ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. The Con , Washington aita sentsL J M Coughlin. Alexandria Thee Log , n, New f urk Clement Alvah. Ireauland Mr & Mr..l..Schie , inker. T Hahowbneb, ii 111 1 ,119 Mt.'sK W Heilnwbn •h. lii H A AI llor & wf,St Lout, nits J Holthaas St Louis Wm P Chain, Pekin, 0 D.T. MeNi.ll. New Fork H Fiht, NJW Jers Horse g y, Maryland ey Mrs Horsey, Maryland Miss Carroll. Maryland W Turner, Boston 1 Rogers. Boston H N William New Jersey W Thiseabaum. Jersey W J Wilmer, Baltimore J R. Clark, Fort Delaware F Finley, Washington Jas Straek.y. Brooklyn .1 Cl Phillips, Pittsbarg B W Morgan, Pittsburg T j Janney, Columbus, 0 W Woodward St la, Balt Mre D Cloud Botim ore W Wall, Washington B BookleY & la, New Jersey Dan Comstoek,Nsw York Mr Man, Phila.:l4l3MA Mr COMO% New Turk Mr & Mre J Sloan, Sal ti more A J Blunvelt, New York J V Banish', Brooklyn, T 0 Terry, New York A Lee, Pennsylvania H Fowler, Baltimore ' J E Wilson, Baltimore A Boyd & la Maryland. Jr,J M Mantle, Louis rifle R m Colin m It Bayne & bra, Haltlmere P Donal], New York lieo S (keen. Syracuse M Parodi, Havana M Tuetador, Havana J F Tueettder,Havana F. L Matanzas .1 Wellman, Louisville 0 0 Lane, Boston Wallace Warren,NewYork B Metcalf, Beaton W Doherty Montreal Inc N ruttie, New ark W T Carter, Newark C N Poulson, Montreal A Hutton & wife. lifarYland J K Bartlett, KR.651,111 Rufus Waples, N Orleans art Sunbury UDR, Pittaburg Pittsburg Penns Ag, Chicago ALI & wt, Maine & wf. Fayette,o ki , ookign Pbimds is & is. Baltimore tin, Alegauuria LOUisillne LollieOline a. Louisville Lstav Hidaux 7 1'oronto 'Penne N ylranin New York mu., Baltimore Merneti, Belt Halt IL NI f. 0 1,10 Ohto t,40. 0/110 I...bleed. KY Michigan e, Now York sari nay, LI S A 17011 p, u E. A 11, Baltimore r.ou,tialtimorel New York ' laid, New York, keel, New ia, New York Odeon 'New York UPI', Bloomy New York rd. mug eh. Wahhimiton & sinter, N Y Kingaton, Ja , Kingston, Ja do Switzerland . gorn,Lonisville N ew yerk id,•Maine 'ittsburg site, Pittsburg, New York !card. John Could, Jeff co, Pa A Johnson St la, Washington John M Coughlin. Alex, Pa D 9 Cohen. New York Nra Kunsman, Washington iltobt Wlleon, Washington Nee &wooers, New Yuri Joe Cla,ll, New York The Ili ./SP, Delaware la, New York mar, New York heading ,on wapiangton ton, rittbburg B Stewart s wf, Boston John Thompson, New York 0 Huntingdon & wf, ri 0 IC 0 Thompson. N Orleans H P Johnston & wf, N 0 • James Martin Scranton 0 C Mullin, Harrisburg 0 H Bitcher,Oumberlandco James Arnold, Simira John Mahew, Baltimore D P Hancock, U 3 e M M &flakier, Columbia 0 B Tocrtellett, US A. El Pittman, New York J Waterman, N Orleans 1-' Ou-etler, Penn* DS Bacon, Chicago J Jitney, Rahway Pllcelnakey, Rahway W F Donaldson 0 8 Parke dr la, Wash S H Brome, Penna. J Ashton, Milwaukee C V taiga t 4 family J Stuckert. Cleveland 9 Morehead, Cleveland J D Mort KeiGnoilT A Steinhauer, Cincinnati J Ellsworth, Troy, N Y Mrs Carothers & fam, N Y Mawr, Johnstown Mire B Indiana P Sellers, C Malmo Williams,o New Jersey 1) Kahle, Uniontowni D C Waterhouse, 001/11 A Browning, New Jersey T B Lloyd & la. Pittsburg C Wash, '0 C T 'McKenna, St Louis S Gardner, New York llarrisbnrg /OKI Lewistown 3r, Jr, Lewistown y, lisltimore ens!), Jr, Del. New Jersey t, Gprtna,ntoman Baltimore , Franklin ~ Belem Salem ,tiviv York low York o. Parma ?Bona Penne. Nor, Mew York Look Raven i, t'Penevillo Baltimore Nati lil3Orlooe 18 1139. 11 linnets Wand Chicago Boston In, Covington ,rd,Wash,,D al. Neal Orleans itt Jr i _Pentra ter, retina , Penns Penns Baltimore Baltimore few York . Ohio inland o lin & son, 11l se, Tamaqua it, Harrisburg o la, St Louis Sato. St Louie , Jr, Wash, D 0 New Jersey itr, New York ow, New York In, Now York 0 BleekbeYa inn & wile L L. 0 reenowalt, Lebanon W S Willard, New York AR Herrick, New York M DeOraw. New York Richard F Stevene,Trenton John P Stockton, Trenton. Theo V Randolph, N J JD kledlo, New Jersey E Marsh, Jens, Mt., Wee Coniton, New York W Warren, New York H Blotto, 'Baltimore 61 Aiello & la, daltlatore Av Waller, New York nos W Parkins, Batt P Weed, Dover erloan. The Al m, New York 1, Smyrna, Del Smyrna, Del New Jersey Le, Baltimore J R Baer, Baltimore .1 Stow; Baltimore Mrs Kennedy, Wa•hington H P Clara, Washington J B Motjamont, Patina J E Rankin, Newark, 0 N Devol, New Albany H Friedgen dr. oh, New York .1 Dorman St la, New York Eben Walls W D Wyrill. Washington J O Massy, Meadville L Dickerson, Meadville Lewis, Elkton, Md C A Mason, Boston L A Uhlman, Williamsport E Price, Baltimore D C Dodd. Jr,Newark,2i J Dennis,Penna 113 Davie Penns JOB Reynolds, Washington hT J TempftnY, Nnw York M C Consvelt, Dover Harris,Washington ;J Holbrook. Washington 'John it Willsou,Del Jas W Reedy,Smyrna, Del Edw Richards New York W Jen kills, Baltimore Robt Mao Donald, N York ..... It B4ston edt, New York leer York 4on. New York Lima. N 'astlington New York :er, Audenreld le,lieritnoky p. 80. -ton In & wt. MMUS qu, Pottayille tsun,lT 8 N . . Nen York mery, N York , r, New York New Jersey N Jersey Now York New York ew York Aing, Penns 1., New York chants'. The Mel Wambington Audenried Attaidrg W L aldridgft, Maryland D D Clark, MoVertown W D Chrlatmati, W Chester J W Pipher, Manhattan JoAepllna Shialer. Erntrlabg 13 Dakar, New Largay T L Demo, New Jersey F N Wolff, 8t Lnuta vebnrg WilliamspOrt NY York wife. flip r. Troy were. York N J . . J M yTt - 31su, Brooklyp. • iMikweather. Troy IC B Hanson, Vermont IB Henlein, Pennsylvania F T Hilts, Colombia A Selong, - Easton D Witham, Allegheny D Veva; Comber:dale ArW Patterson Aria. ohlo H Bradley, Bloomabarg, Pa R Weems & vrt New York L Orsy, Faison= A C Lewis. Chic B R Winant, New York J C Wisosway, New York W Sterrett 'B a iiimora &or, , Pittsburg v f, Penna. A. North Point t, Zanesville lE Chunk Redford ire, Franklin t. Albany tudeareid :h Louisville Louisville . n t 4 York J Pearee, New York J T Hoelrineen, Readin A Me•er, Morrie, Illino is O D Homer Sr la. N J W Mowry, .01210 oyrom awn, Milton, Pa Bon M W Coolbangh, Pa C Bennett, Penna J A Lippincott, Scranton • • Clnrkgi'lL, • amore, IT S A fv wvllle dere~y - City N, NBltimore Pl-13118 Line Bridge rler. New ork • 'lllOll. 0 Benson, Baltimore J F Silva, II 8 N L Lev, Bhaneeville, 0 W P Barad°liar. Penna J H Curry, Altoona J p Chapin, Ohio J H Truitt N Orleane O Gieim, Lebanon C B Sillymau, Pottsville 1) 0 }Kenneth', Mt Pleasan Paxton, GreenctuAle J Wallace, Zaneavllle, 0 I P bowman, Ohio W M Bowman, Ohio 0 Dinkel. Louisville Me* Rickel. Louisville Di F Maize, Pottsville Mrs Cleaver, Delaware T Worman. Penna W 8 Robinson, Dayton The N Jersey , Delaware Delaware , N Jersey %biennia N Jersey Jr, Tamaqua %area...ter ndians 'inna .TNII I / 1 " 3rsville en,Minerev'ts tnerairtile Lids 'ine Grove Washington months]. • S Moms, Phanitarille R Stackhonee, Penna Semi Pennock, Chester C M Blake C S Monroe. 'Reading J E Ringer & wf, N Arm' A Magner. Pottsville Chas Hinges. Wesigrove John Cooper, Backs eo J Roush, Doylestown. E B Humphreya, N Jersey S D Chand , er, Penna Careen. Phcoalz.srffie J A Cermet'. Minh Del Col J L9llOll, Baltimore E Hampton, Baltimore The feit ;ton,Pommy,o tester eo ihart, N Jersey (am, Ky wf, Kentucky Tisburg mleat USAon, A I 8 A Chester co Cheater 00 Newtown Chester no vpacker i FA trylatict .on, Maryland ,dison. 111. Tsylor, Snots co 1 J H Boom. Delaware John Finney, New Jersey II Capon, St Gents B A Shoemaker, N Jersey Joe Oray, New Hope !John Bradley j Seaford, Del J W Lynch, Georget'n,D 0 11 Sinks, Books eo !A A Slack, Books so Ohe Willard, Bockeco The ME , Newtown, Pa la, Delaware Trenton, N J Ittaton, ockes co, Pa Penna ort, Books co rers,Seaford, Del ttr wf, N J r, Frew Jersey Monroe ao kk Beer. Jamb Bowman, Penn% H. nr7 Smith, Frankford Peter fiteinel. RPading Davidilos, Fox Dime Beitily Penne. Albert Hine, Bernwille The 111 20, BAhlitiore Harrisburg' RPadlue 8, Reading Scbu3llllll Co hler, Palm. SPECIAL NOTICES. A'S BOBBY SOAP. 'rated TOILIT SOAP, in stieh UMYana AG- Ms from the (MOMENT matelots, ix MILD ',INWN Inns Ware, VBAGILUNTLY XTSISKILIC niminota. to its aotioa. mrea Nor male by all Draggloto and Vane Gatiii fdS-initials Ji.o.rartgo Haan or Pm 4. vtoexittemi.'i , class goods at moderate ortees. WANAMASSR & BROWN, corner SIXTH and NA_RRET Streets. lent (to make to order) No. 1 S. Sixth St. & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMITiII LOCK-STITCH SEWING KAOHIABIL BAREST. SIMPLIBT. AND DEBT. 7m CHESTS - VT Street. above Serenibl.. r)13213:). -On Wednesday, August 24th, 1884, after a re illness, Josephine 8., daughter - of the I.ti Ices at St. Stephen's Church on Sitardar ek. • a** —At Downingtown, Cheater eounti, Mary, daughter o r Dr. John Kr iejrai2. . tlio feroily are respeetfnily invited to ,erst on Friday, the 26th instant, at It truly, ea the 23d inst., Catherine. re li ct lip tee, in the 70th year of her age. e and friends of the family are respect ) attend her funeral from the residence of George D. Glenn, No. 124 South Sixth ,y afternoon, at 4 o'clock. the morning of 2.9 d inst., Paul, son or in Keyser. end friends of the family are respectful tend the funeral, without further notice, ore of hie percale, Main street, German- Aar afternoon , 26th Inst. , at SO'olook aiptheria, on the evening of Mend, M. Jarrett, in the 234 year of Ws. life. sod friends of the faintly are 'Judea to from the residence of hie father, Bentham ' Montgomery county, Pa., to mlo oclock A. M., on thh day (Fri her residence, in Lower Providence Pinery county, Pa, on Tuesday eye it., Sarah B wife of Charles Corson, , rel a tivesai are invited to attend the ,y, the 2/31.1) Diet., at 10 o'clock A. M. meet the 7 o clock A. hi, train at Mo on North Pennsylvania Railroad. - he 24th, Emma. daughter of J. Henry k. aged 7 months. Hanover. Pa. & 80.11,_MOURNINO STORE, CUISTAITT Street. EYRE & LANDELL 8. 64 'EN TO. DAY FOR FALL OFI4, 1 Plaid BRAWLS. colored PA RADUTTAS. WFIRST CONGRESSIONAL MS. THIOT. —The Delegates elected to the CON GEM' ON al, CONVENTION of the First Congressional District will inset at the hall of the Good Intent Go-e ennpsny, No. 602 SPRUCE Street, on MONDAY" EVE NING. Atignet 78, at 8 o'clock, to nominate a candidate for Congress James Gillingham, Bgbert E. Nichols, John C. Garwood, Peter Glasgow, B. B. Martin. Jr., . J. C. Adams, B. Mickel, Henry Banker, Joseph Turnbull, James Flood. Henry B. Gardiner, Preying Grovel], Henry Victor, Jame Ft Hatigiok, James Smith Gen. W. Gillingham, George W. Ow, Wm. A. Levering, John Moon, John Downey. Wm. H. McMahon, Albeit T. Eavenson, Chas. E. 3lcCanlley, John Gilmore, Hits F. Hepburn, Alexander Usher. David Ferd, Ad& 4t* FIRST WAR; A No IO TmE RTY will—The Wan L UNN PA bonne of Peter Bouvier, in AIRMAN G Avenue and OM DAY EVENING at 8 o'clock Thorase Lower, George Revel, James B. Jordan, Adam liohertoOng Devid Sparka. d Delegates or the NATION meet in Convention at the ortheast cornet of Mina, ItSziwica Street, on FRI- FOIURTII CO TRICT.--The Bohm on MONDAY EVRNINO o'clock. at the Hall goner GARDEN litreete. W. P. Coor, Henry C. Townsend, Rent, Myers, James Wehit. William Sim Peon. John T. Hance, None J. Young, C. B. Enwitt. RESSIONAL b IS. km are requested to meet EXT, the 29th lust., at 8 HIRTHENTH and SPRING Henry Clay Bellmr. John M. RdeY. Thomas S. Ellis. C. Thompson Jones, Albert Hughes, William Rogers, J. H. Edgar, an.25•3t ATES ELEC VIED TO WLISENTH WARD In the et on FRIDAY RIMING, k, at the home of John Ma ar Broad street. OrTHE DELLO rePresent the FOG Ward Coe Tendon mill me August 2ith. IF6S, at 8 o'cloc berg, RIDGE Avenue, helo VI S. Bull, Sein/. McGorkle, Joseph B. Boswell, R. A. McCartY, Job Fisher, Henry Schell, FOURMEENTH 11.18PRESEDi f♦• TIVE DISTRICT.-Delegates will meet at the Hall of the National Union Amootation, S. W. corner of ELEVENTH Street and GIRARD Avenue. on MONDAY EVENING. August 72, 1894, at 8 o'clock. Geo. Deice, John W. Monson, James Helms, Daniel Weymer, John Cloud, Geo. Carpenter. Henry Battereby. OW' FIFTWW&R.D CONVENTION will meet on 'FRIDAY EVENING. A.cgast 2a. at 8 o'Clock, at the MARKET HALL, SSOOND and PIKE Streets. J. S. ATKINSON. Jr., JOS. E. GALLEY, N. HALL, JAS. ktARKLAND, H. CHARMAN, EfEO H. H. MoOONNELL. IarSIXTH WARD.—WARD DELE. GATER wit (meet at the MADISON HOUSE on FRIPArEVENINO, Angnet 26th, at 8 o , e , eat, WM. H WHIMS' R., eBORG 6 CABTEA, A. EDENBORN, JOHN BABB, 8. M. SUDS, WM. °ASSAM JAMES WAFTS , ISAIAH BATES, THOMAS LEECH. FIFTEENTH WARD vs. THE DRAFT. —The citizens will bold another !Heat ing THIS EVENING, at the School-bonne, TWEN TIETH and COATES Streets Every interested man sholdd come and bring ble neighbor. r.• • • •‘• _ HENRY. W. C RAY, President. Toren R. bEFTOR, Secretaries. J. T DELACEO I X • } rimearrHAVAßß 8011 N T rFUND COMMITTEE meets EVERY smut% at the School House, TWENTIhni and COATES Streets. Minns will please be prompt in paying their subscrip tions. Nell are enlisting, the quota is being reduced, and united effort will accomplish our object. Come at ,once, do your whole ditty and you are safe. H. P. M. BIRKINBINE, Chairman Executiye Committee. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF WERE MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY, WALNUT Street, Amnon 26, 1884. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the Cavite! Stock of the Com pany, Parable at their office on and after the 80th inst.. free of state tax • The Transfer Books will be closed on the 28th inst., at 3 P. 21,. 'until the 30th. au2e-Bts TKOS R. lIEARLE, Secretary. pro NOTICE TO srocituoLDEßs.-, The regular Annual Meeting of the Stoakhold- Pre of the SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AND BORTH AND W &IT BRANCH TELEGRAPH COMPANY, will be held at the CONTINENTAL MOTEL, Thtiadelphia. on WhENESDAY, the 14th day of September next, at 2. o'clock P. M., for the election of officers, Bic. By order of the President, E S. SANDFORD. J. X. GRIER, Secretary. an22-mth2twteel4 IMF"' THE UNDERSIGNED.. A COMMIT. TES appointed by the Bounty Fund Convention of the several warde,ffor the purpose of recruiting for the benefit of deficient wards In anticipation of the coming draft, impressed with' the importance of the entoect,_ desire their fellow-citizens to unite with them in an effort to till the city's quota by obtaining volun teer recruits. To do Ws . betore the oth of Septet:ismer will require the most earnest and vigorous exertions, aed the Committee appeal to the patriotic and public spirited to aid them by their influence and by contribu tions of the necessary means to offer inducements eqoal to those offered by other communities. The Committee have appointed a sufficient number of recruiting lieu tenants in various quarters or the cit?, and ail recruits obtained will be distributed pro rata among the wards. and, of course, will benefit meet largely those that are most deficient. By united and continued effort - the Committee hope, if not to avoid the id. aft altogether, at least to reduce it to insignificant proportions. The whole number required to free the city from the draft was, on the first of august, about 9,000 From this number is to be deducted those who have been recruited since that dale', and such credits as the city may be en titled to from persona enlisting in the navy from the pity and who have not been credited to us; also, from per enlisting in the navy from the State at large and not credited to any particular district, of which the city Will have her proportion. Efforts are being made to ascertain these credits. The Committee also expect to obtain recruits from veterans re , enlisting, from the Southern States now occupied by our forces, and from other quarters. They do norffeem it impossible, there• fore, by proper exertions, to fill the city's quota. Money-is necessary. and can only be obtained by the voluntary subscriptions of citizens. Such subscriptions may be sent to the addresses of any members of. the Committee, as below given, or to the headquarters of the Committee, No. 142 Smith FOURTH Street. JAMES L, C AOHORN, 207 CHURCH Alley. JAMES . H. ORNE, 626 CHESTNUT Street. A. B. FRADICISCUS, ot3 MARKET Street. JOSHUA SPERING, 142 South FOURTH. Street. Dr. WM. M. UHLER' , Falls or Sohn, JOHN W. FRAMER, 949 South SIXTH StreeL Wir:DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF T/1.11 PERKY OIL CO., Southeast corner of WALNUT and FOIIIITH Streets , PHILADELPHIA, PHILADELPHIA, August 17, 1864. The Board of Directorsc have thin day declared the fourth montbly dividend of two (2) per cent. on the cap4al stock of the Company out of the earnings of the Inoz(th'oi t a ts t ax. at the th em e 24th the _CossolAT 'clear of tato on after the Met. The transfer b ocka will be cloaed on Saturday, 20th Mat, and reopened on Wednesday, 24th inst. aulB- 7t JAMES P ERKY, Treasurer. 11ArOFFICE OF THE PIIIIADEL PRIA GAS WORKS, Aufiger 12, 1864.—At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Philadelphia Gee Works, held on the dth instant, the following pre ambl e and resolution were adopted: Whereas, The great advance in the cost of living im posed an imperative duty on the Trustees to advance the tangos of their employeee; and whereas, the east of coal and all other materials consumed in the manufac ture of Oas have advanced to ft price that compete the Trustees, in order to protect the important trust com mitted to their charge from serious loss, and to make the annual addition to tt e Sinking Fund required by law. to advance the price of Oaa fifty cents per thou sand cubic feet, . „ The Troetees are aware that the increased price will prove a burden to many consumers, and they greatly re grt t tbe necessity that constrai a rti c l eut wh purchaseon sumer reflects that nearly every we hoe advanced from 50 to 100 per cent., and we propose bat en advance of 1811 per cent. on the main article upon which we rely for revenue, its necessity must be appa rept, particularly when the oversaw:lc of the past year are known to have resulted in a large lose to the Trust, notwithstanding our then existing contracts enabled ne to purchase coal and retorts at very moderate prices; be it ',beret ore . . Reaoked, That the Chief Ingineer ba directed to give public notice that on and after the first day of Septem 'bar next the price of gas to private consumers shall be three dollars per thousand cubic feet, less a discount of 6 per cent. for prompt payment, and subject to the United States tax. THOMAS S. STEWART, aol6-tsel- Chief Engineer. gr. orttier. SWATAKA FALILS COAL COMPAIIY, August 10, 1864. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of ten per rent. on the capital stook out of the net earnings of the Comeau y,_payable at the office of the Cempany. No 10133( South THIRD Street, on or after 26th instant, clear of State tax. anl9- et L. 8. FILBERT, Treasurer. lay. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE ROCK OIL COMPANY OF PENNSYL VANIA, No. 409 wewarr Street. PHILADHLWILL, August ID, ' The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of TWO PER CENT. (twenty cents per share) on the capital stock. out of the earnings of the Company for JIILT, payable on and after the 20th inst. ' free of State tax. The transfer books will be closed on the 241, at 8 P.M.. and opened on 29th • JOHN F. GRAFF, Secretary and Treasurer. rairOFFICE OF THE tocusr mr.ovN. TAM COAL AND IRON COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, Atiguht 18, 1284. DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The Board of Directors of this Company have this day declared a Dividend of four nes cent. on stock out of the earnings of the Com pany, payable on and after the 29th teat. The transfer books will be closed from the 19th to the 29th inst. inclusive. • EDWARD ELY, anlB-8t Treasurer pro tem. DIVIDEND NOTICE.--Plll_ldlo , DELPRIA,AugnatI9,II364-147 South FOUNTS Street, The Directors of the EMMET OTL COMPANY have Ws day declared a dividend of TWO (t) PER GENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on and after the 25thlinet., free of State tax. The Transfer Booka Mill be closed on the 25th and opened' on the Mk. Burka WM. M. CARTER, Treasurer. garNOTICE.—THE BOOKS OF THE WEST VIRGINIA OIL COMPANY are now open for subxeriptions to its capital, at their office, No. 411 WALNUT Street. Females can hold stock in their OAR name. JOHN S. HOFFMAN, Secretary. TM WEST VIRGINIA OIL COMPANY, OFFICE 411 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL $200.000 Divided into 20,000 Shares of 4110 each. The properties purchased by this Company, are aye in ttuni]bos i selected yritb owe Iqy celnPetent persons: Two hundred embraced in three *several tracts, and are in lee Ample( 60 agree on a lease for •t 0 years. and 16 acres on a perPetual lease on which we have a well bored to thedm?th of 100 feet,..with a good oho w of oil, the work Dalai vig_ororuslyprommuted—all of these pro perties tV i ti v f ln.wood county, West Virginia (mayo.._ alengnn ofeetUrdisde leading to the Ohio river.' This 'region litpronounced by the oil men 'of Venango county as being the El Dorado of the West for oil. They are buying all the territory in that region they can get. The prospects of this Company . are moat flattering. Those coming in as origina l subscribers will have all the advantages of a new company, intelligently ma naged by .1* reeve Street , unders the business. Call at the office, 411 WALNUT for eirealars of wig.. nation. au2D.7t JOHN S. HOFFMAN, Secretary, AN APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC.— The Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Com mittee are in want of funds for the support of the Insti tution. They call upon the public for voluntary contri butions to aid them in their efforts to feed and care for the Soldiers of the Union as they pass through our city. The citizens of Philadelphia are assured that not a cent of the funds is appropriated to Pied Any person 9r per sona representing themaelvee as refugees from the re bellion, bet all contributions to the Cooper SUN Coin• mince are scrupulously disbursed for the benefit of the Soldiers of the Union Army: WM. M. COOPER. *foldout. 135 South WATER Street. Attest—Wx. M. MACLL, Secretary. , • 330 CATHARINE Street. VErVETERAN BOUNTY-FEND CO*. MISSION, NO. I GOLDSMITH'S HALL LIBRARY Street, Philadelphia. The Com miesiOnere aPPoir ted to pay the extra Douala , to re-maleted Veterans FR I DAY S m on MONDYS, WEDNESDAYS, and a F t ll N lD o. A 7 YS o , o l l. 4 B o m .ei r ee n t , P s . 11 M iLt t? receive a_pplieatlons. LIBRARY Street, Immediately to the rear of the Poet Office. Families interested will pleat° call at that hoar L D. SAUNDERS, Chairman. EDWIN OREBLE. JONATHAN BULLOCK. PAUL J. FIELD. • GEO.".W. SIMONS. EMPIRE COPPER COMPARE OF MICHIGAN. NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that an instalment of TWO DOLLAR @ nit SHARE on each and every share of the capital ntock of the Empire Copper Company of Michigan ha. this day been yelled by the Board of Di rectors of said Company. due and ipaye.ble at the once of the Company, No. 433 WALNUT Street:Philadel phia, on or before the 10th day df SEPTEMBER, Mt. Interest will be charged on all, instalments after the same shall have become due. By order of the Board of Director' J. B. MoMULLIN, Secretary PHILADELPH/it August le, 1554, au2o-ftuthttdlo ISMAYMELIIIITMIDS PENEOSYLVM.• VIA. MILITIA, HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT. riAltElßßinta, August 14; The STATE MEDICAL BOARD OF PENNSYLVAN 1964.1 A meet in PITTSBUEO on MONDAY, the 29th day of Ananst, DM. and continue daring the week, to examine candidates for the poet of Medical Officers in Pennsrl vanialtegimenta. Physicians of Pennsylvania, in good health, furnish ing satisfactory testimonials as to moral character, &c., will be admitted to the examination. The room in which the examiiiatban will be held will be indicated in the Pittsburg morning papers on the day of InPeilni. By order of the'Oovernor: JOSEPH. A. PHILLIPS, mai% harneva General. Penni7l,Yanla• SENATOR/AM. NORTON MoMICHAEL. Philadelphia. T. CUNNINGHAM, Beaver Conniff. REPRESF B. 6. Morrison (oatu, B. Henry Hamm, I. William H. Kern. L. Heaton H. Janke. O. Charles K Hunk. Y. Robert Parke, 8. William Taylor, 9. John A. Hieetand, 10. Richard H. Oolye% IL Edward Holliday, lB Charlie IL Read, By order of the State Omei John J. Clifton, Joseph Dallas, James Beddenger, William ?arsons. Joe. Mooney. an2l-2t' Or ' 3F" artra M. DILL,, • EIOEITEENTA W4RD, NATIONAL UNION. au -St" Jonathan H. Nigh, W. F. Bohan, Wm. B. Webb, Edward X. Shelmeraltke, Edmund Booth. anFi-V IarCOBINVILILSVILLIE GAS COAL OFFIOH No, 411 ORESSIUT Street, rHILADELPM.. An net 9th. 1864. At a meeting of the Stockholders, neid THIS DAY, the following gentlemen were daly elected Directors for the enstung year: CHARLES WHEELER. B N. Bußff.Otrotut THOMAS A. SCOTT. PERCIVAL ROBERTS. D. R. DAVIDSON., Charles Wheeler was unanimously. elected President, and Norton Johnson Secretary and Treasarer. an24-3t OFFICE OF ASSISTANT TICEASII BEE U. 8., ParLanaLPlita. Angnst 20.1841. coupons of the 10 du U. S. Bends, matartrg the First of September, and those of the 6-20 U. 8 Bonds matur ing the First of November nest pill be paid onfpresen tation at this office. 6.13.0E('D efeINTY en72-et Assistant Treasurer, 17. B. NNTIONAL UNION TICKET. rpm pDEMIDEW's * ABRAHAM LINCOLN. OP ILLINOM. FOR •lUE PRZNIIDNIIITI ANDREW JOHNSON. OF FENVE6BIII. ELECTORAL TWEET. &MAME. . 19. Elias W. Han. 14. Charles H. Studi47: 16. john Winter. it David McColl:11M 17. David W. W s. 18h Isaac Benison, 19. John Patton, W. Samuel B. Pink. 31. Mverard BiaPars H. John P. Panne, 96. Ebenezer MaJ nntidL M. John W. Blanshitrd. trial MILITARY. SUBSTITUTES AND ENROLLED Z CITIZENS Are informed' MO. the JOSEPH & C„0. Have taken the Hoonta Noi 422 WALNUT STREET, Lately.ocenpied by the Where they will be rammed to furnish ALIENS, VETE RANS, or CONTRABANDS no EUBSTITUTEI for EN- ROLLED CITIZENS, and will pay to Substlintee the }HOBERT PRICE. an2s-3t $5O WARD BDIIIITY; IN ADDITION TO (ITT AND GOVERNMENT BOINTIES, Will be paid to every recruit enlisted in fixated States Army. Navy, or Marine Corm to the credit of the FIFTEENTH WARD• Apply to ISAAC M. KRUPP, At Provost Marshal's Office; BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, $lO premium paid to any person bringing a recruit as above. H. P. M. BIRKINBINE, au24-4t Chairman Executive Committee. r i 199TH REO IMENT YOLK., COL. A. A. LECHLER. $5 2 5 BOUNTY,. Idea Mastered and raid $425 immediately, 03.33 more before leaving camp, balance in instalments. PAT $l6 PER MONTH-CLOTHING AND SUB B STENO 'he Regiment le encamped at CAMP OADWAL.A.- DEE, in comfortable quarters. DON'T WALT TO BE DBAPTBD, bat join this regiment and leave your families well-provided for. NO DELAY IN PAYING} THE BOUNTY ! VETERAN OFFICERS sii24-4t HEADQVARTERS 011iCHESTNUT Street TEN VOLUNTEERS WANTED immediately for three years. $6OO cash down, and MO Government Bounty. Also, FIVE SUBS TITUTES WANTED:for which the highest price will be paid. W. D. HAVENS, 113 Booth SEVENTH Street, Room No. .10,.second floor. TWELFTH WARD. $735 BOUNTY. All recruits accredited to TWELFTH WARD will receive the following Bounties IMCO GOV E RNMENT SOO BOUNTY. 85 WARD BOUNTY. 15 EXTRA TO EVERY ONE FURNISHING A RECRUIT. The Committee to pay the Ward Bounty will be in at tendance at Y. & L. LADNER'S MILITARY HALL. No. 532 N. THIRD Street, every day until the Quota is filled. Recruits will receive the Ward Bounty as soon as mustered in. Enrolled citizens who 'furnish substitutes Agin re ceive the Ward.Bonata...„--.-- calatratint. -- wacaNzt; Piesident. L. B. ENGLES, Treasurer. TAWS A F A. CONN ELL * Secretary. FIRE-PROOF SAFES. Ma, THE REBELS CAN BURN 01WI TOWNS, BUT NO HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. CHAMBERSHEIEN, Auguetl6, ISSi. Meters. "FARREL, HERRING, & CO. : GENTLEMEN: I have had in use one of your unequalled Safes for a period of four years. My law office wee en tirely consumed in the fearful conflagration of this place on July 30th. The Safe fell into the cellar, where it has lain among the ruins untU ibis date. To day it was removed., and found too hot tb bare the naked hand; it was necessary to cool it with water before opening it. Yet, after having passed through this extraordinary lire, and remaining hot for sixteen days, the papers, al though discolored by steam, are perfectly legible. GEO. W, BREWER. CRAMBERBIJITHG. August 16,198 E Messrs. FARREL, HEBBINO, 4 CO.: OENTLENEP: On the 30th of last month, we had our place of business burnt out by the Rebels.; we had one of your Safes in our store at the time; the Safe fell to the cellar. where welted a stock of Tar, Turpentine, Oils. &o, The heat was so intense thatwe despaired of saving any of the contents. • Judge of our surprise on opening it to.diad oar Books in good order; a few papers were discolored by steam, but sustained no injury. Please send ns another Safe, same size. HUBER & TOLBERT. CRANE/3E51317R% August 16, IS6I. Messrs. JUL.PAti HE & CO.: GENTLEMEN: I bad one of your Fire• Proof Safes at the time of the late Rebel raid, on the .90th of Jody, when our town wee burned out. The Safe wee in my brew -house; it came out all right. It caved my books and papers., GEORGIE I.IIDWIO. JOHN FARREL. a C. HERRING. W. B. CONIIINGEAR FARREL, HERRING, No. 629 CHESTNUT STEEE'T. (Sayne's Hall). Sole manufacturers In this State of , HERRING'S FIRE-PROOF SAFES, Which received the Medal at the WORLD'S FAIR, London and New York. .These Safee are warranted free from darannees Also, manufacturers of HALLOS PATENT ~p owpER.RA99. . m3K, Likewise awarded a Nodal at World's tair:*;* CHILLEDPRON BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES, BANK VAULTS, BANK LOCKS, STEEL CHESTS, &c. Can23-tath2 CITY POINT, VA., KUGUST 7,1862. OFFICE DEPOT OF REPAIRS, rrrf WANTED. 300 Teamsters, 50 liViteelwriglits, 50 Blacksmiths, and 20 Carriage Mrirrunera• Who Will receive the highest rates or 00Yernment rations, and medical attends/Lee. Traarportatlon foraished by applying at No. maILTIONSYLTANIA Avenue, Washington, D.O E. J. STRANG, Captain, 4,111. JAMKS IL EBLLY, 85 00 WOR TH OF GOLD AND Plated JEWELRY,bointlit with o , 9 hVbefoie the increaseia pnces, will be sold tor cost in green boat+ if awned. for this week; also, a lot of Show cases,' Jewelry Bolles, Trays , suitable for . a .Mar._ cbaht,Anctioneer, or Pedlar.' Address Post Office, , . - 80w702. 'au 26,31. DO NOT FAIL TOSIT FOR COLORED Photographs ,at REIMER'S they are the beet kylee roade, end all reepeetewili prove satisfactory. Only $1:150. SECOND Street, above Green.: - PHOTOGRAPHS -IN •OIL e j colors . See them. end be convinced of their -041 e: rtority over other style, portraits. B. F. RISIKEK'S spectroens,nrolineurpe.....l Oallpry , 624 ASCU St le & intoww, IMF PRESS.-PTITT, PETTIT - IA. TTITTR ST) AV. AUGUST 25, 1864. NEW SKIRT FOR 1€064. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OS DOUBLE) STEEL SPRING. - - • J. L. k J. G. WEST EW No. 91 01EANBERk STEM. N Y ORK, Ar e the airmen of the patent and exclusive mambo. Wren of thug, J. W. BRAZIJIT'S PATENTED DUPLEXEIAMITO ETBEL o=o This Invention consists of Duplex (or two) IDliptle Reel Springs, • ingenlonely brained tightly and firmly' together, edge to , edge, malting the tOugheet, most elec tic, flexible, and 'durable spring ever used, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and text bleness, to place and fold the skirt when innse as will' and with the same convenience as a silk or amain dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tions to hoop shine, viz the annoyance to the wearer as well an the public, especially in crowded assembles, carriages, scarves ears, church pews, or In any crowded place, from the difficulty of contracting them to occupY ing a small space, This entirely removes the difficulty, while giving the skirt the usual full and aymnietrlcal form, and is ihe lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade , or house dress. • A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward willinglyy dispense with the use of them. They are the best quality In every part, and by far the lightest, most dorsi,, a, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladies In most first-class retell stores In this city and. thronghont the different States. Committee. OAMIROX, Ohairmeat, B RADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT. Very flexible, folded easily when in nee to occupy I Mall apace, making the most agreeable Bert worn. For sale by J. M Ei&FLEWM, 9051 CHESTNUT Street. DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT, THE MOST POPULAR DATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC IE4KLET. For sale by BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT—The greatest Improvement we have ever seen in LADIES' SKIRTSand an article of SUPERIOR 'EXCELLENCE. 450, 452. and4o4 W N. I SECOND AaR.Tk WROlow . aualm if BLANKETS! BLANKETS'! N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STS., Are now offering the largest stock of Blankets to be found in this city at moderate prices: BERTH BLANKETS, • OMB BLANKETS, S BLANKETS, BED BLANKETS, all She& To dealers, we offer the best assortment of all the leading makes. to . ROY EARLY AND. SAVE THE Al VANCE. an.E54l. PHILLDELPHIA, Quartermaster's Agent. It • rIIIS A NEW AND GREAT INVENTION IN HOOP SKIRTS. Zip D O UBLE :I'ot the D ELLIPTIC SPRING SIMS. AND FLEXIBLEIN USE. SHEPPPABD, - VAIIHARLINGEN, & AItRISON, 1008 01188TNUT Street T. G. MAXWELL & SQL • S. E Oor. ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets HOUSEKEEPERS, TA 'KV NOTICE. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & (FORMERLY COWPERTHWAIT & C 0.,) ARMY,. NAVY, &ND CIVIL CLOT I-I HOUSE, W. T. SNODGRASS, is 8. SECOND Street and NI3 t3T.RAWBERET Street • A LARGE STOOK OP ALL MINDS ON CLOTHS, CASSDIERES, VESTINGS, &e n At fair prices, purchased before the rise, flurependerst of gold gambtemby the package, piece, or yard. -Our motto is to sell. We don't peddle. Come and see our stook. The Army and Navy trade has our special ate CLOSING OUT SUMMER DRESS GOODS AT LOW PRICES. • great variety of stiles of this tealOU'll brtnOrtation, from 22 cents to El, Best Paella Lawns at 373 if cents. Figured Brown Lawns at 37% cents. French Lawns at 40, 60, 62 and 8734 cents, Beet makes, of linslins, Calicoes, Ginhangh and all kinds of Domestic Goode, far below the manufacturor's Prices. White Bernie and Lama Shawls. Silk Grenadine Shawls. ED all-wool Cashmere Shawlssl.l6 worth 111.60. errhaL & 808, Nos 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. L INEN WICK FOR SUITS. Superb quality, white and solonod.. Ratnral color, extra hem Coating Linens, fancy Wide IR ne black Alpaca& White Marseilles Vesting!". No advance in Summer Otwolnioron. • Tine Stook for Summer L and Fall. AWNS. Good styles from ?A to 60 cents. Summer dregs staffs low. COOP= & OMURA 8. N. corner NINTH and MERIT Stmts. USAISHNE OUR LAWNS. 11—s Lawns, brown ground, neat figured, 445. Lawns, white ground . neat figured. 4 4 e. linckabsok and Bath Townie, larrelassortment Bird's Bye Linen Towels. Bxtra else Damask Towels. Shetland Wool Shawls for tourists, Baal= Ilannels,_ red and gray. He JOHN H. BMUS. 10H AMOR strew t'l Ift;I IiJ:3,J The attention of LAMB ABOUT rg[Ly ng() Mk OITYfp the Sea Shone,. • 'affa tering Places,. or "the Country, Is restfally invited to the extensive stock of WRITE GOOD S __. suitable for SUM' i WEAR, for WHITE BODIES, MOBJEffO WRAPPERS, di. An extensive assortment fe offered In Lae, and Worked Edgings said Ineertinge, Efaudkerehiefe. Collare,Sleeves, and in_gain and fanoy Plaid, Striped, and Figured White Goods. _AT 'PRICES MUCH BELOW TRIER PRESENT RETAIL vezanl. 100 Printed Linen Cambric Dream. Masi ID° bur. pieees Puled, finked, and Striped E. M. NEEDLES. -- ___ ff L'l :I.{:YJ~llk`l:y I:}.l.Ya NEW PUBLICATIONS. 'MEW BOOKS I_ NEW BOOKS! DOM IN TENNESSEE, sad Back by way of Richmond. By Edmund Kirke. JOHN OUILDERSTRINO'S SIN 4 A Royal by C. French Richard& . QUEST. A Chinning New Novel. ' DRIFTED SNOW FLAKES; or Poetical Gatherings from many authors. ENOCH ARDEN. /A Poem by Alfred Tennyson, D. C. L. RATH HALL. A Domestic Tale of the Present Time. By Fanny Fern. ' THE EARLY DAWN; or Sketches of Christian Life in England in the olden time. By the author of the Schonberg-Cotta Family. _ For sole by WILLIAM S. ALFRED MARTIN, an 2641 606 CHESTNUT Street. RTti g , S PHILOSOPHY OF MAR A NEW EDITION, PUBLISHED THIS DAY , TIM puTtosi:lisy OF IdARRISOS, in it Social, Moral, and Physical Relations, with the Physiology of Generation in the Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms. By Michael. Ryan, M. D. &a. From the last London edition. In one volumo.. NEW BOOKS. MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC, and MISCELLANEOUS, for sale as soon as published by LINDSAY & BLARISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 25 South SIXTH Street. ... A EHMEA 11' & EVANS, ~ • -1-- 1 .• SUCCESSOR TO WILLIS I% HAZARD, No. 124 CHESTNUT Shoot, Have received— IRE EARLY DAWN; or, Sketches of Christian Life in i England In the Olden Time. By the author of the "Sclionbug .Cotta Family, and said to be equally as Well written. • ENOCH ARDEN. Tennyson's new Poem. csß BARBARA'S rusTolur. By Amelia R. Edwards: A nar -", lar. l E t tLAVl h at al i i l f l a utniting the In finance of the Mind on the Body. By B. B. Britton, K D. THE BATTLE-FIELDS OF OUR FATHERS. By Vir ginia F. Townsend. DOWN IN TENNESSEE. A new book by Edward Kirke, author of " Among the Pines." QUEST. A charming new novel. THE MONOMANIAC. By William Gilbert. MANGARET AND HER BRIDESMAIDS THE'NEW INTERNAL REV ENEW LAW. New and standard novels, suitable for summer read ing. A large supply of the celebrated Leipsic editions, in various 'bindings, selling at leas than present cost of importation. an/9 AFFLETONT NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA.. The Agency for thle Invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street, second story. Also.-• RECORD OY THE SEBELLIO3. By Frank Moore. aul3-tuths3m PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT .QUARTER MASTER." Yowl. DELAwdita ). August 29,1864, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office, - until MONDAY noon, 29th blatant. for two thousand tons of best quality ANTHRACITE COAX, 2,2,10 the to the ton, stove size; to be delivered at this post, In good order and condition, free from slate or other impurities. Two hundred tons to lie delivered on or before the sixth of September next, and two hundred tons weekly thereafter, until the completion of the contract. Good and sulicient security will be required for the faithful fulfilment of the contract. The right Is reserved to reject any hid deemed un reasonable. S. It. CRAIG% an2s 4t Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, r f B EXCELSIOR". HAMS AEI Mt BUT IR TDB WORLD. BONE aBlftlIEE UNLESS BRANDED J. E. I. 'OO., PEMBA. EICEISIOL" MICHENER & CO.. GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, av CIJURS or rum okras/tam "EXCIELSVIOIEt" /31101 R-CURED ]TANS. JAM 1U and 144 North luomrStreet. Between Arch and Ram streets, Philadelphia. The justly- celebrated ."EXCELSIOR" BANS are cored by J. B. M. Ai Go. Oa a style peculiar to them. soaso impressiy for PAMILY USE, are of delicious favor, free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and am mouountsmi by epigram superior to any now offered fox tale. • roy27-tuthetia TOBACCO AND, PIPES FOR THE SOL. • DlERS.—Subscriptione in money or contributions of gifts of Tobacco era Pltie" be received for the Aimy b y E . &G. W. BLUNT, No. 179 •WATER.Street, New York: • or, J. T. VAN VLECK, Banker, Olike of Messrs, Binstalm Rosenfeld, Co, • ani4-15t No. 8 4 BNOAD Btreet, New York City. _ CARTES 'CAREFULLY .eaocutrd and SateheS with tests obtalned at B. F. REIMER'S. 024:ARCII Street: unsurpassed in style; &aflame tovroye satisfactory: teREAT:9**Azi, taloCnigrow FINANCIAL. 10-40 P°UP°l4Bl DUE IST SEPTEMBER: 5-20 COUPONS, DUE IST NOMMEN. Bought at beet rates ae29-10t it NATIONAL LOAN AT . PAR. 0113111111a0 WNW. COUPONS ATTACHED. EXTIOIXST PATABLI SACS SIX MONTHS. The prhtelpal is payable lit lawful money at the sod of hree years; or, the holder has the right to demand at lit time BB 15:130 MOB AT PAZ 1111371 AD 01 , TEM CAM This Privilege la valuable, as them 6.10 Bonds ars our moat popular Loan, and are now selling at eisht Per 'cent. premium. Subscriptions received in the usual manner, end the appeal and proposals of the Secretary of the Tratmovn loather with oar Oltsulars. and all necessary Informs• lion, will be furnished on application it our °Moe. - „JAY COOKE 00.. .479-301 ' Po. UR SOUTH THIRD STRUT._ TT S. 1 7.80 LOAN. Theitilretary of 'the Treasury eves motice`that sub ecriPtions will be received for Conport.Treasury Notes, Payable three yearn from August lath, 18151, with semi anima Interest at the rate of seven and three-tenthe per cent per annum—principal and interest both to be paid In liivrfurmoneY. These notes will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity into six per cent. gold - bearing hoods, payable not lees than lye nor more than twedty Years from their date, as the aovernment may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, trloo, $ . 1.000, and $5,000, and. subscr}ptiona .must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Ceitificatee of Deposit as they Can be prepared. ee the notes draw intend from August Id. persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Part les depositing_ twenty-live thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one-quarter .of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon, the re ceipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit wee made. No deductions for . somisissiorus must be made from the deposits. srlon ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. * IT A NATIONAL SAYINGS BANK, offering a higher rate of interest than any other, and the but se curity. Any savings bank which pays its depositors In United States notes, considers that It is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and it cannot Day in anything better, for its. own assets are either In Government securities or in notes or bonds payable in Government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent Investment. The notes can always be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are the best security with Danko as collateral; Inc die eoesita. CONVERTIBLE INTO A SIX-PER-OENT. 6.20 GOLD BOND. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilegi of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds is not le6B than nine-per-cent. pre mtfinti and before the war the premium on six-per -cent. United States stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be Bildt that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not lees than tenper cent. per annum. ITS IXIMPTION PROM STATE OR MUNICIPAL But aside from all the advantages we have enume werkted, a special Act of Congress exempts all bonds and .Treasury notesfrom local taxation. On the aye rage,,tbiir exemption is worth about two per cent. per annum, according to the rate of taxation in various part* of the country. It Is believed that no recurities offer so great induce ment!' to lenders as those issued by the Government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, Or separate com munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country Is held to secure the dis charge of all the obligations of the United Stites, While the Government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people. Duplicate certificates will be leaned for all deposits. The party depositing must endorse upon the original certificate the denomination of notes required, and whe ther they are to be issued in bleak or payable to order. When so endorsed it met be left with the officer se reiiini the deposit, to be forwarded to the Treasury Department SUBSCRIPTIOVE WILL BE RECEIVED by the .Treasurer of the United States at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries,. and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Fa. ; Second Na• Sena Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. ; Third National Bank et Philadelphia, Fa. ; Four th National Bank of Phila- ALL RESPECTABLB BANKS AND BANKERS throudeent the conntry will able further leormittion and • AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. Au.l4-12t 7 3-10' v• B. LOA/i. TIMID NA.IL'IONA-14 SANS PHILADILPE DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY LINADICLLL AG lUCT tiIfITED STATES. Under inetruetions from the Treamiry Ddpartment. this Bank le prepared to receive subscriptions to the new GOlll Seeped on Three Years' Troyer,' Notes with Cou pons attached, bearing interest at•the rate of two °sate day on livery These Treasury Notes are convertible at maturi9t, at the option of the holder, into 0. 8. 6 per cent. Sonde. (interest payable in coin) redeemable after Years, and payabiein twenty. from Anted 15, ]867. "-- Interest:allowed from date of subscription to August 16. and o*all subseriptions after that date the *earned Mter.wi*l bensanyail be'nki&- .. DAVID 'B. P 4171., President. July 30,„/6ee. f - - Main s.,NENT"7,BO LOAN. - Subscriptions received, and the Notes for nished free of all charges. by GEORGE J. BOYD, Banker; an24-tin'. - XS Sonth , THIRD Street. OIL STOCKS " BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, I OBOROB,J. BOYD, iS South THIRD Street. au24-Sm Alt*l& GOODS. FOR THE. ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS Sr, ILASSALL, • MILITARY FURNISHERS. 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADSLPnu , )!curare; Regimental and Company Plage, groveled*. gashes, Belts, Palmate, Spanlete, Hate, Calms Can mope, "Ray i ermoke, camp Hits, Field Olaseee: and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and 'Navy Officers. • A liberal discount allowed to the trade. ang-bn L OOKING GLASSES. JAMES B. EARLE & SON, ' SIB CIMINTNUT 13TNNWL MILL, time now In store a vent Ins assortment of LOOKING GLASSES. of olutraeter. of the erintS IitAIMPAMITEN AND LATEST MUM (1114 PAINTINGS, ENGBATINGS; - PIOTITRI AND .PNOTOONAPH MAIM . CERE4LINA-AltA RTICLE OF DIET prepared from clehranacti Wheat—contain , fourteen times More phosphate than le ,retalized ad equal weight of Ike flour, and. hence. 0 highly beneficial to tbe tenanting. For sale by Druggists and Grocers. Orders brmail promptly delivered. Manufactory 1424, '36, '3B. and 30 VINE Finest. Thiladelphia. anffi thstrigt* JOHN et. fdOXEY, Manager. N. X, V.%Xii tin WK.= 4TBErirs ELEOTRIOITY- Ira WONDERS DERXIL 4 CO, The object of the toltowint adiettinement le to eel forth La the development .6f IA new philosophy: speaking forth the language of Nature; and se It reveate the only true ratio nale for the Nearly live years ago Professor C. H. BOLLES located himself in the city of Philadelphia, at No. 1220 WAL NUT Street, and announced hie great discovery in the therapeutic' application of , Magnetism, Oalyaniam, and other moditisations of Electricity for .the axe of the most obstinate, acute, 1111ZulnPseitsea. • In announcing to the s; diseoieri seititimatelY connected with the wellUng of our lace, it may be deemed proper to makead'eir prefatiry iemarkit to Pre pare the mind of the reader for the reception of W.- deuces and facts, too incredible foftellef. This discovery Is the result of more than ten years' hard and scientific inveitigationis. It develops not only a reliable system for the diagnosis of disease, but the only efficient and renege means Of cure. Its great superiority over all other systems for the core of dis ease hee been practically tested formae than ten years, and for dye years In Philadelphia, where {Were thou. sand invalids have been treated, suffering from almost every form and condition of disease common to all sec• Lions of our country, who, after treatment by the most eminent medical men in Philadelphia, Boston, New York, and other elites, bad been• given up as Inca . cable; and in nearly every case a perfect cure had been . effected. • Many of the mod obstinate of the above cases treated have been warranted by 'medal contract, and not a failure has been.madran any Warranted ease. As in dubitable evidence of the foregoing statement, we have adduced in the following ci.d . fertisenient testimonials from citizens of Philadelphia, who had suffered from a complication of (Mimeos for four, ten, and even thirty Years, and bad availed themselves of the beat medical skill in this and other cities, and were given up as In curable. but afterwards were fully restored to health by a few apPlicatione 'of Iffeetriiity. • Such an'array of evidenee as will hereafter appear in 'this advertisement is not merely to Show that Professor BOLLES has made an important discOvery in the ap plication of Electricity as a therapeutic agent, but em phatically to show that nearly all diseases which have been, considered incurable in all peal ages, and are so considered. at the present time by the moat eminent Medical men, can be speedily and permanently cured by the different modifications of Electricity, when ap plied in harmony with his discovery of the action of Electricity through the cerebro-spinal axis. Nye are curing, and further pledge ourselves to CILIV, a certain class of diseases acknowledged to be incurable by any known process of mediefttion—diseases that never have, nor never can be controlled, only by his mode of applying the various moditicatlons of Medd city. We are often asked for what' diseases is Electricity best adapted T In reply, we would say, for all diseases to Which gash is heii—acute or chronic, inflammatory or yaralytic. In all cases where medicine ie beneficial, an d in au caßea beyond the influence and control of medicine. Electricity has the power of arousing the vital force by changing its pOlaitiee, thereby regula ting secretion, excretion., digestion, and circulation and bringing the system bath to a condition of harmony and health. . . Thoneands of the most reliable individuals in this city who have, been treated at No. MY:*alnut street tan and will vouch for the above statement of facts in their own astonishing curse. We verily believe that we have cured more obstinate dlseaaee duri4 the live years o our .Practice in the city of Philadelphia than all the me dical men that have ever practised in this eity,elther allopathically,bommpathleally, or by any other pally. IVO Etleettton* mayloolr Wan larniefinErbut,ik true, every word of At; for who ever heard of such astonish ing C 11.1105 f - In a shall properly estimate the incalculable blessing thug so speedily conferred on suffering hunumity,whea, instead of being drugged for months, and thrown on beds of langrdsbing, health is restored by this treat ment, In many cases almost instantaneotudy? In coM , clarion, we would say, for the encouragement of the dyspeptic, neuralgic, conenmptiie, rheumatic, para lytic, eptlectic, and, In line, all those on whom medical treatment ever did and ever will prove a total failure, that there is still hope in your case, and a fair chance for your recovery, at No. 1219 WALNUT Street. The following "report is not the result of hearsay, or far-off certileates, or reports of- men of doubtful ve racity, but from reliable baldness and professional men in our very midst, whose report wee arrived at after weetieof careful investigation, at MO WALNUT Street, where Professor BOLLES has been testing hie discovery in the aPplication of. Electricity, for the speedy and per manent cure 'of acute and chronic diseases, for five years, in which time he has treated more than twelve thousand invalids with success. FROM A FEW RELIABLE MEITIN PHILADELPHIA, We, tie undersigned, havirog ,been treated for Origi nate diseases at No. MO WALNUT Street,Thilidelphia, which had resisted for a long time the treatment of the most eminent medical men hi this city ; and, also, having zeitneesed the results of his treatment on a great num ber of our aceneintances lad friends, for acute and chronic diseases, do therefore take great pleasure in re commending to the public hie important discovery. He has been located three yeare at No. 12110 WALNUT Street, testing his treatment on many thousands of our most reliable citizens by hie new discovery of ap. plying Galvenism.llagnetism, and other modifications of Electricity, and, having watched his success in the speedy and permanent cares of briadreds of oar friends, as well as ourselves, and, especially, that class of dis ealee never benefited by medicines; therefore, Resolved. That ere, the undersigned, regard the great success we have witnessed for months in the treatment of Consumption, Rheumatism,. Paralysis, Insanity, Diabetes. Bronchitis, all Nervous-Diseases, Catarrh. Amaurosis. Aphonia„ Asthma, Ague Chills, Contraction of Limbs. St. Vitas' Dance, Coldness of Yeet,llands, or Head; Deafness, Dyspepsia, all forms; Epilepsy, He morrhage, White. Swelling, Mental Deplession. Neu ralgia, Withered Limbs, Convulsions, Palpitation of the Beart, and Lockjaw, as indubitable evidences of Professor B. 's ecientiße application of Electricity for the speedy cure of all curable diseases. E. A. Steele, M. D.„No. lijkonth Twelfth street; Wm. B. Shrivel - . Baines street. Dermantown; L. C. Stock ton, `Y,a Market street, Philadelphia; John McCormick, 1230 Ridge avenue; Charlealll Grigg, Noe. 1119 and Ell Church alley ; Emanuel Rim. 707 Samna street, attorney- at-law; Isaac D. Guyer; Woodland Terrace; E. N: Nash, 319Eouth Sixth ome l et; 11". Craig, 1725 Arch street, 138 Broad 'street Rebell D. Work, 51 North Third street; A. G. Croll, northeast corner Tenth and Market streets. N. B.—Professor BOLLES takes pleasure in referring the sick to the above Darnell, and the following, whose certificates have been or will be even in fall for the good of humanity: Judah Levi, Bronchial Consumption, No. 914 South Front street; Edward T. Evans, preacher of the M. E. Church. Dyspepsia of long -Laryngitis. and . Lumbago, No. IEO Helmuth street; William H. Shaine, Paralysis of lower limbs, Paraplegy, and Epilepsy, Publisher of the Rational Merchant, No. PM South Second Street; Thomas Owens, Congestion of the Brain, arid severe Hemorrhage of the Longs, and Diabetes. American Hotel. Philadelphia; James Nugent, Deaf ness for s i x years , a nd ringing and roaring is the head. Fifteenth and Bedford streeta; William Morgan, General Debility,4ol Spnme street; Thomas Harrop, severe Dia 'hetes, Rose Mills, West Philadelphia; George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, long standing,No. 610 Chestnut street; H. T. Desilver, Chronic Neuralgia and Inflammatory Rheamatiem, No. 1799 Chestnut street; 0. H. Canal*, Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Chestnut and Fortieth 'streets; George W. Freed, Epl leltsv;NO. 1492 North Thirteenth street; Anthony Car-. nay, Consumption, No. 1217 Market street; Edward !de- Melton, Commniptiou. No. 1227 Front street; Charism H. Grigg, Dyspepsia and Constikation. Tenth and Arch streets; J. Rickel, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation; and . congestton of the Brain. No. 518 Callowhill street; Rev. J. Mallory, Aphonia. rikiladolOhla. • PROF.-ROLLES &,DR. BROWN, N. - B:—Nediesl men and others; who desire a know ledge of mynew discovery can afull Mine of Lectures October' 4th, 1864. at the institution. 1220 WALNUT Street. P.ttfiridelptda:: ;Prof. BOLLES has qiiiiitteit over one th-ousand physicians who use Mee trielty as a speciality. TABTErlat 4ND SUBSAMW4 QUMUNia !lEnicAL. THERAPEUTIC AGENT. sonttErmNA. NEW SOMETHING TRITE, lumina for tts basis immutable fade SOMETHING REASONABLE, SOMETRING IMPORTAN'r, PHYSICAL ILLS OF MATT. TO TTfl DISEASED. ASTONISHING 'RESULTS. CIONSTYLTATION FREE. 12120 WALNUT Street, /naiads. WANTS. ittrAkagD—BY Alt AISIERICA.N WI- T aow 1.4 r, wbo ban had much experience, a eau take Ncree to Ladies in wpntineco-at. or Nurse to the Bi t k Can give the best Or references. and will make engagements from the present time until the Ist of N o _ trember. Address "Mrs. S.,' Box 448, Phila. Post lte ]'ANTED--A YOUNG MA.N FOR A • • Country Store in Illinois; one wbob as had some exPerience in Dry Goods preferred, Address B. " -office of this paper. atr2s WANTED -A GIRL TO DO GENE RAL HooPmwork. apply at No, 1418 North PIFTEEv*rg Street a024-11* WA.NTED-TWO OR THREE GOOD MEL used to dyehouse, at our wool,Es Milje au24-3t* WANTED TO RENT—A SECOND , STORY ROOM, 'with ;Mod light, in the neighbor hood of Third or Fonrth and Market streets. Room." Proem office. an24-3t* WANTE D-A SITUATION BY A middle agod man, erlio has served eleven Tears in on e of the largest Dry Goods Hennes in the city; le not particular EA rewards the kind of business. hat is willing to make himself generally useful; will bring the best of reference from hie employers. address the Press office. au24-3t* WANTED -IN A WOOD AND WIL LO W WARE STORE, a strong, active LAD, be tween 16 and )7 sears of age, who is willing to make, blurt elf generally naelnl. Address, with name and references. " F. L 8.," at this office. an 24 St* AG E ITT T 8 WANTED IN EVERY County to pen a new article that everybody wants. Tbree brindred per cent, profit guaranteed ; no capital re quired. Ad dreue J. C. TILTON . . an244t * Pittsburg. Pa. A NACTIVE, ENERGETIC MAN,WHO can command some trade, desires an engagement as SALBSMAN in a vholeeale house. Address 'AC. T. 1021," this ernes. aunate PRIPLOYMENT HOUSE, THE LA.Hcf -A-4 est and most reliable, for city and eep .a t Rae always a good selection or capable persons , with good references. Americans, Irish, English, French, Ger mans, Scotch Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners,Farm Hands , Coachmen, Watchmen, kg. Cooks! Chambermaids, Seamstresses, Lanadresses, Waitresses, and general Housework Servants. Also, Colored Servants. Nos. SO2 and 804 LOCUST Street, above Eighth. - PIIONTING MACHINE WANTED—A second-hand out, with or withtut the ropes. Ad dress Box 2577 Poet Owes. an24-3V "ARTILLERY AND CAVALRY HORSES WANTED." ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S °MOE,. PETLADELPHIA f Pa.). An et 20. 1834. HORSES suitable for the Artillery and Cavalry ser vice will be purchased by the undersigned, in open market, at a fair prise, when presented-inuantitiosier eight (81 or over. Bach animal to be sub j ected to the usual Government impaction before being acreptsd. Horses to be delivered to the United States Inepector. at the William Penn Hotel, MARKET Street, between Eighth and Bluth streets. By order 'ef Colonel GEORGE H. Cnostrea, Assistant Quartermaster General United States army. GEORGE R. OBIIR, area lOt Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. TEAMSTERS WANTED. CHIRP Quanymisterrna's OFFIOS, DEPOT OP WASHINGTO N , WASITTNOTDN. D. C.. kaput 18, 1854. WASVED. at once, Five Handred (500) to One Thou sand (1,000) TEAMSTERS, each capable of driving with single line and managing six-mule teams, To such who are competent to perform the duty, the Pay per month will be thirty-five (Si) dollars. with one ration per ay, and hospital privileges, including the best medical attar dance wl en sick. Men experienced as Wagon Masters will receive such Positions upon bringing to this point twenty- Aye (25) good Teamsters. Apply to Captain CHARLES H. TOMPKINtI, A, Q. , S A. corner of TWENTY - SECOND and 0 Streets, Washington, D. C. D K. RUCKER, Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster, au2o- tee 9 Depot of Washington. SWANTED TO • RENT-A FUR NISH ED 110I1SB situated between Pine and Chest nut and Sixth and Twenty-first streets. Address 13nr 1198 Poet Office. . an2s.6t* maWANTED -OR THE IST 00- TOBER. in Germantown, a small Furnished 'Roue or Cotten Noeltil ran. Gooir.ference_alven AAlnro..e, awing rent, , "Cottage," Praia once. t025-2c. WANTED—A• HANDSOMELY Mr.KFURNISHED H01713E, in the western pert of the city, for six months, from &Mut the fret ef November. for whicb w liberal rent will be IriT(111. Addreas "W Box 2754 P. 0. stal-freif e l WANTED TO RENT-YBY A small Family a neatly Furnished 1101181 t with stable, until May next, in the vicinity of Germantown. Address "G. It 8.," Box 718 P. 0. Phila. au•Lu-&• THE SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO purolusaa (for cash) s peant or one or two hun dred agree, in Northern or Western Pennsylya.nia. It net be in good =Myst - ion s with all the necessary buildings for a well-reinalated farm. Address' J. D., " Hon 884, WASHINGTON, D. C. ant-In $2,50 9 0 54,000, $B,OOO, $lO,OOO, AND o ther some, wanted on undoubted pro perty teenrities in the city and on Farms near by. Six per sent, will be paid. Apply to B. PETTIT, ao2a tt 323 WALNUT Street. SS I 000 AND OTHER SUMS 87 000 ~ TOLOA, on mortgage of city proper ty, at 6 per cent. for a term of years. CHARLES RHOADS, Conveyancer, , sul7-10t* No. 38 South SEVENTH Street FOR SALE AND TO LET. • FOR SALE-LARGE FACTORY near Germantown, on the railroad, with switch to connect; largo lot; stream of water running through the premises.; large shedding, steam engine, shafting, &c.,. complete. rrice $lO,OOO, clear. Immediate pos session. su2S-3tll MILLIB, 151 North SIXTH Knot. al FOR BALE-NEA.T LLRGE HAW atla SION at Dtty's Lane Station (Germantown) con tains twelve rooms, Eve on the Brat floor; stabie, coach bonee, elegant garden, &c. Lot 142 by 3 / 8 feet deep to a etneet. 410,0. KILLER,. ant 24,1 t 154 Worth SIXTH west. da FOR SALE-A THREE STORY Mat BRICK DWRGLING sad LOT, No. W 0 North BROAD Street, ID feet !tent by 100 feet deep, with all the-modern conveniences. App ly to LEWIS H. RZDNIM, No. 1.02 S. FOURTH St. an 254 /IFOR -BALE, VERY- CHEAP.- L/ARM& AND _HANDSOME •RESIDENCE, South west corner of FORTY-FIRST and WESTMINSTER avenue, Twenty-fourth ward; IS rooms, PAL hot aad cold water throughout the house, stable in rear of lot, fine fruit and shade trees Site of lot. 120 feet front by 179 feet deep., clear of incumb , ance. Terms easy. Also, Two very desirable COTTAGES, on HALEY Street, near Westminster avenue; have all modern proveinents, 10 rooms. Size of lots, each 25 feet front by 115 feet deep. Price $3,000, each. Ter me easy. Also, a number of desirable Houses, at from E 1,600 each to $16,000, la all parts of the city. Apnly to 0. P. HUTCHINSON. or . . J WARNSR. COULSTON, No. 124 South SIXTEI Sires FOR SALE OR TO RENT-THE DWELLING, corner CHELTEN Avenue and WAYNE Street, Germantown, containing all the mo dern conveniences. Apply H STOICJIS„ an 26 it' Germantown. .FOR BALE OR EXCH . AYGE—A aim very desirable Suburban RESIDENCE, about two miles out, with Stables, Coach-house. large Garden. Granary, &c. ; lot 100 by MO. For further nartiealars apply to E PETTIT. artga-tr 323 WALNUT street. FOR SALE--TWO OF THE gr retest sacrifiess of the age: consisting of large four-story DWELLINGS, on BROAD, north of Jefferson street: lots 25 by 500 feet to a street; eighteen rooms. Price 11110.500. • MILLER., au24 2.t if • 154 North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE— SPLENDID MEM YARD DWELLING, Northeast corner or Righth and Poplar stree t ; th 120.• seventeen rooms. Lottlifeet by 115 feet deep, and w deas to 41feet. $l5. Neat aide - yar d Dwelling, 910 Prs.rdrltn street; thiv , teen rooms. Lot 29 by 114. Price $13.290. " Elegant Bide-yard Dwelling, east aide of Frankli n ' street, above Poplar. 312,000. Neat Dwelling, 925 Franklin ' disO,Boo. Bealdea nearly 2,000 others. Immediate pesseesion of all the above and fifty otbers. • HILLER, en24.2ttf 154 North SIXTH street. gt FOR SALE-WITH INDIEDIA.TB Ma.POISESSION, neat large Dwelling, 1610 Slimmer street; fifteen Rooms. Lot and Bcdiding 28 feet front; depth of lot, 11l feet to Spring street $1.1.000. Beat large four-story Dwelling. 170$ Race street: fifteen rooms. Lot 22 by 100- 99. WO. Elegant roar-story Dwelling, north side Arch, west of Twenty- first street. Lot 28 by 126. 98.600. streets Buildings, I.MB Arch street. Lot 20 by 100 to a a splendid neighborhood for a residence.. Neat Dwelling, 1616 Mt. Vernon street. Lot 18 by 90, Twelve rooms. $6,000. Splendid Dwelling, north side Mt. Vernon. west of Sixteenth; twelve rooms. Lot 11l by MIL $7,6(2). Neat Dwelling. north side Mt. Vernon. west of Nine teenth street. Lot 23 by 104 Twelve rooms. 96000. Neat Dwelling, south side Mt. Vernon. east of illx teenth Lot 18 by 00. Twelve rooms. 95.500. Liegant Dwelling. 467 North Fourth street. Lot 20 by St. Eleven racial& $0,900. Very eligibly.located Dwelling, 449 North Seventh street. Lot 20 by 90. 167,600. Three new Dwellings, Thirteenth street. north of Mester; finished admirsbly throughout . $ 1.500. Well-built, nearly new - Dwelling, 850 North Seventh street; twelve rooms Lot 18 by 93. $0.200. Neat Dwelling, Twelfth street, north of Bate. Lot . 18 by 90; tlt Ten rooln& $5,500. Splendid first-claim Dwelling; 925 Franklin etreet; twelve rooms. Lot 18 feet 6 inches by 110 feet deep. 89.8N1 Magnificent four-story Dwelling, north eide of Green, West of 'Tenth fifteen rooms. Lot 20 by 100. 99,900. Beat Dwelling, west aide of Fifteenth, north of Pine street. 63400. Neat new Dwel l ing, 2202 Pine street; ten rooms. Lot 18 by 90. 64.000. Splendid nearly-new Dwelling, south side of Green, west bide of Twenty. third ; twelve rooms. Lot 18 by 118 feet deep, 66,600. Besides scores of others. of which possession can be bad immediately, or in a very short time. GEORGE C. MILLED, Practical Beal.:Utate Broker, 154 North SIXTH Street. Cut this out for Attars reference. . fen24-2tlf FOR BALE—FIRST-CLASS FARM of 33 acres, in Backe county; splendid improve. mente; crops , utensils, &c. Price $14,093, or will ex change for good city property. Superb Farm of 60 acres; excellent improvements; on Pennsylvania Central Railroad, only 10 miles from the c leat Country Seat and Farm of 18 acres, on Haverford road. 434 miles from tie ciny. MILLER, au 24-20 154 North SIXTH Street. WATER POWER TO RENT. APPLY to DAVID CHILLAB. News*. DAL an 2-3 LEGAL. 'STATE OF GEORGE K. SMITH, DECEASED. —Letters Testamentary on the Estate of GEORGE K. SMITH, late of the city of 'Philadelphia, merchant, deceased. having beenanted to the under signed by the Register of Wills, &c., all persons in. debted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those haying cIBARAII aime or dH SMl emand TH. Exe re to psent them to cutrix, 2121 North SEVENTEENTH Street, Phila., Or her Attorney, F REDBRICK Ala ER, an26-tbfit• 241 Snub THIRD Street. Thila. LITTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON - 1 - 4 the Estate of Mrs. MaTtedlET SLADE, deceased, baying bran granted to the undersigned, all persona in debted to the said Estate . are requested to make pay ment, and those haying claims to present them without delay to ALBERT M. FREELAND. Administrator. an2sth-M. 21* NABICAT street. r im Esm-y-s COTTAGE ORGANS. Not only NNE:X.CiLLID, but lIDEPTALLDD of Tone and Power, declined esieclally for Chnrehed and Schools. but found to be equally well adapted k the Parlor and Drawing Doom. For aale only by E. M. BROOD, No. 18 North SEVENTH Streik Alto, a complete astaortment of the Perfect Melodeon eonetantly on bud. CORRECT PIANO TUNING.-- r Sfr. 6,1 110 ENT elves wale* of Me reinni to this city. and readiness to reaume business by the tat of September. all ordvs received as °nal. at MA SON is CO'S atom 901 CHESTNUT Street. -and lm QOLON ROBINSON, OF THE N: Y. TRIBUNE. EAR B:—" If I can my an tout• duce families to buy the UNIVERSAL WRINGER whit cog wheels, I shall be glad of theopportunity. It is one of if not the- very out labor-saving machines ever in vented for vroman'a use. if, family would as soon give UP the cooking store. It cannot be too high's, re commended. " Agency for the Witt' &REAL WRINGER, No. RI Eolith SIXTH Street. between Market and Chestnut stream, formerly No. 721. CRESTS UT &met an7ll-0t DRAY MADE TO KRAR-INSTItU- LT ayalsorTAßLE PRICES. CTION SALES. BAZAAR, NINT4; AND- SAN. 80M STRBIO 8, es AUCTION BAIA F HORSES. OARILT &a. • ON SATIINDAY IWORNISIiutxt, ACTO o'clock, comprising abut FIFTY ROES ES, suited to barnessund the saddle. Including A bay mare, a gray horse, two carts amt . gears, ex. preen wagon and gears, furniture car add gears, et cycle, forls, ao, ; also, other horses. • description in catalogues. Also, raW and second•hand carriages, light wa gons, 41C.., with which the sale wilt commence. Slagle and double harness, - saddles, bridlee, Wnio. covers, &c. 'fa' w Ig a o le Po o ityp_ser: s eat on amnia of weather. :ay - I,2s.. e v e i rri f itge ' A fileid;riAr c u m . s o s n at W kir E l D va N tr l . BRuKNESS, Auctioneer. A UCTION BALE OF CONDEMNED HOBBES. . WAIL Darannecur, CAVALRY BEIREAI7,OBBIOI OF emus gaurnamsErrus... wasuircorow, D. C. Armada, 1864. Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the times and Dianne named below. vie! Reading, Pennsylvania, THURSDAY . , August 1864. Altoona, Penneylvarda THURSDAY, August 28 186 a, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, THURSDAY, tieptea s i m j. 11364. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, THCILSDAT. geptembor 8, 1E64. TWO HTIRDRED (2)3 Cavalry Horses at each ipla.u. Them Horses have been condemned as milt for the Cavalry service of the Army. For Road and Farm purposes', Mani good builds's . may he had. HorFes sold singly. Terms: Cash in United States 011111)11C7', JAMES A. EMIL Lieut. Colonel and Chief Quartermanter. nsig-tseS Cavalry . Bureau. AMUSEMENTS. VE ItE3 NEW CHESTNUT. , La STREET THEATRE. LEONARD GROVER MANAGER, THIS EVENING, The Greet Romantic Musical, Pantomimic, Smetana. Jar Drama, ALADDIN, OR THE WONDERFUL LAMP , THE LIVING FOUNTAIN OF COLORED W &TEES, All the new and magnificent SCENERY, Elegant pro perties, Wonderful Effects, Superb Costumes , &utiles Transformation Grand ChoruseNand Beaful actual Dances. Songs, dui The Whale produced et an actual cost of $B.BOO. The Cast of Characters is one of area* Excellence. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Dross Circle or Parquet 40 tante. Family Circle 25 cents. Orchestra Seats 75 cents. precisely. at Ex t raock. Performances commence at 8 No Charge for Socarlngffeste. an23-at L1313T-STREET THEA.T R E. TRIUMPR AL SUCCESS of the CELEBRATED RORANOR OF THI RHINE. entitled THE NAIAD' QUEEN ! Thlgnoet interenting. poetically Imantital, and encases ; fol. rem attn. pageant of tbe air!. Etgk,RVRNING ND DURINO WS - RR. • WiliSintirely nevi Scenery, Most Delightful Magic, Be. , wll erkor Ilinsions, Gorgeous. Coetumes, and Splendid .Catt.; pi Characters. iloYOffice open from-9 till 3 o'clock. Doom open at DAG Performance commences at a quarter to 8 o'clock. ri-a CONCERT HALL. Commencing MONDAY•EVENTNG, August 29tb. ONE WEEK ONLY ! THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY CHRISTYMINSTRELN. i And the great corolcartisti J. W. RAYNOR GEORGE CHRISTY. Manager and - Proprietor. Finit appearance In this city abide their return from England, after an absence of some years. All the great Extraveganzas, Bariesques, whlek have mad e] ha name of CHRIATY'S MIN - ST/38Ln "AS FAMILIAR AS HOUSEHOLD WORDS_," will be produced during their sojourn here. There on:aces of the Christy Minstrels are superior to any MA- Wei organization in existence, which enable them to present In a , uperb manner the buraornand oddities of SOUTHERN PLANTI LIFE In all its broad, mirth fni, and original phases. Particulars 111 email bills. Admission 20 cents; Or ch est ra Seats in front. 10 cents. an24-4t JOHN P. SlllTH,Ensinees Agent; irkiE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, -a- CHESTNUT Street above Tenth, is OPEN •DAILY, for visitors, from 9 A M. to 6 P. N. .ie2l EDUCATIONAL. SPRING GARDEN normitam, FOR YOUNG'. LA DIU BOARDING ABD DAY SCHOLARS. To be reopened on the sth of September. GILBSRT COMBS. A. X, Principal. ant]-JS • 608 and ell HARSHALL Street. Phila. TIiBTRUCTION THROUGH ROOKS,. -a- OBJECTS, AND PICTURES. —ANN DICKSON will eopen her School for Boys and Girls, at No. 108 South EIGHTEENTH Street, on the 12th Sept. aulti-thstatt" Miss V. P. BROWN, No. 1907: FINN -LTA- .Street, will, on MONDAY. Sept. O. resume the duties of her School fur Children between the ages of 4 and d. a =lSt. A 2413 i BAIGER'I3 SCHOOL FOR .L•S. . YOUNG LA MRSwlll be reopened NUM mouth, FM. at No. 2044 MOUNT TEKNON Street atiz.m. TIBER PARK - FEMALE INSTITUTE,.II- , PORT JERVIS, Orange connty, New York. (on Frie Railroad,) reopens SEPTEMBER 13th. Collegiate course three years. A corps of able teachers, spacious house.exoellent table, and fine mountain scenery,make this a favorite seat of learning. Address, Rev. L B. NORTITRUP, Principal. SIGNOR P. IiONDINELL A. WILL RE SUMS Lie Singing Lessens and Private Ciaases no the Bth of Sertember. Address 1.324 SPRING GAR— DEN Street. au2s. chstu PRIENDS' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND} SMALL BOYS. on School lane Germantown, will reopemon the 6th of 9th month. The usual branches of an English education will be taught, and ws feel war ranted in believing that the competency of the teacher. Deborah B. Smith, will make it desirable f- , r parents to patronize the school. For farther information apply to Lydia Longstreth, Bast Walnut lane, Germantown; Naomi Rittenhouse, Township Line roart_above Ritten houee street, Germantown; Mary A Wright. School:- Uwe lane, West Township Line road. Germantown: Sarah lf.Evaits, Herman street, Germantown; Franklin Shoemaker, Tnlpehocken street, Germantown. J7'6-tse6 MRB. ORRTRI.II3E J. CARY WILL. resume the duties of her BOARDING and DAT SCHOOL for . Yonne Ladies. at 15321SPRIICE Street, 08 WEDNESDAY. Sept. 14th. 11134-tathelm• BOARDING. VOUN'IRY BOARDING.-TWO RooraeNacant this week" at Mrs. BROOM/43. Irr. AIRY, near Station. - lagnlse at .1.9143...-iitAbaßrr - • au2S-,90 BOARDING. - TWO 13110020)43TORY rooms TO LET. at INS North MIN Bt. IN-tt lIISERANCEI. ill COMPANY, MUT STIMET. ELPHIA. &BD INSIIRANCL CCITOBB. FAKE INBURANI No. 400 . ctresi Pin.LAD3 FIRB AND INLA' Dina( Pr ode N. Bud, Charles Richardeoi, Henry Lewis, 0. W. Davis, P 8 Justice, George A. West, PRAMS N. John Kessler. Jr.. B. D. Woodzuf. Charles Stokes. Joss& D. Sths.• BUCK dent .4.RDSON. 'glee Prerfidesit. Ja244t OEAB RICH W. I. BLANCHARD, Sacra AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incomoratel 1810. CHARTER PER PRTUAL. No. 31.0 WALNUT Street, above Third. Philadelphia. Raving a large paid-np Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, conidness !nears on Dwellings, btoree. Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses DME iliberal CT ly and promptly adinntsd. ONS, Thomas R. Maria. James R. Campbell, John Welsh.l Edmund G. Dutil.h. Bamuel C. Morton. Patrick Brady, John T. Lewis, THOM . ALPIRT C. L. CRAWPOILD, POILEAS P. SiOLLINBERAD. WK. I. *WNW HOLLLNSHEAD AND andVICEP • 1118011ANCI AGENCrIt • No. 3lt WALT STREET PRIADEL trate for the CROTON FIRE INSUILUEOI43O7Phi. 6T New York. Jefer-ere roemex e. trox.brzeuri.tx,.. W. R. oxeyes. HOLLINSREAD - & GRAVES, INEITIRANCB AGENCY, No. *I WALNUT STEW, "PHILADELPHIA. agents for the NORWICH JIBE INSITRANCE CO., of Norwlek Conn. CHAETKRID EXFSRENCES IN PHILADRLPHII, (by an John Ortge. BK. Means. Trod I ok. =Cie Take, Wharton & Co. !Mews. Chan I tuft & Co. Yews. Con & Altomne. . Yosars.W.H.Larned & 00. je27-6m 101ilf Alf P. HOLLIPORIAD. WX. L 111 1 / 1 1111111. Pr OLLINSHEAD & GRAVES, A-A. INSURANCE AGENCY, No. XIS WAIJITIY a.. PidlantAphia. agents for the ALBANY CITY, ERE INSURANCE CO.. 1•17.1ta OF ALBANY, N. Y. 0 •ST. 01 I) 'TA (i)1111 FIRST EXCURSION OF THE GRAND oIVISION SONS OF TEMPERANCE, TO ATLANTIC CITY; • On FRIDAY. August 26th, 1861. Leaves TINS. STKRILT Wharf al6 o'clock A. IL. pew cieely TICKETS, SIRS, can be procured at the various DM alon MOMS; at 'Pugh's. Sixth and Chestnut etroebt, or* Vine street wharf on the morning of the Excureloa. an2o4,t. im I w!EMOONLIGHT EXCIIR- SION TO ATWiTIO CITY. MUNDY'S LU'Llti,Lalhea.lUWl=OL to the far-famed city_ b y the sea will take place on SATURDAYEVENING, August 47th. Lan bold leaves VINE Street Ferry et S P. M. prerr ciaely. Fare for the trip $1.50, returning at au early hour en .Monday morning. Ticketireun beprocured at all the principal hotels la the city',end at the ticket office on the wharf on the gee— 'Gni of Utexcartion. DAVID H. KUNITY, an 22-6? Gooduntat. Adig i e c PLEA BURG lIRSIONS TO LAB'S of the following splendid Int-class steamels, vtas cLIPTELLN _CIS . NORTHERN maw.", mote CITY. THAVY.LE-B.,IIMTEOB IRON _L/LC L . BELLY, and PECIABIC, will leave CLEM Ohio, at 8 o'clock P. M., each day of the week, egad . Saturday and Sunday, and Detroit, Michigan, on following days at o'c lock P. M. through the tatoattlt Of JIILY and AIICITHIT, making Grand ftenraton Teter to the many points of interest on the Great Inland Have of America,whieh. for utility. pleasure, and healtit.iszt tulcurDaested by any other on the Continent. This trip of over MOO 31111011 imbrues sin dorms ler latitude, and eleven of longitude, and &taloa. Ist Ow circuit Lakes Erie, St. Clair, Huron, and Superior. with thebeautfful rivers Detroit. St. Clair and St. Mary's The many and extensive mines of iron and ocpßesi.. entiqualed by any in the world, with the neeilialic eovered and inviting deposits of silver lead., rHfd . ust mostate Deanery, tionitobted With its me and Madam inmate, render the Lake Su.perior trip one of far laws than ordinary ettrastion to the capitalist, tkettesbants. the pleasure-seeker. or the invalid. The above-named stesment are aleisaniip.etiimi ya , with large airy Cabins and State-Roomrs; while . PrecanUoit has been taken to provide for the safety= comfort of litrrbit i e-Itoo anti Meals, abbot yi{ wilt/ 0414111ilied in m aking the round WIN EMS ato 10 dais. • Booms seamed,- and farther-information obtained. Iry stylisation to .proprietors. MOST. HANNA it 00. 6 "l ri a HUEDDY & MsBEIDD, WHITING Co. JO T. H" HUTOBIN is GS: /114m14 Mlthignn jell-% welt POR CAPE MAY.-THN staunch and commodious steamer- SIA.C.RATTAN. Capt. R. A. BYTHES, of the Ma Line. Is now making her regular tripe to CM MAY leaving Arch. street 'wharf every TIIRSDAY. THURSDAY t and SATORDAY.I at nine o'clock ;`tre: turning. will leave Cale May every MONDAY, WED NESDAY and FRIDAY, at B)fi o'clock, tottchlng at Neer Cacti, going and ratan' lir Fare $2. carriage inluded. Chiln half pries. carriage titre includedhire Ser c vants, sl.6o dre , carriage la m extra. Freight at low rates. No frelitit readyed. atter a o'clock' and in ail cares meet be pre:Wit. aultnitstf JOS. A. fiTAmAET. Agent. lia dw at FOR HARTFORD, CONN. direct, via Ittlaware and Raritan Ca nal The Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company's steamer FRANK," Captain Shropshire. now ioullnir at second wharf above Market street. Quick doopoon• ap n 7 - n board, or 10WBorth . D B E A LAW C Ayet o us nta ~ ad dr iii k FROM' NEW YORK,IPOIA 1W HaVElf, aerrroaD.arstrami and BOSTON.—Thn ateeants 1130,TTNBIPT.C1 and MX °ITT leave Peek Kip. lasi. Mew.. drily. NI RASP. Mr sed 11 at nielit if4lo-ft DPZ'AiIT4ENT FOB OUSTON WORK. John W. Zeeman. Robert B. Potter, Oharlee W. IN;al — En — er, Israel Morrs, B B. MARIE. Preeddent. Secretary.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers