoted wife. She had been watching with him for weeks, in a hospi tal near Washington City ; and, in their anxiety to get home, they had started tco soon. He Seemed to sink with exhaustion, until, unable to sit alone, he reclined upon his wife's shoulder. The wife wept, and those near by could scarcely refrain from tears as they looked upon the pale, emaciated soldier and his care-worn wife. Presently a young, delicate). looking man approached, wearing upon his left breast the badge of the Christian Commission. Ito entered into conversation with the soldier's wife, and soon manifested a deep interest in her case, and that of her sick husband. He aided in supporting ythe weak man, greatly to the relief of the wife. Af. ter going a low milts, at a stopping place the dele gate left the car a moment, and returned with a good supply of delicacies, such as would refresh tho sick man and his worn.out companion. He paid constant attention to the two until, arriving at Pitts burg, he Could go no farther with them. He left the oar as soon as it stopped, but soon returned, hand it g the lady checks fur her baggage, which he had rechecked to her order. Then be obtained help and Carried the sick soldier tenderly to another train, and had the two comfortably prepared for their Jour. fey farther. Ho then offered the lady some money, which she politely declined, as not in need of it. The delegate of the Commission then took - leave of the sick soldier and his wife, and both wept tears of gratitude uttering their " Gno bless , you and the Chrbetillll, 00111MitAion you represent.f never be . fore know much of the Commission ,_nor did much for It. Here:Merl shall. • A L.un' PASSENGER. CITY COUNCILS. sEuEer BRANCEI • • Select Council veer yesterday, iu their chamber, l'resltlont LYIND in the chair. ' Communications were presented from citizens of Tenth precinct of Twenty-first ward asking for a change of their place el voting. From citizens of Sixth wnrd in relation to the va cation of public building. From citizens of the Third precinct of Twenty fifth ward asking for a change in their place of voting. Claims wore presented from John Quinn and Henry Fowl and referred to Committee on High- WILTS. The resignation of E. Sparqcan PainLan (U.), of the Twenty , fourth ward, was received. Communications wore also received as follows : Front the (Thief Engineer of the Water Works, stating that the advanced price of labor and mate rials had rendered necessary an additional appro priation to the • items for furnish fog coal, tallow, anti oil, for repairs to the Delaware Works, &c., &c. e Coned. • From the Superintendent of the Girard Estate, stating that he had appointed John Brannan a soli tor for the estate in Schuylkill county. From the Controllers of Public Schools, asking ap_propriationa for sundry school purposes. From the Commissioner of Quarantine, asking that delegates be appointed by Councils to a United States Sanitary Commission Convention to be held on the 25th October next. From the Fire Department, announcing the elec tion of assistant engineers. The elections were confirmed. The resignation ot]Henry Davis (U.), :as member of Select Council from the Fifteenth ward, to take effect on the 10th orfictober, was received. • Mr. Kira (0 ) presented a resolution instructing the Committee on Gas to take possession of the Northern Liberty Gas Works on and after July, 1865, and to convert the stock into a loan, redeema ble in fifteen years from the date of such conversion, bearing interest at the rate of six percent. per an num, payable hall yearly. Referred to the Com• mittee on Gas. Mr. NicwoLsorr (0.) presented a communication from James Reilly, enclosing an affidavit that his evidence before the etnimittee appointed to investi gate the management of the Highway Department in 3803 was wrongly reported to Councils, doing - gross injustice to Mr. O'Rourke (0.), who had not received any money at all for the passage. Mr. BODODOIt (U.) stated that the evidence was always read to the witnesses, and that Mr. Reilly did swear as reported, though Mr. O'Rourke was not then a member of Councils, not having taken the oath of office. The communication of Mr. Reilly was ordered to be printed on the yourzal of last week's proceedings. Dr. Re ISEULT (G.) offered the following preamble and resolutions, which were imanimously adopted : Whereas, John Price Wetherill (U:), E. Spencer miller (U.), and Henry Davis (U.) have resigned their seats in this body.': therefore, be it Resolved, That Select Council seriously regret the loss of the invaluable aid and usefulness which they have rendered from time to time by their wise and judicious counsels. Resolved, That the citizens of Philadelphia owe to them many obligations for the faithful and honest manner in which they guarded their interest by in. (hieing careful legislation. Resolved, That we lament the separation that has taken place, inasmuch as we part with firm and honest friends'; and be It further Resolved, That in their retirement we wish them _health, happiness, and prosperity. Mr. AnwsTizoNo (0.) moved that the complimen tary resolutions just passed be engrossed and framed, and a copy be presented to each of the retiring mem hers. MT. BRIGHTLY (0.) said he could see a Cause Vhy these gentlemen had resigned. The city had. lately been run largely into debt, and those gentle men, members of the Finance Committee, had pro bably resigned because they were unable to pre vent it. The resolutions were adopted. • Mr. Nionor.sow (C.) 'Oared a resolutionithat the Committee on Safety and Defence be instructed to consider the propriety of extending the city bounty to the Pennsylvania State Guard. Referred. - A communication from the City Solicitor was ro coived, enclosing a communication from William L. Hirst, Esq., stating that suit would be instituted against the city for damages sustained by overfl ow owater upon the estate of Ann N. Butcher, caused. by the want of a proper drain at or near diermarl town road and Arnot place. Various resolutions from Common Council, rela. tive to the grading and paving of streets, were oon- Curred inoand others were postponed or referred. The of voting of the citizens of the Third precinct, of the Fourteenth ward, was agreed to bo changed, as required A resolution from Oommon Council, in relation to the city bounty, was indefinitely postponed. A bill for the purchase of such passenger railways as do not, beP re next week, reduce their rate of fare to five cents, was referred to the committee, and an ordinance relating to nuisances, passed by Common Council in 1860, was concurred in. A resolution of thanks to Messrs. Connell, Ber ger, and other representatives, _for their efforts in passing certain bills, was adopted. . This completed the business of the Chambei, which then adjourned. COMMON BRANCH. The, president being abEent, Mr. STOKELEY (U was called tolbe 'chair. COMMUNICATIONS. A communication from the Board of Guardians, asking for an additional appropriation 0f580,030, in aceordance with a resolution or the Board, was re. ferred to the Committee on Poor. Mr. EVANS (U.) presented a communication from the citizens of Manayunk, calling attention to the Impassable condition of the streets. Referred to the Committee on Highways. RESIGNATION ON MR. GREENWOOD. The resignation of Mr. James Greenwood as a member of the Chamber was received and accepted. The resignation explains that the member has 'moved from the ward from which he was elected. TOTS OF THANKS. EvAwe (U.) offered a resolution thanking George Connell, of the Senate, and Thomas J. Bar ger, of the House of Representatives of Pennsyl yank'', for the labor they had been at in securing the passage of a law allowing the City Councils to tax personal property. Mr. CrtEsswELL (U.) moved to• indefinitely post pone. -lie was tired of lauding and thanking men for doing their official duty. Mr. Lorronraw thought that too much thanks could not be passed upon these gentlemen for secur ing the passage of this bill. The manner of taxing rstate alone and allowing personaiproperty to tiroly exempt was unjust and oppressive. Messrs. BRIGOI6 (U) and GRAY (U.) also favored the passage of the bill. Mr. TAYLOR (U.) declared that the conscientious discharge of public duty in these days of progress' was a rare thing, and he moved to amend by adding the names of all the members of the Senate and House of Representatives who had voted in favorer the bill. Mr. BRIGGEI (U.) was in favor of adding after Mr. Bargar , s name the words, "and such other gentle- men who favored the passage of the bill." tie be. sieved that Mr. Barger was entitled to some consi deration for the trouble he had taken in answering the veto of the Governor. The veto was vulnerable enough, but Mr. Barger bad shown It up in such a plain manner, and bad taken so much pains, and gone to so much labor for the purpose, that he was entitled to special thanks. The resolution, as amended by Mr. Briggs, was adopted. BIREISEIVS MATTERS Mr. TAYLOR (U.) presented a petition from the America Hose to have an alarm box placed in their house. Also, a petition of citizens of Twonty-second wardi asking that the Germantown Rose be located as a steam-fire engine. Also one asking that the Washington Fire Com pany be located as a steam-tire company. Referred. CONMITTHE OR HIGHWAYS Mr. Barges (U.), chairman of the Committee on. Highways, presented an ordinance appropriating 4500 to complete the gradingof Hancock street, from Shoemaker's lane to Mill street, In the Twenty-se cond ward. Agreed to. Also, a resolution providing for the grading of NVildey street, from Shaokamaxon street to Colum bia avenue, and Clarion street, from Broad street to Thirteenth, in the First ward. Agreed to. A. resolution providing for the paving of Adams street, from Cedar to Commerce streets, Nineteenth 'ward, was agreed to. . TRUSTS AIM vTRK. Mr. WOLIIBRT (0.), froni the Committee on Trots and Fire, reported an ordinance appropriating $BB3 33 to the Independence Steam Fire Engine Company for the year 1864, said company having been boated as a steam fire engine by an ordinance . of Councils of June 30. Agreed to.. " -- • Also, an ordinance "appropriatin....: $1 166 68 to the William Penn Hoae and Steam Fire Engine Com pany for the year 1804, said company having been located as a team lire engine companyty ordinanCe of May 12, 1884. Agreed to. . . • ' BOUNTY LOAN. Mr. GHAT (U.) called up': an "ordinance autho rising an additional loan of not more than ono mil lion and a half of dollars for the payment of boun ties to voluateers. The ordinance provides • for the payment of six per cent. Interest semiannually, and for the payment of the principal in thirty years, and not sooner. The bill passed. ANOTHER. RESIGNATION. Mr. HErBY 0. Oshair (ILI, of the Fourteenth ward, presented hie redgnation as a member, which was aooopttd. • CORSTABLNS AND PRISONKRB Mr. EVANS (U.) offered an ordinance authorizing the constables 01 the city to confine persons arrested by them in 'the'. police' station•houses or lock-ups daring Each time as may:be cnocessary to give the person so arrested a hearing before a magistrate, and all persons committed to the County Prison by any alderman of the city in charge Ova constable, shall be received into the station-houses free of charge, and the officer In charge of said station. houses and the city vans shall be held responsible for the safe keeping and conveyance to prison of Said persons. The passage of this ordinance would ',Ale away with the necessity of constables taking all their prisoners to the County Prison, as is now the Custom, and they could•be taken to the nearest 'station-house and sent to prison at the time that other prisoners were removed there. The ordinance was referred to the Committee on Law. AnorrionAr. APPROPRIATION. TO ILLEEFEWAY DB. • PARTMENT The Chamber took up the bill making an addi tional appropriation of ,$'97,000 to the Highway De r rtment, which was postponed frtin the last meet. LonOWIAW (04 Opposed the bill. Council s had already appropriated $217,150 to the Highway : Department. In the streets of Philadelphia we have 150 miles Of passenger railways and those corn. Wadies were required to keep !the streets In repair, and if this matterWere,properly looked after there would be no necessity for Asia additional apiiroprt .ations. ,1 -.There were no means to lay the appropriations ?Abet . had been made since ;July, which amount to 41148,585.9.1„ and the general., and several•appropria, .. - 4 4„ions amount to $ 2 95,785.94.... The total assessed "Value of real estate Is af56!000;600 and at s2perhun riitlred the 'yield Is something. over *3,000,000, of which ...,sum about two and a - halrmilliot Will'he collected; paad the regular. appropriations made will exhaust . levery dollar of this income. The special appropria-. tibia which have been made since Jan. 1, 18 al, amount ','. to $6,2243;557.70, which was double the amount recom "...mended by' the Committee 'on Finance to be raised fby!taXation. rair.,7Loughlin concluded by saying that shottlrribt be given to encourage such ~,reckless extravagance , as had' characterized the ..."411$hway. , Dept . trtuken Mr. Bitioos (II.) Urged the absolute necessity for the passage of the bill. Streets were in a terrible condition for want of repairs. Complaints were made daily of accidents occurring by reason of the fitreetS not being put In proper order. The apprO priationS which had been made had been entirely expended, and it was necessary that the streets should be put in order. It was known that all ma terials and labor had increased one hundred per cent., and this advance in price could not have been fo reseen at the time of the annual appropriations: wasHe phis ha ci p r c o o u m d e t o for s a w l a ' r t d h a s t o t n h o e bly citizens inms n P g h a i i p a p oi r e o. l O p n r 1 atht o e n w s a fo r. . r b For o untie ti t es h is and r f p o r o s t e h e a m l e a a r n g s e of amounte arr y in o g f money had been-raised, and the bulk of the appro in d to have been expended for military purposes. The former Commissioner Of Hilgahtwi°anyss,wbilyi leavi ng work unfinished, had caused the expenditure of a large proportion of the appro priations to the department, and he hoped that if members refused to vote for the hill they would not come to the Committee on Highways to complain when accidents occurred by reason of want of repairs to streets. He hoped that no party bickering would come in between members and their duty; and ho hoped that if the repairs to streets were necessary to be made, the Chamber would come forward, and make the necessary appropriations. Mr. Evens (U.) was not surprised to see the figures paraded here by the gentleman from the Second. If the expenditures be greater than the income, tho.fault lies with the Democratic side of the house ; they thought it was a good bait to catch sth with. The reason that the gentlemen on the Other side opposed the bill was because they were afraid of it /ming used for political purposes. That was well known, and the secret might as well be told. Upon taking a vote on the ordinance no quorum voted, and the Chamber adjourned. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Batter.] SELLING LIQUOR TO AN INBURIA.TE. A man named Walter Barry was arraigned on yesterday morning, on complaint of a woman charging him with selling liquor to her husband after having been admonished not to do so. The accused was bound over to answer at court. [Before Mr. Alderman Bottler.] ADMITTED TO BAIL Lloyd Douglass, the colored man charged with shooting an individual named Sider, at the Log Cabin, on the Wissahickon, has been admitted to ball, the wounded man being out of danger. - The driver of a passenger oar on the Eighth-street line was fined, on Wednesday, for stopping his oar at Eighth and Chestnut to await the arrival of pas sengers. Cars are often permitted to stop here as well as at other street-crossing, much to the annoy ance of citizens generally. BOEIIEIIIEI3 The tailor store of Mr. S. Watson, on South Tenth street, was robbed a few nights since of ready-made clothing to the amount of about $4OO. Two boys very adroitly opened a showcase in front of the store of Mrs. Emily O'Donnell, near Fourth and South street, on Wednesday evening, and stole therefrom a bonnet. They escaped with the property. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The money market remains easy to firsbclass borrowers on call at 7 ift cent., and for first.class business notes the rates Tango' from. 9 to 12 cent. Many moneylenders are using their loanable funds for the purchise of Government debt certificates, in preference to commercial paper, because, at pre sent rates, they pay as large interest, and are, at the same time, more easily converted into legal money, if required. The gold market is active, and at the opening prices were strong. 230 ivas the rate at 0)4 A. M., and the closing figure was 228. The stock market was comparatively withoutnnf. matron. Government loans were rather weak at the opening, but closed firm, the tBls at 108, and the 5.20 s at 1033;, coupon off, and 109;‘ registered. There was little said in State or City loans. In the share list we notice a, slight advance in Reading; Pennsyl vania, was steady at 74, Camden and Amboy at 158, Northern Central at 64, Norristown at. 85;‘, Long Island at 48, and Minehill at 82.. Of company bonds there were sales of Susquehanna Canal at 65, Cam den and Amboy Cs of 1876 at 109; Pittsburg coupon Bs at 78, Union Canal Int bonds at 17, North Penn sylvania 6s at 100, Schuylkill Navigation 63,1882, at 91%, and Williamsport and Elmira bonds at 108. The oil stocks were not so active, but prices were well maintained. The following were the doling quotations: Bid. Aek. Big Tank 33.4 2X . ' Continental Oil.. 2 3 Farrell 131 331 Union Petroleum 3% 336" Oil Creek 6 6%1 Maple SbadeOil . 17N 13X McClintock Oil 674 7 Pidnii‘tCo.... i 2 WIT - . 3i4' 341 1 Perry, Oil 4% 4% liege Island 1 ' 2X I Mineral 011 2-81 3 Allegheny R.....-. .. 13i Keystone Oil .... 1 2 Curtin 2% 3 Venango 0111 2 Bull Creek 5% 11% Beacon Oil ' 1% Gersc anis ...: ' 1 1% llowe'S Eddy Oil 1% 1%1 Corn-Planter 4% 4% Irving Oil 2% 6% Brlgge 4% i Keystone Zinc..• 2 • 2..%1E0cit Oil 6 liX Densmore 0i1.... 14% 14% Tarr 3 314 Dalzell Oil.. 113{ 12 Globe . 2% 2% There is very little doing in City. Passenger Rail ways, and prices are without change. West Phila delphia sold at 70 ; 26% was bid for Girard College, 70 for Second and Third, and 11 for Race and Vine. Bank shares are firm, but there is little or nothing doing. 162 was bid for North Amerioa, 13234 for Philadelphia, 65 for Farmers , and Mechanics', 56 for . Commercial, 27% for Mechanics', 40 for Penn Town ship, 80 for Western, 27% for Manufacturers' and Mechanic's', 34% for Consolidation, 46 for Common wealth, and 46 for Union. • The following are the closing quotations for the' canal and coal stooks : ' Bid. .Ask. Bid. Ask. &buy'. Nay..... MX 34 Green lifonn.Coai 5% 6 Do. Pref.. 39% 40 N. Carbond'e C'l 236 3 Snsq. Canal 19 20 New Creek Coal. 1 1% Fulton Coal 8% 9 Feeder Dam Coal N. Di Big Monnt. Coal. 7 7% Clinton Coal. • ••• 1% • 1% - N. Y. & Mid. Coal 22 22% Drexel & Co. quote: New. United States Bonds, 1881 107% 10834 f New Certificates of Indebtedness 93% 94% New United States 73-10 Notts 113 a 11.4 Quartermasters' Vouchers 90 91 Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness 4 .4% Gold 2.M /229 Sterling Exchange 243 2,50 Five-twenty Bonds 110 110% STOOK EXCHANGE SALES, SEPTEMBER. 15. BBSORB BOARDS. 200 Tan Farm '....Sat. 3541 SCO Globe Oil. • •• • -lA.' . 2Y: 600 Ilow' s Ed ..ssNen. 134 1600 do MO. 2.31 900. Petr Centre 4,V, 60 Bull Creek . 5% 200 McClintock ....b6, 7 300 McElheny Oil 6% 900 do 7 200 Excelsior Oil 1.31 600 do MO. 7% 200 t tory Fary 33i 100 do c. 7 100 Reading E 64)4 FIRST BOARD. . 79 Reading It_ . 65 i 100 Northern Central. 547 i 100 d 0.... ....cub.. 6.4% 100 Egbert Oil 3X 30 Girard Col R 2636 100 do 33a 200 Irwin Oil 7% 100 Schnyl Nav-prer. • 39% ICO Dalzell 011.. cas- 1114 100 do Prot% • 109 k to do 11% 100 do 33% 100 do ....b5.. 12 50 do 3334 1(0 do. ..... —.M.. 12 27 Penna. R 74 100 d0....b5.. • 12 10 do • 74 ICO Noble A Dela- cash. 16 100 do 74 100 do QUI' 16% 60 •do 74 50 do cash 16X' 18 • do 74 100 Rock Oil 5 I 3 Little Schnyl R... 46% 60 McClintock Oil 7 20 Norristown R 85X 100 do 7 10Q Catawisaa R 20- 500 do ...... ....b5.. 7 10007 S 5-20 B . coup off.lo3X 100 Perry Oil 434 1000 N Penna 68 Bonda.loo SO do 4% 45 do scrip. S 6 100 Coal Ridge Imp b 5. 17% 5000 W & Elmlra Bas..lCB 100 Northern Central.. 54% . BETWEEN BOAMDS. 93 Minehill R. —lots 62 19 Morris Cl..prefd 133 500:II 6 6-20 bs cp off c 1 ow 1 do prefd 139 SCO Densmore 14, 3 41 100 Sob Nay preld...o 39g IC9 Long Wand R„ : . 48_11000 North Parma 68. • .100 Echuyl Nay 6s 's2. SECOND ..b5 6 ...b6 5 100 Rock 0i1... 200 do 200 do 100 do • 60 ' do 6 . 10 Norristown R...•.• 65% 20 Pennsylvania R... 74 43 Lehigh Nair 80 20 Third Nati') 8'k..105 5 Third Nati'l Bk. —l(5 50 N Central 64 AFTER BOARDS. 2(0 Northern Cen.-b5 54 i 6.5 Schuyl Nay 34 5 Cam &Am R 158 .9.0 Susq.Can Bond 2d 65 4 do 15.3 100 NY &Mid prly on 22 ICOO Cam &Am 6.31876 100 500 coup 6s, 18E1.— 107% 2031rwin Oil b3O. 7 2030 II 85-20a..coupoff•103% 200 do ••• - • 6% 1000 do reg. 109% .500 Big Tank b3O. 2) 200 ROading 6.5.44 500 Irwin Oil. ..... .... 6% 100 do 65.56 •mo do 2OO do WO; 65% 200 Mcßlheny b3O. 8y 300 Fulton 'Coal 9 650 Bch & Oil Crk Mon. 2% 200 N Y & Middle •••• • 22% 1000 17nion Petro 33G 100 Continental 2% 200 Bruner 1.69 60 011 Creek 5 11000 'Union Cl bds b3O. 18 200 Organic 1% RoExoelflor lots. 17 500 Irwin 011 hi. Mi 200 Hibbard 2% 400 .Curtin ' 3 100 d 0.... .. •. . . Sat. 2% 200 Rock 6 IEOOO Sueq Canal bde... 65 .160 McClintock 7 600 Densmore bl 5. 14% 100 Perry 011 43( 200 McClintock ..i..b6. 7 100 Venango 11-16 100 Densmne b 29. 1431 .4500.Continental...1330. 2% 6.500 11 E 5-10 s coup off 118% 100 Mcßlheny ....b.'30. - 8% NV Reading.. 2day5.66.31 MO II 8 Els .. • . .....reg.loB 500 Corn Plan a ier.b3o. 4% 100 Bull Creek 5% ICO do 434 100 Story Farm .... h 5. 3% 100 Petro Centre 43% 200 Catawiesa com b3O 20% 7000 D 881 e .... .. , coup:KW 200 Petro Centre 4.69 3000 do .... 108 .100 Reading ' 65% The following are some of the Orincipal articles imported into this port for the week ending Septem ber 15, 1864 : - FOR corsrairriox. Anvils '' 26 $649 Kreosote and Brandy, esk- 1 101 Bromine, cs.. 16 $586 Bleh. Prs,, - tcs. 169 .... Linens, cases. . 18 3,831 csks 66 4.431 Labels, 1 , 109 Bagging, bales. 210 5,232 Marble, blocks 89 1.088 Bone Blk., cslc,s 6 269 Machinery, cas 1 207 China Clay, 170 936 Macaroni. Dx.. 100 107 Corks, bales... 2 98, Nuts, kegs 24 237 Coal, tons 1,656 3,986 Nails, case , I 500 Drugs, oaks,.., 218 '...• Pickets, " -263,675 565 bble,.. 260 4,s7lPaper, '' .... 1-, 253 Dundee Sit s, bls ' 9 1,612 Plaster, tons ... 890 821 1 -'-Eth 'wre, crates 606 ..7 - . Rags, bales..'.. 30: 860 casks. 90 20,919, Salt, sacks 7W 761 Fish, gbbls... 657 5,360 Soda Ash, cks- 633 ... Glass, b0x...-. 1 ' 7 " bbls."Bo 17,067 Guano, tons.... 250 3,076 Steel Axles .... 250 Gulls, cases.... • 4 743 ''.... Sheets.... 94 .. • Grindstones.... 2 -46- • • Tyres ...• 18 10,321 - Gims& La ces,cs 2 919 Shthg Felt, fms 10 319 Hardware, Cut- ' Tin Pits, bxs .. 532 4,671, lery, Chains, Tob woo, pkgs. 4 146 &c.. casks-- 16 2,044 Twine, cases .. 2 713 Iron Cast., ps.. 296 2,665 Vices, cask .... 1 124 Iron, bdls 4,508.... Wine, " .... - 104 bats 162 2 ...• `• cases .... • 14 . .... `• tens 541 - 18,715 " baskets... 30 5,036 Yarn, bales-. 4 855 WAREITOVSED. Cordials, cases 136 $713 Olive Oil, cases 475 China, eases. - 8 453 " baskets 50 1,848 Earthenware, Soda Ash, casks 42 852 pkgs 15 277 Slate Pencils, Hemp Yarn, cases 2 43 ba1e5......... 26 6,623 Sardines,cases. 115 2,135 Musical In etre . - - Salt, sacks 1,050 976, meats, case . - 1 324 Sugar, 1 , hd5.... ~ 84 .. Marbles, cases. 12 633 ".. tierces... 2 0,624 moiasses,lands- 434 - Toys, cases.... 80 . 3,632 •' - toe-- 22 Wine, cases.... 4110 " bbls.. 46' 16,723 " casks.... 402 9,902 The following are some of the principal articles exported from this port to foreign ports for the week ending September 15,1864: WEST MMES.,... Beef, UN 127 53,982, Lard, lbs. - ;*....13,034 $3,1393 Bread, bids-- 658 4,563' Oil Cake, tons.,, 25. 2,184 Candles, lbs -.7,800 1,875 Petroleum,- re- , Cheese, , lbs 2,809 569 fined, galls -1,246 941 1 Hams, lbs 11,460 2,289 Pork, bbls ' 13 241 Ind. Corn, bu..i, 024 2,165 Flour, obis •• • .2,240 25,711 Ind.Meal,hbls.l,376 11 • 55 31 .vt,..1 Candies, 1b5....2,460 8992 Whale Oil, gal- . ~ ' Lard. jbg ... , "29, 983 7,595 lone -.1,025 $1,742 ',umber .:.... 1,972 Flour, bids .. 200 2,350 Shooks... 3,655 , The New:York Evening Post of yesterday says ; ...... .... Gold opened at 229, and after selling down to 227, . closed firm at 228. . . , , The loan market is less active, and ,borroWerS On good securities are easily supplied-at 7 , per-cent.' The symptoms of approaching ease are more name . _... _.. _ .. Tolls. The stock market is active, with an upward ten dency. The bear influence seems, for the present, to have nearly. exhausted its force. / GovernmentsA L . - SUGAR 'LOAF, BEAVER C U are advancing; State stocks steady; bankzehares; -.. , - .'OIEADOW.Land Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and quiet; mining shares dull ;• railroad bonds firm, hest Locust Mountain, from schuylk ill; prepared ex and railroad shares': active ;;the W t dividend use. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTEI , e es ern. ' and "WILLOW Sta. Office, No. 112 South SECOND St. „ , pressly for Family paying shires being the m.ostin demand., , . r ,...,. -; "54f . ... . . J. WALTON Si CO, The appended'table exhibits the chief movements" ' - _•__ ' -..: -: at the Board compared with the latest priee o of ' puRE LBHi OH COAL.HOUSE, yesterday : _ KEEPERS can rely on getting a pure article' at the T um ns. Fova. 4d,v,...,„De°• -44. •E corner of FRORT. and P . 0 3 P o L H A N R w s . reAtki mpiroli. United States ss, 18.51, reg "United States es, 18M, con p.... 107% him,' . 1 4 " United Stales 7,30 e.......... . . ... . 110.,%: 110. , 4 34. ~ '' - United States .5-Als,,coup 110 4' 1105 ''. 4. - United States cart, snr....- - 94 • e 4 9 .. American G01d... .• •••• • •• ••• • .228 X 227 4 - 1 ~a i - . Tennessee es • . 60 59M 3.1. ‘ . . 0 Missouri e 5.... •• •.. • .. •••• • •;• •64 sty;.. i... Atlantic Mail 166)4 186}9 - .. i Pacific Mail ....•• • .... ..• .. ••••270 265 ' 5 ~ i:::: - New York Central Railroad-12.5g 12sg 3 1 . .. Erie ' '104% I , 104 n 34 "'"!..,"' Erie Preferred 107 g 108 .. y. Hudson River ' 117, 2 117 3 . 4 - .. Reading - 130 1291 .. After the board the market was buoyant. Cum- FINED Bid. AA. • lialheny 011... • S) 33ft Rolm its Oil • • 2X Olmstead . . •... • .. 23e 3 !Noble & Del IS 16X Hibbard 2X 2,56 Story Farm .••• • • Sid 33. Bruner .... 13i B °ABB. 60 N Central— ... 64 100 Irwin 011. - - —WO 6 100 do Reading b3O 100 o Y; 33000 11 620 Bds..reg 100); ICOO do.• 103% 1000 Union 01 B'ds 17 1100 City 6s new 106 2000 Pittsburg Cpn 6s. 78 - berland rose to 613@63j,;, New York Central to 125%, Erie to 1056, Hodson to 118y 4 , Reading to 130, Michigan Southern to 81%, Illinois Central to 127, Pittsburg to 110%, Rock Island at 107%, Northwest ern to 52, Northwestern preferred to 85%. At the open board the market was very strong. New York Central closed at 125%, Erie at 105'3,1, Hudson at 118%, Reading at 130%, Michigan South.- ern at 82y, Illinois Central to 127%, Pittsburg at 110%, Hoek Island at 108%, Northwestern at 52%, Northwestern preferred at 85;‘, Cumberland at 64, Mariposa at 43%, Fort Wayne at 108. Philadelphia Markets. SliPT.EMnEs.l6—Evening, The Flour market continues quiet, and prices re• main about the same as last quoted ; sales comprise about 1,200 bbls, at $ll 50 for extra and $12©12.25 bbl for extra family. The retailers and bakers are buying at $ll for superfine; $11,50 for extra, and $l2 @a bbl for extra family and fancy brands, as to quality, Rye Flour and Corn Meal are quiet at former rates. - GRAIN.—The offerings of Wheat are light, and the market is dull at about former rates, with sales of 4,600 bus to notice at 2.5543260 c for new. reds, the latter rate for choice, and white at 27142850 bu, as to quality. Rye is dull; 800 bus Delaware sold at isle bu. Corn is less active; about 5.000 bus sold at 171@172c for Western mixed, and 1730 q 8 bu for prime yellow. Oats are quiet; 5,500 bus new South ern sold at 90cl bu. BARK.—There is little or nothing doing in Quer citron, and prices are unsettled. ComToiv.—Prices are rather lower, and the trans actions are in. a small way only; small sales or middlings are reported at 1.786J1800 lb, cash. ' Gaminixe.—There is rather more dolng l, and the market Is firm, with sales of 80 hhds Cuba sugar at 22y,c ft, and GOO hhds Cuba Molasses on private terms. PETROLETTM.—The receipts continue light, and . the market is dull, with small sales to notice at 46@ 48c for crude, 75@76c for relined in bond, and 83(485c gallon for free, as to quality. SENDB.—Flaxseed is selling at $3.70 'ft bushel. Clover is coming in slowly, and selling at slB@l4 64 its, Timothy is in demand at full prices, with sales of 400 bushels at $0.2660.50 1 11 bu. IRON.—Manufactured Iron is firmly bold, . and there is a fair business doing. Pig metal is rather scarce, with small sales of anthracite to notice at e67@73 lut ton for the three numbers. FRlJlT.—Domeette Is not so plenty. A.pples are selling at from 60@100c per basket, and Peaches at E0(4200c per basket, the latter rate for. choice ; fo reign fruit Is very scarce and high. RAT.—Baled is selling at $3O per ton. • * PROVISIONS. —Holders;" as we have noticed for several days past, continue firm In their views, but the market is quiet. Ness Pork is quoted at $4011 1 42 WI barrel. - •lis con—Flatus are selling in a small way at 20@250 it for plain and fancy bagged ; a sale of salt Hams was made at loge, and 40 000 Its of Shoulders in boxes at about the same price. Lard Is firm, with small sales at 256x25ge It for prime tierce. . WHISKY is rather better, with sales of 200 bbls at 1840.870 for Pennsylvania and Western. The following are the receipts •of Flour and Grain at 911/3 - pert : F10ur......... t . 1,500 bbls. 'Wheat' 8,500 bus. Corn 8,880 bus. Oats 9,200 bus. New 'York Markets, Sept. 16. BRICADSTUPPS.—The market for. State and West ern Flour is s@loc better, and quiet; sales 9.000 bbls at 8:9.704)9.95 for superfine State; $10.10@10.20 for extra State 8102; 0110.30 - for' choice do; 89.75@10 for superfine Western ; $10.10@10.70 for common to medium extra Western; $10.90011.25 for common to good shipping brands extra round hoop Ohio, and 8511.3041/18 for trade brands. , • Southern Flour is a shade firmer ; sales 800 bbls at $11.25@12 for common, and $1.3.10@14 25 for fancy and extra. Canadian Flour is s@loc better; sales of 700 bbls at *10@10.30 for common, and $10.35@12 for good to choice extra. Rye Flour is quiet. Corn Meal is quiet. • Wheat is I@2c better, with a fair business doing; sales 60,000 bus at • $2.10@ 2.18 for Chicago spring ; $2.12@2.18 for Milwaukee; $2.19@2.22 for amber Milwaukee; $2.18@2.28 for Winter red Western, and $2 3( @2.35 for amber Michigan. Rye is dull. Barley is nominal. Barley. Malt is quiet ; sales GOO bus new State at $2 25 delivered. Oats are quiet at 89 89% for Western. The Corn market. is dull; sales 18,000 bus, at $1.62@1.63 for mixed Western. Chicago Markets, A reaction in the Gold market this morningcaused a corresponding movement in the Grain. market, and prices for the leading cereald ruled higher. Wheat was in active demand by "short sellers, ,, particularly N 0.2 spring—and themarketadvanced 2a3c IR bushel. Winter Wheat wat quiet but firm. Sales were made at $1.9140.98 for No I' ed ; $1.94 0 1:98 for No 1 spring; $1 89x5@1.93 for No 2 spring„ and $1.82@1.83 for rejected. At the close the market ruled firm at the advance. Fr.ourt.--Received, 6,238 bbls. Shipped, 212 bbls. Market dull. Sales were Spring extra-100 bbls "Missouri'! at. $11; 100 bbls Boone Co , ' at $lO ; 100 bbls, brand not named, at $9.90; 96 bbls do at $lO. White. Winter extras-100 bbls, brand not named, at $l2 i• 100 bbla do at $1137X, ; 60 bbls do at $10.75. Spring superfine-50 bbls, brand not named, at $8.75 —all delivered. • There was a moderate demand for Corn, and this market ruled firmer with a slight advance on No. 2. .Sales were made at $1.32 for No. 1; $1.30@1,31 for No. 2, and $1.28@1.29 for rejected. Canal Corn was ;quiet, and-sold to a limited extent at $1,30@1.81 afloat. New Corn on the ear made Its appearance in the market this morning. Samples of soveral ear loads from Book Island were exhibited, one of which was sold at lc VI lb, bat the remainder could not be disposed 'of except at a lower figure. . Oats were in steady request, but.the sales show a decline of keilelß bushel, No. 1 Belling at 64@64Xc, 3,AN and No. 2 at 6268e,' closing firm. Eye was quiet, but a shade firmer, at $1.31@1.32 - for No. 1, and at $1.28@1.28% for No. 2. There was more activity in the market for Barley, but prices were unsettled, ranging from $1.901§1.95 for No. 2ln store. • • • High wines were dull, with light sales at $1.73@ LEIIVER BAGS AT THE DIRRWELANTB' 'EXCHANGE, PHTtADELPHIA Ship Lady Emily Peel (Br), Penny, Londonderry FOOD. Brig Primus (old),. Schwarling..Port of Spain, soon. PHILADELPHIA. BOARD OF TRADE. Selma BILLLIEEN, Aimazw. WHEELER, Committee of the Mon EDWARD Y. TOWNSENH, - IfIARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, 9ppt.,,,15,1.81E4. Sun Rises..s 62 J Sun 5et5..5.1.0 High water.... 2 14 AERTVED , • . Bark-Maria White, Varney, 8 dais from Balch ,more, in ballant to•I E Sauey & Co. Passed in the Bay, barks Chas Brewer, fromMatanzas; Mahlon Williamson, from Tampa Bay ; Our Union, from Key West; also, sehrs Forest King, from New Or. leans,-and Marla Lunt, deeply laden. . • • Bark Two Brothers, Tague, 8 days froni .New. York, in ballast to Workman & Co. Bark M•Metealf, Baker, 4 days from New York, in ballast to Curtis & Knight. Bark Mahlon Williamson, Thompson, 15 days from Tampa Bay, in ballast to D S Stetson & Co. Brig Animoso (Ital), lia.mogulno, 46 days from 'Casablanca, Morocco, with wool to J Ramsden. Brig j P Ellicott, Devereux, 6 days from Port Royal, In ballast to j E Bailey & Co. — Schr E F Lewis, Lee, 10 days from Portland, with plaster to Baker & Folsom. Behr F Moss, Davis, 2 days from New York, with mdse to captain. Schr Mary A Rich, Hardy, 6 days from Boston; with mdse to Twells & Co. Schr Sarab Tuttle, Rich, 5 days from Province town, with mdse to. Gee B Kerfoot. Schr Mary Clark, Disney, 5 days from Newbury port, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot: Schr E Rickey, Tice, 5 days from Wellileet, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot. Schr Flying Dragon, Daniels, 5 days from Glou cester, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot. Schr Ben,_ Fuiford , 7 days from .Hatteras Inlet, in ballast to D S Stetson Sc uo. Schr T Lake, Risley, 4 days from Glouceeler, Mass, with ice to captain. Schr Grace Girdle; Clark, 7 days .from Boston, with ice to Kennedy, Staire, & Co. • • • Schr'Lewie Walsh, Eaton, 2 days from New York, with mdse to captain. Schr Emma '5l. Bnelah Cbatsworts, 5 days from Baltimore, with old iron to A Purvis & Sons. Sohr D Morris, Applin, 8 days from Fortress Mon roe, in ballast to captain. Sohr Maria Lunt, Boynton, 4 days from New . York, with mdee to Curtis Sr. Knight. " * Sobr S Wilson, Crowell, 4 days from Baltimore, in ballast to captain. Schr Edwin Watson, Dalton, 10 days from Pensa cola in ballast to I) S Stetson & Co. Schr Forest King, Briggs, 5 days from New• Bed-. ford, in ballast to captain. . • Schr Wm L Springs,Adams, 6 days from Hatte ras Inlet. in ballast to D S Stetson Sr Co. Sohr Billapeck, Avery, 3. days from Now York, in ballast to Noble, Caldwell, & Co. - - ' • Schr Mary Nowell, Covell,6 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Sohr Leesburg, Blake, 4 days from Fall River in ballast to captain. Schr James Satterthwaite, Long, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to Day & Huddle. - Schr Isaac. Morse, Bradford, 4 days from Fall Ri ver, In ballast to E A. Adams & Co. . Schr Henry Nutt, Howes, 5 days i from Beaufoit, N 0, with mdze to Baker & Folsom. . Sour Henry Crosky, Irons, 4 days from Altman- Va, in, ballast to captain. Schr Ceres, Watling, 1 day. from •Newport, with flour to R M Lea. _ . Schr Cora, Spence, 1 day from Brandywine, .Del, with corn meal to it M Lea. - • Scbr Freemason, Furman, .1. day from 'lndian River, Del; with grain to James L Bewley & Co. Schr Biala, Quinin, 2 days from St Martins, Md, with grain to James L Bewley &Co. • Schr S P Chase. Campbold, iday from Smyrna, Del, with grain to Jamee .L Bewley &Co. Sehr, Mantua, Maxon, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with grain to James Barrett. • Steamer C Logan, Denmore, 24 houri from New n 2 York, with mdse to W P Clyde. • Steamer , Bristol, Charles, 24 hours from New York,±with'indsif to .W:P Clyde. • Steadier Rtllretbrigell, James, 24 hours frOin New York, with mckle;fo 4 W P Clyde. I • • - Steamer George .H Stout, Nichols, 24 honre,from New York, with mdso te,W P Clyde. • ' • - - AT-QUARANTIN E.. -.; ' Brigs Cyclone, from Matanzas, and Agile, 'Prom Sagna la Grande, both with sugar and , molasses: CLEARED. . Steamship Be Mola7, Sampson, Boston. . • Brig'lsaac Carver, Shute 'Fortress Monroe. . Vicksburg, Haskell,'New Haven. Sear L A Dannenhower, Miller, Washington. Schr Lady Ellen, Robinson, Fortress Monroe. Schr George Henry, Lowe, Alexandria. Behr Elizabeth, Brown, Pawtucket. Sehr Ocean Wave,.Baker, Salem. — Behr B S Smith, Strout, Roxbury. Behr S B Clayton,Clayten,,Bosten. Schr.Nalad Queen, Daniels, Norwich. Schr Amelia , Rebee,yrovidence. Schr I? Edwards, Blackman, Salem. . • • Schr R H Baker, Knight, Boston. Schr A Kelly; Baker New 'York. Sam M R Carlisle, dheldon, Providence.• • • Sohr Statesman, Nickerson, Boston. - • Sohr E F Meany, Wilcox, Middletown, Cont Steamer James Hand, Shropshire, New York. Steamer Philadelphia, Fultz, New York. • Steam tug Goliah, , Shaw, Hatteras Inlet. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.] • - LILWlia, Del., Sept. 14 The fleet in the Roadstoad on Sunday exceeded a.; hundred sail, all of which went tb sea early tide_ morning. Four schooners Caine in last night asiC anchored inside the Ice-hreaker, where they.remalli up to this writing, :9 A. M. Wind north. Yours .iitc ' AARON MARSHALL. COAL. • . , • 0 p r ENUIRE' - ZAOLEi VEIN "COAL, -- , . ) BRITAL IF NOr SUPERIOR LEI3IOII. -rik trial WM. tecnrehour cttStolo.,• , ':Eita and Stove ohms. SI3 per to ; :Lante Nut,4l2. OM ce.-1.21' South FOURTII - St below CbeFtant.:". - Depotr - 1419 CALLOWRILL :SLI &boo &Brood. ; ELLIS BROISON. puRE•PALM OILSOAP.—THIS SOAP ; ; -IL is made of pure, fresh Palm Olk•and Is. entirely.* vegetable Soap; more suitable' for Toilet use than those made from animal fats. In boxes of one dozen eakee..- , 'for *2 per box:' Manufactured b • ' • - • • . . 080. M. ELIGSTON Ai SON. ''No. - 'll6-MAlWANETltteagreeti, between Front' awl: Second. Jove C . allowhill. ieR-amp; : - - APPLE wilißaY. - -:::2S } BARRELS'OLD• Jersey Apple WhiskY• For sale by B. P. MIDDLSTOrf, .348-6t* 6 North FROST Street. THE PII_ESS.-PHILADELP I lA, .FRIDAY, OF,PTEMBRIt 16, 1864, UNITE.D STATES INTERNA:DREVE. • NUE. —First Collection' Distiictit Peinsylvania, comprising the. Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth , Sixth, and. Eleventh Wards of the City of Philadelphia. • NOTICE. The annual assessment for 1664 for the above-named. district, of persons liable to a tax on Carriages, Plea sure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Sliver Plate, and also of poisons require d to take out Licenses, hav ing been completed. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the undersigned, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. 16 . Sundays excepted, -at his Office, No. 304 CHESTNUT Street, second floor, on and alter THURSDAY, Sept. Ist, and until and including Saturday, Sept. 24th, next ensuing. PENALTIES. All persons Who fall to pay their annual' taxes upon carriages, billiard tables, pleasure yachts, and gold and silver plate, on or before the 24th day of September, 1664; will incur a penalty of. ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, and be liable to -costs; as pro vided for in the 19th section of the Excise Laws of Ist of July, 1963. . . • All persons who in like manner shall fail to take out • their Licenses, as required by law, on or before the 24th day of September, 1864, will incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, 'and be sub ject to a 'prosecution for three times the amount of said tax, in accordance with the provision of the 69th sec tion of the law aforesaid. • . • . . All payments are required to be made. In treasury notes,' under authority of the United States, or in notes of banks organized under the set, to provide a National Currency, known as National Banks. No further notice will be given. JBS - PER HARDING, Collector. set-424 : No. 301 CHESTNUT Street. • • TWAIN, PIPE, - DRS • VITRIFIED TERRA COTTA DRAINPIPE—aII ',dm;:freer 2 to Id. inch diameter, with,all kinds' of broaches, bends, and traps, for sale in any Quantity.: 2 lick bore per yard 35a. . • • • 4 " " " " Me. • . 6 66 66 611 C 6 70c. . 6 ,46 66 66 46 . 8 , 5,: TERRA COTTA CHIMNEY TOPP, For Cottages, Villas, or City. Houser, Patent Wind ard Tops, for curing smoky chimneys, from 2 to 8 feet ORNAMENTAL GARDEN VASES.. Fountains, Pedestals and." Statuary Maiblo Rusts Brackets, and 'Mantel Vases • • • • • - PIULADELPHIA TERRA. GOTTA •WOREB. • ioi.o.OHEsTRUS Street; L49.frnwif 8.. A- • HA.R.R.TBBIr. ipp o DR FINE, — PRACTICAD. , DEIi• TIST for.the last twenty years, 210 Irma st., below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on line . Gold, Platina, Silver,lTalcanit% Coralite, Amber, &c., at prices, for neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any Dentist in this eft) , or State. Teeth plugged to lait for liftit. Artificial Teeth repaired to snit. No pain in extracting. All work war. ranted to St • Reference; best families:, auSl-Sur ('IEREALINA; AN ARTICLE OF.DIET. N-/—Professor 'Johnston says that the Ik:4a-making ma terial rejected in making Flour, for lack of whist's° many children pine and die, is all retained in CEREALINA. Pdanufactory 1421 to 1430. VINE SL, Philada: For sale by Grocers and Druggists sel4-8t! .. JOHN G. MOSEY, Manager. fIUEEN'OF BEAUTY. . VIRGIN W&X of UNITIZES. • A new FRENCH COSMP,TIC for beantifying, • whiten. IBS, and preserving the complexion:. It is the most won derful compound of the age. There' is, neither'ohalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor tale in its composition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hens, its extraordinary qualities for preservin the skin, mak ing it soft, , smooth, fair, and transparen t.:lt makes the old appear young, the homely handsome the handsome more Inautiful, and the most beautiful divine. Price 21 and 60 cents. Prepared only by RUNT dr 00., Pedant ers, 41 South EIGHTH. Street, two doors above Chest nut, and 133 South SBVS.IITII Street. above Walnut. BRASS STENCIL ALPHABETS.. •• m. J. METCALF & SON;" ' I.OIIINION - STREBTf—BOSTON, MASS. The only Manufacturer's in the United States of Brass alphabets and Figures:to , any .grent extent ;Jr, in any variety.. Sold at wholesale at the:Lotoest Cash Pricei Also, the best .cit , INDBLIBLE. STENCIL INK, eery StenoUDies and all kinds of Stencil stook. II:L- W/Mee or orders promptly. attended to. , jy2l-3m voirrick.,GLASlql3. ; • JAMES EARLE d* SONS . 816 STIAIrT : VOW, !PI/ILA.i tail, now In store a vai7llne4niniint of • 'L;O'OKING GILASSES. 7otever7l l l l #ll44Cofkimm; .i. , '1:1 fir!' MIST IdaIiIITACTIII9IJAND LATIN' STYLI!". * ENGRAVINGS; • naafi ' VICTORS AID PROTp. 1100 and 1,13,-, BRA. TES. • Wltly w ig N ejl i ' street, :„ e. Mailiiil;cill-rki " ri VI • • ' (kilning and Ftahing Tackle, • Canes, Powder,. Shot, r."l • Wade, Caps, Ere. Onna4eidoiked, Rebored, and Repaired In the beet manner. SKATES OP ALL KINDS. • 409 CHESTNUT Street. LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS -a- OP TIIE . O . OUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. - To JOHN ELLIOTT and CliTiffkitiNE W. MORRIS, Executors of the lastiVill and Testament of HANNAH ELLIOTT, lite of the •city of Philadelphia, deceased, and to all persona interested: JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff of the city and county of Philadelphia, hereby gives notice that John T. Taitt ..bas presented to the Court of Common Pleas of the &runty of Philadelphia a petition, praying the said Court to decree and direct that satisfaction be entered by the Recorder of Deeds - for the - city and county of Philadelphia upon the Record of a certain morkage, recorded in his office in Mortgage Book M. R ,_No. 1, Page 95, &c., given by Joseph Jones to Hannah Elliott, upon, inter atia, premises situate on the north side of -Wood street, between Schuylkill Front (22d) street and Schuylkill Second (21st) street, in the said city, containing in front on said Wood street one hundred feet, and extending in depth northward one hundred feet lo a twenty-feet-wide alley; the slid mortgage be ing dated September 6th, 1814, to secure the payment of 0,000. And you are hereby recjuired to appear before said Court on or before MONDAY, the 19th day-of Sep tember, 1884, at 10 o'clock A. M., to answer the said petition, and show cause, if any you have, why the said John T: Taitt should mot have the relief i n and by. his said petition prayed for. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. an 19.461 August 18, 1864 OFFICE OF THE GUARDIANS OF TRE POOR, No. 42 North SEVENTH Street, Putnam/Lenin. September 13; 1/363. SEALED PROPOSALS will be rvceivod at the office of the Guardians of the Poor until MONDAY, September 19th, 1E64. at 12 M., for supplying the Out-door Poor. comprising the First, Second, Third, Fourth. 'Fifth, Sixth Seventh, Eighth. Ninth, Tenth: and Eleventh .Di/tri'cts. with good 'quality . large WHITE ASH NU r COAL, free from slate or other impurities, and 2,060 pounds to the ton. - - Also, good OAK WOOD, both to be delivered in such Quantities, and at such places, as may be directed. The Guardians reserving the right to reject any Or all bids. - Forms of Proposals can be had at the (AO& 8+314-wh3t CHAS. T. M 11,14113, Secretary. ZN THE COURT OF QtARTER BE9- STONE FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA. DELPHIA. In the matter of the petitiiin of THE PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY' to change tie name to the Philadelphia Fire Insurance Company. Notice is hereby given that on the 10th 'day of Septem ber, 1E64, the above petition having been read and con sidered by the Court, it was ordered and decreed that the name of The Philadelphia Fire and . Life Insurance Company be changed to• THE PHILADELPHIA FIRE MECHAM COMPANY. • • ' sel6-2t* TN THE '.ORPHANS' L .. 00tIRT FOR THEVITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of EDWARD• B. - SHOWELL, deceased. - • The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ELLEN M. SHOWELL, Ad= ministratrix of said deceased, and to make distribution of the • balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested: for the :pumas:9'l;4 - nig 'ap. poiniment, on SATURDAY, SeptentlßT . 17. 1864, at 12 o's„lock M , t his offlc!, Rtlit!last defiler .WALNUT ex i id SIXTH Streets, n the city of Philadelphia. se7.wfnibt* CEO. JUNKIN = Jr. , Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' dOIIRTFOR•THE CITY AND COUNTY 01!.Pylg,AD;LPHIl. Estate of BENJAMIN ASHBURNER. deceased. The Auditor appointed; by theConrt to audit settle, and adjust the first and Anal account of ALGERNON E. AS.HBURNER, Administrator of the Estate of said de ceased, as 111 c d•by Presley Blalciston and Sallie E. Ash burner, ex' ontors of said A. E. Aebburner, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance. in the hands of the accountant, Will meet the parties interested for the purposes epn T t U i3 RSDA is ffilf afce ternoon North SACTII. street. In o ' clock, e o c c iti a of se9- fmNviit* . CHARLES M .w.AGNER. Auditor. MMDICAL. VLECTRICAL •INSTIT.IItE. • ••=-••• COMB; YE AFFLICTED; COME!: This treatment only needs a trial lobe adopted by all. Having made many improvements in the application of this agent, we feol in duty bound to Make them public. guaranteato cure any case.',of,fever and aguo in two treatments. 'Chas also proved very successful lathe cure of the following diseases: . . Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Debility, Paralysis, Asthma, Genital weakness, • Influenza, Dyspepsia, • Spinal disease, ..Catarrh Diabetes. Ladies and gentlemen can enter at any time for fall instructions in the practice. Contultation free Office hours 9 A. K to 6 P. K. Testimonials at the office. DR. THOMAS ALLEN, Medical Electrician, sel4-tja4 • 154 N. ELEVENTH ,t., below Race TARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER. APBRIENT IS TER BEST REMEDY KNOWN , FOR ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK HEAD ACHE, COSTIVE. NESS, INDIGESTION, HEART.BURN.•SOUR • • • • • STOMACH, SEA-SICKNESS, &c.,&c. Dr. .I.AMES R. CHILTON, the great Cemist, says: know its composition, and have no doubt it will prove most beneficial in those complaints for which it is recommended." Dr. THOMAS BOYD says: !' stronglY commend it to the notice of the public. " Dr. EDWARD G. LUDLOW says: ".I can with confi dence recommend it." - • - Dr. GEORGE T. DEXTER says: "In Phanlency, Heart-burn, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Sze , the SELTZER APERIENT in my hands has proved indeed a valuable remedy." For other teetimonials eee pamphlet with each bottle • - Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO.. 278 GREENWICH Street, New York. Air FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. my24-tno3l TAYLOR'S- 'ARNICA. OIL OR EMBRO CATION never fails to cure Rheumatiam.Neuralgia, Sprains Frosted Feet, Chapped Hands, and all Elkin Dis eases. .Priae 25c. and wholesale and retail by. EL B. TAY LOR, Druggist, TENTH and CALLOWHILL. se6-3zo DR. ICIN4ELIN HAS RESUMED HIS irelrgu;rr'"Brer of GROCERIES. WHITE PRESERVILskt•BRANDY.. PURE AJMER AND Mil ' . . l 7TEEditit_ ... ,; • MUSTARD SEED, SPI CES, ALL VIE ESHIJIBITICS IPOWPRESIIILVIAGVMII 9 • ALBERT Dealer in Fine Groceries,' ! • ' ea. tf Corner SLWTENTH and TINE Sts. • ARCHER & REEVES WHOLESALE GR OCERS. ---- No: 45 North"WATER Streete.andl-..• • • - • No. 46 North DELAWARILAvenne, Offer for sale, at the Lowest Market Prices, a liigs stock of . SUGAR, - MOLASSES. COFIEE TEAS. • SPICES, . • TOBACCO, And. Groceries generally, carefully selected. for tka sountry trade. Sole Agents for the products of ll;rHrlisr .S; POGUE'S Extensive Fruit Canning Factory at Bridgeton, E. J. ar2s-6m trACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD; &a. ANA-. bble. Mass. Nos. 1,2, ands Mackerel,late• 'aught fat fish, in assorted packages. • 2,000 bble. nem Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Hainan Herring 2,600 boxes Luba*, Sealed, and no. .1 Herring. bbls neat Mess Shad. 260 boxes Herkimer county Obeese, &e., In store and for sale by MURPHY & ROOM S Je,l9-tf • No. 146 NORTH .WHARVES. T ,ATCiI.TR'S OLIVE OIL.— = 400 BAB -E-a hots fresh Latour's Olive Oil. in lots to stilt the purchaser, for sale by RHODES & WILLFAMS, an2o4 107 South WATER. Street. T lICKNOW • SAUCE.-Tl3lB CELE brated Sauce on hand R H O DESe & WILLIAMS. au2o-tf 107 South WATER Street. • REENOBLE • WALNUTS.--100 G bales Greenoble Walnut/1, in_prime order, for sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, an2o-tt 107 South WATER Street. I I AWTON BLA.CKBERRIES - HER metically Sealed, prepared this 89a110II, and re ceived direct front our factory. at Bridgeton, M. J. and for male by • RHODES St WILLIAMS'. an2o-tt • - 107.Eontb WATER Street. • - - • • •• • • U. IL - INTERNAL .REVENITE. PROPOSALS. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, PEILADELPITrA, PA., September . l6: 1861. ' 'bEfiLED PROPOSAL'S will:be received at this office until - FRIDAY, 12 o'clock M. September. 21d t 1861, for immediate delivery of the following described stove.': 12 Iron inStoves, Mott's Patent, (3 No: 8, 3 No. 10, ' 3 No. 12, 3 No. ) 150 Niagara Cook Stoves, With • tares complete. (25 No. 7, 25 No. 8, 50 No. 9, 50 No. 10,) 50 Roger Williams' Cook Stoves, extra large, with fix tures compls te. To be of best quality and the stoves to be furnished in the shortest possible time and subject to inspection. Bidders to furnish one.of 'each eize as a sample. Bidders will state price both in writing and figures, number of each sizchid for, and' the shortest time re quired for'doli very. Price to include boxing and deli very. . Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sona, whose signatures must be appended'to the gua rantee. and eertified to an being good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved by the Ur ited States District Judge, Attorney . , or Collector, or other public officer, o th erwise the bid will not be considered. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high and no bld from a defaulting contractor will be re ceived. • For further Information call at the office, No. 1139 OIRARD Street. By order of Col. A. J. Perry: Quartermaster's De partment, G. S. A. GEORGE R. ORME, sel6.7t Captain and A. O FFICE . A:ldeft CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE,' TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, l'iiii,Anar.pnte, September 15. 1664. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until TUESDAY, the 20th instant, for supplying the Sehuylkill 'Arsenal with the following articles: • Dark-blue Thread No SO, patent. Dark-blue Thread No. 40, patent. Flag Thimbles (galvanized). Petroleum Paper, 56 x 42. Sewing Twine. 119 x. . . The bids will state the number or quantity of cash hind of article proposed to be delivered. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, w boss signatures must be appended to the gua rant( a. end untitled to, as being good and enfficient security for the amount involved, by some public func tionary of the United States. Bide from defaulting contractors, and those that do "notizaty comply with the requirements of this Myer-. tirement, wit, not be considered. • Blank forms for proposals, embracing the terms of the guarantee required on each bid, can be bad on ap plication at this office, and none others which do not embrace this guarantee will be considered, nor will any proposal be considered which does not str i ctly con form to the requirements therein stated. Samples of .the articles proposed to be delivered by any of the bidders will be submitted with their bids. • Proposals will be endorsed "Proposals for Army Sup plies, arid will be addressed to . • Colonel ALEX. J. PERRY, ml6-4t, Quartermaster's Department, 11. 9. Army. • • (ITTARTERMASTER'S OPFICE, PITTLADELPRiA, PENNA., Sept. 16, 1884. •" SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until Tuesday, 12 o'clock Id., September 20th, 1864, for immediate delivery, of the following described stoves; 900 18- i do nch cylinder gas-burner. SOO 16 do do 00 12 do Ito d -150 14 do do. . d o 27 10 do do de To be • made of • No. 20 wire nage, beet quality of American iron,the Moves to be furnished in the shortest Poseible time—to be made in manner, and sub- Ject to inspection, Bidders to furnish , one of each eize as a eample. • •.. • • • Bidders will state price, both in•writing and figures; number of each size bid for, and the shortest time re quired for delivery. PriceAo include boxingand de livery. Each bid must be - guaranteed by two responsible perr sons, whose signatures must be appended to the guar antee, and certified to as being good and sufficient se curity for. the amount involved, by the United States District Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or oi her public officer, otherwise the bid will not be considered. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be re • ceived For further Information, call at the office, No. 1139 GIRARD Street. By order or Colonel A. J. Perry, Quartermaster's De partment 11. S. A. sel6.llt ONO. R OBME Captain and A. Q. M; OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SII B SISTENCE, No. 828 WALNUT Street. • • PEILADHLPUIA, September 15, 1884. SEALED PROPOSALS IN DUPLICATEO will be re °lived at this office until 12 o'clock M. on' TUESDAY. September 20, 1864. for- supplying, for the use. of the United States Army, the following subsistence stores, delivered in Philadelphia, viz: . • £O3 Barrels Bret-quality corn-fed " MESS. " or "PRIME MESS " PORK (which to be stated), - of the pack of 186374, in fall-boon oak barrels, with iron master hoops; meat to be free from rust ..or stain, fall weight, and .thoroughly salted; to have been repacked within thirty • days of date of delivery. To be delivered within twenty days from award. 100,003 Pounds first-quality BACON SHOULDERS, packed without pressure, in tight tierces of uni form size. To be deliVered within twenty daya from award. • 203 Barrels , EXTRA MESS BEEF, in full-hooped • 'oak barrels, with iron master hoops. Beef to be new, fall weight (200 ponnds), , and thoroughly • salted. 600,000 Pounds first- quality PILOT BREAD, to be made from good, sound " extra Flour, " thoroughly baked and perfectly dried before being packed. To be packed in boxes of well-seasoned wood, of such a kind as will not impart taste to the bread; boxes to contain fifty pounds net. To be delivered within twenty days. 9,000 Barrels EXTRA SUPERFINE or EXTRA PAU!- . LY. FLOUR (which to be, stated), in well coopered and head-lined barrels. To have • been ground within thirty days of date of this advertisement, from new winter wheat. Name of brands and place of mattufactare to - be mentioned in the bid. To be delivered ' within ten daye. • 31,200 Pounds first-quality kiln-dried CORN MEAL, in well-coopered, head lined barrels, brand to be mentioned. To be _delivered within ten • days. 50,000 Pounds new WHITE-BEANS, in well-cooPered barrels. To be delivered within ten days, - 60,000 Pounds PRIME BICE. In well- coopered bar; refs. To be delivered within ten days. 100,000 Pounds PRIME . RIO COFFEE.' in doable linen bags. To be delivered within ten days. -10,000 Pounds first-quality CHULAN TEA, in original half-pound papers.- Sample to be an orignal. paper. To be delivered within ten days.. 100,000 Pounds light yellow COFFEE SUGARR, or choice dry RAW SUGAR. Barrels to be the best in use for the purpose. To be delivered within ten days. . • • . 10,003 Gallons pure CIDER, WHISKY, or CORN VINE. GAR, in strong, well- coopered barrels. 5,000 Pounds first-quality. ADAMANTINE CANDLES, fullweight, 12s. To be delivered within ten days. 50,C00 Pounds good bard SOAP, in pound bars, full weight, packed in sixty-pound boxes. To be • delivered within twenty days 60,000 Pounds clean, tine, dry SALT, in strong , well coopered barrels. To' be delivered within ten days. 6,000 Gallons SYRUP MOLASSES, in strong, well coopered barrels. To be delivered within' ten days. Bidders who are unable to deliver the stores within the time above stated will state the shortest time in which they can be delivered. Samples of all the above articles, except meats, must be delivered with the proposal, and referred to therein, but the proposals must not be enclosed with the sample. Samples of Pilot Bread, Flour,Corn Meal, Beans, Rice, Coffee, Sugary Candles. Soap, and Salt must be in boxes, and not in paper parcels. Sample of tea as above stated. upon The meats will be examined and passed oby John (*.Taylor, inspector on the part of the United States. Proposals are required in duplicate, and on separate sheets for each article. A printed - copy of this advertisement must be attached to each proposal, and the proposals must be specific in 'complying with all its terms. Each proposal must have the written guarantee of two responsible names for the fulfilment of the agree ment, who will give bonds if required. Blank forme for proposals, containing the form of guarantee, may be bad on application at this office. The seller's name, date of -purchase, name of con tents, gross, tare, and net weights, must be marked on every package, and all old marks must be obliterated: No bids from parties who have failed to fulfil a tomer. agreement will be considered. Bids Will include packages, and delivery at any point. In this city, to be designated by this office; and any in-• ferior packages or cooperage will be considered sniff. dent CallEo for rejection:of contents. Payment will be made in such funds as may be (us nisbed by the United States for the purpose. Proposals to be endorsed " Proposals for Subsistence Stores," and directed to QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, PHTLADr.LPHIA. FA.. Sept. 13; 1 8 8 .1. SEALED PROPOSALS.wiII be received at this office until SATURDAY, 12 o'clock If. ,__September 17, 1864 for immediate delivery, at the Hanover-street Store house. in this city, of the following-described CAR. RIAGE BOLTS: • • 5,C00 6 inch by )i inch. 8,000 6 inch by - 6.16 inch. 2,000 53G inch by 5.16 inch. 7,000 5 inch by inch. 6,0035 inch by 5-16 inch. la, 000 4)ilnch by 34 inch. • 4,000 4 inch by X inch. 9,0004 inch by X inch: - 3,000 4 inch by 5.16 inch. 3.000334 inch by X inch. 2,000 sx inch by 3f inch. 4,000 334 inch by y, inch. d,0002 inch by t inch. - B,OOOI X inch by X' inch.' 2000 7 inchby . inch. . ...All to be of t e best quality and the best make, And Embiect to inspection. Bid ders will state price both in writing and in II gate% :quantity ()teach, size bid for, and the shortest possible time required for delivery; price to include package and ''''' • • delivery . Each bid mustbe guaranteed by two responsible per sons; whose signatures must be appended to the grim rantee and certified to as being good and sufficient sem rity for the Attorney,lved. by the United States Dis trict Judge, or Collector, or other public offi ce otherwise the bid will not be considered. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed .too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor .will be received. • . . For further information call at the office. No. 1139 GIRARD Street. . . By order of Col. A. J. Perry, Quartermaster's De partment. GEORGE °BAH, sel3-6t • Captain and A. Q. M. PROPOSALS FOR COAL. OFFICE OF NAVY AGENT, PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 9; 1864. PEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until SATURDAY. September 17th, 12 o'clock; for the following sizes and kinds of coal for Ordnance purposes, in t,be fiscal year ending June 30th, 1866: • • For smelting, ONE HUNDREDAND FIFTY (160) tons of Lehigh coal. For gunner's loft, TEN (10) tons of Lehigh coal. For blacksmiihing, ONE HUNDRED AND. FIFTY (166) tons of Bituminous coal. For brazing, soldering, etc., SIX HUNDRED BAR: EELS of Charcoal. . The above coal to be of the best quality and subject to inspection before acceptance, to be 'delivered free of ex pense to the Government, and all to be delivered_ by the Ist November, 1864. JAMES 8. CHAMBES, • • selo St . • ' Navy . Agent., . • • • - va P SAL,S s FOR HATS, CAPS, utots..DßY GOODS SBWING‘MATBRIALS;fite. /41.141:1ARTBILIES DEPARTMENT OP WABIIINGTON; • OPPIOB OP CRIB, QUARTERMABTEI L. WAIININGTON, August 11; lam MUTT= PROPOSALS will be received at this °Mee ' until further notice, for furnishing the following art!-; -else for use of contraband men, _women, and children in this Deparment: • - .Brogans (rueset , figc.), and 'other serYiceable 'Boots and Shoes for Men. women, and children's woer. Chip,'felt, and Woolen Bate,' and cloth Caps. '• ' ' - Kersey, Linsey, Gingh ems, Calicoes, Blankets, and. other woolen and cotton goods. Hickory • Stripe (for shirts), Bedticitifig, =bleached Muslin, woolen Socks and Burlaps.: . . Spool Cotton black and white; linen Thread, ' Bone suspender Buttons. large 'Buttons for coats: • '• White porcelain 'Buttons, . Yarn, Needles, and other sewing materials and trimmings. ' • • • •Samples should be sent with each bid,' at the expense of the party.forwarding the same. " • • • An oath of allegiance should accompany each bid No verbal proposition will be entertained, bat every bid; or modification of the same, must be in writing. Purchases will be made, from time to time, as the goods are needed, under contract or otherwise, as the interests of the service may require. good security will be required for the faithful fulfil ment of any contract made ander this advertisement. Proposals should be sealed and addressed to the nu dersig-ned, and endorsed "Proposals for furnishing Dry Goode, dm." BLIAS M. GRUBS, Lieutenant Colonel and. Chief Quartermaeter Dowd ment of Washington '• ,• . , • • an26-m :PROPOSALS.'HEAD • PIITLADELPHTA, SePteMber 13th, 1564. SEALED PROPOSALS will bei.received at the otheetof the tuadersinned,'No. 1103 GIRARD Street, until noon . of MONDAY, 26th inst. , for 'delivering at the 11. S. Warehouses, Ranover-street wharf, on or before OC TOBBR 16tb..156.1: . - • 1,000 Walnut Tablets, or Head Boards; with oval top, each 4 feet long 10 inches wide, 1;i• inches thick, 'smoothed on all aides and oiled. • A sample' must be sent with each Proposal; AO must be similar to aample trowel - 4We office: • Proposals will be received for the whole or part of the above. . No proposals will be received unless prouealy filled in npon blanks; which can be had at this office, and most be guarantied by perscins known . at this office to.gbe re: 'mental°. • The United States reserves the. right to - reject all bids deemed Incompatible, with its interests By order of CoL Peru, Q 111- Dep't II S. A. ALBERT S. ABEEMBAD. E elidt26 Captain and A. Q. M. ..- T)R'OP.OSALS FOR STRAW FOR HOSPITALS, &c. PRILADELPICIA, Sept. 18, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at•the office'of - thee undersiKned, - No.-.1103 GIRARD Street, until noon of TIIESDAY,'27th instant, fortfurnisbing to the United States; for six mouths, commencing. October Ist, 1864 , all the Straw required for use at the various hosPitals, barracks, and other public buildings. or camps. within the limits of :the.3filitary District of Philadelphia, in cluding Chester, : Chestnut:MlL Germantown; Nice town, Haddington, Spring Mill. Fort Mifflin, White Et all, aid Baverly, as well as any others that may be established within that time. • • Proposals must state the prices separately for rye and IsSheatleirisw..*:in. Brindles antVlialea, and must include. the delivery wherever ordered. - • No proposals will bo received unless properlvillled is upon blanks, which can be bad at this °Bice, and.must ,he guarantemkby-per,ser,known at , this othce to be re. The Ur Red States reserves the right, to reject:ill bide deemed incompatible with its interests. By order of Colonel Alex J. Perry, Qaartermaster'S Impertinent B. A.. . ALBERT R. ASHiIIEADL Captain, A, Q. , /Ls; T'IIEtAIiIIES 4 IIIDpLETONi', •••, LUDT MERCHANT. SECOND AND WILLOW STREETS, PIT lI.A.DF.T.I.MA. scrap Iron purchalisti and for bale ISAAC B. wrGarN, Captain and C. S. Vols.; QUARTERMASTEVS OFFICE, ' . L . SepteMber 6 1664. SEALED PROPOSALS willte'received at this office until MONDAY, 26th instant, at 12 o'clock M. ' for fur nishing ANTHRACITE STEAMER COAL for the War Department, fora period of six months, commencing Ist October, 1964, and ending Slat Match; 11366. Coal to he of , the beet • quality • Anthracite, for the .use of steamers to weigh '2,240 lbs to the ton, and to be snhieot to inspec tion.-. ; • The Coal is to be delivered on board vessels In the Morts of . PhiladalUkia' or New York, in each quantities and at ench times as maybe required; furnishing, ,if de manded, of usand tons per. week. In case of fai l ure to deliver the Coal in properquan tity, and at the proper time and place, the Government - reserves the right to make good any deficiency by par 'chase at the contractor's risk and . ex_pense. Thelerice must be :given seperately for the Coal delivered On board of vessels at this port and at New York, on the terms and.conditions above stated. Twenty per cent. will be withheld from the amount of all payments made, which reservation is no comp l eted until the con tract shall have been fully Payments, cif the remaining eighty per cent. , or balance due, will be made. monthly, when the Department is in funds for that purpose. , Each offer must be accompanied by a written guaran tee, signed by two or more responsible • parties, ' (their responsibility to be certified by a United States District Judge, Attorney, or Collector,) that the bidder or bid ders will, if...hie _of_their bid be accepted,• enter-into . - written obligation, with good and sufficient sureties in the sum of one hundred thoutand dollars. to tarnish the proposed supplies. 'No 'proposition will be conk derail unless the terms of this advertisement are cont.' gilled with: • The'right is reserved to relict all the bids if cbusldeg • ed to be to the intermit of the; service to do so, and no. bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. • Proposals to be exidorsed; ''Proposida for Coat for the' .War Department," and addressed to the •undersigned.r , By order of Colonel A: 'J..Perry, Qoartermastees'Dez partment, .S. A'. •- ' • ' (1110. R. ORME, sa6-11it 1:1 Captain and A. Q. 'M. CARD AND "AMOY JOB PRINTEVi; at 11 1111tRANII1/19111% uil. 1 4 4111T1 WO )Y6 314" PROPOSALS. PROPC SALE FOR HAY. • • OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTEXCIL 2243 "0" Street, WASHINGTON. Sept. P. 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS. in duplicate,for one hundred (100) tons of good merchantable HAY. will be received at this office until THURSDAY, the 22d day of Septem ber, 1584 Proposals must be endorsed " Proposals for Bay, " and none will be entertained unless they folly comply- with all the requirements of this advertisement. Bidders must give their names in full, and each pro papal must 'be accompanied by an oath of allegiance. and a guarantee. signed by not lees than two reep.onsible persons, that, if a contract is awarded to the party or parties proposing, the contract will be accepted and en tered into, and good and sufficient security furnished for the execution of the contract as Proposed The right to reject any and all proposals that may be made tinder this advertisement is reserved by the Government, it in its opinion the public interest require. If proposals ate made by a firm, the name of all the parties must appear, or the individual who signed the bid will be held responsible for the fulfilment of the contract, if hi s proposal Is accepted, and will be required to furnish the above specified guarantee. The usual form of guarantee must accompany each proposal, and parties to whom awards are made must be prepared to execute contracts at once, and to give bonds equal in amount to one-half the sum to be re ceived on the contract, signed by the contractor and both of. his guarantors. Satisfactory evidence of the loyalty and solvency of each bidder and person offered as secnrity will be re-. quired. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the near est District Court, or of the United States District At torney. If any bidder to whom an award may be made refuses to enter into contract agreeably with the terms of this advertisement, or who, after signing the contract or bond s shall neglect or refuse to execifte the same within ti e time prescribed, as well in quality as in quantity; then the Commissary shall have the right to supply such deficiency bypurchase in open market, charging inch delinquent bidder or contractor with the advance paid over the bid or contract: • Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered, nor willswards be made to any person or persons who Dave heretofore failed to fulfil their agreements or con tritetti with lhe Goyernment. • Bidders must be present _at the opening of their bids to respond to their names. The Bay, to be• delivered either in Washington or Alexandria, in bales, properly secured, free of all cost of transportation or handling. All Hay contracted for under this advertisement wilt be rigidly inspected, and such as does not prove of a nod merchantable quality will be rejected. The Hay will be paid for in such funds as the Government may have on baud to disburse upon the completion of the contract, or as soon thoteaftor as the proper officer shall be in [nude. Delivery of the . - hay to commence within. fifteen (15) days from the data of the contract, and to be completed by the Ist day of November, MK Proposalsmust be addressed to the undersigned. 0. BELL, Lieut. Col. and C. S. PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY. HOUSE OF'REPRF.3BETATiVES UNITED STATES. CLERK'S OFFICE. August 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until FRIDAY, the 30th day.of September, 1534, at 12 o'clock M. , for furnishing each of the following classes of stationery for the nee of the House of Representa tives of the United States, viz •100 reams white quarto post paper, extra superfine, feint lined. /DO reams white commercial note paper, extra so- Perfine, feint lined. 2.5 reams white commercial- note paper, extra en- Perfine, coarse ruled on all aides. 30 reams white commercial note: paper, extra sa perfine, plain. 60 reams white foolscap paper, extra superfine, feint -lined. 25 reams legal cap paper, extra superfine, feint lined. 10 reams fiat cap paper, Plain -150 reams thin Manilla paper. 800 reams Manilla paper. 12 by 19 inches, weighing 11 pounds per ream, very tough and smooth. 800 reams Manilla paper, 19 by 24 inches, weighing 22 pounds per ream, flat, very smooth and tough: 200 reams Manilla paper, 27 by 37 Inches, weighing 42 pounds per ream, fiat, very smooth and tough. 76,000 white thick adhesive envelopes,6gby33; inches. 80,000 white thick adhesive envelopes, 6 3;09 3 .54 inches. 20,000 white thick adhesive envelopes, 83‘by32( inches. • 16,000 white thick adhosiiie envelopes, 83iby3Ig inches. 6,000 fancy note envelopes. 100,000 buff adhesive envelopes, 73‘ by EX inches. 1 gross Congress tie envelopes. 260 boxes steel pens, various kinds. • „ti gross 4-inch flat inkstands. 12 dozen inkstands, various kinds. 10 dozen bottles best black ink, quarts, pints, and half pints. 3 dozen bestblne ink, quirts and pints. 16 dozen rubber pencils, longand short. 3 dozen gold mounted pencils, various kinds. 6 gross black lead pencia, Faber'e octagon and • round, No. 2. gross Faber's carmine and blue pencils. 8 gross pen-holders, various kinds. 6 dozen rubber pen-holders, different sizes. . 6 dozen bottles mucilage:small sizes. ' • 10 dozen packs visiting cards. ' .76 spoolspink tape. . 25 pounds best scarlet sealing wax. 6 dozen d iaries, for 1865, various kinds. 15 dozen memorandums, various kinds. 2 dozen portfolios. 12 dozen pater-foldera. • 3 dozen rubber ruler's. 2 dozen paper weights. 12 doyen pen-wipers. M dozen pocket knives, two; three, four and six blades; stag, pearl, shell, and ivory handles. 1 ds zen 9-inch shears. 6 pounds erasing rubber. 6 gross robber lands and rings. MO skins parchment, 16 by 22 inches. 2_dozen sponge cups. 1 dozen punches. In the supply of goods, contractors will be rigidly re quired to furnish articles fully equal to sample. . Proposals must be accompanied by the names of the sureties intended to be offered. As required by law, preference Will be given to the productions of American industry, if equally cheap and of as good quality; and all persons making propo- : sale to supply any class of articles will state whether the same are the manufacture of the United States. The articles are to be delivered, free of an charge for carriage, at the office of the Clerk of the Rouse of Re- Presentatives, on or before the lith day of November, E 64 Each proposal to be endorsed " Proposals for Station ery for the noose of Representatives of the United States, " and addressed to the undersigned. Sufficient specimens of each class of articles proposed for must accompany the proposal, marked with the name of the bidder. The perSOn Offeii . nt to furnish any class of articles at the lowest price, quality considered, shall receive a oontract for the se me on executing a bond, with two or more sureties, satisfactory to the Clerk of the House of Represet tativer, for the performance of the same, un der a forfeiture of twice the contract price, in case of failure, which bond must be flied in the office of the said Clerk within ten days after the proposals have been opened and the result declared. EDWARD MoPHERSON, Clerk of the House of Representatives of E. S. tell). 6t P ROPOSALS FOR THE INTERMENT OF DECEASED SOLDIERS. - PIIMADELPITTA, Sept. 13, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the undersigned, No. 1103 GIRARD Street,.until noon of WEDNESDAY, 28tEinst:; . for the interment, daring 'the term of six months„eommlincing OCTOBER 1, 1864, of all deceased soldiers within the limits of the Military Dislrict of Philadelphia, including Chester, Chestnut Hill, Germantown, DTicetown, Haddington, Springhill, Fort Mifflin, Camp William Penn, White Hall, and Beverly, as well as any other Hospitals, Barracks, or Camps that maybe established within that term. Proposals must include a plain but neat pine collie, stained; the use of .a hearse; a' burial place; lettering, and setting up at each grave of a headboard (to be fur nished by - the Government), and all charges necessary to make the burial complete. Separate proposals may be for Warded for White Halt' and Beverly, where there are Government Cemeteries established.. . . No proposals will be received unless proPerly fled in upon blanks, which can be had at this office; and mast be go aranteed by persons known at this office to'be re sponsible. . The. United States reserves the right to reject all bids deemed incompatible with its interests- By order of Colonel Alex. J Perm Q. M. DL 11. S. A. ALBERT S. ASFIMEAD, sell-tse2f3. Captain and A. Q. 'PROPOSALS FOR HARNESS IRONS.. • ORDNANCE OFFICE, WAR DRPARTMENT, ' WARRINGTON, September 1, ISSI. PROPOSALS will be received by this Department 'until SATURDAY, the 17th day of September, at four o'clock P. M., for the delivery at the Springfield Ar ntory, Mass. Watervliet, Frankfort., or He Work, Ar senals, of 6,0'00 single sets of Wrought Iron for United States Artillery Harness. The' Harness Irons are to be packed in well-made boxes; containing twelve single sets each, being an as sortment for four wheel and eight lead horses; and each twelve sets, so packed, will consist of the following pieces: ' 3 palm long Fames, complete. S pairs short Hamm, complete. 6 pairs medium Fames, complete. 48 Trace Clips, with 144 rivets. 4 Double Loops or Ryes. ' 32 Saddle Loops (bent for cantle.) 24 Trace Byes. 24 long Chains, with toggles. 4 Breast Hooks. • ' 2 Leg Guards, with ten rivets. 6 Saddle Loops, straight, for riding-saddle pommel. These Harness Irons are to conform strictly in pattern and weight to the model sets .to be seen, at this office and at the Springfield Armory; are to be smoothly finished; are to fill the standard gauges, and each piece is to be made of the size and kinl of iron preacri. bed in the official bill of iron,_ copies of Age ncy, can be obtained at this office, at the New York and at ' ....the Springfield Arleen , - All t rons are to be well japanned—the japan to be of the be s t quality, and well baked on. They are to be' inspection at the factory where made, before . and after japanning. - . . The Eames be marked with the maker's name, the size, and the letters U.' S. A. The latter letters one fourth of an inch high. . All the pieces are to be pit lip in proper bundles, Pro- Pe prescribedd; and each box is to be carefully packed. as by the Inspector. The packing-hog to be mitt for at the Insector's valuation. Deliveries are top e made at the rate of not less than sixty sets per day, commencing on the Ist day of Octo her, 1864, neat. Failure to deliver at the specified time will subject the contractor to a forfeiture of the number he may fail •to deliver at that time. - • • No bide will be - considered except from, parties ac tually engaged 'in • the manufacture of this or similar -- kinds of iron work, and who can bring ample evidence that they hare in" their own' shops all the machinery and appliances for turning out the full amountof work specified per day.' • GUARANTEE. • - • 7 The bidder will be required to accompany his prow , ' idtion with's, guarantee signed by two responsible Per- Skins; that, in case his bid ne accepted, he will at once ex . ecute The contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties, in' a 'sum equal to the amount of,the con ' tract s niteliver the articles prOposed, in conformity with the terms' of this advertisement; !and in case the said. bidder 'should fail to enter into the contract, they to aloe* good the difference between the offer of said bid. ' der and the nest responsible bidder, or the person to' _whore' the contract may be awarded. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dis trict Court, or of the United States District Attorney. • Bonds- in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, aitned by the contractor and both of his guarantors, 'WHIbe required of the successful bidder •or bidders -11pon signing the contract. FORM OF . GITARANTER " We; the undersigned, residents of in the county .411 —;' and State of ---, hereby • jointly and save- Willy covenant-with the United States, and guarantee, In case the foregoing bid of -- bo accepted, that he or they will at once execute the contract for the same, • With good and sufficient sureties; in a sum equal• to the amount of the contract, to furnish the articles proposed . in conformity with the terms of this advertisement; dated Sept. 1, ' 1864; under which the bid was made; and in. . case the said —-- shall fall to enter into a " : contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to notice good the difference between- the offer of the said . — • • and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the Demon to whom the contract may be awarded. • - .wi t i e i s: 1 Given under our hands and sealants . e' day of —. 186---. - : _ Meal.] .CSeal. To this guarantee must be aPPended the ofticial certi ficate above mentioned. • Forms of bid can be obtained at any of the above named arsenals. Proposals not made out on this form ,will•not be received. • Bids Will be received for the enttre number or any part thereof; and bidders will state the arsenal at which they can deliver, and the number of sets at each, if for more than one. . • The Department reserves the Tight to reject any or all the bids,if deemed nnsatistory on any account. Proposals will be addressed to • • BRIGADIER OEIIII - (2/30.E08 D. UNSAY, Chief of Ordnance, Wash ington, D. C.," and will be endorsed "Proposals for Harness Irons." • GEO. D.: RAMSAY, ses-121 . Ads. Gen.. Chief of Ordnance. . . AIIC!1'IQli ~.. cBALE 80 VuRNE6s,": BRENLNI: a- co.. No. 615 CMISTrr and 611 JAYNE Streets. lIOTICE T 4 l DEALERS rit SONNET RIBBONS. -VEL VET h I BBOA S, VELVETS, SILKS, CRAPES, LACES. ' &c. A C AHD. —Tbe attention of the trade is reottested to the large assortmen tof bonnet ribbons, plain and fancy velvet riblons silks, velvets, English crapes, malice lacer, Ste., to be sole this morning, Friday, September 16th, a t 10 o'clock, compth ing the best assortment offered this season. BONNET SILKS, VELVETS, CRAPES, LACES, dcc. THIS MORNING, 50 pieces colored bonnet silks. MI piton colored Florcoces. 50 pieces Lyon4colored velvets. 15 pieces black velvets. 52-inch black mantilla velvets. _ _ _ ALSO, English blank crepes, malice laces. Illusions. &c. SPECIAL SALE OF BONNET AND TRIMMING (RIBBONS. _ : _ TRISMORNINQ.. September 16th, at 10 o'clock, on 4 Months' credl t -600 cartons bonnet and trimming ribbons, jnbt landed, consisting of—, cartons No's. 4@5 corded edge ponit de sole ribbons, of the most deshable shades. cartons Nos.10(060 corded edge poult de sole ribbons. cartons Nos. 12(4100 ex. quality Scotch plaid do. cartons No. 10067 broths figured do. - do. cartons Nos: lnEO splendid quality triple chain do. cartons plain colored do. All fresh goods, tust landed. VELVET RIBBONS. Celebrated Steamboat Brands.• Full line Nos. 1 to 110 black silk velvet ribbons. . white and fancy edge velvets. Lino assorted colors velvets do. scarlet velvet do. ENGLISH BLACK CRAPES. Also, an invoice of English black crapes. LARGE .SALE OF BRITISH. .843 CONY. GERMAN, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING, September 20t2, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit, ' a large assortment of fancy and staple goods. FRENCH FLANNELS, WOOL PLAIDS, SILK TAR TANS, &c. Just Landed. • ON TUESDAY . MORNING. 76 pieces splendid style and quality all-wool Paris flannels. HO pieces Eplendid new style all-wool plaids. 2(0 pieces Union do. do. 160 pieces very rich silk tartans. 100 pieces extra quality high. colored plaid poll de chevres. PARIS TWEET SHAWLS, LONG, SQUARE, AND STELLA SHAWLS. 200 Paris black mode and brown thibet shawls, silk fringes. 200 Paris black mode wool fringes long and square shawls. 200 Paris very rich broths stella shawls. Superfine centres, rich and wide borders. ALSO. ON TUESDAY MORNING. SALE OF 5,000 DOZEN-GLOYES, The balance of a celebrated importation, • tximPriallig fall lines of ladies', men's, and children's kid finish. cloth, merino, wool-lined, cotton, and silk gloves and ganntlets. all choice styles and assortments, salted to the very best trade.. ALSO.. &,000 DOZEN -COTTON;HOSESRY; Consisting of— . Full lines ladies' white andlrown cotton hose. Fall lines men's brown mixed and white X hose. • • Full lines undressed half hose, superior quality. Full lines children's white and brown. hose. Famines boys' brown and mixed half hose. N. B.—The particular attention' of the trade is re quested to this sale, as it will be the most'important one made this season, all being fresh and desirable goods. SPECIAL SALE OF 3000 PIECES SAXONY WOVEN ESS GOODS, Just landed. Of theimportation of Messrs. Henry Schmievier & Son. ' ON TUESDAY MORNING, September 20th, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four months' credit— Comprising some extra rich goods, of the newel styles. • N• B.—Partictdars hereafter. FOR SALE AND TO :LET. FOR SALE-THE THREE-STORY Brick Dwellings/10. Blb Broad street and 1341 N. Seventh street. • TATIO W JACKSON, eel4-6t* , 614 CHESTNUT. Street. a: FOR SALE-TILE; , LARGE,, NEW ASII three-story STORE:andMWELLING, lot I_9' by 04 feet, southeast corner of FIFTEENTH and mA.STEIR. Streets; two-story back boildinge.lritli. goo,. heaters. range, hot-and-cold bath. A splendid location for a Drug or Grocery store. Beautiful and fast-im_proving neigh borhood. Will be sold by M. THOMAS & SONS. by public sale, at the Exchange, at noon, on TUESDAY, September 20. Five thousand dollars oan remain. _ . Immediate possession previous to sale. en FOR SALE—STORE 'AND AwnDWELLING. excellent stand, 'No. LIM Ridge ave nue. Lot IBxll/5 feet. B. F. GLENN, la 3 8. FOURTH Street,and. 8. W. oor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN . _ FOR BALE-A VALUABLE BUSI mi. NESS STAND, at Twelfth and Spring Garden tits., consisting of Store. room and Dwelling, containing 8 rooms and bath. Terms easy. Inquire 56 N. FOURTH St ,2d story. Immediate possession risen. au3o-110 at FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP.- LARGE AND HANDSOME RESIDENCE, South west corner of FORTY-FIRST and WEST/MINSTER avenue, Twenty-fourth ward; L 3 rooms, gas, hot and. cold water throughout the house, stable in rear of lot. fine fruit and shade trees. Size of lot, 120 feet front by 179 feet deep. Price 1110,000, clear of incumb , ance. Terms easy. Also, Two very desirable COTTAGES on HALEY Street, near Westminster avenue; have all modern im provements, 10 rooms. Size of lots, each 25 feet front by 1.15 feet deep. Price 53,500, each. Terms easy. Also, a number of desirable Houses, at from $l,BOO each to $16,000, in all parts of the city. Apply to . SAMUEL P. HUTCHINSON, or • .7. WARREN COULSTON, au2.stl • No. 124 South SIXTH Street. FOR - SALB--HANDSOME DWELL ING, No. 1606 Master Street.' Lot 20 by 161 feet. Handsome Dwelling 1910 Wallace sheet ; possession in 30 days. " Store - Store and Dwelling South side of Pine, above Twelfth. Neat Dwelling, North Sixteenth street, below Green. Small Dw. ft ing; 2639 Ellsworth atreet. • Neat Dwelling, Vine street, above Twentieth. . Neat Dwelling, North' street, west of Sixteenth. Neat Dwelling,Mrdvany street, north•of Master. • B. F. GENN,.I93 South FOURTH Street xBlO S. LW SEVENTEENTH and N. da LAROE': . ".6.I`II) : NALUABLE . PRO -Ara PERTY SALE;—The very las ge and commo dious LOT and . BUILDING, No. 808 CHERRY Street, near the centre of business, containing 60 feet on Cherry street, depth 106 'feet. being 78 fees wide on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening. to a,large cart-way leading to Cherry street. Its advantages, of SIZE AND POSITION ' are rarely met with. • - - apply on the premileg ' ' ; sel2-3m• GiRMANTOWN PROPERTY.- mra,FOR SALE, a commodious double Stone DWELL ING, situate on Main street, :with an acre of ground attached, in a high state of cultivation. App'y to E. McCALLA, sel2•tf • - 1B South SECOND Street. COAL AND TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE,. 6,609 acres in Lycoining county, Pa. 10 000 acrei in Potter county. , 1,(0) acres in Elk county. . 10,000 acres. Lead Ore Land In Missouri. 20,(0) acres Taney county band, in Missouri. With other large and small bodies of Timber and Farm Lands. sell) 8.. F. GLENN, 123 Smith FOURTH Street. ja FOR SALE—AN EXCELLENT ..11—TABlif of over 130 acres, In Kontitbniery cunintY., 82 miles from Philadelphia, at Avery low price: SOU good and in excellent condition.' Good buildings, a Ta rlety of fruit, &c. Will be sold much below its price, SEAM if sold soon. B. F. GLENN,. se3-tf - 123 South FOURTH Street. ab FOR SALBA VERY DESIRABLE and highly itaprOveil FARM, a few miles out, con eighty.acres; railroad station.. on the premises, at which there are three trains atop to and from the city daily. Tho buildings are very superior; line spring_ 0f.... water, with spring -house at the buildings, arc. For farther particulars apply to • E. PETTIT, • 323 WALNUT Street. Call and examine Register of Farms and Country Places, with a few acres of ground. se& tf FOR SALE- • . • A VALUABLE FARM. 84 acres, 10 acres of timber land, 'in splendid order, good fences and improvements, 'BO tone of hay, also wheat, rye, oats, corn and straw, and stall and com plete stork of horses, cows Arc., and all kinds. : inaimplements; 14:mile:s out from the city, on turnpike and within 135 miles from railroad station; live or . six trains daily to and from city. For further information inquire of the owner at No. 2103 SPRING GARDEN Street. ALSO, anew and splendidly I;nilt three-story Dwell ing, with all the modern improvements, front and side yard, most pleasant and desirablelocation in the city, just finished and ready for occupancy. Inquire at 2103 SPRING GARDInf Street. sq.--I.2t* WATER POWER TO RENT. Ai 1 - 1...7 to DAVID' MILLAS. Newark, Del. 5.r..2-33a- EIACpAMaIf, 44111:f ;IRON. • A y .tx , E'N-11- 7 :BTEADI ENGrail - AND BOILER WORKS. —NEAFIE St LEVY, PRACTICA.L.AND THEORETICA_L ENGINEERS, MA CHINISTS; BOILER-MAKERS, .BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS; having for many years been in successful, operation, hand beetiexclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low prem.' sure, Iron Boilers, Water. Tanks, Propellors, &c. , dos., respectfully 'offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Ma rine, River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of - different - sizes, - are prepared to execute' orders with quick despatch. Evory description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. . High and Low- pressure. Fine, Tabular, and Cylinder Boilers,.of the best Penn-. sylvania charcoal iron, Fortino; of all sizes and kinds. I ron an d • Brass Castings, of • all descriptions; Roll- Turning, Screw-Cutting, and . all other work connected with the above busbiess. - , Drawings and specifications for all Work dons at the e.ablishment free of charge; and work guaranteed. - The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re. pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Sc., ste., for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C. NEAP'S. ' JOHN P. LBYY, BEACH and PALALSB Streets. J. 7airaBAif maaarcar. " • */LLTAX if:MBREJOIC. • • • •• • • JO= B. 00PR. • -ROIMMECRIE.:IPOITNEIRY, • WASIIINGTPX STEMMA • . • • •-Pntraingr,Pula.•• • IMERRICH. etc,SONS; ENVEBILS AND' MACHINISTS, • Manufacture hand - Low Pressure Steam Engines. for :land: river, an marine service. Boilers, Gasometers; Tanks, Iron Boats, arc. ; Cast • lags of all kinds, either iron, or brass. Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, road Stations, &a. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most ix. Titoved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, =oh a s Sugar, Saw, and Grist IHilie, yacnum Pans,. Copse Steam Trains, Defecators, Paters, Pum_ ping Engines, at. Sole agents for N. Rillienx's Patent sugar - Boiling Ap., paratue, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and Atspbs.-. wall & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar-Draining . Machine. . 4/1011GAN,_01{R, & CO:O37IIAm . 414. IA-v-i- • HIM BUILDERS. ,Iron Foniaterk. and Heastil Machinists and Boiler Bakers, N0.)1.21M0 • cALLOW. HILL Street. Philadelphia .. feitv suOlipze. STEAM WEEKLY TO LI VERPOOL, touching; at:4:II2RENSTOWN• (Cork Birbor.). The well-known Steamers of the Li verpool, New York; and Philadelphia Steamship Com pany are intended to sail as follows: clay OF WASHINGTON—.....SATURDAY. Sept- 1 7 .:. CITY OF MANCHESTER. --'....SATURDAY, Sept. St 4:• CITY, OF LONDON • -SATURDAY, Oct 2. - and every succeeding Saturday at N.oon, from Pier 44. North River. - .. - • RATES OF PASSAGE: • ' • ' -- - .Payable in Currency. FIRST CA81N........5160 00 5TEERAGE...........8450 00 do 'to London:"... 170 00 - -do to London:— 68 00 .do to Paris..... 190 00 do to Paris .... SO 00 do to Hamburg. 180 00 do to Hamburg— 74 00 Passengers alsci forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rot terdam, Antwerp, &c. at equally low rates. - f Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin, $163, $170,. $2lO. Steerage from Liverpool and Qneensto syn, X 970.. Those Who w i sh to send for their friende tan bnj tickets here at these rates. . . For further infonnation apply at the Compan y'. Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent.- • .- • seo-t24 111 WAI.NDT Street, Philadelphia. .. BOSTON AND PHILADBL: PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from each port on SATURDAYS, from first wharf. aboiie , PIN){ Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, 'Boston,. The steamship NORMAN, Captain Baker,'" Will sill from Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday.• Sept• 17, at 10 A. M , and steamship SAXON, Capt. Matthews. from Boston for Philadelphia on.same day, at 4 P. new . • • These e and substantial .ifesmahips form a reEnlitli line, sailing from each port iztinctnally on Sattirdeoa,“"" Insurances effected at one-half the DrainitlM charlll4 • on the vessels, . • Freights taken at fair rates. • - • - Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts ad BU of Lading with their goods. • . . . For Freight or Passage (bavingtine aces lain ink' 'oat!' 1 apply to . HENRY WINSOR .mb22-tt ' Beath DELA.WA.RILAN , • 'FROM INTEWIYORK,-TOB NEW ELVEN lIARTFORD_, SPBUNI. FIELD, and BOSTON —The steamers COsiTINNNTAL and ELM OITY leave Peck SIID. last River, daily. al 3.16 X, M.. and U at night. 10 Mt May be examined sang St* day - • AUCTION Reme lt TORN B. MYERS & co • 49.1 t . :MRS. Nos. 232 and WA bud. r, a el str„ _ ----- EXTENSIVE SALE 0F1.700 PACKA,c BRITISH. FRENCH. GERMAN. „kx‘Vi . DRY.GOODS. dm THIS Day. A CARD.—We Invite the earl,' partio N . dealers to the valuable and extensi r. -- ` MHO; 'French, German. and Ans, r oea: embracing 1,700 packages and lots of st - s!. °Pi articles, t o be peremptorily sold by caiiit , I t nionthie -credit sad part for cash, corn - 'Th 'MORNING at 10 o'clock preciselY , ane - 1 13 ,PC ale dal and'Part of the evening without LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF sea) Le t nt r i ' • GLOVES_, SHIRTS, ere THIS DAY. A CARD. —Ws invite the early pa r ti c i* dealers to the valuable assortment of 7,144‘.- siery, gloves, shirts, etc.. containi ng peremptorily sold, in continuation, 0 7 ; morning, September 16th. on four mone n 7`••• silencing at 10 o'clock precisely, to be cone c - e, out the day and part of the evettiag. ' LARGE SALE OF FOREIGN AND Delp GOODS, CLOTHING, 4 1 Included in four sate of Foreign and D Goods, on THURSDAY AND }RlDay Sept. 15th and 16th, will be found thsfeEnT,' ble articles, viz: e, —bales heavy brown sheeting. hales superior bleached muting. bales heavy brown drills. bales all wog -flannels. cases plaid Manchester ginghatas. cases indigo- blue checks. cases tickinas and denims. cases brown and bleached CS Won tists t4 , cases heavy corset leans - cases Oneida andgo . „ ld-mixed reeelae o cases plain and printed satinete, -"‘ cases all-wool tweeds. cases super _Kentucky jeans, cases hem vl- army blankets. • TAILORING GOODS—TO CLOTait.. —pieces heavy Esquimau" beavers. pieces Moscow and Presldent beano, pieces seal skins and pilots. pieces Whitney and chinchilla beaver., pieces Astrakans and Devonshire kert. pieces fancy caseimeres a od .. pieces Belgian broad cloths pieces cap and cloak cloths. repellents, 4 : pieces Italian cloths, vesting.. tabb r ,.. BRITISH AND FRENCH. GOOD;''S pieces Saxony dress goods_ pieces black and colored alpacas, -pieces 4-4 shirting linens. pieces heavy bed blankets. pieces plain and fancy Fiona:aline delsisi pieces black gros de rb Ines and tatfeil l pieces plain and fancy silks. piece s long and square troche and Bert' •• silk velvet and Cashmere vestinge. ' ta m Also, silk ties, sewing silk, hosiery l e o and drawers, balboral and hoop gt irt ,, shirts, ready- made clothing. Ac Ac. • 41; LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEN Alert, in sale of Thursday, Sept. 15. a b t ;',. me a rit of 5 line nake. cambric handkerchie f ., al' of ziperior m LINEN GOODS AND SHAWLS, Included In sale of Thursday, Sept. 11- 10 cases 4 4 superfine Irish shirting aad (realise. 10 cases 4-4 superfine Blay linen. 10 cases 4-4 superfine Spanish and brown lies. 600 long and square all-wool plaid shawls. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EUROps h , AMERICAN DRY GOODS, arc - "t We will hold a large sale of British. Gemin i .), and American dry goods,-by catalogue, on feu' credit, and part for cask, - ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY moßsrsl; September ,15th and 16th, commencing at 11 1 / 4 ; o'clock. cos prising 1100 PACKAGES AND LOTS Of British, German. French; India, and amsr„e. goods, embracing a large, full, and fresh atenr t woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and silk good y and country t ales. LB.—Samples of the same will be arrange! urination, with catalogues, early on the niorr, , , sale,when dealers will End it to their interest ti: LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SPECIAL SALE ez • DOZEN OF GER.MAN. AND ENGLISH GAUNTLETS. HOSIERY..:AND HAIR .vEr . t' RECENT 'AND FAVORITE IMPORTATIOS, BEST CITY SALES._ Included in our sale of Friday, Septsaib i ., Will be found &large and complete assort merino` ladies', and children's fleeced, cotton, Berlin cloth, Ringwood. and leather glove,,' shirts and drawers, merino shirts, broom cog • gitls' merino shirts, cotton hose, hair ncs, The special attention of the trade is called to as it will be large and desirable. PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH, INDIA, 11 GARBILN,_ AND BRITISH DRY GOODS, OD MONDAY MORNING, • September 19, at 10 o'clock, will be cold, by d. on four months' credit, about— • 700 PACKAGES AND LOTS of French, India, German, and British Dry 904 i embracing a large and choice assortment of fang stapl e fa articles in silk, worsted, woolen, li nea l otion brics.. -- ii:.117-Samplea of the • same will be arrzzy examination with catalogues, eatir on the act; sale, when dealers will find it to their interest 4 4 , PEREMPTORY SALE OF , PRENCH GOOD.s NOTICE. —lncluded in our catalogue sale et f p. Swiss, Italian,lndia, German. and British II:7 1 to be held on MONDAY MORNING, Senteadv will be found in part the following desiritule t. articles, viz: . DRESS SILKS. —pieces black gros de Rhinos, colored sak i and fancy (film( &c. MERINO CLOTHS. pi( ces mode, high colors and black metioe: WOOLEN PLAIDS. pieces high colors woolen plaids. SILK VELVETS. silk v piec elvets, es choice colors and. black mantilla ail . DRESS GOODS. -- pieces plain and figured de laines and Mk. French ginghams, madelines. cordenas, camelety SHAWLS AND SCARFa. rich broche long and square shawls, wc cathmere do., rich embroidered scarfs, chenEle'•• and scarfs, stc. • RIBBONS AND TRIMMINGS. A full line of bonnet and velvet ribbon;, !Msg. ; feathers, flowers, &c. BMIIROIDERIES. A full line of rich Paris style embroideries, 'es sing collars, sleeves, sets, insertings, laces, Ira% Also, black and colored silk ties, linen cambrk kerchiefs, veils, black and colored sewing;, hoop skirts, fancy articles, &c. GLOVES. A full line of lisle, kid, and silk gloves. SPECIAL SALE OF PARIS ••MERINOES • ' LAINES. Messrs. Fevoz Freres & Charvet, of Par;,, dude on Monday - next, September /9, a sPn!e:s_ Paris merinoes and delaineus, viz: 2,000 .pieces all-wool plain delaines, in LiFon.! lora, from fine to superfine, including all the shades of azuline, magenta, purples, and the sit colors. 000 p feces printed do., of various and choice& suitable for city trade. , 500 pima plaid do., do., do., do 1,600 pieces fine to extra super Pti.ris rueriaer:l:: the eitoicekt, shades. 400 do., do., liliCii, from tine to extra. 60 do. , do., white, do., do. The attention of the trade is particularly es:llc above, being specially adapted to the boat city . ..ails BILKS, DRESS GOODS, AND SUAWIci -• Included in the sale of Monday. September!?, tr found a line of black silks, Paris dress good,. Ulf aid-Berlin shawls. Also, 600 pieces Saxony v, dress goods. LARGE PEREDIPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, SIDI BROGANS, ARMY GOODS, &c. TUESDAY MORNING, Beptexiber 20th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by louts, without reserve, on four months' credit, 1,100 packages boots, shoes, brogans, balmal gam Aloe% army goods, &c.., of city and &, manufacture, embracing a fresh and prime assort: of desirable articles for men, women. and child Which will be open for examination early on then. ing of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF RITROPZiN AMERICAN DRY We will hold a large salepf British,G er man, Fri and American dry goods, lby catalogue, on four no: credit, and part • ON THURSDAY' MORNING, September 22d, commencing at. precisely 1 11 )'d. comprising 750 PACKAGES AND LOTS of British, German, French, India, and Americie : goods, embracing a large. full, and fresh assor:noi: woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and silk good.;, rec and country sales. N. B. —Samples of the same will be arranged fed mination, with catalogues, early on the mereier. sale, 'when dealers will find it to their intereatter:a • POSkrivt. SALE OF CARPETING% aw. -• . ON FRIDAY MORNING, September at precisely 11 o'clock. will be all 'catalogue, on four months' credit, an aftsortment of. perflne and fine • ir.grain, venetian, hemp, cutup, i rag carpetings, which may be examined eilTif os morning of sale. MTHOMASBONS, • Noe. 139 mad 141 South FOURTH" Swett FALL SALE STOCKS AND REkL ISTATE. Second Fall Sale, 13th September. Third Fall Sale, 15th September. on the Paolo' Fourth Fall Sale, 20th. September. Fifth Fall Sale, 27th September. THIRD.FALL SALE, - SEPT. 15. Sale on the premises Germantown, at 314 HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE AND Li. LOT, corner of Wayne and flatten. streets, Ger.aitto Full particulars in handbills. TO CONFECTIONERS AND OTHERS. Sale No. 152 North Sixth Street. MARBLE-TOP TABLES: PIER MIRROR, SOF IS I BARING UTENSILS, etc. THIS MLIR. 36th inst., at 30 o'clock, aOt 1I N N o. 1 N 52 North Sixth atm below Race, the furniture of the Ice Cream Salon. fa pier mirror, sofas, chains, marble-top tables, cc' ice cream cans, show case, baking utensils, ,tc. May be . examined at 8 o'clock on the morning dal "BCOTT,- - JR AUCTIONEER, 62• M CHESTNUT and 615 SAMSON Street. .'SALE FELT AND STRAW GOODS, FEATHERS. BROIDERIF,d, dm. THIS .MORNING. . Ifith inst., at 10 o'clock, will be sold a large as=?meat of felt 'and straw goods suitable for fall 411 comprising ladies' and misses' bonnets. oriolesom eye, and Saratogas,new and desirable shapes. Also, a line of feathers, artiticials, embroiderles, rhite goods. BONNET VELVETS, &c. Also; an invoice of superior bonnet velvets,matalsi. &c: VELVET ARTIFICIALS,. FEATHERS, Also, 150 cartons velvet artillcials, feathers , &C '' 3.ll able for fall trade • 'Also, a line of black laces. plump FORD it CO.; AUCTIONEE 3 1111.5 MARKET and MIS COMMERCE &rem. POSITIVE SALE OF 1.200-'CASES SCOTS •SROES. • ' • ON MONDAY MORNING. Sept.,l9, commencing at ten o'clock precisely,w Sell by catalogue, for , cash. about 1,N)0 case: tJ 4 I shoes, brogans, balmorals; ,gaiters, and army of prime fresh stpck, to .IV.hislilve invite the earl,' tendon of buyers: • - P. BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER. No. 202 gg.ARKET Street; Sonth - Side, above Swag --- Sales of Dry Goode; Trim.minge Notions, kr.. MONDAY; WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Morning, ' meaning at 10 o'clock. • - READY _ s MADE CLOTHIUKI, FELT HATS, Boo' FRoES, FANra WOOL btLIETS,__MERINJ 51:11& DRAWERS; DRY: GOODS, TRIALMINI3S, star's •• • .• • TER. Sept..loth,...ceesmoncin M g a M t OIONING o'clock, will be large mid-seasonable assortment of goods, to whicit attention of purchasers is requested. :PANCOAST• 4,% WARNOCK, AU' TIPABERs, slo Karma Street . . LARGE POSITIVE SALE SOO LOTS AMERICA'S ,11 IMPORTED DRY GOODS, LINERS; WHITE GOO; 7 " •MILLINERY GOODS, HOSIERY, &c., i v talogue, • _ • ON WEDNESDAY, September 21, commencing at 10 o'clock. orL'eli comprising a very attractive assortment of sesioi and,desira.bie goods, . MICH .NEE AUCTIOI T• 1i o. 1110 CRESTritrr,STREET. SALE THIS MORNINGATOUSEHOLD FEISEIrq.I CARD. —Our sale this ' , morning, at our new,l e g r o a," rooms. 1110 Cheatunt street, commences, SE 9 t and comprises about'6o Lite of superior housekottpr:. tare; 'flitted tug three •Piato fortes ; several suite: e • Parlor walnut parlor fArnitnrp4 carpets, Fria''ENr mirrors, walnt, ,Inithoga,uy,(*Ov cl - ip Suites:" dining- u soom furniture: office desks, a Watt waiArtibee, fe ither - eede. :sprint and hair t asnroff, bedding: plated ware,. china, kitchen.farnitare , stores, &c., &c. '• • Ess % , THE ADA Se ~c a TRW CON?Alit. 13w, ~ m' -- ~% - r- - ' - __ ~a„ CHESTNUT Street; forceB76F Parcels. Par 1,3 1.,, ;5 1 'ithandise. Bank Notes and Specie. either lines or in connection ;slth other Expreei 4 °'"Vart , to all the principal Towne — n d Cltes is the States „.. :K s. l s AND r0 ° , 1 •, 2 t. . - 1e27 leeneral Saperiateu _ • . *DIARSIELWS SALES. IVTARBRALI3- .SALE:—BY .5111111 , D io; of a. writ of tale; 'the Non. JOHN Su DLR., Judge of the - Diatrict Court of the 61) 1 4: to I) In and for the Eastern District of Pennst7, lln ,, i ''ctio? Jana'', to me directed; Will be,cold at ruu - 3is f3• l the'highest and 'best bidder. ) for cash, at Niv ‘ ;', l lr.if , .•,,,,_STOR.33 2 No. 14.2 North.,FRONT Street. on ?ioulitenister 26th, 1864, at 32 o ' c l oc k th e steamerCoasisting of 453 bal° 1, ° •.)0' altoi 62 bales of cotton - ,'Nfe'curgo_of veascca u ,° - . A . Lyz. r t• " „ MAW Stiteis Maraud XD. of reitusl e t.Vt rimaanar.Prak, Septeralieelo.7lB64. CVO STEAM 111DA7r14115;;FOR FA „l e l nIY:IMILLs..acc.. heated ArAbl i oshaust or dir! ct ,, tho, Coils for Reatoris,Condinums Fersrlfil ."'ssi-Sof ?I,OEIVNILN:724-' Ed C J/ CORN, BOX B9 qtr Wag° 9 a Durres's 430 , :n Starch; ..60_,,,40..-ir/sri. ma. for sale by BIiODES kr, ;,.",:1 1 gErOL
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