grECIE, CITY. The Thermometer. AINWer 11. WI AUGUST 24, W 4. • Aallo•••••11111" 4 PAL ie. 11 UM. ....sp. M. WIND: ND , N.• •• SW SWby I W SW BLELITAJIT. ABOUT TER MUTT. Within the last three or four days considerable anxiety hes been manifested by citizens relative to the draft, to take plate on the 6th proz., and every exertion la being made to have quotas re. duoed, recruits obtalted t and substitutes sworn in and forwarded. Stare tt has been stated that the quota of New York, by reason of navy credits, is entirely full, exertions have been made to ascertain the number of enlistments in the navy from the different wards of the city. A committee le now actively at work canvassing the Second ward, to ascertain the number of men who have entered the navy since the commence meat of the war, and for whom credits are allowed. In two precincts alone, upwards of seventy men, ace tually residents of the ward, were found on Tues day. If the .other precincts do as well, there will prcbably be no necessity for a draft In the ward. The Fourth-ward committee, we learn, have been very successful In the matter, and have already dis covered a putholent number of enlistments to clear the ward. Other wards are interested in the sub ject, and If active measures are commented at once, the quota of the city will be materially lessened. Some parties residing in wards having the largest quotas to fill, in order to escape the draft, are having their enrolment changed after moving into other wards. An Inquiry of the Provost Marshal General as to whether a man who has been regularly en rolled In cue ward can change his enrolment to another ward , , has produced the fellerrlng answer from Captain R. I. Dodge, Who has charge of the Pe l3 _DßY l ,4lllat Er-Mil:lent Bureau: „,_ "tartrdalar 24 applies to districts, not sub.distriots. No change had better be made in the enrolment of the sub.distriot of the same district, on account of persons removing from one to another." The committee appointed to superintend recruit ing for the wards having the largest quotas to till have had a fourth mustering lieutenant appointed. The lieutenants have all established their head quarters and have commenoed operations. It is to be hoped that their efforts to relieve the wards will be successful. Provost Marshal General Fry has decided that men who paid commutation under the draft of Jane, 18+33, are liable to the draft which takes place In September next, to fill liabilities In sub-dtstriots tin der the calls made np to the present time, and the district provost marshals Are ordered to place in the wheel for the draft the names of such parties. The above baa been currently published In the.pse pars, but Its authenticity may be doubted, as, havingt applied for information upon this subject to the ant. log assistant provost marshal general in this city, we received an opinion directly its converse In the following language : 41 The payment of commutation by a person draft ed last year exempts him from military service for the term for which he was drafted—to wit, three yeare.i , The case of Captain H. T. Mills, provoet marshal Of the Fifth illstriot, th New Jersey, who was drafted some time since in e Fourth district, having been referred to Provost Marshal General Fry, that official has directed Captain Brown to disoharke Capt. Mills from all liability under the late draft', which finally settles the question as to whether pro. vest marshals are or are not liable to be drafted. The Twelfth ward, for twenty•five dollars, Insures all persons living in that ward exemption from the draft. All other wards should flx uptai some amount ,which would raise men sufficient to exempt it from 'draft, and insure residents for a sum of money suf ficient to pay the exemption. Ts,ls could be done with little difficulty, and all would be led .to sub scribe. RECEPTION OF THE TWENTY-THIRD REGI A telegrap hic despatches has been received from Colonel LBW, commanding the 234 Regiment Penn ey] vatila Volunteers, stating that it will arrive In this city to-day. The hour of arrival le nor stated. This regiment was mustered into the service of the United States on the 20th of April, 1881, having for colonel Charles P. Dare ; lieutenant colonel, David B. Birney, and major, George 0. Spear. It was essentially the pioneer regiment of krdladel tibia, and the day following its muster departed for Perryville, Maryland, and was eventually stationed along th e line of the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad, from Elkton to Bash river. During this period they were fully equipped, and about the Ist of June were ordered to report to General Patterson, at Chamolesburg, Pa. They were here assigned to the Ist Brigade, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel (since Major General) Thomas, and took a prominent part In the tight at Falling Waters on the 2il of July. After partici pal leg in all the movements of this campaign they returned home at the expiration of their term of service, July 24, 1881. No time was lost in reor ganizing, and on the 21st of August, 1881, the re ment, numbering fifteen hundred me n , under t i e name of “Birney's Zonaves," left for Washington, being commanded by Colonel David B. Birney, Lieutenant Charles Wilhelm. and Majors George C. Spear and Sehn Ely. In the spring of 1862, Colonel Maley, having been promoted to brigadier general, four companies of the regiment, together with Major Spear, were transferred to the 81st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and Thomas 11. Neill, a regular omoer, was appointed colonel of the remaining ten com panies, and under his command actively partici pated In the siege of 'Yorktown, battles of Wil liamsport, Fair Oaks, the Seven Days' fight be fore Richmond, Chantilly and Fredericksburg (first.) Colonel Neill, Laving been promoted to brigadier Almeria, Nag succeeded by Lieutenant Colonel L'iy, and under his command it was engaged in the storming:of Marey's Heights by General Setigwiek at the battle of Chancellors vine. The regiment, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Glenn, participated In the third crossing at Fredericksburg and battle of Gettysburg, and under Col Ely were engaged the same fall at Rappahannock Station and Mine Run, soon after which Col. Ely, who, on account of an old wound received at Fair Oaks, was appointed to the Invalid Corps, was succeeded by Lieutenant Colonel John F. Glenn, with Lieutenant Colonel Wilma J. Wallace and Major Henry J. Reese. In January, iiB4 the regiment was transferred from Brandy Station. Va., to Johnson's Island, Ohio, where they guarded the rebel officers °entitled there from a raid across the ice from their friends in Ca nada. In May they rejoined the army at Belle Plain, Va., and participated in its movements from that time. At the battle of Cold Hatbor alone the - regiment .lost nine tracers and SWQ hundred men, They formed a part of the ath Corps which was despatched to the defence of Washington, end slated In driving the enemy from the front of Fort Stevens. They have latterly been engaged in the Shenandoah taller Gen. Sheridan. In the recap ton to-day the following fire companies will partici pate : Delaware Eigine, Perseverance Hose, As sistance Engine, Washington Hose, Hope Engine, Western Hose, Independence Engine, Moyamensing Hose, Shiftier Hose and Western Engine. The oompanies will be divided into two divisions, the first four companies to constitute the first dl vtsion, and the latter companies the second dffision. The line will be formed on the north side of Wash ington avenue the right resting on Fifth street. The ftrst division will occupy the space between Fourth and Fifth streets, and the second division the apace between Third and Fourth streets. The zsd Regiment will form on Third street, north of Washington, and will come into line between the first and second divisions. The amoulances of the fire companies intending to participate will follow In the rear of the returning regiment. The route designated will be as follows: Up Third to South street, up South to Twentieth, up fwentleth to Callowhill, down Callowhill to Sixteenth, down Sixteenth to Chestnut, down Chestnut to Filth, up Fifth to. Vine, up Vine to Ninth, down Ninth to Race, down Race to Nationat Guards' Hail, where the regiment will be Ws inbred. A delegation clone member froth each company will receive the regiment at the Baltimore depot, together with the City Councils and the Committee of Firemen on Arrangements, and escort the men to tho liefreshment Saloon S. David Al. 141 e, chief engineer, has been chosen chief marshal of the procession. ' Other companies wishing to take part In the re. oeption will be assigned positions in the rear of the divisions to which they belong. A MILITARY RXRCIITION. William H. Howe, of Co. A, llOth Pennsylvania Volunteers, is to be executed to-morrow morning at Fort Mifflin. AG the time of the enrolment, having deserted from the army, and being at his home in Perkiomen township, Montgomery county, Howe, who is described as a perfect desperado, vowed that he would resist the draft. To his gi eat present sor row, he did resist the draft, and the manner he did It was this : He armed himself, and, taking advan tage of a favorable opponnnity, he waylaid and shot the enrolling officer of his district, who was quietly pursuing his duty. Information of this being conveyed to this city, Deputy Illarakals Jenkins, Sharkey, and Schuyler started out in pursuit of the murderer. Having the start of his pursuers, he escaped to the mountains, armed with revolvers and bowie knife, being in fact little short of a walking armory . He roamed at large in the forests and wilds of Western Penn sylvania, committing numerous depredations upon their Inhabitants, who became in dread of his ap proach for nearly a year. Finally, however, about three or lota months ago, he was entrapped and made prisoner. Trial and conviction by oourt martial soon followed, and if the Presidential mercy does not intervene, this double criminal will soon suffer the fate which his acts have courted. RECRUITING. We are glad to learn that the mustering lieu tenants, who were appointed to aid and superintend recruiting in the five wards which have the greatest deficiency to overcome, have commenced their work, and have already obtained some recruits. Thee ward', if they wish to be freed from the draft, *Mold aid the lieutenants In their enterprise by subscribing to enlarge the bounty given to enlisted men. ISITIIN OF CITY WARRANTS. - - r The Clty Treasurer Issued warrants yesterday for the payment of the city bounty to twenty:* men, eight of whom were sabstitntea. , • , ..DEREHTERB. The following .named soldiers were vepsrtoitedijus Medical Director's office yesterday as having de- Berted from army hospitals in this department: Brood and Orterrrstreers—Danlei Johnson, 00. K, 95th Pennsylvania. McCletion—Jesse Lott, Co. 0, 77th Pennsylvania; John Erley, Co. A, 11th New Hamipshire. Filbert,tireel—John 0. Smith, Co. IC, 189th New York; Nathaniel F. Garvin, Co. B, 68th Pennisyl- Yank. ; John Peacock, Co. 0, Sd New Hampshire. Summit. House—Henry N. Buckley, 00. E, 10th New Jersey ; Alex. McKeever, 10th company S. S., 00th Ohio. Chester—Chas. StiilloT, CO. D, 12th Pennsylvania Cavalry; John Shilogre, Co. F, 98th Pennsylvania Cavalry ; Jas. Lyons, Co. D 116th Pennsylvania; Jae. Long, Co. 0, 7th U. S. Artillery. REMOVAL OF INVALIDS. Yesterday about two hundred and seventy stok and wounded soldiers werexemoved In the firemen's ambulances from the Summit House Hospital to the West Philadelphia Hospital. The hospital thus vacated is to be used hereafter for colored soldiers exclusively. DEA.TIII3. The following deaths were reported yesterday, at the medical director's office, from army hospitals In tills department : Beverly llosirltal.—Charles Johnson, Co. F, 39th MI George Chapman, let New York Art. ; George F. Singley, Co. K, let Maryland (Jay.; Thomas 24 blichigan ; Adam Kisaigle, Co. 0 72d Penna. ; Deines, company and regiment' un known; Thomas Wood, Co: 0, 12th Maine; Valen tine Luber, Co, (I, 94th New York. West negadeiphia frovilal.—Alley Symonds, Co. 13, eth New York Art. ; Hamilton McCullough, Co. A, 24 New York Art. ; Reuben Soutliwartb, Co. E, 89th New York, H * Jerome Sears, Co. I, 96th New Yotk ; Thomas D avie "Co . I, loth New ampshire ; Thomas A. Wateon, Co. 0, 68th Penna.. ; Joseph Xerrill, Co. 0, 187th Penna. ; Vincent Clark, Co. kJ, let Michin ; Lewis Thompson, Co. K 7th Wis. ; Samuel - Turner , Co. 0, Zed IJ. S. Colored; Hobert Fawley, company and regiment unknown. There were also two deaths of Unknown soldiers at the lest mentioned hospital. BIJUSORLILASTEOVIS PRESS CLIIII OF PHILADELPHIA. The members of the Press Club' of Philadelphia, held a meeting yesterday afternoon, In the Supreme iCotut room, and permanently organized by elect ing the following-named officers President—Thomas M. Coleman. Vice Preeirleate—John R. Young and Charles 0. Wilson. Recording SeCreiary—Willtam H. Fitter. c omr p on diog Secretory—D. B. Williamson. 7'reoesrer—g. W. C. Greene. Board. of Directors—John F. Graff, E. 0. w il t. lees, J. Nolan. H. A. Wetherll), Julius Mum, A. W. Frick, E. li. Tharp, George C. Bower, Jr W. F. Corblt. . The Club, having thus organized, adjourned over until the 7th of September. • • HOSPITAL ITEMS. • A lad named James Hogan had his arm lacerated in the machinery of a woolen mill at Herby yester day. He was admitted to the Pennsylvania Hoe. A woman, named Catharine Hayes, aged 22 years, In a fi t, of hypoohondriasie—Very inszonaable 9110 A 9 young—litcpped 1,11t9 S thus gwrol yesterday, and pnrchaSed a shilling% worth of laudanum, which, when she regained the pavement, she swallowed. The effect was almost inetantaneous, and she dropped to the ground insensible. She was taken back Into the drag store, and a stomach pump was used to relieve her of the poison she bad swallowed. It was successful, and she 80011 was sufficiently recovered to be re moved to the Pennsylvania Hospital, whence, some hours afterward, she wended her way homeward, accompanied by a man who claimed her as his wife. She is now, we hope, a better and a wiser woman. Patrick Dougherty, 2:3 years of age, was admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital yesterday'. He Is a miner In Carbon county, and was Injured by a premature explosion of Bonito powder, which was being used In blasting. OBSEQUESEI. The remains of the late Mr. Samuel Shaffer, whose death was noticed in The Press yesterday, will be removed from his late boarding house, Stack Bear Hotel, North Third street, this after noon, at two o'clock. The body will be removed to the resi dence of his mother, in Chester county, Pa. BLIGHT TIRES. Patton's plaster mill, on Beach street, below Brown, was slightly damaged by tire about half past 12 o'clock yesterday morning. A slight fire occurred yesterday afternoon at the flour store of Seltzer & Brother, at the S. E. corner of Front and Otter streets. DROWNED. About IS o'clock last night a girl named Catharine Brown, aged 10 years was drowned while tattling in the Schuylkill at .01.anayunk. Her body is not yet recovered. . Adam Yeager, aged 11 years, was drowned Yes' terday evening, about .7 o'clock, at Greeo.street wharf. His body was taken to No. 140 Coates street. A negro was drowned in the Delaware, near the Point Ilona°, yesterday. SUDDEN DEATRN EUza Neal, aged 40 years, died suddenly at No. 483 Lombard street,yesterday about 6 P. DI. A man, name unknown, died In a cell at the Eleventh-ward station: house. adatCOMIL BY TUE trEAT. James Parks was overcome by Lilo beat yesterday afternoon, in Coates street, near Twentieth, and was removed to his residence, No. 2230 Clayton street. FIRE DEPARTMENT The companies Intending to parade in the escort of the Mt Regiment Phisnsylvania Volunteers will please be promptly In position on Washington street, at 1 o'clock P. M., this day (Thursday). The Committee of Arrangements are requested to meet at the Chief's office at 12 o'clock. DANID M. LYLIC, Chief of the Fire Department. THE POLIOE. PE THE CARPET BIISINESS A man whom the police have been on the qui vine for during several months was arrested yesterday afternoon and looked up for a hearing, on the charge of swindling. It is alleged that he called upon Mr. E. J. Lester, carpet dealer, North Third street., and purchased a carpet for 3112. He gave his check on the Western Bank. The document was signed Maui. Lafonre. He directed the carpet to be taken to No. 825 North Seventh street, and a porter was sent with it, and delivered the seine. 'fhe porter had his suspicion somewhat aroused., and loitered about the vicinity a short time, and presentlyhe saw the purchaser carrying the carpet away. He took it to a Muse in Race street, near Eighteenth. The porter returned to the store and mentioned the circumstance. In the meantime It was ascertained the man had no account in bank; the check was, therefore, worthless. A search warrant was immediately issued. The car pet was recovered at the house on Race street, and the individual, who had practiced this sharp work, was arrested and looked up for shearing. Informa tion was recently lodged at the Central Station by several parties who had been duped In the same • way. Their presence at the station today is re quested. ANOTWEN SWINDLE. On the 23d of July, a woman giving the name of Anna Maria Keifer borrowed the sum of $260 from Mrs. Eliza Kirstine, residing near St. John and Callowhill streets. As collateral security Anna do- posited a box with Mrs. K. representing that it contained one thousand seven hundred dollars worth of valuables that she had received from her hus band in - California. Some time elapsed, had Mrs. Keifer not appearing, Mrs. Sirstine opened the box. Instead of finding it full of valuables she discovered nothing but salt and sand. The deteo- Lives took the subject in hand, and yesterday Mrs. Keifer was traced to Washington, D. C., where she was employed in a hotel. Last evening a telegram was received from Chief Baker, at Washington, stating that the fugitive had e been arrested, and would be fbrthwith taken to Philadelphia. It Is probable that she will be arraigned this afternoon. [Before Mr. Alderman Welding. HEAVY ROBBERY. Abraham Reeser, the bar-tender at the Pennsyl vania Farmers' Inn, in Market street, near Tenth, was arraigned at the Central Station yesterday af ternoon, on the charge of conspiracy to rob a boarder of the sum of $l,BOO. The following evi. deuce developes the interesting facts : Daniel Dickel sworn.—l reside in Lebanon county; Pmake horseshoes for the Government ; arrived in hiladelphia on Tuesday night from Reading, and stopped at the Pennsylvania Farmers' Inn, on Market street, below Tenth; saw the defendant; supposed he was the proprietor ; asked him for lodging, and desired a private room ; he said he could not accommodate me, only in a double bedded room; he also ' sa id that he would put nobody in the room but a safe man—a friend whom he knew'; witness, with this under standing, went to bed, but there was no lock on the door; about n o'clock the strange man was shown into the room, and went to bed; the wit ness upon retiring placed a pooket-book, containing $l,BOO, under the pillow, and in the morning, at 5 o'clock, he got up, and found the, money and book gone ; the strange man had also gone ; searched the bed thoroughly, and could find neither money nor book; witness went down stairs and announced his loss to defendant, who did not seam surprised, but offered to go and get a detective, saying the money should be recovered ; witness asked the defendant who the man was; the latter replied* he did not know • witness thought this very strange. blailis Ayres, chambermaid, testified that be tween 8 and. 9 o'clock in the morning she made both the beds; She found just under the pillow. the pocket-book belonging to Mr. Dickel; it had nothing in it. These were the facts developed. The ac cused was required to enter ball inlhe sum of $1,500 to answer at the Criminal Court the charge of oon fmiracy. The defendant offered to go his own bail; be said he owned a farm of one hundred andlwenty- Seven sera; about two and half miles from Reading. he alder man of donne refused. The accused was committed. LARCENY OF BRASS, JOURNALS, &C. Abraham Brobet was arraigned yesterday after noon on the charge of stealing a quantity of brass coatings, old journale,oll boxes, &e., the property of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 111 r. Isaac W. Vanbolland testified that sixty pieces of braes had been stolen, and the defendant admitted that he perpetrated the theft. The at tieles had been taken at different times daring the past two months, the whole amount stolen weighing about 360 pounds, allld which he sold for the sum of 096. The defendatiTivas bound over in the sum of eBf,o to answer at Court. • ItECEILYZ.II. Japan Wendell was also arraigned on the charge of receiving some of the stolen property, " knowing the same to have been stolen." Detective Carlin testified that he recovered some of the property stolen from the Pennsylvania Rail road Company by Brobst, which had been sold by him at the place of defendant, on South street, near Third. The accused was required to enter bail to await a further hearing. SOLDIER BOBBED. Philip Morris, a returned veteran soldier, was robbed of the sum of $3OO and a watch, on fues day. 'Re took boarding at a house stear Twenty third and Market street, and wishing to have his effects conveyed to that place employed tke ser vices)of a baker with a horse and wagon. On riding with thegoods to his boarding-house he stopped at a tavern near Eleventh and Locust streets, where he treated several. in doing so he exhibited his pile of money, and taking therefrom a five-dollar note he paid the bill of refreshments. The soldier be came drank, and so remained for some time., Upon being restored to sober thought he found that he had been robbed of all his money, and a watch/ He had the baker arrested, bdt there being no evidence to implicate him in the robbery he was discharged. lixoTinra ROBBERY. An elderly woman appeared at the C entral , Sta tion, yesterday, and stated tt at she had been robbed of $3OO. She had just come from Atlantic City, and said that she placed her money in biaket that she carried in her hand. After her arrival in Philadel phia she found the treasure was gone. [Before Mr. Alderman Swift.] STABBING CASE. Robert Claxton was bound over yesterday in the sum of $1,500 to answer• the charge of stabbing a man named MoCrinskey. It is alleged the affair oc- curred about three weeks since, near Shippen and Front streets. • Mr. McOluskey was out in three places in his body. THE COURTS. United Stitt** District Court—Judge Cad waisder. . In this court an adjournment was again had yes terday because no 0&90 of the many In which true bills have been returned by the grand jury was ready for trial. Jurors were discharged till Toes• day next. Court et Quarter less tour- , cadge Ludlow. The cases tried in this court were of trifling pia Lent. Catharine Sinclair, alias Scotch Miry was con victed of larceny in stealing a piece of silk from a store In Eighth street. She entered the score, as it appeared from the evidence, with the simulated de s4n of purchasing, and availed herself of an oppor tunity, when she thought she was unobserved, to se• orate the piece of silk u.nder her under clothing. A young lacy, clerk In the store, saw the act, and gave information which led to the arrest of the de fendant and the discovery of the goods upon her per son. Sentenced to an imprisonment of one year in the county prison. and b The att twoer or three other oases tried were for assault y. HO',MLR GRAVSS p l ain ECIIN.—We have already spoken of the mound that covers Stonewall Jackson, who was great, though guided. Havelock, the hero of India, rests under a plain tomb In Alumbah, province of Oude, India. But, to the disgrace of the nation for the preserva tion of whose rule he died, the grave Is treated like that of a common dog. Oows, Sheep, and horses, says a writer, stray at will over it; a large quantity of seemingly rbtten Umber lying about does not im prove Its appearance; the walks are almost Lost in weeds and Jungle, and It bears altogether a deserted look. The country that so fully recognized the claims of Havelock, after he died in Its service, surely would not grudge to keep the garden in order, put a railing round his tomb, and evince those marks of respect forhis memory, and for those who fell there, to which they are so justly entitled. Ax EAST INDIAN SEST.-About sixteen year. ago, and not long before the English became masters 01 the Punjaub, in India, one Bank Singh started a new Sikh sect, near the town of Ramat Pindee, called "Juggeassees. ,, A ft er making a large num ber of converts he died in 1883. Of his three favorite pupils, Ram Singh, a carpenter, was chosen to suc ceed him. In many respects the doctrines of the new aeot are an improvement on the Sikh creed. Rain Singh condemns caste, and preaches against adultery. He enjoin' the marriage of widows, and advocates the intermarriage of all castes. He takes no alms, nor allows his followers to do so. He con demns drunkenness, and urges cleanliness of person ind truthtelling. tie, allows too free an ntercourse between t sexes, many of his followers consisting of girls and women, who, in thowninds, rave at his meeting,. The men arUobliged to carry a staff, with which they are drilled, and R&M Singh announces himself to be " Gooroo Govend," the second or military founder of the Sikh faith; and he, but especially the followers declare that they Wlll very soon expel all the English from India. TNIIRIALN Eva:yr.—On Friday last • Germ girl named Lucetta 80.80 met with& horriblede ath, an in the dike of the Oincinnati Coutwerciat,hile passing from one end of the large Roe press to sh e other, to relieve an inexperienced feeder. the skirts of, her dress caught in the keys of the shaft, and to. stantly her. clothing wee wound up firmly on the shaft, and, , before the press could be stopped, the Nntgiti was whirled around a numberof times, her head and body striking the floor at each revolution with fearful force, Several girls working on the press at the time swooned away at the terrible sight,. and were carried helpless from the spot. When the mangled remains were out away from the shaft the head was a mere mass of jelly. COMBINATION OR COAL MIN269.—A. gentleman who hasjust returned, from an extended tour through Flithois, Ohio, and - Penntylvitritte, says the miners throughout the whole of the vast coal re gions are combined and organized under the style and the title of "Tke American Miners' Assools, tion." The leader and prime mover of the whole Is a lawyer of more than ordinary ability, whose style of Illyikenee peogllarly htg h for by Ms appeals to their passions, tam mamas of ihe it boring population. This lawyer Is editor of the organ of the Miners , Association, the Weekly Miner, published in Belleville, Illinois. The Miners. Asso• elation willhold its annual convention in (Thaohipati on Wednesdayythe Tth 'of September, each lodge throughout the mining regions sending delegates In proportion to the number of Its members. There will be present in that oonyention from five to six hundred delegates. What will be the result I know not. It Is a combination of working men of vaster proportions than ever before attained, with mane,. ledged ability at Its head. A TELLING RRTORT.—" AGM all," said Louts Napoleon, Emperor of the French, to Lord Elgin, guest and viceroy elect, "I think I have done some thing since I saw you in London. Russia defeated, Italy revived, Paris rebuilt, the revolution bridled, somethieg bas been accomplished." "Your Pda jeety." said the polite Sootokcnan—we tell the story as it was told to us, the scene was at the dinner at St. Cloud—" forgets the greatest of your achieve ments." "Eh I what is that—the greatest ?" "Your majesty has made the English a military tenon."— Spectator. . • LEGAL. -PRTED BTATBA BASTE= DIB ICT OF PENNSYLvAirfa.—Ekrr. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES,TO THE mARsnAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN ST LVANIA. —Gazirnao: MHEDEAS, The District Court of the ifniteKi Elates in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of tut United Staten of America, bath decreed all persons in who have, or pretend to have, any. rlght, title, or interest the sloop HOPE, whereof - master, her tackle, apparel and furnitare,and the cargo laden on board thereof, captured by the United States infamer " Lodona," under command of Acting Yo lnnteer Lt , ntenant Oeorge B. Welch. to be mo lashed, cited, and called to judgment,at the time and placeunderwritten.and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice icirequinng.) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that FOCI omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspaper@ printed and pdbllehed in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intelligenaer, you do monish and cite, or satire to be mcnished and lilted, Pe remptorily, all persona in general who hays, or pretend to have any right, title, or interest in the said sloop HOPE, her tattle. apparel, and furniture. and the cargo laden on boat d thereof, to appear before the Honorable JOHN CADWALADEE, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room,in the city of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after plinth:AM& of these presents, if it be a court day. oripise on the next court day followinbbetween the usual hours of hearing causes, then and • there to glow, or allege, in dna form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse. if any they have why the said sloop HOPE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the cargo laden on board thereof, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the ealt tate of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and, as goo& of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prises; and further to do and re ceive In this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto allpersons aforesaid, gem rally (to whom by the tenor of these presente it la also intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful Cana. toy the contrary, th en said District Court cloth intend and will proceed to adjudication :on the said• capture. and may pronounce that the said sloop HOPE. her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the cargo laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the cap- A hi m ie eri Cif . th .. e .d name, soa to the e ih ni e l i m re fee ne o ci f te th: or U o n ble and enbj adjudged and condemned Be lawful prize, theabeence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and intimated i sat to confiscation and condeni ht" natt erwß o tal a se. , Las te lt be llo-1 is te lp is t a b . n e y . s w w ai t z s d e e lle n h r e s t r t w rl w i c t t i h ,C h s o tan t u b r ee d t in e w l6 p. na a t g you shall :halt you " o d in ul y th ee e r pre- ify orWthletnesesaidtbeeollortollbplheifmOlyipheis,AD.tWhiAs twLAeltDEtyß:aiseondnide dal' of AUOUST, A. D. 1E64. and in the eighty-ninth pear of the independence of the said United /Rettig. ana&st 0. R. PDX; Cleric District Court. TRIFIED STATES, EASTERN DI& TRICT OF PENNSYLVANLL —San ?HA PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED BTATES J , TO TEI MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PUN . SYLVANIA. --OAARTurs: VIDIREAS, The District Court of the United States Ii and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United Stales of-America, bath decreed all persons In general who have, or pretend to have. any right. title. or interest in two hundred and thirty-fire bales and twelve bags of cotton, captured by , the United btatee steamer Keystone State, a vessel-of-war of the United Statee, under command of Pierce Crosby, commander , to be monithed, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and pleea underwritten, and to the effect hereafter ex tt presaed,(justiceeo reqfring. ) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the dally newspapers printed and pnblished• In the City of Philadelphia, and in the Legal- lit to/14,014w, you do monish sad site, •or sense to be mornahed and cited, peremptorily, all persona In gene ral who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said two hundred and thirty-live bales and twelve bags of cotton, to appear before the Honorable JOHN' CAD WAL ADSR, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, lathe City of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents, it it be a court day. or else on the next courtday following,. between the usual 'boars of bearing causes, then and there, to show,. or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful ex cuse, if any *they have, why the said two hundred. and thirty-flyo bales and twelve bags of cotton should not be pronounced to belong, 'at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be . adjudgedand. condemned as good and lawful prises; and fur ther to do and receive in this behalf as to Justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persona aforesaid, generallY. (to whom by the tenor of these presents' it is Liao inti mated,) that Whey shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said •District Court doth intend and will proceed to adiudica.. lion on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said two hundred and thirty- lye bates and twelve bags of cotton did ;belong, at the time of the capture of the 641111 N to the enemies of the -- nutted States of America, and as goods of their enomlea, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and 00n demnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prise, the absence or rather contumacy of the • persona so cited and ii,timated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify' to the ' said Distriet Court what you shall do In the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER. Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this twenty-second day of AUGUST, A. D. 1854. and in the eig hty-ninth i year of the independence of the said United. an2S St G. R. NOY. Clerk District Court. 117 STATE OF JAId3S. AIRK PATRICK, I LA deceased.—LETTEßS TESTAMENTARY up on the estate of JAMES KIRKPATRICK, deceased, having been minted to the undersigned, ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those. having claims against the same' to present them, with out dune, to __ WM. H. KINKII,YRICK, Executor, •-• 2138 South FRONT Street, Or to his Attorney, 4 7AiritThY WALDACK. call-thet 128 South szxra Street. WHEREAS, LETTERS TESti.MEN - tar> upon the Estate of JAMES DAVIS, deceaeed. have been granted to the undersigned, all persons tn cebted to the eaid Estate are requested, to make Pay ment, sad those having claims noon the same to pre sent them to CHARLES L DESAUQUE, Executor, Or to bwattorney, THEODORE MoP ADDER. mil& thin* 429 WALNUT StrseL BIEDICAM. TARRANT'S EFFERVEBOENT BILTZBE APERIENT BEST-NEKEDT %SOWN POB. ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. SICK HEADACHE, COSTIVE NESS INDIGESTION. HEART BURN Fain sivmeou,SlLA-8101(NEM, &a &O. Dr. JAMES B. CHILTON, the Great dhemlat, says: " I know its composition , and have no doubt it will nrove moat heneScial in those complaints for which it is recommended. .... Dr. TROMAB BOYD says ; " I strongly eommand It to the notice of the public. " Dr. EDWARD 0: LUDLOW nays: • I can with lON- Ildence recommend it. " - . . . Dr. GEORGE T. DEXTER gam "In Platoleney, Heart - burn , Coetlvenets, Bien Headache, &a., Re., the SELTZER APERIENT In Loy hands his proved Indeed a valuable remedy." For other teetimonials see pamphlet with each bottles Yanntaotareil only by TARRANT , • SYS GREENWICH Street, New• York. Q FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. =VI. taxon, IS • • E LE CTRI CITT.-WHAN IS LIPS WITHOUT HEALTH. f—Drs. BARTHOLOMEW & ALLEN. Medical kilecirlsians, having removed their Office Isom North Tenth • street to No. 154 Borth ELEVENTH Street, below Race. will still treat and curt 112 mashie diseases, whether Acute or Chronic; without rbocke,pain, or arty inconvenience, by the vise of *MRS eTAXOIinesI7. in its modilastions'andlfomcsorsitthis Yea- Constunslon. fret sad ws. Influenza and Catarrh. eond sUires. General Debility. Paralysis. . D18634)01 of the Liver Of Neuralgia. Kidneys. Paver and Aga,. , Diabetes , Congestion. Asthma. Liy s. eDeod Aneumatism. Bronchitis. Teatiteontale at the aloe, Oleo hews, 9 A. H. to 6) DEB. BASTE iy4-6ra 154 ntPene 17tert (Fabling a' the wmb). ilitemorr o holds. or Piles. Spinal Disease. Deafness. brst North Blevesth street P.M. lOLOMEW & ALLEN. Medical Eleatriolaus, North ELEVENTH Street. TAYLOR'S ARNICA OIL. OR EMBIX CATION never tails to cure Rheumatism; Neural Sprains, 'Frosted Feet;Chappsd Hands,and all Elkin LOB,Price 26., and wholesale and retail byH. B. TAY LOR, Druggist, TENTH and O•LLOWRELL. nauS-6za ALL PERSONS AFFLICTED, WITH DYEENTRET, DMEIIIIO3A, CHOLERA MORELIE, or other disorders of the Bowels. shOtild obtain a bottle of DR. RAI/ 1 / 4 11WD VEGETABLE OURA.TIVIL as it has never been known to fail. Ogee No. 1131 CATHA BIN : Street; Philadelphia. anlE•stathiJt• MEDICINAL COD-LIVER 01L...- JOHN C. OAKEN & C 0.718 SIARICNT Street, are now receiving their ISCLPPies fresh from the fish eries. The roperiority of their OH, in every rePPeCt, has rained for it a reputation and sale beyond any other brand in the market. To maintain it they are deter mined to supply an article that may be entirely relied on for freahnesa and purity. Bee jestimoniall, ot Pro fessors of Medical Colleges.. aull-thstu-tf GROCERIES. 1311 WEED ern f3PIOZD BAL. rto. i iukcimarr., Zia! rieeivild; ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Denier in line Groceries. Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Sta. ARCHER & REEVES WHOLESALE allot:nuts, No. 45 North WATIR Street, and No. 46 North DELAWARE Avenue, Offer for sale, at the Lowest Market Prices, a Large stock of SIIOAR., MOLASSES. COPI TEAS. SPICES: TOBA I 4O. And Groceriee generally , careti ll y selected for the country trade. Sole Agents for the products of FITHIAN & artenelve Fran Catardnyjnetotlr at Bridgeton. B. J. ap26-gm VA.CKERICL, HEitRING, - 1 "2, 1 731,b1e. Rein N 05.1.3. andSMaoksred.late• " 0 1 10 ris ° t r o t gt, P r'= Hay. and H Ebitring. 2.600 boxes Lobes, Sealed. and No. 1 Herring. LSO bbla new Mesa Shad. MO boxes Herkimer oonxt7 h store and for sale by KO RPm x & KOONS, JallMf No. 146 NORTH WHAR. LATOUR'S OLIVE BAS kete fresh Latour's 011ve OIL to: lots to suit this Purchaser, for sale by ERODES I WILLIAMS, sn2o-tf 107 South WATER. Street. INCICITOW SAIJOR-TBII3. brated Sauce on hand and for male b• • RHODES & WILLIAM 107 South WATER Street. CIREENOBLE:NAIMIITB.-1.00 s—^ bales Greenoble Wahketib iiijErbne order, for mile AssODACIL_WILLIAIKS. • .107 South 1! - ATSIt Street. D s ii2o. It C°llN STAMM:- 400 BOXES 08. , orego sad Duryea'. Cora Starch; sl4o.6oboxes KM sena, for sale by ' RHODES & WILMAKB. an2o-0 107 South WATER Street. T AWTON BUICKBERRIEB- HER nvtleally Sealed, prepared this season, and re ceived dims from oar factory, at Bridgeton. A. J. and for Bale by • • RHODES &WILLIAMS, 107 South WATER StKeet, MRS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED SUPPORTERS FOR LAMS— the only Stip,porters under eminent mediae]. paobena^ Lathe. and Physicians are resrpoottally requested Le m.. 11 only on Mrs. BETTS, at her residense, 1039 WALIIIOI Street, Phila.. (to avold oonnterfeits.) Thirty thoneaud Invalids Lase been ad riled by rhelr Phial dams to 118. a.llFareo7pdiricZNTA; only onn fe el a i ra=f g " , na Ratroortim. with teetinionialL 41e1A-suslitg WATER PIPS" DRAIN . PIPS 1,-, waritho to...Atig um ome mi rjr Ail lie rr rri( B EltWOlSo6 hid mar or easy PRIM: Tor iolAt of 3 tier or Dore, 96 64A114. _For olnt or 9 Aset, Inch bore, 46 seatlL I For °IAA or 9 Ant. 4 laekalor 36 ; 643131 :- • • • for plat or 3 foot, 6 lack bort. oaati. For Jotat of 8 feat, 6 lack bore, 86 /111 sizes, from a. 3 to 16 lush ellarestAr. Also, Branatim. Trilait, Traps. Oktaina7 TOW. WalllP/ eel nags, Garai& VMS% Am 11,31:0LLIBizalADII. 1711-11111a611 04 pin* 41t,E58. - PHITADAtriIIA:,* THURSDAY, AtIGITST 26; 1864: SHERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF s: writ of Levari Palos, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Eve ning, 846. 5,1864, at 4 o'clock, at/Masora street Mall. All that ce rtain brick massna.e and lot of ground siea ate, on too Ise t side ot Wasolegtou street two uundred and seventy feet northward from Columbia street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Wash ington str of fifteen feet, and in depth slaty-seven feet to a four• feet-wide alley. Which said premises The People's Vi lends' Savings Association, by deed dated Oolober 28, 1856. conveyed unto Nicholas Roth to fee, subject to a yearly ground rest of fifty-four d oilers, • (D. C. ; 8., '64. 66. Debt. 6M:.914 Beyer./ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Nicholas; Moth. JOHN THOMPSON ' Sheriff. Philndolphia, Sheriff's Office, August 24, 1864. an25,3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levnri Faelss to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, deli:ember 15. 1864. at 4 o'clock, at n'ttueOtu• street Hall, All that certain two ataxy stone dwelling, stone ' , laughter- boose, stone wagon-House, stables, and lot of ground, situate on the northeast corner of Poplar or Thirty-third street and Elm street, in the city of Philo- Fphia: containing in front on Etna street twenty-five eet, sod tn depth along Poplar street one hundred and seventy feet to Grape etreet. - [D. C. :S . '64 2L Debt, *5,116.78 3 , P,y & Bud& Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of William Copeland, Noble Gilbert. an" R .bert L. Car ry. metiers, &c. JOHN.THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphi a, Sheriff's 08Ich, August 24 , 1864_ mai-St SALE---BY VIRTUE - OF a writ of Veeditiont Exponas, to me directed, will be exndeed to public sale or vendue on MONDAY . Eve ning. h•TA 6, 1564. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All tbat certain lot of ground situate on the north Aide Bridge street 160 feet eastwardly from Thirty-ninth etre et Ose city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Bridge street fifty feet and In depth one hundred and sixty feet to Garden street. CD. G. ; S., '6l. 67. Debt, $1,161 31. Gallagher. 1 Taken - in execution and to be sold as the property of Albert S. debmeed. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff's O®ce,Aug. 241, 1064. an2s-31 SHERIFF'S S A TA. -BY VIRTIJE OF A Writ of Venditloni Expense, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 5, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground and five three-story brick court houseksitnate on the south side of Lombard Street. one hundred and seventy-eight feet westward from Thirteenth street, In the city of Philadelphia; contain's gin front on Lombard street peaty feet, and in depth eeventy.elght feet [Which said lot John Rutherford, Sr., by deed dated - April 1, 18,03, recorded In Deed Beek B. H. F., No. 11, Page 31. &c., conveyed unto Jesse Lame in fee; teserving a ground rent of sixty dollars.] [D. C. S. , '64. 54. Debt, $193. MacEalls.] • Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jesse Lame. JOHN THOMPSON, Sherif., Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, August 24,184 att26-3t SHERIFF'S SALEi--LI3Y VIRTUE OF a writ of Levarl Paella, to me diriactod, _will be e x :. posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening,. harem her 6, 1864, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-streat Hall. that car ain brick messuage and lot of ground situ ate on the north side of Dauohin - etreei. and east side of Reward street. In the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Dauphin street seventy feet six Itches. and In o eptb along Howard street sixty feet [Which said lot John L. Frick. by deed dated September 21i 1853. re corded in Deed Book T. H.. No. M. page 77. &c.. con veyed unto Benjamin Hartley in fee.l ~ [D. C.; 8., '64. SS Debt, *625.10 Flood.] Taken in oxecntlon and to be sold as the property of Benjamin Hartley. JOHN THOMPSDN, Sherif. Pbiladelphia,Sheriff's Office, it ugnat 24,1864. p.BERIFF'S SALE. -BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vondittont Exponas, to tee directel will be exposed to public sale or vendne on MONDAY lin fling, Sept. 6, 1864. at 4 o ' clock , . at ' Sansom-streetlllll. All that certain lot of gtound .si situate on the north side of Coates street and west side of Twentieth streektn the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Coates street forty feet, and In depth along . Twentieth street about one hundred and three feet. • . . CD. C. ;S. 'M. 34. Debt..'3l.W Erety. Taken in execution and to be ;sold as the property or Adam Bodenk. JOHN THOMPSON, Sherif Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Aux2l. 1864. - mr26-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of LeVari Facies, tome directed, will be ex posed to public sale or "'endue, on MuNDAY Evening, September 6, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.strees Hall, All that certain three. story* Wok store.. dwelling, and lot of ground situate on the east aide of Fourth: street end south side of Marshall street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Fourth street seventeen feet, and in depth seventy feet to . a three. feet alley, with the prlvil.ege thereof. [Which said premises Woodward. Warwick et nr.. br_deedAllited May . 24, 1851, ccnveyed unto Samuel W., Warwick, in fee; sub ject to a ground rent of forty-two dollars and fifty cents' • al. ;•8., 64. a n d • Debt, $1,668 48 Flood.] Taken in execution and to be sold as theproperty of Samuel W. Warwick.'JOHN THOMPBO_,N Sherif. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ono% /alma 2 1 , 1864: jy2i-aa RHEILIFF'S SA_LB.-BY VIRTUE OF N- 1 a writ of Venditiont Exponas, to me directed willbe exposed to public sale or yendue, on MONDAY Smil ing,6ept. 6, 1864. it 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that certain lot of ground situate on the. West side of Broad street eighty-six feet southward from Dauphin street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Broad street fifty-one feet, and In de_pte one hun dred and seventy seven (set ten inches to Pectfic street. El). 0 ; S., 61. 66. Debt, $1(4.47. Gallaher.' Taken in exem Lion and to be sold m the property of George W. Michener. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sherlirs 082 es, Amt. 24,1864. an2.l-31 SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF . 1 1 / 4 - 1 a writ of Levari Facies. to me directed, will be ex public sale or'veriffffis, on MONDAY Evening. September 6, 11164, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate on the southeast erly aide of Hedge street seventy-nine feet six inches southwestward from Meadow street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Hedge street forty feet, (on the rear thirty-three feet,) and in depth on the northeast line one hundred and twenty six feet and on the southwest line one hundred and twenty-nine feet. [Which said premises James Butler et ax .. by deed dated April 6, 1880, recorded in Deed Book A. D H.. No. MO, page 478, conveyed unto John W. Frazier in fee.) C ; 8..'64. 62. Debt, 5284.1.2 Shalicroas.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John W. - Frazier. ,JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's ()Moe, Aug. 24, 1864. antS"-St SHERIFF'S 'SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expends, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or veridne. on MONDAY Eve ning,- Sept. 6.11384, at 4 o'clock, at hansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messnage,two.story back buildings, and lot of ground, situate ' on the east side of Fourth street sixty feet northward from Shippeu street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fourth street seventeen feet. and in depth twenty nine .feet,. more or less. (Which said premises Maey Adderlyßoffmarter. by deed dated May 9), 1854, con veyed unto Thomas B. Roney kites; subject to a yearly ground rent of. six pounds seven shillings and six pence.] C. 8., 'B4. 6L Debt:Bl,o'X Hanbest. Taken in execution and to be sold an the property of Thomas B. Roney. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheri t Philadelphia, Sheriff's 0111ce.Augnst:24;1284. an 26731 _ SHERIFF'S 5A11...- - -ihrlTlßTtik a writ of Venditioni Samna', to me directed_, be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY se tting, Sept. 5, 1864. at 4 o'clock,-at Saneom- street Hall, All that certain three-story brisk inessnage and lot , of ground situate on the west side of Mary street ninety sesenfeetnorthward from Thompson street in the car of Philadelphia ;contaieing in front on Mary street slx teen feet including one-half of a two feet alley, and•ia depth sixty-nine feet . (Which said premises Samuel Woolman et az. by deed dated August 17. 1859. record ed in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 97. page 486; &c., con veyed unto William C. Johnston in fee.) [D."C. :S., '64. 96. Debt 342460. Weatherby. ] Taken In execution and to be cold as the-property of William C. Johnston. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia,Sherirg Otlice.ingust 34,1864. an2s-9 SHERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIRTUE *OF a writ ofVenditioni Papoose, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or Tendon. on MONDAY Eveuing, September 5, 1564, at 4 o'clock, at Stumm-street Hail, All that certain lot of grouted beginniog on the south east corner of Front and Dauphin streets, in the city of Philadelphia; thence southward along Front street PH feet 4 filches; nieces eastward 42 feet 4 loam:: thence northeastward,62 feet 11 inches to Dauphin street; thence northwetwurdly along Dauphin street 117 feet one inch, to the place of beginning. Subject to a ground rent of $6B 40, payable Ist March and September. c e x e c u tion 'M. 55. DNA, Ca 70. w a i n. ] Taken i and to sold as the property of George W. Emery. JOHN THOM - MON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheers OMoe. August 24, 19i$4, an-05...34 SHERIFF'S. SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expense, to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 6, 1869, at 4 o'clock, at hansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground and tire three-story brick cour t houses therou erected, situate on the south aide of Lombard street one hundred and sixty feet westward from Thirteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Lombard street eighteen feet, and in depth seventy-eight feet. [Which eatd lot John Ruther ford, Sr-, by deed dated April 1, 1836, reeorded in Deed Book s. 11. F.. No 2, pane 34/ ao., conveyed unto Ro bert 8. Potter in fee; reserving a Teedy ground rent of arty-four dollars. CD. C. :8. '64. 63. Debt. 6216. liaeCalla. Taken in execution and to be sold as the Pmperty of Robert 6. Potter. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Aug. 24, 1834 au9l6-3i SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponag, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue , on MONDAY Rye- Ekpt. 5, 1864. at 4 o'clock, at Bansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground femme on the southeast erly aide of Richmond street, eighty feet southwest wardly from Clearfield street, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Richmond street forty eight feet and in depth sontheastwardly three hundred and fifty ee tto Bank. street. [Which said lot Thomas B. Longetreth and wife, by deed dated January 1, 1853, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 75, page 97, &c., conveyed unto Walter Laing and Anthony Swain in fee; reserving a round rent of two hundred and eighty-eight dollars. O. C. ; 8.64. 63. Debt, $1,664 80. Longstreth.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Walter Laing and Anthony_ Swain_ (who has parted with his interest .) JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 24, 1564 eth2s-St SHERIFF'S SALE . BY VIRTUE OF 1. -- 1 a writ of Venditloni ExPones, to me directed, w il l be exposed to public sale or vendee . on MONDAY Eve ning, Sept. 6, 1884. at 4 o'clock, at Saneom - street All that certain brick methuage known by the name of the Montgomery Hotel, stables and other buildings, and lot of ground, beginning on the northeast corner of Sixth and Willow streets, in the city of Philadelphia; thence northward along Sixth street sixty two feet; thence eastward one hundred feet; thence northward seventy two feat; thence eastward about seventy-one feet three inches; thence southeastward) y about one hundred and Ave feet three inches to Winner street; and thence by the same southwestward) y about one hundred and ninety. four feet eight Inches to the begin pin`. [Which said premises Jacob Scheett, by deed dated February 1, 1868, recorded in Deed Rook ALA. 8., No. 9, page 78. &c oenreyed unto William A. Mcheetx in feel reserving the free use and privilege of ahwelre feet wide court or alley leading from Sixth streekll [D. C.; S., 'Bl. 49. Debt, 81.0420. There: • Taken in execution and to be sold as the proPerty of 'William A. Select:. JOHN 1 1 .114,111"90(4,41heri1r. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. - Ang.7lt;:lBB4. 11115-St M • AR SEAL'S SALE .- BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Bale,' by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA.- DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United State% in and for the Eastern Matelot-of Pennsylvania, la Ad. initalty; to me directed . - will be sold at Pablo .Sus. to the hir i t m e , st and beat.bidder, for mail, at MICHLTIIR'S BTOR No. 1421 North. FRONT Street, on MONDAY. Sentem r 12th. 18E4, at-12 o!clock M., 23;; bai ts sad 12 bags of cotton, being the cargo of Valleel Utikllol,l2. WlLleler. MILLWARD. United States Marshal B. D. of renasylyaatia. . PRILADILIIIIA, Angnat 21. Mt. atilt-lOt fIABINET FURNITURE AND BEG- LikAD TABLBEI. . MOORE & CAMPION; No. 261 SOUTH SECOND STREET, lD eonnection with Metz extensive Cabinet knainerk as now mit.nur.aviins a saparior article of BILLIARD TABLES,- Lad have now on band a full supply, Anished . with the MOORE di CAMPION'S at:PROVED CUSHIONS, firtitob are pronounced by all who, have used: them to superior to in others. For the quality andifinieh of these Tables, the manufacturers refer to their. na morons Nitrous throughout the onion, who aro familiar with character of thole work. apiti-em IMPORTANT TO . : BAY' DitAjjcite AHD CONTRACTOR& — Faximit SWPier% and others Interested in the **Will and 111111Sporta Hay and Straw, will do well before . matlnuthetz ar. rangements for the season to examine the I.' Boatel Prase, now tn_ 7,peration on the corner of 4110012 D Street and COLUMBIA Ayenne. Tb I. bay is compremed direct, and to toss eat, be readily put in an ordinary box oar, and no hazard what ever is incurred by the road in transporting it: . The bales &Yaw 400 poande,_and are only 22 Umbel by SO inches . by 4 feet in stab. We are prepared to lea/w -ont counties, and the facilities we eeettre eye impeder pslue to.the product by this Preis: - For further, particulars address COOK TA.LcOrt 2uperintendent , Pennsylyanhi. /3eator Press - Company. Oirard Hotel. Phi4delpials. BEAM . BTANOIL. - ALP,ELBSTS. -11 J..NETOALIP att3ON.. 101 ENDSN - WrEEET; SOATOW' The only manufacturers' lathe united States of Dram Alphabet' and-Iliguras.-to- anYwi ex - teat nr.iit an 7 variety. - Sold at wbolesale at ths Lowest Capli Prices. Also, tbe best nf INDELIBLE STENCIL fa_ S sere Asap. Stencil Dies and all kinds of Stem& Wel. Is, entries or ere ererorninselv attended to iTtl-lbs • I'AENEAEItirp,, . .. . . Lr... , ! ..•. , 0 ; : . Lime theifilliff - aigisk . tita 1* ** 3ls . • ' : 14- u - ijitoii;ffitii Tarn( LAD %WO- 111MOSHOnsaded by the most - aidiulat Dodoes . . Ott t 111 this »Salt of a thorough worse of Weed ee sew. A man it a , =tending thrensh a DOA OA of heath* thlrtp !rears. ' LAs i A r e i ge r N 1 4 . 13;17:" 1 4 1 1A l i na, r2 r 3TRZSGTHEN 'MU% GUM. lERFLP THIL T E ISEATITITIILLY CILZAA, AND THE BREATH 5 See .treaters. Trim 11g. Prepared solely by S. T bIIALP,.. ti D. DINT'S? • Itl3 CEUT) - 5t., Plilliateal:Pa. for sie Dl DiviiiN4 B l eu-so EZI7I:7M=I MARSHAL'S SALES. Lf !_:)MA4I.4II2VAi.V.aII r7rl.llP . F l' 7l .. • PKIUM3YLVAIIA e°l OXNTRAL RAILROAD. rlinaimului TO PITTSBidge sae MUM DOE TUB SHORT ROM'S BLS TRACI ° • 't.l • WEST. Trains leas* the Depot at ELIVIAFTH lad HAMM Krems, as follows: Mail Train at. Put Line at. A. AL Through Supra's at .«...............«»... 01 P. Narks/burs Train. go. 1, M. MOO A. Parkesburs Train . No. • at I. ID P. X. Barrisburg . Aeoommodation Train S.ll P. Kt 1.11.611411? Traan at. ..... ..... 00 P. M. piton Accommodation Train. (leaving West Philadelphia) P. X The Through Rare T7llll num the ot he r 'rat" ' • dail F3k 6 P ice lAlrBVIAND TRW WIST. Th. Mall Train, Fast Line, and Through 121rasii best at Pittsburg with through trains on all the diverg ing reads from thatpoint. Worth to the Lakes, West to Iliselssippi and Missouri Rivers, and Seattigad. Southwest to all Into scoessible b Railroad. INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express connects at :Blairsville section with a train on this road for Diainsilla, Ix diana,boa EBENSBURG AND CRIMSON BRANCH EADLEOAD. The Through Express Train eon.nests at Oressoa at 10.46 A. M. with a train oa this road for Ebensburg. • train also leaves Cresson for Ebensburg at 8._46 P. X. HOLLIDAYSBURG BRANCH ELMEGAD. The Mall Train and Through Express sonnet it Al loons with trains for Hollidaysburg at 7.111 P. M. and 40 A. . _ 07E0 li AND CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILBO&D. The Through Mmress Train connects at Tyrone with trains for Sandy Bldg', PhWipsburg, Port Matilda. ifilesburg, and Bellefonte. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD-TOP RAILROAD. The Through- Ettore:is Train connects at Huntingdon with a train for Hopewell and Bloody Bnn at 0.60 A. X NORTH/MN ORN'I'RAL AND PHILADELPMIA AND ERIN RAILROADS. FOR SDNIONT, WimmAtissoler. Loax !Urn% and all Pointe on the Philadelphia and Brie Railroad, and the tune, BOOHEBTII, Btl/1 , 11.0., AND NTAoARA FALL. Paesengereg h taking Express the Mall Train. at 7 tri A- M.. cad thi Throu. at 10.50 P. M. (except EtLx" days), o direct] N through without change of are be tween Philadelphia and - Williamsport Per YORK, HANOVSR, and GETTYI4IIIIRAI, the trains leaving at 7.26 A. N. and /SO P. M.. eonneet at Columbia with trains on the Northern Central Railroad.. • CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD, The Hail Train and Through Exprem outmost at Har riabunkwith train* forCarltsle. Chninbereburg, and Us , tersto. WATNEBBI7RO SEARCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 7.26 A. If. and 4.50 P. N. emoted MPDownington with train* on this root for WITROA. burg and all intermediate etatione, - • - MANN'S BAGGAGE RIPENS& An this reliable Express Compe. r :T ai will st . • through ima train before reaching the de and tate . nip_checke and deliver baggage to any part of e eity. • .7or further inform at the PaaaengerSta. tam 11. B. some/ of ELEVENTH and_MARKET=. JAMES CIoWDZW. Ticket . WESTERN EMIGRATION. An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves No. IST Donn street daily (Sundays excepted), at 4 o'clock F.M. /or fuHinformation a ;ply to FRAN $ f• 7117 R. Resigrant INT DOCK &Min- YEZIGHT& By this route freight' of all dosseptiolul au be Mr. warded to and from any point on the Railroads of. Ohio Kentucky, Indiana, illtuois, Wlseonstit, lowa. or Slot soon. by railroad &mt, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamen from Pittsburg. For freight contract. or ping directions. WIT to E. B. MNOBTON, Jr.., &rati ENOC call-tt General liamintendent, H* Altoona, Pa. 1864.. ii - i'VNOW'Llias: '1864. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY' AND PRILAD =PHU AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S • LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO MEW:KORK AND, WAY PLACES. • • • PROM WALNIIT , BTREAT WHAII7, WILL LEAVE FOLLOWS—YID _ inn -At 6A. N .. via Camden and Amboy. C. and A. Ae- F sommodationN. At 8 A., X., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning ........ , . ..... 3 At BA. X., via!Camden and Jersey Ong, Due 00 Ticket... . • A. N At 12 X, via Camden and . Anabo — y. C. and A. Ds eommodntion • ••••-• 4-• • ••••••• X At 2P. X , Camden and Amboy . , C. and A. la- Ni - An! N., via Camden and Amboy, Meeilnueda• • tion, (Freight and Passenger) I X At 6P. X., via Camden and Amboy, Aceommoda. Goa, (Freight and l'asueger)—lit Claim Ticket... 3 113 Do. do. Id Class d0..... 1 as At 7E P. X , via Camden and Amboy Aosommoda. Ron. (Freight and Passeturor—let glass Ticket... • Do. do 2dClaim 110 For, Kutch Chunk Allentown, Bethlehem. Belvidere, Easton Lambertville. Flemington, As., at 3.30 P. Y. For Lambertville, and intermediate stations. at 6- P. M For Mount Holly, Bwanrrille. and Pemberton. at 11 A. 2. and 6 P. M. For Freehold at 6 A N. and 31P. X. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanso, Beverly, Burling. E. ton, Florence, Bordentown„ as., at lA. X. 1.2 I. 30, 6, and 6P. X The &JO and 6P. N. lines ran di rest through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Riverton, Dolmen Beverly, and Bar lington. at 7 P. X Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Darlington, Beverly, Torreadale, and Tacony, at 9.30 A. X. and 2.30 P. LINES PEON KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: ALI A. X. (Night), vin Renton and Near. York. Washington and New York At IL lA A. X., via Remington and Jersey (NY. 00 At 4. P. x.. VIA Kensington and Jtoriff City, =- press 2. • *2l 3in At 6.46 P. M.. via Kensington and Jorge,' tritY. Washington and New York ExPrers 3 N Sunda Lines leave at 4A. X and 6.46 P. For Water Gap,_ Stroudsburg, Scranton; Wilkeelmare, Wontroge_, Great Rend, Mauch Chrtrar,Alletaktwe Bea. Mom, Belvidere, Easton, Lmabertville, , at 7.16 A. M. .This dine imamate with the train leaving Easton for Manch Chunk at 1.30 P. M. For Lambertville and intermediate stailone, at 5 P. EL X • For Bristol, Trenton, as., at 7.14 andll.l4 A. N.. aid For Holmeeburg. Tway. Whim:mm.lnm Bridestarl. and Frankford, at 9A. X L B, 6.46, and BP.. It -For NOV York and WAY Liner leaving wri s Keng. ton Depot, Th take the cars on Fifth strut, above Walnut, half an bony before deputurs. The ears man into the 'Depot, and on the arrival of *ash train run from Ne D. /111 . 2 t y . nonnde of Baggage only allowed asel yt ims7 Pasiengers are prohibited from *akin an as lade but theltwearinir apparel_ All baggage over 1 pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit the responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and Will not be liable for any amount beyond M. Mule by special oontrasa. Graham's Baggage Express will fall for and deliver at the Depots. Orders to he left at No. 3 Wal )lrbattrt CIATEM" 4444 1. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOX PIELADILMUL • • WILL LIAVB PROM IVA ROOT OP 00171111E/M . • At .11M.. and P. X., via Jersey City_ At 7 and 10 A. M., and 6 P. X.. and M ON ivy City and Kennington. • htom the foot of Barclay street at 6A. X. WIZ via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North river, at is IL. 4. tail Sjef (freight and Passenger.) Amboy and Oundem " V,TV MORR RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. Oa and after MONDAY, Angust lat. 1864. Passenger Trains leave Philadelphia for Baltimore at 4.3), (Express, Mondays exsented, ) &Of A. K. ,12 M. 2.90 and 10.90 P. M. Chester at 8.06, 11.16 A. M., L 30, 2.30, 4.90, genii]. P. M. Wilmington at 4.90 (Mondays excepted, ) 8.04. ILI2 A. M , 1.30, 2.90, 4.95 1 6, 10.30, and 11P. M. New Castle at4ld 4.9 D P. M. Dover st &Off A M. sad 4. BOP. X. • Milford at 8.06 A. K. Salisbury at 8.06 A. M. Baltim ß r N 9 . F 6 O , R .4 P O HL 2 D ., E (E LP x H prEeAs L )U.VE .15sai 10.26 P. K Wilmington at 1.48 , 0.46, 9A. X. , 1244. 1. 1.40 , 4.33, 7 and - 9.10 P. If Ballsbnry at 11.66 A. M. Milford at 2.46 P. M. Dover at 6.30 A. M. and 4.16 P. M. New Castle at 8.30 A. K. and 6.27 P. M. Chester at 7.46, 9.40 A. M., 1, 1.46, 4.40, I, 7.66 and 9.40 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate sta tions at 10.26 P. M. . . . Leave Baltimore for DOT*r and intermediate statlona at LlO P. M. TBAINftIptBALTIMORE Leave chesteiiiiies:ll7, — ilifiTaiii: 06 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 0.36, 9.20 A. X . 3.40 ant 1L 40 P. M. /Med Train with Peasenzar Car attaehad will leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate Maass, at 7.46 P. 131311DAYEI. From Thiladelphis to Baltimore only at 4.30 A. MIL and 10.30 P. M. From Philadelphia to Wilmington at 4.30 A. K.. 10.30 end 11 P. Y. nll§=6=l &lilt 10.26 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. aal . - . .-H. P. BY, Bup't. 1864. 1864. PHILADELPHIA AND RAIL. 11040.--Prble great line traverses the Northam and Northwest counties of Posuisylviutia WAIL. city of iris. on Lake Me. It has been leased by the PENNSTLVANLI NAIL. WAD COMPANY.eand ender their stolites is being rapidly opened thronikput Its entire length. t Is now In 12.68 for Passeeger and Freight laminate from Bezrlsburg to St. Mary's (118 miles), on the • Lat. orn Division, and front Sbulteld to iris (TS inilse). on Me Western DiTleisn. cdi YasalPasit Mannat PIIILADMJrna. MIMI Westward. Mail Trate —..— 1. M L. M. Uprises . . ....... P. Cars run through wit h ou t chew both ways on them trains between Philadelphia and Leak Haven. sad be tween Baltimore and Look Raven. Elegant Sleeping Om on Express Trains both ways between Williamsvort and Baltimore, and William. port and Philadelphia. For Information respelling Passenger business, apply at the 8.-B. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. - .And for Freight business of the Co mil i Wnts: S. B. KINGSTON. Jr., writer B. aid MARKET Streets. Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, Brie. I. IL DRILL. Agent 0.._1.• E .. Ealttatore. H. H. HOUSTON, thmeral Freight Arrant Philadelphls. LSWIS — E. - HbrIPT, . • General JOSEPHi _Philadelphia. D. POITE, seenerd.lissausikr. Willisautirort. ailigiomi NORTH PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD— For BETHLEHEM', DOYLESTOWN. MAUCH CRUSE . , EASTON. -WILLIAMSPORT. WILEMSBaRRE, &a. SUMMER AREARGEMSNY. • :Paesenger Trainsleaye the-new Depot, THIRD Stalest. above Thomann street, daily Mandara excepted), sA fellows: • At 7:A. K. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Nana Chunk, Huleton, Williamsport, Willtae bane, he. At 3.46 P. N. (Ex - press) for Bethlehem; Easton. hre. At 6.16 P. K. for Bethlehem. Allentown. Yanah For.Doyleatown at 9.15 A. M. 5-P. K. and 4_15 P. R. 'For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. K. and 11 I'. Y. ' For. Lansdale at 6.16 P. K. White can of the Second and 712.1 r- attests Line Oily Passenger ran directly to the new Depot. • TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA_ Leave Bethlehem at 4.30 L. M., 9.30 A. K.. and 6.07 Y. K. Lame Doylestown at 6.40 A. K., 8, 46 P. Y.. and 7P. N. Leave Lansdale at 6 A. K. Leave Fort Washington at 11.16 A. K. And IP. K. OR SUNDAYS. Philadelhis for Bethlehem-at 9A. K. Phlladelppbia for Doylestown at 3 P. N. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. N. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. K. Jen ELLIS 01 JERSEY RAILROAD LINES PROM WALNUT-STREET PIER. Extra Express train to Caps Mayon SATITIIDAiIt at 8.0 P. M. returning on MONDAYS at 7 A. M. THROUGH IN••THREE HOURS. PARE • EXCIIRSION TICKETS, good to retard Sy. any lode on MONDAYS. $4. Return tickets will be good for 411, on account of pas sage from Cate May aky_daToielthla two weeks, it pre dented to the wiGIEhT tiLEEK at the office. These trains will not take any Way passengers. nor dm except to take th wocd'and water. Regular traina leave daily. except Sunday., 24 Ad' LOW*: FOMPhiladelikia at 6 A.. M. ,10 A. IL , 4:31P. M. oin Cape May at 6 A.,11., 11.46 A. M. 6.10 Et 11. . [plungers basing baggage are particularly requested 10 have it ready for awaking atan early hour. J. VAX I WO-fa tL SlPerinkuident. .f.) - UE.EIi OF BEAUTY. WHITS VIRGIN WAX OF ANTI - LLB& 41311 W WINCH COSMITIC for beautifying. whites- Ind preserving the complexion. It to the most won derfel compound of the. age. There is neither chalk. Itorder, magnesha, bismuth, nor tale in its somPositions beingooinposed entirely of pare Virgin Wag; benes to extraordinary qualities for preserving the skin , mak ing it soft, smoo th , fair, and hi/Amongst It makes aka old appear young; theamenelp handsome, the haadaonee more beatitiful, and th e most beautitel &rite. Price 25 and BO oente. Prepare d only by HOW/ k 00. , Perfum ers, 41 South SIGHTS! Street, two doors above (Theist nut, and 133 South SIMMS Street, above Walnat, - - - BURS' PALI/L.olla BOAP.—THIS SOAP is made of pare, fresh P. Oil, and is entirely a vegatabre Soap; more snitralle for Toilet rue than dose, =ids , from animal fats. In boxes of one dozen eat" for fa par . box, Manntaefeared by 12110 Y. 'MINTON dr - 1103f. No. 116 mAxcuanTsii- Stmt. between Front sal fieoond. above eallowhill. Jae e rIH4BLE3 Um, TIPP sareassimirt LED AND i • • t 1•, p. , . _ $13611111r1111 azinars. ma, imaram: 18 64 . CAND LAim Er .undto ' AZili a ti . T. 1864. 131/14119011WRZO0 1 1ill IA TWO HO woo.E. wants rurr.ra•Aneirrio CITY. On a n d after MONDAY. Ally 461. UM= will hays N y r .streiNt Ferry as follow": TAO A_ Y. F~ refight. waft Dammeyer 444 glhAsilist.....« 9.16 •. K. Express (tbrdinith is two 101111 ) .........”...• 2.00 P Atlantis Accoss'llidditloll • 4.16 P. M. Junction Amon, modation .... 480 P. IL Bertr arrugo,\ leaves At 1441111: Atlantic Acccuttiodatos• • 5.44 A. W. Saptass .011••••••••••••••• • 7 o 8 Freight • • • •••••••.• •••• • •••• ••••••••......IL 60 Junction Aocomutoa 6.33 1.31: Fare to Atlantic, St Roitita-iiip Tickets, (rood only f or th e d ay an d t ni d n Al which they are lames. )13. EXTRA HAOI)OI4FISLD THAIIN Leave Vine street at i• ii ,l•s A. N. and 1 P. M Leave Haddonfield at 451. Y. and 2.46 P. M. OA gON DAY Et Mall Train for Atlainaigt, &Spittie street at 9.30 A. M. Leaves Attantle st 4.418 P n. JOG-teal jat . O. O. BRYANT, Agent. WEST JERSEY Raise, GAD LINKS. CON HOMING MONDAY, Fla t ßl 20, MK from WAS,- 2111T-STBUT PIS FOft. R CAPS 114.. Cr• At d and 10 A. X and 410 P. Y. For Salem sad Bridgeton at SA_ and 4 P. H. • For Glassboro at CA, sad Id A. lc., and 4 and 4.90 P. Y. For Woodtout, - Gloucester, tar, a i 6 and 9 A. H., sad 4 mad FAR RETURNING TRAIR• 9. Leave Gime may at 6 and Tt 4/5 N., and 5.10 P. BE Leave MWville 7.4 D A. X. and Is2.aild S. (4 F. BL Leave Salem At 6 A. M. •and 1. lb - Leave Bridgeton at 6.16 A.M. and 1 SOF.K-A , - Leave Glassboro at , 7.lllBlmdls sd , Mad IRO, and 7.40 P.M. Leave Woodbury at 7, 7.40; and IMMAAIL MAI 1110, 7.99, 5. 4 5 P% EST JERSEY odBI2 M. TheEXPRESS 'F,l)Mes $ WALNUT Street, will call for and deliver Eadtgade,andi attend to all the usual branches of Banress business. Heavy articles taken by.,d A. H. Gas only, sad MUM ba sent to the °dice the evening previous. Berishabla articles by this line 'laughs seat before 5% A. X • - A sPecialmesssempir accompanies each traits • VAA itlitidelELAlGL Butterintsadant • i mpium WEST CHESTEE ADD PIIII.A.DREPHIA ROAD. erg MEDIA. SUMMER AIUtaIeGISMIST—.OILAIGI OP DEPOT. On and alter MONDAY, May 23, DM, the trains TWO WiveYhlladelphia from D corner of THIRTY. MST and MARMRT Streete west Philadelpnia),.at t mad HAM A. M., - and at 2 30, '46. and 7 P.: m. Icem an West Cheater at 6.Mi, 7.46. and U A. M.. suid at 2 Arai P.' On Etruodays,:leavolPhiladelpids at 8;80 A. M_ and LK P.M. Leereeet Chester at 8 A.M . . and P.M. • The trains leaving' Philadelphia al RAO A . M. and 4.44 P.M., and West Chaster at 7.46 A. M. and 6 P. BE . se a mat with traincron4he.P.. and .B C. B. for ellgtord auel. intermediate panto: , MINEY WOOD, p 1 General Etapertntendent. A'R I T AND DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD —To Long Branch, Atsiiin, Manchester , Tom's River, larnegat, Red Bank, be. .0n and afterIIONDAY, August Ist, Trains will lean VANDEN, for LONG BRANCR,_at BA. R. Batman! will leave Long Branoh at IRO P. IL • THROI7GH IN FOUR HOIIRB DIRECT BY RAIL. A Freight•Traln, with passenger car attached, wilt start for &talons on the - main line, daily, ffOin GAY DEN (Sundays excepted), at 9:30 A. M. Stages connect at Woodinansle and Manchester for Amnesia and Tom's River. • Btages.will also connect at Farmingdale, for Point. Pleasant, Sousa Village, Bine Ball, and On: Rot= Tavern. For (tattler information apply - to Company's Arent, L. B. COLS, at Cooper's Point: Camden. WM. F. GRIYFInIit, Jl.. General Suporbataadartt. - • NEW RAITiROAD - - - - INI MORTIL—PHILADaIr PHIA TO BROOMLYNTHBOUGHUF FIYWHODBM PARR•rwo DOLLARS—RMCHRSIOR TlOllll2l TBMIS DOLLARS—GOOD FOR THEE DAYS. On and after MONDAY, August 1, MN:trains w il l leave foot' of VINE Street, flPhiladelPhia, MORNING .At 8 o'clock, Sundays excepted th ence by Camden gall Atlantic , and Raritan and DolswareHaF . Railroads to Port Minmonth, and by the commodiolla steamer Jesse Hoyt, to foot of Atlantic street, Brook' 712. Returning, leive Atlantic-street wharf every day, Sun days excepted, at U A. M. Travellers to the city of New York are notified not to apply for parings by this line, the State of New Jersey having granted to the Camden and Amboy monopoly tie eclus privilege of carrying passengers and freigh x t betwe ive en the cities of Philadelphia en New York F. ORUFt FM JR., jrth-tf General Superintendent. MOW' Flll-1, AL D E'Lt PHI& AND ELMIRA R. R.. LINE. 71.96 N. veritlNG D'EtUrflit ABRAM% MIL KENT. For WILLIAMSPOItT, scuAwroN, ELMIRA, BIM PALO, NIAGARA PALLS. CLEVELAND, TOLEDO, CHICAGO, DETROIT, EHLWAIIKEH, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS, and all points in the West and Northwest. Pa.manger Trains - leave Depot of Philadelphia and !reading Railroad, eorner BROAD and CA_LLOWHILL Streeta, at SAO A. N. and &SO P. H., daily, exeept San da4RICKEST ROUTE from Phllad Iphle,_to points In Northern and Western Perinsylvalla., Western New York, Ate., Be. For' farther Inforawitkin apply at the ono*, A.I. 'drier SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. N. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent. • • ' ZOHN'S.•HILLEI3, General Agent. m7IL , THEILTZINTH and CALLOW.MLL askr TO BRif-M4,I,AILROAD PHILADELPHIA OOKLYN. THROUGH IN IFIVB HOCIRB. NAM $l. RECURSION' , TIOKETI3 - ES, GOOD PON THREE DAYS. Oa and after MONDAY AUGUST I, 1864, trains will leave foot of Vine street; PhiladelPhla, /teor/NaOrnin at' 8 A. N., Sundays excepted, thanes by Camden and Atlantic, and Raritaa and -Delaware Bar Railroads to Port Monmouth, and by the iota Inodlons steamer JONA Hoyt to foot of Atlantis, street;tßrooklyn. - Returning, leave Atlantis-street Wharf every day, Sundays except ed. at 114. H. Aga- Travellers to the eity of New York - are notified lot tct. apply for parse.gat by this line, the State of New Jersey having granted' to the Camden and Amboy mo nopoly the exclusive privilege- of urring P z "en" and freight between the *Hies of Philad el phia and New York. sal-tr INSVIRANON COMPANY .OP TIM STAIN OF PENNSTLY&NIA.--OFFICE Nes. 4 sad IS SIGH - ANON BUILDITKIS, North side of weusrur Streit, between DOOR and THIRD Street/. , WA. • • - INCOEPOBATID 13111114—CHARTIR PERPITTIAIB. OAITrAL o_l3mm ramp nip OP - THE - CONPANT,TIBRI7IIIY 1. NAElairlirioitterroyr 1118IIRANOIL: Dixie Henry D. Eiherreril. Charles ifiscaleateir: William 8. Smith, William G.: White, , George B. lltnert, Sutural Grant, John 11. Wmusar HEI Sea ST AiiirtatitiTz`lSBtritiaxis - OM PART. —Aatitornsi Capital 4400,030--CRIATAK PZEPKITIAL.. • Once No. 311 WALLS! Street. bet Ween Third and. Vourth stream, PhiladelPhta. This Company will Mann against Loss or Damage by Wire, oa Mxildirtge, Furniture. and Merehandise AIL. Martin laturances ounnesele, Cargoee, and Freights. Iniandnounanoe to e ll parte of the Liana. DI/MOTORS. William Behar, Darts Pearson, D. Lather. Peter Selzer. • Lewis Aadenried. J. B Baum Jolts B. BlacithatOn. William P. ' Dealt. Joseph Maxfield, John Ketcham. WILLIAM 88111113, President. WM. P. DIAN, 17Ioe President. W.• M. Man. Secretary. ap.S-tf DELAWARE MUTUAL KAYETY INSIIILUNCIR 001117 ANT. INOORTORATID ' NUTECS LIWISLATUBB 07 MN , SYLVAN, AND 0707X0300NN11l THI IA RD AND WAXAHHT PHILADIILTRIA. INSUBANOI ON „ VESSEIN CARO° To all parte of the world. nuacitcr, INLAND INSfIitANOI Of Goode by River Canal. Lake /11311 Land flantene. _ to F lu kar of the union. nwsfnuiroita OY Msrshandisa generally. Oa Stores, Diselllna Boum, alia MOMS 01 THB CON:1911T. HOY. L 1600. 11100,000117nited State. Pive par sent Loan. 2 .--• " 867.003 00 76,000 "United Staten 6 per cent. Loan, 6-me. 76,000 00 313,001)TralteclItates 6 per cent. Loan 1881 .. BLOM 00 110,000 United States 7 8-10 per cent. Tressit r37 Notes -00,560 OCI 100,000 State of Pennsylvania 1 per cent Loan —lO 61,0X1 State of Pennsylvania 11 per sent 100. LOA. ”.• ry, &90 on L 13.0100 Philadelphia City 6 par cent. Loan • . 127,626 00 . 80,000 State of-Tennesiee 6 par cent. Loan.. 11, 000 00 20•000 Pennsylvania Railroad. lid MoiteaPs tiper. cent. Bonds - 23.300 00 4100:00"Pennailyanla Railroad. 9d NOrtasta • 61Wirbent. Bonds 16.310 00 71,000 800 Shares. Stock Germantown GAB . . • Company, principal and interest guarantied by the city of Mills ' guarantied .•• • • • •• • - 13.000 410 8.000 100 Shares StoitiTennitylVitula road Company LB* flO• LOCO Mantras Stock Sorth Pennsylvania Railroad Company 2.620 00 BLOW "Halted States Cernlicates of Indebted- • Left a Indebted -1P3,700 Loans on liond'aud mortgage. ample 11.00 • 115.700 00 $701,760 Par (kit, $701,737 11 MarketTailUe• • 11791,10010 Email &tate. ....... 86,363 If Dllla,reaivabla for Inraranees 101. 3 17 a Balances due at Agancisr - Preuildme on Ma rine Policies, accrued intermit. and other debts due the ComPani .—....—. SAW 87 Sari p and Stock of sundry Insurance lad other•Companlea 416,1133, estimated value- L3Ol W ear& oar deposit with - United State' • Goversunent,3mhieci lotion dere ..... 1110,000 121 Ma , on d ' ePOZR, 38.688 39 Caah 200 IC nowise. Hand. John 0. Davis, Ild.tnnad A. Honda, Theopbans Johit James Timanatr. Henry C. Dallebt, James C. Banc William C. Lndirlit. Joseph R. Dr. K. M. Mot, George 6. WPM • • Heigh JOHN .0, Busy Dmitri,. • Barre TELE RELLLNOR 121817RAIWE QOM PANT or rimaDnnuA. I6eolPOrrlifln • Charter Perpetnal. CI 0. 808 WALNUT EtTEKST. assures against lose or damage by PLR' HOIISIIII, Storm, and other Buildings; limited or .pemetital: mud on Parallax_ o ::loo_Waree,.• ant Merehandice. CAPITAL eau% One. ASSETS 1 1387,11111 M. Invested . in the following Securities, cis: Pint lifortgaite on City Property , Wall eeenred ft*, Mg MI United Ehates Government Loans. lut;CWll6 Philadelphia City 6 per Gent. LOllllll.-... Km/ im Commonwealth of Paruurylyanin &per ilia 66,000,000L0an. 16 , 099 00 Petutaylvania Railroad Bonds, fret and 114" load Mortgage Loans... ...... . . 616066.61 Id; and Amboy lallroat Cowmen 111 r east. ,Loan. 4000 Op elphis - and Reading Mailtoadlloll - liven cent. Loan ........ 1 .42(0 62 Man don sat Broad To/ liallroad Par Mat. .................. ao Commerelal Sant of Pennsylvania Stook Am op Mechanics' Bank await. 11,0130 00. County Piro Incarnates Company's Stock—. 1.050 06 Union Mutual 'roman's Company's %oak of Philadelphia— ..- •—•-.. • .1. 05 N one Collaternla, well eernxed......--. 2.260 00 ed tenN. . - • 11.902 Oa la boa 40 on Mad.- U ail" ==nl weellakkreee ea . Mar . ket • t t ' - DitSIOTRS. MR pr O y. Robert "%LAC wk. only". William Steyeneer. Simnel 131apham. HiLEIM . :I L. Came; Robert &pen Sre ußill, William Maiser. J. Johruon Bra .14 va. Ch .Ij. arles W. va w. Le_ ,laul Tk'oe. - IL 'Moots. ira • • , cull TINGLIT hiddiek. =SILAS O. MUGU Secretary. , PHILADILTRIA, Jaguarsll. int , • • - vnizINSURANOR EXCILLISIVALT. . 16 0[1 3 rNErnir413111. VIM 1111811 RAN co ratod UNA 011.Allni r W Ntreet, o ir p oilki Liu ; favorably Immo. to tbaqnri orty 'oars; eontinnee to to iIIIRLTS dar. ' , rim on Pnbile or Priv-are gpet rrai oelunr entli o rl or a 14 Lik i s. Also. Pate ' t . t end ane of uoodoiv, tineCie i ali' terami .---:-: ETheir eatital, totethirt .... Va et- lame Northa ns aki l ...., in the moot , w eh • nt to °tor to the inpigWar=abte4 ease or lora .. BET!: • . Jenalltax•ratterso 4 4, . - Deetel Alexander Bonsai. lohh DATirli/X• twee Raxlehurit, Thom" shd•th• now Xobina. =Ur& J. CHM JO NAT P WU il. rf11611114, MAlli O. 0011Neln tiWTOWT. =UMIET n i= INSftANCE. Tobias Wwar, Thomaa B. Watson. -Hoary 6. -Freeman. . - ;Cbarlea e.; Lawli • 'agorae 0: 'Garton: Edward O. Ruled, - Austin. . BHBBSE2D. Prestde noIR-nt,tt MI, MSS $1.08111.06 43. Robert Barton Samuel 11., J. F. Tertiston, Sloan A. William G. seoltax. Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooks, 'Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland. Joshua P../Irro fill Spe oer Malys iJolan B. Bemrd_,s ' BabAtil A. B. Barter, rittabura. C. TUBB, ?reeds/It. DAVIB, Vies Prealdent. • Jal4 PROPOSALS. • . .n. • NayialieffattteMffr. Bunm&u or vs uns asp Douse, rim. SEALED PROPONALa for owe glass sertratell domed, " Proposals, for Clam Oct p i on,. the Gomel f c the navy yard at (name tiro yard), ' will be received thin office until theletb of September next, at I o'clock P. H., at which hour the opening of the bids will be commenced, for fa rniehin g and delivering at the seve ral navy yards named the materials and articles em braced la rioted rim armies, which, with fall inetrne • Lions, will be furnished on application, and set t by mail, if so requested, to vernons dextrins to offer to con tract for any or all a the O.aaraNnarnrd therein. by the commandants of the severat navy yarde, for the closes for the yards ender their commend, or by the navy meta nearest thereto. or by the Burean for any or all of the yards, To prevent cmsfurtonand mit/takes In scaling the offers, no bid will be received which contzint cksesee for more Than one hara in one envelope; nor any bid which fit not perfect and complete in itself according to t l 'eArtne of (lifer and onarantee. and Pao* Indies &hat of &firm must sign the bid and contract. • Bidders are hereby cautioned an d part i cu l ar l y no tifi e d that their:offers moat be in the form hereinafter pre scribed, and be mailed in time to reach their destine.- Don before the time expires for receiving them: no bid will . he ocrneiderivi which shalt -be received after the period stated, and no allowance will be made for /attires pf-the Wait All offers must be accompanied toy a certified copy of the Milder' e license. To guard against oilers befog opened b-fO , ll the time appointed, bidders are requested to endorse on the en velope, above the address, and draw a line under the endorsement, thus: • sate for Claes NO. (name the ciass)J'or the Navy Yard at (name the fiord) ' To the Chic of the Bureau of Yards and D ocks, Wink fasten, D. C." • - Instructione and forms of offer, with copies - oT the lawn bearieg op the subject, will be famished by C. =andante of yerde, navy agents. and the Bureau, on' application to all or either of thorn. PORTSMODTH . N H. Clams No. 1. Bricks; class No• 2. Clone; c . nst No. 6. Oak and he'd wood; clam No. 6. White pine, sprat*. juniper, 'and ernes' ; clans No. 7. Time, hair, and plas ter; eime No & Cement; elms No. 9. Gravel ono need; cleasNo.9.lj. Mei:adios and firesand and fire clay; class No. 10 blue; class No. IL Iroo,tron Mis,lend eAkee' clads No; 12 Steel; clams No. 13, Pig iron; class No. U. Piles; class No. 18. Pointe, oils, sad gime; class No. 16. Ship chandlery; clasp No. 17. Hardware; class No. 18. Stationery; class No. 19: Piro- wood ; class* No. 20. bay and straw; claw; No. 27. Provender; class No. 22. Charcoal; class No. 23. Belting, packing, and hope; class No. 24 Sperm and lubricating oiler class No. 25. 'lron castlngs;.'-classleo. 26: Solvers; class No. 27. An thracite coal; class No. 29. Bituminous Cumberland coal; elms No. 31. Copper and composition natio: class No. 32. Machinery and tools; glass A. Cement paint/I BOST ON. BOSTON. Class No. 1. Wicks; class No. 2. atone--; class No. S. * Oak and bard wood: class NO. 6:White pine. swuoe. juniper,' and apressi class No. r. me, hair and Plaster; claps No. $. dement; class- No. 9 Gravel and sand; class No: 934. Moulding and- fire send and ftra clay; class No. 11. iron, iren spites,. and nails: class N0..12 Stee ; class No. 13. Pie iron:. class N. U. Vilest class No. 15. Pai n t , , elle, and glass tolasslr o a IS. Ship ch claire No. 17. Hardware:etas' No, IS. atm lionerY clan. No. 19. Vire wood; class No. 23. Ray and. straw: class. No. 21 Provender; ciasa,NoL22: Groarepali; clam No. 23. Belting , packing, an - base,• tilts - No.ll , Sperm and lubricating oils; ones No. 25. Iron outings:: class No. 26. Augers; class. No. 27. Atith'racite coal; clans No. 29. Bituminous Cumberland coal ; elms No. 30. Semi-Bitntninons. Broad Top coal, And Picton; class No. 32. Machinery and tooter alas. A. Newjolner shop; class B. H. B. Smith's patent'boring and mortising ma chine. NEW YORE - Class No. 1. Bricks: class No. 2, &One; class-No. 234. stone; class No. 4. Yellow pine lumber; class. No 6. Oak and bard wood; class Nn. er vitiate pine,. spruce. halm. and cypress; class No. T. Lime, hair, and plaater; clam No, D. .Cement; dater icro breve{-sad sand; Class No. Moulding and lire sand acrd fire clay; class No. 10. Slate;' class No. IL Iron; Iron spikes, and nails; class No IS. Meal; class No 13: pig. iron class No. 14 F1)04; elassNo. 15.' Paints. olls,land gins; 'class No. JO. Ship chandlery; den 17' Hard ware; class No. 18 Stationery; class Na 20. lily , and -straw; class No. 21 Provender; clan No . . 23. Char oal; class No. 21 Belting, parking. andlrose; elan No. M. Sperm and lubricating one; cites No. 25. Iron work, piping, ego ; ciase leo. 24. Anger,: class /We. 27. anthracite coall_class No. 80. Semi-bitominons, Broad Top coal" class No. 81 Copper and composition nails; 'clasp A. Fire truck. irc. .". PHILADELPIILL ales No. 1. -Brinks; clam No. t Stone: class N 0.4: Tallow pine fibber ; class . No. 6. Oak snd hard wood, clann-140. 6. while pine, 81,2111113, juniper. and - cypress; class-No. 7. Lime, hair, and plaster; class No. Ora -nal and sand; clam No. IL Iron, iron spikes, and nails; alms No. la Steel clue. No. 14. Piles ,• class - No. 15. nip* oils and g l ass ; clam N0..16. Ship chandlery; chuirlio 17! Hardware; class, No. 18 Stationery; class No; Is: Firewood; glass No. Mt Hay and straw: class N0..212 - Provender; mlass No. 22. Charcoal; class No. 23. Belting, packing, and hose: class No. M. Sperm and labrhating oils; class No. 26. Angers: class No. 27. Anthracite coal: class No. 90. Semi-bitnminons, Broad topcoatualass No. 32. Nachiniry and tools; class .1- Elga water indicators; class B. Spark arresters: - class C. Pitch,lionse. NAVAL ASYLUM. Olasaffo. 1. Clothing; clitesNo. 2. Bats, boots, shoes,. &c. • clays No. 3. Provisions; class No. 4. Groceries; dim; clays No. tr: Dry Goods . ; class No. 6 Bread. he ; clan . No. 7. Thbacco; clan No. 8. Coal; class No. 9. Pales, oils, glass, Ac. ; class No. 11. Lumbar; class No. 12. . Firewood •;:class No. 13. Pro - sender; class No. 14. Miti cellausons; class No: 15. Hardware; class No. 16. Sta tionery. WASHINGTON. Class No. 1: Bricks ; clan No. 2. Stone; class No. 4. Yellow pine lnmber; class No. 5. Oak and bard wood; class No. White pine, spruce, juniper. and cypress: class No. 7: Lime. hair, and plaster; class No. 8. Ce ment; class No. 9. Gravel and sand; class No. 9%. Moulding and fire sand and fire clay; elan No. IL Iron„ iron nails; OA spikes: class No. 12. Steel; class No. 13. Pig. iron; class No. 14. Piles: class No. 16. Paints, oils and glass; chum No 16. Ship chandlery; ens No. 17 . _ Hadware; class No. 114 Stationery; cuss No. 19. Fire word; class No. 20. Bay and straw; class No. 2L Pro vender; cuss No. 22 Charcoal; cl ays No. 23. Belting, packing, and hose; - chase No. 21. Sperm and Inbrisatiat oils; class No. 27. Anthracite coal; clan No. 29. Bitu minous Ctunberiandcoal ; class No. 32. Machinery and tools. NORFOLK. Class No. 1. Bricks: class No. 3, Yellow pine timber; class No. 4. Thllow pins lumber; class No. 6, Oak and •hardwood; class N 0.6, White pine, spruce, insiper,and cypress; class No. 7, Lime, hair, and plaster; clan No. 0 Cement; clan No 9%. Moulding and fire sand and lire clay; class No. 10, Slate; class No. 11, Iron. iron: ipikes, and nails; class No. 12, Steal: cuss No. 13. Pit • iron; class No. 24, Files; dose NO. 15,-Painte, olla, and glass; class No. 16, Ship chandlery; class No. 17, Hard ware; class No 18, Stationery; class No. 19, Firewoodi.:. class No. 20, Ray and straw; class No 21, Provender; class Po. 22. Charcoal; class No. 23, Belting. packing. - and boss: class No. 24.'Sperm and lubricating oils; elan .140. '26, Augers; class No. 27. Anthracite coal ; clam No; 29, Bituminous Cumberland coal; class No. 32 Semi bituminous, broad-top coal, lump; class No. 31, Copper and composition - nails; class - No. 32, - ,Machinery and tools; class A, Sashes, glared. PENtiACOLA, FLA.. Class No. 16. Ship chandlery; alms No. 17. Hardware; class No. 12, Stationery; class No. 19 _ Fire class ' No. 20, Hay and straw; class No. 21, Provender; class No. 24 Sperm and lubricating oils; class N 0.26, Augers; class No 27, Anthracite coal; class No. 12, Bitninintina Cumberland coal; class No- 32. Machinery and tools. - Vi4: an2s-thilt nFIPICIC OF ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, Corner TWELFTH aid - GIRARD Ste . , / I .LKlust lath. 1 2 64- SEAMED PROPOSALS will be rece ived at this ones Mail 12 o'clock M. on FRIDAY. the 26th inst.., for raw plying the SCBITYLICILL 4J7.161114AL with the folio*. ing articles-. DANK-BLUE COAT CLOTH. 3-4 or 6.4 wide, for Ea r_orm Coats. army standard. WOOLEN BLANKETS, army standard, to weigh tee pounds, and measure 7 feet b.. 6 feet 8 Inches, (with the letters U. S., in bleak, 4 lathe. lon r. In the centre.) SHELTER TENTS, army standard, of linen or cotton; if cotton, to weigh 'not lass than 7 onuses to the yard of z 8)) inches wide; if linen. to weigh not less then 8 ounces to the yard of 2834 Inches wide. Samples of at 'sag one yard of the material proposed to be furnished THREADtt with the proposal. DARK-BLUENo. Kt WATER. PROOF BLANKETS, for Infaatry, gntta. eha or vulcanized India rubber. PONCHOS for Cavalry, gotta perch* or vulcanized inns rubber. Samples of the water. proof blankets for infantry and pouches for cavalry proposed to be furnished mast ac,f company the Dropout). Army standard samples of the dark-blue coat cloth, woolen blankets, likelier tents, and dark-blue thread. can be awn at this office, to which deliveries.masi strictly conform, Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per. , sons, when signatures must be appended to the gua rantee and certified to an being good and - sufficient se curity for the amount involved by Wile PabligfEtno- ttoma ßid ry of the United Stes. . s from dsfardting ta contractors, and those that do notftary tamp hi lath the requirements of this adver tisement, will - not be considered. Blank forms for proposals, embracing the terms of the guarantee required on each bid, can be had on applica tion at 'this once, and none others which do not em brace this guarantee will be considered, nor will say M k r o n id 7 r gli ichio not etrietlY Conform to Rids must be endorsed " Proposals for Army Sup plies," stating the particular article bid for. G. Gene CHOSILI Am. Quartermaster General U. S PA. OFFICE 'OF ABEIbTANT QUARTER MASTER GRABRA , Prtmionr.yrnut, Aiurfis(lB. lek SP.A.LBD PROPOSALS will be received atths'ofilee of the undersigned, Ho. 1103 GIRARD Street, until noon of SATURDAY 27th inst., for the immediate delivery atileddington U.S. A. General Hospital of the follow ing lumber- . MOM feet third common tine boards 1 inch -7,5f..0 do second do do do. 2,000 do do do do (Planed both sides.) do. HD feet second common pine boards, X inch. (Pland. both aides. ) 83,000 feet hemlock scantling, 3x4 Inches. Nashproposal do do do 10x10 do. Nash proposal must be guaranteed by ona or more persons known at this office to be retrponsible, that the bidder will enter into immediate obligation -for the prompt fulfilment thereof if said bid be acm , pted. No proposal will be received unless upon blank forma. :which can be had at this Olio& The United States reserves the right to reject all bide deemed too high, as also any from defaulting con tractors The lumber to be inspected and approved after de livery. By order of Colonel G. IL Croeman, A..Q. Y. General. ar9t-4t ALBERT 8. ASHICSA.D, Captain and LL Q. if. 0 T. A RARE CHANCE I—. ll TH3I EBPIIII A-A.LICILN AND DIMOCILAT,,, PI7BLIBREPINWW. ONNSTBII. CHNSTEIt COUNTY P/INNA, NOB Shia —The death of Ge org W: Pekes, leg., Proprietor of this paper, makes it necessary to dlspcia of the establishme n t. a the hands of a loyal, enrnest, and enterprising man, this long-eetablished Journal cannot fail to be profitable. Circulating, : as it does. extensively in a county of seventy-tour thousand ht. habitants, and in a Congressional and Senatorial Dis trict of one hundred and five thousand,Aprorrilmsai for wealth and intelligence, and where the 11 nion_party ai the last election had a majority of over four th °name votes, sad with a constantly Increasing poptilaritynne patronage, it 'requires nothing but Judicious truuuum mentto make it &lucrative investment.' - Persona contemplating a purchase shonit:maki that fact known at once, as it is des izaW to sell at , the ugliest day. Jolty T: - Administrator of George-W. Pearce, deell. Warr CIiZaTIM. , Nay 17. 1864. .• Abaft it VLIGIBLE ROOMS NOW VACANT -A-4 at HILL'S. am2S-Ims 328 SPREFCI Street OIL WELL FOR SALE-PRODUCING TEN BARBELS Lubricating 011 per day—with Saltines, &c. H. 081.1111,,JR.. antl-Bt* IIS South SIXTH Strait PVET—LARGZ F.IIRNISHED- OR i nkfurroisbed Reome, ' No. 1202 ialESTNUTKitreet. rIMI LET—THE f3ECOND,TIIIRD, Ain) -a- Fourth Floors at 286 KARIM Street. thrcush. Church alley. sanW4E FACTORY4ROPERTY FOR-Ailii Ma—Situate W. W.eintiter of Frankford road ma-Norris " I nlet. Lot 100 heet•un Franirford road and 411 test on Norris stmt. Biz three. story Briak Dwelltngi onPrtutri . One four-story Brack Factory Banding, by 43 - feet, on /ionic street, with two-story brick attached. 23 by et feet,. containing machinery, t' mid bonerner co n , For further information appt niiititeasst co ly a 81131ENTEI andtS FAYOLlArgefa. • • anll-1m• dik LAIMC AND. VALIJ)k.BIE PRO ACI Mtn' BON BALL—The Tory Ilene and conanto. thong LOT and BNILDING, No. 308 -CNIRRY Streak. near the centre of business. tontaininn SD feet on Ch i etreet, depth 21)15 feet, being 76 feet ailde on tho 2&52 of the lot, saa at that width opening to a large sari -tins leading tn-(ha... street. Its adrantases of 121 AND.PONITAPS are rare* neot.wtth. Al t al i e the office of i Ohrist Church Hospital. No. 226 WILLICUT threat. PON SIMiIIE BELOW ITS % A $. l: VALUE A.. two-apd-azlialf- atom Italian C nearDarliy.'aritlr Id acres of Lank, adorned Ail" a lame number of Eibada.Trees, and rJad a. great' Sareet7 of Fruit Trees In besrisag. Stabling. Ice:,honaa.. and ever*thing eomplete to-• snake it a mod &tillable adarntl7 seid. B. F.. 'GLOM, . awed • ' 133 South rotraTH. Street. . -- FOR SALR---10EBIRAIILIC -COURRY PLACE, 15 emu. near the W7LLOWOROVIL Ifentsomerg county. Banning Water besides Rath. Bet and Cold Water, Rueter, &c. INsies, Bar n ga d Car, ?lege-holm,. &c. . - . A large number of Cenarry,Placeserithalew acres at ground. Call and exavtne Rester. - • an26-tf • R. athTTIT, 3giRKI,WALNUTtIitrMit. , FOR 8.A4.6R--A—SUPERIORIF c " 97 urea, altaated on the Pennsylvania. Cobbs]. Railroad. 48 miles from Philadelphia. Improvement:a coned of a three-story atone dwelling. containing .14. rooms, with kitchen attached,,bara 50 by 60 feet, wagon .; abed, coin crib, wood bowie, and other out•btilldiniti: • a tenantlionse. - 15 acres wood land. A rare change Is ofered. Address .70RN CAR7IO(7, . ..; Parkersburg. Chester counts,. Pa. .' • • p -wßrrnur - • i - a ,uID t o • Ar—oßrptroNgot. let, witih ADVICI 44114.11 11‘. Una, Belf-iwnnwe nten t sad *Teal . but s& to' of CHMAZA • goals] au me n L aaa " 7oHar L , C,p , -• —7 . lanitua a., raihnr °:"6l4rne—..--,e• Ilikl ell 411..weetm AUCTION @ALEN TOHN B. MYERS &Aii,;;;"^-- EP 1E33, Nog. 03Z and 234 Mmtkx r • t ' ite IJROE FOSITivE MAR or 500 PA"RACV't 61,0 , 8 OF FOREIGN AND DONEtirft: D iv TOM DAT, ) 1 A 1 , A Calt.D. We invite the early partiN i t ap at ,. pit of dealers to the Tishah e assortment of p r German, and American dry anode embracing a's., els ; package's and fotnorstrole and fancy srtici., t. t. , yn remptorily sold by catalogue. oa a creditor ft ." X. and part for crab, vo3rinerrinit THIS NORNING, • A; 10 o'clock precisely, to be centinned the &warn., of the day, without intemnission. fall LARGE4II3 PEREMPTORY SALE OP Eillorcka ,_ nip AMERICAN DRY GOODS. Ac. . 11 1:1 We will hold a large sale of British, German. rr., Sod American dry goods, by astalogne, ma four isosZ -s credit, and part for caeb, ON THURSDAY MORNING, k C. August 25th , commenoingst precisely 10 o'clock ~... L F. prising '''all• reels 550 PACKAGES AND Lopg rbe of Britieli, German, French radi, 2, ,and Amer[,,, , (libel goods, embracing a large, fall , an d f resh Utiorte.. "I eAe woolen, worsted, /Men, cotton , and silk gouda, ford '''' el , bet and countr sales. .) N. B —Samples of the same will be arranem f„, 005 whenwill& rataloguel early on the seer t0,, - ,,,"&„, ---__ sale, dealers will fin it to their in:ere:t o 4:* "'I irk LARGE SALE OP FOREIGN AND DOSERITIr , b GOODS. • 10 Imploded in onr !ale of Foreign and rins 4 „ tle Good., on THURSDAY. August sa.rrill be focasi io A I 14012- the following desirable articles—VlA: bales all wool flannels. ; ..g. bales hesTy brown drills. PE bales Ethan Allen and Lancaster sheetion n I cases 14. and 4 4 bleached asusli se Ales. eaves brown and bleached Canton Minn*, .d IL cases Hartrevd and Cairo denims cases beam corset jean. k V] eases colored cavrtbrics and peter tamillos. a- - y cases Mancbeeter gingham/a. ak_ . _... ;1. ,1 cases Indbi tie tick Jogs. oases Ro by cloakings. cases miner's plaid flannels, cases super Ken tuck y Rana inns cases all-wool tweeds. i i i ca s es eineida aold-mixed casaticieres. =. -.. gage/4 plain and pri nted satlnetts. Is al5 NOTICE TO CLUT 'Bab—LARGE &SIAS OF TAILs, 1120. GOOD & -''''' 11226-4 Abso, on THURSDAY,. august 24. -- Pieces Belgian broad cloth. ;geese heavy velours. please Canton and Presi dent beavers. ..,..,_ ..._ _ ...._........... —........ 09 irieWei Reenimsax aid 3148CGIV tiedVerE. Pima Whitney and pilot beavers. n I —pusses Astrachan coatlags. )boral please Belgian tricots sad seal skims. ath pimme silk and wool careimenes. idl 'd& I pieces D , Pyosehi.e and Kelton coatis". tomi 1 pireee dark-mixed rersthilzte. pleads sap and cloak elotsh. Atha * use 1, pieeesmobair, Italians, ♦lredinglll Padiill,7% e " . rah 111 vsui &e. ge, dress groods, white reeds, t , aveiliag ,•,,,„, egg arrty shirrtand drawers, hosiery, cravats, o.i„, 4 ,'" , silk,•skirtrn-notiozus. &o. owlet', ".i . CA i Also. linewtoods, lines cambric handkerchio, • POSIPPITS SALE OP CARPI/MFG% a l . OR FRIDAY MOENIITO, . rOU Angtmd 26, at — precisely 11 o'clock, lOU Witold by tet t , • tor Nene.:oX. kienths' credit, an Naartment of no,. ties r, fLne arid fine intrain, renielan, he p, cttle . , end ? 1 / 4 - Id .1 carptuga which may be examined early on Me no t rf , "" jag of nee: . . NA LARGE PEIIEMPTORT SALE Or 1,100 PACE - SON INTO BOOTS, SEdliEd, TRAVELLING- BA:GS, as. ma be' ON TUESDAY. ff. Jo August 81:1, at 10 &clock, Will be sold, 51 catalems, - four months! ereda,"-about 1,100 pactrga + booti, al t I b 'IW brogans. army goods, travelling bags. its., or city , , ~,,,,,r I astern is anntentstres• embracing a fresh and miter 1.. ri s aonment. Samples, with catalogues . ea morals( 4IL sale. mare ems INTRNESS,_ _ll.l/KLEY C O. _, -IL No. 615 C666TNITI' and ats JAY= str FIRST FALB OiILIC OF DRY GOONS. ON TUESDAY, August X, at 10 o'clbab, on 4 months' credit. co t . prising British, German, Simmer. Preach. ace [lst Titan fancy and staple goods. 4 , 13 N. B.—Samples will be arranged for exatrAesiits with catalogues early on manilas of sale. I b e WIMP FORD ateo., A.UOTIORRIN tee 525 XLIIEST and 522 001011LIOR Streets. • POSITIVE SALE or r *weans Boors ANDrsti on -• kw 0? THURSDAY MORNING. I re. at Angst 26, commencing at 10 o'clock nreciselt i dING Will sell by catalogue, for cash. &boat 1,240 cases shoes, brogans. , Wm:Locals, gaiters, and army goods. ITO'. prime, fresh stock. to which we invite the early sun, tion of buyers. POSITIVE SALL' 1150 OABBS BOOTS AND sans crib At ON MONDAY' MORNING. August 59th. conimencing at ten o'clock precis*, ~ TILI will sell - by catalogue, for mat, about 1.150 case, bony YET times, brogans, balmorabs, gaiters, anti army pock heir JP 'mime fresh dock. to which we barite the early at. LT3-12s• iantion of buyers. - • B Y HENRY P. livt•imEßT, ELIA AtrOtteiiiiiit ers Dm No. EON NAEX:XX Street. &nth stde.abovo Sifted It fi t t.tmg Sales of D4l 3 3L . topellh, Triimninlro, Notions, &. ., „,,,,„ 1 oppo I MONDAY, nunDAY, and ritIDAY Xoccau, . 0* • (10th maiming at 10 o'clock. eekall... gall 3 . . WHITS ADD MIXED VEXING SHIRTS. DRAWER! rded" WOOL- SHIRTS. -SATINSTd. SIIiPSNDER.O. let. ".,,1° -- ,,,,hi SIERT_„_ , DMUS., DRY Goons, Tittaillav .. , SHIRTS. SHOES, GAITERS, BOOTS, Aro 4 t, Attie Of FRIDAY MORNING. ~ August - 96th; commencing at 10 o'clock. will be Aog i zr : a . a large and deetrable assortment of goods saitab:s lir --,--- ally and country' rotations VLIII m • utomis & .139 'sad ..114.1. South FOURTH DLL Beta STOCKB AND ZWL ESTATE 112.1 m CARD.—Oar trot FUJI Sale, 03‘1 September) 1111 comprise every description of Seal Hews and lal Wags Bank and other Stocks. Handbills part ready. L • Sale Nos. , l3l , and lil South Fourth street. ',truest ZEN Stt • ' NIFFIGLION, FITRRITURS, ROSEWOOD PLATO, isu.d al FINE CARPETK, &a. - , • , ON THURSDAY MORNING. TANI At io'olock, 711 the Anodes Store, the enperier teed, L um tare, nosewcod.pieno by Grolumn, arm/ action PUS* . /argeipelated case, fine carpets, As. - WEI s. Also, . quantity of wal papers. 1.22-9t* .... . Sale No. IMO Spruce street. ries SUPERIOR !IMMURE- _TAPESTRY CLRPITS, BOAI • ON MONDAY gown's°. 2flav that., at 10 o • sa No‘:-ISSO Spruce etreek* = 1 ; lioneetold and kitchen furniture. tapestry , iagratia Venetian aarpeta, Platt:reseal, ha. May be ezai . ained .at 8 o'clock:ea the morning et - B?: male. - - • ' MeR3 um W Executors' tale. No- 607 • Iforth Seventoeroth en, rett * /an• E ISOPERIOEXUENITURE. OVAL ?ENRON, PUMA& EC-, -PETS, 3c:• - • • ON TUESDAY MORNING, 22 SOthinst. tt 10 Welook, by order of execetore, the perior furniture, oval mirror, line taresotrY catPet-', ictil4lWl Nay be examined at o'clock: on. the 1110171111 g y aft!, • •.. _ _••• ii4rj Sato No. - 416 T Marshall labia. °QAT ISOZNRIOR YORNITIJNI, ROSEWOOD PIANO PM .MIRROR, BRUSSELS DARPETRI, CLEC OX WBONBBDAY *owns% SPANN Anatole 31, at 1111. o'clock. at No. 467 Nuehel Arta. • D below 'Buttonwood, the enperlor waDtat dialog too tad ,cliamber. furniture, rosewood pylus forte, tee $.16.1 ?tench Mate pier mirror, tine B earpete, Wu. ntRY glawsware. fine feather fiede, dtc. MAY. the kitchen furniture. , van, al 'May be examined at eight cr'elent on the =MM.? 204t0• the sale. : 13 - SCOTT, JR., 4 '. (SVOCESSOR TO I :1 8 2 3 •seorr & STEWART •Anationeu Me. US their CHESTNUT and GIS SARBO I Street. .STVIP LANGE BALI OF EXTRA QVALITY READY-AUDI CLOTHING. - AE( ON FRIDAY "WENCH; NEXT. AND I 26th at 10 o'clock precisely, Will be sold a laM you) assortment of extra quality ready-made clothing. V'. &delta. pricing overcoats, frocks, its. Teets. Are. tainew . Lett tared expressly for city trade. Partioarstre hereafter. • I)ANCOABT -WA_RITOOK, AUG' FI in; -a- TIONISKREI, .240 MAIIRET Strait. 771 , •lii1;rTmEe PENN STEAM" ENGINE 17. ti ND BOILER WORN& —MUM is LEVI. PRACTICAL AND - TBROBETICAL EaraiNgeßs. xi- 00 - 1 ORINISTS, BOILER-MARBRS, BLACKS/I'l'lli, Ist Lil FOUNDERS: baying for many years been In eueceiita. nKs ePeration,land•been exclusicelyengaged in building . 1,1 o mr ,,t, repairing Marine and River Rog - Mee. high And / 3 wP"'" A D mire, Iron Boilers, Water Tanke. Propellors, am i_ ll _ - : Abate respectfully o'er their services- to' the public, tel Dom nig fully prepared to contract for- engines of all sisen .1+ . rine, River, and Stationary ; haying seta of pattern it n T, diff e rept sines, are _ prepared to execute ,orders irc '.:•',..• •-• •• quirk despatch. livery description of tern -inekti 2 °. I " made at the shortest notice. High and LoWcinii,ll. moth( Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the beat Pr.-:k ei lvania charcoal iron, Pergings, of all nixes and el.s ... Phal Iron and Brass_ Castings, of all descrlptios.; 1141= Turning, Screw-Ca , Jug, anti' all other work iniumdeilMi N 1 with the above business. BROD Drewingo and specific:alio - rut for ait'work dons st tit Rn„ ) establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. MDR, The subscribers have ample w harf-dock' room fur IP ~,, pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, nisi - V4 provided with shears, blocks, falls , ze e., dm, E , 0r...4 raring heavy or light weights. tm •• JACOB O. NEOI3. r a . - 7,,u JOHN PARYI', - BELCHAnd PALHER Swede n r — i r t -r. .r. VnUanna riaarticm- - • " wyr.r.ra w N. usinucs snit JOE& s cops, 4. 4. -R s sountwAßK FOUNDRY, fa,.,. ^--' - • , PINT/1 AND , WASIIINGTON szaari l i tZ - -• . ramaxAm.pair..., _ ilrziaiticlevitiklioNs,. 420 _BEng AN MAC arKisr9. „ g liannfacture Bighead Low Preastre Eiteam-Enchn& - fatls land' river , and marine prole. • ~.., rkt Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Bo.ats. Leo . : .."- 6 attil Digs of all kinds , either iron or brass.L 904 hon-frame Boots for Gas Werke, Workshops, " "- road &Mims, En.. . ,NDA Retorts and Gas MachinerYotihe inteet• and 16" - Bcga rEc ve a l ly °C d_ description of PlantationNachtuaryound , / 2 zit/ Sugar, Saw, .and Grist alflue..gse .., p ato , ,Yo Steam Trains, Defecators, Pilterrs.Punlittillia46l64s.2l, Sole agents forlfAlillieux4 Patent Sugar-EtviltatiZ paratne, le eirmyrh'e Patent Steam Rammer, and l''''., I wall a, wolsorg • .lit e nt, owitruagal Stidilf-Dr": Machine. - '• • ' • se Li • ---np MOROWIT, ORR, Av .00,,,STEAM a",,gonc„, OINK BUILDERS Izim..Fownderc. ant .;=-•:? -f t = t Nacidnitte and Boller - Nalrem-NO. 12 1 9 Cs 1,1.1.,,1, RILL Street, Philadelphia.•••,' . . .. SHIPPING. de • • 5......--••'s d .„'Arlift STEAM WEEKLY TO 2 b.,ITRPor., touching at qv ig9fili'7;ll:t (Coen Harbor." The wall_,lrnewa Stoni ng , o r ::-. • Tarpooi, Newiork,and raundolphte L aw mi .' sh , kits..V. , „ i pany-are intended to sail aa follows: CITY OF 1 3ALTIMORN... : ----6.ATET .DAY, •" I !•l3 — ik ITNA . _....... • •-••••-• • SAVVY DA y , ,•", " ADINBIRZELEti. ... ' - .ig,,twEr ~ZD ,y • • N . 44' and every euwee liilni;;A: 4 ; 34 .1,.. ::.., fr om I' . - w irlb- North River..&debit sion — ti OP PMPAW Payabliiiiti Gobi; Taiotta eq.nitiiitali i i i, O t irre rc• altaire FM•6I.• ' cagant........:00. twilirjacti vas . .. .. . l;cl= .do : 'to 4,0nd0n.....,... 86 CQ d o to 1 ,,, -'. doto Fitrfil•-:.... 96 06 d o t o par:, •• . do tO Elnark_bnft, ••90 TO "a. to ER, • ,i--61r raattettere ateolarw ea i in i, te, F , anin 13,...11 P. - isb kordlum tWorPi Wort *costa' r low 'rater o-- ! Pares from Liver Queasy i ta: I , Cs, , i• ‘ , ..ri p_o. Slot etaaraga 'from Lamar ?Doi an d G R '''''' '' DAY I W. Ttroae.wko wish to sena Y Sr thoirfziesdi 2 , :' - ST/yll Nekets hers at theearatee. Jer. 1 _ For furtluer Informatics of B ly a s the lAT - P 1111 4 14 Nces. G. DALY ; MR* ---- . ien-tr au Nic4l2 - G. phiada•?.°A,Bli --------- - - - --- r , WII gint, BOSTON f AND prEELA ,) ' ' MILL jp Lurs. Mu; floi r ` j *" on t port on 111193N.D.a1M, e mi t w h iir f sect* • emery Street. rhiladolPhla. salti Long wl si i, g‘ n tol 0 4131. Ths steamanip 1110204/ klit c aptain suet, 1r . ..; 4 ,171eD flow "ndiadalPuta ho Y ,ost,g e o n saturday. A. - 0 LIT& at JP IL . axed .llninp' aldp 11A goN, cast. SO!.:eand 131 froze Boston 'for p, Y ‘'''' .ll . - alai& on same def. !A " - is c ar= . 4i/St ' --..._ „ Sru aafi ROW le danti i i a t oaina hipe forte' J a m p Thil , "ai &On a port punetnally 02 W ar ' L ' 141 .0 m 1 en ~.. it I-unkrArtisk fsessetti /at one-half the Pr•at" ''' • i 'lr e th the vegeta. - v .floe 14•Ights 'aka& i i riir yo u& ------- ~. . o =- 10 V 1 7, „ attostod to song Mb .11•..-1't.. oi atoll' goods. . . ,44 LA . !or irotaim t . 4 . Poisoogo (ha T jzz Lie loso rani, ~ lat a 11114 2,... 1 " - muntr - wursos a "'",, ,, ,r6 and '''" ' ".MOI Beath DBLAW ARN " i cello "m•mwnsms• _____..................._________ 6 mod' ' • .10/IiIRESS COMPAWS' lora. -* 1. ---...,.. s • • - 444410 4... ' allilillTHß 116031 BUB COMPANY. ..,„",.. k .„. 43 1.% );481.14nP -- Stmt.:forwards Parcels, Pitt'''. g "" e thee, Bank Notes. and Swede either 11, 1 . 14 • • ling • r t o n connection with o.her &rpm? , CG— CI 4 2° ' tee al) a fies,* • Prittatnal Tom and Cities is I bI R D, _ -..---- e. • , g, g geISF! poi. A - ta.7 • 0 6 .. mi sm. r .. :.0,01 AD\ UMW Amm ___--------" --.." ON' 4,y to :COAL. ..._:,) Mil , csy every itP P 'Etii• SUGAR WAY B i '''' 0 ""av ..`"w*.lu'd oPriair Nonntala ledditiCAr= lieri Noaitaha, from Se/Mail' ; Pr. P`ttle tilif; a . ts.map_ uji ,, D mo t . N . w. eontlr o y:, 4 A as. win, so. J us south seri. !.-gr ' • • Int." - -:r gr an 146: 1 1 :10M8ON'S LONDON .- IrT ,,,,oaLlm ----- PARR. OIL =ROMAN RA.NOSjf s i. ,i . . • 3 • lor MI: Ingtitstlolut. IA '.. 16. '. 1 . I. Also. PhilagelrAtor , e pa l air Parnez, Portable Heaters. Low d•-- nabob; litboari Inures. Bath Boilers. Stewhole Nat'l, ity / Cooking P.tovits, kk. at wholesale slot '- . tic anfeelar MARY%aI 7031S aai or ia b takhaen 0 . gm a'. Bscor i - 'lnt CHILDREN'S CARRIA ° AsKAatSOL Manntodurer s. Simi. beim Semi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers