TRIAL TRIP OF THE STEAMER NORTH Alm. AroA—COMPLIMENTARY RESOLUTIONS. The new and splendid steamship North American of the Ocean Steam Navigation Oompany's Line, left her wharf, above Vine street, on Wednesday, the 7th Instant, about noon, on a trial trip to New yolk. A number of gentlemen, representing the various business interests of Philadelphia, friends of Mr. Alexander Heron, Jr. ' agent of the line, were on board as invited guests. Before reaching - Chester an excellent lulu% was partaken of in the spacious and elegant saloon of the ship, which, under the able management of Clara tate Marshmanland Chief Engineer Davis. steamed gracefully down the river, mach to the Satisfaction of all on board. Later in this afternoon the sumptuous dinner pro vided for their entertainment was enjoyed with evi ,..„a dent zest by the entire company, and alter the re -: !novel of the cloth speeches, toasts, songs and sto ries enlivened the occasion. Subsequently a meeting of the guests was ergs ,nized by calling to the chair E. G. Oattell, Esq., and William Dunlap and J. Frailey Smith, Esqs., as secretaries, A committee, consisting of Messrs. Win. Dunlap, _J. Franey Smith, Oharles T. Matheys, Dennis B. Kelley, Charles A. Gillespie, and E. G. Oattell, was appointed to draft a series of resolutions, ex pressive of their appreciation of their fellow-citi zen and host, Alexander Heron, Jr. The ',resolutions, as follows, were unanimously adopted Resolved, That in Alexander Heron, Jr., the lade. fatigable and able agent of the Philadelphia Ocean Steam Navigation Company, we recognize a gen tleman whose services to the community of which lie is a'member, and the company he represents, in • putting afloat five magnificent steamships, and eon - ducting for many years, with signal success, the large and onerous business of the Company, merit -our warmest expression of approbation. .Resolved, That our Government has shown its appreciation of these steamers by appropriating -and converting three of them into gunboats,' and that recently'one—the old Keystone State—had the honor of running down and capturing a most for midable blockade-runner, the steamer Lillian.• Resolved, That on behalf of our fellow-citizens we take pleasure in tendering thinks to Mr. Heron for his uniform and untiring efforts to make Philadel .phia in her commercial what she now is in her manu facturing interests, the first city in America. Resolved, That we hereby tender our acknowledg ments to him for the kindness and liberality die played in his exertions to make our trip pleasant ..and agreeable. Resolved i That these resolutions be published in -the New York and Philadelphia papers, and a copy be engrossed and presented to Mr. Alexander "'Heron, Jr. E. G. CIATTBLL, W nr. DuNbia, Secretaries. J. FHAILILY SMITH, -PHILADELPHIA, September 10, 11C4. ATTEMPTED DESERTION. The temptation offered by the large bounty now tieing paid to recruits induces many to enlist rvvithout any intention of serving in the army, but 'with the expectation of finding a favorable opportu • nity to escape. This is a very easy mode of earning 'money, but a. very hazardous one. An instance.of the danger happened on last Tuesday, to a man named Myers, recruited in Lancaster. As Assist •arit Provost IVlersbal Shenk was conveying a party of recruits to camp in this city from Lancaster, :Myers, being one of them, attempted to escape from 'the bonds of - Uncle Sam. The - mode he adopted was •-a very unwise one. As the procession was passing ) Selpoil on Ridge avenue, our would be Gesertir mu out of the ranks and under the pro tecting roof of Mynheer the saloon keeper. Beer could not save him, however, nor pretzels, for he Ryas Speedily captured by aprivate of the guard and 'brought out into open day. He was not easily to be -subdued, however, and broke from his captor, with - the intention to escape at all hazards. A ball from the guarpe revolver, however, made him pause, and be was ngain secured, and now finds himself the ir; -mate of a camp hospital, having received a wound an the fleshy part of the arm. '.THE — NATIONAL QUARANTINE AND SANITARY CONVENTION. . Tilis body hen been called to meet in this city on 4.he'-20th of October next. The Philadelphia County "Medical Society have selected the following physi cians to represent them at said meeting: Drs. Wm. B. Atkinson., John Bell, Robert Burns, J. Oummiskoy, D. F. Candle, A. H. Fish, L. I'. Gebhard, N, L. Hatfield, George Hamilton. Wilson Jewell, James Leviok, William Mayburry, An- Arew Nebinger, A. M. Slocum, J. H. Smaltz, W. Sargent. TWENTY-FOURTII WARD. The loyal citizens of this ward seem to have en tered the -political arena with much tnthusinstn, determined to spare no exertion to carry it for Lin coln and Johnson in November next. Their dele gation was the first to arrive at the meeting on Saturday Ina, and tonight a meeting will be held at the headquarters of the National Union party, Market street, above Thirty.third, to form a cam paign club for the ward. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE The monthly meeeting of the Franklin Institute was held last evening. After the usual prelimi nary business an improved slide-valve motion for steam-engines was exhibited by Mr. Edward Brown. This motion is di signed for giving a short cut-off to large slide.valve engines, and is somewhat similar to the ordinary link-motion, except that a cam is substituted for one of the eccentrics. Prof. Fleury explained the construction and opera tion of a universal blast and smelting furnace, the Invention of Major General Rachotte, of the Rus sian army. In this furnace the hearth has the shape of an elongated rectangle, the interior being wat the toand is with ouble seriesidest of tuy res,arranged infurnished alternate inte a ro d hang. lug order. The furnace has also through its walls a system of flues by which it is dried and heated from • the outside, towards the centre, and afterwards ventilated. A large number of these furnaces have :been built and used in Europe. Lorenzo Vance exhibited his improved saw mill, in which four circ alai*. saws are so arranged and ope .rated that the timber can be cat of almost any :shape. CARL SENTZ' BAND AT FAIIIMOURT PARR. This afternoon. should the weather prove favors- Ile, the band will, for the first time, occupy the beautiful temple opposite the Mansion House, which has been erected by the city ftir the aceommo dation of the Park Band. The conductor promises a selection of his choicest music for the occasion. There will doubtless be a full attendance. PAYMASTER DAVID TAGGART. .*We learn that the order of the War Department -directing Major Taggart to proceed to St. Lords has been revoked, and that ho will continue to remain in this city, where he has been located for the past three years, Major Taggart has been so prompt •and faithful in the discharge of his official duties 'that he has become a favorite with all who have had any business with him, and we are sere that his 'numerous friends will be - gratitiod to learn that hois 4 - to be continued in Philadelphia. A SOLDIER AUTHOR. A. F. Hill, a soldier of the Army of the. Potomac, who ham been in all the battles in which that army .engaged, up to Antietam, where he lost his left leg, has written a book entitled Our. Boys.' , Unable 'to srve his count longer by the writig this work in its behalf. It is well written, and interesting. all "Xr. Hill has the book for , and it may be had at bookstores. A generoussale public should aid this crippled hero. A MAN SMOT Occasionally, for some time past, enlisted men have deserted from Oamp Oadwalader, and mea sures were adopted to arrest outside parties, whom It was thought were aiding in the villainous busi ness. Yesterday afternoon, between two and three -o'clock, a fellow named MoLeeeh, hailing from New York, having procured passes for several soldiers to get out, in order that they might jump the bounty, was caught with several passes on his person. The guard attempted to arrest him, when the fellow fled: He was hailed several times, but would. not -Stop. While running across the lot south of the ,camp ground the guard fired at the fugitive, at the distance of nearly one hundred yards, and shot him in the shoulder and back, the musket being loaded with a ball and three buck-shot. The fugt .tive kept on running, but soon fell. He was taken into the camp•ground and placed under surgical care. Unfortunately, he was only slightly wound - ed, though ho bled considerably. The blood was black looking. On his person, and even in his boot legs, a considerable amount of money was found, which had been obtained, it was thought, from the ..soldiers. Owing to the above circumstance, the presenta • lion of three swords to officers of the gallant 001. A. A. Lechler's regiment, the 199th, which was to have - taken place, was postponed until a o'clock to-mor row afternoon. • We found it utterly impossible to gain admit tance into the camp, because of the utt(r demo • ralization of the whole concern. It contains several regiments. and recruits for a considerable number already in the field, and dersortions, for want of proper discipline, are quite frequent. The War Department's attention will probably be called to this camp, with the view of having it more efficient ly supervised. - - A fire brcke out yesterday 'morning, about half past three o'clock, In an old three story brick btiild ing, No. 309 Race street, which was used as a manu facturing establishment, and contained a large quantity of combustible material. The whole building was soon enveloped in flames, which spread with great rapidity. The first floor was occupied by J. 0. Homayers, steam block•letter.maker and fancy carver. The second story front was occupied by A. Theodore Dietz, turner in horn, bone, ivory, and hard wood, and H . Calverly, worker in Brittania metals. The second floor of the back building was occupied by IL H. Mithcefer, wood.turner. The building was completelpogutted, and much valuable machinery and consifferable work, some finished, was destroyed. . • An accident occurred during the progress of the fire in which it Is fortunate no lives were lost. The second floor fell in upon John Carlin and Wm. Wakefield, members of the Vigilant Engine Com way, who were seriously injured. While the fire was at its height, an incident hap pened which appalled all who witnessed it. Be tween the building in flames and the house adjoin ing there was nothing but a narrow alloy, across which a woman who lived in the latter house, fear ing that her only mode of egress would be barred by the flames, attempted to pass. She had an in fant in her arms. She was destitute of clothing, except her night apparel. Neither she nor her child was hurt, which fortunate escape might al.• most be attributed to Providential influence. A fire occurred yesterday afternoon at No. 1420 North Fifth street, above Master, on which premi ses there are a slaughterhouse and a dwelling. The slaughterhouse was somewhat injured, and the roof of the dwelling was partially burned. The fire extended to the roofs of three dwellings on Sutton street, which were slightly damaged. The total loeswas about $1,500, MITE OF CITY WARIIAIiTS. Warrants were Issued yesterday morning to 125 volunteers. NANAL. THE MONITOR TIINXIS The monitor Turrsis, which started to sea a few days ago for a trial.trip,• has returned to port, her machinery becoming so deranged that it was unad visable that she should go further. CITY ITEMS. FALSE REPORT.—The report in some of the papers that Gen. Grant had "bust" is a mistake. Mrs. Grant having received and learned to use the •elegant "Grover & Baker" Sewing Machine pro. sentod to her through the "Great Sanitary Fair," with the compliments of 250 subscribers, the gene ral's linen and under garments aro now so well and durably made that neither they nor the General can "bust." In addition to this, his outer .clothing comes from a lirsbelass Chestnut-street house, where none but the "Grover & Baker " . machineil are used ; so it is utterly impossible for either the General or his clothing to "bust," thotigh he will doubtless very soon "bust" what little remains of the rebel Confederacy. WS ASE GLAD To nrrow that the Sewing Depart ment of the Wheeler & Wilson Establishment is so well patronized by the laflies Such :Specimens of work we have never seen done either 41 , the hand or by any other sewing machine but the 'Wheeler & Wilson. The Wheeler &. Wilson Com ipany send out obliging and competent young ladies iby the day or week, with or without machines. This , we consider a great accommodation to families. Al, , together the Wheeler & Wilson concern is one of She institutions that reflect credit on our city. Their .elegant salesrooms, No. 704 Chestnut street, stand unrivalled. The Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Mar chine, we all know, is the only one that gives mil •aersal satisfaction. They have been thoroughly tried, and those who have them in use would not be -without thorn for ten times their cost. Every mar chine is warranted, and the money returned if not entirely satisfactom Go to 704 Chestnut street, and examine these wonderful Machines. Send for oirott lar and specimens of work. GET THE Is liOnaNca, 22 -- Awing the varioui sewing machines now in the market, the 16 Florenoe” is emphatically the queen. Every one who examines it is delighted with the mannerin which it performs, and the wonderful range it possesseii for all kinds of sewing. No one should think of Vuying a sewing machine without visiting No. 630 Chestnut street, and examining the Florence. ll It is warranted to give satisfaction, or the money refunded to the pur chaser. TEE LATEST PARISIAN .SENSATION.--TMS “ Lubin , s Hair-Dressing Floriline,” an article . that eclipses all former triumphs of the Floral Art. it decorates and invigorates the hair, makes it earl, keeps the head cool, fastens the hair in any desired position, and adds a delightful perfume imparted by no other article. It is fitting that a land pro verbial for producing the fairest and most exquisite works of art should have had the honor of origi nating the now world-renowned " Fforiline." IN A TIIRMOIL.—The political caldron has got nto full boil, and the politicians are dancingaround t with their "Double, donble, toil and trouble, .Fire burn and caldron bubble." When the, incantation Is complete we expect to sea some dainty spirts: arise from the seething vessel and exclaim, «Democrats and Republicans I be wise, prudent and cautious; be, not swerved by false prophets but buy all your garments at the Brown-StOre Clothing Hall of Rockall' & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth," FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Sacks, a . e s, Jaquettes, Business Silts, Walking Coats. In French, English, Scotch, and American Cassi mores, Black and Colored Beavers, Sre. At Charles Stokes Sr Co.'s one•price first-class Clothing Emporium, under the '' Continental.” BARGAINS IN CLOTHING,' Bargains in Clothing, . • Bargains in Clothing, Bargains in Clothing, At Granville Stokes , Old Stand, At Granville Stokes) Old Stand, At Granville Stokes , Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, SOO Chestnut Street. 609 Chestnut Street. 'GOO Chestnut Street. 609 Chestnut Street. • • No No No No WEIO MINDS A. COLD 7—lt seems a small affair, and in oonsequence .is usually allowed to have its Own way, and yet how frequently a neglected cold ends in Bronchitis or Consumption 7 Why not take a cold in time, then, using at once Dr. D. JAYNIS'S EXPECTORAVT, which for thirty years has been a standard remedy for all Coughs and Colds, avoid those dreadful alternatives WHAT IS MEANT BY BRONCHITIS Is an inflammation of the bronchia, or passages which convey air to the lungs. In its earlier stages this ( commonly called a cold, or a cold in the breast: It usually comes on with a little hoarse . 'nese, followed by a moderate cough, with slight feelings of heat or soreness about the throat and chest. If not arrested, the cough becomes one of the most proroinent symptoms, as well as the most painful and distressing; the inflammation increases in intensity, until it finally Interferes with the ac cess of air to the lung cells, when the vital powers soon give way. In most of the stages of this ilia , ease Dr. Sayne's Expectorant effects a speedy cure by producing a free and easy expectoration, sup pressing the cough and allaying the fever. A fair trial le allthat Is asked. IN carsvnarnorr AND ALL I'ULUONARY Colt- PLAINTS Dr..Tayne , s Expectorant will afford Immediate re lief, by removing the difficulty of breathing, and causing an easy expectoration, whereby all irrita ting and obstfucting matters are removed from the lungs. Having maintained its reputation in all parts of the world for over a quarter of a century, it is confidently recommended as the best remedy ever offered for the diseases it professes to ours. Sold by Agents and Druggists everywhete, from whom may also be obtained Dr. Jaynals SANATIVE PILLS, prompt and effectual cure for costiveness, sick head ache, and all bilious affections. All of Dr. D. JAYNE Z: SON'S Family Medicines ore prepared only at No. 242 Chestnut street. sels-2t A Naw i/VVENTION.—We refer our business man to an advertisement in another column headed "To Capitalists." The "Universal Quitter" is an en tirely new principle in Sewing• Machine develop ment, and could be made of invaluable service in every family in embroidering 'children's garments, working fancy patterns, coverlets, bed quilts—in fact, its. range of work is co-extensive with the la dies' wants ; and in these trying times for patents it is well to know that it has been secured against all infringement. As an investment for an enterprising business man of means, we know of none better. See advertisement. sel4ewfs3t* HOPE TOLD A FLATTERING TALE, but never even anticipated so divine a preparation for the toilet as that delightful preparation, Sozodont." So cool and refreshingly agreeable to the mouth and teeth, hardens and invigorates the gums, gives a pure and healthy tone to the breath, cleanses, beautifies, and preserves the teeth, and arrests decay. Sold by druggists. Bel3•tuths3t DB/amass, Throat Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, treated by a new and most successful treatment. Eye.—All maladies of the eye attended to iby Dr. Von Mosel:Maker, Oculist and Aurist.. Office 1027 Walnut street.* Ell! AND EAR most successfully treated by S. .Isaacs, N.D., Oculist and Aurlst, 511 Pine st. Artifi cial eyes inserted. No charge fOrexamination.-jy2S- SPECIAL NOTICES. SUBSTITUTES.--WHY IS THAT VANDER SLICE, DEVINE, & CO. can put in SUBSTITUTES for Principals much cheaper than any Broker in town? Because they believe by having LESS PROFIT per man they will be able to accomplish more by ;doing a arger business. VANDERSLICE, DEVINE & CO., No • 110 south SEVENTH St., Room 9, Second Floor. PROF. 0. H. BOLLES will commence October 4th, ]864, a course of Lectures and full instruc tion for applying the different modifications of Electri city, for the cure of all Acute and Chronic Diseases, at the Institution, 1220 Walnut street. Medical men and others desiring to attend the .Course, are requested to make aPPlication early. All Ante and Chronic Diseases cured by means of Electricity at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philada: se9-tf ONE-PRICE CLOTHING ) OF THE LATEST styles, made in the best manner, expressly for R&. TAIL SALES. LOWEST SELLING PRICES marked . in PLAIN FIGURES. All goods made to order war ranted satisfactory. The otte•Trice systentl is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. JONES' OLD-ESTABLISHED ONE•PRLCE CLOTHING HOUSE, 601 MARKET Street, near Sixth. . de2S•ly TUE Poruwa CLeranTo HOUSE or Pima " OAK HALL: " Bed-class goods at moderate prices. WANAMAHER & BROWN, S. E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) No. 18. Sixth S WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREVTITI4 LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST Seleeroome, 704. OHBSTNUT Street, above Seventh 24.1 6 4-74.1q3=8M- FRANCISGREENE.—On Tuesday . morning. 13th het., at the residence of Joseph Francis. Req., by the Rev. Albert Barnes, D. D. Mr. James S. Francis and Miss M. Alice Greene, all of this city. GRIFFITH—ROBINSON.—Sept. 15th, 1564, by Rev. Fhillips Brooks. at the Church of the Holy Trinity. Mantel E. Griffith to Mary Ellen, daughter of the late Thos. Robinson, all of this city. CROASDALB.—On the 4th, in Bensalem, Backs costa ty, James P. Croasdale, in his 37th year. His relatives and friends are invited to the faneral,on Seventh day, 17th, at 2 o'clock. BROOKE. —On the 15th Inst.,Margaret F., wife of J., B. Brooke, aged 38 years. ill be taken to Eaton,' Ohio, for burial. TILLINGHAST. —On the instant, Mrs. Margaret Tillinghast, daughter of the late Thomas Desilver, Sr., of this city. The relatives and male friends of the family are re, • spectrally invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, • No. 217 South Ninth street, on Friday after noon, the 16th instant, at 2 o'clock. LEEDS. —On Third. day. the 13th inst. in the 20th year of her age, Annie Leeds, daughter of' the late Jo siah Leeds. Her relatives and friends and those of her family are particularly Invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her step-father, Dr. B. N.' Troth, S. W. corner of Seventh and Thompson streets, on Seventh day, the 17th inst., at 1 o'clock P. IL To proceed to South Laurel Hill Cemetery. **** PEALB.—On the 13th inst.,after a lingering illness, Eliza-, wife of Reuben Peale in the 69th year rifler age. The funeral will take place in Pottsville, from Trini ty Church. at two o'clock on Friday afternoon. * SAGER.—On themorning of thel3thinet.,Margaretta, daughter of the late Michael Sager. The relatives and friends of - the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral from her late resi dence. No. 934 Arch street, on Saturday morning, the 17th inst., at 10 o'clock. COX.—On the 29th day of -August, of yellow fever, at Key West, Florida, Acting Ensign Joseph Henry Cox, in the twentieth year of his ae. All the officers in port attended the funeral, and united in paying the last tri bute of respect to his remains. [New York and Brooklyn papers please copy. ] • IN MEMORIAM. • Sossi , rf HENRY Cox, on the outbreak of the rebellion, enlisted with the three-months men, and, on the expi ration of the term of service, he re-enlisted in the navy. Since that period he steadily, and by merit alone, work ed.his way up to the position of Acting Ensign, which lie occupied at the time of his death. Although so young in years, be was selected from the list of squadron offi cers for that position by the Admiral of the fleet. Mr. Cox was quick to understand. and as quick to execute, with a perfect willingness to obey, the orders of his su perior officers. This, with his many other good quali ties, endeared him to all around him, and all united in paying the laet tribute to emory. It has pleased the Almighty Disposer of eventsto remove him from our midst. We deplore his loss. but our feelings of regret are softened by the confident hope that his spirit is with . those who, having fought the good fight here, are en joying perfect happiness in a better world. He was brave, noble. and kind. He was generous. affable, and loving. He was au affectionate and loving husband, a dutiful son, and a faithful and true friend. He leaves a young wife and one child to mourn his loss. 'We ten der his family our sincere condolence and earnest sym pathy. • He is blessed—he is happy. Weep riot, • • He died for his country . By MNY OP. His .FRlEtrn3. • IESSON1 ESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE . N0.,918 CMISTNUT Street, have received— 2 Black Delaines. " all- wool Kozusrfelines taints width. , don le width. " and White Delaines. - " and Purple Delaines. " and White all-wool litonetelinee. and Purple " '' Tamises and Bombazines. " Merinoes and Cashmeres. " Reps, Empress Cloths, Alpacas, &c. . an29-tf . EYRE LANDELL ORDERED THIS FALL the Stunning [Style. Plaids, doh as are need by the • • • • CHILDREN OF NOBILITY ABROAD.. Royal Stewart Plaids, Victoria Dress Plaid s, McDuff, Rob Roy, McDonald, &c., .Iti.; ELEVRNVII• WARD TO. AVOID, THE DELFT •—A Meeting of the enrolled citizens of the Eleventh ward will be beld at TEM tsEit HALL.. No. 416 North SECOND Street, opposite Margaretta street, third story, on THIS (Friday) EVENING, at 7 o'clock. • The Collecting Committee will be POxiiallai 111.. their Attendance, as Iwe want fonds. Y Citai G rman. Wit. Q Bien. Seareterr.:, • IV Z72ED_ Or :VW 0,114. -LINCOLN GENERAL. CARL SCHURZ WILL ADDRESS THE 'CITIZENS, OF PHI' Lit.DELPHIA ISSUES OF TUE PRESENT POLITICAL CAMPAIGN, 'CON - C3O,lVr ,XX:&T.X4, CECESTITTJT STREET, ABOVE,. TWELFTH, FRIDA.Y EVENING-, SEPTEMBER 161,u, At eight o'clock P. M.. BY lETITATIOE OF THE LTD.TION LEAGUE 1303.41 ilgi9"*' GENERAL CARL. SCHURZ. GENERA', CARL SCHURZ will address - the citizens of Philadelphia on the issues of the day at CONOIRM HALL, THIS (FRIDAY)'- EVENING, at 8 o'clock. • The following is the invitation of the Union League and the reply of General Schurz.: UNION LEAGUE 'HOUSE, I=6 CHESTNUT stieet, - . PurraouLmirA, September 12,11304.' ORIVERAL CARL SCHURZ : DEAR Sue: The undersigned, in behalf of the Union League of Philadelphia, respectfully solicit you to ad-. dress the citizens of Philadelphia on the questions in volved la the coming Preeidential election. The diStin guished position which - you have won, bath in civil and in military life, give to your opinions a weight and con sequence that will assure to them a wide and usefui in. Silence on the public mind. We are deeply impressed with the grave responsibilities of our situation. We feel that we have reached a point in our national pro gress at which our future, so far as we can control it, must be thoughtfully balanced and resolutely decided upon. _The solemn trust which we :received from our fathers—made perfect by theirThhors and sacred by their blessings=sliould not be given up to the Uncertain Men. des of our political and - military opponents, Without first taxing to the, utmost all our facilities; all our re sources, and all our endurance in Its defence. Upon our wisdom and decision depend the liberties, not only of cur immense country, but of the whole human fami ly* throughout coming ages. My/a fail in this contest the pcssibility of self-government—the- , very right of self-government — may become the scoff of artificial aristocracies for centuries. It is our hope that we shall be able to meet these vast questionS, not as partisans, but as patriots, and we invoke the aid'of your intellect and eloquence to instruct and to cheer us in 0 urun dertaking. We shall be indebted to you it you will appoint a time at which it will be convenient for you to address our fellow-citizens, on such topics as your bidter judgment may suggest. Awaiting your reply, we remain, Yours, &c., MORTON McMICHA.EL, Horace Blaney, Jr , John W. Forney. ' Wm. D. Lewis, . Wayne McVeagh, . E. C. Knight, Charles Gilpin, Elleralie Wallace, M. D , Daniel Dougherty, Benj. H. Brewster, It. S. Roberts, John. H. Towne, Codwalader Biddle, Thomas Birch, Fred. Fraley, Gibson Peacock, Edwin Greble, J. C. Knox, E. Spencer Miller, G. - Flamer Smith, • Henry C. Lea, James C. Hand, Gee,. Bullock, WM. Struthers, Craig D. Ritchie, Saunders Lewis, • , Ward B. ',Wallin% Wm. Sellers, J. G. MaCtaade, Henry D. Moore, • ' Fairman Rogers, Abm. Barker, E. H. Clark, Wrn. M. Tilghman, F. J. Dreer, Wm. H Horn, Thos. S. Ellis, ,Archibald Getty. N. B. Browne, Charles Gibbons, J. G. Fell, Lindley Smith, William B..Ashharst, John 8., Myers, Henry C. Carey, - George''Whitney, Edward Shippen, J. I. Clark Hare, Geo. R, Boker, Joe. Harrison, Jr., James H. Orne, Jas. L. Claghorn, J. W. Paul, Daniel Smith, - Jr , Andrew Wheeler, Wm. S. Pierce, Jos. B. Townsend, J. P. Vence, George Trcit, John Rice, Samuel 3. Reeves, P. A. Comly, Samuel N. Perkins, Edward B. Mawson, Stephen Caldwell, Augustus Heaton, S. H. Elorstmann, E. R. Cope, Hanson Robinson, G. Dawson. Coleman, Gee. J. Gross, B. P. King, A. D. Jessup, A. O. Cattell, Geo. Booty, GEO. H. BOKER, Secretary BETHLEHEM, Pa Sept. 10,1934. To the Union League of Philadelphia': GENTLEmste : It is with great pleasure that I accept your kind invitation. If I entertained any doubt as to the propriety of an officer taking an active part in the political dietmesions now. agitating the country, Gen. Grant's letter to Hon. B. B. Washburn, has done much to remove them. It is certainly true that "all we 'ant now to insure an early restoration of the Union is a determined union of sentiment North, " If I can con tribute anything towards achieving an object of such immense importance in this decisive crisis, an effort on my part shall not be wanting. I am, gentlemen, very truly ) ours, It C. hCRiIIIZ. tggps._.THE TaF d ilikElfEß OF THE) UND I to relieve the distressed people of Chlinth - prit - - burg has received the following amounts since hie hist repurt: Amount previously reported $24,551 25 Busby & Co 100 00 John Dallett &Co . 100 00 Rowland-31.Ervien 60 00 H. Craig & Co 60 00 50 00 Riddell & Leech Allman & Wenger . 25 00 J. T. & E. L. Perot 25 00 D. W. Dentine . 25 00 Shipper & Detwiler 25 00 Thos. Watteon ' 25 00 Malone & Co 25 00 James C. Prichett 6 00 J. W. Supplee. 5 00 Gillespie & McKnight 5 00 Landis & Stone 5 00 Joe. R. Dickson & Co 6 00 Paul & Richards 5 00 C. B. Rogers 6 (Xi James Steel & Co 60 J. IS. Palmer 6 00 Smith & Bre .. - 6 00 Baker & Hopkins 5 ® Cash . 5 Stater & Diehl 5 0 00 0 A. F. Henderson ID 00 Stephen N. Winslow 6 00 Cash 6 00 P. Steman . 5. 09 L. G. Graft 10 00 Cash ........ .... • 2 Alexander Nesbit ' 2JJ 00 00 Samarium • • 3 00 J. Raymon Claghorn 25 00 Mrs. Jane Wilson. Chester county 6 00 David Scull, Cape May 100 00 A. O. Omen, " " • ....... 100 CO Anthony Reybold • 50 00 Jos.. Cary • - 50 00 Tatum3 o 00 Cash . . , 600 Mary IL Tyler ' 200 Mrs. Win, M Leech.... 6 N/ . . . . Ms. J. T. Dietz 5.09 Elizabeth Tetherick, Pottsville 5 00 A Friend 2 00 Church of the New Testament, par Rev. Thee. H. Stockton 45 60 Cash • • _6 00 O. B. G.. Sharpies* . 50 00 lii 1 00 Trinity Church, Oxford, per B. Y. Buchanan. , 2 05 DatitelNWl ' 4.44, .... -,,.;,:ti; 01. J. 13/. Maxwell; per Thaddeus W Markley.... 60 A Friend • 20 00 A Friend, per Mr.• Claghorn 25 00 Wm. Sellars &Co 200 00 Merrick & Sons - 200 00 Phcenix Iron Co 200 CO Morris, Tasker, & Co ' 200 00 Morris, Wheeler, &Co ' 200 00 Marshall, Phillips, & Co 100 00 • N. Trotter & Co 100 00 Cabot & Biting 60 00 J J. Thompson 60 00 Hoopes 3: Townsend . 60 00 Presbyterian Church, Oxford 50 00 J. W. Tatum 5000 E. B. DI Dover, Delaware 6 00 .From A. M. E. Union Church, on Coates St., Per Mrs. Wm. S. Stockton, for colored. suf. ferors 28 10 A•rnald. Nusbaum, & Nirdlinger 100 00 Perry & Co 25'00 GRIM Leberrean, & Co - 25 00 Wolf, Mayer, & Co 25 00 Snyder. Grubb, & Co 20 00 Troutman '.9c . May 20 00 Got dmon, Berg, & Co 25 00 Goldsmith, Bros . 10 00 Joseph S. Dell 10 00 J. Bryan & Co 60 00 Brooke & Pugh ' 60 00 T. B. Minter:lZr Co 25 CO Slier, Sharpless. & Co • 20 00 Mark, Divine, & Co 20 00 B. A. Runsicker & Co 20 00 Detwiler & Hartranft 2000- GFO. Cookman & Co 2/1 00 W. W. Cookman 20 00 M. S. Bryon! 20 00 Berra & Smith2o 00 Caeh, T • . . 20 J. M. Smith & Co ' 10 00 00 J. Madden, Jr * 10 00 Charles Rey w0r.."..:y !' - - - • 10 00 T. B. Parker ''o 10 . 00 Curtis & Knight. 10 00 Wilmarth &Brook • 10 03 Achison & Bitner '. • E. Bennett 5 4.1 6Me t t S. DiatlackEl rot ...... 5 0 1 Wilson Fitzgerald.— - 6 , + J. Twaddle 5 • a S. C. White a ti R. McMullen 6 II N. Seller 6 to Cash. n . - 5 1 Lloyd. Twining, & Co-- —...... •-•-• 6' 11 Isaac Fetters .5 It Matthew Bath —. • . 6 tt Total 125,011 GO F.DLIIIND A. DODDER, Treas' Dock-street Wharf. igr SECOND WARD AND' THE DRAYT--At a meeting of the Draft essalation, held last evening, it was dettrratued to raise the means to complete the quota of the Ward by FIVE-DOLLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS. • A large number of citizens sub scribFd to the fund, and all who feel disposed to assist in completing the work will have an opportunity to do so by attending_a Public Meeting to be held TINS (Fri dav) EVENING . , at the ROBERT RAIKES SCHOOL FIOUSE, at S o'clock. Ills important that every citizen of the Ward be present. EMERSON BEN NETT, ROBERT T. GILL, } Secretaries. President. LEWIS LIST, R.* DRAFT ASSOCIATION OF SECOND WARD. —.A few more men are wanted to corn .plete the quota of this Ward. All citizens interested in having the DRAFT avoided, can only accomplish that object by subscribing to a fund to pay the same bounties that are given by other Wards Subscriptions will be received by Mr. SAMUEL MOORE, Treas., S. B. corner of SEVENTH and. PAUL Sts.. above Wabhington St., and at the meetings of the Draft Asiocipion. tarOFFICE OF TIM OIL BASIN PETROLEUM COMPANY, 14-2 'South TIIIRD .Street, Philadelphia. The Directors of this Company have this day de clared a Dividend of TWO PER CENT. out of the net earnings for the month of September, clear of tax, paya ble on and after October let 1861. The Transfer Books will be closed from the 28th inst. till Oct. Ist, inclusive. WM. S. LANE, Secretary. PAILADP:LPITIA, Sept. 15, 1864. esl6-3t5 tar TWE N T Y•FOURTII WARD:-A meeting of the LINCOLN AND JOHNSON CAM PAIGN CLUB of the Twenty fourth Ward will be held THIS (Friday) EVENING, 16th inst., at 734 o'clock, at the National Union Headquarters, AIARKET Street, above Thirty-third. Let every loyal citizen, and par ticularly the s onn g man: of the ward, in favor of the above candidates and an honorable termination of the war, attend and complete the organization. its OrNINTH WARD—SHALL IT BE DE AFTED ON MONDAY NEXT? A Meeting' of all interested in detormininr the above question will be held THIS (Friday) EVENING, Mat inst., at 8 o'clock. at NATIONAL HALL, MARKET Street, above Twelfth. . - The Ward is about forty men deficient of its quota, and will need an additional sum of $3,000 to supply them. Bear In mind the draft will be for double the number of men needed. DANIEL STEINMETZ, PresidolLL Fasnis NaWLAND,' Secretary. It THE P ' - 4 ‘ITIA, FRIDAY, SEPThMBER 16,.. 1864. JOIINSON i NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOB PBESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OP ILLINOIS FOR VICE PRESIiIENT, ANIAIEW JOHNSON, OF TENNESSEE ELECTORAL 'IICRET. SENATORIAL. MORTON MCMICHAEL, Philadelphia. T. CUNNINOHAM, Beaver Coanty. REPRESENTATIVE. 1. Robert P. King', 13. Elias W. Hale, 2. G. Morrison Coates, 14. Charles H. Shriner. 3, Henry Bumm, 16. John Wister, 4. William 13,Rern, 16. David McConangby , 6. Barton H. Jerkl:l4 17, David W. Woods, 6. Charles M. Runk, 16. Isaac Benton, 7. Robert Parke, - 19. John Patton, 8. Williath Taylor, - 20. Samuel B. Dick, 9. John A. Blest/Lod, 21. Everard Bierer, 10. Pichard.H Coryeil, 22. John P. Penney.' 11. Edward Holliday, 23. Ebenezer MeJnnkin, 12. Charles F. Read. 24. John W. Blanchard. ;ral Committee. By order of the state Cetit COUNTY OFFICERS. SdERIPF, HENRY O.'HOWELL. RHGTSTRR OF WILTS. ' FREDERICK M. ADAMS. CLL•RR OF 21T1 ORPHANS' COURT, EDWIN A. MERRICK• errir OFFICERS; RECEIVER OF TAXER, CHARLES O'NEILL. CITY COMMISSIONER; THOMAS DICKSON. • CONGRESS. - First District—JOHN M. BUTLER. Second I")istrict—CHAßLES O'NEILL: Third District—LEONAßD MYERS. Fourth District—WlLLlAM D. REMO - . Fifth Distidct—M. RUSSELL...TEEL-TIM SENATOR—Third District; • ISAAC A. SECEP . PARD. REPRESENTATIVES., First District—WlLLlAM FOSTER. Second District—WlLLlAM H. RUDDIMAN. Third District—RlCHAßD BUTLER. Fourth District—W. W. WATT. Fifth District—JOSEPH T. THOMAS. Sixth District—JAMES FREEBORN. Seventh District—THOMAS COCHRAN: Eighth District—JAMES N. KERNS. Ninth District—CHAßLES FOSTER. Tenth DiStrict—SAMUEL S. FANCOAST: Eleienth District—FßANKLlN D. STERNER. Twelfth District—LUKE V. SUTPHIN, SR: Thirteenth District—ENOS C. RENNER.. Fourteenth District—FßANClS HOOD. Fifteenth District—GEOßGE DE HAVEN, teenth District—WlLLlAM F. SMITH. Seventeenth District—EDWAßD G. LEE. Eighteenth District—JAMES MILLER. OFFICE OF THE ILEDIO.III GOAL o=Pof AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, P.ll/LADELPHIA, Sept. 14,.11361; Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 3 o'clock F. M of TUESDAY, the 4th of October next, for any Portion or the whole of One. Million ($1,000;000) of Dollars, as part of a new loan: authorized by acts of Assembly, payable on thelst of April, 1984, with We rest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum. payable quar terly, on the Ist day of the months of January, April, July, and October, of each year, and both principal and interest secured by a mortgage on the Company's es tates and franchises, The proposals must be in,writing, endorsed "Proposals for .Lehigh Loan," and left at this office, where they will remain without being opened until the meeting of the. Board of Managers, at 15i o'clock on. Wednesday, the sth of October next. The offerers of accepted proposals will be early-thereaf ter notified of such acceptance, when tha premiums of fered will be immediate] y payable, and afterwards each willba at liberty to pay the amount accepted by mouth- , ly instalments of 10 per cent. or more thereof, or the . whole at one time, at his or her option. The Managers reserve to themselves the right of rejecting any bids not satisfactory. By order of the Board of Managers. EDWIN WALTER, Treasurer. TWENTIETH WAILD.—AN 11••=to adjourned meeting will beheld THIS EVENING in the Church TWENTY-FIRST Street, below Jeffarson.. One more effort and we can get outof the Draft. You who have not yet subscribed do so at once. We want the money : the men can be had. • WM. S. BALL,. B. HARPER, , , Freeident. Secretary. • It PRIVA.TE LECTURE TO MEN, THIS EVENING,corner THIRTEENTH and GI- RARD Avenue, by Dr. S. M. LANDIS; and next TUES DAY EVENING, Sixth Lecture to Ladies alone. Ad mission 20 cents. Medical offices, 1M1.2 CHESTNUT Street and 2207 CALLOWIII LI, Street. Its. Mr' $7O WARD BOIINTIL.—ELEVENTH WARD is paying $5O to every recruit credited to the Ward. and $d to any person bringing a recruit. The Committee are at the Gall, N. E. corner SECOND. and COATES Street, every day from 9 to 6 o'clock. COMMITTZE. —Lewis Chester, P. Tuohy; Rev. Wm. Cathcart, Treasurer; Geo. A. Quigley, Chairman; Wm. C. Rice, Secretary. se9-7ts • MANDAN ALINING COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, September 9, 1864. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an instalment of ONE DOLLAR PER-SHARE on each and every share of the capital stock of the MANDAN MINING COMPANY has this day been called in, payable on or before the 26th day of September, 1664. at the Office of the Com- Pauy. No. 324 WAI o NIIT Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors, B. A. HOOPES. selD-tocl Treasurer. IIarOFFICE OF THEMANDAN ME. NINO COMPANY, No. 324 WALNUT Street. PHILAIMLPHIA, September 9, 1864. ' NOTICE IS . HEREBY GIVEN that a Dividend has been declared, pay able to Stockholders of record at the close of businessctober lot, 1864 as follows: Three Shares of the Resolute dining Company and Five-Shares of the Medora Mining Company for every Twenty Shares of the Mandan Mining which all instalments then due is s uedave beexi.b . al?" . No fractions of shares will be but will be paid for by the'Company at the rate of six dollars per share of Resolute, and eight dollars per share of Medars, By order of the Directors, B, A. HOOPES, selo-tool Secretary and Treasurer. Mr" THE NcIiINLEY OIL COI:WANT, —NOTICE OF DIVIDEND, No. 1. • ' NEW Tom MC September 6, The Trustees of the hicKINLEY OIL COMPANY have declared a Dividend ol THESE PER CENT. (out of the net earnings of the Company for the month of. Angus% payable on demand at the Office of the Company, No. 81 JOHN Street, NEW York, to shareholders of record, at the doge of business this day. se9.6t* WALTER R. LAWTON, Treasurer. WTENTH. WARD.-250 MEN WANE ED to 111 the quota of the Tenth Ward.. Highest bounty paid. Apply to A. H. FRANCJSCUS. . ee9- tf • • 513 MARKET Street, VW' SOtTHWARI RANK. PHILLDELPIIIA. Sept. 8, .1284. A Special Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House on SATUBDA.Y, October Bth, 1864. at 10 o'clock A. M.,to decide on the expediency of con verting the Bank a National Association. agree ably to an act of Congress approved June 8, 1861, and to take such other action as may be necessary. By order of the Board of Directors. ors 9-1 m F. P. STEEL, Cashier. PrDIVIDEND NOTICE. • OFfl9ll OP THE 'ORTON PETROLEUM COMPAHT, 147 South FOURTH Street. .PHTLADELPHIA, September St it, 1884 The Board of Directors have this day &dared a Fifth Monthly Dividend of TWO PER CENT. on the Capital .Stock,payablecin and afterthe 16th current. The Trans fer Books will be closed from the 13th inst. to the - hsth Met.. incluidve. - Eseit-701 CRAB. A. DEFY, President. lar OFFICE Or EL DORADO OIL COMPINY, oor.FIFTH and WALE IL Ste. PHILADELPHIA, September 12, 1861 By order of th e Board of Directors, a Second Instal ment of FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE will be payable at the Office of tho Company on FRIDAY next, between the bolus Of 9 A. N. and 2P, M. B. A. MITCIIELL, sel43ts Eseretary and Treasurer. TENTH WARD.—THE CITIZENS 10 , 715" of the Tenth Ward, who have not responded to the APPEALS FOR AID, to assist the ward in furnish ing the lull number of men required by the Govern ment, are offered ONE MORE OPPORTUNITY to show their patriotism. We require Four Thousand Dollars to make our work complete. So far the burthen has been borne by about one-tenth of the enrolled citizens of the ward. The Committee urge upon all who are able to come forwaid and. do their duty promptly. A. R. FRANCISCUS. Treasurer,- .sel6-6t No. 513 MARKET Street. igrz. AllatOßY B compArnr, GRAY RE SERVES —A special meeting will be held on FRIDAY RVRIIING, 16th inst , at half-past 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance is requested. • sel3-2t* F. P. FISHER. 0. S. A NO TIVE.—THE. BOOKS OF SUB. SCRIPTION to the Capital Stock of the ." N TIONAL OIL CREEK OIL COMPANY." will be opened for receiving Subscriptions on the 15th tnst, r at our Office. This Company has a very large Oil Terri tory in Fee simple, together with some of the most valuable producing Leases on Oil Creek, the present production from which is yielding a good revenue upon the capital of the company. For further information apply to the undersigned. COCHRAN & RUSSKLL, 22 North FRONT Street. OFFICE OF STORY • FARM OIL COMP ANY. Dividend of TWO AND ONE-. HALF OM) PEE CENT. bas been declared by . the Di rectors or the Company for the month ending August 31, lffit, payable at their oflice_, 308 'WALNUT :Street, up stairs, on and after September 15th. inst., to Stock holders recorded on the books of the Company at that date. • Transfer hooks will be closed from the 10th to the 15th inst., inclurive. J. A. WILLIAMS, Secretary. September 1, 11361. - ". . • aels-2t* far' . I END.-THE DIIftE4CrORS of the NOBLE AND DELAMATER- PETRO LSUM COMPANY have Able day declared their Fifth Monthly Dividend of TEN PER CENT. from the earn ings of the month of August, making fifty per cent. on the capital in five months, payable, free of State tax, on the 20th instant. Books close on 18th and reopen 21ti. . GEORGE W. HUNTER, Secretary, SEPTEMBER -14, 1864. ' sels- 5t MTHE EVENING . SESSIONS OF CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, CM' CHESTNUT Street, will commence THURSDA Y 37 Sept. 15th, to continue until April 15th, 1855. Young Men fully prepared for the counting house. Boo keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic, Tele grapl in& &a., axe taught in the most thorough anti prac tical manner. Students are instructed separately, and at such hours as may beet suit their conv.onience. sels-4t* IN E UI i f i IitIT W H A V I At. "IE —Th et . wanting more than TWENTY MEN' to fill e tne re quo l ts of the Eighth Ward. Volunteers are offering every day, .lint the funds of the ward are exhansted. Sub scriptions will be received by • • • • J. - G. ROSENGARTEN. Treasurer, sell.* S. E. corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streeta. WCITIZENS' SUBSTITUTE. iIEPRE SENTATIVE. AND VOLUNTEER AGEDfCY. 411 CHESTNUT Street.—The highest Bounty paid at this office for one and three-years volunteers. sel3-6V _ FAIR FAIR!! FAIR IS—NOW OPEN at WRIGHT'S INSTITUTE, FRANK - FORD. (or the BENEFIT of the PRESBYTERIAL CHURCH. se7-19t* INIUTARIG • DRAFT WILL SURELY COME OFF ON MONDAY, Wm. THE LAST CTIA:NCIE." ENLIST IN A GOOD REGIMENT, 199th REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLS. 00ALE ONE AND ALL TO HEADQUARTERS, 611 CHESTNUT ST/REET2 - . • • AND GIT , aelfat HIGH BOUNTY. • ' • N .- CAMERON, Chitirman': RETAIL DRY GOODS. ilitN AND 11017SE4VENTSHING CECIODS. The subscribers have now ou hand the ItIOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF LINENS #141) ItOrn.}IIRDISIIING'DET GOODS To be found in the city These goods having been bought for cash, titular very vorable Circumstances, will ba sold AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE, licruany cases lees than they can be bonght at wholesale Theii stock cOinprises a cull Liao of Barniley (linen) Sheetings, 84, 9 4, 10-4, 11 4, 12 4. French' " " a superior article. Extra heavy Cotton Bheetinge, 9-4,100-4, 11-4, 12 , 4. Pillow and Bolster Linens, various widths. Table Damasks and Diapers. Table Cloths from 2 to 6 yards long, 6-8 3.4, 7-8, and 4 4 Table Napkins. White Linen Doylies, and colored Fruit Doylies. `Towels and Toweling' , of all descriptions: Vliarseilles Quilts, Counterpanes, and Blankets. Table and Piano Covers, &c. SHEPPARD, TAIT HARLIHGEN, & ARRISON, Importers and dealers in . Furnishing and Staple Dry Goods Bel6.fintc6t LUPIN'S FRENCH. MERINOES AT $2. All-wool Frencit Poplins at aiL 87M% Fine English Kerb:Lees at $1.75. • 2-yds wide do do $2.59. P 4 do. do do $2. ' • Plain and Plaid . Dress Goods ntSric tr.ah s sel6-tf j° 4l2 ARCH Street.' NEW snmrr FNOII , 15434. A NEW AND ()RUT INVENTION IN. . - HOOP SKIRTS. TEE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) STEEL SPRING-. J. - L. & ,T, G. WEST, No. 97 CHAMBERS-STREET, NEW YORK, Are the ow nere of the patent and exclusive manufac turers of this. J. `..BRADLEY'S PATENTED DUPLEX `ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRING SIIRTB This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly ;together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most elas tic., flexible, and durable spring ever used, enabling the °wearer, wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and fold the skirt when inuse as easily and with the same convenience as a silk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objec ,tiou to hoop skirts, V i-Z : . the annePance to the wearer tie well as the public, especially in ere wded assemblies, Carriages, railroad cars, churchpews, or litany crowded place, from the dculty of contracting them to occupy 4 lag small space. This entitely,removes the difficulty, while giving the skirt the usual fall and symmetrical -Rum, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade, or house ,dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, .and great' convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward willingly dispense with the nee of them. They are the best quality In every part, and by far the lightest, most durable,•comfortable„ and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladies in most first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the different States. - - - A7r Inquire for the- DOUBLE ELLIPTIC. SPRING SKIRTS pRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC m SKIRT, • - Very flexible, folded, easily when in. nisi to occupy a small apace, making the most agreeable skirt worn. For sale by • J. M RAYLEIGH, 9OM CHESTNUT Street. WADLEY'S DUPLEX `ELLIPTIC -11-. SKIRT—The greatest improvement we have ever seen in LADIES , SRIRTS,- arid an article of SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE.. ORRWRN STODDARTJ& BRO., 450, ‘152, and 454 N. SECOND ,St., ab. %e9-ifirri CARPETS . AND OIL-CLOTHS. FALL 1864. GI;ErN IECI-10 MILLS, CfERIVIANTOWIY. MoCALLUNI & CO., CARPET. WAREHOUSE, 519•CHESTITUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. 1864. 1864. mec.All,um eir. CO., RETAIL DEPARTMENT, 519 CEESTNI7T STREET; selg-tf OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE IIALL;•• • • NEW PUBLICATIONS. OAP N rrnmlpotarricAis-,.E . Lpryz,twx - , United Statee .Of • THE GREAT REBELLION, FROM 119VBXBRat. 6, 1860, TO JULY ` 4, 18C-_•: Including a duetted, summary of the legislation_of the Second Session of the Thirty-sixth - greas;.the Three Sessions of the Thirty-seventh Congress, the First Session of ilte Thirty-eighth Congress, with. the votes thereon: and the important Executive, .Padicial, and Politico-Military Facts of that eventful period :*to gether with the organization, legislation, axagegeral Proceedings of the Rebel Administration, by HON. EDWARD McPHERSOL Clerk of the House of Representatives of the. Putted: States. Thework containsa MAGAZINE OP FACTS, arranged in logical order, or grouped in natural harmoay, con stituting a most valuable contribution to the Historical Literature of the country. In all the votes, parties are classified. The Index is thorough, both, as to names and tub- Yea*, giving the reader . entire command of the con tents. 443 PP.. Svo., law. sheep; price $4; free mail. PHILP & SOLOMONS, Pabl by ishtrs, Washington, D. 0. T B. PUGEI, • S. W. eor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Sts., Phila. sel6-fmw6t. -41 NEW LAW BOOWB.. . . • LITTLE, BROWN, & z oo., LAW AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS 110•WASIalsTal'ON STREET, BOSTON, PUBLISH THIS DAY REDFIELD ON THE LAW OF WILLS. Embracing also, THE 'JURISPRUDENCE OF INSANITY; THE EFFECT OF EXTRINSIC EVIDENCE; THE CREATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF TRUSTS, solar as applica ble to Wills, with Forma and Instructions for preparing Wills. By Isaac F. 800104 LL, D, Price $7.60. ALSO RECENTLY PUBLISHED: WASHBURN ON THE AMERICAN LAW OP REAL PROPERTY. By Emory Washburn, LL. D. SNOOND EDITION, greatly enlarged. 2 vols. Svo. Price - W. • • . BLACKWELL ON TAX TITLES. .A Practical Trea tise on the power to sell Land for the nun-.paiment of Taxes assessed thereon; brought down to the present time. By HOD. E. H. Bennett. •SSCOND EDITION. BVO. Price $6. BISHOP ON MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. Commen taries on the Law of Marriage and Divorce, of 'Separa tions without Divorce, and of the Evidence of Marriage in all Dimes. By Joel Prentiss Bishop. 2 vole. Svo. FOURTH EDITION. Price $l6. BROWNE ON THE STATUTE OF FRAUDS. A Trea tise on the Construction of the Statute of Frauds; as in force in 'England and the United States. By Cansten Browne, Esq. SECOND EDITION,• revised and enlarged. Svo. Price $6.60.'• • • UNITED STATES ANNUAL DIGEST. FOR 1861. -By A. Farman Smith, Esq. Royal Svo. 'Price $6.60. UNITED STATES LAWS. Pabaed at ihe 'First Ses sion of the Thirty-Eighth Congress. government Edi tion. Royal Bvo. Price $2.60. READY rs A FEW DAYS HILLARD ON MORTGAGES OF REA AND PERSO NAL PROPERTY. Third Edition, greatly enlarged. 2 vole. Bvo. ALLEN'S REPORTS of Cases Argued and Determined n the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Vol. 7. GRAY'S REPORTS of Cases Argued and Determined In the Supreme'Judicial Court of Massit:clinset ts. Vol. U. BOIITWELL'S MANUAL OF THE EXCISE AND TAX LAW. .;Fourth Edition Bel4-wfm3t SCHOOL BOOKS, PENS PENCILS, INKS. OREM' LETTER PAPER AND ENVELOPES. • • • FINE NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES. /it i ttga Stamped aratte 7 ,*•* Everything a. School wants Supplied at the lowest rates, DiLitagnaktl4 l l=ll, 1308 CHEa•Lri uT. A BHCROFT'S LOW-WATER DE .. TECTORS. Ashcroft , s Steam Ganges. Justice & Shaw's Mercurial Steam and Blast Ganges. Clark's Damper Regulator. Water Ganges, Scotch Tubes, &c. AUGS. S. BATTLES, Agent, 24 North SIXTH Street, Phila. A SHMEAD & EVANS DAVE JUST RECEIVED THE CRUISE OF THE ALABAMA AND THE SUMP TER. From the Private Journals and other Papers of Commander R. Semmes and other Officers. THE CLIFF -CLIMBERS. Mayne Reid'.3 New Book. A Sequel to The Plant-Hunters." CENTEOLA, and' Other Tales. VICTOIRE. Are ovel. DRAMATIS PERSONA. By Robert Browninit. THE EARLY DAWN. By the author of the Schon burg-Cotta Family. " Equally as interesting. ENOCH ARDEN. Tennyson 's new Poem. DOWN IN TENNESSEE. By Edmund Kirke. THE . TRIAL ; MORE LINKS OF THE DAISY CHAIN. By the author of " The Heir of Redclyffe " HERBERT SPENCER'S CLASSIFICATION OF THE SCIENCES. Pamphlet. ASHMEAD dt EVANS, Successors to Hazard, No. 724 CHESTNUT Street. NNW BOOKS] NBW BOOKS! • A • THE CRUISE OF TAB ALABAMA AND THE SUMPTER. From the Private Journals and other Papers of Commander N. Semmes and other officers. THE CLIFF-CLIMBERS, Mayne Reid's New Book. . A Sequel to The Plant-Hunters. ' DRAMATIS PERSONA. By Robert Browning. THE 'EARLY DAWN: By the author of "The Schou barg-Cotta Family. '' Equally as interesting. ENOCH ARDEN. Tennyson's new Poem. DOWN IN TENNESSEE. By Edmund Kirke. HOW TO -DO IT: Or, Directions for Knowing and Doing Everything IT: . FROM CAPE COD TO DIXIE AND THE TROPICS. By J. Milton Mackie. For sale by W. S. Er ALFRED MARTIEN,. se9-tf. . 606 CHESTNUT Street. ROBERT- BROWNING'S • NEW BOOK, - DRAMATIS I'ERSON2E, In one volume. ALSO, , MAYNE REID'S NEW BOOK. - THE CLIFF CLIMBERS; OE, A Hose IX THS kiwi.' Illustrated. NEW BOOKS, Medical, Scientific„and Mlacellaneorts.for sale as 60011 es published, by - LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Sommeliers, 191 ti 49V4ti air lit:0400.0 ch94tot. tj . s. t4oA.N. The Secretary of the TreasruT ajYee nears, Wei ecriptione will be received for Coupon Treasury Motet, payable three prim from August lath, 1564, with Semi arurnal interest at the rate of seven and three-texiths per cent. per annem—prreclpal and Interest both to be paid In lawful money. These notes will be iionvertible, at the option of the holder, at' maturity, tato eix-per- cent. gold-beariul "bonds, payable not less than fl ye nor more than twenty rears from their date, as the Oocreriultent may elect. They will be issued in denominations of WO, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO, and 0,000. and allsubesriptions must be fPr fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. As the notes draw interest from .August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to fiat date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five tbonsand dollarsnud upwards for these notes at any onetime will be allowed a commission of onP-quarter of one per cent. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. OF THIS LOAN. Fr IS A <NATIONAL 'SAVINGS B.ANN, offering a higher rate of interest than any other, and the best security, Any savings bank which pays Its depositors in U S. Noteg, considers. that it is - paying in the best circulating ntedinin of tbe country, and it cannot pay in anything better, for 4 s own assets are either in Government securities or in notes or bonds payable in. Government paper., Convertible into a Six r per-eent. 540 Gold In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth About three per tent. per annum, for the Current rate for 6.20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent. pre. mium, and before the war the premicuu on six-pencent. D. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than tea per cent. per annum. Its Exemption from State or Municipal Taxation. Bat aside from all the advantages we have enumera ted, a special act of Congress exernige all Bond& and TreastirY Fates frenn local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent. per annara, according to the rate of taxation in varions parts of the country. - • It is believed that no seeisrities offer so great induce ments to lenders as those !fueled - by the Government. In all other forMs of indebtedness, the faith or ability of Private parties> or stock companies, or separate coin •ransitios, only, is pledged for payment;while the whole property of the countrY is held to secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United 'States. Sunaosamows WILL . BB AUCH/V131) by the Tressnrer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Second National. Bank of Philadelphia, Psi. Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa: Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. And - by all National Badks Which are. depositaries of Public =nor, and ' • ALL 11BSPECTA331.3 11:A1NB AND BANtEREI throughout the cottntii will give further information. ant - - • . AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBER& sel2-12111W2t _ . VBT! OF . TEL OLD •LOLN OF 1881, Si! - PEE CENT...INTEREST. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD, FOR SALE, IN LARGE OR SMALL SUMS, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. BONDS 3piCADY'FOR DELIVERY. . 0. B. - WEIGHT . ' & 00., • . • sel4-.tool • . ,1,4 X South THIRD fared.. 1864. NE W Ica.A:-N, 1881, EITHER COUPON OR REGISTERED. For sal% or exchanged for 6.20 bowie, on fayorabb) '. • terms. 7 3-10 n.7.tee tarnished. MME! .F . llll3 -T pi' 0 A-X4 Al‘ 4- K • tirls . ll.TgiD STATES., E 1 6.. fp : X-3FX. S. X-. 19.13.1..... Rondo. of : Ws:ram d*relfl,e., Loan ; 0) 1 / 4 144 . .144.40 r Bale of all do;owinationi3 and, In any amount, constantly on hand. INTEEEST PARABLE IN COIN. Subscribers have the privilege of paying the back interest from September Ist in United States Notes, adding 50 per cent. premium. Conversion of 73.10 per tent. Treasury Noles•to the Loan of 1881 attended to. Alb Itatioc►al Bank Notes received on deposit agar C. H. CLARK, • Pasemga^r. MORTON McMICHAEL, Jr., Cashier. ael2-10t NEW LOAN OF 1881. THE BALANCE OF THIS ;4'75,000,000 LOAN having this day been awarded, and our bids proving successful, we are prepared to SELL TO CUSTOMERS AT ONCE, In Large or SmaLl SUMS, any amount of this most desirable clop sl"*-I),ER-C1311; at the market price. We l ave always considered these "1681" Bonde as the BEST LOAN ON THE MARKET. There is but a SMALL AMOUNT FOE SALE,, and the premium will, in our opinion, advance rapidly. Parties having 6.2 A Loan will do well TO CALL AND EXCHANGE ITEIR 5-20 s for this more permanent Loan, especially as now, owing to the German demand for the Sve•twenties, a high rate can be obtained for them. 'JAY COOKE dc CO. ' selo-lm 114 South THIRD Street._ ITgi - NEW 7-80 LOAN. . P, ' • Subscriptions received, and the Notes fur nished free of all charges, lir GEO GE J. BOYD, Banker. att2A-3m 18 South TRIED Street. O IL STOCKS SOLD ON COMMISSION. TREASURY , DEPARTMENT, Dynes OF COMPTROLLER OF THE OTIRRENOY, WASHINGTON, September?, 1664: Whereas, satisfactory notice has been transmitted to the Comptroller of the Currency that the Capital Stock of "THE SECOND NATIONAL :BANK OF PHII;A DELPHIA," Penna., at Frankford, has been increased in the sum of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOU SAND DOLLARS' ($150,000), in accordance with the provisions of its Articles of Association, and that the whole amount of such increase has been paid in, and that. - the paid-up Capital stock of said Bank now amounts to the mum of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2.50,000): How.' it is hereby certified,' That the Capital Stock of '! The Second National Bank of Philadelphia.," Penna., has been increased, as Aforesaid, in the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars (5150,000); that said increase of Capital has been paid into said Bank lie - apart of the Capital Stock.thereof; and that the said in crease of Capital is approved by the Comptroller of the CIiTyOIICY. • • In witness whereof, I hereunto affix my official signa ture... EDGE NoCULLOCH, • selo-6t Comptroller. • • TREA.BURY DEPARTMENT, -I- AUGUST 24. 1864.—NOTICE TO HOLDERS OP THREE YEARS SEVER-THIRTY NOTES DATED OCTOBER 1854. Holders of Seven -thirty Notes dated October 1; 1861, are shereby notified that they may be presented imme-. diatgly. in any amount, to be exchanged for Six Per Cent. Bonds falling due after June 80, 185 E • The interest on the Seven-Thirty Notes will be settled up tkrdate of maturity, October 1. and the Six Per Cent. Bonds will bear full coupons from July 1. The adjustment of interest will be made by deducting from the amount of interest found to be due on the th eySeven-Thir Notes Ce n t October 1, the' interest ac.. creed on Six Per Bonds from July Ito October 1; the balance will be transmitted by the Treasurer's coin draft immediately upon settlement. The following regulations in relation to endorsements must be carefully observed Where notes transmitted for settlement were -issued payable to order, and are held and transmitted by the original owners, they must be endorsed by them. 4 , pay to the Secretary of the Treasury for redemPtion." and bonds will lame In their name. • Where notes payable to order are held by oth ei parties than the original owners, tile notes must have the en dorsement of the origiratt owners, and also be endorsed by the present owners, Pay to the Secretary of the Treasury for redemption. " For notes issued in blank, endoreed " Pay to the Secretary of the Treasury for redemption," bonds will be issued to the parties transmitting them, and in such manner as they may direct. When notes are endorsed or transmitted by an at torney, administrator, executor, or other agent, they must be accompanied by a duly certified copy or certil cate of the authority under which he acts; and in all cases by a letter stating the kind (registered or coupon) and the denomination of the Six Per Cent. Bonds wanted in exchange. When Registered Bonds are ordered, parties should state at which of .the following places they wish the interest paid, viz: New York, Philadelphia,lloston, Baltimore, New Orleans, Chicago, St. Louis, or Cincin nati. W. P.. FESS)ItNNDEN, an3o.lBt Secretary of the Treasury. B J. 'WILLIAMS, • WINDOW SHADES. Sir The Largest and Finest Assortment in the city at Repairing attended to promptly. , sar-svit Ptia4es jade RA /Attired. e44-lal FINANCIAL. Bona. at s~io - TO surr. DREXEL, . & CO. FINANCIAL AGENT OH TIM It 3 7 1,0 th N'Crr.V..S, 10.40 LOAN- AT PAR OBOROB S. BOYD, 1.13 South TlllRD_Btreet. au24-3m NO. 18 NORTH BIXTR STREET. Manufacturer of VENETIAN BLINDS AND LOWEST PRICES. WANTS. CDINIST WANTtD.-A , mart to repair machinery In a woolen Steeds — .einploymc ta giTtn. Apply 138 WALNUT Street. ttP7skalra. 6914-St* RITUATIOI4 WAI4 TED BY AI OBNA.- MENTAt.and FANCY CAKE BaKEP,,. or as a Pastry Cook, in a firet-elass Hotel anrirhere in the country. Can come well-feropinended. Address " IL G . , I , No. 257 South MTH street, Phtlada. sels-2tf NVANTED-A: YOUNG MAN kg A. 5. V &stunt Book-keeper amid to work in the store.. ,lie ference required. AtMess,ffirts office, Work. ' • rels-3t4 WANTED-BOA:Et FOR TWO LA DIES, between n Cbastwatateis and Sprtce and Broad ad tnth. .Addrese Mrs. Fivs WyetNap Brotbe e ra, WALlityr, above Broae. care of sel6-2EK WANTED-A YOUTH TO =LEARN the WATCHMAKING atIVIEWELIIT -TRADE. -tu , Teret -, As reTalred. dretr 'WaSel '' unaker,- Press O no. 8e16.2t* WAIT/It D TO SEL:L=TEIE STOCK, T T LEASE. aud FIXTURES of an ald eltablished Dry Goods-an'd' O'rocery Store near' the :city; doing a' heavy . bn stareSs. Satisfactory rea.lto's formdling., Ad• dress "MEECH:A - NT,' ' at this office;-f0rt1. 6 500 days: Philadelpl3lB,- Sept.l4, 1564. sels-3tl AVANTED-ON THE FIRST PAY OF JANUAR:t' NEXT, a STORE on: , IIIAVRET St., between Third and Firth streets, err the upper side; will rent or purchase it. Address box 247.1 , P0tt Office WANTED-AL GOOD SALMTA-A - N IN a WROLERALE BAT HOUSE. Aildreza Box 2266 P. 0. ' . aal3l6t,` fARTERMA4BTER G E ' S lr OFFICE, FIRST DIVISION, • „ Whaatralrox CITE, infttaizi; 18n HORSES! HORSESSI HORSES!!! Horses imitable for Cavalry and Artillery serrice•wi'll be purchased at GIESBORCi• D)SPOT, in open clatter, till OCTOBER 1, 1864, Borges will be delivered to.Capiain L. Lowrylibore;. A. Q. M. enbiected tb•the usual Governmeittit spection before beiDg accepted. Price of Cavalry Horses, lifrib'each. Price of Artillery Horses, gut eac h. - Payment 'will be made for elz (6) end more. JAMES A. EfCl4, Colonel First Division, - Quartermaster General's Office:, sea- se9o WANTED TO . RE NT-A FUI nished or unfurn4hed HOUSE, situate between , Pine and Arch, and west of Eleventh. street. The best•' security given for proper care of furniture,. Addrese's S. H.," at this office. selfi 3t4 dft WANTED—A frITRITISHED RCS-HOUSE in or south of Chestnut street. Address WM. COX, 1428 WALNUT Street. sel2-ntwi3t' it WANTED TO PURCHASE- 1 A 17BAT SUMMER RESIDENCE", with an acre or, two of around, near a railroad station; and 'within ten milee of the city. Addrees, with partioniare, Box IVO, P.O. sels-30` WANTED IMMEDIATELY-1,000 Gold, Mier, and Plated WATCRES, new and second hand, for which the highest - prices paid. M. L 31 - cOLYNN, 208 X North BIGHTA Street. serd-dt* . . $9 000 -WANTED-PIIB. . ABOVE 9 amount. for 5 or 10 years,, at 6par cent. First mortgage on - first-class city security. Amity to ROBERT. MAC GRIfGOR, sel6 419 WALNUT Smeet. cifin -WANT -- EDA PARTNER, NV''' . • eltber active or silent, in au•establisbed and profitable Manufacturing Business , N7ltir cash sales. Address "Partner," PreBB Office. sels-3t* TO INVEST IN A WELL- S 6 9 1 ( 0 ) Established, safe, and profitable busi ness, by a perscn with good business cknallffications twelve years' experience. Undoubted references given. Address "D.E.," Press Office. sel.-4-3t* $5OOO. $7,000, AND OTHER SUMS 9 9 to Loan on Mortgage or City Property at b per cent. for a tern of years. CHARLES RHOADS, se7-lOt* Conveyancer, No. 36 S. SEVENTH. St. FOR SALE AND TO LET. • pAIR GOATS FOR SALE—WELL matched, broken to barnesa; Wagqn:buggy,faleigh, dc., at Marble Yard. ARCH, below Nineteenth street. between 4 and SP. M. ' sels.3t R BALE—A MINERAL WWI ER ES -a- VO TARLISHISENT, with stock and machinery, doing a fair business. Apply hack of 347 N.TII IR D St. sels St* dpf/ FOR BALE OR EXCLIANGE, .I WEST PHILADELPHIA--One splendid large DWELLING, Kingsessiog avenue and Forty. second street; Lot about CO by 200, Two large DWBLLINGS on Pine street, above Fortieth ;AO by 150 One smaller one on Spruce, below Thirty ninth. A handsome model of the first can be seen at the Office of sel6 21* D. L. LEEDS, 108 South FOURTH Street. el FOR SAL E- SEVERAL ..LARGE =knew HOUSES on Broad street, above Jefferson; also, one above Oxford, 24 feet front. Lots all 200 feet deep to Carlisle street, suitable for Stables on the rear, These will be sold cheap, g taken within a few days. D. L LEED 4, selS-2t* 1.08 South FOURTH Street. dit LARGE HOTEL TO RENT, WITH MATHS TORNlTURE.—Barnnia's Hotel, No. 287 North THIRD Street, baying been altered and improved, is now offered for rent. The house N commodious, well ventilated, and contains 1 - 10 rooms, and is welt located for business. To a suitable tenant, with an extensive Influence with country trade, the terms will be made easy. Immediate possession will be given. Address Box 933, Philadelphia poet once, or apply at 21.4 RACE Street. • . • . sel64:!` DELAWARE COUNTY.--FOR .wa SALE, a HANDSOME TRACT . OW LAND, 85 ' acres, near Chester, divided into two tracts' by a fine road loading to the river front, and intersecting the road to. Chester and Claymont Station, on the Baltimore Railroad. The land is well adapted' for business pur poses, having considerable front on the railroad, and convenient to the river. The high land is admirably adapted for cottages or country seats, having extended views of the river and surrounding country, and is in the immediate vicinity of _extensive improvements and Claymont Station. Fine springs on the land, fruit, &c. Buildings tolerable and handsomely located, withlawn Planted with fruit and shade trees • JAMBS R. CUMMINS, . . sel2-rawfSt*. . 504 WALNUT Street., FOR SALE OR. TO .tET.:--TWATiVE Ala Bret-elase four-story BRICK HOUSES, new, and with all - the modern improvements, on east side of South BROAD Street, near Wharton. Terms moderate. Apply to GEO.. SERGEANT, - for F. Ti!. Drexel's' skate.' sels-Im* 432 WALNUT Street:': At MISTER COUNTY.--,FOR BALE ; acres. .a portion 'wood-land and meadow.; fine.. Orchard: two miles from West Chester; nicely wa‘ered; *cod, substantial stone Mansion , enclosed • w ith , picket fence; fruit and shade; line Barn end all necessary ont -131:Lildillo; Price 095 per acre. jAS7 0134191dIbTS; 504 W-A.LXLIT Street.. Send tot catalogues of Delaware and Chester-connlY Farms. . seltS-St•• TO LET-THE FIRST, FIFTH, SIXTH, and SEVENTH. STORIES of Dr. Jayne's Building, DOCK Street, - belew. Third, either with or without steam power. Aleo:tbe*Oommonwealth Building, 611 and 613 CHESTNUT Street. Ail' , to THOMAS H. CONNELL. cOnnting•house of Dr. •D. Jayne- & Son, 1642 CHESTNUT Street. sel4-6i tri "FURNISHED HOUSE'}=-NEAR GEliblAbiTOWitiV convenient to Station—to let for a short or long period; board provided if desired. Address " Country," this office. .ee3 fAltifs $4,000 -A. .YEARLY GROUND • RENT of $?,40 per annum, scoured upon central citypror*rty. for sale by - 5e15.21.* LEWFS H. REHSER, No. 132 S. FOURTH St. it TRUCK AND PEACH BAB 3,00 v KILTS just received and for sale by ROWE & BURTON. sea-tf 157 and 159 North THIRD Street. EDUCATIONAL. MADAME EGERIE TUBB MAR "NI MODERN CALISTHENICS: Or, course or PHYSICAL EDUCATION • Approved by the Clergy. Surgeons an. Physicians of Philadelphia, as well as •by the Pr incipals of the best Schools, whose names are appended by authority. These exercises have been approved of and authegized at St. biary's Hall School, Burlington, New Jersey, on the 4th of August, Ito 6. by the late Rt. Rev. G. W. Doane, D. D.., - 1 4 h.D. , Bishop of New Jersey, and have been continued since that time with marked success and the happiest results. Classes will be attended to at Boarding Schools, Pro vided that each , class consists of not' less than twelve REFERENCES: Mt. Rev. Alone%° • Potter,.D. D 4 (Bistion ofp enne yl va .. nia Rev. John A. Vangnan. sm. John B . Clemson,D. b., Rev. Charles H. Wheeler, D. D., Rev. Wm. H. Furness, Rev. Wm. Croswell Doane, Prof. Samuel Jackson, M. D., H. Lenox Hodge, M. D., Paul B. God dard, M. D., Joseph Pancoaet. M. D. Geo. W. Norris, M. D., S. D. Gross M. D., Franklin Gauntt. M. D. (Burlington, New 'Jersey), Rt. Rev. James Wood, D. D. (Bishop of Philadelphia). Very Rev. Charles J. Carter, Convent of the Sacred Heart (Eden Hall. Pa.), Academy of the Sisters of Mercy ; Alfred Stills, M. D., John Neill, M . D. R. La Roche, M.D., Casper Morris, M. D., John Bell, M. D. George Moehring, M. D., William V. Keating, M.i). 3. V. Patterson,H. D., Francis West, M. D., Rt. Bev. W. H. Odeneimer, D. D. (Bishop of New Jersey), Rev. Elvin K. Smith (Principal of St.. Mary 'a Hall, Burlington): Mies C. Bayard. Mesdames Clacgaray & D'Hervilly, Misses Casey, Misses Anable, Misses Bark. Miss Mary E. Throp. Miss Brooks and Mrs.. Hall, Madame Clement (Germantown, Pa.), Miss Car (Linwood Hall, Va ), Miss Carpenter. Besides her own method of Calisthenics, Madame Martin is prepared to teach the system of Dr. Dio of Boston. Liberal arrangements may be made for Classes, No. 1346 SPRUCE Street. sel6-31 P RIVATE DANCING SCHOOL. MADAME EGERIE JULES MARTIN, aware that many parents object to their children at tending public dancing academies, will open Private Classes at her RESIDENCE, 1346 SPRUCE Street, on MONDAY, October 3d, where visitors are not admitted. She will give every attention to dancing and deport meat CLASSES, DAYS. AID HOURS. For Young Ladies and. Masters, on Mondays, Wed nesdays,. and Friday's, from S% until P. M. Independently of her Classes, Mrs. Martin will give lessons in private families, and at all the Schools where Air. Martin had the honor to teach. Should ladies, with parents or friends, like to learn any. New Dance separately, Mme. Martin will make arrangements for them. For Circulars, apply . at Madame Martin's residence. Madame Martin will take Classes formed at Boarding Schools or in the country.. sel6-3t LEG'AL. IN THE ORPHANS' 'COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNT"! OF .PHILADELPHIA, • Estate of .RICHARD WISTAR, Esq. , Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the .Court to aui it, settle. and adjust the account of RICHARD WISTAR, Adrai nistrator of RICHARD WISTAR. Esq.. deceased, - and to make distribution of the baiancs in the handsel' the accountant, will meet the parties interested tbe purpoces of hie appointment, on hIONDAY. September 26th, 1664. at 11 o'clock at his office, NO. 133 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. eta-hewn HORATIO G. JONES, Auditor; TI THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE — 1 - CITY AND cpUNTT . OP PHILADELPERat. Estate of THOMAS DIBCY Deceased- Notice is hereby given that HANNAH C. DIXCY, widow of the decedent, has filed her petition in the said Court, with an inventory and appraisement of the personal property of her late husband which she elects to retain, not exceeding in value MO, Tinder the act of the 19th April, 1861, and the supplements thereto, and that the same will be approved and allowed by the Court on FRIDAY, October • 71h,'16434, artless exceptions be filed thereto on or before.that day WILLIAM ERNST, Attorney for the Petitioner. 6e 16 17 91 Z 3 S . HOUSMAN .Sr. CO., JO, 1657 BROADWAY. NEW roam.' IHTOETSRS 02 MEN'S & LADIES' GLOVES. GERMS AND ENGLISH HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS • GAGES• & DRESS TRIMMINGS. to wawa they LIMITS THI WROLISALI TIADI. 1718-3 ft CARTES DE - .VISITE-BEAUTIFUL, natural, and pleasing specimens are always made 'at B. F. REIMER'S Gallery, 624 ARCH Street. Pic 'tures procured there sive entire satisfaction. Try him'? ONLY $1.50 FOR COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS—ReasonabIe enough you will think when you examine them and know their worth. See aped• plena and engage at REINER'S, SECOND Street, above Green.• ' /ts• - . TO CAPITALISTS.—THE RIGHT FOR the .whole or a part of the United States for the Manufacture and Sale of HUDSON'S PATENT UNI VERSAL QUILTEE is at the disposal of energetic par ties. It is capable of Quilting In any fonn, is beyond the power or infrlngsizent, and of greatest service in every faintly. For particulars inquire at No. 12120 WALNUT Street. • H. L. FULTON. selt-wfm.tle AUCTION SALES. ...... .?/ BAZAAR, NINTH ANDBAN. 5 EOM STREETS. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES; CARRIAMtiI • ;, ON SATURDAY NIORIUNG NEXT. --At 10 o'clock, oompridtg about FIFTY Hort-s Es. incipaing a deeirable light driving ostablialuttent, tit% property of_ a...private. gentleman. ALSO, - Several valuable trotting horses and superior saddle horses. Fall cieseriPtioas at sale. ALSO, A large collection of desirable new and second• hand carriages, light - wawa, arc, with which the sale will con mnce. Also a . single and doable Maim, saddles. bridlwaZ Naine, cover-, &c. . IED- poblponement on account of weather, AZii- Sale of Doreen, &c:, on. WEDNESDAY. • AR- Can - hive and harneolat private safe. sea-2tic ALFRED 1d RERK'frEss, Auctioneer. _:" , P. ATE•INSOII c0.,v." ATr CTICvI,E R S, WILL BILL, (11 1 Veedneaday, apt. 21, 1864, At Me - Stores of SOIPAdIVICK„ SHEELE, & griEgNE, Noa. 213 irnd 25'DE2 Street, NSW YORK, won roimns CHOICE 'FLEECE WOOL, Comprisingtb.s best seleclattefropa Ohio, p ertagy i vaa i s . and Vireinia. • SALE .A-BsolArrE QT: F rr.ERMASTEN GENERAL'S OF. Fraer Drtrierear. A:mm.7l'lr C - 12 . 1", September 2, 1884. Will be se.d-at Public Auctlnsi, to the highest bidder. at the time amdsilaces named iihhYtv, York, Pa• THURSDAY, Suit, - 15. 1864. , Altoona, THURSDAY , deist: 22, 1861,.. Lebanon, P.7.. 4 THURSDAY, Ke pt. 29. lam, TWO HUNT/W4D CAVALRY HORSES, AT SACS PL ACE: These Horaez. have been conder.".nsd ae unfit for the - • . cavalry service of the army. For 1 oad and firm' Purposes marry good bargains mar he had. Hones sold sin,TlY, Terms : Cash la - United States CArrencv. JA111.9 A. E 6111; Colonal . Pirst Quartarroaster rieneral'a Office. BYJ R C s )VELER & WILSON, AUCTION- 0£5701%; U. S. CA'rzzot. EXTIMBION. FrAtturnorozr, D' 0., Sept. 3. 1 , ..64, On SATURDAY, October let, commencing at 10 A. M. the following variegmted and plain marble will be sold at public Auction on the grounds north of the United ,T.ates Capitol: 100 blocks Tennessee Marble. 1000 cubic feet remnente ditto. 12 pieces Potomac Marble. CO3 cubic feet Vermont Green SorPentlne. 8 column Shafts • . dittto. 000 cubic feet remnante'llalian Marble.. At the tame time will 1:a sold a large lot of doors, shut. ate, and building materialof various kinds. By order of the Secretary , of the Interior. CLEMENT:L. WEST, General Soperintendent. AMU . SEMENTS. N - 7,71W CHESTNUT-ST; TIIMATRE. A-1 GROVER & SINN---Proprietors.and Manama, INCREASED ATTRACTMN POSITIVELY- THE - LAST W.MIX of the. great Romantic lifusical Pantomimic SpectacoLex Drama, IPrL l IP Wt &L 'THE LIVING W)WNTNNULO7s Rs. t rTlT '' T e lAig!Tl oi Zln adcuiotTebovatichtifomarra 3ommence with A POPULAR COMEDIETTA , , Cast with the strength of the company. THIRD FAMILY MATINEE SAMIRDAIt ATTERNOOff. Doors open at 2 o'clock. Admission to• the Matinee cents fall parts of the house); chiltiten 26 cents. MONDAY. Sept. 79t11, the frrk . night of the Fall and. Winter season:' when TIRE SEA OF ICE. WILL BE , PRODITGED. sel.2-dt WALNUT -STREET T:HB A T A GR.EA.T DOUBLE' BILL. THIS (Friday) EVENING, SeptriG,; fer the Benefit of the Eminent. Tragedian, ED-WIN , BOOTH, Wbo will appear as SIR EDWARD MORTIMER in. the Iron Cheat. And as DON CAESAR' DE BA nu. In rehearsal the Great Drama.entitled R Y BLAB; Edwin Booth in Ms original character of Ray Box Office open from 9 till• 3. Doors open at Vg. Curtain rieee at X to 8. MRS. JOHN DREW' NEW A.'ARCH STREET THEATRE. BENEFIT OF SIRS. JOHN DREW, TO-RIGHT, FRIDAY, September. I. l lth, 1964. • TAE PROVOKED.BUSBAND. LADY TOWNLY HRS. JOHN DREW Eaulre Riebard • Stuart Robson To conclude with FAINT HEART NEVEM WON PAIR LADY. DURESS DE TORRENEDVA HRS. JOHN DREW CILEST.NIJT STREEPOPERA HOUSE, 1821. CHRSTNITY ST.—Brilliant success of MORAN'S MINSTRELS. Standing room only after &o'clock. Seats can be secured from 10 to 2, without extre charge. The following specialities, among others, are reaps*. Daily sumitted for this week: THE: AUCTIONEER, Written and sung only by the great E. BOWERS. Duel between Mr. Knott and Mr Schott. SALLY, COMB UP, By Getting, late of Bryant's. I'D CHOOSE TO•RE A BABY. Sung only by the inimitable MORAN. OXYGENATED AIR, • THE BUFFALO GIRLS. MORAN WORRIED BY BOWERS, THE MILLF.R AND HIS-MEN. • And the new Plantation Festival, entitled S. 0., Introducing the talented Star Company. Admission Ze.. Reservo... teats 60c. Doors open at M past 7, 8, sel4-41 S-34-SSEMBBY BUILDINGS, - TENTS AND CHESTNUT Streets. TEMPLE . OF WONDERS! SIGNOR BLITZ! svanr . EVENING. AND WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. Change of Performance Constantly. Admission, 25 Cents. Children, 15 Cents. Reserved Beat!, 80 Cents. Evening Performancei commence at 73i. Atlanta**. at S. an27-t[ ABSEMBL.Y BUILDINGS. THE GRAND STEREOPTICON EVERY IMMO AT 8 O'CLOCK. SEM DID NRW VIEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF TRH WORLD. Admission 25 cents: children 15 cents. TUX GYMNASIUM, -A- . Corner NINTH and ARCH Streets. Is, now. prepared for the WINTER COURSE Ladies. gentleman, and Children are invited to pay us a visit. Quarter com mences at any time. selffiet — Professore-HILLEBRAND & LEWIS. CHRIST REJECTED.- THE GREAT and celebrated picture by West, the chef d'auvre oC the artist. is now on exhibition at the ACADEMY OR MEE A STS, No 1025 CHESTNUT St., in addition to tle entire Art Collection of the Academy. Admittance, 25 cents. Season Tickets, 50 cents. THE ACADEMY 011 1 PINE ARTS, - 2, - CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, h OPEN DAILY. for visitors. from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. BOARD/11$9, BOARDING} NEAR GERMANTOWN -a-, • oonvenieriCto Station: fine rooms; also, stable room. Address "Baker," Pram office. 5e6.1.0V ELIGIBLE ROOMS NOW VACANT at HILL'S. att23-ba* 328 SPRUCE Street LOST AND FOUND. L 0 ST OR DESTROYED BY FIRM -A-. —Certificate of Stock No. V 6, for I,GOO Shares of the Stock of the New York and Middle Coal Field Rail road and Coal Company; and hereby give notice that I have made application for Certificate in lien thereof • A. K. McCLURE. CITATIBURSBURO. AngnstBo, ISii. au29-mwfat LOST -TWO CERTIFICATES OF BO HEMIAN MINING COMPANY STOCK. No. MI in the name of LEWIS SUL. for one hundred shares: No. 1180. in the name of JOEN G. REPPLIER, for one hundred and fifty shape. Application has been mods to said Company fora rortewal. of said Certificates. NARMAJATK g MOOSE, 319 WALIW' Strts)l. LOST -11 . a. 7 B=lo BONDS , NO. 17,064 for $5lO, Ros t 89,364-6-6-7-8 for $lOO each, matter is L'nhrnu+. lad Augnit, to the order of OnWALIP VIDAITSON. , guardian of Theodore a. Bealcirt, and unendorsed. ..Application for payment of the same ha* been made at the Treasury Department. Any informa. Non will be suitably rewarded by_ T Co REAKIET, An2B-ISt l TOSS WALNUT Street. PERSONAL. TEA D. SWISHER BEING NO LONGER in our empley,we Will not acknowledge any Irani actions be make in our name. 11.IISSELMAN St No. 12 N. 'FOURTH St. Puna., Sept. 1.4,1551: eels•St' P ERSONAL. -JEWELRY SENT BY MAIL, tree of postag - e,, to any part of the United States, on receipt of the following prices: Single Stone Imitation Diamond Ring, $1; Cluster Imitation Dia mond Ring, Si ; heavy Plated Vest Chains. $1; heavy Plain Rings, will stand the strongest acid. 50c. ; ma ficent Piatn Ring, $1; small Round Black Enamelled Ear Drops, 50c. ; heavy Plated Black Enamelled Sleeve Buttons. 25c. ; bents' Single Stone or Closter Imitation Diamond Pins, 5l; Bracelets. Si; handsomely-chased Medallions, $1; complete sets Carbuncle Studs and Bet tons, $1; complete sets Black Enamelled Studs and But. tons, with Pearl Settin ,$1 ;Par cy Watch Keys,soc. - Pen. and Pencil, with Extension Case,_ $1; Ladies' Long Guard and Chatelaine Chains, $ l; Chatelaine Pins, $ll, genuine Gutta Percha Chains, $1; Ladies' and Gents* Miniature Pins, for hair or likeness, $1; Seal Rings, $1: R ST LNB &c M kß N a N ll , 916 r RAC E S t o ree t p , Ph pa a . D e i l r o e - c 6ls t NOTICE -NORTH INNE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD' —CHANGE OF HOURS FALL ARRANGEMENT. On rand after MONDAY, S.titmber 19th. 1861. the Trigss of this Road will leave THIRD and THOMPSON Streets as follows: For Bethlehem st 7.M) A. M. , 8.15 P. M. and 6.15 P M. For Doylestown at 9 35 A.M., 2.30 P. M. and 4.15 P. Id. For Lansdale at 6.15 P. M. For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. M. and U P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. • Leave Bethlehem at 6.31) A. M:,13.16 noon,and 5.45 P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A 51., 3 P. M. and 5.30 P. M. Leave Lansdale at 6.10 A_ M. Leave Fort Washington at 10.50 A. M. and 1 P. M. sel6-2tif ELLIS CLARICE, Agent. A dr oi t FOR SALE--THE BARGE, formerly steamer, " NEW WORLD," as she now lies at Alexandria, Vs. ; of about 1,71:30 tone. Length about 395 feet, beam SO feet. Well found In boats, anchors; chains, steam fire-engine, &c.. and in perfect order. /or particular'', apply to .FRED. C. SCHMIDT, o. 1 South WILLIAM Street, New York. MEYER'S NEWLY PROVED CRESCENT SCALE ovßasTßune PIANOS. lodged to be the best. London Prize Medal _ -t Awards in America received. DEONS AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS. areroome, No. 722 ASCE St. • bel. Eighth. DECKER BROS., Acknow and High MSI,O ael3-3m STECK ec. CO.'S CELEBRATED PIANOS. • J. E. COULD, ESEVIINTR AND :471413TN11T. COTTAGE ORGANS, Not only IIfiII%CIILLED. bat UNEQUALLED 111 roarttY Of Tone and Power, dealsned especially for Marches and Schools, bat found to be nanny well adapted to the Parlor and Drawl= Room. Por sale only by H. M. BRUCE; 18 North SI'TRIITH Street. Aliso, a complete auortreant of the Ported Melodeon *militantly on hand. anl& Sra I " " Mr. SARGENT gives notice of hie return to this city, and readiness to resume business hr the let SONptmber ell orders received aa usual at MA k CO'S store. 907 CIESSTIQIIT Street. an26-Ine A FEW. MORE HORSES CAN -AM._ be accommodated at the LIVERYBTABL. No. 827 CHERRY Street.' eels4t• BIOITUTZB FURNISHED BY SU . I`-' ....5a - 4 : 4t* B. F. LBW, 325 WAL.raitrtese . EW.. MESS MACKEREL -100 KITTS nelv Ness Idzokera s szkeittr i "..nago i r E rgde a b to . 130 and 131 North PhEAKlnik. THE MOST RELIABLE PORTRAITS, -I- because most accurate in outline and features, are Photcgr_aph rill oil colors, superbly execute& at )3, F t WWII ort, OW/ AWE fitted. Itt se - -teat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers